#he gets the shit beat out of him seriously every episode
cartoonrival · 2 years
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im going to be not normal
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cerastes · 10 months
I still think it's really cool how Amuro starts as the shittiest pilot alive (because he's a 15-year old) that only gets carried because he's in the biggest, fattest stat stick in-universe at the time (a few retroactive additions made in the future notwithstanding), enough that even its crappy vulcan guns are tearing Zaku IIs apart, and when he starts getting a bit too cocky, Char and Ramba Ral show up in objectively inferior pieces of junk and absolutely deliver his pizza, they just drag his face across every available surface in Planet Earth like he's a Yakuza mook, all because they are simply that much better at piloting, and the thing is, Amuro takes that very seriously.
He goes from shitass kid in an unfortunate situation that doesn't want to get in the robot to the most unwell child soldier in the war, which is really saying something, but most importantly, becomes so good at piloting the Gundam that the Gundam physically cannot handle Amuro's piloting. They need to apply "Magnetic Coating" to its joints so they don't fucking snap away from the main frame because Amuro, one, moves too damn well but also in too extreme a way for the frame to handle it, two, despite being equipped with two sabers, a shield, a beam rifle and vulcan guns, Amuro is a stern believer in introducing most everyone in thagomizer range to his Rated Z for Zeon hands, the single most official pair of hands in the business, tax free. He KEEP going Ip Man on these dudes, he does NOT need to do a Jamestown on these mother fuckers but he INSISTS. Somehow even the Gundam Hammer, which is a giant Hannah Barbera cartoon flail-- Ok, look at this thing, words do not do it justice
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Even this god damn Tom and Jerry prop is less savage that whatever Amuro decides to do the moment he's done throwing his shield to get a free kill on someone and it officially becomes bed time forever for the unfortunate sap at the business end of his ten-finger weapons of mass destruction.
The RX-78-2, "Gundam" for its friends and family, even has a top of the line cutting edge Learning Computer that 'learns' alongside the pilot and their habits. This data extracted from it was so absolutely fucked up that it completely revolutionized Mobile Suit combat afterwards, which is a wholesome thing to think about when The Best Combat Data Ever came from a really angry, really stressed 15 year old that doesn't even like piloting. He was 15! He made Haro with his own hands! Amuro literally just wanted to make funny cute spherical robofriends! Amuro was out there trying to make Kirby real, but fate had other plans for him. His cloned brain put in a pilot seat is one of the setting's strongest 'pilots'.
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They made fucking Shadow the Hedgehog with his brain, god damn.
By the end, Zeon is rolling out Gelgoogs out of its mass production lines. These things are in the Gundam's ballpark in terms of overall specs (or "power level"). Amuro is bodying them as if they were episode 1 Zaku IIs.
AND THEN HE GETS FUCKING PSYCHIC SPACE POWERS. Not that he needed them, he bodied a couple Space Psychics without any of those powers before awakening to them. But heaven's most violent child was not done evolving, whether he liked it or not.
Char bodied him in a souped up Zaku II at the start, a machine objectively inferior to the Gundam. Amuro more or less one-sidedly beats the shit out of Char when he's in a custom Commander-type Gelgoog that you could consider to be equal spec-wise to the Gundam. Amuro is the embodiment of Finding Out. He is Consequences. You tell him he better make it hurt, better make it count, better kill you in one shot, buddy, he needs half a fucking shot. The complete transformation. One could consider the central 75% of the show as long drawn out training montage turning a kid into the Geese Howard of giant robots.
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ms-cartoon · 8 months
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I've been coming across a bunch of Hazbin spoilers and decided "screw it" and found the leaks to the full episodes. (I don't care how sensitive you leak haters are about it)
Of course, as expected, this show is already turning out to be trashy as I would expect it to be. Little retcons here and there, shitty writing, some crappy and pathetic characters who already lost whatever mojo they had back in the pilot, voice-acting is bitter as it will always be, etc.
There are a lot of issues with just these two eps, but I'm just gonna point out the ones that got my attention the most.
-- Charlie- "Once upon a time, there was a glowing city protected by golden gates, known as Heaven. It was ruled by beings of pure light. Angels that worshipped good and shielded all from evil."
I beg to differ since it's established already that angels from heaven are nothing but fakes and are evil as hell, probably proud of it. Exhibit A: Adam and Sera. Now if they were anything like Frollo (someone who believes they are doing good but are not) I might be okay with it. Like say, they only resort to extermination because they're from heaven, they feel it is their job, and they have to do it even though it's wrong. Instead, however, I assume they exterminate because they just like to do it and they're evil like that. They probably have a feeling that some sinners are still good people on the inside and just don't care.
-- Charlie: As the numbers of Hell grew, so did its power. Threatened by this,
Heaven made a truly heartless decision that every year, they would send down an army an extermination to ensure Hell and its sinners could never rise against them.
I hear with my little ear another retcon!!
In the pilot, the only reason why extermination was a thing was because of overpopulation in hell. Now they're saying heaven is exterminating sinners cuz they're threatened by the overgrowing power and they don't want to be rebelled by it?? I going to guess that they only made this change so they can force evil on heaven while making Lucifer the innocent one. This is exactly what they did with Stella in the HB series where it was brought up that things were okay between her and Stolas only for the second season to say Stella hated Stolas the whole time they were together and treated him badly just so the writers can tell us viewers that she's evil.
Is this gonna be a thing now?
-- Angel: I'll have the horniest sinners knockin these walls down to get in!
This body was made to be exploited!
Seriously, guys, this is the same pervert we're supposed to feel bad for BECAUSE he's being exploited!
And leave it to Angel to completely miss the point of this hotel. What they want is to convince sinners to REDEEM themselves. Banging them is not a way to go about it, bud!
-- My predictions about Angel being a sex joke are correct. I'm mean- they've always been correct, I'm just saying I had a feeling they were going to show it off more in the show.
-- Vaggie: "No, we can't force sinners to stay here. They need to choose to."
Angel Dust: "Well, I chose to stay here and I think it's all stupid."
No shit- The only reason why u agreed to stay is for the free rent. So don't go marking yourself as a good example.
-- I don't totally have a problem with this show being a musical as long as the timing is right. Charlie is so quick to tell Vaggie about a meeting she'll participate in and is excited about, but before Vaggie can even question it and talk to her, Charlie immediately starts singing without even hearing Vaggie out. They kinda rushed this musical number a little too quickly. Which only goes to show how fast-paced this episode is. It's always fast-pacing with these shows.
-- I have the sudden urge to jump inside this show and beat the ever-loving crap outta Angel if keeps on moaning and getting horny . . .
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-- Angel continuously flirts and touches an obviously uncomfortable Husk and fans are going to look at this as "cute" while I look in annoyance and disgust. And once again, this is the same guy we're supposed to feel bad for because he has a pimp who inflicts the same actions that he does and fans will choose to ignore it.
-- Adam is practically the most irritating character in this series so far. I was right with what I said about him before. For someone who's supposed to be an angel he sure as hell doesn't act like it. The whole time he's on screen, he's just making jokes, ridiculing the hell out of Charlie, and not listening to her at all. Continuously cussing and talking about dicks??? He has the most cringiest dialogue ever and I had the urge to skip it every time he's on screen. Something tells me he and Lute should switch positions since she seems more professional.
-- Charlie: Sinners make mistakes, but everyone makes mistakes.
Charlie, I know where you're trying to get at sweetheart, but I really hope you don't include all the rapists, murderers, abusers, and pedophiles down below. Do you really think they qualify as someone who can be redeemed? If so, I would have to side with the angels here despite their antagonistic behavior. I would understand trying to rehab drug addicts, alcoholics, robbers, etc. but definitely not the former.
Now that I think about it, Charlie is kind of acting like Viv in this scenario where she tries to excuse these criminalistic behaviors most of her characters committed when they really don't deserve anything good happening to them. That's like trying to redeem Valentino for pimping and abusing Angel Dust. Do we really think Val is capable of redemption??
Sorry to burst your bubble Ms. Morningstar, but the angels are in the right here. Hell exists for a reason and people who do bad things and like to do bad things deserve to be there. I wouldn't bother trying to rehab sinners who don't deserve it or are not going to try to fix their behavior.
-- Lute: Angels don't make mistakes . . .
Then what does that say about Lucifer? He was an angel who caused some actions that you guys would count as mistakes therefore expelling him from heaven. You guys never even attempted to exterminate him yet.
-- I'm sorry, I don't like Brandon Rogers as Killjoy. It's literally just a demon version of one of his characters. It's nothing original like the pilot.
So that is what I think about the first episode. If I forget to mention something, i'll just edit the post. Won't be too long before I make some comments about the second one, but for now, the gist of everything is . . . it's bleh.
If you have any questions, feel free to ask me!!
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maarigolds · 27 days
Since we all know how much of a shitshow umbrella academy s4 was, let's revisit the good old days. Here's my reaction to ep1 s1, which I haven't seen in like 5 years:
We're starting off strong with the sudden pregnancy scene: this is how you get the viewer's attention
Cunty shot of Reggie walking with the seven nannies and the seven baby carriers
Viktor playing the violin while all the other characters are introduced 10/10 stunning no notes
Rehab worker saying "We'll see you soon Klaus" and him immediatly overdosing and being reanimated in the ambulance. Now we know he probably just came back to life by himself!
"You got big, Luther! What's your secret, protein shakes?"
Pogo!!! I missed you, you ape butler!
Baby Viktor leaving sandwitches for Five 🥺🥺🥺
Klaus-Allison alliance going strong since the beginning I see
"Did you see Diego?" "Yeah, with that stupid outfit" "Do you think he wears that thing in the shower?" I love siblings being siblings
Ok I had forgotten about the Allison and Luther thing. Maybe it wasn't ALL great.
"Dad, could you just stop playing tennis with Hitler for a moment and take a quick call?"
"Ok, sorry, I'm just gonna go murder mom, I'll be right back"
Klaus is seriously the best
Bank robbery flashback!!!
"Guns are for sissies! Real men throw knives!"
"That's one badass StApLeR" god I miss five's voice cracks so much
*Ben covered in blood* "Can we go home now?"
Back to the present with Klaus spilling Reggie's ashes lmao
No seriously Diego absolutely killing it, Luther doing the hand-krabs, Klaus dancing with the urne
And then boom! Five is back! Honestly iconic entrance
Also Klaus trying to stop a temporal anomaly with a fire extinguisher whyyyy lmao
Five interrupting his speech about the future to look Klaus up and down and 100% seriously say "nice dress"
Klaus responding with "ah, danke"
"That makes no sense" "well, it would if you were smarter"
Also unrelated but Viktor being such a shy wallflower in s1... he's come such a long way!!!
Luther throwing reggie's ashes on the ground "probably would have been better with some wind"
Luther and Diego beating the crap out each other. Viktor: "stop it!" Klaus: "hit him!"
Also Klaus trying to protect Five and him having none of it, too cute
"An entire square block, 42 bedrooms, 19 bathrooms, and not one single drop of coffee" "dad hated caffeine" "well he hated children too, and he had plenty of us!"
"Alright, guess I'll see you guys in another ten years, when Pogo dies" Diego please 💀💀
"You know, every time I close my eyes I see a diarrheatic hyppo about to shit on my face" this was robert sheehan improvising and honestly what the fuck how does someone even come up with that
The Istanbul was constantinople fight was honestly art. This was really the moment I knew I would love this show with all of my heart. Also masterful way to show exactly who Five is in just a couple of minutes
BEN!!! I MISS OG BEN SO MUCH!!! He was baby
Five going to Viktor when he needed help. Honestly we should have gotten more of them being besties it was so good
"The world ends in eight days, and I have no idea how to stop it" and that's how you end a first episode! I'm hooked! Except I'm not cause I know how it ends 🫠
Well this is it. This show was honestly so good in the beginning. I have no clue what happened. At least we'll always have season 1.
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luminoustarlight · 11 months
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Leo Campo is a romantic. He’s a ladies man until he finds the one, but you better believe he treats every woman he’s ever hooked up with like they’re his world. He’s just an affectionate guy. Call it a symptom of being Italian. Pet-names roll off of his tongue smoothly, always punctuated with a little smirk.
“Can I get you anything else, sweetheart?” He’ll ask the unsuspecting girl at the bar.
The most frequent reply is “just your number,” which has definitely gotten old. He doesn’t actually give it out; he just takes them upstairs and gives them something better.
He’s a tender lover, always attentive to the needs of the woman he’s pleasuring. And the women are always satisfied.
Between the adoring nicknames and innate ability to make a woman cum three times before he cums himself, many girls begin hoping for something more than a one night stand. All of it offers them a false sense of the possibility of a relationship. Because how can a man be so sweet and not want something more?
Because Leo Campo is certain he’ll know the love of his life when he sees her. Maybe she walks into the bar, maybe he meets her while he’s coaching soccer.
Or, in your case, at your apartment where he’s delivering pizza.
If only you’d known how handsome the pizza delivery guy was going to be, you would’ve bothered to clean the smeared mascara from your eyes. You wouldn’t have answered the door with an oversized t shirt hanging off one of your shoulders, no bra to hold up your goods, and an old pair of sweatpants you’ve had since college.
“Oh my God,” slips out of your mouth. Your first instinct is to slam the door. Your tongue feels dry and your broken heart hasn’t forgotten how to hammer in your chest. Breakups happen every day. It’s okay that you look like a hot mess, minus the hot part.
You’ve ordered pizza from Vince’s dozens of times and that Jogi kid always delivers your pizza.
Who is this tall, dark-haired man with a smile that makes you think maybe you won’t feel miserable forever?
“How ya doin’?” He asks you, clearly not taking in any context clues as to how your night is going.
“Uh,” you begin unsurely. Are you really about to have a conversation with this guy in a pair of sweatpants with a guacamole stain on the right thigh? “I’ve been better. Hence the absolute atrocity standing before you.”
“Where?” He smiles without missing a beat. Because somewhere beneath your disheveled appearance, he sees a girl he desperately wants to get to know. Who broke your heart? And how does he mend it?
“I don’t suspect you have anyone to share this pizza with?”
“Not as of 8:16 this morning.” Yes, you know the exact minute you found your piece of shit ex-boyfriend cheating on you with his co-worker.
“Well, as of,” Leo checks his watch, “7:24 this evening, now you do.”
“You’re quite bold, aren’t you?”
“I suppose.”
“Aren’t you working?”
He shrugs. “It’s the end of my shift. Are you going to let me in?”
You narrow your eyes at him. “Is this the beginning of a Dateline episode?”
This makes Leo chuckle. Of course you’re tentative. You’re an attractive, single woman who has no right trusting any man at all, let alone a random pizza delivery guy.
But there’s something about his smile that quells your anxiety. No ulterior motives, just genuine kindness.
“I can call my Ma, if you want,” Leo suggests half seriously. “You can talk to her and learn everything about me.”
Your bottom lip snags beneath your teeth as you open your door to let the handsome stranger in. “I’m Y/N, by the way.”
“Leo.” He sets down your pizza on the coffee table. “Leo Campo.”
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requests are open for leo and several other hayden characters!
anakin masterlist
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bakedbakermom · 2 months
okay @deathsbestgirl asked so here is my little essay on why folie a deux is THE quintessential x-files episode. the distillation of everything that made it great.
so. first of all. imho, the best episodes/monsters are the ones who draw from a genuine human fear, turning our small private anxieties into full-blown paranormal horror. who among us hasn't felt like our job was sucking the life out of us, our boss was a monster, and every day in the office you inch closer and closer to being a zombie? in folie, it's TRUE. imagine the terror of seeing your coworkers reduced to walking corpses, no one believing you, knowing your turn is coming. the skittering noises creeping closer and closer. you, helpless at your desk. (also the late-stage capitalism certainty that somehow your corpse will be forced to work even after you're dead.)
then we get profiler!mulder, gently mocking himself ("monsters? i'm your boy") - showing off his brilliant mind as he dissects lambert's manifesto, empathizing with him to protect the hostages even as he endangers himself. he goes even further after lambert dies, despite (or perhaps because of) the fact that he was written off as a madman, putting together the pieces that no one else even cared enough to look for. this is mulder at his CORE. the man who believes, who wants to believe, who doesn't let the label of "crazy" stop him from opening the box to see what's inside and decide for himself, who puts justice and truth above reputation and even personal safety. no one takes him seriously, he knows EXACTLY how it feels to be labelled and dismissed, and that makes it all the more important to find the answers.
meanwhile scully is doing the exact same thing, but in her particular flavor. digging through the files to find the phrases that rang out in the manifesto. protecting mulder during the hostage situation by sending in disguised SWAT cameramen (because she remembers duane barry Very Well, and if she can't be in his ear this time, she'll send in someone else to be her eyes). she doesn't want to do the autopsy, she doesn't want to see; but she is so curious and so unself-consciously committed to understanding the world through the lens of science that once she starts to see the pieces, she cannot not start putting them together. THAT is scully at HER core. she also covers for mulder when he goes off on his own, because while she may not believe him or stand behind his methods, she knows he only does this because his heart is in the right place. and if there's one thing she has to protect, its his heart.
then. oh. then. we get the msr-iest line to ever msr. one in five billion. if ever there was a beating heart to the x-files, it is that. i trust you, you trust me, and when we trust in each other god himself cannot stand against. in an episode about not knowing if what you're seeing is what is true, the way they SEE each other, understand each other in this scene is almost painfully poignant.
(i hope when pincus looks back at the time he was nearly caught, he recognizes the poetry inherent in stumbling across the only two coworkers he could never divide.)
finally, the ending. what always makes this show work, to me, is the way mulder and scully come together, bringing their disparate viewpoints and opposing investigation methods and ultimately synthesizing one truth, one solution that saves the day. seeing things the way the other sees, so both can understand. here, it is literal. scully comes to it from her own direction, finding the science to support mulder's theories, and that is what allows her to see the truth of what he sees. (field trip does something similar, but that time it goes both ways, buuuuut that is also an essay of its own.)
so, yeah, what makes this episode x-files condensed into its purest form: our characters charactering perfectly, a premise that is both grounded and terrifying, the idea that it is only ever the two of them who could figure this shit out because they're so perfectly matched.
even the phrase folie a deux IS the x-files. that basement office is a bedlam, population: 2. a madness only two can ever hope to share.
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kattythingz · 3 days
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Golden Snake Boy, racer edition!!! You KNOW Mei!Ed would adore racing just as much as Mei does, if not more. He had that suit personally commissioned. His bike is his baby. RIP Ling for wrecking it lmao
Speaking of Ling. Promised scene/context under the cut! :D
Basic episode context: There’s a city-wide race event and Mei’s super excited about it; she’s been practicing for it for months. MK joins the race too out of MC-typical overconfidence, and, tl;dr, his inexperience causes him and Mei to crash and Mei gets rightfully pissed at him.
NOW! I don’t think Ling would join for the same reasons; he’d be more than happy to just watch Ed from the sidelines. But he hears that Envy (DBK) is joining the race in disguise, and Ling just knows Ed will ditch enjoying the race in favor of handling Envy. Which Ling doesn’t want him to do. Ed deserves this happiness!
No, Ling will join the race himself to handle Envy, and Ed will hopefully be none the wiser.
He’s off to a bad start already when Ed asks him annoyedly what he’s doing in the runner-ups, and Ling lies about wanting to try his hand at racing. Ed grows increasingly more annoyed as Ling keeps picking beef with some “random” racer that causes chaos all around them on the track, until it all leads to Ed and Ling crashing.
Ling emerges from the ruins of the vehicles, immediately worried about Ed first. He’s relieved when Ed bursts out of the wreckage with a loud curse, and thankfully unharmed.
He’s not so relieved when Ed whirls on him next in a rage.
Ed explodes, demanding why Ling pulled this shit and of all the stupid fucking things he’d expected from Ling, this—bullshit, wasn’t it! What was he thinking, getting in Ed’s way like that? Doesn’t he—?
Ed falters.
Doesn’t he know how much this race means to him?
Ling is devastated, at the genuine hurt that laces Ed’s expression and tone. 
He hastens to explain himself, that he joined to stop Envy and keep them out of Ed’s way, because he wanted Ed to enjoy the race without needing to deal with them!
Ed snaps that he can fucking multi-task, and Ling splutters back that, yes, he knows that, but Ed shouldn’t need to every time! He already does so much for Ling and protects him so often. He just... wanted to return the favor, for once.
Figures he’s not very good at it, though. Just like with his powers that he can’t control.
At those words, finally—Ed softens.¹
“I’m sorry, Ed,” Ling says thickly, kicking stray metal chips from the wreckage of Ed’s bike. Each clink of the pieces bouncing away chips at his growing shame. He swallows. “I know it won’t fix your bike. Or your months of hard work. But I—I truly didn’t—”
“You idiot.”
He stops at the unexpectedly soft words from Ed.
“Ed?” Ling looks up hopefully.
His heart skips a beat when his best friend’s gaze finds him kindly. And this… this, too, like Ed’s earlier anger is familiar. Achingly so.
“Of all the things I might’ve wanted you to repay…” Ed sighs. “You couldn’t get this worked up about paying back all the food bills you’ve dropped on me or something?”
Ling jolts when Ed’s eyes steel spontaneously, and he’s stepping into Ling’s space. “I don’t protect you for favors, dumbass.” Ed jabs a flesh finger at Ling’s chest. “I protect you because I want to, because you’re my best friend! That isn’t something I ever need you to repay! Honestly!”
Oh, Ling thinks—because he really oughtn’t be surprised by this.
And yet, still, again: Oh.
“And since when have I ever needed protecting, anyway?” Ed continues, exasperated. “You know I can kick your ass any day of the week if I want. That green freak is nothing in comparison.”
“I still wanted to try,” Ling mumbles, and Ed rolls his eyes.
“And I appreciate it”—and how awful it is that Ling knows Ed means that, vexation aside—“but, seriously, Yao. You know what you’re good at, and it’s not racing.”
Ling will never stop wondering, at times like this: how effortlessly Ed lifts the entire atmosphere whenever he pleases.
This is a losing battle, isn’t it?
He can’t help his endeared laugh, further warmed by Ed’s current expression.
“You’re right,” Ling says with a smile, rubbing the back of his neck. “I don’t know what I was thinking either, in hindsight.”
Ed smiles too, at that.² “Sounds like you weren’t at all.”
“That’s about right,” Ling laughs.
This au has a fic! :D
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taylorsv3rsion13 · 1 year
we never go out of style || c.f.
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A/N : this chapter even though it's the episode where conrad finds his mom w cancer, it's not gonna be in this chapter because i have other plans :) ALSO chapters will come out as quick as they can. i have been busy recently and will be busy for the next couple of weeks, though, i’ll try squeezing in some writing time.
words : 1.9k
synopsis : things were always rocky for conrad and you. after the whole break up, will everything be the same the year later? or will it all turn to shit.
Growing up pin Cousins, I made a lot of memories. And yeah, most of them started with a song, and ended with a boy.
Every summer I found myself dancing in the living room with Belly. Both of us being terrible whatsoever. We would complain about how we needed a dance partner, and then two of the guys would come in.
Usually I got Conrad and Jeremiah went to Belly.
For fun, Belly and I used to practice being debs. To think that we actually wanted to do it when we were younger.
"God we need partners." I complained as I fell onto the couch.
"Steven!" Belly yelled to get her brothers attention.
Steven scoffed a no as he continued to play his video games.
"Here, I'll be your partner." Conrad said as he got up from the couch, walking over to me.
"Jeremiah, please." Belly said as she practically begged him.
He laughed a little before getting up to help us.
The music continued as Belly and I were spinning around, yet we couldn't even take ourselves seriously.
I concentrated hard on the steps as Conrad counted out the beats. I messed one up as I stepped on his foot.
"I'm so sorry." I laughed a little.
He shook his head, "Don't worry, it's fine."
The four of us continued to practice ballroom dancing as Belly and I were spun around.
I did knock into Conrad a few times, maybe more than I should've which made the both of us laugh.
"Sorry." I said awkwardly.
"It's okay. It's fine." He would say.
And now, Belly and I were both in an actual dance room. Practicing for our moments of being a deb.
Cameron stood with her as I looked around awkwardly in the heels I was borrowing.
I practiced the steps by myself, but if I'm being honest, I just felt stupider. Everyone else had their partners, and they were all socializing, while I stood awkwardly in the midst of it.
I took off the gloves that I had been given as I took out my phone from my pocket. I needed Conrad to save me from this mess. Or someone atleast.
I texted him a quick "Hey" before putting my phone back in my pocket.
We had gotten a brief introduction of who Ms. Covington was, before we all began walking with her instructions. I turned to no one, and couldn't help but feel sorry for my own self.
"Hey. Where's your escort?" Nicole asked as she made her way over to me.
"Oh, I just haven't really found one. And none of the guys want to do it with me.." I said awkwardly smiling at Nicole.
"That's okay, uh, I-I'll be your partner for today."
"Really?" I asked.
"Sure, I'm your deb sister. But you're going to need an escort for your big night." Nicole reminded me. "Paige is going to have an aneurysm if you wait too long."
I laughed a little, "Yeah, so will Susannah."
We both laughed at the comment as she began helping me through the steps. I wasn't horrible, but I definitely wasn't good either.
"Did you do all this last year with, Conrad?" I asked Nicole as I missed her foot by a mere inch.
"Well, Conrad was actually spared Ms. Covington. I was supposed to go with this guys James, but he dropped out last minute. So Conrad stepped in to save me."
"Oh yeah, Susannah taught the boys a lot of dances." I said as I remembered the dances we used to do in the living room and in the ktichen.
"Conrad, actually, he-he had left me on read last night." Nicole stammered. "And I was wondering if you've seen him today."
"Um.." I thought back to last night and everything filled inside of me again. Happiness and excitement. "No, he was still asleep when I had left." I lied.
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"Ooh!" Nicole exclaimed as I accidentally stepped on her foot.
"I am so sorry." I began to apoligize.
"No, no, it's okay, don't worry." She smiled as everyones eyes had turned to us.
"Are you sure you're okay?" I asked. "I'm so sorry."
"No, it's nothing, it's alright."
"Hey ladies." I turned my head to Jeremiah. "Mind if I have this dance?" He asked.
"Yes actually." Nicole and I both said which made us laugh a little.
"Belly..." Jeremiah said.
"Jeremiah, you're gonna get me in trouble with Paige." I said, pointing to his sheer basically netted top.
"Hey." He whistled over to Steven who happily took off the coat of his tux, handing it to Jere.
Nicole raised an eyebrow, "Okay, Harry Styles?"
"How's this? It's better?" He questioned.
I gave out a small laugh as I shook my head.
Jere didn't take much of the dancing seriously which made the both of us laugh as we waltzed through the room. I could hear snickers from Steven.
"Hey Alexa, play "So Pretty"" Jeremiah said quickly to the Alexa in the room.
The speaker began playing the song as we all looked at Jeremiah who was already dancing on his own with disappointed looks from Ms. Covington.
Ms. Covington didn't seem to care for long as she let us all dance to the music freely, obviously knowing she'd get complaints from us if we had asked her to stop with the song.
"What. Is going on here?" Paige asked as she came into the room. She ordered Alexa to stop and we all stood there, staring straight at her.
"Jeremiah Fisher, why aren't you at the pool?" She asked.
"We had a code brown." He lied. "Yeah, we had lost the keys to get into the chemical closet."
Paige shuffled through her little binder, pulling out a key and tossing it to Jeremiah. "There you go."
"Thanks." Jeremiah slightly whispered. He looked over to me, "See ya later, Y/N/N."
"All right everyone, let's try that again..." Paige sighed. "This time without, whatever that was."
I looked back up from where I was standing and saw Conrad in the doorway. I smiled at him as he gave me a peace sign.
What I barely saw was Nicole in front of me, who waved at Conrad as I did as well.
Nicole giggled as she made her way over to me, knowing she was my partner now that Jeremiah was kicked out.
My phone rang with messages, "Oh sorry, I just have to check this." I said.
My phone had a text from Conrad, saying "See you when you get back."
I couldn't help but smile just a little.
I continued dancing with Nicole, who now seemed to be in a better mood after the interaction with Conrad.
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The practice didn't last long, giving me the perfect chance to go home, change into a swimsuit, and bike over to the beach for a quick swim.
I came home after the beach, seeing Jeremiah lay staring straight up at the sky.
I laughed a little, "What's with the flower crown?"
"My mom's getting ready to paint me as Hermes, messenger of the gods." Jeremiah said, but he didn't seem very stoked about it.
"Isn't that cool." I said smiling.
I looked around the backyard, but couldn't even find Conrad. I feel like something was happening between us again. I just didn't know what.
"Who you looking for?"
"Oh, I just um, thought Conrad would be back by now."
Jeremiah sighed before getting up, "Where have you been?"
"Just at the beach."
"You never go to the beach alone, are you okay?"
"Of course I am, I just wanted some me time." I said smiling.
"Well, if you are upset, Laurel and my mom... they're high-key stoned right now." Jeremiah said.
I looked at him in shock before laughing, "You're joking."
"I'm not!"
I shook my head.
"Yeah, all of the good snacks are gone."
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Susannah had brought me out to inspect her painting of Jeremiah. Laurel followed out after me, but I couldn't stop staring at the painting.
"Ah- It's... um-" Was all that could manage to come out.
"Mmhmm." Jeremiah mumbled, trying to add on.
Laurel pointed at the painting, "Picasso and Jackson Pollock had a baby." She laughed.
"What?" Susannah said as she too had to get a better look of her painting.
All of us now stood around the painting, looking at what should've been Jeremiah.
"Oh my god, it's terrible." Susannah said as she began to laugh uncontrollably which made the rest of us break into fits of laughter as well.
Susannah and Laurel called us brats before leaving the house for a beach walk.
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I walked up to my room, Jeremiah following close behind, "Come on, let's go swim."
I looked at my room. Clothes were scattered everywhere, and nothing was organized. "I actually have to clean my room, I'm sorry."
Jeremiah pouted, "How come nobody ever wants to play with me?"
I only smiled before walking into my room, "Later."
I mean I wouldn't say I was lying, but at the same time I wanted to hangout with Conrad, but he wasn't even here
A loud clammer from outside brought me away from cleaning. Conrad was outside, putting the easel and portrait back up.
I smiled as I made my way down the stairs, out to the deck.
Every summer focused on Conrad. This one was different though.
"You're back." I smiled.
He gave me a quick smile saying a quick "Hey" as well.
I helped put away some of the art supplies, as there was obviously some sort of tension yet again.
"How are you and your mom?" He asked.
I stammered a little, "Oh my mom- uhm, yeah we're good."
He took the water pitcher and paint brushes from me, our hands centimeters away from touching.
"What happened last night?" I asked.
"What do you mean." His back was to me.
I sighed, "For crying out loud we almost kissed."
"Really?" I was pretty wasted. Don't remember much."
He tried walking away, but I followed.
"Are you actually serious?" I asked, making eye contact with him.
Conrad shrugged, "Okay, so what. We almost kissed."
I stood there, just looking at him. I don't know what I wanted him to say, but I wanted it to be more. I wanted him to quit playing with me like how he used to.
"What do you want me to say, I'm sorry?" He asked.
I scoffed, "Are you sorry?"
"I don't know."
I just gave up. I couldn't win him and I was dumb to think so.
"Y/N, I think about you. And you know that I do. I just... I can't."
I held back all the tears that I possibly could. "I'm not playing these dumb games with you anymore."
There's been a lot of built up frustration recently. A lot more than I can hold. It's hard and it hurts.
It's hard being by yourself. Especially when everyone has someone else.
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I waited a long time til Susannah got home. She was the one person I knew I could talk to. So as soon as she walked through the doors, she saw me.
"Hey, Sweetie, what are you doing down here?" She asked.
"Can I talk to you?" I asked, wiping away a tear that had just fallen from my eye.
She hugged me tightly, "Of course we can, I'll get a pot of tea ready for us.
I sat at the kitchen island as I watched her prepare my favorite tea. One that I used whenever feeling down.
"What's on your mind?" She asked as she sat down beside me at a stool.
"Do you believe in second chances?" I asked, looking up at her eyes.
"Of course I do. Especially for your age. You guys are new to love, experimenting."
"Susannah, I'm getting really mixed emotions and I don't know what to do."
All at once everything began to spur out of me.
Conrad walked in once during my little rant, but Susannah had shooed him off.
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I jumped in the pool, ready for my late night swim. It was calming, peaceful almost.
Jeremiah hopped into the pool. But his tone was different.
"You're my best friend"
"And you're mine." I smiled.
"There are times where I wanted it to be more."
I looked at him in shock, "Jere-"
He grabbed my hand and I allowed it. I didn't stop him.
And there I was. 12 in the morning. In the cold pool. Kissing Jeremiah Fisher.
I let go.
"I'm sorry. I can't."
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scorpioracha · 2 years
Skz during your period
Hey guys!! This is dedicated to my lovely wife @moonacholy who encouraged me to write this. I hope you guys also enjoy this. Leave all the reblogs,likes and little comments your heart desires cause they keep me writing
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Bang Chan 방찬
-If there was an Olympic category for best boyfriend Chan would pull gold every time and I put that on GOD. He is so?? Goddamn attentive during your period??? -You want,need,crave and long for NOTHING. Your pain? Taken seriously. Your cravings?? It doesn’t matter if you’re craving something damn near halfway across town, he’s gonna go and get it.
-He always makes sure you’re stocked up on pads and tampons, if he’s shopping by himself he’ll just pick some up and add it to the cart, yes he already bought some a few weeks ago but it’s better safe than sorry.
-oh you’re in class or at work and you got cramps?? Guess where you’re no longer gonna be🤡 mf is dropping whatever he’s doing and coming to get you IMMEDIATELY.
-you’re getting tucked in bed, snacks left on the dresser and a little cuddle session before Channie has to get back in the studio.
-So reluctant to leave your side too🥺 he doesn’t like seeing you in any sort of pain so he’s very tempted to just not go back, but you’re like ???? I’m still grown Channie jc—
-leaves you with wolf Chan to cuddle and checks up on you every hour making sure you’re alright
Minho 리노
-This tsundere little shit. He wants you on bedrest rest pretty much the entire time. You’ve got hw? You can do it in bed. You’re hungry? Don’t move, he will feed you…in bed. You’re bored, take a nap, it’s good for you. As long as you don’t need to use the bathroom or shower, he wants you in bed.
-Mother hen headass, Minho is so mommy omg???
“Ya y/n-ah, drink this”
“What is it?”
“Ginger tea”
“No no, drink warm water, cold water will give you cramps!!!”
“Minho pls I’m dying🥲”
-Massages your tummy for you and your pelvis cause cramps are a bitch
-has a million multi vitamins specifically for you
“Have you taken your vitamin B’s?”
“Yes ba-“
“What about your Vitamin E? Your vitamin C???”
“Minho yes-“
“I’m making salmon for dinner, you need omega-3”
-Still bullies the fuck out of you at the same time tho???
“Stop walking like that”
“Like what?”
“Like you’ve got a stick up your ass…or in this case your vagin-“
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-Still wakes up early in the morning to fix you breakfast and gives you pain killers if he realizes you’re fussing🥺
-Will throw sooni,doongi and dori in bed with you at random intervals cause cats fix everything
-all in all best boy
Changbin 창빈
-Ima be so real rn, this is the mf that makes
you go on walks to help your cramps💀 you can be on your death bed and he’s like ‘let’s go outside☀️🌈☺️✨’ and you’re just like ‘…boy stfu istg ima beat your ass-‘
-So ultimately when that doesn’t work and you threaten to leave him, things relocate to the living room. He has an older sister so he’s not completely clueless but he’s also like ????😧 when you start crying over an episode of SpongeBob cause whoa whoa whoa what’s goin on??
-If you’re the type that has mood swings this mf becomes the most peaceful and amicable person you’ve ever met. If you’re ranting to him and you’re wrong, at that current moment no you’re not.
“…and then I told her to get tf out of my face with her breath smelling like halitosis but I’m wrong???😒”
“N-no jagi, absolutely not🤡”
-draws you bubble baths!! He knows heat can help with cramps so he makes it all bougie and nice with the candles and rose petals and lavender body wash. Then you start crying again and he’s like😧😰 and it’s honestly just a mess but you appreciated it very much
-this dude is feeding you nothing but the finest and freshest stuff cause it’s better for you during your period. You getting all the major food groups whether you like or not.
“Binnie, I just want a burger🥺-“
“You better eat that damn salad y/n😒”
You couldn’t even be mad cause he knows how to throw down when it comes to a salad
Hyunjin 현진
-Oh this poor baby😭 he’d be going on about the strength of the uterus and how strong you are for doing this every month when you’re deadass three seconds away from committing a crime of passion🤡
-Will take up the majority of the housework with no problem, especially if you’ve got work or classes that day. Dishes? Done. Laundry? Drying as we speak. Bedroom? Clean. Bathroom? Sparking. Hotel? Trivago.
-Is extra affectionate when you’re on your period, and a lot more gentle in general. He knows you can feel extra crappy during this time especially if you also struggle with mental health so, extra forehead kisses, little notes in your backpack and all the cute little text messages that say ‘x y and x made me think of you❤️’
-He’s already known to give into your cravings but literally does not hold back during your period. Oh? You were simply THINKING about tteokbokki? Well he doesn’t know why it’s there either, but since it is I guess you gotta eat it🙄
-Will genuinely think you’re dying if you say your cramps are killing you💀 he’s fucking rushing around the house grabbing shit and you’re like ???🧍🏾‍♀️
-you send him out to get pads and mf comes back with literally every kind the store has
“I didn’t know which ones you needed🥺”
-s n a t c h e s any form of caffeine out of your hand
“It’s not good for your cramps😠”
-Will try to get you to consume one(1) fruit
Jisung 지성
-honestly this boy is so lost lmao—
-He is literally walking on eggshells around the house and doesn’t mention it cause he doesn’t want to say/do the wrong thing
-y’all are cuddling and he’s stiff as a board. You’re just sitting there like “boy what the fuck😒”
-you have to corner him to figure out what is wrong with him and poor baby is shaking like a leaf. He doesn’t know jackshit about periods and I mean that with all the love in my heart. He’s the type to ask ‘what size pussy you wear?’ and mean it
-you’re honestly wondering how he made it this far in life running off of the most basic knowledge
-but he’s so fucking funny to mess with so you just make up random period facts knowing that he’s gonna take your word for it.
“Sungie, did you know that the average person loses three cups of blood during their period?”
“T-thr-three cu-cups???😰”
And you’re just sitting there trying not to fucking ascend because he looks so concerned
-Doesn’t really have the intuition to get you stuff on his own, but has no problem if you ask him to. He’ll call you like
“Hey babe! Do you use the super soaker or the super soaker plus?”
And you’re just like
-keeps a small stash of essentials in his studio along with a pillow,a blanket and some of his comfy clothes just in case you’re feeling fatigued🥺
-Will bring bbama over for baby cuddles if you’re having a rough day
Felix 필릭스
-Our little sunshine boy knows when you’re getting your period before you do. With two sisters and basic observation skills he can pretty much tell when you’re due and silently preps the house with anything you might be running low on.
-all the cuddles!! Pretty much attaches himself to your back the entire time as your own personal space heater.
-literally does so much research on things that might help cramps from foods to aromatherapy to orgasms to yoga. He just wants to make you as comfortable as you can be.
-He’s not one to be squeamish about blood. You bled through the sheets? He’ll just chuck them in the wash, it’s no big deal.
-he’s not gonna keep you on lockdown but he strongly advises for you to get more rest and tell him if you wanna take it easy that day🥺 it doesn’t matter what the plans were, if you’re not feeling up to it anymore he’ll reschedule and you guys can spend the day cuddling
-if he’s stuck at work, he will send you takeout straight to your house to make sure you’re eating. Also obligatory FaceTimes during the day.
“Y/n! I’ve got like five minutes, I ran away from Chan to call y-“
-brownies,cookies,cake pops, Rice Krispie’s, whatever you’re craving Felix will make it. This also comes with the extra effort of fighting off the boys in the dorm so it can get to you in one peace.
Seungmin 승민
-here we have our favorite unbothered nonchalant king. He doesn’t really treat you any differently unless you ask him to?
-Well at least that’s may how it appears to others. He likes to take care of you in much more lowkey ways, picking up around the house,cooking dinner,packing lunches and with his sugar daddy tendencies making sure you’ve always got pocket money.
So what if you just so happen to find a fifty in your wallet? Now you can go out with your girls after school.
-He likes to lurk in the background a lot of the time trusting that you’ll come to him for help, but if he sees that you’re obviously in pain and not doing anything about it he’s quite literally taking your ass to bed. Then you have to deal with his disappointed little puppy frown AND cramps while he fusses over you
-Will try to distract you with tv shows and talking about his day and if that doesn’t work turns in mom pt.2
“Have you eaten?”
“Gotten any sun?”
“Seungmin i’m not a plant!!!”
-Will serenade you with any song you desire might pout if you decline any day6
-Will let the affectionate puppy in him out if you’re really have a horrible time :( you get to experience cuddlemin first hand all while he threatens to murder you if you tell anyone about it☺️
-Honestly is lowkey shitting himself because he doesn’t know what to do and can’t fix it and it’s driving him insane🤡
-honestly just pats your head while you nap and frantically texts his older sister asking what to do
Jeongin 정인
-This baby is right up there with Jisung but slightly less clueless. It’s more than likely that you might be his first gf or at least one of the few he’s had so he’s not really experienced in this category
-Kinda just forks over whatever you want whenever you want it. Hoodies,sweatpants,baseball caps, whatever you want it’s yours.
-If he’s got time he loves to pick you up from uni and do something special like take you to a cafe to get something sweet or to walk around the park(his binnie hyung said walks are good for cramps)
-panics whenever you’re in any amount of pain “do we need to go to the emergency room😰”
-Is the boyfriend who does the cramps simulator because he wants to know what it feels like for you
He almost throws up but that’s besides the point
-After that you immediately get the princess treatment, you will not have to lift a damn finger as long as he’s there.
-Will go protective guard dog on you if any of the boys are messing with you too much. “Cut it out!! Y/n isn’t feeling well😠🔪🤺”
It’s very cute if you’re being honest but you tell him it’s alright. He’s still going to be protective of you anyways. Extra cautious when you’re walking outside, always having his hand on the small of your back.
-shoves pain meds down your throat on a god damn SCHEDULE. His innie senses start tingling the minute you express any sort of discomfort and he’s zooming to the medicine cabinet.
“Innie my liver💀”
“But your tummy hurt🥺”
-Also the type to rub your tummy and look at you like 🥺 ‘my poor babyyyy’, kissing all over your temples and cheeks
-he touches your boobs once(1) and almost gets yeeted into the stratosphere
-He almost cried because he didn’t know it would hurt you cause he always grabs your tiddies when you’re cuddling😭
-wakes up in the middle of the night to grab your heating pad and get you a snack
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t0ast-ghost · 5 months
S3 EP7 (Day Of The Dove) already has me laughing with how they beamed down.
Without further ado:
- Sulu gets Spock jumpscared
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- “You killed my brother Piotr.” WHAT. CHEKOV LORE?!?
- Chekov is getting the worst fucking treatment in these past episodes. First shot to death, now tortured to death
- Good thing they’ve got a button for that
- Chekov’s like, ‘KILL THEM’
- “My wife, Mara. And my science officer.” Parallels much?
- wish I had a shiny ball of sparkles following me
- Uhura’s hair is amazing, she’s got these little side curls
- Do they even have a place they’re supposed to be exploring, almost every episode they’re being taken out of the galaxy
- Those redshirts are going to seriously walk into sickbay with a STAB wound
- Kirk DO NOT grip the sharp end of the sword
- Sulu is so damn confused. WAIT HE NEVER HAD A BROTHER? I love that Sulu knows Chekov
- Real image of McCoy after performing top surgery
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- Scotty gets to play with swords too
- Sneaking around in plain sight… works?
- Are we going to get to see Spock fight with a sword? I just think it’d be hot- who said that
- Cannot tell if McCoy is being controlled or he’s just like that in this episode. He’s being controlled. That’s good. His eyes are so blue and I think he’s going to bite someone tho.
- The low/harsh lighting really works for Spock’s face. He looks really cool.
- “May I say that I have not thoroughly enjoyed serving with humans. I find their illogic and foolish emotions a constant irritant.” Damn that’s so right, babygirl. They have no right to say this shit to you. No but seriously what the fuck? Spock faces constant verbal abuse for being half Vulcan
- Sulu is literally the best in this episode (please involve him more. Plllleeeease)
- Okay I know sparkles is controlling everyone but did I feel a bit better when Kirk was going to beat up Chekov? Yes.
- “Gentlemen, if we are pawns, then you’re looking at one who is extremely sorry.” “I understand, Doctor. I, too, felt a surge of racial bigotry. Most distasteful.” McCoy and Spock reconcile
- Is this the episode where they beat the entity with friendship?
- Get nerve pinched, idiot
- “Captains log, star date… Armageddon.” Kirk is sooo dramatic
- YEAHHH SPOCK AND MCCOY SWORD FIGHTING (well Spock ended up nerve pinching the guy but still)
- I like how McCoy and Spock fought their way over to Kirk just to stand there
- “Let’s jump him.” Spock has to be like, ‘no, Doctor.’
- Spock is done with their antics
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I’m just wondering now if the new trek is just random shit put into a season or if there’s actual plot. I don’t think there should be actual plot. (I know there’s actual plot)
Episode written by Jerome Bixby
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t-305tv · 8 months
Imagine a Victorious where Robbie tries to impress nerds who he tries to hang out with but they don't want to hang out with him or like Robbie in general, and Robbie accidentally hits Tori in the eye as she passes by, giving her black eye.
Robbie initially apologise to Tori for hitting her and Tori being the kind soul that she is accepts his apology. But then he sees the it gains him a little popularity aside from hanging out with Andre, Tori, Cat, Jade and Beck.
Robbie starts to lied and flex on about him being able to fight whoever he wants to and it annoys the others since they know Robbie is doofus that gets scared by his own puppet, and decided to confront him about his lying on being able to fight.
Robbie being the piece of shit that he is doesn't back down and keeps on lying and make it seem like the others are jealous of him for being a 'good' fighter.
Tori, Jade and Andre make a plan to embarrass Robbie and proof that he is a liar, by having Tori beat him up.
So, they found him with his new group of 'friends' bragging about how he 'beat' Tori up as Tori challenges him to an actual fight, Robbie being the pussy that he is, he declines it but everyone else hypes it up chanting 'Fight' over and over.
Robbie agrees but tries to make Tori go easy on him and not seriously hurt him but it is no use as Tori beats the shit out of him and only stops as Cat and Trina stop her.
Robbie obliviously thinks they stop Tori from hurting him because they are in love with him but he is dead wrong as Cat says if Tori doesn't stop she will get Robbie blood on her cute outfit and that would be really gross. And Trina being only stopped Tori because Tori would ruin her brand new pedicure on him.
Jade has filmed the whole thing and posted online. Beck had been in Canada the whole time and had no idea of what happened the previous week and only came back to find Robbie in full body cast and every time Robbie sees Tori he runs away and asked what happened.
They told Beck exactly what happened and the episode ends with Andre saying that Beck should stop going so frequently to Canada if he doesn't want to miss all the stuff that happens as everyone agrees with that and go in different ways, leaving Beck alone.
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misscalming · 1 year
Scotty : 10/10- does the best voices - quick at the maths part - strongly influenced by Gaelic folk stories - makes cool puzzles to solve - runs the most G rated campaigns out of everyone - swears sometimes and apologises for it - really likes teamwork and found family tropes - makes cool as fuck props - dresses up as a wizard - very wholesome - super passionate - beginner friendly -
Uhura : 8.5/10- actually keeps the players on task - good at organising shit - probably makes up cool fictional languages/texts to decipher - makes cool puzzles for players to solve - u feel a little stupid when you can't solve the really hard riddles tho -
Bones : 7/10 - has zero patience - would either rage quit or make the bosses impossible to kill - takes sick pleasure out of taking away everyones hit points - runs the shortest campaigns - kills off everyone as quickly as possible - only became DM after agreeing to play dnd but only if he could be the DM - you miss one session and you come back to see your character has lost 3 limbs and is on 2 hit points
Kirk : 10/10 - goofy voices - makes the best NPCs - kinda gets distracted by players' discussions - runs some of the longest and weirdest campaigns out of the lot - makes heaps of props (not quite as good as scotty's but close) - low key a people pleaser and indulges really dumb side quests the players make up like finding the toilets or some shit - basically all the main "important to the plot" NPC's he plays are hard flirts - has spare dice for everyone - makes awesome stories and great at entertaining everyone with his villain speeches - gets really upset but tries to hide it when you have something on and miss a session and you feel really bad because he puts a lot of effort into the campaign and it means a lot to him - would love to sit down and make character sheets with beginners but doesn't have the time :(
Spock : 7/10- great atmosphere - will put on Vulcan music and vividly describe some waterfall for 30 minutes - kinda boring? - but okay if you like poetry - doesn't let you mess with the NPCs or do ridiculous shit - says "Are you sure you wish to do that?" a lot - impossible to beat bosses - "love wins" every fucking time and fighting never actually solves anything - cock blocks u from the NPCs :( - does not have spare dice for everyone and will make u leave if you don't bring your own dice - no variety in the roles he can play - every npc is just a Spock self insert clone lol - doesn't give you time to think about what to do or let you talk to other players if their characters are physically separated from your own for "realism"
Chekov : 6/10 - communist manifesto role play - feels like you're in an episode of Seinfeld on crack - makes really confusing plots with twenty storylines and thinks he's a literary genius - does really bad accents - spits when he gets too into it - which is often - if you sit a few chairs away and are there for some nonsensical shit he's the dm for you - takes it so seriously you have to laugh - Spock just silently stood up and left after 3 minutes of the first session and never came back - makes really good drawings of everyone's characters tho - just a bad star trek episode in dnd form
Sulu : 4/10 - doesn't really know what he's doing - god his voice tho - forgets the rules sometimes - "uhh what happened last session again?" - "What happened to (insert NPC name here)?" - "Oh- uhh they died, moving on" - doesn't have the drive to be the DM at all really - probably makes nice stories which criticise capitalism - makes you bring your own dice, character sheet and miniatures
Chapel : 6/10 - accidentally shows everyone her notes - lets the players run the game - spends half the time flipping through the handbooks looking for random monsters to throw in on a whim - dedicates herself to her speeches - likes player debates - pretty good at steering the plot
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squadxx4392 · 1 year
Blaise: *gets in the car*
Harry : Drive bitch!
Blaise : *starts going 300 mph towards Hogwarts*
Draco: *smiles while looking at Harry*
Luna : Ewww Gin help they're being sappy!
Pansy: Leave them be Luna
Ginny : Draco, how many fingers am I holding up? *holds up 4 fingers*
Draco : 8 fingers. When did you get 10??
Pansy: Is he drunk?
Theo : He's either really fucking tired or he's high off tattoo ink
Draco: Shhh I'm busy admiring the outside
Neville : Draco, that's Harry, not outside. outside is right there, not there
Blaise : We're back mfs!
Pansy: Hes tired for sure
Molly Weasley : WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?? *stomping angrily towards the car*
Draco: At um
Draco: Somewhere
Ginny : She can see every new piercing, Ron mum looks pissed, we should get back in and start driving. all of us. now. get in go go go!
Blaise : *Starts the car up and starts going 700 mph somehow*
Draco: *opens car door*
Draco: *falls asleep*
Blaise : I'm driving so fast we're flying, we're gonna land on the Astronomy Tower, I'm gonna shrink the car and we are going to RUN to the room of requirement!
Draco: *asleep*
Draco: *wakes up* Oh
Draco: can someone make me my normal size
Blaise : *just shut the door behind all of them* Okay, we're safe! Here, Engorgio!
Lucius and Severus: Oh- FUCK sake 😨
Pansy : *immediately follows the sound, covers her eyes and gasps* HOLY SHIT, PROFESSOR???
Lucius: Its not what it looks like-
Pansy : Well what is it then?? *still covering eyes*
Severus: Uh- We were trying on suits-
Luna : You're fucking stuttering!
Severus: Am NoT!
Harry : You sounded a little too confused to be telling the truth honestly, professor
Ron and Ginny : Escaping our angry mum
Draco : Also, that wasn't the fuckin question!
Severus: *clears throat* Then what was the question
Hermione : The fuck were you both doing that was bad enough for PANSY OF ALL PEOPLE TO COVER HER EYES AND GASP
Severus: Trying um on suits..
Lucius: We were cuddling and um eating Chinese food also..
Draco : disgusting, get out we're waiting on shit to cool down out there before we die
Lucius: Yeah no seriously we are more scared of Molly than you guys..
Pansy : But you won't get in trouble. Out!
Lucius: *turns light on holding a bowl of teriyaki noodles* We took her left over food.
Ron : Oh shit- well, she's more mad at US now, so just, out please
Severus: No thanks, she'll end up beating all of us to death somehow...
Pansy : Just- out! You'll live, she's definitely forgotten about you!
Severus: I'm about to give you all detention if you keep telling us to get out.
Harry : 😐
Lucius: Why's she mad at y'all anyway?
Draco : Uh- *lifts up sleeve*
Blaise : We hijacked a car, burnt down an entire muggle town in America, got a crap ton of tattoos and we got piercings!
Lucius: *takes a deep breath in*
Lucius: Okay Draco when I said you could do dumb shit, I DIDN'T MEAN BURN DOWN HOUSES
Pansy : Yeah it was fun. And after what I just saw, I wanna kms so come on! let's hand ourselves over to Molly!
Everyone Else(minus Sniv and Lucius) : All for it, let's go
Lucius: We were eating Chinese food- and hugging- WDYMMMM
Molly : About time. Care to explain why I got a frantic letter from McGonagall about you lot running off?
Draco: Not my fault blame Harry they dragged me into this
Harry : Hey! Prude!
Molly : Harry James Potter, Ronald Billius Weasley, Ginerva Molly Weasley and Hermione Jean Granger, you ought to know better!
Draco: So you aren't mad at my father for taking your food-?
Molly : Of course I am! Where is he?
Draco: Room of Requirement
Molly : We will talk about this when you get back this summer! *Walks into the room of requirement*
Pansy : Welp, they're dead. Let's go!
Lucius: *eyes widen* WE BETTER RUN
Pansy : *starts dying of laughter as Sniv and Lucius start streaking across the corridor followed closely by Molly*
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alfredsolos · 2 years
I don't like how some writers bash or exaggerate the other batkids' behaviour and personalities in order to whumpify their favorite batfam member.
If Dick Grayson is the main character in the fic, then every other batfam member are suddenly incapable of doing the most simplest tasks and ask Dick to help them. He solves every single problem of his family because he is the 'eldest'. And he always puts a smile on his face and let's them treat him like shit.
Yes, it is true that Dick has more responsibility compared to his siblings. Not because he is the eldest; but because he has to keep an entire city safe all by himself, mentor teen sidekicks, lead the Titans, go on missions with the JL and so on. And he does this not because he has to, but because he wants to.
Also he may be more emotionally open than rest of his siblings, but thats just it. Compared to his siblings. Nightwing says puns and jokes yeah, but he is not at all can be classified as emotionally vulnurable. Dick led and mentored so many teams, and you can't do that while being light hearted and smiley all the time.
Dick is serious and firm when needed to. He doesn't baby any of his siblings (especially Damian), or act like an angel all the time. He has anger management issues and does not take bullshit from anyone. Not even his family.
He lives in Bludhaven to get away from the craziness that is Gotham. He loves his family, but he simply does not have the patience to deal with them all the time.
When the fic is about Jason, most of the plot is about him being dead and how Bruce betrayed him by replacing him. That Dick threw him in Arkham and everyone treats him like a monster.
Well firstly, Jason is not all about his death. He doesn't really bring it up unless he wants to make a point to Bruce.
Jason doesn't hate Tim because he replaced him. Jason hates Bruce, for taking in another Robin when the first one actively get murdered because of it. He beat Tim up to prove to him and Bruce that taking in a child, and making him his partner is seriously wrong. Jason hates the idea of kids becoming soldiers for a war they didn't start.
Another point is that after Jason came back from the dead, he wasn't an anti-hero. He was a full on villain that tried to kill most of the Batfamily. And no I'm not talking about him beating Tim up in the Titans tower (It was to send a message to Bruce) or cutting his throat (which he didn't. It was a small scratch):
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I'm talking about Battle for the Cowl, when he beat Tim up badly because he refused to be his Robin. Jason thought Tim was dead at the end of their fight (Tim slowed down his heartbeat). And this is his reaction:
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And yet again in Battle for the Cowl, he shot Damian. Which resulted him getting more than 70 stitches:
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Also this was his reaction when a nuclear powered supervillain blew up Bludhaven:
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He poisoned 82 inmates while 'Dick sent poor Jason into prison :('
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Now does this mean Jason is a bad character? Fuck no! Infact he is one of my favorite characters. Jason is such an interesting character and sometimes you can't help but condone his mistakes no matter how bad they are. Even I do this.
So what I mean is that, we should stop babying him and see him as the flawed character he is. Every single character has their own flaws and that's what makes them special.
Jason was a hero, then a villain, then an anti-hero, then again a hero.
Also he doesn't get pit episodes. The only time he got one was right after getting out of the pit. Lazarus pit did not made him violent and it's not the blame for Jason's past actions. Jason was awake and aware of the things he did. And he feels guilty. But he learned to forgive. Both himself and Bruce.
Our next member is Tim Drake. Fanon Tim Drake is a coffee addict, he is thin and small, is quiet and doesn't believe he is apart of the family. Dick stole Robin from him and gave it to 'evil and cruel' Damian who bullies him every time they interact. Jason always calls him replacement and threatens to kill him most of the time. Dick is a monster that tried to lock him up in Arkham.
God I cringed writing this. Anyways firstly Tim is, in fact, not a coffee addict. I'd say he is more of a tea person and only drinks coffee to stay awake.
Tim is not short and all skin and bones. He eats properly and is very muscled. Especially around his back and biceps. He is also not short either.
Tim is quiet, yes. But not in a shy way. He is cold and calculative and sometimes a little apathatic. He isn't scared to do what's necessary and is always ready to sacrifice himself for the sake of the mission. He also definitely sees himself apart of the family.
Another really misunderstood point is that Dick took Robin from him, when it was actually Alfred who gave Damian the Robin suit.
Yes, Damian tried to kill him multiple times and it was very traumatising for Tim. But they do get along most of the time. In fact Tim may be the second closest to Damian among the family. Because no matter what happens he loves his little brother. As it was shown when he hallucinated and hugged Damian after he died.
Jason and him may be at odds from time to time, but Jason gets along with him more than most of his siblings.
And Dick most certainly did not try to put him in Arkham. Bruce was dead and Dick saw Tim. How devastated he was, so he offered him to get therapy. Like a good brother would do.
Last but not least is Damian. I think most of the time Damian centric fics manage to represent him properly. But let's start with the ones that are the most cliche-d and wrongly written.
Damian talks the Queen's British and is spoiled. Dick Grayson is his actual father and Bruce always insults him. He trains all day and goes to patrol at night. He hates his mother, always gets his ass handed to him in a fight. Tim Drake treats him horribly and everyone calls him Demon or Demon Brat. Jason is the best brother in the world and him and Dick always protect him from Bruce's wrath. Alfred annoyes him and Damian doesn't really care about him. All of his personality is summed up with: "Yes, Father."
In actuality, Damian is most of the time sassy or straight up mocking. He uses slangs and isn't scared of disrespecting Ra's or Talia and Bruce (in fact he may be enjoying it a little).
Dick Grayson is in fact not his father figure. That title belongs to Alfred, who was always there whenever he needed him.
Damian plays video games and his favorite one is cheese vikings.
He also loves his mother and forgives her even through all does horrible things she does to him. He is most likely conditioned to feel that way. Because it's not normal to treat someone normally after they murder you. He is also an exceptionally good fighter.
Tim Drake is possibly his second closest sibling. They banter and fight sometimes, yes. But they still very much care for each other. When Tim was thought to be dead, Damian was shown to be holding his bo staff and mourning.
Him and Jason were never close. Jason tried to kill him and so did Damian. They don't know each other well and Damian does not want to; since at the time he was Robin, Jason was a villain that actively tried to hurt him and Dick.
I don't think anyone ever called him a Demon Brat. Or if they did it was probably like one time, since I couldn't find any panels that refer to him that way.
Damian is the most rebellious and hot headed Robin. He doesn't shy from saying what wants or stepping up to Bruce. In fact those two are the ones who fight the most in the family. Even more than Tim and Damian.
And Bruce doesn't always insult or bench him. He just straight up ignores him or his needs and always puts him in second.
There are obviously way more than these, but I'll stop for today. No hate to the creators, this is just my own opinion.
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friedoats · 3 months
Okay so i finished NAtLA
Im gonna be talking about what i think could have been done better, my few nit picks where i was ready to throw my tv out the window, the stuff that made me go what the hell, and the 2 things that i felt like they did really well/better than og, and shit that had me laughing
And before i go any further if i were to sum up everything wrong with this the main and biggest issue with this remake is that there is a common theme of them making shit up that a, completely disregards the og world building. B, give us no reason for the deviance. And c, just putting in cheap plot devices or shit that doesnt do anything for the story.
With that aside for what it was i liked it. it was okay, it definitely met my expectation of being average and mediocre.
Could have been better
Episode run time/plot set up had a choppy flow. So all the episodes average out to about 50 minutes and we got 8 episodes this season, they obviously would have to merge or cut episodes no matter what. The flow was especially weird with ep 3&4 the ones scened in omashu, where they combined like 3 episodes from the original and just-was not put together well and they definitely could have paced the story better. I honestly think-in my personal opinion-it would have been better if they had split the 7 hours down to 20-25 minutes each episode. that would have given us about 17 episode rather than the 8 40-50 minutes that each episode was, i think it would have helped their pacing
Why the comit celebration with the air nomads? Like why are they celebrating that comit? Is it culturally significant to them, if anything it seems like something only the firenation would celebrate, what significance does the comit that strengthens firebenders that only omes by once every 100 years have to the airbender? In the og it was multiple sycronized attacks on each temple if im recalling corectly, but yeah comit festivle at the air nation just was a tad bit weird for me
For yue im just mad the didnt save their cgi budget to give us floaty ghost yue, we were deprived of spirit yue and i detest that, other than that i apreciate she had the option to not go through with the aranged marriage, they would have written her as a character better, it just felt, a lot more surface level than in the og.
Huh/it happened
Why'd they take aangs shirt off in the first ep? I know they did it to show us his sick tattoos but, bro is seriously in the southern water tribe please give him his shit back while he's passed the hell out
I have...opinions about them physically showing us the genocide of the airbenders because on one had, we didnt see that in the og and its and intresting exploration of what we knew but hadn't seen, on the other hand, genocide... idk if it was necessarily an okay thing to portray the way that they did, it left a bit of a bad taste in my mouth (but thats kinda the point of it(genocide is supposed to make you feel uncomfortable it should feel wrong)) but yeah it was definitely a decision that they made.
I was ready to throw my phone
My only complaint about Suki is just the fact that they made her shy??? Like that felt so unnatural not having her talk to sokka for a whole 20 ass minutes (closer to five but it felt like 20) and not to mention the scene where shes teaching sokka i-i dont have words it was just horrible. it was so ooc for suki and i cant even think of a reason why they would do it, like, the audience doesnt gain anything from her not talking besides cringe 10,000 and it doesnt do anything for the plot whatsoever or narrative, someone was just like, "what if she didn't talk lol because outsiders are in her village and that water tribe guy is cute". The reason that sokka and suki worked was because she was just as if not more head strong than him, and she's really not the kind of person to have a crush at first sight. Just felt ick. Give me season one misogynistic, sexist sokka, let him have caracter development of getting his ass beat and his standards thrown back at him torn to shreds
Let sokka be problematic
I threw my phone
The only being able to talk to the previous Avatars via avatar statues makes no fucking sense and i have no clue what the hell possessed them to make them think it was a good idea to do that. First off how in the hell would they have figured it out (people in atla world)? There would have been a point at the beginning of the avatar cycle where mfs were not making statues of them, and then they did do it and some avatar was just like lemme meditate under this previous avatar and see what happens-it just agh. Second of all at some point avatar statues are going to be destroyed whether by time or intentionally at some point there will be avatars that will just never be reachable or wholly forgoten. It also just feels like a cheap plot device to get them to go places and we dont really gain anything from it.
Okay the spirit episode with hei bai, was just... a mess. And im chunking this all together, number one the fucking, ahhdhdhg, it makes me mad just thinking about it, the fact that katara and sokka got "pulled into" the spirit world with and was just bad. Bad storytelling. Bad writing. And they fucking knew it, and they knew that we would know that they were pulling shit out of their ass with it, they acknowledged that in the fucking show, they had sokka and katara say "hey how did we get in here with you" and aang just shrugs and says "idk" and it actually has me griping at my scalp and pulling my fucking hair out. that was first draft kinda stuff and the fact that it made it into the final fucking product has me raising my fucking fists to fight whoever made that decision. Numero dos why was yue there (yes i know that they gave an explanation but still why, it served no purpose it did nothing) number 3 sokka should not have a face aang should not have a face, koh the face stealer. he steals faces, specifically when people show emotion. Thats what makes him scary, not the memory bullshit whatever that was . It was just weak.
Kataras whole bending arc, nothing more needs to be said, actually basically her whole character in this.
Okay i really liked this
I really liked how they casted Azula. Spesifically that she looks her age, she looks young, because she is, even though shes definitely trying to be/apear older. And i like that they made her also just as much a victim of ozai's abuse as zuko(dont get me wrong love og but this is a good expansion of the narative for an adaptation) not to mention durring zukos agni kai shes not smiling, she looks conflicted, glad its not her, but thats her brother. and shes still is a genius in bending and her personality has been moulded to not be a target for ozai and vying for his aproval its obvious that she aware that ozai's wrath could also be turned onto her and had learned from zukos mistakes to not get the brunt of it. Just a good exploration of azula over all
Appa looks so cute! They did my boy good and Momo! Adorable truely 10/10 except the part where they nearly fucking killed him, that was unnecessary and he shoud have a part of the moon or ocean spirit in him like yue canonically speaking but ig.
Other coments
Half the budget was spent on wigs lol i have nothing more to say on this
I think we could have stood to have a bit more mention of sokkas Insticts
That was just a whole ass regular kayak at the end and it had me on rolling on the fucking floor
I felt like i was reading a fan fic written buy a child that doesnt actually like the source material and only read the spark notes
Side note
I didnt add a lot of stuff that i originally was going to bc its kinda obvious and were things that i felt like i couldn't add anything to
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wendytestabrat · 1 year
kyle’s most toxic/chaotic episodes:
•ike’s wee wee - for harassing ike once he found out he was adopted and saying he’s not his real brother and then sending him on a train to nebraska
•cow days - for him being a spoiled materialistic brat and a jerk to cartman all for some terrance & phillip dolls; HE FUCKING THREATENS CARTMAN INTO RIDING A BULL AND THEN WHEN CARTMAN GETS HURT AND HAS TO GO TO THE HOSPITAL HE STILL MAKES CARTMAN GO BACK ON THE BULL
•douche & turd - for bullying and pressuring stan to vote for a giant douche, sending puff daddy after him, LITERALLY SPITTING ON HIM, and using kenny for his own benefit all so he could beat cartman. also the fact that he wanted a giant douche as the mascot was just immature af LOL
•cartman’s incredible gift - for jumping off a fucking roof because he couldn’t stand to see people taking cartman seriously as a psychic
•mr. garrison’s fancy new vagina - for his blatant racism (and internalized anti-semitism) assuming he would only be good at basketball if he was tall & black - basically he did blackface here LOL
•two days before the day after tomorrow - for hiding the jew gold
•ginger kids - for BREAKING AND ENTERING into cartman’s room to turn him into a ginger which caused cartman to go on an extermination against every non-ginger
•le petit tourette - for rounding up 47388392 pedophiles to shoot themselves on dateline because he was mad abt cartman pretending to have tourettes (even tho he was just jealous of cartman’s brilliant idea LOL)
•imaginationland - for being so fucking arrogant and sure that leprechauns aren’t real that he signed a legally binding contract to suck cartman’s balls (which wasn’t very smart) and then couldn’t honor his commitment when he was wrong. i’m sorry but like IDGAF what a bet is about you just don’t agree to suck someone’s balls idc how sure u are that you’re gonna win LOL.
•tonsil trouble - for making fun of cartman for having aids and then gets MAD at cartman for making aids jokes later on to stay positive smh
•britney’s new look - for coming up with the idea to get a paparazzi photo of britney for $$ - it was his fault that britney shot herself
•fatbeard - for purposely trying to get cartman sent off to somalia to die and inadvertently making his brother go there too
•you have 0 friends - for being an annoying social media prick and not leaving stan alone about facebook and doing dumbass shit to get more FB friends WHO GIVES A SHIT people who care too much abt their social media followers are losers
•it’s a jersey thing - yeah do i even need to explain this one?
•crack baby athletic association - for exploiting crack babies for money and acting selfish & greedy like cartman in the process
•a history channel thanksgiving - for throwing a hissy fit over cartman’s idea to use the history channel for their thanksgiving report and then getting all pouty later that he was wrong about aliens or whatever the fuck
•ginger cow - i don’t need to explain this one
•go fund yourself - for being all extra and causing drama by making his own startup company bc he was jealous of cartman for coming up with the name ‘washington redskins’
•stunning and brave - for encouraging cartman to stand up to PC principal and getting him sent to the hospital (AND BTW KYLE DIDN’T WANNA DO SHIT ABT PC PRINCIPAL UNTIL IT PERSONALLY AFFECTED HIM AND HE GOT IN TROUBLE FOR THE COMMENT HE MADE ABOUT CAITLYN JENNER)
•skank hunt - for accusing cartman of being the troll and getting everyone all riled up to break his shit
•wieners out - for him being salty when he found out cartman moved on with heidi, you know after he deadass broke all of cartman’s shit
•fort collins - for him threatening to expose cartman’s INTERNET HISTORY to heidi
•doubling down - for stealing heidi from cartman
•super hard PCness - for blowing up canada bc he was still pissed off about cartman & heidi LOL
•tegridy farms - for enabling cartman to sell vapes to kindergarteners (including his brother) despite his original stance of being against it, deadass almost giving up his entire birthday money for cartman, and then letting cartman beat up the drug dealer & helping him break into a vape shop 🙄
•south parq vaccination special - for trying to steal the vaccines for himself - yet bitching at stan & cartman that they were being selfish JFC
•south park post covid and the return of covid - for getting mad at cartman for being a rabbi and having a happy family and accusing him of stupid bullshit and cussing in front of his wife & kids (bringing up shit from 40 years ago) and then making cartman sacrifice his entire family to help him
•the streaming wars part 1 - for giving up all the money they earned on the streaming services to let cartman get tits LOL
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