#fundamentally those two are good and are morally aligned
glowingreverie · 9 months
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liketwoswansinbalance · 3 months
Please read or skim the descriptions below the poll and approximate as best as you can before voting. (If you disagree with any of my character interpretations, feel free to comment.)
Hephaestus (or Kyma) - Can and will set their pride aside to help others. E.g., Hephaestus held back and did not stand up to Vulcan in order to save his fellow Evers and spare them from further punishment. He took the selfless way out, instead of going after personal satisfaction. Both he and Kyma care for others, and in doing so, save themselves, too. Yet, they also seem willing to sacrifice themselves. "All against Evil" mentality.
Hook (or Midas) - The "neutrals." These two get their own category, slightly outside of the Kyma to Rhian spectrum. Will save himself first if he has good reason to neglect others. Is willing to betray, lie, and cheat, yet cares for those specifically aligned with him. He cares for those on his side (sometimes, meaning only himself) and that excludes everyone else, the masses. Has an "us vs. them" or "us against the world" mentality.
Rise Rafal - Mostly "Good," or if not Good, honorable on some level, but cannot set his pride aside. Slightly narrower than the Hook category. Deserts and tortures everyone with almost no qualms. Yet does possess a conscience. Has a cynical mentality of: "I will save myself and hang everyone out to dry, to fend for themselves" or essentially, the classic: "Every man for himself." Assumes the worst of human nature, under normal circumstances—unless someone gives him reason to believe they will do Good. Also: "So long everyone. I only care about myself, and will do nothing for you." Plays defensive sometimes, but only for himself with few exceptions (like protecting Rhian). Overall: "Me and my personal gain against the world" mentality.
Fall Rafal - Inclusive of the above description. Plus: Will actively, preemptively hurt (or endanger) others, when necessary (could be "necessary" in his mind). Uses people, and sometimes, treats them as disposable. Escape Clause: If he's feeling particularly vindictive or sadistic, as events take a turn for the worst, the definition of "necessary" will widen to accommodate him. Salient addition of the: "I'm always right" mentality.
Fall Rhian (or Marialena) - Self-serving to a greater degree than Rafal is. Believes other people are Good, that humanity is fundamentally Good (or that it can further his cause), and leaves himself vulnerable... He will lie, cheat, and deceive to save his own skin. Plays dirty. Will actively, preemptively hurt. He cares for himself, and will harm and tear down others if it will benefit him. "Me with the world until the world hurts me" mentality.
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harpagornis · 2 months
MTG Analysis: LGBT and the color pie
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So this is something a bit out of left field since its not Pride Month but I felt like writting this so sue me.
MTG has had a long history with LGBT topics and characters, from Xantcha from the early days to an explosion of LGBT characters in recent years. Officially, homophobia doesn’t exist in the Multiverse (I call bull if you’re familiar with older canon) and that’s fine and dandy, not everyone needs bigotry in their escapism.
However, I like to keep things real, and the matter of fact is that the color pie is philosophical. So I though it’d be fun to see how the colours interact and react to LGBT topics.
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White I think is the easiest to depict as homophobic/transphobic. After all, real world religions and politics have persecuted LGBT individuals, and White is all about marginalising the outgroup, imposing restrictions on community and using faith as means to dictate one’s life. Conversely, White is also likely to be shown as an ally, since it often also fights for the meek and vulnerable.
An interesting way to depict White in this regard is the different double standards it may have. For example, in some real world cultures trans individuals are accepted because they’re seen as a way to enforce gender roles, while non-binary or gay individuals are shunned because they dismantle gender roles. Conversely, homosexuality may be seen as means to reinforce military bonds, which plays in White’s love of community + militarization.
Overall, because White often governs over society and factions I think there’s a real potential for worldbuilding.
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On the surface, Blue can appear as rather accepting since it believes in reason and science. Its philosophy of one being able to do anything one desires to improve oneself also plays well into accepting trans people. I don’t think there’s a coincidence that the two first non-binary planeswalkers are Blue aligned; one even defied fate for crying out loud!
However, Blue’s belief in tabula rasa also means that it doesn’t believe anything is inherent. Therefore, Blue is the most likely to believe in conversion therapy. Worse, given Blue’s factions penchant for amoral science it is the color most likely to dispense “cures” for homosexuality and make straight designer babies.
In conclusion, Blue’s allyship is highly dependent on what it feels self-improvement entails. On a good day, it rallies for LGBT rights. On a bad day, it makes White look reasonable in comparison.
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Black, being the colour of individuality and giving the middle finger to societal norms, is most accepting of all letters of LGBT. This comes with a big caveat, however: it is focused on the individual foremost. So if going to a pride parade displays one’s power and charisma, it will do so. If being a closeted bigoted politician provides that, it will be so. Black has no morals or obligations, why should it care if it can be a hypocrite or profit off pride?
A very fairweather ally, but a staunch supporter especially to spite bigotry.
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Red is the colour of freedom and self-expression. It has no patience for those tearing others down in the name of society and laws. Naturally, I think it’s a no-brainer that it is the most LGBT positive colour. It loves who it loves and indentifies as it identifies, and unlike Black it has a sense of empathy and a healthy dose of disregard for authorithy in any way shape or form. And its always down to experiment!
That said, I can see some violently homophobic characters being partly-Red aligned, with some other color to provide reasons as to why Red’s normal love of self-expression is restricted.
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Green, like White, is a double edged sword. It fundamentally believes in fate, tradition and genetics; on one hand, it can decry such things as “unnatural”, but on the other it can be supportive, especially if it sees such things as “always meant to be”. Unlike Blue, it believes things are inherent, so it is less likely to believe in “cures”. This in particular is why its dichotomy differs from White, as unlike it Green derives its beliefs from philosophical concepts rather than morality.
It’s opinions on trans topics in particular can be pretty interesting: does it see an individual’s body as the natural truth, or the soul? Loreley Writes once wrote a post I can’t find that Green magic could theoretically work with a person’s own identity to modify the flesh; that’d be a cool use of biomancy if made canon.
So in conclusion
I respect WOTC for not wanting to deal with topics that could backfire horribly, but I just can’t help myself!
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suzannahnatters · 1 year
Till the End of the Moon: Unconventional Enemies to Lovers
A few months ago I posted my own personal thoughts on enemies-to-lovers that don't cross my own personal red lines. Since then, I enjoyed watching the absolutely next-level cdrama TILL THE END OF THE MOON, which is a uniquely complex and delicious take on the enemies to lovers trope which goes way harder than any other ETL I've ever seen. In this post I'd like to break down how TTEOTM addresses each of my points in turn, and I think this will highlight two unique features of this story: the wonderful complexity of the characters' alignment between good and evil, and the way that the ending, while flawed, unconventional and not completely satisfying, nevertheless makes a certain amount of dramatic sense.
In case that wasn't obvious right away, SPOILERS AHEAD.
Remember that evil is not misunderstood.
This point is about keeping your moral categories straight and not treating something genuinely problematic as though it's just a misunderstanding. One of the really fascinating things about TILL THE END OF THE MOON is that you couldn't quite call Tantai Jin either evil OR misunderstood. Instead, he's a complex mixture of both - a man who uses demon magic, wears black, and tends towards vengeance and mayhem when he feels attacked, yes, but who deep down very profoundly just needs to be loved. The show proves this over and over. Tantai Jin only acts out when he feels threatened or betrayed, when his belief that no one will ever love him is validated by the actions of those around him. On the other hand, when people show love towards him, he responds with wary but genuine trust, affection, and self-sacrifice. Our heroine Li Susu and others are quick to misunderstand Tantai Jin, but this is mainly because of the sinister vibes that surround him on account of him being picked out as the Devil God's future vessel. So, is he evil or misunderstood? He's a bit of both, and the really delightful thing about this show is that it does a beautiful job of keeping its categories straight, resolving misunderstandings quickly but doing the hard yards when it comes to addressing Tantai Jin's propensities towards vengeance.
Enemies doesn't need to mean hatred or toxicity.
Every romance needs reasons for the characters to love and trust each other, despite the things that are keeping them apart. TILL THE END OF THE MOON, again, takes a super complex approach to this point as well. Both Li Susu and Tantai Jin have incredibly mixed feelings towards each other. Li Susu deeply hates the Devil God and throughout the show, the major obstacle standing in the way of her learning to love Tantai Jin is her hatred of what she believes he will one day become. This provokes her to whip him, betray him, and plan his death. But she also sees very clearly that Tantai Jin is a pitiable outcast who has only ever known hatred and suffering. When she defends him, he quickly warms up to her. Tantai Jin, meanwhile, has heard Li Susu's vows of undying hatred and hostility, but has no defences against her practical acts of kindness and self-sacrifice. When she starts telling him that she loves him, he believes it because he so desperately wants to. Then, when she betrays him, his hostility is born of desperation: he thinks her cruel and heartless for toying with him. And when she comes back to him, he's so desperate for her love that he accepts her without reservation, making himself wholly vulnerable. Is there hatred between these two? Undoubtedly. But it's allied with an equally irresistible love and compassion. Like all the best enemies-to-lovers stories, and more than most, TILL THE END OF THE MOON gives the characters a choice between a hatred that will destroy them and a love that can heal them.
Remember that ETL is a fundamentally transformative relationship.
Normally what I mean by this is that enemies-to-lovers will usually involve a profound character arc for at least one of the characters, often from evil to good. TILL THE END OF THE MOON tackles this particular element with incredible complexity. When Li Susu gets to know Tantai Jin, he's cunning and manipulative, but just trying to survive. The two of them embark on a deeply transformative journey, but it is nothing so clear-cut as a journey from villainy to goodness or vice versa. Tantai Jin flirts with villainy before ultimately drawing away from it. By the time he actually does ascend to become the Devil God in the final quarter, it isn't because he's become evil - rather, he's playing the long game, positioning himself and Li Susu to destroy the Devil God once and for all. The important part of Tantai Jin's character arc is learning to accept love from himself and from people around him, to the point that he no longer responds to perceived rejection with vengeful rage. Similarly, the show also brings Susu to a point where she is able to let go of her deap-seated fear of the Devil God. By the end, she has become able to trust her beloved and make herself vulnerable to him even AFTER he's become the Devil God - a truly incredible arc.
I've heard a lot of people saying that the show TTEOTM differs from the book TTEOTM sharply in that Show!Tantai Jin is much less of a villain than Book!Tantai Jin. Normally, this would impair my enjoyment - I'm usually the one shouting at the screen to LET your baddie be a baddie, for heaven's sake. Not having read the book, I can't actually compare the two, but I CAN say that I'm so impressed by how the show revels in shades of grey. Instead of simplifying the male lead's morality, the story allows it to be messy and complex. Neither Li Susu nor Tantai Jin can fit easily into good and evil categories. I appreciate this immensely.
The characters should be a match for each other, especially when it comes to power and to morals.
Similarly, I'm fascinated by how TILL THE END OF THE MOON treats Li Susu, our token "good" half of the couple. She's the Lady of Light, but in the midst of her crusade she's stubborn. She's cruel. She's vengeful. She spends SO MUCH of the story refusing to believe that Tantai Jin can defy fate, and when she meets him again after undergoing 500 years of suffering to find her, she still refuses to acknowledge that she is the woman who loved him, because she fears it will give the Devil God a new foothold in the world. Throughout the story she lies to him, betrays him, and wields or withholds her affection like a weapon. (This, combined with the long stretches of the show in which she is far more powerful than Tantai Jin, reverses a lot of common gender tropes in some really fun ways). In fact Li Susu is kind of terrible, and I love that for her and for the show because now it's not about a pure and good person suffering for the love of a villain - it's about two dark and deeply flawed people hurting each other equally. Similarly, Tantai Jin just isn't a villain, despite the aesthetics.
There doesn't need to be a HEA.
I don't think that every romance needs a happy ending - look at WUTHERING HEIGHTS. While it's imperfect, I don't think that TTEOTM has an unhappy ending per se. I trust that our boy is going to cultivate himself right out of that Heart-Guarding Scale. Tantai Jin and Li Susu definitely deserve their happy ending if any couple does - they've worked through their differences and are now totally vulnerable with and accepting of each other. However, it's fascinating that they don't quite get a HEA - or need to wait a long time for it - for reasons that actually sit pretty well with me. Namely, it was Tantai Jin's fatal flaw all along that he pinned all his sense of self-worth to Li Susu and couldn't face the thought of a life without her. This is that oddest of all things: a love story which cannot end happily until the hero is able to find love and security in people who are NOT the heroine. His feelings for Li Susu are not enough to cure him, because on the deepest level Tantai Jin still doesn't consider himself worthy of love and is willing to settle for whatever crumbs he can pick up off the floor. It takes the love of his shifu and sect brothers showing him that he is worthy APART from Li Susu, before he can learn to be healthily in love WITH her. By the end, it is this acceptance of himself and all the love shown by people who are NOT Li Susu, which enables Tantai Jin to consume the Devil God rather than to be consumed BY him. It is this which gives him the strength to accept death at Li Susu's hands without seeking to avenge or defend himself, and Li Susu the ability to trust him enough to follow through with it. Again, this is an incredibly complex take on a standard romantic scenario.
Love should be what the villain needs - but not what he wants.
What I mean by this is that if the villain is driven to villainy primarily in order to possess the heroine romantically or sexually, he ought not to get her. But TTEOTM is much more complex than, say, LOVE BETWEEN FAIRY AND DEVIL*, in which Orchid represents the moral growth the Evil Overlord needs rather than the world domination he wants. For one thing, Tantai Jin is not a villain when he first meets Li Susu, he never quite becomes one, and many of his most villainous actions are are direct response to her perceived enmity. They are self-preservation or revenge. Also, for much of the story, there is nothing Tantai Jin wants as much as Li Susu, and all his actions, good and bad, are either attempts to win her favour or retaliation for perceived or actual betrayal.
In retrospect, perhaps this was always an indication of how the story was going to end. Tantai Jin WANTS Li Susu to love him from very early on. But his need is quite different. He NEEDS to accept love and esteem from himself and from others, because so long as he pins all his sense of self-worth to the murder wifey he will never be stable or sane. One of the really beautiful things about the final quarter of the story, despite its messiness, is seeing Tantai Jin flower into someone who is finally able to accept his own worthiness. After so many episodes in which he's been suffering, paranoid and hurting, he's finally able to achieve an even keel - not through the Heartless Way, but through experiencing love. This time, when he feels threatened by the rejection of one person, he has the love of others to fall back on. Thus, the ending of this show was never going to be about whether Tantai Jin could love Li Susu: he has from the beginning. It was going to be about whether he could learn to see himself as worthy of love.
For Tantai Jin, additionally, getting what he needs doesn't mean that he can't also get what he wants. Tantai Jin has never been SO villainous - so cruel, selfish, and obdurate - that getting what he wants would be a grave injustice. And, getting what he needs - the love of others - is not incompatible with what he wants - the love of Li Susu. Indeed it's the only condition upon which he CAN have a healthy relationship with Li Susu. I think this is why the ending, as messy and flawed as it is, is not a dealbreaker and even makes a weird amount of sense. The fact that Tantai Jin clearly gets what he Needs prevents it all from feeling as utterly wasteful and stupid as, say, TROS did. And then the door is left just a crack ajar for him one to day to get what he Wants, too.
In conclusion, then, TTEOTM is an incredibly ambitious, complex story which goes harder than just about any other enemies-to-lovers story I can think of and sets itself up for an unconventional ending in making the core of its story about whether the hero can learn to love himself. While it's not perfect, I feel like it's an enemies-to-lovers masterclass which I'll be revisiting early and often.
* As a footnote, when I say that TTEOTM is less complex than LBFAD, this isn't meant as a ding. LBFAD is simpler and less ambitious, but also more successful. It's often the way.
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cilil · 10 months
𝓐𝓝 ~ For my 6666th post, I decided to compile an Angbang appreciation post to (hopefully) spread some joy and positivity for one of my favorite ships of all time. I tried my best to present the things that I love about Angbang in a broad and open manner, so that it encompasses all sorts of takes and welcomes as many fellow Angbangers as possible.
As I will also say at the end of this: You're cordially invited and welcome to share what you love about this ship and/or add aspects I haven't mentioned in this post. Just keep it positive!
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Melkor. Ah Melkor, the man himself, the myth, the legend, a prime example for chaotic evil and our resident devil. Throughout the Silmarillion, as well as Tolkien's other writings, Melkor is busy hating pretty much everyone... except Mairon, it seems. He trusts him enough to let him run entire fortresses and taught him a lot of dark magic, which, as mundane as it may seem, is a lot more productive and friendly than Melkor has been to other people, including those who serve him. I - and I think many other Angbang shippers as well - love the idea that there is this one person in the world whom he actually likes and appreciates.
Mairon. The eponymous Lord of the Rings and general nuisance, enough to make Eru himself intervene twice, the Deceiver, professional pretty boy and peerless perfectionist. No other Maia has come close to causing as much drama, and something tells me Melkor will be proud once he hears about the Second and Third Age shenanigans. Mairon seems to hate everyone as well... except Melkor, with whom you could argue he might be a little obsessed. He's both frightening and hilarious and, for better or for worse, an icon both in-universe and outside.
Great ship name. Angbang is both a handy and memorable ship name and an amazing pun. It sure is a funny coincidence that my (to date) favorite ship all time also has my (maybe forever) favorite ship name of all time. And if that wasn't enough: If you take Morgoth x Sauron as the basis, their ship name is Moron which... yeah. No explanation needed. The stars aligned with this one.
Opposites attract. There are fundamental differences between Melkor and Mairon as characters, such as the chaos vs. order dynamic (as @maironite also pointed out), their goals - Melkor wanted to destroy while Mairon was more interested in getting things to run smoothly, though both were keen on enforcing their will - and their approach to handling situations they find themselves in - whereas Melkor is often impulsive, Mairon is more patient and calculating. You can also create an ice vs. fire dynamic, though they share the fire element (Melkor used to be the Vala of Fire and Ice and is still seen using these two elements a lot). It gives them some additional friction and spice to work with.
Similarities. Aside from their differences creating chemistry, Melkor and Mairon also share a few similarities and things they can bond over to balance whatever conflicts might arise. Both seem dissatisfied with the plans of Eru and the Valar, want to create whatever they wish to create without rules being imposed on them, have a questionable moral compass at best, like screwing people over and have obsessive tendencies (more on that later). I like to think that they can nerd out about about science and magic for hours, which likely became the foundation of their relationship in the first place, and that they also engaged in deep and challenging conversations that satisfied both of them in ways other conversation partners hadn't.
The Fall. We love fallen angels and a good corruption arc. Mairon's origins as a respected member of Aulë's household - who is still remembered for his skill despite his dark deeds - and moments where he could have potentially been redeemed are documented in the Silmarillion and the subject of many interesting discussions and fanworks. However, while less pronounced and presented as far less likely in the narrative, the same applies to Melkor. Even he started out as "good" and his motives, at least early on, are also understandable: He was dissatisfied with his inability to create freely and completely on his own. You could even say he's a bit of a failed artist which... is painfully relatable. As much pain and grief as both of them have caused, it's also tragic that they couldn't overcome their pride and choose a better path, for the sake of others as well as their own, and that Melkor ended up dragging Mairon down with him; both of them would have had the ability to do truly great things if this hadn't happened.
Philosophical aspects. To read Melkor and Mairon as a couple and their fates as a tragic love story creates interesting parallels with other star-crossed lovers in Tolkien's legendarium and raises fascinating philosophical questions. Can evil love? Can love be evil? Could love have been their road to redemption or was it - at least on Mairon's part - his doom? If I had to summarize my personal take on this, I would say that Melkor unwillingly corrupted love by genuinely being in love.
If you'd like to read a (more concise) take on this aspect which also touches on some other things mentioned in this post, I highly recommend this thread by @naruthandir.
There are just so many things you can read into this relationship and themes to explore, which I appreciate so much. It never gets boring and I always find new ideas to have fun with.
Power dynamics. Now, let me preface this by saying that I'm aware that some of you prefer it one way, some of you prefer it the other way, some see the Vala/Maia power imbalance as inherently unhealthy and like to take that as a central theme of their relationship and some prefer to interpret these two has having a fairly equal relationship. However, I'm not here to debate which take is "right" or "better", nor do I have any interest to. I think that, whichever way you choose, it's an interesting concept to play around with. Did you know that Estë used to be a Maia? I honestly think it would be cool if she still was, just to bridge the divide between Valar and Maiar a bit more. Nevertheless, I think we can all agree that especially Melkor isn't interested in what other Valar think is proper or appropriate and that Mairon, ambitious as he is, probably also likes having a Valarin partner/spouse. It's also interesting as a contrast to Melkor's usual arrogance and thinking that he's above everyone, and if you need something to prove that he wouldn't categorically say no to being with a Maia, look no further than his attempt at (forcibly) marrying Arien in other versions of the story.
Kink. Well, we've talked about power dynamics already, so let's not beat around the bush. We have some hot evil gay sex on our hands here. Super freaky too, if that's your thing. This ship is, in my opinion, excellent for BDSM and was what allowed me to discover and enjoy kink for the first time (though, again, none of this is a must if you prefer other takes). You can play with their existing power dynamic, subvert it, have them live out their sadistic urges, have them do elaborate roleplays, make use of all the creepiness and weirdness of the Ainur, particularly evil ones... they even have a convenient dungeon in their basement! There's so much good and sexy Angbang smut out there and I'd like to take a quick moment to thank everyone who wrote these fics that inspired and entertained me for years - and will do so for years to come.
Queerness. There are a lot of gay ships in the Tolkien fandom and fandom in general, but I still feel like it's important to mention this aspect. In fact, if you'd allow me to share something personal: Angbang was my first contact with queer content and, while this may seem strange considering that I am a woman, it also started my journey to discover my own queerness and I will forever appreciate that (I suppose it was "femboy" Mairon in particular alongside Melkor being a raging bisexual disaster - just my headcanon, not trying to push this on anyone - that finally allowed me to break out of compulsive heterosexuality and heteronormativity). I don't know if anyone had similar experiences with Angbang, but, well, I thought if I'm making an Angbang appreciation post, this might just be the time to include it.
Obsession. Melkor is obsessed with all things bright and beautiful, and this might very well include Mairon. As far as I'm aware, him being a fire spirit like Arien and the Balrogs are is fanon, but he's at the very least associated with fire in canon (on that note: kudos to whoever came up with the "little flame" nickname, it's so cute). Meanwhile, Mairon loves power and, as mentioned above, is obsessed with Melkor and his legacy enough to not only continue what they started, but also create a religion all about him. I like to think that both of them are also very jealous, which certainly ended up being the doom of a few innocent bystanders. They're just angry and evil and insane together and it's endlessly entertaining to me.
Tolkien's accidental "evidence". This could probably be its own post (which I might do in the future, though I'd do some additional research for it), and I want to make it clear that I'm not trying to "prove" to you that Angbang is canon or anything like that, I just find it funny when canon gives me tidbits that I can use for my "agenda". First of all, there's the infamous seduction line that has singlehandedly spawned countless fanfics and most likely raised a few eyebrows:
"In the beginning of Arda Melkor seduced [Mairon] to his allegiance (...)" The Silmarillion
One of my personal favorites is also the fact that, in the Lay of Leithian, Mairon starts ranting about how cool Melkor is - after only briefly mentioning Lúthien - and gets mad at Beren and the others for not stanning his boyfriend master hard enough. To make sure everyone knows exactly how awesome Melkor is, he later made sure people pray to him and perform human sacrifices which, since even any positive effects it might have couldn't reach Melkor in the Void, was apparently just for shits and giggles and to troll some mortals. Now that is what I call commitment! There's also Melkor's trust in Mairon and his fire spirit kink, but I've mentioned that already.
Aesthetics. Spiky black armor is incredibly sexy. Then we have peak hell and hellfire aesthetics. We have crowns and rings. We have fallen angels and fire and ice, as mentioned above. And we have two incredibly hot (literally) angels kissing. You could make them fuck in an erupting volcano. It's just... yes.
To conclude: We love villains, we love dark lords, evil is fun!
What I discussed in this post is pretty much just everything I could think of, with my friends and fellow shippers giving me a few additional keywords to mention, so there's definitely more. I hope this post made some of you appreciate this ship as well, maybe sparked or rekindled some love for it, and I invite you to add on and/or share what you love about Angbang. However: I'm going to have to politely and respectfully ask you to remember that this is an appreciation and positivity post, so I don't want to see any negativity, complaints about the way other people enjoy this ship differently or shade. Time and place. Alright? Alright.
Love you!
"Whom do ye serve, Light or Mirk? Who is the maker of mightiest work? Who is the king of earthly kings, the greatest giver of gold and rings? Who is the master of the wide earth? Who despoiled them of their mirth, the vain Valar? Repeat your vows, Orcs of Bauglir! Do not bend your brows. Death to light, to law, to love; cursed be moon and stars above; may darkness everlasting old that waits outside in surges cold drown Manwë, Varda and the sun; may all is hatred be begun and all in evil ended be in the moaning of the endless Sea!" Lay of Leithian, Canto VIII
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psychopasss4 · 2 months
Kogami: His return to Japan.
This analysis had long been running to my mind ever since I watched Sinners of the System 3: Beyond the Pale of Vengeance.
This might stir a lot of violent reactions for some folks out there. But bear in mind that this reflections are from SS3 era. So hold your horses and refrain from flooding my inbox with hated remarks 😅😁🙈.
In PP the Movie (Gekijouban), we saw Akane immediately bought a plane ticket to SEAUn the moment she received the news of Kogami's whereabouts. (Our dear Akane-chan is a bit aggressive there. Chasing the man she loves respects most 🤭).
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And she tried to indirectly persuade him to go back with her to Japan. But she's unsuccessful. That scene when she wants to join Kogami (before his epic motorbike stunt with Shem) showed how eager she is to stay with him until he's ready to return. But Kogami-chan shove her off while assuring her that he won't die just yet with a smirk on his face.
But then, a year after that he came back after a shared bottle with Frederica and their midnight discussion about Cigarette puff psychological context 🤗😅😁😜
I've been thinking hard what could be playing on Kogami's mind when making those choices and I believe it has something to do with his view of the two women whom he worked with.
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Note: Look how old handsome he looks in here 😜😅😳
Kogami's View of Akane
Respect and Admiration: Kogami respects Akane's strong moral compass, intelligence, and dedication to justice. Her idealism and determination to uphold her values in a corrupt system likely resonate with him deeply.
Influence: Akane has a significant influence on Kogami, helping him see different perspectives and consider the importance of lawful justice over personal vengeance.
Bond: Their bond is built on shared experiences and mutual growth. Kogami likely sees Akane as someone who understands him on a fundamental level, given their shared past and the way they've shaped each other's views.
Kogami's View of Frederica
Professionalism: Kogami likely views Frederica as a competent and resourceful colleague. Their relationship is rooted more in professional respect and shared goals.
Pragmatism: Frederica's pragmatic and strategic approach to their work might appeal to Kogami's tactical mindset, but it doesn’t necessarily imply a deeper, personal connection.
Support: Frederica provides Kogami with opportunities and resources that are beneficial for his missions, fostering a sense of mutual benefit rather than personal attachment.
Why Kogami Returned to Japan After Meeting Frederica in Sinners of the System 3 vs. Akane in the First Movie
Return to Japan After Meeting Frederica
Mission-Oriented: Kogami's return to Japan after meeting Frederica in "Sinners of the System 3" was driven by a clear mission and purpose. His focus was on addressing specific threats and working towards goals aligned with his professional objectives.
Strategic Opportunity: Frederica's proposal likely offered a strategic advantage or opportunity that aligned with Kogami's current goals and needs, making it a pragmatic choice to return to Japan.
Not Returning After Meeting Akane in the First Movie
Unresolved Conflict: After meeting Akane in the first movie, Kogami might have felt that returning to Japan would complicate their unresolved personal and professional conflicts. His presence could disrupt Akane’s work and potentially put her in difficult situations.
Self-Imposed Exile: Kogami's self-imposed exile and desire to atone for his past actions might have kept him away, feeling that his return could do more harm than good, both for Akane and for himself.
Protective Instinct: Kogami's decision could also stem from a protective instinct, wanting to keep Akane safe from the dangers associated with his return and the attention it would bring from various factions.
In summary, Kogami's interactions with Akane are deeply personal and complex, while his interactions with Frederica are more pragmatic and mission-focused. His decisions are influenced by the nature of these relationships and the strategic implications of his actions.
After watching PP3/PPFI on 2019, I think Kou-chan is way more comfortable in working with Frederica 🤔. Why?
They've been working for almost 2-3years after SS3 and compliments each other's skills better. Compare with Akane whom Kogami only worked with for only several months.
Yes, yes despite of that Shinkane still have more deeper bond, I know..I know.. but I'll talk about that bond and the intensity of it in the next Shinkane analysis...
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elisabethbabarci · 1 month
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A guardian encompasses courage, noble qualities, outstanding achievements, selflessness, and compassion. One that dedicates their time and energy to loyally stand proudly by others, without an expectation of recognition, and defines the true meaning of heroism.
During my educational years of elementary school, due to a misalignment of principles at my old school, my Mother who adopted me, decided to enrol me in a new school located within my hometown whose values represented a more realistic approach to the world. My previous school encompassed greed, selfishness, abuse, and judgement which overrode their mentality to do what was humble, just, and good for the collective.
As a child of two working parents (my Mother and Grandmother), my Mother instilled within me an entrepreneurial spirit, can do mentality, and the ability to set my mind to any task that I endured. My Grandmother being a refugee from Europe from WWII, grew up very humble, valuing and appreciating fundamental freedoms, diligent in everything she pursued as she handled every matter with love, engineer mindset as she built radiators for Long Manufacturing and dedicated her life to her family with upmost care. Within my family dynamic, there were no excuses to not succeed or prevail, and there was a constant mindset to save money, be prepared for the unexpected, respect and tolerance for others, and to give back to the community.
My Mother and Grandmother collectively decided that I needed a change in environment and enrolled me into a small elementary school which values, humble roots, and compassion. The majority of the children that enrolled in the school were themselves immigrants, who experienced struggles of their own such as poverty, divorce, abuse, and having to learn another language as they were new to the country. This school did not recognize what a social calendar was, bake sales, seasonal trips to the museum, or an assortment of new stationary to begin the new semester. Every individual was grateful for what they had, which was very little. The school however, was exceptional in their academic achievements, praising languages, science, arts, and historical studies, with remarkable teachers that not only instructed on a daily basis but were also family, friend, and a parent to students who lacked fundamental strong safe environments at home.
My previous school was very insidious, where they valued status above scholastic achievements which fostered an unhealthy environment of having the equivalent of the hunger games, children’s version. The children often preyed on those that were perceived different, “the other,” or weak. If these children did not exhibit dishonesty or cruelty, they created situations of intolerance for those that lacked nuclear families or racism against those that came from other parts of the world. As a moral judgement call, by grade 6, I wanted emancipation from the toxic environment that was not conducive to learning or safety. Their values did not honour or align with the education, principles, or treatment I received at home, and I felt it was causing a disconnection and deterioration of my personality.
At my new school, it was a fresh start. The children were well rounded, compassionate, respectful, and were fearful of authorities, but most importantly valued education and those that instructed them. This school enabled me to return to my roots of providing for others, giving back, and volunteering to help raise funds. The school lacked basic funds to support new innovation, trips to museums or science centres for cultural, historical, or innovative experience, and unfortunately lost its funding to provide nutrition for those who could not afford to have breakfast. Within time, I and a few others, partnered with the principle, teachers, parents, and school board to help foster more awareness and aid to those that needed it. Without question and discreetness, if I was aware that someone within my class did not have food, I kindly asked if it was within budget with my Mother and Grandmother to pack extra for my meals then I would place them in their desks anonymously. Giving back to others and helping them in the smallest ways provides a huge impact. Always be mindful that we never know the experiences of others. Being immersed into a multicultural school enabled me to learn about other cultures, religions, view and see that divorce was accepted or even rehabilitation from abandonment was possible. It was a secure place of no judgment as everyone had their own experiences and intricate stories of perseverance.
The story that inspired me to become a humanitarian was my Mother’s trajectory about having to grow up in poverty as a refugee in a rural community in Ontario. With very little funds after escaping the war, my Mother did not have the ability to have what every child has been accustomed to such as dolls or toys thus, she had to make due with what was available. Her first inspiration was cut out dolls with dresses which later inspired her to go to Sheridan and become a Designer. My Mother (Aunt) once she adopted me, consistently reminded me to be grateful and appreciative of what was given, to understand the value of money, to earn a living, and most importantly save. Poverty instilled within my Mother and Grandmother scarcity mindset which retained in their construct for many years. When one experiences poverty , it is a state of uncertainty which one is not able to afford or have the basic needs such as shelter, clothing or even nutritious food.
As a child of abandonment, legally till the age of eleven, I did not have the right to choose the home as the courts leave an open window and space for biological parents to return and reconsider their decisions. Not being able to formally choose legally who was to raise me, even if a biological parent signed off, or took no responsibility, there was a question presented to me about legal guardianship. A legal guardian is designed by the court once a child has been abandoned to help assist or be as a backup in case of the event that the primary caregivers (my Mother or Grandmother) were no longer able to take care of me due to unforeseen circumstances. As mentioned in my previous article “Rite of Passage,” I outline the intricate ability to recover from abandonment, and what impacts that has on a child going forward. A secondary legal guardian is one with the legal responsibility to take care of a minor in an event that there should be an emergency, or another safe environment. As a child that grew up surrounded by the LGBT community, I chose 2 sets of partners (Wayne and Hunter) and (Derek and Jacob). All of those men supported without hesitation my family, and helped lift us out of destruction.
Wayne, Hunter, Derek, and Jacob, all knew what it was like to endure discrimination, judgement, and to not feel accepted or whole within a community. Both sets of partners were together for many years, and exhibited good moral character, strong foundations, and most importantly I trusted their judgement and care. It was a decision that I was proud of, as I was always included and accepted within their lives, and they all served as Father figures for myself. It strengthened our family foundation, as there was unconditional love, and support. There was understanding, acceptance, and patience regardless of circumstances, encouragement, and most importantly offering assistance, guidance, and wisdom during difficult times.
Once I graduated from elementary school, we were told that we had to have a Father and Daughter dance. Having an absent Father for the majority of my life, I almost felt a loss of belonging for not having that experience. Wayne and Hunter immediately were notified of the situation and decided to take the collective role of Father and told me that they would both attend the dance. They proudly attended my Graduation, listened to my speech, made me feel welcomed, seen, heard, and were proud of my accomplishments and achievements. The dance represented a symbolic journey and transition, signifying my journey into life. I want every reader to be aware, family is not defined by biology, it is the time, care, consistency, and support that is present in the child’s life. I am truly appreciative and honoured that these two wonderful men decided to take this action for it taught me solidarity, loyalty, and dependability.
I honour the love, guidance, and wisdom from every individual within my life. It enabled me to break from stagnated traditions or cultural norms, to cultivate acceptance, tolerance, love, and appreciation for every situation and circumstance. The memories we embark during our childhood and teen developmental stages are a symbolic transition of the journey from innocence into enlightenment. No matter what our journey is, always acknowledge evolution, growth, support systems and how they have influenced your fundamental foundations of the world. When we leap into new stages or chapters of our life, it is significant to understand and comprehend the pivotal roles that individuals had in our development. Nostalgia evokes joy and transcendence of cherished memories. Our memories build our character and shape who we become therefore, we must always be mindful of who were are surrounded with.
The key lessons are, relationships and circumstances enriches the overall experience of our existence for we extract wisdom. We learn that within life there are no strict guidelines, that conformity is a myth, that norms are meant to be broken, that tolerance and acceptance have to be incorporated into our daily lives for it promotes love, unity, and peace. Age has no barrier for learning, we all will have magnificent individuals that will ignite our human spirit and allow us to see potential in ourselves and believe in a greater future. The sacrifices and pains of our generations before us teach us how fear creates scarcity in the mind, and with that eventually we will recognize that closing of cycles leads to bright new beginnings that light our path. That in life, just like dancing at times our movements will be abrupt, graceful, livelier, or we learn to integrate pivots, spins and twirls into our routine. There is no set standard on how to live your life, just to be the best version of yourself. Inclusivity, it taught me to encompass and encourage the diverse nature of families — celebrating all forms of love within a family. A passage from one life stage to another from the guidance of our guardians to independently progressing towards the celebration of our own lives.
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jayahult · 1 year
Spell Alignment in TTRPGs
So. a while back I saw a post about D&D (and close cousins Pathfinder and similar games) and the sort of implicit problems with the morality systems of those games as it relates to magic. As a really basic example, a lot of spells are cordoned off as being considered basically, fundamentally evil, particularly if they relate to necromancy. From a meta perspective this sorta makes sense. The default party is assumed to be either explicitly on the side of the righteous or at the very least mercenary enough to realize that the Cult of the Demon of Backstabbing Machiavellianism are not good business partners, or some combination of the two. You cordon off certain spells to be "baddie only" and you can essentially tweak those abilities however you please and not really upset player balance, while still keeping the option open for an "evil" party.
The problem comes with how spells are labeled as "evil" and the sort of underlying implications of those labels. The classic example is raise dead. You take a corpse, and turn it into a mindless servant that does whatever you tell it to for a period of time. The underlying assumption here is sort of obvious: you're desecrating a corpse and using them as a slave, which is always an evil act. The problem is that this creates a dissonance with basically any contact with reality. The soul has already quit the body, left it behind, and the corpse is a shell. Animating raw clay or iron to serve you is a morally neutral act, but when that raw material used to be a person, it suddenly becomes taboo because of underlying assumptions the creators have about corpses, not because the act of using those raw materials is inherently immoral. And this isn't even getting into the fact that, theoretically, someone could willingly consent to have their corpse brought back as a servant. After all, in real life, people donate their corpses to science or to donate organs all the time. Plus, that servant could easily be used to do good or neutral acts. Nothing really prevents you from running a farm or building a house with undead servants besides maybe the fact that they've got bad ability scores for it. I guess you could argue that you're undercutting the pay of living workers, thus it's evil, but you get the idea.
This dissonance only gets amplified when you start looking at combat-oriented spells and classes that are cordoned off for being evil. To really get into the highest level of this disparity, we can look at The Book of Vile Darkness for 3rd Edition D&D. TBVD was designed explicitly as a sourcebook for more options for evil characters, whether in the party or on the DM side of the screen. Some of these spells make sense for why they're explicitly considered evil. For example, befoul and despoil poison and kill water and food supplies on a mass scale, something often considered a dick move across cultures. However, a lot of them are just... cartoonishly violent? Slash tongue is an eeeevil cantrip that instantly cuts your opponents tongue. It deals one whole point of damage and makes them take some penalties for a few rounds from pain. Sorrow is an eeeevil enchantment spell that makes someone really sad so they take a -3 on all rolls for like, a minute or two at most. Drown is an eeevil spell that makes a target's lungs instantly fill with with water, which you might think would instantly kill them but rules-wise it just makes them start to drown on dry land, with associated penalties to anything to do with speech using their lungs. My point is, when you look at a lot of these spells, they aren't inherently more evil than a lot of the stuff you'd give to players. Acid splash is a very basic spell available to a lot of spellcasters in most editions of D&D that does what it says on the tin: you splash magically-conjured acid onto a target, dealing acid damage to them. In real life, that would be called, you know, an acid attack, and is widely considered to be one of the more heinous forms of assault that can be performed on someone because in addition to being potentially lethal in the right circumstance, it can also leave someone with permanent, visible and disfiguring scars. Fireball, a mainstay of wizards throughout D&D history, is essentially an incendiary bomb that turns enemies into charcoal. The ways in which you could abuse dominate person or polymorph barely need mentioning. Perhaps most weird out of the bunch is the vermin lord - essentially a prestige class who functions sort of as a druid, but for bugs. And they're evil!... because bugs are gross? It's really unclear why vermin are inherently more evil than other animals besides sole, out of universe disgust factor on the part of the creators.
So, how do we resolve this problem in D&D? I dunno. I mean, let's be real here. D&D is not really the best TTRPG for the fineries of moral debate over whether your wizard is breaking international law by casting cloudkill. It's not really that sort of game in any edition. There aren't really hard and fast rules in the base game for determining what alignment particular actions fall into, just general ideas and concepts that are nebulous and shift from edition to edition and even adventure to adventure. The game, mechanically speaking, is not particularly interested in the exact morality of a character, and it's become less interested in this over time across editions. Paladins in 5e, for example, are no longer limited to being lawful good, instead having a specific code of conduct that they adhere to. And from a pure play perspective, I think this change is probably for the better. Without both a strong mechanical system and consistent outlook, all alignment does is 1) delineate what targets are acceptable, 2) delineate what mechanical options are available to certain kinds of players and 3) create arguments at the table with no answer in the rulebook that grind play to a halt.
(This whole myopia did incidentally inspire the only real D&D adventure that I'd like to run someday. The core hook is that one of the player's friends is being attacked by devils, and no one is quite sure why. The players do some fighting, try to figure out the mystery, and then eventually a higher-up from Hell intervenes. He apologizes and explains that the friend in question was targeted as part of a clerical error; a person who was trying to avoid damnation got confused with the friend, and he'll gladly pay for any damages - this sort of thing rarely happens anymore, the first slip-up in a few millennia. When the players inquire further, or get mad at his failure, he will explain the actual structure of the universe. It is, inherently and irrevocably "just." Every good person gets a good afterlife. Every bad person gets a bad afterlife. Every neutral person gets a neutral afterlife. In history, no good deed has ever gone unrewarded and no bad deed has ever gone unpunished. The gods actually engineered the exact scenario that allows adventuring parties like theirs to proliferate. This is because adventuring parties are able to deal with things like vampires, ghosts, liches and other semi-immortal creatures, which are seen as basically trying to "cheat the system" and get out of their just desserts. And then he reassures them that they're doing great work, leaves, and lets the party sort of stew in that revelation. Their reaction - hopefully to try to overturn the system - then becomes the overarching metaplot.)
There is something there to the design element of "action / morality tied abilities" in the context of TTRPGs, though. I think if you really wanted to go all out with it, you'd have to crib a bit from White Wolf-style morality bars, where players have sliding scales representing where they are morally, but instead of relating to humanity, it could relate to different kinds of and levels of magic. As you unlock more powerful abilities and magic, the restrictions you face are more and more stringent. A level one life magician can only take a life if it would prevent another person's death, whereas a level ten life magician has to literally watch where they step lest the crush an insect beneath their foot and lose some of their power. I think there's something there as a design idea that naturally plays into roleplaying.
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septembersghost · 1 year
I understand the desire to not support problematic or worse, abusive celebrities, but sometimes I wish we could go back to not knowing much about these their lives. Listening to their music or watching their movies doesn’t necessarily mean you support every thing they do.
it's funny - if i may share some levity in this situation - because i saw a post about a band i adore two days ago, and the op was annoyed about fans misattributing songs to certain muses or trying to figure out who they were ~about~, and the tone was like, "can't you all just stop and focus on the music and the lyricism?" and op was well within their rights to say that, but i was laughing because...i've followed the band for as long as i've followed taylor, and somehow, not once, have i thought or wondered about or investigated who the actual subjects of their songs are. this is, imho, a neutral statement, it's totally fine that other fans do that, heaven knows i get it, but it's not how i engage with them specifically, and it hit me like, oh wow, every fandom is like this, if you get deep enough. because people are curious, and people are interested in others' stories, and fans want to feel included in that, and art (music especially) speaks so directly to us that we enjoy feeling an insightful connection to it when we're super attached to the artist. i'd never thought about it, because even though their music is profoundly important to me, my engagement level is different. it kind of gave me a perspective on how and why certain things affect us all in unique ways. and we could get into diaristic writing and the specific personality of that and the intentional creation of an invested fandom, but it's ultimately up to us how we relate to things. there are beautiful and awful aspects about many of us being very tuned in and online, and thus having a lot more access to gossip and to knowing details.
anyway, human nature is nosy lol and we also tend to hope that the artists we love align with us in some way, so it can hurt when they don't, but celebrities fundamentally can't line up with us due to the world in which they exist, which is vastly apart from our own. pedestals don't do anyone any good, and it's always a long way to fall. :( that said, there's a reason we do tackle things like abuse, misogyny, racism, prejudice, etc, and some of that is a reckoning because we've only begun to call people on it in recent memory. the entertainment industry ran unchecked on these issues for a long time. some things do indeed change with time - social mores of past decades, or centuries!, cannot be expected to match or be upheld to our own - so a lot of the question becomes, is there ongoing harm (or threat of harm) to other individuals or to vulnerable groups? if so, what can we accomplish by confronting that? can we work to break those barriers down, show that those behaviors are unacceptable, and uplift people hurt by it in the meantime? and we try to do what we can. for example, the #metoo movement is still basically a nascent thing, and we're still struggling every day to reconcile all of this and figure out how to change for the better. the fact of the matter is, we as fans are consumers with very little power to affect that. we can decide who to support and how to spend our energy/time/money, but our reach will always be limited. nothing is perfect or unproblematic. we can't expect that, but we try to keep improving.
i've said this repeatedly now, but if i needed people or art to be morally pure, there's absolutely nothing i could love and engage with ever. we read poetry and it moves us, quite often we don't know its personal inspiration. there are poems i cherish from poets who were definitely not great people. do i stop reading them, quoting them? there are films i love with actors i know weren't unimpeachable either, songs i love created by musicians with troubled pasts - should i never watch or listen to that again? is it a sin that i already have? (no.) my room is filled with items from things i'm passionate about, should i be canceled for my old hollywood movies and my cds and my disney princess figurines and my barbie dolls? (granted these are relatively tame things because of the person i am lmao. but you know what i mean?) i'm typing this on an electronic device that makes my life easier for me in my chronic illness, so does my comfort in using it make me a bad person because it comes from a bad company? like it's all so tangled and complex we'd lose our minds if we demanded complete purity at every moment. that doesn't mean we can't be very hurt by harm and bigotry, and it doesn't mean we shouldn't call things out or sit by while marginalized people are upset in our communities. again, it's all very personal boundaries and decisions of what to support and what we care about, even what we feel comfortable/safe speaking about - and a lot of the time those decisions are selfish (not a negative thing, necessarily, just true), because we care more about things that personally impact us. i try to be kind and aware and thoughtful, but i mess up or inelegantly handle things or act contradictorily too, because i'm a human.
i got off-topic, but i'm firmly of the belief that you can enjoy someone's work and artistry without condoning all of their decisions and actions, because people are always going to make mistakes or do things you disagree with. you have to draw your own lines. if i tell someone i won't engage with an artist's work because they're prejudiced or abusive, they have no right to tell me that i'm too sensitive or wrong for that, but i also can't dictate that they shouldn't do it either, that's their choice and anything else would be censorship. really horrific abuse and bigotry needs to be accounted for and stopped whenever possible, but i do wish we knew less about famous people's private lives and (often banal) commentary, and i REALLY wish we knew less about their sex lives (like nothing. i get other people like this, this is my demi self talking because i never understand the intense interest in this topic!), except that's hard to separate out when quite a lot of art is romantic and revolves around love (and i'm such a romantic, so see my conundrum here?). regardless, i do often wish there was a clearer border line between some art and artists. i do wish we could hold certain things on our own, with our individual experience and perspective, even though there's a richness and value in experiencing it as a community and in relation to an artist too.
sondheim said art isn't easy, and meant it as a creator (advancing art is easy, financing it is not, another inherent problem with art and capitalism being intertwined), but it isn't always easy for us either. he also said the art of making art is putting it together, that's what counts, and i feel we do that as individuals embracing it too.
just thinking about how blissfully happy i am not knowing a damn thing about that band because their music has unique personal meaning to me makes me wish i could magically erase a lot of information from my brain, and tbh there's a degree of privilege in that (the luxury to not know and not care isn't afforded to everyone), but it does make the experience of enjoyment much more fun and peaceful. sometimes we just want to explore art and be touched or comforted or surprised etc by it, and sometimes we just want to vibe, and sometimes we just want to love things. that's not a moral indictment, it's not a political praxis, it's not absolute agreement or condemnation of a creator. it simply is. we do need to allow ourselves more grace to enjoy art for art's sake. there is so little time or true pleasure in life. it's good to let the light in when we can.
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valeffelees · 9 months
Fandom asks 9, 13, and 19!
hey Ace, thanks for coming to hang out! 🖤
9. Best new fandom discovery of the year
best fandom discovery of the year for me was def your aromantic Carry On content. no, i'm not just saying that. i don't know how to explain, but there was something really good for me about getting to read aspec headcanons and realising, hey, i can just... do that, if i want to. i'm living in a happy little world of my own with my demiro Simon hc now and, fuck, is it ever nice here.
13. Favourite villain of the year (oh no this is about to be so long) (had to switch to my gdocu to type all this) (i'm so sorry)
So... It’s the Mage. BUT LISTEN, I want to defend myself here ‘cause it’s not like I read Carry On and was like, “oh man I love how commendable this guy’s actions are”, like no.
My whole thing with Davy is that I like what an absurd shitbag he is. I mean, at the end of the night, he is such a deplorable motherfucker. (And okay, sure, maybe I’m a little notorious for getting puppy-eyed over an atrocious fictional bastard or two.) (I acknowledge and accept my flaws.) I don’t think he’s a good person. But I think he’s interesting, and part of the reason I ended up getting so attached to him is because I got tired of the way he was portrayed in fanfiction like he was one top hat away from tying damsels to railroad tracks. I kept expecting Dudley Do-Right to make a cameo.
I got such a chip on my shoulder about it that I started really thinking about him as a character, y’kno? And I thought about him so much, and wrote so many personal meta essays about him, and created this whole character analysis of the way he speaks, the way he thinks—every time he’d appear in a fanfic in a way I didn’t like, I’d pause from reading to write a breakdown for myself of why I felt the portrayal didn’t align with what I expected of him—and when you spend that much time with a character, y’kno, it is hard not to get a bit attached. You start to care, and have fun. I think he’s fun. In my own fanfics, I’m very confident in my portrayal of the Mage when he’s the main antagonist per canon, but I’m also not afraid of pulling out his stitches and making him into a better character for Simon’s sake because of the perspective I have of him. It’s actually really neat to explore, creatively speaking.
I get why people don’t like to think about him very hard. I don’t blame them. He hardly deserves it. And there are plenty of characters in the series that other people really like (Fiona Pitch, for example) that I don’t care for and so don’t think about much, unless I have to for a scene. But I think it’s a shame, too, ‘cause in my weirdo opinion, he's genuinely an interesting character, he’s a great villain.
When we think of nuanced characters, we usually think of morally grey ones. Of good people on the wrong side of things, or no side of things, who make selfish choices and aren't always trustworthy and don't pretend to be otherwise, but what happens when you have a character like Davy who believes in goodness, who views himself as the absolute good, but has fundamentally failed at every opportunity? Davy’s character is plagued by his sheer capacity for making bad decisions. He’s an extremist, and he’s capable of a staggering amount of cruelty. Davy Cadwallader worships at an altar of false gods and logical fallacy.
In the tags of another post, a long while ago now, I once talked about Davy and how his mind functions on a trolley-problem-system. His moral compass, his political pursuits, they are a set of tracks, and he is at a lever: if he pulls the lever to the left, he sacrifices only a few people. If he pulls the lever to the right, he sacrifices thousands. Against all odds, Davy intrinsically values the path of least resistance: to save more people than he hurts, except the problem is that he hurts readily, there is no middle ground for him, there are no other options, he believes it is necessary and doesn’t care who those “few” people are. He doesn’t care if they are his friends. He doesn’t care if they are innocent bystanders. He doesn’t care if it is his child. Afterall, it’s all for the greater good, right? 
This is how he views the entire world, he has so much bitterness in him, so much resentment, he fuels every choice, action, decision, thought by this logic, and because of that, he feels absolved of the wrongness. 
I’ve had a post in my drafts for the last few weeks that sums it up pretty good: “the thing i love about the mage and what makes him a really great villain to me is the way he has this looney tunes logic about him, you kinda have to look at him like he's animated out of nothing but smear frames. the mage views himself as ultimately and fundamentally righteous. and it's not even that he's ignorant to his own moral failures, he feels absolved of them, he truly believes everything he does is for some greater good. he's claude frollo with a robin hood complex. i fucking love his final scenes bc it's like watching a candle that's been burning for too long start to drown in its own wax.”
And n e way, yeah, that’s the story of how Davy Cadwallader is my favourite villain of the year. here’s his theme song:
19. Fandom that made an unexpected comeback
Merlin, for sure. i've been in the Merlin fandom for years, but i go through phases with it, yk?
[questions are here, ask me things!]
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baldursgated · 1 year
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so  i  know  i  haven't  talked  about  it  on  here  at  all,  cause  rp  is  going  to  be  different  than  my  play  through. but  so  far,  yrenia  had  a  one  night  stand  with  lae'zel  and  has  been  romancing  with  wyll. i've  started  act  ii  and  wyll  and  yrenia  have  danced  together,  kissed,  and  wyll  has  basically  said  that  the  sun  rises  and  sets  with  them. yrenia  would  describe  being  with  wyll  like  the  most  unforeseen  thing  in  her  life. she's  never  fallen  in  love  before,  never  given  anyone  the  chance  to  break  her  heart. she  stumbled  into  it,  making  choices  for  what  she  felt  was  right  for  herself  and  the  people  she  now  cares  about ( the party ). those  choices  just  happened  to  align  with  wyll's  sense  of  morality. which,  if  she's  being  honest  with  herself,  surprises  her. 
 in  yrenia's  mind,  wyll  is  goodness incarnate. the  kind  of  good  that  people  want  in  the  world. the  kind  of  good  that,  as  a  child,  she  believed  in. she  believes  them  to  be  fundamentally  different  people  though,  and  that  could  affect  what  happens  with  the  two  of  them  later  on  in  the  game.
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I don't know if you consider yourself a proshipper or anti but like. I'm an anti who's friends with literally one fucking proshipper and I get hate for it by the anti's. These little bitches are so outta pocket too and they one, call me a proshipper just because I'm friends with literally one[I don't even ship any proships]. And two, I've had like three antis call me racist and when I ask for proof, they couldn't give it to me so they're obviously just pulling shit out of their ass just because they don't like me lmfao.
Anyways. I've noticed some proshippers are pretty sane compared to antis. But there's also sane antis and insane proshippers. It's just weird and frustrating.
I’m going to assume in good faith you’re an adult (albeit a very young one) and messaged me this seeking some kind of advice because I honestly do not know why else someone would send this to me. If you wanted validation from me though you’re not about to get it so this is your one warning you might not like the answer I give if you read any further.
Now, if you read my about page you’ll see that I don’t care at all for either of these labels. That doesn’t negate the discourse I’m surrounded by, and by all definitions these days people would categorize me as proship. I’m not going to dispute people that want to do that to me because again the unfortunate reality right now is that even if you don’t side with either term, people are going to put you into categories anyway. I’m my eyes being proship is literally just going about your fandom experience like a normal fucking person and if antis are gonna be mad at me about it then tough shit.
Trying to be neutral about it will only work so much as there are large swaths of antis that consider anyone being neutral as ‘just as bad’ as proshippers and will harass them or accuse them of gross behaviors just like they do to proshippers. It doesn’t matter if you don’t ship anything considered a ‘proship’ ship, or don’t even dabble with dark content. If you don’t care about what other people ship or do with fiction to the point you’re FRIENDS with someone that defines themselves as proship I promise you’ll continue to get shit from the antis you willingly surround your with, period. From the way you describe your situation here you do not come off as anti to me but as someone with the common sense of respecting how others ship stuff in fiction even if you don’t agree with it, meaning to antis you’re not on their ‘side’ and so they will make up whatever they want to try and fuck with you since you’ve decided not to be swept up in their group think.
I know you claim there are sane antis, and I believe you in a sense. I think though, this is only possible if you’re anti-leaning or already an anti. Because in my own experience I have never had or seen any non-anti have a single positive interaction with antis. I do not seek to talk to antis as I fundamentally disagree with what they believe in on principle. I block accounts with ‘proship dni’ so I don’t have to see their wrong opinions and don’t consume any of their fan-content at all.
Yet they make videos calling out my friends for writing fanfic they don’t like then directly harass my friends over said fanfiction no one is forcing them to read. They send death threats and suicide bait. When I defend my friend I too get sent those messages as well as grossly misinformed opinions stated as if they’re facts when the law and academia prove them wrong.
Nor have I seen any of the positive things many antis claim they do (ie protecting minors, advocating for victims). The continue to suicide bait, victim blame, stalk, be racist, xenophobic, transphobic and more to people online over fictional content. This doesn’t mean I don’t think there are proshippers and neutrals that don’t do this, anyone can be a shithead despite whatever they choose to align with. The big difference is that for a group of people that claim they have the superior moral doctrine, they continue to very loudly and proudly be hypocritical and point blank wrong about their beliefs.
Also, when people within proship circles are found to be harming real people they’re quickly exposed and called out so ppl can rightly stay away from that person which is why you do not see many people who claim to be proship as militantly insane as antis are. Many proshippers/neutrals just want to be left the fuck alone and it’s antis that are the ones not respecting that.
Callout don’t happen within anti circles from what I have been told from ex-antis. Antis hide behind their poor attempts at their virtue signaling with victim blaming and shield abusers and predators within their own ranks just to keep their status quo. The reality is they do not care about the feelings of real people if it means they can ‘protect’ their precious fictional characters from being shipped ‘wrong’ or written in ways they don’t like.
You should strongly think about the relationships you’re cultivating right now and determine who is worth keeping in your life. Continuing to hang out with people for the sake of keeping the peace or from fear them turning on you (this is actually a very common reason ex-antis who have shared their stories on twitter were antis for so long) or whatever reason you still stick with them when they clearly are trying to dig their claws into you is going to make your life worse and you can be spending that time with better people. I can’t tell you what to do or who to hang out with in the long run. Just know that this is a good life lesson on figuring out what’s important to you, and realizing the one who will be most affected by your decisions will ultimately be you.
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voicevisarchive · 6 months
From the Director, Winter 2024
The new film, One Life, starring Anthony Hopkins as Sir Nicholas Winton, the British stockbroker who saved 669 Jewish children while on holiday in Czechoslovakia in 1939 is getting great reviews and following its US release on March 15, has been widely viewed.[1]
For many, this will be their first encounter with the story of Nicholas Winton. For the Voice/Vision Archive, Nicholas Winton is an old acquaintance, though we never met in person.
In 2005, the archive was approached by the Gelman Education Foundation to screen the documentary,  The Power of Good. The film, directed by Matej Mináč, chronicled the then somewhat hidden life of Winton, who, with the outbreak of the war in September 1939, returned to England, joined the Royal Air Force, married, raised a family and never talked about what he had done in Prague. It was only later, with the discovery of some old notebooks by Winton’s wife Grete, that the story came to light.
How or why we were chosen to screen the film was never made clear to me, but I remember that Sid Bolkosky, founder and director of Voice/Vision seemed hesitant to align the positive message of the film with the mission of the archive. Sid always seemed hesitant to look for positive messages from the Holocaust, especially when they seemed staged or contrived. I think, however that the film changed his mind, at least a little. Unlike the motivations of Oskar Schindler, whose rescue of 1200 Jews in Krakow were often morally questionable, at least at first, Winton’s actions stemmed from a genuinely altruistic impulse combined with one part English phlegm along with several parts’ pragmatic realism, summed up best by Winton, "There is nothing that can't be done if it's fundamentally reasonable."
Thanks to a generous donation from the Gelman Foundation, Sid traveled to Israel in 2008 and interviewed 11 of the children saved by Winton and those interviews, along with two previously conducted ones are available on the archive’s website.
I’ve worked with the Voice/Vision interviews for almost 24 years now and have taught about the Holocaust for almost as long. Although I still share Sid’s hesitation about contrived “feel good” stories and the Holocaust, Winton’s story isn’t one of these, it stands rather as a testament to the power of true altruism and what it can accomplish.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------                [1]Walsh, Katie. "Review: In ‘One Life,’ a Holocaust Hero’s Story Gets the Modest Treatment He Would Have Preferred." Los Angeles Times, March 15, 2024. https://www.latimes.com/entertainment-arts/movies/story/2024-03-15/one-life-review-anthony-hopkins-johnny-flynn-nicholas-winton.
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saraaliteri13 · 1 year
Unveiling the Luminescence Within: Nurturing the Radiance of Inner Beauty
In a world that often places an excessive emphasis on external appearances, it is essential to recognize and celebrate the true essence of beauty — inner beauty. Inner beauty encompasses qualities that radiate from within, reflecting the character, virtues, and values of an individual. It transcends the superficiality of physical attractiveness and serves as a guiding light in a materialistic society. This article explores the depth and importance of inner beauty, highlighting its power to inspire, connect, and transform lives.
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The Essence of Inner Beauty:
At its core, inner beauty is a manifestation of an individual’s character. It goes beyond surface-level attributes, delving into the realm of virtues, moral values, and personal integrity. When one possesses inner beauty, their actions and intentions align with their principles. Three fundamental aspects contribute to the cultivation of inner beauty: virtues and moral values, integrity and honesty, and empathy and compassion. These qualities form the bedrock of inner beauty, creating a lasting impact on oneself and others.
Cultivating inner beauty requires self-reflection and introspection. By delving into the depths of one’s being, individuals can gain a profound understanding of their values, strengths, and areas for improvement. This self-awareness allows for personal growth and the nurturing of inner beauty. Additionally, practicing gratitude and kindness fosters a positive outlook and genuine connections with others. Continuous learning and seeking wisdom further fuel the development of inner beauty, ensuring an ever-evolving journey towards self-actualization.
The Power of Inner Beauty:
Authenticity lies at the heart of inner beauty, enabling individuals to form meaningful connections and build deep relationships. When one embodies inner beauty, their words and actions exude honesty and sincerity. This authenticity creates a sense of trust and rapport, fostering bonds that withstand the test of time. By inspiring and influencing others through their inner beauty, individuals can make a lasting positive impact on those around them, creating a ripple effect of goodness and compassion.
Inner beauty also serves as a wellspring of resilience, empowering individuals to navigate life’s challenges with grace and strength. Emotional stability and fortitude, developed through inner beauty, provide a sturdy foundation for weathering adversity. The ability to find inner peace and contentment amidst turmoil is a testament to the power of inner beauty, helping individuals emerge stronger and more compassionate.
Inner Beauty and Self-Acceptance:
Embracing imperfections is an integral part of cultivating inner beauty. Rather than striving for an unattainable ideal, individuals who embrace their uniqueness and accept their flaws exude an undeniable charm. Letting go of comparison and judgment allows individuals to celebrate their own journey and appreciate the beauty within themselves and others. Developing a positive self-image is essential in nurturing inner beauty, as it creates a firm foundation for self-love and self-care.
Nurturing self-love and self-care is a vital aspect of inner beauty. Prioritizing mental and emotional well-being by engaging in activities that bring joy and fulfillment enhances one’s inner radiance. Establishing healthy boundaries fosters self-respect and preserves inner beauty. Taking care of one’s physical health through nourishing practices, exercise, and self-care rituals further harmonizes the interplay between inner and outer beauty, creating a holistic approach to well-being.
Inner Beauty and External Appearance:
While inner beauty holds paramount importance, it is not disconnected from external appearance. The interplay between the two is undeniable, as inner beauty has a profound impact on how one carries themselves and interacts with the world. Confidence and self-assurance, derived from inner beauty, elevate an individual’s external attractiveness. The aura of positivity and joy that accompanies inner beauty enhances their physical presence, making them all the more appealing.
However, it is crucial to strike a balance between inner and outer beauty. Placing excessive emphasis on physical appearance can overshadow the profound impact of inner beauty. By prioritizing character, values, and virtues over looks, individuals can authentically embody their inner beauty while maintaining a healthy relationship with their external appearance. Integrating both aspects results in a harmonious and holistic approach to beauty and well-being.
Inner Beauty as a Lifelong Journey:
Cultivating inner beauty is a lifelong journey, characterized by continual self-improvement and personal growth. Setting personal goals and aspirations ensures that individuals are constantly striving to be the best version of themselves. Challenging limiting beliefs and stepping out of comfort zones are essential in unlocking hidden potentials and expanding the horizons of inner beauty. Embracing change and growth allows individuals to evolve and adapt to new circumstances, fostering resilience and depth in their inner beauty.
Fostering inner beauty in others is an equally important aspect of the journey. By encouraging kindness and empathy, individuals can create a ripple effect that inspires others to cultivate their own inner beauty. Being a positive role model, embodying the virtues and values of inner beauty, has the power to ignite a transformation in those who witness it. Spreading love and positivity becomes a natural extension of inner beauty, leaving a lasting legacy of compassion and beauty in the world.
In a world that often prioritizes external appearances, the significance of inner beauty cannot be overstated. It serves as a guiding light, illuminating the path towards personal growth, authentic connections, and resilience. Embracing imperfections, nurturing self-love, and balancing inner and outer beauty are crucial in cultivating a radiant inner beauty that shines through every action and interaction. Inner beauty is a lifelong journey that holds the power to transform lives — both one’s own and those of others. By embracing and nurturing inner beauty, individuals contribute to a world that values character, compassion, and authenticity, creating a more beautiful and meaningful existence for all.
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haripawali · 2 years
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Yoga is one method for achieving a variety of objectives. It is more than just exercise, poses, or art; it is a way of life. Yoga instructors teach us how to be in control of ourselves. It assists us in developing our personalities by incorporating necessary characteristics and removing unnecessary elements.
Even in the most stressful situations, yoga can help you achieve a calm state. It also strengthens our senses, allowing us to distinguish between what is good and what is bad.
Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh, India, is only for you; if your heart yearns to be a yogi, you need to be aware of the possibility of transitioning from a yoga enthusiast to a full-time yoga teacher.
Before you start your yoga business, you must first be confident in your skills and mindset. Since yoga has grown in popularity over the last decade, there are yoga classes in every neighborhood; however, to find your soul, you must witness the natural yogis, the yogis of India.
Yoga’s a spiritual home in India; if you want to pursue the art as a full-time endeavor, you must first connect with its roots. When you become a yoga teacher, you will become a genuine spiritual teacher who can change the world. In India, you will eventually surrender to the yoga culture and be able to focus entirely on your new life path.
Knowing the traditions and philosophies of yoga from those who have learned from their roots is an entirely different experience. So, pick the best yoga teacher training school and get started.
How Will You Locate the Best Yoga School in India?
We are prepared to provide each individual with the most genuine and rewarding yoga teacher training course. Our well-known yoga school is in the best location in Rishikesh, India. We have an experienced teaching staff, the living conditions are simple and clean, and our yoga teacher training in Rishikesh is designed to be as simple as possible for participants of all levels.
Shree Hari Yoga Belief System
Yoga represents the union of the body and soul, the harmony of one’s inner and outer selves. Hatha yoga focuses on balancing the energy around us, whereas Vinyasa focuses on the natural energy flow in our bodies. We combine these two fundamental principles to create our yoga teacher training.
We follow a structured teaching flow at Shree Hari Yoga. First, we teach our students the fundamentals of yoga before empowering them with adjustment skills and restorative yoga. Asana practice, along with proper alignment, is an essential component of our training. We emphasize the importance of breathing while performing asanas. Another important topic in our course is meditation, also known as Dhyana. We teach various techniques for harnessing the power of our mind, or Chitta. Even though food is an essential part of the program, the meals we serve are nutritious and healthy.
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Shree Hari Yoga Goals and Objectives
Yoga education provides students with mental and physical strength and integration of their mental, physical, and spiritual areas, making them more fit, stable, and calm.
Yoga bestows upon us the gifts of self-discipline and self-control.
This gift of self-control and self-discipline allows us to be more aware, focused, and conscious. To summarise, yoga has the following goals and objectives:
To ensure the practitioners’ health
To improve one’s mental state
To maintain emotional stability
To convey a sense of moral values
To provide more awareness
Why Choose Shree Hari Yoga Teacher Training?
When we hear the word Alliance, we envision a community of people, groups, or states who have banded together for the common good or to achieve a common goal. Yoga Alliance is no exception.
Shree Hari Yoga Teacher Training
Taking a Yoga course from anywhere can have serious consequences due to its challenging nature; this is why the yoga teacher training certification course is considered the best in India. Rishikesh is the birthplace of yoga and thus holds it in its purest form. Rishikesh Yogis are known to have the roots of yoga, so pursuing yoga teacher training in Rishikesh, India, is the best decision.
Rishikesh is close to nature and offers a tranquil setting that makes yoga learning far more accessible and impactful. You are filled with authenticity and motivation when you attend a yoga teacher training class.
100-Hour Yoga Teacher Training
The course is intended for anyone who wants to learn yoga in a short amount of time. The course aims to raise awareness of yoga while also providing fundamental knowledge of the breadth and depth of Yogic principles and lifestyle. So, whether you want to become a professional yoga teacher or learn more about yoga, this course will help you.
The experience is enriching, and you will enjoy the path while learning a new way of life. It will be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. The brief but powerful course will undoubtedly make a difference in your life.
The system takes place in Rishikesh’s beautiful surroundings, which sets the right mood and energy for such an enriching experience. So, if you want to explore the Yoga world but are limited by time, this course answers all your prayers. So don’t delay any longer and enroll in the 100-hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh, India.
200-Hour Yoga Teacher Training
Intensive Yoga courses, as they are more commonly known, cover Hatha Yoga, Hatha Yoga in Ashtanga, or Iyenger Yoga. The course is carefully designed to cover all aspects concisely but impactfully.
As a result, anyone interested in beginner or intermediate-level yoga can confidently pursue the 200-Hour Yoga Teacher certification. The course provides excellent theoretical and practical knowledge of becoming a Yoga teacher and contains all the elements required to transform an ordinary person into an inspiring Yoga teacher. So, if you have a strong desire to become a master of yoga but are limited in time, the 200-hour yoga teacher training course (YTTC) in Rishikesh, India, is ideal for you.
300-Hour Yoga Teacher Training
Any Yoga practitioner with a basic understanding of the art can delve deeper into it by enrolling in the 300-hour yoga teacher training course.
The 300-hour Yoga Teacher Training Course will provide practitioners with advanced Yoga teaching abilities. The practitioner gains confidence in his practice as he expands his knowledge of more complex areas of yoga, and the instructor gradually improves and gains confidence as a Yoga instructor. So, suppose you want to advance your skills as a yoga guru and expand your knowledge. In that case, you should enroll in the 300-hour yoga teacher training program without wasting any more of your valuable time.
500-Hour Yoga Teacher Training
The 500 Hour Yoga teacher training is designed to provide the complete spectrum of the Yoga Alliance certified yoga teacher training course. The course is designed to leave no stone unturned in your transformation into a complete Yoga teacher. The 500-Hour Yoga Teacher Training offers every bit of knowledge essential for the practitioner to become a Yoga teacher. All those who complete the 500 hours yoga teacher training course are eligible to apply for yoga teaching as a certified RYT-500 teacher (Registered Yoga Teacher). This certification course provides excellent opportunities to become a great Yoga teacher. The course is an intensive training program that comprises Mudras, physiology, and methodology and provides you with plenty of time for preparation. This course calls out to all who want to gain even a single bit of knowledge needed to become a great Yoga practitioner.
Rishikesh has given the world many great Yoga teachers and still can provide many more, one of which could be You. So don’t hesitate to enroll in a yoga teacher training in Rishikesh because Rishikesh is to yoga what mountains are to glaciers or temples are to God. It is the appropriate location and can point you in the right direction to achieve your objectives.
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radnewworld · 3 years
Do not remove alignment from DnD. It’s not what you think it is. It doesn’t say that all orcs are evil, it’s not a straightjacket for your players’ actions, and it’s not some impossibly vague or nebulous moral system that lets paladins massacre drow children because they’re evil.
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Firstly, alignment is a description of a fundament of ‘standard’ DnD settings: good and evil are objective realities. In that fantasy world, they represent facets of nature as real to the characters as physics and chemistry are to us. This means that there are acts that are inarguably good or evil. If you murder someone, that is evil. If you torture, oppress, or enslave people, that is evil. Even if your motivation is for good, evil acts are still evil. Conversely, if you act altruistically, redeem evil individuals, save those in need, provide for the less fortunate, or otherwise put the needs of others before your own, that is good. For more examples and common objections, I’d point you towards two handbooks from the 3.x era: the Book of Exalted Deeds and the Book of Vile Darkness. Do be advised though... The BoVD was written to be edgy, so a lot of the items and spells are intentionally provocative. Both BoED and BoVD cover the nature of good and evil in the first chapter of each book, so you can get what you need without delving into sweaty degeneracy. 
There’s some wiggle room for discussion or debate about morality in DnD worlds, primarily around concepts of whether one’s motivation or the outcome is more important, but in the 20 years I’ve been tossing dice, I can count the number of times the players and DM couldn’t come to an agreement on one hand.
Alright, we’re good? If you can accept that a core assumption about DnD worlds is an objective morality, we’ll move on. If you can’t or won’t accept that aspect of the game, feel free to throw alignment out; you’re on your own though when your players justify torturing an NPC for vital information or robbing the village’s peasants for all their money is fine because the heroes serve the greater good.
For the rest of us, let’s plow ahead and hit the point that I think trips most people up: how does alignment work with intelligent creatures and free will? Player characters obviously have free will, but what about all the monsters and NPC races? If drow or orcs or goblins are evil inherently, isn’t that reductive and somehow translate to racism in the real world? Crack open any monster book from 3.x or earlier and you’ll find this bit in the section describing how to read the monsters’ stat blocks:
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So, when DnD tells you that Drow are Usually Neutral Evil and Orcs are Usually Chaotic Evil, it is not saying that ALL of them are irredeemably evil! They are just very likely to be evil, as they’ve come from cultures steeped in evil or are influenced by an evil god or are touched by a fiendish plane of evil. There’s still room for exceptions, but it will be better than a coin toss’s odds that the creature is evil. This doesn’t negate free will or prevent you from writing stories about outcasts trying to reform their peoples’ evil ways. It simply means that those uncommon examples aren’t the norm.
The only creatures that you will find that are Always an alignment are base, elemental creatures that are deeply entwined with the magical nature of the planes or divine forces. Demons, Devils, Celestials, Dragons, Elementals, Slaad, Undead, Modrons, and the like are always (still room for renegades, though much more rare!) are too intrinsically influenced by the alignments to vary. There is an interesting conversation to be had about whether or not these Always creatures have free will or not. 
Note: I’m not sure if 4e or 5e monster manuals have this same setup and am too lazy to check, but I’ll bet it’s in there somewhere.
Lastly, and perhaps the easiest point, a player character’s alignment isn’t a straightjacket that limits their options. Alignment is descriptive rather than proscriptive: a character is good or evil because they do good or evil rather than doing good or evil because they are good or evil. A good character can have a moment of weakness and do something evil just as readily as an evil character might have a pang of conscience and do good. If a character consistently starts to behave in a way contrary to their alignment, then it might be time to consider if character’s alignment has shifted to something new. Has their outlook changed? Is a deeply held belief shaken? Some new information giving them a new perspective? In the business, we call that roleplaying gold. Generally, this is something that takes place over a longer period of time, but if the character encounters something that absolutely shatters their perception of the world, don’t be afraid to let that impact shift a character’s alignment.
If I’ve done my grognard’s duty with anything approaching competence, you now understand alignment better and can make an informed decision about whether or not to keep it in your home games rather than kept swept up in reductive arguments from twitter people that don’t play the game in the first place. If folks are interested, I’ll do a bit about ways you can really make alignment shine in your games.
Also, in case it wasn’t common knowledge, law and chaos follow the same principles... But instead of being two diametrically opposed forces as good and evil, law is simply better than chaos. Chaos is dumb.
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