#going for emotionally messed up women who will Hurt Her to help her
blood-starved-beast · 4 months
But seriously, your posts actually made me realize that oh, the reason Nem reads as so rude (aside from the fact that the overwhelming majority of the ways she chooses to word her grievances ARE, objectively, very hurtful and rude) is that she's the only one actively acknowledging that hey, this is??? kinda fucked up actually? Why is Mel the one expected to do what is, by any currently understood metric, an impossible task with no assistance beyond Thoughts and Prayers from Olympians and a "go get 'em, tiger" from the assorted parental figures in camp? Most of whom then tell her that actually no, I'm not your real parent, your real parents are in time prison and I only took care of you so that you're strong enough to break them out of time prison one day.
Nemesis is the only one pointing at Mel like "you ruined a perfectly good goddess is what you did, Hecate. Look at it! It's got anxiety and imposter syndrome!"
Nemesis isn't the only one to show this concern! The only other person actively trying to do something about Melinoe's maladaptive and self-destructive behaviors is...Eris. Eris who is trying to loosen Mel up in the only way she knows how - doing the House of Hades tradition of trying to bond with someone by fighting to the Death. Unfortunately, Eris is so smarmy in the way she explains that it also comes off as insincere. The sisters are actually quite similar in this respect. It's also giving very strong "Nyx fires Dusa to force her to not overwork herself to the bone". Which is, likely where they both inherited that perspective from actually. Like Nem, Eris is like "why do you care about these people?" even.
I do think Hecate does care about Melinoe genuinely. But as I've hypothesized before, I think Titans being another step removed from humans cannot rationalize emotions and connections the same way gods or even mortals can. That's a thing that's discussed even in one of the nectar convos with Hecate. She mentions not understanding mortal the gods gestures and customs like this, though is quick to assure Melinoe that she appreciates it nonetheless. Interestingly, Nemesis mentions in her fishing(?) convo and another how she understands the mortal concept of justice, evil, etc. and those things is something setting her apart from her family. Which I think is part of the conflict between her and Hecate.
Odysseus is so interesting to me. He's an uncle/brother figure (per what Mel tells him) and he clearly cares but you can feel the sense that he keeps his distance. And that's his baggage with goddesses speaking there I think. He's a mortal interacting with gods and gods have their own perspectives on things and they have the power to Hurt You if things line up wrong. Which is part of some of the themes of this game of mortals vs gods vs titans.
Anyways you are correct and I'm just elaborating more here.
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cheemscakecat · 7 months
Scout unspoken character development.
So you remember how Scout was absolutely struggling to work out how to ask Pauling on a date, and didn’t have the confidence he needed to do it properly? In Expiration Date?
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*loud silence*
It makes sense that he’d struggle, because dating requires you to be more vulnerable emotionally and that’s like the last thing he ever wanted to do growing up. His brothers saw being emotional as a weakness, and he still thinks like that because those were his role models.
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That’s why he didn’t help Spy with the last wishes. He’s still got that mentality that he’ll be seen as weak if he admits that dying in three days bothers him. But if he makes fun of Spy in front of the boys, Spy’ll be the one seen as weak, not him.
To date somebody, you have to admit that you’re attracted to them, if not in love. He can’t admit that part, which is why he tries to be causal about asking Pauling out.
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Like, even when he can tell that he made Spy furious, the awkwardness of that emotional situation makes him try to laugh it off and stay casual, not give him pause.
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How much you wanna bet that “I’m sorry”, usually said sarcastically or with fake sincerity is the best he’d get from any of his brothers growing up? No discussion beyond that about what the brother should be sorry for, just “I’m sorry” because Ma is making me apologize.
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That’s why he just moved on with his request for help, instead of going into a deeper apology and acknowledging why Spy is upset. He doesn’t know how. He doesn’t know that you’re actually supposed to, and he’s not a weakling for feeling that way.
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He can’t accept the weakness of being bad with women, even though that’s why he’s in the smoking room asking for advice. That’s why he lies about the ratchet girl at the chicken place, who probably never existed.
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What’s interesting is that the only thing he retained from his dad’s training was the dancing, which is an expression of emotions. He started out doing a casual, cheery boomer dance that doesn’t require a partner, with no risk of hurting somebody else if you mess up. But the dance Spy taught him requires you to be careful and move with another person, and is a lot more romantic.
But we know that music is something he loves, to the point that he hopes his favorite musician is secretly his dad.
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But that’s not the only important development he makes in this short.
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Scout doesn’t know how to respond to that, because if he ever tried to bring up what one of his siblings did to make him upset, they’d just laugh at him or say “I said sorry, what else do you want?”. But he cares about this woman and how she feels, so when she brings up what he did to make him say more than sorry, he can’t just move past it like he normally does.
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He got so close to spitting it out! But what we did get is good progress, because he had to be more honest than usual. If she was paying even the slightest bit of attention to him, she’d be able to see what he’s trying to say.
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He’s trying so hard, she doesn’t even know. I hope that someday he finds a girl that does like him, because she sure as heck doesn’t.
What’s interesting is that we have voicelines that imply he’s getting less uncomfortable flirting, even if it’s in his usual Scout way.
He didn’t act ready to take his shirt off around her in Expiration Date. That’s Scout getting more comfortable around her. So is him playing her dorky board game that his brother’s would clown him for looking at.
You have to remember, Scout is the youngest and considered the runt of the litter by his stupid siblings. He acts like he likes the way his arms look in Meet the Scout and talking to Spy in the smoking room, but he’s always comparing himself to other guys. He wouldn’t take that shirt off around most people, is what I’m saying.
I hope someday Scout goes through the character development he needs to find a real girlfriend that likes him. [And also not rely on physique as a tool for flirting].
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Okay. I know this blog is all for women’s wrongs, and I think Foxglove is a fantastic character. But please tell me more about Ronnie and his wife.
LMAO dw Ronnie is Also committing Lesbian Wrongs...
The wife in question is Robin who's locked in the most codependent torment nexus situationship to ever exist in DoLtown. They've been friends forever, rely on each other for everything and just assume they're always on the same page. This is often not true at all but because they have to assume it must be or else they'd have to admit they no longer know the other as well as they thought they did, they never talk it out (Ronnie hates being wrong, Robin has a crippling fear of being hurt/disillusioned) and they end up letting it escalate and implode but they never will truly break up because they can't stand to be away from each other for too long or else they stop functioning (Robin lets the self loathing and isolation win, Ronnie becomes more reckless and self destructive), keeping them locked in the cycle.
The biggest reason of their conflict is that Ronnie can't keep it in her pants for even one minute and loves pretending it has something to do with wanting to do some good. She's dating Kylar cause she wants to protect her from bullying (but secretly loves how Kylar needs her to be emotionally stable), messes with Sydney cause she thinks that will give her some much needed freedom (has no intention of taking it seriously even if Sydney falls for her and enjoys how Sydney needs her to validate her choices) and thinks she can charm Whitney into getting better (actually just also wants to get Whitney to rely on her to control influence her to behave). Despite that, she does truly believe she's helping them and every other girl she helps get up only to watch them fall into her arms. To her that's just part of the process.
But at the end of the day she'll always go back to Robin and she expects Robin to understand it, and doesn't even consider what she does cheating because she's just trying to help those girls thrive, and Robin is her special one, and gets truly & honestly heartbroken whenever Robin calls her out and tries to put distance between them. Cause they're supposedly a team and supposed to be here for each other forever, and when she's particularly desperate she admits that Robin is the only one she actually loves. Robin, on her part, lets her backbone magically disappear when it comes to Ronnie and ends up folding more often than not even though what Ronnie is doing does break her too, because she also truly loves her.
Also they're butch4butch/kinda t4t/nb4nb :) Diversity win!
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cowboyjen68 · 10 months
Hello! I’m a young lesbian who’s been struggling to figure out my sexuality for quite a while now. I love messing around with gender presentation, and love masc clothing and sometimes masc terms, but I am in no means a masc person or a butch— that’s very clear to me. And I haven’t felt any pressure to change that, until I met a girl I really, really liked. She seems to like me as well, and constantly talks about wanting a girlfriend in a way that makes me think I’m her type, except I know she will never go out with me because… she’s a high femme who has stated many times that she’s exclusively into butches. I know that trying to make myself butch or pretend I’m butch to impress her is, for so so many reasons, a terrible idea. Yet I like her so much, and it really hurts that what could have been a potential match will never happen just because of this one aspect of my identity that I’ve spent so long trying to figure out. I’m not sure if I’m asking for advice or venting, but I really appreciate your account and just wanted to say you’re a huge inspiration for me and someone who helps me feel confident about my identity as a lesbian no matter what.
In my experience and opinion you either are butch or you are not and it is just fine to be NOT. You can of course dress in whatever aesthetic you enjoy and you will feel most confident in clothes that feel comfortable and right.
I would say, most lesbians have a type and that type is not always butch or femme and is more often less about the butch or femme energy (or how we are perceived regardless of clothing choices) and more about aesthetics and just personal chemistry.
I am attracted to femmes but my deepest love was a woman who does not use femme. She is sort of a feminine woman with Tomboy fashion. Steel toed boots with women's cargo pants, make up and a dishoveled braid made from her long hair. IT was her womanness, her energy that formed my attraction and she could wear a potato sack and still be amazing. LOL
She might be signalling that she likes you and there is chemistry but she is unsure how to make sense of that since she might consider herself "only attracted to butches". Many of us know (and ignore ) our type from early on and some of us need time to explore what we are truly attracted to, physically and sexually and emotionally.
Don't change YOU, neither your clothing nor your interests, to try and make her more attracted to you. Superficial changes will not bode well at the end of the day. OF course, once you establish a connection helping each other to play around with fashion likes and dislikes can be fun but again, that is just clothing and hair and not an effort to change your fundamental way of existing.
I suggest asking her if she is interested in a date. BE very clear that you mean a DATE and not just two friends. She if she is up to exploring beyond friendship. Take "no" gracefully and stay friends. And if she says "yes" be honest with how you feel and ask that she do the same. You can't know until you try.
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yokohamabeans · 1 year
Say, d'you think if kakucho met a decent person after meeting yua he would've been able to forget her? How d'you think he'd react upon meeting her (yua) again (while being with said person) ?
scenario b: it was someone he met before meeting yua, either from his elementary school years like takemichi or during his time at the orphanage, and they cross paths again after yua's disappearance
(I'm trying to hurt myself mentally, help me suffer more pls, I want to feel smth)
Well, know that I have this to say: Kakucho, just go with that decent, emotionally healthy person and forget about Yua. It's for your own good.
Actually, even within ROAC itself, I kinda saw Kakucho forgetting about Yua, sometimes almost entirely, with all the mess and chaos he's gotten into with RokuTan/KMG/Bonten. Though, she was always kind of at the back of his mind in a way where he'd subconsciously compare other girls/women to her. I guess it's largely because after a while, he kind of gave up on the chance of meeting her again.
So, in an alternate timeline, this might have happened...
Kakucho reconnects with an old friend (let's say elementary school friend) and they became something serious, with that old friend always bringing him fond memories from childhood.
The go on a date and visit a Chinese restaurant. A waitress comes to take their order. Kakucho finds her familiar, and an itch starts to form in his brain.
But his significant other places their hand on his, teases him about staring at other girls, and he forgets chasing that itch entirely. They finish their meal and leave happily.
Yua's been waitressing part-time at a Chinese restaurant (referred to by Chu-jie) to earn extra cash and help pay off her aunt's debts. She has no time for a personal life at all.
One day, a couple comes in for a meal. While taking their order, Yua finds the man with the scar very familiar, but brushes the thought away.
She people-watches during her break and while observing the couple, briefly wonders what it would be like being happy with someone who gets her.
However, duty calls and she remembers that that's just not the life for her, and she goes back to work without thinking about that man again.
TLDR: In this timeline, Kakucho and Yua have let each other fade away into obscurity as they lead their parallel lives.
(I'm sorry anon Idk if this is angst enough, especially because it's not written in prose form but this is what I got off the top of my head!!)
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hannahssimblr · 1 year
Dean: A case study & my justification.
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Now that part 2 is over, I can finally share my feelings about Dean, the thought behind him and where he came from.
First off, I didn't think he'd cause so much discourse. To me, because I knew who he was from the moment he was introduced, I was surprised to find that so many people liked him. I kind of thought "oh no, maybe I've done something wrong here" But then I realised that actually, that probably sounds about right. If I didn't know his motives I would have liked him too.
When I was twenty three I knew a guy a bit like Dean. Our relationship was complicated, and the exact ins and outs of how it was defined aren't really relevant, but the point is, he was manipulative and emotionally abusive.
I was young and fresh out of college, and he was in his late twenties and yet somehow there was a part of me that felt like I always had the upper hand on him, like I thought always knew what he was thinking. I'm a bit ashamed to admit that I thought I was able to handle him, and I'd always believed deep down that I was too clever, too astute to be one of those women who ended up with an abusive partner. Now I know that I only felt that way because I'd never been in their shoes.
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Abusive people don't come into your life announcing that they are going to hurt you. They come in quietly and nicely, they make you laugh and give you the type of attention they've figured out that you want. At the beginning, when I met him, I actually wasn't remotely interested, but he viewed this fact as a challenge, and tried extra hard to get my attention. He'd play all kinds of mind games - the same way that Dean did. Dean deliberately insults Evie's work in order to check how much it will bother her, and then acts like he's just being constructive. He blocks her from his phone just to test her and see if she'll come crawling back begging for attention. Every time they're together he's reading her, he's checking her face, he's watching her every movement to see if what he's doing is working and if he's bringing her around to being with him. He knows she is too good for him, but her self esteem is so low that she doesn't know that. He will play that to his advantage.
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I got wound up around my guys finger without even knowing it, and looking back, I can't even tell you how I got there. But I know that there was one time that I began to get bored and lose interest in his flirting, and he came over to my house with a wrapped gift and a poem he'd written about me. Then we lay on the couch with the sun streaming in the windows and he stroked my hair for an hour. He didn't want to be with me, he didn't want to be my boyfriend, he was just reeling me back in. He was seeing what it would take to get me back in his orbit again because he could sense I was slipping away and he had a hunger for attention. Dean does the same thing to Evie when he sees that he's made a potentially disastrous mistake and let his mask slip. He goes to a bookshop and tries to find the most personal gift possible. Not because he cares about her, but because he needs to keep on playing the game. Men like this know the right things to do, they know perfectly well how to appear sincere.
The moment I confessed feelings to him, I'd lost. For me it felt straightforward, it felt like, oh, well we obviously like each other so let's date now. He didn't want to date. He "couldn't". I can pinpoint that as the day that everything took a sudden nosedive. Within a few weeks I felt completely trapped. He stopped pretending to be nice, and he took advantage of my feelings and my willingness to be kind to him. He asked me to do unreasonable things. He'd impose on me, force me to complete tasks and then insult me for doing them wrong. He camped out in my house one weekend working on a project he wouldn't let me help him with (because I mess everything up), and made me cook him three meals without ever saying thank you. In fact I think he said "I don't like this type of food." it was horrifying, humiliating, and for some reason I felt like I couldn't get away from it. There was a visceral moment when I cried in confusion on a set of stone steps in my town with my best friend, and I told her that I felt like I was in an abusive relationship, but couldn't have been because he wasn't my boyfriend. I didn't have the self esteem to get away from him.
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Many of the things Dean says to Evie in the final chapters are variations of the things said to me during this time. I think that's why writing those parts was so painful for me. I literally paced around my apartment trying to get the nerve to do to Evie what had been done to me. In the story, Dean starts turning on Evie the moment they agree to date non-exclusively in the park. From chapter 16 until the end he is, in my opinion, horrendous with her. He struggles to keep the mask on at all in 16 and 17, covering up his rage and impatience with thin layers of rehearsed understanding. He says what she needs to hear, but he's not even really bothering to make it sound genuine anymore. She won't have sex with him. He says it's fine, but then leaves the library in annoyance five minutes later. She finally gives in and does it, and he doesn't enjoy it. He worked so hard and gave so much of his time and effort to getting her clothes off, and now she's let him do it and he wasn't satisfied. All of his manipulation was for nothing.
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Dean eventually just uses her for her central apartment by the end. It's closer to work than his own place, and it's easier to crash there after a night out. He doesn't care about any of the promises he made to her, and even though they continue to have sex, he's not doing it because he has affection for her. She's just conveniently there. He cares about her feelings so little that he's happy to tell Marnie all of the personal details that Evie would be mortified to share. He doesn't care about her, nor does he care about Marnie or Fiona or anybody else. He cares about the pursuit of women, the challenge of snagging those who are 'out of his league' just to prove to himself that he can. I wanted to show that by chapter 20, he actually only wants to have sex with Evie when he's on MDMA, that's the only time that he enjoys it, and she, with self esteem whittled down, has accepted this as her reality, for any of his chemically enhanced affection is better than his sober disdain. She has nobody else in her corner anyway, so she might as well just let him drag her to the bottom with him.
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I like to think that the hints of Dean's motives would be obvious if you were to go back and read it again. I was honestly, incredibly fascinated by the response to him and the debate around whether he was bad or good. It felt like there were people who could plainly see what he was doing and people who, like me once, saw the things he was doing as normal and easy to explain away. That's the thing though, he was doing normal things. Walking someone home is okay, maybe touching someone's palm at a party is okay, but it's not always about these singular actions. It's a gut feeling, something inexplicable. A heightened feeling, you noticing that something is missing from their gaze, a feeling of being observed or tested by them. I know to be aware of these things now, but I would have never ever known that when I was 19.
I’ve been holding off talking about my intentions for him for a very long time, and honestly, chomping at the bit to tell you who he really is, but the discussion was so varied and interesting that I was actually happy to step back and let everyone talk. I was also a little afraid of admitting my own blindness when I was in a similar situation. I realised during part 2 that I really don't have control over the characters and how likeable or unlikeable they are. A hero to one person may be a villain to another.
I know this is a long post but I'm glad to get it off my chest. Now you know ;)
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calico-kiwi · 6 months
Oh noooo a complex female character how scary 🙄
????? help is this abt sandra lynn?? LMAO
look, i’m here to enjoy the series and, y’know what? i’m really enjoying it! i’m having a blast :D
characters are allowed to be nuanced and flawed and not perfect and she’s a character who very obviously has had some ups and downs, both in her life and how the party (and her daughter) has viewed her
i think she’s a beautiful character and i appreciate her complexity and the thought that’s put into her, brennan did a great job of keeping her consistent and i genuinely do appreciate her depth
but this is very much a thing i am watching for fun and that i’m not trying to analyze, and i get secondhand emotions from things i’m invested in pretty easily
so the whole situation with her that’s going on in sophomore year had me a bit more stressed an anxious than even some real life stuff was causing me
the easiest way for me to sort of process how i’m feeling about her is to recognize sometimes i’m upset with her (which, she’s not the only character i’ve done this with btw, i was plenty distraught and torn up about the whole gorgoug zelda situation and gorgoug forgetting the generator felt like a kick to the stomach) and then move on
she has her moments good and bad and instead of justifying either, i decided to take a step back, detach myself and go “i like that she did this! i did not like this!”
because quite frankly i was getting far more stressed out than something i’m watching to have a good time should make me
so yes, a complex female character indeed, and deep down, i do love her. but i’m allowed to be mad with her too and y’know what? i’m mad at her sometimes because i love her
so i understand if you sent this because you felt like i was attacking her, but i’m really trying not too and i think you missed the whole point of that post which was “i am going to feel about her how i feel about her in the moment because i am genuinely distressed and this is a fictional character”
also it’s ok to not like characters???? like if i said i hated sandra lynn that’s ok??? i can still hate something while admiring or i appreciating the fact from a meta standpoint her character is amazing and incredibly well played and developed. it’s when the hatred stems from bigoted thinking that it’s a problem, and it’s very much not, i’m just having an emotional response to a character in a series i’m emotionally invested in
good on the fantasy high d20 gang for impacting my emotions so much because that’s how you know they’re doing a great job!!
anyways this was fun to answer, i don’t get asks often, and it gave me a chance to rant :P
i would appreciate it though the next time you sent an ask (to anyone) to not come out swinging first, cause for this kind of situation something less accusatory wouldn’t sufficed just as well
like, “i was wondering, why don’t you like sandra lynn? i understand she’s done some shitty things, but not everyone is perfect and it feels like you’re holding her to some double standard of being unflawed because she’s a women” (i am not holding her to a double standard, im sorry if that’s what it seemed like, as i explained earlier in the post i responded to her actions that way to help preserve my mental lol)
that type of question gets the same point across, gives more detail (took me a minute to figure out who tf the original ask was about) and better explains what i may have messed up on so i can clarify, fix, or potentially apologize for it! (all in a less butt hurt or “let’s start some internet drama” sounding way)
thanks for the ask (no thanks for it being so rude, though i can understand where your frustration’s comping from), here’s a response, i wasn’t expecting anyone to come across that post and i’m just glad you’re not a bot or scammer in my inbox
i love just Never Shutting Up (as you can see by how long this got (unintentionally)) so please, i will talk about literally almost anything if you give me the chance, COME TO MY INBOX
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blazingtheway · 9 months
Letting Off Some Steam – Leah Solo
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ʟᴇᴛᴛɪɴɢ ᴏꜰꜰ ꜱᴏᴍᴇ ꜱᴛᴇᴀᴍ!
             ╚ ꜱᴏʟᴏ
                ╚ ɪɴᴄʟᴜᴅɪɴɢ:  #ᴇʟɪᴢᴀʙᴇᴛʜᴄʟᴇᴀʀᴡᴀᴛᴇʀ
Sometimes you’re pushed so far that you need to find an outlet to let go. In the past times like this would have resulted in me climbing in the back of my baby and hitting the road hard to Seattle. But my promise to close off that avenue meant this wasn’t good enough of a reason to end up there.
‘Leah, do you mind locking up for me? I don’t want to rush you out mid work out.’ Waving my gloved hand over with a grunt meant #Mac’s uncle could go home, and I could keep pounding the skin.
Pushing the tip of my earbuds to turn up the volume needing to immerse myself into the beat of the song.
(Music: Seven Nation Army - Stevie Howie)
With my eyes focused on the skin, I couldn’t help but see the face of the townie man so clearly, each curve of his features etched into my memory that I could point him out in a crowd of a million just like him.
This man who had attempted unsuccessfully to cast a black mark  on the sacred space of the #HwH enraged me beyond belief.
My warrior had suggested this work out, she knew that nothing good would come of me pushing these feeling down, that they would boil up like a volcano. Except when I erupted no-one in a hundred miles radius would   be safe.
My hands lifted up to partly cover my chin, protecting my nose. My legs apart, feet planted, and knees bent before I began with a two, one, two combos. Each hit rang an echo in the empty gym which I could hear even with my music playing loud.  The only thoughts replaying in my mind, where the words of the girl after I had driven her to #Sam and #Emily’s cabin.
My auntie #ElizabethClearwater  had followed close behind with #Rachel driving her.  She wanted to make sure the young girl had been okay. As she’d worked closely in LA with abused women shelters part time, she knew right away when something had been off in the situation. Where I needed my Warriors ears, my auntie had used her human intuition to deem the danger unfolding before her eyes.  #ElizabethClearwater was a woman no one dared to mess with. But when she sat with the young woman, her voice soft, her hands holding the shaking one of the girls. I could see my Da in my aunts gentle and kind voice.
#TheKid and I had always said that the bar would be a place  of safety, where no one would feel uncomfortable, unwelcome, or harassed. But that twat had managed to make a girl feel all of those things at once.
The spirits had been on our side that night, the young woman hadn’t been hurt physically, emotionally, and mentally,  it was going to take a toll on her. When I had rode her to her dorm block, she had asked me to walk her to her room.
The fear in her eyes, had been casting this rage in me since that night, which I couldn’t unleash until now. Even if I was only fighting myself and the skins,  it was better than doing nothing and setting myself up for failure.
‘You’re not failing. You took the steps needed to make sure you succeed.’
She watched from within. Ready to step up and support me if and when I needed her. But for now. My fist needed to feel the pressure of the skins pushing back.
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ducknotinarow · 1 year
💭 for Karai: Technology, Flowers, Regret, Change, and Dreams
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Little thing before getting into this mainly because her foot!Casey version is by far more develop my answers for this are in relation to that au primarily. I'm sure it can be easy to say what applies to her over all but I felt like it wouldn't hurt to add this in.
| Technology |
"If even those bumbling idiots can handle a piece tech with out blowing it up of course I can."
I would say karai is tech savvy but only with intended uses. Let me explain Karai is shown to be able to work well with computers and a lot of tech even quick to taking to it like the voice modifier used to trick the turtles. She can do basic stuff that can help on missions both foot related and personal. However, she isn't someone who knows a lot about websites. But she works well with tech even seeming to in the least get an understanding for how krang tech seems to work as she was able to mess with the bots and bring one back to the Foot's hide out to show to Shredder.
Karai shows a need to have all the facts before making a move. She doesn't want to go into a situation blind. So she is good about recon to get blue prints and such or scooting out a place before she enters. Far from being rash or reckless.
For personal use? Feel free to mock her because she doesn't know how to do things like save a picture of her phone.
| Flowers |
"Thier pretty but they don't have much use."
Karais favorite flower is Jasmine
In many cultures, the jasmine flower are a symbol of hope, purity, and spirituality, and is often given as a gift to bring peace and happiness to the recipient.
This also was her mother's favorite flower, which is why she loves them. She always has fresh cut ones in her room by a photo of her late mother. She dosent know much about her mother her father hardly ever gives her information about her so she tends to cling onto any information she can manage to get her hands on a out the women.
Because of this, Karai also has a big soft spot for those who have lost their mother as well. It's a pain she can relate to but also nkt because she never got know her own so she can only imagine the pain of another. Giving away her more sympathy side away. And yes this did come up when learning her adoptive siblings lost thier own mother. Though say this dose reflect on how she acts towards Angel the most seeing how she likes to brush and style her sister hair.
For casey it's mkre why she soon starts to lighten up with him and sometimes is why she has her own weak spot for her older brother. Well aware of how much he has lost and her willingness to help him keep from losing more.
| Regret |
This can sound bad out of context. Her regrets are all around her older brother. She regrets not being nicer to him. She regerts not being there for him. Or how he needed her to be. She regerts not being able to protect him. She regerts not letting him know she loves him and how much she generally counts on him and even looks up to him. Maybe if she had been just a bit more emotionally available, Casey wouldn't have felt so alone. Or felt expandable. Or been a victim to rhier father.
Karai is seen as cold and calculating and well she can be this way. It comes more fron her not being able to let down her walls to be emotionally open or vulnerable. As stated her feelings about her own mother can also be a major weak spot for her. And she's not meant to be weak.
Of course she cares and loves Casey. They tount and tease each other and it's something she generally needed growing up. She is unaware how this seems to be taken by Casey at times. And thought it worked the same both ways. They can joke with each other because they are close to each other at least she assumed they were.
Funny enough Casey's the reason she can at times stand up to Shredder as she dose time to time. Casey is also the reason Karai decides to turn traitor herself. Because Casey is the one who always looked out for her filling in the void in her own life and he would have been the reason that too would have been gone.
Don't think she dosent hold some upset feelings towards Casey though. She always believed they were close thar they had each other's backs learning Casey never seemed to see it that way? That dose in fact hurt her a great deal but more because it shows how's much she failed someone she relied on so much. It's why she has to make it up to him.
| change |
"Becoming a snake has had a lot of side effects."
Her mutation into a snake has certainly effected her a lot but she has an advantage in that she is able to shift back and forth to a human appearance and her snake. How ever staying her snake state may offer her better fighting advantages and such it can effect her mind and make her lose her humanity. She dose still keep some of her abilities in human form such as the her venom which she can even spit out
At first her change was a lot to handle not to mention being turned into a brain wash captive by her father to control her didn't help. She now holds a fear of having no control so she tries not to stay like that for long. If she exceeds her personal time limit she can start to become frantic and tries harder to end a fight.
But change also can be in other places like hiw her life changed when Caeey and Angel became part of her life. At first she wasn't the biggest fan of this change but now? She dosent think she could go back to that life. Where it was only her. But she will for them, Angel needs to be safe too soon as she can Karai will be asking the Hamatos to take in Angel because she can't risk Angel getting caught up in the mix of things to come as she turns against Shredder herself.
Karai knows change can be a good thing so she hope this applies to the foot.
| Dreams |
"Are for fools."
And Karai by this logic is the biggest fool of all.
She holds on to a few herself, questioning many, knowing that you can't only simply dream for something to happen.
But she has a drive behind her new dream, and she's willing to do whatever she can to make it happen. She wants to take the foot Clan from her father. She truly believes the clan can be changed under her lead. Though that's going to tougher then she thinks considering how loyal the clan is to her father and many follow his rule as thier law. Killing her father may nit be the end if the issue buy she's willing to think doing so will give her family peace at last.
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zein-satsuki · 2 years
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Severus Snape x Seme Male Reader
Not my art
Both of you live in the same neighborhood. The dark and messy neighborhood always filled with unknown dangers and suspicious strangers, the spinner’s end. The awful place filled with crimes, tragedies and dishonesty. Any pure souls shall be tainted by the end of the day or ascend to heaven because of the inability to survive there.
Well, Severus’s life has been quite a mess. Since his mother got her witch identity figured out and the man she's married to blames her witchery for making him a failure in his life. But Severus still loves his mother really much. He in fact, despise his father who only gets drunk on daily basis and come home to abuse his mother. One day, he got hit so hard he almost fell unconscious in the busy street. And that's when he met M/N.
M/N just happened to be passing by the alleyway that time seeing the male almost being bullied by some naughty kids. He shooed them away then went up to check on Severus . Seeing the blood trickling from his head, he picked him up and rushed him to the nearest hospital to get him checked up. He felt his heart aching for the boy he met for the fist time. The little to weightless body just made him even more angry and curious for what he's been through.
Two days passed and it was the day the doctor said Severus should wake up. So, M/N is totally excited to see the male awake he rushed his work to get them done quickly and went to the one and only ward he's been visiting for two whole days. Opening the door to see Severus sitting up straight on the bed looking around confused. Alerted by the sudden voice he shrunk back into the blankets and start eyeing the male full of caution.
Chuckling at his cute behaviour, M/N walk towards the bed to press the bell and notice the doctor about the awaken patient. But Severus who thought he was going to harm him wrap his hands around his head and curl into a ball shaking slightly. Seeing his restless behaviour, the H/C haired male felt sad and went up slowly to embrace him. Showing his intention to comfort, the struggling ravenette calmed down after and just buried himself in the sweet presence.
Both of them start to introduce themselves. Mostly M/N because Severus isn't comfortable talking about himself yet.
M/N was worried about sending him home seeing the wound on his body, he proposed to report to the police but Severus rejected his offer looking dark and gloomy. Heart aching for the cute male, he just decided to bring him home. Small home with a few things here and there brings out the warmth and safety a normal family would have, things Severus would never felt in his own household. But being his mother's baby, he bid goodbye to M/N reluctantly.
Things grew worse, his mother paled more and his father drunk dazed and drugged completely was abusing his mother again. He immediately rush upfront to help, pushing his father to the ground who fell easily being drawn out of energy by the drugs and wine he's been drowning with. His mother Eileen, the love dazed women just scream at her child and pushed him away rushing to check the man.
Completely disappointed with his mother, he ran out once again just to bump into M/N, who followed him out of worry. Being emotionally damaged and tired from the day, Severus just hugs M/N and burry himself onto his shoulder.
Severus: I'm sick of her always doing this to me. Why can't she see how this bastard's hurting her? I can't do this anymore…
M/N: It's okay, it's okay. I'm here now. You can let it all out.
Then, M/N became Severus's friend. Even though Severus said he had enough of his family, he would still go back mainly because of his mother and the warmth they brought him a long time ago. But at least now he had another place to hide from all the violence from his home, M/N’s house.
Then they met Lily Evans, the girl that is as warm as the sun, who's protective of the weak and a warrior herself. Severus was being bullied once by the street kids and M/N was busy working by that time. That's where Lily came to the rescue.
They immediately became friends with the talkative girl and met with her sister Petunia Evans. Severus might have fallen for Lily if M/N hadn't shower him with the warmth he lost long ago. So now he just had mutual feelings for her. In fact, he dislikes Petunia a lot since she's been aiming for the attention of the oblivious H/C haired male since the day she met him. He himself too didn't know he had feelings for the H/C haired male until that very day he dreamed of doing unspeakable stuff to the male and felt the wet patch on his undergarment the next morning.
He avoided M/N for the whole day and refused to look at his face afraid of thinking back to the dream. He eventually got over it when he saw M/N with sadness evident on his face.
About the problems with unstable magic of young wizards, M/N had a room designed for that by his parents. Whenever they feel uncomfortable, thye would lock themselves in there until they're done. M/N forbad Severus from ever locking the door just so he could check up on him. Lily would use the room sometimes for hers too. After the magic gone, M/N carries the sweat soaked ravenette out of there and helped him clean himself up. The cute smile Severus showed just made him leave a kiss on his cheek.
They shared a room throughout their childhood, not having enough money for another or just not wanting to part with each other. Severus helps on M/N's full time job sometimes, the cute duo's face attracting more customers to the cafe. The shop owner is a kind lady. Normally it's too risky to have underage working but she let them work anyways with high salary. Seeing the sparkle in both their eyes after giving them the salary for the day are another sort of entertainment.
Speaking about Severus's constant visit back his old house, he managed to steal some of his mother's potions books and magic books out from the storage. The two wizards study it with awe as they tried out a few as well with the material they could find in the muggle world. Totally charmed by it, Severus rarely comes out of the magic room by now, instead of tagging along with M/N to work and eating together. M/N spent his time researching on how magic works. They would teach each other about what they've learn to absorb knowledge quicker.
M/N's parents are also wizards themselves so they have educational books too. He learned to put a restriction spell on children to prevent them from getting overboard on magic training and drain themselves out. Which had yet happened but they had to be cautious anyway. Severus casted it upon M/N first then vice versa.
Time flew by fast, as they got their envelope about the magical school, Hogwarts. Snape and M/N never knew about the wizarding world, so with the help of a Hogwarts professor, they got their things successfully. M/N provoked by the pervy ruler wrapping around Snape, almost snapped it in half if it wasn't for the tailor.
Then, was the wand shop, testing all the wands until they reach the perfect one, Snape got frustrated by the various testing as M/N pulled him back to keep him from trouble. And just like every other juniors they saw the ghost and used the shakey boat then got split up by the sorting hat. Severus is really scared of getting into a different house as M/N. He wished hard upon the sorting hat to get into the same one as him. The sorting hat seemed to have listened to his wishes and he got in Slytherin along with M/N.
The cute smile evident made M/N leave a small kiss on his nose as Severus just chuckle and kissed back. The girls are absolutely charmed by the cute duo. Squealing at every bit of interaction they have. Lily however got sorted into Gryffindor, she made them promise to come play with her even if they got sorted into different houses. Of course they would agree.
The trio still spend time together and pair with each other during classes taking turns since one group can only have two students. At the same day, James Potter fell in love with Lily at first sight, seeing Severus and M/N so close to her made him jealous and being the obnoxious brat he is, the only way he came up with is to gift Lily flowers and gifts while shouting love proposals to the girl.
Well, this is Lily’s trouble. Severus and M/N's troubles are being in the nest of snakes and future generations of death eaters. Being half blood and the friend of him they got the cold shoulders from Slytherins mostly the top of them Lucius Malfoy. But things changed quickly after the flying colours of Severus in potions class and defence against the dark arts. He even created many effective attack spells studying dark arts. Not wanting to get on the bad side of the future potions master, each family command their heir to communicate with the raven haired male. Only one came back successful being Lucius since he cheated by being friends with M/N first.
Today they bumped into the guy Lily always complain about and three of his lackeys, James Potter, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin and Peter Pettigrew. James being the troublemaker took out his wand and aimed straight at the one in front chanting the knockback spell and M/N pushed Severus out of the way he himself flying into the black lake. The octopus awoke by the commotion reached out to grab the male and Severus who was crying and worried the hell out went to pull M/N out when the four Gryffindors had already fled the scene.
After they got out from the big octopus with M/N communicating with it, both of them went back to the cellar, drenched completely. M/N had to cuddle and comfort Severus for the whole week to make him forgive him.
M/N: I'm alright now Sevy. Sorry for worrying you so much. But you know I can't stand seeing you get hurt by them.
Severus: Then can I stand seeing you get hurt?
M/N: …No, I'm sorry. I promise not to be so upfront next time.
Severus: There will be no next time for that slime full headed bastard! Lily is gonna dump him for sure this time around.
And in the next year, another Black came into Hogwarts, it was Regulus Black, Sirius's brother. Just when everyone thought he was gonna copy his model brother going to Gryffindor, he got sorted to Slytherin just like his sisters Narcissa and Bellatrix. Worried that his brother will get tainted by the Slytherins, Sirius came to taunt them everyday at the dining table just to take a look at his brother. Regulus afraid for the trouble his brother might cause, tearing their whole family apart, had a fight with his brother purposely. Then, his life in the Slytherin got much better with the help of Malfoy since he's dating his sister.
Then, days went past just as same with the Potter gang always coming wanting to make mischief and cause trouble to the duo only to get outsmarted by M/N. Causing them more errands and works to do being punished by the professor. And when they came as far as to call Snape Snivellus, M/N snapped and made them have stomachaches for the entire week with unnoticeable laxative in their drinks and food. Eventually got stopped by Severus since he's worried he'll get into trouble with that old geezer Dumbledore. Severus pulled M/N into their shared dorms looking into his eyes with seriousness, and M/N immediately spilled all the beans.
M/N: They called you nicknames. And I hate it!
Severus: Well, clever one acting like a Gryfifindor, why don't you think for once and see that the marauders are protected by that stupid bee. And Voldermort is the biggest threat outside. We have to keep it low or else we'll be blast into smithereens even before these two famous wizards fight!
M/N: …You’re right. I'm sorry for not thinking it through. Sorry for making you worry for me.
Hugging the male tightly he took in his sweet aroma gently. Seeing the male that used to be so fragile and weak grew strong day by day absolutely made his day better. That smooth and long hair of his always brushed and cleaned by M/N and tied up into a small ponytail just to avoid getting in potions. Sometimes they even went to the forbidden forest together to search for rare potion materials and have a date together. Still oblivious to each others feeling of course, and Lily just standing beside them fangirling and not helping.
Then, there was one night where M/N and Severus were having their date in the forbidden forest when they saw the Marauders sneaking towards somewhere. Looking at each other and nodding they followed them too to see the ferocious beating willow and a small cottage. After they went in, Severus wanted to follow then too but M/N pulled him back and they decided to watch what was happening first. Hearing the wolf howls and the full moon revealed a lot of things. They rushed back to their dorms and slept in the same bed to comfort each other (mostly M/N comforting Severus while Severus scolding Dumbledore in his heart)
The next day, they immediately told the headmaster and their house teacher about this but nothing got out only the marauders becoming more and more unbearable. Being totally disappointed in Dumbledore, Severus decided to join the death eaters secretly to get the rights he deserved.
Lily finally accepted James Potter after graduating from Hogwarts. M/N proposed to Severus too at the same day. Severus was so happy he almost fainted if it wasn't for M/N holding him. With the smart predicament of Severus, M/N was completely covered from the sight of Voldermort instead he himself is present by the Lord from his death eaters spreading news about his amazing potion skills. M/N always was worried for him, until the very day the news about Lily’s death struck both of them.
Life drained from Severus's face and deep sorrow and regret filled his expression. He never should've told Lucius about the prophecy of the Savior's birth date. And he never should've trusted that wicked bumblebee and the marauders. M/N seeing his mate drained out of power and full blown blaming himself drowning in sorrow, just felt heartbroken. Holding and caressing the male in bed gently to calm him down.
M/N: It's not your fault deary. Please stop blaming yourself. You didn't expose their hiding spot, it's them. They don't trust my dear husband and now that crazy Potter is finally dead. If you have to blame one, then it would be that troll like Sirius Black. Knew you couldn't trust that Slytherin family.
Severus: But if I hadn't tell Lucius about the prophecy, none of this would happen.
M/N: No, it was Dumbledore’s fault. He promised you he would protect Lily but he trust the marauders anyways leading to this situation right here right now.
Severus: But…
M/N: No buts. You need sleep. Please. Look at the dark circles around your eyes. Rest for me, please?
Severus: …Fine. But you'll have to be here when I wake up.
M/N: Alright, my dear prince.
Severus: N/N, don't call me that!?!?!
M/N: Hee hee hee… I'll stop teasing you. Let's go to bed.
M/N open up the blankets to snug in as well as Severus roll over to him testing on his broad arm. M/N pepper kiss along his whole face tickling Severus as he chuckled kissing back.
M/N: I love you, Severus. My prince, one and only.
Severus: N/N, you said you'd stop.
M/N: But don't you love me too?
Severus: I love you, you big dumb dumb. Is that enough?
M/N: Um hum, I'm satisfied now. Sweet dreams my love.
After hearing the calming breaths of the H/C haired male, Severus smiled warmly and kiss M/N on the lips, “I love you too, sweet dreams.”
M/N really hate his lover getting hurt and it's in the safest place for wizards too. First having bite marks on his leg and limping for almost a week then after another opening ceremony, Severus came back with a burnt robe and burn marks. This finally set M/N off once again as he used the human source in the Ministry of Magic to cause troubles for Dumbledore too while their kid Clara also helped by casting a spell on Hermione secretly turning her into a slug vomiting witch. High fiving his daughter, he didn't realise the looming shadow behind him just to get smack on the head.
M/N: Ow! Sevy, what was that for?
Severus: I told you not to act without thinking, you know how Clara and you would get into trouble if you two got figured out.
M/N: I never will stand and watch you get hurt Sevy. Never.
Severus: Sigh* Fine. I promise to take care of myself more and you two must stop your mischief around the school alright?
M/N: Deal. Now, honey. We haven't have fun for so long~
M/N entrap Severus between the bed and him, eyeing him with hungry eyes. He peck him on the lips as his hand start moving towards his hips getting into his pants.
Severus: Wait, N/N! I still have school tomorrow.
M/N: Sevy, please. I miss you so much. I promise to be gentle.
M/N purposely scrap his fingers over the head of Severus's shaft causing a shaky moan from the sexy male. Rubbing their shafts together, Severus let out a moan luring M/N to suck on his collar bone.
Severus: Ngh… Fine. There… agh… there, I want you.
Those three words made M/N go berserk as he started kissing Severus more furiously slipping his finger in his tight hole. Severus body shivered and he let out a loud moan when M/N’s long fingers touched his prostate. Muffled moans and groans from connected lips when M/N started entering feeling that Severus was loose enough.
The feeling of being connected together again after so long almost made the two of them cum. Pushing his legs to cling on his waist M/N’s hands doing wonders all across his body and pistoning his cock at his sensitive spot. Severus screaming and moaning, clawing M/N’s back harshly face flushed all over from the pleasure his husband is giving him. M/N pushed Severus to his climax as another loud shaky moan got pulled out from him. M/N continue to plow the male for his own climax making the overstimulated male whimper. He still helped by moving his hips in sync to make the H/C haired male cum quicker.
Severus: Ah…ah…are you near…yet…please…I can't anymore…ah…Ah! Too deep...ah ha...
M/N: Just a little longer sweetheart. Ugh…I love you so much Sevy. I love you.
Kissing the tears away from Severus's cheek, M/N quicken his pace making the male below him whimper and whine out loud being too fucked out to mumble coherent words. Severus passed out right after the both of them came harshly, M/N cleaned him up gently and they move to another room.
Kissing on Severus's forehead gently, mumbling a small goodnight as he wrap him in his embrace tightly. The next day being kicked off the bed, and the angry sounds of his lover only made him even more lovesick for this guy. He already prepared the potions and breakfast to make him feel better and with a final kiss both part ways to their work.
Everything happened really fast, with Voldermort's return told by the saviour and the Ministry of magic trying to keep everything in control by torturing their saviour, then the prophecy was broken with the death of Sirius Black. M/N was having dinner with his sweetheart when this happened and he cheered that the annoying Black is finally away from the school, means no need for his hubby to endure his nuisance after all the Marauders put them through.
What really broke the peace of the wizarding world is the news about Dumbledore's lost power spreading and Mcgonagall upgrading to be a headmaster. Voldemort started his killing spree on the muggles and what really frightened M/N and set him off was Draco almost letting Voldermort's army in Hogwarts.
He blew a fuse and confronted Dumbledore about it to see the frail old man so weak and looking like death. Dumbledore changed his usual sweet deprived demeanor and call for M/N to come over. Still having respect for the latter, he obliged and went up. Then Dumbledore gave him a two-way mirror.
Dumbledore: Go ahead child.
M/N obliged, the other side was quick to pick up the call and a male's voice sounded through it.
Grindelwald: Never think it will take you this long to respond to me old friend.
Dumbledore: I'm...sorry for...causing you the troubles...all these years...Will you forgive me?
Grindelwald: Wait, where the fuck are you! Dumbledore? Dumbledore!
The great wizard finally succumbing to the curse and fell unconscious making M/N worried and frustrated on what to do next.
M/N: He's at the Black manor. He's unconscious now, if you can do something please be quick.
Then the blast of apparition happen real quick as the fallen old man was hold by the past dark lord. Unfamiliar with the dark lord's fame, M/N didn't freak out or anything and explained everything about Dumbledore's recent. This just made Grindelwald mad, as he appeared with Dumbledore again back to his household. Thinking everything's done, M/N went back home, to greet his worried lover asking him where he's been then to smack him in the head when he explained about the situation. M/N could have been blasted into smithereens if it wasn't for Grindelwald being busy with Dumbledore's situation.
Then came the fall of Voldemort as Grindelwald's much stronger army trampled through them relishing the anger of hurting his lover. Harry Potter getting the last blow of Voldemort finishing him off as the other death eaters scram. Lucius Malfoy got released due to M/N revealing that he had been giving messages about the dark lord too. Everything is in peace yet again as M/N hugging Severus looking at their child marrying a responsible man.
The end~
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aj-thegreatest · 2 years
Queen Moon!
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I unironically love Moon Butterfly with all my heart she’s such a messed up and interesting character to me. At the start she’s a typical strict mom, and her relationship with Star isn’t…the best. She’s hands off with Star and tries to force her into a “Standard Princess.”
Moon expects Star to either mess up, ask for help, or both. She’s there to fix problems for her, but doesn’t offer the emotional support Star needs. I can’t stop thinking about Mr Candle Cares and how Moon couldn’t pick up what Star needed to hear and shrugged it off I love that episode so much
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She obviously cares for Star, but shows it in her own ways. Which is through handling the issue and keeping Star away. She doesn’t let her play Game of Flags or sit at the adult table, because of her age. When she asks Glossaryck to speed Star’s training, and debates on sending her back to Mewni, you know who she doesn’t ask? Star. It doesn’t even cross her mind to ask for her opinion. She underestimates (hehe) Star every time, and Glossaryck calls her out on this. Which is interesting for many reasons we’ll get to later
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Her first instinct, once the MHC are out of commission and Toffee comes back, is to run and hide. Which Star isn’t for because this is Star we’re talking about. She continually hides the truth from her and burdens herself with it and it isn’t until Star confronts her about it that oh no the trauma comes up
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Slight warning for projection because I don’t know how much this was intended, but to me Moon keeps Star out of everything because she was forced to at a young age. She got a lot of stuff thrown at her: her mothers death, a centuries old war, and being queen. Moon went through a deep depressive episode for awhile, until she married River. So why, as an adult, would she want her own daughter to deal with the same things? Why burden her the way she was?
And I think Moon believes she’s a good mom, because she’s handling things the way she wished Comet would. She’s giving her what she wanted. Unfortunately, Star don’t work that way. She will put herself in reckless situations in order to save the day. And…well
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Her daughter is her world idk what would happen if she lost her physically or emotionally in the near future she’d be a goner
But eventually, after episodes of development, Moon learns to trust Star. She realizes her daughter can defend herself, and has grown up immensely. They can finally bond together as mother and-
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Look, Moon being the twist villain is bad. It’s not a good move on the writers part, or hers. But…it does make sense for her character. Lying to Star, keeping secrets, and wanting what’s best for her people. Eclipsa was an “unfit” queen, Mina was going to attack. She thought she did the right thing. BUT IT TURNS OUT SHE FUCKED UP
Like look at Star’s face in the pic above. She’s so distraught. This is the most disappointed she’s been with her mother. Star gets mad, justifiably so, and Moon feels so hurt by it. What she did wasn’t right at all, and now she’s paying for the consequences.
…Then the show wraps up that earth shattering betrayal for the sake of a happy ending
Look, if the show had more time/consistent writing until the end, this could’ve been a super interesting arc for them. Or they should’ve committed to Star not forgiving her mother that quickly.
This was a very long way of saying I love messed up moms/older women in media
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livlingula · 4 years
warning: negative rant post ahead (literally just me ranting my thoughts) 
(if u want to rant in my asks, anon asks are always on and i would love talking through stuff with you) 
first off: the setup. the whole thing to start was messed up, kaceytron brought in a bunch of her friends, her sister, and her chat into a “debate” who were obviously heavily biased towards her and ever towards the start were obviously not going to listen. they had no moderation, let dream get talked over, twisted his words, dictated the flow of conversation, and ignored the actual issues. dream joined to explain stans pov and why they were upset. 
second: the actual problems. they didn’t even THINK to invite poc and lgtbtqa+ (besides her one token friend) people to speak and instead had a bunch of white people....defending a white straight woman. they kept avoiding the root cause of these groups upset, fans didnt do this to cancel her groups did this because they were hurt by her usage of slurs and how she claimed to be advocating for all lgbtqa+ people. they spent the whole time arguing about dream using his private v main (gun violence tw) and if he supports gun violence or not. 
third: dumping trauma on someone. they literally dumped a bunch of trauma, ran, gaslight him into saying random shit, shoved words into his mouth and then went “yeah we barely disagreed about anything” dream has publicly talked about how he’s been in an emotionally abusive relationship and then they go on to just gaslight him into a corner. like i genuinely cannot believe that this 30 year old woman thought, yeah this is a great idea, lets back this 21 year old new cc into talking about his sexuality by trauma dumping. like i genuinely cannot believe i just watched a grow ass woman and her friends basically try and out one of my comfort people on front of 25k people??? and then ignored the fact that her chat was mocking his stutter and asking for people to rephrase things????
fourth: qbaiting. these straight women then proceeded to call dream out for qbaiting. QUEERBAITING IS A MARKETING TACTIC USED FOR FICTION. it is literally used by companies or authors to keep their gay audience interested while not turning off homophobes. dream and george have stated MULTIPLE times that george is straight and have no plans to date. not only did they link dream and george having a naturally flirty friendship to one of their friends getting run over by a tractor in high school, they forced dream to talk about his sexuality. 
(also it’s just very strange that people never call out george for qbaiting and its always dream...when george has openly said he’s straight...something to think about for everyone...) 
DREAM HAS SAID HE DOESN’T WANT HIS SEXUALITY TALKED ABOUT. HE IS UNDISCLOSED AND DOESNT OWE ANYONE ANYTHING. do they not understand how shitty they were to push him into a corner where he could either be accused of qbaiting or telling 25k people live his sexuality. they were all for helping the lgbtqa+ community but then the second someone doesn’t want to disclose they feel forced to. do they even understand how traumatic that can be for someone??
fifth: now that dream has left the call she’s comparing him to trump, making fun of his stuttering, saying he acts different off camera, and is trying to get her fans to mass report his discord. i Am Going to Lose it
tldr: kaceytron apologized for nothing, and she and her friends tried to back dream into a corners about literally every issue under the sun while ignoring all the shit they’re doing, and now are mocking him once he’s left the call. take care of yourselves and my asks are always open
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luckyasfuck · 4 years
maybe i just wanna be yours [k. bakugou]
A CAMBOY AU SERIES - PARTS 1, [2], 3, 4, 5
pairing // katsuki x female reader
tw // cussing, smut
warnings for this part // masturbation, toy-use, just a chapter full of filthy katsu (and a little bit of reader too), slight praise kink, overstimulation
theme // enemies to lovers au, camboy!katsu au, college student!katsu and reader au, no quirk au
keys // y/n, l/n
words // 1k
a/n // pt. 3 is written and will be posted at 100 likes :)
previous part I masterlist
katsuki bakugou originated from a wealthy family, with parents as fashion designers. he was the one who decided to move out of the house and to an apartment when he got into UA, his parents fully supporting him both financially and emotionally. his bills, his food, his education and everything else was paid, and katsuki was grateful for that even though he doesn’t say it. he never asked his parents for more money, though they still gave him it.
being a camboy had its perks and unlike many would think, he was actually kinda proud of being one. proud of having a large, veiny cock with a pretty pink tip to show off to horny people on twitter for them to get off on. his main following were women, women who were ready to throw their cash at him for his raspy moans, grunts and heavy breathing. he uses the money he gets on lives to help pay off the bills and get all his other personal wants.
and vibrators, of course.
katsuki loves vibrators, they’re his number 1 go-to toy with fleshlights coming in a close second. he loves abusing his cock with multiple of them, having leg-shaking orgasms everytime. they just felt so good against his tip that he can’t help but let out a few high-pitched whimpers here and there. sometimes he’d insert a finger or two in his ass for an even more intense orgasm, but he never did it on live or recorded it. 
he’s never bought a dildo before, the biggest thing he’s shoved up his ass were his three fingers and the hurt like a bitch. so he stuck with pleasuring his dick more often instead. he went live at least three times a week as a stress reliever from school, and today has been particularly harsh on him so he set up his other phone and pointed it to his bed. he tested it if it showed his face and did some adjustment before lining up a few toys he might use.
katsuki gives himself 10 minutes to relax and get hard by scrolling through twitter and checking his notifications. his body stiffens slightly when he comes across a few notifications of y/n liking his videos. he gulps, feeling his underwear tighten and he curses, “what the fuck?” why was he getting turned on with the idea of her unknowingly getting off his videos where he proudly showed his cock off? he brushed it off as his voyeurism kink and quickly made a tweet saying he was going live in 5 and attached a link to the website.
he puts his phone down and palms himself through his sweats, sighing. he grips his tip and his hips instantly buck up as he lets out another sigh. “fuck, can’t wait anymore.” he started a countdown on his other phone before getting on the bed and palming himself again. he sets his main phone down on the night-stand where the toys were so he can read the comments and see who joined.
the live starts and he shimmies out of his sweats and takes off his shirt, tracing a finger down his sculpted abs. “hey there, brats.” he smirks, hand dropping to his side to read the comments. “mhm, how are you all?” a hand massages his inner thigh as he got harder when he saw y/n, of all fucking people, join his live and chat a dry ‘hey there’. fuck, he doesn’t even notice his hand slipping through the waistband of his underwear and taking his cock out, the tip already oozing with pre-cum. he thumbs his slit, “you slut.” the mini audience he had crossed their legs, thinking it was for them.
katsuki smirks, stroking his cock and throwing his head back, abdomen flexing from his deep breaths. he grabs a few vibrators, attaching them to his cock, deciding he didn’t want to tire his hand today and leave it all to the toy. the toys turn on simultaneously and katsuki’s hips thrust off the bed with a loud moan. he grips the sheets and his toes curl in the addictive pleasure, his mind unconciously clouding with the image of y/n splayed out naked on his bed, cunt glistening with her juices and his cum. his legs shake and he feels tears prick at his eyes. the phone recording him hoarding multiple notifications of money being sent straight to his account. 
the comment section had gone crazy at this point, viewers increasing by the second. he manages to blink his tears away and look at what the audience was saying, but instead sees your comment.
“you look so pretty.”
and with that, katsuki cums with a broken moan and shaking legs with a loud “oh fuck, too sensitive!” when the vibrators don’t stop. but he can’t seem to take them off, abusing his cock and overstimulating himself so good. katsuki’s face is a mess, drool and tears all over, his bedsheets tore from how tight his grip was. 
feels so good, feels so good, feels so fucking good.
he’s moaning uncontrollably now, cock twitching. he takes one of the vibrators and places it on his slit, flinching away from his sensitive he was. “mmh-fuck feels so good~” katsuki slurred, drunk on the pleasure and y/n’s single praise. “fuck! g-gonna cum again, yes, yes, yes, feels so good.” 
katsuki has another intense orgasm, his cock twitching and his hips thrusting up on nothing. his eyes roll back and blinks off another hoard of tears, saliva drooling off the side of his open mouth. he tiredly takes off the vibrators off his cock, staring at how much cum he shot out. a hand comes to run through his hair and wipe the layer of sweat on his forehead as he panted loudly, desperately trying to catch his breath. the comments were all praising him on how good he took it but he didn’t care about them.
“dirty slut.”
was all he could focus on. it was y/n’s comment once again before she clicked off the live.
fuck you, y/n l/n.
next part I masterlist
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Meeting and Dating Ron Weasley
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(Not my gif)(Requested by anonymous)
- Technically, you and Ron didn’t meet until fourth year but the redheaded boy had been in love with you since the moment he saw you, which was during first year at the magical school. 
- While he was certainly too shy to approach you, he did do quite a bit of staring and talking to Harry about you; though he tried to pretend as though he couldn’t care less every time he realized how in love he sounded. 
- So fourth year comes around and he’s still just as infatuated with you; and just as emotionally stunted about it, as ever. But then, it happens.  
“Hey Ginny.” 
- You waved at the redheaded girl as you passed with a few of your friends, causing her older brother to stare at her as though she’d suddenly sprouted another head. 
“How do you know y/n y/l/n?!” Ron immediately asked after you were far away enough not to hear. 
- He spent the rest of their walk questioning her as to how she knew you and how you met and if you were close and blah, blah, blah. Ginny only got him to lay off after she started teasing him for being in love with you, but even then he still sent a few hesitant questions her way, all the while insisting he wasn’t all that interested. 
- Ginny is very pleased with her newfound power. It was like the cat who got the canary the first time she brought you over and introduced you to her blushing brother. Ron could have killed her yet “kissed” her at the same time; not literally.
- Even though you now know each other and are on friendlier terms, he’s still nervous and awkward around you. He’s always messing up his words, stuttering, tripping over things, staring, etc. He’s awful with women if you weren’t aware.
- And yet, you still seem to like him, and over time he does start to relax, even though he still has his moments.
- Ron never actually asks you out, you just sort of have a silent agreement. You start to spend more alone time together, you don’t date anyone else, you share awkward yet almost tender moments, etc. Your relationship status is later solidified with a; long awaited, kiss and a kiss alone.
- Ron is very much so a spontaneous “I’m just gonna kiss her and deal with the consequences later” type of person. He’s bad at expressing his feelings with words so he’ll do it with his actions, and he’ll do it quickly before he has the chance to stop himself; usually after a surge of emotions.
- So, in typical Ron fashion, he heard some guy mention how he was thinking about asking you out, and realized that you never did establish that the two of you were an item. He immediately started to think about how much he’d hate to see you with another guy and how much he cared about you.
- Because of that, he was quite distracted when he finally saw you again. He fidgeted and seemed to be lost in his own thoughts as you walked together but just as you were thinking about saying something to him, he turned and laid one on you.
- Although you were a bit flustered and certainly very surprised, you kissed back and smiled at him as the two of you pulled away.
“I’ve been waiting to do that.” He admitted, his less confident personality returning as a blush creeped its way onto his cheeks.
- It’s in that moment that you’ve realized that you’ve fallen in love with a dork. A wonderful, beautiful dork.
- Though it tends to make him flustered, Ron is definitely a fan of pda. In the beginning of your relationship, he’s a bit defensive about it, like when his friends chuckle at you kissing his cheek or make faces at him while he’s got his arm wrapped around you, but he learns to ignore it and just brush them off. 
- Handholding. 
- Leaning your head on his shoulder. Perhaps it’s because it’s you initiating a type of affection or because it shows that you’re comfortable with him, but either way, he loves it. 
- Hugs. That’s all this boy wants. Just wrap your arms around him and let him hold you close goddamnit!
- You giving him kisses on the cheek; or anywhere else? Unparalleled. Never stop. 
- Abrupt, passionate kisses. 
- Snogging. He’s certainly a bit clumsy at first but you don’t mind; you probably are too. 
- He has a few select terms of endearment that he likes to use: darling, sweetheart, woman, my girlfriend. He doesn’t mind pet names but please stick to a simple “babe” or “honey” and not something like “won won” (shudders). 
- Ron sleeps on his back most of the time so you’ll just usually lay your head on his chest while he wraps his arms around you. That being said, he isn’t particular about the position, and since he has a habit of snoring, you may want to try spooning. 
- Do you know how long he’s waited to brush your hair behind your ear or wipe something off your face? That little action is so important to him and even he doesn’t really know why.
- Bridal carrying and piggyback rides. Ron’s a strong boy and he likes showing it off, and feeling you holding onto him.
- Getting your food stolen.
- Playing chess. 
- Dates at Hogsmeade. Sometimes the two of you just wander around and get yourselves a little privacy from every bodies prying eyes; and third wheeling.
- Going to the three broomsticks. If Ginny is there, he will immediately ask to leave and you oftentimes find it too amusing to be annoyed.
- Obviously, Ron doesn’t have a ton of pocket money so the two of you don’t do anything too expensive. A lot of your dates consist of roaming around the castle and the grounds together, finding somewhere to sit and just enjoying each other’s company.
- Sitting in the courtyard together.
- Cheering Harry on at Quidditch together and later cheering him, Ginny and Harry on with Hermione.
- Exaggerated stories. He’s always trying to impress you and make himself or what he’s done seem cooler than it really is.
- You’re constantly making jabs at each other and lovingly laughing at the other person. How can you not tease him for being in love with Viktor Krum, it’s the only way you can make yourself feel better about his obsession.
- You can practically see the hearts in his eyes when you laugh. He loves seeing and hearing it so much.
- Compliments and flattery. Is it so you’ll do his homework? Is it genuine? The world may never know.
- Making sure he actually does his work and does it well. He would be lost without you.
- You and Hermione talking about your mutual struggles with the boys. Ron and Harry watch from afar, agreeing that your little gathering makes them nervous and wondering what you’re saying.
- He likes when you try to teach him things, it gives him an excuse to be close to and watch you.
- He’s always encouraging you and reassuring you that you’ll do great and that you can do it. He’s so sure of you that you almost feel sure of yourself.
- Although he tries to not let you know just how much he is, he’s very impressed and proud of you at just about any given moment. He’s never met someone as amazing as you.
- Sometimes he surprises you with just how much he listens. Oftentimes at random, he’ll mention something that you once said and surprise you with just how much he’s taken to remembering; sometimes purely because it came out of your mouth.
- He’s always a bit speechless when you give him a gift. Once he’s over the shock, he’ll give you a “bloody hell, thank you” and a kiss on the cheek.
- Ron’s taken on Voldemort and countless other dangers and yet you’ll still have to be the one to kill the spiders in your relationship.
- Showing him muggle stuff. Oh Godric, the amount of time his father spent asking you about the muggle world when you first visited....
- Spending summers at the burrow and writing to each other; even though he teasingly pretends that he won’t.
- Ron is the youngest Weasley boy and Molly’s a momma bear so expect to be sweetly scrutinized and then made into a part of the family.
- The twins and Ginny teasing the two of you; though they do tease him more when they’re alone with him.
- You should probably apologize to Harry I’m advance because this boy never shuts up about you to him.
- Lightly touching and checking on each other’s injuries. He’s very gentle with you when you’re hurt, he treats you like you’re made of glass.
- Ron has always sort of felt like he was second best to Harry and most of his brothers so he loves when you pay special attention to him. Listening to his stories, praising him, having eyes only for him, it all makes him feel so much better about himself.
- Trying to help him smooth things over with people; especially when it comes to Harry and Hermione. It’s awkward to not be able to talk to them because your boyfriend keeps you right by his side so you try to fix things as soon as possible.
- As we all know, Ron is an incredibly jealous person and when he gets jealous, he can get a bit nasty. He’ll most likely interrupt you and make you choose between him or the guy, wanting you to prove that he’s more important to you than them by going with him. 
- Afterwards, he insults the person he’s jealous of, maybe accidentally somewhat insulting you in the process, and tries his best to make you think the other person is a git. 
- Ron is constantly jumping to defend your honor and is always ready to fight someone to do it. He may act like an ass to you at times but he really does love you and your safety is his top priority. Nothing is going to mess with his girlfriend. 
- The two of you have quite a few fights, all of them varying in intensity. Ron isn’t good at expressing his feelings so that’s usually what leads to fighting: him just not being able to communicate properly. Sometimes you have quick, hushed arguments, leaning in close to each others faces. Other times, you’ll be having loud and harsh ones filled with insinuations and insults you don’t mean. 
- You usually give each other space, whether it’s out of respect or because you both refuse to speak to the other one first depends on the situation. He asks Harry how long he thinks you’ll stay mad at him and oftentimes asks the boy to talk to you for him, mainly to see if you’re still mad. His apologies are stilted but he does give them and knowing how he is, you usually accept them. 
- There aren’t a ton of I love you’s in your relationship, given how awkward he is most of the time; particularly when you’re younger, but he will occasionally blurt it out without thinking. 
“Bloody hell,” he’ll say in awe. “Godric I love you.”
- While times certainly get tough in the future, he’s been in love with you since he was eleven and there’s no sign of it stopping any time soon. You’ll stick by each others sides and when the dust settles, you’ll start to build that life he’s been fantasizing about. 
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mirkosintern · 4 years
Crawlin’ back to you
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pairing: dabi x fem!reader
genre: smut with a lil angst and fluff if you squint
notes: reader is a member of the lov, set in the meta liberation army arc (before the war!), possessive dabi, wowee this is my first work!! I never expected myself to be able to write a piece but here we are ehehe this was inspired by a certain tiktok actually. U may have already noticed but the title is from the song do I wanna know? by the arctic monkeys<3
warnings: 18+, unprotected sex, breeding, cum play, dubcon-ish?, toxic relationship, degradation, vulgar language, alcohol
word count: 3k
That the nights were mainly made for saying things that you can't say tomorrow day Crawlin’ back to you Ever thought of callin’ when you've had a few? 'Cause I always do Maybe I'm too busy bein’ yours to fall for somebody new Now I've thought it through
Dabi wasn’t one to do feelings. He’s screwed numerous women, but they were nothing more than some toys to fulfill his sexual needs. Neither did he want to have feelings, nor did he need to. Afterall, his side hoes who begged to stay with him even after all the degradation he’s given them disgusted him the most. He would snicker at their pathetic attempts and cut them off ruthlessly.
However, you were an only exception.
No, he did not have feelings for you, he swears he never did and never will. But you were different from his other disposable sluts--he kept you around. He didn’t ghost you, instead, he kept coming back. It is only because you’re a member of the lov as well, he thinks. You are easy to access since you’re always around the lov base, and he doesn’t even have to worry about getting caught by civilians or stupid bitches who suddenly decide to turn him into the police. You guys were practically co-workers with benefits, fuck buddies where the “buddies” part is questionable.
Dabi didn’t mind that he made an exception for you until that night. That very night where you sleepily decided to crawl into his arms after a rough round and whispered him how you loved the rough texture of his skin against yours. That very night where you pressed delicate kisses beneath his jaw. The moment of intimacy—making his heart pound and warmth spread beneath his cold skin—was threatening. You were threatening.
That’s where he cut you off completely. He did not knock on your bedroom door located in the lov base anymore. He stopped sending those “you up?” texts at 3am. He didn’t even lock eyes with you or talk to you anymore.
It feels as if something heavy dropped inside you, squashing your heart to the point where it’s painful. You try your best to ignore the pang in your chest and remind yourself that you guys were nothing more than co-workers with benefits. However, the enduring heartburn only functions to make you realize how attached you were to him. He’s Dabi, the biggest scumbag you will ever meet, what did you expect? What were you thinking? It should be no surprise this happened, right? But having to encounter his stupidly handsome face every day was not doing any help. You are a girl with dignity, you tell yourself, trying your best to ignore his strong scent of campfire and cologne drowning you every time you guys are in the same room.
The pain is suffocating you for weeks, and you finally decide to completely get over him. The night Dabi brings a bimbo to his room and fucks her loud enough for everyone in the lov to hear—for you to hear—you’re done with everything. You step outside, get drunk, do anything to numbify the pain the raven-haired guy has caused you, and even meet a nice-looking guy who seems to be interested in you.
You are doing good without Dabi.
You don’t need Dabi anymore.
You are not letting him get to your head.
A party.
League of villains is all about privacy, but they also started having some fun after uniting with the meta liberation army. Now they had sufficient money, people and place to throw parties every now and then without the danger of getting caught by civilians. Afterall, a number of heroes were in their side as well.
“Not gonna lie, you guys do know how to host parties.” Keigo smirks, picking up a glass of bourbon whiskey. “It’s fuckin’ lame,” Dabi answers as he downs a glass of liquor.
“So, what happened with y/n?” Keigo throws a suggestive smile.
“The hell you mean what happened with her?” Dabi frowns.
“Y’know, didn’t you guys used to be a thing or something?”
“Nah, she was an occasional fuck and that’s it.”
“Oh really? The Dabi I know never fucks a same bitch twice though. I thought she was something special.”
“Yeah, thought maybe you actually wanted her.”
A smug grin appears on Dabi’s face. “Never even liked her.”
“Have you seen her and her new boyfriend?”
The smile is quick to vanish from his face after hearing the word boyfriend. Dabi’s eyes widen, immediately glaring at Keigo. Before he could say anything, Keigo tilts his chin to point something.
“There they are.”
Dabi turns his head only to find you clinging onto some guy’s arm. Your cheeks are flushed –a pretty, pink glow on your face—as you bat your eyelashes at the guy. Bubbly giggles escape from your lips while you stare at him through half-lidded eyes. The guy’s arm is secured around your waists, pulling you closer to him.
Dabi sees red.
His entire body freezes as his grip around the liquor glass tighten. Dabi doesn’t say anything for a moment, but there is no way Keigo wouldn’t pick up how his cerulean eyes are flaming at the sight. “Well, I thought you knew.” Keigo pats Dabi’s shoulder. “Wouldn’t matter anyways right? You never liked her.”
“…Right.” Dabi takes another sip from the liquor, his eyes still fixed to you.
Keigo’s words are true; at least they are supposed to be true. Dabi didn’t have feelings for you. He doesn’t do romance. No feelings were ever involved with any of the women he’s slept with, and he made sure of it. It was so clear for Dabi without a question.
But why is it unable for him to erase the sight of you with some guy as he forces himself to sleep that night? Why are your sweet giggles echoing his head? Why can’t he get rid of the thought of you in that tight, black dress that perfectly complements the curves of your body? Why is the moment where the guy places his hand on your inner thigh replaying in his head? Why are thoughts of you messing with his mind?
“Fucking hell.”
Dabi gets up. This was fucking annoying. You were truly fucking annoying.
You tilt your head to check the glowing digits of your digital clock on the nightstand. 2:15am. It’s late, and you haven’t even taken off the dress you wore to the party. You are too tired both physically and emotionally. You’ve done quite a decent job in entertaining the man who’s accompanied you through the whole party, but it was truly an energy-consuming task. You and him walked around as if you guys were the happiest couple in the party; but the truth is that you guys aren’t even properly dating yet. Solely because you have constantly been refusing to properly answer him asking you to be his girlfriend. It’s not that he’s bad looking or anything, but the idea of being with him just doesn’t sit right with you. Ever since you’ve met him, he couldn’t keep his hands off you without asking you anything about consent. You always had to pull his hand away with an uncomfortable smile, yet he never took a hint. However, when a dating rumor about you and him started and spread quickly, you didn’t try to correct anything. Maybe it was because you wanted to pull out a reaction from a certain villain. Maybe your unusual actions at today’s party; clinging onto the guy and laughing at every single word he spoke; was to make Dabi witness how happy you were.
 Truthfully, you were dying inside.
 What was even worse was that none of your attempts seemed to bring an ounce of reaction from Dabi. When have you become so pathetic and desperate? You feel tears welling up in your eyes, hot and burning, but you don’t want to cry. Not for an asshole like him. You take out your phone, find the guy’s name, and text him that you don’t want to see him anymore. You feel a little guilty, thinking that you may have used him to provoke something from Dabi, but your thoughts are too worn out for you to comprehend anything. You flop onto your bed and bury your face in your pillow. You huff out a deep sigh, and the soft texture of your cotton pillow feels warm on your cheeks. In all honesty, you were thinking about Dabi the whole time you were at the party. Whenever the guy’s hand creeped up your thighs or gripped on your ass, you imagined it was Dabi’s, trying your hardest to feel something from the contact.
 You weren’t over Dabi. You never were. Realization hurts, leaving a sour feeling in your mouth.
 Your body shoots up at the sudden, loud slamming sound emerged from your door. Your teary eyes widen at the lean man slamming the door shut. “Dabi?” You ask, not believing your eyes. “What the hell are you doing here?” Without an answer, Dabi’s one hand reaches for your throat as his other hand grips your wrist. His large body is towering over you, and you feel your bed shift as he dips one knee in the mattress. His sapphire eyes pierce through your soul, and you can feel his raging anger just from looking at him.
“You’re such a pain in the ass, y’know that?”
“Dabi, what are you-“
He doesn’t let you finish the sentence, pulling you in for a heated kiss. Your lips open reflexively, enabling him to deepen the kiss. The kiss is aggressive, and he doesn’t know whether it is because of his anger or his pent-up desires towards you that he has been suppressing. The kiss gets sloppier over time, hot and wet with saliva and tongue. He lets go of the grip on your wrist and starts tracing your inner thigh with his thumb, and you let out a soft moan. You finally pull away from the kiss to catch your breath, but he doesn’t cease to caress your thigh. Instead, he lowers himself to your ear. “You seem to really love thigh touches, don’t you?” His low voice and hot breath brushing the shell of your ear sends chills down your spine.
“I always knew you were a slut, but never knew you were this much of a whore. You would bend over any guy who offers you some touches, right?”
Tears swell in your eyes again at his vile words, but it’s hard to talk when his knuckles are repeatedly brushing your clit.
“I’m… not a slut…nngh.” Suppressed moans escape your lips.
“Yeah? Why are you making those sounds then?”
He yanks your dress up and dips two fingers inside your lace panties, making you let out a weak yelp. Dabi raises his brows with a smug grin on his face.
“Oh, so she indeed is a slut huh? You get this fucking wet from a kiss?”
His two digits start pumping inside you, and you grip on his white shirt at the sudden sensation. Your gasps and moans get louder, and you suddenly feel his wet lips against your neck. Dabi sucks hard, making sure to leave dark purple marks from your jaw to your neck and shoulder, as he repeats the step of curling his fingers and pulling them inside and out your hole. “Dabi…too fast.” You whine out. “Yeah?” A sadistic grin appears on Dabi’s face. “Be a good slut and take what I give you.” His thumb reaches for your clit, making your legs shiver.
“Nngh…stop, I’m gonna… Dabi I’m gonna cum.”
“Stop? You want me to stop?”
“Do you deserve it though?” he slows his pace while teasing your clit. “Beg.”
It’s humiliating, really—but do you have any other choice when you are this close?
“Please, Dabi… I’ll be your good slut. Please let me cum!” Your desperate cries have him pumping his fingers fast again, and soon you’re seeing white. Hot drops of release coat Dabi’s fingers as he pulls out.
“Say ah.”
You obey, and Dabi sticks his digits inside your mouth. Your mouth wraps around them immediately, sucking as if it’s a pacifier. “Good girl,” Dabi says as he pats your head, and it makes your stomach swoop with sick pride.
The bulge in his pants is becoming painful, and he contemplates on fucking your mouth. But he’s too impatient; He feels the need to abuse your cunt right now. He wants to hear your screams and cries as he proves who you belong to.
“Take that off.” Dabi gestures at your dress, and you start undressing as he demands. Dabi pulls down his sweatpants and boxers, causing his cock to spring out. It’s so pretty, you think, and you can’t help but admire his red tip, glistening with precum. He pumps his length a few times and lines it up with your entrance. You inhale a sharp gasp as you feel his whole length inside you. It feels so full; it feels as if he’s gonna split you in half if he starts moving.
“Ah, too big.”
“I know.” Dabi looks down on you. “Take it like a little slut you are.”
Before you could even talk back, he is moving inside you. Your moans blend with the noise of the bed creaking; a perfectly harmonized orchestra to Dabi’s ears.
You knew Dabi wasn’t one to prep you or go slow, but you feel like he’s going way rougher than usual. His wild thrusts have your head lolling backwards, and Dabi does not miss the chance to take a hard bite on your neck. You scream out of both pain and pleasure, and you feel two hot streams of tears on your flushed cheeks.
“Aww, she’s crying.” Dabi says in a mocking tone. “Bet you love the pain.”
Humiliation fills your chest and you turn your head away, but Dabi quickly grabs your chin with one hand, forcing you to directly face him.
“Who’s the one making you feel this full?” he asks.
“Did he ever make you feel this way?”
Wait, he? Who does he mean by he? Your alleged boyfriend? Could it be possible that Dabi was doing this out of jealousy? You try to comprehend, but it’s impossible for you to think clearly, not when Dabi is fucking you stupid. “No!” You shout.
Dabi’s free hand reaches for your clit and starts rubbing circles. “Tell me, who does this pussy belong to?”
“You…” You try to answer, but he suddenly lifts up your lower body and slams into your cervix in the right angle. It has you moaning even louder, your insides spasming around his cock.
“I can’t hear you.” He smirks sadistically.
“You, Dabi, it belongs to you! I belong to you!” You’re screaming his name like it’s the only word you know, making his cock twitch. “That’s right. You are all for me, all for me to use. Just a pathetic little slut for my cock.” A satisfactory grin appears on Dabi’s face.
Dabi lowers his body down and grunts directly into your ear as he thrusts even faster. The sound of his skin slamming into yours is so erotic, and you can feel how close you are.
“You wanna cum huh?” His words have you nodding frantically, babbling incoherent words. Yes Dabi—wanna cum so bad—wanna be yours—wanna be your good girl—please, dabi.
“Then do it. Make a mess on my cock.”
“Nngh, Dabi!” You scream out his name as euphoria washes down your body. His release follows you soon enough, painting your walls white. You feel warmth filling your belly while his groans echo in your ear. You’re still sobbing and panting after he pulls out, without any energy left to move. As your blurry vision starts getting clearer, you feel his warm skin and the sting of his cold staples against your back. His long arms wrap around your oversensitive body, pulling you closer to him.
“You’re messing with my head.” Dabi rests his forehead on the back of your shoulder.
You’re confused, but Dabi doesn’t elaborate. His ego doesn’t let him do such thing.
“When you said you belonged to me, did you mean it?”
You bite your lower lip, not knowing how to respond to his sudden question. Millions of unspoken words and feelings are hanging in the back of your throat, creating a huge lump. You swallow them all and spit out a question instead. “Do you want me to belong to you?”
“Yeah.” Your eyes widen at his unexpected response, butterflies fluttering inside your chest. “Be mine.” His low voice vibrates against your soft skin. Your heart melts at his words, and you cannot stop your feelings from overspilling anymore. At that moment you both realize; you and Dabi were meant to crawl back to each other, no matter how hard you both try and struggle.
“I’m yours.” You smile, “I’m all yours.”
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chaoticpuff17 · 3 years
When the Chips are Down
part 12
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Y/N froze, staring at Namjoon like a cornered animal while Namjoon had her pinned down like that sharp, dark gaze that reminded her so much of a predator. 
“What others, Y/N?” he growled, getting impatient with her silence. 
“What others.” he demanded, slamming a hand down on the table startling both Y/N and Moni, and yet she said nothing simply staring at him with wide, apprehensive eyes while her fingers clutched the arms of her chair, her knuckles turning white. Namjoon took a deep breath, leaning back in his seat and pinching the bridge of his nose as he tried to calm himself down even though his words still came out gruff and annoyed. “What others, Y/N?” 
“Don’t yell at me!” she snapped, standing up from her chair, chest heaving as she stared him down. 
“What others?” he growled, returning her harsh stare. 
“You don’t get to yell at me, not now.” 
He sighed, taking another deep breath. Despite the tension and high emotions, he knew she was right. He had no right to yell at her about things that happened before they met, and he knew that she had been through hell before him. Yelling at her and demanding answers wasn’t going to do either of them any good. It never did. 
“I shouldn’t have shouted.” his voice was softer now, an attempt on his part to be more soothing, especially as she looked like a frightened rabbit. “I need to know what others, jagi.”  he took one of her shaking hands gently in his, treating her like the fragile doll she seemed like in that moment. 
“Were there other pregnancies? Before?” she nodded slowly, eyeing him warily as he carefully steered her back into her chair. “When you were with Marcus, you were pregnant?” she nodded again. “Can you tell me about them, jagi?” 
“There were two.” she admitted staring down at her lap, fiddling with her fingers. “The first didn’t get very far. I was only a few weeks along when I lost it.” 
“And the other?” Namjoon asked, almost scared of the answer he was going to receive.  
“I was five months along.” one of her arms came up to curl protectively around her belly. 
Namjoon could see the way her hands were shaking, the distant almost haunted look in her eye, and it pained him. “What happened, jagi?” 
“I was twenty one weeks. It was a boy” she smiled sadly “but there was so much blood, and I couldn’t get to the  hospital. Marcus wouldn’t…. He left. I shouldn’t have made him angry. I knew- I knew better.” she blinked back tears, and Namjoon had to tamp down his growing rage, not towards her but towards the man who had put her through this. “By the time I got to the hospital it was too late to do anything. There wasn’t much they could have done anyway.”  she shuddered at the memory. “The baby had been in distress for too long, and he came breech.  There was nothing they could do. He was… he was too little, and it was too early. He couldn’t...” 
Namjoon stopped her, pulling her into her arms as she trembled, gently stroking her hair as she began to cry. There was nothing he could say to make this better, nothing he could do no matter how much he wanted to. 
“You gave birth?” he asked, the horrible realization, the full extent of what she must have gone through sweeping over him. She hadn’t just been pregnant. She’d given birth to a child, traumatically, and the child hadn’t survived. From the sound of it, there was nothing she could have done, nor was the loss naturally occurring. Part of him regretted asking her, for making her relive this memory, but he needed to know, and knowing what she had been through, he only loved her more. She was so unbelievably strong.
She laughed tearily, a fond but terribly sad smile passing over her features. “He was alive for about twenty minutes. I held him until he passed.” 
“What was his name?” 
“Noah. His name was Noah. I buried him at the little cemetery just past the bridge.” 
“I’m sorry.” he whispered, gathering her into his arms again. “I’m so sorry, jagi.” 
“I couldn’t… I couldn’t breath after it happened. I couldn’t look at him. That’s when I met Jackson.” she admitted a more rueful smile taking over her features. “He gave me an out, and I made them pay.” 
So many things made sense now. A missing piece of the puzzle had fallen into place, and suddenly it all made sense. He’d known she was in a bad situation with Marcus. He knew she had only entered the relationship to try to provide for herself and her sister, but it never made sense why she toppled a whole criminal organization to escape. Something about it just never seemed to fit with what he knew of her, but losing a child was just the sort of catalyst that would send her down that path. 
His poor sweet Y/N had been through more than he could have ever imagined, more than even he had been through, but that was part of the reason he loved her, part of the reason she was perfect for him. She had seen the same darkness he had been raised in, and yet she was nothing like the women he had known in his youth, nothing like his mother had been. 
Namjoon’s memory of his mother was vague. He was only a child the last time he’d seen her, but he could remember the drugs, the bottles of alcohol. He remembered the dingy half basement they lived in, how it always smelled faintly of mold. He remembered the men- lovers, loan sharks, dealers, and none of them had anything against knocking around a scrawny kid from the bad side of town. His mother had allowed it all. Nothing mattered to her except getting her next fix. Even as a child, Namjoon had known he was meant for more. He was so much smarter than the other children, so much better, and he wanted better for himself. It seemed impossible though. What could a child do to get himself out of the gutter? And then Si-Hyuk came. 
Namjoon had been only eight at the time, but he could remember that day so clearly. Si-Hyuk had come to their home looking for him and his mother. He hadn’t known that he had an uncle before that day. It had always just been him and his mother, but suddenly there was this man claiming to be his mother’s half brother. His mother was out most likely meeting her dealer or one of the loan sharks she owed money too, so it had just been Namjoon and Si-Hyuk in the apartment. 
Si-Hyuk was a wealthy man, a powerful man, but he lacked one thing, an heir. He needed a son to carry on the business, but his wife had failed to provide one before her untimely death. He could have simply adopted a child, but he wanted an heir of his own blood, someone with the blood of his father and his grandfather. It was a family business, and he wanted it to stay in the family, but Si-Hyuk had no siblings, no legitimate ones anyway, but there was one woman. 
His father had had a daughter with one of his mistresses. Both the woman and the child had left soon after. His father had had no use for an illegitimate daughter, but Si-Hyuk had use for her now. It was a long shot, but if there was any chance that his sister had had a son, he had to take it. So he’d gone looking for her, and lo and behold, there was indeed a son. They found the perfect solution for both of their problems within each other. Si-Hyuk wanted a son, and Namjoon wanted out of the gutter, to be away from the mess of a woman he called a mother. There was only one problem, the woman herself. She might not have cared about Namjoonj, but she was a greedy woman by nature, and if she had thought there was anything to be gained from her son, she would cling to him like a leech. Everything would have been fine if Namjoon and his uncle had been able to leave before she returned. She never would have known what had happened to her son nor would she have cared, but she had come stumbling home just as Si-Hyuk and Namjoon were preparing to leave.
Distaste was too mild of a word to describe how both Si-Hyuk and Namjoon had felt about the woman before them. She might have been a beauty once, but a life of bad habits had degraded that beauty until she was nothing but a shell of the woman she had been, rotted from the inside out. She wasn’t willing to let go of her son without ensuring a life of comfort and debauchery for herself, and Bang Si-Hyuk was not a man to be blackmailed, so he’d given young Namjoon a choice: him or his mother. Only one could live, and Namjoon was nothing if not a survivor.
 “Nothing will ever… I  promise nothing will ever happen to our baby. I won’t let anything happen to either of you.” He urged, holding her tight to his chest. 
She was a survivor too, but she didn’t have to be anymore. He was there to take care of her now. If only he’d found her sooner, but that didn’t matter now. All that mattered was that she was here now. She was here in his arms, pregnant with his child, and nothing would happen to either of them. 
“You can’t promise that.” she shook her head, pushing on his chest so she could stare up at him with those fathomless eyes of hers. “You don’t know.” 
But he did know. This was his kingdom, and he made the decisions here.
“I promise you, jagiya, you will never lose another child. I won’t let that happen, not again.” she stared at him, brows furrowed in uncertainty. It was sweet in its own way. Logically, she knew there was no way for him to keep that promise. There was no real surety, but it was nice nonetheless. “As long as I’m beside you, nothing will happen.” he promised again, and she melted into his arms, too tired to fight both emotionally and physically, something Namjoon was quick to notice. 
“Why don’t we go inside, jagi?” he murmured, still holding her close. “You’re tired, and you shouldn’t overdo it.” 
Namjoon helped her up from her chair and led her back into the house with Moni trailing at their heels. Miss In stood guard just past the door waiting for the couple to come back inside. 
“We’ll take breakfast in the master bedroom. Y/N is tired and needs to rest. Another day of bed rest wouldn’t hurt.” she had a feeling that the last comment was directed more at her than it was his faithful housekeeper.  
“Of course, sajangnim.” 
Namjoon treated her like glass as he led her back to their room. One arm was wrapped around her waist to steady her while the other held her hand as though she was going to stumble and fall at any moment. She wasn’t, but she was grateful for the extra support. She didn’t talk about her other babies often, and each time it filled her with the same soul numbing sadness. 
Soon enough breakfast was over, and Y/N had been put back to bed with Namjoon beside her, keeping her tucked protectively into his side as he put on a movie for them to watch. Apparently, he had no plans to leave her today. 
As for Namjoon, he had always known that she was meant for him, ever since that first night. Everytime she challenged him, everytime he learned something new about her and her past, it only strengthened that conviction. She was perfect for him in every way. She was smart, beautiful, unbelievably strong, and she was his. They were both survivors, and what’s more, she was everything his mother wasn’t. Y/N would do anything to protect her family. She would fight for them till her last breath, sacrifice anything including herself. His mother had thrown away everything on drugs and liquor in a vain attempt to make her life better. He was happy the day she died. He’d been happy to be the one to shoot her.  The world was better off without her, but the same couldn’t be said for Y/N. 
She was light. She was music. She was everything, and he would tear the world to pieces for her. Anyone who hurt her, anyone who tried to take her from him would pay. Nothing was going to keep Namjoon from having his perfect family. 
part 13
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