#git repository
kirantech · 11 months
AEM Component and Template Auditor
The "Component and Template Auditor" allows you to analyze your project, identifying components and templates with zero references. This knowledge empowers you to make informed decisions regarding whether to keep or remove them.
Problem Statement: How can we effectively assess whether the components and templates within our project structure are actively used on web pages? This knowledge is crucial for making informed decisions regarding component and template maintenance. Introduction: When organizations undertake AEM upgrades or migrations, they often introduce new components and templates following revised project…
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codeonedigest · 2 years
What is GitHub? Github tutorial and project setup, Reference guide to GitHub Commands
Hi, a new #video on #GitHub #tutorial and #Project #Setup is published on @codeonedigest #youtube channel. Learn, what is GitHub in 1 minute. #Gitprojecttutorial #gitproject #gitprojectupload #gitprojectsetup #gitprojectmanagement #gitprojectexample #git
GitHub is a code hosting platform for version control and collaboration. It lets people work together on projects from anywhere. GitHub is easy to use, it supports both public and private repositories, it is free of cost. In this video we will learn, how to start working with GITHUB repository? How to create GITHUB project? How to initialize GITHUB repository? How to add files in GITHUB? How to…
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frog707 · 2 months
A weird build issue
Today I released version 0.3.1 of the software library I'm working intensely on. At this point in the project, I expect releases to go smoothly, but this one didn't.
For this project, a release consists of 4 different software artifacts, each one built by a different job, running on a different build host: one on Windows, one on Linux, and so on. First I build normally, to ensure the project is in a working state. Then I "push a Git tag" that causes the build hosts to upload their artifacts to a staging repository. Since the build hosts and the staging repo are owned by different vendors, I generate a security token at the staging repo and feed that token to the build hosts, to assure the repo that I authorized all 4 uploads. Then I log into the staging repo and publish the uploaded artifacts.
It's a complex process, which took many tries to get right. However, it worked for 0.3.0 release, just 4 days ago.
Today, the normal build worked perfectly, but when I pushed the tag, all four uploads failed with permission errors. Logging into the staging repo, I discovered that the security token had a different value than I expected. Apparently it changed sometime in the past 4 days.
At this point, I got a little nervous, since *I* hadn't changed the token. But perhaps someone changed it for a good reason, such as in response to a security breach. It wasn't difficult to update the build hosts with the new token and restart the failed jobs.
The 2nd time around, one of the 4 jobs failed with a permission error. The other 3 were fine. I was puzzled. All 4 jobs were using the same token, stored in the same place. As far as permissions were concerned, either they should all succeed, or they should all fail. I double-checked the token and re-ran that job. It failed again.
The failing job was the one running on Windows. And I noticed that the first character in the token was a slash (/). And on Windows a slash is used to indicate a command-line option.
Perhaps the token didn't work on Windows because at some point it got passed in a command line, where the slash was mistaken for a command-line option and skipped, or erroneously escaped.
I generated a new token with no slash, re-ran the failing job, and it succeeded. So probably that slash was the issue.
Chalk up another weird build issue! I should gain some XP for this one...
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emeritusterzo · 5 months
spotify is actually paywalling poorly written third party lyrics lmao. okay
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When y'all told me to use Linux, ain't nobody warned me about how much more annoying Git Bash would be in it
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macbethz · 7 months
i feel like a fraud in my new job i just say video game words and people think i know what im talking about. commits. post-processing. render pipeline. i can say these things
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code repositories
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techdirectarchive · 3 months
Deploying Next.Js App Using Heroku Cloud Application Platform
Heroku is one of the best platforms as a service (PaaS) that many developers are using to build, run, and operate their applications fully on the cloud. They have a free and pay-for-service plan. On this platform, you can easily deploy your application for public access in few minutes. In this article, I will be deploying a Next.Js app using the Heroku cloud application platform. You can read…
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going from 36 slide Powerpoint on the theory of XML/TEI to "eh I'll wing it" on the practice of XML/TEI is probably the moment when you realise oh yeah right i did this for 6.5 years as a job lmao i know this actually
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colinkiama · 1 year
"git sweep" Alias - Delete All Local Branches Linked To Deleted Remote Branches With Just One Command!
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I used to waste so much time deleting local and remote branches I was done with.
Now I just delete my remote branches (e.g. on GitHub) then run this command:
git sweep
and just like that, my local branches that track remote branches are automatically deleted!
Now let's go over how you can add this command...
What is "git sweep"?
"git sweep" is a git alias I created that is a shortcut that does the following:
Runs the "git fetch --prune" command to delete all references to remote branches.
Find local branches linked to deleted remote branches (these are marked as "gone") then deletes them.
Setting the alias
You can set it using the "git config" command or by editIng the git config file directly.
Here's the command to set the alias with the "git config" command:
git config --global alias.sweep "! git fetch -p && git for-each-ref --format '%(refname:short) %(upstream:track)' | awk '\$2 == \"[gone]\" {print \$1}' | xargs -r git branch -D"
Here's an example of what the config file should look like with the alias added:
[alias] sweep = ! "git fetch -p && git for-each-ref --format '%(refname:short) %(upstream:track)' | awk '$2 == \"[gone]\" {print $1}' | xargs -r git branch -D"
Check out Erik Schierboom's article on this to learn more about how all of this works in detail.
If you found this post useful in anyway, please like, repost and/or share it.
Thanks for reading!
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gslin · 2 years
GitHub 宣佈將在 2024 移除對 Subversion 支援
GitHub 從 2010 年的愚人節時宣佈支援 Subversion:「Announcing SVN Support」,雖然是愚人節的功能,但這個功能是會動的。 而這個支援算是告一段落了,GitHub 正式宣佈在大約一年後的 2024/01/08 將停止支援 Subversion:「Sunsetting Subversion support」。 然後在 Hacker News 上的討論:「GitHub Sunsetting Subversion Support (github.blog)」則是直接讓 Scott Chacon (GitHub co-founder,同時也是第一篇公告文的作者 + 這個功能的兇手之一) 出來解釋當初搞出這個東西的前因與後果,還有一些感想。 裡面有提到這個功能當初推出來的時候是個好玩的性質,但意外的在上線後發現也讓一些老系統可以比較容易轉移:讓…
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sifwithagun · 2 years
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i just deployed a test website running on the software developed by the company I work at. we have just released version 2.7.0, like just over the last couple of weeks. still rolling it out. but apparently my dumb fucking incompetent ass managed to deploy a site running on version 2.8.0???? how does this even happen. im gonna throw up
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winmundo · 2 years
version control – Move git repository to another github user
Just transfer ownership of the repo to another user and have them add you as a collaborator.
If someone forks your repo, then you delete the original, their fork is still there, unless its a private repository. they can then add you as a collaborator on their fork repo.
Another user can simply clone your repo (commits intact), create a new repo on GitHub, add the new repos remote info, and push your repo up to their new one. (Then, they can add you as a collaborator.)
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april · 3 months
call my fiancée a git repository the way i want to commit to her
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unsoundedcomic · 3 months
Heeey, a couple of questions:
- I might be slow, but First Soul is First like First Silver and other First Materials rather than just being the first human soul? If yes, does it mean it has it's own khert-field, like other First Materials? Would it also mean, Sette's resistant to direct pymary?
- if souls work like tiny, little khert-hubs, then what are real khert-hubs made of? I mean, I got flashbacks of the images of tortured heretics/dissidents in Aldish cities and was thinking, can they be used to create resources required for khert-hubs?
- the way khert works reminds me a bit of git or VCS, and some other IT-related tools and technologies. Coincidence or you got some IT experience that inspired you to do a "what if the world was a code repository"? 😅
You're not slow, this was a lot to take in! And Lady Ilganyag wasn't going to weigh Sette down with details.
The First Soul is the first human soul, as Lady Ilganyag and her man friend wanted it to be. They wanted a soul that reincarnates and lives forever, so they made one. It's also resistant to direct pymary but it doesn't confer that property to Sette, boo. Sette didn't even know it was inside her until it woke up a few hours ago and started squawking kys!
Khert-hubs are mostly made of First Earth. Old Mountain Ogre parts. Think of the giant green spine in Port Morstorben or the giant femur bone in Grenzlan. They have nothing to do with souls; they exist to tweak the universal khert and are in form and function not much more than enormous pymarics.
The khert and pymary are intentionally very much like an operating system and programming, good call! Spellwrights are just dopey programmers. First Materials are like removable media with their own operating environment. Pymarics are First Material objects with programs saved onto them. Sette's got an m.2 ssd in her hair that thinks someone should cut her throat so she can dump her data, hop into a new RAID array, and go back to idly mirroring.
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