#harry walking off to die alone. like a ca
jarofstyles · 4 years
Fan Club IV
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A/N: This part 👀 I can’t lie, it’s very hot and smutty. Y’all did ask for filth though so, be warned. It’s the catalyst to essentially the rest of the story. This of course, as all our stories are, is all fiction, so, sit back and enjoy! ✨✨✨ - n + d
send feedback and requests here
pairing: Harry Styles x Reader
warnings: smut, filth!, exhibitionism, DIRTY talk, degradation!kink, messy 👀, angst
word count: 16k
When Jeff texted Y/N about an event that she was meant to attend with Harry at the club she got slightly nervous. One, because she knew there would be loads of paps, two because it was a club night with Harry, three because drunk Y/N was something else. 
The outfit was already selected, Y/N had picked out something she knew would wow both Harry and everyone else at the club. She figured since most girls Harry had on his arm were beautiful in the model way, Y/N would show off what it meant to be beautiful in another way. The dress showed off every single curve she had, accented her waist and brought attention to her assets with grace. It was a light pink silky dress and it fit like a glove. Y/N has spent the night before and day of preparing. Showering,  moisturizing, doing her hair and makeup to make sure it was absolutely perfect. She sprayed herself with her perfume and checked herself out in the mirror one more time. She looked impeccable if she did say so herself. 
Harry hadn’t been sure about what the night would bring. Things with Y/N had been alright. Sometimes he would be a little cold but it was mainly after she would turn him on, and he had to kill the mood ASAP. Because if he didn’t? He may do something he regretted. 
Tonight she was going to go home with him. Jeff had chartered a car for them, so he had gotten driven to pick up Y/N as well, they’d never had a sleepover before. He wasn’t sure what that would bring either. How far his self control could stretch. Harry liked to think he could be good with it. But with the possibility of Y/N now knowing his weakness, his lowered inhibitions, and close quarters would be so difficult for him. He felt a little nervous pulling up to her place, popping a piece of gum in his mouth. Jeff had said they needed to be a bit more obvious about their relationship now, and Harry needed a few drinks in him to really let go. To her it would be acting. To him? It was living out a fantasy with an excuse afterwards. However when Y/N had crawled into the car, his throat went dry. No. No fucking way— he was gong. To die. The silk of the dress clinging to every inch of her, her lips glossy and a deeper color. He was going into overdrive in his mind.
“Hiya!” Y/N giggled as she hopped into the car. She knew. Of course she knew the outfit she was wearing was going to push the envelope, it would make Harry act a certain way and inevitably help her find out how he actually felt about her. Y/N wanted to know for a fact if she was making up the sexual tension between them because Harry really was just flirty. Fucking libra placements. Jeff had instructed the two of them to drink tonight, let loose and just have fun. That worried Y/N a tad bit because well, when she was drunk she had no filter. For the sake of the club night and people watching them it would be great, for them alone tonight? She wasn’t so sure. From what she knew about drunk Harry? Well, he’d be all over her too. But drunk Harry really just clung on to anyone around him. 
During the week Harry and Y/N had seen each other a few times in the morning at the bakery, did their usual routine and well, Harry truly would have eaten his body weight in lemon bars by the end of it all. More fans were coming into the bakery, expecting to see him. They were actually surprisingly really nice to Y/N and gave her compliments and told her that she was doing a great job. Y/N was told not to confirm or deny to make things seem more natural, but still let them know that it was in fact true.
Harry had to reconnect his brain to his mouth because half of him was dying at the moment. The bottom half. His brain was fuzz. How did a girl look this good? How? And of course. It was the one person he shouldn’t be having at all. But his body gave not a single fuck, and his heart too, apparently. 
“Hi...” He said after clearing his throat. “You look.... uh, good.” Fit. Sexy. The dress clinging to the curves that had his mouth watering and the fact he knew they’d be dancing tonight and she would feel if he was hard which... he couldn’t kid himself and say there wasn’t a high possibility. It was scary. There was more than just sexual frustration too, for example, how Harry did actually like her, but he was too afraid to get hurt. How he wanted to hold her hand and always, always wanted to be touching her all the damn time. He knew after a few drinks he could be needy, clingy. Would Y/N be okay with it? Their mornings at the bakery had resulted in some cheek kisses and hugs longer than needed but, he hadn’t been very touching before.
“thanks babe.” Y/N smiled, “you look nice as usual.” She added as she buckled up. They talked more often now, things were less awkward during car rides and frankly she had a feeling Harry was only quiet because he was overwhelmed by how she looked. The drive was a short one, seeing as they were relatively close to central by car. It would be quick to get to the club they were meant to be at and Y/N knew that the second they stepped out of this car they’d be all over each other. 
As they arrived, paparazzi stood waiting for them, having expected this event. Jeff has planned tonight to be the official announcement of their relationship. They had been photographed for four months now and well, people were eating it up.
“Alright.. I know that the paparazzi are a lot sometimes so just don’t let go of my hand and I’ll make sure you’re good. Yeah?”’ The memories of her panic attack made him so sad. So worried. Harry didn’t want that to happen again but if it did, at least now he knew how to deal with them. Half of him was giddy with excitement though. Getting to be touchy with her, getting to hold her close and be coupley? He was very much wanting that. Either it would help him get it out of his system or it would fuck him over. Either way, he would be touching her. 
Harry got out first, holding her hand as he helped her down. He was feeling extra protective but this time they stood back. Still shouting things but he squeezed her slender hand in his and helped her towards the door. It really was show time. 
Y/N appreciated how worried Harry was, nodding at him as he spoke and giving his hand a squeeze. Stepping out of the car, she was thankful that this time the paps actually had barriers they couldn’t cross. It took a lot of the anxiety away and well, she just stayed close to Harry and walked inside feeling like she really had accomplished something. The person working the door took her jacket, exposing her and all her beauty to everyone at the event. The silk of her dress made sure she felt the warmth of Harry’s touch even more so than usual, a smile spreading across her face as she looked up at him. 
Harry wrapped an arm around her waist, “we’ll go find Jeff first, okay? If you get uncomfortable just let me know. I know we’re gonna be a bit much but I don’t want to overstep boundaries.” It was whispered to her.
Y/N’s face softened, noticing his worry yet again. “It’s fine, really. I don’t mind.” Y/N spoke softly back to him, “I trust you.” She really did. Harry was always extremely respectful and she knew that he was asking because he wanted to make sure. Despite them being together for, what? four months now, and the fact that this was a normal occurrence, she was happy to know he respected her the way he did.
Harry felt relief when she said she trusted him because honestly, her opinion did mean a lot to him. Even if he didn’t want to let himself accept it— she was important to him already. He wanted her to feel safe with him, always. 
“That’s good.” He smiled down at her. Y/N looked so good and he was going to have a good time playing it up tonight. Especially because he was going to be able to drink and say whatever because it was ‘acting’ to Y/N and she didn’t know he meant probably everything she was going to hear. He escorted her to the bar, settling behind her as he wrapped one arm around her waist and the other rested on her tummy. She has this little tummy that Harry found incredibly enticing. He wasn’t sure why but he loved it. Always wanted to touch and kiss on it when he thought more and more of it. 
“What do you want to drink, baby?” Harry spoke against her ear as the music was. A little loud. But his lips were close to her ear, making it feel a little more intimate.
Baby. God he really was starting off strong. Y/N couldn’t say she didn’t feel a little insecure as he put his hand on her tummy, always being cautious of it whenever she was wearing tight clothes. She knew it was actually normal and most girls had one, but something about being Harry Styles’ girlfriend made her feel like she shouldn’t have one. At least that’s what the media made her feel like. 
“Vodka cranberry, make it a double” She told him, giving him a little smirk. “I can handle alcohol.” Y/N teased, pressing a kiss to his cheek just because she wanted to. She couldn’t resist. Plus, she was playing it up for all the workers too. Her kiss left a mark on Harry’s cheek and Y/N giggled a bit, “it looks cute, but here...” she said and gently wiped it off his cheek so that it wouldn’t be viable in the photos they were most likely set to take. It was an event after all. She wasn’t sure what it was for but Jeff would let them know as soon as they found him.
Ordering the drinks, Harry took her hand and laced it with his, pulling her back against him and swayed them a little bit. She obviously was caught off guard but the giggle was confirmation that she was okay with it, him humming the song in her ear while the bartender made their drinks. 
“My girl can handle the drinks? I’d like to see that.” He teased. “Probably can drink me under that table, yeah? And sound well sexy doing it.” Oop. Admission of her voice being ‘sexy’ when she spoke it was accidental but he wasn’t going to take it back. It was. But now she had far more ammo against him. Y/N was obviously planning on doing just that, her evil little smirk up at him making him pout. “Oi, don’t tease me with it.” Harry whined. “I’m being nice tonight. Don’t be mean to me.” Irony, a little, but mostly because he didn’t want to be hard yet.
If only Harry knew how long Y/N had been waiting to hear him say things like that to her. If she hadn’t thought about it a thousand times before she’d definitely been thinking about it a thousand times more. Her heart was swelling, feeling extremely giddy just doing all these things with Harry. They were just talking and swaying. Tonight was going to be a long night. 
“Sexy hmm?” Y/N smirked, “are you being nice tonight?” She asked knowing full well that was false. Harry loved teasing, he teased his fans like crazy so surely he’d tease her even more. “You play nice and I’ll play nice. Is that a deal?” God, she wanted him to destroy her. That look in his eyes, she could already feel the tingles. When their drinks were ready Y/N said a small thank you to the bartender, taking her drink in her hand and looking at Harry with his. “Cheers, to playing nice.” She smiled at him, knowing that it was officially game on from here on out.
It was then Harry knew that they both were in for it, because he was going to give in to his wants of touching her and she was seemingly all for it which was equally as dangerous. Getting to be this way was going to make it so he would push past things he probably shouldn’t. He toasted with her, taking his drink and sipping all the while watching her over the glass. Y/N was a minx. A little flirty minx who was going to make him lose his mind. They had to go find Jeff, so he took her hand again and spun her so she was facing the right direction. 
“Let’s go find the boss.” 
They walked closely, Harry's arm back around Y/N’s waist as he held her to his body. She felt good pressed up against him. He loved it, if he was being honest. Wanted to feel her front pressed up against him so he could feel her tits. He needed a good feel by the end of the night. Needed it.
Y/N liked this. She liked this a lot. She swayed her hips a bit more now, wanting Harry to feel what they were capable of. It was like she had this new power in her that she didn’t have before, all because of Harry. The whole acting thing was definitely helping as well, she could just play this character and exaggerated version of herself and get away with it. Harry seemed to be loving it a little bit too much for his own liking, she could sense it. 
Jeff and Glenne were stood over in the vip section, chatting with a few other celebrity guests. Y/N forgot that that was also a thing. In her mind Harry wasn’t a celebrity, he had never been. He was just her idol that was hard to reach, the concept of him being a celebrity himself always weirder her out. Like whenever other people mentioned him she always forgot that they knew who he was. All eyes were on them. Literally everyone. Y/N kept herself calm and confident, acting as if she wasn’t phased by it at all though she was internally freaking out. 
“Hi!” Y/N smiled as she gave Jeff and Glenne a hug, “you guys look great!” The gang was together again.
“About time you showed up!” Jeff punched Harry lightly in the arm. He could sense something was changing. Harry held on a bit tighter to her, and wasn’t consciously doing it. 
“Oi, watch it. We just got some drinks. You know, little thing has Russian blood. Isn’t that right, Kiska?” Harry had googled a pet name’s in Russian and she was definitely a kitten, kiska, if you will. Coy and sly and utterly adorable, a little clumsy all in one. Pure and evil all the same. He could tell the Russian name caught her off guard. Oh, he was going to pay for that. She returned to his arms, and he decided to sit her on the bar stool and stand between her legs. For right now, this was good. He’d have a hand on her and look intimate while they talked.
Y/N looked at him with a shocked expression, raising her brow and giving him a look which said he would pay for that. He went home and looked it up, just to play with her emotions? Of course he did. The bastard. She took another sip of her drink and rolled her eyes, “Mister, just had to be fashionably late.” She told Jeff from her seat on the bar stool. 
She was still quite tall in these shoes, probably the same height she would be if she was standing up. Harry felt more comfortable like this, clearly liking having power over her. They would see about that. “Хотел меня удивить?” Y/N spoke, setting her hand on his chest before picking up his cross necklace. “I said, you wanted to surprise me?”  She smirked, looking him in the eyes. Two could play this game. The night just started and they were already pushing each other to the limit. They barely had any drinks in them but boy were they touchy feely. As a new couple should be. Y/N was positive that people were more shocked at the fact that Harry was showing any type of affection publicly. It was something he simply didn’t do.
It really wasn’t. Harry was the type to keep it private. But he liked being open and free with her. Even if it wasn’t ‘real’ as some would say— it sure as hell felt like it. He was thoroughly enjoying every bit, and it was translating well to people watching. He was positive that people were going to take photos, but he didn’t care. That was the point. Her leg catching over the back of his though, rubbing the back of his calf with her foot? She was giving it right back to him. And then the speaking in Russian, the one thing that really got him. 
“Da, Kiska.” Yes, Kitten. Harry grinned, liking her way of playing back with him. The drink in his hand was gone, so he called for another one. He was going to drink and use that as an excuse even though he was sober at the moment. Yep.
Y/N was pulling all the stops, assuming that nothing would actually come of it but she couldn’t have been more wrong. The leg move was something she figured would give her the upper hand, clearly showing everyone that he was her territory. Maybe they were doing too much? But she didn’t really care, she only cared about what he thought. 
“Осторожно.” Careful. She warned, knowing there was no translation needed. The tone and the word itself implied being careful, especially because he was playing with fire and he knew it. Y/N too had finished her drink, knowing Harry was about to go and get more. “Go, I’ll wait with Jeff.” She told him, wanting nothing more than to peck his lips in that moment but she couldn’t. 
The look Jeff had on his face said it all, a laugh coming from him. He and Glenne were in the same position she and Harry were just in, but they were a bit less.... horny. Y/N blushed, shaking her head a little because she knew they were coming off strong but she wasn’t acting. She never was acting with him.
Harry grumbled as she sent him off to get drinks. He was having fun with her. They worked very well with their chemistry and he felt utterly enamored with her. After a few drinks it was going to get worse. Would he basically dry fuck her against the bar? Perhaps. He felt like he could right now if given the go ahead. He got her a double shot and made his the same as well, going back to the table. They were all laughing about something and she hadn’t paid him much attention, taking the glass and spreading her legs a bit again so he could stand there. Honestly! A good response for when he came over. 
“I got you the same.” He spoke to her, voice a bit darker. “There are some people with their cells out taking photos too. I figured you knew though.” She was so good, learning to catch on quite easily. They could both feel cameras on them. Surely they’d make a pretty penny selling them or something. But after he finished that drink, he felt a slight buzz kick in. That made him more comfortable, holding on her waist and listening to her conversation. Wanting some of the attention back.
Y/N decided she’d play the game a bit more, making him work a bit to get the attention that she had been so good at giving him. Now that she knew her strengths she would play on them, forcing Harry to push harder than he was. She wanted to know what he wanted from her. The cool feeling of the glass between her legs and Harry’s looming figure sent a shock straight to her crotch, the slightly annoyed look in his eye making her smile smugly. 
“Thank you, ziya.” She cooed, knowing if he had searched for Russian pet names he would have found ‘bunny’ too. “Are saying you want to give them a show then?” Y/N teased as she wrapped her lips around the straw of his drink and took a sip. It wasn’t meant to be as sexual as it ended up being, she kept eye contact but cut it short because they really were being a bit too wild. 
The headlines would say, ‘Harry’s horny?’
Harry absolutely wanted to give them a show. Only the show he was thinking of was pulling her panties to the side and sliding into her cunt, taking her hard up against the bar. And he didn’t think that was quite what Jeff had meant by giving more affection. 
“Come.” He stood them up and brought them over to a plush couch without saying anything to Jeff. He knew Harry wanted Y/N alone right now, and he didn’t need to ask. Plus, it would help if they were seen all on their own together. Only he sat with her next to him, quite close. His arm wrapped around her and he basically curled around her form, the hand holding his drink putting it down after he downed it again. Ignoring the burning in his throat, he took his cool hands and brushed them against her neck. The touch seemed to affect her, a sharp breath coming from her. “You’re playing games.” He mumbled, using his fingers to tuck the hair from her neck. “Naughty.”
“And you aren’t?” Y/N asked boldly, finding his eyes as they snapped up to look at her. If there was such a thing as eye fucking they were definitely doing it in that moment. They couldn’t be sat here for too long, no, they definitely needed to go dance or mingle or do something that wasn't in each other's space like this. But it was so hot. He was so close to her, his touch, his words. It was all proving to be too much. The Harry she had always imagined was coming out, fulfilling a lot of her fantasies that he didn’t even know she had. This was something she sat thinking about in her bedroom, sitting there rubbing her clit to the idea of Harry being a tease in public.
“Didn’t say I wasn’t, baby.” Harry shrugged. He was definitely playing and teasing. He needed to get her to it for a second so he had an excuse to get close enough to leave a mark. It was closer than he had gotten pulling her closer in the chair. Her neck was so deliciously bare. And he was feeling possessive right now with the way or her men saw her. She was beautiful and a little naive towards the way other men had been ogling her tonight. “Was gonna suggest ...a mark.” He proposed. “Righhhhht here.” He ran his finger over the exposed flesh that would show his mark if she let him. “I think you’d like that.” He was pretty sure the easiest way to do it would be on the dance floor. “Can let people see you’ve been marked. Just gotta get up and go dance for a little bit. It’ll feel nice.” He was driving her absolutely mad and he knew it too. The way he spoke to her and the way he was touching her, it felt far more intimate than anything else she’d ever felt. This couldn’t be fake, she wouldn’t believe what he said if he tried to deny it. It wasn’t the alcohol either. 
“I think I’d like that too..” Y/N responded, feeling her voice go a little quite towards the end. It would feel nice, having his lips on her neck and marking her as his. The way he was asking for permission though she had already given him free reign to do whatever he wanted. It was all a bit much. “Come on.” She said, getting up and downing her drink before taking his hand and guiding him towards the dance floor. The dance floor was quite busy, now a good few hours into the event. They had arrived a bit late anyway so the party was in full swing. Y/N was quite a good dancer and she knew that. 
Harry wasn’t a bad dancer. Not necessarily skilled though, so he had a feeling Y/N would be doing the talking if they had to truly dance. At the moment though, it seemed as everyone was doing their own things, which felt good. He stayed towards the edge of the dance floor though, taking her hand and pulling her into him. His hand was on her waist and she looked up at him with those eyes he’d been dreaming of and he felt like a crazy person for not having had her already. She was the ideal person to have sex with, he thinks. The perfect mix of dirty and innocent and he hadn’t even found out how bad she could be. He had a feeling he would be finding out rather soon. 
“Come.” He pulled her to be pressed against his body, one hand on her and the other holding her own. “You’re going to kill me, sweetness.” He muttered quietly. “Swear to god. You’ve been so naughty. And you know it.”
Y/N squeaked a bit as he pulled her against him, relaxing into his touch after a few seconds. It still made her dizzy. The whole being a fan thing didn’t help, it really didn’t help. She was already into him and now he was just playing it up and she felt like she would pass out. She moved her hips to the beat, grinding on him without hesitation. What? If they were dancing, they were dancing like everyone else was. 
“I’ve only been as naughty as you.” She said as a matter of factly, “but you like that, don’t you?” The alcohol started to work in her system convincing her to just say what was on her mind. Four shots of vodka all hitting her system at once definitely did the trick. There was nothing more she wanted to do than kiss him. She just wanted to sit him down and make out with him. Straddle his hips, grab his hair and just kiss him. They’d been ‘dating’ for four months and no one had seen them publicly kiss yet, but Y/N decided she’d make it her mission for him to kiss her tonight. If not now then never.
“I can’t say I mind.” Harry breathed. God, Y/N was grinding on him. She knew how to move and she was going to get him all worked up. Whatever photos anyone took would potentially be very sexually charged because his hand did drop lower, holding her hip a bit tighter. Her grinding slowed a bit and he wanted to groan. Y/N looked very happy. Very pleased to be making him feel like this. There was no way that she’d give up now. It seemed to be her goal to push his buttons. “I’m just trying to figure out just how naughty you are.” He had his face closer, mouth approaching her ear. “Because I can tell what you’re doing. And I’ll let you know, it’ll work. You’ll get what you want from me. You’re pushing me just hard enough.”
Everything about their interaction screamed sexual tension. The rubber band would snap soon and Y/N wasn’t sure how she felt about it yet. She felt high on the feeling, knowing that all she needed was a little push and she’d cave. Self control was important right now because as much as they were enjoying this moment, they were technically working. 
“Mmm keep trying then.” She whispered in his ear, lips brushing against his lobe ever so slightly. Y/N wanted to move lower and kiss at his neck, but she wouldn’t be able to stop herself from doing more. Harry seemed to be on board and that was something that she would run with. “What do you think I’m doing?” Y/N asked, genuinely pushing every button that she could just for the sake of it. Maybe he’d actually do something. It was his image after all, if there was anything he wanted to do or didn’t want to do, she wanted to make sure that it was his decision. She didn’t want to over step.
“To get me to break.” Harry muttered. This time, he pressed a kiss under her ear. Here it goes. He knew that there was no going back now. Now when Y/N was rubbing up on him and he had her where he wanted her. “You want me to touch. And you’re getting that.” Harry gave another kiss a spot lower. “And I’m going to give you a mark on your neck. People are going to see it, yeah? See photos of me making it. And you know it’ll feel really good.” His mouth was rubbing against her skin with every word, getting lower so he could find the spot. “Trying to push me. Being a naughty girl and getting me to do things I shouldn’t.” Like, fucking her raw and senseless. Harry was coming in short when it came to thread holding his resistance. Y/N may know that now. However he had found the spot he wanted to mark— so he began to kiss on it, nipping at the skin. She absolutely melted into him, the sweet little gasp making his cock twitch in interest.
Y/N closed her eyes the second his teeth touched her neck. It was going to be hard to dance as if this had happened before, as if this wasn’t the first time they were interacting in a sexual way. People knew Harry was a horny bastard, talking about how his new album was about sex and being sad. They’d assume he already fucked her. She wishes that was true. 
“But it’s not my fault, is it?” Y/N nearly moaned, “you want it as badly as I do.” She added, feeling her breath hitch as he began to kiss and nip at the sensitive part of her neck. “Trust me, you haven’t seen me act naughty.” Y/N confirmed, a gasp following her statement. Y/N couldn’t take this. He was doing things to her that she never thought were possible, endorphins flooding her body and making her feel like she was floating. She had melted into him completely, still dancing with him because she couldn’t just not move. “Fuck that feels good..” She whispered in his ear, a small moan escaping just for him to hear.
Harry’s arm held her tighter, keeping her up in a good position as he continued his assault on her perfect neck. “What if I want to see that?” He asked. His fatal mistake because he knew far too well that Y/N would show him. She would do as he asked and kill him. That was the scary thing and he wanted it. He didn’t give her time to answer though, beginning to suck on her neck. It was light at first, but continued on. Getting a bit harder. The music covered it, but he heard a whimper come from her as he sucked over the sensitive skin and scraped over it lightly with his teeth. It felt too quick. He had given her one and didn’t want to make it truly hurt, so he moved to right under her ear and began to nip at it. “Mm. Maybe two. I think that’s a better idea.” He confirmed with her, feeling her nod hurriedly. His hands had her hips and pulled her up against him, and he knew that Y/N was feeling just as good about it as he was. “Shh, baby. Gonna make them think I have my hand under your dress.”
He gave Y/N the answer she had been waiting for. He had wanted to see her naughty side, wanted to see her unravel completely for him and show him just how bratty she could be. Y/N was sure he wanted it, but it wouldn’t be appropriate to do that here. Not when everyone was watching. He knew that as well. Y/N really has been deprived of touch and affection, simple love bites were practically making her fly off the rocker. Maybe it was because Harry was the one giving them to her, but she really needed him to stop or she would lose it. 
“If you don’t stop i’ll have to take you up on that offer.” Y/N told him, a whimper still present in her voice. She moved a hand up to his hair, tugging at it hard enough to get him to pull off her neck. “You have to stop, I’ll lose it..” She told him genuinely. It was a bit embarrassing to say, but she’d rather not make a fool of herself in public from a few hickeys.
Ha. Harry had won this round. Driving her crazy. The way she had said it though... saying she had wanted his hand under her dress... he was tempted. 
“M’sorry, Kiska.” He promised, but he wasn’t. He wasn’t sorry at all. He was thriving off of this energy and was dying to at least get his mouth on her. “If I could get away with my hand under your dress.. it would be there.” He could tell she wanted it too. The whimper of disappointment she let out. God, he wanted to destroy her. “What would you have done if I kept going?” They continue to dance, Harry's lips a bit damp with his own spit from kissing over and sucking on her neck. Their dancing had an even rhythm now, but he wanted to know what she thinks would have happened if he had continued on. Y/N was flushed and the marks were beginning to get darker. “What about it makes you crazy? Did you like the little bit of pain? How it’s a little tender? I want to know what you’re thinking.” He lifted a hand and ran his thumb over one of the marks and smirked when she jolted but her eyes were darker.
Y/N knew she had lost but she didn’t care, she really couldn’t take it. Her body was practically shaking with desire, never having been so turned on in her life. Y/N felt her like her body was on fire. Sure, their dancing was sexually charged and the neck kissing was as well, but to an outsider that’s all it was. They didn’t know what was actually happening. 
“I—I wouldn’t have been able to keep it a secret.” Y/N told him, “it’d be too obvious, we’d have to leave.” That was true. Her knees would have buckled and she would have forced him to take them home. It wasn’t acting, they both knew that now. Would they speak on it again? No. “The pain.” She told him hesitantly, “I like the pain and the thrill of people watching.” There it was, the first little insight on how naughty she really was. He had asked to know after all. “It’s been a while— it’s a lot.” Y/N added wanting him to know that she really had been deprived of all the good things. “I think we need another drink.”
Harry was living for it. He truly was. Y/N was flustered and he was hot and bothered and now had 2 different marks on her neck. This was exactly the situation he originally had been trying to avoid but now was actively pursuing. 
“Two double shots.” When they’d got to the bar again, he had his hands on her. It was like he couldn’t let go. Standing behind her, he nuzzled his face into the side of her neck and kissed both of the marks before smirking and hiding again. He was being a tease and going to drive Y/N mad and he knew it but in all honesty, it was fun. Like a game. “Just don’t speak Russian. Cause then I’ll be forced to do things that aren’t very public appropriate and there’s tons of cameras everywhere.” 
Hopefully the drink would cool Y/N down, her head was spinning and Harry wasn’t helping one bit. Her breath hitched a little as he pressed kisses to the marks. “Dick.” She muttered, lifting her hand up to play with his hair. She scratched his scalp a little bit as he hid into her neck, humming softly to herself. “Maybe I should and not let you touch me.” Y/N teased, “Maybe you’ll play nice then.” Of course she wasn’t going to let that happen. She loved his touch far too much though she also loved the idea of teasing him and getting her revenge. She was still shook up from their little stunt earlier and wasn’t sure if she could handle anymore teasing. Especially if they went home and didn’t do anything. “Cause you can’t keep working me up like this and not fuck me sore.” Y/N whispered in his ear, being completely serious. If he kept this up and they went home and he did nothing she’d be extremely moody and pissy.
Harry was a little surprised with her crassness. Truly, he hadn’t expected her to come out and say it. That she wanted to be fucked hard. But god, he could do it. He could very well run in to her and just bend her over any surface and take her. Their chemistry was off the charts and he had a feeling other people could see it. He knew too well that it was wrong of him. But his body didn’t care. 
“Is that what you want?” He questioned, eyes blown with lust. She was giving him such a time. “Wow.. you seem so innocent, but you’re here talking about being fucked sore. Have you ever been properly fucked, Kiska?” His voice dropped to a growl, moving them closer to the bar. To any onlooker, it just looked like he was hiding his face against her but he was really giving his little fake lover a run for her money. “Been pounded away until you can’t breathe? Because you seem so sweet. But I can see now that you’re a dirty little girl and you’re a tease. Isn’t quite fair to me.” He scolded, his hand slipping to her thigh for a moment before he rested his chin on her shoulder and sent a charming smile to the bartender.
Y/N bit her lip, wanting so desperately to moan at how dirty and rough his voice sounded. “Yes, it’s what I want...” She told him honestly, deciding if she was going to spill any night it could be tonight where she could pretend she was more drunk than she was. She wasn’t anywhere near drunk right now though. The second he asked if she’d ever been properly fucked is when she lost it, knowing she needed him desperately and needed him now. But they had to be here until Jeff told them they could leave. “I haven’t, I’ve been so deprived.” She whimpered into his ear, “could you help me, daddy?” It was a stab in the dark seeing if he liked being called daddy, but she had seen a video of him on tour saying ‘yes daddy I will’ which proved to her that he may in fact enjoy being called daddy. But who really knew? She was about to find out.
Oh god. Oh god damn it. Harry was going to die. He was sure of it. She had tapped into one of his kinks that he was sure probably wasn’t a secret but... fuck. Y/N had sounded so pretty with her whimpers and then asking him to help her? That she hadn’t been fucked right? 
“Fuck.” Harry groaned against her skin. “I want to. Shit, baby. You’re dirty, I love it.” He pressed himself against her ass and let her feel his cock that was getting harder at her teasing. And the little minx pressed back against it. He couldn’t touch her here, but he could tease and talk to her with his cock against her ass and work her up. He pulled her closer and swayed them slightly, giving himself a bit of friction. “You wore this to tease me.” Harry's voice was deep, a little raspy. “Wore it to drive me crazy and you knew it would.”
Ha. Y/N won this round. Noticing how he was slowly starting to crack, slowly giving into her teasing and her pleading. The feeling of his semi hard cock rubbing against her was also a confirmation that she was doing something right, smirking to herself as she pushed back against him a little bit. 
“Of course I did.” She hummed, “thought it's about time I gave you no option but to give in. Those tops I wear didn’t quite do the trick, but this....” Y/N was very confident now that she knew it was working, needy, but confident. She just knew how to play up on the whiney neediness and the sexy neediness at the right times. Harry was lapping it up too. They both knew they’d go to his and have mind blowing sex, four months of pent up frustration sex. It was just a matter of when they would do so. Jeff really was the one who was going to give the go ahead and well, Harry was most likely going to keep teasing the both of them.
“Calculated little thing. Know how to get your way, hm.” Y/N was proving to be a force to be reckoned with. And Harry couldn’t even be upset over it because he was bringing this upon himself. He truly was. This woman was giving him a run for his damn money. “You said you liked the thrill of people watching, baby?” He asked. “S’it getting you off? All these people around and you’ve got my cock up against this gorgeous ass? And getting all wet inside those panties?” He knew she had to be soaked. “You’re probably so wet. A little bit sticky too, hm? Gonna start getting on your thighs. Wouldn’t be surprised now if you liked that. Liked getting all worked up and having no one know what I’m telling you.”
Y/N rubbed back against him anytime she felt like she wanted to moan, gripping at his arm that was around her waist. God she could kill him but she wasn’t going to let him get the best of her, she could control herself for a little while longer. If it was promising enough. 
“You have no idea.” She simply responded, knowing it answered all of the above. Yes, it did thrill her, it did get her off, it was getting her wet inside her panties and he had no idea just how much. If he really wanted to, he could have a feel, she was sure if he peeled off her underwear there would even be a trail of wetness that pulled with it like a strand of spit. Yes, she was that fucking wet. “You better fuck me real good tonight, daddy... Я с ума сойду у..” She whispered in his ear, adding the ‘or I’ll lose my mind’ in Russian just for added effect. That should do the trick.
“Fuck..” Harry pressed her up against the bar. it was crowded enough that he could sneak a hand between her thighs, and as soon as he got under the dress he could feel the soaked and sticky panties. “My fucking god... you’re really soaked through.” He hissed, kissing her cheek a few times and smiled down at her. Harry pressed his fingers harder against her and his arm around her waist tightened, her knees weakening in his hold. Finding her clit, he pressed and rubbed a few times, sighing in pleasure when her hips bucked a little bit. Luckily there were people behind them talking, and no one was paying attention. His head was hidden and it was hard to tell who ended and who began. “Soaked little princess. Poor pussy... needs some attention.” He purred, nuzzling his nose against her cheek. “I shouldn’t be touching you at all, Kiska. Not at all. But you’ve been teasing me, and talking to me in that sexy little voice, you’re killing me.”
Y/N swore she stopped breathing, heart skipped a beat. Harry Styles was touching her fucking pussy. How on earth did she end up here? Y/N almost lost it, nearly moaned out loud with the poor bartender standing right there. Y/N sipped on her drink, using it to stifle the moans and whimpers that were threatening to escape. Her knees buckled, losing balance as his fingers started working on her clit through her panties. She sighed in pleasure, playing it off as if she was just sighing but really she was dying. “Please...” She begged, biting down on her lip, “you’re killing me.” If he was going to keep doing this she would full on cum in public and she wasn’t exactly ready for that. She wasn’t sure if she could hide that, holy fuck it was already overwhelming. She wished they were alone. “Funny.... you touched my clit before kissing me.”
“Mm. I know that once I start m’not gonna stop.” And that was the truth. The man knew that he would get one taste of her cherry mouth? He would want to sip on it for a while. And plus... it was less obvious. But he took his fingers away, bringing them to his mouth and sucking the slick arousal off. It was sweet. Beautiful. The best he had ever tasted— and Harry did like to eat pussy, so that was saying a lot. 
“What’s stopping you? It will feel good.” Y/N repeated his words from earlier in the night, hoping he’d listen. She thought she’d pass out just then, a shiver ran down her spine at the sight of him sucking her wetness of his fingers. The man really wanted to end her didn’t he? The look of pure enjoyment on his face, it should be illegal. 
“So good. But... turn.” He instructed, cupping the side of her face with the clean hand. “You’re being very good now. So..” Harry murmured, leaning down and connecting their lips. And he swore, he completely lost his mind. It was like that instant connection just made sense. Being like this with her, the kiss, it had him feeling. Truly. He was incredibly shocked but he continued the kiss. It wasn’t too dirty— it was relatively soft considering he was just rubbing her cunt moments ago. But it was delicious.
Good god. Y/N’d never felt this before. A true surge of electricity bolted through her, the kiss passionate but not too off putting. It was just a kiss two people that really liked each other would share. Y/N knew people were taking photos, it was as if she could feel people’s eyes on them. The gasps from around them also sort of helped. She just let one of her hands wrap around his wrist while the other gripped onto the lapel of his jacket. She could get lost doing this all day. Y/N hoped they would get to do this freely from now on, she wasn’t sure she could ever go without kissing him again.
Harry couldn’t care less about the people taking photos. His hands held her soft little face and their lips pulled apart only for him to go back— this time for tiny little pecks to make her giggle. It was cute. He wanted her to feel that way when he kissed her. 
Y/N did giggle at the pecks that he left on her lips, scrunching her nose a little bit because she just couldn’t believe that she was in fact kissing Harry Styles. This was truly a dream come true, unfortunately she’d sound like a nutter if she told him that. 
“S’good.” Harry said when he pulled apart for real, placing one last kiss to her forehead. “Want to leave, Kiska?” Harry wanted to get her alone. Get her in his damn lap. The moment the car pulled away from the club he would have his hand back up her dress. He was positive Y/N knew the same. He needed to get inside of her. Have this one night. Maybe it would get his need for her out of his system. Sure— he didn’t think so, but he was hoping so that his heart wouldn’t be in danger. He didn’t realize his heart was already right in the palm of her hand and she had the power to crush it into powder.
“Can we?” Y/N asked softly, eyes wide and soft. Ready to submit and she knew that he knew. Y/N wrapped her arms around his waist, hugging him for a moment before finishing her drink and walking with him towards where Jeff was to bid him and Glenne a good night. They probably would get scolded on a normal night, but they had made quite the show. They did more than enough, too enamored with each other to even think to speak to anyone else. Jeff knew that they were both very much into each other and laughed because they were both in denial. Y/N less so.
“Gonna have a lot of cameras outside. Just be a good girl for me, yeah? Gotta behave until we pull away.” Harry spoke to her as he helped her with her jacket, moving her hair out of the way. It was dumb to be so proud of a mark on her neck, but he had been aware of how guys looked at her. Aware that she wasn’t. And then people would know, they’d be so aware that Y/N was his pretty girl. Confirm that relationship. Opening the door, he had a tight grip on her waist as he led her out of the club. The questions were yelled out but he focused on getting her to the car. It took a minute, but he opened the back of the door and picked her up with her up by the waist once again. She moved over, and Harry got in behind her. 
“My place, please.” He called to the driver before shutting the partition. Once it was closed, and they began to drive away? Harry turned right back to her. “You... make me lose control.” He growled, pulling her into his lap. Her hips were bigger and there was that tiny little belly that he liked, but his hands gravitated towards her ass. Gripping it tightly with one hand, the other came up to her throat. Her gasp had him twitching in his pants. Y/N seemed to love it.
Y/N squeaked as he pulled her into his lap, her dress riding up significantly. She set her hands on his shoulders to stabilize herself, moving them down to his chest once she felt comfortable. The hand on her throat though, that was the best surprise of the night. 
“Mmm.” She whimpered, looking down at him with a smile. Y/N was a kinky bitch. No man had ever really understood that. She was never able to play up her sexuality in bed, never able to truly let loose and do whatever she wanted because the guys never knew how to properly dominate her. But Harry knew, she knew he would. “That’s a good thing.” She teased, “need to loosen up, rockstar.” 
Harry was happy. She was taking to it easily, and that only added to his arousal. Y/N was what he wanted in bed. Seemingly submissive but a little bit of a brat. So far she had been lippy but he loved it. 
“Do I?” He murmured. “I can think of a few ways to help me relax.” His mouth moves forward to her chest, kissing the swells of her tits. “These... these fucking tits.” It was a hiss, licking over between them before he switched to the other side. “You know how much I love them.” He needed to have a good taste. It was necessary. “And you’ve got them up on display, wanting for me to touch them, hm?” He questioned. “Do you know how many times I’ve been thinking about them covered in cum? Hm?”
“You like them, don’t you daddy?” Y/N cooed, watching as he went to kiss at her soft pillowy breasts. “Had them out just for you...” She added because she really did. No one else mattered right now. But, he’d.... thought about her tits? His cum on her tits? Multiple times? She must be dreaming. Sure, she’s been masturbating to the thought of him since she was 13, but to think he was jerking off to the thought of her? It made her moan out loud. “It’d look so pretty.”
“You... are absolutely sinful.” Harry’s mouth closed in near her covered nipple, and looked up at her. “Mmm. Had them out for me? What a great, sweet girl.” Harry's head was going into overdrive because he wanted to be touching any inch he could of her. Wanted to touch and lick her body over and over again and drive his cock in deep. “Said that you’ve never been fucked properly before... s’so sad, baby. Isn’t it? Need to have a good cock inside of you. Do you like it rough?” He questioned, looking up at her honey eyes. “Like it hard? Or do you want it soft?” He wanted to make it good for both of them, so he asked the question even though he was fairly certain of the answer.
“Only for you...” She told him, knowing she had never been this sinful in her life. Only in her mind in the fantasies that he lived in. Y/N let out a moan, nodding her head at his question. “N—no never...” She answered honestly, thinking about how she liked it. She liked it rough but liked it soft as well, figuring that whatever it was Harry decided to do she’d love it because it was Harry and his glorious cock that she felt bulking up against her crotch. 
Y/N loved how vocal he was, how he talked to her through every little action. It’s almost as if he wanted her to fumble as he pleasured her. Y/N didn’t mind though, she thought she sounded quite hot when she was being pleasured. Her previous encounters loved phone sex with her. Her hand went to the back of his head, tugging at his hair like she knew he liked as his plump strawberry lips wrapped around her nipple. He looked so fucking pretty like that. 
“I like it rough mostly, but some soft bits are nice... mix it up.” She told him, “just use me... I like it deep. I want to feel you in my belly.”
His sweet girl. This innocent thing was asking Harry to use her. She was dirty in ways that he knew a lot of other people weren’t. Sure, they talked a good game but when it came down to it, they couldn’t take it. But Y/N? She was sitting in his lap with his hand on her throat and ass and asked him to use her. That, was exactly what she wanted. He could tell by her face. That was the hottest thing. She wanted to be his baby, but his baby slut. He loved it. Y/N was surprising him at every turn. Sure, he had expected a little kinky from how she had been acting but... she turned around and used daddy, had let him play with her cunt under a bar, all of it and that was hot. 
“Deep in that precious belly, hm? Bury myself in your little cunt and make you take it, s’that it, my girl?” Harry kept calling her his. Because in the back of his mind, she was. Y/N had been his since that first day, even though he would keep denying it.
“Yes, please, daddy...” Y/N nodded in response, truly looking so bloody happy to be in this position. They’d be at his soon and she would get her relief soon enough. She felt like she had proven herself to be a good girl and that he wouldn’t tease her as much when they got inside. “Told you I was naughty...” Y/N reminded him, “but it’s just the way you like it.” She smirked and moved her hips forward to add a little pressure to his cock. “And I guarantee I’m the naughtiest you’ll ever have.” It was a bold statement but she was positive it was true. All she wanted was for him to be pleased.
Y/N felt the car come to a stop and was slightly upset that their little car journey was over, but even more excited to get inside and see what exactly he had planned for the two of them. Y/N loved how dominant Harry had proven to be, thoroughly enjoying pleasuring her as well as himself. She was positive she’d never feel this amazing in her life.
Harry was looking forward to seeing Y/N to ruin him. He wanted to make her feel good but he had a feeling that he wasn’t going to be able to get this out of his head every time he saw her. 
Grabbing her little bag, he tipped the driver handsomely before scrambling into the house. He needed this and wanted it and didn’t want to waste a single damn second. Y/N was eager too, Harry snickering as she basically tugged him up to his front door. They couldn’t do anything out here— but as soon as he got inside? 
He slammed the door shut and pressed her against it, mouth on hers yet again again. Harry found that it was one of his new favorite places. The taste and the warm feeling... he loved it so much. Her tongue ran across his lips and into his mouth and he was hooked. Shoving their jackets off, he grabbed hold of her and lifted her with ease, legs wrapping around his waist. 
“Gonna wreck you, baby. Make you cum so hard that you can’t fucking breathe.” He hadn’t tried overstimulation before but he just as well may with her. She overwhelmed him quite a bit.
Y/N groaned against his mouth, eagerly moving to push his jacket off of him just as he pushed hers off. Her arms immediately wrapped around his shoulders as he lifted her, the kiss only becoming that much more intense when his hands landed on her ass. She swore it was one of her favorite feelings. 
“Ugh, yes, daddy PLEASE!” She moaned out, desperate to get this dress off and to get him naked as well. Y/N only had a small thong underneath, having forgone a bra for the sake of the dress. It was tight enough that it kept them in place. Her dream was coming to life and she would make damn sure to make the best of it. Y/N’s moved to kiss from the corner of his mouth to his jawline, finding a soft spot right below his jawline on his neck. She decided to return the favor from earlier, living a hickey of her own there. Hopefully he didn’t mind. “Can’t wait for you to fill me..” she whispered in his ear. “Я хочу тебя.” A simple, I want you in Russian just to get him going. “I want you so bad..”
It was the Russian that had Harry’s blood hot. He wanted to hear her speak it all the time. What if they had kids? She could teach them— Wait. 
Fuck. That was a weird fucking thought and he had to shake himself out of it. There wouldn’t be kids. The hell was wrong with him? It had to be the power of her pussy— but he hadn’t even been inside yet. 
“Gotta get you naked.” Harry needed her naked and wet and ready for him. That was the goal, anyways. To have this girl spread out and eager to be taking his cock. Y/N was telling him that she couldn’t wait so he held her to him, walking towards his room. They wouldn’t be leaving that bed, unless it was to fuck against a wall or in the bathroom. His shoes were kicked off as he stepped in, nearly blind because they were kissing again and Y/Ns hands were all over his hair,  it was amazing. Truly. His cock ached and was begging to be inside of her but every second of this was incredible to him.
Once Harry placed her on the bed Y/N sat up, unzipping her dress and lifting it up above her head quickly, but careful as to not rip it. She really liked that dress. It was at this point that Y/N was eye level with his cock, allowing her hands to travel to the loops in his pants, pulling him closer to her. 
“Fuck me...” She mumbled, one of her hands palming over his aching cock. She unzipped them and pulled ever so slightly until they pooled at his ankles, eyes still very much focused on his cock. Y/N looked up at him, a devilish look in her eyes as she wanted for some direction. She admittedly got distracted but it was because this was the cock she had been dreaming about, the cock she imagined filling her mouth and her cunt and even her ass. “You’re so big daddy, so handsome...” She commented, pressing a kiss to his clothes cock and smiling to herself. She was pushing buttons.
There was something so incredibly hot to Harry about her sitting on his bed, eye level with his cock. She had just instinctually gone to it, kissing on it... that was the hottest thing. Being so genuinely into him and wanting to touch. There had been many a time now these past few months and he had thought about this view. However now he was in full view of her tits and her messy hair, her looking up with those eyes at him. He was a mess. 
“Yeah? Thank you, baby.” He murmured. “Why don’t you take it out, hm... suck a little bit. And then I want to have my turn.” He was thirsting for her cunt. Literally. He just wanted to kiss and suck and lick her sweet pussy until she came over and over again. He wanted her to feel how good it was to have her cunt properly worshipped. Y/N was a good girl, but she was so bad. He had a feeling she would utterly love that.
Y/N smiled as he gave her the go ahead, tugging on his shirt and muttering a small “off” because she wanted to see his perfectly toned torso and chest. Harry was really her version of a perfect man, everything about him made her crazy and she couldn’t stop herself. Not now, not anymore. This was raw and real. Y/N gently pulled his cock out from his boxer briefs, pushing them down all the way while she leaned in and spat all over his cock. Y/N locked her eyes with his, letting the spit travel down his cock while she went to lick from the base to the top. She let her hand spread the sloppy mess that she made, pumping at the base while her lips wrapped around the lip and began sucking. 
The amount of times she had thought about this, the amount of times he imagined hearing him moan for her and pull her hair. Just feeling the weight of his cock on her tongue, it was everything she desired. Y/N took more of him into her mouth once she felt comfortable, moaning against him a bit because she knew it would feel good.
Holy shit. Harry had expected her to be eager, a little dirty— but she may be right. It’s probably that Y/N was going to be the dirtiest girl he’s ever been with. It was evident by how she spit on his cock, looking right up at him as she made a mess. Something Harry fucking loved. Other partners didn’t love a mess but he did. In his opinion, it was hotter. More passionate. A good spit or cum all over was good. Arousing. And Y/N was on her knees, licking over his cock and pumping her hand at the bottom. Harry was big, but Y/N took it like a fucking champion. His hand gathered her hair in his fist. Gently yanking on it to show he had control before allowing her to continue. And then she began to moan with his cock in her mouth, bobbing her head up and down— it was the most beautiful sight he had ever seen. 
“God, yes. Keep sucking my cock like that— fucccck. That’s a girl.” He praised, watching her closely. “Messy little girl. You like it messy, huh? Like getting daddy’s cock all wet? Good job. Doing just what I asked.”
Y/N was determined and dedicated to making him feel good, making it very clear with the way she was working her mouth over his cock like he was a lollipop of sorts. She hummed in response, not wanting to pull off because he seemed to really like what she was doing. Y/N kept eye contact as she tried to take more and more of him into her mouth, giving him full control over her with his hand in her hair. She did say she wanted him to use her so it really was free reign. They had all night to play around with each other, but she could already tell she had left a damp spot on his bed with how increasingly wet she was getting from watching him. The way his face contorted in pleasure, his gritty voice. She was thoroughly enjoying every second and she wouldn’t stop unless he told her to.
Harry was in love with her mouth. He wanted it around him 24/7. Harry was also an incredibly sexual person with a filthy, kinky mind. “Can imagine you warming my cock just like this while I take some calls. Would be very nice, wouldn’t it, Y/N?” He grabbed her hair tighter and began to pump in and out of her mouth. When he first met her he hadn’t ever imagined actually being able to fuck her mouth. But the girl gave over control, looking up with watery eyes as he took over. She could handle a little deeper. So he did just that, hissing when her throat tightened a bit around his Fock before pulling out. She sputtered but then— the slut whined. “Even after gagging on my cock, you’re still whining to have it back in your mouth? Fuck. You’re a cockslut, Baby. Can't believe this.” He gave it back and immediately had that suction again, her every suck in time with how he thrusted into the mouth. Every so often he would get just deep enough to make her gag and repeated the process, watching as she began to drool on him. “Shit— so messy. Such a messy little whore. Drool all over your chin and you’re still eager for my cock.” He was in awe. Y/N was something he had dreamed of and she only kept getting better.
Y/N felt smug. Harry was so shocked every time she whined for his cock and she wondered what I’m earth those other girls were doing. To Y/N, it wasn’t good sex unless she was fully letting go and doing everything her heart desired to and with her partner. Y/N pulled off of him hesitantly, licking up and down his cock as she caught her breath and then spoke. 
“Can I make you cum like this daddy?” Her voice low and hoarse, “think you’ll be able to go again if I do?” She asked, just wanting to make sure though she was positive he would. Harry seemed like a kinky bastard and she wanted to make him cum as many times as she possibly could tonight. Her pussy was fucking aching. She was practically bouncing against the bed trying to get some friction. She whined a little bit, not wanting to full on ask because she was too busy servicing his cock, but she wanted it... bad.
“Yes— yeah, I can cum again for you.” Harry could. If it was Y/N? He knew that he’d be able to give her anything she wanted as long as she gave him those eyes and that little pout. He was so whipped already and he was positive that she was going to turn his life upside down. It was too late to stop it. “Go ahead. Make me cum, then.” He coaxed. “Want it in your mouth and on your tits. I know you can do that for me. You’ve been such a slutty girl, and you’ll like being covered in daddy’s cum.” 
That seemed to set Y/N off. Her mouth was on his cock and sucking hard, hand going quickly over it. Harry’s mouth opened and a groan left him, overtaken with pleasure. It was no doubt he was going to cum quickly. It had been a while since he had fucked anyone and Y/N had some spell over him. He didn’t have to say much else, Y/N returned her mouth on to him and let her hand work the rest that she couldn’t reach. She remembered all the spots that set Harry off and paid close attention to them, sucking harder and moving at a quicker pace than before. Y/N moaned against him, as if begging him to cum for her. She wanted to taste him, wanted to see him in that wonderful state of bliss. She had already moved past thinking that she wasn’t attractive to him, clearly she was doing things to him and it boosted her ego far more than should be allowed. When she felt his muscles start to tighten she continued her actions, moaning against him and keeping at her actions waiting for him to blow his load. It was glorious. The sound that came from his mouth, the way he filled her mouth. She pulled off of him and let some drip down her chin, making him blow the rest of her load on her chest. 
“That’s it daddy, cum all over me..”
Harry hadn't cum that hard in a long time. Maybe ever because his toes felt a little numb, his mouth open and his cock actually throbbing with the arousal. His load had to have been huge, considering he hadn’t cum like this in a long time. She let half of it in her mouth, and then opened it and let it drool down her chin— which was one of the hottest things he had ever seen. Her hand continued to work his cock as he covered her tits in ribbons of cum. There was nothing quite like the sight of her covered in it. Once he had calmed slightly, he lifted her up and tilted her head back, immediately going forward her mouth. Some guys refused to kiss their significant others when they’d gone down on them— but the messy state of her mouth had him beyond horny. Y/N responder with a mewl and Harry's hand went directly to her pussy. 
“Down on the bed.” The mix of her spit and cum strung between both of their lips. “Spread your thighs. I want to lick you out.”
Y/N moaned against his mouth, eagerly moving back on to the bed. She had been waiting for him to touch her like this since the beginning of the night. She had a little taste of it at the bar but this? This was a whole other animal she swore she was absolutely not ready for. She was extremely sensitive to touch, it had been a really long time since anyone had slept with her and she truly forgot what it felt like. His warm ring clad hands on her caused goosebumps to spread all over her body, she was very much aroused. Harry nestled himself in between her legs, her heart pounding so hard she swore it would fly out of her chest. He hadn’t even done anything and she was already whimpering, pussy throbbing just from the sight. When you’ve been thinking about it for as long as she had, you would receive similar reactions. She convinced herself that she psychologically wired her brain to associate Harry with orgasms and that’s why it was affecting her like this.
Harry groaned. She had soaked through the thong. It was nearly see through, the pink tiny thing. He decided to lick right over it as a tease, and lottle Y/N jolted on the bed. He took hold of her by the apex of her thighs and held her down, swiping his tongue over the sticky fabric again. 
“Hm.. what have we got?” He purred up at her. “A wet little pussy, huh?” He held her body to the bed, moving one arm now to stroke over her tummy. He moved up and kissed over her mound, over to her belly button and covered the surrounding areas with kisses. “Love this.” He had an attraction to it that he couldn’t quite explain. He just thrives off of seeing it. And now he would have to remember every single time to give it some love. But right now he needed some pussy, and that’s what he was going to get. He began to peel the panties off, growling in pleasure when he sat they were quite literally stuck to her. Fuck. He had done that, and he was proud of it. Her inner thighs were wet too, and Harry felt the heat of his body rise even more. “Christ, pet. You’re so wet...” He whispered. “Soaked through the panties... look at this. They’re stuck to you.” He said in awe. He gently peeled it back further, watching the arousal string on them. He was keeping these. “These are mine.” He took them and placed them on his night stand before taking a look. He didn’t waste much more time before leaning down, and taking one broad, long lick.
Y/N blushed, heat rushing to her face and chest as he observed her body. She was expecting to feel shy and embarrassed, but it was quite the opposite really. It was something she had always worried about, but the look in his eyes said it all. He was absolutely fucking perfect. A small giggle left her mouth at his astonishment, not realizing just how wet she actually was. 
“Oh my god.” She moved her hands to cover her face, shaking her head before moving her hands so she could sit up a bit and lean on her elbows to watch him. She wasn’t sure how long that would last but she would try. The moan that left her was pornographic. Her whole body twitched at the feeling, pleasure spreading through her body already. She really was sensitive. “Harry..” She whimpered, looking down at him and seeing his darker green eyes flash up to look at her. “That feels... so good.”
Harry knew now that he was going to be obsessed with her pussy. Not only did it taste amazing but it felt so good on his tongue. Warm and soft, he didn’t mind the slick all over his chin as he ran his tongue up and down the little slit. Y/N was giving him everything. 
“So sweet, princess. Taste so fucking good.” He was sure he was going to end up down here again tonight. He wanted it more than once and truly did have this affinity for her pussy. His tongue swiped up, running flat over her clit a few times. Swollen, he decided to rub his tongue around it in circles, which had her squeaking and moving her hips. To which he held her down again. He would decided when she could fuck his face.
Y/N tried closing her eyes thinking that maybe it would be less intense if she couldn’t see him but she was so so wrong. Her senses heightened and she swore she could feel every single cell in her body vibrate. He wasn’t even doing anything that special, but he had teased the fuck out of her to the point that anything would set her off. Y/N leaned back once again, allowing one of her hands to move to his hair while the other gripped at his blanket. He looked so happy to be nuzzled between her thighs, his eyes closed and invested in making her feel good. 
“Ah fuck—“ Y/N’s voice went a few octaves higher, those circular motions always did her in. He was still going relatively slow and Y/N just tried to bite her moans back. It was embarrassing all the sounds she was letting out, but she truly had never had a guy pay this much attention to her pussy. She appreciated it so damn much. “Is there anything you can’t do? Fuck—” She whined, feeling like he was just good at everything he did. This man had no flaws in her book, the only problem was his terrible communication skills, but she wasn’t too fussed about that when his face nuzzled in her pussy.
Appreciating the compliment, Harry hummed against her and gave a bit of vibration to her. He had always enjoyed eating pussy, don’t get him wrong. But Y/N was on a whole other level. Reacting to every flick of his tongue, she was his favorite. He pulled away for a moment, spitting over her and going back to spread it around her with his tongue. He was going to blow her mind and he was ready to have her cumming all over his mouth and then his cock. It was a plan to have Y/N soak him and his bed. The next move was his favorite. Wrapping his lips around her clit, and sucking. Just slightly at first, but it was an immediate reaction. Letting out some curses, the grip on his hair tighter, he had a rhythmic and slow way about it, sucking over and over again on the little thing.
“Holy shit— fuck me—” Y/N cursed, gripping tighter on the bed sheets and his hair. Her breathing was slowly starting to pick up as the knot began to tighten in her stomach. Harry has clearly licked out plenty of pussies in his and enjoyed it. She always imagined him to be obsessed with it, but the way he treated hers made her feel like a princess. “S—so good...” Y/N whimpered, knowing that it would only get more intense from here. “Ещё Harry, пожалуйста!” More Harry, please! Her hips unintentionally moved up against his mouth once again, pleading for more in Russian. Maybe he would understand, maybe he wouldn’t, but she knew it was a big turn on for him so she thought maybe he’d do it naturally. There was only one way to find out. Her pussy throbbed against his tongue, her hole begging to be filled. “Please, fuck me... please...” Y/N begged, her voice sounding whiny and desperate. She desperately wanted to feel what it was like to have him fuck her. Properly Fuck her. Make her scream so loud she lost her damn voice.
“Mm. Patient. Daddy’s having fun.” Harry scolded, but dipped his fingers through the cum on her chest before going back to her clit. Using the dirty fingers, he began to slide one of them inside of her. There was something about the thought of his cum inside of her cunt that had Harry wanting more and more of it. He was nearly fucking nursing on her clit, humming happily as her cunt clenched hard around his finger, and he added the second. There was a high noise coming from Y/N, trying to lift her hips but he was doing a good job keeping her down. He wanted to make her cum like this. He was steady, thrusting the two fingers in and out of her soft pussy while defiling her with his cum. Every so often he would go up and scoop up a little more, sliding it back inside of her. It’s where it belonged in his mind. Y/N’s clit throbbed against his tongue, and his fingers could feel how badly she wanted to be fucked. Trying to milk them like she would be on his cock— god, he was going to be a mess as soon as he was inside of her. He was now. Nuzzling against her cunt and sucking harder against her clit, he wanted her to lose her mind
Y/N’s head was spinning. She’d never experienced pleasure like this and she knew for a fact it was all that teasing that did her in. For about three hours she was being edged on, touched, and teased. Even now he wasn’t doing enough to make her properly cum. No, this was all still build up. Whimpers and whines continued to escape her lips as she tried to stay still and relaxed, but it became harder and harder to do as he started pumping cum covered fingers inside of her. God, he was filthy, she loved it. A pussy full of Harry Styles’ cum? A dream. She’d have his fucking baby now if he asked, but frankly she was on the pill. It was surprisingly part of the contract because apparently even Jeff knew Harry liked to fuck raw. 
“Please daddy, please let me cum...” Y/N pleaded, the despair present in her voice. “I’ve been so good for you, p—please daddy it hurts!” She whimpered, despite thoroughly enjoying the pain. It was worse than having an itch you couldn’t scratch. “I want your cock, pretty please!”
“Hm. I want you to cum for me first, baby. Before you can have my cock, I want a mess on my face.” Harry was desperate for it actually. He wanted it all over him and wanted to feel her cum on his fingers. Which he did absolutely begin to thrust in and out of her cunt even faster. It was so hot. Y/N was a moaning mess, literally begging for his cock while he finger fucked her. He could hear how wet she was with every thrust of his fingers, and she was rolling her hips as Harry sucked on her clit over and over again, trying to coax her into orgasm. Y/N felt good. She felt like she was meant to be on his tongue, like his fingers even felt perfectly aligned with her hips, and he knew that she was close. “Cmon baby. Let go for me. I know you want to cum for daddy.”
Y/N whined at his response, huffing and whining as he picked up speed. “Oh fuck— daddy, daddy, daddy, daddy!” It didn’t take long for him to find the perfect rhythm and she swore all the breath left out of her lungs. “Oh my god!” The noise she let out was somewhere between a moan and a scream, her orgasm ripping through her. It was a sight to see. Her back arched off of her bed and legs shook uncontrollably, eyes rolling back from the sheer amount of pleasure that was coursing through her body. “Oh daddy..” She breathed heavily, a smile spreading across her face. She had never felt so good in her life. Y/N tugged I’m his hair, begging him to come up for a kiss. She needed it. She had fallen in love. There was no question about it. After knowing what she knew about him and getting to know him over these four months she had decided that she was in fact in love. She’d never tell.
It was 3 rounds. 3 rounds of hot and heavy and rough sex unlike anything else he had ever done. Harry knew sex wouldn’t ever be the same again. Y/N had ruined him. Completely and utterly ruined his ass and he couldn’t even be mad yet. Y/N was in his arms, underneath the covers. His hand stroked her hair as they spoke quietly about random things. He was relaxed and soft right now and Y/N had him in the perfect situation to get him to talk. Pillow talk was something he was good at. It's easier to be vulnerable when he was sexed out. 
Y/N was messy but in a sexy way. Her hair wild and lips beyond swollen. They’d both need chapstick in the morning, but it was worth it. Her fingers played on his chest and traced his tattoos. Leg over his hip, snuggled right into him. It was unreal. The feeling of euphoria she had just experienced. Three whole rounds of incredible sex that definitely blew everyone else out of the water. She never thought she could connect with anyone like that, but if it would be anyone, it would be Harry. She pressed soft kisses to his warm and somewhat sweaty skin, tracing his tattoos that were still visible in the moonlight that came through the windows of Harry’s room. They never really spoke when they were alone and in private together, she figured now was probably a good time to talk. 
“What are you thinking about right now?” Y/N asked softly, genuinely curious because she had no idea what to think. She knew that she hadn’t been acting all night and that what they just shared was special, but what did that mean for them? Honestly, it was all I’m Harry’s hands.
“Well...” Harry was quiet, finger tangled in her hair. “I’m thinking about how that was really good. And how your legs are going to feel like jello tomorrow.” He let out a gentle laugh. Y/N was very, very good at riding. And taking spankings. “But mainly about how good that was. Never seen someone who was willing to go through it… like actually be as kinky as they said.” It was an upheld promise and it meant a lot to him, even if the premise was kind of dumb in hindsight. “A lot of people talk up a good game but when it comes to fulfilling promises or doing things they’re asked... it’s always bullshit. Overcompensating. It’s annoying.” He ran his hand over her arm. Y/N had given him a new point of view. “Especially in entertainment. People promise a lot and rarely deliver at all. They’ll introduce you to someone or they’ll call you, or they’re very good at x y z and end up being shit. It’s just hard. Everyone in this industry likes to talk big games. I know it’s a little dumb but, was nice to see someone who lived up to their talk. Also... someone who didn’t mind getting their mouth spit into.”
Y/N giggled are his comments, listening closely as he spoke. Lucky for her, his voice was nice and slow, very relaxing and comforting. She kept going back to the thought of her in her room thinking about doing this one day and here she was. This was the most he had ever opened up to her and she definitely wasn’t taking it for granted. It was a special moment, it felt like a breakthrough. Her heart was swelling three times its original sizes, she swore it. 
“It’s not dumb, it makes sense.” Y/N spoke softly, still tracing his tattoos as a form of soothing him. She laughed at his last comment, taking a second to think before speaking. “I know you were a bit apprehensive about letting me into your life, and maybe you still are, but I do appreciate all the time we get to spend together.” Y/N spoke I’m a small voice, almost scared he’d reject her kindness because he usually did. “You’re a really great guy, Harry.” It was like word vomit, she just had to tell him how she felt without scaring him. Tell him that she liked him, a lot.
Harry’s heart tugged hard. Fuck. He hated that he had to be so distant to her. It was better than the beginning but he knew he was getting too close. Tonight he thought he was going to let himself live in the fantasy world he wanted to be in. 
“Thank you.” He smiled at her. God, she was stunning. He could hear the nerves in her voice and he wasn’t going to be the one to crush her right now. He’d wait at least until the morning to remind her that they shouldn’t be doing this and that it was his fault but he couldn’t. Fuck, even the thought made him want to vomit. this felt so right. Y/N was what he wanted but it was that part of him that was so desperately terrified to get close to people that kept speaking from the back of the head that got him every time. “You are too. Far too good.” Realistically he knew Y/N was good, but that deep rooted fear of being used had him holding on to the reins and not willing to let go of his stupid thought that perhaps she just wanted to be famous. There had been no signs. Nothing. Not promoting her bakery any more than normal, not talking to the media. But he was still hesitant. “You’re very nice to me, Y/N. I know sometimes I don’t deserve it but I appreciate it.”
Y/N closed her eyes, listening to his heart beat relax. She had heard it shift, knowing something must have made him nervous and she decided to ignore it for the time being as just listen to what he was saying to her. He was being nice to her, in a Harry in private type of way. 
“I didn’t think you—” She paused herself, something telling her to be careful with her choice of wording. “I thought you didn’t like me for a really long time... I just wanted you to accept me because I know this situation isn’t ideal.” Y/N explained, “I hoped I could help in any way...” God she was back to being nervous all over again, word vomit just spewing out because she was terrified he wouldn’t speak to her again. She didn’t want to be the clingy girl after sex. She had gotten way too ahead of herself thinking that he actually liked her like that.
“Hey... you’re good.” Harry panicked a little, pulling her closer to him. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to make you nervous.” Damn, he hadn’t wanted Y/N scared. He was just trying to articulate. But he was kind of mean to her. “You’ve been perfect. I know dealing with me hasn’t been easy. I’m not the perfect person and it’s hard for me, too. I’m not good with new people. Or trusting them.” It was so much easier letting fans into the sliver of his life because they’d never truly know him. But Y/N was a scary aspect because she would be close. Know all his secrets. And he would be forced to trust her. “I never didn’t like you.” That much was true. “I don’t trust easily. It’s a bit scary when... when the whole world wants something from you. You never know who it is and who is safe. Who will pop up and ask something of you. There’s differences. It takes me a while to decide if someone is okay. And it was hard because you’ve been thrusted right in the hardest part. But I can tell you that you’ve been the best and the only person I think that can deal with me.” She was a saint for how she put up with him.
Y/N felt a little pang in her heart at his words. It was sentimental and maybe she was a baby because she was going to hold on to these words for the rest of her life, but she didn’t care. It would be those words that would get her through the tough days when he was acting super distant or when she was sad in general. 
“It’s okay, I understand. I never expected to just walk into your life and suddenly be your best mate... I guess my point is I’m glad you trust me enough— enough to do all these things with you.” Y/N said quietly, feeling herself already drifting off into sleep. 
“Night night.” She whispered softly, pressing a soft kiss to his chest once again before feeling herself slip off into dream land. The sex had properly tired her out and she needed some rest.
It was weird. Harry got a good night's sleep which was incredibly rare for him. He hadn’t wanted to equate it to the sleepy kitten like girl in his arms but it had to be. 100%. Y/N was snoozing in his arms and it physically pained his chest to get out of bed but he needed some coffee. 
11 am. They’d slept in rather late. Considering they’d been up until probably 4, it made sense though. Now his mind was racing as he started the coffee pot, wondering how he could push Y/N away. He couldn’t become dependent on her. For sleep or sex or affection. Anything. He hadn’t been regretful at all— he loved last night. He wished that his head wasn’t such a mess. But Y/N deserved better than him for a real love. He had trust issues and insecurities and he was a jealous man and the only reason he hadn’t gone out and punched people who hit on her was because he couldn’t. Y/N needed someone emotionally out together. She had a good heart and would probably offer to help him but he needed to tell her it would be better if they just remained distant friends. His thoughts were interrupted by the doorbell— and a slightly embarrassed to be shirtless Harry had to make his way to the door. Thank god he had pulled on sweats.
Y/N woke up shortly after Harry, feeling the warmth missing. Last night was truly incredible and she just hoped to god things stayed okay. Prayed that she didn’t mess things up by sleeping with him. She pouted a bit at the lack of warmth in the bed, but the smell of coffee meant he was most likely downstairs. Aw that’s sweet. She got up and went to pull on his shirt that was laying around from last night, walking down the stairs just as she heard the doorbell ring. 
Huh. That was weird. Was he expecting anyone? Maybe it was Jeff? Regardless, Y/N let her sore legs guide her downstairs only to be met with the sound of a familiar voice. An unwelcome familiar voice. Was it who she thought it was?
Rounding the corner, the identity was confirmed. Kendall fucking Jenner.
[part 5]
A/N: oof 🥵🥵🥵 but also a cliff hanger?? the tension!!! you’re in for a bumpy ride
let us know what you think!
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This weekly roundup includes fics written (at least in part) during the 1k1h sprints and/or the Weekend Writing Marathon events.
Fics are ordered first by fandom, then by word count from smallest to largest.
Back with the Pack by majesticduxk
Haikyuu!! || Bokuto Koutarou/Kuroo Tetsurou, Bokuto/everyone, everyone/everyone || Explicit || No major warnings apply || 5,591 words || WIP
Summary: Bokuto’s pack was the best. He loved all of them enough to not want to drag them down. So, over the course of a few months, he started to cut ties, until all he’s caught out and Kuroo drags him home – to claim him properly.
Other tags: Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Omega Bokuto Koutarou, Alpha Kuroo Tetsurou, Alpha Akaashi Keiji, self sacrificing Bokuto, pack alpha Kuroo
Cookies and Hot Cocoa by wonderfulmax90
Harry Potter || Charlie Weasley/Neville Longbottom || General || Author chooses not to give major warnings || 2,098 words || Complete
Summary: Wherein Charlie and Neville discuss dragons, family and aromanticism
And like the cat I have nine times to die by treefrogie84
Leverage, The Old Guard || Nicky/Joe, Parker/Eliot/Alec || Teen & up || Graphic descriptions of violence || 52,372 words || Complete
Summary: Parker and Eliot are on a date when the TV above the bar announces that Stephen Merrick is dead. Its the how that catches both of them off guard, and splits them apart, scrambling for answers. Eliot runs back to the family he walked out on centuries ago, Parker goes searching for someone else who can do what she can do. And Alec is just confused and bereft, wondering why both his partners disappeared on him.
Other tags: Minor Andy | Andromache of Scythia/Quynh | Noriko, Canon-Typical Violence, Medical Torture, Quynh comes back, none of them should ever be left alone
Not Your Guardian Angel (chapter 1) by tryslora
Original Fiction (Welcome to PHU) || M/F/F (Shane/Pels/Jess) || Teen & up || Author chooses not to give major warnings || 4,081 / 4,081 words || WIP
Summary: Pels is home for spring break, which would be great if this were a house she'd ever lived in before.
Other tags: Magic, College, Guardian Angel, Ghosts, Soulmarks
Not Your Guardian Angel (chapter 2) by tryslora
As Above || 3,256 / 7,337 words || WIP
Summary: Pels needs to waste some time while waiting for Cheyenne. Coffee and conversation make for a surprising way to do it.
When Edom Descends (Remix) - chapter 3 by hermit9
Shadowhunters || Magnus Bane/Alec Lightwood, Alec Lightwood/Jace Wayland, Magnus Bane/Alec Lightwood/Jace Wayland || Explicit || Author chooses not to give major warnings || 17,430 words || WIP
Summary: Magnus kills Jonathan Morganstern during one to one combat in the heart of Alicante. He did it for all the right reasons. Living with the consequences of his choices is another matter.
Other tags: BAMF Magnus Bane, Angst, Assumed Character Death, Possession, Grieving, Malec turning to Malace, Soul Bond, Smut, Happy Ending, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence
Song Remains the Same by treefrogie84
Supernatural || none || General || Author chooses not to give major warnings || 900 words || Complete
Summary: The heaven he deserves. With John and Mary over yonder and Cas... not here and... The heaven he deserves, with his bloody hands and weapons. Cas lied. He really isn't any more than Daddy's blunt instrument, and weapons don't get to rest.
Other tags: Post-Canon, after 15.20, John Winchester's A+ Parenting, Not A Fix-It, mcd aftermath, Afterlife, Hurt No Comfort, Dean Winchester Has Self-Esteem Issues
Sex on the Beach by fpwoper
Supernatural || Dean/Castiel || Explicit || No major warnings apply || 1,085 words || Complete
Summary: Dean has a standing appointment at a random beach with his boyfriend Cas.
Other tags: Beach Sex, Trope Reversal, Caecilian Dean Winchester, Human Castiel, Public Sex, Blowjobs, Double Penetration, Tentacles, consectacles, handjobs, Magic Realism
Loving You by fpwoper
Supernatural || Dean/Cain || Explicit || No major warnings apply || 1,407 words || Complete
Summary: Five times Dean only thinks that he loves Cain, and one time he actually says it out loud.
Other tags: Praise Kink, Soft sex, Established Relationship, Caring Cain, 5+1 Fic,  Dean thinking he loves Cain, vs Dean saying he loves Cain
Looking Out, Looking In by fpwoper
Supernatural || Dean/Benny, Castiel/Jimmy, Dean/Benny/Castiel/Jimmy (implied) || Explicit || No major warnings apply || 1,912 words || Complete
Summary: Dean and Benny are living together in an apartment building, and they quickly realise that some people are better at closing curtains than others…
Other tags: Incest Kink, Voyeurism, Accidental Voyeurism, Cas and Jimmy are twins, Twincest, Polyamory, Frottage, Rutting, Whipping, Bondage, Implied Eventual Foursome
Made In A Hollywood Basement by treefrogie84
Supernatural, Wayward Sisters || Jody Mills/Donna Hanscum || Teen & up || Major Character Death || 1,132 words || Complete
Summary: Jack may have defanged Chuck and put the world back to rights, but there's always another battle brewing. Jody and Donna decide its better to just cut the whole train off at the pass... in November 2005.
Other tags: Post-episode 15.19, preventing one apocalypse and causing another, don't talk to me about the physics of this
The Camp Experience by Im_Tytastic
Teen Wolf || Derek Hale/Jordan Parrish || Teen & up || No major warnings apply || 5,224 words || Complete
Summary: Jordan's first summer camp, and the camp that changed everything.
Other tags: Teenagers, Meeting each other after a long time, Summer Camp, Teen Derek Hale, Teen Jordan Parrish, Teen Derek is cocky and arrogant, Internalized Homophobia, Crushes, Angst, Derek Hale is a Softie, Religious Conflict, Author is not Christian
Have you posted a fic recently?  Any active WWM participant can Submit your fic here by midnight EST Wednesday and it will be included on next Friday’s WWM Fic Roundup post.
14 notes · View notes
shirtlesssammy · 4 years
8x01: We Need to Talk About Kevin
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100-Mile Wilderness, Maine
1 Year Later
A couple is sleeping peacefully in the forest when a bright light fills the sky, waking the woman.
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The couple goes out to investigate when they hear rustling outside. It’s a deer! Close...it’s Dean! He’s looking more like a feral rat than a deer. I would not want to run into someone looking like Dean in the middle of nowhere, that’s for sure. He pulls his gun, asks where the road is, grabs a bag of their stuff, and skedaddles. Yikes. First, for anyone not caught up, let’s all collectively scream what we all thought on our first viewing: Where’s Cas??! Second, who the fuck hikes anywhere, let alone the 100 Mile Wilderness trail with that kind of gear?! Camp chairs? A lantern the size of a dining room chandelier? A tent that’s making Harry Potter quake? Anyway, I lol thinking this is the most unbelievable part of this scene, and not the dude who just got back from Purgatory. 
Clayton, Louisiana
4 Days Later
Cue up Styx “Man in the Wilderness”, and sit back and watch one of my favorite montages. Watching Dean walk down a road never gets old. He walks to a cemetery and digs up a grave. He chants an incantation over some bones, and voilà, he brings back to life a vampire! They embrace.
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Wait, what? 
In Kermit, Texas, Sam’s ditching on a woman AND a dog. He drives to Rufus’s cabin in Montana, where a hiding Dean assaults him with all the monster tests. They both pass, and hug. Sam is shocked. “I guess standing too close to exploding dick, sends your ass straight to Purgatory.” Dean explains the situation with the first dick joke of the season. Sam has further questions, and Dean is vague on the details. Sam also wonders about Cas. Dean shuts down a little more and admits, “Yeah, Cas didn’t make it.” 
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Sam presses the matter. “Something happened to him down there. Things got pretty hairy towards the end, and he... just let go,” Dean adds. So, he admits that Cas let go here, did he alter his memory after this? In any event, Dean’s really broken about it. 
Sam then admits that he got out of the life, tossed all his phones, etc. “Something happened to me this year, too.” Gah, like a complete breakdown and fugue state, but I will reserve my thoughts for my non-existent essay on the state of Sam’s mind when Dean and Cas were in Purgatory. That sends Dean into an anger spiral. (Natasha: LIMES)
He listens to all of Sam’s phone messages --the increasingly desperate and eventually disillusioned pleas for help from Kevin. 
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He was their responsibility, and Sam just ditched him. Uh, because he was in complete mental failure! Sam hears something in the background of the last message and is able to isolate the sound to a bus station. They track him to Michigan, where his girlfriend, Channing, is attending college. 
Once at the motel, Dean sees two boys playing with their toy guns, which sends him into a memory spiral. He’s chasing a vamp in Purgatory and eventually catches him. “Where’s the angel?”
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WhEreS tHe aNgEl?
W H E R E ‘ S  T H E  A N G E L?
(Don’t touch me.)
“You’re him. The human.” 
Like, excuse me? The monsters are all meeting up talking about the human wandering around Purgatory looking for that angel? LIKE PLEASE. No, please STOp. I can’t take it, even after all these years. 
Anyway, Dean keeps demanding to know where that goddamned angel is. The vamp refuses to say so Mr. Dramatic lops his head off set to a very elegant camera angle. 
Another monster attacks but Dean’s too far from his machete. Then ANOTHER monster attacks THAT monster. Spoiler: IT’S BENNY! 
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Later, in the motel, Dean suggests moving on, but Sam thinks he should get some rest. Dean goes into another anger spiral --probably because he couldn’t sleep for a year and all Sam did was sleep due to his complete breakdown. Sam trying to ignore that he didn’t have control of his world isn’t helping him with Dean. Sam found “a girl.” Well, actually, she was a fully grown woman, but go on… Listen, I don't like the Amelia stuff as much as the next person, so I have a very elaborate headcanon of Sam’s mental break and the symbolic fantasy world he created while he barely existed at the cabin. 
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Anyway, Sam asks Dean what Purgatory was like. “It was bloody. Messy. 31 flavors of bottom-dwelling nasties. Hell, most days felt like 360-degree combat. But there was something about being there.”
“It felt pure.”
It fElT PuRe
I T  F E L T  P U R E
Flashback to Purgatory, where Dean’s life is still saved by Benny, the vampire. Dean threatens to shiv him up the ass so...every friendship needs to start somewhere? The vampire knows an escape hatch out of Purgatory! But it’s only for humans. He’ll show him the portal as long as Dean smuggles his soul out of Purgatory. 
The first rule of Purgatory is you can’t trust anyone. Dean doesn’t trust Benny - not an inch. But he does need allies. He tells Benny that he’ll agree to that tenuous deal as long as they find “the angel” first.
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At a college, the Winchesters interview Channing. She hasn’t heard a word from Kevin and furthermore, would spurn his love forever now that he’s no longer going to Princeton. Ouch! After they leave, Channing’s eyes go black and she slices her roommate's throat so she can make a phone call. DOUBLE OUCH! She reports that Kevin still hasn’t gotten in touch with her, but Dean Winchester is back.
Trying to get some work done amongst the students, Sam experiences his own mournful flashback. He hit a dog! He shouted at veterinary hospital employees! Damn it, this is an animal hospital!!! I hand you a bloody dog, you fix! Shouting helps things happen! 
Sam bby.
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Dean arrives with a burger in hand, reunited with one of the loves of his life at least. Sam reports that he’s tracked Kevin to Iowa.
At a run down church in Iowa, the Winchesters pay a house call. Kevin immediately confronts them with a Borax-loaded supersoaker. Once he figures out they’re human, Kevin gives them the tour of his new digs. He’s learned how to ward against demons. And then while explaining his recent past, Kevin has his own flashback! Everyone gets one! 
In Kevin’s flashback, he’s been captured by Crowley who sits him down to work on another tablet. A DEMON tablet! Dun dun DUN! Kevin mines its secrets and tells Crowley that there’s a hell gate in Wisconsin. (Made out of cheese?) Demons gather ingredients for him and Kevin gets to have a MONTAGE of preparing a spell to open the gate. Only…
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...Kevin was hoodwinking the demons the whole time. 
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He’d found a demon bomb recipe and blasts away his guards while Crowley waits on a distant Wisconsin farm. 
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Back in the present, Kevin’s stowed the tablet somewhere safe but before he did that, he made sure to memorize one more important spell from the tablet: a spell to close the gates of Hell...FOREVER. 
Dean and Sam head outside to the...second story church deck?...to chat. Sam’s disappointed that Kevin seems further into the hunting life than before. Dean’s proud of the kid - “he’s in it whether he likes it or not.” Oof. Dean, your Winchester is showing.
Sam heads down to the candle-lit church. He apologizes to Kevin for bugging out on him - and on everything hunting related. It’s definitely staged like a confession.
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Kevin admits that he’s perturbed when he really stops and thinks about his life, post-prophet-revelation. Sam assures him that “it gets better.” Hmm RLY? Sam’s an optimist, and continues: if they can banish all the demons, Kevin might actually be free to live a good life. BRB weeping and shouting angrily at this show!
In Sam’s hazy flashback, he waits anxiously for the news from the vet. She reports that his dog will be okay. Sam corrects her - the dog isn’t his! She double barrel blasts him with sarcasm, implying that if he doesn’t take care of the dog he hit then he’s the worst person in the world. Which. Okay. I generally don’t mind Amelia though I think she demonstrably has terrible luck picking stable, healthy relationships. But this scene always has me rolling my eyes. It’s so normal to foist a dog on a stranger! Everyone has the means and time to care for a dog, not to mention a dog who has been seriously injured! A vet would not do this! Amelia, plz. 
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Amelia puppy dog eyes Sam, and he’s toast. He’s spent so many years working on his offensive puppy eyed tactics, he never thought to work on his defense!
The church begins to shake and wood splits apart Kevin’s devil’s traps. A couple of demons arrive, armed with more swagger than weaponry. There’s a zappy flashy kicky fight and then Crowley and Channing arrive. Crowley demands the tablet for Channing’s life. He flashes Channing back into control for a moment as proof of life. Kevin offers himself up in exchange for Channing’s freedom and heads off to “pack up.” Then Kevin lures Crowley and Channing to a holy water trap.
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As they’re being doused, the Winchesters and Kevin escape. While they drive away, Crowley orders the demon out of Channing and then kills her. Oof. 
Later, Dean gets a phone call as they stop for gas and snacks, and then passes it off as a wrong number. Kevin passes on donuts and beef jerky. He just saw his girlfriend die and that doesn’t lend itself well to gas station snacks. 
Dean offers up words of Winchester Solace™. “You’re in it now. Whether you like it or not you do what you gotta do.” Good talk, Dean! 
On Dean’s pee break, he furtively places a phone call. It’s Benny, the vampire from earlier! He’s lurking on the edges of a funeral in a not-at-all-suspicious way. He figured out cell phones! But not fashion.
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Dean tells him that they shouldn’t talk for a while since they’re both adjusting to life. Benny wistfully tells Dean that Purgatory WAS pure and he should have appreciated it more while he was there. They both admonish each other to be good (and presumably not go on a murderous rampage). Good talk!
We made it, brother
I don't know whether to give you a hug or take a shower
Nothing says "family" quite like the whole family being dead
Where’s the angel?
Hey, the rules are simple, Sam. You don't take a joint from a guy named Don, and there's no dogs in the car!
So you're looking for a soul train
There's a demon in you, and you're going to your safety school
Want to read more? Check out our Recap Archive! 
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daddiesdrarryy · 6 years
Treacle Tart - Drarry
Summary: Draco is a single writer who lives alone with his cat, his life was still normal until a new neighbour moved in with a dog.And Hermione finally admit that Pansy is brilliant. Or a tale of a dog, a cat, and a wicked witch who likes to matchmake.
Word count: 1225
Read here on ao3
“Treacle, what happened to you?” Draco quickly dropped everything he was doing and ran to his cat on the window, she was shaking and her hair indicated that she just had an awful experience. Her fur also has some dirt on. Draco suddenly felt protective and he knew exactly where to go, so he carried his cat into his arms and walked out of his house. He marched through the empty street and to the house opposite to him.
This was supposed to be a peaceful suburban neighbourhood, but no, this house’s dog has been harassing his cat for more than a week, since they moved here. Treacle always arrived home in a filthy state, so Draco had to run a bath for her every time. He kissed Treacle’s forehead and walked to the big house, they had a red door and their lawn was not mown well, it was dirty and looked like they never cleaned it up. His lips formed a disgusting frown and he knocked twice on the red door, looking down on his white Persian cat.
The door opened to reveal a man, probably his age, he was only wearing a grey joggers and the waistband was a bit low, Draco’s eyes went up and down on his body, he was muscular and looked hot, to be fair. The other man was wearing a pair of glasses that was really out of style, his jawline was so sharp Draco thought he could cut his finger just by touching it. His hair was a huge black mess, birds could make a nest in it. But when his cat meowed suddenly, he remembered why he was here. Draco cleared his throat and looked at the opposite man
“Hello, sorry for bothering you but your dog has been bothering my cat everyday since you moved here. So would you pleas-…”
“Who are you?” The other man asked and then yawn, not covering his mouth, Draco was taken aback by his crude behaviour
“I am your next door neighbour, I’m Draco, Draco Malfoy. But it’s not why I’m here, I’m here because my ca-…”
“I’m Harry, Harry Potter” The guy, Harry, spoke and Draco blinked at him
“And I don’t care” Draco rolled his eyes and Harry chuckled “The point is, my ca-…”
“That’s your cat? I thought it was just a stray cat who often come into my house and eat my dog’s food”
“I beg your pardon?” Draco asked and then looked down at his cat, Treacle purred and stayed still in his arms
“Yeah, she always come into my house in the morning and then play with my dog on my lawn” Harry turned to his right and whistled “Tart, you have company”
The big Golden Retriever came running up to Harry and licked his face, Draco frowned. Who would name his dog Tart?
“Yeah?” Harry let his dog down and leaned on the door “They like each other a lot. What’s her name?”
“Er, Treacle” Draco said and looked down at the dog, who was clearly excited to see Treacle
“Oh, so Treacle Tart”
“Excuse me?”
“Her name is Treacle, and this little guy here is Tart. So, Treacle Tart. What a coincidence, right?” Harry grinned and Draco blinked again
“Yeah, sure” Draco stepped back and decided that he had better leave, he nodded at Harry and proceeded to turned around but a voice stopped him
“Wait” Harry called and he sighed, turning around again
“I-…do you want to go in and have some drinks?” Harry asked and he looked back at his house
“It’s 10am” He stated and the guy shrugged
“I know”
“I have work to do” Draco politely came up with excuses to leave before he started getting thirsty after looking at Harry too much
“It’s a Sunday, what do you do?”
“I-…I’m a writer” Draco was startled by his cat when she squirmed and jumped off Draco’s arms to get down with Harry’s dog
“See? They are having fun” Harry gestured to both of their pets playing on the ground and grinned “So, what do you write?”
“Romance novels” He said bluntly
“Cool, can I read it?” Draco was taken aback the second time
“It’s…they, they are gay” He mumbled and Harry stared at him
“Cool, can I read it?”
Draco arched an eyebrow at Harry and the man chuckled
“I’m serious” He crossed his arms over his bare chest and smiled “I really want you to come in and have a drink”
“I-...” He hesitated. When was the last time he ever got into a guy’s house for a ‘drink’? Pansy’s voice yelled in his ear ‘Just get in, dumbass’, she was his best friend and often suggested that he should get laid soon or else he would die of old age and probably died on his table while writing another novel “I’m really busy” He declined. Pansy was going to kill him
“Oh” He could actually see a small frown on Harry’s lips, but the man continued “So are you free tonight?”
“I…I guess” Pansy had asked him to go with her and her girlfriend to the theatre tonight, he had said no but she insisted, he really didn’t want to be a third wheel
“Great, it’s a date” Harry smiled brightly and Draco stuttered
“Wait what?”
“I’ll pick you up at 7. My friend and his boyfriend can take care of our pets. I still have to get to the station for a few hours since there’s a big case going” Harry gestured enthusiastically
“You’re a police officer?”
“A detective, yeah” He smiled and bent down to ruffled his dog’s head “I’ll see you at 7”
Draco blinked, again, and bent down to pick his cat up, he stepped back and turned around, walking back to his house, he looked back and saw Harry waving and smiling at him, he blushed and turned back. Only then did he realise he was wearing his black bath robes and his grey pyjamas pants, he blushed deeper and strolled quickly back to his house, he got in and slammed the door hard, he leaned his back against the door and looked up at the ceiling, sighing deeply.
“Meow?” His cat mewled and Draco looked down
“A date” He said and Treacle casually sauntered away “A date” Draco repeated and couldn’t help smiling. He got a date with probably the hottest detective here because of his cat. He has to call Pansy immediately.
“Uhuh, so he asked you on a date?” Pansy nodded “That’s amazing, you haven’t got laid for like…forever” She snorted at Draco’s comeback “Alright then, Hermione and I will be alright for tonight, yeah…bye honey” She hanged up her phone and put it on the table
“Hey” Hermione smiled and gave her a cup of coffee
“Hey, where’s Harry?” Pansy leaned back on the couch and called Tart into her lap, the dog buried his nose under Pansy’s hand so she would pet him, she snorted
“In his bedroom, freaking out about what to wear tonight” Hermione smiled and sipped on her coffee
“Hmm, told you Draco would like him” She smirked
“Yeah yeah, you won, I lost, whatever” Hermione laughed and Pansy kissed her on her plum lips. When was she ever wrong anyway?
The End.
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uglypastels · 6 years
Writing Challenge!!
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Writing challenges are always so fun to do, so I decided to make one myself for a change. It’s also almost (not really) my birthday and I want to celebrate!!
It’s that time of the year again where it is cold outside, the leaves are falling off the trees, you just want to curl up under a blanket with a cup of hot chocolate and watch a movie... Or is that just me? 
Anyway, I love watching a good movie, or even a bad one sometimes.
This is why in this challenge, all prompts are quotes from movies! 
Rules are pretty basic, I’m not fussy about anything.  (prompts > “Keep Reading”)
You don’t have to be following me, but it would be nice of you, of course, if you did
Reblog this post to join and/or spread the word
Send me an ask wherein you choose a prompt 
Make sure you have a possible back-up if the said prompt is already taken
Preferably, I would like to have one story per prompt, but just in case anyone is really set on a prompt that has already been chosen, or if somehow by miracle every prompt is picked and more people want to join, each prompt will have two slots. (so one regular, one “emergency” slot)
All prompts are movie quotes, but your story doesn’t have to be based on the movie itself or have anything to do with the movie. Interpret the quote any way you want.
I would like to call myself a multifandom blog, but who am I kidding. I’m MARVEL’s bitch. 
Write about any MARVEL character/ actor (+ the Hollands/Harrison) you want but
if you want to do a different fandom, you are more than welcome!
Just don’t forget to tell me in your prompt request who you will be writing for.  
Fluff, angst, smut ... everything is allowed - just make sure to tag it.
NO UNDERAGE SMUT! Just don’t be gross, in general 
No, first person, but other perspectives are good to go
Any length of writing is good, but if it is longer than 500 words, make sure to use the “Keep Reading” option.
so the story can be a one-shot, two shot, a series < including a part of a series you already have going on.
When you post it, make sure to tag me and use the tag: 
#Z’s Movie Night Challenge
FOR AN EXTRA CHALLENGE (or if you just can’t pick): hmu with an ask telling me and I will pick for you! But do still mention who you will be writing for then.
Deadline is my birthday - December 18th! 
I will be making a masterlist of all the submissions
I think that’s it. Any more question? DM me or ask
(way too many) Prompts, but at least nobody can complain there is nothing to chose from: 
“I love you.” // “I know.” Star Wars, Episode V: Empire Strikes Back (@andwhatdostarsdobest w/ Tom Holland)
“Frankly, my dear, I don’t give a damn.” Gone With the Wind  ( @procrastinatingparker w/ Tom Holland) 
“After all, tomorrow is another day!” Gone With the Wind
“Go ahead, make my day.” Sudden Impact
“Here’s looking at you, kid,” Casablanca
“I think this is the start of a beautiful friendship.” Casablanca
“Of all the (gin joints) in all the towns in all the world, she walks into mine.” Casablanca ( @butwhyduh w/ Avengers cast)
“We’ll always have Paris.” Casablanca
“I’m going to make him an offer he can’t refuse.” the Godfather
“Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer.” the Godfather: Part II ( @sunsetspidey w/ Tom Holland)
“Just when I thought I was out, (they) pull me back in.” Godfather: Part III ( @sleepwalkingdragon w/ Harrison Osterfield on hold)
“You talkin’ to me?” Taxi Driver
“Fasten your seatbelts. It’s going to be a bumpy night.” All About Eve
“Love means never having to say you’re sorry.” Love Story ( @rainbow-marvel w/ Tom Holland)
“Forget everything you think you know.” Doctor Strange
“Pain is an old friend.” Doctor Strange ( @theamazingspiderlingg w/ Tom Holland)
“What we’ve got here is a failure to communicate.” Cool Hand Luke ( @scholarlyspidey )
“What is it?” // “The stuff that dreams are made off.΅ the Maltese Falcon
“Alright, (Mr. DeMille), I’m ready for my close-up.” Sunset Boulevard
“There is no place like home.” Wizard of Oz ( @peterrrparkour w/ Tom Holland)
“I love the smell of (napalm) in the morning.” Apocalypse Now
“Show me the money!” Jerry Maguire
“You had me at ‘hello’.” Jerry Maguire ( @anxiety-in-a-getaway-car w/ Sebastian Stan)
“You complete me.” Jerry Maguire
“Why don’t you come up sometime and see me?” She Done Him Wrong
“Hey, I’m walking here!” Midnight Cowboy
“I want to be alone.” Grand Hotel ( @aw-hawkeye w/ Tom Holland)
“You can’t handle the truth!” A Few Good Men
“I’ll have what she’s having.” When Harry Met Sally ( @sleepwalkingdragon w/ Harrison Osterfield)
"When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible." When Harry Met Sally (@somethingtoavenge  w/ Bucky Barnes)
“I’ll be back.” Terminator
“Hasta la vista, baby.” Terminator 2: Judgement Day.
“Today, I consider myself the luckiest man on the face of the earth.” The Pride of the Yankees
“We rob banks.” Bonnie and Clyde
“Well, nobody’s perfect.” Some Like it Hot
“Houston, we have a problem.” Apollo 13
“I could do this all day.” Captain America: The First Avenger/ Civil War
“We’re still friends, right?” Captain America: Civil War ( @starksparker w/ Tom Holland)
“Have you been playing Space Invaders? Because you’re invading my space!” Pixels ( @cas-backwards-tie w/ Peter Parker)
“Well, a boy’s best friend is his mother.” Psycho
“Well here’s another nice mess you’ve gotten me into!” Sons of the Desert
“Say hello to my little friend.” Scarface
“(Mrs. Robinson) You’re trying to seduce me. Aren’t you?” the Graduate
“What a dump.” Beyond the Forest
“Is it safe?” Marathon Man
"Wait a minute, wait a minute. You ain't heard nothin' yet!" the Jazz Singer
“I have always depended on the kindness of strangers.” A Streetcar Named Desire
“Hello, gorgeous.” Funny Girl
“Surely you can’t be serious?” // “I am serious. And don’t call me Shirley.” Airplane!
“My precious.” Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
"Listen to me, mister. You're my knight in shining armor. Don't you forget it? You're going to get back on that horse, and I'm going to be right behind you, holding on tight, and away we're gonna go, go, go!"  On Golden Pond ( @musiclover1263 w/ Peter Parker)
"Carpe diem. Seize the day(, boys). Make your live(s) extraordinary." Dead Poet Society.
“I’m the king of the world!” Titanic
“I’ll never let go, (Jack).” Titanic ( @spider-puck w/ Spideychelle)
“You make me want to be a better man.” As Good as it Gets ( @thewackywriter w/ mob!Tom Holland)
“As if!” Clueless ( @fratboievans w/ Peter Parker)
“They’re here!” Poltergeist
“We know each other. He’s a friend from work.” Thor: Ragnarok
“Gentlemen, you can’t fight in here! (This is the War Room.)” Dr. Strangelove
“I wish I knew how to quit you!” Brokeback Mountain ( @petersshirts w/ Tom Holland) 
“I’m not bad. I’m just (drawn) that way.” Who Framed Roger Rabbit (@lovelymalira w/ Bucky Barnes)
“Why so serious?” the Dark Knight
“Magic Mirror on the wall, who’s the fairest one of all.” Snow White and the Seven Dwarves ( @thequeensardine w/ Harrison Osterfield)
“.... I dare you. I double dare you.” Pulp Fiction ( @hollandofthefree w/ Tom Holland)
“Look I probably should have told you this before but you see... well... insanity runs in my family... It practically gallops.” Arsenic and Old Lace
“It’s just a flesh wound.” Monty Python and the Holy Grail ( @sarahwritesfiction  w/ Steve Rogers)
“He might be okay….Well, no, probably not now.” Groundhog Day
“Life’s a bitch; now so am I.” Batman Returns ( @idontknowhowtowritesosorry w/ Shawn Mendes)
“That rug really tied to room together, did it not?” The Big Lebowski
“No, it’s a cardigan, but thanks for noticing.” Dumb and Dumber
“Is that all he said?” Lost in Translation
“Excuse me, I believe you have my stapler.” Office Space ( @totallytomholland w/ Peter Parker)
“You wanna come over?” // “No, thanks. I don’t want you fucking up my life, too.” Office Space (@mobtomsgirl w/ Tom Holland)
“Okay, sounds like a case of the Mondays.” Office Space
“And suddenly, I felt nothing.” Fight Club ( @brokennccrown w/ Steve Rogers)
“You can tell a lot about a person by what’s on their playlist.” Begin Again
“(Veronica), you look like hell.” // “Yeah, I just got back.” Heathers ( @peter-is-the-best-avenger w/ Peter Parker or Tom Holland)
“Lick it up, baby. Lick it up.” Heathers
“But… I guess if I love you, I should let you move on.” 17 Again
“I want my life to be like an 80’s movie.” Easy A
“What makes life so hard?” // “People.” An Affair to Remember
“Have you ever been in love?” // “I think so.” Love, Simon (@fandomscombine w/ Peter Parker)
“I don’t wanna go.” Avengers: Infinity War (@fantasyizlife w/ Tom Holland)
“I don’t want another single pop culture reference out of you for the rest of the trip. You understand?” Avengers: Infinity War
“I am going to die surrounded by the biggest idiots in the galaxy.” Guardians of the Galaxy ( @fantasyizlife w/ Shawn Mendes)
“You actually were telling the truth?” // “I do that quite a lot, yet people are always surprised.” Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest ( @fantasyizlife w/ Harrison Osterfield)
“I have what they call an unattractive face.” Gainsbourg: A Heroic Life
“Oh, somebody, stop me!” The Mask
“I didn’t come here to tell you I can’t live without you. I can live without you. I just don’t want to.” Rumor Has It ( @marcymakemagic w/ Peter Parker)
“Are you always this cocky?” // “Only on Tuesdays… and whenever beautiful women are involved.” // “So, you think I’m beautiful?” // “Actually… it’s Tuesday.” the Three Musketeers  ( @tomhollanders2013 w/ Tom Holland)
“I’m going to be a lady if it kills me.” Dinner at Eight
“Prove it…” Shane
“I’m sorry, (Dave). I’m afraid I can’t do that.” 2001: A Space Odyssey
“Kiss my hot lips.” M*A*S*H*
“You have my sympathies.” Alien
“Get away from her, (you bitch)!” Aliens
“You can be my wingman anytime.” Top Gun
“Have you ever danced with the devil by the pale moonlight?” Batman
“Love your suit.” The silence of the Lambs
“Quid pro quo.” (= A favor for a favor) The Silence of the Lambs
“Always.” Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part II ( @peter-parker-life w/ Tom Holland)
Good luck, have fun! 
Tagging some peeps to spread the word because this is one thing I don’t want to die:
@tomhiddleston-is-myboo @tonyintexas @andwhatdostarsdobest @tomsfireheart @spinneret-holland @rainbow-marvel  @lovelyh0lland @de-lir-i-ous @peter-parker-life @tomhollanders2013 @tomhollandthirst @lifeisabitchandsoareyou @darlingtholland @sweet-pea-imagines @anxiety-in-a-getaway-car @manhoeparker @h-osterfield  @positiveparker @casuallytumblingdownthestairs @justmesadgirl @fandomscombine @tom-holland-and-textposts @my-current-obsessions-hehe (Sorry to bother anyone.)
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fk12b · 6 years
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Jack Kline x Reader
This was requested by my awesome friend @beccollie18 :
Can I request a Jack Kline x Reader one shot? Where the Winchesters and Jack and Cas go on a witch hunt and Jack is hit with a love potion and falls for reader? Reader is freaked out and runs from her feelings and Jack does cute fluffy things to win her over? Could you also put Lucifer there trying to give Jack advice and puts reader in awkward situations with him. Could you include Winchester teasing and marriage proposal? 172-174, 237, 242, 213, 207, 196, 194, 193 prompts? Fluff and light smut    
A/N: This was awesome! I was planning to do a Jack fluff but had no ideas. So, your prayers were heard. So instead of Lucifer giving awkward bits of advice, That will be Cassie’s Job for today.
A/N/N: Anyone who’s willing to have a oneshot where Loofer gives/receives awkward pieces of advice can send me a request. As always I’ll use a song (you know me). Hope Y'all enjoy this and remember I love you.
Main characters: Team Free Will 2.0, Rowena
172 - “Let me love you”
174 - “Will you marry me?”
237 - “She’s hiding behind the sofa”
242 - “Don’t call me ‘princess’, asshole”
213 - “She said shut up to me”
207 - “You little shit!”
196 - “Shush, music first, then books and … maybe at the end… you”
194 - “Who dares to interrupt me when I’ve got my headphones on?”
193 - “Hey, beautiful”
Warnings: A lot of panicking. Adorable little nougat boy, Cas being Cas, light smut (If what I wrote could be considered that, sorry if you were expecting something different. Let’s say they are sexy times), the Winchesters being lovely,  and tons of fluffy fluff (someday I’ll make serious warnings but that day isn’t today. Sorry not sorry)
Word Count: 4684 Words (as long as fuck)
Based on these songs -> Bed Of Roses - Bon Jovi & When I look into your eyes- Firehouse
Drink it. Drink it and all your dreams will come true.
A sweet voice said from behind the Nephilim, who was observing intently the elaborated thin crystal coup with an amber liquid, feeling the sudden need to reach for it. The witch materialized herself in front of him taking the form of Jack’s beloved one. Y/N. She delicately reached for the coup and holding it in her beautiful hands she drew near him.
You know you want this. Us.
The whisper was like the singing of a mermaid. Once you heard it, irrepressible. He couldn’t help but cautiously take the beverage from her. Sweet apple essence. Your perfume. Your essentia clouding his senses instantly. The sight of you clouding his mind.
Drink. And we can love each other forevermore.
It was almost unbearable for him. It was so wrong. But the thought of being away from you was taking over him to the point that it made his heart broke. He knew you didn’t love him, right? But, what if? Your figure cupped his face with those hands making him look into those mesmerizing Y/E/C eyes. Hypnotic.
Don’t be scared. The answer is in your heart.
He could die now and be happy forever and one knowing the last thing he saw was you, even though it was an illusion created by a witch. Jack gripped so tightly the coup that the witch thought it would break into pieces, however, he lifted the cup to his lips what made the witch smirk and he downed the love potion as Dean would down a whiskey shot.
The Winchesters along with Castiel and Rowena came rushing to the room, yet, it was late, the damage was all done. The witch turned around when she heard the door being open furiously, retrieving her original form.
“Jack no!“ The angel and Rowena shouted in an attempt to make the kid wake up from his trance but the Nephilim wouldn’t focus, he was blinking as if he would pass out at any second.
A loud bang was heard making Jack regaining consciousness, letting go of the coup only to be shattered into shards, and the witch fall to the floor with a loud thud. A second passed and the witch turned into dust along with the witch killing bullet. The brothers never saw something like this before.
“What was that?” Dean asked Rowena who was currently examining this witch’s grimoire while Cas rushed to Jack’s side.
“A potions witch, they are very rare and extremely powerful” The redhead explained “They gain their powers and immortality through potions. The immortality potion is a really complex one. This potion turns a human into dust, and for that, you have to die, but, to be still alive you need another potion called Angelus Anathema, in other words, the curse of the angel. A beverage made of demon blood, angel grace, and human souls. Anyway, they are not very immortal because you can kill them with a demon knife, angel blade or witch killing bullets or just steal the potion that keeps them alive.” Saying this in a snap of her fingers sent the books to a safe place in the Bunker.
“So they are like the Borrowers but they keep their existence to the potions because they aren’t powerful enough to cast spells?” The younger Winchester wondered.
“Exactly” Rowena nodded walking up to the Nephilim “But the question here is why are you still alive” She wondered cupping Jack’s face with her hands looking intently into his eyes.
“What do you mean,” Castiel asked frowning and concerned
“What Jack drank wasn’t a usual potion it was a powerful love potion” Rowena clarified placing both index fingers in the kid's temples.
“A love potion? Like the... Amortentia” Sam said making Dean throw at him a bitchface.
“Really? Harry Potter? Now?” His brother said annoyed.
“Guys!” Castiel spoke calmly “I learn that this potion is dangerous, why is that so?” He looked at Jack, panic taking over his body.
“It’s extremely dangerous because it’s made of Djinn’s blood, that’s what gives its amber or blue color. How do you feel sweetie pie?” The witch asked sweetly to the Nephilim.
“I’m” He frowned thinking for a moment “Fine. Overwhelmed but fine. Is it bad?”
“Considering that anyone who drinks this potion dies instantly, is not that bad” She smiled “You are very fortunate. There’s no escape from this potion”
“There’s no escape?” Dean asked
“No. There’s no escape from its sleep unless the person it made you fell for returns your love” Rowena explained
“Doesn’t seem that difficult” Sam commented
“No. Considering that this beloved one has to be your soulmate, it’s not that difficult no” The redhead commented with heavy sarcasm. “So, tell me, Jack. Who did you see?” Jack smiled sweetly.
“Y/N” He whispered sweetly making everyone in the room gasp.
“Today is your lucky day kid!” They all commented with one voice “I suggest buying lottery tickets. Hell no! You must buy lottery tickets!” Dean added exiting the room to head to the Impala.
“I thought you knew me better than to interrupt me when I’m watching the best show you have, Netflix,” You said out loud pressing the continue button harshly.
You were currently catching up with some of your favorites shows, you had so many that most of them were in their third season, as you had to sit this hunt out, due to some broken ribs in a not so sweet fight with a son of a witch. So despite your argument with Deano, saying that you could go on a hunt with no problem, he claimed that you should fully recover before going on another one again. As if you didn’t hunt with a broken arm or ribs before.
You heard the metal door of the Bunker being opened and instantly you knew that your boys were back safe and sound. As soon as you turned off the TV, you clearly heard a loud Princess I’m home from Jack making your eyes go wide. It couldn’t be possible, for some strange reason that nickname made you panic and look for a place to hide. Brilliant idea.
It was obvious, even for a blind one, that you love each other deeply. Well, It was crystal clear that you love him, but he was a Nephilim. Not that you minded. You were sure if things weren’t like that, he being a powerful being and you a stupid human, he’ll love you back. But life wasn’t so easy, and sure Karma didn’t leave you alone always making you fall for him every day more and more. There isn’t a chance that you two could be together. But you couldn’t hate him either. No, you couldn’t. So yeah, you were angry with him for being so cute and adorable as hell.
“Princess? Where are you?” There he was. In the living room doorframe. OH Chuck, if you could you’ll run to him and hug him tight and kiss him.
He took a look inside the room but saw no sight of you and frowned. Turning his head to look at Sam who placed an arm around his shoulders and chuckled.
“She’s hiding behind the sofa, Jack” He saw how the young Nephilim’s face lightened up with happiness and something more he couldn't quite pinpoint.
“Fuck” you muttered to yourself. Busted. You thought and as if it were a magic trick you stood up from the floor with a jump and a sweet smile.
“Princess!” Jack cheered as he opened his arms and in two long strides he hugged you tightly as if his life depended on it. You awkwardly patted his back and felt a fluffy touch on your left arm. Widening your eyes again you realized it was the feathers of his wings. It only meant one thing, and it made you panic even more. “I missed you, princess,” He said again.
“Don’t call me ‘princess’, asshole” You said grabbing him by his shoulders to move him away from you.
If there was something you hated more than anything was someone calling you princess. You knew damn well you weren’t one. And furrowing your eyebrows you left the Bunker’s living room and headed to the library. Jack turned to look at Sam who was chuckling softly.
“I thought girls liked to be called princess” the Nephilim wondered frowning.
“Well, this princess of the night doesn’t like to be called that” Sam gave him a soft smile.
They both heard you shout ‘I’m not a princess!’ angrily making the young Winchester laugh. You weren’t going to admit that your heart skipped a beat when Jack called for you as soon as he placed a foot on the bunker by calling you ‘princess’.
Later that day...
You were relaxing, reading one of the so many interesting books in the library listening to the best collection of heavy metal classics. Sitting next to you was the Nephilim talking with the brothers, his father Castiel and Rowena, who had a soft spot on him but wouldn’t admit.
“You should tell her how you feel, Jack” Sam commented taking a sip of his beer and typing on his laptop.
“Wait, she isn’t hearing our conversation, right?” Dean asked turning to look at you.
“No, I can hear Holocaust from here!” Sam clarified throwing a bitchface to no one in particular.
“Really?” his brother wondered in awe.
“What is Holocaust?” Jack asked the older Winchester frowning “That sounds terrible!”
“Well, better than what you should ask who are they” Rowena spoke not tearing her eyes from one of the grimoires she borrowed from the witch as she turned another page.
“They are a Scottish heavy metal band founded in 1977 and based in Edinburgh” Castiel answered Jack nonchalantly making all of them turn to him. “Y/N told me yesterday because I asked the same question”
“Guys, we are going around the bush, Jack, just listen to me” The witch closed the book and put it away. “You need patience with her. She might seem tough on the outside, but she is as soft as she is difficult to get through. You just have to find ways to demonstrate her how much you love her” Jack blinked trying to absorb the amount of information he just received and then nodded in understanding.
“Dean always tells me to be direct with my feels” Castiel explained tilting his head.
“Just, tell her you love her, already!” Dean grunted finishing his beer.
The Nephilim turned in his chair to face you. You were truly beautiful. But he didn’t love you just for your looks. He loved you because of your heart. You were the first one in helping him anytime he had a problem and a really good listener, so for him, it was impossible not to love you. You’ve really been nice to him since the very first second he met you and the sight of you and your cheerfulness was so contagious, that it always made him smile. So, feeling sudden confidence, he pulled your earbuds out of your ears, making all of them go wide-eyed while they shouted ‘Jack no!’. Castiel gulped hard, feeling your anger levels rising very quickly.
“Who dares to interrupt me when I’ve got my headphones on?!” You couldn’t help but snap at whoever did that. Everyone in the Bunker new not to disturb you when you were listening to music because, well, you’ll be ‘a little grumpy’ instead. “Just in the best damn part!” you continued ranting harshly turning to face the cause of such misfortune.
“You’ve released the Krakken, man” Dean joked to mask his fear, earning a bitchface from his brother. He knew better than to do such a thing.
Jack was staring at you dumbfounded and in fear with your headphones still in hand. However, when you saw it was only Jack, you softened your factions and instantly regretted snapping at him. Shit, he’ll hate me now.
“Sorry” You apologized softly clearing your throat “D-did you want something?” Jack could only shake his head no, he was still frozen. “Okay. Just don’t do that again, please” Placing a comforting hand on his shoulder and kissing his cheek with a noisy kiss, making him relax instantly, you stood up retiring to your room, leaving a smiley Nephilim behind with a hand were your lips were moments before.
“He tamed the beast” Both brothers whispered together not believing their eyes.
The morning two days later after this...
You were sitting in the back seat of the Impala between Castiel and Jack, scrolling down your phone looking for some info, while you five headed to another hunt. You slowly looked up from it and turned your head only to find the cute Nephilim staring intently at you.
"Hi," He said raising a hand waving at you with a smile on his face. He crossed the line of awkward you thought. You found it really cute but you weren’t going to admit it.
"Um... hello, Jack" you awkwardly raised your hand waving a little bit your fingers not knowing where to look. As you leaned forward to turn up the volume of the radio as it was AC/DC on it, you whispered to the brothers what was wrong with him. Sam just shrugged and Dean started to sing along the lyrics of ‘Thunderstruck’ but didn't quite pay attention to him because you were trying to understand was being said behind you.
"Jack stop" Castiel whispered to him
"But did you see it?!" He whispered back.
"What did I miss?" You asked looking at Cas who was just facepalming and pinching the bridge of his nose.
"Nothing really important" Cas commented with a wave of his free hand.
What you missed was Jack looking intently at your booty and while, you looked at Cas, he was admiring your cleavage.
"Jack" Dean called from the drives seat looking from the rearview mirror making him look at the hunter from it too.
"What?" He asked so innocently with a face of not having broken a plate in his life.
That afternoon...
After so much begin from you, saying that it was a beautiful day outside and warm, you were researching with Dean and Cas in the open space they had with picnic tables at the motel you were staying at, while Sam and Jack went to buy some food and drinks. So far you figured that a couple of vetalas were the ones behind the missing peoples, the hardest part was to locate their hiding place. 
“Can I ask you something?” You asked looking up from the map frowning at the men in front of you.
“Of course” Castiel spoke while Dean gave you his full attention. “Shot”
“Did something happen in that witch hunt, two days ago?” You frowned and Castiel tensed immediately. “I mean, nor that I mind Jack being awkward, because you know it’s Jack” You laughed nervously “But his sudden affection towards me” You trailed off.
“Troubles in paradise?” Dean joked
“Dean” The angel warned and then changed his tone to a sweeter one “I don’t understand your point, Y/N. Jack has always been affective towards you”
“No yeah, It’s not that, I mean yeah” You stuttered suddenly feeling numb “What I mean, is if this affectionate Jack it’s because he was hit with a love spell or he drank a love potion” You frowned even more.
“I can assure you that your boyfriend is love potion-spell free” Dean teased you.
“Dean, shut up! He’s not my boyfriend” You snapped at him.
“Oh yeah, he’s not your boyfriend. But when he janks the headphones from your ears you kiss him, but when is Sam or me your ready to kill us. Worse, rip our hearts out of our chests and then feed it to us” Dean rolled his eyes. “So yeah, I think he’s your boyfriend”
“Shut up!” You threw a scrambled paper at his face which he caught with one hand.
“Oh, look, Cas” The older Winchester mocked “How cute, she said shut up to me. Twice!” Dean pouted.
“You little shit!” You shouted at him, scrambling another piece of paper and throwing it at him. This time hitting him right in the eye.
“Look, Who’s coming! Hey, boyfie!” Dean shouted and smirked waving his arm exaggeratedly. You, on the other hand, ignored him thinking he was joking because you didn’t hear the roar of the Impala. You weren’t that far from the parking lot.
“Hello, Jack” Castiel greeted making you throw at him a bitchface
“You too, Cas” you shacked your head, making Dean throw his head back in laughter, “I thought we were...”
“Hey, beautiful” You were interrupted by Jack plopping down next to you.
“Hello, Jack,” You said blushing and tried to cover your flushed face with your hair by moving your head a little, and turned in your spot to face the smiling Nephilim noticing he was hiding something behind his back.
“Hello to you too, Y/N” Sam greeted chuckling while he handed to each one of you the food.
“I brought you something,” Jack said smiling even more.
“Yeah?” You asked frowning catching a glimpse of a smirking Sam.
“Yeah” The Nephilim nodded showing you a cute rainbow stuffed unicorn and you couldn’t contain the growing smile. “Do you like it? I saw it at the market and thought maybe you would like one. It’s cute” But he was looking directly into your eyes.
“Well, I love it. Thanks, Jack” Taking the stuffed animal from his hands you kissed his cheek.
“Why aren’t they a couple yet?” Castiel whispered to the brothers
 The night three days later...
“Why do you like this movie?” Jack asked you while you settled everything at the Bunker’s living room.
You decided it was a good idea to have a movie night with Jack while the brothers along with Castiel went on a hunt. The hunt didn’t require five people, so you offered to stay with Jack, not because you wanted to spend some time alone with him or anything, or something like that. What a crazy thing!
“I like this movie because it has two things I like the most: Egipt and books” It wasn’t a complete truth, but It wasn’t a lie either. Taking a seat next to him on the couch and placing the bowl of popcorns between you both you picked the remote. “You ready?” You asked looking at him and he nodded eagerly and you pressed play.
Though it wasn’t the best film in the world every time you watched The Mummy, 1999 movie, you fell in love with it once more. Not to mention that you had a crush on every character that resembles a bit Indiana Jones, what was the case of Rick O'Connell.
“Did you like the movie?” You wondered when the credits started to roll, moving a bit to face the Nephilim who had his eyes still fixed on the tv screen.
“Very much,” He said turning his head to look at you “Though is scary sometimes”
“Yeah” You chuckled “The mummy scared me the first time I saw this movie too”
“What do you like about this movie?” Jack wondered wanting to know more about your love for this movie.
“How the smart girl and the adventurer fall in love with each other” You simply said “And how Evelyn is passionate about books”
“You are passionate about books too” Jack cheered “That makes you Evelyn Carnahan” He smiled at you. You let a soft laugh at his sudden cheerfulness.
“Well, I don’t think I’m worth four camels” You chuckled.
“You are worth more than four camels. Actually” The Nephilim looked at your eyes intently “You are worth more than all the camels in the world”
“Jack that’s saying a lot” you whispered “considering that camels are of great value in the Arabian culture”
“Just, imagine how much you mean to me” Jack whispered, “Do you love me too?” He moved a little closer.
“Shush” You whispered moving a little closer too “Music first, then books and...” He leaned a bit “...Maybe at the end, you”
“Let me love you” The Nephilim whispered back and then crashed his lips into yours kissing you passionately.
Your heart skipped a bit. It was finally happening, he was kissing you and it wasn’t a dream. The soundtrack of the credits was filling the room and it was something magical. You tangled your hands in his blonde hair while he rested one hand on the small of your back and the other at the back of your neck bringing you closer to him. Suddenly, the ringing of your phone startled you, but Jack didn’t let go of your lips. You pulled his hair making him moan into your mouth allowing you to break the kiss a bit.
“Jack, I need to answer” You whispered before he was kissing you again. You pulled his hair again earning another moan from him. This time he let go of your lips just to kiss your cheeks, an allowing you to extend an arm to reach for your phone which was on the coffee table, while he continued to kiss you. “I-it’s Dean” He hummed in response. “Hey, Dean!” You greeted while you answered the call, while Jack pushed you back to lay back on the couch.
“Hey, Y/N/N! Having fun?” He asked. You could tell he was smirking.
“We are watching a movie,” You said trying to stay calm while Jack moved to kiss your jaw and leave a trail of kisses on your neck.
“Which movie?” Dean wondered.
“The” You gasped and tightened the grip on his hair because Jack had found that sweet spot and you sure were going to have a hickey “The Mummy” you tried to sound normal and calm.
“The old one?” You were sure Dean was doing this on purpose.
“It’s not that old, Dean!” You shouted at him annoyed that he called old your favorite movie, and annoyed that Jack wasn’t letting go of you in order to talk properly on the phone. It was a weird feeling, yet pleasant, talking while someone kissed your throat, and it made you pull his hair again to move him away from you. But Jack had other plans, and he kissed your lips again, this time roughly, for a few seconds then moved to your other untouched side of the neck finding another sweet spot, sucking and kissing it. It gave you goosebumps when he nibbled your collarbone.
“Okay, okay. Don’t need to shout, I need my ears to hunt. Well, we’ve just arrived at the motel. Don’t have to much fun, okay?” You were sure Dean knew what was going on.
“Okay, can we enjoy the movie now?” The movie that was long ago forgotten.
“Yeah, sure. Bye sweetheart!” 
“Bye, Dean!” You ended the call and throwing your phone away to the table, you grabbed Jack’s face with both hands to make him look at you.
“Damn Jack, where did you learn that?” You asked him between kisses while you roamed his back.
“From the pizzaman,” He said while you tugged at the bottom at his t-shirt. He knew what you wanted and he got rid of it. You saw how his wings fluttered open. You reached with your left hand to cares them making him shiver. He didn’t question your acts. It was like if he knew you could see them. You placed your hands on his back, next to the base of his wings, fearing that you hurt him.
“Did I hurt you?” You asked moving one hand to cup his cheek.
“No” He looked at your Y/E/C eyes and rested his forehead with yours. “It felt amazing” He kissed you deeply again and you racked your nails through the base of his wings. The Nephilim left a sound, a mixture of a groan and moan. “Do that again, please” He whispered.
Two years later...
You were having a lazy afternoon, just taking a walk around a park near the Bunker. The sun was starting to set but it was still warm. It felt amazing, though you could tell Jack was more nervous than usual.
“What’s wrong, Jackie?” You asked softly tightening the hold on his hand.
“Nothing” He looked at you lovingly “I was just thinking” He swung your intertwined hands, making you chuckle.
“About what?” You wondered.
“About the day it all started” You chuckled.
“You mean, the day Dean almost made us Hellhound meal?” He chuckled along with you.
“Dean got so mad, I thought he was going to kill me for real that time” He placed your hand, the one he was holding, on his waist and then threw his arm around your shoulders pressing you to his side. “But no, not that day”
“Then, which day?” You asked leaning into him and he placed a kiss on your forehead which left a tingling sensation.
“The day I met you, of course,” He smiled “When Sam and Dean found me and brought me to the bunker for the first time, I was scared to death. But, then I saw your smile and I forgot about everything. I felt safe, at home. And I fell in love with you right there”
“You’re so cheesy sometimes” You chuckled and kissed his cheek. True was that his words made your heart skip a beat.
“Remember that hunt two years ago?” Jack looked down at you.
“The one where I had to stay at the Bunker because a witch smashed my ribs? Yeah, I remember. I wanted to kick all your asses for that” You both chuckled.
“That day I was hit with a love potion. A strong one” Jack confessed making you stop dead in your tracks.
“Oh, man!” You feared the worst “You’ve woken up from your trance, and you love me no more. I knew there was something wrong with you” He shushed you by kissing you deeply and cupping your cheek.
“Will you let me finish?” He chuckled “I’m totally fine. And I love you. More every second” He rested his forehead against you and kissed it. “Well, that day I discovered something”
“What did you discover?” You asked panic taking over your body.
“That you were my soulmate” He smiled warmly and kissed you deeply once more.
“Soulmate?” You whispered when you pulled apart.
“Soulmate, yes” He nodded, “Rowena said that it was a strong potion, one that has no escape”
“Well, if it has no escape” You interrupted once more “That means that you could have died. Jack, what’s your point? You are scaring me” You whispered once more.
“There’s nothing to fear, love” He kissed your cheek and then your lips once more “As I was saying, that potion, has no escape. Indeed, there’s only one way: The person it made you fall for has to love you back” You relaxed a bit but still felt anxious.
“Thank, Chuck, I fell in love with you the first time you came to the bunker” You chuckled while looking at the floor.
“And be that person’s soulmate” The Nephilim continued making you look up at him, your heart sure exploded.
“How is that even possible?” You whispered looking at his gold-hazel eyes.
“I don’t even know, but I know one thing.” He kneeled in front of you on one knee, making you freeze and some curious ones gather around you. “That I love you with all my heart, forevermore. Will you marry me?” He took a crimson velvet box from one of his pockets with trembling hands to reveal a beautiful ring. You were still frozen, but once you locked eyes with him, you threw yourself at him crashing your lips into his, almost falling while the crowd cheered and clapped.
“Is that a yes?” He whispered once you both pulled apart.
“It’s an of course” He chuckled and slid the ring on your finger.
A thousand pardons it took me so long to post something, I was busy with work. Also, let me know if you want to be tagged.
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hh-rose · 6 years
Omg can u do a case fic where cas & dean have to pretend to be a couple !!!?
“Dean, I think I might have found a case, but I don’tthink you’re going to like it,” Sam said as he put his computer on the tableand sat across from Dean.
“Why wouldn’t I like it?” Dean said looking at Sam.“Does it have something to do with Harry Potter because so help me God, Sammy,I will let them die.”
“First of all, no it’s not about Harry Potter. Secondof all, rude,” Sam said with his bitchface. “There seems to be a problem at this couple therapy place inBrooklyn. Couples will go in there absolutely hating each other, and come outlike it’s their honeymoon. Then, they go missing the next day.”
“Maybe the therapist is just good at their job,” Deansaid. “Why would I have a problem with this again?”
“Well, we have to investigate it, but we can’t go in asFBI agents. There needs to be a fake couple,” Sam said. He could see therealization in Dean’s eyes.
“And who do you suggest play this struggling couple?”Dean asked as if he already knew the answer.
“I just think that you and Cas are the ideal people forthis job,” Sam said. Dean groaned, but Sam still continued. “All you have to doit tell the therapist you’re having some problems with your relationship. It’snot like you never had any of those.”
“Where is Cas?” Dean asked, hoping that he hadn’talready agreed to this.
“Packing his bags,” Sam said with an apologetic smile.Dean got up from the table, smacked Sam upside the head, and walked to Cas’sroom.
Dean was had always thought that Sam had had an inklingabout Dean’s feelings for Cas. He had always hoped he was wrong, though. Deancould barely handle explaining the feelings to himself, let alone another humanbeing. He was in love with Cas. And now, thanks to his annoying youngerbrother, he had to pretend to be in a relationship with him.
Dean walked up to Cas’s door. He took a few breathesand knocked on the door. He pushed it open to see Cas trying to decide whichtie to bring. God, he’s so cute. Deanshook tried to shake that thought off as he moved closer to Cas.
“I’d go with the grey one if I were you. It’s my leastfavorite color, and we are supposed to be fighting, so it’s perfect,” Deansaid. Cas smiled at him.
“Well, you should wear that hideous sweater because itdefinitely makes me want to fight with you,” Cas said putting a button-downshirt into his bag.
“Are you really on board with this whole thing?” Deanasked, but he could tell Cas didn’t know what he meant. “I mean we’re in a goodplace right now, do you really think bringing up a bunch of bad things thathappened is the best idea?”
“I think that we have been through a lot, and somepotential hoodoo therapist isn’t going to ruin our profound bond,” Cas said.Dean tried to ignore the feeling profoundbond gave him.
“Alright. I’ll be ready in fifteen minutes,” Dean said.“Meet me in the garage.”
Upon their arrival, Cas and Dean found out that thiswas more than just therapy. It was a two-day experience. There was a bedroom atthe therapist’s office that you had to stay in. The first day, you talkedopenly about your problems. Then, you had to share a bed. The next day, you fixany problems that need to be fixed. Dean did not like the sound of that.
The therapist’s name was Julia Ring. She started herpractice seven years ago. She had a ninety-nine percent success rate. It wouldhave been one-hundred, but she says that there is always room for improvement.Dean felt like his head was going to explode.
“Cas, Dean, why don’t you tell me what seems to betroubling you?” Julia asked with a bright smile. Cas and Dean exchangedglances. It looked like Dean was going first.
“We’ve been togetherfor nine years,” Dean started. “We have two kids,both teenagers. We adopted them. We work together, along with my brother.”
“That’s great, Dean. But you didn’t answer my question.What seems to be troubling you?” Julia asked again.
“We have been together for a long time, but Cas alwaysleaves,” Dean said. He felt Cas look at him. He hoped beyond hope that hedidn’t hurt Cas.
“Cas, why did you leave Dean?” Julia asked.
“Most times it was to help Dean. There were some thingsI needed to work out for the greater good. One time he kicked me out, though,”Cas said, glaring at Dean.
“You know I didn’t want to do that. You know that wasbecause of Gadreel. I would never have kicked you out if he wasn’t there,” Deanalmost yelled.
“Who’s Gadreel?” Julia asked.
“He’s not important,” Dean stated blankly.
“Okay. Dean how did you feel when Cas left?” Juliaasked. Dean so did not want to answer that question. He felt broken every timeCas left him. He felt as if a part of him was missing. But was he really readyto admit that to Cas.
“I felt as if I did something wrong. I felt like I wasthe reason he left,” Dean said looking at the floor. “People leave me a lot, soI guess I should be used to it. But it’s different with Cas. It hurts more whenhe leaves. I don’t feel whole without him.”
Dean did not plan on saying that much. In fact, hedidn’t plan on saying most of the things he said. There had to be some sort oftruth telling thing in there. That’s how she was doing all of this. Dean couldonly imagine how she got people to make up.
“Cas, do you have anything to say about Dean?” Juliaasked. Cas swallowed.
“Sometimes Dean treats me like a child,” Cas saidtrying to avoid Dean’s eyes. Dean knew he treated Cas differently sometimes,but it was only because he didn’t want Cas to get hurt.
“Alright. I want you to think about what each of yousaid tonight. You will be staying in that room right over there,” Juliagestured to a room. “Tomorrow, we will reconcile.”
Dean and Cas walked into the bedroom. Dean put theirbags down next to the bed as Cas looked around. They would have to examine theroom for hexbags.
“I think she used some sort of truth-telling spell inthere,” Dean said sitting on the bed. “I don’t know if you felt anything, but Icertainly didn’t want to say half of the stuff I said.”
“I agree, Dean,” Cas said as he walked around. “Weshould look for hexbags. Who knows what kind of hoodoo she has going on inhere.”
Dean stood up and looked under the bed. There weredozens of hexbags under there. Not only were there hexbags, but there was aring of something around them.
“Uh, Cas. You should probably see this,” Dean said. Caswalked over and looked under the bed. His eyes widened. He looked confused, butalso like he knew what was happening.
“Dean, these are hexbags. There cupid sacks,” Cas saidexamining one of them. “Cupid sacks are things that cupids use to makepeople…well to make people do things. If you put a ring of salt around them,they make people…”
“Fuck?” Dean asked.
“Well, yes,” Cas said. “I don’t think she used atruth-telling spell out there. I think she used lover’s quarrel charm. It makespeople who are say things that truly bother them about the person they love. Normally, cupids use it when theyare trying to stop a couple who isn’t destined to be together.”                
“So you’re saying that Julia is making people fight,then making them have sex, and then they’re cured?” Dean asked. Somethingwasn’t making sense.
“Not exactly. When you make love under the spell of acupid, you are fully committing to that person. There is no turning back. Fromthat moment on, you are one,” Cas explained.
“True love is the most powerful thing in the world. Itis powerful enough to make an average witch a god. Cupids have a way of makinganything in the general vicinity of their magic fall in love. Julia is using itto make people commit, and then she is using their love to make her morepowerful,” Cas continued.
“So, are we not going to sleep tonight?” Dean asked.Cas looked at him with that amazing face he makes when Dean says somethingstupid.
“Not unless you want to spend the rest of your lifewith me,” Cas joked. Dean was ready to throw Cas onto the bed and tell him thatthat was exactly what he wanted. But he couldn’t. He’d just have to wait itout. What they needed right now was a plan.
They destroyed all the cupid sacks that were under thebed. They stealthily got rid of all of the lover’s quarrel that was in the mainroom. All they needed to do now was come up with a plan to stop Julia. Theywere pretty sure she wasn’t a cupid, so they needed to figure out who she wasand why she had all this stuff.
The next morning, Cas and Dean strolled into the mainroom. Dean knew that Julia thought that they did the deed and were fixed, soDean grabbed Cas’s hand. Cas looked up at him. Dean just smiled and hoped Caswould play along.
“How was your night?” Julia asked with a huge smile.
“It was wonderful. I have never felt more in love withthis man,” Cas smiled at Dean. Dean’s heart melted, but he played it cool.
“Cas, honey, could you get my phone? I forgot it on thebed,” Dean said to his faux beau. Cas smiled and let go of Dean’s hand. He wentto the room to get the gun and the witch killed bullets.
“Thank you so much, Julia,” Dean said with the fakestsmile anyone had ever made. “I just want to know one thing,” Dean checked tomake sure that Cas was in place. “Where’d you get all of the cupid stuff?”
Julia stood up, but Cas was right behind her. He grabbedher and put the gun to her head. Julia tried to get out, but it was no use.
“How’d you know?” Julia asked.
“How’d we know that you stole things from a cupid tomake people fall back in love? Then, stealing it to make you more powerful?”Cas asked as he pushed the gun harder into her head.
“I’ll tell you,” Dean moved closer to her. “It’sbecause I’m Dean Winchester and this here is my buddy Castiel. Maybe you’veheard of us.”
“Of course. It is every witch’s dream to be killed by aWinchester. Or their guard dog,” Julia snickered. Cas took that as his cue topull the trigger.
Cas and Dean cleaned everything up and headed out tothe car. Dean put their things in the trunk as Cas called Sam to tell him whathappened. Dean got in the car and waited for Cas to get in.
“Dean, I think we need to talk,” Cas said as Deanstarted the car. He was praying that Cas wouldn’t say that. He waited until hepulled out to say anything. It was going to be a long ride home and Dean wantedto delay this as long as possible.
“What’s up, Cas?” Dean asked. Cas bit his lip. Deanloved when he did that. But this was not the time to be swooning over theangel.
“I didn’t tell you last night, but lover’s quarrl onlyworks if the two people have mutual feelings for each other,” Cas said tryingnot to look at Dean. “You can tell if people are meant to be together based onwhat they say. If people are nice about the problems they have, they are meantto be together.”
Dean remembered apologizing to Cas. He remembered Cassaying things nicely. He remembered feeling like shit when Cas said he made himupset.
“So, you’re saying we’re meant to be together?” Deanasked finally looking at Cas. Cas smiled and moved closer to Dean. He lacedtheir fingers together.
“If that’s what you want,” Cas said.
“We did make a hell of a fake couple,” Dean added.
“I’m in love with you, Dean Winchester.”
“I’m in love with you, Castiel.”
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onlytaylor · 6 years
Drarry & Destiel Crossover
It had been hours since the rift appeared, flickering in shades of fire against the dull Earth. Dean and Castiel approached the unknown phenomenon, sure that it was a sign of the impending Nephilim’s birth. Lucifer’s son.
Dean reached a hand forward, touching the tips of orange light. His hand moved toward the black center when he felt the sharp grasp of his right shoulder.
“I’m coming with you Dean. We don’t know where this leads.” Cas’s throaty voice was somewhat authoritative, and Dean felt his knees weaken considerably. Somehow, he could never tell the fiesty angel no. They stepped through the hole together, completely unaware of what was to come.
Dean landed with a thud against hard soil. He groaned, glancing around and panicking slightly when he realized he was alone. Before he could move, he felt a solid presence land directly on his abdomen and knock the wind right from him.
Despite the social cues of Dean being in pain, Cas didn’t move from above him. Eventually, Dean caught his breath.
“Hey, cas.”
“Hello, Dean.”
Those crystal blue eyes met Dean’s own green, and for a moment he forgot what was happening.
“Where are we?” Cas lifted himself effortlessly and began to examine the world around him. Dean followed. They appeared to be outside at the front entrance of a castle. Behind them was a broad lake. Castiel cocked his head as his gears turned.
Suddenly, their thoughts were interrupted by the shouting of what appeared to be two teenagers- a blonde, and brunette, in black robes.
“Fuck you, Malfoy!”
“Please, you wish you could, prat!”
They began to cross the path in front of the lake, and Dean immediately felt the need to intervene.
“Hey, whoa! Blondie. What’s your beef with this guy?”
Cas approached as all four came to standstill. “You’re Harry Potter.” His statement was very matter-of-fact, very Cas.
“Who?” Dean asked before Malfoy spewed.
“Holy fuck, someone doesn’t know who you are! Are you going to die from the lack of attention, Potter?”
“Shut it, bitch.”
At this, Dean couldn’t help but release a chuckle at the familiarity. Relaxed, he turned to Cas. “First of all, how in the hell did you know that? Secondly, how did we end up in loser’s world?”
“It was... Metatron. He felt the need to instill me with several pop culture references.” Dean nodded in understanding. “And, I’m not sure. This is Hogwarts, Yes?” He asked the two boys, who appeared positively pissed off.
They both nodded before simultaneously asking the question at the forefront of their minds: “who the hell are you?”
“My bad. I’m Dean. This is Cas.” He gestured to the angel, who began to speak.
“We’re from an alternate-“ Dean placed a hand in his chest, signaling to stop.
“Country. we’re not from here.” He smiled convincingly.
“So do you enjoy strolling through places you’re not welcome and calling us losers?” Malfoy’s voice was dry, sarcastic.
“Okay, I take it back. You guys are...” he winced. “Cool enough. What is your deal, though?”
“Malfoy is a death eater!”
“Please, Potter, is that what helps you sleep at night?”
“What in the hell is a-“ Dean had forgotten the term.
“It’s a follower of Lord Voldemort,” Cas chimed. “He’s kind of like their Lucifer.”
“Ah, so blondie’s a demon? I can handle that.” He reached for the blade, hidden safely in his jacket pocket.
“Dean, no!”
“What’s a demon?” Malfoy asked before Dean revealed his weapon.
“He’s not a demon!” Harry piped. “He’s an arsehole, but he’s human.”
“Tell me what I’m not, Potter! I demand you tell me what he’s talking about!”
“Would you two just SHUT UP?” Dean’s voice boomed, and Cas couldn’t help his lips twitch into a small smile. He was quite actually... adorable when he was annoyed.
“I’ll shut up when Potter stops being gay for me.”
“You wish, Malfoy!”
“So what if I do?”
“Wait, WHAT!?”
“Okay, Okay, So you’re gay.” Dean yelled above the bickering. “Nobody gives a shit. Be gay together. It’s cool.”
“He’s only saying that because the one in the trench coat was topping him before we walked up.” Draco said to Harry, who eyed them both curiously.
“So, how did you first know you were gay?” Harry asked with his head cocked.
“Whoa, whoa, what the- were not gay together!”
“When I met Dean.”
The answers were simultaneous and the entire moment seemed to freeze. Dean turned to Cas slowly. “Wait, what?”
Cas shrugged with a playful smile on his lips.
“Oh, shit, Harry, did we just hook them up?” Draco moved to stand next to Potter, who noticed the not-revolted-at-all-by-the-fact-that-Cas-was-into-him expression on Dean’s face.
“I think we did, dude.”
Dean raised a hand at the teens to signal their silence and moved toward the angel.
“Okay, well, I, uh... do you think we could talk about this when we get back to the bunker?”
“A nephilim is being born. Forgive me for not wanting to waste time in my proclamation.”
Cas’s lips were still tugged upwards in that lop-sided smile that Dean melted for.
“Do you know what the fuck they’re talking about, Harry?” Draco all but whispered.
“Not a clue. But I think they do.”
Harry gestured before them as Dean stepped closer to Cas and closed the space between them with his body. He leaned his face closer, closer even, until their lips meshed in a gentle meet.
“See, Potter, we could be doing that. But you think I’m a demon.”
“Oh, shut it.”
And Harry tugged Draco’s robes forward until their own lips became forcefully flush.
If one looked closely, they would see the soft smiles of both Dean Winchester and Harry Potter against the lips of those with which they managed to share quite a profound bond.
-for my writer’s block-
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hannahindie · 7 years
Breathe - Part 7 (Final)
Pairing: Dean x Reader Series Warnings: Fatal illness, character death, blood, canon violence, language, eventual smut, kidnapping. Word Count: 2,072 Square Filled: Fatal Illness Summary: Y/N, Dean, and Sam find themselves in an impossible situation, and Y/N remembers a conversation that might just save them. A/N: This is the seventh and final part of my SPN Angst Bingo Card series, hosted by @spnangstbingo. I have absolutely adored writing this and sharing it with you, and I hope you all have enjoyed it as much as I have. Thank you for all the kind words and shares and love ya’ll have sent my way.
My beautiful twinny, @pinknerdpanda: “ MOTHERFUCKING DAMMIT HANNAH!“ (I’m still laughing, I’m sorry, twinny.)
And my dear, sweet angel baby @masksandtruths: “ Frickin frack Hannah!”
Thanks go to them for helping a girl out so that her words make sense. I owe a lot to both of you.
As always, tags are at the bottom. If you’d like to be added, please let me know.
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It’s funny what comes to mind when you know you're  getting ready to die. There’s this nudge, almost a tickle of a memory, and I can almost grab it. It's right there, a shadow of something important that I need to remember. I've almost got it when I feel someone shake my shoulder.
I want to ignore it, because whatever this is, it's important, like live saving important, but the shake comes again, this time with a familiar, rumbling voice, and whatever it is that I'm trying to remember slips out of my grasp.
“C’mon, just...let me sleep, huh?” I mumble, moving my head away from whoever is touching me.
“Y/N, you gotta wake up.” It's Dean, and I feel his palm against my cheek. “Please, we have to get out of here.”
I open my eyes slowly, the drugs still dulling my senses, “Why...how'd you get here? She sent you to a gas station…” I shake my head and his hand moves to my neck as he takes in my bruised face.
“I can tell when something is up. You'd never ask me to come get you like that, even if you were wrong to leave.”
“It's a trap, there are at least five of them...how'd you find me?” Nothing is making sense, and I'm beginning to think it's not really Dean; someone is impersonating him as a cruel joke on a dying girl.
“Sam tracked your phone.” He moves around and starts working on the knotted ropes, “Dumbass outside still had it turned on, so we followed it straight here.” My arms fall free but I don't have the energy to do much more than let them dangle. He moves around to my ankles, “What happened? Why did you leave?”
“I...I don't know,” I sigh, “I heard you praying. Cas isn't coming, and I just...I couldn't let you watch me waste away. Cancer is hateful, Dean. It’ll take over everything until there's nothing left. I couldn't do that to you.”
He looks up at me, his eyes shining, “That's not your decision to make. I would rather be by your side until the end than to lose what little time we have left-”
“How touching.” Margaret’s southern drawl interrupts, “I wish I had more time to watch this little show, but there is revenge to be had.” I look up to see her in the doorway, her eyes narrowed as she stares at us. She jerks her chin and Dean is flung across the room and into the wall. He hits the floor with a strangled grunt then struggles to his knees.
“You've got to have more fight in you than that. Are you gonna fight for your girl or not?”
“Listen, bitch-” he's cut off by a flick of her wrist, choking as she forces him against the wall.
“I don't think I will.” She whistles, and a different giant guy walks in with Sam shoved in front of him, his arms tied. “Because see, we caught your little surprise. I'm a demon, not an idiot.”
“That's debatable,” I mumble, and almost instantly she's standing in front of me. She smacks me hard across the face and my body goes one direction while the chair flies in the other.  I hit the ground and immediately begin gasping for air.
“Wanna say that again?” I can't answer, the only sound I can make is a wet gargle from the blood flooding my mouth. I spit and even she gasps at the sight. “What's wrong with you? I barely touched you.” She looks at Dean, “What's wrong with her?” He narrows his eyes at her, and she tightens the grip around his throat. “It doesn't matter, because I've got her and Sammy boy to torture you with. God, I have been waitin’ for this. We all have been waitin’ for this.”
As if waiting on a signal, at least a dozen demons appear from various doorways and adjacent rooms, and both Sam and Dean’s eyes widen in alarm. A dozen is too many, even on a good day. I can feel their fear, and like some sort of key, it unlocks the memory I have been struggling to grab on to.
“Cas, what is this?” He walks over to where I'm sitting in the library, cataloging old books I found in the bunker’s dungeon. They were hidden away, locked in an old chest, but if I am anything like the boys I grew up with or the man I eventually came to know as my father, my curiosity and need to know overpowers any lock, rusty though it may be.  
The book I am referring to is ancient, and though Cas is teaching me Enochian, it's far beyond what I know. Even he has to squint at it for a moment as he tries to decipher it.
“It appears to be a protection sigil.”
I tilt my head as I look at it, “I've never seen a protection symbol that looks like that. What's it for?”
Cas runs his hand over it, tracing the beautiful lines as he stares at it, “It is not like the protection sigils we use normally. This is far more violent towards the caster. It is essentially used in the most desperate of situations. If one were to carve this onto their person and activate it using their own blood, it would destroy any threat within a hundred yard radius.”
I raise a brow, “How does it know what to destroy and what to keep safe?”
“The love of the caster would protect them...at a cost.”
“What kind of cost?” Cas looks at me and I know before he responds what the answer is. “Their life, right?”
He nods, “Yes, unfortunately that is true.” He closes the book and places it back into the trunk. “I think that book goes in the restricted section.”
I laugh, “Was that a Harry Potter reference?”
He frowns, “I do not understand what you mean…”
The memory fades away, the only thing remaining the stark outline of the sigil, burned into my memory.
Oh, this is gonna suck.
I reach down to my boot, praying that they had forgotten to check everywhere, and that none of them notice me moving around. For a second, my hope is gone. Then my fingers brush the smooth, worn bone handle and I sigh in relief, slipping it from the hidden sheath.
The next few seconds feel like hours. All I can feel is a stinging pain, like my stomach is on fire as I cut into myself. It isn’t deep, but I struggle to keep going, tears pricking at the corners of my eyes as I force myself to continue. That’s the thing about dying; if you know it’s going to happen anyway, doing one last mostly unselfish act is worth it.
I focus on what I’m saving. Memories flood my mind as I try to distract myself; Dean doctoring my scrapes the time I was jumping from car to car in the junkyard and slipped off the hood of a rusted out Ford, helping Sam with his homework whenever Dean and John were gone and we were left to our own devices at Bobby’s, Dean dressing up and taking me out to a giant field full of lightning bugs when my prom date ditched me, and turning up the music in the Impala so we’d have something to dance to. That’s one of my favorite memories, because it’s  also the night Dean and I first kissed. Hell, the first time I kissed anyone. It was a sweet, innocent moment, just Dean wanting me to have a nice night after some asshole tried to ruin it, but thinking back I think that’s the moment that I began to look at Dean differently. Late nights in libraries with Sam while we researched, the first time I ever saw the bunker….last night. Of course, I save the best memory for last.
As I make the last, painful swipe, I close my eyes and think of him, how warm he is, how he’s all rough edges and soft skin, green eyes that shift from a bright, almost emerald to a moss depending on the light and what he’s wearing. How he smells like gunpowder and whiskey and mint toothpaste. I connect the last line and release a shaky breath. Now for the hard part.
I shift onto my knees and spit again, the blood a bright, ruby red against the dirty floor. I take as deep a breath as I can manage and force myself to stand, stumbling slightly as I get to my feet. For a second, everything is doubled and I blink a couple of times to try to clear my vision. I look towards Dean and he’s shaking his head, his eyes on the knife in my hand. He doesn’t know what I’m going to do, he isn’t aware of the conversation I had with Cas, but I think he knows this can’t end well regardless of what I’m getting ready to do. I swipe my arm across my chin in an attempt to wipe away the blood now freely dripping from my mouth and Margaret turns around to look at me. Several of the demons step forward as if they’re going to stop me and she holds up a hand.
“Nah, I wanna see what she thinks she’s gonna do.” She smirks, but I see it falter when she sees that my shirt is also bloody. “What do you think you’re doin’?”
I grip the knife tighter and ignore her, moving my gaze over her shoulder to where Sam and Dean are. I lock eyes with Sam first, and he frowns, his eyes wide.
“It’s okay...everything’s going to be alright. I love you, big guy.”
“Love you too, short stuff,” he chokes out as a giant tear rolls down his cheek. I’m not sure which is worse, the tear, or the fact that he actually says I love you back to me.
I shift my gaze to Dean and smile, “Cas is gonna save us after all.”
His eyes widen as I lift my shirt up to reveal the sigil, “Y/N, what...what is that? What are you doing?”
I drag the knife along my palm, then let it fall from my hand. It hits the floor with a clatter, and Dean cringes, though he keeps his eyes locked with my mine. “It's okay...I'm not alone, Dean. I never was.”
“No!” I’ve never heard so much pain in a single syllable, and for a split second, I reconsider my plan. But I know better; it’s either I die and the Winchesters live, or we all die. I close my eyes and press my palm to the sigil. A white hot wave of energy courses through me and before everything goes totally white, I see the demons writhing in pain, light shooting from their eyes and mouths, a lot like when Cas smites someone.
It’s finally over.
I'm sorry I just left, but it's the best way for this to end. You have seen so much, have had so much taken away...I can't make you watch this, too. Don't be angry at Cas for not answering; he's got his own battles, and honestly, I'm ready for mine to be over.
Finding my way back to you was the best thing that's happened to me in the past year. I was so scared and alone and angry, but then you came along and made it bearable. I wish I could have been more honest with you about being sick...but you guys made me forget. It was nice not to be sick and dying, at least for awhile.
I love you, Dean. I know it's hard for you to say it, but I know. You show me every day. You are patient and funny and kind...even when I don't deserve it. You have so much love in you, please don't let this take it away. The world deserves to know your heart, and you deserve to be happy.
Anyway, by the time you see this, I'll be gone. Remember what tonight was like, okay? That's how I want you to remember me. That's the kind of love I want you to fight for.
Love you, Deano.
Like what you see? Would you like to see more? My Masterlist is here! 
Forever Tags: @trexrambling @pinknerdpanda  @wheresthekillswitch @emilywritesaboutdean @arryn-nyxx @emptywithout @escabell @charliebradbury1104 @jarpadandjensenaremyheroes  @deanssweetheart23  @canadianjelly @super-not-naturall @aubreyreadsstuff @dean-winchesters-baby @melissaj616 @fandomismyspiritanimal @keepcalmandcarryondean @assbutt-still-in-hell @owllover123 @rosie-winchester @amionthetumbler @duubaduu @hiimaprofessionalfangirl @goldenolaf25 @authoressskr @nanie5 @mrssamfuckingwinchester @zincomms @kathaswings @crazynerdandproud @barbedwireandbubblegum @sandlee44 @boxywrites @justanotherdeangirl @smalltowndivaj @captainradicalpassion @myloveforyouxx @atc74 @mrsbatesmotel53 @there-must-be-a-lock @masksandtruths @thelittleredwhocould @jotink78 @amanda-teaches @ilsawasanacrobat @squirrel-moose-winchester @mjdoc90 @anticipate1003 @mrswhozeewhatsis @mogaruke @speakinvain @linki-locks11 @wildlandfox @rhochradel @lostnliterature @fandom-queen-of-wonderland @spn-ficfanatic @polina-93
Dean Only: @akshi8278 @valkyrieslament @lavieenlex @highonpastries @wholelottajackles @imascio08
Breathe: @rosethesupernaturalhunter @bitchof707official @waywardbaby @demondeantrash @gh0stgurl @kararanae23 @linki-locks11 @aimee-ginge @spn-ficfanatic @watermelonfruitsalad
SPN Angst Bingo Tags: @thekarliwinchester @emptywithout @winchesterxtwo @aubreystalinski @deansbabygirl01
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misc-oneshots · 8 years
Fire and Ice - Song!Fic
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I love Within Temptation and when I was watching the video for this song a fic idea sprung into my head, grabbed my brain and shook me about a bit like a cocktail shaker before letting me pour out this fic. So I hope you like it.
Words: 2,682
Supernatural Lucifer x Angel! Reader Part Two - Frozen
“Gabriel? Cas? What the hell is wrong with you two?” Dean snapped, when he was ignored he gave Sam a curious look. The giant just shrugged and focused on the frozen Angels staring into the window of a bar. Castiel stepped forward and placed a strong hand on Gabriel’s shoulder who gulped and let out a long shaken breath. “Hello,” Dean called tired of being ignored, “I thought we were here looking for something to help us stop Lucifer or I am the only one who remembers that the fucking world is ending?” Castiel dropped his hand as Gabriel turned to face him, “Not this, Cas.” Castiel’s brow furrowed but gave a tight nod.
“Want to clue us in?” Sam asked them but like Dean he was ignored. “I never thought that it was true…” Gabriel whispered and Castiel seemed to agree with the sentiment, “We need to go.”
But when Gabriel went to step away Dean stepped in front of him only for Gabriel to seize his by the jacket and lift him into the air. “What the fuck?!” Dean snapped. Gabriel’s eyes blazed blue and the air left stifling, “You don’t know what’s going on here, so shut up and let the grownups talk.” Dean glared at him as Gabriel slowly lowered the Righteous Man back to his feet and letting his eyes sink back into their normal hue. Sam was beside Dean instantly, old habits die hard when it came to the Trickster near his brother. “You’re right, there’s clearly more going on here than we know. Maybe you could explain it to us?” Sam spoke calmly, one hand was on Dean to stop him swinging for the Angel and the other was extended out towards Gabriel trying to endear to him. Gabriel gave a small nod, his hair dropping down over his eyes when he kept his head down. “Perhaps we should go somewhere more convenient.” Castiel suggested and with of Gabriel’s fingers they, and the Impala, were back at the motel.
“Her name was Y/N.” Gabriel started slowly. He was sat on one of the twin beds, Sam and Dean were sat to the small table each with a beer in hand and Castiel leant against the wall close to them. “She was an Angel - an Archangel to be more precise. One of the strongest warriors I’ve ever met, she ruled courage of heart and bravery in mankind.” Gabriel explained, she sighed before continuing, “In the early days, when Hell was new, Y/N was in charge of keeping balance on earth.”
“Mankind was supposed to make its own decisions.” Castiel explained. “She was good at it as well, much better than she should have been considering…” He drifted off. “Considering?” Sam probed.
Gabriel rubbed his face and sighed, “She was in love with Lucifer and he said that he loved her too. None of us believed that he did, not really, until she died.” He swallowed, “She was asked by a group of Angels to accompany them to Earth to meet with some Demons, they wanted her there to keep the balance. But they were lying and the Angels killed her.”
Dean turned slightly to make sure that Castiel was okay and Sam asked, “Why would they -?” “They couldn’t trust her because she was in love with the Devil.” Gabriel spat, “That’s when we realised that Luci really loved her, honest to Father loved her.”
“What did he do?” Dean asked. Gabriel gave a smirk, “You’d call it the Dark Ages. You know pestilence, famine, war, and death running around free. The plague and people getting burned for being witches, there was no one to keep the balance.”
Sam sat forward, “We’re sorry for your loss. Gabe, Cas, we really are but what does this have to do with the weapon that we’re looking for to stop Lucifer?” This time Castiel spoke, “There was a rumour that Lucifer had discovered the Angels plan and sent Demons to bring Y/N down to hell and that  she didn’t really die that day but instead Lucifer found a way to lock away all of herself within her mind and sent her away to live on Earth as a human.”
“She’s in that bar.” Gabriel concluded, “And since Lucifer is out the cage but he’s left her alone, I think that her mind can’t handle being near another Angel. It could tear her mind apart. We wouldn’t know if she could survive it until it happens.”
“She’s the weapon?” Sam concluded, “We could use the threat of hurting her to stop Lucifer in his tracks.” “You said you got this intelligence from an Angel?” Gabriel asked and Sam nodded so he continued, “Lucifer never did manage to kill all the Angels involved in the attack. There are three left out there hiding, maybe they needed someone like you guys to help them find where Lucifer hid her.”
The pain flicked across your head again before vanishing and with a wince you pinched above your nose hoping that it wouldn’t come back. “Your head hurting again?” Harry, your boss, asked from the other side of the bar. You nodded and continued to fill your tray with empty glasses from the bar. Harry reached over and took the tray from your hands, “Go and have a sit down in my office Darlin’.” You gave him a small smile in thanks and walked through the back of the bar, got yourself a bottle of water from the small fridge in Harry’s office and dropped yourself down into his plush chair and took small sips of your water.
Every word you're saying is a lie Run away my dear But every sign will say your heart is dead
Your head throbbed again and you put the bottle down on the desk so that you could hold your head in your hands. The door opening caught your attention but you didn’t look up until an unfamiliar voice spoke, “Y/N?” It was a struggle to take your head out of your hands, your vision swam and you could barely open your eyes but you could just about make out a short, dark skinned man in a suit. “Sorry customers aren’t allowed back here.” You struggled to spit the utterance out but you managed it – just.
“Come on, I know it’s been a while but don’t you recognise me?” His voice was smug and self-satisfied but in truth you could barely see him, your eyes felt like they were burning and something inside your head felt like it was being ripped apart but still, on some instinctual level, you knew you were in danger and forced your eyes open.
You didn’t mean to scream but the pain in your eyes and head along with the visions that flickered behind the man forced the sound out of you. It looked like wings.
You had to get away. Something in your head was screaming that this man with his flickering shadowing wings would be the death of you and that the longer you stayed and the clearer the wings became would mean a more painful death.
Thinking on your feet, you threw the water bottle from the desk at him, he caught it effortlessly but was too busy looking smug to be able to catch the chair that you kicked at him. It gave you enough time to dive out of the emergency exit at the back of the office. You got as far as the end of the carpark before you were knocked off of your feet and crashed to the ground on your back with the weight of the man atop you. His hand clenched around your neck and you hissed in pain. He leaned down to your face, “The great balancer reduced to a human form – disgusting. If you had picked your alliances better then you wouldn’t have to die as a mortal.”
“H- Plea..se” You coughed out but it did nothing to deter him. He smiled sickly and reached behind him, there was a flash of a blade before he wall pulled off of you and held above you by the neck. Your head was practically wailing now, the man’s wings were clear now and fluttering in panic at being held hostage. He was being held by a blonde man and even lay down you could that his height would overshadow you, he had dirty blonde hair and he was livid.
Bury all the memories Cover them with dirt Where's the love we once had Our destiny's unsure Why can't you see what we had Let the fire burn the ice Where's the love we once had Is it all a lie?
“Come out of hiding have you?” He shook the man effortlessly, “You little maggot. I’m going to make you burn.” With each word the air grew colder and you forced your eyes open to watch the frost splay across his skin. But you didn’t stay, the little voice in your head caught your attention through the agony and made you roll onto your front, push yourself up and took off sprinting again.
It was a small town and not overly far behind the bar, however misguided the placement, was a small lake. The pain in your head overwhelming, you dropped to your knees in the mud of the bank. Bringing your hands up to wrap around yourself you fell forwards and screamed.
And I still wonder Why heaven has died The skies are all falling I'm breathing but why? In silence I hold on To you and I
The fire in you back, it was wings you could hear them. Your wings. They’d been there the whole time hidden from even you. You screamed again as your consciousness tore itself asunder and pulled itself back together. Flashes of everything fell back into place and you sobbed.
Your lover falling from heaven.
A missing father.
Guiding humanity.
A betrayal.
A cage and hellfire.
An apology and then nothing.
Scores of memories from all your human lives poured back into your mind and overwhelmed you. Just when you were sure that it was too much two large calloused hands found your cheeks and pulled your face up.
Closer to insanity Buries me alive Where's the life we once had It cannot be denied Why can't you see what we had? Let the fire burn the ice Where's the love we once had Is it all a lie?
“Lucifer.” You whimpered and finally, opened your eyes, he was knelt before you in the mud, his thumbs wiping away the tears and the mud and you saw him.
Your Lucifer who had rebuilt your mind time and time again to hide you away from the Angels who wished to destroy you so that you wouldn’t fall like him and have to kill your family. His hands were cold but they warmed on your cheeks, you’d always been counterparts that way.
Fire and ice.
And I still wonder Why heaven has died The skies are all falling I'm breathing but why? In silence I hold on To you and I
He sat back into the mud and pulled your body to his chest, his arms holding you to him and tangling his hand in your hair.
“I’m sorry.” You whispered and could feel his deep chuckle against your body.
“Don’t be, it’s those stupid Winchesters leading them straight to you.” Lucifer explained and kissed the top of your head and rocked your body slightly with him, he was trying to calm you because you both knew that you weren’t out of danger yet. “Winchesters, you mean?” You whispered as logic fought your new memories for presence. Your head swam with so much new knowledge that you were surprised that you could speak; you should have guessed the time that you’d been brought back in just because Lucifer was out of the cage.
He just nodded
You run away You hide away To the other side of the universe
A tickling sensation made you snuggle into Lucifer closer and he let out a deep chuckle at your reaction to his wings coming around to encompass you both. He absentmindedly ran his hands through your feathers and you relaxed into his touch. Now you realised the aching in your human lives over the centuries had been a longing for your wings.
Now that it was all filtering back for you it was easy to see that Lucifer had people keeping an eye out for you for all these years, Crowley had found you at least one point throughout all your lives and twice of those occasions had been you, in different lives, attempting to sell your soul for the ability to bear children. You’d been denied both times. Now it fell into place, Lucifer had taken that away from you when he’d taken your wings, not through spite but because he knew that if you ever got to find out who you were then you’d never forgive him for letting you have children who wouldn’t know the real you. That and any child you produced with a human husband would still have been a Nephilim – he could only hide your angelic nature not destroy it.
Where you're safe from all that hunts you down But the world has gone Where you belong And it feels too late so you're moving on Can you find your way back home?
Threading your fingers through his you titled your head up so that he could reach down to kiss you. His lips pushed against yours and stars burst from it. His fingertips danced along your collar bone, up your neck, along your jaw and into your hair and used it to pull you closer.
Slowly you pulled away, your voice whimpered, “Lucifer I love you, please don’t send me away again.”
“I’m never going to let them touch you again.” He promised and ice breathed over your lips at your closeness. It happened fast then. Lucifer’s wings swished open and he was pushed you to the floor and caught the attacking Angel by the elbow, the Angel blade in his hand barely missing the tip of your nose.
“Y/N run!” Lucifer commanded as he threw one of the attackers into the other, “Gabriel’s in town, find him. I won’t let them hurt you.”
And I still wonder Why heaven has died The skies are all falling I'm breathing but why? In silence I hold on To you and I
And so you ran. Down the muddy lake bank, your legs still burning and chest still heaving as they struggled to make the transition from humanity. There was no way you could fight off an Angel right now, you needed to get away. You swung your fist at the rustle of feathers to your side but your attacker caught your wrist and threw it down and you followed it crashing to the floor. “Lucifer!” you screamed but he didn’t appear as the Angel kicked you in the ribs sending you flying into the tree.
I’m never going to let them touch you again. That’s what he’d promised, where was he?!
“Lucifer!” You screamed again until it hurt, the Angel pulled you up by your hair. Lucifer appeared in front of you, his face and hair splattered with blood and his hand dripping crimson. He was snarled and the Angel hotel yanked your hair until you were stood, locked his arm around your chest and with a flutter of his wings you were both gone. Lucifer screamed and the earth cracked beneath him.
Gone. You were gone again and his own promise taunted him. I won’t let them hurt you.
Every word you're saying is a lie
3 fics in 2 days I’m spoiling you guys. Part Two - Frozen
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frenchibi · 8 years
Ok, hold on to your hats people because this is going to be a long-ass post. I have been told my cuts don’t work on mobile (?? TUMBLR PLS) so if this doesn’t work I sincerely apologize in advance for a lot of scrolling :’) Alright so I was tagged... like 6 times I think? And I’m just going to answer them all in here xD
Also I’m gonna tag a bunch of people and you can just... decide which ones you want to do, do several, do all of them, do none at all - whatever you prefer xD @cheatos @chxngsey @fairylights101writes @cheetahleopard @snowflakers @notinvidia @anyadisee @tallihoo @lalikaa @seijouho @astersandstuffs @phea-chan @owlkaashi-keiji @heirxx @thehibiscusthief @screamingnitrogenchallenge @fandang1
...alright, let the oversharing begin :’)
1. Tagged by @grand-king-toru (thank you, and you’re tagged in all the other ones too, obviously!!) and @queeniwaizumi (your tag was a little different but basically all your questions were in this one too so I didn’t do it separately FORGIVE ME TAT - and ofc you’re tagged too!!)
Favourite place: My apartment, or on top of a mountain, or in my car, or at my mom’s house, or in a Café in the center of my city where I can sketch people Relationship status: Single Favourite colour: Phtalo blue and magenta Pets: I have allergies :’) Last song I listened to: We Know The Way from Moana Favourite tv show: If we’re talking anime, it’s Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood (by a MILE). As for non-anime shows, I’m currently enjoying A Series of Unfortunate Events very much (those books were my childhood & I’m so pumped for this series you have no idea) First Fandom: Harry Potter probably, first anime fandom was Inuyasha Hobbies: writing, drawing, singing, skiing, driving my siblings places (being the oldest is GreatTM), currently trying to learn to play the guitar Books I’m currently reading: Ella Minnow Pea by Mark Dunn (and 50 others I started in Better Days™ when I had more time for reading) Favourite book: Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini, The Chaos Walking trilogy by Patrick Ness, Harry Potter by JKR, Howl’s Moving Castle by Dianne Wynne Jones, Die Stadt der Träumenden Bücher by Walter Moers Worst thing you’ve ever eaten/tasted: Milk that had gone off. It’s gross. Living alone is hard, please don’t make the mistakes I did.
2. Tagged by @seidou-chan (thank you, you’re also obviously tagged in all the others as well~)
Name: call me French :D Nickname: French, Frenchie Gender: female Sign: Pisces Height: 155cm Sexual Orientation: Pansexual Hogwarts house: Gryffindor/Ravenclaw Favourite colour: (see above) xD Favourite animal: Dolphins, Turtles, Owls Time right now: 1:15pm Average hours of sleep: Ideally 8, currently 3, I probably need to see a doctor about this Cat or dog person: Allergies :’) (tbh I love both ok) Favourite fictional character from Harry Potter: Ginny Weasley (, Sirius Black, Molly Weasley, Hermione Granger, Bellatrix Lestrange) Number of blankets you sleep with: One Favourite singer or band: currently Of Monsters and Men Dream trip: Cities! I love sightseeing :D Also Skiing, always skiing. Dream job: Musical singer/actress When was this blog created: 20..13? Started out as a Supernatural blog xD When did your blog reach its peak: Still climbing hopefully What made you decide to make a tumblr: blame @notinvidia
3. Tagged by @marleeb (ty friend, we haven’t talked much yet so sorry for the spam of information here xD Feel free to do whichever of these tags interests you :D)
5 things you’ll find in my bag: Notebooks (at least 3) Assorted pens Allergy medication My wallet Haikyuu keychains :D
(see also this post)
5 things you’ll find in my bedroom: An enormous bookshelf (ca 1,5k books, 850 mangas) Assorted recording devices & equipment A large easel and all sorts of art supplies (acrylics, aquarelles, watercolors, pastels, colored pencils, crayons, markers, modeling paste, ink, soapstone) The door to my kitchen xD My workspace w/ computers and legal dictionaries ^^
5 things I’ve always wanted to do in life: Publish a novel Raise children Own a house with a private library and a large conservatory full of plants Perform on a large stage (did that, was amazing, love to do it again) Become a translator (lol I had no idea what i was signing up for)
5 things that make me happy: Singing (is the ultimate joy of my life) and performing w/ my choir Getting feedback for my writing (makes me ecstatic ngl) and exchanging ideas with people My brilliant, lovely, multi-facetted family My warm, patient and understanding friends Being able to create, and share my ideas to people who care about them :D 5 things I’m currently into: Moana (it has consumed my life and my life is infinitely better for it) Haikyuu (and the wonderful people I’ve met through it) My original stories (which I cannot wait to work on more) A Series of Unfortunate Events (the netflix series is so great and it really lives up to the books in my opinion??) Wasting time on tumblr and ignoring the BA-thesis that I need to be writing (and my work because why be responsible)
5 things on my to-do list: *cringes* my thesis My invoices & VAT returns Get someone to help me change a lightbulb (this is not a joke, I’m short) Finish writing two letters to friends that I’m working on :D (though this one I’m looking forward to) Finish writing the 60+ fics I’ve started and work on my original projects too :’)
(what a boring to-do list is2g)
5 things people may not know about me: I OVERSHARE ALL THE TIME (you knew that) I’m a legal translator (German/English) and I work freelance I am allergic to EVERYTHING I…really love…girls… I speak 4 languages (and a fifth one barely) :D
4. Tagged by @ghost--fox (this was a while back and I’m sorry for being so slow ;-; THANK YOU FOR TAGGING ME!!! I did your other tag too, below this one :D - obviously you’re tagged in any of the above if you feel like it xD)
Rules: Put your music on “Shuffle” List the first 10 songs Tag 10 people
1. Avicii – Hey Brother 2. Nothing’s Carved In Stone – Spirit Inspiration (Zetsuen no Tempest Opening) 3. Suzanne Vega – The Queen and the Soldier (I’m gonna base an AU on this just you wait) 4. The Cab - Endlessly 5. Blue Stahli – Anti You 6. Ramin Karimloo – Show Me Light (Have I yelled about how much I love him? I love him!!) 7. All Time Low – Cinderblock Garden 8. Genesis – Follow You Follow Me (I have no regrets, love me some 80s Phil Collins) 9. Ayumi Hamazaki – Dearest (Inuyasha Ending) 10. Nightmare – Sekai Wo (Death Note Opening)
5. Tagged again by @ghost--fox :D THANK YOU!!
A - Age: 21 soon xD B - Biggest fear: not making a difference C - Current time: 2:08pm (this took long omg) D - Drink you last had: I actually bought a fresh coconut and drank it :0 (my allergies are like “uhm girl that was a bad choice” but tbh it was worth it) E - Every day starts with: Removing my retainer and taking my allergy meds F - Favorite song: Empire by Of Monsters and Men and Invincible by Hedley G - Ghosts, are they real: Idk fam H - Hometown: Munich I - In love with: being inspired & motivated?? it’s the BEST?? J - Jealous of: healthy people K - Killed someone: couldn’t even if I wanted to L - Last time you cried: Out of frustration in December M - Middle name: Johanna (after my grandmother) N - Number of siblings: 4 (3 + an older step-sister I see twice a year) O - One wish: Stop using religion as an excuse for hate crimes P - Person you last called/texted: My dad/my friend Nina respectively Q - Questions you’re always asked: Can you chill? / Can you drive me to [place]? / How’s it going with your thesis? - pls But also: Are you doing okay? / Do you need me to listen? / Sing with me? – YES THANK YOU R - Reasons to smile: Fanfiction and fanart exists. Hot chocolate, tea and fluffy blankets. Music, Art, Books, Stories. Stars & the sky. Brilliant people are making brilliant things every day. A small act of kindness from you to a stranger can make all the difference. S - Song last sang: The Lasset uns nicht zerteilen chorus from Bach’s Johannespassion in my singing lesson (in preparation for our next choir concert), and then assorted Hamilton songs on my drive home xD T - Time you woke up: 7am U - Underwear color: dark blue V- Vacation destination: Cities w/ lots of art & culture :D W - Worst habit: biting my fingernails & cuticles I HATE MYSELF X - X-rays you’ve had: lots for my teeth (wrecked a tooth and used to have braces also), one for my knee after a hiking accident Y - Your favorite food: lasagna (w/ meat or spinach honestly I like both a lot) Z - Zodiac sign: Pisces
...and lastly, 6. Tagged by  @missellaineous (this is also super old I apologize but I liked your questions so :D - feel free to do any of the other tags if you want xD)
1. What can’t you sleep without? My phone. Literally I use it as an alarm clock xD 2. What are your favorite kind of socks? :0 I like big fluffy warm ones – and also I like skiing socks because they fit really tightly and they’re also super warm xD 3. What’s your favorite snack/meal/drink? Atm I am very weak for cookies (I have… phases. At one point I ate so many gummy bears that now I just cannot), my favorite food is lasagna and my favorite drink is water or tea (no milk, no sugar, I dislike sweet drinks except if it’s hot chocolate xD) 4. What’s your favorite kind of weather? …do you know the artist Yuumei? A lot of her pictures have spectacular skies that are like… the sun breaking through dark clouds after a storm? That. That’s my favorite weather. It’s so… motivational and  hopeful? Idk, but I love it. 5. What do you like to listen to/do to relax and feel better when you’re upset? I love the songs from musicals because they’re great to sing along to and singing always improves my mood :D I have endless love for Les Mis, Phantom of the Opera and Hamilton atm. Also what always helps me is, in my mom’s words, to “talk to someone who doesn’t hate you”. Because I tend to hate on myself a lot when I’m upset (for not being better, happier, healthier, enough) and it helps to talk to my friends, who objectively don’t think I’m as awful as I tend to think I am ^^ And they’re all really kind and understanding (and/or blunt when I need someone to tell me to snap out of it). 6. What’s your favorite store to shop at? HOO BOY ok I love bookstores (because duh, books) and lately I’ve also been loving Muji a lot? xD Also we have an art supply chain here in Germany that has GREAT STUFF and I always go overboard xD 7. What color do you wear the most? Black probably, but that’s because most of my pants/leggings are black. Other than that I own a lot of blue and also a lot of red, esp. dresses :D 8. What’s your favorite (video/board/social/party) game to play? That’s hard?? I don’t play a lot of video games but I absolutely adored Undertale. Funnily enough we play card & board games a lot when we meet with my old friends from school, but tbh I don’t have a favorite. I recently learned how to play Skat, which is really enjoyable? (Google tells me apparently that’s mainly a German thing, ok.) And, eh, I’m not a big fan of parties & party games ^^ 9. Any guilty pleasures? When I have time, I watch objectively bad or cliché anime and write commentary xD Also I spend way too much time playing The Sims if I’m totally honest... and scrolling through my dash. Damn. 10. If you could go anywhere (in real life or in fiction), where would it be? Or fiction??? HOGWARTS?!?! Teach me all the magic pls?! …ok but for real though I would love to visit some of my online friends :’)
Alright that’s it, thank you all again and sorry I’m slow and this is a huge post full of way too much information, I’m gonna let myself out now
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shirtlesssammy · 6 years
13x21: Beat the Devil
Guys, we may have just watched Robert Beren’s last episode for Supernatural. I’m a little emotional about that, but am so excited about the possibility of Wayward Sisters.
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Let’s do the time warp again!
Guys! We finally FINALLY get some domestic fluff. We’ve paid our dues and now the family is finally together, happy and whole. Sam, Dean, Cas, Mary, and Jack eating pizza and shooting the shit around the bunker’s war room table. Dean eats too much. Mary tells cute childhood stories. Cas judges his husband’s choices. My teeth rotted during these two minutes of goodness.
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Alas, it’s just a dream of Sam’s. Let’s break it down --because we rarely get an inside look into Sam’s thoughts (let alone what he’s really thinking, and a dream can reveal things even he’s repressing on the outside!) He honestly has an open hostility towards Dean’s eating habits. His purity/demon blood feelings run bone deep. Ouch. He craves a homelife and Mary’s little stories about Dean’s childhood. He clearly sees Dean and Cas as domestic nuggets of love. He wants to save Mary --for her to recognize him as a hero. And Jack! Is part of the family. My heart.
Also, baby boy Sam really needs a bigger bed. If Dean can get memory foam, Sam can get a California King. Just saying.  
Well, with Gabriel on board, Team Free Bunker has all the ingredients and a witch to cast the spell to get them to AU land. Unfortunately, Gabriel doesn’t quite have the umph to produce the grace necessary for the task.
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Cas makes the argument that they need archangel grace and they only have one source for it --Lucifer. Sam and Rowena are particularly distressed.
*Team Free Will Meeting in the Kitchen Alert*
Sam, Dean, and Cas meet to discuss their options. Sam is adamantly against finding Lucifer, but Cas makes it clear to him that *they* let Lucifer out and he’s *their* responsibility.
Meanwhile, Gabe is finding interesting historical materials at his local library #LOVE YOUR LIBRARIES EVERYONE
He’s also making excuses for his poor grace performance to Rowena. She wants to hear nothing of it.
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So, like Boris is a complete Samwitch shipper (obv. after Saileen and Sody), but this WAS SO FUNNY. Why wouldn’t these two hook up? Gabe is all about that and Rowena deserves to get hers. But, yeah, what even is this script? Lol. Apparently Ruth and Rich ad libbed the voiceovers. I’m dying.
TFW decide that Lucifer is the best option, and they can use his grace indefinitely to keep the rift open. They run to the war room to tell Rowena and Gabe. They catch the archangel and witch in flagrante delicto. Omg, guys. Sam and Dean’s reaction is one thing, but Cas! I die.
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Cut to Lucifer getting not-drunk on liquor at a bar. Harry Chapin’s Cat’s the the Cradle playing the in background (Ouch, please, please, please do not let his child turn out just like him.) The bartender is sympathetic to his complaints--- but not really! It’s Gabe! And Lucifer was drugged! And Rowena binds him so they can haul him back to the bunker for their plan to be enacted.
Once at the bunker, Rowena prepares the spell, and Cas cuts Lucifer’s neck to extract his grace. They’re going to slowly use his grace to keep the portal open longer than 24 hours.
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TFW and Gabe head to the AU while Rowena stays behind to monitor (a very annoying) Lucifer.
Once in the AU they all take a bit of a tumble down a hill. Gabe ends up face first in Cas’s crotch. Awkward. And Show, why pray tell do you only cut to a reaction to --and a very interesting one --of Dean? No chill.
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Cas places them about two days walk away from Dayton, Ohio, and Mary and Jack’s outpost. While walking, Cas and Gabe have an angel heart to heart. Cas asks Gabe what his next plans are. Gabe’s not sure. Cas informs him about how heaven is dying --heavily implying what Gabe’s next role might be. Sam and Dean have a heart to heart about Sam’s mood. I mean, it might be that they’re so close to finding Mary and Jack, but I think Sam’s just happy about the humidity giving his hair that extra curly bounce. On point even in a dying world. But seriously, Sam’s so happy to be so close!
Cue screaming. Hahahahahaha...nothing bad can possibly happen now!
They find a couple battling a vampire and take the monster out. The couple inform our merry travelers that there’s only two ways to get there --over the mountains via a very out of the way detour or under a tunnel where a whole nest of vamps are camped out. Samwise Gamgee gives a stirring speech and they all head for the tunnel.
And we’re back with Rowena and the archangel everyone voted as Heaven's most annoying ass (ask anyone in the garrison). Lucifer continues his serenade to Rowena. When it doesn't appear to be working he shifts his strategy, reminding her vividly how he assaulted and then killed her. Rowena can't tune that out and, to be fair, neither can I. It's so disturbing. It’s the casual taunting of a sociopath.
Rowena tells Lucifer that TFW and Gabriel are in the AU to go rescue Jack – and that they're more father to him than Lucifer will ever be. This makes Lucifer so angry that he powers up again and busts out of his cuffs. I'd roll my eyes, but this “anger power” was established earlier this season. Anyway, he grabs Rowena by the throat and pushes her up against the wall. Before he can kill her, Rowena manages a quick word of magic and casts him away. Lucifer flies across the room and straight through the rift.
Left alone, Rowena hastily packs her things and talks through her predicament. She's the only person who might be able to keep the door open but... “Au revoir, bon voyage, not my problem,” she announces saucily, ready to head out. And then she pauses, curses, and starts to dig through her book of spells for something to help with the rift. That's our girl <3
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In the AU, our team heads into the creepy tunnel system. It's dingy and dark and before you know it, they find their first vampire. Sam kills it quickly and they move on, but not before another vampire catches their scent and begins to trail them. Another vampire attacks and they successfully defend against it. Guys, it's just like the Fire Swamp in the Princess Bride! They suffer a few dangers but it's nothing they can't handle, right? RIGHT? The team spreads out in a large junction of tunnels (not smart guys NOT SMART). 
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As they're all split up and investigating different tunnels, a whole bunch of vampires attack. Damn it. These vamps may be feral but they don't appear to be total loners and instead hunt in a pack.
Floyd eats it in short order while everyone works to fight off the rest of the vampires. Sam gets captured by two vampires and one bites the carotid right out of Sam's throat. Blood gushes from his throat in quite a shocking manner. They must have strapped the blood cannon to his neck. The vampires drag Sam away down the corridor. Cas races after them.
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Dean finishes off the last of the vampires and races after Sam, only to be stopped by Cas. To Dean's despair, Cas tells him that Sam's dead and that they've got to continue their mission. They don't have time to go after Sam. Dean is devastated and...I know this is all over Tumblr but it's SERIOUSLY HARSHING MY MELLOW to see Dean's face after this. The agony! (Curls up into a ball.)
Here, have a kitten instead.
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The next morning they're hiking on the other side of the mountains and Dean is completely checked out. Maggie tries to thank him and tell him that she's sorry about his friend. He's barely responsive, lost in reliving watching his brother's death.
And so we cut to Sam. Or rather, we cut to Sam's body lying on the ground in some dead-end tunnel, his eyes wide and empty. Sam. Is. Dead. This show isn't fucking around.
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The Dayton-bound team runs into angel warding, blocking Cas from going any further. Gabriel helpfully burns out the warding (nice job, man!) and human soldiers race out. It's the resistance! Mary enters the scene like a goddamn vision, greets Cas, and then heads for Dean. She pulls him into a hug and then asks after Sam.
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Ugh. I'm sorry. Here, have another kitten.
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And just as we're all single-man-tearing our way through our Supernatural-themed flasks (or whatever) Sam wakes up in the tunnels. He checks his throat and it's healed.
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At first we're worried, thinking he's been turned into a vampire. (It's gotta be a bitch to hunt down your crazed vampire sire in the pitchdark tunnels of an apocalypse world.) But then Lucifer shows up.
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Lucifer reveals that he brought Sam back to life. I'm so conflicted because it's a great explanation for how Sam might be resurrected. And yet...it's Lucifer. What a bag of dicks. Lucifer goes on to explain to a not-at-all-okay Sam that he powered up by eating a gaggle of Michael's angels. Ew. Lucifer. Not cool.
Sam's still in shock when Lucifer offers him a deal. Sam can lead Lucifer to Jack or he can stay back in the mine and die at the gaping maws of the ten or so rabid vampires who've gathered just outside the little room. “Join our monster RAVE, Sam!”
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Sam considers it. I mean...he considers Lucifer’s offer. (Obviously he’s got a glow stick so he’s gonna rave a leeetle bit.) “You need me,” Lucifer tells him.
Elsewhere our heroes arrive in camp. Jack demands to know why Cas didn't bring Sam back to life. Cas isn't powerful enough – and neither is Gabe. Dean loads up on fresh water for a mission to go retrieve Sam's body when...TA DA! Sam walks into camp. He's shadowed moments later by Lucifer.
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Let's get ready to rumble, I guess.
Alternative Quotaverse:
We've been avoiding dealing with him because we're afraid
The three amigos with their bro hugs, pep talks, and melodrama
I know you're trying to bait me with your seeming neanderthal misogyny. Anything to distract yourself from your profound, deeply emasculating humiliation. Sorry, Lucille, I'm not biting.
Not our world, not our problem. Right?
Want to read more? Check out our Recap Archive!
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road2nf · 8 years
The Literal Road To Nerdfighteria
I am a very recent nerdfighter, and my story is somewhat unconventional. 
I’d read John Green’s books when I was in middle school (I’m now in college) and really liked An Abundance of Katherines, but my fandom ended there.
This past spring I took on a really cool internship in Florida. When it was over, I decided to take a massive road trip back home to California because I didn’t think I’d ever get the chance to see the country Kerouac style ever again. It took about a week to go from coast to coast and I stopped in at a few cool places along the way.
I got a call from my little sister when I hit the California-Arizona border. Apparently she had been trying to get in contact with me for a while, but because of crappy cell service in the middle of the desert, time zones, and my phone being in airplane mode for part of the trip, we hadn’t connected until then. (When the directions say to stay on the I-10 for 433 miles, Google maps kinda loses its utility.) My sister asked me if I wanted to go to a concert with her when I got home - like within minutes of when I was supposed to get home. She mentioned the bands playing, and I’d at least heard of Harry and the Potters and figured they’d be pretty fun. Also, I’m a little overprotective of my sister and didn’t want her going to a concert alone, so I agreed to go.
We went to the Hank Green and the Perfect Strangers concert in Anaheim, CA on their most recent tour and met some cool people. Afterwards, I immediately looked up…
Driftless Pony Club.
Later that week, my sister showed me the tour video that Hank made that included the concert we were at - the one featuring The Thing in Arizona. I realized that I had been inadvertently following the band on my own road trip since at least El Paso, through Tucson, and into California. I had actually stopped at the rest stop that houses The Thing and gotten a Blizzard at the Dairy Queen shortly after the band had left. I’d walked past the Rialto Theater in Tucson shortly before their show. I’d probably passed their van in my rush to get through Southern California traffic on my way home to my family.
Two weeks later I went back to summer school at the University of Arizona to play catch up from my semester off from internship, and because nothing happens and no one stays in Tucson over the summer, I had some time and I started looking up some of Hank’s videos to try and understand why my sister was so into them. I discovered a whole impassioned community with a dedication to truth and awesomeness. 
I am, admittedly, a relatively new nerdfighter who took a while to figure out what exactly French the Llama meant and why puppy-sized elephants are evolutionarily advantageous, but I love the inside jokes, the kindness, the variety of voices and issues that get raised and solved. I relish the opportunity to talk about big human issues while at the same time staying grounded to the fact that we’re all gonna die. It’s been exciting getting to know Hank and John and all the people involved in Nerdfighteria, and I’m glad my sister dragged my tired, road-hardened butt to that Hank Green concert because I have a new perspective on the world.
(via Grace R)
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dazzledbybooks · 5 years
We are celebrating the release of 5 amazing bundles (20-24) from 1001 Dark Nights! Each bundle features novellas from 4 bestselling authors. The bundles released today, and you can grab your copies by going to the links below. Check out the book trailer for the bundles!   1001 Dark Nights Bundle 20 Featuring: Rebecca Zanetti, Kristen Ashley, Larissa Ione, and Laura Kaye About this Bundle: From New York Times and USA Today bestselling authors Rebecca Zanetti, Kristen Ashley, Larissa Ione, and Laura Kaye. Four Dark Tales. Four Sensual Stories. Four Page Turners. BLAZE ERUPTING: Scorpius Syndrome/A Brigade Novella by Rebecca Zanetti Hugh Johnson is nobody’s hero, and the idea of being in the limelight makes him want to growl. He takes care of his brothers, does his job, and enjoys a mellow evening hanging with his hound dog and watching the sports channel. So when sweet and sexy Ellie Smithers from his college chemistry class asks him to save millions of people from a nuclear meltdown, he doggedly steps forward while telling himself that the world hasn’t changed and he can go back to his relaxing life. One look at Ellie and excitement doesn’t seem so bad. ROUGH RIDE: A Chaos Novella by Kristen Ashley Rosalie Holloway put it all on the line for the Chaos Motorcycle Club. Informing to Chaos on their rival club—her man’s club, Bounty—Rosalie knows the stakes. And she pays them when her man, who she was hoping to scare straight, finds out she’s betrayed him and he delivers her to his brothers to mete out their form of justice. But really, Rosie has long been denying that, as she drifted away from her Bounty, she’s been falling in love with Everett “Snapper” Kavanagh, a Chaos brother. Snap is the biker-boy-next door with the snowy blue eyes, quiet confidence and sweet disposition who was supposed to keep her safe…and fell down on that job. HAWKYN: A Demonica Novella by Larissa Ione As a special class of earthbound guardian angel called Memitim, Hawkyn is charged with protecting those whose lives are woven into the fabric of the future. His success is legendary, so when he’s given a serial killer to watch over, he sees no reason for that to change. But Hawkyn’s own future is jeopardized after he breaks the rules and rescues a beautiful woman from the killer’s clutches, setting off an explosive, demonic game of cat and mouse that pits brother against brother and that won’t end until someone dies. RIDE DIRTY: A Raven Riders Novella by Laura Kaye Caine McKannon is all about rules. As the Raven Riders’ Sergeant-at-Arms, he prizes loyalty to his brothers and protection of his club. As a man, he takes pleasure wherever he can get it but allows no one close—because distance is the only way to ensure people can’t hurt you. And he’s had enough pain for a lifetime. Kids and school are kindergarten teacher Emma Kerry’s whole life, so she’s stunned to realize she has an enemy—and even more surprised to find a protector in the intimidating man who saved her. Tall, dark, and tattooed, Caine is unlike any man Emma’s ever known, and she’s as uncertain of him as she is attracted. Every Dark Nights tale is breathtakingly sexy and magically romantic.   Purchase your copy of BUNDLE 20 today! Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon CA | Amazon AU Check out the authors: Rebecca Zanetti | Kristen Ashley | Larissa Ione | Laura Kaye ------------------- 1001 Dark Nights Bundle 21 Featuring: Joanna Wylde, Jennifer Probst, Elisabeth Naughton, and Carrie Ann Ryan About this Bundle: From New York Times and USA Today bestselling authors Joanna Wylde, Jennifer Probst, Elisabeth Naughton, and Carrie Ann Ryan. Four Dark Tales. Four Sensual Stories. Four Page Turners. ROME’S CHANCE: A Reapers MC Novella by Joanna Wylde Rome McGuire knew he was in trouble the first time he saw her. She was sweet and pretty and just about perfect in every way. Randi Whittaker was also too young and innocent for the Reapers Motorcycle Club. He did the right thing, and walked away. The second time, he couldn’t resist tasting her. Walking away wasn’t so easy that time, but her family needed her and he had a job to do. When she came around a third time, he’d had enough. Randi had been given two chances to escape, and now it was time for Rome to take his. THE MARRIAGE ARRANGEMENT: A Marriage to a Billionaire Novella by Jennifer Probst Caterina Victoria Windsor fled her family winery after a humiliating broken engagement, and spent the past year in Italy rebuilding her world. But when Ripley Savage shows up with a plan to bring her back home, and an outrageous demand for her to marry him, she has no choice but to return to face her past. But when simple attraction begins to run deeper, Cat has to decide if she’s strong enough to trust again…and strong enough to stay… SURRENDER: A House of Sin Novella by Elisabeth Naughton The leaders of my House want her dead. The men I’ve secretly aligned myself with want her punished for screwing up their coup. I’ve been sent by both to deal with her, but one look at the feisty redhead and I’ve got plans of my own. Before I carry out anyone else’s orders, she’s going to give me what I want. And only when I’m satisfied will I decide if she lives or dies. Depending, of course, on just how easily she surrenders... INKED NIGHTS: A Montgomery Ink Novella by Carrie Ann Ryan Tattoo artist, Derek Hawkins knows the rules: One night a month. No last names. No promises. Olivia Madison has her own rules: Don’t fall in love. No commitment. Never tell Derek the truth. When their worlds crash into each other however, Derek and Olivia will have to face what they fought to ignore as well as the connection they tried to forget. Every Dark Nights tale is breathtakingly sexy and magically romantic. Purchase your copy of BUNDLE 21 today! Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon CA | Amazon AU Check out the authors: Joanna Wylde | Jennifer Probst | Elisabeth Naughton | Carrie Ann Ryan ------------------- 1001 Dark Nights Bundle 22 Featuring: Rachel Van Dyken, Lexi Blake, Jennifer L. Armentrout, and J. Kenner About this Bundle: From New York Times and USA Today bestselling authors Rachel Van Dyken, Lexi Blake, Jennifer L. Armentrout, and J. Kenner. Four Dark Tales. Four Sensual Stories. Four Page Turners. ENVY: An Eagle Elite Novella by Rachel Van Dyken Every family has rules, the mafia just has more.... Do not speak to the bosses unless spoken to. Do not make eye contact unless you want to die. And above all else, do not fall in love. Renee Cassani's future is set. Her betrothal is set. Her life, after nannying for the five families for the summer, is set. Somebody should have told Vic Colezan that. He's a man who doesn't take no for an answer. And he only wants one thing. Her. Somebody should have told Renee that her bodyguard needed as much discipline as the kids she was nannying. Good thing Vic has a firm hand. PROTECTED: A Masters and Mercenaries Novella by Lexi Blake Years before, Wade Rycroft fell in love with Geneva Harris, the smartest girl in his class. The rodeo star and the shy academic made for an odd pair but their chemistry was undeniable. They made plans to get married after high school but when Genny left him standing in the rain, he joined the Army and vowed to leave that life behind. Genny married the town’s golden boy, and Wade knew that he couldn’t go home again. Fifteen years later, Wade returns to his Texas hometown for his brother’s wedding and walks into a storm of scandal. Genny’s marriage has dissolved and the town has turned against her. But when someone tries to kill his old love, Wade can’t refuse to help her. THE PRINCE: A Wicked Novella by Jennifer L. Armentrout Cold. Heartless. Deadly. Whispers of his name alone bring fear to fae and mortals alike. The Prince. There is nothing in the mortal world more dangerous than him. Haunted by a past he couldn’t control, all Caden desires is revenge against those who’d wronged him, trapping him in never-ending nightmare. And there is one person he knows can help him. Raised within the Order, Brighton Jussier knows just how dangerous the Prince is, reformed or not. She’d seen firsthand what atrocities he could be capable of. The last thing she wants to do is help him, but he leaves her little choice. Forced to work alongside him, she begins to see the man under the bitter ice. Yearning for him feels like the definition of insanity, but there’s no denying the heat in his touch and the wicked promise is his stare. PLEASE ME: A Stark Ever After Novella by Julie Kenner Each day with Damien is a miracle, each moment with our children a gift. And yet I cannot escape the growing sense that a storm is gathering, threatening to pull me away, to rip us apart. To drag me down, once again, into a darkness to which I swore never to return. I have to fight it—I know that. And I am waging the battle with of all my heart. But it is Damien who is my strength, and we both know that the only way to push away the darkness is for him to fold me in his arms and claim me completely. And for me to surrender myself, once again, to the fire that burns between us. Every Dark Nights tale is breathtakingly sexy and magically romantic.   Purchase your copy of BUNDLE 22 today! Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon CA | Amazon AU Check out the authors: Rachel Van Dyken | Lexi Blake | Jennifer L. Armentrout | J. Kenner -------------------   1001 Dark Nights Bundle 23 Featuring: Lorelei James, Kylie Scott, Donna Grant, and Kristen Proby About this Bundle: From New York Times and USA Today bestselling authors Lorelei James, Kylie Scott, Donna Grant, and Kristen Proby. Four Dark Tales. Four Sensual Stories. Four Page Turners. WOUND TIGHT: A Rough Riders/Blacktop Cowboys® Crossover by Lorelei James Bull rider Justin Donohue spent his youth hell-bent on winning world championships. After hitting the big 4-0, Justin takes a job at the Grade A Ranch and Rodeo School, where he immediately locks horns (and lips) with the sexy, sassy Callie—a 22-year-old cowgirl set on seducing him. From the moment Callie Morgan encounters the hot-as-fire new ranch hand, she knows his gruff manner is an attempt to mask his attraction to her. But she’s never backed down from a challenge, especially not when Justin’s actions speak louder than his denials. STRONG: A Stage Dive Novella by Kylie Scott As head of security to Stage Dive, one of the biggest rock bands in the world, Sam Knowles has plenty of experience dealing with trouble. But spoilt brat Martha Nicholson just might be the worst thing he’s ever encountered. The beautiful troublemaker claims to have reformed, but Sam knows better than to think with what’s in his pants. Unfortunately, it’s not so easy to make his heart fall into line. DRAGON NIGHT: A Dark Kings Novella by Donna Grant There has never been a hunt that Dorian has lost. With his sights set on a relic the Dragon Kings need to battle an ancient foe, he won’t let anything stand in his way – especially not the beautiful owner. Alexandra Sheridan is smart and cautious. Yet the attraction between them is impossible to deny – or ignore. But is it a road Dorian dares to travel down again? TEMPTING BROOKE: A Big Sky Novella by Kristen Proby Brooke’s Blooms has taken Cunningham Falls by surprise. This store is Brooke Henderson’s deepest joy, and it means everything to her, which shows in how completely she and her little shop have been embraced by the small community of Cunningham Falls. So, when her landlord dies and Brody Chabot saunters through her door, announcing that the building has been sold, and will soon be demolished, Brooke knows that she’s in for the fight of her life. But she hasn’t gotten this far by sitting back and quietly doing what she’s told. Brooke has no intention of losing this fight, no matter how tempting Brody’s smile -- and body -- is. Every Dark Nights tale is breathtakingly sexy and magically romantic. Purchase your copy of BUNDLE 23 today! Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon CA | Amazon AU Check out the authors: Lorelei James | Kylie Scott | Donna Grant | Kristen Proby ------------------- 1001 Dark Nights Bundle 24 Featuring: Heather Graham, K. Bromberg, Kendall Ryan, and Gena Showalter About this Bundle: From New York Times and USA Today bestselling authors Heather Graham, K. Bromberg, Kendall Ryan, and Gena Showalter. Four Dark Tales. Four Sensual Stories. Four Page Turners. HAUNTED BE THE HOLIDAYS: A Krewe of Hunters Novella by Heather Graham It’s Halloween at the Global Tower Theatre, a fantastic and historic theater owned by Adam Harrison and run by spouses of Krewe members. During a special performance, a strange actor makes an appearance in the middle of the show, warning of dire events if his murder is not solved before another holiday rolls around. Dakota McCoy and Brodie McFadden dive into the mystery. Both have a special talent for dealing with ghosts, but this one is proving elusive. With the help of Brodie’s diva mother and his ever-patient father—who were killed together when a stage chandelier fell upon them—Dakota and Brodie set out to solve the case. If they can't solve the murder quickly, there will be no Thanksgiving for the Krewe... CONTROL: An Everyday Heroes Novella by K. Bromberg Control is something Desi Whitman abhors. Why live life in black and white perfection when you can messily color outside the lines? But when she comes face to face with SWAT officer Reznor Mayne, he’s about to show her just how good control can feel. HUNKY HEARTBREAKERS: A Whiskey Kisses Novella by Kendall Ryan Everything’s bigger in Texas. And that includes Duke Wilder’s sexual appetite. Together with his twin brother, he runs a whiskey distillery, and when their business takes off—suddenly he’s got it all. Success. Money. Family. But he doesn’t have a woman to share it with. When Valentina storms into his life, her presence is only supposed to be temporary. She’s a feisty attorney hired to help clean up his company’s recent legal mess. He never counted on her being the one to turn his whole world upside down. THE DARKEST CAPTIVE: A Lords of the Underworld Novella by Gena Showalter For centuries, Galen the Treacherous has been the most hated immortal in the Underworld. Possessed by the demons of Jealousy and False Hope, he has always lived for a single purpose: destroy everything. Then he met her. Former demon turned human femme fatale — Legion Honey -- sought to kill Galen, but ended up parting with her virginity instead. Afraid of their sizzling connection, she ran away…and ended up trapped in hell, tortured and abused in the worst of ways. Now she’s free, and a shell of herself, afraid of her own shadow. Galen's hunger for Legion has only grown. Now the warrior with nothing to lose must help her rekindle the fire that once burned inside her. Every Dark Nights tale is breathtakingly sexy and magically romantic.   Purchase your copy of BUNDLE 24 today! Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon CA | Amazon AU Check out the authors: Heather Graham | K. Bromberg | Kendall Ryan | Gena Showalter WATCH THE TRAILER  
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thepapermixtape · 6 years
Bookstore Drift
By: Cierra Djokovich
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The benefit of not being alive is not having to die. Yet sometimes even lifeless entities do not have the luxury of escaping death, the bookstore being one of them. Well, at least that’s what I’ve been told. This knowledge of the bookstore’s impending doom has made me cherish every moment I spend inside of one, every time thinking, this may be the last time I step inside this bookshop. But there it stands every time I go back, standing tall, mocking my prior farewell.
I’m now in my twenties and that bookstore five minutes from my house can still be found. So how is it still standing if the people have been whispering about its inevitable demise as if it were their sick, old neighbor on their way out? Online shopping is obviously crazy popular today and everyday forward, but we can’t spend every moment behind a screen; a bookstore is somewhere you can spend hours sipping coffee and reading about someone else’s life.
Back when bookstore chains like Barnes & Noble first popped up, independent bookstores run by the local neighborhood gal or guy were hit hard by the blossoming alternatives offering cheaper prices. Then arrived the big dogs like Amazon that came with even cheaper prices and unparalleled convenience that have all but nearly wiped out the chain bookstores. But to what end does convenience and price desolate the past? It may be killing old businesses, but online shopping lacks a key factor that book-lovers across the world would agree with: reading a book is not just about reading the book. Roaming aisles and aisles of novels, the smell of freshly printed pages filling your senses, picking some up and flipping through to see how it feels in your hand, and spending time in a place that feels like the gateway to a million alternate realms possessed in each binding on the shelf. Browsing a website and looking at a digital, 2-D picture of the book’s cover doesn’t always make the cut for story hunters. It’s not just any old shop that can compete with convenience, though. It’s the independent shop, the one that was shoved to the side when chains made their debut, that is now back in business baby. The artsy, independently-owned bookstore that is unique to each town in which it resides may not be dead just yet!
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When I visited Portland last year, I made a stop at Powell’s City of Books, the world’s largest independent bookstore. I wanted to buy a book from there solely because it was Powell’s, as if it would forever remain a testament of my trip to Portland. There is an excitement that exists in that store as each person searches ravenously for the next paper vehicle that will transport them to another place for a bit, mostly oblivious to the other humans on the hunt around them. This year I went to Seattle and happened to walk past Elliot Bay Book Company as its windowed-face called me in. Located in a tourist-jammed neighborhood and displaying thousands of titles on cedar shelves, Elliot Bay Book Company almost made me sad because everywhere I looked, there were stories I wanted to read yet I knew I would never get to them all. At the last stop along the west coast this summer, I drove to San Francisco and wandered by a bookstore that immediately caught my interest called City Lights Bookstore. This shop was unlike your super-sized Barnes & Noble—every square inch of the 3-storied but cramped space was packed with books. The place felt special, almost like tent forts do as a little kid, and I wished I could buy that feeling to take with me.
These bookstores, along with all the other independents popping up, are like tourist attractions that can be listed under “things to do” for each town that has one of its own. They hold events that range from book readings, wine and cocktail nights, singalongs, cooking classes, dinner parties, to even Airbnb spaces on the top floor. The independent bookshops may come to be the anchors that hold the ship down, fueling the formation or preservation of surrounding towns. Just as illustrations, paintings, clay formations, and music are expressed as art in galleries and concert halls, the independent bookstore is recognized more today as a collection of art. Words have always been a form of creativity, but the chain bookstore does not seem to reflect the artistic nature of the novels on their shelves. These new independent stores are beginning to create the atmosphere you want to lose yourself in, the sacred and unique space that makes your time spent seem purposeful.
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Books Are Magic, Brooklyn
In the end, stories are too personal to become a purely digital transaction. Physical copies of books feel like you’re holding the author’s thoughts and emotions. Book shopping may not be a marriage, but there is an intimate connection when you read the words that the author entrusted to you—so we test it out in-person, as we would date a new partner before sealing the deal. Though we may go online to save a few bucks sometimes, we will still crave the moments spent inside a bookstore, meandering past the pages we hope to find. The bookstore isn’t going away, it’s just changing—and I think it’s changing for the better.
Here’s my bookshop bucket list across the states (including the ones mentioned above):
Alley Cat Books (San Francisco, CA): As eclectic as you can get with a gallery space that features artists, book clubs, dances, open mics, and film screenings.
Avid Bookshop (Athens, GA): The Prince Avenue location has a red-brick storefront and books hanging from the ceiling, making it feel like a really fun and special place to be.
Books are Magic (Brooklyn, NY): Probably the most aesthetically-pleasing bookstore I know of, as well as a great collection of books.
Brattle Book Shop (Boston, MA): You can find a lot of antiques in this old place, founded in 1825. During the day, the shop is expanded into the alley that runs beside it, creating what looks like a book-themed farmer’s market.
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Brewery Bhavana (North Carolina): (Above) This is a “bookstore” that simultaneously exists as a dim sung restaurant, brewery, and flower shop!!
City Lights Bookstore (San Francisco, CA): Everywhere you step inside of this place, there are more rooms and staircases that lead to more rooms overflowing with books. This is one of my favorite places in one of my favorite cities. Described as a landmark for contested literature around its founding in 1955, City Lights started a publishing arm that works to keep important voices alive in the literary world.
Common Good Books (St. Paul, MN): This quaint brick store-front is deceiving—a multiple-storied wonderland with high-ceilings that feels fresh and aged at the same time.
Eclipse Bookstore (Bellingham, Washington): If I have exaggerated on any of the previous shops in my description of “books everywhere you look,” you can be certain that I am not exaggerating with this shop. Eclipse is literally covered by stacks and piles of books everywhere you look, in an almost messy way that book-lovers would appreciate.
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Elliot Bay Book Company (Seattle, Washington): (Above) Elliot Bay Books has an energetic atmosphere, nestled into the beautiful and popular Capitol Hill area (and kitty corner to a fantastic Mexican restaurant named Poquitos).
Full Circle Bookstore (Oklahoma City, OK): With shelves that climb the walls all the way to the ceiling, this is your stop if you like climbing ladders.
John K. King Used & Rare Books (Detroit, MI): This space was originally a glove factory that has turned into a bookstore, so be prepared to lose a week of your life in this place among its four floors of endless expanses.
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McNally Jackson Books (New York City, NY): (Above) Can’t go wrong with either of its two locations in New York, as long as you make a stop at the cafe where you can find school desks propped on one wall where one can enjoy being alone with his or her cup of coffee and novel.
Powell’s Books (Portland, Oregon): Truly a theme park for bookstores. You can easily get lost in this place, and that’s my favorite part about it.
Powerhouse (DUMBO, NY): Hit especially hard by Hurricane Sandy, this shop made an impressive comeback and is probably a place that I would spend way too much time in if I lived closer.
Prairie Lights (Iowa): Three stories of books and a half story with a coffee/wine/beer cafe.
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Skylight Books (Los Angeles, CA): (Above) As a plant lover, this place makes me happy because the shelves of books are organized in a circle surrounding a tree that sits inside the shop.
Symposium Books (Rhode Island): Nestled on a tree-ridden and intimate street, this shop faces you with a black facade that hides the treasure that is inside, selling vintage vinyls alongside the myriad of books on display.
Taylor Books (Charleston,WV): This gem doesn’t just have books, but is the local hotspot for many things, including a full cafe, art gallery, live music, art classes, giftshop, and free Wi-Fi.
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The Montague Bookmill (Montague, MA): (Above) Settled along the Connecticut River several miles off the main road, this place is a hard-to-find oasis with a restaurant, movie & music area, and bookshop that sells books for around half their price.
The Writer’s Block (Las Vegas,NV): This is a bookshop slash book workshop (where you can write and print a book if you’re a new author) slash book history museum.
Three Lives & Co (Manhattan, NY): A snug, local favorite that reminds me a lot like a place that Harry Potter would stop by to purchase a wand or something.
Upshur Street Books (Washington, DC): A cozy little place that was opened by the owner of the bar next door where literary-themed cocktails are introduced every Friday and Saturday.
Top sketch by Cierra Djokovich
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movietvtechgeeks · 7 years
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Latest story from https://movietvtechgeeks.com/lynn-zubernis-talks-supernatural-experiences-family-dont-end-blood/
Lynn Zubernis talks her 'Supernatural' experiences and Family Don't End With Blood
Lynn Zubernis is quite well known in the Supernatural world and a very visible member of the #SPNFamily, but we know her for her amazingly in-depth recap reviews and interviews. We've loved having her part of the Movie TV Tech Geeks family, so we're proud to talk about her latest book "Family Don't End With Blood: Cast and Fans on How Supernatural Has Changed Their Lives." You can grab your copy here (yes our shameless plug!) We recently published exclusive excerpt's from her latest book, and you can see that here. Keep watching as we'll be running a series of the best of Lynn's Supernatural interviews with new introductions from her. Since she's spent so many years asking fans and the stars of Supernatural their innermost thoughts and secrets, we thought it only fair to give her the same treatment. So, get to know the woman who has tirelessly given Jensen Ackles, Jared Padalecki, Misha Collins and countless other Supernatural fans, friends and cast members plenty of support and media attention
Did you discover Supernatural right when it began or after?
Yes and no. I had a friend who heard about the show at Comic Con and knew she was going to love it from the preview she saw there. She started watching it when it premiered, loved it as expected, and then set about trying to convince all the rest of her friends (including me) to watch it too. When we would have “girls weekends” she would bring VHS tapes (hey, it was 2005) and “make” us all watch Supernatural. I thought it was a good show, but it didn’t bowl me over at first. I watched it sporadically through its first season but wasn’t a ‘fan,' just a casual viewer. Then, early in Season 2, one night I was grading papers with the tv on in the background, watching Supernatural so I could chat knowledgeably with my friend. I suddenly realized that I was just sitting there, red pen hovering in the air, so transfixed by what was on the screen that I hadn’t graded anything in twenty minutes. I actually turned to my daughter and said “Ohmygod, this is the BEST show ever! How did I not realize that?” My daughter (clearly thinking I’d lost my mind): “Mom, you’ve been watching this show for a year…” It’s true. But something suddenly clicked for me. The moment that did it was Dean and Sam leaning on the Impala, parked at a gorgeous mountain pass when Dean breaks down and gets emotional for the first time. He was so anguished, and Sam, in turn, was so anguished in empathy. I suddenly realized these characters were way more complex than I’d given them credit for. And oh wow, those actors were really kinda attractive too. Huh.
What about it appealed to you so much?
I think it was the emotionality that they weren’t afraid to portray. I watched ‘Born Under A Bad Sign’ shortly after, and was once again blown away by Jared and Jensen’s acting. Possessed Sam was a revelation, both when he menaces Jo and later when he tortures his brother. The fact that Dean wouldn’t fight back, and then later hauled off and punched his no-longer-possessed brother, struck me as so real and so compelling (the first Ackles ad lib I noticed, which I now delight in trying to figure out). It was especially rare at the time to find a show that allowed its male leads to express so much emotion, certainly not for each other. But because Sam and Dean were brothers, they got a pass, and the result was a relationship that was fascinating and endlessly inspiring. Here were two brothers who really would die for each other, and that got me by the heartstrings. (It still has me by the heartstrings over a decade later). The chemistry between the two actors was off the charts from day one, bringing the depth of that relationship to life in an extraordinary way. Interestingly, it wasn’t until I’d fallen for the Show and the characters that I even noticed that Jared and Jensen were somewhat attractive. Once I noticed, I didn’t forget it again though. Another wave of new fans were drawn to the show with the addition of Misha Collins as Castiel in Season 4. Castiel was another fascinating character, and his status as the perpetual outsider who always felt a little different and set apart really spoke to many fans. (Many of us define ourselves as unique as well). Misha also was the first to tap into the fandom’s creativity and passion to help do good in the world, which spread to the entire SPN Family, cast and fandom alike.
Was there anything going on in your life at the time that made the show feel like it was speaking to you? Many fans talk about something life changing happening to them and how the show has helped them weather the storm.
I was in the midst of a lot of change. My children were going through some transitions, I was thinking of changing jobs (still a psychologist, but from clinical practice to being a professor) and was in a relationship that wasn’t all that fulfilling. None of those things at the time were cataclysmic, but there was a lot of uncertainty. I don’t like change, and I was faced with a lot of it. I think, looking back, that becoming passionate about something else—like a television show—was a helpful fantasy escape for 42 minutes a week. Once I discovered the fan community, that was even more helpful—like a built in therapy group I could access at the touch of a button. Through the fandom support, I got back in touch with my own creativity and self-expression, which had gotten lost and put on the back burner to being a mom and a partner and a therapist. Who had time for things like self-expression? There’s no denying that the message of the show is an inspiring one also. The Winchesters and Cas have been through more than most of us will ever have to face, and they still keep getting up and going on. During challenging times, that’s a very helpful message. #AlwaysKeepFighting. I’ve needed to hear it sometimes, just like most of us have.
Were you surprised to find out how devoted its fanbase was?
Absolutely. I had never been part of an organized fandom, so I didn’t even know that online fan communities existed, let alone for a little-known show on a little-known network! I knew how devoted I had become, so it was a tremendous relief to find that there were lots of other people out there who were thinking and feeling the same things that I was about this show. And who were also creative and passionate and wanting to share that passion openly with like-minded others. Once I started going to conventions, I started to realize that this was a unique fandom—and a unique group of actors too. I think we used the phrase “lightning in a bottle” early on, and others started to use it about the show too, to describe both the chemistry between the actors and how passionate the show’s fans were.
What inspired you to write the first book, and did you think it might be a great way to meet other fans like yourself plus the stars of the show?
At first, that wasn’t our thought at all. I’m a psychologist, so I’m endlessly fascinated by what makes people do the things they do and feel the things they feel. That goes for myself too. So when (usually level headed, briefcase carrying, serious-minded) me was suddenly spending hours every night scouring the internet for pictures of Jared and Jensen and Supernatural fanfiction, my first thought was OMG what is happening to me?! I started to do research with the goal of figuring that out, along with fellow professor Kathy Larsen. We started out talking to other fans, collecting data as it were. Then we wondered how the “other side” felt about this whole fandom thing—did they value it? Think it was crazy? Were they a little scared? Once again, the best way to figure that out seemed to be to ask. So, naively, we started picking up the phone and just asking. We blundered our way into conversations with then writer Sera Gamble (who wanted to talk to us writer to writer), writer Betsy Morris (who had penned the indie film Ten Inch Hero, starring Jensen Ackles and Danneel Harris) and actor Jim Beaver (who answered his own phone).  The conversation with Jim was thoroughly fascinating, and he was amazingly kind and welcoming—he welcomed us right into his house to spend three hours in his living room drinking homemade iced tea and talking about EVERYTHING. Sera and Betsy became correspondence pals; I think because we were all writers. Betsy introduced us to Danneel (now Ackles), and she was so kind and welcoming too that we were encouraged to just keep on talking to these people. I realize now that we were incredibly lucky and just happened to start out with some of the nicest people I’ve ever met. We make fun of ourselves in ‘Fangasm Supernatural Fangirls’ for writing a book to “get to meet the actors” but the first book, “Fandom At The Crossroads,” really wasn’t about that. Crossroads is an academic book that tried to answer those early questions. Did we later develop a never-talked-about semi-unconscious goal of trying to meet the elusive Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki? Absolutely. I mean, we had questions to ask.
Has there been a specific low point in your life that Supernatural has helped you get through?
Just recently, yes. My dad passed away at the end of last year quite suddenly. I was very close to him, and his loss hit me very hard. When I got the news, I was literally walking in the door of a Supernatural convention. And while that might seem like not the best place to be for such news, it turned out to be a godsend. I walked in, and the Creation convention staff immediately knew there was something wrong. I told one or two, and they swung into action. They checked me in, got a wristband on me even though it was late and registration was closed, made sure I had something to drink and some Advil. They escorted me into the auditorium where the traditional Saturday evening concert (the “Saturday Night Special”) was about to start and walked me to my seat, then checked on me periodically. I was sort of in shock and just wanted to sit back and immerse myself in the music and in the company of my fellow fans, many of whom are now good friends. I wanted to listen to the beautiful music of Louden Swain and friends and give my brain a chance to process the information I’d just gotten before I called my kids and the rest of the family. There is a moment during the concert when actor Matt Cohen often leaps off the stage and runs through the audience, standing on chairs and getting us all riled up and in the spirit. That night, Matt jumped down and came straight over to me, threw his arms around me and whispered in my ear “I’m so sorry. You know we all love you.” It was a simple gesture, but it meant so much. Later that night and the next day, most of the actors found a moment to say the same thing. Including the show’s leads, who you would expect to be too busy with a hectic schedule to think about such things. They made me cry for the first time with the strength of their hugs, but it was a good cry. I won’t forget that phone call, of course, but because it’s also wrapped up with such an expression of love and caring—from such an unlikely source—that it eases the memory even now. That’s what SPNFamily – and Family Don’t End With Blood – is all about.
As you cover so many Supernatural Cons and are traveling so much, does it ever cause any conflicts within your own family?
Sometimes. Especially early on, when my children were younger and not at all happy about mom taking off for the weekend. Kathy and I used to take turns being on the phone with a disgruntled child, then cry on each other’s shoulders about it when we hung up. There were some disgruntled partner conversations too. Once the books started to be published, the legitimacy of the research and the writing and the con-going made things easier. But is it still a source of conflict sometimes.
What have you learned most about fan culture in researching your books?
How unique fandom is as a community, and how valuable. For many of us, but especially for women, there is a strong message not to be yourself—to put on a façade and be whatever is socially acceptable. Fandom knocked that norm on its head. Fandom said, be who you really are, even if you’re pretty sure you are absolutely WEIRD. Be it anyway—and damned if you won’t find a whole bunch of other people who instead of saying “You’re weird” will jump up and down and say “Oh yay, me too!” That was life changing for me. I got to be myself and to find lifelong friends who liked that real self just fine. It helped me start to be that real self in the rest of my “real” life too. That’s not to say there isn’t conflict in fandom. It’s a group—and while groups bring us belongingness, which we have an evolutionary need for—they also bring hierarchies and jockeying for positions of power and intra and inter-group conflict. That’s why we have Sam fans and Dean fans and Cas fans and shippers of every possible combination, and sometimes it seems like these groups of people can’t possibly be part of the same fandom. With great passion comes great investment, so everyone wants the story to go their way. Some of that is inevitable, but it doesn’t erase all the wonderful healthy things about fandom. I have friends in every single camp and cherish them all.
When you began writing about Supernatural, were the PR people at the show helpful or did you have to find your own ways to get access to people like Jensen Ackles, Jared Padalecki and Misha Collins?
They were hugely helpful in the beginning. They were at first very interested in our book. Nobody else had really taken an interest in the show at the time, so two professors who wanted to write a whole book about it was their best shot at somebody trying to keep it on the air (it was at the time constantly on the verge of cancellation). They invited us to the set and everyone on the set was unbelievably kind—they were all so proud of their show and their part in making it that everyone, one by one, came up to introduce themselves and then offer to show us exactly what they did. We met the art director, the director of photography, the lovely man who wrangles the cars, the props person—everyone! Jared and Jensen invited us into their trailers for candid conversation even though they’d been on set for an entire day and way into the night, and Misha met up with us at a local bar after filming was over. Everyone was absolutely lovely.  Unfortunately, we wanted to write a very different book than the one the studio wanted us to write—we wanted to tell what we saw as the real story of fandom and Supernatural, not the light and fluffy version. The sad thing is, that never meant that what we wanted to write wasn’t positive – it was even more powerful for its “realness” so that positivity actually rang true!  I’ll never really know what made them so nervous about what we were going to write, but they slammed the doors on us and decided they didn’t want to publish our book after all. At the time, we were crushed, but it turned out to be for the best. We got to tell the story we wanted to tell, and that so many fans have told us changed their lives over the years, which was the most important thing.
What would your advice be for the PR people at Supernatural who didn’t make it so easy for you with your interviews and books?
Like I said, it worked out, but it certainly wasn’t easy. And it made no sense! I’ve written five books on Supernatural and countless blog posts and articles and interviews on everything from NPR to The Conversation to Nylon to right here at MovieTVTechGeeks. I’ve spread the word about this show for ELEVEN YEARS, not because I was paid to do so, but because I genuinely wanted to, and without any help. Our books have reached tons of people, and the interviews and articles have reached countless more. That’s the kind of PR people pay tons of money for, and all that publicity was absolutely for free.  Why wouldn’t they want to facilitate that?  The actors and show creator Eric Kripke have all let us know that they recognize our significant contribution to keeping the show on the air, which is what means the most to me. But would it be nice to have some recognition from the studio? Yes. I have an entire blog and all those articles and books devoted to this particular show and don’t even get invited to the set visits for bloggers. With help, I could do even more for the Show. Isn’t that a win/win? FULL DISCLOSURE: We here at Movie TV Tech Geeks have encountered very similar experiences with the PR person at the CW Supernatural publicity department. Oddly enough, it's been easier to get interviews with people like Ben Affleck, Jeffrey Dean Morgan, Ridley Scott and Dwayne Johnson than Jensen, Jared or Misha.
Can you say that Supernatural has changed your life like so many other fans?
Absolutely. I’ve told the actors this many times—I’ve even thanked them for their substantive contribution to helping me get tenure and promotion at my university with all my Supernatural psychology research. It has changed my professional life and also my personal life. I’m a different person now than I was when I discovered this show way back in 2007. More outspoken, more confident, more comfortable in my own skin and less willing to put on a façade instead of being myself. I’ve made friends who will be friends for life, with whom I’ve traveled the world and had more crazy wild wonderful experiences than I ever could have imagined having. I’ve shared what I’ve learned about this fandom and this show with the actors, which is part of the reason I think they wanted to contribute to the new book I have coming out next week, Family Don’t End With Blood: Cast and Fans on How Supernatural has Changed Lives. They know that they’ve been a part of something unique and special and that knowledge has changed them too. I was honored that they trusted me enough to write their personal stories for the new book and to let me shepherd them through the process of writing. It’s been a privilege to get to know them through the years, just as it’s been a privilege to get to know so many of my fellow fans.  After all, I wrote a chapter in the book too. It’s called “Fangirl”. [caption id="attachment_45241" align="aligncenter" width="640"] Photos: Courtesy of Lynn Zubernis[/caption] You can check out all of Lynn's books on Supernatural here, and if you're in Los Angeles on May 10, you can meet her and plenty of SPN fans and cast.
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