#he can even become a mini celebrity like in the old comics!
wolfsbanesparks · 1 year
Instead of making Billy Batson a radio show host in the modern day, where less ppl listen to radio, would he be a YouTuber/Twitch Streamer/Podcaster?
I think that makes a lot of sense! It's a very good way to modernize such an important part of Billy’s character that has fallen by the wayside partly because it's a less popular medium now.
In fact I think in the newest Shazam comic he does have a superhero podcast!
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hawkzeyes · 6 months
analysis of hawkeye vs widow pls 🙏🏼
It’s uh… it’s not lookin great friends 😭
I’m trying to hold out for the next one to see if I’m actually going to like it. I rated the first one a 3/5 just to be like… idk fair?
We started off with some mischaracterization of Bobbi, who we have been begging to see for a minute so it was disappointing.
But then we were informed that Clint and Bobbi had been seeing each other and that it was going pretty great!
But then they get the backstory for Clint and Nat a bit jumbled with the costumes because Clint had his costume before he even met Nat.
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This is him literally meeting her for the first time in the Hawkeye fit. So it’s like… the author didn’t even bother to read their first appearance but was handed their 60 year celebration comic??
Then I mean we meet Clint and he is competent enough to be holding plenty of people trying to kill him off and we do get representation of his deafness again, thank you for not ignoring that… but now… he is a murderer?
And listen this has been a back and forth line Marvel has been pushing for a minute. They like to test Clint’s morals and he has had some moments where he has said and done things out of anger because he is hot headed and he can be a violent guy (I suspend belief for comics and truthfully people survive weird things in comics so shooting people in the eye, cause ppl can survive that, and aircraft blow ups in the background don’t count in my mind) But outright murder? Mmmm canonically he has killed two people. One was an accident, Egghead, which is repeatedly confirmed by his team members and the other was Bruce (which YIKES that was ROUGH. Could you imagine an old team member coming to you like “hey I know you’re really against murder but I need you to murder me if the big green guy shows up cause he is dangerous and might kill other people xoxo”)
But here’s my big worry. Marvel benefits from Clint becoming an assassin of sorts, let’s be realistic. It was canonized in the MCU and in Ultimates. It would make them seem.. less like a liar for how they portrayed his character in the MCU if they did let him start murdering and we KNOW how marvel loves the MCU synergy concept and Marvel also knows 616 Hawkeye is 10x more popular with the fans than ultimates (which is who they originally based him off of)… so DESPITE the multiple times he has canonically spoken out against murder.. he commits political assassination??? Idk like an anon on here said, sometimes comic writers mess with us so to be patient and wait to see what the next comic said especially since it was at the very end of the comic that he admitted to the murder. So maybe? It was a trick of the words? And he didn’t actually throw his morals out the window for some… mini series..
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lit-works · 6 months
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Pt 1.
--This fanfiction is a part of my 'Decades of Marvels' one-shot series that celebrates an era near and dear to me. This story is a love letter. First and foremost, to fellow comic book aficionado, artist extraordinarre, and fanboy Kevin Smith who wrote/started/directed the movie that shares this stories title. It is also an homage to nostalgia, and the most nostalgic generation so far. I shamelessly name-drop as many pop culture refs from the 90s as I can, including the OG MCU (90s X-Men, Spider-Man & Friends, The Fantastic Four animated series).
"Hey, Shogo, how was school today?" Jubilation Lee asked her adopted son as he entered their home on the island of Krakoa.
"lame! Mr.Summers is teaching stupid Quadratic Equations. But, it got me thinking about when he used to be your teacher." Shogo whined as he kicked off his shoes and sat heavily on the living room couch.
"Old Cyclops' mutant math, I remember the concept. He tried to teach me trigonometry." Jubilation recalled as she sat next to her son.
"Seriously? That's crazy. Anyways, do you remember the Danger Room's Shopping Mall Simulation?"
"Ah, the infamous Danger Mall -where Sentinel sales were always booming. No, I do not remember that one. Is that the exercise they had you running today?" Jubilation joked before becoming seriously curious.
"well, yeah, and I started wondering The X-Men had a place to hit up like that to buy stuff before people started ordering on Amazon. Like, was there ever just merchandise instead of a battle looming over the horizon?"
"You bet we did!! There was this one time, a peaceful day off, before I was a full-time X-Person, and I decided to check out a mall. But, you know your mom, trouble has it's way of finding me...even in the food court."
"wait, what's a food court?"
"Ermahgawd, you poor uncultured swine, so...
Once a mecca of American commerce, a gathering place for adolescent youth, and a nice place for an indoor stroll, the mall no longer holds the same place in our daily lives as it did in the summers of the '90s. In the heyday of the indoor shopping mall, one could buy a ham, watch a movie, haggle for a Gucci purse and cap off the day with a round of ice skating. Store fronts were elaborately decorated to look like barns and castles.
Malls across America were filled with seemingly lost or harried, or both, families navigating their way through these temples of consumerism, a long with playful teens in Jnco Jeans and South Park shirts, pink misfits and scene kids lighting up indoors, and the aged mall-walkers.
Families spent a large part of their miserable lives at shopping malls. For generations of Americans, there was no better way to pass time than to completely encapsulate themselves in retail outlets. Wrapped tightly in their warm blanket of commerce, they would loiter aimlessly for hours, often not spending a dime.
There was no greater monument to American capitalism in the latter half of the 20th Century than the mall. The history of the shopping mall can be traced back to the Roman Empire, where teenagers of the day surely milled about in their equivalent of Hot Topic and Spencer's gifts.
The first American shopping mall was built in 1826 in Providence, Rhode Island. Considering the coolest thing to do as a member of previous generation American teenagers was to fight in the wars of 1812, this was an absolute godsend.
The next great thing to happen to America's future adults was the advent of the automobile. The car shook up a number of things, including shopping malls. Shopping mall locations shifted from downtown areas to decentralized suburban spaces that were now accessible to the driving population.
Over a period of a half a century starting in the mid-50's, a staggering 1,500 shopping malls opened in the United States. Countless other mini-malls and strip-malls came into existence during this period as well.
The basic makeup of the new suburban shopping centers followed a very set pattern. Large chain department stores would serve as "anchors", familiar places that would drive traffic to the mall and thus the smaller stores located within the tile strewn floors. Anchors quickly became the key to a Mall's success.
The mall evolved into more than just a shopping center, adding other features than just retail outlets. The American populace could now take a trip to the mall and enjoy movie theaters, restaurants, and by the 80s, the newly ubiquitous video game arcade. By this time, the shopping mall had firmly become an entrenched part of American culture.
For decades, shopping malls appeared as the financial rocks. Individual stores would come and go, but the vacancy rates would always stay low.
And then something magical happened, the malls that teenage girls and soccer moms across the country could only dream of : the Mall of America in Bloomington, Minnesota!
Since opening it's doors in 1992, Mall of America revolutionized the shopping experience of tens of millions of visitors a year. A leader in retail, entertainment and attraction, Mall of America became one of the top tourist destinations in the country and is known around the world.
Back in 1982, the Minnesota Twins and Vikings relocated from the Metropolitan Stadium in Bloomington to the HHH Metrodome in downtown Minneapolis. This created an unprecedented development opportunity for 78 acres of prime real estate. Three years later, the Bloomington Port Authority purchased the stadium site and began entertaining proposals for development. Mall of America was chosen from four proposals, and on June 14th, 1989, developers ans local dignitaries broke ground. On August 11th, 1992, when Mall of America opened it's doors, 330 stores opened for business and more than 10,000 employees started their first day of work.
Mall of America now hosts more than 400 events annually, ranging from concerts, to celebrity appearances and fashion shows. Each year 40 million people from around the world visit the Malls generating nearly $2 billion each year in economic impact for the state.
Word had gone out! A once in a lifetime concert being held at the Mall of America in Minnesota: the interstellar pop sensation Lila Cheney was teaming up with America's disco diva Allison Blaire, The Dazzler! The power pair had embraced the grunge movement and would be singing as a duet with a newly formed band called The Resistance in a one-night-only event in the concert Hall of the mall...
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stevetonyweekly · 2 years
Stevetony Weekly - October 16
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 Welcome back! I spent a lot of time working through re-reads this week--and reading comics!!! I finally finished the Civil War run and I’m big sad--and there’s some delicious silvertwink content from the mini bang. 
***Marks my recent favorites 
***His Fate Will Be Unlearned by scifigrl47
Tony Stark spent his childhood making weapons, filling the hole his father left in the world when he succumbed to alcohol, grief, and his own demons. At the age of fifteen, he ran away from home, and made it as far as MIT before all of his responsibilities caught up to him. Now seventeen, he just wants to finish his degree and escape from everything connected to the Stark name.
Steve Rogers crashed into the icy North Atlantic in the 1940's, sacrificing himself to save the world. He never expected to wake up, and now that he has, he's not sure he's glad. The US Army has other plans for him, but for now, Steve is slowly learning to live life in the 21st century, and taking classes at Boston College. He's beginning to suspect that there is no escape.
Boston College is on the T's Green Line. MIT is on the Red. The two lines meet at the Park Street Station, and so will Steve and Tony.
I love this fic. It’s I think the third time I’ve read it, and I just--I love how sad and broken both of them are, and how they put each other together. It’s flawless. 
The Act of Creation Will Be Your Salvation by scifigrl47
When Tony Stark was seventeen years old, he built his first AI. On that day, he ceased to be his father's creation, and became a creating force in his own right.
That one act likely saved his life, and not always in the most obvious ways.
If you’ve read my work at all, you know I have a soft spot for Irondad AND for Dum-E. This series--and I did read a good portion of the series this week--is so lovely. I adore the way that DJ is depicted, and the fierce love Tony has for him, that is still utterly in character. 
Curiosity Changes Everything by scifigrl47
Everyone in their life has had a little case of hero worship. A tiny crush on a celebrity. A teenage infatuation.
Dummy Stark-Rogers is not any different.
And the Mars Rover Curiosity is a stunning piece of tech.
Bedtime Stories and Nightmares by scifigrl47
Tony Stark was comfortable with his life. And why shouldn't he be? He's brilliant, rich, powerful, a super hero. He's got a team he trusts, a job he enjoys, his work and his creations, and he's sleeping with Captain America. Tony's life is just fine, thank you very much. He knew that it would change, life always changes, but he wasn't in any way prepared for how it was about to change.
Tony never intended to be a parent, and even if he had, he could never have anticipated this particular change.
***Stories Told With Silence by scifigrl47
Parenting is harder than it looks. But, to be fair, so is being a human kid.
In which Tony becomes the rather overwhelmed parent to a bot who is no longer always a bot, and finds out that if DJ Stark is ever going to leave Stark Tower, then they've got to figure out a way to explain him to the US Government.
For the first time, Tony regrets that time he called members of congress "assclowns."
Rescue Missions and Mistaken Identities by scifigrl47 for PaxieAmor
In which DJ Stark meets another kid.
Too bad that kid is someone who shouldn't be a kid, and doesn't know that DJ isn't always, either.
What follows is an escape attempt, thus making it the worst possible playdate.
I will admit I’m not usually a huge fan of Phil Coulson. There are few notable exceptions, and scifigrl always manages to be one of those. Getting deep into his head this go around was lovely. 
The Monster In the Closet by scifigrl47
In "Rescue Missions and Mistaken Identities," Phil asks if DJ can swim. And DJ says he can. So how does a child who hates baths learn to swim?
In a way that terrifies his parents.
In which DJ learns to swim, and meets the last of the Tower's residents. Both activities go bad before they get better.
Where His Heart Belongs by tinystark616 
The first time they have sex, Steve doesn't touch the arc reactor. Tony can see that he wants to, but when his fingertips slide closer to it, Tony flinches a little and he stops immediately.
Steve doesn't try again that night, but the arc reactor lights up his face the entire time, its light reflected in his blue eyes.
And Tony falls even more in love with him.
This is so sweet it’s I almost forgot there was sex involved--it’s just Steve being so careful and loving with Tony and I am a huge sucker for that. 
never been mine by Areiton
There's a story in this pretty boy, and he's not entirely sure he wants to hear it.
He doesn't want to know why no one else would tattoo him, doesn't want to know what Tony wants and how close it bumps against the few hardlines Steve has.
"I didn't want it," Tony says, and it's abrupt, jerks Steve out of his musing to stare at him.
I adore fics that subvert tropes. I also love tattoos and silvertwink dynamics. So I guess writing this fic makes a lot of sense.
Beautiful Marks by Kat_Greenleaf
When Steve underwent Project Rebirth, he grew. His body stretched. It lengthened and widened, and it shows. Although he is supposed to be the perfect specimen, unblemished and scar-less, he's covered in stretch marks.
Steve is very self-conscious about these marks, and his partner, Tony Stark, sometimes has to remind him that his stretch marks are beautiful.
Steve’s soft insecurity and Tony’s gentle reassurances and worship are everything to me. 
****Tied Together With a Smile by iam93percentstardust
That you cry, but you don't tell anyone
That you might not be the golden one
And you're tied together with a smile
But you're coming undone
“Captain Rogers, this is my sub, Maria,” Howard managed through a strangled voice. “And my son—”
“I’m Tony,” YouKnowWhoIAm said, boldly sticking his hand out for Steve to shake. He took it, automatically raising it to his lips to kiss, the way he’d been taught to greet unattached subs as a child. It had fallen out of fashion while Steve was in the ice, and he’d mostly trained himself out of the impulse, but he just couldn’t resist when he saw Tony.
This was so lovely--the way kink was handled, and the way Steve and Tony fit together, the soft bratty behavior and how much of a service top Steve was--everything about it. I loved everything about it. 
****The Sweet Fruit of Patience by hollyandvice (hiasobi_writes)
"Hi Anthony," he whispers, cradling him close to his chest. "I'm your godfather, Steve."
The story of how a Steve that never went into the ice finds his way to the boy he's meant to be with.
Oh my god the way Steve devotes himself to Tony?? Is EVERYTHING??? Just--so fucking lovely. 
My Ding Ding Dong by KandiSheek
Tony buys underwear with an attachable dildo in it, and Steve finally puts his foot down with the ridiculous sex toys Tony has been buying. He's not going to wear that.
(He ends up wearing it.)
****this love came back to me by meidui
It’s been five years.
Tony is softer than he remembers, in navy blue wool, silver in his hair and beard, laugh lines deeper around his eyes and mouth, holding onto his little girl. Steve thinks he must look rougher than Tony remembers, from the way Tony holds her tighter and steps back from him when he shuts the door of his car, as if looking for an escape.
As if he could get away from Steve.
I love the soft vibe of this, and the way that Steve is so conflicted but utterly incapable of staying away from Tony is just--delicious. Add in soft, reluctant Daddy kink and I just--it’s like meidui poked around my brain and then wrote  the perfect story for me. 
****there are still beautiful things by meidui
The day Tony takes Steve home from the New York Army National Guard is the best day of his life.
Tony had hardly wanted to spare his personnel file a second glance because, really, if the United States Armed Forces wants to send one of their captains to stay with him for three months and liaise with the weapons manufacturing division at his company, he has more than enough staff and lodging to accommodate the man without ever needing to hold a full conversation with him.
Tony tends to think with his dick at inopportune times, though, and when his gaze catches on Steve’s photo, serious blue eyes bright under dirty blond hair, plush pink lips begging to be bruised with kisses and cheekbones like they were carved by god himself, he licks his lips and thinks, oh, I want one.
While I am extremely fond of twink Tony and silver fox Steve--this switched the dynamics and it was…just everything. The vibe was almost dreamy, the soft spoiled bratty Steve was flawless, and how besotted Tony was is almost painful, except it’s so gentle and sweet, nothing hurt. 
I finished reading through the Puzzle Pieces series, and I adored it. I am a sucker for well done kidfic and this is one of the best there are--Steve is such a protective grump, Tony an overprotective workaholic and their kid a mess of issues that any Hydra raised child would be. Clint and Bucky are perfect and beautiful and painful.
The Morning After the Night Before by sara_holmes
So they rescued the boys, beat up Hydra, decapitated the villain du jour - oh, and finally got your guy, in Bucky's case - and all got home safely. There's still some loose ends to tie up, though.
Technicolor by sara_holmes
Arto's favorite thing to learn is colors. Most of the Avengers are easy colors, but some are definitely more rainbow than the rest.
Tax Breaks and Exploding Unicorns by sara_holmes
Arto watches the news, and demands to know why Steve and Tony aren't married if they're allowed.
Adventures in Babysitting by sara_holmes
Arto Rogers has a knack for going out and attracting, causing, finding and involving himself in various degrees of trouble. Steve handles this with fortitude and dignity, except for that he really doesn't.
Another Mountain to Climb by sara_holmes
So as if Clint pulling a nearly-dying stunt wasn't bad enough, Bucky now has to deal with Clint's sidekick/younger brother blaming him for the entire mess. Frankly, Bucky thinks a) that Clint should sort himself out and stop running away, b) Steve and Tony should put a leash on their kid, and c) Thor and his friends should back the hell off.
Rogers Versus Rogers Versus School by sara_holmes
It's time for Arto to start school. It somehow goes as bad as Steve expected, and also better.
Special Delivery by sara_holmes
With most of the team away on missions across the globe - or further - Tony and Clint are left to keep an eye on Arto. Or maybe Tony is left to keep an eye on Clint and Arto. Either way, it was going to be a pretty easy - if not boring - few days.
That is, until a FedEx guy drops off a baby in the lobby. That's gonna make things slightly more complicated.
Crush by sara_holmes for 27dragons
Tony and Steve notice that Arto is acting weird. And not just your regular run-of-the-mill, member-of-the-Avengers-family weird, either. Like, teenager weird.
Bucky and Clint are no help, seeing as their kid is barely one and is happily just gross rather than weird.
Maximus by sara_holmes
Bucky is sick of aliens and then Thor brings one into the goddamn house, claiming it’s a birthday present? No thank you.
****All Time Low by sara_holmes
His stupid best friend isn't talking to him, his stupid superhero parents are having drama of their own, and his stupid brain is acting up no matter how much he ignores it. Arto Rogers-Stark is not having the best time.
Puzzle Pieces by sara_holmes
Arto is a baby-Rogers super soldier. His Dads are Captain America and Iron Man, his big brother is Hawkeye, his brother-or-uncle-depends-which-way-around-his-family-tree-he-goes is the Winter Soldier. Not to mention the rest of the Avengers that he lives with. Yeah, his life is probably certifiably insane, even when they're trying to be normal.
He doesn't mind so much.
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star-ocean-peahen · 3 years
p2 of old ML meta I wrote that I don’t necessarily agree 100% with any more.  I know I’m really late to the party on these, but I thought I’d release them into the wild anyway.
Awright, here we go. (under a cut because holy shit this is long)
I think Chloe is a complex character whose failed redemption arc was actually in character, whether the writers intended it or not. I acknowledge that she's done some really awful things, bullied people, been hurtful and mean because she wants to, and has no illusions about hurting people.  But she actually has a reason for doing this that goes beyond just enjoying bullying.  Again, this does not excuse her actions, and a redemption arc would require her to accept that she has done bad things and apologize for them, which is not something she does in the show.
As we can see in the show, Chloe's mother does not care for her.  At all.  Even to the extent that she doesn't even remember Chloe's name.  I don't know about you, but if my mom constantly chose not to remember my name, I would be devastated.  She constantly tells Chloe ("The only thing exceptional about you is your mother") that she is worthless and has no skill, talent, or anything special about her at all.  Chloe responds by mimicking the things she sees her mother does approve of, e.g. bullying, spitefulness, selfishness, etc.  It's made painfully obvious that all of Chloe's iconic, unique snobbishness actually belongs to her mother, whom she is imitating in a desperate attempt to get her mother's approval.  All Audrey cares about is herself, and Chloe knows that and tries to make herself a copy of her mother so her mother will want her.  Audrey only accepts and begins to value her when Marinette tells Audrey straight up how mean and awful Chloe is, and Audrey reevaluates her daughter.  She sees how much of herself Chloe has become, and decides that she wants a mini-her hanging around.  I don't know why she does this, but it's clear that she only began valuing Chloe once she saw the appropriate traits in her.  This means that Chloe has based her entire self-worth around her mother's opinion of her.  It's actually compared to Adrien's opinion of her in Despair Bear, when he tells her that if she isn't nice, he won't be her friend anymore.  She changes for a few hours because SHE ACTUALLY CARES ABOUT HIM AND HIS FRIENDSHIP MEANS A LOT TO HER, but reverts to her old ways because her mother's opinion matters to her more.  This is probably how she acted for her whole childhood, but changed when Hawk Moth attacks.  Why?  Because of Ladybug.  Chloe idolizes Ladybug, who gradually (unknowingly) gets more and more of an influence of her during the show. (Ladybug asking Chloe to stop causing akumatizations vs. Chloe giving up her miraculous) to the point where Ladybug is now a bigger idol than her mom.  Example: Style Queen, where Chloe FAKES working with her mother-WHO APPROVES OF HER FOR THE FIRST TIME-to HELP LADYBUG.  Ladybug is THAT important to her that she will give up the person she's been idolizing for her ENTIRE LIFE for her.  (Side note: Chloe is not a wimp.  She faked helping Style Queen-FOR ADRIEN-convincingly.  Persuaded her to change her plans without getting punished.  If that's not superhero material, then I don't know what is)  So now Ladybug is the most important person in Chloe's life.  What does this mean?  Well, Queen Bee happened.  When Chloe found her miraculous, she thought that she could be a superhero like Ladybug.  Remember, Chloe imitates the people she idolizes.  So she saw her miraculous as a way to get closer to the person she idolized-closer in character and closer relationship-wise.  Chloe values Ladybug partly because she is a superhero, so she thinks, "if I can be a superhero too, then I will have value in the same way as Ladybug!", hence her stunt with the train.  But this backfires on her when she only gets reprimanded and BOTH of her idols tear her self-esteem apart-Audrey purposefully, Ladybug unknowingly.  She's been rejected by the two people whose opinions matter most to her. (Note: Chloe has a tendency to forget about Adrien, but if your heart wasn't destroyed enough, he technically rejected her too as Chat Noir.)  She has no one to look up to now, so she clings to her miraculous-which is a symbol of worth-and guess what? Gets akumatized.  Hawk Moth says that she'll be his queen.  He'll value her when her world has come crashing down around her shoulders.  Can you blame her for becoming Queen Wasp?  She was akumatized after she displayed one of her first moments of vulnerability in the show, even showing it physically (nearly crying). That episode ends, and she begs for a second chance.  Audrey again dismisses her as worthless (Note: both times she did this, she did it on LIVE TELEVISION.) Ladybug and Chat Noir tell her that she can be a hero (equated with value in her head) and gives it back.  This is especially interesting.  Bee Miraculous = Hero. But Ladybug says No Bee Miraculous = Hero.  She amends her previous belief (GROWTH!) and trusts Ladybug, giving the Bee back.  In Malediktator, Chloe has her mother on her side and thinks all is well.  She continues to imitate her mother to keep her favor, taking it to the extreme with Audrey's encouragement and demanding the school shut down with an ultimatum: Do it or we leave.  They leave.  Marinette shows her humanity by celebrating Chloe's departure (which is FINE, she shouldn't be required to reconcile with everyone who's ever hurt her) and Adrien says this (BECAUSE HE CARES ABOUT CHLOE AND KNOWS WHAT A TOXIC ENVIRONMENT SHE'LL BE LIVING IN because he lives in a similar one): "Nobody's useless.  Not even Chloe." We'll come back to the uselessness issue later.  Chloe sneaks away from her akuma'd parents (again, quick and rational thinking in the face of danger, superheroine!!! Actually, it was probably learned from all the akumas she's been attacked by) and: "You're a hero! You....can....do....this!"   When Ladybug grabs the Bee, she realizes that she needs someone tough who defies authority, and gives Chloe a second chance. (It wasn't just because she knew the powers, people!)  Even Fu has misgivings, but Ladybug looks past her personal grievances and chooses Chloe.  Meanwhile, Chloe is SUCCESSFULLY ESCAPING AND HIDING FROM AN AKUMA (must be all that practice, say what you want, but being attacked by so many akumas was some rigorous crisis training) and runs into Ladybug.  When she meets LB, she isn't expecting to get her miraculous, unlike later.   She knows Ladybug probably won't give it to her, and SHE'S FINE WITH THAT.  SHE RESPECTS LADYBUG'S DECISION.  ACCEPTS THAT SHE CAN'T BE A SUPERHERO, BECAUSE WHEN SHE GAVE UP THE BEE MIRACULOUS, SHE BECAME A HERO.  Then, she opens up to Ladybug.  She tells her what everyone else thinks she doesn't know, that she's a bully.  And she's not targeting Marinette on purpose, Marinette just happens to be the most convenient target.  She grows and understands that her documentary was ridiculous.  She tells Ladybug how she knows that her bullying ways have just pushed her farther from her goal of being valued.  She thinks that because she has no friends (girl, you have Adrien) she has no use, and notice she says "useless".  Not "worthless", or "a horrible person".  Useless.  Because those things equal each other in Chloe's mind. Use = Value. She tells Ladybug how useless she feels because compared to Ladybug who is, notice, not "useful", but "serves a purpose".  Chloe's purpose has been to satisfy her mom, but now she knows how empty that is and feels purposeless, useless, and worthless.  Then Ladybug gives her the Bee Miraculous.  Now, I don't think LB understands how much the Bee means to her.  (Pollen calls Chloe her queen. Just thought I'd throw that in there)  I'd be surprised if she did, because if she knew that the Bee was so intricately tied to Chloe's self-worth, then it was a cruel move she pulled keeping the Bee away from Chloe without any follow-up involvement, even with a good reason.  Away from the tangent, Chloe gets the miraculous, transforms, and works one-on-one with Ladybug.  And kills it.  Like, Chloe makes an amazing superhero. She even says she's been practicing, which is played for comic relief, but shows just how much she idolizes Ladybug.  She says, "I've always dreamed of doing this-with you!".  She's achieved her dream.  Ladybug thinks she's useful, and this is really important.  She is now useful as Queen Bee.  This is her use.  This. Is. Her. Purpose.  She's not empty anymore, she's full.  She's doing good for people, being a superhero, Ladybug values her as a teammate, and friend.  Ladybug (barring Adrien possibly) is now thought of as a close friend from Chloe, who looked past her personal annoyances and cares for Chloe regardless, a new experience for her.  Let me reiterate: Queen Bee has become her purpose in life.  (which is why she fails, incidentally, because she can't balance it with a civilian life, but more on that later.)   After she and Ladybug defeat Malediktator (GIRL POWER!) she says this, which reveals how much more she's grown since the beginning of the episode: "Being a superhero isn't only about fixing messes."  She became Queen Bee in this episode to fix her mess. Now she realizes that superheroing is not only a way to make up for the wrong she has done, it's also a way to make things better than they were.  Being Queen Bee makes Chloe better.  Marinette even says so, revealing why SHE is a better guardian than Fu, because she can see the potential in people.  Chloe tries to be Queen Bee without her superhero costume immediately afterward, helping Jean with bags because she knows this is part of becoming a better person and a better superhero.  Marinette then throws her a party to show her how useful and wanted she is, understanding how much Chloe needs that from their conversation.  sniff....beautiful. This is Chloe's peak.  The best she's ever been.  She's reveling in her new-found identity of a superhero, doing good and resolving confict in her civilian life.  In multiple episodes (Startrain, Heroes' Day) she is an everyday superhero by not getting akumatized (controlling her emotions and not letting fear take her over), and keeping others calm.  I've said it before, and I'll say it again: Chloe is incredible at crisis response.  She doesn't panic, while the adults who have already experienced akuma attacks freak out.  She takes charge when she sees akumas (Startrain) and does her best to fix the situation. She stopped an akumatization in that episode. (Seriously, if she hadn't done that, someone would have been akumatized.)  She prioritized her response: First, eliminate the immediate threat. She did that when she evacuated the compartment. Second, eliminate the future threat.  Find Ladybug and Chat Noir.  (They need a hotline. Like, really badly.)  It doesn't bother her that she doesn't have the Bee Miraculous, because she can be a hero in her normal life too.  However, everyday heroics is still second to Miraculous heroics, and she expects Ladybug to still give her her Miraculous, because she still considers herself Queen Bee.  She trusts Ladybug so much that she FRIGGIN' SUCCESSFULLY FIGHTS OFF AN AKUMA, THE ONLY PERSON TO HAVE DONE THAT TO DATE (yes, not even Marinette did, she took off her her earrings because she expected to be overtaken), deflecting her negative worry about the current lack of miraculous with her deep trust in Ladybug.  When Miraculeur happened, she got the Bee because it was a last resort.  It appears that LB and CN use Queen Bee only when there is no other option, revealing two things.  One, they apparently didn't bother to tell Chloe that (or she didn't listen, although I'm inclined to believe that this new Chloe would have) and that they pick her despite having other, safer holders with miraculous experience, revealing that they know how well Chloe and the Bee fit together.  She got the Bee (after defying Hawk Moth and Mayura without powers, this girl is INSANELY AWESOME) and went after Mayura, failing to capture her miraculous.  She apologizes to Ladybug without making excuses for something that wasn't even her fault, showing how much Ladybug's approval matters to her.  LB responds by telling her that there can be no more Queen Bee, not even as a reserve, because Hawk Moth knows her identity. Chloe accepts that without a fuss, showing how much she's grown so far. But if she's grown so much, you ask, why did she rip that picture of Ladybug? Well, this ties in to the position of use.  Chloe was useful to Ladybug as Queen Bee and (so she thought) as a friend.  But LB took the miraculous away.  Chloe is probably getting the sneaky suspicion that Ladybug only wanted her because she was useful, which Chloe has now realized was not all she wanted out of her relationship with Ladybug.  Chloe valued being useful to LB, but she also valued LB's friendship.  Chloe continues in her superhero activities, but muted. So how did this go wrong?  How did we go from this awesome superhero Chloe to Miracle Queen?  The answer is in Battle Of The Miraculous.  Marinette's narration reveals that Chloe lost hope, showing her turning off her Bee signal. I think Chloe still unconsiously thought she could still be Queen Bee.  Ladybug went back on her withholding before, she could again, right?  But then she finally gets it through her head that she's not going to be Queen Bee again, and abandons that hope in despair.  Is that it?  Is that why she turns to the dark side?  Well, her fall was caused by a lot of things.  One was the aforementioned despair.  Another that contributed to her fragile emotional state is the fight between her parents.  It feels awful to have your parents fight, and while Chloe is probably not a stranger to it, it's always painful.  Then her parents get akumatized.  That was what made her fall in Heroes' Day.  She says to Heart Hunter: "I don't love anyone." Heart Hunter responds that Chloe loves herself (which, wow, you guys are the worst parents ever.  You really don't pay attention.) Ladybug takes the dragon and goes to Kagami for help.  She goes to Kagami, who also had her identity revealed, and gives her a miraculous, saying it's because of Kagami's "exceptional talent".  Ryoko defeats Heart Hunter.  Queen Bee does not.  Dragon-Chloe does not.  And Chloe feels this. First, Chloe wanted to save her parents herself, which is a completely normal thing to want.  She loves her parents (despite their failings) and wants to help them.  If if was me, I'd want the same thing.  Second, she sees Ryoko active, whom she knows (somehow) was decomissioned for the same reason as her. This is where theseed of doubt planted in Miraculeur blooms.  To Chloe, this confirms that Ladybug was only using her for her availablility and wasn't actually her friend.  She thinks Ladybug was pretending that she was significant and still resented Chloe for getting in her way so many times.  She thought her idol was her best friend, but now it seems like her idol was lying to her the whole time. With Ladybug's perceived rejection and broken promise, Chloe now feels useless and purposeless again.  And Hawk Moth shows up at just the right time to sway her to his side with his impressive emotional manipulation by making essentially the same argument he made in Queen Wasp: Ladybug rejected you, but I still want you.  You are useful and valued with me.  Chloe, thinking Ladybug cares nothing for her, ("She couldn't care less about me!") accepts his offer and becomes Miracle Queen. (But not without asking for her parents' release first, because that is so important to her.) Miracle Queen's dialogue and actions line up with this.  She exposes everyone's identities (so they can't be chosen over her again) and says to LB: "How many times have I asked to fight alongside you? [how many times have I asked to belong?] And how many times have you refused to give me my miraculous? [how many times have you denied me your friendship?]"  She tries to take all the Miraculous and use their power to lash out at Ladybug, declaring that she'll be the most powerful miraculous wearer there ever was.  This foolish action is a result of Chloe's fragile emotional state that has been controlled and manipulated by Hawk Moth to work as his pawn, and her raw pain and anger at Ladybug.  She then takes only the Bee after Master Fu whiz-bang-pops the Miracle Box and says that she's going to New York to be a superhero, grasping at straws to regain her worth by clinging to the Bee, the miraculous that started it all.  After Ladybug takes it, Chloe declares that she doesn't love Ladybug anymore, which could be taken as "I'm no longer your fan" but seems more like she did once love Ladybug as a friend, making her previous statement in Heart Hunter a lie.  She finds her parents and demands to leave with her mother, who has reconciled with her father and refuses Chloe her demand, likely the first time they've done that (because they're too wrapped up in each other to even ask her why she's so upset).  To sum it up, at the end of the current season, Chloe has hit rock bottom.
Okay, after this analysis of Chloe, let's take a look at the person mostly responsible for her fall: Hawk Moth.  More than anywhere else in the show Hawk Moth is shown to be a master manipulator in Chloe's arc.  He planned to weaken Chloe's trust in Ladybug, and succeeded.  A lot of her actions in Miracle Queen can be attributed to Hawk Moth playing her like a queen on the chessboard, which is exactly what he compares her to and an excellent metaphor.  He wasn't reactively trying to get the Bee in Miraculeur, he was proactively using it as a way to manipulate Chloe into losing trust in Ladybug through the Bee Miraculous.  He understood Chloe's identity crisis (he was RIGHT THERE in Style Queen) and used it to his advantage.  She surprised him with throwing off his akuma, but that just meant her love for Ladybug was more powerful than he thought.  He akumatized Heart Hunter on purpose to affect her (an interesting change from the let's-throw-everything-and-see-what-works Hawk Moth of the earlier seasons) and carefully orchestrated the whole thing to sway Chloe to his side.  He caused and took advantage of a child's distress coming from a bad home life and parental issues, giving us yet another example of how little he cares about what he has to do as long as he gets what he wants. (He beats his son in Chat Blanc.  Fully knowing it's Adrien.  Physically beats him up.)  A lot of Chloe's mistakes can be put on Hawk Moth for manipulating her (seriously, this guy is a fucking asshole).
Yet another extra onto the end of this: Adrien.  Both Chloe and Adrien are very iffy about their friendship, both saying that the other is their only friend and that they had/have no friends.  And yet Adrien is probably the person who understands Chloe's conflict the most.  Parent who thinks you're worthless unless you're doing what they approve of?  He understands.  He's probably seen how her mom treats her and understands why Chloe acts the way she does (gives a whole new perspective to all that standing up for her he was doing, hUh), but until his mother disappeared and his father went silent he wasn't able to personally understand just how painful it was for her and how hard it was to fill those expectations.  And when that calamity happened he was grieving with no support system (I have no doubt Chloe tried to help in her own way, she does care about him even if she doesn't know how to express it) and was certainly not in a place to help her.  Then he found new friends at school and increasingly chose them over her, adding more to her "everyone always chooses someone else over me" complex.  To be clear, I'm not blaming Adrien for Chloe's problems.  Her issues are her fault, her mother's fault, her father's fault and (later) Hawk Moth's fault.  Adrien did the best he could as a child with no social skills. But if he ever catches up and realizes how much Chloe needs him, he would definitely feature in a prime spot in her redemption arc.  
So a lot of this was my high hopes for Chloe and the show’s consistency, both of which have been disappointed.  I was also caught up in a lot of Chloe love while writing this, which is why I didn’t focus on how nasty she is and has been or how she needed to make amends for it, because she very much does need to.  This is just my analysis of her ‘arc’ in season 3.  also sorry for the big block of text.
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aion-rsa · 3 years
Squid Game’s Most Heartbreaking Hour is Also Its Best
This Squid Game article includes MAJOR spoilers for all nine episodes of the series, including Episode 6.
“Gganbu” isn’t the Squid Game episode with the highest kill count. It’s not the episode when we finally discover the man behind the deadly competition, or its ultimate winner. It is not the most fast-paced or action-driven of the Netflix series’ nine installments, nor is it the bloodiest. Instead, it is a relatively quiet hour that divides its characters into teams of two, with each pair acting as their own mini-social experiment. If the “deadly competition” trope is designed to reflect on the inherent goodness or not of humanity, then Squid Game‘s most articulate answer to the question of what humans will or will not do to survive comes in “Gganbu,” and it is as nuanced as it is heartrending.
What Happens in “Gganbu”?
“Gganbu” concerns itself with the events of Round 4. Before the next, mysterious competition begins, the remaining players are asked to pair up, unaware of how the structure might come into play. Once they have chosen partners, they enter a massive room designed to look like a traditional Korean village. Each player is given a bag with 10 marbles, and instructed to play a game of their choosing with their partner. After 30 minutes, whoever has won the game, and all of their partner’s marbles, will pass the round and survive. The loser will be “eliminated.” This is the round when characters we have come to care about start dying…
This is also the episode that gives the most time to a round of a competition. Episode 7, “VIPs,” comes close with its depiction of Round Five’s bridge of glass, but the narrative focus is split between the competitors and the disgustingly rich men who have come to watch. In “Gganbu,” there is no such split focus. The players begin choosing their characters around the four-minute mark, and they enter the playing arena at around the 13-minute mark. This is where they will stay until the end of the episode, which means the viewer experiences Round 4 in what is, more or less, real time. “Gganbu” makes use of every bit of it.
Can any of these players hold on to any scrap of their humanity when they have been manipulated into Squid Game? This is the question the “deadly competition” trope seeks to explore and, sometimes, answer. Squid Game doesn’t opt for one definitive answer, but rather a more complicated and nuanced one. It does this by giving us four clear, varied scenarios to see this theme played out.
Deok-su vs. Ja-hyoung
First, we have our duo with the least surprising thematic outcome: gangster Deok-su and henchman Ja-hyoung. Unlike Sang-woo, these two have rarely pretended to prioritize anything over their own survival and accumulation of power. When Deok-su betrays Mi-nyeo, leaving her to her presumed death again and again rather than risking his own survival by teaming up with her, it’s expected. Past that, there is little artifice to Deok-su’s games with Ja-hyoung. Ja-hyoung has dropped the act that he will obey Deok-su’s orders without question, but not even Deok-su is surprised by that. After all, he lives his life without the comfort of human connection, solely trusting in violence and money as security—why should he expect anything else from his social circle? What’s most interesting here is the game stipulation that says Deok-su cannot use violence to win the marbles. This puts Deok-su at a disadvantage because violence has always been how he exerts power. While Deok-su ultimately wins, this is the most unsettled we’ve seen him up to this point, and a reminder that even violence has its limits when it comes to ensuring survival.
Sang-woo vs. Ali
Lying can be a form of subtle violence, and it’s one that Sang-woo has demonstrated himself very capable of since the beginning of Squid Game, most notably when he chose to knowingly send his “teammates,” including childhood friend Gi-hun, to the harder dalgona challenges in Round 2. If you’ve been paying attention to Sang-woo, then his betrayal of Ali isn’t particularly surprising, but it cuts much deeper. That is because, while the viewer may not be shocked that Sang-woo would trick Ali to his death to save himself, Ali is. While this characterization didn’t always work for me—I think Ali would be more discerning as a 33-year-old immigrant who has been screwed over before—it works on an emotional and thematic level. Ali is depicted as the most innocent character within the game; he is almost child-like in his portrayal. To see Sang-woo take advantage of that innocence is upsetting. It may be tempting to see Ali as a passive player in this game, but that’s not how I view him. To me, believing in the goodness of others, and taking a chance on the relationships you have built is not only an active decision, but one of the bravest ones—an action that Deok-su and Sang-woo are much too cowardly to ever take themselves.
Gi-hun vs. Il-nam
While Gi-hun may struggle to play “fair” against Il-nam when his own survival is at stake, it’s all in the context of Gi-hun’s first major decision in this episode: to take Il-nam as his teammate. When the partner requirement is announced, Gi-hun initially goes to seek a more able-bodied contestant—and he has some good options. However, when someone points out that there is an uneven number of people and makes the assumption that the odd man out will be killed, Gi-hun sacrifices the edge a more physically able teammate might give him in order to make sure Il-nam doesn’t die. In this episode, Gi-hun hits peak aspirational relatability. He is the kind of player, the kind of human, we would like to believe ourselves to be. He’s relatable in that, when Il-nam’s apparent dementia gives him the chance to avoid losing, he takes it; he wants to survive. He’s aspirational in that, when faced with entering Round 4 in the first place, he chose friendship and compassion over the presumed competitive edge. It’s not the first time we’ve seen him make that decision, and it won’t be the last.
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Squid Game: What Could Season 2 Look Like?
By Kayti Burt
Is Squid Game Based on an Anime, Comic, or Manga?
By Kayti Burt
Ultimately, the outcome of “Gganbu”‘s contest between Gi-hun and Il-nam hits different once you’ve seen the ending of the season, and the Oh Il-nam twist. Il-nam doesn’t die here. In many ways, Il-nam’s arc in this episode foreshadows that reveal. For most of the episode, we and Gi-hun are led to believe that Il-nam doesn’t fully understand what’s going on. Then, with only minutes left in the round, Il-nam reveals to Gi-hun that he knows Gi-hun has been tricking him, using his apparent memory problems against him to ensure he isn’t taken out of the game. It’s a manipulation not unlike the larger manipulations of the game in the sense that Il-nam has so much more power than Gi-hun, and is using that power to play with him and see what he will do. It’s cruel because it is dishonest. Watching this the first time, Il-nam’s decision to let Gi-hun win is a powerful one, and it disappoints that the Il-nam plot twist retroactively undercuts that narrative choice. That being said, the playing out of this dynamic—both a first and second time—helps to give us a complex, nuanced view of humanity.
Sae-byeok vs. Ji-yeong
While most of the players spend their half hour playing marbles to the death, Sae-byeok and Ji-yeong choose to “enjoy” what will be the final 30 minutes of one of their lives. This decision alone is a thematically impactful one: it treats life as precious. By using that 30 minutes to share their secrets with one another, they are choosing humanity’s capacity for togetherness and connection over humanity’s capacity for violence and desperation. They tell stories about the pain they have endured, and trade dreams about a future only one of them (and then neither of them) will have. While some, especially during an initial watch, may think the “Gganbu” of the title refers to the friendship between Gi-hun and Il-nam, I think it refers to the connection between Sae-byeok and Ji-yeong. If a gganbu is, as Il-nam describes it: “a good friend, one you trust a lot [and] you share things with,” then Sae-byeok and Ji-yeong become gganbu over the course of this hour of television.
In the end, Ji-yeong decides to let her gganbu, Sae-byeok, win. If Deok-su and Sang-woo represent the worst of humanity’s capacity for selfishness, then Sae-byeok and especially Ji-yeong represent humanity’s capacity for hope. And, unlike so many stories in this subgenre, Squid Game treats Ji-yeong’s act of desperate hope as just as likely as Deok-su or Sang-woo’s desperate acts of self-interest.
Humanity is not a monolith. Some of us make selfish decisions and some of us make selfless ones. Usually, it’s a combination of both. Squid Game neither wholly condemns humanity, nor wholly celebrates it; instead, it goes for something in-between, with an eye towards hope. While other episodes in Squid Game‘s first season concern themselves with a criticism of how society allows the ultra-powerful few to make decisions about the value of human life, “Gganbu”‘s ambitions are simultaneously simpler and much more ambitious: It chooses to depict the most powerful and affecting act not as a show of violence, but rather as a quiet gift of friendship and the sharing of one’s own name. As a result, “Gganbu” is Squid Game at its absolute best.
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What is your favorite episode of Squid Game? Let us know in the comments below.
The post Squid Game’s Most Heartbreaking Hour is Also Its Best appeared first on Den of Geek.
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scullydubois · 4 years
Only the Light Ch. 13
13/? | AU where Melissa moves in with Scully after Scully’s abduction | angst, msr slow-burn, occasional fluff | currently: Christmas Eve 1994 | T | 5k | previous chapters | read on ao3 | tagging: @today-in-fic <3
As Scully copes with her diagnosis, Mulder joins her for the Scully family Christmas dinner. Plus, Melissa's girlfriend meets the family.
TW for disordered eating, cigarette smoking, references to abduction/medical rape.
Self destruction is a natural impulse for Dana Scully, though she’ll try to deny it. Take one unexplained abduction, add a dash of premature menopause, and sift out time spent proving Mulder wrong, and you’ll get a struggling Scully.
She can tell she’s entering a bad mental state when food becomes a suggestion rather than a necessity. Every bite is either earned according to whatever trivial rules she’s set for herself in that particular moment, or is not deserved and therefore not eaten. It’s a game where she’s the coach, player, and referee, yet she still loses every time. Nourishment is both prize and punishment, feeding her hunger but vacating her control.
This habit started when she was a teenager and wracked with feelings her petite frame couldn’t contain. It felt much safer than the route her siblings had taken of sneaking out in the middle of the night or using fake IDs to buy alcohol or skipping church on the regular. As far as fifteen-year-old her was concerned, she wasn’t bothering anyone by foregoing some meals. Her mother disagreed and called her out every time, humiliating her into her second coping mechanism, smoking.
There were the times when Scully was really young and enticed by her sister’s cigarettes, but that was simple preteen rebellion. What developed when Dana was seventeen was something different entirely. A survival mechanism with poison inside, snuffing herself out while keeping her alive and sane. She would walk to the gas station and buy packs of Marlboros with coins from her piggy bank. The laws were lax in the 80s, the prices too. She would blow rings of smoke while walking home, then hide the pack in her bra and swish some mouthwash. She’d repeat the process to and from school, steadily acquiring a nasty nicotine habit. It continued until the summer before college, when she made herself go cold turkey so as not to take the habit with her. As far as she knows, neither her parents nor any of her siblings ever knew about it.
It resurfaces in times of stress, though normally for no more than a single pack. Lately she’s accustomed to keeping a pack and a lighter with her at all times. Her building is smoke free so she steps outside, but her car is off limits because she doesn’t want the smell to cling to her. It is a hassle, but then again, so are most things.
Missy knows about the poor eating habits--those are hard to hide from someone who shares the same space as you. Nevermind the fact that the scale shows six less pounds than before, and that adds up when the number’s not that large to begin with. Scully’s edges protrude now...that can’t be hidden.
Missy never says a word. She remembers Dana complaining about their mother’s condescending comments about her weight, and she knows the damage that does to a young psyche. Instead, she offers. Healthy meals, guilty pleasure meals, all her sister’s favorites. She cooks more than she ever has before, well aware that her sister will struggle to refuse her.
“I recognize what you’re doing,” Missy told her sister when she tried to turn away a caesar salad, of all things. “I’ve been known to do that too,” Missy admitted. “Eat. You’re hungry, you just think not eating will give you some form of control over your body, or your life...but wasting yourself away is letting the bastards win.”
And so she did, that time at least. Scully has enough shame regarding her habit to push it aside whenever confronted---that’s how she insists to herself that it’s not an eating disorder. She can stop on command. That makes it okay, right?
Getting back into the office helped her a lot---you can’t starve yourself and function as an FBI agent. Besides, she would dissolve into thin air if Mulder figured out what she was doing. He was the one who batted around the idea of Scully helping prep each case and supervising any tests he might need the crime lab to do while he’s in the field. He understood that in lieu of therapy, she needed something to take her out of her own mind.
It was as much for him as it was her; at this point, it’s almost incomprehensible to him that the X-Files had existed before her. Of course he was the laughingstock of the FBI! He had huddled in the basement by himself with UFOs and blurry Bigfoot sightings pinned on the wall like a shrine to his own delusion.
Her fall from grace was his absolution. He’ll make an angel of her, somehow. Even if it means he has to meet the devil.
Scully has no interest in becoming an angel, though she’d sure like to avoid hell, and that hasn’t worked out too well. Locker room jokes are one thing. Underestimation another. But assault? Rape? Trauma and torture because she is who she is doing what she does? She is not a quitter, and that is killing her.
Her barrenness haunts her because it was bestowed upon her as punishment, an implication that she only has worth as a walking womb. She wants to be seen as a person, not a pawn.
The arrival of the holiday season is another weight on her shoulders. It used to be Scully’s favorite time of year; now the sight of carolers makes her want to poke her eyes out. It’s the first Christmas without her father, and that is simply unimaginable. Her and Missy spent a quiet Thanksgiving with their mother---small portions and whispered thanks--in preparation for an elaborate family Christmas. Bill Jr. and Tara are flying in from California for the annual Christmas dinner and midnight mass. They will all try to move forward, pretend it’s just like any other year, but it’s not and it never will be again. Happy Christmases are over for the Scully family.
And yet, they will try to enjoy the moment. Missy told her mom that she’s bringing a friend, which is completely true. Trinity is her closest friend that she doesn’t share blood with. That said, she plans to use the occasion to introduce Trinity as her girlfriend, come what may.
Then there was the suggestion that their mother made, which caught her youngest daughter completely off guard. “Why don’t you bring Fox?” Margaret Scully proposed demurely during their weekly phone call. “I’m making a zoo’s worth of food, I could use another mouth to feed. I hate to see any of it go to waste.”
“Mulder’s spending Christmas with his family, I’m sure,” Scully had replied. “But I’ll pass along the offer.”
That was how Scully learned that Mulder’s family isn’t much for celebration, that he usually spends the holiday flipping between It’s A Wonderful Life and the 24 hour marathon of A Christmas Story, and that he has a particular fascination with the idea of midnight mass.
“I just don’t get it,” Mulder mused. “You believe that a jolly old man with flying reindeer leaves presents in your house, but you think he waits until after you’ve gotten home from celebrating Baby Jesus’ birthday? Didn’t you ever look for his sleigh in the sky on the drive home?”
“No, Mulder,” Scully sighed. “I just believed that he knew when we were tucked in bed. Santa’s all-seeing, you know,” she teased.
Mulder chuckled. “Kind of presumptuous to assume he functions on your schedule, huh?”
Ultimately, Mulder said yes. He figured attending the Catholic equivalent of Jesus’ birthday party would be another check off his supernatural bucket list, though he did not say this part out loud for fear of Dana Scully’s wrath. Besides, what else was he gonna do on Christmas Eve? Shake the shoebox of junk he stuck under his mini-basketball hoop so he felt like he was getting a gift?
And so the fateful day arrives. Mulder flips his Garfield page-a-day calendar to December 24th, chuckles at the comic strip of the orange cat eating all his owner’s Christmas cookies, and makes his way to his partner’s increasingly familiar doorstep. The sun has already slipped behind the trees by the time he arrives. It gives up easily in the winter.
He rings the bell and hears Scully’s dainty footsteps on the other side. She’s snuck up on him enough times for him to have developed a keen sense of her light footing--no more jump scares for him.
“Hey Scully,” he stammers as she opens the door. She had told him to look “festive,” so he donned his nicest green sweater (a gift from his mom from J. Crew...he had never worn it) and slacks. Scully rounds out their show of holiday spirit with a velvet red blouse and black trousers.
“You look lovely,” Mulder says reflexively, unsure when he started using such a word. Scully pulls at her shirt, obscuring the bit of cleavage that has revealed itself. “Thanks Mulder,” she mutters, ushering him inside.
He holds up the shiny silver gift bag he hastily stuffed with tissue paper. “Some candy canes I picked up at the gas station. I figured the whole family could enjoy them.”
Scully nods, amused by his feeble attempt at gifting. “I’m sure they won’t go to waste.”
A fire crackles in the fireplace. It’s so hot in the apartment that Mulder is surprised it hasn’t melted the snow outside on the sidewalk.
“Where’s Melissa?” he asks, hoping they will hit the road sooner than later.
“She’s picking up her girlfriend from the airport. She couldn’t get an earlier flight.”
“Dulles?” He sure hopes not. It’s all the way across town.
“No, Reagan.”
Whew. Much closer.
“She should be back any minute now,” Scully continues. “Trinity’s flight got in at 3:30.”
Mulder rolls his sleeves up. “So your family doesn’t know about Trinity?”
Scully shakes her head.
“Do they know that Melissa’s…” He gestures, unsure which word to fill the space with.
“Bi? No.”
“So she shows up with Trinity, and then what?”
Scully shrugs. “She introduces her as her girlfriend. Mom already knows Missy is bringing a guest so she’ll have a plate for her.”
“You’re not worried about how the family’s gonna react?”
“Well, I’m sure Bill is gonna be a dick about it, but that’s normal. We only see him once a year, so it doesn’t really matter.”
“Bill’s your brother?”
“Uh-huh. And Tara is his wife. They got married about a year and a half ago.”
Even as he pushes into his thirties, it still surprises Mulder that anyone close to his age could be married. He doesn’t even sleep in a bed.
“You think your mom’s gonna be cool with Trinity?” he asks.
“I think she loves her daughter enough to be.”
“Mmm.” Mulder sticks his hands in his pockets. If only he had dilemmas like this. He imagines him and Samantha speculating about their mother’s reaction to Sam’s nose piercing or dyed hair or...anything really. He would give so much to have someone to laugh about his uncle’s sideburns with.
His emotional deep-dive is promptly cut off by the entrance of Melissa and a brunette woman whose bangs graze her eyebrows, her hair falling just below her shoulder. “Hi!” she chirps, taking in the magnificence of Dana Scully. “Dana, I presume?”
Scully nods.
“May I hug you?” Trinity asks, hazel eyes shining.
“Sure,” Scully says, feeling the brisk air against Trinity’s coat as she’s pulled in.
Scully lets go first, and Trinity takes that as a cue to pull away. “You look just like Mel, wow,” she remarks, fighting the urge to run her fingers through Scully’s hair.
Scully smiles softly. “I’ll take that as a compliment.”
“Oh, it is,” Trinity assures, exchanging a gooey gaze with Missy. Next, her attention falls upon Mulder, who does an awkward half-wave. “Hello!” She points between Mulder and Scully. “Boyfriend?”
Mulder chokes. Scully picks up his slack--”Oh, no. This is Fox Mulder, my partner at the FBI.”
“Ahh,” Trinity smiles knowingly. “Yes, I’ve heard about you. I didn’t know you would be joining us for Christmas.”
“Christmas is not exactly my family’s cup of tea, so I figured I’d get an authentic experience with the Scullys.”
“Same! I’m looking forward to Mama Scully’s ginger snaps. I’ve heard fantastic things about them.”
Mulder elbows his partner playfully. “Damn, Scully! How could you leave me in the dark about ginger snaps?”
Scully rolls her eyes but smiles. “I apologize, Mulder. Though for the record, the fruitcake is better.”
“Says no one, ever,” Mulder teases.
She grins. Now this is Christmas.
Taking a seat at Margaret Scully’s dinner table feels like existing inside a Christmas movie, in Mulder’s mind. Fancy china, green and red serving platters, paper mache snowflakes hanging from the ceiling, and a porcelain nativity scene; the dining room has it all. Not to mention the heaping piles of food there for the taking...if this is Christmas, Mulder wants in every year.
Scully does not share his cinematic fantasy. She knows better, having actually attended one of her family’s dinners before. Bill will get too drunk and start saying whatever comes to mind, their mother will laugh along like he’s still a five year old babbling about nothing (as opposed to the thirty-something spewing bullshit that he actually is), Missy will attempt to debate him to get him to shut up (which never works), and she will sit there and wish to be somewhere, anywhere else. And all without their father to hold the reins and keep a fight from breaking out.
The night has gone smoothly enough, Scully supposes. Missy introduced Trinity as her girlfriend in a very non-ceremonial way, forcing Bill and their mother to nod and accept it, in the moment at least. Mulder received a hug from Margaret and a pat on the shoulder from Bill, so pretty much the highest token of approval. Mulder’s candy canes earned a place in the center of the dessert table, which gave him way more satisfaction than it should have, and he couldn’t help but feel that if they were to vote on favorite man at the party, he would win. A room with Bill Jr. in it is probably the only place he would ever earn this honor, and he’ll take that.
Yet everything unwinds as Scully suspected. Bill waits until everyone has packed plates and full mouths to unleash his particular hyperfixation for the night.
“Trinity?” he questions, raising his fork diagonal across the table toward her. “Is that your name?”
Trinity smiles and nods, oblivious to what she’s in for.
“And you know Melissa how…?”
She pats a napkin to her mouth. “We worked at the same restaurant in Oregon.”
He chuckles gruffly. “What was it, one of those gay bar things?”
“No, an Italian bistro,” Trinity continues calmly.
Missy, however, is not so calm. “Gay people can go places other than gay bars,” she retorts. “We’re not segregated. Though I’m sure you’d like that, wouldn’t you?”
Bill sets a fist on the table, clanging his silverware. “Yeah, that’s what I said. Why the hell do you insist on being so politically correct all the time? I’d shoot myself.”
“Gee, maybe you should try it sometime.”
“Now Melissa…” Margaret Scully’s voice rises above the clamor.
“I have the right to defend my girlfriend and I against Bill’s thinly disguised homophobia,” Missy responds.
“You act like I give a damn what you and your friend do,” Bill sneers. “That’s not my business.”
“Then stop pretending like it is.”
“Oh boo-hoo, little Missy thinks the world revolves around her.”
“Bill, honey, I think that’s enough,” Tara says, laying a protective hand on his arm.
“You’re right.” He raises his can of beer toward Mulder. “Whaddya doin here, hot shot? Trying to seduce my sister?”
Scully frowns, but doesn’t say anything, pushing food around on her plate.
Mulder seems rather unbothered by Bill’s advances. He chuckles. “Actually, I think it’s the other way around.”
Bill snorts. “That’s a likely story.”
“You don’t think I’m worth your sister’s time?”
“I don’t think Dana thinks you're worth her time. You’re not her type.”
“I am sitting right here, you know,” Scully says, staring daggers at her brother.
“Then tell us Dana! Is hot shot here your type?”
Her eyes brush Mulder’s face. His cheeks flush, reddening like a stormy sunset. She wishes she could read his mind. The safe answer and the true answer are not often the same. “I think Mulder is a wonderful man. I’m very lucky to know him,” she answers stiffly, her annoyance aimed at Bill.
“Oh, the old run-around!” Bill scraps his fork against his plate. ”Typical.”
Scully grabs her now empty canned cocktail and sulks into the kitchen, leaving her chair pushed away from the table. Everyone watches her go, but Bill gives off the only visible reaction. He laughs. “Scared her away. Thought it would take more.”
Mulder and Melissa exchange a glance. She nods, granting him permission to play knight-in-shining-armor. Quietly, Mulder slips out of his chair and pushes it back into place. He catches the kitchen door as it swings closed behind his partner.
Her anger concealed from the rest of the family, Scully drops her can in the recycling bin with a bang. She ignores Mulder, instead opening the refrigerator and pulling out another cocktail, saying nothing.
“What is this, your fifth drink?” Mulder brushes his hand over her shoulder, and she recoils. “Leave me alone, Mulder.” She slams the fridge and tries to turn around, but he’s cornered her.
“C’mon Scully, Bill’s harmless. He doesn’t bother me.”
“It’s not fucking about Bill,” she fumes, alcohol fizzing through her bloodstream. She inhales, trying to keep it together in front of the man who has done nothing wrong to her. “Please get out of my way.”
“What’s wrong?” He frames her shoulders with his hands, creating their own little bubble.
“Don’t touch me!” she growls. Mulder knows as soon as hears it: he will never forget the pure anguish in her voice. As she retreats to the corner, he looks down at his palms, the stovetop that burned her...he would cut them off if he could.
Unfortunately, the commotion attracts the Scully’s like a dog whistle. Bill leads the charge into the kitchen, getting a full view of his sister hunched over by the back door while her partner stands by the fridge like an idiot. “Ooo, a lover’s spat!” he exclaims, only nominally concerned about Dana’s well-being.
“Shut up, Bill,” Missy hisses. To everyone’s relief, he does.
Mrs. Scully comes forward, maneuvering around Mulder to get to her daughter. “Are you alright, Dana?”
Scully keeps her back to the crowd. “I just need a minute.” She taps her pocket, confirms that she slipped her pack of cigarettes in. “I’ll be outside. Everyone can go back to dinner, please.”
She twists the doorknob and steps onto the back deck without waiting for any response. Mulder feels the tug of tears in his throat, like a dormant animal waking up in him. He is used to being hurt (though not by Scully, never her), but inflicting the hurt is a whole other beast. He doesn’t know what he’s done, but he doesn’t need to. The look in her eyes, put there by what he thought was a harmless touch, made his heart tremble. He is frozen in place, grateful when Melissa appears at his side as the rest of the party returns to the dining room.
“I didn’t mean to upset her, I was trying to make her feel better about Bill…” he laments.
“I’m sure, I’m sure. It’s not you specifically, she’s going through a lot right now--you know.”
Mulder rubs his neck. “I don’t know if I do.”
“She hasn’t shared her diagnosis?”
His eyes nearly pop out of their sockets. “Diagnosis?! Is she okay?”
Missy sighs. “I think you two need to talk. If she gets pissed, tell her I sent you.”
“Wait, wait, wait. Tell me if she’s okay.”
“She’s okay. It’s not fatal or anything.”
“She would tell me, if it was...wouldn’t she?”
Missy bites her lip. “I don’t know, Fox---Mulder. I would hope so, but I was under the impression you already knew about this, and you see how that’s gone.”
Mulder turns toward the back door, desperation living in his voice. “I’ve gotta go. I’ve gotta check on her.”
Missy nods. “Don’t let her weasel her way out of this one. I’m expecting a heart-to-heart, mushiness and all.”
“Aye aye, captain.”
He turns the back doorknob and slips through the door, trying to imitate his partner’s ninja skills. The old wood on the door frame shakes as he shuts it. He winces--so much for the sneak attack.
Mulder follows the arc of the deck, winter’s bite colliding with him. He didn’t have a chance to grab his jacket, and now that he’s thinking about it, Scully didn’t either. He can grin and bear it but she is all skin and bones, now more than ever. It scares him to see her like that, but it’s none of his business, he feels, to comment on her body. He can break her fall, but he must not provide an extra push.
The wind has no friends to protect nor foes to defeat, so it will give away anyone. It carries the unmistakable tarnish of smoke to Mulder’s nose, an ashy haze that has come to remind him of Skinner’s office and the shadow lingering in the corner. He almost expects to find him there with his Morleys and his sadistic laugh. Instead, he finds a redhead and her Marlboros shrinking against the December cold snap.
“Bum a cig, ma’am?” He scoots up to her, ready to retrieve his own smoke from her long, slender fingers.
“Mulder!” She pulls the cigarette away from her, holding her last puff captive in her lungs.
He wiggles his fingers like an impatient child. “We’re all gonna die someday, right?”
Her jig up, she rolls her shoulders back and releases the smoke with a great rise and fall of her chest. It mingles in the air with the chill of her breath, becoming one and the same as they leave the contours of her body. Head tilted back and lips parted, she is alive with nicotine’s ease and intoxication’s freedom.
It is better than porn, according to one Fox William Mulder. He’ll keep this observation to himself for now.
“Did your parents never teach you that sharing is caring?” he rambles. “C’mon, give me a light!”
“It’s a nasty habit, Mulder.”
“I’m a connoisseur of those,” he replies loosely. “Now, you’re not gonna make me put you in a headlock are ya?”
Scully rolls her eyes. She’s never felt less threatened in her life. “You’re exhausting, do you know that?”
“I’ve heard it a time or two.”
She pulls a cigarette from her carton and slips it into his fingers. They are warm; hers are ice-cold. “I wanted to be alone.” She hands him the lighter, watches as he generates heat from thin air.
He lights his cig and sticks the lighter in his pocket rather than handing it back to her. “According to my calculations, you should be very drunk right now. Other than your Oscar bait performance back there, you’ve got things pretty under control I’d say.”
Scully gestures at her cigarette smoking, teeth chattering self. “Yeah, I’m the picture of health.”
“Do you have some exceptional alcohol tolerance I should know about, because that’d make you very valuable in undercover work.”
Scully gazes out into the distance. She’d smile if she were to look at him right now, and that doesn’t feel right for the situation. “Those drinks have low alcohol content, Mulder. You can buy them at Dollar General.”
“You ever looked at their hand sanitizer? It’s like 95% alcohol.”
“Well, now I know where you go to get your fix.”
He chuckles. “You got me.”
She stuffs her hands in her pockets and he wishes, god he wishes, that he had grabbed his jacket. He’d take off his sweater if she wanted him to--stand there with his bare chest to the cold--but he has a feeling that would only exacerbate the situation.
He tries a more gentlemanly route. “Do you want me to grab your jacket? I won’t give away your trade secrets.”
She folds herself together. “No, it’s okay. It’ll make me get a move on at some point.”
They stand united in their rebellion, blowing smoke and freezing their asses off. Who needs Christmas cheer when you’ve got Christmas resentment?
Mulder sways a bit to keep his blood circulating. He is careful not to bump her. “You wanna tell me why you’re out-Scrooging Scrooge this year?” he prompts as gently as he can.
“In case you haven’t noticed, it hasn’t exactly been the best year of my life.”
“I gathered that, yeah.”
“And it’s the first Christmas without my father…” her voice warbles.
“Shit, right. I’m sorry,” Mulder murmurs.
“...So it just doesn’t feel very celebratory.” She takes a long drag. Mulder can tell that this secret smoking habit is not new to her, and he wonders when she picked it up, how long she has kept it from him.
He takes a deep breath, watches as it is written in the air. “Melissa told me you received a diagnosis, and I think we’ve already established that sharing is caring…”
Scully looks him in the eyes for the first time since he joined her. It has the sudden intensity of a black-and-white film, Scully the 1940s scarlet and he the leading man who pales in comparison to her. There is no one he’d rather be overshadowed by.
“It’s humiliating,” she croaks. “Missy and my mom are the only ones who know.”
“I’ve got the monopoly on humiliation in this partnership, so I wouldn’t worry about that,” he says, flicking some ashes to the ground.
“This is a particular form of humiliation you can’t experience, I’m afraid. Or at least, it wouldn’t impact you the same way.”
“Let’s hear it.”
She sighs. “My abductors removed all of my eggs, causing my menstrual cycle to shut down and me to enter perimenopause.”
His breath catches in his throat. “Jesus christ.”
He throws his cigarette on the ground and stamps it out, though it could have burned longer. “That’s fucking horrifying, Scully. You’ve got to inform the Bureau. We’ve got to catch these--whatever they are. We’ve got to make them pay.”
“No, Mulder. It’s too much. I don’t want to keep reliving it, I want to be able to move on with my life.”
“How can you move on when they’re still out there, probably doing it to more women?”
She shakes her head, feeling the snag of tears and holding them back for fear they might freeze on her face. “I don’t know, but I can’t think about it like that. It sort of...shatters everything, the idea that this could be a phenomenon happening to other women in secret. I wouldn’t believe it if it didn’t happen to me. I still don’t believe it.”
Mulder shudders. He can’t discern whether it’s from the cold or their conversation. “Do you think it was men who took you? Or do you believe Duane Barry?”
“It seems like a level of monstrosity that only man could achieve. It requires a certain understanding of society, gender roles...dehumanization that only humans could perpetuate.”
Mulder nods. Her reasoning tracks, but the thought of him failing to outsmart humans who stole away his partner is something he cannot fully process. It makes sense that he couldn’t find her if she was in space, but if she was on the face of the Earth, he had no damn excuse.
“You were just gone, Scully...you were just gone.” His aching is so palpable, his voice a cliff’s edge they could both tumble down.
“I know I was.” She takes one last puff, then lets her cigarette fall to the ground. She crushes it with her heel, her force premeditated and brutal. That pain is for the ones who took her, the ones who have obviously never loved a thing at all.
Head bowed, she moves toward the door, but not without grasping for Mulder’s elbow, assuring that he is following behind. He is and he will be, for as long as she lets him.
Inside, the home’s manufactured warmth hits them, unreal in comparison to the cold they have known. The kitchen is as quiet as it was before their ordeal, the dining room empty aside from Mrs. Scully clearing serving platters.
“Where did everyone go?” Scully asks, momentarily alarmed that she may have ruined the entire gathering.
“We’re going to drive around and look at lights before mass. Everyone’s getting ready.”
“Oh.” She looks to Mulder, as if to check that he hasn’t left her stranded. “I think I’ll stay here,” she tells her mother. “Make a cup of hot chocolate and relax for a bit.”
“Well, you’ll be missed. Fox, would you like to join us?”
He takes a leap, hopes he’s got the right idea. “I’ll stay here, but thank you.”
“As you wish,” Mrs. Scully says with a slight smile. Mulder had never noticed her resemblance to her daughter until that moment. It was like looking at a sketch of a famous painting; the lines are there but the colors missing.
Soon enough the crowd leaves and Scully and Mulder settle on the couch with mugs of hot cocoa. Margaret Scully’s tree forms the centerpiece of the living room, and it’s hard not to admire its gold and red decorations and the shiny angel on top.
“That’s gorgeous. Does she do it every year?” Mulder asks, ignoring the steam rising out of his mug and going right in for the kill.
Scully nods. “Every year since we were kids. There used to be a lot more homemade ornaments, but I guess she swapped those for a more elegant look now that we’re grown.”
“Well, it’s beautiful.” He looks at her, curled up with the glow of the fireplace falling upon her, and he feels warmth and safety like never before. It would be so easy to slip in “and so are you,” it is practically begging to be said. But she wouldn’t believe him if he said it now; she would think it was a pity compliment. Instead, he mouths the words, and she is not looking, and that is okay.
She snuggles deeper into the cushions, closing her eyes and letting her mind wander. She is the most at ease she has been in months--here in the house she lived in during high school with the fireplace crackling and her partner by her side--and that’s not what she expected from Christmas Eve. Heaven strokes her skin, and she blinks her eyes open to find Mulder tucking her in with her mother’s microfiber blanket. She smiles her soft Scully smile. “Thank you,” she coos, burrowing herself deeper into the blanket’s embrace.
“You’re welcome,” Mulder whispers into her ear. His fingers tangle in her hair as he pulls her toward him, his lips meeting her temple. She catalogues the feeling for her memory bank: chapped but carrying the hot chocolate’s warmth. She will spend the next while convinced that it was a dream, a fleeting image in the moments before sleep, but she will carry the feeling until she feels it again.
45 notes · View notes
Anon Request: You celebrate the kids’ birthdays. 
Tags: BTS, Bangtan Boys, Bangtan Seonyendan, Bulletproof Boy Scouts, Beyond the Scene, BTS Drabble, Anon request, Anon ask, BTS x you, Husband AU, Father AU, BTS Kids, Seokjin x you, Seokjin x reader, Yoongi x you, Yoongi x reader, Hoseok x you, Hoseok x reader, Namjoon x reader, Namjoon x you, Jimin x reader, Jimin x you, Taehyung x reader, Taehyung x you, Jungkook x reader, Jungkook x you, Fluff
Genre: FLUFF
Title: A Day to Celebrate
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You watch Mishil eagerly rip into the wrapping paper surrounding the present, smiling to yourself as she unveils the phone inside with a shriek of glee. 
“No way! A cellphone?” The now ten year old asks, as she glances between you and her father with wide eyes, scarcely believing this is real. 
“Yup.” Jin replies, nodding, his eyes twinkling with his daughter’s happiness, as he leans forward to point out the features of her new phone. “Mom and I thought you were old enough now to have your own.” 
“Thank you, thank you, thank you!” Mishil bursts to her feet and flings her arms around Jin, before she races across the room to give you a tight hug as well. “You guys are the best parents ever!” 
“Come on, dummy. You still have presents to open.” Hyo speaks up, waving another wrapped parcel in her sister’s direction, though her insult holds less seriousness than usual. 
Mishil leaves your side to return to sitting cross legged on the floor, reaching for the next box as she begins to guess excitedly what it could be. 
You push yourself up from the sunken cushions of the armchair with difficulty, a hand going to support your huge pregnant belly, as you quietly exit the living room, no one noticing, as you sneak into the kitchen to begin to prepare the candles on the cake you had made earlier that day. 
Digging around in the drawer beneath the kitchen sink, you feel a sharp, lightning like pain spread across your abdomen, tightening the muscles only briefly enough to make you gasp softly, before it is gone once more. 
Telling yourself it’s just the restless, large baby inside of you kicking your ribs once more, you continue your search for the missing lighter, finally pulling it triumphantly from the drawer as you straighten. 
Another pain, this time radiating downward, makes you lose your breath again, and you lean against the counter briefly for support, breathing in and out, before it recedes like the first. 
Determined not to pay the pains any mind, and definitely determined not to think about what they might mean, you steady yourself and, with a shaking hand, reach out to begin lighting the ten, colorful candles sticking upward from the chocolate birthday cake. 
“Ow. Shit!” You swear with the next cramp, leaning heavily against the counter, dropping the lighter as you push your hands over the hardened muscles of your belly.
This pain wasn’t like the others. It came more quickly, and it was much more agonizing. 
And then, you swear once more, as wetness suddenly cascades down over your bare feet, hitting the tile floor of the kitchen with a subdued splash. 
You breathe through the next pain, which follows the other so closely, that by the time it disappears, you’re hot and sweaty and breathing harder than before. 
You steady yourself against the counter, careful not to slip in the puddle of liquid that has gathered at your feet, and trying to ignore the feeling of said moisture trickling slowly down your leg, you call out carefully, “Jin?” 
It takes your husband only a moment before he appears in the doorway of the kitchen, Mishil and Hyo close behind him, peering over his shoulder as he greets you with a grin and a, “Is the cake ready, jagi? Did you need something?” 
The large smile drops off his face though, as you double over with another contraction, and Jin is rushing to your side, looking down in shock and surprise as his socks begin to soak up the liquid covering the floor. 
“It’s happening, huh?” He glances over at you as he takes your arm, allowing you to lean on him as you nod, before you glance over at the startled faces of your two older daughters. 
“Mish, how do you feel about sharing a birthday?” You ask with a slightly breathless laugh, as you try to breathe through the mounting of the next contraction. “Because I think you’re about to become a big sister.” 
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“Ouch, dammit!” 
You peek your head into the living room as you hear your husband’s angry outburst, hiding a grin as you see him straightening up from beneath the coffee table, rubbing his head as his mutters some more curse words under his breath. 
“How’s it going in here?” You tease, stepping more fully into the room, as you look around at the pink and purple balloons filling the living space, hung from every spare inch of ceiling, the edges of the sofa, the TV, and now the coffee table, which Yoongi had obviously just finished. 
“Yeah, Yeah.” He grumbles, standing up as he reaches for the empty balloon package wrapping, shooting you a good natured glare as he glances around at his handiwork from the morning. “It looks like pink and purple threw up all over the apartment. But that’s what you wanted right?” 
“It’s perfect.” You grin, leaning over to press a brief kiss to his lips as he passes you to enter the kitchen, just as Jag-Eun comes running into the room. 
“Mommy, mommy!” The soon to be four year old cries, coming to a halt before you, as she twirls slowly in a circle, hands holding out the folds of her dress for you to admire. “Look at my beautiful princess dress!” 
“You look just like a princess!” You exclaim, kneeling down in front of her to straighten the tiara that sits atop her dark hair, which you had carefully curled into ringlets about an hour earlier. “The prettiest princess I’ve ever seen.” 
Yoongi comes back into the living room, stopping behind you as you stand once more, his arms going around your waist and his chin resting on your shoulder, as he teasingly looks over the head of his daughter, saying curiously, “Baby, have you seen mini? I’ve been looking everywhere for her, but I can’t seem to find her!” 
“I’m right here, daddy.” Jag-Eun giggles at her father’s joke, dancing from one foot to the other, her sparkly plastic high heels clicking on the floor. “Right in front of you!” 
“No, you’re not my mini!” Yoongi exclaims with fake shock, stepping around you to crouch in front of Jag-Eun, as he reaches out to finger the shiny material of her dress. “You’re a princess! And much too big to be Jag-Eun!” 
Jag-Eun giggles again, her laughter increasing as her father gives up the charade and leans over to tickle her sides, before sweeping her to him and planting a large kiss on the top of her head, to which she struggles from his grip and fixes her tiara. 
“All right. Come on you two.” You say, grinning, as you glance over at the clock. “Grandma and Grandpa will be here soon, and we need to make sure everything’s ready for the special princess party.” 
Jag-Eun, holding Yoongi’s hand, follows you into the kitchen, and you hide your smile, as you hear her ask her father quizzically, “Daddy, do you think grandpa and grandma will know it’s me? I don’t want them to think I’m not mini and give my presents to someone else!” 
Yoongi laughs. “They’ll know it’s you, princess. Your presents are safe. Trust me.” 
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“Okay, okay.” You wave your hands, trying to settle down the overly excited twins, as they run around the living room, yelling and chasing each other, while jumping on the couches. “Sit down, boys.” 
It takes a moment for the boys to hear you, but when they see their father emerge from the hallway, arms loaded with wrapped presents, they sit down immediately, Kyong jostling Korain, who hits his brother with a pillow, before they decide on their spots. 
“All right.” You sit cross legged on the floor in front of them, as Hobi sits beside you, letting the armful of presents topple to a stack of brightly colored wrapping paper before the two of you and the eager twins. You point to one of the presents. “Now, Ky, your presents are wrapped in trains, okay? And Ko,” You point to another present. “Yours are wrapped in dinosaurs. Got it?” 
Your sons nod, fidgeting in their seats, eager to get their hands on their presents, and you nod at Hobi, you leans forward, placing two of the appropriate parcels into their laps. 
Kyong instantly tears into his, holding up the toy airplane and helicopter set for his brother to see, as he exclaims excitedly, “Yes! Now we can play rescue in the mountains!” 
Korain ogles the plastic set with his brother for a moment, before he opens his own gift, yelling as he finishes tearing the wrapping paper off, holding the gift aloft for all to see with bright eyes, “A science kit! It even has exploding volcanoes and test tubes!” 
“Two opened, and they’re both hits.” Hobi says quietly to you, his arm going around your waist, as he pulls you back to lean against him while you sit on the floor. “Good job, mom.” 
“Thanks, baby.” You say,  leaning your head back to grin up at him, and he winks down at you, before you press a quick kiss to the skin beneath his jaw. 
“Holy cow!” Kyong says, having opened another gift, showing the present to his brother once more excitedly. “Look, Ko, an electric train set with real tracks!” 
“And I got a set of realistic dinosaur models!” Korain responds in kind, waving his own present in his brother’s face. 
You watch as the twins reach for their last presents, chattering excitedly with one another about all the things they’ll do with their new toys, as they begin to unwrap the packages at the same time. 
“Oh.” Kyong looks disappointed, catching you by surprise, as he reaches the last present. “Marbles.” 
“I have comics.” Korain, sounding equally despondent about his last gift, eyes his brother. 
“Wait, wait, wait.” Hobi speaks up before you can say anything, glancing between his sons curiously. “I thought you loved those things.” 
“I’m not into marbles anymore, dad.” Kyong explains with a deep sigh. 
“And I don’t read comics anymore either.” Korain adds. 
“Okay, well....” You start to say, glancing back at Hobi, as he shrugs slightly, at a loss. 
“But.” Kyong takes the comics from the lap of his brother, a smile emerging on his face once more. “I’m totally into comics now.” 
“Yeah! And I love marbles.” Korain pipes up, taking the bag from his brother’s hand. 
As they start to open their new gifts, Hobi lets out a sigh of relief, and asks jokingly, “Well, crisis averted.” 
You roll your eyes. “I guess so.” You nudge him playfully. “I can’t wait to see what we get wrong at the next birthday.” 
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“Okay, Hana, look over here, baby girl!” Namjoon calls out, snapping his fingers as he looks through his camera lens, trying to get his daughter’s attention, which is focused solely on the birthday cake now in front of her. 
The newly turned one year old, giggles, not looking at her pleading father, as she lifts a chubby hand and digs into the top of the cake, thick frosting oozing between her fingers as she laughs and says happily, “Yummy!” 
Namjoon snaps some pictures of Hana playing with the smash cake on the tray of her high chair, before he sighs and placing down the camera, comes to stand beside you, putting an arm around your shoulders as he kisses the top of your head and pulls you close. “Can you believe she’s one?” 
“I don’t want to talk about it.” You say, shooting him a dramatic look, before you glance back to the baby, who is now licking icing off of her fingers, smearing it all over her cheeks and dark, thick hair in the process, the crevices of her dimples filled with the sweet, sticky substance. “She’s growing up too fast.” 
Your attention is pulled away from Hana, as Moon-soo, who is sitting at the kitchen table, swinging his legs, cheek propped on his hand, watching his sister, calls out to you. 
“Yes, Moonie.” You ask, slipping out from underneath your husband’s arm, to cross the room and sit beside the suddenly despondent four year old little boy. “What’s up?” 
He glances once more at his sister, who Namjoon is now desperately trying to clean up a bit, and then down at the cake sitting in front of him neatly on a plate. “Why does Hana get to play with her food and I don’t?” 
You smile, reaching out to ruffle his dark hair, his dimples sinking into his cheeks as he purses his lips in seriousness, so much like his father. “It’s Hana’s birthday, Moonie. Daddy and I let you do this for your first birthday too.” 
“But I want to do it now.” Moon-soo pouts, sulkily staring down at his plate and fork, which he flicks away with his finger. “It’s more fun that way.” 
You sigh, thinking for a moment, before you say, leaning over to whisper to him, “You know what? You’re right. It is more fun.” You pick up his piece of cake as he looks over at you in surprise, and you motion for him to follow you into the kitchen quietly, where Namjoon is now at the sink, wetting a rag in preparation to clean up the birthday girl. 
“Joonie?” You ask innocently, cake still held in your hands. 
“Yeah, baby, what’s up?” He turns around, clearly expecting you to need something, and that’s when you smash the piece of cake into his face. 
He looks at you with complete and utter shock, icing and cake dripping down his cheekbones and jaw and onto his shirt, and you laugh, you can’t help it, as Moon-soo breaks into peals of glee beside you at the state of his father. 
“What in the...” Namjoon sputters, reaching up to wipe a particularly large glob of frosting from his cheek. 
“Moonie thinks the birthday party will be more fun if Hana isn’t the only one who got to wear her cake.” You grin, and Moon-soo nods from beside you. 
Namjoon gets a devious look in his eye as he reaches across the counter for his own slice of cake. “Oh really? Then I guess it’s your turn next.” 
Moon-soo yells and you squeal, as you both run, laughing, from the kitchen, Namjoon, carrying the slice of cake, hot on your heels. 
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“Yun Hee, honey, no.” You scold lightly, rushing over to take the present out of your daughter’s hands just before she tears into the brightly colored paper. “Those are Eun-Ha’s presents.” 
“But me too!” Yun Hee whines, reaching back out for the present, a deep scowl on her little face that makes you laugh, as you hand the offending present to her father, who sits on the floor, Eun-Ha contentedly resting in his lap as she chews on the new toy she had received moments ago. 
“Yun Hee, come here.” You sit down beside Jimin, who is trying to entice your one year old daughter to take interest in the newly presented present, and pat your lap for your older daughter to come and sit with you. When she does, you smooth back her black bangs, as you kiss her forehead and say, “I know it’s hard when it’s someone else’s birthday, baby girl.” 
“You know what?” Jimin glances over at the two of you, offering Yun Hee a soft smile, as he hands her the present she had just given up moments before, the baby not interested in the slightest, as she shoves her toy once again into her mouth. “I bet you could help Eun-Ha open this, Yunnie. She’s not too interested. She’s still little.” 
Yun Hee snatches the gift from her father’s hands and tears into the wrapping paper, smiling brightly as she pulls out another toy, this one in the soft, shape of a dog, for her baby sister. 
“Look, Eunnie!” Yun Hee says excitedly, scooting off your lap to wave the brightly colored fabric toy in front of Eun-Ha’s face. “It’s a puppy! Puppy! For you!” 
Eun-Ha focuses on the toy, eyes large and bright, and drops the other toy she had been holding to reach out for the new toy her sister was offering her, babbling excitedly as she squeals, “Puppy!” 
“She likes it, dad!” Yun Hee says with happiness, as Eun-Ha pops the new toy into her mouth, chewing contentedly once more. 
“She loves it.” Jimin nods, shooting you a smile over the toddler’s head, which you return, before he motions to the next present. “How about we open another for her? I’m sure she won’t mind.” 
Yun Hee crawls over the pile of presents, digging through for one that interests her. 
You take the moments to slide over next to Jimin, leaning your head on his shoulder, as you reach out to run a hand over the baby’s dark curls covering her perfectly round head. 
“You’re a really good dad, you know that, Chim?” You ask softly, as you watch Yun Hee dig for presents and Eun Ha chew on her toy with soft, fond eyes. “A really good girl dad.” 
“I do know that.” Jimin remarks, as he places a kiss on the crown of your head, rings glinting as his fingers play with the baby’s tinier hands. “But only because you tell me.” 
“This one, this one!” Yun Hee appears once more, waving a large box excitedly, as she sits down beside the two of you, and Jimin reaches out to squeeze your hand, as you watch the toddler begin to open the present, the baby laughing at her sister’s motions. 
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“This is weird.” You say quietly, as you speak over the sounds of the TV, a movie humming softly away in the background. 
“What is?” Taehyung asks with a yawn, glancing over at you, eyes dark in the dimmed lighting of the living room. 
“You know.” You shrug, snuggling into his side, as he adjusts the arm he has slung around your shoulders, pulling your feet up beneath your body to warm them beneath the soft material of your pajamas. “Ara not wanting to celebrate her birthday with us this year.” 
“Oh. That.” Your husband nods against the top of your head, chest heaving upward with a sigh. “You know how kids are, jagi. They get to be teenagers and they’d rather do things with their friends than their parents.” 
“I know.” You sigh in return, glaning at the clock, suddenly noting that curfew is approaching, and you reach for your phone. 
Before you can text your daughter though, you hear the sound of a key in the lock, and glancing up as Ara enters the living room, slinging her back onto the kitchen table, you say in greeting, “Hey, honey. How was the night?” 
Your daughter shrugs. “It was fine.” 
Taehyung reaches for the remote control, and pausing your movie, he glances over your head to Ara, who is now kicking off her shoes beside the door and heading to the fridge for something to snack on. “Just fine? It’s your birthday, girl, come on. You can do better than that!” 
“Dad.” Ara rolls her eyes, coming to sit on the arm of the couch, as she pops open a soda. “It was fun okay?” 
“That’s good.” you reply, before shooting Taehyung a look, to which he grins and shrugs. “Anyway.” You reach around your husband to the coffee table, before handing Ara a neatly wrapped, small square package. “Happy birthday, sweetie.” 
Ara sends you a curious glance, before setting down her drink and carefully opening the present. 
“Wow, mom. Dad.” She looks between the two of you after opening the box inside, and delicately reaches in to pull out the dangling, silver necklace, the charms of her initials, birthstone, and star sign glinting in the light from the lamp. “This is beautiful, and just the one I wanted. Thank you, guys.” 
“You’re welcome.” You nod, reaching out blindly to squeeze Taehyung’s hand. 
“I wanted to get you a barbie set like when you were younger, but your mom said no, and that you were too old for it.” Taehyung jokes, grinning at Ara, as she pauses in fastening the necklace around her throat and gives him another exasperated look. 
“Well, thank you.” She says once again, standing from her place on the couch and picking up her drink. “I’m going to go to bed.” She heads toward the hallway, but pauses, looking back at the two of you. “I love you.” 
“We love you too, honey.” You say, giving her a little wave, and trying not to show how deeply emotional her words made you. “Happy Birthday.” 
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You enter the living room, and sitting down on the couch, you can’t help the smile that crosses your face at the scene before you. 
Jungkook is laying on his stomach on the floor, helping Daeseok figure out his new car and ramp set, which the four year old had gotten for his birthday earlier that day. 
“Vroom vroom!” Jungkook mimics the sound of a race car, as Daeseok watches in fascination, as his father drives the car up the tall ramp, and then releases it at the pinnacle, the small car racing down the curves and twists of the track back to the bottom where it started. “See, Seokie? That race car was so fast!” 
“Wow, daddy! I want to try!” Daeseok reaches for a blue car sitting on the floor, coming to his knees to reach the top of the tall track as he drives his own car up the turns, making the same sounds his father had just moments before. “Vroom, vroom!” 
The car is released and goes flying down the track, hitting into Jungkook’s car at the bottom, and both boys cheer, as Jungkook holds his hand out for his son to high five. 
“Way to go, buddy! That was great!” He watches his son gather up another car, eyes sparkling with fondness, before he glances over his head to where you sit, flashing you a grin and a wink, before he turns back to Daeseok. “Did you have a good birthday?” 
“Yes, daddy!” Daeseok exclaims animatedly, as he pauses in his cars to point to the many new toys and presents strewed across the living room floor amongs bunches of discarded wrapping paper. “I got cars and a train and dinosaurs and cake!” 
You laugh. “Did you like opening your presents and eating cake, Seokie?” 
“Yes!” Your son turns his gaze on you, watching as you rub your hands on the baby bump that is just starting to appear. Suddenly, his face turns curious. “When will the baby have a birthday?” 
“Ah.” Jungkook sits up, reaching out to gather up some of the wrapping paper to throw away. “Not till they’re born, buddy.” 
“But that’s so long!” Daeseok complains, leaving his toy cars to come and sit beside you with a pout on his face. “What if the baby wants to eat cake now?” 
You chuckle, as Jungkook stands and makes his way into the kitchen to throw away the trash, reaching out to smooth Daeseok’s hair back from his forehead as he watches you expectantly. “It’s okay, Seokie. Mommy had some cake. And right now, the baby eats whatever mommy eats.” 
“But you eat broccoli.” Daeseok crinkles his nose up in disgust at the word. “What if the baby doesn’t like broccoli like me?” 
Jungkook reemerges, sinking down into the couch beside you, as he places an arm around your shoulders, leaning around you to see his son, as he says playfully, “It’s okay, buddy. I don’t think the baby minds what mommy eats right now.” 
Daeseok considers this, and you jump slightly, as said baby begins to move around furiously in your stomach suddenly, wiggling and feeling like an overexcited large goldfish. 
“Seokie.” You reach out, taking the boy’s hand and placing it flat, palm down, on the bulge of your stomach. “Can you feel that?” You wait, and when his eyes widen and he nods silently, you flash him a grin, reaching out with your free hand to squeeze Jungkook’s fingers. “The baby’s wishing you a happy birthday.” 
141 notes · View notes
kayteewritessteve · 5 years
DT - Just Drunk 3/3
Description: It’s finally your first date night with Steve, and everything starts out great. But then things start to take a drastic turn for the worst, and you are both left helplessly watching as the night crashes and burns before your very eyes. Whoever said that having best friends was a good thing, clearly lied to all of us... Masterlist HERE.
Word Count: 11,470 ish.
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader.
Rating: PG. Warnings: Curse words. Awkward moments. Shitty friends.
Requested: Nah, this is just the third and final part to this mini series.
A/N: I sadly don’t own any of these characters. And no beta reader, so I do proudly own all the errors and this story, so there’s that.
It’s finally here!! The final part of Drunk Twitter! And my entry to @justkending milestone celebration!! My prompt will be in bold and was: “Ever wanted to smack someone upside the head with a frying pan?” “Cause I’m getting that feeling right now.” CONGRATS TO YOU, LOVELY, ON YOUR 1000 FOLLOWERS MILESTONE! Here’s to many, many more followers to come for you! You deserve the whole damn world. Oh! And HAPPY BIRTHDAY BEAUTIFUL!! I hope you had a wonderful day, locked in your house lol ❤️❤️❤️
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That was hands down the worst date that either you, or Steve, had ever been on, in your entire separate lives. And that was saying a lot, considering Steve was just over 100 years old, and you weren’t exactly a spry young chicken yourself. At least when it came to the dating world, you weren’t.
So why, exactly, was this date such a colossal disaster, you ask? Oh, well, let us show you it in its entirety, from start to finish. Then you’ll understand exactly why, and when, it all went to hell in a handbag.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Readers POV
Tonight’s the night. After 5 days of intense mood swings, calling your friends crying and begging for pep talks, hardly getting any tasks done at work, issues with sleeping, and a few very large glasses of wine—read, just the straight bottle. No glasses were used, because we aren’t about that life here— It’s finally Friday night AKA your date night with Steve. And—oh fuck, nope, no, nu uh. You can’t do this. You just can’t!
You flop down onto the ridiculous pile of clothes that is now your bedroom floor and try to bury yourself within it. You can’t do this. You really can’t. So instead, you will just burrow into these clothes and they will become your home now. Lindsey and Tyler can drop off food once a week to sustain you, and if you get an extension cord, you could totally rig up your laptop in here.
Note to self: regardless of if you stay buried in these clothes or not, you really do need to get an extension cord. They are honestly useful as fuck.
But back to the main issue at hand here, which was agreeing to this ridiculous date. That was a horrible idea! Honestly, what were you even thinking?! You know you don’t take stress well, that you overthink and panic over even the smallest of upsets, but shit—wait, where was I going with this again? OH! Right! Who do you even think you are? Going on a damn date with thee Steve Rogers! The most gentlemanly, gentleman that ever gentlemaned! Shit!
And then there is you, a washed up journalist with hair that never cooperates, pores the size of Russia, and—you swear that—you walk with a limp, because you are positive that one leg is just slightly shorter than the other. You swear it! On your damn life!
Okay, so maaaaaybe you are overreaching here just a tad, again. But the point still stands. You aren’t special, or a superhero, or ya know, God's gift to the world. You are just you. Y/N Y/L/N. So how is it that you scored a date with thee sweetest, most down to earth, most handsome guy out there? Damn. Maybe good Karma really is a thing?—No, no. You shake your head, vehemently. Because in that case, you would have ended up getting shit on by a bird or something, instead of going on a date with Steve..
Alright, it’s decided. You aren’t going on this date. You don’t deserve to go on this date. You’ll just pick up your phone and call—no! Text! Facing him...err, ya know, what your voice? Shit, doesn’t matter, what does though is the fact that you having to cancel over the phone would just be way too hard, and far too heartbreaking. A text is super impersonal, but much easier. And—hey! Don’t judge us! We never claimed to be courageous! We are basically the damn cowardly lion in human form over here. So come to terms with that. Own it. It’s a part of who we are now.
You groan, moving your arms around languidly over the insane pile of clothes beneath you, in search of your cellular communication device. The movement reminds you of making snow angels as a kid, so just for good measure you move your legs as well, and allow the random procrastinating train of thought to continue on for a few more minutes. Hoping it will calm your nerves even a little.
It obviously doesn’t, but it does cause you to giggle, and locate your phone, so that’s a win, you guess. You pick the phone up and bring it to above your face, your eyes instantly widening when you realize the time. 5:46pm. Shit! Steve is supposed to be here at 6! There is no way you can text and cancel now! You’re willing to bet he’ll be here at exactly 6, and he is probably driving as we speak, therefore he won’t even get your text till he is outside your apartment. And shit, cancelling at this point is just fucking mean. You have to go on this date now, you have no choice.
You groan loudly again as you barrel roll off the pile of clothes and awkwardly climb to your feet, heading over to the mirror to take a second look at the 15th outfit you’ve tried on tonight. But before you can give it a thorough re-looking over, your phone rings abruptly and you jump, almost chucking it across the room. Man, you are clearly far too jumpy tonight, and you always have this weird desperate need to involuntarily destroy your phone. Like what even is that? Your phone continues to ring, and you quickly answer it, not even checking who is calling. “H-hello?”
“Breathe. What are you wearing?”
Lindsey, it’s Lindsey. You glance down, “dark wash jeans, a black sheer blouse, and my black ankle boot heels.” You freeze, realization and then irrational fear taking hold, as you stare back at yourself in the mirror. “Oh shit, do you think I’m too underdressed? Oh crap! I am, aren’t I? I should have worn a dress! He’s from the damn 30’s! Oh fu—“
“Woman!” Lindsey cuts you off, “just breathe, babe, damn. You are overthinking this whole thing way too much. Your outfit is perfect, I bet you look like a freaking fox right now, and I know for a fact you will blow Steve away. So just simmer your shit a little, okay?”
You nod slowly to your reflection, realizing Lindsey can’t see the action you quickly mumble. “Yeah. Yeah, you’re right. I’ll be okay, I look fine, I’m fine. I’m breathing now. Promise.”
“Very convincing,” Lindsey snarks and you can damn near hear her rolling her eyes at you.
You are about to snark back at her, but a few light knocks on your door halt the words in your throat. Shiiiiit! He’s here!
“Fuck! Linds!” You hiss. “He’s here! What do I do?!”
“Jesus,” she sighs, exasperated, “you get off the phone and answer the door! And then have a wonderful fucking night. It’s that simple.”
“Okay. Okay. You’re right, again, it sounds simple enough. I got this.” Yet the words don’t sound convincing at all. At least not to your ears.
“You do,” she reaffirms. “Now repeat after me, I look great. I will rock this damn date. I will blow him away with my looks and my interesting and funny conversation topics. Because I got this shit on lock.”
“Yes, I second everything you just said. But I have to go! Bye!” You pulled the phone from your ear and are just about to hang up, when you hear.
“Wait!!” Ring from the phone's speaker, and you halt from hanging up, putting the phone back to your ear.
“Yes?” You question in a rushed manner, needing to get off the phone so you can answer the door and not leave Steve Rogers standing idly in your hallway for all your neighbours to see.
“Call me as soon as the date ends!! Or there will be hell to pay!” She warns. “I want all the dirty details, so don’t forget a damn thing! And most of all, have fuuuuun!” She singsongs the last part.
“Will do! Bye!” You hang up quickly before she can say anything else. Was that rude? Probably. Do you care at the moment? Not in the slightest. You’ll make it up to her later.
You rush from your room, closing the door behind you so he can’t catch even a small glimpse of the chaos that has become your bedroom floor. Then you make your way to your front door, pulling on your heel booties and grabbing your jacket from the back of your dining room chair before pulling it on as well. With one last look at yourself in your entryway mirror, you pull open your door and your heart damn near leaps from your chest at just the sight of him alone.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Steve's POV
Finding her address took way less time than he thought it would, and once he parks he realizes just how early he is. He couldn’t go up yet, could he? No, no, arriving too early is ‘bad form’, as Sam had put it, and ‘makes you look too eager,’ as Bucky had added. Both men were not being overly helpful, at all. But then Nat had piped up, and said to ignore both guys, and the true reason you don’t want to show up too early is because she probably won’t be ready, and it’s never good to rush a woman’s pre-date prepping process. So after Nat’s words of wisdom replay in his mind, he decides to wait it out, and head up closer to 6. Not wanting to rush you in any way, shape, or form.
But the second the clock clicks to 5:55, he is out of the car and halfway to your apartment's front door. He is just about to buzz your number, when another resident exits the door and sees him standing there. The residents eyes widen comically upon realization that Captain America is currently standing outside their apartment, and with a few stuttered words of praise and thanks, the resident steps aside, still holding the door, and allows Steve access to the apartments lobby.
With a sincere and rushed ‘Thank you’, Steve makes his way into the building and up to the 4rd floor to your apartment door. He glances down at his watch and sees that it’s now 5:59, right on time, he thinks. He quickly pats down his clothes, trying to smooth them out and eradicate the wrinkles from sitting in the car for so long. And just as the clock ticks over to 6:00, he takes a deep breath, and raises his hand, knocking loudly on the fake wood door.
His super soldier ears pick up the shuffled sounds of movement and the murmur of a soft voice through the door. Though he can’t make out the words, and yes, if he focused himself he probably could, but your privacy is still important to him. Even though he’s sort of taken it away from you once or twice in the past. Be it by looking at Tony’s file on you, or constantly creeping your social media accounts. Granted, social media is you putting it out there to the world, so it’s not exactly a breach of privacy. But yet, it still made Steve feel weird and creepy for doing it, so that sort of counts, at least in his mind it does—
The door abruptly opening cuts off Steve’s train of thought, and then the sight now before him causes his mind to just blank. With no hopes in it recovering anytime soon, because you are breathtaking. More beautiful than the last time he saw you, and that’s saying something because he was almost rendered speechless the first time. And this time, he is.
How the hell is he going to make it through this night, if he can’t even say a word from just the sight of you, alone?! Oh hell, he’s doomed.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Readers POV
A silent moment goes by, neither one of you uttering so much as a syllable. Just both standing there, staring at each other and speechless. Finally you find your voice and drag it back from its hiding place. “Uh, hi,” you wave awkwardly—And woooow, clearly you only dragged a part of it back. And also, a freaking wave?!? What are you, 12? You’d facepalm right now, if it weren’t for the tall blonde standing directly in front of you currently.
Steve gives you a shy smile, and an awkward wave in return, “Hi.”
Okay, so at least you aren’t the only awkward one. That’s good, you guess. “Shall we?” You ask, pointing past Steve at the empty hallway.
He nods quickly, “yeah. Yeah, let’s go.” And then he steps out of the doorway to allow you room to exit your apartment. You quickly do, turning to close and lock your door, and then you direct your attention back to the Adonis beside you, as you both begin to walk towards the stairwell door.
A silence looms over you both, you aren’t exactly sure what to say, and it would appear Steve has the same sentiments. You make your way down the stairs and out your apartment buildings front door, and then you freeze. Completely. You gape at the all black car, currently parked on the curb outside your building. “Is that,” you pause, your voice barely coming out above a whisper, so you clear your throat, “is that a Mclaren P1?” You turn to look back at Steve, eyes wide and mouth hanging slightly open.
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He gives you a bashful look, “it is. I’m sorry, I was planning to bring my bike, but then Nat told me you might be wearing a dress, and that even if you weren’t, the helmet would just mess up your hair,” he trails off, glancing at the car and mumbling, “So Tony forced me into taking this ridiculous car.”
You chuckle softly and turn to look back at your dream car, sitting just 25 feet away. “Not ridiculous at all. If I ever won the lottery, that’s the first thing I’d buy,” you gesture to the car and then a cold sweat rips through you, and you quickly look down to inspect your clothes. Or rather, the ass of your jeans.
There is no way in hell you are getting in that car, until you are positive there isn’t a single thing on your jeans that could accidentally be transferred to the seats. You could NEVER afford to replace one of those seats, they are insanely expensive and your measly junior journalist pay would not cut it. You’d be back paying till you were old and grey. No! Longer than that, you’d have to leave your debt owing to Tony Stark in your damn Will. So that your poor children and grandchildren could continue to pay it off after you’re dead and gone. That’s how expensive they are.
A soft chuckle from behind you causes your eyes to flick up and realize that Steve is watching your every move. Including how you just checked your own ass out. Wonderful. Way to go, smart one!
“Ah, shall we?” You ask, yet again, as clearly that’s the only words you have in your repertoire tonight. Some journalist you are. Steve gives you a large grin, and nods, then he places his hand on your lower back and leads you towards your dream car. And if this wasn’t a first date, and that wasn’t Tony Stark's car, you’d have totally asked if you could drive it. But you refrain, this time.
Steve lifts up the passenger door for you,—yes, ‘lifts up’. Butterfly doors are just far too damn cool for words!— like the gentleman he is and you thank him quietly as you slip in. And the second the door is closed, your eyes excitedly bounce around the car's interior, taking in all of it as you may never get a chance to sit in a Mclaren again. And you don’t want to miss or forget a single detail about this damn car.
Steve slips into the driver's seat and clicks in his seatbelt, reminding you that you should probably do the same. So you quickly click yours in as well. Then he turns to you, “you like cars, I take it?”
“Something like that,” you chuckle as he pushes a button to start up the car and it roars to life. Which yeah, that causes your insides to do a little happy dance of excitement at just the sound of this beast alone. “My dad was a mechanic, and an avid supercar enthusiast. So I grew up around cars and at race tracks.”
Steve hums his acknowledgement of your words, as he pulls away from the curb. “I’m more of a bike guy, myself. But I can appreciate a beautiful car.”
You smile at him, happy that you’ve both managed to get over your initial awkwardness and settled on a topic you are comfortable and knowledgeable in. “I like bikes as well, though I’m nowhere near coordinated enough for two wheels, so I stick to four.”
He chuckles, and takes a second to glance over at you before focusing back on the road, “Well, I’ll have to take you out on my bike one day,” he pauses and then quickly adds, “If um, if you’d be interested in that?”
You nod enthusiastically, “I’d really like that.”
You see the hint of a smile form on the side of his lips, “okay. I can make that happen.”
Then what his words actually meant hits you, and you freeze up again. Because, wait, did he just ask you on a second date?! Did he just imply that he already knows he wants a second date? Even before this one has actually started? Shit, what are you supposed to do with that information?! Thank God your frazzled and slightly slow mind hadn’t clued into this until after you’d answered him. Or you could have just ended up not replying at all, and making the poor guy think you didn’t want to see him again. Or that you weren’t enjoying yourself so far. Which couldn’t be further from the truth.
You pull your head out of your ass, and decide to ignore your insecurities and fears, and just talk to Steve. So you start asking him simple questions about himself, nothing too deep, just surface stuff, and as the car ride continues on, you find yourself relaxing more and more.
You both just talk the entire way to the restaurant and before you know it, the car is coming to a stop and Steve is climbing out and handing the valet his keys. He quickly makes his way around to your side and opens up the door before you can even attempt to get it yourself, he offers you a hand and helps you out, and yeah, that makes you swoon a little more. But just a little.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Steve's POV
As he pulls open the restaurant's door for Y/N, and guides her inside, he starts to finally calm down. Thank God his implication of wanting a second date so soon into the first one, hadn’t scared her off. Bucky had told him to play it aloof, leave her wanting more. Sam had told him to be cool, and to think before he spoke. And Nat had told him, once again, to ignore the guys and just be himself. If he wanted to say something to her, to just freaking say it. Be open, and honest, and not some fabricated asshole or casanova. Because that wasn’t him, and girls could usually see right through that shit. So he’d once again decided to go with Nat’s advice, as hers seemed the least scary. And the most realistic.
But when the words had left his mouth, he’d almost groaned and banged his head against the steering wheel. Because who the hell brings up a second date, 5 minutes into the first? That was way too eager of him, to just assume she’d even be interested in the first place. But yet, it had worked out in his favour, because she’d replied instantly, and excitedly, that she’d really like that. So maybe just being himself, and saying what was in his head was the best option after all. It did score him a second date, so clearly this was going well. If he was any judge of things, that is.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Readers POV
Your eyes land on the beautiful young woman standing behind a podium, and the moment her eyes flick up and locked on you both, a large grin forms on her lips. You honestly don’t know what to make of the smile, it’s not exactly one you’d have expected, and you can’t place why it makes you feel so awkward.
It’s odd for sure, but then she speaks and her voice is a polar opposite to her grin. It’s sweet and soft, and calming. “Good evening you two, do you have a reservation? Or just looking for a table?”
“We have a reservation, under Rogers,” Steve answers and you aren’t sure if he is getting the same odd vibes as you are, maybe he is used to people reacting weirdly to his presence. Or maybe, you are just finally going fully crazy, but one glance up at the large blonde, and seeing the slight furrow of his brow, tell you that this isn’t normal, or maybe he is picking up on the same weird vibes that you are. So you aren’t going crazy—at least not this time, you aren’t.
She nods quickly, then picks up two menus and asks you both to follow her. She leads you through the restaurant and to a back corner table. “Here you are,” she says as she places the menus down on the table. “Your waiter will be with you shortly,” she adds, and you are positive that she is trying not to laugh. But you have no idea why. So far, every moment you’ve spent in this restaurant has been so damn weird. But you put that thought out of your mind as she leaves you both alone and scurries off back to her podium.
Steve helps you out of your jacket hanging it on your chair, then he pulls the chair out for you, and you thank him as you sit. He moves to sit across from you, as your eyes flick back over to the woman at the podium, and you notice she is watching you both. Clearly trying to hide that fact, but it’s pretty damn obvious. Once Steve is settled, you snap your eyes back to him, “that was weird, wasn’t it?”
He peers over his shoulder and also glances at the hostess for a second, before turning back to you. “Yeah, that was odd.”
“Does that always happen to you? Do people react to you like that all the time?”
He shakes his head, “sometimes they react, but never like that. That was a first for me.”
You nod, chuckling quietly as you pick up your menu and open it, “okay, so I wasn’t the only one that thought that was weird.”
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Steve's POV
“No,” Steve chuckles as he opens his menu as well. “You weren’t.”
He has never had someone react to his presence like that, he’s had people cry, scream, and laugh uncontrollably. Hell, he’s even had a few people faint, but never has a stranger reacted like that to him before. He isn’t sure what to make of the grin she gave him, it was almost like she was in on something that he wasn’t. And he did not like that thought, not one bit. He pushes the thoughts from his mind, as they both take a few moments to peruse the menus quietly.
A shadow falls over the table and Steve assumes the waiter has arrived, he continues to look over the menu as they place two waters on the table and begin to speak. “Good evening, my name is,” there is a strange pause and then a very awkward sounding, “Will,” is added. “And I’ll be your server tonight. Can I start you both off with something to drink?”
Steve furrows his brows, because he is sure he recognizes that voice. He is 100% positive that he’s heard it many, many times—You have got to be kidding him!? His eyes snap up and lock onto a very familiar set of brown eyes, and then his narrow into a glare. And even with very real looking facial hair, he could spot Sam from a damn mile away. What the fuck is Sam doing here? And as his waiter, no less. And just like that, the hostess’ reaction now makes perfect freaking sense.
Steve quickly glances at Y/N, hoping she hasn’t looked up just yet, seeing that she is still buried in her menu, then he flicks his eyes back to ‘Will’ and he narrows them. The aforementioned ‘waiter’ just gives him a cheeky grin in return. ‘What are you doing here?’ He mouths to his soon to be ex best friend.
‘Taking your drink orders,’ Sam mouths back with a ‘duh’ expression on his face, causing Steve's eyes to narrow even more in warning.
“I’ll just take an iced tea,” Y/N pipes up and Steve shakes his head before begrudgingly saying, “and I’ll take a beer, whatever’s on tap.”
“Excellent choices,” Sam says excitedly and shoots Steve one more cheeky grin before he damn near runs away from the table. Leaving Steve feeling super confused, very irritated and entirely nervous as to just what his friend—hold that thought, he quickly glances around the restaurant, and his eyes lock on a table on the other side with three men and a woman, all in horrible disguises and he instantly knows who they are. Bucky, Tony, Clint and Nat—what his friends, he corrects in his head, have planned. Seriously, what the hell are they doing?!
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Readers POV
After ordering your drink, you finally decide which meal you’d like and then you place your menu down and glance up at Steve, curious if he’s decided yet or not. But before you can ask, you notice that he looks super out of it now. Like he is lost in thought, and he is entirely focused on something at the other side of the room. You glance over and see that he is looking—read, glaring—at a table with a few people sitting at it. “Do you know them?” You ask quietly, as you just continue to stare at them as well.
“Hmm?” He questions, “who?”
You turn to look at him again, seeing that his focus is now back on his menu. And once again, you feel extremely weird. “The people at that table over there,” you tip your head in it’s direction.
He looks up at you for a second, silently, before he rubs the back of his neck and glances back down at his menu. “Ah, possibly. I just ah, I think I know them from somewhere, but I can’t really remember exactly where.” He shrugs, “probably from work.”
You nod, his answer seeming a little forced and awkward, but you decide to just drop it. “So, any ideas on what you’d like to eat?”
“I was thinking the steak. It sounds delicious.”
“That’s what I was thinking about getting as well,” you smile to yourself, realizing you both seem to enjoy the same foods. Clearly that’s another thing you both have in common. Score!
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Steve's POV
His eyes continue to dart between the table with his so-called ‘friends’ and the beautiful woman across from him. He is furious at his team for crashing his date, and with each passing second he only becomes more and more angry. How could they do this to him? He was nervous enough about this date, and now they had to go and add more stress onto his already frazzled nerves.
It’s taking everything in him not to go over there and tell them all to leave. His eyes snap back to Y/N, and he wants to smack himself for barely paying any attention to the story she is midway through telling. Here he is supposed to be learning all about her, or at least learning about her first hand, instead of only going on the outside information he learned from Tony’s invasion of privacy folder.
And if barely paying any attention to his date, isn’t bad enough, he also lied to her about the occupants of that stupid table. He knows exactly who they are, but in a split second decision, he chooses to not inform Y/N of that. The last thing he wanted was for her to feel uncomfortable in any way. And his nosy friends crashing their date to spy on them, yeah, that makes him uncomfortable and he knows them. He can’t imagine how she’d react to this all, so he decided to keep their presence to himself. At least until he figures out exactly what they have planned, and why the hell they thought it was a good idea to crash his date.
He vows right then and there to tell her about his shitty friends once they leave the restaurant, and apologize for his white lie at that point. But that doesn’t really relieve his guilt over all of this, nor his stress.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Readers POV
It’s not hard to tell Steve is distracted by something, and you’d have to be blind to not notice him constantly glancing over at that table. To his credit, he is doing a pretty good job at hiding his immense interest in the four occupants, but you still noticed.
And maybe that has something to do with the fact that you’ve been talking about Eggo waffles and Oreos for the last 5 minutes, having ran on a hunch that he wasn’t really paying attention to you, and that hunch having turned out to be correct.
So here you are, telling him all your favourite flavours of Oreo, and describing exactly how you eat them. You are curious just how long it will take him to clue in and question you on your current conversation topic. So far, the timer just passed 5 minutes and is still going strong.
You have no idea who the people at that table are, but you figured Steve would tell you if you had anything to worry about. And since he hadn’t yet, you were trying to ignore the small pang of fear that they were bad people, hell-bent on hurting him, you, or both. He did deal with lots of bad, bad people in his line of work though. Or rather, he pissed off a lot of them. So you could only imagine how many wanted to cause him harm, or the people around him—But we aren’t focusing on that at the moment. One issue at a time here.
The waiter returns to drop off your drinks and take your food orders, and you don’t miss the small glare Steve sends him, which yeah, that’s fucking odd as well. You have no idea what this waiter did to him, but you can only assume it probably has something to do with the table of four. Maybe the waiter is a baddy as well?—Shit, if that is the case, then they have you both surrounded.
And what if they poison the food? Oh God! Maybe you should fake a tummy ache and see if Steve will take you home early? Ya know, just to be safe—you shake your head gently. Don’t be silly, like you already thought, if anything was wrong or if you were in any danger, Steve would have told you. Or at least made sure to protect you, he was a freaking superhero after all—
“Oreos?” He asks finally, the cutest furrow in his brows at his confusion on the current topic. The one you’d picked right back up the second the waiter walked away.
And you chuckle, that only took him 10 minutes. Not bad. But not really great either, you guess. “I like Oreos,” you shrug, trying to act casual. “So tell me a little about yourself. What kinds of sweets does Steve like?”
He chuckles, “I guess Oreos are pretty good, I’m also a fan of them. But my all time favourite are Reese’s peanut butter cups.”
“Really?” You ask leaning forward on your hand with your elbows on the table, genuinely intrigued by his choice in chocolate.
“Yeah,” he chuckles again. “When I woke up from the ice, I was really surprised to see that Reese’s were still around. I remember when they first started selling them, or at least when I first started buying them, back in the early 30’s. Though they were sold individually back then, and at only 2 cents a piece,” he chuckles a little more, shaking his head as he does. “It still boggles my mind how much has changed since then, but yet, some things have stayed exactly the same.”
“I can’t even imagine,” you say honestly, “what else has stayed the same?” And just as he starts to tell you a few other things, your eyes catch movement behind him and you glance towards it. Seeing an older woman sitting at a table, one away from yours, and facing you. With what looks like an older man sitting across from her, but you can only see the back of his head. But then you notice that she is looking down at the phone in her hands, intently, as it’s raised up in the air, above her table. What is that woman even doing? Is she—is she taking freaking pictures of you!?
Your eyes focus in on the phone in question and—wait a fucking second! Is that a damn cat DJing a pizza, in space?! You audibly gasp, as your eyes snap back up to lock on the ‘old ladies’, who is now looking at you and then yours narrow, accusingly. And at least the woman has the good sense to avert her eyes, quickly, but the damage has been done. So you then assess the back of the ‘old mans’ head, and come to an unwavering realization.
“Are you okay?”
“Hmm?” You flick your eyes back to Steve’s. “Oh, yeah. Yep. I’m just dandy,” your eyes again lock on the stupid ‘old woman’. “I just have to use the ladies room, I’ll be right back.” You abruptly stand, barely getting the words out before you quickly run away from your table. You glance back to make sure Steve isn’t watching and then forcefully yank the ‘old’ woman and man from their spots and drag them to the bathrooms with you. Not giving them a moment to protest.
Then the moment the door shuts you whirl around on them, grabbing the woman’s grey hair and pulling on it, leaving you holding a wig in your hands and glaring daggers at your, so called, best friends. If you weren’t so angry right now, you’d have commented on this being a wig snatching great time. But you're furious. Fuming, even.
“I really shouldn’t be in here,” Tyler points out unhelpfully.
“Oh please,” you scoff, “I’m more likely to check out the women in this bathroom than you are.”
He presses his lips together, nodding in agreement but he is smart enough to keep his lips zipped. Your eyes move over to glare menacingly at Lindsey.
“Look, we can explain,” she puts her hands up in submission.
“I sure fucking hope so,” you scold, crossing your arms like a pissed off parent. “Well, let’s hear it then. Come on, out with it. What could have possibly possessed you both to crash my date? Hmm?”
“It was his idea,” Lindsey points to Tyler, at the same time he points to her, “it was her idea.”
They both gasp, scandalized, and glare at each other. “Liar!” They say in unison. Another gasp from both, “I am not!” and again, in unison.
You feel like they rehearsed this, they had to have. And if, by the off chance that they didn’t, then they clearly share the same wave link. And obviously a dumb one, at that.
“Okay, whoever’s idea it was aside,” you wave a dismissive hand around. “You both not only agreed to crash my date, but followed through with that stupid plan. So how I see it, you are both at fault here.” You sigh, some of the wind in your sails vanishing, “now, the real question is what the hell guys?” You shift your eyes between the two, “you both knew how excited and nervous I was for this date, how could you think this was a smart idea? The last thing I needed was more stress added into the mix. And the fear of Steve realizing you are both here, now that adds a lot of unnecessary stress onto me.”
“Sorry,” they both mumble with their heads down, like scolded children. And you believe you are getting through to these two knuckleheads. Buuuuuut then Tyler has to go and ruin it, “but it was actually Lindsey's idea, just to clarify.”
Linds jerks her head up and glares at him, “it was ‘our’ idea, traitor!” She hisses out. And just like that, they are back to bickering again.
You groan loudly and clench your eyes shut, taking a deep calming breath before you intervene, “okay, enough!” They both snap their mouths shut and turn to you. “I don’t have time to stand here and listen to you both argue. Unless you forgot, I’m sort of supposed to be on a date right now, and I’ve now been standing in the women’s bathroom for an entirely too long amount of time. Steve’s going to think I encountered a damn basilisk or something,” you sigh, shaking your head.
“Do you think he’d even understand that reference?” Tyler asks the room, then turns to Lindsey, “do you think anyones shown him those movies yet?”
Lindsey gives him an odd look, “of course he’s seen them. They are a huge part of this generation, there is no way that no one in his life has shown him the Potter franchise yet.”
Tyler nods slowly, “unless his friends all suck, I guess.”
“Very valid point, Ty—“ Linds starts but you cut in.
“Not important at the moment, guys,” you say as you uncross your arms and point a menacing finger at them. “Now, I’d ask you both to leave, but I know you won’t listen to me. So instead, I’ll ask that since you both are hell-bent on crashing my date, the least you could do is not be so damn obvious about it. Please, no more photos, and for the love of God, do not let Steve know you both are here, got it?”
“Got it,” they both mumble. Then Tyler quietly says, you think mainly to himself, “but Harry Potter is always important.”
You ignore his comment and walk passed both of them and exit the bathroom, not having anything else to say to either of them. Because honestly, it would just be a waste of time, those two do exactly what they want, no matter what you say or how you reason with them. So there isn’t even a point in wasting the breath at the moment. They will stay and lurk on you and Steve either way. However, you honestly wouldn’t change either of them for the world. They may frustrate the hell out of you, but you get them back all the time. It’s a 50/50 thing, for sure.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Steve's POV
The moment she is up from the table and has walked off, he pulls out his phone and brings up the group chat to fire off a message. ‘What the hell are you guys doing here?’
His eyes flick up to watch his friends, as they each pull out their phones and read his text. Then they all look over at him and give him their best innocent smiles, and then his phone vibrates with a message and he glances down to see it’s from Tony. ‘We are just here for dinner, such a coincidence that we happened to pick the same restaurant as you two.’
Steve shoots Tony a glare before checking that Y/N isn’t in sight and standing up to stomp over to their table. “Oh yeah? Just getting dinner, hey? Then what’s with the get ups,” he flicks the obviously fake wig on Bucky’s head, causing the Jerk to swat his hand away just as he continues on to hiss out, “and why the hell is Sam our waiter?”
“Look, Steve,” Nat starts and his heated glare snaps to her, causing her to put her hands up in surrender. “I had no hand in this idiotic plan, it was entirely their idea,” she points at Bucky and Tony, causing the latter to gasp and the former to—well, to look pretty fucking guilty, if you ask Steve. But she just turns back to Steve and continues on, “I only chose to join them to make sure they didn’t fuck your date up too badly.” Then Clint pipes up, also putting his hands up in surrender, “and I’m just here for the food.”
“Traitors,” Tony accuses in a hissed whisper.
Clint just shrugs, and Nat looks at Tony and crosses her arms, “you can call me whatever you like, Tony. But I refuse to get on Steve’s bad side because of your stupid ideas. No fucking thank you, that’s a bullet I won’t take for you.”
Tony shoots her one last glare before correcting his features and turning to Steve, clearly trying to salvage the situation. “We just wanted to be here for moral support. In case you needed any backup. Isn’t that right, Manchurian Candidate,” he elbows Bucky for support, but the Jerk knows that no matter what they say, Steve will be pissed. So best to keep his mouth shut for now, which is blatantly obvious by the way he presses his lips together and refuses to look at Steve.
“Bullshit,” Steve says as he crosses his arms. “Your choice to be here has nothing to do with backing me up, but I don’t have time to stand here and argue with you. I’m supposed to be on a fucking date and I can barely focus on Y/N with you assholes sitting here. So eat your food and get out, we will talk when I get back to the tower,” he says that last part like a threat. They are so fucking in for it when he gets home, and he wants them all to know it. “And tell Sam to let a real waiter take over, I dunno who you all bribed to let you pull this shit, but if a real waiter isn’t the next person to approach my damn table, I’ll be even more pissed off,” then with that said, he spins on his heel and quickly makes his way back to the table. Glad that Y/N hasn’t come out of the bathroom just yet, so she didn’t see him scolding the table of assholes.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Readers POV
You quickly make your way back to the table, seeing Steve sitting by himself and feel like an asshole for taking so long, scolding your shit ass friends. You quickly retake your seat and feel the need to apologize. “Sorry that took so long,” you pause, because what the hell excuse are you supposed to use!? Shit, you should have thought about this before you sat back down! “Ah, just as I was washing my hands, my um, my mom called.” Shit, that was a horrible excuse. What is wrong with you?!
“Oh?” Steve asks hesitantly, “is everything okay?”
“Oh yes, yeah,” you nod quickly. Maybe too quickly but no taking it back now. “She just forgot I had a date tonight, I told her I’d call her back later.”
He seems to give you an odd look for a moment, before finally nodding and glancing around the restaurant. “Does it feel like the food is taking a really long time, or is it just me?”
You glance around as well, not seeing a single waiter or waitress in sight, “no, it’s not just you. I think we ordered like 30 minutes ago, maybe?”
He nods, “yeah, something like that.”
“I’m sure it won’t be much longer,” you comment, trying to be positive. “And it just means we get more time to talk.”
He smiles at you, “well, in that case, let’s hope the food never comes.”
And swooooon. You couldn’t not swoon over his words even if you tried. You give him a grin, and you know for a fact that it’s probably the biggest, goofiest thing he’s ever seen, but you can’t help it. “Fingers crossed,” you trail off from starting a new conversation as you see your, so called, friends doing the walk of shame from the bathroom and retaking their seats at their table. And before you can stop yourself, the words are already leaving your mouth, unfiltered. “Ever wanted to smack someone upside the head with a frying pan?” You abruptly ask, and then mumble out, “Cause I’m getting that feeling right about now.”
Steve snorts and you realize he was mid sip of his beer when you asked, and you watch as he quickly gulps down his mouthful, before his eyes flick over to the table of four for a second, then snap back to you. “All the time, actually.”
You give the table an inconspicuous side eye, and notice there are actually now five people sitting around it. So they have clearly gained another occupant, you see. And, that’s neat. Glad to see the baddies are growing in number. Excellent. Just freaking excellent. This night is not going to plan, not one fucking bit. And seriously, where the hell is your food!?
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Steve's POV
He glances down at the watch on his wrist and sees that it’s now, 7:27. Their reservation had been for 6:30, and so they have now been waiting on their food for at least 40 minutes. He is willing to bet that his ‘friends’ have something to do with why their food is taking so long, just another thing he will scold them all for later.
And the longer the food takes, the more intense of a scolding they’ll get. Mark his words now, this will be the last time they ever pull a stunt like this on him or anyone, ever again. He’ll make sure of it.
“Sorry for the delay,” a new voice chimes in from about them, and Steve glances up to see his first unfamiliar face since the hostess. “Ah, Will had a um, an emergency, so my name is Kyle, I’ll be taking over for him.” He places two new drinks down to replace the now two empty ones. “These drinks are on the house, as an apology for the wait. But it shouldn’t be too much longer for your food to be ready.”
Y/N thanks the new—actual—waiter, and Steve just nods, a small triumphant smile on his face as he glances over at the table, to see Sam now sitting with the others. Good, at least they can still follow orders, that will win them some points with him tonight.
The new waiter—Kyle—scurries off back to the kitchen door and Steve turns his attention back to Y/N. “Did you have a better time at work, this week?” He asks, genuinely curious how this recent week went, since he was more than aware that her last week hadn’t been very fun for her. He’d been meaning to ask about how she was doing with the media and the new popularity all night, as he had worried all week about her.
And just as she started to tell him all about her week, he lifts up his fresh beer and takes a very generous gulp. Only for the fact that as a super soldier, Steve can’t get drunk. At least not off regular beer. Though he furrows his brows once the cold liquid slides down his throat, because—does this taste different than the last beer he had? Wouldn’t they give him the same one he’d ordered before?
He internally shrugs, maybe they just ran out of the other beer so they gave him this one instead. It’s no big deal, he really likes the taste of this new one, and it was free. If there is anything Steve’s learned since waking up from the ice in this new—and expensive—era, it’s that you should never ever pass up free things. So he’ll drink it either way, even if just for that simple fact alone.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Readers POV
After a few more minutes of just talking about both of your weeks, the waiter returns and finally places your food on the table in front of you. And not a moment too late, you were seriously beginning to weigh the pros and cons of cannibalism—Okay, maybe you were going that extreme yet, but you were getting pretty dang hungry for sure.
You and Steve don’t waste a second, and both cease the conversations as you start to eat your respective meals, as the waiter scurries off to wherever waiters go while the patrons eat. Probably to check on the other customers. Your eyes drift back to the table of fo—five now, and you see them all eating their food now as well. So you allow yourself a moment to just breathe, and eat, and pretend like that table still isn’t worrying you. A lot.
After another few moments, and most of both your plates now empty, you see that Steve has finished his beer. But you only make that observation because he accidentally slams the glass down on the table, not breaking the glass, but the look he gives it after the loud clanking bang, leads you to believe he didn’t mean to be that forceful with it.
Your eyes flick up to his face, and you see he is a little flushed now, his eyes a little bloodshot and—wait, is he drunk?
“This food was amazing!” He damn near yells, and yep, yeah, you believe he is in fact drunk. Oh lordy, this should be fun..
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Steve's POV
Something isn’t right. He don’t feel ..right. He glances around the room, but quickly halts his eyes when he feels like the room is rocking. Spinning almost and that makes his stomach do somersaults. His eyes look down to his now empty glass, his brows furrowing, he can’t get drunk. But yet, he feels drunk. He feels just like he did that day Thor let him try the Asgardian mead—his eyes snap over to the table of his ‘friends’ and it instantly hits him—The beer didn’t taste weird because it was different, it tasted weird because they freaking spiked his drink.
Oh, they are so going to pay for this one. He huffs, as he attempts to glare holes in the sides of his ‘friends’ heads. They are all making a point to not look his way, they know they're in shit now. The fuckers—
“Who’s going to pay?”
Steve’s eyes widen as they flick back over to meet Y/N’s. Shit, did he say that out loud?! And before he can even attempt to come up with a quick cover up, his lips are moving and spilling the truth, much to his surprise and dismay. “My horrible friends,” he manages to get a hold of his lips before he says anything more, he presses them together in an effort to keep the rest of his words in. However, the adorable confused expression now on Y/N’s face makes him smile, and he is sure he looks like a crazy person at the moment. But honestly, he doesn’t really care at the moment. Maybe he will later, but not right now. “You’re adorable when you frown,” he chuckles.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Readers POV
You were still trying to figure out what he meant by ‘his horrible friends with pay for this’, but then he has to go and say you’re adorable and that halted all your thoughts, immediately. Damn, who knew you were so weak to compliments. Once again, some journalist you are. Geesh—Focus woman! Your eyes drift back to the table of five, and you give them a more thorough looking over and—holy fuck, is that Bucky Barnes. Wait, wait, wait, and Tony Stark. AND Natasha Romanov. Oh shit, and Clint Barton. And freaking SAM WILSON! Hold up, Sam looks exactly like your last waiter, Will.
And oooooh, it all makes so much sense now. You burst out laughing at the realization that not just your shitty friends crashed this date, Steve’s did too. Oh God, this is just too damn good. “Steve?” You ask softly, bringing his attention back to you. He’d been inspecting the table, as if to make sure it was structurally sound.
“Yeah?” He asks, sounding slightly out of it.
“Question?—err, actually maybe two questions,” you hastily amend and he chuckles.
“Okay,” he nods, a little too quickly, and hiccups as he speaks his next words, “W-what are they?”
“Is that your team over there?” You nod with your head towards the table of five, but keep your eyes fixated on the large blonde.
He scrunches up his face and opens his mouth to speak, but then sighs deeply and lowers his eyes to the table, then mumbles “yeah, it is.” But then as if it just hit him in the face, he snaps his head up and starts speaking again, a little louder this time—read, damn near yelling again. “I’m so sorry, Y/N. I had no idea they were going to be here—“
You cut him off with your laugh, and he furrows his brows, his mouth still open as he clearly tries to figure out what’s so funny. You try valiantly to reign in your laugh, but this is all just too damn hilarious. “Y/N?” He asks hesitantly, confusion in his voice.
And you realize you have to say something, anything, so between laboured breaths and chuckles to manage to spit out in a whisper, “see the old couple behind you, a table away?”
Steve’s lips form a frown and he glances over his shoulder, not even remotely in a graceful manner. Then his whips back around and nods at you, “yeah,” he says slowly.
“Those two ‘old people’,” you make quote signs with your fingers, “are my two idiot best friends in disguise. They also crashed our date,” and those words make you laugh all over again at this whole weird situation. Your words clearly take a second to sink in, but as if a light just lit up, Steve’s frown disappears and he starts to laugh with you. Louder than you, actually. And so loud that it draws the attention of everyone in the rest restaurant, including both tables of your date crashing friends. Every last one of them.
“You’re joking?” He manages to say between boisterous laughs. You shake your head as you say, “not even a little bit.”
He laughs a little more, shaking his head as well. “That is too funny.”
You nod, agreeing with him, “that it is. Looks like both our friends are,” you raise your voice so all the people in question can hear you clearly, “nosey assholes.” Though your words are more directed at your two best friends, but maybe also a little at Steve’s. And one quick glance at both tables, and the scandalized expressions around both causes you to burst out laughing again. After a few moments, you both manage to calm down a little, enough to speak again at least. You quickly rub the tears from your eyes, as Steve takes a few deep breaths. Then you think of something, “and here I thought my friends were invasive. At least they didn’t fake being our waiter,” you giggle.
Steve groans, then chuckles a little more, “were you really surprised they’d go to that length? They did sort of force you to goto that press conference.”
“Oh shit,” you chuckle a little more, “I didn’t even think of that!”
“Yeah,” Steve shakes his head, “they are always sticking their noses in other people's lives. It’s rather frustrating,” he mumbles the last part, and you believe more so to himself.
“Wait,” Steve abruptly says, “you said you had two questions?”
You grin, nodding slowly as your second question pops back up into your head. Though you’re going to amend it a little. You were going to ask if he was drunk, but you're positive now that he is. So your question is a little changed, “so I’m guessing they spiked your drink, which means you can’t drive?”
“Shit,” Steve mumbles as his face pales and all the humour leaves his features. “I’m so sorry, Y/N, I can call you a cab, if you want? I’ll pay for it.”
“No,” a sly grin works its way onto your lips. “I have a better idea.” You stand up from the table and Steve slowly stands as well. Though you can see his very evident wobble from the booze. “Come with me,” you gesture for him to join you, offer him your hand for what little support you can give him. Ya know, since he is much larger than yourself, and if he starts to go down, you won’t be able to save him. But the gesture is what matters, right?
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Steve's POV
He is feeling the full effects of the mead as he stands, wobbling a little before quickly gaining his balance. If he falls flat on his face in front of her, he will be out for blood. She offers him her hand and he glances down at the outstretched appendage, then almost laughs. If he does go down, there is no way in hell she’ll be able to stop him, and he’ll just end up taking her down with him. But the chance to hold her hand, can’t be passed up, even in Steve’s mead muddled mind, he knows that fact clear as day.
He smiles and takes her hand, allowing her to lead the way and he quickly realizes where she is taking them. And the slightly panicked eyes of his friends makes him chuckle again. They reach the table of five, and Steve gives a curious look to Y/N, unsure where exactly she is going to take this. But he isn’t gonna lie, he’s excited to see what her master plan is.
“Avengers,” she nods in hello and smiles at each of them.
His friends all give each other strange, nervous looks before Tony speaks up, “Y/N,” he nods then looks at Steve. “Steve.” Before his eyes move back to the little woman holding Steve's hand tightly. “I see you’ve figured us out,” he chuckles awkwardly.
“That I have,” she giggles, “wasn’t too hard, once you spiked Steve’s drink.”
“That was Sam’s doing,” Tony quickly says, earning a gasp from the aforementioned.
“It might have been my doing, but it was Tony’s idea,” Sam quickly defends, pointing a menacing finger at the billionaire. Ugh, here we go again, Steve thinks.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Readers POV
Tony is just about to speak, but you cut in before he can. You aren’t interested in their bickering about who did what, and who’s behind this whole thing. You got enough of that from your own friends. “It’s okay, we aren’t mad,” you glance up at Steve, and see him about to refute your words, but one pointed look from you and he presses his lips together and nods in agreement.
“We aren’t,” he mumbles, the words not sounding overly convincing but it’s the thought that counts.
You bite your lip to prevent the new laugh from escaping. “But,” you abruptly say, “there are conditions to us not being upset.”
And Tony clearly tries to fight the grin that wants to show through, as he narrows his eyes at you, “and those are?”
“Our bill still needs to be paid,” you say calmly, commandingly so that Tony is aware you mean he will be paying it. And as you speak you are fighting to not look too excited for your next words. Tony nods slowly, hesitantly, and says, “okay, and?”
Your grin breaks through, and you see Tony shiver from the smug smile. “Since Steve is unable to drive currently, I will be driving him home and will return your car to you in the morning—“. Tony cuts in, “what? No, no, that doesn’t seem—“. “Tony,” Steve cuts in this time, sternly, clearly trying not to laugh.
“You all were the ones who crashed our date and spiked his drink,” you say, “therefore, hindering him from being able to drive. So these are the consequences, I’ve driven supercars before, so you don’t have to worry about that.”
Tony doesn’t seem convinced, at all, but everyone else at the table seems highly amused by all of this. “I think it’s only fair,” Nat pipes up, a smug grin on her face to match yours. “I agree with Nat,” Clint mumbles through his mouthful of food. Tony shoots them both a glare, then sighs, “fine, you can take the car for the night.”
And you are just about to squeal and jump up and down, when he abruptly adds, “but,” he points a finger at you then at Steve, “if there is so much as a single scratch on it tomorrow, Steve is covering the repair bill.”
Steve gives you a look, one that screams ‘now just wait one second, let’s talk about this a little first’ But you just ignore him, and nod at Tony, “Deal.” And before Steve can say a word, you begin to drag him away from the table, hearing Tony chuckle and say quietly, “I like that one,” to the others. Which only causes your smile to grow as you continue to pull Steve towards the front door of the restaurant.
As you both stand on the sidewalk, waiting for the valet to bring the car around and you are vibrating with excitement! This is your damn dream car and you GET TO DRIVE IT! Aaaaah! Shit!! Is this real life?!—A deep chuckle from beside you, causes you to come back to reality, and you glance up at the tall blonde. This day has been the weirdest one in your entire life, not only did you get to go on a date with thee Steve Rogers, but now you get to drive your dream car?! This is all just too much! Too damn much! But in all the best ways. “Sorry,” you smile bashfully up at him, as you tuck a few wayward strands of hair behind your ear, “I’m a little excited.”
“I can see that,” he nods, a glorious smile playing on his own lips. Just as you are about to speak, the beautiful sound of the supercars exhaust can be heard coming towards you, and before you know it, the Mclaren P1 is directly in front of you. In all it’s shiny black glory, and you are sure you’re dreaming. You have to be. Either that, or you’re drooling.
The valet goes to hand the keys to Steve, but you intervene and take them before he can, and then you get an idea. You quickly unlock the car and open up the door for Steve, who gives you an odd look, so you say with a shrug, “it’s my turn to be the gentleman.”
Which causes him to chuckle and hesitantly slip into the passenger seat then you close the door and make your way around to the driver's seat.
And before you know it, you are pulling up out front of the Avengers Tower. Steve had told you on the drive that he normally lives out at the compound now, but still has a room at the tower and stays there from time to time.
You shut the car off and quickly gesture for him to wait, receiving another odd look from the blonde. You quickly get out of the car and race around to open his door, you are determined to be the ‘gentleman’ this time. Steve deserves as much.
He chuckles again as he clues into what you’re doing, then climbs out of the car and you begin to walk him up to the tower's front doors.
Once you both reach the doors, you halt your steps and turn to him, he does the same but in reverse, halting and turning towards you.
“I had—“. “Thank you—“. You both speak at the same time and laugh, then he says, “I’m sorry, go ahead.”
“I just wanted to say I had a wonderful time tonight.”
“Even with our friends crashing the date?” He asks, one brow raised.
You giggle, “yes, even with that. It made for a very memorable first date.”
“That it did,” Steve nods. “And I just wanted to say thank you, for not only going out with me, but for putting up with my shitty friends.”
You wave it off, “they aren’t so bad. I think it was rather sweet that all of our friends crashed our date. Really shows how much they care, even in their own weird ways.”
He nods again, as he glances down at the ground, one hand coming up to rub the back of his neck, “would you be interested in doing this again sometime?”
You grin brightly, you couldn’t stop it even if you tried. “No, I wouldn’t be interested in doing this again.” Before you can finish your sentence, Steve's head snaps up and he gives you one of thee saddest looks you’ve ever seen in your life. “Just wait,” you giggle, putting your hands up to halt him, “let me finish. But yes, I’d love to go on another date with you, preferably one without our friends being present.”
His frown morphs into a brilliant grin, “yes, no friends on the next one for sure.”
“Okay, well I should get home,” you say reluctantly, “but I’ll call you in the morning before I head over to drop the car off, and maybe we can do coffee and a walk? Just the two of us?”
“I’d love that,” he nods. “And yes, just the two of us.”
“Perfect,” you smile, and lean up to plant a kiss on his check, but at the last second you change course and lightly place your lips upon his. And just as you are about to pull back, his arms move around your waist and pull you into him as he deepens the kiss.
Which yeah, you fucking swoon at that too, and if he were to let go of you right now, you’d melt into the sidewalk. You’d become a human puddle.
But luckily for you, he doesn’t release you right away and you both drown in each other for a few moments before you reluctantly pull back and he does that same. “Goodnight, Steve,” you say softly, breathlessly as you take a step back.
“Goodnight, Y/N. See you in the morning.”
You smile, “see ya then.” You turn and head back towards the car, a skip in your step that you know Steve can clearly see, but you don’t care. You are too happy right now, for a bunch of different reasons.
You glance towards him as you pull up the driver's door and see he is still standing there, watching you, and your tummy does flips. You wave, receiving one in return, then climb into the supercar and close the door.
The whole drive home you can’t wipe the grin off your lips, no matter how hard you try. So maybe you were a little over dramatic in the beginning of this story, maybe you made this night out to be a lot worse than it actually was. Because it wasn’t the worst date you’d ever been on, not by a long shot. It was actually the best, if you’re being honest.
This all started with you being a Drunk Twitter tweeter, and ended with Steve being, well, being Just Drunk honestly. But you wouldn’t change a damn thing, not one second, because even the bad moments all lead up to this glorious one. The start of something so, so special.
And now you have a coffee date with Steve in the morning, and—if you have any say in the matter—many, many more dates to come. This is just the beginning, and you can not wait to see where this all ends up. But something deep, deep down is telling you, that you’re going to love the journey to the end. More than anything, because you’ll get to make that journey beside Steve. And honestly, what more could a woman want than that? Nothing, that’s what.
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angelic-holland · 5 years
Alice’s Masterlist
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✼  - 1k notes! 
Dirty Shirley 
- you’re an actress in Endgame and have a little too much to drink for your 21st birthday.
Fooled Around and Fell In Love 
- Tom is a photographer, you’re a single mom, and Tom is falling for you in your little bookstore. 
Good Old Fashioned Lover Boy 
- Tom and his boyfriend get dressed up, go on a fancy date and dance the night away. 
Oh, Fiddlesticks!
- In a world where the first word your soulmate says to you is tattooed on your skin, your soulmate is left wondering who uses the words ‘oh fiddlesticks’. 
The Mitten Tree
- You just want to give the children at Saint Paul’s a great Christmas, what happens when a celebrity you aren’t expecting is thrown into the mix?
Not Like This 
- You and Tom aren’t meant to be, not according to fate, not according to the rule that dictates who your soulmate is. Will that stop you from falling for each other?
Smut (18+)
Dinner Party  ✼
- A dinner party with the cast of Far From Home, with a smutty twist. 
Unexpected  ✼
- You didn’t know your best friend feels the same way about you, until you’re forced to share a bed in a hotel one night. 
Know Your Enemy 
- You hate the son of the CEO of your father’s rival company, right? 
So It Goes 
- You’re sick and tired of other college boys. Tom shows you how a real man should treat you.
Good For You 
- You and Tom get a little riled up after a premiere.
Teach Me 
- Boxer!Tom teaches you how to defend yourself, you end up on top of him.
Happy Birthday Tommy 
- You make sure your boyfriend has a great birthday, including a special treat from you.
Video Games  ✼
- Tom plays video games and you try not to distract him, although he doesn’t last very long. 
Good Girl 
- You tease Tom, he decides to tease you back.
- Tom teaches you a lesson. 
Switching Things Up 
- You normally let Tom take control in bed, here’s what happens when you change things up. 
Long Night 
- You and Tom use a remote control vibrator at a premiere. 
Night and Day  
- Tom decides to punish you, it’s a shame you seem to enjoy it. 
Getting Even 
- You come without permission, Tom teaches you a lesson, one day at a time. 
Cherry Knots  ✼
- You’re just a stranger in a bar, trying to stay as anonymous as possible.
Familiar  // Navigate  ✼
- You’re a famous Youtuber and your fans figure out you and Tom are dating.
- Being friends with benefits can be tricky, especially when one person catches feelings before another does. 
New Girl, Old Feelings 
- You and Tom take your friendship to the next level.
Pretty As A Polaroid Picture  ✼
- You and Tom really like the gift Harrison bought for you.
Try Again 
- A sequel to Dinner Party, you and Tom mess around at dinner.
Wasabi ✼
- You and your lab partner decide to ditch a party and have one of your own.
We’ve Got Chemistry  ✼
- Tom teaches you how to use a vibrator.
Eighteen (mini-series) ✼
- You ask the tattooed boy you’re tutoring to be your fake boyfriend, imagine your surprise when it turns into something more. 
Best Friend’s Brother  ✼
- You’re Harry’Holland’s best friend, what happens when you have a crush on his brother, Tom?
A Touch of Cinnamon
- You own a bakery, Tom owns a record store. You’re neighbors, just neighbors, right?
Watermelon Sugar  ✼
- Tom gets jealous when you seem to be paying more attention to your favorite singer than him. 
Feel Your Love
- Tom loves to be blindfolded.
Your Shirt
- You can’t wear Tom’s shirt after sex, neither of you seem to mind much.
Counselor in Training
- Tom is supposed to help train you be a counselor at Camp Pine Islands, what happens when he finds you alone in the showers one day?
Call Me Angel
- Tom is lonely, craving a connection he hasn’t been able to find in meaningless hookups. He stumbles across your profile on a phone sex website, a little bit too eager to talk to the girl in the Spiderman t-shirt. 
Figure This Out (coming soon!)
- Tom is a hopeless romantic who writes songs for girls he falls in love with. You’re just a bartender who is great at keeping secrets and manages the bar where Tom performs his love songs. 
Threesomes +
Just Desserts (Tom, Jake, Sebastian, Mackie, reader)
- You have some fun after the Far From Home premiere.
When Two Becomes Three (Tom, Jake, reader)
- You and Tom decide to bring a third into the bedroom. 
Cover Me In Your Love (Tom, Jake, reader)
- Tom and Jake treat you for being such a good girl for them.
Four’s A Crowd But Baby I Like to Party (Tom, Sebastian, Mackie, reader)
- Tom surprises you after comic con. 
Good Boy (Tom, Jake, reader)
- Tom is a good boy for you, Tom is a good boy for Jake. Can you and Jake work together to put him back in his place?
Do Not Disturb (Tom, Laura Harrier, reader)
- Tom and Laura invite you up to their hotel room. 
Tutors (Tom, Jake, reader)
- You and Jake teach Tom a thing or two. 
Office Hours (Tom, Jake, reader) // See Me After Class  ✼
- The escapades of Professor Jake, teaching assistant Tom, and you.
Let’s Play (Tom, Jake, Harrison, Zendaya, reader)  ✼
- Tom wants to show everyone what a good girl you are.
It Will Last Longer... (Tom, Harrison, reader)
- You and Tom invite Harrison into the bedroom, a sequel to Pretty as A Polaroid Picture.
New Seeds In the Melody (Tom, Harry Styles, reader)  ✼
- Tom surprises you by inviting your favorite singer back to your hotel room.
What We Deserve 
- Tom shows you that you deserve so much more than you believe you do.
Puzzle Pieces 
- Tom and you are two pieces of a puzzle, you fit together perfectly. Right?
When the Levee Breaks
- Tom loves you, but you don’t love Tom. Is there anything you can do to fix this?
Halo Effect
Y/N just wants to save her little sister. What happens when a handsome stranger promises her so much more? 
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Wildflowers and Vanilla
You and Harrison get high and fool around. 
Misattribution of Arousal
You run into a cute boy while on a jog, you’re not mistaking adrenaline for attraction, right?
Penny For Your Thoughts...
- You try to make Harrison jealous. It works out for both of you. 
Craft Store Secrets 
- You and Harrison do some last-minute Christmas shopping. 
Take A Seat
- You and Harrison reveal a little more about yourself during a party. 
The V Word
- You and Harrison have always been close. Close enough to ask him to take your virginity? 
Lonely Blue Eyes
-  You’ve always gotten flowers from the florist across from your flat, a small way to keep your place lively and happy. When he notices you’ve stopped coming by as often, he makes a surprise visit. It turns out he has exactly the shade of blue you’re looking for.
Jake Gyllenhaal
On My Mind
Y/N’s been tasked with interviewing Jake Gyllenhaal during a press junket for his new movie. What happens when she runs into him later than night at a bar?
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Princess Party  
- You and Peter get to know each other at your dad, Tony Stark’s, party.
Thick Thighs Save Lives 
- You find out your boyfriend is Spiderman. Cue earth-shattering sex.
Do You Want Me? 
- You don’t need Peter to tutor you, but you want to spend time with him. 
Touch Me 
- You and Peter try to sort through your feelings. 
Dear You
-  A mysterious boy in a red and blue suit leaves you letters on your windowsill. Will you finally find out who the boy behind the mask is?
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- You and MJ fool around in church. 
RA on Duty 
- You like your roommate. She likes you. It should be easy. Right?
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Too Late 
- Peter loves Ned. Ned loves Peter. Is it too late for them to tell each other? 
Special shoutout to @honeymoonparker for making these headers for me! 
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lonestarpost · 4 years
Episode Review - 2100 Degrees
by @lonestarbabe
9-1-1 Lone Star’s second episode of its second season, 2100°,  presents viewers an unfathomable disaster. A highly-promoed volcanic incident gives the original 9-1-1 a serious competitor in its bid for the most outlandish emergency scenario to ever be imagined. Funnily enough, the outrageousness allows the show to combine offbeat humor and character development that culminate in utter heartbreak. While the insane 9-1-1 calls may be the flashy attention-grabbers of the show, it is the character dynamics that make the show most compelling and allow the audience to suspend their disbelief and become invested in the lives of the characters. Thus, the episodes that align their attention around the characters’ lives rather than the emergencies are the most endearing. 2100° puts the characters front and center and allows the emergencies to reflect the concerns and insecurities of the characters, and it wonderfully shows the forged togetherness of the 126 and everyone in their periphery.
The episode begins with a pool party that inherently feels more dangerous in a COVID-19 world, even before the party turns into a flesh-melting horror show commences. The pool becomes the first volcanic hot spot viewers see, and the irresponsible partygoers start to live out their worst volcanic nightmares. The next scene cuts to eight hours before the party. The 126 is having a party of their own to celebrate Owen being in remission from his cancer. The event is made comical with a tumor cake that T.K. had gotten made to look like scans of Owen’s tumor. It’s no doubt an ugly cake, inscribed with the words “Tumor Slayer,” but the gesture shows how the 126 has built a family and how they have become even closer since we saw them meet way back in season 1. Cheesy tumor jokes are shared in jubilance, but there’s undeniable darkness that still looms. Owen sets the tone of the episode when he says, “I am both repulsed and moved.”
Hints of what is to come in future episodes are shown through casual moments. Carlos not-so-artfully dodges T.K.’s inquiry about meeting Carlos’ parents, Tommy sits alone and shows the insecurities she has about coming back to the job, and Owen broods rather than enjoying the party. Gwyneth tries to get Owen to not bottle things up (referring likely to their past relationship issues). Things are looking up, but there’s still a sense of unease that follows viewers into the next scene, which features a young family. They’re having a fun day at Paradise Family Fun Center. The dad seems to be in good spirits as he plays mini-golf, but his wife mentions that he is tense. Just like Owen, he is bottling his feelings up. He’s set over the edge when he misses the shot for mini golf, and it’s revealed that the family is “officially broke.” As the husband boils over, his wife is understanding. You can see the tension drop from the husband’s shoulder, but before the moment can get too comfortable, in true Lone Star fashion, the man falls into a steamy pit. This scene furthers the sense of urgency that suggests the 126 shouldn’t get too comfortable— the world is too unpredictable for comfort.
The 126 rescues the man with Marjan diving into action without waiting a beat, and while tending to the family, Tim makes a dangerous promise to a child that “Nobody is going to die today.” The minute the words are out of his mouth, it’s clear he’s said the wrong thing. Tommy scolds him about it, telling him that he wanted to make himself feel better by reassuring the child, but just scenes later, she makes similar promises to her eight-year-old twins. She feels guilty, knowing it’s never good to make promises that she can’t guarantee. She’s self-aware of her actions, and the guilt begins to spike. She is doubting her role as a leader, and she wonders if she can balance her work and family life, which is a reoccurring theme for the new character. Gina Torres excellently shows the conflict the character faces in a way that feels subtle but poignant.
Grace gets one of her few moments in the episode when a young woman named Lily is stuck in a comedically named food truck called Guac and Roll that sells vegan Tex-Mex. She is surrounded by both scorpions and lava. Yikes! Grace thinks quickly, and she’s an expert at keeping a reassuring voice as she goes through options until she finds one that works. Grace sounds so in control that it would be easy to lose track of how smartly she manages emergencies. Grace helps Lily create a dressing concoction to get the scorpions to scramble until Carlos comes and escorts Lily out.  Seeing Carlos, however briefly, always makes a scene better, and he and Grace make a pretty great team.
Back at the pool, nice girl, Elise, has badly burned herself by trying to save a jerk, who had mocked Elise for her looks, saying that she is a “Waco four.” A nicer young man, who pines for Elise, is hit by volcanic debris, which draws the attention of Tommy and Nancy. Elise and the young man are taken to safety, but the chaos only increases for the 126. Tim tends to a young man, Spence, and despite Spence’s pleading for reassurance, Tim refuses to promise that Spence will be okay, learning from his past mistakes. Unfortunately, it is at this time his words come back to haunt him. The words “Nobody’s dying today,” feel especially ominous as the volcanic debris strikes Tim and kills him right there and then. The show doesn’t take the time to even try to save him, which makes his death blink and you miss it. The speed of the tragedy shows how quickly life can take a turn for the worse, and it adds to the helpless feelings the 126 collectively has in the following scenes because they were powerless to save Tim, but they still regret that they hadn’t found a way to save him.
The final quarter of the show is fittingly dedicated to the initial grief that the team is feeling. They are despondent, and Nancy especially expresses guilt over leaving Tim. They had no choice but to leave him, and Judd’s words, “There was nothing left to work on, Nancy,” feel like a big, volcanic boulder through the viewers’ hearts. The small gestures between the 126 show the skill of the actors and the closeness of the team.  Marjan grounds T.K. with a hand on his shoulder. Judd passes Marjan a pillow after clutching it himself (just as he did when he clutched the pillow in therapy back in episode 2). Judd, incredibly familiar with the pain of losing members of his team, is a voice of reassurance and strength in the ending scenes, and this shows how much he has grown. He tells Tommy that she has added to her family, which reiterates the idea that while they have all lost so much, the 126 is still family. Prompted by Judd’s words, Tommy apologizes to Nancy for her loss, and then changes her words to say, “our loss.” You can feel in this moment, as she comforts Nancy, that Tommy is becoming more integrated into the group whereas before these episodes she only really knew Judd and Grace.
The final moments show how each of the 126 and their family members are coping with the loss. The song Hallelujah makes the scene even more heartbreaking and the startling beauty and horror of the falling ashes sets the tone of the montage. You can feel the grief of each of the characters, but there are moments of intimacy and love between the intense sorrow (and these connections make these final moments all the more painful for the viewers). These moments are some of the best images in the entire show, and they evoke so many feelings without having to overact the grief that the characters are feeling. These moments feel resigned, and the helplessness they all face is tangible. All they can do is search for the parts of their life that give them meaning and reprieve from their feelings of loss.
In these moments, Owen pets Buttercup and talks to Gwyneth about what has happened. He sits outside, after just recovering from lung cancer, and breathes in volcanic ash as he drinks tequila in a way that feels unhealthy. His survivor’s guilt from 9/11 is still strong, showing that loss doesn’t just go away over time. Marjan and Paul are together, and Marjan tearfully boxes with Paul. Mateo goes on a lone run, and you can imagine the dialogue that’s going on in his head— the pained thought that he is always in trouble. The guilt that naturally comes with such thoughts is probably intense. He runs to a church, halting in front of it as the song starts to reach its crescendo. He’s looking for meaning, and it is no coincidence that he is the one character who has no companionship in those moments. Tommy, meanwhile, tends to Buster, Tim’s kitty, who she has brought into her own family. The moment shows immense progress for Tommy, and it only took her one episode to make such large strides.
In one of the most powerful moments of the episode, we see T.K. entering Carlos’ apartment. He climbs up the stairs before falling into Carlos’ waiting arms; this instant is a glimpse of the intimacy that viewers have been wanting to see between the characters. It is a brief but painful moment. Echoing the scene between Carlos and T.K., Judd goes home to Grace, who is waiting in bed; she is still awake and pulls Judd closer. They have each other, and that is a small comfort. Judd’s face is filled with all the memories and sorrow that he has gone through in such a short time. He doesn’t close his eyes. It will be a sleepless night for everyone.
The episode was beautifully paced, and it showed the bond between the team. It emphasized relationships between characters over plots, and the balance between the characters felt more balanced. 9-1-1 Lone Star is making good progress with its characters and learning how to balance the large cast of characters. Nevertheless, the show still has work to do to make sure that the diverse characters are not objectified or ignored. Too often, characters like Grace and Carlos are used merely as puppets in other characters’ stories. For example, while Carlos was expertly played by Rafael Silva in this episode, his appearances were brief, and when he did appear, he furthered other people’s storylines, particularly T.K’s.  The future for these often neglected characters looks promising, however, and the show will make great improvements if they learn to incorporate all the core characters better. 2100° shows both the progress that 9-1-1 Lone Star needs to make, but it also
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phantomwitch16 · 4 years
Humberto Lopez is a goldmine of a character
I haven't posted anything that was my content for a long time now, and I decided to change that with an essay about my favorite character from Marvel.  With the new development that has happened, I decided to celebrate this Marvel character's return which has been in a limbo state for over half a decade. I will be going into spoiler territory, so if you want to read the comics to learn more about this character, go and read the comics and have your adventure experiencing his journey along with his friends. If you are interested in the character but don't want to read the comics (or go to the wiki), there will be a quick synopsis of his character later on down in the post, but I won't be putting down the necessary details so that this post won't get too long.
He first appeared in the comics was in Avengers Initiative: Featuring Reptil #1 in 2009 and reappeared in Avengers Academy comics that went on from 2010 to 2012. He was also part of the Avengers Arena comic series as one of the game participants and lasted from late 2012 to 2013. However, most people may recognize him from his animated appearance on the Super Hero Squad Show from 2009 to 2011, voiced by Anthony Del Rio. He was also in Avengers Assemble: Frost Fight, made in 2015 with Del Rio returning to voice the character. With these recent developments, in May of 2021, Reptil will be getting his mini-comic series by Terry Blas, and Enid Balám called Reptil...on the Brink of Extinction.
The main reason why I am making this post is that I believe Reptil is a severely underrated character within the Marvel universe. At the time of first writing this, he had not appeared in much since 2013 in the comics or 2015 in an animated setting. I began writing this over a year or so ago after glancing through the Marvel wiki to see anything new that happened since I lost interest in the comics after his supposed 'death' in Avengers Arena. Since then, there have been no new developments to his story until a while ago when there was an announcement on Twitter about his comics' return with his comic series and an appearance in a one-shot Spider Man comic.
To start this rant about him, I'm going to recount his origin story to bring people up to speed to explain who he is, what powers he has, what kind of person he is, his journey and my personal feelings about him before going into the possible story lines Marvel could do for after this short series. On the other hand, pray that they decide to take him out of the creative limbo within the next few years again, straight after this when his journey is getting better. And if you're wondering, yes, I'm still salty that he's been pretty much dead for nearly a decade.
Who is he?
Humberto Lopez is a Marvel character who is a Mexican-American teenage superhero known by the code name Reptil. Like many young kids, he wanted to be a superhero, mainly an Avenger. His parents, however, mainly wanted him to follow in their footsteps and become a paleontologist as they did.
In his first appearance, he was about sixteen years old when he joined the Initiative after his powers appeared to locate his missing parents. When they were declared dead, he went to live with his grandfather in Nevada. Not long after his arrival, he almost gets caught in a landslide that almost kills him when the amulet turns his legs into those of a dinosaur.
What are his Powers?
Humberto's powers are directly tied into the amulet he found in the dig with his parents. With it, Humberto can turn his body parts into those of a dinosaur or any prehistoric animal. If he wanted to, he could turn his entire body into that of the dinosaur. With this power, he runs, flies and becomes as strong as any dinosaur he desires. The major drawbacks of this power are that when he transforms into a dinosaur, he loses control over his instincts and becomes a threat to others. This would make him similar to the Lizard almost when you think about it in that way.
His origin story
His origin story is told in Avengers Initiative, where he made his first appearance. There, we learn that Humberto found his amulet during one of his parent's archaeological digs. During another dig, his parents disappeared without a trace, leaving Humberto to be placed into the care of his grandfather.
After nearly getting killed during a rock slide, he finds out that the amulet transforms his body parts into those of a prehistoric animal and only seems to be reactive to him specifically. He registers with the Initiative during the Skrull invasion. Still, it isn't until a year later, after his parents go on missions when Stregon starts attacking SHIELD bases, that he is quickly trained and joined a small squad led by Tigra to track him down.
However, they later learn that the attacks were Stregon's attempts to locate and rescue Moon Boy, captured by SHIELD scientists. Humberto sacrificed his place among the Initiative to bring Moon Boy back to the Savage Lands and meet Ka-Zar, who swears to help him find his parents.
His Journey as a Superhero
Months after his time with the Initiative, he is kidnapped by Norman Osborn and several other kids to push their powers to the limits. These kids include Hazmat, Finesse, Striker, Mettle and Veil, most of whom were kidnapped or captured against their will and were pretty much tortured to gain results. Soon enough, the Avengers come in to rescue them just before Osborn's HAMMER agents attempt to destroy all evidence of their crimes, which included the Reptil and the other kids and offer them a place to join Avengers Academy.
At the Academy, it isn't long before the kids find out why they are there. While they are led to believe that they were brought in to become the Next Avengers, they were brought in to prevent them from becoming rogue. While Pym and the others know that Humberto is a good kid who wants to help the others with Tigra even telling Pym about him, the major threat with him, as stated previously, is that transforming into a dinosaur will make him lose control over his instincts. 
Anyway, Humberto begins to learn more about himself, his powers begin to develop, more students come to the Academy, and relationships develop with the team, primarily a romantic relationship with Finesse. However, the relationship gets strained after he switches bodies with his future self so that the future Reptil will become a definite one. There he learns of the possible future that he has Finesse and their daughter Maria, which strains his relationship with Finesse in the present. He eventually starts to distance himself from her and eventually develops a close relationship with White Tiger due to their similar powers following a fight with Jeremy Briggs. 
During Christmas, he, along with several other teens, get kidnapped by Arcade to be part of a game where he and the teens would have to kill each other until one remains to walk away. He, Hazmat, Mettle, X-23 and Juston were just some of these kids kidnapped by Arcade.
On the first day, several of the kids died, with one of them being Mettle, who chose to sacrifice himself to protect his girlfriend, Hazmat. It's a downward spiral from there where it leads to the Hazmat and X-23 fighting to the death after X-23 got affected by a trigger scent, several of the kids dead and Humberto's fate is left ambiguous for several years.
My feelings for his journey and the new solo series
Overall, I am excited to see Reptil coming back to the comics. He was one of the characters that got me interested in the Marvel Universe when I started watching the Super Hero Squad and other animated shows made at the time. Shows like Wolverine & the X-Men (Nightcrawler), Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes (Wasp & Ant Man) and Spectacular Spider Man (Spider Man).
This series and an appearance in another comic is a big step for Reptil, and I hope he gets the recognition he deserves and hopefully has more story lines in the future.
Possible story lines
I'm excited about this series is the possible story routes that the writers could go in for the series and afterwards. 
For me, I hope that we get a better look at his mental state and the struggles that he had to face since. Given what he had been since the disappearance of his parents and what had happened at the end of Avengers Arena, it made me wonder if the writers will mention the difference between the person he was and the person he is now. I kind of hope he isn't entirely the same person after that. The experience that he and the other kids went through was very traumatic, and I want there to be some acknowledgement of it like there was with Hazmat and the other kids in Avengers Undercover. 
Before this, I considered making a fan-fiction about Humberto just leaving the Academy, trying to overcome the mental hurdles that are likely PTSD, depression and anxiety. I wanted it to be kind of angsty while showing a bit of truth of someone who is battling those hurdles, feeling alone and showing a bit of self-hatred over his inability to help his friends. Being the leader of his group of heroes in the Academy, a big piece of responsibility that's placed on a sixteen to a seventeen-year-old kid, then being put in a situation where your teammate and one of your best friends died in front of your eyes, I think would lead to Humberto also developing an inferiority complex. It wouldn't surprise me if he felt partially responsible for Mettle and Juston's deaths or even some of the other deaths that happened in the Arena.
And with that, I will be listing nearly everything that has happened to him since he had the amulet. His parents going missing at fifteen, he gets kidnapped a total of three times (first by Osborn and the second and third being by Arcade), having trouble controlling his powers. He is scared to do so, being the leader of his team of Academy students, getting mind-swapped with his future self and seeing the possible future he could have with Finesse and their daughter Maria, having his powers briefly ripped out of his chest (yeah, that happened), losing his friends in Avengers Arena and almost dying from getting nuked by Hazmat.
I hope that we get to see the extent of his injuries because I feel like it would tie in well with the first point above. I mean, you can't say that Humberto isn't resilient. He survived Hazmat having a meltdown and almost got blown to bits. Traumatic experiences can leave a devastating blow on a person. One such injury that might profoundly affect him because it has a tie in his possible future with Finesse. A part which may not exist anymore… Yeah, this sounds dark, but it is plausible.
I hope that Reptil will appear in other Marvel story lines as the main character or make brief appearances here or there. Maybe even join the Champions since we saw him staring at the news looking at Miss Marvels, and maybe even other heroes his age. Maybe interacting with Moon Girl due to their connection to Devil Dinosaur as a partner, hell, maybe even going back into his roots at the Super Hero Squad and maybe developing a mentor-student relationship with Wolverine...if he's still alive, that is...I don't know; it's been a while since I've been keeping up with the comics.
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duckyworth · 4 years
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I finally managed to make a piece of fanart for The Adventures of Mark Twain, a film that I saw last month that became one of my new favourite films.  So here is Mark Twain piloting his awesome airship towards Halley's Comet with Tom Sawyer, Huckleberry Finn, Becky Thatcher and Huck's pet frog Homer - as Twain’s darker self broods and laments the perceived pointlessness of it all down below. :( I also wanted to use this opportunity to write a little mini review of the film. :D
As iconic as the 'The Mysterious Stranger' segment is, I wanted to draw something based on the film that wasn't that bit, as I feel this film is one of those films that gets mainly remembered for one scene in particular, even though I think there are many more scenes that are just as worthy of being remembered. The film follows Mark Twain trying to use his cool airship to catch up with Halley's Comet, as Tom Sawyer, Huckleberry Finn and Becky Thatcher have snuck aboard and he allows them to help, but upon learning that Mark Twain is catching up with the comet due to a death wish and find a version of him that is much more nihilistic and bitter than the kindly and optimistic man they meet, they try to sabotage the voyage, before they learn the truth why he wants to be reunited with Halley's Comet. (Mark Twain said - '“I came in with Halley's Comet in 1835. It is coming again next year, and I expect to go out with it. It will be the greatest disappointment of my life if I don't go out with Halley's Comet. The Almighty has said, no doubt: "Now here are these two unaccountable freaks; they came in together, they must go out together.”' He was born in 1835, when the comet appeared in the sky, and he passed away in 1910, just as the comet passed close to Earth again. And this film came out in 1985, when the comet passed by AGAIN. One reason why I absolutely LOVE the film is due to not just the fantastic and beautiful claymation animation courtesy of the late great Will Vinton and his crew (who I recently discovered became LAIKA Studios  ) - despite a few strings being present here and there when characters jump and them not being able to walk properly, I think the detail and care put into the clay characters is brilliant, and for the first feature length claymation film, it's really impressive  - or the charmingly weird renditions of many of Mark Twain's stories like The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County, The Diary of Adam and Eve and Captain Stormfield's Visit To Heaven), but because it's a sweet and heartwarming tribute to Samuel Clemens himself. Before I saw this film, I did some research on him (I didn't know that much about Samuel Clemens as he doesn't have as much prevalence over here in the UK as he does in the USA - I didn't even know he wrote The Prince and the Pauper  - and when this film came out in the UK, it was simply named Comet Quest ), and I think his life story is FASCINATING. As well as becoming known as the father of American Literature, I found it really interesting learning about his various beliefs and life experiences that is reflected in his work, and to be honest, I find the themes this film tackles are actually pretty prevalent to a lot of content creators today. Early in his works, Mark Twain was known as having a great sense of humour, and a lot of his early works would be considered standup comedy today (and upon looking up some of his quotes and his works, I can believe it - he is a GREAT snarker  And a lot of his quotes even had him say that 'humour is mankind's greatest blessing' and 'kindness is the language which the death can hear and the blind can see' - it also helps that the film uses a lot of the quotes he himself said in life  ). And seen as his first few years before he became a writer had him work as a riverboat pilot in Missouri and he was born a son of Missouri slave owners (even though he was an abolitionist), I can see how some of his experiences would inspire his most famous works like Tom Sawyer.  With him also keeping a dream journal for a large part of his life, I can also see that very well being something that inspired some of the more weird visuals in this film. Sadly, late in his life, he not only started suffering from losing most of his hard earned fortune to bad business investments, but his younger brothers, wife Olivia and three of their four children lost their lives, and he blamed himself for all of them, which led him to become extremely jaded and disillusioned with mankind and the idea of a God later in his life, but when viewing his later works which delved into him discussing these ideologies of his, I've seen that a lot of his critics passed him off as a sad and pathetic old man by this point, even though he had been affected by his misfortunes and believed the fame he's received didn't mean anything in the end when he had lost all that was near and dear to him.  And a lot of his nihilism he developed later in life led to him writing things like The Mysterious Stranger when he became disillusioned with humanity and some of it's darker aspects.  (But I do like the joke in the film that when they're losing dead weight to catch up with Halley's Comet, Mark stops The Mysterious Stranger being tossed out as he says it'll be finished in a few years - a reference to the fact the book wasn't finished and published until years after Mark Twain passed away.  ) Which is where I think the themes of the film comes into play - Mark Twain is split in the film into a light and dark side, the light side being his comical and optimistic self, and his dark side being his jaded and pessimistic side, but as the dark side says later in the film 'Every man is a moon, and has a dark side that he keeps hidden from everybody, if he can help it.', and the light side tells Tom Sawyer that he's not whole without his more dark personality traits.  And a big reason why he wants to chase the comet in the first place is to be reunited with his late wife Olivia (I think the Adam and Eve segment in the film, as well as starting off pretty hilarious with rather goofy renditions of Genesis - Adam and Eve are both rather eccentric and goofy individuals who have pretty great chemistry with each other leading to them falling in love  - leading to what happened with Adam and Eve after they left the Garden of Eden, becomes really sad at the end when Adam is alone after Eve has passed away and he writes 'Wherever she was, there was Eden' - and Twain wrote The Diary of Eve as a posthumous love letter to Olivia.  ) I think there are a lot of times nowadays when a content creator is judged by only one or two elements of their perceived image without receiving the full picture, and it is unfair to judge ANYONE without knowing the full picture - there's no such thing as a completely perfect person, after all - no matter how altruistic or kind hearted someone may be, everyone has their flaws or inner demons that help shape them as an individual (I speak from experience, having experienced some myself that I'm having to cope with) - as the end credits song says 'You have to know their dreams, The devils and the gods, Before you know the man.'  And one scene I absolutely love at the end is the light and dark sides of Mark Twain giving advice to the three children - the light side imparting them, and the dark side giving the snarky humour that Mark Twain was known for in life.  (And of course, the part when the two Mark Twains fuse and become one with the comet was absolutely GORGEOUS animation.  ) All I can say at this point is that I'm really glad I managed to come across a Blu Ray of the film on Amazon, and if you have a chance to watch the film, I highly recommend it.  And I hope you enjoy my fanart I drew of the film. :)
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punkinroses · 4 years
My brain refuses to shut up so here we go, more ramblings about the Avatar Lian storyline lets go.
I really, really wanna like explore the idea that was posted on the old nick website and was claimed by the writers to be the original idea of the Avatar being the embodiment of the planets spirit. I have so many ideas for what it could entail and I think that's the direction I'm heading in for this rather than the Raava and Vaatu storyline. While I don't hate or dislike the original Avatar Wan storyline done in Korra, I feel like this is the best route to take this fic in and hey, if I'm gonna make an au, why not go full force into it.
I still stand by the idea that Toph created Pro Bending with Sokka. They absolutely did that. I'm torn because I want Toph to be like that bitch that's still running her Metalbending school because I feel like she would but also her fucking off into the swamp where no one can bug her also felt super in character.
I kinda think it could be interesting if there is actually beef between her and the police force of Republic City because she doesn't like them using her Metalbending and she is constantly stirring up trouble for them. Especially because she hates the chief and I may be getting into that into the fic but I'm uhh I'm gonna put a pin in that.
The only thing that really is gonna like. Stick around from the comics is Republic City and the Republic Nation and something akin to how its formed in the comics, the legend of Lady Tienhai, and the Air Acolytes. Mostly because there's a uh there's a lot from the comics that just...I dunno 😬. There might be some changes to the formation of Republic City but there's some deep dives I gotta do to plot shit out.
If Zuko finds his Mom, it definitely ain't gonna be how it was in the comics I'm sorry I can't. Though the Mother of Faces?? Beautiful design and lore.
Azula hasn't been seen by Zuko or any of the gaang in many years. She escaped and ran away a few years after the end of the war. But I'm toying with how I'd want her to appear.
Aang! Has! Fucking! Energybending! And! Sky! Bison! He was able to help unlock airbending to bring back the Airbenders and to try and rebuild and help give birth to a new era of Airbenders. Because. He's the one who has to restore balance. As the Avatar. And he absolutely could have done this. I will die on that hill.
Two characters who actually become airbenders are Ty Lee and Teo. I feel like we all forget about Teo and he was a good kid and Aang even said he had the spirit of an Airbender so why not make him an Airbender. And Ty Lee is just. Obvious. Maybe her sisters even become Airbenders or certain ones do but I don't know.
Sokka had students of his own who wanted to learn how to fight with weapons rather than bending. It wasn't a big, formal school, but he was very happy to do this.
The Kyoshi Warriors continued to help around the different nations wherever they were needed and are still basically just an all women superhero team of the Avatar World, making Kyoshi proud. And Suki still holds a really like high honored position amongst them and likes to go out with them still.
Also I refuse to accept that Suki "died young". I'm sorry, but it's funny they think Suki would fucking let death take her. She laughs at the thought.
Katara is an amazing Fire Lady and works hard to make better progress changes for them while doing her best to help her home in the Southern Water Tribe and finding a balance between both. I think she also tries to make strives, being inspired by Aang and her home, to look into old traditions of the Fire Nation before the war, perhaps helps revitalize old holidays that they didn't get to celebrate anymore. She wants to see this nation heal from the effects of the war that hurt everyone involved really.
Moving onto like the "third generation" thoughts, i.e. Lians generation:
Lian and Jesa are basically best friends and have alwayd had this instant connection with each other. So it makes sense that when Lian runs off to make her own Avatar journey, her best friend comes with her.
The White Lotus is uh Not Having That. They've already had to wait 16 years for her to be told and trained -- because Katara herself would have killed them for forcing her into a role she would not be ready for as a tODDLER because she knew what it had done to Aang -- and they believed she has to be kept with them and for them to choose bending masters for her to learn from.
So it's them actively trying to hunt her and Jesa down to bring them back -- something Kyas sons are actually running interference for.
I think Lian really wants to see the world and have new experiences because she knew how important it was to her grandparents and now it's her also trying to connect with her past lives by doing what Aang and other Avatars had done, while also figuring out for herself what kind of Avatar she wants to be.
I'm also really excited to explore the contrasting family dynamics between Lian and Jesas families. Lians family is very close knit, and supportive and stick together through a lot. Jesas family has a lot of strained relationships between each other and hasn't done much to repair those relationships and her getting to kind of discover what happened.
Movers have been around for ~2 decades by the time of this and I really want there to be like an early film adaptation of the Ember Island Play. I don't know why. I just think it'd be funny.
Adding onto that quick note too, I think this worlds version of television may be starting to be created at a later point in the story just because that could be kinda neat.
I do wanna do different maybe even mini chapters that show what some of the other grandkids are up to that will connect into the overarching storyline
I'm really excited to go into the topics of who Lians Earthbending and Firebending teachers are going to be for her Team Avatar and to see who else may join up with them.
I just really kinda needed to ramble a little bit and I know it's not as in depth on the second gen but yeah just some thoughts
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Poly!Tomdaya x F!Reader Headcanon # 3
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read headcanon # 1 and # 2 here: 1 & 2
the start of something new:
it hits you like a train
like holy shit, I have a crush
not just on zendaya 
but tom too ???
you are f r e a k i n g out
and it’s starting to scare you
so as any child of the internet would do
you went to our trusty friend google
so apparently the word your looking for is:
which by definition is the practice of engaging in multiple sexual/romantic relationships with the consent of all the people involved.
you pull an allnighter trying to read everything you can find on it
from articles to youtube videos x 
everything is confusing and its a whole mess
but one thing’s for sure
you are never going to tell either of them
like why would you ??
both tom and zendaya are high-class celebrities
and you are just a part-time intern
like their way out of your league
and besides,,,
there’s no way they would even be up for a polyamorous relationship
so you’ll take what you can get 
even that means suffering in silence
tom and zendaya are both having either own personal crisis
because it’s becoming very apart that they both have feelings for you
like starting to fall hard type crushes
and neither one knows what to really do about it 
it’s zendaya of course who finds the answer
in the form of a book she found online 
it takes her three days to finish the book 
but holy shit
it makes sense 
she brings it up to tom over dinner one night
it’s a long conversation
but an important one
they decide to sleep on it and see what they feel about it in the morning
they’re crushing on you hard in the morning
like that was going to change overnight 
they decide that they’ll start flirting at first
see if you like them too
test the waters per se
somehow you three manage to spend a day together when it's possible
going out for brunch 
 finding a bookstore 
driving around hollywood in general
the day ends with dinner in your apartment/house
the whole day was spent with one of them having a hand on or near you 
tom’s hand close to yours when you were sat at tables
zendaya’s hugs were just a tad bit longer than normal
all in they say it was a pretty good success
apart of you knows that they’re flirting with you
but yet you think they’re just being extra nice to you
video chats are longer and more intimate
text messages have more flirty emojis 
heck, even the way they speak to you is different
poor you, bub is confused as heck
you wonder what it would be like if you did flirt back
nothing major
just maybe being your extra cute self
you start when you get see tom for a comic con
you were assigned to help him from panel to panel
you may have smiled a bit too much
or maybe stood too close to him
but oh boy Tommy boy is going crazy
he makes zendaya jealous when he tells her about it
she’s a pouty princess :(
she low-key wants you to flirt with her 
but she ain’t mad at tom for getting the first move 
it’s not for several weeks and many trips later when you two meet up
she has you over a mini girl’s get together
spa facials, trash magazines, junk food
the works
and so maybe you sit a little too close to her
laugh at her jokes
maybe even be bold and give her a wink during karaoke 
(p.s you were totally singing curious d o n ‘ t l i e x )
you don’t think that anything will come out of the flirting
that is until,,,
you somehow get suck in london for a couple of days???
(that’s wack but whatever)
it’s a bad rainstorm that has ironically have you, tom and zendaya stuck in tom’s apartment while it passes
which will take at least a couple of days to pass
until then, ya stuck
high-key freaking out
like how are you going to stay sane around the two people you’ve been flirting with
it’s not easy oh boy
the first day was mostly calm
watching old school movies
being squished in the middle of them
falling asleep on their shoulders
soft hands brushing your hair out of your face
forehead kisses
you think you’re going crazy
the second day
you can tell that something’s different 
the energy between you three is almost romantic
it’s stifling
tom and zendaya spend time behind closed doors with whispered voices
way too low to make anything out of it
at some point, you hear
“we should tell her, I can’t wait any longer”
you replayed it on loop in your head
on the third day, the storm had passed
which meant it was now safe for you to fly back out
when you come out from the bathroom
 both tom and zendaya are sitting on the couch
both look sad as hell ngl
when you ask what’s wrong
they give each a look
they have you sit down next to them
it’s tom that explains that they’ve been flirting with you
its zendaya that explains that have feelings for you
you.exe has stopped working
like your brain must be short-circuiting
there’s no possible way that they would like you
no nope nada none
you look like your on the verge of crying
you get pulled into a hug
“it’s okay if you don’t feel the same way, we just needed you to know”
you heart gets stuck in your throat
because, of course, you feel the same way
you’ve never felt like this before, even with past relationships
you whisper you like them too
two pair of arms pull you to them
like a sandwich
but the question on your mind 
how’s this going to work ??
when you bring it up
you know that conversation has to happen before you leave
communication is important babes
you delay your flight
just so this can happen
still giddy over your confession
zendaya pulls out the book she’s been reading
and lets you look at it
you admit to searching about polyamory as well
it turns out that the conversation takes a few hours
placing boundaries, limits and making sure all three parties consent to it
in the end, you three lay in bed together
all just smushed up in there 
but you’re the happiest you can be.
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son-of-alderaan · 5 years
There’s a desert valley in southern Jordan called Wadi Rum, or sometimes “the Valley of the Moon.” There are stone inscriptions in Wadi Rum that are more than 2,000 years old. Lawrence of Arabia passed through there during the Arab Revolt against the Ottoman Empire. More recently, J. J. Abrams went there to film parts of the latest Star Wars movie, The Rise of Skywalker, because it’s largely uninhabited and starkly beautiful and looks plausibly alien, and one of the things that has always made the Star Wars movies feel so real—as if they had a real life of their own that continues on out beyond the edges of the screen—is the way they’re shot on location, with as few digital effects as possible. George Lucas shot the Tatooine scenes from A New Hope in southern Tunisia. For Skywalker, it’s Wadi Rum.
They don’t do it that way because it’s easy. Abrams and his crew had to build miles of road into the desert. They basically had to set up a small town out there, populated by the cast and extras and crew—the creature-effects department alone had 70 people. The Jordanian military got involved. The Jordanian royal family got involved. There was sand. There were sandstorms, when all you could do was take cover and huddle in your tent and—if you’re John Boyega, who plays the ex-Stormtrooper Finn—listen to reggae.
But in a way that’s the whole point: you’re out there so the world can get up in your grill and make its presence felt on film. “It’s the things that you can’t anticipate—the imperfections,” says Oscar Isaac, who plays the Resistance pilot Poe Dameron. “It’s very difficult to design imperfection, and the imperfections that you have in these environments immediately create a sense of authenticity. You just believe it more.” When Isaac arrived in Wadi Rum for his first week of shooting, Abrams had set up a massive greenscreen in the middle of the desert. “And I was like, ‘J. J., can I ask you a question? I notice we’re shooting on greenscreen.’ And he’s like, ‘So why the hell are we in the desert?’ And I’m like, ‘Yeah!’ And he said, ‘Well, because look: the way that the sand interacts with the light, and the type of shots you would set up—if you were designing the shot on a computer you would never even think to do that.’ There’s something about the way that the light and the environment and everything plays together.” It’s that something, the presence and the details and the analog imperfections of a real nondigital place, that makes Star Wars so powerful.
It was powerful enough to bring 65,000 people to Chicago in April for Star Wars Celebration, a fan convention where you could see a giant Stormtrooper head made out of 36,440 tiny Lego Stormtrooper mini-figures, which is a world record of some kind, though I’m not sure exactly what, and where people were dressed up as Muppets who were themselves dressed up as Star Wars characters. But the main event was the launch of the trailer for The Rise of Skywalker, which was held in a 10,000-seat arena and was such a big deal that even though the trailer was going to be released on the Internet literally seconds after it was over, I—an at least theoretically respectable member of the media—was not only tagged, wristbanded, escorted, and metal-detected, but sniffed by a K-9 unit before I could go in.
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J.J. Abrams, alongside Stunt Coordinator Eunice Huthart, directs the Knights of Ren; elite fearsome enforcers of Kylo Ren’s dark will.
I sat down with Abrams a couple of hours later. For the occasion, he was wearing a suit so black and sharp, he could have been doing Men in Black cosplay, but his most distinctive feature is his dark curly hair, which is upswept in a way that is only slightly suggestive of devil horns. Abrams talks rapidly, as if he can barely keep up with the things his racing brain is telling him to say. When I told him that not only was Star Wars the No. 1 trending topic on Twitter, but that all 10 of the Top 10 trending topics were Star Wars–related, and that he personally was No. 5, he was visibly stunned.
Then he recovered enough to say: “Well, I aspire to No. 4.” (For the record, No. 4 was the late Supreme Leader Snoke, who frankly did seem beatable. If you’re curious, No. 11 was pro golfer Zach Johnson, who had just accidentally hit his ball with a practice swing at the Masters. Life goes on.)
Disney executives talk about how important it is to “event-ize” Star Wars movies; i.e., to make them feel not just like movies but like seriously momentous occasions. They won’t have much trouble with this one: The Rise of Skywalker isn’t just the last movie in the Star Wars trilogy that began in 2015 with The Force Awakens; it’s the last movie in a literal, actual trilogy of trilogies that started with the very first Star Wars movie back in 1977, which began the saga of the Skywalker family. The Rise of Skywalker will finally, after 42 years, bring that saga to an end.
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FIRST LOOK Vanity Fair reveals Keri Russell as the masked scoundrel Zorri Bliss, seen in the Thieves’ Quarter of the snow-dusted world Kijimi.
We all thought the story was over in 1983 with Return of the Jedi, and then we really thought it was over in 2005 with Revenge of the Sith. But Star Wars has always been an unruly beast, too big and powerful (and profitable) to be contained in one movie, or even in a trilogy, or even in two trilogies, let alone numberless novels, TV shows, comics, video games, Happy Meals, and so on. Now Abrams has to gather all those threads and bring closure to a story that was started by somebody else, in an America that feels a very long time ago indeed. “That’s the challenge of this movie,” Abrams says. “It wasn’t just to make one film that as a stand-alone experience would be thrilling, and scary, and emotional, and funny, but one that if you were to watch all nine of the films, you’d feel like, Well, of course—that!”
Like a lot of things that we now can’t imagine life without, Star Wars came really close to never happening in the first place. In 1971, Lucas was a serious young auteur just five years out of film school at U.S.C. He had only one full-length movie on his résumé, and that was THX 1138, which is the kind of visionary but grindingly earnest science-fiction epic that only the French could love. (They were pretty much the only ones who did.) Everybody expected Lucas to go on and make serious, gritty 1970s cinema like his peers, Brian De Palma and Francis Ford Coppola. At the time Lucas and Coppola were actively planning a radical epic set in Vietnam with the provocative title Apocalypse Now.
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FORCE MAJEURE First Order leaders General Hux (Domhnall Gleeson) and Allegiant General Pryde (Richard E. Grant) on the bridge of Kylo Ren’s destroyer.
But Coppola would have to finish that one on his own, because Lucas went a different way. “I had decided there was no modern mythology,” he said in 1997. “I wanted to take old myths and put them into a new format that young people could relate to. Mythology always existed in unusual, unknown environments, so I chose space.” Lucas tried to acquire the rights to Flash Gordon (that would’ve been a dark timeline indeed), but when he couldn’t, he came up with his own original science-fictional epic instead. He called it The Star Wars. Like The Facebook, it would have to shed a direct article on its way to glory.
Even though American Graffiti had made Lucas a bankable director, Star Wars still came together slowly. In the first draft, Luke was an old man, Leia was 14, and Han Solo was “a huge green-skinned monster with no nose and large gills.” Fox executives were baffled by Star Wars, and they squeezed Lucas relentlessly for time and money. We forget now how jerry-rigged the first movie was: the cantina aliens weren’t finished, and the monumental Star Destroyer that dominates the opening shot is, in reality, about three feet long. The Death Star interior is basically one set re-arranged several different ways. To make Greedo’s mouth move, the woman in the Greedo suit had to hold a clothespin in her mouth. “What I remember about working on the first film,” says John Williams, the legendary soundtrack composer, “is the fact that I didn’t ever think there would be a second film.” (He also, like everybody else, thought Luke and Leia were going to get together, so he wrote them a love theme.)
But wherever real mythology comes from, Lucas had gone there and brought something back alive. People wanted movies that gave them something to believe in instead of relentlessly autopsying the beliefs that had failed them. We’d had enough of antiheroes. We needed some anti-antiheroes. “I realized after THX that people don’t care about how the country’s being ruined,” Lucas said. “We’ve got to regenerate optimism.” Like American Graffiti, Star Wars is a work of profound nostalgia, a post-Vietnam, post-Watergate anthem of longing for the restoration of a true and just power in the universe—the return of the king. And at the same time it’s a very personal hero’s journey, about a boy who must put right the sins of his father and master the strange power he finds within himself, and in doing so become a man.
Star Wars is also an incredibly enduring vision of what it’s like to live in a world of super-advanced technology. Science fiction often ages badly, turning into kitsch or camp—just look at Flash Gordon—but Star Wars hasn’t. More than any filmmaker before him, Lucas successfully imagined what a science-fictional world would feel like to somebody who was actually inside it—which is to say, it would look as ordinary and workaday as the present. He even shot it like it was real, working close-in and mostly eschewing wide establishing shots, more like a documentary or a newsreel than a space opera. “It feels very grounded,” says Naomi Ackie, who’s making her Star Wars debut in Skywalker playing a character named Jannah, about whom she is allowed to say literally nothing. “There’s the kind of spectacular-ness, and the supernatural move-things-with-your-mind magic stuff, but then there’s also this really grounded, rugged nature where everything is distressed and old and kind of worn out and lived-in. And I think playing with those two ideas means that you get this feeling that it could almost be real. Like, in a galaxy far away, it could almost be the case that you could have this.”
When Lucas made the first Star Wars sequel, The Empire Strikes Back, he cheekily labeled it Episode V, then went back and re-labeled the first movie as Episode IV, as if the movies were an old-fashioned serial that the rest of us were all just tuning in to. Around that time, he also started talking about Star Wars as a nine-part epic—so in 2012, when Lucas retired and sold Lucasfilm to Disney, it wasn’t exactly heresy that Disney announced more movies. At the time, Kathleen Kennedy had just been named co-chairperson of Lucasfilm, and she tapped Abrams to direct the first Disney-owned post-Lucas Star Wars movie. It was a bit like saying, Make the lightning strike again, please. Exactly here, if you could. Oh, and could you also earn back that $4 billion we just spent to buy Lucasfilm? (Narrator voice: He could.)
At first blush, Abrams’s debut Star Wars movie, The Force Awakens, looked like an elaborate homage to the original. Just like in A New Hope, there’s a young Force-sensitive person on a poor desert planet—that’s Rey, played by Daisy Ridley—who finds a droid with a secret message that’s vital to the Rebellion (or wait, sorry, it’s the Resistance now). There’s a villain in a black mask, just like Darth Vader, except that it’s his grandson Kylo Ren (Adam Driver), né Ben Solo, son of Han and Leia. Kylo has a planet-killing weapon, much like the Death Star but way bigger, which becomes the target of a desperate attack by Resistance X-wings. There’s even a bar full of aliens.
Abrams also insisted on keeping to the analog aesthetic of the original trilogy: those aliens had to be latex and yak hair, not bits and bytes, and everything possible was shot on location using film cameras, not digital ones. Even Lucas had abandoned that approach by the time he made the second Star Wars trilogy, but many fans consider those movies to be a cautionary tale. “Famously, the prequels were mostly greenscreen environments,” Abrams says. “And that was George himself doing that, and it ended up looking exactly how he wanted it to look—and I always preferred the look of the original movies, because I just remember when you’re in the snow on Hoth, when you’re in the desert on Tatooine, and when you’re in the forests of Endor—it’s amazing. If you put a vaporator here, there, all of a sudden almost any natural location suddenly becomes a Star Wars location.”
But the more interesting thing about The Force Awakens and its successor, The Last Jedi, written and directed by Rian Johnson, was how they subtly complicated Lucas’s vision. Thirty years have gone by since the ending of Return of the Jedi, during which time the newly reborn Republic became complacent and politically stagnant, allowing the rise of the reactionary neo-imperial First Order, whose origins we will learn more about in Skywalker. “It was almost like if the Argentine Nazis had sort of got together and actually started to bring that back in some real form,” Abrams says. Just like that, the rules of the Star Wars universe changed. It wasn’t all over when the Ewoks sang. Obi-Wan Kenobi and all those Bothans had died in vain. Even Han and Leia split up. It’s all a little less of a fairy tale now.
The feather-haired godling Luke suffered the trauma of having a Padawan go bad on his watch. It’s an echo of what happened to his old mentor, Obi-Wan, with Anakin Skywalker, who became Darth Vader. But where Obi-Wan made peace with it, waiting serenely in the desert of Tatooine for the next Chosen One to arrive, Luke’s guilt curdled into shame. He hid himself away, so that his Chosen One, Rey, had to spend most of The Force Awakens searching for him, and then another whole movie convincing him with the help of Yoda’s Force ghost to keep the Jedi Order going at all. Star Wars arrived as an antidote to the disillusionment of the 1970s—but now, in its middle age, Star Wars is grappling with disillusionment of its own.
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DESERT POWER Joonas Suotamo (Chewbacca), Ridley, Anthony Daniels (C-3PO), and John Boyega (Finn) await the call to action for a chase scene.
By dint of advanced Sith interrogation techniques, I was able to obtain valuable advance information about The Rise of Skywalker. Here it is: common emblem.
Anthony Daniels, who plays C-3P0, is the only actor who has appeared in all nine movies of the Star Wars triple trilogy, so if anybody’s entitled to leak, it’s him. Daniels says he loved the script for The Rise of Skywalker, but he didn’t get it until the last minute, right before shooting started, and for some reason he just couldn’t memorize his part. “My first line would not go in my head!” he says. In person Daniels is like a C-3P0 whose preferences have been reset to charming and voluble. “The line that I couldn’t say was two words: ‘common emblem.’ Common emblem, common emblem—I would say them thousands of times. My wife would say it back. I just couldn’t say them!”
Fortunately C-3P0’s mouth doesn’t move, so he could add the line in postproduction. Anyway, there’s the big scoop: “common emblem.” I don’t know what it means either. (Also I 100 percent guarantee that they will change the line before the movie comes out so that this scoop will end up being fake news.) Daniels also told me that C-3P0 does something in this movie that surprises everybody—but he wouldn’t say what. “He keeps his clothes on. It’s not like he suddenly does this thing, but …”
The only other member of the old guard on the set this time was Billy Dee Williams, who plays the charismatic Lando Calrissian. At 82, Williams has lost none of his roguish charm, but now it comes wrapped in a kind of magisterial dignity. People tend to remember Lando for the deal he cut with Vader in The Empire Strikes Back, rather than for his redemptive comeback in Return of the Jedi, and Williams appears to have spent the last 45 years defending him. “He’s a survivor. It’s expediency for him,” Williams says. “You know, he was thrown into a situation which he didn’t look for and he had to try to figure out how to deal with an entity which is more than just a human.” And, he adds, with the weary air of somebody who has spent way too much time justifying the behavior of a fictional character, “nobody died!”
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HOT TAKE Members of the crew shade and shine Daniels, the only cast member to appear in all nine of the Skywalker films, while BB-8 looks on.
Chewbacca is still here, too, but it’s not the same man in the suit. The original actor was Peter Mayhew, a seven-foot-three-inch gentle giant who was working as a hospital orderly in London when Lucas cast him in the first movie. Mayhew retired after The Force Awakens, and he died on April 30 at 74. His replacement is Joonas Suotamo, a fresh-faced former professional basketball player from Finland who always wanted to be an actor but was hard to cast because he’s six feet 11 inches tall. “When I first met [Mayhew] he told me I was a wee bit too skinny,” Suotamo says. “But we also had a Wookiee boot camp, which lasted for a week. He told me all kinds of things about the moves that Chewbacca does, how they came to be and his reasoning behind them.” Suotamo has now played Chewbacca in four movies and enjoys it about as much as I’ve ever seen anybody enjoy anything. “It’s very much like silent-era film, with Buster Keaton and Charlie Chaplin,” he says. “He’s a mime character and that’s what he does, and I guess in that minimalism comes the beauty of the character.”
Other things we know about Skywalker: We can safely assume that the Resistance and the First Order are headed toward a final smash, which will be a heavy lift for the good guys because, at the end of The Last Jedi, the Resistance was down, way down, to a double handful of survivors. They’ll face a First Order who suffered a stinging but largely symbolic loss at the Battle of Crait, and who, I feel confident, have learned something from the previous eight movies. The Empire built and lost two Death Stars. The First Order has already lost one super-weapon in The Force Awakens. Presumably it won’t make the same mistake twice, twice.
But the stakes go even higher than that, cosmically high. Sources close to the movie say that Skywalker will at long last bring to a climax the millennia-long conflict between the Jedi Order and its dark shadow, the Sith.
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HORSING AROUND Finn and new ally Jannah (Naomi Ackie), atop hardy orbaks, lead the charge against the mechanized forces of the First Order. “It’s extremely surreal to be in it,” says Ackie, “and see how it works from the inside.”
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STAR CROSSED Kylo Ren (Adam Driver) and Rey battle it out with lightsabers in a stormy confrontation. Their Force-connection—what Driver calls their “maybe-bond”—will turn out to run even deeper than previously revealed.
The hottest area for speculation, however, is the identity of the titular Skywalker, because at this point there aren’t many Skywalkers left to rise. One is General Organa, the former Princess Leia, Luke’s sister—but Carrie Fisher, who plays her, passed away in 2016. That was a deeply painful loss for Abrams personally, but it also presented him with an impossible choice as a filmmaker. He needed Leia to tell the story, but Abrams didn’t feel like a digital Carrie Fisher could do the job, and there was no way Lucasfilm was going to re-cast the role.
But then a strange thing happened. Abrams remembered that there was some footage of Fisher left over from The Force Awakens, scenes that had been changed or cut entirely, and he dug them up. “It’s hard to even talk about it without sounding like I’m being some kind of cosmic spiritual goofball,” Abrams says, “but it felt like we suddenly had found the impossible answer to the impossible question.” He started to write scenes around the old footage, fitting Leia’s dialogue into new contexts. He re-created the lighting to match the way Fisher had been lit. Bit by bit, she found her place in the new movie. “It was a bizarre kind of left side/right side of the brain sort of Venn diagram thing, of figuring out how to create the puzzle based on the pieces we had.” Fisher’s daughter, Billie Lourd, appears in the movies as a Resistance officer named Lieutenant Connix, and at first Abrams deliberately wrote her out of the scenes in case it was too painful—but Lourd said no, she wanted to be in them. “And so, there are moments where they’re talking; there are moments where they’re touching,” Abrams says. “There are moments in this movie where Carrie is there, and I really do feel there is an element of the uncanny, spiritual, you know, classic Carrie, that it would have happened this way, because somehow it worked. And I never thought it would.”
The only other member of the surviving Skywalker bloodline—that we know of!—is Leia’s son and Luke’s former Padawan, the fallen Jedi Kylo Ren. Kylo probably isn’t capable of actual happiness, but things are definitely looking up for him: by the end of The Last Jedi he has taken control of the First Order and killed or at least outlived his actual father and both of his symbolic fathers-in-art, Luke and Supreme Leader Snoke. Sources at Disney also confirm that his long-rumored Knights of Ren will finally arrive in Skywalker. “And then he had been forging this maybe-bond with Rey,” Driver says, “and it kind of ends with the question in the air: is he going to pursue that relationship, or when the door of her ship goes up, does that also close that camaraderie that they were maybe forming?”
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SANDBLAST Camera operator Colin Anderson readies a take for a chase sequence spotlighting the heroics of Chewbacca, BB-8, and Rey.
Darkness in the Star Wars movies tends to come from fear: for Anakin Skywalker, Kylo’s grandfather, it was his fear of losing his mother and his wife. After two movies it’s still not so easy to say exactly what Kylo Ren himself fears, even though he’s as operatically emo as Vader was stoic. He’s fixated on the past—he made a shrine to his own grandfather—but at the same time the past torments him. “Let the past die,” he tells Rey in The Last Jedi. “Kill it, if you have to. That’s the only way to become what you are meant to be.”
Presumably whatever’s eating at Kylo started in his childhood: maybe being the kid of literally the two coolest people in the galaxy isn’t as fun as it sounds. Driver—who has obviously thought this through with a lot of rigor—points out that, as cool as they are, Han and Leia are both obsessively committed to lifestyles (smuggling, rebelling) that don’t leave much room for kids. He also points out that, unlike Luke and Rey, Kylo never got to go on a nifty voyage of self-discovery. Instead he grew up under the crushing pressure of massive expectations. “How do you form friendships out of that?” Driver says. “How do you understand the weight of that? And if there’s no one around you guiding you, or articulating things the right way … it can easily go awry.” By the emotional logic that governs the Star Wars universe—and also our own—Kylo Ren is going to have to confront the past, and his fears, whatever they are, or be destroyed by them.
Where Lucas’s trilogies tended to follow the roots and branches of the Skywalker family tree—their personal saga was the saga of the galaxy writ small—the new movies have a slightly wider aperture and take in a new generation of heroes. There’s Rey, of course, who sources say will have progressed in her training since the end of The Last Jedi to the point where it’s almost complete. With that taken care of, all she has to do is reconstitute the entire Jedi Order from scratch, because as far as we know she’s the Last One.
If Kylo Ren can’t be redeemed it will almost certainly fall to Rey to put him down, in spite of their maybe-bond. Their relationship is the closest thing the new trilogy has to a star-crossed love story on the order of Han and Leia: a source close to the movie says that their Force-connection will turn out to run even deeper than we thought. They’re uniquely suited to understand each other, but at the same time they are in every way each other’s inverse, down to Kylo’s perverse rejection of his family, which is the one thing Rey craves most. “I think there’s a part of Rey that’s like, dude, you fucking had it all, you had it all,” Ridley says. “That was always a big question during filming: you had it all and you let it go.”
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PUNCH IT! In a historic reunion, Lando Calrissian (Billy Dee Williams) retakes the helm of the Millennium Falcon, joined by Poe Dameron (Oscar Isaac), Chewbacca, D-O, and BB-8. “He’s a survivor,” Williams says of Lando.
Rey is also, according to totally unsubstantiated Internet theories, a leading candidate to be the Skywalker of the title, pending some kind of head-snapping reveal about her ancestry. (For the record, the other leading unsubstantiated Internet theory has the “Skywalker” of the title referring to an entirely new order of Force users who will rise up and replace the Jedi.)
Rey seems ready for it all, or as ready as anybody could be. “It’s nice having that shot at the beginning of the teaser,” Ridley says, over avocado toast at a fancy Chicago hotel, “because I think it’s quite a good visual representation of where she is now: confident, calm, less fearful.… It’s still sort of overwhelming, but in a different way. It feels more right—less like inevitable and more like there’s a focus to the journey.” Focus is a good word for Rey: on-screen Ridley’s dramatic eyebrows form a wickedly sharp arrow of concentration. I asked Ridley what she’s thinking about when Rey is using her Force powers, and it turns out Rey seems focused because Ridley is actually seriously focused. “I literally visualize it. When I was lifting rocks I was visualizing the rocks moving. And then I was like, Oh, my God, I made it happen! And obviously there’s loads of rocks on strings, so, no, I didn’t. But I visualize that it’s really going on.” (That scene, which comes at the end of The Last Jedi, is another example of classic nondigital Star Wars effects: those were real rocks. “It was actually really amazing,” Ridley says. “It was sort of like a baby mobile.”)
There’s also Finn, the apostate Stormtrooper, played by the irrepressible Boyega, who in person practically vibrates with energy and speaks with a South London accent very different from Finn’s American one. In some ways Finn has gone through a complete character arc already: he confronted his past—by beating down his old boss, Captain Phasma—and found his courage and his moral center. He has had a tendency to panic, if not actively desert, in clutch situations, but at the Battle of Crait he proved that he was past that. “I think he’s just an active member of the Resistance now,” Boyega says. “Episode Eight, he couldn’t decide what team he was fighting for. But since then he’s made a clear decision.” (Cast members tend to refer to the Star Wars movies by their episode numbers: four is the original movie, seven is The Force Awakens, and so on.)
Finn still has to make a clear decision about his romantic situation, though. As Boyega put it at Star Wars Celebration: “Finn is single and willing to mingle!” The movies have been teasing his emotional connections with both Rey and the Resistance mechanic Rose Tico, played by Kelly Marie Tran, with whom he shared a fleeting battlefield kiss in The Last Jedi. Rose seems like the more positive choice, given that she stops Finn from deserting early in the movie and saves his life at the Battle of Crait, and that the precedents for romantic involvements with Jedi are extremely bad. Tran is the first Asian-American woman to play a major role in a Star Wars movie, and she has been the target of both racist and sexist attacks online. But she has come through them as a fan favorite: when she appeared onstage in Chicago, she got a standing ovation.
Finally there’s Poe, who has mostly struggled with his own cocky impulsiveness, because he’s a loose-cannon-who-just-can’t-play-by-the-rules. Poe will have to step up and become a leader, because the Resistance is seriously short on officer material. In fact, some of that transformation will already have happened where The Rise of Skywalker picks up, which is about a year after the end of The Last Jedi. “There has been a bit of shared history that you haven’t seen,” Isaac says. “Whereas in the other films, Poe is this kind of lone wolf, now he’s really part of a group. They’re going out and going on missions and have a much more familiar dynamic now.” Star Wars has always been about friendship as much as it is about romance, and as of the end of The Last Jedi, Rey, Finn, and Poe are all finally in the same place for the first time since The Force Awakens.
The Rise of Skywalker introduces some new players, too. There’s a tiny one-wheeled droid called D-O and a large banana-slug alien named Klaud. Oh, and Naomi Ackie, Keri Russell, and Richard E. Grant have all joined the cast, though, again, we know practically nothing about who they’re playing. Going from being outside the Star Wars leviathan to being right in its belly can be a dizzying experience for a first-timer. “I actually tried to do this thing while we were filming,” Ackie says, “where I’d go one day, walking through London without seeing a Star Wars reference somewhere. And you can’t do it. You really can’t. So it’s extremely surreal to be in it and see how it works from the inside.
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WELL MET Jordanian locals play the Aki-Aki, natives of the planet Pasaana.
If anything, Star Wars is only getting more omnipresent. The franchise under Lucas was a colossus, but he still ran it essentially as a private concern. He could make movies or not, as his muse dictated—he was beholden to no shareholders. But Star Wars under Disney makes the old Star Wars look positively quaint. Between 1977 and 2005, Lucasfilm released six Star Wars movies; when Skywalker premieres in December, Disney will have released five Star Wars movies in five years. “I think there is a larger expectation that Disney has,” Kennedy says. “On the other hand, though, I think that Disney is very respectful of what this is, and right from the beginning we talked about the fragility of this form of storytelling. Because it’s something that means so much to fans that you can’t turn this into some kind of factory approach. You can’t even do what Marvel does, necessarily, where you pick characters and build new franchises around those characters. This needs to evolve differently.”
A useful example of that fragility might be the relatively modest performance of Solo: A Star Wars Story in 2018. Solo was a perfectly good Star Wars movie that has made almost $400 million worldwide—but it’s also, according to industry estimates, the first one to actually lose money. In response Disney has gently but firmly pumped the brakes: the first movie in the next Star Wars trilogy, which will be helmed by David Benioff and D. B. Weiss, the duo behind Game of Thrones, won’t arrive till Christmas of 2022, with further installments every other year after that. There’s no official word as to what stories they’ll tell, or when a second trilogy being developed by Rian Johnson will appear.
But even as the movies pause, Star Wars continues to colonize any and all other media. In addition to video games, comics, novels, cartoons, container-loads of merch, etc., there are not one but two live-action TV series in the pipeline for Disney+, Disney’s new streaming service: The Mandalorian, created by Jon Favreau, and an as-yet-untitled show about Cassian Andor from Rogue One. I have personally tried a virtual-reality experience called Vader Immortal,written and produced by Dark Knight screenwriter David Goyer. At the end of May, Disneyland will open Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge, a massive, 14-acre, $1 billion attraction where you can fly the Millennium Falcon, be captured by the First Order, and drink a blue milk cocktail (it’s actually nondairy) and Coca-Cola products out of exclusive BB-8-shaped bottles at the cantina. It’s the largest single-theme expansion in the park’s history: Take that, Toy Story Land. The Disney World version will open in August.
You realize now that, under Lucas, Star Wars always slightly had the brakes on—we were always kept a little starved for product. With Disney driving, we’ll really find out how big Star Wars can get.
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ENCORE Composer John Williams conducting the Star Wars score, drawing on themes and motifs he has woven across four decades. “I didn’t think there would ever be a second film,” he says.
When people talk about the new Star Wars movies, they tend to talk about how faithful they are to the originals. What’s harder to say is how exactly the new films are different—how movies like Skywalker keep their connection to the past while at the same time finding a way to belong to the world of 2019. Because regardless of whether or not Star Wars has changed since 1977, the world around it has, profoundly. “There’s a loss of innocence, a sense of innocence that existed in the 70s that I don’t think to any extent exists today,” Kennedy says. “I think that has to permeate the storytelling and the reaction to the stories and how they’re set up. It has to feel differently because we’re different.”
We know things, as a people and as an audience, that we didn’t know back then. For example: back then it felt sort of O.K. to like Darth Vader, because even though he was evil he was also incredibly cool, and the kind of fascism he represented felt like a bogeyman from the distant past. But now fascism is rising again, which makes the whole First Order subplot look super-prescient, but it also reminds us that fascism is not even slightly cool in real life. “Evil needs to feel and look very real,” Kennedy says, “and what that means today may not be as black-and-white as it might have been in 1977, coming off a kind of World War II sensibility.” In the Star Wars–verse, Dark and Light are supposed to balance each other, but in the real world they just mix together into a hopelessly foggy, morally ambiguous gray.
But the changes are liberating too. Star Wars doesn’t have to stay frozen in time; if anything it’s the opposite, if it doesn’t change it’ll die. It will turn into Flash Gordon. For Abrams, that means he can’t go through this process so haunted by the ghost of George Lucas (who is of course still alive, but you get what I’m saying) that he winds up doing a cinematic Lucas impression. At some point Abrams has to let Abrams be Abrams.
The Rise of Skywalker might be that point. “Working on nine, I found myself approaching it slightly differently,” he says. “Which is to say that, on seven, I felt beholden to Star Wars in a way that was interesting—I was doing what to the best of my ability I felt Star Wars should be.” But this time something changed. Abrams found himself making different choices—for the camera angles, the lighting, the story. “It felt slightly more renegade; it felt slightly more like, you know, Fuck it, I’m going to do the thing that feels right because it does, not because it adheres to something.”
There are a lot of small subtle ways that Abrams’s Star Wars is different from Lucas’s, but if there’s a standout, it’s the way that the new movies look at history. Lucas’s Star Wars movies are bathed in the deep golden-sunset glow of the idyllic Old Republic, that more civilized age—but the new movies aren’t like that. They’re not nostalgic. They don’t long for the past; they’re more about the promise of the future. “This trilogy is about this young generation, this new generation, having to deal with all the debt that has come before,” Abrams says. “And it’s the sins of the father, and it’s the wisdom and the accomplishments of those who did great things, but it’s also those who committed atrocities, and the idea that this group is up against this unspeakable evil and are they prepared? Are they ready? What have they learned from before? It’s less about grandeur. It’s less about restoring an old age. It’s more about preserving a sense of freedom and not being one of the oppressed.”
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FROM THE ASHES Mark Hamill, as Luke, with R2-D2. Speculation is rampant about who will “rise” as the Skywalker of the movie’s title—and how that choice will reflect the way the world has changed since Star Wars debuted in 1977.
The new generation doesn’t have that same connection to the old days that Luke and Leia did. It’s not like their parents destroyed the Old Republic. We don’t even know who their parents were! They’re too young to remember the Empire. They’re just here to clean up the mess they got left with, the disastrous consequences of bad decisions made by earlier generations, and try to survive long enough to see the future. Is any of this resonating with 2019? Might there possibly be a generation around here somewhere that’s worried about the consequences of its own decisions for the future? Star Wars has never been and probably never should be a vehicle for political arguments, but to paraphrase Ursula Le Guin, great science fiction is never really about the future. It’s about the present.
You could even—if you’re into that kind of thing—imagine the story of the new Star Wars trilogy as a metaphor for the making of the new Star Wars trilogy. In fact, I was totally prepared—because I am into that kind of thing!—to try to push this overthought metafictional hot take onto Abrams … but I didn’t have to. Abrams got there ahead of me. “The idea of the movie is kind of how I felt going into the movie as a filmmaker,” he says, “which is to say that I’ve inherited all this stuff, great stuff, and good wisdom, and the good and the bad, and it’s all coming to this end, and the question is, do we have what it takes to succeed?”
Kylo Ren has it all wrong: you can’t bring back the past and become your own grandfather, and you can’t kill the past, either. All you can do is make your peace with it and learn from it and move on. Abrams is doing that with Star Wars—and meanwhile the Resistance is going to have to do that, too, if they really are going to bring this saga to an end. Because we’ve been here before, watching a band of scrappy rebels take down a technofascist empire, and it seemed to work fine at the time—but it didn’t last. The same goes for the Jedi and their struggle with the Sith. To end this story, really end it, they’re going to have to figure out the conditions of a more permanent victory over the forces of darkness. Their past was imperfect at best, and the present is a complete disaster—but the future is all before them. This time, finally, they’re going to get it right.
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