#hairspray 2021
this-is-macy · 2 years
Wow, I watched 12 musicals in 2022! (The starred ones are shows that I saw for the first time this year.)
West Side Story (1961)
West Side Story (2021)
*Mean Girls (touring production)
Hamilton (2020)
*Dear Evan Hansen (touring production)
*Dear Evan Hansen (OBC bootleg)
The Phantom of the Opera (2004)
*Newsies (1992)
*Newsies (2017)
Hairspray (2007)
*Heathers: The Musical (2022)
tick, tick... BOOM! (2021)
And most of these I watched more than once. (Some of them much, much more than that!)
I’m hoping to tick even more musicals off of my “to watch” list in 2023 and hopefully discover some shows that I haven’t even heard of yet, too. And continue rewatching my favorites several more times, of course!
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plusultraetc · 9 days
what do u think of traitor!mic 🫶 i honestly was confused abt it when i realized how popular it was relatively speaking … there was a lot of it from like? 2020-2021?!?! i wanted to know ur take on him ദ്ദി ( ᵔ ᗜ ᵔ )
The long & short of it is that I SEE the vision but unfortunately, he's just not for me 😭 That isn’t to say I’m not interested in other people’s takes on him (and am super open to post/fic/art recs if anyone has any; I recently saw this piece and had a full-body flinch reaction when I Realized. Like. OMG). I just have like. Zero thoughts of my own lol, because traitor!Mic is conceptually so opposed to my understanding of the character that I can’t quite au about it.
(Before I get into my longwinded nonsense, let me just add that we should have known Mic wasn't the traitor from the very start because if he had been the League of Villains would have been way more successful lmao)
So full disclosure, when I watched the first few seasons of MHA a couple years ago, I heard there was a traitor at UA and the first thing I blurted out was 'IT'S PRESENT MIC.' I honestly am not sure why I thought so at the time, other than the fact that he seemed like an incredibly unlikely candidate, and therefore was Very Suspicious to me lol. Like, I don't even think I knew he was the one who proposed the traitor theory--if I had, it would have been so over for him. I would have been convinced he was the traitor & trying to throw people off his scent maybe for the rest of my life. In reality I probably just thought he was too loud and goofy and therefore must be hiding something (what he was hiding was a tragic backstory, whoops!) But anyway I was actually really surprised when I learned traitor!Mic had become such a prevalent theory!
In many ways, I can totally see why. Mic makes a good candidate for a traitor! He's smart, he has reasons to be dissatisfied with the pro hero status quo, and as we learn, he has very distinct public and private personas--one of which is radio DJ Present Mic, and the other is really, really angry.
THAT BEING SAID. Looking back on it, I feel like the more we learned about Mic, the more the traitor theory kind of... falls apart. I almost feel like he's Too Angry under all that leather and hairspray to be a spy for the League. For example, if I was trying to stay under the radar as a villain spy, I wouldn't turn to the guy next to me and be like ‘HEY let's beat these civilian reporters up for trespassing ♥’
Mic has every reason to be angry. He lost a close friend in a villain attack at a young age, watched the toll his death took on his friends and family even while processing (or failing to process) his own grief, and later had to confront the reality of what really happened to Shirakumo--how intentional and therefore avoidable it was--as the world was falling apart around him. I’ve talked a little bit on this blog about my many Big Sad Feelings about the ‘middle generation’ of pro heroes between All Might and the up-and-coming UA students, but more than anyone else, I think the UA teachers are a very conflicted group. It’s like… not quite ‘former child soldiers raising current child soldiers,’ but a similar concept, especially for characters like Mic, Aizawa, and Midnight, who had such a traumatic experience during their own years at UA. Now they are very much responsible for the children they are going to *checks notes* send into the same, and in some cases even more, dangerous situations that chewed them up and spat them out as teenagers. Very healthy, very mindful.
So Mic does have reasons to be disillusioned, but the thing is, he very actively participates in an often-hypocritical pro hero society. (This is not a criticism of him btw; many characters in the series do, and it’s often what makes them interesting!) Something that’s come up in book club is the fact that Present Mic is a public figure with a platform of his own and absolutely no problem loudly critiquing other heroes and even students, but he like. Really Hates the media. It’s almost funny how much he dislikes them. This is as good a reason as any that traitor!Mic should have been a hard sell, because his feelings about the media are directly opposed to those of the early League of Villains--ie, the iteration of the League when the traitor’s intel would have been at its most valuable. The early League loves the media; they want to use them to sensationalize and legitimize their message. Present Mic, meanwhile, uses his incredibly limited screentime to quite literally get in their way. He could have 100% made better use of his platform & connection to the press to aid the League.
I did try to approach this question from a non-erasermic lens, but I feel I would be remiss if I didn’t talk about Aizawa at all for two reasons: 1) unfortunately, Mic is a side character. He doesn’t have THAT many appearances throughout the series, and most of the time, he appears with or somehow-relating-to Aizawa, and 2) you can’t talk about a traitor without talking about who they’re betraying. And honestly, I just can't see him betraying Aizawa--not after everything they've been through together, not after weathering Aizawa's darkest years, and not now, when All Might's imminent retirement (that the UA faculty is aware of in advance) means that big changes are looming on the horizon for all pro heroes. Mic himself acknowledges that the age of All Might has made them complacent--he knows that the end of the Symbol of Peace spells trouble, and that current pros are largely unequipped for a world without All Might. He has a tendency to prioritize others, especially Aizawa and those he cares about, above himself, and right now would be the very worst time to sell All Might/UA/etc out to the League.
And then of course there's the obvious: he really is just. Very kind. We don't get nearly enough Present Mic throughout the series, but what we do get tells us that he's supportive, protective, somewhat-sassy and Doing His Best. Like yeah, he roasts the other characters literally every chance he gets, and he can def be judgmental, but when it counts (when Uraraka was feeling guilty that Midoriya stayed behind to rescue her during the Entrance Exam, when Bakugou and Todoroki needed someone to supervise their remedial training, when Ms. Ikoma became overwhelmed by her students' admittedly poor behavior), he steps up for the people around him. Idk he's just a really solid hero. This is my formal apology to Present Mic for suspecting him in like 2018 or whenever it was.
THANK YOU FOR OPENING UP THIS CAN OF WORMS, do you have any thoughts on traitor!Mic? Any recommendations? Does anyone? 👀
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doyouknowthisactor · 12 days
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By "roles" I mean playing a different character, and in a different piece of media; someone playing one character across a franchise only counts as one thing for the purposes of this poll, as does playing multiple characters in one franchise/piece of media
As "roles" please only consider acting work, and not things such as non-acting music performances
Below are some of this actor's roles. Please only check after voting!
Chicago (film version) as Matron Mama Morton (Oscar nomination)
Hairspray (film version) as Motormouth Maybelle
The Equalizer (2021-2024) as Robyn McCall
Beauty Shop as Gina Norris
More roles
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whitewaterpaper · 10 months
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Den som väntar på något gott väntar aldrig för länge. @kulturdasset lär bli mäkta imponerad av några av månadens filmval. Det är klart. Värt att vänta på vad det också. 😜
65 (2023) [👍] Riktigt bra SF om en utomjording som hamnar på jorden under dinosauriernas regim.
Australiens (2014) [👎🆓] En budgetstinkare från Australien. Går på komisk knock men svingar vilt i luften.
Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves (2023) [👍🔁]
Grease Live! (2016) [👍🎭🔁]
Hairspray Live! (2016) [👍🎭🔁]
Hocus Pocus 2 (2023) [👍🔁]
Kapten Våghals / Captain Scarlett (1952) [🆓] Intressant, och mot alla odds, kombination av Robin Hood och Röda Nejlikan. Hollywood! Vi vill ha en remake franchise!
Lair, the (2022) [__] Neil Marshall, åter i samarbete med Charlotte Kirk, och precis som i The Reckoning inte dåligt men når heller inte riktigt ända fram.
Lost City, the (2022) [👍🔁]
Love of Three Queens / L'amante di Paride (1954) [👎🆓] Spretigt sömnpiller med Hedy Lamarr.
Mord i Venedig / A Haunting in Venice (2023) [👎] När jag tänker tillbaka till Kenneth Branagh föregående exkursion som Poirot (Döden på Nilen, 2020) kommer beskrivningen ”välpolerad yta och dyra färger” för mig. Men vad gör man inte för Michelle Yeoh liksom?
Saga of the Viking Women and Their Voyage to the Waters of the Great Sea Serpent, the (1957) [🔁🆓] Vikingraffel signerat Roger Corman. Den här hade jag tydligen sett tidigare... Ett upptäckt som är ett omdöme i sig.
Ski Troop Attack (1960) [🆓] Skidåkarraffel signerat Roger Corman, han har verkligen fått till det i den här filmen. Om oinspirerat sidåkar-pang-pang är vad man längtar efter. Jag tror storyn tog en annan nedfart, för den minns jag inte mycket av.
Totally Killer (2023) [👍] Hallå, hej! Amazon får till en underhållande liten skräckkomedi som andas klassiska grepp och tillbaka till framtiden. Me like! Kommer antagligen ses igen.
Vidioten / UHF (1989) [__] Idag kanske mer ett underhållande tidsdokument om tiden innan YouTube gjorde videostjärnor av svenssons.
WarGames (1983) [👍🔁] Idag, i skuggan av AI kanske ännu mer aktuell än någonsin. Står fortfarande stadigt utan behov av remakes. Lekte med tanken att se uppföljaren, tills jag såg att den bara fanns på hyr-tjänsterna.
@kulturdasset lär börja drägla över husguden Neil Marshalls senaste, hen bör dock trycka på play där med något nedskruvade förväntningar. Resten tycker jag skall ge Totally Killer eller Kapten Våghals en chans. Den senare är kanske inte A-klassad underhållning, men väl värd en chans.
För den nyfikne med ett sug efter en utmaning såg jag the Reckoning i februari 2021.
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angstics · 5 months
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EVENT DETAILS: AS PART OF Q'S NEW "QUEER FILM SUMMER" PROGRAM, youre invited to watch THE OBJECT OF MY AFFECTION (1998) dir. nicholas hytner starring paul rudd and jennifer aniston in a ROMCOM about a pregnant woman who falls in love with her gay best friend. the livestream will be TODAY MAY 6 at 8PM EST (5pm pst / may 7, 1am bst).
BACKGROUND: i have a list of over 100 queer films to watch!!!!! i thought making an event out of it would get me through a good portion. so this summer, ive planned to watch at least 1-2 queer films a week on a DISCORD SERVER with my FELLOW film enthusiasts (you). ive already planned for 32 films, with a variety of genres, focuses, identities... theyre all queer films i havent seen, so none of them are extremely well-known. upcoming: house (1977), hairspray (1988), chess of the wind (1976), neptune frost (2021). they wont all be explicitly queer but will have some connection to queerhood (ie. im planning on watching a rock hudson/douglas sirk melo and judy garland's "a star is born"). i wont be including CWs -- i encourage looking them up. again, i havent seen these films... so they may be completely terrible 💖
i also like reading about films i watch, so part of the discord server is a channel where we can share articles related to the film pre/post screening. i already have one in mind for this film 👆 this wont really be a social club - at least i myself will only be online for events, articles, or if there's an interesting conversation going on
hope to see you there!! let me know if there's a better day/time for you and ill try to plan the next one around it :) the latest will be next monday
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sapphicscholar · 2 months
Chapter Preview:
“Deborah!” Ava screams as loud as she can.
“Ava!” Ava can hear it this time. The sound of her own voice, the panic lacing through it.
“Just—just try to get to the exit!” Ava calls back.
The maze is suddenly a thousand times easier, and it’s a matter of a few quick turns before Ava is face to face with herself.
“Tell me this is a nightmare,” Ava’s body says.
Ava clears her throat and licks at her lips. She tastes Deborah’s lipstick and the sharp acidity of the lemonade. “Okay. Okay. So we’re in an X-file of our own. That’s fine. We’ll—we’ll go back through. Hand-in-hand this time. It’ll be fine.”
“Fine?” Deborah screeches. (And jesus, Ava needs to work on her pitch.) “Nothing about this is fine!”
Ava runs her fingers through her hair, feeling the slight tackiness of hairspray. “Our suspect is right downstairs. He’s gotta be able to help us, right?”
“He’ll help us from the inside of a jail cell,” Deborah growls, and it’s fucking weird seeing Deborah’s expressions on her own face.
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overthinkingbelle · 2 years
Aaron Tveit appreciation post.
Movie appearances/roles:
2008-Ghost Town (Anesthesiologist)
2010-Howl (Peter Orlovsky)
2011-Girl Walks into a Bar (Henry)
2012-Premium Rush (Kyle)
2012-Les Misérables (Enjolras)
2013-A Dream of Flying (The Young Man) Short film
2015- Big Sky (Pru)
2016-Undrafted (John "Maz" Mazzello)
2016-Better Off Single (Charlie) Previously named Stereotypically You
2017-Created Equal (Tommy Reilly)
2018-Out of Blue (Tony Silvero)
TV roles/appearances:
2009–2012 Gossip Girl (William "Tripp" van der Bilt III) 10 episodes
2010 Ugly Betty (Zachary Boule) Episode: "All the World's a Stage"
2010 Law & Order: Special Victims Unit(Jan Eyck) Episode: "Beef"
2011 Body of Proof (Skip) Episode: "Point of Origin"
2011 Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (Stevie Harris) Episode: "Personal Fouls"
2011 The Good Wife (Spencer Zschau) Episode: "Executive Order 13224"
2013–2015 Graceland (Mike Warren) Main cast; 38 episodes
2016 Grease Live (Danny Zuko) Television movie
2016 BrainDead (Gareth Ritter) Main cast; 13 episodes
2017–21 The Good Fight (Spencer Zschau) 3 episodes
2019 The Code (Matt Dobbins) 5 episodes
2020 One Royal Holiday (Prince James Gallant) Television movie
2021 American Horror Stories (Adam) Episode: "Rubber(wo) Man Part Two", (Jay Gantz) Episode: "Feral"
2021–present Schmigadoon! (Danny Bailey) Main cast; 6 episodes
Theatre works:
2003 Footloose (Garvin) Merry-Go-Round Playhouse [2003 Regional production]
2004 Rent (Steve, u/s Roger, Mark) US national tour [January – December 2004 National tour replacement]
2005–08 Hairspray (Link Larkin) US national tour [August 2005 – July 2006 First national tour replacement], Neil Simon Theatre [July 18, 2006 – January 18, 2007; April 1 – May 4, 2008 Broadway replacement]
2007 Calvin Berger (Matt) Barrington Stage Company: [July 3–14, 2007 Original regional production]
2007 The Three Musketeers (D'Artagnan) North Shore Music Theatre [August 21 – September 9, 2007 Regional production]
2008–10 Next to Normal (Gabe Goodman) Second Stage Theatre [January 16 – March 16,2008 Original Off-Broadway production], Arena Stage [November 21, 2008 – January 18, 2009 Original Washington, D.C. production], Booth Theatre [March 27, 2009 – January 3, 2010 Original Broadway production]
2008 Saved! (Dean) Playwrights Horizons
[May 10 – June 22, 2008 Original Off-Broadway production]
2008–09 Wicked (Fiyero Tigelaar) Gershwin Theatre [June 24 – November 9, 2008;
January 20 – March 9, 2009Broadway replacement]
2009–11 Catch Me If You Can (Frank Abagnale, Jr.) 5th Avenue Theatre [July 28 – August 16, 2009 Original Seattle production] Neil Simon Theatre: [March 11 – September 4, 2011 Original Broadway production]
2010 Rent (Roger Davis) Hollywood Bowl: [August 6–8, 2010 Limited engagement]
2014–15 Assassins (John Wilkes Booth) Menier Chocolate Factory: [November 21, 2014 – February 8, 2015 Off-West End revival]
2017Company (Robert) Barrington Stage Company: [August 10 – September 10, 2017 Regional revival]
2018–22; 2023 Moulin Rouge!(Christian) Emerson Colonial Theatre: [July 10 – August 19, 2018 Original Boston production] Al Hirschfeld Theatre: [June 28, 2019 – March 11, 2020, September 24, 2021 – May 8, 2022, January 17 – April 9, 2023 Original Broadway production; paused due to COVID-19 , Won 2020 Tony Award for Best Actor in a Musical, Returning for limited engagement in 2023]
Feb. 9-May 12, 2023 Sweeney Todd (title role) Broadway revival, Lunt-Fontanne Theater (replacement)
Source: Wikipedia
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nysocboy · 3 months
Derek Yates, The Smiley Emoji and Eggplant Guy
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In How I Met Your Father, the middle-aged Sophie tells her son stories about her life in New York 23 years ago, presumably culminating in meeting his father.  In Episode 2.3, she doesn't remember the name of her friend's date, or what he looks like, so she calls him Rando.  He appears with a smiley-emoji head and an eggplant over his penis.
The epicode credits list him as actor/model Derek Yates, originally from Chattanooga, Tennesse,  "Bradley Cooper's younger bro." I think he's kidding.
Nick got his start on the Chattanooga stage, with roles including Hairspray, Sound of Music, and A Night to Remember. In 2016, he moved to L.A., where he won the "Ellen's New Gardner" contest on Ellen Degeneres's talk show.
Since then he has racked up 21 acting credits on IMDB, including cops, paralegals, nurses, a sleazoid, a passenger on the doomed Titanic 666, and Rando the Smiley Emoji guy on How I Met Your Father.  He claims to have played the Best Friend alongside Adam Devine in Isn't It Romantic, but I don't remember seeing him there.
His 840,000 social media followers are also interested in his beefcake photos.  Thousands of them, so many that I actually got tired of looking. Selfies, candids, and professional photos.  Always shirtless, usually bulging, a surprising amount of nudity.
Few photos of family or friends.  Two of his dog.  I assume that he's gay, since he has a photo from L.A. Pride, and another where he's in drag. And in 2021 Derek appeared at Impulse Los Angeles' Pool Watch -- Gay Edition, a fundraiser for the AIDS Healthcare Foundation.  
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The nude photos are on RG Beefcake and Boyfriends.
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bestmusicalworldcup · 2 years
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yuzukahibiscus · 1 year
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Special Blu-ray BOX REI YUZUKA
The Special Blu-ray BOX series delves into the many angles of the Top Star’s charms and character. A special A4 package with 1 Blu-ray disc, 1 CD and 10 photo cards in this deluxe version!
Quatre Reves Online Renewal 1st Anniversary Campaign“Yuzuka Rei Mini Standee” Collection!
For people who pre-order a "Special Blu-ray BOX REI YUZUKA” on Quatre Reves Online, they will be get a Quatre Reves Limited Novelty “Yuzuka Rei Mini Standee”. So please take the opportunity to use Quatre Reves Online. "Campaign period: July 14 2023 - September 21, 23:59PM JST For Quatre Reves stores, we will present the novelty depending on the first-come-first-serve basis. We do not accept pre-ordrers. The campaign will end after the novelty are all distributed.
DISC1 — Blu-ray Original Recorded Video and Selected Stage Digests
Special MV A cover of “♪READY STEADY GO”, the song released in 2004 by L’arc~en~Ciel, the popular band running at the top of the Japanese rock scene. Please look forward to this “new Yuzuka Rei” that will sing this accelerating rock tune.
Kawamoto Alexander / Choreographer As a backstage dancer for many famous artists such as Momoiro Clover Z, Watanabe Naomi, Kyary Pamyu Pamyu, and Fujii Kaze, he has performed live, on TV, and in music videos. He is expanding his activities as a choreographer in the Fujii Kaze "Matsuri" MV. Appeared as Mr. Pinky in the 2022 musical "Hairspray". Also active as a model and talent.
Yamanaka Yuki/MV Director Affiliated to amana inc. in 2015 and has been involved in the production of numerous commercials as a production manager. Started working as a director in 2018, producing videos in a wide range of genres, mainly commercials and music videos. Mainly specializes in creating stylish images of dance and fashion. Affiliated to isai inc. in 2022.
Making video The making video documents closely on the [song] recording, still photoshoot and the MV recording. It will be full of Yuzuka Rei’s OFF-side charms in her natural state.
Stage history digest A stylish depiction of Yuzuka’s stage scenes. Don't miss the dance scene collection of the new edited version selected by herself! Video digests of “Boys Over Flowers”, "Haikara-san ga Tooru", "DANCE OLYMPIA", "Cool Beast!!", “MAYERLING”, “A Battlefield for the Two of Us” and others.
DISC2 CD Music Selection —— A special CD with 20 live songs in past performances
2014 Flower Troupe Bow Hall Performance “Nocturne – Memories of a Faraway Summer Day” – Memories of Summer
2018 Flower Troupe National Tour Performance “Melancolique Gigolo –A Dangerous Successor–“ – Daniel’s theme
2018 Flower Troupe National Tour Performance “Exciter!!2018” – Exciter (rep.)
2019 Flower Troupe Akasaka ACT Theatre Performance “Boys Over Flowers” – theme song
2020 Flower Troupe Tokyo International Forum Performance “DANCE OLYMPIA" –Welcome to 2020–“ – DANCE DANCE DANCE
2020 Flower Troupe Grand Theatre Performance “Haikara-san ga Tooru” – Taisho Romance Song
2020 Flower Troupe Grand Theatre Performance “Haikara-san ga Tooru” – My Haikara-san
2021 Flower Troupe Grand Theatre Performance “Augustus – The Illustrious One–" Prayer ‒ O gods of the seven hills"
2021 Flower Troupe Grand Theatre Performance “Augustus – The Illustrious One–" The Courage You Gave Me
2021 Flower Troupe Grand Theatre Performance “Cool Beast!!” – Cool Beast theme song
2021 Flower Troupe National Tour Performance “Sorrowful Cordoba” – “Sorrowful Cordoba”
2021 Flower Troupe Grand Theatre Performance “Genroku Baroque Rock” – Flowers of Edo
2021 Flower Troupe Grand Theatre Performance “Genroku Baroque Rock” – Fireworks are glittering, glittering
2021 Flower Troupe Grand Theatre Performance “The Fascination –Flower Troupe 100th Anniversary and to the Future Beyond–“ – The Fascination theme song
2022 Flower Troupe Grand Theatre Performance “Years of Pilgrimage ~ The Wandering Soul of Franz Liszt” – Franz Liszt Idol
2022 Flower Troupe Grand Theatre Performance “Years of Pilgrimage ~ The Wandering Soul of Franz Liszt” Days of Pilgrimage (Dreams of Love)
2022 Flower Troupe Grand Theatre Performance “Fashionable Empire” – Welcome to Fashionable Empire
2022 Flower Troupe National Tour Performance “Love Burns in Firenze” – Elegy of Love
2023 Flower Troupe Grand Theatre Performance “MAYERLING” – Ephemeral Love
2023 Flower Troupe Grand Theatre Performance “ENCHANTEMENT – A Luxurious Perfume” – Enchantement theme song
Special Bonus —— With 10 A4-size Original Photo Cards!
Genki Ito / Photocard Photographer Graduated from Nihon University College of Art in 2008. After working at a studio, he became an independent cameraman in 2014. Joined symphonic in 2016. Active in a wide range of fields, including advertising, fashion, and music. In music, he has taken many jacket photos for LiSA, Masaki Suda, Hinatazaka46, and others.
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this-is-macy · 2 years
79 of my 101 top songs this year are from musicals! 😂
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moviebracket · 1 year
One group of polls will go up each day and polls will be a week long! Submissions will remain open through the end of the first round, and I'll add some more first round groups depending on submission numbers! Apologies for the brief absence, I had some personal stuff going on.
Movies that lose by smaller margins may have a chance to return to the bracket at the end of Round 1.
Round 1 Group A
Lilo & Stitch (78%) vs Guillermo del Toro's Pinocchio (22%)
Pan's Labyrinth (53%) vs Mickey, Donald, Goofy: The Three Musketeers (47%)
Legally Blonde (96%) vs The Last Temptation of Christ (4%)
Brother Bear (59%) vs Kubo and the Two Strings (41%)
Round 1 Group B
Stardust (47%) vs Heathers (53%)
The Batman (2022) (47%) vs Moulin Rouge! (53%)
Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (58%) vs Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (42%)
Now You See Me (78%) vs Morbius (22%)
Round 1 Group C
Portrait of a Lady on Fire (29%) vs The Prince of Egypt (71%)
Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl (32%) vs The Princess Bride (68%)
Rogue One (33%) vs Spirited Away (67%)
Goncharov (90%) vs Love Actually (10%)
Round 1 Group D
A Silent Voice (38%) vs Princess Mononoke (62%)
How to Train Your Dragon (65%) vs The Sound of Music (35%)
Knives Out (43%) vs Howl's Moving Castle (57%)
Little Miss Sunshine (42%) vs The Little Mermaid (1989) (58%)
Round 1 Group E
A Quiet Place (45%) vs Zombieland (55%)
10 Things I Hate About You (72%) vs Lemonade Mouth (28%)
Juno (21%) vs The Addams Family (1991) (79%)
The Parent Trap (1998) (54%) vs Bend It Like Beckham (46%)
Round 1 Goup F
Rent (48%) vs West Side Story (2021) (52%)
Elf (39%) vs The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (61%)
Hairspray (2007) (43%) vs Mamma Mia! (57%)
Clueless (51%) vs Miss Congeniality (49%)
Round 1 Group G
Forrest Gump (50%) vs Kingsman: The Secret Service (50%)
Enchanted (69%) vs Ferris Bueller's Day Off (31%)
Battle Royale (45%) vs High School Musical (55%)
Matilda (1996) (60%) vs Chicago (40%)
Round 1 Group H
Mean Girls (54%) vs School of Rock (46%)
The Hitman's Bodyguard (25%) vs Grease (75%)
The Nightmare Before Christmas (51%) vs Parasite (49%)
The Wizard of Oz (46%) vs Star Wars: A New Hope (54%)
Round 1 Group I
Populaire (13%) vs Labyrinth (87%)
Matilda (2022) (17%) vs Kung Fu Panda (83%)
Superman (1978) (44%) vs The Sixth Sense (56%)
The Martian (65%) vs Trainspotting (35%)
Round 1 Group J
Dune (37%) vs Back to the Future (63%)
Phineas and Ferb: Across the 2nd Dimension (44%) vs The Return of the King (56%)
Home Alone (63%) vs Frozen (37%)
Monty Python and the Holy Grail (59%) vs Meet the Robinsons (41%)
Round 1 Group K
Crazy Rich Asians (68%) vs The Phantom of the Opera (2004) (32%)
Alien (75%) vs Mulholland Drive (25%)
The Imitation Game (39%) vs The Simpsons Movie (61%)
Castle of Cagliostro (59%) vs Once Upon a Time in the West (41%)
Round 1 Group L
North by Northwest (22%) vs Arrietty (78%)
Scream (53%) vs War and Peace (1966/1967) (47%)
Arrival (18%) vs The Rocky Horror Picture Show (82%)
Little Shop of Horrors (1986) (55%) vs Night at the Museum (45%)
Round 1 Group M
Steven Universe: The Movie vs Atlantis: The Lost Empire
Everything Everywhere All at Once vs Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan
Rise of the Guardians vs She's the Man
Pacific Rim vs Treasure Planet (2002)
Round 1 Group N
Deadpool vs Spiderman: Into the Spiderverse
Pitch Perfect vs Get Out
The Perks of Being a Wallflower vs Mad Max: Fury Road
Inception vs The Hunger Games: Catching Fire
Round 1 Group O
The Princess Diaries vs Paddington
Pride vs Velvet Goldmine
Shrek 2 vs The Devil Wears Prada
Saw vs But I'm a Cheerleader
Round 1 Group P
Evil Dead 2 vs Nope
Whip It vs I Love You Phillip Morris
Jennifer's Body vs Ginger Snaps
Bodies Bodies Bodies vs The Social Network
Round 1 Group Q
The Mummy (1999) vs The Silence of the Lambs
Fight Club vs The History of Future Folk
Cyrano vs Beetlejuice
Die Hard vs While You Were Sleeping
Round 1 Group R
Cocaine Bear vs Boy Meets Girl
Clue vs Dungeons and Dragons: Honour Among Thieves
Coco vs Wendell & Wild
The Lost Boys vs Scott Pilgrim vs. the World
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Nutcracker Kids Grow Up
Terry Trucco has a lovely article in Playbill about three current NYCB dancers who performed in The Nutcracker as children.
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The Polichinelles in 1985. Photo: Martha Swope --------------------------------------------------------------------------
A hallmark of George Balanchine’s The Nutcracker is its roster of 126 children, aged 7 to 13, in two alternating casts, who all study in the Children’s Division at the School of American Ballet (SAB), New York City Ballet’s official school. A small percentage of those students will eventually move up to the Advanced Division at SAB, and at the end of their studies, a few will be invited to join NYCB, achieving the total Nutcracker experience—returning to Balanchine’s quintessential holiday ballet to perform as adults.
That storied third group includes former NYCB Principal Dancers Peter Boal, Jennie Somogyi, Gelsey Kirkland, and Judith Fugate, among others, as well as current corps de ballet members Shelby Mann, Mckenzie Bernardino Soares, and Rommie Tomasini, who each enrolled in SAB at the age of 6. Now coming back to the production as members of the corps de ballet, which they joined in 2022, they shared their fond memories of those formative years performing in George Balanchine’s The Nutcracker.
Shelby Mann’s earliest recollections of being in The Nutcracker are of playing jacks, a favored pre-show ritual for young cast members, and of her trailing hairpiece in the Party Scene. “My memories of The Nutcracker are so heightened,” she says. “Every time I smell hairspray, it’s like I’m back in the lower concourse of the theatre during The Nutcracker.”
From her debut at age 7 in the Party Scene, Mann sprinted up the Nutcracker ladder, appearing as an Angel, a Polichinelle, a Mouse, and then, at the ripe age of 11, a Candy Cane. “We would all look forward to The Nutcracker each year. It was what defined our childhood and our winter,” she says.
Born into a dance-world family in Harlem—her grandfather Jacques d’Amboise, grandmother Carolyn George, and uncle Christopher d’Amboise all danced with NYCB, and her parents are acclaimed Broadway performers Charlotte d’Amboise and Terrence Mann—Mann discovered her passion for dance through the iconic holiday ballet. “I loved that in rehearsals, because you were playing a character, you got to build your performance. Being in The Nutcracker made me realize that this is what I wanted to do.”
Since joining NYCB, Mann has danced Dolls, Snow, Hot Chocolate, and Flowers, and her affection for Balanchine’s two-act masterpiece—and the camaraderie that develops naturally among the cast, no matter what age—remains undiminished. “I love how The Nutcracker connects to the holidays,” she says. “We all decorate our dressing rooms, have Secret Santas, and bring cookies.”
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Left: Shelby Mann as a Polichinelle in 2013. Photo: Paul Kolnik Right: Mann in Waltz of the Flowers, 2022. Photo: Erin Baiano
During his childhood performances in The Nutcracker, Mckenzie Bernardino Soares made a point of watching the effervescent Hot Chocolate. “The music, the spice—I just loved it,” he says. “And I remember thinking, dancing this is all I want to do in my life.”
Fast forward to 2021. As a freshly minted NYCB apprentice, Soares landed his dream role and repeated it last year as a member of the corps de ballet. The verdict? “It’s always a fun time on stage, and you get to show your personality,” he says. “And if it gets a little repetitive sometimes, I just think, well, little Mckenzie would have loved to do this.”
Growing up in Danbury, Connecticut, Soares’ Nutcracker experience was punctuated by long hours in the family car, driving 65 miles each way to rehearsals and performances. “Being on stage made it all worth it,” he says. He also enjoyed supervising the younger dancers backstage during “the gap” when SAB students are too old for children’s parts, and he relished hearing advice from Company members backstage and in the wings. This season, Soares, who added Mouse King to his Nutcracker repertory last year, looks forward to using the roles he dances to expand his artistry. “It’s actually nice that the choreography is the same every day, so it becomes about what you bring to each performance,” he says.
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Left: Mckenzie Bernardino Soares as a Soldier in 2012. Photo: Paul Kolnik Right: Soares with Shelby Mann in Hot Chocolate, 2022. Photo: Erin Baiano
Rommie Tomasini remembers begging her mother to let her audition for SAB, where her older sister was a student, and quickly discovering a love of dance. At age 7, she was cast as the Bunny in The Nutcracker. A season as a Mouse and a Polichinelle followed, and for two years, she was Marie. When the time came to begin pointe work, she decided that ballet was her future. “I didn’t want to do anything else after school, and I thought, This is a done deal,” she says.
Her earliest Nutcracker memory dates from her first dress rehearsal. “I was the Bunny, and I remember looking at all the mouse heads on the Mouse King’s crown and being too terrified to pull his tail,” she recalls.
Yet looking back, Tomasini, who grew up on the Upper East Side, marvels at how confident she felt on stage as a child. “I was never nervous. I was just so happy to be out there. I’m amazed at how much we learned about acting and artistry so young.”
Dolls, Snow, Hot Chocolate, and Tea are among the Nutcracker parts Tomasini has performed since she became an apprentice in 2021. But her recollections of being in a swarm of Nutcracker kids, scrutinizing the steps and making up versions of Hot Chocolate, Marzipan, and Coffee, remain vivid. “It’s mind-blowing that we’re now dancing the roles that we once pretended to do backstage,” she says.
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Left: Rommie Tomasini as the Bunny in 2011. Photo: Paul Kolnik Right: Tomasini in Waltz of the Snowflakes in 2021. Photo: Erin Baiano
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museenkuss · 2 years
Baby Jane Hudson Lookbook
delicate, rustling layers - think fluttering lace, swishing pleated skirts, blouses with embroidered collars
an abundance of lovely details - think pearl buttons, velvet bows or headbands, long necklaces, glittering brooches of cute design applied to cardigans with puffy sleeves or berets, fake flowers pinned to your curls, lace tights
stick to pastels that suit you (rosy pink, powdery blue, delicious cream...) with tasteful accents for the accessories (red, white, black)
gleaming shoes - heeled, match with bag
princess curls, either glossy or (preferred) turned into cotton-candy-crisp perfection with glittering clouds of hairspray.
dolly make-up (dior-addicted or velvet-soft pout (red!), mascara-crisp bambi lashes, powdery-perfect complexion, cheeks flushed pink. Heart-shaped beauty mark mandatory ♥ !!! When applying, think of the camera!)
a sweet-doll fragrance (Miss Dior 2021, La Vie est Belle, La Petite Robe Noire Intense, Lolitaland) or, alternatively, a powder-doll classic (Shalimar l'Initial, No 19 Poudré, Miss Dior Esprit de Parfum Original...)
doll. preferably with a matching outfit
pair coquettish sweetness with a dash of princess attitude and ballet-light steps with doll-cute laughter. it's fine to have a few breakdowns in private but always be ready to be loved and admired by everyone (the ones that matter, anyhow) when stepping out. be a perfectly darling spoiled cunt or don't even bother.
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fandomgalore-blog · 1 year
Things I refuse to let ppl slander on my page in no particular order:
1. Glee (unless it’s the way the fans do)
2. Naya Rivera
3. Brittana (god tier ship)
4. Beyoncé ( she’s that bitch)
5. Joshua Bassett (sweetest guy, didn’t deserve the shit he got in 2021. I met him once, and he’s such a sweetheart)
6. But I’m a Cheerleader (best lesbian love movie ever besides D.E.B.S)
7. Captain America The Winter Soldier (best of the trilogy)
8. Britney Spears (as a wise man once said, leave Britney alone)
9. Hairspray (2007) (truly a masterpiece)
10. Avengers Age of Ultron (Idc what ppl say that movie was so fun and hilarious)
11. Cameron Boyce (he literally was perfect)
12. Victoria Justice (stop shitting on her with the Victorious drama. Ari herself said she has no beef with her and she’s NOT her character)
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myobsessionsspace · 5 months
Queen Latifah
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An Actress
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A Hip Hop Icon
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An Entrepreneur
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A Barrier Breaker
At the BET Awards 2021, during her acceptance speech for the Lifetime Achievement Award, she publicly acknowledged her partner Eboni Nichols and son Rebel for the first time, ending the speech with "Happy Pride!"
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