#he asks for trust three times
As an addendum to this post, the triple repetition of the phrase "trust me" by both Fintan Pyren and the spark Marella has planted in her heart could imply, using prose structure, that not only are Fintan and flame one and the same, but that Fintan and the spark in Marella's heart are one and the same
and as sparks can catch and lead to infernos, the next question is what inferno is Fintan sparking in Marella's heart?
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frogaroundandfindout · 3 months
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Dick: Look. I know why you’re here. You don’t want Bludhaven’s problems spreading into your precious Gotham. And you don’t trust me to contain this. But the Haven is my personal crusade. Just like Gotham is yours. And I’ve been doing all right so far.
Bruce: I never means to intrude. I’m surprised to hear you talk about Gotham that way.
Dick: it’s not my hometown. I was born in a trailer by the big top. I never really had a hometown. Until now.
Bruce: I didn’t know you felt like that. But I understand. Well. That’s it then.
Dick: Damn.
Nightwing Vol.2. #14
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necrotic-nephilim · 3 days
I started in DC by reading fanfics, but as I began to read actual comics, I started to be unable to read the actual fanfic that got me into it in the first place because it's so out of character.
But there are still some stories that I love to read because I love the found family trope so much, even if it isn't really accurate to the source material.
As a comics purist (sometimes), are there tropes that you like enough that you'll still enjoy a fic even if it's not accurate to canon?
oh my god this is SUCH a fun question. bc while i started with the comics, there were certain characters and/or character dynamics where i was exposed to the fanon before the canon (just bc it's hard to read everything when you start out just to read some fanfic) and so i've definitely experienced the fanon to canon transition. (*especially* with Jason Todd. i had only read 80s/90s stuff where he was already dead or the New-52 bc that was on-going when i got into comics and man. the fanon misunderstandings i had about him before i got frustrated and sat down to read all his pre-Flashpoint stuff were absolutely bonkers.) and aside from that, whilst i tend to prefer canon over fanon, i'm not past giving fanon its flowers for occasionally having really interesting insights. occasionally. so some of my fanon "guilty pleasure" tropes would probably be
Morally Grey Tim Drake - this is one where if you try to back it up with canon, i *will* get salty about it. of everyone in the Batfam aside from maybe Bruce and Cass, Tim has the *most* black and white morals. often his internal conflicts are routed in such an inability to compromise his moral views and it can cause him to clash with other characters. he's *very* stiff and rigid in his beliefs and is *rare* to compromise in even the smallest ways. i mean, DC has repeatedly used Tim Drake of Tomorrow/Savior/Gun Batman!Tim for a reason. it's to demonstrate that of everyone, Tim *cannot* have his morals compromised. there's no grey area for him. he's zero or a hundred, so if he tips over the edge of "too far" he tips *all the way*, and doing so is one of his worst fears, how he could go "too far" if he let himself. a couple panels out of context from Red Robin (2009) (which was a grief spiral for Tim to begin with) don't change that. now that said. if it's done *right*, i sort of love Tim being morally grey in fanfic. it takes a specific flavor for me, and it's incredibly important to include that mental spiral along with it, of him struggling to justify it. i don't have any interest in "Tim Drake is loosy goosy with Bruce's morals and has the highest kill count and no one knows teehee" bc it doesn't play with the interesting parts of making Tim morally grey, which are fracturing his psyche. but all in all, i think it's fun to put Tim in a morally grey area and i will read it in fanfic and i enjoy writing it a lot
Joker Junior!Tim Drake - i've not written it on this account (yet) but on my main ao3 account one of my biggest fics surrounds this concept. this is one of those "well *technically* it's canon but only in a specific very divorced from the comics universe and would not work at all in the main timeline" so, i categorize it as fanon in that 95% of fics exploring the concept are not doing so within the Batman Beyond universe, but the main timeline. i just love it. I'll take any excuse to whump Tim, but this concept is so fun. psychologically breaking Tim will always be my favorite pastime. there are so many ways to explore the long-term effects this could have on him, how it could affect the Batfam. i'm not a fan of it being used as a "gotcha" to Jason or Babs' trauma with the Joker to paint Tim as the Ultimate Victim, but it is fun to see how their relationships would be affected by being mutual victims of him. (i have a vague JayTim idea where TIm fully retires from being Robin after being Joker Junior and killing the Joker, making Steph Robin for most of his typical Robin era and Jason still tracks him down out of curiosity bc he wants to know what happened and all. very underbaked but i've got thoughts.)
Renegade/Apprentice of Slade!Dick Grayson - this is another one where yes, this happened *sort of* in canon, but i highly doubt most people writing Renegate!Dick have read or are actually pulling from Nightwing: Renegade. it's just an exploration fo the concept fo Dick being Slade's apprentice and i will always eat it up in any capacity. whether Dick grows up with Slade from a young age, or chooses Slade for whatever reason later in life. it's not anything that works in canon bc it compromises Dick morally (similar to the above with Tim) and therefore will always come across incredibly fanon in most fics. but i can't say i don't enjoy it. it's fun to make Dick a little morally fucked up and see what you can make him under Slade's tutelage.
Jason & Damian Meeting in the League -there's no world where i believe this could work in the canon comics. (maybe in the Young Justice cartoon i suppose, but even then i think it's iffy) i would go as far to say it's wildly unrealistic. i don't see a world where Ra's would let Jason anywhere *near* Damian, bc Jason was Talia's pet project that he didn't approve of. that all said, there's something very interesting about how they *could've* met and them potentially bonding during that timeframe. them being somewhat brotherly during this time because Jason sees Bruce in Damian and sort of latches onto the kid and Damian is full of wonder hearing real stories about Batman and Robin, then that getting violently ripped away by Jason leaving the League is fun to me. it's fun how that could affect them within the Batfam and all. it's super fanon to me, but i do not care. i will eat it up
Bad Dad Clark Kent/Good Dad Lex Luthor - i will admit as a late, i've been less and less kind to this particular fanon bc of everything i've argued with people about, *this* one seems the most pervasive as misunderstood fanon. i don't mind when fanon exists, my gripe is when ppl try to claim it's canon. and the *arguments* i've had over this with people who can never seem to cite an actual comic are... frustrating. but that said, i think there is something fun to this strictly in fanon. the duality of who you expect to accept Kon and who you expect to hurt him being flipped is just sort of fun for the occasional guilty pleasure fic. it can make Kon's internal conflict a bit more interesting. the same goes for the Jon favoritism from Clark, it's not a canon thing (and i rlly wish ppl understood how complicated the timeline of Kon and Jon is and any distance from Clark toward Kon isn't malice, it's that Kon is from a timeline that Clark does not remember in the current canon so Clark just straight up doesn't know the poor kid.) but it's sort of fun to give Kon that complex of being overlooked and forgotten sometimes. making Kon just a *bit* more Luthor than Kent will *always* appeal to me in fanfic, especially if he *knows* it's wrong but craves approval from anyone who will give it.
Good Dad Bruce Wayne - i'll die on the hill Bruce is canonically a shitty father. maybe not to the extreme some people write him as, but he's not great at it. that said, i enjoy it in fanfiction. sometimes, i just want silly fluff or hurt/comfort where Bruce finally gets it right and manages to comfort whatever Batkid is in the fic. one of my favorite fics of all time is hinged on Bruce being a good dad, so i think it's just fun to explore how good the relationships *could* be, if Bruce was slightly less of an asshole. i usually prefer him as an asshole, but there are times i want low stakes nonsense.
Gotham Rogues Having Soft Spots for Robin(s) - just about every Rogue in Gotham has done something absolutely irredeemable, and most of them don't like or care about anyone in the Batfamily. but if there's a fic where one of the Robins inexplicably is sort of close with a Rogue and they have a cute silly relationship out of it? I'll eat it up i fear. Steph and the Riddler are besties? I'll believe it. Tim and Scarecrow get along pretty well? give me ten of these. Rogues protecting Robins just hits a spot. the unexpected nature of the relationship, as well as the fact they see each other regularly, can make a lot of good fodder.
#necrotic answerings#canon vs fanon#batfanon#batfamily#I was *going* to include “Janet and Jack Drake are bad parents”#then realized I don't really like that fanon anymore.#but I used to go *hard* for it even knowing it wasn't canon. it was all projection but still#nowadays I think the tragedy of Tim losing his parents the way he did is *far* worse if they loved him and were good to him.#I'm so serious about the Kon thing i've had *nasty* arguments where ppl got so rude to me telling me to “Google it”#like listen I get it. kon's canon backstory is currently difficult to understand#the timeline of the superboy mantle is a little confusing and most people have not read young justice (2019)#so for fanon it's far easier to simplify it as “clark just kinda sucks to kon” and i enjoy that#but the canon is also fun. it's fun when you consider how fucked up it is most people don't remember kon#and the timeline he remembers doesn't exist anymore.#also technically since they never killed off new-52!superboy on page there could be two superboys/kon-els running around rn. who knows.#i like to believe there is bc it's funny.#i have wanted to write a new-52!konkon/tim/kon sandwich#with the “is it selfcest or not” question#bc new-52!kon wasn't a clone of clark and lex.#so like. he's arguably a different character just sharing the name kon-el for some reason#also on the nightwing: renegade thing i know *damn* well most fanon-only fans haven't read it (no shade in that)#bc the fanon crowd despises devin grayson and she wrote it.#one day i'll write a meta about fandom treatment of devin grayson trust me.#this question was SO fun#i feel like i should have more answers?#if you'd asked me like six months ago this list would be three times as long#but the more i exist in this fandom somehow the saltier i get idk what's happening#so now i'm more and more attached to canon#but i will never begrudge someone for liking fanon#like i said my issue with it is the confusion of what is canon
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edwinisms · 2 months
not trying to start an argument or anything but I saw someone at some point referring to charles (by association jayden revri) as white-passing and ??? that caught me off guard like i absolutely do not think he is. and i was surprised to hear that take, especially as an ethnically ambiguous mixed guy myself. genuinely just odd to me
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heartofstanding · 4 months
Hi, sorry to bother you, but would you be able to tell me the names of the historians and documentaries that you were talking about in your post on Isabella of France? I'm looking to do a project on isabella for my history course and I'm looking for all sources and stuff i can.
Hi! In this post, I was talking about Kathryn Warner. She runs a blog on Edward II and has published mountains of books on Edward II's reign and while I think her early biographies of Edward II and Isabella are pretty solid, I think she's become so lost in the weeds that she's started going a bit... crank and started to imitate the historians she once railed against. The historians she rails against the most is Alison Weir (which, fair, Weir's Queen Isabella is very bad and very homophobic) and Paul Doherty's Isabella and the Strange Death of Edward II but the "badass girlboss" take on Isabella can also be found in Helen Castor's She-Wolves (both biography and documentary). There is a Dan Jones documentary that's famously homophobic but I don't think I've heard about his treatment of Isabella. The novels I mentioned were Susan Higginbotham's The Traitor's Wife and Colin Falconer's Isabella: Braveheart of France.
I haven't read it but Lisa Benz St. John's Three Medieval Queens: Queenship and the Crown in Fourteenth-Century England is very highly recommended, focusing on Isabella, Marguerite of France and Philippa of Hainault. Michael Evans' chapter on Isabella in Later Plantagenet and the Wars of the Roses Consorts is a good but brief biographical overview and if you're looking for more studies of Isabella in popular culture, his chapters "Queering Isabella: The ‘She-Wolf of France’ in Film and Television" in Premodern Rulers and Postmodern Viewers and "From “She-Wolf” to “Badass”: Remembering Isabella of France in Modern Culture" in Memoralising Premodern Monarchs will give you a good overview of the cultural representations of Isabella, the latter of which deals most with the "badass girlboss" view of Isabella. They should also give you more sources. Isabella also features heavily in many biographies of Edward II, probably the standard is Seymour Phillips in the Yale Monarchs series.
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dimiclaudeblaigan · 11 months
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"i know we shouldn't be killing rhea and i personally am against it and my gut tells me this is wrong but i'll do it anyway because nobody else uses logic on this route anyway!"
#DCB Three Hopes Run#this is no thoughts head empty route so she's just going to blindly trust claude who has faced plenty of pushback#for his decisions and go ahead with helping him and the others kill rhea for reasons they have zero and sometimes negative evidence of#like rly why wouldn't she just be like hmm I don't agree with this can I sit this one out. nope she's gonna get involved anyway#it would've been more interesting if marianne disagreed and grew backbone and sided with the church instead#they try to write the routes as like... everyone is happy with their leader (unless you're dimitri#bc then felix gets to talk shit for half the game in houses and ppl ate it up like pie)#and they don't ask questions. when they do ask questions it's a brief answer that just shoots it down#even lorenz in gw saying they should just leave edelgard for dead was ignored#for all the proper reasoning he gave everyone else just went lol you're like (edelgard or claude depending on your choice)!!!#and then went on about the uwu classmate thing (even tho they didn't rly even know each other at all in this game as classmates#and by the timeline edelgard left the monastery before even the lions so she was around them the least amount of time)#like... actual reasoning in this game gets shot down so fast so it's no wonder marianne didn't actually DO anything#and didn't stick by her actual feelings/beliefs but it's still annoying that she didn't#maybe it would've made claude and friends think twice abt the whole thing if they had to cut marianne down too#for refusing to go along with it bc she she didn't believe it was the right thing to do
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jankwritten · 2 years
I know it's not plausible nor does it make sense with canon, but I just WANT there to be more fics of PJO characters experiencing snow for the first time. Like maybe Jason and Percy are out on a quest and it starts snowing overnight and Jason doesn't know WHAT is going on because he can feel it in the way he can feel the rain, but it's different too, it makes him feel chillier, makes him want to lay down and stare up and up at it.
Or maybe it's Will, who lived in Texas his whole life and then at camp, never seeing snow because he's always back home in Texas by the time Chiron lets some snow in for the campers to mess around in. One day it's too dangerous to let any campers go home at their normal time, and after speaking with his mom Will decides he wants to stay with his friends in New York all year (he's probably just graduated from school so he's taking a gap year or something, and he wants to hang out with Nico and Piper and all his other friends) and Chiron announces one night near the very end of November that there is a forecast for snow the next day, and that the borders will be adjusted to let it in. Will is so excited he barely gets to sleep because he's never SEEN snow before. He wakes his cabin up early enough that they're all grumpy about it (there's only like 2 other Apollo kids there with him but still) but they all go out and throw snowballs at each other and Will isn't dressed right, his hands are so cold they hurt but he's having the TIME OF HIS LIFE.
Nico who has only ever had bad memories of the snow - he first met Percy in the snow which led to him losing Bianca, the snow nearly killed him when he was on the run all alone, so forth and so forth - wakes up to snow in Camp Half-Blood and he's instantly not in the mood. He doesn't have gloves or a hat or a scarf or anything, so he just tries to layer on his thickest shirt and sweater and trudges to the dining pavilion, ignoring all of the kids around him screaming and laughing and having fun. He's miserable about it, and is going to just spend the day in his cabin with the doors and windows locked shut. What he doesn't anticipate is Jason and Will running up to his cabin and, first, throwing snowballs at his windows like assholes, until he stomps over and yanks open the door to yell at them. Then he doesn't expect them handing him orange and purple gloves, hat, a sweater, and even socks, which apparently they had both been saving just for him. They don't let him make excuses, they just drag him out the second he's dressed. At first he's snappish and a dick about it, even though now he's not even cold with all his bundled up layers, but then as the day goes and Will stuffs a snowball DIRECTLY into Jason's face and Connor Stoll starts selling Styrofoam cups of hot chocolate, two for a drachma, and Annabeth makes snow angels with a group of the younger kids who couldn't go home this year, he, ironically, starts to melt a little bit. Will definitely doesn't expect the snowball he gets to the face, from Nico's glove.
Piper who's from the beach, from Malibu, who's seen snow, but not really the kind you can play in, just the thinnest little dusting that makes things a little prettier. She hated snow because of it, because it always felt fucking contrived, like it was just there to make the place more appealing to tourists, so when she hears that Chiron is going to let snow into CHB she just rolls her eyes and throws her hands up and wonders what's even the fucking point of it, why even bother making everything pretty here when there aren't even tourists to impress?? But then she gets up the next day and she's only got one sibling staying year round so they sort of silently agree to spend the day together, and there's fun breakfast being served at the dining pavilion and Chiron has let everybody get out of their classes for the day so they can mess around in the snow. There are already kids out ice skating on the lake even though Percy keeps telling them it's not totally safe yet. Camp, for once, is full of kids running around and screaming because they're having fun, and something clicks for her and she goes oh. Okay, maybe I do get it. She hangs out with her sibling all day, and Leo and Jason when she can catch up with them, but her favorite thing is catching those little snowflakes on the fuzzy parts of her gloves and watching them dissolve, examining each little individual structure until it disappears.
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born-to-lose · 10 months
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Double shift last weekend and this is the only picture I got (which my coworker actually took with me for her Facebook story RIGHT when I looked like shit and it was low effort makeup day because I had to be there early to open the bar)
#a drunk girl in the bathroom called me pretty and two other regulars kissed me on the cheek and called me pet names this is why I'm gay#one of those regulars (who's the bff of my coworker i haven't worked with yet because she's taking a break) asked me to have shots with her#she and the other girl are the sweetest every time i swear they're there almost every weekend and they call me Schatz and Maus#the moment i came back in after putting away my bag and jacket on saturday a middle aged guy mentioned my volbeat hoodie#talked about all the metal bands he's seen like judas priest acdc saxon iron maiden and showed me some new songs he's been into lately#later sang mama i'm coming home to/with me and he and another guy gave me lots of career advice and encouraged me to be bolder in interview#a metalhead dude with long blonde hair and beard (who was also at a concert I worked at last month) winked at me and gave me like €4 tips#and every time he ordered his drinks he put his hand on the back of my head to say it in my ear#because the music from the speakers above was kinda loud but technically not loud enough to do That gjsgfjdshhh 😭😭#he's so hot too he looks like a kind boyish viking idk if that makes sense but 😫😫#the amount of people who have flirted with me or acted a little bit 😏 in the last three months#but nothing came of it so far just trusting they'll come back soon when i'm working the shift again#no phone numbers no insta handles we pine like in the old days and smirk when we see each other for the first time in a while#my face#the bartender chronicles
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tripably · 6 months
the all-consuming rage of having to report an issue with a service provider and being treated like an absolute idiot by the customer service jerk
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dontmeanyoudontmissit · 5 months
So anyways my plan for the next two months is to kickass at work while I get another job and then leave their asses.
#I'm so mad about this#I've been at this company for 6 years and for the most part everyone I've worked with has been great#Easy to get along with. Smart. Caring.#I've had some not so great bosses and every once in a while I've encountered problem people#But repeatedly one person (not in my vertical but a key person in my org)#Has repeatedly made me feel like shit. Even if she claims to mean well or whatever#I absolutely never feel like we're ok the same team. It always feels like it's her team or death#Which is not an environment I thrive in#And then her boss (who is also my bosses boss) either feeds into that or exacerbates it#I wish I had had the words during our engagement survey because I'm not the only one who feels this way#So many people go into a meeting with her expecting to talk about one thing and instead she asks for something else entirely#It consistently feels like she has no trust in her team and she does not want to foster a culture of 'we're in the same team'#She is fostering a culture of 'im the boss so I'll dictate exactly what I want and I am free to change it at any time'#So. Anyways. If you know of companies hiring in their product or portfolio space hit me up.#I spent 10 hours trying not to cry at work today and then had three separate little cries#Going to going with my boss a little about taking a week off soon#He's going to be alarmed and concerned but like. He should be.#(my boss is generally great my only complaint is that he hasn't figure out how to work with his boss yet so that's compounding my issues.#But that is not all on him. And he has never once made me feel like we're not on the same team)#Blah blah ok. Tomorrow I work and then do the life shit I didn't do today#The day after that I do a second pass at my resume#And use a working block at work to figure out what I want (and sketch out my teams pain points and potential solutions)
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Cried over an English test but hey I'm alive
#very pissed at the teacher#i wasn't there the day of the test but i was there when they were handed back#so i got to take a look at the format and it was pretty simple#describe each literary device listed and give an example#so i thought i would be doing that. i could do that#but i show up today and the test he gives me is completely different#it says to identify the literary device in each sentence. the thing is#EVERY SINGLE ONE HAS MULTIPLE OF THE OPTIONS#so i asked the teacher and he said “yeah but they all have one that's the most correct just trust your instincts”#AND IM JUST SITTING THERE LIKE HELLO?????? “MOST CORRECT”????????#NONE OF THEM ARE MORE CORRECT THAN THE OTHERS#and i told him this!!!! and he said “just pick the most obvious one and don't second guess yourself”#OKAY WELL HAVE YOU CONSIDERED THAT WHAT IS IMMEDIATELY MOST OBVIOUS TO YOU IS NOT NECESSARILY THE SAME FOR ME#AND THAT DOESN'T MAKE ME WRONG???????????#FUCKING HELL#LEARN TO. IDEK. LEARN SOME COMMON SENSE DUDE#my reaction must have been pretty extreme bc the girl next to me was like “hey you'll do fine” and asked how i was doing a few times#appreciate you girlie you're a real one#so yeah i cried two or three times BUT did not let the tears leave my eyes#one point with just out of frustration bc the teacher said something wrong. and then later he corrected himself#and even though it was easier after that i still cried bc i was losing my mind#anyway i normally like this teacher but this was fucking stupid#everyone stop whatever you're doing and only pay attention to me#ann rants
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scoliosisgoblin · 5 months
But fr all the VN games specifically yandere male love interest likely not gonna finish but understandable because it’s a small project and coding is not easy as it looks. What do you think?
eh, I get having a project and losing motivation to finish it. there's so many instances of that, and I got a shit ton of projects I never finished because of the lack of motivation or art/writer's block
there's really no problem with not finishing a game or taking years to do so. it's not an easy task in any way
BUT I do think you should be able to be annoyed at how long a game is taking to come out, you can be impatient, it's fine! I hate waiting a year for another season of Rick and Morty (and the next season's only coming out next year due to grinding too hard or something), and though I do complain about the wait, I can recognize that it's not an easy thing to do — ESPECIALLY when it's an indie show
indie games will take a long time to make, and that is perfectly fine. I'm impatient but am fine waiting years for a good game. I'm pretty sure the main reason why people are verbally impatient with the development of Your Boyfriend, is because the creators have no idea who Yb is and continuously change his character's lore for some reason. not only that but they're just TERRIBLE people
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morfanerina · 2 years
Headcanon that I've been playing around with in my head but Leon refuses to play any strategic game outside those he fully trusts because he loves being underestimated and also, it makes it easier to manipulate people for fun (there's a 50% chance it will go very wrong but he's getting Better the more he does it to strangers!).
If he either proposes or accepts a game of chess or checkers or go from anyone, it means that they have his trust.
There can be exceptions, like, say, playing a game for information but chances are he will play the 'beginners luck' excuse as far as he can.
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lloydfrontera · 2 years
Just gotta love the fact that in the final chapters, but really let's face it- the fact that in the ENTIRE novel, it builds up on the viewpoint of Javier on how he constantly fails to protect Lloyd whenever something terrible happens to him, and the fact that in the end, he really wasn't able to protect him, even as the strongest swordmaster in existence, and i just think it's funny how unresolved the whole thing was to the point that Javier thinks he doesn't deserve to cry over Lloyd's final letter to the fronteras znxnncnf
LIKE WHY SAY THAT JAVIER DESPERATELY WANTS TO HELP(he does, really), AND THEN NOT BE ABLE TO ACTUALLY PROTECT HIM manxnnxndjdh though, granted, in the final scene they did simultaneously protect each other cliche-ly via getting stabbed for the other, it's just hilarious how this didn't go anywhere as lloyd died anyway
The narrative really said "Javier can't protect lloyd but he can help in other means, i swear"
I just think that sad boy Javier hours :>>>>>>>>
oh god
oh fuck
you cannot do this to me the damage this ask did to my brain and heart is immeasurable
you are so right tho!! that was. that was a really strange plot thread to leave dangling like that. and like it starts all the way back to cremo! javier gets disappointed in lloyd and leaves him behind to go fight the zesty lobster only to later feel guilty about it because he should've protected lloyd and lloyd almost died because of him. then there's the mastodons incident and javier gets really angry that time because lloyd isn't supposed to put himself in danger! he has people for that! he has javier for that! and yeah this is shown as a good gesture from lloyd because he refuses to put his people in danger for him (and don't misunderstand me it is a good thing) but it's also the start of lloyd not asking for help and wanting to take all the worry by himself. and javier notices that. then there's namaran where once again javier can't find lloyd, he can't protect him, lloyd almost dies again because javier couldn't defeat the hell knight by himself. and javier feels so guilty about it! he starts trying and training and working even harder because! he wants to be strong enough to protect lloyd! and then comes the bone dragon fight where, yet again, javier thinks he failed lloyd and couldn't protect him. literally his last thoughts were about how sorry he was he couldn't save him and how he'd wanted to be there at his side for the rest of his life. favorite scene btw. and then he does! he does manage to save lloyd, he literally turns into a grandmaster to save lloyd (which btw, getting to a level of swordplay that is thought of as imposible just to save your best friend? that's g-)! and you'd think that'd be the end of that right? except that no, lloyd is a little shit who keeps getting into more and more trouble each time more dangerous than the last. and while javier doesn't struggle as much physically to protect him, now lloyd's problems start being of a kind javier can't help him with as essily! especially because lloyd refuses to let him know how he can help! and in lloyd's mind that makes sense, because he knows javier wouldn't even doubt to give his life in his place (even if he's like absolutely wrong in the reasons on why. which is. a topic for another post. we'll get to that. oh trust me. we're gonna get to that) but it does cut off javier from doing anything to help him! it cuts him off from a major part of the plot! and javier notices! he tries so hard to be there for lloyd, he gives lloyd so many chances to be truthful, he confronts him several times, hoping lloyd will trust him to tell him how can he help... and lloyd doesn't. he has his reasons but at the end it just comes out as him not trusting javier enough to let him help.
and that's never resolved! javier never gets the chance to be in equal footing to lloyd when it comes to resolving the situation! lloyd never actually tells him anything! correct me if im wrong but lloyd never even tells him he's not actually,,, well, he never tells him he got isekai'd! javier finds out on his own, he pieces it together all by himself and then the letter where lloyd tells the truth isn't even for him.
and i'm not saying javier should've died in lloyd's place, i kinda don't love when choosing to die is shown to be a heroic, always right, selfless, good act, honestly that's part of why i am ok with lloyd's sacrifice at the end. because it's shown to be a tragedy, something he desperately didn't want to do, something he fought so hard against, something he really didn't want to choose and it's meant to be sad, we're not meant to be satisfied or content with it.
but i do think not even telling him takes away so much of javier's agency, it cuts him off from further character development and like you say! it's just! a plot threat that's left dangling. it's never resolved, it's never addressed, we're just meant to see javier struggle with the feeling that he can't protect lloyd and then failing to protect him at the end, feeling so guilty about it he doesn't even allow himself to grieve for him.
maybe we're meant to see his admission of missing him and wanting to see him again at all costs as him finally being able to do something in order to protect and save lloyd? it is a thing that was mentioned very often, how javier constantly admits to himself that lloyd is a better person than he thought and how he does think they're best friends but also is not willing to say it out loud, so maybe him bring willing to broadcast it to everyone in order to get to lloyd is the pay off for that? but it feels a bit,,, unsatisfying. i do love it! like javier admitting how much he loves and misses lloyd, annoying one of the most powerful beings in his world and hopping universes to get to lloyd? absolutely amazing, i love it, wouldn't change a thing. but it does feel like they didn't address one of his biggest insecurities except to confirm it to the most extreme degree.
ANYWAY ALL THIS TO SAY you are very right, the narrative did say "fuck you" to javier, and it is sad hour times for our favorite knight 😔
unrealistic that we didn't get a montage of javier being extremely over protective of suho after getting him back. he probably would refuse to leave his side for a good while, being too afraid to even go to sleep because what if something happens and he isn't fast enough to protect him yet again? i will admit that is a good sandbox to built hurt/comfort fics 🤭
#the greatest estate developer#the greatest estate developer spoilers#lloyd frontera#hey i got an ask#lunacurse#plus i was talking to lazyandalittlebitcrazycat about the competition at the end#and we both agreed miss ella should've participated#are you telling me that this man. who's been fighting all this time. going through so much. literally ascended to a new plane of existence.#all in order to protect suho only to fail and get a miracle second chance. would trust someone else to protect the person he cares the most#about?? and even worse that person is being chosen with a competition that anyone could enter??? like yeah he could probably assume that#alicia would win but crazier things have happened what if something goes wrong what if the person chosen isn't someone they can trust#what if they accidentally choose someone who isnt that good what if they don't choose the right person what if they fail to protect him too#there's too many risks he can't allow that he isnt willing to play with lloyd's safety like that#so he'd definitely enter the competition and absolutely trash everyone except for alicia who he does trust and is willing to yield to#ajdkajdkad#but because he is disguised most people don't recognize him and think miss ella is a very talented knight who's very in love with suho#but who gave up her rightful spot as the winner in order to respect the queen only to mysteriously dissappear out of heartbreak#so now a lot of the country believes suho has three extremely talented sword masters in love with him. except two of them are just. javier.#he's 2/4 of the hypothetical polycule ajdkajska#btw that last part was just me rambling crazycat just told me about miss ella entering the competition#everything else is from my own harvest lmao#god i really love to not shut up don't it akdjals#i talk a lot <3#javier asrahan#tged
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dutybcrne · 1 year
It's embarrassingly easy, how someone can worm their way into Kaeya's heart. He just makes it so hard to navigate that one can never quite tell what it so happens to be or if he even feels such. And that's without mentioning he himself takes ample measures to never give them the opportunity to do so or see just how much he needs it.
One such means to his heart is taking care of him. Truly, actively looking after him and never giving him the chance to get away with hiding injuries ( and especially helping him with them ) or overworking himself ( whether helping ease the load on his shoulders or pull him away from it altogether ). He would never think himself befit of such care, even as he pours endless time and effort into doing the same for others. He will remember each and every time it is offered unprompted and always repay them for that kindness tenfold in devotion and gestures.
It's no wonder he chooses to remain with the Knights, regardless of how much more freedom he'd have operating outside of them.
#hc; kaeya#//Mans has enough people he trusts to LET know he cares deeply about them able to be numbered on one hand#//The folks he can say RIGHT to their face that they are important to him#//They are Klee; Lisa; Jean....and Addie and Elzer#//Diluc and Rosie are on his list of people he cares immensely for too; but SAYING it to them? He'd rather choke; thanks#//They wouldn't take kindly to him outright admitting he cares; that's what he thinks (REALLY hopes he hasn't told Rosie while drunk)#//So he just sticks to his actions and hopes he can keep expressing his care through gestures as best he can#//They haven't TRULY set to stop him yet; so he'll take what he can get. & even if they DID seriously ask him to lay off; he prolly wouldn'#//Traveler is v tricky. Bc on one hand he cares for them IMMENSELY; esp after he shared his heritage#//On the other; he's not quite sure if him admitting how important they are to him will be taken well#//He will Not take it well if Paimon or even the traveler themself makes a joke out of it#//Or think he's up to something. He reaps what he sows; he knows; but he genuinely would hate it. Would actually break his heart#//It's from the latter three that any caring gestures towards him would mean the most. Diluc; Rosaria; and the Traveler#//Bc he's unsure of his place in their minds and how they regard him aside his (tending to be less favorable) assumptions as is#//But for them to actually act like they care; esp Diluc and Rosie; it would absolutely FLOOR him every time#//Would be unsure how to take it from them; would prolly bluescreen or take it like a brick in the face; depending#//But would be v happy to nonetheless. Once he's fully processed it anyways; lmao#//And of course and worried/caring gestures from the traveler would make him SO damn happy; he'd clown himself in the process#//Bc he'd Immediately want to cover up just how happy he is with a little wry comment to deflect#//To no one's surprise; Klee is the one he actively tells/shows how much he adores the most. Likes how happy it makes her#//And the fact that she's the one who'll most easily reciprocate affection and care is a helluva bonus too#//He finds family in her and she holds no semblance of ill feelings towards him whatsoever; so he loves her the most of all#//Albedo is in a third secret zone in which Kae will actively make his rather open affection for a big joke to cover for it#//& resolved to never say it to his face. Not seriously if at all; he figures Albedo would prolly find such a thing bothersome anyways#//Won't stop Kae from giving him the same treatment as Diluc and Rosie; doing him little favors and striving to understand him#//There's a bonus in that things he can do for Klee can connect to Albedo and vice versa too. He likes that v much#//Oh heck; this spiraled out of control#//Heck; heck; heck
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giftedpoison · 1 year
No I ranted about this in the tags of some random post I reblogged a little bit ago but I need to talk about this person and the absolute boldest that I experienced from them in the same hang out (I only hang out with them in group settings)
So first we got this Jennifer's Body bs.
(rant under cut)
I was talking about how I had seen the movie Ginger Snaps recently for the first time and I really enjoyed it and that it is very much similar to Jennifer's Body because of the themes of around girlhood and coming of age to then be objectified and taken advantage of by other boys and wanting that control back.
(Granted all I said was it's similar to Jennifer's Body before they jumped in and went: I don't like Jennifer's Body.)
And like I'm usually pretty open minded and also I was just so stunned I asked why.
And they say to me "Yeah the comphet storyline is just done poorly in my opinion and was really misogynistic"
And then when I tried to disagree with him he cut me off and told me it's fine we can disagree. We all have our opinions. MEN. I swear to God. (I should clarify they are 19 so that means that they are still learning but I just don't like the way he approaches it at all and its like he doesn't care about learning about the stuff he says that may be offensive or wrong) And then LATER
I'm talking about how I'm sad I have to wait for the second book in the series to become available at the library when I'm almost finished with the first book.
he goes "the way you won't just pirate the book" (which is actually incredibly difficult to do but they don't even read, they only read manga, so they wouldn't know that but that's beside the point.) BUT imagine telling someone who you know is a writer and wants to be an author one day that they should just pirate the book and then get confused why there are moral reasons I don't??? Like that's my community.
And then he didn't get how borrowing from a library is different than pirating. Which fair not a lot of people get but when I said the library forms a contract with the publishing company to have access to the ebook of a book for a set period of time (which they pay for) and if no one checks out the book they will just not renew the contract or a lot of people check out the book they'll renew and potentially buy more copies of the book
they still didn't get it. and just went I don't understand. And then I tried explaining it again and they eventually said ah I just pirate all my manga.
as if theres not an entirely different culture surrounding that type of media and it's also harder to find manga in libraries in america in the first place. (so while I wouldn't promote just reading free copies online of manga if you can help it - i also wouldn't tell you you are absolutely horrid person for it.)
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