#hassan deserves to get laid
purplelupins · 4 months
For a midnight mass fic, what about a Hassan X plus size reader, I haven't read any Hassan fics and the relationship between him and reader in lamb was lovely so I thought of this one shot or maybe a series, maybe reader is the owner of the store where he's office is and she's the only one not bothered that he doesn't go to mass and always encourages Ali to keep prayer with his dad, they both like each other but reader is afraid he doesn't feel the same, and Hassan is scared that she wouldn't want to date him cause he's a widow and single father. So Ali and Warren set up a plan to get them closer and eventually lead them to date
This is SO cute!! Unfortunately I dont write for him (never say never tho) but it’s true there’s not a lot out there for him. I think there’s a few gems for him though, on here and Ao3!
Thank you so much for the input!!
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drdemonprince · 1 year
I wanted to ask you something controversial bc I feel like you're willing to go against common consensus when your judgement disagrees. My question is, is self harm always bad? When I start spiraling, I hurt myself and that immediately helps me calm down and get grounded. I can get similar effects more slowly if I go for a run, but it's bc it hurts (after a while). My therapist says the running is a healthier choice, but isn't it the same? I'm releasing endorphins and getting reconnected to my body via pain either way. What do you think?
Self-harm is not always bad! Self-harm is just a strategy that has its benefits, costs, and use cases, and we would all be a lot better served if we discussed it dispassionately rather than treating it as wrong, scary, or disgusting.
People self-harm for the endorphins, because it provides grounding and stimulation without the use of any substances, in order to blunt sensory overwhelm, to kick the body into a relaxed state following a meltdown, to express control over their bodies when they're otherwise being controlled and denied agency, as an alternative to suicide, as a form of self-stimulation, and probably for dozens of other equally understandable reasons that I can't think of at the moment.
Self-harm is not innately good nor bad, and abstinence is not the only responsible way to approach a person who is self-harming. I believe a harm reduction framework to self-harm is self-evidently more responsible and morally correct than trying to force all self-harmers to stop. Providing wound care, safe, sterile instruments, supervision, and less-damaging alternative forms of self-harm to the people that engage in it is the way to go, and first and foremost we should be guided by the belief that the self-harming person knows what they need best.
If you're interested in learning more about this, I recommend the book Saving Our Own Lives by Shira Hassan. A harm reductionist approach to self-harm is out there! The groundwork has already been laid for this approach. This essay of mine also does touch on the idea a bit:
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amongthebooks · 1 year
Thinking about Ghost and Soap who both knew they’d end up together within moments of their first meeting. Who, despite the lieutenant’s history of being stand-offish and the sergeant’s general surface-level friendliness, immediately clicked. 
There was no worrying about ranks, or hesitation due to personal baggage. No. They were so sure of their feelings that they got together as soon as the mess with Hassan wrapped up. Their captain pointedly letting it slide when it became clear that it was more than a quick fling, when he saw how much of a positive impact they had on each other. 
Thinking about how their love for each other translated into becoming unstoppable on the field. The two were so in sync that even their other teammates thought they had help from the divine. Where one of them ended, the other began - they were extensions of each other, in such a way that even the roughest missions resulted in the two’s safe return, hand in hand.
Thinking about how the soldiers assigned underneath them always knew that they would be coming home in one piece. That the terrifying masked man would make calls for the benefit of them, first. Ensuring that no man would get left behind no matter how dire things seemed.
That the sergeant would always ensure morale was up, throwing around jokes and asking about their personal lives in a way that lifted their spirits. Making sure everyone knew that they were more than just another body to toss aside, always encouraging them to continue on so they could make it back to their loved ones.
Thinking about how many lives Ghost and Soap touched, how many years they spent spreading the legend of the 141’s success - all of it built on the back of the companionship that they found together.
Thinking about how easy of a decision retirement was to them. How, when one brought it up, the other was quick to agree without hesitation. They knew that they had dedicated years of their lives to serving, and that they should finally take some much needed time for themselves. Knowing the legacy they had left behind - a family of soldiers who were as efficient as they were kind. 
Thinking about their transition into civilian lives. How Ghost surprised Soap with a small cottage near the town the man grew up in - close enough for family visits, while being just far enough on the wooded outskirts to allow them the privacy they deserved. 
How Soap took up leading a team of youth’s football and finally had the time to work on his art. How Ghost retired into Simon, his masks becoming something he left behind as he grew more confident in letting the world see his scars. Working as a trainer for service animals, specifically for veterans - wanting to give back to the community that had graced him with his own dog. 
Thinking about Simon and Johnny finally tying the knot. The proposal happening on their yearly anniversary of their first mission together, the question asked as they laid together under the stars. Celebrating the fact that they could take the night to bask in each other’s presence - no reports, missions, or soldiers to otherwise preoccupy them.
Thinking about how the ceremony was small - Soap’s parents and two older sisters on one side, and Price, Gaz and Laswell on the other. Both having their families there to witness the most important day of their life. How both vows and first kisses were exchanged as the witnesses cheered for the happy couple. 
Thinking about their much larger reception. Where all of Soap’s extended family came to celebrate the occasion, delighted to finally meet the man who had stolen their John’s heart. How some soldiers crashed the party, the ones who kept in touch after they had served with the duo. Happy to raise their drinks in celebration of their success story - the two having managed long and prosperous careers and escaped to tell the tale. 
How Price made a toast to the newly Riley-MacTavishes, recounting multiple embarrassing stories about the both of them while they were under his command. Explaining that they were like the sons he never had, and that he was so proud of who they helped each other grow to be. Maybe even throwing in some jokes that claimed he was the reason that they had gotten together.
Thinking about Simon and Johnny finding somewhere quiet that night, taking a moment to reflect on how amazing it was that their life turned out like it did. Recounting that first mission they went on together, laughing at the thought of a younger Soap saving the seat for the superior he had only just met. Lavishing each other in soft kisses as reality sunk in. The quiet cottage, the dog, the family that loved them both - they had it all.
Thinking about how they promised to spend the rest of their days by the other’s side. 
Knowing that they wouldn’t trade any of it for the world. 
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localcrustrat · 1 year
The Stars Lead Me to You
Captain Soap laid on the table bleeding out as Price stood above him.
"SOAP, SOAP NO," slowly his eyes glazed over and the man who expected to see his own life flash before his eyes, saw another; someone that looked like him but… Happier, younger. The world slowed and the man watched.
Soap walked over to… Ghost? But his mask also looked different, Capt Soap wandered over to the other men.
"Let's go get us a win yeah LT?" Ah Ghost was a Lieutenant. The world darkened again and John saw Soap and Ghost looking at a missile.
"I repeat Hassan has American missiles," next he saw the boys growing closer together he saw Soap making his way through Mexico. If John was alive his heart would be racing seeing the other him almost lose consciousness multiple times.
"Johnny," Johnny? "gimme a sitrep"
"Jumped down from the caged dog, in a gated alleyway," Soap checked the alley picking up some things before limping up a staircase and laying down to watch a couple shadows. John followed watching over Soap, the man laughed hearing the mercs talk, their fear of this Ghost reminded him of the rumors and fear that followed his Ghost. John watched Soap sneak around collecting chemicals, bottles, tape and rope, mouse traps, and broken fan blades. He saw Soap stumble upon a Shadow with a knife in his neck.
"Ghost you missin' a knife?" Soap pulled the knife out and inspected it.
"Several," came a slow reply.
"I think I found one."
"One of the dead shadows of my handy work," Soap looked surprised and slightly put out.
"You came through 'ere?"
"On my way to the church," John smiled, hearing Ghost speak. The Ghost he knew didn't speak much. John could see the connection between these two. He continued following Soap half listening to the two flirt and smiling at Ghost's dry humor and dad jokes. Time flew forward to the two rescuing another man Alejandro from a prison and escaping with Price's help.
"It's good to see Price again. Even if it's not my Price," John lamented sadly. John saw snippets of Ghost and Soap sharing small looks and hushed conversations, both too afraid to admit anything in the middle of a high stakes mission. But he saw things the two didn't. Like how they gravitate towards each other when they were in the same room, how Ghost would always keep an eye on their surroundings keeping Soap safe. What John didn't notice was the shadow following Ghost like he was following Soap. John followed Soap through the mission getting Alejandro and his men's base back and cheered the man on as he fought a tank and won. Then he saw Soap running for his life again in a building trying to stop a missile from hitting the pentagon. And finally the last moments where all if this was leading with Hassan Picking Soap up and slowly bringing him closer to the open window ready to throw him out until Ghost saved him with a bullet through Hassans head.
"Good shot L.T."
"You called it Sargent." John smiled and turned, seeing a flash of light to his right.
"Captain?" John knew that voice, it struck a cord through his heart.
"Ghost?" his eyes met the other man's and only realized after a minute that his face was uncovered.
"Just Simon now, no use for codenames when you're dead."
"Then call me John, Simon. No use for ranks either."
Simin looked over at the building Ghost was on then down at Soap.
"I'm glad we found each other in different lives, they deserve it," John nodded agreeing.
"You deserve to be happy too Simon," the man shrugged.
"You made me happy Captain, John. I was happy to serve with you," John walked over to the other man and slowly grabbed his hand.
"The stars lead me to you in one life, maybe they'll lead me to you in another hopefully without the interference of a war and a terrorist."
"But where's the fun in that, Sir? We'll need a little excitement in our lives." John smiled.
"I'm sorry I didn't get to truly know you," Simin shook his head.
"Like you said, we fell in love in one lifetime. Why not another?" He turned to the light.
"Lead me on one last mission Captain?" John nodded and gripped the man's hand.
"Always Simon, I'll find you again and when I do I won't let you go."
"I can't wait, Johnny."
John looked back one more time seeing a small wedding between other other Ghost and Soap before looking forward again and leading the other man to an unknown world where they would once again fall in love.
(Cross posted on AO3)
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h1myname1sv · 2 years
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1970s Afghanistan: Twelve-year-old Amir is desperate to win the local kite-fighting tournament and his loyal friend Hassan promises to help him. But neither of the boys can foresee what would happen to Hassan that afternoon, an event that is to shatter their lives. After the Russians invade and the family is forced to flee to America, Amir realises that one day he must return to an Afghanistan under Taliban rule to find the one thing that his new world cannot grant him: redemption.
He would remind us that there was a brotherhood between people who had fed from the same breast, a kinship that not even time could break.
Hassan and I fed from the same breasts. We took our first steps on the same lawn in the same yard. And, under the same roof, we spoke our first words.
Mine was Baba.
His was Amir. My name.
Looking back on it now, I think the foundation for what happened in the winter of 1975—and all that followed—was already laid in those first words.
This book deserves all the good words in the world. It is so heartbreaking and world-shattering and the plot twists really got me, this whole story really got to me. There are some lines that are just really poetic and iconic and mean so much more than what they're saying on the surface.
This book (or, rather, this author) takes some serious issues and delves into them in a thoughtful and emotional manner that just makes all the struggles feel real to someone who has never experienced anything like it. Definitely planning on reading one of Hosseini's other books when I get the chance.
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lifeofresulullah · 5 years
The Life of The Prophet Muhammad: Exemplary Ethics of The Prophet: The Father
His servant Hz. Anas talked about Him (PBUH) as follows: “I have never seen a human who is more compassionate towards His family than Him”
The prophet Muhammad (PBUH) frequently visited his son, Abraham, who had been born in the last years of his life at the house of his wet nurse… This place is at the outskirts of Medina and his wet nurse’s husband is a blacksmith. This house was always filled up with smoke that came from the blacksmith’s furnace. In every visit of him to this house, He clasped his son Abraham in his arms and kissed him by smelling him lengthily. During this time, he was a president of a government that dominated over the Arabian Peninsula. 
He was leading the fajr prayer in the mosque. While the general practice he did was to lead a lengthy two rakat fardh prayer which was suitable to the spirit of salah by reciting a hundred verses very slowly, in that morning, he completed the salah in a very short time and uttered the greeting. His friends asked:
-O Apostle of Allah! Why have you completed the salah fast?
- I heard the voice of a crying child. I was worried that his parents would be sad. 
The journey of Hegira which was made under rough conditions had been completed and now they were entering Medina… Muslim girls of Medina welcomed Him with the chant of “O the White Moon rose over us From the Valley of Wada”. As He was passing in front of them, Hz. Muhammad (PBUH) asked:
“Little girls, do you love me?”
Small girls answered by screaming “Yes”. Then He spoke with the smiling on his face:
“I love you too!.. 
A hungry mother with two daughters in her lap wanted from Hz. Aisha (RA) something to eat. There was nothing other than three dates in the house of Hz. Muhammad (PBUH), who was both a prophet and president. The mother who gave one date each to her daughters was about to eat the third date for herself; however, her hungry children wanted it, too. And the mother gave it to them. In the evening, Hz. Aisha (RA) was still under the influence of the event. When the apostle of Allah came home, she told him about this event, too. The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) answered:
“That mother deserved Paradise with this deed.” 
Hz. Fatima (RA), who was the only remaining daughter of the prophet Muhammad (PBUH) among His seven children after His death and who would continue His generations till Doomsday, had a very special place in his heart. Whenever she came to him, he always welcomed her by standing up,
By kissing her, He used to say “Welcome my daughter!” and let her sit near him by grasping her hand. Fatima also behaved in the same manner to her father. Whenever he expressed his love towards her, he said:
“Fatima is my part, whoever disturbs her, disturbs me too”
A society that had killed their small infant daughters with their own hands until five to ten years before this was watching them. By understanding how valuable benefaction daughters are… 
His servant Anas narrates:
A man was sitting near Hz. Muhammad (PBUH). For a while, the man’s son came to him. The man took him and sat him down on his knee and started to kiss him by caring. After a while his daughter came. However, the man did not take her and sat her down on his knee and did not show any interest to her. The face expression of the apostle of Allah changed and asked with a serious voice tone,
‘Why did you not show interest equally?” 
He told the equally aged children of his cousin Jafar and his uncle Abbas by facing them:
“Run towards me. Whoever comes to me first, I will give this and that.”
They ran towards to Him (PBUH) and closed down on His bosom and back. The prophet Muhammad (PBUH) kissed them all by embracing … Many times in His life … 
His Iranian friend Salman narrates:
It was a time near midday. We were sitting at the mosque. The news arrived to us that Hz. Hassan (RA) and Hussein (RA) had been lost. We scattered and started to search the children in Medina and surroundings with all people there along with the prophet (PBUH). Finally, I found them at the skirts of a mountain. They had embraced each other in fear and were looking at a snake a little away from them. The snake directed its head towards them and put its tongue out, hissing… I called to the apostle of Allah, He came immediately. When he saw the scene, he walked towards the snake and the snake ran away. Then, he went to his grandchild. He tried to diminish their fear by touching them with his hands on their faces and at the same time He said:
“You are my mother and father, how valuable you are in the eye of Allah”.
When the fear of the children diminished, he took each grandchild on his shoulders and started to walk towards Mecca. 
One Day with his faithful friend Abu Hurairah, he went to the house of Hz. Fatima (RA). He wanted to see his grandchildren and show affection to them. As he entered the house, he searched Hz. Hassan (RA):
“Is the small man there?  “Is the small man there?
While hugging His grandchild, who came to him by running, he prayed at the same time
“O My Allah! I love him; I want You to love him and the ones who love him.”                                 
He put his foster child Usama, the son of Zayd on one of his knees and Hassan (RA) on his other knee. He laid their heads one another and his own head to them and prayed to Allah:
“O my Allah! I want You to show compassion to them because I feel compassion for them.” 
One night, a friend of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) visiting him could not help getting surprised. Inside the garment of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), there was something moving. When the garment was opened, the secret was revealed:
Hz. Hassan (RA) and Hussein (RA), whom he loves by calling them"My Flowers"… He took them into his lap and prayed:
-"These are my sons, the sons of my daughter! O my Allah, I love them and I want You to love them and the ones who love them."
His daughter Fatima (RA) had given him two grandchildren. Hassan (RA) and Hussein (RA)... When the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), who expressed his interest for his grandchildren comfortably in every environment, was asked to buy a camel for them, he became four-footed and said to them, since he had no money to fulfill their wish for that moment,
-"Come on, get on; is there any camel better than this?"
Another day, as they were playing "riding on horse" game with Hassan (RA) and Hussein (RA) on his back, they met Hz. Umar... The lover of the Prophet, Hz. Umar, said to the children:
- "You have such a nice horse". Prophet Muhammad answered:
-They are also nice riders." 
On the pulpit of the mosque, He was calling out to thousands of believers who were listening to Him with great attention. At the door, there were two babies in their red shirts trying to walk with difficulty. The heads were turned to that side. However, nobody dared to interrupt the speech of the Apostle of Allah and to take the children.
The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) broke his speech, got down from the pulpit and held them. And he returned to the pulpit and continued to speak. Meanwhile, He did not neglect to apologize to the ones listening to Him.
“-I looked at these two children walking with difficulty and I could not help interrupting my speech and taking them upside.” 
On one morning of a religious festival, he was returning home from the mosque. In the street, he saw children playing in their festival clothes. However, one child attracted his attention. He was sitting aside with dirty and old clothes on him and watching the others. The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) came close to him...
-"My son" He said: "why do you not join your friends?"
The child answered in sadness...
-"O Apostle of Allah! I am an orphan..."For the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), this was enough... He took the child by the hand, and brought him to His home. There, the orphan was washed; new clothes were dressed; he was fed and some money was put in his pocket; he was made happy... Then, the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) took his face into His hands,
-Would you like me to be your father, Aisha your mother and Hassan and Hussein your brothers?
- “Yes, O Apostle of Allah, yes”...
The happy child rushed and joined the others. Wondering this rapid change, his friends asked:
-What happened to you?
The orphan answered:
-The Apostle of Allah became my father and Aisha my mother and Hassan and Hussein my brothers... 
Anas the son of Malik was a smart and mischievous child of Medina who performed the daily work of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and served him until His death, from ten to twenty...
This long period of ten years was full of mischief of Anas. By his own expression:
"The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) used to send me to buy something from the market. When I saw the children playing in the street, I used to play with them and forgot what to buy. Then I used to come to him in silence. When he saw me shy and fearful, He used to say "What should Anas do; he has nothing in his hand; Allah makes him forget everything to do"and He used to console me.
On one of these days, the coefficient of mischief of Anas was quite high and said to himself for the duty he was sent "I swear by Allah that I will not go." Then he became regretful and set forth and when he met the children playing in the street, he forgot. He was captured by the game. A while later, a hand caught him by his neck…
When he got back, he saw the prophet Muhammad (PBUH) standing in front of him, smiling:
- "My dear Anas" He said "Have you gone to the place where I sent you?"
Anas said "Yes, O apostle of Allah." "I was just about to go there now..." The prophet Muhammad (PBUH) continued to smile without saying anything.
In his old age, when making an evaluation of the years with the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), Anas, the son of Malik, would say:
-I joined Him in a young age and had been in His service for completely ten years. He never cursed me even once; He never hit me even once. He never got angry with me or blamed me for a mistake of mine or a duty that I neglected or did not perform by saying "why did you do this?" or "why did you not do this?"He never grimaced his face."
A child called Abu Mahzura was making fun with the muezzin (the Caller to Prayer) by imitating Him. The prophet Muhammad (PBUH) called him and said to him with a serious and soft manner as if he had not realized his mockery with the adhan:
“Let us hear you call an adhan here too.”
Abu Mahzura, who was embarrassed, called an adhan by using all of his skill.
The prophet Muhammad (PBUH) corrected the incomplete and mistaken parts of his adhan and put a few coins to his pocket and said to him by patting on his back:
“Let it be blessed…”
Abu Mahzura was still taken aback upon his compliment and remittance. He asked permission to be a muezzin in Mecca and got it. He was going to be the muezzin of Mecca for years. 
A mother was calling her child in order to bring him to the home; “Come and look what I will give you?” The prophet Muhammad, (PBUH) who saw this scene asked:
What will you give to the child?
He warned the mother who answered, “wanted to give dates”:
“Be careful! If he comes to you but you do not give anything to him, then, a sin of lying will be recorded for you.”
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novelelitist · 6 years
Could I request Hector relationship headcanons with a fem!Master? Sfw and nsfw if that’s okay?
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Hector Relationships + NSFW
In the form he is summoned in as a Heroic Spirit, he is already middle-aged. He’s already lived, loved, and lost time and again. 
The man stood on the battlefield for most of his life. He was the strongest hero of Troy and Achilles’s greatest rival during the Trojan War. In some ways he feels responsible for Troy losing the war. Guilt haunts him today.
Don’t let his cheerful demeanor fool you. There’s always something on his mind. His laid-back personality can be misconstrued as irresponsible, but he maintains a sense of obligation that stayed far beyond the grave. 
More than anything else, he’s tired. He’s not down for saving the world, but he’ll follow Master to the ends of the world and that’s enough reason for him to keep fighting.
Hector’s care for starts as a grown-up sense of responsibility. He initially views you as a child that needs to be taken care of. It’s not patronizing, but it’s annoying. Through battles and arguments he accepts that he’s not giving you enough credit. You may be younger than him, but you’re preparing to fight all of time and history to restore humanity.  The least he can do is treat you as an adult.
You’ve put faith in his abilities. You’ve given him the chance to grow despite his age. For all they encourage him to do, he is eternally grateful. He’s apologetic regarding his previous behavior and makes amends as you allow him.
He revisits his feelings and determines they’re more than he initially thought. Hector is thrilled to battle with his Master and closest friend. He isn’t used to fighting alongside a partner, but he can’t say he doesn’t love having you with him. It’s a fresh camaraderie. He wants to protect you and cherish you, but he also wants to watch you kick ass.
In his time, marriages were arranged. He’s happy to fall in love naturally and get to know another person beyond the surface. It’s a new adventure, one where he can court you the way he believes you deserve. (He actually believes you deserve more than he can offer, but he tries.)
Enjoys the simple joys of sharing love with another person. Think picnics under the stars, slow-dancing in the kitchen, or drawing a bath for two. He loves having you read to him and take care of him when he’s sick or feeling lazy. 
Since he’s older and also a dead guy he has a lot more experience under his belt. Because of this he isn’t one to argue or cause tiffs. He’d never intentionally upset you or show passive-aggression. Anything that hurts your relationship or makes you uncomfortable isn’t worth it. 
Wants to own a farm or a vineyard in the middle of nowhere with you someday. When you’re on adventures he’ll point out the ruins of castles or the remains of a village and talk about what he thinks it would’ve been like to be there with you. He daydreams about what it’d be like to live out eternity on a quiet plot of land with you and a bunch of animals. 
It’s difficult for him to wrap his head around the over-a-millennia age gap in his relationship with his master. You’ll have to be the one to sit him down and start the conversation about sex, because he in no way wants to feel like he’s pressing you into it.
“An old man like me? Of all the heroes in Chaldea you choose a guy with a foot in the grave... You’re right, King Hassan does have a bunch of feet in the grave.”
Not a physically-demanding lover. He could give or take sex, but intimacy is a must. Snuggling, kissing, an touching each other (PG to X it’s all great) are all treasures to him.
Whoever says “you can’t teach an old dog new tricks” wasn’t sleeping with a Heroic Spirit. Turns out having an eternity makes a man pretty good between the sheets. If you want to try something new, he’ll try to make it work for both of you. There’s constant communication.
He likes to take his time stripping you from head to toe and planting kisses down your naked body. He’ll lace his fingers with yours while he studies your curves with his lips. The hills and valleys of your form are maps he will never tire of exploring, and he’ll brush his nose along them like the gifts of nature they are. 
There are times when you want to have silly sex full of laughs or share dozens of kisses while cuddling in the nude, and he enjoys those just as much, maybe even more.
Loves going down on you. Holy shit why is your crotch an aphrodisiac? Doesn’t matter how sweaty you are or how long the day was. He enjoys having your mouth on his cock just as much, not that he’s ever going to admit it. Lover’s needs can be met first, then he can worry about himself.
“What do I like? Guess you’ll have to figure it out for yourself... You want to do it all? What classifies as ‘all’? ...Sure thing, sweetheart. Whatever you want.”
Loves making love. He loves you. He treasures you. He will rock his hips into yours and lock his lips on your neck while holding you impossibly close. He’ll set the rhythm and you’ll keep in time, and he’ll whisper the sweetest nothings while demanding you say his name.
Not super kinky, but if you showed him variety he’d get into it and find more things he liked. He starts out with:
Teasing (both ways)
Spanking (both ways)
Needy/desperate (you for him)
Orgasm denial
Sleepy morning sex
Sleepy middle of the night sex
And this list is likely to grow if you take the time to introduce him to new things.
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tereishqnachaya · 7 years
Wow Khudgarz is going to end on 24 episodes. I haven’t heard that for a show in a LONG time. I’m glad it’s ending soon because that’s the only reason there hasn’t been a single episode that felt unnecessary. (Other shows should follow this) ANYYYWAY. Did you see the new promo? Do you think Dua’s gonna end up with Hasaan? Do you think more people are going to die (slight shade). Anddddd most importantly what’s your view/reaction on Ayera’s death?
I was so surprised to see the promo for the second last episode. But then..sahi hi hai. I’m sorry but killing off Junaid and then Ayera just ended up killing MY love for the show. Junaid chalo I can understand but Ayera as well? She deserved a shot at peace and happiness. I know, I KNOW I had actually justified how her death didn’t come suddenly and that the foundation had been laid but..idk..the show just became so depressing with Junaid’s death and it has continued to do so since then that I just got annoyed. So it looks like the atonement for Hassan’s “khudgarzi” would be that he’d start living his life for Junaid and Ayera’s daughter. It makes sense but urrghhh..I did not want such a sad ending for this drama. I’d have loved it if Junaid and Ayera had made it and Hassan would’ve made amends with them living. Or if it was so necessary to kill Junaid, Ayera would’ve survived and Hassan would’ve selflessly helped her get her on her feet again. OR! Get Hassan the help that he needed. Don’t get me wrong..I like the way Hassan realized how wrong he had been in the past but the show had already made strong statements about the need of taking care of one’s mental well being, I’d have liked it continued to do so. Khair. Let’s see what happens next. A part of me is still mourning the death of Junaid and the drama’s world just doesn’t seem the same without him :(((
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onlinemarketinghelp · 5 years
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16 Reasons to Start a Business http://bit.ly/2UzDPFW
Starting a business can be a life-changing experience. It can also seem like a scary one if you’ve never done it before. So you daydream about it, imagining yourself as rich as Jeff Bezos, as innovative as Sara Blakely, and as ambitious as Jack Ma. Future you is going to dominate the world. But today you is a little bit nervous about what starting a business entails. Truth is, we need future you now more than ever, so let’s break down the reasons to start a business to give you that kick in the butt you desperately need.
16 Reasons to Start a Business
1. Work From Anywhere
There’s something magical about the daydream of you drinking a daiquiri or a beer on the beach working on your laptop at sunset. It almost feels surreal – doing what you love where you’ve always dreamed of being. And while it can be hard to use your laptop with the sun’s glare on your screen, truth is working from anywhere does have its perks. You can run your business from your laptop during a flight to an exotic destination. Or at a coffee shop, library, coworking space, home, and basically any other place with a Wi-Fi connection. Let’s be honest, nobody wants to work in the same boring place all the time. So if you’re looking for the freedom to work anywhere, you can add this to your list of reasons to start a business. You might also find that the digital nomad lifestyle is for you.
Shopify entrepreneur and globetrotter DJ Jammison shares, “I became an entrepreneur so I could take back my time freedom, financial freedom and travel the world. I was forced to drop out of college because I could no longer afford it & then got a job as a custodian. That’s what motivated me. I started my journey in 2013 and I never looked back. I began with Affiliate Marketing and then transitioned to E-commerce with Shopify & Oberlo late 2015. Fast forward to 2019, I run my online business with just a laptop while traveling the world.”
2. It’s in Your Blood
Kyla Denault, Founder of Easy Breezy Dogs, explains, “It’s in my blood. Both my parents were entrepreneurs and they always told me to do something you enjoy and brings you happiness. I have had multiple side hustles from starting the first cage-free dog kennel in Ottawa, to selling Cedar Barrel saunas, selling tea, organizing speed dating events, selling pet products to currently owning Easy Breezy Dog Training. I love the creation of an idea, the research, taking a risk, implementation. My favorite quote that I have hanging in my livingroom is, ‘Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful.”
3. Experience Freedom
If you ask people why they started a business, experiencing freedom would be at the top of most lists. More people are taking Ariana Grande’s 7 Rings advice, “I want it, I got it.” From taking vacations when you want to waking up at any hour of the day, running a business allows complete control over how to schedule your day, your breaks, who you spend time with, what days you work, working around your energy levels, and more. The biggest reason for starting a business is that your life is back under your full control.
4. To Find Others With Similar Interests
Kray Mitchell, Founder of the magic trick accessories store Tricky Fingers, tells us, “I started my current business because I felt there was an opportunity to provide more of an elite branding to magic in Canada. While the classics have their place, I wanted to provide a curated selection of products that were both highly visual and highly rated. I wanted to provide my customers with an amazing experience online and post purchase. I love magic, and I love watching magicians, so the more magicians I help to live their passion, the more I get to enjoy too. It’s win-win.”
5. Feed Your Family
A solid reason to start a business comes down to supporting your family. In life, family comes first always. It’s not just about putting food on the table, it’s also about making sure your family has money to create special memories together with vacations, weekend getaways at the cottage, trips to the amusement park, or a special birthday party for your young child. And it’s important to make sure your children are set up to be successful – tutors, sports or dance classes, hobbies, books, and more. By starting a business, you can help provide a higher quality of life for your family that a 9 to 5 job just can’t match.
6. To Create a Product You Need
Maya Page, Founder of the cannabidiol product store Oilly CBD, explains, “I started my own business because the entire process of purchasing CBD oil frustrated me. I’m just a midwestern mom – I didn’t need chocolate haze-flavored CBD oil! I just needed a clean product that was effective and most importantly, organically grown.
“Since CBD is not yet regulated, there is so much misinformation out there. Each company seems to have different labeling techniques and dosing, which, in the end, left me with more questions than answers. With my background in launching businesses, I decided to go straight to the source.
“I knew others felt my frustrations, so I decided to start my own line. This way, I knew exactly what was in the formula. I started this business out of necessity, but also with the hope to help bridge the gap between an amazing product and the end user.”
7. Escape the 9 to 5
Ugh, the dreadful 9 to 5 job. The 9 to 5 can be a place where your dreams go to die. Why do we invest so much of our energy and time to help others realize their dreams without investing in ourselves first? You deserve to wake up at a time of your choice, work in a career you love, and make money for yourself. And by starting a business, you can do all that and so much more.
8. To Give Back
Arthur Ishkaev, Founder of Strike Your Coin, shares, “I have been collecting coins since my early childhood. I was collecting different kinds of coins from my native country first. Then I started collecting coins from other countries. When we arrived in Canada at the end of 2016 with my family, we noticed all the preparations for the upcoming Canada 150 Anniversary. I thought about how I can contribute to this country that welcomed us so nicely in order to make history! I decided to make a commemorative Canada 150 coin that anyone can strike with a sledge hammer.
“My first souvenir coin turned out to be a big success, driving a lot of interest and also getting me featured on CBC Ottawa News. This has motivated me to start my entrepreneurship journey so that anyone interested can have their personalized coin minted at their event. Now I am invited to weddings and private parties as well as corporate events, and share this joy of striking souvenir coins with all event guests.”
9. Take Ownership of Your Career
Pay raises, promotions, and company guidelines tend to be outside of your control. Whereas when running a business, you get as much as you put into it. If you invest in heavily marketing your products, you’ll generate more sales than someone who didn’t. At your 9 to 5 job, your career growth and income is capped. The average company pay raise is about 3.1% each year. And that pay jump usually coincides with inflation going up so you’re not really making as much money as you think. If you’re looking to advance in your career, the easiest way to do that is to start a business. Why? Because entrepreneurship requires you to learn and master a lot of  business skills allowing you to experience the level of growth your day gig can’t match.
10. You’re Inspired
Mark Ranson, Founder of the fashion store Mark & Vy, shares, “I studied IT at university but it was probably Tim Ferriss’ book, ‘The 4-Hour Workweek’ which solidified the idea that an e-commerce business could really be a viable option for me. I hated the corporate life, being tied to a cubicle for long hours, and I wanted to grow something myself from the ground up. It would take a number of years, moving to Vietnam and meeting my wife before these plans would really come to fruition however.
Vietnam is home to some master tailors and my wife grew up in a tailor’s shop, with many relatives also working in this profession. Our particular passion is traditional Vietnamese dresses called ‘ao dai’, and the amazing quality of the tailoring which goes into every single dress from the best tailors. We wanted to help bring these beautiful, elegant dresses to the world, and particularly those who don’t have access to high quality tailors in the home countries, and hence our brand ‘mark&vy’ was born.”
11. Quit a Job You Hate
Annoying coworkers, bad managers, lack of recognition, and an unfulfilling role can all contribute to the dread you feel every morning before heading to work. Why spend 40 hours a week doing something you hate? Don’t say to make money because there are a ton of ways to make money online. Seriously, why do you keep torturing yourself when there are so many other options. Do you realize how talented you are? Your company interviewed countless people, but they ultimately hired you. If your recruiter and boss believed in you, what’s stopping you from believing in yourself? You can succeed as an entrepreneur. Don’t be the person blocking your own success.
12. Create Jobs
Maybe you grew up in a home where your family lived paycheck to paycheck, or you watched seasonal workers in your family get laid off each year. A popular reason to start a business sometimes comes from wanting to create jobs to help other families. Some entrepreneurs love that they can give back an opportunity that someone once gave them: a paying job. This altruistic reason to start a business leads to a sense of fulfillment and purpose, which keeps entrepreneurs motivated for years to come.
13. To Kill Boredom
Hassan Alnassir, Founder of Premium Joy, says, “I got quite bored from the daily job as an engineer. After several years of service, it felt like a massive waste of my precious time. The working hours were overly long, and I didn’t genuinely love what I was performing. The most attractive alternative to the tedious job which I thought about was establishing my own business and selling products online. Being an entrepreneur would give me back my time and allow me to enjoy working. I initially thought the task of creating the website would be overwhelming, but Shopify made it simple to launch the online store for my business in only one month through customizing an existing theme.”
14. Pursue Your Passion
“Choose a job you love and you’ll never have to work a day in your life.” Motivational quotes like this one from Confucius remind you that you can pursue your passion to live a happier life. And I know that some people will tell you that some passions aren’t profitable to discourage you from doing it. But remember it wasn’t too long ago that video gamers first realized they can make money streaming their game time. And there are beauty bloggers who now make money from video tutorials, selling beauty products, and influencer posts. So remember, if your passion is tied to a niche, you can and will find a way to start a successful business doing what you love.
15. Build Something
Some of today’s most powerful businesses were built by creators. You can create an app, a blog, an online store, an ebook, graphic designs, etc. By taking those creations and promoting it to a relevant audience you can start your journey as an entrepreneur. Many entrepreneurs start businesses because of their obsession with creation. They recognize that their ability to turn nothing into something tangible that’ll help or entertain others motivates them to create more. Creators are the doers of the world which is why it makes perfect sense why so many of them turn to entrepreneurship.
16. Create a Legacy
Unless machines take over our consciousness in our lifetime, there’s a chance that in a few generations after our death we’ll no longer be remembered. Scary thought, I know. So, how can you become memorable? You can build something that outlives you. You can build a business. If you want to be remembered long after you’re gone, you can build a brand that outlives you that continues on for generations. You don’t have to build something innovative or unique, you just need to build something that lasts. You can start with an online store focusing on getting those first few sales. And as the years pass and your brand grows, your impact in that niche can expand into other categories and serve customers in ways they don’t expect. Building a legacy won’t happen overnight. However, the steps you take today can lead to a huge impact in the world a few years from now.
They say that half the battle of building a business is starting. It’s true. Those daydreams you’re living in aren’t real. I know it’s terrifying to take a risk and to take a chance on yourself. But how is it fair that your boss becomes a millionaire when you’re slaving away doing all the work? What skills do you crush your coworkers at that can help you succeed on your own in the long run? Do you want your boss in the driver’s seat when it comes to how much money you make? No. So, who’s ready to start a business? YOU are.
Check out millions of products you can start selling on your own website today.
Want to Learn More?
60 Shopify Stores to Use as Inspiration for Your New Business
30+ Business Ideas for New Entrepreneurs
20 Trending Products You Can Start Selling Today
10 Best Side Hustles That’ll Ease You Out of Your 9 to 5 Job
  The post 16 Reasons to Start a Business appeared first on Oberlo.
from Oberlo
Starting a business can be a life-changing experience. It can also seem like a scary one if you’ve never done it before. So you daydream about it, imagining yourself as rich as Jeff Bezos, as innovative as Sara Blakely, and as ambitious as Jack Ma. Future you is going to dominate the world. But today you is a little bit nervous about what starting a business entails. Truth is, we need future you now more than ever, so let’s break down the reasons to start a business to give you that kick in the butt you desperately need.
16 Reasons to Start a Business
1. Work From Anywhere
There’s something magical about the daydream of you drinking a daiquiri or a beer on the beach working on your laptop at sunset. It almost feels surreal – doing what you love where you’ve always dreamed of being. And while it can be hard to use your laptop with the sun’s glare on your screen, truth is working from anywhere does have its perks. You can run your business from your laptop during a flight to an exotic destination. Or at a coffee shop, library, coworking space, home, and basically any other place with a Wi-Fi connection. Let’s be honest, nobody wants to work in the same boring place all the time. So if you’re looking for the freedom to work anywhere, you can add this to your list of reasons to start a business. You might also find that the digital nomad lifestyle is for you.
Shopify entrepreneur and globetrotter DJ Jammison shares, “I became an entrepreneur so I could take back my time freedom, financial freedom and travel the world. I was forced to drop out of college because I could no longer afford it & then got a job as a custodian. That’s what motivated me. I started my journey in 2013 and I never looked back. I began with Affiliate Marketing and then transitioned to E-commerce with Shopify & Oberlo late 2015. Fast forward to 2019, I run my online business with just a laptop while traveling the world.”
2. It’s in Your Blood
Kyla Denault, Founder of Easy Breezy Dogs, explains, “It’s in my blood. Both my parents were entrepreneurs and they always told me to do something you enjoy and brings you happiness. I have had multiple side hustles from starting the first cage-free dog kennel in Ottawa, to selling Cedar Barrel saunas, selling tea, organizing speed dating events, selling pet products to currently owning Easy Breezy Dog Training. I love the creation of an idea, the research, taking a risk, implementation. My favorite quote that I have hanging in my livingroom is, ‘Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful.”
3. Experience Freedom
If you ask people why they started a business, experiencing freedom would be at the top of most lists. More people are taking Ariana Grande’s 7 Rings advice, “I want it, I got it.” From taking vacations when you want to waking up at any hour of the day, running a business allows complete control over how to schedule your day, your breaks, who you spend time with, what days you work, working around your energy levels, and more. The biggest reason for starting a business is that your life is back under your full control.
4. To Find Others With Similar Interests
Kray Mitchell, Founder of the magic trick accessories store Tricky Fingers, tells us, “I started my current business because I felt there was an opportunity to provide more of an elite branding to magic in Canada. While the classics have their place, I wanted to provide a curated selection of products that were both highly visual and highly rated. I wanted to provide my customers with an amazing experience online and post purchase. I love magic, and I love watching magicians, so the more magicians I help to live their passion, the more I get to enjoy too. It’s win-win.”
5. Feed Your Family
A solid reason to start a business comes down to supporting your family. In life, family comes first always. It’s not just about putting food on the table, it’s also about making sure your family has money to create special memories together with vacations, weekend getaways at the cottage, trips to the amusement park, or a special birthday party for your young child. And it’s important to make sure your children are set up to be successful – tutors, sports or dance classes, hobbies, books, and more. By starting a business, you can help provide a higher quality of life for your family that a 9 to 5 job just can’t match.
6. To Create a Product You Need
Maya Page, Founder of the cannabidiol product store Oilly CBD, explains, “I started my own business because the entire process of purchasing CBD oil frustrated me. I’m just a midwestern mom – I didn’t need chocolate haze-flavored CBD oil! I just needed a clean product that was effective and most importantly, organically grown.
“Since CBD is not yet regulated, there is so much misinformation out there. Each company seems to have different labeling techniques and dosing, which, in the end, left me with more questions than answers. With my background in launching businesses, I decided to go straight to the source.
“I knew others felt my frustrations, so I decided to start my own line. This way, I knew exactly what was in the formula. I started this business out of necessity, but also with the hope to help bridge the gap between an amazing product and the end user.”
7. Escape the 9 to 5
Ugh, the dreadful 9 to 5 job. The 9 to 5 can be a place where your dreams go to die. Why do we invest so much of our energy and time to help others realize their dreams without investing in ourselves first? You deserve to wake up at a time of your choice, work in a career you love, and make money for yourself. And by starting a business, you can do all that and so much more.
8. To Give Back
Arthur Ishkaev, Founder of Strike Your Coin, shares, “I have been collecting coins since my early childhood. I was collecting different kinds of coins from my native country first. Then I started collecting coins from other countries. When we arrived in Canada at the end of 2016 with my family, we noticed all the preparations for the upcoming Canada 150 Anniversary. I thought about how I can contribute to this country that welcomed us so nicely in order to make history! I decided to make a commemorative Canada 150 coin that anyone can strike with a sledge hammer.
“My first souvenir coin turned out to be a big success, driving a lot of interest and also getting me featured on CBC Ottawa News. This has motivated me to start my entrepreneurship journey so that anyone interested can have their personalized coin minted at their event. Now I am invited to weddings and private parties as well as corporate events, and share this joy of striking souvenir coins with all event guests.”
9. Take Ownership of Your Career
Pay raises, promotions, and company guidelines tend to be outside of your control. Whereas when running a business, you get as much as you put into it. If you invest in heavily marketing your products, you’ll generate more sales than someone who didn’t. At your 9 to 5 job, your career growth and income is capped. The average company pay raise is about 3.1% each year. And that pay jump usually coincides with inflation going up so you’re not really making as much money as you think. If you’re looking to advance in your career, the easiest way to do that is to start a business. Why? Because entrepreneurship requires you to learn and master a lot of  business skills allowing you to experience the level of growth your day gig can’t match.
10. You’re Inspired
Mark Ranson, Founder of the fashion store Mark & Vy, shares, “I studied IT at university but it was probably Tim Ferriss’ book, ‘The 4-Hour Workweek’ which solidified the idea that an e-commerce business could really be a viable option for me. I hated the corporate life, being tied to a cubicle for long hours, and I wanted to grow something myself from the ground up. It would take a number of years, moving to Vietnam and meeting my wife before these plans would really come to fruition however.
Vietnam is home to some master tailors and my wife grew up in a tailor’s shop, with many relatives also working in this profession. Our particular passion is traditional Vietnamese dresses called ‘ao dai’, and the amazing quality of the tailoring which goes into every single dress from the best tailors. We wanted to help bring these beautiful, elegant dresses to the world, and particularly those who don’t have access to high quality tailors in the home countries, and hence our brand ‘mark&vy’ was born.”
11. Quit a Job You Hate
Annoying coworkers, bad managers, lack of recognition, and an unfulfilling role can all contribute to the dread you feel every morning before heading to work. Why spend 40 hours a week doing something you hate? Don’t say to make money because there are a ton of ways to make money online. Seriously, why do you keep torturing yourself when there are so many other options. Do you realize how talented you are? Your company interviewed countless people, but they ultimately hired you. If your recruiter and boss believed in you, what’s stopping you from believing in yourself? You can succeed as an entrepreneur. Don’t be the person blocking your own success.
12. Create Jobs
Maybe you grew up in a home where your family lived paycheck to paycheck, or you watched seasonal workers in your family get laid off each year. A popular reason to start a business sometimes comes from wanting to create jobs to help other families. Some entrepreneurs love that they can give back an opportunity that someone once gave them: a paying job. This altruistic reason to start a business leads to a sense of fulfillment and purpose, which keeps entrepreneurs motivated for years to come.
13. To Kill Boredom
Hassan Alnassir, Founder of Premium Joy, says, “I got quite bored from the daily job as an engineer. After several years of service, it felt like a massive waste of my precious time. The working hours were overly long, and I didn’t genuinely love what I was performing. The most attractive alternative to the tedious job which I thought about was establishing my own business and selling products online. Being an entrepreneur would give me back my time and allow me to enjoy working. I initially thought the task of creating the website would be overwhelming, but Shopify made it simple to launch the online store for my business in only one month through customizing an existing theme.”
14. Pursue Your Passion
“Choose a job you love and you’ll never have to work a day in your life.” Motivational quotes like this one from Confucius remind you that you can pursue your passion to live a happier life. And I know that some people will tell you that some passions aren’t profitable to discourage you from doing it. But remember it wasn’t too long ago that video gamers first realized they can make money streaming their game time. And there are beauty bloggers who now make money from video tutorials, selling beauty products, and influencer posts. So remember, if your passion is tied to a niche, you can and will find a way to start a successful business doing what you love.
15. Build Something
Some of today’s most powerful businesses were built by creators. You can create an app, a blog, an online store, an ebook, graphic designs, etc. By taking those creations and promoting it to a relevant audience you can start your journey as an entrepreneur. Many entrepreneurs start businesses because of their obsession with creation. They recognize that their ability to turn nothing into something tangible that’ll help or entertain others motivates them to create more. Creators are the doers of the world which is why it makes perfect sense why so many of them turn to entrepreneurship.
16. Create a Legacy
Unless machines take over our consciousness in our lifetime, there’s a chance that in a few generations after our death we’ll no longer be remembered. Scary thought, I know. So, how can you become memorable? You can build something that outlives you. You can build a business. If you want to be remembered long after you’re gone, you can build a brand that outlives you that continues on for generations. You don’t have to build something innovative or unique, you just need to build something that lasts. You can start with an online store focusing on getting those first few sales. And as the years pass and your brand grows, your impact in that niche can expand into other categories and serve customers in ways they don’t expect. Building a legacy won’t happen overnight. However, the steps you take today can lead to a huge impact in the world a few years from now.
They say that half the battle of building a business is starting. It’s true. Those daydreams you’re living in aren’t real. I know it’s terrifying to take a risk and to take a chance on yourself. But how is it fair that your boss becomes a millionaire when you’re slaving away doing all the work? What skills do you crush your coworkers at that can help you succeed on your own in the long run? Do you want your boss in the driver’s seat when it comes to how much money you make? No. So, who’s ready to start a business? YOU are.
Check out millions of products you can start selling on your own website today.
Want to Learn More?
60 Shopify Stores to Use as Inspiration for Your New Business
30+ Business Ideas for New Entrepreneurs
20 Trending Products You Can Start Selling Today
10 Best Side Hustles That’ll Ease You Out of Your 9 to 5 Job
  The post 16 Reasons to Start a Business appeared first on Oberlo.
http://bit.ly/2Gm2wgm April 15, 2019 at 04:00AM http://bit.ly/2UXmhTB
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Social Credit Systems and Basic Human Rights
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As many know, China has actually set up a system of authorities "social credit" monitoring which is supposed to come online by 2020. Every male, woman and kid in China would have a magic number, based upon key behaviors, individual finances, health and education levels, social and political compliance and the number of other secret elements, we will never know.
Those with low numbers might be denied social advantages, forbidden from travel, both domestic and foreign, in truth we will never know how and what the consequences of a low social credit history may be.
This is the darkside, there is a question, does a federal government, presuming a government really represents a society "on the whole," and many don't, not by any stretch of the imagination, have a right to monitor people and place a value on them?
Does a society have a right to understand if a neighbor is a criminal or does not pay costs? How about alcohol or drug usage? Can littering, smoking cigarettes or gaming, even adultery be reason for a low social credit score?
One factor this concern is so essential is the amount of data available on people, particularly those who utilize e-mail or social networks, all of which is kept track of in practically every nation with some exceptions such as within the European Union where restrictions exist.
Everybody online search produces a profile, every e-mail, Snowden told us this, but it goes further. China, among many countries, essentially has its own internet. We checked out China however few understand that Israel is a total monitoring state as is Saudi Arabia.
Egypt just recently passed legislation to have its own private and extremely limited web where all personal communications will run through an analysis system, powered by CIA algorithms, that recognize "influencers" or "mischief-makers."
In countries where speech is firmly managed, Egypt is only one of numerous, so many, habits that question state sponsored religious beliefs or government policies is punishable by prison and even execution.
Migrating from these existing capabilities and existing monitoring policies to a social credit system that would expose a low scorer to prison or even required sterilization is a truth.
Did we forget Nazi Germany? With a lot of alternative media types busy glorifying Hitler, individuals who have actually never lived in Germany or who are too young to remember the Second World War and its after-effects, the "beauties" of the "whites just" and "no Jews or communists permitted" society has ended up being attractive.
Were one to talk with Germans who lived throughout that duration, the tracking of their every behavior, every social and economic activity, the books they read, even discussions with buddies, for many it represented the worst type of terrorism.
In a far too comparable and just a little juxtaposed situation, the existing regime in Israel has put in location a simplified social credit system with sledge hammer cruelty. From the UK Independent, July 19, 2018:
Late on Wednesday night, Israel's parliament passed the Israel as the Nation State of the Jewish People law, in a 62-55 vote hailed by prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu as a "defining moment".
No ordinary piece of legislation, the brand-new bill takes its location among Israel's quasi-constitutional set of Standard Laws. The new Basic Law specifies' the state of Israel'as'the nationwide house of the Jewish people', and adds'the right to work out national self-determination in the state of Israel is
distinct to the Jewish individuals'. Israel's institutional discrimination versus Palestinian citizens is well-documented, including by the United States State Department, and a host of independent rights professionals. This discrimination influence on lots of areas of life, including where residents can live, family life and more.'By specifying sovereignty and democratic self-rule as belonging entirely to the Jewish people-- anywhere they live worldwide", responded Hassan Jabareen, basic director of Haifa-based legal rights centre Adalah ,'Israel has made discrimination a constitutional value.'"Israel is, possibly, the most extreme expression to date, of a social credit system based upon a fictional racial subset. When Israeli geneticist Eran Elhaik published his questionable genome research study on the origins of Israel's Jewish population in 2013, developing the Eastern European and Turkish roots of Israel's" not so Semitic "Jewish population, the 2018 "Basic Law" ends up being pure madness. Devoid of any unbiased data, Israel has designated perhaps the world's most pervasive and dehumanizing social credit system possible, developed on phony history, junk science and false claims of racial origin, deeply paralleling the work of certain German officials in the 1930s, a few of whom were later on performed after judicial processes at Nuremberg. Criticism should not be separated to China or Israel. A similar system is coming online in America as well, as we return
to the cautions Snowden made when he informed the public to the mass of data gathered and the extent of keeping an eye on the public undergoes. Where the problem becomes threatening is when issues of radicalization and exceptionalism produce sub-categories based upon religion, race, ethnic culture or other categories specifically restricted by nations belonging to the United Nations. The United Nations verified the Universal Statement of Human Being Rights (UDHR)in its third session on December 10, 1948 as Resolution 217. There were 58 member nations at that time with 48 voting to confirm, 8 abstaining and two failing to vote. What is clear is that UN membership implies limitations on any state to utilize social networks information looked at with or without algorithms to establish a"social credit system," in any manner or type, which restricts human rights and freedoms as laid out in the UDHR. From Foreign Affairs,
April 1948, an article composed by Eleanor Roosevelt:"3 Articles in the Declaration seem to me to be of crucial significance. Post 15 supplies that everyone can a citizenship; that is, all persons are entitled to the defense of some federal government, and those who lack it shall be safeguarded by the United Nations. Article 16 says that specific flexibility of idea and conscience, to hold and alter beliefs, is an absolute and spiritual. Consisted of in this Short article is a declaration of the right to manifest these beliefs, in the kind of worship, observance, mentor and practice. Article 21 states that everybody, without discrimination, has the right to take a reliable part in the federal government of his country. This aims to provide guarantee that federal governments of states will bend and change according to the will of individuals as displayed in elections, which will be periodic, free, reasonable and by secret tally. A few of the other essential Articles are broad in scope. For example, Article 23 says that everyone has the right to work, and that the state has a responsibility to take steps within its power to ensure its homeowners a chance for helpful work. Post 24 says that everyone has a right to get pay commensurate with his capability and skill and might join trade unions to safeguard his interests.
Other Articles in the Declaration stated rights such as the right to the conservation of health, which would provide the state duty for health and security procedures; the right to social security, that makes it the duty of the state to offer steps for the security of the individual against the effects of unemployment, impairment, old age and other loss of livelihood beyond his control; the right to education, which must be totally free and mandatory, and the provision that college ought to be readily available to all without distinction regarding race, sex, language, religion, social standing, monetary means or political association; the right to rest and leisure-- that is, a restriction on hours of work and arrangements of getaways with pay; the right to take part in the cultural life of the community, enjoy its arts and share in the benefits of science. Another Article asserts that education will be directed to the complete physical, intellectual, moral and spiritual advancement of the human character and to combating hatred versus other countries or racial or spiritual groups. If the Declaration is accepted by the Assembly, it will indicate that all the nations accepting it hope that the day will come when these rights are thought about inherent rights belonging to every human, however it will not indicate that they have to change their laws instantly to make these rights possible."What is made clear is that nations actually don't deserve to slice off hands, jail clerics, murder members of the press or state spiritual or ethnic groups"non-persons"and subject them to exemption or persecution.
What the UN also does, however, is put in location treatments that limit the capability of member states to misuse what they view to be offenses by others as a reasoning for aggressive war. We are, obviously, pointing a finger here at America's long exposed Global War on Fear and its parallel set of"
color transformations," making the world safe for Exxon, Raytheon and the world's banking elites. What history has revealed us is that every effort to manage, with laws or treaties, the behavior of nations, has to differing extents failed.
The International Crook Court at The Hague just tries"low hanging fruit,"meaning George W. Bush and Dick Cheney are not likely ever to be transported"prior to the dock." The Geneva Convention is similarly neglected. Territories are unlawfully inhabited and annexed easily, prisoners executed, renditioned to "black sites, "secret jails where" boosted interrogation "takes location such as at Abu Ghraib. Our presumption needs to well be
that it might be best to cast a careful eye on efforts to instill public approval into any such efforts, be they Google or Facebook and their homegrown"phony news "filters, ensured to license as true only picked falsehoods and fabrications, or "social credit systems." Gordon Duff is a Marine battle veteran of the Vietnam War that has worked on veterans and POW issues for years and talked to governments challenged by security issues. He's a senior editor and chairman of the board of Veterans Today, particularly for the online publication" New Eastern Outlook."
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