#gonna post it cross my fingers and bail
heavenlyraindrops · 4 months
♱Father Forgive Me (For I have Sinned) ~Chapter Twenty Three♱
Lucifer Morningstar x Angel!Reader Fandom: Hazbin Hotel Chapter Twenty Three Warnings: profanity, Alastor is an asshole Visit my pinned post to see all other chapters.
♱ In which the purest soul in Heaven falls from grace… for the Devil. ♱
[Chapter Twenty Three]
“He’s planning to what?” 
You stared at Velvette and Valentino in shock. Valentino groaned, readjusting himself into a more comfortable position on the couch. Velvette rolled her eyes.
“What? It’s not really a big deal.”
“It sure fuckin’ is if he’s gonna probably tear down the princesses hotel in the process,” you spluttered. 
“Well, you knew this would happen if Alastor pissed him off again,” Velvette sighed, exasperated. You were almost shaking with frustration at their dismissive behaviour. 
“What did that red… twink even do this time?” No, I need Alastor alive. You shook the thought away. Hah, like Vox’ll kill him anyways. You turned to look outside the large red windows, scratching at your arms. Could he?
“Uh, nothing, Vox just woke up today and was probably on his period or something,” Velvette said, not looking up from her phone. Your eye twitched. 
“There has to be a reason.”
Velvette rolled her eyes, slamming the phone down. “Look, babes, he’ll be fine.”
Your mind flashed to Charlie and Vaggie, Lucifer, even though you didn’t want it to, and unwelcome concern swelled in your chest. “It’s not him I’m worried about.”
Valentino and Velvette both quirked an eyebrow, but didn’t say anything, whether it was out of disinterest or that they were simply too intimidated to ask, watching you pace around the room clawing at your hair, you didn’t know. And weren’t specifically bothered to try and find out. 
“The princesa could probably take care of herself,” Valentino scoffed. “And she has her daddy too, doesn’t she?”
You flinched, then scowled. “Ugh, shut your fat mouth. Your breath smells like all those cocks you suck.” The constant stress had turned your tongue sharp. 
Valentino threw his hands in the air. “Uh, for your information, I’m the one getting sucked,” he retorted, and you raised an eyebrow.
“Oh, so you’re a whore, nice to know.” 
Velvette stood up, sighing as she patted down her hair. “Babes, Val was right. For the uh,” she side eyed him. “First bit. It’s not likely Vox will be able to land a single dent on the princesses little passion project.”
You swallowed your formulating words, retorts, arguments, like pills, using Valentino and Velvette’s logic as the water to make it go down. They were right. But then-
“Well, aren’t you concerned about Vox?”
Velvette shrugged. “He’ll be fine. He’ll realize he’s out of his depth and come crawling back. Or, he doesn’t and we’ll just bail him out. Now sit down and shut up.”
You licked your lips nervously, but didn’t say anything, instead crossing your arms and squeezing into the couch next to Vel. Everything fell quiet.
“But there has to be a reason,” you said finally.
Velvette and Valentino groaned.  
“Listen ángel, Voxxy gets pissed over nothing all the time. Just wait for him to come back soon or go get him if you’re so worried.”
You chewed your lip, worried about running into Lucifer at the hotel, yet- maybe you wanted that. You let out a frustrated groan, grating at the back of your throat. 
“Ugh fuck you,” you muttered to no one in particular as you burrowed your way deeper into the couch cushions. Velvette rolled her eyes and turned back to her phone. 
“Oh, lovely.” She rolled her eyes. You stood up.
“What is it? It’s him, isn’t it?”
She pursed her lips. 
“Isn’t it?” 
“I- yeah. Maybe we should go to-“
You were already out the door. 
Alastor chuckled, tapping the top of his microphone with a clawed finger. A small buzz emitted from it.
“Why the fuck would you provoke an overlord and bring them to our doorstep?” Vaggie snarled, running her hands through her hair. Charlie looked stricken. Alastor sighed, readjusting his gloves as he peered out through the window.
“Don’t worry, dear, I’ll take care of it,” he snapped, smile strained. Vaggie’s voice grated along his ears- could she be more irritating? 
The TV played on in the background. Your face flashed on the screen, smiling contentedly as you held a phone to your ear. 
Voxtech- it’s angel approved!
You turned to look straight at the camera, and winked, speaking: “Trust us!”
Alastor’s jaw clenched. 
Lucifer stared at your face wordlessly, enraptured for a split second, then turned to Alastor. “He sounded pretty riled up when he, uh-“ he pointed at the screen- “showed up on our fucking TV and started cursing you out!”
Alastor rolled his eyes. “He’ll most likely show up by himself in a fit of anger-“
“What did you say to him?” Charlie groaned.
He flexed his fingers. “It’s not my fault I simply wanted to address his obsession with me. How was I meant to know I’d strike a nerve?” His smile widened. 
Truth be told, he did know it would strike a nerve. He’d lure you to the hotel directly, but had no means of contacting you- he just counted on you showing up as Vox’s backup should things go south for the flatscreen TV. And if that meant slagging Vox using his heartbreak and trauma as a basis, how could he refuse? It was two birds with one stone. 
And as for toying with Vox’s feelings- well. Alastor adjusted his bow tie. Romantic feelings were unfathomable, and therefore, not his problem- especially if they belonged to Vox.
As for his motivations?
He took a single glance at Lucifer’s face, the shadows under his eyes, the lines of stress, the way he longingly looked at your face on the television, and the satisfaction that stirred in the Radio Demon’s chest said more than enough.   Not only that, but if he could use your emotions to his advantage, he could even lay claim to your soul. Imagine the things he could do with an angel by his side, at his beck and call… his mouth watered at just the thought-
“Alastor…” Vaggie’s voice was a low warning.
“What if he’s angry enough to bring [name] along with him?” Charlie wailed, then froze. “What if she smites us?”
Lucifer groaned. “Charlie, [name] isn’t that powerful.” His throat clenched up. “You have me, I’ll just…”
“What? Kill her?” Alastor suggested. Lucifer flinched, hard.
“I’ll kill you first, Bambi,” he hissed. Alastor laughed. 
“Still can’t believe you’d rile up another overlord on purpose,” Vaggie snapped. Alastor rolled his eyes, a dull ache forming in the back of his head. 
“It will be completely fine,” he drawled. “Vox can hardly lay a finger on this place.”
“He better not,” Vaggie spat.
Something crashed outside, accompanied by a shout and then: “Come out, you red fucker!” Causing everyone to look at each other simultaneously. 
“That’s your cue,” Lucifer snapped, flicking his head at the door. Alastor’s lip curled wryly.
He stepped outside.
Vox clutched his arm where he had tripped and fallen, from spontaneously shooting out of a street lamp- charming, sure. Alastor tilted his head, narrowing his eyes. “May I help you?”
“You know what the fuck you did,” Vox snarled. “Sometimes, you bastard, you just take things too far.”
“So what? Everything I said was true. Plus, are three rejections not enough for you to take the hint?” He smirked, tapping his cane on the ground.  
“Rejections from what?” Vox hissed, eyes narrowing. “Stop making it out like I fucking asked you out or something.”
“Oh, but you wanted me, didn’t you?” Alastor taunted. “Shame that disappearing for seven years couldn’t shake you off- you are quite clingy.” Twisted versions of the truth spilled from his lips, woven as quickly as they were spoken. “I wonder how Valentino feels.” He sighed. “Shame he still indulges in all those other… people, despite your obvious attempts to make a true connection- it seems he simply doesn’t want to commit. Although, is it to you specifically, or…?”
“Oh, piss off. Stop stalking my sex life.” Vox’s voice wavered. “And Valentino doesn’t make commitments.”
Alastor snapped his fingers. “So it is that.”
Vox almost short circuited, and without thinking, he threw himself at Alastor, who pulled away before Vox could touch him.
“Oh, you wanna dance?” Vox spat.
Alastor’s shoulders tensed. Vox’s face split into a pissed grin.
“Let’s fucking dance.”
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silverott-chevalier · 8 months
Okay, finally back...! I'm home and everything, but it took a LONG, long time to actually get to a position where I can post again, SHEESH...you have no idea what happened. This one's a long one, so I'm putting it under a cut. Jayden, Guy, Gen, I mentioned you here, so please look under there for where that mention is.
(OOC) Back to business as usual, hopefully...! Pelipper Mail is back on and everything is available. Sorry for vanishing for so long!
So after flying back from Mistralton City, work IMMEDIATELY came breathing down my neck because of how I ended up leaving out of nowhere. Which, you know, the league couldn't BLAME me, but still, what I did was...extremely reckless. And really bad for planning around shit.
BUT! But. Nothing happened in my absence. Nothing fucking happened until WE GOT COMPLAINTS FROM THE POWER PLANT. So all of us had to gear up and set out in case Zapdos was acting up, and then it turns out...Voltorb. Lots of Voltorb. So many Voltorb. And ONE. ELECTRODE.
And then there was this guy who talked about how we managed to beat them--because we DID, we just had to fight the Electrode because they were an honorable sort--and some guy was like, "oh man, we really just got bailed out by some guy with three fingers", which, first of all, rude, second of all, what does that matter? I was gonna brush it aside, but then Shia took extreme offense to that on my behalf, and she launched into this whole tirade against the guy...
All of that and a few days' worth of travel (we really didn't wanna fly again and the Magnet Train was down), and we get back to Ecruteak City...only to find out that the multiverse internet we were using COMPLETELY GLITCHED and kicked us off for a while! What the HECK. Pallas had to work at this for WEEKS to get us back, cross-referencing Persephone and trying to get us back online...and now, we're BACK. I missed a LOT, I think.
The Pelipper Mail packages that were being held for us got here just fine, thank goodness...thank you so much, @thatoneguy031, @jayden-the-popplio, your gifts got here just fine (Guy's was very helpful for me, and Pallas loves Jayden's), and everyone else I couldn't say things to over Delibird day, I'm sorry we couldn't talk more! Apologies to Jayden especially...we were trying to discuss something and that's more or less when the internet died.
And @goldenrodchef! I'm okay and all. Didn't mean to make you and the other eebies worry about me when things went silent. I'll be trying to hop on the groupchat with some decent regularity soon, Pallas says it should work fine.
Here's hoping everything continues to work for the foreseeable future!
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My apartment complex said yes to my flyers!!! So I’m ordering a batch of flyers including a discount that’ll go out to new tenants. Fingers crossed I gain some traction !
Also, we might be getting two bunnies on Thursday! I’m scared to get my hopes up in case the owner bails, but she is needing to rehome them 😞 a sad background, but I know M and I are gonna give them such a good life. They’re both still very young. She free roams them and has been looking for a month for good owners that will do the same. The plan is for them to have the spare bedroom and my bathroom (the rooms connect)
I grew up with bunnies and for years now have wanted free roam bunnies. M has finally caved and is excited for bun buns!
I was in college when I got my last rabbit, he was supposed to be an indoor bunny, but my dad was too allergic to him and my mom too allergic to its hay. So he got moved outside with the rest of the buns and I was so sad. We eventually rehomed him because it wasn’t safe to keep him outside when we moved further north.
This is also feeling very identity affirming. Something I’ve been working on in therapy lately. Learning to understand that I can’t go back to who I was pre-trauma, but I can still pull pieces of me into post-trauma me. Connecting back to animals has been so healing. Getting bunnies, which I never lived without before I was 20, just feels right.
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galwithalibrarycard · 2 years
Tagged by @sonseulsoleil (thanks Charlie! Can’t wait to read more of your Heartstopper fics and see what you write for LOTR!) and by @monstrous-femme (I was gonna tag you in this, but you beat me to it!)
< Share the first lines of ten of your most recent fanfics, then tag ten people! If you’ve written less than ten, don’t be shy and share anyway. <
(From most to least recently posted on my AO3, so these are circa 2022 and 2021.)
1. plausible deniability (Beadick, Lolilo)
Beatrice Duke does not sneak into other people's empty flats, and certainly not to make out with her ex-boyfriend. She doesn't even have an ex-boyfriend! That is, not anymore.
What she does have is Ben, and that feels like a miracle, after they’d all but fallen apart under months of missed texts and truncated video calls and so many hours between them. As it turns out, though, even long-distance had proven less painful than actively staying away from each other has been.
2. diamonds (Satine/Nini, Moulin Rouge the Musical, rated M)
Nini is beautiful, and sensuous, and makes Satine’s blood boil. She’s the only person at the Rouge who isn’t intimidated by the mystique of the Sparkling Diamond. The only one brave enough to smack her on the ass on her way offstage or criticize her to her face when Satine drops a note or flubs a dance step, rare though that is. She challenges her.
3. a single thread of gold (Malina, Shadow & Bone, Modern AU)
She walks into the restaurant and there he is, at the table in the corner with his hands in his pockets and his long legs crossed lazily. Mal has his gaze trained on the couple in the center of the room, a blond boy in a too-fancy suit and a dark-haired girl in a blue cocktail dress. Mal and Alina are supposed to be watching for a signal, in case their friend Zoya wants them to bail her out of the blind date they’d set her up on.
4. what happens in group chat (Meg Winter & Beadick, Lolilo, post-canon texting fic)
Meg Winter’s Phone
Group Chat with: Bea babe, Bendy-dick
Meg: hey are you guys coming to my Oscars party next month? Tryna plan ahead
Bea babe: you’re having a party?!
Meg: duh, I’m an entertainment journalist I have to celebrate the Oscars Bea babe: nice, we’ll save the date then
Meg: speaking of save the dates…
Bea babe: shut up
5. with pure and piercing certainty (Malina, Shadow and Bone, winter fete canon divergence)
The shadow general has cold, cold eyes. As Kirigan sneers at him, those eyes fill Mal with a mortal fear, because this man has had Alina in his power for months. A man with eyes like that- he could have done anything to her, to make her serve him, to keep her from writing, all these months. There will be no waiting for an escort or a summons. Mal needs to find Alina now.
6. you keep me up at night (Offspring (TV), Nina x Zara, rated E)
Nina Proudman’s mouth goes dry. She’s lying in her bed, and in front of her is Zara Perkich, clad only in a lacy black g-string and a positively dirty smirk.
“Like what you see?” she asks, knowing the answer by the dilation of Nina’s pupils and her sudden inability to produce words.
7. on the doorstep (Beadick, Lolilo, Bea is in on the rules for matchmaking reasons)
“It’s 9:45, Benedick, you’re being ridiculous!” Beatrice snaps, her fingers curled around the doorframe so he can’t shut her out. It’s only been a day, and she’s already done with this tent business.
“I’m sorry, it’s the rules-” Ben starts, going pink with embarrassment.
8. in every universe (Beadick, NMTD/Lolilo)
i. Game of Thrones
“We’d be so dead in this universe,” Ben points out as the GoT credits roll. “We’d still find each other first, of course, and you’d try to seize the throne at some point for sure.”
9. Short Shorts and Knee-Highs (Beadick, NMTD/Lolilo, post-canon)
Beatrice finds her boyfriend lounging on the little loveseat in their hotel room, his head propped up on one couch arm. Ben is channel surfing with the tv volume off, clearly lost in the kind of enjoyable boredom you only experience on holiday. His body is too long for the shitty little hotel couch, legs dangling over the edge of the far armrest. He looks up and smiles as she walks in.
10. A Shower of Sparks (Malina, Shadow and Bone)
From the moment she lays eyes on Mal in the woods, Alina feels that she can breathe again.
Being in the Little Palace was like stuffing herself into a smaller and smaller box every day, despite the good friends she’d made there and the rush of using her powers. She shoves aside the shame of having been fooled and toyed with; there’s no time for that now. Now she’s free, under the open sky, with her favorite person in the world by her side again. With her powers released and her hand in Mal’s, she feels better than she has in a long time, maybe ever.
I tag: @nbshrubberry @miz-chase and anyone else who sees this, writes fic, and feels like sharing their work! :)
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ellohcee · 3 years
It Seems Fitting
Summary: (get it cause they meet at the fitting rooms)
Well this is something I’ve had sitting around for a while and it was going to accompany a piece for day 7 of Jaspvid week until the other idea hit me. Since I had this mostly fixed up to post by that time I decided to finish up and post it anyway.
- - - -
David hummed softly as he turned back and forth in the mirror, tugging the dress shirt down a little and trying to see how it rested in the back. He liked it, it looked good with the slacks and vest but he would have to get the seal of approval first. He turned around and opened the door to step out of the dressing room stall, looking down at himself as he did so. “Okay, how does this look?”
David froze because that was most definitely not Gwen, looking up to see a man standing there with a pair of black pants slung over his arm, paused midway to find an open room. He looked nonplussed, but David immediately flushed red in mortification regardless. “OH, I’m- I’m sorry I was expecting my friend to be out here I’m so sorry-” he stammered.
“Hey hey, it’s chill,” the man said with a grin, making David’s stomach flutter. “But for real though, it’s good on you.”
“You really think?” David asked, his shoulders hunching a little closer to his ears.
“Yeah dude. I mean, I’ve been told my fashion sense is shit so take my word with a grain of salt, but I think you look baller,” he said matter-of-factly. “Classy.”
“Oh. Thank you,” David replied, pleasantly surprised.
“David I found you another tie that’s less stupid looking- oh, hey, friend of yours?” Gwen asked as she walked up, looking between the two curiously.
David stammered for a moment before the stranger cut in, rescuing him. “Impromptu outfit rater. I was just tellin’ your boy here he looks-” he paused to click his tongue, rocking a fist side to side with his thumb and pinky extended. “Awesome.”
David flushed as Gwen let out a bark of laughter, giving him a look that doubled his embarrassment and told him he’d never live this down. “You giant dork, did you just barge out here and ask a stranger?”
“I wasn’t looking and I thought you would be out here like you said!” David protested in mortification, his ears and cheeks red as can be and suddenly feeling too hot under the bright lights of the fitting rooms.
“I’m sorry but I had to get a different tie, that one with the pine trees is so fucking stupid,” she shot back while the stranger watched on, obviously amused by their bickering.  
“But I like it,” David whined in protest.
“Fine, let’s ask your new outfit rater,” Gwen teased as David started to protest, holding two ties up to the man while ignoring David’s hurried attempt at intervention. “Which one do you think would go best?”
“Gwen, come on, leave him alone I’ve already bothered him enough-”
“I like the pine trees,” their new friend replied calmly, smiling at their incredulous looks.
Gwen groaned, her eyes rolling so far skyward and her shoulders dropping in defeat. “God, seriously, you too?” she demanded, giving him a betrayed look despite knowing this man for all of two minutes.
“Yeah man! I’m not a big tie guy, but when I am absolutely forced to wear one, I do like me a good fun pattern,” he said, winking at David. “The trees are cute, and the green matches your eyes.”
David’s face went redder, his heart giving a big uncomfortable thump because excuse me pardon but what did the wink mean??
Meanwhile Gwen made a frustrated noise. “Fine, keep your stupid dorky pine trees,” she grumbled, tossing the tie at David and earning a surprised noise as he fumbled to catch it. He blinked down at the tie before looking up to watch Gwen as she left to put the other one back.
David swallowed, looking back over to his impromptu outfit rater. “Um, s-sorry,” he said, trying to smile.
“No worries dude, it’s all good. I’m Jasper, by the way,” he dropped casually, shoving his free hand in his jeans pocket and resting his weight to one side.
“Oh! Uh, David!” the redhead replied pleasantly, straightening out the tie in his hands before he could wrinkle it. “It’s nice to meet you.”
“Likewise,” Jasper grinned, making David’s stomach flip again because gosh what a nice smile he was such a sucker for a nice smile and he was so not prepared to have a conversation with someone so handsome in the dressing room after embarrassing himself like that-
“So Fancy Pants, you guys gettin’ ready for a thing?” Jasper asked, breaking him out of his spiraling thoughts.
“Oh, yes, Gwen insisted that I get something new otherwise she won’t be seen with me,” David murmured, embarrassed.
Jasper laughed kindly. “Well I’m sure you two will look great together no matter what.”
David was about to reply, when something hit him and he suddenly furiously did not want Jasper to think the wrong thing even though they’d probably never see each other again but he had to let it be known- “Oh, no we’re not d-dating,” he corrected hastily, making the other man’s eyebrow quirk slightly, that calm smile still on his face. “But we are going together to a friend’s wedding this weekend, since we’re both single.”
Jasper suddenly blinked, losing his amused look. “This weekend? Long shot, humor me here, but it’s not Deena and Sai, is it?”
David’s mouth dropped open just a tiny bit. “Yes, it is. You know them?”
“Yeah dude, I’m goin too!” Jasper said with a grin, holding his arms out a little. “Sai is one of my buds from high school.”
“Gwen and I have worked with Deena for the last two years,” David said in surprise.
“Small world,” Jasper replied, looking amused and a little… delighted? It was an unexpected break from his so-far casual demeanor that threw David a little bit for a loop. “Well then, I’ll let you get back to it. Hope I see you there, Davey,” he said with another wink, making David’s heart to that stupid flip-flop thing again.
Who gave this perfect stranger authority to send him so completely off kilter?
“Y-yes, see you then,” he said, trying to sound like he hadn’t just been run over.
Jasper’s grin stretched a little wider before he headed down the row of dressing rooms, disappearing into one of the doors.
David let out a shaky breath, trying to compose himself just as Gwen appeared at his side again and made him jump. “Are you still standing here? You been talking to your new boyfriend that long? I don’t blame you, he’s hot.”
“Shhhh!” David shushed her frantically, waving a hand in the direction Jasper had gone as his heart raced double overtime now between the interaction and Gwen’s sudden reappearance. “He’s just down that way,” he whispered, still red, still flustered.
“So what? God, what a dork. Are you gonna get that or what?”
“I’m- I was- you-”
“Come on David I don’t want to be here all day, I want to get lunch,” Gwen insisted, crossing her arms impatiently.
David sighed in frustration, retreating back into the changing room to get back into his normal clothes and most definitely not pouting. “You didn’t even tell me if it looks good,” he mumbled petulantly, just loud enough for her to catch.
“You didn’t need my opinion, you seemed to hold his high enough,” Gwen teased calmly from outside the door, making David go red again. Was he that obvious??
“Gwen, please keep your voice down,” he whined, imagining Jasper several doors down probably hearing at least Gwen’s half of the conversation and maybe his whispering and probably deciding that David was in fact a giant mess and now debating whether or not he actually hoped to see them at the wedding-
“Why? What’s the big deal?”
“Because,” David said pertinently as he gathered up the clothes and opened the door, stepping out. “He is going to the same wedding this weekend,” he hissed, his lips pursing in what liked to think was a stern glare but in all actuality looking like a peeved child.
“What! No way!” Gwen exclaimed as the redhead quickly shuffled her out of the fitting rooms.
“Yes, and I’d rather not be a complete mess if we see him and he overheard,” David grumbled softly.
“Why not? He seemed kinda sweet on you and you were a total mess already, like, near disaster levels and he was still cool,” she mused. “You can talk to him again, maybe get his number!”
“I- nonono, I don’t think he- he wasn’t-” David stammered.
“He totally was,” Gwen shot back. “He low-key complimented your eyes and winked at you, he is not straight.”
David took a shaky breath as something hit him. “Twice,” he said softly in realization.
“He… winked at me again after you left,” he said, embarrassed. “When he said that he… hoped he’d see us there. And he called me Davey.”
Gwen looked incredulous and maybe on the verge of hitting him or strangling him or both if the mood struck her right. “And you still think he’s not interested?? He thinks you’re cute you idiot!! If you don’t find him at that damn wedding and get his number I will end you! Did you at least get his name?” she asked, her tone clearly pleading work with me here.
“Jasper,” David said, hunching his shoulders a little.
“Well at least you got a foot in the door,” Gwen scoffed, her murder plans paused as she gave him a not-so-gentle but still friendly nudge where he’d slowed a little. “Pay for your shit and let’s go eat, then you can sigh and daydream about his smile and whatever all you want.”
“Gwen,” David whined miserably.
- - - -
Nerves ate him up all week as David found himself simultaneously dreading and anticipating seeing Jasper at the wedding. He had a hard time imagining someone so handsome and easygoing would so easily take a shine to his awkward self when he’d been such a disaster, but Gwen was adamant. That didn’t stop him from dreading making a fool of himself again as he stood there sipping from his water at the reception on Saturday. But also meticulously scanning the crowd looking for Jasper...
So what if he’d mentioned David’s eyes. And complimented his outfit. And looked kind of excited to find out they were going to the same wedding. That didn’t mean anything. Gwen insisted he’d been flirting but no one ever flirted with David how was he supposed to know. There was no way Jasper had been flirting with him. Right?
“You got the threads!”
David whirled around in surprise, his heart racing upon seeing Jasper approaching, looking unlawfully handsome in black slacks and a purple dress shirt. He’d rolled up the sleeves and there was the ends of a black tie with little rainbow polka dots hanging from his pants pocket and now it was going to be ten times harder talking to him. He was toeing the line between causal and formal and it just looked so good on him that it wasn’t fair. “J-Jasper,” he greeted, smiling and trying to control the butterflies in his stomach.
“Hey Davey, you look great, just like I said,” Jasper grinned. “Even better without price tags hanging off ya,” he added playfully.
David just barely stifled his surprised laugh. “Thanks, you- you do too. Purple really suits you,” he said shyly.
Jasper didn’t seem the type for formal clothing, judging by the jeans and well-worn t-shirt he’d been in the other day, but he sure pulled this off nicely. It didn’t even seem out of place that he still wore the few colorful woven bracelets David had spotted in the dressing room. It fit him.
“Thanks dude, I can clean up alright sometimes,” Jasper teased, shoving his hands in his pockets. “Where’s your friend? Gwen, right?”
“Yes, she’s talking with Deena and some of the other ladies.”
“She abandoned you? Weak,” Jasper tsked softly. “I’ll hang with you, if that’s cool?”
“O-of course,” David replied, receiving a grin in response that suddenly rendered him a little bit weak.
They talked for a little while about standard casual things, work, hobbies, interests, the stupid stuff Jasper had done with Sai in high school, and David found himself slowly relaxing as time went on. It was getting easier to talk to Jasper, he was so casual and laid back it was like a vortex of calm that was drawing him in, telling him to stop being such an anxious mess. He would love for that to happen, it would be a lot easier of finding someway to see Jasper again in the future if he weren’t a total anxious mess.
But no matter how nervous he was, he couldn’t help but laugh at the cheesy quips and jokes Jasper made, and the other man seemed a tiny bit delighted at every little laugh and giggle he got in response.
Without realizing it, they’d gotten lost in their own little corner of the reception talking for nearly an hour. When the band started playing again after a break and people headed for the dance floor, Jasper’s eyes fixed in that direction. They’d both gone silent when the music started, Jasper’s keen gaze remaining on the crowd for a few moments before suddenly clicking his tongue as if a decision had been made. “Soooo,” he drawled slowly, casual, glancing over at David. “Yoooouu... wanna dance?” he asked hopefully.
David met his eyes in surprise, a blush burning his cheeks as his mind fought to catch up. “I- y-yes, I’d… love to,” he said softly.
Jasper’s face lit up. “Sweet,” he said happily, holding a hand out.
David took in a quiet, shaky breath before placing his hand in Jasper’s and letting the other man lead him over to the dance floor.
“I’m not like… a super great dancer? So do you wanna lead or should I?” Jasper asked, surprising David because he hadn’t even thought about who would lead.
“Oh, um, either way is fine?”
“Well you’re taller, so I think you should,” Jasper said matter-of-factly, turning to David as they found a spot and bringing the redhead’s hand to his waist without missing a beat. He arranged their hands together on the opposite side before resting his free one on David’s shoulder, giving him a disarming grin.
David flushed at the feel of Jasper’s waist under his palm, swallowing. “Well I don’t think that- has anything to do with it- but- okay,” he stammered, moving to start the dance and placing his feet carefully.
“It’s a way to decide and get us dancing sometime today,” Jasper shot back playfully.
“Fair enough,” David laughed softly, watching their feet for a few moments as they continued to move, slowly getting used to the contact. “You’re not that bad!”
“Gimme time, I’ll fuck it up, don’t worry. And that’s not a threat just a promise,” Jasper replied casually, making David laugh again. “That’ll be the true test, how many times can I step on your feet before you get sick of me,” he teased.
“Well, I have to say your charm far makes up for whatever you may lack in dancing,” David replied.
“You think I’m charming?” Jasper asked, his eyes alight.
“It’s hard not to,” David said, smiling at the adorable and sincere delight on his dance partner’s face.
“I’ve been told goofball, dork, manchild, square, way back when anyone but me still said that, but never has my me-ness been described as charming. It’s pretty cool,” Jasper decided. “You’re pretty cool,” he added, grinning.
“Oh, I am not,” David chastised softly.
“Nah dude, seriously, otherwise I wouldn’t be taggin’ after you like a lost puppy,” he laughed, going a little pink actually. “I’m stoked and amazed I haven’t driven you nuts yet.”
“I don’t mind at all,” David replied, smiling at Jasper’s surprised look. “I um, I really like talking with you,” he added.
“Most excellent,” Jasper said, his grin coming back full force and his cheeks going a little darker. It made David feel better to finally not be the only one who was flustered, even if it was only a little on Jasper’s part.
They continued to talk and dance into the next song, and while they kept a respectful inch between them, it was never tense or uncomfortable. Despite Jasper’s earlier insistence that he wasn’t a good dancer, they flowed well together. No one’s feet ever got stepped on and things got even better when the band switched to something a little more upbeat.
People around them started dancing to match the new mood, and Jasper so smoothly pulled David into a new style of dance he took a few moments to adjust. It was… he didn’t know what it was. He thought maybe Jasper was making it up on the spot but then again it kind of seemed like that’s what most people were doing.
“C’mon Davey, loosen up, this is the part where we just wing it and no one gives a shit if we look like dorks,” Jasper teased, lifting David’s hand up and spinning under it so easily and casually that it pulled a delighted laugh from the redhead before he could stifle it.
“There ya go!” Jasper egged happily, the grin nearly splitting his face, his eyes bright and shining under the lights strung above the dance floor.
David’s face was flushed with delight, his own smile rivaling Jasper’s as they fell into a comfortable rhythm together.
They danced, happily oblivious and lost only in each other for some time. Without even realizing when it had happened, David had grown much more comfortable with Jasper. He was still a bit of a mess and the butterflies would not let up the whole time, but it became much easier to talk and joke with the other man.
He wondered where Gwen went, catching glimpses of her through the crowd sometimes but otherwise it was just them. Eventually they decided to break for some water, leaving the dance floor and heading over to the refreshment table to catch their breath. David felt like he was in a dream the whole time, as Jasper seemed perfectly content to stay with him as they leaned against a low stone wall near the venue’s fountain, talking quietly.
He wasn’t sure when it had gotten dark, but a bit of a chill was definitely setting into the evening air, and it made him very aware of Jasper’s close proximity next to him. He could feel the man’s body heat where their arms were nearly touching, creeping in through the fabric of his dress shirt and making David feel warm, hazy.
During a few moments of comfortable silence, David felt his phone buzz in his pocket and took it out to see a text from Gwen.
Want to wrap up your shit? Go in like 30 min? Tired.
When had it gotten so late? Had it been so easy to just get lost for hours with Jasper?
Sure, he texted back, setting his water down so he could use both hands while Jasper glanced curiously at him. I’ll meet you in front at 10:30?
Better, she responded, and he could hear her grumpy, mostly seriously threat even through text.
He smiled, looking up at Jasper. “That was Gwen, she’s almost ready to go and I’m designated driver. So I’ll be leaving at 10:30,” he explained, half because he felt rude for texting next to Jasper, even though there had been a lull in the conversation, and half in apology to cut short their evening.
“That’s cool,” Jasper replied evenly, not quite hiding a touch of disappointment in his voice. He was graceful about it though. “I’m a night owl but I’m feeling ready to bail too. I’ll hang with you until then?” he asked hopefully.
As if David could possibly turn down even a few more minutes with him. “Of course,” he replied, smiling.
He’d completely forgotten about asking for a phone number and now would’ve been the perfect time, but he just found himself soaking up that last little bit of time together. They talked quietly, worn out from dancing and just the overall noise and energy of the reception. Talking about nothing in particular just to talk, and as much as David loved Jasper’s constant jokes and his fun energy, the low, soft tones of his voice now in the calmer atmosphere was soothing, warm.
A few minutes before he was supposed to meet Gwen, they stood up and started heading for the front, passing through the dwindling reception and into the building where the ceremony had taken place, and finally outside again facing the parking lot. They stopped a short distance away from the doors to be out of the way of people leaving, but still visible to Gwen whenever she arrived.
“Soooo,” Jasper drawled playfully, much like he’d done earlier, scuffing his shoe on the pavement with hands shoved in his pockets, the tie still hanging off to one side.
Even though he’d glanced down when they were dancing, David only just now realized that Jasper was wearing all black sneakers, not dress shoes, and it just… fit him. He made it seem like a perfectly normal thing and not at all out of place for the formal event, and David found it very endearing now that he’d noticed. Dress shirt and pants, sneakers and worn out bracelets, and those piercings… It was all so charming. So Jasper. He came out of his little reverie when the other man continued.
“If you think I’m cool enough, you wanna like… hang out sometime?” Jasper asked, looking up with a hopeful grin.
David smiled back, his heart racing excitedly although a little toned down both from being tired and less nervous around the other man. “Yes, that sounds wonderful.”
“Awesome,” Jasper replied, digging his phone out. “Let me just get set up… okay, number?” he asked, typing the digits as David spoke and saving it into his contacts. He kept typing, clicking his tongue as the glow of his phone lit his face in soft blue. “Wig, here’s me,” he added, just before David’s phone buzzed in his pocket. “So you have mine. Well! Where’s your friend at?”
“I’m… not sure,” David frowned, looking around. He’d seen her from a distance but hadn’t talked to her in some time, and he wasn’t sure if that was intentional on Gwen’s part or not. “She’s only a couple minutes late...” he mused, checking his watch with only a little furrow to his brow.
“I’ll wait with you? Or I can help you look for her if you’re worried,” Jasper offered, sounding a little concerned himself.
“Oh- there she is- Gwen!” David called, waving and catching her attention.
“There you are you bitch,” Gwen greeted as she walked up. “Are you two still just flirting or did you get digits yet?” she demanded, poking David in the chest. She wasn’t slurring but she was definitely drunk, he decided.
“I- we- Gwen-”
“Listen,” she said, turning to Jasper and giving him a deadpan look. “He really likes you, but he’s a fuckin’ mess and I saw you two dancing like forever, so please put me outta my misery and say you two are gonna date or somethin, yeah?”
Jasper stood silently through her tirade, gaze flickering to David, who had a hand over his eyes in mortification. He looked back to Gwen, taking everything in surprisingly easy stride. “Well, hopefully,” he said with a grin, seeing David’s hand drop as the ginger stared at him, wide eyed and blushing. “We did phone numbers and I was planning on asking him out, sooo...” he trailed off, eyes flickering briefly to David with a warm smile.
“Well good!” Gwen insisted, poking Jasper now to emphasize her point. “Cause he’s a weenie and you gotta ask him, otherwise he’ll just be a sad little shit and tell me you don’t like him and whine about how hot you are and how nice your stupid smile is I’ve heard all about it-”
“Okay, Gwen, sweetheart, I think that’s enough please, thank you so much,” David interrupted softly, a little frantic, setting his hands on her shoulders. “How much did you have to drink?” he asked with a frown.
“Daviiid, it’s a fuckin’ wedding, you’re supposed to get plastered,” she complained.
“All the same, I think it’s time we get you home, alright?” he asked, steadying her as she wobbled a little in her heels, the first physical sign that she was feeling the alcohol. Definitely a good time to take her home, both to rest and before she made an unfortunate step in those heels.
“Whatever mom,” she shot back.
“Want a hand?” Jasper asked sympathetically.
“Please,” David replied softly, ducking under one of Gwen’s arms just as she waved her hand dismissively before their new friend could help.
“I can walk David for fuck sake, just gimme a second to get out of these heels from hell-” she grumbled, bending one leg at the knee and hanging onto David as she slipped the shoe off, before repeating with the other and pushing away from him. “Jesus christ, mother hen,” she huffed, holding the shoes by the straps and walking towards the car as the men trailed after her like ducklings.
David trotted ahead a little to unlock and open the passenger door, dutifully allowing Gwen to clamp onto his shoulder as she got into the car, making sure her dress and hands were safely inside before shutting the door. He sighed, straightening up and turning back to Jasper. “Well, thank you, for… everything today,” he said shyly.
“Course, thanks for hangin’ with me,” Jasper replied, holding his hand out.
David blinked, hesitating only briefly before relenting and placing his hand in Jasper’s once more. The other man brought it up and kissed his knuckles, making David flush. If he wasn’t already smitten, the hopeless romantic in him would’ve taken a nose dive off a cliff over that small, but tender gesture. Hell, he had anyway. It was still sinking in that Jasper liked him, wanted to ask him on a date, and he’d momentarily pushed that out of his head while making sure Gwen got to the car okay-
“I had a great time with you,” Jasper said softly, giving his fingers a gentle squeeze and pulling him out of his spiral. “And I really meant it, that I’d like to take you on a date sometime, if that’s cool?” he asked, giving a hopeful look.
David took a shaky breath, smiling. “I’d like that.”
“Rad,” Jasper said, a wide grin lighting up his face.
The torrent of butterflies in his stomach was so strong, and he was so high on cloud nine and a little bit of panic from everything, that before he could overthink it David found himself leaning in and placing a quick kiss on Jasper’s cheek.
Now it was Jasper’s turn to look gobsmacked, as he flushed bright from the action. “Oh, wow, double rad,” he whispered.
David giggled softly, gesturing over his shoulder to the car. “I’d- I’d better get her home.”
“Yeah, yeah, course, take care of Gwen,” Jasper said, releasing David’s hand finally and ruffling his hair nervously, looking a little shell shocked. “Drive safe, yeah?” he grinned, still pink in the cheeks.
“I will, you do the same,” David replied, his smile growing. “Bye Jasp, talk to you soon?”
“Absolute,” Jasper replied, shoving one hand in his pocket and giving a mock salute with the other. “Bye Davey,” he said happily, walking backwards a few paces before whirling around midstep to practically float off to his own car.
David took a deep, steadying breath and let it out slow, unable to keep the silly look off his face as he watched Jasper disappear among the departing guests, his heart still pounding in joy and disbelief...
“Hey!” Gwen barked from inside the car, startling him both with her shout and the loud slap of her palm hitting the window. “Let’s go pinetree, sometime tonight!”
David took one more breath and turned to walk around to the driver’s side, pointedly ignoring Gwen’s rude gesture.
Despite her tendency to get ornery when drunk, Gwen still offered him a playful congratulations on ‘bagging his man’ once they were on the road and heading home. She teased him the whole way about the way they’d been connected at the hip since finding each other, and it confirmed his suspicions that she’d ditched him to give him time alone with Jasper. Why he’d seen her only in passing all night as she seemed to avoid him.
Which was why he was very sincerely thankful this one time to be abandoned by a friend at a social gathering. This thought found him smiling fondly the whole way walking Gwen to her apartment, keeping an arm around her as she fumbled keys out of her purse and unlocked the door. Despite more protests, she allowed herself to be escorted inside and to her bedroom.
David carefully unraveled her hair of it’s pins and twists, got her a glass of water while she changed, and made sure drank at least half of it before bidding her goodnight and leaving, making certain the lights were off and the door was locked on his way out.
Once he was finally home and able to start getting himself ready for bed, his ears rang in the blessed silence after listening to the sounds of the wedding all day. He’d changed and brushed his teeth by the time his phone buzzed, and David was ridiculously elated to see Jasper was already texting him.
J: Hey, sorry for the late text, just wanted to make sure you got home okay and Gwen is good.
D: We’re both fine, thank you. I got her situated and I’m at home now.
J: Cool, good to hear.
D: Thanks again for today, I had a really great time.
J: Yeah totes, me too! I’m really glad the wedding came up cause I thought you were real cute but there’s no smooth way to ask for someone’s number in a changing room without looking like a creep, ya dig?
David giggled softly, flushing.
D: I don’t think I would have minded but I’m glad it worked out how it did. Besides Gwen getting in your face at the end there.
J: No big, she’s cool, outspoken. I like her. Anyway, it’s really late so I’ll leave you alone. Talk to you later?
D: Sounds good. Thanks again, and goodnight.
J: Night!
David let out a happy sigh as he set his phone down, almost unable to believe how lucky he was. He didn’t know what Jasper saw in him, but he wouldn’t argue. He really hadn’t even expected to have that great of a time at the wedding, let alone meet anyone. He’d expected to stay close to Gwen, talk to Deena and Sai and maybe some other people from work the couple had invited. He certainly hadn’t expected to dance with anyone but Gwen.
Then along comes Jasper, looking happy to see him, chatting with him, asking him to dance. He’d never expected someone so fun and handsome to be interested in his dorky self, but Jasper really seemed to like him. He stared at the ceiling of his bedroom in the dark that night, still smiling like an idiot as that sweet but casual kiss to his hand replayed on loop in David’s head, all the while wondering how soon he might see Jasper again.
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kckenobi · 4 years
wOoOooo I finally finished this Bail and Obi-Wan whumptober fic which took FOREVER for some reason, and so I am once again having many feelings about Wild Space at 1 am and honestly that’s pretty on brand for me
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fairyysoup · 2 years
thoughts on an Eddie with a pastors daughter? 👀
ahaha. this started as a headcanon post and then the smut popped off and then my hand slipped and now it's too long to even be a drabble so. boney apple teeth
the pearl rosary
pairing(s): eddie munson x pastors daughter!reader
summary: Eddie's not religious, but he'll listen to you praying all day.
words: 3.7k
warnings: explicit (18+ MINORS DNI), smut, unprotected sex, car sex, semi-public sex, oral (f receiving), fluids play, choking, pull-out, dom!eddie, perv!eddie, mild stalking, sacrilege, religious themes, praying during sex, rosary used as a leash, hozier references ofc
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Eddie doesn't go to church, okay? The only thing even slightly religious about him is the cross on his finger, and that's just for looks. He doesn't know a lot about religion besides what he read about Jonestown (that was a whole fixation he had one summer that still persists, don't ask him about Jim Jones unless you want a full in-depth, documentary narration-style explanation of the entire thing.)
Does he believe in a god? Debatable.
He does attend church one time, though, and it's at the behest of Uncle Wayne, who was invited by a coworker's wife. He owes it to Wayne for bailing him out the last time Hop arrested him for possession anyways.
The church is tucked away in some trees and has really intricate stained glass windows, so the only light that comes in is a pretty sort of violet, that washes everything in an ethereal glow. The pews are tiny and the air is heavy with incense, and it feels a little like the new age spiritual shop he wandered into one time in Indianapolis to look at the hand crafted bongs. (Alas, he still wants one.)
He's distracted by the murals all over the walls, though. Nobody ever told him religious art was so horrific. There’s a guy being stabbed to death, angels fleeing from the scene as his murderer drives a knife through his chest. Under the painting, there’s a plaque that reads The Martyrdom of Saint Matthew.
But then you shuffle past, and he's completely distracted by something else entirely.
He's always been a sucker for the sweet-and-innocent type, and you fit the bill completely. Mary-Janes and a bow on the front of your blouse and everything. You're holding something that looks like a necklace in your hands with a crucifix on it. It's this really pretty pearlescent color that shines milky white the purple light from the stained glass windows, cascading over your knuckles and reminding him, perversely, of when he comes all over his hand while jerking off, and jesus h-
He's in a church.
Eddie opens his mouth to say something to get your attention, but then he clears his throat and sounds a little like he's gonna choke up a hairball, and you turn to look at him with this absolutely horrified look on your face. There's a moment where you stare at each other- him, fist against his mouth, trying to come up with something to say and dying inside a bit, and you just trying to figure out what this guy, who looks like a Guns N' Roses reject, is doing in your dad's church.
Eddie finally collects himself enough to say, "I, uh. I like your necklace."
You look down at the rosary in your hands, and you giggle. "Thanks, but, uh... they're prayer beads. It's... really bad form to wear them as a necklace, actually."
Eddie feels stupid. "Oh, right."
Bless him, you can tell that he's trying. He also looks immeasurably uncomfortable to be there, and like he wasn't sure how to even dress- Wayne wouldn't let him wear the battle vest or the leather jacket or a band shirt, so he's sporting no outerwear and a plain black shirt and black jeans.
The rings are still on, though. You motion to them. "I like your cross."
He smiles at you prettily. "I like yours. What prayers do you say with the beads?"
You manage to explain most of how to pray the rosary to Eddie by the time your father steps up to the podium to start his sermon, and the entire time Eddie’s staring at you like you’re something precious. And that's pretty much how it begins.
Now, Eddie's not going to keep coming to church just to talk to you. He's a little selfish in that he's not gonna bore the shit out of himself for a couple words from you every Sunday. He's not religious, and he won't pretend to be for your sake.
It's okay. You like it that he's not religious.
He sees you in town. Goes out of his way to bump into you when you're running errands, more like- in the grocery store, walking out of the hair salon, going to the library. He tries to be as helpful as he can, opening doors and carrying your books and bags and such.
(He cornered Mrs. Walker, who invited him and Wayne to church in the first place, and asked her very pointed questions about you. She sang like a canary. He finds out your dad is the pastor of the church, and that makes it even worse. It makes him want you worse.)
You always look so cute and proper, your hair done up all nice and your outfits neat and tidy. He can't help it. He wants to ruin you.
He doesn't recognize you from school, so he takes the opportunity to ask you one day when he crosses paths with you. "I go- went- to Our Lady Of Peace in Indianapolis. Graduated last year, though."
Be still his beating heart. An all-girls private school.
To his pleasure, he discovers that you're something of a flirt, in your own way. You're quick to give him a gentle ribbing or start preaching at him, "did you read your bible quotes today, Munson? Say your Hail Marys?" although there's no real weight to your words. Sometimes he wonders if you’re really as religious as all that, or if it’s just for appearances to make your father happy.
You could just be a bit of a brat, but he'll figure it out eventually.
What makes him finally lose all composure, though, is the day he sees you coming out of Circle K while he's smoking outside of it. Y'know, like you do during the summer in Hawkins, Indiana.
He's not.. he's not spying on you, no siree. Just because you happen to exit the gas station with a slushie in one hand and a bunch of grocery bags in the other, while he's flat on his ass on the curb beside the ice freezer, does not mean he's spying on you. 
You're wearing this sweet white number with purple flowers on it, a scooping neckline and a skirt that hits just below your fingertips. Very fetching, but still modest for the summer of '86. Until a breeze blows.
Your hands are too full to catch your skirt in time, and a little squeak leaves you when your skirt blows up a bit, Marilyn Monroe-style. Eddie glances up as he takes a puff of his cigarette, and gets a full view of your bare ass, no panties in sight. And he nearly sucks his entire cigarette into the back of his throat.
What. On God's green Earth.
His voice is already shaking by the time he manages to quit coughing long enough to say your name, and you whirl around, looking like you've just been caught at the devil's sacrament or something.
"Eddie. Did you-? What are you doing down there?"
"Taking in the view." He points across the street. There's a cow grazing in a field. Good ol’ Hawkins scenery. "Need help with those bags?"
And that's how he gets you into his car.
Now, Wayne has done very well to raise Eddie as a gentleman. That's not to say Eddie isn't still a pervert, because of course he is, but he doesn't proposition you immediately.
He waits for the tension to get unbearable. And then he propositions you.
Your skirt rides up your thighs, drawing his eyes toward you more than the road. He wants his head to be between them more than anything, knowing fully well that you have nothing on beneath that little scrap of fabric. You keep staring at his fingers on the steering wheel, the way his clunky rings tap on the metal, the way the tendons in his wrist flex when he tightens his grip.
You catch each other looking at the same time. His smirk turns absolutely devilish.
"You really want to go home, sweetheart?"
You tell him to pull into the church parking lot. Mostly because you know the church is empty right now and there's some tree cover around it, but also because it's just so damn filthy. All the things you want to do to him, all the pent up sexual frustration, and you have this beautiful boy in the car beside you, all to yourself. You can hardly contain yourself.
Eddie barely gets the car in park before you're sliding across the seat and swinging your leg over his lap. He can feel the damp heat of your wet cunt pressed against the fabric of his jeans, and he nearly creams himself right there. Your lips are on his and he can taste the cherry flavor of your slushie on your tongue, the coolness of it from the ice almost refreshing in the summer heat.
He's wanted this for weeks. He didn't figure you'd be the one to kiss him first.
"Not such a good little Christian girl, are you?" His voice is hard, but his hands are soft when they slide under your skirt and cup your bare ass. "What would daddy think?"
You whimper. You really don't want to be thinking about your dad right now, because it just reminds you how wrong all of this is. How you ran into the ladies' room to take off your panties and shove them into your purse as soon as you saw Eddie outside the Circle K. How guilty you're probably going to feel after all of this raw heat and tension is over-
But then Eddie rocks you against him, and the feeling of his stiff cock grinding up against your bare cunt through his jeans has all thought of regret and guilt flying out of your head
"See what you do to me, dirty girl? Going around with no panties on under this skirt. What if someone saw you, huh?"
Someone did see you. That's why you're here.
He lets you kiss him, grind against him, as much as you want. And you'll admit, you're starved for it. Not a lot of hard-ons to rub up against in an all-girls school, and ever since you graduated you feel like you've been under lock and key. You just need so badly to let go, even for just an afternoon.
When Eddie finally pulls his cock out of his pants, you’re practically panting into his mouth. Your hands twisting the front of his shirt in your fists, you can barely stop rocking against him long enough for him to drag his length through your dripping folds.
“Christ, how are you so wet?” Eddie hisses, his hips bucking as he tries to position you properly.
“Language,” you have the presence of mind to whimper, a weak reminder of where you are. Though, the sound of him swearing only gets you more turned on. 
He scoffs. “You expect me to believe you care about that? Look at what you’re doing, sweetheart.” 
His cock stretches you so wide. It’s not your first time- which was painful, and awkward, and the exact opposite of sexy in any sense- but heaven help it if it isn’t the best you’ve ever felt. Your eyes fall to where you’re joined, skin flush against skin, your cunt wrapped around him and welcoming him even further. 
You want to move. You have to move. It’s the only thing that’s right.
“Eddie,” you whisper, your voice sounding too strained and weak in your throat. Your hands shake, tugging at his shirt. Your face burns. You want him naked. You want to feel his skin against yours. 
“It’s okay, baby, you’re doing so good for me,” he coos softly, gazing up at you with wide, dark eyes as he pulls you closer to his chest. His hand strokes across your face, a soothing touch to calm your overwhelmed system. “Have you said your prayers today?”
You open your mouth, but all that comes out is a rush of breath when he rocks you forward against him, his cock brushing up against something impossibly soft and sensitive inside you. 
“You better say them, sweetheart,” Eddie encourages gently, his hand leaving your face to reach for your purse, on the seat beside him. His fingers latch around pearlescent beads, dragging them slowly out of the bag. “Just to be on the safe side, hm?”
A pair of pink panties comes tumbling out of the bag, snagged on the crucifix at the end of your pretty rosary. Eddie smirks, snatching them up before you notice what he’s found.
You’re too focused on the feeling, starting to rock on his lap so that his pubes grind up against your clit, searching for some sort of stimulation because he won’t move. Truthfully, it’s not because he’s lazy, it’s because Eddie wants to watch you use him. He’s getting off on the thought that you’ve been dying for it just as much as he has. He likes seeing you so desperately needy, taking your pleasure from him and working yourself on him, when you’ve been trying to appear like an innocent little good girl all this time. 
You don’t feel the string of beads until they’re digging into your skin, the loop thrown over your head and wound around your neck. Eddie’s clutching them, pulling you down against his lips by the chain of pearls. 
“Eddie,” you whimper, your hands clawing up to cup his jaw. “Not a necklace. Bad form.”
“Bad form?” he parrots at you, rolling his hips up to meet yours. You both moan in tandem, and his hand slides up the chain of pearls to tighten it around your throat like a choker. “Bad form to be riding my cock in a church parking lot, angel.”
You think you could die right here, but you don’t know which way you’d be going after the fact. 
“Go on, baby,” Eddie says lovingly, lifting the crucifix to your lips as if he isn’t tightening the chain around your neck with his other hand. “Show me how you pray. I think I’ve got a lot to learn.”
Your breath doesn’t want to come into your lungs, stuttering across your lips when he hitches you up by the hips and tugs you back down onto him. You grasp the crucifix with a shaky hand, closing your eyes as if it’ll make what you’re doing any less sinful. 
“Our Father, who art in Heaven-” a whine punches from your chest when he thrusts his hips up into yours. “Hallowed… hallowed be thy n-name..? Thy kingdom come, thy will be done. On Earth, as it is in Heaven.”
“My god,” Eddie whispers, and you have the mind to smack him. He listens to you recite the prayer to the end, fingers stroking the crucifix at the end of the chain like you’ve fallen into the routine of it. It comes as second nature once you begin, not even really focusing on the words as they come. 
You move your finger to the first bead on the chain. “Hail Mary, full of grace. The Lord is with thee- shit! ”
Eddie laughs at your slip-up, but the only reason that you do is because he’s turning you, your legs thrown across the dashboard and over the back of the front seat of the van as he settles on top of you. Your purse digs uncomfortably into your lower back, creating a bend in your spine where you otherwise would be laying flat. 
He sinks his cock back into your wet cunt, gliding with ease and reaching the very end of you. The moan that you make is guttural, an animalistic noise unleashing from the back of your throat. 
“Keep going, sweetheart,” he prompts softly, but his voice is shaky and his eyes are dark and wide. His finger comes up to twist the chain of pearly beads around his knuckle, bringing it to his lips as he gazes into your eyes. “Hail Mary, full of grace…”
“The L-lord is with thee…?” You reach up, your fingers skimming Eddie’s lips where it touches the beads. You fumble over your words, but manage to finish the prayer. You manage to finish it three times over, actually, while he pumps his cock inside you with thrusts that rock the car. If anyone were to even take a glance at the van, it would be obvious to them what’s taking place inside, and the thought makes your toes curl. 
“Oh, Eddie, I can’t take it.” Your voice is breathy, whiny, the words burning in your throat. You’re so close to coming, it’s right there, and he just won’t stop. 
“You can take it, baby, I know you can,” he insists, his hand coming up to grab the windowsill above your head. Eddie’s eyes flutter shut, his hips grinding up against yours so perfectly that you make a small squeak in the back of your throat, and all your muscles lock down around him. 
Eddie curses against the touch of your finger and the pearl on his lips, and he pulls his hips back just at the last split second. Hot cum spills across your cunt and onto your thighs, your hips bucking up to try to find his again. 
You drop your head back, eyes screwed shut to stave off the frustrated tears that want to bubble out. God, you were so close. So close. He couldn’t have lasted one more second?
Eddie huffs a breath, glancing down at your face. He knows with just a look where you’re at, what you’re too shy to voice. You didn’t come. And Eddie Munson is, first and foremost, a gentleman. 
Perverted, yes. But a gentleman. 
“Eddie, wh-?” You nearly jump as he sinks his body down between your legs, cramming himself back against the driver’s side door. 
“Made a mess of you, sweetheart,” he says simply. “And you look so pretty like this, but m’gonna clean you up.”
His tongue licks deeply, like he’s searching through you for every drop of arousal and cum he can find. He avoids your clit, though, and you can tell it’s a conscious decision, because he refuses to go where your hands tug him. 
Eddie feels you getting desperate, hips lurching against his face and your hands pulling relentlessly at his long hair. He gazes up at you from between your thighs, half obscured by the skirt of your dress that’s bunched up around your middle in a giant white and purple cloud. 
“Being so good for me, angel. You got one more to do, see?” He reaches up, pinching the last isolated bead on your rosary before the medallion. “You can say one more for me, can’t you?”
You suck in a short breath, your fingers falling to caress the pearl in his. “Glory be… to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.”
Eddie lowers his head. He licks a long line up your thigh, cleaning off a thick smear of his cum as he goes, leaving a trail of saliva in his wake. Your breath stutters in your chest, because he meets your gaze as he does, and his eyes are black as sin.
“As it was in the beginning, it is now, and ever shall be,” your words come out rushed and hollow. His breath hits your swollen cunt, pulsing and needy for him. “World without end.”
His lips wrap around your clit, and he sucks hard. All the air in your lungs rushes out at once, your hands latching onto the back of the seat and the A/C vent beside your head, trying to hold yourself in place when you come. 
It’s devastating. Your head arches backwards, and without thinking, you cry out, “OH FUCK!”
“Amen to that,” Eddie chuckles, sending waves of vibration through your shuddering limbs. His tongue caresses every inch of you, until there’s not a drop of cum (his or yours) for him to clean up. He takes his time with it, far longer than it takes for you to finish orgasming against his face, until you’re beyond overstimulated and every pass of his tongue over you makes you fidget. 
He touches your clit with his tongue one last time, and you jerk away from him so suddenly that he laughs, and pats your thigh soothingly. “I think we’re done.”
You hum, running your fingers through soft strands of his hair. The air in the car smells like sex and sweat, the windows long fogged up. You lay like that in comfortable silence; your legs wrapped around the middle of his torso, and his head fit comfortably in the dip between your breasts. 
(His legs have fallen asleep where they’re jammed awkwardly down into the hollow beneath the steering wheel, but he won’t mention it to you. He doesn’t want to get up yet.)
He listens to your heartbeat for a very long time, so long that something occurs to him that… definitely should have occurred to him before he fucked you. He thinks he knows the answer, but he can never be too sure. “Was that your first time?”
You blink your eyes open, your fingers pausing in their route through his hair. You’re trying to gauge his tone of voice. He sounds nothing but… hesitant. Hesitant to ask the question, and hesitant to know the answer. 
“No,” you tell him honestly, and he visibly relaxes. He can’t help it. His eyes fall shut, a long breath escaping through his nose and tickling across your chest. “Why- did you sleep with me because you thought I was a virgin?”
“No! No.” He picks his head up, and he looks so serious. “I didn’t. Honestly, it doesn’t… I don’t mind either way. But I just figured, y’know. If that had been your first time, and I’d known, I, uh- I mean, I would’ve been more gentle about it.”
“You mean you wouldn’t have used my rosary as a leash?”
He laughs at that. “Yeah, I wouldn’t have… and there would have been a bed. And rose petals. And candles.”
“Sounds nice,” you hum thoughtfully. “Could still do it.”
Eddie’s heart warms in his chest. “Better late than never, right?”
“Well, how else am I gonna test what you learned today?” You watch his eyes widen when you grab the string of pearls and pull the loop over your head, and lower it over his. “I hope you were paying attention.”
Eddie grins. He knew you would be a brat.
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duckugou · 3 years
Helloooooooooooo I got so excited to see you rb that smut prompt list. Could I request #38 with Shiggy? It just screams fwb to lovers and damn if that ain’t just ✨my cup of tea✨
Too shy to ask off anon but can confirm I am over 18 😊
Thank you sm either way!
I love uuuu
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38. "We passed “just friends” about 20 fucks ago”
good old Shiggy + Fem bodied reader
Come to my smut prompt game!!!
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CW: scary scumbag random guy in the beginning, fingering, overstim, squirting, praise, "Princess" "Baby", light choking, kinda cringe-, cumming inside, not much aftercare mentioned
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Shigaraki was a staple in your life. He was someone you met when you were in college, out in a bar, and you needed someone to bail you out from a random creep that was hitting on you.
"C'mon baby. You're dressed like that and you dont wanna come back to my place?" This fucking guy would not leave you alone.
Shoving his nasty hands off of your thigh- again- you attempted to walk away. "I fucking said no tha-"
His hand met yours as your tried turning away and your heart was in your throat.
"You're gonna come home with me." He said, menacingly.
"Hey. What the fuck do you think youre doing with my partner you freak?" A voice said from behind you, making your heart rate pick up more.
"Your partner? Doubt it. No self-respecting man would let their partner come out lookin like this." He scoffed at you, throwing your hand to your side.
"No self respecting man would continue to grab someone after theyve said no. Fuck off." You turned around and saw a beautiful light haired man with an angry look on his face.
"Fucking christ- fuck this. Dumb whore aint worth this." The man finally gave up, walking away.
Letting out a breath you didnt know you were holding in, you put your hand on your chest.
"Thank you so much, I-" You started.
"No worries. Fuckin hate guys like that." He scratched his neck lightly.
"I'm uh- Y/n." You said, offering your right hand.
"Shigaraki." He shook your hand delicately, finally smiling at you.
Once the night was finished, you found yourself in Shigaraki's cab home, allowing yourself to join him in his bed. Shockingly enough, no sex was had. Well not that night. After that night, you were inseparable. Every time his group of friends got together, you were there and vice versa. You were attached at the hip. It was innocent enough at first, but soon enough, your feelings got to the both of you.
During Dabi's birthday party, Shiggy's hands were all over you as you were both drunk. in the middle of a crowded room, his lips fell on your neck and you didn't stop him. You didnt want to. In fact, you wanted more.
He took you to the bathroom and fucked your brains out on the counter. For a first time- wasnt too romantic. But as you would soo find out, neither of you were ready for romance anyways.
The day after the party, the two of you met for your usual hangover coffee date. "Date". Whatever. It was more awkward than usual- until Shiggy broke the silence.
"It doesnt have to be... weird now. Right?"
"No yeah I was gonna say... We dont have to change anything." You sighed.
"Only thing I want to change is the amount of sex we have." He laughed.
"Honestly... I'm okay with that." You agreed, thinking about how he felt buried inside of you.
"Cool... So!" He changed the subject, not allowing you to dwell on it any further. But the both of you knew the feelings ran deeper than lust.
Your friends always asked about the two of you- asking when you'd make it official. But neither of you answered. Neither of you talked to other people. Both of you posted each other on your stories. You had playlists for each other for fucks sake! But a label? Never seemed to cross your mind.
Fast forward a few months to a rainy ass lazy Sunday and it was your usual movie day. It was a ritual for Shiggy to come over to your place and turn on a shitty movie on Netflix before either falling asleep, ordering food, or burying his cock as deep in you as he could.
"Get me popcorn of fucking perish!" You threw a pillow at him from your neatly decorated couch.
"You bitch- youre lucky youre my favorite!" He shouted, dodging the pillow and shuffling into the kitchen.
After scrolling through movies, you let destiny decide for you as you closed your eyes and picked blindly.
"Move over." Shiggy appeared in the living room again, shoving you down the couch.
"Fatass." You muttered, looking at his face morph into fake shock.
"What did you pick?" He asked, handing you the popcorn and moving your legs to rest on his, allowing you to lay down comfortably on the couch.
"I dunno- let destiny pick." You shoveled some popcorn into your mouth, enjoying how comfortable you were.
"Greeaaatttt." He rolled his eyes, resting his hands on your legs.
"Shut up you big baby- enjoy what the universe has chosen for us!" You tossed a handful of popcorn at him, making him scoff.
20 minutes into the shitty movie, you were out of popcorn and Shiggy's fingers had begun tracing your legs. Both of you had no intention of paying any mind to the movie. You looked at him, watching his fingers and eyes get closer to your core.
"Whatcha doin down there?" You whispered, making him look at you.
"Mmmm nothin." He replied, letting his fingers get even closer to the center of your legs.
He let his fingers ghost over your shorts, your thighs subconsciously spreading to allow easier access.
"Not into the movie?" He asked sarcastically.
"Mmnm. Not even a little." You sighed.
"Good." Was all he said before pulling your comfy shorts to the side, admiring the fact that you didn't wear any panties.
His fingers easily spread your lips apart, making you gasp at the air that met your core.
"Shit, already wet huh? And no panties?" He mumbled.
"Just for you, Shiggy."
He mentally groaned, wanting to hear you moan his first name. Something always stopped you from saying Tomura during sex. Maybe it was too intimate. A line you werent sure you could cross.
"Good job, always ready for me, huh?"
A moan left your lips as he started sliding his fingers up and down your slit, earning a smile from him.
"Please-" You whimpered, already wanting more.
"God, you are so fucking-" One finger entered your tight hole. "-Needy."
"Oh god-" You sighed out, knowing this is what you'd wanted all day.
"You been real good to me today, baby. Might jus' spoil ya." He said, making you whine.
"Been so- good." You agreed, feeling a second finger stretch you out. "Mm- fuck!"
"There you are, so pretty for me." His cock was getting harder by the second, making him thankful he wore sweats instead of jeans.
"Want more baby?" He asked, toying with your clit with his thumb.
"Y-yeah!" You tried grinding your hips against his hand.
"Gonna have to ask nicely baby." He reminded you, holding your hips down with his free hand.
"Pleasepleaseplease-" You muttered, needing more.
"There you go, good job." He pushed a third finger in, reaching that sweet spot so perfectly, making you cry out. His fingers worked diligently to hit the spot that made you scream over and over while holding your hips down as well as he could.
His cock was straining against his pants at this point, impossibly hard.
"G-nna cum!" You yelled out, making him forget about the pain in his cock, focusing on moving his fingers even faster.
"Go ahead baby, cum all over my fuckin fingers." He urged you with a husk need in his voice.
You let go all over his fingers, and he didn't stop.
"Shig-gy!" You tried to tell him it was too much but couldnt get the words out. He worked even harder at your g-spot, needing to see you squirt the way you always did for him.
Your vision went white and your hands gripped the couch as best as they could as you made a mess all over the couch and Shiggy's legs.
"Good girl there it is, good fuckin girl. Just like that." He praised you, making it hard for you to breathe.
Finally pulling his fingers out of your tight hole, he picked you up and walked your still twitching body to your bed.
"Made a mess out there, huh princess?" He snickered, making your eyes water from embarrassment- the way they always do. " 'S okay, baby. You did so well." He assured you, laying you on the bed and stripping his pants off of his body.
"Shiggy- your cock-" You wanted him so bad you couldnt even form words.
"All for you, princess." He yanked your legs to the edge of the bed, wasting no time and lining his cock up with your wet pussy.
"Please- fuck me-" Your mindless blabbering was halted by a sigh when Shiggy's cock was pushed past your still tight entrance.
"Fuck- how the fuck are you so tight-" He asked, bottoming out inside of you, making your eyes roll to the back of your head.
Not bothering to let you adjust, he pulled out and thrusted back in, making your hands shoot forward to grab onto him, needing some kind of leverage.
Finding a good pace, he fucked you as deep as he could, pushing your knees to your chest and hitting your cervix with every thrust.
Your breathless moans and whimpers filled the room as he fucked you as hard as he could, feeling greedy and wanting to claim you.
"Shig- fuc- god-" You couldnt form a single word as you came again all over his cock, making him throw his head back at the feeling of your walls getting impossibly tighter.
He was close and you both knew it.
His hand met your neck, pressing lightly around it, making you clench. All but one finger rested on your neck and it made you both want to scream. You tightened around him again, not quite cumming, making him lose his head a little bit and let go of your neck, allowing you to catch a breath.
He wanted to cum. He had an overwhelming urge to cum deep inside of you- as per usual. But something was missing.
"Baby." He said, slowing slightly.
"Mmhm-" You answered, tits moving under your top as he continued to fuck you.
"Say- my name." He ordered.
"Shigar-" You started, but were inturrupted.
"No- shit no. Other name."
You had a moment of clarity as you realized what he wanted. The last intimate line you had yet to cross. His first name? Oh fuck-
"T-Tomurraaa-" You moaned out, making his eyes roll into his head.
"Shit baby- again. Say it again." He couldnt get over how perfect it sounded rolling off of your tongue. Hitting your sweet spot over and over, he wanted you to cum so bad while you said it.
"Tomura- Tomura fuck right- there! Tommmuraaa~" You moaned out, legs shaking as you came around his cock, feeling him release inside of you, milking his cock for all it had. You continued chanting his name like a prayer, falling apart totally.
Collecting yourselves, Shigaraki pulled out, flopping onto the bed next to you, allowing the both of you to catch your breath.
After a few minutes of silence, you spoke up.
"Your first name, huh?" You giggled lightly.
"Yeah- fuck. I just. Sorry I have been wanting to hear it for so long." He put his hands over his face, chuckling at how stupid it was.
"Well, Tomura. Seems we both have something to ask of each other..." You trailed off.
"Yeah?" He turned on to his side, leaning on his elbow.
"Can we uh- I dont know. Can we drop the whole... "Just friends" thing?" You asked, turning your head and looking into his eyes.
"What? Like- you wanna- I mean like-" He was flustered. You laughed a little, seeing Tomura Shigaraki flustered was rare for you. "I mean yes! Yeah of course- I mean not much would even change." You both laughed lightly.
"Yeah, I mean honestly- we passed “just friends” about 20 fucks ago." You stated. He laughed a little harder, pulling your own messy body into his for an embrace, both of you finally completely happy with where you stood with each other.
"Hey! Now I actually AM your partner!" You exclaimed, thinking back to how you first met.
"Yeah- youre right! Take that, scumbag bar guy!" He jokingly pumped his fist into the air triumphantly, letting it fall into your hair, allowing you to fall into a comfortable silence with a kiss on your head before you both would get in the shower and put on some PJs and call it a night.
womp im not doing my taglist rn bc im tired lmao sorry besties will update this in a bit tho
hope you liked it- i got a little sidetracked with it BUT I BROUGHT IT BACK lmao i love youuuuuuuu
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drabbles-mc · 3 years
Date Night
Angel Reyes x F!Reader
Warnings: language, mentions of alcohol
Word Count: 2.6k
A/N: I wrote this fic when my boyfriend and I were on a big Warzone kick so be warned that a majority of this story uses that as the base of it haha. This one-shot got away from me pretty quickly, and I’ve been super hesitant to post it (it’s literally been sitting in my ‘finished’ folder for months without me posting it because ~anxiety~) But I figured it’s not doing any good sitting unpublished. I know I haven’t really been creating a whole lot of Mayans content lately, but hoping to get back into the swing of it soon! xo
Join my group-chat here: (X)
Angel Reyes Taglist: @mayans-sauce @helli4nthus @angelreyesgirl @starrynite7114 @queenbeered @sincerelyasomebody @sadeyesgf @thesandbeneathmytoes @appropriate-writers-name @tomhardydallasstarsgirl @sillygoose6969 @beardburnsupersoldiers @louisianalady @gemini0410 @paintballkid711 @chibsytelford @yourwonkywriter @sesamepancakes @behindmyeyes-insidemyhead @plentyoffandoms @georgiaaintnopeach @twistnet @themoonandthewicked @garbinge​ @bucky-iss-bae​ @enjoy-the-destruction​ @withmyteeth​ @encounterthepast​ @lilacyennefer​ @everyhowlmarksthedead​ @rosieposie0624​ @mylittlelonelyappreciationtoo​ @mijop​ @xladymacbethx​ @blessedboo​ @holl2712​ @lakamaa12​ @luckyharley1903​ @masterlistforimagines​ @kkim120​ @toni9​ @shadow-of-wonder​ @black-repunzel99​ @crowfootwrites​ @redpoodlern​ @punkgoddess-98​ @lexondeck​ 
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You were sat on the couch in your apartment, headset on as you started another round of Warzone with Angel, EZ, and Coco. The four of you tried to band together at least twice a week when their lives would allow for it, all playing from your respective apartments. Coco heard you mention something off-hand about Call of Duty one night and he didn’t let it go, and somehow that evolved into the four of you running quads together in your free time. Coco and Angel were always getting intermittently suspended from the game for the things that they said when they were winning, and you and EZ found it endlessly entertaining.
“Thought you weren’t going to be on tonight, Y/N,” Angel commented as the two of you waited for EZ and Coco to get back to their headsets, each of them having gotten up to grab drinks.
You tried not to sigh, “Didn’t think I was. Plans got cancelled so I got some unexpected free time.”
“Glad we’re your second choice,” EZ’s voice founds its way over the stream with a chuckle.
“Second place ain’t that bad, EZ,” you laughed, “Don’t bitch about it.”
“Homeboy bailed again, didn’t he?” Angel asked, already fairly certain of the answer.
“Yuup,” you stretched the word out, letting your annoyance shine through, “Fuck it. Doesn’t matter,” you paused, “How long does it take for Coco to grab a fuckin’ beer?”
“Ay, I’m here,” he spoke up, finally, “Let’s run it.”
Considering the fact that the four of you were constantly talking amongst yourselves about things that had nothing to do with the game, you did pretty well as a team. You’d get a few wins together every week, and of course one of them was always trying to take all the credit. It didn’t matter enough for you to get involved, so you let them argue it out amongst themselves.
“Fuck!” Coco groaned, “Team on me. I’m down.”
You laughed, “Damn, hope you’re a better sniper in real life or Angel and EZ are screwed.”
“Shut the fuck up,” he shot back at you with a laugh.
“EZ how do you always end up in a completely different part of the map?” you chuckled, “We can’t revive you if we don’t know where the fuck you are.”
“When have I ever needed you guys to revive me?”
“This motherfucker,” Angel mumbled under his breath, trying not to sound as amused as he was.
“It doesn’t bother your man that you’re spending your night with three dudes who are, objectively, way better than he is?” Angel asked with a laugh as he trailed you in the game.
You shook your head, glad that he couldn’t see the smile on your face, “Your humility never ceases to amaze me, Angel.”
“Didn’t answer the question, Y/N,” EZ piped up.
“You guys trying to hold an intervention right now or something? Fuck,” you laughed.
“You think you need one, querida?” Angel’s tone was baiting, and you were trying not to feed into it.
Luckily, before he could keep pressing you about it, the two of you started getting lit up by another team in the game. Normally it would’ve been frustrating but you were glad to have the distraction. It was bad enough that Angel was always looking for any excuse to give you grief about your boyfriend, but you had to admit that your boyfriend gave Angel decent amounts of metaphorical ammo to use against him. You hated conceding to that, though, so the onslaught of players coming after you was a welcome distraction.
You managed to get out of it unscathed, but Angel wasn’t so lucky. You chuckled, “Have fun in the gulag, sucker.”
“We’re on the same team, you know,” he laughed.
“Not when you’re talking all that shit, we aren’t.”
“You’d still buy me back though, right?”
You scoffed, “Nah if I’m gonna drop four grand it’ll be on Coco.”
“Damn straight,” Coco’s laugh rang through the chat.
“Seriously where the fuck is EZ?” you shook your head as you sprinted across the map.
“Safe and sound unlike you fools,” he chuckled.
“Can you stop camping and come drop me some ammo?” you couldn’t hold your laughter in, completely undoing any work you had been putting in to sound annoyed.
Despite all the shit the four of you talked, you managed to clutch a win at the end of it with EZ and Coco. Angel was pouting over not being bought back, but you were a woman of your word and when you were able to Coco was the first player you brought back into the game. The four of you stayed on for a little bit in the lobby, just talking amongst yourselves before EZ and Coco got ready to sign off.
“Tell your man we said wassup,” Coco snickered.
You sighed and rolled your eyes, “Goodbye, Coco.”
“You two gonna play nice if I leave?” the smugness in EZ’s voice was palpable.
“No promises,” you laugh.
“Beat it, Boy Scout,” you could hear the smile in Angel’s voice, “Go clean your one set of silverware or something.”
“I have at least three sets now, but fine,” with one last laugh he left the lobby, leaving just you and Angel behind.
“Wanna run another one?” you chuckled, “Promise I’ll buy you back this time.”
“Fuckin’ liar,” he laughed, “But fine.”
It was silent between the two of you for a few minutes and it was almost eerie, solely because Angel was notorious for never keeping his mouth shut. A couple times you wanted to point it out, but something in the game would always distract you and you never quite got around to it.
“Boy Wonder still not home?” Angel asked.
“Something tells me that I’m flying solo tonight,” you paused, letting a half-hearted laugh fall from your lips, “Besides you, of course.”
“Of course,” he chuckled but you could tell that there was something more behind it.
“Whatchu thinking, Angelito? Hm?” you tried to coax it out of him.
“What kind of fuckin’ idiot,” he paused as he reloaded his gun, the brief pause making your stomach knot slightly, “doesn’t use dead silence? I hear your heavy feet from miles away, querida.”
You huff, knowing that he was deflecting, “That’s what’s weighing on you, Angel? Really?” your fingers nervously drummed against the back of your controller.
“Speaking of idiots,” he continued, and you wished that you could see his face, “what the fuck is your man doing ditching you again?”
There it is.
You let out a sigh that shifts into a hollow laugh, “Your guess is as good as mine.”
“Never thought to ask?”
You scoff, “You know, it actually never crossed my mind. Blowing my whole world wide open tonight.”
“Alright, alright,” he chuckled, “Clearly a touchy topic.”
“I don’t even know if I want the fucking answer, at this point,” you shake your head as the two of you slowly but surely make your way towards the safe zone of the map, “I don’t want another bullshit excuse.”
“Why do you even bother sticking around, then?”
“I dunno,” you chuckle quietly, “Why do you still pick up the AK when you could grab the M13? Sometimes people just do dumb shit.”
“I’m nasty with the AK and you know it,” he laughed. There were a few beats of silence as the two of you battled it out in the game, covering each other before Angel continued, “I’m just sayin’, you should not be spending your date night playing fuckin’ Warzone with me.”
“My company that bad, Angel?”
“You know that ain’t what this is about.”
You sighed, “I know. It’s just—fuck!” you laughed and let your controller drop into your lap, “I’m down. Fuck.”
“C’mon, gotta keep your head in the game,” he laughed.
“You don’t get to grill me on my relationship and then give me shit for being distracted.”
“Wanna back out?”
You nodded before you remembered that he couldn’t see you, “Uh, yea sure. I’m tapped out for the night, I think.”
Both of you backed out of the match but you stayed on the line with each other. The silence that filled the space between you almost felt heavy. Part of you felt like you should be saying something but you didn’t quite know what.
“Wanna come over?” you didn’t know what possessed you to say that, especially given how late it was, but it was out there now and you couldn’t take it back.
“Now?” he couldn’t pretend that he wasn’t surprised.
“I mean…yea?”
There was a pause before he laughed, “Fuck it, why not? I’ll be there in fifteen.”
“Real fifteen, or Angel fifteen?”
You could easily picture him shaking his head at you, “Real fifteen.”
True to his word, fifteen minutes later you heard a knock at your door. You let him in and for some reason, things felt just a little bit different. It wasn’t anything that either of you said or did, but there was definitely a shift. You grabbed a couple beers for each of you before plopping down on the couch next to him.
The two of you got wrapped up in conversation, bantering back and forth about one thing then another. It was the hardest that you’d laughed in a long time and you had to admit that you needed it. Not that you didn’t love shooting back and forth with him and the guys, but there was definitely something different about sitting on the couch together and joking around as opposed to doing it over a headset from your separate living rooms.
At one point he bet you that you couldn’t win a round without your headset on. You were fairly certain that he was right, but once he made a bet out of it you needed to prove him wrong. Loading the game and taking a long drink from your next beer bottle, you got ready to hopefully make yourself twenty bucks richer.
It was about as futile as you’d assumed it would be, but the commentary from Angel made the repeated defeats worth it. The two of you were shoulder to shoulder on the couch, Angel doing everything except reaching over and snatching the controller from you in an attempt to throw you off. You playfully nudged him to try and put some distance between you as you played. Both of you were erupting with laughter when you heard a key turn in the lock of your door.
Both of you paused and looked over as your boyfriend walked in. Despite the fact that neither you nor Angel were doing anything wrong, you still felt like you were supposed to be explaining yourself. He only looked at you for a moment before his eyes locked onto Angel’s. The two of them had only met briefly on a few occasions—he never really hung out with the guys from the MC.
“Sorry. Didn’t know you had company,” he was still looking at Angel rather than you.
“Uh, yea,” you closed out of the game and leaned back on the couch, “Kind of a last-minute thing.”
“If you’re busy, I can leave,” his eyes darted back and forth between you and Angel.
“She shoulda been busy a few fuckin’ hours ago, bro,” Angel spoke up before he could stop himself.
“What?” his tone had more bite to it than you were used to.
“Angel, don’t,” you kept your voice quiet.
“No, let him say what he’s gotta say,” you could tell by the way your boyfriend shifted his weight that he was going to turn this into more than it needed to be.
“I’m just saying,” Angel shook his head slightly, “Me and my boys have spent more time with your girl on your date nights than you have lately,” he sucked his teeth, “No reason that she should be stuck playing fuckin’ Warzone with us jokers when you’re supposed to be taking her to dinner and a movie or some shit.”
“Fuck,” you whispered as you ran your hands down your face.
He stepped forward towards the couch, “Who the fuck do you think you are?”
Angel stood up off the sofa, effectively dwarfing your boyfriend without even having to try, “Who the fuck are you?”
Your boyfriend looked over to you, “Y/N, why do you le—”
“Nah, nah,” Angel shook his head, “This is between us now,” he motioned back and forth between them, “Say what you gotta say.”
“What gives you the right to come in here and tell me what to do with my relationship? Don’t you got biker shit you should be doing?”
“What do you think I’m doin’ right now?” there was a cocky smirk on Angel’s face as he spoke and you knew that you shouldn’t have found it as amusing as you did.
You must’ve been worse at hiding your amusement than you thought, because when your boyfriend looked over at you, anger instantly took over his features, “This shit funny to you, Y/N?”
All of the care in you disappeared, “I mean,” you sighed and shrugged, “honestly? A little bit.”
He scoffed, “You know what? I don’t fucking need this,” he shook his head, “I’m not gonna stay here and just be disrespected. I’m fucking, I’m done. I’m out.”
You knew that you should’ve felt something, but you just didn’t. You didn’t even bother to get up off the couch, “Leave your key on the way out, then.”
Both he and Angel looked at you with surprised expressions on their faces. Your boyfriend shook his head slightly in disbelief, “Wh-what?”
“If you’re done,” you leaned forward, elbows resting on your knees, “then leave your key to my place. I don’t want my ex to be able to get into my place whenever he wants.”
He sputtered a few fractions of words before tossing the key onto the table and turning to head out. He slammed the door behind him and Angel looked back to you, shock written all over his face. A smile crept across his lips and he shook his head at you.
“That was fuckin’ cold.”
You chuckled, shrugging, “Was a long time coming though, right?”
“I mean, yea, but still,” he paused, really looking at you, “You good?”
You nodded, “Right now? Yea. Maybe it’ll hit me tomorrow or something. Or maybe it won’t,” you had to laugh.
“Sorry I kinda brought this on,” you could tell by the look in his eyes that the apology was genuine.
You shrugged, “You and your big fuckin’ mouth certainly didn’t help,” you chuckled, “But none of that was on you.”
“You wanna talk abou—"
“No,” you cut him off with a shake of your head, “C’mon,” you motioned for him to sit down next to you again, “Time for you to lose without a headset on.”
He laughed as he sat next to you, “I ain’t gonna lose.”
You smiled, shaking your head as he took the controller in his hands. Without thinking much of it, you found yourself settling against his side. He froze up for a moment before reaching around you, lightly wrapping you up as he held the controller in his hands. Neither of you said anything about it for a few minutes while he got himself set up.
You chuckled as you watched him loot for weapons, “Still gonna use the goddamn AK?”
“The gun isn’t what’s gonna make me lose, querida,” he chuckled as he chanced a glance down at you cozied up against his side.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” you smiled up at him knowingly.
He chuckled, shaking his head, “Nothin’, nothin’.”
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heymacy · 3 years
I love all those sentence prompts you just posted.😂 But I feel like the most appropriate one is probably:
“So why did I have to punch that guy?”
Thank you Arrow!! 💗
Ridiculous Sentence Prompts: "So why did I have to punch that guy?"
There were only a few things left in the world that made Mickey really, really angry.
The first was their property manager, Melanie, and her stupid-ass dog with its stupid, stupid diaper.
The second was the fact that a single can of beer cost four times more on the West Side than it did back in their old neighborhood. What special brand of bullshit were these crunchy granola hippies trying to churn out at the Wine, Etc. store, anyway?
The third thing, and probably the only one that would stick around after he adjusted to his new life above the poverty line, was any time that anyone disrespected, hurt, or even mildly annoyed his husband.
Every time they dealt with an irritating client or an overzealous new employee, Mickey would clench his teeth and fight the urge to knock them on their ass. One hit was all it would take, he knew that for certain. He'd taken down Ian's exes, family members, hell, even Ian himself on a few occasions, with a single punch to the throat.
Now, he was an adult, a business owner, a husband and partner that needed to play by society's rules if they were ever going to crawl out of the gutter completely.
The very idea made Mickey's teeth ache.
He bit his bottom lip while they sat side-by-side in their booth at the Alibi, waiting for some schmuck to meet them for an interview.
"We need to start interviewing the guys we hire, Mickey," Ian had said one night while cooking dinner. He chopped the carrots and celery on the wooden cutting board while Mickey sat slumped on the couch, nursing a beer and watching a TikTok Mandy had sent him earlier that day.
He looked up at his husband as he watched an orange and white cat chow down on kibble after his automatic feeder malfunctioned.
Mandy 🌻 (6:09pm): plz tell ian this is him in cat form
Mickey snorted at his phone, barely registering Ian's comment.
"Mick?" Ian tried again, and Mickey looked up from his phone.
"Hmm?" he replied through a mouthful of beer.
"I said we need to start interviewing the guys we hire," Ian said again, using the knife to scrape the carrots and celery off of the cutting board and into the giant pot he had boiling on the stove. Mickey wasn't sure what he was making, but it smelled amazing.
"What for? Those resumé things ain't good enough for you?" Mickey's mouth quirked up on the side as he tried to hide a smirk.
Ian rolled his eyes and used the comically oversized wooden spoon to stir his soup.
"No, Mick. So we don't have another Connor situation."
Mickey snorted. Connor was a dipshit they'd hired back in April to help with pickups, a dipshit that had cost the company almost $2,500 after he "forgot" to make the deposit with Ian and Mickey at the end of his scheduled route.
"I mean, his name's Connor. Kinda feel like you should've known what you were walkin' in to with that one."
"I'm serious," Ian said. "Interviews. We gotta do 'em." He stirred the soup vigorously, the spoon clanking against the side of the pot with every twist.
Mickey sighed deeply and rolled his eyes.
"Fine, we'll interview some new guys. But we're not doing it at a Starbucks or some shit. I'm not ready to go full West Side." He scrunched up his nose and made a face, to which Ian just chuckled.
"Glad you're on board," he teased, getting back to work on his soup, which had started to bubble.
Kev and Vee had moved to Louisville a month before, transferring ownership of the bar to Carl and Officer Tipping, who promised to keep everything just as it was. It gave Mickey a sense of calm knowing that even as the rest of his old neighborhood was slipping away, his adolescent stomping grounds now littered with coffee shops and yoga studios, some things remained the same.
He ran his fingers along the familiar crack in the table, a sharp sensation prodding the pads of his fingertips and helping him forget, even temporarily, what they were there to do.
Ian smacked the back of Mickey's hand gently.
"Stop it," he said, referring to the way Mickey was two seconds away from giving himself a splinter.
Mickey huffed and rolled his eyes.
"What's this guy's name again?"
Ian looked at his phone where he had an email pulled up. He glanced over the message then scrolled to the bottom.
"Derek," he said plainly.
"Derek," Mickey mocked, and Ian whacked him in the chest with the back of his hand.
"Knock it off," he said, and Mickey rolled his eyes again.
"Whatever. He's late anyway, let's just bail and go get some pizza."
"He's not late, Mickey. It's only..." he looked at his watch. "3:58. He's got three minutes until he's late."
Just then, as if summoned by Ian's voice, a tall, lanky, blond man walked through the front door of the bar and made his way towards the back corner booth where Ian and Mickey sat.
"You guys Ian and Mackie?"
Ian snorted as he tried to hide his laughter. Mickey rolled his eyes a third time, this time so hard that it was honestly impressive he didn't snap his optic nerves in the process.
"Mickey," Ian corrected politely. He nudged his husband with his elbow and the two of them climbed out of the booth to meet with their interviewee.
Ian shook his hand firmly.
"I'm Ian, and this is my husband Mickey." He smiled and turned to Mickey, who was standing with his hands in his pockets and giving Derek, all six feet two inches of him, an intense once-over. Elbowing his husband for a second time, Mickey relented, pulling his hands from his pockets and reaching out to shake Derek's hand. His giant palm was cold and clammy but also somehow uncomfortably hot. Mickey grimaced.
"Hey," he said gruffly. "Mickey."
"Derek," the other man said as they shook hands. "So you two are married?"
Ian nodded.
"Little over a year now, yeah."
Derek nodded.
"Cool, cool, cool," he said, nodding and looking around. "So this place is...interesting."
The judgmental and condescending way Derek said "interesting" wasn't new or unusual to either of them, but tall lanky blond bitches with North Side energy and a terrible fade saying "interesting" like they wanted to say "disgusting" made Mickey's blood boil.
He clenched his fist without even realizing what he was doing. Ian noticed immediately when Mickey's shoulders tensed up, stiffening in a way that reminded Ian of a startled cat, and he turned to climb back in the booth. He squeezed Mickey's arm once, twice, and dragged him down into the booth with him.
"It was a family friend's place," Ian said, nonchalant, eager to move the conversation away from the Alibi and towards their business. "So, Derek, on your resume, I see that you worked--"
Derek cut Ian off mid-sentence.
"Have they ever thought about turning this place into some sort of art installation or something? Just with the open floor plan and the exposed pipes, it's very pseudo-industrial-chic."
If they hadn't already assumed before by his distinct vocal fry and the smell of coconut hair gel, Derek's use of the term "pseudo-industrial-chic" solidified what the other two already knew: there were three gay motherfuckers in this booth.
Ian stuttered for a second, surprised by Derek's interjection and resistance to changing the subject.
"Don't think so, no." He grabbed his phone and opened up the Gmail app again. "So, anyway, your resume says you worked at--"
"You know what would be really cool in here? A movement class. I went to one in LA once that was hosted by Gwyneth Paltrow and it was liberating."
Mickey snorted and Ian elbowed him in the ribs.
"I bet it was," Ian said, unamused at Derek's refusal to talk about his work history. "So you worked at--"
"Have you guys ever been to LA? Oh my god, it's the best. So chic. I mean, I'm from Evanston originally, so basically anything is chic in comparison. I mean, not here, obviously, but you know. Other places."
Ian sighed.
"Totally," he said. "So, your work history, it says--"
"Hey, do you guys know what the best dispensary is around here? Preferably something upscale, with those iPads you can order on. I need a few new carts--"
"Dude," Mickey cut in. "Can you shut the fuck up for five seconds?"
Derek looked surprised, and Mickey could hear Ian's sharp, apprehensive inhale.
"Excuse me?" Derek said, holding his hand to his chest.
"He's been trying to ask you the same question since we sat down, and you won't shut the fuck up about chic cities and weed, so if you could just answer our questions, that would be great." He looked over at Ian, whose eyes were wide and hesitant, unsure about how things were about to unfold.
"You're very rude," Derek said to Mickey, giving him a scowl.
Mickey snorted.
"Yeah, tell me something I don't know."
Derek's eyes narrowed and his forehead wrinkled up, agitated.
"You should be nicer to the people you want to hire." He crossed his arms over his chest like a petulant child.
Mickey laughed out loud.
"Dude, who says we wanna hire you? I'm pretty sure if you worked for us, I'd blow my brains out in the first two minutes."
Ian tried and failed miserably to conceal his laughter, covering his mouth with his hand and looking down at the table. Mickey leaned over towards his husband.
"I kinda wanna punch this guy in the mouth," he mumbled, and Ian side-eyed him from where he sat beside him.
"Please don't," he replied in a whisper before composing himself and turning back to Derek.
"Look, Derek, you seem like a nice guy, but I don't think this is gonna work out." He held out his hand to signal that the interview was over, but Derek didn't return his handshake. Instead, he pouted like a toddler that had just been scolded for bad behavior.
"Your husband's a dick," Derek said to Ian, and Mickey could literally feel Ian's body stiffen next to him.
"Hey," Mickey said, putting his hand on Ian's knee. "Forget it. Let's go get pizza."
"No," Ian said sternly, turning back to Derek. "Listen, dude, you're also kind of a dick, so why don't we just call this a wash and you can go track down your carts or whatever."
Mickey bit his lip, fighting a smile. He secretly loved when Ian got defensive, as long as it wasn't directed towards him.
"You're both dicks!" Derek said, slamming his hands down on the table. He slid out of the booth and stood up, and Mickey and Ian did the same. The three men stood there, Derek facing the husbands with a pissed-off expression.
"You should go," Ian said, pointing at the door.
Derek snorted.
"I guess I shouldn't be surprised. When the ad said South Side, I knew there was a good chance the owners were a couple of trashy, ghetto assholes. But him?" He pointed at Mickey. "He's a world-class dick."
Before Derek could say anything else, he was cut off by a fist to the jaw and dropped to the floor, unconscious.
The ambient chatter and loud clacking of billiard balls came to a halt as the regulars that sat scattered around the Alibi turned in unison to see what had happened. Once they identified the source of the loud "thud" as one of the Gallagher-Milkovich boys knocking out some blond giant, they immediately turned back to their various activities.
Just another day on the South Side.
Ian cupped his right fist in his left hand and turned to Mickey, bewildered.
"I just punched that guy, Mick," he said, genuinely surprised. "I knocked him out. Shit."
Mickey shrugged.
"He kinda deserved it."
Ian looked at Mickey with a really? sort of expression and shook his head back and forth.
"Still," he said, turning to look at Derek, sprawled out unconscious on the floor like a rag doll.
"C'mon man, it's fine. He'll come to, and when he does, we'll be long gone." He grabbed Ian's upper arm and gave him a tug, but Ian just sat back down in the booth.
"Why did I do that?" he asked, but Mickey knew he was talking only to himself. He sat down beside his husband, stepping over Derek's long ass leg on his way back to the booth.
"I mean, you kinda had to."
Ian looked over at Mickey, eyebrows raised. He stared at his husband for a moment, puzzling, before breaking into a smile.
"What?" Mickey asked, confused as to how Ian could go from having some sort of moral crisis over knocking out a hipster to grinning gleefully at his husband in a half second. Ian reached over and put his hand on Mickey's thigh. Immediately, the mood shifted. Pool cues squeaked as they were chalked up and glasses clinked on the countertops. The distinct chhh-chhh sound of a spray bottle punctured Mickey's ear drums as he looked down at his husband's hand on his thigh.
"So," Ian said, voice quieter than before. "Why did I have to punch that guy?"
Mickey smirked. He could be honest, and say the obvious reason, which was that Derek was a total douche canoe and deserved to be socked in the mouth by someone his own size. He could lie, and say it was because Derek seemed dangerous and Ian was just following his instincts, but that would have been the lie of the fucking century.
Instead, he said neither, and opted for something he knew would make Ian smile.
"Because you love me."
Ian's face broke into a full grin and he giggled, leaning over to kiss his husband once, quickly, well-aware of Mickey's hesitancy towards PDA when they were out and about on the South Side.
When he pulled back, he was smirking, and Mickey knew his cheeks were flushed. He hadn't been expecting the kiss, however brief it was, and his stomach felt a little fluttery.
"I mean, I'm not the kind of guy that just stands by and lets people talk shit about the man he loves." He grinned and Mickey rolled his eyes, remembering Ian telling him about the last words he'd said to Glittery Twink Byron the night they'd gotten engaged.
"You're a fuckin' sap, man."
"True," Ian said, standing up from the booth and stepping over Derek's leg as Mickey had done minutes before. He reached out his hand and pulled his husband from the booth. The two of them stood there momentarily, staring at Derek's lump of a body on the sticky, peanut-shell covered floor.
"Should we like, do something?" Mickey asked, kicking Derek's foot with his own boot. The man didn't move a muscle. Mickey wondered for a second if he might be dead, but the shallow rise and fall of the douche canoe's chest let him know that unfortunately, for all of humankind, the asshole was still alive.
Ian shook his head.
"Nah, he can sleep it off."
He reached down and took Mickey's hand in his own.
"C'mon," he said as he dragged them both towards the door. "Let's go get pizza."
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svenotes · 3 years
drabble #1
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❝ the one where your one night stand turns out to be your boss ❞
[ PAIRING ] : jeon jungkook x reader | bff!hoseok x reader
[ GENRE ] : office au (not the tv show lol) + crack, smut (mentioned)
[ WORD COUNT ] : 1.7k
[ WARNINGS ] : mentions of sex, a lot of banter, jungkook only appears for like two seconds so this is more best friend!hoseok and oc bickering 
[ AUTHOR’S NOTE ] : i’m trying to get back into writing, so here’s some funny banter w plot
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drabbles | masterlist | wattpad cross post | ao3 cross post
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“Besides, when have—!”
Hoseok frowns, eyes narrowing on you. “You don’t even know what I’m going to say.”
Going through your mental checklist, you neatly place the documents in your hands on your boss’s desk. Today has been a hectic day at the office. It was a miracle that you even managed to finish everything by the end of your shift. On days where you can barely tell the difference between left and right, you found yourself clocking extra hours. You suppose you have Hoseok to thank for that. By some grace of God, he was assigned on the same project as you and as annoying as your friend could be, he also knew when to keep things professional.
He’s already set to leave for the day, waiting for you to finish up. Since the days are getting shorter, he’s made the habit of walking you to your car after work. He stares at you with a dubious look in his eyes, and you hold it for a moment before you walk towards your cubicle to pick up your keys.
“I know you,” you start, grabbing your purse and keys. “I know what you’re going to say because I know you.”
Hoseok scoffs at that, crossing his arms over his chest. A part of you hopes he stops his questioning and drops the topic altogether. However, you know Hoseok. Dropping a subject isn’t his specialty, even if the world demands that he should.
As you try to leave your office, Hoseok blocks your path. “Y/N.”
You keep a straight face. “Hoseok.”
“I am your best friend—!”
He ignores you and continues, “And I love you—!”
“Also debatable,” you murmur.
“—which is why I cannot for the life me understand why you would keep secrets about your sex life from me.”
He catches the attention of a few of your co-workers. You brush them off with a smile, wishing them good-night before you pull Hoseok inside an empty office by his loosened tie. He lets out a choked cough as you drag him in and shut the door behind him, keeping your conversation away from prying ears.
“Are you trying to kill me?” Hoseok hisses, rubbing his neck. “I just want some details about the new guy you’re screwing. How’d you meet? How long has this been going on? Why was I never informed you were dating someone?”
You close your eyes, pinching the bridge of your nose. “For the millionth time, I am not dating anyone. And there’s nothing to know—!”
“You’re lying! Again!” He points a finger in your face. “You left the bar with someone on the night of Ellie’s birthday and you’ve been secretive ever since.” He narrows his eyes. “Who are you hiding?”
You swat his fingers away, brows furrowed. “I’m an open book. I have nothing to hide.”
“Bullshit. You're as open as Yoongi.”
“How is Yoongi?” You ask, not-so-subtly deflecting. “It's been a while since I’ve seen him. You need to stop keeping him all to yourself. I miss my ex-roommate.”
Hoseok and you have known each other for as long as you’ve been working for the company. He sat in the cubicle beside yours and over time you became good friends. Yoongi, your roommate at the time, stopped by the office to drop off some lunch and met Hoseok before you could introduce them.
At first, the two despised each other, their personalities crashing — Hoseok too bright, and carefree and Yoongi more mellow and conserved. However, things began to shift between them over time and now Hoseok walks around with a ring in his jacket pocket at all times.
Hoseok’s cheeks dust pink. “I haven't proposed yet if that's what you're wondering.”
“Just let me know who’s best man I’m going to be,” you laugh.
“None of ours, ‘cause I’m going to ban you from the wedding—!”
Your eyes widen, appalled. “Why—!”
“Who are you dating?”
Your mouth clasps shut, glaring at him. “No one.”
It’s not a lie, Jungkook and you are not dating. Your relationship with him was far from romantic. However, Hoseok doesn’t know that and you’re not sure how you're supposed to tell him. Especially when it seems as though your past is trying to relive itself in the form of another man. You worked hard to move on from when you fell in love with your co-worker — you’ve worked so hard to put the past behind you and keep your professional life separate from your personal. Yet, it’s as if all of that hangs by a thread, threatening to slip through your fingers because history is trying to repeat itself.
How were you supposed to know your kind-of one-night stand was the youngest heir of Jeon Enterprises? You wouldn’t have dared to take a bite of the forbidden fruit if you knew.
A headache forms at the very thought of Hoseok’s lecture once you explain to him you unintentionally fucked your boss. It’s why you’ve been avoiding him and deflecting his questions throughout the day. You sigh, meeting his eyes.
What Hoseok doesn’t know cannot hurt him, right?
His eyes narrow on you, mouth opening for a rebuttal, but the knock on the door silences him. Your attention turns towards the door and you forget to breathe at the sight of the man at the door.
Jungkook's eyes immediately find yours, a small smile tugging on his lips. He looks sweet — innocent, even. Nothing like the man who feasts on you like fine cuisine. Your breath gets caught in your throat when you vividly remember the sinful things he can do with those lips — that mouth. You push the thoughts to the side, mirroring his smile despite the rapid pace of your heartbeat.
“Mr. Jeon,” Hoseok speaks first, clearing his throat.
Jungkook's eyes widen a fraction as he finds Hoseok standing a few feet from you, mirroring the shocked expression you wore moments ago. As if he didn’t even notice Hoseok’s presence.
“Please, call me Jungkook,” he starts, sheepishly, running a hand through his hair. “There’s no need for formalities.”
Hoseok simply nods. “Right. Jungkook.”
“I — uh,” you clear your throat, ignoring the heat that rises to your cheeks as Hoseok's scrutinizing gaze flickers between the two of you. “Did you need anything?”
“Ah,” Jungkook’s eyes flicker towards Hoseok. “Nothing in particular. I was going around trying to get to know the team better. You just seemed preoccupied earlier and I didn’t want to disturb you, so I thought I’d catch you now.”
“Oh,” you say, stupidly.
“We were was just about to head home,” Hoseok adds, glancing between the two of you. “We’ll see you tomorrow.”
"I see,” Jungkook hums and his lips curl into a frown momentarily. “It was nice meeting you today. I look forward to working with you both.”
You hold his gaze for a moment before you respond, “Yea, likewise.”
“Me too,” Hoseok deadpans.
Swallowing, you ignore the look Hoseok sends you. It’s clear, he knows; he's put the pieces together. You will the heat in the apples of your cheeks to dissipate as you keep your composure.
“Goodnight.” Jungkook nods at Hoseok before returning his attention to you. “I’ll see you later.”
As he leaves, his gaze lingers on you for a second too long before he walks away. You let out a breath of air you didn’t realize you were holding, hand resting against your thundering heart. Hoseok waits for the door to shut and for Jungkook to round the corner before—!
“I’m not going to lie,” he begins, leaning against the desk, “that was painful to watch.”
“Shut up.”
“You’re fucking him.” It wasn't a question.
“We slept together a few times,” you sigh, pressing your fingers against your temple. “He said he worked at his father’s company, but I didn’t know his father was CEO of Jeon Enterprises. It didn’t even piece together that he was the Jungkook our team manager was talking about until I saw him this morning.”
He lets your words sink in, humming as he studies you. “He was totally gonna ask to fuck you tonight.”
“Shut up.” You throw your keys at him, but he catches it with ease. “We’re… supposed to meet tonight.”
He raises a brow. “To fuck?”
You’re supposed to meet tonight for a date, but Hoseok already knows too much. Telling him you decided to humour Jungkook for a date will only worsen your headache. Mainly because Hoseok will tell you the only reason you’re humouring him is since you like him.
Only two weeks have passed since you first met and look at the mess it’s already created. What should’ve been strictly a fuck-buddy relationship has turned for the worst.
“You probably shouldn’t.”
“I know.” You slouch, defeated as you lean against the desk beside him. “I know.”
“Wow — wait.” Hoseok’s shock turns into a frown. “You bailed on me Sunday night for mediocre dick, didn’t you?”
“Not mediocre dick,” you sigh, reminiscing the last time you went over. Although, it doesn’t last for long — “Ow! Hoseok, what the fuck?”
“That's for bailing on me,” he snorts before flicking your forehead again. “And that was for telling me his dick game is good.”
You roll your eyes, scoffing, but that doesn’t stop the rush of memories from last weekend. Limbs entangled between sheets, hands grazing every inch of your bodies and lips twined with yours. Your body still remembers the comfort of his warmth as he brought you to euphoria over and over again. A mere memory makes your knees weak.
Your phone buzzes in your hands and you suppress your groan.
[ 6:14 pm ] jungkook (dude w the nice dick): you still coming over?
You don’t realize Hoseok leans over to read your text until —!
Flicking his forehead, you ignore Jungkook’s message. “Come on, let’s go.”
“Alright,” he says, following after you. He keeps quiet until you’ve both entered the elevator, away from other’s prying ears. “Are you going to visit him tonight?”
“I don’t know.”
Your thoughts are torn between right and wrong — your career and pleasure. Meeting him tonight and ending things would be the right decision, but you’re not entirely sure you would be able to avoid his advances if you tried.
You’re screwed.
It’s been long since you crossed the Gates of Eden and sunken your teeth into the divine fruit, and now you’re addicted to the taste.
You are so incredibly screwed.
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juniorgman187 · 4 years
2 Truths & a Lie (Spencer Reid Imagine)
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Summary: A game of “Strip 2 Truths and a Lie” helps heats things up between SSA Reader and Spencer. 
Prompt: “Ladies first.” Couple: Spencer Reid x Female Reader Category: Fluff Content Warning: Alcohol consumption, stripping  Word count: 3.5k
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* 
“Strip poker!” Garcia slurred. “Let’s play! Let’s play! Let’s play!” 
You had to interject. “No way! If Reid’s playing - I’m not. That’s so unfair.” 
Morgan agreed with you. “Yeah, I’m with Hot Stuff over here. He’s banned from three casinos for a reason.” 
All eyes turned to the aforementioned man, whose smug smile reached from ear to ear. “Fair enough. What can we play then?” He asked. 
It was your turn to scream like a giddy Garcia. “Two truths and a lie!” You jumped up from your seat on the floor. “It’s totally fair cause we’re all profilers here. So it’ll either show how good of a liar you are or show how good of a profiler you are.” 
“Excuse me, Girl Goddess. Need I remind you - I’m not a profiler.” Garcia butted in. 
JJ made a disapproving noise against the brim of her red solo cup. “Hey, hey, hey - you’re like the first to tell when someone’s hiding something.” 
Garcia simply smiled at this. “Ah, you’re right, Jayje.” 
So it was settled. You and the BAU were gonna play “Strip 2 Truths and a Lie.” 
But to make things a little more interesting, you changed up the rules.
The order the players would take turns went in a clockwise circle. Garcia, Morgan, Reid, you, Prentiss, and JJ. (Hotch and Rossi bailed last minute. Apparently, being invited to Garcia’s wasn’t an offer they couldn’t refuse.)
Instead of players guessing what the lie was and stopping once someone guessed correctly, you were all going to guess at the same time. Garcia took the liberty of handing each of your sticky notes and once the player said their two truths and one lie, you would write your guess on your post-it and put it in a pile for the “liar” to read. 
Then the “liar” would declare who was stripping based on who guessed incorrectly. And just for some more fun - the “liar” wouldn’t explicitly tell what the real lie was. You profilers would just have to use context clues to do that. 
Since each player was guessing on post-its, Garcia gave you each a different color to distinguish who guessed what. Granted, it was Garcia, so she had every shade of the rainbow. She gave herself the red, Reid got the orange, you got yellow, Prentiss - green, Morgan got blue. And JJ - purple. 
“I’m first!” Garcia sing-songily said. “Alright - I had a guinea pig named Cerulean when I was little . . . my mom knew how to juggle, andddd, OH! I lost my virginity to a guy I met online with the gamer tag ‘FastAndFurious79.” 
Morgan almost spat out the drink he was nursing from his shock at the last one. “Babygirl, you did what?!” The pitch of his voice sent the rest of you into a frenzy as you each wrote your guesses on your sticky note pads. 
You guessed the lie was the guinea pig. And using your peripherals, you saw that Prentiss thought the same. You folded your yellow sticky note and placed it in the center. Eventually, when the rainbow was complete, Garcia began reading them. “I hate you guys! It’s no fun being friends with profilers.” She pouted. 
“You lost your virginity to a guy with the gamertag ‘fast and furious?!” Morgan screeched. You and the team laughed so hard, your stomach started hurting.
The game continued for an entire round until it was Morgan’s second turn. 
“Alright, growing up my favorite movie was Kindergarten Cop . .  . um, I used to be a lifeguard, and my body count is higher than my age.” 
Reid was quick to jot down his answer, but you took a little time with yours.
“What’s the problem, Hot Stuff?” Morgan teased. 
“Mmm, I dunno. You’ve genuinely got me stumped on this one.” You admitted. Morgan just shot you that infomercial worthy grin as a response. 
Hesitantly, you finally wrote down that he was lying about his favorite moving being Kindergarten Cop. Your sticky note was the last to go in the pile, so you just handed yours to Morgan to speed up the process. He chuckled while going through most of them and looked back up at all of you with that same smug look Reid had earlier. 
“Looks like Pretty Boy and Hot Stuff are the first to strip tonight!” He declared, making you roll your eyes. 
“Your body count isn’t higher than your age?!” Reid squeaked. Morgan laughed and shook his head no. Now that - that was shocking. 
“Alright, what can I take off that counts?” You clarified. 
“Any piece of clothing that covers your legs, arms, and torso.” Morgan happily informed.
It wasn’t fair. On a normal workday, you would have a blazer, pants, or sometimes a skirt, and a blouse or shirt underneath, but today was collectively your guys’ day off - so you only had on a fitted tee and jeans. Whereas the genius to the right of you wore a sweater vest, button-up, tie, belt, and his pants. Before, you would make fun of him for wearing so much on a day off, but now you were envious. 
“Not fair! He’s got like 80 pieces of clothing on.” You whined. The rest of the group, including Reid, laughed at you. Not a single one of them offered mercy. Looks like you were just gonna have to strip off what little clothes you were wearing.
“Ladies first.” 
Reid teased as if he was being a gentleman by saying this. His voice made it sound so subtly seductive that your cheeks heat up. He even said it with the side of his mouth, making his plump lips form a smirk. 
You raised your brows at his cockiness. You wanted to make him eat his words, so you stood up - first, unbuttoning your jeans painfully slow. All eyes were on you as you stuck your thumbs inside the waistband and wiggled your hips, while simultaneously pulling your jeans down. You made a little show out of it, milking the situation. You dragged the denim down while arching your back to flaunt your butt as it was unhurriedly revealed. And just for fun, you angled yourself, where Reid could get the full view. When your jeans dropped to your ankles, you stepped out of them, bent over to retrieve them, and for a finishing touch - you dropped them right onto Reid’s lap. 
“They don’t call me Hot Stuff for nothing.” You flirtatiously remarked. 
“WOO-HOO-HOO! That was sexy, Mamas!” Morgan cheered. The girls all had faces of admiration or surprise on them - mainly admiration. Whereas Reid appeared like he’d just discovered porn or something - like a whole world of possibilities opened up. 
“Hello? Earth to Dr. Reid?” You joked, sitting back down beside him. 
When you felt the floor’s rug against your thong, it shocked you a little, so you moaned at the feeling. Not loud enough for everyone to hear over their laughs and cheers but just loud enough for Reid to. And he most certainly did. Because you caught his tongue sweeping over his lips while his eyes looked at yours. If you weren’t in a group setting, you would’ve straddled him right then and there and kissed him, but you weren’t gonna lose control like that. The question was - would he? And secretly - you were hoping he would. 
“Wow, Y/N. You’ve rendered him speechless. I don’t think that’s ever happened before,” Prentiss quipped. “You should do that more often.” Everyone erupted into another fit of laughter. 
Reid shook his head as if to re-enter reality. “I, uh, I - I’m just gonna take off my belt.” He concluded, fiddling nervously with the buckle. 
“Need some help there?” Before you even finished the question, you put your small fingers around the clasp, making him shiver.
“N-no!” He whimpered, grabbing your wrists in one hand and moving them away from his groin. He continued to unbuckle it and neatly place it behind him. 
The game continued on for many more minutes with Morgan losing his shirt and consequently, Garcia losing her shit (which was understandable because Morgan was RIPPED.) JJ removed her belt, while Garcia took off her cropped cardigan. Prentiss was the only one left who was fully clothed, while you and Reid still hadn’t lost any more articles of clothing since the initial time you did. 
“Alright, alright! Me again!” Garcia giggled, while she downed the rest of whatever was in that red solo cup. “Let’s see. Oh, I got it! Okay, my hair has been dyed every color except for green, I’m the president of a secret club for people that love sea otters, and I’ve had sex more times on the floor than in the bed.” She squealed. 
You weren’t buying that she’s never dyed her hair green, and after a quick side glance to the right, you saw that Reid didn’t buy it either. You folded the paper over your answer and placed it confidently in the center - waiting patiently for the verdict. Garcia zealously scooped up all the post its and scrutinized them. “Uh oh, I think Boy Wonder and Girl Goddess might be out of a job once Sir Hotch finds out how bad they are at detecting lies!” Garcia got so excited she started jumping up and down. You pouted and faked sobs once you heard this. 
“Take it off! Take it off! Take it off!” The group started cheering. 
Just to be the center of attention once more, you stood up and put your right hand under the hem of the left side of your shirt, and you put your left hand under the hem of the right side of your shirt, making your arms cross over your tummy. You pulled the shirt up (sucking in your gut once it was uncovered) all the way until it was finally over your head. You were left in your maroon push up bra and your black lacy thong - a set that didn’t match, but when you looked down at yourself, looked decently good together. 
The “crowd” gasped at your figure in its entirety. Encouraging words were spewed at you, making you smile. 
“Alright, your turn.” You nudged Reid. He simply slipped off his sweater vest, quite ungracefully might you add. But little did you know that he lost all coordination after seeing you so bare. 
“Here.” He whispered, removing his tie from his collar. He began unbuttoning his dress shirt, which you didn’t understand why, until he shrugged it off of himself and helped you into it. You weren’t surprised in the least when you saw that underneath his white button-up was a cotton tee. Of course, he had even more layers than you previously thought. 
“Aww, look at that.” Prentiss said with awe at Reid’s actions. 
While Reid rolled up the long sleeves until he saw your hands peek through, all you could manage to do was look at him. He bit his lip while he did this, showing how focused he was on the task. He was absolutely adorable. 
“Do you want me to button it for you?” He quietly asked. You shook your head no. “It’s okay. Thank you.” If you could’ve seen yourself, you would’ve seen that your eyes had hearts in them. You were the epitome of lovesick. 
“Yeah, of course.” 
When he stopped helping you dress, you couldn’t help but notice the outfit he was left to wear. It was a plain white tee with gray dress pants and his classic black converse. How he managed to look so good in such a simple outfit was beyond you. It was quite unfair actually. You thought his normal quirky attire suit him pretty well but this outfit made you feel something you’d never felt before. Your eyes drifted up to his hair, which since he cut it last year, was growing out again but was still short. It was the perfect length and had a little curl and unruliness to it - just the way you liked. It looked so soft that you were overcome with a sudden overwhelming urge to run your fingers through it, but you willed yourself not to.
“I think someone’s in love over there.” Morgan pointed to you, making you snap out of your trance. 
“What? NO!” You shrieked. 
“Oh my god, you totally are.” Prentiss giggled. 
“Somebody likes Reid.” JJ sing-songily teased before sipping at her drink and looking away. 
“OK, enough with the crazy talk. We’re all a little too drunk to be making such claims.” You concluded. “I think maybe it’s time to go home.” You hastily said, trying to change the topic. 
“Mmm-mmm,” Morgan disapprovingly shook his head. “None of us should be driving right now. Even Reid.” Reid looked slightly offended at the comment, but he couldn’t deny it. He’d only had one drink, but everyone knew Reid was a lightweight. 
“Why don’t you guys just crash here?” Garcia slurred. No one objected, so the sleeping arrangement was made. Morgan and Garcia would sleep in Garcia’s bed. JJ on the beanbag. Prentiss on the loveseat. And you and Reid on the couch. 
“Me and Reid?” You asked Garcia. 
“Uh-huh,” She nodded rapidly. “You’ll fit. Just spoon!” She said with joyful elation.
“Uh ohh, Reid and Y/N sittin’ in a tree. C-U-D-D-L-I-N-G.” Morgan jested. 
“Shut up!” Reid chucked a pillow at Morgan’s face - which he caught before it even touched his head. “Don’t worry, I’ll just sleep on the floor.” Reid told you.
“No, don’t be silly. We share the couch on the jet all the time.” You told him. Covertly, you were hoping he wouldn’t argue against it. There were certainly worse things you could do than cuddle with Reid. Just as you wanted, he didn’t contend. 
“Here.” He handed you your jeans and t-shirt, which you took but didn’t put back on. 
“Do you mind if I stay in this? There’s no way I can fall asleep in my jeans,” He blinked hard as if to process what you were saying but didn’t dispute. “I’ll be back.” You disclosed while walking to Garcia’s bathroom to put on your shirt and take off your bra. You came back out, feeling a cold breeze. Unbeknownst to you, the cold air hardened your nipples, but this was not lost on Reid. He let himself get a glimpse of the sight while he laid on the couch, waiting for you to join him. 
“You’re really gonna sleep in your pants?” You asked him, not even trying to imply anything sexual. 
“Would you mind if I took them off?” He shyly questioned. 
You shook your head as if to say, “No, not at all.” 
He slid them down before you took your spot on the couch. While Reid’s back was against the backrest, your back was right up against his chest. This was the position you’d normally be in if you were on the jet. Something that surprisingly - the team never teased you for. It was as if everyone just accepted it as something normal. Something totally natural. 
Except in this instance, Garcia’s couch was surprisingly not as wide as the jet’s, so you had to scoot back a little to fit. However, you didn’t anticipate how close Reid already was to you. So when you backed up, (for lack of a better term) you made ass-to-dick contact. 
“Oh my God! I’m so sorry!” You nervously blurted. Reid uncomfortably laughed it off. 
“No, no. You’re fine.” He reassured you. It was enough to convince you to settle back down and cuddle up to Reid again. 
Despite doing this countless amounts of times before, there was something about this time that made you feel differently. You thought that your heart might sooner beat out of your chest. The rhythm vibrated through your entire body, and you honestly worried that the beat was so loud that Reid could hear it. After 30 minutes of this, the whole house was knocked out - except for you. You harbored too much nervous energy to fall asleep.
“Are you feeling okay? You’re breathing really hard.” Reid murmured, his quiet voice shocking you. Damn it, he wasn’t asleep either? Leave it to him to pick up on your unnatural breathing patterns. You told Reid it was nothing, but he didn’t leave it alone. “How can I help you sleep?”Once more, you told him you were just fine. “Can I just try something? My mom used to do this for me when I couldn’t fall asleep,” You reluctantly agreed. “Turn around.” He softly commanded. 
You did as asked, turning towards him. Now that you were face-to-face, Reid took his arm that was by his side before and put it over your body, with his hand on your back. You felt his warm touch move from between your shoulder blades, down your spine, all the way to the small of your back. He moved up and down repeatedly, sometimes adding pressure along the way. Your eyes closed at the pleasure. 
“Does that feel good?” He asked sweetly, but even then, you couldn’t help but imagine him asking that same question in a very different scenario. 
You couldn’t be bothered to speak real words, so you hummed in tranquility. 
He kept doing this until he noticed your breathing started to slow down. It was working. 
The last thought you had before falling asleep completely was of how you never wanted this moment to end. 
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* 
“How long should we wait until we wake them?” You heard JJ ask. Her voice seemed so distant for some reason. “Mmm, I give it five more minutes.” Morgan’s voice chirped. Now his voice seemed to be closer. 
“Should I take another picture?” Garcia asked. Wait a minute - her voice was louder now too. 
You groggily opened your eyes, wincing at the brightness of your surroundings. 
“Oh, I think Hot Stuff’s awake.” Morgan’s words sobered you up enough to lift your head and examine your surroundings. 
Reid’s face was buried into your chest, while your hand was in his hair. Your leg wrapped around Reid’s lower body, with his hand hooked on the back of your knee, hiking it up even further and keeping your leg in its place. You began realizing just how provocative the scene was, so you startled yourself out of it. Like the clumsy goof you are, you rolled out of Reid’s embrace, but with no extra space to roll over onto, you tumbled to the floor gracelessly. This woke up Reid and made the four viewers hovering over the couch die laughing. 
“Not funny.” You groaned, clutching your side in pain after collapsing onto the floor. 
“What happened?” Reid yawned. 
“What happened was you and Hot Stuff got pretty comfortable on Garcia’s sofa.” Morgan sounded way too happy to tell Reid this. 
You looked back at Reid with a frown, noticing how he looked like he was a child that had just been caught doing something bad. 
“Maybe next time we play Strip 2 Truths and a Lie, they’ll finally admit they like each other.” Prentiss giggled, mentioning you and Reid as if you weren’t in their presence. 
“Be quiet!” You and Reid simultaneously yelped. 
You buried your face into a throw pillow that had been discarded on the floor, probably from where you and Reid took up all the space on the couch. As you hid your face in embarrassment, you heard the quartet move away from the scene and into the kitchen, leaving you and Reid to your devices. 
“Sorry about them.” He finally said. His voice was all raspy from where he’d just woken up and all you could think was - YOU’RE KILLING ME. How did he make everything he did so sexy?
“Me, too.” You uttered, removing the pillow from your face to hug it in your arms like a child hugging their toy. From behind you, Reid sat up and swung his legs to the front of the couch to stand up and help you up from your sitting position on the floor. 
“For what it’s worth, I don’t regret anything,” He told you when you’d risen to eye level with him. You smiled to suggest that you felt the same way. “You know, maybe we could do this again . . . without the audience.” He cocked his head backward to gesture to the rest of the group. 
“Only if you promise to give me back rubs again.” You beamed. 
The look on Reid’s face was priceless. It was as if he’d just been told he won the lottery. You walked away from him with the same stupid grin on your face that he had on his. 
“Hey, wait I’m gonna need that shirt back!” He called out from behind you as you moved swiftly into Garcia’s bathroom to change. 
“I guess you’ll have to come pick it up from my apartment tonight.” You yelled back to him, lingering in the doorway. His smile was your answer.
Well - looks like you have plans tonight.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* 
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dreamypeaches · 4 years
don’t wake up pt. 1 | rafe cameron x reader
summary: you and rafe cross paths at a boneyard kegger and find a space to escape in each other
warnings: making out, cursing, alcohol use
word count: 2.2k
a/n: so i posted this last night, then realized my account is so new that it wouldn’t show up in the search or tags. but i just got a bunch of followers, so hopefully y’all enjoy this! also, all characters in my fics are 18+, unless i specifically say otherwise. also also, fuck canon rafe, we don’t know him.
series masterlist
 The Boneyard was packed with Pogues, Kooks, and Tourons. It was the middle of the summer, the height of the party season in the Outer Banks, and there was no party like a kegger at the Boneyard. You and the Pogues were at the center of it all, music pounding in your chest louder than your heartbeat as you danced with Kie and Sarah. The liquid in your red solo cup spilled as you spun around, accidentally bumping into JJ, who was approaching the dance floor with a drunk grin on his face.
“Having fun?” He questioned as he gripped your waist to keep you from falling.
“Always am!” You slurred, gripping his hand and pulling him onto the dance floor with you and the girls.
At the beginning of the night, your dancing would have been sexy, grinding with Kie and Sarah, shaking your hips as you moved seductively. Now, you were a point of drunkenness where your legs no longer coordinated with your mind. You jumped and yelled along with the music, a goofy grin on your face. You wrapped your arms around JJ’s shoulders as you both screamed the chorus of the song, rocking back and forth like the waves not far from the dance floor. As the song faded out, JJ led you off the dance floor. You downed the last of your drink and giggled as you and JJ tripped over nothing in the sand. JJ collapsed on a log next to Pope and John B., both boys much more sober than the rest of their friends.
“You too better not puke in my living room,” John B commented.
“How dare you, I’m not even that drunk. In fact, I could go for another right now,” JJ said, standing from the log, swaying, and immediately falling back down on his ass. He stood up again, successfully, and grinned at you.
“Y/N, care to join me?”
“Nah, I’m gonna go for a walk. I want to feel the waves on my feet!” You giggled as you turned away from your friends and marched towards the ocean. The music slowly faded the farther you got, stumbling to an empty area several yards away from the party. As you stepped towards the water, letting the tide roll over your feet, you noticed a figure a few feet away sitting on the beach. He was nothing but a silhouette in the night, but you approached him anyway, your drunken state leading you to want to be a little too friendly than you normally would be. You stumbled over to the stranger, but realized as you got closer that it wasn’t a stranger at all. Rafe Cameron sat on the sand with his need pulled to his chest, hands resting on his knees. His button up shirt was halfway open, blowing slightly in the breeze as he stared at the ocean.
Being a Pogue, your normally would have avoided Kooks like the plague, especially this Kook. But for some reason, possibly your drunkenness or some invisible string of fate connecting you to him, you continued walking toward him until you were standing right above him. You unceremoniously collapsed into the sand beside him, causing him to glance at you strangely.
“What are you doing here, Pogue?” He said, though he lacked the usual venom behind the words. You turned your head towards him slightly, giving him a small smile before turning back to the ocean.
“It’s so beautiful, isn’t it? Especially at night, you can see the moon reflecting off the water. It looks like a portal to another world that just goes on forever. Sometimes I wish I could just jump in and disappear. End up in some other universe where everything is as beautiful as the ocean.”
Rafe stared at you as you spoke. Despite you being a Pogue, he’d always found you beautiful, though if his friends asked he would use a different word like hot or fuckable. But right now, as the moon shone down on your hair and the light from the kegger illuminated your outline, he couldn’t think of any other word but beautiful. As you spoke, your words floated from your mouth and into his chest, wrapping around his heart in a comforting embrace. He had gotten into an argument with his dad before the party and he felt like shit. He’d tired to bail, but Kelce and Topper dragged him from his home on Figure 8 and down to The Cut, promising liquor and drugs would cure his bad mood. They had no idea the real reason behind his anger and sadness.
As soon as he could, he escaped from the loud and chaotic kegger to this quiet spot on the beach, needing a moment on his own to just be. Then you come along and, had you ben anyone else, he would have yelled at you to go the fuck away. But no, it was you, the Pogue who always smiled at him when they made eye contact, the one who apologized for her friends when they started shit, but wasn’t afraid to chew him out when he was the shit-starter. He’d always tried to ignore his little crush on you, knowing it would never happen. But now you were here and speaking to him like no one else had.
“Yeah, that sounds nice.” He replied, not taking his eyes off you. You turned and made eye contact with him, raising an eye brow at him.
“So, what’s the Kook King doing sitting over here all alone?” You asked. Rafe gave you a sad smile, breaking eye contact to look at his hands, tapping his fingers on his knees.
“I could ask the same thing of the Pogue Princess,” He said. You laughed and Rafe’s heart skipped a beat. He’d never heard your laugh before but now it was the only thing he ever wanted to hear for the rest of his life.
“I’m not the Pogue Princess,” You chuckled, shaking your head, “I just wanted some air, and to feel the waves under my feet. Helps me stay grounded.”
Rafe nodded and looked back at the ocean. A comfortable silence settled between the two of you for a short moment. You were the one to break it.
“So? I answered your question, now you need to answer mine. And I asked first so if you don’t answer that’s just plain rude.”
Rafe chuckled and glanced at you. He ran his hand through his hair, messing up the slicked back style. You watched as his hair fell in his eyes and licked your lips. Rafe was a dick, yes, but you couldn’t help but notice how attractive he was. All those times he and JJ were at each other’s throats, your eyes would wander to the tall boy, taking in every detail of him. You would never admit it the other Pogues, but he intrigued you. He was never as rude to you as he was to the other Pogues. Once he’d even smiled at you and said “thank you” when you’d handed him a cup of beer at a kegger. Kiara, who had been right next to you, was convinced he had been possessed.
You had never been a fan of the whole Kook versus Pogue rivalry, you thought it was cliche and dumb. But you continued to abide by the rules of the island, despite the constant urge to go up to Rafe and befriend him. After all, you had made friends with Sarah, why not the other Cameron sibling?
“Didn’t really want to come to this kegger in the first place. Since I’m here, might as well enjoy some shitty beer and a great view while trying to ignore all my problems.”
“I get that. I ignore my problems all the time. Whenever I get ice out of the freezer and a couple cubes fall to the ground, I always just kick them under the fridge.”
Rafe laughed, a genuine, joyful laugh that made your heart flutter.
“I’ve done the exact same thing many, many times,” He said.
“I’m assuming your problems are a little bigger than ice cubes.”
The smile slowly faded from his face and he nodded. “Yeah, just a little bit,”
You looked at him as a pained expression crossed his face. You already missed his laugh, and you were determined to hear it again.
“Well, can I help you ignore your problems? Even if it’s just for a little while?” You said.
Rafe looked up at you, eyes sad but a smile on his lips. “I would love that.”
You and Rafe talked about nothing as the party continued to rage on behind you. You told him all the shitty jokes you knew while he told you about embarrassing stories about his sister and his friends. You got into a short argument about what fast food place had the best fries, never coming to an agreement. You weren’t sure how much time had passed, hours maybe, but you didn’t want it to end. You had moved closer to Rafe and he to you until your thighs and shoulders were touching. The conversation had died down for a moment as you made eye contact with each other. His tongue flicked out and licked his lips, drawing your eyes to them.
“Do you know what else will help you ignore your problems?” You asked. Both of you slowly moved closer and closer towards each other, eyes flicking from eyes to lips and back again.
“What?” Rafe asked. You answered him by leaning forward and connecting your lips to his. Your hands gripped the sand for balance has he reach up to place a hand on the back of your head, pulling you closer to deepen the kiss. His other hand rested on your hip, gripping it as if his life depended on it. You raised your hands to run your fingers through his hair, almost falling on top of him. The Hand on your hip swiftly wrapped around your waist, pulling you into his lap. You straddled him, fingers threading through his light hair. He tasted like beer and mint and heaven. His tongue ran along her bottom lip and you opened your mouth, allowing him to explore to his heart content. His hands moved underneath your shirt, running up and down your sides. One of his thumbs brushed up against the bottom of your breast, feeling you through the thin fabric of your bra. You let out a moan into his mouth that motivated him to move further. His grip on you tightened, pulling you flush against him. Your lips were soft and sweet, every negative thought disappearing from his mind, being replaced by you, you, you. Rafe didn’t want to forget a single part of this moment. He memorized the curve of your hip, the softness of your lips. The way you smelled and the way you moaned and breathed and tasted. He was euphoric, questioning whether or not this was a dream.
His hand had just ventured underneath your bra, lips creating dark spots are your neck when someone yelled from the direction of the kegger.
Your eyes snapped open as you looked towards the edge of the kegger. In the distance, you could see the silhouette of the Pogues against the fire light. They were waving their arms and shouting your name. Rafe, however, paid no mind, sucking on the sensitive spot below your ear that made you moan.
“Rafe,” you moaned his name. You pulled his hair, forcing him away from your neck to look in your eyes. “I have to go.”
You kissed him again as you slowly removed yourself from his lap. His hand gripped your arm as you stood, your lips still attached. You giggled as your rested your forehead on his, pecking the tip of his nose. You finally disconnected from him, but your eyes never left his as you walked backwards toward the other Pogues.
“I’ll see you around, Cameron,” You said before turning on your heel, jogging towards your friends. Rafe stood their frozen, hair a mess and lips swollen as he stared at your retreating figure. A he couldn’t help but smile as he stood up, brushing the sand from his body. As he walked toward where Topper and Kelce were standing, he prayed for another moment where he got to taste your lips.
You reached the Pogues, a smile still on your face as you adjusted your messy hair.
“Ready to go?” John B asked. You nodded walked next to Kiara and Sarah towards the Twinkie. Both girls examined your giggly state and the hickies that littered your collarbone and neck.
“Who was that?” Sarah asked, smirking at you. Your words caught in your throat for a moment, unsure if you should tell the truth or not. You quickly glanced over the fire and met Rafe’s gaze. He winked at you and blush crawled up your cheeks. You quickly looked back at Sarah and smiled.
“Just some Touron,” You answered. Sarah and Kie laughed at your blushing face, asking you more questions about the Touron you had just made out with on the beach. You told them you knew nothing about them, dodging their questions and suggestive looks. Tonight had been a dream, you weren’t ready to wake up yet. As you approached the parked van, you took one last glance at Rafe and smiled. You hoped you would never wake up.
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nukapind · 4 years
Hi can you pls continue the late night visit fics their great and I love seeing dad!dabi content yours became a new favorite of mine 🥰💜🤗
Enough (Dabi x Reader)
+ Request: “Hi! I was wondering if I could request a continuation of your series Of Visits and Drop Ins? Honestly I look forward to seeing more interactions between Dabi and his son along with how the family dynamic has changed to accommodate Dabi. Happy New Year!”
So I actually didn’t even notice it was the day to post and I did literally all of this on my break at work lmao. Lemme know if y’all have any requests and like always, this was crossposted to my AO3.
Late Night Visit (Part One)  Daylight Drop-In (Part Two)
The first change you made was the olive branch— a small key to your apartment that you’d left on the counter with a note. It’d always been an extra key but lately it’d found a home looped in some twine around Dabi’s neck in a makeshift necklace, hidden to the prying eyes of his so called coworkers under his shirt.
The second was the extra space that’d seemed to free itself up— from the empty hook on the coatrack to the new seat at the dinner table, there’d at least been an attempt to accommodate a third person in the house, even if there was no guarantee that it’d be used. After all, Dabi had never seemed to care about the smaller things before— never once cared if his placemat was at the table or if you’d freed up space in your closet to make room for his clothes— yet you still made space for him in your life.
And the final change certainly had to be Takeshi himself, he’d always been such a sweet and quiet boy outside of the home. He’d never been one to be loud nor to be mischievous
With Dabi here, he seemed to come to life just as his powers had.
“Mommy, look at what Dabi taught me!” An excited squeal rang in your ears, quickly followed by the sound of little feet running around the house. Those words had never been followed with anything good, the last he’d said that your hair had been singed slightly— Takeshi was very apologetic, Dabi not as much but he’d certainly got a kick out of it.
Immediately your eyes darted over the fire extinguisher on the kitchen counter, fingers antsy to reach out for it already. “Mom look!” He whined and reluctantly you turned, a soft gasp leaving your lips. A small blue flame rested on his fingertip, glowing just as much as the smile on Takeshi’s face.
“Wow sweetie, that’s wonderful. But remember that we don’t use our quirks inside the house, practicing is for our outside time.” He huffed but the proud look on his face didn’t seem to vanish. “It looks just like Dabi’s fire! I’m getting good.” You snorted, he certainly did seem to be getting the same amount of confidence that Dabi had, that’s for sure.
“It looks very cool, now put that fire out quick.” He pouted but nevertheless the flame quickly dissipated— only proving that though Dabi may have been a pain to have around before this, he had been teaching Takeshi quickly. The elementary school you’d sent him to had already said his control was far greater than the other students, that he had a remarkable quirk— a quirk that was an awful lot like Endeavor’s, that could work perfectly for a hero. You wanted absolutely none of that, and you were sure Dabi would rather skin himself alive than to hear that Takeshi had been compared to Endeavor at your parent-teacher conference.
Thankfully, Takeshi hadn’t had such an interest in heroes like all the other children his age— hopefully he never would.
“Kid’s got good control, better than me at that age.” Biting your lip, you nodded softly— though you’d made all these changes to fit Dabi in both of your lives, it didn’t mean seeing him was any less uncomfortable. It was obvious, from the beginning at least, that you’d only wanted him around to help Takeshi— who still hadn’t wanted  to call Dabi his dad.
It’d been a nightmare at the beginning, but slowly things had started to get better.
“Well, you’ve had more than enough time to learn how to control that firepower. Now you’re just passing it on I suppose.” You’d threaded your fingers through Takeshi’s hair, frowning softly at the white that was poke through at the tips— Dabi had said it was something that couldn’t be helped, that it’d happened to him as a kid too and the only solution would be to dye it back.
“Kid, go clean up. Your mom and I have to talk.” And just as he always did whenever Dabi told him to do anything, Takeshi nodded obediently before running off to the bathroom— Dabi had been his idol recently, hanging around him every second he could.
Which made this talk a whole lot scarier.
“Doll I—” “Dabi, I just wanna say thank you for being here.” You quickly interrupted him, wringing your hand nervously. What other reason would he have to talk other than to say he was done with teaching Takeshi? After all, Takeshi was already ahead of the curve, the schools could handle his quirk from here on out— there was probably no need for Dabi to stick around. But these last three months had been the easiest of your life, with the help with Takeshi you’d barely had to worry too much.
Because despite everything he’d done, you trusted Dabi to keep both you and Takeshi safe. That’d been enough.
“Takeshi has been… so so much better with you here, honestly I’ve never seen him this happy. He loves being around you, It’s all I fucking hear.” You laughed, rubbing the back of your neck. “You’re… you’re really helping us out Dabi.” The conflicted look on his face was enough to prepare you for the worst.
And his mind was conflicted indeed, all he’d promised was to get the brat’s quirk in check— he’d never promised all these family dinners and babysitting while you were out. He had better things to do than to watch a shitty movie with some snot-nosed brat while you did the dishes in the kitchen.
But then again, he’d been the one dragging out the training sessions, and he’d been the one that’d been showing up at the league less and less each week. He’d been the one passing out on your couch even though he’d told himself that this was just gonna be a quick thing.
He’d gotten too comfortable with all this fucking domesticity, and it was just causing him even more fucking problems.
“I can’t be here anymore Doll, you think they wouldn’t take your ass to Tartarus if they catch me with you? And if they find out who Takeshi really is, they’ll send him right to that asshole. He’ll do to Takeshi what he fucking did to me.” He kept his voice low, Takeshi had never liked hearing the two or you argue. “We can leave this place then, we can figure this out.” Your pleading almost made something in his chest twinge, but it was easy enough to shove that away.
“They could send him to the hero commission too, they’d make him a fucking soldier there.” He spat, the very idea was vile— for his own son to be working in what was one of the most flawed hero systems ever.
“If you run out on us again, you’re not coming back, Dabi. You’ll be out of his life for good. I mean it this time.” He hesitated, watching as Takeshi ran out the bathroom only to settle himself into the couch, cartoons already blaring way too loudly. And he hesitated again as he watched you: arms crossed and defensive, ready to protect your little fucked up family at any cost.
What he’d give to have just a little more fucking resilience.
“Fine.” He hissed. “You have one week to sort out all your shit, I’ll be back and we’ll take the kid and go. But don’t fucking say I didn’t do anything for you two.” Promptly he was pulled into a bone crushing hug, your face buried in his chest as tears dampened his shit. “I gotta do some stuff before we go, but seven days. Don’t go changing your mind.” “I won't! I won’t” Your grin wasn’t at all dampened by the sniffles escaping you. 
“Dabi, thank you so much.” 
And in that moment, it was a reminder of what had dragged him into your life in the first place. “Don’t fucking bail out on me, alright Doll?”
The nod into his chest was enough.
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bubblyani · 4 years
Bail Out : 09
(Bruce Wayne x Reader)
A Bruce Wayne Multi Chapter Series
Chapter 09: Loyalty 
Summary: One fateful, drunken night gets you arrested for assault.  However, once you get bailed out by Billionaire Socialite Bruce Wayne,  surprising obstacles get in the way, forcing you to question all your  choices in life, career, and in love.
Word Count: 7300+
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Violence
Author’s Note: Heeyyyy!! Sorry for the 3 week absence. Needed to get some personal stuff on track and finally writing once again. Perhaps I am also sad to end this series also. But, I am determined to end this perfectly. One more chapter to go so it’s not the end yet. Enjoy lovelies!
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(10 am)
Concern came over John Blake, thus translating into physical pain when his fingernails dug into his palms. All the while the young woman sitting before held his attention for a few seconds that seemed like pure torture.
Her graceful, manicured fingers danced across the computer keyboard, pressing in a rhythmic manner as she searched for specific piece of information. Looking up finally, she displayed a choreographed smile: “I’m sorry, but there’s no record of an appointment with…Officer Blake” She said. Bowing his head down, John chuckled with disbelief: “No...” He replied, shaking his hand before putting it on her table, “There has to be a mistake...” His voice rife with seriousness, “You see, I called you…you’re Simone right?” “Yes?” “Yeah, I called you yesterday and I was told…10 am” John stressed on it, eventually growing irritated. Finally, with approval granted by Commissioner Gordon himself, Officer John Blake finally was in the clear to approach Erik Henderson for further questioning. There was a game to be a played, and he played it well. He followed the rules, he made the appointment with his secretary, all in the hopes that today will not proved to be a hassle.
At least, that was his intention. Until now.
“So sorry, Officer…” the cold smile continued to linger in young woman’s face,“...but no appointment. But…” she paused, grabbing John’s attention, “…if you can wait a bit I can fit you in on a free time slot, how about that?”
Though her smile grew wider, it was evident her intentions were far from sincere. With a huge sigh, John smiled back tightly.
“That would be great, thanks”  He said politely, for the game was still on, and he had to keep playing. Joining Officer Nina Langdon, they made their way to the hallway together.
Henderson Incorporated Building proved to be lavish. And it certainly exuded a different energy from Wayne Enterprises. The decor had over-compensating written all over it, as if gold had a massive explosion, while the scent of strong lavender invaded their nostrils without permission. Nina sighed:
“Bet we’re gonna get ditched, I’m 100% sure” she muttered, with her arms folded. “Yeah...” John agreed, as they collectively gazed upon the secretary from a distance, “…especially now that it’s pretty obvious Henderson doesn’t wanna see us” He said. Turning back to the redhead, he sighed, “You didn’t have to come with me, you know”
“You kidding me?” Nina asked, shaking her head slowly, “I assigned myself to this case…” she stated, “…like it or not, I’m with you all the way”
John’s lips curved upward, for the subtle affection she delivered was not to be ignored, “Okay…” he accepted. For truthfully, he was always relieved to have her around.
“Although I’m definitely not happy with the waiting part” Nina pointed out casually. “Wait…What?” Laughing, Nina put her hand on his shoulder, “I’m kidding…” she added, “Cause…” suddenly her laughter disappeared, leaving nothing but a serious facade, “We’re NOT leaving until we talk to Henderson”.
Surprised, yet convinced, John nodded before dialing a number on his phone.
“Ma’am?” He began, with the phone pressed against his ear, “It’s Blake…”
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A call from John Blake was not expected by you that morning. Truthfully, you didn’t expect any call from anyone for you had no intention to answer any. But given the situation you did answer his. Sitting by the edge of the neatly made bed, you listened to Blake on speakerphone whilst dressed in nothing but the white towel.
“But…couldn’t you just go back another day?” You inquired with concern.
“We could…” the policeman replied, “But I won’t be surprised if they suddenly find it inconvenient to see us then” “Fair point…” you agreed with a nod. Looking up, you involuntarily smiled by the sight of Bruce walking towards you in a bathrobe,  “I really appreciate the help, Officer” You added. “Well, this definitely is a case unlike anything I’ve ever seen…” he said, “So we’ll keep you posted”
The moment you hung up, the mere device that was the mobile phone suddenly seemed insignificant as you stood up to face your lover. It was not long before you and Bruce Wayne possibly had the time of your lives making love without any sense of restriction nor interruptions, while the morning was the sole witness. It was not long before this neatly made bed had been full of crumpled sheets, and one destined wet towel. For others, it may have appeared to be a complete state of mess. However, for you it was a sweet reminder of total satisfaction, for that mess was a memory worth treasuring for eternity.
A gentle breath exited your lips the moment he pulled the towel off your nude frame. Gingerly placing a bathrobe around your shoulders, Bruce dressed you up with care. He even took his time proceeding to the smallest detail by tying up the robe tightly, all the while he maintained an unbreakable gaze at your direction. You felt attended, you felt cared for. Truthfully it had been sometime since you had this felt from a man. And it simply proved more than satisfactory.
“Thank you…” You murmured, closing one’s eyes in pleasure when he placed a loving kiss on your forehead. With a gentle tug on the sleeve, he guided you towards the chairs that faced the large windows. The moment your eyes graced over the outside world, you could not help but chuckle all the sudden.
“What?” Bruce inquired, and his confusion was valid. “Just…” You shrugged as you took a seat across from him,  “...never knew I had to literally worry about someone trying to have me killed” you added, feigning laughter. It was no laughing matter. For this was not an average matter of concern. It was much bigger. Given the manner your fingers nervously held the others, it was simply clear as day how you worried for your life.   “Well, I’m here…” Bruce’s gentle voice anchored you back to the light. For all the sudden, you remembered who exactly you sat across from. The guardian, the knight. Your knight. “I know….” You replied, smiling softly, “And I’m glad” you said, taking in a deep refreshing breath in what you were blessed with before you.
As much as the Dark Knight was glorious in black, Bruce appeared  ethereal in white. He always did, ever since you laid eyes on him. For you, he was the poster boy for crisp white shirts, pulling them off well it seemed criminal. And even this bathrobe he donned, came to a close second. The manner his hair gently had fallen over his face, the manner his side profile was proudly flaunted by mother nature, you could be nothing but grateful to witness them. You indulged then sight as he turned his head, gazing across the Gotham skyline with interest. Rays of sunshine illuminated the high rise buildings and other structures nearby, and the sight clearly had brought a huge smile to his face.
“Wow…” He finally breathed, “it’s beautiful, isn’t it?” He said softly, his eyes still on the skyline.Your own eyes widened with disbelief.
“Please don’t tell me this is your first time realizing that!” You exclaimed, raising your eyebrows. “It is…”   “What?” Leaning forward, your jaw dropped involuntarily,“But...” you scoffed, “...how is that possible?” “Guess I’m not blind anymore...” Bruce replied, except his eyes were not glued to the skyline any longer. Where they were glued, you need not proof, especially when your cheeks began to flare up. His gaze, that gaze, it was what you always longed for. All these years. A gaze full of content. A gaze full of genuine affection. So wholesome it seemed unfathomable. “Why me?” Those words escaped you before you could take control. Bruce raised his eyebrows. “I don’t follow...” “I mean…” you paused, shyly bringing your legs up to sit cross legged, “I was too busy falling for you...that I didn’t even bother to ask you…” you chuckled, “…out of all the people, why pick me?” Truthfully, this was riffed with genuine curiosity. Thus, you did not blame yourself. Surprised by your inquiry, Bruce did not rush to answer. However, that in turn made your pulse race: “Cause, granted Bruce…” you interrupted, “.. I’m not this beautiful foreign ballerina, model or even an actress-” “You are very beautiful…” he protested gently. “Oh! I know I am…” You were surprised by your own  confidence, “It’s  just that…” taking a deep breath, you continued, “Wow! I actually can’t believe you think so…” you found yourself say, suddenly lost in the hazel orbs, “What? that’s not the real question…” you said, scoffing whilst shaking this spell away.
“You seem distracted” Bruce purred, his gaze affixed on you.
“All thanks to you…” you chuckled, blushes making an appearance once again. Inhaling deeply, you looked at him with genuine earnest: “Why...did you risk everything just to come bail me out that morning?”
You inquired, sitting up straight, “You’re Bruce Wayne...you’re someone who could definitely hold up your own…” you added, pointing at him with a sense of grandiose, “…and what I did was colossally embarrassing, not just to you but for the whole company...so…why?” “Loyalty…” Bruce’s reply, it made you blink. “Sorry?” He smiled, “Your loyalty…it…struck me…” he said, “And honestly...” he added, “... bailing you out was simply my way of thanking you…” “And I will always be grateful for that…But why-” “-did I fall for you?” He finished the sentence for you, but in a different way. One that made your heart skip. “I was gonna say...care for me but, I’ll take that instead” you said, smiling shyly. He chuckled: “I wish I could give you a clear answer on that…but I can’t…” he replied, in all honesty, “I mean, can you?” That was when you came to the simple realization. Not everything was a checklist, some phenomena in life are simply many a reasons infused into one entity. “No…” you breathed, “I guess I can’t…” you chuckled, “I mean, it’s not like it’s a Math Test where everything is technical, right?” You said, to which he nodded in sheer agreement. “The moment we started to talk...” Bruce began, “It just felt…so familiar…” he said, in a dire attempt to grasp the words, “…It felt like we were two-” “-friends?” This time, it was you who finished it for him. And he agreed here as well.
“Exactly…” he said,  “And then I just…I just couldn’t stop…”   “I get it…” you said, “I get it a lot” you agreed with a chuckle. It was no difficult task to do so, for your heart was brave witness to all the suffering undergone within you, the suppression of emotions brought up by him, “And, I know what I’m gonna say is very, very cheesy-” “Cheesier than the dinner last night?”
You could not help but guffaw, “No…” as he laughed alongside you, “Oh! come on! I trying to be serious here…” “Sorry…” Exhaling deeply, the laughter died down. Composing yourself from the humor, you were a surprise to your own self as you rose up from the chair.
“As I was saying…” you began, walking towards him while running your fingers through your hair, “…clearly there were the obvious signs of…wealth…and luxury surrounding you…” stating the obvious, you had an air of professionalism that seemed to amuse him, “…but from the moment I spoke to you in the car…” you said, certainly full of surprises as you sat across his lap, “I realized that…I really just wanted to spend time with…you”. A deep breath was indeed necessary, drinking in the man that was Bruce, “I really wanted to win the heart of Bruce...not the billionaire. Just…Bruce-”
His blessed name exited your lips in the best possible manner, especially when his own greedy lips captured you in a kiss. A kiss that traveled deeper to the trenches unknown in your soul. Your hands found haven in his hair, fingers tangled in his luscious locks, allowing your affections to transmit to him through the mere follicles of his existence. Bringing you closer to him, his hand rested gently on your back, stroking with a sense of care and even more. His lips, they seemed essential to you day by day, kiss after kiss. And that realization seeped in to you the moment he pulled away.
“Don’t go today...” His words, they brimmed of a plea. Yet, in truth, you did not seem to require much convincing. “I won’t…” you said softly, against his lips, “Cause… luckily for you…” your face lit up with cheer, “…. this employee rarely takes leave…”
Chuckles filled the room between the two. This, this simple form of comfort, happiness, it was all you ever longed for in life. And when it kissed you and held you tenderly, you found it quite difficult to believe.
“But seriously, I honestly think we both deserve a good break” you added with conviction, “Maybe we can watch something nice. Maybe I can cook for you, feed you, …” your affectionate tone had him throw you a hopeful gaze, “….Maybe watch you do pushups , and act like a lovestruck teenager” you chuckled by the mere thought of it.
“Anything you want…” Bruce certainly did not seem to mind, holding on to you with a sense of high value.
And in truth, those plans were simply perfect.
Even in the comfort of home, it certainly was a vacation. Just you and him together, the world was suddenly your oyster. Excitement bubbled within you both, when it finally was possible to experience the life of a normal couple. And you certainly was surprised when Bruce found it equally enthusiastic. Be it cooking, and cleaning which seemed to have some familiarity already. Be it an unexpected nap, curled up in each other’s arms, occasionally indulging kisses by the sofa whilst engaging with the television. Or be it gazing into each other’s eyes whilst slow dancing together in your sweats and t-shirts. Dusk was welcoming, bringing in nothing but softness while soothing music played in the background. Seeing him this content, you only wished Alfred had returned to witness.
“Do you like this?” You inquired gently, brushing one’s nose against his. And against the changing colors of dusk, you saw him nod. “So much so, I wish I could show you off to the whole world” he breathed.
That heart stirring phrase, surprisingly left you with a needful reminder. With your pulse growing fast, you were overcome with an urge.
“Bruce…” you began, “There’s something I want to tell you…”  you said, which suddenly captured his attention. You took a deep breath “I-”
“Master Wayne!”
Alfred Pennyworth’s booming voice never failed to gain attention. Both of you released each other from seeing the older man walk fast. Bruce grinned at him.
“Missed us already, Alfred?” He inquired. However, pleasure or amusement was the least of his concerns. In fact, his face was filled with concern.
“It’s about Arkham, Sir”
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“A security breakdown? at Arkham Asylum?”
Shooting up from his seat, Blake cried out into his phone, “But… how is that even possible?”. Shocked from what she just heard, Nina could do nothing but watch him.
“Yeah, man. That’s what they told us” Officer Dave Ramirez replied from the other side, “We’re on our way to hold down the place. It’s all good, John, don’t worry. I’ll look into it…”
“Thanks, Dave”
Hanging up, John sighed heavily, sitting next to Nina, “Something doesn’t feel right…” he said. He was not mistaken. For must that happen now? Out of all the times? Or had he just become the victim of a delusional nightmare?
It would seem fair, considering the fact waiting was all John and Nina had to do from morning, the one giant hurdle to overcome in order to reach their goal. At times, it seemed like a punishment, yet they kept waiting. Hours passed, and still they waited. They may had to go run down to satisfy their need for sustenance with some sandwiches, but they did not hesitate to return with more motivation and wait once again. Only upon looking through the glass windows were they informed of the arrival of dusk. And now with the news of Arkham, everything seemed out of reach and uncontrollable.
The young secretary suddenly stood up from her desk with a huge smile on her face. “Mr.Henderson is waiting for you…”
She said brightly. John and Nina looked each other, wondering if it finally was their chance as they got up. But to their disappointment, it seemed she was addressing the 4 men in suits carrying suitcases that just arrived behind them. Given their appearances and features, Blake quickly identified them to be the Henderson Legal Team. Shooting cold glances, the men swiftly entered Henderson’s office one by one. And this time, Nina Langdon scoffed out loud:
“Unbelievable…” she muttered under her breath. “Nina…” filled with hopelessness, John muttered with concern, “…we can go bac-” “No!” She interrupted, looking at him, “We waited this long…” she said, “Not now…”
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It was not shameful to acknowledge  the simple fact you were nervous. For it was not the time to be in denial.
“Would you like to return to the Penthouse miss?”
You halted. Pacing back and forth in constant motion, you certain had forced Alfred Pennyworth to take notice. And you were embarrassed by it.
“No, I’m good…” you shook your head, “Thank you” smiling softly. Suddenly, you were overcome with a sense of unprofessionalism. You took a deep breath, “Did Bruce always use this place?” You inquired, looking around the underground concrete chamber.  
“Not when he was in the Wayne Manor” Alfred replied, sitting in front of the CCTV monitors. With the fire burning most of the Wayne Manor down a few years back, it seemed to make quite the sense to find solace in the Wayne Penthouse and here. Though the news blamed the man’s intoxication for the fire, you wondered if there was reason deeper at play. His enemies? Could tonight be a trap set out for him as well? Involuntarily you found yourself rubbing your forearms as a result. “It’s Master Wayne, Miss” Alfred said, “He will be alright” Smiling at him gratefully, you stood next to him to watch the screens. He was right. You hoped to believe him above all others. It was not too long since Bruce left. Thus, the memory remained fresh in your mind.
“But, but...wasn’t the Asylum supposed to have firm security?”
Your naive and loud  inquiry also was fresh in your memory, as the three of you descended to the concrete chamber. Your eyes were filled with quite a sight of the lair, the moment the white lights began to illuminate.
“It was supposed to…”
Bruce replied, hurried walking towards the monitors. Truthfully, when Alfred came in with the news, you assumed you would have been ask to head home. Therefore, being asked to accompany was unexpected. However, you worried of your possible lack of helpfulness.
“And we just have audio?”
“That’s what Gotham PD got…”
He said, as he kept replaying the phone call. The caller presumably from Arkham, was filled with fear. The more times the clip was played, the more you sensed the atmosphere in the room tense with every second. And by the 5th replay, you saw Bruce get up.
“I gotta get over there…” he said.
Your involuntary response leaped out as your eyes traced his movements. As much as you were filled with wonder by the sight of the Bat suit, hung on a transparent rack that emerged from the concrete floor. “The police is going to need all the help it can get, if a breakout happens…” He added standing with arms crossed,  “Especially with the patients in there…”
“You mean like the J-” “Yeah…” “Of course…”
You said quietly. This certainly was not the time to protest for his safety or panic. A sense of responsibility came over you, the responsibility for your own emotions here. You were obligated to offer him your trust in this moment. Turning towards you, Bruce flashed a soft smile:
“Sorry I couldn’t give you the full tour…”
You shook your head without hesitation, “There’s time for that later…” you said, walking over to him, “Just-”you paused, “Be careful, okay?” For that all you could utter. That was what you should utter.
“I will…” Bruce replied, with you a reassuring look, “You stay put”
The sudden vibration in your sweatpants pocket, ushered you back to reality. Taking the phone out, Your eyes widened by the sight of the caller.
“Clara! Hey!” You answered with a smile, “I’m sorry I couldn’t meet you last night I-”
“Listen, I need your help” you heard her mutter, “I think…” she inhaled a shakily, “I think I’m in trouble…”
With a cascade of words streaming out of her lips and into your ears through the communication line, certainly made you freeze in a stance. The manner in which your hand clenched, you were certain her distress was no simple matter. She needed your help.
Your initial instinct longed to dash out to the rescue. Yet you made a promise. Never did you preferred to be the naive one and break Bruce’s trust. However, you would never forgive yourself if you could not help either.
You breathed, as soon as you hung up, “I’m sorry but… I think I gotta go…Now before you say anything, there’s just a place I really need to be…A friend is in trouble” your lips rambled with concern, “Alfred, you gotta trust me. I wouldn’t go unless its necessary” you brought your hands together, “Please-”
“I believe you…”
Alfred answered with confidence. And you were truly surprised. Perhaps you expected protests and refusal.
“You do?”
“Yes” He said, “Which is why… I know you will do exactly as I say…”
Then again, given the years this man had lived through, it could be possible for him to easily trace of sincerity in your eyes. Taking a deep breath, you felt your fist loosen:
“I’m all ears…”
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The Elizabeth Arkham Asylum for the Criminally Insane, or Arkham Asylum for short, a psychiatric hospital-prison was home to the most criminally insane in the city of Gotham. Thus, the mere mention of a breach of it’s security certainly caused panic far and wide.
However, the moment Officer Dave Ramirez arrived at the scene, doubts and confusion was all he could come up with.
Standing in the midst of the chatter and the several police cars parked, his arms remained crossed as he slowly shook his head in disappointment. His gaze affixed on his partner, Officer Vance exiting the Asylum building with a skinny man handcuffed.
“A False alarm? Really?”
Ramirez inquired his partner with a scoff, “Do they think we’re a joke?” He questioned further as the man was  seated in the car. He certainly had a fair point. Never did they expect to come down all this way just to realize security breach existed, and it all was nothing but a fake call made by one convincing staff member in administration. With Arkham managing to apprehend the staff, several Gotham PD cars with armed officers had arrived just for a simply handover. It was an embarrassment to the riches. Closing the car door behind him, Vance sighed: “Well, the call was pretty convincing” he replied, looking at Ramirez, “Why he did it, he wont say..” “What?” “Yep, quiet as a mouse-” “HELP!” The loud cry from the seemingly quiet man forced every officer to turn in alarm, including Vance and Ramirez. “Oh…my…god” Ramirez muttered in shock as he lowered his guard. By the sight of none other than the Batman himself.
In a matter of swift movements, he had seemed to grabbed the man out of the car, only to press him fiercely against it with a loud thud! “Why did you do it?” Batman growled at the man, as Ramirez and Vance approached him, “Why did you make the call?” “Please! Don’t hurt me” the man  whimpered whilst hyperventilating, “I had my reasons” “Trust me, Buddy” Ramirez began, “Better save yourself now with the truth, before the Court rips you out with prison time” Truthfully, no officer was as shocked to see the Batman than Dave Ramirez. Known to the whole station as the shameless fan of the Dark Knight, this moment was rewarded for his patience. Yet regardless, it was key that he maintain his level of professionalism and suppress his inner fanatic. With his breath slowing down, the skinny man raised his hands in defense as he took a deep breath: “I was on my way to the store on my day off...” he continued, “...and all the sudden a car pulled up, and it got dark cause I had a bag over my head” he gulped, “....the next thing I knew, I was drowned in a bathtub full of ice” he said in pain, “...threatening me to fake a security fail and call the police…” “You could have told us that, you know?” Vance said. The man’s eyes widened. “How could I, man?” He said, “I was being fucking watched” he added through gritted teeth, “He was threatening to kill my family” “Who was it?” Batman inquired. “Some guy” he said, “...he was dressed in all black” “With a skull shaped mask?” Batman managed to add to his query before the cops could even interfere. The man nodded frantically: “Yes! AH-” Dropping the man down from his grip, Batman surprised all as he began to walk away out of the scene, “Keep this man safe” he growled pointing at the man. Vance and Ramirez looked at each other with confusion: “Wait! What’s going on?” Ramirez inquired. “This is a ruse” Batman replied hoarsely, as he climbed on his Bat-pod, the red and blue blinking lights reflected in his direction in the night. “For what?” Dave seemed more confused, until he gasped, “WAIT!” He cried as the Bat-Pod exited their location with a roaring sound, disappearing into the darkness faster than anyone expected. “Damn it!” Dave cried out, throwing his hat on the ground. Vance seemed concerned. “You okay?” Dave sighed into his palms, “Couldn’t even take a photo of the guy”he mumbled, to which Vance did nothing but roll his eyes.   “Pretty sure he wouldn’t give you the satisfaction, Dave. The guy’s too smooth”
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Parting greetings were heard and exchanged between the secretary and other employees as most of them prepared to go home after a long day. Half and hour passed, and the Lawyers still appeared to be in Henderson’s Office. Crossing his legs, Blake looked at the young woman:
“Long night tonight, huh?” Blake said, motioning towards the office door. She however, did not look surprised.
“Oh, it’s nothing new” she replied nonchalantly, turning her attention back to the computer.
Finally, the suits managed to exit Henderson’s office, but to John’s surprise, Simone still did not offer the green light he so required, as she merely shook her head in feigned apology. Exiting the washroom, Nina returned, only to identify the dejected look on John’s face.
“Still no?” She asked, to which Blake nodded upsettingly. Never was he the one to give up. Except this time, he was compelled to. A part of him wondered if it was his sheer naiveté blinding him. Sighing, it seemed that Nina Langdon was not going to take this anymore.
“Well, here goes nothing”
She muttered, taking a deep breath, “Ma’am?”
Changing her voice to a more polite tone, Nina approached the secretary, “Uh… it’s Simone right? I’m sorry but I think there’s a problem with the lock in the washroom. Could you check it out for me?”
Confused, the young woman seemingly was encouraged to listen. “Yeah sure...” She said, standing up to follow Nina towards the washroom. Getting up , John leaned towards that direction to listen:
“The door seems fine” he heard the young woman’s voice echo, “…Where exactly is the proble-HEY!!!”
“Oh gosh! I’m so sorry! See? I told you there’s something wrong with the lock. Let me-Let me get some help, okay?”
Smirking to himself, John could detect Nina’s feigned innocence with his eyes closed. And within seconds, she appeared before him, for time was of the essence:
“I locked her in. GO GO GO!” She hissed.
Suddenly tension was high, and while Nina kept watch by the washroom, John made his way to Henderson’s office. One way or another, he was certain to charge his way in and obtain answers.
“I hope we can put an end to this soon, Mr. Henderson…”
John paused. He had to, upon hearing a polite male voice through the door, which conveniently was never completely closed. And that was when he realized, out of the 4 men that entered half and hour earlier, only 3 had left. Holding his breath, John remained frozen as he could possibly be.
“….the Police is starting to get suspicious. Did you see the two waiting outside?”
“What? They’re still there?? I figured making them wait will make them leave”
Erik Henderson’s irritated voice boomed loud enough to end up in John’s ears with clarity. Given the tone of this conversation, he was more than certain this was of great importance. And when he took out his phone and pressed record, he was grateful of his decision.
For the answers he desired for, were finally handed to him on a silver platter. For the waiting finally seemed worthwhile. For Henderson’s attempts were merely futile.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Your legs shook with nervousness in the taxi, when you made your way to Wayne Tower.
The fact you were merely dressed in Bruce’s black T-shirt and your sweatpants did not seem relevant at all at this point, for it was vital that you be there. For Clara. Especially since her phone call kept replaying in your mind on a constant loop:
“You might think I’m nuts but, I think I may have a stalker situation. Told you! It’s nuts, but had a feeling ever since I came to Wayne Enterprises. Uh…weeks later, it started to get worse…that’s why…that’s why I even had to leave sooner than my contract. When I left, I thought it would get better, but now I’m getting these weird silent calls and-Oh god! I didn’t know who else to call. Can we meet at Wayne Tower, please?  Its the safest place I could think of…”
The moment you felt the vehicle slow down, you were not hesitant to quickly stuff extra change you had into the pleased driver’s hand, jumping out of the car soon after. “You alright, sport?” Bill the Doorman inquired, as he saw you dash towards his direction. “Yeah!” You panted, “...by the way, did you see Clara come in?” “The consultant lady?” The man inquired, “Sure, I-” he paused when you made your way inside in a flash. Already past closing time, the building was almost unoccupied. Thus, the elevators were kinder. Tapping your foot impatiently as you made your way up, you truly wished for Clara’s safety. In your life, You were proudly capable of getting your Best Friend Allison our of debt. But tonight, you wondered if you were truly able to help out Clara? Would you possess the necessary sources? “CLARA!?!?” Yelling out, you jumped into the HR Floor. Only to find no one there. “Boss! What you doing here?” Except for Greg, the Assistant Manager, who walked towards you with his bag slung across his chest. Panting, you were certain you were a mess. Truthfully you did not care.   “Looking...” you panted, “...for Clara…” you said, holding him by his forearms, “Did you see her?” You inquired in seriousness. “Yeah I did...” he appeared confused, “ ...said she was heading to the roof....” Greg added,  “I mean, it was kinda weird to see her back after the goodbye and-” “Okay great, Thanks Greg!” You would normally feel remorseful for cutting him off this way, yet this was not the time. For it seemed you simply were not blessed with enough time. With the technology of Wayne Enterprises, getting to the top floor was not task at all, yet even the mere few seconds seemed terribly slow. “Please, Please! Don’t be in trouble” You muttered to yourself, “Please...” Jumping out once again, your heartbeat reached a new level of speed, whilst you prayed to find her outside on the rooftop.
Halting in your tracks, you froze. With immense shock. A shock you had never faced before in your life. Clara Bennett stood by the edge of the rooftop. Except she was not alone.
“No!” you breathed, “ Alpha... ” The pain of the strangulation haunted you once more, upon seeing the dark figure. Grabbing her tightly by the back of her neck, Alpha stood beside Clara, with a gun pointed directly into her lowered head. Given the distance, you had difficulty tracing Clara’s emotions at this point. Regardless, you knew she was a mess.Your heart pounded even further with desperation. Were you really capable of assisting now? “YOU!” You cried, taking a step forward, “W-What are you doing here??” Desperation forced you with an inquiry. For you were genuinely impatient for answers.However, Alpha did not reply. A passenger plane headed towards the direction of Wayne Tower. You would not have paid it much attention if it were not for Alpha looking up. What plan did it have? You were helpless. “What do you want with her? She’s got nothing to do with this!” You yelled with desperation as the plane flew overhead with enough proximity, forcing you to yell out even further as Alpha grabbed Clara tighter. The sound emitting from the flying machine was thunderous, and so was your fear:
 “Please! Just leave her out of th-”
 An air shattering bang struck you hard on the ears, leaving you frozen. It was a gunshot, and it seemed quite evident. Especially when Alpha finally lowered its gun, leaving Clara Bennett to fall on the ground, like a piece of meat. Suddenly, all your worst fears had come to light.
You bellowed, your feet urging you to dash over to her body. Alpha had disappeared somehow, and truthfully you did not care. “Clara? Clara?” You cried out, as tears flowed down your cheeks like a raging stream, “Oh my god! Oh my god!” you whimpered, seeing her slumped on her stomach facing down, body unmoving, “ Please don’t be dead, Please…” you said, as you turned her over. 
 Except your tears did not make sense, when you realized why she was a mess. For it was not Clara. As much as you were certain it was her clothes and the hairstyle, it was not her. Though it was someone seemingly familiar.
You muttered softly, eyes widened by the sight of the man dead on the ground. However, you were filled with another confusion. If this was Emilio in disguise, then what of the real Clara? Where was she all along?
A thundering clap rang in your ears as your body jerked with surprise. Before you knew it, you found your own self  falling to the ground in an instant.
You landed on your back with a loud thud! Your breathing was loud, but your heartbeat was louder. Even your sight did not fail to grow blurry. Thus, numbness had taken over you whilst you were knee deep in confusion. Only within a few seconds did a raging pain arose from your stomach.
 You were shot. Were you to meet Emilio’s fate as well?
“Don’t worry...Clara is okay” 

Screams exited your lips the moment Alpha’s voice haunted you, all the while pressing it’s foot on your stomach, right on the gunshot. Raging pain enraged itself even further. Suddenly your vision was far from blurry as you watched the dark figure stand before you.
“In fact, she’s more than..okay”
Alpha said, with its free hand reach for  its mask. You drew in deep breaths, “H-How?” You coughed weakly, “How do you know?”
Your inquiry seemed remorseful when you saw the figure slowly unmask oneself. And the moment it freed itself from the constraints, the moment your eyes caught the sight of the one behind it, every trace of oxygen suddenly expired.
For it was Clara.
Eyes widening even further, your heart plummeted straight deep, and hope was nonexistent anymore. Clara Bennett, the consultant was Alpha, the Assassin this entire time? Worst of all, the one who had been trying to eliminate your existence?
“No no no no…”
You kept repeating through the pain,  “I mean, Henderson being an ass, I can understand, but this?” You muttered weakly. With a scoff brimming with sadness, you looked at her directly, “You’re not even a consultant , are you?”
You inquired, which was followed by a cough.
“Why else wouldn’t I be working at Hudsons, the best HR consultancy company?” She chucked coldly, with her eyebrow raised, “They’re too legit to fake your way in…it’s definitely a grueling process”
You screamed further, as she continued to press on to the wound tighter with her foot. Standing tall and looking down at you,  Clara’s eyes had no life whilst her lips adjusted her expression close to smugness. A smugness that seemed much colder than what you saw in her on the very first day. Dressed in her black suit and armor vest, she was the epitome of power. And before her, you were certainly powerless beyond all measure.
Being smothered with pain, it was evident you were about to meet your maker. Worst of all, to face the end with treachery. Inevitability cannot be amended, thus you had no choice but to remain calm.
If only you spoke to Bruce one last time before all this. If only. Your heart may have not suffered from the bullet, yet it already was shattered into a million pieces. How could Clara do this?
“That’s quite the risk you took…” you breathed with snark, “...revealing yourself with all the CCTV’s around.” “Wouldn’t exactly be a risk if the cameras are rewired now, would it?” Clara replied with thicker snark, “Besides, I had help” You gasped the moment your eyes caught the sight of Emilio standing beside her, his head donned with red stains and no wig. You chuckled sadly. Indeed, he was never dead after all. Easily fitting the profile of the Bodega shootout, you never felt this idiotic to not notice. “Loyalty has its perks, you know that” Clara smiled, her actions familiar yet different at the same time. Your eyes grew watery. Indeed, you knew. However, little did she know she took advantage of yours. “So all that…” you began, voice choking with emotion, “…the initial dispute, driving me up the wall…” you sniffed, “…frustrating me, questioning my abilities, then..” “-Making up with you and being friends shit blah blah...yeah! It was all an act” she said, shrugging it off with casualty, “…how else could I get you to trust me?” It was a nightmare come to life. It was that unfathomable. Beyond your comprehension . Losing trust was never a shock. But to the degree of murder, definitely a first. “And here I thought I made a new friend…” you muttered, holding back your tears. “For a second I thought the same…” Clara added, to your genuine surprise, “…truthfully anyone would be lucky to have you as a friend, I won’t lie….”  she said, her tone growing sombre whilst you caught a sense of warmth in her eyes,  “…but…” blinking the warmth away, her orbs were chilled once more, “…you know what they say: ��Never mix business with Personal’ ” A part of you longed for the goodness in her to overpower her taste for blood. “Still…” you said, through gritted teeth, “ I think there REALLY was no need for theatrics like this ”  you said, looking at the emotionless Emilio. He had trained well, you had a feeling. And so was Clara. Was her name really that ? You wondered.
“True…” Clara acknowledged with a nod. Fearful whimpers left you the moment she stepped away from your stomach, cocked the gun and pointed right at you. “…but you were not so easy to kill now, were you?” She said,  “…especially with your special friend watching over you the whole time”
Panting, your eyes squinted with confusion, “W-Who?“
“She meant me!”
A familiar growl, it awakened your senses in a flash, alarming the others as another black figure jumped in to shield you.
Batman. Bruce.
The sight of the majestic, flowing cape and the pointed ears brought a sense of security to you once again. Even if you were dying.
“Well…” Clara pointed her gun at him with a smile,  “…this was an eventuality” “YOU AGAIN!”
Fuming with anger, Emilio yelled out upon mere sight of him. Fascinating how anger and rage blasts through his cold exterior similar to a bomb.
“You won’t get to her…” Batman growled, “…without going through me”
“Don’t worry!” Clara responded, “We won’t disappoint”
All before she began to fire shots at him, to your horror.
But Batman was indeed Batman. And with the shots being deflected with no hesitation, he seemingly managed to approach  her close enough for an offense attack, until Emilio dove in, lunging at Batman with enough ferocity, he fell backwards. Getting up, you watched him finding himself being surrounded by two assassins circling him like a pack of wolves. Impatient Emilio attacked first, with a diagonal kick right on his stomach, providing Clara enough  opportunity to kick from the back. Though attacked from multiple sides, Batman did not falter. With his sturdy frame safeguarding him, defense was his only option for the time being. However, that did not stop him from making life difficult for the two.
Panting hurriedly, you watched the Dark Knight, the man you truly cared for, being attacked by merciless assassins. This sight, it certainly was not the what you hoped for him. Not another death. Not when your own life was almost slipping away.
Except, you came to a realization. Was it not that you had been “slipping away”  for longer than expected? Placing a hand over the gun shot wound with suspicion, you felt through it. Looking at the hand, you gasped.
For there was no blood. Not even one drop.
With fingers tracing over your stomach further, you sighed with relief, when you were reminded why exactly.
Pure adrenaline and sheer motivation energized your heart to pump fast and for you to jump up to your feet. You were adamant in helping him. But you were well aware of your own limited capabilities. Watching the violent encounter, you suddenly heard an object drop. It was your phone, vibrating with a call. From John Blake.
“Officer Blake!” You answered with haste, “Thank God…” you wailed with desperation.
“Ma-am! Wait! Whats going on?” He inquired with concern, “ You okay?”
“It’s Alpha!” You cried, as you crouched on to the ground, “We’re being attacked at Wayne Tower-DUCK!”  You cried, looking at struggling Bruce, “Batman’s here but-”
“Okay! Okay! Stay Calm! We’ll be on our way…”
The moment you hung up, a text suddenly appeared on the screen. Also from Blake, which read:
Henderson on tape. This may be useful with Alpha. Hurry!
Seeing a voice file attached right below, your eyes squinted with confusion. What could that possibly mean? However, patience was beyond your reach at the moment.  Placing your trust on John Blake, you remained crouched and listened to the file. The moment the recording finally finished, your eyes widened with shock.
Amidst the chaos in the background, you stared at the phone screen. For the only question lingering in your conscious was: Could this actually solve everything?
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maysbanks · 4 years
she moves in her own way. (jj maybank)
due to the ASTOUNDING response to my first jj fic which i have to say a huuuge thank you to everyone that liked, commented & reblogged, it honestly means the absolute world !! i couldn't wait much longer to start writing for my boy again, i have so many fic ideas and cannot wait to get them out to y'all. this one is shorter than the last, & the title is inspired from the song 'she moves in her own way' by the kooks (lol) but isn't necessarily based off of it, it's just something that i wrote up quickly bc i was in my feels™️ . also i feel very unoriginal with the whole plot and aspect of this but im gonna post it anyway bc i love jj lmao. anyway hope u enjoy !
warnings: swearing, underage drinking, drug use, violence, jj with a gun™️
summary: reader walks the fine line between either pogue or kook, though technically a kook, she ignores all social standings of the obx and jj maybank cannot stop himself from getting caught up in her whirlwind.
( gif isn’t mine! please let me know if it’s yours so i can credit you. )
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Everyone seemed to have a different perspective of you, unsurprisingly. You weren't really much of a social butterfly, you kept yourself to yourself, really. Nobody in the Outer Banks knew much about you at all, other than what they had come up with in their heads. And while you tried your best to stay in the shadows, that only seemed to make you stand out more.
You were known for being the best of both worlds - not really a Pogue, but not really a Kook either. While your social status and family wealth suggested you to be a Kook, your free spirit and reckless behaviour fitted you better towards the Pogue style. If anyone were to ask you, you told them you were neither.
Why should a name define you anyway? You thought it was all bullshit, the stupid territorial arguments and the snide comments from both sides. You thought it was ridiculous, you weren't living in The Outsiders, for fuck sake.
You moved in your own way, simple as that. You wouldn't let anyone tell you what to do, where you can't or shouldn't be, it was a free country you'd say, middle finger salute ready to aim towards anyone who dared cross you. You were an enigma, wild and careless, unforgiving and unforgettable. You didn't necessarily like the attention, but you got it. And you knew it, and you played on it, too.
You had used your irresistible charm more than enough times to bail JJ Maybank out of trouble, despite your parents' protest. They didn't have a problem with the Pogues, persay, how could they when your dad been one half of his life before meeting your mom and marrying into the rich lifestyle; they just had a problem with JJ, as many of the parents on the island did. He was an unstoppable force to be reckoned with, weed smoking, knuckles constantly torn, skin bruised, quick wit, sarcastic humour, daddy issues, you know the type. Kids loved him, parents hated him.
You were friends with JJ, you supposed. You spent your time with him talking about your days and smoking a joint, meaningful conversations turning into joking and general tomfoolery within seconds. With JJ, you were simply unapologetically you, and JJ never judged you. He never made you choose a side, seemingly content with the fact that you were a little bit of everything, though there was times when he teased you relentlessly about the Kook life, but that was just JJ.
And despite the social differences, him being a Pogue through and through, you technically a Kook, you were drawn to each other pretty easily. Not that you hung out all the time, but you loved every second when you did, usually joined by his group of best friends - John B, Pope, and Kiara. With Kiara a Kook herself but drawn more to the lifestyle of the Pogue's, she understood you more than anyone. You'd bonded a lot, and with each of them too.
JJ loved that you fitted in with them, like a missing puzzle piece. So perfectly, it shook him to its core. The pair of you were close, but he had no idea where he stood with you, like most people never when it came to you. You were like a rollercoaster, taking people for the most exciting ride of their lives that lasted a full three or so minutes before they returned back to solid ground. You'd given JJ a ride a number of times on your non-existent metaphorical rollercoaster, and he'd returned for another ride time and time again. You couldn't say no to that damned boy.
It was a blessing and a curse, the unspoken relationship you shared. A blessing because JJ was the best thing that happened to you, and a curse because that was your downfall. You never got attached to people, never given yourself the chance. But then JJ Maybank had come along, blonde hair and blue eyes, split lip and sharpened teeth, words cunning. You saw him as a challenge at first, the name Kook Princess haunting you as he spoke them, stood in front of you at the keg upon your first real meeting. He'd held a drink out towards you, smirk perfect on his pink lips.
You'd attended over a hundred kegger's in your lifetime, the Pogue parties more inviting than those of the Kook's. You danced and talked to anyone that came across your path, whether it be unknowing Tourons, unjudging Pogues, or unforgiving Kooks, you drew them all in. You didn't fit in with any of them, JJ had realised. You really did move in your own way, he thought. He liked that, he'd decided. And hey, you were pretty cute too.
On that particular night, he'd spoken to you directly for the first time in a long time. "Would the Kook Princess like a drink?" He'd asked, holding the red cup out towards you. You'd eyed the offended object, and subsequently him, too. He smirked at the attention. You had rolled your eyes.
"Don't call me that," you'd said simply, but taking the cup from his hands regardless. You took a sip, relieved to discover that he hadn't tampered with it in any way. You were still considered a Kook to most people, after all. You could never be too careful. "Thanks, Maybank."
And he'd blinked at you, lips suddenly raising to a sly smile as he shrugged, dimples winking at you as they appeared in his cheeks. "Anytime," and he'd spoken your name back to you and you couldn't get enough of the way it sounded coming from his mouth, and you realised hey, this guy is pretty cute, and the rest, as they, is history.
You were in the midst of another infamous Pogue kegger at the current, months after your first introduction to JJ Maybank and his friends, and you stood off to the side, listening to JJ intently as he ranted about the events of the day he'd endured. Starting from finding a Grady White sunken in the marsh, "A fucking Grady Marsh, they're like 500 G's man!", to discovering that the boat belonged to Scooter Grubbs, who had coincidentally been found dead that same day, to getting chased by two guys with a gun, to the finding of the motel key from the wreck and breaking in that same motel room, finding a safe full of money and a gun of all things, to their best attempt at laying low which, unsurprisingly, resulted in the kegger in the first place.
JJ was wild in his recite of the events, hands gesturing every which way as you watched him with your lips curled into your mouth, resisting a smile at his antics. When he finished he retelling, you raised an eyebrow and chuckled dryly. "So, complete and utter boring day for you, huh?"
JJ chuckled along with you, shaking his head as if he was still in disbelief from everything that had happened in the past twenty four hours. "Man, it was crazy," he muttered. He looked at you then, eyes sincere. "I wish you were there with us. It was like something straight from a movie, I'm telling you. I feel like such a badass with that gun."
Your secret joy at his confession of that he wished you were was short lived, as the last of his words sunk in and you felt dread build in the pit of your stomach. You stared at him, him so excited that he hadn't even realised your face had dropped, before you reached out and grabbed his arm, effectively halting his movements and stopping the hurried flow of words that were leaving his mouth.
"JJ," you said carefully, eyes trained on his as he stared, clueless. "Please tell me you did not take that gun from the safe."
Your heart dropped as you saw him falter, his lips helplessly moving but no words coming out. He held a hand up, as if to hush you, though you hadn't started to speak again, and then his hand had dropped just as quick as it was raised, his teeth biting down on his chapped lip as the realisation dawned on you.
"JJ Fucking Maybank," you spat, hands slapping gently at his arms, because you could never really hurt him, you just wanted him to know you were pissed. "Do you realise how fucking careless that is? How much trouble you could get into, if anyone knew you had a gun-" your voice trailed off, your eyes closing as you exhaled. "JJ, please tell me you don't have it on you right now."
His lack of reply was the only answer you needed, and your stomach churned as you stepped back from his figure, suddenly feeling sick. He followed you, though, not letting you get too far as he took your arms in his hands and tried to drag you closer to him once more. You shook your head, arms slipping from his hold as you glared at him fiercely.
"That's so fucking stupid, JJ. You could get into serious trouble with this, trouble I won't be able to get you out of." You warned, because you knew it was true. Your charm and looks could get him out of some trouble to its extent, but it was more so your parents wealth and status that got the both of you out of shit when you managed to get into it, and you also knew your parents would literally throw a fit if you got involved in something like this - carrying a gun was no joking matter. You stepped back once more, hand finding its way to your forehead. "And from a crime scene, no less. Fucking hell."
JJ licked his lips, standing back roughly as you watched, his jaw clenching. "Well I'm not asking for your help here, Princess," he taunted, the nickname sending a wave of annoyance through you. JJ knew it would. "It's not like I ask you to help me, you're just there. Thinking I need help, like I'm some fucking charity case, a fucking doll you picked up from the thrift store that was gonna be thrown out the next day."
You tried to protest, but JJ didn't give you the chance. "I don't need your help all the fucking time. I don't need your pity. I get that you won't understand because why would you? You're a Kook, you get everything you want handed to you on a silver platter. And you can argue and fight me about it all you want, but I know you know it's true."
He sighed heavily, hands running down his face in a sign of defeat. You watched him all the while, thankful that you had ventured off the outskirts of the party so that hopefully nobody had heard JJ shouting at you, your heart wrenching as his blue eyes settled on you. "I'm sorry, JJ," you said finally. You refused to cry, though the desire to at the sight of him being so mad at you tore you apart. "I'm just trying to look out for you. With the gun thing, with everything that I help you with. And I know I'm a Kook, and I know that my parents could afford to buy half of this fucking island if they pleased, but that doesn't define me. I care, okay? And I know I care a lot more than a lot of people in your life."
It was probably a low blow, and you knew it. But JJ took it in, let the words sink into his brain where they stayed there, his fists clenching at his sides. You crossed your arms over your chest, defeated.
"I'm gonna go back to the party," you whispered. "I'll see you around, I guess." You eyed his pockets, unsure of where exactly he held the gun. "Be careful, okay."
And even when you were angry with him, you still tried to make sure he was okay, that he stayed safe. There was multiple occasions you'd showed up unannounced, simply asking how his day was, if he okay, if he had eaten that day, stayed hydrated. At first the attention startled him, he'd never really had anyone look out for him in that aspect, and yet there you were, like an angel sent from the gods themselves, smiling down at him.
You cared, he realised. You cared so much that sometimes he couldn't take it, because he didn't know how. The most family he'd ever gotten close to having in his life was the Pogues, after losing his mother and subsequently losing his father too as he turned into the monster that he was, cold and distant, fists always poised ready for an imaginary fight, and he knew that someday the Pogues would even slip through his fingers. He couldn't let that happen with you. He wouldn't.
He'd started off in your direction, truly, he had. But then John B was grabbing him and averting his attention to him, and he focused on his friend, promising only a minute of his time. You were in his sights, stood a bit away, and he recognised the couple you were talking to as Sarah Cameron and Topper Thorton, Kooks through and through. He held his distaste back, and even held a drink out to offer to Sarah as she and Topper made their way past where he and John B were standing. Big fucking mistake, he realised quickly.
It had all happened in a blur of events, each little bit leading to big finale - as he watched his best friend being held down in the water, powerless to Topper who kneeled over him, hands forcing John B to stay put in the sea. Sarah was screaming at Topper, Pope was holding JJ back with all his might, Kie beside them as she screamed along with Sarah to let John B go. And there you were, suddenly beside JJ, gripping his arm tightly as you took in the sight with a horrified glare. JJ didn't even hesitate; the gun had been pulled from his shorts and was directed at Topper's head in the blink of an eye.
The fury in his veins was red hot and ugly, tearing through every part of him like a vice. This was the Pogues land, their side of the island, and yet the Kooks still thought they could get away with anything and everything - including, apparently, attempting to drown his best friend.
"Your move, broski," JJ uttered through clenched teeth. He could hear the screams of the crowd behind him, and he pulled the gun away from Topper's head and into the direction of the sky, firing two shots towards it as the crowd of people quickly dispersed, screeches sounding from all over. "Now everybody needs to get the fuck off our side of the island!"
He was shoved to the side as Sarah rushed to her boyfriend, telling him he was fucking crazy or something like that, he wasn't really listening. The shots rang in his ears, and the adrenaline of the moment soured through him. Kie and Pope were screaming at him, he could hear their voices distantly. His blue eyes were unfocused for a second, before they looked up, and there you were.
Sent from the gods themselves, once again. You looked vibrant, so insanely alive, lips red and cheeks flushed, eyes bright. You let out a shaky breath as you watched him. JJ clenched his jaw.
"He was going to drown John B," he thought he'd said, but he wasn't sure. He didn't really know what to keep track of at that moment, Kie and Pope's obvious disapproval at him literally doing the one thing they swore not to do, Sarah and Topper stumbling away from the scene in the distance, John B getting up and muttering something along the lines of he wasn't going to drown me, or you, simply staring at him.
Before he knew what he was doing, JJ had made his way towards you. The gun was still held in his hands, and you swallowed thickly as you eyed it. "You should put that away," you muttered. JJ seemed confused, before he caught on to what you meant and he shoved the gun back to the spot of in between his shorts and his hip. "You literally did the one thing I said not to, you tool."
JJ cracked a smile, small and uncertain as he gazed at you. You stepped closer to him, eyes glancing over his shoulder. "You really pissed them off," you said, meaning his friends.
JJ shrugged, because he didn't care about their opinion, he cared about yours. And if you hated him now, hated the fact that he was just some dirty Pogue who held guns against people's heads now, apparently. "I don't care about what they think," he spoke softly. You looked at him confused. "I care about what you think."
You smiled softly, shrugging one shoulder. "Topper was going to drown John B," you replied, matter of fact. "If you hadn't stepped in when you did, who knew what could have happened. Nothing could have stopped him." You bit your lip, hand reaching out and touching his face gently, thumb soothing over the worried line between his brows. "You did the right thing, J. A fucking crazy and stupid thing, potientally dangerous, but the right thing nonetheless."
"Yeah, that's kind of my go-to, if you haven't already noticed," JJ smiled, tongue running over his bottom lip. You rolled your eyes, though playful. "Look, I'm sorry about before, okay. I was a dick. I know you care, but sometimes that's what scares me."
Your eyebrows furrowed, a confused expression on your face as your hand dropped from his face to intertwine with his own hand, his gaze suddenly becoming fixed on your linked hands, his other absentmindedly playing with your fingers that held his hand.
"It's like, you're this untouchable thing. I mean, you don't belong to anyone, you refuse to go by anything other than your name, and you're like this perfect mix between Pogue and Kook even if you do hate it and everyone knows who are you and they make these stories up about you, like that's how popular you are," JJ chuckled. "And then you hang out with me, you look past all the dirty Pogue shit, see me for who I am, and you care. And you care so god dammed much that it fucking terrifies me because nobody's ever cared that much before about me, so why should you?"
His hand left yours to remove the hat from sitting atop his hair and then run his hand through the blonde locks. You could see his tongue running along the outsides of his bottom teeth, the action causing a bump beneath his skin. He looked nervous than you had ever seen him before, and you'd both gotten into enough nerve-wracking situations together to compare. You sighed as your hands reached for his face, gripping his cheeks and forcing his eyes to gaze down at yours.
"JJ Maybank," you started, grinning softly. "You listen to me while I tell you that you deserve the fucking world and more. All this shit that you're going through, all the crap you deal with on a daily basis, you carry it so well that nobody would even know. You fight through each day and I don't even know how you manage it half the time. I admire you so much, J. And I can't help but care about you, even if you don't want me to. I care about you so much, that you wanna know a secret? It scares me too."
JJ gazed down at you lovingly, his forehead moving to rest against yours. You welcomed the embrace, his arms wrapping around your waist and squeezing you gently, as if reassuring himself that you were actually there.
"JJ," you whispered as you were stood in silence for a precise minute, neither of you daring to break the silence until you had. His blue eyes stared into yours, awaiting the next part of your speech. You swallowed your nerves down, figuring fuck it. "I'm so in love with you."
He grinned, his head swooping down before you knew it and his lips pressing against yours in a heated embrace that sent a sensation of butterflies to fly wildly in your stomach, bashing against your ribcage and taking your breath away. Shivers flew up your spine, and every hair on your body stood on edge as the kiss grew heavier, tongues brushing and teeth clattering, bodies pressed against each other as much as they could manage.
When JJ's lips left yours, you almost whined. JJ grinned cheekily, hands digging into your hips. "I love you," he breathed against the skin of your neck as he buried his head there, lips tickling the flesh. "I can't believe you just macked on me while I have a gun in my pocket."
You rolled your eyes and tugged gently on his hair, spurring a laugh from him as you shoved him away and grinned despite yourself. "Do not remind me, please," you warned him, allowing him to pull you into his side as you made your way down the beach. "I still can't believe you took that thing."
"I knew it'd come in handy though," he grinned, pulling you closer with the arm thrown over your shoulder. You wrapped yours around his waist, face squished in his chest as you shook your head.
"You're an idiot, Maybank."
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