#girl sam
sammygender · 4 months
of genderswapped sam and dean. who has the short haircut.
THE REAL QUESTION. i could see a case for either. short hair is probably more convenient for hunting after all....
i think dean wears her hair long as a kid because it reminds john of mary. you could make the case that he'd cut her hair because it reminds him of mary too much, but i can't see it really, i think he'd want to preserve the innocence he sees in girlhood that he doesnt seem to in boyhood (a la that whole journal entry about wishing he had girls and how sons have to be soliders). continuing that, i cant actually really see her cutting her hair short at all because it ties her to her mother in her eyes. i think girl dean is like so obsessed with mary. can you imagine like. her whole life is about avenging mary and she's her daughter and the only girl in the family now. she has no adult female role models except her dead mother. she plays into being john (still loves cars and classic rock and wears flannel and leather jackets and is generally 'masculine') but she still sees herself as mary. john sees her as mary too even though he expects her to act exactly like him also. so i think she keeps her hair long. she probably has childhood memories of mary brushing it and wants to hold onto them. i think she likes it long, and i think john likes it long, and i think it reminds them both of mary, and i think they both like that.
sam? well sam is a lot less invested in playing the Role that's expected of him, so. girl sam is victim to levels of misogyny previously unthought of especially in the way where both john and dean see her as soooo weak and little and in need of protection. and they probably rely on the girl thing a lot to infantilise her. so i can totally see her cutting her hair off in a Fuck You to john at some point. tbh i reckon girl sam would have hair like canon sam's later season hair. though rly i can see anything with sam. also i feel like she'd have grown up with a shortish bob because it's easier maintenance (for dean john winchester is NOT bothered with looking after sams hair <3)
also both of those answers are in an au where one of them's raised a girl and the other isn't. but if we're talking total femchesters? john having two daughters? need to think on this more but im still leaning towards sam. i think girl dean commits to being a Girl the same way canon dean commits to being a Guy, even though both of them are shrouded in the same machismo. but sam fights any role hes given
tldr: sam
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genderqueersammy · 3 months
‘The Winchester Sister’ but it’s just Sam
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augustonly · 2 years
one of my favourite hobbies is thinking about sam being a girl, because I don't think dean would be any more or less insane, but everyone else would be even more uncomfortable about it
like, the school nurse would call saying sam wants to get picked up because of period cramps, and dean would be like, "oh weird, she's not supposed to get her period until next week. anyway :) tell her I'll come get her"
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wincestsaga · 4 months
November 1998
As soon as the final bell sounded, Sam was out the door, her flowy skirt skimming the tops of her Doc Martens as she hurried. Melissa didn’t mean to spy—she really didn’t—but she was curious about the tall, shy new girl with the hazel eyes.
Melissa had asked Sam to hang out with her after school. She didn’t have a lot of friends, but Sam had seemed nice. Sweet.
“I can’t,” Sam had said. “My b-I’m getting picked up and there’ll be hell to pay if I’m late.”
Melissa’s gaze was drawn to the parking lot. The boy—no, he was most definitely a man—leaning back on the huge old black car seemed to be the focus of everyone’s attention. It wasn’t every day that a guy who looked like that rolled up to Ridgewood High School. Melissa recalled that old movie her dad made her watch with him. Rebel Without a Cause. She shivered a bit at the thought of him turning that intense gaze on her.
And then she realized who he was there for.
Sam slid her backpack through the open window and walked around to meet the man at the front of the car.
“Dean,” she said, a bit breathlessly.
“Missed you, baby girl,” he said, tilting her chin up as if he was inspecting to ensure she wasn’t damaged by her day at school.
“Missed you too,” she said, leaning up to press a kiss to his cheek. He turned his head at the last moment, though, and it turned into a full-on, deep, dirty kiss.
Melissa stared, open-mouthed, and she was definitely not alone. The student parking lot was suddenly nearly silent.
Dean picked Sam up and sat her on the hood of the black car, his lips never leaving hers. He pressed his way between her knees as if he couldn’t stand to be so far away. One hand cupped her jaw and the other slipped inside the grandma cardigan that Sam somehow made work. Melissa saw Sam’s mouth drop open in a gasp before she grabbed his hand and removed it from her breast.
“Not here,” Sam said firmly, finally breaking their kiss.
“How can you expect me to wait?” Dean responded, pressing kisses to her throat. “All day without you, Sammy. It’s torture.”
“Let’s go, Dean,” Sam said, and even from a distance, Melissa could see the gleam in her eye. 
The two of them got into the car and the engine roared to life, startling the onlookers who had been gawking. Dean maneuvered the car out of the parking lot at about three times the speed limit.
Melissa stared after them for a moment. She tried to imagine someone saying, “Missed you, baby girl,” to her, but she couldn’t. Wondered what it was like to have a mysterious, handsome older man want you so badly that he thought being without you was torture.
She had a whole lot of questions to ask Sam when she saw her the next day, starting with “Does he have a brother?”
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wilsonthemoose · 1 year
U posted about girl!sam once so how about that for a drabble. Does she still go to college?
Girls aren't supposed to be taller than their fathers. Sammy grew two inches in the last month, almost 6 feet tall in flats but she doesn't wear those anymore.
Easier to flaunt it in platforms and heels. "You'll break an ankle," says her father and she lets her bangs fall into her eyes over a bowl of noodles, shrugs, "I like 'em," she lies, knocks two sharp notes into the linoleum floor for emphasis, and skins her soles running barefoot down the street from a werewolf that night. Feels stupid with bandages wrapped around her feet and arm sore from the tetanus shot. Props her legs up on the motel bed and only gets up when Dean and her Dad are sitting down or asleep.
Dean tosses her heels in a goodwill bin while she's curled in the backseat, sleeping off a post-SATs burnout. He replaces them with a pair of running shoes and tells her she'll get them both killed being stubborn.
Chastised, child-like, guilty but always stubborn, she scowls. She's slightly scared of standing up one day and finding herself taller than her Dad. She doesn't know what might happen, it's somewhat ridiculous to be so scared. She is her parents' daughter, Dean never even teased her with the typical big-brother lies you were adopted, they had such little family to begin with, and she looks too much like her father anyway. Still, the fear. Someday she won't stand shoulder to shoulder with him but half a head above. She knows it like she knows the sun will rise tomorrow, she knows it like she knows it will stop rising.
She runs away of course, at 18 and 6-feet-1.
Girls aren't supposed to be taller than their fathers.
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elainiisms · 1 year
there is literally nothing in this world more endearing than a girl who is an absolute loser
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pro-royalty · 17 days
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Doechii x PAPER Magazine
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dizzybizz · 1 year
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i drew them,, with some mixed results
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sammygender · 2 months
girl sam thoughts on the brain
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ricky-mortis · 1 month
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Hatchetfield Character doodles from the past week :)
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lillies444lola · 16 days
Supernatural season 16. Large quantities of monster populations are dropping dead left and right. This should be a good thing, except the natural balance of things are falling out of order. The boys investigate. is it the bmol? NO. global warming. the season ends with castiel calling donald trump an ‘ass-but’ and sam becoming president of the united states. dean is dead, again.
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seasononesam · 12 days
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Supernatural (2005-2020) // Gravity Falls (2012-2016)
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roll4gay · 5 months
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danlous · 4 months
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Dreamstat eating the photograph because he liked it and someone said mean things to Louis about it is actually the most real Lestat thing he has done
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DC x DP Prompt
The wail isn't the only thing Danny can do with his voice.
He finds this out when he is hanging out on a date with his new friend soon-to-boyfriend Jason, and the cafe they're in gets fear-gassed.
Jason and everyone else in the cafe start to lose their shit and Danny doesn't know what to do. Most of his powers were locked away because Gramps wanted him to enjoy a normal-ish college life!
On the verge of tears, Danny remembers a time when Ellie was having a nightmare, and he found that singing to her soothed her.
And in a desperate attempt, Danny began to sing.
It was a soft soothing melody, so soft that realistic speaking, no one should have heard it. But the entirety of Gotham did.
In those few moments, the effects of the fear gas disappeared, and whatever anger, fear, helplessness, emptiness, loneliness, whatever negative emotion was being felt at that time dissipated as well.
For once, Gotham air didn't feel so heavy.
And Danny was sure he scored himself a second date.
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higgsbison · 4 months
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POV you posted cringe at the daily guild meeting
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