#gladly add onto this btw
irritablepoe · 7 months
This is just an observation but. I think it's interesting that dazai is always doing his own thing and having his own little plans (an exception would be chuuya though ig?) while ranpo on the other hand is always eager to make the ada work together or to make acquaintances with people.
I think they're both often put into that genius trope pool but they do work very differently from each other. And while ranpo's trust was betrayed by fukuchi, he does make sure dazai can trust him in the moment he finally chooses to do just that and to not plan everything ahead.
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chaostroberry1 · 3 months
Selamat pagi!
Don't you know that it means 'Goor morning' in my country? Anyways, how are you? I hope you're doing well just as I am. Don't forget to have a healthy sleep and schedule
If it's okay for you, I would like to request a hcs poly! Beel+Satan with a M!domReader.
Only if you want of course! You don't need to fulfill my request if you are tired, since I've saw there's many people requesting beel with M!domReader so I hope it is not too much for you if I also request the same thing
Terimakasih! ='Thank you!'
Hello! Sure thing! ^^ what a nice request 💕 please dont be afraid to chat me again if this isn't what you asked for! I'll gladly remake it if so.
Poly HCs ROR beel+Satan × M!Dom!reader
Warning : a little nsfw, and mentions of sex.
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- first of all, if you were to be with Beelzebub and satan, in a RELATIONSHIP, it would mean that you are immune to his curse.
- he loved you so much to the point that even the curse within him fell hard for you. You were just the perfect man! He knew you would treat him right.
- Beelzebub didn't confess, because he was afraid. Until he saw you, his love meter skyrocket high in the air—which forced Satan out. Satan was the one who went up to you and confessed, using his sharp claw-like finger to trace a small scar down your jaw, before planting a kiss on you.
"I love you (m/n)...I love you so so much~"
- imagine a literal demon arching its back and clinging onto you. Not just any demon, but a demon inside of Beelzebub, who was now saying he loved you.
- you ended up having to return his feelings, which overjoyed the demon, smiling all giddy while you held his wrists, avoiding his claws and kissing him.
- when you kissed him, Beelzebub returned to his state of mind. His eyes widening at the sudden touch of your lips on his. He didn't know what was going on, that's why he was taken by surprise.
- and after all that stuff, you guys were now in a relationship.
- he was closed off at first, but then he slowly opened up to you with time, seeing how sweet and nice you treated him. Like a he was a pretty princess.
- now he's always touch starved, longing to feel you whenever he could. You can't blame him, especially after all he's done for you.
- Bro do not get me started on how you always have to wake up to a horny demon wanting to bounce on cock for probably the whole night. That was a nightly thing btw, so good luck.
- both are submissive, but Beelzebub is more shy, needy, and compliant—while Satan is more of a power bottom, doing stuff he feels like doing. Bending over? Yes. Sucking your cock? Yes. He is pretty good at it, yeah.
- you are basically left with your cock used up from all that.
- for both of them, you love to give them kisses. But what do they give you in return?
- Beelzebub, as mentioned, is shy, and will not know how to respond to your affection, even if he's very touch starved for you. Don't get him wrong, he doesn't hate it, he's just not used to it.
- Satan gives you a blowjob. Thank you very much for asking.
- cuddling with both them gets messy but that's alright. You are the man of the relationship. You have to take charge and deal with it.
- okay, maybe there are too many spicy headcanons here, but I need to add an additional.
- one time, you walked in on Satan wearing a skimpy sex outfit, meant for a seductress. When I tell you your cock was in for a treat, I mean it. And no you guys are not quiet in bed.
- you are the one who works a job, you receive money to buy food for both of you, even though he doesn't really need it. You still rather buy him things and gifts to show your love for him.
- dates are usually with Beelzebub. To pretty sceneries or closed off places for just the two of you. But once Satan is out, you guys have to do the tango right there.
- but most of the time when you aren't fucking, you like to cuddle a lot. Cuddling with Satan is more of him nibbling on your ear, while Beelzebub, is mostly just quiet and tomato red from the lovey dovey.
- you know, at random times when it's Satan's turn to be with you, he's always telling you that he loves you, and will continue even if you say that you love him back. He's going to make sure it'll be what you dream of at night.
- you are the first and forever last male lover he'll ever have and love with all his heart. He will do everything to make sure you never leave him.
- even if you died, he will remain loyal to your corpse, or find ways to bring you back to life. Even if you look or act different, he'll still love you.
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bekolxeram · 3 months
During this hiatus, other than rewatching S7 for cute moments that we missed and coming up with headconons and new fic ideas, may I suggest going back to actually read/watch/listen to interviews with the cast?
Certain more dedicated members of the fandom tend to overfixate on one single sentence or even word the cast uttered and ignore all context around it. Sure, some of them might came into it with an agenda (like many journalists did sadly) and confirmation bias took care of the rest of it, but at the same time, who has time to read pages of disjointed chat with actors improvising answers without full knowledge of the production side of the show?
I've seen people proving Eddie's queerness by this quote from Lou's interview with the Hollywood Reporter in April:
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This alone has been interpreted all sorts of ways, from Ryan not accepting this storyline (which doesn't make him homophobic btw, he could've simply not seen Eddie's story going this way, or he thought he wasn't equipped to do this storyline justice), to Buck's LIs not agreeing to come back because of scheduling conflict, to the writers just thought it was more appropriate for Buck to be queer.
I'm not here to speculate anything, I'm just going to point out earlier in the same interview, Lou also said he always knew this storyline would be with Oliver:
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I don't know what's going on here, Lou might have insider information, but it also could be him just speculating over Tommy and Eddie's quickly formed friendship. To my knowledge, Tim has never confirmed that Tommy's queer storyline would be with Eddie before it supposedly fell through. In fact, Tim did say once it felt like Buck's story:
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And then there's Lou's supposed dislike of filming make out scenes:
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I do agree with him that gratuitous scenes on TV are unnecessary. I can't even count how many times I'm watching TV with my family when a graphic sex scene comes on unprompted, and my family members and I have to try our best to pretend we don't see it. But he also said that he didn't like it only when it didn't add to the story. Like we saw in 7x06, Lou gladly rubbed his face into Oliver's because this is how Buck came out.
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There's also the part most people skipped through when Lou talked about the 7x04 kiss:
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Lou (and everyone involved in the storyline) doesn't want Tommy to seem predatory. I have no idea if it's a reference to a possible earlier version of the script with an Eddie bi awakening instead of a Buck one. What I'm getting is that Lou and Tim tried to avoid playing into the stereotype of gay men hanging around knowingly straight men just to get into their pants.
And boy was Lou right. If they went for a full make out scene, the fandom discourse would've been so different. Naysayers wouldn't have been latching onto bachelor party costume or daddy issue joke. It would've led to much more serious allegations.
I'm happy it all worked out in universe as well. As we've seen from the past 7 seasons, Buck has no problem getting sexual partners. In the past he tried having physical relationships with women in hopes that it would lead to an emotional one, he also tried intentionally holding off intimacy just because he thought it would get in the way of boding with someone on a humanly level. This is the first time someone picked up Buck's (unintentional?) flirting, decided to break the ambiguity (landing it like a good pilot), gave him a brief peck to test the water, and then left to give Buck time to process his feelings.
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Not only was it okay for Buck, it left him wanting more.
And lastly there's the allegedly "Tommy is just Buck's gay mentor to test thing out with" thing:
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But earlier in the interview, it was established that Lou said it as a response to why the other shippers should still embrace Buck and Tommy's relationship. He didn't actually know what would happen in the future:
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melverie · 1 year
So......about Solomon
Before we get started: Discussions on this post are more than welcomed as long as you keep it civil and constructive. At the end of the day, this is still a game about fictional characters, so there's no reason to literally harass others over liking or disliking a character If it truly upsets you that much--which is valid btw--than the best thing to do would probably be to simply not engage with the other party, and not harass them over it; you won't change anyone's mind that way. I know most of you aren't like this but unfortunately it still needs to be said Also, if you want me to add sources to some points, feel free to ask! I've tried to mention the chapters as I go, but I might still have forgotten some. Some of the arguments I make are also hidden behind certain player options; if you can't find them, fell free to ask about them and I'll gladly tell you Also also, general spoiler warning for both the og game and Nightbringer. I'm not really covering anything specific after lesson 60 in the og game and lesson 14 in NB, but I might still mention things from later lessons
Now, onto the actual topic. There've been quite a few arguments against Solomon in the past few days, but I mostly just want to focus on those three:
Solomon wanted to force MC into killing Lucifer at the end of season 2 in the og game
Solomon betrayed the brothers and keeps hiding behind "wanting to protect humanity" as a scapegoat for his actions (putting these two together bc I think they go hand in hand, but it'll make more sense later)
Solomon tricked Asmodeus into a pact without his consent
This entire thing is very long, so feel free to jump around if one point interests you more than another
Solomon wanted to force MC into killing Lucifer at the end of season 2 in the og game
[mainly 38-12, og & 38-15, og]
He did, yeah. But here's the thing
They were all forced into a corner since the fate of all three realms was on the line here, and with the Ring of Light's whereabouts still being unknown at the time, they literally had no other choice if they wanted to save everyone. It wasn't Solomon that randomly decided the only way to restore the Night Dagger's power was by killing a powerful demon, it's always been that way. And he can't just be like "Oh well, let's switch strategies then and focus on finding the Ring of Light" when the entire cast (minus Simeon) has no idea where the ring is and the last time any of them saw it was centuries to millennia ago, if not longer. They don't have the time to search for it considering all the destruction MC's Ring has already caused in such a short period of time
Solomon first tells MC to do kill Luci, only to add that he was just joking and knows MC would never actually go through with it. Then, he says that if they wouldn't do it, he'd do it himself. Which kinda sounds like forcing, right? Except this happens [38-15, og; pic below]:
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He was prepared to, which doesn't clear him of trying to indirectly force MC, let's get that straight. But ultimately he drops it and accepts that maybe their only option really is to just die here. This is also the only time we see him acting against his beliefs btw
Also yes, Solomon might not have been the one that decided they needed to kill a powerful demon, but he seems to be the one that settled on said demon being Lucifer. The only other viable options would most likely be Diavolo and Barbatos. Don't know if the Demon King in his vegetative state still counts but similar to Diavolo, killing him would probably be seen as a direct declaration of war, so they're out. And from a strategic standpoint, Barbatos is the better option to be kept alive simply because of his powers. There most likely also is some kind of sentimental attachment at play here since Solomon is much closer to Barbatos than he is to Lucifer. None of justifies killing Lucifer of course, but we also need to acknowledge that everyone's hands were tied, they were out of time and given the circumstances, this was probably the best decision they could have come to (until Simeon showed up with the Ring of Light, of course)
Solomon betrayed the brothers and keeps hiding behind "wanting to protect humanity" as a scapegoat for his actions
First of no, he did not betray them. Ever since the end of season 2 Solomon has made it clear that his ultimate goal is to protect humanity and that he, similarly to Diavolo in regards to the Devildom and its denizens*, would do anything in his power to protect the human world and its inhabitants [38-15, og; pic in the point above] [38-19, og; pic below]
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*friendly reminder that Belphie was charged with treason for planning to destroy the human world, since in Diavolo's eyes that would have severely damaged the chance of peace between the three realms [13-14, og]
Solomon continuously sticks to his beliefs. He said he'd protect humanity, and that's what he's doing. He never extended that kind of protection to the brothers, he never made any false promises, he didn't betray them in any way, nothing
I'd also like to point out he's not actively going out of his way to antagonize demons, or angels, or whatever. In fact, he even explicitly says that he does not wish to make an enemy out of either party [10-A, NB; pic below], which of course also extends to the brothers
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You can even outright ask him if he's planning on backstabbing the brothers, and this is what he has to say [11-8, NB; pic below]:
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And you know what? That is a valid concern. They can't say for sure what the future holds, and they just recently had to deal with the entire Ring situation that could have very easily destroyed all three realms, so wanting to be cautious and to be prepared for the worst makes sense. He also makes it clear that he does not wish to fight the brothers if it can be avoided, so there's that
And no, he's also not tricking MC into siding against the brothers in Nightbringer. Rather, he just wants to know that they're fighting for humanity should the relationship between humans and demons in general ever turn hostile. He puts the cards open on the table and gives a proper explanation to his reasoning for siding with humanity [11-8, NB], and once again goes a little further into detail before MC gives their answer [14-16, NB; pic below]. Plus it's up to the player if they choose to stand with him or not, and no matter what you choose, he accepts the decision
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Also keep in mind that season 3 heavily suggests that the human world at large has no idea that angels and demons even exist, so MC is pretty much the only one he can even ask to help protect humanity alongside him to begin with. He can't just go up to a random guy on the street and ask them to fight something who's existence they aren't even aware of in the first place
Imo Solomon also seems to know more about where things might be heading than he lets on, with him actually knowing Nightbringer and whatnot, so granting himself some peace of mind by making sure he has at least one ally is perfectly reasonable
Also, Solomon is very much aware that he is not infallible. For example, he states that he realized he still has a lot more to learn about demons [60-20, og], and he even admits that he doesn't always know what the right course of action to any given situation is, which was part of the reason he first asked MC to help him with protecting humanity all the way back in season 2 [38-19, og; first pic below]. In season 2 he actually wanted for MC to be aware of what's happening, but it was Diavolo that decided it would be better to keep them in the dark for the time being [36-18, og]. He trusts MC's judgment and that they will help him make the correct decisions [14-16, NB; second pic below]
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Solomon tricked Asmodeus into a pact without his consent
Before I get into anything, let's summarize the base situation so everyone's on the same page. This is based on the things Asmo tells us [53-16, og], as well as the things Sol tells us [6-18, NB]:
Asmo was trying to flirt with someone but their friends kept on telling him to leave them alone since he's a demon -> Asmo's dejected by this and goes to a tavern in Solomon's hometown
Solomon notices and feels sorry for him; he offers to talk to him and they chat for a bit
Asmo lets it slip that he's Lucifer's younger brother
they get drunk and end up forming a pact -> Solomon says that he was only able to forge a pact with Asmo because his judgment was impaired at the time
Right of the bat--yes, the way Solomon got his pact with Asmo is not okay. I'm not putting that up for debate. He fully took advantage of Asmo here, and there's nothing that can excuse that. I also want to make it very clear that it is in no way my intention to relativize this in any way. The way he went about getting this pact is, to put it simply, fucked up and I do not wish to condone that in any way. With the following points I simply want to explain how I see things. Maybe it'll put things in a slightly different perspective for you, maybe it won't. Now, I hope I made that clear enough, so let's continue
The way I see it, Asmo seems to be pretty okay with the pact. From the way he acts around Solomon in the present day all the way to him describing his reaction to the pact as just a "did I really sign that" [53-16, og], nothing seems to suggest that he holds any ill feelings towards Solomon, and personally I don't see any reason to be angry for someone who himself seems to take no issue with a situation that is directly about him
If it were as upsetting to Asmodeus as some make it out to be, surely he would have found a way to get out of it? Asmo is one of the most powerful demons in the Devildom; if he truly wanted to break the pact he could have just killed Solomon and that's it. And if the pact itself somehow prevented him from doing so, I'm sure Lucifer would have more than gladly stepped in. Heck, I bet all of the brothers would have made it into a family thing in a heartbeat if Asmo wanted out but couldn't do anything himself. As Thirteen told MC, Solomon is immortal, not unkillable
But speaking of Lucifer, shouldn’t the same sentiment about forcing others into a pact be held toward him, too? Because he basically did the same thing with MC. This is what happens when you tell him you don’t want a pact with him [20-14, og; pic below]:
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Yes, this comes down to player choice and yes, you need to make the pact for story continuity, but it ultimately does not change the fact that in-universe he forces MC into a pact if they say no
Also speaking of forcing others into a pact--Mammon and MC, anyone? Yes, MC did it because Levi asked them to so he could get his money back. We know they had no ill intentions. But you never know what the future holds and Levi literally proposed to basically hand over part of Mammon's agency over himself for the money Mammon owns him, to someone Levi has met about 5 minutes prior, knows nothing about and who's only been in the Devildom for a couple of hours at that point, no less. Lucifer also mentions that demons literally cannot resist temptation [4-10, og; pic below], so there literally was no way Mammon could have just noped out of that pact. We all know how badly he wants his credit card back, after all
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To top it all of, we have MC's and Mammon's conversation in Nightbringer where Mammon explicitly says that he would only want to forge a pact with someone that is special to him [2-9, NB], and that he'd make sure to be their first pact [2-11, NB], yet he is forced into his pact with MC. A pact that ultimately turns out to be exactly what he wanted, but nonetheless he was stripped of the ability to say no when it was forged
And for the record, I'm not saying "oh, others did it too, so we shouldn't be so harsh on Solomon!!!" No! Forcing a demon into a pact isn't something that should be taken lightly. A pact literally means a demon hands a huge chunk of control of themself over to a human for as long as the pact exists. And on the other hand, for a human, making a pact with a demon usually means selling their soul. Neither party should EVER be forced into it. We of course don't know if MC actually sold their soul to Lucifer when they made their pact, but even if they didn't, Lucifer's "I won't belong to you. You will belong to me" speaks for itself
What I am trying to say here is that if you want to be mad at Solomon for forcing Asmo into a pact without Asmo's consent (which, again, is valid), you should also be mad at MC for forcing Mammon, and Lucifer for forcing MC into a pact
Anyway, back to Solomon now
Solomon actually admits that he used to treat demons like collectables--more or less, at least since he immediately follows the confession up with "just kidding" [14-14, NB]. Judging by what we've seen in the og game though, he seems to genuinely make an effort to better his relationship with the demons he has made a pact with, or at the very least with Asmo and Barbatos. I mean, the difference between Sol's relationship with Barbs in the og game vs in Nightbringer is night and day
In the present time, Asmo and Solomon are also super close. I literally cannot think of a single instance where they did not get along (though it might have happened like once or twice). You can literally pic any part in the og game to see their relationship play out, but some highlights include Solomon saying he got a huge oil painting of Asmodeus as his "permit" to summon Asmo across worlds [39-13, og] (which is not something you would allow someone you hate to do btw) and both of them mentioning that the two of them repeatedly hang out together in the human world [Proud Brothers, devilgram on Asmo's page, og], the hickey on Solomon's neck that's most likely Asmo's doing [Who Left the Hickey?, daily chat with Mammon, og]. Asmo (while drunk) is comfortable enough to tell Solomon that his cooking sucks and Solomon actually takes it to heart [47-16 hard mode, og]. Then there's Asmo's excitement at Solomon being in the Devildom for the first time [Proud Brothers, devilgram on Asmo's page, og; both of the pics below]
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There's also that infamous chat pic of them doing face masks together (that I unfortunately don't know which chat it belongs to, so if someone could tell me, I'd appreciate it <3)
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I don't know about you guys, but that's not typically an activity I do with someone I despise
So it's clear that current day Asmo holds no malice toward Solomon
Which, finally, leaves us with the way they forged their pact in Nightbringer
[mainly 7-12, NB & 7-15, NB]
@impish-ivy already went over it in this post, especially in the tags (I highly suggest checking out the reblogs as well btw), but to reiterate--Asmo was IN NO WAY forced into that pact. His brothers tried to talk him out of it, but at the end of the day Asmo willingly agreed to it. Yes, they were in a dangerous situation, and yes, Solomon used that as a basis to ask for the pact, but as ivy correctly points out in the tags, Lucifer could have easily handled the situation by himself, yet Asmo agreed regardless. By implying that Asmo was in any way, shape or form forced into that pact you're not only taking away a huge amount of his agency, but you also deny him his character moment and development that came with this scene. Asmo himself says that forging this pact will finally help him accept himself as a demon. Taking this moment from him is doing him a huge disservice
Aaaand that's pretty much all I have to say
If there's anything else you'd like to add, OR if there's anything you don't agree with, feel free to share! And once again, I'd like to remind everyone that civil and constructive discussions are more than welcomed on here!
Anyway, thank you all for reading, hope you have a great day! <3
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kmze · 7 months
HA! I had totally forgotten she had brown hair at the beginning! This is so weird and funny! To be honest,I always felt that flashback story was extremely unconvincing.I mean how come he held onto Katherine's picture for 145 years and went after Elena because of the resemblance but never even bothered to acknowledge Val even once!He met Lexi a year after,met Rebecca in the 1920s,met Caroline and told her about Lexi but somehow Val never popped up! Remember that 1864 Steferine scene where Stefan said something like I HAVE NEVER MET A WOMAN QUITE LIKE YOU. I touch you and my entire body ignites.I see you and I see an angel.I kiss you and I feel like I'm falling in love with you.Granted he didn't know that Katherine was a vampire at the time but he met her some 6 months after Val and completely forgot Val and then I'm supposed to believe 150 years later when Caroline asked him specifically about Val that's when he remembered and went all nostalgic?I remember Caroline even mentioned her name to Stefan when he went to rescue her in his house and he didn't even recognise her.A part of me wanted to believe maybe it was the memory of Val sleeping with him and leaving right after that caused him to turn Caroline down like that in the pilot episode (even though I'm pretty sure it wasn't.Stefan had made up his mind he was in love with Elena at the time.So he had the blinders on.Pilot Elena was the definition of Human Garbage btw), that Caro probably reminded him of Val but the writing never made that clear so yeah nevermind.
I loved 1864 human Stefan.He was a shy,hopeful,small town teenager.For some reason I couldn't connect with 1863 Stefan.I think my only takeaway from the whole thing was how clinically depressed he was six years after his mom's death that he would take his first sexual encounter to a cemetery which is exactly why,like you said,Lily's sudden death didn't make any sense because her entire narrative became about being a battered wife who died,dated a psycho vampire,died again.She was such a wasted potential.And the whole Julian revenge plot was probably the most dragged out dumb plot ever especially since they managed to kill him with a stupid chair under a cloaking spell which Val could have used anytime after 1863 and killed him instead of gladly travelling with him for 40 years.And I never understood why anyone was supposed to be scared of him when he was drinking away his manpain and racing cars.I mean Klaus,Katherine,Silas terrorised the entire town,went after Elena's friends,the heretics took Caroline and Elena's coffin but Julian was crying for Lily just like Damon and Alaric were crying for Elena and Jo.Stefan and Damon were in the stone for months.Wasn't that the perfect opportunity to do something terrible to the people they loved?I even remember Paul had said Julian would do something that would prove to be terrible even for TVD.What was it?
Dries sidelined Baroline too.Wasn't it her who wanted to cut the Baroline scene in the Halloween episode?It was my favourite scene of them.Baroline's lack of communication after Stefan got marked didn't make sense either.If Bonnie knew Stefan would die when Rayna did,she must have told her,right especially since they were exchanging baby pictures! Why wouldn't Caroline want to know where her boyfriend went instead go angry and refuse to read his letters?I mean I get her fury but so many things didn't add up.Also how come Caroline was okay with Bonnie taking pills while dating Enzo?Caroline would be the first person to object to all these! And then Dries was doing some BS interviews and everyone was losing their heads.I don't know how she even calls herself a writer!Such a disgrace!
Fandom and their motivated reasoning! Who cares? 7×21 was probably the only episode I actually enjoyed that season and I was so happy Stefan didn't respect Caroline's choice because when someone is going to hurt themselves in front of you,you don't stand there and watch.You do something about it.I HATED 3×22 and never understood why Stefan wouldn't save Elena especially since in s2 he told Elena that if he died it would still be okay since he had already lived whereas Elena had barely begun.Her death would be tragic not heroic.Caroline was 24-25 at the time(eternally 17).She had barely lived.Why would anyone in their right mind let her kill herself? It doesn't surprise me that the TVD fandom has a twisted idea of choices,freedom, and agency, since the show itself has presented twisted or nonexistent forms of all three for its entire run.Female agency was practically non-existent on this show, but a lack of agency had always been rampant, under the disguise of false agency.
I'm just finding it hilarious that discussing about s7 after so many years can feel so cathartic!I think as a fandom we had so much expectation going from s6 and then s7 crashed and burnt just like that!
Yeah I feel similar to the whole Valerie situation in how it felt like it was just trying to replicate the Katherine storyline but it really didn't work lol. Even in that podcast I watched Melinda was saying how Paul was groaning at playing a 16 year old in a flashback so that probably didn't help. I remember there was some overdramatic letter he sent to Damon that had me dying in the phoneix stone hell scenes that was like "the days grow darker but my heart grows darker still...." I think Neil wrote that too, he was the only one who really didn't GAF about SV or what Dries wanted. Yeah Stefan didn't think twice about Caroline in S1, he had already convinced himself he was in love with Elena before he met her. I don't think he really sees Caroline as anyone outside of Elena's friends until S2 and teaching her how to vampire. Yep I think Julie saved the Baroline scene and I also remember because I will forever be mad about this they cut a scene of Caroline and Stefan talking about everything with Valerie and the baby and Julian and Dries CUT IT! And Julie tried to do damage control on Twitter but that stung. I think Paul meant Julian killing the baby I don't think he realized what had aired so far, I also don't know why he'd say that when Damon killed a pregnant woman in 1994 and he covered it up.
Yeah I don't really get why Caroline wouldn't at least read one of the letters he sent or be more concerned for Bonnie. I love Caroline and most of the time I am on her side but with that I was like, IDK BB I think you're being a little harsh. I get she was mad and she had every right to be but she didn't even give him a chance to tell his side of the story knowing he was running from a huntress. I think Julie just did what she could to fix it (and this is why I think she was just doing damage control).
I don't hate the scene in 3x22 I am just shocked they actually did it! I mean he let the woman he loves, the person he was fighting to get back to that whole season die! To save Matt fucking Donovan! And I'm sorry but I cannot buy that he did it because he knew Elena would be so depressed if another one of her friends died because of her (RME) but I mean she'd still be alive. Stefan did that because he was so driven by his performance as "the good brother who lets Elena make her own choices" that he kept it up to the point that he let her die to respect her choice. That is just so insane. You can't even say it's because he respects that choice for the people he loves because when has he ever respected Damon's choice to die, it's literally the reason he's dead! I do think that moment was when he stops doing that though (he really struggles in S4 but I need my rewatch to really remember), and he never really does it with Caroline because he doesn't pretend with her like that. I mean Caroline definitely idolizes Stefan early on but the foundation of their bond as friends meant he didn't hide as much of the bad parts from her to take on that persona. I believe Caroline is the only person Stefan actually asked for help with his bloodlust, everyone else just tells him they're going to help him. Stefan also leans more into his meaness in the later seasons, like when he tried to kill Mary Louise so he could have sex with Caroline.
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yamigooops · 3 years
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pairing: shotō todoroki x gn!reader genre: fluffy smut bby words: 2.3k warnings: none, just a blowjob hehe
a/n: uuuuuh hi, here’s something that i had in my writing folder that i completely forgot about, so hopefully this will placate you until i start posting my kinktober stuff WHICH I’M SO EXCITED ABOUT BTW. please enjoy :)
The water seared your tired skin as you stepped into the shower. You’d haphazardly thrown your clothes to the ground, putting on some music to fill the silence to make you feel mildly less alone in your big high-rise apartment. Settling in the center of the spray, you stood there for a moment, eyes shut, and head thrown back as you let the water roll down your chest. You lifted your hand and trailed your fingers down the valley between your breasts, pretending that the heat from the water and the touch of your hand was that of your lover.
Just the thought of him had your heart fluttering. You had barely seen Shōto at all this week, almost exclusively seeing him first thing in the morning or as you were falling asleep. You couldn’t blame him though, being the number 3 hero was a time-consuming job, especially since he and Deku were in the middle of a large investigation. He wasn’t able to tell you much about it, but from what you could gather from both him and the news, it was something big and probably very dangerous. So, every night he came home had you saying a silent prayer that he was safe, at least until tomorrow came.
Usually, he tried to send a few texts every day, but today there weren’t any, and it had you a bit on edge. As you soaked your hair, you thought about what he’d said this morning. The room was illuminated with the first rays of morning sun, casting him in soft golden light that had his hair shining and his skin glowing.
“Today is going to be difficult,” he murmured, pulling you closer into his chest. “We’re moving in on the suspect, and I’m not totally sure how it will go. But I don’t want you to worry, alright? I’m going to be just fine.” He pressed his lips to your hair, and you felt your heart constrict in your chest. “I know you probably will anyway, though.”
“You know me so well, Shō,” you chuckled softly. You traced your fingertips across his chest, mind wandering as you imagined all the things that could go wrong on his mission. “Just promise me you’ll come home tonight. Even if I’m asleep, you have to wake me up and let me know you’re back.”
He was quiet for a moment, prompting you to look up at him. His face was calm, eyes meeting yours with a soft determination that you had seen on him many times before. “I will come back to you, Y/N. I swear it.”
He hadn’t returned yet, but it wasn’t unusual for him to come home late on a normal day, much less one with a big mission like this. You tried to keep your worries at bay, tried to remind yourself that he was one of the strongest heroes in all of Japan. He could handle himself, and he was going to come back home, where he belonged. But that worry was still there, all too real and clawing at your heart no matter how hard you tried to ignore it.
Picking up the shampoo you were about to squirt some into your palm when the shower door opened quietly behind you. Spinning around, you were met with Shōto’s familiar smile. Gasping, you threw your arms around his neck, earning a quiet grunt from the hero. His arms snaked around your waist, pulling your torso flush against his as you buried your face in his neck. You stayed there, simply breathing in each other’s presences as the water ran down your back from the ceiling.
“You’re alright,” you whispered, relief flooding your veins at the feeling of his skin against yours once again.
“A little battered and tired as hell, but yes, I’m alright little one.” His voice sounded slightly strained, like he’d done quite a bit of yelling today, and as he’d suggested he sounded exhausted. But his fingers were gentle against your skin as he pulled back slightly to look at you. “I hope you didn’t drive yourself crazy worrying about me like you always do?” His lips raised in a small smile as he quirked one eyebrow.
“Oh, you know I did. Who would I be if I didn’t?” You chuckled. You pressed your forehead to his, closing your eyes and saying a silent prayer of thanks that he was back in your arms. You gently kissed him, heart soaring now that it was out of the grip of fear and worry, at least for now. Pulling back after a moment, you surveyed the damage. He had a bandaged bicep and calf, as well as numerous bruises blossoming on his fair skin, but nothing appeared to be broken. Gesturing to the bandages, you gave him a questioning look.
“The villain got in a few lucky shots with some blades,” he said, looking down sheepishly. “Nothing too bad though. Just a few new scars to add to my collection.”
“A collection which I wouldn’t mind never adding to again,” you chided playfully, but knowing full well he grasped your meaning.
“As you wish, I’ll just tell the villains you said they aren’t allowed to hurt me ever again.” His voice was colored with a dry humor that was reserved almost exclusively for you, and you couldn’t keep the smile off your face.
“You do that, won’t you?” You pressed another chaste kiss to his lips before stepping back. “Now, let’s clean up yeah? I’m sure you’re exhausted and want to get to bed.” You lifted the shampoo bottle yet again, but he plucked it from your grasp, pouring some into his hand and gesturing for you to turn around. Rolling your eyes, you obliged, welcoming the feeling of his fingers as they worked the shampoo into your hair and gently massaged your scalp. When he finished and you’d rinsed the suds under the waterfall spray, you returned the favor, taking care to get out the grime that had gotten into his hair thanks to the battle. He had his eyes closed as you rinsed it out, the picture of relaxation and bliss.
“Time to scrub down that sweet little body,” he murmured, picking up a loofa and putting his body wash on it. He knew you liked using his instead of the one you’d gotten for yourself, which stood nearly untouched and was essentially a waste of a few good yen. After getting it sudsy, he started scrubbing your back in slow, careful motions moving down until he reached your ass, which he playfully squeezed as he placed a kiss to the back of your head before turning you around. He washed the rest of you before it was your turn to return the favor.
You got to work on his back, fingers gliding easily over the contours of his muscles as you admired his physique for the millionth time. You brought the loofa over his arms, careful to avoid the bandage on his left one but making sure to scrub away all the grime from the day before you turned him around. You brought it over his chest, the silence almost palpable between the two of you as music played softly in the background. As you finished cleaning off his stomach, you looked up to meet his gaze, which you found squarely on you. Despite having been together for almost two years now, that two-toned gaze never failed to make your insides squirm and your cheeks heat up.
That heat drove you to your knees as you brought the loofa down his uninjured leg, eyes holding his the whole way down. You saw his shoulders tense slightly as he gulped, catching the meaning behind your actions before you even acted. You finished washing his legs, taking care around his calf before tossing the loofa to the ground. You guided him to step back into the stream of water, helping wash away the suds running down his body, before you smiled wickedly and pushed him down onto the stone bench that ran the length of the wall.
“My Shōto, I’m so glad you’re home,” you murmured, pressing gentle kisses to the insides of his thighs. “I’m so sorry you got hurt, so I just want to make you feel better.”
“I know, little one.” His voice was low as he threaded his fingers into your hair, holding it out of your face as you placed one hand around his hardening length. “You always make me feel so good, even when I’m hurt.”
As your lips met the junction of his thigh and his member, you paused, looking up at him. “Thank you for keeping people safe, Shōto. You put yourself in harm’s way to save others. And I will forever be grateful for that,” you sighed, a smile spreading across your features as your hand slowly pumped him. “Even if it means I’m always worrying about you. I’ll gladly do that if it means you get to fulfil your life’s goal.”
“I never mean for you to worry, my love,” he sighed. His other hand cupped your chin gently, thumb running over your lips as he looked down on you with hooded eyes. “But knowing that I get to come home to you each night makes what I do so much easier.”
You ducked your head to kiss his palm before moving to press your lips to the now swollen head of his dick. A bead of precum had gathered there, and you swiped your tongue over it, eyes closing in bliss at the taste of him. Unable to wait any longer, you wrapped your lips around him, tongue swirling around his head for a few moments before you moved further down.
He grunted as you hollowed your cheeks, taking things slow but not too slow. You wanted to savor the moment, cherish the fact that he came home from his mission and was back in your arms safe and sound. You wanted to make this memorable, wanted him to think about it for the days to come as he went off to fight villains and keep unknowing citizens safe. So, you took your time, drawing out every moment as you swirled your tongue around his shaft, fingers tightening around the base as you sunk further down.
“So warm,” he moaned, fingers tightening in your hair. You looked up to find his eyes screwed shut, head lolled forward as he bathed in the pleasure of the moment. Steam curled around him as beads of water rolled down his chest. The shower was hot on your back, and you off-handedly wondered if he was cold before remembering his quirk and shrugging the thought off.
Moaning around him, you ran your free hand slowly up his stomach, running your nails over his skin and coming to a stop at one nipple. You circled it with your middle finger for a moment, teasing it as you bobbed up and down on his length. He sucked in a sharp breath as you took it between your fingers and pinched, rolling the bud between your fingers. He had such sensitive nipples, and you always tried to pay attention to them when you went down on him.
“Y-Y/N I-” he choked out, head leaning back against the shower wall as you pushed further down his cock, nose brushing his stomach as he hit the back of your throat. The hand that had been pumping him moved to cup his balls, fingers running over them softly. “Feels so good!” If you could have smiled, you would have. His chest was heaving harder now, a flush running from his cheeks down his neck.
You pulled off him for a moment to catch your breath, a line of thick saliva and precum connecting your bottom lip to his cock. “You’re doing so well Shō, almost there,” you encouraged in a hushed voice between gasps for air. He let out a whimper as you pumped him before you sank back onto him all the way to the hilt. Your eyes watered slightly, but Shōto was worth watery eyes. He was worth so much more than that, and you knew you had to show him.
So, you went hard. You gave him everything as he began to buck up into your waiting mouth. His hand pressed down, and you took all of him with each thrust. It was a bit overwhelming, and your jaw was beginning to ache, but it was worth it as soon as you looked up at him again.
“I’m c-close, Y/N! Almost there-” he groaned, brows knitting together as he grimaced. You gave his balls a squeeze at the same time as his nipple and he cried out. It was just enough to send him over the edge, and he spilled hot cum down your throat. It coated your tongue, and you savored the taste of him as you continued to bob up and down, letting him ride out his high. You continued until he moaned in overstimulation, and you pulled off him with a sly grin and a pop.
He peeled his eyes open, gaze hazy with lust and weariness as he moved his hand from your hair to your cheek. “God, I love you so much, Y/N.” His voice was hoarse, and you smiled at the sound of it.
“I had to give you some sort of reward for your hard work today,” you chuckled, pushing off your knees to kiss him. His tongue was hot in your mouth as you wound your fingers into his two-colored hair.
Breaking off, he looked at you with a glint in his eyes. “Well then I suppose I should thank you properly for that reward then, shouldn’t I?”
Despite how tired he was, you had a feeling tonight would be a long night…
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For the requests‚ what about a family trip to the beach with Purgatory Hall + the royals and MC? Like Simeon and Barbatos setting up a picnic table meanwhile MC and Luke play around in the sand searching for shiny or strange things to building a sand castle (everything also keeping Solomon and Diavolo far from the preparations for the picnic)‚ playing with water guns or swimming. And after eating maybe playing a match of volleyball sand, admiring the sunset till it's nigth time and before going back‚ playing with fireworks, do a little stargazing or something--
Feel free to ignore this and thanks in advance anyway~
FINALLY I've come to write something for this lovely request. It's packed with so many fun ideas that I kinda went overboard with it xD this means the story is so big I'll have to split it into two posts!
To Bisshitu: I wanted to thank you for your continuous support! I see you in my notifs a lot and I really appreciate it!! (ALSO I AM SO SORRY YOU'VE WAITED SO LONG I HOPE YOU WILL STILL ENJOY THIS CHAOS)
Literally just 13 idiots on a beach trip~
Part 1
MC was leaning against one of the walls in the giant entrance halls of the House of Lamentation. Standing next to them, Solomon handed MC an opened bag of spicy newt chips. "Want some?" He asked and MC gladly took a few while constantly watching the commotion that was going on in the rest of the hallway.
Who would've guessed that going on a vacation with the seven rulers of hell would involve the most panicked, loud and chaotic packing of bags to have ever existed?
Well, let's be real, MC did expect it, but maybe not to the degree that they were in amusement about now.
The oldest brother had called the others for a "luggage check" as he had been sceptical of his brothers' talents in packing reasonable items in an, likewise reasonable, amount of suitcases and bags.
And of course, the first one to show up had to present his luggage in the form of... nothing.
Yes, Beelzebub came up to Lucifer, only the remains of a sandwich in his hand (which didn't last longer than three more seconds), confused when Lucifer mustered him with an angered glance.
"Where's your luggage?" Lucifer asked, to which Beel only gave a shrug.
"We're going to the beach, right? Which means I'll only need my swimming trunks, and I wear those underneath my pants."
Now the confusion has wandered over to rest on Lucifer's face. "But... Won't you need clothes to change into, or at least pyjamas for the night?"
"Hm..." Beel scratched the back of his head while thinking about Lucifer's words. "Nah, I don't need those. I'm planning to stay at the beach all the time, so..." Then suddenly, he gasped as he remembered something. "Wait, I do have something else prepared to bring along!"
Beel reached into his pocket, and when he pulled out a hand-written list that unrolled itself, plonking onto the carpet and rolling all the way to Lucifer's feet, the avatar of Pride knew exactly what said list was going to be.
"There are a few food stands that I'd like to try out..." Beel announced, eyeing the paper. "First of all, there's one selling shaved ice, which I want to compare to the ice-cream from this other stand, but who's also selling parfaits of which I kind of want to try all twenty-five flavours... Also then there's of course-"
"Beel" Lucifer interrupted the avatar of Gluttony in a strict tone. "Go pack a proper bag."
Letting out a sigh, Lucifer watched as Beel left.
But little did he know, this had only been the beginning of the chaos...
Moments later, Lucifer has found himself explaining to Satan why taking 70 different books with him would be ridiculously much. Also Mammon had taken this opportunity to "lend" some of his brothers possessions, arguing that he "needed those for the beach". This had worked until his swift fingers touched Levi's limited edition Ruri-chan sunscreen.
So, as Lucifer was spam-calling Belphie to wake him up and finally have him start packing, a sudden argument could be heard from upstairs:
"... How dare you steal my precious Hana Ruri 'magical sun ray protective lotion for all blooming heroes of justice'?! This very sunscreen is an homage to the legendary beach episode where Azuki-tan got a sunburn and couldn't help Ruri-chan in the intense battle against the evil kelp-army that was threatening to overgrow the local reef-"
That was all Lucifer could understand as an awfully annoyed scream Mammon let out was drowning Levi's gibberish. Rubbing the bridge of his nose, Lucifer knew this vacation was going to be one intense experience...
An hour later, the group found itself where this little story had started off. The Purgatory Hall crew had already arrived long ago, enjoying the chaos together with MC -- who, btw, had been the only one to pass Lucifer's vibe luggage check right away.
Slowly it felt like most of the brothers were ready to go, only Asmodeus was left in the judgemental glare of the avatar of Pride.
But Lucifer noticed they already were way behind the time they were supposed to meet Diavolo at his castle. So, to Asmo's luck, he let off of trying to see what's inside the pretty boy's suitcase and announced the group's departure.
In enthusiasm shared by almost everyone, they let out a big cheer:
"Off to the beach we go!"
Some of the demons had whined about wanting to visit the human world beach. But as those idiot boys literally couldn't be trusted to act responsibly (which is okay, we love them regardless), Diavolo offered to stay at the beach resort he created in the Devildom.
Looking over the endless ocean, surrounded by the equally large beach and glistening in an artificial sun's light, MC was wondering just how powerful the demon prince must be to have created all this. But they were left only little time to be in awe over the location, as their friends demanded their attention shortly after having arrived.
Without going into much detail -- the day was packed with lots and lots of fun. MC was running around the beach, playing and goofing around with their friends, only to take a collective rest and then go do something silly again. Only a few other demons were to be found at the resort, but those were some acquaintances of Diavolo's family, and the group seemed to have scared them off of the beach after, like, an hour or so. Hence, the whole beach served as their playground for whatever activity they wanted to do, until in the afternoon, most of them were about to collapse from exhaustion and hunger.
"That's right, we didn't really have a proper meal since coming here" Asmo noticed as several tummy grumbles undermined his statement.
"We DID bring a picnic basket..." Satan mumbled. "But some genius had to let Beel carry it."
The culprit gave an immediate pout. "I had to hurry, 'kay?!" Mammon huffed. "MC was already at the beach and I--" he stopped. "... U-uh... I mean..."
Gaining a round of sighs and shaking heads, his brothers however decided to let Mammon's... mammon-ness slide for once. Mostly because, approaching from the distance, Barbatos and Solomon were getting closer, their hands full with bags that seemed to be stuffed with food.
"Y-yoU BroUGhT S-nAcKs?!" Beelzebub was already on his feet running towards them but Barbatos' stare was actually enough to make him stop.
"Not before the dishes are prepared, Beelzebub" Barbatos explained calmly, but with this very weird hidden tone in his voice that gave everyone chills despite the scorching summer heat.
"We figured everyone must be starving by now, so Barbatos suggested we'd make a little picnic party with everyone" Solomon cheered, presenting the bags in his hands.
"That sounds lovely" Simeon could be heard among the general noise of approval. "Let me help you prepare everything, Barbatos."
The demon butler beamed him a smile, thanking the angel for his help.
Then, Solomon spoke up again, and every bit of joy vanished from all their faces: "Thank you, Simeon! With the three of us working together the food will be ready in no time!"
Barbatos was putting all kinds of spices into a bowl to create a delicious sauce. Right next to him, Simeon prepared mouth-watering sandwiches.
And behind their back, there was this chopping sound. Chop reaching their chop ears in an chop never- chop ending thread, over and chop over again...
Swallowing his tension, Simeon was fighting a frown. "He's only cutting the fruits..." He whispered. "You shouldn't be able to mess up a fruit salad..."
"I know" Barbatos mumbled back. "However I cannot fight this unease that urges me to check if he's really-" He was interrupted by a very unsettling "oops" coming from that certain sorcerer at the cutting board.
In honestly quicker than the blink of an eye Simeon and Barbatos were at Solomon's side, frantically scanning the table for whatever Solomon must've messed up. When all they found were slices of fruit that, well, might have been chopped a bit wonky, they gave Solomon a confused stare.
"I cut off too much of this poor Hellberry's pull" Solomon explained. "Oh well, I'll just cut around the stem and add it to the fruit salad like this."
Both Barbatos and Simeon couldn't help but stare for a moment longer, their brains not really comprehending NOT finding an abomination in Solomon's cooking.
"Can I help you two with anything?" The sorcerer then asked.
"U-uhm, no..." Simeon mumbled. "It's all fine, we just..."
"We wanted to see if there's anything we can help you with" Barbatos jumped in to continue.
"Thanks, but I'm fine. Actually I'm almost finished, so maybe I can help one of you afterw-"
"Nononononono...!" Simeon almost whined. "I-its fine! We're actually almost finished ourselves, so..."
Solomon looked back, raising an eyebrow. "Doesn't look like it to me..."
Suddenly, another voice joined the group.
"I agree! You two are likely just being humble again" Diavolo had walked up to their working station a moment ago, but neither of them seemed to have noticed in their stress. The prince continued: "That's why I decided to lend you a hand as well. This is a vacation for all of us, so I should not burden my loyal butler with all the work."
"That's a commendable attitude for royalty like yourself" Solomon cheered. "Well then, I think Simeon and Barbatos could use a hand."
Diavolo was already squeezing his quite broad body into the tiny cooking space, this certain over-excited sparkle in his eyes as he mustered the food.
Barbatos and Simeon on the other hand were exchanging glances, so immensely stressed that their thoughts were almost audible:
'Barbatos I don't think I can handle any more of this stress' Simeon stared.
'We shouldn't have let Solomon help in the first place, our kindness was foolish' Barbatos stared back.
'What do we do now Barbatos this is the only food we have left, they cannot ruin it'
Thankfully, the perfect butler was not planning to let their "help" threaten the food for any longer. "Young master, I highly appreciate that you thought of my well-being. Which is why I indeed have a request for you and Solomon."
Simeon almost barged in on a frightened impulse, but Barbatos continued before anyone could raise their voice. "There is dessert stored in our hotel's main storage. Would you be so kind and bring enough for our whole group?"
A little surprised, Diavolo agreed. He waited for Solomon to finish cutting the fruits, then they went off to the hotel.
Finally able to catch a breath, Simeon shot Barbatos a last glance. "That was easier than expected. Why didn't we let Solomon bring the desserts earlier?"
Back to mixing spices, Barbatos didn't look up at the question. "What desserts?" He simply asked.
"... Uhm..." Simeon was quite startled. "Are there... Are there no desserts in the storage room...?"
"Oh, I sure hope there are" Barbatos said. "Otherwise I will have some explaining to do..."
(To be continued...)
Find my summer event Masterlist and Rules for the requests here <3
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jisungsplatforms · 4 years
[Chapter II: The Red Beanie Cutie]
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Pairing: Producer/Music Major! Han Jisung x Photographer! fem! reader
Genre: NSFW! Smut; non idol au, college au, strangers to lovers
Warnings: Mature Content! strong language, sexting, masterbation (m&f) + kinda guided masterbation (f), nudes/unsolicited pictures of *certain areas*
Chapter word count: 1.5k (relatively short chapter)
Taglist: @hyunjeongins @seungstarss @es-kay-zee @hyunjinsplaything @formidxble @freckledquokka (want to be added? send an ask or a dm! <3)
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Min’s ho3: uh- hi? 👋🏻
this is minho’s “fine ass friend with the red beanie” 👁👁
shitshitshitshit SHIT.
Your mind was jumbled and your palms were sweaty. How the hell did I even get his number? You backtrack to an hour ago, back at the party….To when Minho asked for your phone.
You bit your lip, trying to think logically. No no no. It’s probably not the red beanie cutie, Y/n. It’s probably just Minho being an ass again and pretending to be his friend. That’s it! At least...That’s what you hope.
Min’s ho3: uhh hello? you still there?
im hoping that this is the cutie who was babysitting hyunjin earlier lol
Your blood ran cold. You really didn’t want to believe it. No way was it really the red beanie cutie.
Me: If this REALLY is the cute boy with the red hat...send me a picture.
You sighed. This should prove something. Your phone ‘pinged’ a second later.
Min’s ho3: damn straight to the point, are you? youre a lot more bold than i thought
You shivered, turning red. As much as you wanted to fuck him, you didn’t want to look desperate.
Me: I meant an INNOCENT picture. Of your face, I mean.
Min’s ho3: uh- duh! that’s what i meant???
what did YOU think??
Your face burned at the thought of misinterpreting his “innocent” message.
Me: Just thought I had to clarify for you! Nasty
Min’s ho3: whatever you say, babe 😙🤪
You gave him a minute for him to respond, putting down your phone to give yourself a breather. You sincerely hope that this was Minho cause that option is MUCH better than accidentally texting the person you’re thirsting over. After about 30 seconds, your phone pinged twice. One from Min’s hoe...and one from Minho ho ho. Oh dear lord.
You decided to read Minho’s messages first. Tapping on his notification, the phone directed you to your chat, revealing the conversation you two had during the party.
Minho ho ho 😼: You’re welcome 😉
You were seriously panicking at this point. Your fingers tapped onto the keyboard like a madman. You didn’t know if you wanted to hug Minho or murder that bitch.
Me: shutupshutupshutup You did NOT
Minho ho ho 😼: Oh but I did, my dear best friend haha gross
Better play your cards correctly, sweetie. Just keep in mind...he asked for your number!
His name is Jisung btw! Be nice to him! He’s a shy, sensitive boy. I’ll kill you if you make him sad!
You ignored Minho’s last sentence and nearly squealed at the information, trying to play it cool. You giddily switched to Jisung’s tab. Huge mistake. You should’ve prepared yourself, at least a little. You knew he was hot but the picture he sent you? Oh boy. His hair, which you now know is blond under that beanie, was tousled, falling perfectly on his gorgeous face. In the picture, he was now wearing a grey hoodie and posed like a model, the expression had was absolutely fierce. Oh yeah, he knows he’s hot shit.
Min’s ho3: *image*
it’s a little messy. srry i tried making it a little nicer for you, you know. since you’re a photography major and all that.
Me: No, It’s fine!! I think you look hot! 👍
You wanted to slap yourself. Oh Lord, please end me. Your phone lit up with another text.
Min’s ho3: oh really? 😏
well i think you’re hot too, y/n 😉😚
Me: Wait how’d you know my name? And my major?
Minho’s ho3: uhhh you are minho’s friend right??? cause that’s what he told ME and i’m really hoping he didn’t give me the wrong number…
cause honestly. it is something he would legit do alkskdjks
Me: Rest assured. This really is Y/n the photography major
Min’s ho3: well y/n the photography major
i’m jisung and i think youre hot too
and not to be nsfw or anything but i’d like to fuck you too 😉😉
ohmygoshohmygosh. This is really happening. Taking the little bit of confidence you had, you texted him something you thought was bold.
Me: Oh really now? Think you can fuck me good, pretty boy?
Min’s ho3: oh baby i know i’ll have you seeing stars
fuck you so good you won’t be able to think about anything but me and me only
You had to put down your phone to take another breather. Now, not only were your palms wet but so was between your legs. You’ve never texted with anybody like this but there’s a first time for everything, right? Your dominant hand slid down to your pajamas to tease your clit over the cotton material. Shy, my ass…
Min’s ho3: wait wait wait. before we do anything, just let me confirm something
you are single, right? youre not dating hyunjin or anything??
You stopped your movements on your clit. Am I seeing this right? You reread the message a few more times before bursting out in laughter.
Hyunjin’s my best friend. Been friends since we were 5. Dating Hyunjin would be like dating your brother ew
Min’s ho3: LOL OKAY OKAY. just making sure
infidelity is NOT my thing
You were heart warmed. He made sure you weren’t with anyone before getting nasty. Which shouldn’t make you so touched, it should be a basic common courtesy, but nonetheless, it still made you happy knowing he’s a respectable person.
Min’s ho3: okay now that i know i can have you
do you still want to continue?
Me: Yes daddy ;)
Min’s ho3: oh fuck okay
since you left so early, we didn’t get to talk, beautiful
we could’ve been fucking right now instead of texting
Me: Well...we could do both
Your hand went back to your clit, this time reaching inside your bottoms.
Me: You make me so horny baby
I want you
Min’s ho3: already touching yourself babe? how naughty
I barely even said anything but here you are. playing with yourself like some desperate whore
You whimpered, putting more pressure on your clit. You were never that into degrading but with Jisung? You’d gladly take it any day.
Me: Please tell me what to do sir
Min’s ho3: finger yourself. only one finger tho
You removed your pajamas and panties and flung them to the floor. You rubbed your thigh with one hand and slowly moved it to your sopping core. Gathering your wetness, you fondled yourself before inserting your middle finger inside you. “Hmm...fuck,” you moaned. With your other hand, you checked Jisung’s text when you saw your phone light up.
Min’s ho3: are you doing it baby?
Me: Yes sir
Min’s ho3: really? good. keep playing with yourself
i’ll tell you when i want you to stop
You sighed, pumping your finger. You wanted to enjoy it but it wasn’t enough. You definitely needed something more than just one mere finger. You contemplated whether or not you should disobey Jisung and grab your dildo from between your mattress. But you also wanted to see how much he could make you cum with just his words.
Min’s ho3: one finger babe?
You moved your phone and angled it to show your pussy. You wanted to moan seeing your finger deep inside you. Snapping a pic and sending it to Jisung, you threw your phone beside you and started pumping your middle finger faster, circling your clit with your thumb. Immediately, your phone lit up again.
Min’s ho3: fuck baby you’ll be the death of me
you know what? add two more fingers for me, beautiful. you deserve it
You cried, slipping your pointer and ring finger into your core. Now you definitely feel a lot fuller. You pumped your fingers in and out, breathing heavily. You felt so dirty, taking orders like this from a man you barely even knew. There was something so erotic about the whole thing that it drew you closer to your orgasm.
Jisung, on the other hand, was going insane as well; who wouldn’t be when he’s sexting with the most attractive person he’s ever seen? His right hand pumped his cock like a maniac. He was sweating, biting his thin lips so that no noise can come out, potentially waking up his hyungs. He knew he would die of embarrassment if they caught him masterbating to someone he just met today-or just masterbating in general-but it was getting harder to control himself. Especially with that little surprise photo? Shit- he thought he was in heaven, feeling like he would cum in that moment. The sound of a notification from his phone made his grab it from his desk.
Y/n the cute photographer: Closr! I’m so fuckinf ckose
Wsnna cum si bad
Me: yeah? then cum fir me y/n
With Jisung’s permission, you let your release taint your once clean bed. You shook as you orgasmed, moaning so loud you were glad your roommate was out of town. Once you finished, you slowly pulled your fingers out, wincing when the emptiness kicked in. You laid like a dead fish, trying to catch your breath. Your orgasm was so intense that you almost immediately fell asleep. Almost. A notification from Jisung shook you out of your trance.
(3) new message(s) from Min’s ho3
Min’s ho3: *image*
look how much you drive me mad, baby
hm you’re probably tired now after hopefully cumming so much so i’ll leave you...goodnight, y/n! hope you sleep well tonight cutie 😚
You sighed in frustration. How dare he switch from daddy to baby so fast. How are you supposed to sleep when he sent you a clear, mouthwatering image of his dick and abs covered in his cum?
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codename-adler · 4 years
Dear Tumblr toxicity,
Hi. Adler here. We need to talk.
- TW: mental health issues, depression, bipolar disorder, self-harm, homophobia, transphobia, coming out, xenophobia, islamophobia, racism, implied sexual content, rape, non-con, addictions, abuse, parental negligence, depictions of violence, swearing (please message me kindly if I forget anything)
- What prompted this message: The release of Skam France S7 teaser (emphasis on teaser, will get into that below)
- Where I’m coming from: I will talk from the pov of a white, cis and queer 22-years-old woman (she/her); this is the pov that affects my experiences and the opinions I will share below; but my message comes from a place of deep hurt, and love
- What this is about: My goal is to share a recurring experience that has hurt me in order to spread a message of awareness, maturity, peace and love
- Central content: Skam France, Skam Wtfock, and Skam/remakes in general
From now on I will assume people have enough information for me to talk about the topics without explaining every plotline/character. There are plenty of wiki pages to help you out and I will gladly answer any (respectful) questions asked if a plothole bothers your comprehension of my message. I’m only making these assumptions in order to alleviate the text.
January 9th, 2021.
The francetv slash YouTube channel releases an unexpected teaser video for an equally unexpected seventh season Skam France. The video features Tiffany, a white, cis female teenager, going into labour from denial pregnancy just after winning what appears to be a gymnastics championship. Overall, the video and its release are very dramatic.
The character of Tiffany, also called Tiff, was previously seen on season 6 of Skam France as a bully who persecuted the main character, Lola, both at school and on social media. Outside of this characterization, nothing is known about her. It is majorly accepted that Tiff is not a liked character; she rather poses as one of the antagonists of Lola’s arc.
Now you know the details of what happened, in the most objectively possible way. 
Now I’ll speak for myself.
Before I went digging around for people’s reaction, here is what I initially thought of this video.
1) Shock: I thought Skam France was over, so... Big, big shock.
2) Excitement: I hold this web series very close to my heart. It has gotten me through depressive episodes, anxiety attacks, coming out to my best friend. To see this new development? It couldn’t bring me more joy.
3) Curiosity: I recognized Tiff immediately. I was intrigued as to what would happen to her to set off a new season in true Skam Fr fashion. As soon as she started gripping her stomach, I knew she was pregnant and wasn’t aware of it. Big, big surprise here again.
4) Numbness/Overthinking: As I stared at my screen, motionless, my mind went off. What did it mean? How did she not know? Who is the father? Do we know him? Will the baby survive? Where are the other characters? Will Lamifex be present? What? How? When? Why? Who?
5) Disappointment: No, I did not like Tiff one bit in S6. Yes, I sincerely wished for a season on either Jo (ambiguous and funny teenage girl, cis + white), Sekou (seemingly neurodivergent teenage boy, cis + black), and my favorite, Max (mysterious and grave teenage boy, trans + white) So why Tiff? It felt to me like a missed opportunity, but I did not lose hope.
So, these were the five stages of my emotional process. And then I made the terrible mistake to go look for the fans’ reaction. I didn’t even look at the YT comments, I didn’t go on Instagram, I went directly here on Tumblr. Why? I’m still asking myself that. From S1 to S6 of Skam Fr, I kept my love for the show to myself and only looked at ig and video edits. I tried once, and only once, to look it up on Tumblr, and was greeted by fervent agressivity, disrespect and hate. Why did I ever forget that after watching the S7 teaser? I still don’t know.
The reactions on this platform were wild. People are furious (I get that). People are disappointed (I get that). People are anxious (I get that). People are also verbally agressive, insensitive, hateful, disrespectful and bullies. I don’t get that.
Comments along the lines of “What she gonna do with a fucking baby?”, “Are we gonna watch the baby do nothing all fucking season?”, “Wowwww, teenage pregnancy, so new and relatable!” (note the sarcasm made in the comment here), “Who gives a shit about Tiff?”, etc. 
And then all the mistakes Skam Fr ever made flooded back onto the feed. The wlw misrepresentation, the whitewashing, the overdramatization, the dubious sex scenes between minors, all of it.
Let’s take a break here. Do I condone these mistakes? Nope. Am I a white-bully apologist? Nope. Did I forget every horrible action Tiff has made in the past? Nope. She manipulated a whole school against Lola, she profited from Lola’s mother’s death, she bullied her, harrassed her, pushed her deeper into mental distress. Tiff was a despicable character that I never once liked. The way she was played by the actress made it clear that Tiff was not intended to be a good guy. If I could replace her as the main of S7, I would, in a heartbeat. I’d choose, as I said, Jo, Sekou or Max.
Skam France deeply lacks diversity and made mistakes when attempting to diverse the issues represented. This is not an opinion, it’s a fact. 
Poc representation is very, very low. Only one season has a woc of Islam beliefs as mc (Imane, S4) with poc entourage/family. Only 2 other characters not related to Imane were poc (Sekou and Sarah, S1-S2). These 2 characters were very in the background and served to further the mc’s plotline, they had no real content. (I am not a poc, and so my opinion does not matter here. If you are not poc, your “opinions” don’t matter here, this point is not for you to debate. These are facts.)
While I do not particularly find the wlw representation bad, I do understand how it hurts/bothers other queer women. From my perspective, the bar was very low regarding my expectations of the Lola/Maya pair (none of them died *yay* they had a happy ending *yay* they were not typically overfeminized or overmasculinized *yay* Lola  and Maya were respectful of each other, understood each other, accepted each other with all their flaws and their beauty *yay* I truly believed in their love and it gave me confidence and hope *yay* I ould really go on but this is not my main point so I’ll stop here) Regardless of my opinion on Mayla, I understand that to some queer women, it was bothering/hurtful. (If you are anything other than a woman / wlw, this point is not for you to debate. Keep your “opinions” to yourself, it does not matter here. These are facts.)
Like every remake of the original Skam where the S4 was given to Sana/Imane, the Muslim community was not represented at its best, at its most beautiful and respectfully. The character of Imane, although she is my favorite girl of the series, was not portrayed in a way that respected the majority of the Muslim community. (If you are anything other than Muslim, this point is not for you to debate. Our opinions do not matter here. These are facts.)
And so the same goes for the portrayal of sexual assault and child pronography in S2, of mental illness and homophobia in S3, of disabilities in S5, of addiction, transphobia, self-harm and neurodivergence in S6. Again, if you are not part of these communities, your opinions do not matter on these issues. These are facts that are not up for debate.
In other words, Skam France, as well as the original Skam, Skam Wtfock, Skam España, and probably all the others I haven’t watched in their entirety, are NOT perfect shows. They (maybe) tried their best to portray issues of the younger generations that are ugly, shameful, taboo, hard-to-swallow-pills. Of course they made mistakes. Of course they have to be held accountable. Of course they can and should do better. Of course it must be spoken about.
Here is my problem.
The so-called “fans” shamelessly SHITTING on the WHOLE show because of ONE TEASER TRAILER. (btw, this is where I get angry)
I am not talking about the fans making fun of the show and this season’s premise like “Better MCs than Tiff for S7: a romance between the car that almost hit Lucas S3 and the car that hit Arthur S5, or the school’s nurse, or Imane’s dad, or Elu’s rabbit” (that shit’s funny and I’d watch all of these).Or the joke about Wtfock and Skam Fr shaking hands while signing the same contract to disappoint the fans with white MCs (it’s funny cuz it’s trueeeee).
I am not talking about the fans criticizing the producers’ choice of Tiff as MC. There is a difference between shitting on issues and adressing/discussing them. I WANT to talk about how this season’s issue would have been so much better if a woc, specifically a black woman, had been the MC, because black women and doctors are a whole different level of issue than white women and doctors. Add on top of that an unplanned teenage pregnancy? It would have been IMMACULATE. I WANT to talk which wlw couple was better represented, Mayla or Croana/Crisana, and why is that. I WANT to talk about disabilities in black and poc communities. I WANT to talk about headcanons, AUs, to rectify the missed marks. I WANT to talk about our takes on seasons about Max, Sekou and Jo, instead of Tiff’s.
Just because the protagonist is white, doesn’t give you ANY right to dismiss the issue that is unplanned teenage pregnancy. This is a problem that affects countries WORLDWIDE. Do you know how many deaths are related to minors giving birth? Do you know how many babies die at birth from these pregnancies? Do you have any idea the trauma it puts you through, to go into labor without even knowing you were pregnant in the first place, and then giving birth, and then having to care for a defensless human being? The dilemma of keeping it, or giving it away? The fear that lives in every person able to give birth, that one day they’ll become pregnant, because society turns sych a shameful look to that? No matter your ethnicity, your gender identity, your sexuality, your political stance or whatever shit you bring up to justify your disgraceful and downright degrading comments, YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO SAY THAT A MINOR GIVING BIRTH IS NOT AN ISSUE. 
You think the topic has been covered plenty before? Yeah, because shows like “16 and pregnant” and “I Didn’t Know I Was Pregnant!” are such good examples and show the reality with such an objective point of view! 
Bullshit. Teenage pregnancy is still a taboo, it still kills, and people are still morons about it. 
“Well I guess everybody is secretly pregnant now!” No, Jessica, but you wouldn’t know about it, would you? Because I wouldn’t tell you shit if you were my “friend” and I was going through it. The whole message of all the Skams is not that it presents super relatable issues of teenagers, although it is a big topic of the show. They present some issues that affect the youth in an authentic light, but that’s not it.
Tous les gens que tu rencontres mènent un combat dont tu ignores tout. 
Sois indulgente. Toujours. x x x
Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about.
Be kind. Always. x x x
And you all missed it.
All of you making dead baby jokes and death threats, degrading people who give birth, shaming teenagers for their pregnancies... Listen to yourselves.
“Well she deserves it, she was such a bitch!” No, Michael, you shit stick. Let’s rewind a bit for you, yeah? It was a GOD DAMN TEASER. We literally know nothing! Nothing at all! Why are y’all getting mad when we saw 3:25 minutes representing a whole ass season! Listen to yourselves. Y’all judge so fast for people pretending to love Skam and its authenticity and its motto.
You say Tiff is irredeemable?
Emma cheated on her boyfriend.
Manon lied and manipulated her friends.
Lucas was homophobic and prejudiced agaisnt mentally ill people.
Imane was homophobic too and went behind her friends’ back to get what she wanted.
Arthur cheated on his girlfriend too.
Lola dragged Elliot down with her in her addiction, lied, was verbally abusive, etc.
Any guess why?
Yet we still loved them all. 
So don’t you dare tell me that Tiff deserves this, that her baby deserves to die, that teenage motherhood is irrelevant. Motherhood is not a curse in the first place, nor is it something to wish to inflict upon anyone. Motherhood is different for every single person and nobody except the person living with it can have an opinion on that. We don’t even know if the baby survived, for God’s sake!
There is no excuse for this kind of behavior..
It makes me so angry. Women are discriminated against in a fandom I thought was safe, again and again and again. 
I have to stop here because, well, this is just too much. There is much wrong with Skam (the original AND all the remakes), but there is even more wrong with the fans. I’m done.
You don’t support the show anymore? Fine, then don’t watch it! If I really am wrong, the number of viewers will go down and the show will die, just like you wished. There is no need to be vicious about it. 
I hope y’all are proud of your misogyny. 
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hiccstrxd · 3 years
Kisses from the moon
Hello! I wanted to write shameless fluff with lots of kisses and this is exactly what it is. I’d like to believe that for a first timer in the kissing department, I did it okay lmao
It's rated t btw. You can find it in ao3 as well. Enjoy!
Summary: She didn’t know how it happened, the only thing she recalls is that they had meant to depart with one chaste kiss on the lips and somehow it had quickly escalated to unknown territory, though for sure not quite an unpleasant one.
It hasn’t been that long since the battle of the Storm Spire and relationships among the neighboring kingdoms couldn’t be any more restrained — the shifting alliances have been slightly worrisome but the newly pledge between the Dragon Queen and the young King of Katolis compensate all the arising uncertainties, if just a little.
Rayla doesn’t know that much about politics but she supposes that last bit gave enough solace to the kingdom. A bright occurrence amidst the cataclysmic disputes and deadly wars.
And since this was now her home away from home, she was very well informed — rather unwillingly — in its state of affairs.
Both Callum and Ezran (and Bait too, apparently) had firmly made her know that if she was one hundred percent sure and at ease with the idea overall, she was more than welcome to stay in Katolis, no matter if it was merely a temporary arrangement. It took quite a lot of arguments and counterarguments from both parties and even further persuasion from the two brothers (and frog) for her to concede to the proposition with an underlying hesitation.
She was fairly certain that her residency in the kingdom — and in the castle no less — will not be as gladly received. She’ll have to withstand many scornful looks and insensitive judgments left and right, her presence won’t do any good there. Plus, she would feel so out of place and a little bit too conscience-stricken for her liking. But then again she didn’t have anywhere else to go, nowhere to call home.
It was all very confusing and frustrating, rightfully so.
Later that night, with the moonlight casting shadows over the two lovers that were basking in the company of one another and with no impending death hanging in the air, a five-fingered hand was tenderly holding her four-fingered one, a warm smile on each of their faces. Lazy strokes were traced on her wrist, going up to her palm and finally detouring to each of her fingers, making careless doodles with the tip of his forefinger. She let out a sigh of contempt.
A murmured ‘I love you’ was softly said to the wind followed by an imaginary heart being drawn on her palm.
She looked over at him. His eyes had softened a great deal and he now sported the gentlest of grins, he redrew the heart for emphasis. Rayla intertwined their fingers together and gave his hand an affectionate squeeze.
She’ll never get tired of hearing it.
“I love you, too.”
And maybe that was the little push that she needed to make up her mind.
That’s how she got here. In Katolis, she meant. Definitely not with her back pressed slightly against the wall and a pair of gentle hands that held onto her with urgency, if just a little shyly.
She didn’t know how it happened, the only thing she recalls is that they had meant to depart with one chaste kiss on the lips and somehow it had quickly escalated to unknown territory, though for sure not quite an unpleasant one.
They were both expected somewhere else, the kiss was just a farewell gesture, something to get them through the day until they could be close with each other again — which was most likely to be late at night or early morning for how tight their schedule was today.
Rayla needs to break it off. They need to get going. She doesn’t.
She felt his hands that were once placed safely on her waist, slowly trail down to rest on her hips with a lose grip. Hers started their journey upwards, tracing his neck with feather-light touches to finally cup each side of his jaw. Their lips moved against one another at a deliberately slow pace, their noses brushing every so often with each gentle pull.
They have kissed before, of course, but nothing like this.
A loving peck on the lips, a quick kiss on the forehead, even a small brush of lips against each knuckle. They had definitely had some kisses that had lasted more than they should have but even those seemed to be cut short. No, this is new.
The gap between them came to be nonexistent, their breaths mingling together in their shared space. She felt warmth blossom in her chest as he pulled her even closer, his thumb slowly drawing small circles on her hip and when she felt him smile against her lips she couldn’t help but let a small smile out too.
Kissing him has always felt quite exhilarating, a rush of feeling that made her heart soar and her mind numb. A tingling sensation that extended from the tip of her fingers up to her very lips, a warmth that consumed her and spread like a wildfire within. Rayla has never kissed anyone before — she hadn’t felt the need to, having little interest in that sort of matter before— but she had seen Runaan and Ethari display little shows of affections every so often, and as a kid, her inherent curiosity had led her to wonder how loving someone felt like.
Ethari had said that it was like holding your whole heart in between your hands, so delicate and precious that the rest of the world blurs and fades away having no point of comparison with its beauty. Runaan, ever the pragmatic, said that it was a matter of sentiment — you feel everything more intensely.
She reckons that both are quite true, to some extent. Though, she might add her own contribution to the mix: it felt like a typhoon of emotions all at once; you feel weak yet strong, confused yet never more certain in your life, vulnerable yet empowered. It’s warm-hearted, a tender gesture. But then again, it’s something that she cannot fully put into words because the concept is so abstract and the action is so blissful that no notion will ever do justice to what she feels.
Soft kisses soon became frenzied presses of lips and their hands seemed to have a mind of their own, moving on their own accord and trying to frantically touch every patch of skin, clinging to the fabric of clothes in an attempt to be closer. His breath faintly tickled the skin beneath her nose, their heartbeats rhythmically pounding against their chests, and the almost inaudible sighs of delight, whenever their lips brushed against each other, was all she could hear in the secluded corner of the castle. Her senses were overflowed with his presence.
She couldn’t help the soft gasp she let out when he gently bit her bottom lip and pulled it in between his own. It was definitely something they haven’t done before and the action's intimacy promptly took her off guard.
And then he was frantically pulling away, eyes wide with horror and with eyebrows that seemed to reach his hairline, his lips the tiniest bit swollen from their whole encounter. His hands were still on her hips but if he was desperately trying to bring her forward before, he was now doing his best to hold her at arm’s length.
He was quite a sight and she would find it in herself to poke fun at his ridiculous countenance if she didn’t think he was on the verge of a mental collapse.
“I-I’m so sorry, that was not— and I just— I got carried away... Not that that excuses it! I — oh Gods,” Callum stumbled over his words, hand clasped over his eyes, and shifting uneasily on both feet. Rayla had trouble deciphering the inarticulate unfinished sentences that were being stuttered past his mouth but his body language could clue her in.
She raised a single eyebrow whilst fighting an amusing smile from breaking out.
With tentative fingers, she reached forward to lace their fingers together with the hand that was covering his face, his momentary flinch didn’t go unnoticed as she did so.
“Hey,” she softly said with a small smile on her face because leave it to him to straight-up freak out during one of the most intoxicating kisses they have shared so far in their relatively new courtship. She gently rubbed her thumb on the side of his hand as a silent way to reassure him that it was all good. He visibly relaxed a tiny bit, though still showing a little apprehension for his actions done in the spur of the moment. “I liked it.” She shrugged, not quite meeting his eyes and she wanted to smack herself for the uncharacteristic demeanor.
She felt a coy smirk tug at the corners of her mouth, “I really liked it.” Rayla relished the way his face went from rueful to downright embarrassed, a deep flush spreading all over his cheeks and up to the tips of his ears. She couldn’t stop the heartening laugh this time.
“O-oh?” She heard him mumble. He rubbed the back of his neck with the hand that was not holding hers, and she playfully rolled her eyes at her dorky human prince’s antics.
“In fact, I wouldn’t mind tryin’ it out again.” She said while mindlessly arranging the scarf on his neck that has become rumpled by her own doing. She looked at him solemnly, this being a little unfamiliar to both of them and the uncertainty of how to approach was slowly killing her. With a clear of his throat and his forest green eyes thoroughly searching hers to silently confirm what she had put into words, he shifted forward.
“Well, in that case,” He brought one hand to pull her closer while he raised the other one to caress her cheek lovingly. His eyes stared earnestly at her as if he could find all the wonders in the world by solely looking at her. It was wistful thinking, but she’d rather not dwell into that right now. Not when the only thing that matters was the blitheness from her heart and the prince that was the cause of it all.
He drew her toward him as the space between them once again diminished and with half-closed eyes, slightly pursed lips, and with the erratic thumps of the heart filling the air, they slowly leaned in again.
He nudged his nose against hers and placed a small kiss in the corner of her lips. Callum smiled, he went to do the same on the other side but she’d have none of it. She looped her forearms loosely at the back of his neck and lunged forward — she took delight in the muffled hum of surprise.
Their lips glided lazily but surely against each other, and this time — with the self-consciousness fading away and the overwhelming feelings of adoration rising in its place — the kiss quickly took a passionate turn. Fervent lips searched hers and she returned the gesture in equal measure.
When they came to this corner almost hidden from any prying eyes to share a light kiss, one which swiftly became so much more, Rayla had been concerned they would get caught. They never seemed to get any privacy in the heavily guarded walls of the castle and sneaking around resulted in their last resort, something that both thrilled her and troubled her; there was always a crown guard just around the corner, a handmaid that not so subtly eyed them from afar, or worse, the High Cleric that without fail appeared around inopportune instances.
The number of times she had wished the earth to open up and swallow her whole were unimaginable.
But now, as she now pulled his bottom lip in between her own, that thought was dismayed and stored in the back of her mind because kissing Callum made all of those seem as insignificant worries as every kiss felt like the very first one — she was sure there wasn’t a greater feeling than being in his arms. She could stay here forever.
That was until a nervous cough could be heard behind them, a few paces away from the darkened corner. They jumped apart.
“Prince Callum,” Corvus gave a slight bow, eyes not quite looking directly at the couple, “your presence is required in the throne room.” He cleared his throat, posture uptight as always but shifting from one leg to another rather uneasily.
Oh, sweet primals.
Rayla could already feel the burning sensation on her face and ears and quickly disentangled herself from his embrace in an attempt to put some proper distance between them. He was not expecting her briskly move and promptly stumbled over his own two feet, arms flailing to catch his balance before he fell somewhat unceremoniously on the ground below.
“Corvus, hi! Yeah, I was just on my way. I was just telling Rayla about the... uh,” He trailed off, unsure of what to say that would be credible enough to somehow cover up their real deed. Rayla was sure she was just about to die from embarrassment.
Corvus placed both his arms behind himself and with a deadpan expression affirmed, “I assure you, your highness, I do not need an explanation. It is all good. Nevertheless, let’s not keep the High Council and the King waiting, shall we?” Rayla could have guaranteed the corners of his mouth lifted in the slightest — almost imperceptible — in what she could only assume was amusement. “And Rayla, Soren is waiting in the courtyard for your daily training session.”
With that last bit, she nodded in acknowledgment and went straight to where she was initially supposed to be nearly fifteen minutes ago. And she almost gave Soren the triumph of his life since the only thing on her mind was how much she had enjoyed their little rendezvous and the excitement of its reprise was as annoying as it was enthralling.
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ambersky0319 · 4 years
Oooh!! Ooooh! Ooh! Creativitwins prompt! ❤️💚 Remus refuses to leave his room and no one can understand why, no matter how hard they try to get the truth out of him. Roman hears him crying and says that he'll be back soon. He does so, carrying some kind of magical creature and tells Remus that he found them. He is out of his room in a second (insert cuddles) and when everyone asks Roman why he was so worried, all he says it's one of King's few remaining creations and it's all they have of him.
That AU where everyone is friends coming back, hope y'all enjoy this! Not really any ships btw, just Creativitwin content
Warnings: Not too sure, lmk if I need to add anything!
They were all growing a bit worried.
Remus was always the first one up, or at least the second if Patton woke up just a bit earlier. Often Remus would’ve been sitting in the living room, having claimed most of the couch for himself to watch TV until everyone else got up for breakfast. He didn’t even step foot out of his room, though.
He also didn’t answer when any of them knocked on his door, which also happened to be locked. He didn’t even answer for Deceit! And Deceit had tried to coax him out with the promise of a year’s worth of Remus’s favorite deodorant.
It was nearing afternoon, and Roman finally left his own room, having finished off a successful brainstorming session. He looked around, confused at their concerned faces.
“What’s gotten everyone looking like our dear stormcloud?” Roman asked, leaning on the couch and observing the others.
“Remus has yet to leave his room, and we know he’s in there, but he won’t let any of us in.” Logan said, just as Deceit flopped onto a pile of pillows, sighing in frustration. Roman glanced back up the stairs. “You can go try, though I doubt it’ll do much.”
Roman frowned at that, before heading upstairs again and stopping at Remus’s door. He knocked, even called out for Remus, but like the others got no response. Roman pressed his ear to the door, and his eyes widened as he heard the muffled sobs from his brother.
A lightbulb went off, and Roman booked it downstairs towards the Imagination door. “I’ll be back soon! Someone get some food ready for when I come back, and some water cause Remus will probably need it. Also make a pillow fort, for good measure!”
Before anyone could ask why, Roman was gone, the Imagination door closing with a loud thud.
They all did as Roman had asked. Deceit and Virgil gathered all the pillows and blankets they could find, creating a rather large fort in the living room. And Patton and Logan prepared some food, focusing more on variety than anything else since Roman hadn’t been specific at all.
Almost an hour passed by when Roman barreled through the Imagination door, almost out of breath as he hugged what looked to be a horse with a dragon head and wings with a mix between stripes and the markings of a leopard.
“Hey Remus!” Roman shouted as the door closed again, stopping at the foot of the stairs. Roman was covered in mud, and his clothes were now a bit torn. But he was grinning from ear to ear. “I found them!”
Remus is out of his room in an instant, stopping at the top of the stairs just to be sure this wasn’t a trick. Upon seeing the creature though, a strangled sob made its way out of Remus as he almost tumbled down the stairs.
Once he righted himself, Roman gladly passed off the creature, to whom Remus hugged tightly. Remus was still sobbing, but a smile was on his face as he mumbled how worried he was to the creature named Zander. Remus offered a watery smile to Roman.
“Where’d you find them?” His voice was broken from all his crying, and Remus couldn’t care less as Zander nuzzled his neck, trying to comfort Remus.
“On the very outskirts of the abandoned castle.”
Remus only nodded. “Thank you,” he croaked slightly. Roman shrugged, then gestured to the others, watching them a bit in awe and uncertainty.
“So, want food and cuddles?”
Remus nodded, and with a snap of Roman’s fingers, Roman was no longer in tattered clothing but soft pajamas which matched Remus’s. Roman turned to the others. “Well don’t just stand there! C'mon!”
A few hours pass, and everything has settled down. Remus is curled into Roman’s side, Zander sleeping peacefully on Remus’s back(they were quite small). Patton and Virgil have also fallen asleep, and Deceit looked as though he was finally about to as well.
Logan and Roman were still both wide awake, though.
Roman was gently brushing his fingers through Remus’s hair, starting down at his brother. The redness from scrubbing at his eyes and sniffling was finally starting to disappear from Remus’s face, and Roman was just glad he was able to find Zander and get those tears from Remus to end.
“Yeah teach?” Roman hummed, tearing his gaze away from Remus.
“Why… Why was Remus so distraught over that creature?”
“Zander,” Roman corrected. He looked back down at Remus and Zander, his small smile fading. “They’re uh… They’re one of King’s few remaining creations. Remus and I try to keep a close eye on them, but Zander must’ve wandered off last night and Remus couldn’t find them…” Roman took a deep breath, smile returning as Remus unconsciously nuzzled Roman’s hand.
At least I found Zander, Roman thought. And getting to see Remus smile again is all that mattered to him.
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[Dorky-self-shipper] Free Pass to talk about any s/i you want? 👀
Thank you so much for this @dorky-self-shipper!!! Made me smile a LOT!!!
The FF7 world has been living in my head rent free ever since I played Remake for the first time. So I’m gonna talk about my FF7 s/i. She’s... really something. She’s not completely fleshed out yet, but I still think she’s pretty cool. 
Let’s gooooooooo!
My self insert for the ff7 world is a Turk working under Shinra Inc. Shinra are the villains for the most part, and the Turks do some pretty morally-gray stuff for them.  She looks pretty much identical to me/my fe3h s/i. Tan skin, red glasses, black hair, and the signature Turks suit. She doesn’t have anything too special going on with her suit. Just a white shirt along with a black tie, a black coat, and black pants paired with some black boots. She occasionally leaves the buttons on her blazer open.  She’s also pretty short (I’m around 5’2 😭). Tseng and Rude both stand at around 6 feet, so she always looks pretty small next to them. 
Since she’s a Turk, she sometimes has to fight her way out of sticky situations.  Her main weapon of choice is the same as my fe3h s/i! She’s a spellcaster!
She’s a Materia specialist and fights using different kinds of orbs of Materia, and is always sure to keep many on her so she’s always prepared. She mainly keeps elemental types of Materia with her, but she’s sure to keep some healing ones along with a Time Materia. She’s not against a few summons either. She has a little belt of them that she wears because carrying around that many fragile glass-like orbs without it + her clumsiness? ...Yikes.  (Also she can, will, and does do the fe3h Trickster thing where she shoots magic out of fingerguns. One of my favorite classes in the game for sure. Felix in a suit with fingerguns is one of the best things I’ve ever seen.) 
She doesn’t use a physical weapon very often whatsoever, but when she does, it’s usually a handgun. Swords are cool and she likes them. She’s not too skilled with then and isn’t keen on the sight of injury, but she has an admiration. They’re usually too bulky for her to keep on her suit, though, so she usually just has her Materia along with a gun. Please don’t be surprised if she whips out a sword every now and then though. She sometimes pairs her Materia with her gun as well because ✨elemental bullets✨
One of my headcanons (but wait.. if it’s my s/i... wouldn’t that be canon...? anyways-) is that Materia can be embedded in tattoo ink which is then applied to the body to infuse the person with the power of that Materia very slightly. Now, it can’t be anything major because in the Turks side game, one of the characters has shards of Materia in her arm, and it slowly eats away at her life force. So let’s, uh, avoid that. I like to think that maybe (I’m still thinking about this one) Ash has some very small hand-tattoos embedded with either Cure or Fire Materia. The Cure one helps her both cure very small wounds on herself and/or on others when she doesn’t have her full Cure orb on her. As for the Fire one, there’s a lot of handy situations in which just a little bit of fire can be useful, so that’s that. Again, this is just a thought, but I think it’s pretty goddamn cool! Also would explain why I’m so tired all the time lmao!
Also Materia is pretty and I love it. The colors are interesting too. 
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Adding onto that, she also really likes jewelry. Materia infused jewelry was something I thought of, but I’m not quite sure about that? She already has a wide assortment on her, so I think she would just settle for normal jewelry. Just like many of the other Turks, she’s always wearing small earrings. However, on missions where she can’t have all her gear on her, she will have Materia infused jewelry. Also, sometimes it’s just cute so. It depends on the day. Also! Since part of the uniform is gloves (she prefers fingerless), she doesn’t really get a chance to wear rings, unfortunately. When she’s not wearing gloves, though, she usually has some rings on. 
Is part of the Turks initiation process a trip to Claire’s?
I like to think that she’s pretty friendly and that she gets along well with her team. She’s either very serious or a total goofball depending on the situation. Expect many bad puns and snarky comments. She tries her best to fulfil her duties as a Turk, but they can sometimes be difficult for her since her emotions can sometimes cloud her judgement. She’s a very emotional person. The Sector 7 Job screws her up quite a bit. I’m not sure if she’s a Turk then or not, but just knowing that her team was responsible for that many deaths puts a bitter taste in her mouth. 
When combat can be avoided, she will take that route. She’s no pacifist, she would just prefer to do things with her words than with her flames. However, there are exceptions to this (*coughs in Don Corneo* She will gladly rip that man apart.) When she’s not on the active field during missions, she’ll stay back with Tseng and go through information, helping him guide the team. Her and Tseng are pretty close, despite being so different. 
Being completely honest, one of her favorite parts of her position is having access to so much information. She enjoys reading a lot, along with gaming. 
As for relationships with her team, they’re all pretty strong. 
Her and Tseng have some differing values, but they get along fairly well. She’s very cautious about her wording around him at first. He’s a scary guy, and him being leader doesn’t help. He can be very cold sometimes, but he’s a good listener. She relaxes around him eventually, and he becomes someone who she goes to very often for support. I like to think that she goes to him after the Sector 7 situation to talk about her feelings about it. I also think that he may have been the one who recruited her into the team in the first place? She owes a lot to him, and looks up to him a lot. Learning about how caring he was when he was younger only increases her admiration. She sometimes doesn’t agree with some of his more twisted logic, but she also understands that he has duties to fulfil and a team to manage. He’s trying his best to comfort them. 
Her and Reno are bros. Reno brings out her more wild side, and those two together are the very definition of chaotic. They’re always cracking jokes with each other and for them, being together is a blast. He was one of the first who reached out to her back when she was still new on the team, and when Rude isn’t available, he talks to her a lot. He appreciates how easy she is to talk to. They share the same braincell, and their jokes are very stupid. Their team missions are pretty fun. I also like to think that they play video games together in their free time! I love their friendship SO much!!! Ash definitely has her smarter moments, and is very knowledgeable on a lot of things, but together, they share a singular braincell.  An important thing to add about them is that sometimes she can be a bit of a mom-friend towards him when they’re not fooling around? She knows when enough is enough and when to rein him in. They both have their more serious moments, and their understanding of each other definitely helps on more serious missions. In a nutshell, they’re just two bros and I love them a lot. They understand each other.  Also, their fighting styles compliment each other quite a bit, so that’s fun. 
Ash and Rude is a friendship I really appreciate. Rude is not a man of many words, and Ash is very talkative. However, you quickly learn that Rude is very caring and prefers to show his affection in smaller gestures and actions. It takes a while for Rude to become more open with her, but it happens. He always listens to her rambles and although he might not say much, he remembers every single detail. She reminds him a bit of Reno, and he’s been dealing with a Reno for the past 7-some years. Their relationship is very wholesome, and Ash always encourages him to voice his thoughts. Also, he gives very good hugs when she needs them. She’s very sensitive and can be very affected by some of the stuff she sees while on duty, and he’s very protective of her. Her attitude and rambles confuse Rude sometimes, but he tries to be a good friend. Also they can kick ass together big time.  In conclusion, Rude and Ash = big soft hours. 
Okay, let’s talk about Ash and Elena. Elena is a character that I personally adore so much because it took me a while to like her. My initial reaction to playing the original ff7 and seeing her was simply, “Oh, great. Yes, make the only female Turk super clumsy and shit at her job- And give her no personality outside of that and crushing on Tseng. I mean, mood, and same, but really?”  But then I researched the Turks game.  (I have yet to read the novels btw)
And I realized that me and Elena are similar in so many ways other than being very clumsy and simping for Tseng (he’s hot, okay- then again, I simp for all the Turks. they are VERY fine.) We have very similar personalities, constantly want to punch things, and also have similar relationships with being the youngest sibling. I really understand Elena and I love her. You look into her character and realize that she’s super strong and dependable, smart and gorgeous. She’s amazing. 
Ash and Elena, like I said, are pretty similar in terms of personality. So they really understand each other and get along very well!! They’re very close friends, and kinda live on the same mental wi-fi. They click very well on first meeting, and that click stays for very long time and only gets stronger as time passes. Ash feels as though she can discuss anything with her because Elena gets it. Also, missions in which they’re paired up together are always fun. They’re both pretty smart, but have a tendency to let their emotions cloud (heh, cloud-) their judgment. But when they’re together, they can keep each other check and in turn, kick ass together. They also have a mutual hatred for Don Corneo. I hate that man. Fighting together is pretty fun since Ash can stay back and spam her spells while Elena punches the crap out of their target.  In conclusion, these two are very close and they’re besties. They have a mutual understanding of each other in a lot of different fields. 
Thank you SO much for the opportunity to spill my thoughts about this, my friend!! Was a very very fun time! The Turks are always living in my head, so I’m glad to speak about them anytime. This definitely helped me organize my thoughts a bit and helped sorta motivate me to write about Ash and her Turk friends?? I can feel my half-written Felix fics in my drafts glaring at me, but regardless, I’m very excited. They have a super fun dynamic.  Thanks for listening!
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cutesuki--bakugou · 6 years
2k Follower Special pt. 1
Thank you everyone for over 2,000 followers!!! It truly means the world to me, and I couldn’t think of a way to say thank you... So, I’ve decided to do the naughty alphabet, with both my head canons and a little snippet of a scenario ;D 
Because they are ending up so long, there will be multiple parts to this special. Once all parts are posted, I will add them to my master list and also edit each post with links to the next one. 
1 | 2 | 3 
BTW, please blacklist the tag cutesuki-lemons if you do not want to see this content from my blog. I will no longer be tagging with specific keywords for this type of content.Thank you~
Due to the nature of this post, the characters are 18+
Under the cut~
A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
As your lover, Bakugou wouldn’t be one to just leave you hanging after sex, be it a quicky, hardcore or something gentle, and he will take care of you afterwards. Jizz all over your face or body? He’ll help you clean that up. Need to pee but he ravaged you so badly you feel like you can’t move? He’d carry you to the damn toilet if he needed to. A bit sore from being tied up or whatever other kink you’re both into? He’ll be sure to take care of that with a hot bath or massage. Sheets are filthy and you both are desperate for some sleep? He’d get that shit changed in minutes.
Quickies are a different story, however, typically leaving you to fend for yourself if out in public or needing to recover quick enough to not get caught or be late. Admittedly, he’s also a bit of a cuddle bug after rough or gentle sex where you both aren’t in a rush. Once the lust is out of the way, his adoration for you quickly takes over, and he finds that he just wants to hold, kiss and touch you all over, to hold you against him. Often, this can lead to another session if you want it, as he just can’t help himself around you.
“Mm… Damn, you look so fucking hot like that.” Bakugou ran his hands up your sides from gripping your hips, watching your back rise and fall with your heavy breathing. Bent over in front of him, your ass was still pressed into his hips, and he could feel the hot wetness of his own cum on his abdomen as he leaned over you. Unable to resist seeing you all dirtied up, he had cum on your ass, your skin red and irritated from repeated spankings while he fucked you. He loved seeing you like this, completely ravaged to the point that you could barely move, hair a wild mess and skin glistening with sweat.
“You… came on my ass, didn’t you?” You peeked back at him over your shoulder, having to look from behind your hair. Carefully pushing it aside, Bakugou kissed your shoulder softly before moving his lips to your flushed cheek. “I did. You couldn’t tell?” You scoffed softly, wiggling your hips a bit into his. “Katsuki, my skin is so hot and numb from you spanking me that I wouldn’t even be able to feel a pinch.” After another rough kiss to your cheek, Bakugou sat up, snatching his dirtied t-shirt off the bed and using it to wipe your backside clean. “You kept asking for it.” Once clean, he gave your thigh a pat, and you took that as a hint that you could lay down. Flopping over to the side, you sighed, holding your arms open for him to join you. “Come here.”
Bakugou took the invitation gladly, laying down and pulling your body against his tightly. Legs intertwined and not a single gap between you, he kissed you softly. “You’d better be careful rubbing my back like that. You just might put me to sleep.” 
“I think that’s what we both need, Katsuki. I think that three rounds is enough for tonight. Save some energy for in the morning.”
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Bakugou might love every inch of you, but he’s incredibly partial to your ass. He loves watching it bounce while he fucks you from behind or when you’re riding him in reverse cowgirl position. Grabbing or slapping your ass, in some odd way, makes him feel powerful. The little noises you make and the way you bite your lip when he squeezes it or spanks you drives him crazy, and he loves it when you wiggle your hips or beg for his hands to touch you. He also enjoys fingering you from behind while you lay down, watching your back and hips arch up into his touch being a huge turn on for him. Cumming on your ass is another one of his favorite things, seeing you bent over in front of him and all dirtied up with his cum making him feel dominant and powerful.
As for himself, Bakugou takes a lot of pride in his own hands. They are what channels his powerful quirk, what makes him strong. He tends to use his hands as a power display, and when it comes to sex, he uses them as a way to assert his dominance and pleasure you to the fullest. He loves feeling your skin, so soft against his calloused palms and fingers. His hands being on the larger side, Bakugou loves to use them to pleasure you, pinching, fingering and teasing until your begging for him to fuck you. Shoving his fingers into your mouth and watching you lick and suck on them is a huge turn on.
“Katsuki, I’m trying to finish a report…” You mumbled softly as you typed away at your laptop, currently laying face down, upper body propped up with your elbows while your legs rested casually behind you. Or, they had been. Now, they were forced to lay straight, your lover straddling them and sitting near your knees as his hands ran up your thighs. Bakugou’s grip was rough as he stroked and massaged you, his hands running up over the curve of your ass and back down again. “I’m just giving you a massage, fuck. Relax.” Even though you couldn’t see him, you could hear the smirk on his lips, and a small gasp escaped you as he dug his thumbs into a sore spot on your inner thigh. You had to admit that it felt good, but you knew that he wasn’t just doing this for no reason. Seeing you laying there in your leggings had obviously turned him on, and being as impatient as he was, he didn’t waste a second trying to get you warmed up.
Though you didn’t want to admit it, his efforts were working. Feeling his hands caressing and squeezing your ass, his thumbs pressing into your inner thigh right along your sex and the feeling of his hard cock against your thighs was killing you. Damn, you wanted him to fuck you, just as badly as you knew he wanted to. You could even feel the heat of his palms through the fabric of your leggings, and as one hand slipped between your legs, you knew that it was about to escalate. Moaning softly at the feeling of him teasing your clit, you couldn’t resist a soft rolling of your hips, arching them up into his touch.
“Looks like someone’s finally getting the fucking hint. Why don’t you close that laptop and stick that sexy ass in the air for me. That’s it…”
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person)
Bakugou has a thing for seeing you covered in his cum. Your face, your tits, your ass or dripping from your pussy, he loves it all. Although seeing it on your ass is his favorite sight, he gets the most turned on when you lick it off your lips. After a good facial, he loves gripping your chin, smearing your skin with his cum and making you lick it off his fingers. The more eager you are to taste it the better, loving to watch you waiting eagerly with your mouth open and tongue at the ready. He also loves to watch you play with it, too, rubbing your pussy as it drips from you and fingering yourself. You can be as filthy as you want to with his cum and he will instantly be ready for another round, if you can take it. He also has a bit of a kink for cum humiliation, making you walk around with it in your panties or dripping down your legs.
“Fuck, that’s it!” Bakugou dug his fingers into your hair, straddling your torso as he pumped his hips into your breasts. Holding them together, you kept your entire body at the right angle and your breasts squeezed together for a perfect tit fuck, something that Bakugou just went crazy over. Keeping your eyes on his face and on his body like you knew he wanted, your mouth was open, the tip of his cock pressing into your waiting tongue with every thrust. His cock was so hot between your wet and ravaged tits, you knew that he was getting close to finishing, and you felt your body swell with excitement. You loved it when he came on your face, loving to see his face contort in pleasure and hear the sounds he made. More than that, you knew that he loved it, and everything you were doing right now was for him.
Before you knew it, you felt the hot spray of his cum against your cheek, squinting out of instinct to not get it in your eyes. The way Bakugou sighed made the corners of your mouth turn up into a smirk, though you kept your mouth open and tongue out to catch as much of his cum as you could. His trusts becoming erratic in his final moments, he finally came to a stop with his tip right between your tits, feeling the last of his cum leak down across your chest. It was all over you. Across your face, on your tongue and down your neck, so deliciously hot and wonderfully messy. Licking what you could off your lips, you smiled up at him, releasing your breasts as you watching him attempt to catch his breath. “Mm… You like that, Katsuki?” A soft gasp escaped you as he gripped onto your face, smearing some of his cum across your cheek and to your lips where you eagerly opened your mouth. Sucking the cum from his thumb, you felt the heat return to your body as he smirked, his crimson glare flickering with an intense fire.
“Yeah I fucking liked it. By the time I’m done with you, you’re going to be covered in my jizz. Now roll over, I want to see that pretty ass while I fuck you.”
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
It really is no secret that Bakugou likes it rough. But, there are times when he’s really into it that he wants to go all out, to use all his strength on you. He already knows that his strength can be too much, as can his enthusiasm and eagerness to feel that pleasure he craves, and so he has learned over time how to control and tame himself. That doesn’t keep him from thinking at times, however, how good it would feel to just use all his strength on you. How easy it would be to hold you down and take you as he pleased, as hard, deep and fast as he wanted without holding back. He would never do such a thing without your permission, but to fuck you with no restraints is something he truly desires.
Your moans were like heaven to his ears, every sweet gasp and sensual calling of his name sending a fresh fire coursing through him. Bakugou loved fucking you, having you pinned under him and completely helpless against the blissful pleasure. Right now, he had you on your side, straddling one leg while the other rested around his hips. Your face half buried in the pillow you clutched, you couldn’t control your voice, nor could you resist edging him on and begging for more. “Y-yes, Katsuki! Right there! More!” Bakugou leaned over you a bit more, digging himself in deeper with each thrust and spiking your pleasure. Pressing his lips against your ear, his grunts and low voice sent chills down your spine.
“You like it when I fuck you hard? You wouldn’t able to take it if I gave you more.” After a short pause, you were on your stomach, your hips up off the bed as he fucked you from behind. Clutching and pulling at the sheets, you struggled to speak, all the air ripped from your lungs with each thrust. “Y-yes I can! Katsuki, I-I I know you’re holding b-back, please don’t! Please fuck me as hard as you want, I can take it!” With that, it was like an explosion went off inside him, his fingers digging into your hair and snatching a handful to pull your upper body off the bed. With this new leverage, Bakugou began to do just what you asked, not holding back and not giving you a second to breathe.
It was like he was an entirely different person, pushing you to the limits of what was pleasure and what was overwhelming. Still, there was no pain and you found that you loved this raw and untamed version of him, just as much as he loved letting loose.
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white-kween · 5 years
Simple As That (1/2)
Reader X 70’s!John Deacon
Summary: Your relationships always ended up with you being heartbroken, so that’s why you chose to stop dating. Even with your promise to yourself, a certain bassist has you reconsidering it all.
A/N- This story was taking wayyyyyyyyyyyyy to long for me to figure out and I kind of hated how it was always ending out, so I decided to make two parts for this story. Sorry that it’s taking me so long to post and create things for this blog. I’ll make sure the second part doesn’t take 3 weeks to post:P anyways, hope you guys enjoy this first part:) constructive criticism always wanted AND PLEASE GIVE US REQUESTS!!!!!!!!!! -L
Italics are thoughts btw
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(Kinda a slut for John Deacon not gonna lie)
  “Shit shit shit...” you repeat as you push your way through the busy crowd. You woke up past your alarm again and you were on the brink of being late to work. If you were, you knew your boss would have your head... probably hanging in her office.
Finally, you reach the shop you work at right on time. You speed walk into the shop while trying to catch your breath.
“Glad to see you made it, Y/L.” Your boss said with one of the fakest smiles you’ve ever seen.
“Wouldn’t miss it for the world, Cheryl.” You return, with your own fake smile. You continue walking to the back so you can place your belongings away. Your co-worker and best friend, Mary Austin, walks up beside you also putting her own things away.
“Good morning dear. How are you today?” She asks in her kind voice. How she always seemed to be happy in the morning beats you. You hate mornings with a passion.
“Could be better honestly. Neighbors kept me up all night with their ‘amazing’ sex.” You grumbled back to her.
“Sounds like your jealous, Y/N.” She said while laughing. You two turn to look at each other, but you notice how her smile dies when she looks at you. “Y/N you look like you haven’t gotten sleep in days!”
“Is that your nice way of telling me I look like shit?” You tell her jokingly, sticking your tongue out. You pull out the little compact mirror in your bag to look at yourself, and well... hot wasn’t what you would describe yourself as. You still had bed head, the corner of your eyes were filled with eye boogers, the side of your mouth is covered in dried up toothpaste and of course the bags under your eyes were very prominent. Looking at this you sighed and cleaned up what you could before heading into the front with Mary to start your shift.
After hours of dealing with rude customers and boss, your shift had finally ended. All you were dreaming about was going home to have a nice hot shower and after laying on the couch with a glass of wine. Then, when the sun had finally set you’d go to sleep and have a fresh start in the morning.
“Excited for Freddie’s gig tonight?” Mary said beside you. Internally, this made you groan. All you wanted was to go home and rest, but you had promised both Mary and Freddie that you would be at his next gig with his band.
“Of course I am!” You tried to put on your best act. You knew there was no way of getting out of going to the gig tonight, so you knew you might just as well go.
“Good. I’ll see you later!” Mary said, waving goodbye and going off into a separate direction.
Hastily, you made your way home to freshen up with a shower and change of clothes. Looking in your bathroom mirror, you felt good in the way you look. You looked tired still, but more put together now, especially with your hair being tamed down to its natural state. With one last nod, you headed out for the door and to the venue Freddie’s band is playing at.
As soon as you walk into the pub, you’re immediately hit with the stench of beer and cigarettes. You’re not the least bit surprised at how busy and crowded the the pub is. Mary had told you loads of stories on how the crowds were starting to build up and become crazier. Immediately, you spotted Mary’s blonde hair and make your towards her.
“Busy night isn’t it?” You say once you reach her.
“Oh good you’re here!” She ignores your question and instead embraces you in a hug which you gladly return “I think this is the biggest crowd they’ve had so far.” She says pulling back.
“By the looks of it, seems like they’re gonna go places. Especially since they have Freddie.” As soon as you said that, the crowd started cheering. You turn your attention to the stage and see Freddie and his band mates stroll onto the stage like they own the place. Once he got up to the mic, he starts interacting with the crowd like you’ve never seen anyone do before.
“Hello all you beautiful faces out there. How are we tonight?” The crowd cheers back to answer Freddie’s question. You stand there with the biggest grin on your face, enjoying every second of how the crowd loves him as much as you do.
Once they all started playing their songs, it’s like your grin got impossibly bigger. The whole band was incredible; Freddie’s voice was amazing as always, the guitarist was playing flawlessly, the drummer was radiating confidence off his body from feeding into all the yells and cheers girls were throwing at him, And the way the bassist easily played and maybe even danced every once in awhile was definitely eye catching. They were all amazing.
Sadly, the gig had ended way too fast. You could’ve watched them play for the rest of your life if you had your way, but that wasn’t gonna happen. On the bright side, you were now on your way to the back of the pub to meet the band. For some reason, you were feeling a little nervous which is nothing like you at all. Finally, you reached the back and you see that all the boys were packing their things away into their van. 
“Y/N, darling you made it!” Freddie yells enthusiastically, running up and hugging you tightly. 
“Fred, you did amazing out there! You guys killed it!” You gush, hugging him just as tightly. 
“I knew you would love the show,” He gave you one last squeeze before going over to Mary and giving her a kiss on the cheek and embracing her to his side. “Boys, this is my dear friend Y/N, Y/N meet Brian who plays guitar, Roger the drummer, and John our bassist.” You shake Brian and Roger’s hand giving them a smile and telling them it was nice to meet them. When you shook John’s hand it was like seconds lingered on longer then supposed too. On stage, he had a this fiery attitude that made you feel like he’d be a hotheaded rockstar, but he was not that. Offstage, it’s like everything about him was gentle. From his smile to how he felt against the skin. You shook his hand and he had a shy smile on his face, and you knew you had a faint blush creeping up on your own. 
“Lovely to meet you, Y/L” he says while continuing to shake your hand longer than supposed to. He’s so enticing you couldn’t even reply to him, so you just smile and nod like an idiot. Mentally you were kicking yourself for not saying something, anything, to him. 
“Sooo...” Freddie pipes up, directing your attention to him, instead of on John. He let’s go of your hand quickly, letting it fall back down to your side. “Should we have drinks here, or at our place?”
“Is that even a question Fred? Here of course,” Roger replies quickly. “Joining us tonight, Y/N?” Roger asks, giving a little wink in the process. He’s cute sure, but you know he’s just trouble and that’s the last thing you needed. 
“Oh, I don’t know. It’s getting kind of late.” You say ignoring his stare by looking at your watch. Last thing you wanted was to be in another game with a “bad boy”. You had already made that mistake once, and you weren’t about to make it again. 
“Absolutely not darling. You’re having drinks with us and that’s that.” Freddie orders and what Freddie says goes.
“C’mon, Y/L. When was the last time you had some fun?” Mary adds on. You chew on the inside of your cheek deciding whether or not you should join them. Everyone stood there waiting for your answer. You definitely didn’t want to be a downer, plus you’d be able to spend time around John just a bit longer.
“Okay, okay. I’ll stay and have drinks with you guys.” You declare, earning a relieved look from Freddie and a squeal of excitement from Mary. If you’re being honest, it seemed as if John looked a little bit relieved as well when you decided to stay. No. You already made a promise to take a break from relationships, you remind yourself.
“Right, let’s go then.” Brian’s tall figure lead the way back in. You all decide to squish into a booth that just barely held you all. You were between John, which made your heart flutter, and Roger. Rounds were made to your table, which you all appreciatively downed. Not long after, confidence started bubbling inside to talk to the brunette boy next to you. 
“You did an amazing job out there, John. Have a real talent, but I bet you already knew that,” The last part came out a little more flirty then you meant, but you didn’t really care. 
“Thank you. Very nice of you to say that,” John said, smiling at the compliment you gave him. You knew he didn’t quite believe what you were saying was true. 
“I’m not just saying that to be nice, John. I really mean it, you truly are talented. Between me and you,” You lean over closely to him so he could hear your whisper “you were my favorite to watch.” You pull back to gauge his reaction. He looks at you with a smile that reaches his eyes and a blush on his cheeks. 
“Secrets safe with me,” He raises his pinky to signify a promise, you wrap your own pinky around his with a grin on your face. 
Weeks go on by, and you were starting to go to the boys’ show every chance you got. You always told yourself that it was because you loved the band and their music and you wanted to support all four of them, but deep down you knew it’s partly because you wanted to see John more. After that night of meeting the band, you had quickly became good friends with all the boys, even Roger, though he still flirted a bit. With John, it’s like you two were connected at the hip. 
The friendship between you two blossomed quickly, surprisingly. It took you weeks to warm up to someone, but with John it took hours. You felt as if there was no judgement between you and him. Every moment you were next to each other, maybe even sharing innocent touches that made your heart leap. Every second you were with him, you felt your small crush deepening into adoration. He’s just... Perfect. 
He has soft flowy hair, beautiful greenish grey eyes, the cutest nose, the best smile and the most kissable lips. The best part is that he was an angel with a bit of the devil hidden inside which made you guys get along so well. Like I said, he’s perfect. 
Suddenly, you’re ripped out of your thoughts by Mary’s hand frantically waving in your face. 
“Y/N, darling, you’re drooling by just staring at the man!” She yells against the deafening noise coming from the band’s party. 
“Am not!” You say, wiping your chin just to make sure. 
“Love, why don’t you just tell him? It’s quite obvious you like each other,” She suggests. You roll your eyes at her comment, this wasn’t the first time she, or the band told you to admit your feelings to John. 
“He doesn’t like me like that Mary, that’s why I don’t tell him.” You reply, but you both knew that was a lie. You knew he had some type of feelings for you too, but it just felt easier, maybe even safer to not tell him your feelings. 
“I just don’t get what you’re afraid of, Y/N” getting hurt, yet again. “Sometimes you need to take risks. That’s the only way you’ll make it in life.” She points out. You knew she’s just trying to help, but sometimes you just wanted to tell her to butt out. 
At the other side of the party, the same conversation was going on between John and Freddie. 
“Just tell her, it’s as simple as that!” Freddie says clapping his hands together.
“No, Fred” John shakes his head “It’s not just that simple.” Especially when it’s as someone as perfect as her, John thought
“Darling, you’re making this way too complicated! It’s obvious that she likes you as well by the way she stares at you, or how she intently listens to every word you say like it’s your last. Not to mention, how she blushes when you give her a compliment or how she nearly forgets to bloody breathe when you touch her!” Freddie says a bit over dramatically, trying to get his point across to the stubborn man. 
“What if you’re wrong Fred?” John asks doubtful. It pained him to keep his feelings from you, but he was fearful of the pain that he’d have if he told you and you didn’t reciprocate his feelings, chancing losing you as a friend. The last thing he wanted to do was chase you away from him. 
“Me? Wrong? I’m never wrong Deacon, you should know this by now.” 
“You’re right. I’ll tell her,” John takes one more drink of his beer before leaving to go find you. Tonight was the night, what’s the worst the could happen? He thought.  
It didn’t take him long to find you. His breath hitched watching your bright smile and audible laugh over the loud crowd. The only problem is that you’re with Mary. Maybe it’s the alcohol, or maybe just sheer adrenaline, but John continues his way to you.
“Mary, Freddie’s looking for you.” John tells Mary as soon as he reaches you two. Mary’s eyes search the crowed room for Freddie, and instead of seeing a Freddie searching high and low for her, she sees Freddie cheering on Roger who’s chugging a bottle of liquor.
“You sure John? Doesn’t look like he’s searching for me,” She says back with a slight laugh. She knew what he was trying to do, she just wanted to make it a little harder for him. Realizing what they were both trying to do, you jump in and help out John chase off your best friend.
“Mary I don’t think you heard the man! FREDDIES LOOKING FOR YOU!” You shout out at her. You hear a small laugh escape John’s lips. Mary looks at you with a pout on her lips, then stubbornly got up and made her way towards Freddie. You turn to John with a prideful smile on your lips and happily pat the now open spot next to you. More than happily, John takes the spot beside you mirroring your smile.
As soon as he knew Mary was out of ear shot, he leans in close to where you’re able to hear him clearly “I lied. Freddie was never looking for her,” He confesses.
“Really? I couldn’t tell!” You say with playful sarcasm. “Why’d you lie then?” You lean further into John, causing his already crimson cheeks to grow a shade darker.
“Well... if you really want to know, I just wanted to get you alone” He tries to play off, but his red face was betraying him. You raise your eyebrows a little in surprise at his statement. Instead of asking any further questions, you decide to play along.
“We’re not completely alone,” you gesture to the packed crowd surrounding you “Should we perhaps leave and go somewhere private?” An angelic smile crept onto your lips, but John noticed the unmathcing devilish glimmer in your eyes. He knew exactly what that meant.
“Thinking what I’m thinking?” He asks with his own mischievous grin.
“Oh yeah,” Without hesitation, you grab hold of John’s hand and drag him out of the party. You have so much excitement running through your veins, neither of you even bother to say goodbye to your friends. “Keep up Deacs, don’t need you falling behind.” You tease.
“Don’t worry love, right behind ya,” He gives your hand a tight squeeze, making your heart flutter. If only you could hold his hand like this forever, but you knew better than to allow that.
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xwolfsscarx · 5 years
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So since I have been asked a couple of times. I made a little tutorial on how to make my cage.
You could make this cage as big or as small as you like and I have some optional stuff that I included later on which you don’t have to do. They are just some Quality of life stuff.
The cage costs about 120~ euros. Probably less if you build it smaller.
First things first you probably to really need any power tools as you could do all of this with normal tools but it’s a hell of a work and you could probably just borrow the tools from your parents or friends.
\-A jigsaw
\-a powerdrill
\-a stapler (the strong staplers don’t know if they have another name)
The wood you will need could basically be anything as long as your rats don’t chew to much. I used untreated pine for the framework as it was my cheapest option and Poplar wood for the platforms.
**For the framework you will need:**
\- 4 x 180 cm
\- 5 x 60 cm – width x2
\- 4 x 130 cm – width x2
\- 4 x 160 cm
\- 4 x 65 cm -width x2
\- Screws
The Reason why you have to substract the width from some parts is because they are in between your other wood parts and therefor part of the distance the wood has to cover is already covered. (Hopefully that makes sense) With width I mean the width of the wooden pieces you are gonna use.
(Btw if you get pieces that aren’t squares but rectangles (so where the width could be 2 things), you will have to think of how you want them in the cage and then just substract the right side. )
If you make the cage smaller or bigger you can just adjust the size of you height, length and depth to your liking as long as you keep the -width of the wood x2 intact it shouldn’t make any problems. The only difference there would be, is the door. Which you would have to adjust but I will gladly help if anyone needs help with that. Furthermore I made my cage 20 cm from the ground so that my rats wouldn’t jump onto the floor if you want it going all the way to the bottom you would just have to make the doors the same length as your frames height.
Alright now that that’s out of the way how do you Build this thing?
First you will have to cut all the wood into size with your jigsaw and don’t forget substracting the width. You can also already paint everything you want babysafe sealent to be on. Its easier now that later.
1. Then you lay out the first side of the cage like in the image above. Lay the two 180 cm pieces parallel to eachother and add the two 60 -width cm pieces one at the top and one 20 cm from the bottom. The screw everything together. If you drill holes before putting in the screws it will turn out prettier and more stable so do that if you can.
2. Then turn this to the side and add the 2 130-widthx2 pieces. Drill and screw. Finished
3. Now comes the tricky part if you have someone to help you hold stuff that would be great if not then try too place the third 180cm piece against a table or wall while you screw it in. Same goes for the fourth. Then just add the 2 60 -width cm pieces and you have something that can stand.
4. Now add the roof by by putting the 130cm-width pieces in (again second person would be helpful) and test shake the cage. If its still a little unstable add the last 60cm part in the middle of the roof. If its already stable then you can skip that part.
5. Now to make the doors just make to rectangulars that fit onto the cage. I did this by flipping the cage on its back and putting the wood onto it just in case I had made any mistakes and the drilling the 65-width cm pieces together with the 160cm pieces. Now I just had to put them on with hinges but before putting them on with 4 hinges I stapled the chickenwire/mesh onto the doors cause I just find it easier.
6. Now your cage is almost done just add the mesh all over the side, roof and if you want to back. You can also use a wooden back if you would like to. I myself used a wooden back but if you use mesh you can hang stuff more easily so… do what you want. I used an mdf plate for the back and just screwed with screw and hammered it in with nails.
7. Now you just have to cut out your bottom which is a wooden piece 130x60 on which you will have to cut out the corners (and the door) and then you can layer it in either babysafe sealent or pondlinen (which is pretty cheap). If you use pondliner glue it onto the wood with woodglue that you use a paintbrush or you hands (whatever you have) to smear the whole wood with and then put the pondlinen onto it tight let 3-4cm pondlinen hang over the edges. Then just staple the overhanging pondlinen onto the other side.
8. The whole bottom procedure you repeat with all the other platforms. Now you can either screw in the platforms whichs hard and tiresome or you use the old ikea trick and this is the reason you need wooden dowles. Drill holes(2-3 cm) into the 4 180 cm pieces and let gaps of either 5 or 10 cm. Now you can put in the dowles and add the platforms like this. This way you can easily alter your cage all the time and deep cleans are really easy as you can just take out everything and clean it like that instead of having to be in the cage. You can also make halfplatforms by making smaller platforms and using wooden pieces as stands. Like I did with my cage. Don’t forget to cut holes into the platforms for your rats you get to all the areas in the cage. I also made a little half circle hole into my platforms so my rats could use the mesh to climb up and wouldn’t be interrupted by platforms.
9. Now just decorate everything and if you want add a layer of babysafe sealent allover the cage. I did it cause I wanted my cage darker than it was.
10. You can also make a pan out of acrylic glass or Plastic so you have a deep pan for bedding. I just used old wood and put pondlinen over it.
I wish you fun with your new Cage and I would love to get pictures if anyone really makes this. It took me about 2 days to make this. One day I cut everything to size and painted and the next day I assembled.
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amyure · 6 years
Episode LeSCa Book 1
Tokyo 7 Sisters’ ‘episode LeSCa’ novel tells of how LeSCa come to be, as well as the background for the t7s song "YELLOW". If you have time, maybe after reading this write-up, re-listen to/reread the meaning of that song and I bet you’ll be filled with all kinds of fuzzy and warm tingly feelings.
Thanks to my friend for lending me his copy - Eshtar
So Eshtar had this done ages ago on her Twitter... my bad for taking this long OTL. BTW any oddities in the English are more likely than not my fault. - Nab
Chapter 1
So, the novel begins with our Nishizono Honoka. Honoka came from the district Fukuoka 4th. Unlike Tokyo 7th that is entertainment-centric, Fukuoka 4th is centered on Fashion. She comes from a family which operates a famous restaurant, one laden with history and which is the pride of her hometown. Honoka, coming to Tokyo 7th, tried so hard to ‘get used’ to the new place, going as far as trying to erase her dialect (mostly to no avail since it pops up again whenever she is flustered and she is flustered a lot) and thus ends up talking in a polite manner most of the time.
Honoka was walking down a sidewalk, with sakura petals fluttering about, when someone with glasses called out to her, then frantically began searching for his business card, which he could not find. A girl, beautiful with blonde hair came along and admonished him, "You go out scouting while not bringing your card?!" and shoved onto him a box of business cards that he had apparently ‘left on the office table’.  The man, calling the girl ‘Kyouko’, gave Honoka his card while explaining that he was a shihainin (manager) of an idol production company, and asked if Honoka was interested in becoming an idol.
Both Honoka and shihainin-san were running late though, so just like that they parted ways before the question got an answer.
A few days later, Honoka decided to look for the shihainin’s office. After all, the reason she had come to Tokyo 7th was because she wanted to know what she wanted to do in life. Being the only daughter of her family, she was expected to inherit the family business, but Honoka had found herself not that good in cooking, nor even really interested in it. She felt like all her life she had only been going with whatever the flow was, as dictated by the people around her. Her mother had said, “why not go to Tokyo? You will definitely  find what you want to do.”
Honoka didn’t really know about idols, but it wasn’t like she was not interested in them either. Then again, it would be wrong to say she had a strong urge to do it at that time. She did, however, want to know why someone like her was scouted by that shihainin and so, she decided to go. When Honoka got to the bus stop though, the bus had already arrived and she was still far. And so she ran frantically shouting, "Waaait!!" as she neared the bus stop. Araki Rena, who was about to get on the bus, saw her running and was struck with a thought of, wow, that girl is really giving her all running here.
Rena went, "Sir, would you wait for that girl over there?" to which the bus driver replied, "I sure don’t mind waiting for your friend."  As Honoka was getting on the driver said, "Please sit, your friend is over there," and Honoka was like but we ain't friends but it's mendō...
"Come and sit," said Rena (patting the seat invitingly) and so, Honoka sat beside her and thanked her for stopping the bus driver before, to which Rena went, don't mind it. Honoka then started getting flustered about how she was drenched in sweat and all, while beside a stranger. Rena was like, “Why the hurry? An important thing?” Honoka replied, “Not like, not really important but, uh…” and she started wondering about her life again, while Rena just sort of watched Honoka being lost in her thoughts. This carried on till their destination bus stop, where the girls exchanged names, and Rena said that they MIGHT meet each other again as their schools were close to each other.
After those goodbyes though, Honoka somehow found herself lost and ended up just sitting by Kuonji Park as the sun started to set. What am I doing, why am I lost? she thought to herself.
As Honoka sat on the bench, Rena passed by and went, "Nishizono-san?"
Honoka was like TAT and Rena couldn’t just leave her be and declared, "Let me take you there!" and so they went to Nanasis (the nickname of the company the shihainin worked for) together, which turned out to be so totally RIGHT BESIDE Kuonji Park that Rena went, you serious? and Honoka was like, "Please don't say it, Araki-san."
Rena asked Honoka, “What is this place?” and so Honoka briefly explained why she had wanted to come. She was standing nervously by the main door when it burst open with Kyouko ranting about ‘Coney eating all the guests’ snacks’, almost running right into them and going, "You, from that time."
And for the first time, all three were together.
~~~ That is the first chapter, "Oukasaikai" Man, I should tell you, all chapters from LeSCa are these beautiful 4 character kanji things, it's very peaceful.
Chapter 2
Honoka and Rena waited in the office for Kyouko to return (she had to buy the ‘snacks for guests that Coney ate’) while discussing if that cute blonde girl was an idol. When Kyoko came, Shihainin [Eshtar: the novel doesn’t add any explanation, from here on, he is “shihainin”] who was out for work hadn’t come back yet, so she served tea.
Kyoko was like, “Yeah, I am an idol.”
"But why are you buying snacks and serving tea?" the girls asked.
"Well, we don't have many people, so everyone does what they can. And you,” Kyouko glanced at Rena. “Were you scouted too?"
Rena replied, "No, I am just accompanying her," while taking a donut.
A while later Shihainin came. When Shihainin saw Rena he said excuse me, Araki-san, could you do a twirl at that corner over there? Rena was like “Eh, what, sure?” and she twirled. Shihainin went like, what nice ankles, a great form, with a bit of mumblemumble… He smiled and asked Rena, would you be interested in being an idol? Rena was like ???
Shihainin said, not answering now is okay too, and turned his attention to Honoka, who hadn’t decided, but had still come to Nanasis, and Shihainin was so happy.
"There are people who have interest to ask questions about idols, of course I am happy! Ask me anything!” he announced.
Honoka asked why she was scouted, and Shihainin said it was a feeling, that he was sure if it is this girl, she'd be able to be up there in that poster over there, the moment he saw her under the sakura petals. Like what he felt when he saw Kyouko and Araki-san.
He admitted it may not be a satisfactory reasoning.
“But like, what is ‘idol’ exactly?” Both Honoka and Rena had no idea at all and asked him. At that moment Kyoko was like WTF DID U ASK HIM and they went ??? but Shihainin suddenly went fiery and like LET ME SHOW YOU THE GLORY OF IDOLS and he dragged Kyouko while saying ‘TIS GOOD FOR YOUR TRAINING TOO, COMETH BRETHREN! and Kyouko was like NUOOOOO HAAAAALP and Honoka and Rena were like omg we’re sorry we didn’t knooooooowwwwwww.... and they got lectured on idol culture for a full hour.
On the way home, Rena asked Honoka, What do you think? Honoka was troubled and said that she couldn’t decide yet, but she liked how spirited Shihainin was and he seemed like a good guy.
“What about you?” Honoka asked.
“Well, I don’t know about myself, I have my club too.” Rena replied.
"I see... I guess we should talk with our families too.."
At home, Honoka's aunt who she lived with had cooked a homely meal for her, which tasted like her Mom's cooking. Hearing Honoka’s comments on it, she asked, "do you feel home sick?"
"No, I just think it's great." Both her mom and aunt had been groomed as the next generation owner of the restaurant. Honoka started to daydream again. Her aunt asked if  anything was bothering her, and Honoka finally talked about being scouted. Auntie went, oh great, those 7th Sisters! But Honoka still seemed down, so her aunt went calm again and asked her what was wrong?
"I'm just not sure what it is that I want to do.”
She has been here for like a year and she still doesn’t know what she wants to do. Auntie smiled and went, well isn't that is okay? Your Mom wasn't decisive either about the restaurant. Honoka went, “Eh?”
"Sumika-neesan tried out things, making handicrafts, trying to be a mangaka...."
"But she then met your father, who was her trainer in a cooking school, and just like that inherited the restaurant. Me too, I just saw a pamphlet of my school and just kinda along the way got really into it."
Auntie was like, "Ahaha, maybe that didn’t help much," but Honoka turned to think, shall I try to become an idol now? In this day and age when it is practically gone? Is this what I really want to do, or am I just getting swept by the current again? She couldn't decide, but she knew she was hungry.
Honoka felt it wasn't right to just head to Nanasis without having an answer and was just wandering around the city after school, looking forlorn, when someone called her name, “Nishizono-san!” and it was Kyouko, wearing her school uniform. Kyouko saw Honoka’s distant expression and carried on, “Tomorrow is my Mom's birthday and we're gonna order some flowers, you wanna come?”
"Eh, is it okay?"
"Well sure, I’m the one who’s asking?"
Honoka gladly came. The florist was in a really inconspicuous alleyway and Kyouko was like, "WTF, how does Shihainin even know a florist here?!" Even more surprisingly, by that alleyway they found Rena, playing with kittens. They went, "Why are you here?"
"I’m petting cats."
"Why here?"
"Well, the kittens ran to this place, so…”
Honoka and Kyouko went, “Oh well okay, we’re going to that florist there,” and Rena was like, "I’m gonna keep petting these kittens here." When they came in from being outside the store all this while, Honoka was overcome with barrages of smells and colourful flowers and went, "Wa... so beautiful..." and for a while forgot what she was sad about. Rena from outside the store saw her change in expression and knew right away that something was wrong.
When Kyouko and Honoka left the store, Rena was waiting for them, playing with her bangs and said, “Hey, let’s go out together. Maybe have a meal?” And they decided to go to a family restaurant.
"Don’t you have club activities?" the two girls asked Rena.
"Nah, no training, no worries. Haha," she replied.
At the family restaurant, Kyouko offered, “Let me pay for you guys since you were kind enough to accompany me to the florist.” Rena’s eyes lit up. “Seriously! Then, I order this hamburger, this dessert, this drink, another serving of pizza, ano-”
“IN MODERATION, PLEASE,” Kyouko cut her off there.
They were in such sync with the boke-tsukkomi timing that Honoka, finally, smiled. Rena immediately said, “Ah! That smiling face is better than your sad look.” Honoka realized that Kyouko and Rena had been taking her to places to fix her mood.
"Thank you," Honoka said, to which the two girls both went, “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
The next moment, an idea struck Kyouko. She phoned shihainin, who responded to her suggestion gladly.
~~~And that was the end of chapter two, "Santosousou."
Chapter 3
Rena, after lazing at school feeling dispirited, met Honoka at the bus stop, greeting her, "Niiishiiiizoooono-san!. They were heading to Nanasis together, because Kyouko had invited them. When they turned the doorknob, however, the office was locked. "Excuse me," someone called out to them from behind.
A girl wearing a Corsica Girls Academy uniform who, rather than ‘cute’, was extremely beautiful, with flowing dark hair and a mole under her eye. Her striking image made both Honoka and Rena go wow!
"W-we were asked to come here by Uesugi-san," the girls explained sheepishly.
"Ah, Kyouko? Oh, you're the one Shihainin scouted!” the uniformed girl apologised, “I am sorry that we are short on staff now, the office is currently empty," and unlocked the door for them, leading them in. She served them tea, but soon had to excuse herself since she had ‘preparation’ to do.
"Is that an idol?" Honoka and Rena were excitedly chatting.
"Like, definitely!"
"What do you eat to be that beautiful?!"
They heard hurried footsteps coming up the stairs followed by a voice, "MUSUBI-CHAAAN! I am sorry I am lateeee!!" and a cute girl with a bob of bright red hair came in. She saw them and after a brief moment of confusion went, "Ah! The one shihainin scouted!" Honoka explained that ‘Musubi’ had went to do ‘preparation’ and the girl was like, “Ah! thank you!” but before she went Honoka asked, “Excuse me, what prep? And what for?”
Already on her way out, the girl with bright red hair replied joyfully, "For something I want to do!" the words ringing in Honoka’s mind.
Kyouko came along, going "You should have phoned me if you were here already!" and brought Honoka and Rena around the area, going to the theater and explaining things. She also told them that Musubi and Haru were going to be performing in a live. It would be streamed, broadcasted to the small pockets of idol fans around the country. Honoka and Rena both knew that Kyouko had really called them there for the live.
And the two ordinary girls they met just then, transformed in front of their eyes. The two might not have sang as good as many singers in Tokyo 7th could have, or danced as great as pro dancers, but there was something about them that drew both Honoka and Rena in. They discussed it on their way back home, how the girls had shined so bright, like lights. Which made Honoka think, again, of what Haru said before she went up there, that it was "Something that I want to do!"
The next day, Kyouko was starting her stretches for training when she heard a knock on the studio door. Kyouko lived in the Nanasis dorm unlike Rena and Honoka, so she was always by the office. She turned and saw Rena walking through the door... 
~~~And that ends the 3rd Chapter, "Seikananchuu"
Chapter 4 
Honoka was by the front of the office, with Coney circling around her like, "YO, GIRL! BECOME AN IDOL, DAZU!" and Honoka is like ???? but managed to mumble, "I am looking for Uesugi-san." and Coney said, "Oh! You're the one shihainin scouted! Hm! Hm!"
Coney continued, “It's too bad, but you can't meet Kyouko right now, because she is in the middle of some very important training…”
In the training room, Rena was explaining to Kyouko how she had no club anyway and had decided to just come.
Kyouko said, “Well I don’t mind, you can watch me train.”
“Why don’t we stretch together?” Rena suggested.
Kyouko was used to training alone everyday after school and so said, "I can still get good results doing it alone."
"But doing it together, while it will take more time, will bear more results." Rena insisted.
“Okay then.” Kyouku started to stretch and let Rena press on her back from behind, realizing how small Rena's hands were.
After a while...  “STOP STOP STOP!” Kyouko burst out.  
“Eh? Enough? Are you hurt?” Rena asked.
“Well yeah, enough for me! Is that wrong?”
“No, to be honest, you're more flexible than I thought. Now, it's my turn.”
Kyouko pushed Rena and she so EASILY slid down to the floor. Kyoko was like as expected for a club member… After that, they had dance training but only Kyouko danced. She took out a holocom and played a video of an unknown idol dancing, provided by Shihainin. She had been training with the video numerous times, everyday. “But I am a newbie in this,” Rena said. “It's okay,” Kyouko said, “I am looking for an honest opinion.”
Kyouko started dancing, and after the last move, looked at Rena and asked, “What do you think?”
“Hmmm it's GOOD, well, it's GOOD buuut.”
"It's okay, I did say an honest opinion."
"Can you do the last twirl?" Rena asked. Kyouko twirled again. "Mmmm, something is different..." Rena mused.
However, Rena couldn’t seem to put a finger on it and so stood up and said, "It’ll be easier to show you."
"What?" Kyouko didn’t know what Rena was doing.
"Uesugi-san twirled like this," Rena said, while performing the move, “While that idol, she twirled like... this." Kyouko was dumbfounded.
It couldn’t have been more than just a slight difference in her hand posture, or the way her feet moved, but in that moment, Rena was beautiful.
"Do you really have no experience in dancing?" Kyouko asked.
"Eh? No."
But she had done it perfectly. Kyouko asked her to do the twirl again and Rena was like man these people love twirling.
"Is it really okay, me being here?" Rena finally ended up asking.
"Yes," Kyouko replied. Kyouko had managed to grasp that point of the dance that she had been stuck on for weeks now, just by Rena being there and showing Kyouko her weak point.
Rena then asked, "Why an idol?"
"Well, I used to hate idols."
"Eh, what?"
"I hated idols."
"Uesugi-san sure can joke," Rena tried to brush off Kyouko’s serious statement.
“No, I’m not joking."
"Wait, seriously? But then, why are you here?"
Kyouko paused, then asked Rena, "Do you know a lot about movies?"
“Eh? Not really. I had a friend who loves them and shoved movies onto me though."
"Then, do you know Midorikawa Juri?"
Rena’s ears perked up, “Oh! That super beautiful actress! My friend showed me a movie of hers once!”
"Yes, she is beautiful, has a great voice, and is extremely talented in acting."
"What about her?" Rena asked.
"She is my mother."
"...Wait, what?" Rena paused briefly, “B-B-BUT YOUR SURNAME IS DIFFERENT,” she burst out.
"Seriously, that is where you got caught up? Of course, that is just her stage name. Her real surname is Uesugi. Uesugi Asuna." Kyouko said. Rena’s jaw dropped. So Kyouko's father is a foreigner, and this is where she had gotten her middle name.
"Is it okay to just say this kinda thing to me?" Rena finally said.
"It's okay." Kyouko explained that she did not even have many memories of her mother, since she had always been busy. When Kyouko was in kindergarten, she got an idol role in a performance and she hated it so much, but somehow, unexpectedly her mother made sure to attend the play. After that performance, her mother patted her head and said, "You're really cute. You did well." That was the first ever compliment her distant mother ever gave her, and despite Kyouko's reluctance to admit it, her mother's presence was a big part of her life.
"Why not be an actress?" Rena asked. Kyouko looked like her mother and even had a similar voice. Thus, she did not want to be under the shadow of her mother and wanted to establish her place, under her own name, not as Midorikawa Juri's daughter. That is also why she trains hard day and night for it. Rena asked if it was okay for Kyouko to be telling her such personal matters and Kyouko said she did not mind, although she realized that with Rena, she tended to just say everything, unlike her usual self.
After bidding Rena off, Kyouko went down to the Nanasis office, where she found a tray of oddly shaped onigiri, which looked like they must have been made by someone damn bad in cooking, and an overcooked tamagoyaki, with a note saying, "Great work for the lesson! Also, don't push yourself too hard! ~ Nishizono Honoka"
Although noting to herself how terrible the person must be in cooking (she could tell from merely the shape of the food), Kyouko took one of the onigiri and placed it in her mouth, feeling a warmth spreading through her stomach and chest.
~~~End of Chapter 4 : Heisuiruten
This is the end of book 1.
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