#git commands
kitkatcodes · 1 year
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Never forget your git commands with this cute af mousepad cheat sheet ପ(๑•ᴗ•๑)ଓ
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sivaniverse · 2 years
Git Workflow - A Visual Walkthrough
If you're like me when learning Git, then the workflow is very confusing as a beginner. In this video, I explained the workflow in a simpler manner. I hope this helps you guys visually understand the workflow of Git.
Check it out if you are a visual learner like me.
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Basics of Git
Mob programming is a technique for getting multiple developers in the room, working on the same code. While possibly not the best technique for many situations, it really shines in certain narrow use cases. When it does work, it can often produce impressive results that a few separate developers couldn’t produce on their own. The collaborative aspects of mob programming are similar to pair…
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specbee-c-s · 2 years
create and apply a patch with Git Diff and Git Apply commands
Easily create and apply a git patch for your Drupal website with this brief guide on the most popular Git commands.
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codeonedigest · 2 years
GitHub Commands Tutorial with Example for Beginners | GitHub Commands Ch...
 Hello friends, a new #video on #git #commands with #example is published on #codeonedigest #youtube channel. Enjoy #programming and #coding with an easy guide to #gitcommands with examples.
  #gitprojecttutorial #gitproject #gitprojectupload #gitprojectsetup #gitprojectvsrepository #gitrepsositorytutorial #gitrepository #gitcommands #gitcommandswithexamples #gitcommandstopushcodetogithub #gitcommandsinterviewquestions #gitcommandsforbeginners #gitcommandsingitbash #gitcommandline #gitclone #gitclonerepository #gitclonecommand #gitcloneandpushtorepo #gitclonelink #gitcloneprojectfromgithub #gitclonerepositorywindows #gitcloneusernamepasswordproblem #gitconfigcommand #gitconfigcommandexample #gitbranch #gitbranchcommands #gitbranchcommand #gitbranchcheckout #gitbranchingstrategy #gitbranchmergeconflict #gitcheckout #gitcheckoutremotebranch #gitcheckoutbranch #gitcheckoutnewbranch #gitcheckouttutorial #gitcheckoutremotebranchtolocal #gitcheckoutfile #gitcheckoutinintellij #gitcheckoutineclipse
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narikkadan · 2 years
Git Commands With Examples
Hi, are you planning to learn Git? Then watch this video to learn Git commands with examples. Click here to get started:https://bit.ly/3FM42aB
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punitmehtak · 2 years
Top 10 GIT Commands Every Developer Must Know
The top 10 GIT commands every developer must know in the year 2023 are Git config, Git Init, Git clone, Git status, Git add, Git commit, Git branch, Git checkout, Git merge, Git Push and Pull. In this article, we are going to discuss in detail about all these 10 GIT commands. Click on the following link to read the full article https://www.gitkraken.com/blog/top-10-git-commands
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elven-butts · 2 years
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🌠 her 💫 me1 morgan is just anger issues in a cool jacket
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readingwriter92 · 1 month
It’s my favourite time of year!! Spending an hour relearning how to use git!!!
(Not true. I hate git. Git is a curse on my life)
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wovenstarlight · 2 years
signed up for a workshop on a web development thing i wanted to learn about but now that im here its so painfully obvious these people don't have the slightest idea how to teach
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git-codes · 2 months
Mastering Git Merge: A Comprehensive Guide to Version Control and Collaboration
Merging in Git plays a key role in version control. It combines changes from different branches into one. A merge allows teams to work on features independently and then bring them together. This process helps keep projects organized.
There are different types of merges in Git. A fast-forward merge happens when there are no changes on the base branch since branching off. In this case, Git simply moves the base branch pointer forward to the latest commit. A three-way merge occurs when the branches have diverged. Git uses the last common commit and the commits from both branches to create a new commit. A squash merge combines all changes into a single commit. This can help keep the history clean and easy to read.
Before you merge branches, you must ensure they are up-to-date. First, you should fetch the latest changes from the remote repository. This updates your local copy with changes made by others. After fetching, you can pull changes from the remote repository. This keeps your local branch synchronized.
Understanding branch structure is essential when preparing for a merge. You must identify the base branch, which is the branch you want to merge into. It is often the main or master branch. Once you identify the base branch, you can select the feature branch that contains your new changes.
When it is time to merge, you will use specific Git commands. The basic merge command is simple and allows Git to combine the branches. You can also use options with the command to specify how the merge should occur. After entering the command, you will execute the merge process.
However, you might face merge conflicts during the process. These conflicts happen when changes in the branches overlap. To resolve them, you will need to review the conflicting files. Then, you can choose which changes to keep. After solving the conflicts, you can complete the merge and continue your project.
Identifying Merge Conflicts Is Key
When you merge branches in Git, you may see signs of conflicts. One common sign is when Git gives you error messages. These messages usually indicate which files have issues. You may also notice your code does not work as expected after a merge. Tools help find these conflicts too. You can use `git status` to see which files are in conflict. Visual tools like GitKraken or SourceTree are helpful for this as well.
Resolving Conflicts Takes Patience
Once you find conflicts, you need to resolve them. You can do this manually. Open the conflicting files and look for conflict markers. They look like `<<<<<<<`, `=======`, and `>>>>>>>`. You carefully decide which code to keep. It may help to talk to your teammates about their changes too. If manual resolution is hard, you can use merge tools like Kdiff3 or Meld. These tools show differences side by side, making it easier to choose.
Completing the Merge Is Important
After resolving the conflicts, it is time to finish the merge process. First, you need to stage the changes. Use `git add ` for each file you changed. This tells Git you are ready for the next step. Then, you must commit the merge. Use `git commit` to save the changes in your history. Be sure to write a clear commit message that explains what you did. This step is crucial because it helps everyone understand the changes.
Best Practices Keep You on Track
Regularly merging branches helps avoid large conflicts later. Try to merge your changes into the main branch often. This practice keeps your project organized. It is also wise to keep branches small and focused. Smaller branches are easier to manage and review. Use descriptive commit messages. Good messages provide context and make it easier for others to follow your work. Emphasizing clear communication in team projects leads to better collaboration and successful outcomes. Understanding and mastering these merge strategies strengthens your teamwork in Git.
Git merge is a key part of working with version control. Understanding it helps you to keep your project organized. Git merge allows you to combine changes from different branches. This process makes teamwork easier. When one person works on a feature and another on a bug fix, merging brings both sets of work together.
There are several types of merges in Git. You can do a fast-forward merge. This happens when there are no changes on the main branch. Git simply moves the main branch forward. A three-way merge occurs when there are changes on both branches. Git uses the last common commit to join them. A squash merge combines all changes into one commit. This keeps your history clean.
Preparation is important before merging. First, make sure your branches are up-to-date. You fetch the latest changes first. This helps sync your local files with the remote files. Then, you can pull in those changes. After this, you will identify the base branch. This is the branch you will merge into.
Next, you select the feature branch that has your changes. When you are ready, you type the merge command into Git. It is a simple command once you know it. You may also use options for more control. After you execute the command, you begin the merging process.
Sometimes, merge conflicts will happen. These occur when two branches try to make changes to the same line of code. To solve conflicts, you must look at the files. Review what both branches want to change. Then, decide which changes to keep. Once you solve the conflicts, you are ready to complete the merge.
Mastering Git merge is very essential. It helps you work better with your team. With good merging, you save time and effort. You avoid many problems that arise in collaboration. Take time to learn and practice merging for successful development projects. Another Post Explains git merge and branching very beautifully here is the link
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intelliatech · 3 months
Top 10 ChatGPT Prompts For Software Developers
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ChatGPT can do a lot more than just code creation and this blog post is going to be all about that. We have curated a list of ChatGPT prompts that will help software developers with their everyday tasks. ChatGPT can respond to questions and can compose codes making it a very helpful tool for software engineers.
While this AI tool can help developers with the entire SDLC (Software Development Lifecycle), it is important to understand how to use the prompts effectively for different needs.
Prompt engineering gives users accurate results. Since ChatGPT accepts prompts, we receive more precise answers. But a lot depends on how these prompts are formulated. 
To Get The Best Out Of ChatGPT, Your Prompts Should Be:
Clear and well-defined. The more detailed your prompts, the better suggestions you will receive from ChatGPT.
Specify the functionality and programming language. Not specifying what you exactly need might not give you the desired results.
Phrase your prompts in a natural language, as if asking someone for help. This will make ChatGPT understand your problem better and give more relevant outputs.
Avoid unnecessary information and ambiguity. Keep it not only to the point but also inclusive of all important details.
Top ChatGPT Prompts For Software Developers
Let’s quickly have a look at some of the best ChatGPT prompts to assist you with various stages of your Software development lifecycle.
1. For Practicing SQL Commands;
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2. For Becoming A Programming Language Interpreter;
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3. For Creating Regular Expressions Since They Help In Managing, Locating, And Matching Text.
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4. For Generating Architectural Diagrams For Your Software Requirements.
Prompt Examples: I want you to act as a Graphviz DOT generator, an expert to create meaningful diagrams. The diagram should have at least n nodes (I specify n in my input by writing [n], 10 being the default value) and to be an accurate and complex representation of the given input. Each node is indexed by a number to reduce the size of the output, should not include any styling, and with layout=neato, overlap=false, node [shape=rectangle] as parameters. The code should be valid, bugless and returned on a single line, without any explanation. Provide a clear and organized diagram, the relationships between the nodes have to make sense for an expert of that input. My first diagram is: “The water cycle [8]”.  
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5. For Solving Git Problems And Getting Guidance On Overcoming Them.
Prompt Examples: “Explain how to resolve this Git merge conflict: [conflict details].” 6. For Code generation- ChatGPT can help generate a code based on descriptions given by you. It can write pieces of codes based on the requirements given in the input. Prompt Examples: -Write a program/function to {explain functionality} in {programming language} -Create a code snippet for checking if a file exists in Python. -Create a function that merges two lists into a dictionary in JavaScript.  
7. For Code Review And Debugging: ChatGPT Can Review Your Code Snippet And Also Share Bugs.
Prompt Examples: -Here’s a C# code snippet. The function is supposed to return the maximum value from the given list, but it’s not returning the expected output. Can you identify the problem? [Enter your code here] -Can you help me debug this error message from my C# program: [error message] -Help me debug this Python script that processes a list of objects and suggests possible fixes. [Enter your code here]
8. For Knowing The Coding Best Practices And Principles: It Is Very Important To Be Updated With Industry’s Best Practices In Coding. This Helps To Maintain The Codebase When The Organization Grows.
Prompt Examples: -What are some common mistakes to avoid when writing code? -What are the best practices for security testing? -Show me best practices for writing {concept or function} in {programming language}.  
9. For Code Optimization: ChatGPT Can Help Optimize The Code And Enhance Its Readability And Performance To Make It Look More Efficient.
Prompt Examples: -Optimize the following {programming language} code which {explain the functioning}: {code snippet} -Suggest improvements to optimize this C# function: [code snippet] -What are some strategies for reducing memory usage and optimizing data structures? 
10. For Creating Boilerplate Code: ChatGPT Can Help In Boilerplate Code Generation.
Prompt Examples: -Create a basic Java Spring Boot application boilerplate code. -Create a basic Python class boilerplate code
11. For Bug Fixes: Using ChatGPT Helps Fixing The Bugs Thus Saving A Large Chunk Of Time In Software Development And Also Increasing Productivity.
Prompt Examples: -How do I fix the following {programming language} code which {explain the functioning}? {code snippet} -Can you generate a bug report? -Find bugs in the following JavaScript code: (enter code)  
12. Code Refactoring- ChatGPt Can Refactor The Code And Reduce Errors To Enhance Code Efficiency, Thus Making It Easier To Modify In The Future.
Prompt Examples –What are some techniques for refactoring code to improve code reuse and promote the use of design patterns? -I have duplicate code in my project. How can I refactor it to eliminate redundancy?  
13. For Choosing Deployment Strategies- ChatGPT Can Suggest Deployment Strategies Best Suited For A Particular Project And To Ensure That It Runs Smoothly.
Prompt Examples -What are the best deployment strategies for this software project? {explain the project} -What are the best practices for version control and release management?  
14. For Creating Unit Tests- ChatGPT Can Write Test Cases For You
Prompt Examples: -How does test-driven development help improve code quality? -What are some best practices for implementing test-driven development in a project? These were some prompt examples for you that we sourced on the basis of different requirements a developer can have. So whether you have to generate a code or understand a concept, ChatGPT can really make a developer’s life by doing a lot of tasks. However, it certainly comes with its own set of challenges and cannot always be completely correct. So it is advisable to cross-check the responses. Hope this helps. Visit us- Intelliatech
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etherealvoidechoes · 5 months
Otto here for a quick answer to off-site anon asks that more like pestering ants since that’s a subject she don’t like touching much. Know a majority is y’all folk and we’ve done tapped the FAQ sign a bunch. For the non-malicious asks, they’ll get answer in time of the other blog.
In short, hon don’t care for popular ship names. Never really has and won’t use ‘em tags. Simple as.
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merge-conflict · 8 months
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codeonedigest · 2 years
What is GitHub? Github tutorial and project setup, Reference guide to GitHub Commands
Hi, a new #video on #GitHub #tutorial and #Project #Setup is published on @codeonedigest #youtube channel. Learn, what is GitHub in 1 minute. #Gitprojecttutorial #gitproject #gitprojectupload #gitprojectsetup #gitprojectmanagement #gitprojectexample #git
GitHub is a code hosting platform for version control and collaboration. It lets people work together on projects from anywhere. GitHub is easy to use, it supports both public and private repositories, it is free of cost. In this video we will learn, how to start working with GITHUB repository? How to create GITHUB project? How to initialize GITHUB repository? How to add files in GITHUB? How to…
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newcodesociety · 8 months
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