#has taken a step in a drastic direction
faintedloves · 3 months
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rating: T
word count: 4,429
summary: Steve has just moved to a small town on the outskirts of Chicago and his closest neighbor is an extreme recluse. In order to get to know him better Steve decides to take drastic measures...
Steve wanted to hold him close and never let go. Instead he turns around, walks down Jonathan’s driveway, and doesn’t look back. He can’t look back. He looks back. Jonathan’s still standing where he left him. Illuminated by the moonlight. A lost look on his face, one of his hands outstretched towards the empty air.
read the rest on ao3
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sugar-grigri · 4 months
Nayuta ? Or Makima ? Neither : Nayuta Hayakawa
What I already find fantastic It's that EVERYTHING, absolutely everything in this chapter has to be interpreted in reverse. If you want to know what it's about, you have to interpret it normally. To find out the answer, in reverse.
How did I come to this conclusion? The first part gives you the key :
An unknown lady comes to Nayuta's defense: she's only a child, don't attack her! Open your eyes! Come back to your senses for a second!
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And even though Barem is there to trap her, paradoxically, humanity regains its senses, not by seeing Nayuta as just a child, but precisely by removing her status: she is indeed a threat to them.
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You've already interpreted it right side up, so let's continue interpreting it upside down
The fact that she pities Denji and wants his heart doesn't mean that Nayuta is Makima, or that she's becoming Makima again.
Makima has never felt pity - she's never even seen Denji at all - so having pity is already a step in the right direction.
The former control demon was so powerful but also so distant that she couldn't even distinguish between human and CSM odors.
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As for the fact that she wants his heart, Nayuta feels it before searching Denji's memory. This doesn't mean that the control demon instinctively wants to capture CSM. When Nayuta wants his heart, it's because she wants to be loved, and it's such a strange sensation that she feels lost.
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What's more, when she repeats the plan of her former self, in reality, the equation is not at all the same. Even with the same plan, Makima and Nayuta don't follow the same trajectory. Let me explain: making Denji happy and then drastically taking everything away from him is the basis, but the control demon's position is different.
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Makima wasn't enjoying this happiness, she was completely excluded from it. Whereas Nayuta is completely enmeshed in Denji's happiness, to the point of being genuinely happy about it too. This happiness was brutally taken away, and that's what happened, but it wasn't the control demon's fault this time.
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What's more, Makima wanted a family even though she had no idea what it was, whereas Nayuta has a family but no idea what she is. That's a different question!
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Once again, this chapter should be read through a staggering mirror.
The fact that she sees Denji as empty again shows that Nayuta sees Denji more as a shell than Makima, who was obsessed by the heart, by Pochita.
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Moreover, the chapter betrays this way of presenting Nayuta, she's not cold like Makima, she can have fun like a child and does so sincerely, it's not a facade, simply a questioning of her own person.
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I know that everything I'm saying may sound strange, especially when, if you pay attention to the staging, Denji and Nayuta are constantly going round in circles, faster and faster.
So this chapter gives the impression that everything is the confirmation of a cycle that's closing: Denji realizes once again that he has no family, while Nayuta reconnects with her old self
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But for me, that's a hasty interpretation: don't read this chapter, just enjoy the last drop of it, so let's get on with it!
When Denji tells Nayuta that he's her family, it's not her who tells him that he should be ashamed of uttering such nonsense, it's Denji himself.
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Denji finds it ridiculous to talk about family without understanding its meaning, after all, how can a child who has experienced the worst crime of all, parricide, understand what it means to be a family?
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It's precisely by wanting to become Chainsaw Man that he understands.
His father, his blood relative, was not a parent, he mistreated his child: a parent doesn't behave like that.
Pochita is Denji's family, and he has a blood link with him; he's even the one who irrigates his veins: he's his heart.
What is Chainsaw Man? Nothing more than an empty shell, a bit of an answer to everything, on whom we pin all our hopes.
Makima did the same thing: this unattainable thing, this hero of the underworld, I'm unhappy because I can't reach him, so mathematically, if I could reach him, I could aspire to happiness.
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Nayuta has achieved it, but she still seems to be going through existential crises: this makes sense, because once again, Chainsaw Man is an empty shell.
Denji lost his family, his pets died, so automatically, the response was to aspire to something else, to turn the page immediately by closing my eyes and becoming Chainsaw Man because !!!! Because Denji wanted to become this empty shell
Once again, logically, he became one, because by losing his family, the happiness that filled him, he became an empty shell.
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But an empty shell is not to be understood in a purely pejorative sense, for a shell can contain anything: humanity's need for reassurance, the great enemy for demons to slay, the means to fight death, happiness, family... and so on.
When Pochita asks Denji what he plans to do after he achieves his first dream, Denji replies: to be Chainsaw Man.
To be an empty shell, yes, but empty in order to be filled by others, just as someone who is alone would tie up with others, just as the control devil would want CSM so she won't be alone, just as a wounded dog would agree to ally itself with a child who doesn't want to die either…
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Having your family destroyed, but still managing to move on while building a new one, being surrounded by so many people that you forget your own pain, surviving better together in a terrible environment - that's the Hayakawa family.
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As we've seen, Nayuta talks about a happiness that will then be destroyed. It's a good tactic to follow this plan, because that's what Makima did with the Hayakawa family, but as we've seen, Nayuta is part of this happiness that's doomed to be destroyed, so she's part of this family that constantly dies, burns and then rises from the ashes.
Nayuta doesn't know who she is, but what we do know is that she has a definite attachment to Denji, and above all, she's trying to understand who she really is through this boy she wants to shower with happiness. The fact that both of them are empty shells who are influenced by the other, Nayuta adopts Denji's ways, Denji puts Nayuta above everything else. This action of surviving together, this intertwined suffering and happiness, is precisely what Chainsaw Man is all about.
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When Denji loses his family again, his dogs and his cat, he pushes Nayuta away. Denji realises that being him, being Chainsaw Man, will always be accompanied by pain, so he tries to cut the ties with the last person close to him. He does this without even understanding what it means to be a family.
Yet chapter 155 explicitly answers it. The beginning of the chapter opens with Nayuta about to be attacked and ends with Denji lying there, cared for and safe. Denji may never be able to describe what a family is, but it is something that can be felt, the shared suffering and happiness of living together, and it is something that can be seen : being protected.
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Denji's cycle is not to kill his parents, it's the cycle of neglect, of lack of protection. Denji's father failed to protect him, leaving him in the hands of the mafia. And what Denji does is fail to understand what it means to belong to a family, to protect others, because he has abandoned his little sister to her fate.
Nayuta also had her answer, she wanted to repeat what her former self had done, what was accomplished by one of her former followers, Barem : lose the happiness you've built up.
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And indeed, she understood what she was: someone who belongs to a family, even when that family goes completely off the rails, and her first instinct was to protect Denji and get him to safety. Denji opened the door for Nayuta, who looked at him as an empty shell, and who then saw so much of herself in him that she protected him at the risk of jeopardising her own safety.
This doomed happiness, belonging to a family, sacrificing oneself - that's the Hayakawa. And when she realises that she too has become part of this doomed family, Nayuta paradoxically knows better who she is : Nayuta Hayakawa.
By inundating this empty boy with happiness, she also becomes part of a vicious, ever-accelerating cycle. Her dogs and cat have already paid the price.
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Makima and Nayuta are right: happiness under threat is what awakens Chainsaw Man. After all, it was in front of a burnt down house that a new contract was signed with Pochita. And when this new dream came about, it was when a bird was crushed. The bird represents the cycles: Bucky who opens part 2, Asa the new protagonist who lives again thanks to Yoru in the form of an owl. Crushing it represents its end. Being Chainsaw Man means avoiding becoming that empty shell again by preserving the fragile happiness inside.
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As Aki learns that he, like Power, will be killed by Chainsaw Man, the cycle of his family's condemnation, Denji is also finally revealed, confronted with his own destiny.
How can we put an end to the cycle of neglect? The broken and unhappy destinies ? How can we turn Chainsaw Man into an instrument of struggle ?
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Will Denji remain the product of this cycle of neglect, watching his loved ones die in his arms, condemned like his brother to try to protect them when it's already too late?
Will Denji realise that when he crushed the raven, Nayuta was on his back, and that she needs to be in his arms, protected, to end the cycle? Will Denji finally wake up and try to be a bit less of an idiot?
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And realise that to be Chainsaw Man, he needs a foundation: his family.
As his memories of Nayuta flashed past, Denji realised that he had put an end to the cycle, that he had touched with his fingertips a form of happiness despite the loss of his previous siblings. As he realised this fragile happiness, Pochita asked him what he wanted next: to be Chainsaw Man. Not the man who kills his loved ones, not the man you die for. The one who will protect this fragile happiness like a tower of cards.
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sweetlves · 1 year
two of hearts…
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synopsis. gojo begs you to not leave him after sugurus rampage
characters/pairings. highschool satoru gojo x highschool fem! reader
genre. angst, fluff
tw. none
a/n. highschool gojo always has me bawling my eyes out. inspired by staceyq’s song “two of hearts” <33
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you’re currently sitting on an empty chair inside a classroom of jujutsu tech.
the pitter-patter of the rain outside the open window fills your scent and ears. droplets of rain falling off of the beautiful green trees and colorful flowers. the chilly air nips at you through your long sleeved uniform.
the serene sight is a drastic difference from the apprehensive tension in the room.
you had just told satoru you want to resign from jujutsu tech.
after geto went on a rampage about killing all non-shamans — it spurred a realization in your mind
you don’t want to live like this. you don’t want to die a death that you know won’t even make a dent of change in the jujutsu world. it wasn’t worth it. you’re only 16, a teenager. you should be out shopping and talking gossip with friends. not fighting till you drop dead.
but once you told satoru these thoughts…he didn’t handle it well.
“what do you mean y/n!?” he practically jumps off of his chair.
“i just said it satoru…i don’t wanna live like this…,” your voice cracks from desperation.
“seriously…you can’t just back out now!” he stomps toward your desk and slams his hands into the surface — looking at you over his glasses angrily. his beautiful blues are sight for sore eyes but the piercing gaze cuts deep.
“yeah i can, there’s no contract that keeps us here.” you look down at the desk with tired somber eyes.
“i can’t believe you y/n…what are you gonna do after you leave then huh!?”
“i wanna be normal…,” you furrow your eyebrows in anger — standing up from your desk while slamming your hands down, right in front of satorus.
“i wanna be a normal school girl with friends, i wanna go shopping and talk about boys! i wanna get a job, and travel places! i wanna go to concerts and have fun! i wanna live my goddamn life!!” you shout the last sentence with frustration and pain in your voice.
satoru is taken aback. his eyes widened and mouth slightly opened and stifles a few steps away. the tension in the room stiffened ten times more than before. you huff out while looking out the window, holding your arms from the cold and frustration.
you continue staring outside. you hear footsteps coming toward you. you feel the hesitation radiating off of satoru.
“i’m sorry….” you turn to face him. he took his glasses off. bright blues full of emotion — full of sorrow and guilt, stare right back at you.
“it’s okay…I’m just so…tired..” you sigh out.
“i know…i just…i don’t know,” he sighs while running his hand through his hand mindlessly.
“…satoru i knew you’d be upset but…why this much? no offense but, you let suguru go off a lot easier compared to what you’re doing right now..” you question hesitantly.
“i…i uhm, don’t know…” he says quietly like a small child, avoiding your gaze.
“whatever it is, you’re really making it a lot harder…do you really think i don’t feel awful about this?” your voice cracks again — hearing it coming out of your own mouth make you want to break down and cry.
your hands travel to your waist, holding yourself as you try to look in every direction but satoru. you bring your hands up to your face, covering your mouth while inhaling sharply. he just stared at the ground, clenching his fists. silence enveloped the room for a minute before you broke the silence.
“…i…i should go now…” you whisper anxiously while wiping the tears prickling at your eyes. you grab your bag, slinging it on your shoulder while walking past satoru quickly.
a step after you walked past him, a hand wraps around your wrist roughly, stopping you from walking any further —- basically yanking you back.
“wh-what…?” you say with a breathy sigh. turning to look at the boy.
“…you’re not fucking leaving.” he says firmly, almost angrily while towering over you. his intense eyes burning into yours. your eyes widen from the sudden hostility — his attitude shifted completely, you’ve never seen satoru act this way before.
he notices the widening and startledness in your eyes and immediately regrets the action.
“…i’m sorry,” he lets go of your wrist and takes a step back.
“i just…i don’t want you to leave…” he looks at the ground somberly.
“i know…you’ve made that very clear….” you look to the side of where satoru stands while clutching the strap of your bag. silence overtakes the room again before he speaks.
“…please…” he whispers softly.
you quirk an apprehensive eyebrow, turning your head to look at him, wondering what he means.
“…please y/n,” he brings his head up and looks into your eyes. they’re filled with sadness and determination —- shining and glistening with so much emotion. you’ve never seen him like this before, you’re not sure if anyone has. you’re taken aback from all the vulnerability he’s showing you by his own will. how would the higher-ups and his enemies react to the strongest sorcerer crumpling into tears and desperation — begging?
“…please don’t leave….”
he takes half a step toward you and holds your forearms gently. your eyes widen in absolute shock at the following motion he makes.
he slowly fell to his knees, his hands coming down as well, holding the backs of your knees. tears prickle and form in his bright cerulean eyes as he looks up at you.
“…i need you y/n, don’t leave me too…”
he pleads with his voice cracking, little streams of tears pouring out of his beautiful eyes.
your eyes are wide in disbelief. the world's strongest sorcerer, satoru gojo, is currently on his knees, begging you to stay with him.
you feel hot guilt tightening your throat. tears burning and prickling in your eyes. a small choked sob he lets out is all it takes for you to break. hot tears pour out of your eyes like a dam that’s broken. sobs fall out of your mouth.
you slowly fall to your knees, sitting on your legs as your bag slips off your shoulder. you cup his tear-stained wet cheeks before enveloping him in a tight warm hug.
he immediately reciprocates, holding you tightly as if you’ll disappear as soon as he lets go. you both sob into each other’s shoulders, never wanting to let go.
you feel his heartbeat pumping at the same pace as yours against your chest. as if they were one.
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© sweetlves 2023. all works belong to me, please do not copy, translate, and repost on other social media platforms.
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blakeswritingimagines · 8 months
Dating Yandere Rhaegar Targaryen would include:
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As a yandere, he is deeply obsessive and possessive over the object of his affections. He will do whatever it takes to ensure that you remain by his side, even if it means resorting to violent and dangerous behaviors. He will also be highly territorial towards other potential suitors and will do all in his power to ensure that he remains the top priority in his beloved's life. However, he is also prone to fits of insecurity and jealousy, and any notion of rejection or betrayal can quickly send him into a frantic spiral.
He would be an obsessive yandere who would do anything in the name of love. He would constantly follow you and do anything to protect you. He would be possessive and jealous and would not like you to spend time with anyone else. He would always try to find opportunities to be with you and would not hesitate to eliminate any threats to your relationship.
He's extremely possessive, clingy, and obsessive, and he would do anything for his loved one, including killing/harming anyone who gets in the way or hurts you.
To be blunt, he's fairly possessive of the ones he's closest to, though he keeps those feelings bottled up as he's never been good at expressing himself. On the outside, others would probably describe him as reserved and withdrawn. When he falls in love, though, those feelings of possessiveness quickly consume him, turning into jealousy if the person he adores spends time with others. He wants to keep you all for himself and will go to great lengths to ensure that happens.
As a yandere, he is also fiercely protective of his beloved and will defend you with every fiber of his being. He may not always be a perfect lover, but he will always have your best interests at heart. He will also be highly affectionate towards you, showering you with love and attention, and always doing his best to keep you happy. However, he has also been known to be too overly possessive at times, to the point where he may try to control your actions and to the point where it becomes problematic.
Beyond the possessiveness and obsessive tendencies, he is also likely to be quite emotionally volatile as a yandere. He may be prone to bouts of jealousy, rage, and paranoia, and his emotions can be intense and unpredictable. He also has a tendency to be manipulative, attempting to coerce his beloved into conforming to his desires. He may also become overly dependent on the object of his affections, to the point where he is unable to function without you, and may lash out or break down when faced with separation.
In addition to the tendencies already mentioned, he also experiences drastic mood swings and suffers from an intense fear of abandonment or rejection. He finds himself acting in manipulative ways in order to keep his beloved in his clutches. Furthermore, he also experiences frequent fantasies or thoughts of heavy violence directed towards anyone who is perceived as threatening or hindering his relationship. Overall, he is highly prone to obsessive, controlling, and abusive behaviors in the name of love.
Yandere tendencies can also include the desire to control and manipulate you, in order to ensure your loyalty and devotion. He may take steps to isolate you from others and to keep you under his close watch. This can include stalking, coercion, and even physical restraints if necessary. In more severe cases, yandere behavior can extend to bodily harm or even murder to eliminate perceived threats or obstacles that stand in the way of his desired relationship.
As a yandere, he is capable of great acts of violence and obsession in pursuit of his desires. However, he is also capable of great acts of love and devotion to you. His actions may seem extreme and irrational to outsiders, but they're all taken from a place of deep love and affection. When he is with you, he is capable of great tenderness and compassion. He will shower you with love and attention and defend you fiercely against any perceived threats or dangers. He will do anything for the object of his affection.
Yandere behavior often stems from a profound sense of loneliness and abandonment. As such, he may be overly clingy and heavily emotionally dependent toward you, seeking constant reassurance and affection. He may also struggle to understand social or romantic norms, and his behavior may appear strange or off-putting to others. Additionally, yandere tendencies can be fueled by obsessive thoughts and delusional beliefs, leading to an unhealthy and unsustainable level of attachment.
Other yandere behaviors can include possessive language and actions, such as calling you "my everything" and insisting you belong only to him. He may also engage in extreme or obsessive behaviors to display his love and dedication, such as showering you with gifts, writing long and passionate letters, or even offering to do your chores and other tasks for you when really forcing it onto someone else. He may also become highly emotional and possessive over seemingly small things, like who you are spending time with or what you are doing when he's not around.
Extreme yandere tendencies may also manifest as obsessive and delusional thoughts and beliefs, particularly when it comes to the relationship with his beloved. He may believe that he is the only one who truly understands or deserves you and becomes suspicious or even jealous of any other individuals who show interest or attention towards you. This could lead to behaviors ranging from incessant calls or texts to displays of hostility or aggression. In extreme cases, it may even escalate to stalking and harassment of the target and other individuals whom he perceives as threats.
Along with the possessiveness and jealousy associated with yandere tendencies, he exhibits obsessive behaviors such as spending long periods of time stalking or following the object of his affections, or obsessing over every little detail of your lives. It is also common for yanderes to create an idealized version of their beloved in their minds and to become emotionally attached to this fantasy version instead of the actual person. This can lead to extreme rage, denial, or delusion if reality fails to meet these unrealistic expectations.
Additionally, yandere's can possess a level of emotional intensity and impulsivity that far outpaces the average individual. He may experience emotional outbursts and sudden changes in mood, ranging from intense euphoria and affection to extreme frustration and rage. These outbursts may be directed towards you, or towards anyone or anything else that might hinder or challenge the relationship. It is also common for yandere's to struggle with feelings of guilt or remorse following these bouts of intense emotion, as he may realize that his behavior has crossed the line and gone too far.
He is capable of genuine affection and love for the object of his affection. In fact, one of the most defining features of his is that he's seemingly unhinged behavior is ultimately motivated by a deep-seated fear of losing you to whom he may be deeply attached. He will feel intense love and admiration for his beloved and will be driven to ensure your safety, protection, and happiness.
As a yandere, having children with his beloved would be a dream come true. He'd have the opportunity to create a miniature version of you, who is both genetically and emotionally bound to him. He would be constantly striving to ensure that they were healthy, happy, and successful, and would expect you to share this vision. However, at the same time, he may struggle with feelings of jealousy and possessiveness, especially if the children were to develop independence or develop relationships outside of the family unit.
However, the idea of you rejecting the idea of having children with him would be devastating. He would perceive this as a rejection of not only his love and affection but also as a rejection of the future that he had envisioned for you together. He may become frustrated and angry and may resort to desperate and manipulative measures in an attempt to change your mind. However, if you ultimately remained resistant to his efforts, he may eventually become resigned and bitter, as he would struggle to accept the loss of such an essential part of his life's plan.
The idea of marriage would be a very important step in his relationship with you. It would show to both himself and the outside world just how serious you are about your commitment to each other. He would expect the marriage to be an extremely romantic and lavish large affair, which he would plan with precision and care. After the ceremony, he would expect to spend every moment of your lives together, with no room for any other relationships or outside interference.
He would likely face opposition from people in both his beloved's life and his own. Family members, friends, and even romantic rivals for your attention may all try to convince him to change his obsessive and possessiveness behavior. They might try to convince him that he should give you more space and freedom or to try to reason with him using logic. However, the sheer magnitude of his love and devotion would make it difficult for him to listen to any outside advice, and he may feel that he knows what is best for you and your relationship.
He would likely be deeply protective and defensive of you if someone were rude or disrespectful towards you. He may even feel a sense of ownership over you, and this could make it difficult for him to accept any challenges to your autonomy or happiness. If someone were to act in a way that he perceives as a threat to you, he would likely be extremely hostile and aggressive, and he even resorts to physical violence to defend you.
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astrojulia · 1 year
Mermaid's Guide to the Stars: Astrological Predictions for April 2023
April Calendar
April 3rd to June 11th - Mercury in Taurus
April 21st to May 15th - Mercury Rx in Taurus
April 6th - Libra Full Moon
April 11th to May 07th - Venus in Gemini
April 11th - Sun and Jupiter conjunction in Aries
April 13th - Waning moon in Capricorn
April 20th - Solar Eclipse/ New Moon in Aries
April 20th to May 21st - Sun in Taurus
April 27th - Waxing Moon in Leo
You can understand the basics of how to read astrological transits here (it's being updated little by little)
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Aries Rising/ Sun
Hey siren! The predictions for April 2023 are pretty intense and will bring about some significant changes in various areas of your life. After possibly feeling a bit down in March, you'll find your energy and strength increasing, putting you in top form for the month. Your focus will shift to material and financial matters as Mercury moves these issues around for almost two months until June 11th. However, be careful of financial fraud from April 21st to May 15th as it's a prime time for cloning, loss, or confusion with credit cards.
In April, you'll have some time to reflect on your values, both personal and material, and Mercury might even help you come up with some new ideas for increasing your income. Take this time to think about your financial path so far and brainstorm ways to boost your income.
On April 7th, the Full Moon in Libra will bring some containment and clarity to your relationships, business, and work. If you're married, you may have discussed a big change or step with your partner recently. However, one of you might be hesitant about this expansion. If you have a business partner, they may also be resisting progress or starting a partnership.
April 11th will be a special day for all signs as Jupiter and the Sun are in conjunction in Aries, bringing some unexpected and positive events. For your sign, it'll feel like a crown has been placed on your head. Use this day to decide how you want your life to change and make it happen!
On April 20th, a Solar Eclipse will occur in Aries, bringing a window of opportunity that will transport you to a new reality of life. This eclipse will highlight your career and self-image, and you'll be thinking about the direction your life has taken so far and what you need to do to continue growing. This eclipse may also reset your self-image, leading to changes in your appearance, name, or relationship status. Pay attention to the week before and after the eclipse date, as it can bring significant changes to your love and work life. Also, keep an eye out for events on March 20th and May 20th, as they may reveal themselves as related to eclipses and may require adjustments and changes for the next 6 months.
On April 20th, the Sun will also begin its annual passage through Taurus, emphasizing your focus on material and financial matters. Be prepared for May to be just as busy as April.
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Taurus Rising/ Sun
Hey siren! So, in April, your energy levels might be low which can affect your immunity. To avoid getting sick, make sure not to overwork or pack your schedule too tightly. Mercury moves into Taurus on April 3rd, which means it's a good time to focus on your health and self-care. However, during the retrograde period from April 21st to May 15th, it's better to reflect and analyze rather than making any drastic changes to your appearance or personal style. Keep an eye out for any old health problems that might resurface, and take care of them right away.
Don't go buying new clothes or changing your appearance during this time, as you might regret it later on. Remember, Mercury's stay in Taurus isn't all negative - it's an opportunity to reflect on your health and well-being. You'll start to realize how important taking care of yourself is, and that you can't ignore it. It's time to review any unhealthy habits and behaviors.
The Full Moon in Libra on April 7th might bring some resolution, but it could also hold you back from any promotions or advancements in your career. If you're planning to retire, you might need to wait a bit longer. But, this moon can also bring some stability, which is always a good thing.
The Sun-Jupiter conjunction on April 11th is going to be the luckiest day of the year! This day will bring unexpected and positive events, and it's a great time to start something new or put in some extra effort towards your goals. The Universe will take care of the rest.
The Solar Eclipse on April 20th could bring some major changes to your lifestyle and personal beliefs. It's important to pay attention one week before and one week after this date, as it might reveal some important events. This eclipse falls in the most secretive part of your chart, so there's a chance that you might uncover a secret someone has been keeping from you. But don't worry, eclipses usually work to protect us. It's also possible that this eclipse will help you see things in a new light, and make some changes to your beliefs and philosophies.
On the same day as the eclipse, the Sun moves into Taurus, which is great news for your health! You'll start to feel stronger and more energetic. Don't worry if you felt a bit low in April - things will start to pick up again in May.
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Gemini Rising/ Sun
Hey siren! April is going to be an exciting month for you! You'll be receiving invitations to events, parties and making new friends. You may feel a strong desire to be more active socially and embrace new experiences. However, you may also find that you want to focus on your mental health and wellbeing. Mercury enters Taurus on April 3rd and stays there until June 11th. During its stay, it will be in retrograde from April 21st to May 15th. This could be a great time to evaluate your emotional and psychological health and research available therapies, but avoid starting any new therapies during this period. Instead, Mercury can help you become more intuitive and creative.
On April 7th, the Full Moon will be in Libra and may bring about a containment accompanied by a definition. Venus enters Gemini on April 11th and stays there until May 7th. This will be a great time to improve your image and appearance, but avoid any aggressive cosmetic procedures after April 21st, as Mercury will be in retrograde.
Also on April 11th there will be the Great Conjunction of the Sun and Jupiter in the sign of Aries. Being in the sign of Aries, this period is more than perfect to start something new in your life, start on that day the lifestyle you want to live in the future because the blessings of it working out are much greater.
A Solar eclipse occurs on April 20th in Aries, coinciding with a New Moon. This may represent a window of opportunity for you to open a new chapter in your life, particularly related to your groups and friendships. The eclipse may also bring about changes to your social circle, allowing you to make new friends that align more with your lifestyle. Eclipses are always powerful events, and you should pay attention to the week before and after that date, as well as the events that occur on March 20th and May 20th.
Finally, on April 20th, the Sun begins its annual passage through Taurus, where it will remain until May 21st. This is a great time to focus on your emotional and psychological health, and allow yourself to withdraw when needed.
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Cancer Rising/ Sun
Hey siren! This month is all about celebrating your success in your career and work life. March was a blast with all the training, courses, advertising and even work or study trips. You must have felt like a total superstar in your career, but now it's time to switch gears and focus on having some fun and socializing.
For the next 2 months until June 11th, Mercury is going to be all about helping you make new friends and strengthening your existing relationships. It's possible that you've been so busy with your career that you've forgotten the importance of having a good time with your buddies. This period might be the perfect time to catch up with old friends and even make new ones. Who knows, you might even bump into an old friend you haven't seen in ages and feel a wave of nostalgia and joy.
The Full Moon in Libra on April 6th is going to bring a major decision regarding your home and family, like maybe moving or buying some real estate. If there was any family drama in March, don't worry, it will all be sorted out this month. Maybe your folks need your help moving, or they're considering a big change in their lives. Whatever it is, it's going to be important and it might even have a significant impact on your future.
When Venus enters Gemini on April 11th, it's going to be all about self-care and enjoying your alone time. You might feel like taking a break from your routine and spending some time meditating or reflecting on life. You might even start to appreciate your own company more than ever and find peace in being alone.
On April 11th, the Sun and Jupiter are going to be in conjunction in Aries, which is going to bring some exciting opportunities for all signs and ascendants. This day is going to be like hitting the jackpot, with unexpected and positive events happening all around you. It's the luckiest day of the year, so don't waste it! If you're looking for a new job or want to start a new project, this would be the perfect day to do it.
The solar eclipse in Aries on April 20th marks a new beginning in your career, but it might require some sacrifice. This eclipse is asking you to give up something in order to achieve something bigger and better for your career. You might have to quit your current job or take on more responsibility, but it's all for the greater good. Keep an eye out for events related to eclipses in the week before and after the eclipse date, as they could have significant consequences.
The Sun in Taurus from April 20th to May 21st is going to highlight the importance of having fun, socializing, and making a difference in the world. This is the time to enjoy life and focus on making a positive impact in the world. So go out there and have some fun while making a difference!
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Leo Rising/ Sun
Hey siren! March may have been about travel and studying, but April is about putting what you've learned into practice and achieving your professional goals. Mercury enters Taurus on April 03rd and will remain in this position for almost 2 months, which means that it's an excellent time to reflect on your career trajectory and create new solutions for your professional life.
However, from April 21st to May 15th, it's essential to be careful when signing any work-related document and avoid making presentations or attending interviews. This period isn't suitable for new beginnings, so it's better to steer clear of it. Also, ensure that you have understood everything you are reading before signing any document, and by all means, don't sign anything without reading it.
Despite these precautions, Mercury's long stay in Taurus can help you reflect on your career path and create new solutions for your professional life. During this time, you can think of new ways to use your skills in the world and make progress in your career. It's a time of deep review of your vocation and purpose in the world, and Mercury can even help you plan a career realignment.
On April 7th, the full moon in Libra may bring some setbacks to your plans to study or move to another city or country, but it's not an obstacle. The restraint indicated by the moon can ask you to slow down or delay some accomplishments, perhaps to resolve an issue involving contracts or documentation.
On April 11th, Jupiter and the Sun will be in conjunction in the sign of Aries, bringing unexpected and positive events that reveal situations that for many would be impossible to happen. This day will be special for all signs and ascendants and will shed light on foreign people and places. Even amidst setbacks, like those brought by the full moon, you may be on your way to the trip of your dreams or at least buying it. You're likely to come across a travel offer or package that you won't want to miss.
The Eclipse on April 20th will arrive in Aries, come close to Jupiter, and tense for Pluto and will probably touch on issues such as long-distance travel, immigration, citizenship, and foreign residency, as well as college and postgraduate opportunities and legal processes. If you were discussing a legal issue or in a judicial process, you will likely receive news about the case that benefits you in some way. If you were waiting for some foreign document or even the ideal date to move to another state or country, then the path to that change will open up now.
Starting on April 20th, the Sun is gonna cruise through Taurus until May 21st, which means something important! This month, you've been getting a nudge to pay attention to your career and work life, and this is gonna crank that up a notch. Take a minute to think about what your heart truly desires, and where you wanna go with your professional goals. It's a time to really reflect and get clear on what you want.
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Virgo Rising/ Sun
Hey siren!So, in April, you're gonna be all about the cash, money, and material things, especially after dealing with all those fees, taxes, financing, and debts in March. But don't worry, those worries will start to go away in April, and you can finally focus on getting your finances all sorted out and secure for the future.
As for your thoughts, they're gonna turn to travel and long-distance relationships, because Mercury is entering Taurus on April 3rd and it's gonna stick around there for almost 2 months. However, it's gonna be retrograde for the entire time from April 21st to May 15th, so don't plan any trips or vacations during that time, 'cause it could mess everything up. Instead, use that time to reflect on your life and maybe learn something new, like a new language or something cool about yourself.
On April 7th, the Full Moon in Libra might mark the end of a business partnership or a source of income. It might be a stressful time, but sometimes things have to end for new things to start.
On April 11th, Jupiter and the Sun are gonna be in conjunction, and that means unexpected and positive things are gonna happen related to money and material things. It's a super rare event, and all signs and ascendants are gonna feel its effects. Money might even fall from the sky that day, bringing good news about loans, credit, insurance, and even inheritances or property. Just be careful though,if you're thinking about quitting your job, make sure you've got other sources of income to support yourself.
On April 20th, there's gonna be a solar eclipse in Aries, and that's gonna bring some rewards your way, like a good chunk of money or something else valuable related to your past. It might be related to something you've been working on for a long time, and now you're finally gonna see the payoff. But be careful, because this eclipse is gonna be tense for Pluto, and that might bring up some tough feelings or require you to let go of something.
The month ends with you dreaming about vacation and travel, with the Sun moving into Taurus on April 20th. This is gonna keep reinforcing the trend from the rest of the month, and you can start planning a nice, relaxing trip.
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Libra Rising/ Sun
Hey siren! In April, you might be feeling a bit exhausted and emotionally drained after putting a lot of effort into dealing with other people in March, especially when it comes to marriage, work partnerships, and business. But don't worry, these things will still be important in April, and you'll start to see them as a resolution to live by.
The first few weeks of April will focus on debt, spending, and all things money-related. Mercury will be in Taurus from April 3rd to June 11th, which is a pretty long time! Just keep in mind that from April 21st to May 15th, Mercury will be retrograde. So, be careful when closing contracts, especially those that involve money. If you take on a debt during this time, you might be surprised by additional fees and charges. It's best to wait until the second half of May to make any major decisions.
But don't worry, Mercury's stay in Taurus isn't all bad news! It can actually help you reflect on your finances and identify areas where you're overspending or bleeding money. You can even use this time to organize your finances and negotiate with creditors. Just don't rush into anything.
On April 7th, there will be a Full Moon in Libra, which will help resolve any issues related to changing residence that have been on your mind since the beginning of the year. If you're in a committed relationship, this decision might have caused some disagreement, but now you'll finally come to a consensus.
April 11th is going to be the luckiest day of the year! The Sun and Jupiter will conjunct, bringing unexpected and positive events for everyone. So, take advantage of this day to start something new, make an extra effort towards your goals, or take a first step towards something you've been wanting. You might even be surprised by a marriage proposal, a date invitation, or a business partnership offer. Venus is entering Gemini on April 11th too and staying until May 7th. It's a good time to start a new life in a new city or country. If you're single, you might meet someone from far away who makes your heart skip a beat. If you're planning to move or travel in April, do it before April 21st because Mercury is going retrograde and things might get crazy.
The solar eclipse on April 20th will bring new beginnings in relationships and business partnerships, but it might also mean the end of something to make way for something new. This eclipse will happen in Aries, close to Jupiter and tense for Pluto, so expect some changes in your romantic or business life. You might get married, or you might decide to end a relationship that's been holding you back. This is also a great time to find the right business partner or expert to help take your work life to the next level.
On April 20th, the Sun will also start its annual passage through Taurus, where it will stay until May 21st.This reinforces the importance of paying attention to your finances, especially debts and investments. The Sun will help you clarify any issues and prepare the ground for a new beginning.
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Scorpio Rising/ Sun
Hey siren!In April you'll probably start feeling more energized thanks to the new diet or workout program you started last month. As you get stronger and healthier, you'll start thinking more about your relationships, both at work and in your love life.
Mercury's gonna be in Taurus for a loooong time this month - almost two months, from April 3rd to June 11th. But from April 21st to May 15th it'll be in retrograde, which means you gotta be careful with starting new projects, signing contracts, or getting married. Take this time to reflect on past relationships instead.
The full moon in Libra on April 7th is a sign that you're finally finishing up a work project you've been working on for a while. You might still need to tweak a few things before it's ready to show off, though.
On April 11th, Venus is moving into Gemini and it's a great time to see some financial growth. You might get a bonus or a prize if you're working for someone else, or if you have your own business, you could see some major profits.
This is a really special month because April 11th is the luckiest day of the year! Jupiter and the Sun are gonna be in conjunction in Aries, which means good things are coming your way. If you're thinking about starting a new job or business, this is the perfect day to do it. And it's also a great day for your health, so you might see some improvements there too.
But watch out for the solar eclipse in Aries on April 20th. It could bring some changes to your work life over the next six months. Keep an eye out for events a week before and after the eclipse - they could reveal some important information. On the same day as the eclipse, the Sun moves into Taurus, which means you'll be focusing on your committed relationships. Use this time to figure out who's really there for you and who isn't.
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Sagittarius Rising/ Sun
Hey siren! April is going to bring some changes in energy from what you've been feeling in March. Your focus is going to shift to your routine and work gradually, so keep that in mind. Mercury is going to enter Taurus on April 3rd and stay there for almost two months until June 11th. If you plan to change your work routine, start a new job, or adopt healthier habits, it's best to do it before April 21st or after May 16th.
The Full Moon in Libra on April 7th will bring some closure to a situation that started in March. This situation may involve a close friend or an adult child, and it could be related to a confirmed pregnancy or change of residence. This Moon may bring some distance into your life and might change some plans you made for the future. Perhaps you and your friend were thinking about participating in an event or developing a project together, but with the pregnancy, change of residence, or commitment assumed by this person, your plans will need to be redirected.
On April 11th, the Sun will meet Jupiter, which is considered the luckiest day of the year, and it will bring positive energy to love and romance. If you are already in a committed relationship, take the time to do something romantic with your partner. If you are single, it is possible that you will meet someone special that day. Also, it's a good day to place a lottery bet or participate in some sort of raffle, as your luck will be at an all-time high.
On the same day, Venus will enter Gemini, benefiting committed relationships. If you are married, it will become more romantic. If you are in an informal courtship or romance, you may feel the relationship evolve and become more committed.
The solar eclipse in Aries on April 20th will be a powerful event that could bring significant changes in your romantic life. If you are dating or in an informal romance, you may have a falling out with someone you are in a serious relationship with, and this may involve money. If you are not in a relationship, it's possible that you will meet someone new with whom you will end up having a strong relationship in the future. Also, if you already have children, you may be surprised with a school or welfare need that demands unexpected expenses.
Starting on the 20th of April, the Sun will cruise through Taurus, and it's all about work and routine. You might find yourself feeling more productive, organized, and healthy during this period because these things will be on your mind. It's a great chance to take a good look at your work routine and see how you can make it healthier and more productive.
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Capricorn Rising/ Sun
Hey siren! So, in April you might be getting a new home or selling your property, or even moving into a new house. March might have been an exciting month for you when it comes to real estate and family matters. Now that these issues are resolved, you can focus on your kids and personal projects that bring out your inner child. You can even take some time off for leisure now.
Mercury enters Taurus on April 3rd and it will stay there for almost 2 months.During this period, you might realize that you've been too focused on real estate negotiations and family issues, and you forgot to take some time for yourself. The retrograde period from April 21st to May 15th could be marked by a comeback of personal projects that you do for fun and pleasure. If you have kids and you haven't seen them in a while, this could be a great time to get back in touch with them. You could also use this time to resolve conflicts that may have caused some distance between you and your children.
On April 7th, there will be a Full Moon in Libra, which might be tense with Jupiter. This could mean that you're closing a chapter in your career and professional life. Maybe you're leaving an old job to start a new one or leaving a company to take a new opportunity. This Moon might be a bit heavy because it also talks about distance. Sometimes, to continue a professional relationship, you need to be in a certain place in the world, but you can't or don't want to be there anymore, so you decide to end it.
On April 11th, Venus will enter the sign of Gemini and stay there until 05/07. This will help you improve your health and make your day-to-day life healthier. You might feel a considerable reduction in stress, and your day might become lighter. You might even reduce your workload, which will give you time to take care of yourself, your health, and your well-being. We spend so much time working and producing that we sometimes forget to take care of ourselves. This is your opportunity to rest and review your life.
April 11th is going to be special for you and your family. You might receive some awesome news, like a new addition to the family, or finally getting the keys to your dream home! This is a time to think big and see your life taking a big step forward in terms of home and family.
On April 20th, there will be a solar eclipse in the sign of Aries. Don't worry, not all eclipses are scary. This one is actually going to be a gift! Solar eclipses always bring new opportunities and changes, and this one will be no different. It might ask for some adjustments in your life, but that's just part of the process.
This eclipse might bring news that you have to move suddenly, but it's not going to be harmful. Maybe you'll find the perfect new home, or a roommate might suddenly move out. Also, be prepared for the possibility that a family member might need your help or advice.
On the same day as the eclipse, the Sun will begin its annual passage through Taurus. This will be a great time to focus on leisure, romance, and fun. If you have a lover, your passion might increase, and if you're single, this might be the time when a new romance starts to develop. So, get ready to have some fun!
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Aquarius Rising/ Sun
Hey siren!In April you'll be all about family and home! March was a pain with all the paperwork, but now you're looking for stability and security. Mercury's entering Taurus on April 3rd and will stick around for almost two months.During this time, you should avoid signing any documents related to real estate or housing. From April 21st to May 15th Mercury will be retrograde, so you might end up regretting the contract or getting tricked. If you've got any paperwork to sort out, try to do it in the first half of April or leave it until later.
Mercury's extended stay in Taurus might help bring you closer to your family. If you haven't seen certain family members in a while, now is the time to reconnect and hang out. The Full Moon in Libra on the 7th is a good time for closure or maybe even changing where you live or work.
Get ready for April 11th, when Jupiter and the Sun will be in conjunction in the sign of Aries, bringing lots of luck and success in communication. It's the perfect time to present a thesis, write a book or article, apply for something that depends on your communication skills, or even take a test or exam.
Venus enters Gemini on the 11th, which is a great time for romance and fun. Your relationship with your partner might improve a lot during this time, and if you have kids, you can spend some quality time with them.
The Solar Eclipse in Aries on April 20th opens up the possibility of an unexpected trip or some good news related to teaching. Solar eclipses always represent a new opportunity that opens up, but they also require some adjustments to be made.
On the same day as the eclipse, the Sun will start its annual passage through the sign of Taurus where it will remain until May 21st. This transit reinforces the theme of family and home. You might be thinking about settling in a particular city for a more permanent stay.
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Pisces Rising/ Sun
Hey siren!So April is gonna be a good month for you to focus on getting some extra cash flow. The stars are saying that you might have been stressing about money in March, but things should start looking up now. You could even consider taking a little break or learning something new to help you relax and improve your skills.
Mercury's gonna be in Taurus for almost two months starting on April 3rd, so you might end up traveling more than usual. Just watch out for any bumps in the road during the retrograde period from April 21st to May 15th.
Now about communication, this could also be a great time to reconnect with your siblings or work on your public speaking skills. Just make sure to do it before or after Mercury's retrograde period.
On April 7th, there's gonna be a Full Moon in Libra, which could help wrap up any legal or partnership issues you might have been dealing with. If you've been going through a property dispute or inheritance battle, this Moon might bring some resolution.
Venus is moving into Gemini on April 11th and staying there till May 7th. And this move will totally upgrade your living space! Your home's gonna be prettier, cozier, and even more luxurious. But if you're planning any renovations, make sure you do it before April 21st.
And get ready for some big financial news on April 11th, when Jupiter and the Sun team up for some unexpected opportunities. This could be the perfect day to ask for a raise or start a new money-making venture.
But be aware that on April 20th, there's gonna be a solar eclipse in Aries, which could bring some sudden changes to your financial situation. It might seem scary at first, but this eclipse could actually be a good thing and open up new doors for you. Just keep an eye out before and after the eclipse to make sure you're taking advantage of any opportunities.
On April 20th to May 21st Sun will be in Taurus. This is gonna make you more open to new learnings, which has been a theme throughout the month, and it'll be back in focus again as the month draws to a close.
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[24] Astronalia | Mariane Chagas. Disponível em:https://www.youtube.com/@astronalia . Acesso em: 29 mar. 2023.
Dividers Arts//Dividers Wings
141 notes · View notes
itsnothingofinterest · 5 months
Since I have you, btw, I’d like to address something that I don’t see you bringing up very often in your posts: the place that civilians have in the absolute mess that is hero society.
In MHA’s society, heroes are put on a pedestal as being the answer to all of society’s problems, the ones who will always save the day. Tenko’s story is emblematic of this; he needed help, and the so-called “good citizens” paid him no heed or told him to wait for a hero, because they didn’t consider it their job to help him. Thus, he was taken in and groomed by AFO, leading to the current situation.
A lot of your posts talk about how the heroes haven’t substantially changed and how the new generation doesn’t seem to be surpassing the old one as much as they should, but… how much better can you really expect them to be? They’re basically super-powered cops or soldiers. They’ve been trained to be the blunt instruments of society, upholding public order even when that order isn’t necessarily good. And while it’s great that heroes like Izuku and Ochako are thinking beyond that, I don’t think they can or should be made to take all the responsibility on improving things. Just because they’re superhuman doesn’t make them gods. They just can’t do it all (again, especially due to the influence of their training and the corrupt government).
I don’t expect a MHA II, and even considering that possibility, I’m not really sure it would address your complaints with the heroes. Personally, what I’m hoping for is that the civilians follow up on what was said after Ochako’s speech. They should answer her call, mobilize, get the fallen heroes and villains to safety, and after the war, they should factor heavily into how society improves for everyone. That’s my take on things.
(Kind of in response to this post.)
Well I do think a change in the civilian mindset is a potential solution to the faults in hero society, or at least a part of one. (It’d need to be quite a dramatic shift to help more than just the Tenkos of the country though.)
If I may broaden the topic a bit, I'd say in general that any kind of solution I’m looking for would involve some drastic change in one or more levels of hero society to save the people current-day heroes are sweeping under the rug. Could be the heroes, could be the civilians, & government's a longshot but would that work if it happened. That said, relying on the civilians here and now, as we last saw them for that is a bit…well…
The Civilian level
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Alright so; my main problem with putting all this on the civilians right now is, even when they let Deku in under Ochako’s prompting, many only ultimately agreed to take Deku in that day when promised a return of the status quo. That deal was even a significant part of Ochako's speech. So they didn’t come out of that looking ready to better the world to me (even before we factor in them triggering Danger Sense when demanding he leave.) And even then, if we took that decision in the best possible light, that’s just one step in the direction of solving just one of the many problems that led to the League destroying so much. Let's not forget their troublesome mindset towards any unseemly quirks like Shinsou's, Toga's, or any heteromorph. And just, in general the civs have a shorter track record of being helpful then...the opposite. It's just hard putting everything, all the hopes for this country pulling its head out of its arse, on one scene of the civs agreeing to house a hero in exchange for the heroes doing their job, you get me?
I mean like, I certainly can get behind the idea of the civilians changing to better help each other not fall to tragic villainy or excuse corruption; they just don’t feel there yet in the same way the kids don’t/haven’t felt ready to save their villains yet.
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(To say nothing of how humanity in MHA has a shelf life of around a century at best. And no one left on any side cares to do anything about it even for selfish reasons. So it really feels like small steps towards getting their act together are not the way to go, if for no other reason than another crisis will soon make them all very busy.)
Also, and this is minor in the grand scheme, but we should remember that there are no civilians anywhere near any battleground in this war besides hospital patients and the Todorokis; the rest are all evacuated. So I’m afraid likely we can't end the war with them helping with the clean up and getting folks to safety, and thus build this idea of them carrying their weight going forward. Best we could get is an epilogue with little additional build up of having them all clean up their act. And I'd question the writing of that happening, & that being the big solution to everything that got use here.
The Hero level
Regarding the heroes; well to be honest I don't see a ton of trouble with putting this on them when saving as many as they can is what heroes are supposed to do. Yes under the current system, they’re just super cops in practice; but that’s a flaw in the system capable of being mended, not some unavoidable part of the ideal they’re trying to embody. There's plenty of room for what heroes are to grow to what they should be.
‘Plus I don’t think any Deku-types would really be opposed anyway, he wants to save everyone already, and it feels like the idea of heroes sweeping aside those they don’t save hits home for him’...that’s what I had written before the last chapter dropped while writing this and supported everything I’m saying*. For all I criticize Deku & his classmates; we all know he wants to do more, to save more. Give him the chance & a good idea how and he’ll jump at “shredding the rug with his own hands.”
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Maybe it is, from a certain perspective, unfair to say they all need to be like this. But I get the distinct impression that this is what a lot of the hero characters want to be; this is part of the ideal they want to embody. After all, in the aftermath of his forced retirement, even All Might wanted to save Tomura.
(*Btw, sorry this took a bit to write.)
The Government
Ah yes, and it'd be remiss of me to ignore how much of this stems from seeming government policy and general societal reaction to quirk based topics (though there may be overlap there & civilian attitudes). But I want to post this answer sometime this week; so I won't get too into the poor handling of quirks since their inception, the correlating quirk laws, just...the hero commission in general (where would I start?), the effects all this has on hero training as you brought up, or the prison where people get sent for life with no trial or parole. (I don’t care if they’re all supposed to be monsters, especially when we know that’s where they’d have sent Toga & Dabi had things gone differently. “But Tartarus was destroyed,” Yeah but why would they not make a new one?) And probably other stuff I'm forgetting off the top of my head. But suffice to say, there’s a few messes that could be cleaned up there too.
So I guess one way or another, the solution I’m looking for is some dramatic shift in hero society on one or more of the civilian, hero, or government levels to address the causes of the League's fall to villainy. Any combination could hypothetically work.
But the reason I never shut up about a my hero part 2 is that none of them feel like they’re in a state to work like that now. Heroes & civilians on their respective wholes have both made small steps in the right direction and I don't want to downplay that (leadership not so much but what else is new), but both elements need more time & development to accelerate these steps and feel like we could trust them to get anything done in the next century.
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31 notes · View notes
hoshologies · 1 year
11:32 pm, bang c.
genres &&. warnings — angst, hurt/no comfort &&. crying, heartbreak, mutual pining but forbidden love, are you asking too much of chan?
word count — 1.3k
note — inspired specifically by that one line in seasons by wave to earth "i can't be your life because i'm afraid i'll ruin your life."
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it feels like your bones rattle with every step you take, rushing down this stairwell faster than you ever have before. the last time you descended this particular staircase, it had been with a smile on your face and a fluttering in your heart, hope for a future that you thought was about to be within reach. you’d never been more wrong in your life.
“c’mon, can you just stop and come back upstairs? please.” chan’s voice echoes above you, his footsteps drawing closer and pushing you faster down the stairs.
your attitude towards that man has taken a complete one-eighty over the last ten minutes, drastically different than it had been when you’d shown up for what you’d begun calling your weekly date night: takeout and movies in his bed. stupid for so many things, so many reasons. you have to get out of here; there’s no fire in the building, but your chest burns like you’re breathing in hot smoke.
it’s a relief when your feet finally hit the bottom floor and you step out into the cool night air of seoul. the breath you heave trembles with tears, but it’s still so welcome, chilling the ache in your lungs. glad to be out of that damned suffocating building, you take two steps in the direction of the subway when the boy you can’t get away from fast enough bursts out onto the sidewalk behind you.
“wait!” chan is breathless, you can hear it in his voice; you don’t need to turn around to know that his chest is heaving, one of his hands resting over his belly button because it’s a scene you’ve been witnessed to many a time after he’s chased you around his apartment, laughing rather than crying. “can we please talk about this?”
any sadness you felt three seconds ago is scorched away, a fiery anger taking its place. talk? he wants to talk about this? he was doing plenty of that five minutes ago, shooting you down like it was nothing. no, now it’s your turn to talk.
you whip around on your heels, any semblance of calm dissipating. “talk? okay, sure. i’ll talk. fuck you, chris.” as far as you’re concerned, he’s lost all privileges to the sweet names you’ve been calling him for months. “you don’t wanna tell anybody about us? that’s fine. i get it. you don’t wanna go on dates in public? okay. i understand how important your image is to your job. i don’t complain, i’ve never complained. i come here at late hours to see you, even when i’m practically dead on my feet or have to be up early the next morning because seeing you is always the best part of my day.”
“i know–”
you shake your head, letting out a sarcastic huff of amusement. “i’m not done. so we have these nights, right? and we do all of these things together and you treat me so well. things are great and i feel comfortable and… fuck, how is someone not supposed to fall in love with you, huh? after all of the stuff we’ve done, how was i supposed to not catch feelings?”
you’re not done with your diatribe, but you need a second to catch your breath a second time. chan stands there, arms limp at his sides as he stares at you. his eyes are wide and sad and there is sadness and regret written all over his face, but no amount of puppy dog eyes is going to fix this situation the way they’ve fixed far more minor situations.
“i was nervous the whole fucking day, chris. i wanted tonight to be the night that i told you how i felt and after all the time we’ve spent together, the number of mornings i’ve woken up in your bed, i really thought you’d reciprocate–”
“i do!” he exclaims, completely exasperated; the frustration in his voice immediately sours the last few shreds of fond feelings. “i do feel the same. i told you that inside!”
you throw your hands into the air in irritation before you bring them back down to cover your face and turn on your heels away from the boy in front of you. this whole situation is fucking ridiculous and you find yourself wishing that you’d never gotten involved with him in the first place, something bitter and so far from the truth; meeting chan was the best thing that’s ever happened and you’ve never regretted a single thing you’ve done with him. but this is all too much.
“yeah, but you immediately followed it up with ‘but i can’t be with you,’” you reply, tears pooling at your waterline against your wishes. the last thing you want to do is cry in front of him… again.
you hear him take a step forward, his sneakers scuffing against the concrete. “because i can’t be with you the way you want me to be. i can’t give you what you need.”
one tear falls, a second follows, and then they just won’t stop. that dam has finally broken. you turn to face him again; you’ve cried in front of him once tonight, so it doesn’t really matter anymore. he’s seen you at your absolute worst anyways.
“who the fuck are you to decide that?” you question, voice trembling. your eyes are no doubt pleading. you’ve never begged him for anything ever, but you’re coming dangerously close to that territory now. “i’ve been content so far, haven’t i?”
“but that can always change,” he reasons, closing the gap between you entirely. you want him close, but at the same time, you want to push him away. he’s the last person you want to see right now yet also the only person you want to tell about all of this because he’s been everything to you; nobody understands you the way he does, knows you as intimately as him.
“oh my god. it’s been months, chan. if i wasn’t in this for the long run, i would have left already. i would have told you. the fact that i’m still standing here trying to reason it out with you should be proof enough that i don’t fucking care about what you think you can and can’t do for me because we’ve worked so many other things out before. why isn’t that enough?”
he goes silent and your personal corner of seoul goes silent with him. there’s nobody else out, but it feels like the entire world is watching this fold out, some ridiculous forbidden love that never even stood a chance because why would it have? you’re not part of his world, you never have been. you were stupid for thinking that somehow, he’d let you come along for the ride.
when he doesn’t answer, you laugh mirthlessly, more a scoff than anything. you take a step backwards and he goes to follow, but you shake your head.
“there. we did it. we talked. and you still don’t want to try and figure this out, even though you want this just as much as i do. so i think we’re done here.”
you turn on your heels again, ready to take the thirty minute walk to your apartment because you can’t bear to be around anyone else right now. chan calls for you to wait again, but you shake your head, pushing back tears.
“i’m done waiting, chris. i’ve been doing it for weeks, so now it’s your turn. figure out just how much you’ll fight for this if you want me as much as you say you do.”
leaving chan has always been a hard thing to do, but never has hard as this. you want to turn around and hug him tight, but you force yourself forward down the sidewalk. he has always been a fighter, so you want to believe he’ll fight for you, to have you. he’s never let you down before.
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© hoshologies 2023. do not translate, copy, or repost my work.
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honeyleclerc · 5 months
hi Katie can i request a 9/11 themed fanfic with daniel Ricciardo pleaseee
I was apprehensive about this but I have ultimately decided to fulfill your request with sincerity and respect as I don't know your intention behind it and it may be a way of you coping through a strategy or experience of your own. This is in no way meant to romanticise the tragedy which occurred in 2001, and I semi-based this off of a real relationship that blossomed during the horrific event to once again try and ensure this was as respectful as possible. I really hope you like it, I was scared to write this.
TW: 9/11, mentions of the rubble and aftermath, alluding to violence and terror attacks (I tried to avoid graphic language or anything insensitive or triggering)
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Taking a deep breath, you stepped out of your NYC apartment and put your earphones in to play your comfort album as you walk to the world trade center. You had been living in New York as an exchange student for three months now and had finally landed an interview for your dream job, and you’d been preparing for the interview for weeks. Looking down briefly at the notes you had prepared you could only hope you’d done enough to secure the position.  
As you got closer to your destination your body began to fill with an overwhelming feeling of dread, watching as people scurried past you in the opposite direction. Taking out your earphones you prepare to ask someone to explain what's going on, but before you have the chance you feel your body being pushed through the door of the cafe next to you, followed by the earth rumbling and your ears filled with loud banging and screams. You look up in shock and confusion at the man who tackled you to the ground; he’s handsome and has a camera round his neck, before you can say anything he asks, “are you alright?” in an Australian accent. 
Overwhelmed at the situation you decide to make a joke “aren’t you supposed to be the one who’s ‘down under’?”, the man blushed as he stood up from where he was lying on top of you, reaching his arm out to help you off of the ground as well, “I’m Daniel, I’m glad you're not hurt” he laughs. Before either of you can say anything else, the building began to shake once again with the familiar noises following, Daniel wraps his arms around you, holding your body close to his tight as he brings you both under a table to shield you from the shards of glass flying round the room. When the room around them felt more settled they stood once again, y/n walking to the front of the cafe, looking at the shattered store front and the shrapnel which covered the space she stood in outside in the street just moments again.  
Observing the tragedy surrounding you, you couldn’t believe it, “you saved my life” she whispered, not looking at anything in particular. Daniel came to stand by your side, also looking around. “You saved my life” you say gently, facing him. As tears begin to well in your eyes you reach both hands up to his shoulders and clasp them together behind his neck, pulling him tightly into a hug as you sob, “you saved me, thank you, thank you”. 
You stood like that for at least five minutes, neither saying a word but both appreciating the human connection and comfort during this time. You only pull apart when approached by emergency service workers who were flooding the building, checking for casualties and evacuating the building, assuring you it was safe to leave now. You thanked the workers and stood together in the street simply trying to process everything happening around them. Things could have been drastically different, you were meant to be in that building, if you had taken five minutes fewer in the shower you could have been lying amongst the rubble where the towers once stood. Your thoughts are cut off by the sound of a camera shutter, you look up to see Daniel taking photographs, noticing you’re in his shot you apologize “Sorry, I can get out of your way”, you take a step to the left and dust your hands off on your trousers.  
Daniel shakes his head, “no that’s alright, I wanted to capture the beauty amongst the tragedy” he looks down at his camera “I think I got it” he smiles looking back at you. Slowly walking forward closing the space between you, Daniel places his camera in your hands, showing you the photograph, he’d taken of you, you blush and hand him it back, pointing to the camera that is once again round his neck “you’re very talented” you both smile at one another “and, thanks again for saving my life- twice!” you stutter before turning back to look at the rubble surrounding you both, shaking your head you tell him “I was actually on my way to an interview at the world trade center today, I can’t believe this is actually happening”.  
Daniel wraps an arm round your waist as you stand next to one another, “I’m really sorry, I’m glad we’re safe though, that's the main thing”. You look up at him and nod “I guess you’re right”, you pause for a moment, watching as people around you run to their loved ones and cry, “I guess I should go call my mum and let her know I’m safe and wasn’t in the building, will you be okay, do you have somewhere to go?” Daniel assures you he’ll be alright, and you nod at him, thinking before saying “listen, I’m sorry if this is inappropriate, but it’s not every day you meet an angel; can I take you to dinner? As you know, thank you for saving my life?”. 
Daniel chuckles lightly and replies “an angel? I like that” He smiles at you and says “Here, I’ll give you my number and we’ll work something out” he holds his hand out as you give him your phone where he puts in his number. He hands back your phone and you say, “Thank you so much for everything today, I’ll call you tonight, please stay safe, okay?”.  
You hug once more and Daniel winks at you as you begin to walk away, “I’ll be waiting for that call”, you blush and wave goodbye as you walk home, calling your mum on the way.
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Naoise / ノイッシュ, Arden / アーダン, and Alec / アレク
Naoise (JP: ノイッシュ; rōmaji: noisshu; romanization: Noish) is a knight of the Grünritter who joins Sigurd in his journey in Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War. He is named after the character of Naisi, called Naoise in modern Irish, from the Tragic Tale of the Sons of Uisnech, a section of the Táin Bó Cúailnge. He became the lover of Deirdre, a woman who already promised to wed Conchobar mac Nessa—the king of Ulster. They fled to Alba, that is, Scotland, to escape Conchobar's wrath, and later hid on an adjacent isle upon the Alban king learned of Deirdre's beauty. The people of Ulster dearly missed Naoise, and Conchobar gave into the populace's desires, sending Fergus mac Róich as an envoy to bring the couple back. This plan was sowed with evil from the start; soon after Naoise and Deirdre meet Conchobar, battle breaks out. By the conclusion, Naoise is dead, and Conchobar takes Deirdre to be his wife.
The character of Sigurd, being the husband of Genealogy's Deirdre, has a handful of parallels with Naoise, from his exile from Grannvale to his wife being taken by the one who plots against him. This connection is made even more direct by naming his knights after the sons of Uisnech.
That's right: Naoise had two brothers with minor roles in the story, serving as the namesakes of Sigurd's two other knights. Arden (JP: アーダン; rōmaji: Ādan) is named after the youngest of the three brothers, Ardan. That leaves Alec (JP: アレク; rōmaji: areku) to be the middle child, Ainle. Even if you don't understand Japanese, you probably can tell something is off here. And you're right: Ainle is supposed to be rendered as アンリ (rōmaji: anri)—the same name as the legendary wielder of Falchion, Anri. Likely to avoid stepping on the toes of another continent's lore, the name was changed. I do wonder why such a drastic change was made; I don't think something like アンレ (rōmaji: anre) would have been problematic.
The sons of Uisnech all fell in that conflict against Conchobar; some tellings claim they were killed simultaneously, decapitated with Naoise's sword, granted to him by the god Manannán mac Lir, or run through by a single pike. Of course, all three of these Grünritter were slain in the Battle of Belhalla.
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deady-nightshade · 2 years
The Little Merman AU (Brahms Heelshire x F!Reader)
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**Important Notes: Brahms is the merman and reader is the brave princess. Reader is Malcolm’s sister (via marriage). This story is a combination of Disney’s ‘The Little Mermaid’, along with Hans Christian Anderson's ‘The Little Mermaid’. I imagine the clothes they wear to look similar to that of Ariel and Eric from Disney (in terms of style). 
Description: An unwanted party ends with you, the princess, falling overboard, only to be captured by a scarred merman, who has decided that you were his. But two clever guards were able to rescue you, causing the merman, Prince Brahms to resort to magic in order to find you. But nothing is as it seems, and the humanized merman soon learns of your upcoming wedding, one that you don't want. With the threat of his princess being taken from him, Brahms has to resort to drastic means in order to keep you by his side. 
Disclaimer/Warnings: NSFW, oral sex (female receiving), virgin reader and Brahms, arranged/loveless marriage, magic, princess reader, merman Brahms, mentions of replacing son with a doll, drinking, shipwrecks, voyeurism, Brahms receives a sex education from the Kama Sutra, male masturbation, blood, murder (child and adults), possessive Brahms. King Malcolm (who happens to be your step-brother), Sister-in-Law Greta, abusive general Cole, age gap (implied, but not specified), brief domestic violence, manipulative Brahms, Reader shares a bath with Greta, talk of trying for children.  
Word Count: 11.5K
**Reader has long hair in this story. Other than that, the looks are not specified.**
**Brahms’ parents have the following names: Audrey and Edward.** 
** Fun-Fact: One of the names for sea foam is Spume. The more you know.** 
Prince Brahms swam on his back, staring up at the twinkling stars. The blue water was dyed black with the color of night, and the creamy reflection of the full moon rippled as the water shifted. The mask he normally wore was pushed to the side, allowing him to feel the cool breeze upon his scarred face. His green tail languidly traced the surface of the water and he sighed. He was bored and lonely, and those turbulent emotions caused him to sneak out of the palace. 
Everyone in the kingdom was scared of him. When they caught sight of the masked prince, the people would swim away, leaving him alone. He hated it. All because he killed his previous childhood playmates. He snorted in frustration and dipped back into the water. It wasn’t his fault that they refused to play by his rules. 
He resurfaced a few seconds later and glanced up at the moon. He was jealous of the oversized rock. No matter what face it presented, the stars never left its side. Τhat’s all Brahms wanted: Someone that would accept him for who he was, dark flaws and all, and someone would stay forever by his side. Was he asking too much? 
The waves changed direction and Brahms looked away from the moon. Something was coming. 
He slunk further into the water and watched with narrowed eyes as a large ship came into view. It was impressive. The sails were the color of clouds and the mast pierced the black sky. A large, gold flag snapped and he could make out the design of a white flower…it looked like a rose. 
Music could be heard, along with the cheers of a large crowd. Curiosity got the better of the scarred merman, and he swam closer to the boat. A few ropes hung precariously off the side of the ship and the merman leapt out of the water and grabbed ahold of them. 
He pulled himself up and sat on the polished sill of a large, circular window, and he peered up at the deck, being mindful to keep hidden within the shadows. 
Humans of all sizes, shapes and ethnicities were celebrating. Drinks were being served, food was being eaten, and a band of musicians played a cheerful tune. He watched in amazement as the men played their instruments and he couldn’t help but wonder what the instruments were called. He had never seen such peculiar things. 
His mask slide down his face and he settled around his neck. He absentmindedly took it off and set it down on the deck. He inched closer, almost daring to move out of the shadows when something big and hairy ran at him. 
Brahms jumped back and growled when he saw the grey and white haired creature staring at him. He had remembered Emily showing him a similar creature. It was a dog if he wasn’t mistaken. He hated dogs. Well, he hated all animals. 
The mutt grabbed a hold of the prince’s mask and began running away. 
“Get back here!” Brahms hissed, reaching a hand out to stop the mangy beast. But it was too late, the dog was too far from his reach. 
Anger bubbled in the prince’s chest and his mood instantly soured. Memories of Emily came to mind and the merman dug his sharp fingers into the hull of the ship, splintering the dark wood. 
She was supposed to love him, but the brat refused to follow him into the ocean. He had tried to drag her into the waters, but she had panicked and threw her lantern at him. The flames caught his face and he dragged Emily under the water. He was so angry with her that he had not realized what he did until it was too late. If he closed his eyes, he could still see her lifeless eyes staring up at him through the water. 
Brahms was pulled from his dark, spiraling thoughts by a crystal clear voice. 
“What do you have there, Max?” 
The merman snapped his head up and he froze when he saw the most beautiful woman. You.  
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The mask was heavy in your hand your hand and you frowned. What was a mask doing on the ship? You ran a hand over the cheek and narrowed your brow in thought. It wasn’t made of plaster, but something else…something denser and smoother. 
“Cool mask,” Malcolm said, momentarily startling you. 
You spun on your heel and smiled at your step-brother. “The captains’s dog found it.” 
Malcolm laughed and rested his hand on your shoulder. “Come on, join the party. It’s being held in your honor after all.” 
You rolled your eyes. “I didn’t want this party.” 
“It doesn’t matter what you want, Y/N.” You looked up at you brother and noticed the solemn look on his face. “This party was made so that your engagement could be announced.” 
Your blood ran cold and you bit your lip. The only reason you agreed to this marriage was to save your kingdom from another pointless war. You didn’t love the man — you loathed him with every fiber of your being. 
He was Greta’s ex-fiancé , and he was a cruel man who loved to drink and use his hands in place of words. Greta, your lovely sister-in-law, had been lucky enough to escape his bruising clutch, but as fate would have it, you inadvertently took her place. Fate was cruel. 
“I’m still looking for a way out, Y/N.” Malcolm said in a hushed whisper. “But General Cole isn’t budging.”
“He only wants me because you took Greta from him.” 
“You don’t think that I know that?” 
A silence fell between you and the band began another song. Malcolm rubbed his jaw and sighed.  “I’m doing everything that I can, Y/N. Just wait a little longer and try to have faith in your big brother, yeah?” 
He kissed your cheek and left you to your thoughts. You took a deep breath to calm your nerves and you walked to the other side of the deck. The ocean breeze ruffled your blue skirt and you leaned against the railing. The waves were beginning to pick up and you watched as the water collided against the hull. It was soothing. 
You weren’t sure when it happened, but somehow Greta ended up pulling you back into the fray of the party. Glass after glass of wine was served to you and you drank the sweet alcohol down, not sparing even one drop. Your sour mood began to brighten and you were pleasantly buzzed when Malcolm announced your engagement. The news made Greta furious and the woman chased after her husband. It still amazed you that the two of them ruled the kingdom. 
Fat raindrops fell from the sky and you turned your face upwards. Was the universe crying for you? Hot tears soon joined the raindrops and you ran towards the deck’s railing once more. Bile burned your esophagus and you panted. You didn’t want this…you didn’t want any of it. 
As the party neared the end, the coastal storm was at its peak. Everyone was resting in the cabin, but Max somehow wiggled his way back onto the deck. After securing your shawl, you slipped out of the door and chased after him. 
The wind was strong and your hair fell from its ribbon enclosure, and you watched as the blue fabric was carried away by the wind. Long locks obscured your view and you tripped over a rope, causing you to fall against the railing. Your hand slipped on the wood and you fell backwards. You screamed. 
The water was cold and it saturated your skirt, which caused the garment to act as an anchor. Your head was barely above the water and you desperately tried to undo the sash that held your skirt up. All you could see were the choppy waves and the bitter salt water filled your mouth. It was becoming too much too quickly. 
Your head felt heavy from the wine and you didn’t have the strength anymore to fight against the ocean. This was it. You were going to die. But that was just it, you didn’t want to die. Your head went under and you tried in vain to claw your way back to the surface. 
Something firm wrapped around your booted foot and you began kicking harder, determined to free yourself from what you figured was seaweed. Your lungs burned from the absence of oxygen and black dots began to cloud your eyesight. Your arms ceased to move, your hair floated upwards, and your mouth opened, allowing what little air you had left to escape. 
Consciousness began to ebb away and the ocean began to pull your body downward. A large hand wrapped itself in your hair and you felt your head being pulled back. With the last bit of strength that you had, you opened your eyes. In front of you was a man. His hazel eyes were locked onto you. Dark curls floated around him, making it look like he was wearing a dark  halo, and thick scars decorated the right side of his face. He was beautiful.
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As soon as your eyes fluttered close, Brahms pulled you towards him, wrapping his arm around your waist. He flicked his tail and the two of you were propelled upwards. As soon as you broke the surface, he pushed your head to his bare chest and he slapped your back…hard. 
Water spilled from your violet tinted lips and he smiled when he felt your chest rise and fall. You were alive!
He rescued you, that meant you belonged to him! You owed your life to him, so that meant from here on out, he could do whatever he pleased with you…you were his. 
Brahms’ tail twitched in excitement and he began swimming away from the boat when he heard a man’s voice. 
The merman glanced back and growled when he saw men jumping into the water to retrieve you. You were staying with him! 
Brahms placed you on his back and secured you with the ribbon that the wind had blown from your hair. With your arms tied around his neck, the merman took off and began attacking the men who had dared enter his domain. His nails easily sliced through their necks, and their warm blood coated his hand. They fell one by one until there was only one man left. 
He was big, burly man with a balding head and large brown eyes. His pale skin was tinted purple and his bulbous nose was beginning to drip with snot. 
“Give me the princess!” The man commanded with false bravado. 
“She’s mine!” Brahms hissed, readying his hand to strike. 
The man shook his head and glanced at you. His eyes widened and he spoke once more. “Look at her!” he pointed to your unconscious form, “She needs help. If you don’t give her over to me she will die! Do you want her to die?” 
Brahms sunk further into the water, trying his best to hide your unconscious form from the old human. He was about to argue with the man when you began to shake. Your teeth chattered loudly in his ear and he froze. Were you really sick? 
He ignored the human man and carefully reached for you. The knotted ribbon tickled his neck and he paled when he saw your face. Your cheeks were red and your lips were turning purple. 
“If you give her to me, I can assure that she will get the help that she needs.” 
“Please?” The man cried. 
“I said —” 
Brahms was knocked unconscious by another man, one who had slipped into the water when he had been distracted. The honey blond man took a dagger from his pocket and sliced the ribbon that was keeping you tethered to the merman. 
“I’ve got her, Herbert!” The young man called out. 
The elder gentleman, Herbert, sighed in relief. “Thank the gods.” He swam towards his coworker, a kind man named Daniel, and watched as the merman sunk to the bottom of the ocean. 
“We need to get her back onto the boat before he regains consciousness.” 
Daniel nodded in agreement. “Do you think that we tell King Malcolm what had happened?”
“No,” Herbert sighed, “it would only cause the young king to worry. And besides, it’s not like the merman can follow us on land.” 
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Two weeks, that’s how long Brahms searched the ocean for you. He didn’t eat, he didn’t sleep, all he did was swim and swim and swim. His parents were worried, for they had never seen their son so agitated, not even after killing Emily. Their anxiety caused them to send out a handful of guards, in hopes that they would bring their son home, but they never came back… 
“We need to do something, Edward.” Queen Heelshire sighed, placing her face in her hands. 
She couldn’t stand seeing her son in so much pain. He wanted that human woman and he would not stop until he found her again. At this point, she was worried that her darling son would swim himself to death. 
“What can we do, Audrey?” the king replied. “They live in two different worlds.” 
An idea struck the queen and her head snapped up. “But what if they didn’t, Edward?”
A deep sense of foreboding overcome the sombre king. “Surely, you aren’t suggesting what I think you are suggesting.”
“I am.” 
There was a heavy silence and after a few minutes of thinking, the king hesitantly agreed. He waved his hand and a guard came to his aid. 
“How can I help you, My King?” 
“I want you to find the Sea Witch and bring her here.” 
When Brahms returned home, three days later, after being dragged against his will, by a well seasoned tracker, he was ushered into the throne room. When he entered he saw a strange a looking woman. 
She had the body of a sting ray and her skin was a pale shade of lilac. Her hair was white and her eyes were yellow. Large sea snakes swam around her, wrapping and slithering up her arm. Her thick tail was black in color and her small breasts were covered by a thing of black pearls. 
The king and queen swam towards their son and they introduced him to the peculiar woman. 
“Brahms,” Queen Heelshire said, “this is Spume, the sea witch.” 
Spume swam towards the prince and wrapped her tail around his. “Tell me, My Prince, what is that you desire?” 
“A human woman.” Brahms answered without hesitation. 
The sea witch threw back her head and cackled. “A human?! Oh, how quaint!” 
“Can you help him?” the king demanded. 
The sea witch grew quiet and tightened her grip on the prince’s emerald tail. “I can. But I must warn you, Your Highnesses, the process will be painful and it comes with great risks.” 
“What type of risks?” Queen Heelshire inquired. 
“The spell will be permeant.” Spume inched closer to the prince and gently cupped his face. “You will never be able to see your parents again. You will  breathe the air and shall you try to breathe water, you shall drown.” 
“Is that all?” Brahms asked. 
The sea witch shook her head. “Should you fail to win the affections of the princess and should she join in another in matrimony, your heart will cease to beat and you will turn to sea foam.” 
Brahms snorted. “She is mine.” 
“So cocky,” the witch muttered under her breath. “Of course, there’s also the matter of payment.” 
“Money is of no concern.” 
“It is not money that I want.” Spume said. “What I require is something that can not be bought, nor is it something that can be procured. It must be willingly given, and it is something that only you can give me.” 
“And that is?”
“Your voice.” 
“What would you want with my voice?” The prince asked with narrowed eyes. 
“What I want your voice for does not matter. Do you agree to my price?” 
The prince pushed the woman back and frowned. “How will I talk to my princess if I do not have a voice?” 
“You have your body, don’t you?” 
Brahms’ eyes widened upon hearing the witch’s reply and he covered his pink cheeks with his hands. He had every intention of bedding you, but he hadn’t thought out the details of the coupling, seeing how he wasn’t sure how human anatomy worked. 
“Do we have a deal, My Prince?” 
The sea witch lurched forward and crashed her violet lips against the prince’s lightly scarred ones. Her magic poured into his mouth and she purred in delight when it settled on his voice box. When she removed her mouth from his, purple magic followed and a golden orb made its way out of the prince’s mouth. She held out her hands and his voice landed in her smooth palms. Spume brought the orb to her face and greedily swallowed it. 
The royal family watched as the golden light traveled down the sea witch’s throat, only to shrine brightly before going out. 
Spume cleared her throat and smiled. “Shall we begin?” 
A few hours later, Spume held a vial filled with red liquid, and she placed it in the prince’s hands. She turned her attention towards her pets and stroked their black and white stripped heads. 
“Bring him to the castle that stands tall by the sea. The castle with a gold flag and white rose. You know which one I’m talking about. When he is found by the humans, you may return to me.” 
She kissed their heads and the snakes began swimming away. The prince followed after her pets, but she grabbed a hold of his tail before he disappeared for good. 
Brahms opened his mouth and bubbles came out in place of words. He closed his mouth and puffed out his cheeks, just like a spoiled child. 
“Take care, My Prince. The human world is a dangerous place.” 
With that, she removed her hand from his tail fin and she watched as the lovestruck prince disappeared from sight. The sea witch touched her throat and laughed to her self. 
If only Prince Brahms knew that your fiancé was setting sail for your wedding, which was taking place in a month. 
Before Spume could leave the palace, the king and queen stopped her. Large tears were rolling down the queen’s cheeks and the king cleared his throat. 
“Is there something you can do for us to heal the hole in our hearts?” 
The sea-witch clicked her tongue in thought then nodded. “How do you feel about dolls?” 
It took a little over an hour for Brahms to reach the beach, but as soon as his hands came into contact with the golden sand, he uncorked the vial and chugged the potion in one gulp. 
Nothing could have prepared him for the pain. 
His tail was being ripped open in front of his eyes and he released a silent scream. It was agony. His body shook in pain and sweat clung to his pale brow. Where the tail was ripped in half, two legs began to materialize and he watched in awe as the scales fell away into the ocean. With one final scream, Brahms collapsed face first.
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Something had happened when you had fallen into the ocean. You could remember the feeling of hands on your waist and fingers laced through your hair. There was something else, something important, but for the life of you, you couldn’t remember. The doctors said it was to be expected due to the result of the sickness you came down with having been tossed into the ocean. 
Your bare feet sunk into the warm sand and you pulled the red shawl tighter. The sun was high in the sky and the salt air tickled your nose. To the right of you was your maid, Sophie. She was a middle aged spinster with grey hair and large brown eyes. 
“Your wedding dress will be done by the end of the day, Princess. I’m so excited to see you walk down the aisle in it!” 
You stopped misstep and grimaced. By the end of the month you were going to be wed to General Cole. You had done well in avoiding wedding preparations, much to your maid’s distress and the annoyance of the royal dress maker. 
“Can we talk about something else, Sophie?”
“But we still have so much to do, my lady: You still have to select a flower arrangement; finalize the menu with the chef, and not mention, you still have yet to write your vows.” 
“I don’t care either way. Pick whatever flowers you want, allow the chef to make a professional decision, and if you’re that worried about my marital vows, feel free to write them yourself.”
“Princess —” 
“I will not hear anymore on this matter! Have I made myself clear?” 
Sophie’s eyes grew wide and she shifted her weight from foot to foot. She gave you a slight nod and you continued to walk along the water’s edge. Nothing was else was said and you looked further down the beach. There, slumped in the shallows was what looked to be a person. 
Without another thought, you grabbed the hem of your dress and took off running, leaving your elderly maid to chase after you. A naked man was face down in the shallows. His face was resting on the dry sand and it was tilted to the side. Large bunches off seaweed covered his bottom and blood had stained the once golden sand a haunting shade of crimson. 
“Are you all right, sir?” you asked, rushing to his side. 
He did not answer. 
You kneeled next to the man and you gently brushed the damp curls from his face. His skin was pale, almost as if he had never spent a day in the sun, and his brows were thick. There was a gentle curve to his nose and his lips were a delicate shade of pink. He had also had a dark beard.
He was handsome.
You grabbed a hold of the man’s shoulder and used all your strength to pull him up and out of the water. The sea weed slipped off, revealing his naked bottom, and you quickly averted your eyes. First thing first, you had to get him out of the water. After that, you could address the issue surrounding his nudity. 
Your feet sunk into the sand and once you were a few feet from the crashing waves, you set him back down. You nudged his shoulder but he did not sir. With a huff, you carefully rolled him over. Your eyes roamed his body, and you began looking for any sign of injury, but you couldn’t find anything. 
His legs were covered in dark hair and you quickly glanced at his cock. It was half erect and nestled in a patch of curly dark hair. His testicles were perfectly round and they moved with every breath he took. Heat rushed to your cheeks and you covered your flushed face with the back of your hand. You were checking for injuries…nothing more…at least that’s what you were trying to convince yourself of. 
You removed your red shawl and placed it over his cock, and you began eyeing his chest. Like the rest of him, it was covered in dark hair. His body was muscular but it was also lean. It was so different from the burly farmers and soldiers that you have been exposed to. 
Your eyes flittered across the man’s collarbones, up his neck, then settled on his face. The entire right side of his face was scared; his eyelid, his nose, lips, and chin, and you could even see faint scarring hidden behind his beard. 
You raised your hand and gently traced his large scar with the tip of your fingers, following it all the way to the inner most corner of his ear. 
What happened to this man? Why was he on the shore naked? Was he from your kingdom? 
No, he was not. You would have remember him while walking through the kingdom. If he wasn’t from your kingdom, then were had he come from?
The man’s eyes twitched and you moved your hand away. His eyes flew open and you stilled. They were hazel in color and they looked like green sapphire nestled in honeyed pools of amber. 
“You’re beautiful,” you said barely above a whisper. 
The words that you had spoken shook Brahms to his very core, and they caused an unfamiliar emotion to pump through his veins. 
The former merman rolled over and tackled you onto the beach. His body covered yours and you let out a squeak as his lips crashed onto yours. Your eyes grew wide in shock and embarrassment, and you tried pushing him off of you, but he would not budge. You opened your lips to protest, but was silenced when his tongue slipped into your mouth. 
You had kissed men before, but they were chaste in nature, and nothing like the one you were currently experiencing.
“Ah! There you are, Princess!” Sophie called. “Good gracious! Just what are you doing, Princess Y/N?!” 
The maid ran toward your side and pushed Brahms off of you. The man clumsily landed on his bottom and the shawl that covered what little modesty he still had, had fallen off, revealing his fully erect cock…in all its glory. 
Prince Brahms kept his eyes locked on you and Sophie pulled you back up. The elderly maid grabbed a hold of your face and inspected you with a critical eye. Your lips were swollen, eyes glazed, and you looked feverish. 
“Come, we must get you to the castle immediately!” the elder woman cried. She grabbed a hold of your hand and began dragging you towards the castle. 
You glanced over your shoulder and gasped when you saw Brahms (though you still had yet to learn his name) following you. He was on his stomach, feet kicked out, and his finger were in the sand: he was using the earth to push himself forward. 
Your heart felt heavy and you planted your feet in the sand. “We need to help him.” You snatched your arm back from the maid and began walking towards him yet again. 
Brahms’ eyes lit up, and he held out his own hand. ‘Don’t leave me here, Y/N!’ he thought to himself. 
“We need to help him,” you repeated. “Sophie, help me bring this man back to the palace.” 
The maid shook her head and placed her hands on her plump hips. “We are not bringing a naked man back home with us, Princess. Just —” 
“Sophie, I gave you an order.” 
You gave her a heated look and held your head up high. You were the Crown Princess of this kingdom. People answered to you, not the other way around. And the only people who could overrule you were currently in the castle currently working on producing an heir. 
“Help me bring him to the castle,” you said once more. 
“Yes, Princess.” 
You reached Brahms first and he threw himself onto you once more. Only this time you were prepared for it. You faltered slightly and slowly stood up. Brahms was weak in the knees, not using them whatsoever, and you slipped his arm over your shoulder. 
Sophie grabbed the shawl from the ground and tied it around the merman’s waist, careful not to look at the juncture between his legs. Once the shawl was secured, she slipped under Brahms’ other shoulders and took the rest of his weight. 
The way back to the castle was difficult; not only were you carrying a tall, heavy man, but you also had to somehow accommodate Sophie’s hunched over stature and slow gaited walk. And it didn’t help that the man kept kissing you every chance he had. An action which only angered Sophie, which in turn caused the walk to momentarily stop. 
What should have taken fifteen minutes, ended up taking forty-five, and once you reached the west gate of the palace, you were covered in a thin sheen of sweat. 
Daniel spotted you first, and the strawberry haired guard rushed to your aid. His young face was marred in concern and his dark brows were narrowed. “Who is this, Princess?” 
“I don’t know,” you replied. “I found him passed out on the beach. I don’t think he can walk or talk.” 
The guard nodded then took Brahms from you and Sophie. He glanced down at the man that he was carrying and froze when his blue eyes bore into a pair of hazel ones. 
It was the merman that had killed his friends and held you hostage…and the one that he had knocked out cold in order to rescue you. 
Brahms gave Daniel a cold glare and dug his nails into the man’s bare arm, drawing blood. No words were needed, for his action served as a warning. ‘Speak and I will kill you.’ 
You were unaware of the silent exchange that occurred between the two men, and continued talking as if nothing happened. 
“See to it that he is given a room, and make sure to send for the royal physician.” 
The guard looked away from the humanized merman and gulped. “As you wish, Princess.” 
You gave Daniel a kind smile and began walking away, but was stopped when Brahms grabbed a hold of your wrist. 
He lifted his head and you heard Daniel gasp behind you. You ignored the guard and kept your eyes locked on the man. “I have to get ready for dinner. I’ll see you later, okay?” 
Brahms opened his mouth and tried to speak, but no voice came out. ‘Don’t leave me! Let me follow you!’ that’s what he had wanted to say. 
“Ah, there you are, Y/N!” Malcolm called, catching your attention. 
You looked over your shoulder and saw your brother. His hair was wet and he was dressed in black dress pants, a white button up shirt, and he wore black boots. His eyes widened when he saw the bearded man holding your wrist. 
“Y/N, who’s this?”  
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Dinner was the definition of awkward; Malcolm and Greta couldn’t stop looking at the man you rescued, and the man you rescued wouldn’t stop staring at you. 
You tried your best to ignore his heated gaze, but it was no use. With a sigh, you lowered your glass filled with wine and met his eyes. His food had long been devoured; as soon as it had been placed in front of him, he inhaled it. 
“What’s your name?” you asked him, catching everyone’s attention.
Greta lowered her spoon and Malcolm looked up from his pork tenderloin. They had asked the merman that question dozens of times today, but he did not answer. 
He said nothing and you leaned forward, resting your arms on the table. “Can you write?” 
Brahms nodded. 
You smiled and Hans, one of the butlers, placed a notepad and pencil on the table. Everyone watched with berated breath as the merman took the pencil in hand, and it was silent as he wrote his name. 
When he was done, the butler took the notebook and handed it to you. You looked it over and frowned. The man wrote in an alphabet that was long forgotten. You only knew it because your tutor at the time demanded that you learned it. It was old, ancient, and dead language. It wasn’t common knowledge, so how did this mute man know it? 
You lowered the paper and tapped the pencil against the table. You could translate it, it would just take you a few minutes seeing how you hadn’t practiced that language since you were a pre-teen. 
B-R-A-H-M-S. That was the name that the ancient letters spelled. 
His name rolled of your tongue and the man in front of you, Brahms, nodded. 
Your brother and sister-in-law then began asking him question after question, but he did not answer any of them. Greta kicked you under the table and motioned for you to ask another question, seeing how he answered your previous one. 
“Brahms,” you called, catching the man’s attention, “were are you from?” 
He jotted down his answer and handed the pad of paper towards you. ‘Somewhere far away. A place that I can no longer return to.’
Malcolm frowned and stuffed another piece of meat into his mouth. He wasn’t sure what to make of Brahms, but he had been there when the doctor visited him. And during that visit, the doctor had announced that Brahms had been a lost at sea for weeks, and that it was a miracle in itself that he survived being out in the water for that long. 
Dinner came to an end and Hans, the balding butler, practically carried Brahms back to his room. Much to the merman’s annoyance. 
Days passed and you found yourself spending more time with Brahms. He was a good distraction from your upcoming wedding, and you had to admit, he was handsome and mysterious…two qualities that you found irresistible. And it seemed that he was just as fond of you. 
During the mornings, you would meet him in the library and teach him the alphabet that was being used this day and age. He picked it up quickly, and soon enough, he was writing with it, which allowed others to communicate with him. But to your surprise, he didn’t talk to them, and if he did, it was quick, one-worded answers. It seemed that he did not take joy or pleasure in talking to people who were not you. 
Two weeks passed and by that time, Brahms was walking. The voice-less man followed you everywhere you went; the gardens, the kitchen, the throne room, and he had even tried to sneak into the bathroom while you bathed. Sophie had been furious with the former merman. 
Then one night, during a thunderstorm, unbeknownst to you, Brahms snuck into your room. 
You woke when you felt the bed dip, and you opened your mouth to scream when you saw a dark silhouette hovering above you. A large, warm hand clamped around your mouth, stopping the scream before it could leave your throat. Lightning and thunder crashed, and a few slivers of neon blue entered through the gaps of the curtains, illuminating the silhouette. 
You placed your hand over Brahms’ and promptly removed it from your mouth. “What are you doing here?!” you hissed. 
Brahms plopped on top of you pressed his face against your unbound chest. You laid there frozen, unsure what to do, when another crash of thunder sounded. Brahms’ body shook and he pressed his face harder against your chest. 
Realization dawned upon you and the anger you felt towards your nightly visitor vanished, leaving concern in its wake. You gently wrapped your arms around the merman’s back and rested your chin on the crown of his curled head. 
“Are you scared of thunder and lightning?” you asked in a soft voice. 
Brahms nodded, deciding to use your compassion against you if it meant getting what he wanted. 
You hummed in thought and then pulled away. You lifted the numerous sheets and gently tapped on the exposed mattress. Brahms wasted no time and dove in. And before the blankets could cover him, he was on you once again. 
He moved your legs apart and settled in the warm space. He wrapped his arms around your waist and placed his face on the delicate swell of your breasts, using them as a makeshift pillow. The position was intimate, and immense guilt and shame washed over you. 
Brahms had come to you for support, and here you were, pinned underneath him, thinking of all the images that you had seen in a book that the noble women of the court were particularly fond of, the Kama Sutra. 
You imagined Brahms inside of you, and you shivered. You wanted him to strip you of your virginity, and more importantly, you wanted him…you wanted to be his. Ugh! Nothing made sense! All you knew was that you needed like him like a fish needed water. Every single cell inside of you yearned for this strange, hypnotic man. 
Yet you knew that nothing could come of it — you were to be married in two weeks. 
Unshed tears stung your eyes and you entwined your arms around Brahms’ back once more. You wanted this man, not your fiancé, and you for a moment, however brief it was, you had thought about rejecting General Cole, even if it meant sending thousands of men to their deaths in war. 
Sleep did not come easy for you that night, but when it did, you were plagued with cruel dreams. You and Brahms had been married and were living a happy life within the confines of the castle. You spent every morning and night in one another’s arms, and you had tried position after position from that exotic book, only to succumb to the throes of ecstasy. It was beautiful, and you had wished that you would never wake up. But alas, you did.  
“Good morning, Princess Y/N!” Sophie called, rudely waking you. 
Brahms was still cocooned around you. He laid on his side, arm wrapped around your waist, and his head was resting on your left shoulder. His eyes  began to flutter open and he smiled when he saw you looking at him, causing your heart to skip a beat. 
The curtains ruffled and bright sunlight poured into the room and Sophie’s loud scream pierced the air. Guards ran into your room and they were being led by Daniel and Herbert, who upon seeing the man in your bed, faltered and exchanged an uneasy look. 
Then, to make matters worse, Greta and Malcolm stormed their way into the bedchamber. Greta held her robe closed and Malcolm was running a hand through his sleep tousled hair. 
He yawned and looked around the room, then choked. “What the hell is going on here?!”
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Malcolm stared at Herbert and Daniel, not sure what to make of the information that they had just shared. It had to have been a joke, some sick, elaborate joke. He gave his wife a quick glance and noted her expression of confusion and disbelief. It seemed that they were on the same page. 
“Who put you up to this, Herbert? Was it one of the chefs?” Malcolm laughed, trying his best to act aloof. 
The guards stood there silent. 
Anxiety bubbled within the king’s chest, and he began tapping his foot in an irate manner. He looked from Herbert to Daniel, then from Daniel to Herbert, trying his hardest to break them. But no matter how hard he pushed, they did not recant their strange tale. 
Not only had they told of him what had actually transpired in the ocean when they rescued you, but Herbert then went on to connect Brahms to the drowning of Emily; a girl who had drowned a few years before he was born.
“Emily was killed by a drunkard.” Malcolm recanted, remembering the story that he had heard growing up. 
Herbert took a step forward and met the king’s eyes. “No, she wasn’t,” he paused then continued, “she was killed by a merman. I saw it with my own two eyes, sire. He tried to drag her into the water and she flung her lantern at him, causing his face to catch fire. When I alerted the other guards, she had already been dragged into the water. By the time we reached her, she was dead.” 
“But that’s —”
Herbert removed a leather bound book from his pocket and tossed it to Malcolm. The king caught it with clumsy fingers and the older guard gave him a sombre look. 
“Perhaps this will change you mind.” 
The guards left the throne room and returned to their assigned stations, leaving Malcolm with Greta. The queen took her husband’s hand in hers and placed a tender kiss on the back of it. 
“Read it. I’ll go check on Y/N.” 
The queen left the throne room and began tracking you down. She asked a few maids and they told her that you were in the bath. The queen muttered her thanks and decided the bath was a perfect place to have a much needed conversation — you couldn’t run away from her there. 
With head held high, Greta took off and mentally rehearsed what she was going to say to you. 
You rested the top half of your body on the ledge of the bathtub, propping your arms on the cool tile of the bathroom floor, and rested your head on the inner portion of your crossed arms. Your hair trailed down your back and from the corner of your eye you could see the floating strands being lulled by the hot water that the ivory spout carried. 
A sigh escaped your lips and you turned your head in the other direction, allowing you you see the large stained-glass window. You were thinking of everything and nothing, and your mind was going in circles. It was exhausting. 
The door to the bathroom open and you groaned. “Go away, Sophie!”
You were not in the mood for another lecture regarding your improper behavior with Brahms, who was not your fiancé. The scandal. 
“Well, it’s a good thing I’m not Sophie.” Greta said with a light chuckle. 
You picked your head up and slowly sunk into the bathwater. You avoided her blue gaze and turned around, giving your sister-in-law privacy to undress. A few seconds later, you heard her enter the bath, and once settled, you turned back around. 
“Do you like him?” Greta asked point blank. 
Your small, polite smile fell, and Greta’s face grew red in embarkment; she had forgotten to use the monologue that she had practiced while she was busing tracking you down. 
You liked Brahms. Anyone with eyes could see that. When you saw him, your eyes would light up, and when he grabbed your wrist in an attempt to keep you at his side, a bashful yet happy look would cross your pretty face. And when you spent time with him, your heart would race and you were truly and genuinely happy. The thought of not seeing him, or not being near him, caused you a pain that you had never experienced before. It was frightening. 
Greta eyes fell and she lowered her voice. “I’m sorry, Y/N.” 
“What are you sorry about?” you sneered, standing up and moving towards the bath’s steps. 
Your body shook in anger and hot, fat tears fell from your eyes. You were in such a hurry to leave the bathroom, that you didn’t see the small puddle of spilt bath oil. When your foot caught it, you fell flat on your butt and that had been the last straw. 
You had tried so hard to keep everything contained. You didn’t want Malcolm to see you like this, but you especially didn’t want Greta to see you like this. She had been lucky — she was able to escape Cole, and her escape brought her to your kingdom, to your brother, to her happily ever after, but her happily every after had in essence cost you yours. And at this  particular moment, you hated her (even though you would never say that aloud). 
Loud, deafening sobs spilled from your trembling body, and Greta wrapped her towel clad body around yours. 
“I don’t want to marry Cole!” you screamed. “I don’t want this! I hate him!” 
“I know,” Greta cried. “And I’m so sorry, Y/N.”
Bang! Bang Bang!
The wall directly in front of you shook violently, causing the oil painting to crash against the floor, but you didn’t care and neither did Greta.
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Married! You were getting married! And you were getting married to someone other than him! 
Brahms stormed out of his hiding space behind the wall, and he flew into the closest room in a blind rage — the library.  
All he could see was white and a tornado of destruction surrounded him; crystal lamps were thrown at the wall, sending shards of glass everywhere; books were thrown, ripped and some were tossed into the burning fire; his fists cracked the tables and chairs, and he pushed the heavy book cases over, causing the wooden structures to fall like dominos. 
The door to the library opened, revealing Daniel’s wide eyed stare. The merman growled and lunged forward, intent on killing the meddling human. Daniel, who was terrified for his life (and rightly so), immediately slammed the door shut, causing Brahms to run face first into the unyielding structure, prompting the merman to fall down. 
He opened his mouth and released one silent scream after another, not stopping until he grew exhausted. Sweat clung to his brow his throat was irritated. If he could speak, his voice would have been shot and it would have been deeper and more gravely than normal. 
Brahms slunk to the floor and he took in all the destruction that he had caused. It looked like a waterless tsunami laid waste to the room. 
Make no mistake, the merman was still angry — enraged even, but he had no more energy to exert. He was exhausted. Not to mention, he was still getting used to living on land, which was proving to be a challenge in itself.  Now, he had to deal with the knowledge that you, his beloved princess, was getting married to another man. It was too much. 
His eyes landed on a half torn page, one which showed a man and a woman engaging in an act that the merman had never seen before. The man was resting on his knees and the naked woman was laying on her stomach with her legs wrapped around his waist, and connecting the two of them was an engorged appendage that originated the man’s lower pelvic. To say Brahms was intrigued was an understatement. 
Anger still flowed through his veins, but curiosity clouded his mind, and the merman began searching the devastated library in hopes of find the book that the page belonged to. After hours of searching, he found the book lodged between a shattered bookcase and the tattered cavas of an oil paining. The book was titled 'Kama Sutra’.  
Brahms snuck the hardcover book under his shirt and made his way out of the library, glaring at Daniel who stood guard across the hallway. He quickly made his way to his room and once in, he locked the door behind him and plopped onto his large, freshly made bed, curtesy of the butler named Hans. 
He cracked open the book and the scent of dried ink and crisp pages evaded his senses. He read page after page, chapter after chapter, and ignored the servants that were sent his way to inform him that dinner was ready. He simply ignored them and continued reading. And when he stumbled upon the erotic illustrations, he stopped and stared. 
He made note of the positions that the couples were in, the way that the bodies of the men and women perfectly fit within one another, and he felt his cock (for he had just learned the proper term for the appendage that hung between his legs) begin to stir, and he closed the book. 
Phrases and sentences from the Kama Sutra swirled in his mind, and when he closed his eyes, the images that he had studied changed shape. Instead of nameless couples, he imagined that it was you and him. 
Brahms rolled over so that he was laying on his back and he made quick work of removing his clothes. When his hand brushed over his weeping cock, he threw his head back and moaned without restraint. He quickly lost himself to the new and breathtaking sensation and it wasn’t long before he reached the height of ecstasy. 
He silently cried your name and and his white seed spilled from his pulsating cock, painting his tense abdomen white. He continued to rub himself, prolonging the ecstasy, but hissed when he the pleasure started to become painful, prompting him to stop his ministrations. 
His sweat dewed chest rose and fell in an erratic manner, and he gingerly ran his fingers against the pool of semen that covered his lower torso. It was warm, thick and unlike anything he had ever seen before. The reproductive systems of humans was unlike anything he had imagined. 
The book fell from the bed and he glanced down. It had opened to another image, only this time, the woman was on top of the man. He immediately thought of you sitting on top of him, your body naked and eyes hazed with lust. His cock twitched back to life and the events of today slammed into him. You were getting married and you would be acting out these illustrations with your soon to be husband. 
Brahms growled and ripped a pillow in half, sending feathers flying everywhere. You were his and no one was going to take you from him. No one. 
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It was the eve to your wedding and you found yourself sitting across from your fiancé. Cole was on his eighth glass of wine and showed no signs of stopping anytime soon.
The table was uncharacteristically quiet, and you kept sneaking glances at Brahms. You haven’t spoken to him in over a week and the distance that had been put in place by your brother, and enforced by Sophie, Hans, Daniel and Herbert. 
You hated being away from Brahms. It felt like there was a piece of you missing when you were away from him. And the only time you were permitted to see him was during meals. It wasn’t enough for you. 
Your eyes met Brahms’ heated hazel gaze from across the table and you found yourself being inexplicably drawn to the scarred man. The food in front of you was all but forgotten and you gave him a genuine smile. 
Brahms leaned into the table and your body subconsciously followed his lead. The two of you were like magnets: When one of you moved, the other followed. It was like magic. And it didn’t go unnoticed by everyone in the room. 
Cole’s eyes darted from you to Brahms, and the man took another long swig of his wine, finishing off his glass. 
“Who’s this?” he demanded, pointing a finger at Brahms. 
“That’s Brahms.” Malcolm answered without missing a beat. 
Cole huffed. “Who is he?” he asked once more, this time more aggressively. 
Greta rolled her blue eyes and took a sip of her tea. “Y/N found Brahms washed up on the beach. He’s been staying with us while he recovers.”
“He looks fine to me.” Cole sneered. 
Brahms’ nails bit through the table and a murderous aura radiated from him. Greta scooted closer to Malcolm, and the king snapped his head towards Daniel and Herbert, who were silently telling him, ‘told you so’, and you reached out and gently rested your hand on top of his. 
He relaxed under your touch and Cole abruptly stood from the table, causing his chair to fall backward and land with obnoxious, resounding boom. 
Cole made his way towards you and roughly grabbed your shoulder, digging the meat of his fingers into the distal end of your collarbone. You winced in pain and the foreign general turned his angered gaze to Malcolm.
“I wish to speak to my fiancée in private.” 
He pulled you out of your seat and dragged you towards the door. Daniel and Herbert moved to follow you, but they were stopped by Cole. 
The two guards looked at Malcolm, and the king frowned. “Don’t you think that it is improper to speak to woman without a guardian?” 
“Please,” Cole snorted, “by this time tomorrow you sister will be under me.” 
Anger swelled in your chest and you ripped your arm from Cole’s. The general just shook his head and wrapped his arm around your waist, and he proceeded to drag you out of the room. 
The two of you walked in silence until you reached a balcony that overlooked the ocean, and when the door shut, the general pushed you away from him. Not expecting that, you tripped over your feet and landed roughly on your knees and outstretched hands. 
Cole’s hand shot out and he roughly grabbed your face, forcing you to look up at him. Every muscle in his burly body was tense, and his nostrils flared. He was angry. 
“Have you lain with him?” He demanded in a slurred manner. 
You met his heated gaze head on and sneered. “No,” you replied. 
Cole searched your face and frowned. “I don’t believe you.”
Your head snapped to the side and hot, searing pain blossomed in your cheek where his open palm had met your skin. 
“You’re mine, Princess. That freak might have had you, but it’s me you belong to, remember that.” 
Unshed tears kissed the outer corner of your eye and you retaliated by biting down on the hand closest to your face. Cole hissed in pain and struck you again, this time with his non-dominant hand, and he struck the top of your head with a closed fist, effectively knocking you unconscious. 
Your body slumped forward and Cole removed his hand from your slack mouth. No sooner had his hand been freed, had he been tackled to the ground. Large, warm hands wrapped around his thick neck and when he opened his eyes, he found himself staring into a pair of narrowed hazel ones. 
Brahms was on top of him, choking him. 
Cole swung his heavy fists in the air, determined to strike Brahms, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t land a single hit on the man, for he had drunk too much: The alcohol had numbed his senses, slowing his reflexes, and skewing his depth perception. 
With every failed hit, Brahms tightened his grip. Life slipped from Cole’s eyes, leaving his orbs hollow, and when the foreign general stopped moving, Brahms removed his hands and stood up. Not wanting to leave anything to chance, he picked up the body and carried it to the edge of the balcony. 
Below them stood sharp, jagged rocks, and the ocean slammed against them, sending ocean mist high in the air. That would do. Without another thought, Brahms pushed the man over the railing and watched in sick enjoyment as Cole’s body entered its shallow, watery grave. 
Brahms turned on his heel and quickly ran to your side. Your lips were pulled back in a tight grimace and he stilled when he saw your right cheek begin to swell. He had seen what Cole had done to you, and before he knew it, he had ran out of the shadows and killed him. The merman was just glad that you did not see what had happened.
Without further thought, the merman picked you up in his arms and cradled you close to his chest. He walked confidently into the castle and ignored the worried whispers that the staff muttered to one another. And within a matter of minutes, he had reentered the dinning room, where Malcolm and Greta were still occupying, 
Greta looked up first, and when she saw Brahms carrying your unconscious body, she jostled upright and ran towards you. 
“What happened to her?!” the queen demanded. “Her cheek, it is swollen!” Realization dawned upon her and she took a step back. “Did General Cole do this to her?” 
Brahms nodded. 
Malcolm rushed your side and motioned for Herbert to approach. The elder guard stopped in front of the merman, and he tried taking you from him, but Brahms would not let you go. It was just like what had transpired in the ocean not too long ago. 
“She needs to be seen by a doctor,” Herbert whispered just loud enough for Brahms to hear, but low enough so no one else could. “As soon as the doctor clears her, I will bring you to her. You have my word.” 
Brahms wanted to protest, but was stopped when Malcolm spoke. “I would like to speak to you Brahms regarding my sister. Please follow me.” 
Greta helped Herbert remove you from the merman’s arms, and she cried as she tailed after the elder man. 
Malcolm left the room and Brahms reluctantly followed after him. They reached a small study, and once inside the room, Malcolm sat down and poured himself a small glass of scotch. 
“We need to talk, Brahms, and we need to talk about everything.” 
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You stood in front of the mirror, admiring the way you looked in your wedding dress. 
The neckline was low, revealing your collarbone and the tops of your breasts, and the bodice was lined in a wide array of freshwater pearls. Additional pearls were carefully strung together, and they formed a sort of cap sleeve, and they felt cool against your bare skin. The skirt of the dress hung beautifully from your body and the silk material flowed like the delicate waves of the calm ocean that you were currently sailing on. 
The door to the room opened and Malcolm stepped in. He was dressed in grey and gold, and his hair was smoothed back. Silver cuffs and buttons gleamed under the rays of the setting sun, and he the hesitant smile that he wore turned into a genuine one upon seeing you. 
“You look beautiful, Y/N.” 
“I feel beautiful,” you replied. 
Malcolm stood at the doorway and motioned towards his pocket watch. “It’s almost time.” 
You backed away from the mirror and grabbed the bouquet of white roses. With flowers in hand, you reached your brother. He held out his arm and you looped yours through it. 
He led you out of the room, through the cabin, and up the dock. Everyone stood when they caught sight of you, and the harpist began playing. With every cord she struck, you took a step closer towards your future. 
Brahms watched you with the intensity of a starved man. Your body vibrated and a large smile spread across your face. When you reached the end of the aisle, Malcolm kissed your cheek and turned to Brahms. He took a step closer and whispered something into your fiancé’s ear: ‘Remember your promise: No harm will come to my sister.’ 
Brahms nodded and when Malcolm stepped back, the merman pulled you towards him. The magistrate cleared his throat and the ceremony began. 
While the magistrate spoke, you glanced at Brahms from the corner of your eye. He too wore a large, blinding smile. 
You were happy, and you couldn’t help but think about the events that had transpired a little over a week ago.
When you had awoke from the strike that Cole delivered, you had found yourself back in your room with Brahms asleep beside you on the bed. Malcolm sat on the chair to your right, and he was the one to break the wondrous news to you: Cole was dead. He had fallen, hit his head on the balcony’s rail, and fell to his death. 
It seemed too good to be true, but you didn’t care. You were free! With Cole’s death, there was no arranged marriage. And seeing how his death was an accident, the opposing kingdom could not attack without losing their supporters, which would leave their kingdom in financial ruin. 
And it was then that Malcolm handed you the old, leathern-bound journal that his father had written in, years ago before Malcolm was even born. He kissed your forehead and left you alone (Brahms was still fast asleep beside you). 
You had read the entirety of the notebook within the span of two hours, and during that time, you couldn’t help but glance at the slumbering man that clung to you. Somewhere deep inside you, you knew that Brahms had been the merman that killed Emily, but for some strange reason, you weren’t afraid of him. 
Malcolm returned shortly after you read your step-father’s journal, and by that time, Brahms was awake. He was laying between your legs, head resting on your unbound chest, and a lazy smile on his face. 
It was then that your brother told you about the events that transpired when you had fallen into the ocean all those weeks ago. He also told you that it was Brahms that saved you from Cole, who in turned killed the vile general. 
Brahms nodded here and there, confirming the story, and he had tightened his grip on you. He was afraid that you would push him away when you knew of who and what he was, but to his delight, you only held him tighter. You loved him. 
“And do you, Princess Y/N, take Brahms as your lawfully wedded husband?” The magistrate asked, pulling you from your thoughts.
“I do.” 
“I now pronounce you husband and wife. Brahms, you may kiss your bride.” 
The former merman wasted no time. He cupped your cheeks with his hands and placed his lips over yours. You smiled against his lips and Brahms pulled you close, pressing your body against his. 
When you pulled back, the crowd cheered. 
By the time the moon was high in sky, the celebration came to an end. You and Brahms hurried to your wedding suite. No sooner had the door shut behind you, your husband tackled you onto the bed and covered your skin in kisses. 
Your hands wounded in his thick, curly locks, and you sighed as he began sucking on the column of your neck. Brahms moved his hips, pressing his erection against your center, and you gasped. 
A soft groan fell from Brahms and he hurriedly removed your dress, not caring that the string of pearls around your shoulders broke. He needed you, and you needed him. Neither one of you could wait anymore. 
His hands wandered the expanse of your naked body and he whimpered at the beautiful sight. Nothing could have prepared him for this. You were more beautiful that he dared to imagine, and you were his, just as he was yours. 
Brahms opened your legs, revealing your glistening sex, and he lowered his head. He stopped when he reached your hooded bundle of nerves and he pressed his tongue on it. 
Your body jolted back and you cried out loudly. Brahms settled further into the bed and began exploring you with his tongue and fingers. No inch of skin was spared, and with every passing second, you became more and more undone. 
Brahms slipped his tongue inside of your sex, earning him a breathless gasp. His nose brushed against your clitoris and your legs tightened against the side of his head. You laced your fingers through his hair and moaned in pleasure. With every thrust of his tongue and jostle against your clit, you could feel an unfamiliar knot forming within your lower abdomen. Your body was beginning to grow taut and your breathing became labored. Brahms’ tongue entered your core once more, reaching deeper than before, and something inside of you snapped. 
Your back arched and a white, blinding pleasure overtook you. Every single nerve came to life and your textured walls clamped around your husband’s tongue, and something wet trickled out of you. 
Brahms swallowed your sweet nectar and you collapsed back onto the feathered bed. Your legs shook in the aftermath of your orgasm and you chest heaved. 
The former merman removed his clothes, living him naked, and you greedily drunk in the sight before you with hooded eyes. He was beautiful. You had often thought about his naked form when you found him on the beach, but now that he was on top of you, between your legs, you couldn’t help but shudder. 
His cock stood proud and his testicles were heavy with seed. Fat drops of pre-cum trickled from his weeping slit. Thick veins decorated the underside of his member, and it was flushed a brilliant pink color. It was large and you whined when you thought about him entering you. 
“Please,” you panted, “I want you inside me.” 
Those six words undid what little composure Brahms still had left, and without warning, he thrusted inside you, breaking the thin tissue that was nestled inside of you. A cry of pain and pleasure fell from your lips, and your husband rested his forehead against yours. 
His lips moved and you read the silent words. ‘I’m sorry. I’ll be good, I will.’ 
You wrapped your arms and legs around him, and you peppered kisses along his scarred cheek. “I love you, Brahms,” you moaned. 
His thrust faltered  upon your heartfelt confession, and the merman nuzzled against your neck, placing tender kisses here and there, then he proceeded at a faster pace.  
The two of you quickly found a rhythm, and with every thrust, the two of you became closer to your impending peaks. Beads of sweat collected on your chests, and after a particularly deep thrust, your nails dug into his back. 
Brahms hissed and pressed his cock against your cervix, sending you over the edge. The walls of your sex clamped down hard around him, and the textured tissue squeezed his cock in a rhythmic pattern. 
You clung to him with all your might as your soul momentarily left your body, and you cried your husband’s name. 
Your pleasured cry of his name, and the squeezing of your walls against his cock became too much, and Brahms came with a silent cry. His thick seed shot out and you gasped at the feeling of being filled with your husband’s essence. 
Brahms collapsed on top of you, his cock still inside of you, keeping you connected and his seed trapped within you. You ran your hands up and down his back, carefully tracing the red marks you left on his creamy, freckled skin. 
Your husband hummed and licked the small drops of sweat from your breasts. He traced his tongue over your nipple and you gasped when he took the erect bead in his mouth. He suckled on it and looked up at you through lidded eyes. 
He then flipped you over, not once removing his still erect cock from your semen filled center, and you balanced yourself on him by placing your hands on his curl dampened chest. 
He moved beneath you and placed his hands on your fleshy hips. You smiled down at your husband and began riding him, determined to make the both of you ascend to the stars once more.  
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Brahms watched you sleep beside him, and he gently ran the tip of his fingers up and down your bare back. Your neck, chest and breasts were covered in dark love bites, and your combined fluids painted the inside of your thighs, with most of his cum nestled deep within you. 
For once in his life, he felt happy. 
“Oh, sweet Prince.” A familiar voice called out. 
Brahms slowly and carefully climbed out of the bed, and wrapped a blanket around his naked waist. His bare feet carried him to the modestly sized balcony that was connected to the suite, and once he reached the railing, he glanced down. 
Spume, the sea witch, was staring up at him with glowing golden eyes. She titled her head to the side and smiled. “The waves spoke of a beautiful wedding between a prince of the sea and a princess of land. I just had to see for myself.” 
The former merman stared at the witch in indifference, causing the sea witch to laugh. She moved her hand and a large column of sea water propelled her into the air, towards Brahms. 
Spume wrapped one arm around his head, allowing their lips to meet, and with her dominant hand, she opened his mouth. Purple magic swirled around his head, and something warm and orb-like entered his mouth. Once the orb rested on his tongue, Spume quickly pulled away. 
“Swallow, Your Majesty.” 
Not knowing what else to do, Brahms did as instructed. Something heavy settled in the center of his throat and he rubbed the spot that glowed golden. 
“A wedding gift. Enjoy your new life, Prince Brahms.” 
And with that, Spume returned back to the ocean and disappeared beneath the waves. 
Brahms took a step back and mumbled, “What was that?”
His eyes widened and he tightened the grip around his neck. He had his voice back!
Brahms ran back into the bedroom and jumped onto the bed, starting you awake. You noticed Brahms’ excited expression and smiled tiredly. 
“Darling, are you—”
“I love you!” Brahms cried, crashing his lips to yours once more. 
And the two of you lived happily ever after.  
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her-devils-advocate · 5 months
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You and I were forever born to be free
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♥. Genre: Fluff, hurt/comfort
♥. pairings: The Dark Urge (Nell) x Astarion
♥. content warnings: Spoilers for Act 3 Durge quest and mentions of Astarion's quest ending.
♥. notes: Finally free of the urge, Nell decides it's time for a fresh start, starting with an impulsive haircut as the weight of the events crushes her. Astarion is by her side to help her every step of the way.
The title is taken from the English translation of Akuma no ko (child of evil) from AoT. ♥. Ao3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/52978714
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♥. Word count: 1,835
He tangles his fingers in her raven hair, gliding them through the silky strands. Once his fingers would glide down to her lower back, intertwining with the waves left over from hours spent within a loose braid, only to now stop at her chin. He absentmindedly fingers the sharp edges, running the tips of his fingers over them repeatedly as he studies the half-elf before him.
Nell is fussing with his old hand mirror, the one he generously offered to hold for her, making sure to hold it at the correct angles to stave off her whinging. His offer only exists to keep her close as she plays with her hair while being held firmly in his arms, sitting comfortably on his lap. 
She mimics his previous action and runs her fingers through her hair, fluffing it out while he watches her squirm.
Astarion lets out a small grumble, as much as he loves a good preening, she had been at it for hours now and his legs were beginning to fall asleep.
"You look lovely, darling."
Her now silver eyes light up at his words and Astarion wonders if he will ever get used to the change, no more looking into her obsidian eyes, tainted by the urges that tormented her. Nell turns her head to catch his gaze, confidence slowly showing on her face as she finally relaxes in his arms.
"You really think so? It's a big change, one that was made somewhat drastically, I must admit... It's okay if you dislike it." Her voice is quiet as she hesitates, the constant uncertainty that gripped her due to her urges still hangs on tight, despite her freedom.
"Did I say that I disliked it? It is very different, I will admit. But after what you've been through, with those violent tendencies and all, I think some change will help."
She abandons her reflection to focus on him entirely as she searches his eyes for a hint of a lie. 
"It was just too much, Astarion." She pauses for a moment, he raises a single eyebrow as he watches her go to fidget with the ends of her braid, an old nervous habit that she will have to learn to go without now. She lets out a weak sigh when she realises before giving him a sheepish smile. "I still don't remember much about who I was previously and after what we witnessed in the temple, my old… home, I don't think I want to anymore."
The temple of Bhaal had given them all a shock, between its unwelcoming, oppressive atmosphere and the less-than-friendly members housed within, Nell and Astarion wanted to spend the least amount of time there as possible. 
Only for nothing to go the way they had hoped, as expected. 
Orin, Nell's niece of all things, had betrayed her. She had been the direct cause of her amnesia and in doing so, became the indirect cause of her liberation. Not that the vile woman deserves any claim to the struggles Nell has managed to overcome.
Astarion had also learnt that Nell, or rather "Lenore", had been quite the evil mastermind in her past. A fact he should find concerning, if he wasn't somewhat impressed.
Orin took great pleasure in taunting Nell, using her lack of memories against her.
She easily pinned the other woman in place with her words, dredging up memories of her own. Memories where Lenore had ruled the temple with a blood-red fist, the world's most dangerous being, situated beneath Baldur's Gate the whole time. It was clear that even then, Orin and Lenore never liked one another.
Despite the stark contrast between the two women's personalities, one a bloodthirsty maniac, the other an unsure woman who was afraid of her every move, there were certainly similarities regarding their appearances. The sharp jawline, the violent twist of the lip when the murderous mood struck, but even more striking was the long braid they both seemed to favour. Despite the difference in colour, one blonde and almost floor-length compared to Nell's mid-length braid as dark as night, one couldn't deny the relation.
Astarion could have sworn he heard Nell muttering about the similarities on their way out of the temple, hands covered in the blood of a relative she could hardly remember. She had been distant after that, hiding within her mind, even as Astarion gently guided her towards the bath to clean her, just like she had with him after the night he killed Cazador.
He was careful in his actions, treating her like glass and as if she would crack should he scrub too hard. A valid concern, considering she had just died a few hours prior. 
After making sure she was alright enough to be left alone, he retreated to their shared sleeping area to retrieve one of his shirts for her to wear
It came as no surprise when he returned to find her hacking off her long raven locks with one of his daggers, the action frantic and purely driven by impulse, the need to see a visible change, alongside her newly acquired silver eyes. 
A need he could relate to, having switched out his armour for a new set after gaining his own freedom.
He slowly approached her as if she were a frightened animal, not wanting to startle her and cause her to injure herself with the blade. He placed his hand over hers, stilling the action before taking it into his own and began straightening the lengths into a more acceptable style. 
Not a word was shared between the pair as he worked. The silence was thick as she replayed the previous encounter in her mind, only broken by the soft sounds of hair being deftly sliced by his skilled hand.
A soft, warm hand on his bicep pulls him out of his thoughts and back into the present. Nell is staring at him, her eyes wide and uncertain, an expression he has seen on her face many times yet one he will never get used to. 
Even if she no longer has that vacant, haunted look in her eyes.
“Ah, yes,” He clears his throat, attempting to mask the fact that he was lost in his thoughts, “I can’t blame you for that at all, my sweet. A new style every now and then never hurt anyone and I’m sure you will be happy for it when we get into a scuffle, now that you are less likely to find an attacker tugging on your hair.”
“I hope for my sake, I never feel any positive emotion over getting into ‘a scuffle’ ever again.” She gives him a lopsided smile, obviously trying to make him laugh for his sake, to clear the tense air around them after everything they have been through. “But I supposed you have a point…” “I always have a point, darling. Though I will admit that a part of me will miss your braid, shorter hair is a lot harder to tug when I'm behind you and-”
All he sees is a dark blur before he finds her small hands covering his mouth, instantly silencing him as she tries to conceal her giggles.
“Astarion!” Her voice is full of life as she playfully chastises him. She doesn’t miss the way his eyes soften, nor the warm, wet feeling against the palm of her hand. She pulls away to wipe her hand on his trousers, shooting him a half-hearted glare. “Did you just lick my hand?”
He gives her a shrug in reply before placing the mirror into her hands and moving to stand behind her, purposefully ignoring her confused expression. She holds the mirror up high, watching as strands of her hair begin to float behind her, overlapping with one another before he starts on the other section. Once he finally brings them together, he plucks the mirror out of her hands to show her the back.
Her heart swells with love as she realises what he has done, a small circle of braids now sit around the crown of her head.
“There, now you still have your signature braid. Just smaller and on the top of your head, rather than swishing around dramatically whenever you move.”
Tears well up within her eyes and for a brief moment and Astarion begins to panic, wondering if he went too far, too soon. 
Any fear within his chest vanishes when she rises to the tips of her toes and presses a chaste kiss onto his lips, her warmth quickly sinking into his skin and heart.
“Thank you, Astarion. Not just for this, but for being by my side for all of it, even at times when I certainly didn’t deserve you or your support…” Nell pauses, her voice cracking with a myriad of emotions, unsure of where to even start. “You deserve someone who you don’t need to fear will hurt you in the night, I hope I can be that person now that I’ve been given this fresh start.”
Now it’s Astarion’s turn to silence her, choosing a more dignified way to do so by grabbing her cheeks and silencing her with a deep kiss. He smirks into the kiss when he hears her muffled sigh, her hand reaching up to hold onto his arm to stabilise herself in the process.
“I believe we’ve had this conversation before, love.” He frowns slightly, silently mulling over the words to reassure her. He was never the best with words and she was never the best at believing them. At least now they have the chance to learn together.
His frown fades as he hears her chuckle, “Yeah, a few times now… I just, I don’t know, I have so much guilt. A lot of it is deserved.”
“Enough of that, isn’t that what your fresh start is for? Besides, I have just as many things to thank you for.
“I have never feared you, Nell. Yes, I feared what would happen to you, many times, in fact. But never the woman behind the urges, only how the woman behind them would react once she was back in control. I’m glad that is a fear both of us can put to rest now that it’s over. “You have fretted for far too long, Nell. It’s time to start enjoying life, rather than fearing it. I know I’m not exactly one to talk, but isn’t that what makes us such a charming pair, eh? We can grow together.”
He places his hands on either side of her face, angling her head up to look at him. Her steel eyes shine with tears, the candlelight glittering within them. He gently rubs his thumb across her lower eye, catching a stray tear as she simply stares at him.
They stay like that for a moment, simply watching one another before she buries her face into his chest, clinging onto him as if he were a lifeline.
“I would like that, dear heart.”
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disengagedspirit · 3 months
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PARTIES: @deathsplaything, @disengagedspirit TIMING: Early March, in the year 2024. SUMMARY: Mercy finds her way to The Sugar Pot to meet with Alistair. CONTENT WARNINGS: None!
Venturing out of the house had made Mercy nervous, but there had been someone in town offering to help her, and with newly found access to the internet, the vampire had been given the opportunity to discover more about life and the world around her from the comfort of her own chair, than she ever had before. What she had also discovered by randomly typing in words had been how to locate someone via the internet. It felt a bit intrusive, but convenient nonetheless, especially since the person willing to assist her in this new life had given her enough information to search.
The hard part was going to be finding her way around since Wicked’s Rest had drastically changed since the last time she had been free to explore the town. And unfortunately, for her, Caleb and his metal carriage weren’t available to take her to where she needed to go, “Tis not so far according to Magistra Google.” But the even harder part? Navigating the town at night. Mercy still wasn’t fully aware of all that she was capable of as a vampire, but no matter how many times she had ventured out at night, there was still an uneasy feeling lingering in the pit of her stomach after having been attacked many years ago, leaving her life changed forever.
Finally gathering the courage she could muster, Mercy found her way outside recalling over and over again the directions in her head, as using a printer wasn’t something she had figured out how to do yet. It had taken her longer than anticipated, and there had been a few moments of uncertainty and people staring at her when she had asked them questions, but she finally arrived, and there, shining brightly above her was The Sugar Pot sign.
It was a wave of relief that had allowed her to take the steps needed to enter the small tea shop, and when she did, she couldn’t help but look at all the jars full of different herbs and spices. Oddly enough allowing her to feel as though she had stepped back in time and away from so much technology, “Prithee! I hath come in search of Alistair.”
Alistair didn’t make a habit of inviting people after hours to his shop. Then again, he shouldn’t be making a habit of befriending people that he could possibly have complete and total control over. It was late, and when Mercy said she was going to head over, he decided to make himself available to her, despite not being open at night. The shop was lit up, and Alistair was sitting on his computer in the middle of the shop, all the machines off and chairs up save for the table he was sitting at. When the door jingled, he looked up from his work. 
“Yep, you’re who I was waiting for.” He mumbled to himself with a grimace before waving a hand, not bothering to look in her direction. Brutus was off in the back of the shop sleeping, though opened an eye when conversation began around him. “That’s me, I’m Alistair.” He gave an awkward smile. “Shop’s not open, but I kept the door unlocked in case you wanted to stop by. “You make it here alright? I know this town must be daunting when you don’t know all the changes that the world has been through.” 
He closed his laptop and set it aside, then motioned for her to come join him. “Few things you should know as a disclaimer to the 21st century, we don’t use the words you use, we've progressed in the language department a little bit.” He waved a hand around as he spoke, slipping one leg over his other and leaning in his seat. “Might want to spend some time looking at old English and modern English changes, it can teach you what words we use now versus what you’re using.” He frowned, scratching his chin for a moment as he tried to think of the words he wanted to use before continuing. “Second, you’re going to want to watch out for using the language and being honest to people who don’t have your best intentions at heart. You’re lucky I do, because I could have easily used your naivety against you. Hunters will do that.” 
“I’m curious to know what happened. I mean, time machines clearly aren’t real, but… things in this town are weird, so I suppose that anything is possible with the things that happen around here.” He paused, unseeing gaze looking over her shoulder rather than at her, his sunglasses obscuring his eyes. “Since you’ve been honest with me, I’ll be honest with you. I’m a spellcaster, what people from your time would probably call a witch.” He waved his fingers around as he called himself a witch. “I suspect you’re undead, though what I don’t know. Do… you know?”
Mercy let her eyes scan the shop. It was small and quaint. Glass jar after glass jar seemed to line the rows of shelves and there was a certain scent that hung in the air. One that Mercy could feel a vague sense of familiarity too. But she couldn’t quite place it. These were all strange substances to her, and in her mind, must have been for cooking. But her attention quickly shifted back to the man sitting down at a small table. His accent, somewhat similar to hers, but she couldn’t quite place. However, that was the least of her worries. There had seemed to be a wall of 21st century text thrown her way that she was trying to process and piece together after an overwhelming trip to see him.
“Aye, yet Wicked’s Rest hath become rather daunting with all thy metal carriages and illuminated words.” Mercy cautiously moved forward and found a place across from Alistair at the table. Settling, she replied as best she could to what he was asking of her, “Will thine internet give aid to further studying new English?” She was already beginning to pick up on some things merely from being forced to with how Caleb’s magical book returned information to her. There had been no olde English option. “Thou art correct. I shall heed thine words. For mine own life was threatened by someone I hath wrongly trusted.” Abigail. The wench.
Mercy paused. He wanted to hear what had happened to her. Wanted to know her story. She had been warned by Caleb and a few others to remain quiet, but here she sat in this man’s shop. He had been honest with her, even confessed that he was…a witch? So witches were real. He just confirmed it, and Mercy feared her face was giving way to disbelief, but somehow she remained in control, “Tis not merely accusal? Witches do exist?” She took a slow, quivering breath. How could she not believe in such sorcery though? Here she was. Almost four hundred years later and still looked as if she were young. “My apology, Sir, for my disbelief in thy words.” She lowered her head, before slowly looking back up at him, “Aye. I hath been told of the undead from within Caleb’s magical book which hath connected me to your world of flat people.” She pointed to Alistair’s laptop. “And I know not of time travel, but of life in mine own grave for nearly four hundred years.”
Alistair couldn’t help but stare as the woman spoke. His English was spotty at the best of times, but now there was someone speaking old English. Forget it. “Well, cars and… signs? Signs… I’m sure you’ll get used to it after a while.” He muttered as he opened up his laptop. “I’m sure there have to be translators that will help you to speak modern English instead of old English.” He muttered, typing away at his laptop. Sure enough, he managed to pull up a website that translated modern to old English and vice versa. He turned the website around. “All you do is type in what you want to say and it’ll translate it for you.” 
He felt silly sitting in front of a vampire after years of training told him that they were under his command. Why should he give them the time of day when he could easily control their every move? He shook his head as the woman was distracted. Alistair hated thinking that way. He didn’t want to think that way. They were people. People that drank blood and ate brains, sure, but people all the same. “Well first thing’s first, be careful who you tell about what’s happened to you. Maybe work with this friend of yours on a cover story.” He suggested before taking the laptop back and closing it up. 
“Witches, yeah.” Alistair frowned, knowing that what he told her next could send her running away from him. “I’m a necromancer, meaning I can raise the dead and also control the undead. Such as yourself.” He cleared his throat, knowing that this could be uncomfortable. “To be clear, I don’t control people who are in control. I… yeah. I don’t do that.” He rubbed at his face, suddenly afraid to look her in the eyes. “Witches are called spellcasters. Not every person accused of being a witch back in the day was actually a spellcaster, however. I highly doubt most of them were. Such as yourself.” 
“Cars…and…signs…” The words were more to herself than anything. Mercy wanted to absorb these new words. Blend in better than she was currently doing. But it was hard. It was hard to take nearly four hundred years of a practiced language, and just change it overnight. It didn’t work that way. However, the more she thought about it, there seemed to be a certain excitement to understanding people of this new period in time, despite how rude they seemed to be when she had been speaking to them through the internet.
When Alistar turned the device around, Mercy leaned in to view what he was talking about, and it shocked her, “Such a thing exists? I need not speak with a person who knows my tongue?” She looked at the screen once more, taking it in, until he closed it and turned it back around. Her blue eyes were wide with curiosity as she glanced back upwards peering into his dark glasses, “I am sure Goodman Caleb can assist me with this translator, as you have deemed it. However, I know not of what thou refers to as a cover story.”
Mercy was so overwhelmed by all this new world had to offer. And at first, it scared her, but the longer she lived in it, the more exciting it all became. Slowly engulfing her curiosity from the first time she had laid eyes on running water to learning what the internet was. But her rampant and curious mind was soon silenced by Alistair explaining what he could do, and, in fact, it scared her, “Shall I take my leave now, Sir? I wish not to upset thee, that thou would feel such sorcery must be used.” She didn’t know what else to say or do. She had been accused twice, which had led to her being buried in the dirt, and though she had listened to him continue to further explain witchcraft and spell casters, she could feel herself instinctively backing her chair up out of caution and his possible intentions.
“A cover story is a lie you tell people to hide the truth,” he told her with a simple nod. “Like for me, I’m just a humble tea shop owner.” He raised his brows above his sunglasses. “The reality is I’m a spellcaster who can heal people through my necromancy.” He tipped back in his seat, frowning as Mercy suddenly asked if she should leave. Alistair frowned, expecting such a reaction. After all, he was meant to be feared by the undead. What he was able to do, it took away their free will. His face fell as she grew fearful. 
“I… don’t like to do it.” Alistair confessed, holding his hands out in front of him in a gesture that said he meant no harm. “If you want to leave, I get it. I’m scary and nasty and all the things people say about necromancers.” He sighed, running a hand through his hair. Maybe this had been a mistake to invite Mercy out to his shop. 
“If you wish to leave, leave knowing that there are people that want to hurt you out there. Hunters and necromancers like me.” He kept his hands where Mercy could see them. “It’s a scary world out there, and don’t think that someone won’t take advantage of your kindness and gullibility.” Alistair’s frown deepened, knowing there was probably no way to save the situation. “I’m sorry. You can leave if you want.”
Mercy had felt bad for reacting in such a way. He had been kind, allowing her to come and visit him. Teaching her things about the 21st century that she was still trying her best to comprehend. But she still couldn’t shake the fear that lingered in her gut. She had been friends with Abigail since childhood. Had trusted the girl with so many parts of her life and secrets. She had even invited her to the wedding. But the ultimate betrayal, or so she thought, had come after being ousted as a witch. One that had destroyed Mercy’s life. She had only just met Alistair. He was kind, yes, but even he had warned her to be cautious. She had appreciated his honesty, but had needed time to sit with it as it had been one more thing in a big world full of new things.
“I know not of this word, necromancer, except what hath been explained. I dare not assume thee to be such claimed words. Yet, I cannot sit comfortably with such a revelation, until I hath pondered it. Please, sir, I must take my leave.” She slowly pushed the chair backwards and stood up. Her striking blue eyes held sorrow and some fear as she turned and made her way towards the door. But before she left, Mercy turned to face him, “I will heed thy warning of such a world as the one I have awoken to, and I will work on mine own tongue. Thankee for thy time and thy grace.”
With her final words to him, Mercy turned and took her leave following the path she had taken to meet him, back to Caleb’s house with a little more fear lingering within her small form, than when she had first come to see Alistair.
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workersolidarity · 1 year
Part 1: Origins of the Ukraine War
Watch "Kim Iversen: Former NATO Analyst & Top UN Official Says THIS Is The REAL Reason For War In Ukraine" on YouTube
Going back a year to remind people of the origins of the current stage of the Ukraine Proxy-war.
Today, this history is swept under the rug, forgotten about out of convenience because it runs counter to the Western narratives around Ukraine.
Once again, as I have to constantly remind people, the Far-Right forces within Ukraine; paramilitary forces such Azov, Right Sector, and C14 had drastically and exponentially increased shelling of the Donbas in the days leading up to the war. Many Eastern Ukrainians feared the Kiev regime was on the verge of launching an offensive into the DPR and LPR which had declared their Independence in 2014, triggering a kind of Civil War stalemate period for the next 8 years.
I also want to clear up another point of contention; initially, the breakaway Republics were NOT trying to become independent of Ukraine. Instead they were seeking an autonomous status, similar to what Crimea enjoyed for a time prior to the coup regime.
So let's go back to 2014 and review the facts around the origins of the War.
To begin, we must take a look at the actions taken by the Ukrainian Govt after the Maidan Coup. We should all be aware by now, regardless of personal feelings about the war or Russia's justifications for entering into Ukraine, that the United States was elbow deep in it with regards to the Maidan Coup and the govt that took power after the coup, with Victoria Nuland on audio handpicking the next President of Ukraine: Petro Poroshenko
The FIRST official act of the new coup regime in Kiev in 2014 was to remove Russian as an official language in Ukraine, beginning the waves of repression that began in earnest against Russian speaking Ukrainians in the Donbas and elsewhere in Ukraine.
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And UNLIKE the propaganda we've been fed by US and Western media, the Russian Federation NEVER supported the Donbass rebels until February 2022. They were NOT funded or trained or directed by Moscow in ANY way, as attested to in this article by Jacques Baud, a former member of the Swiss Strategic Intelligence and a specialist in Eastern Europe, he was also the former head of the Doctrine of the United Nations Peace Operations. Within NATO, Jacques Baud was involved in Programs in Ukraine before and after the Maidan Coups and has authored a multitude of books on Intelligence, war, terrorism, National Security and Russia.
And he says:
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But, of course, immediately after signing the agreement, Ukrainian "President" Petro Poroshenko violated the Minsk I Accords (likely on orders by NATO) by launching a massive offensive in the Donbas which ended in failure, forcing Ukraine to once again return to the negotiating table and producing the Minsk II Accords.
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Minsk II seemed like it was a game changer. The new agreement afforded the Donbas Republics a degree of autonomy, which was all they ever wanted to begin with. That and to have a say in their own governance. After the Russian language was removed as an official language, the next step was to ban Russian from being spoken by government officials. This of course meant that Russian speaking Ukrainians no longer could work in or have a say in their own governance, effectively handing over control of Eastern Ukraine to Kiev. But under the new agreement, Minsk II offered the promise of a return to a degree of normalcy. It was a framework from which to negotiate a settlement between the Kiev regime and DPR/LPR officials.
Of course, Kiev refused to implement the Minsk II Accords and instead continued with a campaign of terror, randomly and unexpectedly shelling populated civilian neighborhoods with alarming regularity.
And even with all this going on, the Russian Federation treated the matter as an internal issue for Ukrainians to settle amongst themselves. I'm sure in retrospect, Russian officials wish they had done more to intervene earlier in the conflict.
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In fact, only 56 Russian fighters were observed in the Donbas during this time.
At this point, the Ukrainian Military was completely and thoroughly corrupt, demoralized and broken. And so they turned to NATO to reconstitute and reimagine the Ukrainian Military. To this end and to move as quickly as possible, NATO utilized Far-Right and Neo-Nazi Paramilitary Forces to form the backbone of the reconstituted Ukrainian military.
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Even after the Far-Right Paramilitary Forces were integrated into the Ukrainian Military, they remained fairly independent and still remain unreformed to this day.
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Stick around for Part II on the origins of the Ukraine Proxy-war...
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writingkitten · 8 months
Okay, I lied, I am gonna review two of them.
Control's the one I had to read more than once because the sensory details are just delicious. The tastes, the smells, and like... that more intangible sense of the reader's defenses melting away with each step, getting happier and bubblier as she slips further under Harding's influence? Obviously I wasn't actually hypnotized but like, it was super easy to be immersed in it, imagine every step deeper. And Harding's warmth! Like, that sense of "I've found something precious and want to protect her from the world" taken in such a drastic but compelling direction... just stellar.
The other that really stuck with me was Duality because like... oh man. The command in that fic. The absolute certainty the bishop has, like... it's almost as if he's not asking or commanding the reader to submit to him, but stating it as if it's already fact. I would love to see you do more with him (especially incubus stuff!) because that is just a stellar way to balance his hunger and discipline.
Just *mwah* compliments to the chef.
I’m speechless. Like I’m blushing so hard right now YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW SWEET THIS IS I LOVE YOU
Both of those are two of my favorite fics, btw!!! I loved getting to play with the senses in Control, and in Duality I just love Manuel and religious kinks, especially the way you described where someone is so dominant within the kink that they’re just like “yeah this is happening, it’s just a fact” is so fun to write (and experience tbh)
Filing this away for sad days because this is so sweet 🥹
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wolfnprey · 10 months
tid bit tuesday
I was kindly tagged by @folk-fae! I've missed some of my wip tags from last week, so here's a good chunk of tid bit to make up for it and hopefully I haven't already shared. So here's some reincarnation!
There are many things that Ryder is capable of without Eddie. He's just the one who's spent his life believing it. 
"Does that mean you expect me to stay by your side forever then?" Eddie questions teasingly, dipping the tip of his tongue against the seam of Ryder's lips to feel them part in invitation. "To make sure you keep going?" 
Ryder groans with an aborted shift of his hips against Eddie's. "You're never allowed to leave my side. Have I not made that clear yet?"
The next step, Eddie knows, is to let them rut against one another until they're both spinning with need and then bending Ryder over that rocking horse to fuck him with abandon. And it's a step that he'd gladly take. If there wasn't a more pressing matter to get to.
They'll make up for it later. Ryder always makes sure that they do. 
"Nothing can make me leave your side," Eddie vows. It's the same vow he's been making for years. Now there's no one who can take it away from him. "But before I go into depth on it, we're needed at the refineries."
Ryder slumps against the wall, his pout evident. "Since when?"
Playing it safe, Eddie takes a step back. "Cormac informed me before I came looking for you." 
Not one to shirk his position as Baron, Ryder permits himself another moment to mourn the loss of their moment before he straightens up and puts his mind to business. "Then we shouldn't keep them waiting any longer." 
Instead of letting Eddie lead the way, Ryder slips his arm around the Regent's waist so that they walk in tandem. Cormac, as promised, has the car waiting for them at the entrance, and says nothing of how long it's taken for them to get to it. Eddie gets in after Ryder, who rarely allows him to sit up front anymore.
The drive to the refineries isn't a long one but it does provide a drastic change in the land. The fields eventually give way to dry, yellowed patches and dirt as they path becomes surrounded by the long-standing oil wells and Armadillo flags standing proudly along the way. Oil drums are stacked appropriately with a golden insignia on each one while armed guards keep a watchful eye on their surroundings. 
Jade, dressed refinedly in blue silks, is waiting for them with one of the foremen, both wearing troubled looks. The weightlessness Ryder had carried in the nursery is replaced with the solidity of a concerned Baron. 
They're barely out of the car when Jade steps forward. "Productivity is down, Ryder."
"How down?" 
Jade looks to the foreman, who fidgets with his helmet before answering, "Thirty percent."
Ryder's hand falls to his belt as he walk in the direction of the office, the foremen having to pick up his pace to match the Baron's long strides. "Thirty percent? How are we down that much?" 
Eddie stays back to walk with Jade, letting the foremen take care of explaining. He already has his own conclusion on how it is. "The Widow has her hand in it, doesn't she?" 
Jade's never been good at hiding her emotions. It's easy to see her trepidation while she keeps her eyes on Ryder's back, voice low to stay between the two of them. "If they're not scared of her then they're being paid off by her. At this rate, our control of the territory will wane and less will be inclined to follow Ryder's rule as their Baron."
Sounds like it's exactly what The Widow wants. She's been quiet for months, which means she could have been planning for exactly this.
"I'll look into upping the amount of Clippers," Eddie tells her, "see what I can do to keep the Cogs from abandoning their work." 
"You mean Ryder will have you do it," Jade responds. It's not demeaning or dismissive like Lydia often liked to treat Eddie's opinion. It's only a reminder of the way things work; Regents can lend a strategic ear to their Barons for assistance but all orders had to be taken as if that Baron is the source. Ryder's clever in his own right. That's why they made such a formidable pair. 
"So I do," Eddie returns. Jade gives him a smile in solidariity. She's not a Baronness but Ryder still gives her a comfortable life and a position of power. Eddie's not interested in the role himself so he's happy to see Jade get to take it. 
The unsettled look is back on Ryder. They come to a stop as he turns to Eddie and Jade with uncertainty. The very kind of uncertainty that Eddie had extinguished back at the plantation. But Eddie's been waiting for the Widow to make her move. He's not letting her send Ryder spiraling into more doubts.
"Jade can reach out to Baron Chau for us," Eddie suggests calmly, "for you to make a new deal with him to get more Cogs."
Jade nods in agreement. "And we can give the loyal ones incentives. Cut hours and up the rations. That will give us some time."
Ryder's face smooths out. That's all he needs to focus on, making plans and prepare for what else the Widow might have in store for them. "Make it happen," he orders the foreman, moving back in the direction of the car.
"Are you going to stay for much longer?" Eddie asks Jade. "Or would you like a ride with us?"
"I should stay," she answers, "go over the schedules."
"I'll have Cormac stay behind with you." 
"There are enough Clippers here already," Jade declines kindly, "I'll be fi–"
A quick whoosh is all the warning Eddie gets before a truck full of oil drums explodes. 
The force of it throws everyone back several feet, pain shooting up Eddie's hip from the hard landing he takes against the pavement. The enflamed drums and vehicle block Eddie and Jade from where Ryder's landed near the car. 
Distantly through the ringing in his ears, Eddie could hear Ryder's desperate cries. "Eddie! Eddie! No!"
"Get him out of here!" Eddie shouted, rolling onto his hands and knees to push himself back up. He was able to see Cormac and some of the other Clippers holding their Baron back from the flames, from the next threat of danger. "Cormac! Get the Baron out of here! I'll be fine!"
Tagging :@oliverstaark @trippedandfell @honestlydarkprincess @useramor @oneawkwardcookie
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leaderpinhead · 9 months
Epel - Stride For Perfection
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“I hate this man.” 
Epel bit his tongue not to laugh. Seeing another book appear on top of Yuu’s head helped him swallow his humor. Across the ballroom came a purposeful rustle of paper when Vil flipped through the magazine in his lap. “I’m sorry. Was there something you wished to say? Or perhaps you simply prove the higher your stack of books, the better you improve your posture.” 
“I loathe this man.” 
Another book appeared at the top of the stack, making the count of Yuu’s book stack five. She teetered to the side when the new weight threatened her balance. A quiet chuckle slipped between Epel’s lips. He groaned when the weight of another book on his stack became noticeable. 
Vil sighed and continued flipping through his magazine. “At some point you will both realize my curse is not a joke. The more books you accumulate, the likelihood of you leaving this room before dinner decreases drastically.” 
Vil’s smug voice was the cleanser Epel needed to wipe out his amusement. He scowled in the direction where Vil sat. It wasn’t his throne in the lounge, but the folding chair might as well have been for the pomp and circumstance he put into it. There wasn’t so much as a slouch in his posture, and Epel hadn’t even seen him jiggle the leg so tightly crossed over his knee. Vil had taken a seat almost an hour ago—the same time he had placed the dumb curse on them. 
Yuu’s heavy exhale wasn’t loud enough to trigger the curse. She held her chin perfectly parallel to her neck and continued her circuit around the ballroom with tiny steps. Epel did the same. One foot precisely in front of the other... 
Yuu’s heel caught on the toe of her shoe. The stack of books wobbled when she attempted to keep her balance. Epel winced when all the books went falling to the floor. Only instead of hitting the floor, they hovered just above it like a type of barrier prevented them from making full contact. Pages between the hard covers fluttered when the books flew back into a precise stack on Yuu’s head. 
Yuu’s no-so-quiet curse added a new book to the top, it’s bright red cover almost mocking. “This is impossible! How do you expect us to walk around this stupid ballroom one hundred times when we can’t even look where we’re going?” 
Epel agreed wholeheartedly, and it took nearly biting a hole through his bottom lip not to voice his disgruntlement. The promise of another book on his head almost wasn’t enough to keep him quiet. 
Vil’s heavy sigh echoed through the room. He closed his magazine and finally stood from his chair. With his hands on his hips, he cast a critical eye over them. Epel felt the heat in his face and couldn’t decide if it was anger or shame. He hated having to put up with Vil’s lessons. 
But dagnabbit if he didn’t want to prove to Vil he could break his curse right now! 
“Are you really that spatially unaware?” Vil asked. He strode across the room until he stood in front of Yuu. He shook his head with an almost pitying frown, but Epel knew Vil wasn’t that empathetic. He bet the housewarden was actually having fun. “Your problem is that you lack confidence. Ergo, you lack trust in your own feet to keep you standing. Walk with confidence, and you will find that having to see your steps is moot point.” 
“Sounds like a surefire way to step right into a hole,” Yuu argued. The new book that plopped on her head barely made her chin tilt. If anything, Yuu was going to have some hardcore neck muscles after all this. “I don’t need to know how to walk with my chin at a ninety-degree angle and my torso a straight rectangle to be confident in myself.” 
“Perhaps not,” Vil agreed. Epel’s eyes widened. He hadn’t been expecting Vil to agree so easily. “However, by the end of this lesson, I expect you to have drilled a perfect posture into your muscle memory that I never see you slouching through the halls like a cave gremlin who’s never seen the light of day again.” 
“You don't know what that cave gremlin has been through. His bent spine might be a natural curve.” 
“I will take care not to judge any cave gremlins too harshly then. You, on the other hand, are free game.” Yuu blew a raspberry at Vil, which Vil’s curse must not have interpreted as a “unnecessary complaint or rude comment” because another book didn’t appear on her head. Vil shook his head and gave Epel a pointed stare. “Well? Do you have anything else to add? Or should I inform Leona one of his club members will be absent today?” 
Epel flattened his lips into a tight frown. He glowered at Vil, which only seemed to make Vil’s smile widen. Without breaking his silence, Epel flung back his shoulders and continued his lap around the ballroom. He heard Yuu sigh behind him, but it didn’t take long for him to hear her shoes squeaking against the floor again. 
On his next turn at the corner of the room—heel to toe in a precise step—Epel caught sight of Vil in the wall mirror. He wanted to say his housewarden looked smug (it would have made him feel better), but the curve of his lips didn’t look right. The smile was too much like his pawpaw’s when Epel would show him something new he’d learned. 
Epel huffed and kept his chin high, his shoulders straight, and his steps precise. 
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