#he does like bail and breha okay
varpusvaras · 8 months
Seventeen really doesn't know what to think about Fox's new spouses.
They are...alright. That's the best word he can come up with, for now. They seem nice. Caring. Smart. Fox had mentioned them before, and always described them with good terms (which perhaps should've glued Seventeen in to the fact they were a thing. Fox had never been someone who would go out of his way to mention anyone just because), and the more Seventeen heard about them, the more he did appreciate them.
It just all felt fake, in a way. Not them, no. Seventeen had met enough nat-borns by now to recognise when they were being dishonest and smarmy. Not these two. Absolutely not. They were probably two of the most honest and open people Seventeen had ever met, which was also most likely one of the reasons Fox liked them. Fox had always liked it when things were said as they were. But just watching them, happy as they were, in their own little world where everything was fine and nothing else mattered, Seventeen couldn't shake the feeling of waiting for something, anything, to go wrong.
They weren't made for happy endings. Sooner or later something would happen, and ruin it all. They weren't made for soft things like this. They weren't made for things like love, not like this. Love for them meant training them, teaching them, pushing them forward and over their limits, so they wouldn't die.
That's what Seventeen had done.
It wasn't fair, some part of him screams. It wasn't fair that his love had been made to be bruises and broken bones and tears and anger, only for someone else to then come after all of it and claim that love was actually anything and everything else than that.
It wasn't fair.
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the-starry-seas · 4 months
hmmm a little royal ot3 angst from breha's perspective, i think
She's frustrated enough that she lets the door slam behind her. She expects the echo of it, but what she doesn't expect is the second noise of a datapad falling to the floor.
Fox is sitting in the bay window, staring at her, a thick blanket half over his legs to ward off the night chill. Even from across the room, she can see his tense shoulders and wide eyes.
"I'm sorry," she grits out, pressing a hand to her forehead, wishing her voice was calmer, wondering if she should leave. "I didn't know you were in here, I wouldn't have slammed the door."
"It's okay." He leans to pick up the datapad, and she wonders if he's intentionally avoiding her gaze. He does that a lot, when he's nervous.
Or he just needs to see where the datapad is and you're overthinking things.
She sighs and turns back to the door. She hates when she and Bail argue like this, and she hates the look in Fox's eyes when he overhears. He was obviously comfortable, with the pillows behind him and the mug steaming at his side, and she doesn't want to disturb him.
"Breha," he says, and she stops with her hand on the doorknob. "We can sit in front of the fire."
They can. That was why she came here in the first place, because sometimes what she really needs is to lay down on that massive fur and listen to the fire crackle. She doesn't know why it's calming, but it works all the same. And she wants to calm down. She wants to be calm, and she wants Bail to be calm, and she wants to kiss him goodnight instead of going to bed angry.
"I don't want to bother you."
"It's okay," he repeats, and he looks at her this time, so maybe it is.
She's a little stompy as she crosses the floor, she knows, and she sits in a rather undignified heap, frowning at the fireplace even though it hasn't exactly done anything wrong. Fighting with Bail is awful. The only thing more awful is not being able to be with him because he's angry with her.
She's tired, and she'd like to not be.
It surprises her immensely when Fox kneels next to her, his palms flat against his thighs, his feet tucked under him.
"Breha," he says quietly.
"I can't talk, Fox." She drags her hands down her face and sighs.
"I know. You don't have to."
That's a refreshing change. She can think of few other people who wouldn't try poking her for at least one detail. She'll tell him something later, once she and Bail have made up, so he won't have to worry about their moods.
"But you can hit me," Fox continues, ripping her world out from under her, "if it would help."
For a moment, she can only stare at him. He says it so casually. There's no sadness in his eyes. No fear. Just something that looks a little like resignation. Like he won't blame her at all, if she does.
"You?" she whispers. "I could never." She's never wanted to hit anyone, but she can't imagine hitting Fox.
"It's okay," he says a third time, and she's beginning to hate those words. "I won't hurt you. Do whatever you want."
She knows better than to just touch him, she does, but what she wants is for someone to hold her, and she thinks he might need it, too.
She wraps her arms around his shoulders, burying her face in his neck, one knee hiked over his thigh so she can fit against him. His hand rests hesitantly on her leg.
"Darling, don't you dare ever let anyone hurt you," she tells him. "If anyone, ever says they want to hit you, you- you come straight to me and don't let anything stop you."
"I was trained to take it. They said it doesn't hurt me as much as it would a natborn."
Well, she doesn't believe that for a second, but she's not in possession of very many coherent thoughts right now, so she doesn't say anything about that, just holds him as gently as she can.
"I'm not going to hurt you, Fox. I just want to hold you."
Her fingers draw slowly up and down his spine, over the tattoo she memorised long ago, hoping it might help to calm him like it sometimes does after his nightmares. It's so beautiful. He's so beautiful. She wonders if he'll ever stop breaking her heart.
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phoenixyfriend · 2 years
if you’re doing the fanfic trope mash up, can i suggest 42 and 56 for jangosoka?
Fanfiction Trope MASH-UP: Send me two (2) tropes from this list + a ship and I’ll describe how I’d combine them in the same story.
This ask meme is from over a year ago. Please don't send new prompts.
42. The Big Damn Kiss 
56. Awful First Meeting
Okay, so: time travel, as is standard for this ship
We'll say Ahsoka is ehhhh 23, has been doing Fulcrum stuff for five or so years, is very competent but not perfect. She falls into the past, as one does, shows up about a year pre-Galidraan, so Jango is 21.
Ahsoka has slipped into some undercover work, eeling her way into the upper echelons of society, attending galas and events and so on in fancy dresses and jewelry. How is she funding this? However you want. Maybe she robbed a Hutt. Maybe she has the codes to some shadow accounts nobody knows she's accessing. Maybe she found teenage Bail and talked him into bankrolling her based on The Future. Doesn't matter.
(Actually, the Bail thing would make a great fic on its own, especially if Ahsoka were young enough to pretend to be his girlfriend. Tell me that wouldn't be hilarious. Not here, but somewhere. Bail is absolutely in love with Breha, but like... the fate of the Republic! The fate of the Jedi! That's a cool thing to be doing! With a cool person!)
Point is, she's lying to a lot of very wealthy, very dangerous people when she shows up at these things. She could have theoretically tricked her way into being someone's long-term date, but that would mean dating to attend more than one, and she's not doing that. Better to just pretend to be the heiress to a company from the rims that's very rich but not quite rich enough for everyone in the Core to have heard of.
She is using these events to spy, of course. Slipping into hotel rooms to slice datapads, bugging white collar criminals with a tap to their favorite watch, wandering into servant's tunnels while pretending to be drunk, all the usual fun stuff.
She gets caught, of course.
Jango's side of the story starts about when Ahsoka's does, with him hearing tales of someone stealing information and sabotaging deals, and he gets hired as security by one of those especially important events. He keeps an eye on this, and he... notices Ahsoka.
He does not notice her as a spy, but as a person who is being harassed by an intoxicated, rich old man, whom she'd clearly like to ditch but cannot safely do so.
(At least, as far as he can tell. We know her better than that.)
Jango steps in, because it's not like he's got a lot to do right now, and intercepting drunk old men has been about the only interesting thing he's had to do all night. Ahsoka... I mean, she thanks him. Technically. She doesn't hide her distaste for him as a person. Jango would think this is just about him being Mandalorian, except she doesn't react as negatively to any of the others. She's neutral and ignores most of them, but there are two moments where she interacts positively, laughing at a joke or something. So. She just doesn't like him.
The night ends without incident. It's not until weeks later that there's an information leak. It could have happened during the party Jango was guarding, but it could have happened at any of three other incidents that same month. There was at least one midnight break-in, several days after the party; there's a solid chance his presence did discourage whoever this spy was from engaging, and made them delay their actions to a Plan B.
Months later, he's doing personal guard duty for the king of something or other. It's another gala or fundraiser or coronation or--honestly, he doesn't care. He's getting paid to keep this one specific person safe, and that's all that matters.
He's not the only mando there, so when he sees a young woman, vaguely familiar, stumble out of the hall with an expression that says 'drunk' as much as it does 'roofied,' he doesn't commit any dereliction of duty by excusing himself to just... see that she's okay. The woman is familiar, even if he can't place her. That usually means something; what if she's an assassin he's run into before, here to kill his client?
(That really is why he's following her. If she's familiar but unplaceable, that usually means she's In The Business.)
He follows her at a safe distance, and sees her ask for a bathroom, get pointed in the right direction, and then... go down the wrong hallway, and enter a room that he's pretty sure is supposed to be locked.
He gives it a few seconds, edging closer slow enough that his boots can't be heard (the music and carpet both help muffle the noise, but he's still wearing a lot of metal), and then opens the door to a library-esque space.
The "drunk" girl is hard at work slicing into a computer terminal she 100% should not be at.
They stare at each other.
"Give me one good reason to not shoot y--"
"I can give you intel on Death Watch."
Jango pauses. Considers. It is not his job to keep information safe, this time. His job is to just keep one specific man alive, and this is an unrelated crime.
There are footsteps in the hall, and he sees her start to look around the room for an exit route. He tries not to think too hard on how she was planning on making the very-much-screwed-into-the-wall vent work.
"Fine," he says, and she looks quick at him, and then at the door, and then disengages from the computer and hops the desk to--plaster herself against him?
She giggles, high and drunken, and fumbles for his helmet. "Oh, come on, Mr. Mando, just a kiss? Just one ki--I told my friends I'd run into a Mand--ma--Mandaloriana... Just a kiss! I wanna--wanna one-up 'em..."
He hears the door crack open, and has no idea what he's supposed to do to play along to this... cover? Cover, sure. "Ma'am, I'm on a job."
"And you can't play? Your friends are totally--"
There's a cough from the door, and Jango turns, and the security guard that actually works here is grimacing.
"You can't be in here."
They manage to talk their way out of suspicion, something about how she claimed she'd seen something important but was just trying to seduce him, does the guard know anywhere a drunk guest can be deposited? Thanks.
She does give him information, but she disappears before he can learn anything more about her.
(Galidraan is avoided, oh so narrowly, because of what she gives him. He may never know how close it really was.)
Months pass. He gets invited an event that isn't a job, but is rather some large gladiatorial event. He's not a fan of it--he's pretty sure the fighters aren't nearly as voluntary as people are claiming--but he goes. He watches.
A familiar face enters the arena. He stiffens.
His helmet can zoom in and analyze, and he finds that the cuffs she wears are Force-dampening.
Definitely not willing.
He dithers too long to figure out how to help, or if he even can, because she wins her fight (no deaths in these matches; makes it expensive to find new combatants), and is ushered out, and Jango himself is invited to an afterparty. Someone tells him that the winning gladiators get to attend. It's a reward, the food and fancy outfits. Even 'the pretty one you seemed to like' is going to be there.
People are still pretending that the combatants are voluntary. Jango grits his teeth. He goes.
He finds her, removes his helmet, meets her eyes from across the room. She is bruised and bandaged, but alert. She blinks at him, slow and measuring, and then taps her lips twice.
He doesn't understand, until she signs--where did she learn Mando battle sign?--and asks him to lie and say they're a couple.
(Well, she's using battle sign, not actual MSL, but he's pretty sure 'cover spouse you self extraction' is... yeah. Sure, that sign for cover is usually about cover from fire, and 'spouse' is a splice of 'law' and 'partner' that is usually hard enough without trying to hide everything, but he thinks he got the gist.)
(He does kind of owe her; the information she gave him was more useful than he'd expected, and even if it hadn't been, he can probably convince her to share something else as 'payment' for getting her out of this.)
He stomps through the crowd, pushing people out of the way, and then sweeps her into his arms and bends her backwards to plant the showiest kiss he can on her.
He holds it long enough for the silence to spread, and then pulls them back upright, closes his eyes, presses his forehead to hers, and hopes that it's enough to sell it to the people around them.
His hands drift down to her wrists, a calculated move that looks natural if he's lucky, and asks quietly for them to remove the cuffs.
Jango Fett is a very heavily-armored, heavily-armed man. People read into his quiet the way he wants them to: that he is very close to slaughtering a whole lot of them, and trying incredibly hard to stay calm.
There are cuff removals, and 'negotiations' for Ahsoka's freedom (he still doesn't even know her name, but he hears the fake she gave to the people who arrested her), and she leaves the planet on his arm, and on his spaceship.
She explains that getting arrested and sent to the gladiatorial arena was part of a greater plan, but that her extraction partner was delayed. They might be dead. She doesn't know, but she was already planning her own escape. She tells him she's gotten out of worse scrapes before.
The fic would end with them separating, and her promising to come find him again. Any sequel would involve a reveal of the Future thing, possibly after a one-night stand.
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thestarwarslesbian · 1 year
Fox: Bail kissed me! Scar: Oh my force! Oh my force! Oh my force! Fox: It was unbelievable! Scar: Oh my force! Oh my force! Oh my force! Thorn: Okay, we wanna hear everything. Scar, get the wine. Fox, does this end well or do we need tissues? Fox: Oh, it ended very well. Scar: Do not start without me! Do not start without me! Thorn: Okay, alright, let’s hear about the kiss. Was it a soft brush against your lips or was it like a, you know, “I gotta have you now” kind of thing? Fox: Well, at first it was really intense, you know? And then, oh force, and then we just sort of sunk into it. Thorn: Ohh... So, okay, was he holding you? Or were his hands on your back? Fox: First, he started out on my waist and then he slid up and then they were in my hair. Thorn and Scar: Ohhh. *meanwhile* Bail eating pizza: And, uh, and then I kissed him. Breha: Tongue? Bail: Yeah. Breha: Cool.
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walkawaytall · 8 months
lately i've been thinking about what seems to be the generally accepted headcanon that leia can't cook very well, and that han can--though i'm thinking that maybe it's more like the burger-off in parks and rec where leia can cook really good fancy food. what headcanons do you have for h/l that have to do with cooking/food?
So, I didn't specifically base this idea on anything on purpose, but now that I think about, I think Leia's relationship with cooking is really similar to the way my mom relates to cooking: once she learns how to do it, her food is perfectly passable but not outstanding. She has no particular love for it, and really only cooks if she has to. I see her as a very utilitarian cook: a lot of her meals are provided for her throughout her life, whether it be because she's literally royalty or because the Senate has a cafeteria (I don't actually know if the Senate has such amenities, but I pretend it does) or because the Alliance feeds their soldiers, but she can feed herself simple meals if the circumstances demand it. I don't really see Breha and Bail -- the parents who signed her up for a pathfinding program at age 16 -- sending her off to another planet to work as a teenager with zero knowledge as to how to feed herself. Or, if they initially didn't think about it, I think they'd make sure pretty quickly that she had a decent enough understanding of the basics to get by (I also headcanon that Breha enjoyed cooking a handful of dishes herself when she was able to/had the time, so she had some knowledge to pass on). Whether Leia chose to use whatever knowledge she had on a regular basis is another matter entirely.
Han...okay, this sort of dovetails into an entirely different headcanon I have for Han, which is that I think Han's a recreational reader and has had a bunch of weird hobbies that he's at least tried for awhile as a result of reading a lot of nonfiction/instructional books because...I mean, I imagine he and Chewie have a decent amount of downtime while traveling and dejarik cannot be that interesting. I think he probably got tired of whatever the space equivalent of ready-made food is like a year or two into smuggling and decided to try his hand at cooking. I imagine because of the way he grew up -- likely living off scraps, and I doubt they were pleasant -- he probably wants to enjoy his meals if he can in adulthood, which is really the drive there. I don't think he's like...a master chef or whatever, but I think his skills are likely above average just because he's had a decade to work on them and he's generally not afraid to try new things.
Also, this was technically originally based on some bit of canon that Bail and Breha would bribe a young Leia with sweetmallow cake when they had to attend a party that she couldn't go to, but cake being the only food item Leia has strong feelings about is quite possibly the most consistent thing across all of my fics at this point, and I like to imagine that her relationship with cake is identical to that of Mr. Ratburn on Arthur:
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Thanks for asking!
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tarisilmarwen · 1 year
Rebels Rewatch: "A Princess On Lothal"
Mini Leia is here to lift everyone's spirits, and provide some much-needed hardware to the Rebellion.
Right, so going to have to be careful about the new photo limit, but just one quick cap from the beginning here because awwww the Loth-cat was comforting Ezra!
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Oooh the deep glockenspiel adds some interesting texture to this music cue here.
And cue the Hammerhead corvettes. Good thing Leia dropped by when most of the blockade was still sweeping up on Garel.
(They'll be back soon, Lothal and Garel are practically galactic neighbors.)
Lol Lyste sighing in aggravation about "Another delegation from Alderaan." I'm certain Bail and Breha have cultivated quite the bleeding heart reputation as cover for their covert Rebel activities.
I don't think the voice actress they chose is that great. She sounds... way older than 15/16 and I can tell she's trying for the cadence of Carrie Fisher's snark but... I dunno it just lands weird for me. I think they could have gotten away with having her voice sound younger and it would have been okay.
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Chopper sticking by Ezra's side. :((((
A slow, mournful version of Ezra's theme. Fitting, as he's going to be grieving the whole episode. Which is a nice bit of continuity. I love it when shows allow time for characters to grieve and adjust to losses they've sustained.
Subtle animation appreciation moment: The way Ezra idly thumps the cadet helmet to the side of his head. Just a nice little gesture that adds character and flavor.
Oh shit, that was definitely a Dies Irae in the score there.
(A refresher for those of you just joining this rewatch: The Dies Irae is an old Latin musical sequence that has been used basically since the Gregorian chant days to denote the specter of death in a work of music. Composers from ages past up to the present have referenced it in their compositions. Think of it as like the world's oldest music meme.)
Lot of OT score references in this part, no surprise.
Ezra is noticeably more surly and pissy than usual this episode, at least until his pep talk from Leia. Also no surprise, the boy hides behind his sarcasm and snark like no one's business.
"I don't get to give orders!" Just wait, Ezra, lol. You'll get your turn.
Leia playing Lyste like a damn fiddle lolol.
Mini Leia is really pretty. They did a great job with her design.
Alderaan sits pretty in the "plausible deniability" section. I'm sure the Empire suspected the planet of harboring secret Rebel sympathies but they were never able to have concrete proof of it. Bail, like Mon, probably held out hope that he could stem some of the Empire's tyranny from within, and so that's why he didn't want to lose his seat of government power, not as long as there was a chance he could effect some kind of change, which meant Alderaan had to avoid being directly tied to the Rebellion.
There's some commentary there about the need to work within the system in order to fix it, versus when it's time to break off and burn it down, but I'm not going to go into that right now.
Hngh, Ryder's resignation when the Stormtrooper mentions "termination".
"Hera's here." Hhhnkgjhn that's the happiest we've heard Ezra sound this episode Imma cry.
Luke's theme used per the standard as a bold Big Damn Heroes leitmotif with the Ghost's appearance.
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"I'll warn Sabine." Lol how does Ezra know Sabine's the one who's going to be paying attention?
Zeb enjoyed this entirely too much lololol.
Ha ha those two Stormtroopers who are like, "They take prisoners now???"
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This man has zero shame lol.
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That soft hand on his arm. The way her eyes linger on him as he turns away.
I love it so muuuuuuuuch!
Leia being, well, Leia, immediately discerns that something's really bugging Ezra. I love that the Kenobi show leaned into the inner sixth sense she displays here, that she can pick out a person's thoughts and feelings with the Force just by looking at them.
Kanan discerning that Leia might be able to comment and help Ezra, aww.
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Friiiiiiiiick his face.
Leia's theme follows right on the heels of Ezra's theme here, in the score.
"I feel like because I can fight, I have to, for those who cannot." Boy is that isn't the quintessential Jedi and Rebel Alliance motivation right there...
I do like the dynamic between Ezra and Leia. It's very sweet. They bond based on their shared Hero Complex motivations, their mutual desire to fight on behalf of the helpless. Ezra shows off a little bit for her, later, in the way he usually does around girls he likes (the boy has A Type, let's be honest), but it never quite reaches the overtness of his crush on Sabine, so it hits even more quasi-platonic.
I think Leia thought he was cute tho.
Back to the plot, Leia's embarrassing Lyste all over the place here lol.
Ah, wow, the Rebel Alliance theme, haven't heard that in a while.
There is quite a bit of tension in how slowly the Hammerheads take off. The show plays that tension for all it's worth.
Oh you know I gotta comment about this part right here where Ezra goes feral.
For a moment we had all forgotten about the fact that he was clearly grieving, and this outburst caught us off guard. The way this is staged it's framed as concerning, with an edge of danger, Ezra leaping onto the Stormtrooper and clashing beats sounding along with his punches in the score, Kanan reaching towards him with an almost hesitant body posture.
But! Ezra lets out his anger and then contains himself, standing up and just putting his helmet back on. He breathes, regains his composure, and returns to neutral.
*weeps* He's such a good Jedi.
Kanan whipping out his lightsaber to be awesome against the AT-ATs aaaaaah!
(And that implied to be the reason Ryder stayed on Lothal and started up a new Rebel cell there, ONCE AGAIN CATCH ME CRYING ABOUT HOW THE JEDI REPRESENT HOPE TO A HOPELESS GALAXY.)
HHmmmmmmgggh I wanna say this is a recurring leitmotif but I don't know, I love it either way, it's beautiful.
Swish swish and return to first position, aaaah lightsaber choreography is so cool sometimes.
This whole sequence is just... *chef kiss*. The orchestration, the tension, the rapid shot choice...
Lolol Lyste getting thoroughly embarrassed by Leia.
Fun fact: One of the Hammerheads they gathered here in this episode would later go on to be the one that landed THE decisive blow to one of the Star Destroyers guarding the shield gate at Scarif.
Ryder enters with Ezra, did Ezra have any kind of hand in convincing him to fight for Lothal?
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The Force Theme soaring into prominence here as we close out.
This episode is just the kind of break we need to process the events of the previous episode. Leia is almost flawless, willy deflecting suspicion off herself while playing the Imperials all for fools, compassionate and empathetic when she senses someone in pain and turmoil.
Ezra is allowed to grieve throughout the episode, and displays a myriad of conflicted and complex emotions from scene to scene. Kanan almost takes a bit of a backseat to comforting him, letting all the others express sympathy in turn, giving him the space he needs and offering up the distraction of the mission. He handles Ezra really well, all things considered.
It helps that Ezra, unlike Anakin, chooses to deal with and channel his grief in a productive way, rather than destructive. (I have the tag "#ezra is the anti-anakin" for a reason.)
This is a fun episode. Lighter than the previous one, lower stakes, but needed to let the characters breathe and process through the revelations of the plot. I really like it.
We're about to hit the Golden Streak, so stay tuned, I will have more to say later.
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twilightofthe · 2 years
Leia for the mobile prompt thing ^^
ooooh yay more prompts! cool cool!
character prompts from this post
What does your blorbo's phone/laptop/car/backpack look like?
Ok so as Anakin and Padmé's kid (in a modern!AU, I'm assuming she would be, though of course Bail and Breha are still a very active part of her life), Leia knows both sides of the "planned obsolescence of technology" vs. "we live in a capitalist society means taking part in capitalism" debate very well. Her middle ground is a Galaxy, newest model. Don't get on her ass about it for whatever reason unless you want a list of five different tech regulatory bills you can call your senators about.
She's got a screen protector over it, but it's got a few tiny crack marks from it hitting the floor when Chewie flipped the table during game night/it flying out of her hands when she was having an argument involving Intense Hand Waving/she hands it to Luke sometimes and that means getting it back with Mystery Scratches he swears he doesn't know where they came from
The case is some kind of fancy artsy red leather design she found on Etsy. She figured the leather padding on the outside meant it was impact-safe enough, though the aforementioned crack marks prove her not quite right.
Her lockscreen is a casual photo they asked a nice waiter to take of her Luke Han Lando and Chewie out for dinner somewhere.
Homescreen is of this really good aesthetic sunset photo she took that she's honestly really proud of because despite her general good aim, she's not a very good photographer, though she's not telling anyone it was taken from the roof of an abandoned 7/11 and the gas station sign is just barely cropped out of the pic
Her apps aren't organized by anything, but she doesn't have all too many apps to begin with. She does also have five email apps like her mother before her though.
Since this is a Galaxy phone, Leia's got the fake-handwriting font. She accidentally got it stuck that way but then got used to it before she could figure out how to turn it off, so now she has to keep her phone like that and she hates it because that's Unprofessional(TM).
I'm unfortunately an apple bitch so I can't say what type of laptop she has specifically, just that it's one of the newer nicer PC models, maybe some kind of Windows? Like the ones with the touch screens or something
Her screen isn't cracked, but the corner lip of the keyboard is permanently bent ever so slightly because long story short Han whacked someone in the head with it once. It also drives her kind of nuts, but the laptop still works just fine and she has no clue how the fuck someone would fix it, so she just tolerates her laptop case not fitting quite right and is only passive aggressive to Han about it every fifth time she opens it up :)
Laptop shell case itself is plain clear and professional, she doesn't need anything fancy.
Her laptop background is probably one of her favorite art pieces. Not entirely sure what that would be, but I'm thinking of this one specific piece where there are two dancers dancing together with a golden background and the woman is in a pretty red dress.
Okay so Leia was REALLY proud to save up entirely her own money as a late teen/young adult for her first car, because that meant she wouldn't have to share the Demonic Prius with Luke anymore. She wouldn't let anyone help her out monetarily and ended up driving a shitty, shitty old Jeep she found from some random guy with Anakin's help for years lol.
Like, even when she did have money from real grownup jobs, she was still fond of the Jeep and had been through a lot in it, so she kept it as long as she could, kept it clean on the outside and inside best she could even though one window didn't go down, the AC worked half the time, and it had a permanent stench of gasoline
Of course another reason she doesn't end up really considering getting a nicer car is because only a few years after she gets the Jeep she and Luke meet Han, proud owner of the Flame Paint Job Seven Different Weed Compartments Bee's Nest In The Ceiling Catflap Cut Out Of The Back Door So You Can Throw Things At Cops Winnebago From Hell, and there is literally no way to look remotely normal when you're next to That, so she just. gives in, doesn't even try, and unless she's driving herself to work, she lets Han ferry her around in the Falcon anywhere else she needs to be.
Eh, probs the least interesting one.
Leia's got a reliable black canvas and leather backpack that fits her laptop, umbrella, water/iced coffee, and whatever book she's bringing with her
She's not really a bag person, likes to add pockets to all of her clothes, so she travels light in terms of carrying things.
She steals bags from Padmé if she wants to go fancier though
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merrysithmas · 2 years
okay but obi wan going from the boy must trained-
to, at the end, speaking to Owen, you were right. he just needs to be a boy.
THEN qui gon appears.
qui-gon! rulebreaking, Council-shirking qui-gon! happy af that obi-wan has finally learned the lesson about Luke, about Anakin, about himself, about them all.
not remaking the mistakes of the Council, trying to control the destiny of a Chosen One.
all Luke needs is to be loved, like Anakin did. like Leia does. by Bail and Breha, by Owen and Beru, by friends, by dreams. by the memory of Padme and Anakin. by himself.
and Luke turns out to be pure sunshine and save the galaxy. Leia turns out to be dynamite at the Empire's feet.
Obi-wan learned so many lessons about himself, about Anakin, about Vader, about Leia, and about Luke.
"The future will take care of itself."
so long as they love each other in the present. and not let dogma get in the way. this brings him hope, and eventually luke and leia will bring he (and Anakin) true peace.
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girlrandomstuff · 2 years
Okay, I have a problem with this and if I don't talk about it, I'm going to go insane.
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1. She didn't formed the Delegation of the Two Thousand, nor the Rebelion. The Delegation of the Two Thousand was created by Bail Organa (and Mon Mothma) thanks to Breha Organa's idea.
Here the cut scenes from Revenge of the Sith. You can clearly see that the one leading the meating are Bail Organa with Mon Mothma's help, he's the one who started the alliance by inviting Mon, Padme and the other Senators who where in the meeting. Not Padme.
“senator Mon Mothma and I are putting together an organization”
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Then in Leia Princess of Alderaan, when Leia finds out her parents work against the Empire they have this talk:
“Does Mom know?” she asked.
Bail gave her a look. “As if I could hide anything from your mother. The truth is, she had the idea even before I did. She remains on Alderaan, but she has a role to play. Let’s leave it at that.”
“this was your mother's idea from the start” and before anyone could say Bail Organa could have refered to Padme without Leia knowing, no, he never refered to Padme as Leia's mother in presence of Leia, not even with Leia not realizing, so no. Here they were talking about Breha Organa.
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2. She may have dislike Palpatine too at somepoint, but she never fully was against him, she even tried to stand up to him even when EVERYONE in the meeting agreed that Palpatine was corrupt.
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It was until this Senator (I'm very sorry for not naming him, I couldn't find his name anywhere) told her how wrong she was until she kind of realized how wrong she was indeed.
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3. I'm not sure if “against her husband” when she knew about Anakin's Tusken massacre (before marrying him) and never went against him, “to be angry is to be human” she told him, like WTH girl. Neither she went against her husband when Obi Wan told her Anakin murdered children, AGAIN, “not Anakin, he couldn't” she said, even when she knew he could, he would and he did, no, she was willing to forgive all that, to forgive Anakin after everything he had done already, AGAIN, if he just stopped. Like okay maybe he went against Anakin when she agreed in the Delegation of the Two Thousand, but what about everything else?
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And before anyone says “Padme is not good in the movies because was written by George Lucas and he did the woman dirty”, I do agree that men have complications writing women but also I don't think Padme is not a good character just because she was written by one, a character can be a good or bad character regardless who they were written by. Let's remember that he first wrote Leia Organa, maybe one of the best female characters in pop culture (OF COURSE LEIA HAS BEEN IMPROVED BY OTHER AUTHORS, MANY OF THEM WOMEN and of course thanks to Carrie Fisher herself, she fought a lot for Leia to have better)
With this I'm not trying to say she didn't have noble things in mind, or that she was also corrupt, or supported Palpatine, no, but neither I think she made good choices or that she was someone important for the rebelion to get birth.
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willowcrowned · 3 years
okay here's a qui-gon: the one in canon is Like That (disobeying the council, going off about the sith, betting on random podraces) because he's been universe-hopping and timeline-looping for so long that it's really hard to pretend to give a shit anymore. Is this a universe where Mace Windu becomes a sith? Is this a universe where Yoda creates a million clones in the hope of saving his species that gets co-opted into an army by the senate? Is this a universe in which Obi-Wan is destined to become Bail Organa's trophy husband? Who knows! certainly not him, and he's tired of trying to figure it out. he's just vibing.
cw: suicidal ideation, actual suicide (but not permanent)
Qui-Gon is not having a good time here.
The first loop, they land on Tatooine. Qui-Gon barters for parts with Watto, and when that fails, he steals them, promising to come back for Anakin and Shmi. The hutts blow up the queen's ship before they're out of the atmosphere.
At the beginning of the second loop, he thinks he dreamt the whole thing. The Federation's ship is eerily similar, but he is a Jedi. Precognition mixing with dreams isn't unlikely, just uncommon. Then they're attacked, and the words coming out of Obi-Wan's mouth are the same as before, at the same intervals, and he readjusts. A vision, then, sent by the Force to stop his desperate, doomed bid before it ever happens—to make sure he comes back for Anakin.
This time, he sells his sabers. The hutts—and everyone else with a grudge against Jedi—get word of it before they get off the planet. The ship is shot down again.
The third loop, Qui-Gon thinks it's a vision from the beginning—a sign that there is no way off Tatooine for the queen. Instead of leaving Tatooine, he sends the queen to the gungans, and tries to negotiate with the Federation.
They kill him and Obi-Wan where they stand.
The fourth loop, he goes through the motions, repeats the words, but he begins to wonder if it's really a vision at all. This time, he and Obi-Wan go back to the gungans with the queen. They form a plan to retake the capital, and it works—almost. The droid ship is never destroyed, and the gungans are slaughtered. They take the queen hostage, and kill civilians in front of her until she signs the treaty. Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon are next, killed by a warrior in black.
The fifth, sixth, and seventh loops, Qui-Gon keeps trying to get the invasion right. He sends Obi-Wan up with the ships, and then he goes up himself, and then he sends both of them. It doesn't work. They die, or the queen is captured and then they die, or one of them dies, and then the queen is captured, and then the other.
The eighth loop, Qui-Gon goes back to Tatooine. This is not a vision—how can it be, when he's felt his own death, Obi-Wan's death, so many times? It's something different—a gift from the Force.
He goes back to Tatooine. Something there must be the missing piece. He listens to Anakin more closely this time, pays more attention.
Qui-Gon bets on the pod races, and loses. The warrior in black finds them before he has to hand over the ship. Qui-Gon watches the queen be taken away as he dies.
The ninth loop, he goes back to Tatooine. This time, when he bets on the races, he wins every gamble. They get off Tatooine, return to the temple, and then go back to Naboo.
The droid ship isn't destroyed, and the plan fails. Back to square one.
The tenth loop, he brings more Jedi to Naboo the second time—pilots for the droid ship, warriors to fight the zabrak. The droid ship is destroyed, the queen survives, the warrior in black is destroyed.
Thirteen years later, the Republic falls at the hands of Mace Windu—the very Jedi who killed Maul. Qui-Gon dies by his hand.
The eleventh loop, Qui-Gon wakes up and swears furiously. It's not enough that he's stuck in this unending cycle, not enough that the Obi-Wan he knew—the man who hadn't been his padawan for thirteen years—is gone, but the Republic is in the hands of a sith lord, and Qui-Gon, who is thirteen years and change older than he should be, is the only one who knows about it.
This time, when he brings the Jedi back to Naboo, he makes sure that he's the one to strike the killing blow on Maul. He gets a red lightsaber between the ribs for his trouble.
The eighteenth loop, Qui-Gon manages to keep Mace from falling. Obi-Wan falls instead. He dies by Qui-Gon's hand.
This loop, Qui-Gon lets the clones shoot him. Back to square one.
The twenty second loop, Qui-Gon remembers Anakin. The droid control ship goes down easy, Mace kills Maul, and Qui-Gon takes Anakin as an apprentice that night. Obi-Wan doesn't talk to him until Geonosis. He dies in the arena. Qui-Gon barely puts up a fight when Dooku goes for his head.
The twenty sixth loop, Qui-Gon rescues the queen, goes to Tatooine, frees Anakin (but not his mother), and argues with the council over Anakin's fate. This time, he decides not to tell them about his visions of Naboo. He and Obi-Wan argue on a balcony, and oh, no matter how many times he does this, no matter how many Obi-Wans he grows to know, it is still strange to see this Obi-Wan, still unshaped by the galaxy.
It would be worth it, Qui-Gon thinks, to end the loops, to find out the formula, if it meant he didn't have to leave another Obi-Wan behind.
He dies with a lightsaber through his chest, Obi-Wan stuck behind red gates.
The twenty seventh loop, Qui-Gon never lands on the Federation ship. He finds the closest smuggler's haven and gets horribly, horribly drunk. He dies with a knife in his back the next day; he never paid his tab.
The eighty third loop, Obi-Wan leaves the Order after Naboo. When the Empire rises, he survives it as Bail and Breha's... special friend. If Qui-Gon knew how to be glad any more, he would be glad.
The one hundred and ninety fifth loop, Yoda clones himself. Qui-Gon would contemplate suicide if he thought it would help.
The two hundred thirtieth loop, Qui-Gon thinks he's done it. Obi-Wan is alive and happy and talking to him. Anakin left the Order gracefully, and has twins with Padmé. Ahsoka, who he got to know in loop one hundred and eight, is going on awkward teenage dates with Barriss, who never blew up the temple. Mace is nowhere close to falling. Palpatine is dead. Shmi is alive. Dooku is redeemed.
It doesn't mean anything. He knows every person, every one of their idiosyncracies. They don't know anything about him. How can they, when he's been alive this long?
When Qui-Gon dies, he hopes desperately for a real death, as he has for thousands of years.
The two hundred thirty first loop, Qui-Gon wakes to see the Federation ship in the distance.
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cienie-isengardu · 2 years
The OBI-WAN KENOBI TV series just debuted so here are some of my thoughts. Obviously, spoilers ahead:
🗡So far, it wasn’t bad, worked better than the Book of Boba Fett premiere episode for me but still it didn’t knock me down with any special emotions. The fact that the old, prequel cast came back for this project is my main motivation to watch it in the first place thus I won’t give up watching the next episode(s) until I see Hayden as Anakin/Vader. That is my current (and only one) resolution in that matter.
🗡Does Disney even care for its own canon? Grand Inquisitor’s death seems to contradict that. And that is really irking. 
🗡I don’t get Third Sister’s plan. She came to the conclusion that Obi-Wan is gonna save Bail’s little girl because once they were close friends / comrades. Okay. But wouldn’t it be actually smarter to keep eye on Bail and dunno, eavesdrop and track him, and then follow the man once he left Alderaan? That way Organa would lead her straight to the Jedi. Instead there is some complicated trap in the middle of the city and other Inquisitors getting in the way. Dunno, this part felt a bit weird. 
🗡Okay, generally speaking Third Sister seems like an interesting and cool looking character, especially with the unexplained yet connection to Anakin Skywalker. But also funny how other Inquisitors kept the violence under control (to the minimum) while she is like I’ll murder this man and this and everyone bla bla bla. 
🗡I get that Star Wars likes to emphasis the special relationship between child and father (and oh boy, the single father Din Djarin is pretty popular these days, isn’t he?) and okay, Leia was always Bail’s apple of the eye sure, but it would be fucking nice to see more about Leia and Breha’s relationship. I’m disappointed about this one, ‘cause it feels like Breha is the strict parent tired of Leia’s constant antics while Bail is the supportive one and you know, special.
🗡I also don’t understand Kenobi’s work, I mean, no one is angry that he is stealing the food? No one really noticed? I kinda thought it was gonna be an issue at some point, but nope? Not to mention they work in the open air, in the desert and leave the meat (?) just like that as soon as the work is over? Who the hell is wasting food in the desert like that?
🗡Owen Lars though, I like him and his guts. I guess his and Obi-Wan relationship is gonna be a pretty interesting part of the series. I hope so.
🗡Obi-Wan buried his lightsaber with Anakin’s one, that was the most emotional part for me so far. Some good symbolism to think about. But then, later he carried the lightsaber just like that, in an easily visible place, by the waist? Wearing a typical Jedi cloak? In times of purges? Eh. It's hard to call it a disguise.
🗡I’m also not sure how I feel about the fact that Obi-Wan left Tatooine and had adventure somewhere else. Dunno. I always thought he stayed there for twenty years, coming in terms with his trauma and watching Luke. I get the show needed an “action” plot but dunno, I could just watch Obi dwelling on the past and remember the missions / war experiences shared with Anakin and his character (psyche)  being explored that way. Do I make sense? 
🗡And the last but not least important let down. The veteran clone trooper begging for support. I guess it was supposed to be an emotional and heart-breaking moment, two veterans broken by Order 66, the “executioner” and victim of that day. A scene to put Obi-Wan in a good light for sure by him showing empathy for a clone and so on. But it did not work for me. For one, the marking similar to 501st Legion - maybe chosen to give a hint about Anakin? - irks me because I can’t imagine Vader not caring for his legion (the only one part of the army just his at that moment). Like yeah, his empathy is questionable right now, but come on, Vader’s Fist doesn’t come out of nowhere (oh, how I miss Legends sources about 501st clones’ personal loyalty to Darth Lord). And even if that wasn’t the 501st trooper, why would the Empire even allow veterans to be, you know, useless, when the man is still capable of fighting? I mean, only 10 years passed between Order 66 and now, so the clone was 23 years old (doubled as 46) and still could be part of the army. And yeah, the new wave of soldiers were natural born and all, but clone veterans were kept in the rank as long as they were useful or either died in the line of duty. In Legends, Cody served at least up to 19 BBY–1 BBY (The Force Unleashed), which is way past his prime. The unnamed clone does not look to have any serious injury (or did I miss it?) and mental health was hardly the concern of the Empire and it is really weird to think the imperials would let the clone retire from the army for whatever reason. Even weirder is that the clone kept his armor that is provided by the military and by logic, is military equipment. So there is no reason to allow retired clones to keep it? The Empire doesn't care for its soldiers, sure, so why let (“not useful anymore”) clone to take something that he does not even own in the first place? That scene just doesn’t work for me and I’m gonna admit, it was a bit confusing. Did the Empire suddenly give clones a chance to get out of the army instead of exploiting them to their last breath, as they used to do in Legends?
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varpusvaras · 4 months
So, Fox is trying really hard to hide his relationship with Bail and Breha, because he is really paranoid that if someone knows, it's going to spread and then the Chancellor will know as well. It's going well. Like, super well. Nobody outside the Guard knows.
Well, almost nobody outside the Guard.
Quinlan Vos does, indeed, know.
Thorn swears that he didn't tell him, but Fox knows that Thorn didn't have to tell him. Vos just hangs around the Guard base every single time he's on Coruscant, telling horrible jokes to Thorn and bothering everybody else, that he must've just found out through some sort of osmosis.
Whatever. Fox doesn't like it, but Thorn swears that Vos is not going to tell anyone, and Fox trusts Thorn.
Anyway. Quinlan is on a mission with Obi-Wan, and afterwards gets to talking with Obi-Wan and Cody. Cody mentions something about Fox, and Quinlan, without much thinking, goes "oh yeah, I heard about that last time I was at the Guard base."
Cody gives him a raised eyebrow and a look-over, and says "no offense, General Vos, but....I really didn't think you'd be Fox's type."
Cody is right, he really isn't. Quinlan is about to say this, when a thought appears inside his head.
Oh, he thinks, oh I'm about to be hilarious.
So he smiles, and says "oh well, you know, sometimes things you least expect happen". Cody nods slowly. Obi-Wan gives Quinlan a look that tells that Obi-Wan knows Quinlan is up to something. He doesn't say anything, though. Good, good.
So now Fox's brothers think he is dating Quinlan Vos, and absolutely do not believe him when he tries to tell them that he is not. Yeah yeah, Fox, we all know you're embarrassed, it's okay.
It really is not okay.
The next time Quinlan Vos steps inside the Guard base, he is being hunted for sport.
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calltomuster · 3 years
(Even More) Star Wars Fic Recs
[first fic rec list] [second fic rec list]
Hello everyone, happy Monday! I've been reading some fantastic fics recently and wanted to share them with you. May 4th was an absolutely glorious day to be a Star Wars fanfic reader, but the downside to having so many great stories posted on way day is that it's super easy to miss some, so I tried to highlight some here, as well as the usual random assortment.
Alternating Current by @jessepinwheel (gen, WIP, 1/3 chapters, 5.7k words) I am subscribed to @jessepinwheel's AO3 account, that's how much I love all of their writing, and this is just their latest masterpiece. The premise is that after Naboo, Obi-Wan starts experiencing some strange things, almost as if there's someone else in his body. But it doesn't feel like a foreign presence in his mind... And, well, the presence calls themselves Ben. I'm so, so intrigued to see what happens next in this story.
See, I'm the Living Icarus by @crispyjenkins (Rex/Obi-Wan, WIP, 2/6 chapters, 7.0k words) Role-reversal with Obi-Wan as Anakin's Padawan post-Melida/Daan fighting in the Clone Wars alongside Rex. Yeah, that's what I thought -- you're hooked, right? I was too. And then I read the first two chapters and wowwwww, just got even more obsessed. It's all just *chef's kiss*. Cannot wait to read more.
Off Duty by thosenearandfarwars (Obi-Wan/Cody, one-shot, 4.4k words) A post-ROTS world in which the Jedi were not destroyed, the clones are given reparations, and Obi-Wan throws his whole self into reforming the Jedi Order. It's from Cody's POV as he tries to stop his (former?) General from running himself into the ground. Featuring Jedi culture, positive change, some fun namedrops (Chirrut?!), and CODYWAN! Highly recommend this fic.
Starting Over by @ewanmcgregorismyhomeboy12 (Obi-Wan/Cody, one-shot, 3.8k words) Speaking of amazing ideal post-ROTS AUs with Codywan, here's another! This one is described in the tags as being soft and domestic, and it totally is. Cody + plants + Obi-Wan = delight. Such a pleasure to read. Makes you feel all cozy inside.
Finders Keepers by SpaceWall (Obi-Wan/Cody + a ton of background ships, 2/2 chapters, 8.4k words) This fic is a soulmate AU that follows the premise that everything you lose, your soulmate ends up finding. It really does an excellent job of exploring this fascinating premise, and using it in ways I wouldn't have thought of. Like, something happens with Anakin that is just so beautiful yet haunting, I just... Ah! The main ship here is Codywan, but there are so many great background ships like Aayla and Bly or Anakin and Padmé, and some that are super interesting, like Satine and Rex, or Fox and Bail and Breha Organa. Fascinating stuff!
Benediction by @misskirby (gen, one-shot, 3.3k words, Obi-Wan & Anakin) Each new fic by @misskirby destroys me, and this one is no different except it's destroying me with HAPPY THINGS and POSITIVE EMOTIONS for once. My heart hurts just thinking about it, not because it makes me sad, but just in a... ahhh I don't know, the emotions, okay?! Obi-Wan is watching the twins with Anakin in a ROTS-didn't-happen AU and they actually TALK? With their words? And express positive feelings towards each other without being put in horrible situations? Like I said, AU 😂. This is so, so good. (This fic was not posted on May 4th, but @misskirby did post Stride for Stride on that day, which is an excellent fic about Obi-Wan and Anakin sparring for Ahsoka that you all also must read.)
still much that is fair by RaineyDay (gen, 8/8 chapters, 21.1k words, Obi-Wan & Anakin) Massive trigger warning right off the bat for this one, because it starts off with Padawan Obi-Wan trying to commit suicide by throwing himself off of the Temple roof, except instead of dying, he ends up getting caught by -- Anakin?! Somehow he ends up in the future to find out that he's loved, and a good Jedi. Back in his own timeline, Qui-Gon thinks his Padawan has just succeeded in killing himself, and is distraught and has to reckon with their relationship. Don't worry, it has a happy ending! Give Obi-Wan a hug 2k21!
trouble with the curve by jimmytiberius (Cody/Obi-Wan, one-shot, 2.4k words) Modern day baseball AU! Cody is the analytics guy whose job it is to watch Kenobi and how people hit off of him, and Rex is Obi-Wan's normal bullpen catcher. Problem is, Rex is a little hungover, so Cody has to secretly take his brother's place and hope no one notices. Sparks fly!! You guys, this fic is awesome. You don't need to know anything about baseball to read it, though if you do it adds another delightful dimension. Highly recommend! I smile just thinking about this fic!
Lasting Marks by kyitsya (gen, 10/10 chapters, 25.8k words, Obi-Wan & Rex) I reread this fic the other day and it was just as emotionally devastating the second or third time around. It follows Obi-Wan and Rex in the Zygerria arc, except they're trapped in the mines for weeks and things really take a toll. Obi-Wan and Rex's relationship is not one that's explored much in canon, so it's really cool to see a bond form here. I also really like the later subplot with Ahsoka.
Got Me in a Tricky Situation by @dharmaavocado (pre Rex/Obi-Wan, one-shot, 5.2k words) Rex and Obi-Wan are trapped together underneath a collapsed building and they have to literally and metaphorically hold onto each other for support. I absolutely love the descriptions in this one, they're killer (almost literally haha). Some great good ol' fashioned whump. Love it!
A Long Way Down by @kckenobi (gen, one-shot, 3.8k words, Obi-Wan & Anakin) @kckenobi writes truly wonderful fics, but I gotta say I think this is my favorite. Obi-Wan and Anakin are trying to escape Separatists by climbing up a cliff face, but Obi-Wan's injured and he's really struggling to hold on... Oh, everything about this is perfect: the characterizations, the descriptions, the dialogue, everything! I reread this one all the time.
If you like any of these fics, please consider reblogging so they can get more exposure! And if you noticed I missed someone’s Tumblr account, or linked the wrong one, please let me know!
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phoenixyfriend · 3 years
SW Suddenly-Omegaverse AU: Surrogacy, Worldbuilding, Obi-Mom
Truly the main irony of all this is that everyone considers Obi-Wan the Better Omega but Anakin is the one who's actually 👀👀👀 about pregnancy
Obi-Wan: I have the deepest respect for those who do it, but the idea of growing another person inside of me is weird and gross, no, thank you.
Meanwhile Anakin is like. Immediate baby fever. Someone actually approaches him like "hey... there are forms you can fill out to request an exception for pregnancy, and like... regulations" because he's that obvious about it.
I assume that if they've got safety nets for accidental pregnancies, then they're probably aware that there are people who want to do it on purpose? I feel like in an omegaverse where 'biological imperative to procreate' can be so much more intense, then maybe there's old precedent that stuck around even after suppressants got most of those hormones under better control.
Bit torn. Just know I want Anakin to Make Baby.
"Anakin, what are you--" "Do you think offering to be someone's surrogate would be acceptable to the council as a way to be pregnant without getting attached." "...what." "They'd probably accept that as a way to practice not getting attached, right?" "N...no, that's not... what?"
Anakin approaching Bail and Breha and being like “Do you... still want a kid? I would provide a kid. Do you want one here*?”
* in this dimension
Great way to give up the baby as a parent because he'd still be able to see them once in a while but also like... it's not HIS kid, technically. He can be a cool uncle who happened to give birth, which is distant enough to not be 'attached,' but close enough that his Tatooine-raised 'must ensure family is safe whenever possible' background doesn't flip out. It helps that 'Core World Royalty' is like... a top-tier family to be raised in.
(It would have to be post-war because he probably shouldn’t be risking his life while very pregnant. He needs to be reminded of that sometimes.)
Bail/Breha is an alpha/alpha relationship and while a pregnancy is still possible,* it’s a whole lot more difficult, and that's on top of Breha's canon medical issues that resulted in her heart and lungs getting replaced.
* AFAB alphas can get pregnant, and AMAB omegas can inseminate, but the success rate on that angle is much lower than the 'traditional' alpha/omega roles, as is any attempt at reproduction outside rut/heat. They're low-fertility overall for the non-dominant aspect of their reproductive system, which... ha, Anakin and Obi-Wan try to get explanations for why the senary system works the way it does, but it's a very longform history lesson that comes down to 'idk this got cemented so long ago that nobody really knows why anymore.'
AKA "why do you title these roles male omega and female alpha instead of intersex omega and intersex alpha since both parties have both genitals."
Anakin: I want to make babies. But I don't want to get kicked out of the order. But I don't want to give up my own babies for adoption. But I can't keep my own babies if I want to stay a Jedi. So basically I want to have someone else's babies? Anakin: ...wait shit that's just surrogacy.
Anakin, calling up Obi-Wan: Hey are the Organas still struggling to have a kid? Obi-Wan: ...not really your business. Anakin: You're friends with Bail again though, right? Obi-Wan: I am, but-- Anakin: Do you think they'd want me to be a surrogate? Obi-Wan: What.
I can't decide if it's funnier for the Order to be like "I mean... technically there's no rules against this?" or if this is a precedent set by at least three omegas every generation because that's just how a/b/o manifested for omegas in a biological and cultural sense.
Bail: Wait, your former apprentice is... volunteering... to be our surrogate. Obi-Wan, exhausted: Yes. Bail: He barely knows us. Obi-Wan: He respects you and you're the closest people he knows that want a child and would be good parents. Bail: And he's just... volunteering? Obi-Wan: Yes. Also, you did say your primary worry was that a surrogate might be targeted for assassination and you couldn't ask someone to risk that, right? Anakin is very much able to avoid assassins, and would be staying primarily in the Temple anyway. Very safe, and not particularly scared of assassins in the first place. Bail: Your words say you approve, but your tone says otherwise. Obi-Wan: Anakin considers me his father. I'm not old enough to be a grandparent. Bail: Ah.
Anakin is a surrogate and enjoys it and everything is fine and then like a year later he's accidentally pregnant with his own and Rex's kid, and nobody knows how to ask if it's actually an accident.
A suggestion from @gelpenss:
OH MAN i.... have to drive home. But I just had a thought about like. I always want to poke at Betas in A/B/O like are they “normal” or different from our standard or.... but ANYWAY assuming they have a pheromonal thing I just think it would be neat if betas had the ability to be the Bucket of Cold Water. Like if caught early enough, and with the caveat it’s not permanent, a beta could arrest a rut or heat in its tracks until a more ideal time. Like. They aren’t birth control. But they are the remind me later button.
Okay done driving I am Returned to bring up why I brought up betas and it’s this: well okay 1. It plays nice with a popular but inaccurate dog breeding urban legend that female dogs will like, delay heat cycles? so that the bitches above them in pack hierarchy have first choice of mate selection. And I think in omegaverse it would be cool if that was a Bio Fact, and also historically enforced by the third designation. 2. It gives me an excuse to have betas have the Most Sensitive sense of smell because it’s their “job” to pick up on things before they go too far to be put on pause. 3. I’m just thinkin ‘bout a beta clone [...] just hovering around Obi-Wan because they found out how much stress his heat cycle causes and they’re like “okay cool I will help make sure it does Not”
I want to like a/b/o verses but betas niggle at me. I want to give them a hat and a Function that woulda helped before modern medicine.
I'm not sure how I feel about betas being able to delay heats, but I do like the idea of them having a more sensitive sense of pheromone smell than most. Most aliens assume it's omegas with the best sense of smell, and betas with the worst, but it's more complicated than that because they all specialize: Alphas are actually less attuned to pheromone smells, but more attuned to things that were useful back when humans were still a hunter-gatherer species. Omegas tend to be heightened towards danger smells like fire or aggression, and pheromones relating to children/care. Betas, as suggested above, are very sensitive to pheromone changes relating to mood and behavior of the community around them.
I like the idea that betas were historically the ones that ended up taking care children, unmated omegas, and so on during people's heats and ruts, because they kept their heads about themselves long enough to do things like cook and clean while someone was reeking of hormones. The checks and balances work out that betas may have lower fertility, but it makes them better able to support the network around them.
It works in with humanity's general collective history of thriving the most when working as a community.
Given that I decided that this is Jangobi, the clones might all subconsciously view Obi-Wan as Mom. Not intentionally, but, you know... Obi-Wan the not-evil stepmother. He doesn't know how he got into this situation, but he sure is here, and he sure as hell doesn't know how to get out.
Obi-Wan "I don't need to get pregnant, I have three million stepchildren" Kenobi
I definitely love "clones all want to make Obi-Wan's heats less stressful" but like in a different way from Whatever The Fuck Anakin's Got Going On.
Obi-Wan using the force to dull the pain in a Shiny's broken leg while the medic works on it and the Shiny just mumbles "Thanks mom" and everyone gets very embarrassed and pretends it didn't happen.
But then it happens again. And again.
Obi-Wan asks for an explanation from Cody and gets a halting response that, since Jango is technically their father, and his scent has been all over Obi-Wan recently... and Obi-Wan puts in a lot of effort to take care of them all.......
Anakin overhears the clones calling Obi-Wan "mom" and just. The most judgmental eyebrow raise.... Mostly in the sense of "You never let me call you dad" "Thought you said you weren't anyone's parent." "Hey, hey, Obi-Wan. What the fuck."
Obi-Wan eventually manages to admit that he's uncomfortable with it at minimum because of the gendering the word has for him, can they at least use the neutral 'buir' instead?
Word spreads like fire, takes like two days max for everyone to switch.
(Anakin demands cuddles as compensation for not getting to call Obi-Wan any true parental term for years.)
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tennessoui · 3 years
i really am just so excited for part two of the roadtrip au and knowing it might be from obi-wan's perspective??? seeing obi-wan fawn over anakin while anakin dotes on him?? i'm losing my mind.
hey!!! bless!!!! i know i said it would be part 1, part 2, part 3, but i started writing part 2 and it's like already 2.2k long and they're just in Pennsylvania so i think we should all start thinking of this story as part 1 (finished, posted), ARC 2 (very long, is in segments, depending on what people wanna see and what road trip shenanigans i can think up), and part 3 (tbd)
anyway here's the 2.2k (squick: a/b/o, mpreg)
“Uh, sir? Are you...alright?”
That’s the gas station attendant. Obi-Wan barely resists the urge to thunk his head on the side of the bathroom stall. The only thing stopping him is how absolutely unsanitary it would be, and he already feels dirty enough. He pulls a few more squares of toilet paper from the dispenser and wipes at his mouth.
Of all the pregnancy symptoms he hates, he thinks morning sickness is the one he hates the most. And it’s the one that seems to be, for some reason, sticking around the longest.
He’d never even known how much of a misnomer morning sickness is, but it’s not like it’s only happening in the morning. He’ll feel nauseous halfway through the day, mid-afternoon, early evening.
His doctor and close friend at the hospital, Bant, had assured him this was normal and nothing to worry about. But it’s hard not to worry about it, especially when he lives with an Alpha who worries about everything.
“Just fine, thank you,” Obi-Wan says politely as he flushes the toilet and leaves before he can watch his breakfast spiral down and disappear. That’ll only make him feel even more sick.
The girl wrings her hands as she watches him wash his, and he has to take pity on her. She can’t be older than eighteen. “Morning sickness,” he tells her, placing a hand on the virtually unnoticeable swell of his belly.
“Oh!” she says. Obi-Wan fights the urge to grimace when he sees her eyes dart down to his unmarked neck. He knows how it looks. He knows how it sounds. “Sorry, sir, I didn’t mean to--”
“It’s quite alright,” he says. It’s not, but it is. Obi-Wan doesn’t want to have this conversation, doesn’t want to talk to this girl anymore. They’re passing through a small town in central Pennsylvania. He’s a pregnant, unmated, thirty-eight year old male omega. A rarity. A talking point. He doesn’t want to talk to her, he wants--
There’s a loud knock on the door to the bathroom. “Obi-Wan? Are you alright? Is there someone in there with you? I thought I heard voices. Obi-Wan? I’m coming in, Obi-Wan.”
Obi-Wan gets halfway through drying his hands before Anakin’s there, crowding him against the sink and nosing at his face and neck.
“Sir, this is a bathroom for omegas only!” the gas station attendant protests, but Anakin growls at her.
As much as the pregnancy has made Obi-Wan lose parts of himself to his Omegan side, it’s been ten times worse for Anakin for some reason. As far as Alphas go, Anakin’s always been a thoughtful, respectful one. Quick to anger, perhaps, but never violent or suspicious.
Now it’s like everyone in the world has done something to personally offend Anakin. Everyone but Obi-Wan.
If he didn’t feel such a burning, unignorable need to get to Seattle, Obi-Wan would have called the whole trip off weeks ago.
But he couldn’t then and he definitely can’t now, not when they’ve both taken the time off of work and Obi-Wan’s let his doctor know he’ll be out of the state and they’re already in Pennsylvania.
He’ll just let Anakin do whatever he needs to do to feel alright with taking a pregnant, unmated omega across the country. It’s not as if it’s a hardship to put up with all the scentings and hugs and looming and protectiveness.
Quite the opposite, actually.
Which just makes Obi-Wan feel even more guilty, the way he’s using Anakin like this. His dearest, closest friend, who is helping him in such an amazing way, and every time he touches him, it’s all Obi-Wan can do to not arch up into the touch.
He wishes he could blame it on the pregnancy hormones, the way his instincts are going haywire to keep an alpha--any alpha--close. But it’s not. It’s Anakin. It’s the fact that Obi-Wan is hopelessly, irreversibly in love with the alpha.
The touches and the scenting don’t mean what he wants them to. It doesn’t mean anything, the way Anakin pushes his shirts and sweaters to Obi-Wan’s chest and watches him put them on. He’s an observant man, his alpha. He knows Obi-Wan likes wearing his scent now that he’s pregnant. It’s comforting.
So even though it doesn’t mean anything at all, the way Anakin’s hands roam over his waist and stomach and hips as he growls at the poor gas station attendant, Obi-Wan has to fight to not push back into the touches, to not scent him in return.
He’s afraid once he does, he won’t be able to stop. The thought of it, of marking the beautiful, strong, virile alpha with his smell, is too addicting to ever risk trying.
“I’m fine, I’m fine. It’s just a bit of morning sickness,” he says lightly, touching Anakin’s chest gently. “She was just checking up on me.”
Anakin glares at the girl and starts to herd Obi-Wan out of the bathroom. “Not hers to check up on,” he mutters, hands latching onto Anakin’s hips and guiding him through the aisles of brightly colored chips and candy.
Obi-Wan thinks that for both of their sakes he should remind Anakin that he’s not his to check up on either, but he doesn’t want to, not when he can pretend for a little bit longer.
“I think I would like to lie down in the back for a bit,” he says, holding his stomach. “Just until we get out of this state.”
Anakin agrees immediately, like he knew he would. “Okay, Obi,” he murmurs, opening the car door for him. They’d laid down their suitcases in the wells behind the two front seats, and Anakin had thrown a couple of blankets over the entire area to make a sort of makeshift nest for Obi-Wan to sleep in should he want to.
They’ve only been driving for four hours, but Obi-Wan already wants to. He’s painfully on edge.
He hadn’t understood how hard it would be to convince his hindbrain and body to leave the safety of their apartment, but all he wants now is to nest somewhere safe for him and the baby. It would have been impossible to do this without Anakin.
“Alright,” the alpha says. “Um. Wait. Here.”
He shucks off his sweatshirt, a faded college one that Obi-Wan’s been coveting with his eyes since Anakin had put it on this morning. “Oh, dear one, no,” he forces himself to say anyway. “It’s December. You need a sweatshirt.”
“I’ll turn up the heat,” Anakin holds it out insistently, stubbornly. “Take it, come on.”
Obi-wan can only make himself hesitate for a second more before he’s snatching the soft fabric that smells like sunlight linen honeydew out of his hands and holding it greedily to his chest. “Alright.”
Under the weight of the alpha’s watchful eyes, Obi-Wan crawls into the backseat and curls up with his head diagonal from the driver’s seat. He thinks it’ll be nice to wake up and see Anakin’s profile whenever he wants to without additional shifting.
“Oh shit,” Anakin curses suddenly. “I was going to buy a coffee.” The alpha pauses, clearly torn between going back inside and not wanting to leave the omega alone in the car. But Obi-Wan knows Anakin, and he needs his coffee.
“Oh,” he says as if he’s just remembering something himself, “can you get me one of those bananas on the counter? I think they’re good for babies.”
That, obviously, changes everything for Anakin who straightens instantly. “Bananas are good for babies,” he declares, nodding his head before narrowing his eyes. “Would you...can I lock the door? I won’t be long. Just for safety.”
Obi-Wan blinks and purses his lips to stop his little smile. His alpha can be so silly. Safety. In the middle of the afternoon in rural Pennsylvania. “Okay, alpha,” he agrees before he even realizes that he really shouldn’t be calling Anakin alpha. Especially not when the other man always reacts so strongly to it.
Case in point, he thinks to himself sadly as Anakin’s hand spasms on the car door handle before he slams it and hustles away, almost at a run.
With a long sigh, he flops back down into his nest and squirms until he gets comfortable. There’s a pillow close to his hand that he hugs to his chest when he realizes it’s Anakin’s pillow from his bed at home. It smells amazing, a mix of both of them together.
Ever since he’d told the alpha he was pregnant, Obi-Wan’s fallen asleep in Anakin’s bed more often than not. It’s a comfort thing, one that Obi-Wan feels intensely guilty about. Surely if he keeps being so clingy and whiny and Omegan, Anakin will get sick of him.
And this is just the beginning of the pregnancy. He knows rationally that Anakin loves him as a friend, a brother, but how long is that love going to last if Obi-Wan can’t get a handle on his goddamn hormones? Anakin hadn’t signed up for any of this. It’s not even his pup. How much is Obi-Wan willing to put him through just because he can’t imagine a life without the alpha in it?
Wouldn’t it be the best thing for the both of them to cut their losses now? Bail and Breha had told Obi-Wan he could move in with them for the duration of the pregnancy if he needed to. The only thing that stopped him from saying yes immediately had been the hope that Anakin would be willing to stay with him, keep living with him even after he’d fucked up so much.
And the alpha, by some miracle, hadn’t left, hadn’t moved out. But Obi-Wan can’t shake the thought that he will soon, that this will all get to be too much. Obi-Wan’s omega whimpers at the back of his mind at the idea that one day the alpha will be gone.
The scent of distressed omega fills the car as Obi-Wan feels his bottom lip start to wobble.
Alright, the influx of hormones that are wreaking havoc on his emotions is probably the pregnancy symptom he hates the most. But morning sickness is still up there, too.
He sniffs into Anakin’s college sweatshirt and tries to think happy thoughts. He shouldn’t make Anakin worry about his emotions when he’s already spending so much time worried about his physical health.
How much is Obi-Wan going to take advantage of Anakin’s kindness?
The doors unlock with a beep, signaling his alpha’s return to the car.
It doesn’t take Anakin even a second to catch onto Obi-Wan’s recent spiral of emotion, but at least he won’t know why unless Obi-Wan tells him.
“Obi?” he asks frantically, as soon as he opens the car door. “Obi, are you alright? Did something happen? Did someone see you--?”
“Put the coffee down before you spill it,” Obi-Wan instructs after peeking out of his sweatshirt haven. “I’m alright, Anakin. It’s just the hormones. I’m sorry.”
“Don’t apologize,” Anakin shakes his head. “You don’t have anything to be sorry for.”
The statement pulls a wry smile from Obi-Wan. “Oh, I can think of a few things,” he murmurs, touching his belly with a pointed, gentle hand. Before Anakin can say anything about that, he continues quickly. “I was just wondering about something, I’m fine, really. Really.”
And then, knowing he shouldn’t but also knowing it’ll distract Anakin enough from this line of questioning, he tilts his head back to expose his neck and says, “Can we drive, alpha?”
The coffee cup still clutched in Anakin’s hands bursts open under the force of his grip. He really should have put it down.
Anakin curses up a storm as he shakes the hot liquid off of his skin, and Obi-Wan sits up worriedly. Anakin was bothered so much by Obi-Wan calling him that that he accidentally hurt himself. No more, the omega resolves. He can take a hint.
“Are you alright?” he asks, grabbing at Anakin’s hand to examine the red skin.
“I’m fine!” Anakin yelps, jumping away. “I just--I’m just going to go wash this off. Um. And get more coffee.”
He slams the door shut, and Obi-Wan wilts as he watches him go. He can’t even follow after him because Anakin’s locked the doors with his car key. He’s done enough already.
“Oh baby,” he tells his stomach. “I don’t think I’m ever going to have that alpha figured out.”
The baby is still and, of course, silent, but Obi-Wan takes comfort in their presence anyway. They can’t leave him. Not yet, at least.
Gingerly, he maneuvers his way out of his nest so he can reach his messenger bag he’d left in the foot of his passenger seat. It takes some finangling, but finally he’s able to fish out his headphones. As he resettles into his nest, surrounded on all sides by Anakin’s scent, he notices the bunch of bananas thrown in the driver’s seat.
Obi-Wan snorts at his silly alpha, but can’t deny that he’s touched at the same time.
It’s extremely easy to find the track he wants to listen to, what with how often he listens to it these days. Sometimes, it’s the only thing that can get him to fall asleep.
He pulls up the downloaded homemade album Anakin had given him for Christmas four years back. When he presses play, his alpha’s deep melodic voice spills into his ears.
“Whan that Aprill with his shoures soote, the droghte of March hath perced to the roote…”
Of course he can’t be sure, but he’s fairly certain he’s asleep by the time Anakin comes back to the car.
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walkawaytall · 9 months
How about #1 or #9 for the WIP Asks?
Ooh, okay. So…
#1 - An Extremely Good Reason - this isn’t the title of the story, BTW; it might be a chapter title — maybe. This is going to be a multi-chapter AU that spawned from my annoyance with there being so many AUs that have Leia and Anakin as like…besties, sort of? if they know about each other when Leia’s a kid. I’m convinced, barring a lot of space therapy for Anakin, they would still end up despising each other. Anyway, the general idea is that Vader finds out Leia’s his daughter when she’s like…eleven? (I need to double check her age, but it’s a year after the OWK TV show, and I believe she’s ten in that.), he wants to see her but absolutely doesn’t want Palpatine to know because he does have a shred of self-preservation and he’s pretty sure if Palpy knows there’s a Skywalker around with all of their limbs intact and a prefrontal cortex that hasn’t finished developing, he’ll be thrown down a reactor shaft immediately. And Bail and Breha allow it because Vader keeps like…revealing Imperial secrets by correcting Leia when she makes confident-yet-very-wrong statements about random things on account of being eleven and not understanding how the military works. It’s definitely cracky, but I think it’ll be fun, and I do have some pressure to actually get this done because it’s my work for the @swbigbang event, so it’ll have to get finished for that.
#9 - Scratch pad - here’s part of a passage that got unceremoniously ripped out of Just Tauntauns because the entire passage felt too intense considering the general tone of the story, but I’d like to use it somewhere at some point (or perhaps a better-edited version of it — I just noticed some repetition that I thought was ~*poetic*~ a couple of months ago that I now find jarring):
The use of her given name rather than sweetheart or Highness or Worshipfulness or any of the other dozen or so nicknames Han had given her over the years gave Leia a bit of a thrill. She liked the way he said her name, always gently, always sounding a little like he considered using her first name a privilege that he didn’t want to mess up, always like he really and truly cared for her well-being. It made her want to kiss him a little.
I could kiss him a little, she thought. They were sitting close enough in the booth, Chewie likely wouldn’t be back for at least fifteen minutes, and Han was being sweet and soft and looking at her like she mattered in a way she hadn’t mattered to anyone in a long time.
And then she was kissing him, though she didn’t know if it could rightfully be described as a little. But it was sweet and soft and Han seemed a willing participant. When they parted, he looked a little dazed and said, “What was that for?”
“I like the way you say my name,” Leia whispered.
Thank you for asking!
WIP asks
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