#generic brand chips is my favorite brand
robot-carl · 9 months
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I’m a big fan of nines wearing other things besides his cyberlife jacket. Like Gavin. Big fan of nines wearing Gavin.
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omppupiiras · 23 days
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a quickkkk rough translation if anyone's interested:
"I put ketchup on almost all foods"
Artist Jere Pöyhönen is not a morning person and he uses the snooze-button, and you shouldn't ask for cleaning tips from him. In his daily life he tries to avoid unnecessary complaining, because at the end of the day things are pretty good.
In the morning when I wake up, I hit the snooze button and keep laying in bed. Sometimes I snooze for 1-2 hours if I'm not in a hurry to get anywhere. I am for sure a night person, so my mornings are slow.
For breakfast I usually eat porridge, to which I add peanut butter and honey, and with it I have a cup of berry tea. Breakfast is something I've tried to get better at, because when you're in a rush it's easy to skip it.
To me it's a luxury to spend relaxed time with my close ones. The best thing is to spend a slow evening with friends, for example a barbeque party. Friends and food - there's no better combo!
I get inspiration for cooking from my mom. Mom likes trying different foods, and everytime I visit I grab a few recipes for my backpocket. Last time I made a chicken and potato casserole dish inspired by my mom.
In my shopping basket you'll often find chili-cheese-sausages and an energy drink. The latter I've tried very hard to consume less. They're not good for your teeth or wallet.
My specialty dish is thai mince meat with rice. For seasoning I use oyster sauce, garlic, sugar, basil and chili. When I was younger I liked to bake a lot, but I stopped when I moved out on my own.
I wish I'd learn to eat more regularly, every few hours. When your job is being on the move, sometimes the times between meals get too long. When you're hungry it's easier to snack on treats, like chocolate and chips.
My normal home evening ends in front of the TV either on the living room couch or in my bedroom. Usually I always watch a tv show or a movie before bed.
My best money saving tip is buy discounted food items at a good price. Then it's handy to immediately put them in the freezer at home and cook later.
I scrimp on bread toppings, like cheeses and cold cuts. I'm not brand loyal with them and usually choose what i grab first.
I get fancy with my glögi, I am its biggest consumer! It's my favorite drink and I have it all year.
My everday superpower is that I don't take things too seriously. Everyday I am grateful for what I get to do for a living, and I don't ever take it for granted. In general I think it's good to avoid complaining too much and try to keep a positive mindset: at the end of the day things are pretty good.
I clean at home about once a week, but I admit, I could be better. I don't spend a lot of time at home, so sometimes my clothes get everywhere and the dishes get piled up in the sink. You shouldn't ask for cleaning tips from me!
My guilty pleasure is squirting ketchup in mince meat soup. It tastes excellent in there. In general I have ketchup with pretty much all foods.
My Pirkka hack is using baking soda to get rid of stains. It's especially great with textiles. With baking soda I've gotten rid of many stains and dirt off of the couch.
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For the Good of the Hive
This story is very long so I've put it under the cut!
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Another day, another beating. Hero willed themselves to go outside and face the day. A day full of fighting criminals and getting ripped apart by the news for it. Only, when they got outside, there were no criminals in sight. It was as if one of the most crime-ridden cities in the world just decided to take a break for the day.
Hero stared in confusion. They were in the most dangerous parts of town. What was going on?
“Hello Hero!” someone waved cheerfully.
“Henchman!?” Hero asked in shock.
“It’s Jerry actually,” Henchman said, “lovely morning for a walk, don’t you think?”
“Uh… yeah,” Hero said, “yeah it is.”
“Well, I’m off to visit my grandma. Toodles!”
Henchmen, Jerry, went whistling down the road. They stopped at a crosswalk and waited for the little green figure to light up before crossing. They weren’t even jaywalking!?
“Hero! Finally, we caught you!”
Hero turned, so there was a criminal still about! Hero readied an ice shard but paused when a microphone was shoved in their face.
“The mayor is in talks to give you the keys to the city,” Reporter said, “how do you feel about that?”
“That’s really- wait what?”
“Mayor is also gifting you a generous donation through the brand-new Hero fund,” Reporter said cheerfully.
“That- wow- uh- are you sure?”
Reporter laughed heartily.
“Oh of course, your reward from this city is long overdue.”
Hero blinked. There was something off about Reporter. Then it hit them, their eyes were tinted a honey-gold. In fact, so was their camera man.
“Did you… did you get new contacts?” Hero asked.
Reporter just laughed again, that same, cheery laugh that seemed way too animated to be genuine.
“That’s our Hero for you folks,” Reporter smiled, “we’ll be back at seven!”
Reporter and the cameraman left just as soon as they had shown up. Hero blinked in confusion. What the heck was going on?
“Hello Hero!”
“Hello, Hero!”
“Good to see you, Hero!”
Hero waved awkwardly at the pedestrians that they passed. All of them had honey-gold eyes. That’s it. They were getting to the bottom of this. They went inside a nearby ice cream shop and approached the cashier.
“Hero! Hello! What can I do for you?”
“Hi,” Hero said, “um, listen, did you feel… different waking up this morning?”
“I don’t know what you mean Hero,” the cashier said, “but since you’re here, can I interest you in today’s special flavor? It’s mint chocolate chip!”
My favorite, Hero thought.
“Are you sure? Nothing weird?”
The cashier handed Hero a cone with three scoops of ice cream.
“Nope,” they said with a cheerful smile.
Hero went to get the small bit of cash in their suit pocket.
“Ah ah, that’s on the house!” the cashier said, “have a good day, Hero! Thanks for the visit!”
Hero went straight to the belly of the beast.
“Commissioner!” Hero shouted, “got a question for you! You in here?”
The head of police came up to Hero, smiling broadly.
“What can I do for you, Hero?”
“Look, we both know how you feel about me, and I’m surprised you haven’t arrested me, but-”
“Arrest you?” Commissioner laughed, “oh that’s a good one, Hero.”
“…Yeah,” Hero said, “…do you know of anything strange happening last night or this morning?”
“Other than my favorite donuts being free today? Can’t say I do.”
“No major crimes? Nothing?”
“Nope. And it’s all thanks to you,” Commissioner said, beaming.
Hero sighed, leaving the police precinct. There was only one place left that could possibly provide an explanation…
“Supervillain!” Hero shouted, “get your butt in here!”
Supervillain came around the corner.
“Ah, Hero, my dear little crime-fighter, how are you today?”
“Everyone is being nice to me!” Hero huffed.
Supervillain chuckled.
“That doesn’t sound like a problem,” Supervillain said, sitting down in a plush armchair, “why come to me about it?”
Supervillain gestured to the armchair opposite them. Hero hesitantly sat down. A servant came by and offered them a cup of tea and a honey bun. Hero took it and started nibbling on the honey bun.
“Something is fishy,” Hero said, “no one is ever nice to me!”
“Well, they should be, considering all you do for them.”
Hero blinked, watching the servant hand Supervillain their own cup of tea and honey bun. They seemed so cheerful for no reason, and their eyes were honey-gold. They looked at Supervillain’s, which were noticeably blue-green.
“You did this,” Hero realized.
“Oh my little honey bee,” Supervillain chuckled, “it took you so long to find the queen, didn’t it?”
Supervillain took another sip of their tea, then stood. They crossed the room to the enormous penthouse window and gazed down at the city below.
“You have gone unappreciated for so long, I decided to take matters into my own hands. Now you finally have a colony that loves you.”
Supervillain turned to Hero.
“And a queen that’s ready to promote you,” they said.
Hero suddenly felt all the alarm bells going off in their head. They immediately stood, ice at the ready.
“You mind controlled an entire city to pretend to be nice to me!?” Hero shouted, “you do see how messed up that is, right!?”
“Oh, Hero, don’t get so upset,” Supervillain said, “they aren’t pretending. They love you! I’m just helping them show it.”
“I’m going to stop you, you know that right!?” Hero said, “I can’t let you get away with this!”
Supervillain sighed.
“I had hoped you’d accept the change gladly, but then, free will is so fickle…”
Supervillain nodded to the space behind Hero. Hero whipped around and saw two henchmen coming up right behind them. They gripped them on either side and held them fast. Supervillain came up to Hero.
“Now now, this won’t hurt,” Supervillain said, “I just need to add you to the hive.”
Supervillain snapped their fingers, and their true power emerged, swirling around Hero. Their blue eyes swirled, turning a bright honey-gold.
“Hello Hero!”
“Hello Jerry!” Hero waved eagerly, their arm linked with Supervillain’s.
The city was abuzz with preparations for Hero to receive the key to the city. Everyone was as busy as a bee. And Supervillain was the busiest of them all, making sure their city stayed happy and sweet as honey.
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@mythixmagic @infinityshadows @fishtale88 @thelazywitchphotographer @the-beasts-have-arrived @princessofonwardsworld @surplus-of-sarcasm @memepsychowhowantsuperpower-blog
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skylermadness · 1 day
Snack Shenanigans [A Side] (Scott Howl TF/TG/MC)
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(Original Date of Upload: October 27, 2023)
Wow, it's been about a year since the last time I wrote an FtM TF/TG and so far both FtMs I've written back to back are into werewolf characters. I've been itching to write out another Scott Howl FtM for a while now so I decided to finally get off my butt and actually write one! I'm trying to go back to more simplistic plots and such so the set-up and such is a bit short but I don't mind it. I'm just glad to provide more jock character FtMs in the world. It's a fun little subgenre that there just isn't enough of! On a more interesting note, this is the first time I managed to complete a second self-imposed challenge on myself: giving a story an alt! This was an idea that I thought worked for multiple characters and decided why not reuse it for an alternative version of the story into a different story! If you want to read it (which is a TF into the character Gunzo from Tokyo Afterschool Summoners). That'll be uploaded later this week.
   One of the more prominent constants when it came to Madison's daily trips to her college campus were her visits to the cafeteria vending machines. And more often than not whenever she did she would typically buy the exact same thing from the machine’s array of snack foods. Most of her freshman year in college was spent buying out the machine’s mini-sandwich cookie stock, but she eventually grew tired of those and switched over to either chips or chocolate bars depending on her mood that week. With all things considered her trips to the vending machine were short, simplistic, and unchanging.
   That was until today anyway. Madison found herself staring through the machine’s glass in curiosity, her eyes instantly scrutinizing a change in the machine’s selection. Usually the item labeled 206 was some random bag of chips whose brand she didn’t care to memorize since it wasn’t the kind she ordered. However she knew that what occupied that label wasn’t the brand she didn’t remember. Rather it seemed to be something new and unfamiliar to the woman.
   The bag was simply labeled Scott Snacks with a fairly simple graphic of a bunch of potato chips with what she presumed to be the bag’s mascot (a thick bearded and fluffy haired man) giving a thumbs up. On one hand, the bag did look fairly generic. Then again most chip bags have that feel so it didn’t fully matter to Madison. She couldn’t really discern any other details from the bag such as flavor, but at the same time the graphic gave the vibe of either something plain or something cheesy. Neither prospects were ones she was against, especially since in the end all of this was just an excuse for her to deaden her appetite for the remainder of her classes. 
   With her mind made up Madison made the order with the vending machine. A satisfying thunk could be heard as the bag was pushed forward off the conveyor and into the machine’s pick-up box. She always despised when things got stuck in the vending machine, it was always a slightly embarrassing hassle…
   Successfully retrieving her snack, she idly placed it into her backpack before hauling it onto her back and making her way out of the cafeteria. Madison disliked eating around other people she was unfamiliar with, the woman much rather preferring to find a nice quiet seat on one of the hallway benches and eating whatever she retrieved there. A short trek and a turn would lead her to her favorite spot of solitude (barring the occasional person who would walk out the elevator beside the bench). Placing her backpack beside her as she took a seat she removed the bag of unfamiliar chips from its confines and opened it. Casually she leaned her back against the wall behind her, finally opening the bag of chips and taking one out.
   Considering the unfamiliarity of the situation, Madison had deemed it necessary to eye up the singular chip for a good few seconds. Standard looking potato chip, orange dust that denotes a cheese flavor, some flecks of salt. Although as these exact terms roamed through her head she realized that she somehow sounded like some kind of chip elitist. So in the end she just disregarded her concerns and placed the chip in her mouth.
   …yup, very cheesy. Even has a bit of a meaty aftertaste as well. It wasn’t actually that bad. Perhaps this was a sign she could add a third snack into her vending machine rotation!
   With those thoughts in her mind Madison continued eating, the woman blissfully unaware of the changes starting to form on her body as she did. It was rather isolated at first. The fingers on both hands slowly got thicker, ends and nails getting more blunt with each passing second. This evidently continued as her fingers continued to grow in thickness with a similar shift in size quickly jumping to the hands themselves. A firm meatiness steadily accumulating within each hand; larger, bulkier, seemingly more powerful in appearance.
   That wasn’t the weirdest part of this transformation however. That came when something coarse started to poke out of the back of her hand. It was short at first with what looked to be follicles only millimeters in length, but it didn’t take long for them to grow out and quickly overtake the backs of each hand. What had rapidly sprouted from each hand were large amounts of dark brown hairs. This new development practically gives a more defined masculine feel to her already larger and almost blockier hands.
   Evidently this supposedly masc appearance was one that would quickly spread beyond her wrists and beneath the sleeves of her sweater. Her musculature was the first that began to get affected. A mild heat surged through them as a steady thickness slowly burgeoned within each arm. Raw strength building up in each limb and filling their once slender appearance with a now dense and much more powerful look to them. It wasn't long until the sleeves of her sweater began filling out and the outlines of her muscles etched into the fabric.
   The warmth in Madison's arms only grew more prominent as well with the hairiness of her hands quickly trailing up to her forearms. Heavy amounts of brown hairs coating their way across the back of each arm, the density of this forest of almost fur-like hairs getting more and more thick the closer it got towards her elbows. This steady increase in arm hair density would soon result in a thick tuft of arm hair that practically spiked out of each forearm. Unfortunately for the time being it would seem this major growth would remain hidden in her sleeves.
   Less dense, albeit still very prominent, arm hair growth continued as it made its way to her upper arms and shoulders to coat the outer sections of them with ease. It was also by now that some of the more major muscle groups had gotten their almost instant workout with her biceps having bulked up alongside her triceps. The broadness of Madison's shoulders increased drastically as the deltoid muscles developed and rounded out even more. By this point the almost fragile seaming of her sweater began to break, tears forming against the new brawniness of her arms and revealing bits of her new coat of hair.
   The sudden sounds of tearing finally alerted her to the changes, Madison placing the chip she was holding in her mouth before inspecting the source of the sound. Her eyes widened. "Wh-huh…? What happened to my arm?? And is that… hair…?"
   Her gaze trailed downwards, the woman inspecting one arm up until she laid eyes on her hands. "How long have they been like that!?"
   A part of her wanted to panic but something about the sight was just intriguing. She held a changed hand up in front of her, looking at the thickness and hairiness of it all. It was a little uncanny, especially with all the chip dust, but it looked firm. Strong.
   While Madison preoccupied with staring at her hand the changes in her physical form only continued. It didn't take long for everything to move beyond her shoulders. The two waves of transformation quickly crashed into each other at the midline of her chest and from there expanded even more across the woman's body. 
   The overall width of Madison's frame was probably the next thing to start changing, her form broadening out and shifting to dispel her usually skinny figure more. This type of change got more prominent as her chest became the next part of her body to get altered. While the hair continued its spread and coating her chest, the fatty tissue of her breasts began to melt off and slowly flatten them. As it did so the muscles beneath them began to grow, swelling out rapidly to the point it would almost appear that her breasts hardened into thick meaty slabs of pectorals. These newly developed muscles would quickly grow to fill up the upper portion of her sweater, her now more masculine cleavage denting into the fabric.
   The lower half of her body followed not long after as it too was changing. Her abdomen churned, bubbling almost as abdominal muscles steadily rose from her skin. They slotted out almost sequentially with row after row extending out until she had been granted a six-pack set of abs. All the while the hair that had coated her chest was cascading downwards, the coarse brown fuzz rapidly consuming her abdominal region. By this point the frontal portion of her body just looked like it had a darker shade than the back due to all this hair. And as the hair trailed to the sides she could feel her oblique muscles begin to burn a bit, alongside some cramping inside her that took her focus off her hands so she could use them to support her abdomen as she bent forward in mild pain.
   "A-agh-" she winced, the sound of her voice seeming to crack only momentarily playing in her ears. She started to realize just how tight her shirt was getting, and she presumed it wouldn't be long until everything else would change to fit whatever form she was taking. A light haze was also entering her mind, thoughts steadily becoming a little bit harder as all these changes were overtaking her form. Curiosity faded to confusion, and that confusion quickly jumped to worry as she was still conscious enough to realize she didn't want to rip out of her shirt in a public hallway.
   Madison ultimately decided to forgo her backpack and the rest of the chips to her side, then lifted herself up from the bench and hastily made her way around the hallway's corner in order to head into the nearest bathroom. Luckily it was unoccupied, so she just rushed in there and locked the door before heading to the mirror. Although it would seem she didn't notice that she had subconsciously rushed into the men's room…
   Staring at herself in the mirror she came to the slow realization of just how large she had become. Not just in width but also in height as she evidently looked a little taller, especially with the hem of her sweater rising up her body. That and the slightly prominent feel of decompression in the woman's spine that seemed to grow more and more. Then there was this building pressure at the base of her spine that only continued to grow in prominence the more she continued to stare in the mirror. That coupled with the sight of more hair growing up her neck and beneath her jaw all made for this experience to feel even more surreal than it did prior.
   Madison raised her head a bit and scratched the scruff on her neck. "A-ahh…" she let out a light breath. It felt a little good to finally scratch that fuzz after all this time. It helped clear her brain up just a bit, but it inevitably filled back up with fog. All she could do was stare at herself in the mirror and scratch herself, her only statement being, "Just… what is happening to me?" She asked that with a smile however. There just felt like nothing to distress over. Not the weird muscular form she had, or the increase in hairiness, or the fact her voice continued to shift to a point that sounded deeper and more laid-back. 
   She didn't even feel the need to worry over hearing the back of her pants suddenly split open, a tail with thick brown fur seeming to have almost instantly elongated from her spine's tailbone and freed itself from the confines of her legwear. All she did was look behind her as something in her brain seemed to click with the new appendage. She curled it up towards her and gently grabbed it with her free hand. All the while a goofy grin had formed on her face. "I have a tail now!? Cool!"
   All during this sequence of events, the changes were also making their progression down to Madison's legs. This section of the transformation mirrored that of her arms, muscle mass easily packing into both sections of her legs with a quick pacing. Thighs grew thicker with bulkier hamstrings and quadriceps, and she could feel a surge of heat flare up in her calves as they bloated up with muscle mass as well. Her height continued to increase as well, and the brown hairs rapidly rushed downwards to encompass the surface area of her legs. All of this combined contributed to her jeans feeling severely more constricted, a few tears forming in the sides as a result.
   What followed were the changes in her feet. While hair emerged from the bridge of her feet, the overall size of them steadily increased in all directions. They got wider, pushing up against the sides of her shoes easily. And they got longer, heels digging into the back of her footwear while her toes pressed up against the front. It wouldn't take very long for them to grow to a fitting proportion for her new body, their appearance having quickly altered to fit the more rugged and masculine look that Madison now was possessing. It resulted in her shoes having immense trouble containing her larger feet with a couple rips already forming across the sides.
   The last person of her physical form that remained unchanged was her face, but as Madison started to see and feel the soft pricks of hair poking out her skin she knew that wasn't going to last long. 
   "B-bro!" she casually yelled out to no one in particular, her voice now settling into that aforementioned laid-back and male cadence that had been etching into it this whole time. "Guess I'll be getting a beard next! Might as well start considering myself a guy at this point!"
   The very thought of that was appealing to him. If anything, it felt like the always correct assumption. For some reason something about this new form felt so good and so much more correct now! It was as if it should have always been him!
   He continued to stare into the mirror, a look of enjoyment on his face as he saw the brown fuzz continuing to grow out his chin. This fuzz grew thicker and thicker, and it's spread expanded across his jawline rapidly. From the middle, trailing up his sides, slowly connecting to the slight sideburns he possessed. As his beard got more dense and bushy it gained an almost spiky styling as well. All the while his jawline shifted beneath it, broadening and chiseling out into a more square shape.
   If anything it would seem Madison's entire face shifted to gain a more masculine appearance. Skull widening for a broader structure, nose enlarging slightly, a certain level of toughness formulating across his skin. Bits of his beard even poked out from his jawline and onto his face in order to grow on a small portion of his cheeks. There even came a set of even stranger changes to his head's physicality such as his ears lengthening and sharpening to a point, or the hairs on his eyebrows increasing in amount drastically to gain a similar level of spiked bushiness that his beard possessed. There had also seemed to be a level of sharpness entering much of his teeth as well.
   All while these changes occurred, his hair was in the process of shifting and restyling to fit his new body. It had already begun to shorten as his beard was beginning to grow, and it continued to do so as his beard got more prominent and his face continued to change. Slowly it went up from being shoulder length to trailing up the nape of his neck to being of equal length with his chin, and it still got shorter as time continued. All the while the waviness of it was straightened, and the dark blonde coloration was deepened to the same brown as the rest of his body and facial hair. By the time his hair got to what the transformation seemed as an acceptable length, its density seemed to shift into something fur-like before bits of it fluffed and stuck out into a thick and messy spiky style. One that he just couldn't resist running a hand through to just feel the fluffiness of his hair.
   "This is so cool, dude…" he said, watching his hair spike back up after getting run through by his hand. And the man only continued to poke and prod at bits of his body by scratching his beard, scritching himself behind his ear, and giving his muscles some good flexes. He even couldn't help from tearing open his sweater from the front to let his pecs and abs breathe. Everything about this body felt so new, but at the same time the cloud in his mind was making it seem so familiar as well.
   Shouldn't this be his body? Why was it so hard to even recall what his other body was like? Did he even have another body? If this body is so familiar it just must be his, right?!
   He could feel his eyes beginning to drift to the side in confusion. "Ooh, too many questions in my brain! Is this what happens when you think too much…"
   For some reason he really felt like he wasn't used to using his brain for extended periods of time. If he were to be honest everything about it just felt drained! Like so many aspects has been dulled down or simplified in himself. All of this was making the concept of having an identity prior to this one feel so fleeting and incorrect. He just wanted to completely disregard it as too complicated. A lot of things just felt complicated at this point.
   He braced himself on the bathroom sink, mind in complete confusion to the point he wasn't keeping track of what was going on with his clothing. His attire had seemed to finally start to shift.The sleeves of his sweater slowly lifted upwards to unveil the dense fluff of his forearms, the rips all sealed themselves while the tear he made down the middle of his shirt restitched itself to look like it was meant to be there. The coloration of the sleeves bleached to white while the wrists shifted to red, meanwhile the actual body of the sweater shifted to the same shade of red. Buttons and eyelets lined the split while a small white and red-striped collar raised from the neck. With the formation of pockets on each side of the newly shifted clothing, it seemed his sweater had altered into a varsity jacket. Meanwhile a plain white t-shirt materialized beneath it and around his body, its size being just baggy enough to still reveal the upper portion of his chest.
   Following this came the less impressive changes in his legwear and footwear. His jeans just grew a bit to better fit his legs while repairing themselves. The tear in the back also restitched to look intentional, seemingly becoming a hole for his tail that went beneath the belt loop. His shoes did go through a bit more drastic of a change, also growing and repairing while the sides brightened to a red and the soles and front became white. The cloth toughened up as the strings became straps, fully shifting his footwear into a pair of athletic sneakers. 
   The man's thoughts continued to simplify as his earlier concerns were constantly drained away. Thoughts of a former identity and life disappearing, the rising worries about them being dispelled as he couldn't even remember what he had to be worried about! All that mattered was football and hanging out with his bros after all! Nothing to worry about from that!
   It was also by this point that his identity fully solidified. Scott Howl!
   Wait, is he telling himself to howl?
   "AWWROOOOOOOOO!!!" he howled out, the sound echoing through the small one-person bathroom. Once it was all let out he opened his eyes, a nice royal blue having embedded within them.
   "Oh wait, I was just thinking about my last name!"
   One of Scott's ears flicked as he heard someone knock on the bathroom door. "Uhhh, I'm taking it this is occupied?"
   The werewolf made his way to the entrance and opened it. "Was just finishing up with… whatever I was doing!"
   The comment made the guy who was on the other side of the bathroom door somewhat confused, but between that and the fact they were facing a large hairy man with a tail this whole situation was already feeling weird. "What were you doing… howling??"
   Scott just smiled and ruffled the other man's hair. "Sometimes you just have to let one out, y'know?" He then moved past them and made his leave. The random man just watched him leave, both unaware that the burly football player's interaction with him had left an almost pitch black stain in the follicles of the man's hair that very slowly spread across it. But they just shook their head and walked into the bathroom, deciding to just disregard the strange interaction.
   Meanwhile, Scott made his way down the hall before his heightened sense of smell caught a whiff of something… cheesy? Meaty? His head turned to find a bag of chips labeled Scott Snacks beside a backpack on top of a bench. For some reason his brain registered both as his own.
   "Oh, can't forget about these!" He walked over to the bench and hauled up the backpack to his back before picking up the bag of chips. Popping one in his mouth he comments, "This'll make a great snack before practice!" before going about his day…
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bulkyphrase · 3 months
Fluffy Steve Fest Rec List Day 4 - Birthday Comedy
It's @fluffystevefest day 4 - Happy birthday Steve! The theme for Thursday is Birthday, but, like yesterday, you're getting something completely different—comedy!
Please enjoy this not at all birthday-themed list of some of my favorite funny fluffy fics.
Son or Dog? by SucculentHyena (@succulent-hyena) (Stucky, General Audiences, 2,518 words)
Summary: Nobody can stop talking about Steve Rogers, the newest employee in the office. He’s nice, he’s handsome, and he adores Charlie. There’s only one thing they can’t figure out: is Charlie his son? Or his dog? Bucky’s going to try his best to find out.
How to Train Your Superheroes by StuckySituation (Gen, Teen And Up Audiences, 3,150 words)
Summary: “But of course, no matter how much we practice on schedule, we will need to learn constant vigilance and manage to get our reaction times down to the minimum,” Steve continues and takes the last burger beef from the grill and puts it onto the table next to him. Natasha has a brief millisecond to frown and think “Constant vigilance?”, before Steve kicks the grill so hard that the coals rain on top of the flammable carpet feets away. “What the hell-!?” “STEVE!?” Steve is already sprinting towards the ledge. “First training session started! Wanda, Sam, Tony - someone CATCH ME!” Then he jumps off the Tower.
Check One by JenTheSweetie (@jenthesweetie) (Stony, Teen And Up Audiences, 4,263 words)
Summary: The important thing to know - and I mean really, the actually important thing - is that no matter what Bucky said, Steve was not flirting with Tony Stark. (“Yes you were, you son of a - ”) Steve has an annoying best friend. Tony has an elaborate plan. Sam has allergies. Bucky has no idea what's about to hit him.
Blind Date by @aggressivewhenstartled, quietnight (@quietnighty) (Teen And Up Audiences, 8,294 words, No Archive Warnings Apply)
Summary: “I just had the best idea I have ever had in my life,” Bucky said, punching straight through a doombot with his metal hand and clutching the napkin with Steve’s phone number in the other. The formerly (somewhat) dark and peaceful corner of Central Park was now lit up with energy beams, flashing robotic lights, and panicked astronomy buffs running for cover. Oh well, it wasn't like they'd been going to see many stars what with all the Christmas shit everywhere. “The bar you are setting for that is not high,” Natasha told him over the coms. Also available as a podfic read by quietnight (@quietnighty)
Situation: Normal by redcigar (Mature, 3,155 words, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings)
Summary: AU wherein Bucky Barnes and Steve Rogers never met, Steve somehow manages to rescue the Winter Soldier anyway, and Avengers Tower ends up with the world’s angriest duckling and a whole new brand of entertainment. - (“He was dragging him out of the river,” Natasha argues later. “Nat, be honest, he was going for the Full Monty.” Says Clint. “I’m pretty sure we interrupted him in the middle of giving ‘emergency CPR’,” Tony agrees, “Or the stage after emergency CPR. Emergency Dick? Is that a thing?” “That’s not a thing,” Natasha and Clint reply.) Also available as a podfic read by quietnight (@quietnighty)
How Steve Rogers Singlehandedly Lost the Cold War by redcigar (Mature, 3,880 words, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings)
Summary: AU wherein Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes never met, but the Winter Soldier takes an interest in Captain America anyway, and has an odd way of showing it. -- (On the helicarrier, hurrying to reach the central hub of the third aircraft in time, the chip clenched in his gloved fist, Steve turns to find a ghost blocking his path, and is abruptly reminded on what the road to hell is paved with.) Also available as a podfic read by quietnight (@quietnighty)
The God of Solid Life Advice by kehinki (Stony, Teen And Up Audiences, 1,583 words)
Summary: It's 2012. Steve is just informed by Loki that Bucky's alive. Loki also tells him some other things.
Bait and Switch by @galwednesday (Teen And Up Audiences, 2,650 words, No Archive Warnings Apply)
Summary: "Post-action tacos?” Tony suggested. “I’m thinking that place by Fordham. BattleBot, you in?” “Can’t,” the Soldier said, typing something into his phone. “I have a date.” Tony stopped talking for an entire three seconds. “You. Have a date.” The Soldier looked up and blinked, clearly nonplussed to find Sam and Tony both staring at him. “Yes.” “With who?” “My boyfriend.” “You have a boyfriend. You have a boyfriend?” Tony looked like he’d just walked into a lamppost, and then the lamppost had handed him a birthday present. Also available as a podfic read by Nendian
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aita for not giving someone baked goods?
for a year and a half i (23nb) worked at the local branch of a cafe/bistro brand, and i became friends with rhis ready sweet kid (20m, gonna call him T). he and I meet up once a week now that I don't work there anymore, and we make baked goods together.
now, about a month and a half ago, T and I made one of my favorite recipes of all time, chocolate chip cookie dough chocolate espresso cupcakes. yes, lots of chocolate. and we took them to my ex coworkers/his coworkers, but we only had a few. so we had to pick and choose who could get cupcakes from the people on the line.
we gave out cupcakes to the manager in charge, the drive thru crew, and two people on main line before we ran out. and then this woman (34f, gonna call her N) found out we didn't save any for her.
during my 18 months at the company, she would yell at me, threaten me, call me slurs, and then act all buddy buddy with me right before I would do a baked goods day. cheesecake, creme brulee, home made pretzels, Christmas cookies, zucchini bread, anything.
so N got mad at T and I for not saving her any cupcakes, and actually attacked T by throwing bowls at him. she then told the general manager the next day that we singled her out for not getting any baked goods.
now I'm genuinely curious, am I the asshole for this? should I have made a double batch of cupcakes to make sure she and the other people on mainline who didn't get cupcakes could have some?
What are these acronyms?
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skylarsblue · 4 days
»zenless zone zero«
Small details in Wise's room. I'll admit I struggled a little on this one. (No offense to Wise lovers, he's just not super interesting to me. But I did my best!)
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[Desc: Next to Wise's bed is a brown shelf beside an industrial style shelf, made of wood & metal. Like Belle's room, the standing shelf holds record sleeves. The first one is white with art of a black record that is broken in thirds, with large box letters that say 'ZERO'. The art is vague which makes it hard to speculate what style of music it might be. I guess...Jazz? That's a guess purely on vibes, really. The second record sleeve is black, white, and grey. On a white background there is a grey (traditional style) dragon wrapping around the studio's logo, EZ or 3Z, I'm not sure which. There's text that says 'ZENLESS', and underneath that, some descriptive text. The descriptive text is more legible than others. It says - "SAN-Z Studios is a general arts and design studio that aims to create fun experiences. We have a broad range of talents, involved in fashion design, accessories, music...and more." The third record sleeve is black with art of three eyes, each with a 'Z' in the iris. It's far too vague for me to guess what style of music it is. On the industrial shelf is a cardboard box with a red polaroid camera on top, and some VHS tapes leaned against it. These VHS tapes have no branding, which once again makes me think these are the tapes one would buy for personal recordings. On the shelf above it are three non-descript cases. They seem too thin for VHS tapes, and too big for a walkman tape. This makes me think they're CD cases.]
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[Desc: On the coffee table(that is a trunk style coffee table) is a tray with an open package of 'Royal Baking' chips/crackers. Based on coloring, I'd guess they're cheesy. Beside the open cracker package is a bag of Coff Coffee, made by the Tin Master. There's a cup with Tin Master's logo beside it, with coffee inside. The coffee has foam in a design. On the table is also a newspaper. The only legible writing is in kanji I cannot read, but the picture on it is of Box Galaxy, the gadget store on Sixth Street. Also, I took note that there is a little Bangboo reading a newspaper on it. Lastly, there is a remote. Despite the vintage style TVs, this remote looks akin to a modern Roku remote. Black, with rounded corners, fairly slim and small, with a simple set of buttons. On, record (potentially, the symbol is vague), a central d pad, a menu button, undo, home, a pair of volume buttons & up/down decision buttons, a settings button, a button with a red heart (to favorite things I presume), and a last button with a symbol so vague I couldn't begin to guess what it does.]
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[Desc: Like Belle, Wise has movie posters on the wall beside his bed. Unlike Belle, his posters don't overlap, and seem meticulously placed. There are a total of six movie posters. Though before I describe those, I'll point out that he has a green & yellow ukulele hanging on his wall. A notable difference from Belle's electric guitar. 1) Now, the first poster features art of an old computer (think big white box computers from the 80s) in a blue & yellow ocean landscape, with dark blue fish shapes around it. The title says Under The Sea in yellow text. What this could be about, I have no clue. But Wise has been said to enjoy documentaries and artsy films. Completely based on my own headcanon and no evidence? My guess is a documentary about technology developed to explore the ocean. 2) The one underneath has a title in kanji, but the art is pretty clear. It features a shiba inu dog front and center with a "saddle" on it's back, of which has two bags on either side. The only item I can tell that is in the bag is the left one, which has the top of a leek sticking out. Behind the dog is a young woman with a long skirt, as well as some trees. I can't read the title so I'm not sure, but I'd like to think this is a documentary about a very special dog. Like Balto! 3) The third poster features art of a young girl in a space suit, sat on a swing (a wooden board with rope that goes up out of frame), over a shadowy moon that is covered in children's crayon drawings. The title is one again in Kanji, but the tagline says "She's a Starchild". Once again, the art is vague, but my guess would be an artsy kind of film with an underlying message about a young girl with a struggle of some kind. Probably a movie with a lot of metaphors and symbolism. 4) Poster number four is a horizontal kind of poster. On a blue background, there is an old film camera on the left. (A vintage one, 1930s-1950s, which used large film reels.) On the right are three figures. The one furthest to the back is Godzilla, the second is a woman in a red dress, and the third appears to be a non-descript hero character in a blue & yellow uniform. In white block text, it says "DREAM WEAVER". My guess is that this is a documentary about film making. 5) Five has art of a semi-humanoid creature standing in a red lit doorway, but at the bottom are various winding tentacles. The title says "The Obelisk". My guess is that this is a sci-fi horror movie of some sort. 6) The last poster, number six, features an animal skull (a bear skull based on my limited knowledge) on top of a white background. There is black and red kanji in a "messy" style. The English text are the words "Before The Story Begins", so it's probably a prequel of some kind. There's a vague shape in the bottom corner that looks like an award symbol.]
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[Desc: Wise's memory board. (If you don't pick him as your MC). The back is the basic wooden style that Belle also has, and it has five pictures. The first one is a selfie taken by Belle, featuring her and Eous standing over Wise, who is sleeping, after having given him a pair of pigtails. The second picture features various cats, with one opening it's mouth for a big yawn as Wise pets it. The third picture is a picture taken by one of the Random Play Bangboo; but not Eous. Eous is in the picture, cleaning one of the screens in the H.D.D, while Belle reclines in a chair and holds up a stack of papers that has red writing - "Complete!" with a circle around it. Wise stands beside Eous with his jacket slung over his shoulder, drinking a soda. (It doesn't match the LENMAN soda in Belle's room, but I've seen vending machines in Lumina square with a drink that is orange; with oranges on it. So...Orange soda? The fourth picture is of the Hollow in the Scott Outpost area. I can tell because there are pillars that match that area. The last picture is a childhood drawing of Wise & Belle. Stood in a field, in front of an orange house. Based on the style difference, it's possible that this was a group effort. Belle's figure and various background elements seem more...uh, artistically inclined. While Wise's figure, some trees, and the flower/grass details seem more simplistic and sloppy. Which would make sense given all the artist details in Belle's room. Wise probably didn't get the artist gene.]
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[Desc: On the cabinet beside Wise's TV (once again an old style tube television) are some knickknacks. In front of three stacked small boxes is a stature, the same one in Belle's room that she used to hold her snowboarding goggles. I guessed rabbit based on her room, but it also looks like a fox. Beside that is an orange desk fan that's always on. Further to the right is a game console, which I mention was visually similar to a Super Nintendo. There are no visible cartridges out excluding the singular one in the slot of the console, with a vague logo on the front. An orange smiley face; which could mean it's part of a series, since Belle had a game with a blue smiley face in her console. The sticker for this game is ripped at the top. Maybe it's old, or maybe he and Belle swapped games for a bit. Belle seems like she'd accidentally rip a sticker. He also has a VHS player, there's a small screen on top of it. It's tiny, like a monitor, but I'm not sure it's purpose exactly. Maybe one of those old CCTV monitors? There's some more non-descript VHS tapes leaned against it. There's a shelf as well that holds some more VHS sleeves and a blue & white box. While I've seen the box in the 141 Convenience Store, which tells me the box's branding has the word "CLICK" on it, the rest is in kanji and there's no pictures on it to hint at a product of some sort. Game? Console? ...Wireless mouse? I have no clue.]
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[Desc: Wise owns the same CD/Record/Tape player that Belle does. It's situated on a little table by the door. I can see now that the branding on the gadget is the same as the studio on the second record sleeve he owns, SAN-Z studio. The table has a divot to hold records. The only one with a visible front has art of a girl with vibrant green hair, in front of a black background that has bright pink, blue, and orange detailing. The girl has a hearing aid/ear bud in her ear, and an...accessory? On the side of her head. On a separate cabinet beside this is a blue & white box with a pair of black & white sneakers, which I think I've seen on one of the commercials that the game-start loading screen features.]
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[Desc: (With a bonus Wise in frame), there is an L shaped cabinet in front of his door. On this cabinet is a plain black cap with a blue brim, and a skateboard with blue & white art on the back. I didn't seen any snowboarding gear in his room, but it doesn't mean he doesn't own it. He's neat, so it could just be put away. On the wall is a yellow bike. The back wheel is black, while the front is white. They don't match, but the front one matches the seat color of the bike, so my guess is he had to replace the back one. Also, based on the shape of the handlebars and the seat positioning, the seat is raised in a way that would make riding while sat upright hard/impossible. This seems like a bike someone must lean forward on, which means it'd be for things like trails and marathons, rather than transportation or leisure rides.]
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[Desc: A bit boring, but his roof is the only one with a sun roof. Belle's room doesn't have one. By his bed is also, the only window that is visibly open on the front of Random Play. Somehow, this pale boy gets more sunlight in his room than Belle. But maybe she picked that. Also, though I picked Belle (which means Eous charges in her room), Wise also has an Eous charger, just unused.]
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[Desc: A set of lockers with some posted notes. These seem to be reused assets from Belle's room. There is also a book case. None of the books really have any branding that allows for speculation of what they're about, but there are some colors with tiny (non-descript) details that remind me of textbooks and books about specific subject, like for learning.]
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[Desc: Wise's desk. It features a standard PC screen, one of those vertical screens, and a laptop on a holder. All of which are on, glowing with blue symbols and unreadable text. There's a wireless mouse too. On the shelves over the desk are post it notes, one that seems like a list, and another that might be about code? There are also more books. Most are in kanji, but I can read one. "Hollow Raiders & Their Proxies." Beside his computers are three journals. Unlike Belle's, there are no stickers, stamps, or tabs poking out of the pages. These are note journals, each with a button latch to close them. One yellow, one red, one blue. To the right is a...radio? It looks vaguely like a call radio to me, and there's a set of headphones on top. But I'll be honest and admit I'm not sure what it is. There's also a yellow license plate on the wall - "NOV 715". There's another Tin Master mug, and while in the photo it's blocked by his aerodynamic chair, there's a metal coffee percolator. Which makes me think this dude has a caffeine addiction.]
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exemplarybehaviour · 3 months
My favorite pumpkin bread recipe lives on a webpage with too many fucking adds so I'm copying it here. Flavor text indicates this recipe was originally printed in McCalls Cook Book (Random House, 1963). My own notes in tiny text.
Servings: Makes 2 loaves (i make one big one, otherwise they are short) Prep Time: 20 Minutes Cook Time: 65 Minutes (add more time for Big Loaf) Total Time: 1 Hour 30 Minutes
Ingredients (US measurements):
2 cups all-purpose flour, spooned into measuring cup and leveled-off (this recipe worked fine with GF flour when I tried it, although I don't remember what brand I used)
½ teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon baking soda
½ teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon ground cloves
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1 teaspoon ground nutmeg
1½ sticks (¾ cup) unsalted butter, softened
2 cups sugar
2 large eggs
1 (15-oz) can 100% pure pumpkin (I use Libby's)
I once added about 3/4 of a bag of dark chocolate chips. It was pretty good but very intense.
My intense pumpkin baking research phase indicated that Libby's is the favored of bakers because they're very consistent in terms of water content.
Preheat the oven to 325°F and set an oven rack in the middle position. Generously grease two 8 x 4-inch loaf pans with butter and dust with flour (alternatively, use a baking spray with flour in it, such as Pam with Flour or Baker's Joy). You can also pour it all into one loaf pan (add at least 10 min baking time) OR pour into a muffin tin (reduce baking time by.... a bit)
In a medium bowl, combine the flour, salt, baking soda, baking powder, cloves, cinnamon, and nutmeg. Whisk until well combined; set aside.
In a large bowl of an electric mixer, beat the butter and sugar on medium speed until just blended. Add the eggs one at a time, beating well after each addition. Continue beating until very light and fluffy, a few minutes. Beat in the pumpkin. The mixture might look grainy and curdled at this point -- that's okay.
Add the flour mixture and mix on low speed until combined.
Turn the batter into the prepared pans, dividing evenly, and bake for 65 – 75 minutes, or until a cake tester inserted into the center comes out clean. Let the loaves cool in the pans for about 10 minutes, then turn out onto a wire rack to cool completely.
Fresh out of the oven, the loaves have a deliciously crisp crust. If they last beyond a day, you can toast individual slices to get the same fresh-baked effect.
Freezer-Friendly Instructions: The bread can be frozen for up to 3 months. After it is completely cooled, wrap it securely in aluminum foil, freezer wrap or place in a freezer bag. Thaw overnight in the refrigerator before serving.
We are also provided some nutritional information:
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clairethecutepup · 5 months
Nacho Cheese Sauce Recipe
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Have you ever wanted to make your own cheese sauce, so you too can enjoy nacho, just like our favorite goats? … Or, so you can really just enjoy cheese sauce and nachos in general?
Then look no further! I’ve made a personal cheese sauce recipe, with help from my step-father, and I’ll happily share it with you. So, gather your ingredients and remember to look out for Alexis. We all know she has a habit of nacho-thievery and hoarding…
*Shredded Cheese, your choice on what kind (I recommend sharp cheddar, to make the next ingredient a better complementor!) 
*Apple Cider Vinegar
*Milk, your call again-- including powdered or natural (make it a larger amount than your prepared cheese, just to be safe)
*Optional: Jalapenos, Beef, whatever you want to add on if you want more than cheese…
-Note: I recommend at least one cup of cheese, and thus one tablespoon of butter and flour, if you’re going for one simple bowl or plate. If you’re planning on making multiple plates/bowls or a larger portion for yourself, it’ll be easiest to keep it on a “1 ‘Cheese’ cup per 1 ‘Flour/Butter’ Tablespoon” basis.
1. Depending on how much you want, prepare either a frying pan or sauce pot. If it’s just a single serving of nachos or a basic cup of cheese, then go ahead and use a pan. Set it to low heat, as to avoid potentially burning/curdling the cheese.
2. Apply your amount of butter, letting it melt thoroughly and coat the entire appliance. Apply your amount of flour next, stirring it together. It will appear clumpy and all, as you’ve yet to add the milk. A rubber spatula is advised as your stirring tool, since it’ll also make it easier to scoop off any cheese from the inner sides of your pan/pot.
3. Begin adding milk. Do NOT get cocky, as too much milk will turn it into a dip or full-on soup instead. Pour slowly and mix it, and only add more milk until you finally have the appropriate and smooth roux for the cheese. You’ll know it’s ready when you see it, since the buttery/floury clumps will essentially become a flimsy and liquid pancake.
**Note: you NEED the roux, when it comes to melting the cheese. Without it, the cheese will clump up and be hardened, so it’s very vital you increase any butter/flour amounts to better suit higher cheese inclusion.
4. When the roux seems ready, add cheese-- slowly and reasonably. Adding too much cheese at once can risk it being improperly melted and thus cause clumps. Try sprinkling the cheese around, from a measuring cup ideally, then stir that amount into a melted state. Repeat until all desired cheese has been melted.
5. If done right, you’ll be looking at a melted and smooth, creamy-looking puddle of your desired sauce. Now’s the ideal time to throw in whatever other ingredients you desire, alongside the apple cider vinegar. It’s your call on how much you want in the sauce, but ensure you can at least taste said vinegar a little because the sour ting compliments the cheese nicely-- especially sharp cheddar.
6. Either pour the cheese over some chips or just keep the prepared cheese separate for “dipping nachos.” Make sure to scrape off the stubborn goop that wants to remain inside the cookware-- and especially start washing and soaking the pot/pan! You don’t want to struggle with dried cheese sauce.
Then, voila, you’ve got your own brand of nachos! Now, you can play Corn Kidz 64 while keeping your energy up properly, or having nachos to experience other entertainment with or just as a lone snack/meal.
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wannaeatramyeon · 2 years
Pupupupupupupu (sound effect)
Ara ara Anon here! Here us a fun ask for you! That probably required research (Lol).
What type of chocolate brand do Lookism boys and girl loves? And what your favorite also?
Hey Ara Ara anon! How you doing? This ask made me lol, athough all your asks have tickled me. First you were thirsty, now you're hungry?
I'm not actually a huge fan of chocolate in general but Toblerones are my weakness.
I'm was thinking about the chocolates and I think it might be too region specific. I'm from the UK. Vin is a classic Yorkie, Gun is a Lindt truffle but does that mean anything?
And then I thought about flavour of crisps (or chips). And if Jake Kim was McCoys Steak and Johan Walker's barbecue rib (WHICH IS ALSO NO LONGER MANUFACTURED)... and again, too specific?
Sorry for twisting your ask. I've left out any that doesn't give me a general vibe. But anyway.
Lookism Fave... Snacks
Jake: crisps/chips vibe. Like there'll be a serious Big Deal meeting and you just hear 'crunch'. Shifty eyes, a little guilty. "Sorry. Please continue" until Jason gets into the flow of things again then... 'crunch'.
Mira: Home baked cookies! Cupcakes! Brownies! Started when she was young and to share with Zack and Johan. She still bakes for Zack, and he's touched until she shares it with the rest of the group too >:(
Zack: something boring like protein bars. Remember the fitness craze when you would kid yourself and microwave a bar and 'OMG it tastes like rEaL bRoWniEs'. Fucking lies man. But yeah, he's one of them
Zoe: Definitely a strawberry pepero girlie. And what a conveniently easy snack to share with Piggy too. Looooove pepero day. Still waiting for big or little Daniel to send her some
Daniel: I mean. Honestly. We've seen little Daniel's eating habits when getting trained by Vasco. I don't think he's too fussy
Vasco: y'all got kinder eggs? the choc eggs with the toy inside and a kiddie's choking hazard warning? He loves them but the warning is actually for our lil Tabasco
Goo: reminds me of RDJ/Iron Man era. Just snacks everywhere. You're talking to him, quickly glance away and suddenly he's manifested a fresh pretzel??
Mary Kim: popcorn. Something to munch on whilst Vin Jin is being a drama queen
Gun: are cigarettes a snack?
Johan: he'll have whatever you're having. You don't get a say in this.
Crystal: justice AGAIN for crystal and why tf she needs to restrict her diet when Daniel DOESN'T
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wellpresseddaisy · 1 year
For the asks: 4, 21, 42, and 43. You’re welcome to do canon snape, ton!au snape, or both, if your answers would differ. :)) I always love to learn more about your hcs!
4. Favorite line
This one is a toss-up, honestly.
I think
“Oh, very good,” interrupted Snape, his lip curling. “Yes, it is easy to see that nearly six years of magical education have not been wasted on you, Potter. Ghosts are transparent.”
edges the others out, though. He’s just so, so done with Harry’s particular brand of bullshit,  Dark Lords, and Albus Dumbledore at this point.
From The Poshest Bedstead:
“An empty room?” Snape asked drily. “Is this where I meet my end?"
or, from Ritual Magic
He'd have to do something about Riddle-Sinclair's obsession with his caloric intake, Severus mused as he seated himself. Probably. At some point. For the moment he could, perhaps, allow himself to enjoy the coddling.
21. Drink of choice (not just alcoholic)
Tea for everyday drinking, absolutely. While I don’t see Snape as a teetotaler, I think that in his private life he’s not much of a drinker. Maybe a lager or ale down the pub when he’s in Spinners End (otherwise his dad’s friends come looking for him to make sure he’s as fine as he always says he is), but that’s to be sociable. It’s the same for wine or spirits at a dinner party. He’ll have a bit of wine with dinner, but mostly because otherwise Lucius will sulk. Lucius sets great store by his wine cellar.
When Severus feels particularly frisky and is at home he might buy a bottle of squash.
Ton!Severus is similar, but his favorite comfort beverage is proper drinking chocolate, made with full fat milk.
42. 3 comfort items
·        His mother had one really good pendant necklace. He wears the pendant on his watch chain
·        The copy of House at Pooh Corner and the copy of the first Paddington book that his father read to him.
·        The pocket watch Lucius and Narcissa gave him for his seventeenth birthday.
Ton!Severus would add his Bonding Band (Long Ago/Ritual Magic).
43. 3 favorite foods and 3 they despise
This is a difficult one on the dislikes because I don’t see Severus as being terribly picky in general.
·        Curry – he has a map of the UK marked off with his favorite restaurants.
·        Cheese and leek pie – his mother could work miracles with minimal ingredients. It was a special occasion food, though, since cheese was rather dear.
·        Rhubarb crumble – Mrs. Evans made one that would make stone weep with joy, especially doused in custard
·        Poorly cooked vegetables. Give this man a boiled sprout and you’ll be wearing it.
·        Pâté – from the smell to the flavor (and knowing how it comes to be), he cannot abide it. Mushroom pâté, though, isn’t so bad.
·        Poorly fried fish – fish and chips is an occasional indulgence and he will get shirty if the fish is soggy. He once spent half his summer perfecting home fried fish and chips out of spite and ate his deliciously crunchy fish right next to the substandard chippy.
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mayasaurusss · 2 hours
transmasc!reader with transfem!Misty is very dear to me,, do you have any headcanons/thoughts about transfem Misty with transmasc reader?
(could I be 🪓 anon?)
A/N: Again, I want to say that I have not that much knowledge on this so if I get something wrong, feel free to correct me!
I wasn't sure if you wanted fully or partially transitioned Misty, so I decided to write the sex headcanons with a generic grammar, so you can read it as both.
I don't really like how this turned out (writer's block is a bitch) but regardless, enjoy!
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When you tell Misty that you wish to transition she is ecstatic. Finally, there is someone whose experience is similar to hers and who she can take care of, as she always dreamt about.
The first thing she does is ask you if you'd prefer t-shots or gel. Depending on your answer, as soon as you tell her she's searching for the best brand of cream or the best syringe that won't hurt you too much.
If you choose t-gel, she decides to apply it herself. "I am not a child" you say, slightly embarrassed by how she babies you, but it's more than that to her. It's bonding: sharing a moment so intimate and important makes her feel closer to you.
If you choose testosterone shots she will go through a really long routine of checking if everything is ready for the injection. She meticulously checks if there are any bubbles in the syringe, if your skin is clean enough, if the needle goes too deep etc. If you are scared of syringes she will take extra steps to make you as comfortable as possible before injecting the substance.
Now for a silly headcanon I thought about. We all know Misty can be quite the character; she has no problems with threatening people. You guys argued hours prior and it's time for you to take your shots. Thing is, you can't do it without her: call it fear, call it laziness, you need her to be there for you. So, when she's about to insert the needle in your flesh, she will be rough, almost jamming it in you.
"Ouch! You fuc-" she shushes you, "Shut up and let me do my work". She realizes that maybe she was a little bit too rough on you and will apologize. Regardless of your reaction, Misty will try her best to make up for it, whether that is by threatening you to your favorite restaurant or simply by sex.
She will nurse you back to health after your operation, and is pretty darn good at it. She will take extra care in making sure your chest scars don't open by accident, will help you shower and will alway be there at your side whenever you need it.
Misty will also make a special diet plan for you. No more chips or fries for you mister: you will eat fish, eggs, meat, nuts and seeds and all kinds of vegetables.
And this will go on for months, with you asking, no, begging Misty to let you eat just one fry, just one. But she's immovable.
She will amaze at how your body changed during transition and after the operation. She will kiss your top surgery scars, play with the hair that has grown on your stomach and chest. She's truly enamored with how you look.
In bed, Misty is the personification of the saying 'two faces of the same coin'. You never know what to expect from Misty.
One day she will be very submissive and the other she will have you on all fours while touching your t-dick.
Misty as a sub strikes me as the pillow princess type. She'll writhe and moan into the bed while you touch her, trusting her hips towards your hands.
She's very much a service top. Your pleasure is far more important than hers.
She would be very vanilla the first time, not asking nor doing anything too kinky, but it all changes as your relationship goes on. Then, she will bring all different kinds of kinks and experiences to the table.
She mostly enjoys tying you up, delivering all sorts of pleasure to your poor body, while you can't even move an inch.
When you are the one that's on top, she likes for you to be rough. Not too much, not too hard, just a little bit. Play with her, make her beg for release.
The night ends with both of you laying on the bed, kissing and cuddling each other. Surprisingly, she falls asleep right away, her curly hair tickling your chest. How good it feels to sleep in her lover's arms.
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mamamittens · 1 year
Yet another late night thoughts when I should be sleeping. Rambling thoughts below.
I really love isekai stories. Either being reborn or dropped in as you are (maybe a different age cause let's be honest, most anime has shenanigans grown adult me can't keep up with but younger, spry me has a bit of a chance ig).
And sometimes they deal with the differences between worlds. You know, government, magic, races, and general topography. That sort of thing. But very few really go into how different on a fundamental level this new-ish world would be.
It got me thinking how hard it would be to adjust to, you know?
I mean, you lose everything. Basically all of your skills are either useless or not longer quite so relevant. Everything you've dreamed of doing is likely impossible as you imagined it. Your support system is gone. Your comforts and coping mechanism arent the same anymore.
You can't eat your favorite food because the specific type of flour that used to be ubiquitous is gone. Or brand. Or fruit or whatever. Your safe food is no longer safe, if it even exists anymore in any form.
The air is going to be different. The WATER won't taste the same. The fabric for your clothes is different. The ambient sound is different (even if both places are rural the bugs and birds aren't the same). Nothing smells right now.
How quickly would you notice all these changes? How much even registers or does it all blur into anxiety and loss of control?
The grass doesn't look right.
The sky is different in a way you can't describe until nightfall and the stars are no longer your friend. These aren't the distant lights you wished on as a child but strangers who are indifferent to your plight.
You have nothing here. Even if you have the knowledge to go farther than this world would ever allow, you'll never have your grandmother's chicken noodle soup despite memorizing the recipe. Auntie's chocolate chip cookies she swore you to secrecy for. The pot roast recipe you spitefully stole from your ex. Even a master's level understanding of the printing press process won't bring back the smell of aged dime store novels that rest in a small town library and is fawned over by generations of romantics who noticed the suspiciously nearly naked man holding a fainting woman in his arms.
None of that matters because nothing you find will ever quite replace the old. So none of it tastes the same. None of it feels the same. Smells the same.
On a fundamental level, you have nothing from your old life but memories no one else will understand.
It's the most extreme story of immigration that, when done right, asks the question "How much can you really take with you?"
Everything is new now and you can't. Go. Back.
Most of the time there's plot going on so the protagonist needs to adjust quickly (helps if they're reborn or a child) but I feel like it'd destroy me a little to walk with a character struggling to soak up a world of opportunity while mourning the imperfect land they came from.
Or maybe it's the hint of the tism that screams how frightening it must be to go somewhere where even the stars I never memorized are cold strangers to me, and me to them.
Where no amount of searching will grant me even a taste of home. Any semblance of a familiar scent is little more than a mirage to my senses. Doubt filling me while wondering if I've ever heard church bells that sounds just like this.
How horrifying and breathtaking an alien world must be to an unwilling traveler.
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nonaonann · 1 year
The Bats & Birds and Their Favorite Ice-creams + Reasonings:
Alfred: Moose Tracks (People who say his favorite would be plain vanilla/vanilla bean are my mortal enemies. Idc if they're comic writers or whatever, Alfred is so not that guy. Moose tracks, for those who don't know, has a vanilla ice-cream base, with fudge swirls, and chocolate covered peanut butter cups. It's something fun for him, but not too "wild" if you know what I mean.)
Bruce: Rocky Road (Idk man...vibes? I hate the almonds in it but I feel like he likes almonds, like a lot? <- Random hc that is. Plus, whenever any of the others try to say, "Rocky Road? The nuts are gross, why??" Bruce can just add on, "And there's marshmallows.")
Kate: Strawberry Cheescake (This one is just a lot of association at play. Red is her accent? color and also just, her color, and pink is adjacent to red, and Kate seems like such a cheesecake elitist, sorry Kate Kane fans, I'm not retracting my truth, still love the woman, but yeah. Cheesecake is good an all, but it's definitely not my favorite thing in the world, sorry cheescake fans.)
Babs: Pistachio (....VIBES. Yeah, that's my reasoning for the most part. Also, it matches her eyes :^) Also, also, it's so fun to imagine her and Dick having these intense arguments and "wars" over "the better green ice-cream". Spoiler: Babs wins every time and she's the one who starts the conflict because for one, she finds it entertaining, two, she despises mint chocolate chip ice-cream, three, she likes drama lol.)
Dick: Mint Chocolate Chip (Specifically the green colored one. It's one of my top 5, plus, it fits his vibe in a way, it's wacky and bright. Also, it seems to be a somewhat widespread hc for him? I've come across a few fics where it is his favorite ice-cream flavor so glad I'm not alone in this. Also, I imagine he mixes together Mint Chocolate Chip, and everyone elses' favorite ice-creams in a bowl when he feels like it. It of course causes disgust, confusion, and chaos. The only ones of the others' ice-creams that are excluded are Pistachio, Vanilla Bean, and Rainbow Sherbert.)
Jason: Gelato (He strikes me as a Gelato over ice-cream guy. He likes to pick fights over it, a fellow seeker of the drama, like Babs lol. If he were to eat ice-cream ice-cream, probably Pistachio like Babs to egg on Dick for it, or Butter Pecan. I love the hc of him having like, Dad/Old man taste and this is my Dad's favorite ice-cream. Also, if anyone tries to egg on him for it, like, "You are such an old man." "Pecans? Those are gross---" he just adds on, "And carmel." I also like him being similar to Bruce in the overarching narrative way, but also in the little ways way.
Carrie: Rainbow Sherbert (IDK MAN IT’S JUST THE VIBE MATCHING IM PICKING UP. It's colorful, a little loud, a little chaotic, a little bit of a niche one, not a lot of people like it, me included, anecdotal evidence and all that jazz.)
Cass: Birthday Cake | Rocky Road | Cotton Candy (I love the hc? that Cass likes a lot of the things Bruce and or Steph like. <- Babs too, but I have a feeling Cass doesn't like Pistachio nuts for some reason? However, she also seems like a Birthday Cake ice-cream sort of gal. It's fun, it's colorful, it's an interesting contrast to her typical colors and Bat persona, and perhaps a little bit more reflective of her actual personality. When she has the time and a craving, she mixes all three ice-creams together, something she picked up from Dick, and it generally grosses out/confuses/and "angers" people. "Angers" meaning people jokingly get mad over it, like how you pick sides for mundane things and playfully, but veering toward seriously, defend it.)
Steph: Cotton Candy (Another of my personal top 5. Specifically the Thrifty brand. Peak childhood memories are of me mixing this ice cream together---its a sort of marbled thing with hot pink and a vibrant blue---to make it purple. We all know Steph's appreciation of the color and I also can just see her liking cotton candy flavored things.)
Tim: Black Cherry (Another of my top 5. Again...it's mostly for the vibes. Also, there's this really good---and I mean really good, a.k.a. it made me sob sob---fic called "cherry trees in your ribs (cherry trees in mine)" by klixxy on Ao3 that's about Tim & Dick talking about the time where Bruce "died" aka was lost in the time stream or whatever it was. It's a Tim-centric fic and the imagery is so beautiful and vivid, the line delivery makes my bones ache, and it, in my opinion, so perfectly encapsulates the relationship of being so incredibly close to a family memeber, only for something to happen that alters everything and causes that closeness, that relationship you loved and cared for, to never be quite the same. I have so much more to say about it, but this post is supposed to be about ice-cream, so if you have the time, read it and form your own opinion.)
Duke: Vanilla Bean (Are you getting tired of the "idk man...vibes match" answer? Well too bad, cuz that's also my reasoning here. Also, I love the idea of anyone bashing Duke for liking Vanilla Bean ice-cream all like, "Vanilla bean?" "That's so boringgg---" only for Duke to just, absolutely demolish them for their ice-cream flavor, no matter what it is. I'm talking, he's giving insults to these people that years down the line they still remember.)
Damian: Neapolitan (Uh...vibes. SORRY. But uh, it probably annoys him to a significant degree when the layering of all the flavors aren't evenly divided. His favorite sections, from most to least, are Strawberry, Chocolate, Vanilla. Damian's also probably a Vanilla Bean > Vanilla kind of person, so he has words about the vanilla ice-cream typically included in Neapolitan. Upon further consideration, maybe he'd like Matcha flavored ice-cream as well.)
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sapphosdickandballs · 3 months
SAPPHO!! hey!! i know you might not reply to this ask until later on and thats perfectly okay!! reply whenever you wish.
wanted to ask what your favorite chips are or junkfood/snack in general is.
also iirc i think you mentioned drinking monster once?? and well- as a chronic monster drinker myself i must also ask what your favorite flavor is, if you have one.
My favorite junk food is like Hot Cheetos or Oreos. Usually brand stuff cause she’s under capitalism’s thumb 🤷‍♀️ I’ll eat most junk food tho only thing I don’t like is anything barbecue flavored. Ultra black! I drink it an unhealthy amount
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randomthefox · 4 months
What's your favorite super sonic team up?
-Super Sonic and Super Shadow (Sa2)
-Super Sonic Super Knuckles and Super Tails (heroes)
-Super Sonic and Burning Blaze (rush/rush Adventure)
-Super Sonic Super Shadow and Super silver (06)
-Super Sonic and Gaia Collossus/Chip (Unleashed)
-Modern and Classic Super Sonic (Generations)
-Super Sonic and Sage/Supreme (Frontiers)
-Super Sonic 2 and Sage (+Eggman/Tails/Knuckles/Amy if they count idk)
-Super Sonic and Eggman (advance 3)
-just Super Sonic himself (Sonic 3/Adventure\Pocket adventure/Advance 1 & 2/colorsDS*I might be forgetting more.)
Gotta admit Super Sonic and Super Shadow vs Finalhazard will always get my blood pumping. I'm practically brainwashed after playing that game fifteen hundred times as a kid lol. It is etched into the DNA of my very soul.
Of them all I feel Super STK vs Metal Overlord is probably the most epic final encounter though. The original Genesis Trio vs The Original Sonic Doppelganger, in a super powered final battle where they're both unstoppable. Metal even busts out Chaos Control. It's pretty glorious.
This is granting that every single one of these fights have objectively terrible gameplay though. Like, NONE of the Super Sonic final boss fights actually PLAY very well. They almost all just throw completely brand new gameplay mechanics at you that don't have any basis in what you've been doing throughout the game up to this point, have frustrating instant fail conditions, are all on a soft timer that you have minimal input over, and just flat out aren't very fun.
But you know me, personally I prefer to judge media by the vision rather than strictly by the execution. None of them are particularly fun to PLAY. But all of them are incredible in terms of scope scale and aesthetics.
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