#has to be a fucking freak about them SOMEHOW. like i don't think you exist like that without being Weird about it
vulpinesaint · 1 month
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staring dumbstruck at these tags on one of my little saint sebastian posts. what kind of life are other people living
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halflifebutawesome · 10 days
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BEHOLD! FOR THE SECOND TIME, THE GBVRAI LINEUP! now with another weird old dude!
waves my hands around vaguely I wanted to make a nicer looking lineup and more coherent post actually explaining the au. I've now made 2 gbvrai lineups but never a plain old hlvrai lineup. Whatever.
There's a complete AU explanation and individual character profiles (?) under the cut! check it out! ASK ME ABOUT IT !!! SMILES!!!!!
The basic gist of this au is that the science team, are a group of ghost hunting paranormal researchers. The Ghostbusters. You mightve heard of them. This isn't a 1 for 1 au where certain characters take the role of others, it's more just. What if the science team existed in the Ghostbusters universe. They're just the Ghostbusters now.
On a particularly odd case, they bust a ghost that seems... off. It's sentient, it's talking back, and it's psychokinetic energy is off the charts.
Thinking nothing of it, they return to the firehouse and prep the trap for containment disposal. Gordon's the new guy, so he's the unlucky dude who's been assigned the job of disposing of the traps. All the while the ghost will NOT shut up. It's weirdly powerful and seems mostly unbothered. It's name is Benry, and he's a little freak.
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the ghost containment unit has been unstable for a while, overfilled with ghosts, but they have to dispose of Benry somehow, so they go ahead with it.
In this AU I'm kind of combining the Resonance Cascade with the Manhattan Crossrip (the Manhattan crossrip is the big scary ghost event that happens at the end of GB1). Basically what happens is that Benrys weirdly powerful ghostly energy, combined with an unstable ghost containment unit, tears a big rip in the fabric between the ghost realm and ours, letting all sorts of ghouls and specters free.
Imagine the Resonance Cascade, with all the aliens getting out and ravaging Black Mesa, but it's a bunch of ghosts getting out and ravaging New York. Gordon and the rest of the team have to fight their way through the ghost filled streets of NYC, and close the crossrip.
Heres some closeups and more individual info/thoughts for the gang!!
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GORDON FREEMAN! The new guy. Again, this is less a direct 1 for 1 swap au kind of deal, and more just putting these guys in situations. Gordon's HEV suit, tho, I wanna talk about.
In Ghostbusters canon, they DO have a weird fucked up hazard suit. It first appears in the TRGB episode "Xmas Marks The Spot", where Egon uses it to travel into the ghost realm. I know it makes another appearance in the comics, in a way that's more HEV-esque, but I never finished the comics so idk. It's real tho.
I imagine here that the ghost containment unit is more like the reactor in half life, where it's hazardous to be around for too long, probably bcos of like. I don't know. Concentrated psychokinetic energy. Sure. In any case he needs to wear the HEV to use the containment unit.
My design here is taking the chest piece, helmet, gloves and belts and modifying them to look a little more HEV-esque.
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Bennyyyy. Benrey benry beny. He's a ghost, as far as they can tell. It would be more appropriate to call him an entity of sorts.
He's not a ghost simply for the fact that he wasn't ever human. He wasn't ever a living person that died. He's some pure, really powerful, concentrate entity/being that leaked through from the ghost realm. He looks like. A guy, for the most part, but he's a mimic. Something pretending to be human. He's been around for a while, and has settled into this form. He's mostly corporeal, but can phase in and out as he pleases (noclipping) Switching from corporeal/incorporeal when it's funny.
He met Tommy when they were both a lot younger, Benry being fresh out of the ghost realm, and have been bestfriends ever since. ☝️ my au my weirdly specific tommybenny dynamic. Dw about it
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TOMMY & SUNKIST!!!! Tommy has grown up around ghosts his whole life, and is pretty in-tune with them. This is proven with his bond to Sunkist, who's decidedly not a real dog, and his longtime friendship with Benry.
I gave him the goggles cos. Tommy's my fave and Ray's my fave and I think they're fun. Also cos if it WAS a 1 to 1 swap I would def have Tommy as Ray. Anyway. He's been a part of the Ghostbusters since he was little, like I said he grew up with them and around them. He's really knowledgeable about ghost types and physics. He knows all the ghost rules.
Sunkist isn't like. His dead childhood dog cos that seems. Kind of sad. Instead she's kind of a church Grimm or hell hound. An entity taking the form of a big huge dog that Tommy befriended when he was a kid, and has now kind of bonded to him. She's pretty corporeal as far as ghosts go, and can interact w the physical environment pretty well.
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DARNOLD ^^ my friend darnold. Darnolds not usually super involved in the actual ghostbusting, and prefers to stay behind. He's more of the research and tech kind of guy, he studies the readings and takes measurements.
He's interested in psychokinetic energy and ghost residue and all sorts of like. Ghost sciences. Why some people stay behind, why some people just seem to die and disappear, the properties of the ghost realm and the ghosts themselves. Corporeality and degradation of personhood the longer someone's been a ghost.
When the Resonance Crossrip happens, he opts to stay behind and observe the effects of the insane amounts of ghost energy on the corporeal world.
Hes also a transfer over from the ghost engineers! That's a fun thing for me. I love the ghost engineers idc frozen empire gave me everything I wanted
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FORZEN. Forzen is... the same thing as Benry. A mimic, something taking the form of a normal ghost to blend in or hide in plain sight.
He came through with the Resonance Crossrip, but obviously like. He knew Benry before (we WERE bestfriends..). He's not as powerful, which is why he wasn't able to sneak through when Benry did. He's also not super corporeal. He can only interact with the physical world if he's exerting a LOT of energy. Prone to flickering in and out of vision.
Upon coming thru the Crossrip, he kind of just. Decided to hang around the firehouse. Didn't wanna go much further, for fear of being ghostbusted and sent back into the containment unit. The source is the last place they'd look for him!
Darnold, who's holed up in the firehouse, is more than delighted to meet a ghost who's sentient and willing to cooperate to do some tests and experimentation to get never before documented results. They bond and they're cutesit. ☝️ DARZEN WIN. hi splash 👋
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Dr Coomer and Dr Bubby are two of the three original founders of the Ghostbusters! They've been around for a looooong time. They're also married obviously but that's like a given.
They helped found the Ghostbusters, having met in college while both were studying parapsychology. I imagine their like. Parapsychology -> Ghostbusters pipeline was very in line with how GB1 starts, where they used to work in an academic environment before getting kicked out and founding the GB.
They're also both. Psychic. Because frozen empire has once again given me everything. Coomers got some like. Idk something that lines up with his self awareness in HLVRAI, maybe prophecy? Vauge visions of the future? Bubby has pyrokinesis. Duh.
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and... Mr. Coolatta..... Tommy's dad...he was one of the founders along w Coomer and Bubby and at some point he. Died. And is now a reeeally really powerful ghost. maybe from the exposure to ghost energy or smth?
Now hes got gman powers and just kinda hangs around. Pretty corporeal and solid and. Present. For lack of a better word. But he IS a dead guy. Used to be human.
This is why Tommy kind of grew up around ghosts and knows alot about them :) Mr Coolatta is pretty benevolent, and mostly just kind of spooky and fucked up.
And that's. About it? I believe?? PLEAAASE ASK ME QUESTIONS ABOUT THIS I have so many thoughts. I've been working on this for like 2 months now. Lol.
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thewarmblanket · 4 months
My thoughts on tsalnu
"Tsalnu" is a baby pod in which, as stated in early draft of Avatar the Way of Water script, na'vi women give birth to their babies. It described as "a beautiful translucent chrysalis" and kind of works as an amniotic sac outside of the womb, connected to the mother through tsaheylu. We don't actually have any details on how it works and looks like since the existence of tsalnu hasn't yet been confirmed canon.
A lot of fans was not fascinated by this concept and wished that na'vi would be giving birth "normally" like humans. In this topic I'm a minority, because I think tsalnu is kind of cool. And before I tell you why, I think... they still need to work on this concept because it's still a little weird and maybe if it looked more pretty then more people would like it? (Well, they liked pinkish worm-like wiggly tendrils in kuru so why wouldn't they? Ke tslolam) And now let's get to the point!
Why I think it's cool?
I'm surprised I never saw anyone stating that, but it's actually pretty cool and useful evolutional mechanism. Yeah it maybe looks weird, but I'm just reminding you that na'vi are alien species that had their own evolutional journey and wasn't created by anyone artificially and they are too part or the Pandoran alien ecosystem. So why is it cool? You know how human women needed to grow their pelvic bone wider, so that our giant big brain babies could be born? And it's still freaking painful to give birth? And if it wasn't for our science and medicine women would massively die from bleeding out and all this stuff? Well, na'vi do not have this problem, they have chrysalis.
Chrysalis allows to give birth to a much smaller baby that will come out more easily, which is a lot safer for the mother. And then she can keep nourishing her baby just fine outside of the womb until it's strong enough. Just like a kangaroo 🦘. And when baby is hatching out of it's tsalnu it's already big and strong enough to hold it's own head. Human newborns require constant attention and care from it's parents and are a lot more vulnerable at this period of time. When na'vi babies are out of their tsalnu parents can carry them around in a sling while doing their chores, fishing or gathering fruits and not worry about anything.
Just my ramblings
I've been thinking a lot on how female na'vi reproductive system works and this just bother me so much. They are non-placental, so... maybe tsalnu is a something like an egg? Egg AND amniotic sac at the same time. Somehow. Gosh I need this natgeo documentary to come out as fast as it can I have so many questions 😫😫😫
Like, is it that only mother can nourish baby in tsalnu? Or anyone can? Everyone has kuru... If only mother can, I suppose that na'vi can give birth only to one child at the time since they only have one kuru, or, if anyone can, then we can't have an exact number.. But I'd say two at max, so that both parents would be carrying tsalnu around.
I still have a lot of ideas on na'vi birth, like how it works for other animals and how they developed their own ways of taking care of tsalnu, make illustrations of how tsalnu looks like in everyday na'vi life, mating and breeding cycles, this is so interesting!!! I wanna ask my friend that is studying at med university how she thinks it all works I feel so nerdy fuck oof *catching my breath*
@annestea 👋👋
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elbiotipo · 4 days
Also, the point I always make: Jurassic Park is all about "PLAYING GOD!!!1!!1!!" because of cloning dinosaurs, and then sequels are all about "we must save the poor dinosaurs!" while canonically taking place in large islands off the coast of Costa Rica. Those islands, or at least the inspiration for them, actually exist, though much smaller.
And you know what they are? They are strictly protected reserves, because of their unique ecology and endemic species. In fact, one of the main worries is precisely the introduction of invasive species.
Could you imagine if instead of Isla Nublar, Jurassic Park was set in say, the Galápagos Islands? Could you imagine someone in real life trying to build Disneyland in the Galápagos or the Great Barrier Reef?
I know that joke that Jurassic Park is about "capitalism gone wrong" but it's even more fucked up if you think about the imperialist part too. A first world billionarie tycoon comes to a third world country, somehow achieves control of islands (it's implied that the Costa Rican military is at Jurassic Park's call; fun fact, Costa Rica has no military) which by all means should be protected as fragile ecosystems, to build a gigantic theme park with all the ecological disruption it implies, for first world tourists too. The theme park just so happens to be cloned dinosaurs, but Hammond might as well have razed the whole island and planted soybean fields and it would be the same horror story we in South America are very well acquainted with.
And then the sequels are about "saving the dinosaurs!" like they're a natural part of the ecosystem! No man, fuck the dinosaurs, they're giant walking GMOs in the most literal way possible. Hammond SHOULD have built it in Orlando, at least Florida (which has its own deep ecological troubles) is large enough so you can actually set preserved areas, wildlife corridors, better ecological practices... building a park in Isla Nublar is the same as destroying the Galápagos.
And no, the movies don't adress this fact, that Isla Nublar and etc. HAD A PREVIOUS ECOSYSTEM BEFORE JURASSIC PARK that is most likely wiped out. The book does worry a bit about dinosaurs introduced to the mainland before returning to its main message: "GENETICS IS PLAYING GOD!11!!1!!!!", yeah man, I'm a bit more concerned about the islands you're destroying for your stupid theme park. I don't mind you cloning the dinosaurs so much as much as the fact that you're destroying whole natural ecosystems to host them and then there are a bunch of freaking kids who want to preserve them even if they're THE case of an invasive species, you might as well try to preserve Pedro Escobar's hippos in Colombia.
(I did learn about island ecology and I'm reminded that during the Cold War, the paradigm of island ecology was used to use actual islands as test laboratories, including for nuclear weapons. Islands are never truly 'isolated' or 'blank slates', and at the same time they're incredibly fragile ecosystems, but if I keep writing I'm going to search actual papers and I have to do my actual work)
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bluehairlaunch · 12 days
Top 7 Dragon Ball characters that never met (but should have)
Honorable mention, Lord Frieza and Goku Black. Goku Black has the face of the man Frieza despises most, while Frieza's subjugation and genocide of the galaxy is exactly what Zamasu fears and abhors about mortals. They're basically each other's respective boogeymen.
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Launch & Vegeta
Like she'd shoot his ass, right? And then sneeze and suddenly Vegeta thinks all humans can do that.
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Gohan & King Piccolo
Lil' G got a small taste of what a bastard Piccolo used to be in the Saiyan Saga, but that paled in comparison to the genocidal freak that was the Demon King. I don't think it would be hard for them to meet either, because Piccolo is both the King and himself. Him regressing or being controlled somehow by his father would make for great stakes as well, way better than just bringing Cell back like a bunch of fucking hacks.
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Baby & Frieza
Basically the opposite of Zamasu and Frieza, these two would be natural allies if they could keep their smugness (and smirks) under control. Sure, they'd both be fitting the other for a dagger in the back from almost the moment they met, but they're gonna fail to kill Goku anyway, it's in their nature, so in the end it would never come to that. And then they'd be besties in Hell
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King Cold & Goku
C'mon, this is interesting. If some twink hadn't shown up to ruin their fun, we could've gotten the generic shonen rematch, followed by King Cold going whatever the Frieza-race equivalent of Super Saiyan is when Goku inevitably wastes his baby boy again. I'm glad twinks with lavender hair exist, but this wouldn't have been the worst timeline, would it?
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Good Buu & King Kai
Finally, someone who would laugh at King Kai's jokes. Korin and Puar were th|i|s close to snagging this slot btw. Because they're both cats you see
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Dr. Gero & Cell
The good Doctor Frankenstein has never even met his Frankenstein's Monster in any timeline. Would he be pleased? Cell definitely wouldn't obey him and would only incidentally kill Goku. Would Cell be thankful? Is Gero willing to sacrifice all of humanity for his revenge? Fanfiction writers, please
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Gohan & the Great Saiyaman
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nekodatta · 6 months
Finished the Indigo disk DLC and want to dump all my thoughts about THAT post credits scene somewhere.
I can see that Game Freak wanted to make a "stable time loop" thing where we end up being the reason the Raidons have that name (we call them Mirai/Koraidon because the prof named them that, turns us they named them that way because they heard it from us), AND possibly give them the inspiration for the AI too (so.... It's our fault? Whoops?), but the thing is.... To be a time loop/classic bootstrap paradox, it has to actually follow a logical, circular line.
The professor we meet says and does things that make this impossible and contradict how things went in the timeline, and actually BREAK the loop:
- they act like they've never seen the Raidon but already have a son (and since they imply they've been away from home for a while, Arven is definitely not a toddler in their point in time)... their research diaries mention managing to pull the first Raidon BEFORE Arven was even born. ("I was expecting one new life to treasure, but what fortune to be blessed with this gift (the Raidon they just pulled)as well!")
- Most importantly, "our" prof giving us their book creates the situation where Arven shouldn't have it to do pretty much all the plot, because it wouldn't be there anymore.
- When they get the Briar book they say "maybe I should go home and read it..."... Like it's implying that they would actually go back home after finishing the research. The game seems to put a weird emphasis on this like it's supposed to be a solution but... We know it's not because they still stay away from home in our timeline even if they got this book.
- If you choose the dialogue option asking them if they are the AI, they say something like "An AI...? If it existed it sure would be convenient". So they are definitely from a point in time wayyy before they had the idea of making the AI (which is after they got abandoned by their partner and left all alone to go paranoid PPP mode, which again, is definitely after Arven was born)
- the notes from "our" Professor where they say "I met a kid and they gave me a white book" don't say anything about them giving the scarlet/Violet book away in return... Could be they simply didn't write it, but again... if they really met "us" like it seems to imply and for them it all happened years before even the main plot, then the Scarlet/Violet book should be REMOVED FROM THE TIMELINE FROM OUR (and Arven's) POINT OF VIEW.
The thing about time loops/bootstrap paradox plots is that they are paradoxes because they create a LOGICAL line of events that can only happen with an impossible event (time travel).
An example of how they could have made a bootstrap paradox plot:
Have Briar come to the crystal pool and meet her own ancestor Heath, giving him her "original" version of the book (or even just that one page where he mentions MEETING SOMEONE THAT GAVE HIM THE VERY PAGE WITH FORMULA HE WROTE what was up with that Game Freak??) that then Heath ends up "writing"... That's a classic bootstrap paradox where the book's existence itself becomes the paradox.
Instead we get a case where the professor's book, the key to the time machine AND the herba mystica plot, literally JUMPS the whole timeline because it fucks off with us in the post credits/the "future" from the prof's point of view lol
I'm not sure what to think: on one hand, I get the feeling that game freak wanted to make a time loop plot but screwed it up/didn't fact check their own writing/didn't care enough to make it have actual sense (sigh)
On the other hand, those and other things said by the professor could imply we meet a version from a slightly different timeline ("Maybe you are not actually from MY future", and them mentioning that their research involved pulling things from DIFFERENT timelines, explicitly using TIMELINES), and... That getting the white book is somehow going to help THIS version of the profs go back home for a somewhat happy ending for that Arven...? A part of me wants to think that it's that, a scenario in the line of "things didn't work out for our Arven but somewhere out here you helped another Arven get their parent back". This could also set up a Ultra sun/Ultra moon scenario with "Scarlet and Violet 2" games where we play through THAT timeline and "save" the professor... Maybe....?
But the note in the underdepths suggests that "our" professor ALSO had the white book and we know how that turned out for them lol
Why do WE even need to get the prof'a Scarlet/Violet book? It was fine where it was, lost in time with the AI so that no one can turn the machine back on.
So all in all: I kind of want to believe it's the second scenario (that's how the whole thing makes sense at least)... But knowing Gamefreak nope, they just botched the time loop idea by doing the ONE thing that doesn't let it make sense lol
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just-an-enby-lemon · 1 year
I was thinking and I got the conclusion that stalker!Tim works as an AU not because Tim is (while not a stalker) canonically a weirdo (he is) but because Bruce is canonically even more of a weirdo.
We know that just like his reaction to the fake uncle shit, after dealing with the shock that this kid figured out his identity and bonding more with his new Robin, Bruce would just compliment Tim stalker abilities and give him new ones.
And that's to say I need more of stalker Bruce creeping people up. We already have him knowing all JLA secret identities without them telling him. But we need more. I want him knowing Hal Jordan's favorite ice cream flavour or Diana's birthday or Dinah's food alergies without no one telling him. He figures Ollies favorite fucking arrow and Zatanna's favorite Barbie movie, he discovered Arthur favorite snack and how exactally Martha Kent made her fried chesse to give a perfect copy to Clark when he was missing Smallvile during a space mission. He discovered Barry's competitive pokemon team! Everyone on the JLA is freaked. They think he has a secret mind reading/guessing superpower he might not even know about but is just stalkish paranoia. The only person he can't figure things out (and it keeps he awake some nights) is Captain Marvel (he is still the first to discover Billy is a kid). Martian Manhunter is the only one that knows Bruce is just weird but he knows he has good intencions so he doesn't care.
And it isn't only with the League. He makes extensive background checks in all his kids friends. The Teen Titans (both Dick's and Damian's) are freaked out by it. The YJ is actually fine 'cause they are used to Tim and it makes sense Bruce would be like that. The Outsiders (both Jason's but also Cass and Duke's) make their personal quest to mislead him. Not to mention the civilian friends. He is less obvious about it but the kids know and it freaks them up. Steph has a serius discussion over bondaries the day Bruce asks about Crystal's dentist visit and Babs is annoyed af when he just knows things about Alysia. And not only the kids all the other batfam members! The Birds of Prey straight up told him to stop multiple times. Helena once asked Sage's help to trick Bruce, Kate just used Alfred to order him to stop. Barbara interceded in name of Montoya as if she wasn't even in the paranoid stalker game with Bruce and Tim (Babs is worse than Bruce actually). Jim Gordon thinks is cool actually. But Lucious Fox is just "kid, I love you, but Alfred needs to teach you bondaries" and "how did you know Tam's baby tooth was starting to fall before me??" (Yes Bruce does this stalker thing since he was a kid/teen)
He also does it with the Rogues. At first they don't notice it because it's normal that their oponent knows things about them but starts to get weird. Selina freaks out when Bruce tells her to say happy birthday for her cat n12 (Dollie, he called it by name) when she hadn't even introduced him to her cats yet. Riddler had a genuine breakdown when Bruce just gave him the exact perfect copy of his glasses prescrition and all to replace his broken ones during an interrogation (he needed Riddler's help against a copycat). Harley punched Bruce in the face after he correctly pointed out she had just started her period and offered heater packs for her cramps, a chocolate ice cream and some snacks while driving her to Arkham, Penguin stopped doing crime for a whole week after he had almost fainted (being a crime lord is hard) for not eating the whole day and having high blood pressure for stress reason and Bruce just gave him a snack, a bottle of water and his meds (except it wasn't his meds, Batman just had a pill of Penguin's prescription in hand and wtf), Scarecrow recomended him therapy when he somehow figure out Jon's favorite candy bar and tried to use it as a bargain for information, Joker felt very flaterred that Bruce not only knew that he made his own dye using two pre existing dye products and a mix of chemicals but had the formula including the recomended brands for everyhing.
The only person who had no reaction was Clark. Clark sees Bruce being a weird stalker as just a fact of life and no one knows how to deal with it. (It's better than Tim "I wanna be like that" and Babs "cool but I'm better " aproaches at least). Talia Al Ghul used to consider it impressive and have a flirty competition to see if Batman could figure details about her. After they stopped being an item they respected each other enough that he just stalks Talia if is related to Ra, crimes, Damian or the League.
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2af-afterdark · 8 days
Good morning my dear, it is I, once again, who comes to dump some things i thought of all of a sudden.
I realized the devils aren't really familiar with the "breeding" concept since all of them were born from Lilith (minus Lucifer, Gamigin, you know, those exceptions).
And you know I love to do a little bit of trolling, so, imagine, one of the devils "going at it" with you and you suddenly tell him about how reproduction works with humans. That you'd only need his seed to be able to conceive a new being. (you could also be going through the "back door" tbh, you don't have to explain his genetic dna has to get to a womb for that.)
Leglock him before he thinks too hard about it. Be that person. Watch him go over every thoughts possible.
Do you have in mind any funny reaction they'd have ? I am evil.
- 🪰
I must disagree, my sweet 🪰! Devils cannot breed with each other, but they can breed with other species. The Unholyc exist, after all. As such, it is entirely possible for devils to be familiar with and have a breeding kink! Plus, even if they couldn’t, it would be the same as how some of us freaks have egg laying/carrying kinks. It's me. I'm a freak.
That also means a leg lock is legitimately dangerous, since (in some cases) that could actually result in pregnancy. Some devils would be okay with that though... Actually, I think that would put breeding and pregnancy kinks on a whole new level, especially since Lilith being gone means there hasn't been a child devil in a loooooong time. It would be, like, an actual honor to breed with the child of Solomon.
Sorry, tangent done. You mind if I just... list the funny reactions rather than state who has them? Because, idk, I feel these idiots are special and some of them may change their reactions all the time.
Please, imagine the men who go from really horny, to confused, to realizing you'd make them a dad, to pure panic, to remembering they are currently getting their dick wet so back to horny. Pour one out for the confused men.
Or the ones you're teasing about having their baby, but that just makes them hornier. Pregnancy kink unlocked. You're in danger. Even if you can't carry a baby, get ready for the plop plop plop GET PREGNANT comments.
Just saying that Mammon definitely falls under this category and that's the only one I'm 100% sure about.
Of course, yoy have the ones who think a baby is just going to pop out two minutes after they cum inside so they are freaking out. They aren't ready to be a dad! Please tell them before they give themselves an ulcer.
And then Bell, who is special and hears this information and is like :} and will turn the teasing around on you while he fucks your goddamn brains out. Fucker will somehow make you feel like he's actively getting you pregnant. He's a menace.
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hereforthefunnyguys · 2 months
Just a thought, but like you should totally talk about how much you love irateshipping.
I lvoe it so much you guys my thoughts are sometimes easy to figure out and sometimes they're just kind of a blurry static field of warmth but i'll try my best.
As a side note, this got. Uh. Long. So it's under a cut now.
Okay so the first thing I adore about it is that it can really easily switch between a kind of funny domestic dynamic with two teenagers who don't know how to make emotions work and also can be “fucked up traumatized dudes try to kill each other with a gun.” That part is great for me.
Second of all, I talk a lot about like mariks perspective on the whole thing but I don’t know if I talk about Joey's perspective on the whole thing where like... Marik is objectively everything he hates. He's controlling, he's wealthy, he's narcissistic, he's like kaiba if kaiba was somehow worse and had nicer hair <- whoa who said that? Yet he still possesses a kind of inherent charm that ends up pulling you in closer and sort of forces Joey to have some kind of feeling about him, whether that be hatred or love or just "Wow! What a Freak".
I like to picture (read: there's no canon evidence for it, but a man can fantasize) that there's kind of a... weird attraction to Marik, especially with the brainwashing in a "i don't have to think anymore" way. Like, uh how do I explain this; Joey is used to having to work all the time to support himself and his family.
He goes for 7 straight hours at school doing work he doesn't understand with teachers that hate him, around friends that love him (and he loves back!) but always seem to overshadow him and, at least in canon, don't seem to quite 'get' the situation he's in at home, plus, you know, Yugi + Atem always overshadowing with the one big hobby he has. Then he goes back home, gets yelled at by his dad and has to play tip-toe around him (or, at least, I'd assume so), then hauls ass out to go work until 9:00, buy cheap dinner, then collapses and wakes up at 6:30 the next morning to go work again before going to school again. He's burning out 24/7. First man to ever desperately need a workers union for the simple act of existing.
But then Marik comes along with the Ghouls, and gets to say, you don't need to think anymore. You don't have to worry anymore. All the decisions are made for you. And it's never explicitly stated (probably because it would be a lie lmao) but in Joey's head this also has a connotation of you're finally safe. And you know what? To Joey, that's kind of blissful. No thinking. No more worrying. Just sort of... existing.
Of course, he hates it too, obviously. It's sickening to feel yourself be puppeted like that, out of your own control, forced to fight the people you love, etc. So we can't be having that. But there is still a certain bond thats formed by having someone inside your mind, and it goes both ways; not only is Joey dealing with the feeling of having all his brains pried open and picked apart like stir-fry, but Marik also now knows everything that happens in Joey's head. What's that even like??? Does it make him feel bad for Joey? Is he attracted to it? Does it just make him think Joey is stupid? Does he feel a sense of responsibility to maybe try and fix some of those problems when he becomes a Good Person? Is he now like the Expert on how Joey's brain works and has to decide how to use (or abuse) that knowledge?
Post-Battle City, I think they have a very awkward relationship. In canon they seem friendly, but imo thats kind of a cover-up for the awkwardness, because what else are they supposed to say to each other? "Hey, again, guy who brainwashed me and saw the innermost depths of my mind!" "I told you I don't do that anymore :(" type stuff. If you put them in a room alone, it'd just be like. An hour straight of pure silence, occasionally interrupted by asking where the bathroom is and conversations that go like "well uh how's life been?" "Not great." "ah. okay. cool. Cool."
At least imo Joey doesn't actually realize what he has are romantic feelings. In his mind, this weird sweatiness he feels and inability to put Marik out of his mind is probably a side effect of brainwashing or something. Marik does though. Marik is pretty much permanently looking at Joey like he wants to eat him alive or, perhaps more scandalously in his mind, hold his hand.
Also... This is a different conversation but I think marik is like - Jealous? Approving? Something like that- of joey. Not in a “I want to be an impoverished delinquent bad boy who breaks the rules” way but more in a “see, this is what I Should Have Been. The loyal son that sticks by his father no matter what.” And in one hand he doesn’t particularly care for Joeys father (finds him classless and unappreciative) and, on a surface level, recognizes that their situations are very Very different, but the jealousy remains. Like. That should be me trying up there.
Because both Marik and Joey have the same specific form of daddy issues where they wholeheartedly believe that they are the problem here, so if they just go the Right Chance they could fix everything with their parents and could live happily ever after. So they end up in an endless feedback loop of (nodding) "yes, he's doing the right thing by trying to make it up to his dad" and don't get why their friends are all like "please go talk to like. Someone else about this. Anyone."
I do think they have potential to actually help each other out with this type of stuff as they mature and are able to also recognize the affect that it has on the other ("You go deer-in-the-headlights whenever you're around open fire"/"you start cringing uncontrollably whenever someone throws anything at you") but also Not Right Now! right now they're not even talking to each other.
Anyways. Yeah. God. I'm in love with them in case you couldn't tell. I don't even know if this makes sense to anyone else other than me but I'm having fun and thats what matters mostly
Also yeah sometimes its that marik just wants to date a stupid jock and hes so real for that. Let marik have a good boyfriend and psychologically torment joey more 2k24 campaign.
Anyways enjoy a Collection (of scenes where they are in the same panel)(*devours my rarepair scraps*)
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mommyashtoreth · 3 months
not aboit cro&azi but: opinion on the shallowness and frankly odd pacing of nina and maggies relationship? like one day theyre having stilted conversation, the next maggie is crying over how in love she is.
Hmm. Strokes my wizard's beard. Good question. Good Omens fans have caught on to how much I love the sound of my own voice but not on to the other facet of my deeply annoying yet hilarious and charming personality, which is that I love being contrarian. So, in that fashion, I must disagree with this assessment. As we discovered last night it's been a while since I've watched goomer (I may rewatch it soon, I may not, who knows) but I still think it's abundantly clear that Maggie has a huge crush on Nina from afar, and uh. this is gonna sound crazy but when you have huge unrequited crushes on people it can make you nervous and awkward when you talk to them. Idk I come from an Az-and-Crowley school of relationships myself, where you hang out with someone for eight kajillion years as Totally Platonic Girl Best Friends until one day you just fucking snap you NEED to fuck them so badly, but lots of people experience relationships the way Maggie does, it's a suuuuper common romance trope, and that doesn't make it bad writing! I think we're just so used to seeing this kind of trope be applied to straight relationships and the "platonic gal pals for eight kajillion years until one day you just fucking snap" thing be applied to gay relationships that people aren't ready for this "awkward stuttering and blushing because he looked at me! He let me borrow his pencil!" sort of trope being applied to a wlw relationship. I don't really think their relationship is oddly paced at all, it feels "awkward" because it IS awkward. Nina is someone who, like, barely knows Maggie exists, was in a presumably-monogamous relationship up until very recently, and got a bunch of water dumped on her and then had a trade meeting turned into a Regency ball because these two freaks who are her and Maggie's narrative foils can't just talk to each other normal. And she reacts normally to that I think! I don't think their relationship is badly written (it's probably paced better than, like, Newt and Anathema's, for instance, but I understand the difference in tone between s1 and s2 making those feel like two different cases), it's just yknow, under weird circumstances. Idk I just think it's funny how many goomenheads are completely convinced that Crowley is somehow in total unrequited gay love with Aziraphale (who literally wants him back so badly it makes me sick), and yet I'm here talking about how Maggie is kind of in semi-unrequited gay love with Nina and that's Fine. It's a good character thing. They parallel Az and Crowley in a lot of ways (a romantic obsessed with something near-obsolete who Doesn't Drink and a fast-living cynic who deals with bad shit by instantly initiating Wine Drunk With No Man To Feel Up Wednesday; they're even cast to kind of Look similar which I think is funny), but the structure and context of their relationship is not the same and thus cannot be compared. It's not a Writing Flaw or a Plot Hole or anything to me, it's just the simple difference between "crush before friends" and "friends before crush"
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beanghostprincess · 5 months
Sanji and his rat sprinkles in his pocket. She's always on his shoulder. It's his baby that rat is his child???? He makes miniature dishes and put someone little plates for her to eat like a little person??? Everyone seems to like sprinkles except for Zoro. They don't interact with each other. Chopper will translate what she's saying sometimes and She really says anything positive about him. (They will warm up to each other and will slowly start tolerating each other's existence, but that's it)
It took a while for Nami to get used to it but she warned up eventually now she picks her up and pets her like normal. Luffy tho he is not normal about it, he will put her on his head and have her chill under his hat. He will put his hat on top of her trapping her and watches her try to escape. He will grab her by her paws and make her dance or use her as an action figure or something. Sanji always ends up yelling at him saying that she's not a toy.
Robin let's sprinkles sit on the table next to her when she's reading. One time they couldn't find her and sanji was freaking the fuck out. They looked for hours, turns out she climbed into Franky's stomach chamber and took a nap, he put a little pillow in there after. Her other hiding space is Brooke's hair it's a nice little pillow, she also climbed in and out of his eye sockets it's adorable for everyone on the ship but terrifying for everyone else. Jinbe is so gentle with her he's so worried he's going to harm her he bought her a little robe like his. She's so cute
The new member of the red hair pirate is tartar sauce. A 16 lb sun bleached tuxedo cat around 2 or 3 years old, he hates almost every one he's come across. He was the only cat that cost 1 berrie, when given to yasopp he was attached instantly. He loves tartar sauce and tartar sauce loves him. He's on his shoulder all the time he's on his lap whenever he sits and on his chest waking him up every morning. He makes the sweetest little noises when running up to him after an adventure with his crew. With the other crewmates it's indifference or hatred. He hates shanks the most (birds also dislike shanks. They're just certain animals that don't fuck with him for some weird reason) he can't go near him without being swiped at. He doesn't like uta either (because why not) she forgot something on the ship once she went back to get it and ended up being trapped in a room with tartar sauce every time she tried to move closer to the door to leave he would make the worst howling and hissing noise. She was stuck for 45 minutes.
He's very indifferent to Benn. He will walk past him ignoring his presence even if he makes noises to get his attention he doesn't care. Benn doesn't try to pick him up or pet him he just knows it's not a good idea. He loves buggy when he met him shanks tried to warn him about the ship's cat. All buggy head was cat and was on the prowl for it. He cradles tartar sauce like a baby petting his stomach while he purrs he's such a sweetheart why are you so scared of him? He likes to play with the frills on his hat and will head butt his nose.
Other people tartar sauce likes or tolerates is usopp He smells like yasopp not just like him but he's similar in sent, he's associated with him somehow so he's fine. He will sit on his lap occasionally but there are no pets, with sanji he exists and he will allow him to be in his presence as long as he doesn't try to touch him or look at him for too long. He likes zeff (I love shipping no matter how "cracked" it is) he can pet him and give him food that's all he's allowed to do with his hissing. Zeff thinks he's cute very picky and mean but cute nonetheless. He wishes he would leave when they want to be alone it's awkward having him there staring at them It kills the mood.
Yasopp was terrified he wouldn't like him and would attack like he did with his other potential partners but it worked out. he's allowed in the restaurant If someone has something to say they can fucking leave or get clawed that's up to them. He's not allowed in the kitchen but will roam around the baratie hissing at people. He hisses at the marines that come in the most out of everyone.
The straw hats have a rat and the red hairs have a cat they're both looking for the one piece. It is quite literally a cat and mouse game
These are all so accurate and cute 😭😭 I want them to have a pet rat so bad now. They'd love her so much. And Yasopp with his cat is just so fucking hilarious, help. Maybe the One Piece was the pets we found along the way.
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dave2olkat · 11 months
Some plot ideas I have for Gold Pilot (The Davesolkat Time Loop Rebellion AU):
The MAGE ~ATH code, aka, the thing that causes the time loop, can send either someone's mind or a physical item to the next iteration. At the start of the fic, it's about the 21th Loop
Sollux on Loop #1 got helmed. That's the loop were Karkat was executed a la Sufferer.
It is unclear how long it took Sollux #1 to develop the code to do that, could be days, could be centuries, but he ends up sending his conscience back in time for Loops 2 and 3. It. Was not nice.
So now he just sends this grub database instead! It keeps all the information without the ugly memories, yay
Young Sollux gets it everytime at age 13 and he updates and works on it through his life until he inevitably fails, gets helmed, and has to send the file back to himself, cue: starting the loop again.
A huge part of each iteration is "how do ii keep my friiend2 from kiilliing eachother help" because he's discovered that he needs ALL of them to maybe successfully save Karkat and the rebellion.
How does Sollux achieve this? Simple, by Sim Date mechanics. Sollux basically has a walkthrough on what to do to become super good friends (or more? Lmao) with basically everyone
This accidentally turns Sollux into the conciliatory quadrant town two-wheel device every. Goddamn time.
It's mainly because while he's like that with everyone he doesn't really ACTUALLY have pale feelings for any of them, so yeah, he's developed a reputation as a heartbreaker (diamond breaker?) And a player. Which he isn't! But yeah, everyone thinks he is.
In Time Loop #21, when Dave starts working on his ship with Sollux, this information is told to him my multiple people like "yeah Sol is basically a huge slut, watch out and don't develop feelings"
Somehow the fact that that's only for CONCILIATORY quadrants doesn't click on his human head so yeah, he just assume his guy Captor has. Slept with everyone in his friend group, yeah
When Captor starts "flirting" with Dave (he's not, he's genuinely just like that chill lmao) Dave just goes "aight looks like he wants to sleep with me too"
It takes Dave about a couple of months of basically living with him on a ship to finally say "you know what? Screw it, I'll do it, let's sleep together"
And Sollux, who is NOT that kind of guy actually just says "okay? My hot human captain who'2 s/2ort of my best friiend riight now want2 to have 2ex wiith me? 2hould ii go for iit?"
A week later, Sollux decides to do it because why not? Yeah he's got the most embarrassing GENUINE pale crush on Dave, but he doesn't do quadrants because he's a Human so yeah, fuck it, let's do this instead
Captor is a bit of a freak. Mainly in the "ii kind of always have feeliing2 for people in TWO quadrant2 regardle22 of what ii do, 2o yeah, that'2 also why ii don't do quadrants, ii'm genuinely not wiired like the re2t of y'all, iim weiird"
Incidentally, that's why he worked sooo well with Karkat, but Sollux fucked that up so yeah, might as well derive some sort of happiness from being Dave's fwb
It's kind of a Time Loop Rule that Sollux set for himself that he has to stay away from Karkat. You know, so he can stay objective and SAVE him!
Karkat always inevitably ends up with Dave Strider in most iterations anyway, they're sort of soulmates
Sollux is meant to stay alone and doomed
When Dave learns about all of this he's all like "what the FUCK captor how did you hide all of this from me, also fuck you man, fate doesn't exist and plays no parts on the actions of this guy"
They kiss and make up, they're kind of dating now? They're both cowards and will not. Ever ask the other one out because that's cringe.
Dave STILL is in love with Karkat though, so yeah, he helps Sollux on his quest to save their favorite person alive literally (Karkat protection squad amirite)
It becomes a problem because Karkat is literally the most wanted guy in the entire fucking empire
"can you maybe not try to dismantle the empire for a moment and let us keep you safe?" "NO."
Dave says "you know what? Fuck it we're his new bodyguards, between my amazing ninja skills and your insane psionics nothing could get through to hurt him, right?"
Karkat is not happy about it because he still sort of hates Captor (Dave helped them make up but. It's still an issue that Sollux, you know, slept with him and fucked off to not be seen in like, an entire fucking sweep)
Karkat is trying to do his rebellion leader thing but he has to deal with this two idiots who won't just admit they're dating lmao
I'm not certain how the three of them finally get together but it's probably because Karkat. Had enough of these shenanigans.
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natdrinkstea · 8 months
Zelda 3 - L + un
so this one isn't writing as much as it is a little thought exercise @haijinks and I use to keep each other occupied and it is What Would Our Perfect BOTW/TOTK follow-up look like?
putting this under a cut :) it's long :)
our basic premise so far (Nintendo you can pay us $10000000 to use this) is that it's about five (maybe ten?) ish years post totk and link is visibly older! late 20s, early 30s, less boyish and more of a Real Adult. He's still getting used to having Both Arms Again, but in general everything is Normal now? Rebuilding after the Calamity is near finished, Tulin and Riju are all grown up (😭), and in general everything is chill. until! inciting incident! don't freak out, but Ganon's once again trying come back. BOO! but in my vision his soul or whatever is a sort of shooting star, a meteorite slowly falling from the sky directly towards Hyrule castle. (Imagine a huge ball of white-red light hovering above the castle throughout the game. UGH. isn't that COOL).
Guess Link is back at it again!
Because I miss them, Link has to go on a little cross-country journey, Zelda in tow, to attempt to convince the Sages/Champions to- you guessed it- BRING THE DIVINE BEASTS BACK! and he has a little quest in each region similar to botw where we get to reprogram each divine beast to aim its laser towards the Ganon Meteor. in these little quests we get to see how the last fifteenish years have really impacted the people of this world- two world-ending catastrophes that close together have got to leave a mark. how did Tulin and Riju manage growing up in Revali and Urbosa's footsteps, and having to save the world so young? Is Yunobo cool again? Is Sidon still hot?
our idea for the Gerudo/Naboris quest specifically was that just before the time this takes place, word got out about the existence of a young gerudo who (gasp!) is a boy. this isn't necessarily bad, but after ganondorf everyone's a bit on edge. so, zelda and link go to check it out, and learn that this kid's totally normal, just a bit desperate to prove his worth after being Hidden In Shame for so long. it'd be sad and about generational trauma or whatever
other things of note:
-> ZELDA DOESN'T DISAPPEAR IN THIS ONE! She actually travels with Link for some of the more plot-heavy portions of the game! I think she maybe provides some cool mechanic or something, like the memories in BOTW but if they weren't pictures. Maybe she's just a walking sheikah slate/purah pad lmao. AMD SHE CAN BE HELPFUL IN COMBAT. somehow. we haven't figured it out. can you summon her like the Sages? who knows
-> similarly, Zelda was fucked up big time by the Dragon-ing and I think another main quest has something to do with the fallout of that. maybe her cool powers are fucking up, or she has scary nightmares about being a dragon again, or visions or smth. idk man. wouldn't it be cool though.
-> link gets a third set of cool new superpowers. no ideas for what those would be
-> you can sit down whenever you want in this one
-> MY BIGGEST NEW ADDITION: because totk introduced the sky islands and the depths as new areas, we have ... drumroll.... two new divine beasts!! that's right, in the last few years people have made these areas hospitable and that means they need a giant robot animal too. to fit in. In my heart the depths beast is a snake, with the mechanic being that it's coiled around a huge stalagmite and you can rotate it up or down from the map. the sky one is a dragonfly!!!!!! and maybe it flaps its wings in a fun way! who knows!
-> you can decorate Link's house in Hateno however you want. just because I want to
-> nothing about shrines yet! I'm thinking maybe a weird mixture of the botw and totk ones? but we're not totally sure.
-> At the beginning of the game Link decides he is Retired and puts the Master Sword back!!! By the Deku Tree! so you have to get it back! but it's different this time somehow. somehow. we don't know everything.
send ideas if u have them!!! this is basically fanfiction
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ashes-writing · 2 years
wild one pt two | stranger things ; g.emerson
tag list babes || req rules + fandoms/characters || got a req or a ? || masterlist
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one can be found by clicking. masterlist of other ST things can be found here.
Okay so look.. We're not talking about how I went veering into badgirl!popular/cheerleader territory with reader. We're not, lmao. I'm also still not ignoring my thousand other wips, I swear. This just came to me and I thought what the hell, why not. So, here we are.
You guys literally made my morning, you have no idea. All the comments / reblogs + reblogs with tags / the likes, you name it. I really didn't think about anything outside of getting this idea out of my head and you guys blew me away, ughhhh. I love you all so fucking much and you truly don't know what your interactions with my bullshit mean to me, I can't even begin to express it. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
-- cheerleaders and drummers don't mix. Or do they?
aka, you're a cheerleader. not your typical one, but the fact remains. he's a drummer, one of the freaks. and yet somehow, you keep circling back to each other. how's this gonna go, I wonder?
Gareth Emerson x Cheerleader/Popular!Bad Girl reader.
{ beyond clothing descriptions and the knowledge that reader has female organs + the personality stuff I can't stop adding in, reader is mostly a blank slate. have fun with it. }
jason carver + his friends existing, body image / self esteem issues, angst, swearing, bullying / teenagers being shitheads within their own circle of friends, a bra is mentioned, holy shit reader and Gare are awkward angsty little stubborn shits and i live for it, for this chapter, that's it.
The only people on my taglist for Stranger Things currently are listed below. If you’d like to be and you aren’t, please go add yourself via the link at the very top of the post.
Okay, first of all, this is just another slice of life type thing.. and also, look.. loook.. so my undying need to give Billy growth of some kind won out here. I mention that Susan threw Neil out. And I'm going off that to further say that maybe Billy stuck around a while, graduated and then got the hell out of town. BUT.. before he did, he kind of had time and space away from Neil's influence to realize that maybe he was becoming his father and he didn't want to be. He's still gonna seem to be an asshole, but just.. slightly less / more accepting of people. Since the Upside Down / Vecna and the other stuff that traumatizes every single one of these poor kids doesn't exist in most of my writings, Starcourt still exists, Jim and Joyce took the fam to California to celebrate their wedding or something and are back and naturally, nobody will be dying in this. JSYK more importantly, Gareth and Jeff have been aged to 18 so that the gang will all graduate together. Nobody is underage (except the actual kiddos but this is more about Gareth/reader with a side of Max) so we're all good.
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“What are we even doing here?” Gareth grumbles as the four of them make their way over from where they’d parked in front of the diner to the park where the Fourth of July carnival was in full swing. The deafening sound of Motley Crue nearby and screeching brakes had the four friends sharing a look and glancing in the general direction of the sound.
You’re swearing up a storm and pulling at the handle on your door but the damn thing is stuck again. Emma’s already gotten out and she’s using the mirror on the passenger side to primp as Max and Lucas attempt to help you unstick your door. “I keep telling her Lucas, this car is literally Christine. Remember last week when it just quit and we all had to walk in the rain?”
“Hey, maybe if you try to wiggle the handle when you pull…” Lucas suggests. You try but it’s not budging.
“Jesus christ, just go out the window, trouble! Patrick is waiting!” Emma’s impatient, practically bouncing on her feet and ready to get her date started. You glance over at her and laugh. “Oh my godddd, go then, Em! Don’t keep your guy waiting or whatever cos this car is a demon straight from the pits of hell tonight!” you’re waving her off.
Eddie chuckles and rubs his chin. “That car’s possessed.” he muses.
Grant snickers quietly, “Her temper kind of reminds me of someone else’s…” and as he says this, his eyes fix on Gareth.
“Wasn’t she walking away from it while flipping it the bird that day it rained last week?” Jeff chuckles and shakes his head. Eddie laughs and nods. “Mhm.”
Inside the car, Max is torn between laughter and concern. “Okay, look. The windows are down. Just climb out. Before you break your hand.” she grimaces as you hit the door one more time and try to yank the handle a little more. "Stupid fucking piece of shit, oh my god, c'mon!" you grumble in frustration as you pinch the bridge of your nose and blow at falling hair “I’m gonna push this motherfucker over the quarry, I swear to God. It’s coming, ugh. C’mon you piece of shit! Open!” you proclaim, pulling harder on the handle, beyond agitated now. 
Emma’s gone ahead already and the second you see Andy glancing your way, you groan inwardly. Not today, Satan.” you grumble as you hoist yourself up and climb out the window of the car. Lucas does the same over on the passenger side, pulling Max out after he’s steady.
And just like clockwork, Andy’s clearing his throat when you finish giving your hair a tousle and checking your pockets to make sure you have everything you need so you don’t have to walk back over from the carnival. 
“Hey.” Andy’s eyes roam over you slowly. Almost lingering long enough to be lewd when they settle on your tits and it’s to a point where you clear your throat while rolling your eyes just to get him looking up at your actual face. Everything about the way he’s looking at you makes you really uncomfortable, but true to form, Andy doesn’t seem to pick up on it. If he does, he doesn’t care because like the rest of the jocks at Hawkins High, he’s used to getting exactly what he wants.
“Bye.” you retort, biting your lip. “As you can see, ape,the  problem is solved. There’s uh, nothing to see here, no sense in hanging around.” you’re trying to get rid of him but he  doesn’t seem willing to get the hint. Thank God for Max and Lucas, because they wander over and clear their throats. You use their appearance to your advantage and hurry away. “Gotta go, uh.. We’re going to the midway or something.” and you grab hold of your stepsister’s elbow, the two of you hauling ass away in such a hurry that the three of you wind up colliding with the four members of Corroded Coffin. More to the point, you wind up colliding with Gareth and the two of you topple over. You raise up, straddling his hips and you can feel yourself turning red and hot all over. Gareth realizes that his hands are on your hips and flustered, he moves them off real quick. 
“Uh..” your hand catches in your hair as you extract yourself from his body reluctantly, “Sorry.”
Gareth looks like he’s glaring at you and all you can think is that this is just awesome, just great. Now you can add nearly crushing the poor guy with your body right to the bottom of the list under covering him in cake flavored vomit back in seventh grade.
Jeff clears his throat and gives Gareth a look to clue him into the fact that his facial expression is maybe not the best choice for the current situation and Gareth wants to die right then and there because he realizes that he’s scowling at you. You hold out a hand to Gareth to attempt pulling him up and he honestly wants to grab hold of your hand but that stubborn need to not look like a little bitch and pull himself up off the ground wins out and he pulls himself up and as soon as he realizes what he’s done -and what you possibly think now because of it, he wants to punch himself in the face for it.
You linger for a second or two. “You’re uh… I didn’t hurt you, right?” you ask quietly, swallowing hard as you look him over in concern. Trying not to focus too hard on his eyes and how angry he looks or how embarrassed you are, or how up close, his lips look even more tempting somehow.
But you’re assuming that you’ve blown it all over again and given that your father and stepmother live in a trailer park, the option to buy a deserted island and live out your dying days is not available to you. ,, Guess it’s back to avoiding him at all costs.” the thought comes and it makes you frown just slightly. Sadly. You plaster on a weak smile as soon as you feel it form though, and you take a deep breath to pull yourself together. “Sorry. I’m.. Gonna go now. Yeah..” you hurry away before he even manages to get one single word out.
And as you disappear into the crowd on the midway with Lucas and Max flanking either side of you, Gareth turns and immediately kicks the nearest garbage bin to him as he swears out loud about the whole mess that just turned into.
Eddie would’ve laughed, but he could look at his best friend and just tell that Gareth was torn up real bad about the way that all just transpired, so when Jeff is about to open his mouth, he nudges him and shakes his head no quietly. Jeff nods in agreement and Grant leans in, whispering to the two of them, “He really shook her up. That’s the first time I’ve seen her actually get flustered since at least 6th grade.”
“Yeah, he won’t believe that, buddy. Still thinks the whole reason she vomited all over him that one night was because she wound up getting sent to the closet with him on the spin.” Jeff explains calmly. Eddie snickers quietly, “Y’know how he is, man.”
“Yeah, and sometimes, it doesn’t do him any favors.” Jeff responds with Grant nodding in agreement. “Agreed.”
You’re standing in line for the Gravitron when you spot Gareth walking past, your neighbor Eddie and their other two friends Grant and Jeff in tow. You quickly face the front and you bump against Max as you do it. She snickers quietly. “Are you okay? You were really flustered back there.”
“Oh, I’m fine. It’s fine, everything is fine. I was just born to a father too fuckin poor to buy me a private island to go die on, that’s all.” you laugh, gazing at the ride as it spins while twisting some messy strands of hair around your finger. “Guess it’s back to avoid at all costs.”
Max laughs and shrugs. “Or.. you could just ya know… Play the whole thing off.”
Lucas chuckles quietly. “He wasn’t mad. Gareth’s just got an angry face sometimes. He doesn’t even realize when he’s doing it.”
“Oh trust me. He looked mad. If he wasn’t, he was probably annoyed because my fat ass was probably crushing him or something.”
Lucas almost tells you that he’s at least fifty percent sure that’s not the case, but he knows how stubborn you are by now. So instead, when he catches sight of Will,Mike and Eleven, with Dustin in tow, he waves them over.
“Guys, this is ____.”
“Call her trouble though. Everybody else does.” Max smiles at her friends, “She’s my new stepsister.”
You smile at the group of teenagers and laugh. “I don’t bite.”
Will gives you a weak smile and nods. “Hey.”
Mike’s gaping at Max. “Isn’t she a cheerleader?” he questions, wary and tense as he gazes over at you when you’ve turned your attention back to the ride you’re all in line for. “Why isn’t she with her friends right now?” he’s only asking because he’s worried, because he’s not even an official freshman yet and already, the taunts and the teasing and the bullshit from the jocks have started towards him, his best friends Will and Dustin and his girlfriend Eleven.
Max rolls her eyes at Mike. “Would you relax? She hates them. I mean, except for Emma. Maybe that girl Chrissy Cunningham.”
“Hey. I’m Dustin Henderson.” Dustin smiles at you and you smile back. “I think I babysat you a few years ago, kid.” Dustin laughs and nods. “Wait, yeah. I remember now. The blanket fort.” and you grin, giving him a thumbs up.
Eleven smiles at you. “It’s nice to meet you. Max talked about you a lot when she called or wrote this summer.” 
You smile back at the other girl and nod. “She talked about you nonstop. How was California? I bet it was fun, right?”
“It wasn’t too bad. I think Jim was ready to get back here, he said he’d gotten enough sand in places it shouldn’t be for the rest of his life.” Eleven laughs and you smile at her, nodding. “Yeah, my dad took me to this big race day or something when I was little. Kinda hated the beach because of all the sand.” you shrug.
The line inches forward and you find yourself getting pulled into the conversation happening between Max and her friends.
And then you spot Caroline and some of the other cheerleaders wandering down the midway. “Fucking hell. It’s too early in the night for them. C’mon ground, open up a portal? I’ll even take one to hell right now…” you rub the bridge of your nose. Luckily, Max has just enough friends that with all of them standing around you, Caroline and the two other girls flanking her walk right past without even noticing you.
“If you hate them so much, why not just quit?” Mike’s gazing at you, curious.
“Because quitting means they win, kid. Quitting proves that they’re all right about me and I am trash. I’m too petty.” you explain, giving a shrug. 
The ride’s ready to board and you step on. Seeing one or two others do it, you get curious. 
“Don’t think about it.” Max hisses.
“Oh come on!” you grin as you do a handstand and press yourself back against the wall, “Gravity will hold me up.”
“Okay, well.. When you puke everywhere, don’t say I didn’t warn you.” Max gives a mild shrug as she and Lucas take the two spots next to you.
Across the ride, Eleven mouths to Max, “Is she crazy?” and all Max can do is shrug because sometimes, she does wonder.
The ride comes to an end and you stumble off and right into Emma, who is cozied up to Patrick and carrying the biggest stuffed panther you’ve ever seen before. You pout a little, but you smile at Patrick. “Hurt her and I’m coming for your knees, dude.”
Patrick chuckles. And spotting Lucas as he exits the ride, he grins and makes his way over. “Worked on that jumpshot yet, kid?”
Lucas nods.
Max nudges you and nods to the cotton candy stand across the midway, laughing when you freeze because Gareth and his friends are sitting at a picnic table eating nachos. “I feel like cotton candy. C’mon.”
“Oh no. Nope. Not a chance. I’ll give you the money and let you go, though.”
Max grabs hold of your arm and she’s practically dragging you towards the vendor. You’re laughing but also as you pass the table Gareth is sitting at, you’re painfully aware that he’s sitting there.
And despite trying your best not to, you glance back because you hear him laugh about something and it catches your attention.
“Ya know, it’s not that hard to just make the first move. I did with Lucas.”
You laugh but the laughter dies away the second you realize she’s being serious. You shake your head. “Oh no. Nope. Absolutely not. Every single time I try to even breathe near the guy, I go and fuck up, do something stupid.”
Max laughs quietly. “Y’know… when my mom met your dad I was scared. Because Neil and Billy, they..” she rubs her forehead and you nod because you know where she’s going. “Yeah. I know.” you mumble quietly. “How was he when you talked to him last time?” you ask quietly.
“Happy to be back in California. Relieved to be away from Neil too. He’s happier, it’s like he’s a total different person. He said he thought about coming to visit around Thanksgiving and he actually talked to my mom for two hours.” Max admits, managing a weak smile. “Maybe Mom throwing Neil out gave him the courage to do it too.”
“Maybe it did.” you answer, smiling. 
Max speaks up after a quick glance around reveals that Gareth was staring right at you and turned away only after he realizes that she’d caught him doing it. “Ooh.” Max laughs as she leans into you a little, “he was looking at you.”
You laugh and shake your head. “Nice try, Max. It’s not happening.” you sigh a little, glancing back but so quick you could’ve easily given yourself whiplash when you turn your head to look back at the stall you stand in front of instead. “Nope. I honestly think he hates me. I mean, to be fair, I can’t blame the guy. First I barf on him then I go and try to crush him.”
Max raises a brow. “You? Crush him? You realize he’s brawnier and a little taller than you, right? I doubt you crushed him.”
You shrug. Because all you ever hear from the coach of your squad and Caroline is that you’re too thick, you need to cut back. This and that and if you were even slightly less confident in your body like some girls your age, you’re pretty sure it would live in your head rent free. And sometimes, on a bad day, it does. But you try not to let it get to you.
Caroline spots you and she gives you a disappointed look because of where you happen to be standing when she wanders up to you. “I thought you were cutting out sugar?” she nods to the cotton candy stand.
“I never said I would… Mother.” you roll your eyes and take a big bite of the cotton candy as soon as the vendor inside the stall hands it to you. Caroline’s eyes settle on your Motley Crue t-shirt and your cut offs and the black motorcycle boots and she wrinkles her nose. “We have got to take you shopping at Starcourt soon. Can’t have you roaming the hallway like some grungy little whore when school starts back again.”
Max tenses and glares up at the older girl. Every part of her wants to say something but she  doesn’t because she knows you well enough to know that you won’t hesitate to handle it.
You’re doing the same and you smirk. “Ya know… Maybe I prefer the grungy whore look. Maybe that’s just me.”
Caroline snorts in annoyance. Steps closer and smirks. “You do realize if you weren’t so flexible and so good at most of the stunts, you’d have already been off the team, right? You’re an image problem. Your skills and Chrissy, bless her sweet heart.. They’re the only things holding you at the top.”
“Oh really now.” you purr, stepping closer, smirking as you laugh softly. “Sweetheart.. What the hell makes you think I give a shit to start with, hm? The only reason I haven’t quit is Em and Chris. I promised them I wouldn’t quit way back in 9th grade. Sides,” you laugh and twirl hair around your finger as you glare at her calmly, “I like making the rest of you miserable bitches squirm.”
“Are you ready to go, Max?” you ask your stepsister as you shove past Caroline and you do it hard enough she stumbles back a little and you storm away.
Max is laughing and the two of you high-five as you stop within earshot of the table that Gareth and his friends happen to be sitting at. “I swear to God, Max..One day she’s gonna catch me in the wrong mood and I’m going to strangle her bare-handed.” you’re fuming a little as you glare at Caroline’s turned back. Max nods. “Her sister is just as bad. Maybe worse. She was trying to pick on Eleven at the roller rink last year.”
“Yeah, let her try that shit, any of them, truth be told. Let any of them try that shit when you guys are around me. They can honestly all go fuck themselves.” you grumble and take a few deep breaths as you toss the empty paper roll that held your cotton candy into the garbage. “C’mon. Let’s go back over. See what everyone else is doing, huh?”
Max nods and the two of you walk away.
Gareth glares at Caroline Owens turned back. Rolling his eyes. “Miserable bitch. She’s on somebody’s case about anything when her nose looks like an actual bird beak?” he’s ranting, he’s irritated by it and he’s not bothering to hide it. Eddie snickers and Jeff nudges Eddie. “I told you he still liked her, man.”
Gareth glares at the two of them. “I don’t. It’s just fucking stupid.”
“Mhm. And what was that two minute rant just now, Emerson?” Grant questions as he finishes off the nachos he’d gotten himself.
Gareth shrugs, goes quiet. “Nothing. It just pisses me the fuck off.”
“Mhm, right.” Jeff teases, but it’s gentler. Because he’s still remembering their talk out in Gareth’s garage earlier that afternoon. The one where he admitted that maybe he still liked her but then he immediately went on to list off every single reason why that wasn’t a good idea. And Jeff knows that right now, there’s a lot going on in his best friend’s head.
You make your way down the midway with Max and her friends because they’ve decided to tag along with her and Lucas and as soon as you spot Andy and Jason, you grumble. You give Chrissy a sweet smile and wave. And as the three of them wander over, you grumble under your breath even more about Andy and Jason.
It’s Lucas’ idea to just get in line for the bumper cars since that line is the shortest. So you all get in line for it and somehow, this doesn’t deter Andy or Jason from wandering over.
“Given any thought to what I suggested this afternoon?” Jason’s flashing that megawatt grin. Chrissy mouths an apology to you and speaks up quietly. “If she doesn’t like Andy, she doesn’t like him, Jason…”
“Sweetheart, I’m just trying to help my buddy. Andy really likes her.”
“But she doesn’t like him. Kind of feels like you’re forcing things.”
“I’m not, princess.” Jason says it so smoothly. You watch Chrissy swallow hard, swallow down whatever she was about to say with just the slightest hint of fear and worry in her eyes. You gaze at her a second or two, concerned.
You nudge Max. “If a guy ever treats you like that asshole treats her, run. He’s so controlling. She wanted to come stay last weekend, right? He tells her mother exactly where I live and that Wes has been to jail for an assault charge from an old bar fight and naturally, she couldn’t.”
Max glares at Jason. “Doesn’t surprise me. Not at all.” she mumbles, mostly to herself. She can’t stand him because she can see right through him. So could Billy. That’s why before he left for California last year, he warned Lucas about him. After apologizing for the way he’d treated him, which came as a huge shock to her when he’d done it.  She’s almost praying her former step brother comes to visit for the holidays because she’d love to see Billy get his hands on Jason. 
Andy’s eyeing you up. You shrink back just a little. Roll your eyes. “My eyes are up here, dirtbag.” you grumble calmly, Andy not even bothering to hide the fact that he was staring at your tits yet again. He chuckles. “I know, darlin. I just can’t–” you shake your head and smirk. “If I were you, I wouldn’t finish that sentence, pig. The answer is still no. Until the day you see Satan himself passing out Icees in hell, that’s gonna be the answer. I mean this, Andy,” you twirl some hair around your finger as you tilt your head to look up at the taller boy, “If you and I were the last hope at repopulating Earth, I’d fling myself right off the face of it. You’re a disgusting perverted asshole.”
“So bitchy.” Andy shakes his head. “You’ll be sorry you said that, darlin.”
You scoff at his warning. “Yeah, no. No I won’t, actually. If you came over here to try and guilt me into double dating, the answer is no. Get Em and Patrick to do it. I’m here with my family, okay? That’s more important, asshole.” 
Max smiles just the slightest when you’re not looking to see it.
“And as her stepsister, I don’t want you around me. Got it?” Max speaks up, calm and quiet. Andy scoffs at her, rolling his eyes, “Oh yeah? Well what if your opinion doesn't count, kid?”
“Counts one hell of a lot more than anything you have to say, Andy. You can go now. Buh-bye.” you give him a dismissive little wave.
“You guys stay away from him and his friends, alright? Jason’s going to poison them all and they’re nothing but bullies.” you say it and Max nods. “You don’t have to tell me twice. It worries me that Lucas is on their team and he’s around it.”
You sigh and nod. Glancing over at her boyfriend as Jason wanders over to chat him up and you’ve seen the way it makes his friends scatter. “If he starts to change, do what’s best for yourself.” you fluff her hair. “C’mon. Let’s go collect your date and go find his actual friends and find somewhere to sit for the fireworks.” 
“Hey, did Mom say if she was coming by after work with Wes?” Max asks. You shrug. “Wes said he wanted to meet us up here, something about watching fireworks with his girls is definitely better than getting wasted like he used to.” you admit, laughing softly. “Your mom’s really turned my big scary biker dad into a huge teddy bear. I kinda love her for that.” you admit, slipping an arm around Max.
You and Max wander over and you clear your throat. “C’mon kid. We need to find a place to sit for the fireworks. Thought you two might want to find your friends and sit with them too.” you smirk calmly at Jason as you say it, arms crossed over your bare midriff.
“We’ll see you at the gym tomorrow, buddy. We’ll work on that jump shot again. You’re gettin real good.” Jason says it so smoothly, with such a charmers grin too. Lucas grins back. “Okay, see you then.”
As you’re walking off, Max elbows him. “Hey! You know tomorrow is Saturday. You know that’s DnD night, Lucas.”
“And I can do both. Relax, baby. I know. I didn’t forget, okay?”
Max glances at you and sighs, shrugging. But she nods and manages a smile.
You find a spot in the grass and sprawl out, rising up when Emma wanders over with Patrick. You laugh and nod to Emma’s leg. “I’m borrowing your girlfriend’s thigh. I need a pillow, the ground’s hard, man.” Patrick snickers and gives you a thumbs up. “Go ahead, you’re good. You were her friend first.”
“Smart answer, buddy. Real smart answer.” you grin at him. You lean in to Emma and mumble quietly, “Caroline started her bitching earlier.”
“You too, huh? You should’ve heard Patrick when she came at me for eating that deep friend jalapeno. He told her to mind her own damn business, basically.”
You glance from Patrick to Emma and you giggle quietly. “So how’s it feel to live the dream, hm?”
“You could too, y’know.” Emma glances at you and then off into the crowd a little closer to the front and you glance in the direction to find Gareth and his three best friends sitting or sprawled out on the grass and for just a minute, you catch yourself attempting to imagine it before quickly shoving the thought out of his head as you tear your eyes off and look back up at her. 
You snort in laughter. “Right, Em. Look, we both know that’s not gonna happen. Besides,” you settle to lay your head in her lap, “Pretty sure if he didn’t hate me for barfing on him back then, he hates me for nearly crushing him tonight.”
Emma scoffs. “Bitch, where? Where are you saying you crushed him, huh? Because he’s not a beanpole for one and two, he’s actually taller.. Sturdier than you.” 
You flip her off and shrug. “I hit him pretty damn hard though, that’s where. I’m not saying it about me, I’m saying it because I pretty much football tackled the poor guy…. It was when we were trying to escape fuckin Andy that first time.”
“Still! I doubt he hates you for an accidental crash, woman, jesus christ.” Emma argues.
“Woman, I’m telling you. He was glaring at me. Full on glaring.” you insist.
Emma laughs and shakes her head. Apparently, you haven’t realized that it’s just Gareth’s default facial expression most of the time and in no way does it indicate that he’s angry. Unless he’s yelling, in someone’s face about to shove or just calmly glaring with his fists clenched.
As Mayor Kline gives his long-winded speech about the importance of the holiday, you lounge on the ground, staring up at the stars. Nearby, you can hear Max and her friends talking back and forth and laughing. When you spot your father and Susan making their way in, you wave and nod to the spot in the grass between Max and her friends and you with yours. 
Patrick clears his throat. “Either of you want anything? I’m gonna get a snowcone.”
“Please, babe?” Emma asks.
“Cherry coke. Tell ‘em not to skimp on the cherries, please?” you call out.
– ( after the carnival)
The knock on the door of the Munson trailer had the four best friends sharing a look. Eddie palms his face. “I fucking forgot to get my clothes out of Susan’s dryer. Goddamn it.” he grumbles to himself as he puts down his Monopoly piece and puts away his money. “No stealing, shitheads.” he’s calling out over his shoulder as he opens the trailer door.
You instantly regret your decision to just wander over without bothering with the formality of pants and in one of your longer t-shirts when you spot Gareth sitting on the living room floor inside Eddie’s trailer. “Your clothing, dude.” you hold up the taped and overfilled laundry basket. Eddie catches you watching Gareth as Gareth makes himself look at the game board in front of him.
“You can come in and say hi?” Eddie’s taunting remark draws you out of your own head. “Nah man.. Wrestling's on tonight. I was kind of in the middle of watching a real good match with Wes when the dryer went off. I uh..” you shuffle bare feet against the stoop and drag your hands through damp hair, “Better get back over there. Yep. Mhm.” you’re rambling and you want to die, but you do the next best thing instead. You bolt back across the street.
And it’s only when you’re back in the trailer that belongs to your father, Wes and Susan, your stepmom, that you realize somehow, your laundry must’ve gotten mixed in with Eddie’s because you’re trying to find your favorite leopard print bra, the one with the little snakes on it too, and you can’t find it anywhere.
“Just fuckin awesome. First I manage to tackle a guy I’m pretty sure I might have a crush on again and make him hate me, but now, my goofy neighbor Munson knows what one of my bras looks like. Fuck my life.” you groan out dramatically as you fall back against the bed.
And across the road, Eddie’s putting his clothes in his room when he spots it in the pile. He snickers to himself and yes, maybe to fluster Gareth just a little, he slingshots it in Gareth’s direction. “Something for you, buddy.”
“The fuck?” Gareth realizes what it is and his entire body reddens as he shifts the way he sits on the living room floor in front of the Monopoly board. “How the hell’d you get this?”
“Sometimes their shit gets mixed in with ours when I wash clothes.” Eddie shrugs.
Gareth turns the thin garment over in his hands but he’s smart enough to know that his friends are about to start the teasing at any second, so he tosses it back at Eddie. “Idiot.” he grumbles, rolling the dice so that he can take his turn.
Eddie snickers quietly. “Keep it, man.”
“Give it back to her, idiot. Do we really need a reason for those douchebags she’s probably friends with to come looking for us?” Gareth grumbles.
“You realize she kinda hates them, right? Literally Emma and Chrissy are the only people from that crowd she actually likes. Your girl is a loner, Emerson.” Jeff insists but he knows he's talking to a damn brick wall at this rate. Gareth's got his mind made up. And he's definitely wary.
“She’s not my girl.”
“But she could be.” Jeff suggests calmly, glancing across the table at his best friend. Gareth laughs and goes quiet. “Yeah, somehow I doubt that, I mean.. Thanks to my face doing it’s usual thing earlier, she probably thinks I hate her now anyway.”
“I doubt it, man.” Jeff and Grant insist in unison. Eddie just rubs his hand over his face and laughs. “You’re always calling me dramatic, who thinks a girl hates him just because his face does bitchy things on it’s own? Because it’s not me, Emerson. Ya know, the quickest way to clear it up is I dunno, actually talk to her.. Right?”
“Yeah, not happening. You saw her just now when she was at the door with your clothes. She didn’t even look over here. Like at all. It’s not a big deal anyway, school will start soon. She’ll wind up dating one of those assholes. I’ll even bet on it.” Gareth insists.
“Whatever you say, buddy.” Jeff just shrugs.
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murmurmurl · 4 months
oc ramble yippee
time to talk about Hiroto and his dynamic with Toshiro!!!! sibling angst, my favorite,,,,
I mentioned this already, but their relationship isn't bad. It's just distant. It contrasts pretty significantly with Seina and her sibling, but I'll talk about them more after designing Taru (the sibling)
Hiroto wants to be a good older brother, he really does! And there was definitely a period of time when the two were very close, where Toshiro would come to Hiroto for every little thing. It was nice, really, especially considering the situation with their parents, who are also pretty distant. However, as they both grew, Hiroto started making more and more excuses, spending less time at home in general, and eventually, it turned into them barely interacting despite even their rooms being right next to each other.
Hiroto doesn't like this. He only recently and slowly started realizing this pattern, but isn't sure what to do. He hangs out with Tsukasa a lot and really admires him for how good of an older brother he is, but is kind of embarrassed about maybe asking for advice on this.
Toshiro seems to almost entirely blame themself. I already mentioned that they tend to put a lot of pressure on themself to be "good enough", and they feel like they just don't deserve for Hiroto to give them as much attention as he used to when they were little.
It's a little awkward between them. Especially after Hiroto does fully realize that, woops, that's not very cool and awesome! He tries to spend time with Toshiro again, but it ends up,, not being very fun. Again, mostly awkward.
I'm all over the place and can't focus properly, but uhm. Realized I'm not talking much just about Hiroto's personality. He's very different to Toshiro, quiet, sometimes seems almost serene, but in reality the guy is just really anxious and most of his almost non-existent expressions are happening in his head. He could be having the worst or the best day of his life, or panicking, but his expression will just stay ":)"
And as I mentioned in the first post about him, he's a big fan of flowers and specifically forget-me-nots! Back when him and Toshiro were still a little closer, he would visit Fumi's family flower shop a lot, and that's what pushed Fumi and Toshiro to get to know each other, though they didn't *really* become friends until H♡L.
Hiroto is someone who looks like he's got everything under control, but he's FREAKING OUT internally. Taru knows about it and is usually the one to handle whatever necessary talking there is. Toshiro also tries his best whenever he has a chance, wanting to be useful. Though his speech tends to be pretty,, abstract.
Hiroto also has a surprising passion for food! He knows all the good places around where he lives and often drags his unit members to try something new. Sometimes he even drags Toshiro along. If you ask him about his favorite food... you will never get an answer, because Hiroto will probably start with saying one or two things, but end up listing off EVERYTHING, every dish he's ever liked (and there's a lot of them).
I also wanted to talk about Surfer (their cat) more because I think it's funny. He fucking DESPISES Hiroto. He's very much Toshiro's cat, but even though Hiroto loves him too, this orange thing does NOT tolerate him AT ALL. It's a mystery for everyone, including Hiroto. And, probably, Surfer as well. He's actually kind of a little shit, but everyone tends to forgive him. He's more sweet with Toshiro, but even with them still acts like the most evil creature you've ever encountered. Somehow, though, Surfer also doesn't mind Matsu. He doesn't exactly love him, but sometimes would show a little bit of affection. Nearly eery time this happens, Hiroto is somewhere near, so maybe the cat just hates him THAT much and wants to show it, no one really knows. It's very funny for me to imagine tbh,,
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welcomingdisaster · 1 year
2, 3, 7?
2. a compelling argument for why your fave would never top or bottom i did 2 over here! but now since i've done two characters who i think don't bottom often, i'll do two characters that i don't think top often. again this is with the disclaimer that i tend to prefer switchy dynamics for all my ships. sooo. turgon is such a control freak in life that i think he might enjoy just laying back and getting taken care of in the bedroom (god knows he won't let this happen anywhere else). i think he'd feel a "duty" to perform at first, but if you put him with a partner that likes to make all the decisions he'd be so very relieved to fall into that dynamic in the bedroom. also for whatever reason i think finrod and amarie are this:
Tumblr media
don't ask me why it's just vibes
3. screenshot or description of the worst take you've seen on tumblr
okay big disclaimer on this that everyone has different takes and what makes me very annoyed has a right to exist in fandom. no hate intended towards the takes and people i mention, should they somehow see this. that said i AM choosing violence tonight
i see a lot of takes i dislike but only one. has made me so mad that i immediately left my house and walked five miles out of sheer frustration. and it was this, as far as i recall, their logic: "sauron killed celebrimbor before celebrimbor gave him the information he was really looking for (location of the three rings). sauron is the master of torture, and this was kind of a pretty big torture fuck-up. thus, sauron was not at his best when torturing celebrimbor, and killed him too rashly out of anger. this is later backed up by the way he treated his body. thus, celebrimbor must have done something particularly heinous to sauron. in fact, it was celebrimbor taking advantage of sauron all along. this means that feanor must have seen maiar serving in aule's forges and decided maiar were some kind of servant class, which led to celebrimbor inheriting those beliefs and being creepybadevil at sauron when they worked together" i don't think i need to dissect this take to explain how much it pissed me off. but i WILL say i am genuinely impressed with this user for managing to victim blame the victim of a crucifixion.
also i would like to say that sauron is such a cringefail loser (affectionate?) that we should be surprised about him fucking up torture. guy got beaten by a big dog & also made the mistake of killing finrod before learning anything important from him
again no hate to the user. people have drastically different takes & headcanons and favorites but god. that one got me. it really did get me.
honorable mentions go to:
that one theory i saw that someone managed to blame almost exclusively women (indis, nerdanel, and yavanna) for the conflict of the silmarils
the person who said child!fingolfin should have been a better brother if he wanted feanor to like him. this one loses "bad take" points for being the funniest fucking thing i've ever read
7. what character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because how how the fandom acts about them?
hmmm i actually think i've mostly gone the other way around? i think i mostly tend to like characters more than i did coming into fandom. that being said i weirdly don't like erestor. something about him idk
i also used to like sauron a lot more than i do now. now i'm very sauron-cautious. some of the coolest fanart and fanfic in fandom involves him and i don't wanna dismiss that, i definitely enjoy reading about him, but for some reason he's the character the MOST likely to make me click out of a fic if he feels "off" to me
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