#good to surround urself in art you like
lord0f · 2 years
Oh no i rewatched trigun for the millionth time and now im re-reading the manga again and bemoaning how i feel like im gonna have to somehow convince my partner to read all of Maximum to truly get the full trigun experience
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honeytonedhottie · 3 months
how to be more feminine⋆.ೃ࿔*:・🩰
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this post is inspired by an inbox question i answered on wednesday so i wanted to elaborate on things that make me feel more feminine and how to BE more feminine…💬🎀
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surrounding myself with women and making more friendships with women then with men has helped my femininity so much i feel. because like, as a woman we can relate to each other more and often times female friendships are just so much more pure and beautiful.
i feel like when ur friends with a man 99.9% of the time they end up wanting to pursue something romantically. also i noticed that when im with my male friends they like to tease and kind of roast each other but with my female friendships we bring each other up instead.
and its not like one is better then the other, but female friendships are better for my confidence and femininity as a whole which is why im friends with a lot more women and only a few men. in general female friendships have just healed my soul 💗.
when u take care of urself like u should, not only is it addicting but it makes me feel 100% more feminine. because you should care for urself like you care for a goddess. give urself the best that u possibly can and take care of ur mind body and soul.
take care of ur hands and feet
dont be afraid to be high maintenance
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the self care aspect is important! make sure that ur keeping up with ur hygiene and using sweet smelling perfumes and soaps. taking care of ur body through what u eat, what u do etc. remember that ur inner translates to ur outer so dont forget to do the self concept work which leads me to my next point
shift ur mindset and start to think of urself as beautiful, precious and feminine. make a vaunt if u want but make sure to say ur affirmations because that builds confidence. self love + confidence are so good for the cultivation of ur feminine energy.
femininity is all about creation and being creative so its important to find some ways to cultivate ur creativity and ur natural gifts. a way to cultivate ur feminine creativity is through makeup. makeup is such a beautiful art form and a reminder that you are your own muse.
another thing, dont give just anyone access to ur mind, ur time and ur body! not only are you protecting urself but ur also protecting ur time, emotions etc. can you imagine how draining it must be to always be readily available to everyone at anytime? like no.
everyone has their own boundaries and rules based on the way that they see the world, but when ur thinking about things like who has access to ur mind, time and body make sure not to be accessible to everyone cuz you're sacred!
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serenityslab · 20 days
Great or Nothing (an amy march inspired subliminal)
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⋆ have a very strong belief that you deserve to be heard and seen
⋆ have a very strong belief that everything you create is beautiful art and it's deserving of love, attention and certainly the money it takes for people to acquire it
⋆ have a very strong belief that you are worth it; you are worth an unconditional and healthy typa love, you are worth abundance, fame, affection, kindness, happiness, peace
⋆ have a very strong belief that there's beauty in imperfection
⋆ have a very strong belief that you deserve to be people's first choice therefore you act accordingly
⋆ be everyone's first choice for everything; love, money, opportunities etc (so good things only)
⋆ you know ur self worth and also have dignity and respect for yourself therefore u can never let anybody treat u or talk to u disrespectfully or like u're less than and inferior.
⋆ u are very valuable and people see, respect, and appreciate that (including you!)
⋆ u have a very strong belief that u deserve only the best in life so u act accordingly.
⋆ u can never be second best to anyone because u know ur worth.
⋆ u don't care to compete with others, u're to busy working on ur growth in all aspects.
⋆ u are unique and can't be compared to anybody bcuz there's only one of u and people love that. they see you for who you truly are.
⋆ never be in the shadow of anyone; shine bright like a diamond
⋆ never be misunderstood; in words or action
⋆ whether big or small, ur accomplishments are always praised, congratulated and valued by people and yourself most importantly because you know gratitude attracts more blessings
⋆ you recognize ur strengths and good traits more than the bad (it doesn't mean you become ignorant or won't work on the weaknesses, you're just choosing to focus on the good/what u DO have while doing so)
⋆ people see the good in you more than the bad
⋆ become wise and a deep philosophical thinker
⋆ always think before speaking and acting
⋆ be kind, thoughtful, loving, caring and empathetic
⋆ quick thinker
⋆ always fill ur cup first so u have enough love, energy and strength to be there for the ones u love (bcuz u know u can't pour from an empty cup)
⋆ ur cup of strength, love, kindness, calm, peace, talent, grace, wisdom, determination, self worth and genius is overflowing
⋆ u're always happy and having fun no matter what is happening, no matter what you're doing (stress..begone😗)
⋆ never be compared to someone in a negative light
⋆ no matter what people think or say about you, u can't feel bad about urself. u just readjust where need be and continue living on in peace and joy
⋆ be unbothered by people's opinion and perception of u. it never affects ur confidence, day, self worth or esteem
⋆ always believe in yourself and believe you're enough
⋆ have a very strong belief that you are deserving of a healthy, blossoming, thriving typa love-thats all you'll attract btw- and act accordingly (romantic and platonic)
⋆ strive for perfection in everything in a very healthy way
⋆ stop being self-conscious in a way that negatively affects ur mental health
⋆ be self-confident and brave
⋆ people u're surrounded by understand nothing is perfect therefore they never expect such from u. they just accept you as you are and love and cherish u anyway
⋆ always speak up for yourself when wronged with confidence and eloquence
⋆ u are ambitious but never overexert yourself to the point of burnout
⋆ u work hard and balance it with rest bcuz u believe both are equally important
⋆ stop seeking validation and approval. the only people u need that from is God and urself
⋆ stop caring whether or not people like u since u have all the love u could possibly need from God and yourself
⋆ u are the main character and u do main character shii
⋆ start caring about yourself, ur mental health, sanity, health, body, peace, joy and act accordingly, making sure they're always in top-notch shape.
⋆ u compete with no one. ur only competition is who u were yesterday.
⋆ be completely healed, detoxed and unlearn from internalized misogyny and a fixed mindset on things that are negative
⋆ have an open mind. believe anything is possible and u can achieve everything u set ur mind to
⋆ unlearn every negative thing gathered, programmed and conditioned into u from the past
⋆ be surrounded by people who are visibly supportive of u annd ur ambitions and never get jealous of u
⋆ all the jealousy in ur heart nd in the heart of ur family, friends and foes have completely evaporated and been destroyed
⋆ nobody's jealous of u (trust me, it's better that way)
⋆ recognize and take accountability for where u are wrong but never let ur failures define u
⋆ be sttong and antifragile.. nothing can break you.
⋆ be everybody's favorite
⋆ stop carrying the world's weight on ur shoulders and being burdened by anything or anyone
⋆ Be Free; do what you love, say what u mean, act how u want, love who u want. love yourself. love deeply
⋆ nobody ever feels burdened by u
⋆ always have the power to make ur own choices in life. nothing or nobody can force, coerce, gaslight or manipulate u into doing what you don't truly want..it can never even cross their minds
⋆ never give up. be optimistic, determination and persistent
⋆ always make great use and the most out of what u have
⋆ always treated with love, respect, kindness and understanding by everyone
⋆ u are never overlooked by the *good* people i want to be seen by
⋆ nobody can place an unhealthy amount of pressure on u (including yourself)
⋆ be extremely driven, passionate and consistent in ur passions
⋆ effortlessly express ur feelings to people without fear
⋆ trust and be vulnerable with the right people
⋆ everyone sees ur worth and appreciates u
⋆ become more hardworking (especially at the things u love)
⋆ be financially stable and abundant simply by doing what u love (I'm talking an unfathomable amount of money. BAJILLION GANG AYY 🥺
⋆ never settle for less
⋆ u deserve great thinga and u have great things; you're surrounded by great people. u read great books, drink great tea, eat great food, go to great places, buy great furniture and decor, listen to great music, play great games, make great art, sing great music, watch great films, write great books, make great subliminals, have great pets, ur life is art..a simply extraordinary art.
⋆ always follow ur dreams, no matter what
⋆ u never abide by societies rules where it hurts u
⋆ know what u want and go for it fearlessly
⋆ be calm and calculative
⋆ know how to cheat the system amd make things work UR way
⋆ u love good pretty things and are able to afford it all on ur own
⋆ be more feminine and girly. embrace ur femininity
⋆ feminine and masculine energy are perfectly balanced however u can kean into one more than the other by choice when needed
⋆ u are never easily swayed by the opinions of others or external pressures because u know yourself extremely well and stay loyal to ur values
⋆ be confrontational and outspoken when need be
⋆ u are a genius in ur own way and u truly believe that
⋆ never limit yourself; effortlessly create the life of your dreams and believe u can have and be anything u want
⋆ be a ray of sunshine; beautiful, joyous and good energy. funny, happy, a joy to be around. u make people happy
⋆ become intelligent, magnetic and talented (if u have a specific skill in mind, great! if not you'll just become talented at random stuff 😳
⋆ people love being in ur presence
⋆ have a positive mindset that pays off
⋆ only be surrounded by people who truly love and adore u
⋆ ur self worth and confidence never comes or reclines comes from what people say or think about u. it comes from u and God.
⋆ you believe u are gorgeous. you are soo pretty and everyone can see that
⋆ easily accept compliments with joy rather than deflecting
⋆ u know ur level of productivity and success doesn't define u so u act accordingly
⋆ u are loved just as intensely and passionately as u love. those u love, love u back more.
⋆ u are a chill, magnetic, loving, confident, unbothered, kind, feminine girl
⋆ believe in and love the idea change and u adapt easily into any circumstance
⋆ be spontaneous and fun
⋆ u believe u can do all things through christ who strengthens u so u act accordingly
⋆ be determined to create a life u love waking up to and to achieve all ir aspirations in life
⋆ have a strong sense of self. know and understand who you are, what u want and settle for nothing less
⋆ become a creative genius that always has endless, creative, genius ideas flowing through ur head
⋆ never run out of ideas for ur work and in general
⋆ ur art is so original and breathtaking. it's always so unique
⋆ become a person of many talents who finds it easily learning new stuff, no matter what it is.
⋆ u love drawing and painting and u do it daily and you're so talented at it too
⋆ be financially boyuant by making art for a living
⋆ painting and drawing is a fun hobby for u that u effortlessly do consistently
⋆ receive compliments on all ur artwork
⋆ have all ur artworks sell faster than anybody could fathom it's just that awesome. they sell out effortlessly
⋆ u can easily convey emotions into ur artwork
⋆ people always feel numerous emotions when looking at ur profound artwork..it moves something in them
⋆ u can make a living doing whatever the heck u want. you're a success and successful at doing what u love most and u're able to effortlessly support yourself and ur loved ones because you're so wealthy
⋆ be free from perfectionist tendencies
⋆ enjoy and be completely focused in the process of making art
⋆ enjoy and find solace in spending time in nature. it recharges u mentally, physically and emotionally
⋆ effortlessly find cool, unique, beautiful spots bursting with nature in ur neighborhood
⋆ spend a lot of time outdoors
⋆ be calm and serene when in nature and when making art
⋆ become a lover of art and nature. infact you believe nature IS art. it's easy for u to decipher the feeling that an artist is trying to convey while also connecting with it on a personal level
⋆ u are independent and can easily take care of urself and handle yourself in any circumstance
⋆ effortlessly make decisions for yourself and in general. you're very decisive, a great decision maker.
⋆ always be present
⋆ be healed from codependency
⋆ thrive in the *real* world and know how to protect yourself. be able to effortlessly physically and verbally defend yourself if the need occurs
⋆ easily read people and their intentions
⋆ be great at negotiating; always he able to get stuff at cheap prices
⋆ become street smart and observant
⋆ always be protected and safe
⋆ live happily
⋆ enjoy dressing modestly and comfortably
⋆ always find pretty modest outfits that ate ur taste
⋆ become brave, witty, sassy, fearless, smart, strong, confident and assertive
⋆ take care of yourself the way you wish to be taken care of
⋆ always be on a fun adventure. you step out of ur comfort zone and do new things
⋆ u are always effortlessly ur authethtic self and can never compromise on that
⋆ be seen and appreciated as ur authentic self
⋆ ur creations draw attention, admiration and magnetizing opportunities
⋆ always recieve unique opportunities
⋆ always carry myself with grace
⋆ radiate confidence because u know ur value is inherent and unchanging
⋆ command respect and accept nothing less than dignified treatment
⋆ effortlessly attract opportunities dor financial abundance and creative fulfilment
⋆ only ever attract loving, respectful relationships where u are cherished and prioritized
⋆ successfully cultivate a positive mindset which causes u to ponder more on my strengths and blessings.
⋆ be grateful for everything
⋆ effortlessly navigate life with grace and resilience, maintaining inner peace amidst any storm
⋆ always effortlessly establish healthy boundaries because u don't settle for anything less than extraordinary.
⋆ be forever unmatched. u can't be compared to anyone because u are one of a kind...in the best way possible.
⋆ have a tantalizing and serene presence, aura and energy
⋆ posses the power to see the deepest depths of a person's psyche
⋆ everyone finds ur presence comforting
people are so comfortable with u, so much so they go as far as revealing their deepest darkest secrets
⋆ effortlessly become the best artist in the world.
⋆ everyone effortlessly connects with ur art.
⋆ always have great posture
⋆ effortlessly exude charm, poise, grace, wisdom, excellence, genius and femininity
⋆ ur beauty is off the charts, u are breathtakingly beautiful
⋆ u have pretty things. pretty clothes, jewelry, accessories, beddings, home decor, paintings, shoes, and makeup
⋆ have a large loyal fanbase
⋆ all ur siblings treat you well. they llve and respect you
⋆ have a great relationship with ur parents and siblings constantly thrive and blossom into something beautiful
⋆ easily articulate ur thoughts and feelings into words
⋆ communication skills is off the charts.
become so skilled and gifted when it comes to communicating and connecting with others
⋆ have wisdom
⋆ be healed from scoliosis and back pain
⋆ be down to heart and humble
⋆ become a smart worker
⋆ effortlessly and consistently express yourself through ur art
⋆ fall in love with the right people
⋆ love girly stuff
⋆ be in tune with ur divine feminine⋆
⋆ be modest
⋆ be eloquent when u speak
⋆ u can easily express ur thoughts and feelings into articulate and so simple yet profound words
⋆ the man u will fall for in the future will be one that is like straight outta fairytale, a wholesome romance novel
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eirian · 7 months
For the Fandom ask, here's 6, 7, 14, 24, 25. Pick which ones you like for either or both fandoms: danny phantom and DBZ
i think i'll do danny phantom this time! ^^
6. something you see in art a lot and love
the green. you know the one. The Green. bonus points if its glowy!
7. your favorite tropes to read/write/draw
i'll forever be a fan of the ultimate enemy-themed stories. like. that kind of angst. also the ghost cores thing is still rly fun to me
14. the ship that always makes you smile
[kicks my legs] dark gray...
24. how has fandom positively impacted your life?
it made me a lot of good friends and introduced me to a lot of amazing artists, including stephen silver, who ended up being my biggest art inspo of all time and inspired me to dive into the world of toony art :] also it gave me something to obsess over and find happiness in during a pretty dark time of my life lol
25. a piece of advice for taking care of yourself in fandom spaces
youve probably heard it before but its true: CURATE YOUR OWN SPACE. block LIBERALLY. if you dont like something, block the tag, block the post, block the op if you want to! DO NOT ENGAGE W PPL TRYNA START SHIT it is not worth it. surround urself with things u Enjoy, and people you Vibe With. youll feel much better if u just surround ur fandom space with stuff u like!
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shopcat · 1 year
i actually have so many digital art specific opinions obv that i just keep to myself bc i find it soo obnoxious to just be like Um actually this is how u do this just for myself bc i don't even post my work so it just feels hollow or something 😭 or like even people who do it in a normal way but are beginners themselves i would just rather die than do that. no one ever listen to me what the hell do i know.
but i think if u can't create what ur creating on a basic program like sai or something and rely too heavily on all the cool tools especially ones in procreate or even csp you can be limiting urself and ur growth. esp as a beginner to digital art or just in general .. or maybe in even kinder wording if ur art isn't working out the way u want to u need to stop muddling ur workspace with all these different brushes and overlays and textures and Hacks and stuff bc like YES they do definitely help and there is no problem with anyone using them (like as IF traditional artists use just One Brush in a painting !!! they don't) and things like i don't know that mirroring tool thing or having ur stabiliser up super high can help sometimes especially if ur going for a particular style like that but if ur feeling LOST about it i think u need to just do the digital art equivalent of using a black ball point and scribbling in a lined workbook. use some default brushes adjust them to ur liking make lots of what ur doing instead of chipping away at one Big thing and getting frustrated. is one thing.
another is it's crazy to see professional artists post on tiktok or something and the comments are like insane for the context 😭 like i don't think they need ur advice man that's wild
and third and this will get me shot at with arrows twitter and tiktok and insta all have different art communities and they are in my humble opinion so much more unbelievably better than tumblrs that it's crazy and just surrounding urself with inspiration can obviously help u as an artist so i think even just occasionally going on any of these is good for ur soul.. and also just watching tutorials and speedpaints alone still "counts" as furthering ur own art. imagine trying to sit down and do like a maths problem without having the prior explaination on how to even do it and trying to work it out like that'd be near impossible if u have little to no foundation AND if u did have that knowledge but not the equation to fill out u would still be ABLE to do it or at least try to so in that way literally Just watching tutorials can make you evolve further. y'know. watching and learning from others is GOOD and important before i even got my tablet i just spent HOURS and hours watching other artists on youtube and even tiktok Yes and i do genuinely believe it helped me a tonne and formed a good foundation and i felt less like afraid to do things. and still does help like i said.
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willowser · 2 years
ahhh ur SO CORRECT on the creative process like how are u supposed to get insp if u surround urself with nothing like yesss games, art, music like it helps MAJORLY and ohhh my god i FEEL that with the switching place vibe like sometimes u sit there and stare and its ,,,, the vibe is FOUL and u sit in the kitchen n its like yessssa time to zoom tbh this answer GREATLY greatly helped me and comforted me ;v; siblings in sufferingafshdjfj thank you so so so sooooo muchhh for reading and answering💖💖💖💖
i'm so happy that it helped !! 🥺 what good news !!
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dragonsleather · 5 years
My art is so good it's amazing it really is!!! I love my art I love drawing!! And the fact that I get to draw my most favourite thing in the whole world as much as I want with little complications is just,, THE BEST FEELING!!!!!
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god-of-dust · 3 years
@richardcampbellganseytheiiird asked about the wip tag game:
I NEED to know what PRIDEMOTHEFPHUCKER is because that title has me gagging on laughter. xD
just so you know, i opened the document and the first line is “LOSE URSELF TO DENS”, all caps included.
the story is a modern AU describing zuko’s first pride and him meeting the gaang there; i had no actual plot in mind yet, apart from zukaang happening in the future.
an unedited excerpt, featuring starry-eyed zuko, mai being mai and also being queer for ty lee, aromantic katara and shameless jet bashing:
So this is what a pride parade really looks like.
Zuko was used to seeing them through videos and pictures, more often than not followed by horrible, demeaning comments about how degenerate and filthy those people where, and he privately had to admit that a lot of people were wearing revealing and flashy clothes (if they could even be called clothes, Zuko's seen people more covered at the beach).
What he's seeing now is a lot like those pictures, but also so much more. More people, for one, but also more color, more variety, more music, more balloons, more glitter—oh, the glitter—, more life.
Rainbows were everywhere, on every flag and article of clothing and smiling cheek; they hurt Zuko's eyes... and his chest, too. A healing kind of hurt, like the sting from disinfectant, but without the sterile smell.
He can imagine what his father—Ozai, he corrects—would say about his being here. Probably nothing at all, in fact. Ozai doesn't waste words when it comes to show his displeasure, and Zuko has the scar to prove it.
Nevertheless, not even Ozai's looming judgment is able to ruin this.
“Your eyes are falling out,” Mai says from his side. Like him, she usually steers clear of crowds, but  this time she was the one who convinced him to come. Well, it was more the combination of Ty Lee's influence on her and her knowledge of Zuko's weaknesses; the relevant part, though, is that now all three of them are here, admiring their surroundings, and smiling with uncharacteristic (except for Ty Lee, of course) openness.
“It's... a lot,” he admits, “but not bad.” I'm glad to be here.
That's when Ty Lee takes their hands and pulls them both into the heart of the crowd, yelling over the music, “Don't think I'll let you two stay in the sidelines all day! Come on!”
Everybody's moving, a pulsing wave of shaking hips and restless legs. He tries to blend in and follow the upbeat rhythm, swaying from side to side, stiff as a wooden plank; and yet, his ability to care about his lack of dance skills has taken a vacation. He feels his smile getting broader, ridiculously so. For the first time in ages, Zuko's surrounded by strangers and it isn't suffocating. He's a nobody here, a black speck in the middle of an ocean of others who somehow, someway are his kin; it's the day where the underdogs run the place, and he lets himself take in that power, that link, that humanity, to save it in a quiet corner of his memories. He'll probably need it in the future.
A body bumps into him, hard. Zuko turns in that direction, instinctively rooting himself in the best defensive stance the cramped space allows.
It seems that while Ozai can't rain on this parade, there's definitely someone else who can, and he's staring at Zuko with the usual air of superiority, head tilted as if in challenge.
How could Zuko have ever found that smirk charming, he doesn't know. What he does know is that expression on the face of the not-so-charming douchebag in front of him, and it means that he's trying to stir shit; from the murderous intent he can feel radiating from someplace on his left, Mai knows too.
“What a pleasant surprise to see you here,” Zuko's ex from hell says.
“Pleasant surprise, indeed,” Mai scoffs. She's murderous, Zuko can tell, and as much as it's comforting to know that she's got his back, he also has to put a stop to this before she decides to act.
Trust him to have never learned his diplomacy 101. “Jet, what are you doing here?” Great, Zuko, that's the right question to ask a queer person. Congratulations.
“Out and proud, remember? In fact, what are you doing here? Didn't expect you'd ever find the guts to be out so publicly,” Jet taunts, “What will your daddy think, I wonder?”
“That's none of your business.” It's easier to feign calmness when he's not forced to hear Jet's irritating tone and scornful words.
Jet lifts his chin towards Mai, whose hands are twitching. “Ah, but I see you brought your favourite beard. Still trying to cover your closeted ass?”
Diplomacy be damned, Zuko's tempted to just let Mai do her thing—the one with sharp blades and a not-so-polite amount of surgical enthusiasm. Why should Zuko bother preserving this asshole's physical integrity? It's not like he deserves it.
Whispers come from behind Zuko, and he remembers that he's not playing saviour out of the goodness of his heart; they're in public, people are all around them in a newly-formed circle, keeping their distance and watching with varying degrees of interest. Their conversation hasn't escalated enough to be worrisome, but Jet isn't famous for his self-restraint... and neither is Zuko, for that matter.
He's also remembering that he's not quite that comfortable with crowds.
As he opens his mouth to retort, someone steps in and places their body between them, their back to Zuko, effectively cutting him—and Jet—off. Their t-shirt marks them as security, and air almost freezes as they speak.
“I saw your friends and I knew you'd be somewhere close, stirring trouble. You never disappoint, don't you, Jet?” the girl says, with a cold, acrid venom in her tone that's nothing short of a work of art.
For a second, Jet's face makes a complicated thing; Zuko has no time to wonder about it, as it morphs lightning-quick into an arrogant upturn of lips.
“Katara! Since when are cishets allowed to play security?”
She tenses, then relaxes again. “I'm not having this conversation. Your gatekeeping shit's gotten old years ago.”
The scene unfolds in front of Zuko, and he really should take advantage of the crowd to make a swift exit. It's clear the two have history, and it's not his business anyway. He darts a glance to Mai. She ignores him, glaring daggers into Jet instead.
“Yeah, because you know I'm right and you don't belong here. You act like the troubled martyr as if you're not waving your little flag and claiming non-existing problems to feel special. Do chick-flicks oppress you, princess? Boo-hoo,” Jet mocks, wiping away imaginary tears with his knuckles.
Definitely not my business, Zuko's mind provides.
“Are you unable to talk with people without being an utter piece of trash?”
Nevermind. Now it is.
Mai's stepped forward to stand close to the security girl, chin high and back straight, elegant and dangerous as a poisonous flower; her enemy's enemies are her friends, after all, and Jet let his mouth run a little too much for her taste. In fact, she's been wanting to draw Jet's blood—in a not so figurative way—for a while now. The douchebag is offering her vengeance on a silver platter and her behaviour screams that she's going to take it.
Zuko doesn't want her to. He wants to leave. There's too much for him to lose here, badly stitched wounds ready to be exploited, new ugly memories ready to unearth the old ones from their shallow graves, emotions that he's not sure he's ever managed to hold secure.
But he loves Mai. She's started this and he'll back her up if needs arises.
Please, let this be quick and painless.
Then Jet looks at Mai and laughs, a revolting sound, and Zuko's fist is two seconds away from being snugly encased into the fucker's fucking face.
my notes say that katara is the one that decks jet in the face after this. ooops.
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missmorosis · 4 years
Omg your valentine event is amazing 😔👊 can I get one for haikyuu?
I prefer male,my pronouns are she/her.my love language is probably acts of services,I'm inpj-t.my hobbies are reading and arts.
I like quiet,bad boy vibes😳✋I'm in for all.i like pretty boys who are tall, precautionate abt surrounding because I don't like mess and I certainly don't like getting sick,I hate bugs.
im an aquarius,my personality is introverted but when I get closer to the people who I can trust. I'm really weird and talkative,I don't like being wrong so I'm quite stubborn to prove my point,I like long meaningful convo over short ones. through text I'm more extroverted like but I'm nothing like that irl. I like dark academia aesthetic and ethereal aesthetic.
an interesting fact abt me is that I'm lil low on iron and I have dust allergy so I usually like cleaning as ppl should 😔👉👈.im also a gifted child ig....meaning I'm super good at studies but I kinda don't try anymore.
Oh btw plz take care of urself and don't over work urself,drink water.my profile is currently a mess so I'm requesting in anon but once it's done let's be friends 😳👉👈.
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how he asked you out
-> Kageyama held you at his side as the two of you navigated through the bookstore. His eyes never left you as you seemed to bounce at the sight of all the books you could possibly read.
"Take your pick," he said, gesturing to the shelves of books around you. You brightened up and immediately began searching through the hundreds of books, looking for one that seemed good enough to read.
"Mm, doesn't this one look interesting?" You handed him a book that particularly caight your eye. He nodded half-heartedly, seeming like he was thinking deeply about something. "Whatcha thinking abo-"
"Will you go out with me?" he blurted, immediately going red the second he realized what he just said.
"O-oh. Um..." You were equally as flustered.
"You can say no if you want..." he told you, looking at everything but you.
"Oh- no, my answer is yes." You smiled shyly at him, and he returned the smile.
how you spent the day together
-> The two of you decided to spend Valentine's Day alone at home, seeing how a lot of couples were going out. Knowing how much you didn't like messiness, Kageyama decided to organize something a lot simpler and cleaner at home: a candlelight dinner.
The plan was indeed going well so far; everything was perfect. Except for the stuttering mess in front of you.
Kageyama was flustered to say the least: starting from the way you did your hair to the way you laughed. He was in love.
"S-so... nice weather we're having?" he said, and you burst out laughing at how awkward he was being.
"Tobio, I love you," you told him through your giggles.
"I- I love you too."
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honeytonedhottie · 13 days
cultivating a high maintenance lifestyle⋆.ೃ࿔*:・👛🐩
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the definition of investment is an act of devoting time, effort, or energy to a particular undertaking with the expectation of a worthwhile result. some ways that u can invest in urself include ->
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♡ making sure that u sleep on time -> and wake up early
♡ investing time into ur education and taking advantage of resources
♡ paying for courses or classes on things that you're passionate about in order to gain more knowledge
take a look at the people that u surround urself with. are they making efforts to better themselves and their futures? are they good people? make sure that u surround urself with people that u can learn from and people that u wanna be like.
if no one has told you this, you are allowed to be picky and selective with who u choose to invite into your life and your circle. its YOUR life so use ur good judgement to make decisions about who you want to be present for your life, and who u want to have access to ur energy and ur time and you in general.
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invest in quality clothes because quality is better than quantity. that way u can build a wardrobe thats timeless and that u can continuously wear, as opposed to having a lot of clothes that are cheap and fall apart when u put them to wash. things to take note of when shopping for quality clothes are ->
♡ the material/texture
♡ the brand
ask yourself before u buy something, how many ways can i wear this piece? you should be able to style the piece in multiple different ways unless it's a statement piece. and even then. actually visualize urself wearing it and how you would wear it before u commit to it and actually purchase it…💬🎀
take yourself out on dates! coffee shop dates, take yourself shopping, book appointments at the spa/salon, read good books, learn to cook your favorite dishes. ROMANTICIZE ur life and learn to appreciate spending time with yourself. literally become ur own favorite person. treat urself to nice things on a daily basis. it doesn't even have to break the bank. some nice things that u can do for urself on a daily basis include ->
♡ making your favorite breakfast food and treating urself to breakfast in bed
♡ buy yourself your favorite bouquet of flowers
♡ buy yourself some nice lingerie
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♡ book weekends at a nice spa
♡ groomed, manicured nails (FRENCH TIPS)
♡ silk and satin robes
♡ fresh flowers and bouquets weekly
♡ form fitting dresses
go to restaurants and cultivate ur tastebuds. try new foods. go to art gallery's and try to educate urself on various forms of art to just enrich yourself. read LOTS of books. literally anything u can do to make urself more refined DO IT.
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macabrevampire · 3 years
the trick to becoming a good artist is surrounding urself with art bc then u just obsorb it. fastest way to become a good artist is to just start eating art you like
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for the the ask thing! 1,6,8,13,19,20 :)
Hi!! Thank u 💗
1) name 3 things u like about yourself internal or external
I like my hair, I like the way that I write (i think I’ve got a really nice style but I’m also really good at switching it up for the tone of a story), and I like my eyes
6) what’s your favourite movie to make you laugh
It’s a Mad Mad Mad Mad World (it’s one of my family’s favourite movies to watch together and it always ends with us in tears ajskdkdk)
8) what is your favourite cliché
childhood best friends (either to lovers or not) idk if that counts as a cliché but I’m counting it, also getting flowers for someone to show ur appreciation not even romantically but like after a show or just for fun
13) what’s a happy memory you have
when i was 10 my family went to wales to visit family and i remember we went down to this beach that had high cliffs surrounding it but they were big boulders and so I was able to clim pretty high up and just look down over the beach it was lots of fun and also really relaxing
19) talk about something your passionate about (even something silly)
I think that the best art (no matter what it is drawing painting sculpting dancing music performing collages whatever) comes from the failures and the mistakes and the fuck-it lets just do something, bc I think that there’s such a well of subconscious creativity inside of us but we can bog it down or shut it out unintentionally by too rigidly trying to pursue an idea and so playing with the structure that you’ve given urself will always lead u to things u never even thought of bc it allows u to get rid of whatever part of u is telling urself that it needs to be perfect or it’s not good enough, I always prefer imperfect art to perfect art bc imperfect art makes u feel and perfect art is more academic
20) show me a stupid picture you have saved that makes you smile
Ok ajskdkd so this was a dumb comic I drew in gr 12 and the first part is from the perspective of ppl watching a horse race and the second part is from the horse’s perspective
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Positivity asks
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alukaforyou · 4 years
I know you've mentioned this before but you're not close with your parents. I just had an awful experience with my mom where I realized that she has a very low opinion of me and doesn't actually care about me as her child. How do you cope with you parents, if you don't mind me asking?
ya in my case i dont doubt they love me and have made lots of sacrifices for me, but ultimately, you are the arbiter of the love people give you, and i reject on some fundamental level the love my parents have for me - its not real love b.c they dont love ME, they love the idea they have of me. my parents rly kno jack shit abt me and i never rly talk to them abt anything meaningful to myself cuz i dont trust them - i hear the hurtful things they say abt other people which is 1. disturbing and 2. jokes on them cuz little do they kno they are insulting me too (like every time they shit on lgbt ppl or mentally ill ppl like bruh... i am that... lmfao..) and not just the whole fundamentally rejecting parts of me / my experience (aka... gaslighting... getting mad at me that One time i tried to open up abt depression / being suicidal and telling me "stfu no u arent, dont even say that shit" lmfao thx), they rly just dont listen to me Constantly, like Every time i try to educate them on race matters and whatnot theyre like loool silly girl u dont kno wat ur talking abt, actualy :3c and its so irritating not being taken seriously, ever so basically yea, im super done w. this "fam" and while i am grateful that they raised me p well and didnt do sketchy behavior like check my phone / comp, etc or physically abuse me.... like.... am i rly supposed to be grateful for that LMFAO if anything the fam gives me the lower most, maybe the lower 2 levels of the maslow's hierachy of needs (all the emotional support & unconditional love, i get from my friends, aka my found / real family) so i am super estranged from them & i dont rly seek their approval or w.e. in my case, my parents provide me / has provided for me housing and some degree of financial support (like... free housing.. free food... etc..) so thats p much the extent of how i see our relationship. like.. open ur purse ig? LOOOOOL and when i move out, im totally prepared to slowly drift out of their life like... y would i wanna spend time w. racists and terfs when... i could be seeing friends??? its a lil weird cuz on some level i am... attached to them cuz the whole ~family! blood relations~ concept but tbh in the very real future possibility that my fam disowns me / never sees me again for some dumbass reason, ig i wont miss them much. like nothing irritates me more than the expectation of having unconditional love / respect for ur family / elders (esp in asian / collectivist culture) because family is gacha and toxic people r toxic whether or not they happen to be ur relatives or w.e. ik its hard cuz ~its my mom!~ and ya sure maybe u have some good memories with her, or shes not toxic / hurtful / whatever *all* of the time, but none of us have to be begging for scraps. im sorry you didnt get the love & support & understanding we all deserve from our parents but.... family is gacha lol. id say, try to accept the good times and the shitty times and kno u dont rly have any obligation to stay in their lives as their child, and any reconciliation plans or the degree of "presence" you will have in their life is toootally up to you. also try to communicate first if you u r comfy with that, like really clearly let them know how they hurt you and see if you can salvage the relationship if you so desire. see my parents wont ever freakin listen to me so all avenues for communication are closed. i cite irreconciliable differences and choose to just shut them out of my personal life lol.
if you have the means at all to move out... that would b good.... but if not, just try ro hang in there and make ur home experience the most bearable as possible. see, my job is to have the most peaceful existance i can. so while i wanna fight w my parents and whatever, i just dont to save my own energy like im not here to educate or change ppl that wont listen. so i try to minimize my interaction w them and stay in my room most of the time. i also focus on my own hobbies like art or exercise or watch films or play / talk w my sister instead. having great friends that lov & support & uplift u is key. surround urself w ppl that appreciate you and value you b.c we are all precious and important and ofc. we'll make our own mistakes so we all rly need ppl who bring out the best in us! online friends are super valid as well, if u need more friends def try to join some online communities around ur own interests and meet wonderful ppl! hope that helped a lil.... sry for wat happened again.. i hope things get better for u!!
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fmdjoosungarchive · 4 years
location: studios, gold star building
date: ~may-october 2020
word count: 1910
tldr; verification for sung’s uhgood. another bad day, another sense of not meeting expectations. sung talks about the importance of recognizing person vs self conflict in urself. he does Not get super deep on the english vs korean bc he’s bad at writing english
many of these album songs circled around the same feelings and thoughts. in a negative light, it might have meant that he was uncreative, and didn’t have much to talk about. in a more positive one, the album was connected.
in truth, it was connected, or was meant to be, anyways.
negative emotions, which were what this album was experiencing, tended to revolve around the same things. they swirled an endless loop, coming back to one another in a cyclical mother brain. starting to be upset about one thing very well could turn into remembering something else that made him upset, and before he’d know it, he was thinking of that one time an acquaintance bought him an ice cream and he’d forgotten to say thank you.
like a piece of his mind, this album was turning out to be a mishmash of emotions overlapping one another. when he was recording, for the final cut, it ended up being a shorter part of the lyrics that hit him, over what had been the overarching theme when writing. as it was, recording on his own was much slower and more difficult than it was with a partner. what stubbornness he had in him to be writing music completely on his own was the cause, over anything else, since he liked the idea of writing as much of this album on his own as possible. his fans would probably like that too.
so, sung took it slow. it required hopping back and forth between recording, checking his recording for errors, taking a quick look at how it might fit in when properly mixed. there was a lot of care put into this format of writing songs, but it also meant there was more time. if he were with someone else, his energy could be focused all into the recording at once, with maybe a couple of breaks to check in on the takes. he couldn’t get into his head as well, not when his goal was to be as swift and concise as he could be. alone, sung’s mind wandered. he could be incrementally shifting over a line of music in his music program, and he would drift off to work on auto-pilot.
in that one recording session, sung thought about self vs. self conflict. the concept was used mostly when talking about literary works, in his experience, and it often ended up being his favorite type of conflict to see resolve. some vague, tiny part of his brain could piece together why he enjoyed seeing what he struggled with himself being resolved in neat packaging.
part of its impact in sung’s life, was because it was the most relatable type of conflict to sung, since he was a tyke. cheating and betrayals were enjoyable to read about, but if they ever came into his life of their own accord, he might have just shut off and turned to stone. when it came to his own life, sung avoided conflict wherever he could, even trying his hardest to be nice to people he didn’t have a fond opinion of --though he wasn’t always successful there.
sung had a slow start to figuring out who he was, and that wasn’t a completed task, yet. one day, maybe, but figuring out himself meant he also strayed further and further away from the person he was raised to be.
growing up, whatever he did wasn’t quite satisfactory. he wasn’t all that great at school, his mind didn’t work in the logical way that his father tried to impart on him, he didn’t like the kinds of hobbies he was put into, nor was he good at them. his parents had been mostly kind to him about these shortcomings, yet it had always eaten him up. then, sung forged his own path, and yet again, he’d fallen short. he’d wanted to go into the arts, with no skills backing him up, leaving him to train for years upon years, only to debut in the company’s least successful group ever. to this day, those thoughts gnawed at his sinews.
when he got too in his head, too far removed from all of the good and lovely of his current world and life, he circled. like his eventual interlude, the lyrics came together on a day that the rest of the world had faded away. they were born from desire, to be someone who was good enough as he was, and to feel secure in that. it’d started more as a letter to himself, a past and future self, but as his mind halted, words repeated, and before he’d caught himself, the wording sounded more and more like lyrics.
it’d taken a while, and writing for several other potential songs, before sung came back around to that writing piece to try to work it into actual lyrics.
some -or a lot, really- of the songs sung wrote, he kept to himself until he was happy enough to share with others what he’d done, even if it was for advice. sometimes, gold star only received a song of his when he felt like it was finished entirely. this song didn’t end up being that way. after the first drafting of lyrics, he came to the company building. although he’d come for more than just that, sung felt it was important to catch one of their in house producers to ask for feedback. with no composition to the song, and a roving, vague kind of concept to the song as he had, the advice was greatly appreciated.
the first things to go were some errors in english. sung tried his best to include english in his music, since element had mostly international fans, but he was weak, to say the least, when it came to writing english on his own. listening to it and understanding it had come decently enough with the last four years of practice. writing was another ball game.
next, the producer offered to hop into a studio together to try to work something out, though sung, polite as he could possibly be, told them that he wanted to write this song completely on his own.
“it feels like it should be slower.”
recalling that sentence in the final mixing room, sung thought he ought to thank that producer for such an impactful thought. so much of the album came back to that one statement, from this one song. everything about it was slow. sung was taking his time to experience his feelings fully, and write about them as he did. it was authentic. this song, in all of its wishy-washy, unsure nature, was authentically choi joosung. humans weren’t so perfectly written, anyway.
the sound’s concept ended up being larger than that. there probably were instruments out there that could put together the kind of soundscape he wanted, but sung wasn’t sure which ones, or how to go about obtaining and learning to play said instruments in enough time. the attempt was for a sound that surrounded a listener, like a cocoon, or a burrito’d blanket. more than a listener, it was for him. the self that had written this song, and the self that was listening to it then, and the self in the future that might have drifted away from listening to the song much.
minimal, it became, though that was all that it needed. in order to feel a song, it didn’t need to be filled with layers upon layers of easily recognizable instruments. sung enjoyed playing around with those things, especially his piano, however, music could be whatever it needed to be. sung was a firm believer in that, which kept him pushing through no matter the doubt that crept in.
after all, he was great at a self versus self conflict.
parts of the song only became fully realized by the time it came to final mixing. little bits were echos of what he was attempting to accomplish, but without the right tuning, the song never would have sounded in the same way that he wanted. after that first lyrical check, this song waited until it was named -the english title having become a silly note of similar sounding words- before sending it off to anyone at the company again. without being inside of his brain, he knew that no one could understand what he was going for, and might have just suggested he drop the project.
sung couldn’t let that happen. for as similar as it might seem to most of what he’d managed to write up to that point, sung found it an important piece of what could be his album. while the song wasn’t really positive, there was a hint of it. that desire that had fueled the original writing could be heard in his every word. sung wanted better for himself. living in the place where he believed every mean thing his brain told him, was a dreary place to be. one day, sung could manage to grab the familiar hands that had been stretching out for him for so long.
and, he hoped the same for fans, or whoever listened to his album all the way through. everyone could stand to be their own worst enemies. getting caught up in the feeling of inadequacy wasn’t something he wished upon even his biggest non-self enemies.
even if it took a lot of time, and hard work, sung desired that for those he loved, and wanted to love. and in the meantime, they could support one another through the hardship of trying. every part of the song was meant to express those feelings. the composition, and subsequent production, should have a surrounding, capturing feeling, that radiated with that potential. --it was a pretty complex and rolling concept to roll up into one, so sung wouldn’t have been upset if people didn’t get that. music was up for interpretation, even with the most stringent of ideas having begun them. without that room for others to put their own selves into the music, he hadn’t done his job.
in his last ever run through, thinking it best to listen with his headphones pressed down onto his ears, and his eyes shut tightly, sung’s mind came back around to that: interpretation.
he stripped back in some places, for breaths -or, for someone else to put their toothbrush in the holder, if that analogy worked better. in those spaces could be filled with every little thing that a person listening felt was inadequate, once upon a time, and let it go into the wind. breaths.
sung hoped that all of his music could be for everyone, regardless of his personal bias and personal story told in the lyrics. he had a habit of oversharing, so maybe that was part of his trouble, but that was the very last thing he changed. a big change, so late into the process, though sung thought it was necessary. for once in his life, sung chose to under-share, and rid the song of anything that was specific to only his experience in this world.
the vagueness of the lyrics that followed was perfect, in sung’s eyes. as his desires were so complex, the only way to express them properly was to leave it up to the power of emotion. if he let himself open up to it, he could feel it, and he only dreamed that anyone with this song in their possession, could feel it, too.
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dog-teeth · 5 years
hi ezra, so i’ve been thinking i might be gay but i’m worried i’m “pretending” & making something up to myself, i haven’t dated anyone before but it’s something i keep thinking about. i don’t want anyone close to me to know & i’m scared about how they’ll react if they know i’m questioning but i want to figure myself out, it keeps bothering me all the time. do you have any advice on how i can figure myself out? thanks i really appreciate it & i really look up to you & your art inspires me a ton!
if you think you might be gay theres def a good chance ur either gay or bi, from what i hear most straight people dont really question themselves abt their sexuality, esp to the point of feeling pressured/upset about it. its fine if u dont have things figured out right now! dont worry! u dont have to use any labels, or if u want to u can try on as many as u need to get it right! ive known im queer for like 6 years now and i still question myself and have trouble w identity+labels. i learned that its ok to not have it figured out !! its fine!! u can just not worry about it and be attracted to who ever you feel attracted to and go from there. esp since u havent dated anyone yet, i imagine attraction/relationships seem pretty abstract to you, and it can be hard to know who ur attracted to until youve actually been involved with people. dont worry abt if youre "pretending." thats not even a real thing. if ur questioning u arent pretending to be another sexuality, it takes experimentation to find urself sometimes! ive bounced around between labels and just cuz i used a label i dont identify with anymore doesnt mean i was pretending it just means i was still figuring myself out ! you dont need to have it figured out right now, but if not knowing is making you uncomfortable, and you cant talk to anyone irl about it, tumblr is actually a pretty great place to explore ur sexuality! when i first realized i was queer/trans i followed a bunch of lgbt blogs, esp art blogs cuz im an artist, and also just positivity blogs :) idk what ur gender is, but theres lots of great blogs for both wlw and mlm :) reading about queer sexuality and just following lgbt bloggers can be really validating ! surrounding urself with lgbt people irl and/or online can definitely help. being lgbt is so rad and cool and u shouldnt be afraid to embrace it if thats who u think u are, and if you question/experiment and end up being straight thats totally fine too, dont worry! good luck! and thank u for the kind words!!!!!
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SO idk fellas and felladies and those of you who know better, u know i don’t do too hot unless im constantly working on something so i decided i was gonna work off the stuff from the japanese descriptions of the calypso twins about you know... the whole ‘brainwashing’ thing
which is all well and good and then i was thinking about TFTBL while i was doing it and realized mmm you knooow only 2 sets of people have ever really “gone inside” a vault, being the TPS VHs and the TFTBL VHs and we know these two games were made within super close time frames to one another. SO i have a proposition for you, post readers: im here to suggest that Eleseer IS the Vault of TPS
tl;dr: i did actually do some talking about Eleseer being the ACTUAL Vault of Elpis (not the giant eridium crystal we see inside Eleseer) and that Tycho’s ribs was actually a generator/bigass key keeping the entrance opened. because that starry-background thing was also shown in the Vault of the Traveler and it made me go OH! those are the same thing. then eleseer must be inside a vault. because that actually makes sense. also the giant eridium crystal thing was just the Eridians’ version of the Claptastic Voyage turing the VHs into code.
and then i went, well im on the subject of TPS, might as well update my “the twins are going to use the chemical filth of elpis’s Vault to turn their followers into pseudo-Sirens like the Lost Legion Eternal” theory. so i did. and it was cool. there’s some concept art of the twins statues hanging out on a DAHL pumping station. and dahl did have a presence on pandora, but they were mining iridium, which is a metal. on Elpis, they actually did have pumping stations for the methane. which would make a lot more sense
also i go over the rakk-winged dude from the mask of mayhem again, because i mean... rakk wings... angel wings... i still can’t believe nobody else is talking about that. 
oh also possibly the idea that the Commander Lilith DLC ties into the Lost Legion Eternal ties into the ‘creating Sirens’ thing that’s going around right now. As in, all 3 things would be: it’s latent in person -> some outside thing activates it -> now they have their abilities/physical change. bonus points for the Commander Lily dlc tying in this plant monster thing to Eridian ruins (the mine) and the gas to the Vault Key/Map (hector uses the key/map to mass produce the gas). and that possibly tannis wanting to create a plant monster army is just foreshadowing for her creating an artificial siren army in 3 to help us defeat the twins. because i mean... why wouldn’t she. plsdon’tlettannisbeevil
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so hear me out for a second
you guys know im 100% unconvinced that eleseer is actually inside Elpis. We see that giant hole in the ground, we see those eridian ruins, we see tycho’s ribs. and that, sure that is believable to me, because Tycho’s ribs is built into the ground. we see parts where the ruins are sticking out of the cryo rocks (methane rocks? hm.)
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from the giant pit in the center of tycho’s ribs
the entrance to eleseer from tycho’s ribs:
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and we know that Vaults only open with a key, and that key only automatically charges once every 200 years (OR according to the Vault of the Traveler, be anchored somewhere and held open by the key) and/or the key must be charged with eridium through a Siren
and i think you might see where I’m going with this.
do you remember that easter egg? Moon = Key. yeah? yeah.
Remember, every other Vault that is opened in the series requires a Vault Key (artificial or no) to be opened, and it’s not open forever.
im going to pause here and show some pictures of Eleseer for reference. compare them to those pictures of the inside of the TFTBL Vault, if you could :)
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i noclipped out of the normal area to get a full shot of the platform
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suspended in this weird starry night sky
which should look familiar to you now
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because this is the same kind of area the Vault of the Traveler leads to
both these games were in development around the same time and i don’t think this is coincidence in the slightest
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in bl1 and bl2 we don’t enter the vaults, instead whatever is inside comes to meet us, so we don’t have a frame of reference for those two vaults.
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these two vaults look nothing like tycho’s ribs/eleseer.
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not even the outside of the Vault of the Traveler looks like Tycho’s Ribs. in fact all three of these Vaults look identical. unlike eleseer and its ‘vault’
u might be saying to urself, but cruddy there IS a vault that looks like this in eleseer.
im getting to that >0>
my theory is that the Eridian buildings/ruins on Elpis (Tycho’s ribs, that big shaft/hole) 
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is actually keeping the Vault of the Sentinel open at all times
and that
well that must take a LOT of power and eridium, right?
i think that’s exactly the purpose of tycho’s ribs
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now im not a physics major but i would bet this is some sort of power generator
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because of these pulses
and would it be so hard to reason that the eridians decided to build it in the cryo rocks/methane reserves of elpis in order to keep it cooler?
in fact i could not shake this feeling so i looked around on the wikia for tycho’s ribs
here’s a list of the areas in tycho’s ribs
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compression chamber
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exhaust port
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maintenance access 42 (which im certain is a HGTTG reference)
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observation deck
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particle collection chamber
the most important of these areas i would say is 
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maintenance access 42, mostly because it’s explicitly stated to be “lined up with a number of energy generators” that then leads to the exhaust port (and from there, eleseer)
sooooo break here because im about to switch gears 180%
guess who just realized eleseer might mean ele-seer as in [Extinction Level Event]-seer [where seer is a person who is supposed to be able, through supernatural insight, to see what the future holds]- because everything in tps is named after seeing/watching. we got the Watcher, the Sentinel, even the Vault treasure is being able to see the future. considering most things are named after mythos in borderlands, eleseer is actually not a single word in mythos and uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh “ele” and “seer” both actually mean something.
that is, Eleseer should mean something like ‘prophet of the extinction’
That’s pretty metal
also no good, i guess
am i about to rewrite my entire zarpedon and the lost legion eternal theory? oh i guess i am. wheeeeeeee
oh, and given that this was the story summary of the game before the website was updated all those weeks ago, i think we know exactly what sort of extinction was being prophesied
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cool? cool
doesn’t help that tannis hints at this, too
with her ‘mass extinction’ reference in Commander Lilith
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“... mass extinction. i figured we had at minimum six or seven years before something like that”
(sorry for the cruddy screenshot i took it my first time through, am not up for playing the entire dlc again for that one line right now)
okay i might pull this back later on in this post, because i think i have a good idea of where to go, but just keep this in the back of ur mind. sorry u gotta deal with my dumb ass jumping between topics so often lol
anyway, tycho’s ribs being the opening to the real Vault of Elpis. Yeah. I refuse to believe there’s a giant space place in the middle of the moon just hanging out. i’ve discussed in an earlier post about whether or not it was a pocket dimension fueled by Eridium, but i mean what is a Vault but that?
i mean if they need eridium to power the opening to the vault, they’ve certainly got that covered, there’s eridium EVERYWHERE in tycho’s ribs. that plus all those (apparent) power generators... yeah i think they’re covered
also somewhat off topic but have you guys noticed in TPS how rocks surrounding cryo get white/blue lines, rocks surrounding lava get red/orange lines, and rocks surrounding eridian ruins get purple lines? 
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probably from all that FUCKIN ERIDIUM
sorry i get off topic so much
i think that the entirety of Eleseer is the Vault of Elpis. That the entrance is being held open by Tycho’s ribs/Elpis through massive amounts of power/eridium
and it could be possible that using all that eridium to keep the Vault from closing is what’s causing all that ‘chemical sludge’ that mutated the Lost Legion Eternal into the pseudo-Sirens they are.
and remember that the center of eleseer is a giant eridium crystal? and apparently entering it teleports you inside and then you fight the sentinel and see the future?
i think that’s all an illusion. I wouldn’t argue that you go into the Eridium. sure. But i think that the whole thing in there is actually a program/hologram/illusion, or the eridian equivalent of it.
You remember in the claptastic DLC where the Vault Hunters are ‘turned into code’ and injected into Claptrap?
don’t you think that was like... really weird concept despite being canon? it’s possibly that was gearbox’s way (because gearbox did take over for that dlc) of introducing that idea as something that IS possible in canon, as to explain that the Vault of the Sentinel actually isn’t magic
and you might be thinking
what the fuck is cruddy on, this is super far-fetched
but it’s not!
think about it, the skybox is the EXACT SAME as Eleseer. which should already be ur first clue that something isn’t right, considering you can’t see eleseer anywhere around you. Even the map is the same. If you had a side quest open, you can see that the game still thinks you’re in the correct area. even though this area is LEAGUES bigger than the actual crystal. shit, you can even seen the enemies around you still
and what animation plays when you teleport inside the crystal? the same one as the lilith teleportation
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all those circuit looking things. the same exact things that are everywhere on eridian tech, including the Vault Key from bl2
but you haven’t GONE anywhere
you’re still where you were before, the map confirms this, even the skybox confirms this and yet there’s no hint of eleseer actually around you
there’s more hang on lemme get the ~pictures~
okay you see that pink 2d fire effect on the ‘walls’?
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if you actually walk up to it, you’re greeted with this grid effect locking you on the platform
and this effect on the floor
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which you know, screams projection/hologram to me. i mean the fire is legitimately 2d. it’s flat.
also the Vault pieces that form the Vault of the Sentinel (ignoring that we’re already inside the Vault of the Sentinel
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you know...)
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they’re formed out of the floor. just materialized
which again... is really weird. and i don’t think this is a real Vault for obvious reasons (we’re already inside the Vault of the Sentinel, Eleseer is the Vault, etc etc) but also just look at the Vault in general
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it looks weird
again, calling back the other Vaults we’ve seen in this series
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they’re all made of stone/rock
the Vault of the Sentinel is... not? if it is, it’s shiny asf obsidian or something
either way, it’s entirely different compared to the other Vaults we’ve seen in the borderlands series, it’s entirely smooth with no markings and, while it’s broken into pieces to hold that aesthetic, it’s not cracked or anything. the broken look was likely intentional
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too shiny
not a real Vault
~everything in this area is fake~
even the steps appearing as the sentinel walks down is just... not real to me
like the sentinel is the one controlling this tiny pocket dimension/hologram/program/whatever you get the idea
further proof by him summoning more structures as the fight goes on, from stuff to hop onto to avoid his attacks and barriers to hide behind
hell, he even crawls out of the ground himself at one point, as a bigger version of himself, which is probably the real version of him considering that one actually dies when we kill it, while the tiny one just keeps getting brought back to life and laughs at us
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i mean cracks even appear around the floor when the big boy comes in, unlike every other thing that’s summoned from this floor cracks appear only when the Empyrean Sentinel comes in. the real sentinel
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like this rock (iunno lol it’s the first screenshot i found) im saying the tiny sentinel and the vault he walks out of are both fake
the big sentinel is the real one come to kill us after getting frustrated we keep destroying his avatar
he’s feeling the gamer rage lol
and you know how when you kill a Vault Monster and the Vault closes, it drags it back inside? referencing the warrior here, because idk wtf the canonical thing is for the Destroyer given when Hyperion does
instead of being dragged into the Vault we see him walk out of, the one that’s right there in front of us, he’s dragged back into the floor
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there he go
oh speaking of that Vault
yeah it’s not like any other Vault we’ve seen for another reason
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check out the edges on this bad boy
it’s like a bubble in a bubble wand
good shit
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meanwhile the Vault of the Sentinel is all crinkly and shit
like hmmmm i don’t THINK so
and when you actually walk into that structure? you’re just teleported to the back of the crystal you walked into
which should be another indication that maybe something isn’t right here
also the Vault Treasure, while inside that weird hologram/pocket dimension/program/seriously whatever you wanna call it, is probably an illusion, too. personally, i can see the entirely of this Vault being like a huge computer, that can compute the future of whoever touches the key and show it to them
We know Vault Monsters are tied into their Vaults, like the Traveler being able to teleport just like the Vault it came out of, the Warrior being the giant living weapon, the Sentinel is probably the guardian of the timeline or whatever. He probably has 3 faces to see the Past, Present, and Future. that’s my theory, anyway. i also noticed the one on the furthest left doesn’t have eyes, while the one furthest to the right doesn’t have a mouth.
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which i thought was a cool detail to tie into that theory
i was going to regale you the tale of my lost legion eternal/Calypso twins theory
but like BETTER this time with MORE evidence
cuz i can and tbh that post is getting harder and harder to find every day
lemme just copy and paste the tl;dr for everyone who doesn’t wanna read the whole thing (i meaaan maybe do because it goes pretty in depth and im gonna summarize a lot of stuff plus im about to add more stuff here so)
“The whole Tl;Dr is that I think the events of BL3 are a chain reaction from Jack opening the Vault in TPS and that Zarpedon saw even further beyond into the future than Jack did with the 2nd Vault on Pandora. Bonus, the Lost Legion Eternal and the Vault on Elpis is the key to giving the Children of the Vault superpowers because the twins kept failing. Yes, that’s a reference to the cover art easter egg.”
So for those of you who don’t know, basically the twins claim to be giving their followers “special powers”
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‘Learn special powers!’
and i’ve been thinking a lot about how they’re going to do that, exactly.
because Siren powers, well, there’s only 6 (supposedly), and you can be sure Tyreen isn’t going to give up her own. Now she could just be handing out Siren powers to high-ranking cultists after she steals them (like Liliths), but we see she (or Troy) is using Lilith’s powers on the cultists to teleport them on Promethea. so that can’t be the case.
But we do know about something that’s really, REALLY similar.
We know about the Lost Legion Eternal. and i’ve been thinking about them a lot. 
in the post I go over some ties to Sirens, notably how Magus ones can fling slag balls at you, just like Maya’s melee override capstone, how Tempests have the same elemental wings Sirens get and can sling elements, one is literally called a phasewalker, etc, etc.
but they’re not Sirens. they’re super imperfect and just weird. like the slag balls aren’t perfect orbs like maya’s is, they’re weird and wobbly. the tempests wings aren’t fully formed, they don’t even have, as far as i can tell, actual tattoos
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and how did these Eternals get these weird Siren powers exactly?
it’s explained that these ‘rashes’ and shit started appearing after Zarpdeon’s dig team was exposed to the Eridian ruins, specifically some vapors in the air
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[callback to the ventilation shaft in tycho’s ribs, anyone?]
during her boss fight, zarpedon even mentions that the Vault is buried underneath a ‘tangle of chemical filth’
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so it’s obvious this ‘chemical filth’ is what’s mutating her team and turning them into Eternals.
but they’re not like... always using Siren powers.
they’re not always ascended
they actually have a trigger to ascend. for one, they gotta be low enough health. but two... im pretty sure they gotta have Eridium on them
a lot of the LLE models have Eridium on their belts
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like so. which is fair, you know? lots of eridium on elpis apparently because of tycho’s ribs.
but then there’s this
when the eternals ascend
when they come back down, they have eridium growing out of their chests/shoulders
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take this tempest for example
im also not 100% sure what their ascending animation even is? it looks almost like they're throwing eridium powder on top of themselves? or stabbing themselves with the crystals? idek
maybe they’re just saluting/grabbing at their bodies as they change
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there’s gotta be something there involved with eridium cause they certainly don’t have those crystals growing out of them beforehand
i almost want to say their blood has crystallized/hardened into those crystals cause if you look at Zarpedon’s death scene, she’s bleeding neon purple
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just like Guardians do
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which is fun
im also curious if this, in any way, ties into the Commander Lilith DLC. Like we know the plant stuff in the mine was more than likely mutated by the eridian ruins and that they’ve already gotten into everyone on earth
and Hector is using the Vault Key/Map to synthesize the gas to ‘activate’ the particles that are already inside of everyone
which ties into the Lost Legion Eternal in that they’re also not always ‘ascended’ (mutated), but they need Eridium (Vault Key gas) to become their second state. given these are both caused by Eridian stuff, I 100% can see them being tied together in some way. probably worded a helluve a lot better than i just did, too.
okay maybe this ties not only into the Lost Legion Eternal, like you know what i was actually getting at, but Sirenhood as a whole. in that everyone is inherently a Siren, but only 6 are ever “active” at a time
and maybe Tannis can figure out a way to force this/induce Sirenhood in people. We know she’s the one who’s been studying both Sirens and the Vault Key (and Eridium) for the longest time. and now she has experience with this sort of deal with Hector and the gas. Maybe that’s why there’s cut content of Tannis going “oh is that why... nevermind” when talking about Angel’s powers appearing at 5 instead of birth.
s o oh man okay so the twins are going to use Elpis (moon is key) to create their army of pseudo-sirens
okay oh man okay
and then tannis is going to reveal that she’s figured out a way to induce sirenhood in people like officially, none of that cheap rip-off shit and there’s gonna be an all out WAR of real Sirens vs fake Sirens
im just saying you know the game devs were all like “mmm we might introduce new skill trees instead of new VHs as dlc” and IM JUST SAYING maybe those new skill trees are already in the game and they’re gonna appear when the VHs get their own Siren powers (Amara gets an upgraded version of her own, like Lilith) and that’s why Guardian ranks are unlocked until the end of the story because then we’ll be able to buff ourselves with 
alright yeah sorry i got a little too excited there
let’s ground ourselves back in reality
we know the twins are planning to somehow give their cultists powers, and we know that the Lost Legion Eternal are basically pseudo-Sirens without the need to steal and gift anyone Siren powers (which you know we don’t even know if Tyreen or Troy CAN gift the powers they steal. I’m still holding onto the theory that Tyreen passes them to Troy with the arm shake and Troy is the output and Ty is the input, but now isn’t the time to discuss this).
it wouldn’t be viable to give all their followers Siren powers ANYWAY, unless they find a way to multiply them (possibly a part of Tyreen’s/Troy’s powers? like being the main holder, but being able to gift it to others so long as you keep yours- could explain the ‘knighting’ looking thing Troy does with a cultist)
we know in the mask of mayhem, Siren powers are indicated by Angel Wings.
What if the fake Sirens are indicated by something that’s not Angel wings. something that’s still wings- still holding Siren powers- but maybe indicative of a corrupted angel wing
like uhhhhhhhh
rakk wings?
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yeah let’s go with that
you know like how bat wings are supposed to be demon wings and bird wings are angel wings okay yeah we get the tie-in
im just saying! directly below this dude (who is the cover art psycho, just you know, putting that out there, probably some sort of tie in to the gold weapons (high standing in the cult) and the robes and stuff. you knoooow you only get powers when you’re loyal enough or whatever, you know)
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we have lilith with her angel wings, indicating her Siren-ness. which i don’t think is a coincidence
i got more though, because of the museum of mayhem
we know on pandora, there are hyperion pumping stations for slag and eridium, right? so if the twins were controlling some pumping stations on pandora, it’s a given that they’d be, you know, hyperion-brand
so in this concept art we see something like a pumping station, with a waterfall of purple goop, which you know, i immediately associate with those darn eridians annnnd
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this isn’t Hyperion.
this is DAHL baby
and where did dahl have such a big presence and huge pumping stations all over the surface? (with bandits already everywhere, no less?)
originally dahl was there mining and pumping methane all across the planet, and, while they also had a mining presence on pandora before bl1, there weren’t any pumping stations there. they were mining for iridium (not to be confused with eridium), which really wouldn’t require pumps of any kind cause its a metal
so why is this pumping station considered holy holy holy? because it’s the source of their fake Siren powers
we even see, on the mask of mayhem, giant pumps with scaffolding and ladders all around them, they even have valves and shit
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which, you know, are spewing vapor which could also tie into the gas that transformed the LLE
orrrr the purple stuff is just slag runoff from the eridium refinement process and cultists are fucking weird cause it could also just be a way for the twins to charge all the vault keys they’re collecting but damn it please let me have this lmao
i mean, why wouldn’t the twins go to elpis in search for the Vault that lets you see the future? that seems like a HUGE deal to me. especially for the two who seem to have this huge, grand plan in place. “you’re my most loyal follower vault thief, you just don’t know it yet” yeah i sure don’t let’s go to elpis and see what you guys have in store for us vault hunters!
man how fucked up would it be if us vault hunters had been brainwashed from the start to think the cult was the crimson raiders and the crimson raiders were the cult
now that’d be one hell of a twist
could explain why sanctuary-iii goes from orange/gray to blue/yellow with red graffiti on it
but uhhhhhhhh that’s a theory for another time because it is 2:07 in the am and im tired as FUCK
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