#god (real) and satan (real) adventures
darlinqserenity · 1 year
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continuing to be fyolai truthers. i love this creantzy drawing so much
YOOOOOOOOO LETS DO ITTTTTT (hi bby i missed u)
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Y’all are awesome and I appreciate the hell out of this account! Any fics that are an attempt at a season 3? Preferably comedic ones! Thank you so much and keep up the amazing work! ❤️
Hello. We have a #good omens s3 speculation tag, so check that out. Here are more to add that have some kind of humour tag...
a place to be by kaiyen (NR)
In which Crowley moves back into his flat, Aziraphale has problems at work, and the Second Coming of Christ is but a stone's throw away. In the end, Crowley makes it to rolling green hills, leant against a stubbornly yellow Bentley. He remembers the first morning. He had slithered out of the ground not long before dawn, the dirt damp even before the first rain, the grass cool and crisp against his scales. And the sun had risen, jewels spilling across the great blue sky, warm and golden from the East. Crowley – Crawly, then – had wanted to follow it, had felt a great pull Eastwards. He went, too, until he found the ripe red fruit nestled amongst the lush green leaves and knew what they were for. It was luck, then, that the humans had left in the direction of the sunrise. Luck, or– ineffable. The sun rises over the South Downs, and Crowley finally wants to stay.
The Ineffable Shades of Gray (Good Omens Season 3) by altsernative (T)
After returning to Heaven, Aziraphale learns the Metatron's true intentions, finds himself disillusioned, and regrets his choice to leave Crowley, who has been working in the Temptations department. They reunite, and find themselves stopping the final war between Heaven and Hell and learning God and Satan's true intentions for the world and each other.
Demons are Forever by in_a_pickle (T)
After finallly finding the courage to tell his best friend his feelings, Crowley's dreams are shattered when Aziraphale once again chooses Heaven over happiness together. With ‘Great Plans’ afoot upstairs, Aziraphale discovers that the starring role he accepted comes with some unforeseen duties and that Crowley’s kiss has become something of a distraction. Crowley meanwhile is trying to come to terms with a broken heart and is trying to fathom why Heaven is so keen to have Aziraphale back in the fold. A mini adventure with our favourite group of two, written in case I get hit by a bus and never get to find out what happened next.
The Intended Effect by Esme_Abner (E)
A post-S2 fic that begins with a very sad Crowley and a conflicted Aziraphale and a surprisingly not-awful Jesus. It's all building toward our boys reconciling, because like everyone else, my heart is broken and I need to pick up the pieces somehow. And they might try to like save the world again, too.
(I just can't wait for) Season 3 Good Omens! by RCReveal (T)
After Season 2, I really needed to find out how Aziraphale and Crowley could get their reunion: a real reunion & not 'pretendy real'. They both have so much growing to do with neither of them, yet, being able to even say 'I love you' clearly to each other. Angel, what's going on? What kind of doublethink are you doing to still think that Heaven is the Good side & that you can't even admit to being friends? But you'll do anything to protect the World. Crowley, always planning on running. Sorry, but that won't work. If you had run at Armageddon there'd be no here to be in. But somehow, still a little seed of optimism. And wow! what you two can do together! Especially with a little help from old and new friends. So here's a story about averting the Second Coming with that great ensemble cast of characters in Heaven, Hell, and Whickber ST. Long set up, but then starts to speed up, kinda a wild ride from chapter 42 onto the end. This story is at about the same level of cursing, violence (well, maybe a little more Gaiman-esque), humor (definitely much more Terry Pratchett-esque) and romance as that of the second season.
There's a Special Place on Earth for Beings Like You by Kipje (T)
Set two years after Aziraphale leaves to become Supreme Archangel. It’s the Second Coming. Aziraphale is tasked with finding parents for the new Christ and returns to earth. He needs Crowley’s help, but the two haven’t spoken since the break-up. Crowley doesn’t want to forgive the angel, nor does he want to help out with the baby, but he finds it incredibly hard not to get involved. OR Aziraphale and Crowley raise the new Christ together; a girl named Eden. While they try to sort out their feelings and avert the apocalypse. Excerpt: Crowley had always assumed Aziraphale would want to run away with him in order to be together. He had never bothered to ask if there was a version where they would be an ‘us’ on earth. What was Aziraphale supposed to do once they arrived in the Alpha Centauri system. How would that even work with his book collection? Sure, Aziraphale had fallen in love with the demon – and it had taken him a while to be able to admit that – but he had also fallen in love with humanity, with earth. He had never planned on leaving. He knew earth would be no fun without his favourite wily serpent, but that did not mean he would be fine anywhere as long as Crowley was there. He had standards.
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koolades-world · 1 year
Oh my god. Nightbringer Satan crushing on MC and Demon brothers freaking out because it's the same thing that happened with Lillith. Lucifer acts like a clown. (Maybe tries the atic). Belphie too.
NO BUT you think exactly like me, like omg are we secretly twins… The idea is still so fresh in brother's minds since it literally just happened, and Satan is none the wiser. He didn’t live through it after all. He hasn't really had a real conversation about what happened to them since he hates being around them. And honestly, anything that pisses off Lucifer must be the right choice for him. And the thing about the attic! Kinda like to think that Lucifer realized that attic was the perfect place to hide his brothers after sticking Satan up there. If it could contain Satan, what couldn’t it contain? it’s too perfect! I think I just love anything Satan angst
idk if this was a request or not but I kinda wanna write something for this idea anyways so,, ty anon you're literally so cool, sending my love :)
I haven’t gotten through all of Nightbringer’s story yet so sorry if this isn’t totally accurate to what happens. I'm on like chapter 5 and I haven't seen any spoilers... Honkai Star Rail recently came out and my friends are also playing that game so we’ve been playing that. Will go back to Nightbringer soon!
brewing just under the surface
It has been some time since Mc had been outed as a human. It has taken everyone except Solomon time to adjust. At first, everyone was furious in their own ways. Belphie, Satan, and Lucifer showed it in the typical way. It was the most they had truly let themselves go after falling. Everyone in the Devildom was advised to stay inside. Levi and Beel holed themselves up inside, hiding away from the world, fearing that if they showed themselves, they would be burnt again. Asmo found himself drinking into a stupor almost nightly, as when he laid in bed trying to fall asleep, all he could think about was Mc. Mammon was similar. He was rarely home, afraid he would see Mc so he went out gambling or exploring the Devildom to take his mind off everything. Eventually, they began to warm back up to Mc.
Mammon, however, was also the quickest to find himself missing Mc. He began to forgive them and understand their situation. They had been nothing but sweet to him, so he felt like he owed it to them. They had been a friend in a tough time. He began taking them with him on his adventures and gambled less. With them, he felt happier, more like himself. Part of him was kind of giddy they could exist in a state like this, despite everything. He felt like he could forget everything with them. He had them all to himself, after all. Even if they were a human, they were still the same deep down.
Eventually, Beel and Levi came around, followed by Asmo. The remaining three brothers thought they could never forgive Mc. Lucifer had placed so much trust in their attendant only for him to learn they couldn’t even tell the truth about who they were to him. He might be able to come around one day, but for the meantime, he needed to be alone. Belphie had vowed to hate humans for as long as he lived, so forgiveness was out of the question completely.
However, Satan wasn’t really sure why he was so mad. He struggled to find a reason to be mad sometimes. He would rage until he wasn’t really sure why he was raging in the first place, which would make him begin to rage all over again. He had no substantial relationship with this attendant. He was always locked up, locked out, or just too mad to interact with, making him unable to connect with them. It wasn’t on his brother’s behalf either. He didn’t really care about them too much, not enough to be this upset. Mc did technically lie to him, but that thought didn’t really provoke him. So, what was it? That's the mess he had found himself in for the past week or so. He wasn't really sure when he started thinking about it, but he was really tumbling down the rabbit hole now.
Satan was tuckered out after a long night out of causing destruction. He found himself at peace on very few occasions. One of the things that gave him the time to think in peace was after he was tired, or after he had just woken up. When he wasn't angry, he found himself enjoying things, such as thinking or the beauty of the world around him. Because of this, he was seated at the edge of a cliff, looking over the ocean. His legs and tail dangled over the edge. He looked minuscule compared to everything else. The sky was dark, so he stared down at the waves crashing against the cliff. Sometimes, he would overhear his brothers complaining about how it was always dark in the Devildom, but he actually thought it was nice. It comforted him. Not too far away was a road. One of the moons hung low in the sky. The others were not visible at the moment. In another moment of blissful clarity, he had taken the time to learn about the Devildom sky from a book. It had been a gift from Mc. Why they would give him a gift like that was beyond him, but he had found himself enjoying it despite that. It was one of the few things he had not destroyed in his rage.
While staring at sea, he simply thought. With a clear mind, he began to wonder why he still found himself mad at Mc. He hadn't seen them in a while, so maybe the feelings had calmed down. It was positive that he was able to think about it calmly, anyways. He was still unsure why exactly he was mad at Mc in the first place. Perhaps he had thought he had finally found someone that he could somewhat relate to. But then again, they still didn't know each other that well. As he was trapped in his thought, he heard the crunching of gravel behind him.
“Mammon? You out here?” The person he has just been thinking about had suddenly appeared as if it was magic. They had a motorcycle helmet pinched between their arm and torso. They froze once they realized Satan was there.
“Hey, Mc.” He turned back to look over the ocean.
“Sorry. I didn’t realize you were out here. You haven’t seen Mammon recently, have you?” They remained standing awkwardly behind him.
“No.” He kept his answers short, not really sure how to reply.
“Right, thank you.” They didn’t move at first. Then they spoke again. “Do you mind if I sit next to you for a moment?”
Satan thought about it for a moment. “I don’t mind.” He had a lot of questions. They settled next to him. Most anyone who sat next to him sat at least an arms length away. But Mc sat just within reach. Not too close to invade his personal space, but close enough to talk to him on a personal level. If they wanted, they could reach out and touch his shoulder. They set their helmet on the side farther from him.
“What brings you out here?” They asked, looking at the sky too. He had to stop and think about their question again. If it had been anyone else, this would have bothered him by now.
“I’m not sure. It’s beautiful, mysterious. Maybe that’s why.” He looked at them from the corner of his eye. Their looked out at the connection between the ocean and the sky.
“I’ve always loved nature. It’s not the same as home, but it’s beautiful in a different way.” The way they referenced the human works so casually made something within him twinge. Lucifer hated that place, and he should too, but he found himself curious.
“What was it like there?” He asked. They looked surprised, but answered nonetheless.
“It depended where you were. I grew up in a place where everything was always green with life, and you could always find some sort of life somewhere. But I traveled to places where all you could see was sand or the endless sea, like now. The biggest difference was the rising and setting sun. It wasn’t always dark. The sun always rose in the morning, to chase away to dark, and the sun always set to welcome the dark back. I used to wish it could always be night so I didn’t have to go to school and spend all my time at midnight reading, but now I miss it.” They reminisced. He finally turned his head to look at them. The stars and sea reflected in their eyes. “You eyes remind me of the morning. The forest and the rising sun illuminating it all.”
Satan paused again. He has never taken the time to look that closely at his eyes. He would have to look at them the next chance he got. “Thank you.” He finally said. “Do you miss the human world?”
It was Mc’s turn to stop. They still hadn’t realized he was looking at them. “Sometimes I do. But the Devildom has a charm. I’ve spend so much time here, it’s hard not to love. I do love it here.” They looked furthered down at the rocks below, reflecting the crashing waves in their eyes instead. “Someday, I would like to take you there. You would love some of the remote nature locations.”
This statement made Satan heat up. He couldn’t comprehend how they could say such kind things to him, the embodiment of anger. “That sounds nice.” His mind began to wander and suddenly, everything he has been feeling dawned on him. Mc was his friend. He had a friend. It was warm feeling that he didn’t know how to describe, but it did make him want to hold and care for Mc.
“Can I hug you? It’s fine if you say no, I understand.” He nervously looked back over at them again. This time, they were looking back at him. They hesitated for a moment, but then nodded. They scooted over to him, and wrapped their arms around him. They placed their head on his shoulder and inhaled. Satan was sure this was the most amount of affection he had gotten, probably ever. He was almost overwhelmed at first by the emotions he felt.
“You give really good hugs.” Mc seemed to really enjoy the embrace, but he didn’t dare respond. He wasn’t even sure what to say. He didn’t want to let go. This was probably also one of the most peaceful, sweet moments he’d ever had. “I should get going. Mammon is still missing.” Mc sighed.
“Alright.” He let go of them, but they didn’t scoot away quickly. They sat there for a moment, thinking.
“I’m making dinner tonight, if you’re interested. I also have something for you back at the house, so let me know once you get home. See you later.” They then got up, picked up their helmet, and left. They turned around a final time to wave, and he paused for a moment before waving back.
That was the beginning of it all. After that, he found himself by Mc’s side more and more. They went to see more remote scenery, and eventually, they went out in public together. He was still the same irritable, hotheaded demon, but he found it happening less often in the presence of Mc. When it did, they were always there to pick up the pieces of what he has done and comfort him. He was worried he might harm them at first, but they quickly proved they could handle themselves. They knew what made him tick and always seemed to know what he was going to do next. He would still have outbursts pretty frequently, but Mc mysteriously was always right on top of it.
Of course, his brothers, if he even dared call them that, noticed. They claimed they didn't care about their attendant but at the same time got upset with him for hogging their attention. Many times, Mc broke up fights between him and his housemates for this very reason. Even if he wasn't the Avatar of Wrath, he wouldn't have backed down. He still wasn't sure why. He wanted to hold them, love them, care for them. He was smart enough to know this wasn't how a friend would feel about another. Still, he had no clue what it could be if it wasn't that. As much as he didn't dislike Belphegor, he kept finding himself thwarting his attempts to kill Mc. They used to be his least hated of his "brothers" but now he had to say Beelzebub was the least hated now since he would help to control his unruly twin.
He found himself turning to books for answers. There was no one he could ask for advice besides Mc themselves, and he didn't feel comfortable bring this up with them. He was trying to grow more independent anyways. Books reminded him of Mc, since they had been to one to show him how useful they could be. They held the answers to everything, as long as you were holding the right one. Occasionally, he would find himself wanting to rip one to shreds but refrained since he knew it may be useful in the future. Besides, what would Mc think?
All of the books he consulted said the same thing. They described this feeling as a "crush" or whatever that might mean. He thought that word was stupid. The actual meaning was to destroy something with intense pressure and he definitely didn't want to do that. Other than that, he found the definition clear. He thought the word love might describe how he felt better, but he was too afraid to call it that. He did think they were attractive, and he would say it happened rather quick. But what was he supposed to do? They were the only person willing to get close to him.
He was in the middle of reading this book and processing this information when Lucifer threw open the door to his room. His room wasn’t barren anymore. Mc had built a small shelf for him to place his small book collection on. They had done it by hand so he was very careful with it.
“What are you plotting with that human?” He stood in the doorway with his arms crossed.
“Nothing. Get out.” He didn’t look up from his read, but his tail lashed about like an aggravated cat. He prided himself for not tacking him the moment he walked in.
“If you would just tell me, I won’t have to do anything the hard way.” Lucifer didn’t relent. He rushed forward to grab his collar and suspended him midair. “I know about your little crush.” Satan immediately stopped struggling. He was stunned. He couldn't bring himself to form a response.
"That is strictly prohibited. You are to maintain a professional relationship with the attendant.” Satan looked into Lucifer’s eyes. He still wasn’t great at anything relating to emotions, but there was something more than anger stirring in his piercing eyes.
“And since when has that mattered to you? You filthy pig.” Satan snarled, moving to grab the hands at his collar.
“There’s so much you don’t know. You have yet to learn. I don’t care if you hate me. I refuse to lose another one.” The air stilled after those words. He had never sounded Lucifer so upset. It made Satan begin to think. Compared to his housemates, he was nothing but a blip on the radar of time. Before he could even think about forming a response, Lucifer was moving, still holding him. Satan protested and struggled, causing a ruckus.
Mc had been sitting with Mammon in his room, giggling together quietly over another stupid outfit Mc had made. They both went silent as they heard the struggle pass the door, the mood spoiled. They glanced at each other before cracking the door. Mc knew that Lucifer and Satan hadn’t had a physical fight in a while now, so when they saw Lucifer carting Satan off somewhere, they pushed the door open all the way.
“Lucifer. What’s going on here?” When Lucifer didn’t stop, Mc ran after him, causing Mammon to follow as well. He ignored their insistent cries. Mc grabbed onto his lowest pair of wings at the base and dug their heels into the ground in vane. They felt themselves begin to pale as they marched towards the stairs leading to the attic. The attic only held terrible memories, but they were determined to help fix whatever was going on.
As the parade went upstairs, Mc tripped on the first step. Lucifer continued without them, not even acknowledging that they fell. Their knees stung. Mammon was quick to appear at their side and give them a hand up. He had never asked why they seemed so traumatized by the attic, but he knew they even hated being anywhere near that spiral staircase. Dust showered the both of them as Lucifer stomped angrily up the stairs. Their ascent was anything but silent.
“Are ya sure ya wanna go after ‘em?” Mammon whispered to Mc.
“I do. Will you go with me?” They gripped his hand tightly.
“I would go even if ya didn’t ask.” After taking a deep breath, Mc began to ascend the stars as quickly as they dared after the duo, gripping Mammon’s hand. Upon arriving at the top, Mc swallowed nervously as they were greeted with an all too familiar sight. The metallic, enchanted bars looked newer than the last time they had seen them. Lucifer was currently standing behind them holding Satan. Standing as tall as they dared, Mc spoke up.
“Lucifer. What do you think you’re doing?” Their voice came out weaker than intended. Satan had never seen them so fearful. Sweat glistened on their forehead. As Lucifer turned around to face them, they stumbled back a little.
“This does not concern you, Mc. I thought I made it clear that I did not need a human meddling in my affairs.” Anytime Lucifer moved even a little, Satan noticed they seemed ready to dive to the ground or throw their hands over their head.
“Satan is my friend. I’m here for him. We can talk about this.” Their voice wavered.
“What part of leaving my private affairs alone do you not understand? You are merely an attendant. I have attempted to speak to Satan in the past. This hasn’t worked before. It will not work now.” Lucifer shook Satan a little. He growled.
“I understand you don’t want me to be part of that, and that’s fine, but I know a more healthy and less, uh, strenuous way of communicating. If you would just listen to me-“ Mc gently patted the air as a way of showing they were trying to tone down the situation.
“I will not repeat myself again. If Satan wants to act like an animal, I will treat him like one. Since you seem so keen on talking, I’ll just throw you in there with him. If you’re still alive when I return, I’ll consider it.” Lucifer moved Satan to hold him with one hand. As they reached for Mc, they went into a flurry of movement.
“No!” The shriek they let out pierced even the ears of Lucifer. They grabbed onto anything and everything to get between them and Lucifer. They continued to scream loudly, telling Lucifer to stay back. The only thing that truly proved a barrier between Lucifer and the human was Mammon. He seemed shaken by everything, but refused to move.
“Luci. I love ya and yer the best older brother I coulda wanted, but doncha think this is too far?” Mammon crossed his arms, hiding Mc behind himself.
“I warned them already. It’s time they pay the consequences of their actions. Humans are bad news.” Lucifer tried to reach around Mammon, but he caught his arm. Without another word, Lucifer grabbed Mammon’s arm right back and threw him over the edge and down the staircase. With him out of the way, Lucifer easily grabbed the human by the throat. They abruptly stopped making any noise. He shook them a little, seemingly enjoying how they swayed under his grasp and then threw both the entities in his hands into the attic. The door slammed shut and Lucifer disappeared. He could be heard yelling at the bottom of the stairs at Mammon.
For the first ten minutes, Satan wasn’t even sure if Mc was alive. They held completely still and remained exactly how they had been throw in. They were on their side facing away from him. Once Satan was sure nobody was coming back, he crawled over to them. He flipped them onto their back and was met with their familiar face. They quickly made eye contact with him, holding it. They way they stared at him made Satan nervous. Now was not the time to be getting butterflies. The attic was barren. There was no bed, or hundreds of spare boxes. There was little besides a layer of dust and what seemed to be some of Diavolo’s old things.
Satan ghosted his hand over their forehead. They were sweaty. He didn't know what to say. Mc was always better at dealing with emotions, but he knew they needed him. He thought back to what they would do after he had a meltdown. "Does anything hurt?" He first asked. They didn't do anything at first. He just sat and waited for them to respond, because sometimes he didn't respond right away either.
"Just my feelings." Mc cracked a smile. He was glad that they were feeling good enough to try to joke, but he also wasn't sure what he would have done if they had said they were physically hurt.
"Is there anything I can do to help?" That was the next thing Mc always said to him.
"Did you ever read that one book about the stars that I gave you?" He was taken by surprise by the question.
"I did." He had really liked it.
"Let's look out the window then, and you can point out your favorite stars." They pushed themself up with a wince. He held a hand out, to which they accepted without thought. They had lied to him about not being hurt. They leant the window sill as he began explaining what he had read. Eventually, he let Mc begin to explain things he had questions about. Again, he found himself looking at them instead of the stars. The lengths they went for him were beyond him.
He wasn't sure how to approach confessing how he felt. Now didn't feel like the right time. For now, he could just admire and appreciate them. Hopefully, that day would come...
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chaotic-creator · 3 months
The Expanded Pantheon of Discord!
So I'm a massive Doctor Who fan and I've been watching the new series. Gotta admit, it's been a weird run but I enjoyed it overall. During "The Legend of Ruby Sunday", we got the confirmation that The Toymaker's Pantheon is the same as The Pantheon of Discord that The Trickster belongs to.
We also got a list of other deities in The Pantheon and that got me thinking of other Whoniverse villains who could fit into The Pantheon along with a couple of OCs. So sit back and enjoy, my version of The Pantheon of Discord!
The Toymaker: The God of Games- A canon member of The Pantheon from the main show. The master of games and Lord of Play, a crazy madman obsessed with his games and an opponent to The First, Fourteenth and Fifteenth Doctors
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Hecuba: The Goddess of Fate- A canon member of The Pantheon from an audio story called The Queen of Time. She's the sister of The Toymaker and aunt to Maestro. She's capable of trapping The TARDIS and is the mistress of her own pocket. I feel like Goddess of Fate works for her
Trickster: The God of Traps- A canon member of The Pantheon and the first one to officially be called part of The Pantheon of Discord back in the Sarah Jane Adventures episode The Wedding of Sarah Jane Part 2. He creates chaos by making deals with people close to death, changing timelines and the resulting chaos feeds him, this chaos is typically world ending in some way. Each of his deals is a trap, as to undo his actions the person who made the deal has to take their agreement back and die.
Maestro: The God of Music- A canon member of The Pantheon, parent of The Harbinger and the child of The Toymaker. Their goal is to keep their dominion over music and lock it away inside of them, depriving humanity of one of our most precious sources of comfort, empathy and expression. A brief (but memorable) enemy of The Fifteenth Doctor
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Reprobate: The God of Spite- An as yet unseen deity, though I have my theories. I believe this is another name for Fendahl, a classic Doctor Who villain who fed on souls, as classic Who described Fendahl as the same species as The Mara, another member of The Pantheon. A being that is cruel enough to feed on your very life essence? Seems pretty spiteful to me
The Mara: The God of Beasts- A canon member of The Pantheon and an enemy to The Fifth Doctor. Representing a massive snake and called a psychevore originally, Mara is a shapeshifter, having "many forms and none" that feeds on raw emotion and requires a host to form in the real world
Lucifer: The God of Despair- This one isn't canonical but I love the idea of The Beast from The Impossible Planet/The Satan Pit being a member of The Pantheon. Every pantheon needs their horned deity and The Beast fits perfectly. Not to mention he was voiced by Gabriel Woolf the voice of Sutekh. I made him The God of Despair here because in his episodes he was referred to as The Prince of Despair and Lucifer was also a name attributed to him. Not a canon member of The Pantheon
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Abaddon: The God of Hunger- This is the child of The Beast, featuring in the Torchwood episode "End of Days". Described as The Great Devourer who eats at life itself, he was eventually defeated by trying to devour Captain Jack's immortality. As I made his dad a member of The Pantheon, I thought Abaddon would also work and his "Great Devourer" title makes him the perfect candidate for a god of hunger. Not a canon member of The Pantheon
Fenric: The God of Pestilence- A classic Who villain and enemy of The Seventh Doctor, described as "an evil force from the dawn of time". As he was able to infect the minds of an entire Viking clan and their descendants, altering their destiny, Pestilence seems like a good domain for him. Not a canon member of The Pantheon
Jester: The God of Fear- An enemy from The Sarah Jane Adventures, an insane shapeshifter who caused and fed on fear. Throughout time he has appeared as The Pied Piper and fed on the fear of The Plague of Rats and later on the fear genrated when he took away Hamelin's children. Later he took the identity of Odd Bob the Clown and kidnapped children, feeding on the fear that these kidnappings caused. Not a canon member of The Pantheon
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Krampus: The God of Trickery- A canon member of The Pantheon, from the comic story Imaginary Enemies. He tried to remove Amy Pond, Rory Williams and Mels Zucker/River Song from time in the 1990's by tricking their classmate Veronica Stackmore into wishing them away. He gives his victims disguised gifts that grant him manipulative power over them.
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Harbinger: The God of Chance- Yes I'm making Harbinger a God and also just one being. They're now a shapeshifter and the child of Maestro. They serve as a lesser deity and lie in wait, at moments in time, where there is a chance to break the barrier between the outer plane where The Pantheon lives and the mortal universe. Harbinger is now master of The Not Things and released them from the edge of the Universe when The Fourteenth Doctor and Donna crashed there, causing 14 to "invoke a superstition at the edge of the Universe". This one slight nudge to chance warped reality and let Harbinger's fellow gods loose.
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Moloch: The God of Chaos- The brother of Fenric and a canonical God of Chaos, since I made Fenric a member of The Pantheon, it seemed fitting to make him part of it too, especially since it's a Pantheon of Discord and he's a god of Chaos. Seems very fitting that The Pantheon would have a deity whose domain is the name of their whole group. Not a canon member of The Pantheon
Incensor: The God of Disaster- A canon member of The Pantheon and mother of Doubt and Dread. Having read about Fenric and Moloch, I thought I could tie in Incensor by making her, another name of "Mi'en Kalarash", a legend from before Galifrey itself who is described as The Blue Fire and a being that inhabits "the wasteland between realities". That felt too perfect to not be the realm of The God of Disaster, so I made the two beings one.
Light: The God of Endings- Another classic Who villain and another being described as "an evil older than time itself" by The Seventh Doctor. He was obsessed with cataloguing everything in The Universe and became enraged whenever anything changed. He could teleport, move at "the speed of thought", had telekinesis and telepathy along with electrical abilities. As he detested change so much, bringing a permanent end to all change seems like it would fit him. Not a canon member of The Pantheon
Akhaten: The God of Plagues- The villain from The Rings of Akhaten, described by The Eleventh Doctor as "a parasitic deity" who fed on the hopes, dreams and souls of the people of Akhaten. As 11 called him a plague on the people singing to him and the people themselves called him "An Old God" I wanted to include him as a God of The Pantheon and I think a domain of Plagues suits him. Not a canon member of The Pantheon
Midnight: The God of Shadow- This is my take on what The Creature from the planet and episode Midnight was. An immortal being so old and powerful, so evil and dangerous that it could only be imprisoned on a planet where the sun ate away at any form of biological matter, to stop it gaining a host. It's jailers named the planet Midnight as a warning of The Deity it imprisoned but over time this meaning was lost. Now Midnight, roams his prison planet, driven insane and wanting nothing but escape. Not a canon member of The Pantheon
Kronos: The God of Time- A classic Who villain and enemy of The Third Doctor, from the story The Time Monster, Kronos was worshipped but feared as an evil god, a destroyer, child slayer and destructive force of evil. Captured in Greek mythology as The Titan of Time and Father of Zeus, Poseidon, Hades, Hestia, Hera and Demeter. With how often this being is symbolized as evil in both Doctor Who and media in general, Kronos Lord of Time fits in well here. Not a canon member of The Pantheon
Void: The God of Darkness- This deity is partly OC and partly based on some stuff from canon. This is the physical embodiment of The Void, the space between dimensions that contains "No light, nothing. Only darkness" according to The Tenth Doctor. Responsible for The Darkness of The Mind, where the worst ideas of sentient life come from, Void's power bleeds through dimensions and realities to infect every living thing with its power. Not a canon member of The Pantheon
Sutekh: The God of Death- A canon member and apparently the leader of The Pantheon, described as "the mother, father and other of all" and "the god of gods". Sutekh faced The Fourth Doctor in "The Pyramids of Mars" and later The Fifteenth Doctor in "Empire of Death". A creature obsessed with death and ending all life in The Universe as he sees life as a perversion, Sutekh stands on high as the Master of The Pantheon
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Huitzilin: The God of Fear- Another of the same species as The Mara in the Classic Who novel, The Left Handed Hummingbird. Like how Mara feasted on emotion and Fendahl who fed on souls, Huitzilin feasted on fear and panic, as he's the same race as Mara and Fendahl in Classic Who, I thought making him a member of The Pantheon worked and a god of fear fits with the other gods. Not a canon member of The Pantheon
The Doctor: The God of Life- Surprise! I am basing this on a theory I have. The Doctor was found as a child by Tecteun on Galifrey before The Time Lords formed as a race. But why was he beneath the monolith as a child? What if he was a banished God? The God of Life and antithesis to Sutekh. This would explain his seemingly infinite regenerations.
A lost immortal god, banished as a youngling, would definitely make him "The Timeless Child". This would also explain his desire to save everyone and everything, he is literally driven to preserve his domain as much as he can. It could also explain how The Fifteenth Doctor brought the butterfly back to life in Space Babies
He was taken in by The Time Lords but when they invented time travel he became a danger, A God unbound from time itself, a non linear deity. When his fellow deities saw this, they formed a plan to wipe his mind and bind him into the mortal plane. The Trickster trapped The Doctor by making a deal with Tecteun.
The Trickster granted Tecteun the last bit of knowledge she needed to steal The Doctor's power over regeneration and life and work it into The Time Lord's DNA and descendants. However in return, Trickster trapped The Doctor to Galifrey, they became A Galifreyan biologically, Tecteun rewrote The Doctor's biology to trap him with Galifrey and her people. Not a canon member of The Pantheon
Precursor: The God of The Unknown and Secrets- The only one who's a complete OC deity. This deity hides in the background of their fellow gods actions, ensnaring victims with the knowledge they desperately want, forcing them into deals that Precursor binds them to. They then grant their victim the knowledge but immediately destroy it and feast on the disappointment and rage that their victim feels, leaving the victim a husk. Precursor can also rework reality like their fellow gods, trapping the truth in The Unknown Realm while making a new perceived truth, tricking everyone and keeping the true secret, the real knowledge unknown. Not a canon member of The Pantheon
I hope over the next few weeks, to be able to write and publish short stories for each and everyone of these deities! Hope you enjoyed this expanded Pantheon of Discord
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y-rhywbeth2 · 2 months
hi! I've been really enjoying your blog. D&D lore is such a tangled mess (so fun to figure out though) and it's a treat to read your breakdowns of anything and everything Forgotten Realms!
I'm sending this ask because I saw a mention of Bhaalist "red rooms" in one of your posts, in which Bhaalists would murder (mostly criminals) as a spectacle for Undercellar visitors. I would love to read more about this, but google and the Forgotten Realms wiki are both being unhelpful. Would you mind sharing which campaign setting/sourcebook/whatever you learned about this practice from, so I can check that out? Thanks!
This would be from the time honoured tradition of asking Ed Greenwood for lore that didn't get into the sourcebooks because TSR and then WotC didn't want to spend page space on: either because it's 'too trivial' (which is just incorrect, there is nothing too trivial - 'Nobody needs to know about the dye industry on Toril.' Well I do! And I desperately need to know how the nightmares that are Sharran and Banite weddings and marriages)) or because they were still skittish about the Satanic Panic (too edgy, too much sex, too whatever; you'll upset the parents. Can't include too much detail on religious practices, taboos and rituals and stuff; you might offend the religious conservatives. etc).
In this case it was mentioned in response to somebody on twitter asking about the viability of Dead Three cultists established in Waterdeep's Sewers.
Either none of my machines like the site, or else it's been fucked to high hell by whatever current management is doing with it, but I can't really use the thing; I can link to a site that does collect these kinds of Q&As though which has it: How viable would it be for an evil cult (Bhaal, Bane, or Myrkul) to set up a shrine/temple in the Waterdeep sewers? (sageadvice.eu)
'[Setting up in the sewers is] not viable at all, considering the city inspectors, the Xanathar agents creeping around, and the gleaners (poor citizens trying to literally dredge and scrape a living from the sewer flows). However, it’s VERY viable for cults to set up just a teensy bit higher, in the CELLARS of city buildings. Many cults are already established in such places, and in “upper rooms” of city buildings, too, which has given rise to the local phrase “whispers in upper rooms” and “upper room whisperers” (where in the modern real-world we would speak of “back room dealings”). 'As for inducements offered to recruits: [...] 'Bhaal: to join a cool, secretive masked by-night fellowship that captures select people and “rightfully” murders them in on-altar rituals to the god (so, the slayings are not a crime, and the cult works to protect you from arrest by the Watch and any consequences of the killings). As a joining member, you get to name one candidate the cult will kill (i.e. someone you hate or owe coin to).'
And the other link between that and targeting criminals ('rightful' murder) comes from Elminster's Forgotten Realms:
'Adventurers far from home are godsend targets [for Bhaalist murders], as are outlaws or brigands; few care if such folk meet a bloody doom.'
For anybody curious about the other two who don't want to/can't click the link:
Baneites appeal to people who are upset at the corruption of the rich and the nobility (the Masked Lords, in Waterdeep's case) and plan to pull out the guillotine and 'exterminate' them and then replace them with their glorious regime where the city will be ruled properly and their wealth given to the deserving.
And Myrkul just picks up the edgy resentful goths who want to play with corpses, feel powerful and/or get back at their bullies/people who won't date them/etc.
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freetobeeyouandme · 8 months
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Chapter 1: The Cleric Zone-of-Truth's Me
It's time!! The first chapter of my Byler Isekai AU is now up on Ao3.
I'm finally ready to start posting this and y'all have no idea how excited I am! All fanfic is self-indulgent, but this one has been more so than others, which feels very appropriate, considering it is 100% the kind of thing Mike would daydream about in class (Cin's words). I also have to credit @iryfic and @fizzseed for the concept. They were discussing a different fanfic idea, had a misunderstanding and came up with this…and since we all wanted to see it, I sat down and wrote it :D
Tags: M, Graphic Descriptions of Violence, Fantasy AU, Canon Typical Violence, Canon Typical Horror, Friends to Lovers, Slow Burn
Mike Wheeler hates High School, so when he almost dies and falls through a portal to another world, he’s not going to complain. Especially not when that world does not only have swords and magic but seems to work exactly according to the rules of his favorite tabletop role-playing game. But his euphoria might be short lived because the party of adventurers he falls in with turns out to be the target of an evil god and the fate of the world might rest on their shoulders. So, exactly like his games of D&D. Except the wanna-be Paladin soon realizes that being a hero is much harder in real life than it is in-game. - Or, Mike gets isekai’d into a world where D&D is real.
An excerpt and taglist below the cut:
High School has, thus far, been the worst period of Mike Wheeler’s life, so it’s not really a surprise for him when spring break starts the way it does. In many ways he should have seen it coming, and in many ways he could have prevented it. If he’d just biked home right after school, accepting that his one week’s vacation would be nothing but hiding out in his basement some more, playing Atari on his own and working on school assignments, none of this would have happened. But Mike has had a bad year, and it being the anniversary of the week his life went from ‘kinda bad’ to ‘absolute hell’ only makes him stubbornly cling to a moment of reprieve all the more. So what happens is this: He takes the long way home, and he drowns.
The way from school to the Wheeler’s house is a straightforward one, cutting through downtown and then the suburban neighborhood he calls his home. It’s a safe path. But when school lets out, Mike doesn’t feel safe, and he sure as shit doesn’t feel straightforward. He has a weird sense of foreboding, as if tomorrow he’ll wake up to find the police at his doorstep with questions about the disappearance of Eddie Munson – except Eddie has been gone for a year now. Mike would know where the former leader of Hellfire Club was these days if he bothered to ask Eddie’s uncle, Wayne, but Mike hasn’t. He knows Gareth and Jeff were in contact with Eddie through Wayne, but Eddie only sent postcards to his uncle, choosing to ignore his friends, and, well, two could play that game. Eddie was fine, that much Mike knew, but Hellfire had fallen apart in his absence – and worse become the source of ridicule and persecution for its remaining members. So, Mike couldn’t care less what Eddie was doing. Eddie didn’t care about them either, after all.
With Eddie gone, Mike only had his basement, the safety of his own four walls, the only place in the world where the bullies could not get to him. And even at home safety was a strong word considering how concerned his parents still were about him falling prey to satanism and the evil doctrine that they, like the rest of Hawkins, couldn’t quite not believe Hellfire had propagated. They had hidden it better than most, but Mike knew their feelings on his hobbies didn’t differ much from the rest of town. Their opinions rarely did.
And so Mike, contrary to what he had promised his mother, contrary to common sense and every reprimand he can bring in retrospective, doesn’t head straight home. He swings onto his bike and veers sharply in the opposite direction, speeding past houses and streets and those wonderfully concerned citizens who all judge him silently as he runs past them – must judge him, for he is known. His face had been plastered all across town on those posters that had been circulating for months even after Eddie had been found at the end of spring break, alive and hale with his runaway girlfriend, who had been everyone’s real reason of concern, let’s be honest.
He doesn’t slow down until he hits the line of trees outside of town, then jumps out of the saddle to push his bike along their shade.
The woods had been another place of safety, back when he had still been a child. If the rain and the years hadn’t washed it away, the wooden castle that they had played in must still be standing, hidden away in between the trees, safe from the town and their judgment. Sometimes he misses that boy who had been so long gone now that Mike doesn’t even remember his name anymore. His best friend, once, and then overnight nobody as his mother packed him and his brother up and hid from her ex-husband on the other side of the country.
They had only sent a single Christmas card, no return address. Reassurance that they were fine – still alive, happier, even – but also the goodbye they never got to say in person as they disappeared just the same way Eddie had. For a while Mike had kept it in a frame on his desk, as if by clinging to the picture he could keep their friendship alive. He’s not sure where the card had ended up afterwards. Probably the trash.
Mike considers walking into the woods, considers looking for the castle, but he knows he’ll be better of with the memory instead of the real thing. The memory is bittersweet, reality can only disappoint.
Maybe if he had gone down the path of nostalgia, things would have turned out differently. Instead, he continues along the edge of the trees and, eventually, inevitably, into the arms of Troy and James.
He doesn’t see them at first, but they see him.
Unofficial Tag List (aka you interacted with my snippet posts, please tell me if you want me to not tag you in the future (or want to be added)): @smalltownwheeler @wheelerpilled @wrong-energy @willthelies @foodiewithdahoodie @doggo9 @gardenfairie @beelikesbyler @beverlysclown @yickarus @sourdough-el @hessolivagant @hesquietoday
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toshio · 2 months
Hey, love your blog 💗Random q: if you’re into tv shows what’s your top 3?
LOOOL omg okay this is vague question. because you could either mean like REAL hollywood production stuff or like anime. i'll give you both haha. EXTREMELY LONG list of my favorite american shows (reality TV included) and some of my all time favorite anime. read below if you're interested. it's a lot. buckle up.
well for actual TV shows (like american produced i guess) i really enjoyed American Horror Story, my favorite seasons were season 2 (asylum) it's about a spooky asylum with nuns possessed by satan/demons and a bunch of other messed up villains. Jessica Lange CARRIES this season with her incredible acting.
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another actress who i LOVED in season 2 was Lily Rabe, she plays the possessed nun (her character is supposed to be an innocent nun but she gets corrupted) and she's super badass while she's under control by the devil LOL. like amazing acting, she's just pure femme fatale and is a perfect villain that you actually WANT to lowkey root for because she's so cunty. UGH. i remember getting my life from her. this entire season is carried by these two characters.
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and you didn't specify if you wanted regular TV shows or reality TV shows, but i am a huge reality TV fan! i'm gay/bi so i absolutely LOVE watching rupaul's drag race LMAO. season 16 is the most recent one that just finished airing, i absolutely loved every minute of it, the show is just endlessly entertaining and showcases queer people in such a vibrant and fun life that would make straight people jealous HAHA. but it's a show for everyone obviously, as long as you enjoy drag queens and expressing yourself and stuff.
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and another reality TV show that i enjoyed was "flavor of love" it's a reality TV competition show where a bunch of women from the 2000s were competing to win the love of "Flavor Flav" who's this rapper who's like 65 years old now. LOL. it sounds crazy but this show was HUGE back then, and the breakout star was a contestant named "New York" but her real name is Tiffany Pollard and i LIVE for this woman, lmao. she's so iconic and has the best quotes ever, she's regarded as a gay icon within the queer community. VH1 loved her so much that they made a bunch of other spin off shows featuring her in it, just look her up on youtube haha.
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i wouldn't say these 3 shows above are my absolute favorites of ALL time but they're definitely up there! just can't think of anything else, and they're my recent hyper fixations.
and i'm not sure if you're an anime watcher/fan but my favorite anime of all time is probably an anime called Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood. it's literally regarded as one of the best animes of all time, you should watch it if you haven't already. i got a tattoo of it because i want to remember it for the rest of my life LOL. IT'S SO GOOD. without spoiling it, it's like action/adventure/brotherhood with some philosophy thrown in it. i think people often belittle anime/2D animated stuff but this show is a masterpiece. 11/10.
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second anime TV show i recommend is Death Note, it's another iconic anime you should watch. to summarize the plot, a death god (shinigami) gets bored one day and drops his "death note" (a book that allows you to kill ANYONE in the world if you write their name in the book) and a really smart student named Light Yagami (main character) picks it up after his class in school. and he decides to use it for his own good, trying to make the world a better place, but really smart detectives eventually figure out that something is happening, and he tries to stay incognito. if that doesn't sound interesting, then hell. i really enjoyed this one, it's a classic anime that you should see.
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i'm gonna give you two more anime shows because my taste level is all over the place LOL but the third one i recommend is "Akame ga Kill!". it's about a guy who joins a group of assassins who he ORIGINALLY thinks are evil people who kill innocent people, but it turns out the capital city is secretly corrupt and it's all a facade, the assassins he joins are actually the good guys (at least in their eyes).
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if you enjoy fast paced anime where lots of people die, action, fighting, cute anime girls, and there's even a buff gay guy in the show (YAY) then this show is for you. the main character is really badass too, her name is "Akame". now i will say a lot of people criticize this show but since you asked for my opinion, i think this show is a 9/10. it's not perfect but i enjoy the world, the animation, the characters, music, etc. this show just really made me happy. the dub and sub are good, if you hate reading subtitles. i watched both.
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the last recommendation i have is Blood-C, i know it looks similar to Akame ga Kill but i promise you it's a different show LOL. it just has two black haired anime heroine characters who use a katana/sword to kill. and they're both bloody/action packed.
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this show is EXTREMELY bloody, extremely violent and bloody, there's gore guts and action. if that isn't for you, do not watch it. i however, enjoy such morbid things, and since it's not real gore/violence, i can stomach it much better.
Blood-C (first episode air date was early July 2011) is about a sweet girl named Saya Kisaragi who goes to school as a normal girl. at night, she protects her village and friends from strange human eating monsters. i'm not going to spoil much else, but if that kind of stuff interests you, please watch this one! i really enjoyed it. again, people have criticisms about this show, but i fucking loved every minute of it. it's only about 12 episodes. i have a strange love for female protagonists in anime because they're so badass and i just love strong independent women in animated things, i've always had an affinity for it. i was always that nerdy kid in school who drew anime girls and stuff in class, LOL.
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alright LAST anime recommendation i have for you if you enjoy my taste, is "Claymore". again, it's about female heroes with swords who slay creatures, you seeing the pattern here? LOL. i just like badass women who can fight. DON'T JUDGE ME OKAY?
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one of my favorite anime shows, i watched it in early 2018 when i was taking college classes, so this anime holds a special place in my heart. it's about female swordsmen who slay human eating monsters with their giant swords. these terrifying monsters can disguise themselves as humans, and it gets worse than that. it's set in a dark fantasy medieval type of alternate universe. again, if you enjoy badass anime women, this show is for you! who doesn't enjoy that?
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if you read absolutely everything, thank you. and let me know if you watched any of these. i'd love a follow up message from you. enjoy!
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hompunkulus · 1 month
This blog is about some history and my journey through Satanism, so I think it's a good time to stop calling myself a Satanist. I haven't found God, he doesn't exist. I'm not turning a new leaf, I'm just at the point where it is a budding dogma that can't get it's head out of its own ass.
If I say I'm a Satanist, three things come to most people's minds and I have issues with all three and it's not that important of a label for me anymore. The Devil is tempting me away from human concepts of his philosophy and majesty. I love the Devil, but the modern interpretations, omit much of the beautiful and influential literature, are horse shit.
1. Am I a member of the Church of Satan? No, because all I have ever done is argue with members that cannot admit fault. Even if you point it out in their literature, they always have an argument. Sometimes it makes sense and I understand better, but often it's just because they have brainwashed themselves into believing their own drivel. Sounds a lot like zealot Christianity.
2. An I a member of The Satanic Temple? Also, no, I am not. Lucien Greaves has a backround in Far-Right ideologies and even prompted the ACLU to defend a known White Supremacist in the early 2010's because, "Freedom of Speech." Well, Hate Speech is not, nor should be, protected under law because it's very existence is about taking right away from minorities, even to the point of violence. He did 'apologize' but, well, watch the video. It will point you to some nasty truths of the Temple.
You don't even have to watch the entire thing to get the point, but probably should to show support to the creator.
They are also based on double standards, much like their forefather, the Church of Satan. "We're atheists and we don't believe in magic!" Then why is Shiva Honey making money off selling magical products? They consider it ritual for psychological purposes... in chaos magic we call it the Paychological Model of Magic.
Just to be nitpicky, they sued Netflix for having a similar statue of their Baphomet in The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina. That's a waste of money and time for the causes that matter. I guess we should just conjure Eliphas Levi and have him sue the Satanic Temple!
I'm also not an athiest.
3. Then I'm a Devil Worshipper! Not exactly, because I don't believe in gods in that way. They are not anthropomorphic creatures, ancient ancestors, or any such thing to me. Gods, in my practice, exist much like consciousness does. We don't know what it is, how it is, why it is, or it's full potential, we just know that it is. It is also amorphous and abstract, no face, no body, no emotion, just something that exists and from time to time interacts with our objective universe.
Maybe I should use a rock as an example. It exists. It has no real purpose. Much like a god, it is damn near eternal, hard to break, and observes and remains until someone moves, buries it, or breaks it. Maybe a mountain or the ocean are better examples. Vast, myth inspiring, but they are not conscious like humans are, but they are powerful generators of myth and magic.
Satanism has had its place in my life, a very important one, but to consider myself a Satanist is to lie to myself and is not a battle I care to have with others. To reitirate, I still love the good ol' Devil and his concept as the Witch Father and various other deviations, but the Devil is not Satan and modern Satanism hardly acknowledges the Devil and their ilk in the way I have come to know them.
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glowing-disciple · 9 months
Reading List - 2024
Currently Reading:
The Book of Dragons by Edith Nesbit
Peter and Wendy by J. M. Barrie
Sweet Sweet Revenge LTD by Jonas Jonasson
Books Read:
101 Famous Poems by Various Authors
A History of Chess by Jerzy Gizycki
The Abraham Lincoln Joke Book by Beatrice Schenk De Regniers
An Introduction to Linguistics by Loreto Todd
The Art of Computer Designing by Osamu Sato
The Broken Dice, and Other Mathematical Tales of Chance by Ivar Ekeland
The Cairngorms by Patrick Baker
The Codebreaker's Handbook by Herbie Brennan
The Color Kittens by Margaret Wise Brown
The Complete Book of Kitchen Collecting by Barbera E. Mauzy
Dinosaurs, Beware! A Safety Guide by Marc Brown
Dracula by Bram Stoker
Dreaming the Biosphere by Rebecca Reider
Farmer Boy by Laura Ingalls Wilder
Frog and Toad are Friends by Arnold Lobel
Funny Number Tricks by Rose Wyler
Gender Queer: A Memoir by Maia Kobabe
Giant Sea Creatures, Real and Fantastic by John Frederick Waters
Hammer of the Gods by Stephen Davis
Hiram's Red Shirt by Mabel Watts
I don't care by JoAnn Nelson
Jaws by Peter Benchley
Jungian Archetypes: Jung, Gödel, and the History of Archetypes by Robin Robertson
Keeper of the Bees by Gene Stratton-Porter
The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood of Great Renown in Nottinghamshire by Howard Pyle
Out of the Silent Planet by C. S. Lewis
Precious Remedies Against Satan’s Devices by Thomas Brooks
Reflections on Evolution by Fredrick Sproull
Roadie: My Life on the Road with Coldplay by Matt McGinn
Strange Creatures of the Ice and Snow by Edward F. Dolan
Time for Bed, Sleepyheads by Normand Chartier
Weird Islands by Jean de Boschère
Future Reading:
A Girl of the Limberlost by Gene Stratton-Porter
Adventures in Cryptozoology Vol. 1 by Richard Freeman
All the King's Men by Robert Penn Warren
Always Running by Luis J. Rodriguez
Ancient Mysteries, Modern Visions by Philip S. Callahan
The Anti-Mary Exposed by Carrie Gress
The Arm of the Starfish by Madeleine L'Engle
The Art Nouveau Style by Stephan Tschudi Madsen
As I Lay Dying by William Faulkner
Black Beauty by Anna Sewell
Braiding Sweetgrass by Robin Wall Kimmerer
Brave New World by Aldous Huxley
The Call of the Wild by Jack London
The Catcher in the Rye by J. D. Salinger
Champions of the Rosary by Donald H. Calloway
The Color Purple by Alice Walker
The Complete Works of H. P. Lovecraft
Cubism by Guillaume Apollinaire
Dear Mr. Henshaw by Beverly Cleary
Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card
Equal Rites by Terry Pratchett
Evolution by Nowell Stebbing
Expressionism by Ashley Bassie
Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury
Fearsome Creatures of the Lumberwoods by Hal Johnson
Found in a Bookshop by Stephanie Butland
Frankenstein by Mary Shelly
Freaks on the Fells by R. M. Ballantyne
Freckles by Gene Stratton-Porter
Fundamentals of Character Design by Various Authors
Graceling by Kristin Cashore
The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald
The History of Don Quixote de la Mancha by Miquel de Cervantes Saavedra
Howl's Moving Castle by Diana Wynne Jones
Humorous Ghost Stories by Various Authors
I, Robot by Isaac Asimov
Illuminated Manuscripts by Tamara Woronowa
The Island of Doctor Moreau by H. G. Wells
Joan Miro by Joan Miro
The Jungle by Upton Sinclair
Jurassic Park by Michael Crichton
Light of the Western Stars by Zane Grey
Living by the Sword by Eric Demski
The Longest Cocktail Party by Richard DiLello
Mere Christianity by C. S. Lewis
North and South by Elizabeth Cleghorn Gaskell
Otis Spofford by Beverly Clearly
The Phantom Tollbooth by Norton Juster
The Shining by Stephen King
The Silmarillion by J R R Tolkien
The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson
Strange Love by Ann Aguirre
The River by Gary Paulsen
Things My Son Needs to Know About the World by Fredrik Backman
The Third Man Factor by John Geiger
The Time Machine by H. G. Wells
To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee
Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson
The War of the Worlds by H. G. Wells
We Are Where the Nightmares Go and Other Stories by C. Robert Cargill
The Weiser Field Guide to Cryptozoology by Deena West Budd
The White Mountains by John Christopher
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internetskiff · 10 months
Pony Island 2 has the potential to be the funniest DMG game ever methinks. If the Pony Island 1 Daemons come back Asmodeus would be so fucking pissed about it it'd be so hilarious.
"Death will be a great adventure"
> proceeds to come back in other games Satan has created
> is then dragged back to his original position
(bonus points if Buer is dragged back aswell for no discernable reason to make it even worse for him)
What if King Yan doesn't even give a shit about ponies which is why the new iteration of the arcade cabinet tries to stray as far as possible from that. He wanted to make a survival game. But then oops! Yeah the fucking Devil just escaped Hell. We need someone in charge of Pony Island! Stat!
So now he's forced to try and work his ideas into that mess of a game. He can't get rid of the Pony itself though. That's Satan's pride and joy. A testament to his game design genius. Nevermind that he's probably forgotten about Pony Island by now and is living it large as the CEO of a videogame company. Literally every single person that isn't the Devil fucking despises having to deal with Pony Island. Being assigned to that game is probably the REAL worst possible fate for a digital being, it's just that literally none of the Gameworks NPCs even know that game exists.
If being assigned to Inscryption is the NPC equivalent of Dreamworks employees being "Shreked" as punishment, Pony Island is.. dear god.. no, no I shan't say..
Let's just say Asmodeus suffered a fate way worse than a "Shrek-ing".
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katie-the-bug · 2 months
Another book without a plot.
The Remnant, Left Behind #10, was a deeply frustrating book.
The Tribulation Force: Rayford Steele, pilot; Buck Williams, journalist; Chloe Williams, organizer, wife, and mother; Kenny Williams, infant; Tsion Ben-Judah, the greatest evangelist evah; Chaim Rosenzweig, Israeli convert; Mac McCullum, backup pilot; Abdullah Smith, backup to the backup pilot; Albie, former black-marketer; Chang Wong, IT guy on the inside; Steve Plank, Christian in disguise.
The Global Community: Nicolae Carpathia, Antichrist, risen lord and deity of the GC; Leon Fortunato, Satan's little helper; Viv Ivins, role unclear.
The book's subtitle is "On the Brink of Armageddon." Now, the last book ended slightly more than halfway into the seven-year Tribulation and this book picks up immediately after. That means this book will try to take us through roughly three years' worth of catastrophes, persecution, and general drama. Surely we won't suffer from a loss of detail as we hear about rather than see these events.
On the first page the narration refers to "the robe and sandals of an Egyptian" as though that's what all Egyptians wear all the time. (Lest we forget, this describes Rayford's attempt to disguise himself as an Egyptian. Well, that an a generous dose of brownface.)
The bombing of Petra in the last book unsurprisingly has zero effect, and Nicolae decides to take out his frustration on Jewish people in general. Is it not enough that he's the Antichrist, that they have to make him Hitler too?
There's still a handful of refugees in Petra who haven't converted to Christianity, which Tsion finds confusing despite having himself preached that God would mind-control people into refusing to convert.
Mac goes to Greece to try and rescue a Christian who was captured there, and, after he's sprung the guy, they're stopped at a roadblock by a soldier who asks to see their Marks of the Beast. Mac was disguised as a GC officer by a guy whose appearance-altering talents are praised to the high heavens, but he didn't even bother to get a fake Mark. It's pointed out again and again how getting a real Mark would damn him irrevocably to Hell, but no consequences are mentioned for faking one, other than the GC killing you if they find out - and they'll kill you if you don't have one anyway. While the Mark includes a biochip, we never see any Marks getting scanned, leading me to believe the GC is going off visuals alone. The Mark is both a tattoo and a chip, so I figure if you only got the tattoo, you don't really have the Mark. So why not get one and make your disguise foolproof?
The adventure in Greece ends in a Christian safehouse compromised and slaughtered, but Mac and his team make it out because Archangel Michael intervenes on their behalf. I bet everyone involved would have preferred he help the larger number of people who got killed, but whatever.
At the beginning of a lengthy speech in Chapter 13, Tsion refers to the Bible as "the only truly accurate history ever written." You gotta love the little bits of comedy they slip into these books.
He says the Biblical Flood "still boggles the minds of scientists who find fish bones at altitudes as high as fifteen thousand feet." I could give the authors the benefit of the doubt and assume they've never heard of plate tectonics, but these are grown, educated men I'm talking about. They know about plate tectonics, they just don't like it and thus decide to pretend it doesn't exist.
In a description of the coming paradise promised to believers, Tsion states that "the population will grow to greater than the number of all the people who have already lived and died up until now." That's over a hundred billion humans, and, while I've never gotten on overpopulation catastrophe train, I really don't think Earth can support that many people at a standard of living that could be described as "paradise." Tsion further claims that this number of people will be possible because there will be no war. Yes, war kills vast numbers of people, but you know what kills even more? Disease and starvation, especially on the scale that would occur if there were a hundred billion people on the planet.
"How could you not love the God the prophets describe?" God has been killing people with wild abandon since the beginning of this series and intends to condemn most people to eternal suffering for not saying some magic words. Next question please.
Tsion says God is "working in people to get them to make a decision." He never says God will work in people to make the right one, which is accurate given how many times he's said God will "harden people's hearts" and force them to condemn themselves.
"Whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved." Unless you've taken the Mark of the Beast. Then you're outta luck.
Steve learns that he is expected to take the Mark, and Chang offers to change his file so that it looks like he's already taken it. Steve says that "would be like my choosing the Mark" and thus immoral. I will never understand these characters' aversion to faking the Mark.
Steve's friend Vasily, a GC guy who's taken the Mark but regrets it, offers to help Steve escape. Steve's refusal is irrelevant to the fact that Vasily is still willing to do good despite knowing God has rejected him. Perhaps we're supposed to see the Christians as paragons of selflessness for *checks notes* dying, but they know they've got a reward coming. Vasily doesn't, but he's willing to risk his position and his life. That's real selflessness.
Throughout the second half of the book we get randomly placed time skips of a few months each, some of which are in the middle of chapters. The "Great Tribulation" happening in this book is allegedly the worst period in human history - would it kill the authors to focus on it a little?
The GC is starting to fracture, but nobody tries to assassinate Nicolae because they think he'll resurrect. The people vying for power are supposed to be evil geniuses - wouldn't they try something like burying Nicolae under tons of concrete so that when he resurrects he can't get out of his coffin? Maybe stick his body in acid so that when he comes back he immediately starts dying again? You've got options, dammit!
We get a couple more plagues - freshwater turning to blood and a deadly heatwave. The heat is so intense that the ocean is literally boiling and buildings spontaneously combust. That combined with the fact that no living thing has anything to drink, and you have yet another scenario where realistically, everyone and everything should be dead. Of course, the authors could never be convicted of realism.
I'm glad the authors have dropped the angle that the judgements are God's way of getting people's attention. Now they're saying that the plagues are God's way of thinning out the evil population to make the final battle more even. Lemme run that by you again: God, allegedly omnipotent, needs to kill off his enemies before he fights them to make things more even. Can the authors just admit that God is killing people for fun?
During the deadly heatwave, Nicolae goes sunbathing. This has nothing to do with anything, but it is funny.
If you thought the ideas in this book were frustrating, wait until you see Armageddon.
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darlinqserenity · 1 year
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i can finally use this
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aziraphales-library · 10 months
Hello, wonderful people! I love your blog, you helped me discover so many beautiful fics <3
I am looking for some one-shots, where ineffable husbands wanted to have sex with each other but for one reason or another one or both of them changed their mind when it came to the real thing (got scared, realized that it's just not their thing, etc.). I'm in desperate need of fics about negotiating and setting boundaries and talking things through.
O know that my request might be too specific, and I wouldn't say no to longer works, when this situation is only a part of a bigger plot.
Thank you so much for all the hard work you put into this blog!!!
Hi! There are fics here, here, and here that you will be interested in. Those fics are more about sexual and/or romantic orientation and sexual incompatibility. The fics I have for you now are more focused on kink negotiation...
The Human Condition by entanglednow (E)
In which Aziraphale asks Crowley a question, which leads to him sharing a secret that changes everything.
warrior, guardian by artenon (E)
Please. Crowley’s voice echoed in his head. Please what? Please more, please keep going, please make me come… please stop. No, Crowley hadn’t meant that. He hadn’t said that. And yet Aziraphale could hear it, Crowley’s voice a soft whimper, begging him to please stop. -- Aziraphale is significantly stronger than Crowley. Crowley loves it, but Aziraphale's feelings on the matter are more complicated.
he still shatters always on her earth by sosobriquet (E)
Crowley asks to be taken advantage of. Aziraphale obliges. Things get a little sideways at one point but they fix it.
Surrender to Your Love by EdosianOrchids901 (E)
Aziraphale is excited to try handcuffs that block his miracles, but he quickly becomes distressed. Although afraid of disappointing Crowley, he uses his safeword. Crowley soothes him with reassurances and gentle pampering.
a soft place to land by PaintedVanilla (E)
Crowley isn't sure how to ask for something when he doesn’t even know what it is that he wants.
Kinky Angels and Vanilla Demons by ximeria (E)
Kinky Angels and Vanilla Demons - or a supernatural ethereal long journey of exploration. In which an Angel and a Demon treat the whole no fraternization rule with the same casual blasphemy that orangutans show to God. Or in other words, Aziraphale and Crowley embark on a sexual adventure because Crowley has gotten it into his head that should he ever instigate sex or Satan forbid, top the angel, there is no way it will not cause Aziraphale to fall from his grace.
- Mod D
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The best compliments I've received-- "your writing makes me want to worship God more" "your work reminds me of the Bible; it has a surety to it" "I love how there's always a latent apocalypse behind your writing" "hearing that was a spiritual experience" -- all center on a quality in my writing which I believe is due to gifts given me in childhood. What some call Religious Fundamentalism -- whether it is or not, depends on where you're standing.
It is knowing that Jesus could return tomorrow. It is knowing that heaven and hell are real. It is cutting all the skeletons and Harry Potters out of the LEGO catalogue. It is wondering if that sound in your humidifier is a demon. It is praying for everyone to be saved. It is hearing your father pray in the language of angels every morning. It is your mother singing in tongues and then translating for you, all to tell you that Jesus loves the little children. It is Larry Norman and Phil Keaggy and Barry McGuire on the stereo. It is the experiential knowledge that miracles happen, that legs regrow and tumors shrink. It is prayers for sweet dreams each night, prayers when you go to sleep happily and prayers when you wake up from nightmares. It is rebuking demons on Halloween after you give candy to the Spider-Man at your door. It is the red songbook with the Jesus fish on the cover, with To God Be the Glory and Turn Turn Turn. It is Prayer Bear and VeggieTales and The Donut Man, it is GT and the Halo Express and Adventures in Odyssey. It is Young Earth, the pterodactyls flying above cowboys; it is Old Earth, the Big Bang bursting into void as Hugh Ross tells us what it means.
And now there's been some changes -- I've lost belief in Mokele-Mbembe, but gained at least a healthy agnosticism about Santa. I no longer consider Harry Potter inherently Satanic, but now consider A Voyage To Arcturus inherently Satanic. There's a give and take. But I stand on the same warm earth, rich with the promise of heaven and the pity of hell. Jesus is firm; that doesn't surprise me. What surprised me is all else that has stayed: the hippieness and fierceness and end-times-ness and the traditional and the subversive. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday today and forever, but even my childhood he has let me keep. At least in parts. And it strikes out like lightning on occasion from my words, and it isn't me, not really, it's my mother with her lilting lullaby voice that all the same spoke of heaven and hell and blood and martyrdom and love like consuming fire. It's she who planted these flowers which grow round the spokes of the wheel whose hub is God.
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“Mission Impossible: Dead Reckoning - Part One” review:
Short review
Really fun action movie that’s bogged down by a questionable plot. I give it a solid letter grade of B. But part of me is also thinking B-/C+.
Long review
Coming off of “Fallout”, while I did enjoy the seventh installment, the plot was a bit disappointing. Part of me wonders if it’s because this movie is a two-parter and we’re not meant to see the entire picture yet, but the other part of me is questioning why this was the story that Cruise and friends went with.
The plot is basically “find key to control big scary computer”. This might as well be an Indiana Jones movie since they treated this key like a long-lost artifact. While this makes for a fun adventure movie, the plot starts falling apart when the movie starts going into the lore behind the key:
1) So apparently, we built an all-powerful AI called “The Entity” which is solely controlled by one key. Yeah, sure.
2) The Entity is this sentient AI that just sorta exists. As the villain of the movie, it’s really hard to be scared by it when the movie isn’t even sure what the villain’s goals are.
3) The AI is written like it’s God or something. The way the main characters talk about the Entity makes it seem like it’s omnipotent. Or Satan himself. In fact, there’s even a goofy ass scene where a bunch of unnamed officials take turns describing the Entity, which made them sound like cultists describing their god. I can’t believe I’m writing this but the “Terminator” movies and “Age of Ultron” had more believable depictions of an all-powerful AI that’s gone rogue.
So, as a villain, the Entity is kinda lame. And I do get why the writers went with an AI villain due to how topical AI is nowadays. I just don’t think this was a good depiction. In fact, as supposed social commentary on the dangers of AI, 1) other movies did it better and 2) it misses the real world consequences of AI, such as loss of jobs and being unable to determine what’s real anymore.
Aside from a questionable villain, there are other aspects of the plot that bothered me:
1) Esai Morales’ villain, Gabriel, was incredibly underdeveloped. I just know that he did something in the past that really affected Ethan. Other than that, he’s just there to be evil.
2) Hayley Atwell is acting her heart out, but her character kinda…sucks? I’m not sure what the writers were going for with Grace. She spends the first half of the movie being a nuisance and then, all of a sudden, she’s forced into becoming an IMF agent. But the thing is, I don’t get why she was treated so important to the story. Yes, she steals the key at the start, but after she loses the key, she loses relevance in the story. It’s like the only reason why Grace stuck around the second half was because Ilsa Faust died and Ethan needed the help of the only other female main character around in order to do an undercover mission. So, while I hate pitting two female main characters against each other, it does feel like Grace is in this movie to be Ilsa’s replacement, because she doesn’t have much relevance to the story after she loses the key. Speaking of Ilsa…
3) Ilsa Faust was 100% fridged. I’m actually fine with characters dying for the plot, but the way Ilsa’s death was handled left a bad taste in your mouth. Unless she actually faked her death for the 100th time, Ilsa dying felt like a step back. And if she was killed off to make room for Grace, then that’s another point deduction to the movie.
Now, there was a lot that I did enjoy. I liked Pom Klementieff’s character (also, how goofy is it that her character is a French assassin named Paris) and I wish she had a bigger role. It was nice seeing Kittredge again since the last time we saw him was MI1. Tom Cruise is working his fucking ass off and is still putting on a great show. And, of course, Ving Rhames and Simon Pegg are always a ton of fun in these movies.
That being said, it’s hard to look past the questionable plot choices. So, even though the movie was a ton of fun, it’s a bit of a step back for me. “Fallout” and “Rogue Nation” definitely feel like that’s where the franchise peaked. But, despite all my criticism, I am looking forward to Part Two. Hopefully, Part Two is where I’ll be sold on the plot.
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arthurdrakoni · 9 months
Long Night in Egypt is a fantastic horror audio drama that draws upon Egyptian Mythology. And stays incredibly faithful to the original sources.
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There are some audio dramas I listen to that absolutely scream for me to review them.  I know I have to get the word out as soon as possible.  That way, everyone can enjoy them.  Such is the case with Long Night in Egypt. 
Long Night in Egypt follows four college students named Mo, Kayla, Jorden, and Pia. They are on vacation in Egypt to visit Mo’s aunt and uncle; a pair of renowned Egyptologists. It’s sure to be a trip filled with relaxation, visits to archeological sites, and maybe even a bit of partying. Then, Mo’s cousin Samira comes up with the idea to visit the Pyramid of Unas at night. Mo’s aunt and uncle are very firm that the Pyramid of Unas must never be entered at night. However, the students sneak into the pyramid anyway. They will soon discover that the myths and legends of Ancient Egypt might just be true after all. They will have to navigate their way thought the Egyptian underworld, and face numerous challenges, if they wish to survive their long in Egypt. 
I always find myself returning to the gods and stories of Egyptian Mythology. I love the weird and wonderful animal-headed gods. I love reading about all of the spells and incantations Egyptian magicians created. I love the way that real Ancient Egyptian historical figures sometimes factor into the stories. I love Egyptian Mythology. The stories of Egyptian Mythology took me on magical adventures away from my mundane world. 
We have had several audio dramas adapt or reinterpret Greek Mythology, but not really any takes on Egyptian Mythology. In fact, Long Night in Egypt is, thus far, the only audio drama I’ve encountered that utilizes Egyptian Mythology in a major way. Now, this was certainly an exciting discovery, but I had my apprehensions. I’ve had to endure far too many movies and television shows that played way too fast and loose with real mythology. Hey, I’m just saying. If the source material you’re incorporating is a hindrance to the story you want to tell, then perhaps you should write a different story. That, or find a mythology more agreeable to the story you want to make. 
Sorry, I got a little distracted there. Getting back on track, I was cautiously optimistic, but I was fully prepared to be disappointed. I was combing through every episode with a fine-toothed comb. I was prepared to pounce at the slightest slip-up. I was particularly worried that Anubis and/or Set would be portrayed as Ancient Egyptian Satan. However, much to my pleasant surprise, I couldn’t find a single mythological misappropriation. In fact, I even learned a few things as a result of listening to Long Night in Egypt. 
The main inspirations for this audio drama are The Pyramid Texts and The Egyptian Book of the Dead. The Pyramid Texts is one of the oldest surviving religious texts in the world. It is inscribed into the walls of the pyramids and burial chambers of Saqqara. And yes, that includes the Pyramid of Unas. The texts are a series of spells, incantations, hymns, and utterances that help the pharaoh to navigate the afterlife and ascend to godhood. The Egyptian Book of the Dead is much the same, but with different spells and writings. Also, the Book of the Dead was written on papyrus, not carved into stone. 
The Pyramid Texts were completed in the Old Kingdom era, while The Book of the Dead wasn’t completed until the New Kingdom era. The characters do discover inscriptions from The Book on the Dead on the walls of the Pyramid of Unas. However, they do acknowledge this discrepancy, and wave it off as The Book of the Dead being older than previously believed. The Book of the Dead does drawn heavily upon The Pyramid Texts, so, this isn’t all that implausible. 
We frequently hear characters, both mortal and divine, quoting passages from both The Pyramid Texts and The Book of the Dead. Oh, and that part where Unas consumes some of the gods to increase his power? Believe it or not, that is directly from The Pyramid Texts. That particular section is even called The Cannibal Hymn. See, this is why I’m such a big advocate for being accurate to the mythological sources. Oftentimes, the actual sources are way wilder than anything a modern writer might come up with. 
Long Night in Egypt is a horror audio drama, and I like the approach it took to that. Unas isn’t portrayed as some monster who is bent on world domination. The main characters were warned not to go into the Pyramid of Unas at night, and they paid the price. Granted, they probably wouldn’t have believed the real reason they were to stay away. Still, their troubles are self-inflicted because they ran foul of ancient traditions, and disrespected the pyramid. Even without the undead pharaoh and the magic, it probably wasn’t the smartest idea to go into a pyramid at night. It is bound to be dark, and you can get easily hurt if you don’t know what you’re doing. 
I loved how the horror comes from the characters finding themself in a story straight out of mythology. I do tend to fantasize about going on urban fantasy mythology adventures. On the other hand, perhaps I should be careful about what I wish for. Such things might be fun to read about, but it might not be so fun to actually live though. Especially if you don’t have magical powers. 
I seriously doubt we’re getting a season two of Long Night in Egypt. The ending is pretty conclusive. Still, there are a lot of other mythologies out there. There’s plenty of other myths that could be given the Long Night in Egypt treatment. Hint, hint, Violet Hour and Realm. 
Have you listened to Long Night in Egypt?  If so, what did you think?
Link to the full review on my blog: https://drakoniandgriffalco.blogspot.com/2023/11/the-audio-file-long-night-in-egypt.html?m=0
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