#good guy!eurus
alexjcrowley · 1 year
I realised my passion for crossover has just created a multiverse of, I don't fucking know, detectives and supernatural stuff (no, it's NOT superwholock)
So we start by assuming, like some already did, that Q from the Daniel Craig's James Bond movies is the fourth Holmes's siblings. So you get four Holmes: Mycroft, Sherlock, Eurus and Q. But then Q in clearly in a romantic relationship with James Bond.
Now it's undeniable that James Bond has a twin brother, Benoit Blanc, who is the world's most famous detective, and he is married to Philip (Hugh Grant). You can clearly notice from Benoit's...everything (passion for mistery and fasion sense most of all) that he is related to Fred Jones from Scooby Doo, he and Philip are in fact Fred's parents.
To conclude this part of multiverse of hyperfixation, James Bond exists in the same world of a bunch of teenagers with 1970's van and a talking dog. I cannot stress how important it is for me that Sherlock Holmes DOES NOT solve the mustery of why Scooby Doo can talk.
But let's now expand in a different direction.
For some of you who might not be acquainted with the medical drama House MD, it's one of the gayest shows ever made on God's green earth. And, as all the fans know, the REAL finale is House and Wilson running away together after all Wilson's problems suddenly disappeared (I am phrasing it like that because I don't want to spoil it). Now, of course they can't live in America because House can't exactly recover from his own Reichenbach falls, so obviously they have go to London. Like, no questions asked.
And as many have already speculated they are probably the married couple Mrs Hudson's friend was renting an apartment to.
Sherlock-Watson and House-Wilson have a complicated dynamic going on, I just know they suspect of eachothers because there's something wrong with the other couple.
London comes, of course, with all it inhabitants, such as Crowley and Aziraphale (whose supernatural presence could explain Scooby Doo being able to talk???? Maybe he is an ex-infernal hound sent to Shaggy??? Was Shaggy another aborted attempt at an Antichrist?????). I really likes to believe they're House-Wilson and Sherlock-Watson neighbours. And every one of these three couples tries to pretend they're a very normal couple, and not, like, non-human or a Government's resource or technically dead.
But also, you must not forget, London comes with Hob Gadling, the immortal lover of Sandman, who might as well exist in this universe, because why the fuck not, he stole the "meet every x years" idea from Crowley, the goddamn poser. Hob Gadling and Crowley clocked eachothers in a minute and now the two couples have dinners together because "they're the only other supernatural couple in the neighbourhood, we should befriend them!" (said Aziraphale and Hob while Crowley and Morpheus sighed).
ALSO to House MD fans I want to remind you that Wilson got arrested in Louisiana when he met House and there's a popular headcanon going on that Benoit Blanc is from Louisiana so do you think??? Benoit Blanc one day happened to interact with the police department of a city in Louisiana and a policeman was like "hey last week you missed a guy from New Jersey who deadass smashed an ancient mirror in a bar because they were playing a song he didn't like on the jukebox". And Benoit was like (I can't write his dialogues I am so sorry) "Mmhh yeah muhst say thur arh sum jingles I simply cannut grow fund of but by Guhd to,,, smash an ancient mirruh that wuld be bee-YOnd mahself"
And these connections are all canonical in my mind. (There are crossover fanfics between Good Omens and Sandman, and between House and BBC Sherlock, and between Sherlock and the James Bond franchise, and between House and Good Omens- there's a fic I really like with these fandoms- and there's a drawing I also reblogged on Tumblr of Fred presenting Benoit Blanc as his dad).
So, basically, in my head, Sherlock is highly pissed off by Benoit Blanc being considered the best detective in the world though he respects him, Q is Fred Jones's uncle and probably added a lot of cool MI6 features to the mystery machine, Gregory House, notorious atheist, lives in the same universe of angels and demons and the Sandman and pisses off Sherlock Holmes costantly just because they don't like eachothers, Hob Gadling amd Crowley looked at eachothers once and they knew neither of them were humans, Aziraphale and Crowley always stumble in every other characters' shenanigans and once in a while throw a miracle their way and Hugh Grant/Philip makes cupcakes for everyone.
And if you really want me to be precise, Dead Poet Society lore counts for Wilson, but Neil didn't, well, if you saw the movie you know.
And I know they are technically not correlated, but I would love to find a way to connect Dirk Gently, Todd Brotzman and The Rowdy Three in all this.
There's a part 2 to this post here
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forevers-world · 9 months
The Holmes siblings if they were ordinary i.e. didn't have incredible intelligence or a lack of people skills:
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He'd still be the introverted type, but surprisingly had a strange love of phone calls
Book smart
Very patriotic - why else would he have been so interested in the government?
L o v e s strategy games
Like, he's weirdly competitive
Probably a cat person
Enjoys going to the cinema
His fav show is secretly Great British Bake Off
Even though he's quieter, he's very charming
He dated quite a bit during uni
He's still protective of the people he loves
And he's still VERY sassy
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He'd still be getting into trouble
Still a drama queen
Growing up, he'd always try to be like Mycroft
But then he realizes that he's okay the way he is
Y'know, that whole coming of age thing
Gets a lot of girls
Watches a lot of telly
Plays board games religiously
Adopted a dog after he found out on the side of the road
Still fascinated by chemistry and forensics
Loves to talk
Can and will talk your ear off
Makes friends easily
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Without her genius iq, she'd be a totally different person
As the youngest, she'd always be the center of attention
Definitely a daddy's girl
She loves setting up her brothers on blind dates
Which they're not super fond of, but they still love her
Popular with the guys but has ride-or-die girlfriends as well
Street smart
Is absolutely a dog person
Loves a good romance novel, surprisingly enough
A tad spoiled
But also loyal to a fault
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mokkkki · 3 months
Sleeping With The Enemy, Winners and Losers: Act I Retrospective
How can one destroy a legend?  
Hi everybody, and welcome to the final winners and losers of Act 1. Unsure if I'll keep doing these for Act 2, but if you guys want them to, let me know! Anyways, Act 1 was extremely hectic, and I wanted to declare the final winners and losers of this shitshow. As the last chapter suggests, the dice has been officially cast (that sounded SO douchey mb). Anyways, spoilers below the cut.
Winners: Rosier + Vanity
So, these two money-hungry Slytherins are considered winners because their position is never threatened, and they both get massive raises. Additionally, Rosier gets some in Eurus, and Vanity proves her worth to Regulus.
Winner, mostly because she's not that relevant: Marlene McKinnon
Even though Sirius' favorite person is definitely a negative at times (as she will experience in Act II), she has access to millions of dollars, has two beautiful kids, and seems to have a burgeoning social life outside of her husband. Go Marlene!
Loser: Emmeline Vance
Do I really have to explain?
Loser: Orion Black
He's technically a winner, as his position of CEO was never challenged, but considering that Regulus, the most viable heir, is out for blood, and that Sirius, his alternate heir, has relapsed, it's not looking good.
Winner: James Potter
He's curated a bond with Regulus, began a successful media company with his close friend, and realized important things for himself. All-in-all a good act for James, but IMO, he really, really needs to stop White Knight Syndrome-ing Regulus.
Loser: Remus Lupin
While technically a winner because of MMG's success, the fact that the person he did it all for, Sirius, has broken up with him, it's all for nothing. HOWEVER, considering the on-again, off-again nature of their relationship...
Winner: Lucius Malfoy
He bagged a total 10 and is chairman to MMG. Sure, he's married into one of the most terrifying families on earth, but knowing him, he can beautiful-hair and awkward-bumble his way out of literally anything. He MIGHT be my favorite.
Winner: Narcissa Black
Congrats to the newly-engaged Narcissa for winning what was a CUTTHROAT act. While most of these "winners" are winners in the fact that they've survived, Narcissa is a winner in the fact that she's actively thriving. Also, HELLO, I am so excited for power couple Ice Queen and Himbo! Especially since we know from canon that their son is cold asf.
Loser: Sirius Black
Yeahhhh, not everybody survived and thrived, Sirius being a prime example. All the close relationships he seems to have had in the pilot were all corrupted along the way. And I feel really bad. But they can't all be winners.
Winner, thinks he's a loser: Regulus Black
Not to reiterate previous points here, but as long as Regulus is being deprogrammed from his shitty childhood, he's winning. Ofc, he's been through horrible trauma with the unremembered Slut in the Hut and what happened with Emmeline, but I think that despite this he's on a path of growth, and will continue to grow in Act II as well <3
read act i here!
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archaiclumina · 2 months
✩♬₊˚.🎧Five songs I'm into right now!⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧▶︎
Tagged in one of my fav type of tag games by the marvelous @iron-sparrow and @dragonsongmakhali! Ty both so much for thinking of me!! I live to share tunes! (And partake in all the good stuff everyone else shares when these come around!)
(Also, I nicked your idea, Iron, and added the lyrics I liked too c': thanks fren! hahah )
I've included YouTube and Spotify links for folks who use both platforms. I am into a few songs atm! Not all Blorbette related. If they appear on the playlist I curate with my husband for our ragtag bunch of OCs I have marked them with a ✩ c:
Take Me To The River - Lorde's cover of Talking Heads Spotify | YouTube
Sixteen candles, there on my wall. And here I am, the biggest fool of them all.
Talking Heads are one of my all time favourite bands. Last year I read David Byrne's book about music and it was amazing! Anyway, I absolutely love when new artists I love cover old bands I love. Turns out Lorde (and others) just released a whole tribute album to one of the best albums of all time, Stop Making Sense. Lorde has been a big mainstay for me since 2012! Most of Lorde's covers bop too and this is absolutely no exception.
New Love - Ziggy Alberts✩ Spotify | YouTube
But if I stay like this what could become of everything dear that I've done? Like damming rivers that lead to seas, I've got to trust that some new love will find it's way back to me.
This song was just released last week! I was so happy! I love Ziggy, he's one of my fav young Aussie artists! It was a joy to be able to put him on the playlist for the Blorbettes. Like many of the songs husbo and I throw on there, it's not lyrically perfect for a setting like XIV. But it's got the right vibes.
War Pigs - T-Pain✩ Spotify | YouTube
Yeah time will tell on their power minds, making war just for fun (yeah) Treating people just like pawns in chess. Wait 'til their judgement day comes. This particular one is a Cal/Leon number and not related to the Blorbettes . But. When my husband played me this last year after adding it to our playlist, it absolutely blew me away and I have not stopped listening to it almost daily since. Even Ozzy agrees about it being the best cover of War Pigs ever, so I feel justified.
Eurus - The Oh Hellos Spotify | YouTube
But still the bait hanging from the string is calling my name. And like the wind it slips again, out of my fingers.
This is probably an all time fav song. It's on one of my non XIV writing playlists and so it has been on heavy rotation in my head and my heart for a long, long time now. And probably will be forever c': What I love most about it is the length and the way it builds and stops suddenly. It's a short song, that is very full, right until the moment it's over. A lot like the message in its lyrics!
Rings - Aesop Rock Spotify | YouTube
Shapes falling out of the fringe. All heart though we would have made cowardly kings. They will chop you down just to count your rings.
I am a big Aesop Rock fan. My husband got me into him many years ago and although he has many more recent tracks than this; including some wicked 8-bit tunes, this is probably my favorite song of his. It's also very vibes for me atm because work related shenanigans which I shan't give my precious blog space to any more than that c':
I thought about tagging some moots, but actually guys, I love music so much I'm leaving this as an open tag to all of you! I'd love to know what all the folks in our tumblr neighbourhood are listening to! Recommend me tunes! <33
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pikatjejen · 2 months
Nexomon Extinction AU concept:
King Eurus
First thing first. For the concept to work Eurus is just nocturnal and people from Parum interpreted him sleeping through the day as lazy.
The dragon project was a total failure on the surface, the dragons were violent and only caused more harm. However it seems that the tyrant Eurus who was used for the experiment learned how to properly recruit other tyrants from the experiments. Since the outbreak of the dragons, Eurus has managed to get all the known living tyrants under his wings as well as calmed down the dragons.
Eurus eventually ascended and officially became "King of Monsters" making so that no new tyrants are made. After this the guild started focusing on rebuilding, Parums walls were torn down, people started to make back to Royalle city and rebuild, Ignitia is no longer threatened of being covered with lava, the Frozen Tundra is still a mess... Just less of a mess then before...
Lateria is still keeping their guard upp but are also experiencing difficulty with it due to having much less resources (now that the guild doesn't hire them for hunting down tyrants).
Fifteen years have passed since the dragons first introduced themselves. Humanity has never felt safer. Eurus is very competitive. But of course, peace can never last. Suddenly and what seems to be out of nowhere dead tyrants are being revived. Tyrants that question Eurus rule. Someone has started the war again. Someone that the now alive primordial tyrants favor.
Extra stuff idk:
Zeigler will either team up with Eurus or falsely accuse him of reviving the previously dead tyrants and become his enemy.
I imagine that Deena and Nadine don't actually mind Eurus being king. Deena because it's Deena. Nadine, she's seen what Eurus is capable and knows that he's capable as a king. But you know, having your niece be the king would be nicer...
Maybe the main character is so convinced that he/she is doing the right thing that they don't see the problems they cause. Also here, the main character reviving the Abyssals and a whole lot of extinct nexomon wasn't a mistake. They knew what they were doing...
Solus: the tyrant of light, blinding light
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"I am doing the right thing.
Because I'm the good guy...right?
"I am good I am good I am good I am good I am good I am good I am good I am good I am good I am good I am good I am good I am good I am... I... am..."
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circes-wolf · 11 months
A review of every Oh Hellos album (in order) by an ex Christian/atheist who’s like. Shockingly into Christian folk music.
Oh Hellos EP
-upbeat, happy, about letting yourself love again. Only four songs, which is normal for an EP. Lay Me Down is definitely my favorite off this album, it’s also the only religiously themed one.
Through the Deep, Dark Valley
-their first full album, very much about family, forgiveness, and faith. Also super shoutout to the Oh Hellos for writing a song about a guy from the Narnia series (The Lament of Eustace Scrubb.) This wouldn’t be the album I recommend to someone. There aren’t any songs i feel really strongly about on this one, positively or negatively, but if I had to pick a favorite I’d say Like the Dawn is lyrically the best out of them all.
Oh Hellos Family Christmas
-just four songs, all medleys. Overall really good. I’m definitely a (traditional) Christmas music lover so this one is always high on my list but if you like folk music and Christmas music this should be a seasonal favorite. Movement 1: Rejoice, Rejoice is my favorite. It’s genuinely reverent and devotional.
Dear Wormwood
-I’m gonna have a lot to say about this one. This album is, in my humble opinion, their best and most interesting album. It’s also the album (out of all the music that I listen to) that I get drunk to most often. This is also the album that Soldier, Poet, King comes from and seeing everyone on TikTik make idiotic edits of the song makes me like it less, sadly. The album is basically the book of revelations, but told in a way that’s full of almost a classical kind of mysticism that I think Christianity is lacking in modern day. In a lot of the songs, it almost seems like they’re writing for a fantasy novel if you don’t listen too closely for religious imagery or aren’t familiar with Revelations (Caesar). Lots of hellenic imagery and songs that are instrumental interludes in this one.
The award for the best on this album is gonna get split- I think that Exeunt is lyrically the most interesting on the album and has a super fun use of dental and fricative alliteration that’s really satisfying to my brain. The best narratively is Pale White Horse/Where is Your Rider. Those are two songs but I’m going to count them as one because they do this really cool thing where narratively Where is Your Rider follows Pale White Horse, but musically it works better if you play them in the “wrong” order. Pale White Horse is about the beginning of the Apocalypse and the fear of the final fight of death, and Where is Your Rider is more about the idea that death isn’t necessarily final. It also contains the baller phrase “bury me as it pleases you, lover” which is fun.
-for the next four albums, they’re thematically all sort of similar. They’re mostly about the failures of the modern church conveyed through natural and hellenic iconography, and is one of the things I love most about the band. All of the albums are on the shorter side and include a lot of similar sounds and phrasing, and all of the albums have a few songs that are just instrumentals. This is also where the Christian imagery gets more overt
Notos- upbeat and about oncoming change/end of an old regime. Best song is definitely Notos. One thing I love about this album (as well as Eurus) is that it really is mostly about how disconnected they feel from modern Christianity.
Eurus- mostly hopeful, crumbling and failing empires. I like this one a lot because it kind of has this theme of living in the moment and enjoying being alive, even as a Christian and not focusing on the afterlife. Best song is Passerine, but Hieroglyphics is also really good.
Boreas- this one marks a little bit of a tonal shift. It’s a lot more sedate and delicate that either of the previous two albums, and a little bit more introspective. I do like it a lot, especially the instrumental songs. It has kind of the vibe of remembering how badly you’ve been treated in the past and deciding to try and open up again. The song I like best from this one is Rose, I think? But Cold is also a close second.
Zephyrus- I have to be honest, this is my least favorite. Soap and Theseus are fun, and I enjoyed Rio Grande but I can’t say I’d recommend any of the songs to someone who I wanted to listen to the Oh Hellos. It works well thematically though, at least.
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asoulwithadream · 9 months
hear me out here because i have this idea, and i've been thinking about it for only hour now, and it's almost midnight and i have two major assignments due tomorrow morning but this takes precedence
so buckle up guys, cos sherlock bbc......... but doctor who bbc (this will all make sense in a moment)
I. the characters are absolutely perfect for all the relevant roles, and im sure there are tons of others which i just haven't thought of yet:
sherlock as the doctor: he has the intelligence, the deduction, the spontaneity, the trauma, and some of the humour (current work in progress). i'll admit his charisma can be better but we've seen a few awkward reiterations of the doctor in the past, so i'll let it slide. it'll give him character. his little quirk of knowing the most useless stuff about the most useless things to solve the most important cases but in space could be such an interesting perspective to see, and look at what the writers come up with surrounding the details of the galactic environments. and to be honest, the doctor themselves are already essentially a consulting detective, the only difference being that they hire themselves. plus, i feel like he would be oddly extremely attached to his tardis, and maybe his screwdriver could have like a collapsable magnifying glass at the other end, just for shits and giggles. he'd also remind me of twelve a bit, and not just because of the cheekbones.dr
john watson as the companion: he has the morals which the doctor sometimes lacks, the rational thinking, he's the emotional support for the over-the-top doctor, he essentially fulfils every role of a companion. we can see how it fits in with his sherlock bbc character too: as many of the doctor's companions, he learns over time and actually becomes higher-than-averagely adept at working out solutions for problems. hes so wonderfully human, and it would fit well with the alien/human dynamic between the doctor and his companion. and i feel like john would have big rory energy. we haven't even taken in the consideration of the "the doctor. which one?" jokes.
jim moriarty as the master: don't tell me you can't see it, because you know deep down that i am right. both the master and moriarty are chaos loving antagonistic figures, charming and charismatic, full of ambition to control whatever they can and whoever they want, yet they focus on what they may consider their homoerotic arch-rival. plus, they're commonly referred to with a name beginning with the letter "m" (which is literally just bonus points!) and just imagine the possibilities of a female moriarty. like fuck off that's too much for my blood pressure. (eurus?????)
irene adler as river song: it's the vibe, it's the attitude, it's the intelligence. irene would be such a good river: she's independent, a borderline criminal, and witty beyond anyones comprehension. however, in this case irene would be a mix of both the irene from the book and from the show, since she's substantially smarter in terms of "who has the biggest brains" in the books rather than the tv series. nevertheless, i would still like to have her as not a love-interest but a love possibility, edging on that with the maximum being flirts, and obviously john in the background going full rory mode (as mentioned earlier). i just think it would be so neat.
greg lestrade as kate stewart: police/chief officer on earth, usually the one to contact the doctor when the planet is in danger? has some form of kind of stale yet wholesome but confusing friendship with the doctor, where they know both a lot and absolutely nothing about him? i think it fits the criteria for greg lestrade perfectly, and i love that it adds the possibility of banter between sherlock's doctor and chief greg of unit.
mycroft holmes as a member of the high gallifreyan council: what could the doctor consider to be the greatest nuisance, and what has recordedly tampered with his relationships and plans and life in the past? the council of his home planet, which could realistically allow for one of the doctor's brothers to be part of the council, and possibly even be it's leader. however, a cool dynamic which i think could be explored is that mycroft wouldn't be the head of the council but rather a side yet very important member, who can slightly interefere with the council's plan to assist his brother sometimes, only sticking by the rules if he disagrees entirely with the doctor. what his time-lord name could be? the officer, the official (something like that), though i'd appreciate name ideas
mrs hudson as sarah jane smith: this was a bit hard to decide on, but i think this is by far the most interesting idea i've had for mrs hudson after a solid 5 minutes of looking up characters. i can see mrs hudson, or martha as she'd be called then, act as a companion for the doctor in a previous reincarnation many years ago, like in the 70s or 80s, otherwise staying at home at 221a baker street, working on a computer and serving cuppas should the doctor and john ever stop by. could give a more alien context to her drug dealing husband; maybe he was caught up in an otherwordly drug scandal, and that's how the doctor and mrs hudson ended up meeting. additionally, i think that she'd also have k9, but he'd be shaped a bit like a bull-dog after the bull pup which john has in the books.
II. the tardis. there are so many ideas for the tardis itself, and i can imagine that she'd kind of resemble a hybrid child of eleven's tardis and the interior of the 221b flat. plus, she could have an address this time: 221b, anywhere. i know it sounds a bit corny, but i wanted to find a way to weave in the famous address into this narrative.
III. wholock.
i just think this is a super neat idea. do reblog with ideas
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inevitably-johnlocked · 11 months
1/? "because people are bored with the sanitization of Disney and Marvel. Everything has to have no true villain in Disney" OMG, Steph, I knew you'd have the answer! Sanitization it is! No true villain, no fighting strategies, no strong emotions, and no satisfaction either. I used to watch lots of WW2 documentaries as a kid because dad's into it and there was only 1 TV, lol. Lots of strategies were being used by every side to test and reveal the other party's and its own weaknesses,
2/? and then acted accordingly. There were moments of serious despair and numerous heartbreaking sacrifices, which was why the final victory felt exultant and precious. MCU used to know this but somehow they've decided to "sanitize" it, as if realistic wars and strong emotions are too much for the audience to bear, as if they are doing the fans a favor (eye rolls). Black Panther doesn't quip and people love it! Nowadays the formula is an omnipotent villain who wins at every turn, 3/3 and who decides to give up at the last moment(Sanitization), so here suddenly comes the "victory" for the good guys. BBC Sherlock suffered from this formula too: Moriarty, Mary, Eurus. Isn't it ironic that Mofftiss are good at one-shots, ACD canon are mostly one shots, and it should have been the perfect match. There's also too many plot twists re: Mary. Plot twists are only fun used once. The length they went to sanitize Mary. Nice chatting w/ you Steph! You are insightful and talented!
(referencing this post)
Hey Nonny!
BAH, sorry I put this aside for so long, especially since it's more a commentary piece than anything.
YES, agreed re: the sanitization and the one shots. It's frustrating because I feel like everything is starting to feel very... same-y in movies and TV shows by popular brands, because they count on their name carrying the franchise, rather than the franchise being what people enjoy. And people are cottoning on to it too.
I hope with the recent trend of "different" things making boatloads of money, brands will stop catering to the shareholders and let writers tell the stories the right way.
And if we ever get Sherlock S5, I hope Mofftiss gets their heads out of their asses, hire a third writer to reign them in, and recreate the magic that S1 was.
And yes, plot twists are only fun if used once AND makes sense. S4's didn't make sense, which is why it was so frustrating.
Thank you for your insight, Nonny! <3
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aveline-amelia · 5 months
Jim Moriarty and bi erasure in The Sherlock Fandom
So I saw someone making fun of Moriarty/Eurus by claiming Moriarty is the gayest character in the show and that Jim even asked Mycroft how he wanted him in TFP, all, of course, in obligatory OUTRAGE CAPS LOCK.
Which is why I feel the need to make the distinction between saying "he's gay" in a "he's so into men" vs "he's so not into women" way. That requires acknowledging both asexual and bisexual erasure. No matter how flamboyant Moriarty is and how many sex references to men he makes, none of that is proof of homosexuality until:
Moriarty makes a definitive statement on his sexuality we are supposed to believe. (I'm gay)
Someone else makes a definitive statement on Moriarty's sexuality that we are supposed to take at face value and believe. (He's gay)
The Powers That Be make a definitive statement on Moriarty's sexuality and the way he was written and portrayed (Moriarty is gay and was written and portrayed as such).
Not all statements on sexuality are clear and definitive, such as Irene saying she's gay but admitting to attraction to a man in the exact same statement and having bisexual coding (both parties separately, male and female clients).
Or John saying that he's not gay but then never clarifying he's straight or not attracted to men.
And we all bring our assumptions when observing potential clues or statements regarding someone's sexual identity.
For example, Harry Watson could be bi but we assume she is a lesbian and we are mostly likely meant to assume that and at that she is probably a butch lesbian or somewhat GNC due to a usage of a masculine version of a name (Harriet -> Harry).
This could be wrong. She could be a feminine bisexual woman who prefers to be called Harry and just happened to fall for and marry a woman.
We don't know the sexuality of the innkeepers in THoB but we assume they are gay men. We assume Raul and Kenny Prince are gay men.
Moriarty refers to his role as Jim from IT as "playing gay" yet he gets flirty with Sherlock in the next sentence. This could all be part of an act, but I do believe reading Moriarty as a straight guy who just likes to mess with people is inherently heteronormative.
Some see Moriarty as a queercoded villain, and some see him as a genuine example of LGBT representation. Maybe not necessarily good representation, but that is subjective. But I do wish people would consider all options before they claim such regressive and potentially harmful opinions as fact.
Headcanons are fine! Claiming something is canon when it is not is different. I am still not over the "confirmed heterosexuality" comments regarding Mycroft and the whole bunch of "straight/het Mycroft" jokes.
And that is coming from someone who believes the Lady Smallwood scene was indeed heteronormative, albeit for different reasons than most people, I believe. But that's a topic for another day. No, seriously, I'll get there.
It's one thing to claim you do not believe a character is bisexual if you don't. It's another to deny bisexuality as an option when it is oftentimes the only option that takes all the evidence into account and does not require stretching the truth or ignoring tells.
Also Moriarty could have had Mycroft on that desk right there until he begged for mercy twice and that still wouldn't have been proof of either of them being homosexual men.
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Sonic Storybook but it's Greek mythology. Which characters are which gods?
ask @birdsareblooming she's working on it but i'll do my best
and also NOT taking into consideration familial/romantic relationships bc hot damn:
ZEUS (sky, storms) – Sonic. i mean... lightning, "knight of the wind", all that jazz. Alt: Surge.
HERA (family, marriage) – very few sonic characters are married so we should focus on the family aspect. Vanilla, then. Alt: Aleena
POSEIDON (ocean) – logistically, Chaos, BUT there's also a greek god literally named Chaos so, well. Other answer, Marine or Kitsunami.
HADES (underworld) – obvs answer but probably Shadow
DEMETER (earth, harvest) – hmm... perhaps Mighty
ARES (war) – OMEGA. do i even have to? Alt: Amy
ATHENA (strategy, wisdom) – Knuckles is probably an unpopular opinion but i think he'd fit. otherwise, Blaze or Sally.
APOLLO (sun, poetry, healing) – Silver. He's got the desire to heal the future, and, well. Solaris
ARTEMIS (moon, the hunt) – Whisper. personally i think Artemis is aroace but the lesbian interpretation is p good too so! let's go
HEPHAESTUS (construction, invention) –Tails. obviously. alt: Wave, Eggman
APHRODITE (beauty, love) – Rouge, not bc of her looks but bc of her love of pretty things. Alt: Breezie
HERMES (messengers, thieves) – probably bokkun let's say Charmy. Alt: Ray, Omochao, Rouge
DIONYSUS (drunk ppl and theatre kids) – Vector would be really funny lol
HESTIA (the hearth, home) – Blaze
IRIS (rainbows, light) – Tikal
HYPNOS (sleep) – Big
NEMESIS (justice) – Espio.
NIKE (victory) – Jet. that hypercompetitive bitch? yea. Alt: Honey.
HEBE (youth) – Cream, w/ bonus Cheese lol
TYCHE (luck) – Tangle. i dont have a reason just the vibe
HECATE (magic) – AMY. absolutely Amy. alt: Nicole, Merlina, Ebony, or Infinite if u wanna go dark.
PAN (the wild) – STICKS.
BOREAS (north wind, winter) – Dulcy. she breaths ice y'all
ZEPHYRUS (west wind, spring)– Bean the Dynamite. he seems like the type to accidentally kill a guy he had a crush on
NOTUS (south wind, summer) – Wave
EURUS (east wind, autumn) – Storm, Eurus is seen as a Storm god
and then the muses:
CALLIOPE (epic poetry) – Aleena. Alt: Elise
CLIO (history) – Gold the Tenrec
ERATO (lyric + love poetry) – Mina Mongoose cause why not. Elise is also an alt for her, also Breezie.
EUTERPE (music) – Sonia
MEPLOMENE (tragedy) – Void (Sonic Shuffle)
POLYHYMNIA (sacred poetry) – Coral the Betta
TERPSICHORE (dance, choral music) – not a lot of sonic characters are dance-based– however, Manic could work, he's musical and quick lol
THALIA (comedy) – Lumina (Sonic Shuffle)– gotta match her twin
URANIA (astrology) – Amy would fit good here too lol, but I think we should go with Maria/Merlina.
and OBVIOUSLY Kronos is Mephiles like who are we kiddin
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in casual brainrot for my ocs; the year is 988, Volodymyr I Sviatoslavych, the Great, Prince of Novgorod, Grand Prince of Kiev, and ruler of Kievan Rus' has just married Anna Porphyrogenita the sister of Basil II, emperor of East Rome.
Zarja, the personification of Kievan-Rus' is meeting Eurus, the personfication of East Rome--and her new husband--for the first time. She's really nervous about the whole thing, or, she was, except for now her technically-distant-cousins-but-by-this-point-surrogate-mom-and-brothers are tagging along and she's more annoyed bc they're all super embarrassing.
Harald, Björn, and Sigurd keep making half empty dumb threats about what they'll do to Eurus if he's not a decent guy. And Astrid (Scandia) is casually trying to reign in all three boys, while also being like, "y'know Zarja there's a conversation i've been putting off-" "oh my goSH NO STOP" "YOU'RE GETTING MARRIED WE HAVE TO TALK ABOUT IT"
Eurus, Heracles, and Niko are watching this all go down, not understanding a word of the mix of Norse and Old East Slavic. While Heracles and Niko are also laughing looking at Eurus and being like "HA good fucking luck" before being reminded she's their sister-in-law now too.
This is such a fun family i need to write about them more.
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livviem-009 · 9 months
THSS Chapter 3 Part 6
Missing Scene I don't know how to put
Albert: Don't you worry, we have a backup plan in the inside so that the Government won't do anything to you
Adler: Who?
Albert: The wind is strong, isn't it?
Eurus snoring: *sleep-talking in a dream* Is my stance good Father?
Sherlock shaking her awake: Get up, I have a plan.
Eurus yawning before putting on her glasses: What? Did you finally profile her?
Sherlock nodding: Did you dream about dad?
Eurus: Fencing, I still remember it. Where's Miss Adler?
Sherlock: That's what I want to talk about.
Adler: Sherlock, Eurus, are you okay?
Eurus screaming: My leg!
Sherlock: *on the floor* You need run!
Adler: But-
Miss Hudson: Eurus get up!
Eurus: Go without us, we'll hold them off!
Adler: *running to get the documents*
Eurus: *stops limping* Bingo!
Sherlock: *taking the documents* What do we have here?
Eurus: Let's see!
Adler: Don't!
Eurus cocking her head: Why? Mycroft wants these documents, right?
Adler: It will change everything you know about your family.
Eurus and Sherlock: *reading it*
Eurus: *gasping* No way! Robespierre is my grandpa?!
(After the true reason why she did everything)
Adler: I wanted to fix the world, I see people like Eurus everyday who can't reach their true potential because of their enviroment.
Eurus: I don't have potential, I don't even know what I want to do.
Adler: You do have potential, I just hope I gave you a chance of freedom but my mishap lead me to my possible doom. *about to leave* thank you for everything.
Miss Hudson: I wish we could have spend more time together.
Eurus teary: I promise to continue your work. Take care Irene Adler.
(Takes place after Adler and Sherlock separate for the last time)
Eurus knowing Mycroft is going to kill her and sees a familiar guy in the street: *seeing Moran* Hey I know you, listen, can you give me ride to my older brother?
Moran: Who are you?
Eurus: Just get me there, I want to save my friend!
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You know what, I want to do something self indulgent. So now I present to you...
My queer fantasy wolf ocs (+ 1 phoenix) as music genres with little to no explanation
(not at all inspired by moonkitti (/j))
Eclipse: Folk Rock
River: whatever the fuck Surfaces is (according to google, "Their music is a blend of surf music, jazz, soul, pop rock, hip hop, reggae, and calypso." make of that what you will)
Rain: Post Rock
Dew: Synth Pop
Dust: Shoegaze
Ember: Midwest Emo
Frost: Arena Rock
Clover: Indie Folk
Frostburn: Gregorian Chant (this is mostly because of it being the roots of modern notation and whatnot, but also because I think the Dies Irae really fits him and his harbinger ass)
Nightmare: Hyperpop
Comet: Electro Swing
Gale: Americana (I'm not 100% on this one, but I still think it works good)
Hailstorm: Hard Rock (this is more based on vibes than anything else. I also apologize to any hard rock fans, because this bastard is literally the worst. out of all of my characters, he's the guy I wanna kick the most)
Steel: Folk Punk
Hawk: Bro Country (this is an affectionate diss)
Notos: Maritime Folk (something about how sea shanties rely and were built on community and without other people everything falls apart. something like that)
Eurus: Romantic Classical
Boreas: Neofolk
Zephyrus: Sacred Harp
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scratchandplaster · 1 year
Now that I finished Febuwhump 2023, I thought about doing a summary of my work. I never wrote anything before, let alone posted it online, so this was all pretty exciting (if sometimes a little stressful) for me 🤫 Thanks to @febuwhump for hosting this event!
Spoilers ahead!
�� My Favorites
The most fun writing I had with DAY 12. The slow change of Henshaw's mental stability was really interesting to explore, especially because of his first-person perspective. The thought of cave diving itself is horrifying to me, but doing that while also being stalked by an eldritch horror seemed too good to miss out on. Even I still don't know what's down there...
Also, I love the dynamic between the protagonists from DAY 6. My sweet boy just wanted to be free and meet new people 😔 At some points I wrote him to be a little too self-loathing, kinda giving him incel vibes... He's not like that, I swear, just very frustrated with himself.
Lastly, DAY 15 was one of the first ideas I had for Febuwhump. Pet whump/BBU is something I avoided for some time, and it took a while to warm up to it, but the basic concept is not that different from any other whump storyline, I guess. I just hope Daniel got his ass handed to him afterward 👀
🏆 Your Favorites
🥇 DAY 15 - Semi-conscious
🥈 DAY 11 - Fever
🥉 DAY 1 - Touchstarved
All very angsty, I love it! My favorite tropes splayed out like that: regretful Whumper, obsessive behavior, Carewhumper, drugging... Especially DAY 1, because that's the first thing I ever wrote ❤ Thanks again for reading, you guys made my month!
🏆 The ones that took the longest
Everything regarding Elliot and Morris (beginning with DAY 8) but especially DAY 20. I sat a whole weekend on that thing, meaning that the other prompts got pushed back and were stuck in my mind during the weekdays. But in the end, it all worked out. I had to take the time, because it is the most important piece to show Elliot's and Morris´ relationship. The writing still takes up the lion's share of the work, but I used to underestimate translating and editing the whole text, whoops.
Also, DAY 6 again. I had to google a lot of cocktails and cities for that one 🥃 Cheers!
🏆 The ones that took the shortest
DAY 15, surprisingly, wrote itself in one sitting. I guess yandere Whumper is my natural modus operandi.
Day 28 was also very quick, just took like four hours with editing. I searched through my bathroom to figure out what Whumpee would use in their daily routine 😬
Last but not least, my lovely shitpost on DAY 5, the woodburning one. I still stand by it, that shit hurts and makes a great torture device. Downside: you'll probably need an extension cord.
🏆 Best Whumper
This one goes to Morris, my little drug-trafficking trash man. He's so dumb it hurts; a real clown suffering through a heartbreak. He and Amber were both abusive to each other, they really do make the perfect couple.
🏆 Best Whumpee
The valet pet, again, I aspire to be as petty as them. Saving an innocent life, getting back at their captor and escaping at the same time (sadly), completely unplanned. It's kind of selfish too, I just have a lot of conflicting feelings when it comes to their situation and choice to handle it. The more I think about them, the better I can grasp what went into this decision 😧
🏆 Category is...
Gore Galore: DAY 1, DAY 4, DAY 21
Fluff and Softness: DAY 2, DAY 11, DAY 28
🏆 Songs I listened to while writing/editing
ミラクルミュージカル - Dream Sweet in Sea Major
Alec Holowca - Astral Coal Town
alt-J - Bane
The Four Winds by The Oh Hellos (Notos, Eurus, Boreas, Zephyrus)
Classical Music Compilations (because I can't focus when people are talking)
Feel free to do a wrap-up too, I'd love to see it!
[Febuwhump 2023 Masterlist] [Stack The Deck Masterlist]
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abookishdreamer · 2 years
Character Intro: Naeus (Kingdom of Ichor)
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Naeus by Hera & the others in the pantheon
Age- 20 (immortal)
Location- Queenstown district, New Olympus
Personality- He's a quiet sensitive guy & a through-and-through romantic. He's introverted at times, a bit serious, and a meticulous planner. He's currently single.
He has the standard abilities of any god. Being the god of weddings & bridal hymns, Hymenaeus' abilities include having limited amokinesis (as it pertains to romantic love during a wedding) and matrimony precognition- sensing the compatibility of any couple. He also has the innate sense of the marital status of any couple. He also has the ability of flight (due to his light gray-blue wings).
Naeus lives in a townhouse in the Queenstown district of New Olympus in roughly the same neighborhood as Hera (goddess of women & marriage) and Eos (Titaness of dawn). He's a huge cat lover & has many pets- a persian cat, a british shorthair, two siamese, and a ragamuffin- a girl named Hera jr.
He works very closely with Hera as they both preside over marriage. He has his own business- a wedding planning company as well as sharing work with Hera- designing tuxedos & wedding bands for her Luxuria bridal collection. Naeus also serves as an officiant. He doesn't mind doing it sometimes. For other work, he's a contributing writer for Modern Olympus and Regalia.
His go-to drink is a chocolate milkshake. He makes it, mixing in pieces of chocolate cake & shortbread cookies. He also likes a classic martini, ginger ale, cola, & a scotch on the rocks. His usual from The Roasted Bean is a large chai latte.
His favorite dessert is the chocolate ganache cake. Naeus gets it from Cocoa Delights.
He often refers to himself as a "serial monogamist", even though he hasn't been in a serious romantic relationship in a long time. Naeus used to say that he was always too busy for a girlfriend, but he knows the real reason- his feelings for Hera. He has always cared more about her than he likes owning up to. Naeus hasn't said anything, his main fear of losing their friendship being too great. He's been a support system to her/shoulder to cry on every time she came to him with news of her husband's infidelity or her worries about Hephaestus (god of the forge).
In the pantheon, he's good friends with Iris (goddess of the rainbow), Hestia (goddess of the hearth); loves her crumbly coffee cake, Dionysus (god of wine), Aphrodite (goddess of love & beauty), Deipneus (god of cooking & breadmaking), Epiphron (god of prudence), Pothos (god of longing & yearning), Aeolus (god of wind), Philyra (goddess of perfume, paper, & beauty), Himeros (god of impetuous love), Ganymede (god of homosexual love & desire), Chione (goddess of snow), Eurus (god of the east wind), Paregoros (goddess of soothing words), Peitho (goddess of persuasion & sensuality), Ditus (god of bisexuality, effeminacy, & fertility), and The Muses. Naeus' official mentor was Zeuxo (goddess of marriage).
Naeus is also quite close with some of Hera's kids like Ella (Eileithyia) (goddess of childbirth) & Hebe (goddess of youth). He's also good friends with the singer Eurydice.
He's honest about the fact that he looks down upon "open relationships/marriages" and those who glamorize it, like Philotes (goddess of sex, friendship, & affection) and her husband Priapus (god of fertility, vegetable gardens, livestock, sexuality, & masculinity).
Naeus' favorite food are crab rangoons. He also really likes Hera's samosas. He also likes fried brown rice with chicken & broccoli. 
In his free time, he likes being a huge homebody- staying at home with his cats, reading, poker, billiards, watching a football (soccer) or baseball game on TV, transcribing music, playing the piano, working on his own music. If he's not at a wedding or an engagement party, he also likes spending time with Hera- going out to eat, visiting museums and the cinema (he doesn't mind sitting through rom-coms & romantic dramas).
"There's always someone's better half, be it romantic or platonic."
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sarah-dipitous · 6 months
Hellsite Nostalgia Tour 2023 THE FINAL DAY
The Final Problem/Carry On/The Giggle
“The Final Problem”
Plot Description: A dark secret in the Holmes family rears its head with a vengeance, putting Sherlock and friends through a series of sick, manipulative psychological and potentially fatal games.
Here we are, the Sherlock episode SO BAD:
1) the fandom collectively decided there was a secret fourth episode that would fix it all, and
2) I’ve blocked most of it out of my memory in the past seven or so years
My apologies to Megumi who is being subjected to this at such a young age
For someone who hates socializing and in fact just people in general, Mycroft is having such a good time mouthing the dialogue of this movie……
Is this SENTIMENT, Mycroft?? Before it all goes to hell REALLY fast
Isn’t part of this a trick by Sherlock??
No because really, if you watched the first episode of this show and then this one you’d be so confused how we fucking got here. This used to be a fun if queerbaiting detective show!!
Did you really need to psychologically torture Mycroft to get this information??
Why would John know that about Mycroft more than Sherlock?
I seriously don’t understand why everyone hates Mycroft this season. He’s never been the warmest or most forthcoming person, so why are we all of a sudden bullying him for it?
One thing I do remember is that the Holmeses didn’t have a dog, and the dog we’re seeing in these flashbacks will eventually be revealed to be a neighborhood kid…and Sherlock is about to figure that out
They put her away for just a tinge of arson?? (And the murder, too, I suppose, and clearly wanting to kill her brother?? (Why is she Dabi?))
In another Eurus is Dabi, she started another fire that she “did not survive.”
What a convenient time for that drone with a grenade to show up at 221b
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This would not have happened in 2010 Sherlock, but the degradation of this show is just………it’s sad, really
Rolling my eyes at “Sherlock Holmes the pirate”…pirates are so much cooler than you, dude
$20 says the guy in the…boat…person…outfit (shut up) is Sherlock. Well…you didn’t bet so I don’t have to give you anything. It was one of the Holmes boys
If this wasn’t the show it started as, this kind of plot could be good in a Dan Brown, easily digestible, psychological thriller kind of way. UNFORTUNATELY, it had promise in the beginning……….I don’t mean to make that sound like I’m shitting on Dan Brown. I can’t deny that I read Angels & Demons quicker than I had ever thought I would
It sucks that John will automatically respond to Vatican Cameos but Sherlock does not trust John the same way
I forgot they were watching a tape and not a live feed…on one hand, it’s good that John figured it out (a little too late but earlier than Mycroft) that they couldn’t trust this man who is in charge of this equivalent to [island prison from fandom redacted] but they probably should have been watching Sherlock too
Am I happy to SEE Jim? Yes. But I’ve always fucking HATED this defanging he got
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Behold, the only good moment of this whole episode
I don’t want to actually READ Jim’s story of the nativity titled The Hungry Donkey, but I’d read the Wikipedia article synopsis
Isn’t the whole girl on a plane that’s going to crash fake?
Mycroft has never been so human and emotional, I hate it. Pull yourself together, man
She TOLD you she’d shoot that dude’s wife if Mycroft or John didn’t shoot him, and you didn’t believe her??
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Turns out, what’s good for children’s hospitals is good for high security prisons. C’mon, lads, it’s BASIC COLOR THEORY
Get your ass to the table, Mycroft. HELP.
I forgot that she coerces Sherlock to manipulate Molly into telling him she loves him in three minutes or she’ll kill Molly. I was about to say “that’s just cruel,” but it’s no less cruel than the rest of the murders she’s done today, we just have more context and attachment to Molly
Mycroft, you do not get to sneer at Sherlock’s hesitation to kill John when you couldn’t even kill the governor of this prison to save his wife, and then you dry heaved in the corner (what was moftiss thinking with this writing??)
Oh……….oh, he’s TRYING to make Sherlock hate him enough to kill him instead of John, to make it easier for Sherlock. I’m sorry I said that about you, Mycroft……..but Sherlock did see through it
I can’t imagine trying to get this little girl to safely crash this plane (or save it) and keep John from drowning at the same time. I’d shut down
Remember when the fandom thought Tom Huddleston would come in and play Victor Trevor? And I think he was supposed to be the secret Holmes, too….
I THOUGHT I remembered Eurus being the girl on the plane this whole time, but like I said, I blocked a LOT of this out
John’s safe, Sherlock’s better than a great man, he’s a good one…and now Mycroft is being told off by their parents
WHAT DO YOU MEAN SHERLOCK WAS ALWAYS THE GROWNUP?? One, Mycroft was always more stable if also colder, but two, and more importantly, YOU ARE HIS MOTHER AND YOU’RE SAYING THIS??
So Sherlock gets to go play violin with/at her secretly whenever, but their parents never get to see their daughter ever again??
Guess I was wrong, they’re putting on a little concert in her extremely high security cell for their parents and Mycroft, I GUESS
This montage of cases and how we could have had those instead of whatever the hell this was that we got
“Carry On”
Plot Description: in the series finale, Sam and Dean investigate one last case, then confront where their respective roads are going to take them next
I’m calling absolute bullshit on that description as someone who HAS watched the series finale before
Would I Survive the First Five Minutes??: No one died. It was just the boys doing very ordinary things
One thing I didn’t remember was THEY KEPT THE DOG?? The dog that was potentially only alone because Chuck got rid of EVERYONE??
I want to be like “you were told it was hot” but Dean yelling “Hot bread!” when the toast (it’s called TOAST, Dean) popped out of the toaster is very special to me
AKRON?? I forgot that Dean dies in Ohio and like a 45 minute drive from me…
This is why we don’t answer the door if we’re not expecting someone…you could get stabbed in front of your kids
Ok, potentially he dies a little further from me, in Canton…but still Ohio
Omg I hate this. I know he’s gonna die for real in the DUMBEST WAY POSSIBLE
They’re mentally preparing like they’ve never fought four vampires before. Like they haven’t fought gods, like they haven’t fought GOD. It’s just a nest of vampires
Was she from season ONE? Sam’s hair from the flashback makes me think yes….aaaaand it doesn’t matter
Oh god. There it issssss. The rudest rusty nail in all existence
What the fuck made me think I could go through this again?? I can’t watch Dean die for good!!!!!!!! What I would give to have Cas here right now to heal him
IT DID NOT HAVE TO END LIKE THIS!!! I will tell future generations that season 15 only has 19 episodes.
He sounds like an OLD dying man, but he’s like just over 40
Y’all are not beating the allegations that homophobic little kid at the motel who asked “king or two queens” put on ya in this moment. Just sayin. That was also, like, season one or two.
I’m just MAD that that’s how Dean went out now…
That’s such a big bunker for one person, Sam
Literally, they could have stopped at 19 episodes. No one wants to watch Sam be depressed all over the bunker
It’s so wild to me how many times they kept bringing Bobby back. And at least now it’s originally recipe Bobby talking to Dean.
Aww Jack made necessary changes to heaven, and Cas is here SOMEWHERE but JUST DOESN’T SHOW UP IN THE EPISODE FOR WHATEVER REASON
Having now seen the penultimate episode, it’s incredibly frustrating that Dean’s first action in Heaven after sharing a beer with Bobby is to go for a drive…like that wasn’t the last thing the boys did at the end of that episode. None of this was necessary
I wonder if Baby is a little cursed like Good Omens Crowley’s Bentley, but instead of playing Queen all the time it’s JUST “Carry On, Wayward Son” by Kansas…because that’s what started playing as Dean started up Baby
I am glad Sam gets to give his kid (who he named Dean) the childhood he always wanted but never had
Now Sam’s wearing glasses to show that time has passed
Ah yes, the horrible party city wig. They didn’t even really age his face. They just slapped the wig and glasses on and said “good enough! This network has never been profitable and it’s going to be even less so after this episode airs and supernatural is over”
They really want it to be a meaningful moment that Sam’s last words to his brother were “it’s okay. You can go now” and his son’s last words to him were the same, but all it’s doing is making me mad again over how Dean died
I know time works differently in Heaven or whatever but was Dean driving for the rest of Sam’s whole LIFE???
I think it’s KIND OF FUNNY that they End of Titanic Sam. Dean looks like he’s the age he died at but Heaven de-aged Sam. I’m not nor will I ever be a Wincest shipper but the parallels ARE THERE. This episode really did THAT
I’m really much more upset than I ever thought I would be about this show ending (she says about a show she can just go back and watch whenever she wants)
“The Giggle”
Plot Description: the Doctor is powerless as the terrifying Toymaker holds the human race in his grasp
(Y’all…I’m getting a little choked up thinking about how this will be over in roughly an hour, maybe an hour and a half…maybe it’ll stretch to two hours depending on how sad I get)
I won’t lie, it’s really weird seeing Neil Patrick Harris in Doctor Who and in 2023
Well, that burning doll being the first image to ever be televised is not horrifying at all
UNIT really needs better ways of getting the Doctor’s attention
I’m…assuming another old companion. I like that we are actually continuing the former companions coming back trend
Oh lord, the amount of paranoia caused by…whatever this is. Honestly, it makes everyone the worst Karen you’ve ever seen. Kate saw two redheads in one room and thought there was a conspiracy going on there amongst other, more horrible things
I’m sorry. WHAT. The image and laugh of the first picture ever televised is somehow buried deep in EVERY tv screen (and possibly just every screen) EVER?? No
Not even Eurus got Moriarty on THIS MANY screens, but it’s giving “miss me?”
YES, Donna!!! Bargain for what your knowledge is worth to UNIT!!!! You went from a 60k offer to 120k and five weeks vacation! You deserve it
I know they WILL but I want the moments NOW of the Doctor finally being vulnerable emotionally about all of it to Donna
Ok but if…is the Toymaker like…another Time Lord?? No, just from another realm (that was the word used…does it mean plane of existence? Universe? Will we ever know?)…and by playing into superstition at the edge of OUR universe, the Doctor let him in, I GUESS
They better not kill Donna. Not after all this.
Noooooooooooo, I’m getting Doomsday ptsd flashbacks. We’re dealing with other planes of existence and now the Doctor and their companion have been tragically separated and are pounding at their respective sides of this door. They can’t even hear each other
The TV guy’s assistant has been turned into a puppet???
No. Wtf wtf wtf. I’m not normally scared of dolls but this is something else. Donna bashing that doll against the wall was exactly the way to go with that, though
You know….watching everything that’s happened to the Doctor since he last left Donna in highly abridged puppet show form….the fates of all their companions (save for 13’s) HAVE been rather terrible.
Wait…so…wait…the Master is in the Toymaker’s tooth???? Also, the Toymaker has TOO MANY TEETH
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That NONE OF THEM recognized Spice Up Your Life by the Spice Girls is CRIMINAL
The fact that he can render UNIT completely useless
He’s really giving NPH the same kind of speech he gave both John Simm AND Michael Sheen??? Come with me to the stars! We can travel together forever!
I was not expecting him to shoot David with a laser
This is a departure from form, if they do it now. There are 22 min left and we’re getting the regeneration now?? Orrrrrrrrrr not. Far be it for me to criticize or act like an expert, but why are we getting two of them?? Sure?? Bigeneration is now a thing. Is he wearing pants?? Or did they just give him the shirt and tie??
The fate of the Doctor and probably all of humanity is coming down to a game of catch???
Bind it in salt? Is it a ghost?? Is this supernatural???
Who just picked up the tooth though?? The one that, for some reason, contains the Master
So, is the David Tennant Doctor going to stay with Donna’s family or is he gonna go away at some point??
I’m the past couple seasons we’ve gotten so many TARDISes, and this one that Ncuti Gatwa made is even wheelchair accessible!!
Ohhhh!! David Doctor IS going to live with Donna and her family it seems or at least he’ll always have a place with her.
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