#he had to use all of his energy to prevent that from happening
ineffableteeth · 6 months
Crowley being absolutely spent and unable to move after a night with Aziraphale and Aziraphale casually getting up unphased and doing his normal routine is one of my favorite things
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Salvage Tomorrow.
Imagine dis...
Every flash who has ever gone back in time tried to make the future a little bit better. From the main Flash Barry Allen to his future grandchild, Bart Allen. But he came from a desolate future, a future of ruins. He may have the power from the original Flash but it had been watered down, he may be fast but not as fast as the fastest man in the world, so the question is… 
How did he come back to the past?
He did not have enough energy or power to travel through the speed force and through time to safely arrive in the past without disintegrating himself… So how?
Danny Fenton also known as “Phantom” was thrust into another mission by Clockwork but instead of his usual errands where he needs to retrieve something, this time he needs to ensure a certain event must happen.
When Danny asked which point of time he would be sent Clockwork admitted that he would be sent to the future where Dan came from.
That startled Danny because as far as he is concerned the future is now gone and the main event where Dan is formed has been avoided, also Dan is slowly mellowing out and he is very sure Dan developed a soft spot for him. Clockwork sensing his ward’s question chose to open a portal to that timeline and began to explain. There is another event that must take place just as after Dan goes back in time just to ensure he was made, a speedster was supposed to travel back in time to prevent another major apocalypse and he needed a bit of help.
Clockwork also suggested Dan to come along, Dan is a bit skeptical since he left an impression on the remaining humans. Danny assured him that he could do this alone and he had done it multiple times. Dan just snarked back that Danny might be attacked and it would be a shame if he died from a puny human.
With much more arguing Danny was sent back to the past to help the Flash at the time to go back in the past.
When Danny gets to the end of the portal, The scene surrounding him is eerie, with degradation and ruins that represent the once-thriving society that he remembers. Collapsed buildings and overgrown plants litter the streets, showing the remnants of a once-thriving community. Danny can practically taste the ash that clung in the air.
There he was, He couldn't help but wince at the future that his future self did, no wonder the Observants wanted him dead the moment Danny gained his ghostly powers. He can barely sense any living being as for the undead one, immediately cleared out of his way the moment he even breathed in his direction. Using invisibility he flew to the nearest human camp that he had sensed after 3 days of exploring for any signs of life. According to Dan, Danny remembers, that he knew there was a small group of humans who survived the initial killings and tried to hide from him 
He saw that the majority of them were civilians living off the scraps they had found in the ruins of their cities. Some were trying to plant some seedlings into the soil, but Dan had poisoned the soil with ectoplasm as a form of a slow execution or some sort. All of them are weary and vigilant as if Dan would come back any moment to finish them off.
Of course, Danny can't just stroll there, from the way they tense they would run off any minute plus he didn't know which one would go to the past. 
At first, he started off helping them in terms of small things like if they were a bit cold during the night a few more blankets would appear. They were running out of drinkable water, a trail suddenly appeared towards a small creak that wasn't infected by the ectoplasm. 
At first, everyone was able to brush it off as a stroke of luck but then the remaining heroes or those who have a connection to the said former heroes began to doubt the sudden gifts they tried to catch the person giving them gifts but it took a child’s laughter to catch their invisible helper.
Danny was just dropping off another small batch of supplies hidden a few feet away from the main group so that when they went exploring they could find the said supplies. The group for exploration left the camp leaving with a few children who had survived along with some young adults to watch over the said kids. One of the kids began crying as if their situation finally sunk in, Danny who was still invisible tried to comfort the child but it was then the group to explore went back and Danny forgot to turn on his invisibility, Let us just say panic ensued.
After the entire fiasco of yelling, shouting, fear, and screaming they can talk civilly to each other after a few weeks of Danny proving himself further that he is not Dan despite looking like a smaller carbon copy of the man.
Danny didn't want his relationship with Dan to be known so he let them draw their conclusion, he heard from afar that they were slowly trying to trust him as if he was truly Dan they would have killed them already since Dan broadcasted his fight, do you even call a massacre a fight? To enjoy their screams.
Danny was too elated to hear the good news that he missed their conclusion of him being Dan’s son who is trying to do good despite their father being the cause of such an apocalypse.
A Bat, from the insignia etched to their chest, finally interrogated Danny on why is he there and Danny homestyle told them that he could be a battery. At first, a flash of surprise etched on their face then went back to their neutral form. The said Bat member asked how Danny knew, Danny evaded the question and proceeded to insist that he could help whomever they were sending to the past since not only they are missing the needed parts to their machine but they also needed a battery powerful enough to power up the machine.
After a much-needed trade and interrogation, they finally decided to let Danny help. With Danny’s expertise, they were able to finish the pod to let one of them travel back in time. Bart Allen was chosen as not only he is a speedster but when it comes to the delicate balance of time travel the Flash’es are the ones to handle it. 
Just as they fire the pod that contains Bart, Dan suddenly appears looking grimly at the group, Danny, and the machine. Bart’s final moments before he was sent to the past were the horrified looks from the group that protected him and Danny’s scared/grimacing face at the face of Dan.
The last remaining group of humans slowly disappears as a result of Bart’s change in the timeline. The Bat looks at Danny with a determined look trying to blurt out codes to Danny that if he ever needed help the Bats in the past should recognize the code. 
Bart and The Last Bat can’t help but get close to the ghost boy who despite his father tries to do good.
As the last human disappeared Danny can’t help but blurt out to Dan that it was hard to gain their trust, and that’s why he was late. Dan just rolled his eyes and told Danny that he was there to fetch him since this timeline was about to vanish. Danny the ever petulant child let Dan drag him by the collar to the portal as he watched the reality he knew for a few weeks gain cracks and destroy itself.
Surely Danny thought, he would never see Bart again. He had been Phantom since he was 14 and it had been 3 years since his accident and there had been no contact from Bart.
Meanwhile, Bart has been trying to find a Phantom ever since he went back in time. As if the universe is against him when it comes to trying to find Danny, something is at foot and needs his full attention. During his mission, the theory “Phanton is the son of Dan” solidified when he saw multiple cave paintings and even mentioned Dan. Which made Dan old enough to procreate.
It was a mission gone wrong that reunited the two. Bart along with Kon and Tim on a usual mission to bust some villain's butt, but of course when things got too well things went sideways, and able to kidnap them.
Opening his eyes, Bart took a good look around him, he was cuffed with anti-meta cuffs that dampened the powers of metas who committed a crime. He along with his teammates are all tied up in some sort of Occult Ritual for the Lazarus pits. Bart joked to Tim also known as Red Robin that this only happens in Gotham and they were states away from Gotham. Tim who is looking at their predicament with seriousness chose to ignore Bart. Bart looked a bit bored and thought that this must be a good idea to page Danny.
As the cult group tries their botched pronunciation of Esperanto, Bart who is known as a man of science just like the original Flash and Wally, clears his throat and begins chanting alongside the cultists. As the mist suddenly invaded the room, ice began sprouting from the floor trapping the cultist inside of them.
Both Red Robin and Superboy are now on the edge seeing the cultists were able to summon something and Bart is now smiling across his cheeks since he recognizes that ice anywhere.
Bart yelled out to Danny in the mist, both Red Robin and Superboy were now looking at him with surprised looks as someone responded to Bart. A white-haired teen wearing royal regalia from his head to his boots with glowing green eyes reminded Tim of the Lazarus pits.
The mysterious white-haired teen greeted Bart tiredly as seen from the deep eyebags below his eyes. Bart immediately went to chatter Danny’s ears off as Danny tried to free them from their bindings. Just as Bart excitedly introduced Danny to his friends, Danny immediately went alert and told them to hide immediately. Tim and Conner who are still distrusting Danny, suddenly yelped at Bart as he dragged them to hide behind one of the ice pillars. 
Tim the ever detective tried to ask what was going on and Bart just hushed them with an attitude that they had never seen from the time-traveling teen. A green glowing portal appeared behind Danny and what emerged made Bart’s face turn paper white.
Tim has questions about what is happening and opts to stay quiet and observe. Bart whom Tim knew as cheerful, chatty, and optimistic about the dire situation suddenly went quiet and began to fear whomever appeared behind “Danny’s” back.
The thing that emerged from behind Danny is a larger, buffer version. Of himself with a few details and traits missing from their savior to the newcomer. Danny tensed and asked why is he there and the new commer smirked grabbed “Danny” by the collar and dragged “Danny” towards the portal while “Danny” was weakly protesting.
The moment the portal disappeared Bart looked in the direction where their savior had been dragged off with a mix of confusion and dread and immediately barked at Kon to break the cuffs that hindered his powers while marching towards the direction to the nearest Zeta tube.
Danny just answered a cult’s calling not because he wants to evade his paperwork no sir, he is one responsible halfa and he would never use every excuse he can come up to escape paperwork. The ritual that the cult is using is powerful… oh no….. He deadpaned at Dan as he disappeared from the castle.
When he did appear at the scene he immediately spotted Bart, no wonder he heard a familiar voice in between the botched Esperanto. Danny is just happy to reunite with his friend when he feels Dan is fetching him. Danny told Bart and his friends to hide as Dan might scare them, first impression people!!!
Danny wants to introduce to Bart a redeemed Dan after he asks Bart if he is okay with seeing the person who turned the world into ruins. He may never listen to Jazz when she rants his ears out but some knowledge tends to stay you know.
Dan just smirked as he dragged Danny away knowing that another pile of paperwork added to the mountain of it. Danny just whined to Dan about why is he even doing this when Dan is the regent, it was agreed upon by the Ancients that Dan should be a stand-in as the king of the Infinite Realms while Danny finishes his royal studies to become king and his human life. Dan just said that he just has to look pretty while Danny does the actual things.
Danny just pouted at the notion, as he lay his head on the table that impressively holds the tons of paperwork that reaches to the ceiling of the former king’s castle he can’t help but notice his relationship with Dan. Gone with the anger and malice, replaced with fondness and affection between them, brother, a word Dan accidentally muttered when he thought he was asleep. 
Dan is painting himself a target, Danny mused, with the GIW doubling their efforts, despite their continuous idiocy the rare times they managed to capture one is devastating. Any none ghost knew that there was a new king but not who, with Dan’s appearance could easily gain all the enemies of the real king aka HIM. Declaring Dan as the king is keeping him safe and unknown to everyone aside from the closest Ancients who knew the truth.
 A ploy to keep him safe.
Danny just sighed and wished Bart could help him out of the paperwork. 
Meanwhile, the JL is in a panic, Time travelers typically avoid telling directly what’s going to happen to avoid further complications the moment they step their feet, so they try to steer the present just a little bit for a better future. So when Bart, the time traveler from a desolate future bursts into the meeting room full of the founding members with two of his teammates trying to catch up to him, about Danny. Flash immediately jumps into action telling Bart to stop what is doing, Bart reiterates that Danny is not his father and Batman immediately barks out a report.
So Bart explains, explains a ruined future,  a future full of poison that seeped into the soil and water rendering everything dead, a future where there were only small groups of humans, a future where it was ruled by a tyrant named Dan, a future where his only son Danny Phantom defied the said future so that Bart could go back and change the future.
Constantine explained that they have to be careful, with Dan being the king of the Infinite Realms, they have to tread carefully, or else it may be seen as a declaration of war. If Trigon only conquers different realities then Dan has the power to destroy the universe and realities as they know it. He can make Trigon and Darkseid out of the business.
PS: If someone out there wants to continue or make a fic about this you are free to do so, don’t forget to tag me though.
 PPS: I am now confused about which prompt I should post due to my idiotic self mixing up the date so we’ll go back to the former schedule.
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sukunas-wife · 5 months
Part 4
1 / 2 / 3 / 5
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“Morí!” Snapping your head to look at him, “Get my robes!” It didn’t take long to get into the robes you had preserved for so long. It was a Junihitoe you wore often before you became a mother and had to have better clothes to not trip every time you chased after Yuji.
Placing a hand on Mori’s shoulder, “I’ll make this quick.”
It was an instance and Morí was stumbling when you found yourself in front of Yuji’s school. This is where you traced his cursed energy too. It was almost in shambles, you panicked feeling two things, Yuji’s presence was faint, Sukuna’s undoubtedly had been liberated and reincarnated. Leaving More at the bottom he nodded knowing his silent mission was to find either of the two and let you know immediately. Standing on the very top level of the school, you rushed towards the edge, the wind catching your robes and hair, the sound of fabric rustling in the wind. You saw him, Ryomen Sukuna, you were excited to see him, your husband but panic set in when you saw a black haired boy and no Yuji. That was until you heard Sukuna screaming “WHERE ARE THE WOMEN THE CHILDREN.” That’s when you came crashing down on him, Hidden cursed energy would make you an invisible woman. Right when your foot connected with his back everything slowed down. As soon as your foot was flat against his back you saw his malicious smirk, the intent to kill, until you released a large amount of cursed energy in a single pulse sending him flying off the edge and crashing into the ground. You stood there watching him laughing, shoving himself up he turned to you almost in disbelief when it registered.
“Y/n?” His gruff voice made you shiver, “Sorry it’s not the women and children of the world here to now at your feet RYOMEN. It seems like you need to be reminded of your place.” His brow dropped and he grinned making his way back to you.
“Naayy I’d say it’s you who should remember your place is by m-“
A white haired man broke up your reunion, you eyed him, upset when he had a hand on your shoulder, holding you near the black haired kid. Brushing his hand off he seemed cocky, you looked at Sukuna, he was gone, it was Yuji… rushing over to Yuji you took his face in your hands eyeing him seeing the slivers under his eyes, Ryomens presence was in him, “Damn it.” Yuji held your wrists, pulling your hands from his face, “Stand back mom, he wants to talk to this guy.” You turned to look at the white haired man, “Yuji, I’m begging you not to comply with this man.” He gave you a sympathetic smile, “Mom please.” You were antsy, you knew that Uniform and you’ve heard of that man. He was an anomaly, Satoru Gojo of The Six Eyes.
“NO YUJI.” Your voice was firm and your stare hardened on him and he looked shocked. He faltered, he looked lost, he looked past you to the ones behind you before he looked you in the eye. “I’m sorry mom.” He stepped back and it all happened so quickly.
You watched as Sukuna tried to fight this man. Looking down and away no one could see the pained expression when you squeezed a talisman in your hand “Damn it… Yuji, you don’t know what you just started.”
“NO,” your objection was irrational when you slammed your hand on the table, “That’s MY SON I won’t let you execute him.”
The people now known to you as the higher ups started murmuring until the old man spoke up, “Why does your opinion matter? As we see it all lives are expendable at the expense it saves others. If your life is preventing us from saving more lives, affairs can and will be arranged.”
Gojo Satoru laughed, finally sitting up. “I say we suspend the execution, you wanna get rid of Sukuna’s presence so badly, let the kid eat all 20 fingers and then execute him.” He sighed content, “It's like all the higher up’s have shit for brains if not a single one of you even thought about it. The kid is a once every thousand years case and you wanna waste it because he ate one finger?” He laughed picking up one edge of his blind fold, “Maybe all these years are catching up with you and filling you with bullshit.”
Your eye twitched. This man just wanted to use your son, “where the hell is Yuji, I swear I’ll kill everyone here and tear your entire school apart if that’s what it takes to find him.”
You were feral and the life of you, you couldn’t feel his or Sukuna’s presence. Worries start to set in and you felt sick in your stomach. The last time you felt this way was when a practitioner told you Yuji had a fatal disease he wasn’t going to make it.
“Satoru who is this woman, why would you brin- Lady Y/n! My Lady’s name is y/n and I urge you to speak with respect.” You looked over your shoulder to Morí with a smile, “Thank you Morí.” It was shocking how you went from threatening to kill a man to smiling kindly, it caused whiplash how you turned to the man with that same look Sukuna used to use, “Now, I’ll give you one more chance to let my son walk free or I start snapping necks.”
Some extra spoke up saying “I don’t think you realise your position… uhm Lady Y/n? Was it? You’re a human among sorcerers, what your little servant is being paid to be with you to tell you about what’s going on? You’re in no position to state demands and make threats empty ones as i-“ your hand was held up copying the same motion you had seen Sukuna make. No one noticed anything until the man’s face slipped.
“Just in case all of you don’t understand. I’m very much in the position to make demands and threats. You will all understand, not one of you here is in any position to deny ME. So, If I have to stand here and take you all out one by one to get my point across…” you placed your hands on the table leaning forwards staring straight into the old man’s shadow casted eyes, “I will.”
You were studying the black haired kid who was standing outside the door with you. Yuji and Gojo had entered the room because Gojo wanted to talk to him privately. Right now Yuji should be picking up Wasuke's ashes. Mori was standing off behind you waiting, you sighed looking down when the door slid open, “Fushiguro!” It hit you why he looked so familiar, then Yuji saw you. He walked over slowly, hugging you and laying his face on your shoulder, “I’m sorry mom I had to.” You nodded your head, “It’s alright Yuji, you did what you felt needed to be done…” you saw the sliver under his eye and you saw that all too familiar red eye. Pressing a kiss to Yuji’s forehead, a mouth formed, just opening to say something when you gave “Sukuna” a look and he frowned disappearing.
“Yuji.. I think it’s time I tell you- ah ah ah, we gotta save that! For another place! We should get Yuji Itadori here and settle into his dorm! Don’t worry mama we have a place for you tooo! Higher ups think you're a threat now that they’ve seen a glimpse of what you can do.” You gave Gojo a Look when Yuji pulled away from you to look up at you, “What you can do?”
Side eyeing Gojo as he let out a childish laugh, “Sorry I didn’t know it was a big secret.” It was fully intended he disrupt your moment just to rile up the situation.
“Yu,” you saw Sukuna’s eye open rolling to look at you, seeing all the emotion you needed in a simple look, now isn’t the time for that, “I uhm, I have a lot to explain to you later when we get a chance to speak privately.”
He doesn’t know a thing about cursed energy, he wouldn’t understand a thing right now. He looked up at you brows furrowed with a slight pout, “I..I guess so..”
Turning to Satoru, he seemed equally amused, his hands shoved in his pockets leaning forward head tilted, “Great family reunion over let’s get started.”
“Wow.. this place is- great! Usually we’d let the staff stay here when they visit from the sister school but you get this nice cosy place all to yourself, your lonesome self.., it’s not far from the dorms and you get your own kitchen!” He motioned over dramatically excited to the dusty kitchen. “…yeah great, a great big mess..” you looked over to see Mori sigh pulling back his sleeve and grabbing an equally dusty broom, “I’ll get started Lady Y/n, I’ll have it ready by night fall.” So what is he? Servant? Man maid? Slave? Little sub you drag around.” You were unamused eyeing him. “I took Morinozuka in when I found him as a sick hungry child in my original city. I took him in not having the heart to leave a kid to die in the snow.” “And what’s with this Lady Y/n Cra- Mom!” You turned to the door after hearing Yuji just to see him sliding the door open with a bright smile, “I don’t if Gojo Sensei told you but my room’s right next to Fushiguro!” You smiled at him “That’s Good sweetheart, we’re about to clean up here if you wanna go ba- I’ll help move some stuff out.” He entered immediately to help Mori move some boxes out of the way.
You watched until you looked over at Gojo, he was staring at you, thumb pressed on his chin pointer finger tapping his lips, “y/n y/n y/n” he sighed, “I hate making an accusation without poor but I get the feeling you really are hiding something. You used a curse technique but you don’t exactly have a cursed energy presence. Megumi told me that you managed to land a pretty impressive hit on the King of Curses. So I get the feeling you're not just some modern day sorcerer, what is it? Suppressed cursed energy? Or maybe,” he leaned close his face entirely too close to yours, you could feel his breath, “you found a way to hide your cursed energy…” he stood up laughing “But that’s absolutely ridiculous.”
Rolling your eyes you became smug, leaning your head back side eyeing him, “there’s a saying, Satoru, a girl never kisses and tells. So even if I had found a way to hide cursed energy you wouldn’t hear how out of me.”
“I'm leaving.” Yuji was wide eyed, clinging onto the back of your shirt, “..don’t go…” you shook your head no, “please…” you could hear the shake in his voice before you rolled your eyes, “Yuji…” turning around to face him, “I’m just going to pick up some stuff I’ll be back!” He clung to you rubbing his face in your chest, “don’t leave meeeee.”
You put a hand on his head, “I don’t know if Gojo will let you go, so you need to stay and take a class or something.”
He pouted looking up at you, “Bring me week-weekly Shonen yes yes don’t worry.” You kissed the top of his head, “Go I’ll be back later.”
He smiled and you didn’t miss that red eye opening up to look at you. “Bye love you mom.” He turned around running off waving back.
“Lady Y/n… you know how this could end if you don’t tell either of them what you know soon.” Staring at the stone path you couldn’t help but want to ignore Mori. “Mhmm, I’ll have to do it soon, I just don’t know when soon is…”
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I hope y’all like it 🥹 I hate plot jumping so it’s a bit slow in this part
Also some tags didn’t work 🥹🥺
Tag: @needsleep3000 @lunafrisk303999 9 @ang3lz-lov3 @christinerose380 @dl-yum @yumieis @bellinghambby22 @samatokisunfinishedcigarette @amitiel-truth @kundere20000000 @r0ckst4rjk @maybe-a-bi-witch @kouyoumarryme @wannabewolf @lunaizhere @futureittomainn @raiiny-night @3ve88
@t4naiis @blkmystery @the2ndl @too-pretty-to-live @v-sh @officialjellydoughnut @catmouseggy @f1uveryysblog @icantsleeplol809 @wsp1st @ivysenpai3 @babyqueen17 @lupita97lm @oh-gods-its-a-dragon @nxxrxm @avyannasstuff @nameless-mushroom-warrior @fullwriterpoem @nanamisbigassschlong @queen-luna-007 @alonelyvagabond @pupbistro @clxvrs @dangerous-girls-world d @saiyara05 @isagivinny @sanzusmom @honeybachira @iwantosleep @sizzlingsongblaze @theirbitxch @sakuxxi @mercymccann @simpforyoubitch @certainduckanchor @domainofmarie @najiiix @bakugou-katsukis-wife @amitiel-truth @souyasplushie @mylovelessnightmare @bluusugar
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moondirti · 1 year
animalic (5)
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← chapter four // series masterlist
pairing: miguel o'hara x f!reader rating: mature word count: 3.4k summary: an unwelcome confrontation warnings: enemies to lovers, violence, blood and injury, mentioned death, fighting, angst, morally questionable characters, miguel o'hara is not nice notes: this chapter caused several headaches and i don't even like the end result, but i can't pick at it forever sooo. enjoy!
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While you’ve never been renowned for making the most accurate of assumptions, there are certain patterns you’ve come to expect in order to have survived this long. To never have a glass of orange juice after brushing your teeth, or maintain eye contact while being threatened. That a kilogram of antimatter produces ten billion times the energy of chemical combustion upon annihilation, and that any quantity larger than that should not be contained.
Of such paradigms, you’ve noted only one to be entirely reliable. That a spider-hero would always fight crime, whatever the greater good. 
“Absolutely not.”
You might’ve been mistaken. 
“Those people are in danger, O’Hara.” You strain, trembling against the cough battering your chest. Your diaphragm spasms with every stride he takes, crushed against the curve of his broad shoulder, desperate to make up for lost breath. 
He lets the plea hang, countenance obscured from your view. With the way he carries you now, all that meets your eye is navy – navy, and the bright red geometry stretched over the brawn of his back. The nanotech suit warps to fit every muscle, glinting as they push forward to meet the sun. And it dips, right between his shoulder blades, lining a clear contour of the anatomy he fails to hide. A dosser of intercostal sinew. Tapered laterals, cinched to curve at–
Your core broils uncomfortably, and his grip tightens around your knees, levelling up to the degree of his treatment thus far. After slinging off that rooftop, he’s made sure to keep you particularly close, like the effort could prevent your powers from manifesting. Like you could make it happen. 
(Though, he doesn’t know that you can’t.)
But he’s smarter than that. If nothing else, it serves as a cautionary gesture. A reminder. You’re disarmed – quite literally – the only force between your nose and the sidewalk being the behemoth of a man whose body you’re strewn across. And, if you could control it – transcend the material at any given whim – it would be the extent and end of your efforts. Not with the neon webs binding you, nor your clear lack of skill. 
The wind quivers with the distant sounds of calamity. You’re drawn back to the very real situation at hand. 
“You make for a lousy excuse of a spiderman if your first instinct isn’t to save them!” You raise your voice, hoping to be heard over the sirens that blare towards the destruction. By counting them as they pass – two, four, six – you’re able to assign a severity to it. But it isn’t, won’t be, enough. You’d heard the screeches; primordial, clawing out from beyond the capabilities of an ordinary threat. You’d felt them – seeping into your bones, grating the spongy marrow – until Miguel had gathered enough obduration to reel you in the complete opposite direction.
Speaking of– 
You tilt your head upwards, surveying the street down which he runs. It’s deserted, yet the presence of its civilians is slower to leave, a molasses that slinks towards locked doors. It’s thick with an apathetic acceptance, bordering on resignation – bitter and not unlike your own resting inclinations. You’ve never known an evacuation to happen this fast, especially this far out from the scene; people are stubborn like that, refusing to face what isn’t in front of them. That is to say, they might be used to it.
“You’re not even going the right way, dickhead!” 
Of all things, that makes him stop. 
(Of course it does.)
Your form flops uselessly as he turns to make sense of his surroundings. There’s the sign – 30 St and 7th – which should give any New Yorker an idea, but he doesn’t linger on it. Instead, he shoots a web to wrap around the railway of a fire escape, propelling the both of you onto an accompanying balcony. Swallowing the bile that swells along your throat at the sudden jump, you shoot him an incredulous look, which he chooses to ignore as he drops you to the floor. 
His mask retreats, hair bouncing upon escape from its smothering embrace. For all that he tries to hide his pinched lips, you sense the scepticism emanating off him in waves. 
You take a moment to stew over it, examining him while he calculates the path of your previous chase. From the convenience, to the corner, and into a nearby store lot. Perhaps he hadn’t been paying notice – which you sincerely doubt, considering the efficiency with which he treats everything else. Could he really be unfamiliar with the layout of a city his job is to protect? Or–
It occurs to you steadily, washing up on the fringes of your arrogance; a realisation in pieces.  
Nueva York. 2099. 
A metropolis. Likely one with no grid system. 
Your cackle beckons his attention, severe stare snapping to your grin.
“We’re on Seventh.” You specify.
He cocks his head, nostrils flaring. Warning or question – you have a hard time deciphering the difference. 
“The convenience was on Sixth and Third. You know, third avenue, East of Fifth?” You push it, spurred by your awareness that he, in fact, does not know. 
“¡Ándale pues! What exactly is your point?” 
“We continued down east until you bit me, judging by the way the sun hit the lot upon rising. But now, we’re on Seventh, on the other side of Fifth.”
His jaw clicks, pulsing in irritation. You toe the line of what you can get away with, how long you can drag this out before he decides you’re not worth the trouble. 
“West. You’re heading West, and–” Wriggling, you adjust your posture into one more reflective of your current pride. “If you have any hope of finding that day pass, then you’re gonna need to go back.” 
The bid translates, weighty, bubbling like the arid smoke off nuclear strife. He processes it, understands – you watch as it unfolds in that intimidatingly intelligent glare – yet the circumstance takes a while to establish itself. Even when it does, he doesn’t grant you the satisfaction of a full blown breakdown. No. His hands just find his hips, chin sloping to the sky.
“No puedo más, no puedo más, no–” 
You probably shouldn’t rub it in any further. 
“Since it’s on our way–” 
"No." He snaps, voice laced with a prickling irritation that sears through his supposed indifference. The heat of it greets you, wiping the simper that had begun stretching your cheeks. “You must think this is some game, and while that might explain the shit you’ve pulled in the past, I have a responsibility. I can’t interfere with their canon.” 
“So, what? You’re just gonna let them die?” 
His expression lifts, brows rising expectantly, like he’s imploring you to shut up without his verbal confirmation. 
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It starts like a taut bowstring, straining as it verges on release. 
On one end, there’s Apollo; drawing his arrow, a god amongst men. The direction with which he aims his weapon can be seen as prophetic – plague was always meant to befall the crowd at his mercy, their fates little more than a thread of mass design. Some call it righteous – epithets dedicated to his name – agreed upon by the same men who claim that rational means right. Some craft sculptures in his visage, this muse of the kouros, likening stone to flesh and deluding the observer that the two can be synonymous. Nietzsche, Bernini. You, yourself, had managed to believe that the muscle rippling below you could be anything but an Athenian tragedy. 
You linger on how startlingly poetic it all is, and the string pulls tighter. You’ve never claimed to be a hero, but you have the instinct, just the same. He, on the other hand, seems entirely dismissive of the urge you assumed would wreck him too. 
(Partially your fault. You know better than to expect the obvious from him – that’s his pattern.) 
As the two of you veer closer to the havoc, the arrow discharges, striking the tension that’s kept you still thus far. When it snaps, it shatters, congealing to form a beset of sounds, sights, fear. Heaving sobs from a limping group of friends – the middle one rapidly losing blood from what you can tell. The pungent clog of burning debris, fed by the ash that lays suspended, mid-air. The painful creak of metal collapsing in on itself, peppered amongst the constant buzz of radio static. Miguel curbs to a stop, hidden in the notch of an alleyway, and uses the cover to reposition you in his carry. You go from slung over his shoulder to laid across his arms – not quite bridal style, but a placement similar enough that he retains a solid hold of you. 
His mask comes back up, concealing the cynicism that had begun to creep up onto you both. You scoff at the unambiguity of the action, the parallel it poses to the reality at hand. He blocks himself to the obvious, the avoidable. 
Glowering, you trace his line of vision to the encompassing wreckage. The street appears hauntingly familiar, thrumming with the hurried echoes of a recent memory. It lacks the colourful components – the vivid signage, the star speckled windows – yet, you recognize it all the same. The very avenue you frantically traversed only hours ago. Your companion, too, begins to grasp the truth, and you find yourself biting your cheek, a twinge of unease settling in as the revelation hits you: that perhaps you had divulged too much, far surpassing the realm of personal gain. 
Yeah, the day pass is here. And you can only hope that he won’t find it.
For now, though, it appears to be the least of your worries. 
A crimson creature prowls along the fringes of the decimated ruins – deliberate, relaxed, like a predator with its teeth already halfway dug in its meal – circling a man clad in a lab coat. Its size is menacing enough; standing at seven feet, with limbs as thick as pipes. Yet, what truly strikes you are the protruding bulges flanking either side of its jaw, and the white, emblematic eyes gazing out from upon its face. 
“Spider-person?” You whisper, not so much looking for clarification as you were putting the possibility out there. Miguel is unwavering, dead-set on waiting the interaction out. 
“Something like that.” He affirms. 
“Y’know, I remember you, doc!” The creature jibes, its inflection nearing maniacal. “You sat on my jury! Yes, yes. Hard to forget a shiner like that.” Laughing, it points to the balding patch atop its victims head. He trembles, bowing in a silent cry. 
“Wraith.” He warns. 
“Sixty seven years! Not even you look that old, ‘course you don’t understand how damning that sentence was! But you see, I got lucky. Some higher being must’ve taken pity on me, enough to grant me this miracle of a symbiote. Mhm, yeah–” He skips closer to his prey, considering him in the new light. “‘Cause now I can do things like…” A sharp blow echoes. The glassy spear, red as the flesh it extends from, skewers through the doctor’s chest, a spout of blood following through on the other end. “This!”
Miguel’s palm slaps over your mouth, knee supporting the portion of your body he releases whilst angling you away from the scene. You’re thankful for it, despite the overwhelming anger you bear against him. You’ve no trust in the horror that wracks you suddenly, all at once. It launches you back to that convenience, the robbery. How powerless you had been to stop the clerk from dying out, your hoodie fruitlessly wedged to her neck. You’d been spared the grief so far – the blur of the last day tamping to little more than an aching numbness. Yet you should have appreciated that it couldn’t last; guilt is far too familiar a prospect for you to have expected it to let off so soon.
(Your mistake.) 
“Oops. Did that go through your heart? My bad, doc.” It howls, stuck in its own stand-up routine. “You’d been doing your… erm– civil duty, sure.” The loud squelch of gore triggers the imagery for you, regardless of your averted gaze. The limb-turned-spear being pried out from between his ribs, caked in bits of tissue. 
Dead. You could’ve prevented it. 
He could have. 
From behind the veil of unshed tears, you watch as he ponders the risk of retracting his hand. You betray nothing, blinking back the hot dismay from your eyes, and instead meet his regard in cold defiance. Slowly, as though your apparent sensibility means anything, he removes the muzzle. 
You contemplate screaming, to coax the creature from the group of people it has surrounded and make it Miguel's problem to handle.
Then, you remember your rather unsavoury predicament. How prone you are to harm with your limbs locked; you aren’t the best in combat, but you still could’ve stood a chance at survival if it wasn’t for your restraints. 
Your captor reaffirms his grip, tucking you to his figure as he creeps up to a corner. His back remains glued to the brick wall, obscured in shadow. The stance is primed – far from the hesitant sidle he’d adopted before. It isn’t hard to figure out why; you see it too, buried under a pile of trash bags, on the other side of the road. Purple, luminescent. 
The day pass. 
As if on cue – choreographed by a sadistic deity with no favour for anyone involved – you glitch. 
It doesn’t last long, but it’s enough for you to fall to the ground, erupting in a pained groan. The creature twists to lay its terror on your curled frame, shaded by a man who – despite his vast height – is dwarfed in comparison to its colossal self.
“Better start learning not to ignore my spidey sense! I’d felt you tiptoein’ over there,” It growls, neck stretching in preparation for attack. 
“We’re not here for you.” Miguel urges. 
“No? That hurts my feelings, and here I was thinking you wanted to be friends.” At the feral rip of its taunt, it lunges, tearing through the space separating you. The spider-man, in turn, dodges the barrelling assault, swinging in a blur of motion to a wreck not far off. You thank God for his flashy suit; the creature seems to forget you completely, pivoting to charge at him again. 
You force yourself to look away, sickened at the unhinged savagery with which it thrashes. There are people still around, crippled by quickly debilitating injuries, the paramedics meant to aid them now amongst the lost. This is what you wanted – the opportunity to help – and of course you’re still hindered by the asshole who’d refused you in the first place. Desperation weighs heavy on your chest as your eyes scan the spoilage, seeking anything you could use to cut yourself free. And there, you catch it – the sharp end of a broken gutter, its jagged edge catching the afternoon sun.
Using your heels as anchors, you push yourself across the coarse pavement. It isn’t a long way, thankfully, but sweat already starts to dampen your shirt by the time you reach the potential lifeline. Angling yourself, you press the webs to the serrated metal, ready to start shoving. That is, until you remember Miguel; how he sat on your legs, his talons performing much the same feat. He made sure to hold your wrists apart, so you didn’t suffer damages he didn’t intend. 
You remedy your approach, arms straining to separate, then thrust downwards. The telltale signs of your success come as pops, like elastic bands splintering. Then, it’s the easing pressure on your skin, irritated and surely marked in places where the binds come undone. 
The makeshift blade catches your elbow once you’re halfway down, burying deep enough to touch bone. The world narrows to the searing intensity that blazes up your nerves, eclipsing all else. You almost forget your goal, your brain stirring signals to pull away, but the fight that rages in your peripheral is only growing more barbaric. Alarmingly, Miguel is losing. 
If he dies, you’re next, and it’d all be in vain. 
Biting your tongue, you stifle the pain and continue pressing. The gutter inches sideway, ripping through flesh and web like butter, the sleeves of your top mangling at its lip. Miraculously, you stay awake for the time it takes to finally get your arms loose. It’s harder to preserve that triumph when you sit up, though, dizziness distorting the plan of action you’d set for yourself. 
(Get… get the people to safety. Then, your legs. No–
Free your legs, get the people to safety. And… what? 
The day pass. Yeah.
But Mig–)
Your body moves with an unsettling disconnect from your own command. Unable to fully grasp the dissonance, you blanch in bewilderment as you navigate the clearest cut path through it all. A dance in a mechanical rhythm; pulling the webs off your calves, running over to the nearest civilian, and helping them up on their feet. And again. And again. 
There’s a boy, young enough that you worry he doesn’t understand you’re harmless. His cherubic face is coated in a grey layer of dust, disturbed only by the tear marks that run from big eyes. His foot has been crushed, stormy blue blotching his knee. You dismiss the agony of your numerous wounds and crouch to pick him up, hugging him to your chest. 
New squadrons of emergency services trickle in, careful to leave their sirens off as they round the corner. It’s an odd enough choice that it distracts you from the child’s fingers, which dig into your abrasion for purchase. An ensemble of prospects occur to you. 
When you hand him off to an awaiting EMT, it clicks. 
What’d the creature call itself? A symbiote? 
(You haven’t always been science-oriented.
Freshman year of college, you’d joined as an undeclared major within the school of arts and architecture. ‘Course, you only had your general education requirements to fulfil at the time; useless classes that fit your self-imposed four day weekend, meant to do fuck all as your tuition went to waste. Needless to say, your ambition had been directed at more carnal pursuits. 
Then, there was astronomy. It’d awakened your curiosity for the cosmos.
Astro 8, to be exact. Life in the Universe. Your post-midterm lesson had been on a recently discovered,  space-faring civilization. Symbiotes – they were called – based on the initial assumption that they thrived in mutual beneficial relationships with other lifeforms. But the projection that flickered for its class of drowsy students entailed another truth entirely. Darkened bullet points in big, bold letters. Known weakness. 
Fire, and sound.)
You sprint towards a nearby cop car, its door wide open and the driver's seat vacant. It’s instinctual, devoid of consideration. A singular objective dominates you, beyond the day pass – to kill that thing. Not for Miguel, who’s choked in its gnarled hand. Not for yourself, or your deep-rooted desire for heroism. No. Just for them – the boy and that group of friends, the doctor who still lays dead on the scene. For the sake of this world, and to reconcile the life you took just last night, as if such a trade-off could absolve you of the weight of your sins.
Stepping on the gas, you accelerate abruptly, gaining speed with every pothole you drive over. It looms ahead, crouched in front of a hollowed-out apartment complex, suffocating the futurist spider-man and vibrating with glee. If you can align it – aim and time it just right…
You activate the wail siren. Your hypothesis is validated when it screeches in response to the racket, throwing Miguel off to the side. 
Good. He won’t be collateral.
You grab a gun from the cupholder on the dash, throwing it on the pedal to keep it down, then jump to the backseat. 
The impact is seismic; a violent convergence of metal and brick and brawn that sends shockwaves rippling throughout your being. You become captive to the merciless momentum, forcefully propelled against the leather cushions. Chronic whiplash shreds upon the vulnerable muscles holding the weight of your concussed head; its talons raking through the fibres, pulling apart the once sturdy tissue. A relentless ring envelops the cacophony of noise, and silences it into one, tender hum. 
You’re hauled out the window, detained in the embrace of some unspecified form, which settles above you for cover as the building comes crumbling down. 
Or – not unspecified. 
That mix of patchouli and musk.
Your consciousness turns to black as you're buried beneath the rubble.
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chapter six →
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tarjapearce · 5 months
Crimson Crown (Pt. 8)
Cover made by the amazing @pinkiemme ~
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WARNING: MINORS DO NOT INTERACT. Mild fluff, Angst, canon character death, violence, graphic depictions of violence, heartbreak, mild depictions of mental breakdowns, relationship setbacks, Dark Miguel.
Summary: You meet Dana.
A/N: Yeh, I'm nervous about this one jsksj. Hope you like ❤️. Dana's outfit inspired in this
The graying skies above prevented the sun's warmth to reach your window and your body. Stony floor colder than usual, just like your chambers.
A distant and far rumble echoed in the sky, probably a stray island would suffer the drench, after all, weather in Arachne varied depending on it's mood.
The light filtering through your window was dim, gloomy, like a tragedy happened somewhere and the sky preferred to mourn elsewhere.
But the thought of the king and the previous events made your heart warm, shimmy with joy and ease. Some progress at last.
Your eyes closed at the sudden image of him. His smile was captivating, his touch so gentle and knowing that only you had achieved the historical event of luring him out the castle to rest, made your chest swell in pride.
You didn't waste time into writing a new entry in your diary, it had been a while since you scribbled your memories and main events within the castle. Too focused in enjoying the king's company and blooming affection.
An excited novice was nothing compared to how your head felt. Despite the sky's blue mood, yours were in high spirits. You'd start your first ever lessons with your new students back in the lab. Your knowledge on Arachne's medicine would also be put to test.
After having your fill of writing, you got ready for the day. A quick and simple breakfast was brought and you ate, to then leave for your lab.
People greeted your way, bowed or gave a quick smile before entering your favorite play room. As usual, the kettle was put to boil, some roses were minced along rosemary.
While the water boiled, you prepared the station by organizing the canisters, preparing the herbs and ingredients ahead you'd be using. A smile crept in your lips at the familiriaty of the situation.
It was exactly like home where you'd prepare everything ahead to welcome the new students of the Thelerian Medicine Academy. Even though the Queen was the main master, you also taught the basics, but eventually, you earned your title as medical master with own merits.
Surgeries were delicate, and even though not many could be saved, your heart rested knowing that you had tried your best in making the patient's last moments as comfortable as possible.
Thoughts however were interrupted by the heavy steps and armor clinking you knew by heart at this point. Heartbeats increased tenfold as he was now next to you, with a pleased smile at seeing the class being prepared
"Good morning, Princesa."
The fragrant smell of the tea tickled his nose, you poured two cups and offered one to him, just like with Peter.
"Good morning, my lord. Here."
Miguel took the cup with no hesitation, eyed the liquid and he drank the tea before you could even add honey to it. But it also taught you a little thing from him. He wasn't much of a sweet tooth.
"What was that?"
"A drink to give you an energy boost."
His nose flared an airy chuckle while putting the cup on the table and take a good look at you.
"Join me at lunch."
One of your brows quirked and he cleared his throat, "Please."
"Of course."
With a smile you lit the flame from a canister as he watched your every move.
"Any dish you'd like to indulge?"
"That fish stew was tasty. Would it be too capricious of me to ask for more potatos in it?"
Miguel could only soften his smile at the simple petition.
"I'll take my guess and say you'd like some tarts for dessert."
You gave the pestle and the mortar to him while adding some herbs in the stony recipient, urging him to try his grinding skills.
"You're not wrong. Have you drank your daily dosis of caffeine yet?"
It pleased him greatly to see you were as observant as he was.
"Just did, yeah."
A bashful smile spreaded through your lips as you took his hand to help him hold the pestle correctly.
"Like that. Keep going."
"Im not a complete useless on this, you know?" A playful smile came on your lips as one of your hands rested in his bicep.
"Never thought of it, my lord."
"Please, call me Miguel."
"I'm still getting used to call you such ways."
He could feel the warmth irradiating from your body as you grabbed the leather gloves in front of him. Miguel stopped grinding to take a glimpse of you. Eyes raking the slope of your jaw, your neck but they returned for the lips. A little rouge tainted on them.
He swallowed and finished grinding the herbs to a pulp. There was a throat rasping that had you both turning  heads towards the entrance. It was Jessica, mustering all her strenght to not smirk at what she had been witnessing for the past minutes.
"The apprentices are here, your highness."
Jessica bowed and let the group in, a total of eight were under your command. None of them passing the seventeens. Four girls and four boys, ready to start their lessons.
All of them bowed upon seeing Miguel and you.
" They've been carefully selected to be under your wing, Princesa. I trust they'll seize the chance."
A subtle Do not disappoint me from Miguel. He took your hand and kissed the back of your palm, earning a coy smile from the girls watching.
"I'll see you at lunch."
"I'll be there, Miguel."
His heart skipped a beat or two before disappearing with a Jessica following him, trying her absolute best to not laugh at his scowling and subtle flushed cheeks.
"Shut up."
Jessica could only giggle to herself, pushing the tease a bit too far before she cleared her throat.
"Of course, Miguel."
The king just gave a vexed grunt as his eyes rolled to a side. Peter greeted him on the way, ready to guard your morning.
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The lessons had advanced without a hitch, each of your students seemed deft enough in different areas, some knew the basics of basics, others had no idea on the tools you used. Imported Thelerian equipment that surprisingly was even more effective than the machinery doctors used in Arachne.
The morning was spent teaching away, taking small breaks for snacks and cleaning up. Finally around midday, the class was wrapped up.
Hunger was second to the need of seeing him once more. So your steps hurried, but a voice behind you prevented your feet from going further.
"Your majesty! Wait!"
A servant approached to deliver a message
"My lady awaits for your presence in the east part of the rose garden."
Before you could even ask who the mysterious lady was, the letter you previously received in your room came to mind. Hoping it would be a quick meeting since lunch with Miguel approached.
Instead of going straight to the shortcut that would lead to the dining hall, you turned left, going for the gardens.
A chilling gust of wind hit your face, stopping for a minute before resuming your steps for the encounter. All you now knew it was a lady.
Clouds followed you, their graying intensifying, keeping all sunshine to themselves, letting everything underneath to drown in cold blues and greys. A chill ran down your spine the more you ventured within the gardens.
You've only been on the outer sides and north part of them, easily mistaken by a maze if one didn't know where to go.
Dread crept up in your chest upon seeing a different side of the usual beauty. Thick thorns spreaded to your left and right, adorning the dull and rusty fences that did a poor job in keeping them inside. It reminded you like the thorns you initially saw back when entering Arachne for the first time.
Ever sharp and ready to draw blood to anyone that dared to subdue them. The humid and moldy smell assaulted your senses with such violence you had to smell your clothed wrist to ease the burn in your nose.
New aromas tried to get in your lungs, rotten wood, stilted water on a nearby fountain, weeds and twigs growing from the floor. Some stuck in the hem of your dress, as if preventing you from going further. Air leaving a weird taste in your mouth. Your skin crawled.
Carefully, your pried yourself away to finally arrive to a completely different milieu.
Red roses grew along the thorns that had claimed every wall they could spread to. Thickets had been relatively trimmed to give them a less unkempt look, each to the entrance of a new section of the garden. Directly facing Miguel's war room.
A room only the council, his soldiers and  himself had access to. And now you as well.
Eyes ventured in the neatly arranged table before you. Pastries you've had a glimpse of back in the city, some snacks and two goblets placed on each side of the table, to finally land on a beautiful woman.
Dressed in red velvet and fine linens, hair impeccably combed in a short bob under the pearl-rimmed gable hood ontop of her head. Golden earrings and chains around her neck. A noble.
Her pretty smile only widened yet it did not reach her blue eyes.
"Your majesty."
She gave a brief bow, which you returned. Au contraire of her, you were donned with a much simple and modest suit. The navy blue bodice had some splotches of dust and herbs, skirt lacking with the usual fluff of the farthingale underneath. Headdress with a softer shape covering your head and loose braid.
Yet, the Blanchard family ring on your left hand screamed what this lady attempted to emulate. Power.
Blue irises raked over your face and it made her chuckle. Your whole body tensed, as your hands rested before you.
"My apologies for showing up like this."
"By all means, teaching the future medics of Arachne must be quite the feat. Please, let's have a seat."
The table was spacious enough to have two people, yet sufficiently small to be an arms away from eachother. You took a seat before her. Hubris and luxury exuded from every pore of the lady in red.
"My name is Dana D'Angelo, your majesty. A pleasure to finally meet you in the flesh."
"Nice to meet you, my lady."
Oh how her rotten heart loved when the ones in the top called her that. And coming from you made it all the better. It gave her a glimpse of what her life as a queen could be.
"I've heard that it was your first class today."
"It was, yes. The king was generous to provide me such gift."
"Oh, I bet. He loves gifting things to those he considers equals."
You blinked at her words as Dana drank from her goblet, but her gaze always remained in you. You swallowed, uncomfortable.
Scrutinized was a measly thing. Her stare felt like yanking the outer layers of yourself with the intent to leave your soul bare.
"You seem to know him."
Your eyes remained soft yet guarded, focused in her.
"Of course. I've known Miguel ever since he was eighteen. I've seen his progress through the years, and of course I am proud of the man he has turned into."
"Quite noble of you to support him, my lady. The king needs all the help possible."
Dana nodded, pleased, "In that you're absolutely right, your highness. I'm sure you've already met my father, Baron Darko."
You nodded solemnly, hands resting ontop of the table. Even though the food looked appealing, you didn't take a bite. In fact the first thing you did while taking a seat was to discreetly take a whiff of it. It was days old at much, and the pastries oozed with a sour scent. but in Dana's plate was all freshly made.
"I have."
"My apologies for his behavior. Even though the times have changed, he remains closed off to new perspectives, your highness."
"It's natural to fear or feel discomfort towards the unknown, Lady Dana."
"Still, my father gets pride into gushing about his knowledge in Arachne. But, since given you are the future queen of Arachne, and Theleria as well, I wanted to know, do you feel ready for such duties?"
"Ruling a kingdom is far from easy, so I will say, No. I am not. At least not completely. If you were in my place, what would you believe?"
"I am."
Your brow twitched discreetly, the praising of course always meant something behind. And the speed she answered was as if she had been waiting for that question forever.
"Care to elaborate why, besides being a native of Arachne and knowing the king for ages?"
"Beg your pardon?" Dana's tone was expected, yet the impervious demeanor of your mother that rubbed on you was finally paying off. That didn't mean that you actually enjoyed the route the conversation was taking. In fact, dread was juggling with your heart.
"Let me rephrase the question, my lady. What is your vision for Arachne?"
"Clearly one where Arachne can be the most feared kingdom, as it always has."
"I see."
"If it wasn't for that soft voice of yours, I'd dare to say you sound disappointed."
"At all, visions of a kingdom may vary. I respect your thoughts."
Dana's eyes narrowed in the slightest as she taunted "Even though they may differ from yours?"
"Indeed. That's what tolerance is about."
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Miguel was holding a meeting with Peter, who was called for a debrief after the lessons ended. Jessica, Ben and Hobie were called to the room along Gabriel.
The latter however sat nearby the window and for a moment, spaced out. Far too interested in the scenery before him than going over and over the routes he knew by heart at this point. Meeting was quick.
However, the spot of red focused all his attention to it. Green eyes widened upon seeing you and Dana together.
Everyone looked at his way, specially Miguel that glowered as Gabriel pulled him towards the window. The king was about to land a hit on his younger brother but quickly understood the message upon seeing you.
"Mierda..." He bolted off the room, Peter trailed after him, while Jessica came to the window. A hand going at her mouth.
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"As much as I'd love continue talking, I believe it's time for this claptrap to end, my lady."
"I know, you are a busy woman, your majesty. I believe I heard you have a lunch with the king?"
"You seem to be quite interested in my affairs. I don't know whether to feel alarmed or flattered that you use your spare time to know about my whereabouts."
Dana stood with a discreet huff and roll of her eyes, and you followed. Her gaze met your beautiful poker face.
"Don't feel flattered, princess. I assure you, I spend my time in more creative and productive ways, and even better with the right company."
"Would you like to be less cryptic and go straight at your motives? I am not one for indulging gossips or silly talks."
"Don't worry, your highness. As the king's main mistress I also have a schedule to follow."
You swallowed hard the upcoming knot in your throat, breath stopping for a second.
Her rotten heart gave a derisive laugh inside upon seeing the cracks in your stony demeanor. But she had to give you something, you didn't break easily.
Although it was fun to see your eyes getting bloodshot from the upcoming cry, you locked up the tears and bit the insides of your cheek with such force you tasted blood, but even so, it was a better taste than bile's sourness rising in the back of your throat.
Heart beating miles per second, menacing to stop at any moment. It didn't help that the crows flapped away out of nowhere, carrying their omens and allegedly bad luck elsewhere.
"Then, I must leave you, madam."
You bowed and gathered your skirt to walk away but Dana was set into seeing your tears fall. The hurried steps from where you came only approached, nearly galloping in your direction.
"I will produce him a heir. I... We've been trying, even before you came."
"Then, I bid you both good luck. Rose tea is a great ally for fertility. Anything else you'd like to add?"
"My love for him is unfathomable, your majesty."
At this point her words felt like mere taunts that were escalating to a tantrum upon seeing you somewhat composed.
"That is clear. Too bad you're too much of a coward to do this without him present so he can know."
Dana frowned, "Oh, he knows. But he is too busy playing the fool with you. He might marry you, but his heart is always with me."
"I don't fight over simple trivialities, madam, much less over men. What you do with the king is none of my business, but I must warn you, once I become a queen, stay away from my affairs. Don't force me to go back to my kingdom's old ways"
"Is that a threat, Princess?"
"A promise, madam."
Dana scoffed upon seeing Miguel's head peeking over the corner.
"A pleasure to meet you, your highness."
She didn't get what she initially wanted but was satisfied of your reaction. Her plan was fruitful enough to leave you on your own with the spiraling and violent thoughts tearing your mind and heart apart.
A loud rumble drowned the steps of Miguel and Peter. Peter looked for Dana, but she was nowhere to be found, her escape was flawless. But what use would it be to find her when the damage had already been done?
What was left to fix where all you had left were ruins after that harrowing hurricane of a woman trampled on your hopes and evolving feelings towards a man you thought different from what you knew?
You saw the obsidian in his shoes before your form, his hands about to take a hold of your face to make you look at him, but instinctively you pushed it away. It wasn't a hard slap, nor a feeble one.
Miguel's heart stopped as his eyes narrowed, feeling the cutting of your words in the shape of a dagger, slicing and twisting inside his already frail heart.
"I beg you. Don't touch me."
His voice barely a whisper, and you looked at him. And God, he wished that you didn't.
For once Miguel wished to be blind, to be deaf, so he couldn't see the heartbreak in your eyes. So he couldn't hear such words that had his heart beating so painfully his breathings hitched. For once, the genius of a man, the ruthless sovereign, The Red King, was at lost on what to do and feel.
Your eyes said it all.
He approached and you stepped back. He swallowed. If sadness, anger and disappointment could be a person, you'd be the perfect embodiment of such traits.
You disgust me.
Each of your hypothetical words only added another hefty stone on his frail self control. Eyes cold, devoid of all the kindness and admiration he secretly longed to see everytime you were around him. Nothing in them. Not even hatred.
He was sure you believed him so unworthy of anything, even negatives.
He had experienced the many different looks their enemies seized him with, but yours obliterated and trampled all strength with such easiness that had his hands shaky and his lips dry with a feeling he thought long forgotten. Hopelessness.
"I forgot this is all a political game. Forgive my naivety, ser. I got too carried away."
"Please, could you list-"
"Pardon if I misunderstood your hospitality customs for something else. Won't happen again."
You bowed to him, letting a lone tear to break at his feet, to then turn around and walk away, disappearing from his sight. All he could do was watch.
No, no.
The sky finally broke, hitting him remorselessly with each drop, as a punishment and he did nothing but to accept it.
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Your steps guided you aimlessly through the halls of the castle. Despite the need of running back to your room was overwhelming, you took the time to wander through. Numbness was too comfortable on your brain to let go.
And it was only when you passed the lab, that an acute pang in your chest made itself known. Everything reminded you of him.
His damned smile, his kindness, everything had been a lie. Was it? You didn't know what to believe anymore. Yet none other than yourself popped in your mind as the only culprit.
Always fantasious, inlove with tales that were borderline too good to be true. Too sweet to be savoured and too fantastic to happen in real life.
Little it mattered now when the lover's slate was wiped clean, reducing you as a mere pawn to secure your kingdom's safety. Like it was meant to be since the beginning yet you had dared to believe everything would be better. Different.
Peter huffed behind you, catching his breath. But you didn't want him around, in fact the only company you wanted was yourself and your pen and papers.
"Y-Your Highness."
"I wish to be alone until further notice, ser"
"You know I can't do that. As much as I'd like to leave you on your own, I can't. It's my duty to protect you."
"You're certainly have failed."
You heaved as shoulders slumped. Peter frowned as his eyes averted from your form.
"I didn't mean to... Those words are more to myself than you. Forgive me to drag you to this."
Your head shook while taking a sheet of paper.
"I'm still looking for Dana. The king-"
"Is a liar."
"No, your highness, that's not-"
"My father has whores whenever he likes. It's not-" You bit your tongue for a moment, trying to get your voice steady, "He's not a saint. He's stupid and selfish to rather a whore's company than my own mother, but at least, ser Peter, he's open about it."
Peter could only cast his eyes away, he knew you were right. How could he rebut to that, much more when he experienced first hand the disgust and the outcome of what a mistress could do? He simply couldn't.
"He doesn't hide who he is."
"Remember the talk we had about the mistress looking for him-"
"Again, why keeping them? Am... Am I not enough?"
Oh Miguel, you fucking idiot...
"Maybe I never was. Please close the door when you leave. I wish to be alone."
Peter only bowed to you and left. And when the final click of the door echoed in the cold room, the dam in your tears was let loose. Allowing you to finally break with a quiet whimper.
The weight of initial loneliness, being homesick and now this, finally dropped on your shoulders like ton of bricks. Each that fell on your back made sure to break your weary bones further.
Whatever Dana had plotted was achieved. If her intention was to hurt, it was granted with flying colors. She had won, you weren't a sore loser, you knew when to admit defeat and step aside.
But one thing was true. You felt dirty.
You removed your clothes in a haste and got in the tub, scrubbing yourself until your skin stung, trying to erase any trace of him. The same lips that had kissed you, had kissed her. The same hands that touched you, had touched her. Probably in places that made you stomach revolt at the thought.
But no matter how much you scrubbed or bruised your skin, he still remained there. Forever etched in your skin, like an invisible tattoo only you were able to see. Your own Cain mark.
Even though your hands stung and bled around some places in the knuckles, you still sat before the desk and wrote. And wrote, until your tears blended with the ink, and you tore the pages to start over.
How much you longed for an embrace that didn't feel rehearsed or for pity. For some comforting words that only tipped the balance to gain some favor, you missed your mother.
If he keeps causing you pain, return home. We'll find a solution.
Of course. You could always go back home. It wouldn't be a failure. You had tried your absolute best, and still it wasn't enough.
A new sheet of paper was brought, words already flowing along the ink.
You were going home.
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Peter had to drag him inside, after the rain started, armor heavier than usual but no physical weight could be compared to his mind's.
It all had happened so quietly and quickly, that the wasn't ready for such impact, much less the magnitude of the chaos the destructive nature of Dana left in her wake.
All of those warnings, all of those cold shoulders made his burdens light as a feather. Their unavoidable load finally crushing him against the ground, remorselessly.
His breeches were soaked but even so, it was the only piece of clothes remaining in him, as his armor and wet clothes laid on the floor in a forlorn trail. He approached the fire, to make some warmth to seep in back to his body.
The quiet click of his door, didn't move him from the spot, instead he kept glued in his stance. The glow of the fire shone over his skin, an ominous glow that made him rekindle his old battles, his old ways.
Lukewarm arms embraced his back, hands hung lazily over the hem of his breeches. Soft lips kissed his back in a poor attempt to return some of the missing and much needed heat.
His lip twitched when Dana grunted, pleased that he didn't budge.
"What did you say to the Princess?"
Dana stopped for a second, bold hand going inside the hem. Her skin crawled upon feeling the trimmed curls of his pubis. Miguel didn't twitch. Anger was simmering so slow that his body begun warming up on its own. Dana's ministrations were useless and irritating at best.
"Just a few little things about us. And she basically told me that you were mine to keep. That she didn't fight over men."
Miguel only hummed in response. He felt her hands touching him, in the same way she used to console him when a meeting had gone sour. He always welcomed her.
Young, stupid and raging in hormones, that if it wasn't for him to secretly feeding Dana any herb considered a contraceptive and low dosages of poison, he'd probably be over his third child. But now, her touch was unrequited, and it only added fire to his already skyrocketing fury.
"Do you know what you've done, Dana?"
The mistress' strokes stopped. She knew that tone. She knew when Miguel was about to explode.
And still, she taunted "Making you completely mine?" To then step before him, crushing her chest against his, enhancing the sight of her mounds just for him. She had won.
"No, querida. Far from that."
Dana's triumphant smile faded slowly when Miguel reached for her nape, and tangled his hand on the base of her neck.
"You just sped up you own execution, Danita."
She had won, and still it was victory Miguel refused to acknowledge.
All thoughts were sapped away as Miguel pulled her by her hair roughly. Like mostly of their old games. Dana just laughed, but it quickly was replaced by a pained yelp as he slammed her against the wall.
"T-Thats not funny anymore, Miguel-" But none had prepared her for his yelling at her face
"Estúpida y maldita zorra!" (You dumb fucking bitch)
He towered easily over her, one of his hands easily enveloped her tender neck. Dana gulped and he felt the move, widening his dark smirk. It was The Red King who moved and talked. A side he only showed in battle, and his most despicable enemies.
Dana struggled to be free, fear took over as Miguel rested his forehead  against hers, cold and unforgiving stare boring into her soul.
"Why are you so set into making everything I work for so damn hard?!"
"I was supposed to be the queen! You said it!"
"Oh, Danita. Did you really think I'd marry you?"
"Let me go!"
He squeezed tighter instead, silencing her pleas
"I-" She choked and tried with all her might to push him away, but this only enticed his cruelty, "I've been there for you, wasn't I?!"
Even in her suffering, she still tried to appeal to those memories that undeniably she had given him. In her delusional and entitled mind she deserved him.
"When your father and mother died, I was there! Not her! I've loved you more than anyone in this stupid castle could ever do!"
Miguel's brow quirked boredly as tears stained his hand
"I saw you getting crowned! I lost my maidenhood to you when you won your first ever b-battle!" She sputtered as Miguel squeezed tighter. Her toes barely touching the floor, "I-I wiped your tears, patched your wounds-"
"And because of that you believe you have power over me? Over my kingdom? "
His eyes twinkled in amusement as the life danced in Dana's gaze. Fear oozed from every pore at his eerie calm, yet his hands did all the talking for him. It had been ages since he didn't crush someone's throat. And even so, he wouldn't make it quick.
"You are supposed t'be mine" Dana slurred and Miguel just scoffed
"How cute and stupid for you to believe you can own me."
All his pain and rage from each of your words, turned into the vice like grip, strength leaving her the more she thrashed.
"Don't" Dana heaved and struggled to let words come out. The fear and lack of air was clouding her judgment, "D-" Don't be ungrateful-"
I was there, she mouthed but Miguel only applied more pressure into her neck. Dana kicked and whimpered weakly. The imminent end approached in a torturous slow pace. Despair and death banging at her door.
"Ungrateful? I gave you every stupid whim you asked for, gave your scum like family a position in my court when I knew they would only leech off me" He hissed while his teeth bared "Put you too many times as a priority when the kingdom was crumbling around me, and I am ungrateful?"
Dana's lids drooped, dizzy. Lips purple, like her face.
"You never did anything worthy besides being a fuck toy, darling. Why should I reward you for such thing?"
"M-Miguel-" Her hands although weakly, reached for him, but he slapped the limbs away with his free hand. Unlike you that had been kind even in your pain.
"All you had to do was listen when I told you to stay away from her, didn't I?"
"But you love tempting the devil, don't you?"
"Why didn't you listen?!"
Dana managed to mark his face a last time.
His hands squeezed until something caved under the pressure with a lurid crack. Crimson eyes stared in disgust at how the dull in Dana's gaze vanished. Hands and body stilled after an initial twitch. He let the body fall on the floor with a careless thud like the many he had ended before.
Another one for his endless tab. Regret lingered but not out of guilt, rather than not taking this matter in his hands sooner.
Adrenaline rushed through his body, his mouth gave a shaky and borderline ecstatic breath, savouring the panic for a moment. It felt like a new sort of vitamin had been injected in his heart, cause it beat with healthy and powerful pumps. A tired smile crept up his lips.
He was free, his past has died. There was nothing to keep him bound to her. No ropes that held him back.
When the rush vanished, he called Jessica and Ben, that upon entering his chambers watched in horror at the familiar body on the ground. Grotesquely beautiful as it stared back from its spot. Death pungent in the air.
"Get rid of her" Voice dripped in disdain while he searched for a dry change of clothes.
Jessica had forgotten what was like to face him after a meaningful kill. It was this side of him that had granted him a throne and the respect of the rest of the continent.
Pleased and proud of himself for such feat, arrogance exuding from every pore, but the satisfied smile plastered all over his face was the macabre element of the equation.
Jessica had been forgetting her own participation in the slaughter. But this predicament reminded her enough that The Red King never left. That only great amounts of rage brought him back.
Ben glanced at the body as he rearranged it to be put out. The gruesome bruise in the shape of his hand was fresh on her neck, fear still etched in her features as some tears pooled in the corner of her inner lid. Ben closed her eyes, trying to give her a less haunting look.
"What about her family?"
A chill ran down Jessica's spine upon his next words.
"Wipe them all out. Except Baron Darko."
Another thing she knew too well. He was sparing him to set an example of what happens if you don't listen. His words were absolute and final.
"Burn her and give her ashes to him."
Cruel and cold Red King.
Jessica could only bow and left to get some extra help, hoping he wasn't there to stay.
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odinsblog · 1 year
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Everything about the Starship was the result of a series of decisions designed to make spaceflight cheaper. The methane fuel. The steel structure. The method of construction. Even the rocket’s enormous size. All of it was a gamble to create a system that is fully reusable, bringing the cost of getting to orbit down to a small fraction of what it is today and making space almost infinitely more accessible.
However, one decision in the process didn’t just result in the destruction of the rocket, it generated a cascade of failures, one that’s likely to set the program back by a least a year, erasing the chance of NASA’s scheduled return to the Moon in the process. That decision is 100% on Elon Musk.
The no-clamps slow throttle-up meant Starship stayed on the pad for a long time, throwing up concrete, rock, and sand in all directions, damaging the pad, nearby facilities, and Starship itself.
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By the time it left the pad, that debris had already destroyed three of Starship’s engines and likely damaged valves and systems that would lead to additional engine failures as well as an incorrect fuel mixture.
Starship was slow to reach every point in the flight plan, suggesting that other engines were not able to throttle up to compensate for the lost engines.
At what should have been stage separation, either software errors or more smashed hardware kept the main booster firing long after it should have shut down.
The result was an uncontrolled spin that required Starship to be destroyed.
Starship is the work of hundreds of talented engineers and thousands of employees who put their best into making this thing go. The design is extremely daring, and something of a wonder. The engines are amazing, even if they have demonstrated that reliability is currently lacking. The whole system of construction promises to revolutionize the space industry.
But there are two parts that were left out of Starship that absolutely doomed this flight and the decision not to include them falls right with the guy at the end of the first row at “Star Command.”
Those parts were not parts for the rocket. They were parts for the launch pad.
For some reason, Musk became convinced early on that he did not want the launch tower to have:
A flame-diverter or flame trench to redirect the blast from the booster’s engines
A water deluge system to dump a massive amount of water around the launch tower during liftoff
The launch facilities at Kennedy have both of these. Even the launch pads used for the much smaller Falcon 9 have both a flame trench and a water deluge. They help to protect not just the launch pad, and the surrounding area, they also help to reduce the noise. Which sounds trivial, but that noise is energy. That’s what broke up the concrete under the Starship Stage Zero, not the fire. That’s what sent car-sized chunks flying in all directions.
A flame diverter and a water deluge would have greatly reduced, or even eliminated, the damage to the area around the pad. They would have prevented the blow back of debris that damaged Starship before it even left the ground. It might have headed off the whole cascade of events that resulted in that button being pressed 4 minutes into the flight.
We don’t have to guess about whose decision it was not to implement these systems, because Musk already said he decided to skip these systems over the recommendations of his engineers. Musk even had a preview of what was going to happen, as past test flights of the upper stage also resulted in significant spalling of concrete structures and damage to at least one of the ships. He just made them try different kinds of concrete.
The parts for a water deluge were actually on site, ready to install, but Musk decided to forego that installation—likely so he could enjoy the pun of launching his super-joint on 4/20. Which was something Musk had joked about doing months ago.
Hopefully he enjoyed the joke, because the EPA and FAA are going to be thinking long and hard before they authorize another flight from Boca Chica. All those engineers, and all those workers, and all their good work, is held hostage to Musk’s whims.
Also a victim of Musk’s decision to leave these vital pieces off the table? The Artemis Program at NASA. Musk has already been awarded the contract to create the first lunar lander for the new program, but that lander is absolutely dependent on Starship. It’s a sure bet that Musk won’t have his part of the program ready on schedule. It’s going to be some time before we even so another test flight.
In the meantime, SpaceX can repair the damage, build a flame diverter, install that deluge system, clean up the software, and ditch the whole “pitch over” means of stage separation for something simpler—like using the second stage engines to push the stages apart with an unignited shot of methane.
See you in 2024, Starship.
👉🏿 https://m.dailykos.com/stories/2023/4/22/2165317/-A-Starship-Post-mortem-Why-the-giant-rocket-failed-and-why-it-s-Elon-Musk-s-fault
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sanjisboyfie · 5 months
eren first meeting his roommate
aka ; eren yeager having a gay awakening <3
-> might be a series? idk i love roommate eren a lot so probably will be a series LMFAO also also there's really no obvious romance here, it's just silent admiration and crushes
also eren is very much puppy-like and high energy in this one hashtag sorry if u love emo eren, he will NOT be emo here!!! hashtag no regrets.
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eren yeager x male reader
— eren was dead broke. his ass definitely did not have enough money for either dorming on campus or off campus, but off campus was the cheaper option. and since he went to a college so far away from home, it would be too big of a hassle to commute. so him and his parents compromised by giving him an "allowance" every month, which would basically pay for a third of rent. but that meant he had to use his own money to pay the next third, then find someone else to pay the final third. ( 1/3 being paid by his parents, 1/3 being paid by him, 1/3 being paid by a lifesavior roommate, aka you!!!!!)
— it was very odd to see eren, who on first impressions seemed like an intimidating individual, sit you down at the empty kitchen table and beg you, literally beg you with his hands in praying form, to room with him. he was very, very obviously desperate to find someone else to live with.
"please, i will be good - i've heard from all my friends i'm a great person to live with, my mouth will vouch (he is a terrible person to live with, but if he has to do more household chores in order to get a roommate he will). i will let you speak to my own mother and father, they will vouch and say-"
"i believe you, eren, why are you crying?"
that's an exaggeration of what happened...he didn't actually start crying, but his begging was insistent and borderline pathetic.
— in the end, you agreed !!! paying 1/3 of rent was better than paying 1/2 + the place wasn't in a terrible location, it was close to school, and was a pretty good size for two bedrooms. since eren was already settled in, he helped you move in. and that was when you were given a free GUN SHOW because damn was this man working hard in lifting your many boxes of belongings. it was almost like he wore a tight shirt on purpose, just to show off. he very adamanently told you that you didn't need to hire movers and he'd do all the heavy lifting, along with muttering about how they were "scammers" with how much they charged.
"eren, i can lift some of these-"
"no, please, consider this my thanks for moving in with me," eren grunted, holding a huge box of your clothes with relative ease. he was sweating, but that was because this was probably the third box of heavy stuff he had to carry from the car to the building.
he was wearing a beige shirt that hugged his muscular form, emphasizing every single ripple underneath the fabric. and as you two stood in the elevator (thank god the building had an elevator or else eren would have had to carry all the boxes up three flights of stairs), the only sound in the metallic box was eren's heavy breathing.
his muscular chest (boobs) were moving up and down as he tried catching his breath, his hands lifting to wipe the sweat off of his forehead with the collar of his shirt.
your eyes watched each of his movements carefully before you snapped out of it with the dinging of the elevator to tell you you were on your floor. you got out of elevator first, holding your arm to the door to prevent it from closing on him.
he shot you a smile in thanks before proceeding to easily lift up the box (it was at least over 50 pounds, mind you) and walk ahead to the room.
what you didn't know was that eren's cheeks were burning red as he had felt your stare on him earlier and it made him feel shy. you didn't have to know that he was purposely flexing harder with each cardboard box he had to lift. it was his own subtly way of trying to impress you, anyway.
it was flustering to know that it was somewhat working.
— after all the boxes were situated inside of the small apartment, he went to put all of your utilities away, like your own set of utensils, plates that you bought to share, and a couple of mugs. meanwhile, you went to your room to personalize and unpack all of your clothing. as eren was occupied working in the kitche, he felt himself smiling to himself as he carefull put away any of your belongings in the shelves. he felt himself laughing at one of your comedic mugs, a ceramic figure that took the shape of a chubby cat. the tail of the animal curved into being the handle and a funny expression was painted onto the cat's face.
"what's so funny, yeager?" you challenged, stretching your hands above head, "you think my mugs are funny?"
eren laughed, putting it away intot he cupboard and turning to look at you, "i think they're cute, they're also fitting,"
you made a face of uncertainty, which only made eren's grin go wider, "alright, you'll see."
"i'll see what?"
"you'll see — when i get you your own mug, you'll learn to appreciate it more,"
"oh, god, please don't." eren said, leaning against the counter on his elbow and staring at you, who were sitting on the other side, "for your first night here, you want me to treat us to take out? the chinese place down the road is really good,"
he watched your expression carefully. wordlessly, you walked around the counter and to the fridge. once you opened it, it took you a total of three seconds before you looked back at eren with a grimace.
"the only thing in here is ketchup and mayo..."
"those are the condiments i use to eat my fast food with," eren shrugged, making you only become more flabbergasted. "what??"
"oh my god, let's finish unpacking later, we need to go buy groceries,"
"but you didn't answer my question on dinner?"
"i'll make dinner — you save more money buying groceries and making meals out of them instead of buying takeout everynight, eren," you lectured, making him tilt his head in thought. he supposed you were right, so he didn't argue against going grocery shopping.
as you announced you were just going to change quickly, he then thought about it for a second longer. then a blush fell on his face as he imagined you at the kitchen, cooking a meal for just him and you.
god, was he really developing a crush on his roommate that just moved in?
— the grocery shopping turned unserious very fast. bring eren to any public environment and he won't be able to stay on track for a second. you didn't really know eren that well (it sounds silly to say that considering you are now living with him, but prior to agreeing to be his roommate, he really was just a stranger to you), so to see his more childish side bleeding through his cold exterior was a good change of pace. he was a very goofy guy, making funny faces at babies with the intent of making them cry, and would easily get distracted. he had tried dragging you off to the pokemon card wall several times when all you needed were groceries.
"did you see the way its face scrunched up?" he grinned in excitement before focusing on mimicking the expression a baby he tormented made. you laughed at the face he was making before smacking his shoulders.
"be nicer! they're just babies, eren," you softly scolded, weak chuckles escaping from you.
"just babies that make funny faces," eren laughed, switching from standing at your left side to your right side repeatedly as you stood in front of the produce section, "what even are you going to make tonight?"
"hm, how about pasta? you like pasta?" eren nodded his head in affirmation, "i was just going to buy some staple fruits and vegetables too, though, in case we get hungry for snacks,"
"snacks? i can run to the chips section too then! what chips do you want?" eren said, very excited to go to his second favorite section of the store (the junk food aisles).
"just get me a bag of f/c," you requested politely, making him nod like an eager puppy and run off.
you finished going down the list of basic ingrediants for a white sauce pasta, while also grabbing anything that you could use for other dishes in the future.
just as you turned around to your now full cart of vegetables, sauces, fruits, and meat, eren came bounding back towards you. this time, he was now holding five bags of chips, in his mouth he was carrying a single packet of pokemon cards, and in his fingers he was desperately holding a lottery ticket.
"look! we can open up a pack of pokemon cards, i got you one too, it's in my pocket though, since i figured you wouldn't want my spit on it, and then i also have a lottery ticket. i have a feeling we will win it big! and if we do, we won't have to pay rent for like five months!"
"eren, what the fuck? i thought you were just getting chips,"
the accused man pouted at the tone you were taking with him, dropping his arms into the car to free them of the five bags of chips, "i was!! but look, i'll pay for the lottery ticket, chips, and pokemon cards! c'mon, it'll be fun to open the cards together and everything!"
he almost pouted at you, can you belive this guy? pouted at you with begging puppy dog eyes. you almost smooshed his face with the palm of your head, but restrained yourself.
"fine, let's just go and pay,"
eren grinned in achievement, pumping his fist into the air, "c'mon, i wanna open these on the ride home!" he said, referring to the pokemon cards.
"alright, alright, i don't know anything about them though, so you're just gonna have to tell me what's good or not,"
"if it's shiny and reflective, give it to me, that's all you need to know," eren said dismissively. he swiftly took your spot behind the cart, pushing it with ease and only allowing you to walk beside him. "what pasta are you cooking for tonight?"
"i bought alfredo sauce, so i'll just add in some vegetables and to the pasta and make...chicken alfredo? if that's alright with you," eren almost salivated at the thought. he simply nodded his head eagerly, the bangs around his face bouncing at the movement.
"sounds delicious! man, i really lucked out with you as my roomie, huh? we're gonna make a great pair!" he threw his arm around your shoulder and pulled you in closer as he said this, an innocent grin on his face.
— that night, the two of you sat on foldable chairs watching tv. eren's parents gave you two as a house warming gift. it was small, but it was working so that was all that mattered. eren and you laughed at the tv screen until the late hours, where you both agreed to finally call it a night.
"should i make breakfast tomorrow morning? or are you gonna be in clases by the time i get up?"
eren frowned, "i have classes all day tomorrow, from 8 in the morning to 7 at night, so you don't have to worry about making too many servings,"
you nodded in understanding, "alright, then, i'll see you when you get back then,"
eren and you were about to break off to your own rooms, but he called out to you one last time, "uhm, what time are you gonna be in classes?"
"i only have one class tomorrow, 1 to 3:15," his face brightened up, which instinctively made you smile at him in return.
"we can go get lunch together then," he offered, "there's a good place that has burgers, it's like a ten minute walk from the main campus. i have a break in between classes at 4? if that's okay with you, of course,"
you grinned so wide that it almost hurt your cheeks. eren was a really nice guy, he was going out of his way to just get to know you better and spend some time with you, "yeah, that sounds perfect. meet me at the bus stop that's right outside the main hall and we can walk together,"
"okay, yeah!" eren nodded his head repeatedly, the bangs on the side of his head once again moving at such rapid mvoement. "then, i'll text you tomorrow when i get out of class!"
"sure, that sounds good." there was a pause and you pivotted your torso to turn away from the smiling brunette, "good night, eren,"
the man blinked and nodded his head, also turning away, calling out a, "goodnight, [name]," very quickly.
and the two of you fell asleep with grins on both of your faces. eren had brought the blanket up to his face, as if he was paranoid that there were someone watching his blushing face only redden. your smile was really, really handsome, his heart felt like it was in his throat everytime he remembered it.
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khristie16 · 9 months
Can I please request toxic Charles Leclerc x innocent naive reader, where he gets delusion thinking reader would leave him and maybe isolates her. Smut please with oral and daddy kink and spanking
“You didn’t have anything for dinner. But no worries. You’ll be having yourself from my fingers today.”
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“Hi Charles!”
“Bon Bon Bebe.”
Charles made his way towards you to kiss you on the forehead. You’ve always loved his affection towards you. You smiled hazily to his T-shirt.
“Something wrong?”
“No no, I was just thinking.”
He nodded as he patted your head. You went to the table in the dining room. Spreading out your work sheets since you were getting ready for the uni project you’re having.
“What are you working on?”
“Oh- just some material about political correctness in a nutshell for the sake of the people in charge.”
“Hm, interesting.”
“I’m heading to the cafeteria to do the work.”
“Why, you have everything you need in here.”
He brushed his fingers on your skin and smiled hazily on your profile.
You stopped planting the pages in a correct order and just looked up to meet his eyes.
“I know Charles. But I’m meeting my study partner there.”
“A what?”
“A study partner. You know, you study together.”
His gaze stopped moving and solely was on you. He may stopped breathing for a second. You got worried if he’s in pain or something.
“Are you alright sweetheart? You look pale.”
He just gulped. Trying to remain his standing and talk to you but you were faster.
“You know if you’re getting sick or have a cold or something I can take care of you afterwards and then I’m gonna crash at my parent’s place. You need to rest. And I cannot get sick. You know my sister is getting married in the next three days.”
You started packing your stuff to the bag and heading to the kitchen.
“Charles where do you have some medicine? Or some pills”
Charles was out of sight as you were searching for him from where you were standing. You had a trouble getting the pills from the top shelf.
Nothing. You were getting worried where he disappeared. As you were making your way out of the kitchen, someone slapped his hand across your mouth with a rag. You got dizzy from the smell, falling to sleep.
Your eyes were glued shut and you had a hard time getting used to the light in the room. As you were getting used to it, you tried to get a hold on the environment around you. You didn’t recognise anything. You just felt your hands are tied behind you, behind the back of the chair and you had something in your mouth preventing you from the talking. You panicked and shivered on spot. Trying to lose from the embrace but in vain. You slowly started remembering how your day went. Uni, then meeting with Charles at his place. Now you’re somewhere you don’t know. You thought what could have happened to Charles! Someone must have got to the apartment and do something to him. You looked around to see if there is Charles tied up next to you. But nothing. Instead you saw a tall figure coming from the corner. You saw it was Charles.
You wanted to ask him what’s this all about but you couldn’t since you’re mouth was not free so just mumbled sounds came out of you.
“Sh sh YN. Don’t make yourself lose energy yet. You’re gonna need a lot of it.”
You furrowed your eyebrows and felt how watery your eyes are getting.
“You think I’m stupid YN? You think I didn’t see that you were trying to run away from me? Trying to drug me with some fucking pills to put me to sleep meanwhile you pack all of your stuff from our place??”
You hummed on the chair looking confused as ever. You thought you had to hit your head or something because you could comprehend absolutely nothing.
“You think that I didn’t know you’re running to some fucker for a shelter? You’re so stupid for putting this up on me. ME!”
You writhed more and started crying. He was getting closer and louder which terrified you.
“Stop crying belle. You are the one who wanted to drug me.”
You blurted out everything you wanted to say. Anxiety growing more inside of you making you cry even harder.
“Don’t bother crying YN. No one will hear you.”
He moved forward and let your mouth free. You gagged and coughed a little from the sudden intake of air to your lungs.
“Wh-what are you saying? I didn’t-“
“Cut the bullshit. I will show you exactly what you got yourself into. Because I’m not letting you go. Ever.”
You looked at him in shock, at lost with your words as he was making his way towards some wooden box. The sound was absolutely terrible, making your ears bleed. They were chains. Heavy one.
“Do you see it? On one hand there is a clip you put on the wall with the clinch. The other end of these are handcuffs. I will put it around your wrists darling. Your beautiful little hands so you won’t move.”
You shivered so much you could put a dance competition like this. You felt the cold sweat run down your spine and tears falling on your bare thighs.
“Ch-Charles please.”
“I didn’t do any of this!”
“Stop it YN”
“I swear I didn’t plan anything like you said!”
In a matter of a second, he was at your sitting position looking absolutely furious as he cupped your cheeks.
“I said shut the fuck up or I’ll put more toys on you you won’t be able to do anything beside having this beautiful mouth wide open for me to stick my cock into your throat.”
He let your face hang low again and went for the chains.
You cried quietly as he was working on your hands with the chains. He stood up right afterwards and undermined the chair so you fell down. He took the knife out of his pocket and held it in front of you.
“No no please Charles no!”
He grabbed your t shirt and ripped it open. The same went for the rest of your clothes leaving you bare in the cold room.
“You think I’d let some study partner to touch what’s mine? You’re so dumb YN.”
You yelped in pain as you shivered even more from the cold air around you and your knees rubbing against the harsh ground.
“Look at me.”
You did. Eyes full of tears.
“How a baby calls his dad?”
You didn’t know what he was implying. You stayed silent. Which you shouldn’t have. He grabbed a hold of your hair and put your face closer to the knife that reoccurred again because of your disobedience.
“I asked you something.”
“I don’t know!”
“Fucking think. You should be smart enough.”
You tossed a cry a little and then spoke to him.
“Wrong answer baby girl.”
Tick tack. The answer came to your mind.
“That’s right.”
He put you standing by your hair and spreading your legs with his feet. His fingers made their way toward your core.
“This sweet little pussy is forever mine. You understand?”
He slipped one finger into you. You felt ashamed how easily he could get in. You were wet all down there and you didn’t know why this is happening to you.
He played with his finger, slowly pushing in and out, adding a second one to your heat. You started to writhe on your legs trying to gain some support and not be held putty like this for him. But his thumb circled your clit and you moaned. You knew you lost it this exact second.
“My baby girl wants a release?”
You cried out but moved forward his palm. Head falling back. Eyes shut. He added a third finger making you yelp in pain as he was spreading you wide.
“My baby girl needs to be ready to take daddy’s cock doesn’t she.”
He was working your core you’ve heard how slick you are and felt the feeling in your stomach to build more and more to bring fireworks. You moaned more you didn’t even held back anymore.
“Please what.”
“Please Daddy.”
More tears filled your eyes and fell down on your cheeks. Charles grabbed your breasts and squeezed them. Making you throb even more. You were close. He laughed all of a sudden. You snapped your eyes open to look at him, feeling the loss of his fingers from your core.
“You didn’t have anything for dinner. But no worries. You’ll be having yourself from my fingers today.”
He moved his fingers to your mouth, signalling you to open it. You did. You licked his fingers with your wetness and sucked his fingers dry. It was like some other entity used your body to submit to the devil itself.
“Say thank you to your daddy for giving you the dinner.”
“Thank you daddy for the dinner.”
Charles kissed your lips softly and smiled at you. His dimples on full display.
“I’m gonna give you more. We don’t want you to starve don’t we?”
He went to unbuckle his belt and unbutton his pants. Freeing himself he spread his legs hips wide apart and nodded once for you to come to your knees. You knew since you can’t use your hands, he will mouth fuck you. You gulped and hissed at the thought of the upcoming soreness.
“Open your sweet little mouth baby girl.”
You opened your mouth and stuck your tongue out. He chuckled at you.
“YN, I don’t even have to tell you. You’re better at this than I thought.”
He cupped your right cheek as he slowly led himself inside. He was long and thick and you’ve always struggled to take him fully. You tried your best but he grabbed you by your head from both sides, using his both hands and fucked your mouth. You gagged and cried, you felt drool over you chin falling down on your thighs as it was progressing. He was panting hard and loud, still looking at you. His eyes kept you captivated at his embrace and your pussy clenched at such sight. He moved faster now, his movements sloppy and he came right after the second groan he let out. It was a big load it leaked out from your nostrils. You tried your best to swallow all that was left in your mouth.
After he caught his breath, he looked at you and patted you.
“Good job baby girl. How did you like your diner?”
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rorichuu · 4 months
(never done this before so i apologize if its shite)
would it be possible for like tf2 medic or tf2 engie having a really scout-level stupid gender neutral s/o
one who wouldnt be paying attention to how asleep their foot it and ending up spraining it and then acting like ot was the floors fault
or whod do a backflip off stairs for gum off the ceiling and half a penny
and them like crawling back to their intelligent boyfriend like they just ran head first into an electric fence
(sorry if this was done before lmao)
relationships for dummies — engineer/medic x gn!reader
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pairing: engineer/medic x gn!reader (separate)
authors note: THIS WAS SO MUCH FUN TO WRITE LMAOOO this was a remarkable ask thank you so much for sending this in anon - hope you like it :D
disclaimer: none!
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no one knows how you two got together
like nobody knows
some theorize but no one has gotten a definitive answer
but the real reason was that he just loved how absolutely unhinged you were
like you had NO fear to do the things you did
he. fucking. LOVED THAT.
studies you like you're a creature in a jar
medic isn't so much of a worrier, not like engie is
if you're hurt, he can patch you back up like it's no biggie 🙄🙄
and highkey just as chaotic as you are
so you guys are partners in MANY crimes
but he also finds it very humorous whenever you do pretty stupid stuff
if you sprained your ankle because your foot fell asleep, he'd sigh tbh
it's happened so many times
and he told you how to prevent that
so many times
but he's obviously more than willing to help you; he's your crutch when you need him
if y'all are on the battlefield, he's more than likely to be by your side throughout the entire fight
even more than heavy
most of the time, he's just trying to refrain from your usage of the respawn machine with the amount of times you've tripped or tried to perform some kinda stunt
used uber on you once
it was
obviously he was more than willing to use uber on you
he was so damn curious on how'd you boost and what you'd do
and the thrill of it all?? drunk off of it
he loves you very much
supporter in all of your idiocy!!!
i'll be honest
finds it more entertaining than anything
although, he sometimes... worries?
he remembers the time where you tried to slap a sticker on the ceiling and ended up tripping on the ladder scout was (so poorly supporting) and ended up face first with the floor...
medic helped retrieve your lost tooth
engineer kept asking if you were okay that day LMAOOO
but yeah, the dude worries for you sometimes - you can't just go around doing stunts without some fear of hurting yourself!
kind of a helicopter mom of some sorts
but when he isn't worrying about you, and you're doing harmless shit, he finds it HUMOROUS ASF
like when you decided to sit on your foot for too long and tried to walk and just fell
he was laughing and slapping his knee
the old man he is
he DID try and help you up but you fell over again and I swear to god you put the man into cardiac arrest
tries his very best to warn you or help you prevent idiotic acts like these
but he definitely isn't overbearing
he's more of a watch from afar with a beer in hand while he gives you a thumbs up while you nearly drown in a pool with your floaties
he's that kinda guy
and I stand by it
. . .
one time you successfully tried to jump an electric fence (with demo, heavy, and scout as witnesses)
and hey!!! you did it!!! ........on the 7th time!
you and scout are besties I don't make the rules
you guys literally feast off each other's energies
but anyway
you went running towards your boyfriend, calling his name as you stumbled into his workroom.
"Hey, honey bee! What's going- ... on?"
he tried.
he tried so hard not to laugh.
but your frizzy hair and disheveled clothes was too much not to marvel
"What'd you do this time?" He laughed as he was quick to smooth over your crazed hair.
loves you so much
his little firecracker
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artemismoorea03 · 10 months
DP x DC: Reaction Time
Based on the Danny Phantom Episode: Flirting With Disaster
(Another idea I've never seen anybody else use so I'm going to go with it)
When the United States sent up a new Satellite the Justice League had conflicting feelings about it all. Yes, it wasn't any danger to the Watchtower and was nothing more but a mild annoyance. Mostly because 'Axion Labs' had built the damn thing after constantly refusing to share their specs with any competitors and everybody was very tightly lipped about it. They had no idea if it were safe, what it was capable of, and it was ugly.
It turned out that the satellite was just the processing unit but that due to 'Secret Axion Labs technology' was able to access any and al devices to allow world wide alerts to go out in a matter of seconds. Which wouldn't have been a bad thing if A) The Justice League had even a glimps of what data they would be sending, B) Axion Labs could even be trusted - which they couldn't, and C) if the owner of Axion Labs wasn't also on Batman's personal "Watchlist" for a multitude of reasons one of which was blackmail and fraud.
Batman didn't trust it and specifically made any possible adjustment on their equipment that they could to prevent anybody from hacking into their systems or finding out their personal information.
For a few months things were fine until one day things suddenly changed.
It was a rare mid-day meeting to talk about the increasing number of Lazarus Pits popping up around the world when a sudden bright green laser shot out from the middle of Illinois and hit the ugly satellite.
In seconds every Justice League member was on their feet and at the window, watching the situation with wide eyes while Martian Manhunter multitasked and started trying to locate the source of the problem. Batman watched as he obnoxious round dome on the satellite suddenly morphed into something green and almost alive. It was glowing and face like as it laughed, it's voice echoing through space as it boomed.
Batman was thankful that he had updated the security on the Watchtower and his stuff back in Gotham City but now he was left spiraling and concerned. What happened to the satellite? Why was it suddenly sentient?! WHAT THE HELL WAS HAPPENING?!
"There are two figures approaching the satellite." Superman said, "Without a ship."
"What?!" The collective comment formed as the satellite began to move on it's own and Batman pulled up the camera's from the outside while pulling up more information from earth.
The outside cameras showed what looked like two teenagers - one in a red suit that definitely wasn't meant to be a space suit and one in no suit at all just a helmet and what looked like some kind of jetpack!
Pink lasers shot out of the satilitte down the earth, making Batman fear the worst as news became flooded with a glowing green face of a man with long white hair in a mullet and a black and white suit of some kind. He was laughing wildly.
Suddenly earth was thrown into chaos.
Street signs changed, electronics came to life all over not just America but the entire planet as one by one areas were struck by pink lasers. The teenager with the mask flew at the satellite with glowing green energy shooting out of their hands as it effortlessly bounced off of the machine.
"Whoever that kid is, he seems to know what's going on." Flash said quickly, "We might be able to hack into the helmet and form some kind of communication."
"Maybe I should go out there." Superman suggested.
"Not yet, that glow could mean trouble." Batman grumbled and Superman deflated slightly, "Let's try to contact the kid." He said, getting to work on hacking into the kids helmet when the second kid in the red suit suddenly slammed into the one in the mask, trapping them in the middle of some kind of hoverboard.
Suddenly there was an explosion, a crack in the back of the jetpack as the kid tried to break free, firing a blast at the red one, throwing the two of them apart. The red one went limp while the green seemed surprised at their own actions before flying towards the satellite, flying in front of it. The teen pulled off the jetpack, turned it on, then let it go as the satellite opened what looked like it's mouth and swallowed the jetpack.
Which - understandably - exploded and destroyed the satellite in turn. The faces were yanked off of the news, all of the machines which had been powered up were suddenly shut down and fell harmlessly to the ground.
Disaster had been averted in a matter of minutes and just as quickly both teens vanished.
"What the hell just happened?" Gawked Superman.
"I don't know... but Axion Labs has a lot of explaining to do." Batman glared. "Let's find out as much as we can about the Illinois location."
"Amity Park Illinois." Flash said, already having information pulled up. "It's - oh."
"Oh?" Green Arrow repeated.
That was never good.
"Uh... yeah, looks like this isn't gonna be an 'on the way conversation'. Looks like we have a new meeting topic."
They learned about the kid they had seen, Ghosts, and half a dozen attacks that probably should have at least caught the attention of Justice League yet they had never even heard of these things.
They had never heard about Danny Phantom or the problems Amity Park was having but that was going to change from that moment on. They were taking a fieldtrip to Amity Park. To meet Danny Phantom, figure out what was happening, talk to Axion Labs, and figure out how the hell they hadn't heard about any of this.
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shall-we-die · 8 months
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How protective are they? || How would they protect you? || How would they like to be protected?
↬[Fandom]•⊰ {Jujutsu Kaisen}࿐
↬[Warnings]•⊰ {None}࿐
☰[Main list]•⊰ ────┈┈{0019}┈─╮
╰┈➤Likes/Reblogs are appreciated࿐
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• Gojo Satoru is fiercely protective of his loved ones, and he will stop at nothing to ensure their safety. He will do whatever it takes to protect them, whether it's using his immense power or taking any risks necessary to ensure their safety. For his special someone, he is willing to go to the ends of the earth to keep them safe, no matter the cost.
• He is quite independent and capable of taking care of himself but also appreciates it when his special someone looks out for him, and wants to protect them, and make sure they are safe. He trusts that they are capable enough to be there for him when he needs support, protection, and comfort.
• He is very protective of his s/o and would do anything to keep them safe. He would go to great lengths to protect them and would not hesitate to fight for them. He would use his immense power to keep his s/o safe, using his cursed techniques and other abilities to protect them.
• Sukuna isn't the type to ask for protection as he is very self-sufficient and doesn't like to rely on others. However, he would appreciate it if his s/o looked out for him and had his back during fights. (Remember, protecting each other isn't always physically)
• Yes, he is very protective of his s/o. He is always on high alert to find and stop the cursed energy and danger that might threaten his love one. He also likes to check if his s/o is happy. He wants to be the one to wipe away her every worries and problem. He also takes very seriously when anyone dare to disrespect her.
• I see him as very chivalrous. he is a person that will take on the fight by himself to prevent his s/o from danger. He will always stand in front of them to protect them no matter what it takes. His s/o means a lot for him, so his protectiveness will come naturally. If his s/o is in danger, he will stop at nothing to rescue them and take the danger all by himself. He won't mind to risk his life to protect them. This is what he will do to protect his s/o.
• Very protective, Megumi is an extremely protective person, and once he finds someone he loves, he will do whatever it takes to keep them safe. He would defend them with his own life, and would be willing to take a hit for them.
• In terms of protection, he prefers to be protected in an emotional way. He wants his s/o to be there for him when he's feeling down or overwhelmed. Having someone who can provide comfort, and support him emotionally is something that's important to him.
• Yuji is extremely protective over his s/o and will go out of his way to make sure that nothing bad happens to them. Whether it be standing infront of a oncoming car to save them, or shielding them from harm using his own body, he will always find a way to protect his s/o. His s/o can trust that he will be there to protect them when they feel vulnerable or scared. At the same time, Yuji also enjoys being protected, so he would likely be able to rely on his s/o in times of need as well.
• Inumaki is not the type of person to be over-protective of his s/o. He is respectful of their choices and decisions. He thinks that he and his s/o should be each other's protectors and not only he should be the protector of his s/o. However, if there are any threats or dangers that endanger their lives, he will not hesitate to shield his s/o behind him.
• Geto is extremely protective of his s/o, and is ready to go to the ends of the world to keep them safe. However, he is also very protective of himself and wouldn't like it too much if his s/o would try to be protective. It has to be HIM who protects them, and he would be extremely jealous if someone or something would try to get between him and his beloved. He only wants to protect, he only wants to be the one and only protector. He does not like being protected himself.
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bliss-in-the-void · 9 months
Gege Akutami, You Do Not Understand Gojo Satoru, and Here is Why
I was reading this article to help me cope with the traumatic events of Chapter 236 when a certain portion didn’t sit right with me.
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Long post, click to read the full analysis:
(this is probably the most important post I've made so far)
Now, we all know that Gege doesn’t like Gojo. They don’t make it a secret in the slightest. Which is fine in itself, as an author you are 100% within your right to hate a character you created, and I respect that—it gives dimension to the dynamic of a story.
What I don’t care for is the reasons Akutami lists for their dislike of Gojo.
Reason #1 as stated in the above blurb of the article: Gojo doesn’t have depth.
To me, this is a wild statement to make as an author, but especially as the one who wrote Gojo. Where does he lack depth? Genuine question.
I believe he is an incredibly complex character.
He is the first sorcerer in centuries to be born with the Six Eyes and Limitless techniques, which automatically sets up so many nuances. Coupled with the fact that Akutami has stated that he grew up spoiled, that right there should tell you some things about why he is the way he is. He has a bit of an inflated ego when it comes to his powers. And why wouldn’t he? From the time he was born, the people around him treated him like some sort of God. How else was he supposed to grow up? He’s told his whole life he possesses unparalleled power, and he’s going to believe that.
Even still, it really isn’t as unchecked as Akutami seems to believe it is. Despite his distaste for authority, Gojo still reports to the higher ups, goes on missions, exorcizes curses, and works collaboratively with his fellow sorcerers. If he was really the giant egomaniac Akutami argues that he is, he’d say ‘to hell with authority’ and run off to do whatever he wants like Yuki. I mean, COME ON, this guy is the most powerful modern sorcerer and he still attended all four years of high school. He could have easily never attended—who was going to stop him?
He has a peculiar sense of humor that can get inappropriately timed in certain moments, but it’s obvious that it’s a deflection and a coping mechanism for the horrors of a sorcerer’s reality. He doesn’t just joke about death and dying because he doesn’t care. He cares too much and he doesn’t know how to deal with it, so he suppresses and laughs it off. Moments like this are seen after Suguru dies in JJK 0 when he was clearly crying afterward, but had to put on a cheerful facade for Yuuta and the other students.
He is a very good teacher. It’s hard for a naturally gifted prodigy to effectively teach things which come automatically to them, and somehow he finds creative ways to do it. Teaching Yuuji to control cursed energy by using one of Yaga’s dolls and giving him a movie marathon? One of Yuuji’s favorite hobbies? Genius and so considerate for Yuuji. He’d just been thrown into the sorcerer world, learning all these new things, and Gojo decided to introduce a foreign concept to him through something familiar and comfortable to him. That is amazing, and the mark of a very kind, understanding teacher. He’s also really patient with his students. Yes, he gives them tough love sometimes by throwing them into missions, but it really is to make them strong. How else will they grow if they aren’t put under pressure?
His motivation for being a teacher is very selfless. He himself has stated that he isn’t suited to be a teacher, but that he has a dream to raise a generation of strong allies to prevent isolation from occurring like what had happened to Suguru. He felt guilty about growing apart from him, didn’t see the warning signs before he snapped, and regrets not being there for him more. His entire purpose now is dedicated to making sure the new wave of sorcerers have a tightly-knit network so that no one ends up alone and on a dark path like Suguru.
He constantly sticks his neck out for the helpless even when it’s far from his benefit. He paid off the Zenin clan to save Megumi, the child of the man who ruined his high school years and nearly killed him. He then raised him. He threatened the higher ups to keep Yuuta alive, and then did it again for Yuuji. He does this to preserve their youth, because his own was taken away from him. His whole life he’d been controlled by the higher ups and people around him because of who he is in the sorcerer world, so by waving his own status in front of authority to hold them back from his students, he acts as a sort of shield to take as many burdens off of their shoulders as he can so that they can remain carefree. As much as he can within his power.
With all of that being said, I really don’t understand where Akutami is coming from with lack of depth, but another argument I say to that statement is: well, you’re the author, give him the depth you think he’s missing. (Personally, I believe he’s one of the best-written characters in any anime I’ve seen).
Reason #2 is that according to Akutami, he doesn’t have a likable personality.
What about his personality is unlikable?
He is cocky, but not to the point where he stops caring about others, not to the point where he never considers how other people feel or how his actions affect other people, and not to the point where he never feels guilt and remorse about his shortcomings. Like I said, he lives his life trying to prevent his past from repeating itself, to save the fates of others.
I really don’t get it. In JJK 0, after Nitta gives her report on the shopping mall, Gojo thanks her and praises her. Would a cocky asshole do that? No. If you wanted to characterize him as unlikable, you could have made him dismiss her, or ignore her.
He makes pop culture references, he has endearing flaws like not being good at drawing, being a lightweight drinker, and overdoing it on the sweets. He’s funny, he’s kind, he’s considerate…he is a very likable character.
Honestly, the self-absorption he displays when he’s fighting is probably a result of his upbringing. Being told you have so much power you have so much power you have so much power over and over again instills this belief that yes, he’s needed by Jujutsu Society to fight curses as a weapon. As. A. Weapon. The Six Eyes & Limitless user is a formidable weapon, but what about Satoru Gojo, the person? The only time he feels useful is when he’s fighting curses. That’s where he gets his self-worth. We can see that expressed in this panel, from Chapter 236:
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In the second half of Gojo’s second text bubble, he says, “でもどこかで人としてというより生き物としての線引きがあったのかな”.
This translates to: “But I wonder if somewhere there was a line drawn between being a creature rather than a person.”
Rather than having drew the line himself, being constantly treated like the strongest, being handed over the difficult missions, being relied on so heavily pushed him away from other people. It distorted the perception everyone had of him, and it distorted the perception he had of himself. He also believed he could never lose because he let his human side fade into the background. The world didn't need human Satoru Gojo, they needed sorcerer Satoru Gojo, the one who could bend rules to his will with his might, the one who could exorcise any curse and save the day no matter how bad things got. Why would he remain human when that part of him was treated as non-existent? The only person who did treat him as a person with weaknesses and flaws has been dead for eleven years. Of course that voice of reason is going to fizzle out.
How can you possibly vilify him for that? It would be a disservice to everything he has had to endure his entire life.
Reason #3 and the last point I want to touch on is when the article says, "Akutami believes that much of this adoration is based solely on his striking appearance, overshadowing his more abrasive personality traits."
Okay. Where to start?
Honestly, and I know this is probably not Akutami's intention, but that comes off as so condescending. It's so presumptuous. It's as if to say we're all going "ooh look at pretty man, pretty man do no wrong because too pretty" mindlessly with dilated pupils and drool coming out of our mouths. Uh. No.
Yes, Satoru is a good-looking character, but no, that is very far from why we like him so much as a character, and it's also very far from why he's so popular. Aside from all of the points I've made above explaining why he's so universally loved, I'll make another one that isn't superficial and tired.
He's so relatable.
This is a man so incredibly traumatized by his high school years that he is mentally and emotionally unable to move on. Suguru Geto was his very best friend, and for reasons he took too long to understand, chose to abandon their friendship for his own goals. For anyone who has grown apart from a best friend, this hits so hard.
Because of his upbringing it was hard to become close to anyone. But somehow, Suguru was able to break past his walls, and for that, he became entirely too dependent on him. This is common for anyone who finds it hard to make friends and get close to others. Once someone is allowed in, you cling so hard to them and imagine them being there for your entire life. So, when they leave, you take it entirely too personally.
Everyone has a right to live their own lives, and as we see with the divergence of Suguru and Satoru, sometimes our paths aren't leading to the same place. It's not personal. But Satoru took it personal, and that's so beautifully human. When you lose a best friend who was important to you, you think "I like being around this person, they put me at ease in a way no one else does", and you assume they feel the same way about you. So when they leave and show you that no, they didn't feel the same, it hurts. It's almost as if they're saying "I actually do think you're unlovable like everyone else, that's why no one likes you, you are too much."
Someone you thought was safe, isn't anymore.
That is such a relatable thing to watch a character go through! Especially someone as awe-inspiring and charismatic as Gojo! As an audience, we think, "he's just like me!" and we like him for it.
So, as I stated in the title, Gege Akutami, you don't understand Satoru Gojo at all. I commend you for writing such an amazing, iconic, universally loved character, but I will never understand nor respect the superficial way in which you perceive him.
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show-your-fangs · 1 year
as for blurb requests i was thinking about the kinda opposite of moments, instead of hotch hating reader and then catching feelings, having them being close friends and him realizing that he’s too far gone before he can prevent it- idek what i’m requesting to be honest, i just love to see my man all flustered over his feelings
oh shut up i love this too much
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Moments AU: Aaron falls head over heels from the second that he meets you.
Pairing: Aaron Hotchner x f!Reader
Words: 810
CW: nothing, just pining and fluff.
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This could not be happening. 
It needed to stop, he needed to stop. It was getting to the point where every time you so much as looked at him his heart began aggressively pounding against his ribcage. 
The first time that it happened he’d been understandably confused, he’d even thought he was having a heart attack. But the lack of every other symptom quickly reassured him that he wasn’t. 
But in all honesty, he’d take the heart attack over dealing with his feelings for you. 
He should’ve seen it coming, should’ve been able to profile himself and come to the realization much sooner. But he’d always been blindsided when it came to his own emotions. It wasn’t that he didn’t know they were there but rather that he’d allowed himself to believe that they were just professional, platonic, normal. 
He felt this way towards the rest of his team, the rest of his family. The love that he felt for them was so overwhelming, allconsuming, that when he started to feel that way towards you after a few months of you working at the BAU, he dismissed them as nothing more than his body finally trusting you, welcoming you into the family. 
But that night something changed. 
They had just made it back to the office after wrapping up a case, the jetlag and general fatigue settling over everyone as they shuffled towards their desks to get started on their paperwork. Morale had been at an all time low, the unfortunate outcome of the case weighing heavy on everyone’s shoulders. 
He’d been on the phone with Jack, saying goodnight to him so his mind was elsewhere. It wasn’t until he dropped off his bags in his office and heard his name being called that he finally took in the sight before him.
You were peeking out of the conference room, a bright and disarming smile on your lips, his name, his first name, like honey on your tongue. He’d insisted you call him Aaron a week earlier and they’d been whisked away to a case before he could hear you say it.
“Would you like some dinner?” you asked him, gentle and caring and too kind to him. 
He was rendered speechless by such a normal question, his cheeks heating up more and more every second that went by where he didn’t respond. Instead, he focused on his son’s voice over the phone, the boy helping him out of the embarrassing hole he found himself in as he just pointed at the phone and you nodded in understanding. 
You were about to turn around when he stopped you, calling out your name and motioning you towards him. You obeyed almost instantly and he could almost convince himself that you were taking advantage of the excuse to be near him as much as he was taking advantage of his rambling son to get you into his space.
“Jack wants to say hello,” he told you when you entered his office and if it was even possible, your smile only got brighter. 
He held his phone out to you, his chest tightening, his lungs begging for air, all of his energy going to keep his hand from shaking. Your delicate fingers wrapped themselves over his own, almost lingering for a second too long before he let you take the phone to talk to the boy.
You sat yourself down on his desk chair, as if the office was yours, as if the two of you had this relationship of trust and familiarity. He couldn’t help but watch you intently as you spoke with his son, your voice chipper and excited, eager to engage in conversation with the hyperactive six year old. 
At some point your eyes met his, catching him almost red handed in his admiration. His heart stopped beating, he could hear a faint ringing in his ears, the scorching hot guilt and embarrassment bubbling up to the surface. And then you winked at him, quick, playful, as if the two of you were sharing a secret that no one else had the privilege of knowing. 
He was certain you could see the blush that adorned his cheeks, was certain that you could hear his heart hearing out of his chest, was certain that you knew exactly why he was acting this way. He knew, because he could see it all on you too.  
Unbeknownst to either of you, you weren’t being at all subtle with your secret crushes as it seemed that the only people who didn’t know about your feelings for each other were yourselves. 
“I bet you twenty dollars he asks her out by the end of the week,” Derek whispered to Rossi before taking a bite out of the chow mein you’d ordered for them.
Rossi scoffed, offended. “I bet you fifty he asks her out tonight.”
BRB SCREAMING CRYING THROWING UP thank you so much for requesting this
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heizlut · 7 months
tags: subfem!reader, dom!wriothesley, bdsm, handcuffs, 2 uses of y/n (ur honor, i was just feeling a little silly)
nsfw under the cut
check out my masterlist here!
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You had always thought you were open-minded, but you’d never experienced anything like this before. You found yourself in a small, dimly lit room with a man you barely knew. Wriothesley. He had a rough, dominant energy that intimidated and excited you all at once. You stood nervously in the center of the room, your heart racing as Wriothesley circled around you. He was tall and muscular, with scars that peeked out from beneath the fabric of his clothes.
"So, y/n," he said, his voice low and gravely. "I hear you're willing to explore some unusual fantasies." He smirks. You swallow hard, feeling a mixture of arousal and fear. "Um, yeah," you say, your voice barely above a whisper. "I'm open to trying new things." His eyes narrow as he studies you, his gaze traveling over your body with a predator's hunger. "Is there anything in particular that sparks your interest?" he asked, his voice dripping with sarcasm.
You hesitate for a moment, unsure of how to answer. You had never been one to ask for much, but the idea of being completely dominated by Wriothesley was too tempting to resist. "I'd like to be completely dominated," you say, your voice barely above a whisper.
He grins, his teeth glistening in the dim light. "Well, well, y/n," he said in a low growl. "You're in luck then." Without another word, he grabs you roughly by the arm and pulls you towards a door within the room. As you enter a room filled with all sorts of bondage toys and restraints, you felt yourself getting more and more worked up. You could feel the heat between your legs intensify as you watch him begin to prepare the room for your session.
Wriothesley walks back to you, handcuffs in his hand and a wicked smirk on his face. "We should come up with a safe word," he said, his voice low and seductive. You hesitate, feeling a twinge of fear mixed with excitement. This was all new territory for you, and you weren’t sure if you were ready to give yourself completely over to a man like him. But as he approaches you, his rough hands cuffing your wrists tightly behind your back, you found yourself unable to resist his charms.
"What if I say it and you don't stop?" you ask, your voice wavering with uncertainty. Wriothesley chuckles darkly, his eyes glinting with mischief. "Well, then we'll just have to figure out what happens next," his voice a husky whisper as his hot breath fans across your ear. You shiver at his words, feeling yourself growing wet between your legs once again. "Please," you whisper back breathlessly. "I want you to take control of me."
He smirks, the dim light of the room casting his face in a sultry glow. "Oh, I intend to," he said before trailing his finger along your jawline and grabbing your chin, making you look up at him. You feel a surge of arousal mixed with fear as he stares into your eyes. He seems to be studying you, searching for something that only he could see. "I want to see your expression change," he said, his voice low and deep. "I want to know what each sensation makes you feel."
You hesitate for a moment, unsure of what to say or do. You had never been one to speak up for yourself, let alone express any desires you might have."Just do whatever you want," you finally said, your voice barely above a whisper. "I trust you."
Wriothesley’s smirk widens as he steps back slightly, allowing you room to breathe. "Good," he said before stepping forward again and wrapping his arms around your waist. He pulls you close, pressing his lips against your roughly while his hands roams over your body hungrily. Your hands are cuffed behind your back, preventing you from touching him, but you can still feel the warmth radiating off of his skin. You moan softly as he presses his body against yours, his mouth moving down to your neck and nipping at the sensitive skin.
Wriothesley’s hand slides up your side, under your shirt, and you sigh as his fingers stroke across your bare stomach. He stops when they reach your breast, squeezing it gently through your bra before moving on to your other one. His lips move lower, kissing the hollow of your throat and then moving to your collarbone. His tongue flicks out, licking at your skin causing you to shiver. You close your eyes, enjoying the sensation. He pauses, looking up at you with a smirk as he gently tugs your shirt, “This seems to be in my way.”
He effortlessly rips the shirt down the middle, pulling a gasp from you. He chuckles darkly, letting the torn shirt fall to the ground. He continues kissing along your jaw, down your neck, and over your chest. He unclasps your bra and removes it, leaving you your upper body exposed to him. Wriothesley lowers his head and gives a small lick to your nipple as he looks up at you through his lashes, cherishing each reaction he pulls from you.
You gasp as he takes your nipple into his mouth, sucking on it hard. His fingers play with your other nipple, rolling it between his fingers. You arch your back, moaning loudly as he continues to suck and bite on your nipple. So desperate to tangle your fingers in his hair, but unable to as the cold metal of the handcuffs rubbing against your wrists reminds you that you are not in control.
Wriothesley smirks up at you, watching as your breathing quickens and your hips instinctually roll against his. He bites down a little harder, causing you to cry out. His hand moves down your stomach and he yanks up your skirt, leaving it bunched up at your waist. His fingers slide into your panties, slipping inside you. He curls his fingers, hitting just the right spot and you cry out, your head falling back as you struggle against the handcuffs. Wriothesley's eyes glint in the dim light of the room as he watches you squirm.
His finger moves faster inside you, his thumb pressing down on your clit. The pleasure is building within you until you feel like you're going to explode. Just as you think you can't take anymore, he stops. He pulls his hand out of your panties and pushes you backwards onto the bed. You whimper at the loss of his touch causing him to let out a dark chuckle as he cages you in with his body. Wriothesley leans down and whispers in your ear, “You cum when I say you can cum.”
You nod quickly, unable to form words. Your mind feels fuzzy, wanting the pleasure only he can give you. Wriothesley kisses your neck, biting down gently. You let out a soft moan and he growls against your skin. He runs his tongue along your collar bone, stopping just above your breasts. You try to lift yourself up to meet his mouth, but he pushes you back down. He moves his hand to your leg, stroking it slowly, teasing you. His fingers move higher, brushing against your inner thigh, causing you to jerk slightly. “Please…” you beg him.
Wriothesley laughs softly, his hand stilling on your leg. He pulls away from you and your heart skips a beat. He lifts himself off of you, standing before you. He smiles down at you, his eyes darkening. You watch as he unzips his pants, freeing his cock. He pulls it out, stroking it slowly. You watch as he rubs his hand up and down his shaft, coating it in pre-cum. He leans down and kisses you, his tongue sliding into your mouth.
He breaks the kiss and you look up at him, pleading with your eyes for him to finish what he started. Wriothesley smirks down at you and you bite your bottom lip. He moves closer to you, his cock positioned near the entrance of your pussy. You feel his breath on your cheek and you shudder. You hear him whisper, "I'm going to fuck you so hard, you won't be able to walk straight for days." You close your eyes, letting out a soft whimper at his words.
Wriothesley slides his cock inside you, filling you completely. You cry out as he starts to thrust in and out of you at a brutal pace, his hand wrapped around your throat. He pounds into you, his hips slapping against your ass. You can feel the pleasure building within you again and you know you're close. “So tight…” He growls. His voice dripping with desire.
You moan, trying to push yourself up to meet his thrusts. He grabs your hips and fucks you harder. “Please! Please let me cum. I wanna cum!” You cry out. Wriothesley smirks down at you, his eyes darkening. He pulls out of you and flips you over onto your stomach. He spanks your ass, making you cry out, “You don’t cum til I say you do.” He grabs your hips and thrusts back into you, hitting that perfect spot inside of you again and again.
You cry out, pleading with him to let you cum. He doesn't answer you, continuing to pound into you. You moan and shudder beneath him, feeling your orgasm building inside of you. Wriothesley groans as he feels your muscles contract around his cock. He bites down on your shoulder, growling as he feels you orgasm. He lets out a grunt and cums deep inside of you. He collapses on top of you, breathing heavily. He rolls off of you and you turn your head to look at him, wishing you could touch him, but the handcuffs restrict your movement.
You sigh and he clicks his tongue as he reaches down and unlocks the handcuffs, allowing you to move freely. Wriothesley pulls you into his arms, kissing you deeply. You wrap your arms around him, holding him tightly. He grips your chin, forcing you to look him in the eyes, “I never told you that you could cum.” You swallow hard, nervous for what he may say next. His eyes have a mischievous and dangerous glint to them, “I guess our next session will have to include a punishment…”
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a/n: bro idk. i just pulled this one out my ass. it’ll be a series though fs
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cheemscakecat · 4 months
wow okay.
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BLU Soldier: Tells Spy its a bad idea to face Hoovy alone, offers to actually help.
BLU Spy: Rejects help, tries to intimidate Hoovy and gets got.
BLU Soldier: Saves him anyway.
BLU Spy: No YoU IDiOt He WAs oUr OnlY LEaD.
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BLU Soldier: Gets another lead by using the radio from earlier.
BLU Spy: Doesn’t thank him, includes involving the police in his sewer tirade.
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BLU Soldier: *Killed Hoovy in one shot, found a new lead, and kept that rocket launcher secure this whole time.* “I’m gonna rocket launch across the ravine.”
BLU Spy: *Smacks the loaded rocket launcher out of his hand, towards the car*
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Yeah, stupid. That’s why you don’t smack a loaded firearm.
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BLU Soldier: Tackle-saves Spy from getting head-shotted after announcing their location with the explosion.
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BLU Spy: Blames Soldier for everything that’s gone wrong the entire night, Points a gun and threatens him. You know? The only ally he has in this forsaken death trap, who would know where he was if he died to the cult?!
Here’s a list of things that were each guy’s fault.
Answering Ludwig’s phone. But that wouldn’t give away their location.
Getting Hoovy killed. If he had just brought Soldier with him to do his job, they could have worked together to prevent that outcome.
Not calling for backup. They could have called in Ludwig’s office, or on the way to the slaughterhouse, so they wouldn’t be easy targets in the empty lot outside.
Destroying the car and the evidence inside. Soldier was practicing gun safety and trusted Spy not to do anything dumb while he was holding a weapon. But Spy smacked the rocket launcher towards their car [and the ambulance].
Alerting the enemy to their location. Soldier’s phone call didn’t tell Sniper which window to fire from; the car explosion did.
So no, Spy. Having a grown man tantrum in the echoey sewer, blaming and threatening your only friend is not a valid response to what’s happened.
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And Soldier ain’t even backing up, bro. He’s not scared of you at all. And I don’t blame him, he’s the competent one in the duo and he’s realizing it.
Meanwhile on RED Team:
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RED Spy: *Is tired and disappointed in dad*
RED Soldier: *Is man-child of sorts*
Spy’s like “You’re an idiot, but you’re also not intentionally ****ing me off like Scout. Here’s your bucket.”
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For real it’s just Scout being the reckless teenage son, and Soldier being like a feral toddler occasionally supervised by Spy.
I fully imagine that if BLU Spy tried to disrespect RED Soldier like that, he’d get his neck snapped. RED Spy would stab him in the shin or hand and start angrily ranting in French… With the energy of the hispanic mom from the SHuT uP vine.
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silverwolf122 · 1 year
It was an ordinary day in the Watchtower. At least by the standards of the Justice League. Which meant that there was some kind of threat to the Earth. Batman was busy trying to establish contact with the Justice League Dark, which disappeared without a trace. The usual stopped when Wonder Woman in full heavy armor called to the meeting.
"Diana, what happened?" Bruce asked. The "trinity", as they were called, were close and had long ago learned from each other the smallest nuances of body language. It might not have been noticeable to others, but Bruce noticed a slight tremor in her hands.
"I thank you all for being my friends and comrades. But as of today, I am resigning from my post in the Justice League." Batman had contingency plans. Everyone knew that. He was just a man who stood among the Gods because he was prepared for any threat they might face. What made it even more unusual was how unprepared he was for these words. "Diana, talk to us. We can help."
"I hope you will" her tone is steal hard. This is not a Diana, thier friend is talking. It's Wonder Woman. Batman scolds himself how unprepared he is to hearing her like that directed to him he really is. "May this sword serve you instead of me." She takes her sword and stabs it into the wall. "Because when I see it again, it will be with the enemy. Find the Prince, Justice League, or you'll find out what it's like to wage war against the Amazons."
"You don't have to do this." "You're wrong, Batman. When I became Wonder Woman, I took an oath that I would always stand for truth and justice." "Like all of us!" "What if the criminals are the USA, Bruce? Will you stand with me against your government? Will you start a war against your own cities in the name of justice?" Silence reigned in the hall. "Find the Prince, Justice League. You have 72 hours before we start the search. That's all I can give you."
[Wonder Woman A-03] said the computer as Diana left the Watch Tower.
Surprisngly, it's Teen Titans that helped with the next part. Their empath, Raven, was able to sense a huge emotional mystical energy release near Jump-City. They found a well protected base, that was surrendered by agents in white costumes. Per protocol, they called the JL for backup. By their channels, they found that the base belonged to Ghost Investigation Ward, a goverment group to search, study and destroy Ghosts. "Not just ghost, but ghosts of Infinite Realms." said Raven, the only magical expert they currently had. Batman doesn't believe in coincedence. The JLD dissapearence, Diana leaving the JL, the amazons war, a huge base with a lot of magic organised by the goverment. It's all connected. He activates his comm. "Diana, we may have a lead."
Batman and his group are escorted to the ward. What he sees inside caugths him off guard. Batman hates being caught off guard. A 3 meter long blue amazon, with 4 arms, flaming purple hair, fully armored and carrying a spear. Diana and her mother stay around the table, studing maps. "Bow before Pandora, patron of Amazons, queen of Acropolys." They do. "What have you found?" "6 hours ago, was discovered a base of operations, lead by goverment group known as Ghost Investigation Ward. It consist of agents in white suits" This piqued Pandora's interest. He was right, this was connected. If 'the Prince' was not there, then they may find where he really is. "You know about them?"
"If my son is there, then you may just have prevented the war against your realm, mortal. It may depend on how much they harmed him and if we will act fast enough."
"The Justice League will be able to extract him and return him to you safely."
"If you think i will trust you to do it by yourselves, you are mistaken, boy. My son has a lot of allies in the Infinte Realms. I will gather them and will make sure that he is safe. Hippolyta, prepare your forces. No one is allowed to escape."
When the rescue started, Batman was caught off guard once again. When Pandora said they had a lot of allies, he thought it will be a couple of dozens. Instead, a couple of hundreds of ghosts were united to march against GIW forces. Snow Yetis, Greek Soldiers, knights, a big blue dragon, a pharaoh leading mummies, a driad controlled plant, a woman in red suit on a hoverboard with guns, amazons, and the missed the JLD. The problems started from the start, when they heard the loud "STOP!!!" on their comms, belonged to the driad. "What's wrong, Sam?" Pharaoh asked. "Blood Blossoms." "This sick sons of the bitches." Batman heard John Constantine swearing. "What is it?" "The base is surronded by Blood Blossoms. This are anti-magic flowers. If anything mystical gets in, it won't get out. B, they grow only if they are fertilizer with ashes of innocent people burned alive. To have so much to surrend the miles of the base..." Batman now understood what John meant. "What can we do? Should we break the circle?" "To late for that. The only option is to completly destroy every flower. Burn everything." "Flash, Superman, you heard him. Make it quick." "Your assessment is incorrect, Constantine. Demons are not affected by Blood Blossoms," Raven said over the comm. "Raven, the extraction is on you. Get the Prince out of there. J.L. will distract him."
In the end, the united army forces of ghosts and JL was able to capture every GIW agent, even if it was harder than they first anticipated. GIW was able to gather a lot of different weapons, capable to harm even more durable members of the united forces. Once Raven was able to get to the Prince with her emphath and going through walls abilities, both the Prince and Raven dissapeared. Apparently, healed by Raven, the Prince was able to open the portal to Infinite Realms. This satisfied Pandora and amazons, which was a relief. With the promise to punish and disband the GIW and anti-ecto acts, the war was prevented. Ghosts and amazons retreated, leaving only members of thenJL to take care of arrested and wounded. Now was the hard part for them. Make the goverment admit that they fucked up and officialy imprison all GIW agents for good.
A couple of days later, a green portal opened in the Watch Tower. This caused an alarm. The whole JL was ready to fight whoever tried to attack them. Only to meet a white haired teenager. "Uhm, hye". Flash was the first to speak "Uhm, buddy, i hope you won't take it the wrong way, but what are you doing here? It's not exactly an open place." "Uhm, yeah, i get it. I just wanted to say thank you. For helping with Guys in White and stuff." "No problem, bud. We are the Justice League. That's what we do. But how are you connected to it?" This was answered by Batman. "He is Danny Phantom. A small town hero from Amity Park. One of the paranormal heroes, that dissapeared with the kidnapped Prince"
This put a smile on teens face. "Good to know you know about me. Anyway, thanks for GIW. Though, they were just pawns. The Observants used them in an attempt to overthrown me. Thankfully, now i can legally throw them out."
"Wait, you mean, YOU are the Prince?!" Flash exclaimed. "Yeah, but please, just call me Danny. I don't need any pompeus names or anything like that." Batman took initiative. "Apologies, Danny. But we were not aware that we were rescuing a child. We are sorry that we came so late."
Danny stared in his eyes, like he was trying to search his soul, before shrugging off. "Eh, it's fine. I have learned to be content with what I have. Surprisingly, this opens up many opportunities to enjoy what you have, instead of trying to get what is lost." And something about that rubbed Bruce the wrong way. Such lesson couldn't came lightly. "So, now that the GIW is gone, i think it's time to return your friends." On that, Raven and Wonder Woman came from the portal. "Hey, Diana. You call sometimes, since we are apparently cousins, or something like that." "I will Danny, don't fret."
"I think the Titans will be glad to meet you and your friends." said Raven. "Really? Huh, maybe. It's nice to meet the big superheroes." "We are always opened for friends." She said with a small smile.
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