#haiti archives
haitilegends · 2 years
Tèm Radyo Ayiti, Jean Jean-Pierre / Radio Haiti Archive / Duke Digital Repository
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electricvinyls · 7 months
Though I cannot donate or attend certain rallies, I CAN speak up. There is a link in my bio with verified ways to donate, and on my profile there is a highlight with helpful posts and tons of info. FREE PALESTINE
Congo, hawaii, haiti, sudan, armenia, and several other places also face oppression and being harmed. Please think about looking into those situations as well and educating yourself.
Palestine digital archive
Info on several genocides/places
Verified places/ways to donate
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conacoflakes · 6 months
Conan O’Brien media archive
As a rule of thumb I avoid any movie streaming services or other ways to download that aren't totally virus free, etc. so these links lead to Drive, archive.org, and YouTube or other trusted media sharing sites.
Shows + TV
Conan O'Brien Must Go (2024) | Drive
Conan visits his fans from around the globe and indulges in various countries cultures. His most recent show with only 4 episodes: Norway, Argentina, Thailand, and Ireland. All four episodes can be found at this drive link
Late Night With Conan O'Brien (1993 - 2009) | archive.org @ mountainmikeinoregon
Archived episodes of Late Night sorted by year. Not a complete collection, many episodes are missing (for example the 1993 collection jumps from episodes 1-4 to episode 35) but a great deal of them are here. Easy to access and watch.
The Tonight Show with Conan O'Brien (2009-2010) | archive.org
The show he briefly inherited from Leno which would cause the infamous TV war between them. Conan would leave NBC for TBS after this. All 145 Conan episodes that aired are in here.
Conan Without Borders (2018) | dailymotion
A series of specials that aired on Conan where he travels various countries. The precursor to the 2024 show. Filmed during the height of the Trump administration which is reflected in a lot of the jokes, topics, and other parts of the show. Various clips are also avaliable on YouTube. QnA's are also avaliable on YouTube.
Episode List:
1. Conan in Cuba - 49:18 2. Conan in Armenia - 42:48 3. Qatar - Unable to find 4. Conan Does Korea - 36:23 5. Conan in Berlin - 42:58 6. Conan Without Borders: Made in Mexico- 42:20 7. Israel - Unable to find. Judging from the clips this episode paints Israel in an extremely sympathetic light. Know that I stand with Palestine and that Israel is an Apartheid state. Learn more at decolonizepalestine.org 8. Conan Without Borders: Haiti - 42:04 9. Conan in Italy - 50:13 10. Conan in Japan - 42:03 11. Conan Without Borders: Australia - 42:03 12. Conan Without Borders: Greenland - 42:01 13. Conan Without Borders: Ghana - 43:00
CONAN O'BRIEN CAN'T STOP (2011) - Part 1 / Part 2 | dailymotion
CONAN O'BRIEN CAN'T STOP is a documentary about what Conan and his crew did on tour before TBS. After Jay Leno took back his show, Conan travels to 32 different cities to do improv while attempting to severe all ties with NBC. Fun film with more intimate and candid moments of him and his crew.
CONAN O'BRIEN CAN'T STOP - Commentary by Conan, Andy Richter, Sona Movsesian & More (2011) | archive.org - YouTube
CONAN O'BRIEN CAN'T STOP is a documentary about what Conan and his crew did on tour before TBS. This version of the film has his own commentary over it.
Podcasts & Radio
The Conan and Jordan Show (Podcast) | soundcloud.com | episode 1 | episode 2
Only two episodes have been uploaded. Apparently the site that it’s hosted on (SiriusXM) doesn’t even show all the episodes available.
To be updated as more links are found
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transmutationisms · 1 year
so i read the hp lovecraft short stories that the film ‘re-animator’ was based on (internet archive link) and the answer is yes, the source material is openly and deliberately racist, and it is not coincidental or accidental that the film so clearly recalls the history of american medical schools obtaining human cadavers through various deeply unethical means, esp the bodies of enslaved black people in the south. the lovecraft stories were serialised in the magazine ‘home brew’ in 1921–22 and are neither very long nor very good, but a few points of interest stood out to me:
both wikipedia and the encyclopedia britannica attribute the ‘modern’ zombie largely to george romero’s 1960s films; in ‘the undead eighteenth century’, linda troost suggested only that zombies appeared in literature as early as 1967 and were described as spirits or ghosts, not cannibalistic monsters. however, although lovecraft never uses the word “zombie” in “herbert west—reanimator”, i think it is fair to draw a clear connection from the haitian mythology to his story of reanimated, violent, cannibalistic bodies. because lovecraft was simultaneously satirising and paying tribute to “frankenstein”, the anxieties in the stories centre around the narrator’s discomfort with west’s materialist view of life, his fanatical devotion to scientific experiment, and the idea that living matter is only distinguished by accidents of matter and function, rather than by the operation of a divinely given soul. thus, when the narrator describes the outcomes of his and west’s experiments as “unthinkable automata” (30) we ought to understand this as a relatively early (again, these stories ran between 1921 and 22) example of american literature invoking the haitian zombie to work out a strikingly different set of social anxieties than enslaved africans in haiti did. in lovecraft’s stories, then, the medical students’ literal reanimations of stolen (sometimes murdered) bodies are almost themselves symbolic of lovecraft’s own deployment of the zombie myth, transposed into the context of debates about materialism, vitalism, and the nature of life and consciousness.
speaking of the cannibalism, yes, it is racialised. although the re-animated bodies exist largely out of view of either the narrator or west, and thus we cannot say for sure what they are or aren’t eating, the confirmed act of cannibalism is specifically attributed to a black re-animated man described as “gorilla-like ... [with] a face that conjured up thoughts of unspeakable congo secrets and tom-tom poundings under an eerie moon” (14) and later “a glassy-eyed, ink-black apparition nearly on all fours, covered with bits of mould, leaves, and vines, foul with caked blood” (16–17). this is the scene in which he is discovered eating a white infant: “a snow-white, terrible, cylindrical object terminating in a tiny hand” (17). he is consistently referred to as “cannibalistic” throughout the rest of the story, emphasised to be violent and dangerous. he, along with the other re-animated people, eventually joins a kind of re-animated army led by west’s own former army (wwi) commander, who is now headless (also re-animated); this ‘army’ eventually kills west. thus, west’s body-snatching and literal possession of the stolen bodies are flipped around, as the bodies develop allegiance to one another and then invert west’s violence against them: where he forced them to live again, they directly cause him to die. because this is lovecraft, though, the re-animated bodies existing and developing agency is the central horror of the story, even despite the unflattering portrayal of west; this is actually translated pretty accurately into the film sequel ‘bride of re-animator’ as a scene in which their version of the undead ‘army’ rampages through west’s backyard/cemetery, and we are treated to extensive shots of the bodies writhing, spasming, and seizing, in ways that simultaneously telegraph disability and (what is framed as) terrifying strength.
there are at least flashes throughout the stories of racialisation of the re-animated bodies occurring precisely on the grounds of having been re-animated: for example, of an early (white) re-animation experiment, the narrator reports that it was “like a malformed ape”, and lovecraft writes:  “For it had been a man. This much was clear despite the nauseous eyes, the voiceless simianism, and the daemoniac savagery” (11). thus, the fact of having been re-animated is itself what gives this white body its simian / ape-like qualities—descriptions which are of course racialised in american literature in general, and specifically in this series (see above).
in connection with lovecraft’s racism, the stories frequently engage in generalised physiognomical efforts to read a person’s moral character and personality from their physical appearance. this includes overtly racialised traits (west is described as blond and blue-eyed numerous times, an appearance that hides his "diabolical” machinations and “fanaticism” [7, 18], and contrasts to both his morbid fascinations [3] and to a “brawny young workman” with brown hair whom he re-animates [5]). there is also a link raised multiple times between nervous sensitivity and physical strength: one specimen is “a man at once physically powerful and of such high mentality that a sensitive nervous system was assured”, and west seeks out specifically “men of especially sensitive brain and especially vigorous physique” (25, 27).
although lovecraft’s stories are hardly making any manner of radical critique, they also contain flashes of tacit admission that west’s experiments, although cosmetically off-putting to the medical establishment, are not in fact diverging in deeper ways from ‘normal’ functioning of these institutions. for example, in the first installment, as the narrator and west attempt to secure a supply of fresh corpses from christchurch cemetery, the narrator notes that “we found that the college had first choice in every case” (4), a remark that for the modern reader alludes to the true and extensive history of american medical schools and anthropology departments purchasing or simply snatching cadavers and anatomical specimens (in recent years there have been a few high-profile cases of attempts at repatriation of skull and other collections). later, when re-animating buck robinson, the aforementioned black man, the narrator notes that “our prize ... was wholly unresponsive to every solution we injected in its black arm; solutions prepared from experience with white specimens only” (15). this remark has two major implications: one, lovecraft’s narrator is endorsing a view of physiology that assumes black and white bodies function essentially differently, ie that the white and black ‘races’ are intrinsically and undeniably biologically different to one another (this viewpoint is never challenged or questioned throughout the text); two, that lovecraft specifically portrayed medical students who experimented on white bodies, an echo of the medical schools’ focus on white patients and white health, with black bodies treated as more disposable, black patients as less valuable, and the entire medical endeavour aimed toward the preservation of wealthy white people and plantation owners (nb: west worked out of boston).
although the films and the stories both take a somewhat whimsical tone toward their subject matter, i found it hard to engage with the films on a genuinely comedic level largely because these elements of the lovecraft stories are still present. i do think the concept here (white medical students body-stealing, and forcing a partial and torturous version of ‘life’ upon those bodies) has quite a bit of potential as a horror premise; unfortunately, both lovecraft and the filmmakers approach this subject matter in ways that attempt to mine comedy and horror from it without thinking through the larger historical context they are clearly and explicitly invoking, and as a result the whole thing falls flat for me. 
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oboetemasuka · 7 months
A crack fic in which Amane finds out that Es made up the tidbit about them being an adult in Puerto Rico and Haiti.
It's what she deserves after all the "Order of Attack" stuff I put her through.
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fav-fanfics · 8 months
Janet was given a second chance to be a better mother, when she survived Haiti instead of her husband.
This changes everything. This changes nothing.
Regardless, she's going to make herself into the mother her son deserves.
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fatehbaz · 2 years
Caribbean cruise vacations have a long violent history. Earlier today, I came across one of the early print advertisement illustrations for the Caribbean cruise ship vacations offered by “the Great White Fleet.” And I pondered bananas.
Just as uncomfortable as it sounds. The story of the origin of the Caribbean cruise industry is, after all, also the story of the origin of the term “Banana Republic.”
In 1914, the Great War began as the planet’s powerful empires of old were collapsing, as British, French, Austro-Hungarian, Ottoman, Russian, and Qing/Chinese powers were marred by internal revolt and global warfare. But in 1914, the United States completed their Panama Canal and consolidated power in Latin America and the Caribbean, celebrating the ascent of a “new” empire made strong, in part, by bananas.
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As of 2022, bananas generate 12 billion dollars per year, with 75% of bananas exported from Latin America and the Caribbean.
The planet’s single biggest banana-producing company is Chiquita. The Chiquita brand was previously known as United Fruit Company, which had essentially monopolized the banana industry in Latin America. United Fruit Company has a bit of an image problem, following its theft of Indigenous land across Central America in the early 20th century; its role in provoking the killing of tens of hundreds/thousands of plantation laborers during the Banana Massacre of 1928; the company’s direct role in the CIA-backed toppling of the Guatemala government in the 1950s; and the company’s role in paying to harass and intimidate labor organizers in Colombia in recent decades.
But what of the “romance” and “adventure” of the Caribbean?
So it’s 1915 or 1916.
Middle of the Great War. Classic empires are disintegrating: Spanish empire, British empire, Austro-Hungarian empire, Russian empire, Ottoman empire, remnants of the Qing/Chinese state, etc. And whose empire is rising? United States, an empire expanding in the Caribbean, Central America, and South America. After the 1898 Spanish-US war, as Teddy Roosevelt’s cartoon cavalry conquered Cuba, the Spanish Main belongs to the US of A. The US Navy controlled the Caribbean Sea, and was aiming to expand across the Pacific Ocean, to Hawai’i and beyond.
But the official US Navy isn’t the only fleet upholding the empire. The United Fruit Company had its own fleet.
The text of one of these Great White Fleet ads, from 1916, adorned with imagery of a blue-and-gold macaw and an aerial map of the Caribbean, reads:
“[W]here winter never comes and where the soft trade winds bring renewed health. [W]ith all the comforts and all the luxuries of life you enjoy aboard the palatial ships of the GREAT WHITE FLEET. Delicious meals a la carte [...]. Dainty staterooms, perfectly ventilated [...]. [A]mid the scenes of romance and history in the Caribbean. And with it the opportunity to win for yourself a treasure of health and happiness, of greater benefit than the fabled fountain of youth, sought by Spanish adventurers in the tropic isles of the Spanish Main.”
Who’s leading the charge?
The United Fruit Company!
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From the May 1916 issue of Red Book. Image source, from Archive dot org:
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Image source, from Archive dot org:
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“There the Pirates hid their Gold -- and every voyage, every port, every route of the Great White Fleet through the Golden Caribbean has the romance of buried treasure, pirate ships an deeds of adventure [...].”
The Golden Caribbean.
The same region where Columbus murdered Indigenous people, where the US and France had just spent 100 years punishing Haiti with unending economic warfare afters slaves rebelled against colonization, and where the United Fruit Company would now set up shop.
The company’s plantations would expand across Central America, establishing brutal racial hierarchies and essentially controlling federal governments of Central American nations.
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In 1928, over 30,000 laborers were on strike at banana plantations in Colombia. They demanded payment of actual wages, rather than the credits they were given which were mostly only redeemable at company-owned stores in company towns. The US government threatened to send the Marine Corps to intervene if the “subversive” workers would not return to UFC’s plantations. In December 1928, after martial law had been declared, General Cortes Vargas entered the town square of Cienaga (Magdalena) during Sunday gatherings, with machine guns, opening fire on the crowds, and killing perhaps 3,000 people.
In the late 1940s, the United Fruit Company intensified its ad campaigns led by propagandist Edward Bernays (nephew of Sigmund Freud???), who also practiced his skill at manipulative advertising when working to popularize the American Tobacco Company by showing women smoking “torches of freedom” and linking “women’s rights” to cigarette iconography.
Bernays, who explicitly wrote about his “counter-Communist” intention in the ads, was “drafted” in the war to topple ascendant leftist governments. After 1944 and after Arevalo’s labor reforms, Jacobo Arbenz Guzman took control of Guatemala in 1951, and took over 200,000 acres from United Fruit Company and returned them to poor families. Bernays launched propaganda attacks against Guatemala, helping to plant stories about Guatemala eventually carried in the Saturday Evening Post, New York Herald Tribune, and Reader’s Digest. In January 1952, Bernays personally led a tour of Central America, accompanying publishers and editors of Newsweek, the Miami Herald, the San Francisco Chronicle, the Cincinnati Enquirer, Scripps-Howard, and Time magazine. When the CIA-trained military force led by Carlos Castillo Armas invaded Guatemala, with CIA aerial support, installing Castillo Armas as president, Bernays called them an “army of liberation.”
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Bananas and Caribbean cruises aren’t the only culprits in expanding imperial power in Latin America, the tropics, and the Global South.
In 1914, the same year that the United States finished the Panama Canal and consolidated power in Latin America and the Caribbean, Richard Strong was a newly appointed director of Harvard’s new Department of Tropical Medicine. Strong was also appointed director of the Laboratories of the Hospitals and of Research Work at United Fruit Company. Strong toured the company’s plantations in Panama, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Honduras, and Cuba. In the coming years, Strong would also personally approach Harvey Firestone, chief executive of the Firestone company, which owned and brutally operated rubber plantations in tropical West Africa. Research in tropical medicine was thus inaugurated by and dependent on colonial/imperial plantations and racial/social hierarchies at United Fruit Company and Firestone sites across the tropical regions, planetwide. Strong is just one character that demonstrates the interconnectedness of academia, fruit plantations, rubber supplies, food distribution, motor vehicle industries, strike-breakers, military forces, imperial expansion, and other tendrils of violently-enforced racist power.
Today, in 2022, Chiquita maintains twenty thousand employees across 70 countries. 
I think about this as I eat a banana for lunchtime. I think about this when I see the Edenic portrayal of a Caribbean shore, a landscape baked not so much by the tropical sun but instead scarred by centuries of genocide, slavery, and plantation labor, where government officials gleefully report “with honor” on the massacre of thousands.
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“Just a banana, it ain’t.”
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meerawrites · 1 year
Welcome to my house! Enter freely. Go safely, and leave something of the happiness you bring.
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❝I must be as I am.❞
Meera. They/them. Genderqueer. Biracial (South Asian). Bi-gray ace-Sapphic-Polyam. Neurodivergent. Writer of gothic historical fiction and a myriad of other things. Goth and gothic on main. 
❝l’art pour l’art.❞
About me. Navigation. DNI list. My website. My links. My Spotify. Also found on. Role-play writer behind the tag of xxmelpomenexx.
Commissions Open!
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Ask box rules:
civility, I’ll keep anon on the condition you all keep the same level-headed response I do.
No isms will be tolerated, whether that’s racism or homophobia or slavery apologia or sexism.
I reserve the right to not respond, respond selectively, be slow and take my time.
Be kind, it’s not that hard.
Ask tag.
Answered asks.
Ask about original characters!
Archive of our own.
Scribble Hub.
Dismantling Hindutva.
Free Palestine.
Free Sudan.
Free DRC.
Free Kashmir.
Free Haiti.
Vampire Chronicles by Anne Rice reading list.
AMC's IWTV reading list.
Mayfair Witches reading list.
American Revolution reading list.
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warm-cat-burrito · 4 months
This is legitimately just my spam blog. I have two other sideblogs, one for art/my OCs (@fennmeow) and one for therian/autism/ADHD stuff and general thoughts (@fennthetalkingdog). All I'll probably ever do here is reblog cool stuff I find, but the main reason I'm making this intro is just so I can organize all the tags I'll be using here. It'll change all the time (if I start to reblog something that requires a new tag, I'll add it here), so this will continually change.
For reference, though, I like:
Yu-Gi-Oh, Dungeon Meshi, and other anime/manga
Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint, Tower of God, and other webtoons/webtoon anime
Persona 5 Royal (both the game and the manga <3)
Wings of Fire
Warrior cats
(Some) K-pop songs, Vocaloid songs (Ghost and Pals <3), and music in general
Alt stuff (especially poc alt stuff)
Autism, ADHD, and therian stuff (will be limited tho since some of it will go on my sideblog)
so I'll definitely be reblogging that stuff. And I occasionally have hyperfixations, so that list is also subject to change, lol. Also I'll be putting real life stuff into either the #real life tag or the #advice tag (depending on what it is). Other stuff will be organized in one of the tags attached here (hopefully).
Also here are the links for the daily clicks for Palestine/Sudan thing because I keep forgetting and maybe you did too:
Okay so it looks like I'm gonna run out of tags soon so I'll put them under a cut (I'll save the actual tags for important and relevant ones):
(Note: If tags have another tag next to them in parentheses, that's their spoiler tag; I try my best to use only one. And related tags can be listed in bullets beneath a parent tag—in this case all posts with the specific tag will also be tagged with the parent tag. If two tags have a "/" between them, that means they're interchangable and all posts with one tag will have the other too.)
General Trigger Warnings:
#tw blood
#tw drugs
* #tw weed
#tw eyestrain
#tw sex mention (literally for anything that mentions sex)
* #spicy (spicy stuff that may imply/describe sex but don't show it)
* nsfw (full-on nsfw stuff - I shouldn't be posting that? But just in case)
#tw syscourse (most will only be reblogged privately tho)
#tw periods
#tw politics
* #international news
* #congo
* #gaza/#palestine/#free palestine
* #haiti
* #sudan
* #tigray
* #usa news
* #us presidential debate
* #us politics
General Art Tags:
#character design
#cool art (for art unrelated to a mentioned fandom)
* #anthro
* #artfight
* #fennmeow/#my art
* #monster
* #oc art
* #scenecore
#human designs
#dungeon meshi (#dungeon meshi spoilers)
* #farcille
* #labru
* #secret lab!au (also under #crossover and #scp foundation)
#jujutsu kaisen
#mob psycho 100
* #transfem mob
* #transmasc reigen
#oshi no ko (#oshi no ko spoilers)
#tower of god (in this category since I'll barely reblog ToG webtoon stuff probably)
* #tower of god anime
#welcome to demon school iruma kun/#marimashita! iruma kun
* #iruma kun mafia if story
* #yugioh gx
#omniscient reader's viewpoint (#omniscient reader spoilers)
* #fnaf movie
#legend of zelda
* #breath of the wild
* #tears of the kingdom
* #wind waker
#off game
#persona 5 royal
#slay the princess
#the stanley parable
#stormlight archive
#warrior cats
#wings of fire
Other Media:
#crossover (a tag for crossovers - I've gotta go back and retag stuff tho)
* #secret lab!au (dungeon meshi x scp foundation)
* #twin runes (undertale x deltarune)
#gravity falls
* #after canon AU
* #fiddleford
* #billford
* #bill(ford)^2
* #the book of bill
* #cats the musical
* #hadestown
#my little pony
* #equestria girls
* #my little pony friendship is magic
#scp foundation
#spiderman (almost each character has their own tag in this category)
* #into the spiderverse (#into the spiderverse spoilers)
* #across the spiderverse (#across the spiderverse spoilers)
* #meows morales/#spidercat
#total drama island
#what we do in the shadows
* #my familiars ghost
Relating to Me:
* #otherkin
* #therian
#college things
* #major stuff (stuff about my majors)
* #minor stuff (stuff about my minors)
#for future fenn
* #for irl friends
* #video game music
* #vocaloid
* #hatsune miku/#miku worldwide
* #autism
* #adhd
* #intellectual giftedness
* #overexcitability
* #stimming
* #tulpamancy
#pride (for queer stuff in general)
* #fanfiction
* #mha fanfiction/#Rowan Call and Toby (my own mha fanfiction)
General Tags:
* #drawing advice
* #job applications
#friend interactions (things like chain posts with friends)
#mental health
#pretty people
* #drag
#real life
* #comedy
* #disability
* #fundraiser
#resources (only for linked resources)
#stuff for atlas (stuff for my friend Atlas btw)
* #historic tumblr posts
* #poll
* #tumblr folks doing the usual
I apologize profusely for any untagged or badly tagged posts—I reblogged a bunch of stuff before I began my tagging system and some past stuff is still untagged or weirdly tagged.
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saintmeghanmarkle · 9 months
⚠️ [RECAP] Meghan at Uvalde, Texas on 26th May 2022 after the Robb Elementary school mass shooting. A Master Post including Thomas Markle's stroke
A Sinner asked for some references for why Meghan's pap walk in the immediate aftermath of the Uvalde school shooting and why it is still considered unforgivable by so many Sinners.
I went to look for a source post but its is scattered all over this sub, twitter (X) and the internet. So I thought I would create a master post for future reference. Please note that I wasn't on the ground that day and don't know have first hand knowledge. We had two Sinners (Feisty_Nurse and BubbleGum_Yum_Yum) who were on the ground and I have included their relevant comments. Both Sinners are considered to be credible to me. I will share their comments of their experience here.
There are follow on posts from Sinners which I will share. You will need to read them for full context.
... means that a portion of text is used and click on the link for full context
Those who can and want to support the Children in Texas, this is org is recommended by BGYY Texans Care for Children website link.
The Uvalde school shooting occurred on the 24th of May 2022 at an elementary school. The gunman, Salvador Ramos, killed 19 children, 2 teachers and injured 18 others. Robb Elementary School would have had children who are primarily from the ages of 4 to 10 years of age. [Wikipedia source for school shooting].
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Photo 1: Regular people paying their respects at the school
On the same day (24th May), it was reported that Thomas Markle Sr suffered a major stroke days before he was about to fly to London for the Queen's Jubilee. [Dailymail archive link]. The trip to London was meant to be a big deal. He was going to be on GBNews and hang out with Lady C.
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Photo 2: Thomas Markle Sr rushed in hospital after stroke. Photo taken by Backgrid
Meghan flew to Uvalde on a private jet, Texas 2 days after the shooting on the 26th of May. Here are the highlights of the photographs released and an attempt to hitch her PR to a national tragedy.
The photos below went viral globally in the immediate aftermath of the Uvalde shooting.
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Photo 3: Taken by Chandan Khanna (AFP)
This photo of the visit to the community centre was provided directly to Buzzfeed by Meghan [Buzzfeed article] | [Archive link]
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Photo 4: Meghan attends a community centre with vending machine sandwiches and Dorito chips / crisps
The Sussex Squad promoted World Central Kitchen (WCK) and they were the top donor to WCK to celebrate Archie and Lili's birthday. https://donate.wck.org/team/425216. credit: Aware-Impression8527. There were tweets about $100k raised to celebrate Lili's birthday. There was a mixup that Meghan also funded WCK at Uvalde from the Sussex Squad. This is because the Squad's $100k Lili donation was confused with the Uvalde attendance of Meghan. eg. this Scobie tweet on the 6th of June 2022.
I remember the squad saying that THIS stall was set up by Meghan to provide food to Uvalde. But in reality it was pre-made sandwiches and Doritos.
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Photo 5: WCK kitchen in Uvalde not funded by Archewell
Archewell Partners was released and confirmed that WCK was a partner and that that money was donated to WCK for meals in Haiti. credit BuildTheHerd [Source Post]
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Photo 6: From BuildTheHerd post
What many people didn't realise is that Meghan was living her Pretty Woman fantasy during the Santa Barbara Polo match just a few days before this crass PR tactic. Remember that young polo player refusing to share his award with her? It was just us Sinners and the sugars who were watching these events unfold more closely. What's worse is that she went back to grifting at the Polo club immediately after the Uvalde stunt and didn't rush to Mexico to see her father. Here's the colour swatches of Meghan before and after Uvalde. It shows that she body glazed specifically for Uvalde like it was a red carpet event. [Source Post]
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Photo 7: Her shade of bronzer is particularly striking as her skin is darker in the sun than in the shade.
Thomas Markle Sr, aged 77, suffered a stroke and was a mere 54 miles from Uvalde and a 4 hour drive from Montecito. She was happy to fly on a private jet to publicly show sympathy for dead kids but didn't show the same level of concern towards her dying father. [Full context, this Leilani of Barbados opinion post.]
Soon after social media was divided about the incident and a lot of the focus was diverted to Meghan's stunt instead of the victims. Many pointed to the similarities between this incident and Catherine paying tribute to Sarah Everard. I dont think these incidents are the same thing as Kate was not captured by the media and was only recognised by those who saw her up close in the crowd [source post video] credit RoohsMama
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Photo 8: Meghan turning around to watch the photographing capturing her flowers on the cross
When you search for "Meghan Markle at Uvalde". You are most likely to see this video. Post source video by -ellen-degenerate-. In this version, the posing for photographers and the her photographers following after she leaves is not visible. There were photographers in the area, but Meghan brought her own photography team. This was confirmed after the pic from the community centre was exclusive to Buzzfeed and Sinners on the ground.
This VIDEO shows raw footage of 3 photographers capturing Meghan at the scene (source: NBC News: Meghan Markle Pays Respects At Scene Of Texas School Shooting YouTube).
Pay close attention to this NBC video as you can see the photographers snapping pics of her and how she poses. The photographs from these 3 photographers is what ends up getting circulated amongst the press. Note that this was 2 days after the tragedy. Bigger celebs like Matthew McConaughey turned up much later and the visit was not publicised.
Video 1 - NBC video, photographers following her
Here you can see the female photographer with the mask goes into the photograph the Meghan's flowers and Meghan cannot resist turning back to watch her taking the photo. You can also see Chandan Khanna capturing her laying the flowers at the beginning of the clip.
Video 2: close up of photographers capturing her
Carolyn Durand, Finding Freedom co-author tweets about Meghan's visit to Uvalde with the high res pics from the photographers
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Photo 9: Look at the names of the photographers credited in the tweet
Shutterstock also tweets about Meghan's visit a few hours later and tags Kensington Royal
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Photo 10: Shutterstock photo
These are the photographs from the 3 photographers from different agencies: Jae C Hong / Yasin Ozturk / Chandan Khanna. Credit Yahoo News | archive Even this article is disgusting because it talks about the couples impending travel to celebrate the Queen's Jubilee rather than discussions around the tragedy.
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Photo 11: Jae C Hong photo (AP)
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Photo 12: Yasin Ozturk photo (Anadolu Agency)
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Photo 13: Chandan Khanna photo (AFP)
So by this point even casual on lookers were disgusted by her behaviour, especially in the context that her father was in hospital after a stroke.
Then came the leaks from the Sinners who were Boots on the Ground...
Brief highlights from from Feisty_Nurse post [Read About that Uvalde visit... Full post here]. Posted on 28th September, 2 days after Meghan's visit. So the crisps / chips weren't even from her.
I was visiting recently with one of the other nurses who also went to Uvalde, Texas following the school shootings. ..... I was busy staffing a shift at Uvalde Memorial Hospital on May 27th when I heard the narcissist of Montecito👸came in with her bodyguard, photographer, and the Netflix crew. ..... The Texas Highway Patrol providing security at the hospital escorted Meangan and her troupe out, with the suggestion that if she wanted to help? Go donate blood with directions to the senior center. Onward, the circus went to Robb Elementary so photos could be taken of Meangan in mourning.😢 Uvalde is a small community with a strong sense of family. So here she was, in the midst of the most horrific thing that could ever happen. An ego profiteer.😁 .... When in reality? There were no trays of sandwiches from H-E-B (grocery store). Just three small vending machine sandwiches that were tossed out. The drinks and chips were all courtesy of South Texas Blood❣️ for their donors. I know, I get the Doritos nacho cheese.
Highlighted comments from Bubblegum_yum_yum can be found in "The backlash is growing, so the BuzzFeed article about Meghan’s visit to Uvalde was edited" [RoohsMama post]
As a member of the media, I must say: SHE DID NOT AVOID THE MEDIA. THE MEDIA AVOIDED HER BECAUSE WE ARE NOT HERE TO TAKE PHOTOGRAPHS OF HER AND WRITE ARTICLES ABOUT HOW SHE BROUGHT CHIPS TO A COMMUNITY CENTER AND FLOWERS TO ONLY ONE OF THE CROSSES. She laid flowers at the “youngest victim” for clout She could have - and should have - laid flowers at every single cross. She can afford it. The role of the media is not to document unaffiliated people flying in for photo ops. Our role here is to tell the stories of the children whose stories will never be complete because they were tragically and disgustingly killed at 8, 9, 10 years old. ....
more comments from BGYY "She just kind of walked in with her crew ...." [HillyBeans post]
Yes. She did. I’m here as part of a press team and this entitled brat shows up with a team of several people and is trying to make it a godd*** spectacle! A Texas Ranger told her team to fuck off because it’s the site of a literal massacre, not a celebrity photo op I’m going to be very frank because this situation is extremely real and raw and beyond what words can describe: It’s time for HER to ask EVERYONE HERE if they’re okay! Don’t bring them chips and shitty sandwiches and show up with an entire media crew here for YOU and not for actual media coverage of what is happening! She’s also fucking it up for us actual reporters on the scene. There are such strict protocols and the relationship between the media and officials is predicated on such a fine line that having a fucking unauthorized media crew show up sets every other journalist back! ....
After the pap walk it was revealed that Meghan wrote a letter to Moms Demand Action and it was shared on social media by Shannon Watts
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Photo 14: Meghan's letter to Moms Demand Action
The Archewell Foundation also funded a new KABOOM! playground in Uvalde in October 2022.
“It has been an honor to support the children and families in Uvalde design and build this amazing space where the community can come together,” said James Holt, Executive Director of Archewell Foundation, in a statement. “Our hope is that this special project can help the community heal, and be home to imagination, games and play for many years to come.”
Kaboom still organises fundraisers giving shoutouts to the Sussex Squad like on 4th May 2023 https://x.com/kaboom/status/1654206812587974656
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Photo 15: Archewell funded Kaboom playground see their logo
Master Post link
author: Negative_Difference4
submitted: September 10, 2024 at 07:34AM via SaintMeghanMarkle on Reddit
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thespianontheair · 10 months
AO3 and the Palestinian Genocide
I've found out that there are AO3/OTW volunteers that are in support/denial of the genocide in Palestine at the hands of Isreal. I am in support of Palestine, like any human being should be.
I will continue to post on AO3, as posting does not generate any monetary value for the volunteers/OTW. But I have decided to move my fics over to SquidgeWorld Archive(you can find my acc in my pinned intro post, and when posting future fics, posting there will be my priority.
Although I have never donated, and cannot because I am a minor, I urge others to not donate to AO3/OTW in the future until this problem is amended. If you want more information on this situation with the AO3 volunteers, go to @beardsys_ on X/Twitter. They were a former volunteer that is no longer one because of this issue and are where I found out about this from.
Free Palestine, Free Congo, Free Sudan, Free Haiti, and all of the other lands and people that are facing this kind oppression and colonization.
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pileofpawns · 9 months
Hello, my name is Turtle Johnson. I make posts so good, that I bring back the dead.
This is my introduction post! The bit above is just a reference to the Super Ghostbusters album by Vargskelethor - You can actually call me Plum! I’m your local turtle girl who likes to talk about silly stuff on the internet. This post is really fuckin long and you DON’T have to read it /gen
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userbox credit
Side blogs:
@tortuga-stims -Stim blog
@usagi-yojimbo-fanworks-archive -Inactive. What it says on the tin
@super-ghostbusters-lyrics - stupid ass gimmick blog
About me:
she/her pronouns please, though I don’t mind they/them or any turtle-themed neopronouns
You can default to feminine language when referring to me but I honestly don’t care what gendered language you use! I might not be a guy but you can call me one if it’s funny.
I am a cisgender woman
I am white
I am multiply disabled. I have physical, neurodevelopmental, mental, and sensory disabilities. I won’t bother listing everything here but notably I have ADHD and chronic pain from a mix of sources, and also might be autistic but I’m not confident enough to self-DX and I’ve yet to get professionally evaluated. So.
I’m aroace! (More specifically, sapphic-oriented bold stripe aroace. No romantic or sexual attraction whatsoever but women sure are pretty.)
I’m 18 years old
I’m a college student! Between classes and everyday life, I’m often super busy so the time I’m online varies wildly. Don’t worry if I disappear for long periods, and feel free to remind me if I forget about something.
I am alterhuman and a furry/scalie! My scalesona and main kintype is a three-toed box turtle. You can still call me a human, though. (I’m both!) The vast majority of my art is of anthro animals.
I do not have a DNI, but I do block freely. I don’t participate in internet discourse. Just don’t intentionally be a jerk and we should be fine. I am supportive of endogenic systems, multi-spec lesbians and gays, sex positivity and kinks, and human rights for all. Free Palestine, free Congo, free Ukraine, free Sudan, free Haiti!
I don’t have any kind of formal commission sheet or whatever out there but if you wanna pay me to draw something for you please reach out and we can figure things out!
About the blog:
I primarily post about my many interests and fandoms (see the list below). I also post the occasional art piece I make, talk about silly things in my life, queerness, disability, and alterhumanity, and make nonsensical shitposts.
I try to keep this blog accessible as possible but it is by no means perfect. Please let me know if you need anything to be changed, like adding image descriptions or tagging specific content warnings. I typically won’t add image descriptions to things I’m reblogging (I’m currently trying to get into the habit of tagging these as “undescribed” or “no ID” but the vast majority aren’t), but I do usually add IDs to my original posts. I tag common triggers such as blood, violence, death, unreality, and food.
Everything will be tagged for organization and so y’all can filter stuff. “plums art”, “plum rambles”, and “plum shitposts” are the tags i use for stuff I make.
This blog is generally SFW (there will never be anything explicit) but there might be the occasional mention of sexual topics, bit of crude humor, artistic nudity, or slightly suggestive post, which will be tagged as such (“nudity”, “sexual topics”, “genital mention”, “genitals”, crude humor”, and “suggestive” are the tags to filter) so you don’t have to see it. Minors can interact with the blog as a whole as this is all extremely rare and I trust y’all to use your best judgement.
One of my old blog headers as well as the title of this post are references to the Super GhostBusters album by Vargskelethor. It’s very funny and I highly recommend you check it out. My URL is referencing a collection of OCs I have called pawns.
For reference, the character in my icon is my turtlesona, Tir! You can find more art of her and info about her under the tag #tir the tortle. She exists as both a direct representation of myself, and a D&D/fantasy character whose life is very different to my own.
I don’t do chainmail (i.e. “send this to 5 other blogs”, tag games) or posts asking you to reblog to show your support for something and the like (i.e. “reblog if aro people are valid”) even if the intent is to spread positivity.
Feel free to send in requests for drawings, fic, stimboards, or anything else through the ask box. Of course, you can also ask me questions there! If a question is more personal than I’m comfortable with, I’ll let you know privately, so don’t worry about being nosy.
I like to pester my wonderful brother @/jonebone616 on here a lot >:3
Some things I like:
⭐️Turtles!! (and zoology in general to be honest)
⭐️Makin and appreciating art. I draw (digitally and traditionally), write, and dabble in other craftsy things.
⭐️Sonic the Hedgehog (mostly the games universe)
⭐️Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (particularly 2003, Mutant Mayhem, and Rise)
Video game history and trivia
Dungeons & Dragons
Magic the Gathering (very casually!)
Usagi Yojimbo
Tales from the Stinky Dragon
SpongeBob SquarePants
Rhythm games (Incl. Samba de Amigo, PaRappa, Rhythm Doctor, Rhythm Heaven…)
YouTube Poops (YTPs)
My Little Pony (G4 + G3)
Game Changer + Make Some Noise (Dropout shows)
Smiling Friends
Super Mario
Note: To be clear, there was period in 2023 where I was very hyperfixated on South Park. I don’t watch the show or really interact with the fandom anymore outside of a few friends nowadays. I’m well aware of all the problems SP has, so don’t bash me over my brain briefly latching onto a “problematic” show against my will over a year ago.
Other sites:
I post my writing to ao3 under PileOfPawns
You can talk to me on discord @ pickledplums (if you send a friend request please tell me who you are if I wouldn’t already know)
Sometimes I put things on YouTube @ pickledplums
What you can do with my art:
You can do pretty much anything with my art (visual, writings, or otherwise, including ideas that haven’t been made into “real” works) as long as you aren’t making money off of it or claiming it as entirely your own. If you use my art for something, please provide credit if at all possible. If and when I start selling my work, these rules still apply (meaning you can make your own merch instead of buying directly from me)
You can:
Make physical goods that include or are inspired by my art, like prints, stickers, buttons, and shirts, as long as they aren’t mass-produced and/or sold for a profit.
Modify my art by drawing over it, adding effects, cropping it, etc. as long as the intent is not to remove the watermark or signature. If you want something like this for a specific purpose, I’m happy to make said edits myself! I love messing with that kind of stuff.
Crosspost my art to other sites, with credit.
Use my art as your profile picture, social media banner, or digital wallpaper; as emojis or messaging stickers; as AAC symbols; in “edit” videos or similar content
Redraw/rewrite, be heavily inspired by, copy, or trace my art. (Seriously, go wild). You can seriously steal any of my ideas /genuine
🐢🐢🐢 That’s all!
Thank you for reading, and enjoy your stay!
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[Image ID: An animated gif of a yellow smiley face with a floating hand happily waving at the viewer. End ID.]
Blinkies below by @/radiotrophicfungi
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17 notes · View notes
In the historical record, there appear to be two prominent sects of colonial Voodoo: (1) snake worshippers (2) followers of Don Pedro. The snake worship sect appears to be the precursor to the Rada rite, while the Don Pedro sect appears to be the precursor to the Petwo rite.
Key historical documents pertaining to the snake worshippers include:
Moreau de Saint-Méry, Médéric Louis Elie. Description topographique, physique, civile, politique et historique de la partie française de l'isle Saint Domingue (etc.). Vol. 1. Moreau de Saint-Méry, 1797. p. 45-51 https://archive.org/details/descriptiontopog00more/page/44/mode/2up 
Malenfant, Colonel (1814) Des Colonies et Particulierement de Celle de Saint-Domingue: Memoire Historique et Politique. Paris: Audibert., p. 217-220 https://archive.org/details/descoloniesetpar00male/page/215/mode/1up?q=vaudou 
Key historical documents pertaining to the Don Pedro sect include: 
Archives Nationales d’Outre-Mer, Aix-en-Provence, E 182, Ferrand de Beaudière to the Naval and Colonial Minister, translated in “Prophet or Cook? The Real Don Pedro” in Geggus, David. The Haitian Revolution: a documentary history. Hackett Publishing, 2014. 
Moreau de Saint-Méry, Médéric Louis Elie. Description topographique, physique, civile, politique et historique de la partie française de l'isle Saint Domingue (etc.). Vol. 1. Moreau de Saint-Méry, 1797. p. 51 https://archive.org/details/descriptiontopog00more/page/44/mode/2up 
Descourtilz, Michel Etienne, and LECLERC, Charles Emmanuel. Voyages d'un naturaliste France, Dufart, pere, 1809. https://archive.org/details/voyagesdunnatura03desc/page/180/mode/2up https://www.google.com/books/edition/Voyages_d_un_naturaliste/wOzA6FsbqJAC?hl=en&gbpv=0 
Drouin de Bercy, Léon. De Saint-Domingue: de ses guerres, de ses révolutions, de ses resources, et de moyens a prendre pour y rétabilir la paix et l'industrie. France, Chez Hocquet, 1814. p. 176 https://books.google.com/books?hl=en&lr=&id=FxYWAAAAYAAJ&oi=fnd&pg=176#v=onepage&q&f=false 
These documents are described in:
Chapter 2 “The Evolution of Colonial Voodoo” in Laguerre, Michel S. Voodoo and politics in Haiti. Springer, 2016. pp. 22-38
Hebblethwaite, Benjamin. A Transatlantic History of Haitian Vodou: Rasin Figuier, Rasin Bwa Kayiman, and the Rada and Gede Rites. United States, University Press of Mississippi, 2021.
Excerpts from these documents are included below, with commentary:
In  Description topographique, (1797) Moreau de Saint-Méry described two variants of Vodou (“Vaudoux”), which seem to be the precursors of the Rada and Petwo rites respectively. 
The first variant of Vodou is described between pages 45 and 51, introduced like so:
“Selon les nègres Aradas, qui sont les véritables sectateurs du Vaudoux dans la Colonie, & qui en mantiennent les principes & les règles, Vaudoux signifie un être tout-puissant & surnaturel, dont dépendent tous les événemens qui se passent sur ce globe. Or, cet être, c'est le serpent non venimeux ou une espèce de couleuvre, et c'est sous ses auspices que se rassemblent tous ceux qui professent la même doctrine. Connaissance du passé, science du présent, prescience de l'avenir, tout appartient à cette couleuvre, qui ne consent néanmoins à communiquer son pouvoir, & à prescrire ses volontés, que par l'organe d'un grand-prêtre que les sectateurs choisissent, & plus encore par celui de la négresse que l'amour de ce dernier a élevée aurang de grande-prêtresse.”
“According to the Aradas, who are the true devotees of Voodoo in the colony, and who maintain the principles and the rules, Voodoo signifies an all-powerful & supernatural being, on whom depends all events that happen in the world. Now, this being is the non-venomous serpent or a kind of grass snake, and it is under its auspices that all those who profess the same doctrine gather. Knowledge of the past, science of the present, prescience of the future, all belong to this grass snake, which nevertheless does not consent to communicate its power, and to prescribe its wishes, except through the organ of a high priest whom the sectarians choose, and even more through that of the negress whom the love of the latter has raised to the rank of high priestess.”
SOURCE: Moreau de Saint-Méry, Médéric Louis Elie. Description topographique, physique, civile, politique et historique de la partie française de l'isle Saint Domingue (etc.). Vol. 1. Moreau de Saint-Méry, 1797. p. 45-51 https://archive.org/details/descriptiontopog00more/page/44/mode/2up 
The ceremony resembles snake worship of Ouidah, where it centers around a snake god (couleuvre). It was presided over by two ministers, who were called “King” (Roi) & “Queen” (Reine), “master” (maître) & “Mistress” (maîtresse), or “Papa” (papa) & “Mama” (maman). With the snake secured inside a box, the ceremony begins with an adoration of the snake and an oath of secrecy. The congregation was then allowed to make appeals to the snake. Many of those present were slaves: “La plûpart lui demandent le talent de diriger l'esprit de leurs maîtres;” (p. 47)
This is followed by spirit possession by the snake god: 
“A chacune de ses invocations, le roi Vaudoux se recueille; l'Esprit agit en lui. Tout-à-coup il  prend la boîte où est la couleuvre, la place à terre et fait monter sur elle la Reine Vaudoux. Dès que l'asile sacré est sous ses pieds, nouvelle pythonisse, elle est pénétrée du dieu, elle s'agite, tout son corps est dans un état convulsif, & l'oracle parle par sa bouche.”
“At each of his invocations, the Voodoo king collects himself; the Spirit acts on him. Suddenly he takes the bok where the snake is, places it on the ground and makes the Voodoo Queen climb on it. As soon as the sacred asylum is under her feet, a new pythoness, she is is penetrated by the god, she becomes agitated, her whole body is in a convulsive state, & the oracle speaks through her mouth.”
SOURCE: Moreau de Saint-Méry, Médéric Louis Elie. Description topographique, physique, civile, politique et historique de la partie française de l'isle Saint Domingue (etc.). Vol. 1. Moreau de Saint-Méry, 1797. p. 48
Offerings are then made to the snake god, and a second oath of secrecy is taken. This is followed by a sacred dance, where the song “Eh! eh! Bomba, hen! hen!” is sung, and the “mounting” of an initiate is described: “alors le récipiendaire se met à trembler et à danser; ce qui s'appelle monter Vaudoux” (p. 49)
This key historical document is worth reading in full. It pertains to the history of New Orleans Vooodo, as it was copied by the author of Souvenirs d’Amerique et de France par une créole (1883) in her description of Nouvelle-Orléans. 
SEE: [Hélène d’Aquin Allain], Souvenirs d’Amérique et de France par une créole (Paris: Bourguet-Calas, 1883), 144. https://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/bpt6k1314161/f158.item.r=vaudoux 
Malenfant’s account is similar to Moreau de Saint-Méry’s (1797) Description topographique. Malenfant likened Vodou to Freemasonry, and there is no mention of “Don Pedro”.
Below is an excerpt:
Les voyageurs qui veulent parcourir l'Afrique devraient se faire initier à une secte connue sous le nom de Vaudou , secte très-sévèrement punie par les blancs, et aussi cruellement que les francs - maçons par les Espagnols et les Portugais.
Il y avait à Gouraud une grande prêtresse du Vaudou, et un noir, grand chef; je n'ai jamais voulu les dénoncer; ils eussent été pendus ou brûlés de suite. J'ai su ce fait par une négresse qui était initiée. Il y a un mot depasse, mais elle n'a jamais voulu me l'indiquer : elle disait que les femmes ne le connaissent pas. Elle m'a donné les signes pour la reconnaissance avec la main: c'est , à quelque chose près , celui des maçons. Très-peu de créoles sont initiés; il n'y a que les enfants des chefs du Vaudou. Elle me le dit sous le secret, en m’assurant que, malgré que les nègres m'aimassent beaucoup , je serais tué ou empoisonné si je cherchais à découvrir le grand mystère de la secte.
Il existe chez les prêtres du Vaudou, une grosse couleuvre privée, cachée sous terre, dans une grande caisse de bois, qu'on lève dans les cérémonies en forme d'autel. On fait des serments entre les mains de la grande prêtresse. Les danses conduisent à des convulsions, qui cessent lorsqu'on boit une espèce d'huile , qu'elle m'a dit être de serpent ; on en frotte aussi les tempes , les jarrets et les aisselles.
Le chef du Vaudou mourut lorsque j'étais à Gouraud. Il avait un grand ascendant sur tous les noirs ; ils lui ont fait des funérailles magnifiques ; on y a dansé le Vaudou. Je n'ai point voulu troubler leur fête : je lui ai donné au contraire vingt bouteilles de vin.
Cette secte me paraît tenir aux illuminés. Il n'y a que des fanatiques , des sots , ou des imbécilles, qui puissent s'inquiéter d'une secte, qui me paraît à peu près celle de la maçonnerie.
Il faut espérer que les philantropes qui ont établi sur la Sierra Léona une colonie libre , parviendront à trouver l'origine de cette institution, qui remonte peut-être aux temps les plus reculés. Les Arradas sont ceux qui m'ont paru y être le plus attachés…
Travelers who want to travel through Africa should be initiated into a sect known as Voodoo, a sect very severely punished by the whites, and as cruelly as the Freemasons by the Spaniards and the Portuguese. 
There was in Gouraud a high priestess of Voodoo, and a black, a great chief; I never wanted to denounce them; they would have been hanged or burned immediately. I learned this fact from a negress who was initiated. There is a password, but she never wanted to tell me: she said that women do not know it. She gave me the signs for recognition with the hand: it is, more or less, that of the Masons. Very few Creoles are initiated; there are only the children of the Voodoo chiefs. She told me this in secret, assuring me that, although the Negroes loved me very much, I would be killed or poisoned if I tried to discover the great mystery of the sect.
Among the Voodoo priests, there is a large private snake, hidden underground, in a large wooden box, which is raised in ceremonies in the form of an altar. Oaths are taken in the hands of the high priestess. The dances lead to convulsions, which stop when one drinks a kind of oil, which she told me was made of snake oil; one also rubs the temples, hamstrings and armpits with it.
The Voodoo chief died when I was in Gouraud. He had great influence over all the blacks; they gave him a magnificent funeral; they danced Voodoo there. I did not want to disturb their celebration: on the contrary, I gave him twenty bottles of wine.
This sect seems to me to be related to the enlightened. There are only fanatics, fools, or imbeciles, who can worry about a sect, which seems to me to be more or less that of Masonry.
It is to be hoped that the philanthropists who have established a free colony on Sierra Leone, will succeed in finding the origin of this institution, which perhaps goes back to the most remote times. The Arradas are those who seemed to me to be most attached to it…
SOURCE: MALENFANT, COLONEL (1814) Des Colonies et Particulierement de Cellede Saint-Domingue: Memoire Historique et Politique. Paris: Audibert., p. 217-220 https://archive.org/details/descoloniesetpar00male/page/215/mode/1up?q=vaudou 
13) Prophet or Cook? The Real Don Pedro
These letters by the judge of Petit Goâve parish reveal that the original Don Pedro was not a freedman but probably a maroon slave, and that Moreau de Saint-Méry (doc. 11) was mistaken in thinking he was Spanish rather than African. Due to Portuguese influence in Africa, Pedro was quite a common name among Kongolese, both for African kings and Caribbean slaves. Significantly, the author uses the Portuguese “Dom” not the Spanish “Don.” Petit Goâve lies west of Port-au-Prince on Haiti’s southern peninsula.
(1 May 1769.) In June/July 1768 and on into 1769, [I] carried out the very extensive investigation for the criminal case against the infamous black slave Pierre, of the Congo nation, who called himself Dom Pedro, and his adherents and accomplices to the number of forty-two imprisoned Negroes, mulattoes, and Negresses. The Negro Dom Pedro was extremely dangerous. He went from plantation to plantation dominating the minds of the blacks by means of performing crude tricks. He informed them that they would soon be free, and he had the slave drivers of each plantation whipped, telling them that they could no longer flog the slaves in their charge and, moreover, that they would not be punished by their masters. He demanded tribute in either money or animals from initiated or compliant slaves, and he imposed it on those who did not remain loyal to him. This investigation involved some 300 documents, and it was brought to an end in February by order of the Council, because the Negro Dom Pedro had been killed in a hunt. 
(15 October 1773.) [The jails of Petit Goâve were full of] the accomplices of a black slave calling himself Dompèdre who stirred up the workforces of the north and south coasts [of the southern peninsula] inciting them to rebellion and to be independent of their masters. 
(Archives Nationales d’Outre-Mer, Aix-en-Provence, E 182, Ferrand de Beaudière to the Naval and Colonial Minister)
SOURCE: Geggus, David. The Haitian Revolution: a documentary history. Hackett Publishing, 2014. 
In  Description topographique, (1797) Moreau de Saint-Méry described two variants of Vodou (“Vaudoux”), which seem to be the precursors of the Rada and Petwo rites respectively. 
Moreau de Saint-Méry describes the second variant of Vodou on page 51:
“...Qui croirait que le Vaudoux le cède encore à quelque chose, qu'on a aussi appelé du nom de danse ! En 1768 , un nègre du Petit-Goave , espagnol d'origine, abusant de la crédulité des nègres, par des pratiques superstitieuses , leur avait donné l'idée d'une danse analogue à celle du Vaudoux , mais où les mouvemens sont plus précipités. Pour lui faire produire encore plus d'effet, les nègres mettent dans le tafia qu'ils boivent en dansant , de la poudre à canon bien écrasée. On a vu cette danse appellée Danse à Dom Pèdre, ou simplement Don Pèdre, donner la mort à des nègres ; & les spectateurs euxmêmes, électrifés par le spectacle de cet exercice convulsis, partagent l'ivresse des acteurs, & accélèrent par leur chant & une mesure pressée , une crife qui leur est , en quelque sorte , commune. Il a sallu défendre de danser Don Pedre sous des peines graves , & quelquefois inefficaces.”
TRANSLATION (borrowed from Laguerre):
“Who will believe that Voodoo gives place to something further which also goes by the name of dance? In 1768, a slave of Petit-Goave, of Spanish origin, abusing the credulity of the blacks, by superstitious practices gave them an idea of a dance, analogous to that of the Voodoo, but where the movements are more hurried. To make it even more effective the slaves place in the rum, which they drink while dancing, weIl crushed gun-powder. One has seen this dance, called Dance to Don Pedro, or simply Don Pedro, induce death in the slaves; and the spectators themselves, electrified by the spectacle of this convulsive exercise, share the drunkenness of the actors, and hasten by their chant and a quickened measure, a crisis which is in some way common to them. It has been necessary to forbid them from dancing Don Pedro under grave penalty, but sometimes ineffectually.”
SOURCE: Moreau de Saint-Méry, Médéric Louis Elie. Description topographique, physique, civile, politique et historique de la partie française de l'isle Saint Domingue (etc.). Vol. 1. Moreau de Saint-Méry, 1797. p. 45-51 https://archive.org/details/descriptiontopog00more/page/44/mode/2up 
This second, more “fiery” variant of Vodou (“Don Pedro”) seems to be the precursor to the Petwo rite.
Descourtilz mentions the precursor to the Petwo rite in Chapter 4, “Idée des Vaudoux”:
 « Les vaudoux , me dit la véridique Finette (1) , sont de nations différentes ; ils tombent en crise par suite d’une sympathie imconcevable. Réunis sur le terrain qui doit être le théâtre de leurs grimaces convulsives, ils sourient en se rencontrant, se heurtent avec rudesse, et les voilà tous deux en crise ; les pieds en l'air, hurlant comme des bêtes féroces , et écumant comme elles.
» Je passois un jour , poursuivit-elle, auprès de deux de ces espèces de convulsionnaires, et soit que leurs prosélytes aient eu l’intenuon d’accréditer leur système, soit que par ces preuves irrécusables , ils aient voulu profiter de mon jeune àge pour m'initier dans leurs mystères , on m’introduisit dans le cercle, et il fut ordonné à l’un d’eux, par le chef de la horde, de prendre dans ses mains du charbon allumé qui lui fut présenté, et sembla ne point le brûler; à l’autre de se laisser enlever des lanières de chair avec des ongles de fer, ce qui fut ponctuellement exécuté, sans que je remarquasse le moindre signe de sensibilité.
» Dompète ( c’est le nom du chef tout-puissant de la horde fanatique ) a, disent-ils, le pouvoir de découvrir de ses yeux , et malgré tout obstacle matériel, tout ce qui se passe , n’importe à quelle distance ; propriété ficuve bien faite pour en imposer aux crédules, et tyranniser les incertains dont le défaut de confiance est puni par le poison qui leur est familier , et, dans les mains du Dompète, d'un usage journalier et impuni.
» Les acolytes de cette secte ont aussi entre eux des moyens magiques d’exercer leur vengeance. Un homme a-t-il essuyé les rigueurs d’une amante, ou l’infidélité d’une maîtresse habituée ? un piquant de raie jeté dans l’urine de la coupable, le venge de son outrage, en frappant soudain l’infidelle d’unemaladie de langueur, que le vaudoux fait cesser à volonté par une préparauon différente.
"The voodooists," the truthful Finette (1) told me, "are of different nations; they fall into crisis as a result of an inconceivable sympathy. Gathered on the ground which must be the scene of their convulsive grimaces, they smile when they meet, collide roughly, and there they are both in crisis; feet in the air, howling like wild beasts, and foaming like them.
"I was passing one day," she continued, "with two of these kinds of convulsionaries, and whether their proselytes had the intention of accrediting their system, or whether by these irrefutable proofs they wanted to take advantage of my young age to initiate me into their mysteries, I was introduced into the circle, and one of them was ordered by the leader of the horde to take in his hands some lighted coal which was presented to him, and seemed not to burn it; the other to let strips of flesh be removed from him with iron nails, which was punctually carried out, without my noticing the slightest sign of sensitivity.
"Dompète (this is the name of the all-powerful leader of the fanatic horde) has, they say, the power to discover with his eyes, and despite all material obstacles, everything that happens, no matter how far away; a fictive property well made to impose itself on the credulous, and to tyrannize the uncertain whose lack of confidence is punished by the poison which is familiar to them, and, in the hands of the Dompète, of daily and unpunished use.
"The acolytes of this sect also have among themselves magical means of exercising their vengeance. Has a man endured the rigors of a lover, or the infidelity of a regular mistress? A stingray prickle thrown into the urine of the guilty one, avenges his outrage, by suddenly striking the unfaithful woman with a disease of languor, which voodoo can stop at will by a different preparation.
SOURCE: Descourtilz, Michel Etienne, and LECLERC, Charles Emmanuel. Voyages d'un naturaliste: et ses observations ; faites sur les trois regnes de la nature, dans plusieurs ports de mer francʹais, en Espagne, au continent de l'Amerique septentrionale, a Saint-Yago de Cuba, et a St.-Domingue, ou l'Auteur devenu le prisonnier de 40,000 Noirs revoltes, et par suite mis en liberte par une colonne de l'armee francʹaise, donne des details circonstancies sur l'expedition du general Leclerc. France, Dufart, pere, 1809. https://archive.org/details/voyagesdunnatura03desc/page/180/mode/2up 
Drouin de Bercy describes the threat “Don Pedro” posed to the white colonists:
Le Don Pedro et le Vaudou sont une association d'autant plus terrible qu'elle a pour but la ruine et la destruction des blancs, et de persuader aux negres qu'ils ne seront jamais heureux, s'ils n'y sont pass associes. Pour etre Don Pedro, il faut etre bon filou, effronte, entet, endurci aux coups, et ne jamais reveler de ce qui s'est passe dans leurs rendez-vous.
Don Pedro and Voodoo are an association all the more terrible because their aim is the ruin and destruction of the whites, and to persuade the Negroes that they will never be happy if they are not associated with it. To be Don Pedro, one must be a good rogue, brazen, stubborn, hardened to blows, and never reveal what happened in their meetings.
SOURCE: Drouin de Bercy, Léon. De Saint-Domingue: de ses guerres, de ses révolutions, de ses resources, et de moyens a prendre pour y rétabilir la paix et l'industrie. France, Chez Hocquet, 1814. p. 176 https://books.google.com/books?hl=en&lr=&id=FxYWAAAAYAAJ&oi=fnd&pg=176#v=onepage&q&f=false 
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subroutine-fic · 9 months
IMPORTANT NOTE: "Subroutine" and Archive of Our Own
Subroutine and all its related stories are no longer available on Archive of Our Own. I will not passively or actively support the website's Zionist leanings on top of denying the active genocide (by calling those declarations an "antisemitic trope") going on in occupied Palestine.
I'd say that was a tough choice, but honestly?
Tumblr media
I'm glad to be away from that cesspool.
I urge anyone to withhold monetary or publication support from the OTW/AO3. Name and shame them, because they've already done a bang up job of suppressing their actions, and uncritical AO3 supporters are complicit in helping them do that.
Remember to:
Listen to and amplify the voices of Palestinians on the ground (wizard_bisan1, motaz_azaiza, ismail.jood) or in the diaspora (iamsbeih, anat_international, byplestia).
Read about the history and culture of Palestine.
Support LGBT+ Palestinian voices pushing against US and Zionist peddling of Pinkwashing, Islamophobia, and anti-Arab stereotypes (of pre/post-9/11 xenophobia that allowed them to invade the Middle East and destroy millions of lives)
Boycott, Divest, and Sanction all parties and actors (lit., actors) involved with the genocide of Palestine, it's people, land, history, and culture. Yes, that means local, non-profits, or non-corps offering sympathy or monetary support of the Zionist movement and all forms of military or government bodies here in the states or abroad.
Do your research: visit the Palestine Archive, Palestine Academy, Decolonize Palestine.
Support organizations like Jewish Voices For Peace and Students for Justice for Palestine.
Call your representatives and demand they vote no on the numerous anti-Arab/Palestine bills or resolutions Zionist organizations such as the ADL and AIPAC are trying to push through. Keep calling them, make yourself a nuisance to these people.
Look into projects like Open Secrets, Olive Grove, Vote Socialist 2024, and in general, become more involved in your community and general elections. Look into what unions like United Auto Workers (UAW) and [Iowa City] Starbucks Workers United (SWU) are doing with regards to Palestine.
Look into supporting Unions working toward a General Strike.
Support anti-Zionist Jewish voices (sexualityscholar). They're gonna be your best source on why you shouldn't support a white nationalist movement that's, in part, responsible for the spikes in Islamophobia and antisemitism across the world.
Support Pro-Palestine content creators (realgodivagoddess, jupiterbaal, blacademics) trying to raise awareness about the genocide going on right now, but avoid grifters like Shaun King (aka, Talcum X/Yasser Arafraud).
Support news publications like Aljazeera or Jewish Currents who are covering the ongoing genocide and pushing back against disinformation and misinformation peddled by ADL and AIPAC.
Avoid Zionist websites like Facts for Peace and Jewbelong (dot org). - Honestly, start using adblockers to avoid being blasted by Zionist ads on YouTube, and etc.
Download the No Thanks app, and use bdnaash to avoid Pro-Zionist brands.
Be wary of/avoid Washington Post/Times, LA Times, BBC, Sky News, the Guardian, ABC News, WBAL CH11, JZ13, CNN, Fox News (srsly), or any other legacy news org. They are actively aiding in the misinformation and disinformation campaign against the Palestinians, and have fired news anchors or journalists questioning the Zionist agenda.
Watch Israelism, Tantura, and Palestinian cinema/films (GQME, PC).
Read the Goldstone Report, IMEU article on broken ceasefires, amnesty internationals report of illegal settlements in Palestine
Look into ongoing genocides or destabilization efforts in Haiti (bertrhude, flowerboyserge), Sudan (bsonblast), Lebanon (meriam awada), Syria (AJ), the Democratic Republic of Congo (sincerelysparrow), Yemen (AJ), etc., going across the Global South. Look at who the common actors are, who benefits from this chaos.
Archive and save all information about this current genocide and cultural history of Palestine. Because they will be trying to rewrite the story, and are doing it as we speak.
There are some just a few of the things you can do to support Palestine and support your own liberation from systems that have brought most of to the brink of poverty, zero job security, lack of proper healthcare, the destruction of our education system, erosion of free speech, and houselessness.
Happy New Year.
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transmutationisms · 9 months
(https://www.theatlantic. c o m/ideas/archive/2023/12/humanities-university-conservative-critics/676890/) wondering if you have read this article and your thoughts, if you do not mind? there are some things i resonate with as a gig research assistant in these 'activist-interdisciplinary' departments maybe (aka truly atrocious labor practices with nontenured/contract workers in the name of preserving a disciplinary legitimacy they will never receive), but imho even the discussion of funding/hire infrastructures concedes too much to the culture wars? :/ struggling to name precisely where the obfuscation is coming from though. would welcome your thoughts if it is not a trouble! tysm!
yea i don't think this is a good essay. there are a lot of things i could nitpick (like this description of current hiring practices is ?maybe? truer of some SLACs but does not resonate w/ any of my experience at a quasi-public R1) or just really disingenuous framing (in what world is 'diversity hiring' even a significant force... the academy is quite literally still extremely incredibly overwhelmingly white... there are more jobs for historians of paris alone than of haiti....)
but i think the central issues here are 1) that the essay's entire thesis hinges on the idea that someone studying racism or misogyny or colonialism is producing work that is 'political' whereas someone studying a 'western canon' white male poet in a decontextualist framework like new criticism is producing work that is 'apolitical'. this is wildly asymmetrical; producing work that doesn't name its politics is not the same as producing work that has no politics; 2) despite starting with an enjoinder to analyse the academy materially and not ideally, this essay barely gestures toward any awareness of the material function and effects of the university as an institution. so it's still mired in presumptions like that the purpose of the university is to disseminate knowledge rather than to benefit from its restriction, that the university is necessarily the best or only site for personal and social 'enlightenment' to occur, and, critically, that the designation of prestige and social / economic value to certain forms of knowledge and knowledge certification occurs after some kind of rational process of evaluation of knowledge gained, and has nothing to do with the production of class hierarchy and the illusion of meritocratic upward mobility lol
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countryhixes · 10 months
Listen/purchase: Hush The Waves Are Rolling In: Lullabies from the Alan Lomax Collection by Alan Lomax Archive
“The problem of Alan Lomax,” wrote musicologist Mark Davidson in 2015, “is acknowledging his importance while resituating him within the larger narrative of traditional music research in the 20th century […].” While critiques of his and his father’s exploitative and extractive practices are numerous, this project crucially provides dialogue and context around the singers lacking in other similar compilations. Drawing from locations as far-flung as Quebec, Haiti, and Morocco, this compilation pairs old recordings with contemporary reinterpretations that delve into the relationship between mother and child, an intimacy that carries across cultures.
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