#he had oddly enough a 'good' reaction
gayjunebug · 2 years
today is a weird day when i finally snapped at my father and decided to tell him everything i think about him and how much i hate him and how much his actions have affected me, also kinda came out as bi, really wild day.
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Thinking about Baby daddy!Miguel O’Hara who had the largest smirk on his face when he watched your new boy toy and you leave the pool party, already knowing the awkward tension between you both will only escalate once you're both alone.
Baby daddy!Miguel who purposely goes out of his way to start dropping you a bagel and coffee at your place of work when it’s your weeks with gabi, saying it was on the way to work and how he remembered how you once made an offhand comment about how you never have time for breakfast before dropping off your daughter at school or at summer soccer camp before going to work.
Baby daddy!Miguel started to call you your nickname he had given you during college. First time dropping it casually during a swap, trying to garner your reaction, which was nothing more than a small laugh and a curious head tilt.
Baby daddy!Miguel who (after a few beers with Peter) finally realizes why he’s been oddly territorial over you as of recently. Before a new guy entered the picture, it was as if you two never stopped being together, sure there weren’t any kissing or hand holding, but when it was just you three, it felt like being a part of the family you were a part of pre-splitting up. You and Miguel weren’t like his parents, there was no toxicity or bad blood between you both, just two people who grew apart.
And now, he was drunk, crying on Peter’s shoulder while his friend rubbed his back to soothe him, coming to the realization that he’ll always love you. Because you’ve never given him a reason not to.
Baby daddy!Miguel who is now on your doorstep after dropping your daughter off at soccer camp. A bouquet of flowers hiding behind his back, wearing a white button up, with the sleeves rolled up and a pair of black slacks and dress shoes. Taking a shaky breath before knocking, feeling dejau hit him, catching himself in the same position 12 years ago when he first came to your dorm to ask you out.
Baby daddy!Miguel whose whole world came crashing down when the same guy from the carne asada opened the door instead of you, shirtless. With messy hair and sweatpants that we’re hanging low enough for Miguel to realize what had just transpired in your place moments ago.
Baby daddy!Miguel, whose heart shattered when you reintroduced him as your boyfriend.
Shaky hands, a thin layer of sweat, dry mouth, if Miguel didn’t know better, he would have thought he was sick. His left hand held the boutique behind him while the other fidgeted with the small excess flap of his belt, only to place the hand in his pocket when he heard the sound of muffled steps approaching the door. Clearing his throat as the door let out a faint click sound before opening.
Miguel had to drip hard on the thorny stems so he didn’t drop them out of shock. He tried his best to keep a calm expression on his face. But it seems his poker face wasn’t good enough, because the smirk your boy toy had on his face as he leaned against the door said it all. Despite being shorter than Miguel, he was acting as if he was on top of the world. Miguel blinked out of his trance when he heard your voice say a faint “who is it?” from the next room before you appeared next to him. If the sight of the man next to you wasn’t enough for Miguel, yours certainly sent him on a downwards spiral.
You were in shorts and his shirt.
“Oh Miguel! Hey, you remember Henry, my boyfriend.”
“Yeah.” He mumbled with a head nod, to which Henry returned as he crossed his arms.
“Um-sorry, Gabriella said she forgot her good pair of soccer shoes.” Miguel managed to say after clearing his throat, not wanting to make a fool of himself anymore then he probably already had.
To be fair, she did forget them.
Part 3<
Part 5<
Not proofread.
Word count: 600
Taglist: @ginnysculture @mishaglass @wusyanamee @mangoslushcrush @queerponcho @bunnibitez @miguelzslvtz @migueloharastruelove @dahehow @sinners-98-world @othersideoftheparadise @toyfortoji @yeshajane @yvesbi @strawberryjuice9 @hanjisgf @deljojeisbackagain @safixiovi @emmalandry @maxinemus3 @lauraolar14 @aaaaslaaaan
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theroseredreaper · 9 months
Can I ask for headcanons of Malleus, Leona, and Vil with a reader who likes to steal their clothes to wear? Or maybe not even their full outfit just a piece or two? Whatever you feel comfortable with
Thank you and I hope you have a wonderful day
Malleus, Leona & Vil With A Reader Who Likes To Steal Their Clothes
(A/N): I’m more than happy to fulfill your request, Cherry Blossom Anon! Sorry it took so long for me to get to it 😅 I’m not as familiar with Leona as I am Malleus and Vil, so I apologize I’m advance if his section seems a tad OOC. I hope you enjoy!
Reader is implied to be the player character/prefect, and the setting is implied to be NRC.
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Malleus Draconia
The first time he sees you wearing his clothes, he simply assumes that he must’ve accident left it behind the last time he visited you at Ramshackle and doesn’t pay it any mind. He finds it endearingly amusing, to see you in his clothes.
If you’re flustered when he catches you wearing or stealing his clothes to wear, he’ll most definitely tease you about it. He finds your reactions adorable and his teasing will be light hearted, but merciless.
The more he catches sight of you wearing some of his clothes – a uniform tie of his, his uniform blazer, once you even took his vest - the more he suspects that you might actually be stealing his clothes. His suspicions aren’t confirmed until he catches sight of you wearing one of his shirts.
He finds the whole of it endearing, though he can’t comprehend why you’d want to steal his clothes. Was this a human custom of friendship or courtship? He’d be more than happy to give you some of his clothes if you’d simply asked. (He did not find it amusing that Lilia laughed in his face when he asked him about it.)
He finds soon enough that he absolutely loves the sight of you in his clothes.
He tends to become clingier and more physically affectionate when he sees you wearing his clothes.
Leona Kingscholar
Doesn’t notice any of his clothes going missing. When he catches you wearing one of his perpetually unused uniform blazers, he assumes you picked it up from wherever he left it laying in his room. You had a tendency to complain that he hogged the blankets during naps, you taking one of his uniform blazers to wear to keep warm isn’t the biggest stretch of logic, in his opinion. Why would he assume you’d want to steal his clothes?
He notices when Ruggie complains that Leona’s laundry has been oddly missing a bunch of clothes, despite Ruggie keeping a tight maintenance of all of Leona’s things (he gets paid to look after him, after all, and he doesn’t do his job half-assed. There’s service fees he can charge extra.)
Unlike Malleus, he has just enough emotional intelligence to put two and two together that you probably take his clothes because it reminds you of him, and this means that he’s someone important to you. Cubs and pups do this all the time with their loved ones, after all. This knowledge leaves him incredibly smug the first few days after he realizes it, but he won’t say a word of it if you question his sudden good mood.
The sight of you wearing his clothes leaves him feeling fond. Not that he’d ever say that outright; the only way you’ll see him expressing this is through him being clingier and more physically affectionate than usual. He’s not the best at expressing his emotions, especially not verbally, but he’s trying to show his reciprocation of how you feel towards him in his own way.
Uses his naps as an excuse to cuddle with you if he sees you in his clothes.
He tells Ruggie not to mind the clothing thief, as he knows who it is personally. (Ruggie thinks the two of you are disgustingly sappy and cringingly cheesy. He wants no part of that, thanks.)
Vil Schoenheit
He notices as soon as the first article of clothing goes missing.
He has a system for his clothes and every outfit he wears, down to the color scheme and accessories he’ll be wearing for a day. Anyone who messes with his system risks facing his ire.
It doesn’t take him long to figure out that it was you took some of his clothes. He is torn between being greatly annoyed and fondly exasperated. What was he to do with you, honestly?/lh
If you wanted clothing advice, he’d be more than happy to give it to you. If you needed hand me downs because of Crowley’s poor guardianship, he had no qualms about whisking you away on a shopping spree. He’s quick to realize and understand, though, that you simply just enjoy taking and wearing his clothes because it reminds you of him every time you do so. How endearing can you be??
Rather than simply asking you to stop taking his clothes so it stops messing with his system, or offering to buy matching outfits, he comes up with completely logical and not at all convoluted solution to leave specific clothes that he intends for you to take from his wardrobe. If some of these things he sets up for you to steal turn out to be matching outfits that he got tailored for you, it’s merely a fortuitous coincidence.
He finds the sight of you in his clothes utterly adorable and lovable. He may even start getting into the habit of simply just gifting the clothes to you directly, though he’s aware that you’ll likely continue to pilfer clothes from him anyways.
He won’t become clingy or more physically affectionate when he sees you in his clothes, but he’ll most definitely be smug and preen about it. He has excellent taste in clothes and it’s only natural that you would look positively wonderful in whatever clothes of his that you decided to wear.
No one in his dorm had the audacity to try and steal from him before due to his position as dorm head with a fierce grasp on curses, so soon after he realizes you were stealing from him, he spells his wardrobe with anti-theft measures. (You are, of course, an exception.)
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(A/N: I hope you enjoyed! Since it wasn’t specified if you wished for this to be romantic or platonic, I attempted to leave it open ended, so that it could be up to reader interpretation. Thank you for the request!)
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nadvs · 2 months
What if sleeping with the enemy rafe accidentally calls reader his gf but neither of them seem to mind 🤭
based on this fic
rafe has had too much to drink. tonight’s game secured his team a position in the championship finals. they had to celebrate. one shot became two became however many it takes to make the room start spinning.
he’s sprawled out on the couch at a party at one of the student houses on campus. everyone’s loud and rowdy and excitable. he’s exhausted and sore after the game, but he’s just as wired.
at this point, he texts her anytime there’s a party because he likes her being around. she’s on the other side of the room with a couple of the friends she brought, laughing at how shit-faced rafe is.
“should you be here?” one of his teammates slurs with a drunk smile, approaching her and her friends.
“no,” she replies light-heartedly. they shouldn’t be at a party celebrating another team’s win, especially theirs, but she stopped caring about the rivalry a long time ago. “you’re the bad guys.”
“you’re the bad guys,” he responds, pointing at her, but he loses his balance and nearly stumbles on top of her.
rafe’s seeing stars but he’s conscious enough to realize his teammate almost just knocked her over. he stands and crosses the room, putting a heavy arm around her, shielding her from his friend.
“you tryin’ to tackle my girlfriend? the fuck’s wrong with you?” rafe drawls. his mind catches up with what he just said. he looks down at her. “i mean, uh… my…”
“you’re hammered,” she laughs. she doesn’t mind the slip-up. she knows they’re friends. but her mind has drifted to the possibility of being more a few times.
rafe falls into a fit of laughter, raking a hand through his hair.
“i’m hammered,” he echoes. “you see all those three-pointers i got tonight?”
“you’ve only mentioned it like a hundred times,” she says. really, she’s thrilled to see him so happy. he’s been working hard this season. he deserved the win. “let’s get you some water. follow me.”
when they reach the quiet kitchen tucked at the back of the house, rafe slouches over the counter as she fills a glass with water.
she watches him drink it, surprised at how far he’s come since they started hooking up. he was never the type to let people tell him what to do, but she just ordered him to follow her and he listened. she’s pretty sure that at this point, she’d tell him to jump and he’d ask how high.
at a party last weekend, he mentioned that she’s his best friend. she told him that he’s hers. but the term girlfriend sounded so good coming out of his mouth.
he drains the glass and then she turns to fill it again.
“i don’t need that much,” he complains.
“you need a lot to hydrate so you don’t feel like shit tomorrow,” she says. “you’re like ten feet tall.”
he laughs again.
“i don’t get hungover,” rafe says.
“that’s a lie,” she chuckles. she offers him the full glass, deciding to tease him. “you shouldn’t lie to your girlfriend.”
rafe rolls his eyes and swallows down the water, but her words sober him up a little bit. he lowers the glass, his lips gleaming with moisture. she stands in front of him, tempted to kiss him.
he stares down at her, gazing into her eyes, and the thought of her wanting some sort of commitment to him is oddly thrilling.
“you’re going to be so embarrassed that you said that,” she laughs.
“no, i’m not,” he says quickly. he may be drunk but that, he knows for sure.
tension sits between them. the reason their whole deal works is because they’re direct with each other. honest. it’s a knee-jerk reaction of his to tell her exactly what he’s thinking. but what he’s thinking right now could shift things. maybe even break them.
she’s frozen. they say drunk words are sober thoughts, so maybe rafe really does see her as his girlfriend. they definitely act like a couple at this point.
“what kind of boyfriend would you even be?” she eventually says. instead of laughing off the prospect of being in a relationship with anyone like he always does, he answers after he takes another sip of water.
“a good one,” he says. “i’m good at everything.“
“your humility is so inspiring,” she replies sarcastically.
their words sound like jokes, but the looks they’re sharing are utterly serious. it’s unusual not to be laughing together, chiding like friends. the air is heavy. awkward.
but it’s also incredibly natural.
“you sleeping over tonight?” rafe asks, eyes traveling over her face.
she’s only slept over a handful of times, when the sex was so tiring she couldn’t imagine making her way home. sleeping over feels coupley. but here he is, asking her to.
and she could make a joke about him just wanting a private nurse for his inevitable hangover in the morning. but it feels cruel to tease him when he’s being so vulnerable, looking at her like she might actually have the power to hurt him. to hurt someone so strong and loud and unpenetrable.
“yeah,” she replies simply.
rafe nods, unable to tear his eyes off of her.
“finish that,” she says, looking down at the half-full glass.
“i don’t have to listen to you,” rafe tells her. but he brings the glass back up to his lips, mirroring her smile.
he definitely doesn’t have to let her boss him around. but he’s going to, whether he wants to or not, because that’s the effect she has on him.
(the next morning)
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seelestia · 6 months
in lieu of the boop fest: genshin men as boopers.
⎯ something made on a whim to commemorate the lovely booping chaos going on. may not be accurate but i tried!!! 🙏 which one are you?? tag yourself /j this is the silliest thing ever, forgive me. fluff & crack (and made with love).
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the harbinger of dedication (???): boop them once and oh, it's on. boops you back and will not stop booping you back — it's an all-out war! or at least, to them. they take this whole matter as an opportunity and certainly don't mind tiring their fingers out just tapping the button on repeat. does it for the fun and to get a reaction out of you. also, probably eats (sends) super boops for breakfast, lunch and dinner. it's their bread and butter.
childe (of course), arataki itto, cyno (has a desire to max out his boop-o-meter till the end - a completionist's habit).
the menace (as simple as that): they have no need to be booped because they're the one booping you first and a lot at that too. oh, you got 99+ notifs? yeah, that's an act of love and it's from them. they hoped you liked the gift because they had fun giving it. grab a handkerchief because you're gonna have to scrub that smirk off their face, literally.
wriothesley, kaeya, shikanoin heizou, lyney (he apologizes by treating you to a meal afterwards).
confusion (awkward ver.): ...what. what is this? what does 'boop' even mean? why does it sound so oddly menacing when uttered out loud? and why are you smiling at like that? it's a trend, you explain and they — reluctantly and nervously — send a boop back. they have no idea what they're doing but at least, seeing that proud look on your face amounts to something. maybe, they did well? they then proceed to send you another one just for good measure. how cute.
xiao, gorou.
confusion (boomer ver.): their first thought was that they're getting hacked by a... feline virus? how interesting (please explain). with some explanation from you, they'll eventually understand the concept! a passive booper at best, but has a proclivity to treat boops as a “i'm thinking about you” button. so just know one boop equals to one time you crossed their mind.
zhongli, neuvillette, dainsleif (still confused at the end of it), diluc (secretly because he has pride).
the 'humble' reciprocator (dark horse?): all is in perfect tandem. you give one boop, they give one back. you give two boops, they give two back. you squint your eyes at them from across the room suspiciously, they chuckle into their hand in response. is that an act of mischief or demureness? you wonder what will happen if you boop them one hundred times? well, let's find out. (they will give back the exact amount, no matter what.)
kaedehara kazuha, baizhu, kamisato ayato (a true hybrid between being humble and a menace, he is. starts off nice until he spams boops when you least expect it... with a smile, of course!).
the bystander with the popcorn: thanks for the boop, you get one back. yes, only one, sorry. they'd rather not participate in the chaos and prefer to keep their inbox clean. no offense meant, you're free to have your fun so go ahead. they're just here to observe because in their humblest opinion, it serves them well enough as participating does. oh, don't look at them like that. you did get one back, didn't you? rejoice in the fact that you're one of the few — if not, the only one — they gave a boop to. treat it as an approval badge. it means you're special (to them).
alhaitham, tighnari, albedo, wanderer (he thinks he's above this childish and pointless act of booping... or is he?).
the victim™: is getting booped left and right without rest. suffocating and drowning in them even. lady luck is not on their side; they swore they booped everyone back to infinity and beyond — surely, it's all repaid and they can take a break now, right? wrong. they rest for 5 minutes and come back to 99+ notifs every single time. (if you relate, you might be a victim of affectionate bullying. feel free to riot about it.)
kaveh, thoma.
the loser at the start line: sneezes whenever the paw comes up on screen, yikes. A+ for effort, though!
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— thanks for reading!
© seelestia on tumblr, apr 2024. please do not repost, plagiarize, translate, use for AI-related purposes or claim as your own.
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stinkyturd · 27 days
Your Fragrance
Pairing: Romeo Lucci/Reader
Comments: It's Romeo, so it's gonna be a little possessive and weird. If that makes you uncomfortable, this probably isn't your cup of tea. Also, I absolutely hate naming throwaway characters, but I did here to avoid confusion, haha. So, if for some reason you're second guessing if you're misremembering a canon side character, you're not. 🙂‍↕️
Working for Romeo could be exhausting.
The Sinostra vice-captain always had something for you. Be it helping out with casino security, sending out reminders for outstanding loans, or doing menial errands like fetching him various products he may need to keep his skin hydrated or his hair in mint condition. Sometimes he'd even message you at ungodly hours when you were tucked away, seconds from slumbering at your cathedral. 
Overall, you didn't mind. It's not like you HAD to do it. Darkwick hadn't been quite as needy with sending you out on inspector related errands, so you had the time, and you didn't mind Romeo's company. Sure, his personality is completely abrasive and an acquired taste, but underneath it all he had some redeeming qualities. And for some reason he chose you to hire as an assistant. You didn't get paid much. In fact, it was lower than minimum wage. You're pretty sure you could get a part-time job around the campus that would be far more fruitful with less work. 
And now that you were on consistent speaking terms, it was a lot easier to find ways to get under his skin. It was kind of fun pushing him to that level of irritation just before it all boils over. Oddly enough, a scrunched up scowl really highlighted his devastatingly pretty features. You're not sure you've seen anything quite like it on anyone else before. 
Right now, you are sitting next to him on the massive sectional sofa in the VIP room, listening to him rant about trivial anecdotes while you check his email for him. 
"I don't want to deal with these degenerates speaking to me any longer!" Romeo huffs, pinching the bridge of his nose. "You need to establish a precedent in this place that no one should talk to me without pre-approved incentive!"
Your eyes remain locked on the laptop in front of you as you attempt to read over a document sent to you by one of the vice-captain's subordinates, while still acknowledging Romeo's ramblings. "I can give it a shot. What happened this time?"
"A fool from Frostheim came in this morning. That USP told me that the new cashmere divan I purchased for the lobby is tacky! What the fuck does he know about quality luxury...?! That buffoon probably washes his face with hand soap, if he does at all!"
You smirk a little at that, clumsily scrolling the page in front of you with just a trackpad. "Is he a regular?"
"Yes, it's that idiot that always sits at the table by the high limit slots! The one with those shitty, thick-framed, square glasses!" Romeo leans back into the sofa, folding his arms across his chest. 
"Oh...?" Your lips tug into a mischievous smirk. "I think I remember that guy. Dark hair, super clear skin? Has good taste in cologne?" The student he's referring to does actually have dark hair. You remember because it's not the first time Romeo has complained about him. The rest of the description you gave is entirely fabricated. 
You catch a glimpse of the vice-captain's reaction in your peripheral vision. If looks could kill.
Romeo narrows his fuchsia eyes at you. "Have you lost your mind?! Clear skin?" The vice-captain leans in close, jabbing a gloved finger to his face. "This! This is clear skin!"
"Oh, for real?" You don't look up as you suppress a shit-eating grin, tapping away at the keyboard in front of you. 
"Look at me when I'm talking to you, nitwit! I can't have my BB of an assistant prancing around thinking that some Frostheim pig's face even compares to mine!" Romeo removes the laptop from your lap, setting it on the low-profile table in front of you.
You flick your gaze over to his face that's less than a foot from yours. Placing a hand on your chin, you pretend to examine his skin. "Hmm... really? I don't see the difference." 
You did. No one's skin glows as much as the man in front of you.
Romeo clenches his jaw so tightly you're almost concerned he's going to grind down his perfect teeth. "You don't see the difference...?! Perhaps we should get your eyes checked! And you're supposed to be the one surveying the EITS?!"
"But you agree his cologne is pretty solid?" Your lips twitch as the vice-captain's face comically becomes more animated with each snarky comment you make. 
"That fool may as well be rolling around with a wet dog! Whatever bootleg fragrance he wears does not match his pH! How far away were you from that imbecile to draw that conclusion?!" Romeo shouts indignantly.
You're no longer able to keep up the act, your lips peeling into a full on grin as a giggle escapes you.
This only seems to irritate Romeo further. "And what's so funny?!"
"I was only teasing you. I've never been close enough to smell him. Definitely not close enough to see his pores."
"Y-You...!" Romeo's face flushes in a mixture of frustration and embarrassment. "For what purpose, fool?!"
"You look cute when you're all mad," You say like it's the most obvious thing in the world. "Sorry, Boss. You make it too easy."
"Do you know how much my collagen cream costs? If you expedite the rate in which I obtain wrinkles, you will be my servant until the day you die to pay me back!" Romeo growls.
"How scary," You tease, tearing your gaze from the man shouting at such close proximity. If he stays like that any longer while you face him, you may actually start blushing. Reaching forward, you set the portable computer back in your lap.
"Fucking right, it's scary! I'll make sure your income is so low that you'll be taking residence in my private office," Romeo huffs, finally sitting back as he was before. 
You snort. "Are you going to make me stay in my underwear too, like you did with Kaito?" 
"You'll be lucky if you are even granted that amount of decency," Romeo spats. 
Heat crawls up your neck at the implication. 
"...Wow. Pervert." You're barely able to say it without your voice nervously cracking.
"Tch...! Don't flatter yourself," Romeo counters. A vibration, followed by a ringing sound emanates from his dress pants. The vice-captain stands, pulling his cell phone out. Before he answers it, he shoots you a glare. "You're in need of some serious TLC in order for that to be any concern of yours."
"Oh? That's okay, you're not my type anyway," You lie, as you return your attention to the email in front of you. 
"Excuse me...?!" Romeo flits his furious gaze from you then back to the phone. "This conversation isn't over! Just you wait…!" The Sinostra vice-captain drags a finger across his phone's screen, then brings it to his ear. As if the caller on the other end is physically present, Romeo relaxes his face with his tone before replying. "Hello...? Right, when…?" 
The vice-captain paces around the room mumbling vague replies to the mystery receiver. After a minute or so, he hangs up and stalks back in your direction. 
You pretend you don't notice him as you continue working, anticipating verbal outlash. Instead, you feel a weight sit alarmingly close to your side. Your hand stills on the track pad in front of you when Romeo wraps an arm around your backside. 
"(Y/N)~" The vice-captain speaks so close to your ear that involuntary chills run up your spine. 
You weren't that startled by the gesture. Romeo did this occasionally when he wanted something. Trying to act all sultry to fluster you to the point of accepting his request. That was further confirmed by the rare use of your actual name rather than an acronym disguising an insult.
Usually, you would do whatever he wanted anyway as long as it wasn't too out of your comfort zone. Any time that you'd decline he'd have a fit about it and ignore you for a while after. 
"Why do I get the feeling you're going to ask me to do something ridiculous?" You ask with a sigh. 
"Oh, it's nothing too crazy. But do you think you could get a permit and make a delivery for me outside campus, pretty girl? I know you have enough rapport with the Chancellor to do it by now," Romeo drawls, tucking stray hairs behind your ear. 
"What are you trying to get me to deliver? And where?" You ask, flicking your gaze to his suspiciously.
"It's not important, I will give you the address. All you have to do is drop it off in a mailbox. It's not too far from the station," Romeo explains coolly, his minty breath tickling your nose. 
"Hmm..." You hum contemplatively, turning your head back to the laptop. "I dunno... sounds kinda sus. I don't want to lose my honor student privileges, you know?" 
"...There is nothing sus about it! And you won't. Just say you want to make a delivery to a friend." The demanding impatience in Romeo's tone is already starting to rear its head as you continue to question him.
"I dunno. What's in it for me?" You persist nonchalantly. 
"Continued employment and my approval, obviously! What more could you want?" Romeo argues.
You weren't stupid. He was probably fully intending on sending you off with illegal substances. It would be easy to do it and not get caught, but it's not like you were gung-ho about making runs like that. And it's not like Romeo could do it himself with Sinostra's suspension. What could you request in return that he would be deterred from ever asking you again?
"I might consider it if you do something for me," You reply as another impish grin threatens to peel back. 
Romeo clicks his tongue impatiently. "Asking me for favors now? What could you possibly want?"
"Kiss me," You request, making a point to sound as deadpan as possible. 
The room becomes uncannily still for several moments once the words fall from your mouth.
You smirk, taking your time before you look back at Romeo to assess the damage. The Sinostra vice-captain is boring a hole through you with his eyebrows furrowed. You watch his smooth lips part marginally, as if something is just on the tip of his tongue. 
It's almost hilarious. The way that he just came onto you with the intention of coaxing you to do his bidding, but when the tables are turned he's at a loss for words. You let out a short laugh, deeming this to be your victory as you refocus your attention on the laptop in front of you yet again. "Looks like my hands are tied, Vice-Captain. Maybe you can blackmail Kaito into doing it."
Romeo clicks his tongue in annoyance. "Imbecile, did I say no?"
Well, you can't say you were expecting that. 
You laugh awkwardly, looking at him like he just lost his mind. "What, you're going to agree just like that?"
Romeo nods. "If you wash your face and do a proper skin care routine beforehand. And make sure your mouth is entirely scrubbed clean, if I taste anything foul on your lips, so help me god...!"
"Woah, woah, woah...! I didn't say anything about the lips," You reply, your voice slightly panicked. "Also, you gotta kiss my face as is. It's part of the stipulation. And I haven't washed it in, like, five days. I probably got blackheads galore. You seriously wanna go through with that?"
You had washed your face and put on products previously recommended to you by Romeo this morning. The more affordable ones, anyway. Not that he needed to know that. 
Romeo squints his eyes as he closes in on you, stopping just inches from your face. "You're lying. Why? I don't have time for these games."
How did he immediately call on your bluff?
When you struggle to formulate an excuse, Romeo leans forward, cupping his gloved hand on your chin. You don't have time to react before he presses his plush lips against your cheek. The vice-captain stays that way for a second too long, the kiss past the point of being chaste. When Romeo pulls back, he's quirking a perfectly groomed eyebrow at you. 
"I'd recognize that scent anywhere. Did you put on Tatcha cream this morning?"
You can feel heat gather at the apples of your cheeks as you gawk at him wordlessly. 
"I suppose you're not entirely hopeless after all." Romeo smirks approvingly as he gives you the backhanded compliment. 
"Shit," You mutter, sighing in defeat.
"Looks like you will be my delivery girl. Don't fuck it up, BB," Romeo says derisively, before getting to his feet and walking off to retrieve the parcel. 
Days pass after you begrudgingly follow through with the delivery without anything particularly eventful happening. Currently, you're seated at a bench in the courtyard just outside of campus helping Kaito prepare for an upcoming test in a class you both had. Your phone has been vibrating in your pocket for a hot minute, but you're so determined with focusing on helping Kaito, you ignore it for the time being.
"Jesus effing Christ! I don't get this shit at all, I'm totally gonna bomb this," Kaito whines. The Frostheim student has his fingers wound in his hair as if he's ready to yank it out in clumps. 
"If you hold that attitude the entire time, you just might. A lot of this test is going to be memorization. If anything, I can whip up some flash cards really quick for you," You offer, shooting him a sympathetic glance. 
"Hah... y-you'd really do that? You're seriously an angel." Kaito's voice cracks and he dramatically begins to sprout tears from the corners of his eyes. 
"Pffft, it's nothing. If anything, I still owe you for helping me out so much when I first got here." You pull out a stack of blank index cards from your messenger bag and peer over at the highlighted material in the notepad settled in Kaito's lap. 
Picking up a pen, you begin scribbling the most important bits on the cards that you presume will be on the test. It takes you around ten minutes, but when you finish you hand the stack over to the Frostheim student. 
"Just study it before bed for at least twenty minutes every night until the exam. That's what I always do when I don't retain enough," You remark with a reassuring smile. "Easy peasy."
"T-Thanks so much, (Y/N)." Kaito looks at you with a melting expression, his lower lip puckered into a pout. "I'll get a permit and take you out to my favorite ramen place if I pass this thing, for real."
"Oh? I'll hold you to that," You quip, smirking at him.
Kaito holds out his pinky, nodding fervently. "Pinky swear! It'll be super fun."
You latch your own finger with his. "I bet. I've been craving those marinated eggs lately. It's like you read my mind. Maybe we could bring Lucas, too?"
"Uh... m-maybe. Or it could be..." Kaito giggles nervously, scratching his blonde mop. "Like a d-d-date...?"
"A date...?" You tilt your head, eyeing your friend curiously. 
Before Kaito can present his case, a black gloved hand swats his out of yours in the blink of an eye. 
"A date?! Don't make me laugh, leech! If you don't pay EPB you will be lucky to be still breathing come the day of your exams!"
"GYAAAAH...!" Kaito stumbles back from his seat, landing butt first on the stone ground. "W-What the hell are y-you doing here...?! And how long were you listening?!"
Romeo places a hand on his lip, glowering at Kaito with disdain. "Long enough." The vice-captain briskly snaps his head in your direction. "And just how long did you think you would continue getting away with ignoring me, BB? While fraternizing with this fool who owes me money? You want to take permanent residence in my private office that badly?"
You blink at Romeo owlishly. "Huh? Ignoring you? Since when?" Then it dawns on you. Your phone was vibrating in your pocket like crazy earlier. 
"Don't play dumb! I know your phone is on you!" Romeo yells, jabbing an accusing finger in your direction.
You snort at that. "How do you know that? Maybe I left it at my dorm."
"Are you so daft that you think I'd let my assistant frolic around OTG?"
You avert your gaze upwards, pondering what the acronym could possibly mean. "...Alright, you lost me. OTG?"
"Off. The. Grid...!" Romeo retorts, enunciating each word with biting emphasis. 
You stare at his sour face blankly for a few seconds as you belatedly digest the implication. Scratching your cheek, you quirk an eyebrow at him. "Don't tell me you're tracking me, Boss?"
"Of course I am!" Romeo admits shamelessly. "And don't even think about finding the application and removing it! I made sure that your access is restricted from such tampering!"
You sigh, not particularly perturbed or surprised by the revelation. "You're a real weirdo, you know that? If this were a legitimate job with human resources I could totally report you if I wanted."
"S-Since when did you start working for this nut job?!" Kaito asks, now scrambling to his feet. "Jesus Christ, just work at the campus!"
Romeo glares daggers at the blonde. "Unless you'd like to spend the night being hung up by your toes, I suggest you make yourself scarce! And I expect a money order by 12pm sharp tomorrow, or I will be making an appearance at your dormitory."
"Urk...! F-Fine...!" Kaito hastily grabs his messenger bag from the bench. "I'll see you later (Y/N)! Text me...!" The blonde flicks a wary glance in Romeo's direction before scampering off.
"Now that the fool has left, you are coming with me, BB! I have a job for you. And turn your audio notifications on for my number, FFS!" Romeo orders.
You roll your eyes before getting to your feet. "Fine, fine, I hear ya." 
After announcing that Romeo had your location tracked, you swore that you had begun to notice that he was making more frequent appearances where you didn't usually see him. When you went to eat at the weird diner Ren works at with Lucas, Romeo showed up in the middle of your meal, requesting you return to Sinostra as soon as possible. A day later you saw him on the main campus in the second year wing of the building to fetch you after class. Another day, you went to help Alan with some paperwork and the Sinostra vice-captain was there, too. Romeo had claimed that he was just there to speak with Leo, but then insisted that you come with him once you had finished up, anyway. 
It's not like you had a set schedule to work. Sometimes you wouldn't help him for a day or two in the event that Darkwick needed something that took priority. Who knows? Maybe it really was all a coincidence. 
You sat in the VIP room again, a few of Romeo's goons were talking amongst themselves across the room, while you were waiting for whatever task the vice-captain had planned for you that evening. Romeo had texted you earlier in the day, and he had made it seem as if it were something urgent. 
Eventually, the double doors burst open and Romeo made a beeline for you. 
You lift your eyes to meet the Sinostra vice-captain's as he approaches, stopping to a halt right in front of you. “Heya, Boss,” You smirk up at him. “What's good?”
“(Y/N),” Romeo starts, his voice as sweet as molasses. The vice-captain is looking down at you with a jovial smile. ”Just In time~”
“Ugh…” Your expression falters to a tired one in an instant. Standing up, you make an attempt to slide out from in front of him. “Just realized, Cornelius asked me to do some stuff at Frostheim, so if you'll excuse me–”
Romeo holds your waist firmly in place, narrowing his eyes sharply at you. “The Chancellor sent you no such notification. I should know.”
“C'mon now you're hacking into my phone to read my messages?” You ask in disbelief, irritation rising in your voice. “I'm starting to think you're in love with me.” 
“Idiot! Now you're just blowing smoke up your ass! I have my reasons,” Romeo counters vaguely. The vice-captain is close enough that you can smell every fragrant product he had on today.
You click your tongue, sitting back down with your arms folded over your chest. Debating with Romeo was like talking to a brick wall, so you weren't about to waste your breath. “Fine, what do you need?”
Romeo turns his head to the group of his lackeys behind him. “Fools! You better have that box with you.”
“Sorry, right here, Boss!” One of the students hurried over to Romeo's side, handing said box over to him. 
Romeo takes it, then tosses it in your lap. It's not that heavy and it has a white lid. “Here! This will be my gift to you, should you do what I ask.”
You eye him skeptically, to which he nods. Despite the usage of the word gift, knowing him, there was a pretty big catch. Hesitantly, you reach out and lift the lid in front of you. 
The scarlet fabric immediately catches your eye. Silk? 
You lift the item out of its box, extending the piece of clothing enough to where you can really judge what you're looking at. It looks to be some type of halter neck evening gown. Formal, yet not too formal. The way the fabric feels against your fingertips tells you that this is worth several months' pay at least. Just beneath the dress is a set of accenting jewelry at the bottom of the box. You don't know enough about that kind of thing to even begin to guess it's worth.
“...What the hell is this?” You ask, completely bewildered. 
“A dress, obviously. Do you have eyes?” Romeo snaps.
“Okay, but why?”
Romeo exhales, steeling himself like he's about to make a sales pitch. “...Tonight I have a guest. A former colleague of mine, for lack of a better word. I have a list of tables I need you to lead him to and goad him into playing. The fool likes to bid high.”
“And I gotta wear this to do it?” You prod, creasing your eyebrows. 
“That GFNS has a type and if I work my magic, you will fit that,” Romeo explains, placing a hand on his hip.
“You can't seriously expect me to flirt with some rando. And what, are you gonna cheat him out of money? I thought you were against that!” You argue. 
Romeo clicks his tongue disapprovingly. “You don't need to seduce him, just act as you normally do. Pretend you recognize him. The idiot has a meager amount of fame in the outside world, so it won't be odd. As for cheating him– the piece of shit deserves it. He did the same to me and still believes I am unaware. It's a wonder I haven't killed him already.”
You pause, taking a moment to process everything. “How the hell am I supposed to convince him to follow me around?”
“Start by offering him a drink, and tell him you're my cousin. I will provide you with a list of what to do from there. The majority of men are simple meatheads,” Romeo states matter-of-factly. “Throw a pretty woman in front of them and they will fold like a deck of cards.” 
You roll your eyes. “So now I'm pretty? What happened to ‘basic bitch’?” 
“...You're not repulsive,” Romeo admits, averting his gaze. 
“Such a charmer,” You say sarcastically.
“So, will you do it?”
It didn't sound like the most fun task in the world, but if you weren't pressured into behaving a certain way, it really wouldn't be so bad. Plus, you kind of want to have Romeo doll you up. The vice-captain has referenced it enough in passing, but had yet to follow through.
“I really don't have to hit on him?” You reiterate. 
“Be friendly, that's it,” Romeo insists. 
“Do I get another kiss for this?” You joke, wiggling your eyebrows.
Romeo's flicks his gaze over you fully, as if he's genuinely considering your question. “...Ask me again when you clean up.”
You nearly choke on air at his nonchalant reply.
“Joke! That was a joke!” You insist with a nervous laugh, waving your hands wildly in protest. “My next kiss, face or otherwise, will be reserved for my future partner!”
Romeo's lips pull slightly downward and his expression wavers like he has more commentary to throw back at you. Instead, the vice-captain pushes out an exasperated sigh as he turns on his heel and waves you off dismissively. “Go and put that on. Don't keep me waiting.” 
“Okie dokie. You got it, Boss.”
When Romeo handed you a mirror after he applied makeup on you and styled your hair, you almost didn't recognize yourself. It's not as if you hadn't dressed up before, but it never came out quite this well. As it turns out, the vice-captain wasn't all talk with his stylistic choices. 
You were thoroughly impressed. Romeo had also brought shoes to you before he had gotten started on your makeup, that matched the dress and accessories. Everything fit perfectly, too. Which, you did wonder how that was possible without Romeo somehow invading your privacy again. You didn't bother touching on that subject. 
“Woah, you really know your stuff,” You compliment Romeo, as you admire the rouge lip color he had applied to your face. It complimented the dress perfectly. 
“I am offended that you ever doubted me,” Romeo retorts. He's sitting on a stool in front of you and the couch in the VIP lounge. “I have a feeling this will go according to plan. Just look over your notes beforehand, got it?” 
You nod, lowering the mirror onto the table in front of you. “By the way, is this guy really going to make up what it cost to get me this stuff? This looks crazy expensive.”
“Of course,” Romeo insists, like it's the most obvious thing in the world. “You think I intend to support a charity case? As long as you do what I say, this will be a miniscule dent in the return.”
“That's good at least. I almost started to feel bad.” You stand up, with the intention of getting the ball rolling. 
“Hold on,” Romeo stands with you, pulling a golden vial out of the pouch of makeup that rests on the table. The vice-captain opens it, a strong, but inviting fragrance permeates your immediate surroundings. Leaning in close, Romeo dabs some of the liquid from the wand that's attached to the lid onto your neck. 
“Oh, that smells nice…” You murmur, pretending like the close proximity of your gorgeous tyrant of a boss isn't making your heart beat rapidly. 
“As it should. It's of high quality.” Romeo brings a pale hand to your neck, spreading the oil-like perfume across the expanse of your neck gently with his fingertips. 
The Sinostra vice-captain's expression is completely unreadable at the moment. And for reasons unbeknownst to you– you struggle to take your eyes off of him. Maybe it's because he looks more peaceful than usual? If you had to guess, this kind of thing might be fun for him. 
“Thank you,” You say impulsively, beaming at him. 
Romeo removes his fingers from your neck, flitting his gaze to meet yours. His eyebrows are furrowed in confusion. “What are you thanking me for?” 
“I dunno, this is kind of fun. I think it's better than you making me go on a drug deal,” You tease. 
“I never admitted to making you do anything of the sort,” Romeo counters. 
“Never admitted,” You emphasize with a coy smirk. “Even if you're doing this for your own agenda, I still appreciate your creative efforts. So, thanks.”
Romeo stares at you with an indiscernible  expression for a few beats, his face alarmingly close to yours. It feels strange. Since when was he so comfortable being this close without reason? Especially when he's not visibly pissed about something.
“...Thank me by doing your job correctly,” He finally says. 
Romeo increases the distance between the two of you, placing the now closed vial of perfume back where he got it. “Now scram. I have things to do.”
It feels like you can finally breathe. What is this strange feeling?
“Yeah, sure thing…”
The guest Romeo had told you to tag along with was turning out to be a seemingly decent guy. He had dark hair and was handsome enough, but compared to the ghouls at Darkwick, he didn't particularly stand out. Based on the information Romeo wrote down for you, he is well known on social media for creating and promoting a pretty successful clothing line. His actual name was lost on you, but Romeo just told you to refer to him as Zomo. You weren't sure if it was a public nickname for him, or one given to him by the vice-captain himself. 
Everything Romeo had told you to do had seemingly worked. The influencer initially had been confused by you approaching him, until you labeled yourself as Romeo's close cousin. From there it was relatively easy to converse with him. You showed him around and you didn't have to try very hard to get him to participate at the table games. The first table the list told you to take him to was a game of roulette. And you couldn't help but notice a familiar red-headed captain seated at the gaming table. 
You knew basic casino etiquette, courtesy of Romeo. Since you didn't intend on playing, you observed from behind Zomo's chair. 
“Say… don't I know ya from somewhere, Kitty?”
You glance over at Taiga. He's leaning on the table in a languid posture, his head resting on his fist. The Sinostra Captain is smirking at you impishly. 
“Yeah. Don't you remember? It's me, John Titor,” You joke, though you intentionally keep your expression serious for the bit. 
“...That what it was?” The smile never leaves Taiga's face as he stares at you, likely trying to figure out if it's actually the truth. After a long pause, he starts laughing. “...Gyahaha! Ya don't seem like a John. Feel like ya gotta have a beard for that one!”
Romeo's guest looks between the two of you skeptically. You wonder if he knows Taiga already. If not, you could only imagine the confusion, especially considering you introduced yourself with your real name. 
“I'll just call ya Johnny for now, how ‘bout it?” Taiga holds a fist out to you, like he intends to hand you something. Curious, you reach your palm out to him. 
Without warning, Taiga slaps several orange chips directly into your hand. A familiar tingling sensation lingers on your palm at the contact. You blink, meeting Taiga's gaze dubiously.
Was it part of Romeo's plan for Taiga to use his stigma, then? Guess it only makes sense if they're trying to screw this guy.
Taiga grins at you wolfishly for a moment before pulling back and leaning onto the table again. “Get me a drink will ya? Think I'm in the mood for an Old Fashioned.”
“...Sure,” You say. Looking down at the Zomo guy, you speak up again. “Want anything?”
“Same thing, thanks,” He replies.
Hours went by of spectating as Romeo's guest fails each and every one of the games he participates in. A constant throughout the evening was Taiga making an appearance at every table that you influenced Zomo to play at. If you had any doubt that Romeo and the Sinostra Captain had collaborated in the scheme together, that was long gone. 
Throughout it all, Zomo continued requesting drinks, and you retrieved them every time he asked. He was either so trashed that he didn't realize how much money he lost, or he just didn't care. By the time you reached the finale of the last game on your list, Zomo was completely out of chips. 
“Damn… lost again, eh? That's embarrassing.” Romeo's guest lethargically scratches his head at the Baccarat table. The rest of the players had already made themselves scarce, leaving the two of you alone for the moment. Aside from the dealer who was busying himself in idle chatter with another casino employee.
“Oof, damn!” You say, doing your best to feign shock for the umpteenth time. “That sucks, buddy. Maybe next time?”
“Buddy…?” Zomo repeats, his brow creased. You hear him curse under his breath. And only seconds after that, you feel a hand grip your wrist and yank you forward. 
“Woah…!” You trip over your feet and nearly butt heads with the man seated at the table. Zomo stretches a hand out, stilling your shoulder in time with his free hand. 
“Here I thought you were gonna cozy up with me for the night. Turns out you're just a fuckin’ tease, eh?”
Oops, looks like you made the wrong dialogue choice. Creeper alert!
You attempt to yank your hand back, but the man's grip is firm. Zomo's face is just inches from yours, and his breath reeks of brown liquor. Taking a deep breath, you narrow your eyes at him. “Let me go, fuck face.”
“Don't think I'm gonna do that,” He says, his voice slurring over his words.
“Dude, seriously!” You growl, moving your other hand forward to attempt to peel the man's fingers off. 
The sound of a gun bolt sliding back and locking into place sounds from your right. 
You glance up. The Sinostra vice-captain is training a rifle less than a foot from the man's head. Your breath catches in your throat as you watch his finger linger dangerously close to the trigger. “W-Wait Romeo, don't–”
“Get the fuck out,” Romeo seethes, his words come out far more venomous than you ever thought possible. “Unless you'd like me to contact Darkwick's medical facility to relay details for your death certificate.”
“W-Woah, chill man…! I w-wasn't gonna do anything,” Zomo sputters out as he releases your wrist to hold his hands up in surrender. 
“Not only are you a thieving weasel, you're lying through your teeth,” Romeo balances the butt of the rifle against his shoulder, using his free hand to wave over a member of security. “Escort this BFL out.”
The security member quickly makes his way over to grab Zomo's shoulder and carries out Romeo's orders. The vice-captain's old acquaintance doesn't make a fuss as he's led towards the door. If he did, you may actually think he's insane. You wouldn't put it past Romeo to actually pull the trigger. The Sinostra vice-captain had shot at Ritsu before, after all. 
Romeo lowers his gun once Zomo's out of sight, and turns his head to look at you, his gaze cold. “VIP room, now.”
“Uh, sure.”
You follow Romeo back to the room you can never seem to stay out of nowadays. The vice-captain says nothing the entire walk there. It was a little unsettling not hearing him rant angrily about one thing or another. You weren't sure what to expect when you watched Romeo close the massive double doors behind the two of you. A distinct clicking noise makes you double take in his direction. 
Did he just lock the door?
A brief surveillance of the room tells you that you're the only two people inside. 
“Sit,” Romeo demands, waving in the general direction of the sofa. The vice-captain doesn't wait for you to reply before he stalks off towards the back of the room with his rifle, presumably to stow it away. 
You make your way over to the sofa, plopping down. Deciding it's been weirdly awkward for long enough, you speak up. “You're being quiet. Are you mad?”
You hear something click shut from behind you, and a few moments later Romeo walks back into view. The vice-captain makes his way over to you, taking a seat relatively close to you. He looks at you with a hard gaze.
“Would it kill you to take my word and just follow the script I gave you, moron?” Romeo finally reprimands. Though, he sounds almost nice compared to how he usually berates.
“How the hell was I supposed to know that ‘buddy’ would set that weirdo off?” You argue. “You really know some odd people.”
“...You should be grateful I was using the EITS to watch over you,” Romeo spats, his arms folded over his chest. 
“It's okay, I would have karate chopped him,” You insist, holding your arms out in a playful representation of what you imagine a proper karate pose would look like. 
“Don't make me laugh,” Romeo starts, though the agitation in his tone tells you he's not actually in a laughing kind of mood. “You couldn't even peel that pig's fingers off of you!”
You pivot your body to face him, leaning your cheek on the back of the couch. “You worried about little old me?”
“Worried…?” Romeo repeats, his intense gaze burning a hole through you. “The only one who should be worried is that weasel. So long as you are in my LOS, no one will touch you.”
You feel your cheeks burn at Romeo's words. “Uhm… line of sight?”
“Geez. Can’t tell if you sound delusional, or romantic,” You mutter, averting your gaze to a random spot on the couch. 
Romeo scoffs. “I said it exactly as I meant it. Attributing further sentiment is a waste of time.”
You laugh a bit, in spite of yourself. “Yeah, don't I know it. I'm getting ahead of myself, sorry Boss.”
“You should be. Now make up for it by canceling your extracurricular plans this week to work for me.” Romeo's lips peel into a devilish grin as he makes the absurd request. 
“That hardly seems like a fair shake,” You say with a snort. “What are you gonna do when I'm not around one day?”
Romeo's expression slips into a puzzled one. “What do you mean?”
“Well, one day I'm gonna return home if I break my curse. I doubt Darwick intends on giving me permanent residence here. I'll have to help you find someone to replace me when that happens,” You explain, flashing him a bittersweet smile. “You forget?”
Romeo frowns, eyeing you dubiously. “I don't plan on forking my assistant over so easily.”
“I didn't realize that you had any real say in it,” You tease. “Are you going to convince Hyde that I will be a valuable asset for the foreseeable future?”
“If that's what it comes to. That DOF owes me anyhow, always nagging at the most inconvenient of times!” Romeo pauses, holding your gaze. “...Don't tell me you actually have been looking forward to going back to your mundane life?”
Did you? 
Maybe in some ways. Though, Darkwick and the people in it have become your second home. Initially it wasn't a choice, but for the moment you wouldn't trade it away. Not yet. 
“...There are things I miss. People,” You admit, doing your best not to sound like a sad sack. 
“Like who?” Romeo persists, the frustrated look on his face not budging.
“Family and friends,” You reply vaguely. “I miss the normalcy sometimes. The routine, being able to put time into things that aren't important, and going out when I want with whoever.”
Romeo clicks his tongue irritably. “...What a stupid sentiment. You can basically have all that here. Why not just stay here and visit there?”
You snicker at his persistence. This might be the most interest that the Sinostra vice-captain ever showed in how you feel. Though, the bar is still low considering he's using that information to try and manipulate your actions.
“Why not just visit me if I can't stay here?” You counter. 
“I have far more important things to do.” 
You sigh, feigning a wistful expression. “Well, that's alright. I guess I'll just invite Kaito over.”
“What…?” Romeo sits forward, his fuchsia eyes glaring daggers at you. “You intend to let that blubbering fool into your home alone?!”
“Sure, why not?” You ask, your lips curling into a coy smirk.
“That leech still owes me money! If he's around you with that much freedom the hormonal fool will spend my cash impulsively,” Romeo explains.
“Oh, right…” You mumble, wearing a pensive expression. “...Then I guess Alan could visit.”
“That behemoth will cause a mess bumbling around in your dinky home,” Romeo argues.
“Hm… Towa, surely.”
“Have you lost your mind? Do you have flood insurance?!”
“Okay, Boss. Tell me– who is suitable for me to invite into my home?” You ask, stifling a laugh. 
“No one,” Romeo answers with conviction. “So stop considering it, BB.”
You sigh. “You know this ongoing territorial Boss bit is totally gonna scare away any potential love interests for me in the future.” 
“Good,” Romeo remarks impassively, narrowing his eyes at you. “Let there be no other distractions.”
“That's totally not fair. Unless you're planning on doing the charity work of being my boyfriend, I think I'll pass,” You retort, puffing your cheeks. “As a hopeless romantic, there's some things I won't sacrifice.”
“I will do it,” Romeo declares pointedly. 
Your eyes widen and you lift your head from the back cushion of the couch, gawking in disbelief. “...What?”
The vice-captain's expression is serious. Romeo's words are not to be taken lightly. 
“I said I'll do it, idiot,” Romeo insists. “But I will write up a list of guidelines you must follow consistently in regards to hygiene and skin care routines. And for outings together you will not give me any push back when I select your outfits, or how I choose to style your hair. And you must be prompt when I invite you out, no excuses.”
You gape at him in shock. “...You're serious?”
“Does it seem like I'm joking, nitwit?” Romeo snaps. 
“Okay… what about, uh…” Your cheeks turn bright red, you can just feel it. “Intimacy? Physical touch? Is that really something you'd be open to…?”
“So long as you're not filthy, I will accomodate,” Romeo answers, like it's the simplest question in the world. 
“Er… But is that something you want or just something you'd be willing to do just to keep me here?” You prod, brows tented. 
Romeo gives you a prickly stare. “Obviously, my intention is to keep you here.”
There's a couple ways you could interpret that, if you think hard enough about it. But since it wasn't the answer you were looking for, it was difficult to not take personal. You weren't particularly interested in trading intimacy with someone who just wanted you around for business purposes. Even if it seemed like it could be fun, it would inevitably be a disaster in the long run. But it was Romeo, what did you expect?
Shifting your gaze off to the side, you speak in a near whisper “...I'm sorry, that's not really something I'm interested in. I'm gonna have to pass on this one. I like you and all, but I think this is seriously gonna blow if I get attached to you romantically, ya know?”
Romeo stares at you pensively. Even as you shoot up from your seat seconds later. 
“I'm gonna head home now!” You announce, somehow managing to keep your voice steady. “You can call me whenever you need me in the morning though, since there's no classes tomorrow.”
Just as you wave Romeo off and turn heel, an arm snakes around your waist, pulling you backwards.
In the blink of an eye, you're sitting back on the couch, with your thighs overlapping Romeo's. The Sinostra vice-captain is gripping one of your wrists and his left arm is looped around your backside.
You stare up at him in surprise, and he's glaring daggers back at you. His pretty lips pressed into a thin line. 
“I cannot believe you have the audacity to reject me,” Romeo says, his jaw clenched as if he's struggling to maintain his composure. 
“Hey, reject?” You echo, your eyes wide like saucers. “T-That's not my intention.”
The vice-captain's eye twitches in vexation. “Not your intention? How else could I possibly interpret that?! Do you have any idea how lucky you should feel that the thought even crossed my mind, THD?”
“I do feel lucky,” You argue, your brow creasing. “I-I just don't think the way we feel about each other is the same.”
“If that's the case or not, what difference does it make? There is no one better suited for you, I can assure you that,” Romeo asserts. 
Heat rises to your cheeks at the bold statement. You open your mouth, but find yourself grappling with your brain and heart to the point where nothing slips out. 
“Is there someone else? Is that what this is about? One of the fools you rattled off earlier? Do tell me their name,” Romeo rants. Despite the vice-captain's voice not being as elevated as it usually is, his expression isn't any less venomous. “If you try to weasel your way out of it, I will find out eventually.”
“No…!” You nearly shout in disbelief. “C'mon, you're being completely unreasonable! How would there be? I'm with you during most of my free time!”
Romeo lifts a skeptical eyebrow. “On four separate occasions this week, you were spending time with other ghouls. And I've seen the way those Frostheim fools look at you!”
You let out an exasperated sigh. “Seriously, Romeo it's not like that…!”
“Don't! Don't call me that…!” The vice-captain tears his gaze from yours, his eyes settling somewhere on your lap. “...Take some responsibility, BB! You're the one that started this shit with that idiotic kiss nonsense!”
“That's what this is about…?” You ask, your jaw slack as you stare at Romeo's conflicted expression.
As far as you could tell, the Sinostra vice-captain had been completely flippant about the interaction. Was that really the catalyst for his possessive behavior? Your attempt to mess with him?
“It infuriates me,” Romeo starts, his posture tense. “You had remnants of sweat on your face, and you looked as if you just rolled out of bed, putting no thought into your appearance whatsoever. Other than that moisturizer, there was no fragrance lingering on you.”
You give Romeo a tired look, wondering where he could possibly be going with this. 
“...It infuriates me that I didn't hate it,” Romeo admits, his grip on your wrist tightening marginally as the confession leaves his mouth.
“...You mean you like the way my natural skin smells?” You ask, eyeing the vice-captain curiously. 
“Must I repeat myself in another language, fool?” Romeo snaps, his steely eyes darting up at you. 
It wasn't that unusual to like the smell of someone's natural oils. But you suppose for someone as finicky about scents and hygiene as Romeo could be, it was probably pretty important to him. 
A giggle slips past your lips involuntarily.
“And what about this is so funny…?!” Romeo snaps. 
You smile at him, finding the beautiful ghoul in front of you particularly endearing right now. “That's just the best compliment I think I may ever receive from you. And it's super common. Science might say that it means you're attracted to my pheromones. You're so cute.”
“Cute?” Romeo repeats, looking at you like you've lost your mind. “I have been reduced to falling prey to primitive behavior that does nothing to serve me! There's nothing ‘cute’ about this, FFS!”
So, Romeo likes your smell so much that it's been making him act like a possessive basket case all week? That explanation didn't entirely track.
“Do you like me, Boss?” You ask, sporting a lopsided smile. 
“Like? Who fucking knows,” Romeo grumbles, leaning back into the couch as his grip falls from your wrist. 
“Well…” You look down at your legs that were still on top of his. “I gotta say, I don't think I would have ever thought you'd let me be on you like this. You want me to move?”
Romeo doesn't give you a verbal reply, but the arm around your waist stiffens. 
“No, then?” You prod.
“You're not leaving. Not like that. Not now,” Romeo decides. The vice-captain looks at you like he's daring you to go against his orders.
“I won't go if you don't want me to,” You reassure.
Romeo must believe you because his arm relaxes slightly. 
“...Hey,” You start. “If you're not sure how you feel, can I try something? Maybe it will help you determine your feelings. And then we can discuss the whole dating thing again.”
“...Try what?” Romeo asks, raising an eyebrow. 
You take a deep breath, steeling yourself for a potential adverse reaction. “Okay, here me out. And feel free to throw me off for my brazen stupidity if you're against it…”
“Spit it out, idiot.” 
“Okay, okay. Can I kiss you…?” You blurt out, wincing preemptively.
Romeo stares at you with an unreadable gaze, and your stomach flips with anticipation.
“Oh, for real?” 
“Do it before I change my mind, BB,” Romeo demands. 
“Oh, yes. Of course. So, uh… like before?” You meant the cheek kiss. Hopefully the vice-captain would catch on to save you the embarrassment of explaining.
Romeo clicks his tongue. “Do I have to hold your hand through everything? Just do it.”
Okay, cheek kiss to be safe. That shouldn't be too intimidating. You've kissed your friends and family members cheeks, nothing but a cinch!
You sit up and inch your face closer towards Romeo's. It doesn't help your nerves that he's staring at you expectantly. Has this guy ever been on the receiving end of a kiss before? Couldn't he at least close his staggeringly pretty eyes so your heart would stop pounding against your chest like a jackhammer?
Knowing how bothered Romeo would be if you chickened out now helps you regain your composure. You shut your eyes and close the distance, pressing your lips against his devastatingly plush cheek. After an appropriate length of time, you pull back and assess the damage. 
Romeo shoots you an unimpressed look. “What? That's it?”
You twiddle your thumbs nervously, an awkward laugh spilling from your mouth. “Uh… what, you want me to do it again?”
“Yes! Would you like me to write it in crayon?” Romeo snaps, the faintest hint of pink dusting his cheeks. 
“Okay, okay!” You impulsively reach for Romeo's gloved hand, intertwining your fingers with his. 
The vice-captain shows no sign of protest at the gesture, so you proceed with the second kiss, this time landing your lips closer to his temple. 
By the time you pull back, Romeo looks nothing short of impatient. “Are you so caught up in the role you played earlier that you forgot we aren't actually related? Is this supposed to entice me?”
You puff your cheeks, your face burning from his criticism. “You're such a turd! You really want me to kiss you for real?”
That's the only conclusion you could draw from the vice-captain's words. If your lips were even slightly chapped, or breath even a little off there would surely be hell to pay. You don't recall eating anything sinister. 
You don't have time to make any further advances, nor does he grant you the courtesy of a verbal reply. The arm around your waist effortlessly draws you closer, to where you're sitting fully on the vice-captain's lap. Romeo pulls his hand from your grip, drawing it towards your shoulder. 
You nearly gasp when you feel the wandering hand ghost over the expanse of your collar bone. “What are you–” 
“Quiet,” Romeo interjects softly. His fuchsia eyes rake over you in admiration as his fingertips travel upwards towards your neck. You feel his thumb gently brush against the length of your throat, eventually tickling your jawline. 
“Exactly as I pictured it,” Romeo murmurs vaguely. “...Don't wear this around anyone else.”
“...W-Well, to be fair I was already seen in this by countless people,” You argue, struggling to hold his gaze. If someone would have told you just hours before that the Sinostra vice-captain would be leering so suggestively at you right now, you'd surely laugh in their face. 
Just what did you do to catch the attention of the most self-assured and vain man you'd ever met in your life?
“A severe lapse in judgment on my part. Don't anticipate it happening again,” Romeo retorts bitterly. 
Without warning, the Sinostra vice-captain cups his hand against your neck and pulls you forward. Your eyes flutter shut unconsciously and the warmth of his lips reach yours. 
In spite of the intense nervousness you felt just moments prior, the kiss has you melting on impact. Maybe it's the way his touch is so characteristically deliberate, yet delicate at the same time. You knew his lips were soft, it's obvious at just a glance. But it was clear to you now that having them pressed against your own is far more satisfying than you could have ever imagined. 
You wrap your arms around Romeo's neck in your mindless search for a closer touch. A passing insecure thought that you're doing too much materializes, but is quickly quelled when you feel his lips part and reconnect with yours again. You feel a hand grip the side of your hip, his digits going in for a tight squeeze. Involuntarily, you whimper against Romeo's mouth.
The Sinostra vice-captain pulls back from the kiss, his face beautifully flushed. His right thumb strokes the contour of your jaw languidly as he surveys you with half-lidded eyes. “I've made up my mind.”
You feel completely malleable under his deceptively soft gaze. Drawing your arms back ever so slightly, you press him further. “...And?”
Romeo regards you voraciously, his lips curling into a smirk. “You're mine, (Y/N). It would be in your best interest to remember that.”
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cherriegyuu · 1 year
Willow | 02
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pairing: seungcheol x fem!reader genre: angst, marriage of convenience word count: 5.2k summary: seungcheol always knew that he was going to marry you, but things only get harder once he does (or in which seungcheol is just really dumb and doesn't know how to show his feelings)
part one | part two | part three (final) | drabble
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Seungcheol functioned like clockwork. 
Every day he woke up at the exact same time, his alarm was obnoxiously loud — especially considering how much of a light sleeper he was —, showered, cocked the same breakfast, and left the apartment precisely at 7:45.
You don’t remember him being that punctual but your best guess was that grown-up Seungcheol took his life and responsibilities much more seriously than teenage him. And he probably had a lot on his plate too. He was set to take over the firm once his dad retired, something that wouldn’t happen any time soon, but it always felt like something he was being prepared for it. 
And being honest, you couldn’t say that you knew this version of Seungcheol, not really. He was hot and cold with you, mostly cold, so it was hard to know where you stood in your relationship with him. 
Truth was, that had a lot to do with you as well. You weren’t trying to make things easier for the two of you, if anything it felt like you were trying your best to make it as hard as possible — even if that wasn’t your intention at all. 
While your husband was always perfectly on time, you were always running around late for every single appointment you could ever make. People from work already knew that if there was a student scheduled for 10:00h, you’d probably get there a little later. It really wasn’t on purpose, you tried your best to be on time, even tried to follow along with Seungcheol’s agenda. But it never worked out. So instead of being on time and having everything ready, all it did was make you nervous and even more late.
You also didn’t follow a schedule for your day. Every day, on your way home, you made a little detour, never failing in finding a new place to go or a different restaurant to try. 
At the end of the day, you and Seungcheol lived separate lives, barely talking to each other, or even acknowledging each other. Most of it was just niceties because both of you felt the need to do so. It would have felt even more awkward to walk past each other in the hallway and don’t even say good morning. Anyone who looked at the two of you would think that you were just roommates, not actually married. Hell, not even friends. 
If anything, the house arrangement contract you wrote made things even worse — if that was even possible.   
After signing it, with a look of complete disbelief on his face, Seungcheol went to his room. His words “my own wife is telling me that she wants to date other men while saying that I should date other women” still rang in your head. You didn’t mean for it to sound like that, you didn’t want to push him to do anything at all. Your only thought was that since the marriage was fake, there was no love between you, there was no reason for you to be stuck to each other and live completely without happiness. 
There wasn’t anything either of you could do in that regard, there was no way of canceling or ending the marriage, so all you wanted to do was give him a way to find something that could bring him a little bit of joy. If said joy came in the shape of another woman, then so be it.
After that, you never talked again. And he barely showed any emotion at all around you, no reaction. He didn’t complain or seemed fazed when you almost let the dirty water you used to clean your brushes fall on his desk and ruin, well, everything. He still followed the rules you created, almost religiously. Whenever he cooked, he made enough for you, if he was the one doing laundry he was careful not to damage any of your clothes. 
Living like that felt oddly lonely. 
You were used to being by yourself, having your own space. The last time you shared an apartment with someone, or more specifically, a room, was when you were still in college with Yeda. But the thought of living with someone else but never actually seeing them… 
You thought that once you were married you would have someone to share your life with, even if that someone turned out to be Seungcheol. Naively, you figured that all of those years of your childhood spent together — even if those were also forced on both of you —, would play a part in making sure that cohabitation was a possibility. 
We could still try to be friends, was what you told yourself.
Because your husband wasn't all that bad, to begin with. You might not see eye to eye on many things but you knew that he was a good person. You had hoped that, maybe, living in the same place, seeing each other every day, would change something about your relationship with him. And in a way, it did. It just wasn't what you expected. Instead of growing closer, you couldn’t be further apart. 
You glanced at your phone again, the bright numbers seemed to be mocking you. 
It was past 3 am and there was still no sign of Seungcheol. When 9 pm rolled around you assumed he had stayed at the office a little bit longer, finishing up whatever it was. Then 9 became midnight and staying in bed wasn’t something you could stand anymore so you moved to the living room, a book and a blanket in hand. But reading too was hard, the words were all floating around in your mind and none of it actually made any sense. Your mind was too focused on the fact that Seungcheol wasn't home yet to focus on the story.
Another hour went by and there was still no sign of him. The world outside the apartment was quiet and no car could be heard on the street.
The truth was that you were worried about him. There were little bells inside your mind telling you that something must have happened to him because that just wasn’t Seungcheol. It wasn’t him when he was young and it also wasn’t him as an adult. He wasn’t the kind of person who would disappear without telling anyone, so you were sure that there was someone who knew where he was. 
The most obvious choice would be to call him and it would have been a great plan if you had his number at all. 
The realization that you knew nothing at all about your husband made a sickening feeling slowly spread through your body.
It was so stupid to not have his number and it made absolutely no sense because he was your husband. Even if you were a fake wife, shouldn’t you at least be able to communicate with him if needed? Sometimes people have emergencies that couldn’t wait for their significant other to get home — or in your case never get home at all.
Option number two was to go through the things in his office. He should have at least a business card or something, anything at all, with a phone number. You thought about calling your parents or even his parents. How would you explain that even though you kept telling them that everything was fine, that things were finally falling into place, you didn’t have your husband's number? And never mind knowing someone who worked with him. Seokmin, what that his name? Seokmin probably knew where Seungcheol was but then again, there was no way to reach him either. 
You stood up to cross the room, your blanket and book both forgotten on the couch when you heard the sound of keys being put in the lock and a second later the door was pushed open. 
Seungcheol stood precariously on his legs, an arm over Seokmin’s shoulders, while the younger one tried his best to stop his friend from falling face-first on the floor. 
“Cheol” you breathed in relief and rushed towards him, your hands reached for his cheeks, forcing him to look at you “Cheol…”
He opened his eyes for a second and a drunken smile, or at least an attempt at a smile.
“Ah, wife! Precisely who I wanted to see” his words were slurred, almost in sync with his body as it swayed from side to side. 
Seungcheol stepped away from Seokmin and dropped all of his weight onto you. Your arms immediately circled his waist as you bent your knees a little, trying to hold him up.
"Sorry," Seokmin said as he tried to pull Seungcheol from you "I've never seen him get this drunk before, I didn't think it possible"
Neither did you, but then again there was a lot about Seungcheol that you didn't know. 
"It's fine" you moved your feet back until you felt the couch behind your knees and with Seokmin's help you were able to get Seungcheol to sit "Thank you for bringing him home"
Seokmin smiled at you, tightly. He wanted to say more but he knew that if he did he would be butting in your relationship with Seungcheol and his friend would probably give him hell for it. Drunk Seungcheol was a problem — in the form of a cute lovesick oversized puppy, as he has recently discovered —, but sober Seungcheol would bite his head off without as much as a warning.
"I should have brought him home earlier, before he drank himself stupid"
You shook your head and pushed the hair out of Seungcheol’s forehead. You couldn't even bring yourself to be mad at him, not really. Before he got home you felt this pain in your stomach, telling you that there was something incredibly wrong, that he was in some kind of trouble. But the only real trouble was the fact he had, as Seokmin said, drank himself stupid.
"Honestly, it's okay. I'm just glad he's home safe. Again, thank you for that"
 "I wish I could say it was no trouble" he laughed lightly "Do you need help with anything?"
You shook your head.
"I got it from here"
Seokmin opened the door and let himself out. He stopped for a second as if remembering something and reached for the inside pocket of his jacket, pulling out a business card. He didn't say anything as put it by your keyes.
You realized then that he knew. Seokmin knew about your relationship with Seungcheol, or lack of it. He just smiled and closed the door. You stayed frozen in place, looking at the door, as if somehow it would grant you answers.
Though you had told Yeda the true nature of your marriage, you never expected Seungcheol to do the same and to Seokmin, of all people. Not that you really knew him but just based on his interaction with Seungcheol on your wedding day, Seokmin was the last person you would expect to know the truth.
"y/n," Seungcheol said and you turned to him, "I think I want to throw up"
His warning was almost too late, there was no time to get him to the bathroom or for you to get him a bucket, but just enough for him to grab on the flower vase in front of the couch. You turned away from him, knowing that the smell of vomit wouldn't bother you, but seeing him throw up actually would. 
"I'm really sorry"
It had been so long since you last heard him talk like that, almost childlike. The Seungcheol you knew liked to pose as this big, bad guy, but in reality, he was more of a softy that got things done. He could pout for days if he wanted.
Not only did he sound childlike, but he also looked like a child that messed up. His eyes were almost helpless as he looked at the floor, then his shoes, and finally his suit jacket. 
"Don't worry about it" You reached a hand for him. His eyes focused on your hand, almost mesmerized, before his long fingers wrapped around yours "Let's get you cleaned up and ready for bed"
You helped him off his jacket and held both of his hands as he allowed you to pull him up from the couch. He pushed his shoes off once you reached the hall leading up to his room. This time, instead of putting all of his weight on you, Seungcheol used the wall to steady himself, still his arm was around your shoulder and he leaned a little towards you. 
You wanted to ask him what happened, what made him want to drink so much. More than anything you wanted to know why he didn't warn you in advance.
Over the four months that you lived together, though there was no real interaction between the two of you, Seungcheol always found ways to talk to you. At first, there was a yellow post-it stuck to your door. They were simple notes. I made breakfast, or dinner with your parents tonight, I'll pick you up at 7. And sometimes they were more caring, those, you came to realize, were always blue. Do you still hate spinach? just in case, i didn't add any or let me know if there's anything you want to eat and even i canceled dinner tonight with my mom, you looked tired last night, you should rest this weekend. 
He always made sure to tell you if he was going to be late, always. So not knowing where he was… you hated it.
Seungcheol didn't complain when you pushed him down on the mattress and undid his tie, later moving on to his shirt and then using it to clean his mouth
You didn't realize but Seungcheol's eyes were on you the entire time. Despite the alcohol, his mind was hyper-aware of your finger touching his skin, on the way you kept biting your lips as if doing your best to hold back from cussing him out.
"Can you shower on your own?" Seuncheol made a noise that you could only translate as a no "Do you want to brush your teeth?"
You probably already knew the answer to that too but still had to ask. His eyes were almost closed and he stayed sitting by some sort of miracle. 
"I don't think I should stand up again" You nodded at him and turned around, you could at least get him to use some mouthwash before he fell asleep and maybe get him to drink a glass of water, but he held your hand and lightly pulled you back — not in a forcible way, just to get your attention "I don't like it when you make that face"
His voice was so quiet, barely above a whisper.
"It's the same face you did on our wedding day, when you walked down the aisle. You looked so pretty but sad, and angry too. Why were you so angry?"
You looked at his eyes for a second before looking away. They were all too demanding, wanting more than you were willing to give him. Your wedding day, believe it or not, wasn't a day you thought about too often and when you did think about it felt like years had gone by. The night you decided to suggest the contract was the one you thought of more often, with much more sadness. 
"I wasn't angry" 
Your voice was quiet as pulled the duvet for him to get under. In silence, Seungcheol removed his pants and laid down. He let go of your hand for only a second before holding it again.
"I was scared and worried, like today. You were gone for a really long time and I didn't know where you were. I couldn't even call you"
Having those thoughts around your mind was so different from actually saying them out loud, saying them to Seungcheol. If the night taught you one thing was that you didn't know anything at all about your husband. Everything you thought you knew was wrong. But if you could make a guess, judging by the way his eyes seemed to be a little more focused and his words a little less slurred, it was probably okay to say that he was sobering up. Maybe throwing up was all he needed.
"Our marriage is just so weird. My wife told me to sleep with other people" he laughed and pulled his hand away, closing his eyes "It's almost like we're friends with benefits but without the friendship part nor the benefits. We're just a piece of paper. If you think about it, we're nothing really"
Tomorrow, you suddenly promised yourself, tomorrow will be different and we will start this all over again.
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The second he said yes to drinking with Seokmin, Seungcheol knew that he would regret it. The first time he went to a bar with the younger one, Seuncheol told him all about his fake marriage. So, of course, the second time couldn't be much different. He regretted it for more reasons than he cared to admit. 
The entire night he behaved like a pubescent thirteen year old complaining about the fact that his crush didn't like him back. He was stupid enough to tell Seokmin all about the contract you came up with, to which his friend laughed hysterically. Because you must be the shitties husband in the history of the world if your wife has already given up on you like this.
And if that was what you thought of him, if you saw him as the worst husband in the history of the world, could he blame you? On your wedding way, that is known to be a day that everyone remembers, he was a complete idiot to you. No excuse he could ever come up with would be good enough. Because, truth be told, his behavior then had been inexcusable. In your shoes, he would have probably done much worse. You had shown him mercy. 
And kept showing him mercy, even after months of him being silent and barely being in the apartment. He used work as an excuse often to get him out of situations in his daily life. He never thought that he would use it as a way to stay clear of you. 
Because Seungcheol did work a lot but he also knew how to take time off. His job was important and his clients too were important, but he learned that he should have time to himself. and now that he was married, he needed to have time for you too. Even if it was just to stay home with you. He should have done that but instead, he found ways to be at the office until later than he usually did, took clients that he normally wouldn’t, and did the most stupid thing of all: went to a bar with Seokmin.
And the worse part of it all was that he remembered every single thing that he did the night before. He wished he was one of those people who get drunk and just forget about all the embarrassing things they did. But he wasn’t. 
Seungcheol remembered being carried home by Seokmin, who again was having too much fun laughing at him, he remembers throwing up, the way you held on to him. But more than anything he remembers the way you said his name, Cheol, ever so quietly, when he walked in, the way your eyes searched his face as if looking for anything that could be wrong with him — other than being drunk.
He hated that he talked about being friends with you while he was drunk. Hated that you didn’t get to hear him while he was sober because he had prepared a whole speech for you, almost as if he was going to court and needed to plead his case.
He had plans to talk to you and maybe that was why he went out with Seokmin, to get his friend to push in the direction he wanted to go. Because truth be told, Seungcheol was scared. 
For over ten years of his life, he knew that he would marry you. So had time to think about it, and ponder on every possibility that could happen. Because he had been in love with you for longer than that, but not once he was allowed to act on his feelings. At first, it was because of your brother, then because of himself, and then finally when you closed a door on his face — metaphorically speaking. 
And when he finally had a chance to do so, he fucked up. There was no other way to say it. The two of you were already married, so what was the worst thing that could happen? For you to reject him? That was already happening. 
He hated that he lost the chance to charm you from the get-go. And then again for months. He couldn’t miss the chance yet again.
Seungcheol pushed himself up on his elbows, tentatively opening his eyes. He expected the room to be filled with light but he was surprised to see that the only source of it came from the half opened door. He never closed his blinds before going to bed, he never felt the need to as he usually got up as soon as the sun was up, and he certainly hadn’t closed them the night before going to bed. 
However, no amount of darkness could make him look past you, sleeping in a weird position in the armchair in front of his bed.
Seungcheol, who was usually a light sleeper, had no idea that you came into his room a couple of times during the night until you finally convinced yourself that it was okay for you to sleep in there because you were too afraid that we would throw up during the night; he had no idea that you got up in the middle of the night to pull the duvet over his body.
He knew nothing about those things, yet he felt overwhelmed at the sight of you.
For a second he wanted nothing more than to stay sitting there and just watch you. As creepy as it might be, it was the first time he felt like the two of you were more than just two people who shared the same apartment. 
He could only hope that the night before had changed something for you too, because now there was no way he would just let things go back to how they were. 
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You were worried about Seuncheol. Had been the entire day. You woke up to the sound of the shower running and the sight of his empty bed in front of you. You left as soon as you woke up, deciding that he was probably way too hungover to want to talk to you then. 
So instead of staying at home, wondering when it would be a good time talk to talk to him, you went out. There was nothing for you to do, no place to go and Yeda already had plans with her boyfriend so she couldn’t meet you. 
You indulged yourself, going to the mall and getting a few new brushes and paint — not that you needed anything, but a mind filled with weird thoughts and a credit card with more limit than necessary could be the ruin of someone. But going there was somewhat of a bad idea, considering how many couples there were around. 
All of them looked in love, happy to be around each other. You couldn’t help but wonder if it could be the same for you and Seungcheol. If you had talked to him in the months leading up to the wedding, would things be different now? If he hadn’t been a complete idiot on your wedding day, would things be different?
There were many answers to those questions, but none of them would matter. There was no way to go back to the past, to redo things. So all you had was the present, as it was, and a chance to change everything. 
On your wedding day, your dad told you that he didn’t love your mother when they got married. He said that the love he felt for her was built over the years they stayed together. And you wanted to try that. 
Because you never really believe in love at first sight, the idea of it was just too irrational for you. You believed that curiosity, attraction, lust, and enchantment could all be feelings that are awoken in someone at first sight. But love? That was a complicated feeling, that no three seconds look ever give you. 
Because you wanted a love that was constantly warm. Too hot or too cold would burn you all the same. You didn’t want a relationship that was all over the place, with too many ups and downs. 
And maybe, Seungcheol could that someone for you. 
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You had been standing in front of Seungcheol’s room for the past five minutes, building up the courage no knock on his door, had already raised your hand twice but was yet to finally do it. Seungcheol’s drunker words mirrored your thoughts, so you had to talk to him.
You took a deep breath before you forced your fingers to tap lightly against his door. You didn’t wait for his answer and stuck your head inside. 
He was sitting on his bed, a book open over his chest while he scrolled through his phone. That was a scene you had seen many times while you were a teenager. It was easy to remember an 18-year-old Seungcheol lying on the couch, in that exact position. 
“Seungcheol?” he looked at you surprised, he hadn’t heard you knock on his door “Come out, let’s have dinner”.
Without a word, Seungcheol followed you to the kitchen. His surprised eyes were focused on the food on the table. He clearly remembered you telling him that you didn’t cook, your mom said the same thing too.
“You cooked?” he sounded a little nervous, as if unsure that he should be asking.
He looked cute, you decided then. There was this childish look in his eyes, half in wonder, half in expectancy. 
Seungcheol was waiting for something to go wrong again. The last time you had gotten him dinner was the night everything went to shit. What if this time you told him that you wanted a divorce because of the shit he pulled the night before? He was honestly ready to beg you not to do that. 
“No, I got it on the way home” you waved a hand and he laughed and you felt your cheeks get warm “Are you feeling better? I left before we could talk”
He smiled and nodded at you, looking at the food in front of him. There was nothing special about it, it was something that he could have cooked, but still, his heart did a little flip inside his chest. 
“I’m sorry about last night. I swear I don’t drink like that all the time. Or at all” his own cheeks got hot “I’m sorry you had to clean up after me”
“It’s fine, really. Yeda was my roommate in college and I wish she would throw up in a vase. I think I cleaned that dorm more than anyone else that used it before or after us”
Yeda was a good friend, but she took the idea of being the life of the party a little too far sometimes. That alone was the reason you found yourself going back to your parents' house almost every weekend. You had convinced yourself that the two-hour drive was worth it, if it meant that you didn’t have to clean vomit again. 
The two of you eat in silence as you tried to find a good way to start a conversation with him. Why was it so hard? You had no trouble talking with him when you were teenagers. Sure, there was a lot of bickering but that was still better than nothing at all. 
“Is everything okay with you? You’re not eating” he said quietly. the food in front of him was almost gone while yours had barely been touched “You don’t like the food?”
You shook your head and set down your fork. 
“I’m a little nervous, so it’s hard to eat” he didn’t need to ask to know what you were nervous about “Can we talk, please?”
In silence, the two of you put the dishes away and the food leftovers on the fridge. There was no way either of you would keep eating so it was better not to waste any time.
Seungcheol’s mind was running a thousand miles an hour. He was certain, 100%, that would you ask for a divorce. He knew that you couldn’t do it. The rational part of his brain told him that it wasn’t an option at all. But the irrational side? It didn’t care. All the worse possible scenarios were playing in his mind. 
The first one, as he expected, would be for you to ask for a divorce; the second one would be you telling him that there was someone in your life, someone you were in love with. 
That thought alone was enough to make his heart ache. You being in love with someone else was too much for him. 
“Oh my god! Will you stop looking at me like that? I'm not going to bite your head off! I want to talk with my husband. Millions of people do that every day. I'm sure millions of people are probably doing that right now”
He smiled then. That was exactly how remembered you, that was the you he wanted to see the most on your wedding day, when he talked shit and you talked right back at him. Because there was no way that he would get to have the last word in a conversation like that. 
And it was also the first time you addressed him as your husband, at least in front of him. The first time you said it out loud. 
But in that moment you confused his feelings for fear when all that he felt was some sort of joy. How borderline pathetic was it that he felt happy over the simple fact that his wife acknowledged his existence?
“The things you said last night… I agree with them. Our marriage won't last very long, we won't last very long, if we continue this way. We will be broken beyond repair if we don't do something right now. So we have to change, we have to, at the very least, be friends but we will never get there if we keep going this way”
That wasn't exactly what you wanted to say but you hoped that Seungcheol would understand, wished that he would read into your sloppy and messy words. He was a lawyer, after all, it was what he did for a living. Right?
“Let's go out once a week then, sort of like a date? But not really” you shook your hand and covered your face, you felt like a teenager asking the guy you had a crush on a date “Just so we can get used to each other again, be friends and all that”
Seungcheol pressed his lips, trying his best to suppress the smiles that threatened to take over his entire face. With a short nod and shake of hands, you and Seungcheol settled down on another agreement.
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taglist: @belladaises @minghaossv @lol6sposts @weebotakuboy @alifethatsonlyonthepage @donquixotesvt @dearlosver @dearxia @yogurttea @royal9 @desibrownie @feat-sun @itsveronicaxxx @soonyoonswoo @matchahyuck
requests are open
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hyunnie04 · 8 months
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“i smell something burning.” you sniff, poking your head through the bright room. seungmin and felix had just finished their daengnyang school live, texting you to quickly come over. you were already on your way to them anyways, but suspicion immediately came into mind once you saw the message.
you had no idea what they were up to, but whatever it was, it wasn't good. all you heard was that they were preparing something food related.
felix is amazing when it came to baking and cooking but when seungmin is involved, it all somehow goes down hill. what did the kitty cat and puppy do now?
you do a once over at the room, slightly amused of the damage they've caused in such a short amount of time. the condiments and other baking materials were scattered all throughout the table, the pan they've used also had burnt batter residue sticking to it, probably the sole cause of the slight fog that engulfed the room.
“y/n, try it! i made this for you.” seungmin practically beams, shooting from up his seat and holding a plate out. it was a normal enough looking bungeo-ppang, but he has a grin that says evil written all over it.
you glance over at yongbok, the blonde's face morphs into an immediate 'no don’t do it' face while shaking his head vehemently. now you're curious. "what's in this?"
"you have to guess!"
“is this gonna kill me?” 
“no, i promise.” he laughs, holding it to your mouth.
“if i die i'll kill you.” you decide to humor him, taking a very, very small bite out of it. it was spicy and a bit tangy, but the subtle sweetness of the batter contrasted with it in a strange yet palatable way.
“oh, it’s actually pretty good.” you say, grabbing seungmin's wrist to take another bite. felix just watches you with pure disappointment in his eyes.
“see!” the puppy says quite proudly, tail practically wagging.
“what’s in it?”
“sriracha and wasabi.”
“you are trying to kill me!”
"but you liked it!"
"you should try this one y/n." felix says, lifting up his own plate with his creation. you didn't need to think twice since yongbok made it, it's bound to be better than seungmin's. it was different, you thought, tasting cheese and some sort of sauce in the filling.
you went back to taste the sriacha wasabi bungeo-ppang and comparing it to the vaguely pizza flavored one. oddly enough, you found yourself still liking seungmin's better, the expression is clear in your face.
"what?!" seungmin laughs at felix's reaction, patting his back. "you're weird," the blonde snickered, shaking his head.
"we should give this to chan-hyung." the black haired puppy snaps his fingers. your eyes widen, just because you liked it, it doesn't mean chan is gonna think the same way. that man has an abysmal spice tolerance.
"you're planning on giving this to chan? are you trying to kill him?"
before he can reason out why he wants to give this to poor chan, you take the plate out of his hands. "…give it here."
a/n: yeah i know it wasn't that bad so i had to take artistic liberties HAHA but i would eat the sriracha one ok just to spare channie LOL
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demigoddessqueens · 1 month
shibari siblings
[summary: Both Targaryen brothers appreciate what you can do for them.
Tags - smut,q18+,nsfw,shibari elements,sex work
[a/n - a part one chapter to a two-part series)
[a/n2 - tagging moot @misswynters a fellow writer whose works I love to read!! Srsly go read her stuff)
here and on my ao3
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You were perched on the bed as the pink strips of cloth wrapped around your body. From the other side of the divider, you could hear him shuffling off the rest of his under clothes.
It was common knowledge in your certain brothel that the Prince Regent always sought out his comforts here, but recently he had turned his favors towards you more. He always explored his options whenever there was a gnawing at the raging doubts and insecurities in his mind.
Hands and arms were tied behind your back with pink silk ties. You were on your knees as the ties wrapped around your calves and mid-section of your thighs. The rest had circled around your neck, to accenting your endowed chest before wrapping back again behind you. Your heart was pounding loudly in your ears as there was no chance to escape.
He was a violent man in the sky on dragon back. Everyone knew it, you knew it but you weren’t afraid of him in this moment. Prince Regent Aemond was actually shy and gentle with you right now.
Staring straight back at him, you saw his long eyelashes flutter in anticipation the more he took you into his embrace. The lean frame sculpted from training in the yard completely towered and engulfed you in his arms as he brought you close to him. He placed gentle kisses along your face and neck as one hand was cupped behind your head.
It was….oddly sweet of him.
You had heard of the famed sapphire that decorated his eye but it was an experience to witness in person. It glimmered with lust when you pulled back to see his face. There was a stern coldness to his demeanor but it looked as if the young man was at war internally. To let a lingering bitterness consume him or give in to a comfort you gave him, a vulnerability that was rarely afforded in his brutal life.
“Are you comfortable, my lady?”
You held your breath for a while before answering with a nod and quiet “yes”. Was there a right answer to give such a powerful man or were you more eager than you let on?
As soon as he slipped his cock between your folds, you shuddered at the overwhelming feeling. You were wet as is from the anticipation and the complement feeling of his girth filling you completely made you want more of him. To fill you completely to the hilt as much as he wanted.
“Do I hurt you?”
You shook your head quickly to reassure him.
“No, no…it just feels good. Keep going, my Lord.”
Aemond knew part your work in this brothel was to ease customers, and part of him wanted to believe you being genuine rather than the hefty coin he had given you. Continuing on, he held your bound body closer to his. Your soft breasts were pushed against his chest as he thrusted his hips up into you, guiding himself in and out as he wrapped his arms tighter around you sitting in his lap. As his arms wrapped around to your bound hands, you felt his completely engulf yours. A small gesture on your part that you thought would reassure him.
Every time he pulled back to see your reaction, he felt compelled to kiss your parted lips as your head was thrown back in ecstasy. It was just so warm and inviting which were two foreign concepts to him. Still, Aemond relished the taste of you and the perfect way your lips molded into his.
There was no rush in this room with you two. The lit candles and low moans from you both was just enough to curtail intimacy in such a seedy establishment. Thrusting, gliding in and out of you was more than a heaven Aemond felt deserving of. Your inner walls clenched and your cunt was wet the more he brushed up against you. You matched his thrusts with your own hips but being deprived of other senses made your body tense with the foreboding pleasure.
Aemond felt you twitch and knew you were not long to last, but he wanted to see how you would come undone. He wanted to see that he was capable of just more than the war and destruction he waged. Burying his head into the crook of your neck, you heard a low grunting command.
“Come for me.”
It felt like a command on cue as your body released wave after wave of pleasure. Your body tensed and relaxed in rapturous bliss as you rode out the last of your high. All the while, Aemond kept his arms around you to keep you steady as you both lowered down onto the bed.
That was a lie though. He loved how you felt in his arms, your small form against his body. The Prince Regent looks down at your spent form and feels a twinge in his chest. He is utterly infatuated and smitten with you. Resting his head against your chest, the beating rhythm of your heart soothes his mind before kissing between your bosom.
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zomboys-blog · 8 months
i only want you to want me.
summary: clarisse refuses to accept the fact that she likes you until her siblings push her to admit it by setting you up on a date with the one and only percy jackson.
pairings: clarisse la rue x fem aphrodite!reader
spoiler: fluff, semi slow burn?, super cute
it was around 5pm, clarisse sat at the dining hall scraping away after a massive food fight started by luke, it was punishment for the stunt she had pulled at the capture the flag game today, clarisse thought that getting her spear broken was punishment enough but chiron thought differently.
“need any help?” a voice spoke from behind clarisse, scaring her due to the fact clarisse had no clue there was someone behind her, she quickly turned around only to find possibly the most beautiful women she’s ever seen, clarisse felt a weird sensation in her chest.
“who are you?” clarisse spoke softly for once in her life, almost scared that nothing would come out. Oddly enough she felt weird around this mysterious person almost as if she were in a trance.
“im Y/N, from the aphrodite cabin. You must be clarisse? chiron told me, well forced me actually to come out here and help you.” Y/N? a beautiful name was the only thought going through clarisses mind, the next words that came out of clarisses mouth were hoarse, her mouth felt dry but her hands felt sweaty, she knew what this was, ‘charms speak’ the ability only gained if you were a child of aphrodite.
“what’d you do?” clarisse refused to let this power take hold of her and took slow and calm breaths to ease her racing heart.
“to put it simply some kid ran into me back there and i did kind of use my charms speak to get him to steal from chiron..” this surprised clarisse as you had seemed so innocent but she out of all people knew how looks could deceive.
“well are you just going to stand there or pick up a mop and a bucket?” clarisse spoke harshly as she continued to scrub the food on the walls
“hey is that clari i see?!” Y/N spoke whole heartedly as she ran up to give clarisse a hug, which she quickly put a stop to.
“first don’t call me that and secondly lower your voice.” clarisse had barked out, you knew clarisse had meant her words with the way she chewed the inside of her cheek, since that day, months ago spent cleaning the mess hall, you and clarisse had spent a lot of time together which lead to a lot of things, one a new found hatred for percy jackson and two a new found crush for the one and only clarisse la rue.
“why, what are we doing?” Y/N spoke in a hasty whisper while looking around childishly.
“i wanted to watch percy jackson practice archery, i’m trying to figure out who his father is. There’s no way someone with hermes as there father could beat a minotaur, it’s either he’s lying! or his father is someone of great power and i want to know who.” clarisse spoke as she walked into the archery practice grounds making eye contact with Y/N taking in all her beautiful features until a wild arrow came flying towards Y/N’s eye.
“holy shit Y/N look out!-“ it was mere seconds before the arrow was inches away from Y/N’s face, clarisse reached a hand out to grab it, but her reaction time wasn’t quick enough.
Y/N shut her eyes as quickly as possible waiting to feel a sharp pain on the side of her face but after a minute of pure deafening silence Y/N opened her eyes to see an arrow inches away from her face and a hand gripping it, holding it in place, immediately Y/N looked over to make sure clarisse was undamaged. Clarisse was perfectly fine except for the scowl plastered on her face as she looked at the person holding the arrow.
You looked up to get a good look at the person and to your surprise it’s percy jackson himself, “percy? how the hell did you do that” Y/N quickly forgot about her hatred toward percy and gave him a firm hug, glad to keep both of her eyes.
clarisse glared at this hug that lasted way to long for her liking, she watched as her enemy and her Y/N got chummy with eachother, she watched until she couldn’t take it anymore and stormed off to her cabin.
Y/N now engulfed in her conversation with percy hadn’t noticed that clarisse left.
“god clarisse just admit it, no one gets upset that much at their ‘friend’ for talking with their enemy, you obviously have feelings for her.” clarisses sibling spoke, annoyed that clarisse had just talked her ear off for hours on end about your conversation with percy, all her sibling wanted was sleep.
“ugh i don’t fucking like Y/N!” clarisse groaned and threw herself onto her bed, wallowing in self pity, it had been months since you first met clarisse and ever since that day she had done nothing but talk on and on about you and her siblings had ENOUGH. They had to put a stop to this absolute bullshit and they knew just how to do it.
“listen i’ve liked you for a really long time and i know i haven’t communicated it well but i just want you to know that since the day we met i’ve always had my eye on you”
silence filled the room.
“what.” Y/N spoke whilst still in her pajamas as her door was slightly creaked open she had a blank stare while looking at percy jackson.
“just go on a date with me is what i’m asking.” percy sighed and handed her a note.
Y/N read it before doing anything else and immediately said yes upon reading the note. “Just give me an hour or two to get ready”
Y/N welcomed percy into her shared dorm and told him to wait on her bed while she took a shower, soon the water started running and about 20 minutes into her shower there was a knock at the cabin door.
“percy do you mind getting it?” she didn’t hear a response back but did hear the door opening.
“Y/N do you want to come with me to the mess hall for breakfast?” clarisse spoke not making eye contact until she smelt the faint scent of cologne, her eyes darted to the door way as her eyes landed on percy jackson, what the hell was he doing in her Y/N’s dorm?
“oh sorry clarisse she’s in the shower right now.” percy spoke softly. The moment clarisse heard this she almost fucking bursted right there, right before she could start screaming obscenities at him, he shut the door, right in her face. If he wasn’t dead before he surely was now.
percy waited patiently for you to get ready and once you did, you looked like the most beautiful girl in the world, he was very lucky to be taking you on a date, and he had it all planned out too, he was going to take you through the flower fields where a picnic was set up, then hand you over a necklace he had bought you and give you a bouquet of flowers, but of course since he had wronged clarisse in every which way possible this wasn’t going to go as planned.
The walk to the picnic, clarisse followed a few feet behind. As they ate on a picnic blanket, three snakes had came up to them. The necklace percy had bought, stolen. The final straw was when the flowers percy had hand picked all morning were found in the bushes, cut up and tossed. Percy was in fact pissed and knew it was all due to clarisse, he also knew she was watching close by so in an attempt to get back at her he grabbed Y/N by the waste and kissed her passionately.
A loud thud was all that could be heard as percy suffered a blow to the stomach and a firm hand yanked your wrist in the opposite direction towards the cabins.
a part of you was worried for percy but the other was also worried about your own safety as due to the darkness you couldn’t see who had grabbed you.
That was until you were forcefully shoved into a cabin and placed on a bunk bed where the light was then turned on, the tension from your body eased up as you saw the curly hair you grew to love so much.
“clarisse whyd you do that?” Y/N spoke in a sweet tone to tell clarisse she wasn’t mad. Clarisse took a seat next to Y/N on her bed and turned to make eye contact with Y/N
“i know my siblings put percy up to this as a way to get back at me and make me realize i have a crush on you or something, i’m not saying i do have a crush on you but it’s not like i wanted to see you date my enemy especially when your the only person i want to myself, well not in a possessive girlfriends way but also in that way? so i guess i do have a crush on you, all i know is i’m really confused and i want nothing more than for you to kiss me inste-“ clarisse was cut off with a pair of lips smashing against hers.
“better? you were rambling so now it’s my turn, i know that they put percy up to this, it was in a note that percy have to me and i had agreed to go on that date knowing that you’d find out and ruin it, my hope was that you’d come out and confess to me but i didn’t think you’d actually punch percy, i guess it doesn’t matter because that was really hot clari” Y/N smiled.
clarisse felt her face heat up as she chose her next words carefully. “this means we can date now right?” clarisse was surprised she wasn’t stuttering as she really didn’t know how to word this, she hadn’t been all that good at expressing how she felt.
“of course we can clarisse” Y/N gave an innocent look before speaking again. “this also means i can do this”
Y/N leaned in to kiss clarisse again, catching clarisse by surprise and then pulling away only a couple inches so clarisse could speak.
“please do that again”
“i’ll do it as many times as you want pretty girl”
The end yaysysyysysy my hands hurt
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abcjxyzyeo · 2 months
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What a freak.
AN; I haven't written in a whileeee omgg.. But I was thinking about this and wanted to write for it!! This might be really disgusting buuttt... Enjoy!!!
Pairing; Perv!Shigaraki x Fem!reader
summary; Finally getting some time off of work after weeks of having pent up sexual frustrations, you decide to blow off some much needed steam. Well, until you realize some of your toys are missing.
warnings; not proof read!!, masturbation(f and m),eating dried cum, oral(m), sex toys, piv, unprotected sex(wrap it before you tap it!!), loss of virginity, riding, using underwear as a gag, degrading, slight voyeurism, overstimulation, sub!shigaraki and dom!reader. Reader calls Shigaraki baby. reader also refers to self as mommy once or twice. quirkiness AU, the LOV is just a group of criminals. Plot? What plot??
1.8k words.
"Finally!!" you silently celebrated to yourself.
A complete day off. It was incredibly rare that you would ACTUALLY get a whole day off. For the past week you barely even got sleeping, running around doing missions for the LOV. You can't complain you love your group and the cause but you needed a break once in a while. Especially because of how sexually frustrated you've been recently.
Plopping down to your knees, you open the bottom drawer of your dresser in the corner of your room. Grabbing the bullet shaped vibe before getting up and laying on your bed. You didn't care you just needed release, turning it on the highest setting and putting it on your sensitive bud. Letting out the most erotic sounds, again you didn't care if anyone heard. (Which the whole LOV can definitely hear you.) Building up the heat in your between your legs, pooling at your center. Feeling that familiar knot in your core forming, just as it's about to snap you stop hearing vibrations and you lose the feeling. You vibrator died. "Fuck!" You yell throwing it against a wall. You had another one, but you didn't favor it. It didn't have as many settings and it was quite big in size. But you had to deal with what you had.
Standing up with a groan you shuffle back to the place in front of your dresser and go to grab it. It wasn't in its normal place. Searching through the entirety of the draw, and it wasn't anywhere. "Damn Toga." You roll your eyes at the internal thought. You and her were pretty close, you often shared bras, underwear, and even toys. So you simply thought she took it.
Making your way down the long corridor, you eventually find Toga. "Toga?" you say it almost in a whisper. She's playing a card game with Jin and Shuichi. She sets her cards down and the three of them look over at you. "YN?" She responds in a quite playful tone. You were hoping she was alone, not wanting to talk about this in front of any one other than the blonde girl you swallow the spit pooling on your tongue. "Do you um, happen to have my toy? The purple one?" You watch three completely different reactions from the group in front of you. But Toga simply smiles and shakes her head "Nope, sorry! You should ask Tenko though, I saw him go in your room earlier. You smile drops and your brows knit into a furious look. Gritting your teeth you thank Toga for her time and advice and find your self storming down the hall to Tenko's room. "What a freak! What a creepy incel freak!" You think as you nervously stand in front of his room.
You don't even bother knocking, cracking the door open and pushing it slightly. Standing there in utter disbelief at the scene in front of you. Tenko had his black sweats pooled at his ankles, shirt bundled in the middle of his abdomen, cock in fist, frantically pumping and hips bucking. But what shocked you more was the fact your purple vibrator was in his mouth, biting and licking the dried cum you had left the last time you used it. You stand there for a good few minutes, squeezing your thighs together because oddly enough the sight before you was making you incredibly horny. He lets out a guttural moan and opens his eyes that had been clamped shut. Shifting his sight over and making direct eye contact with you.
Just the sight of you was enough to push him over the edge, ropes of white cum shooting from his angry red tip, onto his exposed stomach and thighs. He was quick to grab his blankets and cover himself. "Shit YN. Didn't see you there." you barely even heard him, he muttered so quietly, his face creeping with pink blush. "I guess you're here for this, sorry I took it." he picks up the toy that's now covered in spit. But you're still standing there, shellshocked. Before your brain registers it, you're shuffling to the edge of his bed and sitting down by his thighs. "You're actually a whore." You spit at him. "A filthy disgusting cum-driven whore." wrapping your small hand around his dick, it was longer than you would expect but it wasn't too girthy. Pumping your hands up and down, your face was still laced with irritation. He let out the most pornographic grunts. "I bet you just love this, fucking mutt." Giving his length a good painful squeeze. Just that was enough to make Tenko cum for a second time, to be fair he's never been touched there by another person before! You let out a laugh coming deep from your core. "You came from that? What are you? A virgin?" you cackle at him, but he gives you an uneasy look. His red eyes shifting between your face, your tits accentuated in your low cut tank top, and his own dick. A dark red crept over his face as he slowly nodded.
"Oh shit, Tenko. Poor baby, never had a woman to touch him." You were obviously mocking him in fake dramatic sympathy. You lean down to kitten lick his tip, taking some of him cum with you. Surprisingly, it didn't taste too bad considering his diet of energy drinks and junk. Pumping him again as his tip entered your mouth. You giggle as he wraps both hands into your h/c locks. Twirling them between his finger grunting loudly as the vibrations from your own laughter sent shivers down his spine. Swirling your tongue around his tip and moving your lips up and down. You felt like you were on ecstasy. You never thought you would ever be giving your boss a blow job but it felt so right when you were currently doing it. Releasing his tip from your mouth with a disgusting pop noise, you pumped your hand along his cock at the fastest pace you could. "Shit Y/N d-don't go so fast!" He moans loudly gripping your wrist. His tip was a red color that screamed at you, you knew he was extremely overstimulated and you savored every drop of his exhausted grunts and moans.
And just like that he was cumming all over your hand, with a string of profanities and grunts spilling from his lips. You grin as he watches you through his ashy blue hair, which was starting to mat and cling to his forehead with sweat. "Aw, is mommy making you feel good?" You coo at him "Am I making your disgusting dick feel worthy?" you stand up and pull off your pajama pants in one quick motion, your tank top being added to the pile soon after. Tenko stares at your figure, which was only covered by a laced black thong with a matching lace bra. Finding your place back on Tenko's bed you straddle his hips. Lifting his long sleeve shirt over his head and into the discard pile. You beam with joy looking at his scrawny torso, rubbing your hands up and down the thin muscle on his body. Slightly grinding your clothed cunt over his re-hardening dick. You reached your hand behind your back to unclasp the bra that felt suffocating in the moment. Letting it slip off your body, you slid the thin material under Tenko's pillow before attacking his jaw and neck with your lips. Leaving dark purple hickeys and bite marks. After a while of grinding on him, you lifted off of him and pulled your panties off of your body. Sitting back down on his lower abdomen you stare at the balled cloth in your hand before reaching up and shoving it in Tenko's mouth with little to no protest. You could see his jaw flexing as if he was sucking all your flavor out of the used cloth in his mouth.
You reached behind you and lined him up with your entrance, pushing him all in in one swift motion. You'd be lying if you said this was your first time riding a guy. You feel calloused hands travel over your body, one stopping at your right tit and the other at the mound of flesh on your ass. Both of them kneading and working your sensitive skin. You begin to bounce up and down at a rather concerning pace. Yours moans mixing with Tenko's muffled grunts making an almost angelic harmony. Staring down at him you realize he hasn't stopped making direct eye contact with you this whole time. His piercing red eyes causing gears in you to turn, edging you closer and closer to the finish line. Falling over onto his chest, your tits pressed against his skin. Wrapping your arms around his neck you continue to glide your walls up and down his length. Moaning in his ear and biting at the lobe causing him to grow stiffer under you as the time passes. As you feel the knot in your lower belly start to form your feel Tenko's hands harshly grip your hips pulling you to a complete still. He lifts you up into the air a bit before roughly pounding into you, sloppily with no rhythm or set pace. And just like that your orgasm washes over you like a tidal wave with a scream like moan, clenching your gummy walls around him was all he needed to be spewing white ropes deep into your cunt. He thrusted into you a few more times, making sure his cum was deeply fucked into you before letting you go. You sat there for a moment catching your breath and admiring how beautiful Tenko was. You never really noticed it before, maybe it was the way his hair clung to his forehead making his eyes slightly more visible, or it was the fact his jaw, neck, and chest were covered in your spit and love bites leaving beautiful hickeys that he wouldn't be able to cover, having to show them to the entire LOV.
Once you realized you were both staring at each other you quickly got off his, now soft, dick and to your feet. You didn't bother getting your panties or bra back from him as you eagerly pulled your pajamas bottoms and top back on and making your way to the door. But not before turning around, and flashing a cocky grin. "Hope you enjoyed that, you filthy mutt. Cuz that's the first and last time I'll let your slutty dick near me."
You quickly escaped back to the main room where the trio was still playing cards. They all shared differentiating glances as they knew exactly what had just happened. Standing behind Toga and wrapping your arms around her neck you kept thinking to yourself how badly you want it to happen again. Maybe you'd even make him your boyfriend so that disgusting incel dick was all yours.
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I hope you enjoyed!! Likes, comments, and reposts are greatly appreciated!! <33 x333
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justauthoring · 1 month
help wanted.
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in which, you've made a terrible mistake but thankfully childe is kind enough to help.
a/n -> im in deep with genshin yall (i promise i will write for other fandoms soon <3) as usual, i have no idea what this is :)
pairing -> childe/tartaglia x f!reader
tw. stupid man not knowing boundaries, modern/university au, childe is mildly threatening? but like... justifiably
"i've made a terrible mistake."
raising a quirked brow, childe sends you a smirk. "oh?" he coos teasingly, crossing his arms over his chest and leaning back against the desk he'd been bent over seconds previously. "this should be good."
you cringe, feeling your embarrassment flood your entire body as you're currently faced with the consequences of your actions. you think back to twenty minutes earlier, when you'd made the split decision to say what you had, and stare up at childe and the smirk painted plain across his lips.
you were severely regretting your decision now.
"i... well, you know that class that i had to take? the engineering one?" you mumble, swallowing the lump in the back of your throat down as childe nods. "the prof decided to assign a group project and assign our partners for us. which is no problem, you know, that's totally fine. or-or at least, should've been but... um, well-"
"y/n," childe cuts in, voice oddly soft. his voice pulls your eyes back on him, blinking up at him with a startled expression as his smirk turns into a genuine smile. "it's fine. what's happened?"
nodding, you force yourself to ease slightly.
"my partner... he was nice at first. i was relieved, we worked well together," you nod to yourself as you explain, worrying your lip. "but then he asked me out."
you pause at that, frowning, in your own head enough to miss the slight tick to childe's jaw at that.
"i declined the offer!" you wave your hands in front of yourself, for some reason feeling like you have to justify yourself. "i tried to do it nicely and i thought that it was okay, because he'd just smile and assured you it was fine. but then the next day during our class, he sat beside me and was pestering me all class!
"he kept trying to whisper things to me, was trying to send me notes when i ignored his whispering... stuff like that. i was annoyed, but let it slide. only, then he started following me around everywhere. after class, finding me before class, and the worst part is he keeps asking me to rethink his offer. tells me that i'll see how great he is once i give him a chance."
biting your lip, you hug yourself, still thoroughly uncomfortable with the events that have transpired over the coarse of this week.
you miss, once again, the darkened look in childe's eyes.
"i couldn't take it anymore! he was starting to get touchy, too..." you trail off slightly at that, avoiding childe's gaze as you flush. "so, when he wouldn't take no for an answer for the twentieth time, i did the only thing i could think of."
hesitantly, you shift back to childe. you frown at the look in his eyes, mistaking it for being directed at you (which it definitely isn't) and silently curse yourself for being so stupid.
stepping towards you, childe prompts; "what'd you do?"
what did you do, because childe is this close to finding this guy himself and giving him a piece of his own mind.
you hesitate at that, lips parting but sputtering with no words at first. childe's patience wears thinner by the second, but fights to keep his emotions in check, watching as you procede to avoid his eyes once more before finally finding your voice;
"i told him i already had a boyfriend."
that gives childe pause, entire body stilling.
"a-and i told him it was... you."
silence. it carries on for a moment, then another, before you gain the courage to gauge childe's reaction only to see him owlishly blinking back at you. his face has lost all trace of the annoyance from before and instead he almost looks... stupified?
"ch-childe?" you call softly, voice somewhat shaky as you reach a hand out towards him. "i'm... i'm so sorry. you're the first person i thought of but if it makes you feel uncomfortable, i'll... figure something out. i don't even know what i was thinking when i-"
you're cut off by the feeling of childe grabbing your hand, his own shooting out to touch you. he grabs you by the wrist, your lips left parted and eyes widening as you shift to him, only for childe to step towards you.
his eyes have darkened, but not with the annoyance from before. there's something unreadable in his gaze as he stares down at you, husked and eyes lidded as he smirks.
it's such a shock that your mind short-circuits.
"i don't mind," childe finally speaks. his voice is husky, low, you can feel his warm breath against the skin of your cheek and it causes goosebumps to prickle across your body. "i don't mind at all, actually."
"you... you don't?" you ask, still bewildered.
childe shakes his head, his hand shifting to instead hold your hand istead of wrist. your eyes instantly flicker towards the action, growing hot at the way he threads his fingers through your own, eyes never wavering from your own and impossibly close.
"no," he whispers. "i don't mind playing your boyfriend. but i have a better idea."
"o-oh..." you mumble, "and what's... that?"
childe's nose presses against yours, forehead to forehead, and you realize somewhere along the way that your heart has started to pound madly against your chest in reaction to the intimancy of childe's actions.
it's making you incapable of coherent thought.
"why play pretend?" he starts, making your breath halt, a gasp leaving your lips. he squeezes your hand, the other coming to fall on your hip as he grins down at you. "when it can be real?"
oh-... "oh," you breathe, shaky and tingly. childe's touch suddenly feels hot, but in a good way, and it feels like your own legs might give out from beneath you at such a confession.
"how does that sound?" childe whispers in your ear.
"g-good," you gasp, pressing your free hand to his chest; not to push away but for steadiness. "that sounds... really good."
he's suddenly pulling back; the thick tension that had surrounded the both of you like a thick fog suddenly dissipates as you're left feeling vulnerable and craving that touch once more. childe's smirk turns into a wide grin, ear to ear, as the only part of him that doesn't let go of you is his hand with continues to squeeze yours reassuringly.
"perfect," he laughs, "then let me walk you to class."
"oh, y/n-!"
the usual grating voice of your partner doesn't seem that annoying in the moment - at least, not with childe pressed to your side, his hand still holding yours securely with his mere presence enough to reassure you of any worries.
that, and the fact that the second your partners eyes fall on childe, he's falling silent with a sharp cut off, eyes widening and smile falling.
"hello," childe greets for you, voice sharp and threatening. you don't mind, letting him take the lead as you watch on with barely concealed glee as this guy gets a taste of what happens when you don't take no for an answer.
"who... who are you?" your partner asks, frowning.
"oh?" childe hums, letting go of your hand to instead wrap around your waist, pulling you flush against his side. "i thought she told you... i'm childe, her boyfriend."
your partner shifts to you; "i thought you were joking."
you scoff, thoroughly frustrated by this guy's innate ability to not be able to take a hint.
"nope!" although there's a smile on his face, there's no joy to childe's tone and the look in his eyes is clear enough. "y/n and i have been together for a while now, and she's told me all about you."
although not all of what he says is true, the reality of the fact that childe is now actually your boyfriend wards off any nerves.
"i think i just might sit in on this lecture," childe continues to say, pressing a finger to his chin as if simply thinking to himself. "just to make sure nothing... unwanted happens. then, perhaps, me and you can have a little chat after."
you forget how truthfully terrifying childe can be - mainly because he's never been that way towards you. still, it's certainly a rewarding sight to see the look of fear that crosses your partners face as he takes a nervous step back.
he's chancing one more glance your way before promptly turning tail and running in the opposite direction than the lecture.
you and childe watch him go.
"i'm still gonna talk to him after."
turning to childe, your lips part.
childe just smiles down at you; "what? it's only right. he bothered you, my girlfriend, and i won't let that slide."
biting your lip, you smile up at him; "i like that," you hum, softly.
"what?" he teases, "me calling you my girlfriend?"
you nod, reaching for him. "definitely," you whisper, "if i'd have known pretending you're my boyfriend would make you actually my boyfriend, i would've done it a while ago."
childe nods; "you definitely should've."
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tojipie · 10 months
toji face timing a guy best friend who was getting a bit too touchy for his liking? (while y’all r getting freaky iykwim)
content: toji x fem reader, blowjobs, exhibitionism, shiu my beloved, phone sex (kind of?)
toji x reader x shiu will always be so special to me i love my boyfrans
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“just like that,” toji mutters, thick hand pressing you to the base of his length. you choke and sputter at the intrusion, feeling him twitch as his high sneaks up on him.
“gonna— fuck” he whispers, voice trailing off as his other hand comes up to hold you down. You flex your throat around his length, squirming at the guttural sound of approval he gives you. 
you wait in pure ecstasy for the telltale feeling of your mouth being flooded, eyes rolling back as his peak approa—
“fuck, hold on,” the incessant buzzing of his phone rips the two of you from the moment.
the whimper you let out is humiliating. almost tantrum-like. you release his length with a small pop, only to have him guide his still-hard cock into your mouth. his way of quelling your little outburst.
the ringing drones on longer than it should. you figure he’s still deciding whether he wants to answer, choosing to take him deeper like it’ll convince him to give up.
“shiu.. facetime,” he mumbles to you, offering nothing else but that. the same shiu whose hand hadn’t left your waist the last time you hosted friends over. toji was oddly calm considering how angry he was at the other man.
the furrow between his brows lets you know he’s up to something. you choose not to question him, tapping the head on your tongue to try and gauge a reaction.
“fuck— behave,” he hisses, swiping accept on the call.
the mindless drone of thirty-something-year-old small talk melts into soft static after a while. toji had pulled you off his cock by the scruff of your neck ten minutes into the call— not wanting to blow his load just yet. 
you practically feel yourself nearing the edge of sleep, cheek smooshed into the skin of his bare thigh, his cock still hard as ever.
that is until the sound of your name piques your interest. 
“what about her?” shiu laughs, feigning ignorance.
“i wanna know why you think it’s okay to be grabbing on a woman that’s not yours.”
your eyes flit open, listening intently as the heated exchange goes down.
“i can’t have friends?” the other man sighs, tone laced with boredom. you hear the click of a lighter in the background, probably being raised to a cigarette. 
toji notices your look of interest, mouth quirking up at the sides as the cogs in his mind turn. you feel yourself being guided back onto his length with a hand on the crown of your head. you start right off where you finished, taking him down to the base with ease.
“friends?” it almost sounds like a laugh when toji says it. “you just want her pussy,” he grumbles, massaging the swell of your throat with deft fingers. 
“and you don’t?”
“i don’t have to chase what’s mine.”
“does she know that?” shiu laughs, voice trailing off as he takes another puff of his cigarette.
toji’s focus shifts to you for a moment, asking a silent question with a quirk of his brow. “can i show him?”
you feel yourself nod as soon as the dots connect, giggling as he sits up to get a good angle.
“dunno, let’s ask,” toji says, flipping the camera to get an up-close view of the way his cock obstructs the shape of your cheek. warm fingers grab ahold of your chin to guide you up and off his length with a wet pop. 
“hi shiuu,” you mumble, sticking your tongue out to slap toji’s tip against it. you throw in a little wave for good measure, too high off the bold act to be shy now.
“atta girl,” toji whispers, voice low enough that only you can hear him.
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stayfortwominutes · 1 year
💭 reaction | bangchan
prompt; first time sharing a bed
disclaimers; a bit suggestive*, petnames, reader is described to have a fuller figure, no depictions of the members' personalities, actions or thoughts reflect their true character.
pairing; bang chan x female reader.
content; fluff, comfort, established relationship | word count; 800+
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the downpour came without much warning. abrupt surges of thunder echoed in the street followed by the heavy pelting of thick rain drops against the pavement. believing the weather would soon clear up, y/n and Chan chose to wait out the storm. after a few hours passed, they had already cleared dinner, and finished washing up.
"fancy staying the night? I'll take the couch as usual," chan called down the hallway. as the words floated to y/n, she found herself smiling. he was ever the gentleman, and throughout their steady eight month relationship, chan was cautious to push any boundaries, especially those regarding personal space.
with her face towel in hand, y/n sauntered into the room. chan was stood at the side of the bed, lovingly fluffing the pillows before quickly dashing a spritz of his perfume in the air and fanning it with his hand to evenly distribute the scent. y/n had often complimented his fragrance choices, and he knew a light touch of it on his borrowed sheets would be comforting. sneaking behind his busied figure, y/n secured her arms around his waist.
"baby girl, have you finished showering already?" he asked, his eyes forming crescents as his gaze fell upon her.
"mmmh," y/n dazedly replied, her senses overcome with the soft, warmth of his perfume and the sleepiness that could not be kept at bay.
chan leant down, placing his hands on either side of y/n's shoulder, giving them a gentle squeeze, before placing a soft kiss on her forehead. y/n's cheeks and his own both tinged with hues of pink. the two were still full with the giddiness of puppy love despite their long term status. y/n still felt hesitant, she also did not want to push. chan had already made his way to the door, hand resting on the knob when y/n spoke.
"couldn't we share tonight? the thunder is sort of loud." in the smallest voice, y/n mumbled her question.
chan knew y/n well enough that thunder was neither a concern nor threat, and that she could sleep through the end of the world.
he chuckled to himself, responding with a cheerful "yes."
natually, chan took the side of the bed that wasn't to the wall. y/n settled herself on her left side to face him, but oddly enough, her boyfriend had bundled himself closer to the edge, and she wondered how he hadn't fallen off already.
"i didn't realise how small this bed was for two," y/n uttered. despite her low voice, the sound seemed the fill the room, as the rumbling thunder silenced at that precise moment.
slowly, thoughts of self consciousness took residence in her mind: was chan keeping his space on purpose? was he not ready to be in such an intimate situation yet?
"y/n?" he called out to no response, only the lively hum of the air conditioning could be heard.
"y/n?" he voiced again, a little louder. this time he successfully pulled her from her thoughts. the frown on her face evident under the moonlight that shone through the window.
"baby, what are you thinking about that has you so spaced out?" y/n met his eyes, a shadow half covering his face. unsure if it was the nerves of being within such close proximity or being so tired, y/n took the chance. "are you uncomfortable being this close to me? i can move to the couch, i don't want you to fall off and hurt yourself."
chan sat upright, blinking before taking his head in his hands.
"y/n- baby," he began, turning to face her.
"i was worried about making you uncomfortable. and i won't lie, the way your hips fill out my shirt had me a little preoccupied. i didn't want you to think i was trying to make a move the first time we slept together."
hearty laughter erupted from y/n, "my goodness, how silly could i be? i thought you were being extra careful because you weren't feeling it. i wanted us to cuddle..."
making grabby hands towards chan, the man was quick to shuffle over to her, scooping her up in his arms so y/n's head lay in the crevice of his shoulder as his arm snaked around her waist.
the couple silently admired each other's features in the dark as the rain seemed to calm. the placid atmosphere and shared warmth of their bodies lulled them further into a slumber.
"goodnight, my precious channie," y/n whispered, before gently pecking the tip of his nose. her right hand now tucked against his chest, the rhythmic beating of his heart mellowing her previous nerves.
y/n could remember a chaste kiss falling upon her cheek before she was out like a light.
"sleep well, baby girl."
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consider reading more: masterlist
notes; i enjoyed writing this piece, and hopefully i can get to the other members too. please let me know if you have any feedback. © stayfortwominutes ; august 14, 2023.
919 notes · View notes
jeonggukookies · 3 months
crown's kingdom || three
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summary: jungkook doesn't know what to do or how to feel when you try breaking up the alliance.
– genre: royalty!au, enemies to lovers!au, prince!jungkook, queen!reader, arranged marriage - fluff/angst
– word count : 4,999
index || one || two
The following day, Jungkook ran. 
When the Queen of Aurum told her son that the Queen of Calestia broke off their engagement and was arranging a marriage with Prince Dasher, he ran. 
Before his mother could even elaborate further details, Jungkook sprinted out of bed and headed towards his father's study in his oversized white silk pajamas. He was like a bolt of lightning, moving at fast intensity and taking giant strides. Somehow, without his shoes on, Jungkook was outrunning all the guards. 
"Is it true?" Jungkook asked when he bursted through the conference doors. He was panting, out of breath. His breathing became small gasps, filling up the room. "Tell me, is it true, Father?"
"Well, good morning to you too," the King quipped, looking up from his desk. He laughed when he saw Jungkook barefoot. "You must've been so excited that you had to run all the way here to hear the news yourself."
"Is it truly so?" Jungkook asked again, ignoring his father's remarks. He was panting and taking big breaths after each word. "Doth it be true?"
As the King scoffed at Jungkook's question, the guards finally caught up and entered the room along with Jungkook's mother. She immediately ran up to her son, patting his back in comfort. "Guards! Bring me water!" 
"Is it true?" Jungkook asked again. 
"You really couldn't have waited a minute longer. You did not need to rush over here without putting clothes on!" Jungkook's mother scolded him. "Are you hurt?"
"Aren't you happy, my dearest son? You got what you wanted," Jungkook's father said. 
The Prince stayed silent, trying to catch his breath. His father is right; he got what he wanted. Jungkook was free from you. 
"I did," Jungkook said. "You're right."
An unfamiliar feeling was growing in Jungkook's gut, twisting and turning all his insides. It had been the same feeling he had when greeting Prince Dasher with you. Jungkook didn't know whether he was hungry or if he sensed there was something wrong. But he knew mentioning his concern would ruin his freedom away from you. He should be happy, but oddly enough, he felt some disappointment.
"Drink this." The guards handed Jungkook a glass of water. 
In one gulp, he drank the water and finished it quickly. Still struggling to take air in, Jungkook took some deep breaths in and out from the cup as if it were a paper bag, trying to regulate his breathing back to normal. Jungkook noticed his hands violently shake as he held the glass. "Thank you."
After a moment of silence, the King continued. "They requested the wedding to be hosted in Cometes—" 
"Cometes?!" Jungkook interrupted the King mid-sentence, something he had never done before. Though Jungkook may be defiant and go against his father's wishes, he was taught from an early age not to interrupt his father, as listening was a sign of respect. "Are you allowing the wedding to be there?"
The King stood up and walked in the direction of where Jungkook and his mother were. His father raised his eyebrows at Jungkook and then at the Queen. They had stared at each other for a quick moment, exchanging no words. But one look can truly say a thousand words; Jungkook could read his parents' confusion by his sudden reaction and interest in your politics. "Is there a problem with that?"
“No, Sir,” Jungkook said. He stood straight up, his whole body going rigid. "There is no problem." 
"Well, the newly-crowned Prince requested the wedding be there, but that would be a stupid idea. We've protected this girl for almost all her life. Before you came rushing in, Y/N and I came to an agreement. The last condition I asked for is to have her royal wedding here in three days' time, where she will be safe and comfortable," the King explained. 
"In the end, Aurum will still benefit with all these royal and noble guests coming in," the Queen added. "Perhaps we can find a new engagement and alliance for our country during this wedding." 
"I don't care about that," Jungkook snapped. "What about her borders? Her troops? Are they going to help her?"
"With the announcement of the wedding and their alliance to Cometes, Luxuria has kindly pulled their troops away from the Caelestia border…for now." 
"That quickly?" Jungkook asked, trying to understand how it was possible. "Isn't that suspicious?"
"Let it be their problem whether they rule," the King dismissed, waving his hand away in the air. "Either way, the girl is safe." 
Jungkook said slowly, "Therefore, Queen Y/N will have protection and will not be harmed if she were to travel back to her royal court or Cometes." 
"Yes, that is correct," both his parents answered. 
"She will not be harmed," Jungkook repeated, enunciating each syllable. "She will be safe."
Annoyed, his father sighed as he returned to his desk and sat down, resuming the work. "Yes, Jungkook, she will be safe." 
Her country and her people will be safe too, Jungkook thought to himself. And that's what mattered. 
But when midnight came, Jungkook couldn't sleep. 
Jungkook was twisting and turning in his royal blue bed sheets, replaying his last moments with you in his head. He's never had a problem with sleeping until now. When he was younger, he would always be the first one to be heard snoring during nap time while the rest of the kids barely closed their eyes. 
All his thoughts kept back to you. He just kept seeing the look of pain on your face from the night before. It somehow became a memory he could not erase from his mind; he couldn't even hit pause either, hoping this feeling would be forgotten after a deep slumber. 
"Why did you summon me at like 2 in the morning?" His best friend, Amicus, asked as he entered Jungkook's room to find him on the couch, angrily staring at the brick wall in front of him. Amicus sat on the couch adjacent to Jungkook's with a look of worry mixed with confusion. "You good?"  
"I fucking hate Y/N," Jungkook spatted. "I hope her bed ends up in the river tomorrow morning."
"Nothing new." His best friend was unphased. "Is that it? This is what is keeping you up at night? You demanded your guards to drag me here so that you can talk about hating Y/N?" 
"But this time, it is different!" Jungkook insisted, finally facing Amicus. Amicus's curly blond hair was out of place, parts sticking out as if he had bathed and forgotten to dry his hair before sleeping. Jungkook figured that Amicus must have rushed out of his room as there was a small drool stain on the left corner of his mouth and some on his red nightwear. 
"Ever since she came to Aurum Court, I have never once felt bad or thought twice about what I do and say to her. But some things happened, and I feel wrong if I were to sleep." 
"She's probably not even thinking about it," Amicus tried to reassure the crowned Prince. "Besides, I bet whatever happened is just the normal banter between you. It is just how you guys are. I think she knows the both of you are assholes." 
"Okay, I like to think I'm not a total asshole." Amicus raised his eyebrows at Jungkook, looking at him with a look of disbelief on his face. "Are you fucking serious?"
"You're my best friend and everything," Amicus paused, trying to choose the right words carefully. "But personally, if someone tried to ship me back to my country in a crate with no breathing holes, I would probably say they are an asshole for the rest of my life." 
"We were eight!" Jungkook tried defending himself. "Why must everyone still make such a great deal about it?
"How many years has it been? I believe she's still waiting for an apology."
"Well, she'll wait a while for that one, as what I did the night prior is worse than what I've done before."
"Jungkook, get to the point." Despite being a calm person, Amicus lost his patience with his best friend. Usually, Amicus was by Jungkook's side, listening to the same old drama without a single complaint. Still, with Prince Dasher at Aurum Court, he had spent the whole day with Dasher's noblemen and knights, entertaining the other royal guests. Unlike the Prince, Amicus was not born to talk to others and be the center of attention. From a young age, Amicus was brought up to the castle and grew up by Jungkook's side, and he liked it that way. He swore to himself that he would love to listen to all his best friend's curses for the rest of his life as long as this night could end.
"I might have been nice to her," Jungkook mumbled incoherently, not wanting to admit what happened entirely.
Anicus raised his eyebrows. "You what? I don't know what you said." 
Jungkook released a forced chuckle, nervously scratching the back of his neck. He then looked at the ground, breaking eye contact with Amicus. "We both accidentally became…friends? And while we were in our new level…of a relationship, I might have accidentally said I will never want her and that she should leave this country." 
Even without looking, Jungkook knew Amicus had a dirty look. "How do you accidentally do that? What the hell does that even mean?! How is that even possible? Did you just stop hating her randomly for fun?" 
"Of course not!" The Crowned Prince explained all the events and all his feelings to Amicus, finally processing everything said and done between the two of you. 
Although there was no verbal confirmation of a truce, Jungkook felt like he had stabbed you in the back with his words. The two of you might have cut each other in the past, but it was never a wound that could be this deep. He was afraid of the wound, and it ached him as if he were the one stabbed. 
"Why do you hate her if you were the one to say those things?" Amicus asked, surprised by all the information. "Why did you even say that to her?"
"I don't know." Jungkook buried his face in the palm of his hand, elbow leaning on the armchair. "I mean, I guess we both want out of this arranged marriage. This was an easy out that she wasn't taking, and maybe I just thought hurting her would get that help. She shouldn't have to wait and hope for Aurum to help her when we don't give her anything. I helped her, but she hates me, and I hate her for it." 
"I'm sure she knows you did this for both of you guys."
Jungkook ignored his comment, not finding any comfort in it. "What am I supposed to do?" 
Amicus was silent for a while before speaking. "So what? Why are you overthinking this? She probably didn't take it personally, and it'll all return to normal in the meantime." 
Jungkook sighed in defeat. "I suppose you're right." 
Little did Jungkook know, you took it by heart.
Although your schedules lined up with each other, you have tried to avoid him at all costs by changing your schedule and having your ladies-in-waiting accompany you to every single event, never leaving your side. Since your conversation with Jungkook, you didn't want to be alone with him, wanting your friends to protect you away from him. With them there, you knew Jungkook would not try to approach you. 
"Are you seriously considering this offer?"  Lady Adoree asked. "We can figure out a way. You don't have to do it."
Before you could answer, your other two ladies-in-waiting, Lady Dal and Lady Haenim, arrived at the round lunch table, sitting next to you and Lady Adoree. 
"Do what?" Lady Dal and Haenim asked at the same time. 
Despite being identical twins, they couldn't be more different. 
Lady Dal was free-spirited and confident, often complimented for her charming aura. Often, she would ignore her duties at royal court and sneak off to buy the most expensive and luxurious gowns, specifically white and pink ones; however, she would only wear these dresses once, not wanting to repeat the outfit twice. Dal was impulsive and unpredictable, not caring about authority or the consequences of her actions. Though her actions may come off as vain, undaunting, and irresponsible, you knew Lady Dal would protect you and her loved ones with her life. 
Unlike her twin, Lady Haenim always hid in the shadows and stuck her nose in a book, often enjoying religious texts. Lady Haenim was always praying, thanking the divine spirit for allowing her to be born into a noble family and that her status was able to offer her an education. Although she was more reserved than your other ladies-in-waiting, she always spoke out for her beliefs and moral convictions. 
Their parents were blessed with daughters and were proud to have an accomplished, humble daughter like Haemin and a beautiful, charismatic daughter like Dal.
"My options are limited, Adoree." You sighed.  "We all know I have to accept his proposal for Caelestia." 
"What about Prince Jungkook?" Haemin asked.
"What about him?" You gave a warning glare to your ladies as you knew Jungkook was at a table behind you, possibly trying to listen to the conversation in front of him. The twins gave you a confused look while Adoree looked down at her plate, trying to act normal. 
"Lower your voice," you warned in a low voice. "There are people nearby who can be listening." 
Haemin looked at her sister and mouthed Jungkook's name. Dal took a quick look at his table, made awkward eye contact with Amicus, and tilted her head slightly down to apologize. "But have you really not talked to him since? Would you not care for the reason for his behavior?" Haemin asked. 
"Even if she is curious, this is Jungkook we are talking about," Dal said with a bitter tone. "He may see no wrong in his actions." 
"Perhaps he does not, but there is a possibility he does see some wrong if he treated Y/N with kindness earlier that day." 
"Please, that boy has been a menace his whole life. He probably was acting nice because of forced proximity. Once he found an out, he then reverted back to his old ways. A tiger doesn't change its stripes." 
Haemin rolled her eyes at her sister. She picked up the little fork and placed it into the salad bowl. "But would you really marry a total stranger than someone you know?" 
"It isn't what I desire, but what choice do I have?" You exclaimed. "I have already arranged to move to Cometes in the next two days." 
"Then we must be ready as well," Adoree decreed.
"I cannot ask you guys to come with me when you've been here most of your life. You will not accompany me and will be free of your servitude."
"It's an honor to be in your servitude. We want to be there for you, our best friend," Haemin insisted. 
"Besides, we cannot pass up an opportunity to travel and find new interesting suitors," Dal giggled. 
"Have you no more guests to entertain? Did you finally go through all the gentlemen of Aurum?" Jungkook asked as he was now beside your table with Amicus.
"Seems like you are out of company as well if you're over here," Adoree sneered. "Disappointing that you would consider us your last option." 
"My apologies, but I ask for you to listen to me very carefully. If men in this palace had to be with ladies like you in order to stop you from becoming a pumpkin at midnight, we'd rather be alone."  
Before Adoree could respond, you cleared your throat and gave her a death glare, signaling her to back down. At first, a scowl was on her face, but when Jungkook and Amicus took their leave, Adoree clenched her fist on the table. "How can anyone stand him?"
"Why would he come here and say nonsense like that?"  Dal asked. 
Jungkook and Amicus exited the lunch banquet room at a steady pace, walking through the castle's hallways. They usually never exited through the north side, as they hated the dark, narrow hallway, but it was a shortcut to Jungkook's chambers.
"Why did you need to talk to her again?" Amicus asked as they walked.
Jungkook shrugged. "In a few day's time, she will be out of our lives forever. I suppose giving an apology wouldn't hurt." 
"Better late than ever." 
"What did he say, Edward?"
Jungkook immediately halted as he heard Prince Dasher's voice. Before Amicus could ask what the hell he was doing, Jungkook took some steps to his right, standing close enough to listen to the conversation behind closed doors. He beckoned Amicus to come by his side to do the same.
"The King of Cometes wouldn't take no for an answer." 
"This is where the Cometes people are," Amicus mouths, "Edward is his page." 
"Are you an imbecile?!" Prince Dasher raised his voice. "Do I perhaps need to slap more sense into you?"
"My Prince, I've tried," Edward pleaded. "Your father is very reluctant to have the wedding in Caelestia due to our alliance with Luxuria. They would see it as a threat rather than a peaceful alliance." 
"That's the whole plot." At this point, Dasher was screaming at Edward. Jungkook thought Dasher must have taken a breath to calm down as he returned to his normal voice volume. "I asked the Queen to frighten them and take their troops back once I was able to secure an engagement to Y/N. Then, once we are wed, she will be assassinated by our Luxuria allies, and we will rule Caelestia with Luxuria."
"You're talking about murder, Sir," Edward cautioned, reminding him of the severity of his future actions. "Of a monarch!" 
Amicus looked at Jungkook; eyes widened at the information they had just heard. "They're going to kill her?"
"How many slaps does it take for you to learn?"
When Jungkook heard Prince Dasher threaten to slap some sense into his squire, he didn't literally think Prince Dasher would PHYSICALLY slap him; Dasher had to. It sounded like a whip, but Jungkook was still listening through closed doors and didn't know what was happening. 
When he was engaged to Princess Comet of Cometes, she talked about how her half-brother Dasher was manipulative and had anger issues. But this whole time in Aurum, Jungkook hadn't seen or heard of it until this moment and thought maybe she was exaggerating. Dasher had been calm and diplomatic, almost as if he were a prince his whole life. But Jungkook realized Dasher had to have a facade in order to get what he wanted. "So this is his true colors." 
"Persuade my father to change his mind, but do not tell him about the marriage statement or the hidden clause. I will make Cometes and Caelestia rightfully mine." 
Amicus quickly glanced over to Jungkook and read him like an open book, knowing his next move just by the expression on his face. He put his hand on the Prince's shoulder to keep him still. "Don't." 
"Let me go," Jungkook angrily gritted through his teeth, trying to escape Amicus's firm grip. "To Hell if they think they could get away with assassination." 
"Jungkook, stop before you do something you regret," his best friend urged. "Going in there is just going to make things worse."
"I cannot be responsible for her death!"
Amicus pulled Jungkook away from Dasher's room, taking him into the stairwell. He let go and looked around to see if anyone else was there with them. "Didn't you want her dead last night?"
"She's still an ally to Aurum," Jungkook exclaimed. "I just didn't want to marry her, not want her buried six feet underground!"  
"What are you going to do, Kook? Will you march in there and ask them politely not to do it? And you think they will just change their mind and listen to you?" 
Jungkook groaned as he considered his two options. If he did nothing, he could marry literally anyone else, someone who didn't make his blood boil. He could find love with someone else, but he wasn't sure if he could live in peace, knowing the feeling of guilt would be with him for the rest of his life. However, a whole world war between the countries was likely to occur. To prevent that, he would have to be married to the person he didn't want: you. 
"You know what you need to do." 
Jungkook scoffed, shaking his head. "It's not like I have a choice, really." 
"There's always a choice." 
"Whatever decision I make won't make me happy." The two started walking down the stairs, approaching the outside stables. "I'm just doing what is best for Aurum." 
"Right," Amicus said sarcastically. "For Aurum."
"Please be in a good mood," Jungkook whispered to himself as he entered the stables, crossing two fingers behind his back. 
Around this time every day, Jungkook's father would be found in the stables, either brushing one of his favorite horses's hair after a successful hunting session or he would be complaining to the guards, threatening to cook up their horse if the next day they couldn't find any food. The last few days, the King had been doing the latter. 
Jungkook sighed in relief once he saw the King smiling beside the white horse. "Did you catch anything today?"
"Plenty of food to last us for the next month." 
"It's been a while since you've allowed me to hunt with you," Jungkook pointed out.  "Perhaps you can take me again one day, but with Queen Y/N."
The King's smile quickly disappeared. "Excuse me?"
"We need to reinstate the alliance with Caelestia." 
"What's the sudden change of heart?" 
"This Caelestia alliance is not worth losing." 
"My boy, you do realize this alliance did not end; it changed. You shall already know that alliances shift easily. Now, this is the end of the discussion." 
As the King started to walk away, Jungkook clenched his fists and bit his lower lip, trying to hold any curses in. 
"Cometes has plotted the assassination of Queen Y/N. Their new Prince has decided to turn their back on all of us. They plan to rule Caelestia with Luxuria, and Aurum can and will easily be the next target." 
Upon hearing the information coming from his next successor, the King stopped in his tracks, still his back facing towards his son. "Did you find the proof?"
"I schemed a plan to find the marriage contact to find the hidden clause. It won't be that hard to find the assassins as well." 
"You have no evidence?" His father scoffed. "We cannot do anything."
"I know about the firstborn," Jungkook blurted. "I know that the Queen doesn't know what really happened."
Even without looking directly at his face, Jungkook knew terror was written over his father's face, especially since the King stiffened at the word "firstborn." 
"Are you threatening your own father?" The King questioned. "Do you really want to risk casualties over a stupid, pretty queen and a country you've never been to?"
"You and I know that keeping her alive is much better than fighting three countries and their armies," Jungkook said. "How will you handle a war and the wrath of the Queen of Aurum?" 
The King sighed. "Queen Y/N will get our support, and we will negotiate the alliance."
"And she will be included in this conversation," Jungkook added. 
"A lot of work for someone you claim to not care about," the King paused to look back at his son. "Do not forget you cannot lead with your heart. Or must you trust your heart, you will lose your country…But finally, my son is acting like a king." 
The transition to Aurum was a lot harder than you'd thought it would be. During your first week at Aurum Court, you refused to leave your bedroom chambers, pulling the blankets over her head, acting as if the blanket could turn you invisible. Already at seven years old, you wanted to disappear away from your royal responsibilities, overwhelmed by all the events that happened earlier that week: Your Royal Taster died, you were practically exiled from your own country, and another country wanted you dead. The only person that was allowed in your room was the Queen. She never tried to talk to you, but whenever she came to bring food, she held your hand or rubbed your back when you cried, showing comfort through physical touch. 
By the second week, you were still glued to your bed. However, the Queen finally allowed servants and guards to enter the room to serve you. But when the servants came to bring changing clothes and some food, they noticed how oddly silent you were, as if nothing was wrong.  
But that week, in the middle of the night, in the period when they were changing the guards, you would sneak out into the courtyard garden by your room and sit by the pumpkin vines. You had promised yourself that you would stop crying in your room and cry secretly at a specific time and different place so no one could see you. 
A day before it had been exactly three weeks since you had moved to Aurum, and you did your usual routine. But as soon as you got up and turned around, a boy in silk pajamas stood before you, holding a stuffed bunny with a crown. 
There was no need for introductions. 
The boy knew he was staring at the Queen of Caelestia, and you knew you were staring back at the Prince of Aurum. 
And he had embarrassingly watched the whole thing.   
"Royals never cry," Jungkook said. "Let me walk you to your room." 
No other words were exchanged, and no other words were needed. 
Perhaps he was being an annoying seven-year-old,  scolding you that royals shouldn't be emotional. 
But you interpreted his words differently. 
His words reminded you about the fact that not everyone has the fortune of being born into royalty, but one must be prepared for difficult times. This reminder gave you comfort and inspired you since.
Earlier, when Dal didn't understand why Jungkook had come to your table, you said nothing because you knew exactly why Jungkook had said those things. It was a message to you and just you: Place. Pumpkins. Midnight. Alone. 
It was something only the two of you knew about. 
"Hello?" You called out, setting your lantern onto the ground as you sat on the stone bench, waiting for your rendezvous. "Are you there?" 
From the shadows, a tall figure wearing a black cloak stepped into the light. He held a lantern in his right hand while the handle of scrolls was in his left. Pulling down the hood, Jungkook revealed himself. "Hey." 
Jungkook sat down next to you and sat his lantern down on the ground as well. He handed the scrolls to you, but you arched your eyebrows at him instead, not taking them from his hand. "What is this?" 
"I have the original marriage contract, which was agreed upon and written before you. But this one is Dasher's copy, which differs from yours and the original." 
"Where did you get this?" 
"That's not important right now," Jungkook uttered. "He wants to sign and officiate his copy because a hidden clause allows him to rule Caelestia if you were to die without an heir." 
Quickly, you grabbed the papers from his hand, but you still needed to unroll them to read it. "How do you know?"
"His page willingly gave up these papers in exchange for his life. Though Prince Dasher must have realized what happened when the papers were missing, he has been on the run since. The guardsmen are finding him and the assassins as we speak. They couldn't have gotten far." 
Everything started to feel unreal at that moment. The person who hated you most was actively trying to save your life, and for that, you believed him. You didn't need to read the contracts, trusting every word Jungkook said. 
"If this is true, why not let me die? Why did you choose to do this? If this falls apart, the King will force our engagement once again."
"Okay, I'm not that shitty of a person." Jungkook groaned. "Why does everyone think that?"
"How do I know if this was the truth?" You asked once again, wanting to understand his reasoning and actions." Do you plan on embarrassing me by being engaged again and then breaking it yourself this time? Do you want me to lose my country and my people?" 
"Absolutely not!" Jungkook shouted. "That's why I'm telling you this." 
"But you hate me." 
"I do not hate you. I will admit there were times when I prayed to the Gods and asked them to take you out of my life, but I never asked them to take it from you. I couldn't live with myself if that were to happen, and you especially do not deserve that." 
Not knowing how to respond, the two of you sat in silence, listening to the sounds of the crickets and wind. While you stared at Jungkook, his eyes sparkled as he looked up at the full moon, appreciating how it illuminated the dark sky. He noticed that you were staring at him, but he held himself back, forcing himself to look elsewhere. 
"Is that all?" There was a little voice in your head, whispering to you that there's more to it, that maybe he cares. "Nothing else?"
"I don't hate you," Jungkook said once again. Sighing, he then picked up his lantern and headed back towards the palace. "Far from it." 
a/n: hello! this isn't my best work…i am so sorry, but i wanted to publish this before i start law school! --am also sorry for the jungkook point of view, but i think it's a good way to see his motivations and how he struggles to know what he wants. as always, thank you for reading. stay safe and healthy wherever you are. 
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skelliko · 5 months
Tokyo revengers |°- random head cannons that I had stored
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๑ Hanma ironically and out of nowhere 'sang' twist by Korn next to kisaki to get his reaction which caused kisaki to immediately whip his head over at the doofus with genuine fear in his eyes, he took a step backwards from Hanna, hands up and everything. but after a few seconds of staring at the 'possessed' specimen he just annoyingly does a "what the fuck is wrong with you..."
๑ ran doesn't crack his bones/knuckles often but if someone's around him that absolutely despises the sound of cracking bones he'd do it continuously without a care and finds major enjoyment in watching the person's face scrunch up in discomfort, sometimes he snickers too
๑ while chifuyu was in his 'major delinquent era, thinking he's better than everyone else' he was walking down the school stairs all cool and trying to be intimidating but then slipped on one of the stairs and fell on his butt. only one person saw but the amount of embarrassment he got from that when they made eye contact made him want to disappear from earth -this caused him to always be slow and actually look out for the steps so that it doesn't happen again.
๑ seishu finds it hilarious to fake a laugh at someone's awful joke for a second or two but then immediately go dead silent and just stare at the person with no seen emotion at all
๑ seishu is amazing at cooking, he's like a chef. but where'd he learn all this from? he doesn't answer, it's basically a mystery. but in his room he hides written down recipes that he copied out from books and other places
๑ when Baji was younger he decided to try and cook his own food for himself but accidently set a kitchen towel on fire by mistakingly setting it on top of the wrong oven circle -out of panic he got rid of it by quickly throwing it out the window in a panic making it land on someone's car windshield
๑ kazutora is actually quite close with Baji's mom. at some point he slipped up when calling out for her and accidentally called her 'mom' and sure enough he got embarrassed real quick and by a lot. ryoko took pride into that title tho, knowing that she mistakenly got called mom by someone else other than her own son made her feel oddly happy - although she mentioned that kazu is fine in calling her 'mom' he never did it again cause he still finds it embarrassing
๑ kazutora secretly takes photos of his friends crushes and sniggers about it while showing it to his friend. it's basically his little thing whenever he's told that someone has a crush, he doesn't do it to a big extent but just one of two pictures and it's usually just from the back or the side. he's been told multiple of times to quit and delete them but secretly they all knows he's doing them a favour cause when kazu sends them the photos they don't delete 'em
๑ peh holds grudges against people just for the sake of it, if he met someone and they had accidentally done something like step on peh's shoe then the next time they see eachother he would death stare them until they walk past and out of eye view, sometimes he just randomly feels like making enemies even despite being on 'silent and mutural' terms with someone.
๑ when akkun first had the thought of becoming a hairdresser he attempted in cutting his own hair and it actually turned out pretty good, cause of this he ended up cutting makotos hair however akkun had purposely cut his hair badly out of revenge for leaving 'filthy magazines' in akkuns room where his mom had found- making him to be unintentionally framed by makoto
๑ kisaki has a shit tone of books about manipulation and how to read people, how to carefully plot plans and use everything and anything to his own advantage even if things don't work out
๑ the reason why shion get frequent stomach aces is cause he has a bit of sweet tooth, he doesn't get hungry often so he forgets to actually eat a propper meal sometimes but when he sees something sweet and colourful he can't help but take more than a peck at it.
๑ at some point mitsuya accidentally knocked over a massive jar of beads over at the sowing club and took 2 hours collecting each one
๑ when taiju first started mending to his restaurant he had a bit of a high temper and would crack easily to his new employees if they spilled something or cut up a carrot with incorrect sizes, but after getting used to owning a business he somehow became the 'best boss' and grew to be pretty chill even if someone does a mistake - unless if it's a continuous mistake, then he'll get pissed
๑ taiju had a massive fixation with sharks and cool, colourful looking fish when he was younger. going to aquariums on a daily basis and as a kid he had collected little figurines of sharks, orcas and killer whales that he displayed. up till now he still have one of the shark toys displayed on a shelf since it was his all time favourite.
๑ yazuha hates bugs (cannon) and at some point she saw a weird looking incest in the bathroom and was begging hakkai to kill it or simply get it away for her but even he was disgusted by it so they kept on going back and forth about what to do about it before they both decided to team up and tackle it together. yazuha put a cup over it but while doing so the cup got knocked over from her shaky hands causing the both of them to scream as the bug started to move about but hakkai quickly put the cup back over it. they had to take a small breather and relax a little from the nerves before following through any more.
๑ Hina has a small collection of cute keychains, some of them are small plushies and a few are her favourite characters and others are random, small objects. she has some hanging on many different bags, her keys and a few hanging on thumb tacks that are stuck in a cork board on display
๑ Hina is really confrontational about anything that bothers her for other people's sake, in class most people try not to say anything rude about other people knowing that she'll over hear and they'll get their ear bitten off by her. cause of this she's kinda like the school hero against the bullies.
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