#gryffinclaw relationship
cuffmeinblack · 3 months
Favorite moment - Richard Jackdaw! please and thank you
Thanks anon for choosing sweet baby Richard 🖤 I'm gonna answer them all!
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First impression
You know what I don't remember much of my first meeting (I did the Slytherin quest first which was arguably the worst) except that wow he sounds exactly like Garreth.
Impression now
After the Gryffindor version of the quest is when I started to notice him more. By then I'd learned more about his relationships with Apollonia, Anne and the tragedy of his death. I guess this was about the time I made a channel for him in the Garreth server and the Jackdaw girlies fueled my delulu.
He's such a sweet soul (ignore the whole stealing a wand thing) and just loves his puzzles and adventures.
Favorite moment
Idea for a story
When he floats through the wall and is like 'could it be...a vi-si-tor?' 🤣
I don't know, a lot of his lines make me giggle. My most memorable moment is finding his skeleton with his lantern and cape 😭
Unpopular opinion
I have a kind of fix-it fic in draft where Reader finds him in the forest after Anne doesn't turn up, and instead of him going into the cave alone Reader goes with him so he doesn't die. There's also some sweet revenge on Apollonia.
He seems to be regarded as a bit of a womaniser because of his association with Anne and Apollonia but actually I think he's a massive romantic and falls in love easily and hard. Anne came after Apollonia but he was very fixated on them both. I do think he's a flirt though, and very charming.
Favorite relationship
In canon? Hard to say since he doesn't really interact with anyone. I ship him with my MC Lila and think he'd get along well as a friend with Garreth.
Favorite headcanon
That he's a Gryffindor, but really a Gryffinclaw. There's a lot of reasons to place him in each house but I ultimately put him in Gryffindor because he's so brave going into that cave alone 😭 my little adventurous boy. His love of puzzles could point to Ravenclaw but ultimately it's his voice lines that made me decide Gryffindor (especially '...is that Latin? Or Greek?' what a dork). I think he's like Garreth in the way he has a special interest and puts all his energy and passion into it, letting other academic pursuits fall by the wayside.
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centruxx · 1 year
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The struggle of having two houses...
(For more informations, here is my full story with my relationships with Howarts houses:
My very first house was Slytherin, I was 11 and edgy. Then, I became a huge fan of hufflepuff, but some years ago, I realised i love hufflepuffes but I'm everything exept a hufflepuff. I just wanted to be a hippie because I had hippie friends and I was a teenager trying to find himself, but at the end I just had to accept I don't like the hippie movement at all. Plus, I liked yellow at that time. Not anymore. But I wanted to be in a yellow house, of course...
I guess the house I fit the most is Ravenclaw but I don't like that house so much, nor the internet community in that house. And when I do the official test, I'm always or Gryffindor or Ravenclaw.
I like the gryffindor house. I know I'm an extravert, social, little brave man.
But I also have a huge curious, creative, artistic side of mine that totally fits Ravenclaw. I love to learn, I love to know, I love to discover, to think, to debate,...
So I'm like a... GryffinClaw? Does that exist? Or I'm just ENTP hahaha)
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❤️tell me facts about yourself and I’ll ship you with a HP character (I’ll do you justice I promise)
hello! if you have time for this, i'd love to know who you ship me with (can be from either marauders or lightning era!)! thank you sm <333
my appearance: i am about five foot two, I have recently cut my hair to shoulder length. my hair is curly and dirty blonde, with some reddish highlights. i have very dark brown eyes and a light amount of freckles splattered across the mid-region of my face. i have a toothy smile and asymmetrical eyebrows. i am not exactly skinny, i have slight fat on my waist, hips, tummy, and thighs and i have a pear-shaped body.
heritage/family: i am half irish, half romanian. i am not in touch with my irish side at all, but close with my romanian side. i love romanian food and i love the country and the people. i speak very little romanain (vorbesc puțin de tot). i value family but i am not in a good place with my current one.
facts about me: i am a gryffinclaw (but i have been ravenclaw consecutively for many years now). i love singing, writing, and playing piano. my favorite subjects are history, environmental science, and math. i am majoring in earth science and policy and i am in pursuit of my goal to obtain my bachelor's degree in three years, when i will be nineteen. i have helicopter parents and i am an only child. i have had to learn how to spend time alone, without electronics (often got outlandishly punished for ridiculous things as a child, so my electronics were taken away). i used to be an extrovert but now i am an ambivert with social anxiety. i am 5000% sure I have adhd but have not been diagnosed. i am studious naturally but i get overwhelmed and stressed about school, which leads to procrastination. i am a hopeless romantic. i have no irl friends and i am in love with my online girl bff. my three main goals in life are: become an environmental lawyer, become a published author, become a musical artist. my favorite color(s) changes all the time (rn: forest green, royal blue, and brown). i am vegan. i love animals and i am a big environmentalist. i used to read a lot but don't have the time anymore.
burnt out gifted kid. "she was a pleasure to have in class!"
i love your writing and wish you the best of luck with exams <333 rip
Hiii, thank you for sending this & I'm sorry I took so long to answer <33,
So um how does it feel to be Hermione Granger?
You sound so logical and smart- so ambitious but also creative, with a soft side; you love music and the arts in general. And the fact that you have a soft spot for animals also adds to that.
And you are a hopeless romantic, which means you don't want to settle for something, just to be in a relationship, you are an only child, meaning you aren't bothered by alone time. If you were to be with someone, you want that someone to be perfect. You are a perfectionist, so you wont settle for anything less than perfect (as you should).
Originally I was going to ship you with Draco Malfoy, because I am a Dramione Stan more than anything really, but let me explain myself a bit.
You say that you are distanced from your family (which I get), but you value family. I bet you love the warmth of home and the comfort of being around people you love brings you.
You want to be part of a family, one that doesn't judge or control you. One that supports you, supports your ambitions and encourages you to chase every dream you want.
(And you will get that I promise you! If you ever need to talk to someone about that me messages are open)
Draco might be someone to challenge you, but you don't necessarily want a challenge, you want someone to bring out the soft parts of you. You want to be able to lay your armor down and be yourself around. You want someone that makes you laugh and excites you, but also someone to spend Sunday mornings in bed with, someone you can be your truest self around.
I don't know if you want to be shipped with a boy or a girl, so I'll do both :)))
1)Fred Wesley!
He is fun and carefree. He would bring out a playful side to you, let you be childish with no worries when you are around him. You would have many many dinners with the Weasleys. Molly and Ginny love having you around, they admire you so much. They think you are the smartest person in the wizarding world. Hell, Molly Weasley begs you to become Minister of Magic one day.
Fred supports you in any way he can. He also loves his job (but his is more freeing than yours, he can be is own boss and he loves that), so whatever free time he has, he spends it helping you. He brings you food (that Molly cooked), because studying and working keep you busy. He reminds you when to rest and he also, helps distract you when stress gets the best of you. Broom rides and walks all around London. Also, you have so many weekend getaways and travels all around Europe with this boy.
2)Luna Lovegood
She is the best, honestly. She loves listening to you- to your plans and hopes for the world. She inspires you to make the world a better place! You adopt many animals together! She is in tune with her feelings and herself that she kind of helps you find your own peace too. And she is passionate about the things she loves, so she will be passionate about your relationship, about you.
She signs you up for tree planting activities and anything activist related in general. Also, every Christmas you and your friends rent a cabin in the woods and celebrate together, singing and talking around the fire. Making your own traditions.
Sorry if this was small, but histology exams are calling me :))
Please share your thoughts if you want, I hope everything works out for the best. You will do amazing things, and if we were in the magical world I would vote you for Minister of Magic.
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chosenimagines · 3 years
Gryffinclaw ~Consequences
Ravenclaw: It is called ✨cOnSeQueNzes✨ darling!
Ravenclaw: I was suppost to what now?
Gryffindor: Stop me! What else do I got you for?
Ravenclaw: Run. Run before I Avada Kedavra your stupid ass.
Gryffindor: Love you! *runs away scared immediatley*
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hufflautia · 4 years
Ravenclaw: Top reasons to get married? 
Gryffindor: Firmly saying “That’s my wife!” before knocking someone out in one punch. 
Gryffindor: And love, I guess. 
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theravenclawswolf · 6 years
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Jal Fazer
Ravenclaw 🦅
a hare as a Patronus
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officialcga · 4 years
Gryfindor: if huff broke up with...
Slytherin: NO
Ravenclaw: there is still a possibility...
Hufflepuff: HE SAID NO!
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shitravenclawssay · 4 years
introducing the s/o to the best friend
Gryffindor: Hey, Ravenclaw! this is my girlfriend, Slytherin :)
Slytherin: hi
Ravenclaw: You couldn't have found anyone better?
Gryffindor: Don't say that, I love her!
Ravenclaw: I was talking to her
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avada-kedammit · 4 years
Slytherin: :(
Hufflepuff: Turn that frown upside down!
Slytherin: ):
Hufflepuff: Listen here you little piece of shit-
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notinsufferable · 6 years
Ravenclaw and Gryffindor announce they're seeing each other.
Slytherin: So, what is this? Casual, serious? I need to know how to make fun of you.
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redwoodkitten-blog · 7 years
A Gryffindor and Ravenclaw Relationship
-Is the Gryffindor making the first move and the Ravenclaw being so shocked they think the Gryffindor is joking or teasing them.
-Is the Ravenclaw sweating through their shirt on the first date while the Gryffindor talks away as though they aren't nervous too.
-Is the Ravenclaw finding the Gryffindors strength amazing and sexy
-Is the Gryffindor trying desperately to keep up in a conversation about the Ravenclaws niche hobby but winding up nodding along...again
-Is the Ravenclaw going along with on inspiration, kind of risky but fun, Gryffindor plans because the Gryffindor is adorably excited about it.
-Is the Ravenclaw falling behind on their hobbies, and the Gryffindor falling behind on adventures, because they both would rather hole up and cuddle together.
-Is the Ravenclaw wondering why you would substitute for functionality, and the Gryffindor desperately wanting a bobble pen with obnoxious feathers just because it's fun.
-Is the Gryffindor reading the Ravenclaws favorite books and watching the Ravenclaws favorite movies to make them happy
-Is the Ravenclaw dropping their project to go for a walk or explore the neighborhood to make the Gryffindor happy
-Is the Gryffindor not understanding why the Ravenclaw can't just get up and "do what you got to do"
-Is the Ravenclaw wondering how the Gryffindor can enjoy doing such awful things like scrubbing the toilet because "they could never do stuff like that"
-Is the Gryffindor spending hours researching a niche one off hobby just to get the Ravenclaw the perfect gift.
-Is the Ravenclaw giving the Gryffindor massages because..... Yea, they don't know why. But they do it.
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shitthehousessay · 7 years
Sooo, there's this Hufflepuff that I absolutely adore and love but, there's a Gryffindor that people are telling me that he has a crush on me. and the Hufflepuff is getting in the way of telling me. I don't know what to think! How do I know if this is actually real or it's just a cruel prank?! HELP!! ~A distressed Ravenclaw
I’d talk to them. It’s worth seeing if it’s a thing.I’d also think about who you want to be in a relationship with. Both would be great (though Ravenpuff are balanced and cute) so it all depends on who you like and I guess who likes you.But I always say you never know if you never try so you might as well see where it goes.- Mel (the Slytherin)
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renae-nicole-lynn · 5 years
Harry Potter OC Pt. 4 - Marauders era
Series: Tarot Virago
Name: Malinda Rivvika Rumancek
Faceclaim: Emeraude Toubia
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House: Ravenclaw
Age: 15
Father: Luka Rumancek
Mother: Simza Rumancek
Species: Witch & Empath
Wand: Beech wood and Unicorn hair
Personality: The most emotionally understanding person one will ever meet. Very loving, accepting, and protective; so anger her or hurt someone or thing she loves and she will act. Will stand with her friends no matter the consequences,
Likes: Books, helping her friends, helping anyone really, spending time with those she loves, walking around Hogwarts at night
Dislikes: terribly obnoxious people, cruelty, bigotry, sexism, cherries
Friends: Lily Evans, Lux Varris, Oryena Zenwae, Joy Bilacqua, The Marauders, Xenophilius Lovegood
Love interest(s): Remus Lupin
Tarot Card: The Moon - Connect with your intuition and subconscious mind. You are experimenting the subtle forces of nature, especially the lunar cycles. Allow yourself to flow with these energies.
Quote: "Why do I scare you so much?"
Malinda's story can be found here and here
Check it out!
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chosenimagines · 3 years
You and me?! (Gryffinclaw)
Universe: Harry Potter
Summary: Tobias and Anabella can’t stand each other! But a fight on the Quidditch field gets them into a difficult situation
Used Prompts: -
Warnings: Enemies to Lover, soft swearing, mentioning of fights and wounds
Language: English
Request: yes/no (by Anon) could i make a request for an enemies to lovers gryffindor x ravenclaw short story if u have time? thanks in advance! <3
Requests [Open]
A/N: This one shot/imagine can be found as well on my wattpad^^
My requests are open on wattpad and tumblr^^
🖊️    🖊️    🖊️   🖊️
The bass filled the Great Hall like it had never been before. The school year was finally over and to the students’ delight the end of the year was brought forward. But how it had come to this was a different story. Now Hogwarts celebrated! The party showed the relief of the student body. The classes were over and the O.W.Ls as well! The only thing which was left was the last Quidditch game of the year. But this was only the grand final for the school year! The year couldn’t end any better. Only Toby who wanted to go back to his room had no luck at the party!
Linda was close on his heels and didn’t let go of him. He could do what he wanted to it didn’t work! No matter if he was nice or he was mean to her Toby couldn’t make clear for her that he was not interested in her. Especially not in a romantic point of view! He would rather with Ana- Quick he discarded that thought. It was as silly as Linda’s flirt attempts! Worse was that she didn’t care about the rejection he gave her. She ignored it the facts which Toby told her over and over again. Linda made approaches to Toby even though it was the last thing Toby wanted in the entire world. Okay, it was time for plan B! That would make clear for Linda that he didn’t want her no matter how hard and insensitive that may seem. A glare into the crowd and the idea for a plan B was born! Admittedly Toby needed he worst (and only) enemy but for his peace he had to bite the bullet. “That means nothing, Whitlock!”, Toby warned her when turned the Ravenclawgirl he hated towards himself. Before Anabella could react, Toby had pressed his lips onto Anabella’s mouth. The despair which led to this action was testable on the tip of her tongue while she stood infront of him dead still. She was way too shocked to move. What was that stupid Gryffindor doing?! “You have a girlfriend? Toby, who could you not tell me that you have a girlfriend?”, Linda who was behind Toby squealed. But he stepped up his game! He put his hands on Anabella’s waist and pressed her against himself the moment he intensified the kiss. Toby noticed the annoyed sigh from Linda and how the Gryffindorgirl left. Relieved from the moment Toby broke away from Anabella. He finally got rid of Linda! In the next moment Toby’s face flicked to the side. A burning pain prickled on his left cheek. As if it was a reflex, he put his hand on his cheek. He had not expected a different reaction! How could it be different when they rivaled with each other to the death for six years now. Anabella raised a warning finger. “Do not ever touch me again without my consent, Samson or I will chase you with an unforgivable curse before you could say ‘Sorry’!” After the threat she left fast.
“The last game of the year! Gryffindor against Ravenclaw. Ravenclaw against Gryffindor. And we have a tie! Even though the stunning-” A cough led to a crackling sound. Professor McGonagall probably cocked her ear -as always as Lee Jordan commented the games. Poor commentator! “I’m sorry, Professor!”, Lee mumbled sheepishly. But everybody -including the experienced teacher- knew it was always half the truth. “But back to the game! Things are getting lively on the field. The suspense is excruciating! Even the fans can’t stay on their seats anymore. But the tension on our beloved Quidditch was worse than on the stands. Especially the tension between Gryffindor’s 6 and Ravenclaw’s 3 was tangible! But we don’t know it differently, guys. Whitlock and Samson fight day and night just as today! But Whitlock is out to get her opponent more than usual- Au! That hit home, Toby. But our chaser isn’t easy to bring down with a buldger. Wait a minute! WAIT- PROFESSOR! Professor, that isn’t about to end week!” Lee was about to be right! Toby and Anabella had completely lost the game out of sight! Instead of focusing on the game they fought up in the air on their brooms. Cuts, bruises, scratches… Their faces and torsos were cluttered with wounds and blood which didn’t keep the 6th graders from fighting each other. Before a teacher could interfere, Anabella lost her balance and fell into the deep. Only a few meters parted her from hitting the ground. But it didn’t happen! Without thinking Tobias followed the falling girl and saved her from death by catching her. He could feel her body which was shaking out of death fear against his chest. But now she was safe! Through the shock Anabella managed to say a word. “Why?” Of course Toby understood instantly what Anabella wanted to know. “I don’t like you but that doesn’t mean that I’ll watch you fall into death.”
“In 38 years at this school I have never seen something this irresponsible! You will have detention during the holidays and your parents will be informed about this outrageous incident. Beside that Professor Flitwick and I are thinking about taking you two out of your teams until you graduated. Do you understand me?” With tilted heads the still wounded students answered: “Yes, Professor…” The teacher nodded and left the hospital wing along with her colleague. As if Minerva McGonagall’s lecture hadn’t been enough more raged scolding flew through the window. Problems over problems! The flow of them didn’t want to stop… They suffer in silence with pulled up shoulders, teeth-gnashing and almost closed eyelids while listening to the howler. But Toby was faster through the torture than Anabella. Anabella suffered longer! The voice of her mother filled the hospital wing. “NOT ONLY, THAT YOU HAVE BRING SHAME ON OUR FAMILY’S NAME WITH THAT DISGUSTING ROWDY-BEHAVIOUR OF YOURS WHICH I CAN’T STRESS ENOUGH! YOU HAVE BEEN SIX YEARS ON THAT SCHOOL AND YOU ARE HARDLY ABLE TO FIND A WIZARD THAT CAN STAND YOUR COMPANY. YOU NEED A MAN BY YOUR SIDE, ANABELLA! YOU NEED A STRONG MAN WITH MANARES ON YOUR SIDE LIKE ALL WHITLOCK-WOMEN BEFORE YOU. IF YOU DON’T GET A MAN WITHIN THE NEXT YEAR YOUR FATHER AND I WILL TAKE OVER THIS TASK FOR YOU!” After these harsh words the message destroyed itself. Tears filled the eyes of the Ravenclaw. But not one rolled over her cheeks. She would not cry infront of Samson. She would never be weak infront of Tobias Samson! Never. In the same seconde the same thought crossed the mind of the students. He/She has the same fate as I do… Immediately they forget about that. To be similar to each other in any way would be horror for both of them! After all there was nobody to them that was more disgusting than the other one. But the hate got less (on both sides) since the situation on the Quidditch field. Then Toby had an idea! Anabella’s mother gave him the idea. They both were born in a good house… It was so silly that it was genius and for both of them it was practical. “Hey Whitlock-” “Bloody hell, Samson! What do you want?”, Anabella hissed. No weakness, no weakness, no weakness, no weakness… It went through her mind again and again as if her life would depend on her mantra. Her life not, but her dignity. To show any weakness to Tobias had never been an option! “You and me have the same problem, Whitlock! So calm down. I know a solution.” Silent Anabella waited for the explanation. She crossed her hurting arms. “Your parents want to force you into a marriage if you don’t find the right guy and mine want to do the same thing. And I have Linda’s on my heels-” “State your point, Samson!”, Anabella interrupted the Gryffindor impatiently. She had no nerves to listen to long talks! Why did he talk so much? “Calm down, Whitlock! There are advantages for you as well. I suggest that you and I have a relationship. Fake of course! And we get rid of all of our problems.” The Ravenclawgirl laughed out loud. The thought was just stupid! “You and I? You are crazy!” “Don’t let it get to your head! I am not into you but the status of your family is exactly what my parents want for me and I am convinced your parents think the same way. Besides I am the perfect son in law!” “Don’t over work it, Gryffindor.”, Anabella answered dryly. “So what do you say! You and I and a fake relationship? Just until the next year ends.” Toby stopped for a moment. “Or until I found a girl I want to have a real relationship with. Until then we both don’t have to get married!” An annoyed sigh and an eyeroll were the comment to the previous words. “So what do you say, Whitlock?” “Deal! I am in.” Anabella took his hand and the deal has been sealed.
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hufflautia · 4 years
Gryffindor: Here is my wall of inspirational people. 
Ravenclaw: That’s just a large picture of you...
Gryffindor: I’m big enough to admit that I’m often inspired by myself. 
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leonardhoee · 4 years
Ikemen Vampire Hogwarts Houses
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(Ayy Slytherin gang!! Thats my house)
Faust: Self explanatory. This man is the epitome of Slytherin. Evil mad scientist who doesn't care what methods he uses to achieve his goal? Y e s. I’m proud to have this absolute full course meal of a man in my house. (Honestly I think I'm very similar to him but THATS a discussion for my therapist.)
Vlad: Again, self explanatory. He has big ambitions (wanting to turn humans into purebloods) and will do whatever it takes to get there.
Theo: Originally I was thinking of putting him in Gryffindor but after reading his route and seeing how he’s actually very cunning and willing to sacrifice everything, including hsi humanity, for the sake his goals, i think he's definitely Slytherin. Also have you SEEN that man sell stuff to people? Thats pure Slytherin.
Mozart: Another one I was on the fence about. I see Ravenclaw tendencies in him but ultimately I think he’s a Slytherin. His amazing passion for music and his ambitions led him to becoming a vampire. His ability to change his whole personality in order to charm the people he would need as patrons is peak Slytherin. And I did his route a while ago but I remember him saying he came back to life to basically make the most amazing, emotional musical composition ever. That’s very Slytherin of him. 
Shakespeare: I don't know too much about him but his yonder tendenices + manipulating people for the sake of his plays gives me major Slytherin vibes. If anyone thinks he should be in a different house tho let me know why!
Comte: Another one thats debatable I think. However, he keeps a lot of secrets, revives famous historical figures for an unknown (at least to me right now) reason. I think it is safe to say he’s a Slytherin.
(Whew thats a lot of Slytherins) 
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Napoleon: This man SCREAMS Gryffindor. Gryffindor poster boy. He literally reminds me of Harry Potter. He reprsents almost every trait of this house (Chivalry, Courage, Loyalty...) 
Leonardo: Okay he’s a special one because I’ve thought about it and absolutely can't decide between Gryffindor and Ravenclaw for him (like 50/50). You guys need to help me decide. I’m gonna talk about his Gryffindor side here. He’s another one that represents so of the traits of this house. He’s extremely loyal and so protective of those that he loves (to a point where its self sarificing but thats a discusion for HIS therapist). He also sometimes does stupid things for the sake of his own curiosity (and because its fun. Source: 12 Flavors of Love event. I stg this man would never turn down a dare.) And he uses his talents to help others rather than for his own ambitions because helping others and making others feel comfortable and happy is what gives him a sense of purpose/satisfaction (Now I’m gonna go cry I love him so much). His general attitude about life is very Gryffindor to me (Similar to Masamune from Ikesen). 
Jean: Another one just like Napoleon. Based on what I know about him, he’s always there to help whenever you need him (Mozart and Theo’s route). He is overflowing with Chivalry (literally one of the sweetest guys in that mansion ily baby). He’s just a socially awkward Gryffindor. Please give him a hug.
Arthur: I was debating whether he’d be Gryffindor or Hufflepuff but ultimately I think he’s Gryffindor. The fact that he started writing books to make the children in the hospitals happy because he couldn't save them by being a doctor is just so Hufflepuff (my HEART omfg. Someone give him a hug pt. 2), but he also isn't afraid of putting himself in danger to save others (the nun kidnapping thing). Hero behavior. He deserves the world.
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Isaac: He’s very inquisitive about how the world works and values those who can show him a new perspective to what he's thinking (probably the reason he gets along with Leo so well). He’s socially awkward but if he’s comfortable with someone he’d love to teach them various scientific subjects.
Leonardo: Okay so this is the other side of Leo that tbh his route didn't display that much, but its still a huge part of who he is. His room is FULL of just books and other material about every subject imaginable He just has this unstoppable thirst for knowledge. Inquisitivity is in his nature, and it doesn't matter if that subject will be “useful” in the sense of like, making money, he’s curious about it regardless. He has this amazing love for learning, no matter what subject it is. He’s a genius polymath for a REASON (Cybird I will forever be mad that his route barely showcased this side of him. Let. me. be. a. nerd. with. him.) But i mean, thats the most ravenclaw thing ever. So I guess his attitude is very much Gryffindor but his personality (ENTP) traits are Ravenclaw. He’s a Gryffinclaw. 
Sebastian: Self Explanatory. He literally gave up his whole time period just to study famous historical figures. He gets nothing material in return but the knowledge is reward enough to him.
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Vincent: POSTER BOY. SWEET ANGEL BOY. He is so caring and considerate of everyone around him. He literally got killed by Gaugin but instead of holding a grudge like most people would, he’s more worried about Theo and how that will impact him. He is such a hard worker and never gave up on his art even if it wasn't successful in his time period. Best Boy.
Dazai: I don't know much about him but again, based off what I’ve seen he tries his best to make other people happy. and it works. He does the weirdest things and they WORK. He tries to make people laugh and hes always kind (probably because life wasnt too kind to him and he doesn't want people to feel as hopeless as he does sometimes).
Charles: I know the least about him so this might change once I find out more. He reminds me a lot of Loki from Ikerev, like chaotic yandere hufflepuff energy (it exists. I said so.) Also his relationship with Faust literally mirrors a typical Slytherin/Hufflepuff friendship. (I know because I have those friendships)
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