#goldilocks and the three bears x reader
Okay, I haven't even seen Puss in Boots: The Last Wish yet but...
I am so tempted to write about Muerte/Death with a Little Red Riding Hood reader, that's with been cursed to be a werewolf (some way or another) or just a human and he's the "big bad wolf" from their story, and he takes a liking to them. I have ideas of the reader being a kid, teenager, and adult (or even a love interest *wink* *wink*)
(I also have ideas for reader being adopted into the Goldilocks and the Three Bears family but I'm hooked on the Muerte/Death character rn)
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cherrygummycandy · 2 years
Family Outings (and all the victims that come with them).
A Goldilocks and the Three Bears crime family x reader
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(An: First time writing in a while, feels pretty good to be writing again. Not sure what direction I'll push this is, probably some slight romance with Goldi or Baby Bear. Also, above is some cute theatre promotional material of the family movie night! Enjoy!)
"Eye of newt, tongue of, of... ugh!" You slam the small vial of repitilian eyeballs down on the oak table, leaning back as you place your hand on your forehead, trying to calm yourself down. hurrying over to the bookshelf, you toss hurriedly search, haphazardly tossing book after book behind you in search of the one you needed. A leather-bound journal, with gold fittings lays against a dusty candle-holder. The label reads 'Hellica Mellica; Ancestra Magica'. Grabbing it quickly, you return to your workspace, and plop down. Flipping to the chapter on transmogrification, you read quickly, attempting to remember what ingredient is missing from your brew.
"Tongue of Goldfish, of course!" You exclaim.
"Move it, you mug!" A blonde haired girl yells, pushing a small bear forward. "I'm tryin' alright? This scents hard to track, n' you don't even know who were supposed ta' be tracking!" The small bear snaps back, the odd necklace around his neck rattling as he whips around to face his sister. Two larger bears trail behind, chuckling at the scene before them. "I know who were supposed to be tracking, Baby. Just not any specifics..." Goldie says, raising her walking stick up above her and smacking it against a tree branch, knocking down a shiny red apple. It lands in her palm, and she bites into it with a grin. "Oh, can you get me one, Goldie?" The bear with a fancy hat asks from behind. "Sure thing, mum." Thwack! A second apple falls.
"Remind me dear, what exactly is your brotha' sniffing out?" The largest of the three bears asks. "Spellbook, Papa. Centuries old one, at that. Guess it belonged to some big witch back in the day." Goldie says. "A-a witch? You mean like the one that put them' kids in that oven?" Baby bear squeaks, before getting prodded forward by Goldie's staff. "Please, Hansel and Gretel killed that witch, didn't ya read the story?" She sighs "Besides, that witch is long dead. We, dear brother, are tracking the scent of her house." Baby tilts his head in confusion. "Wait, how am I tracking a house?" He asks. Goldie shrugs. "I guess she set some sort of enchantment on it, attracts little animals, so she can put em' in her brews." She raises her hands up, hands mimicking claws, an evil grin on her face. Baby shivers, and turns back to facing the path ahead. "Goldie, luv, stop scaring ya' brotha." Papa bear scolds, ruffling her messy curls with a paw. A claw snags, pulling a lock and making her squeak. "Papa!" "Sorry!"
Eyes narrowed in concentration, you focus on the task at hand. You attempt to steady your hands as you slowly ladle your transmogrification potion into a small vial. After a few moments of slow pouring, the vile is filled. "Yes!". Popping a cork into the top of the vial. "And not a drop spilled." You cheer, giving yourself a small little thumbs up in a nearby mirror. You set down the potion-filled glass, and move to dispose of the unusable leftovers at the bottom of your small, hand-held cauldron. You carry it outside of your cottage, sloshing the disposable material over your herb garden. The herbal paste and eyeballs should make a good fertilizer. Dunking your cauldron in the well, you scrub gently. As you remove the cauldron from the well, you look down at your reflection. You contemplate your image for a moment. You frown. It's you, but don't feel quite like yourself.
For years, you trained, studied, and dedicated your life to the teachings of your mentor, the all powerful witch who lived in the cottage before you. Admittedly, when a small orphan stumbled upon your cottage, she was tempted to eat you. However, she decided you'd be more useful alive, than in her stomach. She wasn't warm, or kind. You cringe, remembering the daily beratings shouted at you from throughout the cottage, as you scrubbed, swept, and polished every part of the estate. Once, you had even tried to copy one of her potions, and she never let you live down the disaster that followed.
"You useless little witch! Ruining my cottage, touching my cauldron!" She had screamed. "You want to explore magic so bad, fine! Be my guest!" From that point on, she not only increased your chores, but had made you help her fulfill her orders. It started small, but occasionally, when she felt cruel, she had made you attempt harder, more dangerous things. These always went horribly wrong, and you found your self-confidence diminishing, day by day. Now that she's gone, you still do the occasional spell, enough to sell and get by, alongside baked goods. Still, you haven't even attempted the hard stuff again. Looking down at your reflection in this well, you see that same child. 'Maybe I am just a useless little witch...' You chuckle sadly. You turn to head back inside, only to be met with the end of a wooden staff pointed mere centimeters from your face. You gasp, but the girl at the other end moves it closer, silently threatening you to remain quiet.
"Ello' there." A blonde girl stands at the other end of the staff, a smirk on her face. "You live ere'?" She asks, gesturing with her free hand to the cottage behind you.. "Y-yes..." you nod. "Ya' don't look like a witch." A voice comes from behind her. You attempt to peer behind her, leaning to the side a little. You hold in a gasp when you see three large bears looming behind. "I'm not a witch, not really." Goldie looks behind you at the cottage. "Then why do ya' live in a witches cottage?" She asks. "And she's holdin' a cauldron!' The smallest bear adds. "My mentor used to live here, I just sorta... stayed here when she died." You admit. "Oh, the poor dear..." The medium sized bear coos. You're a bit taken aback at this behavior, but smile nervously at the mother bear. "Ugh, not now, Mama!" Goldie waves her free arm, as if scolding the bear. "You got any weapons on ya'?" You shake your head. "Alright then, non-witch. Why not show us into your lovely home, you don't wanna be a rude host, do you?" She roughly grabs your arm, practically dragging you into your own home. Once inside, the smallest bear begins to sniff around, as if hunting for something.
"Um, what's he doing?" You ask, watching as your home is searched by the small bear. Goldie looks over, groaning and rolling her eyes. "Baby, ya' dolt! Stop it, we'll just get em' to tell us where it is. Ya don't need to turn the place over." She turns back to you. "Are you familiar with a book, called-" She pulls a piece of paper from her pocket, glancing over it quickly, before saying "called 'Hellica Mellica: Ancestra Magica'?". You bite your lip, unsure about telling this fierce girl the location of your book. The only real success you've had with magic has come from this book's information, and frankly, you feel like your mentor would curse you from beyond the grave if you just let her beloved book go.
"Uh, sorry, no." You lie, eyes darting to the side. The girl looks unconvinced, and suddenly grabs you by the collar of your frock. "I know you've got it, now, I'm gonna ask ya' a little differently. "Where. Is. The. Book?" She mutters. "Over there, o-on the table." She drops you to the ground, and quickly moves over to the table. She grins as she grabs the spellbook, holding it up. She moves to open it, but finds the cover won't budge. "Wha- what's wrong with it?" She exclaims, beginning to shake the book. "What's wrong then?" The largest bear asks. "It won't open. It's jammed or something." She throws the book on the ground. "Give it ere' lemme take a crack at opening it." The largest bear begins to try and rip the book open. You watch, eyes wide in confusion. The book has never refused to open before, not even when you didn't know anything about magic. You slowly shuffle over, and sit nervously down on the nearby armchair. While you watch the bear and girl struggle, the medium bear approaches you. "You ave' a lovely little home, dear." the bear says. "O-oh, thank you." You respond. After a moment's silence, you turn back to look at her.
"Um, can I ask who you all are? The bear nods. "Oh, sorry for not introducin' ourselves. I'm Mama bear, that's Papa bear," She points a claw at the big bear. "That's Baby bear," She points to the little bear, who is currently raiding your kitchen cabinets, making you frown. "and that's my Goldie." Mama bear puts a paw over her chest, smiling as she stares at the blonde girl, who is now so angry she is chewing on the leather cover of the book, hands scratching and clawing at the binding. You look between her and the bears. In her fit of rage, she makes eye contact with you. "You! You've used this book before, open it up." She chucks the book at your head, before Mama grabs it just before it makes contact. You nod thankfully, and open the book. The family crowds around, peering at the first few pages of information. Just as Goldie moves to snatch it, the book snaps shut again. "What! Ugh, you've done something to it, haven't you!" She screeches. "She prolly' put some kinda spell on it! Using children's blood or something." Baby sneers. "I didn't, my mentor must have done something to it, this has never happened!" Goldie pauses. "Never?" She asks. You nod. "Well, seeing as you're the only one who can open it, I guess you'll be coming with us." She stands and motionsfor you to follow, before stopping and looking back over her shoulder.
"Then everything should be just right."
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Lost in the woods
After fleeing from the wolf, you find yourself lost in the woods. The bear family is out for a walk, what will happen when you cross their path and a certain blonde takes an interest in you?
Goldilocks x fem reader
Reader is a version of little red riding hood.
Not proof read
Please do not steal my work or re-post it without my permission
You sprinted through the forest, your heart was racing. You didn't know how long you had been running for, but your legs were starting to ache and you could barely breathe, so you sat by a tree, gasping for air. You raised a shaky hand to the deep gash on your chest, lightly running your fingers over the claw marks. You had been sent to bring some food to your grandmother, who lived in the woods. When you got there you immediately realised something was off as the door was left open, but you went in anyway thinking it had just been blown open by the wind. Oh how foolish you had been, if only you had trusted your instincts.
"Grandmother? It's me, Y/n. I brought you some food." You slowly walked in, looking around for the elderly woman. "I'm in the bedroom dear, come in." Her voice sounded different but you brushed it off, assuming the illness had given her a sore throat. You strode into the bedroom, the basket of goodies being held tightly in your hand, and there she was, your grandmother, sat up in bed wearing her usual night gown. As you got closer you realised how odd she looked. "My, what big eyes you have grandma." You looked at the two unusually large eyes concealed behind her glasses. "All the better to see you with my dear." Your gaze travelled to the two furry ears on her head. "Oh grandma, what big ears you have." You exclaimed, your free hand havering over the small knife concealed in your pocket. Once again she replied. "All the better to hear you with dear." You then caught a glimpse of two rather large canines, and a set of razor sharp teeth to match. You gasped. "What big teeth you have grandma!" Her once kind smile was replaced with a menacing grin as she licked her lips. "All the better to EAT you with!" You dropped the basket as the wolf launched himself at you, teeth bared and ready to kill and with one swift movement he swiped at your chest, knocking you down. Quickly pulling out your knife, you lodged the weapon into his shoulder, inching away from him while he was distracted, you got up and bolted out of the house, running as far away as you could.
An angry howl from close by pulled you out of your thoughts. Dragging yourself off the floor you forced your body to keep moving, gradually picking up the pace. By now you were sprinting through the forest, ignoring the brambles and nettles scratching and stinging your legs. Looking over your shoulder to find out if the wolf was getting closer, you let out a startled cry as you went crashing to the ground. "Oi! Watch it!" A voice came from beneath you, and you looked to see a very angry blonde. Goldilocks. The two of you had met on a few occasions before, and it was an understatement to say that you liked the girl. You had a pretty big crush on her, but too much of a coward to tell her how you felt, so instead you'd stand and watch in awe as her and her family walked through town, the villagers clearing a path for them, nobody daring to utter a word as they were afraid of what the criminals would do. Your cheeks flushed pink in embarrassment as you scrambled to get off of her. "Sorry Goldie, I didn't see you there." The girl gave a huff as she dusted herself off and stood up, briefly glancing at you with a disgusted look. "That's goldilocks to you, and you should be looking where you're going idiot." Even with the bitterness you couldn't help but enjoy hearing her gorgeous voice, her strong accent made your knees weak. Or maybe it was the blood loss, who knows.
Mama bear smiled sympathetically and helped you to your feet. "Sorry sweetheart Goldie is in a bit of a mood today, I have no idea what's gotten into her." Baby smirked, "It's because she hasn't seen her girlfriend in town today mum." Goldie's cheeks went a light pink as she hit baby with her staff. "She's not my girlfriend nitwit!" You chuckled lightly, wincing slightly at the pain it caused. "My mistake, did you miss your afternoon nap? No wonder you're so grouchy." The young bear teased, earing another hit from Goldie's staff, which resulted in the two siblings fighting each other. "Baby leave your sister alone." Papa bear ordered, which earned a childish whine from his son as Goldilocks smirked triumphantly.
"I think Red deserves an apology Goldie, after all you weren't looking where you were going either, and you were rude to her when you can clearly see she's already been through a bit of trouble." Hey striking blue eyes widened as she looked at you, finally recognising who had gone crashing into her. "Shit I'm sorry Red I didn't realise it was you, I didn't hurt you did I?" You shook your head and smiled lightly at the nickname the crime family had given you, tugging at your cloak in a feeble attempt to cover the very obvious wound that had caused the majority of your shirt to be soaked with blood.
Unfortunately for you the blonde was watching you like a hawk, her eyes taking in your dishevelled appearance. "What happened?" She questioned, her voice laced with concern. You just shrugged, making her walk closer to you, her eyes never leaving yours. She asked the same question once again, but with a slightly more demanding voice, "Who. Did. This. To. You?"
"The wolf tried to get me, but I'm ok." Her eyes looked you up and down, her gaze stopping on the crimson blood seeping through your clothes. "You don't look ok, you're bleeding out." She was right, your vision had started to become blurred and you felt light headed as your body started to sway before gravity took over and you dropped to the floor. The last thing you felt before you completely lost consciousness were two hands grabbing you, preventing you from hitting the ground for a second time.
Muffled voices woke you from your involuntary slumber, you groaned in pain and opened your eyes, letting them adjust to the light. You stared at the ceiling, you were in some sort of cottage or cabin. Panicking slightly you tried to sit up but a hand on your shoulder stopped you, gently pushing you back down. "Relax, you're safe." You immediately recognised it as Goldie's voice. Turning your head to look at her, you saw her watching you with an emotionless expression, and Mama bear was stood behind her with a relieved look on her face. "You gave us quite a fright there dear, you've been out for a few hours. I thought you'd be hungry when you woke up so i bought you some honey on toast." Once again you tried to sit up so you'd be able to eat, and after a short protest from Goldie about how it could cause you more pain she begrudgingly helped you up, putting pillows behind your back to support you. Just then a clatter sounded from somewhere else in the house and Mama bear sighed. "I better go check to see what that was." And with that she left to go investigate the commotion that had likely been caused by her son.
Goldie handed you the small plate of food and stayed silent, not looking at you while you ate the delicious food Mama bear had made. Once you ha finished she took the plate and set it aside. "Are you mad at me?" You asked nervously with a frown as you noticed Goldie was purposefully avoiding talking to you. "Yes I'm mad at you! I was worried sick about you with you passing out like that, I couldn't tell if you were breathing!" She was glaring at you but you could see how upset she was, only you were confused as to why. "Why do you care if I'm hurt?" Pacing back and forth Goldilocks couldn't help but blurt out her confession. "Because I love you idiot!" Her eyes started to water, as she added with a whisper, "I thought you was dead, and I knew I wouldn't forgive myself if you were." The orphan girl was never good with expressing her emotions so you were surprised when a tear rolled down her cheek. Ignoring the pain you leaned closer to her, using your thumb to wipe away the tear. "Don't blame yourself Goldie, if it was anyone's fault it was my own, I should have never strayed from the path, if I hadn't stopped to pick flowers or noticed it was the wolf sooner none of this would have happened." Her face softened and she hugged you softly. "I'm just glad you managed to escape, I'll make sure that wanker pays for hurting you, mark my words." You leaned into her touch, feeling safer than ever in her embrace. "Goldie?" "Mhm?" "I love you too." She let go of you, a look of disbelief on her face. "You do?" You nodded, and with a grin she pulled you in for a kiss. It was better than you could have ever imagined, her lips were sweet like honey and her hands were soft, one resting on your waist, the other lightly holding the back of your neck. Neither of you wanted to separate as if the other was going to disappear if either of you let go. Eventually you did pull away for air, blush covering both of your cheeks. You winced, once again aware of the agonising slashes on your upper body. Goldie squeezes your hand slightly in an attempt to comfort you.
"Let's get you cleaned up darling."
Idk if I like this but here you go, feel free to request something for me to write.
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angelsworks · 8 months
Goldilocks and the Four Bears
I haven’t written for the cod fandom yet so all the 141 might be terribly out of character. In fact I haven’t written for a while. I appreciate all the people that still read my work and continue to support me. I hope you’re all doing well :)
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Poly!141 x reader
Masterlist -> Here (will be made later :))
Warnings: 18+, mature themes, descriptions of torture, injuries and mistreatment, etc
Summary: After escaping from your last mission that had gone terribly wrong, your stumble through the woods leads you to a log cabin.
It was snowing. Fucking snowing.
Any belief in a deity had been long since crushed after the last few months. Well you thought it had been months. Your captors (a small but deadly terrorist group) had failed to provide you with your own calendar and clock. Much like how they had failed to provide you with new clothes to replace your own, that had been ripped and torn and become tattered to the eye.
It was stolen clothes you now wore as you made your escape. Trudging slowly through the already six inch snow, your thoughts trailed to the fresh snow adding to the existing six inches. The size 12 pair of boots were rubbing at your heels with increasing vigour. Leading you to contemplate if bruised skin could blister or not. The guard you’d killed as part of your escape had been good for one thing. Or three things actually. The ill-fitting boots, a loose pair of combat trousers and long sleeved compression shirt.
As you made your way through the terrain you felt a cold chill steadily working it’s way up your trouser leg. Slowly, spreading across the flesh, affecting any skin that wasn’t in direct contact with the trouser material. It made you wish you’d waited for a guard more similar to your stature. While the compression shirt was better than nothing, it was still thin. The flimsy seeming material now doing little to ward off the cold.
Maybe the sudden awareness of the less than ideal weather conditions wasn’t down to your stolen clothes, but the sudden loss of adrenaline. How long had you been running now? Well trudging desperately through the snow, making your way further and further into the thick forrest and fauna.
It was hard to try and map where you’d been, what direction you’d walked in and where you’d come from. It was all white. Every tree looked the same. Every incline became and decline and you’d become disoriented.
Months of abuse, of torture, ofpain. All ignored for a few short hours as you willed your aching body forward. Through trees and snow and stone. Through anything that would put you at a greater distance from them, from Miasma.
They hadn’t transported you. At least you were mostly sure. When you blacked out, you woke in the same dingy cell, on the same dingy floor. Only covered in more bruises or cuts. So you hoped you were where this all started. In Slovenia.
You’d done solo missions before. It was easier that way. One man in, one man out. No one to turn on you or leak information. With Gunner in your ear, nothing ever went wrong. Until it did.
Your objective was to gather intel. To stay under the radar before formulating the next attack. While sneaking around you’d learned just how large their operation was. In turn you’d also learned just how large their base was.
The small outpost hid underground levels. That became clear after your covert operation was blown and you were dragged down to the very heart of the multi-storey building.
Each day (if that’s what you could call them) gave you no indication of the time of day or how much time had passed. They made sure of that. In fact it was the first time in months you’d seen the light of day.
The light that you noticed was now fading apparently, as you looked desperately up into the sky. Grey clouds had rolled in, covering the majority of the sky. The sun was still peaking out from the dense overcast that was rolling further forward. Soon the sky would be covered and the snow fall would quicken.
A few miles back you were struck that no one from Miasma had followed you. You’d expected armed guards to be shooting at you and angry dogs to be tearing at your ankles. Yet you’d had no chase.
Maybe they knew you would get nowhere in the climate. That you’d be weakened by the terrain and from the violence you’d endured. They were right of course. But you didn’t let it stop you.
Even now as you’d gone further, you still felt the burning desire to survive. Granted it dwindled under the ache of your body and the never ending valley of white before you. But you wanted to live. You wanted your revenge.
The final rays of the sun had been clouded and the snow started to pick up. At least your footprints would be covered under the fresh snow. Not that it mattered if all your footprints lead to was a frozen corpse.
Flexing your fingers, you found yourself wishing for gloves. Your toes were long past numb and every injury you’d endured felt like it was waking up. Old cuts that had turned to scars felt fresh, bruises that had yellowed felt like they’d returned to their starting purple colour. Your felt heavy. You felt dense. You felt tired.
Your desire to drive on had dwindled now. The once raging fire was now only a candle. A candle that was down to its wick. The wax around it long since melted and now it was to its edge. Trying to burn the glue that chained it in place. The image made you crave warmth even more.
Was this it?
All the work you’d put in over the years. From a child you had trained for a mission you didn’t fully understand. A mission that belonged to someone else, to Gunner. He’d turned you into a soldier, his perfect soldier.
Is this how his perfect soldier died?
No it wasn’t.
So despite your blue fingers, numb toes and foggy mind, you push on. Just a little further, you tell yourself. Past these trees, past this stream, past more trees.
Your doubts evaporate when you come upon a clearing. You find a decent space boarded by snow dusted trees from all sides. They stand tall, seemingly acting as natural walls to protect those inside. The grass is covered in undisturbed snow. It’s thick and white and makes you smile.
None of it matter though because sitting in the middle of it all if your salvation.
A log cabin.
You consider the sight to be a mirage. Created from and low blood sugar, dehydration and desperation. But you trudge on, almost to a stumble speed, as you reach for the door handle.
It’s unlocked.
Despite any moral compass telling you that breaking and entering or trespassing is wrong, you ignore it. You’re hurt, aching and this is a last resort.
You close the thick wooden door behind you. Taking note of the copious locks it has. When you move inside the cabin you find that no one’s home. As quietly as you can on stiff legs, you sneak around the house. Trying to wake up the instincts you’d been trained on.
Enter a room, check your surroundings, check again. Don’t assume anywhere is empty. Threats could be hiding around any corner.
So for each room of the ground floor you do just that. Open door, check the rooms, move on. From your searching you’ve found a large living room, a kitchen, a dining room, a toilet some sort of office/drawing room. The decor gives you no clue as to who’s house you’ve invaded. There are no pictures of people, no personal possessions. It feels surreal. And wrong.
To start with you go back to the living room. Using the large fireplace, stockpile of logs and matches, you start a fire.
Again, better sense would tell you to avoid such an action. To avoid alerting anyone of your presence here. But you decide to put sense aside in a bid for survival. If you didn’t get warm soon you were sure you’d be frozen soon.
Next you go to the kitchen. You rifle through the cupboard in an attempt to find something edible. To your surprise you find the place to be well stocked. Even going as far as having fresh milk in the fridge. The sight confuses you. Send alarm bells ringing in your ears.
There are products in the fridge that are in date. Fresh products. Yet no one is home. It doesn’t make sense.
As you empty a can of soup into a pan you realise, it doesn’t need to. You’re happy to play stupid and see this as all some sort of blessing, some miracle.
While the soup cooks you fill a glass with clean, cold water. Relishing in the taste of something fresh. When you’ve downed the first glass you refill it again. This time with an intention to make it last longer.
After the first spoonful you find that you like vegetable soup very much. Almost burning your mouth as you devour it in a few minutes. Immediately it feels as though you’ve been recharged. The warmth from the fire has spread throughout the ground floor, your fingers have warmed around the bowl of soup and your body no longer feels related to a glacier.
The sky only darkens as you sit by the fire. Basking in the warmth and taking a moment to rest for the first time in months. You don’t imagine ever leaving your spot on the floor. But the promise of a bed upstairs has you moving your legs in that direction.
Before your ascent to the second floor, you strip your clothes and hang them on a drying rack you found to the side of the fire. Now left in the nude.
Upstairs you find multiple bedrooms. All almost identical, except for one at the end of the hall. You assume this is the Cabin’s master bedroom as it’s slightly larger than the others. Inside there’s a wardrobe full of clothes, a full length mirror, a TV, some sort of game station, and of course the larger than most bed.
In the mirror you catch sight of yourself. The cuts of course stand out first. From the slight turn you can muster in your neck, you can see large welts and thin cuts, bruises and scrapes, all littering the previously plain skin. From the front and behind, your legs look like a Jackson Pollock original piece.
Capturing various purple and blues surrounded by smaller splodges of green and brown. With the occasional black blob or two to really contrast the overall tone of the piece.
As a child you had a strange infatuation with your bruises. Likening them to a sticker or badge of achievement. They were easy to come by during training. A strange part of you liked the way they looked on your skin. They acted as a log book of the hits you’d taken, the falls you’d taken, any sort of impacts you’d had. They made you feel strong, maybe even proud too.
Staring into the mirror at your body again, it all seems worthless. You knew you were strong before. You didn’t need months as a prisoner to prove it.
You take a few steps forward to properly look at your face. Who stares back must be a stranger. You haven’t let your eyebrows be this out of shape since you were thirteen. You didn’t have that scar above under your chin before. Your eyes were always so bright and vivid. Not lifeless or hollow or so lost.
With newfound energy you take yourself to the nearest bathroom. That just so happens to be the en-suite in the bedroom. It doesn’t surprise you. Nothing about this abandoned, well stocked cabin does anymore.
Instead you shower in one of the nicest bathrooms you’ve been to in a long time.
At first the water has you freezing. Not due to the temperature but because of the fire it lights on your back. Every scrape, every cut, every burn now being cleaned. The cleanse sets your body alight. In a way you feel the heat is helping you to heal. Granted, all you have to show for it is a mixture of blood and grime, floating slowly down the drain. But it’s more than that.
It’s the last few months being scrubbed off your skin. Your wounds and ailments being shown that this is the end. They can heal in peace. You can heal in peace.
So you take your time. Using any products you can find; shampoos, conditioners, body wash, face wash. You’ve acquired a new razor, fresh from the packet. It’s amazing what a difference shaving your legs and various other places can do to your mood. You’ve always preferred removing the body hair. Afterwards the feeling of smooth legs under a thick duvet made all the work worth it.
The final step, bar drying yourself, was brushing tour yellowing and plaque ridden teeth. The minty taste in your mouth feels unfamiliar but it welcomed nonetheless. Wiping your tongue across the now almost pearly-whites you’re happy with how smooth they feel.
Now showered, shaved and dried, you make you way into the bedroom. Finding the wardrobe and drawers to be filled wit strictly masculine clothes. You pick out a pair of boxers and one of the large white t-shirts to sleep in. The shirt dwarfs you in size, looking more like a dress. Not one that you would wear outside though. Not with the black boxers showering through the material, or your hardened nipples making an appearance.
With your towel back in the bathroom and the lights off, you crawl into bed. Letting out the loudest sigh your sore throat could muster. Then quickly falling asleep on the linen.
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It was snowing. In fact it was a fucking blizzard.
A barrage of white, dagger-like snowflakes pelted against the four men. The lack of light and the dense haze of the storm made it impossible to see where they were going. They were all thankful for the less than modern compass. Hidden away at the bottom of Jonny’s bag. When he acquired it was unknown. But the four were grateful nonetheless that the Scott had the dated equipment in is kit.
After their week long training they were ready to fall asleep on the nearest surface. The blizzard they now faced was an unexpected one. Nothing on Price’s radar Gad alerted them to such a storm.
They’d just finished their survival training in the mountains when the first snowflake formed. During the rest of their descent it had only worsened.
As the snow around them thickened they trudged on. Becoming more aware of the weight of their kit, ache of their muscles and chill in their bones. These men were tired, hungry and cold.
After more miles and more words of encouragement from Price, Gaz was sure they were close to the safe house now.
Laswell had been kind enough to let them use the safe house after a particularly gruelling training exercise. It would be the closest thing to a holiday the 141 would get this year. Before the worst of the storm it had the Scotsman joking that he would build a snowman outside. An idea quickly shot down by Ghost in the interest of remaining vigilant to an enemies surrounding the house.
While snowmen were out of the question, snowballs were not. Something Ghost found out, twice, in the back of the head. Turning to see an innocent looking Gaz and Soap.
“You’ll regret that when we’re back on base and you two are on shit duty” the balaclava wearing Brit grumbles.
Soap sighs dramatically, “Oh come on Lt. Dinnae be like that, it was only a joke”.
The threat prompts Kyle to add, “It was all Soaps idea, think he should get shit duties on his own.”
Soap gasps feigning offence, “You bleeding clipe, don’t come knocking on my door when you want someone to warm your bed tonight.”
The comment causes the younger man’s face to heat up and laughs to come from the others.
“That if we get there in this blizzard” the captain quips. Trying to keep morale, but refusing to ignore the sinking feeling that they’ve missed the safe house completely.
“How far now?” Gaz asks, determined not to start pestering like an insolent child. Yet equally determined to have a proper meal and get out of his cold clothes.
“Two klicks north, then we should be there.” Soap tells him, loud enough for the others to hear in the now whipping winds.
“It was two klicks north last time someone asked Soap, are you sure you’re reading that right lad?” Price finds himself asking. Despite his rank, his military expertise and all his training agains the elements, it doesn’t make him immune to the cold. Immune to looking forward to sitting by a fire with a cup of tea in his hands.
Laswell wasn’t one to be stingy with safe house stock. From previous safe houses he’d been to that she had set up, they’d been a home away from home. Proper bedrooms, running water, stocked shelves. Price found himself ready to welcome anything that had four walls, a roof and could shelter him and his men from the storm.
“Two klicks north Captain, I’m sure”. Jonny confirms.
Sure enough, through the dense curtain of blizzard, light emerges. A gentle glow against the black nights sky. The closer they get, the clearer the house becomes.
A log cabin.
A big one at that. The sight is inviting enough to bring a smile to the men’s faces.
“Laswell’s outdone herself this time, fuckin yaldy” soap practically exclaims. Pushing forward to the front of the pack, in an effort to get in first.
“Hold it Jonny,” Simons voice is quiet through the mask, but harsh enough that the others can hear.
Ghost points to the chimney, “someone’s here”.
Sure enough as the others look up, they too see the plumes of smoke, gently rising from the brick chimney.
“Another team captain?” Gaz finds himself asking, while reaching for the know hidden in his thigh holster.
Price finds himself doing the same, “No, we’re the only ones in the country.”
The tension in the air is thick, rivals the thick snow pelting down on them. The four of them stand motionless, a short distance from the front door. Covered head to toe in winter gear, a layer of the snowstorm attached to anything it can stick to.
“Right, there’s only one door. I’ll lead. We’ll secure the ground floor first. Stay silent, we do this quietly.” Price commands. The men nod, moving to grasp their various knives. Following their captain as he moves to the front of the cabin.
With an almost inaudible creek, Price turns the handle of the door. Pushing the oak forward, grateful that it seems to glide over the wooden floors. Allowing him and his men to breach the property without alerting its inhabitants.
Price enters the living room first, signalling for the others to spread out and search the rest of the floor. He does indeed find a crackling fire, yet no one man’s it. The warmth is welcomed, but for the time being he ignores any desire to sit near it and warm himself.
His attention moves to the drying rack set up beside the fire. Upon further inspection of the items he finds combat trousers, a compression t shirt and a pair of large boots, size 12 he gathers from the label on the tongue. The clothes are still damp to the touch, leading him to infer that the intruder arrived a short time ago.
The badge on the arm of the shirt catches his eye. He rips it off the Velcro and examines it up close. An unknown insignia, contractor perhaps? Some new found terrorist group? Price doesn’t know. It’s not one he’s come across before.
Simon searches the kitchen. The space is a decent size, dark too. He blends into the shadows as he checks the space for any sign of life. He finds a empty soup can on one of the worktops. Turning to the sink he notices a single glass and pan siting there.
Once finished in his search he creeps back to the living room. Finding his captain there, along with a stoic looking soap and serious looking Gaz.
Price raises his hand to Simon, showcasing the fabric insignia to him. With cold eyes Ghost runs over the stitchwork. Mind running through the possible groups it could be associated with.
“Any ideas?” Price asks in a hushed voice.
Ghosts silence is a loud enough answer for the group. No
“Whoever they are haven’t been here long. Their clothes are still damp. Large boots, size 12.” Price goes through the details he’s uncovered.
“Men’s?” Gaz asks.
“Most likely”.
“There’s a pan in the kitchen. They’ve had soup. Only one glass.” Ghost reels off.
“We don’t know who we’re dealing with, could be anyone. Stay vigilant. Be prepared for a fight. I’ll take the lead upstairs. Shout if you find anything.” Price commands.
The team follow him single file up the stairs. Weapons at the ready as the sneak up the steps. Footsteps light on the wooden floor.
Price takes the first door, Gaz the second, Ghost the third and Soap the last door at the end of the hallway.
While three of the 141 find their rooms to be empty, Soap stops in the doorway. After almost silently twisting the door handle and letting it slide open, he stands in silence. What he didn’t expect to find was a girl sleep in the master bed, a pretty girl to be exact.
The Scotsman finds himself lost for words. He expected to have to fight someone of his stature. Maybe larger. He expected to walk away with a bruise or two. He feels lost on what to do. Should he wake her? Should he leave her?
Meanwhile the others have gathered in the hallway. Sharing a concerned glance at their teammate.
“What is it soap?” Ghost asked quietly.
“It’s a lass. A bonnie lass at that.” He tells them. Wonder in his tone as he stares at the sleeping girl. Watching as her chest rises and falls at a steady rate. Completely unaware of the four men that have entered the house.
The men collectively frown, walking further to investigate themselves. Sure enough, after they pass the threshold of the master bedroom, they too stand frozen. A girl. Not a man, or group of men. A girl, sleeping in their bed, in their log cabin.
Completely unaware.
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ktsski · 3 months
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mistydeyes · 1 year
little moments and little voices
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summary: Despite the long hours and constant threat of death, the 141 always has something to return to. Even when they're away, they love the moments you share with them and your children.
pairing: 141 x fem!Reader (established relationship)
warnings: none :)
a/n: i redid my little headers for each section so hope you enjoy!
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“C’mon babies let’s call daddy,” you said as you gathered your three little children. “Mum we’re not babies anymore,” the eldest spoke up as your youngest climbed in your lap. “Alright my mature adults, let’s call your father,” you said in a fake stern voice. Your children laughed as they got settled. “You sound like daddy,” your son giggled as he sat down. "Okay is everyone ready?" you asked and they all nodded in agreement. You grabbed the laptop and pulled up Skype and they all giggled as it rang.
After two rings, John's face lit up the screen. "Well hello there," he said as he sat back and your children rushed to wave hi. "We all miss you, sweetie!" you exclaimed and blew him a kiss. "I miss you all too," he replied as he held a hand up to the screen. "Daddy guess what?" your middle said as she climbed onto your lap to see her dad better. "What, pumpkin?" he replied happily. "I lost a tooth," she exclaimed and showed her dad the empty gap in her front smile. "She's been showing everyone, sweetheart," you laughed as you placed your face back in the frame. You continued to have your other two children provide their updates, your eldest had gotten the best marks at school and your youngest recently learned how to tie their shoes. You could see your husband smile at them proudly as he praised all of their achievements. Eventually, you saw the time and knew it was time for bed. "Kiddies I think it's time we head up to bed, yeah?" you asked and you were immediately met with groans. "Don't act like that for your mother," Price scolded and the whining stopped. "Maybe if you ask nicely, Daddy can read us all a bedtime story," you smiled and they begged your laughing husband.
Eventually, he relented and your kids happily climbed down and raced upstairs. This was their favorite part of the night when John was away and were all dutifully ready to be tucked in. You followed with the laptop in hand and set it up so that all your children could see. "Alright, let's see what we have here," John chuckled, "I have a new one for you it's called '‎Goldilocks And The Three Bears'" your kids oooed in response as you sat next to your youngest bed. "I have a special guest," he continued and shifted the camera to the left, "Uncle Kyle is here and he'll be doing some of the voices." You waved as you saw the Sergeant appear on the screen. The kids screamed with happiness at the sight of their favorite uncle appearing. "Hi kids, I'm Goldilocks," he said in a high-pitched voice and you let out a small laugh. As soon as everyone settled, John prepared his best narrator voice and opened the book. "Once upon a time, there was a young girl named Goldilocks," he began. Before you knew it, he was reading the last few lines. By now, your children were fast asleep. The excitement from seeing their father and the laughter from Kyle's impressions had tuckered them out. You kissed them all gingerly before picking up your laptop and heading downstairs.
"Hi sweetheart," John said as you settled on the couch. "How are you doing?" you asked and his smile faltered a bit. "Tired, missing home," he replied and your heart ached slightly. "We miss you too, John," you whispered as you brought the device closer. "I'll be home soon, just have to tie up some loose ends," he noted. God you missed him. You knew what you had signed up for on your wedding day but these last few months had been hard. You sighed as he looked at your thoughtfully. "Want me to tell you a bedtime story?" he joked and that's how you fell asleep to your husband just talking.
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“Daddie daddie daddie!” is all the warning Johnny got before his two twins came running to him. “Slow down there, wee little ones,” he laughed as he went to pick them up in his arms. After four years, Johnny would never get tired of this. “Mammy did face paint with us,” his son said as Johnny examined his face. You had in fact painted their faces and they were excited to show their father. “Let’s get a proper look at both of you,” he said as he sat them both down on the kitchen counter. His kids smiled widely at him and he could see a collection of butterflies and bees on his son’s small face and hearts and flowers on his daughters.
“Where’s your mam now?” he asked as he lowered them off the counter. His daughter excitedly grabbed her dad’s hand and led him to the master bathroom. You stood there washing off your hands and brushes to see your tiny terrors dragging Johnny in. You smiled when you saw them tugging at your husband's arm. You put the brushes down as your twins jumped up and down in excitement. “Hi sweetheart, everything good at the brief?” you asked as you walked over and kissed his cheek. Your kids squealed in disgust and hid their eyes as he held your face gently. "All good, love," he replied, "now what's all this face paint business about?" You looked down to see your kids running around as if they were in a sugar rush. "Ah I had them lying around and they were getting antsy waiting for you," you said and gestured for the twins to settle down. As you continued to clean and chat with Johnny, your daughter had a brilliant idea.
"Mam, can you do some face paint on Daddie?" she asked sweetly and you looked over at Johnny who looked equally as excited. You sighed as you had just finished cleaning your brushes but you always folded for your children and your husband. "I guess I could," you said and the whole group cheered. You set up your station again and Johnny sat on the bathroom counter, leaning down so you could see his face. He squirmed a little under your grip and you ran your fingers over his stubble. "I could make something work," you said before pulling out the paints in your other hand and beginning your masterpiece. You made sure as you were painting to tell your kids not to ruin the surprise. Johnny held onto your waist as you painted. Your children moved around every so often to get a better angle of your work.
"And done," you said with a smile and he turned to look at himself in the mirror. "You've outdone yourself," he said as he examined the delicate brush strokes. "I wanna see!" your son called and Johnny hopped off the counter so they could get a better look. The twins gripped his cheeks and giggled at the splashes of yellow and blue and white. "It's a duck!" your daughter exclaimed. "It's a family of rubber ducks," you said as you bent down, "There's a daddie, a mammy, and two little ones following." They moved Johnny's face around to see the two parent ducks on one cheek and the two smaller ones on the other side. "That's us!" your daughter said as she touched the wet paint. She quickly rubbed it off on her dress and you sighed as you had just gotten them changed that morning. They ran to the playroom and before you could follow, Johnny held you back and kissed you. At first, you thought it was romantic but you soon realized he had brushed off the paint onto your face. "You're a bastard," you joked as you examined your face. "Ye but I'm yours," he said and you laughed as you went to follow your wild children.
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"Shhh don't ruin the surprise," Kyle could hear you say as the door slowly cracked open. All morning, you and your daughter had worked on something special for him. According to your five-year-old, it was "Top Secret" and Kyle was happy to catch up on some shows while you and her worked in the living room. Your daughter jumped onto the bed as Kyle reached to pause his show and you joined soon after. "Okay it's time to close your eyes," she said and Kyle put his hands over his eyes. You smiled as you handed your daughter the masterpiece she had been working on. "You can open them now," she giggled and shoved the paper into his hands. "This is amazing Ivy," he said as you lay down next to them. "She made it all himself," you smiled as you turned to see the drawing.
Today was Kyle's last week before a long deployment and your daughter had wanted to give him something to have. All morning, she drew and colored a drawing of your family including your German Shepherd. The childish drawing had you and Kyle in front of your house and your daughter running around with your dog in a yard of green grass. Kyle kissed your head as your daughter described the scene and pointed out all the drawings. "...then we have mummy, she's wearing the green dress you got her," she said as she continued to point. "And who's that handsome guy?" Kyle said as he pointed to himself. Your son smiled up at you before replying. "That's you, Daddy," she said, "I wanted to draw your uniform but it was too hard so you're wearing a shirt and shorts." Kyle laughed as the drawing was surprisingly accurate, the clothes were things you wore daily and the house looked like the one you were sitting in.
"Well I'm sure my little artist is hungry," he said as he got up and placed your daughter on the ground. "Let's go out to eat today," he announced and your daughter jumped up and down. "I wanna pick out my outfit today," she triumphantly said before running off to her room. Kyle took this opportunity to grab you and hold you in his arms. "Thinking about another little one?" he joked and you laughed as you rolled over to face him. "Not when you're away," you exclaimed, "don't even get me started on the weird cravings Ives gave me." He kissed you gently and you knew you would revisit this as soon as he got back. "She doesn't want you to leave," you whispered after you sat in silence for a few moments. "I'm going to miss you too," he replied and held you closer into his chest. Parting was always such a bittersweet time for the family.
Before you knew it, Ivy came storming back into your bedroom. "Look at me!" she said as she twirled around. You and Kyle propped up to see her in a similar green dress. "Oh Ives, I told you that you were going to wear that when we picked up Daddy from the airport," you scolded but Kyle placed a gentle hand on your waist. "It's a special occasion though!" she exclaimed and you just smiled at her early surprise. "I love it, sweetheart," Kyle replied as he helped you up. "I only think it's fair if Mum wears her green dress," he smiled and kissed you on the forehead. Despite having the surprise ruined, you enjoyed walking around the streets of your town with your daughter in matching dresses and your husband lovingly smiling at you.
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Simon woke up to hear the soft taps on the piano and your soothing voice guiding your son. “Alright sweetheart let’s try that again,” he heard your voice instruct as he played the beginning notes to Heart and Soul. Simon lay in bed for a while as he listened to the peaceful melody. He had been gone for too long and your son had gotten even better since he was last home. You were now able to play duets with him and didn't have to direct him through the sheet music. He smiled softly as he got out of bed and made his way down the stairs. He made sure to walk gently as to not disturb his two musicians. As he descended, you joined in with the duet and began to play the other notes. “Heart and soul, I fell in love with you,” you began and Simon heard your son's little voice join in. Your voice was light and it filled the home with life. When you were first pregnant and he found out it was a boy, Simon feared he would turn out like him but after seven years all of his worries were quelled.
"...and stole a kiss from the night," you both finished as Simon entered the living room. After a few years, you knew when Simon was watching so it didn't surprise you to see him in the doorway. "When did you learn that?" he asked as your son ran up to hug him. He held him to his leg as he watched you turn from the piano slowly. By now, you were about 7 months along and were clearly showing. In just a few more weeks, you would be welcoming a little girl. "I taught him a few weeks ago, he's a fast learner," you proudly announced as you closed the piano lid. "I can play two songs now," your son boasted as Simon lifted him up and tussled his dark hair. "Better than I could ever do," he replied and he lowered your son and made his way over to you. "We might just have to get you lessons, Elliott," you said as your son joined you back on the piano bench. He beamed at you as you looked at Simon's mini-me. "And soon we'll have our own little orchestra," you continued and patted your growing belly, "she loves when Elliott plays, I imagine she's dancing in there." In the morning sunlight, you looked radiant and Simon kissed your forehead gently.
As you shared a brief moment together, your son insisted on playing a new piece you had just started to teach him. "I don't know El, you heard how bad I was singing last week," you joked as he looked at you with puppy eyes. Eventually, you relented and you motioned for Simon to watch. You cleared your throat as your son stretched his fingers and found the starting notes. Simon's ears were soon filled with the melody of Edith Piaf's La Vie en Rose. He smiled softly as you soon began to sing. "Des yeux qui font baisser les miens," you began in an attempt at emulating Piaf's elegant French accent, "Un rire qui se perd sur sa bouche." He watched as Elliott's hands moved around the keys as you sang the romantic song. Despite not being as musically inclined, Simon recognized you were in the key of C, something you had taught him. He closed his eyes as you both continued to perform in sync, savoring the melody and your soft vocals. As soon as he finished with a few ending notes, Simon clapped softly. You and your son laughed as you bowed to your audience.
"It's still a work in progress," you laughed as scooted off the piano and joined next to Simon's side. As you enjoyed the soft moment with your head on his chest, Elliott posed a question. "What if we name the baby Rose," Elliott spoke up and you both thought for a moment. "But out of all the songs why Rose?" Simon asked as you looked at your son. "Mum's always so happy when she sings it, I think the baby would like it," he continued and Simon listened intently. You had been flipping through baby books for weeks and no one of them truly resonated. As you thought about the idea, you suddenly felt the baby kick and smiled. "I think little Rosie agrees," you said happily before sitting down. Simon joined on the other side of the piano and you three squished on the small bench. "Rose it is then," Simon said and enveloped you all in a hug. Before you could get up, your son had a brilliant idea. "Dad let me show you how to play 'Chopsticks'" he exclaimed and Simon knew he was trapped with his musicians.
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thecoziestbean · 9 months
So I’m trying my hand at something a little different and dipping my toe into the Baldur’s Gate 3 waters. I’m working on a Halsin x Reader one-shot that’s almost done. (Because I’m pretty obsessed with the big bear man right now, not gonna lie.)
It’s sort of a dark(ish) Goldilocks and the Three Bears (or one bear in this case).
Here’s a little nsfw snippet. Hoping to have the final fic done this weekend.
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run through the forest (settle before the sun)
BG3 | Halsin x Reader | E | one-shot
“You smell like summer, when blackberries are full and ripe in their thickets, and honey is thick in the hives. I can smell the sun on your skin from your time in the water…” He drags his nose up the column of your throat and along your jaw, until his face is buried in your hair.
“All of that? I smell like all of that?” You let out a choked, breathless laugh.
“And more. Hedges of honeysuckle and new shoots of grass, the air just before a thunderstorm, and…” Each word is like a pebble dropped into a still pond, sending ripples of desire shivering across your skin to pool low in your belly. He pauses to take in another lungful of your scent. A low growl rumbles through his chest.
“And?” Your voice is a tremulous whisper in the still evening.
He pulls back just far enough to stare down into your upturned face. His eyes are like the grove where he’s made his home: all sun dappled leaves, golden honey and green clover. The corner of his full mouth quirks, pulling at the scars that cut a jagged path across the crags and canyons of his rugged face.
“Need, little bird. I can smell it dripping like nectar between these lush thighs,” he croons, pressing his own muscled thigh between your legs to grind against the aching heart of you. He flashes you a playful smile that makes your heart swoop and stutter. “So what should I do with you, then? How will you thank me for my hospitality?”
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sundove88 · 2 months
Introducing Anime Ever After!!
Ever wanted to experience classic fairytales but through the lens of legendary and lesser known anime?
Well, Anime Ever After is for you!!
Synopsis: An anthropology of famous stories from around the world retold through the lens of legendary and lesser known anime, with modern twists, turns, and lessons about. From the depths of the sea in DBZ: Waves of Freedom (The Little Mermaid) to the realm beyond the clouds in One Piece: Beyond The Sky (Jack and The Beanstalk), this ever expanding treasury of tales has something for everyone.
Framing Device: An anime loving teenager is telling classic fairytales to the kids they babysit as bedtime stories- with a twist!
Side Note: Nursery Rhymes being adapted is more for Shrek. So they won’t be here- sorry about that. But they do a good job at it. This anthology is meant for readers 12 and up, due to some of the themes in some of the stories.
Btw, look for the posts that have anime ever after on them as one of their tags. Here’s the list of tales (So Far):
Dragon Ball Z: Waves of Freedom (The Little Mermaid)
My Hero Academia: Heart of Glass (Cinderella)
Attack on Titan: Red Hood (Little Red Riding Hood)
One Piece: Beyond The Sky (Jack and The Beanstalk)
Naruto: Sleeping Shadow (Sleeping Beauty)
Sword Art Online: The Match Player (The Little Match Girl)
FullMetal Alchemist: Iron Wolves (The 3 Little Pigs)
Fairy Tail: Mirrors of Deceit (Snow White)
Inuyasha: Soul of The Beast (Beauty and The Beast)
Bleach: Brushes of Fate (The Magic Paintbrush)
Fruits Basket: The 12 Dancing Zodiacs (12 Dancing Princesses)
Black Clover: The Frog Knight (The Frog Prince)
Hunter X Hunter: Spreading Your Wings (The Ugly Duckling)
Demon Slayer: Demon of The Northern Wind (The Snow Queen)
Black Butler: Beyond The Tower (Rapunzel)
Yu Yu Hakusho: Sweet Temptation (Hansel and Gretel)
Doraemon; Fearless Feline (Puss in Boots)
Gintama: Peachy Keen (Momotaro)
Sailor Moon: Lady of The Waxing Moon (Princess Kaguya)
Haikyuu: Bear-ly Faltering (Snow White and Rose Red)
Railgun: Little Warriors, Big Impacts (Thumbelina)
JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: All That Glitters (Rumplestiltskin)
Yu Gi Oh: Diamond in The Rough (Aladdin)
Konosuba: The Royal Test (The Princess and The Pea)
Tokyo Ghoul: The Crimson Amulet (The Red Shoes)
Akame Ga Kill: Fashion Gambit (The Emperor’s New Clothes)
Ouran High School Host Club: Wings of Perseverance (The Wild Swans)
Rurouni Kenshin: The Ronin’s Trials (The Steadfast Tin Soldier)
Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagan: Cage of Steel, Heart of Platinum (The Nightingale)
Cowboy Bebop: Written in The Stars (The Weaver Girl and The Cowherd)
Death Note: The Golden Pen (King Midas)
Neon Genesis Evangelion: No Strings Attached (Pinocchio)
Fate: The Chosen Sword (King Arthur)
BanG Dream!: Melody of Deceit (The Pied Piper)
Code Geass: The Princess and The Pig Man (The Swineherd)
Jujitsu Kaisen: The Light Within (The Buried Moon)
Blue Exorcist: Blazing Bonds (The Firebird)
Spy X Family: Secret of The Statue (The Happy Prince)
Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic: The Enchanted Key (Alibaba and The 40 Thieves)
Re:Zero: Gilded Feathers (The Golden Goose)
Saint Seiya: Divine Trials and Godly Tribulations (The 12 Labors of Hercules)
The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya: Claws of Gold, Hearts of Gold (Goldilocks and The 3 Bears)
One Punch Man: A Hero’s Humility (King Thrushbeard)
Future Diary: Wishful Obsession (The Fisherman and His Wife)
Sket Dance: A Tale of Three Tricksters (The 3 Billy Goats Gruff)
Precure (All seasons): The Sweetest Holiday Ever (The Nutcracker)
Food Wars: A Recipe For Courage (The Brave Little Tailor)
Spice and Wolf: Against All Odds (The Princess on The Glass Hill)
Noragami: Stolen Sun (Amaterasu and The Cave)
Monogatari: Secret Confidants (The Elves and The Shoemaker)
Steins;Gate: Azure Secrets (Bluebeard)
Tokyo Revengers: Neverlanding, Never Faltering (Peter Pan)
The Promised Neverland: Emerald Truths (The Wizard of Oz)
Toriko: Sweet Pursuit (The Gingerbread Man)
Kill La Kill: A Royal Mix Up (The Prince and The Pauper)
World Trigger: The Silent Springtime (The Selfish Giant)
The Seven Deadly Sins: Curse of Shade and Malice (The Shadow)
Cardcaptor Sakura: Salt and Sugar (The Salt Princess/Cap O Rushes)
Assassination Classroom: Honeyed Words (Diamonds and Toads)
Way of The House Husband: Out of The Cage (Jorinda and Joringel)
Danganronpa The Animation (It covers all the games): Makoto in Wonderland (Alice in Wonderland)
D Gray Man: Song of The Sparkling Swan (Swan Lake)
Persona 5 The Animation: Way Down We Go (Hades and Persephone)
Soul Eater: United We Stand (The Six Who Went Far)
Puella Magi Madoka Magica: The 5 Magical Musketeers (The 3 Musketeers)
Aggretsuko: Four Man Band (The Bremen Town Musicians)
Tokyo Godfathers: A Holiday Journey (A Christmas Carol)
Revolutionary Girl Utena: Emotions Set Free (The Princess Who Never Smiled)
Sonic X: True, Blue, and Noble (Hans The Hedgehog)
Magiknight Rayearth: Noble Flame, Changing Tide, and Guiding Wind (The 3 Princesses of Whiteland)
A Silent Voice: Beyond All Boundaries (East of The Sun, West of The Moon)
A Whisker Away: A Feline Fairytale (The White Cat)
Your Name: A Little Bird Told Me (The Singing, Springing, Lark)
Love Live: A Fateful Adventure (Journey to The West)
Captain Tsubasa: Winging It (The Seven Ravens)
The Ancient Magus Bride: Entrapped Beauty (The Lindworm)
Overlord: Seeds of Trust (The Juniper Tree)
Delicious in Dungeon: Cooking Up Trouble (The Magic Porridge Pot)
Medaka Box: The Truth Above All (The Goose Girl)
Chainsaw Man: Demonic Assistance (The Golden Bird)
Taikobo: Legend of The Lost Kingdom (Urashima Taro)
Revue Starlight: Masked Secrets (Phantom of The Opera)
Ginga: Nagareboshi Gin: Path of The Canine (The Boy Who Cried Wolf)
Dr. Stone: Into The Wilderness (The Jungle Book)
Fire Force: The Flames of Charity (Robin Hood)
Shaman King: Mystery of The Marsh (The Marsh King’s Daughter)
Rave Master: Cloak of Secrets (Donkeyskin/Many Furs)
Ranma 1/2: Loyal, Brave, and True (Mulan)
Karakuri Circus: The House Within The Woods (Vasilisa The Brave and Beautiful)
Devilman Crybaby: Three Hairs of Gold (The Devil With 3 Golden Hairs)
The Irregular at Magic High School: Ring of Enchantments (The Bronze Ring)
Bobobo: One Hairy Tale (Prince Hyacinth)
Shakugan No Shana: Three Dogs, Three Heroes (The Tinderbox)
Nisekoi: Yellow With Affection (The Yellow Dwarf)
Kaiju No. 8: Don’t Get Salty (Why The Sea is Salty)
Kinnikuman: A Mission in Patience (The Tortoise and The Hare)
Oshi No Ko: The Price of Stardom (Little Brother and Little Sister)
Case Closed: Stolen Hearts and Stolen Fortunes (The Master Thief)
Pokemon The Series: An Electrifying Rescue (The Lion and The Mouse)
Hyperdimension Neptunia: The Animation: A Tale of a Thousand and One Nights (1,001 Arabian Nights)
Dragon Quest The Adventure of Dai: A Ribbiting Adventure (The Frog Princess)
Dr. Slump: A Quacktastic Journey (Drakestail)
Katekyo Hitman Reborn: Windows to The Soul (One Eyes, Two Eyes, Three Eyes)
Kochikame: From Faux to Genuine (Don Quixote)
Yo-Kai Watch: Cat Artist Unknown (The Boy Who Drew Cats)
Kaguya-Sama: Love is War: To Love and To Be Loved (Turandot)
That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime: Feathers of Joy (The Blue Bird)
DanMachi: Forgotten Evil Unleashed (Pandora’s Box)
Hellsing Ultimate: Blood Ties (Dracula)
Claymore: The Monster Unleashed (Frankenstein)
Thanks to @sam-rexian and @crystallinedreamsfinelypowdered for helping with some of these!
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Hi I love your Self-awarebsd au wanted to know if I can Request a scenario that the reader Loves acting and singing And enter the character who is acting (example: from victim to villain, a boss) the reader is sweet but likes to play pranks.
Sorry if there are any spelling mistakes, my first language is not English 😅
Finished. I hope, you like it. Reader, who is an actor and need some help from BSD characters for their performance.
Self-Aware! Mori Ogai x GN! Reader x Self-Aware! Strictly Platonic! Elise
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Description: You are a part of a little troupe of actors. Soon, you have a concert. Unfortunately, two actors have fallen ill right before the performance. Thankfully, you have someone to help you.
Set after BSD gang got into your world.
Fluff. Reader are a volunteer. They perform to the kids.
Warning: OOC. English is my second language.
Breakfast almost ended, when the doorbell rings.
Goncharov, who already finished eating, hurry to open the front door. After a minute or two, all of you head the sound of footsteps. And jingle of little bells. Suddenly, you flinch.
"My senses are tingling, and my back is killing me," mumble you and stand up. You quickly went into the kitchen.
Right after you walked away, Goncharov was back. Behind him were standing two people. Man and woman.
The tall and curvy woman has light blue eyes and curly, brown hair. She was wearing a bright summer dress.
Short and plump, the man has brown eyes and short black hair. He was wearing a Hawaiian shirt, shorts and scarf, that was decorated with small bells, that was juggling with every step.
Both of them looked calm and slightly curious.
Goncharov clears his throat.
"Where is [Y/N]? They have guests."
Like you were summoned, you walked from the kitchen, back to the dinning room. You had two glasses of water in your hands. You smile.
"Good morning, miss Glover. Good morning, mister Wilson"
Hana Glover, a middle-aged woman, smiles in return.
"[Y/N], long time no see, dear. I see, live has been treating you well"
You nodded and give the miss Glover a glass of water.
"You bet. Here, Miss Glover, have some water. Today is awfully hot outside."
After Hana takes the glass from you, you turn towards Mr. Wilson.
Zack Wilson, a middle-aged man, take the glass from you.
"Thanks, [Y/N], Good morning to you too."
After he made the first sip of water, he coughs.
"Lemon juice, really?"
You chuckle.
"Yes, really"
Hana glares at her old friend.
"Zack, be glad that it just small pranks. Do you remember, what happened, when the whole thing happened?"
Mr. Wilson huffs, but stay quiet. Yosano looked at the three of you and asked.
"[Y/N], who are..."
You interpreted her, before she can finish.
"Okay, everyone, meet Hana Glover and Zack Wilson, directors and founders of "The Volunteer Troupe of Amateur Actors", a small charity organization. They perform in hospitals, orphanages, retirement houses and even on the streets. All money they earn during performance are donated."
Everyone takes a moment to let the information sink in. Elise eyes shine.
"I remember! [Y/N] were talking about a group of volunteers they are a part of. They were talking about you."
Miss Glover chuckled.
"Yes, they were talking about us. [Y/N], in two weeks we are going to arrange a concert for children. You and other actors will perform. Sing some songs and act some fairy tales, you know the drill."
You hum, showing, that you are listening.
Miss Glover take a small box from her purse, opened the lid, and hold the box towards you.
"Here, take two"
You take three folded pieces of paper from the box. You open them.
1. Try everything;
2. Goldilocks and three bears (narrator).
You show the papers to Hana and Zack.
"Here, I will sing and be a narrator. Not a heaver, you see it, Mister Wilson?"
Mr. Wilson looked away, visibly embarrassed.
Miss Glover rolls her eyes, and grabs Zacks by the elbow.
"Good, it's done. See you in two weeks, [Y/N]."
With thanks, Hana and Zack left.
"What with the heaver? And with this man scarf?" asked Naomi. You rub your neck.
"Well, you see..."
"Mr. Wilson, what do you mean, that we have to be heavers and help with moving these planks? Yes, we understand, that other workers aren't working today, then, maybe, let's not touch the planks? Tomorrow, workers will do their job."
"We are not laughing at hard work"
"Mr. Wilson, it will be impossible for us, actors, to carry all this planks. We have a performance right now."
"What? Carry them while we're performing? But!"
"It will be an interesting version of 'Romeo and Juliet'".
"Finally, the last plank... WHAT DO YOU MEAN 'IT'S TIME TO CARRY SAND'?!"
"Five broken backs, six sprains, thirty splinters..."
"At the end Mr Wilson not only paid for our recovery, but also agree to wear this silly scarf to show, that he was an idiot. Also, allows us to prank him."
You finished your tale. BSD gang, for the most part, looked, somehow, amused and sad at the same time.
"And with papers?" Asked Naomi once again.
"Lottery. That's how we are choosing, what we are going to perform. Okay, I need to start rehearsing, see you later."
You left the dining room.
Three days before the performance
"Okay, I understand. Hope you and Anna will be better soon."
You finish the call and groan. Currently, you were talking with Port Mafia members about future movie night (They want to see "The God Father"), when Max, your co-actor, called.
"Two of our actors are sick. Anna, who played Goldilocks, and Max, who played Papa Bear. It means, no fairy tale."
Kouyou tilts her head.
"Can't someone preform instead of them?"
You shake your head.
"No. We are short on stuff. Many of our actors still angry at Mr Wilson for making us carry all that stuff. And I know, that he paid for our recovery, but some people got serious injuries."
Help came from the one, you didn't expect.
Elise grabs your hand and proclaims.
"I will help! I can be a Goldilocks!"
You open your mouth and wanted to say something. But Mori grabbed your other hand.
"And I can be a Papa Bear. I can't let my Dear Elise-chan and My Dear Light [Y/N] to be on a stage all alone. What if mad fans will hurt you two?"
Well... one time you almost were trampled by the children who ran to get their gifts...
"You two aren't kidding, right?" You look at Mori, then at Elise, then at Mori again.
Mori squeeze your hand.
"I am serious, [Y/N]."
Elise looked at you with big puppy eyes.
Why not?
"I will discuss it with Hana and Zack"
The day of the performance
The square before the open-air theater was full of people.
Children, Parents, BSD gang...
You, Elise and Mori were at the backstage.
Elise were wearing simple white dress. Mori were wearing a stereotypical farmer clothes and a pair of fake bear ears on his head.
"The performance will start in five minutes! Singers, be ready!" shout Zack.
You take a deep breath. Mori patted you on the back reassuringly.
"Don't worry, [Y/N], everything will be alright"
You smile. It's time.
The sounds of happy beat.
"Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh"
You were singing on the stage. Kids in the audience were clapping.
"I messed up tonight, I lost another fight
Lost to myself, but I'll just start again
I keep falling down, I keep on hitting the ground
I always get up now, see what's next"
Atsushi's eyes glow. Akutagawa hide his smirk behind his hand.
"Birds don't just fly, they fall down and get up
Nobody learns without gettin' it wrong"
"Go, Birdy!"
"Gogol, where did you get glowing sticks?"
I won't give up, no, I won't give in
'Til I reach the end, and then I'll start again
No, I won't leave, I wanna try everything
I wanna try even though I could fail
Despite dancing and singing, you were full of energy and your breath was normal.
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Try everything
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Try everything
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Try everything
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Try everything
When you finish singing, the audience start clapping and cheering.
It was great!
The happiness, the emotions of audience.
That's why you liked performing.
You hope, that the fairy tale will also be performed as it should.
Apparently, not only Goldilocks and Papa Bear were recast. Mama Bear and Baby Bear were also recast.
New actors were Sam and Mary, brother and sister. And Mary was trying to find a boyfriend.
When she saw Mori... She forgot, that she was performing for kids.
At first, Mama Bear decide to flirt with Papa Bear. Mori-Bear immediately asked for divorce.
When you tried to do your job as a narrator, and return the back to what it should be, Mama Bear, with 'Don't stand in the way of my happiness', try to kick you down from the stage.
Thankfully, you manage to stay on your feet.
Before Mary can do something else, Mori glared at her. With His Famous Glare.
Everyone on stage, and in the audience, gulped.
Mori puts a hand on your head.
"Sorry, Narrator, we can continue"
After getting back on track, you tried to stay calm.
Finally, bears have gone for a walk.
The scene in Goldilocks'house and in the empty house of Three Bears were fine. Elise were natural, she enjoyed playing on stage.
But then the bears were back.
Mary-Bear was holding Mori's hand in an iron grip. Sam-Bear was trying to intimidate Mori into dating Mary. Mori was angry.
The whole scene was tense.
And then, Baby Bear find Goldilocks.
Sam grabbed Elise, that startled her, and she accidentally slap him on the face.
Sam got angry. She picked Elise up, you immediately run towards them.
"Sam! Stop, she is just a child"
But Sam were always ill-tempered. He pushed Elise right at you. You and Elise both fell from the stage.
You were ready for an impact, but you feel, that your fall stopped. You open your eyes. Elise was levitating. She was holding you and wasn't letting you fall down.
Elise growl.
"While I don't like, when Rintarou take control over me so suddenly, it was for the best. You alright, [Y/N]?"
"Yea. Hey, Elise, I have an idea, how to safe the performance. Can you, please, follow my narration?"
Elise nodded.
The story of characters hating the narrator and narrator punishing them, became quite popular. (Thanks to you, Mori and Elise).
You two manage to pretend, that as Narrator, you have a power to gain characters power. So, you, Elise and Mori spend five minutes, chasing Sam and Mary.
Halfway through the chase, someone put a music from Benny Hill show on.
The show was a success.
At the end, you, Mori and Elise didn't get into trouble. Zack and Hana understand, that Sam and Mary were to blame.
Sam and Mary apologize. But, there were rumors about a ghost (a blond one, in a red dress), that hunts their house and wax the floors (It was discovered, that Mary can sit on a twine).
The Gang is waiting for your next performance. They knew, It would be fun. Maybe, this time, others also will have a chance to be with you on the stage.
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q1ngqve · 7 months
we all know that kaveh and al haitham were roomate. They have to split the payment for the rent. One day, they just arrived home and see a cat hybrid! reader sleeping in their bed
they get upset at first and try to kick you out. However, kaveh suggested something else. If you want to stay here, you have to pay for the rent too (but you basically dont have any money so they suggest you to pay with your body instead 🤭)
it’s basically goldilocks and three bear but it’s al haitham x reader x kaveh 🤠🤠
i just know they would lure you into their trap too, leaving their house door unlocked when they go to work & placing catnip all over the front door / porch so that you can’t help yourself but dive straight into their warm house :(
coin or cunt? CUNT!
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aetherdoesthings · 8 months
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reupload bc i messed something up.
forethoughts: i want to preface this by saying this piece of work will most likely contain inaccuracies of the experience of a transfem. as i cis woman, i don't have a good sense/idea of what a trans person's experience would be. nonetheless, i still hope you enjoy.
notes: transfem!reader
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You’ve never felt like yourself ever since you came into the world.
Nothing felt just right.
You had grown up reading Goldilocks and the Three Bears, how Goldilocks trespassed into the Bears’ home and tried their furniture, skipping each one until it was just right. Just right. Just right for Goldilocks to feel at peace. 
You wanted to be like Goldilocks. Minus the trespassing and breaking and entering, you wanted to find something that felt just right for you. Whenever you tried something new or did something different, it never felt right, and every failure drove a knife into your aching heart. 
Growing up, you were placed in a more unaccepting environment, being told you had to learn how to fish and operate a boat, or how to chop lumber and shave. That was how it worked, your seniors had said.
Now that you were older, more knowing and aware of your surroundings, the words that were once ingrained into your brain started to lose its platform. You had found the Straw Hats Pirates, who took you in and gave you a place to call home and people to call family. THey were the people you would die for and treasured dearly with all your heart.
That’s why you were so scared to tell them how you really felt.
Years of searching, you’d finally found what had made you feel just right. You’d found the root of all your problems and pain for a great portion of your life. 
You stood in front of the mirror, micro analyzing every part of your body and nitpicking each detail. You didn’t even notice the navigator of the ship standing behind you, until her tangerine eyes bore into your mirrored ones. 
“You’ve been staring at the mirror for quite the time. I’ve been standing behind you for five good minutes, and you didn’t notice.” Nami said matter-of-factly.
You let out a sigh, facing the navigator, your head hung and shoulders slump. “Sorry…”
“It’s fine. I just wanted to come by and tell you dinner’s ready.” Nami tilted her head, her smile turning into a thin line. “Something’s on your mind, Y/N?”
“No, it’s nothing. Let’s just go eat dinner.” You walked towards the door, wanting to leave the suffocating room as fast as you could. One problem. The navigator’s foot slammed the door shut, placing herself between you and your exit.
“Y/N, what did we say about avoiding your problems?” Nami shook her head, a comforting and reassuring smile on her face. “Come on, what’s on your mind? I’ve seen you anxious before; this is on another level if you’re staring at yourself in the mirror.”
Nami had always been there for you whenever you were feeling down, offering to listen to your problems and comfort you, letting you lie down on her lap as she combed your short hair. Out of all the Straw Hats, you were the closest to her. She always listened to you rant about your problems, but you always left out the biggest: the real reason you kept staring at the mirror everyday. 
“We’ve been through this before. I won’t pressure you into telling me why, but it’s unhealthy if you keep it bottled up inside you. You know I won’t tell anyone and I won’t judge.” Nami smiled, sitting down on your bed, patting on the spot next to her. Reluctantly, you trudged towards your bed, creating a dip in the mattress as you felt the navigator’s shirt brush against your broad shoulders. 
After a wave of silence fell upon the two of you, Nami spoke up. “Did you kill a man?”
“What? No!” You stuttered.
“Then what’s wrong?”
You looked down, taking a deep breath. “You wouldn’t understand.”
“Help me understand, then.”
You looked at the navigator, searching for any sign of ambiguity before looking back down at your feet. “I’ve been… feeling out of place. I’ve always been feeling out of place. Nothing I do feels right. Nothing about me feels right. I don’t like… I don’t like myself. I don’t like who I am.”
“Oh, Y/N…” Nami sighed, placing a hand on your broad shoulders, watching your Adam's apple move. “I’m so sorry to hear that’s how you feel about yourself.”
“B-But… there’s something that I’ve been doing… and it really makes me really happy whenever I do it. It makes me not hate myself, it actually helps make me like myself. I like myself when I do that.”
Nami smiled. “Oh really? What is it? Do share.”
“W-Well… it’s a bit weird, and you’re going to judge me for it.” You mumbled.
“My dear Y/N, I would never judge you if you’re doing something, no matter how strange, that makes you happy. All I care about is your wellbeing and happiness. If I ever laugh at you for doing something ‘weird’ that makes you happy, you have all the right reasons to push me away and call me a bad friend.” Nami smiled, leaning in closer to you, her hand slithering down to your fidgeting fingers.
You clenched your eyes shut, sucking in a deep breath. “I like putting on makeup and wearing dresses.”
There it was. You had told her your biggest fear. Your biggest secret that swung above your head like a double edged sword. Now someone knew. Someone knew that you, as a male, was wearing makeup and putting on different dresses and skirts because you liked the feeling and the way it looked on you.
Silence filled the room. Not the good type of silence. The deafening, awkward type that always made it hard to breathe.
Then there was a chuckle. A small, faint, chuckle that came out of the navigator’s mouth. Nami chuckled, shaking her head as she rubbed your hand with small circles. “Oh, Y/N, was that all you were worried about? That I’d judge you for liking to wear makeup and put on dresses?”
You opened your eyes, looking at her with confusion. “Y-You’re not… creeped out?”
“Creeped out? Dear, why would I be creeped out?”
“I’m a boy… doing girl things…”
“Yeah, so? You’re happy doing it, aren’t you? That’s all it matters to me.” Nami grinned. “Besides, that gives me more of an excuse to bring you on my shopping sprees with Robin! We can buy all the makeup and dresses you want! Robin’s really good and painting your nails too! Don’t be scared, Y/N, it’s okay to like these things. If it makes you feel happy, do it. If it feels wrong, leave it.”
Tears began to form around your eyes. One drop, then another. You leaped into Nami’s arms, sobbing into her chest as you cried your heart out. You sobbed for the child that you once were. You sobbed for the person you once was. But you sobbed because you had finally found someone who would accept you for your biggest secret.
“Shhhh, it’s alright. It’s okay. I’m here.” Nami patted your head, planting a soft kiss in between your shoulder blades. When you had finally calmed down, you looked at Nami with red puffy eyes, a small smile on your face. Nami returned the smile, as her finger gently wiped away any remaining tear on your face.
“Do you want me to put some makeup on you before we go out to the rest of them?” Nami quietly asked.
“I d-don’t wanna tell them yet…” You shook your head.
“That’s okay. We’ll keep it between the two of us.”
“T-Thank you, Nami. Thank you so much.”
“It’s just common courtesy, my dear Y/N. Now get dressed, okay? Sanji’s not going to be happy if I leave him for too long. Choose something you want to wear, not what you think we want you to wear, alright? Remember, we’re your family. No matter what, so long you’re happy, we’re happy.”
You smiled at the navigator, at your confidant. You stood up, walking towards your closet as you pulled out the makeshift hidden drawer you made, putting it on and standing in front of the mirror.
For the first time in your life, you finally felt just right.
You had finally found home.
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omgsquee2001 · 2 years
Everything is Just Right: Goldilocks and the Three Bears x GN! Reader(Platonic)
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Star light, star bright, first star I see tonight, I wish I may, I wish I might have this wish I wish tonight.
The legend of a single wish locked away in a Wishing Star, waiting to be granted.
It was night in the small town of Del Mar. The stars twinkled overhead. The sounds of growling and sniffing filled the air. Three brown bears wondered down the dirt path. One large, one medium, and one smaller. Two humans were riding on the backs of the bears. The smaller bear growled as he sniffed the dirt road, looking back at a young woman, part of her hair pulled into buns, the other half pulled into braids.
“You got the scent?” The young woman asked, getting off of the back of the larger bear. The smaller bear growled in conformation. The young woman looked at tiny, bird footprints.
“These ones, are too small,” she said. The other human got off the back of the middle bear. They walked over to the footprints that must have been left behind by a giant.
“These ones are too big,” they said. The two walked up to boot foot prints.
“But these ones… these ones are just right.” They said together. The humans were Goldilocks, her sibling, [Y/N], and their family; Papa Bear, Mama Bear, and Baby Bear. Goldilocks looked at Baby Bear.
“Baby! Track that cat.” Goldi said. She jumped onto Mama’s back while [Y/N] got onto Papa’s. [Y/N] looked at their sister.
“Goldi, why are we tryin’ to hire Puss in Boots again?” They asked. Goldi sighed and looked at her sibling.
“I’ve told you this already, [Y/N]. We’re tryin’ to hire Puss in Boots to steal the map that is bein’ delivered tomorrow night. Without it, we’ll never find the Wishing Star.” Goldi said. [Y/N] sighed and nodded. Papa looked over at his adopted child.
“Everything alright, [Y/N]?” He asked. [Y/N] sighed and nodded.
“Yeah, Papa. I’m alright.” They said.
“Puss in Boots! I found him!” Baby shouted from outside the home of Mama Luna. Goldi, [Y/N], Mama and Papa all smiled, rushing outside. Their smiles fell when they saw the grave with sticks carved in the shape of a “P”. “Puss in Boots, dead and buried.” Baby said. [Y/N] frowned and shook their head.
“Dead? No, no, no, he can’t be.” [Y/N] said. Baby sniffed at the grave and nodded.
“Yep. The nose never lies.” Baby said, looking at the siblings. [Y/N] shared a confused yet concerned look with Goldi. Papa shrugged.
“Well, that’s that, then,” he said. “What say we go and hibernate, huh?” Papa asked, starting to move away. Goldi grabbed his scarf with her staff, yanking.
“No. The map is being delivered tonight, and we have one chance to steal it. Without it, we’ll never find the Wishing Star.” Goldi said. [Y/N] looked at their sister with slight fear.
“But Goldi, nobody steals from Big Jack Horner. If they do, they never live to see another day.” [Y/N] said. Goldi sighed and took her sibling’s hand in her own.
“I can tell you’re scared and worried, [Y/N]. But this is why we needed to hire Puss in Boots. That star has one wish to grant. Think about what that could mean for us,” she gestured to the bears. “For all of us.” Goldi said. “Our lives will be just right.” She said. Mama smiled at her children.
“Don’t worry, loves. We’ll get that wish somehow.” Mama said. Goldi smiled at Mama.
“Thank you, Mama.” Goldi said. Baby smiled confidently.
“Yeah, because I’ve got a plan. I can nick a map as good as any old cat.” Baby said. This made Goldi and [Y/N] laugh.
“You’ve got a plan?” [Y/N] asked, rubbing their knuckles on Baby’s forehead. Baby frowned at his sibling.
“What? I’m smart, ain’t I? Ain’t I, Papa?” Baby asked. Papa sighed. Goldi got on Mama’s back while [Y/N] got on Baby’s back, the three bears and the two humans heading off.
“No, you ain’t well-fixed for brains.” Papa said.
[Y/N] sighed. They really hoped that what Goldi wished for would be worth it.
After snatching the map from Kitty Softpaws, Goldi, [Y/N] and the three bears were following the path. Goldi smiled as she walked in front, [Y/N] walking beside their sister.
“Oh! We are so close.” Goldi said. [Y/N] bumped shoulders with Goldi, making the woman look at her sibling.
“It’s finally happening.” [Y/N] said, smiling. Goldi chuckled and nodded. She then looked away and frowned a bit. She loved her sibling and was extremely protective over them. She hated what she was going to do with the wish, but she wanted something the bears and [Y/N] wouldn’t be able to give her. Papa smiled.
“I can taste that wish now. And you know what it tastes like?” Papa asked. Baby looked at his dad.
“Pies?” Baby asked. Papa chuckled.
“Pies!” Goldi shouted. [Y/N] and Mama smiled as they watched the two bears and their human dance around and sing.
Who ate all the pies? Who ate all the pies? We did, we did, we did, we did, We ate all the pies! The three burst into laughter. [Y/N] sighed and rested their arms on Mama’s neck, her head resting on her hands.
“Oh, it’s gonna be wicked.” [Y/N] said.
The family came upon a familiar cabin, covered with snow. [Y/N] gasped and slid off of the back of Mama.
“No way.” They breathed.
“It looks like our cabin back home.” Mama said. Goldi scoffed.
“You really think our cabin is in the middle of the Dark Forest?” Goldi asked. Papa, ignoring is daughter’s words, looked at his son.
“Baby, give it the old sniff test.” Papa said. Baby sniffed the air. His eyes widened in excitement.
“Something’s cooking.” Baby said excitedly. [Y/N] chuckled. They rushed up to the door, Mama, Papa and Baby following behind.
“No.” Goldi said. “[Y/N], do not open that door.” Goldi warned. Ignoring their sister’s words, [Y/N] did exactly that, opened the door. They rushed in, taking in the familiar sights. Baby looked at the door.
“We are home! Hello, door.” Baby said, hugging onto the door.
“Oh, no, don’t go insi…” Goldi groaned as her words went ignored her again.
“Maybe just a quick pop in.” Mama said. [Y/N] rushed over to a bowl of porridge. They grabbed a spoon and ate some, sighing in content at their mother’s cooking. Goldi sighed.
“Stop it, all of you.” Goldi said. Mama looked at Baby, who was stuffing his face with honey.
“Maybe our wishes have been granted.” She said. Goldi looked at her family.
“Just stop. It’s not our wish granted. It’s an obstacle. It’s the forest playing tricks,” Goldi said, trying to get her family to open their eyes. [Y/N] set down the bowl of porridge and walked over to a familiar looking book. “This isn’t real. None of this is…” Goldi stopped when she saw the book that her sibling was looking at. She walked over and stood next to [Y/N]. Goldi reached over and opened the book. There was a page that was saved by a yellow piece of chalk. There was a picture of a family with a young girl. Goldi had drawn her hair on the girl, making it seem like it was her with the family. Mama looked at the book and smiled.
“Aw. That was your favorite book, the both of you. You especially, Goldi, used to stare at it for hours.” Mama said, walking up to the two. [Y/N] looked up, seeing a younger version of themself and Goldi, looking around the cabin. [Y/N] was much more timid, wringing their hands in nervousness. Goldi seemed like she was having the time of her life.
“Goldi, I don’t think we should be in here.” [Y/N] said in nervousness.
“Oh come on, [Y/N]. We’ve been walking for hours. You aren’t the least bit tired?” Goldi asked. She jumped onto the biggest bed and stopped. She huffed. “Too hard,” she jumped to the middle bed and sunk into it. [Y/N] chuckled lightly. “Too soft.” Goldi pushed the book out of the bed and jumped out herself. She then went to the smallest bed and sighed as she lay down in it. She looked at her sibling. “Come lay down, [Y/N]. This bed is just right.” She said. [Y/N] sighed and walked over, climbing into bed with their sister. They yawned.
“You’re right, Goldi. This is just right.” They said.
Mama smiled as she looked at the memory.
“Oh, this was it.” Mama said. [Y/N] looked at Mama.
“What was it, Mama?” They asked. Mama smiled.
“The day two little orphans broke into our cabin and stole our hearts.” Mama said, placing a paw on Goldi and [Y/N]’s shoulders.
The memory changed to show the two siblings sleeping soundly with Mama, Papa, and Baby looking over them. Baby tried to climb into his bed, but was stopped by Mama, who shushed him. Baby whimpered slightly, but backed off.
[Y/N] smiled.
“The day when our world became just right.” [Y/N] said. They rested their head against Goldi’s shoulder. Goldi looked at her sibling and smiled, pressing a kiss to their head.
Goldi sighed in anger.
“That’s the third time we’ve passed that same rock, Baby.” She said. She was starting to loose her patience. [Y/N] sighed.
“Oh, not again.” They groaned. Baby looked at the siblings.
“What do you want me to do? I’ve lost the scent.” Baby said. [Y/N] placed their hand on Baby’s shoulder.
“You’re doing the best you can, Baby.” They said. Baby rubbed his head against their side in appreciation. Goldi whirled around to face Baby.
“You only have one job. The one thing that makes you mildly useful is your nose, and apparently, you can’t even use that.” Goldi said, sitting down on a rock. [Y/N] frowned, looking at their sibling.
“Goldi. I’m starting to think this wish isn’t what you promised us.” [Y/N] said, frowning. Goldi rolled her eyes.
“Leave off, [Y/N].” Goldi said, not looking at them. Baby frowned.
“No. [Y/N]’s right. So, what is it, eh? What’s your “just right”? What’s so blasted important that you’ve got us stranded in this haunted forest?” Baby asked. Goldi stood up, looking at them.
“I’m getting a family! That’s what!” Goldi shouted. Everything went silent. “A proper family. Then everything will be just right.” Goldi said. [Y/N]’s eyes widened in realization. Goldi was getting rid of them for a family.
“Your “just right” is getting rid of us?” [Y/N] asked quietly. Goldi sighed. She hated the look of shock and sadness on her sibling’s face. Papa sighed sadly.
“Well, I guess some people just stick around until the porridge is gone, eh, Goldi?” Papa asked sadly.
“Come on. You didn’t think I would actually stay. I’m not a bear.” Goldi said. [Y/N] frowned, tears falling.
“Y-You’re getting rid of me? Your own sibling?” They asked. Goldi’s heart broke even more. “You know, I’m not a bear either, but this, Mama, Papa, Baby, and you. This is the closest thing I’ve ever had to a family. And I wouldn’t want to change it for the world. Not even for one, single wish.” [Y/N] said. Goldi sighed and looked away. Mama sighed, tears filling her eyes.
“I was always afraid it was too good to last,” Mama said. Goldi looked at her. Mama looked at her. “And whether you think we’re your family or not, if this is something that will make you happy, we’ll get you that wish.” Mama said. Goldi looked in slight shock. Mama turned her head to Papa, Baby and [Y/N]. “Come on, boys,” Mama said. [Y/N] didn’t budge. Mama walked up to them. “[Y/N], darling?” Mama asked. [Y/N] sniffed and wiped their tears.
“If this is what Goldi wants, then I’ll do anything to make it happen.” They said. Mama smiled sadly as [Y/N] walked next to their mother.
A fight had broken out between the bears, Puss and Kitty, and Jack Horner. Baby had smacked Jack down when he was about to shoot a spell with his staff at [Y/N].
“Oi, I’m gonna bust you up, plum thumb, and then I’m gonna wear your clothes.” Baby said. Jack rose an eyebrow.
“That was weird.” Jack said. He shot Baby with a spell that sent him flying. He was sent close to the barrier of the Star and was starting to get sucked in.
“No, no, no…” Baby whimpered, trying to grab onto anything. [Y/N]’s eyes widened.
“Baby!” [ Y/N] shouted. They rushed over.
“Mama, [Y/N], help!” Baby shouted. Mama grabbed onto Baby’s paw. [Y/N] gripped Baby’s chain, gritting their teeth in pain as the chain dug into their palms.
“I got you!” Mama said, holding on tightly.
“Papa!” [Y/N] shouted. Papa’s eyes widened.
“Son, I’m coming!” Papa shouted. Mama and [Y/N] were starting to go toward the barrier as well. “Got you.” Papa said, gripping onto Mama’s ankle. The map had drifted over towards Goldi, who knelt before it. She looked back at her family, her sibling.
“Help! Goldi!” [Y/N] shouted. Goldi looked back at the map. The metal was tearing up [Y/N]’s hands so much they started to bleed. The blood made their grip loosen. “Goldi! Please!” [Y/N] shouted. Suddenly, Baby was almost gone, [Y/N]’s hands disappearing as well. Suddenly, Goldi’s staff grabbed Baby’s chain, pulling him back. [Y/N] looked at their sister in happiness.
“Like I told you, Baby, you’re the smash, I’m the grab.” Goldi said. Baby laughed.
“Yes! Yes!” Baby shouted. Together, the family pulled Baby back to safety. Goldi looked at her sibling’s hands.
“[Y/N], you’re bleeding.” Goldi said. [Y/N] shook their head.
“I’m fine. We have bigger problems.” They said.
Puss, Kitty, Goldi and [Y/N] all nodded at each other, ripping the map into. The Star started to fall apart. Jack stared in shock.
“What? What have you done! The map. My wish.” Jack shouted. Goldi jumped onto Papa’s back, pulling [Y/N] up behind her. The three bears, Puss, Kitty and Perrito all rushed off of the Star to safety.
“Go, go, go!” Mama shouted.
The Star exploded with Jack Horner. The two groups stared in aw as the pieces of the star went flying. [Y/N] smiled as they sat with their family.
“Gorgeous.” Mama breathed. Baby looked at Goldi, crying.
“Y-You saved my life, sis. You was gonna make the wish, but you didn’t make the wish ’cause you wanted to save your family!” Baby sobbed. Goldi smiled and shushed Baby, rubbing his head. “And I-I was really scared. And then…” Baby kept sobbing. Goldi sighed and nuzzled his head with her knuckles.
“Oi, don’t get so blubbery about it. Whose porridge would I eat otherwise?” Goldi asked, laughing. Baby dried his tears and laughed as well. Goldi looked over at [Y/N], who was looking at their hands. “Oh. Your hands are still bleeding.” Goldi said. She looked around for a knife, when a small, cat like blade was handed to her. She looked over and saw Puss.
“Here. You can use my Gatito Blade.” Puss said. Goldi smiled and took it, cutting off some of her dress. She gave the blade back to Puss and wrapped the pieces of her dress around [Y/N]’s hands, using them as bandages. [Y/N] smiled and then sighed.
“I’m sorry you didn’t get your wish, Goldi.” [Y/N] said. Goldi sighed and smiled.
“But I did, [Y/N]. I did get my wish. Everything… is just right.” She said, pulling [Y/N] into a hug. Tears of happiness fell from [Y/N]’s eyes. They felt strong, furry arms wrap around their forms.
“Oh. Oh, now the two of you made me cry.” Mama said, sniffing. Goldi was right. Everything was just right. [Y/N] and their sister had everything they needed. No magic required. Everything was just right.
//I finally watched Puss In Boots: The Last Wish. I loved the dynamic of Goldi and the three bears. I hope you all like this.//
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Wicked Games
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A Dark Fairy Tale Collaboration Event
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Welcome to my event. I decided to host this collaboration because who doesn't love dark fairy tales featuring our favorite characters? It's angsty, dark, and sexy. 
Now this event is special because it centers on anime and video games in general; there is no specified fandom. Writers or artists who enjoy canon x canon, self-ships, or original characters in their stories/pieces can participate and spread their passion.
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The Fairy Tale List: (if there is one you want to add please let me know).
Hansel and Gretel
The Little Mermaid
Little Red Riding Hood
Beauty and the Beast
Sleeping Beauty
Snow White
The Snow Queen
The Frog Prince
Alice in Wonderland
The Goose Girl
Goldilocks and the Three Bears
The Steadfast Tin Soldier
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The Rules:
Must be 18+ to enter.
The piece or story can be centered around any anime or video game character as long as it incorporates one of the fairy tales listed above. (Check out the Fairy Tale List). They don't have to 100% follow the chosen fairy tale; you can throw in your own unique spin.
You can write or draw: dark content, NSFW, crossovers, reader inserts, original characters, self-ships, canon x canon, SFW, etc.
(Everything has to be tagged appropriately).
There is a 500-word minimum.
Participants have to send me a message or comment on this post with the character they want to draw or write for and which of the fairy tales they have chosen to center the piece or fic around. 
You can submit more than 1 story or art piece.
The deadline is February 29th. Participants can submit their work a day late, but no later, because I will be putting up the Masterlist soon after the deadline. However, if you need more time please let me know.
DM the link to the piece once you have it written, so I can add it to the Masterlist.
Use the hashtag: #Disenchanted’sfairytaleevent, or #Wickedgamesevent
If there are any questions, please let me know.
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Entries: (I'll fix the order of these once I get more).
Beauty and the Beast
Vaas Montenegro x Female Reader by @mydisenchantedeulogy
Reblog and share, please.
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georgiapeach30513 · 2 years
Goldilocks & the Three Men, Part 3
Summary: it’s time for Sy
Pairings: Captain Syverson X Reader
Rating: explicit
Warnings:  explicit language, explicit sexual content, smut, unprotected sex, PIV sex, fingering, size kink, dub con 🤔, drugging, breeding kink, cream pie, 18+ ONLY
Word Count: 2.2K
Series Masterlist
*dividers created by @firefly-graphics​
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Sy stands in the doorway of your makeshift room watching Ari pet all over your body. You had become completely blissed out, and he’s amazed that you even could handle him.
His large and thick stature walks into the room, and lifts up your hand watching it flop back on the bed. “How much of the fritter did you feed her?” he asks, looking up at Ari who just smiles down at your sleeping self.
“She ate the whole thing,” he finally looks up at his brother and chuckles. “Didn’t even notice a thing. She did so good.”
“The glamor didn’t fall at all?” Ari shakes his head no, pressing a soft kiss on your forehead. “Didn’t suspect a thing?”
“The only time she did was when the runt was sitting there watching,” his eyes glare at his other brother who stands out in the hallway. “It was kinda creepy. I don’t mind you watching, just don’t make it be so obvious.”
“Did she suspect anything? Did she question who the man was?” Steve gives Ari a big toothy grin, because he knows the answer. “All she saw was a black bear.”
“Yeah, a tiny little one,” Ari gives Steve a playful shove, standing up to let you rest. “You gonna wake her up big guy?” he asks Sy.
The large man walks over to your body, and rubs his thumb along your wrist. Giving his two brothers a sly smirk. “I don’t know if that’s fair,” Steve gives him a little whine. He always has to be last.
“Gotta help her out. What was it she kept saying? ‘It’s too big, Ari,’. She needs all the help we can give her.”
“By the end of it, I had her screaming it was just right.”
“And still fucked her until she passed out,” Steve rolls his eyes at the older brothers. He would never do that. “You little creep, keep your mouth off this one. You have an urge you need to control. I like her. She’s up for the challenge of being stuffed to the brim.”
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You stir awake. Stretching your muscles when you feel a deep emptiness. Disbelieving of what exactly is going on. Flashes of a moment in a pond with…that can’t be right.
But you feel without. You look around the room for…Ari, yes, his name is Ari only to find you’re alone. You can’t help but to stand and go search for the warm and kind man.
Wandering down the hallway you see a bed that looks just about right for you. Not to big, not too thick, not too soft, just perfect. “Nope,” a voice speaks behind your. You turn to see a new man, and back away slowly.
“Sorry,” he gives you a kind smile, and you stop. “It’s not time for you to go in there.”
“Steve,” he holds a hand for you to take, and you shake it softly. “I think you’re looking for Sy,” you shake your head no. That wasn’t his name.
“I’m sorry to say, he’s busy. As am I. There’s a treat for you on the table. Sy should be out back. He’s cutting some wood.”
You give him an odd look. Something isn’t right. “Why am I here?”
“We called, you came.”
“Can I not go home?” he frowns, shaking his head no. “Why?”
“Didn’t that old man warn you? Women get lost. They can’t find their way back. But we’ll keep you safe from the things out there. There’s men who try to steal your first born child, a beast who wants to keep you for his own, the fae, a wolf, and…”
“What are you then?” he hesitates. Now, no matter what he says, you won’t believe him.
“A friend.”
“That didn’t answer my question. What are you?”
“Different than my brothers. Go and eat your snack. Sy is waiting. He’s impatient. You don’t have much of a choice. Stay here, or get more lost out there. And what will you find?” he isn’t wrong. You know it.
Knew it the moment you fully walked into the woods, and there was no sight of the world outside. “Why?”
“It’s a long story, and it’ll cost you gold and your first child. You can always go find the beast. He’s the reason we’re all in on this mess. Go on. Go out into the woods alone. Maybe we’ll find you first. You should be grateful.”
He gives you a long look and sighs. “Curses abound all through the woods. Eat. Sy. He’ll take care of you.”
That is just what you’re scared of, but with one sound of a grunt, and hearing the swinging of an axe, you get a deep desire to find him. “Snack. Sy,” Steve reminds you one more time, before closing his bedroom door.
With nothing else to do, but listen to his words, you find yourself back in the kitchen, grabbing up the snack, before looking out the kitchen window. Taking a slow bite when you see, who are assuming is Sy, swing the axe down on the wood.
You’re not sure why but every chop, you feel at your core. Your knees going weak, and you take another bite of the bread, moaning at the ‘taste’ of it.
Thinking to yourself you wonder how he tastes. His corded muscles rippling with every swing he takes. Even the way he wipes at his forehead. Looking over to see you gawking at him. “Well, come on,” he sighs. Stopping his movements.
Carrying the bread with you, you go outside to see him in all his glory. Ari was tall, but Sy is thick. His skin glistens with the sweat, and it only makes him sexier. “Bring me that water bottle,” he tells you with a smirk. He knows just how attractive he is. Visions of the things he could do to you, with very little effort run through your mind.
Thoughts of those thick arms wrapping around your neck, or even just the way his body could manhandle you. “It doesn’t have to be just a fantasy, Goldie,” he gives you a quick wink taking a drink of the water.
“Your eyes, they’re pitch black and filled with desire. Your blood is hot and pumping so hard, I can see your neck pulse. You struggling to stand, or are you squeezing your thighs together, trying to deny the primal need for me to sink into that tight. Hot. Wet. Cunt?”
You gulp, turning your eyes to look at the ground, and that thick body stalks closer to you. “We’re far out in the woods. No one will hear you when you scream,” he whispers on your neck. You shiver, and it only causes him to chuckle. Pressing the softest kiss on the pulse point on your neck. Giving it a tiny nibble, and he catches you when your knees go out.
“Why would I scream?”
“Why wouldn’t you? You think you could handle all this?” those thick arms wrap around your waist and your fingers trace the veins on the rock hard muscles. “You wanna find out? See if you can hold off on screaming my name?”
“You’re home now,” he whispers behind your ear. Open mouth kisses move all along your neck, and down to your shoulders, making you even more weak with every pass over your skin.
“You can do whatever you want now. No one to judge you. No one to make comments. Just us.”
“And Ari and Steve.”
“What was it you told Ari? It was too big? Too hard? What do you think about me?” he thrusts his hips into your ass and you let out a measly whimper. Already succumbing to his roughness.
Whining when your hand rubs over his cock, “Sy it’s too thick.”
“You can take it. You’re gonna love it aren’t you?”
“Yes,” his hands already slide up your thighs, those thick digits going right to your mound. No one had bothered to give you panties, so he has easy access.
He stimulates your bundle of nerves, before sliding down, entering two fingers into your messy cunt. Palming your clit, while your ass moves on his crotch. “A tight fit indeed. Fuck!”
“Sy,” you become even weaker when he walks you over to the fallen log. Maneuvering you to your knees. Ripping off every bit of clothes you have, before leaning you over the tree. He gives your exposed cunt a look over before he’s shoving his fingers back in there.
His teeth nipping all along your shoulders and back. “My god, you’re a responsive one aren’t, ya?” he moans listening to your sweet intoxicating sounds. Pulling his fingers out he stares at your swollen lips. Gazing at how your juices make your skin shine.
Standing up he begins removing his own clothes, and he laughs when you turn around, looking at him. Whining when that thick cock bounces up. “Sy.”
“Can’t be cockdrunk already, Goldie,” getting to his knees he runs his length through your velvety folds. Mewling, you try and back your ass up on him, “Easy there, sweetheart. It’d be best if you let me take my time. Don’t worry, I’ll have you speechless shortly.”
He pushes his shaft through your puffy lips. Bringing the tip back at your tight channel. Slowly he breaks through your walls, and you yelp. Turning back to look at him, but his eyes stay only where the two of you connect.
He sinks slowly into you, biting on his bottom lip when he slides home. Holding his stance, and he grabs onto your hips. “It’ll go quite quickly after this. Look at you, such a mess for my cock. Does it sting? You hurting sweet girl?”
“A little.”
“I’m letting this pretty pussy adjust for a bit. She feels so good wrapped around me so tight. You took me so well. I know it couldn’t have been easy,” he pulls out a bit, and quickly stabs back in, and your eyes flutter close.
“You sure do make some pretty sounds. You gonna scream for me?” when you don’t respond, he starts rutting into you.
Your voice becoming louder with every jut into your silky walls. His fingers gripping tightly to your hips, and you know that there will be bruising.
Sore won’t even describe how you feel. “Sy, it’s too thick!”
“But you fucking take it so well,” he grunts out, turning back to look at an upstairs window with a cheeky grin.
That thick arm wraps around your neck, and he lifts your back to his front. Nearly growling in his motions, while you become a complete mess. “Found us a good one. Gonna be our sweet little cumdump aren’t ya? Have us dripping down your thighs. Your job will be to serve us.”
“Sy, please!”
“You want it. Our pussy has got me in a vice grip. Did that apple bread taste good?” he presses a hard kiss on your cheek, and chuckles when he sees you struggling to keep your eyes open.
“You’ll last longer eventually. You trust me?”
“Uh huh.”
“Thatta girl,” he growls on your skin before completely wrecking you. Shoving his veiny girth in you, like his life depended on it. Not even caring when you give out.
His thick spunk spurts deep into your cunt, and he pulls out. Gently laying your spent body over the tree.
Tilting his head to the side, he watches his cream drip out of you. “She lasted longer this time,” Ari says, giving your body a look over. “This one just might work. You think it’ll take?”
Steve takes a seat on the swing, and laughs, “We’re a dying breed man. It’s never worked before.”
“And when it doesn’t, you get to dispose of them,” Sy responds slowly getting dressed. “Don’t act like you don’t enjoy it.”
“Maybe if you two weren’t so damn big, their bodies might have been able to handle it.”
“Maybe if you didn’t fucking ruin everything with your damn appetite,” Ari turns around glaring at the smallest brother. “She’s perfect.”
“You keeping her drugged on apples and she doesn’t even know what she signed up for. Nothing but a breeding tool.”
Sy cackles looking at him. Going to pick up your pliant body, holding you tight against his chest. “It’s fun. It gives us someone to protect. Brings joy and light to our home. Can you imagine our little cubs in the house? You saying you really don’t want a turn? She’s the one. I feel it.”
“I heard,” Steve says annoyed. “She had you in a fucking vice grip.”
“I’m going to give our little one a bath. Ari, you wanna join me? She would love waking up to see her Papa and Daddy. Pretty soon, we’ll be just right.”
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Taglist:   @tis-thedamn-season​ @marveloustaylortot​ @pono-pura-vida​ @missacidburn928​
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cherrygummycandy · 2 years
The Bad Guys (2022) (click tag to find works)
Platonic!Mr Wolf x Teen!Reader
Platonic!Mr Wolf x Teen!Reader pt. 2
Mr Shark x Reader (Pocky game)
Mr Piranha Proposal HC's
Pixie Hollow (all films) (Click tag to find works)
Tinkerbell x Talentless!Fairy
Rosetta and Y/N incorrect quote
Pixie Hollow x Multi-talented!Fairy
Silvermist dating HC's
Scribble x Animal Talent!Reader
Recess (Movies and show)
Recess Kids x New Kid!Reader
Epic (2013)
Platonic!Professor Mamba x Assistant!Reader
The Muppet show (all films and media)
Muppets x Applicant!Muppet!Reader
Ruby Gloom
Frank and Len x Reader (Writing a love song)
Scooby Doo (All media)
Shaggy Rogers x Reader angst
Despicable me, minions (all media)
Young! Nefario x reader
Captain Crow's crew x Shipwrecked!Reader
Don't hug me I'm scared
Roommate wanted (Main trio x Roommate!Reader)
Monsters Inc. And Monsters Uni
Oozma Kappa x scarer!Reader x Roar Omega Roar
Shrek Franchise (+Puss in Boots)
Goldilocks and the Three Bears crime family x reader.
Puss in boots x Platonic!Helper!Reader
Atlantis The lost empire
Atlantis crew x Amnesiac!reader
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bfictioncorner · 2 years
Pink Sweater (Hopper x OC/Reader)
(Omg I’ve forgotten how to write fic summaries.)
Pairing: Chief Hopper x OC (or reader if you wanna change the name and pretend)
Rating: PG-13/R 
Warnings/content: erotic dancing, daddy kink (mild), grinding, over-the-clothes stuff...
Summary: Hopper meets a new dancer at a local joint but can’t place where he knows her from.
Author Note:
Okay finally posting this after sitting on it for like a year for a few different reasons... Sort of a self-insert/OC type of situation, inspired by boredom and downtime while actually working on set of the actual show (yes... I’m cringe like that; I did background work on Stranger Things and wrote this up.)
Long nights on duty were disorienting, and definitely lonely. Despite knowing the next morning he would see the guys at the station, and the same waitresses at the diners and coffee shops, and, eventually, Joyce and one of the many children in her kids’ friend group, the late night patrols put Jim in a weird headspace. A very liminal headspace that reminded him a little too much of some of the weirder ongoings in the town.
It probably wasn’t a good look, but after nights like those, he would allow himself to sneak off to Gallyan’s. At least the name was somewhat discreet, and not something like “Peaches” or “Twin Spires”. Not that it mattered. He was the Chief of Police, and could get away with it. Or, the truth, he knew, was that people were aware of his less-than-professional behavior, and just let it slide. Who else was going to do his job? The law enforcement presence in Hawkins was small and bumbling, and hardly ever needed. The most he ever needed to do was break up fights outside bars, and even then he didn’t care to do that. 
It was a Tuesday night at Gallyan’s (more like Wednesday morning at 2am). Jim hadn’t been there in a few months. He sat in his vehicle, just outside the cheap neon signage, debating on if he was even really feeling it. He needed something to get him out of his funk. Not coffee, not pills, not something that would make it worse. He wasn’t particularly in the mood, but it was worth a try. 
“Okay…” he breathed out. He finished his cigarette hurriedly, and slammed the door behind him. 
Walking into the place, he kept his hat tipped low, and his blue jacket on, just covering his badge. The doormen were still well aware it was him, mumbling a greeting and not even asking for an entry fee.
The further in he got, Jim finally, slowly, removed his hat, brow staying low with his glance cast down. He shouldn’t have felt weird or bad about being there, but he recognized a lot of sleazy faces he’d detained in the past, and it was just uncomfortable.
“Hi handsome, how are you tonight?” a gentle voice asked him, right as he sat at a far away table.
“Fine…” Jim trailed off as he looked the woman up and down. She was all of five feet tall (maybe some change with the heels, but still tiny), and dressed in a very subtle, pink lingerie set.
Something about her short stature and black bangs seemed familiar. Those features weren’t super defining, but they stood out enough and he couldn’t tell why…
“I’m Goldie,” the dancer said, closing the space between her and the chief’s lap.
“Oh, like Goldilocks. Is that because of your long, blonde locks?” Jim smiled sarcastically, eyes trailing over her black hair.
“Mmmhmm. Don’t have three bears, though… Just looking at one big one.” She bit her tongue in a cheeky smile, sliding down onto his lap fully. 
Jim started fishing around for his wallet. As much as being called a “bear” surprisingly turned him on, he knew she was just trying to initiate a transaction. Fair enough.
“How much? $50? $100? I gotta say, I don’t think I’ve noticed you here before, but you’re probably one of the more expensive dancers, right?”
“I’ll take that, even though $50 is still a bit low…” She had to chuckle at him. “This one’s on me.”
“Nothing’s ever free, Goldie. What do you want? I had a long shift. Let me pay whatever you want upfront.”
Jim couldn’t understand why she was laughing again, or being sweet on him. Like genuinely sweet, and laughing as if she was shy about something.
“Listen, if you’re trying to offer some other services, maybe it’s best you don’t.” He clinked at his badge with his index finger.
“I’m not offering that,” Goldie sighed pointedly. “Let me give you this one on the house, and just join me out back for a drink after. My shifts get long and stressful too, you know. Sometimes I just want company.” There was that sweet little smirk again.
Goldie was talking to him like she knew him. He still couldn’t think if he’d known her from somewhere. But why him?
Most girls around the club had been dancing to a soundtrack of fast paced hair metal. It wasn’t terrible, but the energy was a bit much for that hour of the night/morning. However (maybe by Goldie’s subtle request), the next track eased into “Dance the Night Away”, a little more soft and mellow. 
Goldie’s moves were refreshingly gentle and loving. In fact, she had a hard time not looking back at Jim with heavy lids and a flirtatious glance. 
She sank against his broad, warm body, leaning against his chest and feeling his breath against her ear. He smelled smokey and like beer (even though he hadn’t had a drink yet). It was a fitting and weirdly endearing scent.
She placed his big hands firmly around her waist, allowing him to pull her over his crotch. The uniform fabric, from his thick thighs to the tightness below his belt, was so taut and inviting. Goldie couldn’t help but run her hands over those legs, lingering over the plush outer sides of his ass.
Jim used his firm grip to turn her to face him.
“Ah, ah,” she chastised, gleefully, “I’m giving the dance here.”
He replied with a small, shot down glance. She loved being so tiny compared to him and telling him what to do.
After a moment of some sways here and there, Goldie settled back onto the officer’s lap, squeezing her thighs around the width of his. She smoothed her little hands over his chest--his pecs straining slightly under his shirt. He was just so big all around.
“Don’t mind me…” She plucked open the top shirt button, and then the one after that. Seeing his chest hair peek out the top, she raked her pink fingernails through it. 
Her hands continued roaming around, gripping his soft waist, then his shoulders, then giving in to the urge to smooth her fingers over his rugged beard. She just about purred at the feel of it. Jim took notice, and discreetly slid his hands over her backside, all while offering a playful grin.
“Keep it over the panties, Chief,” she murmured.
“Yes, ma’am.”
She liked that a lot.
The song kept going as she continued to grind rhythmically against his crotch. His tight pants had only gotten tighter, and his hardness started to rub friction in the right spot for her. But she couldn’t let that happen. Not tonight, or at least not at work.
She pressed his head to her chest, trying to ease off of the grinding slowly. Even his stubble felt delicious against her bosom. He breathed in how much she smelled like cherry candy and whiskey--an interesting combo, but one that fit her small, friendly demeanor.
The song faded out, and just like that, Poison was playing over the speakers, and Goldie was off his lap. 
Jim was afraid that was it. Not only would he be left halfway pitching a tent, but he still didn’t know where he knew Goldie from.
Disappointed, he sank against his chair and lit a smoke. 
“Come on…” A tiny touch accompanied the voice. Goldie now stood beside him with a bottle of Evan Williams. “I’m off duty and so are you, so let’s have that drink.”
The big chief followed the petite dancer down the back halls and out an emergency exit. The bouncers wouldn’t have usually allowed anyone clearance, but they recognized Jim all too well, and could see that Goldie was leading him around, like a puppy.
They emerged into the brisk early morning air. Goldie, now draped in a big leather jacket, looked so small and so much younger than she first looked in the dim lights. 
She teasingly swiped the cigarette from Jim’s lips, smoking on it herself. “I gotta say, I’ve been hoping I’d get to see you here. It’s kinda weird.” She bundled herself against him for extra warmth, and he absent-mindedly wrapped an arm around her.
“Where have I seen you?” he smiled. In most other cities, if someone seemed familiar, it was just a coincidence or something. But Hawkins was small. People only had so many places to go, and so many people to run into.
“Do you remember doing Career Day a year and a half ago? At Hawkins High, for the seniors?” 
He sort of did. Most days were hazy due to weird hours, liquor, and boredom. 
“Guess you could say I didn’t take you up on the summer job… Or any of those jobs, haha.” She handed the stubby cigarette back to Jim.
That petite frame, the fluffy dark hair, the pink… It reminded Jim of a student who, after the Career Day presentations, awkwardly approached him. Super shy, and dressed very modestly in a pink sweater, pink tights, and a long blue church skirt.
The student, in question, bashfully asked if the station was hiring anyone to help with filing, or even cleaning and errand running. Jim told them to go speak to Flo if she wanted any help. But it didn’t seem to really matter. The girl kind of lingered, eyes looking him up and down while blushing.
“Sorry, had a crush on you,” Goldie blurted, a bit more bluntly than she meant. 
The corner of Jim’s lip curled up. He leaned his hip and shoulder against the wall, while slightly craning down to look into her eyes. “I’m probably old enough to be your dad.”
A giddy chill ran down Goldie’s spine. “I’m still a grown woman. I know my tastes. My tastes are pretty mature.” She bit her lip, meeting his gaze. “Maybe I’m into the dad-type.”
She glanced at him with a touch more lust in her words.
“So you had a crush on me. Huh.”
“Didn’t say it went away…”
Jim’s eyes darted around for a moment, masking the fact that he was a bit flattered and flustered.
Goldie could see through, though, and handed him the bottle of bourbon.
“So… if you want… I can give you my number, and maybe—“
“You come see me here again,” Goldie responded with a wink. “For now.”
“Fair enough.” Jim smiled, and offered back the bottle.
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