#guess that makes me a selfish greedy monster!
lastoneout · 5 months
This is what I mean when I say the average fandom legit treats artists like content machines instead of people. We're not allowed to ask for support of any kind, we just have to shut the fuck up and give you whatever you want for free no matter if it means we have to live in poverty or we're selfish, greedy monsters. Real "I can't believe this handmade crochet blanket costs $500 you're so selfish don't you know I'm too poor to buy that?" type energy. Clown shit of the highest degree.
You're not fans, you're entitled assholes who have no idea how the world works and got their understanding of class politics from oppression olympics type dipshits on twitter who think anyone who isn't so poor they live in their car and can't afford food is part of the 1% and it's so fucking obnoxious.
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littlediscoveredstars · 7 months
Alright I’m on my Yugioh shit, but I think what Pegasus did to Seto Kaiba was waaaay more personal than any other Yugioh villain.
None of my thoughts are organized, but I’ll try to get it out in some kind of way that makes sense.
Let me first start by saying that Seto Kaiba is a minor through the whole series. This is important to his character, almost more than the others, because it is exactly what he’s trying to erase about himself.
Kaiba dresses himself up in outfits that accent his masculine features similar to how an adult will. His shoulder pads make his shoulders seem broader. His coat goes inward to give a very triangular shape to his torso. He’s got belts everywhere (and while yes, this is just the style of Yugioh, I believe it cannot be completely written off as just that).
At the base of it, Kaiba wants to be seen as an adult. He NEEDS to be. He runs a company and is in near constant threat of being taken advantage of by others. We see this many times throughout the show, especially by Pegasus.
Now, to connect things once again. Kaiba is a minor who was thrust into adulthood far too early, yet, he engages in child-like activities. Duel Monsters, while used for their ancient shadow games, is still just a game. A game Kaiba is OBSESSED with, to the point he becomes the face of the Blue Eyes White Dragon.
(Which is his symbol of power and autonomy over others, which further proves why he so badly hates the ancient talk, but that’s another essay)
Pegasus is the created (re-created, technically) of Duel Monsters. He made the paintings, the cards, the rules. He shows in many tournaments (assumed based off episode 2) and given how much Kaiba has won? I’m guessing they met before becoming business partners.
In short, it makes sense that Pegasus would be an important figure to Kaiba. Maybe an idol, an inspiration, or whatever it might be. Kaiba saw Pegasus and saw a man who’s game kept him alive through his years with Gozaburo, who gave him a connection to his own brother.
Pegasus is powerful. Pegasus has full control of his own actions. He is everything Kaiba wants and changed KaibaCorp. to be.
A little ways down the line, Pegasus becomes his business partner. Kaiba gets to work a littler closer with him. We never see what exactly that entailed besides letting Kaiba use the Blue Eyes (and other cards) without copyright issues and Pegasus using the holographic stages, but even that is a significant exchange.
(Makes me wonder if things hadn’t turned out the way they did, would Kaiba and Duke Devlin view him the same way?)
Then, Pegasus starts Duelist Kingdom. He uses Kaibams vulnerability to his advantage and steps in to take over. He kidnaps Mokuba, then takes his soul and shows it off like a trophy.
Pegasus has not just betrayed Kaiba’s trust, but he turned into a real person for Kaiba. It shows him that, just like everyone else, Pegasus is greedy and selfish. He takes what Kaiba worked so hard for, what he loves, just because he can. And he does so with the same smiles and teasing as before.
It’s beyond disappointment. This is heating your favorite person side with your abusers. This is a childhood hero watching you get kicked and laughing as he kicks you alongside them.
So, naturally, Kaiba won’t forgive him. We see in Battle City how bruised Kaiba’s ego is. He’s mad at Yugi, he’s mad at Izushi, no one is saved from his ire. Even Mokuba gets the short stick every so often. He is compensating BIG TIME and it’s directly connected to how things went over last season.
Might I add that Duelist Kingdom takes place less than a year after Kaiba took over KaibaCorp? This is a still pretty fresh CEO with some very big trauma that he simply has not dig into yet.
I think in a world where Pegasus was not so disillusioned by his own desperation to revive Cecelia, he would’ve been a good mentor to Kaiba. They both have a love for games, for the visual experience (painting and holograms) and they’re both very particular. Honestly, their traits would work relatively well, all things considered.
But it didn’t and we see Kaiba go through cycle after cycle of trying to get better and stumbling every step of the way.
Anyway, that’s my TedTalk. As a Pegasus enjoyed and Kaiba analysis, I found this topic very fascinating.
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happy74827 · 2 years
Always The Fool
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[Rhys Montrose x Female Reader]
Synopsis: You find out that the killer who had been targeting your friends was the man you trusted the most.
WC: 1,213
Warnings: Uh... just Rhys ig
I kinda accidentally made him like Joe in this, oops, but actually now that I think about it, I guess it’s fitting lmao. Also, I wrote this with the intent of it being a standalone, but this can be read as a sequel to 'The Devil's Tango' too.
If you want to read it, you can find the link to ‘The Devil’s Tango’ here
You were deeply in love with Rhys Montrose. The way he looked at you with his piercing blue eyes made your heart skip a beat every time. The way he would hold your hand and pull you close to him, made you feel like nothing else in the world mattered. There was a passion between you two that was undeniable, and it only grew stronger with time.
You had never met someone like Rhys before. He was charming, witty, and had a mischievous glint in his eye that made you weak in the knees. He knew how to make you laugh when you were feeling down, and how to comfort you when you needed it the most. You trusted him completely and he trusted you.
The two of you had been through a lot together, and it only made your bond stronger. You had confided in him about the stress of your job, and he had listened to every word, offering support and advice when needed. He had even taken you out for drinks and dinners to help you unwind from the pressure.
As your relationship progressed, so did your trust in each other. You had shared your deepest fears and insecurities, your hopes and dreams, and your love for each other had became unbreakable.
But now, as you looked at Rhys, your heart heavy with the realization that he was the killer responsible for all your friend’s deaths, it all felt like it had been built on a foundation of sand that was now crumbling beneath you.
Rhys’ eyes met yours, and you saw something in them that you had never seen before. There was a coldness there, a detachment, that made you feel as if you didn’t know him at all. The man you thought you loved was a stranger, a killer.
Your mind was racing, trying to make sense of it all. How could you have been so blind? How could you have missed the signs? You felt a wave a guilt wash over you, as if you were somehow responsible for the deaths that occurred.
Rhys took a step closer, and you took a step back. “Don’t be afraid, love,” he said, his voice softening.
You shook your head, unable to comprehend what he was saying. “How could you do this? To our friends?” You asked, your voice shaking with emotion.
Rhys shrugged, as if it were a trivial matter. “Oh, give me a break, darling. They had it coming. They were greedy, selfish. They didn’t deserve to live.”
You felt a surge of anger, of disgust. How could he be so callous? How could he justify murder?
“You’re sick,” you spat out, feeling the tears welling up in your eyes. “You’re a monster.”
Rhys smiled, as if he were pleased with your reaction. “You’re just realizing this now?” He asked, his tone mocking.
You wanted to scream, to lash out at him, but you felt paralyzed, as if you were trapped in a nightmare. The man you loved was a killer, and you felt like you had no way out.
Rhys stepped closer, his hand reaching out to touch your cheek. “Don’t be upset, darling. I’m doing it for a better life. For us,” he said, his voice soft.
You recoiled from his touch, feeling sick to your stomach. “For us? How could you even say that?! Those were our friends! My friends…”
Rhys sighed, as if he were both disappointed in you and annoyed by you. “You’re being dramatic.”
“Dramatic?!” Your eyes widened, “You murdered my friends, Rhys. My friends that—“
“They were never your friends.”
Rhys' words cut through you like a knife. You felt a sharp pain in your chest, realizing that maybe he was right. Maybe you had been blind to the truth that they were as fake as they came, but you knew even if they were complete rich assholes, none of them deserved what they got.
You took a step back, trying to distance yourself from him. “How could you be so heartless?”
Rhys shrugged, as if it were a fact of life. “It’s not being heartless, darling. Metaphorically speaking, I saved them from a life they never deserved.”
You shook your head, unable to believe what you were hearing. This wasn't the man you fell in love with, this was a monster wearing his skin.
As you looked at Rhys, a sudden realization hit you like a ton of bricks. This man was not just a murderer, he was a psychopath. His lack of empathy, his detachment from reality, and his twisted sense of justification made you sick to your stomach.
You knew you had to get out of there, to leave this man and his darkness behind, but as you turned to walk away, you felt a strong grip on your arm.
“Where do you think you're going?” Rhys said, his grip tightening.
You looked at him with fear in your eyes. “Let me go, Rhys,” you said, trying to pull away.
But he didn’t budge. “Darling, let’s talk about this some more, hmm? I’ll pour you a glass of chai tea. Your favorite.”
You turned to look at Rhys with determination in your eyes. Your heart was racing as you realized the gravity of your situation, but you refused to give up hope.
“I won't let you get away with this,” you said, your voice shaking but resolute. “I'll make sure you pay for what you've done.”
Rhys chuckled, but it wasn’t menacing or cold. His eyes weren’t dead-like, in reality they had lightened up. The sound he made was the usual one that came out during your old dinner dates. The genuine laugh he used to make at the expense of your clumsiness. It left you standing there dumbfounded.
“You're absolutely adorable, darling.” He sighed, with a bright smile. His genuine smile.
The smile caught you so off guard that It left you standing there dumbfounded as you blinked, confusedly, before feeling the release of pressure on your arm. Rhys had let you go, even to the point of walking away.
“Where… where are you going?!” You shouted at him, not even daring to move an inch. As you stood there frozen, unsure of what to do, your mind raised to the possibility of him harming another one of your friends. Your close, actual friends. Who would it be next? Kate? Jonathan? Phoebe? Adam? Adam would probably be next… wouldn’t he?
“Don’t worry, love, I wasn’t lying about the tea.” He shouted from inside the kitchen, “It is important that we talk about this though, so I’d rather you not force me to engage in a game of tag.”
You hesitated to speak, still debating your choices. Although you wanted to move, your heels stayed locked in place. It was like your brain wanted to hear him out. You’ve realized then that even with the new information, your heart still carried him in it.
“Plus,” he interrupted your thoughts, peeking his head out from behind the corner. In his hands held the last remaining teabags you’ve had in the drawer. As he glanced down at you, his eyes darkened. But it didn’t necessarily seemed directed at you.
“There’s still the whole matter with Jonathan.” He spoke, softly, “They’re things that I now have to make you aware of.”
Wait… Jonathan…?
Did I leave this open for continuation? Yes, yes I did.
Will I actually continue it? No, no I won’t.
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bracketsoffear · 1 year
Relevant Edward and Lydia quotes (bolding added by me):
Lydia: The tests will be rough, but they’re important. In Wonderland you can only find the things you truly desire by losing the things that hold you back. You follow the rules of the tests, you push through the pain, and you will leave here happy.
Edward: Hand, hand, hand. How gnarly do I want to be to start out?
Lydia: Oh not too gnarly, they’re just getting-we don’t want to discourage them right from the beginning.
Edward: Okay, okay. How about this? One finger. You get to pick it. I won’t, I won’t choose it for you. You get to pick the finger. You won’t even have to like, cut it off, we’re not gonna have another Crystal Kingdom debacle on our hands. You just pick it and then boop!
Edward: And honestly, if it is too much, if you are going to be selfish about this, you don’t have to do it. But there will be a small penalty.
Travis: Okay, so, just so I understand the parameters, if I don’t do it, I’m not disqualified from moving forward, there’s just—
Edward: Oh, no, God no, I want you to move forward.
Travis: Hmmm. This is tricky, see because I’m sitting here thinking both as like a carpenter and a wood-carver, and a fighter, and a rogue, losing a finger, even like a pinky, could be detrimental.
(Magnus--played by Travis--then proceeds to lose a pinky.)
Merle: Could I… give up an eye?
Lydia: Not yet. [whispers, almost inaudible] Yet.
Lydia: Skull’s a nasty one. Skull is… sort of like delayed gratification. Well, not for you. For… me. Um, all skull means is at some point in the future, you will face some pretty bad luck. I’m not gonna tell you what that means necessarily but I will be honest. It won’t be great.
Griffin: You walk towards the podium and the buttons illuminate and they have words on them. And one of the buttons reads “Trust” and the other one reads “Forsake.”
Edward: Right now there’s another group in another chamber identical to the one you’re standing in now. Now the next room you’ll face will feature a deadly, deadly challenge. But based on your decision in this room, you can change your fate in the next.
Lydia: I’m not going to sugarcoat it– very few survive our challenges. They’re designed to push you to your breaking point which is not a place that many folks are capable of returning from [...]
Lydia: Merle, you and a representative for that other group will decide what fates await your parties. Now, if both of you select trust, you’ll both face the challenge as it was normally designed. And as I mentioned before, that means you’ll face a trial that you may not walk away from. But, you don’t have to face that trial. That’s what the “forsake” button is for. Now, if you both get greedy and choose forsake, that’s bad news. You’ll both face a more difficult version of the trial, and these more challenging trials will probably kill you.
Edward: But if you choose forsake and your opponent chooses trust, then that’s great news for you! You don’t have to face the trial at all. Your opponent’s team, however, will face a nearly impossible version of the challenge.
(TL;DR: the teams in Wonderland must choose between trying to screw over another team or trusting that said other team won't screw them over. Every option is bad--either both teams face a difficult challenge, both teams face an even more punishing challenge, or only one team has to face a nearly impossible challenge...and, as it turns out later, the other team gets to see the results of what they've inflicted on the Forsaken team.)
Taako: So here’s my best guess: This place isn’t trying to kill us…
Magnus: Uh-huh.
Taako: It just wants to make us miserable…
Magnus: Uh-huh.
Taako: And it seems like it’s feeding off of that. That’s my best guess. This is a place designed to make us miserable and it’s—every time that we vocalize that, it knows that it is succeeding and it’s feeding off of that energy. That’s my best guess.
Edward: Welcome...to the Monster Factory!  This is so exciting. Each of you will roll these dice in front of you and you will build a bespoke foe to square off against.
(In other words, you have to create a horrifying custom monstrosity that will then try to kill you.)
Griffin: Okay, uh, the word pops up, and it applies to both of the creations that you’ve created so far. And as soon as it lands, I think you all look at it in horror, and you hear the elves kind of squee in delight. Because— and I think you hear the man say uh,
Edward: Oh, this is delicious! Not only are you facing off against a regenerating, poisonous slime, and a flying, electrified dire bear, you’re going to face off against… multiplying regenerating, poisonous slimes and multiplying flying, electrified dire bears. This is gonna get zany!
Griffin: You [Taako] feel something, um, tap your shoulder. And you hear “clinkclinkclinkclink” and you look down and there is a bolt, like a nuts-and-bolt bolt laying on the ground. And, not a second after you see that bolt on the ground, one of these giant pieces of, like a washing machine sized piece of industrial machinery, uh, falls from the ring on the ceiling, and lands on you.
Griffin: [...] we don’t really get into this like we always talk about sort of in the abstract damage, but you’re like hurt.
(Taako's Bad Luck from the first Wheel of Sacrifice kicks in.)
Lydia: That’s cheating! You know the rules: once you sacrifice something here, you don’t get it back!
Griffin: Uh, and the three of you are each hit for 11 points of necrotic damage and the wounds that you just had stitched up, they open back up and you are just as bad off as you were before the heal.
Travis: [crosstalk] Wait, hold on, wait-
Griffin: --Because in Wonderland, there is no healing.
Merle: Cam, how come we can’t heal?
Cam: Oh, well that would defeat the point of of this place, right? Like, you guys understand like that the point of this place is just here to make you suffer, right?
Magnus: One, you mentioned the first room? Is this just a cycle or is this one room and then we do something different and then the next room something different?
Cam: It’s kind of like a cycle. It’s one of those - what are they called - endless cycles [...] there’s no gettin’ out of Wonderland, you’re gonna, I don’t know you came here for a bell and that’s great and all, but you’re gonna die here? And they’re gonna make you suffer just as much as possible before you do. It’s the only reason why this place exists.
Taako: Now, okay, okay, alright, listen. Why do people come here if that’s the truth?
Cam: They come here because their- whatever treasure their heart desires is supposedly waiting for them here, but that, that hasn’t been my experience.
Magnus: Okay, so I have my second question. When we suffer or get angry, this like black fog comes out our mouths? [...] What is that?
Cam: That’s, that’s suffering, boss.
Cam: There’s a school of thought that powerful emotions are a form of energy, just as real as heat or light or magic. So a particularly strong fear, or joy, or fury, or love, they’re not just these cognitive effects, they have real actual power in the world around you. So, using one of those emotional attachments, a lich can anchor themselves to their former identities. Something like a powerful love, or determination, or pure joy, they can maintain their reason without losing themselves to the magical power that they’ve bonded themselves to. But somehow the two liches that run this place are empowering themselves not with their own emotion, but with the emotions of people who came into Wonderland. Specifically, suffering. So, that’s why you’re here, and that’s what they’re gonna get out of you, whether you like it or not.
Lydia: You’re spinning the wheel again, only she’s a bit hungrier this time. The sacrifices demanded will be a little bit... brutal. Also, you’ve added another member to your party, I’m not really sure how you did that, but-you will need to complete FOUR sacrifices if you want to pass on to the next chamber.
Edward: Unfortunately, this is gonna be a pretty tough game for your peepers it sounds like, Merle, or, should I say your peeper. Because the penalty for this round, landing on eye, is... is one of 'em.
Lydia: Uh-this one is kind of a tough pill for most participants to swallow, because what you're going to have to sacrifice is... time, Magnus, and as a human, unfortunately, that’s in somewhat short supply for you. For this round of the wheel, we're gonna need ten years.
(This is literally demanding you give up ten years of your life--ten years of future, of potential.)
Edward: I have to say, body is not our most elegant selection on the wheel, but all we're going to do for body is sort of take away some of your... vitality, some of your living essence, if that makes sense. We're not gonna hurt you, Taako, ‘cause I don’t honestly think we can do that much more without you being dead, and, well, that’s no fun, but we are going to make you less alive.
Griffin: If you choose this, Taako, you are going to have fifteen subtracted from your max HP.
Griffin: Just like that, while you--as soon as you say that you feel yourself kind of like dry up a little bit, like you get a dry mouth all of a sudden and your stomach feels kind of sour--
Edward: I don’t know, maybe we should go harder on them? They don’t seem to be... that upset about all this--
Lydia: Chance is kind of a tricky one, and it sort of measures your judgement as a participant here in Wonderland. All you have to do for chance is lay something down on the wheel, and it can be physical or not physical, and it can be more than one item, if you wish, that you think is a sufficient sacrifice on par with the other things that have been sacrificed this round. And if you are correct, and you do give a sufficient sacrifice, then you get to move on and it counts as a point, but if you do not give up enough then you lose the items that you put forward and it doesn't count and you have to go again and keep on giving, and giving, until you have satisfied the chance.
Clint: [The Adamant Spanner] has been the only thing that has worked for me for the last four, five arcs. I’ve had it since Petals to the Metal, I have posed for a lot of pictures with it. I'll give it my Adamant Spanner.
Clint: [...] this wedding ring that was my only happy memories, from when my little family was still intact.
Griffin: Yeah, so, to summarise; the Adamant Spanner, the wedding ring, your battle axe proficiency and that- that’s what you're doing [giving up]?
Griffin: And you remember being in the wooded enclave that you and your Druidic, Pan-worshipping family lived in. This sort of commune, that you lived in as a child and you're maybe a teen or something like that, and one of the members of the enclave was attacked by a bear and just barely survived, and it sent a real scare through the community and sort of made you struggle with your own mortality. And so you went to a woodsman in the woods, who’s not a part of the enclave, and he taught you how to wield an axe to protect yourself and you trained with him for years and years, and he was sort of, one of the first sort of figures that sort of showed you what life was like outside of this sheltered enclave, and while you're thinking of this, you are having a hard time remembering what his face looked like, and then you can’t remember anything about him, and then you don’t remember any of that part of your life at all, and it’s just gone.
Clint: I really hate this arc, I just wanted to pass along to you, Griffin.
Lydia: We've programmed a lot of variety into Wonderland! Loop isn’t the right word either, loop intimates that there’s no finish line, there is a finish line, and your prize is waiting at the end of it!
Taako: How many- How many rotations do we have to go through?
Lydia: Hmm… Hmmm, it’s subjective. How many roads must a man walk down before you can call him a man?
Lydia: In order for you to earn your prize here in Wonderland, you have to do exactly that, you have to earn it, and once you’ve earned it, there it’ll be!
Taako: How many have you uh- How many prizes have you passed out this year?
Female Elf: This year alone? Umm, I mean we're only about halfway through the year, it’s about midsummer, but, um, probably a good thirty prizes or so.
Griffin: Yeah it’s a fuckin’- They are not telling the truth.
(Lydia and Edward lie about the prize being available at the end, if only you suffer enough to "earn" it--but they're lying. Suffering cannot "earn" you your heart's desire--it just feeds them.)
Edward: Oh, wait, we need to find out how your opponents in the last round of Trust or Forsake fared! (The Tres Horny Boys chose "Forsake," the other team chose "Trust.")
Taako: Probably pretty fuckin’ bad, huh?
Griffin: And a screen appears behind the two of them, and it lights up and you see three figures standing on a glowing square labeled “Finish,” and you recognize that they are on that board game that loaded into this room previously [...] And it takes you a second to recognize them because all of the sacrifices they’ve gone through here in Wonderland have changed them pretty dramatically. But it’s the three adventurers that you met in the Felicity Wilds. It’s Rowan and Antonia and Lord Artemis Sterling. And they look rough. Sterling is the worst off. First of all, he’s no longer, like, a young, like, boy-man? He’s aged probably it looks like into like his late 30s and his hair’s gone an early bright silver [...] but he’s also severely injured [...] He’s laying in Antonia’s lap and she’s trying to comfort him but she— she’s not looking at him, like she’s not looking down at him while she’s— she’s doing so, and you realize she’s wearing a bandage wrapped around her head that’s just covering her eyes. And Rowan is standing and facing the screen and he looks just withered up. He looks so worn down. You can see big patches missing from his big, red beard. And you can’t hear anyone on the other side, but you can tell that Sterling is just like wailing, and this column of black smoke is just pouring out of him. And as Rowan recognizes you guys on the other side of the screen, you see him mouth the word, clear as day, “Why?”
Travis: Yeah, I would say Magnus is kinda in a— like, physical, taking a lot of like, physical damage, is like Magnus; you know, he’s a tank, that’s his MO. But like, he’s just being worn down psychologically by this shit.
Cam: Well, it was a bonus round for the person who won. It was kinda like the Decision Game. I came in here, I was hired to guide someone in here, and we were doing— well, we weren’t doing very well, we made it through a couple rounds, and then we played the Escape Game and they made us an offer where if one of us betrayed the other, we could escape, but we’d leave the other one to be stuck in Wonderland to suffer eternally.
And I told her it was a trap, I told her anybody who left this place alone wouldn’t survive 10 minutes in the Felicity Wilds but she took the offer and, well, here I am.
Cam: [...] I don’t know that I can escape anymore. I’m pretty sure—
Magnus: Well, no, they took the pedestal away.
Cam: Well, no, it’s not just that. I mean, I’m just— I’m just a head. I’m pretty sure it’s this place that’s keeping me alive in the first place.
Lydia: We know some of you are[...] faring a little bit worse than others, so we thought we’d give you the chance to balance out some of your current states of physical well-being. So, in the Healing Game, we’ll allow you to transfer some of your vitality over to a friend. But, in doing so, you will experience a bit of energy degradation during the transfer, so they’ll only receive half the vitality that you send in their direction.
Edward: Magnus, if you choose to accept this sacrifice, you will lose a fight [...] Literally, you will lose a fight, you will have a fight taken from you [...]No, no, no, you misunderstand. You won’t have to leave your friends in the lurch and have them fight the fight themselves. The fight itself will be lost. It will be just gone, it will never exist. You will have the glory of an important battle just stripped away, as that battle simply won’t exist.
Edward: Merle, mind is a tough one. You’ve already lost some important memories to the wheel in this game, and for this third round of the Wheel Game, we’re gonna take some doozies from you if you accept it. So [blows air out shakily] if you accept this sacrifice Merle, you will lose the memories of the birth of your children!
Lydia: Hand. Uh, let’s see. With hand, we will take away some of your… capabilities. Taako, you are an accomplished wizard, but you also have a certain other special knack that few wizards can claim. You can do sick flips and sweet tricks, and I think we’re gonna take some of that away.
Edward: Uh, body we’ve seen before in past rounds, although I’ll admit it’s gonna hit you, the party’s main defender, much much harder than it did your— your accomplice. By choosing body you will have a significant amount of your vitality drained from you, Magnus.
Griffin: You just feel some of your vitality like drain from you, and you get kinda like a sour feeling in your stomach, and you feel like a really harsh, like, cold chill kinda go through you.
Edward: You have someone that you… loved once, right? And they were taken from you by someone who you now… hate. I wonder which one would be worse to take from you: the person that you loved or the person that you… hate. I think we’ll go with… the latter. If you accept this sacrifice, you’ll forget Governor Kalen. You’ll forget all about him. You won’t be able to track him down— you just won’t know anything about Governor Kalen. You’ll forget what— you’ll remember what he did to you but you will not remember who did it.
(Not only does this say a lot about Edward and Lydia's mindset--as my previous propaganda mentioned, "they thought the worst memory to take from him would be the person who caused his suffering and not the person he loves," because suffering is what's most important to them--but it also is engineered to be as painful as possible. Magnus will remember the trauma Kalen inflicted on him--the pain he felt from the destruction of his home and the death of his wife--but never be able to get closure by taking revenge on the one who wronged him.)
Edward: I wonder if you would accept a sacrifice that deals a hit to your vanity like that. If you take this, Taako, you’ll just become… slightly less of— of just a beautiful, young elf man.
Justin: Well, you have to understand that like, for Taako, it’s not just vanity— I mean it’s like, the way he sees himself is as a television personality that has been disgraced, but will eventually come ba— not like television, but you know what I mean— who will reclaim his rightful place […] and that— uh— this is counter to that.
(Again, taking away potential--in this case, destroying Taako's ability to get back into showbiz by making him sacrifice his beauty.)
Lydia: Very few people have stood where you’re standing now, having conquered suffering itself to claim their prize.
Lydia: There were three of us, once, lifetimes ago. We had another sibling, a younger brother, Keats. It was the three of us, surviving against all odds. The world against us. But Keats— Keats got sick. And he wouldn’t get better. So Edward and I joined a necromantic circle to try and save him.
Edward: We were… unsuccessful, but we found joy in our newfound powers. That’s when we became liches and managed to sustain ourselves with our love for our dear Keats and each other. But when that became insufficient, we discovered ways of using other people's emotions to sustain ourselves. Emotion is… so powerful, and practical. That’s how we discovered that, well, suffering’s much more effective than love.
Edward: Eventually, we discovered how to channel suffering to create new garments for ourselves—fantastic garments! Then we learned how to channel it into other forms. We could summon small household objects, and then bigger objects, and then finally summoning entire rooms from the ether. That’s how we came up with Wonderland! It’s a perfect centrifuge for extracting suffering from those who, fueled by greed, came to visit us. Wonderland has taken many forms over the past few centuries, but these games are actually kind of a new touch that we’re pretty excited about.
Lydia: And thanks to your Animus Bell, business has been booming lately.
(This leads to the possession advertising incident mentioned in my previous propaganda post. For those of you who didn't read it--the twins use the Animus Bell to knock people's souls out of their bodies, then possess the bodies and use them to lure people to Wonderland through word of mouth. This also confirms that Wonderland has been operating for centuries.)
Griffin: [Edward] slides about eight feet down the runway, and then disintegrates into ash [...]
Griffin: And Lydia screams when this happens, and she drops down beside her fallen brother, and like immediately, you can tell, like something is, is wrong with her because, like, she’s losing shape, she’s losing like the clarity of her lich-shape, and these bolts of crackling black electricity are, like, encircling her as she’s losing her form. And she’s—right now she’s just back in her basic black robe form, like no fancy garments whatsoever. And she’s coming apart [...] only this time she is NOT pulling herself back up together. And she, she picks up some of the ash in her hands, and she says,
Lydia: I guess… I guess we still needed each other after all.
Griffin: And then she points a finger towards all of you, and she says—I don’t actually think she says anything. I think she just, just screams. And there is a flash of- of- of darkness. And there’s this deafening roar, and you feel this like dark, crackling energy blowing around all of you like a sandstorm. And when it passes, she’s gone. And sitting in a pile of ashes, another pile of ashes at the end of the runway, you see a small, copper bell inlaid with a diamond pattern across its body where she lay. And you hear the Red Robe say,
Red Robe: Oh my god.
Griffin: And he points down at the ground on the runway. And Magnus, all your belongings, your—well, the belongings that you didn’t knock away are piled up on the ground where Edward fell… But your body is gone.
Magnus: My beautiful body!
Griffin: With her last, furious act, Lydia destroyed your body.
(OK, I misremembered the exact nature of Lydia's final fuck-you, but she still reduced Magnus' body to ashes, which is quite Desolation. And she did it as she was literally coming apart from the devastation of watching her brother die--she and her brother inflicted Desolation on so many, and she was consumed by the Desolation in turn.)
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Just Call My Name / I’m Yours To Tame
(A/N) AKA the self-indulgent half-finished vampire!yelena fic. this COULD potentially be split into 3 parts, if this gets enough interaction that i decide to continue
edit: ok yes i will absolutely continue this i did not need that much convincing
Rating: E (EXPLICIT, SMUT AF, Minors DNI!)
read it on ao3
Warnings: angst, hurt/comfort; sad sex; this is literally sad as fuck, yall on twitter said you wanted this but u did not realize this was entirely just SADNESS lmfao; soft smut lowkey; i’d like to think this is a tasteful reincarnation/soulmate au but it’s extremely cheesy
Pairing: Yelena Belova x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 1.8k
Synopsis: Yelena hasn’t allowed herself to be selfish in centuries. When a face reappears after centuries of loneliness, she doesn’t quite know what to do with herself.
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Yelena doesn’t allow herself to think of Before.
It’s too painful, those memories. Another life. 
But there are moments where they slip through the cracks of the walls she’s so carefully built around herself over the centuries. Times where her past is undeniable, inescapable. The night she meets you is one of those moments.
Yelena gave up on faith long ago. What gods should an immortal answer to, anyway? She’s watched empires rise and fall, wars fought and won, maps rewritten. She has witnessed time slip through her fingers like sand.
And yet-
And yet there is something divine when she sees you. Something holy settling deep in her very being, countering that vicious monster she’s become with surprising strength. 
Yelena gave up on faith long ago. She gave up on fate.
But here you are.
Centuries later. A little different, something new in your eyes and step, but it’s undeniably you. 
Yelena hasn’t allowed herself to be selfish in so long, she’s forgotten what it’s like to indulge in her desires. She’s forgotten how to want, but suddenly, the desire is so strong within her it takes all of her willpower to not take you right in the middle of this crowded bar.
Instead, she calms herself, and she approaches you with a casual smile. 
“Tell me,” she drawls, “what’s a pretty thing like you doing all alone in a place like this?”
She knows she has you the moment your eyes meet.
The conversation from there up until she convinces you to take her home with you is a bit of a blur. She asks, mostly, about your life. She wants to know everything, wants to know every intimate detail but she can’t allow herself to be too indulgent. She is keenly aware of what she is, of the fact that your blood calls to her almost as strongly as her heart calls for yours. 
This life hasn’t been kind to you. Your other life wasn’t, either, but this one is better than the last. Yelena doesn’t tell you this, because stupid things like that don’t matter in a new life. You don’t have parents in this life, not anymore, and Yelena wishes she could hide you away from the world and its tragedies. She doesn’t say this either, because crazy things like that from strangers in bars are red flags. You carry a sadness in you, and Yelena decides that maybe it’s okay to be a little self-indulgent sometimes.
You say something like, “I guess I’m just here to be a little selfish. Relieve some stress.” 
And Yelena responds, “Allow me to be selfish with you.” 
Thankfully, the double meaning isn’t lost upon you, and you’re dragging Yelena out into the chilly evening before the blonde can second-guess herself.
The second your lips meet, Yelena throws caution to the wind. She wants. She has never wanted so strongly before. No, she has - centuries ago. This passion is as familiar to her as the sunset and still just as beautiful every time she experiences it. She wants to drown in it, consume every inch of you until you’re left bare for her greedy eyes to finish the job.
“Your hands are freezing,”  you hiss when her fingers slip beneath your shirt and bra to toy with your nipples. 
She pauses momentarily, considers telling you that you’re about to make a huge mistake by being with a monster such as herself.
Instead, she says, “Where is your bedroom?”
And you’re too far gone in the haze of her touch, you don’t question any further.
Yelena is in awe of every inch exposed to her. It’s exactly as she remembers. You’re everything she remembers. A ghost from her past, brought to her in a form that she can touch. That she can hold. 
And she can’t resist touching for long. Yelena drags her hands over your skin like she’s afraid she’ll lose you, and honestly, she is. Because she can’t let herself do this again, because losing you once was hard enough and having this is already going to break her for years to come.
But she figures one night can maybe last her a few centuries. The last one had, after all.
“Yelena,” you gasp when she pushes you onto the bed. “I want to undress you. Please?”
You just look so pretty when you ask for permission. Yelena gives in immediately, body far ahead of her mind on the matter. You’re careful with her, too, as if you also had the strength to snap her in half. It almost brings tears to Yelena’s eyes. Almost.
You free her of her dress, which she admittedly wore to catch the attention of someone to drink, but she’s happy that you seem so fond of it. You lean forward and capture one of her breasts in your mouth and Yelena slips her fingers through your hair, pulling you closer, closer, closer.
If you recognize that Yelena’s heartbeat, if erratic, is not that of a normal human’s, you don’t say anything; nor do you mention that all of her is freezing cold. You ravish Yelena with your mouth until she’s settled in your lap, hips pressing yours into the mattress. With a gentle tug, she pulls you back to her mouth and swallows your moan when she eases you onto your back.
You look up at her, almost in awe as you take in her body. “You’re perfect,” you breathe, and Yelena’s chest squeezes painfully. She isn’t perfect. She’s a monster. A killer. You should be terrified of her.
Her lips find yours again, slower in their passion but still heated. Her hands make quick work of your panties, fingers ghosting along your thighs until you sigh impatiently into her mouth. She smiles a little at this, because you were always impatient, and allows you just the faintest relief by skirting her fingers along your clit.
“Tell me you want this,” she murmurs, pulling away from your swollen lips to look down at your nearly black eyes, your pupils blown wide with desire.
“I want you,” you whimper, eyebrows pulling together when she circles your clit again. “I want you, Yelena, please.”
She kisses your cheek before finally slipping her fingers through you. You’re soaked, and so willing, and Yelena wishes she could keep you. She wishes more than anything else in the entire world that she could be selfish forever.
One night, she promises herself.
Just the one.
A curse leaves your lips when Yelena sucks a deep bruise into your neck. It takes all of her strength to keep her fangs at bay, your blood so tempting beneath fragile flesh. She reminds herself to take it slow, to make this last. As much as she’d love to watch you come undone, she wants this to last long into the night. Wants to map every inch of your skin with her tongue and fingers until she’s certain you’re really here.
She pumps her fingers slowly, at first. Your hips wiggle impatiently, and Yelena takes great care to withhold her strength when she pins you to the bed with her free hand, sitting up a little so she can balance herself and look down at you.
And what a sight you are. 
Head tilted back, lips parted as sighs escape you. Your eyes are shut tightly, teeth occasionally digging into your cheeks as if to stop yourself from moaning. Yelena loves a challenge. 
She curls her fingers until she finds the spot that makes your eyes snap open with a sharp whimper. 
“That’s it,” Yelena praises softly, “look at me, sweet thing. Oh, you look so beautiful like this.” Her words make your walls flutter around her fingers. She thrusts a little faster, constantly rubbing against that spot so you can’t hold any noises back. “Let me hear those pretty sounds, detka.” 
“F-fuck,” your hands grab at Yelena’s arms, clinging for dear life as you quickly approach your climax.
Sensing this, Yelena slows her pace significantly and draws a pathetic noise from deep inside your chest. She feels your whole body vibrate it, her senses alive in a way they haven’t been for so long.
“Please,” you whimper, “please, Yelena-”
“Shh,” she croons, sliding down your body with slow, tantalizing kisses. “Hold on a little longer for me, printsessa. It will feel so good if you hold on for me.”
She marks each of your hipbones, smoothing over the bruising skin with her tongue before looking up and locking eyes with you.
Your hand finds hers. She weaves your fingers together without question, easing the pressure on your waist so you can move against her tongue when she runs it along your entrance, capturing the wetness already gathered there and on her fingers. She loves that she doesn’t even have to tell you to keep looking at her, you just do. Loves that your flushed cheeks and parted lips are because of her, for her.
As your walls clench tight around her, Yelena tries to memorize this moment. The feral pleasure of it. The lust, the selfishness. She imagines herself being selfish again, maybe returning tomorrow, but then she remembers she might not ever leave if she allowed herself to be so indulgent on her desires.
“C-can I- please, please-” you pant, voice cracking with moans as Yelena’s tongue flicks against your clit. “Please, I need to-”
With a hum and a curl of her fingers, you come apart and Yelena knows she’ll never be able to escape you. She can’t let you go. Not ever.
She doesn’t let you come down before working you up again, her tongue replacing her fingers and making your back arch high. Your hand closes tightly around hers, Yelena figures it might be painful if she were human, and your eyes can no longer remain open. You don’t even fight your noises, now, her name spilling from your lips like ink on paper, a vibrant array of color flashing in front of her very eyes. 
Yelena lets herself be very selfish. 
It isn’t until you’re a panting, trembling mess that she finally allows you a break. You’re weak with exhaustion, body covered in sweat - amongst other things - and Yelena’s dead heart skips a beat. Can you believe it? It skips a whole beat.
She can sense the sun, more than she can see it. It’ll be rising soon, and she won’t have a way to get back home and Natasha will worry. 
With a final look at your sleeping body, Yelena remembers the last time she let herself continue her selfishness. Remembers the pain of loss. Remembers spending lifetimes wishing for another night like this one, nights where she could go back in time and save you from your fate.
Only now, she’s wiser. She’s older. She knows that there’s only pain down that road.
So she turns away, and leaves.
~ Gen tags ~
@nobody13 @fireflyglass @swords-are-cool​ @artapdarkstr @pasta-bandit @multi-images @women-am-i-right @fanboy7794 @simplysimping999 @ohmygooddamnbisexual-mood @jayreadingforfun314 @alotofpockets @avengerswriter4eva @007giu
if you wanna be tagged for a fic/character/everything just lmk!
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hannahhook7744 · 2 years
For the writing prompt:
(I know this isn't what you had in mind, but I thought of this and wanted to see what you would think and make of it?)
"Guess what, Dad," Rick Ratcliffe said. "There is no gold in Virginia!"
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Trigger warning; Governor Ratcliffe being Governor Ratcliffe using of the word 'Savage ' to describe a group of Native American people, racism, and him just being am awful dad.
Former Governor Ratcliffe was relaxing in his lazy chair, mourning his glory days when the front door slammed
"Guess what, Dad," his 20 year old mistake-- Rick Ratcliffe-- called out, sounding livid "There is no gold in Virginia!"
That caught the eccentric man's attention, causing him to turn towards the boy.
"YOU HEARD ME!" The brat snapped angrily, glaring at him.
The young adult was tall and lean with a nose and black hair like his father's, though his was shorter and choppier and more animal like. His eyes were dark as coal like his father's too, though much kinder.
And that snarl on his face? It was definitely the same as his father's.
But his sense of style and morals? Well, that was all his.
He wore red ripped jeans with a baggy black leather jacket full of stick on magenta pins and a baggy blue tshirt with a red middle finger sewn poorly into it.
It was a look that often disappointed the former governor. Though not as much as his attitude.
"Don't take that tone with me, you little brat--" the man sneered, but for once, Rick didn't back down.
"You landed in Jamestown! Jamestown is in Virginia! There was and has never been any Gold in Virginia!"
"There is! Those SAVAGES are just hiding it to make me look bad!"
Rick was slowly turning red with rage and quickly grabbed one of his dad's glass dog figurines before throwing it at his head.
Ratcliffe ducked.
"Why you ungrateful little--"
Rick threw another figurine, seething.
His whole life, he had been told there had been gold. And while he had never really thought that, that had been a good enough reason to explain away all the bad things his father said and continue to do, it had been an explanation.
A crappy explanation but still an explanation.
But now? To be told that his father had been lying about there having been Gold when he had to know that he had been fully in the wrong after all this time? It just broke something inside of him.
A dam that had been holding back all his anger and hatred towards his father.
A dam that had been holding back all his disgust and embarrassment and gulit towards what his father had done within when he was around the poor excuse for a man.
A dam that had stopped him from endangering himself like this.
And now that, that dam was gone, he was gonna say everything that had been on his mind since he was old enough to think.
"Do you have ANY IDEA, how MANY PEOPLE you hurt?! how many PEOPLE YOUR ACTIONS SCREWED OVER?!"
He grabbed another figurine.
"Those SAVAGES deserved it!" Ratcliffe said stubborn as always.
Rick saw red and took aim-- the figurine hit him hard in the head, shattering. Yet the man stayed conscious surprisingly.
His eyes watered as Rick struggled to hold back tears. His skin was crawling and his heart felt like it was being gripped by something.
"They're people. Like you and me. And they were innocent. And because of you so many innocent lives were lost!" He pinched the bridge of his nose, breathing heavily.
"You always said that there was gold there. And while I never thought that, that excused what you did. At least it was a reason. A reason as to why you and Wiggins, and Pearcy and his pups, and me and Rory where stuck here. A reason as to why Thomas shot and killed a man, and was haunted by it despite not getting sent here. A reason for us to hate John and the others for not getting sent here like us" Rick knew he was probably trembling. But he didn't care.
Because for as long as he remembered, he had hated his father's men for not getting sent here like them. Had hated that Thomas killed a man and was real to live in Auardon, married to Nakoma while he and his brother and the pups were forced to suffer.
He had never hated the Natives for what his father did. How could he? He knew that stealing and attacking people for not wanting to help you was wrong. And that was what his father had been trying to do, along with much worse if the way he spoke about those poor people was anything to go by.
But he had hated his father's men for not having to be stuck here like him when, according to his father, they had attacked the Natives for the Gold too.
But now? Now he just felt sick.
Because according to the teacher at school, there was no gold. And the ones of his father's voyage who weren't on the isle had made up for their crimes.
Which meant that he had been hating people who, like him, had realized his father was an awful person and that they didn't want to stand with him.
Which practically made him no better than his father.
"But you lied. Because there is no way that you didn't know by now that there wasn't any gold and that even if there was you were still in the wrong. So you lied to us. To Rory and me. And made us hate people who at least admitted and made up for what they did unlike you and the other sorry excuses for men on this Island! You made us hate people who told the truth when you went and lied to the king and tons of other settlers about what went down, which lead to millions of innocent people getting killed! MILLIONS DAD!"
Rick ran his hand throw his hair.
Hoping naively that his father would see the errors of his ways and go begging for forgiveness.
But that's not what happened.
"Who cares?"
Rick's blood ran cold.
His stomach lurched.
"What do you mean who cares?!" He asked faintly, praying that he hadn't heard his father right.
But he had.
"Exactly that. Who cares?"
Rick lost it.
Ratcliffe just stared at him coldly. As if he was the one in the wrong.
Rick took a step back. And another. Feeling sick.
"You're a monster. A monster. And you're never going to see me Or Rory or the dogs again!" And with that, Rick ran. As far away as his legs could carry him before he lost his lunch. Never to see his father again.
Author's note: I hope that I wrote this as sensitively as possible and that the trigger warnings fit.
I didn't mention Pocahontas because I thought that might be insensitive and I don't plan on using her in any of my writings when it comes to the characters from thay movie.
And also, I do not condone anything Governer Ratcliffe said in this because he is a horrible person in any media and writing him made me feel physically ill. Just like he makes anyone, especially his son, feel when he opens that stupid mouth of his.
Hope this fic was what ya were looking for my friend.
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thesoulspulse · 2 years
Danny Phantom Randomness (Vlad’s Reversal of Fortune)
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Ok, I just had the most brilliant idea I had to share. Now, we know canon Vlad has a LOT of serious issues that only got worse when the new timeline started after Danny defeated Dan and was given a second chance by Clockwork. But what about Vlad? Well, in my fanfic “Nowhere To Run” I address a lot of them because I feel like it would take something really big for Vlad to admit to himself he still cares about Danny and doesn’t want to lose him so I had to come up with a way to redeem Vlad before he was too far gone imo...
Anyways, as far as this new idea goes I love the twist where through some sort of cunning reality manipulation the Current Vlad ends up in Future Vlad’s body and vice versa. This could be amazing for some character development because one, the more selfish Vlad has to get used to his mortality again as well as see the aftermath of a disaster he caused on a global scale when he created Dan. He has to live in a world that was destroyed by Dan because Vlad’s the one who twisted him into an uncaring monster after Danny lost everything and everyone he loved. It’s like Vlad has to see exactly what could have happened if he continued on this selfish path that corrupts the only person he had left to care about since Maddie no longer existed in this world.
As for Future Vlad, its more like a miracle because for one thing he can walk properly again without a limp and can finally make things right before it’s too late. Admittedly this part is a bit inspired by the Doppelgänger comic just because I also like to think of a Vlad who has suffered a lot of loss too and was finally humbled enough to admit he did a lot of bad things in his life. That’s why, rather than get greedy and slip back into old habits now that he had his powers back, the first thing Future Vlad does is track down Danny.
And then Vlad sees him, the same little badger he used to admire and want for his son smiling confidently while slinging clever insults at his enemies. Vlad didn’t realize just how much he missed that. Missed seeing the real Danny that used to annoy him to no end with his goodie-two-shoe ways instead of the kind of ghost he became when he absorbed his ghost half and went mad with power.
Obviously Danny notices Vlad watching him and rolls his eyes, scoffing. “Ugh, not you again fruitloop. Can’t you see I’m busy?”
His eyes welling up with tears when he hears the real Danny’s voice, the voice of the kind, brave, naive boy Danny was before his world fell apart both figuratively and literally, Future Vlad teleports to Danny and suddenly wraps his arms around him in a trembling but gentle embrace. Danny is confused obviously, wondering what the heck is up with Vlad and deeply suspicious these are just crocodile tears, but then Future Vlad cradles the back of Danny’s neck and sobs.
“I’m so glad you’re still you, little badger. That means it’s...it’s not too late to make things right! Forgive me, Daniel. Forgive me for being such a fool...” Taking in a deep shaky breath Future Vlad continues. “You were right, all this time I should have been helping you instead of fighting you at every turn! If I had just taken better care of you and been the mentor you deserved, then you never would have become that monster. It’s my fault. It’s all my fault! I...don’t deserve to have my powers back or to see you again like this when you were still an innocent child and I-”
I’ll leave the rest to your imagination but as you can probably guess this is basically Future Vlad getting a second chance while the Current Vlad gets a reality check so to speak to hopefully scare him straight before he royally screws up that bad with Danny and creates a threat to the entire world that far surpasses him in every way. Feel free to borrow this idea for a fanfic or oneshot, I just had to get it out of my system before I forgot.
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daniyanii · 3 years
Soft Yandere Dabi
You remember the exact day you met him. You were just doing your day to day job as a florist. You loved your little shop with everything you had left, because well....it was all you had left.
Many years ago your shop was actually your fathers. You used to run around smelling the flowers and playing with the petals in your own world while he worked to give you everything he could. Life was good...until it wasn't.
One day while you were playing in the back room, your father was being robbed. He was always a prideful man and would refuse to give up, but that was his downfall. He refused to give the money not because he was greedy, but because he was saving up to give you a real christmas that year.
After he refused the money the robber was fed up. Your little dream world was interrupted by a single gunshot, something heavy dropping to the floor, and rummaging through the cash register.
You heard the bell on the front door ring quickly as whoever committed this crime ran off. You were completely frozen with fear, but you slowly inched yourself out the room. Once you hit the main room you were horrified to see blood spilling down the small steps that lead behind the counter.
"Daddy?" your high voice whispered out
But you got not response, the only sound that filled the room was the spilling of blood and your jagged breaths.
You had to no choice but to walk up the steps since that was the only way to get behind the counter. You always used to run around barefoot so you had to step directly in the warm trailing blood. When you peeked behind the counter it confirmed your worst nightmare.
Your father had been shot dead.
You remember running to his body and screaming. Begging him to move or talk, asking him not to leave you. But after a few minutes of crying and pleading you knew it was over, he was gone.
He wasn't the first parent you had seen dead either. Your mother killed herself by overdosing a year prior. It took you hours to realize she wasn't just sleep. You remember bouncing on her chest laughing, and begging her to get up. But after your poured water on her hand and when she didn't move you knew something was wrong.
You always tried not to think about it but without fail it remained a constant replaying memory. It was like an annoying fly who just wouldn't go away no matter how many windows you open. You took the pain and trauma from both of those situations and pushed it all the way down to your feet. Whenever you thought about it in public you would just put a smile on your face like always and keep moving.
One day a young man came in staring at the ground, refusing to look up at you. Nevertheless, you still smiled and greeted him like all your other customers.
"Do you have any sunflowers?" He mumbled out still looking as far down as he could.
"Of course I do! Let me show you." You spoke with enthusiasm since surprisingly no one ever asked for sunflowers. Plus....they were your dad's favorite.
You stepped down the steps, and lightly grabbed his hand to lead him to the flowers. He seemed to tense at this but didn't pull away.
"Theyre all the way back here since people aren't usually big fans of them." You explained but quickly shut up, feeling like he wasn't one for small talk. You let go of his hand when the sunflowers came in view.
"There they are, beautiful as ever. I'll leave you to it, any other questions you have I'd be glad to answer." Since his head was slightly up now he could see you but you couldn't really see him, you still gave him your warmest smile and began to walk back to the counter.
"Um, can you actually help me pick one? I'm not very good at this." He spoke deeply, he knew that any other day he would have wordlessly walked in and wandered till he found what he needed, grabbed the first one he saw and left. But something about this woman made him have to talk to her. She radiated this warmth that even he couldn't make.
"Of course! It's not like there's anyone else in here." She turned around smiling again
She began asking him simple questions only flower related. She could tell he was a private man due to his lack of responses and she would respect that. After they picked which ones he wanted they traveled back up to the counter. He had subconsciously fully lifted his head up, displaying scorched skin and stitches. He didn't even realize until she spoke again.
"I'm sorry but your eyes are just beautiful." She confessed to him which made his eyes widen
Half of my face is burnt to a crisp but she noticed my eyes first? And complimented me...she must be joking
"I'm sorry again, I didn't mean to upset you and overstep. Here you go, free of charge." She quickly recanted once she saw his face frown
When he went to grab the flowers his hands grazed hers. He expected her to snatch her hand back after feeling the scorched skin, but she gently let go once she was sure the flowers were in his grip.
"It's alright. Thankyou for the flowers and helping me but I must pay you." He reached to his pocket but she pulled his hand out, holding it for a second.
"No need. It's nice to actually have a customer on the weekdays. Consider it a gift!" beaming brightly and the dark man
That damn smile again, why is it so enchanting? Is that her quirk?
"What's your name?" He blurted out before he could stop himself, and subconsciously tightened the hold on her hand
"Y/n L/n. What about you stranger?" Her smile never once faltered and she didn't even think about pulling her hand away
Why isn't she scared of me? Or is she just good at acting?
"Dabi. My name is Dabi." He bluntly responded
"Well Dabi, I hope to see you again. You seem like a good man." Y/n had always been like this, her kindness knew no limits. Anyone else would’ve immediately labeled Dabi dangerous…which he was
"I- Okay." For once Dabi didn't know what to say
After that day he stalked her non stop. It was such a surprise to see that once she was in the "safe" confines of her home how fast her smile dropped. How on most days her eyes would immediately begin to water as she scolded herself about being weak.
It saddened him to see how draining it was for her to act so nice. She wasted her kindness on anyone and everyone, and it took a lot out of her.
He had finally worked the courage up to go back. This time he knew he'd have to have her forever.
"Hey Dabi! Nice to see you again." she exclaimed
She remembers my name?
"Hi Y/n." He spoke lowly trying to avoid eye contact since he knew she was probably disgusting by his burnt skin and stitches
"More sunflowers?" she questioned since most people always got the same flowers
"Um, I guess you could say that." He answered knowing she wouldn't get it, but he knew that whenever he saw sunflowers (or any flower for the most part) he couldn't help but see her smile.
He considered her a flower, more specifically a sunflower.
"Well you know where they are. Need any help picking them out?" She questioned while he just nodded in response
She took a deep breath and walked down the very steps that haunted her. Almost as if she could still feel the warm blood between her toes She refused to show her pain so she did what she always did....smile the pain away.
When they got to the very back where no one could see them, he grabbed her hand. Not forcefully, but he had a good grip on her, scared that she would snatch away.
but she didn't
and in that moment he knew
she was his and his only
"Dabi are you okay?" She asked smile slowly dropped as she saw his nervous face
"Why aren't you scared of me?" He blurted out, needing to know the reason.
Her warm smile came back as she grabbed his hand a little tighter
"Well, you haven't given me a reason to be. You're really nice, and I have no room to judge anyone."
Dabi's heart was beating so fast he could hear it. He no longer could live without her, what was to come next had to be done.
"W-Would you mind taking a walk with me?" He asked nervously, knowing that any normal person would practically scream no
"Of course, the shop is slow today anyways. Come on." She took their hands and intertwined their fingers
Dabi could feel all the blood rushing to his cheeks. He never had a woman, or anyone touch him like this so willingly.
She let Dabi lead and after quite some time she realized he was walking her out of town.
"Dabi where are we going? Town is back that way." She questioned
"I-I'm selfish. I need you, I want you, and so I'll have you. You'll learn to lik-." Dabi was cut off by lips touching his
His heart damn near stopped
He had never been kissed before
He'd never even had a hug
And here she was kissing him first
"Dabi I already like you. I'll go anywhere you want, but what about my shop? It's been in my family for generations." She replied softly
I'm fucking dreaming arent I?
"W-We can arrange t-to have it looked after." He was in such shock he could barely talk
"Okie Dokie. Then lets go!"
"Are you serious? You're not gonna run or scream and call me a monster? You'll just come with me willingly?" He stared at her with udder disbelief, expecting her to kill me
"Will you protect me?" She ignored his questions and dropped her smile to know she was serious
"With my life. You'll never be hurt again." He didn't even hesitate, wrapping arms around her waist, not pulling her in for a hug because he didn't wanna scare her.
"Will you give me your loyalty?"
"There is no one else I could ever feel like this for. Only you." He confessed truthfully
"And you promise not to leave?" She was tired of everything in her life leaving
So what if Dabi wasn't "normal"?
So what if she would never leave his sight?
She finally had someone again, and she didn't wanna have to let go again.
And he wasn't letting her go
So it would all workout
"I will never leave you. And you can't leave me. I-I love you." Dabi couldn't believe he just said that but he really couldn't believe what happened next after that
"Then what are we still here for. I'm ready to go home with you." she said while pulling him in for a deep hug
He just inhaled her scent, she smelled so floral and ethereal.
He couldn't believe she wanted to be with him.
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Btw, I find it interesting how it’s implied that M*lina sleeping together is meant to be seen as a “wedding”night by LB since they’re fading the Darkling the next day.You also have M*l talking about wanting to give her a wedding she deserves which tire into the very patriarchal puritanical views of sex and marriage. There’s also the servants ok Keramzin dissaproving of Alina wearing her hair down because she’s meant to be a married woman now.In contrast Aleksander always talks about them ruling together and being equals and Alina is also afraid that he’ll turn her into a monster(which in Western media for female villains means transgressing the boundaries set by the patriarchal society) and the fact that they’re pretty much the only couple that sleep together when you take into account the way it’s framed is really something.I usually don’t speculate over authors and why they wrote certain things this or that they ay unless I’m doing critical analysis but I feel like LB really has some issues with power especially female one.
(Ruin and Rise Book Spoilers)
See I haven't gotten to that part in the books so I can't comment on it too much but I did see an extract of that scene with M*lina and the thing that I found... worrying I guess would be the word for it was that LB writes Alina as being very insecure about the way she looks right before. This is the extract:
But when he slid the fabric of my blouse from my arms, I stiffened, feeling suddenly, painfully aware of every wrong thing about me. Jutting bones, too-small breasts, skin pale and dry as an onion. Then he cupped my cheek, his thumb tracing my lip. “You are all I’ve ever wanted,” he said. “You are the whole of my heart.”
I can understand that sometimes a person might be insecure for their first time but the fact that she is so worried about her looks is a problem for me especially because it is something that she worries about alot in the books when it comes to M*l and I am sorry but if she feels that insecure then its because M*l hasn’t done enough to prove to her that he does think she is beautiful and wanted by him. Also the line 'you are all I have ever wanted' really irked me because its just a straight up lie. By his own admission he only noticed her when she was taken away from him. When they were in the First Army together he wanted ever other girl but her so that line just didn't seem that genuine to me and more like something someone just says in the moment.
Now compare that scene with darklina's winter fete kiss:
A giddy laugh escaped me as we slipped inside an empty room lit only by the moonlight pouring in through the windows. I barely had time to register that it was the sitting room where I had once been brought to meet the Queen, because as soon as the door closed, he was kissing me and I could think of nothing else. I’d been kissed before, drunken mistakes, awkward fumblings. This was nothing like that. It was sure and powerful and like my whole body had just come awake. I could feel my pounding heart, the press of silk against my skin, the strength of his arms around me, one hand buried deep in my hair, the other at my back, pulling me closer. The moment his lips met mine, the connection between us opened and I felt his power flood through me. I could feel how much he wanted me – but behind that desire, I could feel something else, something that felt like anger.
Here she doesn't have any insecurities about her looks at all she is giddy and happy and seems pretty comfortable. There is a moment where she feels a trill of panic when she feels his hand on her bare thigh but she pulls him closer, so to be honest I think that was your normal first time nerves. With Aleks she feels wanted and desirable and yet despite the difference between these two scenes I am suppose to ship M*lina? Also I'd like to point out that after she feel his anger along with his want and she questions him about it he takes the time to reassure her that he does want her and he is angry that wanting her so much has lead to him not being in the war room organises for the trip to get the stag. He makes it clear that its not her he's angry with.
I have always thought that darklina treat each other more as equals than M*lina does I just will never get behind that ship and to be honest I think sadly a small part of me will always be bitter about the ending Alina got. I do think you are right and that a lot of female characters in the books are denied real positions of power and there's this narrative that if they do seek power then they are bad or greedy or selfish.
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foxyslide · 2 years
TW cw, cals burned, stats, bmi, Ed mention, mental health, ramblings, long ass post, and ugly mugshot
(EDIT: lol I had posted pics of myself but then changed my mind and removed them)
(Not from today)
Hi it’s me 👋 all Shea-buttery. I hope everyone’s doing better than I am..
It’s 11:19, got home from cycling 18miles again along greenway. Cw is 54kg on the dot. 60cal x 18 = 1,080cal burned again, but I think it’s more since I was cycling nonstop for two hours unlike my journey to work.
Did not fast yesterday :,-( was going so well but I think because I slept the whole day it was difficult to sleep afterwards and I had the pizza and ice cream hubby had brought home 😞 felt so shit afterwards. It’s so shit I can’t purge, neither physically or otherwise (physically because I hate the sensation of vomiting, it’s not for me. Otherwise because of my husband, he wouldn’t put up with that shit).
I wonder would drinking a shit ton of coffee help after a binge?
Hubby has said that if this continues, this obsession about loosing weight, he doesn’t know how long we will last together. He’s worried that I will never be happy with myself, and he doesn’t know how long he can handle it. I’m so comfortable taking about my problems to him I don’t realise when I’m doing it and how it’s affecting him 😟 definitely need to journal and draw I need a way to vent. And I guess vent more on here instead of to hubby, to give him a break he deserves one.
he is honestly the one who’s been keeping me from kms, he’s the voice of reason, he’s the Angel on my shoulder, telling me I’m loved and I’m perfect the way I am and I am cared for and I need to stop bullying myself. He keeps me sane when I get really paranoid, doesn’t matter what other ppl think, even if they think badly of you doesn’t effect you, you’re getting in with your life. Live your life to your own standards, not someone else’s. Great advice that I never ever take 👍🏽
Yesterday we realised the voice in my head is the voice of my mother, and he told me the only way to end this is to confront her, he’s told me this before but I just CANNOT. Just the thought of it makes me wanna hide under the bed. Yes, like a child.
it’s her voice that tells me I’m too fat, that I have no self control, that I need to finish everything on my plate but oh my god I have cellulite we need to do something about this, never mind that I’m seven years old. I’m too lazy too stupid too inconsiderate, I don’t have a good memory I forget everything, I loose everything, I don’t appreciate the value of money, of things, I don’t appreciate what others do for me. I am selfish, greedy, I will never make it in the outside world, I will never make it on my own. Look at your friends, look at your cousins, they’ve done so much with their lives, and how slim they are! What’s wrong with your legs? Why are they so fat? You need to exercise more. Your arms are good, but the rest of your body… you’re not going to eat?! But I cooked it FOR you!! You can’t waste food! I raised you, I gave up my life for you. I’m telling you now don’t have kids. What the hell are you wearing?? What the hell are drawing?? You’re crazy!! You’re a monster!!
you know what mum just let me be a fucking monster then. And leave me the fuck alone.
lemme just jot down my stats and goals again because I let myself go. I need to get back on track. also scary thing although cycling is my fav exercise I can see the muscles I’m gaining on my thighs and I’m just like 💀 I mean I wouldn’t mind having shapely legs but if they end up quite big I’m gonna have to give up cycling.. plus muscle weighs more than fat so is cycling a good way to do this anyway? Am I gonna at least reach my first gw?
height: 163cm (5’4)
Hw: 70kg (154.3lbs)
lw: 52kg (114.6lbs)
gw1: 49kg (108lbs)
Gw2: 47kg (103.6lbs)
Ugw: 45kg (99.2lbs)
revised ugw???: 40kg (88.1lbs)
current bmi:
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I can’t wait to see that needle drop
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dakotafinely · 3 years
Risetober Day 10: Monster!
Lovely prompt calendar by @3drottmnt
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Ayo look, this headache I got right now took away my initial idea so HAVE THIS INSTEAD-
“You’re nothing but a monster!” Leo sneered, anger furrowed on his burrow. Glaring right at the softshell turtle across from him. “You are nothing but a greedy, conniving monster!” He spits, words hot off his tongue as he throws his arms around.
“And you’re nothing but a selfish, childish, idiot!” Donnie spits back, standing up so fast it knocks the chair over behind him. Neither of them even flinch at the clattering noise as they glared at each other, both trying to make the other back down.
“Now I remember why we stopped playing monopoly,” Mikey said resting his chin on April’s shoulder. April slightly leans into him, scrolling through some sort of social media as she hums in agreement.
“I told you it was a bad idea.”
“I thought it would be fun!”
“We’ve barely started and they’re already fighting over the cost of spaces,” April points out, both having one space. Mikey and April not having left go yet.
“That’s what happens when you let two theater kids play a board game,” Raph remarks, passing by the table with hot cocoa in hand.
“Hey you can’t just make some for yourself and not for the rest of us!” Mikey teases, already getting up to make some himself.
“To late, already did,” Raph retorts with a grin before heading back to his room. Opting out of playing to crochet instead.
“Oh, make some for me too, please!” April calls out as Mikey disappears into the kitchen. He doesn’t respond but she’s sure he heard her at least.
“Are you two done? I’d like to get off Go now,” April snarks, returning her attention to the two dramatic teenagers in front of her. Who both stopped to look at her.
“I mean fine.” “Sure, just ruin our fun I guess.”
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tyrantisterror · 3 years
I forget if you've been asked this question before, but a friend of mine is trying to write a kaiju story for kaijune, but she doesn't have much experience writing kaiju or with kaiju media, and she asked me a question I figured you'd be better at answering: What is it that makes a kaiju story truly feel like a kaiju story other than the focus on a giant monster?
That's a very difficult question to answer, so I can see why she's having problems with it. It all depends on how you define the kaiju genre, and that's a highly contentious subject. I mean, defining things always is - every definition will have people who say it's too loose for including x and other people saying it's too narrow for excluding y, and definitions of the "kaiju genre" are no exception.
I guess let's start by setting up the to extreme ends of this definition.
The most liberal definition: A Kaiju Story is any story where a giant monster/kaiju rampaging around is the central conflict of the story.
The most(?) conservative definition: A Kaiju Story is any Japanese story where a kaiju rampaging is the central conflict of the story.
Our first big takeaway here, and the thing all kaiju genre fans can agree on, is that a kaiju needs to be integral to the plot of your kaiju story. Lord of the Rings isn't a kaiju story, because while it has a big monster in it, that big monster is an incidental encounter rather than the core focus of the conflict. That's our minimum requirement for a kaiju story.
Now, I lean towards the liberal side of this issue (which is unusual for me when it comes to defining literary shit), but I'm gonna explore on the conservative side here first, because I think there's some important points to consider there. The term "kaiju" doesn't just conjure up images of any giant monster when you hear it - it brings to mind Godzilla, Power Rangers, Gamera, Ultraman, men in rubber suits, bad dubbing, etc. And what those franchises have in common that other giant monster media doesn't is a shared background in Japanese culture and history.
When I think about why I love kaiju stories even more than most other monster-focused fiction, a lot of the things that come to mind have their roots in Japanese culture. The complex characterization of the monsters has its roots in Shintoism and various folk religious that treat all things, be they human, animal, plant, or even inanimate objects, as having souls. The emphasis on living in harmony with nature comes from those same beliefs, from Buddhism, and from the mercurial nature of Japan's environment and weather. The firm themes of opposing warfare and breaking cycles of violence are born from the pioneers of the genre despising the horrors they witnessed in World War II and wanting future generations to never repeat that great mistake. Et cetera et cetera.
I think it would be mostly accurate to say there are a great many details that make Japanese giant monster stories feel more alike to each other than to non-Japanese giant monster movies. ...mostly.
But not entirely.
Because defining "the kaiju genre" as solely being a product of Japanese culture ignores the unignorable fact that Japanese kaiju movies, from the very beginning, took some inspiration from American giant monster films. There are elements of King Kong (1933) in Godzilla (1954), and the film-makers have acknowledged that much. Rodan has this great twist at the end of the first act that depends on the audience expecting it to work like an American giant bug movie, which most of the first act functions almost identical to. The movie that cemented the "Monster vs. Monster" formula at Toho was King Kong vs. Godzilla. It goes on!
And it also goes both ways - Gorgo, a film made by the creators of The Beast from 20,000 Fathoms and The Giant Behemoth, has more in common with the Godzilla franchise in tone, themes, and its approach to its monstrous stars than it does to its Western predecessors, and the creators were open about it. Hell, they even work in explicit nods to it in the film - the island Gorgo is discovered on is called Nara Island, a Japanese name despite the island itself being off the coast of Ireland. Pacific Rim, Colossal, and Cloverfield, some of the most prominent modern American giant monster movies, were likewise explicitly inspired by Japanese giant monster films. Video games like Rampage and War of the Monsters draw influence from and make homages to monster films of both the East and West.
There's also a sort of inherent fallacy to assume all kaiju stories from Japan end up having the same themes and motifs. I don't think the Showa Godzilla films would agree with how, say, Attack on Titan portrays war. Japanese giant monster stories aren't a monolith.
If a Japanese giant monster story has content that unilaterally contradicts the content of a classic kaiju work like Godzilla, but an American giant monster movie hews to that content very closely, which is the true kaiju story? Is being made by Japanese people all that matters? Or is it the content - the themes, the tone, the approach to the monster, etc.? Where do we draw the line?
...I don't know, dude, and I don't think it's my place to be the arbiter of that.
But, in an attempt to give you something that could be vaguely helpful, here is my short list of criteria for a kaiju story that I personally would like, which isn't quite the same thing as "what makes a kaiju story a kaiju story," but is as close as you're gonna get to that when asking me:
1. The monster(s) is a character and has at least one moment of sympathy in the narrative.
2. The dichotomy of nature and civilization is at the crux of the narrative. Neither is presented as uniformly good or evil - civilization has started the conflict by causing wanton and unnecessary destruction, and nature strikes back at civilization unilaterally without distinguishing the guilty from the innocent.
3. The rampaging monster(s) is a direct consequence of civilization fucking things up - bombs waking up prehistoric monsters, greedy CEOs steal a monster's egg to make a profit without a care for what the parent may do to get it back, genetic engineering creating deadly mutants, aliens who represent the dark potential future of humanity if we keep going down a selfish, warlike path set loose monsters as their personal soldiers, etc.
4. The story is explicitly anti-war, anti-capitalist, and pro-environmentalism.
5. Conventional weaponry is incapable of defeating the monsters.
6. No matter how things shake out, humanity is humbled by their encounter with the monsters, and either learns to do better or suffers for their hubris and arrogant desire to dominate the world.
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bbhyeoliskooks · 4 years
❀.’* 𝟕 𝐒𝐢𝐠𝐧𝐬 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐂𝐫𝐮𝐬𝐡 𝐋𝐢𝐤𝐞𝐬 𝐘𝐨𝐮 ❀.’*
Wasn’t spending Christmas Eve with your friends supposed to be special? 
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.’*/ (ㅇㅅㅇ❀)\*’..’*/ (ㅇㅅㅇ❀)\*’.
Pairing: Soobin x Reader (female)
Genre 4 cups of fluff ! And perhaps a cup of angst in there too !
Warnings: Jealousy, a toxic friend who does not care about your feelings, unedited towards the end hehe
(Awe, it’s been quite a while since I wrote for Soobders !! Wanted to do a cute thing for a confession, though it turned out a bit angsty with the jealousy :// but i promise the end is so so cute !! Girlie here snapped on this one, i hope you can see the improvement~~ The fact that I had to do research on this is quite... something.)
.’*/ (ㅇㅅㅇ❀)\*’..’*/ (ㅇㅅㅇ❀)\*’.
1. He steals glances at you. 
Wasn’t spending Christmas Eve with your friends supposed to be special? Wasn’t it supposed to be warm and all with interesting gifts and sugary sweet smiles decorating the room? Yeonjun sincerely promised that upon inviting you that this specific one wouldn’t flop unlike the last where you felt the need to go. As of this Christmas Eve dinner with all of your friends, it simply didn’t feel like it. If any other feeling than emptiness, the strong monster of envy rattled against your ribs as your eyes dart to your hidden phone underneath the table.
Fingers swiping on one video, you come into contact with a cheesy title, “7 signs your crush likes you.” The creature of curiosity pulled strings in your head, and you clicked the video with a small grin painted on your lips. Memories of being a middle schooler flooded back into your head that you couldn’t help but smile because of it. The one that you decided to watch reminded you of the good old days where you’d play mash with Yeonjun and Soobin. They’d always believe  they’d get together with their crush in the future as stated on the paper- and you couldn’t lie though; they were such adorable students back then before high school made them grow up with deep voices and long legs for nothing. Nostalgia was really one hell of a drug.
You were sadly snapped out of your trance when said former boy tugged on the sleeve of your stylish red coat. 
“Hey, look,” Yeonjun murmured towards you. You glanced to what he was saying, turning your head over to the direction where he was looking at. When your eyes were met with Soobin’s, you sighed out a breath of relief. Thank gosh he made it. Gratefulness poured out of you as soon as your eyes dawned upon him.
Ah wait a second, Soobin really was here! Finally, you were able to wish him a few seasons greetings! Slowly getting up, you were planning to run up and throw him into one of your tight embraces until Yeonjun dragged you back down by the coat. You were going to yell at him to let you go since that boy can choose to be annoying as heck, but he begged you to stay with him. The needy glint in his eye told you to sit back down. Confusion washed over you in waves, yet once you looked at what he was gazing at, you needed to thank him for saving you to a close mistake. 
Your delusions of being with that boy were crushed when you saw a chic girl linger behind him, holding his hand with a luminous ring on her index finger. Yeonjun’s breath hitched in his throat upon seeing her, and you felt sick to your stomach. She was the perfect embodiment of what people called Heather- a pretty smile and a charming aura whichever place she entered. Insecurities you tried your best to conceal inside rose back up again, and you felt the need to throw them up on the empty plate before you. Self doubt like these were the worst, especially when it could play a key role in losing the love of your life. 
With that being said, it was safe to say that you hated her already. 
It’s just... ugh, that girl gifted you with a weird gut feeling as if you’ve seen her before. Morals and views reminding you not to became a greedy monster, you knew you couldn’t hate her without evidence that she was a terrible person, but seriously, what else could that suffocating feeling be? Why did she seem so familiar to you with that long, platinum blonde hair dancing whenever she swayed and deep, indigo eyes who could capture about anybody there? 
Platinum blonde hair... deep, indigo eyes.... a pretty face- 
Wait a minute... isn’t she your old best friend from sophomore year?!
As if on cue, you watch as Soobin’s hands trail to the back of the same girl, feeling the world you imagined with your unrequited love to crash down on your weak shoulders, harshly and indefinitely. 
A blaring advertisement pops up from your phone, warning you that what you were watching made a grand finish. A soft grunt of frustration left your lips. This night was going to be the worst one yet, you felt it resonate in your bones. And the endearing way he chuckles at whatever she says is enough. The video is stupid; you already have enough information to know that he doesn’t like you. 
2. He flirts with other girls but when you aren’t around, he immediately stops.
The night was going... so-so.
At first, you planned to dip and make it up to Yeonjun later, but something in your heart urged you in place whenever you stole a glance at Soobin. Maybe it was the way he sent reassuring looks towards your direction, telling you that he’ll be right there later. Maybe it was the way his doe eyes twinkled if you chose to join in the conversation. Maybe it was how you knew deep down inside that no other girl could compare to you. You felt selfish because of these burdening feelings. It was as if fate was making fun of you, mocking you for falling for Soobin. You watched your old friend and Soobin flirt all dinner, so the last thing you wanted to do was eat.
Your attention instantly snaps to the other side of the table where your friend is grabbing a keen knife. Soobin offered to give his to you since there were none left in sight- perhaps a mistake from the waiter, but you declined with a tense jaw from gritting your teeth for too long. The food had already arrived, although you barely noticed due to the envy. Yeonjun ordered fancy steaks for all of you, and guilt seemed to swallow you up from how much you were visibly hesitant to dive into what the others were eating.
A strange, constrained grunt from your old friend snaps you from out of your thought bubbles. You hurriedly glanced in her direction, surely not disappointed at what she was pulling. You swore you almost burst into laughter at what foolery she was showing. Who knew someone could be this- this stupid?! No matter how much she tried, she couldn’t cut through the steak with the knife given to her, causing her a lot of embarrassment. The tips of her ears turned tomato red as she daintily pressed through the meat with all of her might.
Well, wasn’t this certainly a sight to see. 
Unknowingly, the corners of your lips curl up into a smirk. Did she know how much of a fool she looked right now? She couldn’t be that stupid, you remembered how smart she called herself back in high school. What’s wrong with her that she couldn’t even cut a measly steak?
...oh my goodness, what’s wrong with you? Your hand flew up to slap yourself in the forehead, but fortunately no one saw. You were crazy, absolutely crazy. Did you deem yourself as a horrible person for thinking about their downfall? ...yes, but it doesn’t matter! 
Soobin saw how much trouble she was going through and like a good person, smiled and lent a helping hand. Literally. 
He gently placed his hand on top of theirs, guiding the knife so that it could pierce through the meat. She giggled at his kind efforts, having the audacity to move much closer to him by shuffling her chair. You covered your mouth with your hand so that you wouldn’t audibly gasp. Both you and Yeonjun share a knowing look towards each other after that, eyebrows furrowed and all. 
Looking back down at your plate, you forced yourself to eat through the situation. But you weren’t able to at all. It seemed the repulsion at how flirty and good looking both of them were made your stomach do flips. Suddenly, the steak on your plate looked disgusting.
In no time, it seemed that all of the appetite you built up earlier somehow disappeared into thin air. You no longer felt like eating whenever your eyes took a look at that new cute “couple” over there. They could’ve been dating for a while now, and you had no clue, like you always did. It just wasn’t your business. You swam a little bit more into your memories with her. She knew you liked Soobin from long ago, and she still did this? Guess who has no intention to get in new touch with an old friend after this “warm, loving dinner” as stated from Yeonjun’s invitation.
Drawing a heavy sigh from your lips once more, your eyes steadily dart to the food on your plate again. In response, your stomach churned as if you were riding a heightened ferris wheel. The feeling of fear penetrated your throat, pulling out a lump you couldn’t control. You had no clue how you were going to finish so much of this Christmas dinner that you sincerely desired to throw up. 
3. He gets protective whenever someone he doesn’t like comes near you. 
“Hey, you good, Y/N? You’re basically picking at your plate and not eating any of it,” Yeonjun whispers over to you. You look up from the abandoned green veggies on your plate and plaster on a smile for him. Obviously he would be able to tell right away since he was one of your best friends, but that’s what you wanted him to see. Good thing you were close to him so that nobody would be able to hear what you were saying.
With a shrug of your shoulders you inch closer to him, whispering in his ear as well, “yes, I’m clearly doing fine here. It’s not like jealousy is literally eating me alive because he has a crush on my best friend who knows I like him.”
Yeonjun chuckled a little bit at this before punching your shoulder. “Cheer up, bun! I promise it’ll all be alright in the end. After all, I am one of Soobin’s friends who knows everything about him~~” You only smiled at his supposedly sweet gesture. His words were of course comforting, but it did as little as it could to ease your heart.
Placing your head on his shoulder with a timid frown on your face, you murmured a quick thank you to him. One way or another, you were going to have to pay back your debt to him even if he got you all red in the face. “Yeah, you definitely are, bun. You definitely are.”
Little did you know that Soobin was frowning at how you and Yeonjun suddenly went all buddy-buddy with each other before stuffing a few more pieces of bread into his mouth.
4. He gives you a nickname.
From the corner of your eye, you see Soobin shoot you a worried look. His lips are pursed together into a straight line which only makes you roll your eyes. So he was acting like he cared about you after ignoring you for a rat, huh...
“I can see that you’re not eating, buttercup? Is there something that’s bothering you... on Christmas Eve?” That boy did not just- the word buttercup was really not the word you wanted to fall out of his lips right now. He could’ve called you whatever, heck even your name although it wasn’t a serious situation. Buttercup was a cute nickname he gave to you when you first became friends. You tried to convince yourself that you absolutely hated what he called you, but the quick pace of your heart begged to differ.
Choi Soobin is not the boy you love. Choi Soobin is only your best friend! Choi Soobin does not like you! Choi.. Soobin is who you’ll always love, regardless. Your twisted mind kept tugging you back and forth so briskly that you wanted to throw up from all of those flutters. It was clear that insanity was stretching you as if you were a four year old’s putty judging from the sour expression on your face, but of course nobody seemed to notice. 
Furrowing your tense eyebrows at him, all of the anger built up from tonight washed over your body like a dangerous tsunami. 
“Aren’t you supposed to be courting my old friend right now? I thought you guys were going to be a couple judging from how stupid you two are acting, so don’t worry about lil’ ol’ buttercup me!,” you deadpan, gradually becoming enraged enough through the sentence to slam your poor phone onto the wooden table. It’s like you couldn’t control yourself anymore. Your face is furiously burning with anger at the sight of them holding hands, and you happen to sigh exasperatedly which makes all of the customers turn their heads from worry. Some of them were raising amused eyebrows at your attitude so much so, that you wanted to disappear from the face of the Earth.
Crap. You should’ve been watching what you said as to not cause a scene. Did it really matter though? You needed to let out your emotions one way or another! Yeonjun helps alleviate your overwhelming emotions by tightening the hold on your hand under the table but you simply couldn’t help it any longer. Why the hell did you have to have a crush on someone who was too oblivious for his own good? He shouldn’t be that dense! You swore that he was a wall; you couldn’t talk to him about what you felt because for sure, he wouldn’t understand. 
And as always, Soobin nods his head nonchalantly at your words- causing the hope that he’d know about what you felt inside to eventually shrivel up and die. 
5. He stares at you longingly whenever you aren’t looking.
“Woah, take a chill pill, Y/N,” the girl in front of you croaked out after sipping on a little bit of her special red wine.
You shoot a glare at her, and go back to eat what was expected of your steak- which was pretty much 75% of it left. That was the only thing you could be proud of to arise from this night since you didn’t want to throw up whenever you chose to speak. Speaking of which, there was no point in talking anymore when you knew that everyone would stare at you. Which reminds you. You should probably hide your face now since at least ten people are watching this scene go down. Upon realizing this, you shoo them away with your hands and a few of them awkwardly turned back as if they weren’t watching what happened. Yeonjun chuckles hysterically, shaking his arms around like a lunatic so that the attention would be shielded away from the table. 
Under your breath, you mutter a few words lowkey wishing that she would hear. A few words couldn’t her, right? With someone who’s personality was bigger than their plastic lips, you were sure it wouldn’t hurt. “I bet he doesn’t even like you since you keep hogging him all night.”
Something told you she heard due to the sour expression written all over her face.
Immediately, the “kind girl” as Soobin called her started insulting you out of the blue once she comprehended your words. Deeper and stabbing into your heart, her voice was as civil as she could put it to be, but the comments she made were totally out of line. You wanted to respond back with something, however she kept interrupting you with that degrading voice. 
“God, it’s like you’re trying so hard to stay with these two! Haven’t you gotten the memo that none of them like you? Who would’ve known that lil’ ol’ buttercup here would be such a slut when back in high school, was the prude of the school?”
You were going to say something- anything to retort back to her until she cut you off again. You really had no power compared to that witch at all, she only made you feel smaller as vulnerability surrounded you, overwhelming your thought process. Her words dripped venom while the anger rose in you similar to that as of a bread rising up under the influence of yeast. It was getting difficult by the minute not to slap her since Soobin was right there and easily unknowingly holding you back. 
“After all, you don’t want to embarrass yourself like you do every day. I’m surprised your friendships stayed long enough from high school,” her eyes wandered to your reddening cheeks, feeling much satisfaction fill her for clearly hurting your feelings. “And with that ugly Christmas sweater too? Poor girl, I can see why Soobin would reject you even though I know for a fact you hadn’t even confessed your stupid feelings to him.”
Not a sound of Yeonjun’s endearing chuckles echoed beside you, not a clatter from Soobin’s fork crashed against his plate, and not even a customer’s murmuring voice filled the whole restaurant. All of you remained silent- even the staff and chefs to see what happened next, witnessing that of a melodrama. The only thing repeating in your head was... how could she have the audacity to do that in a public restaurant?
It was like she could see all of your insecurities, both inside and out. The boys couldn’t bring themselves to say anything in fear that it would only do more damage compared to their intentions. Soobin was just as shocked as you were that she would say that aloud where anybody could hear you. Yeonjun shut his mouth, not being able to protect you because he knew the girl would only keep him silent with menacing words. Basically, both of them were wimps who chose not to help you, and that hurt you the most. 
As if she could read your mind, she laughed off all the attention towards your table. “Acting innocent now, are you? I’m not surprised. Just leave if you’re not going to let anything come out of that big, stupid mouth.” 
That was the final straw.
6. He plays hard to get.
“I-I guess I’m not needed here, then.”
You get up from your spot next to Yeonjun, fumbling to grab your phone on the table. Your eyes are practically brimming with tears as you do your best to hide them with the sleeve of the ugly Christmas sweater she was talking about. Both Soobin and Yeonjun are yelling for you to come back, but you no longer have the pride to see the smirk on that insane woman’s face. If she was going to insult you just to raise herself up, then you could leave one night to save you the embarrassment. She just degraded you in front of everybody, and didn’t say an apology if not more, feel sorry for doing so.
You sprint over to the entrance with tears in your eyes, slamming the door against the brick wall of the building. The customers were gossiping about what just happened, but you didn’t care anymore. All of the emotions were pouring out of you while you pathetically let tears out like a love-struck fool. Now you certainly had no reason to stay, even if the boys were waiting back for you. Good thing nobody was there or else you would’ve gotten angry at them for the littlest of things. Kicking the pile of snow that built up over the events of the dinner, you could see that your frustration was barely restrained.
The crystal snowflakes did little to calm you down as some caught onto the tip of your nose. It had been a while since snow waltzed from up above on this very day, but you couldn’t care less. 
A clear night sky is what you’re met with before you feel yourself plop onto the wooden bench. A disappointed sigh is undone from your lips due to the fact that Soobin or even Yeonjun hadn’t chased after you. You made a scene for one of the reasons one of them would chase after you so that one person, at least one would come over and give you some form of attention- unlike what happened all night! Of course you wanted Yeonjun to come so that you could rant what occupied your head, but you bothered him more than enough. He was always one to listen and somehow had a couple pieces of advice every time you asked him for a solution.
You felt your eyelashes flutter by themselves in the frosty air before forcing them shut. You were simply disappointed that the dinner was all wasted because of a stupid crush. 
This Christmas Eve was supposed to be special with everyone there... if only your toxic friend chose not to stir up some trouble tonight. Why did Soobin have to invite her anyway? He didn’t know what she could do to sabotage anyone there, including you. For the time being though, you chastised yourself for being so stupid months before. It wasn’t the first time that she made a move on Soobin in order to anger you, but that’s for another day. Foolish enough, you thought back then that forgiving and forgetting would be good to salvage the remnants of the warm friendship you once had. 
7. He makes it clear that he likes you. 
Perhaps 15 minutes passed before you decided to go back inside and apologize to the boys for ruining the dinner with your temper tantrum. It would be so so so awkward with Soobin, considering that she screamed you liked him, but a little bit of acting would cover it up. Perhaps you were a good actor already! He was oblivious to those warm feelings you owned anyway, and maybe after leaving with Yeonjun you would tell him that none of the things she said was true. Apologies and kindness would be able to make up for it, they just had to. Of course you wouldn’t say sorry to that monster, but hey! It’s Christmas Eve and acting civil is the best thing to do in this situation.
Christmas Eve, and yet you were still disheartened nobody showed up. 
Dropping your phone into your purse, you get up from your icy spot on the bench and reluctantly took a few steps to the entrance. The death ring of the jingling bell ceases you in place, and you gasp at the boy who was staring at you with soft eyes. They looked much warmer than earlier when you got the guts to yell at him, so you felt guilty for blaming all of your faults on the boy who was only worried for you. 
Breathless, he dashed towards you- heels clicking against the pavement and gently intertwined both of your hands. 
“Buttercup, I’m so sorry for what she said. Just please don’t cry. I can’t stand seeing you cry.” With the tip of his thumb, he delicately wiped what was left of your tear stains. Then rubbing both of your cheeks in an attempt to warm your face up, he stared down at you obviously worried. 
Seeing how much he cared for you made you grin at his endearment. “Soobders, it’s not your fault! She said things that she shouldn’t have, but I know you guys wouldn’t believe it...” your voice trailed off when you glanced at him, afraid that he really did, “r-right?”
Raising an eyebrow, the tall boy seemed to grow taller in front of you, looming over you in disbelief. You gulped that weird lump in your throat that arose from crying earlier and tried to present yourself as not nervous. Surely, he had to believe you! There wasn’t enough preparation you could do to be rejected from a best friend... Scared and creeped out by how that monster remembered, you hoped that you wouldn’t have to tell them for the second time that you actually really liked him.
The way he remained tall in front of you begged to differ.
Bringing his face closer to yours, a deep frown was etched onto his lips each second he stared at your nervous features. You were grinning awkwardly at how close you two were, but he didn’t seem to notice. Instead, he was more focused on the fact that you couldn’t trust him even if he was one of your confidants. Suspicious, he pulled away at the last second when both of your noses were barely touching. “Something’s wrong with you, and you’re hiding it. You tell me everything and I want to know it, so... what’s on your mind tonight?”
Boy, was he persistent. That caused you to roll your eyes. Couldn’t he just act oblivious for this once? You would gladly get on your knees to beg for him not to barge in your business for the meantime. There’s no way you could confess without preparing first since it’d shatter you once the deed was done.
Unbeknownst to you, Soobin only found this gesture to be confusing since you’d never had an attitude once in front of him. He assumed something was seriously wrong because you tried not to let rude words from others affect you... His date back there must’ve hit a nerve, and done a good job at that. One thing he would do tonight was comfort you until both of you could go back to the dinner table together, plus scare off the woman if you allowed him.
“How about we go back to the table? I didn’t mean to cause a commotion.” Soobin shook his head slowly, his black bangs moving to cover his brown, chocolate eyes. “Tell me what’s wrong,” he presses on further while moving closer to you. It was unbearable- everything. From how near he was to feel his breath fan over your lips, from how his dark eyes urged you to tell him what was going on, to you holding your breath, not allowing to suck in a pocket of air for the pounding beat of your heart. You became flustered at how close he is and backed away into the pile of snow you saw earlier. 
Stop, stop! You needed to keep composure!
“Like I said, you don’t have to worry about it. I just wanted to get some fresh air because I felt suffocated in that place where everyone was staring at us. I’m so sorry for making you guys feel embarrassed, this is all my fault.”
“But it isn’t your fault! I should’ve dug deeper into her intentions before inviting her over. You know fully well that nobody will replace you so please, buttercup? Tell me what’s bugging you,” he pleaded, “I know everything about you, but you’re hiding something and that’s making me go crazy.”
Well, that little- of course you had to hide it! Was he that dumb?!
“Are you serious?! You know everything about me?! She said that I liked you since I met you- and hell, that’s true! I just- I really really like you! You haven’t been seeing all the signs I send you, no matter how much I try. It’s clear to everyone that I like you, but you don’t know it- the only person I desperately want to know about how I feel! Something in me must’ve snapped when you flirted with them back there, and I couldn’t help myself! The jealousy just slammed me against the ground and-” before you could speak any longer, Soobin shushed you silent with his lips against yours softly.
It was a way to shut you up; you instantly stopped ranting as soon as he brought you in deeper with his intoxicating lips. He tasted as sweet as strawberries, encouraging you to relish in the feeling of finally having someone you pined for so long. Your words fell into his mouth as you kissed him back immediately, bringing him closer to your freezing arms. His chest pushed against yours until your back hit the cold brick walls.
Warm butterflies fluttered in your stomach, shooting out swirls of what you called fuzzies to run through your veins. It was finally what you waited for. 
It’s love.
Soobin’s hand lingers to the one you placed on his chest, clutching it as if it was the last time. You chuckled at his eagerness, but that doesn’t mean either of you pulled away! Because seriously, you don’t have to watch a video to know that he likes you for the nth time. It’s the way that he giggles into the soft yet passionate kiss you both share that you finally know- after all this time, your crush really does like you. 
.’*/ (ㅇㅅㅇ❀)\*’..’*/ (ㅇㅅㅇ❀)\*’.
Posted: 11/18/20- 1:08am
@honeijun-writes !! honeibunch, i finished it after a while !! yayaya, thank you for waiting 🥺<33
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dangermousie · 3 years
Something Happened in Bali eps 1-2 rewatch thoughts
It's really interesting, rewatching this. God, I'd almost forgotten how much I love Jo In Sung. LOVE. I mean, I love him and his nervous energy so much that I don't even notice So Ji Sub, who normally I really like. (ide note - A Dirty Carnival was the best Korean movie I have ever seen, and what made me truly and utterly lose it for him - but it was so brutally hopeless, it made me depressed for days. Go watch!) Anyway, back to the drama. 1. I'd almost forgotten how unpleasant the two guys and Other Girl are in this, at the start. None of them are monsters (though by the end the Secondary Girl comes close, IMO, even if I end up feeling a repelled kind of pity for her) but they are all in their selfish shells - it's little things, like not helping Soo Jung with her heavy bag or treating her as an extra in their lives. Even their kindness is this thoughtless kind. It's funny because I am not sure if they change in niceness quotient that much (though both the men become much more desperately vulnerable, especially Jae Min) but I guess I get to know them so well and their reasons for being the way they are, I sort of end up not caring - I end up adoring Jae Min as a character, especially, so much. Even if he is the biggest trainwreck I have ever seen as a kdrama lead in my 15+ years of watching kdramas. 2. Soo Jung. I adore her. You could see how annoyed she is she is dealing with the tour group from hell (the other 3) but the way she pushes and carries on is WONDERFUL. So is her drunken camaraderie with Jae Min. She is in another universe from the poised, iced, controlled Young Joo. But it's interesting, she seems so (relatively) well-adjusted compared to the rest of them but as the drama unfolds, you see that this hard-earned cheerfulness is a facade and she is very broken too - between her and Jae Min, I am not sure, which one is more screwed-up. For him, it's his family, but for her, it's her poverty that has made her so. Ha Ji Won SLAYS in this role (so do the rest of the cast, of course.) She’s rough, she’s desperate, she’s grasping, she’s vulnerable, she’s irresistible - in other hands you would never get how two screwed-up, closed-off men would fall so desperately for someone so greedy, so grasping, so flawed - but here you are drawn to her vividness, to her joy, to her intensity, to her unique combo of sunshine and extreme damage. 3. You know, there are hints about her screwed-upness even this early on - the scene where Jae Min offers her $$$ for a one-night stand and she calls him a jerk (and you see by his reaction he doesn't even understand that what he said was insulting - he is puzzled. In his world, everything can be bought and sold, and there is no such thing as affection.) and then asks whether he is going to pay before or after. In her world, there is no room for the grand gesture, for throwing money in his face. She leaves only because he kicks her out (giving her money but not doing anything) telling her to buy her new shoes (hers are broken) and saying "it's not fun any more" (the first of many instances she really throws him off any usual ways he deals with things). And then she trips on her broken heels walking out, sprawling in the lobby, inelegantly grabbing and picking up money. 4. One of the biggest delights of this rewatch for me is contrasting in my head the way Jae Min is going to be with her later - utterly desperate and "brought down" and willing to beg and beg and beg, and the way he is now - emotionally detached, with all the 'power' on his side - I mean, contrast his propositioning her for that one-night stand and the scene where they finally make love, a dozen eps from now. Though she is totally rattling him even now - I love the scene where he first truly notices her - seeing her in the parking lot trying to fix her shoes, eating, and drinking. She is just so REAL and alive and immediate. No wonder he's caught (and then quickly looks away). 5. Jae Min's father needs to die in a fire after being slowly cut with a myriad of razors - the scene in his office in ep 2 where he is practicing golf in his office and Jae Min flinches any time the golf club is in his vicinity, and almost stutters, just - RAGE. Increased 1000x by what I know he does later. But I confess to being amused in the scene where he is throwing things at Jae Min during the board meeting and a flunkie keeps moving things up to him to throw - folders, bottle of water, so he won't run out of things - a definition of a brown-noser.
6. I love how oddly real this drama feels in its filming - people are not glamorized within an inch of their lives and there is no glossiness, no studied detachment, no appeal to coolness or w/e. It is what it is and it knows it. God, I love this drama!
7. (The below is spoilery for the whole thing) Bali has the distinction of having the most dysfunctional couple I have ever shipped. Years of therapy were needed for those two. Yes, my OTP was Jae Min/Soo Jung, despite the fact that the otp's end was murder/suicide. I don't care, I still shipped them - the ending of the drama is one of my favorite drama moments, in actuality - Jae Min becoming more and more unhinged because of his nightmarish family and then finally he believes Soo Jung just played him in order to scam money and ruin his family with her lover. He tracks them down to Bali and finds them in bed. Ironically, Soo Jung has just finished telling her lover that she wants to leave him and go back to Korea to look for Jae Min because it's him she wants. Jae Min, of course, does not hear her (and he is so catatonic at that point, I doubt it would have registered if he did hear). So he shoots her and her lover dead as they lie there. But while her lover is dead asap, Soo Jung has time to look at Jae Min and tell him 'saranghae' which is about the most awesome thing ever - she has never ever told him she loved him before, not through all his efforts to win her heart, not even when they made love. And now she is telling him as she is dying, because it's important to her for him to know before she dies - there are no games or conditions. And of course, Jae Min snapped out of it as soon as he shot and he is falling apart as is and then he hears her tell him she loves him and his face - oh my God. And he goes outside and kills himself and I sit there bawling and hoping his horrific family all have collective heart attacks and die.
Yes. I ship THAT. I don't care what it makes me. The drama makes no bones that Jae Min is beyond messed up - I am kinda amazed he is walking and talking, to be honest. His father wins the incontrovertible award for the worst kdrama father ever and if you know kdramas you know what a feat that is. The scene where Jae Min is on his knees in front of his father, weeping and begging to be allowed to have Soo Jung and his father beats him half into unconsciousness and then tells him it's Soo Jung's fault and he will go after her next and make her disappear and Jae Min is left pleading that he did not mean it and it's not Soo Jung's fault and he misunderstood? FLAMES. FLAMES WHEN I JUST THINK ABOUT IT. So his love for Soo Jung is no help - I don't think any woman could have 'fixed' him, and certainly the hugely messed-up despite her sunny demeanor Soo Jung, with her own major issues and fragility, was about the last person to do so. However, even if they could have worked out their happiness, with the help of some really high-priced therapy, his family made it impossible - in fact they turned the screws on even worse, not caring that their actions were plainly driving him into nonfunctionality land. But then - how else could it end with all the destruction and damage and desperation on both sides and his having no experience with any expression of love that was not entangled with violence. And in context of fiction, the OTP that has the potential for helping each other but dooms each other instead is my jam SO MUCH!
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magma1000 · 3 years
West Of Weird
yo. I recently posted two my ocs backstories, and it occurred to me, nobody but and my brother know about this world. So I shall attempt to explain it, apologies in advance cuz its long and probably confusing, if you need an explanation, feel free to ask and ill rephrase it probably.
SO. West Of Weird is basically (right now) what the universe my ocs live in would be called if it were a tv series. But it basically takes place in a fantasy type of world, and we focus on an area called The Cazsanda Valley. It’s filled with some of the most rare and dangerous fantastical creatures. All of these creatures live in a forest called the Wilder Woods. Some of those creature include:
Chances - creatures who were given a second chance at life
This generally means, creatures who weren’t the best in their first life, and their given a second by the gods in hopes they’ll choose the right path. These creatures are known to have strange lookin pupils that separate them into tribes, unique patterns on their fur/hair that hint to powers, and self-healing abilities. They are very skilled hunters and are incredibly dangerous in numbers.
Aglitta - tiny pinkish goblin like creatures
They’re pretty damn cute for goblins tho. They usually are almost exact copies of each other and are found in large groups in the brighter areas of the Wilder Woods. They aren’t the most dangerous creatures, they usually just annoy travelers and hunters alike.
Imps - incredibly strong demon lookin creatures
They are very tall, unnaturally strong demon like things. They, like chances are also sorted into tribes, but its by the color of their scales and pattern. They are highly dangerous, most should steer clear of them at all times.
Hippalich - imagine a hippogriff, but humanoid
They’re creatures that are half horse, half bird, and half human. (im bad at math ok?) They live in trees and heavily rely on flight and their poisonous claws. most predators from the Wilder Woods eat these creatures. They have no magic and are generally harmless.
Fishani - mostly human, but a quarter fish i guess
These siren like fish creatures typically live in underwater towns and villages. They come in various colors and kinds. Their level of danger depends on the type of fish.
Within this valley, there are several towns and cities, the biggest and best, is Talon City (basically this world’s New York). It is a very lovely and lively city. But my ocs are from a small town called Westoweir. That’s where I focus on, I also focus mainly on a character from the big city named Toni. She was sent by the founder of the city, Dean Talon, to gather embarrassing and awful info on the residents of Westoweir, (Westoweir is thought of, by most of the creatures in the valley, to be an awful place where horrible creatures come from) to encourage more people to want to move to the big city. There’s also gods. yea. In this world, the gods have involvement, but generally let things play out because “its how fate intended it to be” or somethin. The only real involvement they have is when every couple decades or so, they create 5 or so children to grow up and become a guardian. Guardians usually keep one group of somethin in check. The 5 guardian are/do as follow:
1: The Earth’s Guardian
this guardian helps the Earth be stable i suppose. They keep volcanoes, and natural disasters, and the core itself in control. Without their power, the world becomes unbalanced.
2: Mother Nature’s Guardian
This guardian is basically the mother/father/guardian of nature. They control nature, the ecosystem... yea. They also typically have a lot of knowledge about the world they live in.
3: The Guardian of Death/Ghosts
Basically the grim reaper. This guardian can communicate and control the dead, they are also in charge of everyone’s scheduled death. This guardian usually needs a hell of a lot of therapy.
4. Guardian of Monsters
This guardian takes care of all the beasts and monsters. The guardian keeps them at bay, and away from anyone. Monsters like world-enders almost. The guardian makes sure these creatures don’t destroy the world.
5. The Guardian of The Shadow Realm
Any otherworldly creature generally. Anything from another realm i suppose. This guardian keeps them at bay as well. (they also control them i guess. same with no. 4)
 And now i shall finish off with the Magic users. Magic Users are generally human, but every once in a while you’ll come across a creature who self taught themselves (usually a witch) or was accepted into a magic school. Magic Users generally have a specific color to their power, it will often be a color than runs in the family and states something about you:
Orange: means you are brave, honest, skeptical, or annoying
Red: means you are courageous, thorough, thoughtful, or selfish
Yellow: means you are calm, kind, energetic, or gullible
Green: means you are jealous, angry, egotistical, or evil
Blue: means you are smart, sad, patient, or hesitant
Purple: means you are generous, graceful, lustful, or fearful
Pink: means you are friendly, loyal, deceitful, or untrustworthy
White: means you are careful, full of love, greedy, or pessimistic
Black: means you are determined, forgiving, reckless, or vengeful 
there are obviously more colors in existence but im lazy. that’s all i really feel i need to say right now, i might post somethin else like this, but i doubt it.
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Imagine 😈
Erik getting caught fucking a sex doll and plus sized Reader catches him in the act/ Fic inspired by Tanerélle- Mama Saturn.
Warnings: Straight up SMUT. Nothing but smut.
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A sinful treat that Erik wanted to devour every single time he saw her. Sexy bitch. He likes a girl that’s a bit of a challenge to get into his bed. She didn’t wear her pussy power on her sleeve. Not a church girl exactly but one who’ll play mouse to his sharp-clawed cat. Y/N was exactly that challenge. She’s a plus sized model from Washington DC that Erik had the pleasure of meeting during a block party/ fundraiser in Oakland CA for the Wakandan Outreach Center.
She volunteered for one of the booths there and Erik couldn’t help but to talk to her. She compelled him. Erik found himself enjoying her east coast accent and how much she loved being a model. It was the only thing she’d ever wanted to do, and she was in it for the long haul. She was turned down plenty of times; denied opportunities because of her “shape”. Bullshit. Complete bullshit. Her shape, her overall beauty...Erik’s thoughts lingered on her pretty face and equally beautiful body even after he went home from the office, picturing her standing behind him while he showered, arms wrapped around his waist, her face nuzzled into the small of his back.
Okay...that wasn’t all he pictured. He’d pictured bending her over his California King Bed, her hands fisting the 800 thread count sheets while he plunged his fat dick deep inside of her throbbing pussy, making her cum almost instantly. He pictured her losing some of the calm control she exerted over every other aspect of her being, trusting him to be there to catch her as she trembled her way to ecstasy. From simple meet ups whenever she came around the Outreach, Y/N wasn’t the girl who threw her pussy around like a Frisbee. Fucking perfect. He liked inexperienced puss.
Good, Erik wants that. He wanted nothing more than to break that puss in hot and raw with his sizable appendage. A pretty puss that he could turn out. She’ll remember him in that pretty kitty. He’d never taken the time to actually become friends with a women without sex being involved. Y/N was just that. She would come over at times to chill with Erik, watching movies or chatting it up. Even though Erik wanted to fuck her, he still appreciates the times where they would just link up and bond. It got so crazy that Erik gave her a spare key whenever she needed a place to escape to when he was out of town with his cousin; the King of Wakanda. Every time he would come back home, her smell...nutmeg and vanilla bean would still be there. In his sheets. In his kitchen. On his couch. Ugh. He was half tempted to let her move in since she couldn’t stand living with her roommate.
“Have you ever had your big, juicy ass properly worshipped?”
That’s what he wanted to ask her while staring at her proud, thick, curves before him, imaging the luscious mocha color of her booty straining as she bounced gently up and down his big, fat dick. Her heavy bottom was the perfect roundness, a reward for Erik’s months without sex, of yearning to kneel down in front of her, to taste her sweet pussy and touch her beautiful voluptuous body.
This is all your fault, Y/N
Erik found himself doing something he hasn’t done in a long time. It was a late Thursday evening, he drove past a Sex Shop he’s been meaning to explore. Succulent was the name of it, one of the C’s blinking in and out from the faulty light bulbs. Big, read cursive letters over top of a sleazy adult toy shop in the heart of Oakland on a rainy Thursday evening. He needed a release. He hadn’t seen Y/N for a couple of days since she went to visit family in Atlantic City. She teased him with a few sexy pics in skimpy dresses and bikinis and Erik shamelessly beat his hefty dick to the images.
Parking his car, paying the meter to avoid a ticket, Erik pulled his windbreaker hood over his head to shield the rain drops, slamming his door shut before checking that the coast was clear to cross over. Once his left foot hit the cracked and wet pavement, Erik stood in front of the sex shop, rain hitting his lashes and the tip of his nose, his face illuminated by the LED lights that warmed his russet skin and sparked his nerves. In the display window, there are a few tall boxes with a picture of a very very titillating black women that looked like a cosmic beauty with an Afro and eyes that sparkles like diamonds. Her naked body glistened like some supernova sex goddess, skin like midnight. On the outside of the boxes there are big, bubble gum pink letters surrounding it.
Mama Saturn Kan Make U Kream!
Erik opens the door, a soft bell dinging above his head. The shop smelled like scented candles. The rug was a plush royal purple and the lights were dimmed to set the mood. Rows and rows filled with any and everything SEX. Occupying the register is a young black girl with long passion twists in her hair pulled up into a bun, a matching legging set colored peach with gold gladiator sandals on her feet. She’s currently standing on a step ladder, putting up the same sign in the window above a display behind the register.
Mama Saturn Kan Make u Kream!
She was upbeat and good-humored with a pretty smile and hazel eyes. Erik returned a half smirk, the dimple in his right cheek creating a deep hollow. He removed his hood before taking his right hand to shake out his tapered dreads.
“My name is Shay, if you need any help at all, let me know,” she looked Erik over with appreciative eyes.
“I’ll let you know if I need anything Shay,” Erik says before walking further into the store, his eyes moving from left to right as he took in the scenery. Smaller shelves filled with DVD’s and porn magazines were situated in the front. Erik picked up a few to look over. Ebony Lust, XXX Cocoa, Busty Mochas, Ghetto Booty Queens...
This store must be owned by a black male or female. Erik really liked that. He could see a few white men flipping through pages, eyes as big as saucers staring at all that chocolate, divine booty and pussy on those pages, the visuals popping out at them like 3D pictures. Erik bobbed his head to Megan Thee Stallion’s- Sex Talk while peeking down a few aisles to explore. What Erik hadn’t noticed until now is that there are booths in the back with a black velvet curtain as the only concealment. Curious, gait so smooth, Erik made his way down an aisle filled with male sex toys to see what was behind those curtains.
Finally there, standing before one of them, Erik pulled the curtain back. The booth was small and cramped. It was one of those booths where you put a quarter in a slot to watch a quick porn scene. The booth and walls were nice and clean, painted black like the curtains, but Erik could only imagine how it looked before. Cum stains on the floor and on the booths, women watching the thirty second flick while rubbing themselves down. Men slipping their dicks past the velvet curtains like a glory hole so they could provide something for the women to suck and slurp on. 
“You can go in if you like. It’s only a quarter.”
Erik was alarmed when he felt a small hand rub the tension from his muscles. Turning to look over his broad shoulder, Erik’s whiskey-colored eyes fell on a 5’5, caramel skinned baddie. It was Shay, the store clerk. 
“Just make sure you wipe up when you’re finished, okay?”
Erik chuckles, releasing the curtain so that it can close, “Damn...it gets that messy, huh?”
“Oh, yeah,” Shay shakes her head with a grin, “I can’t even begin to tell you what goes on beyond these curtains...some of the shit I’ve seen...”
“Wild,” Erik licks his lips.
“Like I said, you can go inside, the flicks are only thirty seconds but it’s worth it,” She says with a honeyed tone.
“Yeah...I need more than thirty seconds to bust a nut, ma. That’s not nearly good enough.”
“Oh?” Shay folds her arms across her small cleavage, “See...I can tell you’re no amateur. You’ve probably tried a lot of the toys in here with women.”
Erik’s lips twisted in thought, eyes heavenward, “I’ve tried a lot of things...I guess you can say I’m an expert...what? You got something that will spark my interest?”
“Just the thing,” Shay walks closer, making her voice smaller, “ Mama Saturn can make you cream.”
“Mama Saturn?” Erik blinks his eyes down at Shay before pointing towards the front of the store, “You mean the sex doll in the display window? Nah, that’s not my type of thing, baby girl.”
“You’d be surprised. Ten have already been sold and they came in today. They’re selling out in other sex shops too. Thanks to one of Tony Stark’s ex-employees that worked in his artificial intelligence department.”
Erik’s eyes squinted as he elevated a single brow down at Shay. If one of Tony Stark’s ex-employees created Mama Saturn it must be an impressive design, almost like the real thing. He knew it had to cost an arm, leg, and head. Erik wasn’t going to lie, he is curious about the sex doll. He remembers laughing about men fucking sex dolls. Who would want to stick their dick in a plastic blow up doll to bust a nut? The shit was comical. 
“Well, I’ll leave you to it,” Shay gently squeezes Erik’s bicep, “if you change your mind about Mama Saturn, you know where to find me, handsome.” 
Erik regarded Shay as she sashayed away down one of the rows filled with erotica before disappearing completely. It was midnight and he was standing in a sex shop. He came here to buy something he probably already has packed away in one of his heavy duty suitcases at the back of his closet. Toys he hasn’t used in FOREVER since he laid his eyes on Y/N. He’s been courting Y/N for months. Yes, Erik “the pussy monster” Stevens. He didn’t earn that nickname just for the fun of it. 
He could only imagine the women he used to sleep with seeing him again. They wouldn’t hesitate to give him the finger or an evil scowl  and for the most part he didn’t blame them. He was selfish, greedy and horny in his younger years, too full of himself to appreciate the true joy a woman could bring him on all levels. Erik has never been in a situation where he wasn’t in a hurry to get a girl out of her clothes, to figure out who she was by the way she writhed, the way she moaned his name into the pillow or his ear, the way she came on his dick or his tongue. 
Deciding to get something quick; some new BDSM toys, Erik grabs a basket, filling it up with handcuffs, edible lube, vibrating tongue covers, candles for hot wax play, nipple clamps, floggers, anything so he could get home for the evening. An evening he could be spending sitting up on the phone with Y/N, her sweet voice keeping him company while he was in bed. Erik trailed to the front of the shop, standing behind a few men. One of them he noticed carried a box with the sex doll inside; the long box in front of him. 
“That will be…$105.86,” Shay watches the customer insert his chip into the card machine, his transaction completed. 
“I can help you!” Shay called to the man with the sex doll. She began ringing him up, Erik’s eyes looking at one of  the boxes in the window.
Tell me all your names, baby
Tell me all your names, I need to know
Then I'll tell you mine, baby
Then I’ll tell you mine and we can go
To past the time
Shift paradigms
Align our bodies with the sky
'Til I am yours and you are mine…
The song began to play with the surround sound of the sex shop. The sultry voice called for him, tickling his ears and making the hairs on the back of his neck stand up. 
I'd do anything for you
Yeah, I’d do anything for you
Baby, just say the word
And we make perfect sense
God could not resist no
I can feel the urge
To drop defense
At my expense
Allow my body to ascend
Along with yours
Let love commence…
“That’s all for you today?”
Erik was the only one left in line now. 
“Shit, it’s late as hell,” Erik spoke in his defense, “Long ass day.” 
“No problem, handsome,” Shay rings in his items, “Candles?”
“You never know,” Erik chuckles with his signature half smirk.
Close my eyes, embrace my matter
Swing my hips as if they bear the rings of Mama Saturn
Stretch my vertebrae so we can climb it like a ladder
And step into our world…
“Who is this?” Erik asks with fondness in his voice.
Mama Saturn,” Shay says with a coy smile, “Well, she’s who inspired the design of this sex doll. 
Erik couldn’t keep his eyes off of the boxes in the windows. What was it that made this sex doll so compelling? Maybe it was because he was aching for a sexual release. Maybe because he wanted to know why this sex doll was so popular. Did it do tricks? Did it talk to you? Was it designed to feel like the real thing? A really pussy?
“...how much for one of those sex dolls?”
Shay tried to fight a smile but the corners of her lips couldn’t help but to turn up. 
“2,000.” Shay says flat out.
“Makes sense,” Erik didn’t flinch at the price, he expected it to be that much especially since it was created by an ex-coworker of Tony Stark. 
“Last chance,” Shay teases, all of his other items priced at $78.86.”  
“Shit, why not, add one to the total.”
Friday Evening
“hmmm what can you do?” Erik paced his bedroom in a pair of grey sweats and a plain white T-shirt. The manual for Mama Saturn rested between his fingers, the doll itself sitting in a recliner chair in his bedroom. The doll was indeed impressive. The skin felt so real, the face just as mind blowing. Erik honestly felt that 2,000 was a snag compared to what it should be retailed for. He had it charging since this morning since he planned on testing it out tonight. 
“Mama Saturn can make you cream...I act out live fantasies for you...charge me up and take me for a ride...you won’t even tell the difference between the real thing and me...”
Erik shakes his head before folding up the instructions. He looked over at Mama Saturn sitting in the chair, the eyes on that doll feeling more and more realistic the longer Erik gazed. Tearing his eyes away, Erik reached for his glass tumbler filled with cognac, taking a long sip. Was he really going to fuck a sex doll? The thought of it has him laughing into his glass. Wiping liquor from his chin, Erik’s phone began to vibrate in his pocket. Erik pulls it out to find Y/N calling him. Placing his drink down, Erik answers the call, resting on the edge of his bed.
He felt warmth creep up his belly.
“Hey,” He says with a soft spoken voice. 
“I missed you,” She sighs, “I had to cut my vacation short.”
“I missed you too,” He really wanted to tell her to come see him since her trip ended so quickly, “Wasn’t even there for 48 hours.”
“Well...my family is pretty broken. I was hoping to make amends but that didn’t work out. I was not going to be there for two more nights and deal with it.”
Erik lays back against his bed, sliding the instructions to Mama Saturn to the side, “If i were there to keep you company the trip would have been better...am I lying?”
She giggles, “No. you would have made it even better.”
Y/N grew silent on the other end, the sound of her turn signal blaring through the phone.
“Where are you?” Erik asks.
“I’m on my way home from the airport. I’m tired, I need some sleep. I have a lingerie shoot in the AM.”
“Jet lagged, huh?” Erik runs his fingers through his dreads, “Once you get in that house you’re ass is gonna be passed out on the couch.”
“I know! I was thinking damn it’s a Friday night and I’m usually eating Chinese with Erik intstead of by myself on his couch but yessss I am entirely too tired to stay up late. Rain check?”
Erik hopes he didn’t have disappointment in his voice when he responded, “Yeah, of course. If you’re free tomorrow you can come over.”
“I’ll hold you to that, Erik...let me get off of this phone, I’m almost home. Night, Erik!”
“Night, ma,” Erik ends the call, resting his phone against his chest, “Damn…”
Erik looks up and over his head at the sex doll. Lifting up, stretching his arms above his head, Erik exhales before removing his sweats and his T-shirt, sitting on the edge of the bed completely naked now minus the gold chain around his neck and his Nike socks. His dick was semi erect between his legs, resting against his inner thigh. The minute he went to grab his smooth, brown dick it thrummed against the palm of his hand. Erik rolls his tongue along the inside of his left cheek.
Standing, Erik walks over to his closet, opening it and grabbing one of his suitcases filled with sex toys. Opening the suitcase, Erik grabs a bottle of lube before closing it back up. Erik shook the bottle, the contents inside sloshing around. Erik with his lube in hand walked over to Mama Saturn seated on his recliner chair. He stood before the sex doll, his eyes dancing over it, wrapping his mind around the fact that he was about to fuck the shit out of this doll. Grabbing the remote control that came with it, Erik admires the different vibration and pulse settings. 
Erik grabs the sex doll, bringing it to his bed before resting it in the middle of it. Even caressing the thighs was bizarre. Eyebrows disappearing behind the curtain of tapered dreads resting over his forehead, Erik pulls the legs apart on Mama Saturn, eyes growing wider the more he stares at her “pussy”.
“No fucking way,” Erik was stunned. 
Before him is a pussy molded for him to deep-dive into. The ULTRASKYN material is smooth. He was going to need A LOT of lube to help his fat dick glide inside of Mama Saturn’s soft, fully detailed vagina. Erik takes his finger tips to stroke the outer lips of her mound. Erik cracked a smile when he used his finger to insert inside of the realistic sex doll. Flexible, walls covered with countless ridges to create a realistic sensation. 
“Shit,” Erik says barely above a whisper, “they weren't playing when they made you…”
Erik removes his finger, grabbing up his lube to cover his dick and balls generously before doing the same thing to Mama Saturn’s vagina and...how impressive, her asshole. Three holes to explore including her life-like mouth with lips so full. Mama Saturn is amazingly detailed from the smooth texture of her skin to her brown eyes with luxurious lashes, curly fro, and plump lips. Erik decided to try out the mouth first. His dick hasn’t been in a woman’s mouth for months. This will have to do for now until he finally gets a chance with Y/N. 
Using his fingers, Erik opens her mouth, amazed to see a smooth pink tongue and a deep throat. It’s a sex doll so he knew it would be never ending. His pipe would be able to go deep in all three of her holes without a barrier. Grabbing his dick at the base, jerking it, Erik lines his dick up with the mouth on Mama Saturn before pushing himself fully inside. 
“Ooh?” Erik shuttered, his gluteal muscles tight, “fuck...fuckk.”
Shocked, confounded, dazed, Erik stared down at the doll like it came to life and slapped him across his pretty face. What else can you do, he thought before grabbing the remote, pressing a random button. His body almost fell on top of the sex doll. Erik just knew that there was some man out there, lonely and undesired who would marry this fucking doll. Mama Saturn’s mouth and throat are lined with stimulators to make Erik bust strong and hard. The squishy, ribbed texture along with the way it pulsates and vibrates had Erik grabbing a fist full of the doll's hair that felt so silky smooth to the touch, the curls coiling around his thick fingers.
“Goddamn,” He whispered shallowly from his lungs, “ahhhHHH, fuck this fucking doll ain’t no joke!” He spoke through clenched teeth.
Who knew a damn sex doll would make his balls tight and heavy with cum and his dick so damn hard he could bench press a barbell. His thrusts became even more sloppy, hips smashing into the realistic face of Mama Saturn. So much room for him to swivel his hips, ram his dick in hard and fast, and yank and pull her hair. No teeth, just straight slippery ridges giving him an ultimate sensation. 
“Unh, shit,” Erik felt the muscles in his back flex, “Shit is so deep.” 
Deeper than the real thing. Nothing compared to the real thing, NOT AT ALL but Erik could understand in that moment while his dick went in and out with a gluttony to cum why this toy sold as much as it did. One thing for him to check off his list of sexual exploration. The sheen of sweat on his back trickled down over his ass and the muscles in his arms trembled the more he lowered that doll's mouth over his dick. 
“SHIT- oh my fucking God-“
Erik pulls his dick out, stroking it a good two times before his thick, tasty cum landed on the doll's face. It was the vibrations and the pulses. He’d never cum that quick from oral. 
“Mmmm,” He moans, before rubbing the last bit of his nut on the doll’s face, “This is so wild.”
Dick still poked out and nowhere near softening up, Erik pries Mama Saturn’s legs apart, staring down at the realistic vagina with horny curiosity. Once again, Erik slips his fingers inside, closing his eyes and imagining that it was Y/N’s pussy he was fingering. She had to have the fattest pussy ever, not to mention the wettest pussy ever. She would probably cover his entire hand with her slick juices. Biting his lip, Erik lines his sensitive, wide tip up with the tight opening on that damn doll. With a slight shake of his head, Erik’s dick slipped past the flesh-like labia before fully burying inside. 
“Ugh! Shit!” Erik’s head flew back, eyelids flickering, “Shit don’t make no sense…”
He was frustrated with himself for fucking a sex doll when he could be ten inches deep in Y/N’s pussy with his balls slapping her ass. Hips pistoning in and out of Mama Saturn while his sweat dropped from the tip of his nose, Erik kept his eyes closed as he imagined this doll being Y/N, staring up at him with her innocent brown eyes, confused and moaning. He imagined that he was with her, sliding hot and nasty against her sweaty body, watching her arch and stretch as he pulled his dick almost all the way out of her gorgeous, slick pussy, then slamming it back in and making her scream. 
“Y/N...damn...your pussy feels so good Y/N...I knew that puss would be nice and tight for daddy’s fat dick, baby...I just wanna make you cum, girl...fuck...I just wanna feel that sticky cum all over this big-fucking-dick-
“Yeah? I’m in that pussy baby? Daddy fucking that pussy?”
“Yeah, call daddy’s name like that, Unh fuck, girl...pussy is so damn good-
His eyes popped open almost instantly when he heard Y/N’s voice elevate. The vibration from Mama Saturn shot straight to his heavy sack before Bam!!!! His cum filled that toy to the hilt. Erik pulled his body away from the doll, staring at it with bewildered eyes while his dick bobbed up and down between his legs. Did it just speak? Now his mind was really playing tricks on him…
“Erik-Erik I’m, I’m so sorry.”
A jarring expression on his sweaty face, Erik turns towards the entrance to his room to find Y/N standing there in a fabletics outfit with a Nike cap covering her braided hair, white Nike huarache on her feet, and a take out bag in her left hand. She was frozen, her eyes dancing between the doll covered in his cum and his naked body glistening and still very much hardened. 
“I’m really fucking sorry Erik, oh, fuck, I’m so fucking sorry I feel so bad for walking in on you like this, Erik shit, I’m sorry-
“I...I thought you were going home?” 
“I...was...but...I…” she instantly stopped speaking. Y/N’s eyes could not stop looking at the doll and Erik’s body. She was half-tempted to drop the food and scurry away but the scene in front of her eyes…
“Y/N? How long have you been standing there?”
Longer than she would like to admit. When Erik hung up she decided last minute to surprise him with food. Y/N wanted badly to see Erik, hoping that tonight would finally be the night that he would take advantage of her but instead he’s taking advantage of a sex doll that he envisioned was herself taking his big ass dick. All that dick that he was giving to a sex doll…
“I’m just...I think...Erik I’m sorry,” Y/N turned on her heels, taking wide strides to his kitchen to drop off the food and rush out of his luxury apartment. She didn’t know that having his key would lead to her walking in on him having a blast with a sex doll. She felt embarrassed. Erik looked abashed for a second but then his body seemed to relax, his nudity and the sex doll with its legs wide open before him just another thing in his room. 
“Y/N! Wait!” She could hear Erik getting up from his bed. Looking over her shoulder, she could see Erik walking towards her, still naked, dick swaying, eyes soft and pleading for her to stay. 
“Erik, I’m sorry,” She couldn’t stop apologizing. She was at his door, twisting the knob when his hand grasped her shoulder. Y/N didn’t turn, she couldn’t bring herself to face him while his amazingly-built body and that beautiful, fat dick stares back at her, inviting her. 
“Stop apologizing,” He used force, turning Y/N completely, her back pressing against the door hard. She turned her head away from him, looking over his sweaty shoulder. 
“It’s nothing for you to feel sorry about, Y/N...I just wasn’t expecting to see you tonight…”
She could smell his sweat...it was an intensely masculine scent. The spiced nuances burned her nose, she could even smell a hint of cocoa. His entire atmosphere warmed her and electrified her body in ways she hadn’t felt since forever. Why was he doing this? Standing before her, looking down at her with his blazing eyes, fully naked and still as stiff as concrete. 
“Last minute decision,” she stuck her hand in a small pocket on the side of her athletic leggings, “Here...your key back-
“Nah,” Erik folded his hand over hers, “Keep it...I like it when you use it...makes me think you live here with me…”
She looked at him then. Their eyes matched the same compulsion. 
“What?” He asks with a whisper.
“...Erik, I should go,” Y/N went back to twisting the knob but her eyes stayed glued to his, “I guess I’ll see you tomorrow.”
He closed his eyes before raising a single brow, “I really wish it was you instead, Y/N...I really wish it was you, girl.”
His eyes opened and THAT'S when things really turned up. His body pressed into hers, the flesh of his girthy dick resting against her stomach from their height difference. He was still sticky down there from using lube to fuck that doll. She swallowed spit, lower lip trembling as she watched his face get dangerously close to hers. 
“You don’t know how bad I need you,” He mumbles, “Stay, please? here,” Erik reaches for her hand, Y/N’s fingertips touching the swollen, wide tip of his dick. She gasped, eyes glossy. Erik made her wrap her hand around his dick, her fingertips barely touching. 
“Please?” His eyes swam with lust as he studied her face.
The urgency in his voice made her quiver. This was too much to unfold at the moment. The doll was still on his bed. Could she really have sex with him right now after he just ejaculated inside of a fake vagina? His fingers lightly touched her hips and Y/N’s lower lip rested between her teeth. While she nibbled nervously, Erik’s warm breath tickled her cheek. His lips were so close. 
“I wanna fuck you,” He whispered, “I wanna fuck you so bad, Y/N.”
“Not now, Erik,” Y/N pushed herself away from him gently, quickly opening the door, “I’m sorry.”
She didn’t look back, her mind was swirling with tremendous confusion. She did have an early shoot in the AM and she was indeed jet lagged. As he called her name, his voice desperate, Y/N decided to take the staircase so he wouldn’t follow her, or worse, pick her up and carry her back into his apartment, MAKING HER STAY. She stopped on the next level to catch her breath before deciding to take the elevators the rest of the way down. How was she going to face him the next day after what she just witnessed? She had to sleep it off.
Y/N sat down on a fluffy white sofa after shooting her last few pictures with her personal photographer. Dressed in a black leather lingerie set with matching leather gloves and a choker that spelled out Baby Girl in silver lettering, Y/N thought about what happened just six hours prior. 
She didn’t call or text Erik. She couldn’t bring herself to do it yet. He gave her space even though a part of her missed his silly texts. He liked to send her voice messages instead of typing. She didn’t complain, his husky voice was ear porn for her. 
“We did good today,” Her photographer, Bruce, a good friend and talented artist says while looking at her pictures on his camera, “You just get sexier and sexier every time I see you.”
She blushed, “Thanks, Bruce. When are you going to show me those sexy polaroids of your fiancé and all her thickness?”
“I’ll bring them next week, I promise,” Bruce walks away to put his camera in its designated bag.
“Let me get dressed,” Y/N stood up from the sofa, “I’ll lock up, Bruce, you don’t have to worry about it. Go home and take your fiancé to brunch.”
“You’re sure? Ain’t no rush for me.”
“I’m positive, go on,” Y/N waved him away while grabbing a robe from her vanity to put on, “Treat her to some food and have a good time.”
“Thanks, Y/N, I’ll see you next week, Aight? I got Jayla hooking you up with a sexy set of dresses. I’ll see you at 8 AM, next Saturday.”
“Can’t wait! Bye Bruce!”
Y/N gave him a final wave as she watched him leave the studio. She was just about to gather her things and get dressed when a knock came to the studio door. Y/N sat her things back down, walking towards the front of the studio and finding a man standing at the door, his head downcast as he typed on his phone. She couldn’t make out his face because it was shielded behind a hood. He wore a denim jacket over his hood with a pair of black cargo pants and black and white Jordan 13’s on his feet. 
Her phone rang. Reaching into her robe pocket, Y/N pulls out her phone. 
Her eyes shot up towards the door, his eyes staring back at her through the glass. There was no use in ignoring him, he could see her through the glass, wrapped in a robe. With an irregular breath, Y/N walked to the door, unlocking it before stepping away. Erik opened the door, pulling his hood off of his head before allowing the door to swing shut behind him. He turned, locking the door before facing her again with searching eyes. 
“How was the shoot?” He asks while placing his hands in the pockets of his denim jacket.
“It was great, always great,” Y/N’s eyes darted around the studio, “What are you doing here?”
“Figured I would try to show up and see you work but I’m too late,” Erik’s eyes burned into hers, “Then I figured we could get something to eat and talk about what went down last night before you ran away from me.”
She wasn’t getting out of this. Y/N motioned for Erik to follow her towards the back of the studio where Bruce’s backdrops and furniture were. Erik took a seat on the white sofa, Y/N right next to him, folding her shiny, chocolate legs. Erik couldn’t help but to glimpse a peek of her smooth legs and the little bit of cleavage that teased him through the small opening at the top of the robe. Beneath that thick robe was a body he wanted so deeply he shivered. There was so much to see and taste and touch. If he pulled that robe from her body he wouldn’t know where to start or finish. 
“I ain’t expect for you to see all of that,” Erik spoke with his hands, eyes glancing over at her from time to time, “how did you feel when you saw me fucking the doll?”
“Uhm…” Y/N adjusted her hips on the sofa, “It was shocking...I guess I was a little turned on by it…” she couldn’t bring herself to look at him.
“If you were turned on...why didn’t you stay?” 
Y/N batted her lashes as she gave him a once-over, “Because it was too much to deal with. The doll...your body…”
“Hm,” Erik observed her with his whiskey eyes, “I really wish you would have stayed with me…”
“I will tonight...I am right now,” She gave him a soft, timid smile.
“Yeah...you are right now,” Erik bites his lower lip, “I’ve been wanting you for months now, Y/N...you heard what I said last night while I was fucking the doll?”
She nibbled on the corner of her bottom lip before shaking her head, “I don’t remember.”
Erik scoots closer, grabbing one of Y/N’s hands, “I said that I wanna make you cum.”
With a shivering inhale, Y/N’s hand in Erik’s became sweaty. 
“I’m tired of playing games when I know you’re feeling me too...I know you want me just as much as I want you. I waited for months, I’m tired of fucking around, Y/N.”
“I do want you, I just didn’t want to rush into things. I didn’t want to get my hopes up about you so damn fast but I just couldn’t help myself...Seeing you like that last night I…”
Her brown eyes blazed into Erik’s. Y/N scoots closer, her hand nervously reaching out to tug on the collar of his denim jacket, “How long have you wanted to fuck me, Erik?”
“Since the first time I laid eyes on you,” Erik stared down at her hand pulling harder, the fabric applying pressure against his neck. His smile was that of a predator spotting its prey, victory assured. Pure, dumb-founded lust was painted on her beautiful, round face. 
“Same,” She says barely above a whisper, “Oh, Erik.”
That was an invitation to pull her on his lap. Erik wrapped his arms around her plump body, his left hand coming up to palm the back of her head so that he could hold her steady while his thick tongue slipped past her lips and into her warm mouth. Y/N reached up to grasp his shoulders, her breath halting each time Erik’s tongue would graze hers. 
“Take this off,” He spoke against her lips, “I need to see all of you…”
Without hesitation, lips still pressed against his, Y/N opened her robe before shimmying it off her shoulders, letting it fall on the floor.
“Damn...this is exactly what I pictured.” 
All her curves...all that chocolate skin...everything for him to bite and lick on. 
“You looking sexy as fuck in my lap, ma,” Erik’s hands couldn’t resist reaching behind her and rubbing her sizable cheeks.
“All this ass…” He wanted nothing more than to pull all of her weight down on his dick, “You don’t know how bad I want to fuck you right now-
“Please?” She begged.
“You remember how I put this dick in that doll? I was fucking that doll like crazy wasn’t I? with all this big dick you sitting on?”
Visions of him screwing that sex doll with all of his fat dick has her more than prepared to take him right there on that couch no matter how many times it needed to be. She’d fuck him and let him put her body in different positions. Anything he wanted, anything he imagined himself doing, he can do that shit. 
“Stand up,” Erik instructed with his hands resting on Y/N’s hips. 
She stood from his lap, the sexy lingerie making his mouth water. Erik rose from his seat, taking off his denim jacket and his hoodie. With a white beater stretched across his vigorously ripped body, Erik wraps his toned, bulging biceps around Y/N’s waist, kisses long and hot-blooded while he backs her against a nearby wall. Y/N fought for oxygen between kisses, releasing her lips to inhale but it only lasted a millisecond because Erik’s hungry lips were back on hers. 
As sexy as the lingerie was on her beautiful body Erik needed to see all of her before him. Reluctantly releasing his lips from hers, Erik presses his forehead against Y/N’s, his hands trailing over the patent leather of the bra and panties she wore. The set barely covered her breasts or her ass. Heavily breathing against her cheek, Erik reached around to unclamp the bra that was struggling to hold up her DD’s. She didn’t stop him, she didn’t tell him no, she simply allowed him to pull the leather from her smooth chocolate skin. 
“They are so fucking pretty,” Erik kisses down her neck, “delicious titties baby…” his lower lip poked out when he got closer to her dark brown nipples, “I ain’t even put your titty in my mouth yet and look what you got my dick looking like…”
She heard his zipper, his jagged, labored breath tickling her nipples, “Look what I got for you…”
She took in the sight of his big black dick and at the moment she could already feel her pussy expanding to take all of him. The throbbing deep inside of her itched to feel just how much that fat dick would pound her. Y/N isn’t nowhere near experienced with big black dicks but staring at Erik’s thick pipe made her want to learn with speedy delight. sucking a dick like that she just has to get that mouthful of sperm.  She wanted to slow down, take her time and really ENJOY the sheer pleasure of licking, sucking, feeling, smelling and just making him feel the best he’s ever felt before. 
“Damn, Erik…” Y/N licks her bottom lip, “that’s a big fella.”
Erik chuckles, “can you take it though? That’s the question,” His hands came up to squeeze one of her breasts, “big ass titties...you are just perfect.” He was amazed by her sheer motherfucking sexiness. Tongue dripping spit Erik lowers his head to suck one of her nipples into his mouth. Face in between her titties Erik felt smothered in the best way the more she squirmed. Staring at them now they looked bigger than what he expected which makes the situation even better. 
Y/N stroked his dick with a twist of her wrist while Erik’s hips thrust back and forth into her hand. She took the time to memorize his length and thickness while slowly jerking him into extreme stiffness. Erik has her breasts covered in saliva the more he nibbled and sucked. 
Hissing, Erik removes his lips from her hardened nipple, “put your hands up on the wall.”
Y/N turned, her back arched with her hips propelled back against his dick. Erik got down on his knees, her ass hovering about him, and pulled down her patent leather panties. The tight leather was a struggle to get over her big ass. The panties were digging into her thick thighs and she struggled to stay arched against the wall with her titties smashed. 
“Erik,” She called to him, trying to look over her shoulder, “What are you about to do to me?”
Her timid voice has Erik’s dick pointed straight up like a skyscraper. The visual before him, her plump pussy lips peeking at him from the back with her large, wide ass...Erik couldn’t resist giving each cheek a solid slap, the sound echoing in the room as the sting reverberated in his palm, “Have you ever had this big, juicy ass properly worshipped?”
“No,” came her muffled reply as Erik spread her open and let his thick, long tongue explore her sweet curves. His hands pressed painfully into her twin globes before spreading them as far as they could go, giving himself room to taste her sensitive pussy. 
“Unh, Erik,” she whimpers. 
Erik curled his tongue into a point and dove right in while his finger circled her asshole, teasing it. She took in a sharp breath, her ass jiggling from the pressure he applied. Erik could tell that she never took any dick up her ass and he would surely be the first to introduce it to her. 
“Spread your thighs, girl,” Erik commanded, “I’m tryna eat…”
“Fuck, Erik,” Y/N felt his thumbs stroke her wet pussy lips before they parted her pussy lips. Awaiting his assault, Y/N clawed the wall with her acrylic nails. Her mouth fell open wide when she felt his tongue dip in and out of her back door. He was tongue-fucking her ass on his knees, madly slurping and getting it nice and wet. She would have never imagined a man doing that to her, EVER. 
“Oooh, Erik! Oooh shit!” 
Erik worshipped Y/N’s ass like he would never get another chance, his tongue savoring her sweetness while her pussy juices dripped. Her pussy needed attention too so Erik moved his tongue up and down from her ass to her clit while his sturdy thumbs kept her pussy lips open. 
“Ugh, Damn, girl,” Erik swallowed spit, his face shiny, “don’t know where I want my tongue first...this big ass or this fat pussy…”
“All over me, please!” 
“Let me taste that clit,” Erik’s lips sucked her clit into his mouth. His eyelids fluttered the more he savored her. Her sweet, sweet pussy compelled him to bury three of his fingers inside of her pussy. When she felt the thickness of his fingers enter her, Y/N shouted, reaching back to hold one of her hefty cheeks open. 
“Yes, yes, yes!!!” Erik heard her cry, a little louder than before as he pressed his three fingers deep into her tight tunnel. With her hips rocking back on his hand, Erik feasted on her bottom, her strikingly soft mounds against his cheeks massaging him while he coaxed her into an orgasm. 
“Yes! Erik yes! Please keep doing that! Oh God! Erik I’m cumming!!!!!!!” 
Quickly, Erik’s fingers left her pussy to spread her ass cheeks extensively, his entire mouth wrapped around her pussy as best as he could since she’s so damn fat down there. He could feel her sticky syrup coat his tongue. He could eat her ass and pussy all damn day but now he needed to be inside of her. Slow stuffing, balls deep, make her cream. That was his motto. He wanted to make her cum on his dick so damn bad. 
“Come here,” Erik barked out, picking Y/N up and carrying her to the sofa. He lays her down on her back, spreading her legs wide open for him while she leaned back on her elbows watching. Erik couldn’t wait to get his dick inside of her. The second her pussy lips parted and her tight, wet hole winked at him Erik fisted his dick, dipping his hips low before sliding inside of her. Her head fell back against the sofa, braids resting over her eyes and a steady moan escaping her mouth. 
While her head twisted from side to side, Erik watched the way his dick went in and out of her pussy. He loved the sounds her pussy made whenever he pulled his dick all the way out to his wide tip before sliding back in. She was the wettest. Each time he pulled out her juices would gush out. 
“This pussy is swallowing this big dick, girl...you ain’t tell me it was this deep...ain’t flinch at all when I got up in this fat pussy.”
“No,” She moaned.
“It’s cuz this pussy needed my dick, huh?”
“Yes,” She closed her eyes, savoring the way his curved erection bounced off her walls, “yes...yes...yes.”
“Yes yes what?” Erik asks while pounding into her on the edge of the couch, “you got my balls heavy with this nut, what’s that yes for, huh?”
“Your dick is just so big inside of me...all up in me…”
Erik threw her legs over his shoulders and rocked into her with a force that has her ass lifting off of the couch to meet his thrusts. It was like magic to her the way her body reacted to him. She grasped his biceps, her bouncing breasts hitting her chin the more he picked up speed. He would thrust fast then slow, repeating that, making her tip over the edge.
“Can I cum please?” She pleaded.
“As long as I get to cum in this pussy, girl,” Erik pulled all the way out, his eyes staring down at her stretched hole, “Can I cum in this pretty pussy?”
“Cum in your pussy, Erik.”
That was all he needed to hear. Erik angles his hips so that he could stroke her G spot with his wide tip. Y/N’s toes curled, her thighs squeezing Erik’s neck. She felt her body shaking and convulsing while his pulsating dick reached depths inside of her she didn’t know existed. 
“Oooh, I’m gonna cum,” She mumbled, mouth opening and closing with no sound coming out. She hit Erik’s chest with weak blows before her heavenly pussy pulled his dick into a tight embrace. Erik growled as his glutes tensed. He could feel his veiny dick swell inside of her like he was ready to pop. Erik watched his big dick spurt thick load after thick load into her pussy. 
“Damn, Y/N, FUCK GIRL, look what you got this dick doing! Let me see all of it.”
Erik pulls out watching his jizz ooze out and on the couch. She rubbed her clit while pushing his cum out and Erik’s eyes rolled shut at the beautiful view. 
“Lift that ass up...Turn the fuck around I need some more pussy..waited too long for this...watch how I handle you girl.” 
Y/N turned around on the couch, whimpering when Erik’s hands came down on her ass hard to force her to move. As soon as she was on her stomach, Erik yanked her hips hard, pointing her ass into the air before slamming back inside of her pussy. She didn’t throw it back on him, too eager for him to do all of the work inside of her pussy. 
“Just lay there and let me take care of this pussy…”
Erik kicked off his pants, his hands slapping her ass before they grabbed hold of her plush hips so that he could bang into her. Erik watched her face, wanting to see every single reaction his fat dick gave her. He had her for sure, especially with the way she drooled on the couch. 
“Fuck yeah this pussy is good-
“Yeah? You feel me digging this pussy out? Huh? This dick about to bust…”
She gasped when she felt Erik’s heavy balls hit her clit. He was pulling all the way out and slamming back inside of her with so much force her body would shake. She spaced out when he arched her back more, his hand reaching around to grab her neck from the front. 
“You ain’t going nowhere,” He spoke harshly, “You were doing so good taking my dick, baby...DON'T disappoint me.”
She heard his warning, her arms trembling the more she stayed still for him to use her pussy. 
“Think I’m playing with you? Huh?” Y/N moaned sharply, cumming on Erik’s dick again, “There you go… creaming all over this dick baby…”
“Erik,” She felt him swelling inside of her, “Erik I feel your dick! It’s stretching me!”
“That’s because I’m about to nut, stay just like that.”
“Oh, my-“
Her fat pussy lips gripped him tightly while his thick cum coated her walls again. Erik didn’t pull out, He kept thrusting until he was satisfied. She made little noises, her eyes droopy while his thick pipe covered in his white cum slowly left her pussy. His release had him shouting curse words to the ceiling in that studio. Erik’s hands left her hips, stepping away to allow her body to relax. 
He was glad he waited to have her. It was even better than what he expected. She laid back on the sofa, staring down at her pussy covered with his cum, all swollen and thoroughly beat up. 
“I can’t wait until tonight to see you, Y/N.”
She looked up at him through her lashes with her thighs still wide like she was silently telling him to get up in her some more. Bottom lip pulled tightly between her teeth, Y/N admired Erik’s cum-covered dick. 
“I wanna suck your dick,” Y/N asked but she didn’t wait for a response. Y/N was on her knees crawling to him. His glistening dick rested on her lips before she opened wide with her tongue covered in saliva, her lips drawing him in. Breathing through her nose slowly, Y/N took her time sucking more and more of Erik’s dick. 
“Shit, baby! Okay,” Erik licks his lips, “you tryna’ make me cum again, huh?”
Y/N didn’t respond to him she was all in: locked and ready to take off. The consistency in the way she sucked him even though she couldn’t take all of him...the crease in her brow and the way her head moved in sync with her warm, wet mouth made Erik moan. 
“I NEED THIS...suck daddy like you mean it.”
Y/N tried to go lower but ended up gagging, her lips pulling back so she could breathe comfortably.
“Don't worry if you can’t manage as long as you're kneeling down you will practice until you do...Ooh that’s nasty,” Erik’s mouth fell open when she went down to show his balls some attention, “you better get sloppy on this dick and stop playing.”
“Yes, Daddy,” She knew that would make him growl when she said it. 
“Got them brown sugar lips on my big black dick, mmmmm,” Erik started panting, his hands twisted in her braids, “damn...some beautiful sexy lips Unh I’m cumming baby...I’m cumming… Unh, get this nut baby…”
Erik found himself shooting off on her face because his hips jerked so frantically that his dick slipped out of her mouth. His cum hit her eyelids, trailing down to cover her cheek. Erik watched his cum drizzle down her neck, thinking about buying a ring for her after the monster head she just delivered. With an uneven breath, equally shocked by how much nut his balls produced, Y/N cleaned herself off with her fingers before doing the same to his dick. 
“Daddy didn’t even have to tell you to clean me up, such a good girl,” Erik pulled Y/N up before grabbing her neck, his fingertips applying just the right amount of pressure before pulling her close so he could taste himself off of her tongue, “You’re coming with me, no need in going back home when you were coming to see me later anyway.”
“True,” She blushed before sucking on his bottom lip, “When we get back to your place...more fucking?”
“You’ve been teasing me all these months...it’s time you make up for that shit...yeah, we’re fucking, girl...still gotta get in this ass.”
“I’d try it with you...I’m a little nervous though-
“You’re gonna enjoy it so much, trust me,” Erik gives her a reassuring smile with his dimples, “get dressed, baby girl.” 
Y/N slips away, walking to her vanity to get dressed while watching Erik do the same. Going back to his place this time around knowing that it’s going to involve more sex has beaming and while she rushed to get dressed. As he ties his Jordan’s Y/N thinks about the sex doll. She wouldn’t mind watching him fuck the doll while she sat in his recliner chair and fingered her pussy. She’d wait to ask him about it. 
“You’re ready?”
Y/N looked around at the studio. She could come by tomorrow and clean up a little.
“I’m ready,” She says while running her hand through her braids, walking forward to grab Erik’s hand. He lead the way to the front of the studio, both of them inflamed and fighting the urge to fuck again. 
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