#have they even done anything w weiss??
constantvariations · 1 year
I am postponing writing a very delicious scene so y’all better appreciate this ;P
Post Ep: these last 3 eps are going to be carrying so much weight but at least we might be working towards Ruby’s decaying arc
Okay, totally random thought while I was watching the OP (I always watch OPs unless they’re particularly awful. It’s a compulsion idk) but I think it’d be hella cool if the blacksmith was Alyx. Whether the real Alyx isn’t the one who made it out or she came back for whatever reason (not dying ever is appealing to some, I hear), it’d be a neat twist
I’m not into 3d animation, so I can’t say a whole lot, but are the textures supposed to be this... weird? Last episode I said Jaune’s house looked like a ps2 game and it just keeps going
“I’m late! I’m late!” Okay, that’s a decent Alice in Wonderland nod. Not overdone or wink wonked, which can be annoying to those who don’t know the joke (man, I should watch Shrek again. The first two movies are masterpieces)
Wait, was that a dammit? Jaune canonically swears now. Huh
“Right on time.” It’s obviously not a time loop so what does this mean? Did the time fruit do more than just send him back in time but gave him even more of a spotlight in Wonderland? He’s a rusted knight, he’s the white rabbit, he’s murbling like he’s the mad hatter; what next, is he gonna be Jesus?
“Hurry! People are counting on us.” Uhhh people counted on you to fight the jabberwock and y’all bailed like frightened horses. I wouldn’t count on you with my fingers, much less my life
Okay, so we’re being hit yet again with the “what are you” question, which wouldn’t be weird if it wasn’t just our protags being bombarded with it. Surely there are some critters who venture over into new areas? Or perhaps new life occurs every now and again? The repetition has been annoying for a while, but it’s venturing into just plain silly “-so that we may serve you.” What. Why. Kill me
While I do like the designs of the paper stars, I’m really not digging the vibes. Sorry stars, you will never be the plupples from the Hot Daga
“Paper pleasers” I hate that I actually like that pun
Why is the team reacting so negatively to the stars being named after them? That’s genuinely fucking sad. Yet another instance of the show zooming by actual trauma for a cheap gag
Dude has spent who know how many years without a genuine personal connection, has been spending that time exploring the area and gaining its people’s trust, AND has shared his home with these people, yet when they talk to him about anything Wonderland related, they act like he’s saying he’s going to make them into shoes or something while having the audacity to be disappointed that he doesn’t have a solid lead on getting out. These girls are deplorable
Why are RWBY so lackluster about doing literal life-saving tasks while Jaune follows a hunch? You’re Hunters, that’s your job. Quit acting like life in Wonderland is beneath you because you don’t understand it jfc
I don’t think I’ve ever seen so many different visual styles in a single show before. There’s the standard 3d, the color silhouettes (solid and textured), some microsoft paint scribbles, a few 2d stills, and now this children’s book style. Feels like an identity crisis
I understand Jaune’s perception of the tree, but I really don’t like how he overrides the autonomy of the villagers. If they’re literally willing to self-mutilate in order to leave, that’s probably a sign that you should let them go
Love how Weiss’s interest in Jaune disappears the moment he shows signs of mental illness. Gives me the warm and fuzzies *smash cut to me barfing in a dumpster*
“Because I can actually protect these people!” That is definitely a response to trauma that fits well with this narrative. Let’s see how MKEK fuck it up!
Jaune kills 2 jabbers in like 0.0003 seconds. Why in the everloving fuck did y’all have to run before?
I’m just realizing this is the first fight I’ve actually paid attention to. No idea why, but every fight previous my eyes have just glazed over. But I gotta say, I think the camera is way too close to the action. There’s definitely some interesting choreography going on but it’s hard to get a grasp on where everyone is at any point, and the bland environment isn’t helping. Go watch John Wick for some pointers
Unsure as to why Ruby is a) the only one apparently traumatized to the point of nearly 180-ing her character and b) why it’s specifically Crescent Rose/combat that triggers her. MKEK know how to throw bones but they can’t dish out any real substance
Someone please give that creature a cough drop or something because I cannot understand a word this fucker says
I thought Neo’s semblance was illusions? Pretty sure it’s called Imagination, which definitely implies it’s not a physical shifting ability. So, if the jabber-Neo had taken a bite of Ruby, would that mean Neo is chomping down? Would Ruby get stabbed with semblance glass? Or did the writers forget their own rules again?
This “don’t ask me because I’m a leader” bit is really strange coming right off the several minute conversation about finding leads to getting home where not one person even looked at Ruby. Like, this was a request for supporting a platitude not a demand for a plan
“Why do I have to be the one to always pick people up?” First of all, no one asked you to, so jot that down. Second of all, bitch you have never been the sole sally sunshine, nor were you the only one helping others with emotions. Yang picked up Blake in V2, Jaune reassured YOU back in V4, Weiss talked to Yang in V5, Qrow comforted YOU in V7 and his main source of kindness was Clover (rip good boy). You’ve had your moments but don’t act like you’re the only one pulling emotional weight
Also, this voice acting is making me laugh I cannot take this seriously whatsoever
Why in the hickory dickory fuck is Blake hiding behind Yang and YANG WHY ARE YOU ACTING LIKE YOUR SISTER IS A FUCKING THREAT
In this scenario, it does make sense why Jaune’s the one who snaps, but holy cannoli batman I cannot stop thinking about how much better Yang would’ve been in this position, especially after the group split in V8. Sure, that conflict was contrite to begin with and its resolution unmemorable (did it even resolve? I’m not subjecting myself to V8 again), but it’d be so much spicier if the family divide grew in absence
Skipping right past Ruby’s breakdown to focus on Jaune’s. Huzzah. At least his is more interesting and grounded than hers
Genuinely impressed with Luna’s voice here. Dude should go bananas more often
I am once again asking if the team knows about Penny or if Jaune’s been keeping that juicy bit to himself. The way the camera focused on his mouth made it seem like he was about to confess, but it was a tease. I got narrative blue balls over here man, get on with it
Wasn’t it usually Yang who tried for positivity in dark times? Or did that get left at Beacon too? Blake’s supposed to be the realist, which maybe that’s what she was trying to do here but considering her track record I doubt it
And R leaves WBY behind! Please let this mean we can FINALLY focus on her shit and not cut away from it? And they better bring the cat back or Else
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kitkatopinions · 7 months
The RWBY writers: *Writes five seasons of Blake being stubborn, feisty, active, and passionate, standing up for herself, calling out Weiss when she's anti-faunus, speaking her mind, doing what she wants and only changing her mind if she's been given a good argument, being willing to call out others, trying to take a more realistic approach, has broken away from a toxic and controlling person she's stood up to repeatedly since then, yells "he's mine" while attacking someone she thinks is actively hurting her people, has opened up about her feelings repeatedly, doesn't back down from a challenge, acts openly exasperated when her friends or acquaintances are being stupid, is mature enough to recognize that even when her friend is reminding her of Adam that it doesn't mean that she is Adam and calmly explains her initial hesitance and explains what reassurance she needs before deciding to believe her friend anyway, saw her horrible ex trying to kill people and jumped into a fight with him while proclaiming she wouldn't run away, and then when her friend got hurt gave him this look
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And only ran away when it was Yang's life on the line after tricking him and saving Yang despite having been suffering from a stab wound, etcetera, etcetera.
The RWBY writers: *Writes Weiss to say she'd been used to Blake being 'the quiet one' at the end of V5, implying that the writers want us to think that Blake's behavior in the early seasons had been muted and that now that she'd had a growth arc in V4 and V5 (badly done or not) that she would be more feisty, more outspoken, more self-assured, more passionate, and even more action driven than ever. Which would make sense considering that we saw her take Sun's words to heart concerning the personal growth she needed to do, and seemed to start moving in the direction of shedding her self-hate and blaming herself and start learning to accept love and care instead of pushing people away. And the writers also seemed to want us to believe that she was becoming more of a leader and V5 seemed to mark her finally fully moving on from what had happened with Adam.*
Also the RWBY writers: *Proceeds to write Blake to randomly turn into a meek wallflower who doesn't usually stand up for herself, needs frequent help in fights, gets insecure when she thinks people are unjustly mad at her, plays peacekeeper with her friends while trying to manage their angry moods with soft tones like a mother attempting to corral toddlers in the middle of temper tantrums, doesn't fight or argue when people make anti-faunus cracks at her or call her cat ignorantly or otherwise, flinches and grimaces when Yang gets angry, hides behind Yang when she feels threatened, doesn't really talk things through, is no longer active and is content to wait for her friends to tell her what they should do, the closest she's gotten to active has been in V9 where she was telling her friends about a story they all already knew, hasn't called out or even casually argued with her friends on anything iirc since V6, doesn't care to attend rallies against Jacques Schnee, is characterized like a sweet, caring, shy girl who needs reassurance when her romantic interest goes on a different mission than her, has no problem at all with Yang going red-eyed at the mere suggestion that they should ever take missions apart, acts like she thinks she's going to be hit all the time and wouldn't be able to do anything if she was hit.*
Some RWBY fans: "I am just so happy that Blake is healthy now and gets to be her true self now."
Like, Blake prior to the end of V5 was not "the quiet one" who was so so so super not confident and wasn't her true self. Her relationship with Yang didn't "fix" her and make her confident. The writers haven't actually shown her to be better and healthier and stronger and more sure of herself than before. If anything, they've given us the exact opposite.
How the hell am I meant to think Blake has gotten better when the writers specifically now write her to act this way ever since the beginning of V6? How am I meant to take their 'you used to be the quiet one' seriously when it isn't true? When the opposite is true and she becomes the quiet one in V6? It really just feels like they and a lot of their fans literally forgot who Blake was and replaced her with a whole new person and I'm sitting here like
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How is she now "Not the quiet one" and before she was "the quiet one" when she was five times more outspoken and acted more confident and passionate and feisty before? I do not get it, I do not understand how I'm supposed to think she's more healthy now. I do not know how I'm supposed to think that she's done all her growing and is now much better when she actively seems worse off than she did in V freaking 1.
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flipomatic · 1 year
Say It - Chapter 1: Shine
Summary: After Yang stopped laughing, her expression softened once again. It was a look that made Blake’s heart freeze in her chest, one that terrified her almost as much as it thrilled her. “I really am glad that you came tonight.” The grip of Yang’s fingers tightened minutely between Blake’s as she spoke, her tone quiet and low. Maybe a human would’ve had trouble hearing it above the music, but even with the bow Blake’s cat ears picked it up perfectly.
“Well, you did invite me.” Blake replied bluntly, ignoring the increased hammering of her heart in her chest. She considered telling her, sharing those thoughts she held so close. To tell Yang how much she appreciated the talk the other day, or how incredibly strong she thought she was. Or even to tell her about the forest and how grateful she was to have picked Yang as her partner.
Many times that Blake and Yang don’t say what they’re thinking, and one time when they do.
The sun was setting in the distance as the day drew towards a close, casting a steadily elongating shadow of Blake’s form across the ground. Soon it would vanish as the fragmented moon rose over the school and blessed the students with its soft rays of light. Though Blake’s hand was tucked securely into the crook of Sun’s arm as she walked, her mind had already wandered far from there. It drifted towards a sun of a different sort than either of the ones present.
Blake’s mind traveled to a memory from just a couple days before, when her partner had pulled her aside to talk. It hadn’t been a conversation that Blake went to willingly, but she didn’t regret it.
With a wink and a flirty line, Yang had invited Blake to the dance. That was normal behavior for Yang. If that was all she had done, then Blake would’ve ignored it. It would’ve been easy to roll her eyes and deflect that effort to lighten the mood.
But that wasn’t all she did, not by far. What wasn’t normal was the talk preceding it, the story Yang told about her mother and her childhood. The warm hug that Yang gave her in that classroom stuck with her, along with the emotions conveyed within it. Blake learned something about Yang that day, about her immense drive but also her restraint and caring heart.
The night before the dance, Blake went to sleep early.
Now, as the sun set above and she approached the front doors of the dance hall with Sun by her side, she felt more alive than she had in weeks. The doors opened in front of them, letting light and music pour out of the enclosed space.
The two walked forward into that light together, and Blake’s eyes locked on the person standing near the entrance. Any other person might’ve looked around at the decorations, like Sun was doing, or combed the crowd for people they knew. Blake didn’t that or anything else, just looked straight ahead.
She only watched Yang, who stood behind a podium and was examining something with her eyes narrowed in concentration. She tapped her finger against the slanted surface a couple times, lips shifting in a half frown. She wore a stylish white dress that showed off her shoulders and accented the vibrant purple of her eyes.
When the sound of the doors shutting echoed into the hall, Yang finally looked up. Her eyes locked onto Blake’s, and her frown shifted immediately into a bright smile.
“Welcome to the dance!” Yang practically glowed as she greeted them, gesturing with one hand towards the dancers behind her. Blake knew that Yang only actually glowed when she used her semblance, yet it was hard to believe that she wasn’t doing so now. “Glad you could both make it!” Blake allowed her lips to quirk up as she nodded in reply.
“Thanks!” Sun responded with the same high level of energy as Yang. “The place looks great!”
Yang’s eyes left Blake to move to him. “You can thank Weiss for that, she made the final touches juuuust before it started.” Her eyes twinkled with the extended word, as if there was a joke being left unsaid.
“I think I will.” Sun lifted his head and looked around the crowd, turning back to Blake after a moment of searching. “Want to come with?”
There was something she needed to do first, something important. “You go on ahead.” Blake gently removed her hand from his arm. “I’ll catch up with you.”
“See you on the dance floor.” Sun winked, gave a half wave, and then vanished into the crowd. Blake didn’t watch him go, instead turning her attention back to her partner. Yang, who was gleefully using a pen to check something off on her podium, looked back up at Blake.
For a few seconds, silence hung between them. Or rather, only the music emanating from the dance floor carried through the air past them. Blake inhaled to speak, but the words she looked for faded before they could leave her lips. She foolishly hadn’t expected this to be difficult. “How’s the dance been going so far?” She asked an easier question instead.
“Better, now that you’re here.” Yang’s smooth reply was accompanied by a toothy smile, one that stretched across her face. She looked at ease, unbothered by the tumult of the dance she had planned going on around her.
“Did you still want to, umm…” Blake could feel her cheeks warm as she tried again to put this question together, hoping she hadn’t misunderstood what Yang said before. A worse fear flashed through her mind, sending a cold chill down her spine. What if Yang had been lying to her? She had no reason to think that, no indication that Yang had ever been anything but honest, but it had happened with others.
For a moment Yang gave her an odd look, as if she didn’t understand, before her eyes lit up with recognition. “To dance?” She asked with a smirk.
Blake fought back an unwanted and unasked for wave of relief as she nodded her reply silently. When Yang extended one hand towards her over the podium, fingers outstretched and eager, she took it without any further hesitation.
The walk onto the dance floor was only a handful of steps, but with Yang guiding her by the hand Blake hardly paid attention to them. Yang’s grip on her fingers felt steady and secure, much like Yang was as a person. She weaved them effortlessly past the moving couples until they stopped in a relatively open space.
Yang turned back towards Blake, releasing her hand and stepping close so they were less than a foot apart. She gingerly placed her right hand around Blake’s back, while offering her left one up and to the side. Blake knew how she was supposed to respond. She lifted her left hand to Yang’s shoulder and brought her other one to meet Yang’s waiting hand. Their fingers intertwined in a way they hadn’t before, with those two points of contact spreading a comfortable warmth to Blake’s chest.
As the pair started to move, to step forward and backward in time with the music, Blake eased into the patterns of the dance. Her nerves and fears from before had been unfounded, now she could just enjoy the evening and their time together. That was what Yang had told her before, to slow down and relax. Blake was starting to realize that she truly meant it.
She kept her eyes on Yang as they danced, exploring her features and searching for something; she didn’t know what. She was always watching the people around her, waiting to see how they would react and what they would do. Even now, in this calm moment, Blake’s behavior didn’t change. Her partner looked serene as they moved in a way that was so different from her usual self. She hardly looked like the same woman who could take down a whole pack of Grimm by herself. Her lips were lifted up in a soft smile, eyes glimmering in the low light of the dance hall. Yang always wore her emotions clearly visible like this to anyone who took the time to look, even if Blake didn’t always understand what she saw. Her eyes swam with emotion, practically overflowed with it. They were purple now, as they usually were, but Blake had seen them red and angry.
The first time was when they became partners, all the way back at the start of the school year. Blake had decided to hang back and watch in the forest before committing to a partnership with anybody. After how her last partnership ended up, well, she was being cautious. When she saw Yang, she watched and waited first. After seeing her search for her sister and demolish a large Grimm in the process, Blake made up her mind and hadn’t looked back.
With every passing day she was gladder that she did. Somehow, she had found a partner who would be there for her, who would fight by her side. She found someone who would offer advice when she struggled, who would be a ray of light in the darkness. To have a partner she trusted to watch her back was a new feeling, one that filled Blake with comfort and warmth.
She hadn’t told Yang yet about the forest; there was never a good time. Maybe now as they danced, maybe she could muster herself to share a bit more with the woman who shined in her life like the sun.
Yang suddenly interrupted her thoughts by pulling her hand up to spin Blake around, much faster than the song they danced to called for. She laughed as they came back together, likely at the confused look on Blake’s face. Blake couldn’t help but smile back as the pair kept dancing.
After Yang stopped laughing, her expression softened once again. It was a look that made Blake’s heart freeze in her chest, one that terrified her almost as much as it thrilled her. “I really am glad that you came tonight.” The grip of Yang’s fingers tightened minutely between Blake’s as she spoke, her tone quiet and low. Maybe a human would’ve had trouble hearing it above the music, but even with the bow Blake’s cat ears picked it up perfectly.
“Well, you did invite me.” Blake replied bluntly, ignoring the increased hammering of her heart in her chest. She considered telling her, sharing those thoughts she held so close. To tell Yang how much she appreciated the talk the other day, or how incredibly strong she thought she was. Or even to tell her about the forest and how grateful she was to have picked Yang as her partner.
The song carried on around them, but the words didn’t come. The treacherous fearful part of her brain hissed to pull back, to flee, to not let these feelings grow. Blake shoved that feeling down but couldn’t stifle it entirely. “Thank you.” Was all she managed to say.
“For you, anytime.” From the look in her eyes, from everything Blake knew about her, Yang seemed to mean that.
A moment later when Yang pulled back for a spin, she also released Blake’s hand. This was the end of their single dance together. The two bowed once before Yang turned and walked away, quickly replaced by Sun.
Blake took up a very similar dancing position with him, resuming her movements to the music. It was different, dancing with him, but still fun.
Even as she danced the rest of the night with Sun, she wouldn’t forget that single dance with Yang. How could she forget her partner, the reason she came to this dance at all, and the person she was most grateful to have met.
Perhaps, Blake thought as she glanced over to where the rest of her team had gathered, she had finally met the right people. Perhaps someday she’d be able to tell them.
Despite that, or perhaps because of it, there were many times that Blake and Yang didn't say what they were thinking.
Next Chapter
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arc-misadventures · 2 years
What’s Going On With You?
Weiss: Hello, Jaune~!
Jaune: …
Jaune: Hello, Weiss…? Need something?
Weiss: I just wanted to have a… Word, with you~!
Jaune: Okay…? W-What did you want to talk about?
Weiss: Us.
Jaune: Us?
Weiss: Yes, us~!
Jaune: Okay, what about us?
Weiss: Oh, don’t be coy with me handsome~!
Jaune: Handsome?!
Weiss: It’s been an age since, Beacon, and based how you have been acting… You. Still. Have. Feelings. For. Me~!
Jaune: Eh…?
Weiss: You saved me~! Unlocked your semblance to save me~! And, I have been such a bad girl… And, I haven’t done anything to thank you… Not even a card… I’m sorry, Jaune… I’m so sorry…
Jaune: It’s okay… It’s okay, Weiss.
Weiss: It’s not okay! I have done a dishonour to the, Schnee name! As such, I have to thank you for the actions you have done for me, and I have the figured out the perfect way to thank you~!
Jaune: Y-You don’t need to thank me, Weiss. I’m responsible for you getting hurt. Me saving you, and you being alive… is thanks enough.
Weiss: But, must! And, I know you’re going to love it~!
Jaune: W-Weiss?! Why are you getting on me?!
Weiss: To thank you~! You know… being enveloped in your aura feels invigorating~! So warm, and filling, I loved it~!
Jaune: Okay, nice to know. Now please get off of me.
Weiss: But, how else am I supposed to thank you? How else am I supposed to make you feel the same way I did~?
Jaune: Wowowowowow?! W-W-Weiss s-s-stop that?!
Weiss: Naww… But, don’t you want to fill me up with you warm, succulent aura, only this time in a different, all though in a far more pleasurable way~?
Jaune: W-Weiss?! Are you drunk, or something?!
Weiss: How dare you! You’ve seen what drinking has done to my mother, you think I would willingly drink alcohol?!
Jaune: No, but not knowingly is still a possibility… What have you done before… this?!
Weiss: I was talking with the girls… then, Yang brought out some wonderful chocolates~! I have one right here actually, How would you like me to give it to you~?
Jaune: Let me see that! Eh?! Weiss, this is a chocolate liqueur?!
Weiss: So?
Jaune: Weiss, liqueur is another word of liquor?! You are drunk!
Weiss: So~? We can still have some fun, no~?
Jaune: No! G-Get off of me, Weiss, you’re drunk!
Weiss: Oh don’t worry, we can still have some fun…
Jaune: No! Nonononono! Weiss, I won’t do that your drunk! Now get off of me before…! Before…? Uhh… Weiss, Weiss?
Weiss: (Softly snoring on, Jaune’s chest.)
Jaune: …
Jaune: Oh thank gods… That was too, too close…
Jaune: Haaaa… Alright, Weiss, time for bed.
Weiss: (Mumbling in her sleep.)
Jaune: Yes, Yes, Yes… We’ll shave, Yang’s head later.
Yang: (Gasp!) You wouldn’t dare?!
Jaune: I knew you were spying on us! I knew it?! And, yes I would! Considering you think I would take advantage of a drunk woman, or that you tricked her into doing this! Your dead, you hear me, you’re dead!
Yang: Good luck lover boy! You wouldn’t dare!
Jaune: Maybe, but as soon as, Weiss wakes up, she’ll do it to you! And, do you honestly think she won’t do it…?
Yang: …
Yang: Oh…
Yang: Oh shit…
Jaune: Yeah… shit…
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alexadru · 2 years
White Knight Month - She's tsun, he's dere. Together, they are adorable
It had started on a simple day at Beacon, during which students went on about their days. Teams RWBY and JNPR were in their final year and were nearly done with their studies and were ready to graduate and become full fledged Huntsmen and Huntresses.
After the end of a particularly long field assignment, Jaune arrived with his team back at the Academy and walked towards the statue in front of the Academy with purpose. Someone was waiting for him there.
It was at the insistence of Ruby and his team that he was even entertaining this action. They had all told him that things would go smoothly and a part of him hoped they would, indeed. It's why he messaged her to wait for him there.
It took less than 10 minutes to arrive at his destination, but it felt much longer. His apprehension was growing stronge and it hit the highest pointvwhen he saw her there. Clad in her school uniform, her white hair shone as it was neatly made in her now signature braided ponytail. Light blue eyes perked when she noticed him, before a cute pout made its way on her face.
Jaune let out a nervous chuckle and walked until he was next to her.
W: "You said you had something important to tell me. Well, what is it?"
Straight to the point, as usual. But it was for the best, Jaune figured. He was the one who had called her here, after all. So, he would respond in kind and not mess around.
J: "Weiss, I have strong feelings for you. I've had for a while. Would you like to hang out together sometime?"
A small silence settled between them. It gave Jaune the chance to analyse the girl and he could see how her cheeks colored in a pretty pink. He swallowed a lump in his throat and Weiss soon broke the silence.
W: “Fine, I’ll go out with you on Saturday. But don’t read too deeply into this!” She crossed her arms and turned her face away with a 'hmph', blush still present.
J: "You got it, Snow Angel." Jaune grinned as she glared at him.
This was the beginning for them, a beginning that would shape into a relationship throughout the years. The two would share many moments together and if anyone asked their friends, they all would unanimously agree that they were adorable.
On the anniversary of her birthday Jaune baked her a cake for her. Never before had he seen his girlfriend make a face like she had when he had shown her his surprise.
W: “I’ll eat it because it would be bad to leave food go bad. Not because you made it for me.” She responded with her arms crossed.
Jaune laughed and gave her a birthday hug before the two set to enjoy the cake together.
Months later, when the two made love, it was always the same routine.
W: “Just because we do this doesn’t mean I like you or anything!” She complained as she was in bed with him, a light bed sheet being the only thing covering their modesty.
J: "You're too cute." Jaune hugged her from behind, burying his head into her soft hair. He could not see the atomic blush on her face.
Years later, Jaune found himself on one knee in front of the girl he loved. A small box in his hand showing a beautiful ring inside. In front of him was a shocked Weiss, her mouth hanging open as her brain rebooted.
It took a few moments for her to snap out. Her eyes teared up and her mouth twitched into a smile, but she stopped herself. Instead, she looked away and crossed her arms in her signature pose.
W: "Very well, I will accept this. But only because you wouldn't know what to do without me. Don't misunderstand!"
J: "I'd never dream to." Jaune grinned and got in his feet, giving her a deep and long kiss (which she returned).
And now, many years in the future, Jaune and Weiss found themselves in a public park, a few feet away from the children's playground. Their discussion was going on as many would expect.
W: "You think I have feelings for you? Absurd. Whatever gave you that idea?"
J: “Weiss.”
W: “Yes?”
J: “We have two kids together.” Jaune pointed at their two snow haired daughters playing on the swings. Their laughter was enough to fill their parents with joy.
Weiss couldn't help but smile lovingly at the sight. She answered Jaune, nonetheless.
W: “And?” Her arms crossed at her chest.
A silence settled between them, but soon enough, Weiss found herself engulfed into her husband's large arms. She began to feel very warm.
J: “I love you so much.”
She blushes and hid her face against his chest, hands grabbing onto his shirt.
W: “Y-you dunce. Don’t say such things out loud.”
Jaune chuckled at her response. Unbeknownst to him, Weiss also released a quiet giggle and smiled sweetly into his chest.
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bridgyrose · 2 years
Cinder ends up getting “adopted” by a different family: The Schnees.
Cinder knew her adoption was only for show, and the way her “father” made her dress only proved it. Dyed hair, blue contacts, the dresses, all of it was a show for anyone who watched the Schnees. And Jacques adopting an unruly child took a lot of heat off him and the way he ran his company. Cinder sighed and pulled a contact out of her eye and tried to relax as she walked down the hall to her room. Steam rose from the contact until it dried and crumbled in her fingers. 
“You know, father wont be happy to find out that you’re using your semblance.” 
“And he’ll be even more unhappy when he finds out you’re training me.” Cinder rolled her eyes and looked at her sister. “You know, this place isnt going to be the same when you’re gone.” 
“And I cant stay here,” Cinder said as she used a few glyphs to glide across the hallway floor with Cinder. “Father is ruining my family’s legacy and I cant stay here. General Ironwood is already making the preparations for me to join him at Atlas-” 
“And I can go with you.” Cinder rushed in front of Winter and smiled a bit. “I can be a huntress with you.” 
“You know you cant.” Winter sighed and looked away from her adopted sister. “Weiss needs you, and Whitley will too. And besides, father would never allow it. He disowned me when I applied and you… you uh…” 
“Yeah, I know, I’m just his pet project.” Cinder leaned against the wall and pressed a hand to it. Smoke started to rise from the wall as her hand heated up. “I’m not really his daughter, and he makes sure that I’m aware of that.” 
“That doesnt mean you’ll always have to deal with him.” Winter gave Cinder a small smile. “In just a couple years, you’ll be able to leave too. And… you can still apply to Atlas academy on your own then too.” 
“Right, just a couple more years…” Cinder sighed and slid down the wall until she was sitting down and pulled her knees to her chest. “I dont want to wait anymore. Weiss isnt exactly fond of me, mother has started to grow distant lately, and father… he makes sure that I’m aware that I”m not really wanted. And even if I leave, then what? I have nothing.” 
Winter nodded and sat down next to Cinder. “You’ll have me. I know I’ll still be training, but I’ll do everything I can to help you get on your feet.” 
“I know… I just… do you really think everything will work out?” 
“I do.” 
Cinder rubbed the blood away from her eye and winced as a little sweat dropped into the wound. Her arms shook as she took a step back from the burning building in front of her. Each breath she took didnt seem to calm her, adrenaline rushed through her mind and tensed her muscles. “I…I cant believe I did that.” 
“What… did you do?” 
Cinder’s breath hitched as she heard her older sister’s voice. She slowly turned around, her voice shook with each word. “W-Winter… what are you doing here?” 
“I was going to ask you the same thing.” Winter walked over Cinder and sheathed her blade. “When I read the arson reports, I was hoping that you wouldnt be involved.” 
Cinder sighed and pulled her hood down, a scar ran across her eye. “You know what Father has done. I had to do something.” 
“Burning his stores wont solve anything!” 
“I know, but….” Cinder sighed and took a deep breath as sirens started to fill the air. “...you have to arrest me now, dont you?” 
“I’m supposed to.” Winter turned around and walked away. “However, I never saw you here. Now, you need to leave.” 
“But Winter-” 
Winter pulled out her scroll and took a breath as she opened up a channel with her team. “I’m requesting backup at the SDC Dust Supply store. The suspect is armed and dangerous.” 
Winter turned her scroll off and closed her eyes. “Go. I’m giving you a head start. No one knows who did this, so you can leave. Find somewhere to go, keep to yourself.” 
Cinder frowned and her hands heated up. Steam filled the air around her as the rain pounded against her. “You’re going to side with him?! After everything he’s done to Weiss?” 
“Of course I hate what he’s done to her! But this isnt going to fix it! Now go!” 
Cinder glared at her sister and rushed off as the sirens started to grow louder. She pulled her hood over her and covered her face with a black, cloth mask and hid into the shadows as Atlas soldiers started to pour around the building. “I’ll come back for you Weiss. And then I’ll make sure Father and Atlas burn for what they’ve done.” 
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dragynkeep · 2 years
Much as I like Dad!Klein in fanon, it’s kinda weird to me when ppl hold him up as the “dad” of any of the schneeblings bc he’s such an afterthought of a character.
He basically existed as a placeholder for weiss to have a non hostile person to talk to while she was at the manor so she could just Say Shit Out Loud at times and then a plot device to help her leave. He is then kicked out of the story w no hesitation until they need to pull him out of their ass to deal with their poor writing decisions & fix Penny- which he SOMEHOW knows how to do.
Ironwood is the other character used a lot for a replacement dad for the schneeblings but at least he’s a character who actually matters (despite poor handling but yk we’ve been over that), Klein existed as a throwaway plot device and nothing more. Like, I like the guy, he seems sweet, but he’s not doing anything to actually help or add to the story.
oh yeah i definitely agree with this. it really felt like klein filled in the hole that was left when irondaddy showed up like twice in v4 so the dad role that people wanted to give him in the early volumes was just kind of defacto given to klein because he was, much like you said, the only person nice to weiss during her time in the manor.
there’s really nothing there to say that he as a paternal instinct to her rather than just a very caring butler & what’s always rubbed me up the wrong way is that he is very much weiss centric. winter is mentioned like once & whitley, the schneebling that’s spent the most time with him, is basically an afterthought who is given none of the kindness or empathy that klein gives weiss. he even giggles with her when making fun of this child & it’s just. gee, i wonder why he’s like this lmao.
klein is definitely one of the poorest choices for a “dad” type character because like you said, he’s not a character. he’s a trope & an ableist caricature of a severe trauma disorder at most, which sucks. having someone be the “seven dwarves” would’ve been really fun if done well, as well with him being the safe space of the schneeblings away from their abusive parents.
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onewomancitadel · 2 years
i got your ask and i loved it! maybe the seasonal knightfall symbolism was the stuff we made up along the way.
i also wanted to say its so funny (terrible) to me how the idea that sometimes a character doesnt need romance (which i think is fine on its own! i think w/eiss is more empowered by rebuilding her existing family and having friends than she would be with a romantic interest for example) has been twisted so fucking awfully into "any female character i dont want to be happy/i think is getting in the way of my ship/is evil/etc doesnt need romance because she's powerful enough as it is :) im not misogynistic i just want women to be empowered!" im gonna start doing this with male characters actually. cmon guys s/un is cool amd strong enough as it is he doesn't need a love interest :)!! if the writers give him one its just ridiculous 🙄🙄
i just hate seeing people use good points to be fucking annoying to people who like things. i want cinder and salem and every bad evil naughty no good villain woman to get a romance now. and the men can too i guess 🙄🙄 (JOKING they need kisses too. looking at you merc)
if this is rambly im sorry its 2 am again (whoops)
(Now you can see where the previous post I made came from because I was on that seasons shit).
You make excellent points. I think the case with Weiss, though, is that it is actually a textual interpretation of her character, and her parallel with Qrow (her team S/TRQ analogue) is that their character arcs are largely connected to repairing familial relations (and their respective team partner Ruby-Summer). Weiss also gets a different play on Ozlem in her own story (as you pointed out she's almost an even split of their respective roles) which I think is partly being done to show how part of the weakness, say, both Ozlem have is that they don't have supportive, broader connections; Knightfall is the connective tissue, yes, but I do think Cinder being accepted back into the community (... dare I say with the elixir of life) is part of the key to her redemption holistically. But it's ultimately a cop out, otherwise, when this argument is employed, because as you can see it's not about Cinder's character or Cinder's desires.
The problem also here is that Cinder has no friends or family. The overtures of 'friendship' has failured her. How can an orphan have the same character arc as Weiss? It's just nonsensical. Romance for her has been set up as the answer. It has not been dismissed, not at all. Calculatedly so there is a gap in her narrative waiting to be filled.
im gonna start doing this with male characters actually. cmon guys s/un is cool amd strong enough as it is he doesn't need a love interest :)!! if the writers give him one its just ridiculous 🙄🙄
Lol ikr like come on. Make way boys. Then again I've literally seen people say this about Jaune, but Jaune's a special case because he's a victim of being the wrong sort of male character since he has a unique superpower and is my favourite and I am being persecuted in particular.
Jaune if you want narrative armour to protect you from fans being stupid you need to take your shirt off like Sun. (This is the future feminists want).
i just hate seeing people use good points to be fucking annoying to people who like things.
I mean, it's not even really a feminist talking point though, that's the problem, or if it is it's severely misunderstanding the literature. The problem itself is not romantic love, it's a female character being unable to grow beyond that or have her own character. Where I think a real issue is, is so often what we call 'romance' is little more than narrative boon. Narrative boon is itself not the problem: but she acts as a doll-prize, with no crafted character arc, with no justification, with no anything. The romance is not servicing the narrative.
So it's a genre problem.
If anything the argument here I defer to is one of technical weakness, as opposed to simple gender criticism, because I think if you can't write female characters you cannot write holistic characters (and this goes for everyone else). What I think is a serious issue that is overshadowed by discussing fiction as opposed to our actual lives is, you know, what is the role of romance in our own lives? How do we build our lives around it? How do we celebrate reciprocal love? One might say that the objectified portrayal of women in these types of objectified romances comes from the idea that women's needs, desires, and wants are ultimately accessory. The desire is not for reciprocal romance. This is exactly why anons who are bad-faith arguing with me cannot conceive of Knightfall because they don't know what romance actually is. (Take note of the sense of owedness in some of the bad faith anons; this sense that love is transactional, that love is something you are owed, not a gift that is shared, that it is something that is kept as punishment).
Or, were I not arguing from the angle of critical cultural reflection, I might just say they don't... know how to write interrelated character growth that so happens to involve romance. But they do that fine enough in buddy cop shows and film - which is probably the most structurally analogous to romance - so there's something deeper going on here.
In Weiss' case there is a deliberate theme of her Summon - her own familial Semblance - being the one to 'free' her, along with her friends. Given the fact that we have so many other romances that seem inevitable, tying her emotional development - GIVING her that emotional development, not abnegating her - to her family is actually really successful. It means that Weiss can have love central in her life, different types of love, and it gives you narrative space to explore why romantic love is meaningful. It's possible to do with an ensemble cast.
In Cinder's case, romantic love is what's needed. It's got to be one person in particular who can help her. Not just anyone. It's got to be epic and no holds-barred. If anyone could help her, why didn't it happen sooner?
i want cinder and salem and every bad evil naughty no good villain woman to get a romance now. and the men can too i guess 🙄🙄 (JOKING they need kisses too. looking at you merc)
🥺 Jaune can have little a kiss as a treat? And Mercury. Oh, we've not even started on the discourse of Emerald's love for him helping him redeem himself. Well guess what: his love for her already helped free her. 🥰 Now she's going to realise it 🥰 and that gift will be returned twicefold, tenfold, a thousandfold 🥰 since there is no numerical way of quantifying it, as it's magical and special 🥰 and then 🥰 I wonder what OTHER ENEMIES-TO-LOVERS ROMANCE THIS COULD SET UP. I WONDER WHAT OTHER ENEMIES-TO-LOVERS ROMANCE THIS COULD
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crimsonxe · 2 years
To @greatwyrm​gold I’m well aware of reblogs, however I’m also aware that it means putting your shit on my feed thus promoting you essentially; that’s why I go the reply route. I’m not here to promote you, especially as I disagree with your shit overall.
Also on the “mouthy”, go fuck yourself asshole from 2 fronts: a) cause that exact phrase has been used towards any person that is deemed as speaking towards something outside of their assigned space usually based on some form of prejudice or bigotry (i.e. a feminist being a “mouthy” woman); and b) last I checked having the ability to, choosing to explain oneself thoroughly, and being outspoken are good traits showing the person doing them knowing wtf they’re talking about. As well as being willing to dive into defending what their saying.
Since you decided to throw away that option via my not being able reply directly:
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It doesn’t matter, in fact my statement was in regards to Weiss indeed overcoming her racism. It doesn’t change that she starts off a particular way and the implications of shoving her with someone that would’ve been a victim of that thing (not by her but others elsewhere). Especially highlighted by having the canon romantic interest being one that has done the exact opposite in showing supportive views of the faunus.
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You seem to not be capable of grasping things narratively. Weiss as far as the faunus are likely to see things will always be the face of the SDC, her and Blake don’t change that; which is where the narrative angle fails in regards to BB. Yang has no ties to an abusive, racist corporation that oppressed the faunus for however many years; her and Blake narratively can step into the unity aspect w/o issues.
Adam was always going to be a factor in Blake’s story, which means that whoever is part of it will need to be able to go against him. That’s not going to happen w/ Weiss, as opposed to the way the canon went with Yang. On top of that having him put against the symbol of the SDC in Weiss wouldn’t be a great look anyway. You really need to look back at what you presented, namely that Mono is a better/more interesting pair to run with.
Once again Adam is a part of Blake’s story, so it wouldn’t be “for some reason”; there’s a very solid reason that I’d expect anyone with even a basic concept of the show and characters to get. Nothing Weiss has is on par with what is shown against someone like Adam, in fact I’d even say that she’s the exact WORST one to put against him. Anything she threw at him, would be returned back at her and she doesn’t have the maneuverability to dodge it or the martial skill to avoid amping him.
What we can agree on if this properly demonstrates your view is that “power levels are bullshit”, as I prefer the styling of treating characters as just that characters. Not “oh this one is 9000 power vs. that 200 power, so that 9000 has to win”, even if there’s a glass shard that the 200 can sneakily grab to shove into the 9000′s neck ending the fight in a victory for said 200. If that’s the case then on that I agree.
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Considering not only do relationship dynamics play into the narrative, as well as the framing being “Mono is more interesting” or whatever the exact wording was = Elements that also crossover into shipping.
- Catra nor Zuko were BIGOTED/RACIST towards Adora or Katara. I’d say taking the option of putting a reforming racist and a victim of systemic racism together is the moronic and offensive option vs. Having said victim get w/ someone that has been supportive of quality and her people; while having the reforming racist as a friend is the the far better and non-offensive route.,
- While I’ll fully say that the Cardin/Velvet case is worse than Mono, the dynamic/core idea carries over. Weiss may not be a full-on racist and more ignorant; but that doesn’t change what she’s said and the views she holds. Especially when there in-canon is an opposite example shown via Yang and Blake. The most debatable thing Yang ever did towards Blake’s race was the laser pointer, which is more of a “for the audience” gag; regardless there was no ignorant comment attached to it that went near racist. She’s instead shown being supportive and defensive of the faunus.
- Um no, that whole thing about Mono dynamic may work in a fables or romance novels, but in reality its not going to shift hearts away from Weiss regardless of her lack of direct involvement being a symbol of the oppressing and racist corporation that has pushed them down for years. As well as I’d say potentially having become the face of racism for the faunus; considering how the WF heavily targets the SDC.
- As already mentioned, whoever gets with Blake is going to have to deal with Adam. Not really by themselves but at least be able to hold their own part, which Weiss can’t. He’s an abusive ex that has shown time and time again that he only let Blake go before, because he leaned on the notion that she’d return since she’s too weak not to. As most abusers do lean on that logic and sadly have it turn out correct either because of the abused giving in or trying to seek help but finding little to no help for them; thus giving up trying to stay away.
“rage vomiting” aka daring to post pushback that clearly someone with thin-skin can’t take as exactly that. Someone who knows their shit pushing back against something they completely disagree with.
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The idea that I don’t like Weiss is absolutely ridiculous. Though its likely in the same vein as people that say anyone that acknowledges Sun as anything other than a divine god good boy, clearly hates him too. Like no, there’s a difference between acknowledging negative things in regards to characters and why relationships tied to them don’t work better than others; and bashing the characters. Or in the case of IQ would’ve been better if they hadn’t latched onto the Weiss focus and given more time towards Blake’s nightmare or had Ruby’s even be a thing.
You look at IQ and think it was done “optimally”, then yeah you’re lacking upstairs. It feels incredibly stretched out in the middle, before swinging back to high gear in the end. As for if Weiss has enough going on to fill a full season in her head? Maybe, but IQ didn’t dive into that and instead ran with a particular vein to the point of it being thin as a sheet of paper. Which why Alter-Blake was so good, since it finally added a new angle and story element to explore. The Nicholas scene was great for the same reason, it wasn’t just more of Alter-Weiss kicking the ass of R_BY and ejecting them from the nightmare.
As for Pyrrha, the cynic in me wants to think “anime company making badass into waifu” as that’s, that medium’s MO; but I’ll give some credit to potentially some kind of projection on Weiss’s end to it. Since its not beyond reason to see Pyrrha as similar to herself in terms of society.
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rachetmath · 2 years
Can we please get a sequel to the post about Jaune bring pissed off about wanting a partner? It is gold.
Alright. Bet. I don't do this often but- Very well. Part 2. After Jaune recruits Neo into the party.
Ruby: Jaune you traitor!
Jaune: Oh! I’m a traitor?!
Blake: How could you let Neo join our team? You didn’t even let us have say!
Jaune: So?!
Weiss: You let her beat Ruby up!
Jaune: And I forgave her.
Yang: I can’t believe your trusting her.
Jaune: Oh like you trusted Robyn right?
Balke: Hang on that was different. Robyn was-
Jaune: A criminal. Who stole from the Atlas military. Who also was interfering with our plans long before Salem’s forces came into the picture.
Nora: Well Neo’s was Roman’s old assistant.
Jaune: Emerald was Cinder’s old assistant. What are you trying to tell me?!
Ren: She’s untrustworthy Jaune.
Yang: She tried to murder us back on the island.
Jaune: Okay since we are on trust and bringing up old and new shit let’s start this debate. How long has Emerald been with Cinder?
Ruby: For a while I guess.
Jaune: And Cinder put Amber in a deadly position where Pyrrha had to become a maiden in her place. Cinder didn’t have maiden powers before right? How did Amber end up in that condition? Hm. Anyone?
RWBYRN: *silent*
Jaune: Speaking of Pyrrha, didn’t Emerald help traumatize her by making her destroy Penny the FIRST time?!
Ruby: … Um…
Jaune: Didn’t she try to kill you back Heaven?!
Ruby: Well…
Jaune: Oh and here’s a good question. What happened at Amity?! Cause I recall it working, then suddenly it’s not and after seeing Penny when she was a robot-
Ruby: Android!
Jaune: I know- she was in horrible condition. Almost as if she got jumped. Care to explained that Emerald?
Emerald: Hey Neo was apart of that too.
Jaune: Didn’t even deny it.
Oscar: Regardless Emerald saved my life. Of course we can trust her unlike that time with James and the fact Neo tried to kill us.
Jaune: Are you se- Oscar, I’m sorry that James shot you but really, the moment we got to Atlas we all choice to keep secrets.
Ruby: I had my reasons.
Jaune: But what were they?
Ruby: We saw Mantle Jaune, it’s obvious why I didn’t trust him.
Jaune: Hold up, so you didn’t trust James because he was tight on security in Mantle?! Even though he told us why! Remember in his office? The plans? The whole point of Amity Arena?! Not to mention the people of Mantle were acting like entitled pricks. The people started a riot.
Nora: For understandable reasons Jaune.
Jaune: Okay, but then they destroyed their own security and their city before the Grimm even arrived to reap their souls. What does that tell you?
Nora: Um…
Jaune: And again, what has Robyn been doing? What has she done to help us?
Blake: Jaune she was just didn’t know what was going on.
Jaune: Neither did anyone else. So once more, what has she done for us? And I mean before we become criminals. Or before the disaster happened.
Yang: …. …. Mm…. I-i can’t say anything on that… b-but since you’re so key on that then why didn’t you trust James? Why didn’t you tell him the truth?
Jaune: … … *sigh* Yang how did you get your arm?
Yang: … ….
Jaune: When you got set up by Mercury and Emerald, where you could have been arrest, who bailed you out?
Yang: We’re were punished though.
Jaune: Yeah, it’s like winning a tournament is important than not going to jail for attempted murder. Ruby, who bailed you out when you were found in the security room back at Beacon?
Ruby: And he praised me for that too.
Jaune: Weiss, didn’t he offer you a place in his school? Heck didn’t he stop you from getting into trouble at your father’s party? And even agreed with your statement.
Weiss: Indeed. Wait-wait-wait, hold on, w-what does this have to do with-?
Jaune: Ren. Nora. Can either recall anything specific James has ever done for us? And I don’t just mean as a team but also on an individual level.
Ren: He gave us our licenses.
Jaune: After everything, we went through, we deserved our licenses. Plus, for how crazy things were he needed all the help he could get.
Nora: He’s not wrong Ren.
Jaune: Anything else? Cause I recall it took me going to Mistral to learn about Pyrrha, the machine, maiden powers, and relics when I could’ve been told all that back at Vale. But no, neither he nor Gylanda told me shit. Even though Pyrrha was my damn partner!
Nora: … Man, h-he has a point. I-it speaks for itself.
Jaune: Basically Oscar, James shot you because you decided to tell him everything when the city was already on fire! Plus, didn’t Hazel beat you to a bloody pulp before he helped you? Why is he forgiven? In fact, what did Emerald do get you to trust her?
Oscar: …. *smacks his lips*Yeah… yeah th-th-that I-I got to admit was BS.
Jaune: See the hypocrisy here? This is why I gave up being a leader because I got no respect.
Ren: I mean you make a lot of dumb choices.
Jaune: Really? Have you done any better? Because it wasn’t for my choice to steal an Atlas airship, we wouldn’t have gotten to Atlas at all. Hell, we would’ve had to trade Weiss in. If it wasn't for my plan to go inside the whale, we one; couldn’t go get Oscar and two; escape. Hell if wasn’t for me killing Penny, wouldn’t a thousands of people be dead including all of of you and Weiss’s sister?
Winter: …. …. …. I can’t deny that.
Weiss: Winter!
Winter: I mean I’m alive.
Nora: But Jaune we do respect you. We love you remember.
Jaune: Girl, that means nothing coming from you. And that's why I said you and Ren are the most unreliable teammates. You two barely help me when I need you. Hell, I’ve been doing more work than ya’ll combined.
Nora: Not true we-
Jaune: So when we were at Heaven why it is none of you helped me with Cinder? Hm. I was fighting a maiden by myself while you were tag-teaming Hazel. Where both you got your butts handed to you. Mostly Ren.
Nora and Ren: … ….
Jaune: Then you waited until Oscar went missing to start talking to me about what happened. Like we couldn’t have talked about that when we were on the train? But then when we got to Atlas- oh my god you two got even worse! Especially you Nora.
Nora: Um...
Jaune: I was being nice to you but you chose to get mad at me cause Ren didn’t have time for you. Then when Neo showed up, you two proceeded to get mopped. Me and Oscar were doing more work than that!
Oscar: That’s a fact. H-he speaks the truth.
Jaune: Next, you and Ren started arguing along with Yang and Ruby to where I had to break it up like last time. You left our team and when we got back after almost dying, no “Hi.”, “Hello” or at least some form of “I’m glad your here.”.
Nora: … … …
Jaune: And Ren I don’t know what the hell was wrong with you but you were tripping!
Ren: Um.
Jaune: Like I was trying to help you. I was trying to understand what was wrong but everytime---Everytime I try you be acting like Sasuke with a stick up your ass. Like I wasn’t into lying to James but we still did it. You still chose to keep the secret.
Ren: Hinse why I was upset.
Jaune: Then why didn’t you tell him? Hell, what were you doing to make things better? Cause I hate to break it to you brother but without me, your semblance is as useful as your upgraded weapon and skill set. Which is not high.
Ren and Nora: *sad*
Jaune: I’m just saying, where was the love? Cause I sure as hell didn’t feel it. In fact, ya’ll used me as a test dummy for the portals. Even though Emerald was there.
NRO: … … ….
Jaune: And this is why I wanted Ilia on our team. Hell, I regret killing Penny! Cause at least I can finally have someone to have my back. Something I can’t say for you three!
Ruby: Okay but still Neo is a trickster. What if she stabs you in the back?
Jaune: I’ll take my chances.
Yang: Why?!
Jaune: As the saying goes, “The enemy of my enemy is my friend.” Meaning Neo hates Cinder just as I do. So I can at least trust the fact that she wants her dead.
Neo: *nods in agreement*
Jaune: Emerald worked for Cinder especially so… how do you know she won’t sell you out if it means she keeps Cinder’s praise?
Ruby: That… is actually a good point. No matter. You will regret this Jaune.
Neo and Jaune start not talking to each other for now. After a few months of working together, Neo suddenly starts opening up to Jaune. Jaune even starts to make her laugh a few times. They then started spending time together as friends. Neo then proceeds to start talking to everybody though they had a hard time considering she’s a mute. Neo then continues showing everyone kindness however other than Jaune no one else believed it.
Jaune started appreciating more and more. This caused her to start valuing him to the point it started to feel weird. She decided to tell Nora about but as Nora started understanding what she was feeling she was shocked, happy, and yet angry that Jaune was right.
Nora: (Damn it.) Well… Neo, what your feeling maybe has to do with… … love.
Neo: *turns red*
Nora: (Ruby is most definitely not going to want to hear this. Her pride wouldn’t be able to take it.)
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amelia-yap · 2 years
Greetings and Salutations! A question, if you don't mind. Do you have any fun headcanons for RWBY?
- Ruby likes collecting random things (pebbles, branches, feathers etc), and she loves giving them away to her friends when it reminds her of them.
- Weiss has no filter in the early morning before having her coffee fix and Yang likes poking at her to say something stupid.
- Blake is surprisingly proficient in arts and craft, she makes her own bookmarks and likes folding origami when she’s bored.
- Yang has definitely tried the ‘slap the chicken to cook it’ experiment at some point. the chicken exploded.
- Ruby/Blake prefer rainy days, whereas Weiss/Yang prefer sunny days. 
Ruby likes staying inside tinkering, and the rain noises makes her feel relaxed/ or, when she goes outside, she likes the feel of using her semblance to zoom past the rain and jumping into puddles; Blake likes the ambience and having an excuse to not go outside  ;  Weiss doesn’t really mind the rain, the gloomy skies just reminds her of atlas; Yang likes the sun because it doesn’t attack her hair.
more nonsense under the cut!
- Ruby has a ‘book day’ with WBY once every fortnight where she hangs out with one of them to read something of their choice in their dorm while the remaining team hang out somewhere else or stay in their dorm doing their own thing/listening in.
W: they sit on Weiss’ bed, shoulder-to-shoulder, and take turns in being charge of holding and flipping the book. Ruby likes sharing her comics (graphic novels, Weiss!!), and Weiss doesn’t really read much for recreation, so she doesn’t really know what to choose. (she awkwardly pulls out a textbook during her first time to pick the book of her choice, claiming they had a test in a week to cover up the unfamiliarity of the situation) They go to bookstores to find something Weiss might like, but there isn’t really anything that catches her eye. Weiss admits to have taken a liking to the comics (graphic novels!!!!) as time goes on. most of the time they just read in silence, or study when school things are happening. (Ruby doesn’t like it but goes along with it anyway) sometimes they even completely ditch the entire reading aspect of it and just talk about everything and nothing.
B: with Blake, they either chill on the floor or sit on the opposing side of Blake’s bed respectively so they can talk easier. Blake reads much faster than Ruby, so they usually read by themselves in advance then discuss about the contents. however they do sometimes read together when they find something new and both like. the genres they pick are expansive so they’re always excited for their next session. Ruby is very expressive whenever they read, (eg. she whoops in excitement when sth good happens/ gasps when there’s a twist/ frowns when she’s a bit lost of what’s going on) and Blake loves watching her reactions, not minding that she isn’t able to go on with her usual pace.
Y: it’s chaotic. they love to read out loud and play out the scenes. Weiss and Blake stays behind in case of the need of damage control, they get roped into their shenanigans sometimes, or when they’re done with them they just head somewhere else for some peace. Ruby and Yang chose to go through fairy tales they read when they were young, but most of the time Yang lets Ruby pick what she wants to read. Sometimes Ruby asks Yang to read it like when they were children, and Yang always complies.
- Weiss only knows how to make RBY’s favorite foods (after A LOT of trial and error), otherwise she just burns down the kitchen or finds a way to poison the food. RBY now have immune systems that can alone take on god.
add: Weiss likes spending her time in the kitchen despite her affinity to set it on fire, because it’s something she doesn’t get to do back home. She always grows hesitant after multiple failures (an understatement) but RBY is constantly there to encourage and help her. once she finally gets the hang of a recipe, she unapologetically spams making it and RBY are just happy for her until the next horror she presents them with. (but really they are happy that Weiss is happy and gets to try new things) (..even if they have to eat the same thing for the next 3 months)  
- (set in v2) RWY knows tea helps Blake to unwind, so Ruby immediately drags Weiss out to pick up some while Yang stays behind to make sure Blake doesn’t overwork herself. belatedly, RW realized they didn’t know which kind Blake likes and doesn’t want to accidentally let her know about the surprise by calling or texting Yang, so they got every brand and type they could find. cues Yang and Blake returning to their dorm only to see a tea fort in-progress + Ruby and Weiss squabbling how it should be built. Blake smiles at the absurdity of the entire situation and all of them join in to build the fort.
alt: RWY each gets Blake a type they think she might enjoy since Blake has never stated her preference or has ever shown any particular dislikes. Ruby gets lemongrass tea (she originally got lemon tea but she saw lemongrass and thought it sounded cooler and more blake-like), Weiss gets peppermint tea and Yang gets chrysanthemum tea (she just loves the flowers). Blake now always gets these three when she goes out to restock. 
- RWB take turns looking after Yang because she’s their big idiot with the tendency of rushing to provide others help and forgetting to take care of herself.
alt: being the most approachable member from team RWBY, people flock to Yang when they need something from them. consequently, RWB take turns intimidating people who are constantly asking favors from Yang without a good reason. and to nobody’s surprise, Ruby is about as intimidating as a marshmallow so she leaves the job up to Weiss and Blake. she hangs out with Yang instead to not raise any suspicion. a few days in, Yang is confused but appreciates the sudden amount of extra time she has.
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Rich Arc AU: After delivering the Lawsuit but before the case goes to court, the world reacting to all this. Special attention to Jaunes friends (some of them will be miffed that he didn’t pay for stuff) and White Fang and Beacon and Atlas (specifically Ironwood and Wonter).
In Mistral with Pyrrha, Nora, and Ren:
"WHHHHAT!? Jaune- Jaune's suing Weissy's family?!"
Ren uncovered his ears, now feeling a bit safer from Nora's shout. "Well... I believe it'd be more accurate to say that Jaune's family is doing the su-"
Ren got the full blast from that shout and leaned away from the louder girl, trying to get some distance for his already ringing ears before any more damage was done.
Pyrrha caught her male teammate before he fell all the way backwards. "I-It would appear so Nora. But I wonder why..."
"Well why wouldn't he tell us this stuff!?! Ever since he left us over break with Weissy, he barely talks to us!"
"Maybe he just doesn't feel comfortable talking about his family's wealth? And it is a break to be with Weiss and his family, I can understand if he's busy or preoccupied."
"But still! He can talk about anything with us! We're a team!"
Pyrrha sighed. Nora really had missed talking to Jaune daily like she used to, but it'd only been three days since they last talked. It wasn't that long really. "I'm sure he'll explain himself when we speak with him again. In the meantime though, my mother was wondering if you two would like to go out to eat tonight."
At the mention of dinner, Nora's eyes lit up brightly. "Oooh! Yes please!"
Ren raised a hand with a thumbs up in agreement with his childhood friend.
On Patch with Ruby and Yang:
The two sisters stared at the TV in their living room in absolute silence. Or at least until Yang finally spoke up a full two minutes after the breaking new report ended. "Ummmm Rubes?"
"Yeah Yang..."
"Did you know that... ummm..."
"That my first friend at Beacon was super, ultra, mega rich?"
"Yeah... that."
"No. I didn't."
"Okay... Cause if you hadn't shared that with your big sis, your single, big si-"
Belladonna household in Menagerie:
Blake stared at the TV with total interest, which was somewhat out of place with the introverted cat faunus. Her book was closed and forgotten on the tea table in front of her. She hadn't even marked the page before she slammed it shut so she could watch the news.
"Oh well I'll be. I never would have expected this to come about. Well, I had been wondering how Nicholas and Juniper had been doing. I suppose they're still doing well though if they're doing something like this."
Blake's mind came to a halt and her eyes snapped over to look at her Dad. 'Wait... what?'
Blake's mom rolled her eyes and took a sip from her tea. Kali set the cup down on the table and looked over straight at Ghira. "Well if we hadn't lost their contact information, we'd have been able to check in with them sometime during the last 15 years."
The mountain of a man groaned under her gaze and rubbed his forehead with his fingers. "How many times mu-"
Blake interrupted her parents right there. "Wait... you both know members of Jaune's family? The Arc's?"
Kali looked over to her daughter. "Why yes, or at least we did. Their family were some of the biggest supporters of the original White Fang. And very old friends of ours before that."
White Fang Hideout:
Sienna stared at the newspaper in her hands, feeling conflicted as a range of emotions ran through her head. Joy at seeing the Schnee's being taken on by a giant even bigger than them, curious at what made the Arc's act out like this after so long of being silent, and a mix of both shame and regret for what she had accused them of all those years ago and losing their support.
"Leader Khan?"
The tiger faunus looked up from the paper and down the stairs in front of her throne. The same messenger that had brought the newspaper in was standing there, nervously petting his own tail. "What is it?"
"W-will you be needing anything else from m-me ma'am?"
Sienna glanced down at the paper's headline once again. "Actually... yes. Send out word to all our members to stop all raids and missions unless they are utterly necessary. I believe we should get some old supporters back."
Headmaster's office in Beacon:
Ozpin sipped his coffee, not the least fazed by the reveal. After all, he had been around when most of the Arc's started their first businesses.
"It's safe to say that things will surely become a lot more interesting for Mr. Arc."
General Ironwood's office in Atlas:
"Specialist Schnee..."
Winter saluted her superior. "Yes, General Ironwood?"
Ironwood lowered his scroll, the latest news headline still on the screen. "...I suppose you had some knowledge of this prior to the news reporting it? Is that why you seemed a bit off a few weeks ago? And seemingly aren't very surprised by this?"
Ironwood sighed. The tone in her voice was a dead give away. "No matter, I suppose. I guess no matter what I do, the people of Remnant will always have something up their sleeves to catch me off guard. But tell me this Winter..."
Winter looked at Ironwood with total attention. "Yes sir?"
"... Is Jacques going to be an even bigger headache in the near future?"
"... I believe so sir."
Ironwood pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed. Of course he would be.
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razorblade180 · 3 years
Actor AU 3
The previous one<-
Penny:*dancing on set*
Nora:Someone seems happy.
Penny:🎶First episode I don’t have to wear props! 🎶 This is so liberating!
Nora:You read the script right?
Penny:Just let me vibe!
Neo:*hanging off ledge*
Cinder:.....Long live queen. *pushes her off*
Ruby:Yo! Let’s add a lion king character!
Ironwood:*leans it closely* You have one hour...or I poison Gotham Harbor.
Yang:Pay up Weiss! I told you he’d say it!
Weiss:Damn it!
Ruby:*laughing hysterically.
Adam:*sips tea* Now you’re probably wondering why I’m on set for V8 when I have not scene or relevance. The answer is simple.
Neo:*hits Yang of the edge*
*faint laughing offset*
Blake.....*snickers* You asshole, I was in the zone!
Adam:I’m just adding to the tension!
Yang:*hanging from harness* You should’ve yelled “Lionized!!!!!”
Adam:Oh that would’ve been great!
Blake:You two are the worst!
Right after Cinder stabs Penny
Jaune:Penny!!!! H-Hold on!
Penny:J-Jaune? I don’t...I don’t feel so g-good... hehe, this...*tearing up* this really hurts...
Jaune:*crying* Don’t speak! My semblance, I’ll...I
Penny:No...don’t. No time, but....there’s still something I need you t-to do. Cinder...can’t get the power and the relics. *reaches for blade*
Jaune:W-What?! No, I....I can’t-
Penny:It’s okay Jaune. *smiles* Everything is...gonna be okay.
Jaune:*raising bl-
Penny:Hmm? *sits up* Oh no, did I miss a line?
Director:*points to Cinder*
They turn to see Weiss comforting the the woman with a hug while trying not to laugh at the situation.
Penny:What happened!?
Weiss:She’s crying over the scene!
Penny:What!? *runs over*
Cinder:I am so sorry I ruined take! You were doing so well. Too well! Ugh, god damnit!
Penny:Awww you know I’m fine right? Come here! *hugs her*
Weiss:Cinder fall everyone, the biggest teddy bear around. *wipping eyes*
Jaune:You’re crying too!?
Weiss:I am the second biggest teddy bear around.
Jaune:We have to go!!!
Winter:*points at Cinder*....Sleep with one eye open.
Director:Cut! Why!?
Winter:I couldn’t help myself.
Director:Be angry!
Winter:*glares* The next time I see you I swear, I’ll have your head!
Director:Less angry!
Cinder:That one actually kinda scared me. Haha geez, Winter giving chills!
Winter:Can I curse?
Director:We’re already at the limit before we’d have change ratings.
Winter:Dang it! I just one F bomb!
Director:We’ll put it the gag reel.
Jaune:We need to go!
Winter: Tsk, *points sword* You are going to pay for everything you’ve done! So watch you fucking back...
Winter:*grinning* Yeah that felt great!
Bomb starts sliding slowly.
Qrow:*clenches Clover’s pin*
Bomb falls off plan set
Vine and Elm:.....
Harriet:Well...boom! I guess!? For the love of- *face palms*
Qrow:....Uhhh I haha, I think hahaha- hahaha! Can we maybe tilt the plan a little less!? Oh boy! I guess someone should’ve grabbed that.
Harriet:You know what, can we keep this ending!?
Robyn: Rename the whole episode haha. “Adults watch bomb slowly fall”
Vine:Okay but I like how we’re all just waiting for it to stop, and then just tips right over! The moment it started moving I knew it was going way too fast!
Elm:Mission failed everyone. We’ll get em next time.
Interviewer:How do you think fans will react to this finale?
Penny:Well I can’t spoil anything for obvious reasons but I hope it resonates well. It’s fun having my character be around for a finale for once, and with so many other roles she doesn’t get interact with much. It’s been really fun.
Interviewer:Oh yeah? Who’s been best to work with?
Penny:Oooo that’s tough. My cousin, Nora, she’s been fun to interact with this volume. But uhhh I think I’ll give it to Jaune. We don’t have many scenes overall together but...it’s hard explain. I feel like between my character and his, there’s this kinda mutal headspace they have for their friends. If I had to pick a person I would say Jaune would have the ability to open up Penny in a way nobody else could.
Interviewing:Interesting, well I hope you both get more interactions and that this finale debuts well.
Penny:Thank you!
Winter:*dragging Ironwood off*
Emerald:....Wait, I know I do illusions, but how did the Ironwood not hear or feel the wind coming from an airship several feet away? I kicked up dirt and alerted Amber in volume 3.
Director:....Do we have time to rewri- no? Okay... just don’t think about it!
Nora:Someone cut the signal!
Watts: *playing Galaga* Hehehe all according to plan.
Neo:Change the tab! It’s- we see it in camera! Haha!
Watts:*strokes mustache* I know. That’s how genius I am. Cracking codes and high-scores! Muhahaha!
Ruby:Fun fact, we have two Hound costumes. One where he’s mainly doglike and the other when he’s beating up people. But I you wonder who’s playing him under all that? *takes mask off*
Ruby:Forever a bully, even behind the set.
Cardin:Pfft am not.
Penny:You had a laugh tossing me!
Cardin:You don’t count, you’re family!
Yang:*holding camera* Pssst!
Ren:*sipping coffee*???
Yang:Ready for our fight in the snow?
Ren:I can’t feel my toes! I’m gonna yell at you and then walk away.
Yang:I’ll mess up so we’ll stay here longer.
Ren:Yang! We can have a real fight in the snow right now!
Yang:Heheh, kidding. Mostly.
Ruby:Blake have you heard of Among Us?
Ruby:Among Us. You gotta do tasks without an imposter killing you. I only bring it up because we’re rebooting the power. Someone always dies in electrical.
Blake:Ruby this is real life. Besides this way more Resident Evil, but with no- Tyrant!
Hound:*busts through window*
Ruby:Wny is it always electrical!!!?
Ironwood:*doing shirtless pull-ups*
Ozpin:He’s getting ready for his fight scenes. Trying to look winded but a little bulkier in the moment.
Winter:*watching Ironwood*
Ozpin:*snickering* Winter is trying to get into the mindset of having to a play a character who has to go against all that. The agony of fighting someone you looked at for so long.
Winter:You can call it like it is. I’m gawking a little.
Ozpin:She’s gawking a little.
Hazel:*grabs Salem*
Salem:*squeezing his biceps* Its like my entire torso. You eat a bear for breakfast?
Hazel:Oh my god.
Salem:You know this isn’t the worst way to go out. I had a good run. At least you hold me, unlike Ozma! Why didn’t you hold me like this!?
Hazel:You’re so ridiculous.
Set crew adjusting lighting in manor. All but one stays on.
Oscar and Penny:*waltzing underneath it*
Nora:...I like how on or off camera I personally lose the dating game while another redhead wins.
Ozpin:Which pair you talking about?
Yang and Adam:*cracking jokes*
Nora:This is nonsense! Where’s Jaune!?
Weiss:Food run with Ruby.
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arc-misadventures · 2 years
You can do better part 4: Pyrrha’s reaction to her fan base saying this
Lets go Reylo on her! No… that’d be disturbing… although…
You can do Better Than Him IV
Pyrrha: What?! They’ve done what?!! Those fucking bastards?!
Yang: Uhh… W-What’s going on…
Nora: There’s no need to be scared guys, it’s just Pyrrha.
Weiss: But, she looks like she’s going to kill someone!
Nora: Well, yes, but not you!
Ruby: What’s with, Pyrrha anyway?
Ren: She’s just upset with a newq internet trend on that bird thing.
Blake: #NikosFaceSwap? What does that mean?
Ren: Look at the posts in the tag.
Blake: Alright… lets see, aren’t these just couple photos of her, and Jaune?
Nora: Are they?
Yang: No wait… Who the hell is that?!
Weiss: Who is that guy?!
Ruby: Guy?! I’ve got some girl on mine?!
Yang: Oh gods… these are her ‘fans,’ aren’t they…?
Nora: Yep; Pyrrha’s ‘adoring’ fans are taking the photos of her, and Jaune and replacing a photo of his face with one of theirs!
Weiss: This is psychotic!
Blake: Mentally disturbing!
Yang: Creepy as hell!
Ruby: Really mean!
Ruby: I’m trying okay?!
Ren: Anyway, ever since, Pyrrha found this out, she’s been… rather volatile.
Weiss: What about, Jaune, how is he handling all of this?
Nora: Same, mopping about in our room.
Blake: But, is he okay?
Ren: …
Nora: Relatively speaking…
Weiss: Oh… Okay then.
Ruby: Is there anything we can do to help?
Ren: Best to stay our of her way. Hopefully, she’ll settle down without any incidents.
Nora: Five Lien says she loses it in the next five minutes!
Yang: Ten, and your on!
Nora: Deal!
Weiss: Must you?
Yang: Just embracing the inevitable, Weiss-cream.
Blake: Are you sure? Pyrrha may be mad, but she’s always had good control over her emotions.
Ruby: Not since when it cones to people belittling her relationship with, Jaune. Then she can become rather…?!!
Pyrrha: CARDIN?!!
Nora: Yay! I win!
Yang: Ahh… Nerts…
Pyrrha: You dare swapped, Jaune’s handsome face with your, pigshit rotting gangrene corpse of a face?!!
Weiss: This isn’t going to be good…
Blake: You don’t say…?
Cardin: It’s just a photo, don’t freak out about it!
Pyrrha: Just a photo?! Just! A! Photo?! Tell that to your ‘kids,’ you fucking bastard som of a bitch!!!
Cardin: W-What are you-IeeeeeeEEEEEEE!!?!!!
Ren: …
Ruby: (Throws up)
Weiss: Oh gods?!!
Blake: Ow, that was so high?! My ears are ringing?!!
Yang: I don’t even have a pair, and even I felt that?!
Nora: Again! Again! Again!!!
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professorspork · 3 years
Remembering your masterclass of a mini-fic made me think of Ruby finding the tip of Crocea Mors after, operating on the blissful misunderstanding that Cinder stole her friend's soul in two and broke it in two killing Penny and. God her whole friendship with Jaune was built on oversharing about weapons and making his feel like more than just a hand-me-down, and now that memory is, in bloody pieces.
(Well if you’re going to bandy about compliments like masterclass I’m gonna just lose my mind completely and continue it, even if that means only barely addressing the thing you actually brought up. Sorry about that. And it’s possible that neither of us knows what “blissful” means.)--
It takes the better part of an hour to coax Ruby away from Penny’s body.
(Or at least, Blake thinks it does. It’s a little hard know for sure, because time is weird here. Like when you get lost in a good book and suddenly look up and realize you’re sitting in the dark because the sun went down without you noticing, only somehow in reverse-- the shock coming not from the passage of time, but from the nagging sense that it refuses to. There’s a stillness here that makes her teeth ache; makes the hair on her upper arms prickle like she’s being watched.)
She doesn’t know what to say. There’s nothing she can say, nothing that can make it better, and she knows that, but. She’s never felt quite so unequal to a task in her life. She’s not Ruby, with her usually-boundless optimism and hope; she’s not Weiss, all aggressive support and unexpected insight; she’s not--
She’s not---
(She’s not thinking about Yang, she’s not, because if she lets herself the thought will consume her, and it won’t leave room for anything else. She can’t fall apart. Ruby needs her, and Yang would want her to take care of Ruby. So that’s what Blake’s going to do.)
But everything she can think of to say feels hollow and cruel. What can they do? Bury her, in this place time’s forsaken? Promise to come back for her, as though escape is possible? The last time Ruby was this miserable, at Schnee Manor with Yang-- 
--(don’t think about Yang)--
-- well. Blake hadn’t meant to eavesdrop, but her ears are sensitive. And thinking back on it now, it’s nothing anyone said that snapped Ruby out of her spiral. It was breaking glass and Jaune’s boots on the stairs; it was the thought that--  
That Penny needed her.
“Ruby, we have to keep going,” she says softly. Rubbing at the nape of Ruby’s neck the way her mom used to, when Blake was young and couldn’t sleep after a nightmare. 
As though there’s any waking up from this.
“I can’t.”
“I know it’s hard, but we have to, we--”
“I can’t. I-- I c-can’t find any more bodies, Blake. I can’t.”
(Blake knows what it feels like, to be impaled. This is worse.)
“We w--” (She swallows back her won’t. She doesn’t want to lie.) “I’m alive. You’re alive. If anyone else fell after us, they might be-- I mean at the very least, Yang’s probably--”
“I know,” Ruby interrupts-- not testy, exactly, just simple and clear. “No offense, but if I thought Yang were dead, I wouldn’t-- I mean, I couldn’t--”
Blake can relate to that feeling, too. She squeezes Ruby’s shoulder, hoping it comes across as reassuring instead of like the needy grasp for her own reassurance it really is. “Then let’s go find her.”
“But I...” Ruby looks mournfully back down at Penny’s body; at the way her own is now covered in Penny’s blood, from clinging to her so tight.
The question’s out of Blake’s mouth before she can really consider what it is she’s offering:
“Do you want me to carry her? Take her with us?”
(She would do it, if Ruby asked her to. Gladly. She’s done it before; she’s stronger than she looks.)
The question seems to take Ruby aback; knocks a little bit of life back into her vacant gaze. “No, I-- no. Thank you. We should... let her rest. She never got to--” Tears gather again at the corners of her eyes, but she holds them off, this time. “-- I always told her she never understood the glory of naps. I bet she was looking forward to that.”
It’s a horrifying thought, really, but it’s the best they have. So they pick themselves up, and off they go-- Ruby casting forlorn glances over her shoulder every few steps, but always, always moving forward.
They travel along the tree line, so they’ve got eyes on the beach and the forest at once. Occasionally they call names-- arbitrary, hopeless, unsure of who might be down here with them-- but mostly they sniffle, and keep to themselves.
It’s Ruby who spots the glint of metal first. “Crocea Mors!” she gasps, running, which-- seriously? Blake can see the sword, but taken out of context like this she has no idea how Ruby could tell what she was looking at from so far off. Only maybe it’s not so surprising; the only person with better recall for weapons than Ruby that Blake’s ever met is Velvet. Then: “Oh, no--”
It’s Crocea Mors, alright. 
Half of it. Covered in blood.
“Do you think--?”
They both saw the stab wound in Penny’s stomach; both saw the lack of burns accompanying it. If Cinder did this, if she broke Jaune’s sword in two and used it to cut Penny down, then Jaune-- Jaune’s probably--
(But no, she can’t think like that. She’s only carrying half a weapon herself right now, and she’s still standing. It doesn’t have to mean anything.)
(Only now she’s dwelling on it, thinking about the thin line of gold that knit Gambol Shroud back together once before. Thinking about the gold on his shield. And it’s unbearable.)
“It was the last he had of--”
“It was his great-great-grandfather’s,” Ruby says, pointedly enough that Blake realizes if she’d managed to say Pyrrha’s name aloud, the girl before her would have shattered like the sword in her hand. “We’ve lost-- so many people, and all we can do is get used to it, carve them up and carry the pieces like it’s normal, and--”
A voice cuts through the quiet, interrupting them:
“Weiss? Ruby? Anyone?!”
Jaune’s alive Weiss fell that’s Jaune that was Jaune--
They take off running into the woods.
They find Jaune in a clearing, Crescent Rose mounted safely on his back, bracing his mouth between cupped hands as he hollers. “Blake? Yang? Hello?”
When he gets a good look at Ruby when they emerge from the trees-- at the crimson painting her front, at the severed steel held in her hands-- he goes silent.
Then he falls to his knees, and sobs:
“She asked me to, she asked me to, I’m so sorry-- but Winter’s-- it worked, it’s what she wanted, please, I’m so sorry, she told me--”
The words don’t make any sense... 
... until suddenly they do.
Blake thought that surely, after everything, she knew all of the ways that devastation could paint Ruby Rose’s features. The pain and sorrow and grief and rage and impotent, helpless shock.
She was wrong.
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bridgyrose · 2 years
Weiss and Blake are masked villains. The two of them used to be a couple, but now can only agree on one thing... both of them want the hero Ruby Rose for themselves.
Weiss smirked as she sat in a tree and watched Ruby fight a few grimm in the forest. It wasnt exactly her favorite pastime seeing that Ruby always managed to stop her, though this time, it was fun to watch the huntress fight the grimm brought to the village. Her hand went to the computerized mask she wore and pressed a button on the side to send out a signal only grimm could hear to bring more closer. All she had to do was wait for the huntress to get overwhelmed and then she could swoop in and-
The mask flew off her face as an arrow pulled it away from the ex-heiress and slammed it into a tree. The signal stopped and the grimm that had been fighting the huntress turned to run away to preserve their own lives. 
Weiss slumped into the tree and let out a heavy sigh. “You know those arent cheap, right?” 
Blake moved into sight and pulled up the grimm mask she wore. “What are you doing out here? You know this is White Fang territory.” 
“Experimenting. Besides, I’m leaving your kind alone. I dont want anything to do with you anymore.” 
“And coming this close to one of our settlements is how you stay away from me? If I didnt know any better, I’d think you wanted me back.” 
“After what you did? Not a chance,” Weiss scoffed as she pried the arrow out of her mask and looked it over in her hand. The small mask was nothing more than a plain, white mask that used a screen to give her any look she wanted. “Though, I cant be the only reason you’re here.” 
Blake rolled her eyes and pointed her sword towards Ruby. “Her.” 
Weiss frowned. “She’s mine-” 
“Just… hear me out.” Blake sat down and pulled out her scroll. “I propose a truce between us seeing as we both have an interest in the Crimson Reaper.” 
“And what do I get out of it?” Weiss asked as she looked over the faunus’ scroll. “And more importantly, why do you want her?” 
“I could ask the same of you.” 
Weiss nodded and watched as Ruby left the village to head to her next mission. “I’m tired of playing cat and mouse with her. But… I’m not ready to give up on making everything miserable for my father. So, I want to make her mine.” 
“Make her yours?” 
“And you? What’s your interest in her?” 
Blake paused for a moment, then lowered her mask to hide the blush that spread across her cheeks. “I want to offer her something that’s a bit more… beneficial to the White Fang. Though, I get the feeling that she’s not going to want anything to do with either of us.” 
“Unless… she doesnt know who we are.” 
“What are you getting at?” 
Weiss pushed a hand through her short hair to pull it back and tie it up once more. “She’s never actually caught either of us, and every time she’s actually stopped us, we’ve managed to slip away. Maybe its time for her to meet the real us.” 
“And then what? There’s no guarantee that we’ll be able to get her to do anything for us, much less accept our feelings for her.” 
“I… what? N-no, its not about…” Weiss turned away to hide the blush on her own cheeks and took a couple breaths. “Leave that to me. I can make sure to open her eyes about those that employ her. As long as you dont try to backstab me again, I’ll go along with your truce.” 
Blake sighed and nodded. “Alright, but I do ask you to leave Cinder out of this.” 
“Dont worry, I’ll leave her out of the loop. Besides, even her employer is starting to scare me.” 
Blake stood up and held one end of the ribbon of her weapon as she tossed the blade out to another branch. “Oh, and Weiss, if you do get in my way, I will make sure its the last thing you do.” 
Weiss nodded and relaxed once Blake left. Her eyes went back to her mask as she undid the small signal generator that had a “W” etched into it. “Once I’m done with her, me getting in your way will be the last of your worries.”
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