#hagrid x voldemort
schmem14 · 1 year
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Day 6: Collaring
Summary: Voldemort celebrates his victory by acquiring a new pet. Pairing: Voldemort/Rubeus Hagrid CW: Dead Dove: Do Not Eat, Voldemort Wins AU, MCD, Pet Play, Rape/Non-con, Dubious Consent, Sex Slave, Trauma, Grief, Whipping, Horcruxes, Brainwashing, First Person POV Rating: E
Written for @hpkinktober
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roseunspindle · 1 year
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braveclementine · 4 months
Chapter 28
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Warnings: Mentions of love making, 18+ readers only
Copyright: I do not own any Wizarding World characters that J.K. Rowling wrote. I do however own Elizabeth Kane (main character) and Trang Nyguen (best friend). There should be no use of these two names without my permission. I also do not condone any copying of this.
𝕿𝖍𝖊𝖗𝖊 𝖜𝖊𝖗𝖊 𝖒𝖆𝖓𝖞 things that Umbridge needed to take care of after Fred and George had left. For one thing, upstairs was a very large swamp that they had created themselves. Umbridge had tried to get rid of it with no success and neither Flitwick nor McGonagall seemed very eager to try it out themselves.
Then there were the broom shaped holes in Umbridge's office door. Filch had replaced the door and Harry's broom was moved down into a dungeon to be guarded by a security troll. Bloody waste of time in my opinion.
There were also rebellious students who seemed to be trying to out-do each other for the vacant position of trouble-makers-in-chief. A niffler was put in Umbridge's office. The office was ripped apart, looking for shiny things and when Umbridge entered the room, the niffler leapt upon her hand to get to her shiny rings.
There were also dungbombs and stink pellets dropped in the corridors and people were producing bubble-head charms on themselves before going out so that they didn't have to breathe in the foul air.
Filch was now always prowling the corridors with a whip in his hand. The Inquisitorial Squad was attempting to help him as nearly every student had turned into a troublemaker but weird things were starting to happen to them. For instance, I knew for a fact that Lee was the one who had given Pansy Parkinson (much to Hermione's delight) antlers so that she had to miss a whole day of classes.
I had my art pad out frequently now, drawing everything. I had done two drawings of Pany Parkinson and her antlers and had posted it on a wall in the Great Hall so that everyone who came down to breakfast the next morning laughed at it. Pansy was extremely angry, and attempted to set it on fire. I'd put an protective spell on it however and the spell rebounded, catching her robes on fire. Professor Snape gave me a legitimate detention for that one. And then he'd punished me and I had been unable to sit down without wincing for two days.
No regrets though.
And of course, there were the Skiving Snackboxes. They were only used during Umbridge's class of course. Us students told her that we had Umbridge-itis and I spent a half hour in her class, striding up the aisles of the desk, trying hard not to laugh and telling the students in my class about it.
"A very dangerous disease of course." I said, walking past Susan who had her face in her hands, laughing hysterically. I had to pause carefully in between sentences as I was close to bursting into laughter myself. "Umbridge-itis has four different symptoms: Fainting, vomiting, dangerously high fevers, and bloody noses. The best way to avoid these symptoms is to stay far away from an Umbridge. An Umbridge," I stated, now walking past Ernie, Justin, and Zacharias who had tears of laughter in their eyes. "Is something that looks like a midgit and only wears pink. Looks a bit like a human toad and has a false, sweet voice."
Needless to say, Umbridge was not as amused as the students and I got three weeks worth of detention. However, the story of what I'd said spread throughout the school and soon, everyone was telling her that they had Umbridge-itis. I was also awarded twenty points to Hufflepuff by Professor McGonagall for performing a simple vanishing spell.
But no one, and I mean no one, caused more trouble than Peeves. He upended tables, shattered vases, knocked over statues, burst out of blackboards, shut Mrs. Norris up in a suit of armor twice, juggled burning torches over heads of screaming students, toppled neatly stacked parchment out of windows, flooded the second floor by pulled the taps off the handles in the bathroom, dropped a bag of tarantulas in the Great Hall during breakfast and whenever he was bored, spent hours floating above Umbridge and blowing loud raspberries every time she spoke, making the kids collapse into giggles.
The staff did absolutely nothing to help her- except Filch. Harry, Susan, and I were standing in a corridor, watching peeves unscrew a crystal chandelier, and then watched as Professor McGonagall walked by. "It unscrews the other way." she muttered, walking on and the three of us looked at each other in amazement and laughed. Then we hit the floor as the chandelier crashed, sending bits of crystal, metal, and glass our way.
Of course, it wasn't all fun and games. Umbridge was finding anything to put me in detention for- though at this point, I was really starting to deserve it. I'd created fliers about Umbridge-itis, posting them on the boards and walls and had neat little stacks of brochures for people to read. She'd told Filch to whip me whenever he saw me, so I'd taken to avoiding him as much as possible. I did have a couple whip marks on my back though, when I didn't watch out carefully enough. I wasn't the only one either- Filch seemed especially vindictive towards the Gryffindors.
Severus was a bit enraged about me being so proactive against her. "You're going to get hurt." He said as we were laying in bed after we'd finished making love. "And I mean really hurt- not cutting words into your hand or whip marks. . ." his fingers traced over a fading scar. He'd done some magic so that they wouldn't be permanent.
"I'm going to be fine." I said, smiling up at him and then kissing his cheek. "Besides, this is fun."
He groaned but said nothing more on the subject, running his fingers absentmindedly up and down my thigh before he finally fell asleep.
There was one last Quidditch match coming up which was Hufflepuff vs. Slytherin. I asked Severus in a teasing voice about who he hoped would win. He made an incoherent noise and ran his lips over my breasts. I supposed it was answer enough.
The Slytherin and Hufflepuff tensions were high and I noticed that I seemed to have an extraordinary amount of homework for Defense Against the Dark Arts class and no homework for any other class- including potions.
The day of the Quidditch match, our nerves had reached a certain height. I was pacing back and forth, my firebolt standing up by the door.
"We're going to win this." I said in a small voice, looking at everyone. "We are the best team here. And. . . and we're going to do this, not to show Umbridge, but to honor Cedric's memory."
"This one's for Cedric." Malcolm said in a strong voice.
"For Cedric." We all said.
We all stood up, holding our brooms over our shoulder. We walked onto the pitch, all stony faced. I shook hands with a replacement Captain for Montague who was still in the hospital. He was crying to crush my fingers but I didn't react. I remained emotionless.
Madam Hooch blew her whistle and we all flew upwards. Draco was keeping on my tail and I was doing my best to ignore him. I kept my eyes open, scanning for the snitch as I continued to fly around. Heidi scored.
"Give it up Kane!" Draco hissed somewhere to my right. "You can't win this and you know it. Cedirc couldn't have won this either. . ."
So he was going to tell me about Cedric now, was he? I dove. Draco rushed after me and I kept my eyes determinedly on a spot on the pitch. Draco was concentrating on where I was looking, not realizing that I was actually feinting. At the very last second before I was going to crash, I pulled up neatly. Draco on the other hand, crashed, and I sped back up, grinning victoriously.
"And Kane uses Krum's signature move Wronski Feint against Slytherin's seeker. Nice play Elizabeth!" Lee shouted from the speakers box. He wasn't being as fun as before- mostly because Fred and George had left. I winked at him as I sped by.
I was high enough that I could see Harry, Hermione, and Ron with Hagrid by his hut, going into the forest. I dodged a bludger and took off south. We were up forty points. I saw the snitch on the other side of the pitch and I streaked towards it. Draco was back on his broom zooming after me.
Suddenly, one of the Slytherin Chasers slammed into me from the ride side and I slipped off the broom. I tightened my legs so that I was hanging fifty feet in the air by my legs. There were screams and gasps from the crowd as I let go with my legs, throwing a hand up to catch the broom and then pulled myself up and taking off again.
The snitch had been lost, Draco had been gloating to much to catch it. I was thankful for that of course. Malcolm took a bludger to the stomach at that moment and was out of the game. Heidi and Zacharias immediately started scoring goal after goal with a furious intensity that was unrivaled. Our beaters were fiercely knocking Slytherins off their brooms too.
I dodged another bludger and then caught sight of the snitch. It was almost like fate, darting in front of Umbridge's effing nose. (Not literally, just close by the teacher's stand).
Draco was on the other side of the field and I zoomed towards the teacher stands, grinning. Umbridge fell back in fear, perhaps thinking I was attacking her, and I grabbed the snitch, holding it up triumphantly.
Lee was laughing at Umbridge and I grabbed the microphone and shouted into it, "That- was for Cedric!" And then I raced back to the ground where the other Hufflepuff team members flew down to meet me and we were all hugging. I was so joyful that I couldn't stop smiling. We were all smiling and half of us were crying too. We'd won the Cup! Hufflepuff hadn't won the cup in forever since Slytherin had had it nearly nine years in a row until Gryffindor had won two years ago.
The other Hufflepuffs were streaming out onto the Quidditch grounds, jumping and down in excitement. We were pushed up to where Professor Umbridge was waiting with the Quidditch Cup. She looked so pissed at having to give me the Quidditch Cup. It was trembling in her hands and I held out my hand for it.
She gritted her teeth and then Professor Sprout took it from her hands and handed it to me. "I'm glad such a worthy team got the Cup Miss Kane." She was beaming, looking extremely happy. I grinned back. Professor Umbridge looked like she had eaten a lemon. Severus looked quite proud too, hiding it in his eyes where only I could see it.
We headed back to the castle as a team. I saw Harry, Ron, and Hermione standing by the doors. They smiled as I passed by, waving the Quidditch Cup up.
Back in the Hufflepuff Common room, we threw a party with food, drinks, and dancing. It was very much like the party that Gryffindor had thrown when they'd won the cup.
We had a picture of Cedric on a desk with candles around him like an altar. This win was for Cedric. Around one in the morning everyone went to bed. I stayed up a little later, looking at Cedric's photo and picked it up in my hands.
His smiling face grinned back at me and winked. I smiled weakly. "I miss you." I said, tears coming to my eyes. "A lot." I guess I was wishing the photo would talk back- sometimes they did. But Cedric's photo wasn't charmed that way and he just beamed up at me and then gave me a thumbs up.
I put the photo back down on the table and pulled out some parchment.
We won the Quidditch Cup Dad. Guess I'm not a bad Captain after all. I think Cedric would be proud- the win was for him.
I didn't write anything else. I turned into a cat, picking the note up in my mouth and headed out so that I could go spend the night with Severus.
𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝖓𝖊𝖝𝖙 𝖒𝖔𝖗𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖌 Harry, Ron, Hermione, and I went outside to study.
"We have a lot to tell you." Ron said as we sat down.
"I already know." I said, taking out my Transfiguration book. "Hagrid brought back his baby brother Grawp and wants us to teach him English."
"Pretty much." Hermione said.
"Bloody hell." I muttered. "Do you know how dangerous that is? I swear this more dangerous than Norbert or Aragog."
"He hasn't been sacked yet." Ron pointed out.
"But he will be." I muttered and then sighed, "I suppose we'll have to, won't we?"
"We did promise." Hermione said reluctantly.
I sighed. "Well, we'll deal with it when the time comes then" and I opened up my Transfiguration book and started to read.
"𝕳𝖔𝖜 𝖒𝖆𝖓𝖞 𝖍𝖔𝖚𝖗𝖘 d'you think you're doing a day?" Ernie demanded me as I entered the common room a few days later.
I looked at him amused. "About six or seven."
"I'm doing eight." Ernie said, puffing out his chest and I rolled my eyes. "Eight or nine. I'm getting an hour in before breakfast every day. Eight's my average. I can do ten on a good weekend day. I did nine and-"
"Ernie." I said, amused. "You know you're going to do fine, right? Calm down."
"You don't seem stressed at all!" Susan said grumpily from a chair near the unlit fireplace.
"Of course I'm stressed." I said shrugging my shoulders. "I just don't show it." Right, more like I got all my stress out at night with Severus.
"I'm going to fail!" Hannah said hysterically, her eyes glazed over, staring blankly at the potions textbook in front of her.
"Calm down Hannah." I said, smiling. "You're going to do fine, just keep your head and don't freak out, alright?"
"Eliza!" Rose called from across the common room and I left the others to go to her.
"What's up Rose?" I asked, sitting down with her and her first-year friends.
"Will you help me with my lessons?" She asked, her tiny hands holding our her textbook.
"Of course!" I said brightly, taking the book from her and testing her on the different terms, definitions, and incantations. I also helped her with practicals, practicing the spells of my own first-year exams which had consisted of dancing pineapples and pretty snuffboxes.
I was also still trying to get Harry to close his mind for Occlumency but he was not improving. I was starting to get nervous. If I didn't get him to close his mind then what could happen? I knew what could happen- Harry could get lured somewhere.
I had to confiscate multiple different products that were being sold by the older students to the fifth-years before they were bought. I knew a majority of them were fake and some of them were dangerous. For example, dragon claw would boost your brain, but having to much exposure to the item could actually make you stupider than you really were.
During Herbology, Professor Sprout had the Hufflepuffs stay back and handed out exam schedules and details of the procedures.
"As you can see, your O.W.L.s are spread over two successive weeks. You will sit the theory exams in the mornings and the practice in the afternoons. Your practical Astronomy examination will, of course, take place at night. Now," She said, looking around the greenhouse, "I must warn you that the most stringent Anti-Cheating Charms have been applied to your examination papers. Auto-Answer Quills are banned from the examination hall, as are Remembrall's, Detachable Cribbing Cuffs, and Self-Correcting Ink. Every year, I am afraid to say, seems to harbor at least one student who thinks that he or she can get around the Wizarding Examinations Authority's rules. I can only hope that will not be anybody in Hufflepuff. Our new- headmistress- has asked the Heads of House to tell their students that cheating will be punished most severely- because, of course, your examination results will reflect upon the- headmistress's- new takeover at the school. . . However, instead of potentially risking your futures to destroy her career, it would be better advised to do your best."
Ernie shot his hand up into the air and Professor Sprout called on him, "When should we expect our results?"
"Some time in July." I answered without thinking and then blushed and said, "Sorry Professor!" The class laughed.
"It's quite fine Miss Kane. Yes, some time in July your exam results will come out Mr. Macmillan."
All houses would be taking the tests together instead of separately. Of course, times would vary once it got to the elective classes. But for every student, the written Charms exam was on Monday.
At Dinner, Hermione kept diving into her bag to check another fact in a book instead of eating.
"You really ought to eat Hermione or you're not going to be able to sleep tonight." Ron said, sticking another piece of steak into his mouth. I took a sip of pumpkin juice and then Hermione sat up and dropped her fork on her plate.
"Oh, my goodness. Is that them? Is that the examiners?" Hermione asked, so faint with anxiety she wasn't even Englishing properly.
"Are those the examiners?" I corrected her but while Harry chuckled, Hermione completely ignored me. Improper grammar annoyed the crap out of me.
"Shall we go and have a closer look?" Ron asked. We got up from our seats and hastened towards the entrance hall and we slowed down to walk behind the examiners.
"Journey was fine, journey was fine!" The little witch standing next to Umbridge was shouting. I supposed she was deaf. "Now, I haven't heard from Dumbledore lately!" And she peered around the hall excitedly. "No idea where he is, I suppose?"
"None at all." Umbridge said, shooting an ugly look at us but didn't bother saying anything. I supposed she wouldn't even insult a werewolf brat in front of the testing instructors. "But I daresay the Ministry of Magic will track him down soon enough. . ."
"I doubt it!" The tiny witch shouted, drawing looks from passing students. "not if Dumbledore doesn't want to be found! I should know. . . Examined him personally in Transfiguration and Charms when he did N.E.W.T.s. . . Did things with a wand I'd never seen before. . ."
So she was like one hundred and fifty years old then. Cause Dumbledore was like one hundred and twenty years (I would assume). Then I tried to think logically about how old he actually was and couldn't come up with a number. Yes, he had to be 113 cause he was born in 1881, so he was at least over 100. . . Good lord! Then how old was McGonagall? 75 years old?
I was reeling with these facts. Holy Crap, my Professors were so old. . . but you had to admire her. After all, McGonagall certainly didn't look 75 and she definitely didn't act like it either. Then again, Dumbledore didn't act like he was 113 either.
I spent Sunday night in Severus' room, reading my Charms book while he played absentmindedly with my hair and occasionally kissing me. When I finally laid the Charms book aside, he asked, "What did you look so shocked about when you came in?"
"I just realized today that Dumbledore is about 113 years old and Professor McGonagall is 75 years old." I said honestly, laying the book on his side table. "It just took me back a bit."
"I'm old too." Severus said softly and I thought I heard a note of sadness in his voice and I propped myself up on my elbows to look at him questioningly.
"No you're not." I argued. "You're nowhere near 75!"
"I'm in my thirties." He whispered. "That's double your age."
I gritted my teeth. "Don't play the pity game Severus. I love you and you're the one I want to spend the rest of my life with."
"Even if I die twenty years before you?" Severus asked and I realized that this conversation was going to more serious than I'd expected.
I sat up, letting the blankets fall from my naked body, extremely angry now. "You're regretting your decision, aren't you?"
"No!" He said quickly, sitting up too and I quickly looked away from his abs and just stared down. "I don't, Elizabeth. I'm sorry. I just don't want you to regret marrying someone as old as me."
"I don't regret a damn thing!" I said angrily.
Severus appraised me for a second and then I was so angry that I pushed him down on the bed and kissed him fiercely. There was an energy in me that I'd never felt before. I moved my lips down to his throat and bit, a bit harder than I meant to and he gasped.
He rolled over, slamming me down onto the bed and slid in so roughly that I gasped too. I dug my nails into his back as he moved faster and faster. I kept my mouth closed tight so that I didn't shriek. I wasn't in pain either, it felt so good. We were both breathing extremely hard, and small sounds escaped both our mouths. This. . . this was perfection.
His hands clutched at my body, his lips and teeth caressing my skin. My fingers tangled in his hair, pulling him closer to me. His hand traveled downwards, circling my clit, speeding up his hard, solid thrusts as I came over and over again.
There was something that I happened near the end too that had never happened before. It was nearly the highest point of our time together. His teeth bit me on the breast when it happened, it seemed like a jerk reaction. I wasn't entirely sure what had happened as I gasped, staring up at him.
He grinned, wiping away liquid from his chest. "Well I must've done really good to make you squirt love."
I blushed. "I- is that a good thing?"
Severus chuckled, pulling me close to his chest now that we were both cleaned up. He wrapped the blanket around my shoulders. "Of course love. It's a natural reaction."
With the reassurance that my body hadn't done anything wrong, I snuggled into him tightly and fell fast asleep.
When I woke up, I distracted myself by my nerves by observing the hickey on my breast now. "Sorry." Severus muttered sleepily, coming up behind me and observing us in the mirror. "You caught me by surprise."
I turned and saw he had one on his neck too and I touched it, "I meant that one." He grinned, kissing me on the lips. I saw the nail marks on his back then and I winced, "I didn't mean to do that though." I said, lightly touching the bruises. "Sorry."
"Don't worry, they'll be easy to cover up, this however-" he touched the hickey on his neck. "-that'll be a bit harder."
"Sorry." I repeated, not feeling all that sorry.
"You just need to learn to control yourself. You're just like a little kitten." he said mildly. I threw his shirt at him and pointed to the hickey on my breast.
"You're one to talk!"
He grinned, sweeping me into his arms to kiss my neck.
It was already eight-thirty and the exams started at nine-thirty and I needed to get up to the Great Hall for breakfast but Severus wasn't very keen to let me go. "It's to early, just stay here until your exams start." He mumbled, wrestling me back into bed.
I laughed as he kissed me repeatedly. "Sev, I need to eat!" And so he reluctantly let me up. I kissed him on the cheek and hurried up the stairs and into the Great Hall to eat.
I sat down at the Hufflepuff table and scarfed down a quick breakfast and then waited for the test to start. My heart was pounding and my nerves were being stretched thin. Oh I was going to fail. . . I was going to fail!
My heart settled down a bit once the exam started and I saw that the questions were a bit easier than I had thought they would be. I zoomed through them, knowing that I'd answered every single one of them correctly.
In the afternoon was the practical's for Charms where I made an eggcup do cartwheels and then levitated a wine glass. I had to perform the Color-change charm on a rat, trying to turn it orange, and then use the Growth Charm on a plant. Unfortunately, I think my rat was more golden than orange but it still looked orange enough I was sure I'd get most of my points.
I went to the library after that to study for Transfiguration. I figured that if all the tests- both written and practical- were like this I was going to get 'Outstandings' on everything. . . except Astronomy. That ticked me off. So I threw my Transfiguration book back in my bag and pulled out the Astronomy book.
I went back to the common room at nine, still studying Astronomy. The next day, the Transfiguration test went just easily as Charms. I was vanished my owl perfectly during practical's.
Then Herbology was on Wednesday and I planted the Fanged Geranium perfectly. Well, there was a smile nip on my ear but other than that, it couldn't have gone better.
Of course, I thought everything was going perfectly but I knew that I was probably going to fail everything if I thought like that. So, most of the time, I just doubted myself and tried to figure out all the things that I'd done wrong.
On Thursday, we had Defense Against the Dark Arts which I was sure went well. The most pleasing incident was doing all the jinxes, hexes, and counterspells perfectly in front of Umbitches nose. As expected, the fifth-years that hadn't been part of D.A. had a much harder time performing their spells. Some of them couldn't perform them at all, throwing panicked looks at Umbridge who was overseeing everything.
There was just the faintest of smiles on her lips when they did that. It made me want to accidentally miss the object in front of me and hex her instead.
I heard later that Harry got bonus points for producing a patronus. I was a bit disappointed that I hadn't had the chance to get bonus points but I figured it was no good crying over spilled milk. I focused even harder on Astronomy.
On Friday, Hermione and I went to Ancient Runes which I found was much more difficult than the other exams and immediately regretted not studying beforehand.
"How were the runes?" Ron asked as we came in through the Gryffindor portrait. Hermione wanted me to test her for Arithmancy.
"I mistranslated 'ehwaz'. It means 'partnership,' not 'defense', I mixed it up with 'eihwaz.' Hermione said. I was a bit surprised, I knew I hadn't missed that question at least. It had been one of the easier questions. Of course, the spellings were so similar for some of the runes that you had to re-read the questions a couple of times.
"Ah, well, that's only one mistake, isn't it, you'll still get-" Ron started stupidly.
"Oh shut up, it could be the one mistake that makes the difference between a pass and a fail. And what's more, someone's put another niffler in Umbridge's office, I don't know how they got it through that new window, but we just walked past there and Umbridge is shrieking her head off- by the sound of it, it tried to take a chunk out of her leg-"
"Good!" Harry and Ron said together but I shook my head.
"It is not good! She thinks it's Hagrid doing it, remember? And we do not want Hagrid chucked out!" Hermione said heatedly.
Harry looked out the window and then said, "He's teaching at the moment, she can't blame him."
"Oh, you're so naïve sometimes, Harry, you really think Umbridge will wait for proof?" Hermione said and seeming to forget that I was there to test her, she swept off for the girls' dormitory. I shook my head standing up.
"Such a lovely, sweet-tempered girl." Ron said fondly, pushing his queen forward on the chess board.
Potions was Monday and I studied for the exam Saturday and Sunday in Severus' room. I didn't leave the room except to eat and go to the bathroom. Of course, Severus was quite happy with this and helped me study between having some fun of his own. Sometimes he acted like such a teenager.
Of course, his mood when he was teaching or in the presence of Gryffindors and his mood when he was with me was so different that I always had to take a moment and wonder if he was being controlled. He was always so cold in class, emotionless, almost cruel. . . and with me. . . well it was a totally different side that no one had ever seen. I doubted anyone had seen how sweet, loving, and kind he could be when he wanted to. Only I had ever seen that side of him. . . and perhaps, at one point, mum had seen it too.
The exam on Monday for Potions went well. The written exam was a bit difficult, but the brewing process was at a good difficulty level for our class.
Tuesday was Care of Magical Creatures and I was determined to do well just to show Professor Umbridge that Hagrid was a good teacher. Of course, I wondered why Hagrid even put up with being a teacher. Third-year, Draco had ruined his class with Buckbeak. Fourth-year, Rita Skeeter had written horrible stories about him, and now this year Umbridge was extremely close to sacking him.
The Care of Magical Creatures exam went well. First was to find the knarl hidden among hedgehogs. The trick was to use milk because knarls would spit furiously, thinking you were trying to give them poison. Then you had to handle a Bowtruckle correctly, then clean and care for a fire-crab without getting burned, and lastly provided a selection of food that would be given to a sick unicorn to help it get better. I privately thought it was the easiest exam I had taken. Well no, Third-year Care of Magical Creatures exam was the easiest one.
The Astronomy sitting exam was Wednesday morning. My studying all week for it had certainly paid off because for what felt like the first time, I knew the answers to the questions.
Divination was in the afternoon. I was supposed to look in the crystal ball, tell a prediction by tea leaves, and then read the palm of the examiner.
My crystal ball and tea-leaves went smoothly. For the crystal ball, I said that I was foreseeing Kingsley Shacklebolt becoming Minister of Magic in three years. For the tea leaves, I said that Professor Umbridge would be taken by a herd of Centaurs. For the palm reading, I had a bit of difficulty because I didn't really see anything about the future with my examiner and finished off saying that they were going to die in about twenty-four years.
I was starting to think I should drop the subject. I knew Ron and Harry were going to. I froze on the stairs however, and Ernie and Susan stopped walking, looking back at me curiously. "What'd you see?" Ernie asked quickly.
I was watching Hagrid being attacked tonight and Professor McGonagall trying to help him out. "Oh dear." I whispered.
"What is it?" Susan asked urgently.
"Umbridge is going to go after Hagrid tonight during our Astronomy exam." I whispered. "They're not going to sack him, they're going to try and arrest him."
"They can't do that!" Ernie said indignantly.
"Well they're going to." I said breathlessly. "I need. . . I need to figure out how to stop it, excuse me." I rushed past them, leaving them on the stairs and hurrying to Professor McGonagall's office.
I quickly recounted what I'd seen and said, "You really shouldn't go and save him, you'll get hurt!"
Professor McGonagall's face was stony. "I'm forewarned now Miss Kane. Just do well on your Astronomy exam, okay? I'd like you to get a perfect set of O.W.L.s."
I had no choice but to leave her office, feeling horrible. I did as she had instructed however and pulled out my astronomy book and compared it to a practice exam. My mind felt terribly numb and I took a quick nap in the Hufflepuff common room before dinner.
I headed up to the Astronomy tower with a sinking stomach and heavy feet. Ernie and Susan were walking with me, saying nothing, just watching my face. I got a telescope between Ernie and Hermione.
My hands were shaking as Professor Marchbanks started the exam. I looked through the telescope and quickly wrote down what I saw, drawing, and trying to keep in mind the things that Firenze, Sinistra, and Trelawney had taught me.
I was two-thirds of the way done when I looked down, writing a note on my parchment and saw Umbridge strolling across the ground, about five or six people following after her. I quickly looked through the telescope again, trying to ignore her. I saw Ernie give me the swiftest of looks and I shook my head slightly. Eighty percent done. Come on. . .
I heard the distant noise of a fist hammering on a door and my stomach lurched. Oh Merlin's beard. . . I could hear Fang barking like mad.
I pressed my eye to the telescope again, marking the position of Venus and labeling it on the map.
There, my map was done. I quickly doubled checked everything and then heard a distant roar from far away that rang all the way up to the Astronomy tower. I flinched. No, this constellation was drawn wrong. I shakily erased the little bit and then redid it.
"Try and concentrate, now, boys and girls." Professor Tofty said softly. I noticed Hermione was still staring down at Hagrid's cabin. "Ahem- twenty minutes to go." Hermione jerked back to her star chart.
There was a BANG from the grounds and people muttered "Ouch!" as they ducked out from underneath their telescopes.
Hagrid's door had burst open now and there were red lights shooting towards him, they were trying to stun him.
"No!" Hermione and I cried together. I had the strangest urge to jump off the Astronomy tower the way that I had when Professor Quirrell had cornered me in my first-year and go and help Hagrid.
"My dears! This is an examination!" Professor Tofty said in a strangled voice but no one was looking at their charts anymore.
The voices were carrying all the way up to the Astronomy tower, "Be reasonable, Hagrid!"
"Reasonable be damned, yeh won' take me like this, Dawlish!" Hagrid shouted. I wondered if Kingsley was down there and I'd made up my mind.
There were screams as I jumped from the Astronomy tower. I had my wand out, my face set in grim determination. I waved my wand, stopping my fall and then landed on my feet and raced towards Hagrid's cabin. I saw light behind me and knew that Professor McGonagall had exited the castle.
"How dare you!" Professor McGonagall shouted, not seeing me to her left. "How dare you! Leave him alone! Alone, I say! On what grounds are you attacking him? He has done nothing, nothing to warrant such an attack!" Her wand was out, and blocked the stuns that were sent her way. But it was four different people and she stumbled back.
My wand was out and I sent stunning spells towards them with as much force as I could muster. I did notice that Kingsley was in the back, blending in nicely with the background. I pretended not to notice him. Why was everyone I loved turning out not to be the people I thought they were? Lupin was a coward, Kingsley was a monster, Sirius was a jerk, James was inconsiderate, and Lily had hated James.
And then, Professor McGonagall noticed me and was distracted enough that four stunning spells hit her. I felt horrible but continued to send my spells towards them.
"You're going to be expelled Kane!" Umbridge shouted at me. I noticed Kingsley was hesitating.
I was a bit surprised as Hagrid collapsed two of the attackers. Hagrid slung Fang's stunned body over his shoulders and hurried into the forest. Kingsley waved his wand and everyone collapsed except me and him. He hurried over to where I was standing and pushed me out of sight of the Astronomy Tower.
"What the hell are you doing down here?" He asked. I'd never seen Kingsley angry before. His accent mixed in with his words.
"Why the hell did you attack him?" I asked furiously. "You're supposed to be a good person!"
"I have a part to play, Elizabeth. I'm going to erase their memories. They need to forget that you were here. Your dad-"
"Yeah well my dad's never exactly who he's says he is either. Guess I should get used to the people I love being the people they aren't." I shoved his arm away and hurried over to where Professor McGonagall was. Professor Snape and Professor Flitwick were hurrying out of the castle now, Professor Sprout was emerging from the greenhouses.
"Get inside Miss Kane." Professor Flitwick said, for once his squeaky voice wasn't very cheerful. I stormed over to the Astronomy tower and used a propulsion charm to propel myself up, grabbing the edge of the tower and pulling myself up.
Parvati and Lavender were in tears, worried about Professor McGonagall. The Hufflepuffs were staring at me with shock. The examiners rebuked me for the crazy stunt that I had done. Remembering that Kingsley was going to erase the others memories down below, I performed the swiftest memory charm on the two examiners, removing only the scene of me jumping from the Astronomy tower. . . hopefully.
We all trooped down the stairs. Hermione was shaking with rage, though it was nothing compared to my anger. "That evil woman! Trying to sneak up on Hagrid in the dead of night!"
"She clearly wanted to avoid another scene like Trelawney's." Ernie said, squeezing into our group.
"Hagrid did well, didn't he?" Ron asked though he looked alarmed. "How come all the spells bounced off him?"
"His giant blood." I muttered.
"Poor Professor McGonagall. . ." Hermione said. "Four stunners straight in the chest and she's not exactly young, is she?"
I shook my head. "She'll be lucky if she's still alive by tomorrow morning."
"Dreadful, dreadful, well, I'm off to bed. . . 'Night, all. . . Elizabeth, aren't you coming?" Ernie asked pompously.
"I'll be back in a minute." I promised and hurried with Hermione, Harry, and Ron to the Gryffindor common room. Hermione's eyes were full of tears and I felt like crying myself.
We found that the commotion had awoken many people in the common room and now most of the group was up. Seamus and Dean had arrived ahead of us and had recounted the story in detail so there were many eyes on me and Lee said, "I heard you pulled some ninja warrior stunts Elizabeth?"
I smiled grimly and dropped it immediately.
"Why sack Hagrid now?" Angelina asked. "It's not like Trelawney, he's been teaching much better than usual this year!"
"Umbridge hates part-humans." Hermione said bitterly, sitting down in an arm chair. "She was always going to try and get Hagrid out. Look at Elizabeth- her father's a werewolf and Umbridge has been trying to take everything from her."
I wished people would stop always bringing me up.
"And she thought Hagrid was putting nifflers in her office." Katie piped up.
"Oh blimey." Lee said. "It's me's been putting the nifflers in her office, Fred and George left me a couple, I've been levitating them in through her window..."
"She'd have sacked him anyway, he was too close to Dumbledore." Dean pointed out.
"That's true." Harry said, sinking into an armchair.
"I just hope Professor McGonagall's all right." Lavender said tearfully. Everyones eyes flickered over to me.
"They carried her back up to the castle, we watched through the dormitory window." Colin said. "She didn't look very well. . ."
Everyones eyes were still on me and I sighed and closed my eyes. There, they were transporting her to St. Mungo's. . . she'd stay there all term. . . come back with a cane in hand. . . I opened my eyes, "She'll live. They're going to transport her to St. Mungo's in the morning. Madam Pomfrey says it's lucky she's not dead. She'll be back before the end of the year is out though. Oooh I hope Umbridge gets punished for this!"
Not likely though if everyone was like Kingsley.
I knew that it would be four in the morning before the common room cleared but I left anyways, hurrying to Professor Snape's bedroom. He was sitting up at his desk, doing something and slammed it down when he came in. "Oh, it's just you."
"I can come back." I mumbled sleepily. To be honest, I believed that if I went back to the Hufflepuff dorm I would probably fall asleep there.
"No." Severus said, standing up and coming over to turn off the light. "Come on sleepy head."
I lay there for a few moments, feeling absolutely horrible. Tears leaked out of my eyes and spilled over my cheeks. I shifted my head so that the tears wouldn't drop onto Severus' chest because I knew then he'd know I was crying.
"She's going to be okay." Severus said suddenly and I realized that he knew I was crying.
"I know." I said thickly. "I. . . I said some really horrible things to Kingsley though. . ."
"Yes, he pulled me aside and told me." Severus said lightly. "I'm not exactly sure what you're referring to though when you say your dad isn't who you thought he was."
I was silent for a moment and then said, "Nearly everyone I love. . . none of them are who I thought they were. Dad, Lupin- he's a coward. Kinsley's a monster. James was arrogant. Mum was decent but she hated James. . . it wasn't the romantic, love at first sight I thought it was. And Sirius is a jerk too."
Severus didn't speak for so long I nearly fell asleep and then he said so softly I barely caught his words, "You're wrong, you know."
"About what?" I asked, feeling snappish.
"Kingsley isn't a monster. He has a role to play. He can't just go against the Minister, he'd lose his job. I mean. . . what do you think I'm doing Elizabeth? I have to play two sides as well! And your dad, Lupin, I mean, he's not a coward. I don't even know where you got that idea-"
"He said it himself." I muttered. "Harry and I snuck into Umbridge's office. Harry wanted to speak to Sirius about James after he saw the -er- memory. He said he never believed he would feel sorry for you- he's not exactly proud of his -our- dad anymore. But Lupin. . . he said that he never had the guts to stand up to them and tell them to lay off you. And I saw it in the memory too. . . he did nothing, just like a coward." I finished this off extremely bitter.
"You know." Severus said lightly. "You're judging Remus, Sirius, James, and Lily all based on what you saw when they- we- were teenagers. Your dad isn't a coward, Lily really did... she really did love James. And James became less arrogant -towards others anyways- when he got older. I'd say Sirius is still a bit of a jerk, but that's a biased opinion."
I laughed weakly and said, "You're right, I know that I just. . ."
Severus kissed me and said, "Get some sleep. You have exams in the morning."
I squirmed until I was warm enough and comfortable enough, my head resting in the crook of his arm and I fell asleep quickly.
𝕳𝖎𝖘𝖙𝖔𝖗𝖞 𝖔𝖋 𝕸𝖆𝖌𝖎𝖈 was to be taken the next afternoon and I slept in so that I could be refreshed enough for the test. It was being held just slightly later than the other exams so that we could get an adequate amount of sleep since we'd had our practical astronomy last night. So instead of being held at nine-thirty, it was held at two o'clock. But I still had Magical Theory at one o'clock, whic I hadn't studied for as I had been to preoccupied with Astronomy.
A lot of the students looked tired when I went in for lunch around 12:17. I'd pretty much woken up 10 minutes before 12 o'clock- alone in the room because Severus had been teaching a second-year potions class.
I sat down at the Hufflepuff table and Susan, Ernie, and some of the other Hufflepuffs asked me what was going to happen to Professor McGonagall. I told them what I'd foreseen and told them to keep quiet about it.
I went into the Magical Theory classroom for the exam with about maybe thirty something other students. The exam went smoothly, though I wasn't as sure about my answers as I had been with my other exams.
Then we came back to the Great Hall for the exam around two and settled into our seats. I took the exam and worked through the questions methodically. A lot of them were about the goblin rebellions that Professor Binns had taught about. Of course, dates and names were hard to get straight and I had a horrible memory for dates, so I worked much slower on this exam.
There were also much easier questions surrounding the statue of secrecy and also the confederation of warlocks and many other questions that I knew. I answered the questions about the Werewolf registration act with ease, a bit of a smirk on my face.
I finished writing up the last question and set the exam aside. And then, a vision popped into my head. I kept my mouth shut so that I didn't gasp as I watched Voldemort somewhere in the Ministry of magic, torturing Sirius. My hand clenched around my desk. If I was seeing this. . .
I shook my head and looked back at Harry and saw that he had fallen to the floor and he was starting to writhe, clutching his scar.
"Professor Marchbanks!" I called and pointed to where Harry lay. Professor Tofty quickly hurried over while Professor Marchbanks continued to survey us, though her eyes jumped nervously to where Harry lay. Professor Tofty led Harry out of the room and I looked at where Hermione was sitting.
I quickly turned back around and looked into the vision more. Was Sirius there? But how? Kreacher maybe? No. . . we were going to arrive at the Ministry. . . it was going to be a trap. I felt strangely relieved. And then. . . the Order would show up to save us. . . and. . . Sirius would die!
I felt my heart sink. Harry had seen the same thing. Would he listen to me if I told him it was a trap? If I told him that Sirius wasn't actually there? But how could I prove it? I'd told Harry and Ron and Hermione visions before and they didn't believe me. They didn't believe me about Professor Quirrell. . . though granted they didn't know about my visions then. But they wouldn't believe me in our third-year that Sirius was innocent or that he wasn't after Harry and they had known about my visions then!
I barely noticed when Professor Marchbanks dismissed us until Hermione was practically pulling me out of my seat. I blinked and jumped up with the others and left with them.
We hurried up the marble staircase where we saw Harry flying down the staircase towards us. "Come with me, I've got to tell you something. . ." Harry said quickly and I shook my head but followed him along the first-floor corridor until we found an empty room.
"Voldemort's got Sirius." Harry said.
"No he doesn't." I said softly. "Harry-"
"Yes he does!" Harry snapped at me.
"No he doesn't!" I argued, heat rising to my cheeks. "I saw what's going to happen! Voldemort is taking advantage of your connection. He showed you a false memory. He created the memory for you! When we get to London- but we're not- it'll be a trap. You are the only one who can get what Voldemort wants. We'll get there, there will be no Sirius, the Order will come to save us and then, that's when Sirius finally gets there and Bellatrix Lestrange kills him. So yes, Sirius will die, but only if we go to London."
Harry was shaking his head. "You don't understand!"
"Oh?" I asked, raising my eyebrow. "And what don't I understand?"
"Sirius wasn't the only person there!" Harry said.
I frowned. "No, it was only Voldemort and Sirius."
Harry shook his head and then said, "Elizabeth, he's got Trang too." 
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firstfirerebel · 1 year
Sumary: Tom Riddle is obsessed with reader and won't tolerate her being somewhere else than his side (Reader is against the hate on Muggles or Muggle-Born wizards)
Pairing: yandere Adult!Tom Riddle/Voldemort x fem! reader
Warnings: Dark content, obsession, mention of the three Unforgivable Curses, implied kidnapping, death, yandere, toxic behavior
Time: First Wizarding War (meaning Voldemort/Tom is still a normal man)
English is not my native language!
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"Why won't you just understand that all I want to do is create a new world, a better one. One were you, and I will rule together!"
"But I don't want that! In fact, I don't even want to be near you! I'll never join you nor support you. Just give up already and let me free!"
It was another day in the Malfoy Manor where you were captured by none other than the dark lord himself. And another day, where you just hoped to escape or die. Sounds harsh? Listen to your story first...
You have known Tom since your Hogwarts time. You weren't in the same house but in the same year, and even though you weren't close, you did happen to have some lessons together. Never you would've considered him a friend. He was just a classmate who sometimes helped you with potions, and in your free time, you sometimes met him in the libary by coincidence, but that was it.
Yeah, you did find him attractive, but you would have never thought to date him or something like that. After all, he always wanted to be alone and didn't like company. You also preferred being alone, to be honest. Still, he somehow scared you from the beginning. His eyes hold no emotions, but in his actions and his aura, all you felt or saw was pure hate. Tom didn't talk about his past, but he didn't have to for you to figure out that it must have been no good one.
Once you were in sixth grade, attacks on muggle-born students happened, and in the end, Myrtle, who was a friend of yours, was killed.
Yeah, she was very difficult , but she didn't mean any harm towards anyone. Besides that, she was bullied by so many students that you just felt pity for her. You were also bullied in your first years at hogwarts until the students stopped out of nowhere. Since then, you have had problems with being social. Most people who were close with you ended up using you for their own benefits or saw you as their therapist or something like that.
Okay, Myrtle was known for being over sensitive, but still, if people knew she would cry because of mean comments, then why make them? She was in her third year when she died, and she only flew to the girls' toilet because Olive Hornby made fun of her again, which made you more sad about her death. It's not like she chose to have glasses. What was wrong with some people?
In the end, Riddle accused Hagird of being responsible for her death. Only you and Proffesor Dumbledore were convinced that it couldn't have been Hagrid. He was way too nice and kind-hearted for such a terrible crime as murder. Though you didn't think it was Tom either.
But it didn't matter. Hagrid was suspended, and that was the end of it.
Since that time, you didn't trust Tom Riddle anymore. He was the one who made everyone believe that Hagird was guilty. And somehow, since the incident, Tom's aura has become even more intimidating and dark. At least that's how it felt to you...
Once you graduated, you didn't hear of him again, which didn't bother you at all. You lived a peaceful life for a long time. You loved your job. You had true friends. You could do your hobbies. And sometimes you even went on a few dates.
But, if it would have stayed that way, you wouldn't be at Voldemorts' side against your will, would you?
The day that ruined your life was a rainy day. It wasn't too cold nor too warm, so you decided to take a walk in the nearby woods. You loved to spend your time there. All the creatures and plants fascinated you every time without fail. Sometimes, you even saw unicorns, which felt like a miracle everytime Besides, it was one of the last peaceful places left.
War would soon come. It was only a matter of time. Everybody knew that. Maybe you only had two months left, or you still got two years. No one knew except the ones on Voldemorts side.
At that time, you only knew that 'The Dark Lord' was a user of the dark arts. And he hated Muggles and Muggle-Borns. Which was enough for you to despite him. Dark magic was never something you approved, and you didn't care about the blood status of anyone. What mattered to you was always the person.
Usually, the woods were filled with life and joy, but that day was different. The forest looked intimidating from the outside, and you even thought about going back home.
Sadly, you didn't listen to your inner voice. But, it wouldn't have changed your fate...
Once you entered it, you didn't hear the happy cheers of the birds like always. And you didn't see any nifflers running by or other creatures in general. Something was definitely wrong.
But you continued to walk, which would soon turn out to be a fatal mistake. As soon as you reached the river, that was in the forest, you realized why everything was so different than usual.
Death Eaters had chased and killed a Muggle-Born witch with her family. They were on a camping trip, as you could tell from the scenery. But there was still a girl, most likely two or three years old, still alive.
Without a second thought, you hid behind a big tree and some bushes around it.
It seemed like the Death Eaters didn't know what to do with her. Maybe she wasn't part of the plan? At first, you thought that this was not an important mission for them, but then you saw Bellatrix. She was very well known as Voldemorts' right hand. She personally learned dark magic from him and was definitely the most loyal Death Eater there ever was. So this must be a really important matter.
You couldn't stand her guts and wanted nothing more than to just slap her even if you didn't know her in person. Dark magic wasn't something you supported. But still, you couldn't deny that she was dangerous and powerful. Her madness didn't lower that fact.
Since dying wasn't on your to-do lost today, you ran away as fast as you could. Since they were arguing so loud, they didn't hear you. Of course, you wanted to help the little girl, but it was simply impossible to get her without getting caught. And against a whole troup of Death Eaters with one being BELLATRIX, you didn't stand a chance.
But luck wasn't on your side...
As you ran away from the horrible scene, you ran into a Death Eater. They wore their typical black clothes and their mask was on, so you didn't see who it was.
Before you could grab your wand, you heard an angry mumbled 'stupor'. You fell onto the ground and blacked out.
When you awoke, you didn't dare to open your eyes. After all, you got caught by a death eater, so you being alive was a miracle. You didn't hear any voices around you. It also wasn't cold and wet around you, so being locked up in a cellar wasn't the case as well...
Beneath you was a comfortable mattress. It was soft and made you want to fall asleep on it. But what the hell was this all about?!
If you're caught by the bad guys, you normally don't wake up in a soft bed. Did they bring you back home? No, that would be too risky. Maybe they wanted some information, but you weren't really someone well known in the wizarding world.
Patiently, you waited a few more minutes, but still not even the slightest noise. So you opened your eyes.
You were in a dark room. The main colors were black and dark green. Black wardrobes and black walls. The bed was made of black wood, but the sheets were dark green, the big carpet on the floor as well. No one was with you in this room. Desperately, you wanted to know where you were. From the colors, you would have guessed that it was a Slytherin Dormitory in Hogwarts. But kidnappers don't bring you to your old school!
Scared you inspected the room once again. Nothing was familiar...
You took a deep breath and stood up. If you would die, fine, but as long as you had the slightest chance of escape you would take it.
The carpet felt also really expensive beneath your feet. By the way, your kidnappers were so nice to pull off your shoes before laying you into bed...
Everything in this room seemed to be just made for this specific room. Which frightened you even more.
Suddenly, the door was opened, and you saw a pretty woman (walking down the street 🤣) in the doorframe. She was slim and tall, had long blonde hair that was tied up in a bun. Her tight dress was rose gold with a black cloak over it. All in all, she looked like a wealthy woman. Her face was pretty as well, but she looked like she got a dung under her nose. Weird.
"Get up and follow me, My Lady," her cold and clear voice told you.
"Uhm, I'm not your Lad -" but she was already on her way to your goal. You had no clue where it was, but following her was better than sitting around, right?
"I know this must be really confusing, but our Lord will explain it to all of us soon. I was just told to get you and call you that. Now, please, don't make this harder for us than it already is,"
You managed to catch up to her. Now you also saw that her eyes were ice blue. Matching her cold voice.
"Who are you?" you asked softly. Kowing her name could be a good hint to where you were.
"Narcissa Black, soon to be Narcissa Malfoy," the woman didn't look at you for one second, her eyes were focused on the walls. So you were still in the claws of the death eaters. Family Black was well known for their puryity, not a family you would have gotten along with.
The corridor was huge by the way. Dark colors still dominating. Only the chandelier was white. Did this belong to one person or was it the headquarters of Voldemort and his minions or what? Instead of getting awnsers you only got more questions as you walked after Narcissa.
Downstairs. A few steps upstairs again. Left. Left again. Right. Straight forward. The second right.
Was this a house or a Labyrinth?! How were you supposed to find your way in here? You even got lost in Digeon Ally!
But after what felt like an internity, you both reached a large black table, people gathered around it. A tall man stood up from his chair as he heard you two enter. As he turned around, you saw your old classmate Tom Riddle, but if he was here, he wouldn't help you. If he became a death eater, he was behind after everything you swore to fight. He wasn't an ally or a friend anymore. He was a danger and a threat to you and many innocent people who weren't here.
You tried to hide behind Narcissa. After all, she was the only person who seemed at least a little trustworthy, and she was another woman. Maybe she knew how unsafe you felt because mostly men were in this room. The only other woman was a mad Bellatrix, never ever you would trust her.
"Ah, there they are. Come in, " Tom spoke. His voice had changed, and it was more intimidating than it was before.
You didn't move an inch, but Narcissa started to move forward. Being all alone without someone to hide behind was more scarry, so you followed her, but you were still behind her.
"Oh no, don't be afraid. No one here will even dare to glare at you, my dear. They knew the punishment would be worse than death," You couldn't recognize Tom anymore. The hate in his presence, his voice, his appearance, everything scared you. Back in school, you didn't fear him, at least not for his house or his roots. Just because he was a Slytherin, it didn't mean that he was evil, but now? His opinions were completely different than yours, and this was not a stupid novel of the stereotype enemies to lovers cause he was just plain and simple wrong with his thoughts on muggleborn or muggles in general.
[Funfact: I don't get the hype on this topic, see, for being autistic I got bullied for many years and than reading a story about two people hating each other's guts and than falling for each other just feels wrong for me, you can read whatever you want ofc, this was just my unpopular opinion]
Still, you hid behind Narcissa, but as she tried to go towards a man with long blonde hair and her crazy sister, you felt completely defenseless. The only person you used to know seemed to be the head of everything here, and Narcissa wasn't at your side anymore. Sadly, Tom saw your fear. He went towards you and pulled you in an unwanted hug. Softly, he petted your hair and whispered sweet nothings. As soon as this horror hug ended, he smiled at you and turned towards the others.
"If anything should happen to her, everyone will be held responsible! You know the punishment, now go! We are done here!" As the last word fell, everyone disapparated, and only you and him were left.
And then you realized it. If he could order the death eaters around, he must be the dark lord himself. Tom Riddle, your old classmate, was Voldemort.
You backed away from him but regretted it soon. Tom didn't take rejection good...
"Why are you scared? I won't harm you. In fact, I am the one who has kept you safe since I saw you!"
"Are you mad?!" You yelled back into his already mad face. Wrong choice again. In full rage he stormed through the room and kicked everything in his way. Chairs and even the whole table practically flew through the room.
"Who protected you from those bullies back in Hogwarts?! Who kept you safe from all filthy boys who just wanted to break your heart?! Who killed the mudblood Myrtle so you were safe from her?!"
So Dumbledore was right... Tom opened the chamber of secrets all those years ago. And killed your friend.
"Myrtle was my friend! I never asked for your personal protection, Tom!"
Somehow that calmed him down! Yep, that man was a complete psychopath...
"But you didn't have to, my dear", he ran towards you and cupped your cheek while looking into your eyes.
"Keeping you safe will always be my priority. I loved you the moment I laid eyes on you and I knew that I would always protect you. Look around, here in our mansion you will always be safe. No one will ever harm you again. We'll be safe here! After I've won this war you and I can live here in peace. Just imagine it, I'll make us so many horcruxes that we won't ever die. Here we will raise our kids and they'll never go through the pain of being an orphan like I was", pain and hate was in his voice at the simple thought of 'death' and 'orphan'. But having a family with this insane man? Hell nah, you'd flee the moment you got the chance!
"I know now this is scary for you, and you might think of escaping, but this whole mansion is surrounded by death eaters, the moment you even think of fleeing you'll be brought to your room and trust me, I know how to punish or torture someone so that no mistace will ever happen again",
And that's how you ended up here. Behind you was the man that claimed to love you fast asleep. Yet he was the one who made you go through all of this. Most traumas you had were because of his action. If this was love, than you could already drown in it.
You had no idea if you could ever escape or if even the try of escaping was a good idea. This man wasn't well known for his kindness or his patience.
Maybe playing along would make it easier, but would your mental health take that well? Or would that make him do worse things 'out of love'?
Still, you rethought your first actions towards Tom, trying to figure out what made his obsession start. Was it your look? Your hairstyle? Your body language?
Or was it just being unlucky?
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casquecest · 6 months
have fun w this, sunshine pops x.
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multific · 2 years
The Prince and Princess of Slytherin
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Draco Malfoy x Reader
Summary: Your life was planned from the beginning. And maybe, it wasn't so horrible. 
Your family had a great relationship with the Malfoys.
Your parents being among the pure-blood families, with a rich history of great Wizards and Witches, it was natural that your parents and the Malfoys were to unite.
Your marriage to their son was destined from the moment you were born.
It was seen as a sign that the Malfoys had a son while your mother had you. 
Naturally, as a young girl, you hated the idea of marriage, especially to someone your parents chose and Draco was much the same.
During the first and second years, you two hated one another and avoided each other at all costs.
Of course, you would be put to Slytherin along with him.
However, during the end of the third year, you and Draco became friends. It was something completely unexpected.
And as the fourth year, Triwizard Tournament and Yule Ball approached, you two were in a relationship. Although unspoken, it was a relationship.
And it all blossomed during the Ball.
You were rather surprised when he asked you to the Ball. You were even more surprised when you said yes.
You took your time to find the perfect dress, and to your absolute shock, you had the best time of your life. You danced and laughed so much with Draco.
And after he walked you back to the stairs that lead to your room, he kissed you.
A sweet, innocent first kiss.
After that, no one was able to separate the two of you.
You loved him, and he loved you.
You were often referred to as the old married couple. 
But more so, the Prince and Princess of Slytherin. 
That stuck with you as you often called Draco your Prince.
You were often blinded by your love towards him, you often failed to notice his flaws. Even if someone was to shout them into your face, you would still not realize. You ignored them because you loved him.
But deep down, you knew it was true. You knew what they were saying was true, but you didn't care. They didn't see beyond, they didn't know how he was when it was only you two.
They didn't know the real Draco.
You did.
Of course, your families were delighted with the fact that you two were in love. It meant you two wouldn't fight them on the marriage. So they saw it as a win.
But the real winners were you and Draco.
You would always sit next to him.
One instance, was on the train, heading to Hogwarts for another year, you sat right next to him, his hand in yours as you two got some sweets.
Or rather, Draco got you some.
As you happily munched on some chocolates, while looking out the window of the train. Suddenly, you felt a kiss on your shoulder, as you turned back you saw Draco smiling at you.
You placed a quick kiss on his lips before turning back to your sightseeing.
Yes, those were the times you enjoyed the most.
But soon, things started to change, you felt it in the air, and your parents told you as well.
The Dark Lord was back.
And Draco had a task.
A task you helped him with.
How could you expect the love of your life to go through with something like that all alone? Of course, you helped. 
You watched him suffer and you were in just as much pain. Seeing him struggle, knowing you couldn't help was the worst.
However, when all hell broke loose, all you could focus on was finding him. 
And you did, or rather, he found you. When Voldemort called his army back and let you 'bury your dead'. 
He was devastated to see the injury on your arm, as you were helped by a teacher.
Thankfully you weren't injured anywhere else.
"My Love!"
"Draco, I'm happy to see you alive."
"What happened?"
"A Death Eater..." you whispered.
"They weren't supposed to attack you. They know you are with me."
And they did. Yet, they didn't care. And so, Draco was quick to realize that they played dirty.
Then Voldemort walked in, Hagrid carried Harry. Narcissa begged Draco to go to her.
Draco turned to you as you lifted your hand to hold his and you both walked over.
You felt like a coward, a traitor. But you were afraid and you didn't want to die.
As Voldemort touched Draco you nearly vomited. Then, he turned to you and did the same. 
Narcissa grabbed in one hand Draco, in her other you, and walked away.
You heard the battle behind you start and you felt guilty.
But you didn't want to die.
Back at the Malfoy manor, Narcissa explained what happened to your parents. They were gone. And somehow, deep down you knew that the moment you didn't see them when the Dark Lord arrived.
Which meant you were all alone now.
You locked yourself into a room.
Grieving your loss and regretting your decision of leaving for many many days.
But you never regretted staying with Draco through it all. 
A knock came from your door and you turned to see Draco there. Much like you, he also couldn't sleep. Not alone at least.
He joined you by the window as he too, looked out.
With his father in Azkaban, his mother slowly crumbling, all he had left was you.
"I remember when my mother told me that I am supposed to marry you. I was angry. Wondering how could they decide to make me do this. Marry a boy I don't even know... I fell in love with you not long after, watching you at school I always knew the bully was only insecure." you stayed quiet for a couple moments. "You have beautiful eyes Draco." He leaned in, putting his head into your neck as if he was hiding. Your arms moved around him, holding him.
He was so glad to have you there with him every step of the way. 
And even now, you were there. Mourning the losses, while holding him close.
He didn't need anything else. 
A year after the war, you married Draco. It was a small wedding at the Malfoy Manor. 
You felt like it was the first time in years that you managed to smile full-heartedly. 
How amazing he looked in his tuxedo, and just how breathtaking you looked in your gorgeous dress.
You missed your parents from the ceremony, but you also knew that they were watching you, happy for their daughter.
When Draco started working for the Ministry, you found a job as well. 
You would say you lived simple lives. Narcissa was a lot better as well which was a delight.
Then, five years later, you got pregnant.
A completely unplanned baby, but you were extremely happy.
Draco arrived home from work as all three of you sat down to eat dinner. All day, Narcissa could tell you had something up your sleeve, but she didn't ask. 
"I have something to share with both of you." you announced as dinner was ending. "I went to the doctor's today and she confirmed, I'm pregnant." 
Complete silence filled the room as if both were waiting for an 'only joking' from you but it never came. 
In the end, Narcissa was first to speak.
"Congratulations, Darling!" she said as she hugged you and soon Draco followed her.
Everyone was truly happy. 
Draco was extremely affectionate during your pregnancy. It was as if he was still the young teen who kissed you so many times on the train or in school.
You missed this side of him.
He would often run his hands over your belly, feeling your child growing under your heart. 
Every night, as he hugged you close, both arms securely around you, you reminded yourself of the great times you had with him and the more amazing memories you will create together.
You felt so silly now, you wished to go back and tell your younger self that everything will be okay.
You wish to go back and tell yourself, the little girl crying in her room because her parents decided she was to marry a Malfoy, you wished to tell her that it will be the best decision. That Draco Malfoy will turn out to be your life, heart and soul.
You wished to tell yourself that soon, you will have a child of your own, and you wouldn't have this baby with anyone else but Draco. 
Your little boy was born on July 5th. A month after his father's birthday. Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy was the little twinkle in your eye. The little boy stole your heart away the moment he opened his beautiful blue eyes.
"He looks just like you, Draco. I spent all this time giving birth and he dares to look like you... so unfair." Clearly, the boy looked like an exact copy of his father. The blond hair, the eyes, little boy couldn't even deny he was a Malfoy.
"Maybe he will behave like you."
"I doubt it, the Malfoy gene is a lot stronger than mine." you smiled as he took the boy from your arms and looked at him.
You watched your husband place a kiss on his forehead. 
"I still think we should have picked a different name." you said as Draco sat down in the chair next to you. "We basically set him up to be a villain." you laughed, obviously joking. 
"If he is anything like you, he surely be." your husband joked and it made you gasp in shock. "I mean... everyone was afraid of you. The Princess of Slytherin."
"I-I-You! Draco!"
"It's true! I was running around being a brat while you so elegantly put fear into everyone's heart."
"Can't argue with that." you smiled as you leaned back, ready to take a nap. "I already know what his first words are going to be." you said as you closed your eyes. Draco looked at you.
You let out a yawn. "My father will hear about this." you said trying your best to imitate his voice as you finally drifted off to sleep.
Draco sat there, his boy in his hands, shocked. He looked down at the little boy, looking up at him, eyes filled with wonder.
"Your first word has to be 'mommy' or else I will never live it down." he kissed him on the forehead. "But you can tell me anything you want, I will be a good father, I will try my best at least."
The little boy also yawned before closing his eyes. Draco leaned back in his chair, watching his son and wife sleeping.
He too wished to go back and tell all about this to his younger self. Tell himself just how amazing his life is going to turn out. 
Maybe having your life planned out wasn't such a bad thing. After all, even if it is planned, it can turn out to be exactly what you want.
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Taglist: @fleursirvart​ @greenarrowhead​ @thisismysecrethappyplace​ @sincerelyfan​ @theoneanna​ @aestheticsandmarvel​ @rororo06​ @castellandiangelo​ @destynelseclipsa​ @spilledinkindumpster​ @capsiclesdoll​ @puknow​ @alwayshave-faith​ @alex12948​ @lxdyred​  @imagines-by-a-typical-fangirl​ @anonymoussherlockandmarvelgeek​ @praline357​ @trshngyn​ @avengers-r-us​ @violet-19999​ @top1bbgloak​   @manduse​   @jacalineiscomingforyou​  
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myjealouseyes · 9 months
Harry x Wolfstar!Daughter and Harry being really protective! Like, some freak thing where Voldemort does come back, and the battle of Hogwarts and everything in DHP1 still exists and everything, Harry would be so protective of her! Absolutely nothing is going to touch his girlfriend! Maybe Voldemort even threatens reader when Harry is “dead”, and that’s when he reveals that he isn’t dead because there is no way this bald-ass no-nosed freaky pennywise-cousin’s lookin ass just threatened his girlfriend (or maybe fiancee at that point?)
The second wolfstar!daughter sees hagrid carrying harry her first instinct is to get mad as hell!! She starts cursing and swearing at voldermort. (Remus and Sirius are holding her back on instinct.) she does not give a single damn that he’s the dark lord. (And I just KNOW Harry is trying his best not to give himself away out of pure shock. He knows how protective she gets but he didn’t think that counted with the most powerful dark wizard in the world 💀💀)
But then voldermort tells her that she’ll be next (she’s too angry about Harry to care. Like she hasn’t even thought to check his pulse! she’s just mad that he’s bloody and looks unconscious.) but Harry does care!! Very much so!!! That’s when he decides to drop his act.
And I think that when Harry has to go horcrux hunting that’s when they have their first big/serious argument. Because Harry is just outright refusing to let her go but wolfstar!daughter was NOT having it! She’s not going to let him go on a dangerous mission without her. EVER. (She would think that he knows that by now but apparently not.)
They argue back and forth because Harry doesn’t want her to risk her life and she doesn’t want to stand by and watch him risk his. (She does end up winning the argument and she does help him out a lot.)
And yes, they do get engaged shortly after voldermort is defeated they’ve pretty much known from the beginning that they wanted to get married young like their parents did.
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bonniesfamiliar · 7 months
Imma be honest. I'm a multi-shipper. I ship multiple people together. Especially in the HP fandom. One of these ships happens to occasionally be Tom x Harry. Re-read. TOM x Harry (not noseless voldy moldy) NO. I Love time travel fics where Harry travels back and behold it is the hottest guy around: TOM RIDDLE. It's either student Tom Riddle or Minister of Magic Tom Riddle or Shopkeeper Tom Riddle at Burkes.
I just don't get why no one talks about Hagrid.
Everyone thinks of Hagrid as someone who can't keep secrets because of the way he's portrayed babbling when someone takes the time to talk to him (ex Nicholas Flamel). Nobody every thkns about how HE went to school with Tom Riddle. He knew Tom Riddle. He was framed by Tom Riddle. He watched Tom Riddle turn evl. He was the first piece of Tom Riddle's collateral damage. Hagrid knew the entire time that "you know who" was Tom, the guy who got his wand snapped as a TEENAGER. He knew who Voldemort was. Tom obviously would remember him.
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holdupjack · 1 year
In That Moment, My Heart Died With You
Pairing: Hermione Granger x Fem!Reader
WARNING: Angst to Fluff
Third Person P.O.V:
Hermione stood in the crowd as they watched the army of death-eaters walk across the bridge. Hagrid stood before them cradling two bodies in his arms, Ginny cried out in horror as she realized who he was holding in his left arm, while Hermione just stared at the body in his right.
Her Y/n.
She looked as though the was sleeping, only needed her shoulder to be shaken to open her eyes.
Hermione felt as though her knees would buckle, and her heart would crawl out of her chest to Y/n.
The argument from earlier in the day replayed in her mind, causing the blood in her body to boil and scream at her past self for not stopping her.
Y/n and Harry had agreed to meet with Voldemort in the woods, just in the hopes that could save a few of their friends. When they had told Hermione and Ron their plan, almost immediately did Hermione stand up and calmly told the boys to leave the room.
Y/n stared at the ground, afraid to meet her lover's harsh gaze. She knew this would be the end of their relationship, whether she left with a girlfriend or not.
"What the hell are you two thinking?" Hermione asks in disbelief as she towered over her girlfriend's shrinking form.
"Harry thinks that we-"
"Screw what Harry thinks! I know you two are siblings, but that doesn't mean you have to follow him blindly into these things!" She states as the Potter stood up and met her gaze finally.
"It's because of us that our friends are dying out there!" Y/n yells as she gestures in the direction of the castle.
"That's not true! This was going to happen whether you two lived that night or not!" Hermione yells back as her eyes darted around her girlfriend's face.
Y/n sighed and ran her fingers through her hair, she knew Hermione was right, but she wasn't going to let her brother go alone.
"I'm going, Hermione. That's final." Y/n replies as she grabbed her coat from the chair beside her, but Hermione quickly grabbed her wrist.
"Don't. Go." She pleaded through gritted teeth, trying her best to hold back the emotions that wanted to burst out of her.
Y/n stared at her hand around her wrist, trying to think of any words that would ease the pain in her favorite girl's soul.
"When we first met, you told me that you didn't plan on falling in love, since it would deviate you from your studies" Y/n starts as her eyes began to trail up Hermione's arm.
"Then in the fourth year, we found ourselves in a secluded corner of the Gryffindor common room, where I admitted that my mind whispers your name like is desperately asking for air" she continues as they found their sights on one another again, Hermione's lip quivered only for a moment, but Y/n caught it.
"That was the moment I knew you'd be the one to wound me more than any Curse would be able to procure" Hermione replies as she pulled her girlfriend towards her, the coat dropping to their feet.
Their arms wrapped around each other in such desperate and pleading motions, that it almost seemed like they were posing for a renaissance painting.
Hermione felt dread and paranoia flood her body as her mind told her that this was the last time she would see her beautiful Y/n alive.
Little did she know, that she was right.
Voldemort words broke Hermione out of her mind and made her blink back onto her lover's unmoving body.
The Gryffindor's ears began to ring as she never broke her eye contact with Y/n's corpse. She felt Ron next to her, either trying to comfort her or get her attention, she didn't care to know.
Angry wasn't the right word or any different literature form that every language has given this feeling.
Hermione felt as though someone had dug their fingers into her chest and began pulling her rib cage away from her body. She could almost hear the metaphorical cracks of her bones as her fingers twitched around her wand.
Kill him.
Her eyes darted over towards Voldemort as he gave a speech, time seemed to slow as her grip tightened around her weapon.
We haven't gotten all the Horcruxes.
Kill him.
The ringing in her ears was now sirens in comparison to before, as she raised her wand to the wizard.
For Y/n.
Before she could act, Harry darted out of Hagrid's arms, running to cover and back into the castle as the war finally broke out.
Hermione stood still amongst the chaos as she shifted her eyes to Hagrid's retreating form into the castle.
Y/n still wasn't moving.
Life finally resumed at normal speed as she chased after him, the bells in her ears disappearing as she pushed her way back into the school.
Cries of pain and casts of spells filled her ears as she jumped/tripped over corpses on the ground.
She even shoulder-checked one of the Death Eaters, which gave an opening to another student to kill him.
(A/N: *linebacker Hermione*: MOVE! MY WIFE NEEDS ME)
Hermione stumbled into a hallway leading towards the Great Hall, she saw the man quickly walk into it.
The makeshift morgue was in there.
"Y/n" Hermione whispered in fear as she ran towards the entrance, people held each other in horror as the walls shook and screams echoed around the school.
When the Gryffindor broke her way into the Great Hall, Hagrid stood with Madam Promfrey as she covered a boy's body with a white sheet.
"Where is she?" Hermione asks quietly as she got closer to the adults.
The groundskeeper was surprised to see Ms.Granger away from battle already, but at the same time, he wasn't that surprised.
"She ran off towards her brother, I have the slightest idea of where they are headed" Hagrid replies as he rubbed the back of his neck.
"Ran?" Hermione breathed out in relief as she felt her heart gasp for air and come back to life, pounding steadily in her chest.
"Yes, she seemed to have taken a little longer to come back than her brother," he says as he placed a giant hand on her shoulder.
"Thank Merlin" Hermione cried out as she hunched over and let her emotions run free before she ran back out into battle.
Oh, you're going to get your head chewed off if you both survive this.
War Over
Y/n stood in the library, it was one of the few rooms that were still intact after everything and one of the few that didn't have bodies in it.
Her body ached, and her mind was tired from the anxiety she had been experiencing for the last seven years.
She hadn't seen Hermione at all during Harry's showdown with Voldemort, she was too busy dealing with Bellatrix.
"This is for Hermione"
The door suddenly slammed open, which sparked fear in Y/n as she pointed her wand at the intruder.
Hermione stared at her with a heaving chest as the Potter quickly stood down her weapon. They both had; dirt, cuts, and ash covering their bodies, but they have never looked so beautiful to each other.
"My love-" Y/n starts, but she was quickly cut off by Hermione running towards her and engulfing her body in a bone-crushing hug.
Y/n found her fingers in Hermione's hair, now that it was free from the hairstyle she had in it earlier.
"You're bleeding" Hermione whispers as she felt a sticky wet substance staining her finger as she grasps her shirt.
"It's not mine" Y/n whispered back as she pulled her closer, and kissed her head comfortingly in an attempt to calm them both.
Yet, Hermione pushed herself away and slapped her across the face. Y/n stared at her with wide eyes as she touched her cheek, the Gryffindor started to angrily sob.
"I thought you were dead! Why would you do that to me?!" Hermione yells as she shoved Y/n away, which made her stumble.
"I'm okay now-"
"You weren't breathing! You made my worst fears come true and you think that I'll just forgive you now?!" She continues to rant as she pushed her again, Y/n fell against the table behind her.
"You left me!" Hermione cries out as she hit Y/n's chest with the side of her fists, tears falling down her face as she let out her anger.
"I felt my heart stop beating when I saw you in Hagrid's arms, every logical thought left my mind as I was about to get myself killed to avenge you!" She yells as her hands grasp the front of Y/n's shirt and pushed her onto the table, their eyes finally meeting again.
Hermione loomed over her with such sorrow and anger that it frightened the Potter slightly.
"You hurt me"
Silence floated between them for a while, to which Hermione scoffed, and began to back away.
Y/n quickly wrapped her arms back around Hermione, trapping her hands between them as she struggled.
"Let me go!" She yells in protest but soon went limp as her girlfriend began to whisper apologies and sweet nothings.
Maybe it was the haste that she and her brother shared, but Y/n hadn't realized how much she had hurt Hermione with their quick decisions.
Her wails vibrated Y/n's ears.
She had thought of her friends' lives, but not her girlfriends, and now seeing her falling apart because of it, shattered Y/n in ways she didn't think possible.
"You've broken me, just like I knew you would!" Hermione choked out as Y/n nuzzled her face into the crook of the girl's neck.
"I'll fix you, I promise" Y/n whispers as Hermione broke her hands free and pulled her girlfriend in for a sought-after kiss.
"Never again will you break me Y/n, I mean it" Hermione whispers in between the kiss, to which Y/n hummed in agreement.
"I swear"
Thankfully, Y/n kept her promises, giving Hermione the life she wanted and deserved after everything they went through.
They spent life together with smiles and laughs, but some tears when night terrors or sudden flashbacks plagued them.
Hermione was prone to throw herself into her work to distract herself from the memories, which Y/n would always break her away from with a promise of a delicious dinner and the new book she was looking at.
Y/n was more of a daydreamer, where she would stare off into the corner of the room when she had nothing to do. She'd be there for hours, just thinking back on the terrors she saw and done. Hermione would just walk over and begin to pepper her favorite girl in kisses, which easily brought her back into reality.
They had each other's backs, and that's all they needed to the end.
"Thank you for 'fixing' me, my love"
"And thank you for keeping me sane"
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deadbythemorning · 1 year
Project EVE (Harry Potter x reader) part 1
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Synopsis: When accidentally sent back in time fifty years, Y/n turns to the most famous wizards for help
Y/n must attend her final years of school fighting for her life at Hogwarts while trying not to fall in love with one of the most famous wizards in the world
Y/n sat up with a throbbing head and looked around her surroundings where am I?
She knew everything was still temperamental but everything had been successful so far, so why did it mess up with her?
Once she finally stood, she dusted off her hands and tried to find any sort of guide. Everything seems to be outdated here
Y/n watched as the witches and wizards passed her on the busy street
Clearly no one in London knows what current fashion is
As if she were waiting for a browser to load, she scrunched her eyebrows in confusion
Somethings not right…
She quickly whipped around but bumped into a rather large figure
“Sorry bout that” she took a few steps back to get a good look at the figure and gawked
“Y-you’re Hagrid!”
“ ‘m sorry, I don’t recall ever meetin you”
Y/n then quickly shook her head “No, this has to be a polyjuice potion”
Now the giant was confused “You must’ve hit yer head pretty hard”
Her heart began to thump out of her chest “But you were in the Great War…”
“What Great War?”
Y/n looked at him as if he were stupid “The Great War against Voldemort”
Hagrid quickly hushed her while looking around “You shouldn’t say his name so carelessly, one of his followers might hear”
Followers? “I’m sorry” she takes another few steps back “What year is it?”
Hagrid slightly tilts his head to the side “Well it’s 1996”
“I don’t know Albus, she sounds genuine” Hagrid whispered
“She sounds confused” Snape objected in his usual monotonous voice
“She speaks of a war” Hagrid countered which silenced them all “As if it’s no big deal” they all looked at each other nervously
“Well if she is from the future, we must send her back immediately” Mcgonagall sternly tells them “In any event that what she’s saying is true, she could change the course of history”
“So get a time turner and get on with it!” Flitwick urged
“It’s never that simple” Dumbledore finally spoke up which silenced their bickering “Whether we like it or not, she’s here for a reason. We should at least speak with her before we deem her a threat to our future or our students”
They all looked to one another before filing out of his office to meet the girl. Y/n on the other hand was too busy admiring the trinkets to notice they were all staring at her, it wasn’t until Hagrid cleared his throat that she finally snapped out of it and spun around.
“Oh..wow” she gently placed the lamp down and gawked at the group of teachers in front of her “You’re…you’re Severus Snape” she quickly bowed her head “Sir it’s an absolute honor to meet you, you were like, my biggest inspiration when I was a kid” she then looked over at the rest of them “Holy…I never thought I’d be in a room filled with the most famous witches and wizards in history”
“How did you get here miss…”
“L/n. Y/n L/n” she then paused to think “The last thing I remember is trying project EVE myself…and then waking up on some random street in London”
“Project EVE?” Flitwick asked while Y/n nodded
“It’s this thing my friend and I started to help people find their soulmate” Snape was quick to roll his eyes
“And what does EVE stand for?” Mcgonagall questioned
“Eve was the name of the woman who originally started the program” she told them “After she passed, my friend Fiona and I decided we were gonna finish what she started”
“And how does it work?” Dumbledore asked while Y/n twiddled her thumbs
“It’s actually quite complicated” she started “You’re supposed to cast a charm and then drink a potion” Y/n waved her hand in dismissal “It’s supposed to bring you to the location of your soul mate but clearly it faulted when I did it myself” she gives a bashful smile while looking down “You see, I specialize in potions. Spell casting has never been easy for me. Fiona wanted me to try it out since it was successful for her and a bunch of others, but I fear my spell casting ability is the reason I’ve been sent almost fifty years into the past”
“Simple fix then!” Flitwick smiled “We just preform everything correctly and she should be sent to her time!”
Although they all agreed, Dumbledore knew it could never be that simple and Mcgonagall knew just from taking one look at his face.
“Wow, this really has been an experience” she tells them while Snape hands her the potion “I mean to spend HOURS with the worlds most famous wizards, to drink a potion made from thee Severus Snape” she then scoffs “You know what? I’m not even mad that this happened”
“The faster you drink it, the faster you go home” Snape tells her while trying to get her to take the bottle from his hand
“Right” she opened the vial and put it to her lips but paused “What if it doesn’t work?”
“What if it doesn’t work” she reiterated “I mean, you’re all brilliant but… if it doesn’t work, how will you know?”
They all looked between one another before Dumbledore spoke up “Do you know how to use the floo network?” Which earned another scoff
“Do I know how to use the floo network? That shit is ancient of course I-” she then quickly covered her mouth “I’m sorry”
Dumbledore lights the fireplace and everyone gets into positions “I can’t tell if she’s mad or an absolute genius” Hagrid muttered to himself while Flitwick nudged him
“Well, bottoms up” she chugged the disgusting liquid while Mcgonagall hit her with the charm, causing her to disappear.
“Well how do we know if it worked?” Flitwick asked and they all turned to Dumbledore
“Now we just wait”
They decided that an hour would be long enough for them to declare she was back home but it had only been ten minutes and the girl rolled out from the fire place “Well…” Y/n slowly stands up with a loud groan “I’m still here but now I’m covered in soot, so now what”
Disbelief was written all over their faces. They had enough problems at Hogwarts, they didn’t need to add to the pile.
“I suppose now we get you sorted” they all turned to Dumbledore and began arguing over his decision
“She can’t stay here at Hogwarts! She might disturb the course of history-”
“Sorted? We would have to make her a schedule and robes and-”
“Hogwarts doesn’t need to deal with more problems, we should simply hand her over to the ministry and let them-”
“This is a life changing event, I-I don’t think I should be attending class and studying. It’s bad for my mental-”
“SILENCE” everyone immediately stopped and turned to the older man “I will handle her finances along with her schedule but at the moment we’ve done all we can” they all turn to Y/n “We can’t let her wander around the halls without taking any classes, they might get suspicious. And as for sending her to the ministry, they might make her tell them what’s supposed to happen and they might alter history themselves”
Y/n then awkwardly raised her hand “History of magic was never my strongest subject, so I couldn’t tell them about the next fifty years even if I wanted to”
Snape scoffs “Was there a subject that you did specialize in?” He drawls and she gives him a cheeky smile
“I shall send everyone an owl explaining why miss L/n is here so everyone has the same story” Dumbledore tells them as he walks over to Y/n with the sorting hat “In the mean time”
“Twenty five points from Hufflepuff” seriously, what’s with this point system? “And where might your tie be miss L/n?” Professor Umbridge asked
“Beats me professor” she replied nonchalantly while the older woman gave her a forced smile
“As a woman, you ought to dress more ladylike, you should care about your appearance” a tie quickly fastens its way around her neck “Another twenty points for unkempt appearance” Y/n rolled her eyes and waited for the book to gently land on her desk. None of it mattered though. OWLS, the tests, the studying. All she had to do was figure out what she did wrong and she’d be back home before no time “Miss L/n?” Y/n’s eyes quickly snapped up towards the front
“Care to repeat what i just said? Verbatim?”
Y/n blew the hair out of her face while shaking her head “So sorry professor” she apologized while rubbing the stars into her left eye “I wasn’t listening to a word you said” the entire class laughed while Umbridge turned the same shade pink as her skirt
Umbridge’s shrilly voice echoed through Y/n’s head as she wandered through the busy halls of Hogwarts. I guarantee she isn’t the reason Hogwarts is considered the best wizarding school in the world
Clumsily enough, Y/n didn’t realize there was a slight step in one of the corridors and fell right into someone “Watch it you oaf”
Y/n not so gracefully caught herself from falling and looked up at the boy “I’d say the same thing to you” she then tucked a stray piece of hair behind her ear “There’s plenty of space in this hallway, consider yourself honored that I bumped into you of all people”
That certainly caught a few looks from passerby’s “Oi, do you know who you’re talking to?” One of his bigger friends asked
Of course she knew that was Draco Malfoy, but if she were to keep up this act, she had to be believable “No, should I?”
The blonde scoffed “But let me guess, you know who Potter is?” The golden trio stopped and glared at the blonde
Y/n let out a loud sigh and shook her head “I honestly don’t know nor care for whoever Potter is” she swore she could hear a pen drop “I don’t care for popularity status’s, or wealth status, or blood status, I’m just here…until I’m not” she loosened the tie that strangled her “I’m glad you all enjoyed the show, but if you’ll all excuse me, I have to find my way to potions” it wasn’t until she took her dramatic bow that she noticed the golden trio
“Draco aren’t you going to do something?” Pansy questioned but the blonde stayed quiet. He was too stunned to speak, it wasn’t every day someone talked back to him
Great, now everyone thinks I’m crazy
Y/n let out a loud groan once she reached an empty staircase
I can’t leave soon enough
Just then, the staircase began moving, which made the girl quickly grip the railing
I can’t tell if this is brilliant or absolutely terrifying
She then took a sneak peak over the railing, immediately regretting it
“Professor I’m so sorry I’m late” Y/n huffed as she barged into the potions classroom. Everyone stared at the girl whose robe hung off her one shoulder and her tie barely hung around her neck “The staircase kept moving on me” she chuckled while yanking the potions book out of her tote bag “I can’t lie, that’s pretty fucking cool”
“Ten points from Hufflepuff for your tardiness and fifteen for your foul use of language”
Y/n then scanned the area for an empty seat “Apologies” she told him while sliding over to her spot “This school is just so much bigger than what I thought and I need a map! And-”
“Another five points for interrupting my class” Snape interrupted her rambling
“I’m sorry professor I-”
“Another five points for back talking”
“I-” Snape held up his hand and Y/n slumped in her seat in defeat
“Don’t worry” her seat mate whispered “Snape’s always like that”
She then blew the hair from out of her face “Don’t meet your hero’s they say” she mumbled while flipping her book open
“Hero?” She slowly sat up in her spot “You really must not be from here”
She then turned to the boy next to her “Y/n L/n”
Her heart quickly sunk “Harry Potter” just my luck huh “Where are you from?”
“America” the boy looked up at the board before turning his attention back to her “You’re a long way from there”
Y/n let out a scoff “Yeah, you have no idea” she then covered her face with her hands “I’m sorry…about earlier”
“Sorry for what?” He asked “You’ve got guts for standing up to Malfoy”
“Yeah, but I sounded like a complete asshole” she moved a few of her fingers to take a peak at the green eyed boy “Sorryyyy”
Harry shook his head with a smile “Don’t be, it’s nice to finally have someone not point and stare at me”
She then moved her hands and tilted her head “You’re really famous around here huh?”
The boy let out a soft sigh “Not for the right reasons”
Being put on a pedestal your entire life must be exhausting, especially when the whole fate of the wizarding world rested on your shoulders “I’m sorry to hear”
Harry shook his head once again “Don’t be sorry, it’s not your burden to carry”
“She’s only been here a day and she’s already costing us all our points!” A Hufflepuff whined
It had only been a day and nearly every fifth year began talking about her. Everyone (except the Hufflepuffs) admired her nonchalant attitude, they were impressed with how smart she was, and most importantly, she had a personality that drew you in.
Y/n was heavily under the impression that she was intimidating because no one dared speak with her at lunch, but they definitely talked about her.
“She’s arrogant” Ron tells Harry and Hermione “I mean causing a scene like that on your first day?”
“She’s probably stressed” Harry defends her “Moving to a new country, having everyone constantly stare at you”
“You should’ve heard the way she talked to Umbridge this morning” Neville added
“Why are you defending her?” Ron questioned “Do you fancy her or something?”
“I don’t see how” Hermione mindlessly added on “She speaks so highly of you” a loud gasp was heard and everyone turned to the Hufflepuff table
Pansy Parkinson had just dumped an entire pitcher of pumpkin juice on Y/n “Maybe now you’ll learn to respect Draco you dirty mutt”
Y/n slowly stood from her spot and calmly wiped the liquid off her face “Maybe I will when he doesn’t send his lap dog to fight his own battles” Pansy went to pounce on her but with the flick of her two fingers, Pansy quickly flew backwards “This day just gets better and better!” She mumbled sarcastically while grabbing her bag
“Why don’t we try again”
“Why don’t you try hiring teachers that don’t resort to torturing students as punishment?” Y/n snapped back
It hadn’t even been a full week and yet, she was done with the Hogwarts experience. The constant stares, three detentions back to back, and harassment from Slytherins. One more minute and she might blow someone to smithereens.
“Maybe if you weren’t such a delinquent, you wouldn’t be punished” Snape drawls and Y/n rolls her eyes
“We’re not getting anywhere!” She pulls her hair in frustration “I’m not even going to London anymore! I’m just ending up somewhere around the school”
“That doesn’t mean we should give up” Mcgonagall tells her “Again” Y/n let’s out a groan in frustration “Like it or not miss L/n, this isn’t your time. You being here compromises our future, your future. And if we stop now, life as you know it might never exist”
With one last pout, Y/n takes the potion out of Snapes hands and chugs it “Ready when you are” she muttered in disgust
Flitwick casts the spell without a moment’s hesitation, sending Y/n into another whirlwind of absolute hell.
Y/n fell into a chair, notes flying everywhere, many weird looks and whispers were shared amongst other students. The library, great
Well that’s another failed trial and a waste of time
She slowly collected her notes that were sprawled out on the table
“Didn’t think you knew how to read” Y/n moved the hair out of her face to reveal a cocky Draco
“Here to dump more liquid over my head?” She asked without looking up from her notes “I thought that was your girlfriends job?”
Draco sneered “She’s not my girlfriend”
“Oh, so she’s another one of your brainless goons” Draco rolled his eyes
“They’re not my goons”
“So they’re your friends” Y/n shook her head “You choosing to be friends with them is…a very bold decision”
Draco crossed his arms“You have a smart mouth, you know that right?”
She shrugs her shoulders “I’ve been told on occasion or two”
He gently picks up her hand “Maybe if you learned to shut it, you wouldn’t have this”
Y/n quickly snatched it back “Or maybe that old toad shouldn’t be torturing students”
Draco looked around before leaning down towards her ear “You know if you were friends with me, this would never happen”
Y/n rolls her eyes “Oh you’re just that popular huh?” She asked sarcastically and he shrugs his shoulders with a smirk
“I’ve got quite the influence around here”
With one last raise of the eyebrows, Y/n stands from her spot “Dully noted”
“Wow Malfoy in a library?” They both turned their heads to see the golden trio
“Is studying an uncommon thing here?” Y/n muttered, making Harry quirk an eyebrow
“I’m sorry if some of us learned how to read weaslebe” Ron quickly frowned
“You don’t have your sidekicks Malfoy” Ron sneered “Are you sure you can fend for yourself?”
“Look” Y/n started “I don’t know what you guys have going on, but leave me out of it” she then left the group to figure out what she would do now.
I would rather get hit with crucio than listen to her for another minute
Umbridge did absolutely everything in her power to make sure they didn’t actually learn spells, which seemed to irritate everyone. She could understand reading a few passages, but writing it three times afterwards to retain the information?
Suddenly a wad of paper hits the back of her head.
With an irritated sigh, she slowly turned around to see who looked guilty. There had only been one person looking at her, and she can’t say she was surprised.
“Open it” Draco mouthed and she slowly complied
Slytherin party tonight I’ll pick you up at eight
Y/n crinkled the paper back up and continued to stare out the window rather than do whatever assignment Umbridge assigned
Another note hit her head
Don’t ignore me
Being surrounded around a bunch of teenagers that didn’t like her honestly sounded like a blast, but getting home before she was stuck taking OWLS sounded like it was in her better interest
“Passing notes are we?” Y/n slowly looked up from her textbook to see Umbridge staring down at her “Fifty points from Hufflepuff for disrupting class”
Y/n quickly sat up with anger “But I didn’t do anything!”
“Another fifteen for raising your voice!” Y/n slowly deflated in her seat “You should know that you need to respect your elders” Y/n wished she could just slap that smug smile off her face. Y/n glared down at the note on her desk stupid parties, stupid Slytherins, stupid school, and stupid teachers. The note burst into flames, causing an uproar from the class “MISS L/N!”
“I didn’t do anything!” She lied
“To cause such disruption-”
“My wands not even out!”
Y/n rubbed her hand as she listened to Snape describe the newest potion they’d be learning. She was completely over it, she couldn’t get home soon enough.
“You’re doing that wrong” Y/n muttered once taking a glance at Harry’s potion
“How?” He questioned “I’m doing everything the book is telling me”
Y/n sat up to peer over into his cauldron “You can always tell if a potion is brewed correctly by its look and smell”
“Correct” Snape confirmed “Five points to Hufflepuff”
Harry looks down with a huff “So what did I do wrong?”
With a flick of her wand, Harry’s potion disappeared “Show me what you’re doing” Y/n lazily watched the boy brewed the potion until he goes to grab a handful of dragon scales “Wait” she grabs his wrist “It’s too early” she slowly lets go of his arm “Mix it until it turns green”
Harry eyes the potion before turning to her “Looks pretty green to me”
Y/n rolls her eyes “That’s a forest green, we’re looking for Granny Smith green” as Harry began to stir the potion, it grew lighter in color, making him smile with excitement “Adding the dragon scales before fully activating troll bogeys will cancel all effects of the potion” once it turned the desired shade of green, Y/n slid over the basket of dragon scales
“You’re really good at this” Y/n lazily shrugged her shoulders
“Potions is about the only thing I’m good at”
Harry let’s out a small yawn “I doubt that’s true” she watched as the boy rubbed his eyes and tilted her head in confusion
“Are you not getting any sleep?” She asked “This is probably the fifth time you’ve yawned in the past ten minutes”
The boy nods while meeting her eyes “I keep having these nightmares” he shakes his head in dismissal “I know, it’s pathetic-”
“Not at all” she tells him while laying her head down on the desk “I used to have frequent nightmares about my father” she admitted “He went mad when me mum left him, she moved to London to continue working on new spells she was creating. My father thought that if he could invent something better, it would win her over and she would come back home….but the more I wrote to her and the happier she sounded, the more it broke him. He was obsessed…and I was just a kid…jealous that he spent all his time on some spell. So I went to his study and burnt all of his work in hopes he’d realize that she wasn’t coming back, that he was the reason she didn’t want to come back. My father was outraged, so completely out of his mind that he tried using the killing curse on me. I mean I was lucky you know, the spell bounced off the mirror and hit him…but sometimes I dream about if it did hit me, or if he hit me with the cruciatis curse” Y/n slowly sat up “Since I clearly wasn’t getting any sleep, I just spent all my time brewing potions” she quickly jumped up “Harry don’t let the potion scorch! Keep stirring it!”
Harry did as he was told and nodded “Right, I’m sorry”
“Don’t be” she shrugged her shoulders “Snape already graded my potion”
“No I mean about your father”
Y/n sucks the back of her teeth “Don’t worry about it, I didn’t mean to spew my traumatic back story at you” she helps him bottle the potion and clean his mess “What I was trying to get at was I’m a master of crafting a dreamless potion and the draught of peace” the bell rung and everyone quickly filed out of the room “If you ever wanna give it a try for one night of peace, just let me know”
Once Y/n tossed her book in her bag, she shuffled out of the classroom along with the others, but it didn’t take Harry long to make up his mind “Y/n wait!” Right before Y/n was able to make it to the stairs out of the dungeon, Harry grabbed onto her hand “Do you think you could craft me a couple of those potions?”
Y/n looked around before taking a step down “These are powerful potions Harry” she warns him “Stripping away emotions for a good nights rest, it can be dangerous, trust me” Harry slowly lets go of her hand “That being said, I’ll make you one of each. One to soothe your anxiety and one to get you a full eight hours of rest”
“Anything is better than nothing” there was a lost look in Harry’s eyes that Y/n couldn’t help but feel bad for him. Sleepless nights, people telling you you’re crazy, isolating you, she’d probably go mad too
“Don’t tell me you’re hanging around Potter” an arm plops down around her shoulders “Trust me, that cry baby will hurt your social status” Harry gritted his teeth in annoyance while Draco and the others laughed
“Look Malfoy! He’s about to run off and cry in his pillow!” They continued to laugh while Harry stomped up the stairs
“Harry….” you go to chase after him but Draco stops you
“Leave him, I’d imagine he wouldn’t want a girl to see him cry” that’s when Y/n finally shoved his arm off of her
“You’re such a prick Draco” she pushed past the others and left the dungeons
Y/n spent the rest of the week crafting said potions for Harry, completely disregarding the more important task at hand. Surprisingly enough, Harry was almost impossible to find these days.
I could just give it to him next week
Y/n huffed as she readjusted her scarf. Someone mentioned seeing Harry at hogsmead but she searched everywhere for the boy for hours, it began to feel like a wild goose chase. Her gloves began to feel useless along with the three pair of socks she wore, the crunchy snow slowly seeped into her boots and the misery hit her like a truck.
He’ll be fine getting it next week
“Y/n?” The girl whipped around to see the boy she frantically searched for
“Harry” she huffed out “Where have you been? I’ve been looking all over for you?”
A smile spread across his rosy cheeks “You have?”
She nodded while reaching into her pocket “I wanted to give you these” she hands him the small vials “I didn’t want to make it look suspicious to lingering eyes”
Harry’s heart swelled with adornment “Thank you Y/n” he looks back up at her “I really appreciate it”
Y/n shrugs her shoulders “It’s no biggie” she sniffled a bit “I would want the same, yknow?”
Harry couldn’t keep his eyes off the girl. The way the snow clung to her hair, the way the snowy background made her big soft eyes look even warmer, the way the color pink slightly dusted across her face “Do you fancy Malfoy?” He blurted out
Y/n scrunched up her nose “No, why would you say that?”
Harry felt rather embarrassed by the sudden outburst “You just…you’re always around him and you avoid me like the plague” The girl stood there stunned, not knowing what to say. She’d been trying to figure out a way home, studying for pointless tests (especially the OWLS), not to mention the constant detentions Umbridge kept giving her, she didn’t realize she was isolating herself from her friends “I’m sorry, it’s just with Umbridge and Voldemort returning and Dumbledore ignoring me, I’ve been stressed”
“That Umbridge is definitely something else huh?” Harry looked down with a smile “If I’m being honest, my hands are just as full as yours, sorry if it seemed like I was avoiding you” and with that, she shrugged her shoulders and left the boy standing there
“Y/n wait!” Harry called out while chasing after her
Y/n stopped in her tracks and turned around to face the boy “Oh, I uh needed to grab a few books from the library, but you’re welcome to join if you’d like”
Harry shakes his head “I think what we both need is a distraction” she quirked a brow and the green eyed boy grabbed her hand and dragged her away from the school.
“Harry” Y/n nervously watched as he grabbed his broom “Is now a bad time to mention I have a deathly fear of heights?”
Harry held his cheeky grin as he mounted the broom “I promise, you’ll love it” the very second Y/n climbed onto the broom, Harry took off which made the girl loudly scream in fear
“HARRY POTTER YOU PUT ME DOWN RIGHT NOW!” The boy laughed and lifted them higher into the air “You’re MAD”
“Don’t you trust me?” He asked but frowned when she stayed silent. That’s when he got the brilliant idea to dive hundreds of feet out of the air
“HARRY!” She screamed while holding onto his waist for dear life
“You said to put you down” she could hear the cheeky grin in his voice
“I don’t want to die Harry!” She called out while squeezing her eyes shut and laying her head against his back
“Do you trust me?” He repeated and she nodded her head
“If putting my trust in you is the last thing I do, I’ll haunt you in the after life Potter”
Harry quickly pulled the broom back up “Sounds like Malfoy’s rubbing off on you” Harry sped off on the broom again, making Y/n squeal “Aw come on, you can’t tell me you aren’t having just a bit of fun”
Y/n shook her head “I’m sorry if my screams of terror made you think otherwise” she retorted, Harry couldn’t help but laugh.
Where have you been all my life?
“Alright alright” Harry finally lands onto the pier of the now icy black lake, smiling to himself as their legs finally touch ground.
“Oh my” Y/n peeled her eyes back open sighing with relief “Harry Potter, you’re absolutely mad” A bittersweet smile formed on Harry’s lips once her grasp on his torso loosened “You know, I think if we were supposed to be in the air, we’d be born as birds”
Harry shakes his head while turning around “I get it, you’re afraid of heights” he watched as she tries to straighten her hair out “But at least you were able to forget about everything for a few minutes”
“Yeah, because I was worried about falling to my death” but he’s right “Thanks Harry” she gave a sheepish smile while watching the snow fall even harder across the lake “We should probably head back though”
“Wait” Y/n gave a blank stare as Harry’s heart pounded out of his chest “I’m getting a bunch of students together and teaching them how to defend themselves since Umbridge won’t” Harry blurted out
“Oh that’s-”
“Would you like to join?” His heart thumped in his ears as he awaited her answer “We have a secret location that’s perfect for the spells we’d be practicing” Harry couldn’t explain it but he felt like he could tell her anything. The girl that didn’t care that he was the boy that lived and didn’t stare at him like he was some freak every year. The girl that wasn’t afraid to speak her mind or stand up for herself. The girl who he swore was just as smart as Hermione, if not smarter. The girl who always seemed to make him forget about the horrors of reality.
“Why not?” she replied while shrugging her shoulders “I prefer performing spells rather than reading about them” a giant smile formed on the boys face
It was a simple spell and it frustrated her to no end that she couldn’t preform it. As Y/n’s hands shook in anger, she decided to put her wand away and grab her book, the last thing she needed was to throw a tantrum in front of everyone.
Snap your wrist to preform incantation
She read over the same page about a hundred times and yet, she had no luck
Maybe I really am only good at potions
A frown made its way onto her face as she paced back and forth in her small corner. The other spells seemed rather easy, but of course the one defensive spell they teach gave her the most trouble.
Maybe if I’m lucky I’ll be gone before Harry drags me to war
“Alright, that’s enough for today” Harry announced “Great job everyone, you’re making excellent progress”
“Same time next week” Ron tells them as they all file out
Unfortunately for Y/n, she was stopped before she could make her escape “What happened?” Harry asked her with a head tilt “You separated yourself from the group”
She rubs her eyes “I know” she then shook her head “Im just a very slow learner and I was getting extremely frustrated”
A small smile played on his lips “I thought you liked preforming spells rather than reading about them?”
She playfully rolls her eyes “Whatever Harold, I’ll just learn it next week”
“I could teach you” Harry quickly spat out to stop her from leaving “Show me what you’re doing”
With a slight moment to think about it, she dropped her bag onto the ground and pulled her wand out. Once Harry took a few steps back, she took her stance and aimed at the dummy “Reducto!” Not that she was surprised, but nothing happened.
Harry nodded once she turned around to face him with disappointment “I think it’s your hand movement” he walks over to stand in front of her “You’re jabbing your wand”
“No” she pouts “I’m flicking my wrist like it’s telling me”
Without thinking, Harry gently took her hand in his own “You’re flicking your wrist downwards” he moved her hand up and down “Try rolling your wrist in a scooping motion ” after showing her what to do, his grip loosened but his touch definitely lingered.
“Reducto!” The dummy exploded upon impact causing a big smile to make its way to Y/n’s face, a smile that Harry slowly grew to love “I guess you are a good teacher” she tells him while turning to face him
“You guess?”
She shrugged her shoulders with a cheeky grin “I guess”
Y/n felt more confident now that she knew what she was doing, which was perfect since they were dueling this week.
Once everyone congratulated Hermione for absolutely humiliating Ron, a hand gently tapped Y/n’s shoulder “Why don’t you try?” Harry asked and she shook her head
“I just learned the spell” she turned to look at him “I don’t want to embarrass myself”
Their eyes locked onto each other’s, Harry’s green eyes were swimming with a devious glint “Hermione, Y/n would like to go next!” He called out, causing the girl to slap his shoulder
“Hermione?” She whisper shouted “Do you want people to laugh at me?”
Harry shook his head “I’m helping you prepare for the real deal” Y/n awkwardly walks over to the witch and everyone cleared way
“C’mon! You got this Hermione!”
Y/n anxiously readied her wand as everyone cheered the witch on. Sure she was good at studying, but actual spell casting was her downfall.
There was a determined look in Hermione’s eyes, like she had something to prove to Y/n.
“What are they waiting for?” A student whispered and Hermione used this distraction as her chance to attack
“Protego!” A light shield covered Y/n and blocks the attack
I didn’t think that would work
“When did we learn that?” Someone else asked upsetting the witch in front of her
“Protego!” Y/n’s heart thumped out of her chest from the last minute save. However, Hermione grew annoyed that every and any spell she threw at her, Y/n would block
“It’s not much of a duel if you don’t attack” she huffed while readying herself. Nothing life threatening, just throw something at her “Stupify!”
A stream of red shot out of Y/n’s wand while a yellow one came from Hermione’s, forming loud gasps and awes from the crowd as each color fought for dominance. Y/n had no idea how she did it but knew that she couldn’t let go now. Hermione knew she couldn’t stop now, she couldn’t let one surprise stop her victory.
But it was too much for both of them to handle, this was new ground and it was almost terrifying. Hermione’s wand jerked to the left, which made the spell hit her full on. Not only did her spell send Hermione and her wand flying, but the Stupify Hermione casted hit someone else.
“Harry!” Y/n quickly whipped around to see the boy laying on the ground. She quickly pushed through the crowd and kneeled at his side
“Harry are you alright?” She inspected the boy as he held his shoulder “Where does it hurt?”
“Harry” Hermione huffed with regret “I’m so sorry” she apologized
“It’s alright” he told her as he sat up “I’m fine” that wince said otherwise “That was brilliant you two”
“Harry we need to get you to the hospital wing” Hermione urged but he shook his head
“We would have to explain how I got hurt to miss Pomfrey” he then stood up “Besides, I’m fine, really”
“If you’re worried about Pomfrey telling Umbridge, I can heal you” everyone turned to Y/n “It’ll be easy” one shrug of the shoulders was enough to win Harry over “I can brew a quick potion and put some ointment for the pain and bruising, he’ll be perfectly fine tomorrow”
“You barely know how to cast spells” Ron tells her “Why would we trust you with him?”
What have I done to get on Ron and Hermione’s bad side?
Y/n then looked over to Harry “Do you trust me?”
Harry didn’t hesitate to nod his head “I’ll meet you guys back at the common room” he reassured them “Continue on without me, I’ll be fine” Hermione gave Harry one last apologetic look before he turned to Y/n “Shall we?”
From the way Harry described the pain, it might’ve just been a dislocated shoulder, but that didn’t stop him from acting extra whiny.
“We just have to get to my room okay?” She told him as she knocked on the large barrels in front of the Hufflepuff entrance
“What happens if you knock on the wrong barrel?”
She turned to him as the door unlocked “You get sprayed with vinegar” she jerked her head towards the door
“That’s so-”
“Awful” she finished for him “I was in for a pleasant surprise my first day” she led him around the cozy room, earning weird glances from lingering Hufflepuffs “I had to have a ghost tell me which barrels to knock on because I was drenched”
She finally came across a single room on the first floor and opened the door for him “How did you get an entire room to yourself?”
She shrugged her shoulders while closing the door behind him “I think it’s because I started so late” or probably because they thought I’d be gone after the first week and didn’t want me interacting with too many students “Please, sit” she conjures a cauldron and a bunch of random ingredients begin floating in the air “Can you take off your shirt?” Harry’s face flashed a bright red “I just want to make sure there’s no broken bones” the boy goes to lift up his shirt but immediately winced in pain “Here” she sat down on the edge of the bed “Let me” her fingers gently hook underneath his vest and she’s able to remove it without causing much pain to his shoulder. Once removed, she then unbuttons most of the buttons on his shirt so it would just fall off his shoulder, revealing a giant dark purple bruise on his very pale skin “Let me know when it hurts okay?” She gently pads her fingers around his chest, arm, collarbone, and shoulder of course. Harry on the other hand couldn’t breathe, as if he were in a trance that he never wanted to wake up from.
That was until Y/n shoved his shoulder back into place, causing the boy to erupt in a painful groan “Blimey Y/n!”
“Did that hurt?” Her eyes finally flicked up to meet up with his
Those beautiful orbs of hers, he could swim in them all day “You were brilliant today” he whispered, afraid that speaking too loud would scare her away
“That was absolutely terrifying” she admits “You got hurt”
His eyes flicker down to her lips “Good thing I have a great doctor”
Y/n shook her head with a smile “How convenient for you” she then stands up to make her potion “I figured since I was slow reflex wise, I’d be better off as a healer. So I spent most of my time learning how to make medicines”
“I never taught anyone how to use Protego”
A small smile played on her lips as she mixed the ingredients together “I used to want to be an auroa” she answered “You can read about these spells all you want, but it’s completely different actually preforming them and using them on other people” once the potion turned the right shade of orange, she scooped a cup out for Harry to drink “And if I can’t immediately do it, I think I’ve done something wrong and no longer want to do it” she sits down next to him and hands him the pumpkin shaped cup
“Y/n I don’t think you realize how brilliant of a witch you are” Harry tells her softly
“Yeah yeah” she urged him to take the cup from her “If I had a bit of patience, I could thrive in one subject” Harry winced at the bitter taste but drinks it nonetheless “How bad would you say the pain is?” She asked while leaning over to grab a small jar of ointment
“7.5” he answers quickly “Maybe even an eight” with a nod, she unscrews the top and uses three fingers to scoop some out “Maybe you could teach me a few spells one day” his voice gets caught in his throat as her fingers spread the cool gel over his skin
“The student becomes the teacher” she smiled but grew concerned at his silence “Are you alright Harry?” the boy couldn’t speak so he opted on nodding “You don’t have to lie to me” she tells him “I haven’t made the potion in so long, if you feel funny, you need to tell me”
Oh he definitely felt funny… “How often did you make the potion?” He finally speaks up
“My friends were troublemakers, both witches and muggles” she answered while grabbing more ointment “However, my muggle friends did absolutely anything they could to be in harms way. I couldn’t exactly tell them I was giving them a healing potion or rubbing magical ointment to get rid of the pain, but when I was younger, I used to kiss their injury and tell them I did it to make it better. And the next day, they’d be completely fine” she then puts the lid back on the jar “They would joke and say my kisses had magical healing abilities but I would just say it was the “organic smoothie” I made them”
Harry couldn’t breathe, he swore she could hear his heart beating out of his chest but all he could do was blurt out eight words “Will you kiss it to make it better?” Y/n slowly looked up at the boy who burned red
“Honestly Harry” she playfully shook her head while leaning over to put the ointment back on the night stand “You’re such a baby” she then leans down to gently kiss his collarbone “And now my lips are gonna go numb” she wipes the ointment off her lips and stands up to finish cleaning “Come on, let’s get you out of here before someone tells Umbridge I have a boy in my room”
It’s not that Harry purposefully hurt himself, but ever since he found out Y/n was good at healing, he’d been purposefully hurting himself.
It was all minor injuries, things that could easily be fixed at the hospital wing, or even a weeks worth of rest. However, why go to madam Pomfrey when he could get a kiss from Y/n?
It’s not that Harry wanted to be hit by the bludger, but it did work in his favor. He would go back to Y/n, where she would scold him while he marveled at how brilliant she was, and she would give him a kiss. Besides, he’d been “injured” almost every day for the past two weeks. If he came back with another small cut, she might catch on.
Harry was knocked off his broom and nearly fell to his death if it weren’t for Hermione’s quick thinking. A time out was called to address his injuries but Harry could only think of one thing.
“Are you alright mate?”
Harry nods while slowly sitting up “It was worth it” he strained
“What? Being hit straight with a bludger and falling hundreds of feet out the air?” Harry gave the girl a look before opening his hand to reveal the snitch
“HARRY POTTER HAS CAUGHT THE SNITCH! GRYFINDOR WINS!!” The stadium goes into an uproar while a determined Harry picked himself up
“We really need to get you to the hospital wing” Hermione tries to put his arm around her shoulder but he shrugs her off
“The hospital wing will be full” he tells her “I’ll just go to Y/n, her dorm is closer than the hospital wing. Besides, the pain is manageable” he was in excruciating pain
Hermione gave Ron a look and the ginger shrugged his shoulders knowing exactly why he preferred seeing her “Alright” Hermione finally agreed “Do you need any help with anything?”
Harry nodded “Could you take my broom back for me?”
Y/n would’ve attended the game but Mcgonagall had been on her arse to find a way back home…not that she knew anything about quidditch anyway. I’m sure he’ll win
Her concentrated thoughts came to an end once a knock came from her door “Come in” she called out which revealed a beat up and bruised Harry “Oh my-” she quickly jumped out of bed and ran to his side “Harry what happened?”
The books and notes flew off her bed so she could gently lay him down “Bludger came after me” he tells her “Knocked me straight off my broom” he hissed
Y/n sucks her teeth “I don’t understand how quidditch is safe for students to play” she tried removing his armor but immediately stopped when he let out a loud groan “Harry, I think you should go to the hospital wing”
Harry quickly shook his head “It’s full at the moment” her hand stopped on his jersey “It’ll be okay, I trust you”
She knew the boy was stubborn and lugging him across the castle wasn’t the best idea, so she let out a soft sigh “Did you guys at least win?” Her eyes flicker up to his and he nods
“I caught the snitch” her hand gently makes its way to his face, which he gladly leans into
“I’m sure you did” she tells him in a baby voice before standing up “I have no clue what that or a bludger is but I’ll put the ointment on you so you’re not as miserable”
“I could never be miserable around you” Y/n stops and looks down at him with a quirked brow
“I can tell you’re in a lot of pain Harry” she gently sits next to him and unscrews the jar “Extra pale skin, excessive sweat, quickened heart rate, dilated eyes” she lifts his Jersey up and was completely mortified to see the black bruises dance along his chest “It’s unbelievable how reckless you men are” she nagged while scooping ointment out
“The bludger hit me” he defended but she still held her scowl “I’m fine Y/n” she didn’t say a word but continued frown “Hey, look at me” his hand stops her from rubbing the gel on him which quickly makes her look up “I’m fine”
She was first to look away, obviously still mad that he would play a sport so dangerous but she could feel his lingering eyes “Once the pain subsides, I’ll check to make sure there’s no broken bones” she explained while putting the ointment away “But with the chest plate, your ribs might just be bruised” if this is how hard it hit him with gear on, I’d hate to see what it could do without it
“Do you want me to take my shirt off?” Y/n’s eyes darted to his “So it’ll be easier…to access my chest” Harry wanted to punch himself for sounding like an idiot
“I mean…” she shrugged her shoulders “It’ll help but I don’t want to put you through anymore pain” Harry then goes to rip his clothes off but Y/n stops him with a laugh “It’s fine Harold” she gently takes his hands in her “I appreciate the consideration though” she then let’s go of his hands to inspect his chest again “Hmmm…” her fingers drew circles around his bruises “I think I have just the potion for this” she then jumps from her spot and searched her cupboard “I think…this might help” she tosses a bottle at Harry which he easily catches “Bottoms up”
The vile liquid poured down his throat and she gives him a cheeky smile “What on earth was that?” She then sits next to the boy and lifts up his jersey
“Well would you look at that” she smiled while putting the jersey down “No broken bones, bruised ribs” she looks up to meet his eyes “Just like I told you” a frown covered Harry’s face as he knew what would happen now “I ought to make you some of this ointment since you wind up hurt every other day…you might be a wee bit sore but that should subside in like three days” she tilts her head in confusion “What’s wrong? Does something else hurt?”
Harry shook his but lifted up his jersey “Can you kiss it to make it feel better?” Y/n gave him a small smile
“You truly are pathetic Harold, I hope you know that” she leans down towards his chest, inhaling his deep musky scent before finally letting her soft plump lips kiss him. Her hair tickled his bare skin but Harry didn’t mind, he couldn’t breathe, he didn’t dare to. But this time she did notice his breath hitch “Did I hurt you?” She quickly asked while looking up at him but he shakes his head
“You could never hurt me” y/n rolls her eyes
“You’re too cheesy”
The happiest memory huh?
Y/n glumly watched as everyone conjured their patronus. Yes, it was a hard spell for some but she couldn’t even think of a happy memory to even try.
“Excellent work Ginny!” Harry congratulated with a smile
“That’s so cool!”
The blonde girl stopped to think for a moment “Expecto Patronum!” Everyone awed at the rabbit that hopped around the room
“Y/n” Harry walked over to her
“Pass” she lazily replied and he frowns
“Reading about the spell is nowhere as beneficial as trying, just try”
Y/n looked around at the others “Can’t think of any happy memories, just come back to me later”
“You don’t need to cast a full body patronus” he tells her while grabbing her hand “Just think of the last time you were happy” Harry slowly let go of her hand as she pondered
The first thing she could think of was Harry flying her around on his broom, his contagious laugh echoed in her ears while she screamed loud enough that people in Hogsmead could hear her. A small smile played on the corners of her lips “Expecto patronum!”
A hazy light blue shot out of her wand and a small body began to form “Brilliant” Y/n turned to meet his gaze “You’re absolutely brilliant” but the moment they shared was cut short due to the room shaking. Y/n’s patronus completely disappeared once the room shook again.
Harry protectively stepped in front of Y/n as everyone cautiously looked around. Without a moments notice, a couple of students went flying along with debris.
Umbridge proudly stood at the hole in the wall while Draco dragged Cho to the front as a trophy. Y/n knew something like this was bound to happen, Umbridge couldn’t have been that dumb.
Everyone filed out of the room of requirement and into Umbridge’s classroom to endure two hours of torture. It angered Y/n, being disciplined, tortured because they wanted to learn how to protect themselves. If she didn’t know any better, she’d assume Umbridge was working for Voldemort.
Y/n was used to the pain, she’d been in detention at least twice a week for the entire school year. What did bother her however was hearing the kids sniffle and muffle their cries from the pain. They didn’t deserve it, hell, none of them did, all it did was add fuel to the flame.
“It hurts” a young blonde boy cried to the Weasley twins
He’s just a kid
Y/n reached into her robes and pulled out a familiar tub of ointment “Hey” she gently called out to the boy “I’ve got something that’ll make the pain go away” she knew she wasn’t the most liked, especially from Ron or Hermione’s friends, but attempting to offer comfort was better than nothing “I use it on Harry all the time, look” she opened the jar and grabbed a glob of the medicine “It works almost instantly” after a small not of approval, Y/n rubbed the ointment all over his hand “See”
The boy looked up with much gratitude “You’re right” he sniffled “I don’t feel anything anymore!”
“Hey” Fred peered over the boys shoulder “Do you think we could borrow some of that?”
Y/n quickly nods “Of course” she rubs the gel over their hands and the twins smile
“Bloody brilliant!” George exclaimed “Ron, Hermione, Y/n here has something to help with the pain!”
Soon, a small group began to huddle around her, curious to see what the chatter was about “You crafted this?” Hermione asked once she tried it
Y/n nods and the witch furrows her eyebrows “Then you’re a bloody genius” Ron interrupted while marveling at his now pain free hand
“There isn’t anything about this in any medical books” there isn’t now, but there will be in approximately fifteen years
“I…made it myself” Y/n lied, she had to lie, it might hurt the future more if she didn’t
“Here, try this” they all passed the can around and for once, Y/n felt like she wasn’t the black sheep
“Hey” Harry whispered
“Hey” the boy gently grabbed her hand
“You’re always fixing me up, why don’t I help you for once?” Her big orbs softened once they met his green ones
“Yeah…okay sure” her voice as equally soft, terrified to alert the others. Harry smoothed the gel over the scar etched onto her hand
“Thank you for this” he tells her “For keeping their hope”
Y/n shrugged her shoulders “They don’t deserve it, frog face will get what’s coming to her”
The group cleared out, leaving just the two of them alone in the hallway, which made Y/n grateful because Harry lifted her hand to his lips and gently kissed it
“All better” he whispered so softly that a mouse could barely hear it
“Thanks Harry” she could feel her cheeks heat up “We’d better get going before we get caught breaking one of Umbridge’s ridiculous rules”
Luckily for Y/n, she was able to convince Mcgonagall and Snape to skip her OWLS, deeming it a use of her time that she could be using to figure out a way out of there. However, Mcgonagall wouldn’t let her get off that easy. Yes she got to sleep in while everyone took their exams, but she had to regroup with Snape to asses her progress later that evening.
“Harry!” Y/n whisper shouted “What are you doing here?”
Harry cautiously looked around the classroom “I’ve been looking all over for you”
“Snape agreed to help me with something” she tells him while frantically looking outside the potion’s classroom “He’ll be here any moment so you have to-”
“I broke my nose” Y/n stops and lets out an annoyed huff
She didn’t bother asking how he broke his nose or why he didn’t just go to the hospital wing, she just pulled out her wand and flicked it at his nose. Harry winced in pain but she just grabbed his arm to drag him out the room
“We can discuss how this happened later, but right now you need to leave” Harry frowned in disappointment, the only time he’s spoken with her was at their meeting, which Umbridge had to ruin “Oh” she held the sides of his face and placed a gentle kiss on his nose “There” she takes a step back “Will you leave now?” She eagerly asked with a smile but Harry just gave her a blank stare “Harold”
“Y-yes” as if all motor functions turned on all at once “Later” there was so much he wanted to tell her, so many things happening at once, but he didn’t want her to worry about him nor come with.
Harry stumbled out of the classroom to make his way to Umbridge’s office, bumping into Snape on the way
“Potter” he spat “To what do I owe the pleasure?”
Harry quickly shook his head “I was just on my way- I’m sorry” Snape frowned when the stuttering boy sped away. He knew something was going on, and he was determined to figure it out.
Snape entered his classroom to see Y/n reading over notes, and it was almost like he finally placed the last piece of the puzzle together “Is there any reason in particular that Potters a blushing fool down the hall?” Snape asked but Y/n quickly shook her head
“No idea” she then rips her notebook open “Now you said you made different variations of the potion, as did I so we could compare our results”
Snape walks over to his shelf of potion ingredients and stops “Would you be okay being stuck here?”
She tilts her head in confusion “What do you mean professor? I think we’re close to figuring this out”
Snape let’s out a sigh “In the events that we can’t figure out a way to send you back to your time, would you be completely disappointed?”
The thought never occurred to her that she might not go home “I mean professor Mcgonagall might be upset, I don’t think she likes me” she shrugs her shoulders “I mean I have no purpose here, no one really likes me, and I can’t do much because I don’t want to interfere with future events”
“I didn’t ask if Mcgonagall would be disappointed” he snapped “I asked if you would”
It was a tough hypothetical question. Magic was far more advanced where she’s from, everything was so much easier “ I might be a little disappointed but… I don’t really have anything in the future” she answered honestly “Both of my parents are dead and I can’t be stuck third wheeling my only friend, that was the whole reason of me taking the potion” images of Harry then flashed in her mind “However, I think I could manage being stuck here if I were around the right people”
Satisfied with your answer, Snape finally turns around “You may be dismissed”
Y/n’s eyebrows scrunch in confusion “But we didn’t-”
“Every variation of the potion I’ve made of the potion results the same, failure” Y/n looks down at her notes but he cuts her off before she could speak “It was very…obvious that they wouldn’t work, none of them turned a lilac color once finished”
“But we haven’t tried it”
Snape hits the top of her head with the notes “Would you rather be stuck in the stone ages where you’ll have absolutely no one?” Y/n pouts and Snape walks over to his office “If anything was wrong, it would be the incantation like you’ve said. Now you are dismissed” Y/n gets up from her stool with a huff but Snape stops in his tracks “And L/n”
She quickly looked over to him “Yes sir?”
“Stay away from Potter”
Her shoulders slumped “I know I know, don’t mess with the future”
“No, he’ll drag you into more trouble than you could imagine”
She never thought Snape was lying, but she figured it was easier said than done. As she walked back to the Hufflepuff dormitory, she thought about how this one school year had been more adventurous than the past three years of her life.
“Harry’s in trouble!” Ron yelled and Y/n quickly turned around
“That was faster than we thought” Neville told the others as Y/n jogged over
“What do you mean Harry’s in trouble?” She cautiously looked around and Ron attempted to hide his annoyance, but failed miserably
“Harry wants to go to the ministry to save his godfather” Luna tells her “But he needs our help”
Neville nodded “It’ll be sending him to his death if he goes alone”
Ron rolls his eyes “It was their idea to ask you to come” he then stubbornly crossed his arms “You don’t have to c-”
“Of course I’ll come!” The words Snape uttered a mere hour ago completely slipped her mind as the group ran to find Harry and Hermione
“How’d you get away?” Hermione asked as they ran into the group
“Puking pastilles” Ginny smiled “It wasn’t pretty”
“I told them I was hungry, wanted some sweets. We found Y/n along the way”
But something wasn’t right…
Y/n couldn’t figure out what’s supposed to happen or not, not everything was written down in the books. This seemed like an obvious trap, but none of them seemed to care. They only knew three defensive spells, one of which only three of them could properly preform.
“Hey” Harry whispered as the rest of the group walked off “Thanks for coming”
Y/n nodded while following the others “I wouldn’t be able so sleep if I just let you go alone” a small smile tugs on her lips “And so I know what kind of potions to brew when you inevitably get hurt”
Harry let’s out a small laugh “Are you going to be okay with flying?” Y/n quickly stopped in her tracks
The green eyed boy nods “That’s how we decided we’d get to the ministry” Y/n’s eyes widened as she watched the others mount the beasts
She rips her eyes away to turn to Harry “I think I’ll take the floo network”
Harry let out a short laugh “How about you ride with me?” He asked while mounting his own thestrial “That way I can tell you all about how I broke my nose” she honestly couldn’t care less about his nose right now “Do you trust me?” He asks again while holding out his hand
“Oh come on” Ron calls out “We haven’t got all day, you’re either going or you’re not”
But Harry and Y/n couldn’t even hear how irritated Ron was, all they focus on was each other. How his green eyes swam with anticipation and hers flickered with worry.
Death eaters will probably kill me before I die from falling off
Y/n slowly grabbed his hand and jumped onto the creature. Once Y/n’s arms wrapped around his waist and her head leaned onto his shoulder, Harry nodded at the others with a determined nod and quickly took off into the air.
Y/n appreciated the small talk but was absolutely terrified and wanted nothing more than touch ground.
“How did you get out of taking your OWLS?” Harry asked the girl
“I told Snape I didn’t feel good so he told me I could take my exam after hours with him” she quickly spat out “But more importantly, how are you feeling? You passed out? Umbridge slapped you? She threatened to use the cruciatis curse on you?” Of course Harry told her all about it, making sure not to leave a single detail out
“This is it” Harry tells the group as they run down the isles “It has to be here somewhere”
But a single prophecy stuck out to her, causing her to stop in her tracks
Y/n L/n
Why would I have a prophecy?
The curiosity got the best of her as she slowly grabbed the orb off the shelf “Harry?” They all turned to Neville “It has your name on it”
The boy nervously grabbed the orb and let them all listen to the prophecy “Wait…” something isn’t right “Harry!” They all looked up to see a lone death eater approaching them
“Where’s Sirius?” Harry asked with much determination
“You should learn the difference between dreams” he held his wand up to his face “And reality” Lucius Malfoy? “You only saw what the dark lord wanted you to see”
This isn’t good Y/n’s heart anxiously thumped, we need to get out of here
That’s when a sickening laugh echoed throughout the room “Bellatrix Lestrange” Neville muttered
“Harry” Y/n whispered “We need to go”
“Neville Longbottom, is it? How’s mum and dad?”
They all turned to the boy “Better now that they’re about to be revenged!” Harry was quick to hold back the boy
Lucius held his hands out “Now, let’s everyone…calm down”
So stupid…what’s supposed to happen now?
Are we supposed to be here?
Did I change the events of history?
“YOU FILTHY HALFBLOOD” Y/n jumped at the sudden loudness and snapped back to reality of the situation. They were surrounded by death eaters, all with the intent to kill. Seven students against fifteen (that she counted) wanted murderers, but despite it walking into her inevitable death, Y/n trusted Harry with her life. And if Harry wanted to fight, she’d fight for him with her very last breath.
“I’ve waited fourteen years” Harry finally tells them and Y/n takes this as her cue to get into a fighting stance
Lucius sucks his teeth and gives a ‘sincere’ sigh “I know”
“I guess I can wait a little longer” Harry turns to the girl “NOW!”
They all began to let spells fly while scattering like rats “Protego!” The spell deflected and Harry was fast to grab Y/n’s hand
“We have to go” she nodded at his determination and ran hand in hand with the boy. Death eaters were everywhere, and if it weren’t for the fact that they wanted the prophecy, they’d probably throw killing curses left and right.
“Levicorpus!” Y/n then bounced the man off the ground and against a shelf “this way” Harry followed her lead and was soon met with the others
“What now?” Neville asked while death eaters closed in on them
“REDUCTO!” The sudden explosion blew a big gust of wind towards them and Y/n turned to the group “I didn’t think that one all the way through” shelves began collapsing whilst prophecies shattered
“Quick!” Harry yelled “Towards the door” the boy yanked Y/n along as they truly ran from death. Being crushed to death didn’t cross Y/n’s mind at all, but it would probably be less painful than being captured.
The group barged through the door and one by one fell to what they believed was their death. Harry pulled Y/n close and wrapped his arms around her, using himself as a safety net. Y/n buried her head into his chest to hide from the horrors of their inevitable death.
But they stopped.
There was no sudden thud, there was no sound of agonizing screaming, the only thing that reminded her that they were alive was the fact that she could feel Harry’s heart beat out of his chest.
Then they hit the ground with a small thud. Y/n rips her eyes open and looks up at the boy “I almost feel as if I should yell at you for telling me I wouldn’t fall to my death”
Harry let out a small chuckle “But you didn’t”
The thought of death eaters being near didn’t bother either of them as they stared into each others eyes “The boy who lived was willing to die to keep me alive” she tilted her head to the left and smiled “I promise the fate of the entire wizarding world is much more important than me”
Harry shook his head “I told you I’d never let you fall to your death and you put your trust in me”
If Y/n could lay on top of Harry all night and just talk to him, she would, but she finally snapped back to reality and climbed off of him
“Well it’s not called the department of mystery’s for no reason” Ron commented while Harry spun around
“Do you hear that?”
Hermione was quick to shake her head “Hear what?”
“It sounds like voices”
She gave the boy a weird look “There’s no voices Harry”
But she was wrong “I can hear them too Harry” Y/n reassured while Luna nodded
“Everyone get behind me!” But it was too late, everyone except Harry was swept up by a death eater and taken hostage
“No one has to die Potter” Lucius told the boy as he jabbed his wand into Y/n’s neck “Just hand over the prophecy and we’ll let everyone go”
So I don’t get crushed to death, fall to my death, I just die by the hands of a Malfoy… maybe I should’ve befriended Draco after all
If the fate of the future lies in my hands, we’re all so screwed, I can’t recall any of these events in any history book
Just then, she was whisked away by an auroa
“Thank Merlin you’re here” she told the woman with purple hair
“Don’t thank us yet” she then zapped the wizard that dared attack them “You need to get to safety”
Y/n nodded
I need to get Harry and I to safety
Y/n ran around the room, watching as aurors and death eaters fight across the room
“Protego” she had no business fighting someone who wanted her dead, so she figured as long as she was able to get to Harry unscathed she could just use offense spells
“Where do ya think you’re goin?”
Barty crouch Jr? Y/n shook her head as the manic man stood before her “Don’t know who you are nor care, Aguamenti!” She sprayed a jet of water at the man, causing him to wipe his face in confusion “Alarte Ascendare!” The man flew into the air and she took this chance to make a run for it
“Avada Kedavra!” Y/n stopped in her tracks and her eyes widened as Sirius was struck by the killing curse oh Harry…
Y/n quickly ran over to Harry and wrapped her arms around the grieving boy. “Harry” she held onto the boy as he screamed “Harry come on we have to-��� the boy pushed away from her and chased after the manic woman “HARRY!” She goes to chase after him but someone else holds her back
“I HAVE TO GO” she yelled as she struggled to escape their grasp
“We have to get you to safety” Lupin informed her, Y/n whips around with worry covering her face
“What about Harry?” She asked with teary eyes “He’ll die by himself out there”
“He’s not by himself” he comforted “Now we must hurry”
Y/n knew from that moment forward, she’d be intertwined in this mess and that there was only one way out. She knew she wouldn’t be able to go home without ending this once and for all, she would have to fight in the wizard war to protect her future.
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schmem14 · 11 months
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...Aaaaand that's a wrap!
31 ficlets 31 days 31 kinks 12 dead doves 32,271 words 30 pairings 27 RARE pairs
Happy Halloween, and thanks to ALL who cheered me on on one way or another! Thanks to @hpkinktober for curating the prompt list and hosting the fest!
***for author's favorites
Schmem_14's HP Kinktober Masterlist:
Day 1: Devil's Snare Summary: Punishments for bad behaviour don't seem to work on Neville. Professor Snape decides to have a go.  Pairing: Severus Snape/Neville Longbottom CW: Dead Dove, Do Not Eat, DH AU, Underage (17), Rape/Non-con (No penetration), Spanking/Whipping, Bondage, Masturbation, Orgasm Denial/Edging Rating: E
Day 2: Orgasm Denial Summary: Colin Creevey lost interest in Harry ages ago. Now that the tables have turned, what's it going to take to get Colin to want him? Pairing: Harry Potter/Colin Creevey CW: Dead Dove: Do Not Eat, Dark!Harry, Non-con/Rape, Bondage/Shibari, Imperius curse, Jealousy, Angst, Implied blackmail Rating: E
Day 3: Werewolves Summary: Sirius visits a brothel that specializes in dangerous tastes... he doesn't expect to fall in love. Pairing: Sirius Black/Remus Lupin CW: Edwardian AU, Brothels, Prostitution/Sex Work, Implied bestiality, Dubious consent, UHEA Rating: M
Day 4: Cockwarming Summary: Lucius tires of Draco's entitlement. Harry offers him the perfect revenge. Pairing: Lucius Malfoy/Harry Potter, Minor Draco/Harry, Narcissa/Lucius CW: Pseudo-incest, Infidelity Rating: E
Day 5: Firewhisky Summary: Bill asks Ron to look after Fleur while he's away. Little does Ron know what that entails. Pairing: Ron Weasley/Fleur Delacour Weasley CW: Pseudo-Incest, Lactation kink, Consensual Infidelity, Drinking Rating: M
Day 6: Collaring*** Summary: Voldemort celebrates his victory by acquiring a new pet. Pairing: Voldemort/Rubeus Hagrid CW: Dead Dove: Do Not Eat, Voldemort Wins AU, MCD, Pet Play, Rape/Non-con, Dubious Consent, Sex Slave, Trauma, Grief, Whipping, Horcruxes, Brainwashing, First Person POV Rating: E
Day 7: Sex Pollen Summary: Percy accidentally knocks over a fungus planter on his way to break up a fight between Oliver and Marcus. Pairing: Percy Weasley/Oliver Wood/Marcus Flint CW: Dubious consent, Possible Underage (17/18), Infidelity, Threesome, Frotting, Masturbation Rating: M
Day 8: Pensieve Summary: Harry has strange dreams and memories that don't feel like his. Weirder still is his sudden craving for MILF... Pairing: Harry Potter/Molly Weasley CW: Dark!Molly, Manipulation, Gaslighting, Memory-tampering, Unreliable narrator, Dubious consent, Arthur dies AU Rating: M
Day 9: Omegaverse*** Summary: Ron has good reasons for keeping Hermione out of public spaces. She convinces him to go out, just this once... Pairing: Ron Weasley/Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy CW: Dead Dove: Do Not Eat, Rape/non-con, A/B/O, dubious consent, watersports, Infidelity, Threesome, Breeding Kink, Cuckolding Rating: E
Day 10: Mandrakes*** Summary: Romilda and Colin find Harry in a compromising position. Pairing: Harry Potter/Romilda Vane, Harry Potter/Colin Creevey CW: Dead Dove: Do Not Eat, Rape/Non-con (oral sex only), Somnophilia, Colin lives AU, Hogwarts Eighth-year, Underage (17) Rating: E
Day 11: Dragons/Dragon Eggs Summary: Hagrid was born to be bred by a dragon. Pairing: Rubeus Hagrid/Norwegian Ridgeback CW: Dead Dove: Do Not Eat, Breeding Kink, Dubious consent, Monsterfucking, Egg-smuggling, Object-insertion, Thievery, Blood Rating: E
Day 12: Age Play Summary: The voice in Luna's head urges her to comfort Xenophilius in his time of need. Pairing: Luna Lovegood/Xenophilius Lovegood CW: Dead Dove: Do Not Eat, Underage, Father/Daughter Incest, Dubious consent, Aging potion, Suicidal thoughts, Blood, First time Rating: M
Day 13: Bathing Summary: Myrtle's crush on Draco escalates beyond anything she thought possible Pairing: Myrtle Warren/Draco Malfoy CW: Non-consensual voyeurism, Dubious consent, Underage (16), Plasmic Penetration Rating: M
Day 14: Voyeurism Summary: Harry has something Horace wants and he'll trade it for his freedom. Be careful what you wish for, Harry... Pairing: Horace Slughorn/Multiple, Harry/Draco CW: Underage (implied), Non-consensual Voyeurism, Unethical behaviour, Masturbation, Bath sex Rating: M
Day 15: Owl Post*** Summary: Percy receives inappropriate notes from an anonymous admirer. What would his girlfriend say? Pairing: Percy Weasley/Marcus Flint CW: Stalking, Harassment, Watersports (mentioned), Infidelity Rating: E
Day 16: Wings Summary: Fleur feels uneasy about her upcoming marriage to Bill. She goes to him for reassurance. Pairing: Fleur Delacour/Bill Weasley, Fleur/Multiple CW: Dead Dove: Do Not Eat, Rape/Non-con, Whump, Gang Rape, Violence, Canon Divergent AU (Fleur and Bill wait until after the war to get married), Dark Bill, Dark Weasleys and Harry, Dosing/Potions, UHEA Rating: M
Day 17: Closets*** Summary: Percy is trying to lay low at the ministry, but Yaxley has other plans. Pairing: Percy Weasley/Corban Yaxley CW: Dead Dove: Do Not Eat, Rape/Non-con, Dubious consent, Lust potion, Extortion, Fuck or Die (sort of), Deathly Hallows AU Rating: M
Day 18: School Uniform*** Summary: There's a new witch in school... Or, Malfoy tries a new look, and it captures Harry and Ron's attention. Pairing: Harry Potter/Ron Weasley/Draco Malfoy CW: None! Rating: M
Day 19: Dungeons Summary: Argus Filch finally has permission to whip rule breakers. His first two targets are already lined up... Pairing: Argus Filch/Fred Weasley, Argus Filch/George Weasley CW: Dead Dove: Do Not Eat, Rape/Non-con, Staff/Student, OOTP AU, Whipping, Bondage, Masturbation, Whump Rating: E
Day 20: Breeding Summary: Hermione comes to Arthur with a problem only he can help with. Pairing: Hermione Granger/Arthur Weasley CW: Pseudo Incest, Infidelity, Lactation kink, Pregnancy Rating: M
Day 21: Brooms Summary: George pulls his most devious prank ever on Harry... Pairing: George Weasley/Harry Potter CW: Dubious consent, Public indecency, public masturbation, humiliation, pranks, dildos. Rating: M
Day 22: Legilimency*** Summary: Draco has been craving pastry from Harry's bakery for ages... if only he could pluck the courage to go inside Pairing: Harry Potter/Draco Malfoy CW: None Rating: E
Day 23: Monsterfucking Summary: Lavender has a plan to seduce the hottest teacher in the school... Pairing: Lavender Brown/Firenze CW: Dead Dove: Do Not Eat, Dubious Consent, Consensual Non-Consent, Fuck AND Die, MCD, Lust potion, Non-consensual dosing, Teacher/Student relationship, stomach bulges Rating: E
Day 24: Power Imbalance*** Summary: Cormac has a thing for his assistant. He’s delighted when she plays along… Pairing: Cormac McLaggen/Hermione Granger CW: Employer/Employee, Dubious Consent, Extortion Rating: M
Day 25: Portkey Summary: Draco leaves his dildo on the wall of the shower... he hopes his new flatmate finds it and uses it. Pairing: Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter CW: Inappropriate Use of Portkey, Exhibitionism Rating: E
Day 26: Bondage*** Summary: How long can Marcus resist Percy when he's always such a bossy tease? Pairing: Marcus Flint/Percy Weasley CW: Secretary (Unethical relationship), BDSM, Cock cage/chastity belt, Butt plugs, Orgasm denial Rating: E
Day 27: Room of Requirement Summary: It's too bad the Room of Requirement can't give Sirius what he REALLY wants Pairing: Sirius Black/Remus Lupin CW: drug use (marijuana), UST, unrequited love Rating: M
Day 28: Rememberall Summary: Bellatrix really likes to fuck Longbottoms up Pairing: Bellatrix Black Lestrange/Neville Longbottom CW: Dead Dove: Do Not Eat, Rape/Non-con, Torture, Bondage, Fisting, Memory Charms, orgasm denial, blood, WHUMP Rating: E
Day 29: Knotting Summary: Ron wakes to a comforting presence in bed. Pairing: Ron/Hermione, Minor Harry/Draco CW: Somnophilia, Dubious Consent, Werewolf *see additional spoiler tags in end notes Rating: E
Day 30: Formalwear Summary: Harry spots someone lovely at the Malfoy's annual New Year's Eve Gala, and he can't resist... Pairing: Harry Potter/Narcissa Black Malfoy CW: Dubious Consent, Pregnancy, Manipulation, Toxic Relationships Rating: M
Day 31: Object Insertion*** Summary: Arthur receives a tip from Ron about a hidden room at Malfoy Manor and decides to have a look... Pairing: Arthur Weasley/Lucius Malfoy CW: Infidelity, COS Canon-compliant, Come as Lube, Dry orgasm Rating: E
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hp-hcs · 7 months
.・。.・゜✭・. ☾ ⋆*・。.・゜✭・.
『 Never Again 』
Yandere! Good! Draco Malfoy x Male! Reader x Yandere! Good! Mattheo Riddle
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【 Part One — The Lesser of Two Evils (We Were Children) 】
Chapter Two — Tyger, Tyger, Burning Bright
Chapter One
.・。.・゜✭・. ☾ ⋆*・。.・゜✭・.
❝ In what distant deeps or skies. Burnt the fire of thine eyes? On what wings dare he aspire? What the hand, dare seize the fire? ❞ — “The Tyger”, William Blake
.・。.・゜✭・. ☾ ⋆*・。.・゜✭・.
Of course we’ll sit with you on the train, Harry, Hermione, and Ron had said through forced smiles.
You weren’t stupid.
You knew they only felt obligated to be your friend because they were close with your father.
Sorry, there’s no more room, Ginny, Neville, and Luna had said as you stood in the doorway of their compartment. You smiled and nodded, as if that made perfect sense, despite the fact that Ginny had her feet up on the seat.
So you sat alone. That wasn’t particularly new or unusual.
What was new and unusual was the two boys sitting across from you.
Slytherins, your Gryffindor friends probably would’ve sneered. Snakes, the whole lot of ‘em.
“Hi, who’re you? I’m Y/n!”
Both boys blinked in surprise.
“You don’t know our names?”
“Well, that’s a little presumptuous, don’t you think?”
And just like that, a friendship with the boys became inevitable.
“It’s very simple. Consider it an…initiation, of sorts.” The Dark Lord tapped his fingers on his desk in a rhythmic pattern, his unnerving slit-pupil eyes watching both boys unblinkingly.
Draco subtly reached out, squeezing his cousin’s hand reassuringly under the table where it was hidden out of sight.
Mattheo licked his lips nervously. “W-who would our…target be, Father?”
“One of your professors. A man who I need disposed of,” Lord Voldemort said, narrowing his eyes. “Or imprisoned, at the very least.”
Both boys gulped.
“And…who might this be…?
Lord Voldemort grinned cruelly. “Rubeus Hagrid.”
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braveclementine · 4 months
Chapter 13
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Warnings: 18+ readers only, mentions of nudity, smut
Copyright: I do not own any Wizarding World characters that J.K. Rowling wrote. I do however own Elizabeth Kane (main character) and Trang Nyguen (best friend). There should be no use of these two names without my permission. I also do not condone any copying of this.
𝕺𝖛𝖊𝖗 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖗𝖊𝖘𝖙 of Christmas break, I stayed in my bed except for bathroom breaks. It was quite embarrassing because dad would have to help me down to the bathroom. My leg was not quite ready to walk on it's own. Severus showed up every other day to give me potions and ointments and performs spells and also, bring news.
"Greyback's being favored." Severus said, applying a thick green paste to my leg that burned and I stared up at the ceiling, gritting my teeth and squeezing dad's hand so tightly, he kept wincing.
"Why?" Dad asked through gritted teeth as I dug my nails into his hand.
"The Dark Lord is quite pleased to know that Elizabeth is having a child. He thinks the child will have her powers. Of course, I think it's actually good news. He won't harm Elizabeth until he finds out whether the child has powers or not and he won't harm the child unless he finds out that the child doesn't have powers. Of course, if he finds out the child doesn't have power, he'll take Elizabeth and kill the child. Or keep the child as bait."
"That doesn't sound like good news to me!" Dad said indignantly as Severus wrapped a bandage around my leg.
"It means they're both safe. From death at least." Severus said, tying off the bandage on my leg and then removing the ones from my stomach. I breathed deeply through my nose. "And probably for many years too since Elizabeth's powers didn't develop until she was eleven. And of course, he might be vanquished before then."
Dad was silent for some time. I on the other hand, thought it was good news. "I don't think the child will have powers." I whispered. "I don't think its genetic."
"Doesn't matter." Severus said quickly. "He's not going to get his hands on you anyways."
Severus squeezed my hand before applying some ointment to my cuts. Apparently, there was some sort of magical dust on Greyback's claws. Wasn't lethal, but it left scars that couldn't usually be cleared up. Severus however, had inside knowledge and knew how to reverse them. It was just going to take time. I whimpered, partly from pain and partly from fear.
"He's not going to touch you Elizabeth." Sev murmured, leaving purple paste on my wounds now. He started to wrap them up tighter. "I promise."
I nodded, squeezing his hand and then closed my eyes, letting my body rest until it came time to drink the potion that Severus had made. It was disgusting, but necessary, and I took it. I'd asked before if it was safe to take. There were many potions people shouldn't take if they were pregnant. It was perfectly safe according to Sev.
Dad gave us a little privacy, leaving the room, and going down the stairs. Severus immediately sat next to me, putting a hand on my stomach. The baby was restless, always kicking recently. I didn't blame her, I always wanted freedom too.
"She's going to be lovely." I murmured, feeling quite sleepy. "I can picture her already, inside my head."
"Oh?" Severus questioned. "And what does she look like."
"Snow white." I said. "Black hair, alabaster skin, red lips, blue eyes."
"Who's Snow White?" Severus asked, sounding slightly concerned. "I certainly hope that's not what you named her."
I laughed and then reached over, opening the top drawer of the bedside table, pulling out an old Disney storybook.
I flipped through the yellow pages until I came to the story of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. "This is her." I said, turning the book around to show Snow White, pretty as a picture, her black hair in curls tucked up around her chin. Her lips as red as an apple and her skin as white as snow. There might've been a song about it.
"If this is what our child looks like, then she certainly will be beautiful when she grows up." Severus said. "But I imagine she'll have brown hair, brown eyes like her mother."
"Perhaps somewhere in between, but I'm quite certain she'll look like this." I said stubbornly.
Severus smiled and leaned down and kissed me. I put a hand up to his cheek, pulling him to me. Perhaps things would have gone farther if dad hadn't cleared his throat at the door. Severus pulled away from me slowly, gathering his things with his wand, and he was gone.
I would have liked Severus to have been there for New Years, but my ability to walk was enough celebration for dad and I and we went to bed before midnight even occurred.
Dad and I got a Ministry car to Kings Crossing where he helped me load my things into the train and I went back out onto the platform to say good-bye to him.
"Please be careful." Dad said, holding my face in his hands. "I want you to stay out of trouble, no matter what. Nothings' worth your health at this point, nothing. Not with a child in you. You're not caring for your life anymore Elizabeth, but someone else's life too."
"I know Dad." I said, hugging him tightly. I hated parting with him. He hugged me back fiercely.
"I love you sweetheart." He said, smoothing strands of hair back from my face because I was crying. He kissed my forehead. "Everything's going to be fine."
"I know." I said, smiling weakly and chuckling. "It's just the hormones. I love you dad."
I kissed his cheek and climbed back onto the train, going back into my compartment where I started on reading A Game of Thrones.
Hermione soon joined me, her own things pushed up in the compartment. "That's a horrible book." She commented as she sat down across from me. I glared at her.
"You can't have possibly read this book yet." I said, barely looking up from the pages. "It only just came out."
"I got it a few days after the publishing date and read it in three days." Hermione recited off the top of her head. "It's barbaric and horrible."
"I'll make my own conclusions by the end of the book." I said, determined to like it.
Hermione shrugged, "So how was your break?" her eyes were resting on my cheek and I touched it gingerly. The scars had faded. Severus would continue the healing process when I returned to school.
"Oh, you know." I said, shrugging my shoulders. "Dad and I spent Christmas at the Burrow with Harry. Tonks was there Christmas day. Bellatrix Lestrange and Greyback showed up some time afterwards."
Hermione dropped her mouth and said in an incredibly bossy voice, "Don't tell me you actually went after them!"
"I was trying to help Harry." I said, bookmarking my place and setting the book aside. "Besides, I hadn't foreseen anything. I mean, what if I hadn't gone after him? I don't know what would have happened either way. Besides, I thought it was just Bellatrix. I don't know when Greyback showed up."
"Greyback was the one who clawed your face?" Hermione asked.
I nodded, "Because I'm dad's daughter of course. Greyback was the one that bit dad, though you probably knew that."
Hermione nodded, "I assumed, though I wasn't 100% sure."
I sighed. "Dad was so upset."
"You weren't bit were you?" Hermione asked in a sharp voice.
"No, it wasn't full moon so Greyback thought biting me would be a waste." I said scathingly. "Apparently, he's waiting for a full moon."
Hermione shuddered, "You really need to start being more careful."
"Believe me Hermione, I'm not going to go looking for trouble. . . well not anymore at least."
Hermione glared at me before pulling out the Daily Prophet and we spent most of the rest of the train ride reading in silence.
We disembarked the train, carrying out things to the carriages and we started towards the castle.
Hermione and I split up once we were in the castle. She went to put her things away in the Gryffindor Tower and I went to Severus' office to move back in.
"How's your leg?" Severus asked in greeting as I set my things down in the corner.
"Much better." I said brightly, pulling out my art pad and setting it down on the bed. I pulled out all of the drawings that I had drawn over the break and laid them out and then asked, "Have you seen anywhere like this or even know what these symbols mean?"
Severus took a long time, examining each of the drawings carefully and spent a lot more time looking at the six images on the piece of paper.
"No." Severus finally said. "Why?"
I sighed, shaking my head and putting the pieces of paper together. "I wish I knew why." was my answer and I put the pad back in my bag.
I kissed his cheek and said, "I'm going to go and hang out with Hermione. I'll be back soon."
"Right." Severus said, slightly disconcerted, watching me leave.
I headed down to Hagrid's where Hermione, Trang, and Hagrid were playing with Buckbeak. They were deep in conversation about something and as I got closer, I realized that they were talking about the attack on the Burrow.
"Elizabeth!" Hagrid exclaimed, "There yeh are!"
"Have a good break Christmas Hagrid?" I asked carelessly, petting Buckbeak on the nose.
"The best!" Hagrid said, a might bit to cheerful.
"I overheard you guys." I said, my lips threatening to twitch into a smile. "I know what you were talking about."
"How could you be so stupid!" Trang exploded angrily. "Don't you know what-"
"Yes, Trang!" I said quickly, in case she, like dad, mentioned the baby. The last person that I wanted to know about my child was Hagrid. I loved Hagrid, but he couldn't keep a secret.
"Dangerous stunt, that was Elizabeth." Hagrid said in a worried tone. "Don' know what yer father would've done if he'd lost yeh."
Guilt filled me immensely. Like I hadn't felt bad enough already. "It's not going to happen again." I said fiercely.
"Unless you don't foresee it." Hermione asked, raising an eyebrow.
I scowled. So they were all going to team up on me now, were they? "Look, I made a mistake and it's not going to happen again, alright? And I'd really appreciate if the entire school didn't know about this, okay?"
Without another word about the incident, we turned our attention to Buckbeak/Witherwings. I still called him Buckbeak because I hated change. Changing somethings name to another was quite uncomfortable.
Hermione, Trang, and I went up to Gryffindor tower as the hours started to get late and in front of the portrait was Harry, Ron, and Ginny.
"Harry! Ginny!" Hermione called, hurrying towards them. Trang and I followed. "I got back a couple of hours ago, I've just been down to visit Hagrid and Buck- I mean Witherwings. Did you have a good Christmas?"
"Yeah, pretty eventful. Rufus Scrim-" Ron started.
"I've got something for you, Harry." Hermione interrupted, not taking any notice of Ron. "Oh, hang on- password. Abstinence."
"Precisely." The Fat Lady said in an extremely feeble voice. I looked up at her portrait before she opened up to the common room, and saw that she looked quite pale and slightly sick. Could portraits take ill?
"What's up with her?" Harry asked, stepping through the room.
"Overindulged over Christmas, apparently." Hermione said, with a roll of her eyes as she stepped inside the Common room. Trang and I did not follow and instead, turned away and started walking towards the library.
Trang immediately turned on me once we were in a lonesome hallway. "You have a child and you went after a Death Eater?" She hissed.
I sighed, pinching the bridge of my nose. "Trang, c'mon." I pleaded. "I didn't know there were going to be two-"
"The number of Death Eaters is irrelevant." Trang hissed. "if there was one Death Eater and ten of you, it's still irrelevant. You could be the one out of ten that gets hurt."
"Trang!" I said sharply. "I already talked with Dad and Severus. I am never, ever going to engage in a fight until I have this child."
"Not good enough." Trang said sharply. "You have to stay alive for the child, you know? Don't get in any more fights, period."
"You're not my mother." I said, sharper than I intended.
"No, but I'm your best friend." Trang said fiercely.
"You are very emotional about this subject." I said slowly.
Trang sighed, calming down, rubbing the temples of her forehead. "Yeah, I know."
"Why?" I asked curiously.
She turned, looking out the window. Snow littered the grow, but it wasn't sticking well. "I had to do volunteer hours in America. I worked with children who had lost their parents. They don't grow up right, Liz. I mean, some of them do, but not all of them. That's why they're in the center. Drugs, assault, robbery, I mean, would you want your child to end up there?"
"She's not going to." I said fiercely. "But. . ." I spoke softer, taking in a deep breath, "I understand what you're saying."
Trang put an arm around my shoulder, "Alright then, so we're in agreement?"
"We're in agreement." I said with a smile.
Well, at least I didn't make an unbreakable vow.
APPARITION LESSONS If you are seventeen years of age, or will turn seventeen on or before the 31st of August next, you are eligible for a twelve-week course of Apparition Lessons from a Ministry of Magic Apparition instructor. Please sign below if you would like to participate. Cost: 12 Galleons.
"What do you think?" Ernie asked.
"Well I'll be signing up." Susan said, putting her money in the box after writing her name down at the bottom.
"I'll have to think about it." I said. I wanted to check and see if apparition was okay to do if you were pregnant.
In Charms, it was quite evident that Hermione hadn't gotten over her ignoring Ron stage. I couldn't blame her, but it was starting to get quite tiring.
Today, we were jumping into producing fountains of pure water. It was much simpler than many of the other charms we had been doing before break. I'd performed the charm last year, though I'd spoken it, rather than nonverbally. But I was one of the first to produce the pure water.
Seamus managed to produce a sprout of water which knocked Professor Flitwick off of his feet. He looked quite ashamed of himself, but he was immersed in whatever conversation he was having with Ron and Harry.
Hermione was stiffly producing jets of water, ignoring Ron completely. I was sitting on the other side of the room, watching silently. I still couldn't believe that the two of them got married. How ridiculous. Harry and Hermione were a better couple. I wondered what their reaction would be if I told them. But then again, that would leave Ginny out, and I couldn't do that to her either. Besides, Harry already had developing feelings for Ginny and I had no reason to crush his emotions.
I wondered who else was eligible to set up with Hermione, but I didn't get much time to think about it because Professor Flitwick wanted me to show him my charmwork.
I hurried back to the office after class was over with a new stack of homework from all the classes that I'd attended today. Severus seemed buried in paper work too and it seemed like it was more midterm than the start of term.
He sighed, tossing his quill down and pulled me onto his lap, our lips meeting quickly. I kissed back passionately, letting my lips part and Severus gave a small moan of ecstasy. He stood up, moving me carefully so that my feet reached the floor and then we moved towards the bed.
Being careful of my right leg, we became more tangled than we had been in the rose bush garden hideout. I'd always imagined that when a woman became pregnant, the couple stopped having sex because there was no point. However, from a view point, the sex almost seemed better in a way. Perhaps it was to encourage having more kids.
Every touch, every motion, every nerve was blissful, shiver inducing, and lovely. His lips kissed the curve between my waist and hip. His fingers trailing down my side. His hair, ticking my cheek while our lips interlocked in a dance.
As the sun started to sink, we lay there, our arms around each other, my cheek resting on his chest and his cheek resting atop my head. The white sheets were strewn around us, covering parts of us, leaving other parts of us exposed.
"I had a question." I murmured, looking at the other side of the room, absentmindedly tracing shapes with my finger across his abs, but not paying attention.
"Yes?" Severus asked politely, his fingers sliding up and down my thigh.
"Is it safe for me to take the apparition classes?"
His fingers stopped moving and I moved my head upwards to look at his face.
"Well..." He said slowly, looking up at the ceiling, his head tilted in a way that the light was thrown over it so I couldn't read his expression clearly. "If you already knew how, but you don't. Therefore, if you splinched yourself. . ."
"Right." I said. "So no apparition classes."
"Right." Severus said, kissing the top of my head. "Sorry."
"It's alright." I said, sighing in disappointment. I snuggled into his shoulder, the impending doom of bad grades from not doing homework didn't seem very important at the moment. Severus pulled the comforter up around my shoulders and I fell asleep quickly.
"𝕯𝖚𝖒𝖇𝖑𝖊𝖉𝖔𝖗𝖊 𝖘𝖆𝖎𝖉 𝖞𝖔𝖚'𝖗𝖊 like Tom Riddle." Harry said as he joined me in the library.
"Excuse me?" I asked, revolted.
"It was a compliment." Harry said.
"Comparing me to Voldemort is not a compliment." I said, disgruntled.
"He said that Tom Riddle was an unusually talented and very good-looking, naturally drawing attention and nearly all were most favorably impressed by him." Harry said, grinning at me. "That does sound like you."
I glared at him. "So I suppose the memories you watched last night were quite interesting?"
"You saw them?" Harry asked. "It would be nice not having to explain them again."
"Quite right." I said. "Of course I saw them." I rolled my eyes.
"Anyways." Harry said impatiently, obviously there was a question on his mind. "Hermione said she'd never heard of horcruxes-"
"The library won't hold any information on horcruxes. Dumbledore took all of the books out of the library in hopes to explain more about Voldemort." I said immediately.
"Do you know what a horcrux is?" Harry asked excitedly.
I nodded. "When you kill someone, you lose a bit of your soul for committing such a crime. I'm not sure about all of the magic, but you can put a bit of yourself into an object. Like Riddle's Diary, like the ring Dumbledore wore on his finger that cursed his hand."
"Dumbledore didn't mention any of that." Harry said, frowning.
"Yeah well if I wasn't here you wouldn't know about horcruxes until you wrangled the memory out of Slughorn."
"Can't you just tell me the memory?" Harry asked and I looked into his green eyes and quickly looked away.
"No." I said flatly. "But I can tell you when the time is right."
"Rons right. That is frustrating." Harry muttered.
"When Aragog dies." I sighed. "Hagrid will invite you guys down. You will drink a small amount of Felix Felicis in order to give you some luck. After you drink it, you'll know what to do. The luck drink will tell you."
Harry continued to glare at me half-heartedly and I grinned. "Tough love Harry, tough love."
"So I should just wait?" Harry asked.
"No." I said. "You should ask him the first chance you get and pretend I never gave you this advice, alright? You'll ask quite a few times. It'll just depend, alright?"
"Sure." Harry said and then asked, "What did Snape want with you on Christmas?"
"Oh!" I blushed, looking down at the table. "Well, you know. Just to spend time together."
Harry shook his head. "I still can't believe your with him. He's-"
"Don't." I said softly. "Please, Harry? I understand you hate him and you can say that all you want to anyone else, just not me, alright?"
Harry and I stared at each other. "Alright." Harry said, sounding a bit frustrated.
"I do love him." I whispered. "That's hard to believe, I know, but I love him." I stared out the window, determinedly not looking at Harry.
"I'm sorry." Harry muttered.
"Let's just not talk about him and me, alright?" I asked, glancing down at the table again.
"Hermione and Ron are still fighting." Harry said at once.
"Yes." I sighed, "You'd think Hermione would have put her differences aside but then again, Ron shouldn't have dated Lavender in the first place. It's a bit of a conundrum, isn't it?"
Harry sighed, "I think he can date whoever he wants, can't he?"
"Sure." I said genially. "But Hermione believed that they were going to Slughorn's party together and then all of sudden Ron and Lavender are together like a bunch of squids. It's a bit disgusting if you look at it from an outside point of view. Hermione was my friend first so I'm going to defend her to the end."
"Are they going to be friends again?" Harry asked, sounding quite exasperated.
"Yes, but it's going to take some time."
"Do you know if Trangs going to take the apparition courses?" Harry asked after a moment of silence.
"Huh." I said, completely shocked by his question. "Well I suppose she might. She hasn't said anything. She is technically of age to do so despite her year."
"You'll be taking them too?" Harry asked.
"No." I said reluctantly. However, I didn't have time to explain in great detail why I wasn't going to be taking the lessons because the bell rang and we quickly gathered our things to get to potions class.
I sat down next to Ernie and Hermione sat across from us. I wasn't surprised about this considering she was going to be angry with both Ron and Harry.
"Settle down, settle down, please! Quickly, now, lots of work to get through this afternoon! Golpalott's Third Law... who can tell me-? But- ah!"
Both Hermione and mine hands had shot up in the air and Slughorn was looking between the two of us, seeming to try and pick a favorite.
"Miss Granger?" He finally called and I lowered my hand, slightly disappointed.
Hermione recited at top speed, "Golpalott's Third-Law-states-that-the-antidote-for-a-blended-poison-will-be-equal-to-more-than-the-sum-of-the-antidotes-for-each-of-the-separate-components."
I stared at her, stunned. How was anyone supposed to have followed that? I should consider myself lucky that I knew what she was even talking about.
"Precisely! Ten points to Gryffindor! Now, if we accept Golpalott's Third Law as true then we must know that the antidotes in common are refracting with the ingredients' endorphins and..." I looked around. Everyone's eyes were as slack as though we were sitting in History of Magic class. Ron was doodling on his paper and even the Ravenclaws looked quite lost. "...which means, of course, that assuming we have achieved correct identification of the potion's ingredients by Scarpin's Revelaspell, our primary aim is not the relatively simple one of selecting antidotes to those ingredients in and of themselves, but to find that added component that will, by an almost alchemical process, transform these disparate elements into urea which will then help with the prions and form an antidote to the poison and so, I want each of you to come and take one of these phials from my desk. You are to create an antidote for the poison within it before the end of the lesson. Good luck, and don't forget your protective gloves!"
Hermione and I were up and half-way across the room before the rest of the class even started to move.
I grabbed a phial of a sky blue liquid and carried it back to my seat. Hermione was already dumping ingredients into her cauldron, setting up glass phials to put ingredients into, but I went more cautiously.
I observed the crystal phial, finding that my poison was slightly glowing and its ingredients told me that this was Moonseed poison. With that knowledge, I pulled out the stopper and poured the poison into the cauldron and lit a flame underneath.
As Harry passed by, Hermione said brightly, "It's a shame that the Prince won't be able to help you much with this, Harry. You have to understand the principles involved this time. No shortcuts or cheats!"
I looked up briefly from having added lacewing flies to the poison concoction and saw that Ron was copying everything that Harry was doing. I rolled my eyes. Each poison was different. Ron was going to do horribly.
I carefully stirred three times clockwise before letting it simmer for two minutes. Meanwhile, I collected more ingredients and tools that I would need in the upcoming steps.
Hermione was dropping a thousand different things into her cauldron, ripping out a chunk of her own hair so that her hair was bushier than ever. She really wanted to beat Harry at this which was a really stupid thing to be attempting.
Carefully using a knife, I sliced some loose ends of my hair before dropping them into the cauldron and adding a pinch of lemon. I grabbed my mortar and pestle, crushing beetle eyes in a fine powder before adding them with a teaspoon of cinnamon.
I had long stopped paying attention to the rest of the group, waving my wand over the cauldron and adding beeswax before I started separating the ingredients and putting them into crystal phials. Hermione was jamming her ingredients into phials as fast as possible.
"Two minutes left, everyone!" Professor Slughorn announced.
I worked with ease, adding the final ingredients the last crystal phial- a drop of my own blood which I had gotten by pricking myself with a sewing needle- and I was done.
"Time's. . . UP!" Slughorn announced and everyone dropped back from their cauldrons except for Hermione who was trying to cram more ingredients into the phials. Hare and the Tortoise. Slower wins the race Hermione, I thought randomly, putting my crystal phial into a holder to present it. Then, I put my finger in my mouth to stop the bleeding.
"Well, let's see how you've done! Blaise. . . what have you got for me?" Slughorn asked, starting at the Slytherin table. I avoided looking at the table. I hadn't been able to be in the same room with Blaise for a long time. It was an uncomfortable situation.
Slughorn moved from the Slytherin's to the Ravenclaws and then, much to my disappointment, the Gryffindors.
Putrid fumes were emitting from Ron's cauldron and he had abandoned it, his task instead to avoid being poisoned by the fumes.
"And you, Harry?" Slughorn asked as he moved away from Ron's cauldron, retching. "What have you got to show me?"
Harry opened is hand which I knew contained a bezoar. I sighed in disappointment. While I did not fault Harry, I would've liked Slughorn to see that I had finished the antidote before he doted on Harry.
After about ten seconds of silence, Slughorn threw his head back, roaring with laughter. Hermione was seething and Ernie looked disappointed.
"You've got nerve, boy! Oh, you're like your mother. . . Well, I can't fault you. . . a bezoar would certainly act as an antidote to all these potions!" Slughorn announced joyfully.
Hermione didn't seem to be able to contain herself, "And you thought of a bezoar all by yourself, did you, Harry?"
"That's the individual spirit a real potion-maker needs! Just like his mother, she had the same intuitive grasp of potion-making, it's undoubtedly from Lily he gets it. . . Yes, Harry, yes, if you've got a bezoar to hand, of course that would do the trick. . . although as they don't work on everything, and are pretty rare, it's still worth knowing how to mix antidotes. . ."
I was starting, against my will, to get angry. He didn't inherit potion making skills from our mother! He was cheating! I felt quite infuriated and the only person who looked angrier than Hermione was Draco.
For about the first time, I wished everyone knew I was Harry's sister. Couldn't I be complimented about my potion skills because I'd inherited my mother's gift?
I took in a deep breath. No, no, that wasn't what I wanted at all, if I thought about it hard. I wanted to be known as a great potion-maker because I had the skills myself, not because I'd inherited them. Potion-making wasn't really a gene that was passed down from parent to child anyways.
The bell rang. "Time to pack up! And an extra ten points to Gryffindor for sheer cheek!" Slughorn announced, walking past our table.
"Professor!" I called, "You didn't check our work."
Yes, I was being selfish, but I couldn't really help it.
"Yes, of course, Miss Kane." Slughorn said, though he sounded more like he was humoring me, rather than actually wanting to check our work. He passed over Ernie's quickly, complimented Hermione slightly, and congratulated me on finishing the antidote and awarding Hufflepuff five points. I stalked out of the potions room in a bad mood.
"That wasn't fair at all!" Hermione seethed as we hurried to the library together. "You actually finished the antidote and I had fifty ingredients and Harry did absolutely nothing!"
"No." I agreed, "It wasn't fair at all but when it comes to Harry, people in our world seem to be a bit more willing to overlook his mistakes. Cheeky!"
"He would have failed if that had been Professor Snape's class." Hermione said, sounding as though she was barely listening to me.
"No." I answered. What were we talking about again? My blood was starting to simmer down a little.
"Miss Kane!" A sharp voice echoed down the hallway and Hermione and I stopped walking. I turned around and saw Professor McGonagall sweeping down the staircase towards us. "I must speak to you for a moment."
"I'll see you in the library." I muttered to Hermione and stepped against the side wall so that I didn't interrupt the flow of the crowd. "Yes, Professor?" I asked, looking up at her.
"Professor Dumbledore would have told you this himself but he is not here at the moment. He said that you are allowed to sign up for apparition classes and that he has absolute faith in you." She recited. Her facial expressions gave away nothing.
"Thank you, Professor." I said and I turned and headed to catch up with Hermione.
Once Harry caught up to us (I suspected he told Ron the outcome of talking to Slughorn first), my temper had fizzled out, though Hermione's had not, and Harry left soon after telling us the outcome.
I slipped away after class to go and see Severus but he was teaching a class. I wanted to go upstairs to the office to do homework, but that would be quite distracting to the other students. Instead, I went to the Hufflepuff common room and signed up for the apparition lessons. I wondered what Severus' reaction would be.
After the hour ended, I went back to Severus' classroom and up to the office where Severus was separating paper into three different stacks, a quill on the floor, and the inkpot laying on its side, ink spilling down the table and dripping onto the floor. He was saving the paper first.
"Scourgify." I muttered, cleaning up the ink. I picked up the pot and set it down on the chair with the quill.
"Thanks." Severus muttered, tossing three pieces of parchment onto one stack and the rest onto another. "An owl swooped through here."
"No problem." I said, kissing his cheek and setting my bag down and pulling out my homework before starting on the problems.
"By the way..." Severus said slowly, searching for something in his drawers, "You have an appointment with Madam Pomfrey tomorrow."
"I do?" I asked, puzzled, looking up from my potions homework. No one made an appointment with Madam Pomfrey and hearing those words was quite funny.
"Yes." Severus said, pulling out a fresh quill and slamming the drawer shut before sitting down in his chair, leaping up and removing the inkpot and quill from the chair. "It's a checkup, really, to see how the child's doing."
"Oh!" I exclaimed. I supposed I hadn't thought of checkups because I was in a magical school rather than in the muggle world. But muggle women went to doctors for checkups all the time to make sure that the baby was healthy. "That's fine."
"Good." Severus said, "I thought you might be difficult about it."
I stuck my tongue out at him before remembering that his back was to me.
I flew through the homework and when I was done, the sun had already fallen. I pulled out a fresh sheaf of paper and started to draw, letting my subconscious take over.
When I looked up again, Severus was deep in his papers, the candles low, the sun completely set. I set the pencil aside. Soot covered my fingers but there wasn't a single smudge on the paper. I set it down on the bed, grabbing a cloth and wiping my fingers while I observed the newest drawing of the strange place.
It was a hallway. The floor was tiled with a pattern of black and gold (if it was in color). There is a vine pattern on the tiles which also leads partly up certain parts of the stone walls till they reached the curved ceiling. But more unusual was that the hallway is filled with black chairs and café tables.
The tables and chairs are pushed up against the walls of the hallway in random order, not orderly. There are stacks of books on the chairs, all of them have gilded edges. There is also a cat, sitting on one of the tables. Its small and silver with large yellow eyes (if the drawing was colored).
There is a door between the vines, partly open, revealing part of a lit fireplace that is small and arched. I can see briefly that the floor is tiled still, checkered but also covered with rugs, navy colored (if the drawing was colored).
I set the drawing aside, placing it on top of the other drawings. All these drawings were unusual so they must be part of the magical world, it was the only explanation. But no one seemed to know where this place was. Not Tonks or Dad or Severus. But if this place was in the future, then no one would know about it would they.
Severus finally set his quill aside while I continued to add detail to the drawing. Adding thing, delicate whiskers to the silver cat. Defining the room to be more three-dimensional through the door. Adding a light here, a lightbulb there.
"It's lovely though unusual." Severus said, coming over, looking over my shoulder. He was shirtless and my heart started to pound, a complete overreaction considering how many times I'd seen him naked.
I set the drawing aside for a second time and hopefully the last time tonight. I stood up, running a hand over his abs. Severus pushed his lips against mine and we dissolved into each other. I wondered if it was possible to capture these scenes in drawing as well. But that might be a bad thing to do. What if someone found the drawings?
His fingers were cold, goosebumps appearing on my skin where he touched me. My hands were cold as well and I kept them under his back, heat radiating and warming them.
There really is no way to describe being together with someone. But it was sweeter, more romantic than that. It was perfect, the idea of a man and a woman that were meant to be together forever loving each other. Moving together as though they were of one mind.
That was how we moved, our mouths always met at the right moment, our hands, our legs, our bodies retracting and condensing and moving together.
No one could really understand how I could love someone older than me, someone like Severus. I suppose one only needed a night with him, one moment with him that he opened up and showed his true self.
His history was horrible to an outsider, to someone who didn't know what I knew. He was a Death Eater. He was a follower of Voldemort. He was evil and Dumbledore was a fool to trust him. He hated Harry Potter, he hates the boy who lived. He hated James Potter, he wanted them to die. His best friends are Death Eaters, he is using Dumbledore to keep him out of Azkaban.
But I knew what was true. He regretted joining the Death Eaters. He cared about Harry in his own way. He did not want Lily Potter to die and in order for her not to die, he did not want James to have died either. He was not evil. Dumbledore was not a fool to trust him. Voldemort was the fool.
And the sides that he didn't show anyone else. The sides that only I could see. The goodness in him, the love, the passion, the joy, the hopes, the dreams, the beliefs. Everything that made him, was mine to see, to explore, to exploit. It was mine to use and to love and to make passionately with. He was mine and I was his. We were us.
His fingers caressed my breasts, his lips made heart shapes on my neck, his manly parts made my female parts sore and loved. We rolled over so that I was underneath his weight. The candles went out in a gust, leaving smoke filtering through the room. His lips parted mine, pushing and caressing and loving.
Somewhere far away, bees were buzzing and keys were clinking in the wind and swords were clashing. Crowns were crashing and feathers were floating and hearts were beating. Somewhere far away, a heart beat slower and slower but I would never know about that heart, until everyone I loved was dead.
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sheeple · 7 months
Miracles don't exist | 40: As the world caves in
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Genre(s): Riddle!reader / Slytherin!reader / kinda slowburn / little happy moments Fandom(s): Harry Potter Pairing(s): Theodore Nott x Reader / Harry Potter x Riddle!reader Summary: Being the Dark Lord's daughter and raised under the strict supervision of the Malfoy's is no easy life. Especially if you start crushing on your father's arch-nemesis, Harry Potter. And that while being engaged to one of his follower’s sons. Warning(s): Death A/n: The epilogue follows asap lmao [Masterlist] [Mini masterlist] [Playlist]
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"Can you walk?" Theo holds out both of his hands for you to take. You nod and hold on tightly to his hands. He heaves you up and you stumble before finding your footing. Holding up a hand, you stumble a few more times before finally being stable on your feet.
"How do you feel?"
You take a deep breath, straightening up. How do you feel? You don't feel any different than before. However... something feels different. Something's missing. Your best guess is that that is the part of his soul that has left your body. "I don't- I don't know. Lighter?" 
Theo hums, his thumb tracing circles around your waist. "Are you sure you're well enough? We can stay down here. Stay safe."
His suggestion makes you frown. Stay down here and wait the fight out? It's a sensible thought. But why does it make you feel so uneasy? Yes, it's the safest option to wait the war out. But you've come too far, seen too much to do nothing.
"We have to help, Teddy. I want to see with my own eyes how he loses."
A deep sigh escapes Theo and he rubs a hand over his face as he mumbles something about his wife being too good for her own good. It makes you smile widely.
He wraps an arm over your shoulders as he peeks his head outside of the potions classroom. Once he deems it safe, with his wand in his hand, he makes sure you are stable enough on your feet.
You climb up the stairs slowly and surely, finding the silence and emptiness of the entire castle jarring. "Where is everybody?", you whisper, looking around the great hall.
"There", points Theo as he sees the last people exit the castle.
Students stand around as the entirety of the Dark Lord’s army stands at the entrance of the battle-worn courtyard. A triumphant look on his face while Nigini slithers between his feet. Hagrid — bound with ropes and held in place by two Death Eaters — holds something in his arms, a sorrowful look on his face. 
Oh no… that can only mean one thing…
“Harry Potter… is dead!”
Ginny cries out while running forward. Mr Weasley manages to pull her back before she’s hit by a spell.
“Silence! Stupid girl. Harry Potter is dead. From this day forth, you put your faith in me.”
The courtyard is filled with dreadful silence, students silently sobbing as they look at Harry’s corps. Your hand reaches out to Teddy and you clutch him tightly, scared that if you don’t hold him, he’ll disappear. 
The Dark Lo- no. Voldemort. Voldemort looks back at his supporters as they laugh at their victory. He spreads his arms and looks at the crowd. “And now is the time to declare yourself. Come forward and join us. Or die.”
Bellatrix climbs on top of a broken pillar so she has an overview of the battlefield. She has a wide smile on her face, a look of pure enjoyment. It sickens you. It makes you want to hurt her. 
But the gleeful look soon disappears from both of their faces as nobody moves. Voldemort’s eyes search the crowd, searching for something it seems. And once they lock onto yours, they stay. He reaches out a hand, his palm open. “My Heir. My daughter, join us.”
Students around you step out of the way, terror in their eyes. Theo’s hold on your hand tightens and he pushes you behind him. He shakes his head, but you lay a hand on his shoulder. With a whisper you reassure it’s all going to be fine and that you won’t let him win.
Slowly, you make your way down the rubble towards Voldemort, who stands with his arms wide open. You stop just shortly out of his reach, fists balled and wand in the ready. 
“Ah. Well done, my Heir. Well done.” He expects you to come to him. But you stay where you are, staring him down.
“It doesn’t matter that Harry is gone. You’ve lost. And you helped to bring your own demise by killing him. Don’t you think I wouldn’t figure out what my special mission was? What you’ve made of me. What you made of Harry.”
Voldemort pulls his hands back to his side, an unreadable look on his face. “You insolent child”, he hisses as Nigini slithers dangerously at her master’s feet, her eyes set on you.
You glance at the snake, twirling your wand in between your fingers. You look back at Voldemort, your eyes silently telling that you know. You know that she’s the last Horcrux. And it’s only her before he’s dead. 
“You’ve grown weak, Father. And Death is waiting for you.” You fire a blast at him, but he reflects it. You jump out of the way as his spells and curses barely miss you. 
While you’ve distracted Voldemort, Harry rolls out of Hagrid’s arms and tries to set the snake on fire. It deflects and hits the Death Eaters behind her. 
The crowd of Hogwarts students flee inside while the Death Eaters either advance on the group or flee in puffs of smoke. In the flurry of people, you see a head of platinum blonde run across the courtyard, towards his parents and disappear with them.
You manage to make your way inside without getting too gravely injured. It’s mostly scrapes and burns. You’ve also lost the interest of Voldemort, as he’s going after Harry. Instead, you have Bellatrix hot on your heels. She cackles and calls after you, wildly firing curses that barely miss you. 
Somehow you’ve ended up in the Great Hall just as she corners you. You’ve stumbled over something and landed on your ass. Just as she raises her wand to give the final blow, she gets lunched off her feet. She hits the wall behind her with an ‘oof’ and slumps down. 
Theo runs towards you and pulls you back on your feet. You give him a nod before turning your attention back to Bellatrix. The two of you stand side to side, your wands raised and a determined look on your faces. 
She jumps up, running towards you with snarled teeth. She laughs as you yelp and try your best to stop her. Theo and you fight in tandem. But she’s more powerful than you thought, easily deflecting each spell. But she can’t keep this up, and it shows. Her moves become sloppy and she actually gets hit a couple of times.
While she gets sluggish, your moves only become more powerful and vicious. Blow after blow, you hit her with more vigour until you hit her square in the chest and she halts in the middle of the air, a petrified look on her face. 
You reel your arm back and just for a second the killing curse flashes through your mind. No. You won’t lower yourself to their level. Instead, you concentrate all your might and power on your wand and fire a red blast towards her. She floats for a moment before dropping dead, her body contorting strangely. Her wide and lifeless eyes stare up at you.
Your chest rises rapidly as you watch her Suddenly, it connects. You’ve killed her. You’ve just killed Bellatrix Lestrange. As your eyes keep their focus on hers, you stumble backwards in the arms of Theo. Looking up, you find comfort in his own brown ones. They say you’ve done well. It was a necessary evil.
"It's okay", he whispers, pulling you away to have you not look at the corpse. "You had to. It was you or her."
His words bounce around your head, but they don't land. You're still dazed. Theo makes sure to tuck you under his chin, keeping you safe until the air clears and the word spreads Voldemort is dead. Harry has defeated him and the Dark Lord has dropped dead like an ordinary man.
The two of you stay glued together sitting on a bench, mugs in your hands. You don't move until you see Sirius, Remus, and Tonks approach you.
You jump up from the bench and hug Sirius tightly. He engulfs you while pressing a kiss to the crown of your head. You keep your arms around Sirius until they grow numb. And even then you don't want to part ways. 
Theo replaces Sirius in holding you and you melt into his arms. "It's done", he whispers into your hair. "It's finally over."
A tired smile grows on your face. "The war is over. Let's go home."
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Taglist (bold means I couldn’t tag you): @the0doreslover @lqndkxlmqma @st4rrry  @choppedpartymuffinwinner @ledtassoo @literallyobessed @lestat-whore​ @vanishingcherry @harrysnovia @pietrobae @ireallywannasleep127 @yeolsbubbles @fruityfrog505 @fluffybunnyu @theroyalmanatee @shinrjj @hegdus @kermits-bitch @m1kasawps @noah-uhhh-what @mypolicemanharryyy @fals3-g0d @decapitated-coffee @thatgirljas13 @slytherinambitious @raineisms @mastermindmiko @timmytime17 @regsg18 @supernatural-lover @bubybubsters @lafrone @hermionelove @the-sander-fander @akengii @aliciacat20 @unstablereader @burns-in-the-sun @rachelnicolee @damagelove @mqndrqke @llpovi @clairesjointshurt @222244445555 @jolly4holly @padf00ts-l0ver @fandom-life-12 @prettyb1tchsblog @pari-1 @f14ever @nopedefe @randomgurl2326 @rinalouu @yazminetrahan @ellen3101 @comfyvic
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saintsenara · 6 days
oooo as an unhinged ship, if it hasn’t come up before, hermione x regulus. (meaning book hermione and book regulus, not their fanon equivalents who we may safely assume can slip right into “good girl gone bad x unreasonably hot wealthy man” without trouble, and need no further consideration. idc about them. i like losers). what we know about regulus is minimal, but we can imagine for the sake of the bit that if he somehow survived, he just might have a little interest in SPEW, and canonically, hermione does go for a youngest son with fluctuating self esteem. regulus also loves making pinterest boards for his passions (which include domestic terrorism but all the same), while hermione is known to color code and decorate her study schedules. i’m curious to know your thoughts 👀 both crack-wise and more genuinely, as i love your analyses of how characters with severe divides could — or could not — reconcile their differences and overcome the obstacles.
(their biggest obstacle, of course, is harry, who bursts in on them at least three times a day to demand hermione explain why she went for the clearly less good looking brother. men are always like “i’m fighting demons” and the demons are unexplored bisexuality.)
thank you very much for the ask, anon!
while describing hermione's type as "youngest son with fluctuating self esteem" is apposite, regulus strikes me as someone as someone whose self esteem is sufficiently bulletproof that his issue is with a world which - as he sees it - doesn't respect how special and extraordinary he is, rather than feeling overlooked because he believes himself to be less special and less loved than those around him.
[hence signing his camp little note with his initials, assuming reading it will snatch voldemort's wig off and throw it across the room, when what actually happens is the dark lord doesn't even notice he's missing and undoubtedly thinks his name is reginald.]
would he enjoy being constantly nagged by hermione [which is how she expresses to those she loves that she loves them]? eh... i doubt it. although i am compelled by the crack potential of regulus joining spew for a quiet life, and helping the missus glitter-glue posters. the couple that crafts together stays together.
but what i actually think would be most interesting about these two - as i've also said in reference to shipping hermione with bellatrix - is that they have a couple of shared traits which could mesh very interestingly: an enormous capacity for loyalty and a slightly naive, slightly childlike tendency towards seeing what they want to see.
i've said this before, but hermione's astonishing loyalty is one of her most impressive traits - and contributes, in fact, far more to her role in the series than her intelligence. but it comes with the flip-side that she also - since her loyalty is directly intertwined with her inflexibility, which is her most fundamental trait, in both positive [she's resilient, logical, etc.] and negative [she's argumentative, narrow-minded, etc.] ways - has a slightly hagrid-ish tendency towards blind faith.
her inflexibility - especially the difficulty she has with considering multiple viewpoints - also contributes to her naivety. i do think it's striking, given the fanon tendency - gleaned from the films, which massively overplay this - for her to be portrayed as orders of magnitude more mature than harry and ron that she is, in many ways, the most child-like of the trio: harry begins deathly hallows by throwing away most of his school trunk, hermione takes her schoolbooks on the run as comfort items; hermione believes that she's overthrowing the institution of slavery at hogwarts because the hats she knits vanish overnight; the item left to her in dumbledore's will is a book of fairy stories; etc.
both of these - loyalty and naivety, with the positive and negative things each of them brings - is also the regulus special. he sacrifices his life in an act of absolutely breathtaking loyalty to kreacher - which is directly caused by the humiliation he feels over his blind faith in voldemort being revealed to be misguided, and, specifically, is caused by the realisation that his initial view of voldemort as someone who wanted to bump off all the mudbloods and let pureblood families rule as oligarchs over a society which was, otherwise, fundamentally unchanged in terms of social structure etc. was extraordinarily naive. the dark lord wants to live forever, and he doesn't give a fuck who gets hurt on the way.
i do think there could be something quite compelling about the two of them either having to untangle their fairly rigid approaches to life - and how much of a knock that might be to their self esteem. i also think there's something to be said for each of them seeing in the other what they want to see, and being completely unwilling to do otherwise.
you are correct to note that harry would be gagged.
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Always There - Chapter Seven: S.Snape
Summary: Y/N Potter was left with a baby to care for after her brother and sister-in-law were murdered by Voldemort. One person was there for her, a person she didn’t expect but soon became her comfort person, Severus Snape. During Harry’s third year at Hogwarts and her third year as Herbology professor, a few old friends come around again. Y/N has to handle the feelings of these old friends being around again as well as handle her feelings for a certain potions master all while she tries to hide these things from her godson.
Series Masterlist
My full Masterlist
Pairings: Severus Snape x Female Professor Reader, Potter!Reader x friend!Remus, Sister!Reader x James Potter, Potter!Reader x Friend!Sirius
Chapter Warnings: Female Reader, Potter Reader(No physical description of reader) probably shitty writing, Harry growing up in a loving home, Happy Snape, sappy Snape, flashbacks, mentions of death, mentions of James' death
Series Warnings: Female Reader, Potter Reader (No physical description of reader) probably shitty writing, OOC Snape, Harry grows up in a loving environment, mentions of death and murder, poorly written angst, Remus is a shitty friend, poorly written pining,
Please let me know how I can improve my writing and being more inclusive to POC as I am whiter than white. Please also let me know if I have to add more to the warnings! My messages are open as well as my asks!
I am starting a taglist so leave either a comment or something in my asks if you would like to be tagged in any of my works or just this series!
Author's Note: I am going through a bit of a writers block at the moment so please bare with me. If anyone has any ideas they can give me I will gladly take some to see if I can get over this writers block.
Please let me know how I can improve or if you find any errors! Correct me, don't be afraid to! I want to improve my writing and become a better writer so any feedback or advise is welcomed!
Word Count: 1870
My asks are open for questions, suggestions and feedback!
Feedback is welcomed and encouraged!
not my gif
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not my gif
The time had finally come for the naming of the champions, all of the students who had wanted to put their name in had already done so, only two underage wizards trying and failing to put their names into the goblet, of course those two wizards being the Weasley twins. It was right after the feast, the goblet getting placed in front of Dumbledore’s owl lectern. Y/N taking her place between Severus and Hagrid. After the three champions were called, one more name came out of the goblet, Albus grabbing the paper and reading the name in shock. “Harry Potter,” The man said. Y/N’s heart dropped as she gripped Severus’ forearm. “Harry Potter!” The named boy got up and walked into the back room where all of the other champions were. 
The herbologist got up out of her chair and rushed after her nephew, the three headmasters, Barty Crouch, Minerva and Severus following after her. “Harry James Potter! How in Godric’s name did your name get into the goblet of fire!?” Y/N asked her nephew with her voice raised, she was panicking, she was scared. Somebody was targeting her nephew but she couldn’t pinpoint who it could be. She knew it wasn’t Karkaroff, Severus had already eased her mind about him, it wasn’t Madame Maxime and she knew for a fact that none of the teachers at the school would possibly endanger the boy like that. 
“I don’t know! I promise Aunt Y/N, I have no idea how it happened! I didn’t put my name in and I didn’t ask anyone to put my name in! I swear!” Harry promised his godmother. 
“Crouch, is there anything we could do to waive this? He can’t possibly compete in the tournament, he’s underage,” Severus asked the man.
“I’m afraid not, it has a binding spell once the name comes out of the goblet, he must compete,” Crouch responded. Y/N had damn near collapsed at the news, only staying on her feet because Severus had caught her.
“No! He can’t compete! It’s too dangerous! He could die! There must be something you can do!” Y/N shouted at the head of the Magical Law Enforcement.
“Severus, get Y/N out of here, I shall handle this,” Dumbledore directed the man. Severus had nodded and began to pull her away from the room. She was putting up one hell of a fight even though she had little to no energy in her, she would always find some for her boy, no matter what. Severus knew this and he knew just how to handle her when she was in this kind of state. 
“Love, let’s go get some tea, you can talk to Harry later,” He spoke gently in her ear.
“No, I can’t leave him, you know I can’t leave him Sev!” She replied back, her voice raised. Severus gave Albus a look, shaking his head, telling him that she wasn’t going to move until she knew that Harry would be safe. 
“Barty, there must be something we can do, he is far too young to compete,” Dumbledore had tried.
“I’m afraid not, Albus. The boy must compete,” Crouch responded before walking away. The headmaster dismissed the others, allowing Y/N, Severus and Harry to have the room alone. The woman and her nephew sat on the floor next to each other. 
“You need to be careful Harry. You need to be extra careful. There is no way for you to get out of this, you must compete but I need you to be safe. I need you, you are my boy, you and Severus are all I have and I can’t afford to lose either of you, not yet,” She explained to her nephew who soaked in her words and listened intently.
“I understand, I’ll be careful, I promise,” Harry responded, hugging his aunt tightly, “I love you, Aunt Y/N.”
“I love you too, Harry.”
Once the pair split, Harry went back to his common room and Severus escorted Y/N to her quarters. The two sat and talked about the concerns she had, like how she hadn’t wanted Harry to die, how she didn’t want to be alone, how she didn’t want to see her only family member put their life on the line for some stupid tournament. She voiced her concerns about someone in the castle targeting Harry however she couldn’t pinpoint who it could be. There were so many new people in the castle this year, all of them could be after Harry for all she knew. 
She didn’t end up sleeping that night, her mind racing with thoughts and memories. Her mind going back to the night James and Lily died, the night her life changed forever. But then a happier memory would show up and interrupt her worst.
It was her third year at Hogwarts, James and the rest of the Marauders’ fourth. She was in the library studying for her exams and doing homework, Remus sitting across from her doing the same thing. She had just learned about Boggarts in her Defense Against the Dark Arts class, having to write an essay on them after facing one. She had been quieter than usual, none of the other Marauders knowing what to do or how to approach her. James had sent Remus to try and pry out what had been bothering her, devising a plan of the two studying together like that always had and going from there.
“Boggarts, huh? Annoying bastards aren’t they?” Remus broke the silence that lingered between the two of them. She let out a hum in agreement as she continued writing her essay. It wasn’t like her, she usually gave Remus a look whenever he let out a swear word as he rarely ever did. “Are you okay? What’s wrong?”
“Nothing, I’m fine,” Y/N replied, a cold tone to her voice instead of the warmth that usually graced it. 
“Dove, I know something is wrong, you can tell me. You can talk to me,” Remus practically begged her.
“Seriously Rem, I’m fine. Nothing is wrong, I just need to get these exams out of the way and I’ll be back to normal.”
“If you insist. I’m gonna head back to the common room, you gonna come with?”
“No, I’m gonna stay here and finish up. Thank you for your concern Remmy, but I’m fine.” With her comment, Remus left the library. Within a few minutes, Severus took Remus’ place at the table. She was too busy with her essay to notice who it was, assuming it was her brother, “James, I’m fine, just leave me alone.”
“It’s not James,” Severus replied, making her look up in surprise.
“Oh! Sorry Severus, I hadn’t noticed it was you who sat down. My bloody brother and his friends have been pestering me all day,” She apologized to the boy who gave her a small smile.
“No need to say sorry. Why have they been bothering you all day?”
“They keep saying I’m acting strange. I will say I’m not acting like my usual self but exams are coming up and I have so much homework,” She ranted to him.
“Boggarts? Does this change have anything to do with them?” He asked her, she visibly deflated. 
“Maybe,” Y/N mumbled.
“Would you like to talk about it? You know I won’t judge you,” Severus asked her, his voice softening for her. 
“My boggart was my brother. It was seeing my brother dead, that was my boggart and it’s been all I think about because I don’t think I can live without him. I know he’s awful to you, trust me I’ve tried telling him to stop but he’s my best friend. He’s been with me my whole life and I can’t see my life without him.”
“What are you thinking about, love?” Severus’ voice broke her out of her trance.
“My third year when you sat with me in the library, do you remember that?”
“Of course I do, you told me about your boggart that day. I’m assuming it’s changed,” Severus replied to her, she nodded at his observation, “You want to talk about it or do you want to keep it to yourself?”
“It’s pretty much the same but instead of seeing James dead, I see Harry and you…dead. I’m scared it’s going to come true again, it was a shock enough to see that my first boggart ended up coming true, what happens if this one does?” She was worried, her first boggart was witnessing her brother dying, that ended up coming true. Now her boggart was the two most important people in her life dying in front of her, what if that ended up coming true as well? She was panicked, her mind kept racing.
“It won’t come true, not again. You have me, right at your side and together we will keep Harry safe. As long as I have you, I will be safe,” Severus reassured her. His comment did make her feel slightly better, the weight lessening on her shoulders. They talked for a while longer before he had to go meet up with Minerva and Albus. When he left, she put out a note that she would be in the greenhouses tending to her plants, taking cautious care of her venomous tentacula and wolfsbane. 
She hadn’t realized it was the next day until some of her students began filing in for their first class of the day. Before she could begin her lesson, Dumbledore had interrupted. “Professor Potter is unwell and needs to rest, I will be taking over for the day. Professor, off to your quarters and rest up,” Albus had explained.
“Oh, I’m fin-”
“You didn’t sleep at all Potter, go to sleep in your quarters. It is not a question, it is an order.” She sighed but listened, heading back to her quarters where there was a plate of food and a cup of tea waiting for her on the table. A note sitting beside the plate reading ‘I sent Albus to fetch you and send you back here. You need to rest my love, eat up and take a nap. I’ll be there when you wake up. I love you ~ Severus’. Her heart melted to her feet as she read the note, it was little things like this that showed her just how much he loved her. So she did as he told her, she ate her breakfast, drank her tea and put herself to bed. The second her head hit the pillows, she was out like a light. Severus returned to her quarters right after the classes for the day had ended, finding her still fast asleep on her bed.
He sat beside her and watched as she slept, the way her eyebrows creased and her nose scrunched, the way she would smile every once in a while, and the way she reached for him the moment he sat down, knowing he was sitting right there. He swore to himself that he would keep her safe even if it ended up killing him. He swore to himself that the Potter’s would stay safe, no matter what it takes.
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