#future state: teen titans
scarletlunarosa · 2 years
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Nightwing wearing Deathstroke’s Mask.
Starfire: Deathwing
Beast Boy: Dickstr....
Nightwing: I haven’t worked with Slade in Months.
Future State: Teen Titans 1 and 2
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redrollerball · 1 year
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Starfire (Teen Titans Academy)
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nightwingcouldyounot · 3 months
Future State Teen Titans
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Do you want to read the Titans fend off an apocalypse in the not so distant future? Read this.
I always find these comics super interesting because you get to see who the fan-favs are at the time across whatever the multiple teams that are happening because of course they're the ones to survive at least until the comic starts. And of course they always find new ways to have some kind of body horror happen to beast boy and/or cyborg (this time they merged them).
This is only 2 issues long so there isn't really much to say about it. It's paced well enough and the characters work well. There were some things I think had the possibility of becoming annoying (especially with how Dick was being written) if it had of been a longer series. But in 2 issues it wasn't enough to really get to the point of it being annoying.
Should you read it? I wouldn't go out of my way to recommend it but it's an interesting 2 issues so if you want a quick read you won't have wasted your time.
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Future State Teen Titans
Dick is having none of the nonsense regarding his name. Where is @bigskydreaming post about making run of Dick's name? This panels reminds me of that
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kriffin-ink · 10 months
I am generally a Wally West fan
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I am an even bigger Emiko fan and some things I just cannot forgive
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20th April 2023
Some light reading.
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watsondcsj · 2 years
Yes, hello. I have something for the DC Comics Tumblr sphere. A fire has been lit inside me that cannot be doused. Herein lies an 18-page essay on Tom Taylor's recent ongoing comic with as much reference images and cited works. Do with this as you please.
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anthyies · 1 year
Hi which dc comic would you recommend as a starting point? (From those you read)
hi waves at you! qualifier i’ve only been into dc for like three months im not an expert <3 i think batgirl (2000) is a really good starting point tbh cass is the character of all time + it isn’t terribly dependent on other things in universe as long as you know what batman and gotham are you’re generally good + it’s the first dc thing i read and i was fine! plus supporting characters i love too :)
if you’ve read like. marvel comics before and have some sort of familiarity with comics bullshit (said affectionately most of the time) then you can honestly start anywhere and ur probably familiar with this. if you haven’t then you can always just google [character] reading list or [team/etc] reading list and jump right in, the confusion is part of it don’t worry <3
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jtisreborn · 2 years
Dark Crisis… On infinite earths #4 has just been released today. In this video I give my thoughts on the issue. I still don’t get why they changed the name of the series midway through the event though.
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fans4wga · 11 months
The Animation Guild Announces Unionization Efforts At Warner Bros. And Cartoon Network
EDIT: Because people are misreading this, please note: it is animation production workers specifically who are joining the pre-existing TAG (The Animation Guild) union.
Animators and animation writers are already covered under TAG. This news story is specifically about WB animation production workers.
News story text:
"Warner Bros. Animation and Cartoon Network production workers are attempting to unionize with The Animation Guild (TAG).
A petition was filed with the National Labor Relations Board today requesting a union election. The petition includes 66 staffers at Warner Bros. Animation and 22 at Cartoon Network, including roles like production manager, digital production assistant, IT technician, production coordinator, production assistant, design production coordinator, assistant production manager and senior assistant production manager.
They are involved in such Warner Bros. projects as Batman: The Caped Crusader, Harley Quinn and Teen Titans Go! and Cartoon Network’s Adventure Time: Fionna and Cake, We Baby Bears and Craig of the Creek.
The workers also requested voluntary recognition from management at the Warner Bros. Discovery subsidiaries.
A tweet was issued confirming the move, which was officially announced earlier on a joint Zoom call.
“Although many might not think it, production is a specialized skill; we might not be artists or writers, but what we bring to the table goes beyond traditional creativity and gets content on the air,” Warner Bros. Animation production manager Hannah Ferenc said in a statement about the organization effort. “Having lived through the existing state of the animation industry for the past seven years, I want to make sure that not only our current workers, but all those who choose to join us in the future, can feel secure in following their passion by earning livable wages and being treated with the dignity and respect they deserve.”
The Animation Guild has already established bargaining units on shows like Rick and Morty, Solar Opposites, The Simpsons, Family Guy and American Dad!  It also is active at studios like Titmouse New York and L.A. and ShadowMachine. Establishment at Walt Disney Animation Studios is currently in progress."
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Sixty-six staffers at Warner Bros. Animation and 22 at Cartoon Network filed a petition for a union election with the National Labor Relations Board on Wednesday and simultaneously requested voluntary recognition from management at the Warner Bros. Discovery subsidiaries. Collectively, the group includes workers in roles like production manager, digital production assistant, IT technician, production coordinator, production assistant, design production coordinator, assistant production manager and senior assistant production manager. The effort was announced on a joint Zoom call around noon on Wednesday with production workers at the Warner Bros. Discovery brands and TAG members. The staffers involved work on an array of shows, including Warner Bros. Animation’s Batman: The Caped Crusader, Harley Quinn and Teen Titans Go! and Cartoon Network’s Adventure Time: Fionna and Cake, We Baby Bears and Craig of the Creek. “Although many might not think it, production is a specialized skill; we might not be artists or writers, but what we bring to the table goes beyond traditional creativity and gets content on the air,” Warner Bros. Animation production manager Hannah Ferenc said in a statement about the organization effort. “Having lived through the existing state of the animation industry for the past seven years, I want to make sure that not only our current workers, but all those who choose to join us in the future, can feel secure in following their passion by earning livable wages and being treated with the dignity and respect they deserve.”
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robinofgothamcity · 3 months
"so i cry and i pray for you to love me, love me, say that you love me."
♡ character: damian wayne x reader
♡ pronouns used: she / her
♡ note: not checked for grammar or spelling mistakes / hiiii ik i haven't updated in a while but like life bro lmao anyway im trying to find a new job bc a bitch needs money so like big girl stuff happening around here anywayyyyyy here is a blurb/drabble thing i kinda made it up on the fly so sorry if it's shitty
your rose gold dress was dragging against the floor as you were going around from league member to league member introducing yourself on the behalf of black canary. the annual JLA gala was one with a bunch of uppity superheroes and their sidekicks trying to get on everyone's good side which did not interest you at all.
your domino mask was not comfortable at all, nevertheless, it clashed with your very expensive dress. you knew dinah would have liked you to make your rounds with everyone but you were not interested in making friends with anyone that you weren't with usually.
you had been looking for jon or jaime but you figured that they must have gotten dragged around the gala by batman or even superman for things they didn't want to do themselves.
as you approached the snack table, you noticed the R patch standing right in front of you. you had yet to met the infamous robin and although you figured that batman was going to need your assistance in the teen titans one day in the not so distant future, you assumed that your first encounter with the boy wonder would be there.
you handed robin the drink he was looking for and smiled, "figured it beat having to reach across the table for it," the boy gave you a smirk, instantly making your face warm up, "(sidekick name) right? canary's righthand woman?" you nodded, "interesting way of meeting each other," you replied.
robin chuckled as you heard jaime finally scream your name frantically from the other side of the room, "sorry for cutting this short, duty calls when your dumbass best friend is calling for you," you stated as you grabbed your dress and darted to where jaime was.
damian swirled his drink around for a moment before grabbing his phone. he knew bruce hated when he was on his phone but he never thought that canary's sidekick was this....cute. damian also knew everyone's name, no thanks to bruce, so he knew it wasn't going to be too difficult to retrieve your information.
damian had found your instagram which was public and immediately scrolled through it. he found what was normal for girls your age. pictures with you and your sorority friends in some and others showed pictures of you and your family.
as damian continued to scroll he noticed the eye twitch he'd get when he saw a photo of you and a guy friend with his hand a bit too tight on your upper thigh. he knew that he didn't have any reason to get even slightly jealous, however; it wasn't a secret that whatever damian liked he eventually got.
he chuckled at the picture he saw of you looking up at dinah as you hugged her with a simple heart as the caption. damian knew that you weren't stupid enough to give off any real connection that you had to dinah but he figured that you must've wanted to appreciate for taking you under her wing.
damian made his way to where you were with jaime, bart, jon, and a few others. you were leaning against the bar, having a beer with jaime and jon as jon was the first to notice him.
"hey robin, fancy seeing you here with the rest of us mere mortals," he joked. it wasn't very common to see damian with the rest of the titans and young justice team. he was usually glued to batman's side as it was his duty to fulfill any questions he had of his own but he figured that since had taken an interest with you, one night like this wouldn't be so bad.
jon followed damian's eye trajectory and chuckled in amusement.
"shooting for the big leauges, huh?" jon asked. damian looked over to him so he could elaborate, "canary's sidekick is a very popular girl to say the least. the media loves her, i can't begin to explain how man lovesick letters i've had to sort through from her fans, and the league themselves love her. plus, i've noticed that a lot of our teammates are very interested in getting to know her, if you get what i'm saying."
damian scoffed, "and i'm damian wayne so lets see how that fairs for everyone else," jon knew damian was as cocky as they came but he knew that his confidence was on another level and what he wanted he usually got whether it meant getting his hands dirty for it or not.
the lights in the roomed had dimmed as he noticed that you were now by yourself with a wine glass between your fingers. damian fixed his tie as jon dusted his best friends shoulders off in encouragement. jon was always ready to support his best friend in anyway that he could even if that meant slightly sabotaging his other friend's chances with you in the process.
you were sipping your red wine as damian approached you cooly, "hey robin! nice seeing you again!" he smiled slightly as he took your cheap wine and set it on the table and handed another one for you to tase, "a red wine from napa, 1909 to be specific," your eyes widened as you took a sip.
"it's slightly bitter but it's pretty good," you replied as you took another drink, "thank you for this, i didn't think i'd be getting any kind of drinks from anyone tonight," you added on.
damian put his shoulder against the wall as he noticed how he practically towered over you, "do you think i could have this dance with you?" he asked as he heard the next song start to play.
you were shocked to say the least.
you knew how hard it was to get on robin's good graces and you had practically done nothing to achieve it. the song was slow and he took your hand softly as he led you to the dance floor.
thankfully, the room was dark enough to where others wouldn't notice that it was him dancing, "thank you for asking me. i didn't think i was interesting enough to get a dance from thee boy wonder tonight," damian laughed, "the pleasure is all mine. i didn't think canary had such an interesting protege,"
"i can't say i'm that interesting, i'm still working my way up the league ladder," you replied. damian scoffed, "it won't take long to make you an official hero," he stated, "with someone of your strength and abilities alone, i can imagine you'll be called up in no time."
you giggled excitedly as damian spun you around and had you face him but closer now, "but before that happens i guess i'll teach you the ropes," he whispered, "and can i ask what that might include?" you asked.
damian lifted your chin and stared at you with his emerald eyes.
"i think i can give you a taste test before the exam approach."
damian was never this straight forward, especially when it came to other league members and their sidekicks but he knew what jon said was correct. it didn't take an idiot to realize how loved you were by everyone and he knew his competition, mainly jaime and connor, could easily win you over so he did the only thing he knew to do in a situation like this, act like his playboy billionaire father as much as he could and from what he could tell, he was on the right track.
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vinelark · 10 months
Hi! Just curious, what are your favorite comic runs? I've finished the comics on my current to-read list so I love hearing what other people like!
hello! as always i’m sure i’m forgetting plenty of stuff but these are some of my favs, both completed and ongoing series.
batman: the knight (2022)
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miniseries, 10 issues total, so it’s extremely readable and really satisfying in a short amount of time! i like zdarsky’s bruce a lot (i’ve also enjoyed his work on the current batman run) and carmine di giandomenico’s art is fantastic. also, it’s the ghost-maker origin story and bruce & khoa somehow get divorced at least twice before the story’s over. love that for them.
superman: american alien (2015)
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anthology collection about clark kent through the years, a really great read for superman—digging into clark’s character rather than focusing on external plot!—with some great cameos too (like young adult clark getting mistaken for some rich guy named bruce wayne at a yacht party, or reporter clark running into pre-robin dick grayson).
future state (2021) batman: dark detective
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i am not immune to dan mora’s bruce wayne, especially when he is skrunkly and beat up the whole time.
batman: urban legends (2021)
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an anthology so you can kind of pick up/put down as you like! these are a good read if you don’t want to be tracking huge overarching plotlines for a bit. the first few issues have a great jason series too.
ongoing series aka my current pulls at the comic shop:
spirit world (2023)
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this one is new and is SO fun and compelling; i love xanthe already, and the assorted cast (including constantine and cass!) and new side characters (bowen my beloved, i’d die for you if you weren’t already dead) are delightful. one of those comics where i’m genuinely interested in the plot too and not just reading for my favs. alyssa wong is doing some really cool things with this concept/cast and i hope they have a chance to do way more in this world.
batman/superman world’s finest (2022)
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again, i am not immune to dan mora, or the delightful superbat of it all. (and robin!dick! i love him.) i also started reading waid’s teen titans spin-off that takes place in this same era and there are only a few issues out so far but i’m having a great time.
city boy (2023)
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i am OBSESSED with this concept (sentient cities! sharp-edged/lonely character figuring out his connection to them!) and the writing is super fun so far. also the intro comic (free on kindle/elsewhere; also has a free spirit world issue) has a great nightwing run-in.
i’m also subscribed to nightwing, superboy: the man of tomorrow, action comics (anything with kon crumbs…), and dark knights of steel (listen…i am still holding out hope for more royal court spy!tim crumbs), and i don’t know much about shazam yet but i’m giving the new series a try too.
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nightwingcouldyounot · 5 months
I thought to check on Titans to see if there was anything complete I had missed and apparently there's been a lot of series finished off in Titans recently (4 if you count a 2 issue stand-alone, plus the Graphic Novels that I have been meaning to do).
So what I've decided to do is once I finish Gotham Academy after the next Deathstroke I'll put the three longer of the finished Titans series as the alt to Deathstroke.
I think I'll just do all the Titans Graphic Novels as the next stand alone (yes I could probably do them as a Titans Title but IDK in my head they're a stand alone series).
And right now before I go back to Deathstroke, because it is only two (standard) issues long, I'm going to read Future State Teen Titans:
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docgold13 · 2 months
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Heroes & Villains The DC Animated Universe - Paper Cut-Out Portraits and Profiles
The Royal Flush Gang
There have several different iterations of the criminal outfit known as the Royal Flush Gang.  The gang was originally formed by The Joker after he recruited a group of five young adults possessing metahuman powers.  These individuals had been experimented on by a shadowy facet of the United States military and the experience left them each traumatized, angry and easily manipulated by The Joker.  
Fashioning them with costumes evocative of playing cards, The Joker dubbed the quintet his ‘Royal Flush Gang.’  He then organized a complex attack on Las Vegas that was meant to draw out and engage The Justice League.  Following a tremendous battle, The Justice League managed to defeat most of the gang yet the whole ordeal was revealed to be a ruse orchestrated by The Joker to garner a huge television audience.  With so many people watching, The Joker then unleashed the most powerful member of The Royal Flush Gang: Ace.
Young Ace possessed reality-altering powers and her hypnotic gaze could induce vivid hallucinations, ultimately lead to irreversible madness.  The Joker hoped that scores of people watching on would be driven hopelessly insane.
Fortunately, Batman was able to demonstrate to Ace that The Joker was manipulating her; that he was no better than the governmental agents who had made her childhood so unbearable.  Ace turned on The Joker, rendering the Clown Prince of Crime into near catatonia. Ace then left and released the audience from her influence.  
The youngster returned some time later.  With her powers evolved to the point where she could warp and reshape reality, Ace recruited a second Royal Flush Gang armed with powers she bestowed unto them. And yet her new gang proved no fun so she sent them to battle the Justice League and the foes were soundly defeated. 
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Ace’s powers continued to mount and she came to realize that it would all result in her experiencing a fatal cerebral aneurysm.  Batman comfortable the frighten youth as her final moments came and Ace passed away peacefully in the Dark Knight’s arms.   With her death, reality was restored and the rest of the gang reverted to their natural forms.  
The title of the Royal Flush Gang would later be taken up by new criminals who maintained successive iterations of the gang far into the future.  
In a wink to the broader fanbase, The Royal Flush Gang were each voiced by the cast of the Teen Titans animated series. With Khary Payton voicing Ten; Greg Cipes as Jack; Hynden Walch as Queen; Scott Menville as King; and Tara Strong providing the voice for the tragic Ace.  
The Royal Flush Gang first appeared in the twenty-eighth episode of the second season of Justice Leagues, ‘Wild Cards Part I.’  
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nightmareinfloral · 5 months
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Jericho- Where to Read?
Joseph William Wilson (Jericho) is the youngest son of Slade Wilson (Deathstroke) and Adeline Kane. Beneath the cut is a complete list of Joey’s major appearances updated as of January 2024. Most important issues are in bold.
The 1980s:
Tales of the Teen Titans (1984) 42-44, Annual 3, 45-48, 50-52, 56-57, 58
The New Teen Titans (1984) 1-2, 3-5
Crisis on infinite Earths (1985) 3-5, 9, 11
Who’s Who: The Definitive Directory of the DC Universe (1985) 11
The New Teen Titans (1984) 6-10, Annual 1, 11-13, 14-15
The Omega Men (1983) 34-35
The New Teen Titans (1984) 16-17, 18, 22, 24-31
Action Comics (1938) 584
Teen Titans Spotlight (1986) 3-6
Secret Origins (1986) 13
History of the DC Universe (1986) 2
The New Teen Titans (1984) 33-34
Blue Beetle (1986) 11-14
The New Teen Titans (1984) 35-37, Annual 3, 39-49, Annual 4
The New Titans (1988) 50-55
Secret Origins (1986) Annual 3
The New Titans (1988) Annual 5, 57-59
Batman (1940) 440
The New Titans (1988) 60-61
Secret Origins (1986) 46
The New Titans (1988) 62-63
The 1990s:
The New Titans (1988) 64-67
Hawk & Dove (1989) 11-12
The New Titans (1988) 68-69
Who’s Who in the DC Universe (1990) 1
The New Titans (1988) Annual 6
Wonder Woman (1987) 47, 49
The New Titans (1988) 71, 75-79, Annual 7, 80-85. 86
Deathstroke the Terminator (1991) 1-7, 9, 11, Annual 1
Showcase ‘93 (1993) 2
Batman Shadow of the Bat (1992) 34
Deathstroke (1991) 48
JLA/Titans (1998) 1
Nightwing Secret Files and Origins (1999) 1
The Titans (1999) 10
The 2000s:
The Titans (1999) 25, 46
Teen Titans (2003) 2
Batman Gotham Knights (2000) 44
Teen Titans (2003) 3-5, 7-8
Avengers/JLA (2003) 4
Teen Titans (2003) 9, 11-12, 21
Nightwing (1995) 106
DC Special The Return of Donna Troy (2005) 1
Teen Titans/Outsiders Secret Files and Origins (2005) 1
Teen Titans (2003) 33, 39-47, 52
Countdown to Final Crisis (2007) 36
DC Universe: Last Will and Testament (2008) 1
DC Universe Decisions (2008) 3-4
Titans (2008) 6-12
Teen Titans (2003) Annual 1, 69
Vigilante (2008) 5
Teen Titans (2003) 70
Titans (2008) 13
Vigilante (2008) 6
Teen Titans (2003) 77-78
The 2010s:
DC Universe Legacies (2010) 5
Titans (2008) 37-38, Annual 1
Deathstroke (2011) 0, 13, 19-20
New Teen Titans: Games (2011)
Deathstroke (2014) 2-6, 17-20
Convergence New Teen Titans (2015) 1-2
Deathstroke: Rebirth (2016) 1
Deathstroke (2016) 1-3, 6-10, 12-16, 18
Teen Titans (2016) 8
Deathstroke (2016) 19
Teen Titans The Lazarus Contract Special (2017) 1
Deathstroke (2016) 20-25
DC Holiday Special (2017) 1
Deathstroke (2016) 26-27, Annual 1, 28 -32, 34-50
The 2020s:
Dark Knights: Death Metal: The Last Stories of the DC Universe (2020) 1
Batman Black and White (2020) 5
Deathstroke Inc. (2021) 1, 5, 7
Future State Gotham (2021) 12
Tales of the Titans (2023) 2
Thank you to @jerichogender for helping me compile!
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