#get some stuff from the house to bring to my mom who stayed in my hometown with my dad
a-concert-just-for-me · 4 months
Hi friend! How are you doing?
Eh, to be honest, not too great.
Death tw
My papa died on Saturday. We were super close. I drove home with my sister yesterday and I’m back at work today (just scheduling clients for next week tbh, don’t feel like seeing anyone today). I’m making the 6 hour drive back to our hometown tomorrow night with her again for the funeral on Wednesday. I’ll probably stay there until the weekend. I’ll be alright, just sucks in the meantime.
Thank you for asking, I really appreciate it <3
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be-good-to-bugs · 6 days
ughhh i hate packing and i hate knowing i cant bring most of my stuff with me
#the bin#and i especially hate not even knowing at all what i can bring bc i have no fucking clue how im even getting there :/#if i have to fly then i wont even be able to bring my art with me :( but i dont even know if flying is an option cause i have to be gone by#friday which is in 2 days so. how am i supposed to get a flight then? ugh. seems like if he cant drive on friday then ill be stiluck here#till he can drive. i hope not. i REALLY dont wanna spend my birthday is some strangers house who i dont know#but i have nowhere else to go. wish i knew what was happening :/ i dont even know if me staying there is an option bc they live with like 2#or 3 other people so. idk. ughhh#im so stressed. im trying to just pack everything up but ive been panicing nonstop since monday#idk what to do. even if i CAN stay what about my cats? they cant go there afaik. not even for a little bit. my snakes coukd for a time but#not the cats. im fairly sure thatbonw of the roommates has a cat allergy. i might be remembering wrong. idk.#not like flying is even really an option so. fucking. i dont know.#im hoping things can just go as they were planning but idk. i have no idea. im so stressed tho. ugh#well. at least i learned something helpful. seems like uber will work in the area my family is in bc they live close to my aunts house#i know uber works from there so its very helpful to know. yay. getting a job will be way easier that way.#if not for rewatching hbombeeguy and folding ideas videos i would have already gone insane trying to pack while panicing#whatever. if they can drive me it seems like ill be able to bring more or my stuff tho bc my mom is just gonna get a tank 4 lady there#its always good to have a spare tank anyway. and i can move baby into a bigger one which she has been needing anyway. thats nice.#but it doesnt matter if they cant even drive me. hhhh. whatever. i should go back to packing. or eat something. be productive#i only have a little time left so. hhh.
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babygirl-riley · 6 months
Hii🌸 if u don't mind would u pls write for simon w fem reader who's having a difficult pregnancy??:'( if not that's ok, luv ur stuff btw🩷
In Sickness and Health
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Simon’s heart breaks when watching going through your first pregnancy
A/N: Omg i watched my old co worked go through a hard pregnancy. It never looks easy no matter how it is going. I love this idea too ❤️
Warnings: sickness, pregnancy, hard pregnancy, underlining depression, arguments, marriage, soft!simon, husband!simon, dad!simon, fluff, little angst, swearing
simon x reader guide
simon x reader fluff/angst
When you found out you were pregnant, it was obvious. No period. Your cravings became intense. You threw up every fucking morning. Simon and you were excited that you were pregnant, people encouraging you that the morning sickness would pass. Instead. It came harder and longer. You cramped all the time, you bled once. Thinking you lost the baby when in fact you didn’t. Doctor reassured that it was normal in some women.
However, both of you didn’t expect the pregnancy to get harder than what people said it would have been. Your mom even said that what you are going through isn’t what she did. You are through your third trimester and nothing changed. Eventually your midwife came to put fluids in you since you couldn’t hold anything in. Throwing up was your new aesthetic. It got harder for you to work so you had to quit your job and stay home. Best friends with your toilet, you slept there day and night until your body grew bigger.
Simon was ordered from Price to stay home until the baby arrived and settled. Price heard from Simon about how the pregnancy has been not the best. You been up all night not being able to sleep from being too hot to throwing up to not being comfortable. Which caused Simon not to sleep, due to being worried about you. He would hold your hair up if you were too tired to even notice it was falling inside the toilet. Simon would wash your hair as you cried. Shushing you to keep you from having a panic attack.
You hated all of what was happening to you where you couldn’t enjoy being pregnant. Counting the days not to see your kid but to have her out. It was like you were hating the fact of everything no that was happening. Feeling like a curse then a miracle. Simon was the opposite even though he was heartbroken to see his love going through only hardship, the thought of having a mini both of you made him warm inside. Bringing it up once had you excited until you would hurl once more.
Simon would bend over backwards for anything you needed. Needed a bath Done. Needed a craving. Done and done again. Needed to be carried to the bed. Done. Needed a belly lift. Done. Anything was possible for Simon if it was for you. Nothing would stop him from helping you.
Was it perfect? Not always. Even when you both were tired and exhausted, you would fight, he would always be right by you. No matter what the fight was about, lately things that were ridiculous.
You both finished a fight and made up as he pet your damp hair, rubbing his other hand on your swollen belly. You were laying on his chest in bed, having your belly rest on the comfort of the mattress.
Sweat consumed you, your body working overboard on making your child and keeping you from not dying from everything else. It was silent before you sobbed. You were done, nothing for you. Your feet hurt. You felt like a whale. And your husband hated you. You’ve been only a bitch since you got pregnant and you were done.
You kept repeating in your head that he truly didn’t want to be here that you were just an excuse of a wife. That he never wanted to help you. That he wished you were gone. All because he didn’t get you your pebble ice. Simon had to leave the house for a while and what did he bring back? The stupid fucking ice. You called him a coward for leaving and not say anything about you said just for him to gift you?
Simon’s heart broke when your son burst out, your body shaking. Concern written on his face as he made your face turn to him. “Love what’s wrong?”
You cried harder as you laid your face in his shirt. “I want her out. And I feel terrible that I don’t want to do this anymore. That I have been a bitch. That I can’t stop throwing up. That this whole pregnancy hasn’t been what people have been saying.” He listened to you rubbing your back in soothing patterns. “I’ve been a terrible wife. I can’t believe I have been awful to you. You only been kind and generous and loving.”
Simon shook his head. “I could never do what you are doin’ dove,” He said quickly as he rubbed your shoulders. “This pregnancy is not been the best for ya.”
You sobbed harder as you clenched your hands into his shirt. Simon started to hush you quietly and soothingly. “You don’t deserve me.”
Simon froze from the comment, he used to say that to you at the beginning of your relationship. Telling you that he is a monster and that he would plague you with his darkness. That you were the angel and he was a demon, instead you showed him that he was the opposite. He was just lost in a broken world of his. Simon knew you were not like this. Not confident. Angry. Negative. No, you were the opposite of all of it.
Simon scooted so he would have you sit up against the frame. “Don’t you say that.” He said sternly.
You scoffed. “It’s true, I called you mean things. I said mean nasty things that are not true. Just over ice? Like how…”
“Stop,” He said stopping you dead in your tracks. “I know you didn’t mean it. Never have you showed me that. Baby,” He watched as your lips trembled, as your skin paled. “I know you love me, you are in pain just like I was. Let me help you bring yourself back as you make our child. You’re almost there love.”
You inhaled deeply as you looked away. “I’m sorry,” You turned to him and placed your hand on his cheek. “I love you Simon.”
Simon smiled and grabbed your hand kissing your knuckles. “I love you too. This is through sickness and health yeah? We promised each other that. So that is what gonna happen.”
You laid back down on him, your heart swelled with joy. You didn’t know how you got such an amazing husband. But all you knew is that he was your soulmate and you were his.
Another month went by and the baby was in distress from your body. She would be a month and half early which could lead into problems. However since your was fighting off too many things it wanted the baby to come out. You laid in the hospital bed as they induced you to push your baby girl out. You cried as Simon held his hand on yours and a cloth against your forehead.
“You got this mama,” The gynecologist announced looking up at you. “She is almost there!”
You looked at Simon concern written on your face and his. “It’s al’ight mamas. ‘M right here.” He whispered soothing you by brushing your damp strands back.
With a couple last pushes you heard a wail. Immediately relief went through your body as you laid all the way down into the bed. You panted as nurses and the doctor tended to the baby. Simon watched back and forth between you and the baby. “Go-Go see her.” You whispered gulping air.
You watched as he gave you a concerned look then nodded. You watched as he looked over the shoulders and smiled. Your heart fluttering. One of the nurses came to look over you. She said something but you couldn’t hear her. You felt nauseous and weak, lightheadedness coming in full swing.
The nurse called out as you felt your eyes roll. After that it was dark, you felt like actual sleep took hold. When you woke up, you were in a different room in the hospital, mouth was dry. When you looked over you saw Simon asleep with your baby girl against his bare chest.
You smiled. “They have been so cute,” You turned your head to see the doctor walking in. “How are you feeling?”
You hummed and coughed a bit. “Thirsty.”
“I bet. You had a blood clot form after giving birth to your baby girl. It can be common and could cause from your body being on overdrive to fix you. You are on blood thinners so take it easy. You have a healthy baby girl, she might be a little smaller than usual but that is expected from a early birth,” she explained looking over your vitals. “Your husband knows what to do. Just get to know your baby and rest.”
That you did, Simon once again by both you and both of your baby girl. Never have you felt so much relief and love. You smiled as Simon changed her diaper humming softly to her. In sickness and health. Is all you thought of as he gave you a kiss handing you your baby girl.
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adventuringblind · 9 months
Mr. Blue Sky
Charles Leclerc x Reader x Max Verstappen
Genre: Fluff
Request: Yes, I loved every second of this. Y'all are welcome to send me your own ideas :)
Summary: After Max gets cheated on, he can't stand being in the house where it happened. Reader and Charles take him in and show him he's still loved.
Warnings: cheating
Notes: No hate to Kelly. I just needed this as a plot point.
Fun fact: my mom calls Valentine’s Day ‘legislative love day’ and will only do any remotely related activities on the 15th because she has a point to prove.
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The sound of Charles' phone buzzing at an ungodly hour is what you woke up to. The room is still pitch black, and you can hardly make out Charles in the bed.
He rolls over and pucks up the phone. "It's Max." He states. Voice filled with the sleep from which he was dragged.
He answers the phone, and you curl up into him, hoping to listen in. "Max? Are you-"
You can hear faint mumbling and the occasional choked sob on the other end of the line. "Breathe, Max. I'm going to come get you. Can you stay on the phone with me?" Charles is throwing off the covers and looking for his car keys.
You look at Charles for some sort of answer. To which Charles pulls the phone away from his ear and kisses your head. "Kelly cheated. I'm going to go get him."
You nod your head in understanding. You clamber out of bed and see Charles off to the door.
Your grateful that Monte Carlo is a small city and that it doesn’t take long for him to come back. His body shouldering a drunk Max through the door.
Max is no coherent and reeks of alcohol. His eyes are puffy and his cheeks tear stained. His lips tremble as them mutter words neither of you can understand.
Your heart hearts for him. You and Charles had made an effort to be around the Dutch. You both actively became friends with him and found yourselves in each others company often.
And did you both end up falling for the same pair of blue eyes? Yes.
It was actually Charles who brought it up first. You’d never considered the idea of being with more then one person. Then you got to know Max and you found yourself considering more often then you’d admit.
Neither of you knew if Max would ever be into that and neither of you wanted to ask. The possibility of ruining what is currently a good friendship was not on the to-do list. Plus, he had Kelly and P.
You shake of your thoughts and help Charles get Max into the guest bed. You and him do your best at cleaning him up and making him comfortable despite the fact he is less then cooperative.
When you two are finally back in your own bed, Charles sighs in pained defeat. “She cheated on him while he was out with P.”
You cringe in disgust. “Has it been going on long?”
“Apparently so. About four months.” Charles climbs further into the blankets and pulls you into his chest. “He gave her the apartment. He was out late because he didn’t know where to go.”
“We could offer him a place here for the time being.” You suggest. The slightest hint of a smirk playing on your lips.
“Pretty sure you are just wanting to see more of him.” He chuckles. “But yes, I think it’s a good offer until he figures things out.”
“Don’t lie, you stare at him all the time! You’re going to be the one who outs us.”
“Shush amour. I’m exhausted and I know you are also. Now sleep.”
The week brings interesting events. Max does take the offer to move in, though he’s been quiet and reserved since he started staying with you. Max, Charles, and Lando went back to, now Kelly’s apartment, to get his stuff.
He comes back into the house crying. His heart shattered and the apartment a mere reminder of the events that occurred.
Your grateful it’s the off season and Max will hopefully have some time to process before the start of the new season. You and Charles don’t push him and give him space when he needs. Though you also invade when you can see he’s spiraling. Desperate attempts at not letting him go into those dark places are often just you being in the same room as him.
By the time Christmas rolls around, he’s doing the slightest bit better. He’s been out of the room more and you haven’t had to force him to eat. He decorates the apartment with you and Charles.
It’s disastrous.
The three of you can’t stop laughing at the mess you’ve made of the decor.
The three of you spend Christmas Eve with Charles’ family. Max hadn’t wanted to go home to his less then festive father and Victoria was away with her in-laws.
You obviously weren’t going to leave him alone and Pascale had been thrilled when he said he’d come to dinner.
You could tell he felt awkward and out of place at first, but everyone did their best to make him feel welcome. Soon he was relaxing, sipping on his drink and engaging in conversation.
Christmas and new years had gone by to fast. January had now descended and the cold weather had yet to completely let up.
Originally you thought Max would be out by now. That he’d want his own space as soon as possible. It’s not like he couldn’t afford it. Yet he stayed and you and Charles welcomed him in.
Max was seemed like he was healing. His eyes had regained their light. The one they lost those first days of December. He definitely hadn’t moved one though. You and Charles could still hear the soft sniffles from his room at night.
He may be smiling, but he’s still broken hearted.
The most interesting new additions are the cats. The felines that are Max’s children. He would probably murder for his cats and become the next John Wick. There is something wholesome and sweet about his interactions with his pets.
Charles on the other hand has a bad relationship with animals in general. Small felines included. He like them, they just don’t like him back yet. Max has been letting him feed them until they realize he is nice.
You also have learned that you can share meal prep with Max. You’d banned Charles from it after he tried once and failed miserably. Max isn’t the best in the kitchen, but he helps out and cooks some nights.
February. The month of love.
Everything around reminds Max of what happened. How he will not be doing anything special for the holiday. He doesn’t even want to go out of the apartment and you and Charles have to drag him to go get fresh air.
The fateful day comes around and you and Charles have agreed to keep it small.
Corny, sweet, and romantic is Charles definition of a good day and treats you accordingly.
You try to get Max to come eat something but end up just leaving it at the door.
Despite what people may think, Max is romantic at heart. Charles learned this last year when the Monegasque asked him if he was doing anything with Kelly for the holiday.
You and Charles are lounging on the sofa with a movie playing in the background. His arm draped around you and mouth pressing silly kisses along your jaw.
“I can feel your worry radiating from here.” Charles stops his kisses and you roll your eyes at him in response.
“He’s not eaten all day and I’ve heard him crying. Just wish I could help is all.”
Charles hums in your ear. “We could see if he wants a distraction.” He punctuates his sentence with a cheeky smile.
“Charles Perceval Leclerc! You can not seriously be suggesting what I think you are.” You playfully bat his arm. “I highly doubt he would neither want that or like that.”
“How about we ask and then go from there.”
“I think you just want him to fuck you.” This time it’s your turn to give a cheeky smile.
This is definitely not how you envisioned asking Max about this would go. His teary eyes haven’t looked away from Charles since the pretty male started talking.
This left you in an odd place of trying to read his reactions and getting absolutely nothing.
“We don’t have to do this if you don’t want to or if you’re not into it. We would completely understand.” Charles laughs but you can tell he’s nervous. His body language betrays him.
Max looks between the two of you like he’s considering something. “You’re telling me you’ve both been crushing on me since last year? And I didn’t notice?”
“You’re very oblivious at times.” You shrug.
“That’s fair but also not the point.” Max stands up out of the bed and starts pacing. “I just don’t understand why me. You two are amazing people and you’re so great together.”
“Y/N has a numbered list of reasons in her phone that we’ve created in case this ever happened.” Charles looks at you expectantly but Your already pulling up the list.
“-please don’t read it I’m already blushing and that will make it worse. Maybe one day but not now.”
All of you freeze at the fact he insinuated a future.
“Does this mean you like us back?” Charles almost purrs. He’s so flirty now but if this goes farther then just a confession tonight he’ll be stuttering and weak in the knees. You know from experience.
Max is the stuttering mess right now however. He’s lost all of his words and is simply gesturing with his hands.
“Breathe Maxy, take your time.” He manages a few and usable to get a grip on his thoughts.
“I’ve to confess something first.” You both look at him expectedly but don’t push him. “The reason Kelly cheated on me is because she’d found a journal of mine. It was a thing my therapist told me to do and so I did. When you two started coming around more, I fell hard. For both of you. I wrote about to hopefully understand myself better and get the thoughts out of my head but they stayed and I hated myself for it. She read it and thought I cheated first so she just did it back.”
He’s in the verge of tears again but you and Charles can only stare I’d utter disbelief. Apparently, both of you are also oblivious.
“Please say something.”
“I think it must be fate.” Again that smirk is tugging at Charles lips.
The air in the room is replaced by a new tension. The kind Charles was originally insinuating before you three started talking.
“So about that proposal then…”
Valentine’s Day definitely couldn’t have ended any better.
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nanabansama · 9 days
Tsukasa Is Tsukasa
Recently I discovered a poll asking if people thought the Supernatural Tsukasa and the Red House Tsukasa were different, and the results surprised me! A majority of voters thought they were not the same. Not only that, but I've seen many people in the fandom start believing they are separate people, if they hadn't already believed it before.
I think this stance can very easily be explained by the scene in Chapter 111 where Amane comes to the conclusion that the Tsukasa who went missing isn't the same as the one who came back:
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While people might be divided on the details, the conclusion is basically the same: whatever that is inside of him, it's not Amane's brother.
And I can see why they think this! In fact, it used to be a popular theory back during the release of chapters 78-82 when we didn't know the specifics of what happened. Heck, we still don't know many of the specifics...and many people continued believing the Tsukasas were different anyway!
There's decent evidence to support this, too. When Tsukasa returned, he had sharp teeth and supernatural powers. He knew that Kunishige's wish was that the head priest would die. He's demonstrably different from the innocent little Tsukasa that sacrificed his life for Amane.
If that wasn't enough, even his own mom came to the conclusion that Tsukasa wasn't her son! This is basically the same conclusion Amane comes to in Chapter 111. That's 2/3 of Tsukasa's family members thinking some evil entity is larping around in his skin--not a good look!
In any case, while I could try and convince you guys there are two Tsukasas and the Tsukasas are different, that's not what I'm here to do. If you read my blog you already know I'm 100% on the side that Tsukasa is Tsukasa and always has been, and nothing AidaIro has shown me so far has been convincing enough to change my mind. In this post, I am here to argue that the Red House Tsukasa is the same as the Supernatural Tsukasa and that he merely works in tandem with the ancient god living inside him.
1. Chapter 82
This is the chapter when a lot of people dropped the theory that there are two Tsukasas, including me. (Yes, I used to believe there were two Tsukasas--people change!)
Kou and Nene had determined that the Red House Tsukasa was the real Tsukasa and that the one Amane killed was a fake. They come to this conclusion because this Tsukasa was trapped in the Red House for 50 years and acts a lot nicer and sweeter than the one we know.
The issue is, Kou tells this Tsukasa that Amane is going to kill Tsukasa and die at the age of 13...and unbeknownst to Kou, the seemingly innocent little Red House Tsukasa is EXCITED at the idea! Tsukasa, thankful to Kou and Nene, helps them escape the house but stays behind. This scene is when a lot of cool stuff happens.
First, we learn that Tsukasa wasn't actually trapped in the Red House and he always knew how to get back home, but that he never left because he was worried about what would happen to Amane. However, once Kou told him that Amane wasn't happy after Tsukasa left and that Amane kills not just Tsukasa but also himself, Tsukasa realizes he doesn't know that much about Amane and wants to learn more. The most shocking part of this scene to me was that Tsukasa's excitement at dying was very similar to the lighthearted way the Supernatural Tsukasa brings up his death with Amane.
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Second, we see Tsukasa not only has the entity he sacrificed himself to to save Amane stored in his chest, but that he holds a conversation with it.
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The entity being shown in his chest is actually a popular argument for the "Tsukasa isn't Tsukasa" theory, but I feel this scene proves otherwise. Tsukasa is not the unwilling host of this entity, as one might expect, but instead almost treats it as a friend. They have a sort of symbiotic relationship going on, and Tsukasa makes the decision to go back wholly of his own, despite them both knowing how to get back the entire time. He even says "let's go back TOGETHER," which supports the idea that they work together and that it isn't simply piloting a Tsukasa meat puppet.
We can argue Tsukasa is the victim to the entity's machinations, that the entity needed Tsukasa to do it willingly or that the entity took full control of Tsukasa after he succumbed to the flames or what not and tricked him, but so far AidaIro has only shown cooperation between these two characters. It's not unreasonable to suggest that Tsukasa gaining supernatural powers after he comes back isn't a sign that he's a different being entirely but that he's just working with one.
2. Mother Doesn't Always Know Best
This one will be a quick section, but considering Mother Yugi is basically the origin of "Tsukasa isn't Tsukasa" I wanted to cover why I think she's wrong.
In Chapter 79 Kunishige recounts how Mother Yugi took Tsukasa to their shrine because she thought her son was possessed by a demon after being spirited away. Kunishige thinks she's crazy at first, and so do the priests, who find nothing wrong with Tsukasa. Put a pin in that btw.
However, Kunishige later learns she was onto something because Tsukasa is not only an incredibly unsettling child but he correctly predicts the death of the head priest of the shrine and tells Kunishige his wish, for the head priest to disappear, would be granted tomorrow. This proves Tsukasa has otherworldly power, since he knows Kunishige's wish without Kunishige telling him, and also might have the ability to grant wishes, something the entity in his chest is shown to be capable of.
Now, I personally think the fact that the priests found nothing wrong with Tsukasa is HUGELY in favor of my theory. I understand how you can argue that the entity somehow avoided detection because it's powerful, or because there was nothing left of the original Tsukasa or something, but I still think the fact the priests detected nothing wrong is extremely weird. What if that's because Tsukasa is still in control?
I think the fact Mother Yugi was convinced Tsukasa isn't her son and wasn't persuaded otherwise is important, too. In fact, I think it might directly correlate with the conclusion Amane makes in Chapter 111. I think Amane is more or less coming to the same conclusion his mother made, something he hadn't wanted to believe at first but eventually, finally, succumbed to. I have to imagine his mother's insistence that Tsukasa wasn't Tsukasa left a big impression on Amane, and it's something that's bothered him for years.
I can't exactly blame them both, either. By the time Tsukasa came back, he'd lost a lot of his innocence. Keep in mind that they think Tsukasa was gone for six months. Any normal 4-year-old kid might have been traumatized by leaving his family for six months, but Tsukasa just acts creepy and possessed. And despite him meeting Nene and Kou 50 years in the future, it's possible it really was only six months for Tsukasa! Time worked differently there. Still, it's not hard to see how the extreme circumstances he was in might have changed him. Not only was he stuck in a haunted death house, he later learns the wish he granted for Amane wasn't Amane's true wish and that Amane kills Tsukasa. This is all pretty life-changing information, and when you tack on the fact that he's buddy-buddy with an ancient man-eating god, it's really not that surprising Tsukasa has changed so dramatically, especially when he's still at the tender age of 4.
3. Behavior
For something that's supposedly replaced Tsukasa entirely, it certainly gets very personal with Amane, doesn't it?
I said before that Red House Tsukasa in Chapter 82 acts similar to Supernatural Tsukasa. How they find delight in death. But I don't think this is the only point of similarity between them, either. In Chapter 81, Red House Tsukasa is under the impression that Amane hates him.
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In Chapter 111, after Amane tells Tsukasa he hates him, Tsukasa tells him he already knew that.
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Mind you, this line comes seconds before Amane comes to the conclusion that Tsukasa isn't Tsukasa.
Think about it. Tsukasa tells Amane that he knows Amane hates him, echoing a sentiment that the Red House Tsukasa shares. And Amane, after hearing this, comes to the conclusion that this Tsukasa is an impostor.
Isn't that... really sad?! I mean, I'm not going to say that Amane's whole reasoning for Tsukasa being a fake is that he thinks Amane hates him, but...before this scene, Amane was saying he couldn't destroy his yorishiro because he cared about Tsukasa too much. And for Tsukasa to say something he's thought ever since Amane pushed him as a little kid, and for THAT to make Amane say he thinks Tsukasa is fake... it really shows they've never understood each other at all.
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Tsukasa's never been shown to get extremely upset about being hated by Amane, either, so you can't say Amane is right just because Tsukasa is laughing in Chapter 111. Tsukasa initially seems shocked when he was pushed, and overall seems a little sad about it in Chapter 81, but he still remarks that Amane hates him with a smile. He's selfless about it. And later, when he learns Amane kills him, this feeling gets more complex. Despite Kou's attempts to convince him otherwise, I think Kou's reveal only made Tsukasa more convinced that Amane hates him, and this is shown in Chapter 111 when he laughs about it. It's just a funny joke to him at this point.
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I...genuinely cannot reconcile this behavior with Tsukasa being a fake. I just can't! Why would the entity be this personal with Amane? Why would it share opinions that the supposedly "real" Tsukasa had? If AidaIro really is trying to write a story about a little boy being replaced by a supernatural entity, then they could at least do a better job of making them act different. TBHK makes it clear that supernaturals can experience human emotions just as strongly as actual humans, so it wouldn't surprise me if the god has its own personality and feelings, but for them to just...be the exact same as the human it replaced? I'm not buying it.
There is no difference between the Red House Tsukasa and the Supernatural Tsukasa that can't be explained away by the fact that people change as they grow older. Everything about Tsukasa's character arc as I've presented it is completely logical.
With so little info on the ancient man-eating god, it's kind of impossible to reach a proper conclusion at this point. All we really know about its personality is that it hungers for flesh and will grant any wish in exchange for it. With this in mind, it's incredibly easy to see why people think the god and Supernatural Tsukasa are one and the same, especially when the cast tends to treat them as such. I could just as easily write a post in favor of them being different as I could of them being the same.
And I think this is what AidaIro ultimately wants! I think AidaIro wants us to second guess ourselves. If I know anything about Aidairo, it's that they like to keep up on our toes and shock us with surprising twists. Who really knows what they have hiding up their sleeves?
Still, I feel the theory that the god replaced Tsukasa raises more questions than answers, and I hope I managed to explain my side of things.
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munsonsprincess11111 · 3 months
Awkward situation
Eddie munson x Henderson!reader
Summary: your dating Eddie munson your brothers best friend. Even though it annoys the he'll out of Dustin he can't exactly stop you both. Eddie stays at your place after a d&d campaign that went on to long with the rest of hellfire.
D&D was a success last night for thr group. Though it rolled to early hours of the morning. So with permission of mother Henderson the boys stayed in the basement. Everyone left early the next morning besides Eddie. Mother Henderson didn't mind him staying longer though as she liked the positivity he brought to Dustin.
Eddie was leaning on the kitchen counter talking to Dustin as he finished the dishes from the night before. Eddie had taken out the trash bag they filled up and the one that was in the kitchen.
"I'm thinking the next campaign I'll work in a few less monsters keep it short and sweet after the one last night." Eddie says to Dustin
"Yeah give us a small recovery break" Dustin laughs and Eddie laughs along. The boys continue to talk Eddie helping Dustin dry the dishes and put them away. As they finish up you finally wake up and come walking into the living room to say good morning to your mom. Then to the kitchen.
Dustin and Eddie turn when they hear someone enter. Dustin scoffs and Eddie can't help but smirk. Your wearing one of the band tees Eddie gave you that was way to big and a pair of your more slutty panties. It isn't lacey at the front and covers some of your ass with the help of Eddie's tee shirt but Dustin still scoffs.
"Jesus y/n put your ass away for once we have company." Dustin says. He doesn't tend to care how you walk around the house infact he walks around in his underwear when no guests are there. But he does care when his friend is stood there.
You gasp and look up to see who it is and see a very smug looking Eddie. You let out a breath and step to Eddie. "I think your forgetting your company is my boyfriend." You say as you step forward into Eddie. His arms go around you as he smiles. You hug him around his middle putting your face in his chest.
Dustin makes fake gagging noises and Eddie frowns at him. You bring your face out of his chest and look up at Eddie. "Morning beautiful." Eddie laughs slightly looking at you with your messy hair and goofy smile.
"Morning eds. How comes your here?" You ask genuinely curious.
"I stayed the night. Campaign wrapped up late so everyone crashed here but the others left I stayed to help Dustin tidy and see you." HE smiles kissing you. You melt into him finally getting a hello kiss.
"Why didn't you come get in bed with me if you was here?" You ask frowning.
"Cause it wouldn't be fair that I came here to see my friends and then ditched at 2 am cause I want to sleep in your bed." Eddie chuckles. You nod kissing him again.
"OK I'm here to and eddies here to see me right now y/n so shoo." Dustin says pointing to the door at the kitchen. You groan and pull away from Eddie's warm embrace. "Here" Eddie says giving you his hoodie he had on the kitchen side. You smile and kiss his cheek and take it happily before exiting the kitchen.
"And stay out!" Dustin calls behind you. Eddie looks over at him "what?" HE askes Eddie noticing his disapproving look.
"She's still my girlfriend even when I hang out with you." Eddie says raising his brows.
Dustin scoffs again "Common let's go to my room I wanna show you my new comics." Dustin says guiding Eddie out of the kitchen. Eddie nods and follows Dustin. Walking to Dustins room Eddie sees your bedroom door open and peaks in. Your sat at your desk drawing something.
"Whatcha drawing?" Eddie askes curiously making you jump.
"Jesus Eddie you scared me." You says calming yourself " 'm drawing a window but it's open ans the curtains are flying outside n the windows like smashed n stuff." You answer his question. Eddie nods and smiles at you.
"You my boyfriend again yet or still one of dustins sad little friends?" You ask smirking. Before he can answer Dustin calls his name.
"That should answer your question." HE chuckles walking away from your room to dustins.
"Yes well I have to see my girlfriend now." Eddie says approaching your room.
"But why she's so boring." Dustin protests.
"Alright dude I was here from 6 pm yesterday playing d&d n I didn't speak to her once. I stayed still didn't. At 12 pm she woke up and I spoke to her. Then you got her to go. Then when I was talking to her 5 minutes later you summond me again. Its now 5:30 pm and I wanna see my girlfriend. I'll hang with you inna bit or tomorrow OK?" Eddie answers as calmly as he can
He loves Dustin but he just couldn't talk to you. You walked to dustins room to see if he or Eddie wanted a drink as you was making yourself a coffee and dustin told you to get out.
"OK fine but you have to watch scream with me." Dustin says. Eddie nods knocking on your bedroom door. You open it and smile at the sight of Eddie.
"You finally been set free?" You ask giggling.
"God I'm still stood here." Dustin says stomping off. You roll your eyes and let Eddie Into your room. He flops onto your bed and you crawl up him kissing him sweetly when you Reach his lips then laying next to him.
"I don't see why Dustin hates me. All I do is try." You say putting your head on Eddie's chest. Eddie knows it upsets you when Dustin treats you like crap. You're his older sister and do a lot for him, but Eddie will admit he does treat you like shit sometimes.
You and Eddie have spoke about it before when it's been bothering you so you know you can talk to him now. Eddie kisses your head. "Honestly babe I think it's purely because we're dating. He will get over it eventually. Like I said just give him time." Eddie says closing his eyes relaxing.
"Yeah your right." You mumble back. You lay like that for a while as you both drift off into sleep. Eddie's arm around you. Your head on the side of his chest his heart is and your arm across his chest. Your legs entangled at the bottom of the bed.
Dustin bursts into your room without knocking making Eddie jump out of his peaceful sleep. Only to throw his head back when he sees Dustin stood in the doorway.
"Yes Dustin?" Eddie askes whipping his hand over his eyes.
"What are you doing?" Dustin askes Eddie frowning
"Well I was cuddled up with your sister asleep but now I'm awake talking to you. What's up?" Eddie askes again wanting to know what Dustin needed to urgently.
"Wanted to put the movie on common I've got our snacks out and stuff." Dustin says bouncing on his feet. Eddie lays on your bed in slight defeat. He either goes with Dustin leaving you and when you wake up you'll be upset or he can tell Dustin he can't resulting in an annoyed Dustin.
"What if I wake y/n up and see if she wants to watch it with us?" HE askes dustin
"What no you said YOU would watch it with my all you two will do is make out and its bro time not hoe time." Dustin says crossing his arms.
"Don't call your sister a hoe." Eddie says running his hand up your back. Eddie slips himself away from your sleeping body not wanting to wake you and goes into the living room with Dustin. Dustins buzzing he puts the movie on and sits next to Eddie opening the popcorn.
30 minutes later you wake up and notice Eddie isn't by your side. You frown and rub your eyes walking out of your bedroom. You walk to the bathroom and the doors wide open. You use the bathroom and wash your hands then you hear the TV. You walk into the living room seeing scream on the TV and both the boys on the couch.
"Eds?" You say quietly behind them. Both there heads turn to you. Eddie smiles and dustin rolls his eyes. "Whyd you leave?" You ask stretching your arms up.
"Cause he wanted to watch the movie with me." Dustin answers for Eddie. "You should've woken me up I would've came and watched it with you guys." You say crossing your arms looking at the boys with a soft expression.
"We wanted to watch the movie not you sit there making out with Eddie. It's bro time." Dustin says shoving his mouth full of popcorn. Eddie's head turns to you. He sees the look of hurt in your face. Your bottom lip wobbles and you nod. "Kay ill um ill go." You say hugging yourself as you walk off.
"Good." Dustin says through his mouthful of food. Eddie's pissed he was annoyed before but now he's pissed.
"To far." Eddie says looking at dustin
"What?" Dustin says confused
"To fucking far. I get she's your sister and I'm your friend but she's still my girlfriend. I've been dating her longer then I've properly known you Henderson. You've been in hellfire 7 months I've been dating your sister nearly 2 years. I get its annoying but if you don't like it you shouldn't have become as close with me as you have. We wouldn't of made out the hole time. She could've come and sat with us. She could've stayed in the kitchen with us. She could've come to see your comics to. I'm sure she would love that. But you treat her like shit. I've been nice you know cause I Dont want you to hate me cause you are my friend. And I don't want your mum to think bad of me. But she's my girlfriend n I don't let my other friends talk about her like that so you don't either. I'm gonna go make sure she's OK cause I'm gonna go with you didn't see her upset when she walked off." Eddie snapped at Dustin before he got up and walked to your bedroom.
Dustin was slightly shocked by eddies outburst. But Eddie didn't care he walked to your room. He said hello to your mun who was in the kitchen on his walk room.
"I'm sorry for snapping at Dustin aswell I'm justa little annoyed at how much he snaps at y/n." Eddie says not wanting your mum to suddenly hate him.
"Your fine Eddie just go make sure she's OK ill talk to dusty." She says smiling Eddie nods and goes to your room. He knocks and doesn't get an answer so he knocks again. "Go away." You mumble from the otherside of the door.
"Babe let me in. Don't make me climb through your window. I'll do it no hesitation." Eddie half jokes just wanting you to open the door. Which you do so he succeeded. You smile smally at him. "Want a hug?" HE askes hugging you. You nod and cling to him. He holds you just as tight as you cry slightly.
"Baby why are you crying?" Eddie askes kissing your head. You pull your face away from him slightly smiling at him. "Cause I heard what you said to Dustin. N i loved that you defended me even though you didn't need to. N then you apologised to my mum. N i was like. Holy shit I love him so much." You cried smiling as Eddie pulled you back in.
"Don't care. No one speaks to my girl infront of me like that don't care who they are." Eddie says. You stay holding eachother for a few before Eddie takes you to the living room.
"Let's clear this up. You don't be mean to her no more. Sure have your sibling banter or whatever but don't talk to her like you was or imma disown you. And you, you need to stop just walking off when he upsets you and tell him. OK right. New plan. Dustin if I'm here for D&D I'm here for you if I stay over after I stay with you I help you tidy up and whatever you wanna do with me we do then cause once I'm with y/n I'm not gonna stop hanging out with my girlfriend ok? Unless its like a movie or something we can all watch it even your mum can join. You need to stop being weird about the whole us dating thing it didn't effect you until you joined hellfire. Now let's all sit down and finish the movie." Eddie says as he pulls you to sit next to him.
"I didn't know I was upsetting you y/n I'm really sorry" Dustin says with sincerity in his voice.
"It's OK Dustin. I get its weird that me and Eddie are dating cause he's your friend but we've Been together a while you know so you just gotta deal with it really." You giggle sitting up. You hug Dustin for a second so he knows everything is OK.
Then you lay into Eddie's side as he wraps and arms around you kissing your head. "I love you." HE mumbles into your head. "I love you too." You smile up at him.
Once movie finished you and Eddie went to dustins room so he could show YOU all his new comics and stuff. Eventually he let you and Eddie go free. Your mom said Eddie could stay over again as he was respectful (to her atleast) so you both headed to your room and crawled and your duvets cuddling eachother.
"Missed my girl." HE mumbles.
"Missed you too babe." You hum back.
"Hopefully its all better now." Eddie says kissing your neck.
"Trust me I think its better all ready." You smile at his kiss.
"I love you."
"I love you too."
"I love you more."
"Edward you actual bitch."
"Is someone to sleepy for the I love you battle."
"Yes now cuddle me and show me how you love me more."
And he does just that until your both out cold.
Safe to say Eddie's little speech worked cause you woke the next day to Eddie and dustin in the kitchen and as you enter Dustin smiled at you and said nothing about you being immediately clingy with Eddie. You'd woken up just in need of his skin contact so you hugged him for a while even while he made your coffee.
That day you all went to the arcade and actually had fun with Dustin for the first time in a while. You held Eddie's hand with no gagging noises and you were happy.
"I love you." You kiss Eddie as Dustin plays whatever game he's playing. It breaks Eddie's focus on the game and it goes straight to you. He then kisses you back. "I love you too." HE says, snaking a hand around your waist eyes, going back on the game Dustins playing.
"I love you more." You smirk.
"OH you getting revenge for last night huh?" HE turns back to you smiling and you nod smirking. "Mk let's stay at the trailer tonight n ill show you how much more I love you." HE whispers in your ear. Your haw drops as Eddie smirks looking back at dustins game telling him to do something.
You stood shocked as Eddie's hand squeezed your hip he was still smirking....
Boy were you excited for tonight.
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lowkeyrobin · 3 months
MCYT with an S/O who fosters kittens? :D
OH MY LORD YESYESYESHDNSKDNDN I had sm inspo w this bc I have 5 cats (cats are one of my favorite things ever I swear) and yeah dkkdkd THANK YOU FOR THE REQUEST
MCYT ; you foster kittens
includes ; tommyinnit, tubbo, ranboo, badlinu, nihachu, quackity, foolish gamers, karl jacobs, & slimecicle
warnings ; language, talk of harm towards animals
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genuinely feels so bad when you have to let the cats go
like he tears up nearly every fucking time
he watches some of these poor cats go from aggressive and distant, barely able to eat because they don't trust you yet, to warm, loving and cuddley little creatures
he literally watches them grow and he gets so emotional cause like why can't you keep all of them???
he'll be off to the side when you're handing them away to a new home wiping his tears
he's more emotional about it than you
he gifts you like new cat food bowls and cat towers and stuff once they get all beaten to a pulp
if you're fostering more than like three at a time, he'll have a gang of them on his lap while he's editing, recording, or lounging around
his hands are always covered in scratches and scars because he'll fuck around and find out even after you warn him about them being feisty at first
"this one got ran over by a car and he's blind now"
"can we keep him?? :("
"Oh fuckin christ- y/n! the children are invading!"
they're always running in and opening the doors with their lil hands when he's streaming LMFAO
he loves that you foster cats, the fact you take time out of your life for these precious little animals that just need a chance at a better life is so heartwarming to him
if he's not streaming or sleeping, he's spending time with those chaotic fuckers
he and freddie make an orange cat that you fostered -who was deaf- become a dj
he didn't know the cat was deaf until you asked what he was doing
"I mean, for a deaf man, he's making some bangers!"
"yeah, this cat knows how to party, y/n, come join us"
he can never be around when the cats have to leave though, he just sits there with a pout because he gets too attached to them
yall got a whole room dedicated to the foster cats, don't worry, they're spoiled as all hell
like tubbo, it warms his heart to see you care so much about the poor babies that just need a little help readjusting and understanding that not all people are bad/you're there to help them
absolutely loves when you bring back like little feisty babies that barely know how to walk but know how to hiss
they can't help but laugh like "awe oh my god, this is so sad but it's so cute"
when I tell you all those cats are so spoiled by them
it's sweet though, he really cares about all the cats you take in too, you honestly foster them together at this point
you guys end up keeping this tuxedo cat with one eye and name it Jellyfish (as per chats vote)
the amount of fanart of you two with jellyfish 💔💔💔 so cute
jellyfish becomes the mom of all the new fosters and looks over them and shit, that way they ease into the new environment a little better
buys all the fosters outfits. there's a barbie sized closet for all the clothes
it's like there's a new cat every week considering he brings back street cats as well LMAO
these mf cats are SO SPOILED but they deserve it
he gets so attached to the disabled ones because he loves having to help them out
he loves teaching them how to eat from his hands too
it's so funny, like they'll nick his fingers and he'll be like "fuck, that tickles, Mr. Peanut!"
gets so emotional when you have to give them to better homes
like hugs and kisses them goodbye 4 times
he genuinely thinks your magic, watches those cats go from shy and trying to stay away from you to like being attached to you by the hip and all wagging their tails
he's constantly running around the house playing with them too
he loves seeing them pop up on 2 legs like meerkats when he's serving them wet food or treats LMAO
she couldn't care less that the house is loaded with cat stuff and a whole room is filled with cat towers, shelves and toys for them
loves making new little puzzles/mazes for the cats with the shelves, making a little competition to see who can get to the top fastest
she names the cats because she's gonna get attached either way, but after a while they become more and more silly
like they go from Sebastian and Pixel to Tater Tot and Simon From Alvin And The Chipmunks so quickly
she learns how to make homemade cat treats as well
she also, like ranboo, gets a little barbie closet and fills it with cat outfits
some cats like the outfits and others don't, but the ones who do, good god it's like britney manson on the runway
absolute ws in that house, photoshoots for days
"AH WHAT THE FUCK? Y/n! come get Jessie and Walter, they've invaded my stream!"
he genuinely names most the foster cats characters from meme shows/movies/memes in general
actually named one Badass Grandmas Meme ; also named another Hurricane Tortilla after that one vine
always taking .5s of the cats once they've accepted that he exists as well
sometimes they hop on his desk and join the stream
"Oh, look! it's Goldfish, she's the newest foster that y/n took in"
constantly taking pictures of you and the fosters throughout the stages of rehabilitation
from hissing and scratching to cuddling on the couch and lazy naps
no cat leaves without a little pair of sunglasses
he's genuinely inspired to make quackity cat merch because most of the fosters you take in LOVE clothes LMAO
literally treats these mfs as babies
you'll walk in and see him holding one of the elderly cats you're rehabiliting from a bad home whom just got rescued and he's holding this poor girl like a literal infant
she loves it though, most the cats do
the fosters love playing with his hair too, and he plays into it, always bends down to their level and wobbles his hair around for them to smack around and try to chew on
he has such a soft spot for them
if you're having one of those rare moments where you might give up on a cat, he's right there to try and help you
flea baths on kittens are always done by him, he feels so bad for each of them, meanwhile you're on cat-drying duty and giving them a lil medication to kill any remaining fleas
he's 50/50 on names at first but gives up with trying to not name them bc he gets attached anyways
"Oh, lookit! this is Evergreen, she's been chilling with us for like, 3 months I think"
he loves when they interrupt his streams bc they're so cute and explorative and curious LMAO
he's always snuggling with them and letting them climb all over him
let's them play with his hair/dangly earrings he's wearing all the time
uses his hoodie strings to play with them too
also teaches them how to eat from his hands
he giggles with a "Oh my God, that tickles!'
he gives them all human names
the litters usually look like Tom, Sally, Joe, Micheal, Cameron, and Mellissa
loves giving them clothes too
genuinely releases a little merch line of cat clothing considering he's got a mini closet full of cat clothes for the fosters, why not share the little cuteness
he's a cat whisperer istg
he's the most supportive of you fostering cats like ever
loves fucking around with them and sliding them around on the floor, if there's any long hair cats, he loops very loose bows and clips around their fur and shit
cradles them like babies to sleep
and then slips them into the cat tower or on the couch/bed etc
even covers them with a little blanket
"Oh shit, they've invaded, they're raiding! the axe weilding brothers are here!"
gives them the most dumbass names like Microwave Popcorn and Toaster Strudle
he frames pictures of every cat in the hallway once they leave
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absurdthirst · 5 months
Unexpectedly Reunited {Joel Miller x F!Reader}
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 15.5k
Warnings: No Outbreak AU, cheating, infidelity, surprise reunions, flirting, mentions of loss of a child, seemingly unrequited love, past crushes, abandonment, fingering, vaginal sex, rougher sex, oral sex (female and male receiving), cum eating, feelings, miscommunication, angst, degrading comments
Comments: Running away to the Cape, you find someone you had never expected to see again. Joel Miller. The blast from the past manages to heal your broken heart and you learn where life has taken him to bring him here.
Co-written with @storiesofthefandomlovers
**Follow @absurdthirst-writes and turn on notifications to stay up to date on all new fics.
|| MasterList || Joel Miller MasterList ||
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Click Keep Reading only if you have read the Rating and Warnings and understand the warnings may not be complete to avoid listing spoilers. As AO3 says 'creator chooses not to use warnings'. You also agree that you're the right age to be consuming anything here.
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"You motherfucker!" You yell at your boyfriend who is currently buried inside of the co-worker he told you to not worry about despite you discovering him in your bed after you decided to surprise him with lunch since he works at home. He scrambles, pulling out of Sienna and you shake your head, "it's over. Get your shit out of my apartment. Today." You shriek and he covers himself up with the blanket you got from your mom for your birthday. 
"Baby please. Let me just-" He tries to explain but you cut him off. 
"Today, Jason. Today!" You yell, spinning on your heel and you rush out of your apartment with tears in your eyes. You sob as you get into your car, the lunch abandoned in the kitchen and you're no longer hungry. You sit there for hours, watching from afar as Jason moves his stuff from your place and you call your mom to tell her what happened. 
"I always told you he was a piece of shit, baby. He's an asshole. You're better off without him. Better to find this out now instead of later." She says softly. "Your aunt has that place on the Cape and she's in Italy for the next two weeks. Why don't you go there? Go relax and get out of town. Take time to get yourself together." She suggests.
The Cape, the idea has a certain appeal. Texas is currently hot, too hot, and you don’t want to be anywhere near your old group of friends and acquaintances. People that know Jason. People that might pity you, or secretly approve of him cheating on you. You imagine walking along the beach and letting the salty air seep into your skin. Maybe read a few books in a lounger and find some bar where you can just have a few drinks. Or, the house is nice, maybe you will just sit out on the deck and drink wine. “I guess. If I leave now, I could be there late tomorrow. Are you sure she won’t mind?” 
Your mom snorts through the line and you can imagine her face. “Of course not. Get your bag packed and get on the road. The key is in a little box on the garage door. Combination to open it is 9-26-13.” 
You sigh, watching as Jason closes the truck of the car with the last of his stuff. “Thanks mom, I’ll be on the road in twenty minutes. I don’t want to spend a night in that bed. I’m going to have to order another one.” 
When you arrive at your aunt’s house; you are exhausted and waste no time showering and getting into bed. The emotional drain of the past 36 hours is too much and you take a nap. When you wake up, it’s late and you have some of the snacks you brought with you while on the road. You’ll go food shopping tomorrow. You eventually fall back asleep, eager to explore tomorrow which comes far too soon when you’re woken up by drilling. You startle awake, checking the clock to see it’s 7:30 am and you whine, rubbing your eyes as you shuffle out of the bed, ready to reprimand the asshole who is drilling next door.
“Goddamn header.” Joel grunts out a curse, taking his hand off the hammer drill he had been using to wipe the sweat that is rolling into his eyes. “Send me some fuckin’ lumber that’s straight and I’ll fix the goddamn thing.” High up on the scaffolding, he’s cursing everyone from the lumber distributor to himself for taking this job. It’s been a shit show and it doesn’t seem like anything is going to go his way today.
You wrap your robe around yourself and huff as you stomp outside, raising your hand to cover your eyes from the early morning sun as you look up at the scaffolding. “Excuse me!” You yell and Joel continues drilling. “Excuse me!” You yell again and the drilling continues. “Fuck me!” You scream and the drilling stops. 
“That’s a mighty nice offer darlin’ but I barely know you.” Joel jokes as he removes his headset. 
“Why the hell are you drilling at this time in the morning?” You yell at him and he sets the drill down so he can climb down the scaffolding to talk to you. You wait, tapping your foot impatiently. 
“I was hired to do this job. I have a permit. I am starting early to avoid the rain this afternoon. Not that I have to explain myself to - wait…do I know you?” Joel asks, frowning as he removes his sunglasses to get a better look at you.
When it dawns on him who you are, his eyes widen and he murmurs your name. Never expecting to see you again. “Holy shit. What are you doing on the east coast?” He asks when he can speak again. The last time he had seen you was at his wedding. After that day, you had just….ghosted him, making him feel like your friendship had meant nothing.
As soon as he says your name you recognize him. “Joel? Joel Miller?” You gasp in shock. It’s been a while since you’ve seen the man that was your teenage crush. He was your next door neighbor and a lot older than you but you always had such a massive crush on him. You became friends after you got back from college to live with your parents again and that’s when you truly fell in love with him. Then he met Helen and you knew he would never feel the same way. Resigned to being his friend, you supported him but always secretly hoped he’d realize what was right in front of him. He didn’t and you ended up leaving town after watching him marry Helen on a beautiful summer day. He’s just as handsome. Shit, just as sexy. “I- this is my aunt’s house. You know the one who is a journalist.” You explain, “I- I came here to escape the Texas heat.” You lie, “what the hell are you doing here?” You ask, genuinely curious how a typical Texan like Joel is in the northeast.
Joel’s expression shutters, his eyes flattening slightly and he grunts. “Work.” He lies, having sensed you are lying too. You have puffy eyes, like you’ve been spending a lot of time crying, though you’re still just as beautiful as the last time he saw you. “Like I’m tryin’ to do now. But it’s a bitch and-“ he twists his neck towards the dark clouds rolling in from the west. “I want to get this sealed up before the rain starts.”
You nod, “I understand. Sorry for yelling. I just got in last night from Texas and I’m exhausted from driving nonstop. I didn’t expect the work to be done so early. I’m awake now, so carry on. I’m gonna get some coffee. Anywhere local you’d recommend?” You ask when his eyes meet yours once more and you are taken back by how handsome he is. Your memories did him no justice.
He feels bad for being rude, sighing slightly and wiping his forehead again. “Two blocks over there’s a dinner called The Fungus Among Us.” He tells you with a grin. “Vegan place, really into mushrooms, but they have great coffee. You just have to use their non-dairy creamers.”
The last person you expected to frequent a vegan cafe is Joel who used to enjoy platefuls of barbecue at the family cookouts back when you were younger and you chuckle, “you gone vegan on me?” You ask and he shakes his head, “no. Still love some ribs but I can appreciate good coffee.” You hum and he shrugs. “I’m gonna go get changed. You want me to bring you a coffee back?” You offer, wanting to make up for being rude.m
“I’m good.” He looks up towards the sky again. “Too fuckin’ hot for coffee up here.” He looks back down and smirks slightly. “Hurry up before you get wet. New England summer showers are no joke.”
You nod, “I’ll be fast. I, uh, I’ll see you around. It was great to see you again.” You wave awkwardly at him as he flips his sunglasses back down. You aren’t sure if he’s married or has kids or what his situation is so you don’t want to overstep by suggesting a reunion of some kind. 
“See you around, sweetheart.” Joel says and you offer him a smile, “bye Joel.” You say as you head back into your aunts house to get ready.
He won’t deny that he watches you when you re-emerge from the large cottage next door, or as you walk down the street. His eyes follow you as he takes what he tells himself is a five minute break. He was rude to you. And the Joel you had known wouldn’t have done that. He sighs, twisting around and trying to pop his aching back before he glances at the cloud again. They are rolling in fast and he only has about twenty minutes to finish up for the day. “Shit, Miller, get to work.”
You return back with your coffee - a good recommendation from Joel - and you’re disappointed when you don’t see him working. You feel the droplets of rain and decide to have your coffee then go grocery shopping after the rain has come and gone.
The drilling happens a little later around 8:45am the next morning and you look out of the bathroom window to see Joel working on the house. He lifts his shirt up to wipe his face and you can’t deny that your jaw drops. He’s still as sexy as you ever thought he was but then you remind yourself that he’s married and you shake your head to clear your lust. You decide to walk to the coffee shop again and head outside just as Joel jumps from the last section of scaffolding. “Sure I can’t get you a coffee?” You ask him, “I’m gonna head over there now.”
“I think I owe you a drink, since I was kind of an ass yesterday.” Joel admits, shuffling slightly and wiping his hands on a work rag before tossing it down. “I’ve got a few minutes, can walk over there with you, if you want?” He leaves it up to you, knowing that you might not want to do anything more than be nice.
You offer him a smile, “I’d like that.” You say and he nods, grabbing his keys and he yells out to his partner to keep an eye on things. You walk along with him and you’re quiet for a minute or so before you ask “so how long have you lived here?”
It takes Joel a moment to think back and he sighs. “Fuck.” He snorts. “Nearly ten years? Hard to think about but I’ve not even seen you in nearly twenty-five.” He wants to ask why you just stopped talking to him and coming around after he had married Helen. He hadn’t even been able to tell you that she had been a few months pregnant because his wife had wanted to keep it silent until after the first trimester. 
"Has it really been that long?" You shake your head, "I- wow. It feels like yesterday you were just getting married. Is Helen enjoying it here?" You ask, not noticing his lack of wedding band but you haven't really had a chance to look at his hands.
Joel snorts. “Helen left me when-” He breaks off and there’s that familiar ache in his chest at the thought of Sarah. “A year after we got married. Don’t know where she’s at, don’t really care, if I’m honest.” She had abandoned her child, something that he could never understand or accept. “What about you? Sure you’re married and happy, husband on a business trip and you decided to take a vacation?” 
It’s your turn to snort, “no. No. I, uh, I haven’t been married. I - I walked in on my boyfriend fucking his coworker in my apartment so I told him to pack his shit and be gone by the time I get back. Decided to take a break to avoid the pity looks and whispers around town.” You confess, glancing down the street as you adjust your purse on your shoulder.
“Wow. You must have been with a real douche bag.” Joel scoffs. “I can’t believe anyone would be stupid enough to cheat on you. There’s no fucking way he’s right in the head.” He shakes his head and huffs. “Idiot. I’m sorry, I know you don’t want to hear that. But that bastard didn’t deserve you.”  
You offer him a self deprecating smile. “I appreciate you being pissed for me. I pretty much cried the entire way to the Cape. I- I thought he was gonna propose. I’m an idiot. I believed all his lies and I- I thought he was going to be the one.” You shake your head at your own stupidity. “Well, at least someone to spend the rest of my life with.”
“You’ll find someone better.” He predicts. “Someone who cheats on you isn’t worth your time. Or your tears.” Joel looks over at you and gives you a small smile. “Maybe you’ll find one of those romance story type guys here on the Cape.” 
You chuckle, “who is already married or has more skeletons in his closet than a haunted house. I think I’ll accept the reality that I’m destined to be alone and I think I’m okay with that. It’s not too bad. Getting to do whatever you want without answering to anyone. Romance is - it’s just something they sell to give people hope.” You confess with a sigh, “I’ll stick to reading about it in novels.” You chuckle softly and turn into the coffee shop, about to open the door but Joel does a little jog to open it before you can. “Don’t lose hope. You never know who’s gonna appear.” He says and you bite your lip as you brush past him, knowing he’s the man you’ve always envisioned when you read those romance novels.
The inside of the cafe is trendy, quirky. It seems like a place where Joel would look completely out of place with his buttoned up shirt and jeans, heavy boots. No one has given him shit about it and been friendly, even though he stays away from a lot of their menu. “Have you tried the muffins? They are pretty good.” 
You shake your head, “no. I had the chia pudding the other day.” You giggle when he wrinkles his nose. “The blueberry muffin sounds good.” You hum, crossing your arms, “and a latte. You seem like a black coffee kind of guy.”
“Only way to drink coffee.” Joel agrees with a smirk. He guides you to a table and pulls out a chair for you. “I know you probably like all those syrups and half pump venti shits.” He rolls his eyes, although he likes the way you sound when you snicker. 
“I’m a vanilla girl.” You reveal and Joel raises his eyebrows playfully. “For my coffee order.” You clarify with a smirk and he walks over to the counter to order your drinks and he returns with a blueberry muffin for you. “You didn’t have to pay.” You shake your head and he shrugs, “to make up for the early morning wake up calls.” He explains and You offer him a soft smile, reaching out to touch his hand, “thank you. I- I’ve missed you, you know?”
“You missed me so much you just….disappeared?” Joel asks, wanting to know why. “I tried calling you a couple of times. Wanted you to come out with me and Helen to dinner. You just didn’t ever call me back.” 
You sigh, withdrawing your hand. “I…it was complicated.” You glance around the coffee shop, feeling his eyes burn into you. “I couldn’t stay after you…I had to get out of town and figure out what I wanted. I’m sorry I disappeared but it was for the best. You had a new life…a wife. You didn’t need me hanging around.”
It’s not an answer that satisfies him, but from the set of your jaw, you won’t give him a proper explanation. “I- you missed a lot, obviously. I had wanted to tell you that Helen was pregnant. We weren’t announcing it before the ceremony.”
You swallow harshly, not realizing that he’s a father. “Did Helen…you have a - wow. That’s - I didn’t know. No one told me - my parents didn’t tell me anything. I asked them not to.” You finish with a murmur, shifting to sit back and look at Joel just as they call his name to get the coffees.
Joel stands up, happy to go get the drinks and muffins so he doesn’t have to show how that idea upsets him. Why does he care after twenty-five years? He shouldn’t. Bringing the tray over to the table, he sets it down and doles out the items quietly.
You bite your lip as you look at him, he’s broader than ever. He was gorgeous when he was younger and he’s still gorgeous with the grays scattered in his hair. “Is your kid in the Cape or elsewhere?” You ask him, wanting to change the subject.
Joel frowns slightly, looking down at his coffee. “No.” He tells you. “She- she died. Twelve years ago. It’s why I moved here. I couldn’t live in Texas anymore.”
Your brow furrows as you gasp softly. “Oh. Oh Joel. I’m so sorry. I- shit. Me and my big mouth. I’m so sorry. Oh God. That - that’s terrible.” You choke, squeezing the coffee cup in your hand as you see the devastation in his eyes.
“It was a long time ago.” The wound is still fresh and if it were anyone else, he wouldn’t even bring it up. But you had never met Sarah, you didn’t know how wonderful she was.
“I’m sorry Joel. I know that doesn’t mean shit when you endure that kind of pain but…I really am sorry.” You say and reach out to squeeze his hand again. “I understand why you left to come here.” You tell him and his dark eyes meet yours, clouded over with the pain of losing a child. “Do you…do you maybe want to come over for dinner sometime? Catch up properly? I meant what I said. I’ve missed you.”
His immediate response is to tell you no. That it wasn’t necessary, but he can’t get the words out. “Sure.” He figures it’s a nicety. That you are saying that and then you’ll politely avoid him.
You sip your coffee as he goes quiet. Joel was never one for small talk. “So have you got a wife or girlfriend here?” You ask after a few moments, wondering if that’s why he was hesitant to accept an offer to catch up over dinner.
“No, nothing like that.” He shakes his head, frowning slightly when he remembers Tess. He should have been better to her, but he ran out of time. “Not anymore,” he adds, looking back down at his cup. “So how long are you here?”
"Two weeks. Figured that was enough time for the dust to settle and for that asshole to get his shit out of my apartment." You sigh, looking down at the table before you flick your eyes up to meet his. "I really am sorry we lost touch. All I can say is it's complicated and too much time has passed to dig into it all again."
“Yeah.” Joel just shrugs. “It’s in the past.” He knows he’s changed a lot from the man you used to know. He’s harder, his heart is cold and most times people are wary of him. “People change, move on, whatever.”
You frown at his pessimism and you know he’s changed but he always used to be so playful and fun. Life has been hard for both of you, especially Joel. You finish your muffin and soon you’re walking back to your aunt’s house. “You wanna come for dinner tomorrow?” You offer, not wanting to end this interaction on a spur note.
“Sure.” He finds himself agreeing, not minding your company and he would love a meal he didn’t cook for himself. Or Ellie cooked. “Oh- uh, I should have told you. Can someone come with me?” He asks, not sure if you’d want a kid around.
You are surprised but don't ask who, wondering if he has a friend or something. "Uh, sure. Yeah. That's fine. Any allergies or things they don't like?" You ask, wanting to be sure before you plan what you want to cook.
“Nahhhh.” Joel snorts, shaking his head at the crazy things that Ellie has eaten. “She’ll eat anything. Nearly indestructible stomach, I swear.”
You are curious, barely able to swallow down the inquiries but you manage and offer him a smile, "sounds good. Wanna say seven?" You ask and he nods. You stand on your aunt's driveway and Joel rubs the back of his neck. "I'll see you tomorrow." He says and you rock on your heels, crossing your arms. "See you tomorrow, Joel." You smile and watch for a second as he spins on his heel and makes his way back to the neighbor's house.
“So whoooo are we having dinner with?” Joel rolls his eyes and ramps down the urge to bite back with something sarcastic. That would only make the girl more curious about who you are. 
“She’s an old friend.” Joel explains, “she’s in town and I thought I might be good to not have to put up with your shit cooking for a night.” He reaches over and pulls on her ponytail, grinning when she scowls and slaps his hand away. 
“Hey man, not my fault your cooking tastes like shit. You taught me.”
You wipe down your apron as you watch the water boil for the pasta. The doorbell rings and you take the apron off, making your way over to the door to open it to greet Joel and his mystery guest. You had purposefully avoided looking out of the windows this morning when Joel was working. You are shocked when you see a teenager with Joel, having convinced yourself it was another woman and he was trying to hint at it but you didn't pick it up.
“Woah. She’s a babe!” Ellie’s eyes widen and she sends Joel a smirk. “No wonder you didn’t talk about her. You gotta date, old man? Why the hell are you bringing me with you?” 
Joel rolls his eyes and reaches up to smack the back of Ellie’s head. “Behave.” He warns her before apologizing to you. “Sorry. She’s feral. Not a goddamn manner in her body.”
You fluster at the girl's compliment and you look at Joel with a chuckle, "don't worry. I've had worse with my cousins and their kids." You promise and step aside so that he and the kid can enter. You tell her your name as she walks past you and she offers you a grin and tells you her name is Ellie. "Hope you like chicken parm." You hum as you shut the door behind you.
“I love anything that he didn’t cook.” She hooks her thumb over at Joel and smirks. “He thinks heating Chef Boy-r-dee is a good meal.” She tells you, knowing that Joel is shuffling in embarrassment and not caring a lick. She likes to bust his balls.
You chuckle, remembering how hopeless Joel was in the kitchen. He even called you up one night to ask you to rescue the meal he was trying to cook Helen for a date night. It had been hard to help but you would’ve done anything for him back then. Still would if you’re honest. You ask Ellie what she wants to drink when they enter the open plan kitchen. “Damnnn. This is a nice place you got here.” Ellie says and you shake your head, “it’s my aunt’s. I live in Texas.” You explain and Ellie glances at Joel. 
“Texas, huh?” She says, raising her eyebrows and Joel ignores her. 
“Yeah. Joel and I used to be neighbors.” You explain a little more.
“So you can tell me what he used to be like?” She asks conspiratorially. “Before he became so boring.”
You lean in conspiratorially towards Ellie. “He’s always been boring.” You whisper playfully and Joel rolls his eyes. 
Ellie nods, “makes sense.” You chuckle and Joel huffs, biting his lip to smother his smirk. 
“Joel has always been a good guy. Grumpy, but he has always done the right thing.” You say, “and he tries to let everyone think he’s a grumpy bastard but he’s actually got a good sense of humor.” You say and Ellie shakes her head, “he doesn’t laugh at my jokes!” She whines and you smirk, “oh he’s laughing. Just on the inside.”
“No, I’m not.” Joel grumps and huffs, trying to hide a smirk. He likes to bust on Ellie as much as she busts on him, just in different ways. If he tries to be too soft with the girl, she will shut down. “Hope it wasn’t too much trouble for dinner. We would have been good with pizza.”
You shake your head, “it’s nice to cook. I am usually so busy with work and my ex…he was a vegan which made it almost impossible to cook what I know but I love cooking. I’ve missed it. Hopefully it’s good.” You say and turn back to the stove to put the pasta on to cook. “You want a soda?” You ask Ellie, knowing Joel will want a beer. The teenager nods and you hand her a soda before handing Joel a bottle of beer. “Go sit at the table. Dinner will be right up.” You say as you set your glass of wine down.
“Ellie and I will clean up.” Joel offers. He might suck in the kitchen, but he knows how to clean up a mess and it wouldn’t be fair to expect you to wait on them. “Sound good?”
“You’re my guests.” You protest but Joel shakes his head, “we can do the dishes.” You sigh, knowing you’re best to not argue, and turn back to the stove. It doesn’t take long for you to set the serving dishes on the table. “Dig in.” You order and Ellie groans, “shit. That looks good.” 
“Ellie.” Joel warns softly and you chuckle, “hopefully it tastes good.”
“I'm sure it’s great.” Joel tells you with a quick smile as he cuts into the chicken cutlet. “Thank you, it’s nice to have a good meal.” He admits. Often times it was something from a box or fast food for them. “And did you remember what beer I drink? Or was it a lucky guess?”
You bite your lip and fluster slightly, “I, uh, I remembered.” You confess, having remembered every detail about the man opposite you. Your heart is still thumping when his dark eyes meet yours. 
Neither of you notice the way Ellie smirks as she cuts into her chicken. “This is fucking awesome. You’re a great cook. Right, Joel?” Ellie hints at her foster dad.
"Huh?" He's been trying not to make it obvious that he's having a moment with the chicken farm. Looking up, he sees that he's being asked a question. "Yeah, oh yeah, it's delicious." He praises. "I don't know if I've had chicken parm this good in forever." He promises.
Your stomach twists with their praise, pleased they are enjoying it and you dig in yourself, hungry after cooking for most of the afternoon. “So Ellie is your daughter?” You ask Joel and Ellie snorts, “he wishes. I’m just his foster kid. He and my mom were friends and when he found out I was in home after home, he took me in.” Ellie says and you smile, “always knew you were a softie.” You tease and Joel grunts his response.
The truth was more complicated and filled in infinitely more guilt. Joel had gone down a dark path after Sarah had died. He was Ellie's mother's dealer. Giving her the drugs even though she was using more and more and that it could kill her. He had told himself that it wasn't his problem until he had learned about Ellie. He had started avoiding the woman's calls until he learned she had died of an overdose. No other family other than Ellie, it had felt like it was his fault so he had done the work to become the kid's guardian.
You can sense there's more but you don't push. The three of you have small talk, Ellie mainly asking questions about what Joel was like when you knew him back in the day and you explain that you were good friends until he got married and you decided to leave town. "You left? And didn't keep in touch?" Ellie asks with a frown and you tap your fingers on the table, "it was complicated."
Joel snorts and doubts that, but he doesn't voice it. You keep saying it's complicated, but you won't even say more than that to him. Ellie rolls her eyes and sighs. "Just say you love him already. There. Done." She turns to Joel and pitches her voice up slightly. "Joel, I was in love with you so I couldn't stand to see you married." She says, pretending to be you before she looks back over at you with a shake of her head. "Now. Was that hard?"
Your jaw drops slightly as the teenager calls you out and reveals the reason you left within an hour of meeting you. "I, uh, it - um -" You stammer and Joel shakes his head. 
"Ellie. Don't be rude." He reprimands her and she waves her hand towards you, "I'm right, aren't I?" She asks and you stand up, grabbing your plate. 
"I have dessert. You like chocolate cake?" You ask and grab the teenager's plate.
“Stop being a little shit.” Joel hisses the moment you disappear out of sight. “She doesn’t love me. She’s just getting over a break up.” Ellie’s grin falls and she looks upset over her comments. “And you have to open your big mouth.”
You sigh as you cut into the cake you bought earlier and serve three plates. You carry them back over to the table on the tray and Ellie’s eyes widen as she takes it in. “Holy shit, that looks delicious.” She says and you chuckle, “I didn’t make this. I’m not a good baker.” You confess as you sit back down.
“I doubt that.” Joel tells you. “I’m sure you are a good baker, but Ellie never turns down cake.”
“I never do either.” You wink at Ellie, wanting to lighten the atmosphere and you dig into the cake. After the cake is eaten, Ellie tells you about her school and how she wants to learn to play the guitar. “Joel used to play guitar.” You reveal, remembering how you used to hear him practicing in his bedroom.
“You never told me that.” Ellie sounds downright offended that he had never told her about his musical proclivity. 
“Haven’t told you a lot.” He grunts, smirking slightly when she pouts at him. 
“But you can teach me, and then I won’t have to pay someone.” 
He chuckles and raises a brow at his foster kid. “I’ll take payment in the form of chores being done on time and completely.”
You chuckle and realize that Joel is just as soft as you remember him but he’s covered by a hard exterior…like a piece of candy. Sweet but sour. “Deal.” Ellie says despite knowing she will slack a little bit she hopes Joel will at least teach her the basics. “So are you gonna be seeing Joel again?” Ellie probes and you shrug, “well, he’s working next door so I think it’s inevitable.”
Joel rolls his eyes at the scheming tone of the girl’s voice. “Maybe I should ask you when you are going to see Vanessa again.” He huffs with a small smirk. “You seemed to be really into hanging out with her.”
You lean in a little closer with a smile, “who’s Vanessa?” You ask and Ellie blushes, “she’s, uh, she’s this girl from math and she - she’s really pretty.” Ellie murmurs and you reach out to touch her arm, “then maybe you should tell her that.” You suggest and Ellie rears back and shakes her head. “Oh no. No. I, uh, I don’t know if she likes me.” Ellie confesses and you say, “well, you’ll never know unless you ask.” You suggest softly and Ellie bites her lip until her expression hardens a little, “I could say the same thing to you guys.” She says, looking between you and Joel. 
You shake your head, “we are friends. Have always been friends.” You say and don’t notice Joel frown slightly. “Anyway, I, uh, I’m sure you have an early start. Do you want to take the rest of the cake home? I won’t eat all of that.”
“I know the kid will want it.” He won’t admit that he might go to the kitchen in the middle of the night to sneak a piece. “Come on.” He motions towards Ellie. “Let’s get in there and clean up. Show our appreciation for the good meal.”
Ellie, for once, doesn’t groan about doing dishes and you already have most of it in the dishwasher so it’s only the serving plates and plates you ate off of. “It’s okay.” You try to argue but Joel and Ellie already have a well rehearsed wash and dry system. You stand there with your glass of wine and admire Joel.
You had obviously washed as you cooked, so there weren’t as many dishes as when Joel decides he’s gonna actually cook. Once the last one is washed and handed off to Ellie to dry, Joel rinses the rag and starts to wipe down your counters. “Tell you what?” He jokes. “You feed us like that and we’ll do all the dishes every time. Might even do your laundry too.”
You chuckle and hold your hand out towards Joel, “that’s a deal, Miller.” You joke and he squeezes your hand, sending electricity up your arm at his touch and your heart thumps. You stare at him for a moment until Ellie clears her throat and looks between you with a shit eating grin until Joel lets go of your hand. They finish washing up and you hand them the box of cake to take with them when you escort them out of your house “it was great to meet you, Ellie.”
"It was pretty cool to meet you too." Ellie smirks. "I think I'll probably see a lot more of you too." She predicts before shooting out the door. "Thanks for the food!" She shouts as she waves the cake box over her head.
You chuckle when Joel rolls his eyes, “she’s a handful.” He says and you reach up to squeeze his shoulder, “she’s a good kid. And you’re a good man for taking her in.” You say and he leans in to softly kiss your cheek. 
“Thanks for dinner, sweetheart. See you around.” He winks at you and you fluster, nodding before you shut the door. Your heart is fluttering, the ghost of his kiss on your cheek and you know that your love for him has never gone away, it’s just been concealed. 
The next morning, you’re woken up by Joel and his crew again and you sigh, getting ready for the day. When you open the curtains, your jaw drops as you come face to face with Joel working , his shirt looped into his jeans. “Shit.” You hiss, your stomach twisting with arousal as you watch his shoulder muscles move.
Joel sees the curtains opening on the bedroom you are obviously using in your aunt’s house. He looks back down at the board he was nailing into place and smirks. It was hot as hell today and that might have prompted him to take his shirt off. All the while, telling himself that Ellie’s prodding about how much you two obviously liked each other was a bunch of BS. You had been friends. He’s sure he had taken his shirt off around you at some point, so why shouldn’t he be comfortable.
Your mouth is dry as you try to discreetly watch. You hadn’t seen Joel without his shirt off and the muscles moving has you wanting to get back into bed and imagine Joel in it with you. Instead, you force yourself to get ready for the day and brew some coffee. The doorbell rings around mid morning and you brush yourself down as you move to open the door. “Joel. What’s up?” You ask, his shirt still off, he’s covered in some kind of grease, and you swallow harshly. “I hate to ask this but do you think I could use your shower? I got grease all over me from trying to fix my tool. Can I - I’ll be quick.” He asks and you nod, “of course. It’s upstairs to the left.” You say, “I can run your stuff through the washer if you want?” You offer.
“Thanks.” He shoots you a grin. “I appreciate it. This job has been nothing but a pain in my ass, but at least the view is nice.” He tells you, aware that he’s flirting, but he can’t help himself. He’s been thinking about you all day. Wondering what you’ve been doing.
You bite your lip as he grins at you and you aren’t sure if he’s flirting or not. You watch him as he carefully makes his way upstairs after taking off his boots at the door and you try to busy yourself by making some iced tea for when he’s done showering. Logically, you know he doesn’t have a spare set of clothes yet you’re still surprised when he appears with a towel wrapped around his waist and you swear your heart stops. Fuck, he looks gorgeous. You want to lean in and lick the drops of water speeding down his chest and stomach to be absorbed by the towel.
Joel shuffles slightly. “Sorry. I didn’t think about the fact I had nothing to put on.” He admits, rubbing the back of his neck. “And I- I swiped some of your deodorant.” He chuckles awkwardly. “Probably the best I’ve smelled all day.”
“That - That’s okay.” You nod, torn between stepping forward to rip the towel from his body and running to your room to disappear. “I, uh, I made some iced tea if you want some.” Joel nods and you pour him a glass. “I’ll put your things in the washer.” You hold your arms out and take the dirty clothes, quick to walk into the laundry room to put his clothes on to wash.
He hadn’t missed the way your breaking hitched, and he reasons that Ellie was right. You want him. Instead of drinking the tea, he puts it down and quietly follows behind you. Crowding in behind you as you close the lid to start it and smirks when you gasp as you turn around. “Sorry, realized I forgot to give you everything.” He rasps out, reaching for his towel. “Can’t forget that.”
Your eyes widen and you bite your lip to stop the whimper escaping. Joel is naked. In your aunt’s laundry room. You spin around and place the towel in the washer before pressing the button to start it. His hands find your waist and he pushes up against you, “Joel.” You whimper, “I- oh God.” You gasp when he kisses your neck. 
“I want you.” He confesses, “you want me, darlin’?” He asks and your knees would buckle if he didn’t have you pressed up against the washer. 
“I need you. I’ve wanted you since I met you.” You confess breathlessly.
His hardening cock twitches against your ass and he groans. “That is why you left.” He huffs. “Fuck, I wish I had known.” He squeezes your hips and then slides his hands around so he can unbutton your jeans. “I would have taken you to bed before I met Helen. Always thought you were a pretty thing. Never seemed like you wanted more with me, so I didn’t push.”
You turn your head to kiss his jaw. “I thought you thought of me as the dumb kid next door. Never saw me as the woman I became. I thought you just saw me as a friend. When you told me you were engaged to Helen - I - I couldn’t stick around and watch you be a family.” You confess as he pulls the zipper down and you gasp when he shoves your jeans down your thighs, his hand quickly pushing into your panties to rub your clit. “Joel.” You moan, reaching up to turn his head so you can press your lips against his.
He knows that this will change everything but he’s tired of being alone. Tired of the regrets he has and you have always been one of them. His work rough fingers press and rub your clit while his other hand slides under your shirt and pushes your bra up so he can fondle your tits. “Never thought you were a girl. You aren’t that much younger than me. Hated how much I wanted you. How much I thought about you.”
You gasp when he rubs your clit just right and you grind your hips back against his aching cock. “God. I- I thought about you all the time.” You confess and reach behind you to grip his cock in your hand. “I want you, Joel.” You whimper, needing to feel him inside of you after so many years of wondering what he would feel like.
“Then you’ll get me.” Joel promises. “Right after you cum on my fingers.” He twists his wrist so he can push two thick fingers inside you and rub your clit with his thumb. Groaning and twitching in your hand when your walls squeeze his fingers tight. “I’ll fuck your little pussy right. Make you forget all about that douche bag in Texas. Show you how a man should be treating you.”
His words send a whine up your throat and you squeeze his cock in your grip as his fingers stretch you out. “Oh God. Jo- Joel.” You gasp when his thumb presses harder against your clit. It’s more than you’ve felt in years while having sex and you are grateful for his hand squeezing your breast to keep you upright and pressed against the washer. “Shit. That - it’s so good.” You pant, knowing that Jason never made you feel like this. He never used to finger you until you came, just until you were wet. You’re a little embarrassed when you look back on it later to say that you came astonishingly quick, clamping down on his digits with a moan of his name.
“Good girl.” Joel moans when he feels your body tense and shake. “Fuck, your such a good girl for me. Bet you taste delicious, don’t cha?” He groans, the slickness coating his fingers makes it easier to work you through your orgasm until he feels your knees buckle and you collapse against the washing machine. “Fuck. You needed that, didn’t you. Still want me to fuck you or do you need a cigarette?” He jokes. He’s throbbing in your hand, but if you don’t want to go any farther, he won’t push. He doesn’t want you to regret it or feel like he’s taking advantage of your broken heart.
You squeeze his cock again, "don't you dare stop, Miller. I- I've wanted you for forever. I need you inside of me." You plead breathlessly, pussy still fluttering around his fingers, "please." You add pathetically, needing this even if it's one time.
“I’m so fuckin’ glad you said that.” Joel confesses as he pulls his soaked fingers out of you. “Otherwise I was gonna need to jerk off right now.” He kisses your neck and pushes your feet apart with his own to spread you out. “It’s gonna be quick.” He warns. “Been a long fuckin’ time for me.”
"I don't care. You can cum inside of me." You promise, bracing yourself on the vibrating washer as he positions himself at your entrance and starts to push inside of you. You whine when his cock slips inside of you, already stretching you out. "Fuck. You are so big." You moan, knowing that you've never had anyone this thick inside of you.
​​Joel groans your name roughly, rolling his hips until they are pressed against your ass and both hands are filled with your tits. “So goddamn tight.” He rasps in your ear, twitching when you clench around him. “Better than my dreams, better than I could have ever imagined. So tight around my dick.”
You reach behind you to tangle your fingers in his damp hair. He starts to move inside of you, a whine escaping your lips as the friction is delicious, and you rest your cheek on the washer. “Soooo gooood.” Your voice vibrates too and Joel chuckles darkly, making you clench around him again.
He moves his hands down to grip your waist, holding tight to you as he braces his legs. Starting to rock into you faster and harder to make your body slam against the machine you are leaning against. “Fuck baby, you’re goddamn perfect.” He grunts out, gritting his teeth. “Touch your pretty little clit while I fuck the shit out of you.”
You cry out in pleasure, your hand shaking as you push it between you and the machine to rub your clit. “Fuck Joel. Joel. Oh shit.” You practically sob and his fingers dig into your flesh, likely leaving bruises you’ll cherish. “Harder.” You demand, wanting to feel him for days after he leaves you.
He growls, deep in his chest and his pace increases. Slamming into you harsh enough that he rocks the machine. Loving how you take him and beg for more, how tight your cunt gets when you spasm around him. “Gonna cum.” He warns, feeling his body starting to tense. “Need you to cum, sweet girl.”
You rub your clit a little faster, wanting to cum before he does and his grunts echo in the laundry room, getting deeper and faster along with his thrusts until you fall apart. A cry rips from your mouth as you clamp down on him, practically shaking against the vibrating machine as you climax around the man you’ve wanted for so long.
As soon as you clench down around him, Joel is lost. The strangled groan pushes out of his throat as he buries his cock just as deep as he can. Painting your walls with hot spurts of his seed while he grinds into you and whimpers your name. Overwhelmed by how perfect you feel around him.
You pant, resting against the washer as Joel twitches inside of you, his lips kissing along the back of your neck. You are speechless. No one has ever fucked you like that. Your legs feel like jello and you know you'd collapse if it wasn't for him keeping you pressed against the machine.
Panting, Joel presses against your back, kissing along your neck as he tries to catch his breath. He’s out of practice, but the way your legs still shake makes him think he did it right. “Fuck.” He chuckles. “We shoulda done that years ago.”
You chuckle softly, "yes but you were married." You snort and Joel caresses your side. "I think I'm gonna need a nap after that." You confess and he smirks against your skin, reluctantly pulling out of you.
“Well, I can’t go back to work with no clothes on.” He reminds you with another chuckle. “Why don’t we take that nap?” He’s already told his crew what to do and he doesn’t want to leave you right now. Caressing your back, he watches his cum start to well up at your little hole, trying to push out.
You smile, reaching behind you to unclasp your bra after he steps back from you and you finally feel like you can stand up. You toss your bra and shirt into the laundry basket along with the rest of your clothes after using your panties to wipe his cum from between your legs. “I need to pee and then we can nap.” You say, leaning in to kiss his cheek. “You wanna head upstairs while I pee?” You ask.
“Yeah.” Joel smirks slightly when you wobble as you walk to the hall bathroom and he strides into the kitchen to grab you a bottle of water before heading upstairs to the bedroom you are using. Feeling great and hoping that you enjoyed yourself, he’s gonna have to ask you when you come up.
You struggle to get upstairs but you do it, finding Joel sitting on the edge of the bed, still naked and you admire him for a second. The sun coming through the curtains highlights the gray in his locks and you find yourself falling for him all over again. You shift to lay down on the bed, closing your eyes, “you’ve worn me out, Miller.” You joke playfully.
“You’re worn out?” It’s fucking ridiculous how he wants to touch you again, even though he knows it will be at least half an hour, maybe more before he could get it up again. “And here I was thinking about eating your pussy.” He flips back on the bed beside you. “Guess that’s out.”
You open one eye, “now I didn’t say I was that worn out.” You tease, shifting onto your side and opening both eyes to look at him. “I would happily cum on your tongue if you want to do that.” You murmur, reaching out to caress his chest.
“Figure I owe you that much.” He grunts. “Fucked you over a washing machine. Not exactly the classiest first time.” He shoots you a grin. “Shoulda been in the bed of my truck.” He leans in and presses his lips to your as he rolls you onto your back and covers you with his body. “Wanna find out how you taste. Used to think about it when I had my dick in my hand.”
​​You reach up to caress his shoulders and back, “the bed of your truck. The stars above while the radio plays. That might’ve been something I dreamed about a lot.” You confess as he kisses along your neck. “I want to suck your cock too. Imagined it so many times. How you’d look, how you’d sound.”
“Fuck.” He groans, imagining it. “You’d look so fucking pretty like that.” He agrees. “But right now, there’s no way I’m gonna get hard, baby. I’m old.”
You scoff, “you’re not old. You just need some time.” You murmur, caressing his back as he slides his hand down your side. “We have time.” You promise softly despite knowing you are on borrowed time in your aunt’s house. “Now…you mentioned something about eating me out?”
He laughs as his tongue slides between your breasts, looking up at you with a grin that makes him feel younger, lighter. “I was telling you that you were going to scream my name.” He boasts, kissing across your belly as he shuffles down the bed to move between your thighs.
You grin as you watch him until he kisses your inner thigh and your mouth falls open with a moan. “Joel.” You sigh when he kisses along the sensitive skin until you are moaning his name as his tongue slides through your folds. “Fuck.” You tilt your head back, sitting up on your elbows.
He hums, knowing you are watching him but his eyes are closed as he tastes you. Enjoying the musky, tangy taste, even mixed with his own cum. Using his hands to push your thighs apart more, he flicks his tongue over your clit before sliding down and pushing his tongue inside you.
You gasp in delight as his tongue curls deep and you shift your weight onto one elbow so you can reach out and tangle your fingers in his hair. "So good baby. So good." You coo, rocking your hips up slightly to push his tongue deeper.
Joel groans into your cunt as he tongue fucks you enthusiastically. Loving your responsiveness and how you moan his name. His fingers dig into your hips, dragging you closer as he feasts voraciously without even wanting to pull away to swallow, his spit and your juices sliding down to soak the bed under you.
"Oh God." You pant, chest heaving and you let go of his hair to squeeze your breast, pinching the nipple while his nose presses against your clit. "That - ohhh just like that." You cry as his tongue curls just right with his nose pressed against your bundle of nerves.
He hums, rubbing his broad nose against your clit to give you more. Desperate to hear you cum again and to feel you soak his face. He feels so fucking alive right now between your thighs.
"Shit. I'm - you're gonna make me cum, Joel." You pant, thighs clamping around his face as he sends you over the edge. "Fuck!" You squeal as you soak his face, almost suffocating him with your thighs as your stomach clenches with your orgasm.
Joel groans, his softening cock starting to twitch and harden. Loving how wet you are getting and how much you are soaking him. Working you through it, his eyes are fixed on your face while you moan and cry out for him.
You collapse back onto the bed, gasping to catch your breath and you swear your heart has stopped from how hard you came. It’s more than anything you felt with Jason. It’s all consuming. “So good.” You finally murmur, loosening your grip on his face as your legs come down to lay flat on the bed when he rests his chin on your mound.
He smirks, looking at your blissed out face. “Good to know that it was good.” He strokes your thigh and your hip with his hands. “Now we can nap.” He teases, winking playfully.
You shift onto your side after he snakes from between your legs to flop down on the bed beside you. “You don’t want me to-?” You ask, noticing his semi. 
“Nap first then maybe you can ride me.” He says, closing his eyes and you nod, shifting to curl into his side, watching him for several moments until you eventually drift off to sleep. 
You aren’t sure how long you’ve been asleep but you wake up to Joel snoring. You chuckle softly, knowing he would never admit to snoring, and you watch him for a moment, unable to believe you’re here with him. Your gaze slides down his body to his hard cock resting on his belly and you grin, carefully shifting to be able to kneel over his body. You gently grip his cock and lean down to take the head into your mouth, wanting to surprise him when he wakes up.
Joel grunts, the wet heat and suction around his cock pulling him out of the nap he had been enjoying. Confused for a moment before the last few hours come rushing back to him and he groans out your name. Reaching down to cup the back of your head as his eyes open. Seeing you looking up at him with a smirk in your eyes.
You take him deeper, gripping the base of his cock as you widen your jaw and choke for a second. You haven’t sucked a cock like Joel’s before and it takes you a few tries to get him down your throat without gagging.
“Good girl, fuck, watch you take that.” He marvels. Reaching around to caress your jaw and feeling the way that your jaw unhinges. “Couldn’t wait, so eager for it that you had to wake me up?” He teases.
You moan around his cock, closing your eyes as you take him deeper, your saliva dripping down his length and you pull back after a moment, working his cock with your hand. You twist your wrist and dribble some more spit onto his cock. “I couldn’t resist.” You confess, pumping him as you lean in to suck on the head, pressing your tongue against his frenulum.
“Shit.” Joel hisses, his toes curling in pleasure and his thighs tensing as his body responds to your tongue. “Cock hungry.” He grunts. “You gonna swallow? Or are you gonna tease me and not let me cum in your mouth?”
You pull back again, pumping him a little faster. “You wanna cum down my throat or do you want me to ride you? Your choice, handsome.” You coo, “I can do whatever you want. Just want you to feel good.” You promise, taking him back into your mouth.
“Fuck.” It’s such a tantalizing choice but he knows he lasts longer the second time around and then he’ll be done. It would make your jaw ache and he doesn’t want that. “Ride me, baby.” He groans. “Want to see you bounce on my cock.”
You don't argue despite wanting to watch him as he cums down your throat. You let his cock drop from your mouth and you shift to straddle his thighs, shuffling closer until you can wrap your fingers around his slick cock and position him. You sink down onto him with your eyes fixed on his, that dark gaze sends a shiver down your spine as he stretches you out. "God, Joel." You whine softly, placing your palms on his chest.
“Fuuuuuuuuck.” Joel goans out, his fingers digging into the soft flesh at your hips while you clench down around him. You’re even tighter in this position and he has the bonus of being able to look into your eyes. See your face. “Does that feel good, baby?”
"Joel. It's...shit. It's so good." You confess breathlessly and your nails dig into his chest a little as you start to rock your hips. "Shit. How does it feel so good? Never been like this before." You confess as your eyes meet his and your heart pounds in your chest, silently giving you the answer to your question.
Bracing his feet on the bed, he rocks his hips up to meet you when you lift off of him. Making both of you groan at how good it feels. “You look so good on my dick.” He groans. “Your ex is a fucking moron.” He doesn’t want you to think about that asshole, but he wants you to know that it wasn’t you. One hand slides up to cup your breast, squeezing gently. “Never wanna leave this pussy.”
His words make you clench around him and you whimper, falling forward to press your chest against his so you can kiss him. Your lips pressing against his and you tangle your fingers in his hair as he thrusts up into you. His arms wrap around you and you kiss his jaw when you pull back to take a breath. "Never want you to stop fucking me."
Joel grunts, shifting to take control. “Good-“ he pants. “Good thing I last the second time.” He starts rocking his hips up, pinning you to him as he fucks you. “It’s why I wanted you to ride me. Probably take me an hour to cum.”
You are surprised by that. Most men you've been with tend to leave you unsatisfied after finding their own orgasm. "Fuck, really?" You gasp and he chuckles, thrusting a little harder. "Yes. Gonna make you cum over and over again." You cry out when he hits deep, nudging your cervix, but you love it. "Yessss." You hiss, "do that again baby."
Joel groans and does as you demand, snapping his hips up sharply so he can push against that spot again. He might be getting older, slower, fall asleep after dinner in his chair, but he’s not going to disappoint you. Not when he has this time with you like this. Trying to give you the same performance if he had fucked you years ago. “That?” He teases. “I’ll do that as much as you want.”
The sound you let out is between a wail and a moan as he hits that spot again. “Oh shitttt.” You hiss, lost in the sensations. “Again. That- again.” You beg and he does it, making you shake above him. “Joel. Oh shit. Baby. I’m gonna - you’re gonna make me - fuuuu-” The word fading into a choke as you clamp down on his cock, soaking him as you shake above his body, your fingers tugging on his hair.
This time he slows down, rocking you through the pleasure slowly and finally stopping when you slump down into his chest. He’s still hard, buried inside you, and he hums softly as he lets you catch your breath. “That’s good, baby?” He asks quietly. “You want another one?”
You lean back to look into his face. Fingers coming up to trace the lines that have been etched onto his skin over the years you’ve not seen each other. He’s still just as devastatingly handsome though. Every line is a story you don’t know about. “Yes.” You murmur, pressing your lips to his and you shift to sit up, wanting to ride him again. Your hips rock as you reach for his hands, joining them with yours to give yourself something to hold onto as you rock on his cock.
This time, you ride him. Truly ride him. You roll your hips and circle them around and make him groan. He squeezes your hands, but he doesn’t urge you to go faster. Knowing you will cum again before he does. He doesn’t want to hurt you or wear you out, so he’s just along for the ride. Aware that the sounds from next door have stopped and the guys have gone home.
You tilt your head back as you rock your hips. It’s slower, not as frantic, and you love the way he groans when you grind down onto him. “So good Joel. God, I- I can’t believe it’s so good.” You confess, squeezing his hands before you let go of him and lean back to place your hands on his thighs, grinding forward onto his cock.
He chuckles and watches you with a sense of wonder. “It’s because you’ve not had good sex in a long time.” He downplays his prowess because all that matters is that you enjoy yourself. “God, your pussy is fucking magic.” He moans quietly, twitching violently in the warmth of your walls.
You whimper, loving how he looks beneath you, and you moan his name again, “can you-?” You reach for his hand to bring it to your stomach, sliding it down to rub your clit and you moan when he rubs it just right. “That’s it baby. Shit.” You pant, rocking a little faster and you are soon clamping down on him again, head tilted back as a choked cry escapes your lips.
Joel watches you through heavy lidded eyes as you come apart again. Enjoying the pleasure you take as much as you do, although your body is the one shaking. He rocks his hips up slightly when your pace falters to work you through it. Groaning out your name and humming as you collapse against his chest to kiss you.
You caress his cheek, “I need a second.” You admit, chest heaving as your heart pounds in your chest and you pull off of his cock. Shifting to lay beside him and you reach down to grip his length, starting to pump him slowly while you lean in to kiss him. “Can’t believe you’re in my bed.” You murmur against his lips.
​​“Hard to believe since we haven’t seen each other in so long.” Joel agrees. “But it is pretty damn good, I think.” He reaches up and cups your cheek. “I know you deserve the fucking moon.”
You grin, turning your head to kiss his palm. “So do you. Always thought you were too hard on yourself.” You murmur, continuing to pump his cock. “I want you on top of me.” You request, letting go of his cock.
“Ready for more?” His brow shoots up and he huffs. “It’s a good damn thing that I didn’t cum.” He teases you, already moving to his knees so his could climb on top of you.
You giggle, reaching up to caress his shoulders and down to his chest, reaching for his cock to position him at your entrance. “I want you to cum. Fill me up again.” You promise, “and I’ll always want more.” You reassure him and he looks at you for a moment until he swallows harshly.
“Yeah?” He asks gruffly, not waiting for you to give him an answer, just lunging forward to fill you up again while he kisses you. Swallowing your cry when he pushes deep and immediately starts to rock into you.
You moan into his mouth, tongue tangling with his as he starts to rock his hips. It’s intoxicating and you are certain that you’ve never been fucked this well before. He kisses along your neck, biting your collarbone and you pant, closing your eyes. “So good baby. So good.” You whimper as he lifts your hip higher to sink deeper inside of you.
“Glad you like my fucking.” He huffs, chuckling breathlessly. He hasn’t worked this hard to fuck a pussy in years and he’s not regretting it. You both deserve this. He actually feels like he deserves this, surprisingly. You make him feel like he does.
“Oh God.” You can’t stop rambling about how good he feels, your heart pounding in your chest and you cross your ankles behind his back, your hands caressing his shoulders, strong from his years in construction. He lowers his hips and you swear you’re gonna cum again when the hair at the base of his cock brushes your clit.
“That’s it.” Joel grunts. The position has you perfectly positioned. Loving how tight you feel and how good it feels to be cradled between your thighs, he knows he’s gonna cum this time. “One more.” He begs. “Give me one more and I’ll fill you up again.”
You pant when he pushes deeper and drops his hips again and you swear you almost black out from the extent of pleasure he’s given you and you swear you are going to gush as he hits just right and you clamp down on his cock. “Joel. Joel. Joellll.” You squeal as you cum, soaking him and your ankles pushing against his ass.
Joel groans, unable to stop himself from pushing deep and letting go. His body draws up taunt like a guitar string. “That’s it baby, gonna cum.” He moans, feeling his cock pulse as he spills ropes of cum into your perfect cunt. Emptying himself as he holds his breath, feeling like his heart is about to beat out of his chest.
You sigh, closing your eyes and tilting your head back against the pillows as he paints your walls with his cum. You feel exhausted and yet feel like you could conquer the world. Alive and vibrating with pleasure from the man above you. The words would be so easy to say. The words you’ve wanted to say for so many years but you swallow them down.
Joel groans and pulls out of you slowly, flopping onto his back with a sigh. “Now I need another nap.” He huffs, closing his eyes even as he opens his arms if you want to snuggle to him again. “Wore me out, woman.”
You shift to curl into his side, throwing your leg over his thighs and not caring about his cum dripping out of you. You sigh and kiss his chest. “That was the best sex I’ve ever had.” You confess, closing your eyes as you cuddle into him.
“Good.” Joel hums sleepily. “Best damn sex I’ve had too.” His hand curls around your body and closes his eyes again, exhausted and for once, the nightmares don’t come.
You smile as Ellie sets the blankets up in the back of Joel’s truck. You watch Joel as he comes back to the truck with an armful of popcorn. “Fuck yeah.” Ellie says and you chuckle, taking the popcorn from Joel. “You’re excited to watch Dawn of the Dead?” You ask her with amusement and she nods, “duh. It’s the original. The remake is good but it has nothing on this one.” She says and you watch Joel snort. “Come on, let’s get in the truck, it’s about to start.” He says and you climb in after he does, taking his hand.
Joel can’t believe that you wanted to spend time with Ellie, but it makes him smile as she settles down and you sit beside her. Leaning him to squeeze in on the outside. “It’s always nice when they run these.” Joel admits. “Been a long time since we’ve been, but I always loved it as a kid. Remember all those times we would hang out at the drive in? Damn thing was the only movie theater for twenty miles.”
You shift to snuggle into Joel's side after the movie begins. Ellie chomps away on the popcorn and you inhale the smoky scent of Joel as he shifts to get comfortable with the pillows behind you. The past week has been incredible, spending most days with Joel after he finishes working on the house next door and you've had dinners at your place with and without Ellie. You've wanted Ellie to feel included, that you aren't taking Joel away from her all the time, and the teenager says she's happy she doesn't have to see the miserable old bastard all the time. That made you chuckle and Joel grumble, causing Ellie to go "see? My point." You flinch during the movie, on edge despite seeing this classic before, and Joel rubs your shoulder.
He ignores the way that Ellie eyes the two of you and snickers under her breath. Pulling you against him to where you roll to your side, hooking a leg over his. He tucks his other arm behind his head. “Maybe we can do that thing downtown next week.” He mentions casually, keeping his voice low. “Kid wants to go. Could be fun.” The little town loves to hold festivals and events, especially during the summer. 
You hum, looking up at him. “I would love that.” You have been having dinners with Ellie and she’s a great kid. Feisty and her manners could use some work but she’s a good girl really. She’s gonna be a ball buster when she grows up. You and Joel have grown closer and he told you about Sarah. How he asked her to pick up milk on the way home from school because he was too busy with work to pick her up himself so she said she’d walk home and she ended up involved in an armed robbery of the grocery store. She made one wrong move to try and help a pregnant woman and ended up shot. You held Joel after he told you what happened, both of you crying for the little girl who would never grow up. Since then, you’ve spent as much time as possible together, even spending the night at Joel’s house. You never want to go home. You want to stay right here forever. You kiss Joel’s jaw when it tenses and he turns his head to softly kiss you, making your heart flutter.
Joel hums into the kiss, keeping it soft and light since the kid is sitting right next to you. He’s already planning on having you spend the night. Getting used to the feeling of your body next to his and when he’s holding you, he doesn’t dream of Sarah. He doesn’t hear her last breaths as he sleeps. He nuzzles your cheek with his nose when he pulls away. “Enjoying yourself, baby?”
“Always with you.” You whisper softly while Ellie chomps on popcorn and laughs when someone new gets bitten. It’s the most at peace you’ve been in so long. You want to tell Joel how you feel but you don’t want to ruin this between you. When you arrive back at Joel’s, you bid goodnight to Ellie and Joel is dragging you to his room. “Someone’s eager.” You giggle and he shuts the door behind you.
“Always with you.” He uses your words from earlier, but it’s true. He’s always eager to touch you, to taste you. Feeling your skin against his is unlike anything else and he’s addicted to it. He quickly pulls off your shirt and unclips your bra as he kisses along your neck, moving down to take a nipple in his mouth.
You gasp, body still on fire as much as the first time whenever he touches you. You reach for his jeans, unbuckling them and reaching in to grip his cock, loving how hard he is for you. “Joel.” You whine when he bites down on your nipple, groaning into your skin.
He loves how you whine, how you beg for him. Switching to your other breast, he shows it the same attention, squeezing your ass and then hastily unbuttoning your shorts. Needing to feel how wet you are for him.
You let go of his cock so he can shove your shorts down and he groans when his hand dives into your panties and he finds you soaking wet. You’ve never been so turned on by a man, wet from just a few kisses from Joel. Even looking at him. You whimper when his calloused fingers find your clit. “Yesss baby.” You hiss softly, reaching back to squeeze his cock.
“Fuck.” He groans against your tit. His fingers rub your clit and then he slides them deep inside you and curls up. “Want you to cum for me, then I want to fuck you.” He growls.
You can’t deny him when he wants you to cum for him. His thumb pressing against your clit and you’re so close already. “Joel. Baby. Shit.” You hiss as you clamp down on his digits, soaking them and your grip on his cock tightens.
It seems like he’s learned your body perfectly over the last week. Groaning happily when your cunt gushes around his fingers and makes it squelch when he continues to finger you. “So good baby, so good.” He praises. “You’re so good for me.”
You whimper, “yes. Yes. All yours. I- shit. Need you inside of me.” You plead, letting go of his cock to reach for his shirt. You want to pull it over his head so you can touch his skin.
It’s a frantic rush to get both of you undressed. Acting like teenagers again. He chuckles when he nearly trips over his boxers as he moves you towards the bed. “So damn eager. All the time.” He grunts, pressing his lips to yours as he pushes you down onto the bed.
You giggle, looking up at him as he shifts to kneel between your legs. You stop giggling when he looks at you and you reach up to caress his cheeks. “It’s because it’s you.” You murmur, your heart pounding in your chest and you know you can’t say those words and ruin this so you surge forward to press your lips against gis.
Joel closes his eyes and moans into your mouth. Gripping his cock and guiding himself towards your dripping entrance while your tongues tangle together. Flattening his hands on either side of your head as he starts to push inside you.
You tangle your fingers in his hair, lifting your thighs up to rest on his hips so he can sink deeper inside of you. “Joel baby. Shit. Always so thick. Stretching me out. Would’ve - would’ve let you fuck me in your truck during the movie if Ellie wasn’t there.” You reveal when he leans back to kiss along your jaw.
He hums quietly. "Could you have kept quiet?" He asks, sliding a hand up and covering your mouth. "Or would I have had to fuck you like this? Keep those pretty sounds for myself while I fuck you?"
Your moan is muffled by his palm and you whimper when he starts to move inside of you. Your cunt clenches around him, making him chuckle darkly, and you swear that alone could make you cum. His hand slides down to your neck, holding you there but not squeezing. “I would’ve tried. The - the horror screams might’ve covered mine up.”
He hums, smirking as he watches you squirm underneath him. "Maybe." He tells you doubtfully. Your screams are too loud when he's really fucking you. Although you normally save that for when he's fucking you at your aunt's house.
You slap his chest playfully and he grabs your hand, pressing it into the mattress above your head. “I could’ve kept quiet.” You huff and he thrusts particularly hard into you, making you moan a little louder than you shoulder. His eyebrow raises as you open your eyes and you roll your eyes, “okay, you made your point. Now, you gonna fuck me, Miller?” You tease, leaning up to nip his jaw.
“I’m fuckin’ you, aren’t I?” He grumbles even though he’s smirking again. He’s been doing a lot of that around you lately. Reaching back, he grabs your hand and lifts it up over your head while he slams into you again. “Addicted to it. To you.”
Your mouth falls open, all joking gone as he hits so deep inside of you. “Fuck.” You gasp, closing your eyes as he rolls his hips on the next thrust. “Shit. Me too. Addicted. To all of you.” You promise, having seen some of his darker moments when he’d wake up in the middle of the night and momentarily forget he lost Sarah. You’d held him while he settled down and neither of you spoke about it the next morning. It’s his decision to talk or not talk.
With your confession, his pace falters for a moment before he starts rocking into you faster. Snapping his hips as harshly as he can to slam into you roughly. Knocking your breath and his own out of you as he fucks you.
You lift your hips higher, sending him impossibly deeper inside of you, and you can barely breathe with the way he’s pushing deep inside of you. “Fuck baby. That’s it. God. Feels so good. So good.” You moan, squeezing his hands in yours.
“You’re so good.” He’s done everything he fucking could to show you how sexy you are. How desirable. That your ex is a dumbass. He squeezes your hand and despite the rough pace, his lips are tender on yours.
His hips grind against yours and you are close when he rubs your clit just right. “Shit. Jo-Joel. Fuck. I’m gonna - I’m gonna - Shitttttt.” You hiss as you clamp down on his cock, soaking him and your lips hover against his as he works you through it.
It’s always so surprising how quickly you cum. Making him groan as your walls squeeze hum like a vice, begging him to fill you up. He kisses you again, keeping his cock working in and out of you as he chases his own high. Thinking about you and how sexy you are, different times he’s fucked you. Wanting to cum and snuggle with you while he can. “Fuck, fuck, baby.” He pants. “So fucking good for me. Soaking my cock. Moaning my name. You’re mine, ain’t cha?”
You nod, “yes. Yes. Yours. Always been yours. You just didn’t know it.” You confess and he groans, pushing deep inside of you with a hiss as he starts to cum. “That’s it baby. Cum for me. Yes. Yes. God, that’s it.” You squeeze his hands as he scrunches his face up while he paints your walls.
“You should stay.” Joel groans out as he collapses on top of you and buries his face into your neck. Panting breathlessly and trying to find the words he needs, even though he’s never been good at them. He needs you. Much like he needed Ellie, just in a different kind of way. He doesn’t want you to leave and he knows you’ve only got a few days left.
You want to stay. More than anything. You often daydream about a life spent with Joel but you have a life back in Texas that you need to sort out. You want to stay, forget everything in Texas but you have an apartment. “I can’t. Not yet.” You murmur and caress his back, “I have stuff to figure out in Texas.” You wish you could stay with him but you have to get everything sorted.
Joel doesn’t say anything. He knows it was a long shot. He kisses you softly and pulls out of you with a groan and rolls onto his back. Quiet and suddenly wondering is you are going to go back to that asshole now that you’ve fucked someone else.
You shift into his side, kissing his chest, and you know it’s hard to explain to Joel who sees the world in absolutes. You know he isn’t happy with your answer and you’ll try to explain it better in the daylight. He is soon snoring in your ear and you murmur to him, “I love you.” You will call your parents tomorrow and see if they can help you out. 
Joel looks at you as you finish making the sandwiches for lunch. “You nearly finished with the house next door?” You ask him as you set the iced tea down in front of him as he shifts to sit at your kitchen counter. 
“Nearly.” He says and he’s been quiet since last night when you told him you weren’t staying. 
You set the plate in front of him just as the doorbell rings. He looks at you and you shake your head, “I didn’t order anything.” You say and make your way over to the front door. You open it and gasp, “Jason?”
His heart sinks as he hears your gasps but his first instinct is anger. Lurching out of his seat, Joel rushes to the door and pushes you out of the way so he can grab the asshole who hurt you. "What the fuck are you doing here?" He growls, satisfied that the man nearly squeals and flinches when Joel draws his fist back to punch him.
Jason winces and you reach up to touch Joel’s arm. “Don’t. He’s not worth it.” You say and Joel glances at you, confused that you don’t want him to beat this guy’s ass and you say no. “What do you want, Jason?” You huff and Jason adjusts his shirt after Joel lowers his arm. 
“I want you back. I made a mistake. I'm sorry baby. Please. I miss you.” You ignore that to ask him how he found you. “Your phone…still has the location shared with me.” 
You hiss at your stupidity. “I don’t - I don’t love you Jason. You hurt me. So much. Just go.” You plead and he shakes his head, trying to push into the house but Joel puffs his chest and Jason backs away. 
“Fine. Whatever. Clearly you’ve moved on. Good luck, man. She’s batshit crazy.” Jason growls, “and she needs to do some fucking kegels.” 
Joel hisses and surges forward to grab Jasón but he manages to dodge Joel and runs down the path. “Motherfucker.” Joel hisses and tries to catch him but you place your hand on his chest, “leave it baby. It’s not worth it.” You remind him and Joel shouts out, “you worthless piece of shit!” You sigh and shut the door, feeling a little shaken by Jason’s random appearance.
Joel’s angry. Pissed off that you apparently still have feelings for that fucking loser. Enough that you wouldn’t let him beat the shit out of him and teach him some fucking manners. “Charming asshole.” He grunts, not even hungry anymore. “See why you want to go back to him.” You just said you didn’t love him, but why else would you give up on everything the two of you have if not to go back to that worthless piece of shit.
Your eyes widen, “go- what the hell are you talking about, Joel? Go back to him? That’s the last thing I’d ever do. I didn’t think he’d track my fucking phone to come and find me.” You shake your head, “I don’t want him. I want you. I only want you.” You want to tell him how much but you don’t want to risk your heart again.
“Except you aren’t staying with me, are you?” He demands. “You’re gonna fuck off back to Texas and maybe tell your friends that you rebounded with some dumb construction worker who knew you from back in the day.” His own fears ride to the surface and he lashes out at you. “Poor son of a bitch actually thought he had a chance and asked you to stay.”
You shake your head, “Joel. No. I- I have to go home because I have an apartment. A job. I can’t just up and leave everything. I want to stay. More than anything in the world but we aren’t kids, we have responsibilities and I have to handle it all before I come back here. I want to stay. More than anything in the world.” You assure him, noticing how tense he is and you feel guilty for not explaining yourself before.
“Whatever.” He’s angry and irrational. A little embarrassed about how he just flung his heart out there. “I’m- I’ve got to get back to work.” He picks up his tool belt off the back of the chair and turns towards the door. Hating how vulnerable you’ve made him feel and how easily you can hurt him.
You want to run after him, scream at him that you love him, that you've always been in love with him. No one has ever made you feel like he does. Instead, you stare at the kitchen counter. You told him you'd come back but he pushed it aside. Maybe it's best that you go home before you destroy the last of your relationship with Joel. You work on packing your things, booking a flight home, and you text Ellie to tell her you are heading home first thing. She tries to call you but you ignore it, wanting to have a glass of wine or two to smother the way your heart aches at leaving Joel again. You never discussed why you left. You never told him and now you doubt you will. You organize your aunt's house, leaving it how you found it and get into bed without Joel.
“You’re a fucking dumbass.” Joel ignores the jab coming from the teenager as he stirs the pan as if it was a mission to whip the water and milk mixture the boxed dinner called for. “Joel? Joel? She’s leaving.” She stresses again. “You know, not being here anymore?” 
Slamming the spoon down, Joel turns around to glare at Ellie. “I fucking know. What do you want me to do about it?” He demands. “She’s a fucking adult. She can go where she wants.” 
The girl’s eyebrows arch up to her forehead and she rears back at the anger in Joel’s tone. “Man, you got it baaaaaaad.” She huffs. “You need to tell her how you feel.” 
Joel snorts. “I have.” He admits, shaking his head. “Doesn’t matter, stay out of it.” 
Ellie harumps at him and crosses her arms. “Go talk to her.” She demands, staring him down and he knows she won’t let this go. 
“Fine.” He grumbles, slapping his hands on his hips to search for his keys. “Won’t do any good, but I’ll go talk to her.”
The doorbell rings and you frown, getting out of bed to see who it is. Hoping it's not Jason coming back. When you see Joel through the peephole, you sigh and open the door. "Hey." You say weakly as you stand there in your pajamas in the doorway.
“Can we talk?” Joel asks, shuffling slightly on the steps and wondering if you would tell him to fuck off. He had overreacted and fucked things up. “Please?”
You nod, stepping aside so he can walk in and you shut the door behind him. “Ellie told you I booked a flight home?” You ask and he nods, pushing his hands into his jeans. “Yeah.” He clears his throat and you bite your lip, taking a moment. “I don’t think you understand me, Joel. I- I don’t want to leave. Ever. If I could stay here forever, I would. But I can’t. Not because I don’t want to. I want to. I have a life back home. A home. A job. I can't abandon that stuff. I have to sort it out and then…I was planning to come back.”
His shoulders round, knowing that he hadn’t heard you say that when he was busy being upset. “I- I’m sorry.” He murmurs quietly, hating being wrong and feeling like he’s fucked things up. “I shouldn’t have- I didn’t hear you say that. I’m- no excuse.” He tells the kid to own up to her mistakes all the time and he should do the same.
You aren’t angry with him, just upset. “I- I never told you the reason why I left when you got married…did I?” You ask and he shakes his head, his hand coming up to run it through his hair. You fiddle with your fingers and lick your lips, giving yourself a moment. “I left because I couldn’t stand to see the man I love be in love with another woman, marry another woman. It tore me apart and I thought it was easier to leave than to watch you live your life without me being the woman you chose to be with. I was so in love with you and you didn’t see it. I had to go.”
“Oh baby.” Joel closes his eyes, pulling his hands out of his pockets so he can pull you close. “I wish you had told me.” It wouldn’t have changed things, he had married her, but maybe he could have kept you as a friend. “We didn’t last a year. She wasn’t the one for me. Not really, and we both knew it.”
You know he wouldn’t change a thing because he had Sarah because he married Helen but you hug him, breathing him in. “You had Sarah so life happens for a reason and you’re here now and I - I still love you. I’m still so damn in love with you, Miller.” You confess as you pull back to look at him.
“I love you.” He murmurs softly. “I - I was going to offer to come to Texas.” He’s not stepped foot in the state since his daughter died and he really didn’t want to go back, but he would for you. “To visit you. It would be hard to move Ellie.”
You caress his cheek, “I won’t be long.” You promise, “I can work remotely so I just gotta head home to pack up and find somewhere here to buy.” You tell him, “I won’t be gone long enough for you to need to visit me. I know you can’t move because of Ellie so I’ll come here. I don’t want to run anymore. I want you.” You promise, leaning in to nudge your nose with his.
“You don’t have to buy anything.” Joel murmurs quietly. “You can move in with me and Ellie.” He knows you might not want to move in with him after your ex cheated on you in your home, but he wants to offer. “No need to waste the money when you’re gonna be in bed with me.”
You smile, pleased that he’s ready to jump all in. “You want me in your bed?” You ask and he nods, “every damn night.” You giggle softly and kiss his lower lip. “As soon as I’m back, I’ll never leave your bed.” You promise, “I’m yours. Forever. If you’ll have me.”
“Baby, I want you.” Joel wraps his arm around you and pulls you close. “I promise you, I want you. Forever. Your asshole ex threw away the greatest thing he ever had and I’m not stupid enough to do the same.”
378 notes · View notes
pedgito · 2 years
Smut request for Eddie, but I’m worried you might think it’s too close to your single!dad series! But I’m just gonna give it to you anyway because you’re my favorite smut writer. Dad!eddie and babysitter!reader? (Obviously 18+)
author’s note: it’s not at all!! i really wanted to try out something a little different so hopefully this isn’t terrible lol. i hope you enjoy!
cw: 18+ (minors dni), large age gap (21 & 36), dad!eddie, power dynamic (but it’s still pretty balanced, just given the content), virgin!reader, oral (f&m receiving), fingering, all the sex stuff—don’t come into my inbox with bs, if you don’t like, don’t read. but if you do, ily.
word count: 5.6k
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Eddie liked to think that with being older came more wiser thoughts, actions—but through experience, he was still fumbling his way through life the same way he had back when in his early twenties, fresh out of high school and making the decent money that he could between shifts at the plant with Wayne, who had to nearly bribe his boss to give him the job, and the small shows he kept up with Corroded Coffin—not that it ever brought in a lot of money.
But, it did bring him to the life he had now; nearing his late thirties, fresh divorcee and a spirited young daughter to prove it. He couldn’t even believe it himself half the time—marriage was never something he planned out, or kids, or searching for babysitters instead of opting to force his child into daycare—spending hours looking through possible prospects, vetting them thoroughly. It felt like he was living a dream most of the time, until reality plopped down on his lap with a giant grin on her face, stray curls cascading down her forehead.
“Do you have to go, daddy?” His daughter asks, “Can’t you play another night?”
Any shows he did now were more for his own enjoyment—monthly shows at a small bar at the edge of town. They gathered a decent crowd and lended to Eddie meeting some very friendly ladies, not that he cared that much.
He had his eyes elsewhere and it was a damn shame nothing would come of it—as horrible as he felt about.
“Sorry, sweetie—I made a promise.” He explains to her, trying his best to lay it out in her terms, “You know I can’t break promises.”
You step through the door only a few moments after, overnight bag snug over your shoulder as you squealed gleefully at his daughter—her previous qualms about Eddie leaving disappearing in an instant.
“You could stay home and play board games with us!” She suggests excitedly, pulling at your hand. You smile knowingly at Eddie, it was typical behavior that didn’t surprise either of you.
“Yeah, Mr. Munson—she’s a pro at connect four, believe me.”
You say his name the way he hates, the way you know he hates. He’s told you time and time again—Eddie. It’s Eddie.
It felt like you were doing it on purpose most of the time.
And so what if you were?
“Oh, I do.” He smiles smugly, crinkling his nose toward the young girl as he fetches his keys from the letting. “Her mom said she might come tonight—maybe in the morning. I can never really predict her, but you’re fine with staying the night just in case, right?”
“I did bring my bag for a reason.” You retort with a playful tease to your tone, swinging the back around as you drop it on the empty loveseat. “You know I don’t have a problem with it.”
“I just—there’s no telling how tonight is going to go.” Eddie admits.
There was no telling how drunk he was going to get—that’s what he means to say. Your eyebrow quirks up in interest and Eddie only shakes his head. There was never any judgment—his life was his life. But, being so young and naive still, it made you wonder how life could really be as you grew older. Eddie seemed to be happy; great friends, nice house, a small but close knit family, he had it all.
Eddie felt the monotony set in the moment he tied himself down to his ex-wife, but being newly single—it had sparked something inside him that wouldn’t die out. Maybe it was an early midlife crisis, a lapse of judgment, but it made him want the things he knew he couldn’t have.
The clues weren’t there initially either. Eddie was as respectful and stern as you expected when you first met, scrutinizing and over-examining every part of your life—you were the secondary protector of his daughter outside of him, it only seemed fair.
But, things took a slow turn as you started to come around more—dinners were occasional, cigarettes out on the porch before you drove home, small talks about what you had to deal with while he was away that soon turned into Eddie being more open with his personal life, and in turn, yours.
There wasn’t a part of his life that was much of a secret anymore—you knew the dirtiest details, the saddest ones. He confided in you a little too easily, but you were just as much at fault for letting it happen.
The first night things shift, you keep telling yourself it’s not actually happening. You had your keys in hand, ready to step out the door until Eddie grasps at your wrist, nodding you back in for a glass of wine, Chardonnay, or whatever the hell he kept around in his cabinet.
“I…don’t drink wine, Eddie.” You say wearily, not complaining about the tug on your wrist as you follow him.
“I forget—you probably like beer, don’t you?” He teases, “At least I did at your age.”
Admittedly, you were twenty one—so it wasn’t like you were doing anything wrong per-say. You had graduated, opted out of college, and made most of your living through odd jobs and nannying—Eddie’s was probably the most stable you’ve been, even if you weren’t a live-in. You saw his daughter nearly everyday, dealt with his chaotic ex-wife as often as he did, and it felt like you had embedded yourself in his life. Eddie couldn’t complain, he liked having you around.
“I—I really shouldn’t.” You say regretfully, twisting the key in your hand. Eddie senses your nervousness, leaning an arm out against his open fridge. “I have to drive home and I—“
“Just one.” Eddie barters, holding up the two frosted bottles, “You don’t have to finish it if you don’t want to.”
You smile slightly, nodding despite your better judgment.
“Fine. One.” You say sternly, “And you still have to pay me for this week, don’t think I forgot.”
“Can you stretch it a week?” He asks, “I promised the little devil I’d get her that guitar she’s been begging for and her birthday is in a couple days.”
“I know.” You tell him obviously, but the smile you return is sweet. “But that’s fine—just, next week for sure. I have to pay rent.”
“Promise.” He grins, a perfect smile that has you clenching your thighs together every time. “Cheers.”
The clink of the bottles is deafening and Eddie moves to the corner of the counter where you take your seat in the barstool, leaning his torso over as he sips at the beer.
Being close wasn’t strange—you’ve sat next to him on the couch, at the dinner table, but the air is so thick you feel it caught in your throat. Your eyes flick up as the bottle tips to your lips, letting out a small giggle as he tips it up with his finger, a small amount of the liquid trickling down the side of your mouth.
You recover with a small cough, shoving at him weakly.
“Hey, that’s not nice.” You say, feigning annoyance. “You’re wasting a perfectly good beer.”
“Sorry,” He lies, taking a long chug of his own before placing it down on the counter. “So, plans for the weekend?”
He asked every week, it wasn’t strange to you. Eddie always seemed genuinely interested, but for some reason, it didn’t feel like that now—and maybe he was just stringing you along to keep you here, but you played into it so well.
You wanted it—maybe not as bad as him, but it was there.
“No,” You say shyly, shaking your head, “Just my bed and a couple movies. Same old thing.”
“No bars? No clubs?”
“Nope.” Your lips pop around the consonant, taking a small slip before shoving the bottle toward the middle. “They don’t interest me.”
“Come on,” He prys playfully, “There’s gotta be something you do for fun, sweetheart?”
And it was the same thing he had called you after a week of taking in the job, a kind endearment that didn’t make you feel any certain way, a sweet way to differentiate from calling you by your name, but it sits on his tongue like sin—begging for you to lick it off, let him defile you the way he desperately wanted to. It wasn’t lost on either of you how tense the air had become—it was Eddie’s web and he had you caught.
And as much as you enjoyed it, tonight just wasn’t the night.
He’d had a bit too much to drink, alcohol dripping from his breath.
“That is fun.” You insist, “Some of us don’t need to go out to the club and relive our younger years to feel good, you know?”
It’s meant with all the care in the world, a playful jab for how insistent he was being in keeping you here tonight, dragging out the conversation instead of getting to the point.
You would’ve been more satisfied if he had just kissed you at the door and let you leave, but then again, this was pretty enjoyable.
“You’ve never seen me play,” Eddie points out, “I think you’d really enjoy it.”
“I’m sure I would,” You agree before shaking your head slightly, “but I wouldn’t be caught dead at that bar.”
Eddie makes a face, a little taken aback at the insult.
“How come?” He asks curiously.
“A bunch of creepy old men who stick around to prey on the younger girls who sit and watch you play—no thank you.”
Eddie laughs through his nose, leaning into your space slightly.
“What about me?” He asks, wide eyes glazed over in a haze.
“Creepy? No.” You assure him. “Old—-eh?”
“I’m thirty six, that hurts.” Eddie pouts slightly.
“So old,” You reinforce, “We should probably put you into a retirement home already.”
“I can promise you, sweetheart.” Eddie says menacingly, bottom lip pulling between his teeth briefly to nip at the skin. “Nothing about me is old.”
Your eyebrows raise in subtle interest, leaning forward slightly.
“I could show you.” He suggests, eyes glancing down at your lips briefly before catching your gaze. He’s close enough that you can feel his breath, see the freckles on his face this close, faint but there. “If you want.”
He can see the gears in your head turning, deciding. But, it quickly fades as you pull back, his lips barely brushing yours.
“I have to go.” You tell him again, insisting more sternly despite how kind your voice sounds. “Eddie, we can’t.”
He looks instantly dejected, pulling back slightly and rubbing at his eyes with the palms of his hands. He’d forget this in the morning surely, his words had been slurring together most of the night and he wouldn’t have acted so boldly otherwise—would he?
“Let me walk you.” He insists, sliding your bottle toward the trash, his own following until the clink to the bottom.
The walk is slow, palpable, his toes on your heels as he hovers behind you. He grabs the door handle before you can reach for it, pulling it open silently.
“Tell her happy birthday for me?” You ask hopefully, knowing you wouldn’t be around in the day despite how much you wanted to be. “Please?”
Eddie nods quietly, lips pursed together in a tight line.
“Yeah, of course.” He assures you. “Goodnight.”
You lean up on your toes as you turn, caution to the window as you press a chaste kiss to his cheek, stubble rubbing against the sensitive skin of your lip. You can feel the sigh Eddie releases as you make contact, his hand coming to rest against your hip gently, a featherlight touch that if you were to have blinked you would surely miss.
“Goodnight.” You smile, words spoken against his skin.
It’s the same touch Eddie reminds himself of as he tightens his hand around his cock that night, stretched out and writhing on his bed in the loneliness of his empty house—and god did he wish you were there to keep him company.
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His ex-wife shows up an hour before midnight, a lot more put together than you’d usually expect, but she fetches her daughter without fuss, leaving you to clean up the mess left behind.
It doesn’t take long, only a little over a half an hour—and your immediate thought is to leave, get the hell out of there, enjoy your weekend like you planned, but you still hadn’t been paid for the week prior, and you’d be damned if Eddie didn’t follow through like he promised.
“Hey—“ His voice is soft as he shakes you away, your figure hunched over the arm of the couch where you napped briefly, peering up at him through bleary eyes. You poured slightly, his face becoming clearer by the second, “did she pick her up?”
He looks surprisingly sober, which is unusual for him.
Admittedly, it was a weird night. His mind had been racing all day, he didn’t play as well as he’d wanted, and he spent the entire night hoping you’d still be there when he got home.
At least one thing has gone right for him.
“What time is it?” You ask, avoiding the question.
“A little after midnight.” He tells you, watching as you leaned up from your reclined position, adjusting your clothes and smoothing out your hair as best you could.
“Uh yeah—yeah, an hour ago.” Your speech is slow and spacey, “Why?”
“Well, I figure you would have left already.” Eddie says admittedly, running a hand through his tousled curls, the hairstyle never changed—and you were kind of grateful for it.
You’d seen pictures of him younger, mid-twenties and dating all the way back to his first day of high school—he didn’t look all that different aside from the slight aging in his face, worry lines buried into the corner of his eyes and that light scruff he wore every now and then when he didn’t shave for a week.
“You still need to pay me.” You retort with a tinge of annoyance, holding your hand out expectantly.
Eddie snorts, reaching for his wallet and slapping the fold of bills into your hand. He hadn’t forgotten at all.
“Did you have a good time?” You ask curiously, stuffing the money in your wallet before burying it back into the back placed on the coffee table, kicking your feet up behind you on the cushion as you stared up expectantly.
You could’ve fled immediately after he handed over the cash, but something was telling you otherwise. Eddie frowned slightly but it disappeared as quickly as it came.
“It was alright.” He tells you halfheartedly, “I hope my kid didn’t give you too much of a hard time, she can be a little, uh—“
“She’s never a problem for me.” You assure him.
There’s a long beat of silence as Eddie lingers about, hands shoved in his pocket as he leans against the wall. You hadn’t talked about that night, hadn’t even mentioned it, but it was still heavy on your mind—and hopefully just as heavy on his.
You pat the cushion next to you expectantly, friendly—it wasn’t out of the ordinary or weird, and Eddie doesn’t hesitate as he throws himself down lazily, stretched out at the other corner as he kicks his shoes off and onto the floor, smiling at you like he always did.
“No groupies tonight?” You tease, knowing he’d had a few experiences with them, none of them memorable or positive.
They were always messy and weird and everything he hated.
Eddie mocks a laugh and rolls his eyes slightly, “I shouldn’t have gone out tonight anyways, too much on my mind.”
You give him a skeptical look, turning to him fully with your arms bugged around your legs, chin tucked up by your knees. He tries to ignore how innocent you look, wide eyes and eager, hanging on his every last word.
“You wouldn’t understand.” He excuses, letting out a deep, heavy sigh as he rests his head against the back of the couch, legs spreader unnecessarily wide. Your eyes draw to the stretch in his jeans near his groin, quickly darting up to meet his gaze with a soft smile.
“Try me.” You shrug, tongue poking out slightly between teeth as you bite down gently, “You’d be surprised.”
Eddie huffs again, a mix between a laugh and flippant noise of dismissal, “Come closer.” He suggested, motioning toward the cushion positioned between you two. You crawled forward without question, resuming a similar position. “Are you uncomfortable?”
“No—this couch feels amazing, actually.” You tell him honestly.
“Sweetheart.” He says like a prayer, head tilted down slightly despite how his gaze still stays. “That’s not what I mean.”
And he’s not drunk—stone cold fucking sober, actually. That’s what intimidates you the most, his willingness to do whatever he felt he needed to have you. It wasn’t just the influence of fuzzy inhibitions. It was genuine, selfish want. Something he knew he shouldn’t have, couldn’t have—yet here you were.
“Around you?” You ask, he nods slowly. “Never.”
The touch he returns is careful, fingers wrapping around your ankle gently, rubbing soft touches into the skin. You follow his movements, the silence lingering.
“And now?” Eddie asks quietly, eyes flicking toward you briefly before returning back to his slowly moving hand.
A slow drag of his middle finger up your calf, up under the curve of your knee until he can wrap his fingers around it and widen your legs slightly, arms spilling from where they’re snug and tight around you, forcing you to sit up slightly. There’s no resistance when he pushes your legs apart, eyes darting toward the apex of your thighs. Your breath catches slightly, hands falling behind you in an effort to keep you upright. You’ve never been more thankful than to have chosen a dress on a night like this and Eddie can’t even act like he’s able to keep it together, thin lace panties on display before his very eyes.
“Do you want me to stop?” He asks when you don’t answer his first question, your chest rising and falling rapidly at his lingering touch, guiding along the inside of your thigh. The leg that isn’t bracketed against the back of the couch falters to the floor, spreading you so wide that Eddie has no other choice but to rub his fingers over the clothed mound of your cunt, pulling a soft gasp from your chest. “Answer me.”
“Nono,” You rush out embarrassingly quickly, “please, don’t.”
It’s exactly what he wants to hear. Needy, desperate—everything he was feeling just as intensely.
“Have you ever been touched like this?” He asks, words careful and precise, his movements as such, dragging a single finger down the seam, pressing into the growing spot of wetness there.
And you can’t take your eyes off of him, same as he does for you, it’s so much more than admiring your body, rather admiring the way you react to his touches, taking it all in. Your mouth hangs slightly, soft breathy gasp escaping.
You shake your head shyly. As much as you would’ve liked to lie and say you had tons of experience, you didn’t. Most of the time you lied, afraid of the ridicule, but you’d been saving yourself for someone special—and if that was Eddie, so be it.
His finger curves around the barrier of your underwear, forcing it to the side until there’s skin against skin and he feels it, if he wasn’t attempting be so coy he’d make a comment about how wet you already were, but the words are lost on him as he drags a finger through the pool of wetness and presses gently against your clit, unmoving as he watches you.
“Is this okay?” He checks in again. There was never a doubt in his mind, but he needed to ask for reassurance, to know that he wasn’t just dreaming again. “Do you like it?”
You bite harshly at your bottom lip, nodding a fervent yes in response. The heat invades your face, your eyes, practically your entire body as it flushes under Eddie’s gaze. The tension had always been there, but it had finally snapped and you couldn’t help but stare at him now, watching as his face contorted into his own version of pleasure, idly running his open palm over the front of his pants, palming his growing cock as it sat heavy in his jeans.
“Talk to me, sweetheart.” He encourages, “Don’t go shy on me now.”
You giggle softly—it was completely unlike you, knowing you talked his ear off every chance you had, but there wasn’t a single word or thought in your head that made sense right now.
“I’m sorry,” You apologize meekly, “I don’t know what—what to say.”
Eddie smiles warmly, head resting back against the couch as he slips a finger inside you wordlessly, just the beginning of his first knuckle, not enough of an intrusion to make you feel anything.
“Tell me what you’re thinking,” He says softly, “how you feel, maybe?”
“Good,” You chirp quickly, “I’m okay.”
His finger pushes in more, breaching past the tight entrance and you gasp, finally breaking eye contact as your head luls back, gaze caught on the ceiling as he moves slowly, pulling his finger out gently before pushing back in—it’s torture, count throbbing with every movement he made. You could hear the soft ruffle of fabric, metal against metal and a zipper being undone and when you finally have the courage to look up, you’re not sure you’ll ever recover.
It’s not the first dick you’ve seen and you’re not sure it will be the last, but you can’t help staring and taking it all in. They’re never pretty or enticing or enough to make your mouth water—but with Eddie, that’s all out the window.
He’s thick, cut, and everything that intimidates you. He’s confident in the way he holds him, let’s spread wide as his hands come down to cup his balls gently before traveling up his shaft, squeezing over the sensitive head.
“Fuck, sweetheart.” He coos, pulling his working fingers out to glide over your clit, rubbing soft and timid circles until you’re moaning out his name—it’s like music to his ears. “You’ve really never done anything?”
“I’ve—I’ve kissed boys.” You admit, “And girls—but never, never—“
“Never let them touch you,” He finishes for you, “have you?”
You nod, affirming his statement.
“Can I have you?” He asks softly, voice sweet and dripping with adoration, “I want you to be sure, don’t lie to me.”
And you can’t even properly describe how badly you’ve wanted him. It felt like crossing a line—like sleeping with your boss, but lust wins you over.
You nod slowly, “Yes. Just—I don’t know what I’m doing, not really. I don’t want to screw anything up.”
“There’s not much to it,” He comforts, removing his hand from your aching cunt and grabbing your own hand, guiding it over his dick, pulling his shirt up slightly where the tip rests against his lower stomach. You always forget how toned he is, how well he takes care of his body, always hiding himself under his work clothes and suits, “I’ll talk you through, okay?”
“Okay.” You answer, letting him squeeze your fingers around the shaft, dragging your hand up slightly before pulling back down, creating a slow rhythm. He grunts softly, eyes half-lidded as he continues the motion until he thinks you’ve got it, resting his hand over your thigh, traveling up until he can squeeze at the curve of your hip, feet tucked under you as you lean over his lap slightly. It’s like soft velvet against your even softer fingertips—Eddie notices the difference immediately, used to his horrible calloused hands all worked and worn out from his jobs, the joints aching with age. It gets the job down, but it’s never as good as this. Ever.
It does grow boring though—not that you didn’t enjoy every soft sound and subtle face that Eddie made when you squeezed him a little too harshly or teased your thumb over the head of his cock, swirling through the oppulescent precome heading at the tip.
“Can I—“ The words catch in your throat when his eyes lick on, peeking out from under his previously closed eyelids.
He sees the way you glance toward his dick, smiling at your bashful awkwardness and nods, “If you ask nicely, that is.”
He’s only teasing, but he loves watching you squirm, trying to find the courage to ask for what you want. You’re always so confident, sure of yourself—it’s one of the reasons Eddie adored you so much, there was never any doubt with you. He never had to worry.
“Please?” You retort playfully, watching as Eddie’s grin grew wider, “Please, Eddie?”
He nods, urging you down between his spread legs, forcing his jeans down further until he can remove them fully, letting you settle until you're comfortable.
You expect it to feel a little awkward, peering up at him as he does down to you, cock still heavy in your hand as he pushes your hair away, gathering it into his hands skillfully—but truthfully, the feeling never approaches.
You’ve talked to your friends about it before, seen small clips in porn, and none of it ever really made sense, and especially not now as you’re sitting between his legs, staring at his dick and hoping that you weren’t about to make a complete full of yourself.
“Don’t laugh.” You tell him, a small pout forming on your face.
“Never, sweetheart.” He comforts you, free hand rubbing the underside of your chin, following as your lips draw forward, closing over the head of cock, swirling your tongue testingly over the tip, through the slit to taste the salty slick of him that had formed there. Eddie groans softly, the first real noise he’s made all night, face scrunching up in concentration as he cradled your head, hair and all, as you moved your way down, taking him sparingly into your mouth until your lips connected with the hand you had around him, covering what you couldn’t reach.
“That’s it.” He compliments, “Fuck, that’s perfect.”
You barely acknowledge him, but given how hard you were trying to concentrate on not fucking up, he understood. His words flowed freely, openly, and once they started they never stopped.
“Look at you, so pretty with my dick in your mouth.” Eddie says softly, pulling your chin forward slightly from where he had a tight grip on your face, forcing you deeper. You gagged slightly, breathing through your nose. “Hold it, sweetheart. I know you can.”
If you weren’t so eager to please, you would’ve pulled away immediately, but you allow him to hold you there, cock heavy on your tongue until you can’t take it anymore, pulling away with a harsh gasp, lips shining obscenely as you stared up at Eddie.
It’s the same look he had the first time he met you, but a sharp edge of something more, something dangerous.
“Stand up,” He instructs, a guiding hand running along your thigh as you go, fingers delving under your dress to pull at your underwear, slipping the fabric down your legs carefully. He flips the fabric of your dress up, dragging the soft surface of his lips along your upper thigh, eyes following you the entire way, “good, sweetheart—can I taste you?”
You nod quickly, hands cautiously running over the top of his head and through his thick curls, whimpering soundly at the way he chuckles, deep and gruff against your cunt, raising your leg over his shoulder carefully, his hands resting at your back to steady you.
It’s like scolding hot fire with the first touch, his tongue delving deep and running up your cunt, ghosting along your clit as he bites playfully at your folds, looking up at you sparingly to gauge your reaction.
You couldn’t even act like you were able to keep it together, moaning unabashedly as the hands in his hair soon traveled down his back, body curling over him slightly as he made it his mission to torture you relentlessly, sucking at your sensitive clit until you’re softly tapping at his back, silently begging for a break while the words are still caught in your throat.
“Tapping out already?” He teases, squeezing the soft globes of your ass. You shake your head defiantly, peaking his interest
“I want you,” You tell him coyly, “I’ve been thinking about it and—“
“Oh, hey—“ He soothes, “That’s special, you don’t have to give that to me, sweetheart. You’ve already given me plenty.”
Another defiant head shake, shoving his hands away as you took a careful seat on his lap, his eyes following you intensely, arms held out at his side as you seated yourself against his cock, the heat of your cunt striking his body with the reality of this situation.
“No, you don’t get to do that.” You tell him, noticing the concerned look on his face, “I’m capable of making my own decisions.”
Eddie smiles slightly, reaching up to cradle the side of your face tenderly. He can see the subtle pout on your face, bottom lip poking out slightly—and he feels the overwhelming want to kiss you, force it off of your face. So, he does.
And he kisses with a forcefulness you’ve never felt—he’s not timid or unsure. Eddie’s confident, given his experience, he had no reason to doubt himself. You whimpering softly, his teeth pulling your bottom lip in, tongue sneaking its way in and tasting the saltiness of himself on you. He pulls away briefly, nose bumping yours.
“One problem, sweetheart,” Eddie starts regretfully, “I don’t have any condoms—I’m not really used to using them anymore.”
You shake your head fervently, “That’s not a problem.” You assure him, “Trust me.”
You didn’t need to explain and Eddie didn’t feel the need to ask—it wasn’t hard to piece the information together. But god, he’s never been more thankful for modern medicine.
“You sure?” Eddie asks again, lips grazing yours as he speaks, chin resting against his fingers, rubbing delicately at your skin. “I need to hear you say it.”
“Eddie,” You chide softly, “I want you to fuck me.”
He laughs at that, your boldness startling him slightly.
And he doesn’t need to be told more than once, taking control of the situation as he lifts your hips, bracing you over the head of his cock, allowing you to ease down at your own pace. It’s nothing like you were expecting, more of a dull sting if anything—but the filling of fullness, it’s overwhelming.
You rock your hips gently, watching as Eddie’s eyes fell to the place where you were joined with him, dress lifted up slightly as he reached for your clit, rubbing gentle circles to distract your wandering mind—and it works perfectly, gasping when you feel him deep, buried inside you as the back of your thighs hit his lap.
“God, you’re fucking perfect.” He comments idly, eyes falling shut as he leaned back—and it’s infuriating that you can’t see his chest, hidden behind the buttons of his shirt; a ridiculous black button up, making him look well beyond his years. You yank at the buttons with steady hands until the skin peeks through and you can shove the shirt off his shoulders, hands placed firmly against his chest.
You’ve never seen his tattoos this close, not that you could focus much now, but your hand closes over the one of his chest and your blunt fingertips dig into the skin as you lift your hips and seat yourself just as swiftly, punching a ragged groan from the both of you.
“Knew you’d be this good,” Eddie admits, “Thought—thought about it every fucking night.”
“Oh?” You challenge softly, “Tell me?”
Eddie nods, though the struggle to remain cool is evident on his face, losing his focus every time you clench around him, grunting with every little movement you make.
“Just like this,” He admits, “taking me so fucking well, too.”
You nod in agreement, humming as you leaned forward to drag your lips along his jawline, “Like…I was made for you?” You ask teasingly, giggling at his airy groan.
“You’re fucking devious,” Eddie retorts, “not nearly as innocent as I thought you’d be.”
His hands grip your hips tightly, pulling you impossibly deeper, closer, and you can’t bother to keep yourself upright, letting him do the work, hips snapping into you with force.
“What—what do you mean?” You stammer through broken gasps, “I’m so innocent, Eddie.”
“Not a chance,” Eddie disagrees, eyes squeezing tight as he buried his face into your neck, sucking a faint bruise into the skin, “be honest with me.”
“I wasn’t—wasn’t lying.” You respond, words dying out on a desperate plea, his hand snaking between you both, rubbing insistent circles over your clit. “I don’t do this stuff—was waiting for the right person, you know?”
Eddie nearly comes then, panting desperately into your skin.
“You think I’m the right person?” Eddie asks redundantly, given your current situation—that was pretty goddamn obvious.
“Your cock is inside me, what do you think?” You ask playfully, eyebrows furrowing in anguish as Eddie makes a quick pass over your swollen bundle of nerves, driving you over the edge unexpectedly, clinging to Eddie out of instinct, letting him rock you through the duration of your orgasms until he’s coming deep inside you, legs shaking as he groans pitifully.
And despite his obvious exhaustion, he retorts a snarky, “I think I’m the perfect person, sweetheart.”
You smile, leaning forward to press a sloppy, passionately filled kiss against his lips, nodding slightly at his response.
“Same time next week?” You ask cheekily and Eddie chuckles in response, biting gently at your shoulder at your obvious playfulness.
Eddie hums thoughtfully, “How about tomorrow?”
And even if you had plans, they diminished into thin air, offering Eddie an affirmative smile.
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Please consider a reblog if you enjoyed this fic! It’s makes a huge difference. ♡
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nctsplug02 · 1 year
Hey Ash, big ass fan here!
Can I request the first time Mr. and Mrs. Jeong found out they were going to be parents?!?
I love your work. <3
Expect the Unexpected jeong.j
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GENRE: fluff
WARNINGS: pregnancy!
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wife: babe
wife: i’m not feeling well :(.
you: what’s wrong, baby?
jaehyun quickly responds.
wife: i’ve been throwing up all day
wife: i feel very weak
wife: i don’t think i’ll be able to cook tonight
you: so no homemade spaghetti?
wife: not tonight, sorry
wife: could you maybe pick up some take out on your way home?
you: i can do that
wife: thanks, i love you
you: i love you more
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“honey, i’m home! and, i have food!” jaehyun hears footfalls as he shuts the door and kicks off his shoes.
“food?” you’re in a paper sheet face mask with a face roller in your hand. “yep, let me wash up and we can eat together.”
you nod and walk over to him, taking the bag of food and then his brief bag.
“oh, baby. you don’t have to carry my stuff.” jaehyun makes an attempt by trying to take his bag but you shy away. “it’s okay.”
you make your way to the kitchen and you set his bag on the dinner table.
“hurry and wash up! i’m starving.” jaehyun chuckles and pulls off his blazer, tossing it off onto the couch and walking over to you.
“you can eat first.” you shake your head, grabbing two plates and utensils.
jaehyun washes his hands and then walks back to you. “okay! it’s dinner time— oh, no.” you cover your nose as your mouth starts to fill up with a crazy amount of saliva.
“what’s wrong?” jaehyun asks you as you turn around with pinched eyebrows and drooly lips. he follows you to the living room and fans you with his hands while you gag silently.
“the smell, oh god.” you scrunch your face and shake your head. “but, you love chow mein.”
“i do but, it smells more oily than usual. i feel sick, again.” you frown.
jaehyun bites his lip and places his hands on both your cheeks. “want me to.. make you something?” you shake your head. “i think i’ll just eat noodles tonight.”
“are you sure?”
you nod. “positive.”
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you rest your head on jaehyuns shoulder while he laughs his ass off with his friends.
“we seriously need to plan another boys camp out.” jungwoo says.
“i agree.” taeyong says holding up his can of beer.
the girls were inside the house, drinking and karaoking while you stayed outside with jaehyun in his dark grey hoodie.
you were fine all day until around six is when your mood began to change.
you were feeling sick and dizzy. the smell of alcohol burned your nose and made your gag repeatedly. the medium rare stake had you gagging and pale.
you sigh and turn your head away from the live bonfire. “you okay, baby? feelin’ any better?” you shake your head with a slight whine.
“i still feel like throwing up.” jaehyun clicks his tongue and frowns. “wanna go home?”
“i don’t want to be a burden and pull you away from your friends and the fun.” jaehyun shakes his head. “nonsense, baby. they’ll understand. you aren’t feeling well and they know.”
you bite your lip and look up into his eyes. “okay, let’s go home.” jaehyun grins and kisses you before turning back to his friends.
“uh, me and y/n are gonna head out. she’s still not feeling well.” jaehyun stands and helps you up.
“yeah, don’t worry. we understand.” yuta says and the others quickly agree.
“get home safe, guys.” they say as you and jaehyun walk to the car. “you guys, too!” jaehyun shouts and helps you into the passenger side.
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“no, mom. i just feel sick, that’s all.”
“are you sure you aren’t pregnant?!” your mom screams over the phone.
you chuckle and shake your head. “no, mom. i just have a little cold. or fever, who knows.”
“i do and you’re pregnant!” you pull the phone away from your ear and you make a face when hearing your mother scream.
you bring the phone back to your ear with a sigh. “mom, there’s no reason to shout. we’re on the phone.”
“honey, i know you’re pregnant. i can feel it. i can sense it. it’s a mother sense, you’ll know soon.”
you sigh and shake your head. “mom, you’re crazy. im on the pill. plus, me and jaehyun always use a condom.”
“why? you guys are married! what’s the need of a condom?”
“me and jaehyun aren’t.. really ready for kids yet. i mean, mom, we just got married.”
your mother scoffs. “i may not remember how long ago you got married but you and jaehyun did not just get married.”
“whatever mom, i love you but we’re not like you and dad who decided to have a baby right after their marriage.”
your mother laughs. “condoms don’t always work, you idiot. get a pregnancy test and just see if it’s positive or negative. you never know, honey.”
“no buts. call me when the results are in! love youuu!” she sings with smooches.
“love you too, mom.” she hangs up and you bite your lip.
you pull your phone from your ear and you toss your phone on the pillow next to you.
the next minute you’re out the door with your keys, phone and wallet, heading to the nearest store that sold pregnancy tests.
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“hey, i’m home, honey.” jaehyun says, shutting the door and kicking off his shoes.
“hey, baby. welcome home.” you walk up to him and you hug him tightly.
you pull away and bite your lip. “wanna help me fold laundry?” jaehyun nods and slips off his brief bag.
jaehyun follows you to the bedroom and sits on the bed with you, helping you fold laundry and talking about his day at work.
“—tax returns, then— oh.” he holds up the tiny sage green onesie and tilts his head. “did you accidentally mix our laundry with mrs white upstairs?”
you suck in a breath and you exhale slowly. “what’s wrong, baby?” jaehyun looks at you and lowers the tiny outfit. “what’s wrong— why’re you crying?”
“i’m sorry,” you cover your face and shake your head. “that’s for us.” you point to the onesie and you wipe under your eyes.
“for us— what do you mean?” jaehyun wipes your jaw as tears drip down them.
“i mean, im pregnant.” jaehyun stills. “pregnant?” you nod. “like, with my baby?” you laugh and nod. “who else’s baby would it be?” jaehyun scoffs a laugh. “i—i don’t know?!”
“oh, my god.” jaehyun stands. “i’m gonna be a dad.” he says quietly. “i’m gonna be a dad!” he says more loudly and begins jumping around.
you laugh at his reaction. “we’re gonna be parents, baby.” jaehyun says reaching down and cupping your face.
“god, i love you. i love you so much, baby.” jaehyun says in between each smooch. “we’re gonna be the best fucking parents ever! best fucking parents, baby.”
your cheeks will hate you after this moment but it is so worth it.
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probably-writing-x · 1 year
Inner Sense
Summary: It was always obvious that Rafe hadn’t had the best childhood, even with all of their fortune, his parents hadn’t exactly given him the best idea of a family. But when he starts dating you, you practically make it your mission to heal every part of his inner child.
Warnings: Discussions of toxic/emotionally abusive home life,
Author’s Note: This idea came to me on my walk home and I hadddd to write it asap so I hope you enjoy <3
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“Hellooooo??” A familiar voice calls out as the front door closes.
“We’re in here!” You call back from the kitchen, setting down the paint brush in your hand, “We’ve got a visitor, Izzy!”
The little girl next to you frowns a little with her wide brown eyes, blinking at you, “Who is it?”
“Hey darling,” Rafe smiles as he comes into the kitchen, a bunch of paper-wrapped tulips in his hand, “These are for you!”
You beam at the flowers and take them from him, standing up from your chair at the kitchen island to give him a hug, “You didn’t have to get me flowers!”
“Of course,” Rafe kisses your cheek, moving his hand to pull one of the pink flowers from the bundle, “And I didn’t forget about you either, Izzy.”
The little girl grins and takes the flower from him, grinning down at it.
“What do you say to Rafe?”
“Thank you,” She offers him her brightest expression before turning back to the painting in front of her.
“Her parents will be back in ten, we can go straight after,” You explain, sitting back down in your seat next to the girl, who you’d been babysitting since she was one.
“No rush,” Rafe responds, coming behind you and wrapping an arm around your shoulders, “What have you two been doing today?”
“Well,” You look at Izzy and smile, “We’ve been playing Barbies a lot and then we watched Moana, we made pasta for lunch, and now we’re doing some paint by numbers. I think Izzy’s looks better than mine though.”
At least she was getting a little better at staying in the lines.
“Wow, you’ve had a busy day,” Rafe nods, “I don’t think I’ve ever done one of these,” He gestures down to your painting.
“Are you serious? You never did one when you were younger?” You turn around against his arm to look up at him, “Never?”
He shakes his head nonchalantly, “Have you met Ward and Rose? They were hardly the family life kind of parents.”
You frown a little but the thought doesn’t seem to linger in Rafe’s mind for too long as he’s already distracted talking to Izzy about her painting, pointing out one of the flowers she’d coloured in rainbow colours. You seem to stay thinking about it for a moment longer, and even after you leave that day, you can’t seem to get the idea out of your head.
“Hello honey, I didn’t know if you’d be back today!” Your Mom grins as you come into the front door, Rafe following behind you, “And Rafe! It’s good to see you, darling.”
“Good to see you too Mrs (Y/L/N),” Rafe smiles, your bag over his shoulder and the tulips in his other hand.
“Yeah, we’ve got half an hour before we need to go so I figured we’d come back to drop my stuff off,” You explain, kissing her on the cheek, “And I realised I don’t have enough of my makeup at Rafe’s house so I need to pick a few bits up.”
“I’ve left some things in a bag on your bed sweetheart, just stuff I thought you might need.”
“Thanks Mom,” You beam, taking the flowers from Rafe to go and find a vase for them.
“So what exactly is it you’re going to tonight?” She asks, glancing between you and your boyfriend.
“Just this business dinner with my father,” Rafe explains, a slight roll in his eyes, “They told him they were bringing their daughter and her boyfriend with them so he asked if I’d come and bring (Y/N) with me. Thankfully, your daughter doesn’t mind me dragging her along to these things,” He jokes.
“Well I’m sad you won’t be here for games night, I was just making sure we had all the pieces for Monopoly,” Your Mom shakes her head, “Obviously apart from the piece your brother managed to lose ten years ago.”
You nod, “Maybe we can convince the Cameron’s to play some Monopoly with us, what do you reckon Rafe?”
He scoffs at you as you walk back over to him, vase in your hand that he soon takes from you, wrapping an arm around your waist, “I don’t think I’ve ever played a board game with my family, so I don’t think that will be changing any time soon.”
The words leave the same weight on your chest once again, like a little mass had just dropped down forcing your heart closer to your stomach. You knew Rafe didn’t have the best relationship with his family, and Ward and Rose hadn’t formed the closest family with him and his siblings, but it made your heart ache when you heard him talk about it - like he had missed out on so much of the silly things that had shaped your childhood. And you still couldn’t stop thinking about it.
The business meal is as much of a success as it can be. You laugh when you need to, talk about your future when they ask, pretend to be interested in even the most boring topics, and squeeze Rafe’s hand every time someone says something that makes you desperate to roll your eyes.
You’d both waited until the guests had left and then finally left as quickly as you could to come up to Rafe’s room - thankful to be away from the forced smiles and overly polite remarks.
“Remind me why we do these things,” Rafe grumbles, closing the bedroom door behind him as his fingers try to undo the top button of his shirt .
“Because it keeps your father happy, and it’ll be your business too some day,” You remind him, tugging off your heels and sighing in relief at the release of not having them on anymore.
“I don’t know if it’s worth all of this,” He scoffs, kicking off his shoes now that his shirt is open down the length of his torso.
“Maybe we just run away and forget it all,” You raise your eyebrows, walking over to him and wrapping your arms around his neck.
He hums in agreement, his hands settling around your waist, “Hmm tell me more.”
You giggle and start to fiddle with the short hairs at the back of his neck, “Well, we could get ourselves a little boat to live on, like the one in Mamma Mia, and we could get off the island, just us two.”
“No business dinners?”
“Just us two?”
Rafe hums and dips his head down to your neck, kissing fluttered spots along the skin, “I couldn’t think of anything better.”
You move your hands down to run down his chest, “But until then, we’re here.”
He groans once again, pulling his head away from you, “Don’t remind me.”
You part ways as he disappears into the bathroom and you change into one of his tops to wear to bed, when he comes out of the bathroom, you go in to take your makeup off and get ready for bed - he’s laid out your cleanser and cotton pads, and he’s put toothpaste on your toothbrush already. It was the little things.
You’re just finishing up with your skincare when you decide that you can’t hold the thought in for any longer, turning around to the door of the en-suite where you lean against the edge.
“Rafe I have a question.”
He looks up from his phone and sets it down on the bedside table, “What is it, darling?”
It’s dark in the bedroom, and his face is only lit by the light of the dim lamp beside him, casting shadows over his features.
“What you said earlier, about your parents… and the painting thing, and the board games… is that true?”
He lets out a light laugh, “What do you mean?”
“Did you seriously never do that with your parents?”
Rafe looks a little taken aback but he doesn’t think to question it anymore, knowing your thoughts always seemed to have a root that he’d find eventually, “Well, no. I mean, you know what my Dad and Rose are like - my Dad’s not thinking of anything unless it’s business, and Rose was never exactly a devoted stepmom.”
“So you didn’t do anything?” You frown, feeling the tightness in your chest once again as if you could cry at the thought.
“Well, we did stuff. But it was more like fancy holidays where we’d be sent to the kids club, and I spent a lot of time doing my own thing.”
Your bottom lip quivers and you’re not sure why it’s made you so emotional but there’s no holding it in now.
“(Y/N)?” Rafe frowns, scrambling to stand up from the bed and hurry over to you, “What’s the matter?”
“I know it’s silly, I just hate the thought of you not having stuff like that,” You breathe out, trying to stop the tears from spilling over your eyes.
Rafe holds both of your forearms in his hands, rubbing his thumb over your skin as his eyes move to find your gaze, “Hey, come on, you don’t need to worry about me. I turned out okay didn’t I?”
You laugh a little and let your breaths even out to match his, “You should’ve had everything like that when you were little, it’s what being a child is all about.”
Rafe nods like he’s agreeing with you, his hands moving down to link with yours, “Maybe, but it’s in the past now. And I’ve got everything I need, right here.”
He pulls you into his chest and wraps his hand around your head to hold you close to him, one hand running up and down your back.
His hold seems to relax the pain in your chest, but it doesn’t disappear all the way, still floating in the absence of space between you. And when he pulls away and his eyes find yours, you seem to find a sadness in them that you’d never noticed so clearly before.
The next day, Rafe is out with Topper and you’d be lying if you said you didn’t make full use of the day without him. After a couple of trips to the shop, you’re back at your house practically taking over every inch of the space with the buzzing of your ideas. Your parents were out for the rest of the day, staying at your auntie’s, and so you text Rafe telling him to come over as soon as he’s free.
There’s a knock at the door only half an hour later.
“You know you sound really suspicious on texts when you-“ Rafe starts as you open the door, stopping when he sees the expression on your face, “What’s going on? What have you done?”
“Why do you think I’ve done something?” You mock offence, placing a hand to your chest.
“Because you have that look in your eyes,” He waves a finger at your face, “What’s happened?”
“Well, I’ve planned our date night for this week,” You explain, “No protests.”
He raises his hands up as if in defeat, “No protests.”
His growing hair is covered by an old baseball cap, and it seems to make him look younger when you see him, like a brighter more innocent version of himself.
“Okay, you can come in now.”
Rafe laughs and steps through the front door, leaning down quickly to place a kiss to your lips.
“Right, we’re making cupcakes in the kitchen, but with one of those shitty box mixes you add the water too. We’ve got paintings to do, and we’ve got every childhood snack I could find at the store, and then we’re going to make a blanket fort and play board games and eat our shitty cupcakes.”
“You’re kidding?” Rafe laughs, “You did all of this?”
“I know it might not matter to you, I get that, but I hate the thought of you missing out on all the stuff that I loved about my childhood,” You shake your head, “I just can’t stop thinking that-“
Rafe silences you with a quick kiss, his lips lingering above yours, “You’re incredible.”
“You like it?!” You beam, your heart fluttering with a little sense of relief.
“Of course,” Rafe smiles, “So, what’s first?”
The two of you spend all afternoon attempting the little activities you’d set up. Rafe mixes the cake mixture for what feels like forever and there are still little lumps through it, and you make too much icing so it ends up spilling over the edges, only redeeming the decoration a little when you put the little Cars themed stickers on top of each one. You both attempt to colour in your paintings, yours of a unicorn and his of a race car. He manages to flick paint onto yours at some point and you fight back and end up with both of you having little patches of the wrong paint. By the end, both of them somewhat resemble what you’d set up to have - and Rafe signs his with your two initials in a little heart. Eventually, you carry in bowls of snacks, and cans of drinks, and a plate of your homemade cupcakes. You both fumble and fail over making a blanket fort until it somewhat resembles a decent structure between your two couches, pillows and more blankets underneath the white sheet over the two of you.
“Well, darling, I’d say you’ve planned a pretty successful date day here,” Rafe comments, shifting to get comfortable on the blanket next to you.
“Yeah? You think so?” You grin, leaning back on your elbows, “What’s your first experience of a blanket fort like?”
“Well, I think I might be a little too tall for them, but I think we’ve made a pretty good fort here,” He looks around at your work, “Maybe we could live here instead of disappearing off the island.”
You hum in response, “We might get sick of each other stuck in here.”
Rafe narrows his eyes at you and reaches across the small space between the two of you to wrap an arm underneath you, pulling you into him, turning you so that you were facing him as you lay on his chest, “What do you mean? You think you’d get sick of me (Y/N)?”
You pause as if you need any time to ponder the thought, “Are you kidding? Never.”
“Then it’s settled,” He assures you, “We are staying here. We have enough food to last us anyway.”
You lean down to kiss along the length of his jaw and he lowers his hold on your waist, hands slipping to grip your hips.
“You really didn’t have to do all of this,” Rafe assures you, leaning into your kiss.
You pull away from him and bring your hands up to his hair, running your fingers through either side of it and cupping your hands around his face, “Do you ever think about when we’ll have kids? And we’ll be watching them grow up?”
He nods ever so slightly.
“Well, when we do, I want to give all of this to them. All of the little things, the things they’ll remember. And I would hate you thinking that you were giving them what you couldn’t have,” You shrug your shoulders, thumbs rubbing over his cheekbones, “Your parents weren’t the best family for you, but that doesn’t mean that we can’t be the best family for our own kids.”
Rafe grins brightly, tilting his head to kiss your palm, “Our kids. I like the sound of that.”
The following morning, you wake up, still under the shelter of the fort you’d made yesterday - clearly you and Rafe had ended up too tired to get to bed. This morning, however, he’s not laying beside you, and your skin seems to cool without his touch. You stretch and blink the sleep out of your eyes, shuffling yourself out to try to find him.
“Rafe?” You call out, stretching the tension out of your muscles from the odd position you’d been sleeping in.
“I’m out here!” He calls back and you follow his voice to lead you outside, where you find him stood leaning over the decking overlooking your garden.
It’s sunny in the morning air and his baseball cap covers his morning hair, his t-shirt wrinkled over his back.
“What are you doing out here so early?” You frown, squinting against the brightness, “It’s so early,” You groan, dipping underneath his arm to stand in front of his chest, snuggling back into him.
Rafe chuckles and wraps his arms around you, one of his hands lacing with your fingers over the back of your hand, “It is early isn’t it?”
You hum and lean your head back into his chest, “What are we looking at?”
“Well, I was thinking, your parents always joke about us having this house when they retire,” He explains, “And I was thinking we could put a tree house in up here,” He guides your interlocked hands up towards the direction of a few dense trees in the forest, “And then we could fix up the dock a little bit and get one of those family kayaks, and I could put in a little shelter here to keep the kids’ bikes under when it rains.”
You smile tiredly, “You thought about all of this?”
Rafe moves his hands down to your waist and pulls to turn you around to face him, “I thought about what you said. And I don’t want what happened with my family to ruin what could be for ours. So, I want to do it all. All of the little things, like you said.”
There’s a brightness in his eyes that you’re sure seems lighter than before, like a small part of him had healed in the last twenty four hours, a certainty that more of him could heal too.
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wolfjackle-creates · 9 months
Bring Me Home Arc 2 Part 14
WIP Wednesday is happening this week! I would've had it up an hour or two ago, but I ended up having to run an emergency errand for my mom to keep her friend's car from being towed. But it's all been taken care of!
Story Summary: Tim and Danny are both neglected by parents who care more about their work than their families. They deal with this by spending too much time online and find each other playing MMORPGs. They keep up their friendship as Tim becomes Robin and Danny becomes Phantom and don't bother keeping secrets from each other.
Note: Anyone who still doesn't know which episode I'm basing this arc on should know by the end of this segment. I did realize I made a mistake, though. The invading ghosts are Walker's guards. In the episode, up to this point the trio never refer to them as such. The audience, however, sees Walker send them in. I took that as Danny and co didn't realize they were Walker's people. But as I was going through minute-by-minute while writing, Danny does call them Walker's goons. So he knew the entire time. I'm adjusting that going forward and I'll retroactively make the edits before posting to AO3.
First, Previous
Word Count: 1.7k
Everyone left Sam’s house at the same time. The Amity crowd had to get to school and no one felt comfortable staying at Sam’s house while she wasn’t home. As they ate a quick breakfast, Tim noticed Conner’s fingernails were painted.
“Looks good, Kon,” he commented.
“Thanks,” said Sam. “I did them last night while you and Danny were sleeping. Introduced him to actual music, too.”
Conner grinned. “She’s promised to burn me some CDs before we go.”
“A mixed tape is the only valid way to share music,” Sam agreed. “And if he’s gonna rock the punk look, he should know the punk culture, too.”
Tim laughed. “Well, looks like we know what we’ll be listening to on the way home. Will you need a CD player, Kon?”
“Is my laptop not good enough?”
Tim clicked his tongue. “Come to Gotham with me. I know I have an old one lying around. Nothing like listening to a CD while lying somewhere, wired headphones tangling up as you shift position. If you want the authentic experience, that’s the only way to go.”
Conner shrugged, clearly unsure. “If you say so.”
Danny yawned. “You’re giving him Dumpty Humpty, right?”
Sam snorted. “Am I giving him Dumpty Humpty? Who do you think I am? Of course I am!”
“Good. You can’t introduce someone to good music and leave out Dumpty Humpty.”
Tim nodded. “Yeah, you’ve gotten me into them. They’re fun. You’ll like them, Kon.”
“You played a song or two by them last night, right?” Conner asked.
Cassie nodded. “Yep. That’s who she was playing when Tucker, Bart, and I left to get some sleep in the other room.”
“Ah, yeah. That’s right. I liked them.”
“Of course you did,” said Sam as she flicked her hair. “I have excellent taste.”
Tucker was typing away on his PDA. “So what’ll you be doing while we’re in school?”
Tim grimaced. “I was thinking of hitting up the local library. We want to learn more about the ghosts. But also B has said that a condition of allowing me to extend my trip is that I keep up with my own schoolwork. So I have some catch up to do.”
Danny waved his spoon at him. “And you get on me for not doing my work.”
“Yeah, but you want to graduate and, like, go to college and shit. The stuff I want to do doesn’t require a diploma of any kind. B’s just making me do it because he society has convinced him it’s important.”
Tucker’s PDA alarm went off. “And that alarm means if we’re not out the door in five minutes, we’re gonna be late.”
Everyone groaned as they pushed away from the table and collected their belongings. The walk into town was filled with music discussion. Bart and Conner mostly listened and took note of recommended bands and musicians. Sam tended to know the most obscure stuff, but Tim knew some foreign bands from his time in Europe that no one else had heard of.
The walk was, thankfully, not disturbed by ghosts, but Danny’s ghost sense did go off several times.
“Didn’t your parents make a device that can track ghosts?” asked Tim the third time he complained. “Would that help you locate them?”
Danny hummed thoughtfully. “Maybe, I’ll have to see if I can find it. My parents stopped using it when it kept zeroing in on me. It was too loud for stealth use, though, and loudly went off anytime I was in range. And it didn’t work great for a 3D environment. So Tucker and I would have to develop a new display that can tell me if one is above or below me.”
“I should be able to help, too. You know how good I am with computers.”
“If I can find the device or blueprints, I’ll take you up on that.”
Not long after, they had to say goodbye at the entrance to Caspar High. Dash and his friends also arrived at about the same time. The group stared at Danny, but didn’t move to interact.
“Think they’re still overshadowed?” asked Conner, mirroring Tim’s thoughts.
“God, I hope not,” said Danny.
“But knowing our luck…” Sam trailed off.
Tim sighed. “Keep your distance as much as possible.”
“I know, mom.” Danny rolled his eyes. The school bell rang and he adjusted his backpack strap. “Gotta go. Have fun at the library.” His sarcasm was very evident and he hugged Tim.
The gesture surprised him and his return hug was slightly delayed. “I think I’ll find more than enough to amuse me there.”
With a quick goodbye, the trio rushed off before they could be late.
“So,” said Cassie, “Sam and Tucker seem to have a ton of ideas about you and Danny.”
Tim rolled his eyes. “Danny and I only met in person less than forty-eight hours ago.”
Bart nudged him. “And yet you’re already sleeping in the same bed and giving each other goodbye hugs.”
“I do the same with you guys.” He pulled out his phone to check the location of the library. “Come on, let’s just get to the library. I want to see if they have a digital subscription to the local paper we can use.”
Tim didn’t get much schoolwork done that morning, but he did find out Danny was originally named Inviso-Bill by the press and immediately began planning ways to prank him with that knowledge.
For the rest, he compared what was reported vs what had actually happened with past ghost attacks. One thing was clear, Danny needed much better PR. Hopefully being seen working with the Young Justice would help. And maybe Sam would actually listen if he tried to give pointers on how to manage public perception.
Shortly after noon and before Tim could even pretend he was about to switch over to school work, his phone rang.
“Hey, Danny. What’s up?”
“Tim! Do any of you speak Esperanto?”
“Uh… I don’t. Let me ask Bart.” He lowered the phone to ask.
“Esperanto? What’s that?” asked Bart.
“I’ll explain later,” said Tim. Back into the phone, he added, “Doesn’t look like it. Why? What’s going on?”
“So… You remember that wolf ghost with the collar? Walker’s goons are after him, too. I’m not sure why since he only speaks Esperanto. I got him away from both them and my parents. Think you can keep him safe until school is out? If I miss any more class I’ll be grounded until graduation. Senior graduation.”
Tim gestured to his friends to pack everything up. “Yeah, sure. Where are you right now? I’ll have Bart meet you first and the rest of us will follow.”
Danny gave him directions to a forested area behind the school which Tim relayed to Bart. As soon as the group was out of the library, Bart rushed ahead to Danny.
Over the phone, Danny let him know Bart had arrived. “Oh, and Tucker just got here, too. Excellent. He can speak Esperanto as well. Looks like he’s explaining things to big and hairy over here.”
“Great. We’ll be there soon as we can.”
“Can we fly there?” asked Conner.
Cassie nodded. “People would just think we’re more ghosts.”
Tim rolled his eyes. “Superboy and Wonder Girl were seen in town just last night. No.”
Conner stuck his tongue out at him. “Spoilsport.”
“Relax. It’s not far. GPS has us in the general location in, like, ten minutes.”
“Fine, fine,” sighed Cassie. “We’ll be good.”
Tim elbowed her with a grin. “Now, I never said you had to do that.”
Conner laughed. “So, what is this Esperanto language, anyway? I haven’t heard of it.”
“It’s a conlang based on European languages that’s supposed to be easy to learn. The idea was to make a sort of common language for Earth without promoting a single language like English. It hasn’t gained a lot of traction, though. And if Bart doesn’t know it, then it likely won’t.”
“Huh, weird. Why do you think a werewolf ghost know an Earth-based conlang?”
“Oooh! I bet it’s because he’s the manifestation of some teenage girl’s OC,” offered Cassie.
Tim laughed. “Or maybe the OC of one of the people to create Esperanto.”
Conner shook his head. “You’ve got this all wrong. He’s from an alternate future where Esperanto did take off and a werewolf virus spread among humans.”
The ten minute walk was filled with more and more outlandish theories ending with the wolf being the reincarnation of Jesus who was trying to bring humanity together through the reinstitution of a common language like in the pre-Tower-of-Babel days.
At the edge of the woods, Tim nudged Conner. “Can you hear where they are?”
“Yep. Follow me.”
And then it was less than two minutes before Tim could see them. “Oi! Danny!” he called out with a wave.
Danny flew over to them and hugged him. “Thank you so much! You’re gonna save me so many detentions.” He grabbed Tim’s hand and pulled him towards Tucker and the ghost. “Tim, this is Wulf. Wulf,” Danny said while making eye contact, “Friends.” Then he slowly pointed to each person and said their name.
Tucker rolled his eyes and repeated the information in Esperanto. Tim recognized his and his teammates names and many of the words felt familiar. Likely since he knew or was learning a few European languages.
“So, will we just hang out here for the next few hours until you get out of school?” asked Tim.
“Yeah. It’ll only be about two and a half hours. That okay? Then we’ll go back to Sam’s place. We can hide in her basement.”
“We’ve hung out in worse places for longer,” said Bart. “This is practically cozy. And me or one of the others can run into town for food and supplies. Anything you want from your parent’s place? Food? Snacks?”
Tucker grinned. “If you could get some jerky, that’d be great. No meat at Sam’s.”
Danny laughed. “If we think of anything else, one of us will text it to the group chat.”
An alarm buzzed on Tucker’s PDA. “We’ve got to get back now.”
“Shit. Okay. I’ll fly us back. Bye Tim, everyone!” Danny picked up Tucker and flew away, turning invisible before he was more than a few yards away.
So, more banter and more plot! We're almost starting to get somewhere! This marks roughly the halfway point of the episode. And the arc is almost 25k words. This is why I take forever to publish anything. It always spirals out of my control. Even this section, I originally opened with them in the library. But then I remembered I wanted to have Sam paint Conner's nails and that led to me adding over 900 words to the beginning.
I no longer do tag lists for this fic, but if you make your way to the subscription post, you can set it up so you get notified when this updates.
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music-viber · 29 days
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Clarisse x FemReader
Summary: you were close as two peas in a pod until you weren't, what happenes when you find an interesting way fo reconnect and apologize for what happened.
Warning: language, nudity fingering, oral.
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You and Clarisse had been best friends since forever your moms were friends before you were born so you automatically binded together. The camp had started back again and you've never needed to miss Clarisse, she was your neighbor out of camp and in camp. You stayed in the Aphrodite cabin which was right next to the Ares Cabin. People knew you as the unbeatable duo. Being popular at the camp known for doing everything together pranks,dares. But mostly being known for spin the bottle.
4 years ago when they were 14 the last day of camp the older kids played spin the bottle on the beach away from the younger campers who were sleeping peacefully in their cabins. You guys laughed and played spin the bottle as clarisses spin landed on some councilor she then made out with him in front of everyone. They cheered as I raised my eyebrow and studied her face to see if she was even into it. They pull apart and laugh. “You’re a very good kisser,” Clarisse said winking at the flustered boy. “Bullshit,” I said under my breath at her reaction
Odessa looked at her and knit her eyebrows, “my turn.” Odessa announces grabbing the bottle as she spun it. Everyone watched intently as it landed on the same guy clarisse just kissed. I smiled at him as we crawled across the sand to the Middle of the circle and grabbed his face kissing him passionately after about 2 minutes I pull away going back to my spot feeling eyes on me. The guy sat there dazed “Wow” he said as he went back to his spot dumbfounded. Clarisse looked at the girl with her eyebrows furrowed, but being ignored by her. The night went on until they all had packed to go home. Clarisses mom had picked them up and bring them home.
Clarisse stormed inside her house as if she was mad. Odessa was confused and guessed it might've been about spin the bottle “I guess she liked him.” Odessa goes into the neighboring house and shuts the door. School started the same week so they both had stuff to do the whole week having time for each other then school did start and they didn't have time for each other because of school work and then the weekends came around and they hung out with different people or stayed inside. Their windows faced each other's rooms so you could see each other getting ready for different hangouts or studying.
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It was one week until they were going back to camp, school had ended and Clarisse was lying in her bed bored. It was a Friday night She had an idea to check on her old friend Odessa. She got up and looked through the window. She of course wasn't going to walk over there like a normal person. They weren't really speaking terms, but the Windies helped with that since they were across the road from each other on the second floor. She looked around their Emory street it was pretty late meaning kids were most likely partying like there was no tomorrow.
Looking through her window to see if she saw her but her room was empty she watched for a bit until she got bored of looking at the girl's room then Odessa walked into her room her hair was damp as if she just washed it and a towel around her body. Clarisse wanted to obey her privacy but her eyes were glued out her window unable to move.
Pick a song.
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Freshly bathed Odessa confidently enters her bedroom in just her towel. It's obvious she was just in the shower. discarding her damp towel, her skin still glistening from the moisture. She reached for her hair diffuser, her fingers dancing over the buttons with practiced ease. As she moved around her room, she was a picture of carefree joy, her laughter filling the air like a melodious song. She was acutely aware of Clarisse's presence, her gaze from the window lending an added thrill to the moment. That's why Odessa made no attempt to cover herself, her skin bared to the world as she applied lotion with a generous hand, mixing in an extra amount of oil for good measure. She made sure to stay within full view of her window, her actions a silent performance for her lone audience member.
Clarisse, for her part, found herself entranced by the scene unfolding before her eyes. Then, her phone buzzed with a new message. A quick photo from Odessa accompanied a playful text that read, "I see you, stalker." A mischievous invitation was extended, and after a moment's hesitation, Clarisse abandoned her post at the window and hurried over to Odessa's house.
Upon arriving, she was warmly welcomed by Odessa's mother. The woman was always friendly and hospitable, her delight at Clarisse's unexpected visit evident in her glowing smile and welcoming words. It had been several months since their last encounter, and the reunion was a pleasant surprise. However, Clarisse, citing the need to work on a school project, cut the conversation short and requested to see Odessa. With a nod of approval, she was allowed to proceed upstairs.
There, she found Odessa lounging nonchalantly, a book in her hand. She was casually dressed in a white crop top and a thong, her earlier display of uninhibited freedom seemingly forgotten. Odessa greeted her with a casual, "Hey, long time no see?" Clarisse, her resolve firm, shut the window and joined Odessa on the bed. She found herself captivated by the girl before her, the one who had teased and tantalized her with such confidence. "Are we ever going to talk about us not being friends anymore?" Clarisse asked. Odessa, after a moment's pondering, simply responded, "Later," Odessa says as she pulls the girls hand and drags her into her bed. She looks into Clarisses eyes as she moves her hands to her face brushing hwr fingers against the girls skin as she moves in closer so the girl is aware what is happening. She makes sure she's going slow.
their lips meeting in a dance of desire. Their breaths intertwined, the space between them filled with shared panting as their hands explored each other's bodies, their touches filled with a sense of familiarity and a hint of curiosity. Odessa bit Clarisse's bottom lip, deepening the kiss and heightening the passion between them. Clarisse responded with her own movements, grinding her core against Odessa's leg in a rhythmic dance of desire.
Their shared passion continued to escalate, their movements growing more desperate as their breaths turned ragged and uneven. They only pulled apart when the need for oxygen overpowered them, their foreheads resting together in an intimate embrace as they fought to regain their breaths. Their connection, however, remained unbroken, a testament to the intensity of their shared desire.
Clarisse's hands confidently slide down to Odessa's thong, pulling it down. Odessa reacts with a whimper at the unexpected chill that greets her wetness as she detaches her lips from Odessa to hear her voice.
Odessa, with an assurance in her movements, wraps her arms around Clarisse's waist. As Odessa begins to nuzzle her head into the other girl's neck, she leaves a trail of wet kisses along her neck. The realization of the moment settles between them, understanding the need for silence due to Odessa's mother being downstairs.
Clarisse moans into Odessa's ear, her hands making their way down to her clit, rubbing it in slow, deliberate circles. Odessa's breath hitches as she arches, her hands gripping Clarisse tightly. Clarisse releases a groan at the reaction, letting a finger slip into you without warning. "ᴄʟᴀʀɪꜱꜱᴇ!!" Odessa's voice chokes out as Clarisse deftly takes the thong Odessa was wearing and places it into her mouth to muffle her sounds.
As another finger enters Odessa, her eyes roll back in her head as she battles the overwhelming sensations brought on by her ex-best friend. A few minutes later, Odessa is melting into her touch, her eyes watering and on the brink of release. Clarisse stops as she senses Odessa's body beginning to spasm.
Odessa lets out a muffled whine through the cloth in her mouth. Clarisse expertly positions the girl on the bed and dives between her legs, her tongue working its magic. Odessa gasps as she arches, muffling her sounds as Clarisse works her over.
“ʏᴏᴜ ᴛᴀꜱᴛᴇ ꜱᴏ ɢᴏᴏᴅ.”
Overwhelmed by the statement, Odessa climaxes, her body sweaty and shaking from the intense experience. Clarisse gently removes the cloth from the girl's mouth and kisses her with a lust-filled intensity.
Odessa rides out her high on Clarisse's thigh, catching her breath. "Wanna do something fun?" Odessa asks, her eyes drifting towards her Polaroid camera with a playful smile. Catching on, Clarisse returns the grin.
With a nod of agreement, they position themselves on the bed, their bodies intertwined in a sensual pose. Odessa captures the moment with a click of the camera, their shared intimacy immortalized in the resulting Polaroid photograph. They do more poses and use the polaroid to take the photos.
Hours later and Clarisse leaves to go home as she goes downstairs she greets your mom saying bye and that she'll catch with uo with her later. Running across the street Clarisse eneters hwe house in a daze her back is against the door as she breaths heavily. She lets out a light laugh as she enters her room closing hwe window. She looks down at her hand and sees a polaroid Odessa gave her as a gift. It was Odessa in red-laced underwear. Clarisse puts the picture in a box in her closet as she flops onto her bed thinking about what just happened.
Realizing “ɪ'ᴍ ꜰᴜᴄᴋᴇᴅ.”
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pineappleciders · 1 year
Hi Cider!!! Do you think you write about a poor y/n (gen neutral) with Tolkien, Kyle, Kenny, and Clyde? 🫶
(on another note, I absolutely love your writing glad to see you're taking requests lol ❤️)
tolkien, kyle, kenny, and clyde with a poor reader
platonic G/N reader
A/N: hii !!! this is based off of my experience of growing up lower class and such, though i was never poor to the point of like kenny so tbis might be inaccurate!!! also thank you so much :))
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tolkien black
at some point after meeting your family/going to your house, it makes him feel a little bad so he talks to his parents about organizing some sort of food donation
like him and his parents make food for your family and make sandwiches and stuff, and he claims it's the least he can do
always inviting you over for dinner!!!! you two spend a lot of time playing baseball in his backyard or watching shows on his racecar bed and he lets you take all the food you want
always coming up to you during school asking if you want to hang out at his place!!! sometimes the other dudes hang out with you too and it just becomes a full blown party if his parents aren't home
at lunch he always brings a little something for you; whether it be a little snack or a drink or something he'll always think of grabbing something for you while packing his lunch
he does feel bad, so he generally tries to make everything easier on you. little things like picking up your dropped books or holding a door open for you. they're small little gestures, but it's how he shows his care!!
kyle broflovski
he doesn't really think about your financial situation often, but if you mention something to do with it or it becomes apparent or something he might think about it for awhile
he knows he can't really do anything, and it isn't his place to really feel bad, but he can't help but contemplate it, esp if it's got you feeling down
i can see him being the type of person to anonymously give you things, like if your stomach rumbles in class and you mention you didn't have a good breakfast, he might buy something from the vending machine and leave it on your desk
or he asks his mom if he can send you money in the mail (his mom thinks it's adorable that he cares) u two also have lots of sleepovers and his mom makes snacks for you!!
other than that, he doesn't treat you differently. though he does get upset when cartman harasses you over it
"dude, at least i'm not as poor as Y/N's family! their mamas so poor she puts a penny in a gumball machine and asks for change!"
kenny mccormick
he understands more than anyone!!!
it makes him comfortable to know that someone else is struggling like him,,, as his friends (cartman) always downplay his situation and make fun of him for it, it makes him happy to have a friend who gets it
he might just deadpan at you whenever someone cracks a joke about you or him being poor. he is sick and tired
sometimes you two go to the forest and skip rocks at starks pond just to get out of the house, especially if your home situation is like his.
always coming up to you once school gets out to see if you wanna go hang out with the guys or just take a walk with him or something. you two hanging out is like a win-win-win, you get to hang out with him, he gets to hang out with you, and you both get out of your homes for a bit!!
you two use puppy dog eyes to get the others to pay for your shit when eating together and then giggle mischeviously about it
clyde donovan
he doesn't really think much of it at first, like he hears people joking about you being poor all the time but he never really gave it a second thought
although he might think about it when you ask to stay at his place for the night, and suddenly he feels kinda guilty
lets you eat as much food as you want from his pantry & fridge, and he lets you take stuff home sometimes. not all the time though because even he can't afford you sneaking around his kitchen all the time (but he lets it slide more often than he'd like to admit)
probably pokes fun at you with the other guys except he's just joining in with them and has no idea what they're making fun of you for💀
he actually really enjoys sleepovers, especially with all of his friends!!! so you and him end up having a lot of slumber parties with the rest of the dudes. cartman's group refers to your sleepovers as "their gay orgy night" or "circle jerk sesh"
he forgets a lot like he never really pays your situation any mind unless it becomes apparent or you bring it up. like if you haven't washed in awhile he wonders why you stink and then he's like oh yeah and offers to sleepover so you can finally shower
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grapejuicestyless · 8 months
i’m rlly sad summers gone but like I have a winter request for conrad so we good !!
fem reader (conklinnn ofc) and conrad used to date but then had a messy breakup so now everyone is in college and yn doesn’t have anywhere to go because everyone is off doing something for winter break so she takes stevens car and drives down to the summer house and conrad shows up a day later and she’s freaking out. They both stay there the whole week and romantic feelings and nostalgia builds up again 🤌🏻
you can add some of your own stuff too because your soooo creative and your work is golden!! thank you:)
Conrad Fisher x fem!reader
Angst to fluff!
Summery: After a hard loss, both in a relationship and with the severing of the ties of her past, Y/n must learn to let go in order to gain what she so desperate wants back.
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Snowfall is always overlooked. People see it as more of an inconvenience than as a gift. Each little white flake falling from the sky seems like nothing more than a mushy ball of frozen water made to block the roads and keep kids out of school, but the closer you look the more complex they are.
What was once so horrible becomes something beautiful, something unique. There is no other thing like it, each flake is different even by one branch in the pattern. It’s sad how many people are so quick to dismiss it and pout out their windows. White was never their favorite color and the cold was never their favorite temperature.
At this time of year, I usually considered myself lucky. I had a family who cherished each snowfall and a mother who would have hot-coco ready on the table for when our red cheeks and icy hair would become too much and we would finally come back inside to melt and warm up again. Each winter break my younger siblings, Steven and Belly would be attached at my hip. Having an older sister who only grew more and more, our time together always felt limited. So we spent each day in the living room. Playing the Wii with Steven and Barbies with Belly. I would read with my mom and cook with my dad. It was all so perfect. My favorite time of the year.
I used to joke with Conrad that college didn’t hold the same amount of excitement around the season because people were just as bitter and cold all year round. I called him cold hearted too because he thought it was funny. He laughed and kissed me then. I wonder if he would laugh now. Even if we no longer shared a stocking and cozied up by the fireplace impossibly close declaring our quiet loves for each other. I wonder if he still thinks fondly of the winter like I do now that it’s tainted with old memories of us.
Usually, during the winter I would drive down to Boston. It took some convincing for Laurel to allow her daughter to drive so far in such intense weather, but she knew where my heart belonged. It was the holidays and she was just as jolly as the rest of us, so she would always agree. There, I would bring gifts for all the Fishers. I didn’t have enough money to afford gifts and college, so everything was homemade. Every year I would apologize, but Susannah and Conrad always claimed to love it. Jeremiah wouldn’t say anything, but the smile on his face was always genuinely happy, so I think he liked them just as much.
Conrad would take my mitten clad hands after. Even covered in thick wool he managed to clasp his hands fully around mine, eager to get me alone. We’d slip away into his room, my cheeks red and eyelashes covered in snowflakes and his eyes wide and smile full. Behind closed doors, we could be as affectionate as we wanted without gags of jealousy disguised as disgust from Jeremiah or swooning from Susannah over how cozy we looked.
I remember how I believed my hips were made with dips so his hands could fit perfectly in them. How his arm rested on my waist so tight, I didn’t need a blanket because he kept me warm. No fireplace or layers of coats could light the flames in my heart and keep me warm in the coldest winters like Conrad could.
He said summer was his favorite season when he met me, but now he favored winter because it reminded him of me. I asked what would happen if something were to happen to us, just to tease him then. He got serious, I still remember the look on his face when he told me I would always be his favorite thing. How winter would forever remind him of me and no matter what, nothing could change that fact.
It was our own little secret oasis. A utopia of our own confined within the four walls of his childhood bedroom. When it snowed, we’d play in the snow like children and when it stormed we’d make forts to watch our favorite winter movies. It was a dream I never wanted to end, I was foolish to think it wouldn’t.
By spring, it felt like he was tired of me, of who I was. No amount of effort could keep Conrad beside me. I became someone he wasted his time on rather than someone he begged to be around. My skin was like fire to his touch, his eyes avoidant. It all came to a head when I broke down in late May.
“Why, why am I not enough?” I begged him then, I wanted to know what my problem was. Why I couldn’t be more than what I was now. Why we couldn’t go back.
He shrugged his shoulders, looking past my left shoulder. He looked distant. He knew it just as well as I did, we were walking on eggshells.
“Because you’re just not.” His words were bitter, knives stabbing me through the heart and ripping out. There was no reason, he didn’t even try to make the gashes in my heart better.
“Bullshit. I do everything for you! I give you everything!” It came out more as a question than a statement. I wasn’t as sure about what I once believed so firmly now that Conrad was showing how he felt.
“I guess it wasn’t enough then.” His eyes were watering. We were already talking in the past tense, we were over. He didn’t have to say it, neither did I. It was as clear as the freckles on his face, there was no amount of mending that could pull us back together.
In my mind I could only remember those final words we spoke to each other. The first hour of our long argument was washed from my mind for my own sake. What should’ve been tattooed permanently in my brain was gone the second we were over. Maybe if I could remember it fully, each insult and every word he used to put me down and make me feel small, I would’ve been able to feel justified in my anger. I could talk shit with my friends, shit on him to my mother. But even in my heartache, I couldn’t find reasons to be mad at him.
Conrad always went through so much on his own. It would be selfish of me to believe that he was completely okay when things ended. It was messy and sudden the way it happened. He was the biggest dick to me, but I couldn’t blame him for what he did. Not then, not now. Part of me still loved him. Part of me would still die for him in secret. He was my first love, all I knew when it came to my feelings. I let him rule my heart, my decisions. I didn’t show up to Cousins that summer.
Now that it was over, no ties binding us together, no overbearing reason to drive down to Boston for the weeks leading up to the holidays where we’d all finally be together again, I have no where to go. Steven was old enough to be on his own now, a freshman at Princeton. One of his rich friends had dropped by within the first twenty four hours to drag him off to his families vacation home. I hadn’t even set up the Wii yet. Belly, my littlest sibling who I adored more than anyone else I knew was more distant than Steven. The stress of deciding between Finch and Jeremiah or some state school with the guarantee of being on volleyball was eating her alive. Back then, I would’ve told her not to lose sight of her dreams and life because of some boy, but here I was doing the same thing. I stayed quiet and let her decide what she wanted.
My mom was gone just like Steven. Away to talk about her book with other critically acclaimed writers and producers. My dad was out of the picture. He wouldn’t be back until Christmas morning. He was never really present after the divorce, but he’s a good man and he tries his best. He just works a lot. It hurts to not be able to enjoy the holidays like I used to, but I can respect why everyone’s away.
Somehow, I end up in Stevens drivers seat. I’ve never had a car of my own. While Steven spent weeks searching the internet for a cheep car, I spent my time studying for finals and applying to colleges. I never had the time. He gave me his keys before he left. He said I could take his car anywhere I wanted as long as I didn’t ruin it. Each dent in it, I would owe him ten bucks. It wasn’t much, but to a struggling college student, ten dollars in my bank account might as well have been him asking for hundreds.
“Belly, I’m heading out. Call me if you need me, okay? I might not be back for awhile.” The words I chose were ominous. I didn’t tell her where I was going, why I was going or how long I’d be exactly, but she didn’t care enough to ask. So I climbed into Stevens car and let my playlist shuffle. I imagine myself in the situations my favorite artists write about and sing along like I can relate to their upper class parties and juvenile activities. It keeps my mind off of where I’m going.
It’s not like I got in the car set on heading to the one place that once swore to never step foot near again, but when I recognize the signs on the highway pointing me in the same direction, I’m suddenly set on it.
The sting of the breakup lingered like a tattooed kiss, a reminder of something so special that was now gone. I wouldn’t let him ruin the place that was once so special to our families.
Pulling up to that driveway, I remember how the weeds would grow over the gravel by July and how Steven and Jeremiah would stay out for hours plucking at them to make Susannah happy. How the grass held the imprints of our small bodies rolling around the hills and daffodils. The sand was forever glued into the fabric of our favorite t-shirts and the salt air is what we smelled of until December washed it away.
We were always so close here. Despite the rifts and the problems that happened between us. Not blow out fight or silent treatment could ever separate the Conklin’s and the Fishers from each other for long.
I looked back on how I felt at home. How together was something that I never even questioned. Steven would be by the fireplace yelling at the television and Belly would be begging him to quiet down. Laurel would be curled up in the corner scribbling things into a notepad and dad would try to sneakily move the elf on the shelf.
We were older now. The wii wasn’t all that special and Belly longed for the chaos she once hated. Steven preferred his friends and mom and dad fell out of love so mom could learn to love her work more.
I pulled into the large house through the garage. I knew the code by heart, it was my phone passcode. I figured that if I wanted to stay attached to homeliness so badly I could be where I learned what love was the best.
In my head, even now I always believed that no matter how long it would go untouched, the summer home would always be bright and warm. Smelling of Susannah’s candles and Belly’s sticky iced teas.
Stepping through the front door, it was dark and cold. My breath was less visible than in the outside, but the light and heat didn’t bounce from wall to wall like it always did.
It took me a few minutes to find the correct switch to turn up the heat. I cranked it until my socks burned on my feet and a sweat covered the top of my forehead. It was comfortable, I could sink into my own chunky sweater.
It was my mothers, the blue and white striped sweater I wore. She was gifted it by Susannah in their late college years but it never quiet fit her because she was so short. It fit big, but it didn’t sag at my knees or gather at my wrists as much. It smelled like my mom and reminded me of Pennsylvania skies.
The warmth from the heat and the comfort from my clothes set me in a slump, my eyes drooped. I hadn’t even turned on any lights yet, hadn’t gone up to my room to make the bed. I was sat in place on the permanently indented couch. Though my body curled into the spot where I always laid during movie nights, my head fell where Conrad’s lap would’ve been. To imagine we were all just as happy, as close made me feel fuzzy. If I tried hard enough I could even hear his voice. Calling for me, like a dream.
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The sun peaked through the windows and the dust that collected on the once neatly kept glass projected tiny shadows and spots across the hardwood floor. The couch was warm with my body heat and other than the faint whisper of the wind, it was peaceful.
A melodic whistle blowed through the open gap between the living room and the kitchen. It was smooth yet broke when the song grew too high for the deeper voice that carried the tune.
Rubbing at my eyes, my feet swung out from under my thighs, I wiped away any drool or signs of slumber. Still, clearing my complexion did not rid my body of the tired achey feeling and the small blurring of my vision. My brain was following behind my body, every caution sign to who was here at this time thrown to the wind.
Mugs clanked together clumsily, my nose burned with the strong scent of coffee beans. It was chillier in the morning here than how I had left it at night, I could feel the tip of my nose turning red and growing colder.
A taller boy stood hunched over the countertops, a spoon clinking around softly as he stirred around something in the mug. His shirt hung loose on his body but his pants fit just right.
His hair was wavy, but only just at the ends. Under the strong smells of early morning caffeine, I could faintly still pick up the scent of sea salt and a spice I couldn’t name. It was vanilla like but also had a lingering smell of oak and woods. It was my favorite smell.
“Conrad..?” It clicked in my brain that the handsome boy hanging around the summer home wasn’t some pick me up sent from heaven. The reason behind my instant admiration for such a simple, domestic task was because of how well I knew and once loved the boy. The name fell from my lips quietly, like I couldn’t believe it was true.
Spinning around, I met his blue eyes. I watched his lips twitch, fighting against some kind of emotion from spreading across his face and the light in his eyes falter. He looked blank, unaware of how his lack of enthusiasm of our reuniting was crushing me inside.
“Figured you’d want coffee.” He was right. He still knew me like the back of his own hand and that was the worst part. I hadn’t changed, I never would. He would always know me and it hurt to know I trusted him like that at one point just for him to leave. He even made it in my favorite mug.
A light blue ceramic mug that still had Belly and Conrad’s fingerprints in the clay and visible brush strokes across the top. They made it for me when we were still little. It was my favorite gift from her because they made it as an apology. For breaking my old vase I made for my mom in art class. They meant to harm and felt horrible, I cherished their kindness more than anything.
“No…no. I’m all set.” Crossing my arms and clearing my throat, I set my eyes on the ground and leaned against the doorframe on the wall. We didn’t speak after that, he didn’t move. Sucking in his lips, I heard him sigh almost disappointedly.
“So…” He tried to start, I was too scared to listen. Not of him, god I could never be scared of him. But of what he could want to say.
My eyes flicked over the dents in the floor, I discovered marks I hadn’t seen before. Just when I thought I had everything memorized. When I thought I knew everything, when I thought I knew him.
“You know, uhm…I think I’m going to settle in.” Nodding at him quickly, I all but ran to the stairs. My hands gripped at the banister so quickly, I felt skin pull skin. It tore just under my fingers beginning, the top of my palm. I swore I heard him call after me, but maybe it was the ringing in my ears.
I came here to get away. In search of some solace, I grasped at the tattered strands of my childhood to find that I had held on too long. In my own journey, by some sort of fate, I dragged along a deeper part of those memories with me.
I spent that morning stowed away in my bedroom. I left the door ajar. The air was chilly still, and the air dusty. The heat had rarely been used. Only on the rare occasions in which Susannah would find reason to escape down to the beautiful town of Cousins. Simply to watch the early snowfalls or sparkling lights decorating the center of the town. Usually when I would get settled into my own room in the summer home, each knickknack would be thrown carelessly over the bureau top and shoved in the forever empty bedside table drawers. I would procrastinate making my bed last. I hated the damned fitted sheets and the wrinkles I couldn’t flatten for days. I hated the way that the corners never stayed. My body stretched as far as it would go, yet I could never quiet hook the fabric far enough to keep it settled.
Today was no different. My blood boiled the same, but it mixed with an unfamiliar warmth. How endearing it was to be able to relive such a memorable moment of my summers again even after tragedy struck the once uniting household.
“Fuck.” The sheets flipped up. The full sized mattress was far too wide to allow my arms to stretch across the full width of its body and hook the corners over far enough to where they wouldn’t slip. Each move resulted in a different kind of release with the bedsheets. Each time I ended up wrapped up in the thin cotton sheets.
The clock ticking on my bedside table taunts me. Reminds me of how long I’ve been tangled around in my bed. If it weren’t so humiliating, I would’ve asked for help. But I created a mess. My feelings, one’s that Conrad had so clearly buried as he was able to be kind and cordial towards me while I panicked like a fish out of water. So I hop around from corner to corner desperate to finish my task.
“Y/n?” The name burns the way it rolls off of his tongue. Like even with me gone, he had practiced pronouncing it in the mirror, whispered it to himself each night. It was like we’d seen each other the day before, the way it came out. Breathless and light.
The moon hung over the house, illuminating thin strips of shine through the windows that led from the floor to the very bed I was sprawled across.
Sighing heavily, I threw my head back. Hair fell in front of my face, tickling the bridge of my nose. I saw Conrad hesitate. His hand flinched out from where it was tucked behind the doorframe. He set it on the white wood frame.
“Can I help?” It was innocent enough. Maybe he was sick of the sound of my knees rubbing against the mattress. Or the way I grunted every few minutes. I stumbled around my room all day fixing it up, I almost forgot how loud it could’ve been.
It felt sour to accept it. Even if it were as innocent and kind as it seemed. Conrad had a glimmer of hope in his eye and his lips upturned. He looked so handsome still, nose pinker from the slight chill and eyes still just as deep blue.
“No thank you.” I huffed. I tried to sound annoyed, something that was hard to do when you weren’t really all that annoyed at all. Resistant was the only similar thing I could place a name to. I saw the wag Conrad’s smile faltered, his eyes looming with a dark shadow, masking the vibrant sparkle.
“Come on, don’t be so stubborn, please? You’ve been at it for hours, just let me help.” Stubborn. Just like my mother and his. Each of us were always set to do things on our own. But this was far more than just genetics at this point. This was my own grudge I was holding. This was my pride and my responsibility over my emotions acting. No matter how nice the gesture, I still refused, gnashing my teeth.
“Oh, so suddenly you care?” It was a lot more mean than I meant it. I know how much Conrad cares. How much he always has. He doesn’t have the best way to show for it, but in the end you always know it. It was a mistake, an instant regret. I watched how his face contorted. He wasn’t just disappointed now, but genuinely hurt by my own dig at his insecurities.
His whole life, Conrad always feared he wasn’t enough. He couldn’t give enough, couldn’t be enough. He always talked himself down, creating a false standard in which everyone else was above him, out of his league. He was insecure. He didn’t need reassurance, he knew what kind of love was real and what was fake, but the fact that maybe I had thought the same crushed him. I could tell.
His silence hung over us so heavy, a knife could slice it. His jaw stuttered and his eyes blinked slow. A loss for words. I wish he could just yell at me. Fuel my fire, make me feel less bad about what I said. Less guilty about the fact I couldn’t get over us when he could. Conrad didn’t deserve my emotional daggers directed at his heart simply because we split. I know Conrad, I always have. His method of leaving was cruel, but the boys heart was in the right place always.
“Fuck!” The sheet snapped back. I had enough. In all seriousness, I should’ve stopped to talk to the boy who was so clearly hurt by the door. A girl, a guest in a house that once felt just as much as hers as his was there in a now occupied room throwing insults unprovoked when he was trying to be nice.
Standing, I stumbled past him clumsily again, taking a spare blanket that hung off the end of the bed with me. I couldn’t take it. His stares, the silence, the sheet, my own guilt, my thoughts. I needed to be out of that sickened room.
“Y/n…” Again, the call was faint. A whisper in my head whose only goal was to make me stop. I didn’t turn. It was unfair, the whole thing. To me, to Conrad. I decided to sleep on the couch.
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My back ached. The plush cushioning under my back too soft, too worn in. A good remedy, a great place for a quick nap. But it hurt after more than a few hours. The fabric rubbed harshly, the pillows sunk in. My hips popped when I stood.
The sun was shining through the windows, air crisp. Heat finally reached all corners of the large house and the cob webs were finally swept away. The magic of summer wasn’t there, but it felt homely. A good alternative to the sad loneliness of my own bedroom at home.
The house was still, the kitchen untouched and an empty mug in the sink. It was stained in a ring from where the old drink had been and had little brown streaks from where the coffee dripped off of the sides. The counter tops were cold, despite the heat inside. The floor was quiet, there was no shuffling. It led me to believe that the only other occupant was still asleep.
Heading up the stairs, I picked at my old clothes. The discomfort came from multiple things. The way my clothes stuck to my body, my teeth didn’t feel right in my mouth. My hair was knotted. I looked fine, but nothing felt right. The only way to describe it was that when waking up after a rough couple of nights, it felt like my skin didn’t fit right over my bones.
My door was wide open. The hinges bent all the way back, the light bled through the curtains. My already slow steps came to a halt when the threshold fell behind my legs. My bed was decorated with the same blue floral design it always had during the summers.
The pillows were placed where I always had them, and my blankets were hung so neat on the bottom of my bed. My fingers ran over the soft fabric like it wasn’t really mine. Like I was admiring a sample from a store, wishing it were mine. It was always so pretty.
My thumb hooked over the folded edge very carefully. I didn’t want to mess with the perfectly made bed. More importantly, I didn’t want to crease the remaining hand prints that laid in the center of the bed.
The plushy duvet left residue from bigger hands. Spread along the bends, from the center down. Proof that someone had truly tried their best to perfect it.
Looking under the top, not only had each layer been placed, but the fitted sheet. I could see it now with all its layers peeled back. The thought that even after my initial attempts to push away, to be mean, to hurt him, that Conrad had still wanted to help me made me feel warm. I wasn’t sure why my heart was fluttering for a boy I swore I hated. But my cheeks were red and my knees felt weak. I always did love his acts of service.
I didn’t plan on showering, but my skin was sticky with sleep and my heart was pounding too fast. I hated the fact that Conrad was too good for everyone in his own special ways. I hated the way he still cared and the way he remained so observant even in our absence. Most of all, I hate the way I reach for his shampoo in the shower. Longing for the scent of him to linger on me for just a little longer. How funny it is that we’ve changed so quickly and yet not at all. We used to share our hair products. He kept a hair tie for me in his bedside table. I had a drawer of clothes in his room, he had some in my closet. He went from my everything to just something in my life. Yet, with all this change I still reach for the familiarities of what we once had. My hand still searches the shower for his conditioner. My feet still take me to his door to find a shirt I like. What we had is gone, crushed under the weight of our separation, but my muscle memory pulls me back. The heart is a muscle, one that forever beats for Conrad Fisher.
I sit in the corner for longer than I lather the soap across my skin. My body is curled up against the cold tiles. I feel pathetic doing so. How small I’ve made myself. Not only mentally, but physically. I feel weak at how little self control I have. I think back on the past year of my life and I regret each decision I’ve made leading me here suddenly.
Was I not enough for Conrad? I know it’s not his reasoning behind his leaving, but I feel like the theory becomes more and more plausible the longer I think back on how lonely I’ve been. So stuck on my own problems, I forget how little I see my family. How Belly has grown without me. Her friends, her lovers. She is independent, she knows her path. Steven has matured. He understands feelings, he’s valedictorian. His brains lead him through life, he no longer comes to me at midnight to ask for help with math. I no longer review his essays or read his made up stories in the living room. We are two different siblings who once spent every moment together. My mother is nose deep in her own promotion with her books. She is succeeding while my father is going on dates and moving on. I am stuck in the same spot, forever thinking of the past, I can not move on.
I am scared by the knowledge that my family is no longer dependent on me. A scab is forming over the wound of the fact that Conrad has left, I am not needed. I hope the warm water fading into a cooler drizzle will hide the way my eyes are puffy and red. The streaks of water on cheeks will become streams of the shower. I am strong and resistant like my parents, but I am scared to admit that I have real fears. Ones that control my life. I will never tell them how I breakdown, how my heart is breaking and I am falling off the pedestal.
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It’s more lively now then it was just an hour ago. The birds are gone, on vacation away in the warmer weather while the cold covers New England in a chilling blanket. I hear the mugs clattering from the hallways and the soft humming passing through his pink lips. He hears me before he sees me.
“Coffee?” He motioned to the brown liquid, steaming while it poured into the glass pitcher. Rubbing beneath my eyes, I could feel the weight of my eye bags heavy on my skin. My throat was coarse, hands aching from how hard I had grasped onto the shower walls. I hid behind the island counter on the stool. My body curled up into the baggy clothes covering my body, my knees hugging into my chest as close as possible.
“Yes, please.” I mumbled softly, trying not to show any weaknesses. Conrad knew me better than that. The way my lip twitched into a fake smile, how my eyes were more avoidant that usual. Even in my heavy feelings, my eyes were always drawn to him. I was closing myself off.
A beat passed. Conrad’s attempt at conversation had fallen short, right by my feet.
“How’d you sleep?” He turned to me, freshly brewed coffee sloshing around in the same mug as yesterday. He placed it in front of me, but he turned away again to pour his own cup. It wasn’t to further distance himself, creating a divide all while I was shutting down, but to give me room to breathe in a space I was so clearly suffocating in.
“It was okay.” I sighed, hand holding my head, my eyes closed. I imagined myself laid with my back pressed against plush pillows and my childhood bedroom fairy lights hanging over my head. It was still winter, but the atmosphere in my daydream felt of summer.
“I’m glad, then. That it wasn’t so bad, I mean.” He corrected himself, afraid of a wrath inside of me that didn’t exist to him anymore. It never really had, my emotions had only been misplaced yesterday.
Often I’ve been told that my words shoot to kill when I’m mad. I insult and belittle myself more than others, but my mother has no problem with bringing up the few times I targeted my feelings at Steven or Belly. How little I made them feel, how guilty I felt. I threw up once, after yelling at Steven. He hadn’t cared for it, fighting was what siblings did. But remembering how I tried to hurt him made me sick. I felt the same after insulting Conrad.
Nodding my head, I pursed my lips into a thin line. My eyes blinked away any dryness, I inhaled a deep breath.
“Hey, uhm…thank you, by the way.” I pulled the sleeves of my sweater over my hands, hovering over the cup of coffee to revel in the hot steam hitting my face.
Conrad turned around, leaning against the counter. His hands pressed up behind him, firm but his face was soft, glad.
“I shouldn’t have…you didn’t deserve that.” My eyes flickered between the floor and the folding of my sleeves over my thumbs. My skin was cold, my hair wet on the back of my neck. I had a lump in my throat.
“Y/n?” His voice was gentle, closer than before. I saw his elbows press against the counter top, just mere inches away. I felt even more awkward, littler than before somehow.
I hummed. But the coarseness in my throat made it come out as more of a rumble. I choked on the growing lump, my nose burned.
“We don’t have to avoid each other.” He said it like that was so easy. Like everything was resolved by him simply stating that he didn’t want to face the consequences of our actions.
“I know.” I brought the edge of the mug to my lips and blew. Steam clouded my vision, the wet heat felt nice on my cheeks.
“Y/n.” He said more firmly.
He wasn’t angry, but he wanted my attention. My eyes flickered up to his. They were darker now. Swarmed with so many emotions, it was hard to grasp onto what he was feeling. I set the mug down.
“Please don’t avoid me.” He begged more softly, his hand hesitated to reach out to me. Once they clasped around mine, it was almost relieving. Having something familiar to ground me while I was only working myself up. “I miss you, I miss us. We were best friends and we haven’t even spoken in…I don’t even know how long. This, this is stupid. To be running in circles like this?”
“That’s easy for you to say.” This time, my words weren’t angry. They broke apart when I spoke. The sentence was raw, the lump in my throat broke through my clenched teeth and my nose heated up in an intense burn. My eyes were heavy, working hard to keep any tears at bay. Again, here I find myself in a different spot, practicing the same habits. I stand in front of Conrad angry, ready to hurt his ego and pierce a hole through his heart just to ease my own mind.
I wanted exactly what he did, to be as close. I missed him more than anything in my life ever, but it wasn’t so simple. He pleaded my name again, I pulled my hands out of his. His fingers were like a barbed wire. It suddenly stung to have him touching me.
“I just wish you would’ve acknowledged it, you know? I mean look at me, look at us. You’re fine, you’re happy. I can’t even look at you without wanting to cry.” When our hearts broke, they broke uneven. Conrad was left with a bruise why I was facing the pain of a bleeding scar across my own. He had been the one to cause the rift, he had been the one to bring up everyone’s insecurities, use them against our relationship.
“Y/n.” He whispered, reaching out to me again. I stood from the stool, keeping my distance. My tears were hot, they burned into my skin.
“You couldn’t even stand me, Conrad! And I couldn’t see it before, but I can now. You couldn’t even text me, no. No, but that’s not the worst part. Maybe it’s the fact that you couldn’t even show up to Stevens graduation because I was there.” He sighed, ready to defend himself. I look back on all the disappointed faces, I remember the way Steven frowned at that empty seat beside me and I feel angry.
“Do you know how hard it is to tell your baby brother that his hero couldn’t make it to his graduation because he can’t even stand to be around me? Do you know how sad he was when he started to walk up to the podium and saw your seat was empty? I recorded it and sent it to you, did you know that? I wasn’t going to, I didn’t think you deserved to have a part in one of the most important parts in Stevens life, but he begged me to. Tried to make me send it twice so you’d get it.” I took a deep breath, wiping away the tears by my eyes, more spilled. My face was wet with salt water and red with anger.
“So why don’t we go back to how things were before after you’ve fucked it all up!”
“It’s really fucking unfair of you to act like this hasn’t affected me at all either!” He finally shot back. He was never one to yell. Conrad always had some sort of control over his composure. He never yelled, he hated yelling.
“How, how can you say that after you’ve done nothing to fix anything!” Walking closer to him, I saw how he turned away to grip the counter between his fingers.
“People deal with shit differently, Y/n. Grow up!” He yelled. His eyes were wild, it should’ve scared me. But god, him telling me to grow up after all he put me through only made me angrier. I was fragile already. But not as a flower, but a bomb.
“Fuck you, Conrad.” My voice was shaky, but firm. I didn’t yell, my lack of volume was almost scarier than my inevitable rage. He looked up at me, it was like watching him realize how his words had betrayed him. He hadn’t meant for us to fight, to talk like this. He wanted to fix things. He wanted me back.
“Y/n.” He shook his head, walking closer to me, he bent away from the edges of the island to reach me quicker. His voice was laced with pity
“Stop saying my name!” I backed away, feet catching on the threshold, I slowed myself down. Each time he said it, it pulled on my heartstrings. How could he be so selfish to not even be able to see all the pain I’ve been put through!
“I’ve missed you ever since I left you! You think I don’t regret the way I treated you? I’m not naïve to my own stupidity, I know my mistakes, I’ve owned them. You were my everything, god you might as well have hung the stars!” He waved his hands around to animate what he was saying. It only stresses me out more.
“Then why? Why did you throw it all away!” My body began to crumble beneath me, my knees wobbled.
“Because I was scared! I was scared of losing you. I thought if I let myself become too obsessed, that if you decided to leave me I would never be able to get back up. I had to do it!” He confessed. It all made sense then. All my unanswered questions, all my insecurities of not being enough. Conrad hadn’t left because I couldn’t give him what he wanted. He left because he was scared of what would happen when I was gone. That he wasn’t enough.
“I wouldn’t have left you, Conrad. I wouldn’t have.” My palms hit my eyes, my knees started to give. A sob ripped through my throat. It hurt to breathe.
His arms were like a blanket. His hands still fit perfectly around my back. When he held me, it was tight. I knew it then that he wouldn’t be letting me go, not now. His shirt was wet with my tears, mine was wet with my hair. I felt stupid, naïve to think of Conrad in such bad ways when he had only been doing what he thought was best to protect his heart after loss after loss.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry.” I repeated it like a prayer, I didn’t mean to be so mean. I didn’t want to be rude to him, I wanted him to be close to me always. His heart was beating out of his chest when he nodded. He knew I never meant to fight him. We were both entitled to our feelings, there was no reason in trying to apologize for how we reacted.
His hand lifted to my head, brushing through my hair. He gathered a chunk in his palm, his knuckles gripping at it. It didn’t hurt, he didn’t intend for it to. He was breathing me in, holding onto me in every which way possible.
“It’s going to be okay, we’re going to be okay.” My sobs were muffling themselves, quieting down into soft whimpers. It took a lot to even nod my head against his shirt. It smelled like him, and it was homely. I felt safer now than in our argument. Our words held no value anymore, I just hoped that what he said was true.
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Holding her like that almost made things feel normal again. Having her hair in between my fingers and her waist pressed against mine. I wanted to revel in it, selfishly. But her sniffles and uneven breath only made me remember why I even got the privilege to hold her again.
Again and again, I watched her breakdown over a mistake I made. To protect myself. I swore it to her last winter, promised her that it would always be my favorite season because she was my favorite thing. I built up this trust and a love between us. It was when she left that I freaked out over what my mom said.
“I’ve never seen you so happy.” She had said, poncho bc my cheek between her fingers. Playfully, I pulled my face away.
“Yea?” I mused, wrapping an arm around her shoulders and watched the steady snowfall on the final night of winter through the window.
“The love bug’s got you.” She was right. I was so undeniably in love with Y/n. I would change everything in my life just to be with her always.
“What?” My eyes squinted from the way my eyebrows furrowed. She was still looking out into the snow.
“It’s okay to be in love, Connie.” She quickly turned to me and smoothed out my shirt. She sensed my confusion and stress. I knew I was in love with her, but the fact that it was that obvious, that clear made me worry.
“Everyone has their first love at some point.” With that she left. At some point. The words rung through my head. I knew that the first love was always the strongest, but this was not my first love. I had fallen for an ex-girlfriend in freshman year. She broke my heart. Why was the thought of Y/n leaving shattering mine completely?
The more I thought of us together then, the more I worried about her leaving. She was perfect for me, maybe. But could I even measure up to her perfection? Could I give her everything?
I was able to push that feeling away for a few weeks. But as winter turned to spring and the leave began to regrow, I couldn’t shake it. Distance was a thing I was only growing between us. Space, something I created so there was no way we could get hurt. I thought it was the right thing, then. I thought it was the right move for me to let her leave so easily. To watch her fight for me one last time and not react. I was giving her the chance for someone more, someone better. I didn’t know I was only breaking her heart in ways I worried I would break my own.
It was a guilt I lived with all these months. When she didn’t come up to cousins because she wasn’t feeling good, I knew why. I had avoided her like the plague after our last conversation, our first real fight. I couldn’t even show up for her family in one of their most important milestones. Now it seemed like we only fight now, or at least in these past couple hours.
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My neck was stiff from how it leaned against the back of the couch. I hadn’t watched past the hour mark of the black and white movie Conrad had put on. I didn’t have the heart to tell him I no longer liked it.
The movie was all I watched when I was at my absolute worst. Not to say I wasn’t still there, I felt rock bottom beneath my feet, but I felt myself getting better slowly. I no longer spent each day rewatching the same film over and over to ease the pain and remind myself of a happier time. I hated the way they talked. I once found it romantic, but the old cracking in the sound and the fancy accents made me angry. None of it was real.
To Conrad, he only did what he thought I would like. He had no way of knowing of my new distaste to the movie. One I used to rave about for hours. Then again, he never asked.
Yawning, I felt a set of eyes on mine.
“Tired?” He asked, a small smile on his face. I waved him off.
“Nope.” I popped the ‘p.’ It was an easy lie, my dark circles and slouchy posture gave it away. There was no way to sell it. I was surprised when he didn’t push me on it. My eyes drooped, my cheek pressed to my lonely shoulder. I had no one to lean on. I curled into myself a little, all while silently telling myself I was awake.
A pillow hit my lip, I bit down a little but it didn’t hurt me. My eyes were wide open now, hair messed up around the top. My fly aways were all over the place, my eyes squinting.
“Hey!” Grabbing the corners of the pillow, I swung as hard as I could towards Conrad, the culprit. It his his chest, he groaned out in a heavy breath. The pillow was soft, I was sure it didn’t hurt. But he entertained the idea that it did by rubbing circles in his chest, wincing and hissing through his teeth. I rolled my eyes.
“Seriously?” I leaned back against the cushions again, placing the pillow comfortably over my lap. I heard him laugh. A real, genuine laugh. It felt like weight was lifted off of my back.
“What! That was one of my best performances.” He punched my shoulder. I shot him playful glares. He pushed at me again, begging for a reaction. I folded already, giving into his games and retaliating against his childish attacks. But I would not crumble so easily. I would not let him tease me and play me until I opened up again just hours after yet another fight. I worried that another would ensue.
Sitting up, I tossed the pillow back at him. The sound he made confirmed it had hit him in the face.
“Come on, where are you going?” I could hear the smile in his voice. It made me smile too, knowing he was happy.
“To bed, I am tired.” I didn’t look back, but I felt him watching.
I swore I heard words die on his tongue. A soft stutter to a dead silence. Like he wanted to protest but stopped himself somehow. He never saw me look back, but when I was turning to the stairs, I allowed myself a glimpse.
His eyes were spacey, lip pulled between his front teeth. His eyebrows furrowed. He was deep in thought, but I could see the disappointment in his face. He didn’t seem as full of life, as cheerful. We were rebuilding a childhood, best friend bond that was lost with in cracking of our foundations in the spring.
“Goodnight, Conrad.” I still hadn’t had the ability to carry a joke with him. To keep a conversation flowing without my emotions dying inside of me before I could get them out. I whispered my goodnight. I wanted him to know I still held a place in my heart for him, but part of me wanted to reserve that knowledge to only myself.
I was scared to be more than what was being proposed. The door was open, we were almost friends. It was an odd spot. We’d act like friends, joke like them, but we both knew what we had done, what had just happened. I would walk through the entrance if Conrad would allow it. If we could at least be close, even if his lips weren’t mine, even if his body wasn’t there for me to lean on anymore. I would live happily, I’d be able to put on a brave face and call myself his friend. I would stand by the alter, watching him find another love, burying the hatchet of our love for good and I would be okay, I decided. As long as I still had him. As long as I never had to feel as alone as I did this morning.
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“They’re saying borderline blizzard conditions, Con. You don’t think we’ll need to go on a supply run, do you?” His back was turned to me, hands working over the pot of coffee skillfully. His thumb brushed against the glass, he hissed quietly and shook his hand off.
“I think you’re just overthinking it.” He payed my worry not attention. He knew this house better than I did. It would hold, that wasn’t the worry. We had no shovels, nothing to dig us out of snow were to block us in. I scoffed and rolled my eyes, crossing my arms over my chest. I made my way around the island, pushing myself off of the counter and into one of the stools perched under it.
“Coffee?” Conrad asked, ignoring my questions again. I gave into him, playing his game and being stubborn.
“What kind?” My fingers drew circles on the cold marble.
“Black.” He set the cup down in front of me, letting it come to a halt right in front of me. My eyes flickered to the coffee, a smirk fighting it’s way onto my cheeks.
“Like your soul?” Like your heart, is what I wanted to say. Something that used to come so easy, meaningless insults directed at him not to make him sad, but to make him smile. I still hadn’t answered by question, though. If I were to direct a remark at his heart, would it weigh too much under the cracking foundation of our recovering friendship? I still wondered if he would laugh at that and go along with it.
Conrad laughed, looking out the window and admiring the sky. He didn’t respond, but he never really had when I’d make those jokes. Usually he would laugh or tell me it was a good one. He sighed lightly.
“I walked right into that one.” He smiled down at his coffee now, holding the mug loose with the handle dangling between his fingers.
When silence took over the room, it wasn’t uncomfortable. We welcomed it. We were alone with our thoughts and for once, they weren’t twisted and heavy. Only happy memories and thoughts of old habits.
In my mind, I dreamed of times where I knew what to say after making a joke. What I could do to counter a snarky remark and his laughter. I always knew what to say to him, when and why. I knew what made him tick. I still knew how to set him off, I believe that once you have the ability to get under someone’s skin, you never truly lose it. Either you continue to poke at the wounds that hurt them so, or your presence is able to remind them of it. Yet, with all the loss in my every heartbeat, somewhere along the way I forgot how to keep him happy.
Conrad’s footsteps snapped me out of my clouded haze. My eyes snapped up from the counter to his face. He didn’t look at me, but stayed focused on his coffee.
“Glad to know you still got it.” His eyes flicked to me, I swear I saw him wink. It was so quick, my words died in a pathetic stutter. I smiled stupidly at him, I couldn’t even pretend to be snarky. It caught me off guard, somehow. My walls were torn down now, the barrier of anger and sadness I kept up around him to keep us apart gone with our last fight and heart to hearts. The devils in the details, but somehow it didn’t feel as deep, as life changing anymore.
It was like he knew I couldn’t think of something to promise to him. To keep us going. He surely hadn’t lost it.
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I tried to rationalize everything recently. But it felt like it took over my life. I’d almost forgotten about Belly and Steven. How they’d been so quick to shut me out simply because someone had offered me a place to be wanted for a moment. Conrad always knew when to swoop in to save me. I could help but talk myself down every so often and convince myself that Conrad is not made of Angel dust. He simply is a man, and a smart one at that. All of this could be just to butter me up, I know it’s always an outcome. A way to win me back, but never want me the same. It poisons me to think about him that way, I know him. He would never play me to become the good guy.
My mind has no middle line. Constantly wavering between my lover, the man I see as the sky and the seas. I see him as a perfect lipstick stain to a white collar, uggs in the fall, hot chocolate in the winter. He is all things I love and yet I still fight. The other part of me fights my heart to keep my distance. How just hours ago I told myself the hate I had for Conrad was always going to be just that, irreversible hurt that he caused. It’s the sweetest torture I could bare in the fact that really, by the end of it my mind is set on just getting to be with him again. No matter what his games are.
It’s pathetic, but my heart strings pull a little whenever I hear his footsteps upstairs. When I can tell if he’s coming to see me or not. I like knowing he likes to be around me once more. It almost covers up the fact that he hurt me so bad. I’m not idiot, however. I wish I were in some cases, but I’m not blinded completely by my love. With every advance, I find a way to make it platonic. He’s my friend.
He said he missed me, our friendship bond. I know that he is a man of his word. I should not work myself up, I shouldn’t expect so much. I shouldn’t jump into his arms because he says go. I think rationally, I use my head. I let my heart race and my cheeks flush but ultimately my brain will stop me from messing about again. So part of me finds it sad when the power goes out later that day. For both the house and myself. It’s childish how quickly I jump in search of Conrad. I have to remind myself not to hold onto him, not to yell I told you so.
I call for his name quietly through the halls, feeling the chipping paint under my finger tips. It’s still fresh, but bumpy. A previous project of Susannah’s from when her paint brushes never seemed to dry out. It’s hard to tell if she never finished her projects that summer. Or even if she never finished any.
In the dark, it’s almost more clear to see where her brush strokes end. Where the moonlight illuminates the white and blues, you can see the divides between old and new. God, if she were any less attentive it would surely be the end of this house. It was in great condition, but some things were out of place, uncared for simply because Susannah’s mind went a mile a minute.
Smiling, I let my hands run over the wall, feet planting on the cold wood. I could feel it through my socks, with the lights out and the heat stuttering to a halt.
“Y/n/n, hey.” He sounded breathless, coming up from behind me. I hadn’t even noticed the stomping of his feet up the staircase as my fingers danced along the wall. So caught up in the past I find it that sometimes I forget that I’m living in my present. Looking around my metaphorical room in my mind, I see my chosen family. I see his brother as mine, his mother as mine. I see myself as a child again running through the sand and tracking mud through the dining room.
I know deep down I can not keep holding on, keep on keeping myself back. I can never give Conrad peace, but I can give him my sunshine, my best. He would always have a friend in me. I set my heart free then, fingers stuck to the wall, eyes flickering to my feet. I let go of my heart break and my solemn silences I throw at my loved ones for guilt. I let my walls down, I take Conrad’s hand, and I shake my head. His smile is warm, his eyes loving. He still needs me, he always has. He still loves me and my heart is racing. I finally feel like I have him back.
“You okay?” Back in reality, I’m aware that I’m not actually holding onto his hand, and Conrad isn’t really smiling at me. My heart is still in its cage and I have fallen victim to my own mind again. Conrad is not mine.
Clearing my throat, I lick at the corners of my lips. When I shake my head this time, I know it’s real because Conrad is looking at me questioningly. He is not in love with me, he is not drooling over me. The power is still out and our muddy footprints mean nothing to him anymore.
“We blew a fuse, but the generators dead. We’re just going to have to stick it out.” I nodded again, looking up at him with doe eyes. My lips were glossy with a sheen coat of spit from how much I licked them, but at them nervously. Yet, he didn’t even spare me a glance. It was almost like he was waiting on something.
“You can say it.” He finally sighed.
“Say what?” His eyes caught mine, seeing just how intently my eyes focused on his dimples and the bridge of his nose decorated with delicate freckles. I cleared my throat.
“You told me so.” He smiled, punching my shoulder playfully. He could tell my mind was drifting, he could see it, I saw the way his eyes softened. My gentle smile turned into a shit-eating grin.
A beat passed, he continued waiting on me in the dark room. I liked it in some odd ways. Enjoyed having him waiting on me for once. It wasn’t the same. How my heart waited for his apologies for so long, how I expected it because I knew one day he would come back to me to make things right in his own way. But somehow, his desire for my once overlooked jokes and brushed off comments made my cheeks warm. Like more than me in this moment, he wanted the normal us back.
“Are you going to…” He voice trailed off, my feet picked up against the cold wood floor.
“Why don’t you start the fire? I’m going to get some blankets.” I tucked the hair behind my ear, practically running to the staircase. He nodded, not that I could see it, but the silence confirmed that he had forgotten that I couldn’t truly see his nod. That along with a soft hum of approval from him.
“Oh, and Conrad.” He hummed again. His eyes glistened in the moonlight, shining brighter than any other object standing in the hallway. He waited on me patiently, slowly inching closer.
“I told you so.”
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The best of blankets and pillows sprawled put along the living room floor helped to further nestle us against the foot of our white couch. The snowfall and the storm felt less like an inconvenience but a gift.
I was reminded of my childhood. Of first snowfalls and broken ice skates. Red noses and icy hair. I remember how even after the facade of perfect holidays and new years kisses faded into nothing more than a dream, how my heart still soared with excitement each coming fall. How I couldn’t wait to see the snowy powder decorating my front lawn. I get reminded of why I drove so long to see Conrad. Of his warm hugs and his soft mittens. Wearing his hats and stumbling around in the backyard. I feel less hurt by the company than I once did a few days ago. I feel blessed that by some miracle, fate had string Conrad and I back together. That his hands would forever paint my hands in a gentle love we only held, and his whispers of senseless jokes he mumbled tiredly were only mine to laugh at.
The fire crackled, roaring feverishly through the night. The snow and wind pounded against the sides of the house, and despite the chills running through my toes and my fingers, I felt warmer inside than before, rekindling our inside jokes and fueling ourselves for even more.
Soon, our soft laughter and ongoing conversations died out. Our eyes glued to the flames, I tried to catch a glimpse into Conrad’s eyes. I wanted to know what the fire would look like reflected into his blue eyes. Instead, I caught his gaze locked onto my face.
I felt embarrassed, in a way. Vulnerable under his gaze. I felt my cheeks heat up and my body tingle. I felt like a school girl again.
“Y/n/n.” He called for me softly. The only way I was sure that he’d even said it was the fact that my eyes were so trained in his pink lips. I nodded slowly.
“Why did you come down here? Why now?” Even though the question was serious, I couldn’t help but to smile at his curiosity in my life.
Taking a deep breath, I watched his flat face turn into a welcoming grin.
“Lately, I’ve just been caught up in the past, I guess. I’m just so used to coming home every winter to Steven and Belly in the living room already fighting. And my dad and mom arguing about what decorations playfully.” Conrad laughed like he could picture it. He’d never really been in my house during the holidays. Sure, the Fisher family would stop by every few months when the distance became too much, but holiday’s were usually spent apart.
“I guess when I came home this year and that wasn’t there, I kind of freaked a little. I mean, Steven just left, Belly was too caught up in her own life to care about what I wanted to do, how much time we had left. My dad was too busy to stop by and…” I couldn’t bring myself to say it. I almost allowed the words to slip, how the final straw was that even with the mess of my family, at least at one point I had Conrad. I had his gentle hands and his quiet promises to hold onto. When everything went to hell, it was like losing the last bit of peace. “I wanted to be somewhere I wouldn’t feel alone, I guess.” I replaced my words with this. Hoping he’d understand how much he meant to me, how much all of it meant to me.
The single puff of air coming harshly through his mouth in a sigh reminded me just how close we were. How I could feel each word falling from his lips fanning over my shoulder. We were sharing a blanket, so close yet our bodies so far.
“Y/n.” He sounded more serious. During my confession, I found a home in the floorboards. Feeling safer confessing to the air than to a man who destroyed me not so long ago. My eyes hesitated to meet his, but I could see just how serious he was.
“I regret what happened between us more than anything I’ve ever done in my life. I know I can’t reverse that, but please never say you are alone. I swear to you, no matter what, I’m there.” It was rare to hear such thing from Conrad. Maybe a grunt of a hug to assure my feelings were always appreciated. But I could see the sincerity in his face, his voice was dripping with guilt. He meant it, every word.
Nodding my head, I silently thanked him. I watched his eyes search my face. How his lips parted but shut quickly. He decided against continuing, but it was like an unspoken apology was being said between us in that moment.
With gravity pulling us together, it was only in my nature to protect my heart. I had to rip us apart before I gave in without knowing if we’d ever be the same. If I kissed him and it was just a winter fling, I couldn’t take another heartbreak.
So, in our silence, I moved my hand between us. The pad of my thumb brushing away the charcoal from the fire dusting just under his cheek. I watched how he shivered and backed away, eyes fluttering shut. All while I bit at my lip, delicate in the way I rubbed away the dust.
“Are my hands cold?” I remained focused in on him, my lips curled into a smile seeing his reaction to my touch, how he shivered but didn’t complain. He nodded his head slowly, but his eyes were still closed.
I saw how his eyebrows furrowed, it wasn’t from discomfort, but in the low light it was hard to tell. My hand curled away, ready to ease the coldness off of his skin. I didn’t expect his own hand to cover mine, holding it against his now rosy cheeks.
“Feels nice.” He mumbled almost drowsily. His eyes still hidden behind his eyelids, his other hand found mine aimlessly, gently pressing it to his other cheek. I felt his weight sink into my palms, reveling in my touch.
The band suddenly snapped. All the tension, all the build up. He was right there, so eager, so gentle. I had to know if he was still the same boy I loved not too long ago. He had set me up for an old joke.I always wondered if I could still joke with him like this. It still gnawed at me some nights.
“It’s because you’re cold hearted.” I expected him to laugh, I hoped he would. But instead, he smiled just as genuine as his old laughter, melting into my touch more than I thought he could ever. I hadn’t been able to predict what he would tell me. Couldn’t have read his lips even if I could see into the future.
“For everyone else, maybe. But not for you.” He was as honest as a man could be. With his eyelashes fluttering open, I could see it in his eyes now. How they looked back at me wide and awake. I felt my stomach flip. There was something there I had previously missed. Dancing along with the glowing of the fire in his irises, was the same spark he once carried when I was his and he was mine.
I didn’t even get to challenge it, teasing him and making him repeat his confessions. My lips stuttered on the first syllable, just before his hands smushed my cheeks with the force of how he grabbed me. He was firm, but not aggressive. He could never hurt me.
His lips molded against mine perfectly in my mind. He tasted like mint and hot chocolate. My hands tangled in his hair, his palms flat against my waist. With so little space between us, so much fever and pent up frustration, air became harder and harder to get. With each touch of his fingers, it was like tiny fires being sparked across my body.
He hadn’t even had to tell me what he felt then. Neither did I. In that moment my walls crumbled beneath my feet. All resistance was gone. In Conrad’s grasp, I felt less alone.
I knew it then. To Conrad, my mind games I played on myself, my temper and the storms that would inevitably cloud up my sunniest days, the fact that I could never give him peace did not matter. We would always be enough.
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ddejavvu · 2 years
single mom bau reader with hotch? reader has a little girl who love love LOVES jack and he’s just like “woo hoo i have :))) a little sister :))))” whenever they have dinner at rossi’s, aaron just stares and the two of them playing so fondly with the reader, tackling her in the glass n stuff and the rest of the team are looking on in disbelief at how oblivious the reader is..
anon this was so cute :(( i looooove single parent!reader with hotch!!
"Sophie," You croon through a giggle, brushing grass out of the little girl's hair, "'Be careful what you wish for!"
Jack comes racing over, hands still sticky with grass stains from where he'd participated in a Sophie-led grass fight, and you made a mental note not to tell Rossi that his perfect lawn is now a little uneven.
The young boy spots a sprig still tucked into one of Sophie's ponytails, his fingers curling around it clumsily, "Missed a spot, Miss Y/N."
"Thanks for gettin' it, buddy." You smile fondly at Jack who puffs with pride at your praise, "Say thank you, Sophie."
"Thank you!" She beams happily at Jack who returns the toothy expression, and he leans in to whisper something rather loudly in her ear.
All you hear is 'attack' and 'mommy' before you're taking off in a sprint, the little ones chasing after you with much smaller strides. You see Aaron sitting on the deck, drink in hand, and make a beeline for him, not bothering to evaluate why he'd already been looking at you before you'd run over.
Safety in mind, you duck behind him, your hands on his shoulders as you peer goofily over his shoulder. The kids stop dead in their tracks, not wanting to throw handfuls of messy grass at Aaron, and he raises an amused eyebrow at them.
"They're tryin' t'get me," You huff, breathing heavier from your sprint, "Your son is a grass killer."
"We'll have to take him in," Aaron hums thoughtfully, looking at the beheaded greenery in his son's hand, "Do you have handcuffs that'll fit him?"
"We'll use rubber bands." You reassure him, your face hovering beside his own as you straighten from behind him, "We're gonna throw you in jail, Jack!"
The boy knows you're joking, even giggles slightly, but Sophie doesn't seem to. Her tiny brow furrows, and big crocodile tears wet her eyes, "No! Mommy, don't!"
"Oh," You croon, reaching for the little girl to wipe her tears, "We're just teasing, bug. We won't really lock him up."
"No," Aaron shakes his head, setting his drink down to lean towards her with a soft smile, "Don't worry. He couldn't stay in jail for very long anyways, he has a soccer game tomorrow night."
"A soccer game that we'll be attending," You shake Sophie gently by the hips, jostling her around to get her out of her funk and excited to go, "Right Soph?"
"Yes!" She cheers, fear long forgotten as she jumps up, "'Gonna bring my quarters, 'cause I need three for a popsicle."
"What kind are you going to get?" Aaron inquires, leaning back in his chair now that the crisis has been averted, "Cherry?"
"Mhm!" She nods vigorously, ponytails bouncing, "How'd you know?"
"That's my favorite, too!" Jack answers her question, perhaps unknowingly, a smile on his face, "Can I get one too, dad?"
"Maybe," Aaron sighs dramatically, "But I don't think I can afford three quarters right now. Maybe Sophie has some for you?"
She doesn't grasp that he's joking, and her eyes light up, "Yeah! I've got ten, Mommy says that's a lot."
"That is a lot." Aaron nods, shooting a smile at you, "You'll have a house in no time, Sophie."
"Can I live there, too?" Jack asks, and Sophie nods eagerly.
"Yeah! We could have sleepovers every night." She grins, reaching for your hand, "'N my mommy can make us mac and cheese!"
"My dad makes real' good mac and cheese too," Jack boasts, "We can all live there together!"
You glance at Aaron, amusement twisting your face into a smirk, but he's already looking at you. Something fond twinkles in his eyes and it catches you off guard, but it's so beautiful you don't have time to evaluate why it's there. You just return the soft smile that he sends your way, turning back to your kids.
"Well that sounds like a fantastic plan," You crouch beside them, setting a hand on each of their shoulders, "Why don't you go draw the house you want? I think your Uncle Rossi left some crayons over there."
"C'mon, Jack!" Sophie's off like a rocket, sprinting through the yard to the designated kid's table, dragging the older boy behind her, "We gotta make plans!"
You watch them go with a fond smile, then plop down unceremoniously into the seat beside Aaron. He's watching them too, eyes growing darker with concern when Sophie nearly topples in her chair, but soft with adoration as Jack helps right her.
"Do you think we, like, get any of the mac and cheese?" You ponder, breaking the serene silence between you two.
"We'll have to make extra when they're sleeping." Aaron decides, "Kraft?"
"Only if the noodles are princess shaped." You insist, eyes intense as you narrow them at Aaron, "None of that star wars bullshit."
"R2-D2 tastes better than Belle." He waves you off with a scoff, "Don't be ridiculous."
"He does not," You shriek, "Take that back!"
"I will not." Aaron grumbles stubbornly, swirling the ice in his drink, "You're wrong."
"This is not going to work out." You sigh forlornly at your daughter, mourning the loss of the house she's scribbling out with Jack, "Who's gonna tell them they have to make their own?"
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