#had this idea floating in my head for a while now and decided Fuck It. lets write it out
atinylittlepain · 1 year
okay i have a joel request!! so yknow in the game where joel pushes ellie into the water as a joke, how about that situation with reader while they’re just playing around and reader pretends to drown or like not come back up to the surface to get back at him LOL and he’s just not happy
hey there! i love this idea, i did give it a lil of my own twist bc i like to write a very grumpy Joel lol - i hope you like it :)
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Joel Miller x f!reader
joel miller masterlist
She's just trying to get him to lighten up, but Joel is far from amused.
warnings | 18+ angst, allusions to smut, joel is a stinker
“Absolutely not.”
“No. We’re supposed to be on patrol, not fucking around.” She huffs, turning heel and traipsing further away from him and closer to the lake they had just come across. It’s the middle of the summer, and even up in the mountains, the heat is nearly stifling, especially as they’ve been hiking around on patrol for the last three hours. 
She kneels down at the water’s edge, dipping her hand into the lake. The water is refreshingly cool, and sends a shiver down her spine. She looks over her shoulder at Joel, who’s standing with his arms crossed over his chest, a pursed look on his face as he squints at her. Rolling her eyes, she stands, dropping her rifle down alongside her as she starts to toe off her boots and peel off her shirt. She can hear him scoff behind her.
“What’re you doing?” Now bare from the waist up, she turns to look at him, enjoying his wide eyes and slack expression as he takes in her figure, like it isn’t the thousandth time he’s seen her like this. 
“Our shift’s almost over and we haven’t seen a damn thing. I’m hot and tired and I’m gonna cool off in the lake. You don’t wanna join me? Fine. You can stay scowling like that and keep watch, Miller.” Before he can reply, she’s already turning back around, shucking off her pants and underwear in one brisk tug. She hears him gruffly sigh her name, but she gives it no acknowledgement, wading out into the lake until she can float lazily in the deepest part. It really does feel good, the cool water easing her aching muscles. She tips her head back, letting out a moan of relief, her eyes fluttering shut. When she cracks one eye open, she sees that Joel has sidled up along the water’s edge, his scowl softened into a little pout as he watches her.
“Just get in, Joel. Feels so good.” She can just barely hear his grumbles as she watches him sit down at the edge of the lake.
The moment she has the idea, she knows it’s mean, cruel even. But she’s sick of him taking everything so goddamn seriously. They’ve been living in Jackson for months now, the most comfortable and safe situation they’ve probably ever found themselves in, but Joel is still acting like a skittish asshole. So, she decides that if he can’t lighten up on his own, she’s gonna make him.
She calls his name to get his attention, acting like she’s about to say something more before letting out a dramatic gasp and starting to splash jerkily in the water. He’s up in a flash, calling her name in concern. Got him. She pushes herself down under the water, sinking slowly to the bottom of the lake.
Joel meanwhile is a frantic mess as he practically dives into the water still in his clothes. He keeps calling her name, dipping under the water, but it’s too murky to see anything. Even at the deepest part of the lake, the water only comes up to his chest as he moves around, eyes darting everywhere for her. He lets out a loud curse when something brushes against his leg.
She pops out of the water with a spluttering laugh, quickly wrapping her arms around his neck as he tries to jerk away. His hands find purchase on her waist, squeezing harshly as he lets out another string of curses. She can’t stop laughing, trying to lightly shush his exclamations, but judging from the look on Joel’s face, he doesn’t find anything about this funny. 
“Oh, c’mon, Joel–” he doesn’t let her finish before he’s shrugging out of her hold, leaving her splashing back into the water as he trudges back onto shore. He doesn’t even look at her as he wrings out the ends of his shirt, sliding his rifle back onto his shoulder.
“Get out and get dressed. We’re going home, goddamnit.” She swallows hard, still treading lightly in the middle of the lake, clearly not moving quick enough for Joel as he finally turns and fixes her with a steely glare.
“Now!” She jumps in her skin at his raspy shout, quickly swimming back to land before his temper fires any further. 
It’s a very quiet hike back to Jackson, and she winces when Tommy greets them at the gate, slapping Joel on the shoulder before looking at his brother questioningly.
“What the fuck happened to your clothes, man?” Joel huffs, shrugging off Tommy’s hand and stomping off toward their home. She smiles apologetically at Tommy before trailing behind Joel, entirely dreading the groveling she’s going to have to do.
When they both get home, he still won’t talk to her, won’t even look at her as she follows him into their bedroom, watching him shuck off his damp clothes for a dry shirt and pants. 
“Joel, I’m sorry, ok? Will you please just–” he holds up his hand, and she stutters into silence.
“Don’t– just don’t.” Before she can say anything else, he’s already shuffling out of the room with a huff. She sighs when she hears the front door open and slam behind him.
She spends the rest of the afternoon helping at the greenhouses, only being shaken out of her guilty thoughts when Ellie joins her, kneeling down alongside her and the garden beds.
“Just ran into the old man at the stables. Is there a reason he looks more pissed off than usual?” She huffs, sitting back on her haunches where she had been tending several plants.
“Think I’m in the doghouse, kid. Did something kinda mean to him on patrol today.” Ellie snorts, shrugging lightly.
“Eh, he probably deserved it. I wouldn’t worry about it, though. Joel couldn’t stay mad at you even if he tried.” She sighs, offering the girl a small smile as she squeezes her shoulder.
“I’d rather not think about it anymore. What’re you up to, huh?” Ellie grins.
“Just stopping by to let you know I’m hanging out with Dina tonight. Probably won’t be home until late so don’t wait up.” She can’t help but smile at the girl’s obvious excitement, laughing lightly.
“Alright, kid. Just be safe, ok? And smart.” Ellie nods as she gets up, already backpedaling away.
“Yes ma’am! And hey, seriously, don’t sweat whatever funk you put the old man in. I’m sure it’ll blow over soon enough.” She does her best to give Ellie one more smile, but it quickly wilts away once the girl is out of sight. The truth is, she hadn’t seen him quite that angry in a long time, and for it to be over something so silly, it has her worried. It was an unnecessarily dumb thing to do, sure, but it certainly didn’t merit such a backlash of a response from him. 
She sighs, getting back to work, but she can’t shake the swirling thought that she’s really not looking forward to talking with him again.
She lingers well into dusk at the greenhouses, knowing full well it’s not because she has a particular fondness for mulch. By the time she reaches their house, the sun has set and a faint glow comes from the windows. It’s quiet when she steps inside, she can just make out the faint twang of guitar strings coming from upstairs. Not a great sign, she knows Joel tends to play when he wants to be left alone. 
As she makes her way upstairs, she takes a few steadying breaths, padding quietly into their bedroom. He’s sitting on the end of the bed, brow furrowed in concentration on his fingers lightly plucking at the guitar strings. He doesn’t even look her way, continuing to play nonsense chords. She sighs, getting up on the bed to kneel behind him. She can feel his muscles tense when she brings her palms to his shoulders, but he slackens slightly when she lays a kiss between his shoulder blades. 
“I’m sorry, Joel. I really am.” She murmurs it into the worn material of his t-shirt, pressing her forehead into his back. She can feel the push and pull of the sigh he lets out, can hear the sound of him gently setting his guitar down. One of his hands tangles with hers where it’s resting over his shoulder. His voice is low and thick when he speaks, what remains of his southern drawl muddling the words together.
“Fucking scared me. What were you thinking? I just– I–” She shushes him, moving to sit next to him, but Joel has something else in mind, squeezing her hip to guide her to straddle his thighs. Now that he’s finally looking at her, she kind of wishes he’d stop, his eyes so intensely staring her down. She huffs, winding her arms behind his neck.
“I wasn’t thinking, alright? It was stupid– just a stupid thing to do and I’m sorry. But Joel, you just– you got so angry. I haven’t seen you like that in a long time. I just feel like it was a little blown out of proportion.” He sighs, his fingers flexing into the plush of her hips as he studies her face.
“I know you’re right, but christ– I just feel restless. Waiting for the other shoe to drop, I guess. For all this to be too good to be true.” Her brow furrows and she dips her head to catch his downturned gaze.
“What if it isn’t too good to be true, huh? This is the longest we’ve stayed anywhere in a long time, hell, maybe ever. I understand, I really do. But I think we have a really good thing here, and you’re so skittish it’s passing right by you.” A deep frown still creases his face, his gaze not quite meeting hers. She starts laying smacking kisses to his cheeks, the downturned corners of his mouth, punctuating each with reassuring mantras.
“I’m safe. You’re safe. Ellie’s safe. We’re safe.” He grumbles under her ministrations, squeezing her hips, but she can tell by the way his features are softening that he’s finally starting to give in to her coaxing, letting out a long sigh as he looks at her.
“You’re right– but I can’t help being on edge. Just the thought of something happening to you or Ellie– I don’t even–” She cuts him off, tugging lightly at the curls at the nape of his neck.
“So don’t. Just be here with us, right now. Here with me.” She presses a chaste peck to his lips to seal her words, but as she pulls away, he chases after it, pulling her into a deeper kiss. They’re both a bit breathless once they finally separate, a smile daring to tug at the corners of Joel’s lips.
“Still a little mad at you.” She huffs, pouting out her lip at him.
“Aw, poor baby. Want me to make it up to you?” He lets out a breathy chuckle as she’s already slinking out of his hold, down onto her knees between his legs. She rubs her palms up his thighs and he shakes his head at her, nothing but fondness in his eyes.
“Gonna be the death of me, woman.” 
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suzukiblu · 8 months
WIP guessing game: "Robin"
Superboy has existed for about six months at best (five months, two weeks, and six days, but who's creepily spying on their fellow heroes and vigilantes? not Tim, for sure) and was created in a lab full of extremely niche genetic experiments whose creators very rarely bothered making look human, which is probably why he has some weird ideas about certain social norms.
Tim assumes that's why the guy just decided to drop a very annoyed Catwoman on him out of nowhere, anyway.
"The fuck?" he says, though through his vocoder it comes out more like the incoherent screeching of the damned. That being, well, the whole purpose of the vocoder and all. Superboy grins down at him from the nighttime sky all bright and sunny and weirdly adorable, for being a lab-grown weapon and a guy who is technically capable of disassembling Tim down to his individual atoms with, like, a touch and about two seconds' worth of thought.
Not that Tim has been creepily spying on anyone or said anyone's Cadmus files, again.
Also Superboy might not even know he can do that yet, so it's really not a smart thing to mention right now.
"Hey, man!" Superboy greets cheerfully. "She was breaking into that big museum a couple blocks over, figured you'd care about that. As opposed to, like, breaking into some rich asshole with insurance's penthouse. Figured you would not have cared about that."
"The museum also has insurance, for the record," Selina informs him sourly as she makes an art of getting off her unceremoniously roof-dumped ass while looking like being on this roof was her idea to begin with. Because, like: Selina. "And has not properly sourced the artifacts in their new Bast exhibit."
I know, that's why I was on my way to the museum to keep an eye out for you, is what Tim does not say, since Robin is supposed to be a splintered aspect of a mysterious all-knowing city spirit given human form and not just, like, a really dedicated teenager surviving on semi-legal energy drinks and conspiracy-board detective work and the occasional occult ritual to summon the Batman.
What he does do is jerkily cock his head and say, "Preyyyyy?", and let his vocoder horribly mangle the word into a sound usually best described as "unholy avian screeching". Superboy beams, which is not a normal reaction to hearing Robin's voice. Selina just rolls her eyes, but Selina of course knows about the whole "really dedicated teenager surviving on semi-legal energy drinks and conspiracy-board detective work and the occasional occult ritual to summon the Batman" thing.
Like she's never summoned the Batman for anything, geez. Or "Bruce", as an eight year-old Dick Grayson had once upon a time decided to randomly dub him. Tim still can't call the eternal and unsleeping eldritch protector of their city that without feeling like he's going to spontaneously combust, but it is in fact a thing that the Batman will answer to.
Might as well call Pennyworth "Alfie", though.
Jason was even worse at names than Dick, Tim is pretty sure.
"Yeah!" Superboy says, sounding still more cheerful and floating down the rest of the way to the roof to land lightly in front of Tim. Selina eyes him in a way that would end very badly for anyone who was not functionally invulnerable. "I mean, she seems cool and all but I dunno, figured the Bat wasn't big on Cats in his territory. And also the criming. Definitely also the criming."
"How . . . find Robin?" Tim asks. Superboy doesn't have enhanced senses, as far as he knows, so . . .
"Oh, I've been stalking you," Superboy explains. Tim blinks behind his unblinking mask and feels several ways about that statement. "That's what you Bats all do when you're interested in somebody, right? So I figured you'd like it if I did it back."
. . . Tim feels several ways about that statement.
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uplatterme · 2 years
BARBATOS, The First.
cw: yandere!venti, sub!venti, dom!reader, they/them pronouns, unwanted advances, obsessive behavior, public sex, cock stepping, also a warning for yandere!venti’s overall behavior.
a/n: i had a taglist for this but i lost it LMAO
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You’ve always noticed how different he acted towards you since the beginning.
The way he sits on your lap playfully, grinding himself without warning and when you ask him what he’s doing, he always pretends to be drunk although you were aware of his schemes.
Or when you’re wearing a skirt and somehow the Monstadt breeze always got stronger, your thighs or more accidentally showing even if you tried to pull it down.
And let’s not forget the time when he intentionally triggered his allergies so you could take care of him while he was “sick”. You didn’t doubt the fact that he was capable of taking care of himself.
You touch the rim of your glass, thinking about him. While it was definitely annoying, it sure did work and got your attention.
“That bard is quite strange, isn’t he?” You asked the bartender in front of you and he takes the empty glass from your hands to give you another fill.
“What’s strange is that he isn’t here chatting your ear off while you drink.” Diluc stated in annoyance. Archon knows how much the bard has actually ended up drunk under the table.
“Perhaps he hasn’t heard that I’ve come back to visit?” You questioned.
“He knows. If he says he doesn’t then he’s obviously lying. That bard knows more than you think.”
“Yet, he’s nowhere to be seen… How peculiar.”
“To think that we have a whole festival offering him flowers and yet he shows such indecent acts says a lot about our city.”
You stop before taking another sip of the alcohol in your hands. “What?”
The redhead stood in awe, realizing he’d made a mistake. “Forget what I said, I thought you knew.”
“Ragnvindr. Are you saying?”
He neither confirmed nor denied it.
You laughed at the new information. It was unbelievable, truly. “But, he’s so tiny? I could cup his face with my palms.”
“Get out. Don’t mention this to anyone.” He ordered.
“Excuse me?”
The next thing you knew, you were outside as Diluc closed earlier from the situation. Well, he was supposed to close earlier but with your pleading he served you a few glasses.
It did make sense, as strange as it sounded. Still, the idea of Venti being the Anemo Archon?
That and the fact that he’s obsessing with you made you want to go home and sleep.
Although, going home was never really an option for a traveler like you.
Should you really pester the Darknight Hero for a room?
You decided against it and went for a midnight stroll instead. There weren’t many hilichurls around due to the Honorary Knight getting rid of them for a quick bag of mora.
The stars were shining as you walked through the land of Mondstadt.
That still didn’t prepare you for the brightness that came along with the Anemo Archon appearing in front of you.
It looked like something out of a drama. A God staring down at a human as he fluttered his wings, creating strong breezes around the two of them.
Fuck. Was this really Venti?
The Anemo Archon presented himself in a form you haven’t seen before. Pure and white wings on his back, with a rather revealing outfit than his usual.
“Well, this is new.” You said.
He tightened his lips as he stared at you like you were his. “I’ve fallen for you, (Name). Why can’t you see that?”
A confession at this hour. One, which you did not appreciate either.
“I’m not looking for anything serious right now, so.” You scratch your head. Alice never wrote a book about rejecting Gods when they confess to you out of nowhere.
Barbatos floated towards you, clasping your hands together. “(Name). You don’t want another city to fall into ruins, do you?”
“Are you threatening me?”
You chuckled. “My, I’ve never thought Barbatos to be such a brat who rattles around if he doesn’t get what he wants.”
His wings quickly fluttered around.
“I’m not!” He yelled. “You don’t get it. Ever since I first saw you, I knew you were different from any other human I’ve met.”
You aggressively pulled him towards you by his braid. “I think you’re the one not understanding, Venti.”
“I’m not accepting a confession from someone who acts like a cheap whore. Surely, you can do better than that.” You scolded and it seemed to be working with how red his face got with each word that you tell him.
“You’re enjoying this, aren’t you?”
You pulled on his hair again, your faces centimeters away from each other. He presented himself to be intimidating when he came over here and yet all you see right now is a puny little god, one who grit his teeth and trying not to let an unwanted noise come out from his throat even if the white shorts he’s wearing is leaving nothing to the imagination, his cock twitching from your words.
“I’m not—” He fumbled over his words, he knew just how enamored he was but he didn’t expect it to this effect.
“It’s not like that…” The red on his cheeks deepened.
“Do you really need to travel to the other regions? Haven’t I made Monstadt the perfect home for you?!”
You never asked for any of those, you wanted to say.
“I’m even offering myself to you. Isn’t that enough?”
There are tears coming out of his eyes and you couldn’t understand whether these were actually his true feelings or he was trying to guilt you into accepting his confession.
Either way, it was working.
The Archon embraced you tightly, pressing his cock against you and humping your thigh like a desperate bitch needy for attention.
He’s sensitive.
Right, someone like him would have been void of this kind of intimacy.
You waited until Venti was flushing heavy, moans signaling that he was close to cumming on you.
Then, you stopped him.
“Ah—Wait!” He mewled pathetically from the ruined orgasm.
“You don’t do things unless I say so, alright?” You warned him, the whole shtick of grinding against you without permission was getting old.
“Lay on the ground, Barbatos.”
Venti hesitated, unsure of how exactly. Eventually, he rested his back on the ground with his hands crossed together. He stared up at you, opposite of how you two were at the beginning of this whole conversation.
If you told him you were a god born in a human’s body, he would believe it.
His back arched as he felt you step on his groin, your shoe aggressively putting pressure on his already sensitive cock.
“Haah–(Name)-” He breathed out.
His wings moved involuntarily while you continued stepping on him. Venti writhed on the ground, moaning your name repeatedly as if it were the only thing he could remember.
“Don’t close your thighs together.”
“C-cant…’m trying.” He complained.
“Hold them for me.”
Venti puts his hands on his knees, spreading his legs open just for you. His trembling fingers barely even did anything more than when they were on the ground.
“I like this outfit on you, should wear it more often to show off how much of a whore you are to your people.”
He wailed in response, drooling at your words.
“Do you like it, Venti? Do you like it when I degrade you less than dirt?” You asked.
He shook his head, muttering ‘no’ over his whimpering.
You pressed down harder and Venti choked on his breathing, coughing in embarrassment.
“You say that…but my shoe is getting cleaned from how soaked you are. Not to mention, your feathers are all over the place.”
“I’m c-close–(Name), please…want to-”
Venti moaned louder, he wasn’t even holding himself back even if he knew that the two of you were in public, that if anyone were to see how he looked now then they would be able to figure out that their dear Barbatos was the one creaming on the ground.
“Admit it first. Maybe, I’ll consider it.”
You removed your shoe away from his cock and were immediately met with pleading. “No, no. Please, (Name),”
“Yes-yes. I like it when you talk to me that way. I like how you ignore me even if I’m bouncing up and down on your lap at Angel’s Share. I love how you treat me like I don’t mean anything to you.” Venti confessed.
“You’re sweet, Venti. You’re such a good boy for me.”
You placed your foot back on him moving around until he was helplessly sobbing from pleasure, cumming while screaming your name out as loud as he could.
Venti panted, his cock continuing to leak out even after he’s done with his orgasm.
You went on your knees, head still above his.
You caressed his wings which lay flat on the ground. “I like this one.”
“What–Hmpf!” He bit his lip in pain as you plucked out one of his feathers.
“I think I’ll keep it. You don’t mind, do you?”
“No–anything for you, of course.” He quickly answered.
“Then, let’s continue.”
Venti’s hole seemed prepared for you already. Still, you inserted two of your fingers inside him and felt his walls around. “Do you finger yourself, Venti? Do you think of me while you get yourself off?”
You inserted another finger in for his honesty, touching every part of his insides and avoiding his prostate, no matter if tried to plunge himself deeper for it.
“Close your eyes. Tell me exactly what you think.”
You removed your fingers while you listened to every detail he said out loud. “I imagine you placing me on my back and pounding me from how tired you are of me.”
You followed his directions, placing Venti on his back and pushing yourself in without warning. Venti gasped loudly, stopping his story momentarily until he realized that you weren’t going to move unless he continued.
“You pound me rough and deep, filling me up–as–ah!” He faced the ground, eyes still closed. He wouldn’t dare open them.
“You-you.” He tried to focus while feeling you all inside of him, how warm you are, how you hit his spots and how your hand is pushing his back down.
“You let me scream—hh—as l-loud as I can, how you’d love to parade me around like t-this to everyone, that my mouth could do better than tell tales.”
Venti continued to moan, gripping the grass on the ground and unable to hold himself from the pleasure.
“You say that the only time I should open my mouth is when I use it to please you.” He finished.
You grinned, this bard of yours sure let his imaginations run wild.
“And I bet you liked that, didn’t you?”
“Mhm—So, please don’t go anymore, (Name). You can have me a-all you want.” He said from underneath you.
You enveloped his dick in your hands. pushing him to his limit while his prostate was getting abused by your rough and quick movements.
Venti shivered flat on the ground as he came once more, saying your name over and over again.
“So?” The bard asked.
You entered Angel’s Share, desperately wanting a drink after you had ventured from Dragonspine for a quest. Diluc took a single look at you and grunted.
“Ragnvindr, the usual.”
He eyed your side and tutted his tongue.
“To think I was enjoying not seeing the two of you together and now he looks like he’s attached to your hip.” He elaborated.
Venti hugged your arm, snuggling on it as if it were a pillow. “Oh dear bartender, I think you’d find me attached to more than their hip!”
The redhead looked as if he wanted to throw the bard out right now. “I didn’t need to hear that.”
He tilted his head at you. “I’m putting his debt on your tab.”
“I can’t get rid of him, unfortunately, would cry his eyes out if I do.” You replied.
“(Name)? I’m here, you know!” He waved his hands in front of you and you continued to ignore him.
You hoped to yourself that claiming a god as your partner (of sorts) won’t go anywhere more difficult.
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linzerj · 4 months
Just getting this idea out there so that maybe I'll actually finish writing it one day, but -
I've been on a Legend of Zelda kick recently. Currently replaying BOTW. Never played AOC but I've watched gameplay and all the cutscenes so I know what happens. Planning to play that and TOTK again soon. But I've got this idea cooking in my head.
Theres a post that talks about "what if you could find the Divine Beasts in the Depths", and another funny post that was just "what if Teba was the sage of Wind and not Tulin?" And I remembered when BOTW had just come out, and then AOC after, and people were speculating about the characters, like Teba, being the New Champions and getting to bond to the Divine Beasts.
That didn't happen in canon, but. Hear me out. What if even just one of the Divine Beasts bonded with a New Champion... like say, the one who doesn't become a Sage?
Teba, Sidon, Riju, and Yunobo return from their adventure in the past/alternate timeline/whatever, having saved those Champions and that Hyrule from destruction. Their own timeline is still the same, but they continue on as they do in canon.
Except they all meet up shortly after returning home, and one of them (Sidon or Riju maybe) asks "hey did anyone else try going to the Divine Beasts only to get rejected" and while the rest are like "yup wonder what that's about, sad" Teba is like "no wtf are you all talking about I was settling back in with my wife and kid."
But something about it sticks with Teba. He goes home, looks up at Vah Medoh, and thinks, 'it probably won't work but I may as well try just to confirm.'
...Vah Medoh accepts him as its new pilot.
I'm unsure as to whether or not Revali's spirit will still be there for a quick hello - but if he is, he'd be like "whomst?!" And Teba would be like "if you were still alive I'd definitely adopt you because thanks to some time travel shenanigans i know that you desperately needed a parental figure in your life".
Mostly everything else proceeds as is canon up to the start of TOTK - except for the other Divine Beasts continuing to chill at their resting places, because upon hearing about Teba successfully bonding with Medoh, the others want to keep trying.
But, for whatever reason, Hylia decided that you cannot be both a Sage and a Divine Beast pilot, so the Beasts acknowledge them but never quite accept them as their pilots.
Then, TOTK. Then the chasms. Then, the other 3 Divine Beasts taking a plunge into the Depths.
Teba freaks out a little bit, but Medoh is circling Rito Village and is fine, except now there's these random floating islands but also a fuckass blizzard that's making it almost impossible to keep everyone fed, and Teba's just been saddled with Elder status so he's super in charge and Tulin is in a bit of a "I can do anything let me prove it let's go" phase and is trying to convince Teba to use Vah Medoh to fly up and stop the blizzard, but Teba is way too busy trying to keep the village from falling apart to go right now -
Then Link shows up, and Tulin runs off, and Link follows him, and the two go up and find the Stormwind Ark and fight Colgera and as the magical blizzard finally ends, Teba is just like "what the fuck".
Tulin tells him he's become a Sage, and isn't that cool dad?! And Teba is like "you're 12 and you're going to help fight a demon king?!?! Wtf?!"
But then at some point, Tulin (who knows the other Sages from that time he was in AOC, and meeting them a few times with his dad after) one day looks up from his breakfast and says "oh hey Sidon just became the Sage of Water! I saw it through my connection with Link!" And that's when it clicks into place for Teba why the Beasts never quite accepted the other "New Champions" - because they were destined for something else.
But Vah Medoh is still here. And it's pissed that it's fellow Beasts are gone and it also wants to blast Ganondorf in the face.
Unfortunately, Teba can't let it blast the castle when Link and co go to confront the Zelda illusion, because Tulin is there, Link is there, Sidon and Riju and Yunobo are there, and it's not the real demon king yet anyway.
Teba is grumpy about it, about letting Tulin go off and risk his life when he's a child and Teba is an adult, but then a huge dark dragon explodes out from the chasm below the castle and Vah Medoh is all too happy to fire upon it, knowing it's Ganondorf and wanting some sweet revenge of its own.
Teba's just surprised he can see the dark dragon, it's huge but he'd heard tales of only the young, or those chosen by thr goddesses, could see dragons. Maybe it's because of Vah Medoh that he can see this one, and the little light dragon that comes in and - hey is that Link?!
Maybe it ends with Teba going down to the Depths with Link to visit the other Divine Beasts, and suggesting that the locations stay known so that future generations may try to awaken them. They don't really need the Beasts anymore since both Calamity Ganon and Ganondorf have been defeated, but Medoh doesn't want to turn off and is happy just chilling at Rito Village with Teba. The end.
I have like 2.5k of this already written, I just wanted to use this post to write more of the ideas for the fic structure before I go to bed lol. And this idea probably doesn't make a hell of a lot of sense canon-wise, but it doesn't need to because the only reason this exists is because i love Teba and wish he'd gotten more screntime (or at least some spoken dialogue in the cutscenes!) in TOTK.
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sturniolowhore · 4 months
☁️ words of desire
warnings ⎯ chris x fem!reader, dirty talk, degrading, multiple orgasms, hair pulling, pillow princess (he forces her to be?), pet names, cursing, teasing
A/N ⎯ i'm pretty sure i've seen something similar to the request before so if this sounds too similar, full credits go to the writer!! i'm just going with the request and also grinning like a fool throughout the whole thing. (run me my moneyy)
i hope you enjoy <3
❛ ━━・❪ ִ ࣪𖤐 ❫ ・━━ ❜
chris stares at the reposted tiktok in front of him. his jaw is slightly open due to the shock cursing through him. it's a little unexpected that his girlfriend would repost something of the sort when they've never discussed anything like it. what surprises him even further is her replying to some of the comments under the post and freaking out about how other people's partners treat them. it's not as though chris doesn't satisfy her, he knows for sure he does from the way she begs for his touch and craves it day in and day out, but she clearly loves this side of pleasure a lot. maybe she's embarrassed of it but chris just finds it extremely hot if anything and he's far beyond eager to test it out.
he's suddenly very excited to see her again and the idea of her coming over in a bit paints an excited grin on his face. he waits around on his phone for the time being, scrolling through more of the comments and wondering just how many she has liked. curiosity gets the better of him and he clicks onto her account. she logged into the account from his phone a while back and told him she never had an issue with him keeping it there. he has never before clicked on the profile but this time he almost can't help it. he clicks onto the same post, finding it easily in her favourites and watching the comments fill up with red hearts, signalling she had liked them. there's a fucking ton of comments she has liked and he grins even harder, quickly shutting off his phone when he hears a knock at the front door.
he practically sprints out of his room, heading down the stairs quickly and opening the door eagerly to be met by the sight of her excited smile. he returns the gesture and allows her to follow him inside, giving her little to no time before his lips connect with hers in a hurry. she kisses back with ease, her back hitting a wall suddenly and making her gasp into the connection.
he pulls away and finally greets her, a smirk of some sort across his face that has her insides bubbling up, "hey ma, i missed you."
she smiles at him in response, intertwining their hands as she follows him upstairs, "i missed you so much chris."
he grins at her and leads her to his bedroom wordlessly, so fucking thankful his brothers aren't home and aren't going to be for a long time. he knows he isn't going to be able to hold back the want he has inside of him, especially not with the comments and posts running circles in his mind. he's aware it's only going to be a few more moments before he snaps completely.
he has always liked the idea of degrading and domming but he's never been too sure if she wanted it too. he's been far too scared to test the waters in case he drowns but now, he has knowledge that he knows will keep him floating. he sits on his bed and watches as his girlfriend snuggles into his side, her hypnotic scent wafting up his nose and filling the room instantly. god, the smell alone could drive him crazy and he isn't even complaining.
"you're very happy," she comments as she takes in the grin that still hasn't left his face since the moment she stepped through the door.
"i just missed you," is what he chooses to reply and it isn't exactly a lie, more so a far fetched truth that he's using as a means of not instantly slipping into the desires he now knows the both of them share.
"mhm," she mumbles before connecting their lips again, missing the feeling of his soft lips against her own and the rapid beating of her heart due to the close proximity.
he takes this as an opportunity to place her body atop his so that she's straddling him. she goes without a word of complaint and settles against his frame with no difficulty. the closeness makes it easier to kiss him and she relishes in the lack of space between them. it feels like their souls are moulding together and she feels the wax they are formed from melting into one, swirling into a delicate mix that burns even better than when they're alone.
her hips move against him and he groans, his hands moving to either side to steady her whilst her lips travel to his collarbone, pressing warm kisses all across the skin with her perfect lips. when she sucks at the skin, chris swears he loses all sense of composure he ever had and he suddenly wants more.
his mind repeats a mantra of the word. more. more. more. he just needs more and he's not sure how long he can last without it. he flips their bodies so she's beneath him, a glint in her eyes as she watches him hover over her.
one of his hands moves to wrap around her throat and she splutters on air at the new found sensation. she stares at his hand and how flawlessly it fits around her neck, as though it was crafted to hold her throat. she stares into his eyes in curiosity, wondering where this new gesture is coming from. her eyes flicker to the chain dangling from his chest and she has to resist the pathetic urge to practically moan at the sight.
"chris..." she's hesitant and he feels himself growing in anticipation about what's going to come next.
"such a pretty neck, wanna squeeze it forever," he murmurs, trekking his hand up and down the skin, squeezing tightly and causing her to gasp again lightly.
he smiles at the sound, "what's the matter? i know you love this, know you've been fantasising about it in that fucked up head. haven't you?"
she stares at him in disbelief, silence filling the air as she's unable to respond to him. of fucking course she's wanted this forever but she doesn't know how he found out. she doesn't know if she should feel embarrassed or let the heat forming inside of her take over the way she so desperately wants to.
"i haven't even done anything yet, fucking speak up," his grip tightens and she whimpers helplessly at the contact, biting nervously at her lip.
"please," is all she manages to respond, giving into her desire because she can do nothing but, especially when it comes to chris.
"that doesn't answer my question," he tells her and she sighs before replacing it with a moan when his teeth graze her earlobe, his breath fanning her face at the side and sending her into a small spiral.
"yes, all the time," she admits shyly, eyes glued to the grip he still has on her.
she feels so small beneath him, as though a prey within the eyeline of the predator and she's supposed to hate it but she simply can't. it just turns her on even more, the idea that he can do absolutely anything to her and she'll fucking enjoy it. she's even enjoying the dangerously slow place at which he's travelling the course of her body with his lips right now.
he reaches her chest and pulls her top off, eyes immediately falling to her breasts that sit so perfectly in their bralette. she feels herself turn to putty under his gaze, body heating up at the intensity pooling through his pupils. her hand moves to his hair and he groans when she tugs on it.
he removes her hand quickly, placing it above her head and holding it in place with his own hand forcefully, "you're going to touch me when i say you can, got it?"
she nods feebly, her other hand clutching at the sheets beneath her so that her fingers don't betray her and reach for him. he sucks at the skin of her right boob and licks stripes at the softness, loving the way small whines spill out of her. her bralette is taken off before she can even process it and she feels herself blush at the way he's staring at her.
"such fuckable tits," he comments, his hand pinching at them and twisting her nipples teasingly.
she moans at the small hints of pain, eyes pleading with his for more. just like him, she wants more and she wants it now. she can feel the wetness forming between her thighs and she almost laughs at the absurdity, at how easily chris can turn her on.
"i'm gonna fucking ruin you today and you're gonna be a good girl and let me," he tells her, moving his fingers to pull at her shorts and laughing when she shudders under his touch.
"please," and there it is again, yet another element of confirmation that she likes the way chris is treating her just as he had expected.
"please what?" he pulls the shorts off completely, his hands rubbing against her wetness through her panties and almost moaning at how wet he can tell she already is.
"i need you," she confesses, bucking her hips into his hands to feel more and earning yet another mocking laugh.
she's almost completely bare and he's fully clothed. it feels so dirty, so fucking right and she loves it. when his hand dips into her underwear, she moans again, welcoming the pads of his fingers instantly. the normal gentleness is replaced with his urgent movements and she knows she's going to lose all control and fast if he keeps at it.
"fuck⎯" she starts but doesn't finish, cut off by her own moan when he pushes two fingers in without warning.
"look at you, withering under me over my fucking fingers. you'd think you've never been touched before," he shakes his head at her, starting to move his fingers inside of her at a merciless rate before he speaks up again, "we both know that's not true though. you're a dirty little slut, hm?"
and then he adds another finger, enjoying the jolt of her body at both the feeling and his words. he circles her insides and watches as she falls apart, squirming and whining, "what are you?"
she breathes in before she replies, "a dirty slut..."
"fucking look at you, wish you could see how helpless you look right now. i can feel you getting closer and i haven't even done anything," his fingers don't stop their movements and she knows that the dirty talk mixed with the stretching is going to send her over the edge any moment now.
"chris," she pants, her free hand digging into his side so he knows she's close.
he smiles sweetly at her, as though nothing has been said between them. he moves faster, wanting to get her to release for him. it's not even a minute before she lets go, staring directly into his eyes and releasing a string of curse words in the process.
chris pulls his fingers out and moves them towards her lips. she stares at them in disbelief and it must be too long because he forcefully shoves them into her mouth, not caring about the suddenness and watching in admiration as she sucks them clean, gagging a little when he pushes them to the back of her throat.
and then without letting her rest for even a moment, he pulls down her underwear completely and attaches his lips to her clit, kissing at the skin with a groan of satisfaction. she whimpers, pulling his hair again and throwing her head back.
"please 'm too sensitive," she mumbles when his tongue enters her fully before he pulls out and kisses at her inner thighs.
he speaks against the plush skin, "don't act like you don't enjoy this. take it like you're made to."
his sucking is driving her crazy and screams are starting to fall out of her lips, throat burning at the combination of everything she's feeling all at once. he continues lapping his tongue as his hands move around to find her lacy underwear. when he locates them, he pushes them into her mouth.
"take what the fuck i give you and be quiet about it," his words send additional pleasure through her and she moans yet again, this time the sound muffled by the material filling her mouth.
"such a sweet pussy, tastes so fucking good," he praises, loving the way her body moves to meet him halfway even when she's whining about it becoming too much.
her hold on his hair is almost painful so he pulls away from her for a brief moment, his chin coated in the wetness seeping through her alongside her cum from earlier.
"those hands are becoming a problem baby, can you keep them to yourself or do i have to tie them up?" he questions, knowing damn well she can't speak because of his actions prior.
"i asked you a fucking question," his hand lands a slap against her ass and she groans, biting down at the material in her mouth with desperation.
she tries to speak but of course he can't understand a word she's saying. he leans in closer, pretending to try and comprehend her words but coming to the conclusion that he obviously cannot.
"can't really hear you, looks like tying you up it is," he shrugs, taking his belt off and looping it around her wrists tightly, sure to leave a scar later.
and then he attaches his mouth to its previous position, moving freely and humming against her, sending her into another world entirely. her cum spills out of her, hot and fast and all over his face. he lathers it on his long fingers and wastes no time in pushing it inside of her, knowing exactly how she's overstimulated but unable to voice it with her mouth stuffed.
he can hear babbling against the material and see her body squirming against the sheets because she's so sensitive but rather than make him stop, it merely stimulates him to keep going.
"going to make sure you're all weak and helpless after this," his words echo in the room and she grinds her hips up, the throbbing beginning to start again even though she isn't truly sure if she can take anymore.
his fingers slide through her wet folds and he murmurs under his breath, "look at yourself, so fucking wet even though i've already touched you. such a needy little whore."
she whines extra loudly at that, tapping furiously at his arm for him to remove the clothing from her mouth so she can feel normal again. he does want to hear the beautiful sounds so he obliges, forcing her mouth open with his fingers and removing the underwear before tossing it across the room someplace unknown.
"fuck..." is the first thing she says and he looks up at her, smiling in glee at how punctured her voice sounds.
"oh baby... you sound exhausted," his sympathy is completely fake and she knows it just as well, shaking her head at him.
"you're gonna give me one more," he kisses at her collarbone again, sucking and marking the skin in a wonderful array of red and purple.
"no please... too sensitive," she whispers in response, her head thrown back to give him extra space to explore her body.
"that wasn't a fucking option. you're going to give me one," he reiterates, biting harshly at her skin and making her moan loudly, involuntarily.
he moves to take his sweatpants off slightly and she thinks he's finally going to fuck her amongst all the pleasure.
she finds her thoughts however, are entirely wrong when he instructs her, "on my thigh, right now."
she clambers over and sits atop his thigh with a sharp hiss, still feeling overstimulated. he in turn laughs at her and holds her waist on either side to keep her steady, moving himself to rest against the headboard of the bed.
"ride this thigh ma," he attaches his lips to her breasts again, taking the nipples into his mouth as she begins to move back and forth against his thigh.
"mhm fuck," she murmurs, gripping tightly onto his arms and digging her nails in to keep a steady pace as she moves in delight.
"you should see yourself, look so pathetic using my thigh," his words cause her to move faster and chris grins; she truly does love this side of pleasure and he's so fucking glad to have found it.
pants and gasps fill the air until she grows a little tired, slowing herself down and loosening her grip ever so slightly. chris bounces his leg up and down to get her closer to the climax he knows is only mere moments away. the combination of their movements sends her spiralling and she cums yet again, a pure look of ecstasy adorning her features that chris captures a mental image of.
she collapses into him, her head nuzzling into the crook of his neck and her breathing ever so heavy. chris clings onto her tightly, rubbing his hands up and down her arm comfortingly.
"did so good for me baby, so good," his voice is soft and she hums against him, peppering kisses over his neck as she allows herself to calm down and take it all in.
❛ ━━・❪ ִ ࣪𖤐 ❫ ・━━ ❜
tags: @mattslolita @sturniolololover @mattsleftnipple03 @that-general-simp
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ladykailitha · 6 months
The Magic of Christmas Part 4/8
Hello! How are you guys enjoying so far?
In this Steve realizes his feelings, Dustin and Robin decide Steve needs to live forever, and Steve gets roped into something he swore he'd never do.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
August was fucking miserable. Like the worst month of the year. After February. And January. And September...
That’s besides the point. The point was that AC had kicked the bucket in the middle of the biggest heatwave.
He was going to cry. The wizard piece turned out really well. Steve had loved all the little details that he had put in it.
But the rogue was giving him trouble. It was horrific. Because rogues were silent and mysterious, but the way Steve talked about Will, he was quiet kid, a bitchy teen, and a wild adult. Trying to figure his place in the world he kinda went punk. Dyed his hair bright green. Piercings and tattoos. Ripped clothes and combat boots.
Eddie slowly sat up. Well that’s a thought. He blinked for a moment. That could actually work.
Suddenly his phone rang. He frowned at the device. No one called anymore. It was all texts and DMs and Face Time. The name that came up because there was one, another surprising thing, was Steve.
He dived for the phone and managed to answer it before it went to voicemail.
“‘Ello?” he breathed.
“Hi, Eds,” Steve greeted cheerfully.
The things that little nickname did to the butterflies in his stomach.
“Hey, Stevie!” he said back. “What can I do you for?”
“That article Nancy did is making some serious headway,” Steve explained. “I was wondering if you wanted to meet me for lunch to go over the details.”
Eddie laughed. “I was about to text you, darlin’. I have an idea for the rogue I wanted to float by you. So where to, my liege?”
“Monte Cruz, the Mexican place on 7th?” Steve asked.
It was a bit pricey, but it had the best fajitas Eddie had ever had. “Sure thing. 1pm okay?”
“Let me check,” Steve replied.
Eddie could hear him call Robin and while he couldn’t hear her response, Steve’s warm ‘thank you’ meant he was free.
“That’s perfect,” Steve said. “I’ll see you then.”
They hung up and Eddie laid on the floor staring up at the ceiling, holding his phone over his chest.
He got up and dashed to the bathroom to shower. He felt like he was covered in slime.
Steve was waiting for him on the terrace, a nice cool breeze rustling his hair. And Eddie couldn’t help but fall a little bit more.
Eddie waved and was far too pleased to get Steve’s little finger wave in return.
He sat down and grinned at Steve. “How is it cooler outside then in my loft?”
“Heat rises?” Steve suggested. cocking his head to the side.
Eddie laughed. “Well it’s the only thing that rising at this point. It’s so fucking hot.”
“I thought you’re loft had air conditioning,” Steve said with a frown.
“Apparently we worked it to extinction,” Eddie said mournfully.
Steve pulled out his phone. “Are you renting or paying a mortgage? I don’t remember what all we’re paying for.”
“Sadly, we own it,” Eddie said with a heavy sigh. “Otherwise I would have harassed a landlord to get it fixed.”
Steve hummed. “All right, I’ve messaged Robin. She’ll call around and get a technician come over tomorrow. It’ll go on my card if can be fixed or if it needs to be replaced.”
Eddie leaned back in his chair. “You don’t have to do that, man.”
Steve smiled at him. “Will the excess heat hurt your paintings?”
Eddie opened and closed his mouth a couple times before he threw his arms in the air. “Yes! Of course it will.”
“Then it’s a business expense and I’ll cover it.”
“I hate you,” Eddie said, crossing his arms over his chest.
“You really, really don’t,” Steve murmured. “Now show me your idea for Will’s rogue.”
Eddie pulled out his drawing pad and flipped to the right page. He slid it over to Steve for him to see.
“Oh Eds,” Steve breathed. “It’s beautiful. He’ll love it.”
Eddie tried not to preen, but he couldn’t help it. “So I can go ahead and start painting?”
“Absolutely,” he replied. “Though maybe wait until after your cooler is fixed.”
Eddie threw his head back laughed. “I think you’re probably right.” He gently took the pad from Steve’s grip. “So what’s going on with the charity?”
Steve lit up. He started explaining about all the people interested opening would basically be franchises but that Eddie would still have full control of each branch.
“This is amazing, Stevie,” Eddie breathed. “I can’t thank you enough.”
“I’m happy to help,” Steve said with a grin. “It means that I get drive Dustin absolutely nuts with this whole charity thing. He’s been begging me forever to meet you.”
“I mean, you can invite him to one of our reeducation of Steve Harrington movie nights,” Eddie said, shoving his hair in his face bashfully. “If you wanted to.”
Steve smiled fondly. “That’s sweet of you. But I was thinking something that would absolutely flip their collective shit even more than a movie night. A Halloween one-shot.”
Eddie’s lips formed an O. His eyes sparkled and he grinned. “I know just the thing. It’s something my friends and I used to do in high school. You have these little half–not even half character sheets that have just the most basic of stats. The point is to die in the most epic way possible. There are rewards for stupidest death, most epic death, TPK. It’s lots of fun.”
“That sounds amazing!” Steve said. “Would you be willing to do it?”
Eddie leaned forward on the table. “On one condition.”
“You join us,” he said with a grin. “You read the stats, you roll the dice, you die like a bitch, just like everyone else. You’d be on equal footing with the rest of the Party.”
“Can I think about it?” Steve asked shyly, ducking his head.
“Sure thing, big boy,” Eddie replied. “But let’s order lunch. I’m starving!”
Steve laughed. “Of course.”
Robin poked her head into his office and held up a leather folio. “Do you want to tell me what the hell this is?”
“Sorry,” Steve said, “I’m not Spider-man. I don’t have x-ray vision.”
“That’s Superman,” Robin replied with a huff, “and you’re dodging the question. You know full well what I’m talking about.”
Steve rolled his eyes. “I really, really don’t. I haven’t done any even remotely outrageous in months.”
She walked up to his desk and slammed the folio on the desk. “Steven Kevin Harrington...”
“Not my middle name,” he sneered. “You know what it is. You have seen my birth certificate way more times than I have.”
Robin laughed. “But it’s so lame, so I make up ones that sound better.”
“Whatever, Robs,” he said with a huff of his own. “What has got you so twisted this time?”
She opened the folio and turned it around to face him. “You booked the Newfield for New Year’s eve.”
Steve smiled widely at her. “I told you I was going to. It’s hardly my fault you were making goo-goo eyes at Eddie’s agent at the time.”
Robin gasped. “I was not!” He raised a single eyebrow and she folded. “Yeah, all right, maybe.”
Steve sat up in his chair and scooted closer to her. “Look, before you start throwing accusations around about feelings and thinking with my dick, it’s for the charity. You know, the one we’re working on right now.”
Robin glared at him. “So it has nothing to do with him making goo-goo eyes at you?”
“He’s not!” he protested. “There’s no way. He can have anyone he wants, he’s not going to go for a stuffed shirt like me.”
Robin raised both her eyebrows. “You can’t actually believe that.”
“You saw his most recent video right?” Steve snapped. “The one where he ranted about how greedy businessmen destroying the environment?”
“Uh...” she said, “you mean the one where he especially called out billionaire businessmen and how smaller companies can change the face of the industry and then went on to list ten things that CEOs can do to change the world and all of them were things you did with Starcourt Ltd. That one?”
Steve blushed. “I guess I didn’t realize.”
“Look,” Robin said sitting down in one of the chairs, “I was wrong about a lot of things when you first hired Eddie for this job. About him, about you and your motives. So I get why you can’t take my advice on this, but he likes you. And more than just a friend.”
He ducked his head as the blush spread from his cheeks to the tips of his ears down the column of the throat. “Don’t go there, please.”
Robin held her hands up in surrender. “I won’t if you don’t want me to. All I’m saying is that if you think you’re falling for him, too…just know he probably feels the same.”
Steve licked his lips. “Yeah, okay.” Then he suddenly buried his head in his hands. “Fuck, I have to make a phone call.”
She raised an eyebrow.
He lifted his head and sighed heavily. “Looks like I’m going to be playing D&D after all.”
She laughed and laughed as Steve buried his head again.
The kids were never going to let him live this down.
“You’re sending my off for my last year as undergrad,” Dustin whined, “and you’re making me come back for fall break? Why?”
Steve was getting tired of this question. The only people who knew about Eddie DMing for them was Steve, Robin, and Eddie. And probably Chrissy. Oh and Claudia Henderson, Dustin’s mom. Which meant that all the other moms knew too.
All right, the conspiracy was bigger than Steve thought.
“Because it is your last year,” he said with a sigh. “You’ll be heading off to MIT next year and it’ll be harder for you to come home for the holidays.”
Dustin deflated. “Yeah, okay. So everyone will be home for Halloween?”
Steve brightened up. “Yep! I’m throwing a costume party with pizza and if you guys aren’t shitheads about it, I might even front for a wet bar.”
Dustin frowned. “What the fuck is a wet bar?”
Robin who had just come home, smacked him on the back of his head, knocking off his hat. “It means there will be booze, doofus.”
Dustin who had been about to yell at her for knocking off his hat, turned to Steve instead. “Seriously?”
“Yup! I’ve okay’ed it with all the parental units,” he said, “and I keep an eye on your intake to make sure you don’t get sick, they’re fine with it.”
Dustin launched himself at him and hugged him tight. “You’re the best, Steve!”
“There won’t be beer,” Steve warned. “It’s not the best drink to get started drinking on and bottles tend to hide how much you’ve been drinking.”
“Are they going to be spooky themed drinks?” Dustin asked.
Steve laughed. “Hell yeah, they are.” He ruffled Dustin’s hair. “Now go finish packing. I’m not going to let your mom do it for you this year. You’re an adult. Act like it.”
Dustin rolled his eyes. “God, you’re more mom like then my actual mom.”
Steve laughed. “If I got insulted every time one of you called me mom, I would’ve died of a heart attack years ago.”
Dustin hit him on the arm. “No talks of dying. You aren’t allowed. You have to live forever.”
Robin laughed. “Sure, just got to find that elixir of life somewhere.”
“Or the fountain of youth,” Dustin helpfully supplied.
“You could always invent something,” Steve suggested.
Dustin’s eyes lit up. “That’s a great idea!” He dashed off excitedly.
“Pack first!”
Robin laughed.
Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8
@spectrum-spectre @estrellami-1 @zerokrox-blog @artiststarme @swimmingbirdrunningrock @gregre369 @pyrohonk ​@a-little-unsteddie @chaosgremlinmunson @chaoticlovingdreamer @maya-custodios-dionach @goodolefashionedloverboi @messrs-weasley @val-from-lawrence @i-must-potato @danili666 @carlyv @rozzieroos @wonderland-girl143-blog @justforthedead89 @emly03 @bookworm0690 @itsall-taken @vecnuthy @bookbinderbitch @redfreckledwolf @littlewildflowerkitten @yikes-a-bee @awkwardgravity1 @scheodingers-muppet @mira-jadeamethyst @cinnamon-mushroomabomination @genderless-spoon @anne-bennett-cosplayer @irregular-child @carlprocastinator1000 @mogami13 @samsoble
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lavenderlilacbones · 2 years
He's a Magic Man
Tumblr media
Ohhhh, he's got the magic hands
Eddie x Fem!Reader
Description: You and Eddie have been friends for years, neither of you willing to admit you had begun to crush on one another until one night your usual smoke and chill session gets a little steamy
Warnings: NSFW/18+ ONLY, SMUT with an attempt at minor plot, minors DNI, praise kink, slight degradation kink/dirty talk, van sex, reader uses she/her pronouns, no use of y/n, use of pet names, drug use, f/m!oral receiving, fingering, teasing, choking, unprotected p in v, light anal play, creampie, touch of fluff at the end
A/N: I haven't written anything in a very long time, let alone smut, but like many of us on this hell site, the Eddie Munson brain rot has a very tight grip on me so I decided to give in. After not having a good idea for this for a couple weeks, it all spilled out of me very quickly. There was an attempt at proofreading. If this is well received, maybe I'll make this kind of thing a habit.
Word count: 3924
It was a crisp evening, but not so much you couldn’t leave the van doors open as you and Eddie sat opposite each other on the back edge, passing a joint between the two of you. The mixtape you made faintly plays from his stereo, just loud enough to hear but not enough to impede on the atmosphere. You leaned back against the wall of the van after passing the joint back to him, staring up at the stars as you exhaled, smoke gently floating above you. 
“Hey,” Eddie’s raspy voice breaks your daydream, bringing your attention back to the joint in his hand. You smiled and took it back from him, delicately placing it between your lips and taking another puff. “Whatcha thinkin about, Princess?” He takes the joint again, cocking his head to the side as he studies you.
“Nothin’ in particular…” you start, returning your gaze to the sky, “I just love when the sky is this clear.” You nod your face upward, driving Eddie to follow your gaze. A sea of stars shine above you, softly glinting against the night sky. Eddie hums in approval as he hits the joint again, chasing it with the final sip of his beer.
This had been a frequent ritual for you two for a while, grabbing a meal and smoking together. Usually it was at his trailer, but it was such a nice night you both decided it would be more fun parking by the lake with a six pack and a pizza. Summer was over and autumn was rolling in so you had to savor the nice weather before it fully gave way to the cold of the oncoming winter. The pizza box was shoved against the driver's seat, its contents long devoured, the six pack now a four pack.
The next track on the mixtape starts and it's Magic Man by Heart. Eddie groans, handing the joint back to you and moving like he's gonna skip it. 
You grab the joint and immediately box him in place with your legs. "Don't you dare, Munson. This is a good fucking song and you know it," you snap at him.
"It's pop rock! It's not my style," he retorts, already accepting that he's not gonna escape from where your legs planted him.
"Have you even listened to that guitar solo? You can't tell me that isn't cool as fuck!"
Eddie scoffs, "I guess it's okay." At this point he was just playing with you, he loved when you got riled up over something you were passionate about. The way your body language would become noticeably more animated reminded him of how he'd get the same way with certain subjects.
You catch his smirk and give him a playful shove with your legs before retracting them and crawling next to where he sat in the van, settling next to him as you took another long drag from the quickly dwindling joint. You exhale the smoke at Eddie in an act of defiance as you hand it back to him. "You're so full of shit, Eddie," you chide playfully.
Eddie gives you a sly smile, wrapping his arm around your shoulders and watching you with those soft brown eyes, slightly hazy from the weed. He takes one last long drag before stuffing the roach in his empty can beside him. Holding in the smoke, he turns to you, letting his confidence lead his next move as he gently slid his finger along your jawline and lifts your chin slightly. He brushes the tip of your nose with his and as if you read his mind, your lips part to let him shotgun the smoke to you, his lips grazing over yours.
He pulls back just enough to take in your face, checking to see if his sudden bravado was misplaced as you exhaled only to be met with a satisfied smile. You touch his face, closing the gap again only this time your lips fully meet with his. Eddie melts into your touch, deepening the kiss as you snake your fingers through his messy curls. He slips his tongue out to trace over your lips and you open them, inviting him into your mouth and clashing your tongue against his, twisting and tasting each other. A mix of weed, PBR, and a lingering hint of pepperoni. After a long moment you both break to catch your breath, foreheads pressed together.
"Eddie Munson, you have no idea how long I've waited for you to do that," you laugh, cradling his face in your hand.
He chuckles back, his hand sliding under your hoodie to caress your side before it comes to rest on your hip, fingers playing at the hem of your shirt. "Glad to know it isn't just me, sweetheart."
His lips meet yours again, both of you allowing the hunger between you to peek out as your mouths smash together. You move to straddle him, sucking on his bottom lip and not breaking the kiss as you settle on his lap. Eddie's hands grasp your hips roughly as you give him a little grind, causing him to moan into your mouth. He slides his hands down to your ass, encouraging you to grind into him again.
You feel his growing erection through his jeans and the friction causes you to break the kiss to release a gasp. Eddie takes the opportunity to bury his face against your neck, biting and sucking on your throat, small dark marks peppering your skin. Both of your arms slide around Eddie's neck, hands tangling in his long hair and holding him against you as his continued assault makes you whine with need for him. 
He glides a hand under your shirt and you can feel him grin against your neck when he realizes you didn't wear a bra tonight. "God you're incredible," he mumbles into you as he cups one of your breasts and squeezes, teasing your nipple between his calloused fingers.
You pull back to shrug your hoodie off your shoulders and he responds by shoving off his leather jacket and battle vest, tossing them aside. Grabbing at the hem of your shirt, you lift it over your head, adding to the growing pile of discarded clothing beside you.
Eddie sits back to take in the view, both his hands sliding along your sides before each claiming a tit and kneading the flesh in his hands, eliciting a moan from you. He shoves his face between them; biting, kissing, sucking, feasting on you like a man starved.
Your own hands slip under his shirt in response, feeling the gentle indents of muscle along his abdomen and chest. "Oh god Eddie… I want you so bad," you gasp, still grinding your heat against him.
"Yeah baby?" He huffs against your chest between bites and kisses, "gonna make you feel real good tonight, Princess." Eddie reaches a hand down to fumble at your belt and pants, loosening the button and zipper just enough to give him access. "Jesus Christ, you're already so wet," he moans against you as he slides a finger along your slick slit, overcome by how much of a mess you already are. "This all for me, baby?" He asks as he leans back from you slightly, meeting your eyes.
You bite your bottom lip and nod in response. "Been thinking about fucking you a long time Eds," you grip his shoulders, gently digging your nails into his skin, "thinking about how your fingers would feel…" 
Eddie continues to tease your pussy, just sliding his finger along your lips and collecting your arousal, watching you with amusement as you shudder in response. "Thinking about how your mouth would feel," you continue, twisting your fingers in his necklace as you lean forward to nibble at his ear lobe, his thumb finds your clit and rubs soft circles against it, earning another moan from you "Thinking about your cock inside me." You emphasize the last sentence by roughly cupping his straining bulge through his jeans. 
Eddie groans, dipping his finger into your heat as you press against him. He worms his fingers into your hair and grasps it tightly, using it to gently tug you upright in his lap again so he can look at your face. "I can't wait to feel this tight little cunt gushing on my cock, baby." He slides a second finger inside you, briefly mimicking your face as your mouth drops into an O shape, his fingers curling inside you, "but first I want to taste you." After a few more pumps of his fingers, he pulls his hand from your pants, the loss making you whine in protest. He brings them to his mouth and sucks your juices off them with a pop, humming contentedly. "Fuck, I bet it's even better straight from the source." He stares at you, licking his lips hungrily.
With his arm around you Eddie lays you down on the pile of blankets he keeps in the van, managing to stay slotted between your legs as he does so. He leans down to kiss you, twisting his tongue around yours as he reaches down to undo his own pants and give his straining erection some breathing room. He straightens up long enough to pull his shirt over his head before falling back over you and begins to trail kisses and bites down your body, pausing to give your breasts some dedicated attention before continuing down your abdomen and leaving a few more marks in his wake.
He slides your jeans and underwear down as he bites along your hips, only stopping to lift your legs over his shoulder so he can fully remove your remaining clothes. He settles himself back between your legs, laying on his stomach as he kisses and nibbles your inner thighs, working his way to your puffy lips. Eddie watches you as he drags the flat of his tongue up your slit and punctuates it by sucking on your clit. 
You arch against him, moaning loudly, and you can tell how pleased he already is with himself when he hums against your sensitive nub before pulling away. "Look at this pretty pussy, s’wet and ready for me." He gives another lick, light and teasing this time.
"Mmm Eddie… please," you whine, bucking your hips towards him in a needy gesture as he stills your movement.
Eddie flashes you a devilish smile, "Please what, Princess?" He teases, kissing just out of reach from where you truly want him. "I want to hear you say it."
You bite your lip, feeling your heart pound in anticipation, "Eat my pussy, Eddie, please."
"That's my good girl." Eddie rewards you with a few heavy licks through your folds, gently sucking on them between laps. He begins to alternate between lapping at your arousal and sucking your clit, his large hands gripping your thighs as he settles into a rhythm that has you practically screaming for him.
"Oh my god Eddie!" you gasp as you instinctively roll your hips against his face, one of your hands reaching down to tangle in his hair as the other slides over one of the hands on your thighs, intertwining your fingers with his. 
Eddie moans against you, tongue-fucking your hole as your moans continue to build. "You taste so fuckin good, baby." He's already so pussy drunk and you can see it in his eyes when he looks up at you, bringing his mouth back to your clit as he slides two of his fingers into you. "I could eat this pussy all night."
His words make you crumble. "Eddie… fuck! I'm s'close!" you whine. "Please don't stop!" You can feel the cool metal of his rings kiss your entrance with every pump of his fingers. The pornographic sound of your wet squelching mixed with your moans fills the van. Before long your walls are clenching his fingers so hard he can barely move them inside you, still pulling and grasping his hair as you ride out your orgasm on his face. A whining, blubbering mess as you hold onto his head for dear life. It feels like minutes before your body calms down, Eddie not stopping his movements until he's sure your climax has passed.
He kisses your inner thigh and looks up at you, face glistening with your cum and the biggest smile on his face.  "That sounded like a good one, Princess," he cooed, admiring your fucked out expression as he gently slides his fingers over your sopping wet lips, making you twitch and whine from the slight overstimulation.
"I don't think I've ever cum that hard from being eaten out," you pant, reaching up to push the sweat matted hair from your forehead. Eddie responds with a self satisfied laugh as he plants more kisses on the inside of your thighs. You reach out for him, beckoning him toward you and Eddie obliges, crawling back up your body to lock his swollen pink lips with yours. You can taste yourself on him and it just turns you on more, causing you to squeeze your knees against his hips. "Eddie…" you breathe between kisses, "I need you to fuck me."
Eddie moans into you. You trail a hand down his body, slipping into his boxers and closing it around his hard length, gasping at the feel of his girth. Eddie thrusts into your hand, whining and moaning as you stroke him. He reaches down to shove his pants down, kicking them off his legs once they get far enough and leans back on his knees to push his boxers off, letting his cock spring free. You fully take in his size for the first time, almost overcome with need for him. 
"Christ Eddie, you're so big…" you marvel, propping yourself up and leaning forward to take him in your hands again. "Where have you been hiding this fuckin’ thing?" You joke as you stroke his length, not really looking for an answer.
Eddie lets out a hiss as you lick the precum beading on his tip, but before he can think of a response you're taking him in your mouth and causing his brain to short circuit. His hands slide along your shoulders and neck as you move to take a long lick from base to tip, pursing your lips together as you push him back in your mouth. One of his hands settles on the back of your head to guide you as you bob on his cock, taking in as much as you dare. Eddie gives a few gentle thrusts before he has to stop you, pulling his cock out of your mouth with a pop. "I'm not gonna last if I let you keep this up," he leans down to kiss you again before he reaches over to dig in the back pocket on the passenger seat. A look of frustration draws across his face when he doesn't find what he's looking for. "Fuck… I think I'm out of condoms," he groans in annoyance.
You gently shove him back, guiding him to flip positions so you're back on top of him, his frustration giving way to curiosity as you settle in his lap again. "I'm on the pill, Eddie," you whisper as you kiss and suck along his jawline. You drag your wet heat over his length firmly and Eddie grabs your ass, a shuddering moan escapes his lips as his head drops back and he ruts against you. You move to the other side of his face, still planting little love bites to his jawline and neck, "I want to feel you fill me up."
"Jesus H Christ, baby, you're gonna be the death of me saying shit like that," Eddie growls. He lifts your hips slightly before grabbing his cock and lining himself up with your entrance, swirling his tip in your arousal a few times before guiding you back down on his lap. His eyes are fixated on where you two connect as he watches his cock disappear inside you, the sounds of your moans almost drowning out the mixtape still playing in the background.
You take a moment to adjust, feeling that satisfying burn of how well his cock stretches and fills you. Biting your lip and anchoring your hands on his shoulders, you slowly rise and fall on his lap, both of you groaning together at the delicious friction. Eddie's thumb finds your clit again and starts rubbing in those gentle circles, quickening your pace. Your hand slides into his hair, pulling his face into your chest. He kisses your breasts, alternating between them and sucking on your nipples, rolling his tongue against them as he does.
His free hand kneads the flesh of your ass as you bounce on him. He pauses his assault on your chest to look up at you, his previously soft brown eyes now dark and full of lust. "Look at you coming apart for me, baby. Desperate little slut for my cock," he coos against you. The hand on your ass slides a little lower and inward as Eddie teases a finger over the tight hole as if to test your response. The jolt of electricity it sends through you has you grinding harder on his dick, ragged moans escaping your lips. Eddie growls in approval, reaching further to collect the slick from between you two before continuing his probing, adding more pressure as he dips the tip of his middle finger in. "Bet you'd like me to fuck this tight little hole too. Ruin this perfect little ass." The hand that was rubbing your clit slides up the back of your neck, Eddie pulling you in close as he bites and sucks at your jugular.
The sound you make in response is feral, your whole body vibrates against him as the combined stimulation has you riding him hard. "Fuck Eddie! Gonna cum," your grip on his hair tightens and he hisses at the feeling of your walls squeezing around him.
"Cum for me, baby, wanna feel you soak my cock." His encouragement is all you need, falling over the edge as you clench tightly around him. Eddie groans, struggling to hold back because he's not done with you yet, rolling his hips with yours as you ride out your orgasm. Your moans are deep and loud, feeling your clit press against the tuft of hair above his crotch as he grinds into you. Your spasms soften and before you realize what's happening, Eddie's rolling you on your back, supporting your hips against his to keep himself inside you.
Eddie hitches his arms under your knees and begins to pound into you roughly, another moan escaping your mouth with every snap of his hips into you. "God look at this pretty pussy, taking my cock so well," he groans at the sight of you before him, a fucked out, blubbering mess as he hurtles you towards another orgasm. "Who would have guessed you'd be such a filthy little slut?" He sucks in his bottom lip as he drops one of your legs gently, sliding his hand around your throat and waiting for confirmation before applying pressure. You slide a hand over his, pressing it into your throat as you whine softly and nod, giving him the consent he asked for. As his grip tightens, your hand slides from his to trace along his forearm before falling back above your head as you arch your back, panting desperately from the ecstasy of his touch.
"Fuuuuuck," Eddie groans, mouth hung open as he leans forward, nearly bending you in half after pushing the leg he was still holding up to his shoulder. His thrusts become ruthless, gently gripping your throat as he locks his lips with yours in a passionate, sloppy kiss. "I'm getting close, baby. Gonna fill this pussy up until you're dripping with me." His moans are almost as ragged as yours, his thrusts hard and deep.
You lock your legs around his hips, your hands finding purchase in his curls again and you hold him against you. "God, give it to me, Eddie. Fuck!" You feel your third orgasm edging closer as Eddie releases your throat and brings his hand to your hip, changing the angle just enough that he's consistently ramming at that sweet spot inside you.
Between your moans and the fluttering of your walls around him, Eddie knows how close you are. He keeps up his pace, not willing to let himself cum before you but feeling his control slipping. "Come on, baby, give me one more, wanna feel you cum again." He reaches between you to rub your clit again and before you know it you feel that coil snap, screaming his name and digging your nails into his back. "Thaaaat's a good girl," he praises, still rubbing your sensitive nub. The spasms and tightness of your pussy are all too inviting and Eddie shudders as his own release washes over him, spurts of cum painting your walls as he continues to fuck you through both your orgasms, milking everything he's got into you. Breathing heavily, he collapses on you gently, trying not to crush you under his weight, his cock still buried inside you. He nuzzles into your neck and smiles as you rub his back.
"God, Eddie, that was incredible," you pant, kissing his forehead. 
Eddie smiles and kisses your chest, propping himself up on his elbows and planting another kiss on your lips. "I've been wanting to fuck you like that since last year," he says before gently pulling out of you, watching as some of his cum begins to seep out of your cunt. He reaches for his boxers and uses them to clean you both up before tossing them aside again and settling in beside you.
"Should have shotgunned me then you big dork, we could have been fucking like this all year," you playfully nudge him.
"I didn't think you'd be into me! I know we’re friends, but who wants to date the town freak?" Eddie shrugs, his insecurities showing.
You smile warmly at him, sliding your hands over his face and pulling him in for a sweet kiss. “Guess you found the girl that wants to date the freak.”
He wraps his arms around you, feeling you melt into his chest, a face splitting smile stretches across his lips, “Seems like I did, sweetheart.” Eddie pulls back slightly and lifts your chin to look at your face, grinning as he's met with your look of contentment. "My girl," he coos as he bends his head down to kiss you tenderly.
“Yeah?” he responds, feeling you shiver.
"My freak," you respond with another deep, passionate kiss. Both of you laugh as he gives you a playful shove before pulling you back against his chest, tucking your head under his chin.
Finally becoming aware of the contrast of the chilly night air against your warm, sweaty bodies, you pull Eddie tighter against you. “Hey Eddie?”
“I think it’s time we head back to your place,” you smirk and wiggle against him, “maybe we’ll find the energy for a second round.”
You feel Eddie’s heart skip a beat in his chest. “Don't have to tell me twice, Princess.” Eddie feels like he’s gonna be wearing that grin all weekend as you both throw your clothes back on for the drive back to the trailer.
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cloudninetonine · 10 months
Hey so as you guys know I've been playing Tears
So I finally decided to write something for it!
“I need to reach my friend!”
The world that was once Wild’s Hyrule had changed- drastically. Not anymore did the guardians lay dormant, nor did the Sheikah towers stand tall- the Divine Beasts had been laid to rest and while the lands stayed the same, the skies seemed to become home to more than the native Islander hawk.
Changed for better or for worse, you didn’t quite know. The growling patches of gloom circling chasms to a world beneath the surface wasn’t really all that fun to you- nor were the claws of concentrated evil that crept up from nowhere to try and snatch you without a second thought. But to see how Hyrule seemed to prosper with more life. The settlement by the castle was bigger now, a fort that stood proud to the floating pinnacle that was Hyrule castle and with more warriors seasoned to fight for the place that was their home.
Purah was amazed to see you again and you didn’t know how to feel about being smaller than her now.
Felt wrong in the more comedic sense.
All across the land you had come to find new people, make new friends! Tulin had grown so much! As had Riju! Sidon’s finacée, Yona her name, was a beautiful and cute manta ray! (Never in your life had you been jealous about both partners of a relationship that badly) Paya was now chief! Yunobo had a beard! And you had met the most amazing Rito reporter named Penn! A man who had named your new best friend in these trying times.
And trying times they were- you had no idea how you were keeping up with Wild. A little older now, an inch or two taller with a stronger build and more of an mature edge to him- well, that’s what you thought when you first woke up here in Lookout Landing, a teary eyed Wild looking down at you before he near crushed you underneath his weight, Flora just as teared and happily embracing you once you were finally stood.
You had no idea what happened, not how you got here nor where the rest of the Chain were- but you were glad you at least had the Champion by your side.
This time was one of those times you were ready to toss him.
“If you connect that fucking rocket to that baby’s backpack I will shove a bomb flower down your throat.” Rauru’s hand was glowing with power, frozen along with the Zonai rocket it was lifting as you stood just a few paces away. “I mean it, Link, if you send them flying we’re duking it out.”
You looked so intimidating with the Glide suit, you just knew it. (Oh internal dialogue, how sarcastic you could be)
The korok shook, little sniffles catching your ears as they gazed at the device just inches away from being glued to the material of their rucksack before sighing in relief as the rocket was dropped with a heavy thud just beside them, Wild turning with an ‘oh-so-innocent’ smile. 
“They need to reach their friend-” He pointed a thumb behind him, “A few hills over- I was just helping.”
You frowned “I don’t know what happened while you were away but you’ve become more sadistic.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“You never do.” Both sharing a look, you shook your head. “Hand them over to me, I’ll get them to their buddy.”
Wild’s hand fell to his hip, watching you waddle over excitedly as he side stepped, your hands out in a grabby motion as the small forest child threw their little stubby hands up with an excited “Guide!” that made your heart soar as you hauled them into the air with a similar excited “Forest baby!”
“You know we still need to get to Rito village- it’ll get dark by the time we arrive if we do this.”
“Don’t care, forest babies come first.”
He smirked, “Koroks are older than you.”
“Your mum.”
“Very mature.”
“Who are you, Twilight?” A pang went through your heart. “Ah, no, sorry that was rude-”
Wild’s face had curled in a more comedic way when you turned to look at him, sour and betrayed in the way the skin folded. “Am I really turning into him?”
Pausing, you looked him up and down- “I mean…you kinda do remind me of him right now.”
Wild raised a brow; you grinned. “You remember when Wolfie fell into that bush?”
When you burst into laughter he rolled his eyes, letting out a “hardy-har” while the korok still wiggled happily in the confines of your arms, it’s bag now over your shoulder to relieve some of the weight. (You focused on the spirit and missed the way the Champion desperately pawed at the sticks in his flowing hair)
“I’m not going with you this time- we’ve already lost a lot of hours.” Crossing his arms, the blonde continued. “If you go I’ll head towards the village.”
You shurgged. “Alright, I’ll see you there.”
The Champion narrowed his eyes. “I’m serious, (Name).”
“I’m sure you are.”
“...I don’t like your tone.”
Clearing your throat, you raised it an octave. “I’m sure you are!”
Wild did not laugh when you did.
If there was one thing you knew about the Champion it was that he was attached to your side. Stuck stronger than the fuse of the Zonai magic, the blonde followed you around like a Hylian retriever followed those that held food towards them. If you strayed too far, he would get you, if you paused mid journey, he paused, there was so many occasion that something had caught your eye mid ride on one of the many vehicles he had created and the man would slow down to let you go study it- lest you hop off, something you had almost done once when he refused to stop.
You really did appreciate all he did, you knew he had a lot on his mind, but with all that was happening didn’t you both deserve to have some moments not caught up the drama of the end of the fucking world???
“I’ll see you in a little bit!” Daylight was falling and it would be harder to find the campfire smoke in the night. “Keep the bed in the inn warm for me, pretty boy!”
And thus began your hike. Your little companion happily chattering your ear off as you walked away from the hero, hearing his heavy sigh and impatient foot tapping loose volume the further and further you got.
You had made it past the first hill, Wild’s form out of your sight as you glanced back when the sound out wheels caught your attention. The korok let out a noise of confusion at the strange noise but you merely spared a giggle, standing aside as the beam cycle (minus the beam) slowed to a stop beside you- your hero refusing to look your way as he waited.
“Get on.”
“Aren’t you gonna ask me on a date first?”
He grunted and you gave him the grace to leave him be, being careful balancing the korok in your grasp as you hopped onto the odd bike and wrapped an arm around the man’s waist, another still holding the forest spirit tight. 
“You ready?”
“Aye, aye, captain.”
You missed the small smile that grew on his face, the Zonai devices lighting up with its phantom green glow as the hero started the machine back up and headed towards the direction of the smoke. Without a second thought, you gently kissed his nape, unable to reach his cheek and nuzzled into his back with a relaxed hum.
Wild straightened proudly.
“You still have sticks in your hair.”
“Don’t ruin this for me.”
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inairbinad · 1 year
Lover's Lick
Steve Harrington x Eddie Munson, 2.4k words, also on ao3
Just a silly little first kiss idea that fell into my head because I accidentally typed Lover’s Lick instead of Lover’s Lake.
It was a blistering day in Hawkins. As a twisted way to enjoy it, the whole party decided to spend the day at Lover's Lake to continue celebrating what they’d dubbed “Dead Vecna Summer.”
Eddie wasn’t sure he was enjoying himself, yet, but Robin was determined to make sure everyone did.
“It’s called exposure therapy,” Robin explained as she lazily dragged her toes through the water from her seat on the dock. “If we all come here and have a good time, the positive association will start to make the bad shit less scary.”
“That doesn’t sound like a thing,” Mike countered, and Nancy leaned down and flicked a handful of water at him. She and Robin were near inseparable now, physically sitting shoulder to shoulder as they soaked up the sun, but also to the point where Nancy steadfastly defended everything Robin said. 
“It’s a thing, Wheeler,” Eddie drawled from his own beach towel. He wasn’t entirely sure if it was a thing or not, but Robin tended to know her shit, so he was going along with her plan for now. Eddie had no interest in actually getting in the water, but the shady little patch of grass he’d managed to lounge in was pleasant enough. “I just don’t know if it’s working.”
Admittedly, the whole experience was made more pleasant by the fact that no one else but their little group was around, staring them down or making accusations with their eyes. No one really wanted to spend much time at Lover's Lakep anymore, considering it had so recently been a crime scene. The quarry and the copious other lakes around Hawkins seemed delightful by comparison; but maybe that was just because no one else had Robin.
So far, only Dustin, El, and Will had been brave enough to venture into the water. They were off the shore a ways, splashing each other and giggling ferociously. The glee on their faces was helping to tamp down the lingering sense of dread that Eddie couldn’t quite shake, despite his best efforts.
Steve was also eyeing them warily, either watching like a hawk to make sure nothing weird went tickling at their ankles, or because he was fighting himself on whether he wanted to venture in after them.
Eddie suspected it was a little bit of both. 
“Fuck it,” Steve muttered to himself, before stripping his shirt off and wading into the lake. Eddie watched him go from behind the safety of his sunglasses, doing his best not to let his jaw go slack in the presence of a half dressed, sun kissed, and about to be wet Steve Harrington. 
Once Eddie finally tore his eyes away, he noticed Robin also looking after Steve—but her expression was a worried one. 
“Maybe we should play a game,” Eddie suggested with a slow grin. “For positivity, and whatnot.”
“Oooh, how about truth or dare?” Max recommended in a heartbeat, like she’d been waiting for an opportunity to present itself for her to suggest it. It instantly made Eddie wary of her intentions, but he shrugged and went along. If it made Max happy to wrangle some embarrassment out of her friends, she deserved as much. Plus, truth or dare never scared Eddie much, since he could always come up with something freakier to challenge people with than anyone ever dared him to do. And truths weren’t tricky at all, because he had a knack for making bullshit sound like the truth on the spot. 
They didn’t come around on his turn for a while, yet, so he let his gaze drift back across the strikingly serene water until it landed back on Steve. He started off indulging the kids in letting them dunk his head under water, but now he seemed to have found some semblance of peace, floating on his back with his eyes on the sky.
“Earth to Munson,” Lucas called out, cupping his hands around his mouth and deepening his voice for the intended bullhorn effect. “It’s your turn, so you can stop ogling Steve, now.”
“I don’t ogle, Sinclair,” Eddie said, pulling his best unaffected act. All the same, he dragged his eyes back to his immediate surroundings. “That’s much more your speed.” 
Lucas nervously glanced at Max, knowing exactly what Eddie was implying. Max seemed to know as well, because she came to Lucas’s defense in a snap. Eddie would’ve thought it was sweet, if he hadn’t just aimed the Max Cannon of Shit-Talking squarely in his direction. 
“You’re the one who looks like you want to lick Steve’s face half the time,” she said with a knowing smirk. Everyone else burst into laughter, and Eddie had no choice but to eat the shame of being completely obvious, to the point where even all the gremlins knew he had an enormous crush on Steve. 
“Only half the time?” Jonathan asked, and Argyle snorted. When even the two of them were helping to gang up on Eddie, he lost any hope of someone backing him up instead of roasting him further. He sighed in resignation.
Not long after all the Upside Down drama had concluded, Eddie and Robin had both teamed up and decided to come out to the whole group together. It was partly because Robin was sick of having to deny the allegations that she was in love with Steve, and partly because they both agreed it would let the group adjust so that there would be as little friction as possible when Will decided to follow suit. It turned out none of them really needed the extra education in love and acceptance and all that, though. The kids barely blinked an eye, and instead just shifted the allegations about being in love with Steve off of Robin and right onto Eddie. 
“Oh my god,” Lucas squealed, completely overcome with excitement for some reason. He snapped his fingers and pointed at Eddie as he said, “That’s your dare!”
“I didn’t even pick—” Eddie tried, but everyone was already turning to look at him with matching evil smiles. 
“Lick his face,” Max sat back, folding her arms against her chest in satisfaction. 
“That’s not my dare,” Eddie muttered, already knowing his fate was sealed. He had to lick Steve’s face, or suffer some unknowable torture for time eternal for being a chickenshit. 
“Lick his face,” everyone chorused, mercifully at a whisper so Steve wouldn’t hear. That didn’t make it any less mortifying.
“I swear to Christ—” Eddie pinched the bridge of his nose, doing his best to ignore them. He thought maybe he could withstand the torture option, instead.
“Lick his face,” they all repeated, chanting like they only worshiped at the alter of humiliating Eddie in the most creative ways possible. 
“You’re a bunch of heathens,” Eddie whined. 
“Lick his face!” They repeated, insistent and already getting louder. 
Eddie stared at Max in a silent plea, knowing she was the one who could most easily get everyone to lay off of him. This was her rodeo, and they both knew it. Max only stared back at him, unwavering. Eddie wondered if this was why she wanted to play truth or dare in the first place. 
“Fucking,” Eddie grumbled, pulling himself up off his towel and whipping his own shirt and sunglasses off. Then he stood there, clad in nothing but his Garfield swim trunks, and took a deep breath to steady himself. He’d done worse than this, surely. It would be mortifying, but he’d get over it. Steve had a good enough sense of humor that Eddie didn’t think he’d be pissed, at least. “Fine.”
Then he stomped off into the lake and started swimming out to Steve to a round of raucous cheers at his back.
The calamitous thing he was about to go do was enough to distract Eddie from the fact that he was swimming in this lake for the first time since the spring, and he wasn’t being dragged down to its depths, or watching something mind-bendingly terrifying, or being chased for his life as he did. An entirely different kind of doom was spelled out for him, sure, but at least Eddie was swimming towards someone as his fate unfurled before him.
Steve really did look beautiful, sprawled out on his back, droplets of water glistening on his skin in the sun. Eddie intentionally caused a lot of fuss as he swam, making waves and noise as he went, so as not to startle Steve out of his peaceful reverie too severely. 
Steve was already treading water, swimming upright again, by the time Eddie reached him. 
“Hey,” he said, soft and trusting even though he probably shouldn’t have been. 
“Hey,” Eddie echoed him, feeling the weight of fourteen sadistic eyes on his back. Once more, he was incredibly glad that no one else but their little group of friends was around to witness this. Eddie laughed, a desperate and delirious little sound that perfectly encapsulated how little he believed he was about to give in to peer pressure like all the preppy conformists he always made fun of.
“I’m sorry in advance,” Eddie said, and Steve tilted his head in confusion. 
Eddie reached up and grabbed Steve’s chin, watching as the lake water pebbled across the planes of Steve’s face, and gently tipped it towards the side. Then he licked a stripe up Steve’s cheek, quick but thorough, just enough to savor the feel of Steve’s skin on his tongue for even a moment. 
Just as quickly as it’d begun, it was over, and Eddie turned around to face his jury, still idly judging from the dock. They broke out into another round of cheers and applause, so Eddie couldn’t help but thrust his arms up in triumph and give them a little show. 
He felt a hand on his shoulder, then, and had to kick his feet quicker so he didn’t start sinking at the sensation of being spun around. Eddie braced himself, for a split second thinking he was gonna get punched. 
The next thing he felt was, in fact, a hand on his face, but it was as gentle of a touch as he could ever remember feeling. Eddie peeked one eye open, only to find Steve looking back at him, a small smile playing at his lips. Steve rubbed his thumb across Eddie’s cheek bone, then very deliberately dropped his eyes to Eddie’s lips.
“What are you doing, Stevie?” Eddie asked, wondering if he was dreaming all of a sudden.
“What was Robin rambling about earlier?” Steve murmured, the low rumble of humor in his chest. “Positive associations?” 
Eddie just nodded dumbly at him, entirely unsure if that was what Robin had said at all. 
“Well, here’s mine,” Steve said simply, then leaned in and kissed him. 
Even though the world had seemingly thudded to a stop, Eddie felt the way Steve’s lips moved against his own, firm and soft all at once, leaving him all tingly in an instant. Eddie didn’t know how, or why, but Steve was kissing him like he meant it—like he’d been ruminating on his desire to slot his lips between Eddie’s it for as long Eddie had been fantasizing about the same. 
The realization was a heady one, and Eddie heard a surprised little whimper escape his throat. Steve hummed happily in response, then slid the hand on Eddie’s cheek into his hair, getting a better grip so he could maneuver the angle of Eddie’s face to his liking.
Eddie thought he’d let Steve position him however the fuck he wanted as long as he kept kissing him. He grabbed on to Steve’s shoulders on instinct, dragging him in closer, with the water allowing Steve to flow into Eddie's arms with ease until their chests were pressed together. Steve gently nipped at Eddie’s bottom lip with his teeth, and Eddie rode that wave to bold new heights, daring to drag his tongue along the curve of Steve’s, perfect, delectable mouth. Steve's grip on Eddie's hair tightened, then he opened up and rolled his tongue against Eddie's own.
Eddie thought Lover’s Lake might actually be the best place on Earth.
It occurred to Eddie that he might sink and drown and die in that moment, since he completely forgot how to tread water when the only thing he could focus on was Steve’s mouth on his own, Steve’s hand in his hair, Steve kissing him so thoroughly that it was worth it if this was where he died after all. But Steve secured an arm around Eddie’s waist, holding them both aloft in the water, letting the sunshine dance across their shoulders and set their kisses surging with even more heat than their hold on each other could generate on its own. 
When they finally pulled apart, Eddie heard the distant roar of hooting and hollering coming at them from the dock and their friends nearby in the water, but he couldn’t do anything but stare at Steve, dumbstruck and with the taste of Steve's cherry lip balm still on his tongue.
“Was that okay?” Steve asked, looking worried now. 
Eddie thought the best way to chase that concern right off Steve’s pretty face was to kiss him again, and again, and again.
“Oh my god, get a room,” Dustin hollered at them after a moment, and Eddie relished the feel of Steve’s smile against his own. Eddie pulled back just enough to tilt his head in silent communication, doing his best not to get too distracted by how Steve’s lips were still swollen thanks to him.
“Definitely,” Steve nodded in agreement, and two of them took off after Dustin in perfect sync. By the time Dustin realized what he was in for, it was too late. He paddled away like a mad man, screeching and giggling all the way, but Steve was too fast. He gained on Dustin quickly, getting his arms around him just as Eddie caught up.
Together, they each smacked a sloppy kiss to one of Dustin’s cheeks, then dunked him underwater together. Dustin did his best to look affronted when he resurfaced, but his grin was unmistakable.
“It’s about time,” he muttered, then splashed Steve and Eddie both and quickly paddled away again. El and Will joined in the chase this time, and Eddie heard several splashes from the dock behind him as reinforcements came to unite in a game of ganging up on Henderson.
None of them ever really panicked about taking a dip in Lover's Lake after that.
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weirdomellow · 4 months
Buzzing Sensations
Pairing: Dad's best friend Ari Levinson x female reader
Summary: You and Ari try the remote vibrator at a family dinner. Things get buzz-y and the sexual tension increases.
[Reader is mid-20s, Ari is in his early 40s]
Personal notes: I wrote this as so many thots were floating in my head. I always loved the idea of being controlled by a somewhat more dominating older guy so this feeds into my fantasy. Enjoy!
Warnings: smut but no explicit sex mentioned, use of sex toy(s), very slight D/s dynamics, hints of blow job, age gap dynamics (younger bratty female, older dominating male, both of them are consenting adults), spanking and bondage mentioned, orgasm denial mentioned
You don't know how you ended up in this situation.
Well.. Actually you do. But you underestimated how much it was going to drive you insane.
You had been seeing your dad's best friend Ari for a while now. For months. Or in other words, he was fucking your brains out for months. It all started with you oversharing the hell out of your break-up with your ex to Ari and how your ex cheated on you. You were drunk, sobbing and just needed a shoulder to cry on. Next thing you know, you were sprawled along Ari's couch and forgetting all the sorrows and heartbreak as he pounded into you like the world was ending. You loved it the most when you two met secretly in hotels, fancy restaurants and even did sauna or spa evenings together. Those were the moments you cherished the most with him, and the "taboo" feeling excited you both even more.
It was just going to be a nice evening with your family and family friends, which meant Ari was there and that called for trouble.  But trouble always inclueded both of you. This time it was you who suggested a remote vibrator; you haven't had the time to have some intimacy together and so you decided to spice it up a bit. The fact that noone knew of you two made it even more dangerous and risky.
The way he smirked when he saw you clenching and your breath changing while he was controlling you made it even more electric. You were sitting across each other. "No panties" he texted you early on, causing that warmth and heat in your body rise.
Each time somebody tried to spark up a conversation, Ari was changing the frequency, causing you to shift in your seat. On top of it, the sneaky bastard had the audacity to bring this up.
"Is something wrong y/n? You seem restless today" asked Ari, while taking a bite from his food.
You were fuming inside and so riled up but hey, you had to play it cool. "Oh nothing Mr. Levinson, just had a very hectic week" you answered to him without trying to make eye contact. He knew your spots and how to turn on that switch. You continued, "Actually if you excuse me, I will go to the bathroom". You made your way to the bathroom as Ari cranked up the speed even more, causing you to wobble as you tried to hide it.
Fucking finally. You had some time to yourself as you sat on the toilet while the egg was still buzzing. You were so riled up and ready to come any second. You were about to send him a text but he was faster:
Babygirl, show me how wet you are
You answered: What if I don't? What if I leave you hanging there with a hard on.. :)?
You will have to bear the consequences. You choose your punishment. I was thinking of tying you and denying you your orgasm for one day. Remember what happened when we tried that last time?
You did remember that... crystal clear. Your pussy was so swollen that Ari had to pull out orgasm after orgasm after you the next day.
You answered: You are unbearable.
That's why you love me babygirl. Now, show me. I don't have much patience left.
You didn't have much choice left so you lifted your dress up, removed the egg,  pushed your fingers in and took photos and videos of you playing with yourself and licking yourself clean. God, you were so horny and you needed him..right now.
Ari, I am so horny. I need to come.
Not now. You need to be patient.
You whined. This man... He was driving you crazy. You gently shoved the egg inside again.
When you came down, you tried to look cool and created excuses to "You ok?" and "Do you need some rest?" questions.
"Guys, I am fine. Actually I think I will head back to my flat. Maybe I do need some rest" you said as you stood up and started to gather your things.
"I can give you a lift home, I am also gonna head out soon". Ari said non-chalantly.
"Oh Mr. Levinson, thank you but that won't be necessary."
"Sweetie, it's dangerous this time of the night and Ari is the only one who hasn't had a drink. We would feel safer if you gave y/n a lift Ari" your mom said as she looked at you with worried eyes.
You rolled your eyes. "I am not a child mom, I can find a way myself"
"Let me give you a ride and next time you figure it out yourself, how about that?" Ari said. He was in front of you and towering over you. The electricity of the moment was insane. Thank god the remote was off.
"Alright." you sighed. You knew where this was going.
As you said your goodbyes to everyone, you got into the car and into the passenger's seat next to him as he started the car.
"Oh. Someone got all bratty and confident today." he said as he increased the frequency of the remote vibrator.
"So what now? You gonna fuck me here? Spank me? Or do I need to wait with this thing inside of me until we get home, I drag you with me and ride your cock all night long? Maybe I tie you up?" you said without looking at him.
"Fuck Ari!" you moaned.
"Is that it?" you said. You were testing his patience. You knew what was coming.
"Here is what we are going to do babygirl. We are gonna go to my place and you take off that egg. I am gonna give you sometime to calm down but I wanna see you on your hands and knees after that."
He started stroking your leg with his free hand.
"Yes sir" you said, smiling towards him. Your hand went into his half-erect cock under his jeans as you started stroking him. "You know what? I missed you too. So why don't you stop the car so I can show you how much I missed you first?" you said as you started unbuttoning his jeans. He stopped the car as you started sucking him off.
"I am planning to keep you up all night y/n. I don't care how tired we all become in the end. So get yourself ready. I missed you."
"And I am tying you up so you learn how to behave".
He moved his seat back to give both of you space. The night was just beginning as you both felt the tension rising... and well, it was gonna be a good and long one.
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stardust-kenobi · 1 year
If 46 & 57 are still available could you write them for Crosshair x female reader? Thank youuu
Ooohhhh boy. I’m ready. (Also sorry for the delay, and I hope you enjoy!!!). I’m making this one a full one shot because I got carried away LMAO. Just in time for crosshairs appearance this week
#46 - “Please, ruin me”
#57 - “What are you doing in my bed?”
Ruin me
Crosshair x Fem!Reader
Summary: Crosshair finds you waiting for him in his bed. You pique his curiosity, and he decides to indulge in your interests.
Warnings: smut, rough sex, manhandling, alot of degradation, lil tiny bit of a softness tho, anyways this is filthy…it’s crosshair so y’know
Word count: 2k ish tbh I haven’t checked yet bc I’m on mobile, but it’s a semi short one
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It was an idea that floated through your mind ever so frequently, but you’d been too afraid to act on it. That is, until now. You had it bad for Crosshair, and you suspected he felt the same about you. He was an asshole, that much was obvious, but maker, it turned you on.
Crosshair’s bed smelled of cedar and musk, and you embraced the aroma of his natural scent while your lustful thoughts danced in your head. He’d been gone all day, probably training, and was expected to come back any minute now. It was no accident that you put on your tightest, skimpiest outfit. The outfit was close enough to resembling loungewear so as to be not obvious when you walked the halls down to his room, but still inched toward dangerous territory of being lingerie.
Your tits spilled over the top of the thin tank top, pushed from the bra you’d chosen to wear. A ruby red lace bra, one that would leave no question as to what your intentions were, if he decides to undress you, of course. The shorts you wore, if you could even call them that, were high cut, leaving a significant amount of your thighs and hips exposed.
You laid back, taking in the feeling of laying in his room without him knowing, and allowed yourself to become excited with the idea. Pretending that the touch of your fingers traveling up your thighs were his was the closest you could get to feeling him right now, and you hoped he’d return soon.
Just then, approaching footsteps snapped you out of your daze. You swallowed hard, anticipating his arrival. The metal door slid open with a loud hiss, and there he was, stoic in his stance. He promptly removed his helmet before his eyes found you.
Crosshair wasn’t startled, nor was he angry. In fact you couldn’t even really tell what he was thinking. The same scowl he always held was still present on his face. He tilted his head at you, studying the way you laid seductively on his bed.
“What are you doing in my bed?” He inquired curiously. That voice, gods…that beautiful voice. You wanted nothing more than to hear him whisper nasty things in your ear.
“I wanted to surprise you” you purred. Sitting up on your knees, letting him get a full view down the cleavage of your shirt.
“With what?” He scanned your body, seemingly approving, but was followed by a look of distaste.
“Me.” You whispered.
“Is that so?” He pondered with a snarky look, setting his helmet down on the desk by the entrance, “what makes you think I’d want to fuck you?”
“Are you saying you don’t want to?” You leaned back in surprise.
“Oh no, I’m going to fuck you” He said with certainty, sending a fiery heat to your cunt as it fell off his lips, “just curious what made you think I wanted to”
He cut right to the chase. This was happening, and he was ready, but not without a little more teasing on his end.
“I see the way you look at me” You noted, looking him up and down and admiring the outline of his body. He looked so good in his armor.
“How can I not? You’re always dressed like a little slut” He scoffed. He was so fucking hard to read. He wanted you, but sounded disgusted with your behavior at the same time.
“You love it, though, don’t you?” You teased, watching his face grow flustered.
He didn’t answer, but moved slowly to stand beside the bed, staring down at you.
“You want my cock? Hm? Is that what you want, pet?” He asked, his voice flowing like honey on your ears, making you shiver in anticipation of how he was likely going to leave you limping afterwards.
“Please, ruin me” you breathlessly begged. The way he was treating you was so sadistic, but oh it felt so right.
“Gladly” He growled in response.
Quickly, he worked to remove your tank top, finding the lingerie you wore beneath it.
“You wore this just for me didn’t you?” He smirked, taking your lifted breasts into his grasp. He didn’t admire your attire for long, because he removed your bra just as quickly as he found it, “and I bet your cunt is already soaking fucking wet isn’t it?” He asked, pushing you back onto his bed with force, and eagerly sliding your shorts from your hips. Suddenly he plunged two fingers inside of you, allowing him to feel what he suspected, and you gasped in response.
“You need my cock this bad? What a needy little whore” He whispered against your ear, hovering above your completely exposed body. Chills erupted across your entire body, which Crosshair noticed immediately, “Beg for it”
“I want you to- oh my gods- I want you to fuck me, Crosshair. Please” You begged through your whimpering as his fingers pumped in and out with the perfect curl, apply perfect pressure inside of you.
“I’ve thought about it, myself” He began, “thought about the way you’d look squirming beneath me. How pathetic you’d sound begging for me to ruin you. Look at you now. It’s only my fingers” He chuckled, so intent on humiliating you.
“It feels so good” You moaned, feeling a precious tension forming in your lower belly.
“I bet it does” He smirked, immediately pulling his fingers from your pussy and ripping your approaching orgasm away from you, “touch yourself while I get undressed”
You did as he asked, and rubbed your clit slowly as you watch the armor and clothes fall from his body. Maker, he was beautiful. Every scar, edge, and mark creating a masterpiece of his figure. You’d never been this wet before, and it was only getting more intense as your clit throbbed beneath your fingers.
He watched hungrily, trying not to be too be too obvious with how beautiful he thought you looked getting yourself off just waiting on him, but he could watch you do this all day.
“Crosshair” You whimpered as your eyes landed on his cock, he was larger and thicker than you were expecting. He really was going to ruin you. He stroked himself gently, his gaze traveling the length of your sprawled out body. On display just for him.
“Turn over” He demanded.
You flipped onto your belly, and anxiously waited for what was to come next. Your cunt clenched around nothing as you ached to be filled and you groaned in desperation.
“Patience, slut” He scolded, letting his new name for you roll off his tongue with a deep satisfaction
Your next breath lodged itself in your throat as the full length of his cock slammed into your cunt, brutally filling you so suddenly with almost no warning. You winced in the stinging pleasure, quickly overcoming the small bit of pain. The pain was nice, and you’ll admit that you didn’t know you even liked pain until you’d just felt it like this. But it felt good.
A loud cry tried to leave your lips but was halted by the wrapping of his hand around your mouth as he leaned down, his chest against your back. To feel him use you like this was exactly what you wanted, and the slight twinge of pain only made it all the better.
“You can take it, Y/N” He encouraged, the first and only bit of praise he muttered.
Your muffled mess of whimpers hummed against the palm of his hand, earning a smirk from him you weren’t lucky enough to see. His thrusts were brutal, fucking you like you he absolutely hated you. The sound of the skin of your ass slapping against him with every motion accompanied the sound of your expression to pleasure.
At first, all that you’d heard from Crosshair were rough and quiet grunts, but he was growing louder, sounding satisfied with the feeling of your slickness and how good it felt to claim you after thinking of you like this for so long.
“Look at you, so desperate for it” He leaned down, pressing his lips hungrily against your neck, moving his hand from your mouth to wrap in the locks of your hair. As he yanked your head back, your moans were amplified and unrestricted.
“You fuck me so good, Crosshair” You looked up and back at him, your gaze almost breaking him, but he looked away from you, and down to where your bodies were fused together. It was unbearable how good it felt, and you were overwhelmed with all of it. Your heated skin, the friction against your clit with every swing of his hips, the sensation of being used by him, and how rough he was with you…that was the icing on the cake.
“Everyone will know if you keep screaming” He hissed.
“I want them to know” You bragged.
“Yeah?” He teased you.
An unexpected flash of burning pain struck your ass, his hand rested against your rear after striking you. You cried out in pleasure, approving of the feeling. Crosshair was happy to take that as a sign to do it again, and it was harder the second time.
His hands moved to tightly grip your waist, using it to his advantage to thrust deeper and deeper. His wandering grip traveled to your breast and squeezed, the soft of your skin driving him wild. With each second, his cock brushed against your g-spot, inching you closer and closer to your climax.
“Fuck” He groaned deep, losing himself in how good you felt, he was getting close too.
“I want you to fill me up” You begged him, needing so desperately to feel his release inside you.
The growl in his moan as he didn’t respond made it clear that he wanted that too. And just hearing you say it sent him over his edge. The pace of his hips slowed, and his expressions of pleasure grew louder, which was music to your ears. Just then you felt the warmth of his cum spill inside you. He leaned over you, pressing his chest into your back, holding you while he came, his nails digging deep into your waist.
You hadn’t come yet, and with him pulling out of you, you didn’t expect to. To your surprise, you squealed as he eagerly picked you up and flipped you over on your back.
“I never leave a woman unsatisfied” He said sadistically.
The hollowness that began to ache you was then filled by his fingers once again. Using the slickness of your arousal and his own cum, he fucked you with his fingers. Crosshair hovered above you, creating a sense of odd comfort for you.
“You gonna come for me slut? Gonna come on my fingers?” He taunted you, his demeaning tone only encouraging your orgasm more.
“Fuck, yes, please don’t stop”
And he didn’t. His thumb worked softly at your clit, as he curled his digits inside of you. Anyone in the entire wing could’ve heard you now, your moaning and whimpering was relentlessly loud, and gods you didn’t care at all.
He felt you clench around him, and listened to the way you became breathless for a moment before the tension unraveled itself so gracefully. As he felt you come, he stared deep into your eyes, his other hand holding the side of your face. You weren’t sure where this care or gentleness came from, but you savored it, staring back and leaning into him.
“There you go. Come for me” He reiterated, adoring the look on your face while you fell apart beneath him.
It washed over you like a giant wave of ecstasy, filling every inch of your body with an overwhelming tingling pleasure. You’d never felt an orgasm so intense before, and he worked you through every second of it.
You swore that there were stars in your eyes as you floated back to reality, and it was then that you realized you were fully holding onto him, and he was letting you.
“Should’ve got you alone a long time ago” He smirked, still looking down at you, making sure you were okay.
“I guess one of us had to make the first move, huh?”
“Don’t sass me” He playfully scoffed as he laid down beside you, wrapping his arm around your shoulder, pulling you into him.
Maybe Crosshair had a soft spot for you after all.
A/N: Apologies for any types my loves, I will try and check for any mistakes later!!
feedback and comments are always so encouraging and appreciated. If you enjoyed this, please let me know❤️
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nburkhardt · 11 months
My beloved baby Pikachu I bring Pokémon ideas~
Eddie as ghost type gym leader whose gym looks like a metal concert and he has his sweetheart strapped to his back at all times
Steve as a water/fighting type gym leader whose gym is half a pool. Everyone is surprised to find this guy in a soft pastel sweater, tight jeans, and the fluffiest hair is the leader. Until he brings put his nail bat as the battle starts.
Everyone thinks they hate each other because they seem polar opposite but no one notices the skull ring on Steve's left hand nor the soft purple sweater Eddie sometimes wears.
They're married your honor!
The Party is a group of newbie trainers that get taken under their wings of course.
AHHHHH!!! PANDA I LOVE YOU, I already freaked out in dms with you but I’mma say it again: I LOVE YOUR BRAIN, you get ALLLLL the forehead kisses 🥹🥹🥹 I’m sooo gonna ramble away. Maybe not a full fic but my god I’m obsessed. (It’s a full fic, with a surprise pov!)
We’re going to mix up all the gens together (so if you only know some Pokémon, I’ll include pictures at the bottom of the ones I mentioned)
ALSO: if you have any ideas for anyone else’s Pokémon, let me knowwwww.
Onto my rambling fic under the cut 🥰
Here’s the thing, when Dustin decided to take on the gym challenge, he had no idea what he was going to expect.
He didn’t think picking a grass type to start could both hurt and help him between each gym. But Snivy was a little spitfire and like him; dramatic. She didn’t like any of the nicknames he threw out at her. She also didn’t like her pokeball, instead she preferred to sit on his head.
All of his friends were also doing the challenge but he was getting distracted by figuring out more information on each Pokémon instead of just battling. They’re all ahead of him, which, is okay it’s annoying but’s fine.
Especially when he ran into Steve.
Dustin was supposed to take on the fairy gym next but he heard the leader was ruthless. So, he decided to train up a bit. Maybe even evolve Natu and Trapinch. But instead of that, he was grumbling as he carried his very much knocked out, Trapinch to the Pokémon center instead of battling more.
Servine was walking next to him now, too big for staying on top of him when walking. She was also grumbling in her own way, crossed arms and nose in the air.
“We’re trying to get them to evolve, Servine, not knock them out!” He threw out at her getting closer to the center, “can’t believe I let you get your way all the time”
She apparently didn’t like that information and huffed before walking away, which would normally be fine if they weren’t in a new town. So, instead of reaching the Center like he wanted, he turns around to follow her. Returning Trapinch to his ball for now.
“Come ON, Servine I didn’t mean it like that! You’re so good at everything but-” he immediately knocked into somebody and knocked to the floor, “fuck, ow. Dude!”
Looking up he finds a guy, probably in his early twenties with a Mimikyu sitting on his shoulder while a tiny Pumpkaboo floats next to him. Which is a weird combo with the dude’s outfit choice of a soft looking yellow sweater and light wash jeans. “Not my fault you weren’t looking, dude”
Dustin glares up at him before getting up and dusting his legs off, “hey! I’m only looking for my Pokémon, she ran off from me!” Looking around he can’t tell which direction she actually went in, “by any chance you from around here?”
The guy makes a funny assumed face, both ghost pokémon snicker as well- which is so confusing. But he’s not too concerned for that, more so about the fact that his goddamn starter ran off.
“Yeah, you could say I’m from around here. What’s the Pokémon? A tiny Bidoof? Oh or is it a little Oddish?” He laughs and makes a weird hand movement that clearly both ghosts know and move away, “they got a name? That’d be way easier”
Crossing his arms he looks away, “Servine, and no. She didn’t like anything I came up with, so”
The guy’s laugh dies down and he frowns, “what, were the names lame or-” he shakes his head, “you’re upset, sorry, I’m Steve. Let’s find your Pokémon instead of bickering”
“I’m Dustin, and- SERVINE!” His eyes widen as the tiny Pumpkaboo (seriously how is that Pumpkaboo that small?) leads his Servine towards them, “I’m sorry, seriously, you’re the best and that was uncalled for. Are you okay?”
Servine nods and curls into his arms. He doesn’t bother saying anything else to her, cuddles her close and turns to find Steve picking up Mimikyu and whispering to Pumpkaboo, “Thanks. Seriously”
Steve smiles, “no problem, Oz here is pretty good at finding things.” He looks at his watch before wincing, “I gotta run, we’re gonna be late. You at the fairy gym?”
What the- “how do you know?”
Steve gives another funny look before shrugging, “Got an eye for these things, anyway, next gym is ghost. Be wary of him, he’s a little, hm, much. Yeah?”
All he can do is nod and watch as Steve just walks away.
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Fairy gyms are brutal, even with Trapinch evolving into Vibrava. His saving grace was Slugma and that was it still rough since it’s fire isn’t that effective against fairy.
Maybe he should’ve gone with more poison types.
But that was two days ago, and now he’s making his way towards the next town and their gym. He is wary. Not only because of what Steve told him but because of running into Lucas.
(Lucas had decided on a water type, Totodile. Which was a little surprising for Lucas but Dustin didn’t question it, the little Totodile was energetic and lovable.)
He was minding his own business trying to figure out whether or not he could, technically, learn how to speak in the Pokémon’s language. When a blue bundle ran towards him, looking around he spots Lucas trying to catch his breath. “Hey! I thought you would’ve been passed this one”
They play catch up and once it’s all been said and done, Lucas shows him where the gym is. It looks fairly normal on the outside but Lucas swears it’s a whole other world inside.
“It’s like a concert, and there’s an actual audience too! Which was overwhelming at first, but once I got my footing it was like they weren’t there” Lucas explains, stopping only once their in front of a normal looking gym, Lucas laughs and shakes his head, “yeah that was my first expression too. I think you’ll enjoy it. Might have a hard time”
He looks away from the building to raise an eyebrow at him, “what does that mean?”
“Dude you picked a grass type as your starter! And you have no dark types!”
Rolling his eyes, “thanks for the encouragement, I’m sure I could handle it. Even with the disadvantages.”
Lucas looked like he didn’t believe him, but it didn’t bother him. Their whole party looked at him funny when he went with a grass type. Hell, Max made fun of him for it.
It didn’t matter, the gym challenge is turning out to be nothing he wanted to do once he’s able. He wanted to be a professor anyway. This was just temporary, even if he gets beat a bunch of times.
Walking inside the gym, he bypasses the annoying tips guy at right next to the door and makes his way to find the actual battle area. Lucas gave him the directions, it was confusing he said.
Sure enough, there’s a goddamn maze and cords everywhere.
After what feels like hours, he makes it to the end and is faced with a stage. Cords and what looks like vines everywhere, sure enough a small audience is there too. It looks all badass and a mix between rock and metal.
As he opens his mouth the lights go away and he has to immediately cover his ears as a loud beat starts. There’s a guitar being played even louder, clearer too. A spot light hits the stage and now he knows who’s playing.
Standing in the middle of the stage is a man. Long frizzy hair, leather jacket over a t-shirt with a band on it, ripped black jeans and black shoes. His guitar really completes the look, red with black lines all over.
The guy plays for a few minutes before stopping and walking closer, “Welcome to my metal concert, you ready for your ass to be handed to you?”
Right as he’s about to open his mouth a little orange and brown blur pops up behind the gym leader, it looks oddly familiar.
The man follows his gaze and groans, shifting his guitar to his back and focusing on the tiny Pokémon next to him, “Ozzy, we talked about this! Either stay in your ball, off the battle field or at home.”
Dustin blinks, moving closer he finds that the tiny Pokémon is a Pumpkaboo. That’s definitely moving and saying something back, which makes the guy shake his head before glancing around.
“Hold on, I’m trying to find- HONEY LOVE! Come get your child!”
There’s no movement but he hears a snort, then the tiny Pokémon moves away and he sees the gym leader shake his head again, “sorry, that little guy is only a baby. Let’s get this show on the road, shall we?”
The guy’s smile is wild and maybe Lucas was right.
An hour later and Dustin is sitting on the edge of the stage freshly beat and definitely ready to call it quits for the day.
“Did Eds give you a rough time?”
His head snaps up, there’s Steve with Mimikyu on his head and a Vaporeon sitting next to him.
“I just need to do some more training.” He doesn’t want to admit that yes, the gym leader, Eddie, definitely gave him a rough time. It was fun, but Eddie was even more brutal than the fairy gym.
Maybe he just needs to catch a dark type.
Steve nods slightly, making Mimikyu squeak. “Doesn’t hurt to train more, V here” he pats the Vaporeon’s head, causing a pur to happen, “wasn’t the greatest battler, we had to do lots of training. Before you do any of that, want to come have dinner with us? You and your Pokémon can all rest for the night”
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Dustin can’t figure out how he didn’t put two and two together. He feels like an idiot right now.
“What do you mean you’re also a gym leader? The final one at that?! Why didn’t you tell me?!”
Steve snorts, putting his hands in his pockets as he leads them to a house, “not my fault you didn’t pay attention when the professor talked about the gym challenge to you.”
Crossing his arms he glares at the ground, “yeah well, Professor Owens forgets shit. How is it you’re the water gym leader yet have a ghost type with you?”
There’s an amused smirk on Steve’s face and what sounds like a giggle come from Mimikyu, “I might specialize with water types, I do have a fond experience with ghost types. And dude, it’s okay to try catching other types. I just so happen to work better with water types. Queen here was a gift, basically, my partner found an egg and gave it to me.”
He nods because Steve’s right, it is nice to use all different types. Though if he did only pick one, grass or bug type is where he’d stick with.
“Alright” Steve smiles and comes to a stop, “we’re here, once we get inside you can let your Pokémon out.” He leads them up to a door and Dustin takes in the mixture of aesthetics.
There’s clearly two different personalities living in this house, whoever Steve’s partner is, definitely enjoys the darker aesthetic compared to Steve. Who gives off a more pastel aesthetic. Not that he fully knows, he’s still going off or how Steve is dressed.
“Hey baby, I brought a guest!”
They both hear a crash and then a curse. A Gengar floats out of the kitchen and snickers as it stops in front of Steve, “What did you do?”
“He’s over the moon for beating up a Nin- woah! Honey love, you brought the kid I just beat?”
Blinking hard because there’s no way, Dustin also rubs his eyes before looking over at the kitchen doorway. His vision clears and yep, there’s the gym leader, Eddie, standing there in a pastel purple sweater and black sweats with his Decidueye leaning behind him.
“You’ve got to be kidding me, seriously?”
Steve outright laughs and pats his shoulder, “dude, you’re face. Oh man, should’ve taken a picture.” He moves closer to Eddie and presses a kiss to his cheek, “He looked so sad after the defeat, I had to.”
Eddie shakes his head, amusement clear on his face, “Honey, you gotta warn people when you bring them over. Even if they look like a kicked Eevee”
He scruffs and looks away from the couple to find the Pumpkaboo, Ozzy apparently, next to him. It makes him groan, “I’m an idiot, you’re the one who found Servine!”
Ozzy nods excitedly before floating down and nudges his bag, confused he opens it and Ozzy dances around him. He’s curious and looks over at the couple, “uh, what?”
“He’s asking you to let your Pokémon out, they’ll enjoy some play time and food.” Eddie answers and looks at the time, “which is done by the way. Come on, let them out and we’ll give you some tips”
Shrugging, he does just that, all his Pokémon looking around curiously before spotting the backdoor where Ozzy and Steve are now in front of. All of them rush over and Steve laughs before opening the door, letting all of his Pokémon outside.
“Don’t worry, we got a fence and there’s food already out there.”
He can only nod and watch as his Pokémon all play together with Steve’s and Eddie’s Pokémon.
Dustin doesn’t know how he ended up here, honestly, he’s sitting inside a home that belongs to two gym leaders. Who are not only two of the strongest ones but also married to each other. Of all the things he was learning, this might’ve been the most surprising.
I’m gonna end it there because if I keep going this post will be stupid long (it already is 😅) BUT!! I decided to make this into a series!! It’ll be a fun one that I could write and post whenever I want. Can switch up povs and everything this way. Please don’t ask me why I went with Dustin’s pov this time around, I don’t even know. I just..kept going.
Anyway! If you enjoyed this let me know what you think and if you have any ideas/suggestions you can totally leave me some!!
Taglist: (sorry if you don’t like Pokémon 😂)
@spectrum-spectre @itsfreakingbats @mysticcrownshipper @artiststarme @thereindeerlady @justforthedead89 @ronniescontinuum @freyaforestafay @littlewildflowerkitten @estrellami-1 @gregre369 @zerokrox-blog @bookworm0690 @flustratedcas @carlprocastinator1000 @marvelmwah @solliesolesito @navnae @i-less-than-three-you @strangersteddierthings
Here’s the graphs of the Pokémon I have mentioned and also the full teams of the main three (Dustin, Steve & Eddie) and also Lucas’ totodile (didn’t come up with his full team)
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imyourbratzdoll · 1 year
Sooooo it might be a little weird but I was thinking about Rick dressing up as Santa for the children in Alexandria...(I blame his beautiful white beard for that idea 👉🏼👈🏼💗) He would be really good in his role and the readers heart is melting while watching him interacting with them 🙈💗
At home, Rick is taking his costume off and one leads to another....I believe you will have a wonderful idea how and why but please please let Rick spank the reader for being a bad girl (oke I'm getting hot rn hihi) and the reader is like: I wanna be a good girl for you.... (I hope it's not confusing but I'm getting carried away with the idea 👉🏼👈🏼💕)
I might have a little praise kink hihi 💗💗💗💗
Love you sweetie 💗💗💗
hey honey! I'm so sorry for taking so long to complete this, I did try around Christmas! I hope you like it, love you!
summary - rick dresses as santa, and it turns you on to no end.
warning - smut, spanking, swearing, creampie, swearing.
18+ only please, the gif I use isn't mine, divider by @newlips
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You didn’t think Rick could get any more amazing, but watching him all decked out in a Santa costume and asking the kids that lined up what they wanted for Christmas made your heart skip a beat. The men in the group had decided that whatever the kids asked for, they’d search high and low for what they wanted. You smiled as your eyes connected with Rick’s, giggling as he gestured you over, the line of kids slowly diminishing. 
You walk over seductively, biting your lip as you feel giddy inside. You bat your eyes bashfully as you stand before Rick, rocking back and forth with your hands behind your back. “Hi, Santa…” 
“Hello, pretty girl. Why don’t you come sit on my lap?” Rick pats his thigh and smiles when you sit there. You feel yourself throb as you feel his body against yours. Even in the apocalypse, this man smells fantastic. “Now, what would you like for Christmas?” You pretend to think, staring into his gorgeous blue eyes. His hands rest on your hips, and your core clenches and unclenches around nothing from his grip. 
You rest your hands on his chest, chewing on your bottom lip. “Hmm… I would like to be Santa’s good little girl for Christmas.” You giggle at his shocked look, and you quickly get up and take off running to your house, picking up the pace when you hear him close behind. You throw the door open and squeal when you are grabbed and pushed against a wall. 
“That wasn’t very good of you, darlin’. You need to be punished for being such a bad girl.” Rick growls into your ear. His large hand begins to land on your cheeks, and the slaps echo in the empty house, followed by your moans. “Are you going to be a good girl for Santa or continue to be bad?” Your eyes roll to the back of your head as his hand spanks your dripping cunt, catching your swollen clit with each slap. “My bad girl is so wet.” 
You whine, shaking your head as fat tears build in your eyes. “N–not bad! Wanna be good for you!” You are so lost in your head that you don’t notice Rick taking his throbbing cock out of his red pants and lining it up with your entrance. “F–fuck…” You were lucky you had decided to wear a dress today. Your fingers curled and clawed, trying to grip the wall. “Rick, so full!” You gasp as he pulls your hips closer, grabbing them as he pounds deep into you. 
Rick leans closer, whispering into your ear. His raspy voice sends tingles through your body. “Are you going to my good girl, baby? You feel so good around me, so perfect around me.” His member slides in and out of you, hitting your sweet spot, causing your walls to suck him deeper, pulsating around him. “You feel so good, darlin’. My perfect girl.” 
You whimper, your head falls back and rests against him as your eyes roll into the back of your head, and you cum. Feeling every vein and throb of his cock, you feel like you are floating. Rick pummels himself deeper into you. Grunts and groans escape him, his balls tighten, and he twitches wildly before releasing thick ropes of cum into you. “Good girl.” He leans forward and kisses the back of your head.
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thank you for reading!
feedback and reblogs are greatly appreciated. 
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writingfool001 · 2 years
Imagine being the Fatui's main blacksmith/alchemist expert and the person who usually handles the making of their weapons while also being one of the harbingers' significant other.
One day, you catch them cheating and had an entire falling out later, so you somehow say "screw this noice" and leave to travel, not caring about the Fatui.
For two years, you met many people and learn other things that you could put into you work while witnessing the Fatui forces everywhere which you protected some innocent bystanders while on the road. Finally, you settle in a smaller village within Teyvat where you mind your own business while teaching a few interested in your craft and keep an eye on the village. You started hearing about a traveler going around helping while looking for their sibling.
Then one day, a certain traveler and floating companion come along, after hearing about a master craftsmen of weaponry and armor, then get to know you before asking for you to join their cause against the Fatui.
"We can discuss this later, but I need you two to hide." You shove them somewhere for them to hide before picking up some paperwork to be interrupted by some of the fatui spies/scout who start questioning you.
"What makes you think that I'm working with your enemy when I'm constantly being watched by you, only because a harbringer told you to. Now, you can go back to that frozen wasteland and tell them to fuck off."
After gaining your trust, the rest of the primary members of Team traveler come to meet you which many glares and smiles. Some familiar faces from your travels within the last two years. The traveler defended your case before Paimon asked why did you were betraying the Fatui to help them.
"I agree with Paimon, especially one of the harbringers' supposed ex-lover." Kaeya asked, causing some of the rest to grab their weapons as you sigh at how Kaeya loved to add more coals to the fire. Something you learned when you first met him.
"I decided to fall in love and got stabbed in back for it, so what?" You shrugged, leaning against your desk. "Unlike them, I dont want to manipulate anyone to get what I want and don't want world domination or all this power nonsense that they want. The Queen could careless about me and my being. Besides, most weapons they have are of mine and you all need some upgrades to withstand them or at least have your weapons not break on you."
"What's your price?" The traveler stepped forward with a determined look in their eyes as their companions tried to talk them out of asking for your help.
"Protection and an opportunity to bring a certain harbringer to their knees."
"We won't hesitate to kill you if you betray us." Diluc warned with a glare as you shrugged.
"I hold you all to the same then. Now to work?"
Overtime, you met more new faces and had many interesting moments while being a part of their "team". Some lovely moments you would probably chuckle over in the future. You offered your knowledge to the alchemists who were willing to share their knowledge. The months rolled by and you fitted right in with this interesting bunch. You would occasionally go out with a group and go beat the crap out of enemies.
When the time finally came, you readied yourself the night before and let go of any good memory you had of your old relationship burn to fuel your determination before leaving to meet up with the traveler and the two other companions.
An explosion blasted at the door and as the dust cleared, you walked in as your weapon in hand and look at your ex-lover who was among soldiers while the traveler stood by your side.
"Darling, I'm home~" you say with an evil glint in your eye.
I am not writing genshin impact, it was an idea I had in my little head for a while and wanted to share it.
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lovingelegance · 2 years
Can we perhaps get a sugar daddy/mommy x bottom Thoma with a little more longer scenario?i love the was you write him :((
You can ignore this if you want! <3🍡
THANK YOUU!! IM GLAD YOU CANT STOP READING ITT <33 and of course you can get something longer!
|| “Sweet or Sour” Thoma X Reader ||
Includes : Sugar daddy/mommy reader, bit of nipple play, small punishment, depending on what option YOU choose you will get a different scenario! Or maybe just read both, whatever floats your boat :)
Side note : Introducing.. OPTIONS! I wanted to try something a little different if you guys don’t mind. I figured this would be the perfect opportunity to do so. Also YAY for hitting 200 followers!! 
Previously on this event..
Rubbing his nipples, you also stroke his cock. “I love that desperate look of yours.” You said in the tone he always loved. He shivered and whined out. “Please- fuck me already, I-I’ll be a good boy!!” He says. You chuckle, shaking your head. He decided to cum without your permission, so you decided to give him a small amount of punishment. He usually doesn’t act up but when he does, you let it slide occasionally. But now, you were feeling a bit more.. sadistic. The tears running down his face awakened something in you. Maybe, it was time to explore this new side with Thoma.
You were edging him for long, you decide to fuck him and give him what he wants. That until is he came with his nipples being touched. You also wanted to experiment that with him. Stopping your actions, you played with his nipples, “W-What are you doing?..” he asks timidly. “Mmph—!” He threw his head back in utter bliss. Soon sucked the other nipple, Thoma was a moaning mess. He felt his orgasm building up and was afraid he was going to get edged again, though that wasn’t the case this time. With a tingly feeling in his stomach he came. “I’m sososo sorry!!” He said worriedly. Now you had to choose whether to punish him again or give him what he wants this time!
❁ - Punish him || ✿ - Don’t Punish him
↑ The flowers are options, when you see which flower (option) you want there will be a scenario beneath!
Option ❁
- Punish him ↴
“Did you cum without my permission?” You coldly said. He wiped the tears off his face and nodded. “Please f-forgive me!” You sighed, you decided to not take this lightly and punish him. “Sense you wanted to cum so bad, I’ll make you cum alright.” Thoma’s eyes widened and a shameful look appeared on his face. “Count.” You say loud enough just to get his attention. “Huh?..” He gazed at you. “Count how many times you came, if you don’t remember we’ll have to start over.” A smirk appeared on your face. The sadistic side came out to play now. Thoma didn’t protest, he knew what he had done wrong. Though, was it wrong for him to look forward to this? He thought about it. The idea of disobedience makes him feel bad, but getting a punishment like this once in a while doesn’t sound so bad. “You ready love?” Glancing over at him, making sure he didn’t feel uncomfortable. “Yes..” he said nervously. You reassured him but after all the reassuring it was time to give Thoma the punishment.
Sucking on one of his nipple and stroking his cock once again, causing him to tense up. “Ugh—! ‘M sorryyy..!~” he apologized, though you didn’t listen. He gripped the bed sheets hard, though not hard enough so it’d tear. “Relax sweetheart, it will be fine.” You cooed. “Mmn O-Okay..!~” he let out a sharp breath. Thoma told himself it would be a short punishment but time said otherwise, the pleasure was immense that he got lost in the time. 2:30..? 1:00? 4:20? Shit. He didn’t even know himself. Speaking about pleasure, he was just about to cum. “Cumming!~ Oh dear—” he let out a trembling moan and came all over his chest. “What number is this?” You ask him. “One! I think, right?!” He says worriedly. Even though he was positive that he just finished the first one he couldn’t help but be worried. “Very good Thoma.” You say with a gentle tone. Though that tone quickly faded as you were thinking. He wondered what you thought about, hopefully it wouldn’t be too cruel. “Touch yourself.” Huh..? He widened his eyes once again. “You can do that right?” You asked, almost in a innocent tone. “Y-Yes, I can.” 
You smile once again at his words. He started to jerk himself off. God, he looked so fucking attractive right now. Thoma just wanted your touch, your touch only. He just wanted for you to be using him, use his cock, his ass, or even his mouth. He didn’t care, he just wanted to get this over with so he can finally feel you again. You could tell by one single look that he was longing for your touch, however as this was a punishment. You can’t give in easily just because he looked desperate. Although you fancied the look of desperation on him. It suits him very.. very well. “Shit- Think I’m cumming! ah-!” He arched his back as he came another time. “C’mon, give me the number were on..” Looking at him with playful eyes. “Uhm.. Two?” Thoma says a bit confused. “Mhm. Surprised you got this far.” You laughed. He felt humiliated, but he liked it. He liked the way you humiliated him, it was in a special way no one else could. 
Thoma let out a gasp, a gasp that was delightful to your ears. You started touching him again after his 4th time cumming. You had another plan in store this time. “Did you miss my touch that bad?” You say amusingly. He nodded his head eagerly, “Yes.. I’ve been waiting for so long..” He said in a needy way. “I’m glad to hear that.” You say, kissing him. “When will we be d-done?” He says shaking a bit. You shrugged and gave him a playful smirk of yours. “When I want the punishment to be done.” Hit bit his lip embracing the fact that it might take longer than needed, but of course. He didn’t mind it at all. 
Option ✿
- Don’t Punish him ↴
“Don’t worry about it baby,” You didn’t like seeing him in so much distraught. “I actually was planning for you to cum.” You say in a forgiving way. “R-Really?” He said more worriedly. “Yes, plus I forgive you. So don’t worry..” You coo. The worried look disappeared off his face. “I’ll fuck you now.” Whispering into his ear, now a more embarrassed look replaced the worried one. He turned his body around, wanting your cock/strap slammed in him. You aligned your tip against his hole. He bit his lip in anticipation, waiting for you to fuck him. Slowly your cock/strap went in him. Thoma let out a whorish moan. Thoma was lucky to have someone as forgiving as you, he was so very grateful for you to cherish him. He couldn’t picture anybody else but you with him. “If you behave this time- I’ll get you something, yeah?” You spoke. You were the type to spoil him which gifts, affection, and... other things. Anything and everything he wanted you would give to him. Though, the only thing he wanted at the moment was you. Endless thoughts about you, morning, afternoon, and night. Thoma lusted, desired, even ached for you. 
“Something?” Thoma asked. He was curious of what you were going to give him this time.  “Anything you want babe.” Winking at him. He smiled, you were always so mischievous with him. What did he do to deserve you? You thrust into him deeper and harder. “Oh- AH~!” Thoma cried out. He quivered with every movement you made. “You’re quite loud aren’t you?-” You purr. He interupted you, “Fuck- I-I’m sorry!” he plead. Thoma covered his mouth and tried to contain his sounds. “It’d be better if you had something in your mouth..” You added on. Shoving a fingers down his mouth, he rolled his eyes back. Is he really into that? You wanted to test it out again and quickly shoved another finger in his mouth. A gag soon turned into a moan. Huh. That’s interesting you thought. Drool seeped out of his mouth. His expression looked more fucked out than before. That turned you on more than you’d like to admit yourself. “Mmph- gonna c-cum!--” “Okay, cum for me then.” You demanded. He let out a gasp as he came all over the bed sheets.
“Can we do it again..?” Thoma shyly asked you. Now you were the one surprised. Though, you weren’t complaining. Not a single word of complaining. “Of course.” You shoved your fingers a bit further into his mouth and started to ram into him again. He let out suppressed noises. “The way you gag on my fingers turn me on, I wonder how you’ll do with my cock/pussy now..” You murmur as you quicken your pace. God, now he wanted to taste your cock/pussy now that you brought it up. Even so, that would be for another day. Right now, you were making him see stars and that’s for sure. Thoma whined out loudly, so.. you shoved another finger into his mouth. His eyesight started to go black as you kept fucking him. “Again! g-gonna cum again~!!” Thoma whimpered as he was barely able to talk. You signaled for him to cum. He let out a strangled moan and the shock waves of pleasure spread throughout all of his body. 
A/N: I hope you guys enjoyed this as much as I enjoyed writing this!! <3 and of course.. if not you can always send me a request 🫶
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samgirl98 · 28 days
Wail of the Silent 9/?
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Jason didn’t think, he shot. Finally, he was able to get to the bitch that had made his life a living hell the past few days—who had made life even worse for the citizens of Gotham.
At the moment, she had Batman in her clutches.
The mass of shadows that vaguely resembled a woman screamed in pain when the shot hit true and let Batman go. Batman fell on the floor with a thud; he was breathing hard.
“Show yourself, bitch,” he said with his mechanized voice.
Jason blinked as red eyes got in front of him.
“If it isn’t my favorite snack,” she raised her claws to scratch Jason, but before they hit him, a green forcefield appeared in front of him.
“That’s enough, Spectra.”
“Ghost boy,” the specter sneered, “I would say it’s a pleasure to see you, but you’re a pain to have in my afterlife.”
“Right back at you. Now, are we doing this the easy way or the hard way?”
The bitch didn’t answer. She screeched and, with claws out, lunged at Danny. Jason shot.
The ray gun let out beams of green energy; it hit its mark. Spectra shrieked in pain. She turned her sights toward Jason and jumped toward him. Batman tried to grab her, but his hands went through her. Jason stopped her with no issues.
He didn’t have time to be surprised. Instead, he put her in a half-nelson and wrestled her to the ground before pinning her.
Jason didn’t know what it was but felt a change in the air. He knew she was trying to use her ghost powers.
Spectra smirked. She knew being held back by a mere human would do nothing to her, so she became invisible and intangible.
Jason held on to the ghost even though he knew it would be useless.
After a few seconds, Spectra yelled out in frustration.
“What are you? How can you negate my ghost powers?”
Jason had no idea how he was holding on to a ghost, but he didn’t have time to feel surprised. He felt a burning pain in his arm. Claws sank through his armor to make him loosen his hold. He tightened it instead.
“Bring her up, Hood,” Danny said while bringing up the thermos. It started glowing and whirring.
Jason felt a sense of despair so strong that he let go of Spectra. He went to his knees, breathing hard. Something in him broke. Jason felt himself being torn apart. It was too much. Hot tears fell down his cheeks, making breathing even harder. He wanted it to stop.
Without much thought, he brought up his gun and pointed it at his forehead.
Something green hit his gun before Jason was able to pull the trigger.
He could hear cackling as it faded away.
Fuck, fuck! FUCK!
Danny knew he shouldn’t have brought Jason. Now, the man had crumpled to the floor like a marionette having its strings cut. And Spectra had gotten away.
Danny ignored a groaning Batman and picked up Jason in a bridal hold.
Batman decided to come to as Danny gently cradled Jason’s body to his. Danny let his core softly hum, hoping it would help Jason.  
“No, Ja—Jason. Let go of my son!”
Batman threw a dark weapon toward Danny’s head just as he turned intangible and invisible. He floated up and then flew toward Jason’s apartment. Danny had not stopped humming and chirping the whole time.
He could hunt down Spectra after Jason woke up.
Danny put Jason on the bed and removed Jason’s helmet by turning it intangible. He had no idea if the thing was boob trapped or not, but he wasn’t going to take any chances.
Jason’s eyes weren’t closed, but they were glazed. His eyes were red and misty. Dried tears marred his cheeks. His mouth was slightly gaped as if he was screaming.
“Oh, Jason, I’m so sorry. This is my fault. I shouldn’t have brought you with me. I took you straight to her clutches.”
Danny sat by Jason on the bed and held the other man’s hand. His core hummed louder, hoping it would reach Jason.
You’re not alone, his core chirped. I’m here with you.
Bruce knew despair; he and misery were practically friends.
Bruce was very intimate with suffering since that dark night in that alley. He never thought he would feel more wretched than that night.
Then Jason had died.
Losing a child was a million times worse than losing his parents had ever been.
Tonight, those feelings had come back a hundred-fold. The anguish he had felt had him breathless; it had him wishing for death.
Then he came back to find his son holding a gun to his forehead. Bruce still hadn’t been able to move, to yell out in fear.
To put the bad things to worse, his son had been kidnapped right in front of him by a strange being.
He had no idea what was happening, but he would find out.
Batman limped toward the Batmobile and let himself slump into the seat.
“Nightwing, I need your help. It’s Hood; he’s in trouble.”
There was a moment of silence.
“What do you need me to do, B? I’m ready.”
Whoever hurt his child would wish Batman didn’t have a no-killing rule. After all, there were worse things out there than death.
Jason came back to consciousness slowly.
He felt more than heard soft humming under his ear.
That’s when he noticed his head was on top of something solid and cool. He looked up and saw blue eyes looking at him with concern.
Jason could still feel the echoes of misery.
Jason let a dejected chirp.
She got away. She got away! My FAULT!
Not your fault, Danny chirped back.
Jason felt an overwhelming calm settle over him, like a warm blanket on a cold night.
Not your fault.
Jason felt tired. He had been so alone for so long. He hadn’t felt another’s sincere, loving touch in a long time.
Suddenly, that was all he wanted. He wanted to feel loved and chase away the last bit of cold misery.
Would Danny…?
Jason raised his lips to Danny, hesitating to make sure Danny would want to, too.
The taller man cradled Jason’s face and kissed Jason gently.
Jason started taking off his shirt when Danny suddenly stopped him. He chirped out in indignation.
Don’t want me? Jason chirped out. Changed your mind?
Jason felt disappointment even as he understood. Who would want something broken?
“No, it’s not that. Are you sure? We’re going a bit fast. I want to make sure this is what you want.”
Jason tried to put every bit of emotion and want in the middle of his chest, where he felt the warm humming and let it out in a loud chirp.
Want this. Want you. Now! Please! Want to be held. He kissed Danny again, Want the misery gone.
Danny nodded. Soon, clothes flew off bodies, and heavy breathing pierced the room's silence. Their bodies were soon intertwined. Danny cradled Jason’s body as he slowly entered him. Jason hung on to the taller man.
The humming coming from both their chest intensified as the pleasure rose. The two cores sang out as both men reached the climax of pleasure at the same time.
For the first time in a long time, Jason felt wanted. He felt whole.
Yeah, sorry for the long wait for such a mediocre chapter. Anyway, I hope it came out kind of good.
Also, I think I love torturing Jason a bit too much...
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