#fucking iPhones
batwynn · 1 year
Sometimes trauma is 1,000 out of 6,000 photos on your phone that are unbearable to look at without feeling physically sick, but you can’t erase them either. And sometimes Apple likes to pop up a cute little montage of those photos for you to be severally triggered by.
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pankomako · 4 months
if this post gets 2000 notes i'll finally call failboat. yes i have his phone number he gave it to me. pic unrelated
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phantomrose96 · 4 months
I think humans have an innate ability to recognize The Creature because today, when I had to replace my 4.5 year old phone whose battery life was finally shot to shit, it was a slightly annoying process, but it was just a process. Just a device. Old device transferred. New device set up.
But last month when my 5.5 year old bike was stolen and I needed to replace it, it was nowhere near the same, because the bike was a Creature and the Creature was taken from me and it's somewhere out there, alone, maybe chopped for parts. And I have a new bike now and it's a perfectly fine Creature by its own regard, but it is not the same Creature. My old bike was a living thing, and the living thing doesn't stop being the living thing just because it was replaced. Because it was Creature-shaped and Creature-sized and so it was a Creature. Something in my genes knows this.
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portalmonsterrr · 2 years
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kavetham brainrot and I haven’t even done the archon quest yet
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therealcalrissian · 1 month
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deep down beneath a soldier’s armor, there lives an ipad kid
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moghedien · 3 months
honestly I encourage everyone to get comfortable opening up their electronics. game consoles. computers. phones. keyboards. headphones. whatever. like obviously don't start with the most difficult thing to open up and don't just mindlessly pop open something and lose all the screws and don't do it while its on. but get comfortable looking inside your stuff yourself
its not hard to open up most electronics that don't have an apple logo on them (and even a lot of those are easier than you'd think) and it DOES NOT VOID YOUR WARRANTY.
Companies will try to scare you from learning how to care for your own stuff because they get money that way. Warranty stickers are technically illegal in the US but just isn't enforced, and a company can't actually void your warranty if you repair something yourself, so long as you don't break something else in the process.
like I look at threads all the time where people express fear about just opening up a console and looking at the internals to see which version they have but don't be! its easy, its safe, its free! get comfortable with your electronics and learn how to clean and repair stuff yourself, it isn't scary, companies just want you to think it is!
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chrissy-kaos · 6 months
Taking pictures with a shitty ass iPhone 15 pro max is soooo fuccckkking frustrating. Like how and in what fucking world is this better than any android phone? Fuck I think a tracphone takes better pics than this pile of shit.. end rant
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laurents-secret-diary · 5 months
Can we see any of your drawings you may have had for the side characters please??? 👉👈
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I only got a couple so far! I think I'm gonna do Nicaise next
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visualworms · 7 months
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dec 21
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bagadew · 8 months
I hate you loss of the headphone jack. I hate you loss of the home screen button. I hate you headphones I have to remember to charge. I hate you thin flimsy screens. I hate you phone that no longer fits in my hand. I hate you laptop too thin for a usb port. I hate you laptop without a disk drive. I hate you increasing array of dongles I need to keep using what I need. I hate you planned obsolescence. I hate you inescapable barrage of ‘improvements’ that brings more work and gives less joy. I guess it’s just easier this way.
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munchboxart · 29 days
Anyone got any phone opinions for like, quality and stuff
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ransomnote · 5 months
"why does modern technology have so many storage needs why is modern tech so fragile" well besides planned obsolescence and things just being made cheaper, we straight up are just advancing too fast for any of it to be optimized. you can't make a phone in a year with a planned release date around the Buy Stuff Holiday (so realistically more like 6 months) than the one you have right now in your hand. you just can't. certainly not one you can mass produce. you can't make it stronger, you can't make it faster, you can't optimize its storage, truly all you can do is make it look a little different and add another centimeter or two to the screen. if there was love put into this technology, we would probably be getting the iphone 5 next year and the iphone 4 would be able to to run doom without fucking with it in the slightest. we have sent people to the bottom of the ocean and into orbit with less RAM. think about that next time you have to get your laptop cracked open like a coconut and scraped clean because you had the gall to own a dog that sheds in the vicinity of it or god forbid do work from your bed. think about that next time a phone that is essentially a pocket sized supercomputer overheats due to it being 3 in the afternoon or the screen shatters from a 2 foot drop. think about all that hubris shoved into a weak and hollow shell that can't contain it because the software has outgrown the hardware and is worse for it.
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enpr-ss · 2 months
Dogfood Negotiations with Tango, Zedaph, and Skizz
Key highlights:
Tango's horrified shock disbelief that dogfood is actually an option
Skizz having to choose between his two close friends…
"I can some bs over here" - Zedaph
Zedaph somehow winning even though he's terrible at lying...
Tango speedrunning 5 stages of grief in 5 seconds
Zedaph rubbing it in
Tango petulantly knocking the can onto the floor like a cat, in the same way he does when he's being petty in minecraft
"beef" recipe
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eldritchdilf · 7 months
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2 am ref pics
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willowcreektrait · 7 months
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🍅🦇 @birdietrait did someone say vampire ?
Josiah, formerly known as Jafaar, carries the weight of centuries on his shoulders, a vampire born in the desolate landscapes of Somalia, forever bound to the shadows after a fateful encounter in the mid-1720s. Captured and turned by a Syrian vampire, he was whisked away to the unfamiliar terrain of Syria, where he was reluctantly introduced to a royal vampire family.
In his formative years, Josiah immersed himself in the pursuit of knowledge, studying languages and literature, and clandestinely devising intricate plans for the royal family that held him captive. However, the flame of his ambition was extinguished when the longing to find his birth parents, a desire he had harbored since adolescence, was abruptly silenced.
Growing up as an oppressed and envious teenager, Josiah transformed into a bitter young adult, seeking refuge in the intellectual haven of Europe—specifically England—during the mid-1840s. University life exposed him to capitalist and economist ideologies, molding his worldview as he delved into the intricacies of societal structures.
His journey into the nocturnal realm began with a sinister twist, as his first taste of blood was drawn from one of his professors. A predator in the shadows, he continued his nocturnal pursuits without ever being exposed. As the decades unfolded, he evolved with the changing times, returning to Somalia in the 1970s with a desperate quest to reunite with his birth parents, only to be met with the harsh reality of their long-departed lives.
Returning to the United States, Josiah adapted to the ever-evolving social landscape of the 21st century, attempting to blend in with the trends and norms of the time while clinging to his deep-seated beliefs. His younger sister, a relentless force of change, compelled him to undergo a transformation – tattoos, piercings, a new hairdo, and a wardrobe overhaul – all in an attempt to assimilate into contemporary society. Yet, beneath the superficial alterations, Josiah longs for the simplicity of his original attire, appearing almost robotic in his detachment from the ever-changing fashions.
In the present day of 2023, Josiah finds himself in the forgotten hollow, a place that holds a singular purpose for him. With an enigmatic goal set firmly in his immortal mind, he navigates the delicate balance between adapting to the current era and preserving the essence of his timeless existence, forever haunted by the echoes of his past and the insatiable thirst for the unknown.
Fashionable Anachronism: Despite his sister's attempts to modernize his appearance, Josiah secretly hoards a collection of clothing from various eras, finding comfort in the timeless elegance of garments that reflect the epochs he has traversed.
Literary Pursuits: Josiah's love for languages and literature extends beyond his mortal life. He has amassed a private library filled with rare manuscripts, preserving the stories that have shaped his understanding of the world. One of his prized possessions is an ancient tome written in a language long forgotten by mortals.
Musical Tastes: While he outwardly adapts to the music of the modern era, Josiah secretly cherishes classical compositions from his youth. He has been known to haunt hidden concert halls, drawn to the haunting melodies that echo the melancholy of his immortal existence.
Hidden Talents: Josiah possesses a keen talent for calligraphy, a skill he developed during his youth while studying languages. He often spends the quiet hours of the night crafting intricate scripts and inscriptions, each stroke a testament to his centuries-long pursuit of perfection.
Artistic Reflections: In a concealed chamber of his dwelling, Josiah maintains a gallery of portraits capturing moments from his past. Each painting tells a silent tale of the people he has encountered and the cities he has watched evolve, providing a haunting backdrop to his eternal existence.
Nocturnal Philanthropy: Unbeknownst to the mortal world, Josiah channels his capitalist inclinations into philanthropic endeavors during the night. He discreetly funds projects that align with his vision of societal improvement, drawing from the wealth accumulated over centuries.
Unquenchable Thirst for Knowledge: Josiah is a perpetual student of the world, and he continually enrolls in university courses under various aliases. His insatiable thirst for knowledge spans disciplines, from cutting-edge technology to ancient philosophies, allowing him to seamlessly blend into different intellectual circles over the years.
Classical Arabic: Being born in Somalia and later taken to Syria, Josiah mastered Classical Arabic, delving into its rich literature and linguistic nuances.
Syriac: A language with historical significance in the region, Josiah became fluent in Syriac during his time in Syria, connecting with the ancient roots of the supernatural world.
Latin: As a young adult in Europe during the mid-1840s, Josiah immersed himself in the study of Latin, a language that granted him access to the scholarly and philosophical works of the time.
English: Moving to England for university, Josiah not only learned English but excelled in it. His linguistic proficiency allowed him to navigate the rapidly evolving social and intellectual landscape of 19th-century England.
French: Embracing the cultural diversity of Europe, Josiah added French to his repertoire, finding himself captivated by the elegance of the language and its literary treasures.
Somali: Despite his nomadic existence, Josiah retained a deep connection to his roots, maintaining fluency in Somali to honor his heritage and communicate with those from his homeland.
Italian: In his pursuit of art and culture, Josiah picked up Italian during the Renaissance, allowing him to appreciate the masterpieces of the era and connect with the intellectual elite.
Spanish: Venturing into the exploration of the New World, Josiah acquired fluency in Spanish, enabling him to engage with the diverse cultures and civilizations flourishing in the Americas.
German: With a keen interest in the economic and philosophical discourse of the time, Josiah became fluent in German, immersing himself in the works of influential thinkers from the German-speaking world.
Mandarin Chinese: Embracing the advancements of the 20th century, Josiah learned Mandarin Chinese, recognizing its growing importance on the global stage and adapting to the changing geopolitical landscape.
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