#guys i'm so happy this was such a fire chapter. i'm alive again
catbread0 · 1 month
hai hello hi :3 can i req sebastian x (GN) reader that knew him before everything happened to him, and reunites in the site !! i feel he'd be happy they're alive but also Not happy they're even there in the first place :3c (i like angst hehehe)
Sebastian Solace x Gn! Reader
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Ty for the request!I'm sorry for any grammar mistakes. Hope you enjoy reading it!
Words: 3,363
fluff, angst, comfort, happy ending, a few curse words, mention of death, SPOLIERS ON SEBITAINS FILES.
All the information I found is from the official Pressure wiki, urbanshade.org!! NOT FANDOM WIKI (MOST STUFF ON THEIR IS NOT CORRECT, PLEASE CHECK THE OFFICIAL WIKI!!) (Note: I made this before the friendly fire update came out)
Sebastian Solace Masterlist
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Rekindled Joy
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It was 2011, and school had started again in America. You were 18, and you had begun to major in ____ in your college. It was a new chapter in your life. It's been at least 2 months into your school year. It was currently a Friday, and it was after school. You were waiting for your friend so you could hang out and you heard your phone ping a notification from them.
“Sorry I can't hang out today as planned. A family emergency happened. Rn rushing to the hospital.”
Great, now you were just waiting there on the benches, looking like a moron. You were about to walk away when you heard the tune of an electric guitar playing in the distance. Curiosity got the better of you. It's not like you had anything else to do today, so what's the harm?
You walked to where you heard the electric guitar coming from, and soon you found the person who was playing it. You stood at a distance away, but you stayed to keep listening to the guy playing while sitting on a bench. He had black hair and blueish green eyes, he also had a nose scar, and he looked to be around 5 '10".
He soon noticed you and stopped playing. Now awkward tension filled the air, as you two stared at each other.
You broke the tension by speaking first, “Are you in a band? You play well.”
He was stunned by your comment, “Not really, I’m minoring in music. I'm majoring in business, but I don't enjoy it, so I'm planning to change it to engineering”
You both soon start to talk to each other and become friends that day. You found out that he's the same age as you, and the both of you exchanged phone numbers to continue talking to each other. You both continued to talk to each other. Time passed by quickly, and it’s been around 3 months since you both started talking. 
He soon asked you to be in a relationship with him, and you said yes. You’ve both been dating for a year, and you couldn’t be happier for him to be your boyfriend. You both had your first date, kissed, etc. 
You both had your embarrassing moments together, like when you both got caught making out by his parents coming home early. You both got scolded, of course.
He taught you things about his country, Chile, since he is Chilean-American. You both met each other's family. His family was happy for him to be in a relationship. His older sister and little brother found you fun to hang around with. 
He was anxious when he was going to meet your parents for the first time. He was nervous that they would disapprove of him due to him being from Chile. (If you're from one of Chile’s neighboring countries, he would probably try to make an excuse. (If you don't know Chile’s neighbors don't like them that much due to their history with them.))
Thankfully, everything turned out great for both of them. Soon, you both finished what you were majoring in college. 
It is now 2013, you and Sebastian are both 20 years old and live in an apartment since you thought it was time for the next step in the 2-year relationship. 
However, one faithful day would change everything….
You were back home waiting for Sebastian to come home. You then heard a knock on the door. You walk over to the door, thinking it was Sebastian and that he had forgotten his keys again.
But when you opened the door, it was 2 police officers.
One of them asked, “Excuse me ma’am but do you happen to have any connections with a man named Sebastian Solace?”
You were taken back but answered the officer, “Yes, I’m his partner of 2 years. What happened!? Is he hurt? Is he ok!? Is he dead!?”
Negative scenarios started to enter your head. Why else would the officer be here at your door!?
“Calm down, Miss, don’t worry he’s not dead. However, you may want to take a seat before we explain the situation that's about him.”
You were in the living room sitting with the 2 police officers sitting across from you.
“Your boyfriend, Sebastian Solace, is in the police’s custody for the murder of 9 people”
…Your blood ran cold after those words. There was no possible way. You know Sebastian wouldn’t kill people. You’ve never seen him act suspicious recently, or even ever. This must be a cruel prank, right!? He isn’t a murderer!? He wouldn’t lie to you, right?
The police’s voices were tuned out by your ears as you tried to get a grip of yourself. Soon, they leave your apartment after giving you notes for when to go to the station to be questioned. 
As soon as you closed the front door, you felt your legs give up on you as you fell to the ground. You cried for what seemed like hours without an end. Your whole world had collapsed underneath you. What were you supposed to do now without him? You had everything planned with each other. It's now all down the drain.
You went to sleep crying, already missing his warmth. It was now tomorrow morning, and you went to the police station, so the police and detectives could begin questioning you. As you answered every question, truthfully, you were given tissue paper for your tears. The officers could tell you had no part in these murders and pitted you for having a monster for a boyfriend. But you knew Sebastian wasn’t behind these murders. He wasn't a monster. 
Once you finished the questions, they took you to a room with Sebastian cuffed up to the table. You could tell he was furious, most likely from the detectives trying to make him ‘confess’ to the murders. But once he saw you across from him, his face changed completely to regretful. He was explaining to you what happened and that he didn't do the murders. You told him that you believed him. You both talked briefly before an officer said the detectives wanted to keep questioning him. 
You gave Sebastian one last kiss before you left the room.
After a few days, he was taken to court for his sentence, cameras everywhere in the court, and everyone was watching the TV to see what ‘justice’ would be taken for these 9 victims that the ‘mass killer’ did. You went to the court, and you tried to convince the judge that Sebastian was innocent. However, it all fell on deaf ears, and in the end, he was sentenced to be executed. You heard everyone's cheer as the ‘mass killer’ was taken away by the police. You had tried to run towards him, but the police held you back, as you yelled and cried out to Sebastian. All Sebastian could do was look back at you before the doors closed behind him. 
After that day, you were harrassed by news stations almost everywhere you went.
“Did you know that Sebastian Solace was murdering people behind your back?”
“How come you didn’t suspect him of anything?”
“Are you happy that justice was severed?”
“How does it feel being with a cold-blooded murderer like him?”
Question after question, you were still processing about him being sentenced to execution. You couldn’t even visit him, due to him being in ██████ High-Security Prison. 
After some months, a police officer was at your door. He told you that Sebastian Solace’s execution had taken place, that he is now pronounced dead, and that you can collect his ashes that are in a sealed urn, along with his death certificate. You immediately went to the police station and collected the urn with his ashes and his death certificate.
You came back home with the urn and immediately felt like someone stabbed you in the heart as you placed down the urn. You still didn’t want to accept that he was gone from the world. 
You spent days on end crying your heart out. Every newspaper and news channel was saying how ‘justice’ was brought to the world. You kept voicing that he was innocent and that you knew that he wasn’t responsible for the 9 murders. However, everyone believed that it was the first stage of grief, denial, that you are experiencing. 
You planned his funeral, you, his parents, his older sister and little brother, your parents, and a few more of his family members who believe he was innocent, attended. After his funeral, you visited him every once a week, with fresh flowers every time, and sometimes brought tobacco, not for you, but to leave at his gravestone since he smoked it when he was alive.
After 2 years, it is now late 2015, and you are 22 years old. You turned on the news channel since you just got off work.
“Shocking turn of events today, it's been found that Sebastian Solace, the ‘murderer’ of 9 victims that took place 2 years ago. Was not the actual killer and was falsely charged. The killer is now in the police’s custody, and his court date is in 1 month.” 
…You felt the feeling of adrenaline fill your body. You were correct, Sebastian, your boyfriend, was not the murderer. Yet no one heard your words. Because you were his partner and ‘that's what almost any partner of a killer would do’.
You decided to take justice into your own hands for your dead boyfriend. You knew that the sentence for the killer would most likely not be executed, like Sebastian, because it is considered too ‘inhumane’ now.
You waited patiently for the court day to arrive, and once it was the day, you grabbed a long coat and hid a revolver in the pocket. Thankfully, it was the middle of winter, meaning you wouldn't be looking out of place with your coat. 
You sat in the front row, close to where the real killer would be standing to defend his case. It felt as if you went back to the time you cried out to Sebastian in court. Cameras were everywhere in the court. Everyone was watching the TV to see the so-called ‘justice’ for the real killer, again. 
Once the killer came out and stood where he was supposed to, you immediately took out the revolver and shot 6 times, 4 of them hitting the killer, and he died on the scene.
You were immediately cuffed up and put in jail. But, you didn’t care. Justice was finally served in your eyes. 
A life for a life. 
You were sentenced to 40 years in prison due to 1st-degree murder, having a firearm in court, putting multiple people in danger, and traumatizing possible children who could have been watching in person or not.
You were put in  ██████ High-Security Prison, the same prison your boyfriend was serving in until his execution. 
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It is now 2025, and you are still an inmate of  ██████ High-Security Prison. You have served 10 years of your 40-year sentence. You are now 32 years old. It has been 12 years since you last saw Sebastian in his court case.
Today, 3 men from the Urbanshade corporation, escorted by heavily armed guards, arrived at the prison.
They were searching for draftees to help them retrieve a crystal of sorts, a highly important asset that they weren’t able to secure during a major security breach in one of their facilities. They stated that the risk of death was very high, but whoever could retrieve the asset and return it to them, would be pardoned, released with a cleared record, and receive a huge amount of cash. 
You saw that many inmates had signed up. You didn’t sign up. You didn't trust these strange men that came out of the blue.
Multiple days went by, and inmates were still signing up. You were surprised that no one was able to retrieve the crystal that they were talking about. You soon caved in and signed up. 
If you were able to get the crystal and get out of this prison, you would be able to see your boyfriend's gravestone again. 
It took a while to arrive due to the place being in the Norwegian Sea, and soon, everyone was gathered up. You were all given a jumpsuit and a Prisoner Diving Gear, also called PDG. 
Everyone was told that the PDG is a diving backpack outfitted with a remotely detonated modified shotgun shell that works underwater and is pointed directly at the inmate user's neck. They would only give the inmate user 2 chances, and if they messed them up, then the HQ or stationed guards would flip the switch, and the shotgun would go off. They showed the list of the reasons why they would flip the switch to kill you.
You were all also told that a monster called Z-13, and that he is incredibly dangerous, that he is to be killed on sight, and they described what he looks like. 
After everything was explained, everyone went their way. Some went solo, some went in duos, some in groups of 4 or bigger. You decided to go by yourself, not wanting anyone to mess you up.
After some time, you arrive at Hadal Blacksite, exiting the submarine, and hear HQ through the intercom. He gave a brief rundown about the keycards, monsters, closets, and warnings of this monster called Z-13 again.
You soon begin your journey to find the crystal. While you were passing through the rooms, you noticed that there was no blood or anything. It's already been a few days since inmates signed up with no success in getting the crystal. If they died before getting the crystal, then where are their bodies? Why did they leave behind data when they are supposed to collect as much as they can? That's what HQ said to do. Doors need keycards as if no one entered or used them, somehow. 
You stopped asking questions once you saw the lights flicker, and you quickly hid in a metal closet. You continued this pattern of hiding, collecting data, closely hearing for anything coming out of nowhere, looking away from a monster that had so many eyes, etc. You soon found a flash beacon. You had no battery for your flashlight that was dead, and you were only on door 41. 
Soon, you reached door 54 and entered. It was dark, empty, and quiet. That's when you saw a vent plate fly across the floor to the other side of the room. 
You were frightened by the sudden movement, and that's when you heard a voice coming through the vent.
“Got something for ya, come here.”
You didn’t want to enter in case it was a monster trying to kill you, but when you tried to go to the next room, you realized the door needed a keycard.
“Don’t even wanna say hi? Rude.”
You sigh in defeat and crawl through the vent. Once you get to the other side, it is pitch black. Until all of sudden, a light lit up the small room, You looked up and started to panic. WHY IS THAT MONSTER SO TALL!? WAIT, IS THAT ‘Z-13’!?
“Welcome, welcome! Don’t be-” 
The monster stopped what he was saying once he took a good look and realized it was you….
You were freaking out on the inside because he stopped talking. Thinking he would attack you, you immediately took out your flash beacon and used it directly at him.
You were confused now. You didn't know him? “What are you talking about? I’ve never seen you in my life!?”
Sebastian was hurt that you would say that, did the mutation make him that unrecognizable?
“Hun it's me, Sebastian. Do you not recognize me?”
There’s no way you're Sebastian. He's gone. “Nice trick, my lover is dead, he was executed.”
Ah, right, he was declared ‘dead’ to the public “I have proof, read the document on my desk, free of charge for you”
You still held the flash beacon in your hands as you moved to the table, where the document was. You opened it and started reading what it contained. 
You saw that he was telling the truth… It is Sebastian. 
You dropped your flash beacon and just jumped on him and hugged him as tight as you could, and he hugged you back. It felt that if you were to let go, you would lose each other again.
“As happy as I am to see you again, Love, only inmates are sent here. Why are you an inmate? Why even sign your life away to come down here?”
You answered his questions, “Well in 2015, when they found the real killer, I knew they wouldn't bring him to ‘justice’. So I did it myself, I killed him while in his court case. I was sentenced to 40 years in prison after that. Now, for me, coming down here. I didn’t sign up at first, I thought it was simple to get the crystal, and they were over-exaggerating the death risk. But after a few days, I realized no one had gotten it and with nothing else to do in prison. I signed myself up, if I were to die then I would be able to see you again, and if I got out alive, then I would continue visiting your grave with fresh flowers, just as I did every week before I was put in jail.”
Sebastian had a warm and fuzzy feeling that he hadn’t felt in years. However, that was short-lived. Because of the PDG, you would be killed if you didn't get going soon, but neither of you wanted to leave each other again. 
“I’ll try to make a deal with HQ. It’s a high risk since, with a flick of a switch I’ll be killed. But at least I know you're still alive.”
Before he could say anything to stop you from possibly risking yourself, he felt your lips on his. God, how he missed kissing you, but it was short-lived again.
You then crawled back through the vent and ran back to a room that had a camera. You knew HQ always watched the inmates through the few cameras that currently worked.
“HQ, I want to stay down here, I will send back the PDG. This means you will save the shotgun shell, and you will save a few bucks. I can stay here and help other inmates try to have a higher chance of getting the crystal.”
You hoped that they heard you and that they wouldn't flip the switch.
“Inmate number ##, (Y/n)(L/n), We accept your offer. Please return to where you first entered. We will press the button to make the PDG remotely detach from you. Once you reach the room, and the PDG is detached, place the PDG on a table.”
Once they stopped talking on the intercom, you ran as fast as you could to where the submarine had first left you.
Just as promised, the PDG was detached from you, and you left it on a nearby table. Once that was over with, you ran back to Sebastian’s shop.
He felt relieved after he saw you again. 
You jumped into his arms, and you both kissed each other. Your love for each other is rekindled and is now brighter than ever before. The both of you would never leave each other again.
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Small bonus!
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You pull away from the kiss and start wiping your mouth, “Sebastian, do you only eat fish? Also, when was the last time you brushed your teeth?”
Sebastian had a bit of an annoyed face because of your comment, but he smirked as he hugged you tighter, “Get used to it hun, because you're staying down here with me until the end, and there’s only fish down here.”
You rolled your eyes but smiled, “Now I'm wondering, who the fuck did I give a funeral and flowers to?”
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amikaelsonstory · 1 month
Not the end, but a new beginning - I
Chapter one.
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“All happy families resemble one another, each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way” Lev Tostoy, Anna Karenina
As the brothers stood up, eyes full of tears, racing hearts with fear and gratitude, a breathless, loud scream cut the silent moment
Hope was running fast followed by Freya, hugged Klaus back, almost following on her knees, gasping with tears running down her face.
Klaus and Elijah turned fast, lowering their pieces of white oak daggers as they approached.
- " What do you mean, darling? I need to go, please understand"   Klaus whispered, lifting Hope face up, whipping tears from his daughter's face.
 Elijah remained speechless, his lips slightly parted in surprise, as Freya reached out and hugged him tightly, making him close his eyes and take a deep breath in some sort of relief.
- It's true brother, I found a way, the Old Gods... they finally gave me an answer. I will explain everything, but please, let's go home"
As they found their way into the compound, Rebekah, Marcel and Kol stood apprehensively up from their seats, relieved to see the girls were able to reach them on time to avoid the tragedy. 
- It seems it's not gonna be tonight you're gonna get rid of the almighty Klaus Mikaelson!  Klaus orotund, opening his arms with his crooked smile, trying to mask his remaining fears and doubts.
- Nik! Rebekah cheered running to hug her brother tightly, while Marcel and Kol tapped his shoulders, welcoming him and Elijah back.
- Let me show you what I found out.  - Freya commanded, guiding the family to follow her to the study room. 
The room was dark, as they entered and approach the table Freya showed them. It had some runes symbols written in blood on a old manuscript, a dead white bird, some herbs and a pendulum spinning fast over a bowl on fire. The air around was thick, heavy, with a slight purple mist around them.  
- Since this whole thing started I've been searching for a way to overcome the hollow power, it had to have another way, she is not the biggest power in the universe. Freya pleaded. "So I had no choice but to reach the Old Gods, from motherland, where our family comes from"
- Norway? - Elijah whispered, lifting his eyes from the runes to meet Freya's, who slowly nodded. She closed her eyes for a second and took a deep breath before opening them again.
- Odin heard my prayer but the spell hasn't been fully revealed yet. For now I can suppress the hollow effects in Klaus, but until the full moon we must find The Undead whose sunlight cannot harm. 
- A vampire that doesn't burn in the sun? With no magic, no ring? Kol bawled in disbelief, crossing his arms against his chest - That should be easy - he taunted ironically.
- It doesn't matter, we will find it - Rebekah assured, touching Marcel's shoulder - Can you ask your people to track it and bring it to us?
I'm on it, I'm gonna make some calls and my guys will bring it to us. - Marcel stated, picking up his phone and walking out of the room - Dead or alive, or it doesn't matter?
- ALIVE - Freya's voice sounded louder than she expected - Please, we still don't know what we will need to do next, for now, you can go rest. Klaus you stay, I need to make the ritual to hold the hollow until the next full moon.
As the days passed, the Mikaleson's basically turned the whole vampire world upside down, reaching all the possible sources in order to find this so-called "sunlight proof vampire", but they were running out of time and all they had was a whole bunch of nothing. 
Okay, not nothing. They knew there was a woman, but nothing sounded like the real deal, more like gossip if much.
Elijah, Klaus and Hope were at the study room, digging deep into all they could find.
- Alright, I managed to filter all we have, names, places, stories and got into 3 possible names. - Hope shared with them, without taking her eyes out of her laptop screen. - Natalya Fyodorova, a ballerina from Bolshoi ballet, last seen circa 1970, in Moscow. Sister Ionescu, the oldest register, seen in Romania in the beginning of 20th century and - she folded her index fingers quoting- the most "recently" - we got Minna Murray, 2007, UK. No job, no city info, just a name.
Klaus paced side by side in the room, placing his hands on his hips, looking down as he was hearing his daughter.
- Most likely it's the same person - he paused - But how do we find this bloody woman? It's not possible that nobody knows her whereabouts!!  - Klaus exploded while pouring himself a glass of bourbon 
Elijah placed his papers down on the desk, paying attention to the names Hope said. His eyes wandered away, frowning his eyebrows.  - Niklaus... weren't we in Moscow in 72?
But before Klaus could answer, Freya stormed into the room.
 - We have visitors, they found something.
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sarahjtv · 3 months
My Hero Academia Chapter 426 Spoiler Talk: The Hellish Todoroki Family Conclusion
Whew, what a chapter goddamn. The Todoroki Family, especially Shoto (my favorite character 🩵), is one of my favorite and one of the best arcs in My Hero Academia. We all knew that their conclusion was coming this chapter and now that we're here, let's talk about it:
First off, in case you didn't hear, Weekly Shonen Jump and MHA mangaka, Kohei Horikoshi himself, confirmed that this is the first of the last 5 chapters of My Hero Academia. The series will end in early August with 430 chapters total if all goes well. I made a post about this when it was announced 2 days ago, but I want to briefly say that I am going to miss this series so much. It has had such an amazing impact on my life and surely saved me during many rough times. I will be so sad to see it end, but happy to see Horikoshi finish his beloved story on his own terms after 10 long years of publication. I will make sure to see it through myself.
We start off the chapter with a Todoroki Family reunion. We see the whole family about a month after the war ended. Everyone has burn scars of some kind now with Rei's having the largest that even covers the left side of her face like Shoto's and Endeavor's do ironically enough (I see what you did, Horikoshi). We don't see if Endeavor got any burn scars on his face because it's covered with bandages, but given he has the highest fire resistance next to Shoto, I doubt it.
Also, pretty much everyone got a haircut from their bodies getting torched trying to stop Touya (I'm going to call him that from here on). Fuyumi and Endeavor got a few inches off, Natsuo cut quite a bit off to the point where he's looking like his father again (oh, the irony), and Rei got a significant portion cut off to the point where it's back to the length it was when she and Enji first met. I think Shoto got a slight trim, but it's hard to tell. His hair is definitely scruffier than it was before, though. Honestly looks-wise, they all still look really good. Those Todoroki/Himura genes are doing good work.
But, despite those good looks, everyone is here to see Touya in his own operating tube (?). The doctor says that Touya's slowly dying and Endeavor tells everyone that he's retiring. Both things are what everyone saw coming. There was no way Endeavor was going back to hero work after everything that happened to him during the final war. It was just never possible. Even with prosthetics, I think his own mental state and where he is in life with his family would have prevented that from happening. I'm surprised that Touya is alive at all, but I'm glad to see that he's alive to see his family for a little longer before he eventually dies which I assume may happen in the final chapter of the series.
Also, Touya can still talk! Bro still can't move for shit, but he's conscious enough to talk to his family. He still hates his father and I get it. I don't think there was any way Touya was going to forgive his father after everything that happened. It's good to see that Endeavor still is trying to atone and wants to talk with Touya as much as he possibly can to his eldest son, but that won't change anything right now. The least Endeavor can do is listen to what Touya might want to say.
Fuyumi and Rei try to talk to Touya too, but the doctor is telling them that talking more would be a burden on Touya's heart. And then Shoto asks his oldest brother "What's your favorite food?" and Touya responds "Soba..." just like Shoto. I can't do this tonight, guys! I'm screaming, crying, throwing up! WHAT COULD HAVE BEEN! THEY COULD HAVE EATEN SOBA TOGETHER IN ANOTHER LIFE!!! HOW DARE YOU, HORIKOSHI! I'M IN YOUR WALLS 😭
And right as his family leaves his room, Touya slowly cries tears and says "Shoto... I'm sorry..." I don't need to explain this one. This fucking hurts. Touya has regrets, but it's too late. Touya may be Dabi the murderous villain who ruined a lot of lives, but he's also still a young man who deserved a better life than what was handed to him and does still care for his family even if only a little. All around a tragic character. If this is the last we see of Touya, I think it's a good albeit sad send-off.
As the Todorokis start to part ways, we get an idea of where their lives are going now:
1. Natsuo wants to start a family with his girlfriend (isn’t he only 20 btw and he started dating her like, what, a year ago? I get it, Natsuo, but this is too early don’t you think? 😭) but has no intention of having a ceremony for it specifically because he doesn't want her or himself to ever see Enji again. I don't blame him for this. Even though he helped stop Touya from literally exploding which did save his father, Natsuo made it clear from the start that he was never going to forgive Enji no matter how much he atoned. The reason why he was even born was because Enji wanted a perfect Ice/Fire child, but he didn't get that until Shoto was born afterwards. Natsuo saw Enji hurt and abuse his family for pretty much his entire life and Enji suddenly wanting to fix what he broke wasn't going to change Natsuo's mind on what he thought of his father. Cutting ties with his father is for the best. It's a miracle the rest of his family still want to see Enji at all, especially Shoto.
2. Fuyumi has also quit her teaching job, but a mother of one of her students found another one. This is also understandable. The public slander of her family on her is what probably pushed this and I'm sure her good reputation got inadvertently damaged from it. I hope she is treated better at her new job.
3. Enji is going got continue to pay for his crimes for the rest of his life whatever that takes. He even understands if the rest of his kids never want to see him again either. He will still do everything he can to make sure his kids are unharmed by the whole Dabi thing. He even accepts that he's going to dance with Touya in Hell one day. Honestly, regardless of what you think of Endeavor, I honestly think his atonement/development arc is one of the best in the series. He has definitely become a better man than what he started out as when we first met him during the Sports Festival Arc, but what I love about this is that Horikoshi never let him off the hook. He made Enji face his sins head-on and suffer through every consequence that came from his abusive actions. If Enji Todoroki is going to atone, he's going to atone the very, very hard way. Enji may be a better man and father, but that doesn't mean he's going to see the pearly gates when all is said and done. The best he can do is pay for his sins for the rest of his life and pray that Rei, Fuyumi, and Shoto don't leave him completely too.
4. And finally, there's my favorite, Shoto 🩵! He's going back to school and reassures his parents that he will be fine with his friends as they help him become who he wants to be. This essentially concludes Shoto's arc as well. When we first met him, he was a cold, anti-social teen who didn't want to make any friends. All he wanted to do was to become a hero with his ice alone to spite his father. Since then, he's opened up to his classmates, made amazing friends especially in Izuku, Iida, and Bakugo, rekindled his relationship with his mother and siblings, come to terms with his father and Touya, and finally accepted his Ice/Fire powers as his own. He says he's on the path to becoming the hero he wants to be, but I'd argue that he's already there. Again, it's an incredible development for Shoto and I think this is a great conclusion to his own character arc.
After Shoto leaves, we transition to Hawks! He's still there for Endeavor if he needs him which is nice. He's also the president of the Public Safety Commission! Dude may be Quirkless, but that doesn't mean he can't do anything! I'm happy to see him thrive in this new role of his and I hope he can reform the PSC into something good as opposed to how they treated him in the past.
We also catch up on Lady Nagant WHO IS NOT DEAD 🎊, but chooses to stay in prison for a bit longer. And Gentle and LaBrava are ok and free too! Good endings here!
The final panel shows Spinner and someone is opening his hospital door 🤔
Phenomenal chapter! 10/10 would read and cry over again. Thank you and fuck you for everything, Kohei Horikoshi. 4 Chapters left. Fuck, my hands hurt 😭
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slayfics · 1 year
Muichiro’s Mansion
Muichiro x Reader series
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You decide what to do after hearing of the attack on swordsmith village.
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Chapter 12
Your first instinct after hearing demons were attacking swordsmith village was to run there. The thought of Mitsuri and Muichiro there defending the village made your stomach sick. Realistically you knew they were very skilled Hashira's but you couldn't help but worry.
After the initial shock wore off of the message you realized there was no way you'd be able to get to the village. The swordsmith village was hidden well and took a lengthy amount of time to get to. You had to be escorted there and if anyone was going to be escorted to help against the battle, it would be another Hashria not a fired Tsuguko...
You collapsed to the floor feeling utterly hopeless. The reality of the situation was you'd have to wait. Frustration took over and a scream escaped you. You didn't think there was anything worse than being forced to just wait and hope for the best.
No doubt they would have injuries after the battle. They are most likely to head straight over to the butterfly mansion. You swiftly decided you would head straight there and wait. Maybe you could even offer a hand to Shinobu and Aoi. You began to run and felt some tension release at your feet moving. At the very least you were tricking yourself into feeling useful.
The scene was madness as the butterfly mansion helpers were running every witch way preparing for the arrival of the demon slayers fighting at swordsmith village.
"No that's not what I said! Get the other one!" You heard Aoi scream at a Kakushi.
She turned around, noticing your arrival, "what are you doing here?"
"I'm Muichiro's Tsuguko... or was... I-"
"Was? What happened?" she asked.
"Um, remember I came here badly in-"
"Oh never mind, I don't have time. If you're intent on waiting for him just stay out of the way." She said and started to hurry off.
"Can I help with anything?"
"Yes, I already told you to just stay out of the way." She said and left.
You felt someone tug on your clothes and looked down to see Sumi, "Don't be too upset with her. Aoi is just very stressed and tends to take it out on others."
"Thanks. I understand. Besides, I can't be too mad. Aoi's helped me out countless times when I was hurt." You said smiling at Sumi.
Only a day had passed but it felt like years of waiting for news of the battle. A crow passed over the butterfly mansion yelling the battle had been won. The injured demon slayers were on their way, all had survived.
The mansion was dead silent for a moment as the heavyweight everyone had been feeling lifted, and then erupted into applause and cheers of celebration.
"Well of course they all survived, their brilliant swordsmen." Aoi said, but you could see tears of happiness forming in her eyes.
It wasn't long before another crow announced the injured swordsmen were arriving. Again, the scene was madness with everyone preparing to welcome them. Inosuke in particular ran between trees head butting them yelling something about a guy named Kamachiro.
You tried to slither your way between the crowd of helpers and others anxiously waiting for their return. Among them were Zenitsu crying, and Obanai staring intently at the gate of the mansion. First, to be brought in was Mitsuri who erupted into a thanks at everyone waiting for her. She was particularly flustered with Obanai coming to greet her. Obanai swiftly turned his head away to hide the blush that ran across his face at the purrs of affection Mitsuri gave him.
As happy as you were that your friend was alive and happy, you also felt a strong sting of jealousy bubbling in your chest. Mitsuri was so happy to see Obanai waiting for her... would Muichiro even care you were here at all?
Helpers brought in more swordsmen, including Tanjiro and Genya. Inosuke immediately created a rampage at his friend's return, and that's when you saw Muichiro coming in on Gotto's back. You silently thanked Insouke for taking up Aoi's attention, giving you the perfect opening to slip past her and greet Muichiro.
Muichiro's eyes lit up the second he saw you.
"You're here? After how I treated you?" He said, eyes glistening, surprised you had come to check on him at all. He looked badly injured as blood was splattered over his face and all over his uniform but something seemed different. Muichiro seemed unusually aware as if he were awake for the first time in a long time.
"Sorry. Can't stop. I have orders to get you inside." Goto said, continuing to walk with Muichiro on his back.
"NO WAIT!" Muichiro yelled.
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Tagging those that asked incase I’m away from my phone when this posts: @aeolia18 @plvuii @xxlittlexrascalxx @parcqq @muichirouswife @ihatecorns @yuyuchann1
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kharmii · 3 months
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(Getting this one out of the way before we find out definitively whether or not Dabi is still alive. The last manga chapter #425 hinted about it, then went on hiatus)
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(A long ago memory where young Touya Todoroki is eager to have his father Enji #2 Endeavor see what he can do)
Touya: No! Don't leave! I'm stuck to you!!
Enji: No way. I've got something to do...an association meeting.
Touya: I also thought of a strategy!!
Leave it to me to exterminate the villains.
Dad please watch!
Enji: Really.
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Enji: Then while I'm gone you protect mother and Fuyumi.
*Walks away but says upon leaving* I left it to you.
Enji (to unknown person): Keep an eye on them.
(Person): Yes.
Touya: See you then! Well then!!!!
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Touya: Who am I? Dad's hero!?!
Enji: ...... ......Ahh.
Touya: Yay!! Take care!
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From now on, this is a dream-like, fabricated, creative manga about Dabi's dreaming of interactions with his child while he lies on his death bed. A happy ending centered around the parent-child relationship between Touya and his parents.
What Dabi had done could no longer be reconciled, and he wondered if it would be possible to start over as a parent and child without being able to return to his original family, and what if Dabi were to be in the same position as his father... Also a wish....a dream.
Children also talk. The child in this story is a genetically engineered baby made from the Team Violet co-commander's hair (Dabi and Geten) that the doctor made for fun in a manga I drew earlier and adjusted the plot to look like Dabi would hate it (that's the setting/creation).
There is a conflict of interest with Geten. I feel like I have a lot of compassion for what he's been through. The second half is a conversation between Geten and the child, and the story changes from Geten to Dabi.
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Dabi: ...Terrible, I don't feel it.
Geten: (Speaking to Dabi who is presumably burnt to ash...deceased or nearly so lying in a bed covered in a white sheet.)
What did you say? It's "cold".
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Geten: That kid is excellent. Is it natural since both genetic contributors are first class?
Your concerns were unfounded.
In another ten years, it will be out of my control...
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Geten: Come. Looks like he's going out. We'll meet again someday.
(He's talking about Dabi's fire going out, an analogy for his soul leaving his body).
Child: Can you see it?
(I can't see anymore)
Child: I can hear it?
(I can't hear it anymore)
Geten: -Because I'm the kind of guy who doesn't watch or listen.
No big deal.
Geten: (Bottom panels) The feeling of touching. A hand.
I can tell because it seems to be understood. -So as not to break.
(The child is touching Dabi's hand, and suddenly they are allowed to communicate).
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(Same memory from earlier, except played out between Dabi and his child)
Touya: No! Don't leave! I'm stuck to you!!
Enji: No way.
Child: I also thought of a strategy!! Leave it to me to defeat the heroes.
Dad please watch!
Enji: Really.
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(Dabi says something cryptic only the child can understand)
Geten: *laughs heartily*
Child: See you then! Well then! Flip side!?!?
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Touya: Who am I? Dad's hero!?!
Dabi: I'm going to get sludge..... (the last thing he said was garbled)
Child: Ha~~~~~!?!? I don't know! I won't make your father's dreams come true!!!! -AND- Geten! Translate it!
Geten: Haha, that's probably correct.
Child: Take care!
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Touya: Mother! Will today be a hot day?
Rei Todoroki: Ah, it's summer.
Touya: Mom, is that the way you talk? Well, that's fine.
Rei Todoroki: What's wrong?
Touya: Hmm? If you stay in the sun all the time. It stings and I don't like it. Looks like it's okay today.
...There are suns like this too.
It's fluffy and tight... ...Somehow it's really...
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(While the child reaches out to the sunlight, caption says "Nostalgic". Viewer realizes the scene with Touya speaking with his mother Rei was a dream Dabi was having as he was dying, as were all the other memories of his father and such.)
Geten: ...Finally. You idiot. It was great. Did you notice I can do it...See? Already. It's neither hot nor cold, right?
Dabi: ……Yeah.
(Reference to how Geten was able to provide comfort and make him comfortable as he was burning away.)
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Geten: (Thinking) This is all I have left... (of Dabi's ashes)
Geten: (Out loud) I'm troubled. Apparently more than I expected. It seems like there was a feeling.
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Geten: I miss your blue flames.
Child: Geten. Geten. What I've discovered....please watch.
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Child: Like ice, I could change the temperature of the flames. It would be cooler if you could take it out of your hands like father did. Geten?
(My guess is that the child's quirk resembles Geten's ability. He can't make fire/ice from his own body, but he can manipulate both elements and control their temperatures. Judging by Geten's questioning, if the child did have a fire quirk coming out his hands, he'd have to suppress it to avoid Dabi's fate, as he's a genetic chimera made up of a patchwork of both Dabi and Geten's clones).
Geten: White hair is increasing (like Touya's did when he got a little older). Isn't it hot?
Child: If it's really hot, it'll fly far away.
Geten: What about this? Is it hot?
Child: Not at all.
Geten: It's okay to be cold.
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Geten: He and I too were moved by it. It was life.
Child: ...Geten.
Geten: You can call me 'Dad' too.
Child: You said you wouldn't allow anything other than Geten.
Captions: Rejoice Dabi. In the past. Ahead of us. Don't walk away.
Art credit: hrak (yaoi), Apocrypha, Dabi / Twitterログ12【外荼】 - pixiv
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little-paperboat · 3 months
What We Owe To Each Other (1)
Calling all the Empire! I'm super happy to share that I've finally published third part of the "Forbidden Fire" series (with a heavy delay, but it's here) 💜
6,738 words later (!) I'm finally satisfied with this first chapter 🤓 And the lesson learned is? I really do have to write every day, even if it's just editing a paragraph or 50 words, because otherwise I find it super difficult to get back into it in a way that feels natural and doesn't require an entire re-write and an extra week of work 🥲
For this next part, Tav and her crew arrive in Baldur's Gate with a lot of hopes; unfortunately, reality is much bleaker than anticipated...
They have finally reached Baldur’s Gate, but the trials that wait for them are far from over. Tav and Rolan meet again; under unexpected circumstances, they both yearn for what they cannot have. (or, at the end of the world, there is hope yet.)
I'm REALLY excited for the Sorcerous Sundries arc of the fic because I've been thinking about it for suchhhh a long time ; there are a few scenes in particular that I was dying to put on paper and now it's happening :D Can't wait to see what you think! x
You can follow the tag "series:forbidden fire" here on tumblr to not miss the next updates 🌸 And as usual, abstract under the cut!
Read on AO3 (1/2)
Read Part 1: Wild Winds Are Death To The Candle (2/2)
Read Part 2: Through Shadows To The Edge Of Night (3/3)
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They had reached Baldur’s Gate at last. 
Upon seeing the city lights beyond the walls, Tav had almost cried, overwhelmed by the sweet relief of survival, yearning for what lay below her, for the life that was just at her fingertips; yet unable to find herself at peace. The triumph of the journey left a bitter taste in her mouth, one of ashes and blood. So much had changed since she had left the Gate, her life torn to shreds and pieced back together hastily. It had little to do with the beautiful tapestry that had been woven for her even before her birth, made of threads of gold and silver softly shimmering under the chandelier. Instead, it was now rough and uneven to the touch, dried blood staining the fabric that displayed burns and torn holes in several places.
Going through the Shadow-Cursed Lands had marred her mind, body and soul beyond recognition; the gnarled trees and horrors from the void forcefully stealing parts of her that she knew she would never get back. 
She hadn’t slept once through the night since their encounter with Ketheric Thorm. In the pitch black dark of her tent, she still heard the clattering of bones. Whenever she closed her eyes, a sea of putrid blood and the malevolent aura of the Lord of Bones manifested before her, his giant scythe slashing through her body.
She had almost died then; the cold grip of death tightening around her and choking her, ferocious and famished. She had only survived thanks to her companions’ bravery and tenacity - but the price had been paid. Things could never go back to what they were before; yet she hoped, she prayed, foolishly maybe, that walking in the city would allow her to find her missing parts, to piece herself back together. She longed to see the elegant buildings of the Upper City again, to enjoy the familiar and rich fragrance of the rich ladies’ perfumes, to finally sleep in silk sheets and comfortable beds. Maybe her family would have them all, the estate big enough to accommodate the whole gang plus the two druids, the owlbear cub and Scratch.
If her family was still alive, of course.  
And maybe… maybe she’d even see Rolan again. 
She would never admit it, especially not to herself, but his memory was what she clung to in the darkest hour of the night, his flaming eyes burning brighter than her fears. To fend off the nightmares she’d evoke the softness of his voice, the smile he had given her at Last Light Inn. Deep down, she felt guilty: his disinterest was painfully obvious, and she was pretty sure it was morally wrong to lust after a guy who wasn’t interested. 
But she couldn’t help it. 
She couldn’t forget him.
Maybe if she saw him again in the city, it could bring her closure. By now he surely had his apprenticeship, and who knows, maybe he found himself an attractive partner to go with it. She only needed to ask to be sure - to hear the final word that he was not into her; and then it would be over. Then she’d force her mind to move on and find someone else to fixate on. 
All she had to do was to reach the Upper City. 
Anything after that would be so easy, and soon, it would all be over - with or without the tiefling wizard. 
— Read the rest on AO3 :)
(c) divider by saradika
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angeldeviloshi · 3 months
Crazy theory (or maybe not depends) but what if Fumiko is actually a double agent for PS and the Church lmao.
Just something I'm teasing in my head after laying out the themes for the recent chapters and the fact that she was the only PS agent outside Denji's house who was kept alive by the hybrids and held hostage as Miri tries to talk to Denji. (I know this is bc fjmt prioritises his female characters over the guy mooks but this and that are not mutually exclusive knowing csm) even though she appears to have more seniority in position and knowledge about the hybrids than the guys who got offed.
Referring back to my whole thoughts about Fumiko's perversion of Denji's identity as a child as his fan/protector wrt her calling him "Denji-senpai" and all that while undercover as a student. Her whole "Denji-senpai fan" thing preying on Denji's vulnerability behind the alter ego of Chainsaw Man. Denji's emotional fragility at Aki's death mistaken for him shouldering the task of being a hero as a child that Fumiko seeks to co-opt through the loss she feels for her parents at the hands of the Gun Fiend, the Church exploiting children, students for the fire devil contracts through their worship of the Chainsaw Man. Hmm. Fumiko herself mirroring Makima in her exploit/seduction of Denji while working for PS, the Church carrying out what Barem believes to be Makima's desire.
There's also the fact that Fumiko ditched Denji once he became Chainsaw Man, Denji leaning into the toxic masculinity Barem attempts to channel through that identity. To the public and Fumiko he's not Denji the broken teenage boy faced with the loss of home and family again, he's a Chainsaw devil, Chainsaw MAN. Despite this self-destruction as Chainsaw Man being a raw display of Denji's pain and grief as himself. The situation surrounding Denji's burning house an inverse of the destroyed neighbourhood where hykw fam lived during the Gun Fiend fight.
Fumiko's appropriation of the role of the "love interest" as sushi leading Denji to unhappiness and destruction of family through Barem, echoing how Makima brutally tore hykw fam away from Denji while telling him that he won't find happiness with friends, a lover or a family, he can't lead a normal life because she will be his new normal, Denji's normal as Chainsaw Man. Denji wanted to become Chainsaw Man because he wanted people (girls) to like him, so Aki didn't die for nothing, Barem and Fumiko perverting Denji's "both choices" for happiness in their desire for the Chainsaw Man perceived and produced by Makima.
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chidoroki · 1 year
182 Days of TPN - Day 177
Chapter 177: "Mother"
This chapter.. this damn chapter never fails at getting me emotional. I'm still so very upset that Isabella dies this way too when we had other characters such as Emma and Barbara also get impaled by fierce demons and survive with their scars, so why not my queen huh?? I know there's that whole neverland fairy tale idea where adults aren't allowed there, which would've been an interesting concept for our series given the several adult deaths we had already, but that would've cancelled out some of the oldest Goldy Pond kids who are already older than 18 at this point. However, with how Emma phrased the new promise to allow all humans raised as food to cross over into the human world, there wouldn't have been any issue. Isabella could've easily joined them then, like c'mon Shirai, couldn't ya at least let these kids have one parent join them, please? They already lost Yuugo and Lucas, we didn't need to add another!
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As if stabbing this woman wasn't enough, this bastard goes on to taunt her, saying that she'll never make up for her past mistakes no matter how hard she tries. First off, to hell with this guy. Secondly, that's such nonsense. I know this moment is supposed to be seen as "Isabella's big redemption moment," but it totally didn't need to happen this way. I'm gonna sound like a broken record when I say this, but this woman's redemption arc started way back when she first admitted defeat on the wall while watching her precious children escape GF. From gathering the ropes they used so the demons wouldn't know which direction they ran, to secretly planning an entire uprising within the farm system in hopes to one day assist her children when they returned. She even used her newfound power as Grandma to help spare the lives of other children at GF by lowering the amount of harvests that took place. Granted, walking the children to their deaths as caretaker and her treatment of Ray are certainly her biggest flaws that can definitely outweigh all the good she's done during those several years as a mother, but again, it's not like she truly wanted to act that way! It was her job; a job she only took because she valued her own life so much (& honestly, I would too), but she excelled at it for their sake. She's renowned for being the best for providing such high quality meat to the farm (which sounds bad when ya think of them as food, I know), but it means her children were raised with such rich emotions and were able to reach a reasonable decent age because they knew what happiness and love felt like and she did everything within her power to keep them alive as long as they possibly could. So to hear this demon make a statement like this just irks me because while it's true this one mama bear moment may not be enough for Isabella to be redeemed fully, it completely disregards every other motherly act she's done for her children over the years.
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Literally the only positive I can take away from this highly unfortunate demon encounter is how damn strong and determined Isabella is. The fire in her eyes and the intense grip she has on this demon that straight up prevents it from moving to hurt Emma or the other girl.. aahh it's such a badass moment! What a queen!
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Every single time I come across these panels, all I hear in my head is that Mushu quote: "You missed! How could you miss? He was three feet in front of you!" Seriously though, I can understand with how quick everything happened and the intense new threat could've caused Ray's aim to be off a little, but my boy, this could not have been a more worse occasion to miss. I don't wanna say it because it'll be so mean but s2!Ray could've done better.
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Bro I remember so very clearly when a couple panels of this chapters were first teased before the official release (& yeah I was a complete mess back then too), but when this panel was going around, it was cropped short to where Ray wasn't seen at all, so people were going nuts about where he was, why wasn't he also surrounding Isabella, if his hatred for her really went so deep to not wanna be near her while she's at death's door, etc. It was kinda wild and absolutely made me anxious, but thankfully the panic was short lived when the full page was available. Sorta. I mean, it's still not a pretty panel, seeing my favorite villain minutes away from losing her life, but at least Ray is present along with all the other GF kids.
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Seeing Isabella being more concerned about everyone else aside from herself after a serious stab wound.. what a bittersweet "like mother, like daughter" parallel.
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Crazy how Krone's actions and words lead the kids to believe Isabella's intentions were just as heartless. Yeah both ladies wanted to survive and would choose to achieve that by any means necessary, but at least Isabella cared for the well-being of her children. That's already a whole lot more than what your typical mom or sister is capable of.
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Having this panel placed in the middle of all the heartbreak is very much appreciated because I definitely need some adorable flashbacks to make me feel a little better before diving right back into my puddle of tears. Seeing her smile and laugh alongside the trio is the most adorable thing, especially that head pat she gives Emma. Also love that reference to ch95's extra page where Gilda was working so hard at the shelter that a sleepy Chris mistakenly called her "mom." Oh, my poor boy Chris.. he's gonna have so many things to catch up on once he wakes up and learning about Isabella's death ain't gonna be easy.
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Say it louder, sweetie!!! And most definitely repeating myself once more by saying that I'm so glad the second season animated that panel of Isabella hugging the trio despite this chapter's events not happening.
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I love this idea of Isabella & Yuugo being the "what if" versions of the kids. Isabella's situation could easily be applied to any of the girls, though most people associate it with Emma which is fair, just as we usually make the connection of Yuugo to Ray due to them both witnessing their family getting killed and all that time they spent alone, whether it be physically, mentally or emotionally. All three honestly.
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Seeing all the children beg Isabella to hold on, along with them confessing how much they love her.. oh my goodness, I think so often how thankful I am that this scene wasn't included in the anime because seeing the pain on their faces is hard enough already, imagine how loudly I would sob if I heard the emotion in all their voices.
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Oh, if any version of her lullaby played here, my heart would shatter. I already feel close to tears. She probably dreamed of hugging all her precious children and openly declaring her love for them once more without any fear of what the farm system might do to her and/or them, and now that Isabella finally gets that chance, she has such a thankful smile on her face and I'm happy she gets to experience these warm feelings one last time.
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I dunno about anyone else, but this chapter always feels like a "try not to cry challenge, level: impossible" for me. Doesn't matter if they added in this cute scene of her hugging the trio with such a beautiful smile, my heart is still in pieces on the ground. I'm the one who needs the hug!
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Favorite panel/moment:
If you haven't learned how much I love Isabella, Ray and their complicated mother-son relationship yet, then I haven't rambled on long enough. But yes, as much as her death absolutely wrecks me, I'm relieved it allows us to get one final interaction between her and Ray. By now we have a pretty good grasp about Ray's feelings towards Isabella, so the fact he kept his distance this entire time until she called out for him is so sad. We can't really tell if he rushes to her side or if he takes slow steps, but what matters is that he didn't deny her request.
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It means so much that this moment is just between the two of them too. Sure it was undeniable sweet to see all the children cry and huddle around Isabella, but she and Ray have such a deep history so they deserve one last scene together. Although it's a very fragile relationship, that doesn't prevent her from giving him a personal apology with the very last bit of strength she has. Aahh, how terrible she must be feeling right now, thinking back on all the times she wasn't allowed to show him the same level of affection as a mother would normally show her son or for making his life such a living hell. She could've very well chosen to be angry at herself here or let the pain show on her face, and yet she chooses to smile instead. Not a smug or confident one Ray's probably used to seeing her use, but a gentle one that really conveys how strong her regrets are.
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Having her last wish being for Ray to protect everyone is so perfect with how it shows that right til the very end, Isabella's children have always been her top priority and she'll always think of them first. It's also sweet that she wants Ray to hold onto this promise because us readers already know how committed Ray is to providing for his family and keeping them safe. Hell, his compassion and protective instincts were on full display last chapter when he jumped in to shoot at that demon bastard and when he accepted all the moms and sisters to join the kids in the human world back during ch164. Those were such great opportunities for Isabella to witness just how caring her son really is and how much he's grown. I'm certain she's so proud of him. To this day I still wish Isabella had actually spoke that "I love you so much" to him, but I know she was steadily growing weaker by the minute that even speaking or seeing clearly was becoming a challenge for her. The nice thing with Isabella though, is that she doesn't really need to say such words out loud for Ray or any other child to know how true her feelings are, as Emma confirmed earlier during her moment of reflection, that Isabella's actions speak far louder to the point where everyone was able to recognize how strongly she loved them all. What completely breaks me about this entire chapter though is seeing Ray finally breakout into tears as he holds onto his mother's hand. This boy just found out his mother was alive, along with becoming their enemy once more, saw her betray their common enemy in order to assist the children, which sparks his discussion to forgive her and wish for her to join him in the human world, only to realize that won't happen as she jumps in to protect one of his best friends and ends up critically injured all because he failed to killing a demon. That is so much to experience all in one day. It's a miracle he kept his emotions in check to begin with, but now he's hit with the realization that he's losing his mother for good and.. damn it 'yall. Can we please give my boy a break?? And my queen too while we're at it?? Both of them seriously had two of the worst experiences in this world and instead of having them reconcile and build a better mother-son relationship in the human world together, we gotta make them suffer once last time, huh?? Fucking hell man.. I said it way more than once and I'll say it a million more times up until I'm on my own death bed, but the decision of having Isabella stay alive is by far the absolute best thing to come out of season two.
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I want to wish their moment was lasted longer than a page and a third, but I'd probably never recover from all the emotional damage if their tearful goodbye had more focus. AAhhh.. seems like I should've wrote out a lot more considering the amount of time I spent on this chapter and how passionate I get about my favorites, but ya know, the emotions are hella strong today.
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this-acuteneurosis · 2 years
See I see all these questions about when is Leia going to tell… the only plot points I can see drawing out Leia’s truth involve Palpatine. Maybe Tarkin. She slips when she’s mad, and the biggest spot I see her slipping, probably in front of a few people, almost certainly including Anakin, is when Palpatine goes down. There’s no way that doesn’t include him attacking Leia, and Anakin defending her. But a fight with Palpatine, including Leia with a lightsaber (as we have hints she’ll be getting), and we know the man likes to talk while he fights. There’s too many factors working against her at that moment. Other possible witnesses include but are not limited to Padmé, Bail, Shmi, Obi-wan, Mace, Yoda, the Jedi Council, the Courascant guard, the entire Executive building, etc., but will most likely be limited to only a couple of people on that list based on author trends on the topic. Before that day, though, I’m going to guess Leia keeps the majority of her secrets to herself. After, I suspect her truth will probably only be known to the Skywalkers’ and maybe a couple members of the Jedi Council, if Obi-wan gets on the Council again. What the after looks like is still a complete mystery. I can see anything from a complete dissolution of the Republic into a new government where the Jedi serve a new purpose, to the Republic limping along towards something better, and the Jedi completely changed by the upheaval. The Skywalker’s I really couldn’t tell you at all. There’s a million different options. All of this being a long way to ask if we should expect a relatively happy ending? Like do you consider this a fix it?
Gonna be honest, I literally have never thought someone would ask me "Did you come into this fandom to write an 800k Star Wars political time travel But-Worse," and I'm caught somewhere between stunned and hysterical laughter.
Guys, it's tagged fix-it. It has been since Like Fire. It has been on every chapter I've made a post for on here.
I'm...honestly a little concerned if we've gotten this far in the story and you don't think it's moving in a "towards happiness" direction. Like, there's supposed to be ups and downs. Lots of tension. There's a war on. There's grief. The premise is sad, Leia's family died again.
But, um. Shmi is alive. Anakin is more stable. Obi-Wan is doing okay all things considered. Leia is making friends, even if she is surprised by it. Padmé is becoming a better politician. The clones' rights are an active issue that is being addressed. There is help for refugees. The Order is trying to be proactive.
And, of course, Palpatine is going to lose. Like, that is the whole of Leia's plan. Palpatine loses. For her, this story is not over until we've reached that end game.
So, uh. Yeah. It's a fix it. Was...was that in question???
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twoidiotwriters1 · 1 year
Daughter of Olympus (Leo Valdez xFem!Oc)
A/N: The titles are long af bc I find that very funny -Danny Words: 3,948 Series' Masterlist Previous Chapter / Next Chapter Listen to: 'Runaway' -by Aurora
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V. Memory Lane Has Too Many Stops and I Keep Getting Carsick
Ara has barely stopped crying when Leo Valdez shows up flying the bronze dragon. Everyone stands ready, except Ara. She pushes through the crowd, eyes brimming with tears once again.
"People of Earth, I come in peace!" Leo is the most insane-looking boy she's ever seen. He's dirty from head to toe and looks like he spent the whole night awake. "Festus is just saying hello!"
"That thing is dangerous! Kill it now!"
"Stand down!" Jason shouts anxiously, Annabeth and Nyssa stand next to him. "Leo, what have you done?"
"Found a ride!" He says cheerfully. "You said I could go on the quest if I got you a ride. Well, I got you a class-A metallic flying bad boy! Festus can take us anywhere!"
"Festus..?" Ara echoes hoarsely.
"It—has wings," Nyssa stammers.
"Yeah! I found them and reattached them."
"But it never had wings! Where did you find them?"
"In... the woods," he's hiding something, but Ara couldn't care less about it at the moment. "Repaired his circuits, too, mostly, so no more problems with him going haywire."
The dragon tilts his head and oil falls on top of Leo. He's completely unbothered by it. "Just a few kinks to work out."
Ara's mind catches up with her body and she runs to Festus in tears. Leo jumps out of the way in alarm, but everyone else is delighted. She looks less menacing this way. "You fixed it! You fixed my dragon!"
Leo frowns. "Say what?"
"But how did you survive?" Nyssa asks in shock. "I mean, the fire breath..."
"I'm quick," he turns to his sister. "And lucky. Now, am I on this quest, or what?"
"You named him Festus?" Jason adds. "You know that in Latin, 'Festus' means 'happy'? You want us to ride off to save the world on Happy the Dragon?"
"It's perfect!" Ara laughs, the first genuine laughter that comes out of her in days, and gods, it feels so good.
"Okay, so she's as crazy as me," Leo doesn't sound troubled by it. Festus purrs at Ara's touch, she's holding onto his snout. "That's a yes! Now, um, I'd really suggest we get going, guys. I already picked up some supplies in the—um, in the woods. And all these people with weapons are making Festus nervous."
"But we haven't planned anything yet. We can't just—"
"Go," Annabeth stares at them with fondness. "You have Ara, you'll be okay. You've only got three days until the solstice now, and you should never keep a nervous dragon waiting. This is certainly a good omen. Go!" 
Jason looks at Piper. "You ready, partner?"
"You bet." The girl's beaming at the dragon.
"Everyone, give our General a proper send-off!" Lily speaks next to her, which causes Ara to jump. She hates it when Lily does that.
The campers lift their shields and swords. Lily places a Tyrian purple cloak on Ara's shoulders and hands her a worn T-rex backpack. "Come back alive," she raises her left hand, and a thin scar can be seen on the side of her wrist. "Deal?"
Ara lifts her right wrist and lightly presses it against Lily's. "You got it." She turns to look at the campers. "I'll bring you good news this time, I promise," Ara faces Leo, the insane boy, and her eyes fill with gratitude. "I owe you a big one."
"Cash only, sunshine. Or a kiss, if you're feeling generous," Leo jokes, trying to stop her from looking at him like that.
Ara smiles, which is not the reaction he wanted. He's hoping she'll go back to being grumpy soon, but unfortunately, nothing's going to make her forget his great deed. "I'll think about it."
She climbs on top of the dragon, and Leo does an okay job at keeping it together. Ara feels this is where she's meant to be, this will bring back her brother. She's always had a good instinct when it comes to Percy.
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I'm weaving baskets when this weird thought crosses my mind: 
Look for Percy!
I saw him fifteen minutes ago, but I tell the naiads and nymphs that are with me: "Go get help." They notice how serious I am—which is unlike me—and follow my plea. I make my way to the forest, something is guiding me.
When Percy fought Ares, I gave him Aphrodite's protection. I told him "Love will keep you safe", and at the time he thought that I was saying it to not be the only one that hadn't given him something, but I knew it would work. I didn't know that it would bind me to him, but I'm not complaining.
When I find him, Percy sounds scared. "You're being used, Luke. You and Ares both. Don't listen to Kronos."
"I've been used? Look at yourself. What has your dad ever done for you? Kronos will rise. You've only delayed his plans. He will cast the Olympians into Tartarus and drive humanity back to their caves. All except the strongest—the ones who serve him."
I throw my basket at the back of Luke's head, trying to give Percy time so he can grab his sword. Luke turns and holds his weapon tighter. He has a new sword. "I've had enough!"
I stumble and cut my palm on a rock, I grab it and hear Percy's panicky voice. "Don't!" I don't know who he's talking to, but neither of us listens. The rock hits Luke's arm and I roll to avoid his blade but it grazes my skin. I grab a fistful of dirt and throw it at his face.
Percy swats whatever creature is on his leg and draws out his sword, Luke notices and decides I'm not worth the trouble, he makes an arch-motion with his weapon and disappears through a portal. I'm scared shitless and I can feel my back pulsing, I wanna run and hide behind someone again. 
"I'm sorry!" I cry, even though I'm not the one who almost killed Percy.
He stumbles toward me in some sort of pain, and I'll be damned if I don't help him out of this one. I put his left arm around my shoulders, and he places most of his weight on me, but I carry on.
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"Cool, right?" Leo's smell is starting to get a little too hard to ignore, Ara tries to keep his oil-covered self away. 
"What if we get spotted?" Piper asks.
"The Mist," Jason responds before Ara can. "It keeps mortals from seeing magic things. If they spot us, they'll probably mistake us for a small plane or something."
"You sure about that?"
"I am," Ara replies. "Don't worry, Piper, the crazier it gets, the harder it is for mortals to notice. If not, I know how to fix it."
"Is it thanks to the cool thing you are?" Leo asks.
"Yeah, Chiron had to readjust my training, not everyone can control the mist, but Thalia Grace is really good at it and she and Chiron taught me, she's the other child of Zeus."
"We're making good time," Jason comments like he's trying to change the subject. "Probably get there by tonight."
"Where are we heading?" Piper questions.
"To find the god of the North Wind and chase some storm spirits." 
"Piece of cake," Ara nods. "I've gone to many quests, follow your instincts and we'll be okay."
"Which reminds me!" Leo adds. "You didn't finish your story! You promised you would explain!"
Ara frowns. "Where was I?"
"That Luke dude went nuts."
She pauses, trying to piece her memories together. "Well, the nymphs took us back to camp..."
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Percy's really weak after Luke's attack. Annabeth left half an hour ago, and I'm standing on the porch clinging to my friend's arm. "You're going too, aren't you?" 
The basket I was weaving when I found him is at my feet, I made it for Grover. Percy says he might not come back at all. Grover, Annabeth, and Percy are the closest friends I've had and they're leaving. I want Percy to stay.
"I want to be with my mom, Ara."
"I wish I had a family," I make a face.
Percy pats my hand, I would rather have him glaring, but Annabeth says he's got a soft spot for me. "I thought you were excited to work on the forges?"
I sigh, Percy's words are not enough to distract me. "If I had a family, I'd choose them over camp too," I hold his hand and squeeze it. "Have a good year, Nemo."
He shakes my hand. "Have a fun year, Birdy. Maybe you can come and spend Christmas with me and my mom?"
"You're giving me permission to annoy you outside camp?"
Percy grabs his glass of nectar and drinks from it. "Let's see who gets tired first."
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Leo isn't as obnoxious as he pretends to be. He tells them about his connection to Hera, and the girl connects the dots. She doesn't want to use her empath touch on him, but she doesn't need to, Leo gets really quiet after telling his story and keeps his eyes ahead, no longer in the mood for jokes.
Ara process all the information she's gathered, to her it's obvious who the big bad is, but she does not dare to say it out loud, it would mean her future as the daughter of Olympus is bound to that stupid prophecy...
"You know something, don't you?" Piper asks as if reading Ara's thoughts. 
Leo has fallen asleep in front of them so she speaks quietly, though she doesn't need to, the wind is loud enough to hide her voice. "Nothing that could make things better."
"Okay... I just want to say, you know... thank you," Piper squeezes her shoulder. "You must be dead worried about your brother..."
Ara senses dread in Piper, the girl isn't as calm as she appears to be. "He would've wanted me to come. Others are looking for him, so..." She isn't needed. At least here, she feels important. She's a protector, and she likes that these demigods respect her. "And Lily's looking after camp, so I'm not worried."
"Annabeth's sister?" Piper muses. "Is she another daughter of Olympus?"
"Something better," Ara smiles. "She's my best friend."
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Lily Saggio is the newest and weirdest camper in this place. She's got pitch-black hair and big gray eyes. Since I came back from Percy's home, I've seen campers give her weary looks when she walks past, they say she's just like Thalia.
"Hi! I'm Ara!"
The girl regards me with distrust, then she glances at the table I was in. I feel like she ran a background check in less than five seconds. "Lily Saggio."
I'll have to carry the conversation. That's okay. "You're lucky you got here during winter and not summer! Where are you from?"
Lily stares at me pondering whether to talk or ignore me. "You're a year-rounder?"
"Why weren't you here last week?" I notice she's trying to hide an accent, but I do my best to act like I don't.
"I was invited to my friend's house. Look, he gave me this!" I show her my backpack, which is a teddy bear. I keep priceless things in it: my snacks and the legos Sally gave me as a Christmas/late birthday present. 
"You can leave this place?" Lily's expression shifts.
"Not all the time," I pull Bear and rummage through him. "I promised I wouldn't leave Percy's apartment—and it was Christmas!"
Lily stands up straighter, looking defiant. "I can look after myself, I've fought monsters before," She pulls out a black dagger and shows it to me.
I gasp. "Where did you get that?"
"It showed up on my nightstand after my Nonna..." She pauses and shakes her head. "It's a gift from my patron, so I don't—"
"You don't like it here?" I pull out my box of Legos and Lily's eyes brighten at the sight. "Don't you wanna know who your parent is?"
She frowns. "I know who my dad is."
"Oh! You're an Ares kid? You don't look like Apollo but you'd make an interesting child of Hermes or Dionys—"
"I didn't mean that."
"You know your dad?" I ask, not following the conversation.
"Yes, my mortal parent," she rolls her eyes. "I don't care about the god. They didn't care about me."
To think that way will get her a step closer to joining Luke. I don't want that. "Do I look like I'm Aphrodite's child?"
"Do I look it?" I insist.
"You're okay."
This is the first time anyone calls me okay. My brain goes: Well... duh!
"It hardly matters who your godly parent is, you'll grow to love it here," I lock arms with her and place my Legos on her hands. "I'm going to the forges, come and see."
"I don't need a chaperone—"
"You are sooo grumpy," I sigh. "No one would trust me to look after another camper. So!"
Lily waits for me to finish my sentence. "So?"
"They'll leave you alone if I'm with you, I'm not very popular either."
On our way to the forges, I hear a couple of Ares kids shout rude things at Lily, I step in to shut them up and they laugh so hard they forget about her.
"Go away," Lily scowls at me.
I pout a little. "I just wanted to help."
"I don't need you."
"I didn't do that thinking you—"
"I don't care," she clenches her fists. "Never do that again."
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When they reach Boreas's palace, two of his children stop them. Zethes stares at the purple cloak covering her shoulders and his smile evaporates. "Ara Jackson."
She gives a start. "Hi. You know my name?"
"You killed Cacus!"
"Who?" Leo asks with amusement.
"It wasn't only me," Ara dismisses the comment. "Can we go in, then?"
Zethes doesn't look pleased. "You'll kill us if we don't let you?"
Ara shrugs. "Sure."
Leo leans closer as they fly down. "So if I get into a nasty fight, could you just smite my opponent? It'd be super helpful if I knew that beforehand..."
"Shut up," Ara scowls, but she's hiding a smile.
When they land, the Boreads get a little nervous about having Festus there. "No, no, no,"  Zethes points at it. "The dragon must be deactivated. We can't have fire in here. The heat ruins my hair."
Ara steps forward. "Stay away from the dragon, then."
"'S'okay, boy," Leo eases the automaton, giving her a reassuring nod. "The dragon's a little touchy about the whole deactivation concept. But I've got a better solution." 
"Destroy?" Cal suggested.
"No, man. You gotta stop with the destroy talk. Just wait."
"Leo," Piper intervenes, "what are you—"
"Watch and learn, beauty queen. When I was repairing Festus last night, I found all kinds of buttons. Some, you do not want to know what they do. But others... Ah, here we go."
Leo sneaks his hand inside Festus's left paw and Ara hears a click, the dragon folds until it's a block of bronze. "Um... yeah. Hold on. I think—aha!" A handle pops up along with four wheels at the bottom. "Ta-da! The world's heaviest carry-on bag!"
"Cool!" Ara gets closer to examine it. Every time Leo gets that reaction out of her, he looks ready to throw himself off a rooftop.
"That's impossible," Jason exclaims. "Something that big couldn't—"
"Stop!" Zethes and his brother suddenly point their swords at Leo.
"Hey!" Ara makes her own weapon appear. "What's your problem?"
Leo raises his hands. "Okay... what'd I do? Stay calm, guys. If it bothers you that much, I don't have to take the dragon as carry-on—"
"Who are you? A child of the South Wind, spying on us?"
"What? No! Son of Hephaestus. Friendly blacksmith, no harm to anyone!"
"Smell fire," Cal gets closer. "Fire is bad."
"Oh. Yeah, well... my clothes are kind of singed, and I've been working with oil, and—"
"No!" Zethes tries to touch Leo but Ara keeps him away with her sword. "We can smell fire, demigod. We assumed it was from the creaky dragon, but now the dragon is a suitcase. And I still smell fire... on you." 
Ara glances at Leo. He is hiding something. "Hey... look... I don't know—Guys, a little help?"
"Look, there's been a mistake. Leo isn't a fire guy. Tell them, Leo. Tell them you're not a fire guy," Jason says, which is not great.
"Um..." Leo's indecision makes Ara uneasy.
"Piper," she could do this, but it's better for her sister to get comfortable with her powers. "Talk some sense into these boys, please?"
The girl understands right away. "Zethes? We're all friends here. Put down your swords and let's talk."
"The girl is pretty," he hums, "and of course she cannot help being attracted to my amazingness; but sadly, I cannot romance her at this time." 
"Destroy him now?"
"Sadly, I think—"
"No," Jason insists. "Leo's just a son of Hephaestus. He's no threat. Piper here is a daughter of Aphrodite. I'm the son of Zeus. We're on a peaceful..."
"What did you say?" Zethes snaps. "You are the son of Zeus?"
"Um... yeah," he pauses. "That's a good thing, right? My name is Jason."
"Can't be Jason," Cal says stupidly. "Doesn't look the same."
"No, he is not our Jason. Our Jason was more stylish. Not as much as me—but stylish. Besides, our Jason died millennia ago."
"Wait," the boy continues. "Your Jason... you mean the original Jason? The Golden Fleece guy?"
"Of course! We were his crewmates aboard his ship, the Argo, in the old times, when we were mortal demigods. Then we accepted immortality to serve our father, so I could look this good for all time, and my silly brother could enjoy pizza and hockey."
So many demigods gave up their mortality, and most of them had done it for such stupid reasons! Ara can't believe Percy's the exception to the rule, she's seen him push a pull door way too many times.
"Hockey!" Cal says happily.
"But Jason—our Jason—he died a mortal death. You can't be him."
"I'm not."
"So, destroy?"
"No," Zethes pouts. "If he is a son of Zeus, he could be the one we've been watching for. He's with Jackson, after all."
"Watching for?" Leo repeats. "You mean like in a good way: you'll shower him with fabulous prizes? Or watching for like in a bad way: he's in trouble?"
"That depends on my father's will," a girl's voice announces.
A brief flash of light comes out of Leo as soon as he sees the girl, but it's so short-lived Ara doesn't even distinguish its color. She scowls at him. Really? Right now? But she doesn't say anything out loud, she's the only one who can see those things anyway. 
The goddess is asking Jason to join her father, apparently, he's got some judgment to make, but Leo is not allowed to come. Jason and Piper don't want to leave him, and Ara doesn't want to either, she doesn't trust Leo will stay put. 
He smiles and obediently sits on top of Festus. "It's fine, guys. No sense causing trouble if we don't have to. You go ahead."
Again, Ara's intrigued. Half the time he's hyper and impatient and now he's just... half a smile that does not reach his eyes. She's never met anyone like him, someone made out of halves.
"Listen to your friend," the young goddess tells them. "Leo Valdez will be perfectly safe. I wish I could say the same for you. Now come, King Boreas is waiting." 
Ara wants to sit and have a full-fledged conversation with Leo about his feelings and how he perceives the world, but she's lost practice. Before it was easy to pay attention to others, but Ara's obligations positioned her above many things, including day-to-day interaction with campers.
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Lily's impression of me changes after Capture the Flag."This is your first time playing so don't worry, they won't notice you," I undo the clasp of her armor vest before she can stop me and fix it for her.
"What do you mean?" She frowns.
"You're new, they won't ask you to do anything."
She's deeply upset about this. "They should take advantage of all their assets!"
"We're not tools," I tilt my head with amusement. Lily's lived on the streets for far too long. "If you're so sure you can handle it, though... there's something I've always wanted to try."
She wavers. "What is it?"
"I think I can reach the flag faster than our leader. No one ever pays attention to me and it'd be really funny if we get there first instead of our Captain. What do you say?"
Lily makes a face. "That's not a plan."
"Are you a chicken, Saggio?" I don't know why I tease her, but she looks funny when she's angry.
"A drachma says I can get to the flag before you can!" I sprint out of sight.
I hear her trying to catch up and that makes me giggle. I move as quickly as possible, but then, just when I'm reaching the limits, Lily comes out of nowhere and tackles me to the ground. We're both lifted in the air and end up hanging upside down from a tree.
"Why did you do that?" I complain. "We could've won!"
"I wasn't letting you get there first, you turned it into a competition!" She says. "What is this?"
"Rope. Beckendorf did it, so we're stuck here until someone finds us. Or so he says..."
"What do you mean?"
"These are designed for heavier demigods," I look up—down, actually—and follow the rope to see where it ends."I'll take your knife, the rope's tied in my direction."
"Turn us around!"
"Are any of your arms free?"
She groans, trying to release herself. "It's my knife!"
"You're bossy," I sigh. "Sit tight while I free us, boss."
I squirm for five whole minutes, but the rope's only getting tighter. Lily tries to stop me, but I'm not giving up. Finally, after a long struggle... Lily's dagger falls out of her belt. 
She lets her head hang in defeat. "I'll scream."
"Why not?" She presses. "There's nothing we can do!"
I was telling the truth when I said this was something I'd been planning to do for quite a while, but this is not how I wanted it to go. "We can't be seen like this, your rep will be ruined!"
Two arrows fly through the gap between us, one of them scratches us but we're released in less than a second. Lily lands sideways and I land on my back. 
"Well, well..." a small boy walks up to us smirking. "Out of all the campers, I never thought they'd send you."
I smile sweetly. "Hey, bud, if you can find it in your heart to let us go..."
He seizes two new arrows from his quiver and points them at us. "Get up."
Lily sits up, immensely disappointed... so I start talking. 
"Michael," I charmspeak him. "Hand me your bow." His shoulders relax and the arrows fall at his feet, then he gives me his bow.
"Che cosa..!" Lily whispers in shock.
"The quiver too," Michael hands it to me. I look at it, then at him. "Forget this happened and go to sleep." He drops to the ground, snoring loudly. "So..." I hand Lily the bow. "He caught me, you knocked him out and took his weapons before he could take me. Fair play."
The more agitated she gets, the more it stands out that accent she has. "Have you always been able to do that?"
"You were going to lose, and now you're going back with a prisoner. They'll give you a bigger role next time thanks to that."
"But I didn't do this!"
"So what?" I shrug. "Next time you'll do something better, that'll be enough to compensate for the lie. There is no honor in going down by charmspeak, Lily. You're tough and Michael's got a bad temper, it'll make both of you look good."
"But I'm..." I can't tell if she's angry or flustered. "I was stubborn, I don't deserve a win."
"I was pushing your buttons," I admit. "Please, Michael will prefer this over the truth."
Lily's not convinced. "And you?"
"Teach me to be quiet and we'll be even," I pick up her dagger.
"I wouldn't want you as my enemy," she seizes her weapon and places it on her belt. The gash Michael made on our wrists is bleeding, hers is on the left wrist and mine's on the right. "It's a deal."
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clatoera · 1 year
Always Remember We're Burned for Better Chapter 17: What Doesn't Kill Me Makes Me Want You More
Heeeeey guys. I feel like I apologize a lot for delays. Full transparency is that as we enter the final act of this fic we are also entering my application season. Things are going to be irregular until October when my apps are submitted. At the same time I expect thats when I'll be starting the sequel so! Exciting things ahead! Thank you for your patience and understanding and love. I appreciate and love every one of you.
I quite literally went on a mission to revisit every thing Jack Quaid has ever done to get an idea of how I wanted Marvel to sound. I'm posting this 26 minutes before I see oppenheimer the third time.
The title is from Cruel Summer (tswift)
As always, thank you to my friends. @ohhowwehavefallen who quite literally is the reason for the very last scene. IT was her. Give her credit for it existing. @kentwells for literally letting me bounce EVERY idea off them (I literally the other day said I just want people to be happy and had to be reminded I cause the suffering), and @crookedlyniceperson who keeps me going with the thought of memes.
Thank you as we enter this last segment of chapters, where we end the war and start the rest of their lives.
“Do they ever stop looking at you like you killed their dog?” Johanna is the one who asks, glancing around half heartedly at the dozens of wary stares being sent their way at any given moment. 
In perfect, offhanded unison, Cato and Glimmer give a resigned “No.”
They had grown used to it. The distrustful looks, the pitiful side glancing, but frankly there was not as much fear or respect one would think these once great victors would garner. 
Then again, they were quite a sight to behold these days. 
Johanna, with hair like a peach fuzz and various track marks from IV after IV for that Morphling hit. 
Clove, who had flayed more than one man alive on television, with skin like violets and nightlock berries from her neck down, bruises blossoming on every inch of that pale canvas. 
Cato and Glimmer, who they had long since deemed as crazy and unstable, but now less of a threat with the return of the carrot they had dangled on the stick before them. 
Really, the only one who even resembled his old self was Marvel. And what threat was he, anyway?
Finnick did not grace them with his presence, nor did Annie, as they were playing peacekeepers between Katniss and Peeta across the room after his attempt on her life not all that many weeks ago.  After all, someone had to keep Miss girl on fire’s embers glowing. Without the supervision of Finnick, Gale likely would have taken Peeta out by now just for his own opportunity to get ahead in the name of protecting Katniss. 
“We kinda did kill their dogs. Well. We killed their kids.” Glimmer reminds her, back to her earlier habits of pushing food around on a tray, slipping hard and fast into her old ways. 
She sits directly next to Clove on the opposite side of Cato, across from Johanna. Next to Johanna is Marvel who still cannot look at her for longer than a second, so far as Glimmer knows at least. 
It’s Clove, of course, who catches him looking when Glimmer is not. 
“We didn’t kill their kids, they weren’t in the games.” Clove rolls her eyes, but stabs her blunt spork into the overly-cooked but under-seasoned green beans. She couldn’t even raise her shoulder parallel to the floor, but they were still unwilling to give her (or Cato, for that matter) a knife. At least someone in this godforsaken place was still scared of her and didn’t see her like a bird with a broken wing. “The twelves mostly finished themselves off every year anyway- for fucks sake would it kill someone to get some salt down here?”
“I would commit a literal war crime for a pizza right now.” Marvel admits, and the tone of his voice sounds like maybe he’s only half joking, that maybe he really would dig a knife into the president of District 13 in exchange for extra pepperoni. 
When the eyes around them firmly land on him, and some of the armed guards tense and take a step forward he puts up a single, defeated hand. “I’m joking. I’m not here to take out the rebellion for a stuffed crust.”  When the guards step back and the weary looks turn away, he does cock an eyebrow and gives a slight nod of his head. “Extra cheese on the other hand..”
Glimmer gives a quiet giggle, though she does not look up from the swirls she makes with the potatoes before her. 
Cato actually laughs, though, in a way he had not in the many months of separation of him and Clove. It was like something in him had come back to life, and it clearly had something to do with the dark haired girl he currently had his arms draped around the shoulders of. “If you’re going to get us shot over pizza we may never have again, at least make it something good. At this point I’d lead this fucking war if it would get me back to a burger.” He gently nudges Clove, who is furiously attempting to stab at whatever they were trying to pass off as a balanced meal. “Come on. What do you miss?”
“What don’t I fucking miss? Our bed. Fabric softener. The use of my arms..” Clove starts to complain, but she looks up and catches the teasing shine in his blue eyes and can’t help but play along. “...half of a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, the peanut butter half. And an orange. If we make it out of this, I never want to go a day without real fruit ever again.” She nudges at Glimmer’s knee with her own, before doing the same with her free shoulder. “What about you Glim Glam? What’s your death row choice here?”
How is she supposed to say, oh, nothing, I wasn’t allowed to enjoy food, the thought of eating makes me nauseous? How is she supposed to say that she isn’t quite sure there's anything out there in the world that she’s interested in these days. There’s a memory, though, of a night before Clove became victor officially, of late night snacks in a bed that was not her own but belonged to the man across from Cato. Back when there was still potential and love in her world, that little bit of good that she had had taken from her yet again. 
“...those little cake slices, not cupcakes, but the individual slices so you can try the different flavors. They have them at the parties all the time. And maybe fries?” Glimmer smiles to herself at the memory of salt between bed sheets and frosting on the tips of noses. “And there was this pasta, with like…cheese sauce and It was so so good but I can’t remember what it was called but it was just so good I’d kill to have it again–”
“...mac’n’cheese. That’s what it’s called. You like it with the toasty little breadcrumbs on top of it.” Marvel finishes for her, briefly lifting his head and giving ever so slight of a nod. “I remember it from when-”
“Yeah. I do too.” Glimmer agrees, and is the one to break eye contact as she refocuses down at the scraps of borderline dog food they’re being fed. 
A heavy, powerful silence falling over the table full of victors, a haze no one quite wants to break. Cato taps his thumb on Clove’s shoulder, and she settles into his side contently. Marvel clears his throat and looks around the room awkwardly, not quite focusing on any point or face in particular. 
“...well!” Johanna announces, finally breaking through the silence that permeated their shared space. “I don’t know about you, but the first thing I want, is a fucking drink.”
“Where’s Cato? I haven’t seen you two apart…actually at all, since you got back?” Glimmer invites herself to the foot of Clove’s bed, hands full of bed sheets and thread. “Off in that silly little meeting of boys?”
“Finnick showed up and practically begged him to go.” Clove confirms, pulling herself to a more proper sitting position  and tucking her feet back to sit criss-crossed underneath her.  “I don't know if it was actually a meeting or if he was just trying to make him go get his allotted thirty minutes of fresh air.”   As she sits she tugs at the newly replaced IV in her hand, bringing forward the poll that was attached to the long bit of tubing in her hand, reminded of the inconvenience she thought she had escaped. 
Glimmer reaches out a hand to brush over the back of Clove’s, immediately calling attention to the new intrusion. “Clove! I thought you were done with these?”
“Eh. A small setback. Turns out part of my lung just like..collapsed when I was trying to throw this morning. It was filled with blood, it got pretty nasty. I guess I still have some internal bleeding and bruising.” She pulls down the top of her hospital pajamas, showing the literal tubing coming out from below her clavicle, which is filled with fresh ruby blood. “Shoved this in me, the IV is for the pain. I don’t think I need it but–”
“Your lung collapsed. You have a literal piece of plastic sewed into your skin. And you don’t think you need the pain meds?” Glimmer cocks a blonde eyebrow, before mirroring Clove’s cross legged posture. “You’re stronger than anyone else I know, Clove. Stubborn, but strong nonetheless.” 
She offers Clove a bit of thread and one of her stitching needles, along with  the upper half of some shredded fabric.  It had started off handedly– a story of how Clove used to stitch up Cato, how they had been taught in the academy and how she didn’t want to lose that skill too when people were here to baby her. Someone, Primrose Everdeen maybe, had suggested it may be a good therapeutic exercise for her to use the fine muscles and tendons in her hands, to work on stitching and maintain her fine motor skills. 
Really, though, it was more of a therapy for Glimmer, who desperately needed to feel needed, who desperately needed a friend to distract her brain for a few hours a week. 
It worked out for both of them. 
“Any other injuries you wanna admit to, Clove?” Glimmer inquires, absentmindedly beginning to run a new type of fabric stitch on the opposite end of the fabric from Clove. “You know I have no one to tell.”
“Nope. Just the usual. Broken ribs. All my major joints are useless. A lung that gave out. Oh, some internal bleeding…” Clove tries not to reveal her frustration when she cannot thread the needle, cannot keep the intrinsic muscles of her head steady enough to connect the two pieces. The shaking of her right hand betrays her as she drops the needle, grip strength so diminished she can't even keep hold of it for long enough to throw an anchoring stitch in the fabric.  Clove throws down the fabric in defeat, running her hand now over her face instead. 
“But hey. My skin is coming back together. Just ugly fucking scars for the rest of my life–” Clove reveals the skin of her thigh to Glimmer, the puckering of stitches and the greenish-yellow hue of a bruise starting to dissolve under her skin. “Just fucking great, Glimmer. I’m just great.”
Glimmer drops the fabric, and immediately pushes up the sleeves of her District Thirteen issued henley shirt. Her own scars are not as angry red or freshly bruised, but rather a raised, pink granulated tissue in rivulettes from her elbows to right where her wrist meets her hand. “We all have scars now, Clove. No more magic Capitol tricks  to take them away. I clawed my way out of handcuffs, using blood to lubricate my way out.. We all have scars now that we’re going to carry for the rest of our lives. You are alive. You have Cato. By all standards, you’re dong pretty fucking great compared with the other option here.” 
Glimmer picks up the little fallen needle and wordlessly threads it for Clove, saying nothing nor expecting any gratitude from the other woman for the act. “You have Cato. Who will not leave your side, who shoves into a twin-sized hospital bed with you somehow–”
“We slept in a twin sized bed at the academy when we were sixteen until he won. We’re used to it, is all.”
“It’s still sweet. How he is so insistent on being near you all the time, all he thought about that whole time was you Clove, I’m shocked they even got him away from you now.”
“Yeah well.. I made him go with Finnick, too. It’s not good for him to sit here and treat me like a porcelain doll all the time. For either of us.” Clove takes Glimmer’s offering with no words of thanks, as the exchange would prove too embarrassing of a hit to Clove’s fragile confidence.
Her confidence being the only truly fragile thing about her, may she add.
“He sleeps with me and he is always touching me but it’s like he’s scared to touch me, you know?” Clove explains, hoping it is not too much information for what had become her closest friend. “He thinks I'm fragile.”
“He doesn’t think you’re fragile.” She nearly scoffs, giving a half hearted laugh. “He thinks you’re anything but. He just doesn’t want to hurt you.”
It’s Clove’s turn to scoff and laugh at that. “He has never given a fuck about hurting me. He broke my collarbone the day we met. After he won, he used to push me so hard at training that I couldn’t walk the hundred steps to my room at training. One time he picked me up by the throat and slammed me against a wall until I could escape myself. Our entire lives have been hurting each other–”
“Well you’re not the one getting choked against a wall now, are you?” Glimmer deflects, and a wicked smile floods Clove’s face at the realization of the lighthearted change in topic. 
“I wish I were getting choked against a wall in a different way, you know?” Clove teases, laughing as they fall into a comfortable silence as they work on different types of stitching– human skin or low thread-count sheets. 
“You know Marvel is going to come around, right?” Clove offers out of the blue, seemingly coming from nowhere with the topic change. “You said that all Cato thought about was me, well, that was him too. We shared a wall. Lots of conversations were had through six inches of concrete and all….he’ll come around. He just needs time to remember–”
“Clove, he won’t even look at me. He won’t come around, because he remembers it all just fine. Do you know what he said to me that day? That I used him, that he was just another client to me. He said that…that..that I just picked him because he was there! He doesn’t believe that I love him, Clove. He thinks I just..faked it all.” Glimmer catches the skin of her finger in her needle, and quickly brings the blood drop to her lips to staunch the bleeding. “I didn’t fake a thing. Not with him. He is the only person it was ever real with and I just- I just…I miss him.”
“He loves you too, Glimmer. He never stopped.”
“Yeah, well, he shows it just like every other man I’ve ever met, now.”
“There's my favorite cellmate!” Marvel’s voice pops out, a goofy grin on his face as he lets himself right into her room.
“Let me guess, it’s your turn to babysit me?” Clove slams shut the book she had been reading, some silly novel from long before the dark days in a language that was English but also so much more complicated. The only type of enrichment activity she got these days was mental, it seems. 
“Huh? No, no of course not, no...yeah, actually. Yeah. But! I came because I wanted to see you, not because It’s my turn to keep you supervised.”
Clove swings her legs over the side of the bed, placing her feet firmly on the ground before pushing herself to a standing position. She had quickly discovered if anyone was going to let her get away with something it was going to be Marvel– he was not going to keep her in bed with crafts or insist she not move too much at risk of re-angering an existing injury or worse, making a new one. Maybe it was because he had been there when she was at her absolute worst in the Capitol, right alongside her, but he didn’t quite treat her like her skin was made of glass. “Let me guess, another meeting of all the victors but us?”
“The privilege of being the special ones who got pulled out of the arena apparently comes with a security clearance.” Marvel shrugs, nodding his head enthusiastically towards the door. “Peeta bread down the hall is in therapy, Johanna went backwards today in terms of progress with water, and Annie is..well she’s Annie. Oh but us, we’re the big scary careers remember? We’re the little captiol plants, that's why they tried to kill you, makes it more believable you know?” 
Clove hops off the bed and practically scurries towards the door, at the chance to escape her sterile prison at any slight opportunity that arises. As she gets closer to her chaperone she notices the permanent marker writing on his arm. “Look at you, you got slave to district thirteen privilege, what are you blowing off right now?”
“History of Nuclear Defense. It’s pretty cool, but I can’t look at that guy from twelve for more than fifteen minutes-”
“Well you are the one who threatened to stab him for cheesecake, Marvel.”
“I was kidding! Mostly!” Marvel gestures to the left to turn out of the hallway, the long way away from the fellow prison (hospital) cells of their friends and fellow victors. Other than Annie, he has had the hardest time accepting what has happened to them, and even more so why he was left without the physical scars of his friends. “Apparently Cato and Glimmer have both gone after him, I think our turn is long overdue.”
They take their government mandated stroll up and down the hall, back and forth, as they do any day that Marvel gets assigned Clove duty. It’s the most exercise anyone will let Clove have, the most autonomy, even. 
“Have you heard anything about back home? Noone will tell me shit, and I don’t know if they don’t know or if they’re trying to spare my feelings like I'm a child who can’t handle the reality of war.” He half whispers, all too aware (and maybe even a little paranoid, after their time in the capitol) that someone is always listening for something even the littlest bit treasonous to slip their lips so they can be hung in the proverbial town square. 
“Glimmer knows nothing about Gloss and Cashmere. They can’t tell me anything about Enobaria. I thought asking every day would break them but-” Clove gives half a shrug, kicking her feet along the concrete floors. “Noone can tell me anything about her. We don’t know about Brutus, either. All Cato wants to know is about his sister. I don’t think anyone knows. Or if they do, they’re keeping it from all of us.”
He doesn’t respond, just gives a nod at the reality of their situation. If anyone knows anything, it is well hidden from all of them. “You know, I’m not glad you’re still in the hospital, but I’m glad Cato sleeps with you, he’s supposed to be my roommate. We have fucking roommates, what is this, war boarding school? Between this and the classes, I feel like they left some gaps in our education in the districts. Who knew we should know how to do nuclear fission by eighteen.”
“I literally don’t even know what those words mean.” She half-laughs, shaking her head in disapproval. “Other than the games and then, you know, the capitol, I have barely spent a night away from him since we were sixteen. I think you’re safe to push the beds together to make yourself one big one, because he won’t be there anytime soon.” 
Clove supposed that meant that Glimmer was meant to be her roommate when all was said and done. In another life, they probably would have switched in the dark of the night, Clove and Marvel or Glimmer and Cato, rearranging the sleeping arrangements in a way that would scandalize the upper-administration of thirteen and they would not have cared. All they would have cared about is having been together, at whatever cost. Things are different, now, though.
“You need to talk to her.”
“I don’t want to talk to her.”
“Marvel I do not know what they said to you in those last couple of days before we got out, but a week before all you wanted in the entire world was to see her again.” Clove reminds him in a voice that can only be described as lecturing. “All you have to do is talk to her, you’ll know she meant it all.”
“I just can’t get it out of my head, Clove. That all along she was just using me. Over and over and over again, I just hear them telling me that it never would have been me. Why would it be me?” His eyebrows are just slightly knit together, and there's a hesitation in his voice that Clove can recognize as doubt. 
Doubt. The strongest force in the world, like a spell that needs no more than a drop to permeate every inch of your being, to consume you. To burn you to the ground. 
“Because you’re you. And she’s her. And I’m Clove, and he’s Cato. It makes sense just because it does. Some things just…are. And this is one of them.” She has nothing better to say, because there is no stronger answer. 
Somethings are just meant to be because they simply are. 
They pace in a peaceful albeit tense silence, for about five more minutes before the overhead alarm signals to them that a change in activity will happen in exactly five minutes, and her other supervisors will return.
“...you know that Glimmer and Cato got to go to the armory, right?” Clove informs him with a heavy, heavy sigh. “Cato gets target practice and I’m barely allowed out of bed. How’s that fair? I’m going fucking crazy, Marvel.”
“You almost died, you psycho, I think they’re just being cautious. Besides, you were already crazy.”
“I’m not made of porcelain or glass or ceramics. I trained in the best training academy in the country for ten years, I won the fucking Hunger Games.” Clove slams her hand into the door, blocking their entrance back in. “Do you think I'm some little broken winged bird?”
“You don’t have to tell me that, Clove. I was there. I know what you survived. I wouldn’t have. I don’t think anyone else would have.” He gently nudges her hand out of the way so he can make sure she actually goes back to her room. “You know, it probably wouldn’t have been so bad if you had just given them the screams they wanted.”
Clove scoffs. “That's rule number one. Never show weakness. That gets you killed. And besides, I only scream for one person.” She gives him a playful nudge with her shoulder as she pushes past him. 
Who would have thought. At one time she saw him as one of the most annoying victors she had ever met, and now, he was the only person treating her like she had her own two legs to stand on.
Damn. Maybe trauma bonding is real. 
“I don’t need babysitting, you know, Marvel.”
“Trust me, I Know that. Convince everyone else.”
“It’s okay, Clove, you’ll get it back–”
Clove lets out a frustrated scream, throwing the knife to the ground. Finally, finally, she had gotten a knife back in her hand in the training room, a moment she had been working toward for weeks. She had expected it to be muscle memory, truly her second nature, and come back to her as easily as it had back when she was five years old and threw for the first time. 
Apparently muscles lose their memory when they are severed. 
“No, Cato, it isn’t fucking okay!” She grabs another one of the knives– albeit not the best quality, but she cannot blame that. She could kill with a plastic butter knife, before– and as soon as she raises her arm she nearly drops the knife from the sharp pain that runs through her shoulder. “This is all I fucking have, this is all I am, and I can’t do it. I could do this when I was five.”
The couple of throws she had managed to succeed in executing failed in other ways, each three feet away from even hitting her target. A failure, by academy standards. 
“Baby, this is not all you are.”
“How would you feel? If the only thing that has ever made you remarkable was just..gone? This is all I have, yes it is. This is as close as I’ve ever felt to my mother, who chose the games over me, this is the only thing that kept my grandmother choosing to keep me alive, the hope that i’d actually win. I was tiny and frail looking then but I was good. I was the best. This is all I have, Cato. This is all I am, and now I'm not.” Clove tries, again, to bring her arm past parallel with the floor, and the pain is nearly unbearable. She does not cry. She does not show it. But god, god does it hurt deep in her bones. 
“If this is hurting you, you need to stop, Clove.” Stupid Cato. Stupid Cato and his ability to know even the slightest change in her face, to be able to notice even her slightest tells. “You just need time and that's okay.”
“And what the fuck got into YOU Cato? What the fuck is this ‘you need to stop’ shit?” Clove snaps, stepping forward to grab him by the center of his shirt, pulling him forward with a jerk of her arms. “What happened to the person who broke me, and ran me until I threw up, and never once, not a single time, took fucking pity on me? What happened to the person who wanted to make me a better tribute, who wanted to make me a better fucking victor even when we were going to kill each other? I’m not broken, Cato, don’t treat me like I am.”
Cato shakes his head, and drops his hands to his side, before very very gently grabbing her upper arms. “Clove, I don’t want to hurt you, it’s not worth it.”
“Oh since fucking when don’t you want to hurt me? Pick me up by the throat and make me fight my way out, Cato!” Clove practically begs, deep eyes searching his face in desperation, pleading for understanding, 
“That was to make you survive, Clove, not fucking kill you.” He tries, gently tightening his grip on her arms. “This isn’t all you are, Clove, not anymore. Not ever.”
“Cato, stop! Treat me like your fucking partner. Treat me like me, Treat me like you’re Cato and I’m Clove and we have spent our entire lives making each other better. I am begging you, treat me like me.” Clove sees the hesitation in his face, in the way he looks from her eyes to her nose to avoid the desperation in her eyes, and knows she has him. She grabs his right hand and pushes it up to the top of her shoulder.  “Brace my shoulder, and do NOT let it go. If I cry or scream. Do not let it go.”
Something snaps in Cato, or maybe something reawakens, but he gives a firm, hard squeeze at the junction of her arm and her shoulder, feeling the tendons separate and slip underneath his fingers.  Clove’s legs nearly give out, and it takes all she has not to whine in the true agony at the feeling of her joints sliding over each other again. He does not let go, or loosen the grip he has on her swelling shoulder joints. Cato twists her in his arms, facing her out towards the targets. “Go. Throw.” 
His other arm is wrapped around her waist, and holds her up as her legs beg to give out and bring her to the ground. As her throws hit closer and closer to the target, Cato doesn’t comment on how he can tell exactly how hard she is struggling to breathe, or how he can feel her other hand shaking at her side. 
“I have an idea.” Cato begins, finally letting go of her arm and her body and trying to ignore the soft whine that she lets out when he does. “Not that they’re letting us anywhere near a war but,” 
He reaches for the same deep silver gun he had picked up all those weeks ago, when he and Glimmer had been given free range for an hour with Beetee taking pity on them.  “Easier to hit with this.”
Cato slips it from his hands to hers, and notices the way her hand nearly falls at the weight of the weapon. Before the frustrated look can even befall her face, he has her back in front of him, with both of his hands on top of hers. He raises her hands in his, holding them out infront of her. “You’ll like it, at least until your arms are better.” 
“Easy now, baby.” Cato whispers in her ear, “You’ve got it.” He promises, and when she finally pulls the trigger, he catches her back against his chest when the kickback reverberates through her and sends her a few inches backwards. “There you go,” Cato kisses right below her ear, just before she twists in his arms to face him. 
The smile stretched across her face is worth it all in that moment, the wicked, dark energy she is so known for all but painted in her eyes. 
“I knew you’d like that.” Cato teases, only slightly off guard when the metal falls to the ground with a loud cling and he feels her pulling him back. It’s effortless when he naturally lifts her by her waist onto the armory table, in a spot between the guns and knives and various weapons of choice for the assorted victors in thirteen. 
Clove threads her fingers through the hair at the base of his neck and oh she is alive, alive alive again. As she pulls him down on top of her, she pauses only for a moment before catching his lips with hers. 
“Remember, I’m not broken.”
“I know, Clove.” 
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blackstarchanx3new · 1 year
Hi! Uh... I might sound a bit dumb for this question but I really can't think of anyone else to ask, how do you fucking go about on making an au? Because like... I don't know. And it's overwhelming me ngl. I don't know.
You know all those random head cannons that float around in your brain.
Or interactions you've thought of between characters FROM said head cannons:
You just make those a reality. X'D
Welcome to the "Character based AU" Idk what else to call it.
Creations AU for example: Born from me having dumb funny ideas like making Bonnie a stoner, or Freddy a literal prostitute and the Night guard a stone faced bad ass who reacts near emotionlessly/weird no matter what bullshit is in front of him.
Shit like that gives way to a LOT of stupid interactions/comedy. Is if objectively funny? Idk. But it makes me laugh.
Fannon Fan cannon ideas I like from a writing perspective. Not exactly a cannon/theory one lmfao can't stress that enough.
Glamrock Freddy being Michael/Josh in Creations instance, Mikebot, William murdering to try and resurrect his children, Golden Freddy being crying child. Those are just some examples of fannon ideas/theories I liked enough to run with.
Cobbled with: Scenes from the actual games I like
Also: A shit ton of OCs cause we're cringe tonight!~ >:)
I mostly focus on CHARACTER based AUs just cause I like writing CHARACTERS not character concepts.... Multiverse Mayhem is a character concept thing, but I'm not ready to write that yet, and it's way more "Character based" when it comes to how it's actually IMPLIMENTED
But you can do em with random concepts too most UNDERTALE AUs I know are more IDEA based than character based:
Have you ever asked yourself:
And my least favorite: "WHAT IF WE SWAPPED THEIR ROLES!?"
The laziest/my least favorite/fun trope lmfao but a lot of people like that one. it's SUPER hard to make interesting At least to me but my opinions are ass so you can throw em out. X'D but if you're a good writer you can make nearly anything work.
Evil character A is the good guy and Good guy is the bad guy. They swap outfits and MAYBE their backstory's are swapped? Idk there's no consistent rules to this AU idea. Somehow we ended up with the reverse of what was there in cannon. I've only seen it done in a fun way when it's like REALLY detailed Reverse Falls I found interesting for example. Underswap is lazy af and we can all admit we only like the skelebros. I virtually ONLY like them when they're accessories to other AUs/playing off other Sans and Papyrus but that's just me....
There's also "What if x plot point from cannon was changed"
Like uhh, you know. A character NEARLY dies in cannon but ACTUALLY dies in this AU.
@james-p-sullivan wrote a fic about that with Four Swords where Vio dies at the fire temple.
That still has one chapter left that i am waiting eagerly for. X'D
Basically AUs like this are "Cannon divergence." I think is what they're called???
These are super fun.
Because if you know the characters really well you can make em react to whatever divergence in cannon in great ways.
And then there's:
Four Swords Returns for example is a sequel with midquel elements.
Midquel: You add scenes where they COULD have fit in cannon or you flesh out scenes mentioned but not seen.
I made FSR: Because I didn't like the ending we were given.
And if you hate an ending: Make a sequel. It's fun.
I started FSR with the simple concept:
How I can split Link in 4 again?
Vaati's curse! :D
Vaati is still alive. Retcon Gannon being in the sword and retcon Vaati being dead. Literally no one has complained because Vaati is wonderful and we love him.
Make it possible for them to split again.
Oh...But what challenges COME from this?
Boom the plot happened.
Basically: Ask yourself a SHIT TON of questions.
"What if this?" "What if that?"
Keep going.
Keep writing cool scenes you would like to see in this AU.
You got yourself an AU. :
Hope this helps.
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shads-shipposts · 4 months
So, my sailor fic Anachronism won't be released in full until at least 2029 due to other projects in my neverending queue, but! There's a profound lack of Karaboudjan crew content on this site and I feel like rectifying that. Plus I haven't cursed this hellsite with my nonsense in ages, and that's gotta be fixed.
So, here's a touch-up/completion of something I'm fairly certain I posted a while back. Ch 2 of Anachronism, called Run and Gun! It takes place the morning of the Tintin movie's beginning, but don't worry about not having chapter 1 to read yet. Honestly, things will probably make less sense if you read chapter one. Plus I haven't written it yet.
All you need to know is Anachronism involves a literal self-insert (I get sucked into the movie) but with the twist of its actually the same universe as one of my old Tintin fanfics that was never finished. Hence why Allan is after me, he's got bits of memory missing and ain't happy about it. Also, being a black belt ain't made up. I trained for 4 1/2 years and got it in 2019. This story takes place in 2020, specifically Jan 1.
Enough ramble, on with the show! Depending on the reception, I may post more book snippets as I go along. So be sure to leave a comment if you enjoyed! Or if you have thoughts on characterization, it's been a while since I've written with these guys.
CW: Langauge, minor peril, utter chaos
Word Count: 3700
“Catch that kid! I want her alive!”
Well ain’t this dandy? All I wanted to do was sketch the ship, now I’m in a run and gun chase scene! This is what I get for being curious!
At least this was just a dream, so I couldn’t really get hurt.
Usually my dream would have shifted into something unhinged by now. Things were too stable, too realistic. Too… what was the word? Linear.
Footsteps came quick behind me, and close. Blackbelt or not, running was not my forte. My fighting style was quick and brutal, so I never had to worry about stamina. Fights were only supposed to last a few seconds, otherwise they were brawls.
I was not trained for that.
I just really hoped it wasn’t Allan right behind me. He had questions, and to be fair I had a hell of a lot of my own, but I didn’t think he’d be keen on sitting down and having a calm chat about them.
I risked a glance behind me.
Not Allan, or any other sailor I recognized, but a young guy. No older than me, or taller, but probably faster.
“No hard feelin’, doll!” he called. “Boss wants you back, so I’m takin’ ya back!”
“Ain’t you precious!” I retorted, anger sparking through me at the nickname. “Call me that again and I’ll drop your ass!”
“That fire won’t do you any favors with the boss!”
“And your smooth talk won’t do you any favors with me!”
I had to lose this guy, he was getting close.
Spotting a brick wall maybe eight feet high, I changed course and headed straight for it. Hopefully this young fella couldn’t vault walls like I could.
Let’s see if all that self taught parkour pays off!
Jumping at the wall, right foot first, the treads of my boot caught the rough brick and I propelled myself over the obstacle. I landed in a puddle, but at least I was gone from the bad side of the wall.
“Oh what the hell?!”
Ha! Lost him!
“Nick! Where’d she go?”
“She vaulted the wall!”
Well, that was no good. That sounded like Neil, and he could probably toss Nick over the wall.
Time to make like my name and vanish!
Spying an open door, I darted inside a warehouse and climbed up behind some crates. I was careful to not put myself into a corner, however, because I knew my harsh breathing would give myself away. I could control it decently well, but even still.
My reprieve was horrifically short lived.
Voices, inside the warehouse.
“Those footprints led in here.”
Damn puddle.
“Be careful, fellas. She’s feisty!” came Nick’s laugh.
“Anyone would be annoyed to deal with you,” another sailor snorted. “Remember, boss wants her alive. Preferably unharmed, but use force to get her down if needed.”
Oh, it’s gonna be needed.
Noise came from my right, and I turned in anticipation as I waited for the sailor to show himself. He sure was making a lot of noise, and I thought I even heard a crate tumble down to the floor.
The reason for all the excess noise soon revealed itself.
“Gotcha!” Nick laughed, arms wrapping around my middle. He hauled me up and towards himself, but that gave me an idea.
Throwing all my weight back into him, he yelped and we both tumbled backwards, heels over head, down the tall stack of crates. Something that should have hurt like the dickens, but didn’t.
This was a dream after all.
Down we went, Nick having a much worse time than me. It was a long way to the cobblestone floor, the sailor who made all the noise rushing to beat us to the bottom where another sailor waited. I didn’t recognize them, so I didn’t feel too bad when I kicked off the pile of crates and launched us both into the legs into one sailor as he darted below us to grab me.
He went down, he and Nick ending up in tangled a pile of sore limbs, leaving me free to spring free and ready myself to square up with the remaining sailor.
Though I honestly wished he would have been the one Nick currently struggled to detangle himself from. I’d faced off some big guys in karate, but this fella was on another level.
Leverage. I’d have to use leverage.
In a way that did not anger this big guy.
“Little girl has skill,” he remarked in a thick Russian accent, giving me a smile that was surprisingly more good-natured than sinister. “But sadly will not make safe.”
“Get ‘er, Ollie!”
Diving into a shoulder roll, I sprang up and immediately changed direction and dove into another one just as his arms closed over the spot I just was. I darted out the door, immediately slamming into another sailor and taking us into the street.
I could not catch a break!
A car horn sounded, but before I could react, the sailor I ran into snatched the back of my jeans’ waistband and rolled us out of the way to the other side of the street. I kicked off with my legs, aiding him the best I could.
Neither of us were gonna be able to fight if we both got flattened by multiple tons of steel.
Angry yelling followed from the driver, but I didn’t really have the time to say sorry as I found myself locked in a grappling match with the sailor who saved both our skins.
Why couldn’t the other black belts have just ignored the awkwardness and taught me grappling?! I didn’t know dick about this!
But I did know one thing.
As an arm came down and tried to loop around my neck, I bared my teeth and sank them into his bare arm.
It tasted like sweat, dirt, sea-water, and engine grease.
Not that I knew what the last tasted like.
“Youch!” a semi-familiar voice yelled, quickly releasing his hold on me.
Diving away, I sprang up but stopped in horror as I found myself staring down a dead-end alley. Spinning around into a right fighting-stance, guard up and front leg ready to strike, I finally saw the sailor I’d nearly gotten run over.
Neil knelt on the ground, blocking my way out as he nursed his wounded arm. I hadn’t bitten too hard, more concerned with just getting free via surprise, so all he had to worry about was spit and a bruise. Inspecting the bite mark, he then looked up at me with an expression halfway between amusement and shock.
“You just bite me, Shortie?”
“Well pardon me for wantin’ to escape!”
He snorted in amusement, a partial smile on his face. “Apology accepted, but afraid I can’t grant that escape.”
As if on cue, more sailors joined him at the entrance to the alley. Hobbs, Tom, Ollie, Nick, the unnamed sailor Nick fell on, and…
“Shit,” I hissed, locking eyes with Allan.
“What’s the rush?” he asked. “It’s rude to not say goodbye, kid.”
That easy-going and nonthreatening smile don’t fool me, Al.  Tom’s the Golden Retriever, not you. You’re a German Shepherd with anger management issues or some shit.
Nick and the unnamed sailor stood on either side of the entrance, looking the opposite directions as they presumably kept a look out for any passersby. The others moved into the alley, pushing me further back.
Hobbs laughed, looking me up and down. “What’re we all standin’ around for? She’s not so tough, watch!”
He came forward, reaching for my arm. I waited until he got just close enough, subtly shifting my weight to my left leg, before letting it fly.
It caught him in the chest, knocking him off his feet and back towards the group.
“Nice strike,” Ollie said, arms crossed and stance relaxed as Neil erupted into laughter.
“Don’t encourage her!” Hobbs spat, slowly staggering to his feet.
“Looks like we got a martial artist on our hands, boys,” Allan remarked, looking me up and down. “No wonder they felt so safe takin’ a stroll down the docks.”
Not my brightest idea, but even in a dream I can gather ideas.
“Now I get why you said it was reflex after you smacked me in the face,” Neil said, still laughing at a wounded Hobbs.  
“Sad to say, kid, all that fancy dojo-learnin’ won’t do you much good here on the street. But we can do this the easy way or the hard way,” Allan said, tone now conversational and even charismatic in a way. “Up to you.”
Of course he’d switch to charming and agreeable now, he had me cornered. Ol’ good cop bad cop, except Allan Thompson played both roles. Good trick, scare someone out of their wits then act all friendly so they would be more likely to cooperate and “make it easier for everyone”.
Unfortunately, I never in my life “made it easy” for anyone and I sure as hell wasn’t gonna start now.  
“All we need from you is some answers,” Allan continued, stance relaxed and arms loose by his sides.
“You and me both,” I muttered.
The way you shift from threatening to trustworthy is amazing, sir. Were you not out for blood, I’d study you like a prison psychologist.
“Quit fightin’,” Hobbs growled, coming up on the right. “You’re just gonna get yourself hurt.” He emphasized his words by pulling a blade out.
I ain’t the one that got Sparta-kicked just a minute ago.
“No need for violence,” Allan called over to him, but he said nothing about sheathing the blade. He looked back over at me. “I’d suggest playin’ nice, kid. No more of that warehouse nonsense, these fellas won’t be as easy to deal with as the new guy.”
“Drop the act, Allan,” I growled. “You and I both know that sweet talkin’ is empty and I ain’t so stupid as to be charmed by honeyed words like that.”
His expression changed, the easy-going smile shifting to something not quite sinister but definitely not friendly. “We’re gettin’ those answers, kid. One way or another.” His tone darkened. “You want to play rough, we can play rough.”
Hobbs flanked his right with a blade, Neil his left with nothing but his bare hands. Tom stood back, waiting and watching the scene unfold with sharp eyes and a hand on his hip close to what I knew to be a firearm.
“Four corners, huh?” I asked, shifting into a ready stance with my weight on my toes. “A gun, a knife, and fists. All I need is a kicker. You good at round-house kicks, Allan?”
He didn’t say anything, still bearing that dangerous smile that sent shivers down my spine yet also brought a similar smile to my own face.
“Think this is a game?” Hobbs demanded.
I flashed a toothy grin his way. “Play ball, bitch.”
Allan shrugged. “If you insist.”
Hobbs came first, blade aimed for my leg. A simple horse stance to horse stance paired with a wrist throw took care of him.
Neil was next, swinging wide with a haymaker that didn’t make much sense but he’d already proved enigmatic in his methods so I didn’t spend time questioning him. I just stepped in, blocked the punch on the inside of his arm, and wrapped my hand around the back of his neck. By a stroke of luck, I threw him into Hobbs and they both went down.
But now I found myself facing Tom, or rather, not facing him.
He locked me in a bear hug from behind, but unlucky for him this was one of the easiest attacks to break.
Drive my heel onto the top of his foot, punch out and step into a horse stance to break the hold, elbow to the gut to wind him, grab the arm, kneel, bend, and flip.
Tom fell hard onto the cobblestones in front of me, arm trapped in an armbar, but as I drew back a fist to strike his ribs, I found myself unable to commit.
Instead, I threw his arm away and dove into a shoulder roll to escape before he could spring up and grab me.
But what was waiting for me was worse, and I sprang to my feet to find Allan’s pistol pointed straight at my chest.
He was in arms reach, and I knew how to disarm him, but I risked the trigger getting pulled and the bullet hitting one of the others. If I could just get him to shift slightly, then I only risked the wall getting hit.
Unless it ricocheted…
“Hey, what gives?” Hobbs groaned, cradling his wrist. “Why does Tom get let off easy?”
“Maybe because he didn’t try stabbin’ the kid!” Neil smacked him over the head. “What were you thinkin’, dickhead?!”
“I was just aimin’ for ‘er leg! I wouldn’t hit anythin’ vital!”
My attention slipped, focused on the bickering pair.
Allan immediately took advantage of the mistake.
I stepped in, both hands grabbing the top of Allan’s and forcing the gun down. For some reason, it didn’t go off. Snatching it from his grasp, I slammed my foot into his gut and drove him back. The force sent him off his feet, just like Hobbs, but before he recovered I had the gun ready and aimed at him.
I’d never be able to pull the trigger, even with it just aimed at his foot, but I just hoped they wouldn’t know that.
Allan did notice, however, where I was aiming and where my finger was; resting along the barrel, far from the trigger. Still kneeling, his eyes traveled from the gun to me, slightly narrowed. Tom came up from the side, cautiously, but Allan stopped him with a hand.
“Why would you risk gettin’ shot to get the gun,” he asked, one hand over his stomach where I nailed him. He stood, eyes trained on mine. “Only to aim it somewhere that wouldn’t even stop your attacker?”
“Mind your business.”
He raised an eyebrow. “Considerin’ I have my gun aimed at my foot, think it is my business.”
“I ain’t lookin’ for a murder charge.”
Dream or no dream. Not that that is the whole reason.
“Did not stop you from trying to break neck in warehouse,” Ollie commented, still standing calm as could be near the front of the alley.
“Desperate times call for desperate measures and all that.”
He tilted his head. “You are not desperate. Dedicated to escape, but not desperately seeking.”
“Didn’t realize I was bein’ chased by a buncha shrinks.”
“He’s right, though,” Allan said. “You’ve not once been lethal. Don’t think I haven’t noticed.”
“Sure was painful,” Hobbs grumbled, shaking his wrist.
Allan stepped closer, and I raised my gun to his arm.
He shook his head. “Again, not lethal.”
“Good trigger discipline,” Ollie commented.
“Won’t help.” Allan stepped closer again, hands still at his sides.
I still couldn’t bring myself to aim at his face. You never aimed a gun at something you didn’t intend to shoot. Aiming it anywhere near him was already breaking that rule.
Instead, I warned, “Back! Don’t test me, mate, I’ll pull this trigger.”
Lies. All of it lies.
I knew that… and so did Allan. We were in the 2011 movie, but I was not dealing with movie!Allan. I was dealing with some variant of the one I originally wrote with all those years ago, which was closer to the comics; smarter, more cunning, and a lot sharper than anything the movie even hinted at. The charismatic side was new, but very unwelcome. I didn’t know how to even begin thwarting it, and he fucking knew that.
“Come on, then.” He opened his arms. “Pull the trigger, kid. Shoot me down.”
I looked into his eyes, reading the challenge there clear as day. The moment I pulled the trigger and hit any part of him, the others would pounce. They’d already tried attacking separately once before; they would not make the same mistake twice.
We were both within striking range, both able to absolutely ruin the other’s day. But still we remained, unmoving, staring the other down. Locked in a battle of wits, a battle which neither party was going to give up easily. There was too much at stake to walk away.
We both wanted answers. The only question was… who wanted them more?
Tom stepped into my field of view, slowly. “Shadow, just drop the gun, yeah?” he tried, a hand reaching out. “Ya can’t hurt us.”
“Don’t mistake my inaction for inability,” I growled, not taking my eyes off Allan. “I know my way around a gun.”
“It’s not that. You don’t want to pull that trigger, trust me.”
Neil and Hobbs were cautiously approaching now too, staying back at a gesture from Allan. The first mate didn’t take his eyes from me, however.
They were way too calm considering I had a loaded gun. Or…
My eyes widened.
Did I?
Grabbing the slide, I aimed away from Allan and looked inside to find an empty chamber. Ejecting the clip, I found it to also be empty.
They weren’t scared of the gun because there was no reason to be scared of it. It was useless, unless I threw it at one of them. That wouldn’t do any good.
“You gotta be shittin’ me!” I whined, dropping the gun.
Allan reached out with his foot and slid the gun behind him, where Ollie picked it up. “Tough luck, kid.”
“Shut up,” I grumbled.
“It’d be best if ya just came with us,” Tom said, stepping forward only to stop when I shifted into a fighting stance and brought my guard up.
“Er, not a good idea,” Neil said, shaking his head. “Can’t win a boxin’ match wit’ Tom, Shortie. You got lucky he grabbed you. He usually just punches.”
“A, I’m taller than him,” I grumbled, gesturing at Hobbs and earning a venomous glare. “B, I know I can’t beat him.” I looked between the men, heart pounding against my ribs. “But I sure as hell can make you wish you left me alone.”
Dismay crossed Tom’s face. “Doesn’t ‘ave to be like this.”
I took a deep breath, letting it out slowly as I prepared to go down fighting. “We both know it does. Unless you let me walk outta here.” I smiled humorlessly. “And that clearly ain’t happenin’.”
Dream or not, this was gonna hurt. Emotionally, and physically. Getting beat up by Tom was not something I ever wanted to go through. Something told me he would take it relatively easy on me, but even a light yet solid hit to the diaphragm from him would take me down. If I was bad at grappling, boxing was even worse.
And we already established I wouldn’t be able to hurt him.
“We won’t ask again, kid,” Allan warned as the men all took a step toward me. “This has gone on long enough.” There was no smile on his face and no amused tolerance in his voice with his next command. “Stand down.”
I shook my head. “No. Y’all square up.”
“Yoooo, Shadow!”
We all looked up, fight briefly paused, and rage filled me as I saw Trevor looking down at us from the roof.
“You miserable and worthless list of terms and conditions!” I hissed. “Get your ass down here so I can at least fuck up your face ‘fore I’m torn to bits!”
He laughed. “What, after I was gonna offer you an escape?”
“Oh yeah?” I gestured angrily at the sailors. “Little late!”
“Not really! Got a little magic trick!”
“Now ain’t the time for games!”
“Not a game! Watch!” He threw a small sphere at us. “Abracadabra!”
It bounced off a crate and landed at my feet, making the men jump back.
A hiss and explosion of smoke later thankfully disproved Neil’s initial theory, but left us all with sore throats and watery eyes.
Not that it stopped one sailor.
A shoulder slammed into my stomach, driving me back into the wall. I brought my elbow down, hitting the tender spot between the shoulder blade and neck, but the man grabbed me as he fell and we both went down. Arms tightened around my middle, whoever it was trying to pin me to the ground.
Allan, judging by the feel of rolled up sleeves.
He brought his full weight down, nearly knocking the breath from me and almost causing my arms to buckle. The man was heavy! A hand grabbed one elbow, yanking it back, and down I went. I rolled as I fell, teeth aimed for his shoulder. I missed the bulk of it, but managed to at least catch the cloth.
Tasted and smelled heavily like tobacco and what I assumed was some time of smokey yet slightly sweet alcohol. Bourbon, maybe?
Writer brain off, Fighter brain on!
“Damn it all, kid, quit bitin’!” came the raspy yell, but I couldn’t tell if it was anger or smoke that caused his tone.
“Nien!” I growled through a mouthful of shirt.
He rolled us both out of the alley onto the sidewalk, out of the smoke. I ended up on top as we came to a stop right by the curb, but before I could strike, a hand snatched my arm and dragged me away from Allan.
“Time to go, Shadow!”
“Trevor?! Get off-!”
“Let’s go, let’s go, no time for slow!” Trevor sang, yanking me to my feet before turning to Allan. The hair all along my body stood on end before Trevor hit him smack in the chest with a small blast of lightning.
It sent Allan back to the sidewalk, and damn near sent me into shock.
“Trevor, are you tryin’ to fuckin’ kill him?!” I screamed, frozen as Allan laid groaning on the ground.
“Relax, he’s fine!” Trevor yanked me down the road, away from the alley and the docks. “C’mon!”
Giving one last look at Allan, who was indeed slowly recovering and coming back up on one knee, I turned and followed Trevor away from the scene.
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tyriongirl · 2 months
Can I ask you everything !! No let's go: 9, 18, 19, 21, 36.
from this ask game
9. Build your small council with any characters dead or alive: Predictable, but Tyrion hand of the queen. Grandmaester Sarella. I know she's still studying and we know nothing about her, but I trust her. Master of coins Elaena Targaryen. Master of laws Alyssane Targaryen and we're inventing no-fault divorce to get her away from her freak husband and into some serious therapy. Master of ships Aurane Waters. Love that guy he's so funny for sleeping his way to the top without actually sleeping with anyone. Icon. The one and only instance of pretty privilege at work. Master of whispers can I be real and say we're doing triple. Can't choose between Varys Larys Myseria so they're all sharing. Idk maybe I'll do them for different regions / populations. I think they'll all be happy to share because they love me so and I am in no danger from this at all. Lord commander of the kg Brienne only true knight ‼️‼️‼️
18. A mystery you need solved NOW: Fire and Blood, but indulge me: WHAT HAPPENED TO AEREA IN VALYRIA. WHAT DID SHE SEE. Main series, what happened to the Lannister's valyrian sword.
19. A theory you’ve adopted as canon: predictable again but aegon blackfyre. It's not a theory to me it's just canon. Grrm could still twist it somehow, but it feels thematically appropriate and fits everything we know and were told through characters. I know the Hound being on the Silent Island is considered a theory, but I can't see how when the text all but tells you that's him. Like what more do you need? It's as explicit as the text would ever get. It's him. End of story. No theory is necessary when it is quite literally canon.
21. A moment that made you cry? I had to stop listening to the audiobook (shout out to davidreadsasoiaf on youtube) during the Cat grieving over Bran when he was in a coma chapter because it made me cry so much. It's such a visceral description. Brienne thinking about how she is a freak of nature and disappointment to her father also got me bad. In general, the whole Hyle Hunt Ronnet Connington general knights mocking Brienne really got to me as someone who was that ugly child that no one wanted, that people mocked for fun, that people asked out on a dare for laughs. And of course, Tyrion Jaime reunion and Tysha revelation. I knew the content beforehand and it only made it worse. I'm sure I cried many other times, I cry very easily and grrm knows how to press my buttons.
36. What’s something you wish GRRM handled better? (a character/theme/world building etc) oh um the racism. The racism mostly. Who are the dothraki characters! Give them personalities! The Free Cities need some serious work because the orientalism is jarring. You go from nuanced characters in Westeros to suddenly borderline charicatures. A more lighthearted answer is the sex scenes. He needs to read some trashy novels or even fics to learn how to do a sex scene that is actually sexy, if that's what he tries to convey in the scene. Of course there are a lot of sex scenes in the books that are meant to be unsexy, and that's all well and good, but you can really tell when he wants you to find a particular scene hot and he never manages, sorry.
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milihamada · 3 months
•CaVoyd: Hamada's Life (Fanfic)•
Chapter 1:
*How Cass and Karen Meet After The Events Of The Second Film*
*In Coffee At The Hamada's*
H: Aunt Cass We're Back From Metroville Trip
*She Hugs Her Nephews With Happiness*
C: Ohhh Hiro... Tadashi... How Good You All Came Home Safe After The Mission In Metroville
T: Yes Aunt Cass
H: There in Metroville We Meet New People At Deevtech and New Heroes and Friends Too
C: How Good Hiro
H: So, Aunt Cass....You Are Pleased With The News ?
C: Yes Hiro
*Then She Finishes Hugging Her Nephews We Start To Explain How Tadashi Survived That Fire and How We Became Heroes in Secret*
C: Well I Know I Understand You Two, After You Found Your Brother in Metroville For a Long Time It Was Thanks To Honey Who Found You, Right Tadashi ?
T: Yes Aunt Cass, It's Been a Long Time Since I've Seen You Two and My Friends and Honey Too.... And I Don't Want To Be Separated From You Again.... I Love Her.... Because She Brought Me Back Tô San Fransokyo and You Two Too....
*He Cries Emotionally and His Aunt Cass Consoles The Boy*
C: I Know Tadashi You Went Throught Those Difficult Times Back In Metroville and Now That You Are Here Alive We Are Happy That You Came Back To Us
H: Yes Tadashi, I'm Also Happy That You're Around You Again and Thanks To Mr.Deavor and Our Teammate Too
T: Thank You Guys For Your Support
*After The Conversation Between Them, The Three End Up Hearing The Arrival Of Their Friends At The Coffee Shop, My Nephews Go Down To Talk To Their Friends, During The Meeting With Hiro and Tadashi's Friends Colleagues I Was Still Upstairs Making Breakfast For a Few Hours, The Two Were Talking To Their Colleagues Along With Baymax and The Girl Who Was Between Them and When I Went To Serve Breakfast and She Saw Me We Each Other For The First Time a Young Girl With Light Blue Hair and Turquoise Green Eyes Anxiously and It Was Like That At Moment Exchanging Looks And Her Name is Karen Fields*
C: Ready Guys, I Already Made Breakfast
K/V: "Oh My Gosh.....Wow She is Beautiful She Reminds Me a Lot Of The Elastigirl"......(Admiring The Girl)
C: Hey Darling, Everything Aright ?
K/V: Yes I'm Fine on Good....Terms With My Colleagues and...You Are Hiro and Tadashi's Aunt ?
C: Yes I'm Their Aunt, But You Already Know My Nephews ?
K/V: Yes I Know The Both, I Thought You Were Tadashi and Hiro's Mother ?
C: It's Okay, Dear, Sometimes a Lot Of People Get Confused and I'm Actually Their Aunt
K/V: So....I Thought You Were Very Similar To The Elastigirl and You Are Actually Tadashi and Hiro's Aunt ?
C: Exactly
K/V: I Liked You More Before I Introduced Myself.....Hi My Name Is Karen... Karen Fields What Is Your Name ?
C: My Name Is Cass...Cass Hamada You Can Call Me Aunt Cass
K/V: Ok Aunt Cass
C: So You Already Know My Nephews Colleagues, Hiro and Tadashi Right ?
K/V: Yes, Already Know These Two and Their Colleagues Too And.....
*The Young Girl Felt Something Under The Coffee Shop Table, Which Was Mochi That Was Rubbing on Her Legs, He Really Wanted To Get Her Attetion*
K/V: Oh How Cute What Is His Name
H: Karen This Is Mochi, He Is Our House Cat
K/V: And Why Is He Between My Legs ?
G/E: I Think He Liked You
HL: It's Normal He Will Get Used To You Right
K/V: You're Right Honey Lemon, I'd Going To Adapt For The First Time in San Fransokyo When I Was Moving To Metroville and I Arrived Yesterday Morning and I'm Living in The GoGo House's Kitnet With The Two Of Them and Little By Little I'm Going To Get Used To It Here With You And.....
W: Ok Karen, We Already Understand, We're Going To Help You, Okay
K/V: Okay Wasabi
T: Karen, As You Are Very Anxious We Will Show You Some Places Here In The City Of San Fransokyo and Baymax Will Help You Control Your Anxiety With The Scanner and Your Personal Heath Agent
K/V: Thank You Tadashi
T: You're Welcome
F: Guys, How About We Go To The Square And Enjoy a Walk Among Ourselves
HL: Good Idea Fred
F: So What Are We Waiting For Let's Go
K/V: Aunt Cass Wants To Go With Us On The Walk in The Square ?
C: Well, I Don't Know, I Have a Lot Of Things And......
H: Come On Auntie Quickly, We'll Be Back With Things At The Coffee Shops Soon, Let's Go
C: Okay, I'II Go With You, But This Time Just Today
H: Yes
K/V: What Are You Waiting For Aunt Cass Let's Go
*And Thanks To Fred's Invitation To Take a Walk In The Square, When Karen Invited Me For a Walk In The Square, She Took My Hand and Looked At Me With Her Beautiful Smile and We Went Together For a Walk In The Square Of San Fransokyo And That Was The Beginning Of Our Colorful Friendship Between You And Me Karen*
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alinalioness · 3 months
Alina in Wonderland 2 Chapter:Wonderland, meet us!
Meanwhile, with others.
The heroes were in piles of leaves until Alina got down from there.
Alina:Are you guys alive?
BWW:We are willows.
Characters from the world of wonders came out of a pile of leaves. Then they looked at the pit, making them wonder how long they had been falling.
Leo:Wow, we've been falling for a long time.
Haoyu:So the hole is really deep.
Alina:Yes, but-
She was interrupted by the rustle of leaves and it turned out that this was the Rabbit with the clock.
Rabbit:(He adjusts his ears) Oh, my poor ears. If I'm late, (Running away) my head cried.
Alina:Follow him (Everyone is running after the rabbit).
Emma:Why are we running again?
Alina:I've already changed the plan, we need to go back. Moreover, this is not our dream.
Cal:Hmm, that's right.
Cass:But the only problem is, we don't know where to go the other way.
Later, they stopped when they found four gates.
Alina:Let's split up. I'll go with Leo and Emma first, Inhabitants are in the second, costumes representatives in the third and the Negabosses are the last.
Everyone split up to the door. Alina, Leo and Emma got into a black room where there were colorful balls on the lilac floor.
Alina:I don't know if he'll study, but...
The trio are rolling on balls, trying to keep their balance.
Leo:It's going to be difficult.
Meanwhile, with Inhabitants.
The orbitals ended up in a straight room, having a changing coloring.
Cal:Well, God be with you.
When they started walking, they were getting cramped because of the smaller room.
Attilio:Why is it so crowded?
Meanwhile, with costumes.
When the costumes turned out to be in the hall, they noticed their reflection, where they looked like their inhabitants.
Water blaster:That's why we are representatives.
Tornado Wolf:All right, let's get to work.
The costumes went straight to the search.
Meanwhile, with Negabosses.
The Negabosses got into a room with a field with different flowers.
Inkabelle:It's beautiful, but there's no time.
They immediately set off without any distractions.
Meanwhile, with Alina, Leo and Emma.
The heroes were already in the yellow hall with a patch, where they jumped on flying tiles.
Alina:Almost like a Doodle Jump.
Leo:(Almost falling, he grabbed the tile and stood up) Why does even this exist?
Meanwhile, with inhabitants.
The residents were separated into two with a close relationship, walked out the door into a hall similar to chapter 10.
Cal:I think we should all stick together.
At each entrance, there were more of them and they got scared. In the last one, all 12 of them went out and Cal, Eis and Bruce closed it.
Bruce:Even rooms can be intimidating.
Meanwhile, with costumes.
In another room, the costumes became cute animals with black eyes.
Water Blaster:Ah! Why am I a dragon? I'm putting out the fire.
Invisible Man:I know why I became a chameleon. Because of the invisibility.
Quad Cannon:And I became a knight because of a chess piece.
The suits ran, but the Happy Blaster couldn't walk fast because of the transformation into a turtle. But fortunately Ink Blaster took it.
Meanwhile, with Negabosses.
Negabosses, for unknown reasons, fly in space in shock.
And so it went on. Then a room with drawings, then a smaller room, then it turns into someone, then you find yourself in the desert. After that, the heroes ran into each other.
Alina:As there, we generally have different objects.
Cal:Our room was changing.
Tornado Wolf:We've been changing in general.
Barktholomew:And we were in different places.
Emma:Look at this!
The heroes immediately noticed a Rabbit running ahead of them.
Alina:It's him!
Leo:Follow him!
The heroes continued to run. Outside the window, they ran quietly, then they run backwards. Then a funny thing happens to them. Alina listens to music, Leo and Emma have changed their palettes, Jose, Tornado Wolf and Barktholomew in a hurricane. Fiona, the Dynamic Dolphin and Angelica were floating in the air. Yuri, Dusk the Butterfly and Vosmort flew on a large butterfly.
Haoyu, Aero Acrobat and Warweel Wright were flying in the air. Sana, the Guardian Bird and the Cuckoo flew on birds. Cass, the Air Cat, and Purrla rode a cat. Cal and Ace pushed the bed where Bruce slept while the Negabos looked at it strangely. Quad cannon walked like an ordinary chess piece, water was flowing from the hand of a Water Blaster, and the Invisible Man was invisible and only his clothes were visible.
Iben, Frost Fairy and Grim Creeper were skating. Attilio, Happy Blaster and Princess Marei were walking around the window frame. And Lucy, Ink Blaster and Inkabelle were all painted in the same color. Then the heroes in their usual form went down the escalator. Later, at the end, Alina notices that the road ends.
Alina:Wait! The road ends!
But when she stopped, everyone bumped into each other and fell. They landed lying on the chessboard floor.
Happy Blaster:Do you know? I'm having a lot of fun with this- (The characters looked at him with displeasure) well, almost.
But the heroes noticed a table with one leg and a key was lying on it. The heroes immediately approached while Alina took the key.
Emma:I think it's for the exit.
Alina:I don't think so, but we need to find the door.
They found the first gate-like door. But the key didn't fit the lock.
Leo:Yeah, the key is too small, the lock is too big.
Yuri:(She noticed something) Maybe something behind the curtains?
The heroes pulled back the curtain and noticed a small gate. When they opened, they were already gasping in surprise at seeing a very beautiful garden.
Cass:How beautiful.
Frost Fairy:But we can't get in here. We need to shrink down.
Later, the heroes noticed that a potion and 40 glasses appeared on the table. They came up and Alina took it after reading the note.
Alina:Drink me up.
Eis:But it can be dangerous.
Alina:But there is no poison in this potion. Because he will make us shrink. Even Alice knew the rules. If you hold the poker near the fireplace for a long time, you can get burned. If you cut a finger with a knife, blood will flow out of it. Well, if you drink poison... You know yourself.
Cal:But since according to you, there is definitely no poison in the potion.
Alina:Then let's get started. And the key is worth holding in your hands.
She poured forty glasses, all the characters drank and they immediately became small.
Dusk Butterfly:Wow, we are with the size of insects.
To someone's surprise, the key fell from behind the heroes, causing them to be surprised.
Leo:Alina, did you hold the key?
Alina:Yes... oh...
Haoyu:Maybe the Negabosses can raise it.
The Negabosses became in their usual appearance and began to lift, but failed.
Barktholomew:No, it's not enough.
Suddenly, the heroes noticed that a box appeared under the table. They opened it and saw a bun with an inscription.
Heroes:Eat me.
Alina:It's a bun for getting big. But not in the usual size as you think.
Leo:Well, all right.
Jose:We're eating.
The heroes share a loaf and eat it.
Cal:What did you say, Alina? Will we eat and grow very big?
Alina:All right.
They immediately noticed how they began to grow to the size of a skyscraper, which is right up to the ceiling.
Attilio:Did Alice say anything about that?
Alina:Well, she was talking about legs, like... Goodbye, my legs. How sad it is to part with you. But I'll send you new shoes.
A Rabbit ran through the hall with a fan, so that the heroes noticed him.
Heroes:I'm sorry, sir.
The rabbit was scared of this when he saw the giant heroes and ran away dropping the fans. Alina took a fan and waves to herself and her close friends.
Invisible Man:Wonderland itself is quite strange.
Guardian Bird:It makes you forget about yourself.
Attilio:Maybe at least the rhymes will calm you down.
Alina:Well good. *Adjusted her throat* This is a house, it was built by a bug. It's a singer, it was made by a bug. And this is the funny aunt who made the bug. Well how?
Leo:Well, not bad. But only to get into the garden somehow.
Cass:Idea.There is a mushroom in the magical forest. He looks like a porcini mushroom.
Alina:This is great idea. I thought about it myself. Let's go to the magical forest.
The heroes immediately headed for the magical forest, hoping that they would not go crazy there.
To be continued...
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