#god i love this brick shithouse of a man
hongtiddiez · 2 months
my husband saw how much fun i had at the oakland show and bought tickets for the phoenix show so he can go with me this time. almost the exact same seats, just mirror flipped to the other side
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imbecominggayer · 1 month
How To Write Cuddling
This my third part to my series where I get specific requests from people about what advice they want. Here we have @12-cluh to explain what about cuddling is getting them confused:
"Idk how to really describe what I'm going after. I'd say I'm more confused on how to describe the way the bodies are laying together? That sounds weird but you get it-"
Perfect, so our key problem is how to establish a character's positioning in the cuddling!
First: How Are These People Cuddling?
Here is some great writing advice for all manners of situations: try to physically establish where the characters are
Heck, you could draw a nice stickman cuddling session in order to get everything down.
This is mostly to prevent a type of "I gently wrapped my arms around her in an unending hug as I let my free hand grasp onto her colder fingers." situation. If you didn't notice, human character grew a third hand and certainly didn't tell me.
And obviously, reread your material out loud so your pesky brain wont perform it's own autocorrect
Next, there are tons of different cuddling positions that evoke different types of atmospheres from the sultry to the affectionate to the hilarious.
Based on what I googled, there are many different names and Shingles is the weirdest thing to name a cuddling style.
Since this cuddling is taking place between "a couple who finally get a day off. (featuring her tracing his scars! :3" I'm guess that @12-cluh is probably going for affectionate.
I probably would recommend "Sweetheart's Cradle" or "The Honeymoon Hug" if you are going for an ultra-affectionate cuddle.
If you are looking for something more casual yet still affectionate then "The Spoon" and, uhh, "Shingles" . The "Sweetheart's Cradle" could still work here but that's up to your interpretation of what Romance On The Go is talking about.
2. Actual Description
Quote: "...how to describe the way the bodies are laying together?
Obviously, it's hard for me to give specific details on how to describe the scene since it's feelings which change the world and influence how it arrives to the audience.
If this is a somber affair, based on the scar tracing, then that's obviously going to influence the atmosphere. If it's a highly affectionate get-together then that's the diction.
However, in general, you don't need proper "he laid down on her" type of weirdly phrased descriptions.
You just need to get the emotion across.
For example, "He lowers them onto the bed once again, the back of his hand brushing against her cheek. She latches onto him and refuses to let go for the rest of the night. She refuses to let go for forever, actually. She prayes that she wasn't alone. That this isn't just another dream or mistake. When the sunlight glimmers through the curtain, she will thank the gods for this blessed union."
I hoped I communicated the deep love and desperation between these characters :3 God, I am such a bad writer.
Anyway, as you can see there wasn't a lot of detail focused on where my female character was latching onto. All the detail you need is for the movements that display emotion such as the caressing
Here is a more comedic example for more proof: "What nobody told him about cuddling is how f*cking uncomfortable it was. What should've been a delicate and affectionate affair was instead a mess of limbs and sweat as his boyfriend's ability to light up his life was far more literal then he wanted. But even if his hand may never function again as this brick shithouse of a man has lovingly passed out on it, the feeling of just being together in this shitty cot makes his soul tremble in the sweetest, strangest way. "
I regret writing examples of this. I am going to get destroyed in the comments for my shitty writing ability :`(
Anyway, there is little set-up for what limbs are where and what everyone is specifically doing.
There are other things you can do to show the audience where your characters are. "Our breath mixed together". Or "I could hear his heartbeat".
And now I need to ask you "doth that satisfy thou my liege?" I tried to do this advice right since it's you and for some reason I care about you more then I should, darling.
So please give me my validation and feel free to ask me for more writing advice. I am forever at your beck and call.
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teratocore · 4 months
Lamen fanart is so funny sometimes because looking at you might be tempted to think Laurent is tiny but it’s actually that he’s a normal sized man next to his brick shithouse co-king. And Laurent is the one wearing the pants in the relationship for the most part. Both literally and figuratively lol. Hes not waifish by any means he’s built compact and he’s kinda scary actually. He’s killed a man larger than Damen with a chair. And he would do it again. But he’s also very kind and sensitive and intelligent. God I love Laurent what was I saying.
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tenebrous-academic · 4 months
Thank you for your lengthy answer! I love it, I might camp in your asks for a while and enjoy your insight if you don't mind.
God there are so many things we could get with them, they're the definition of potential. I hope and pray tommy's staying for long in s8. I could go on for hours just talking about how good and fitting his character is.
I’m lighting a fire for s’mores, camp away ⛺️🔥🍫
Tommy is so fascinating as a character. He’s sweet, considerate, compassionate, has deadpan humour, and he has a full life outside of his romantic interests. He was able to establish a solid friendship with Eddie even before he knew Buck was interested, and he came over to try and smooth tensions when he could have easily dipped out to avoid any conflict.
He’s confident in his actions and likes taking charge, but also has no problem letting Buck take the reins when he wants to. He’s committed to his promises (see attending the bachelor party even while on call, and coming to the hospital to go to a wedding after fighting a fire for the last 15 hours). He showed up dirty, sweaty, and exhausted - but he showed up. And that is so important for someone to do if they’re going to date Buck.
He’s built like a brick shithouse and somehow manages to make Buck look small next to him. Do we realize how insane that is???? But he’s so gentle with Buck too. I think Buck really needs that gentleness after everything he’s been through. Most people look at Buck and see a strong man who doesn’t need any tenderness because they assume he can take it. But Tommy is treating Buck with care. His “Evan” says everything we need to know about the way he views Buck. Legitimately I can’t get over the tone he uses when he says Evan’s name. It’s so insane and so perfect.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. Tommy deserves the Castiel treatment and to be made into a series regular (just without the yeeting into SuperHell after a love confession).
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akilikesbread · 5 months
quotes from watching trigun stampede with my friends so SPOILERS:
“Bro he even falls zestily” (in reference to wolfwood)
“oh cool flashback” “more like a VASHBACK am i right? ZINGER” “kys.”
“my lawyers have advised me to not discuss what i would do to his stupid fluffy blonde hair”
WW: “the big man upstairs made me strong” “The big man upstairs made me like people with wires and mandibles.”
*vashs arm gets sucked into a blackhole* “bro wtf, hollow purple”
“boy why you so 🪴”
“motherfucker so gay the cigarette bends the second it touches his mouth”
“this is just a documentary of california”
*BadLads gang shows up* “BL? Boys love? They kiss men?”
*Livio standing menacingly* “SANS???”
*in reference to eye of Michael* “Why’s their logo literally new mexico”
*Legato appearance* “blue hair AND PRONOUNS??” “whats with daman mills and voicing gay men”
*Woowoo getting tortured* “theyre injecting 🏳️‍🌈 into his bloodstream”
*First wolfwood appearance* “He better hit people with that fucking cross”
“he looks hot when hes troubled”
*In reference to Rosa* “If pregnant lady dies i’m leaving the call
“OH MY GOD HES REDPILLED.” “Vashed and redpilled”
“Tricum stampede”
*we were watching on an illegal site so it kept opening new tabs* “AHHHH PORN”
*wolfwood gets fucking bent in half by legato* “Bro where can i get a massage like that”
“Roberto looks like. hold on.” The image sent:
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“if the animation was a person i’d make out with them sloppy style. with tongue.”
*in Rollo’s old town with the biblical radio shit* “Guys this sounds just like something my bus driver would say”
*zazie turns into a swarm* “would you still love me if i was a worm :(“
“vash’s mom is pretty” “i’m gonna stop you right there.”
“yeah nai just really liked taking out arms this episode”
*knives playing the piano in the distance* “IS THAT THE GRIM REAPER😨😨😨”
EG Bomber: “MASTER KNIVES😈” my friend in the zestiest voice ever: “master😳”
Vash: *reloading* “THATS SO FUCKING HOOOOTTT” “i wish i was that gun.”
*wolfwood gets fucking run over* “i think hes my new favorite character”
*vash getting chased by the residents of jenora rock* “california has never looked livelier”
“Call me Millions Knives.” “edgy ass emo name, he sounds like hes a 13 year old emo who listens to panic at the disco and cries himself to sleep at night.”
“is this prophetic stress dream bothering you queen”
“i wish Californian sand looked as good here, dont eat the californian sand, its chunky”
*conrad appears* “LUIGI???”
“so this is julai…” “its still may dude, idk how to tell you this”
*Julai screenpan.* “THIS IS JUST VEGAS.”
*wolfwood and vash running away* “me when i skeddadle”
*vash gets shot and walks away* “bros like ‘damn i just got shot :(‘“
“Nicholas the Punisher.” “he can punish me if he wants I MEAN WHAAAAAT”
*That Roberto Scene™️* “*through tears* SO HOW ARE YOU GUYS ENJOYING THE SHOW?”
*Knives dramatically playing piano* “You and that fuckin church organ.”
“5gum stampede”
“Why is nai so jacked???” “theyre both built like brick shithouses”
*Meryl points a gun at conrad* “KILL YOURSELF OLD MAN.”
“Vash wake up!!” “THIS ISNT LIKE YOU POOKIE”
*Wolfwood steals one last cigarette from Roberto* “Rare cigarette that wasnt fucked up”
“WHO CUT THEIR HAIR.” “Xinqiu.” “Yelan ass haircuts.”
*talking about vash* “hes such a shonen protag. Food friendship and (avoiding) fighting”
“Knives, ur literally gay. i dont wanna hear it.”
“The entrance to the higher plane!” “it looks like a butthole.”
*Knives fucking just floating into the higher dimension* “*cackling*” “WHY HE SLIDE LIKE THAAAT” “stone scraping sound effect”
“Vash shouldve been called damian”
“Prepare mentally for episode twelve, take a deep breath, take a sip of water-“ “KISS A MAN” “DONT KISS A MAN” “KISS A MAN!!!”
*start of episode twelve.* “surely this wont be horrifying”
“I promise to protect you both.” “well you really sucked at that, huh.” “yeah fuck you rem” “HELP???”
*looks at Nai* “Whys he wearing a speedo…”
*Red geranium sprouts in tint Vash’s hand* “NAI LOOK DO YOU WANNA SEE A MAGIC TWICK”
*Running through field of red geraniums* “this reminds me of the angry birds logo”
“metal wing?” “its made of knives, yk, like his name :D” “shut up.” “alright then.”
*chanting* “CUBE!!!!”
“kiss my vash!!”
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iravaid · 1 year
(in reference to your reblog)
I would absolutely love an exhaustive breakdown of all of your decisions regarding ‘Simon Riley in Situations’
That series consumes me. Much like in the way that Simon was consumed by the desert. I have been fundamentally altered by it.
Oh my god, genuinely thank you so much for asking
This became a very long set of rambles that I have two split in two, possessed by the talk too much demons... sad! Here is the first part, the second part I'll tack on in a later reblog.
More below, I get a little bit Pepe Silvia in this, but oh well lmao
An Introduction
I’m going to preface this with stating that the comics are bad. On an artistic and writer’s standpoint, their net value is negative. I have read those six wretched issues at least seven times through and feel confident in that assertion. I have no idea why people think they’re actually good, in the face of muddy rendering and an overall displeasing art style, Americanised writing with poor panelling and pacing and dialogue, among other torture-porn related things.
That being said, there are moments of competency that shine through, past the early 2000s edge and casual sexism + racist stereotypes, which in turn irritates me because it does show there could have been a better story here. And Yet. But the comics have been a well of spiteful inspiration, first with Except You, and second with In The Desert (and perhaps more to come), and I do want to talk about that. (and I do know that the comics aren’t necessarily canon for the reboot Ghost, but like. C’mon. Work with what we’ve currently got. Even if my money is on Makarov in the reboot having something to do with Ghost’s past, considering the knowing look he and Price share upon seeing the photo.)
Simon is a character that has been doomed by the narrative since day one, and while it would not be a surprise if he survives MW3 on account of the company wanting to make money off his multiplayer counterpart, there is a certain compelling grief in knowing his fate was always going to be how it was in the original trilogy. Simon suffers: Simon dies; Ghost suffers: Ghost dies. There is no other way this story ends. And there is something about the cyclical nature of his life, and patterns to be found in a such a story, which I think are extremely fun to try and enforce, as well as emphasise. It’s this, among other things, that makes him a compelling character to me. Well – that and him being tall, built like a brick-shithouse, gravelly voice, wears a skull mask, has a strong sense of loyalty and compassion for fellow soldiers… (but that’s beside the point!!!!).
The things he went through in the comics had occasionally been so over the top that I need a moment to stand back and go ‘… really? Like. Really? After all that, you put him through more?’ after every reread. It’s not enough that his entire family was murdered but also his psychiatrist and superior officer, and so on and so on. But unfortunately, I have to reiterate that the comics have been a source of inspiration. ‘Simon Riley In Situations’ is an extension of this spiteful motivation to retell/improve upon what the comics were trying to do, as well as occasionally extrapolating on them, or even warping canon to better accommodate my own headcanons/the rebooted universe.
I love stories were a main/side character goes through an incredible change, to the point where they’re noticeably and irreparably different to how they were at the beginning of the story, for better or for worse. Examples that come to mind, currently, are Jinx from Arcane, Zuko from ATLA, Ahsoka in Clone Wars, Steve from Stranger Things. To me, the transformation of Simon into Ghost is something very compelling. The Simon Riley that’s about to fly to the states with Major Vernon is a man very, very different to the Simon Riley freshly recruited into the 141 by Shepherd. But fundamentally they’re still the same person, and that can be an important facet for a big change in a character imo.
I like using a lot of poems and songs and the occasional bible reference in my works. I know it’s fanfiction and maybe for some people that’s overdoing it, but I love it. I love how art informs and inspires itself, and I love using the inherent emotional and cultural connections attached to a specific work in order to enhance that of my own writing. I think it’s good practice, and maybe it doesn’t matter that it’s expressed in the form of fanfiction. I’m a better writer because of it, and that’s something of significance to me: I never studied English lit/creative writing at a higher level of education, so this is where it will be expressed.
Skulls, Death, and the Ghost
Skulls haunt Simon throughout the comics; in turn, Simon has been haunted by the Ghost he’s doomed to become for a very long time. Roba wears skull face-paint when torturing and attempting to brainwash Simon, Simon’s father used to wear skull face-paint when performing, Simon smeared toothpaste on his face when in recovery from Roba’s captivity and it resembled a skull, Tommy wore a skull mask to emulate his father, and Simon hallucinates skeletons/skulls at different points in the comics. Finally, when his family are killed and Simon goes on his revenge mission, he wears the same face paint as he did during Día de Los Muertos when Roba captured him. He claims that the brainwashing didn’t ‘work’ (as the comics put it), but here Simon is, wearing the same mask as his tormentors. I wanted to stretch that recurring imagery by adding the vocalist wearing the skull face-paint in chapter one of Except You. Something there about returning to form, or perhaps finally looking back to see what exactly is that thing who’s been lurking in the back of your mind. I describe the skull reoccurring as “morbidly familiar” in that this has always been Simon’s fate, and it doesn’t matter what he does to try and escape, because he will always return to it.
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It can also be stretched to symbolise his close relationship with Death. Simon has ‘died’ a lot of times in the story. At first he believes he’s dead on a subconscious level (nightmares with Roba’ saying he killed him), but then issues 3+4 happen, and that belief escalates into a conscious conviction that he died on the concrete floor in Roba’s captivity; he died out there in the desert; he died surrounded by his family’s corpses on Christmas; he died the moment he killed Roba; he died for good at the end of MW2. Roba killed Simon, and Ghost put whatever ‘Simon Riley’ once was to rest in the funeral pyre of his childhood home. Ghost has always had to everything on his own up until this point: even give himself a proper sendoff. A part of me wonders if Ghost believes himself, on some level, to be the keeper of Simon’s memory and identity. That is what a ghost is, right? The thing that lingers after a tragedy.
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It's something incredibly interesting to consider present-era Ghost. Does he still think he’s dead? Is he waiting for the rot to set in? Has he been so dissociated from himself for so long that he doesn’t know how else to function, and on some level is terrified of what might happen, should he in turn look back to face whatever is left of ‘Simon Riley’? Maybe Ghost can be interpreted as the one that came back ‘wrong’, and he’s waiting for other people to notice that there’s nothing left but a corpse. He has gotten very little help by way of therapy/counselling, and probably doesn’t have the tools nor language at his disposal to neither work through these things, nor know how to voice them in the first place. That’s one of the reasons I wrote Simon as not fully aware of the definition of ‘child abuse’ and how it related to him. He knows Nigel (his father) was a cunt and a wifebeater, but he doesn’t know those necessary psych terms to properly begin processing what happened to him both as a child and adult, because who could have taught him? He never got the chance to go to DBT or CBT, and that hazy moment of time with Dr Halloway probably wasn’t conducive to learning about things like CPTSD and trauma and abusive households. I tried to extrapolate this, with Simon’s internalised ableism also being a block to fully accepting or even processing those terms. He’s in a lot of pain, and he very, very desperately wants to move on, to return to how he used to be before all of ‘this’. Will talk later on about how the military factors in to keeping the status quo of ‘the Ghost’.
In tarot (love you tarot love symbolisms in it love when it’s used in media mwah mwah), the death card symbolises major change, rebirth, and endings and beginnings.
If anything, Simon Riley is defined by his deaths and rebirths, how he keeps forcing himself to change in order to survive a brutal narrative set for him. And Ghost, who bears a skull-face not dissimilar to the grim-reaper, perhaps wears this taboo symbol to ward off ‘evil’, or to use that fear in order to keep people at arm’s length, in response to these injustices done to him by fate and the machinations of people far crueller than Simon. He has been through a lot, and still he keeps moving, keeps completing missions and being a ‘good soldier’, because that’s all Simon knows. He’s like a shark in that way, or a well-trained dog: he was never taught, nor given the chance to learn, how to not be a soldier. This is something me and @narramin, affectionately refer to as hound-coding, which, god, really suits Simon. Will talk about it further on.
Roba Himself
Manuel Roba is certainly there. It’s honestly incredibly disappointing to see how this specific character was handled, how heavily the writers leaned into stereotypes to depict Roba – there’s a panel of him holding a burrito for fuck’s sake. This caricature of a villain is both lazily written, but also serves to reduce the impact he has on Simon. This man is supposed to be the primary antagonist, above Simon’s abusive father. He is the reason that Ghost exists, the reason the Riley family are dead, and can be considered the primary catalyst for most of the comics’ plot. And yet this man, and all that he represents in Simon’s suffering, is reduced to the fat ‘El Gordo’ with dialogue lines that are ultimately meaningless, a personal motivation that is only said in his dying breath without further exploration, and ultimately is a villain without any teeth. I think Roba has the potential to be a terrifying figure, one this kind of dark story needs in order to ensure that Simon’s suffering isn’t made a joke when compared to the one at the source of it all.
There are moments of competency and personality that shine through here and there. The pink deck chair in the sensory overload room, the ‘plant flowers over [the grave]’ line, as well as Roba choosing to make himself appear as the grim reaper himself as a way to express ultimate power over his captives’ lives (and, in turn, Simon killing Roba and choosing to don the skull-face could be seen as him taking that control back).
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There is a set of panels, one from issue 5 and another from issue 6, that piques my attention when placed together (seen below). Simon has tried so hard to convince himself and others that he is fine, that Roba’s brainwashing failed, that he is not deeply affected by the seven months of torture and humiliation and dehumanisation. But then he comes back from the dead wearing the same face-paint as Roba. He refers to himself as death, as does Roba. That man has his claws deep in Simon, and Roba knew this, and he died with a smile on his face because of it. As quoted by his final words: in the end Roba is just one man. Killing him won’t bring back the Rileys and it won’t stop the pain Ghost is in (but by god is it Ghost’s right to put that man down for what he did to him.).
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The following paragraphs will discuss the torture Simon was subjected to in Roba’s captivity and features discussion of the sexual assault he experienced, as well as being him drugged + detailed acts of dehumanisation. The section itself will be bracketed with a ‘-’, feel free to skip to the final paragraph marked of this section if you’d prefer.
In my writing I want to show a competent, terrifying Roba. He should be purposeful in how he goes about breaking these men down in order to build them up into the dutiful hounds Roba so obviously wanted. That’s part of why I think, and wrote, Roba having never touched Simon, he made sure it was his men assaulting Simon while he watched (for one reason or another). And when they were finished Roba would try to manipulate the situation into one being Simon’s fault and that Roba, and only Roba, could fix for him. Simon needed to see Roba as the one with the power to control all these awful things happening to him, and that his own obstinance is the reason he’s suffering. Roba would make an offer – if you listen to me, follow what I say, I can make this stop. I can stop them from touching you ever again. It’s purposefully and insidiously phrased, he’s trying to make all this seem like Simon’s fault for not ‘giving in’. In turn, the prolonged torture and dehumanisation would best be served as well-thought-out tactics.
I’m not a fan of how every other captive was noted as too ‘weak’ or whatever to hold out against all that Roba was doing to them, only for Vernon to say that his methods were ‘genius’ – not with a near 100% mortality rate it fucking isn’t. It would be interesting to explore a fic where Roba was actually competent enough for those aforementioned super soldiers to be a real thing (and we’ll make death proud of us touches on this very well I recommend this fic). But, regardless, I find exploring the ways Simon could have been dehumanised/tortured without succumbing to infection or shock or a sudden heart attack from the sheer amount of stress and trauma to be morbidly interesting. I’m a morbid person, so this tracks lmao (it’s regardless a matter of balance, though, because we’re trying not to fall into that Edge the comics loved so much). I also want to note that Roba rarely, if ever, called Simon by his real name. It’s always ‘English’ or ‘Mr. Death’. A name is a powerful thing to control, stripping a person of their name is a common dehumanisation tactic, one that even the military has been known to use in order to get all these individuals into acting as one mass. It’s also a sign of non-acknowledgement, in my eyes. Simon was not a person to Roba, not really, just a dog that needed moulding. In a way, Ghost referring to himself as ‘Ghost’ may also be a tactic to distance himself from Simon in order to cope with the Everything that’s happened to him.
The next point is just as important as the prior ones: what kind of effect would all this have on Simon in different stages of the comics? And what kind of inner monologue and mindset would he have in order to endure these awful, awful things? And how would he heal from it, considering how the events of the comics went down? He has no control over the situation as a whole, but I imagine that Simon is the kind of person to try and grasp for anything to have control over regardless – he’s exhausted but he still might try to lay in a way that keeps him protected or stills his roiling gut, he’ll occasionally still try to lash out against the narcos, he’ll try and joke with Sparks and Washington in order to help them cling to their humanity (as well as preserve his own identity as a protector, which I want to get into later). He especially utilises dissociation as a ‘tool’ developed from living under the same roof as Nigel Fucking Riley. It provided a very necessary reprieve, and Simon probably believes he’d been ‘broken’ by his father long before Roba ever got his hands on him. Simon at this point probably (maladaptively, in the long run) perceives his ability to dissociate from the body to be a way to control what he truly feels. He can get some kind of control over experiencing multiple instances of sexual assault, over MONTHS, by creating a clear delineation between the body and the person. I wonder if this laid the groundworks for the self-perceived split between Simon Riley and Ghost.
He’s out of that place, Roba is dead and whatever was left of the Zaragoza cartel is hopefully long gone. But where does that leave Simon, whose primary coping mechanisms are either feeling horrific, yawning numbness, or forcing all that pain and fear and humiliation into over-powering anger? All these things kept him alive then… but now what? He has been subjected to a horrific slew of experiences in seven months, over two-hundred days. How do you approach that kind of deal and unpackaging and addressing of that trauma? It’s something in and of itself would be a compelling story to tell, especially with his childhood trauma informing how he processes those experiences. Simon has been physically and psychologically changed by Roba, even if he tried to ‘resist’ – even though interrogation resistance training only lasts for so long.
Sometimes I wonder at what point did Simon realise they weren’t torturing him for information, but to make him into something that wasn’t human. At what point did he realise that there was a reason they made him crawl down the hallways on his hands and knees with a collar around his neck, or that they fed him dog food off the ground, or that he might have been kept in retrofitted dog kennels, in a long-abandoned dog fighting pit.
I wonder if there were times he wished he’d just let go and listen to Roba, and kill the people the latter wanted him to kill; just so that the pain would stop, and he could be more than this thing surviving on the concrete floor. Very interesting to consider, what with the comics implying that Sparks and potentially Washington were also drugged in order to force a dependence on them, as a way to further exert control over them. I’m not sure why Simon didn’t also experience this. Yet another Comics Cringe Moment.
Ultimately, when I see Roba I think of a Judge Holden-esque figure: an intelligent man who has taken a step back, looked at the violence of the world, and ultimately came to the conclusion that, 1.) It is in man’s nature to wage war and be violent, and 2.) It is Roba’s right to control that flow of violence. He had Simon, Sparks, and Washington, and others who came before them, tortured, brutalised, dehumanised, starved, assaulted, and vivisected with intents to brainwash them into his own personal soldiers/bodyguards. He wanted to perverse nature and control something that was never his to control, and I think a character like that should ooze calculated cruelty and a disdain for the optimistic/what he perceives as weak. It’s a dog-eat-dog world, in Roba’s eyes, and he wants to be the one holding the leash.
Dogs and Hounds
Speaking of dogs, let’s get into hound-coding. Dog/hound/wolf metaphors are used for characters in a plethora of ways: dogs and other canines are embedded deeply in a lot of cultures and that can be seen in how disparate a dog can be used in symbolism. The rabid dog that requires put down, versus the loyal-to-a-fault dog whose diligence will be its downfall. The dog that hunts you down relentlessly against the dog that protects and nurtures. Vicious and borderline obsessed, pursuing a singular goal with tunnel-vision; dangerous predator stalking you from the shadows; wholly dedicated to a sole purpose in life; kicked to the point where anger lines their teeth and they meet the world with a bite, because they’ll never let anyone hurt them again; a caregiver and teacher, sometimes even a leader that will look out for who they see as family.
With Simon Riley, I feel he is a hound, the kind that’s been kicked enough times to know to bite first and ask questions later – but can someone please be gentle? Please, can’t someone let him rest? Then the narrative slaps his muzzle and tells him the story isn’t done yet. Simon, off the coattails of escaping his childhood home as a teenager, finds purpose in the military and clings to it. So much of Simon’s identity can be tied to him being a protector, as well as a soldier; he’s proud of his achievements within the SAS, cocky, even. He is well trained in violence and well experienced, too; he’s risen above to make a reputation for himself as a tough sonofabitch within the SAS, which is pretty famously full of that type of person.
The dog can be moulded into a lot of different things in fiction, just as it has in real life. So can Simon, so can Ghost: he’s a character that has been subjected to extreme kinds of change, with some very clear distinctions between Pre-Roba Simon, During-Roba, Post-Roba, Post-Family Massacre, and Post-Jungle Raid. That’s one of the reasons why I think the dog metaphor, and its imagery, can provide very impactful parallels for Simon. What is a dog, if not loyal and loving? Didn’t we make it that way? And what is a dog, if not defined by the job it can fulfil. We made it that way. What use is Simon to the military, if he won’t do what he was trained to do. I wonder if he worries about that in between missions: losing his purpose and identity one way or another.
Ghost is a good leader; he knows how to direct a team and how to keep Soap calm during the chaos in Las Almas. I imagine he found sanctuary in the camaraderie that can be found in a military environment, compared to his chaotic homelife. He doesn’t necessarily have to be open about it, or all that externally happy. But it’s regardless a community that has provided Ghost with some form of support (ironic, again, considering it’s the military, but that is how it works). Like a pack animal, one might say.
His potential relationship with Soap, if people take it that way (I do and will be talking about it more later #peaceandlove), reminds me of the poem ‘bait dog’ among others, here's an excerpt from the end of it: “And she still flinches / When I reach to pet her / but she smiles / once I get behind the ears / you will not heal from everything / that does not mean / you will stop being loved.”, and I feel that’s a very lovely image when applied to Soapghost, y’know? Simon has been through a lot, and Soap is emotionally mature enough to recognise that and give him space, while still putting in that necessary work to bridge certain gaps. Kind of like the slow burn of getting a rescue dog to trust you, except it’s your human superior officer with CPTSD and an edgy comic book backstory. They will doubtless have issues and bumps in the road, but they’ll also have shitty jokes and a lot of patience to keep things buoyed. Love wins or WHATEVER.
Roba tried to make Simon into an attack dog, too. Treated him like one, and I imagine there was a point where Simon was starting to believe it. Then he gets buried alive and has to dig his way out. He has to drag himself through the desert (more to come on that) and survive months of recovery until he has a chance to return to the state he physically was. I imagine this time of injury was awful for Simon: he felt incompetent on top of the other churning emotions one would have after surviving so many months of All That. Simon, I imagine, has always defined himself by his ability to provide, protection or otherwise, as well as his own physical prowess. It’s what kept him and his family safe all this time. It also led to him being picked for that fateful mission. I think Simon is a man shown to be capable of that single-minded focus of a hound that’s caught the scent, especially when he spent months tracking down Roba in the jungle.
Simon is a dog constantly having to remember its teeth. There is a lot to be said about dogs that learn to bite back.
I have reached a character limit here but still have a lot to talk about, please hold (and tysm, again, for the ask)
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stevetonyweekly · 8 months
SteveTony Weekly - Feb 4 th - Week 5
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I’m in the middle of a 8hr class for work today, so I’m doing this quick and dirty, with no rec notes. I’m sorry. Enjoy the list and kudos/comment for your authors! 
Method Refinements (subtype C, designation Capsicle) by galwednesday
"It's not hate sex," Steve objected. "I don't hate you."
That actually made Tony feel a little warm and fuzzy inside, which he knew was pathetic. He talked louder and faster to cover it. "Angry sex, then, whatever. I should just walk up to you and say 'Hey, Rogers, I was looking to blow off some steam, wanna have loud, animalistic sex all over the Tower?' That's what does it for you?"
A flush was creeping up his neck--God, Tony loved Steve's blushes, the Victorian-maiden-modesty veneer over the built-like-a-brick-shithouse physique drove him wild--but Steve's eyes were steady on his. "Try it and see."
Subtle Clues and Context Cues by galwednesday
“Cosplay,” Sam repeated. He and Steve were jogging through Central Park. Steve had just lapped him for a fourth time before slowing to match his pace, and the bastard didn’t even have the decency to sound winded. “As what?”
“You ever see the Pride and Prejudice movie, the really long one?”
“Dude. I have three sisters. It was required viewing.”
“I need a Mr. Darcy outfit.”
Sam slowed to a walk, holding one hand up in a time-out gesture until he caught his breath enough to form full sentences. “You’re going to cosplay as Mr. Darcy? The Colin Firth, look-how-wet-and-clinging-my-shirt-is Mr. Darcy?”
Steve looked down and shuffled his feet. It was amazing to watch over six feet of pure muscle somehow telegraph bashful. “Yeah. Tony’s birthday is coming up, and, well. It’s sort of an inside joke.”
(Five times everyone but Tony knew he was dating Steve, and one time Tony figured it out.)
'Cause It's a Beautiful Night by galwednesday
“Holy shit,” Clint’s eyes were huge and round. “Did you get Steve pregnant?”
Tony choked on his coffee. “What? How--why--what? How would that even happen?”
“Hey, you’re the one planning to ambush him with a shotgun wedding.” Clint moved his bowl of Lucky Charms out of the range of Tony’s coffee spray. “It’s a reasonable question.”
“Steve’s not pregnant!” Tony shouted. Was he? He couldn’t be. They hadn’t been gender-swapped lately. What about that alien fertility ray? No, that had been at least seven months ago.
Steve wasn’t pregnant.
“I’m not ready to be a father,” Tony blurted, clutching his hair with both hands.
“I’m not drunk enough for this conversation.” Clint opened the liquor cabinet and examined its contents with a critical eye. “What kind of booze goes best with marshmallows?”
(Tony plans a wedding. The wedding is in ten hours and he hasn’t exactly proposed yet, but he’s used to compressed project cycles. What could possibly go wrong?)
annex 11 by soliloquent
“This annex document, filed by SHIELD operatives under the designation SR-NR-CB-AS/000008-11, contains a verbatim transcript of a conversation between Anthony E. Stark (callsign Iron Man) and Steven G. Rogers (callsign Captain America) as recorded by Iron Man’s advanced artificial intelligence, J.A.R.V.I.S.”
or: Trapped together during a snowstorm in the middle of a mission, Steve attempts to soothe Tony’s growing anxiety, only to discover that Tony had the solution all along. 📄
Exit Wounds (The No Exit Remix) by sheron
Tony gets trapped together with Steve in a collapsed HYDRA facility, which makes it hard to avoid him.
Like Hell and Heaven by ChocolateCapCookie 
“I feel great now, though,” said Steve, lifting the sheets up to peer at his leg, which looked almost normal. “Can I leave?”
“Steve, we watched you almost die. Just… listen to the doctors, okay? Just this once.”
This Simple Feeling by inukagome15 
When are two good friends not good friends? Sounds like the setup for a brilliant joke, right? Except when the joke mirrors real life. Tony and Steve are just very good friends. So why is it everyone thinks they're dating?
Pinky Promise by Tahlruil
Steve wasn't looking for a relationship not really - dating was fun and he was busy learning how to adult properly. A chance encounter with Tony, who's even worse at grocery shopping than he is, has the potential to change all that. The meeting feels significant, even if he could never imagine where it would end up taking him.
Tony, meanwhile, was pretty happy with his string of one night stands and no feelings involved relationships. Despite being pushed of of the nest - he suspects Jarvis of giving his mother ideas - he's really not interested in becoming a real adult. Steve makes him want more for the first time ever, and even if it terrifies him, he's willing to see where it goes.
When I Think (Oh, it Terrifies Me) by celli
Look, some mornings you wake up and little green men are invading New York City; some mornings you wake up and you can hear Captain America's voice in your head. Tony has been an Avenger long enough that he saves his freakout for important things.
Unexpected Thaw by Neverever 
Steve has a rough ride through the multiverse and ends up questioning his relationship with Tony.
alone (together) by Thahire
"Will you tell me what’s wrong or do I have to -" Tony went on, motioning down Steve’s body, "make you?"
Steve raised his eyebrows. "Make me? I’d like to see you try." Except he didn’t. After a moment, in which Tony did nothing but give him a flat stare, Steve awkwardly added, "Lower left rib cage. I think maybe, uh, a sprained rib or something."
"Thank you. That wasn’t so bad, was it?" Tony replied slowly, the way one would to an unruly child.
Steve narrowed his eyes. "I’m not a child."
"No, you aren’t," Tony replied, lips twitching. "As the parent of one, I can tell you, you are way worse."
Or: Steve is really bad at letting people take care of him. Tony is really bad at minding his business. Things happen.
I'll Give You Gifts Until You Know My Name by Amuly 
Mr. Stark is an extravagant gift-giver: he has the money for it, after all. As Iron Man, Tony has the opportunity to gift Steve even more presents that, while less expensive, are more heartfelt. Having a secret identity means Tony gets to have his cake and eat it too when it comes to showering Steve with presents.
Until Steve starts developing feelings for his armored companion, and all the benefits of living a double life are turned on their head for Tony Stark.
The Love Song of a Pair of Awkward Weirdos by MusicalLuna 
Tony flirts with Steve and then the strangest possible thing happens:
Steve starts to flirt back.
the slightest touch (and I feel weak) by SailorChibi
“When you’re really tired or out of it, you show the underside of your wings to Steve,” Natasha says to Tony, ignoring Clint, who is doing an excellent impression of a fish. “We’ve all noticed it, but no one ever said anything because we didn’t think you knew. And judging from the look on your face, you didn’t.”
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casketjones · 5 months
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I'm not sure how to info dump for a bunch of character concepts in a way that's digestible but eh whatever
Concept work for a group of mafia hitwomen and their long suffering handler. They're likely going to be used in a underground illegal wrestling ring arc because that's all I really want in my media.
This post plus additional sketches and more background info will be going up on my patreon and kofi tomorrow.
more under the cut,
They're all vampires that I really cooked up to test a concept for vamps for my comic project. Based on a blood sucking animal and a historical anti-vampire burial method, some of the burial methods are gonna be pushed and fibbed because there's not that many of them. so yeah incidental vampires will have a cage motif even tho I know good and well that cages were to prevent resurrection men getting in not vampires getting out. I feel that's thematically close enough. There's so many really good sanguivore animals out there these are maybe too safe even.
The other thing I really wanted to accomplish with these designs is targeting lesbians, hey ladies these are for you. How am I doing?
going left to right here we got
Flea- She's a Flea I tried taking a lot from Blake's Ghost of a Flea but I don't think it comes through. Her grave-shackle is that scythe coming out her shoulder, it's maybe a bit of a stretch, the real thing was buried in the ground next to the corpse so if it rose it would decapitate itself but I didn't really want to complicate the design with a bunch of dirt or something. Regardless I like her design a lot. Short hairy goblin of a woman, someone stop me from naming her Puce.
Mosquito- Her hair took a little bit to sort out, it used to be real bad but this mess is perfect. Horrible 90's stylized part call back, reminiscent of boxer braids while being ostentatious enough to work in any setting. That cool bangle is her grave-shackle, an actual shackle this time. Her build was immediate, huge arms, weird long butt, perfection. She's the easiest to dress which isn't that surprising considering shes thinner but usually big arms are really difficult in women's wear. Flea is actually the second easiest to dress. There's gotta be a better name than Malaria, but i could call her Mal.
Geo(?)- small mafia man, constantly put upon, constantly behind the 8-ball with upper management; you know the type. The other guys definitely tell him he's lucky all the time but they'd never switch assignments with him. Why is he so small? because I can do whatever i want. His name might be Geoffrey.
Lamprey- Went through the most iterations, was very hard to piece together a woman this disaster lesbian. The spike through the heart, traditionally meant to keep the alleged vampire pinned to the ground was always part of the design, so was the long neck and heart lipstick, the hook earring came and went. Everything else was difficult; general build was pretty similar but i didn't actually work until I gave her a gut and dropped her waist. I used to have gill markings on her neck that looked like vampire bite marks and that took a while to give up but that hair is too good. She probably will end up being named Nakkila, it's a Finnish town with lamprey on their crest.
Leech- Took just two stabs to get her hair, body and face where I wanted it. Those bright red eyebrows work so well to subtly mimic leech markings, her hair shapes are perfect and I love drawing them. It's hard to tell at this size but her lips are sewn together which works almost too well for the theming, the cartoon jack'o lantern shape just sits right on a leech. Being built like a brick shithouse with fantastic fat rolls really gives the body diversity in the group the punch it needs. But dear god in heaven she is so hard to dress! I'm liking this dress a moderate amount right now and I really love the shoes but it's not perfect. I've tried suits instead, I've down active wear, all crazy difficult. It's like fashion doesn't want to accentuate horizontal stripes on large bodies or something? I gotta keep trying on it. I've almost convinced myself to name her Annelid.
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ohmygillygoshoppler · 4 months
Let's hear them secret scientist headcannons, Ma. Pretty please 🙏🥺
huehuheuheuhwlhbsjhbclah~ y’all know what it is, mostly rambling I wrote most of this waiting for the dentist lol
Drew (Audrey do not call her that omg Saturday)
Mama’s albino. Isee it with my eyes and just feel it in my bones. She’s pale, her hair is pale, I she even had baby blues in TGIS so, yeah. 
Drew isn’t a huge fan of chocolate, opposites since Mom Monday had a thing for cocoa. Maybe she doesn’t have a thing for sweets in general? Like I can see Drew as more of a FoodSnack person rather than SweetSnack person. She’ll be like, “I want a snack,” And spend like 2 hours prepping the stuff for a food item that will be gone in 20 minutes and somehow, she’ll find a way to convince Doc to “help” with the cleanup after.
She always wanted a big family, But only managed to have Zak. She loves her family regardless, it's just not the way she thought they'd be. I mean, come on; Her and Doc are so romantic all the time, like there’s no way they woulda stopped at just one. If she could have given Zak a sibling, she would have, but it wasn’t in the cards. So, adoption, lmao.
My girl is a mystic through and through but she is not mystically inclined. She could tear out her hair and make a deal with the devil, and still not be able to conjure her own magic at all, but she is so well versed in it, you’d think she was a sorcerer or something. (Maybe she could, oh I dunno, help her magical buddies out with that know-how, huh?)
Doc “Solomon” Saturday
My guy has some serious PTSD and OCD issues that he hasn’t quite sorted out, and I’ll bet he’s scared to go into it given all the times he’s started talking about it, only to immediately shut himself up about it.
Like, seriously, my man needs a therapist.
I’m laughing and wringing my hands together like Argost himself thinking about all the fun times we’re gonna have with mr. Magic Doesn’t Exist now that he’s gotta help his new Angel Daughter find her friends. Sorry Solomon, but you’re gonna have an aneurysm.
Doyle Blackwell  **Professional Uncle
Such a cool dude, he can’t drink alcohol because he’s too cool to get buzzed (he's allergic to alcohol and will turn beet red after one drink help this poor man)
I get a lot of, “I dont deserve an apartment,” vibes from this guy so I say he needs more “Chillin at home with the fam,” And less “Shitty hostels wherever the cheapest.” Also man needs a gf (or bf, ffs nobody want him fr!!11!)
He's bi, and I know cuz he told me lmao
Paul Cheechoo (Uncle Bear!👏🏼 Uncle Bear! 👏🏼Uncle Bear!👏🏼)
Okokokokok, so I am super super projecting here because Cheechoo deadass reminds me of an uncle who is A.) also native af, we’re not Inuit but were fuckin n8v; and B.) also a fuckin geologist lesgoooooo
So guys got a big family, huge actually. Lots of cousins and nieces and nephews and aunties and uncles and such- making it a bit hard and a bit sad keeping the whole Secret Scientist thing away from his family. Especially after the Weird world incident when he became withdrawn from them, fearing Argost might do something horrible to his kin. So, he kept mostly to himself, confiding only in his fellow scientists.
I feel like his sarcasm and friendly demeanor is so sweet and endearing, especially for someone so friggin big, I mean good god- Look at this man. The friendly giant trope always gets me, so what? BUT! That being said, I’d like to think that sometimes my guy forgets how big he is… Like, we’ve seen how this guy gets tossed around like a ragdoll, maybe he also forgets he’s a brick shithouse, given all the times he’s gotten his ass whooped.
Man is Golden Retriever coded, and I wanna eat him alive for it./pos
Arthur Fuckin Beeman
My man! *kills him again and again and again and again an-*
Also, I love how we all saw this man, we all looked at each other, and we all said, “Yeah, he's autistic af.” Like, it's very clear that this man’s brain works… differently from others.
My brother once said, Liaos from Dungeon Meshi if he didn’t want to eat the aliens he just wanted to hang out and honestly…. Werk.
Does this man deserve an arc? Not really, but do I wanna put him in a few fucked up situations? Hang him upside down and shake him till all his tokens fall out? Maybe. Maybe Zak’ll help me, too. Shit…
Miranda Grey (Big Grey)
Ooooooohohohohohohohohoooo~ We hardly got anything with you, Doctor. Which means I can do whatever, and I both hate and love that-
I know you love your sister~ I know you’re sad about her betrayal~~ I know you’re hurting, girly, I know your devastated inside and you can’t do anything about it because so much shit is falling apart around you and now your sister fucked over the only people you can call friends, fuck you Miranda! Eat shit and die! ILY!!
I reeeeeeaaaaly think she’s guilty about what she’s done to the Saturdays, especially Zak, so maybe she might try and say or do something to try and make amends, but how? Thats a good question… I wanna know too, lmao.
Abbey Grey (Little Grey)
I have plans for you, stupid bitch……
Agent Ex husband
The scariest mfer in all existence, most stifled man in all existence, omg. If War were ever made a fucking human, Epsilon would be his fate, and holy fuck- Yeah. Stoic? Check. Bound by a strict code of ethics/honor? Check. Big As Shit? Check. Scary????? Umm, yeah. My mans a Horseman.
Wants to be loved. Wants to rest. Wants to have a cigarette for the first time in years. Wants some coffee with extra cream and sugar. Does he deserve it? No,not really. But he does need it. His soul needs a good kneading, like dough.
However, he is fucked up for the way he raised Francis and how he’s always shutting hom down and telling him how his thoughts don’t matter like, damn, just tell the boy he aint shit why dont you-
I feel like, if I give Francis an arc, Epsilon should have one too. I wanna know more about him- surprise surprise- and what makes him tick. We see in the show that there is some care for Francis, we see as much when he gets so mad at Francis for not quickly following his instructions, but that begs the question; does he actually care, or is he protecting his interests, so to speak? Lots to learn, lots to pick apart.
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gayest-classiclit · 9 months
Classic Literature Sexyperson Tournament; Round 1
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He's the best in everything so he's also can be the best at being the sexyman. Like he's just perfect and you would actually like being in relationship with him! He's responsible adult who can take care of you and himself! (And if you telling me no and saying that Raskolnikov is better. No. You just wrong) He's just a funny guy who can make your day better! HE CAN MAKE YOU BETTER!! HOW CAN YOU TELL NO TO HIS BEAUTIFUL BROWN EYES!!!(I've infodumped about him so much before what I don't have anything more to say because I've said everything in my other propagandas for him. He's everything to me) -----now tropes for fun----- –European –Brick Shithouse (I mean he is big and strong) –LGBTQ+ Coded (I mean not really but like....we all know he's bi) –Himbo –Johnlocked (*looks at the propaganda for gay lit tournament* we all know how it ended) –Tall
I love this man he is Husband he is Wife he is the light of my life, the literary foil to our emo-supreme MC that was Absolutely Necessary, I would jump his bones and put a ring on it in a heart beat, we would live poor, but we would be happy together. We would keep each other warm. Also his wife's hot so. I would gladly form a polycule with them both if they would have me.
fellas is it not a sexyperson thing to accidentally murder your sister in your pursuit for power and forever be haunted by the act, but instead of learning and becoming a better person you start making literally everything in your life worse by murdering Even More People with your partner in crime who you also murder later out of paranoia and be increasingly haunted by the visions to the point literally everyone around you becomes either dead or outcast, but at least you have your power and the crown and girlboss your way to becoming not only the king but ALSO a judge and then in your hubris send down a guilty verdict on your own actions three times so hard Literally Actual God smites you for your bullshittery because at that point She's the only one who could get rid of your sheer murderswag.
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hongtiddiez · 10 months
bunn and husband face reveal bc im feeling sappy
i love that this man just spent 3 hours watching bls with me, after listening to me talk about my silly bls for like an hour and a half.
like, he's 6'4" (193cm) and built like a brick shithouse but he loves listening to me talk about my fanfics and my writing, will watch my silly shows with me, LOVES playing co-op games with me, takes care of me when my disease gets bad, stuck with me after my diagnosis when we hadn't even dated for a year, and has stuck with me for my entire gender journey and has supported my desire to start HRT next year.
he's my best friend in the whole world and i love him so fucking much (even when we drive each other crazy)
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(god this picture from a concert is 5 years old how the fuck is that possible)
i know a lot of younger people follow me and ive seen quite a few people like "when is it my turn" or "how do i find someone like that" and like my only advice is stop looking. honest to god.
my husband and i met 8 years ago, i'd just gone through a sad break up that was mutual just bc of distance and other factors. a barely-acquaintance asked me to come over and hang out and i said sure why the fuck not. she invited over her friend and tried to set us up and that night he barely said 2 words to me.
eventually, we found common ground and once we got started we could not shut the fuck up. we found out we played similar games and liked similar shows. he invited me to breakfast the next morning, took me home, and then played monster hunter with me for hours while we were on the phone together. once we officially began dating (like a week later) we were fucking inseparable. we just love being in each other's company because we're best friends. we tease each other and give each other SO MUCH sass and attitude but that's who we are and i always tell him "i couldn't have designed you more perfectly in a computer."
i miss him when he goes to work and every single night on his way home from work he calls me the MINUTE he gets into his car and talks to me on the phone until he gets home. we used to play a stupid game where he would tell me when he was at the corner down the street and he'd flash his headlights at me as i looked out the window. i can't wait to see what the next 8 years has in store for us.
you'll find your person, it may not be as fast as you want but i'll give the same advice my parents always gave me - don't ever settle for less than a best friend. your partner HAS to be a best friend. (my parents have been married 25 years and are still fucking insane for each other.)
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spider-man-2o99 · 1 year
thots on the new ITSV trailer eye emoji???
well!! obvs this is gonna b skewed as hell towards just what I cared abt most from the trailer kcjkxcjkcjcxkcxj. but. anywho!
from a visual perspective, i fucking LOVE how all of miguel's movements and mannerisms are animated; i compared it to how he moves in the beenox games (SD/EoT) back when the first trailer dropped, and i still stand by that as an excited mark of praise. he practically has the frantic barrelling force of a runaway train behind everything he does-- you can see the Heft in every step and lunge and stride, and, frankly, it makes me ECSTATIC.
despite their making him into a big ol fuckmassive brick shithouse, ATSV does still thankfully seem to have Gotten It Down Pat that mig is a bouncy rubber ball of a spidered-man, from what we've seen so far. the fact that ATSV is now taking it a step further than beenox ever did and (seemingly) has scenes of mig just full-on running around on all fours as it so suits his fancy gives me Hope that we will very soon see Skittering and Scampering the likes of which previously thought Inconceivable... closes my eyes nd sighs so so so wistfully......
as for what i think the actual Story might be about, though? i, uh... i dunno, honestly. just for personal reasons i've tried Very Hard to not give myself any Major Major Expectations abt the movie until it comes out and i get to actually see the dang thing, first, y/k? but. make no mistake about it. im REALLY goddamn excited 4 across the spider-verse... god, june really can't come soon enough.
anyways everyone who was shit-talking cappy’s little booboo the fool after Trailer 1 but then suddenly changed their tune because they want to bone the concept of the man who is his VA for This Film by Trailer 2 owes me $50 USD and needs to leave my sight and go to forever hell immediately.
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dunkledog · 2 years
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I don't think I posted this profile of Hoch or his face,, whoops. if i did post it already double whoops but eh
on a posting spree today honstly
unrelated but most of my artwork so far this year is tf2 related the brainrot came back full force man
additional context I may or may not have mentioned earlier but Hoch is an escaped supersoldier experiment who runs rampant and kills people that's why he's a brick shithouse. really he should be a heavy but he insists on being a medic because who doesn't love a good god complex am i righte ( he is addicted to the medigun )
weirdly i like him enough that i made him a playlist,,, i wanna add more songs but idk it's pretty decent so far i think
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ofdarkestdesires · 1 year
So if I could be so bold why Rex? At a quick glance, looks like most of your muses are girls or OCs—so why him?
Well, first of all, just look at him—
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Look at this man. Dude’s built like a brick shithouse—his goddamn biceps are as wide as his fucking head! And he’s swinging not just one, but two goddamn Aegises like they’re nothing! He’s a fucking chad of a dude, absolute god tier character design!
On a more serious note, I really love how…he’s just a guy. Like, he gets very defensive when people question his Driver status as a teen, but that was mostly because he’s protective of Pyra. Outside of those moments, he doesn’t consider himself the Wielder of the Legendary Blade the Aegis. He’s just a salvager—and a damn good one! Hell, when Tora asks him for advice, he assumes he’s asking about salvager tips because that’s what he’s most proud of.
He’s just a guy who loves what he does, loves his wives, and will fist fight literal gods if it means protecting that life.
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actualalligator · 2 years
Find the word!
Tagged by @voxofthevoid
My words: hell, ache, silver, death, sweet
Your words: please, down, hiss, angry, love
A couple of things here. One has been posted, so it's not technically a wip.
Sam called two days later.
"How are you?"
"Not so talkative today, I see. I'll be up there Wednesday. Let's do lunch okay?"
"Fine." Bucky hung up.
He hadn't eaten; he'd barely slept. He didn't know what day of the week it was. When the hell was Wednesday?
"You're going to end up over my knee no matter what, so you want to make this easy and tell me what's wrong or do you want to do this the hard way? I have all afternoon. Your choice."
Bucky lets out a frustrated sound, kicking his legs a little.
"That sounded like the hard way. Did I hear that right?" Sam asks, bringing his hand down hard across the seat of Bucky's jeans.
Bucky yelps. He turns his head to look at Sam, eyes big and wide. "Daddy," he whines, and God does he sound absolutely miserable. Sam's heart aches.
No dice
The man is built like a brick shithouse, and Bucky is pretty sure the guy could destroy him. Just crush him to death, and Bucky would thank him. On top of that, he has this shaggy, dirty blond hair and a beard just a few shades lighter. But really, it's the eyes, like an ocean during a storm. Except the guy smiles at him and that... well, that could just kill Bucky.
Sam walks into the room. The lights are low. There is a pecan pie and a vase of zinnias on the table in the corner. Both of his favorites. But the centerpiece, the absolute pièce de résistance? The boy on the bed. Their boy. Wearing only a pair of red lace underwear and sprawled absolutely obscenely across the bed. Sam walks around the bed, takes note of the red rope around his wrists, keeping him tied down. Bucky's eyes are closed, and his breathing is soft. He looks so sweet and peaceful like this.
And I'm tagging not one person because I honestly don't know who to tag, so if you wanna do it, please do!
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anxsity · 2 years
4.6 ⭐ / 5 ⭐
WE BEAT THE OSH EFFECT!!!!!!!!!! DOWD GOOSE AND DIMA I NEED TO KISS YOU ALL ON THE LIPS!!!!!!!!!!! the arena???? POPPING!!!! and mantha, finally, LOVE seeing that physicality!!!! know what ur role is babe (big bitch on the big bitch team). ur built like a brick shithouse, USE IT!!!! was gonna say sorry ovi but psshhh that man isnt sad he has to stop himself from making out with his teammates when any of them score a goal. hopefully now that we're on the road the whole atmosphere and pressure will be just a Bit turned down. just a Tad. god im in love with u judge judy. out injured and immediately coming back with 2 goals and an assist on the otgwg????? sooooo sexy. beautiful all around. good job boys. kuzy hope ur okay. everyone else get better soon <3
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