#garden of the loa
classic-and-gold · 1 year
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lunacy4sunny · 3 months
Quando não tinha nada, um dia disseram "basta pedir com verdade, seja o maior dos sonhos, ou uma simples xícara de café, e o universo ha de atender seu pedido". Então aos poucos, cada palavra entrou no seu coração, ela deixou notas coloridas naquele livro engraçado que foi da sua vó, e continha todos os segredos do universo.
Ela pediu coisas que pareciam impossíveis, e dia após dia, foi surpreendida por milagres. Mas seu coração sabia, que tais pedidos eram tão ordinários quanto uma xícara de café, quando comparados a seu destino.
Sua alma ansiava por algo sem nome, tão familiar quanto um membro do seu corpo, tinha gosto cheiro e forma, inundando seus sentidos com lágrimas e risadas. E por um instante, ela sentiu medo. Mas se o amor vence o medo, e toda sombra quebra na luz do sol, seu sonho há de ser realizado.
O vento cantava quando batia nos sinos "seu pedido é uma ordem".
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raecozy · 1 month
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Spread kindness, share joy, thrive. Celebrate small victories, cherish immensely. Stay determined, stay focused, thrive.
Tap to discover more joy.
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My latest rant about my DeviantART OCs
In the Official Databook for my One Piece fan pirate crew, I have described Damballah (Hazbin Hotel) as the weakest of the gods. But I think, in terms of potential/true power, he is one of the strongest of the gods.
Being “the fast guy” is not nearly as cool as being the guy with the high attack stat. But in terms of utility, speed is a really good stat to have. Especially when you get to the level of the gods.
When I say “he slithers really fast”, he is not slithering at all. He’s doing some CRAZY physics-defying shit to get up to the speeds he does. It is absolutely mind-boggling how fast this man moves. My fragile human brain is struggling to process and explain what he is actually doing when he “slithers away really fast”.
I think he has to be the only other god who can manipulate the dimensions themselves, or he’s doing something even more NUTS than dimensional manipulation! This is the only possible way he could move at the speed he does.
This is just really funny to me. The weakest god is not actually the weakest god. In terms of true power, he is actually the second - maybe even, the most - powerful of the gods. But because he is such a peaceful gentle soul, he has no ruthlessness and bad Battle IQ. This man, he…he has no Battle Experience. Every time a fight breaks out, he just flees right at the start of the battle. If he was just a little smarter and a lot more ruthless, he could probably kill these other guys. He is only as weak as he is because he completely underutilizes his power!
In my mind, this also makes Erzulie (Hazbin Hotel) cooler. She has the weakest power. She has the most broken Devil Fruit ever than she won from the Celestial Dragons, but compared to the other gods? This woman only moves at a speed of INFINITY - 1. She’s slow as fuck!
She’s the Crocodile of the Loa (Hazbin Hotel). She’s the guy with the shitty power, but her Battle IQ is so high that she has honed her power to perfection. She’s just so fucking smart, even with her dogshit power she can keep up with these other guys!
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starry-bi-sky · 1 month
okay a few more danyal al ghul au memes because i think they're funny to make. with bonus yaelokre danyal memes!
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yaelokre! danyal 🤝 threes! danyal: being five years older than damian
yaelokre danyal comes from my oneshot right here. however, i would frankly recommend reading the version i put on ao3 because it's been edited and includes more content! shout out to my boy, he's got amnesia </3
Do i think that the LOA has technology in it? Absolutely I do. LED lights but in 3000k warm white instead of the jarring bright sterile white, if they've got glass windows they're those solar panel glass panes my college natural science building uses that detects sunlight position, which in term controls the lights, which in turn saves energy. Amber lights for outside, solar panels. Just. anything environmentally sound and friendly, they've got it, they use it.
Do i think they've got computers and tvs lying around for casual recreational use? ....that i'm not so sure about. For this au? I'm gonna say nooooottt really. That stuff is typically reserved for like, mission planning, debriefing, research, etc. Frankly danny probably does know how to use a computer, however i thought it was funny if he didn't. so the meme is staying in lmao.
If they're not training, they've probably like, got a greenhouse or two somewhere on base they can help with. The LoA's whole thing is balance, harmony, restoring the natural world with extreme environmentalism. All that jazz. Probably plenty of ponds, recreational areas outside, gardens, just, stuff to do that's not technology based. My most basic understanding is that these people are the world's deadliest hippies. They can't be training all the time, that's neither good for morale nor for their bodies, so when they're not training... they're off doing shit. If Ras has kept this thing running for thousands of years then it’s gotta be pretty lit enough that nobody’s revolted lmao.
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bright-side20 · 24 days
"Why not make them mates?” I mused. “Why Lucien?”
“I’d keep that question from Lucien.”
“I’m serious.” I turned toward him and crossed my arms.
“What decides it? Who decides it?"
“You said your mother and father were wrong for each other; Tamlin said his own parents were wrong for each other.” I peeled off my dressing robe. “So it can’t be a perfect system of matching.
What if”—I jerked my chin toward the window, to my sister and the shadowsinger in the garden—“that is what she needs? Is there no free will? What if Lucien wishes the union but she doesn’t?”
“A mating bond can be rejected,” Rhys said.... “There is choice. "
A reminder that when Feyre brought up the mating bond rejection, she was directly talking about Elain, not about LoA and Helion, who we don't even know if they are mates. So, the foreshadowing of the bond rejection was clearly about Elain, not anyone else.
I think that No matter how much people claim that Feyre's pov is unreliable, her approach to the mating bond was very logical and important because she's unbiased about it. She was human, so she didn't grow up glorifying the mating bond . At the same time, now as a Fae, she has a real strong mating bond with Rhysand, so she was able to notice things, make a difference, and ask the right questions.
Even though she didn't know that two kinds of bonds exist, she was able to see that a mating bond isn't always 'la vie en rose.' She pointed out that Rhys's and Tamlin's parents were mates but wrong for each other. Without assuming that since it's created by a higher force it has work out, she questioned who decides to create these bonds and directly connected it to Elain, Azriel, and Lucien for a reason.
Thanks to her, we already know that Elain, who is uncomfortable with her mate, can reject the bond and choose to be with the person she actually has mutual romantic attraction with.
I think that people who say things like "the first time I agreed with Rhys is in the bonus chapter," take Elain for a cheater and Azriel for a toxic incel, or say "poor Lulu," "they're just a rebound," or "Elain is horny because of her bond with Lucien and she's just being stubborn, she should give him a chance," are just as biased about the mating bond as the Fae.
The idea that "fated mates have to end up with each other" is exactly what the Fae believe. That's why some mate relationships are a disaster and why most of the courts give the male the right to ruin his mate's life if she chooses to reject the bond.
Elain will teach them a lesson called Love Would Trump Even a Mating Bond.
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lovemyromance · 1 month
Oh my god enough about Elain wanting sunshine 😩
Let's run through some facts (and if you don't believe these are facts, please open the books for the first time and read it for yourself):
Elain says she wants sunshine
Nesta takes her to the sunny garden
Lucien does not sit with Elain in the garden
Lucien has one uncomfortable conversation with Elain
He says she needs fresh air (not sunlight)
Lucien has ALWAYS been associated with fox and flame symbolism/motifs (NOT the sun, not "light" in general)
We do not know if the IC (including Nesta) tried to take Elain outside before Feyre arrived.
Feyre & Rhys believe Lucien is the love child of LoA & Helion
There are 3 SOLAR courts: Dawn, Day, and Night. They ALL have sunlight
Helion is the HL of the Day Court. He is the only one in this series that has sun imagery. Not his court, not Lucien.
The NC crest is 3 mountains, 3 stars. The NC crest is NOT a moon.
We do not know the Day Court crest, or if they have one. Who is to say it would even include the sun?
Azriel was not present in the scene where Elain said she needed sunshine
Azriel, unprompted, takes her to sit in the sunny garden. How did he know what she needed without hearing her voice it?
Azriel even after the war, still sits with her till the late hours of the night, going over Elain's gardening plans
Now, out of these facts, can someone tell me how this foreshadows Elucien? If we are using that logic of Elain wanting sunshine, then are y'all trynna say she wants Helion or something?
Because how is saying she wants sunshine in any way related to Lucien personally?
She said she wants the sun, not the son 🤪 (side note I'm really proud of this one I'm sorry I'm so unserious lmao)
An endgame pairing can be foreshadowed, but the clues have to be directly associated with the couple in question.
Ex: Feyre looking up at the night sky, painting the drawers
But foreshadowing of an endgame is not going to be some distant tie between Elain asking for sunlight once and her mate's father being associated with the sun.
Sometimes descriptive writing... is just descriptive writing.
When it comes to giant fantasy books like these with intense world building, a lot of things can get lost in translation. You need a lot more description because what the author is describing likely isn't something that exists in our world today so it's hard for people to picture and understand.
So then how do readers know what to focus on? How do they understand and process books like these?
I saw this a while back but when it comes to fantasy, the rule of thumb is if you are really looking for clues and foreshadowing vs just descriptive writing, look at what the author is repeating.
Repetition is key.
Repeated words, repeated phrases, repeated messages, repeated imagery - these are all ways you can tell something is important, especially in fantasy books.
So - in conclusion -
Elain saying she needs sunlight ONCE is not foreshadowing or code for "she yearns for Helion The day Court Lucien"
SJM constantly repeating how Elain will wed for love and beauty, Elain had hoped that love would trump even a mating bond, the constant questioning of the cauldron -
These are the things SJM is telling us to focus on. If it wasn't important, it wouldn't have been repeated so many times already.
Facts don't lie, people 🤩
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elrielffs · 2 months
I know people like to post SJM videos as “proof” of their ship like her saying “at the end of ACOSF you’ll know who the next book is about” when asked about Azriel.
But when you take in ALL her interviews it’s so obvious.
She did research for Elain’s book, gardening, flowers, talking about vines choking her and the subtle nod to Azriel being next it’s so obvious.
In conjunction with her stating “not every interaction has to be romantic” when asked about Gwyn.
The “if fate put me with the wrong person, that’s none of my business” when talking about exploring wrong mating bonds. Hint: it’s not Helion and LoA.
I paraphrased a lot here but like…it IS obvious. She said it was and it IS.
And for the antis that are like “but the end of ACOSF is the bc!!!”
No, it’s not. Timeline wise it’s about the middle of the book and most readers still to this day on Reddit and tumblr don’t know the bonus chapter exist cause it was only released in ONE book store in America and Brazil.
Also I don’t think she’s mentioned Lucien in any interviews lately. Feel free to correct me if I’m wrong but…
Also all the articles coming out mention Elain or Azriel and Elain.
Gwyn has been mentioned once as an after thought and Lucien as Elains mate she doesn’t care about.
I’m just tired of being gaslit in this fandom by cherry picked scenes, interviews, “interpretations” taken as fact, fan fiction as a canon when the writing is ON the wall when you look at EVERYTHING collectively.
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thedevilundercover · 2 months
Hiiii I'm stumped on what to write so here's a short poll :p I think I'll have something by next week but idk, life happens.
If you want to give me a prompt it has to be one-shot sized and Tim-centric, it's okay if Damian, Dick, or Jason have a major role as well tho bc I know how to write them and reblog this with it <3
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nightcourtreader · 5 months
After my acotar re-read I am more convinced that once the series end, Lucien’s permanent residence is not in the Spring Court and it’s going to be in Day Court.
I really think he needs to get out of the SC & away from Tamlin. Lucien was always the better friend to Tamlin and Lucien needs to be somewhere where he’s truly appreciated and to me personally that doesn’t include Spring, Autumn or Night.
I hate the fact Lucien feels indebted to Tamlin because he took him in and helped him against his brothers but it was clear Lucien was deadly afraid of Tamlin and the power imbalance between the two was bad, and it became worse in acomaf when Tamlin got his full powers back. Tamlin didn’t care for Lucien’s opinion and barely, if at all, took it into consideration. Then him beating him in acosf because he’s angry at life isn’t cool. Then he also threw Lucien’s belongings out the house.
Then with both Feyre & Rhys saying how Lucien is fated to be more than what he was in spring & how Lucien’s talents were wasted in spring just makes me think once his story is told, spring is not where he’s ending up in the end and I think that’s a good thing.
I think that Tamlin and Lucien will patch up their relationship but it’s never going to be as “close” as they were before. I can see Lucien helping repair spring but even then, he stated the people there don’t like him anymore and we clearly see Tamlin doesn’t either, so it’ll be a challenge if he does decide to help. I don’t see SJM killing Tamlin despite him being down and out at the moment. I really think she’s going to have Tamlin rally back before another war comes.
We all know how Lucien is Helions son. I would love to see how he finds that out. I know a lot of people want Feyre to tell him and talk shit about her not saying anything, but that’s not Feyre’s business, and with beron being a nut at the moment, that’s going to open up a can of worms. Honestly, I think it’s LOA obligation to tell both Lucien and Helion that Lucien is his son. Not Feyre’s.
It sucks Helion doesn’t know and if he did I really could see him wanting a blood duel. Like Lucien is his literally life and blood that he’s missed out on 300+ years. I know Lucien might not want a father in his life at the moment due to beron being a pos but I just have a feeling after they get pass the emotional barrier of things, Lucien and Helion will become close and have a good relationship.
Plus knowing Lucien is the day court heir just makes sense for him to end up in day. I know that Elain is very connected to the spring court. But Elain craves sunshine and she loves to sit by the windows all the time and the day court is the sun personified. I get it spring has gardens that Elain would love but if Elain likes gardening, I think she’ll appreciate and love the gardens of spring but she would still want to create more and with spring already being filled with gardens I think she would love to build ones in day. I think her and Lucien will have a higher position in day than in spring anyway since I don’t think SJM is going to have Tamlin kick the bucket at the moment.
I’m not sure how Lucien’s future relationships with autumn will be if eris succeeds in killing Beron and putting himself on the throne, but I just don’t see them being close. Lucien wants nothing to do with Beron or Eris. No matter how Eris mentions to others that he tried to help Lucien. It’s different with them since it’s so much bad blood between them and I don’t ever really see them having a good brother relationship, I can see Lucien tolerating Eris. Eris whole focus is the autumn court and his mother anyway.
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classic-and-gold · 1 year
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oristian · 18 days
Some scenes that I would like to see between Elain and Lucien in their book —
— 🌷🌿🦌🦊☀️
A discussion between them regarding both Graysen and Jesminda. I believe expressing where both of them are coming from would be a good foot forward in the beginning of their relationship. Elain will learn more about Lucien’s initial reservations to their mating bond, and in turn Lucien will understand all that Elain lost in becoming fae.
A moment where Lucien tells Elain about his travels with Papa Archeron and Elain asking him more and more questions—no matter the relevance—just to hear anything about her father. Lucien stays up all night just to do so.
A personal headcanon of mine is that Elain and Lucien are going to travel to the mortal content and have to stay at an inn for the night. The two people one bed scene aside, I am thinking back to the film, “Leap Year,” where the two characters had to pretend to be engaged/married in order to stay at the inn and I would love that to happen for Elucien. Pretending to be married and having to act as such in their awkward phase.
Lucien tells Elain about what happened to his eye and Elain kissing the scar.
I want a heated confession. Maybe the confession was not supposed to happen, but it did in the heat of the moment. I would ideally love for Elain to be the one to confess first.
When Elain accepts the mating bond, she gives Lucien food made from the vegetables from her garden. The same garden she tended to wearing the gloves that he gifted her for Solstice. She also wears the pearls he gifted her for Solstice when presenting him the food.
Their mating bond ceremony takes place in the Day Court during Summer Solstice. I see it being a grand event that they planned together—two people who adore large gatherings and planning such. I also want Lucien to craft Elain a mortal wedding band to further connect her back to her mortal life, as if to say that she does not have to give up everything she’s desired in being mated with him.
A kiss in the rain. A desperate first kiss.
Their sass returns when around one another and they banter so good. Lucien smirking around her and Elain huffing, but having to hide her smile to not give herself away. Lucien knows, anyways, and teases her.
Lucien catches a fish barehanded to cook for their dinner while they are on the moral continent. The next morning, they stroll through the tulip fields that Elain had expressed wanting to see. Lucien places a tulip behind her ear.
Elain was born on the Summer Solstice. Similarly to how Feyre was born on the Winter Solstice that further tied her to Rhysand, I see Elain being born on the longest day of the year to further tie her to Lucien.
Lucien and Elain gardening together.
Lucien calling Elain, “Lady,” more within their interactions and Elain having made a nickname for him, as well.
Elain having visions of their future together. At first, this is what has made her so uncomfortable around him. Over time, as she finds herself becoming both more comfortable with Lucien and with her ability, she yearns for these visions. She can see that Lucien is safe in their future and she can see the family and foundation that they will establish and build for themselves. I see them being Prince and Princess of a section of the Day Court, but will travel as emissaries across Prythian and across the moral lands.
Elain joins the Band of Exiles. This is the only group of characters that will not coddle her and will instead treat her as one of their own.
Horseback riding and Lucien teaching Elain how to shoot an arrow—possibly even a few self defense lessons. I do not see Elain taking on the warrior archetype, but I do see her learning a few key moves to not leave herself so vulnerable. Lucien also gifts her a weapon that she keeps as her own [no need to give that one back.]
Elain meeting the LoA and that is the first instance where we learn Lucien’s mother’s name. I see the LoA being very similar to Elain.
Elain braiding Lucien’s hair back.
— The moral of the story is that I expect Elucien to be my favorite couple and I have very high hopes for them and for the scenes that I believe can come about between them.
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4dkellysworld · 2 months
Hii hope you're doing well, if you're okay with it, I'd like to ask for some advice?
So, I've been trying to manifest something for a long time. But.. I haven't seen it. At all. It's been a really long time, like months. Normally I just brush it off and remind myself it means nothing, and imagination determines my reality, but after awhile.. it gets demotivating yk. It's been a long while, my self concept is pretty good, but I think it's slowly eroding because I haven't seen my manifestations yet. Thoughts?
Well, I have no idea what you've actually been thinking/doing/being to 'manifest' so you haven't given me much to work with. Also I am not a manifesting blog lol though I am changing my views on this, after all we are all creators of our own realities; we can either create consciously or unconsciously and self-mastery is all about taking responsibility for all our creations after all (this isn't an invite for more manifesting questions though, there's so many resources on this already lol). You might want to look into @aphroditeapprenticee-archive. A quick look at the asks shows me this one might be helpful to you, the others might be too. This reddit post might be helpful too.
Some other possible reasons:
You never accepted it as a reality/certainty and see it only as a fantasy or daydream
You told yourself you've accepted it as reality when you haven't actually. You can't lie to yourself
You're too fixated on checking if it's there or not, which just reaffirms the reality where you need to check [therefore it is not] >> you lack faith in what you have decided on
[An extension of above point] You keep changing your mind on whether you have it or not. Or you are also entertaining and identifying with thoughts that are opposite (Put another way, in LOA terms, "The old self has to die so the new self can live. Bury the old and live only as the new". Keep choosing the same thing)
You have resistance in the form of one or more: attachments, attachments to outcomes or expectations, fears, desires (you can't desire what you already have) etc which prevents you from accepting your "desired reality" as truth
The following excerpts may be helpful.
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I've linked a video below which might be helpful to you, it's not geared on methods and talks more on the importance of faith and being conscious of what thoughts/beliefs you entertain. Very spiritually-geared as opposed to being outcome-focused (their titles are rather clickbaity but the content is alright actually).
Navigating this landscape of thought requires a conscious effort to cultivate a garden of positive life affirming beliefs. Imagine your mind as fertile soil and each thought a seed. What kind of garden are you tending, are the seeds of doubt, fear and negativity finding too much purchase or are you diligently planting and nurturing seeds of hope, love and abundance? The mastery of thought is not an overnight achievement but a lifelong journey of choosing moment by moment which seeds to water and which to weed out. This deliberate act of selection empowers individuals to shape their destinies guided by the unwavering belief in the secret power woven into the fabric of their being.
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readychilledwine · 4 months
3 facts about your OCs aaaaaand go!
*blinks slowly* all... all my ocs?
Warning - long post
Aelia (Broken)
Her favorite holiday is Solstice Eve. She doesn't care if it's not an actual holiday. She will throw hands over this topic
She's been begging Rhys for sunken greenhouse for a while. He doesn't understand why they'd need it, but he's coming around.
Aelia can control the weather. Happy? Large snowfall. Angry? Blistering heat and humidity. Sad? Thunderstorms all day.
Rhiannon (Requiem for a Dream)
Rhiannon hates hard candy. Which works for Azriel. It's the weirdos favorite.
She's only ever had sex with Rhys. Both due to insecurities from her father ripping her wings off her back, and because when you already fuck a God, why would you settle for disappointment?
Rhiannon became so in touch with the realm during her father's imprisonment of her and Azriel that she began to be able to speak to it similarly to Azriel and his shadows. It caught Rhysand's father's attention, and he forced her to stay close to him. If Hybern so much as pissed near a log during the first war, Rhiannon knew.
Lyria Vanserra (Slow Hands)
Lyria spent 39 years being owned by Rhys UTM. She was the one who'd originally dance for him at parties until Feyre came. Their relationship is complex, loving, and so deeply rooted into both of them, Rhys may have married her had he never met Feyre.
Lyria is Helion's and Beron knows, Lucien he questions, but Lyria he knows. He found out when Lyria was 5. She was cuddling on his lap in his office and annoyed because the sun was in her eyes, preventing her from sleeping on her daddy. She ended up forcing the sun to change position and instantly fell asleep in his arms. That was the first and only time LoA saw Beron cry because of how emotionally hurt he was. Beron pretended not to know he wasn't Lyria's father until she was sold to Rhys. He loved her too much to let her go.
Lyria is also banned from the Summer Court. Cassian destroyed a building. Lyria streaked through one. That building happened to be a temple. She doesn't remember why she's banned. Only that her and Tarquin were having fun until some lady came and yelled at them.
Seren (Death of Peace of Mind)
She's my cuntiest OC in that she serves and is one.
Seren will not wear a dress that costs less than 90 gold marks. It made sewing for her a pain for her mother, but her father absolutely loved showering her with the finest silks, hand-made lace, and furs.
Seren hates chocolate. It's a trait that she's pretty sure actually runs in their family, but Rhys pretends to enjoy it so people don't judge him. Seren doesn't care if you judge her. Your taste buds are wrong. Not hers.
Aerilyn (Flight Patterns)
Aerilyn speaks 20 languages due to how often her and the dragons move. Arguably, she may be the smartest person in the room for that reason.
Aerilyn would rather sleep in the pit with her little pack than on a bed. She's snuck out several times to do it and snuck in to make sure she wasn't caught.
Aerilyn is unaware that she has powers. She thinks her relationship with the dragons is completely normal for a rider.
Kaylee Archeron (Bound by Fate)
Kaylee is heavily based off of snow-white, and I mean that. So spoiler if you know the story.
Kaylee hates wearing pants. Azriel stares too much when she does, and she doesn't get why. She's just Kaylee. There's nothing to stare at. (Besides that ass)
Elain gardens, Nesta reads, Feyre painted, Kaylee does sketches. Preferably animals, and babies. Kaylee loves babies.
Amelia Archeron (Kissed by Fire)
Amelia doesn't have hobbies. She was so busy working in the brothel that for years she lost herself.
Amelia dreams of traveling the world and far-off places. Her drawer on the dresser was painted like a map with autumn leaves in the corners
Amelia and Lucien have a close relationship. Both of them are closer to each other than they are any of their siblings. He's the little brother she always wanted. She's the big sister Lucien always needed.
Seraphina Vanserra (Lollipop)
Sera was raised UTM. She's desensitized to cruelty to where she doesn't even realize it is happening. Seraphina lacks some social skills and cues because of this as well. Cassian adores that.
Seraphina was never allowed to train her powers because she is a female and because Amarantha took them when she was young. She has no clue what she can do or who she is.
She became a hopeless romantic after sneaking out of the mountain one night and seeing the night sky for the first time. Rhysand was the one who found the 15 year old, and instead of punishing her or forcing her back inside, he told her the stories behind all the constellations.
Briar (Suprises)
Briar is the cause behind both Spring and Night losing their previous high lords and their mates. At least she feels that way despite Rhysand telling her that her father was an abusive male
Briar once asked Rhys why they weren't just one giant poly family. The answer was Mor. He said it'd be too weird.
Briar has planned the gardens of Day, Night, and Dawn since she left Spring. She has sketches laying them out every year, and Rhys keeps the old ones safe. He looks at them when she's busy and he misses her.
Irelina (Early Mornings)
Irelina is from the only Illyrian camp that does not clip wings, and she is technically the overseer of said camp. She has hands she trusts to watch it in her place so she can be with Cassian.
Irelina was actually seeing Azriel before the Bond snapped between her and Cassian. She loved Azriel too much to let him go, though, and he loved her and Cass so much that the three became a throuple.
Irelina once had to correct someone for calling Cassian "Irelina's husband." Cassian promptly told them they were correct, and that was his name.
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princess200417 · 2 years
Hello everyone, I guess you are probably confused right now and maybe thinking why am I tired and what is this post about?
Well over the 4 last months and especially ever since I posted someone's sucess story plus the 🔐 to entering void post,my Tumblr dms have blown up and what did I do? I replied to literally everyone,but now I started blocking some people bc they seem to have gotten annoying and I'm Just doing it for their own good.. but I'm pretty sure that they will probably find someone else to dm about void and about the law
Ughhh,guys listen to me: IMAGINATION CREATES REALITY
Example:You currently have brown eyes and you want to have blue eyes 👀 all you gotta do is affirm without minding 3d or time from the moment you Affirm once even unconsciously that you have blue eyes then boom you have them so that's why we call 4d an instant reality but now you gonna be like since it manifests instantly then why doesn't the 3d reflect that? well first bc you said so,bc your mind listens to your words and Always accepts them as true and second bc you didn't repeat and persist!!!After you do that "properly"(aka without wavering)and after you realise your power and stop minding time and circumstances,then the blue eyes will appear/materialize in the 3d too!
Now let's get to the void: void is just a meditative state and the reason why it's instant is simply bc you are just pure consciousness and you are separate from your physical reality aka 3d and Everything around it such as your body, many meditation and yoga students/teachers who have no idea about manifistation have entered it multiple times successfully and quickly,why?bc they simply relaxed,so that is why void is simple and easy
plus void wouldn't exist without you
Lastly stop asking me to help you, I have already made few posts about void and I reblogg daily super helpful posts about void and about the law,so just simply read!this is why all of us(bloggers)take the time to write these posts, like we even use hashtags in order for you to find our posts easily, instantly and effortlessly! Like why are you even so bored to search on your own for yourself to see?trust me there are countless of posts and videos on YouTube about what you want to know
some loa YouTubers/coaches i suggest are the following:
🖤 Indigo detry
🖤Sammy Ingram
🖤 Electra soul
🖤 Bry's garden of Eden
🖤 Aiva manifested that
They explain everything easily and their videos are quick, especially indigo's videos and you know why is that?bc simply there is no secret or anything to the law or to void, you are god,once you realise that you are going to let your imagination free and you will live your desired life
Only you can stop or help yourself and genuinely the best way to help yourself is to simply apply what you already know
Stop putting me , others, void, techniques, society,logic/science, time and 3D ,on a pedestal
You are a creator,so you better believe it and start applying 💕
P.S sorry not sorry, I don't feel bad for anyone,bc you belong currently to the awakened part of this world 🌍 so you can do it all,so please just start!
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bookofmirth · 11 months
What comes after this - elucien 1/5
Elain is put to the test as the Night Court’s newest diplomat. Her first job? To travel to the Day Court and go head-to-head with her mate. Lucien has recently established his position in the Day Court and knows two things. The first is that he dreams nonstop of a mate who seems to want nothing to do with him. The second is that he cannot, under any circumstances, allow her to get the best of him at the expense of his new court.
Tags | politics, fluff, mating bond, idk if it will get smutty but I do have a definite Plot, no warnings thus far
Written for @elucienweekofficial prompt "courtiers"
read it on AO3 | tagging: @thelovelymadone upon request and @spell-cleavers because I told her this has Helion and LoA and it does, just for her! | 3.9k words
Elain Archeron blinked in the brightness of the Day Court. She’d been to the Spring Court with its overabundance of gardens, the Dawn Court with its painterly skies, lived in the Night Court with its velvet-rich midnights, and somehow, she had not been able to fathom just how much more alive the light could be when it was at home in its namesake court.
Elain was jostled slightly in her carriage, one of the comforts of her human life that she hadn’t yet let go of. The Archerons had had more carriages than they needed, before the years they’d been forced to go everywhere by foot, unable to afford the care and keeping of even a single horse. The return of their ships - along with their father - had initially signaled a return to normal, but Elain hadn’t realized at the time that everything had irrevocably changed when that golden monster Tamlin had roared his way into their home.
Feyre offered to winnow Elain south to the Day Court, but the idea was too foreign for comfort. Elain had barely been able to enjoy the return of the warmth of her own bed and a wardrobe that wasn’t handed down from Nesta when humanity had been snatched away. And besides, she wasn’t entirely sure that she trusted magic. Feyre said that winnowing was perfectly safe, but Feyre also seemed to find the shadows and darkness of the Night Court a comfort. It was a darkness that Feyre insisted was soothing, but Elain couldn’t shake it while in her sister’s court, even when she sat under the full midday sun. The darkness there lay upon her like a too-heavy blanket, when all Elain wanted to do was slough it off and take her first true, deep breath in what felt like years.
But in the Day Court… Elain pulled back the small, flower-patterned curtains of the carriage window, closed her eyes to let the golden light dance on her lids. No, Elain would take her carriage. She would wear her human clothing and eat her human foods and cling to the last semblance of her old life for as long as she could. And she would bask in the sun of a foreign court, because she was nothing if not adaptable. She’d managed dinners and parties with the night looming over her, she could certainly do it in a court where things were laid bare and truthful by daylight.
Even this task, this trip to the Day Court, while it may have seemed outside the realm of comfort for Elain Archeron, was merely the same scene she’d been through a dozen times before, though set on a larger scale. If she could seamlessly make her way through a dinner with a lord on one side and his wife’s lover on the other, she could certainly manage her way through the political dilemmas the Night and Day courts had found themselves in.
The Day Court had something that the Night Court needed, and Elain was on her way there to ensure that it was done.
The carriage came to a slow stop and Elain clasped her hands in her lap to keep from pushing back the gauze curtains and looking eagerly from the window. It wouldn’t do to seem too eager, not as the representative of the Night Court and sister to a High Lady. She set her gaze forward on the lushly brocaded interior wall of the carriage and waited.
As the door opened, letting in fresh air and light with it, Elain gathered her skirts with one hand and extended the other, ready to be received by whichever footman had jockeyed for the position. She prepared her most convincing smile, the one that told everyone that she was glad to be there, that she would be perfectly polite, and that she would never, ever do anything unseemly.
Anyone present who knew Elain Archeron beyond the variety of smiles she wore would see how it slipped, just the smallest bit, when she saw the hand that clasped her own. She had spent her life fooling Nesta and Feyre with her smiles. They were armor, a mask, a shield that kept anyone from asking Elain how she truly fared. If she were truly happy.
But her mate? As she looked from Lucien’s hand to his face, frozen in a smile not unlike her own, Elain supposed that if anyone could see beyond the facade she had donned for this trip, it would be him. Which of course would complicate her task here greatly.
She’s known that he would be there, of course. Lucien had recently established himself in this, his home court, with his mother and new-found father at his side. He was the prodigal son, showing up just in time to keep the hounds from Helion’s back about his glaring lack of an heir. His arrival had been lauded and applauded and, when it became clear that Lucien’s powers indeed reflected the court of his true birth, and that they would, in time, rival that of even the most powerful High Lord.
Without a word from either of them, Elain stepped from the carriage, her hand in Lucien’s. As soon as she was steady on her feet, he resumed his position in the line with his family, welcoming Elain to the court.
Helion stepped forward, dark skin radiant in the sunlight, raised his hands, opened his arms, and brought Elain into an embrace. It seemed in keeping with what she’d heard of his generous nature, even if it wasn’t entirely appropriate for a political visit. Elain wondered if Helion would have greeted Rhysand or another High Lord in this way. But she was, she supposed, irrevocably connected to his family.
“Elain Archeron,” he said. “Please, allow me to welcome you to my court.” He gestured broadly to the facade of the palace they stood before, face radiating with pride. He pressed a hand to his chest and bowed ever so slightly. “And allow me to introduce you to my family.”
Elain’s heart warmed a bit at the way Helion phrased the introduction, at the realization that he’d not been able to introduce a guest to his wife and son before. Not publicly, not in such an unguarded, unrestricted manner like this. She felt her smile change to one of genuine appreciation of his joy.
“My wife and mate,” Helion said, “Solana. I don’t believe you have met.” He stepped aside, looking at Solana in pure admiration.
The Lady of… well, the former Lady of Autumn, Solana, stepped forward and clasped both of Elain’s hands in her own. A small smile broke over her face and she hesitated, patting the back of Elain’s hand, before releasing her.
“You know Lucien, of course” Helion said shortly.
And that son, the one Helion was so proud of, was her mate. Lucien Vanserra - with a slight panic, Elain realized that she didn’t know if he had kept Beron’s family name or not - stood straight as a poplar, hands clasped behind his back in a posture that seemed to keep him perpetually ready to bow. He waited to for a sign that he might speak, much more concerned with propriety than his father had been.
Helion said. “Before we begin with the formalities, I thought that you might settle yourself in. Find your rooms, and Solana can show you everything you need to know. And Lucien, should you need him, well. I suspect you know how to find one another.” Helion made a pointed glance from Lucien to Elain and back.
No one ever brought up her mate or mating bond to Elain. No one spoke of it even in those veiled terms, not where she could hear it, and Elain found herself tripping over her usual niceties. She curtsied quickly, probably not going low enough to be respectful, but enough to get the job done.
“Thank you for having me in your court. Lord Helion. Lady Solana.” She glanced at Lucien. “Lucien.” She looked quickly back to Helion. “Your home is… it’s stunning. I’ve never seen anything like it.” She blushed looking from Lucien to Helion. “I appreciate your offer, and I would like to refresh myself before we begin discussions.“
“Down to business, I see,” Helion chuckled. “Of course.” He gestured to Solana, letting Elain walk before him to enter the palace.
For it was palatial, the seat of the Day Court. If the city of Velaris was a collection of well-loved buildings scattered along the banks of the Sidra, then the place from which Helion ruled was what Elain had imagined when she’d dreamed of fairy tales and dashing princes as a child. She could hardly take it all in in one glance, and so she didn’t try. She walked through the large entrance, which could probably allow her carriage passage, and concentrated her attention on the hall before her. Anything else would be overwhelming.
Solana slipped her arm through Elain’s, guiding her. “I hope you don’t mind this.” She glanced down to their linked arms. “I don’t go for all that pomp and ceremony. Though growing up in the Autumn Court seems to have rubbed off on my son in more ways than one.” Solana looked down the hallway she had led them to so that Elain couldn’t fully read her expression.
“I don’t mind,” Elain answered. For all the kindness she showed others, it was rarely bestowed upon her. “If you let go I may get lost in the maze of these hallways.”
Solana’s laugh bounced off the walls like rays of light. “You’ll get used to it. Well,” she said, looking at Elain from the corner of her eye, “I don’t wish you difficulties in your negotiations, but the longer you stay, you’ll grow used to the palace and the more like home it will become.” She smiled, a small, secretive thing, and patted Elain on the hand.
Elain clamped her mouth shut and Solana led her through a series of hallways and sitting rooms, each one somehow featuring a wall of windows that let in the dwindling afternoon light. After a series of turns, peppered with comments on the history of the palace, Solana opened a door at what felt as far away from the main living areas as they could reach. She gestured to Elain, letting her walk into the room first.
Elain forgot the woman behind her and gapped at the room. A large, four-poster bed took up a large space on one wall, which faced a wall of windows that Elain was coming to realize had been planned into every possible room of the space. In the middle of that row of windows was a glass door, and beyond that, a private sitting area. Elain walked to the glass doors and pushed them open. Willow and wisteria blew gently in the breeze around the ivory-colored chairs and table. She closed her eyes to take the space in with her other senses. Leaves rustled, birds called, and if she concentrated enough, she could hear the distant sound of waves and smell the salty scent of the sea. The sun was warm on her hair as she rested her fingers on the back of a wrought iron chair.
Elain allowed herself to adopt one of her true smiles and turned towards Solana. “Thank you.”
It seemed that Helion wasn’t going to let Elain get straight to business.
A servant had come to her rooms to tell her the plans for the evening; the family generally took their dinner together and then went into one of the many sitting rooms to play card games, and Elain was invited to join them.
“Invited” didn’t seem like the right word, but Elain kept the protest to herself. She felt out of place, intruding on their family life when she was there for business. But if it helped her understand Helion better, then perhaps she could put up with an evening of casual relaxation en famille.
Even if she wasn’t, not really, part of the family.
Elain had prodded at the mating bond, that string tied to her rib, a few times during her preparations for dinner. It was quieter than usual, and she was grateful. Lucien’s presence - his mere existence - drove her to distraction most days, even when he was courts and continents away. She couldn’t afford to let him distract her while she was in the Day Court, one of the few tasks that Feyre and Rhys had trusted her with.
As Elain surveyed the dining room, she again wondered at the clash of sumptuous surroundings and the way that Helion had his arm thrown over the back of Solana’s chair, tipping her chin up to him so he could kiss her - at the dinner table, with guests - before returning to his meal. Lucien, at least, seemed aware of the impropriety, or perhaps, and Elain bit the inside of her cheek with amusement at this, he was a bit embarrassed by the freedom with which his parents loved one another. They reminded Elain enough of Feyre and Rhys that she was able to adjust to the freedom with which they loved one another, but Lucien, apparently, was less used to semi-public displays of affection between family members.
Elain had been startled out the stiffness of her manners by Helion and Solana’s welcome but was gradually warming up to them. It was hard not to admire the way that Helion and Solana expressed themselves freely and openly, when Elain had grown up in a household where doing so meant being ridiculed by her mother.
The meal spread before them all on the table: platters of spiced meats, flatbreads piled high, bowls dripped luscious sauces onto the silk tablecloth. It was the kind of meal that Elain had dreamed of during their years in the cabin, but, much like the reality of the Day Court palace, the reality far surpassed anything she could have imagined.
Lucien, seated next to Elain, had made polite small talk throughout the meal. Meanwhile, Elain had been able to feel the pulsing insistence of the bond more strongly than she had since she’d arrived, and she didn’t know enough about it to understand why. Feyre had told her tales of things she and Rhysand had gotten up to, activities made more pleasurable thanks to their mating bond. But sitting at this dinner table, with Lucien and trying her best to be professional and diplomatic and a lady, damnit, Elain could not imagine that she’d done anything to set that golden thread thrumming the way it was.
The last time Elain and Lucien had seen each other had been Solstice. Elain counted the years between them by the gifts he gave. The first year it had been the gloves, then the earrings, and last Solstice he came to the Night Court just long enough to leave her a cutting from a tree he’d found on the Continent, a tree that was now providing the first shade of its young life in Elain’s little garden in Velaris. He hadn’t even been there long enough for Elain to see him, but she knew instantly who the gift was from.
Elain had heard that distance made the heart grow fonder, but she didn’t understand how that was possible when Lucien was so busy respecting her space that she was barely able to see him one year to the next.
“If we are all done eating, let’s go into the solarium,” Helion was saying. “Elain, you and Lucien can discuss the itinerary for the next couple of days. I’m sure you will have much to say to one another.” He smiled at her, one of the sly smiles she and Nesta used to exchange when they planned to play a trick on their governess.
Elain smiled politely. “Of course. I look forward to chatting with your son.” She turned to Lucien. “Although if you’d like, I’d take a written itinerary as well.”
Lucien wiped his mouth with his napkin and set it on the table. “Unfortunately, I am learning that this family likes to talk about everything. So if you don’t mind, Lady Archeron, I will go over the plans with you and we can settle them to everyone’s best interests.”
Lucien rose from his seat and offered his hand to Elain. With a tight smile, she let him lead her from the table, down a candlelit hall, and to what Elain assumed was one of many solarium on the property. Helion and Solana followed closely behind them, her head resting on his shoulder and a content smile on her lips that made Elain’s chest ache. She had felt that way, and recently. But she could never tell Lucien that, not when it had been in her dreams, with him miles and centuries away.
Lucien gestured to a plush, cream-colored chair near a fire. The dwindling sunlight cast brilliant colors across the sky, which they could take full advantage of in the glass-ceilinged room. Elain sat in the proffered chair, her back straight, ready to being negotiations.
“You can relax, Elain,” Lucien said. “I’m not going to bite.” He settled into his own seat on the other side of the fire, ankles crossed and fingers laced. The ivory-colored silk of his jacket was embroidered with golden thread and Elain noted that, despite the whirlwind appearance of the dinner table, she couldn’t find a single spot of food or drink on him.
“I’m not sure about that,” Elain replied. “There is more than one way to take a bite out of someone.”
The corner of Lucien’s mouth lifted. “We’ve barely sat down for our after-dinner chat, Lady Archeron. I surely thought that sort of conversation would be better suited for when the sun had fully set.”
“If you only derive pleasure in such pursuits in the dark of night, I wonder at your being the heir of the Day Court.”
“Oh,” Lucien said, leaning forward. He uncrossed his ankles and draped his hands over the arm of his chair. His eyes shone, the magical one seeming to examine her even more closely, and a wisp of hair fell over his forehead. “They aren’t limited to the dark. Though I assumed that you would feel more comfortable there. Where no one might question that tight little smile you have on your face.”
Elain inhaled sharply and sat up straighter. Damn him. “I’ve heard tales of your witty repartee,” Elain said. She glanced around the room and caught Helion and Solana relaxed into one another, comfortable as if they were the only people in the room. “I thought you’d be more careful than to use it with me. Given the power I’ve been given on this trip.” She cleared her throat. “Given the position our courts seem to find themselves in.”
“It is good to know that my reputation proceeds me,” Lucien replied. “I never know what bits of information people will let slip to my… to my acquaintances.”
“Oh yes, Feyre told me that your sharp tongue sometimes makes up for a lack of conviction.”
Lucien flinched.
Elain grimaced internally and tried to keep all signs of it from her face. She watched as Lucien straightened his vest, which was already hugging the planes of his chest and in no need of adjustment. The bond that had been taut and vibrating between them suddenly went dark, quiet. Elain mourned it like a limb.
A butler walked by with a tray of champagne flutes and Elain took one, gratefully deploying the polite manners she knew she was capable of in the right conditions. Those conditions being that her mate wasn’t there looking so tall and well-dressed and with that hair he’d braided back with a silk ribbon, saying things that seemed perfectly acceptable on the surface but which she knew contained meanings intended to set her off balance.
“What I mean to say is that, if we can just get to the matter at hand, then I might make it back home in time for my nephew’s birthday.”
“Ah, yes,” Lucien said, seeming grateful for the change of subject, for the excuse to back away from the precipice of insults and accusations. He leaned back in his chair, crossing his ankles again as he reached for a glass of champagne without looking up to the tray. “Nyx. When is his birthday?”
“Two days.”
“And you were meant to leave in three.” He said it as a statement, but the words were laced with question. Are you leaving early? Can you really not stand to be here?
“Yes.” Elain finished the last of her champagne. “So if your itinerary has any room for me, or for us, to finish early, I would appreciate it. But without sacrificing true discussions, of course.”
A expression of indifference had settled over Lucien’s face again. “Well then, tomorrow we have breakfast, followed by a horse ride.”
“Yes,” Lucien said. “I assume you ride. We’re going to take a trip to the coast. To see the territory in question. So that you, and the Night Court, has a better sense of what you are asking of the Day Court. Of us.”
“What other plans do you have on that list?”
“Well, after we visit the coast, we need to discuss what you see there. The next evening, we have invited some of our citizens to a ball.”
“A ball?” Elain perked up and cocked her head. “In a ballroom?” Her mind raced through the trunks of clothes that she had brought with her. Silk and embroidery suited for court life, and the opportunity to truly shine amongst people. It was precisely the opportunity she needed. Elain might not have known how to handle the easy intimacy that Helion shared with his wife and son, but she knew how to handle a room full of artistocrats and merchants.
“Yes,” Lucien answered, the whisper of a smile returning to his face. “The invitations are open to the court, and we wanted you to understand fully what you are asking of us, to meet the people who would be affected.”
Elain paused, making a noise to acknowledge his words. “You cannot change the date of the ball, I suppose. If I had to leave the day after tomorrow, early.”
“No, I’m afraid not.”
“What did you have planned for the next day?”
“Oh, the next day, that one is the worst,” Lucien said. “We were planning on staying here and delving into the true discussion of just how our courts can work together. We feel that negotiations can begin only once you’ve seen the territory and the people. Without a true understanding of the repercussions of what you ask, negotiations will be meaningless.”
Elain tapped her foot. “Let’s start with the ride to the coast tomorrow, then. And we can see how things go.”
“Tomorrow, then?” Lucien stood with hands clasped behind his back, a gentlemanly posture but one that showed such contrasting restraint compared to the warm welcome his parents had given her.
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