#green neopronoun
neopronoun-factory · 8 months
Colors Neopronouns
Red: Ro/rox/ros/roxs/roxself 🍒 Orange: Nar/narn/narx/naras/narself 🎃 Yellow: Amr/ama/amrs/amar/amself ✨ Green: Ver/verd/vers/verds/verdself 🍃 Blue: Az/aul/aulz/aulzs/auself 🫐 Purple: Mao/mao/maos/maos/maoself 🪻
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atanxdoesstuff · 8 months
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Here, some Ryley sketches ft. Cuddlefish skritches, Peeper, Bladderfish, and This Is Ozzy From The Cafeteria What The Hell Guys!
i haven't drawn in quite some time but yknow its exam phase so :/ ofc my motivation comes back when I really should be doing something else like idk study? or somethin
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en8y · 3 months
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[IMAGE ID: three six-striped horizontal flags. the stripes are evenly-sized. the first flag's stripes, from top to bottom, are as follows: dark purple, medium blue, dull green, pastel yellow, warm yellow, and light orange. the second flag's stripes, from top to bottom, are as follows: warm yellow, light orange, dark blue, pastel blue, white, and bright pink-red. the third flag's stripes, from top to bottom, are as follows: warm purple, bright red, warm orange, pastel pink, warm yellow, and light orange. END ID.]
neoprobutch: a gender connected to, affected by, or otherwise related to being a butch who uses neopronouns.
neoprofutch: a gender connected to, affected by, or otherwise related to being a futch who uses neopronouns.
neoprofemme: a gender connected to, affected by, or otherwise related to being a femme who uses neopronouns.
@radiomogai @liom-archive @obscurian @fem-mogai @neopronouns
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artisticallygay · 1 year
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Happy pride month, here's a fae/faer pronouns pride flag I made!
Free to use, credit if you can!
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forestquills · 1 year
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ayo!! It's been awhile!! I haven't been posting a lot because I MOVED!!!!!! I live closer to my college campus now :DD
hopefully I'll have more time/energy to post because I decided to abandon the bird app. which was honestly one of the reasons I haven't been posting, since I cross post insta-tumblr-twitter and twitter makes me anxious now. so ya if you follow me there I probably won't be active anymore. (the amount of political BS there is astounding)
anyway, ofc I'm gonna draw my ocs because what else is new. also fun fact, i painted this during 3 seperate breaks between classes.
Callahan: he/it/ae pronouns
so ya!! see you soon hopefully, take care, image description is in the image ALT as always :]
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gourdlycatgen · 4 days
The social kittypet named Heisenberg is a white amab cis cat with a spotted tabby coat and white splotches. The pronouns this cat uses are it/it + neos. This cat has long, scraggly fur and green yellow eyes. This cat dislikes climbing, and dislikes storms. The cat is sweet and negative. The cat is super good at giving gifts. This cat has few scars and a short body.
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Trying out dating apps again is a special form of hell. I saw someone with neopronouns who also had eir Hogwarts house listed, like what in the cognitive dissonance are you doing comrade? Both sides are going to think you're wearing enemy colors, drop the house and come on home
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motherhenna · 3 months
dude the shinigami eyes extension sucks now??? I've had to fully remove it from chrome. I'm seeing perfectly reasonable, trans-friendly (or at least trans-neutral) creators getting marked red constantly for not being extreme far-left ideologues. Like SomeOrdinaryGamers has been turned red now because he made a video criticizing an absolutely despicable scam artist of a youtuber who happens to be trans, even while he continually affirmed the importance of LGBTQ rights. Several other perfectly reasonable creators have been marked red as well who may be a tad edgy sometimes and fall more on the centrist section of the spectrum but always use correct pronouns when discussing issues and never actually take issue with trans people existing and living their lives. Just more proof that our communities are turning into echo chamber hug boxes that can't handle even the slightest variation in outlook and behavior.
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neopronouns-list · 1 year
do you have any strawberry themed neos? :D
sure!! bit of a challenge, smth this specific, but itll be fun! a couple more science-y words here, ive explained both of them in the tags!
feel free to modify as you wish o7
under the cut ↓
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cryptconstellation · 1 year
A scene I am regrettably realizing isn’t going to work for the fic I wrote it for: Alex and Dana discuss their siblinghood
“I think I knew, on some level, that you weren’t… my brother, the moment you staggered through my door.” Dana said, arms tight around Alex’s shoulders. Void wailed, trying to pull away, the rejection worse than a rocket through the chest. “Shush, I need to say this. And you need to hear it. You aren’t my big brother. Okay? You aren’t. But us Mercers don’t let go. You’re one of us. Alex, Zeus, Blacklight, whatever name you decide to use, you’re the last part of my big brother, and that makes you mine.” Dana worked one hand under Alex’s hood, reminding the biomass how to separate. She petted the imitation of soft hair gently, even as her other arm remained as immobile as a steel beam to a human. Alex could squirm free. Probably. Void pressed vois face into Dana’s shoulder harder, shaking in the aftermath of her words.
“It- it’s okay- that we aren’t him?” Alex asked hesitantly. Void tried so hard to be- to fill shoes whose outlines void couldn’t even see, so far away they were. To know void had never measured up in vois entire short existence was… painful. And yet. Dana claimed voim wholeheartedly, wrapped around as much of Alex as she could reach. The idea of being vois own self was as exhilarating as it was terrifying. Void didn’t know who that was.
“Yeah, kid. I’ll miss him for the rest of my life, and I’ll never understand why the fuck he- rrgg. But if he taught me anything it’s that big siblings are meant to look after their baby siblings. So you’re stuck with me keeping an eye on you forever.” Dana said, still petting Alex’s hair. That was relieving, to know void could continue to rely on Dana. The future outside of Manhattan was less terrifying if it could have quiet moments like this.
“Good. Be lost, otherwise. Need you.” Alex admitted, because it was true. Dana could probably feel it was with their minds still tangled together. Existing was less confusing and horrible with her right there. She huffed a watery laugh and tightened her grip on Alex.
“Yeah, you really kind of do, you big lump.”
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a-tin-of-crisco · 10 months
might be throwing gasoline into a furnace with this but you can’t tell me that if melon musk wasn’t in the picture, grimes wouldn’t have picked up a couple of neopronouns by now. some she/zhey/it/cyberself type shit.
like listen to ‘i wanna be software’ and then look me in the eye and tell me i’m wrong, and then try and convince me that that wouldn’t be kind of the sickest thing ever
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kuromiota · 1 year
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Any! Theme recommended
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hׁׅ֮ꫀׁׅܻᥣׁׅ֪ᥣׁׅ֪ᨵׁׅ ϐׁׅ֒υׁׅtׁׅtׁׅᨵׁׅꪀׁׅ~
febickxs -> a-sporelings-ebullience
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༻✦༺  ༻✧༺ ༻✦༺༻✧༺ ༻✦༺
❁. My name is Bex
❁. My pronouns are she/they/it
❁. I'm bi/greyroace and transfem
❁. Mycology & fae folklore nerd
❁. F/o list
❁. Dni if you're a ped0phile/map,kink blog,Trump supporters,any kind of lgbtqia+ phobe or racist
❁. Yer' local manic pixie dream bitch~
❁.Other blogs
Writing blog: @a-sporelings-tales
Oc blog: @a-sporelings-creations
F/o blog: @a-sporelings-yearning
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superd00perfun · 2 years
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Say Hello to Xnoodle‼️‼️
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systemblr · 7 months
so tango split a day ago and iron already has 9 roles, fronted 4 times for a total of 19 hrs… diamond is *insane*
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gourdlycatgen · 11 days
The daylight head defender clan cat named Raritypelt is a charcoal amab cis cat with a ticked tabby coat and low white spotting. The pronouns this cat uses are neopronouns. This cat has long, messy fur and green eyes. This cat loves twolegs, and likes playing. The cat is friendly and neglectful. The cat is always first to ask for dawn patrol. This cat has a decent amount of scars and a medium body.
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thrashkink-coven · 1 month
people who don’t understand neopronouns or therians are immediate red flags to me as people who probably don’t understand neurodivergency, polyamory, alt subcultures, or paganism either. Basically just anything that isn’t immediately simple and easy to define. People somehow seem blind to gray areas and nuances and I don’t understand why.
“Why not go by he or she? or even they? why does it have to be so complicated?!”
Because humans are complicated and this word fits xim better. Language has been evolving to be more specific for centuries, xer not doing anything different than he or she is.
“Why do they look like that if they don’t want me to stare at them?”
I guarantee your opinion was not the determining factor of their outfit choice today. Green is their happy color and spiky hair makes them feel cool. What other reason do they need? Everything isn’t about you.
“How do you identify as something nonhuman?! that makes no sense??!”
Probably because cats are the only creature they’ve known to not question their habits and force them to make eye contact. Maybe they relate more to animals than humans because you’re all so cruel.
“How can you be an it?! You’re not an object?!”
Maybe this person just generally doesn’t identify with being humanized in general. Who cares.
“This is all really weird they probably have some kind of mental disorder”
Okay? And? Maybe they do? What’s your point? What’s wrong with that? Why can’t they live peacefully with their disorder? Why can’t they be a person with DID? Why can’t they do age regression? Because it makes you uncomfortable? If these things are helping them cope and not causing harm, what’s the issue? That it’s too complicated to deal with? Maybe you don’t actually want to have a relationship with this person and should just leave them alone.
“I just don’t get all the freaky chanting and stuff. Seems like demons possessing you”
Oh yeah, you probably don’t “get” stimming either, do you? Moshing? Nope? Didn’t think so. Yeah wild idea but maybe howling and clapping actually feels good for some people. Maybe it even feels… really good.
“I just don’t get how you can be multiple things at once”
You probably don’t get how you can worship multiple Gods at once either, huh? Or even… be more than one person at once? Be more than one gender at once? Love more than one person at once? All of these concepts must fry your little brain don’t they?
“well sorry, I just don’t get it. It’s too much for me”
Although I don’t think it’s all that difficult, (hey buddy, are you maybe perhaps a little bit stupid?) you don’t actually have to “get” it to respect it, or at the very least respect people. Humanity is and always has been complicated. Get with the program dummy.
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