#git stash
sivaniverse · 1 year
Git Workflow - A Visual Walkthrough
If you're like me when learning Git, then the workflow is very confusing as a beginner. In this video, I explained the workflow in a simpler manner. I hope this helps you guys visually understand the workflow of Git.
Check it out if you are a visual learner like me.
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gitpull · 2 years
im gonna do it... im gonna make my desktop theme look like a github repository. wish me luck
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Well Misc if the world is coming to an end via squid, can you show off your enchanting/work station setup?
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He didn't like to be held. :(
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pantoute · 8 months
was feeling flustered by git, came on here to look for git memes (whatever works ok), then found a helpful visual instead that did help me get a grip on myself and my terminal.
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codingchica · 11 months
Automate the Formatting! Spotless Maven Plugin
Even with the style checker, we can accidentally make pain for our team if we format more than we intend before a commit. Auto-formatting with the spotless-maven-plugin may help. #java #maven #style #step-by-step #git-stash #git
💚 TIP: References Quick List Maven pom.xml references: com.diffplug.spotless:spotless-maven-plugin:2.38.0 Documentation org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-checkstyle-plugin:3.3.0:checkstyle’s configLocation Working with Git Git: reset Git: stash IntelliJ: Move Work Aside with Stash Example Code Base changes Automated Formatting Table of Contents Table of ContentsIntroductionAdding the…
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winmundo · 2 years
Is it possible to use git stash command from Visual Studio
In VS2019 (not in VS2017 or before) in the Team Explorer window, you can select Changes. Right next to the Commit button, there is a Stash
In Visual Studio 2017 this feature is not available by default, but theres an extension for this:
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ddejavvu · 10 months
can I request reader x James but they are meeting for the first time and reader is dating one of James’ asshole friends and James gets really jealous - I love your writing so much it’s genuinely always perfect
"'Drew? Can I have the marshmallows, please?" Your sweet voice rings out across the campfire, but apparently it doesn't induce the same butterflies in your boyfriend's stomach as it does in James's.
"Yeah. Don't eat 'em all." Andrew passes you the bag without even looking, tuning back into the conversation he'd been listening in on.
Your tongue pokes out of your mouth as James watches you skewer the marshmallow, sticking it into the fire and watching the flames slowly blacken the surface.
"You like it when it's burnt?" James asks, and you almost seem surprised that he's speaking to you. Most of his friends are engaged in other conversations, and it takes you a quick second to acclimate to being included in one of your own.
"Yeah, I do." You grin bashfully, "Andrew says it's gross, though. What about you?"
"I like them burnt," James agrees, even though it's a lie. He barely gets his marshmallow warm enough to melt it, but he's not about to oppose you.
"You want this one?" You offer, but he shakes his head with a kind smile.
"S'alright, love. You have it. You want the chocolate?"
"Yes, please." You nod, and James chucks a pebble at Andrew's shoulder across the fire.
"Mate, toss me the chocolate."
"Ow! You git," Andrew snickers, launching the chocolate over the flames and watching James catch it, "Nice save."
James hands two pieces over to you as you withdraw your charred marshmallow, helping you balance them atop the surface.
"Andrew? The graham crackers," You feel bad interrupting him yet again, especially when he lets out a sharp scoff.
"Alright! Jesus, how many fucking times are you gonna interrupt me?" He snaps, the cardboard of the graham cracker box warping as he holds it too tightly.
"As many times as it takes to build a s'more." James laughs incredulously, his brows furrowed. "S'not her fault you're hoarding the food over there. Don't be a dick, man."
"There." Andrew drawls, shoving the box in your direction, "That's it, right? You don't need anything else?"
"That's it." You grumble, "Thank you."
Andrew mumbles something under his breath as he turns away. It makes James's blood boil, and he's sure he'd be even more upset if he had heard whatever Andrew had said.
There's a tense silence over you and James as you smash your chocolate-covered marshmallow between two graham crackers. Andrew's still paying rapt attention to the conversation beside him, but the words have long since stopped registering in either of your heads, and you're thinking about how awful your boyfriend is in unison.
James watches as you swallow, the action thick as marshmallow blends with chocolate down your throat. Andrew's sitting beside the stash of water bottles you'd brought, and he watches you eye them, though you don't dare ask for one.
"Here," James grabs his own, holding the half-empty bottle out towards you, "You can have the rest of it, m'not thirsty."
You meet his eye and James is pleased to see a miniscule smile curving your lips upwards, even if it is overshadowed by the dismal reason he'd offered.
"Thanks," You hum, and that saccharine tone is back in your voice where it belongs.
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calmlyerratic · 4 months
Peter: Or we could go to Hogsmead, grab a butterbeer?
Sirius: Nah, too rainy. As much as I enjoy seeing Moony tipsy, I hate smelling like wet dog.
James: I have a bit of firewhiskey stashed away…
Sirius: You bloody git—I just asked you last week!
James: I was saving it for a special occasion.
Sirius: How dare you, I am a special occasion.
James: Moony needs to blow off some steam. That is a special occasion.
Sirius: *locks eyes with Remus*
Remus: *blushes*
Sirius: Right you are, Prongs.
The sillies chat—taken from my fic,
Encounters of the Future Sort by @calmlyerratic
Read it here on tumblr or here on Ao3 :)
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ghostismybbygorl · 1 year
High vibes
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141 x reader
Summary: price finds the gang doing a childish shenanigan
Warnings: drug use (smoking that schweed) and cussing
Price walked around the base trying to find his kids team. He searched high and low looking for them calling out their name's expecting an answer but he never received one. He was puzzled, he had no clue where everyone went.
He ventured down the halls where he smelled a very familiar smell trailing from your room. He walked to the door hearing kyle's music playing in the background and laughing He opened the door and peered inside.
he saw you, gaz, soap, and GHOST? Laying around your bed. Gaz's eyes went wide as he hid a small bong behind his back, He choked out "nothing" before coughing out the smoke causing him to get into a coughing fit
"Goodnight moon" soap chuckled paying no attention to his captain and more on animal crossing.
"The fuck is all this?" He said pointing at you and kyle
"Well you see... I was just vibing until kyle brought the vase back" you said pointing to kyle
"Dont fuckin blame me it was soap's idea to smoke" kyle replied nodding to johnny who was slumped foward the edge of the bed his eye glued to his game, He lifted a thumbs up and pointed to ghost who was lying on his side scrolling on his phone
Ghost looked up to price
"You do realize i smoke everyday right?"
"Helps his PTSD" you chimed in
"And his anger issues" johnny added on
"This is his stash too, soo" kyle shrugged 🤷🏾‍♂️
Price was baffled! absolutely baffled! How could his team divulge such a childish thing?
You grabbed the vase and handed it to price
"Wanna hit it? It's better than your cigars"
He held the vase in his hands observing the piece. It was small, shaped like a small vace that he's seen in your room multiple times.
"So youre telling me this vase was actually a bong?"
"Yup! i named it vase for a reason"
Price rolled his eyes handing it to kyle
You patted the empty space next to you
Price sighed sitting down in defeat. You excitedly crawled up grabbing the vase from kyle and handing it to price
"Now how the fuck do i do this?" He grumbled
"Give it ere" ghost motioned
Price handed it to ghost who sat up holding it. He lifted up his mask putting his lips to the top of it, lighting the bowl on the side, taking a breath in. He pulled the bowl out inhaling the remaining smoke, holding his breath for a couple seconds then exhaling with a tiny cough.
"Its pretty easy" you say
Ghost gave the vase to him.
"Its like smoking a cigar only you have to inhaile and hold your breath." You stated
Price nodded putting his lips onto it and lighting the bowl. He breathed in the gathering smoke and lifted the bowl inhaling the rest. He held his breath then started coughing out the smoke
"Bloody hell what was that!" he said in between coughs
"Ohh man you're gonna be feeling great tonight" soap chuckled peering over his shoulder.
The affects of the weed had kicked in rather quickly for price. He felt his eyelids grow heavy and his body feeling weightless. He melted into the pillow letting the music take his senses. Everything felt serene and peaceful
"Fuckin hell" price muttered
"Feeling good?" Kyle chuckled taking a hit
"Ive never been this relaxed" he replied quietly
You and johnny looked at each other and bursted out laughing.
"Ne'er thought we'd git tae see th' captain heich!" Johnny laughed
"How you feeling mate!" You laughed
Price chuckled at you
"Feels fuckin fantastic"
The rest of the night was filled with fits of giggles and ramblings of multiple topics at once eventually it dwindling down to soft snores with everyone piled together on your bed.
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irradiate-space · 4 months
On Buffers
You know the itch you get in your fingers when you've got something on your clipboard that you haven't pasted yet?
Right now I have:
a branch name copied to the main clipboard
a large diff stashed in git stash
a QR code scanned from my browser onto my phone, waiting something to happen
a URL copied into the main clipboard on the other computer
and a literal sticky note about to be pasted into my journal
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exeggcute · 1 year
mom just found my git stash :(
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gitpull · 2 years
why do mfs tailgate anyway, what are they trying to achieve? are you trying to intimidate me to go faster (while im already past the road speed limit)?
bruh youre the one putting yourself at risk by not keeping a safe distance 😭
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danwithouttheplan · 25 days
using your linux "kernel" to do a git stash "pop"? buddy, it sounds like you might be craving a buttery snack
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spreadyovrwings · 8 months
64 Oslo Square
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"Companion' Middle English. From Old French ‘compaignon', literally 'one who breaks bread with another.
Strapped for cash, John gets a job at a bakery as their new delivery boy. Juggling school and Queen and work is exhausting, but it's more than worth it. It's worth it because of you.
Warnings for this chapter: self… induced… smut…. and some more flirting
Chapter Eight
John leaned his weary body up against the door to his room after it clicked shut behind him. His digs had never felt more empty, more dark or unwelcoming.
The last of the day’s light was still filtering in through his tiny, square window, alighting on the scratchy old carpet and highlighting a pile of textbooks he’d forgotten to put away the night before.
With a sigh, John flung his bags down on the floor, then carefully propped up his bass in the corner of the room. He let his fingertips drag along the spine of its leather case, a sort of thank you for helping him play so well tonight. It had become a ritual, though John would rather die than admit that, to himself or to anyone else.
His stomach growled, a dog pawing at the back door, waiting impatiently to be let in. John thought about making some dinner but it was late, he didn’t want to disturb the others as he crashed around in the kitchen. A cup of tea could have been a reasonable substitute, but the process (another usually calming, nostalgic ritual) seemed exhausting and tedious. He just wanted to sleep.
Luckily, John had a good amount of leftover food from the bakery stashed away. He grabbed a couple of the white boxes from his shelf and dragged open their satiny scarlet ribbons. You’d saved him again.
Chewing gratefully on a flaky croissant, John flopped down on his bed and closed his eyes. He was so tired, they stung at first and he had to blink a couple of times so push away the pain.
He polished off the croissant, flicking his fingers over the side of the bed to get rid of any remaining pastry crumbs. He already felt a little better.
John drew in a long breath then slowly released it again, until all the muscles in his body had finally unwound and he had sunk further into the mattress.
“You sure you won’t come in? The sofa’s got your name on it. Or, you know…”
John opened his eyes and stared blankly up at his low, beige ceiling.
How could he have been so stupid. You had stood on your doorstep, asking him, plain as day, if he wanted to stay the night, and just when it mattered most, he’d chickened out.
“You were such a good boy for me.”
John groaned. What a moron. He turned and pressed his face into the pillow. Maybe if he pushed hard enough, he’d get lucky and suffocate.
He could still feel your soft skin against his palm. John found himself curling his hand around the ghost of your cheek, his eyes closing as he pictured you gazing up at him, smiling, always smiling.
“They need you, New Boy.”
“Don’t you need me?”
“I want you, that’s different.”
You got all shy after you said that. John didn’t think he’d ever seen you look so bashful. You wanted him. He knew it. And, God, he wanted you too.
It was late. He had an exam in the morning. He was still hungry and dehydrated after the show. He’d said ‘no’ to you like an idiot. He really shouldn’t do anything but sleep.
John unbuckled his belt with one hand.
He closed his eyes and pictured you laying beside him, the what-would-have-been if he hadn’t been such a colossal git. With a soft, relieved groan, he forced his hand down the front of his trousers, just as the you he’d conjured in his head kissed him hard enough to bruise.
Not too far away, you were also staring at the ceiling. Try as you might, you couldn’t sleep. You’d eaten late, you’d stayed up too long, you had a million things to worry about - you’d almost managed to convince yourself these were the reasons you couldn’t drop off. Almost.
With a sigh, you turned over onto your side.
You could still feel John’s big hands in yours. You loved those hands. Skilled in electronics and an expert at the bass. He’d probably play with you just as well, if not better.
You sighed dolefully.
Maybe if you’d been more insistent, if you’d asked again and maybe been more obvious about what you wanted, John would’ve followed you home and you wouldn’t be lying here, alone, pressing your thighs together and trying to ignore the ache between them.
You stared at the wall. You stared and stared and stared, willing sleep to claim you. Behind your closed eyes, images of John on stage awaited you, daring you to do something about how delicious he looked that night.
“Oh, fuck it.”
You stuck two fingers in your mouth and swirled your tongue around them, the way you’d been picturing John doing ever since his trick with the ring. His lovely, funny mouth. You’d give anything to have it between your legs right now.
Whispering softly to yourself, you closed your eyes and imagined how it might’ve started, what you might’ve done if you’d been brave enough to entice him in properly, and all the while you gently coaxed at your swollen clit
You’d have to sit in his lap again. You’d simply die if you didn't get the chance to do that again soon. John had felt so small beneath you but so warm and sturdy too. You could wrap his hair around your fingers as you lazily kissed him, whispering sweetly against his lips as he gasped and rocked his hips against yours.
So close to each other, you seemed to be sharing one breath, you imagined yourself breaking away to mouth down his neck, sinking your teeth in here, sucking a dark mark there, until John was whining and struggling to sit still.
His face burning, John pictured you under him, your arms wrapped around his middle, your lovely hands pressing into his back and keeping him close as you moaned into his mouth. He wanted to make you feel so good, just wanted to make you see how much he cared about you with his lips, his hands, his teeth and his tongue.
But it didn’t seem right. His very limited experience (and magazines he would rather die than you ever find out he read) were a guide, but those girls weren’t you. For some reason, John knew this wasn’t how it would go and something in the back of his head was telling him to flip the situation.
You, with your champagne smile and daggerish words. You weren’t going to let anyone push you around, especially not him, especially not when it came to sex. You’d back him up against the wall and push your knee between his thighs, your hands on his hips, squeezing tight as you whispered awful, naughty things against his lips that made his knees buckle.
John wriggled out of his trousers and pants, so desperate he didn’t even bother pushing them both all the way down. He raised his hand to his face, dragged his tongue across his palm, and immediately wrapped his hand around his cock again, squeezing and tugging desperately as he imagined you pushing him flat on his back and smiling down at him.
He moved his free hand so that it rested up by his head, just where he knew you’d place it, and tried to imagine your fingers wrapped tight around his wrist, your nails just beginning to sink into his skin.
“Fuck…” John hissed between his teeth, his eyes squeezing shut.
“Fuck- John…”
Your face flushed. You hadn’t meant for his name to slip out. But God, it felt good. It felt right. It felt perfect.
You drew your knee up then let it flop to the side, giving you better access, and all the while you thought about John’s lovely hands pushing your thighs apart so that he could bury his face between them.
“God, you’re so good, you’re so good…” you muttered to yourself, finding your own praises and moans turned you on even more as you rubbed at your clit.
Pictures flooded through your head. You couldn't settle on just one for very long. John’s tongue pressing inside you, his pretty mouth falling open as you slipped your hand around his throat and squeezed gently, the look in those clever grey eyes as he rocked his hips into yours. It was all so much, too much, and even though you felt a flash of guilt for thinking about John like that, it was soon drowned out by the soft little moans and grunts you knew he’d make as you sank down onto him and rode him within an inch of his life.
Sweat beaded John’s forehead as he twisted his wrist in just the right way, thumbing at the slit of his cock just to tease himself. His bottom lip clamped between his teeth, he fucked his hand, his eyes squeezing shut as warmth began to pool in the pit of his stomach.
It had been so long since he’d been able to get himself off. The stress of uni, coming home exhausted after gigs, never having much time on his own, it meant it had been weeks since he’d been able to touch himself like this. And now he had a million ideas he’d never allowed himself to entertain before, ideas about you.
Your knees pressing into his sides as you straddled him, the way you’d moan softly as you looked down at him, approving, studying him like you did your recipes, your lovely eyes switching back and forth across his face, his chest, his stomach - now much softer than when he started - and down and down and down.
John groaned, letting his wrist go limp as his hand slipped up and down his cock. He kept trying not to let his hips leave the bed, but it was too much, soon his back was arching like the girls in his magazines.
“Come on, sweet boy…” Your voice, so real he could almost believe you were murmuring by his ear, was soft and sweet and oh so in control. “Are you gonna cum for me, honey? Gonna cum just from being inside me at last?”
John bit his lip harder, trying not to make a sound, but the growing pressure pooling below his navel made it almost impossible. The hand he’d laid by his head made its way into his tangled hair, still damp with sweat from the gig. John wrapped his curls around his fingers and tugged, hard, a move that made him let out an embarrassingly reedy groan.
“That’s it, good boy. Good boy… You look so perfect like this, Johnny. Could cum just from watching you touch yourself. Come on, pretty boy, let me hear you…”
You were so wet, you could hear your fingers as they worked. It made your cheeks prickle. You couldn’t remember the last time someone had made you feel like this, so desperate and single-minded.
All you could think about was John, how he’d look beneath you, how he’d whine and gasp as you rode him, his hands up above his head, his pretty chest rising and falling raggedly as he tried to catch his breath, his whole body covered in a sheen of sweat.
You knew he’d let you do anything you wanted. You knew he’d beg you to touch him, to look at him, to take him to places he didn’t think were possible, and wouldn’t stop until you were finished with him. Such a smart, enthusiastic boy.
You could picture him sitting up against the headboard, his face pressed between your breasts as you rocked your hips, his hands gripping your hips, your arse, as he mouthed at your flushed skin, leaving trails of kisses and bites and saliva in his wake.
He’d turn up at rehearsals the next day, covered from head to toe in love bites and bite marks, a map of your lips, and he’d wear them all with pride.
John huffed sharply through his nose, his eyes rolling back as he fucked his hand.
Come on, come on, come on, so close, so close, so close…
He pulled at his hair again, just as something began to tighten in his lower belly, and John’s back arched off the bed again, his eyes rolling shut as he whispered to himself.
“Please, please, please… Fuck- Ah!”
He came moaning your name, his mouth hanging open as pleasure rolled through his body. He bent double, folded like a deckchair, the hardest he’d ever cum in his life. John’s hips jerked out of rhythm but he didn’t stop moving his hand, because he knew you wouldn’t. He didn’t stop until it started to ache.
John let his body flop back onto the bed, completely spent. He’d never made that much noise before. He just prayed his neighbours hadn’t heard him.
Across the city, your fingers were starting to cramp but, determined, you kept your pace.
Always so obedient. Always so eager to do well. And not for just anyone, for you. Oh, you’d seen the way John preened every time you paid him the littlest compliment, how he beamed with pride whenever you were sweet to him and how eager he seemed to reassure you that you could do anything you wanted to him.
“You’re in charge, Captain.”
Maybe you could learn to like the nickname.
And maybe it wouldn’t take much convincing to get John to let you have him, his lovely hair strewn across the pillow, his back back arching off the bed as you slipped inside him. God, how he’d bounce and roll his hips, his moans rising higher and higher as he begged you to fuck him harder.
“Fu- Johnnn…”
The band across your belly snapped, and you came moaning the delivery boy’s name.
Exhausted, you let your body sink into the bed. Already, you could feel sleep beginning to overwhelm you. You just about had the wherewithal to pull your hand from the front of your pants before you turned over and fell right asleep, your body still pulsing and your mind still buzzing with the thought of John’s whines of pleasure, and the way his hands had felt in yours as he walked you home.
The next morning, you danced around the bakery’s shop floor, wiggling your hips and kicking up your heels as you tugged tables and their accompanying chairs into place. It did occur to you why you might’ve been in such a good mood but you chose to ignore that.
Cold, morning sunshine flooded in as you placed some of the goods you’d baked that morning in the window, then the rest behind the display counter. All the while, you sang along with the radio, waggling your head to T-Rex and smiling to yourself.
The world seemed at ease, just for a moment.
“Well, she ain't no witch and I love the way she twitch, uh-huh. I'm her two-penny prince and I give her hot love, uh-huh…”
A sharp knock at the door made you look up. It was about quarter past five, the bakery wouldn’t be open for more than an hour, so you immediately went into defensive mode. Thankfully, you recognised the face pressed up against the glass.
You opened the door.
John’s drummer almost fell into the shop but he caught himself well.
“Alright, Bakery Girl?”
Roger grinned, wide and youthful, and clearly unaffected by the early hour. He was bundled up in a warm jacket, his shoulders drawn right up to his ears as he glanced over your shoulder into the dark, empty bakery.
You had to smile. This boy was even easier to read than John.
“I’m good, I’m good, yeah. It’s a nice mornin’, innit?” You nodded over your shoulder. “D’you wanna cuppa to take to work with you?”
Roger accepted your offer so eagerly, he almost tripped over his own feet getting through the door.
“You’re in a good mood,” he said, perching on one of the tables you’d set out.
You realised you were still humming to yourself. Try as you might, you couldn’t force down your smile.
“Just- You know.” You shrugged, trying not to look too sheepish. “How’s the market?”
“It’s fun! Hard but… We’re surviving. Barely make enough money to eat but it’s a good laugh.”
He spoke with such brevity, the soft corners of his pretty mouth tugged back into a toothy smile. Still, his words struck you. Roger and Freddie seemed so happy, so at ease in themselves, that you’d hardly believe they were struggling. You made a conscious decision to add them to your list of scrawny, ridiculous boys who needed looking after.
“Well, that’s all that matters, I s’pose,” you said, forcing a smile.
If Roger noticed your worry, he didn’t show it. He was too busy eyeing up the cakes and pastries behind the glass display case.
“Fred’s got this mate in Chiswick says he’s got a ton of swimwear and things for us. It’ll be summer soon, people’ll want stuff like that. Then maybe we can rent a bigger patch in the market. Maybe start selling LPs as well.”
“That’s the dream then, eh?”
“Oh, no,” Roger raised his head, his pretty eyes wide and soft in the low light. “No, the dream is… Walking out of EMI with a contract and my best mates… The whole world and our whole lives out in front of us. That’s the dream. Me and my mates, working together and seeing the world. I want to make things, you know? Be useful. Help people. Help someone.”
He couldn’t know it, but Roger had single-handedly unwound all your worries about your future with John. The way he spoke about it, it seemed so easy, like he was talking about any other job, and the warmth in his voice… Roger really believed it would happen for them. They were going to make it. Maybe you didn’t have to focus your energy on a plan you’d devised years ago. Maybe you could afford to have the same faith Roger did.
“Well,” you said, smiling too now. “When you put it like that.”
Roger sighed with an exaggerated shrug of his shoulders.
“It’s just a dream, Bakery Girl. But that’s all I’ve got.”
“What about John? What’s his dream?”
“Something a lot more pedestrian, I think.” Roger raised his eyebrows. “You probably factor in somewhere.”
Face burning, you turned away to make his tea.
“Shu’ up.”
“Ahh, you know I’m right. I reckon he still thinks he’s gonna end up working in some lab or drawing up blueprints, or somethin’. We’re working on an album, you know. But I think he still thinks it’s just a laugh.”
“But it’s not?”
Roger smiled but his bright eyes, blue as the sea he grew up by, were serious and certain.
You twisted your mouth.
“Rockstar or genius scientist.”
“I know. Leave some for the rest of us.”
You both took a moment to marvel at John’s seemingly unlimited potential. Then Roger smiled.
“Has he asked you out yet? I’ve been coaching him. Trying to make him act for once in his bloody life. Grab the bull by the horns.” He waved a hand. “So to speak.”
It proved too difficult to hide your smile, so you gave up trying. Instead, you passed him two steaming paper cups and warned him that they were still too hot to drink from just yet.
While the tea steeped, you set about putting together his breakfast.
“I dunno,” you shrugged. “I could ask him out.”
“Oh, I’d love to watch that.” Roger laughed and shook his head. “He’s great, isn’t he. I really like him. Most people just…”
He made an ineffectual sound and waved his hand again. It seemed Roger too had had his fair share of people letting him down, sadly just by being fundamentally people.
You followed his hand as it came to rest by his thigh again. His fingertips were bandaged. John’s fingers had felt a little coarse the few rare, wonderful times he’d brushed them against your skin. These boys wounded themselves, altered themselves for what they loved. You thought of your own scarred, roughened hands. There was a kinship there you never could have imagined.
“But John’s great. Always there when you need him. Brian bores me half to death most of the time but John’s clever in a nice way. You don’t feel like you’re being quizzed ‘n’ tested when you’re with him. You’re just… With him.”
Roger had the faraway look of someone realising just how lucky he was. You knew he wasn’t just talking up his friend, he really believed every word. You’d never seen someone so proud or so fond of his friends.
“Anyway, he’s a pain in my arse too, don’t get me wrong. But he’s great.”
Beaming, you passed Roger a bag filled with pastries, and a carrier for his and Freddie’s morning cuppas.
“I think so too.”
“New Boy!”
The shout was so sudden, John almost fell off his bike. He gripped the handles tight, wobbling dangerously as he stuck out his heels and dragged himself to a slow and graceless stop.
It was late in the afternoon. John had just finished his last round of deliveries and was looking forward to spending the rest of his day with you, helping out in the kitchen, and trying not to think about kissing you - the usual day to day.
You were standing in the bakery’s doorway, smiling so broadly, orbiting astronauts could probably see it. You were keeping the door propped open with one hand, the other was outstretched towards him.
“Mickey’s ‘ere! And he brought the baby!”
Before he knew it, John had been ushered inside. Your lovely hands switched dizzyingly between his hips and the small of his back as you guided him to the kitchen, where Mickey was waiting with a tiny bundle of pink cloth gathered up in his enormous arms.
“Oh, Mick…” John couldn’t help beaming as he leaned in to take a closer look. “She’s lovely.”
There had been photos posted up by the phone for weeks now, of little Dot just a few hours old, waving one tiny hand at the camera. You’d put up a few more recent pictures of Mickey and his family just the other day, all of the Caines squashed together to fit in frame. Nothing compared to seeing something so small and beautiful in person for the first time.
“She’s a righ’ terror,” Mickey beamed down at his little girl. “Drives her mother insane. An’ her old dad. Reckon she’s gonna be singer with the way she goes on. Maybe she could front your band one day, Johnny Boy.”
“She’d give Freddie a run for his money, I bet.”
John held out one finger and brushed it delicately across the back of one of Dot’s tiny fists.
“So, who does she look like more, d’you reckon? You or Rita?” he asked.
You snorted.
“You’re ‘avin a laugh. She’s perfect. She’s all Rita.”
“Ahhh, she’s got my charm. And my devilish good looks.”
Mickey finally tore his gaze away from his little girl to smile at John.
“Do you wanna hold her?”
“Me? Are you sure? I’ve never really…”
“Don’t be daft. C’mon, you’re part of the family now.”
With careful instructions on how to position his arms, Mickey gently passed Dot over, settling her against John’s chest.
The baby made a soft sound of disapproval, she never liked being far from her father’s warm, broad chest, but she soon settled. Her eyes closed, Dot sighed softly and went right back to sleep.
“There. You see?” Mickey patted John’s shoulder with a hand the size of a bear’s paw. “You’re a natural, mate. Won’t be long till you’ve got a few of your own.”
It took all John’s strength not to glance at you.
“She’s amazing, Mickey.”
John smiled as he ever so gently began to sway from side to side, trying to remember how his parents had soothed his little sister when she was just a baby.
He only looked up when he felt your hand on his arm. You were looking down at Dot, smiling gently, but your warm touch, the way your fingers pressed into him, that was a secret, just for the two of you.
“She’s so perfect. Shame you didn’t name her after me but…” You grinned. “Hang on, I have to take a photo. Stay right there, don’t move.”
John watched you go. He didn’t tear his gaze away until the door up to your flat had clicked shut behind you.
It was strange, but he already missed you. Just being near you set his whole body at ease. He could think clearer, his heart kept a regular pace, at least, until you smiled at him, or touched him, or looked in his general direction. When you were gone, it all came rushing back, like the pressure in the room had changed. He’d never needed to be near someone before.
John caught Mickey smiling at him and turned his attention back to the baby in his arms, hoping he didn’t look as he felt, like a love struck idiot who couldn’t concentrate whenever you weren’t around, let alone when you were.
“So,” Mickey was grinning now, much to John’s chagrin. “How’s things with you and the Captain?”
“They’re good.” John kept his eyes down, hoping in vain that it would obscure how red his face was getting. “We’ve been seeing quite a lot of each other but… No official date yet.”
“So you’re not goin’ together?”
John grimaced.
“I haven’t really asked her properly. It’s my fault,” he said sheepishly.
Dot began to fuss in John’s arms. She raised one of her little fists in the air, as if she too disapproved of his cowardliness.
Mickey reached over. John thought he might want to take his little girl back but he just brushed one finger across her clenched fist and whispered to her sweetly. Dot settled again, a look of contentment on her angelic face.
“She’s like her dad. Never ‘appy unless she’s complainin’.” Mickey smiled fondly. “So what’s keeping you? Last time I saw you, seemed like things were movin’ along a bit.”
“They were. They have.”
John thought about the night before, how soft and open your eyes had been as you gazed up at him. He had held your face, your hands, practically admitted everything he felt for you, and you’d smiled and said you wanted him too. God, why hadn’t he kissed you?
Because, John thought, because he was afraid. Even after everything you’d said, everything you’d done together, he was terrified that you didn’t actually care about him, and this was all a roll of the dice that would end with him losing the first place he’d felt safe in years, and a second family he didn’t want to ever say goodbye to. And he could lose you too. The thought made him sick to his stomach.
“What if she doesn’t like me?” John said quietly. “Not like that?”
Mickey shrugged, like it was the most obvious thing in the world.
“She does.”
John huffed.
“She thinks I’m useless.”
“No, she doesn’t.”
“She thinks I’m quiet and funny-looking-”
“She thinks the world of you, you muppet-”
“And too skinny.”
“She loves you!”
The words hung in the air, like dust after a building collapses, crawling and curling their way through the kitchen, until they had filled John’s eyes, his lungs, his mind.
He blinked, heart sore, begging Mickey not to make fun of him with just a look. But Mickey nodded earnestly as he tucked Dot’s blanket under her back, as if promising her, or perhaps on her, that he would never joke about something so serious.
“She adores you, mate,” he said, just before the door opened again and you came bounding through, camera in hand.
“Okay, hold still. Say cheese!”
John tried his best to lower his head so that he and Dot would be in frame together without disturbing her. He felt Mickey wrap an arm around his shoulders and realised he was smiling without having to be told.
The camera clicked, flashed, then whirred as it spat out the polaroid.
“That’s one for the album,” you said as you stared at the photo, waiting for it to develop. “Shame Glad isn’t here. Where is she?”
Mickey scoffed.
“She ‘avin’ lunch with his nibs.”
“Well then,” You placed your free hand on your hip. “I’d say that’s lunch then, boys.”
You didn’t flip back the sign on the door. John tried not to look too surprised, but he didn’t think he’d ever seen you pass off an opportunity to keep the bakery open. Money was tight, this place was your whole world, you had a lot invested in 64 Oslo Square.
Perhaps you’d simply grown tired of working yourself to exhaustion when Gladys couldn’t even be bothered to show up. Perhaps it didn’t feel right to work when there was such an important visitor. John didn’t care what had driven this decision. He was just pleased to see you take some time for yourself. You’d more than earned an afternoon in the sun with your family.
You took John’s hand and led him across the road to the chippy, where you handed over loaves of bread, sweet pastries, and cups of tea in return for three bags of chips, cod for Mickey and a battered sausage for you and John. Michael’s Fish Bar had been kicking about for almost as long as the bakery; this bartering system had existed for far longer than you’d worked at 64 Oslo Square.
After dishing everything out, you pressed a plate into John’s hands and led him out through the kitchen doorway to the alley. You sat down together, side by side on the top step, your knees touching, and happily tucked into salty, hot chips that burnt the tongue and soothed the soul.
“So what’re you reading at the moment?” John asked, after a few minutes of comfortable silence had passed.
Beside you, Dot gurgled in her pram. You hadn’t had much experience around children, especially babies as tiny as her, but you knew enough to gingerly push the buggy’s back wheel with the toe of your shoe, gently rocking her back into her dreams.
“Oh, nothing at the moment. Been too busy,” you said through a mouthful of chips. “You got any recommendations?”
“Uni is so intense right now, all my suggestions would be written by Seymour Hammond.”
“Right,” you said, bewildered. “No, yeah. He’s fab.”
John picked up another chip and stared at it. He was chewing on his bottom lip, tugging the skin between his incisors as he thought.
You watched, mesmerised.
“You know, when I first moved here, I hated London. The smell, the crowds…”
“The price of fish and chips.”
That made John smile. He stopped worrying his lip and finally popped the chip into his mouth.
“But when I’m here, I see it.”
“See what?”
“Home, I suppose. This place feels like home. Or it’s starting to, at least. Does that make sense?”
In the ocean of your heart, something was stirring. Towering waves of fondness, warmth, and something you were beginning to seriously suspect might be love, rose up, crested, then broke, washing over your heart again and again, gently but firmly, undeniably.
“I think you’re a bit mental but… Yeah, it makes sense.”
You glanced over your shoulder. Mickey was on the phone to his wife, letting her know he’d be home soon and asking if she needed him to pick up anything on his way. You and John were alone.
You shrugged.
“Maybe it’s Gladys’ tea.”
John snorted.
“Or the free food.”
“Or the good company.”
“You do tend to make things a bit brighter, I’ve found.”
John looked at you, really looked at you. Gone were the days when he could hardly hold your gaze. Long gone. He had the most beautiful eyes you’d ever seen.
“I don’t fancy your drummer,” you said, cheeks beginning to burn at how abrupt you’d sounded.
John’s eyebrows pulled together, his nose wrinkling.
“I didn’t-”
“I know you think I do. He’s nice but he’s not my type.”
John didn’t look convinced but he was still smiling.
“I thought you liked pretty boys.”
“I do.” Heart pounding, you turned your body towards his. “Pretty boys with pretty hair and lovely eyes, cute noses and a funny mouth.”
“My mouth isn’t funny.”
“Then why are you smiling?” You grinned. “Very presumptuous of you, by the way, John.”
Pink dusted his cheeks. It was such a lovely sight, you could barely resist brushing your fingertips along the path laid out for you, across his cheek, down his neck, to his chest and beyond.
Then he moved, turning his body in towards yours, so now your knees were pressed against his upper leg. John was so tense, you could practically feel the muscles in his thigh jump at your touch.
He lowered his head, as if to whisper in your ear, but his eyes never left yours.
“Call it a theory,” John said. “One I’ve been mulling over for a while.”
You watched, hardly daring to breathe, as he leaned in closer. Your fingers itched to wrap around the collar of his shirt and pull him in, but the thought of moving right now seemed impossible.
“And have you managed to mull up a hypothesis?”
“Oh, definitely,” John’s eyes dropped to your mouth. “Trust me, I’ve had lots of thoughts about you.”
“Oh yeah?”
“Yeah. I’m having one right now, actually.”
You wanted to respond with something clever. You wanted to take the next step in this dance you’d fallen into. You wanted to see if you could make John’s ears go as red as his cheeks. But you couldn’t think of anything to say. You couldn’t think at all.
You felt your hand move without your say so. It slipped over his knee and found a home on John’s thigh, keeping him close, keeping yourself grounded.
He was looking at you so intently, you could hardly breathe. Sunbeams filtered into the alley, light particles that had travelled hundreds of thousands of miles, just to get tangled in John’s lovely hair. The shadow cast by his aquiline nose, the tiny smile at the corner of his brilliant mouth, the softness of his gaze. How could you resist?
Your heart was aching in your chest, pressing against your ribs, pushing you forward towards him. You had to draw in a breath to try and ease the pressure in your chest, but it shuddered through, and there was no way John couldn’t have noticed.
He smiled, sweet and reassuring, as he bent his head, murmuring your name under his breath.
Footsteps behind you made you straighten up. You hadn’t even noticed that you’d closed your eyes.
“‘Scuse me, lovebirds,” Mickey barged between you carrying two enormous black rubbish bags. “Bin man comes at seven.”
You weren’t violent by nature, but suddenly the idea of knocking Mickey’s lights out and shoving him into a dustbin seemed like a perfectly reasonable idea.
John looked about as mortified as you felt. But he was still enticingly close. He hadn't moved away.
You were still squeezing his thigh. Part of your brain screamed at you to take your hand back, to apologise and pretend like it had never happened. But there was another voice, braver, softer, that told you it was alright, to just trust yourself, to trust John, and to never, ever let him go.
“John, I-”
The bakery door opened. You turned your head in the direction of the sound, frowning quizzically. That was odd, you thought, you’d definitely locked it.
Then you heard Gladys’ voice. She was calling out for you. Something twisted in your chest, though you couldn’t be sure why.
Squeezing John’s thigh reassuringly, you gave him a quick smile.
“Don’t move,” you said firmly, then scrambled to your feet before he could say any more.
You didn’t look back as you hurried through the kitchen. If you did, you feared you wouldn’t be able to stop yourself from grabbing his face and having another go at kissing him senseless.
Heart still hammering, you made your way into the bakery where Gladys was standing in the centre of the shop floor. She looked pale, her usually lively eyes dull and almost unseeing.
For a moment, you worried that she was angry with you for shutting the shop. You tried to summon a smile, your hands automatically reaching out to make her a cup of tea.
“Gladys! I thought you were-” You cleared your throat, your mind still spinning from the dark, soft look in John’s eyes as he leaned in to kiss you. “Doesn’t matter. Mick’s here and he brought the little’un!”
“Where is everyone?”
Gladys’ voice was hollow. She was gripping a slip of paper in her hands so tightly, you could see it was beginning to tear.
“They’re outside having a fag. Well, Mickey’s having a fag and John’s got chips. We just stopped for a late lunch.”
When she didn’t say anything, you frowned.
“Are you alright? What’s wrong?”
“He’s taken it.”
“Taken..?” You shook your head, trying to ignore the sickening, churning dread in the pit of your belly. “Who, Glad? What’s going on?”
“Alastair,” she whispered the name like it was bad luck. And perhaps it was. “He’s taken the bakery.”
Time slowed, choked, before finally falling to its knees. An age passed. Civilisations came and went. Stars burned and died. And all you could do was stare. The bakery had never been so silent.
“What are you talking about?” you asked once you’d found your voice again, hoarse and reedy as it was.
Gladys’ face crumpled like the paper in her hands.
“I shouldn't have. I know I shouldn't have but he- The way he explained things, it… He had me change the names on the deeds. It felt like a good idea at the- It’s his. It’s all his.”
Tears filled Gladys’ eyes.
“It’s gone, love. It's gone. Alastair owns the bakery.
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keeksybee · 11 months
Lister gets Transfixed when Rimmer sings:
It’s an established fact in Red Dwarf that Rimmer can sing and sing well. It’s mentioned as an off handed joke as Lister teases Rimmer but it’s also a legitimate compliment that Lister wouldn’t mock unless it were true, so this is my take on that.
Just imagine that Rimmer just has just gotten his hard-light body, for the first time in six years he can touch things again and it’s no secret Lister is a bit of a slob and most likely left their sleeping quarters in an “interesting” (read: almost hazmat suit worthy) state. Now, he’s not required to clean it himself, Kryten would do it, but 1) he’s a little type A and has his own system for how the cleaning routine should be accomplished and 2) he can touch again, he can feel again, and even something as non remarkable as wiping the viewport window is the first physical sensation he’s had in eons and he doesn’t want Kryten to take the opportunity from him, so when he’s sure Lister is off doing something else and he won’t be disturbed he digs out the ear phones and futuristic IPod he stashed under his bunk all those years ago, plugs them in (I like to think he has a weakness for music from our era) and starts to deep clean the room top to bottom, methodically scrubbing and washing and wiping every stain and dirty mark.
Soon, he relaxes and under his breath at first starts to sing his playlist until eventually he’s belting it out, character impressions and dance moves included, he’s so wrapped up in it he doesn’t realise Lister is watching from the doorway, wide eyed, smile fond, as he sees Rimmer, RIMMER of all people, laugh, and dance, and play pretend, almost like a normal person, nothing like the neurotic git who once got so drunk the night before his astronavigation exam he stood up and preformed a surprisingly good rendition of “Ain’t your Mama” by Jenifer Lopez at the Copacabana lounge to a crowd of jeering astros, he’s completely sober this time and he can sing, he can really sing and it’s soft, and warm, and genuinely happy. He stands there for an indeterminate amount of time just…listening and if his cheeks went a little pink and his heart jumped a few notches at Rimmer contented expression and fluttering lashes over closed eyes he’d never admit to it.
He got the feeling that he probably shouldn’t be there, that this was a deeply personal thing to Rimmer and he was intruding on it, but he just looked so… peaceful, and he couldn’t tear himself away, that was until he leaned in and missed the wall sending him crashing to their bunk room floor and the singing came to an embarrassed screeching halt, he got up playing that he’d had a few more cans of lager than usual that day and he was piss drunk, out the corner of his eye he saw Rimmer sigh, assuring himself his secret was safe, as he climbed into bed and mimed passing out he caught a never before seen affectionate expression and a quiet “Oh Lister” as Rimmer tucked him into his bunk like a toddler, his heart suddenly sank as he realised that this was the person Rimmer was too terrified to reveal for fear Lister would call him weak, it was tragic but he didn’t know how to address it without Rimmer becoming defensive and shutting down.
So he slept. He slept and dreamed of Rimmer singing with that lovely look of contentment he’d never see.
PS: I just think he’d sing this
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quantumofawesome · 2 years
-m "just committing this because I've never heard of git stash"
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