#gaming therapy
rajasreenu10 · 5 months
SaMD: Transforming Healthcare to Enhance Patient Outcomes
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In today's rapidly evolving landscape of healthcare, technology plays an increasingly pivotal role in improving patient outcomes, enhancing diagnostics, and transforming treatment methodologies. One such technological innovation that has garnered significant attention is Software as a Medical Device (SaMD). Software as a Medical Device refers to software intended to be used for medical purposes without being part of a hardware medical device. It is designed to perform medical functions, whether for diagnosis, prevention, monitoring, treatment, or alleviation of disease. It encompasses a broad spectrum of applications, ranging from mobile health apps to sophisticated diagnostic algorithms and telemedicine platforms. By leveraging the power of software, it has the potential to bridge geographical barriers, streamline healthcare delivery, and empower both patients and healthcare providers with actionable insights derived from data.
This blog explores the Software as a medical device solution, focusing on its applications in remote patient monitoring (RPM), wireless Holter monitoring, cognitive anxiety management, scoliosis screening, and gamified therapy for ADHD. 
Market on the Rise: The Growing Impact of SaMD The Software as a medical device market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 21.9% between 2020 and 2027. It has experienced rapid growth in recent years. It helps medical professionals predict, monitor, and diagnose diseases, allowing them to take preventive measures at the appropriate time. Because it does not require any hardware, it can use fast feedback loops for improvement. In addition, the advancement of technologies such as AI/ML, IoT, Telehealth, Cybersecurity, AR, and VR has accelerated the growth of software as a medical device. SaMD's Transformative Impact on Various Healthcare Aspects : The Software as a medical device market is experiencing phenomenal growth, fueled by its transformative impact on healthcare delivery. Here is  how software as a medical device  is transforming specific areas: Remote patient monitoring : Remote Patient Monitoring (RPM) transforms healthcare by allowing you to monitor vitals and physiological parameters remotely and in real-time. Software as a Medical Device is the backbone of this revolution, providing a secure and efficient platform to manage your patients' remote monitoring needs.
Real-time Tracking and Analytics: Software as a medical device platforms seamlessly collect vital signs and physiological data from wearables and biosensors. Advanced analytics engines analyze this data to identify trends, patterns, and potential health concerns. Customizable dashboards provide both you and the patient with clear visualizations of health data, facilitating informed decision-making.
Alerts and Notifications: It allows you to set personalized alerts for vital signs that exceed pre-defined thresholds. This enables prompt intervention and prevents potential complications. You also receive notifications of device malfunctions or errors, ensuring data integrity and system uptime.
Secure Communication: HIPAA-compliant Software as a medical device platforms prioritize patient data security. Multi-factor authentication and encryption ensure that only authorized personnel can access sensitive health information. Secure messaging features within the platform enable you to communicate with patients regarding treatment plans, medication adjustments, and any necessary follow-up actions.
Interoperability:  The platforms designed for RPM seamlessly integrate with existing Electronic Health Records (EHR) systems. This eliminates the need for manual data entry, reduces errors, and ensures a complete view of the patient's medical history. They also facilitate data exchange with various wearable devices and biosensors, providing flexibility in choosing the most suitable monitoring tools for each patient's needs.
For more information click the below link : https://nu10.co/samd-transforming-healthcare-to-enhance-patient-outcomes/
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How I assume salvaging went in FNAF pizza sim
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scholliski · 3 months
Neil is the most unserious character like what do you mean you develop a secondhand nicotine addiction purely because you want to remember the smell of your moms burning corpse
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Hello Everyone,
In this post, I want to share how gaming changed my life.
I had just left an abusive relationship, moved in with my mother, and was working a job that paid me ½ as much as I was making before. I worked 4 hours at that job, then I came home to play video games until I decided to go to sleep. Some days I wouldn’t sleep until 5 AM. In this time, I connected with several wonderful people on PlayStation. But my mother started to complain about how much I was playing video games. This is when I realized that I was depressed and was using gaming to escape and distract me from that feeling. However, I noticed something else…
In the games I was playing, I picked a support character and found that I was good at filling that role. In playing support, you may set up kills for your team, heal or shield them from damage, and provide buffs. It is also important to position yourself well so you can be alive to do your job and monitor where each member of your team is (to support them). Sometimes supports must make decisions to let a damage player die to keep the tank alive or vice versa. We may have to stall the objective timer (resulting in death) for a team member, whose ultimate ability is ready, to be able to make it to the objective point and use it. All this is to say that I love playing this role and have the skills for it.
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In my real life, I was depressed, dissatisfied, and powerless. And yet, online, I was a great healer and support system for others. I realized this was my strength and so, I brought this strength into my reality. I was able to get a job as a caregiver that paid me double what I was making. I made enough money to afford and move into my first apartment on my own (no roommates). This was a month after starting the job. It is safe to say that I no longer felt powerless. At the time of writing this post, I am no longer a caregiver, but a peer counselor. I am so happy and fulfilled by getting the chance to contribute to the healing of others.
I attribute this massive change in my life to video games for helping me recognize what I am good at. I still play games (casually); you can click here for you YouTube channel.
I hope that you all allow your hobbies to help you shine and share your gifts with the world.
-//Blessings 🌻
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elliespuns · 3 months
Yes, Joel Miller's belly button is hairy, and yes, he has a happy trail. You're welcome. Also, the sound of a belt buckle getting undone has never sounded sexier in my head.
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songthursh · 1 year
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Also a sunflower, because @stupidlynx have amazing songs for these two ///
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modawg · 5 months
percy is a very expressive person, when he’s happy it pulls his face into a bright grin, when he’s angry his face is pulled tight, when he’s worried his brows knit together, when he cry’s he can’t stop the tears from falling, he worries his bottom lip and though he’s the son of posídeon he can never fully get rid of the wetness around his eyes
annabeth loves his expressions, she likes being able to read him like that
she has her favorites, his mischievous smile, the curl of his brow
and she has her least favorites, the one she hates, the blank stare he gets after something terrible has happened
the one that means he’s not really there, the one that looks like he’s taken a step back from his mind, it being too horrible for him to watch
she could count the number of times she’s seen it on her hands, she could see him standing there a empty vessel as apollo took rachel his only mortal friend, as they huddled around luke’s dead body, the same with selina, with charlie, when he thought tyson had died
during the war when he would simply watch over new york, telling her about how weird it was to see his friends bodies, children’s bodies, laid out in the city he grew up in. the young memories he had growing up being splattered with blood
she could remember being in the plane flying away from atlas, her arm intertwined with his, he was shaking, one hand holding riptide and the other holding a small statue, gripping them tight like he was scared the shaking would knock them out of his grasp. thalia had told her there was another girl on the quest to get her, bianca di angelo, that the statue was the last of her. she had looked at percy, his forehead pressed against the glass, his eyes almost unseeing. he didn’t say anything.
she could remember when percy had found out sally was gone, when chiron had given her praise calling her brave, percy had stared at a corner of the room, unmoving.
it was a expression annabeth was a little scared of, one she was getting used to after tarturus.
one she still didn’t truly understand how to help with.
one that made her want to hide him away from the rest of the world, curl him into the crook of her neck and never let go
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ohpsshaw · 7 months
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[I need you to go look up "ICICLE WORKS - I STILL WANT YOU" and start blaring that as loud as you can right now.]
So. Typhus and I have failed in our mission to get him into everyone's bedrolls. Turns out that traumatized vampire got hands. We didn't have the heart to break up with Astarion, and I think we're DnD married now. Please keep us in your prayers.
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dad-dumpster · 6 months
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harry keeps stealing victim’s boots
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duckysprouts · 1 year
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a lot of problems would’ve been avoided if cps existed in the got verse
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littlebatgames · 3 months
The voices of Vampire Therapist
Hi Tumblr! I'm Cyrus Nemati, creative director at Little Bat Games, where we're making Vampire Therapist. You might know me as a voice actor. I voiced Theseus, Dionysus, and Ares in Hades, so as you might imagine, voices are my thing.
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When I started designing Vampire Therapist, I wanted to create characters not only had deep narrative depth, but that would be challenging and rewarding to voice. I voice protagonist Sam Walls and his mentor, Andromachos. Writing a game about therapy is really tricky, so being able to jump in revoice lines was a huge benefit for the game!
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I also voice two of the therapy clients in the game, Dr. Drayne and Edmund Kean. Dr. Drayne is the kind of challenge any actor delights in, having three very distinct characterizations that have to seem natural, whereas Edmund Kean is the Shakespearean actor of his time.
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As much as I'd like to save money, I couldn't voice all characters in the game, but I'm very picky about voices and needed a cast of the absolute best I could find. So I got them.
If you've played Hades 2, you've heard Sarah Grayson or Selene. Or maybe you know her from Gone Home or Tacoma? But I needed her ability to alternate between the very light and the very dark for murderous vampire content creator Meddy.
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To play Isabella d'Este, a real historical figure and esteemed patron of the arts during the Renaissance, I needed someone with a sense of the theatrical and some excellent comic timing. For that, I turned to a very old friend, Kylie Clark, who comes much more from the theatre tradition that video games... which she doesn't play at all. Until Vampire Therapist!
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For our fabulous goth bartender, Crimson, I needed the epitome of cool, sexy, and tantalizingly mysterious. You might know Francesca Meaux as Eurydice from Hades, but she went to some unexpected places to play Crimson!
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I did say I wanted the best of the best, right? Vampire Therapist is a super low-budget indie, but if I'm going to fill a club with quirky, sexy goths, I need range, and for that, I got Matthew Mercer. Yeah, that Matthew Mercer. The Critical Role one. The one from Baldur's Gate 3. The one from all your favorite video games. How could I do less? He's playing Reinhard the sexy goth and Ciaran the goth priest in Vampire Therapist.
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You can see the work we've put into every aspect of Vampire Therapist. I think you're going to find that it's unlike any game you've ever played.
It'll be out on July 18th, and you can wishlist it on Steam now!
And on GOG!
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you-know-i-get-itt · 2 months
the dichotomy of jeremy knox being someone with a good relationship with his mental health (he has a therapist who he sees regularly and actually listens to) and simultaneously having a concerning obsession with denial (every time he gets close to talking about his problems he goes “whoops! time to observe everyone in this coffeeshop who isn't me”)
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Michael has a hard time retelling FNAF sister location
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codename-adler · 2 months
the context:
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✨the brain rot✨:
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emry-stars-art · 6 months
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I got the goods boss
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lets-go-hurt-someone · 6 months
Am I the only one who actually prefers the Araj confession from Astarion? I see so many people wax poetic about the “nice, simple plan” scene and how much better it is that I want to wax poetic a little about my favourite.
The first time I played BG3, I didn’t know anything about Astarion’s background and I thought he was a jerk. When I first ran into Araj at Moonrise, I was surprised that he wasn’t interested in biting her, but he gave his reasons and I was like, damn, okay, that sucks but I’m not gonna force him to do anything. He said no, so it’s a no. Then I moved on, and genuinely thought nothing of it.
When he hit me with the Araj confession at camp, when he explained how he felt in front of her and how easy it would have been to just grin and bear it and do as he was told, I started crying. Sometimes I struggle to even put into words the emotions it brought up — not the smallest of which was the realisation that I had had more respect for this video game character that I didn’t even like at the time than a lot of people had ever had for me, a real fucking human being.
So I love absolutely everything about that scene, from the writing to the performance to all the different ways it can play out. I know the other confession is more cute and sweet and romantic, but the Araj one held up a mirror to me and genuinely made me confront myself and change how I approach intimacy. Which is kind of an embarrassing thing to say about a video game romance scene but here I am saying it.
Because if this fucking rude ass pixel boy (affectionate) can learn to be honest about his needs and limits and have them respected, then so can I, goddamnit. And that will always be so much more profound to me than a nice, simple plan that fell apart.
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