#gryffinclaw imagines
hollowdeath · 6 months
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life of a hogwarts student
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chosenimagines · 3 years
Gryffinclaw ~Consequences
Ravenclaw: It is called ✨cOnSeQueNzes✨ darling!
Ravenclaw: I was suppost to what now?
Gryffindor: Stop me! What else do I got you for?
Ravenclaw: Run. Run before I Avada Kedavra your stupid ass.
Gryffindor: Love you! *runs away scared immediatley*
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operazione-ibrido · 3 years
Gryffindor: Hufflepuff has been sad all day long, we have to do something
Ravenclaw: I've got a plan
[few moments later]
Gryffindor & Ravenclaw: If you're blue and you don't know where to go to
Why don't you go where fashion sits
Going to Slytherin's
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Ravenclaw, pouring coffee: Do you want whipped cream on yours?
Gryffindor: Yeah, we should go out tomorrow.
Ravenclaw: ...
Ravenclaw: What...? What did I ask?
Gryffindor: I'm thinking we should go to a fancy restaurant, like McDonald's.
Ravenclaw: Excuse me, hi. Am I a part of this conversation?
Gryffindor: Nah nevermind, let's go for pizza, definitely.
Ravenclaw: What's going on????
Gryffindor, leaving: Okay, see you at seven.
Ravenclaw: WHY are all of our conversations like this??
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r u rlly a drarry stan if u don't make fake scenarios about them in ur head when you can't go to sleep?
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draco-oculismeis · 3 years
Your Hogwarts s/o favorite season to spend with you
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Reading outdoors in a field
Being annoyed that you aren’t paying attention to them
“Pay attention to me”
“Stop reading that bloody book and kiss me”
“You have no patience...or manners for that matter”
Practicing magic and pranking one another by the river
Skipping stones
Competitive croquet
Celebrating the Beltane Fire Festival in the muggle world
Rainy days being their favorite because all they do is lay in bed and nap with you
Swimming in the lake
Carving your initials in a tree
Hufflepuff: Summer
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Cliff Diving into the water and being utter daredevils together
Camping the wizarding way
Making smores after watching muggles do it on the telly
Attempting to fish, and being really good at it
Flower crowns
Planning ahead for quidditch and betting on the big leagues
Learning the ways of water balloon fights
Your house is predominantly covered in magical plants
Making potions and remedies together
Going out a lot, weather it be out to dinner, or a walk, being outdoors is what you love
The windows being open 24/7
Taking heaps of polaroid photos together
Ravenclaw: Winter
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Walks in the snow covered parks
Thick socks and cozy blankets
Peppermint scented candles
Cuddling on the sofa by a fireplace
“Can we make a snowman together?”
Celebrating Christmas and giving each other items that remind you of one another
Reading books silently next to each other before bed
Watching christmas movies together and reciting elf word for word
Making cute little sweaters for your pets
Ice-skating and epically failing
Cute christmas cards with you and the pets to send to your family
Slytherin: Fall
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Sipping warm tea/coffee and watching the leaves change
Knitted sweaters and scarves
Spending halloween together
Making a lot of pie
Staying indoors and being hermits together
Movie binges and makeout sessions
Dancing in your living room together
Walking in the woods looking for deer antlers
Scented candles (coffee,cinnamon, salted caramel)
Sketching together in public spaces, and doing gravestone rubbings
Doing the ghost sheet photoshoot together
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chaseanders · 4 years
Pevensie Siblings Hogwarts Houses
Peter - Hufflepuff
Lucy - Gryffindor
Susan - Slytherin
Edmund - Ravenclaw 
I think that each sibling has two houses that they could fit into. Lucy and Peter could be Gryffindor or Hufflepuff. Susan and Edmund could be Slytherin or Ravenclaw. But these are the house I think suits them more. 
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retvenkos · 4 years
“i am a little bit of everything i’ve seen in my life.”
if you’re in gryffindor you think you’re more “refined” than everyone else, and if you’re in ravenclaw you think everyone’s a stiff
this is the person with the braincell! let it be known that they have it, but refuse to use it
they have to be a little chaotic because they know what consequences are but disregard them
these people call themselves ambiverts but it really just means they won’t talk to you if they hate you
and i say that lovingly
okay, but if they do talk to you??? best people to talk with - they can hold an interesting conversation masterfully and it’s all because their enthusiasm is off the charts
let them ramble, it’s very endearing.
and physical touch is probably their love language so cuddle with them, too
they’re sci-fi and superhero nerds change my mind
now their loyalty is really interesting because gryffindors are really loyal where as a ravenclaws are individualistic and prioritize #1, so i feel like they are very much on guard
befriending is hard - they’ll keep you at bay until they are sure you can be trusted. and they won’t be made to feel bad about it either.
but once you are close to them,,,,, they would save you or die trying
their inside jokes are god tier
i don’t know how they do it other than they know how to make people laugh using the most unexpected methods and because it was such a weird experience, people are able to remember really well?
like, they could say “nutmeg” and everyone around you starts laughing, meanwhile you’re just ???
gryffinclaws are also really interesting because they don’t do well with conflict, but drama sort of gravitates toward them because let’s be real here, they can kind of be actively seeking it out, sometimes.
i mean, it’s usually to avoid having to deal with deeper emotions or even bigger problems, but sometimes they have a hand in their own suffering....
also, these people never study if they don’t like the class. they don’t. if they dislike the subject, they procrastinate with every fibre of their being.
but if it’s something they love, they are the first to get it done and will 100% do extra research and talk about it all the time.
they say they love both cats and dogs equally, and they actually mean it.
they are most likely concerned with wanting to change the world in some way - but they want it to be a tangible way that still allows for creativity and freedom
this is also the friend who stays up wayyyyyyy too late, and when you ask them what they’re doing, all they can say is “memes”
and they really do love memes - send them some. it’s their primary way of communicating
they love going out to get lunch and chatting with friends
food + people = love
they’ll even do it in their room! just bring bread and a good conversation - they can stay up for hours
also,,,, creativity and courage??? these are the people who actually have the confidence to publish their writing/art/whatever, and i admire that.
but writers block hits them so hard... i’m so sorry
okay, but if i understand the meme right, i’d give them wine aunt status.
these bastards
but i say that lovingly!
this is your meddling friend - that person that knows all and you can’t hide a secret from them to save your life.
and they seem to know everyone?????
they could ruin your life if they wanted to, but they are sweet uwu children and would never - in fact, they’re appalled you would even suggest it.
don’t let them hang out with gryffindor slytherins, no matter what. they will be corrupted and then it’s all over.
“but why are they bastards?” you ask. well,,,, if you’re acting surly or really don’t want to do a thing™ they will use their knowledge against you, prodding you in the direction you did not want to be going
of course, they only ever use this power when it’s for your greater good, but it’s annoying and invasive enough to grant them bastard status.
10/10 the mom friend.
even has the mom stare.
you know - the whole “you’re being irrational and you’re going to do this no matter how you hate it” stare
they have the  m o s t   energy and i honestly admire that
and they’re so hard working and dedicated that motivation isn’t a problem? it’s really just trying to get a solid, coherent thought that plagues them.
someone please get them a planner - they are constantly running late, but excited to be here!
100% have cottagecore vibes, or at least naturecore or adventurecore
point is, they want to be outside, doing things
they most likely want to make change in this world, but on a smaller level - with the people they care about, or the place they live
they really want to see what this world has to offer, but they are deathly afraid of being lonely
ngl, they probably get hurt by people a lot. they’re a little too trusting and go in a little too deep and when that other person leaves it does irrevocable damage.
it’s kind of like idealism and optimism, but at what cost?
100% smother their own feelings with a pillow and then preoccupy themself with the problems of others to not deal with their own
get them someone to talk to, please. they deserve it.
most likely they are an extrovert and surround themself with people so that they won’t have to feel loss as hard
spoiler alert: loss is always crushing.
gryffinpuffs believe in people - it’s their greatest gift and worst downfall
and they cannot live without them
do they have the braincell? sometimes. most of the time they share it and forget to ask for it back.
they probably like to do tangible things - like sculpture or knitting, baking, caring for plants....
something they can hold close
and if they read, they 100% finish books in one sitting. they just binge and it’s very iconic of them
probably a romantic, idk
they want a meet cute in real life and read all of the marriage fanfics
now these are the people who smile when you call them a bastard
and are most likely to be called a bastard unlovingly
at first glance they might be a little low on the empathy scales, but if you make it into their circle they would kill, die, and resurrect themself for you
BUT! all things come with a cost.
these are your friends with shifting loyalties. they are loyal until they feel your loyalty toward them fade, and they can and will shift against you for self preservation.
and they won’t feel bad about where their loyalties lie.
but please love them because if you really do believe in them they will feel it and it will rock their whole world
and if your feelings are strong, you’ll be surprised how quickly they can turn to you for guidance
if you haven’t noticed, this group is extremely intuitive - they can just sense what everyone feels about them
all that intuition... and quite a lot of tact
maybe it’s the cunning or the self preservation in them, but they can read a room really well - only bested by the hufflepuff/slytherin - and can sway everyone to their side
you want someone to give oddly accurate motivational speeches? this is the person you’re looking for!
slytherdors.... you either love them or you hate them
but no joke these are the people that the gryffinclaws and slytherclaws are constantly fighting - and the slytherdor is ready to throw hands at any given moment, someone pLEASE send a ravenpuff (huffleclaw?) to save them
if you wanted someone to embody teenage angst, HERE YOU GO!
it’s either that or they are extremely competitive and not afraid to call someone out
if there’s a dueling club, someone please put restraints on these children
as you can imagine, these people have a lot going on, and what they really need is just some quiet stability.
they need to see this world isn’t constantly out to get them.
they absolutely love music, so listen to songs with them! they have the best spotify playlists with the most obscure vibes, and it’s very aesthetically pleasing
also! listen to them in any group setting - they make the best, dry comments under their breath
if you laugh at them they will reach into the heavens and give you the moon and the stars
they really want the ~found family~ and definitely seek it out
they crave redemption arcs
they give me baby wolf vibes - they are wild killers, but they’re at that tender age where they’re still vvv similar to a puppy, when given affection
their slytherin side has tamed the impulsivity of a gryffindor, but the level of tactician a slytherdor is varies wildly. you never know what you’re going to get, and they are actually really good at covering it up
kind of like on those alignment charts where it’s like “looks like they could kill you but is a cinnamon roll” except it’s “seems competent, but is really an idiot”
they really need an animal companion, probably a cat or tarantula
the slytherdor probably doesn’t feign to study - they either do or they don’t and if that’s bad for their mental health then they’ll fight god himself
i get a lot of vibes of zuko screaming at the sky in that lightning storm, where he’s like, “come on, strike me! you’ve never held back before!”
maybe i’ve been a little negative, but uh,,,, their love language is sitting in the dark, holding hands and talking about the lamest part of their day
also, they hate meaningless endings to tv shows - they just want to see everyone be happy or die trying
you mean the adjusted ravenclaw?
maybe that was mean, but what i really mean is that they are the most emotionally intelligent of all the ravenclaws
these ravenclaws know how to use conflict resolution skills, and they are very much needed in ravenclaw tower
they’ve been coaching the gryffindor/ravenclaws, but good luck maintaining their attention if they don’t want to listen
they also have patience! that means they get along well with slytherins.
even if they’re tired, they’re a good sport about it
light academia aesthetic, or just soft vibes in general.
they are probably the only artists with a coherent schedule that they keep up on, while still remembering to stay hydrated and function like a normal human being
they lowkey crave structure - the unexpected is not for them
riddles? those have a right and wrong answer - they absolutely hate it when the gryffindor/ravenclaws or ravenclaw/slytherins give an answer that is “technically” right
they probably don’t tell anyone, though
passive-aggression? yep. i can feel them seething from here.
like, they can solve minor problems and can get over bigger ones in time, but if it’s a huge slight, they are never going to let go
and it’s super palpable when they dislike you because they are so kind to everyone else
they probably have a passion for poetry but can’t seem to write any themself
definitely still keep a book of it hidden under their bed, though
and if they are good they vehemently deny it but continue to write anyway
the biggest thing they struggle with is knowing their direction in life - who do they want to be?
abstract thinking is an art form, and these ravenclaws ponder existence in the most intangible ways you’ve ever seen
10/10 lay on the ground and stare at the ceiling for like 3 hours straight
they can vary wildly on the introvert-extrovert scale, but they are never in the middle. extremes only.
you can get close to them out with acts of service - they give so much, please just treat them ONCE
they attach themself to so many people, though. even if they’re an introvert, you’d be surprised with their connections.
they’re so level headed and yet, they can feel so lost
kind of reminds me of 50′s moms who seem perfect on the outside but have existential crises while making a roast in heels
they don’t necessarily want to be “known” - they probably feel like that definition is changing all of the time, so it would scare them to put themself in a box
i guess they’re kind of free spirits - maybe more like the aunt who does yoga with baby goats and collects crystals and pretty shells
they are great at conflict resolution, yes, but don’t expect them to be your therapist (that’s the hufflepuff/slytherin)
they have absolutely no idea when it comes to deep feelings - they barely understand their own
probably paints, tbh, or at the very least loves to go to museums w/ really abstract art.
they actually have the braincell! they keep it a lot of the time and can be stingy with it.
they either wake up really early in the morning or stay up until the sun rises because it gives them “clarity” or something.
they’re definitely the blunt friend who will just say things as they see them
yeah, tact is lost on them
they also love to claim that they “don’t need” people, so they butt heads with the hufflepuff/slytherin and the ravenclaw/hufflepuff a lot
they have quite a bit of stratagem up their sleeve, so people can be weary of them
their attitude does nothing to solve this, but it could also be that the slytherclaw has this idea that flattery gets them nowhere
they are so divisive in their individualism,,, good luck befriending them
but if you do befriend them, you have a powerful friend in your corner.
they are 100% that distant relative that you think hates you but you aren’t sure if that’s just the way they are
but let me tell you a secret,,,, their love language is words of affirmation and if you stroke their ego they’ll grow soft
while slytherclaws may not be very persuasive on their own, they actually work really well in teams. they know everyone’s strengths are are unafraid to take charge and tell people what needs to be done and how
they’re also really good at logical thinking, so you definitely want to be lab partners with this one
and schoolwork? they do it and they take good notes. a really great student
and their ambitions and competitiveness means they are unafraid to go far, and they will do it in style, too
this is the epitome of dark academia. 
and there is very little that is chaotic when it comes to them - the slytherclaw is an excellent planner
maybe they desire more out of life - they never feel like they are quite getting what they want
they are cynical, but they they have such high hopes for this world
when they are let down, they’re not surprised but disenchanted nonetheless
they ponder the meaning of the world and what this world could be far more than they ponder their own life
they tend to see a bigger, more sweeping picture
100% they love the odyssey and definitely think it’s better than the iliad
they adore high fantasy with every fibre of their being and can really get into period dramas
i would say that a gryffindor/ravenclaw would be a good friend for them - we all know a gryffinclaw can talk, and sometimes a slytherclaw just needs to hear someone else’s take on this world
and, of course, it helps when anyone shows appreciation
okay, but they love sweets - chocolate, liquorice, peppermint, caramel... it’s one of the few childish things they allow themself to have.
they are actually relatively quick to trust? the fastest slytherin, actually
they keep their group small, but they get vibes about people and once you show them loyalty they trust you entirely.
i suppose they guess you don’t have any games because they don’t have any
ooh, but if you betray them??? they are a mess, emotionally, and will not hesitate to lash out.
but they are caring in their own way, and will do little things like reminding you to drink water or bringing you toast if you haven’t eaten and it’s very sweet
so i know we have this idea of the slytherin sweetheart, but a slytherpuff is so much more than that
one of their strongest traits is the intersection of ambition and hard work - they will not stop until they are the best (in their mind at least)
it’s almost a petty form of competition. a bit of schadenfreude when they win.
and everyone’s immediate thought is that a hufflepuff/slytherin would be the most trusting slytherins but no.
not even close.
slytherpuffs are guarded at first, while holding a secret soft spot for you in their heart. but they won’t act on it until they are 100% sure you won’t hurt them. they are suspicious, but really want to like people.
it takes a lot to break down their walls, but when you do they already have a steady foundation for your trust to grow on, and it’s the strongest thing in this world
because of this they can often come off as cold or distant, but once you’re in their circle, oh yeah. there’s the hufflepuff qualities you were searching for.
a good contender for the mom friend position, but they aren’t overt enough to be so.
they’re not getting into your business or being slightly invasive like real mom friends, but if you need advice or a hug,,,,, this is the friend to go to.
they’re like the nice aunt. vvv comforting, but only if sought out.
oh, they have the strongest moral code i have ever seen - it cannot be shaken or swayed.
but! it can often go against the rules, so you do have a bit of chaos working beneath the surface.
i 100% believe that their love language is quality time, and most of that can be spent quietly, just sitting in the other’s presence.
i feel like 90% of their conversations is hand gestures or subtle facial expressions, so it make take a while to be able to read them, but it also means they are soooo good at reading other people
seriously, if you need a therapist in the group, this is your person. they know people so well. their intuition is off the charts.
BUT ALSO,,,, their levels of introvertedness are sky high. i feel like this is a given, but they can be in your orbit for 5 months and speak to your twice and think that is a decent amount of exposure.
please get them an extrovert. they need the exposure.
sEcReTS??? this slytherin probably has some, but you have to be like at level 50 to unlock their tragic backstory
they also have academia vibes and do really well in school work, but whether or not it’s dark academia or light academia is disputed. maybe grey academia? (is that a thing?)
they struggle with wanting to be known and yet wanting to hide parts of themself they find unattractive or unwanted
probably feel like they’re pulled in too many directions and overthink their choices just a bit too much.
everyone knows they have the braincell, but whether or not they use it is unsure
it’s so easy for their friends to coax them, they probably give it to someone else and never ask for it back even though they should be in sole custody of it
AND FLUFF ENSUES. (i realize some of these are kind of aggressive, so... vibe check!)
-- taglist: @musicallisto, @theletterhart, @locke-writes, @randomfandomimagine, @brokenandheadoverheels, @timeofmadness, @writerdream22 // message me if you’d like to be added to the taglist!
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shitravenclawssay · 4 years
pick up lines
Ravenclaw: Did it hurt?
Gryffindor, blushing: When i fell from heav—?
Ravenclaw: When you fell on your face, I saw you fall on your face. Everyone saw.
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severussnape-love · 5 years
This is AWESOME. 💎
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glacial-snowflakes · 6 years
Gryffindor: She is beauty
Hufflepuff: She is grace
Ravenclaw: She will stab your heart with a fucking dagger and watch you bleeding to death
Slytherin: Hell yeah *laughing his ass off*
Hufflepuff: WHAT THE F-
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This head of heavy thoughts is just too much for me
This is the hi, the hola, the Dia duit, the who I am, the who I am not.
I'm Nia. Short for Niamh. Easier to pronounce. It means I shine brightly. It might even be a part of the name most people call me, but don't count on it.
I'm not a girl who's deserted her upbringing. I am a girl who always hid her messed up head. I'm not a girl who wants to celebrate it, but a girl who wants to stop hiding if only by wearing a mask. I'm a girl who wonders if this particular type of obsessive negative imagination is common.
I'm a girl who just named her own mind as a disorder because I know not what I speak of. I have ONID. Maybe just NID. What is obsession?
Speaking of labels, they're nice. They're a way to simplify complexities. They're generalisations that can cause terrible misunderstandings. I don't usually use labels for my beliefs. But for my personality, yes.
ENFP or, as I sometimes like to say it, NeFi. I see the world as impressions, ever expanding explanations and possibilities. I have an innate core that guides my decisions. I do what feels right. I belong to what I call the unique, but unobtrusive variety. The shy kind. The selfish kind. I know some super warm friendly ENFPs. I admire them. I know the bold ones who will say the random things on their minds. The ones who look like they can be themselves, but probably are using it a mask as much as I use shyness.
Enneagram 7w6 . Sometimes my escapism is imagining horrible situations then bringing them around to something good. Or death.
Ravenclaw. But wish I was more Hufflepuff. This is where I don't want to be braver, or at least not in a charging manner. It's where I pretend I have better impulse control than a Gryffindor. It's where I say I just can't Slytherin, because I don't want to admit to the lying I do because it's not something I use for good. It's where I admit to not being ambitious, but don't admit that I don't love as fiercely as they say Slytherins can. It's also where I can easily geek out and prove I'm a Ravenclaw. Lastly, it's where I'm most likely to admit familiarity with Harry Potter.
At Ilvermorny, I would pick Thunderbird, but I'd rather invent my own magic school than be at Ilvermorny and it's less useful for character analysis. Which happens to mean it doesn't have the problem of labelling someone for life at age eleven.
I believe in God. I believe he created and sustains the world. I believe he gave us a law and a conscience to teach us how to live well, that he sent his son as a man to buy us back from death and evil, that he gave his spirit to change our hearts.
Sometimes this faith holds on only because of an unshakeable rational foundation. I couldn't think or make any sense of the world without it. Sometimes I don't feel God there. Sometimes it's hard to believe prayer makes any difference. Sometimes I don't care wherever what I'm doing is wrong or right.
Forgive me Father God, for I have sinned. Give me faith.
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chosenimagines · 3 years
You and me?! (Gryffinclaw)
Universe: Harry Potter
Summary: Tobias and Anabella can’t stand each other! But a fight on the Quidditch field gets them into a difficult situation
Used Prompts: -
Warnings: Enemies to Lover, soft swearing, mentioning of fights and wounds
Language: English
Request: yes/no (by Anon) could i make a request for an enemies to lovers gryffindor x ravenclaw short story if u have time? thanks in advance! <3
Requests [Open]
A/N: This one shot/imagine can be found as well on my wattpad^^
My requests are open on wattpad and tumblr^^
🖊️    🖊️    🖊️   🖊️
The bass filled the Great Hall like it had never been before. The school year was finally over and to the students’ delight the end of the year was brought forward. But how it had come to this was a different story. Now Hogwarts celebrated! The party showed the relief of the student body. The classes were over and the O.W.Ls as well! The only thing which was left was the last Quidditch game of the year. But this was only the grand final for the school year! The year couldn’t end any better. Only Toby who wanted to go back to his room had no luck at the party!
Linda was close on his heels and didn’t let go of him. He could do what he wanted to it didn’t work! No matter if he was nice or he was mean to her Toby couldn’t make clear for her that he was not interested in her. Especially not in a romantic point of view! He would rather with Ana- Quick he discarded that thought. It was as silly as Linda’s flirt attempts! Worse was that she didn’t care about the rejection he gave her. She ignored it the facts which Toby told her over and over again. Linda made approaches to Toby even though it was the last thing Toby wanted in the entire world. Okay, it was time for plan B! That would make clear for Linda that he didn’t want her no matter how hard and insensitive that may seem. A glare into the crowd and the idea for a plan B was born! Admittedly Toby needed he worst (and only) enemy but for his peace he had to bite the bullet. “That means nothing, Whitlock!”, Toby warned her when turned the Ravenclawgirl he hated towards himself. Before Anabella could react, Toby had pressed his lips onto Anabella’s mouth. The despair which led to this action was testable on the tip of her tongue while she stood infront of him dead still. She was way too shocked to move. What was that stupid Gryffindor doing?! “You have a girlfriend? Toby, who could you not tell me that you have a girlfriend?”, Linda who was behind Toby squealed. But he stepped up his game! He put his hands on Anabella’s waist and pressed her against himself the moment he intensified the kiss. Toby noticed the annoyed sigh from Linda and how the Gryffindorgirl left. Relieved from the moment Toby broke away from Anabella. He finally got rid of Linda! In the next moment Toby’s face flicked to the side. A burning pain prickled on his left cheek. As if it was a reflex, he put his hand on his cheek. He had not expected a different reaction! How could it be different when they rivaled with each other to the death for six years now. Anabella raised a warning finger. “Do not ever touch me again without my consent, Samson or I will chase you with an unforgivable curse before you could say ‘Sorry’!” After the threat she left fast.
“The last game of the year! Gryffindor against Ravenclaw. Ravenclaw against Gryffindor. And we have a tie! Even though the stunning-” A cough led to a crackling sound. Professor McGonagall probably cocked her ear -as always as Lee Jordan commented the games. Poor commentator! “I’m sorry, Professor!”, Lee mumbled sheepishly. But everybody -including the experienced teacher- knew it was always half the truth. “But back to the game! Things are getting lively on the field. The suspense is excruciating! Even the fans can’t stay on their seats anymore. But the tension on our beloved Quidditch was worse than on the stands. Especially the tension between Gryffindor’s 6 and Ravenclaw’s 3 was tangible! But we don’t know it differently, guys. Whitlock and Samson fight day and night just as today! But Whitlock is out to get her opponent more than usual- Au! That hit home, Toby. But our chaser isn’t easy to bring down with a buldger. Wait a minute! WAIT- PROFESSOR! Professor, that isn’t about to end week!” Lee was about to be right! Toby and Anabella had completely lost the game out of sight! Instead of focusing on the game they fought up in the air on their brooms. Cuts, bruises, scratches… Their faces and torsos were cluttered with wounds and blood which didn’t keep the 6th graders from fighting each other. Before a teacher could interfere, Anabella lost her balance and fell into the deep. Only a few meters parted her from hitting the ground. But it didn’t happen! Without thinking Tobias followed the falling girl and saved her from death by catching her. He could feel her body which was shaking out of death fear against his chest. But now she was safe! Through the shock Anabella managed to say a word. “Why?” Of course Toby understood instantly what Anabella wanted to know. “I don’t like you but that doesn’t mean that I’ll watch you fall into death.”
“In 38 years at this school I have never seen something this irresponsible! You will have detention during the holidays and your parents will be informed about this outrageous incident. Beside that Professor Flitwick and I are thinking about taking you two out of your teams until you graduated. Do you understand me?” With tilted heads the still wounded students answered: “Yes, Professor…” The teacher nodded and left the hospital wing along with her colleague. As if Minerva McGonagall’s lecture hadn’t been enough more raged scolding flew through the window. Problems over problems! The flow of them didn’t want to stop… They suffer in silence with pulled up shoulders, teeth-gnashing and almost closed eyelids while listening to the howler. But Toby was faster through the torture than Anabella. Anabella suffered longer! The voice of her mother filled the hospital wing. “NOT ONLY, THAT YOU HAVE BRING SHAME ON OUR FAMILY’S NAME WITH THAT DISGUSTING ROWDY-BEHAVIOUR OF YOURS WHICH I CAN’T STRESS ENOUGH! YOU HAVE BEEN SIX YEARS ON THAT SCHOOL AND YOU ARE HARDLY ABLE TO FIND A WIZARD THAT CAN STAND YOUR COMPANY. YOU NEED A MAN BY YOUR SIDE, ANABELLA! YOU NEED A STRONG MAN WITH MANARES ON YOUR SIDE LIKE ALL WHITLOCK-WOMEN BEFORE YOU. IF YOU DON’T GET A MAN WITHIN THE NEXT YEAR YOUR FATHER AND I WILL TAKE OVER THIS TASK FOR YOU!” After these harsh words the message destroyed itself. Tears filled the eyes of the Ravenclaw. But not one rolled over her cheeks. She would not cry infront of Samson. She would never be weak infront of Tobias Samson! Never. In the same seconde the same thought crossed the mind of the students. He/She has the same fate as I do… Immediately they forget about that. To be similar to each other in any way would be horror for both of them! After all there was nobody to them that was more disgusting than the other one. But the hate got less (on both sides) since the situation on the Quidditch field. Then Toby had an idea! Anabella’s mother gave him the idea. They both were born in a good house… It was so silly that it was genius and for both of them it was practical. “Hey Whitlock-” “Bloody hell, Samson! What do you want?”, Anabella hissed. No weakness, no weakness, no weakness, no weakness… It went through her mind again and again as if her life would depend on her mantra. Her life not, but her dignity. To show any weakness to Tobias had never been an option! “You and me have the same problem, Whitlock! So calm down. I know a solution.” Silent Anabella waited for the explanation. She crossed her hurting arms. “Your parents want to force you into a marriage if you don’t find the right guy and mine want to do the same thing. And I have Linda’s on my heels-” “State your point, Samson!”, Anabella interrupted the Gryffindor impatiently. She had no nerves to listen to long talks! Why did he talk so much? “Calm down, Whitlock! There are advantages for you as well. I suggest that you and I have a relationship. Fake of course! And we get rid of all of our problems.” The Ravenclawgirl laughed out loud. The thought was just stupid! “You and I? You are crazy!” “Don’t let it get to your head! I am not into you but the status of your family is exactly what my parents want for me and I am convinced your parents think the same way. Besides I am the perfect son in law!” “Don’t over work it, Gryffindor.”, Anabella answered dryly. “So what do you say! You and I and a fake relationship? Just until the next year ends.” Toby stopped for a moment. “Or until I found a girl I want to have a real relationship with. Until then we both don’t have to get married!” An annoyed sigh and an eyeroll were the comment to the previous words. “So what do you say, Whitlock?” “Deal! I am in.” Anabella took his hand and the deal has been sealed.
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accio-fandom · 5 years
Not Bad | Draco x Hufflepuff!Reader
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First request done, sorry if it seemed like it took so long, I don’t know why my app doesn’t send me notifications for messages 🤧
Staying awake during Astronomy class is a real struggle for Draco. But ever since he’s had to switch seats and sat next to a rather interesting hufflepuff, he’s managed to stay awake during class.
He would watch them fidget with their things, read a book, sometimes even try to eat a chocolate frog during class; he found it very amusing.
There was this one particular habit Draco was certainly displeased with; it was when (Y/N) would tap their fingers on the table repeatedly. It would annoy the living hell out of Draco. “(L/N)!” He hissed, “Would you stop that? I’m trying to learn here!” He glared at them.
(Y/N) stared at him and giggled, “Do you find my clear annoyance amusing, (L/N)?” He bellowed, only to cause (Y/N) to snicker.
“You just look really funny right now!” They managed to say in between giggles. This made Draco give them an offended look. “And honestly, if looks could kill you wouldn’t be able to kill anyone.”
Draco looked away in defeat and rolled his eyes at them, “Whatever, (L/N).” He emphasised their named with obvious annoyment, “my father will hear about this.” (Y/N) raised their brow and stared in amusement.
Not long after the professor announces the end of class. (Y/N) smiled and stood up, offering their hand to Draco. “What do you think you’re doing?” He questioned as he looks at the hand outstretched in front of him. (Y/N) rolled their eyes and grabbed Draco’s arm and dragged him to an isolated corridor.
“What are you doing?!” Draco demanded as (Y/N) pins him to the wall. “Shut up for once, Draco.” They demand as they slammed their lips onto Draco’s, essentially making his knees weak. The kiss was heated and passionate; but as much as they hated it, they had to part for air.
They both stared into each other’s eyes while panting, trying to catch their breath. “Damn.” Draco breathed out; his cheeks dusted with red, “Who knew, (Y/N)? You’re not bad, not good, but not bad.”
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potterpalsblog · 5 years
Fred and George when they found out who the marauders really were
Fred: Harry,if you would ever want to swap families we're open you know
George: Yeah,you know you could live in our old room
Fred: And we don't fit in in our family but yours they're just like us
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Surprisingly competitive, always want to be the winning team. Never bad sports when they've lost, but definitely smack talk before whatever the activity is.
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