#he literally uses his ghost powers to get back at Dash multiple times in the show
minty-bunni · 1 year
If you go with the halfas not needing o breathe or have their hearts pumping 24/7 idea:
Danny in the tv show is the exact type of person that would play dead in order to prank Dash and you can not change my mind.
I don't mean pretending to be nonresponsive, I mean full on flopping to the floor and stopping his heart and breathing when Dash is in the middle of beating him up in some secluded area of the school. Let Dash believe he just killed Danny only to have Danny show up like nothing happened the next day.
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resonating-kitty · 4 years
I spent the last two days writing this little.... uh... I don’t think I’d call it a gem tbh. XD 
Just some head-canon ideals that were swimming around in my head about the Dream SMP storyline and how many paths it could go down. And my hands slipped, as they have been known to do. 
I would just like to preface this by saying that I am sorry! LOL 
Final Word Count:  2,884
Trigger Warnings: Blood, Implied Reference to Suicide, and Character Death
A03 Link
Tommy sat on the beach, staring vacantly out over the raging ocean. Dark swirling clouds rolled over head and the wind whipped around him, chilling him but he made no move to head for cover. He was paler, skinnier. His clothes were in tatters. Dark circles were visible under his eyes. The spark that usually lit up his bright blue eyes was gone. Nothing remained.  
His exile had taken its toll and every day his isolation ate away more and more of him. He longed to see his home again. He longed to see the land he knew and loved so much. Most importantly, he missed Tubbo. 
Tubbo, who was supposed to stand by him, unwavering and loyal, and yet. Yet here he sat. Exiled and alone. 
A twig snapped somewhere behind him.  Well not completely alone. 
“Tommy” Dream’s voice was nearly drowned out by the wind but Tommy still heard him.
Tommy felt the other’s presence materialize behind him. Knew that if he turned to look, the green hoodie cladded figure would be stepping from the shadows. That infuriating white smiley mask regarding him.   
“The storm is getting closer Tommy,” Dream spoke again, closer this time. 
“I don’t care.” Tommy replied, keeping his eyes fixed firmly on the raging waters. Nearly everyday since his exile, Dream had materialized to taunt him. Reminded him that he was truly alone and that he would not see his home again.   
“You do.” Dream insisted and Tommy felt the weight as the hand landed on his shoulder. “You do care. Get up Tommy.”    
Tommy doesn’t know why he obeyed, he doesn’t want to obey but he pushed himself to his feet and turned to glare weakly at Dream. 
“Don’t be like that,” Dream says and Tommy can hear the smile in his voice, the sheer amusement, “We’re friends Tommy come on.”  
Tommy lets himself be led away from the raging waves of the ocean and toward Logstedshire’s sturdy walls. Dream guided him as if he were some poor pitiful peasant. The anger that tried to ignite within him was quickly washed away. After all, as Dream had so eloquently put it days before, what was his anger going to solve? He’d been truly abandoned by his friends, left to rot in strange lands. He had no one anymore. No one except a ghost with no memories, and even Wilbur abandoned him to return to L’Manburg for days on end, and Dream, a demon who constantly taunted him and appeared in his nightmares night after night. 
Dream was the only true constant in his life. His only connection to a world he was no longer a part of. As much as he hated to admit it, even to himself, Dream was the only thing that kept him from losing what small thread of sanity he had left.
Logstedshire was quiet when they entered, the walls blocked the wind, creating a safe haven from the nasty weather approaching. Tommy was led to the barrels and he plopped down heavily onto one. He watched, warily, as Dream meandered about, inspecting the area. He watched as the green man walked over to the signs he’d hung up. His to-do list. 
“Blaze powder.” He heard Dream mumble to himself before the green man turned to address him, “You hunting for blaze powder Tommy? Why would you need blaze powder?” 
“Oh you know, the same reason anyone else would need blaze powder, drugs obviously,” Tommy snarked, averting his gaze. Dream had been doing that too. Showing up and asking him what he had, making him throw his belongings in the dirt and making him watch as they were destroyed. Keeping him at rock bottom. Little did Dream know, Tommy succeeded with that item on his to-do list. He had gotten the blaze powder and made the enderchest. It was hidden beneath the prime log. 
“Really?” Dream didn’t seem convinced. Tommy saw where this was going before the man even spoke his next words, “Well then, you wouldn’t be opposed to emptying your inventory on the ground then would you?” 
“Why?” Tommy asked, hopping off the barrel. He’d done this dance with Dream many times before. Was so used to it that he didn’t even flinch when Dream drew his sword. 
“You know why.” Dream said, exasperated, stepping closer, “Empty your inventory Tommy or I will kill you.” 
“No you won’t” Tommy sighed. It was a bluff. He had figured that out a bit ago. Dream wouldn’t kill him because Dream wouldn’t be able to taunt him anymore if he were dead. Wouldn’t be able to make his life a living hell anymore. He’d learned this after the first time he was allowed in the Nether, with Dream trailing behind him. He’d been allowed to go to the hub that led to his home but Dream would not let him through, promising to kill him if he stepped foot inside that portal. That’s when he’d contemplated it the first time. Contemplated just throwing himself off the edge of the pathway to the awaiting lava below. Dream had appeared at his side, grabbed his arm and pulled him back, leaning in to whisper in his ear, “It’s not your time to die yet Tommy.” 
“I will,” Tommy was brought from his thoughts as Dream all but purred and stalked closer, pressing the blade of the sword right under his chin. They stood, staring at each other, as the first streak of lightning flashed overhead. 
“Just do it.” Tommy sighed. He was so tired of playing this game. He looked up, his blue eyes boring holes into the white mask that started back at him, and said, “Kill me. End it all.” 
“I didn’t know that even you could swoop this low mate,” A new voice sounded, causing Dream to immediately shove away from Tommy. Tommy stumbled back, catching himself on the barrels. He and Dream turned toward the entrance of Logstedshire, his eyes widening in shock as Dream’s frame tensed. 
Leaning against the outer wall, stood Philza. His black wings were folded tightly against his back. He held a sword loosely in hand. His blue gaze was focused intently on Dream.  
“Thought you were neutral in this Philza,” Dream remarked, hard edge to his voice now. Danger seemed to radiate from his form, turning the air around him heavy. 
“Oh I am,” Philza smiled, pushing himself from the wall. He walked into Logstedshire, glancing briefly at Tommy before focusing back on Dream, “However, torturing a child is just a bit too much for me to ignore. Even if that child is Tommy.”
“Gee thanks Philza,” Tommy mumbled, sarcastically. 
“Shush child or I will leave,” Philza warned and Tommy clicked his mouth shut. 
“You’re going to leave anyway,” Dream ordered, swirling his sword in his hand.
“Am I?” Philza smirked, flaring his wings out. A challenge. 
“Yes you are. Or else you’re going to meet your end.” Dream promised as light rain started to fall from the sky.  
“I’d like to see you try mate,” Philza tensed, readying himself. 
Lightning flashed overhead and Dream struck. Philza brought his sword up, just in time to parry the blow. Tommy watched, horrified, as the two men lunged at one another. Clashing over and over again.
Thunder rumbled in the distance. Dream lunged and lunged, backing Philza back with every thrust and blow. Philza sidestepped on one of the blows, sending Dream stumbling past him and into the wall of Logstedshire. Dream quickly recovered, dodging just in time to avoid the downward swing of a sword. 
“Not bad,” Philza grinned, twirling his sword and dropping into a stance. A bit of hope sparked within Tommy as he watched Philza face off with Dream. If anyone could defeat the green bastard, it would be Philza. He had experience. Knew how to fight. Was friends with the literal Blood God himself.  
“Hm.” Tommy’s gaze slid over to Dream. He knew that Dream was pissed. The way he stood rigidly, knuckle tight grip on the hilt of the sword. Tommy figured that this might just be the first time that Dream had to face an adversary that could potentially outplay him at his own game.
The hope that had started to sprout within Tommy grew just a little bit more, until Dream started to chuckle softly. 
“Philza, Philza, Philza,” Dream started in between his bouts of chuckling, “Do you honestly think you stand a chance against me?” All at once, the whole air seemed to shift with some sort of unseen power. 
Philza frowned, his brow creasing and his eyes narrowing as if he could see something that Tommy couldn’t. His wings spread out, readying for flight. Dream dashed forward, faster than any human. Philza took to the sky just in time to avoid the attack. 
“Now Philza,” Dream growled as a crossbow materialized in his other hand, “You know flying isn’t allowed here!” He aimed and fired repeatedly, multiple bolts appearing. 
Philza twisted and turned, diving and skirting. Dodging some of the arrows while deflecting others with his sword. He flew closer to the trees, letting the branches take the brunt of the arrows. Unfortunately, he lost sight of Dream and heard, too late, the tale-tell whoosh of Dream teleporting directly behind him. 
Pain laced across his wings, causing Philza to shout out in pain. His sword clattered to the ground and he plummeted, landing heavily in a heap just feet from Tommy. 
“Philza!” Tommy screamed, horrified. Blood coated Philza’s back, feathers hanging crookedly from where they’d been cut. 
Dream landed from the tree with a heavy thud. He stalked to where Philza laid unmoving. 
“Dream. Dream don’t!” Tommy pleaded, dropping down to his knees as Dream raised the sword, readying to drive it home. “Dream! Please don’t!” 
Dream’s head snapped up, as if he’d forgotten Tommy was even there. He said nothing. Tommy watched, frozen to the spot as Dream raised the sword a bit higher, poised both his hands on the hilt.
“No!!!” Tommy screamed as lightning flashed and Dream drove the sword down, straight into Philza. Philza’s eyes snapped open and a silence scream escaped him. 
The ground shook with the force of the thunder that rumbled. Tears slipped down Tommy’s face. He gazed unseeingly at Philza’s still body. He didn’t even notice when Dream yanked his sword free and moved toward him. 
The hand that landed on his shoulder startled him, his gaze shot up to the masked man. Fear bubbled deep in his gut as Dream leaned down slightly, just enough to whisper in his ear, “Let this be a lesson. I am your only friend.” 
Dream leaves him. Completely disappearing into the shadows once again. 
Tommy crawled over to Philza’s sprawled body. Sobs racked his body as he wrapped his arms around his knees and buried his face in the junction.
“Tommy,” Tommy’s head snapped up at the sound of Philza’s voice. 
“Phil! Oh gods! Oh gods! What do I need to do? Should I get a health potion?” Tommy panicked. “Wait! I think Will has some stashed around here somewhere.” he made to get up but was stopped as Philza’s hand shot out to grab his wrist.
“Won’t do any good mate” Philza wheezed, a slight smile on his face, “I don’t have much time so I need you to listen to me.” Tommy settled back down beside Philza. He was released and watched as Philza reached into his coat pocket and pulled out a crimson stone that just fit in the palm of one’s hand. The stone was glowing dully, pulsing every few seconds. 
“Do you know what this is?” Philza asked and Tommy shook his head. He truly had no idea. 
Philza chuckled, “I figured. This is a blood stone.” 
“Blood?” Tommy interrupted, “Phil don’t tell me that’s from Technoblade!” 
“Hush,” Philza sighed, “The blood stone was a gift from Techno. When my heart stops beating, it will shatter. And Techno will come. You go with him. Make him take you with him Tommy. I know you two haven’t always seen eye to eye but you need him right now. He is your only hope to escape that green demon. Promise me. Promise me you’ll do that for me, Tommy.”
“It’s Techno! He’s more liable to kill me than to help me!” Tommy argued. 
“You’re my son.” Philza stated, his breath hitching slightly, “Techno won’t harm you. Tommy, promise me.” 
Tommy regarded his father. His father who was quickly slipping from the land of the living. His eyes flicked down to the equally dying blood stone. “I promise.” He mumbled. 
“That’s my boy,” Philza smiled, eyes slipping shut. Seconds later his body fell still. In his palm, the blood stone gave one final glowing pulse before it shattered. 
The rain grew heavier, until it was pelting down in sheets, soaking everything. Tommy sat unmoving, eyes staring blankly at Philza’s body. He didn’t notice the rain or when he became soaked to the bone. He barely paid any attention to the chill that was starting to creep in, causing him to shiver slightly. 
He also didn’t notice the galloping sound of an approaching horse. Didn’t notice when the horse was stopped nor when the figure stepped into the mouth of Logstedshire. He finally noticed, starting violently, when a pair of boots appeared in his peripheral vision. 
Tommy looked up and was greeted by the sight of the Blood God. He was adorned in his royal blood red robe and the signature pig mask that he never took off. His long, pale pink hair whipped around violently in the wind and the crown that sat atop his head glittered faintly in the torch light. The heavy scent of blood lingered faintly in the air. His hand rested loosely on the hilt of his sword, tapping it periodically with long fingers. 
Silence hung between them, Techno not speaking and, for once, Tommy had nothing to say. His words had been taken from him and Tommy just hung his head when it was apparent that Techno was not going to speak. 
They stayed like that for a few more moments before Techno moved. Tommy found himself gently being lifted from the ground as if he weighed nothing at all, which he supposed he didn’t, not now anyway. He didn’t even fight it as Techno carried him over to the small shack that Wilbur had built for him and settled him under the overhang, out of the rain.  
Tommy’s eyes widened in shock when the blood red robe was settled across his shoulders and tucked against his shivering body. Warmth swaddled him and he all but melted against it. He watched Techno move across the yard. A sharp whistle sounded and moments later a demon looking horse was trotting into the space. Techno went to the creature, untying a shovel from the saddlebag.  
Wordlessly, Techno started to dig a grave. Tommy watched until exhaustion overtook him and he couldn’t stop his eyes from slipping closed. The last thing he saw before falling unconscious was Technoblade waist deep in the makeshift grave. 
When Tommy woke up, he was momentarily confused. He was wrapped in warmth and felt safer than he’d felt in weeks. It took only seconds for the pleasantness of the feeling to be washed away by the horror of the events of the previous evening. Tommy sat up sharply, finding himself on the makeshift bed in the shack with Techno’s robe thrown over him like a blanket. 
His heart was racing and his breath was coming in short pants. His hands buried themselves in his too long blond hair and a sob tore itself from his throat. Philza, his father, was dead. Dead by the hands of Dream. Dead because of him. Because he’d been too weak to resist Dream’s will. If he’d just jumped on that day Dream let him go to the Nether- 
That train of thought was stopped abruptly as the door to the shack was thrown open and Technoblade walked in. 
“Tears won’t make it better.” Tommy laughed humorlessly. Of all the words that Techno could’ve said, those weren’t something that Tommy expected to hear. 
“What will then?” Tommy questioned, gazing down at the robe. He felt more than saw Techno draw closer. He watched as the other reached out and pulled the cloak from his loose grasp. Tommy looked up, gaze lost as he stared at the older man, looking for some sort of answer, “What will make it better Technoblade?” 
Techno smirked and leaned down so he was eye level with Tommy before saying, simply, “Revenge.” 
It started clicking into place as Tommy sat there, staring into the pig mask’s eyes. The old flame that had been extinguished, burst back to life. The chaos within him rose to the surface. 
And Techno, as if he could see what was happening, laughed and straightened up, offering his hand out for Tommy to take. “What do you say, Child of Chaos, ready to cause some destruction?” 
A smile lit Tommy’s face for the first time in weeks. It was a cruel thing as he reached out and gripped Techno’s hand, allowing himself to be pulled to his feet. 
“Let’s go kill us a Green Bastard.” 
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phantomphangphucker · 4 years
Ectober Day 26: Aim - Would You Like Some Bullets With That, Sir?
Vlad would absolutely have a few people who want him extra dead and maybe one or two actually willing to try. Too bad that doesn’t really work when the guy’s already half-dead. In fact, it does pretty well nothing other than provide mild amusement. Danny gets more of a kick out of it than the billionaire does though.
Danny and Vlad were having a decent walk and talk, a decent bonding experience. Surprising, he knows. But one of the key words there was ‘were’, because of course him and Vlad can’t be getting along without pissing off the universe.
Danny had been pointing the straw of his green tea matcha Frappuccino, with more than a couple espresso shots mixed in, at Vlad; trying to explain the nuances of food-related puns, because if he’s going to influence one thing it’s going to be Vlad’s tendency to use foods as swears. Vlad wasn’t exactly being receptive but hey, neither was Danny on the whole ‘etiquette’ lessons the man was trying to give him. But all that got interrupted when a big ass stereotypical white van pulled up with a screech and the doors slide open to a dude with a fucking machine gun. Well fine, handheld Gatling gun is more accurate but sounds a little less cool; besides it’s still technically a machine gun. Which is, in Danny’s opinion, massive fucking overkill. Vlad would be inclined to agree.
Needless to say, they get shot. A lot. Repeatedly. It’s very loud.
All the bystanders around physically pause, stunned a bit stupid that this was happening in Amity of all places not to mention rather desensitised to violence; regardless everyone starts booking it because, y’ know, big ass gun. Vlad actually crouches and moves to cover his head while flashing angry red eyes, he’s dealt with a fair few assassination attempts but in broad daylight? Really? He’ll give them a few points for having the guts. Danny meanwhile, is way too used to getting shot at to even react beyond just standing there at first, before glancing at his cup -which is draining all its contents through the holes onto the road- and grumbling a bit. The gun man stops when Danny bends over and starts laughing though. Even Vlad gives Danny some concerned looks as Danny waves the gun guy off with one hand on his knees, “sorry! It’s- it’s just! Just that! No ones ever-ever shot me! Shot me with a real- real gun!”. Danny sits on the ground and continues laughing while effectively bleeding out of multiple holes as flesh starts moving to slowly repair itself; which clearly the men have noticed and are scared shitless by, as both he and Vlad can feel, see, and smell the fear coming off the truck.
Vlad huffs, stands himself upright and goes about brushing off and inspecting his suit. Huffing again and turning to the van, crossing his arms, “I do believe you owe me a new suit, young man”. Someone inside the vehicle chokes. Danny thinks that’s a pretty reasonable reaction here. But there’s literally zero fucking point of them acting human here, because fuck they were both riddled with bullet holes and their blood was very literally splattered around the ground. Might as well scare these assholes a little.
Hence why Danny sticks a finger in one of the larger holes due to multiple bullets going through the same general area and giggles, “huh, that tickles”, and grins meanly at the driver who looks absolutely disturbed and too far into shock to try driving away yet. Though thinking of it, Vlad might actually try to kill them; tit for tat was absolutely Vlad’s primary go-to in any situation. Hence their arguably insanely prank wars. So Danny stands up and promptly launches himself inside the vehicle, knocking over the man with the bloody machine gun -seriously, how is that not overkill- and landing with his feet on the guys chest. Danny’s pretty sure the guy wet himself. Which, ew, but understandable.
“Okay I’m feeling nice because this is absurdly hilarious and would qualify as some ridiculous ass overkill for normal folks. Kinda pointless against immortals though, dontcha think?”, turning his head to look at Vlad -who’s quirking a single well-groomed eyebrow while his eye goes about repairing itself- through the door, “what do ya think?”.
Vlad walks over calmly and humming, “well I’ll give them points for accuracy, they hardly damaged the surroundings at all. Which I find I can appreciated since that avoids me having to make yet another dip into the damages funds. And I’ll be generous and give another point for dramatics; board daylight, middle of the city, biggest high-powered rapid-fire weapon anyone’s ever aimed at me, the sudden loud noise. Why I’m almost impressed. But I do find the overall end result to be rather lacking”. Vlad kicks one of the front tires hard enough to puncture it while the driver starts scrambling and fumbling to attempt at driving off. The psssssh sound the tire makes actively increases the smell of fear filling the van. Understandable, these guys had effectively just lost their getaway vehicle.
Danny chuckles, “aww, looks like someone’s not going anywhere anytime fast”, Danny grins meanly and flashes his green eyes. The guy passes out. “Ah damn, he passed out”, shrugging, “eh, hopefully he’ll think this was just some bad dream”.
Vlad hums as he climbs in, ecto-beaming another guy in the head to knock him out. Huh, guess Vlad’s really truly genuinely chilled out some in the evil villain department. “Yes that would be preferred, Daniel. I take it Phantom will be delivering these men to the jailhouse after having shielded the mayor and a young boy at the last second”.
Danny snorts as he gets off the gunman and kicks the driver in the head; the guys head bouncing off the steering wheel and obviously knocking him the Hell out. “Obviously. And hey, why not say Phantom healed any injuries to boot. Not like anyone’s sure about the power set of that spooky bastard”, and smirks. Talking about himself like a different person was arguably not necessary right now, no one was around after all, but hey it was kinda funny.
Vlad nods, riffles through the mens’ pockets and pockets all their cash. Which Danny rolls his eyes at, “old bank robber habits die hard?”. Vlad rolls his eyes, “hardly. This is simply to repay me for the damages. This was a nice suit I’ll have you know”. Which Danny rolls his eyes right back at him over while Vlad hops out of the vehicle, looks around, readjusts the remaining scraps of his suit, and saunters off; grabbing a surprisingly intact handkerchief from a definitely not intact pocket and starts dabbing blood off his face, hair, and hands. Danny’s not going to question why the man doesn’t just phase it off or reabsorb it into his body again.
Danny closes the vehicle doors purely to attempt at not transforming directly in open view in the middle of the street. Grabbing up the three guys before pausing and deciding eh why not and telekinetically floating the freaking machine gun onto his back and making that invisible. Flying off through the vehicle's roof.
Danny unceremoniously drops the men on the jailhouse floor, “gotcha a present. They tried to unload, like, a bazillion bullets into the dear ol’ mayor”.
Officer Jay sighs, “we were getting some calls about a shooting? But with regular guns”, motioning a few other cops to drag the guys away.
Danny chuckles and nods, “try machine gun”, the cop almost chokes while Danny continues, “not that that is particularly effective on intangibility”.
The cop looks him over, obviously noticing the healing bullet wounds here and there. Healing however many bullet holes takes time you know! “Obviously you weren’t quite fast enough”.
Danny shrugs, “eh, blowing a bunch of holes in a ghost doesn’t really do much other than make a mess. Mayors cool though”.
“That’s... good”, Jay shakes his head, “well, we’ll take care of these guys and I doubt they legally had a machine gun. You didn’t just leave that out in the street did you?”. Danny waves the guy off nonchalantly, “Fenton was there too, took it as his plundered booty”, he makes a point to make that last bit sound pirate-like. The cop sighs and rubs his temples, “so there’s a seventeen-year-old running around with a machine gun”.
“Yup”, absolutely popping the ‘p’.
Danny easily hears the guy mutter, “somedays I would really like to quit”, before looking back to him, “well that family has every weapon license known to man, so I’m not even going to bother. Have a good day and a fulfilling afterlife”. Danny salutes with a cheeky grin before phasing up through the roof.
Sam and Tucker don’t so much as blink from Danny suddenly appearing from around a corner and barging in-between the two of them, “hey guys, some guys left me a little present”
Both give a mildly interested and slightly worried, “oh?”. Which is fair, Danny has described getting a taser stuck in his leg as ‘a present’ before.
He grins a bit psychotically, makes the gun visible, and whips it around to be holding it in his hands, “a machine gun!”.
Sam slows her pace slightly, just enough to no longer have a freaking mini-gun pointed at her stomach, “that’s nice Danny”. While Tucker looks much more excited, “Holy frick that’s awesome. Where’d that come from though?”.
Sam sighs, “or more specifically how and why. Ghosts don’t exactly use human weapons and ‘some guys’ is vague as shit”.
Danny chuckles, because that who ordeal was still stupid funny. “Curtsy of one poorly informed assignation attempt in dear ol’ uncie Vlad”.
Tucker blinks, “wait, someone actually tried to assassinate him”, then pauses, “wait no, of course someone tried to assassinate Vlad. He’s Vlad”. Making all three chuckle while Danny fiddles with the massive ass barrel.
All three grin viciously when they spot Dash and co. across the street. Danny deciding to yell, “hey Dash!”, and easily tilting the machine gun up due to, y’ know, super strength, and fires off a bunch of bullets into the air; extending his intangibility to the bullets of course so that they don’t actually hit anything and forming some ectoplasm ‘round his friends' ears so he doesn’t, like, blow out their eardrums or some shit.
Dash stares at him a little bug-eyed before scowling, sticking his arms out to the side, and shouting back, “I haven’t bullied you in a year! Why you still giving me vague ass death threats!”.
Danny cackles, aims the gun to shoot the sign over the assholes head, and riddles it with bullets, “it’s payback bitch!”. Sure Danny would never have done that if he wasn’t absolutely certain his aim was so fucking flawless that there was zero chance of him hitting anything other than what exactly he wanted to. And sure, maybe he swirled some invisible ectoplasm around the bullet trajectory too but no one needs to know that. Dash predictably staggers back, flips him off, and books it down the road.
Danny lowers the gun with a chuckle, “that was fun. So worth getting shot a few times”. Sam blinks at him and looks more than a little not impressed, “you actually got shot, Danny”.
Danny rolls his eyes, “what, in any world, would make you think I didn’t get shot”. Sam just huffs, obviously having no argument for that. Because yeah, Danny always got shot or stabbed or electrocuted or set on fire or a lot of other things.
Tucker shakes his head, “and yet you look totally fine”.
Danny rolls his eyes, “Tuck, what can a regular ol’ bullet do to me”. That gets both his friends to blink and give him disbelieving, “wait, they weren’t even ecto-bullets”. Tucker shaking his head with a laugh at Danny’s nod, “wow, whoever really did, like, zero research”.
“I know right. We scared them real good though”.
Tucker laughs a bit more, “never before have I actually wished to be at a shooting”, shrugging, “first for everything”.
“Amen to that”, Danny emphasises that statement by smacking the gun.
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saintchlorine · 3 years
XYZ for the fandom meme
answers under the cut because you gave me the ramble option and idk what i might do with that power
okay here are the first who pop into my head:
sh heather
sh eileen
mei from overwatch
lucio from overwatch
sweet sweet aaron from creep
becky from utopia
hit girl/mindy from kick-ass
brian from mysterious skin :((
i would 100% take a bullet for any of these characters and that’s a guarantee
Y - What are your secondhand fandoms (fandoms you aren’t in personally but are tangentially familiar with because your friends/people on your dash are in them)
resident evil (a crime i know i just haven’t played any of them yet)
dead by daylight (but i bought it so maybe it won’t be tangential anymore)
scorpion – this one’s random bc idk anyone who watches it but i’ve seen approximately three episodes of “scorpion,” didn’t even like it, yet read multiple fanfics about it and know all of the characters’ lore and personalities. i feel like a ghost, unseen and unknown, haunting the barely recognizable halls of the scorpion fandom
Z - Just ramble about something fan-related, go go go (prompts optional but encouraged)
i’m pretty sure everyone knows this already but silent hill 3 is my absolute favorite in the series and every single one of the characters kills me. so here are some notes/opinions on all of them
heather - personally, i think she has the most interesting and known personality out of every silent hill protagonist and thank GOD for it. every time you interact with stuff, you get more of her personality and her thoughts. “it’s bread” is one of the greatest things in gaming history and it’s all thanks to her <3
also having a female character who is so troubled and not even a little bit weaker for it is wonderful. i feel like it says a lot about her that she only lets herself cry quickly and infrequently, instantly putting back on the unbothered face when she’s done. she just feels like such a real teenage girl, guided by her emotions and trying to do what’s right. her teen angst is iconic and the sheer confidence and determination that she approaches everything with is...incredible? inspirational? show-stopping?
douglas - when i was like 15 and playing this game i didn’t care about him at all, but now, older and wiser, i can say confidently that i LOVE HIM. he’s so genuine and caring but really keeps it inside because he’s a Man’s Man. the emotional repression in that dude is astronomical but he’s very paternal and loving in spite of it. his monologue when he’s injured at the amusement park has been known to make me publicly cry. he’s a dad through and through
claudia - she’s another one that i think i had to get a little older to truly appreciate. she genuinely believes that what she’s doing is what alessa would have wanted and that’s so sad to me. she fucking canonized her as a saint in their sect, not having any clue what alessa was put through or the suffering she endured for a religion that didn’t even care about her. claudia is really complex and layered. she’s also really caring, it just comes out differently? she wants to save EVERYONE, not just the people she loves. she’s also fully prepared to burn in hell for the good of the world. that lady...she’s neat and i think about her all the time
vincent - SLIME MAN. i love the archetype of the self-centered, hedonistic Pretty Boy™ just doing chaotic neutral nonsense and he fits it perfectly (maybe not so much the pretty, but he’s trying). he’s so conniving and cruel and awful and i, unfortunately, love that shit. also the creepy way he flirts with literally everyone at all times is something else. i wish konami had given us the vincent and douglas motel interaction because i bet he’d flirt with douglas too and then make him cry or some shit. he’s just Awful like that. but there’s also a lot of room for interpretation with him in my opinion?
in the motel scene with him and claudia where he says “the memory of [leonard’s] cruelty is forever burned into my mind,” he’s obviously being melodramatic but it’s hard to tell if it’s a rare moment of (very theatrical) honesty or if it’s just another mind game stacked on top of the rest. and then right after when he says “what you call faith is just a child crying out for love. that’s why you’re all alone,” he doesn’t say it in nearly as venomous and slimy a tone as everything that came before. in fact, when he says it he sounds/looks kind of...sad? and he doesn’t laugh or anything when she says he doesn’t understand. it seems like an honest moment to me but it’s also totally up for interpretation which i LOVE!
anyways i could legit write an essay on the vincent and claudia dynamic so i’ll stop here, but yeah! thank you for giving me a place to slap these thoughts down! also anyone who read all of that has permission to punch me in the face if we ever meet irl as a token of my gratitude
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mischiefandspirits · 4 years
Doppelgänger (5/?)
Previously on Doppelgänger ~ Masterlist ~ Next time on Doppelgänger
Danny, Sam, and Tucker were just 14 when they took a look inside the portal Danny’s parents had built. From there, everything changed. They woke up with white hair, green skin, and powers they could learn to control. They were hybrids, halfas.
They were the hero Doppelgänger.
{Fright Night}
“So a trio of ghosts need to create a haunted house room,” Danny said, smirking at his partners as he dropped down on his bed.
“Think we could just stick Audrey II in there and call it a day?” Tucker asked and sat backwards on the desk chair.
Sam shrugged and sat next to Danny so she could put his head in her lap. “If I stopped pruning her, she should be big enough to give someone a scare by then. I don’t think just one thing will cut it though.”
“We could bring in some more plants for you to move around and have it be a haunted jungle,” Tucker said.
“Oh, so Danny makes a stupid bet and I have to do all the work.”
“Hey, I’m the one who gave Twoey sentience and unless you force her with your powers, she only listens to me. I think that counts for something,” Danny pointed out.
“You know, what is it with you and the non-sapient ghosts and ecto-beings?” Tucker asked. “Twoey, Cujo, those will-o'-wisp blob things that follow you around when we’re in the zone. You’d think Sam would be the one they're attracted to with her nature thing.”
Danny hummed and pressed into Sam’s hand so she’d start carding her fingers through his hair. “Well, like I said, I brought Twoey to life, so maybe she imprinted on me. And Cujo might just be able to sense that you guys hate dogs.”
“We don’t hate dogs. They're just loud and annoying,” Sam said.
“And Cujo is literally as demonic as his namesake,” Tucker added.
“He’s a good boy and this is why he doesn’t like you.”
“He trashed a lab for a toy!” Tucker said.
“And they put him down. Fair's fair.”
“Can’t disagree with you there,” Sam said with narrowed eyes. She’d launched quite the internet scandal when she’d dug up why, exactly, the old kennels she’d found the toy in were abandoned. “Back to the matter at hand though, you still haven’t explained the blobs.”
Danny blushed. “I, uh, might feed them chips sometimes when they show up while I’m cleaning the lab.”
There was a moment of silence before both his partners started snickering.
“Don’t feed the wildlife, Danny,” Sam said mockingly.
“All this time, they’ve been the ghost equivalent of pigeons.”
“Not pigeons! They're actually really sweet. Like… hummingbirds!”
“Sure, dude.”
“Whatever you say, Danny.”
“Can we just get back on topic? Sam, you’re goth, shouldn’t that make you our resident creepy person. What would go good with a living jungle and a literal man-eating plant?”
Sam patted his cheek condescendingly, but leaned back to plot. “I had something else planned, but if you guys insist on the jungle idea…”
“This has to beat whatever Dash has,” Danny said as the trio looked over the room.
Audrey II’s pot had been attached to the ceiling so her stalks could hang down, dripping -- thankfully only harmful to ectoplasm -- acid. Once the haunted house was open, she’d been instructed to snap at anyone who came near. She luckily didn’t like the taste of humans so there wasn’t any worry about her going overboard.
Sam had brought in some crawling vines and tropical plants to cover the walls and floor so she could have them tug at or trip people as they moved through the room and make it harder for people to find their way through.
Danny’s herd of blobs were drifting around the makeshift jungle, making soft lights flicker through the semi-darkness.
Tucker had set up electric field generators to give the room an eerie feeling.
The pièce de résistance, however…
“Did you get it set up?” Sam asked.
“Try it out,” Danny said.
The boys watched as she walked over to an archway on one side of the room. She walked through it, only to come out an archway on the opposite side a second later.
“Yes!” Tucker cheered, high-fiving Danny. “Thank you, Space Fold!”
Sam tested out all the other archways to be sure they had a similar effect then came over to join the boys. “Congratulations, you’ve built a cartoon hallway.”
“You’re just mad you didn’t think of it,” Danny said and she ruffled his hair.
“Well, my work here is done. Now if you’ll excuse me,” Tucker grabbed the empty pumpkin-shaped candy bucket waiting by the door, “I’m a little late to start scamming some free candy.”
Danny flinched when Sam pinched him for squirming.
“I’m almost done, you big baby.”
“Sorry if I’m a little creeped out by you sticking sharp things very close to my eyes.”
“Just be glad you don’t need contacts. There, perfect.”
Danny smiled when Sam held up a mirror. His hair was covered by a long, braided black wig that a crown of thorns sat atop. His face had been given a slight green tint while his lips were a deep forest. His smile showed off fangs that were just as long and sharp as their ghost form’s and prosthetic ears gave him the same points. Dark makeup made his eyes look sunken, which highlighted his eyes when he let the red of his ghost form glow through. His hands had been given claw-like fake nails before being dipped into blood-red paint while he’d been dressed in black and dark green princely clothes. It all came together to make him look like a ghastly elfin prince.
He stood up and turned to Sam. “Thanks, Sam. This is great.”
She frowned and shook her head. “No, more brooding.”
“I really don-”
She pointed a finger in his face. “You wanted my help. This is me helping. More brooding. Imagine all the light draining from your soul.”
Danny pushed her hand away. “You’re just using this as an excuse to make me goth for a night.”
“Only for a night, but yeah. It’s a good look on you. Now brood or I’ll leave and you can do without my plants.”
Danny rolled his eyes, then tried to channel his angstiest self.
Christmas Danny.
Sam blinked at his scowl. “Wow, I didn’t think you could even get that dark. You’re usually our resident prep.”
Jingle Bells. Gingerbread. SANTA.
Danny shoved it all down, but the scowl only lessened slightly. “That’s because your family always goes away for the holidays.”
Sam looked confused, but didn’t get a chance to ask before they heard footsteps approaching. She transformed, saying, “Showtime. Maybe lose the anger a little.”
“I’ll try.”
She disappeared and all the plants except Audrey II started to sway and glow slightly. They seemed to thicken, making it impossible to see more than a few feet into the room.
Danny shooed the flytrap’s stalks up towards the roof. “Alright, Twoey, just like we practiced. Remember, be a good girl and you get a nice big bottle of ectoplasm as a treat.”
One of the lobes nuzzled him then they all retreated into the darkness Tucker had carefully maneuvered the lights to create on the ceiling.
“This is why she likes us. We spoil her,” a voice whispered in his ear.
“I don’t… I only spoil her a little.”
Sam chuckled and he felt her drift off.
“Mr. Fenton, it’s time,” William Lancer said as he arrived at the door to the room Daniel had taken. It was painted with toxic green glowing runes and vines as well as the words, The Kingdom of Thorns.
The door creaked open slowly to reveal Daniel standing a few feet away.
Automatic door, nice touch, William noted. The boy was also in a more elaborate costume than Dashiell’s. His contacts were actually a bit disconcerting with how the light made them appear to glow. It wasn’t helped either that the normally cheerful, if downtrodden, boy had on a scowl that looked rather resentful and fell.
The boy gave a graceful bow. In an empty voice, he announced, “Welcome. May your stay be eternal.”
A shiver went up William’s spine. The boy’s voice sounded off. Echoey-perhaps, except it didn’t sound like Daniel’s voice echoing back. More like multiple someones were whispering his words alongside him. Some sort of speaker setup, maybe? But the teacher swore the voices were coming from Daniel.
Pushing down the emotions, William pointed to the door. “I hope that’s not permanent.”
“What?” The eerie expression and voice were gone in a blink. “Oh, yes. I mean no, it’s not permanent. It’s just a little ectoplasm from my parent’s lab. I have the dissolving agent.”
That… was not as comforting as Daniel seemed to think it should be. “Is that safe?”
“Yeah, sure. Pure ectoplasm is harmless to humans in small doses. You could eat the amount on there and still be perfectly fine. It’s the charged stuff that’s dangerous.”
Still not as comforting as the boy’s smile made it out to be. “Right. Shall we begin?”
Daniel gave a toothy -- fangy? -- grin and stepped to the side, gesturing William forward.
The door slammed closed once the teacher started walking, not close enough to hit, but enough that he could feel the breeze of it passing on the back of his neck. He glanced back and was surprised to see vines covering the door. He made note of it.
“You’re free to roam, but I would stick to the path,” Daniel said as William passed him, his show voice back on and just as creepy as the first time. “And I wouldn’t recommend eating anything. Or being eaten.”
William glanced back, only to see the boy was gone. But he had just heard him right behind him.
He shook his head and continued forward.
So far the room itself didn’t look particularly scary. It mostly looked like a poorly lit and abandoned greenhouse without the glass walls and ceiling. Though there was the odd lights flying about, like fireflies the size of softballs. The plants almost seemed to be moving as well, like in the wind though William couldn’t feel anything, and he swore they were glowing a bit. Some sort of paint?
“You didn’t put anything harmful on these plants, right?”
“Of course not,” whispered something in his ear and he jerked away. He looked around, but couldn’t see anything.
“No, they’re Sam’s. She’d kill me if I hurt her plants,” came Daniel’s normal voice from somewhere across the room.
“Are you alright, Mr. Lancer? You’re not lost are you?”
“No, Mr. Fenton.” He shook himself. He must have been hearing things. He took a step forward and immediately felt like he’d stepped into something, or through something. He rubbed his arms as goosebumps began to crawl up them. He made a note and quickly moved on.
After a few moments more of the random goosebumps and the feeling of vines or leaves brushing him despite being sure he wasn’t getting close to any of the plants, he reached an archway. The teacher frowned and he pulled aside the curtain to look in. He swore the passage was supposed to lead directly into the next room, but instead he found a short hallway. It appeared to be a pitch-black void littered in stars that went on forever, but directly ahead, perhaps two feet in, was another doorway with a curtain. Some sort of mirror trick?
He made another note and walked carefully through the hall. Perhaps it was the star pattern, but he almost felt weightless as he passed through. He pulled the curtain aside… and found himself in the room he’d started in? But that was impossible! And yet, the windows were on the archway’s left, just as they had been for the arch he’d come from. The chandelier hanging above, original to the house though Daniel had wrapped it in vines, was also the same one that had been in the previous room. He must have curved around, except he was sure he’d gone in a straight line.
“Something wrong, Mr. Lancer?”
The teacher jumped and spun around to find Daniel standing right next to him, staring up at him through half-lidded eyes. His head was tilted almost unnaturally to the side and he was giving his usual smile, though the sharp fangs made it feel like he was baring his teeth instead. Some of the flying lights were perched on his crown, but their shapes were indistinct which made it appear the crown was alight with swirling green flames.
“Just-just taking in your creativity, Mr. Fenton. I wish you would put such effort into your schoolwork.”
His grin grew and his eyes glowed brighter. “What can I say, I guess I have an affinity for all things ghostly and dead.” He turned on his heel and disappeared into the foliage. “I’ll leave you to it.”
If William was shaking as he moved through the room, there was no one around to tell. He kept a careful eye out, but even still it felt like more plants were brushing against him and he was in a constant state of goosebumps. Then, just as he reached the center of the room, a hand grabbed his shoulder.
He shrieked and spun around, dropping his clipboard in the process. There was no one there. He looked all around him, but couldn’t find any sign of a person.
Something creaked above him.
He slowly looked up and saw something moving in the shadows, multiple long necks and wide heads with gaping maws.
“Mr. Lancer?”
“The Iliad and the Odyssey!” William shouted, looking down to see Daniel standing right in front of him, looking worried.
Aside from his glowing crown, none of his showman’s grace was on him anymore. Not even in his voice as he glanced down and said, “Oh, you dropped your stuff.”
William’s eyes widened as he spotted the three long stalks that had lowered down from the ceiling, each carrying the heads of a horror-movie approximation of a venus flytrap. The flat lobes were all around a foot long and would have looked normal, if not huge, except for the toxic green acid dripping from their centers.
At the same time that Daniel leaned down, one of them shot forward to strike like a snake, its jaws closing around the space his head had been not a moment before. They all darted back to the ceiling as Daniel stood up, appearing his normal awkward and helpful self.
He held out William’s pen and clipboard. “Here you go.”
The teacher’s hands were shaking as he took his things from his student.
Daniel rubbed the back of his neck. “Sorry, I guess we might have gone a little overboard. Was it the halls? I can take those out.”
Something grabbed William’s ankle. “No! No, it was wonderful. Leave it as is. I just remembered I have somewhere to be.”
“So… does that mean…”
“Yes, Mr. Fenton. You win. Now how do I get out of here?”
Daniel pointed to the side.
There was a straight path to the door that most definitely had not been there before.
William shook the vine off his leg and walked quickly out of the open door.
Danny threw his hands up and cheered as soon as the door shut behind Lancer. He turned and gave Sam a high-five. “That was great! He didn’t even stay long enough to see Twoey in action.”
“We’re an oblivious idiot,” she said as she turned visible.
“What do you mean?”
She plucked off one of the blob ghosts nuzzling his head and shook her own. “Nevermind. Come on, we’ve got a few new ideas from that test run.”
“By the way, that line about eating ectoplasm. We haven’t actually done that, right?”
“Well, not on purpose, but you’ve seen my house. Sometimes a bit of ectoplasm ends up in the food.”
“We’re never eating at our house again.”
“Hey, it’s okay. I never let you guys stay for dinner when my parents or I cook and Jazz sterilizes everything so she never gets ectoplasm in anything.”
“Never again.”
“And besides, we’re ghosts now. Ghost food is made of ecto-”
Sam put her hand over his mouth. “Never.”
He nodded. Once she’d removed her hand and floated off, he muttered, “It’s not even bad as long as the food doesn’t come to life. Just kind of citrusy.”
“We’re going to throw up!”
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daturanerium · 5 years
finished season two of the magnus archives! here is my s2 livetweet thread and here are my reflections/predictions from season one. 
you are so fucking stupid. so incomprehensibly dumb. it is absolutely incredible how you lack any brain cells at all.
if jon was a dnd character he’d have a plus three to intelligence and a negative two to wisdom. i’m right.
[jon voice] people care about me? Must Be A Manipulation Tactic!
[jon voice, continued] literally everyone except for me is a) a murderer, b) using me, or c) hiding something. i, however, am totally fine and also sane and if you imply otherwise you are definitely Hiding Something and i need to stalk you.
seriously it’s a goddamn miracle he wasn’t fired or didn’t just like....explode on the spot
that awkward moment when you befriend a cop and get tapes that may lead to your successor’s cold murder case being solved but in the process you learn that you and your place of employment are actually owned by The Great, All-Powerful [REDACTED] 
it’s so interesting listening to a man’s mental health and sanity decline in real time!
martin: do u want some tea? jon: you’re going to kill me huh?
[jon voice] it is a good idea for me to enter these dangerous tunnels alone on multiple occasions. i am fine. 
his fatal flaw is still pursuit of knowledge. love that for him. 
baby please you work for an entity that probably literally thrives off knowledge.......please grow some brain cells in season three before you literally die doing something stupid
i literally can’t say anything more about s2 jon that isn’t me just repeating “stupid dumb paranoid baby” over and over again
martin [shaking hands emoji] me playing the mediator as our family loses their minds around us
martin blackwell recieves everything he has ever wanted and needed challenge!!!
baby i love you
martin’s job this season is literally the concerned husband but we’re not ready to talk about that yet
my dude really stepped up at the end! he was gonna fight michael in hand to hand combat for jon and sasha and i’m so proud of him!
martin went from baby to hold my flower
martin saw some shit in season one and now he’s a badass
his poetry.....i cried i literally love him so much
when he was talking to tim in the tunnels and he just breaks. and yells. and says he wants to get out of here and save jon and help sasha and be happy and you know what if everything DID turn out in the end that would be kind of nice actually!!!!
we didn’t see much of him this season but from what we did, especially at the end......the character development.......he’s so much braver now, so much more ready to confront the horrors of the world around him. martin is one of those special people that runs on love and uses love as a driving force to fight for the things he needs. 
i hope someday martin gets to sit down in a nice little cottage in the middle of nowhere with someone who loves him and just. relax. it’s what he deserves.
you are the only bitch in this house i ever respected
literally just trying his best
so incredibly valid
as someone who is the least confrontational person on the planet i really respect and admire tim calling jon out on his bullshit
that scene was so cathartic.....god.....
tim at the beginning of s2: hey jon you okay? you’re acting weird and it’s kind of freaking us out tim at the end of s2: fuck archivist lives and jon in particular,
and you know what? he’s right
i hope tim gets to go home. it won’t happen but i can dream.
are we just gonna brush over that part in the finale where michael just???? bamfed them to another dimension or something????? because neither tim nor martin seemed the least bit phased
honestly tim/jon has rights. i enjoy it.
he’s just so angry and hurt and done. he’s reached his limit. goodbye
get tim out of the archives s3!!! do it!!!
wow i love you
every time i hear gertrude’s voice i just go [one thousand teary-eyes emojis]
there’s a lot we don’t know and there’s a lot that she knows. i wish we could like. raise her from the dead or something. altho honestly with a horror podcast who the hell knows
jon listening to/hyperfixating on gertrude is just a fancy way of him claiming her as his new mother figure
basira and daisy
the only cops with rights
that part where tim thought basira was jon’s girlfriend and they both dissolved into gay panic.....priceless
daisy step on me challenge. i’ve met her twice and i love her.
honestly basira is such a badass. stealing from the cops while being a cop? that takes guts and i really respect her lack of respect toward cops while being one
not to mention that entire business with that sentient cult darkness shit. she killed it in there (no pun intended). give her like a purple heart or something idk how cops work
daisy.....please tell me your secrets. what have you seen. what do you know.
please work for the archives i am BEGGING you
my ghost hunter girlfriend
i love her and jon’s relationship. just pure loathing. tension between the hunter and the archivist. i live for that shit.
but under that it’s like Oh Shit I Actually Care A Lot???? like their loathing comes from their businesses being judgemental enemies, but personally they actually have a lot in common and care for each others’ wellbeing.
i really hope melanie sticks around so we can learn more about her and see her friendship with jon grow into....an actual friendship
shes also a total badass and both her research and deducing skills are so good. she’s just a great archive candidate overall.
what the fuck are you
what the fuck do you want
why do i like you so much.
okay there’s a lot more going on here but i’m putting my predictions under the cut!
okay lets check out my predictions from last time.
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okay this one was partially right! “entities” rule the world apparently, and the archive is run by one of them. sort of got that!
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.....yeah that didn’t happen.
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hell yeah! i’m proud of myself for this one, even though the time loop part wasn’t true. i thought “time loop” because her voice started echoing when she hit the table, but turns out that was just her crazy long copy taking over. oh well!
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nope. gertrude was killed by elias, apparently. fucker.
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okay. this one is complicated because i was sort of correct but there’s still a lot of information i don’t know. gonna give myself half credit for this one i think.
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okay, season three predictions. let's go.
(disclaimer: while i haven’t been actively looking up spoilers or engaging in the tma tag, i also haven’t muted the tag or anything associated with it. i have ideas of what’s to come but they’re vague and mostly come from fanart on my dash/timeline).
jon just gives up. he’s having to much of a crisis to do anything other than his job.
jonmartin endgame still
michael becomes a sort of??? constant presence??? at the archive. everyone just kind of accepts it.
the books and the entities make a lot more things make sense. that’s really vague i know but like. 
predictions for the entities:
knowledge (jon stans rise up)
empty/alone (these stories always get to me the most. the ones where you’re endlessly falling or trapped in a cave or can’t sleep or stuck in space. shit scares me more than anything else)
chaos (i think michael is with this one. the doors also fit into this category, and maybe that shipping company)
death/id (brings out the bareness of human instinct. the meat, the bloodlust, and the death. maybe even the bugs go here, but they’re confusing. i don’t know where they fit.)
each entity represents a deep-set human fear. they were created to either teach us lessons or keep us in line.
sometimes they have devoted followers. sometimes they have disciples or avatars. you can lose yourself to them if you aren’t careful. jane was probably an avatar, that girl with the heat powers on hilltop road was an avatar, that guy with the lightning powers was an avatar, etc.
the books can teach you how to connect with the entities, but you have to be actually insane to try it. (if you aren’t already, you certainly will by the time you finish the reading/ritual. if you even survive)
anyway back to actual plot.
jon learns more from gertrude’s tapes about elias and the archives. maybe even the entities. he doesn’t want to know, but as we’ve learned, he Just Can’t Not Know. 
jon finally grows a brain cell and lets people (martin) take care of him. a little.
tim is just there. he hates it but he can’t leave. (someone please get him out this is so sad)
melanie and basira join up with the archive, but for different reasons. melanie because jon asks her to, basira because despite her best interest she couldn’t stay away.
at the end of the season we’ll either meet a powerful avatar person of one of the entities themselves. that will be.....interesting. 
elias gets hit by a bus. won’t happen but i can dream.
what ever happened to that one man from season one who had the dreams about death? i loved his statement. is there anyone out there like him? will jon receive a message like gertrude did?
WHAT IS THE LIGHTER FOR. i completely forgot about it until i looked at my last predictions and saw it mentioned.
martin is more active in tapes (again unlikely but i can dream. i love him)
that’s about all i got! i’m going to post this and immediately start season three. wish me luck :)
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trndsttr0961 · 5 years
Rogue - Chapter Three
“Where did Captain America learn how to steal a car?” I asked Cap, finally breaking the silence.
“Nazi Germany.” Cap answered. “And we’re borrowing, take your feet off the dash.”
A smug look on my face, I took my feet off, reveling in getting under Cap’s skin.
There was yet again an awkward silence between the three of us as we continued driving.
“Alright I have a question for you Steve,” Natasha asked leaning forward. “Have you kissed anyone since 1945? I mean, you looked pretty uncomfortable when O’ and I kissed.” She smirked.
“Yeah, you should’ve seen his face, he looked like a fuckin’ tomato.” I said, a laugh in my voice.
“Shut it Romanov. I’ll have you know that it’s a little difficult to find someone with shared life experience when you’re 95 years old. Also watch your damn mouth, St- I mean Rogue.” He scolded.
“Well that’s alright. Just make something up.” I shrugged, glancing towards Cap.
“What, like you?” Cap looked pointedly at me, as if he’d won our battle of wits.
“I don’t know,” I shrugged once again. “The truth is a matter of circumstance. It’s not all things to all people, all the time.” I tell him. Getting a wistful look in my eyes, I stare out of the window and mutter under my breath.
“And neither am I.”
“That’s a tough way to live.” Cap says, feeling sympathetic for someone so young to live such a way.
“It’s a good way not to die though.” I fire directly back at him.
It’s silent for a moment, and the only noise is the steady hum of the engine and the cars passing by.
“You know it’s kind of hard to trust someone, when you don’t know who that someone is.” He tells me softly.
Looking straight into his eyes, I can’t help but agree with him.
“Yeah,” I breathe. “Who do you want me to be?” I ask him.
He pauses for a moment, thinking. “How about a friend.”
I laugh and look away. “Well there’s a chance you might be in the wrong business, Rogers.” I say, not looking at him.
He just gives me a knowing look, and continues driving. But now I have a strange feeling in my heart. For the first time in years, I have a friend. For as long as I can remember, I never had any trustworthy friends besides Nat, all of them were friendly to me because of my name. Because of who my father was.
It’s silent for a few minutes and nobody utters a word. Not even Nat whose been silent for a while now.
“Well look at that, we’re there.” Nat states pointing straight ahead at a wire fence surrounded by a field of tall grass. I spoke thought too soon, I guess.
Steve stops the car and we all climb out. I pull out the flash drive and take a look at the tracing program I was running.
“Nat’s right. The file came from these coordinates.” I state, walking towards the fence.
“So did I.” a soft voice comes from behind me. I whip around and see Steve staring at the building behind the fence with a nostalgic look on his face.
We walked for a bit before Nat broke the silence.
“Steve, is this where you were trained?” She asked him, tentatively. Which was rare for the spy.
He gave a stiff nod as we continued on our trek through the base.
“Change much?” I asked him, holding up the flash drive and trying to pinpoint the exact origin point of the file.
“A little.” He says, staring into space, seeming to get lost in his memories.
I hand the flash drive to Natasha and walk back over to him, looking at the field of grass he’s staring at.
“Hello? Earth to Captain Rogers? You there?” I ask him, waving my hand in front of his face.
He blinks a few times before responding. “Just taking a little trip down memory lane.”
“This is a dead end.” Natasha’s voice echoes between the walls of the buildings. “Zero heat signatures, zero waves, not even radio.” She says, a hint of dejection in her voice.
“Whoever wrote the file must’ve used a router to throw people off.” I conclude, taking the flash drive from Nat. I look up at Steve, about to tell him we should get back in the car and continue trying to hack the file, when I notice a look of realization spread across his face. “What is it?” I ask him, confused for a moment.
He starts walking towards a dark metal building surrounded by green grass. Nat and I just look at each other before shrugging and jogging to catch up to the super soldier. I just walked.
“Army regulations forbid storing munitions within 500 yards of the barracks.” He states, quickly walking towards the metal door of the building. I quickly catch on to what he is saying and look up at him.
“This building is in the wrong place.” I realize.
When we get to the door, Cap slams the lock with his shield, effectively breaking it. And with that, we all step inside.
As we walked down the creaking stairs, I can barely make out anything in front of me. I brush a couple of stray cobwebs off of my shoulders and only hope that there aren’t any spiders in them. I shudder at the thought. Finally, Nat finds a light switch and one by one, the lights in the storage bunker flicker on.
“This is S.H.I.E.L.D.” Natasha notes, seeing the agency’s logo on the far wall.
“Maybe where it started.” Cap tells her.
It’s silent as we walk down the dusty hallways, filled with ghosts of the past. Steve carefully opens a creaky door we see, leading to a dusty office.
We looked around the room for any source of where the file came from, when a painting caught my eye. I felt my breath catch and for a moment, I couldn’t breathe. For I was staring straight at a man who resembled my father so closely, I could’ve mistaken him for, well, him.
I was frozen at the spot, and I could practically feel Natasha’s concern as she followed my gaze and came to the conclusion of why I was dumbstruck. I saw Cap turn his gaze to the painting of Howard Stark and his brow furrow.
“There’s Stark’s father.” Steve observes, not thinking about the person standing right next to him.
Natasha’s head whipped towards him and she gave him a taste of her emerald glare. If looks could kill, he’d be dead many times over. She looked as if she was about to give Steve a piece of her mind, but thought better of it, seeing as it might make things worse since I was still there.
Steve at least had the nerve to look apologetic for upsetting his newfound friend and was about to stammer out an apology when I cut him off.
“Howard.” I say stiffly.
“Who’s the girl?” Nat asked Steve, changing the subject.
Steve stares at the framed photo of the young brunette for a moment, before walking away with a dejected look on his face. I guess we both had ghosts haunting our pasts.
The golden trio The three of us continue walking around, not seeing anything except empty shelves, filled with cobwebs and dust. Something about this doesn’t seem quite right. I held up the flash drive, and the tracing program showed that we were getting close. I moved forward even more, and I could see that we were very hot figuratively and literally.
“This can’t be right.” Natasha mutters under her breath, scanning her surroundings.
But it seemed like the infamous Black Widow had lost her touch.
“If you’re already working in a secret office,” I vaguely say, unaware of Steve and Natasha’s curious glance to each other. “Why do you need to hide the elevator?” I finish with dramatic effect as I push the old shelf aside to reveal a hidden elevator behind.
I take out my password scanner, and type in the password it reveals. When I finish typing in the code, the elevator bell dings and the doors slowly open. The ride down is quiet, none of us daring to speak a word or make a noise. When the doors open, we’re met with, yet another, dark and dusty room.
As the three of us walk in, it’s dead silent. All of the sudden, the doors slam shut behind us, like something out of a horror movie. Instinctively, I grab Nat’s hand, and it seems like she had the same idea in mind. She gives me a knowing look, as if she can read my mind and gives my hand a reassuring squeeze.
As we walk further into the room, we can make out the glowing buttons and switches of computers and machines all around us in the dark. As we continue walking towards the end of the large room, the overhead lights flicker on with a loud clanking sound. The three of us spot what seems to be the files origin point.
There are multiple computers, all from the mid 1900s, covered in dust and god knows what along with a desk and a chair. I can feel Nat and Steve’s confusion as well as mine while we examine the file’s origin point.
“This can’t be the data point,” Nat says, confusion laced in her voice. “This technology is ancient.” She scoffs.
I’m about to agree with her, when I notice a USB port, glowing a dim blue. Curious, I walk closer towards it and notice several places to insert the flash drive. From the corner of my eye, I see Steve and Natasha following my gaze and examining the USB port.
“Is that- ” Steve starts.
“Here goes nothing.” I cut him off, not wanting to delay our findings anymore.
I carefully insert the flash drive into the USB port, and instantly, a whole bunch of switches, buttons, and circuits light up and turn on. The discs that were previously still, now spun around in certain patterns. We all looked up to see a security camera lift its camera up, almost as if scanning us. We could still hear the whir and buzz of the newfound machines, but our attention was primarily focused on the camera.
All of the sudden, a strange electronic voice spoke, coming from one of the computers. “Initiate system?” It asked in its really fucking sketchy voice.
Coming to my senses, I tentatively walked forward towards the computer that was just sketchily talking.
“Y-E-S spells yes.” I say, typing in my simple command that would ultimately change our lives.
I could hear the machines powering up even more, and making that soft electronic hum that I’d learned to love, growing up.
“Shall we play a game?” I say, referencing one of my dad’s favorite movies. I glanced over at Nat, smirking.
“I’d love to.” She smirks back (understanding my reference;)
The computer beeps, and a strange, electronic face appears. We instantly fall silent, all trace of humor gone from our faces. To our astonishment, the sketchy green man in the computer starts to speak.
“Rogers, Steven,” It states, scanning Steve. “Born 1918.” It finishes.
“Romanov, Natalia Alianovna,” It states once again, this time scanning Nat. Her head whips around to stare at the camera in shock. “Born 1987.” Natasha’s eyes narrowed at the camera. Her D.O.B. was classified information, and only a handful of people knew her full name.
In shock of how the voice in the computer knew Nat’s full name and D.O.B, I didn’t notice the camera turn towards me until it was too late.
“Stark, Octavia.” It said in its creepy robotic voice. I groaned, I hated my last name and my father. “Born 1989.” It finished scanning me.
“It’s some kind of recording.” Natasha stated, trying to find an explanation for how it knew such classified information about her.
“I am not a recording fräulein!” It angrily said, if computers could be angry?? nothing made sense anymore.
Confusion etched all over Nat’s face, and I reached over to give her hand a comforting squeeze. She gave me a fleeting look of appreciation before turning her attention back to the computer.
“I may not be the man I was when the captain took me prisoner in 1945,” It continued. “But I am.” It vaguely finished, earning a spooked look from Cap.
“You know this thing?” Natasha stiffly asked Steve, not making eye contact with him.
He looks around for a moment, thinking to himself. Then he remembers.
“Arnim Zola was a German scientist who worked for the Red Skull.” He said, anxiously pacing the floor. Steve looked up at Natasha. “He’s been dead for years.” He finishes.
“First correction,” Zola interupts, causing us all to look at him, startled. “I am Swiss. Second, look around you. I have never been more alive.” He mysteriously finishes.
“In 1972, I received a terminal diagnosis. Science could not save my body. My mind, however was worth saving. On 200,000 feet of databanks. You are standing in my brain.” Zola informed us. Just lovely.
“How did you get here?” The Captain demanded.
“Invited.” Zola mysteriously answers.
I looked over at Nat to see what she thought, but I noticed that she had a look of realization etched in her features. I was about to ask her what she was thinking about, when she answered my unasked question.
“It was Operation Paperclip after World War II,” she informed us. Steve and I looked at each other, confused. “S.H.I.E.L.D. recruited German scientists with strategic value.” She told us, sensing our confusion.
“They thought I could help their cause,” Zola tells us. “I also helped my own.” He sketchily finishes.
“HYDRA died with the Red Skull.” Steve stubbornly says, refusing to believe the German, excuse me, Swiss scientist.
I scoff, I mean just how naive was the golden boy of America?
“Cut off one head, two more shall take its place.” Zola scolds us, as the HYDRA symbol appears on the screen.
“Prove it.” Cap challenges him.
“Accessing archive,” Zola starts. “HYDRA was founded on the belief that humanity could not be trusted with its own freedom. What we did not realize, was that if you try to take that freedom, they resist. The war taught us much. Humanity needed to surrender its freedom willingly. After the war, S.H.I.E.L.D. was founded and I was recruited. The new HYDRA grew. A beautiful parasite inside S.H.I.E.L.D. For seventy years HYDRA has been secretly feeding crisis, reaping war. And when history did not cooperate, history was changed.
“That’s impossible, S.H.I.E.L.D. would’ve stopped you.” Natasha states, refusing to believe that she was living inside of a lie.
“Accidents will happen.” Zola tells her, as old news clippings and photos of my grandfather, Howard Stark dying appear. Fury’s death certificate also is shown on the screen, mocking us.
“HYDRA created a world so chaotic that humanity is finally ready to sacrifice its freedom to gain its security. Once the purification process is complete, HYDRA's new world order will arise. We won, Captain. Your death amounts to the same as your Life; a zero sum.”
In blind fury, Steve punches the computer screen, cracking the glass beyond repair. “What’s on this drive?” He demands.
“Project Insight requires insight. So I wrote an algorithm.” He vaguely answers Steve.
“What kind of algorithm? What does it do?” I inquire, keeping my “mission face” on.
“The answer to your question is fascinating. Unfortunately, you shall be too dead to hear it.” He tells me.
In shock I turn to Natasha and is about to tell her to run, but the metal doors bang shut, locking us in. Cap tries to throw his shield to prop it open, but he’s too late. My thoughts are interrupted by the phone I used to hack my way in here alerting me.
“Guys, we got a bogey,” I say, dread filling my voice. I can feel my heart rate rise slightly and my pulse quicken. I look up at them. “Short range ballistic. 30 seconds tops.” I finish, internally cringing at their facial expressions.
“Who fired it?” Steve once again demands.
“S.H.E.I.L.D.” I slowly say, scared of Natasha’s reaction. She’s quiet, but I can tell that underneath she’s having an internal crisis about her life being a lie.
“I am afraid I have been stalling, Captain.” Zola says once again in his annoying Swiss accent that really sounds german.
At this, I quickly yank the flash drive out of the USB port and put it in my pocket as Cap rips an air vent out of its hinges so we can hide inside of it.
“Out of time.” Zola finishes with dramatic effect.
The three of us jump inside the DIY military trench, with Cap’s shield above our heads, protecting us.
The building begins to cave in, and rubble starts to fall from the ceiling and into our trench thing. Quickly I realize that Cap’s shield can’t protect all three of us effectively, and I’d never live with myself if I let one of them get hurt because I was taking up too much space.
“NAT!” I scream, over the sound of rubble and debris falling. “Nat, no matter what happens, I love you, I will always love you.” I finish, tears welling up in my eyes.
Her eyes widen as she realizes what I’m about to do. “NO!” She screams at me, pulling me closer to her. She looks me in the eye, and I frantically scan her face, etching every single detail into my memory. “Please, O’! I love you too, you can’t- ” I cut her off by pushing myself away from them and into the falling debris.
I can hear Steve’s yells and Nat’s frantic screams as the rubble begins to pile up around me. Well, here goes nothing. I thought as I close my eyes and prepare myself for the worst. I can sense the huge piece of concrete ceiling falling towards me, fast. I close my eyes and concentrate on the thing that calms me the most. Natasha’s voice. I focus on her silky and smooth voice saying my name over and over again. I remember her piercing green eyes staring into my soul, and her fiery locks falling through my fingers as I kiss her. I think about all the times she healed my cuts and bruises after training, and all the times I stitched her back up. I take a deep breath as I feel time seemingly slow around me and brace myself for the impact that never came. 
I open my eyes, and I’m not in Arnim Zola’s hidden bunker anymore. I’m in an empty yet full void with nothing but white seeming to stretch miles and miles around me. The only way I could tell the difference between up and down was, well, because I was standing. 
I look down at my hands, and I can see my hands glowing a dim silvery white, which was slowly fading away. I looked around my Void, and a sense of familiarity washed around me. I hadn’t been here for years, ever since then. I shake my head, clearing all thoughts of the incident, and instead I focus on getting back to Natasha. 
The funny thing is that time passes by the same in the Void. It may not seem like it, but since everything is just white, it’s hard to tell how long it’s been. 
Seconds? Minutes? Days? Years? 
It really just depends. 
Clocks also don’t work in the Void, so there’s no way in telling what time it is besides counting.
1. 2. 3.
I count to myself in my head, but I soon lose track of that. How long until it’s safe to go back? If I go back to early, I could get crushed by a bigass piece of debris. If I wait too long, well I could end up in the hands of HYDRA. 
Taking a deep breath, I give in to the temptation to go back. I don’t even know how I’m going to begin to explain this to Nat. She’s probably gonna kick my ass
In the blink of an eye, I appeared back where I was standing before the entire fucking ceiling collapsed. I looked around, trying to see if Nat or Steve was nearby. I slowly dug my way through the rubble to get to Natasha and Steve. 
“NAT! STEVE! I’m here!” I shouted, frantic to get to them. I grunted and groaned, trying to push rubble out of the way when I heard it. I turned and saw the headlights of a S.H.E.I.L.D, or should I say HYDRA plane with agents on it coming straight towards me. Instinctively, I ducked and ran, narrowly avoiding the bullets their snipers shot at me. 
Realizing that I wasn’t going to be able to get back to Steve and Nat, I wished them good luck and goodbye. I’d come to the conclusion that they’d upped and ran at the first sign of S.H.I.E.L.D. HYDRA so the car was gone. I sighed, this was going to be a very long day (it already was lol)
I decided I needed to surprise them and wait for them to come onto the ground, when they *cough* thought *cough* it was safe for them (it really wasn’t)
A few minutes later, I heard the sound of the plane’s back deck opening, and the sound of engines coming out. Great. Motorcycles. I thought. A Lambo or an Audi would’ve been much better for a getaway vehicle. I crouch behind a large piece of fallen rubble, waiting for my chance to strike. 
“Thermal vision and heat sensors are picking up a signature over here.” A voice calls out.
A S.H.I.E.L.D. HYDRA motorcycle speeds towards the piece of rubble that I’m hiding behind. As soon as he’s close enough, I leap out of my hiding place, whip out my gun, and shoot him point blank in the head, killing him instantly. 
I push his dead body off the motorcycle and swing my leg onto it. I can hear the steady hum of the engine and and softly stroke the shiny black metal. I rip the yank the license plate off the back so they can’t track me, and check for any other trackers.
“Adios.” I smirk, looking back at the approaching HYDRA agents.
And with that, I grip the throttle and speed away, leaving the HYDRA agents in my dust. 
Now I just gotta find the love of my life Natasha and Steve. Yay.
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boobachu · 5 years
The T.C. rambles while watching a force awakes
Re-watching star wars 7 to see if out of the 3D headache IMAX theatre, if it’s any better.
I still hate parody Han Solo guy, like he reminds me of post-Black Knight Sonic the Hedgehog. Just really unfunny and trying way too hard to be hip and internet savvy or something.
I don’t think anything will change my opinion that he shoulda been a bit character.
I’ve decided to commentate the whole fucking movie so read on if you dare.
Rey’s making space bread. It’s very gross.
I doubt anything will change my opinion that she’s the best star wars character.
Oh God BB-8
HBomberguy ruined BB-8 for me. Whenever I see him all I hear is
L I T T L E   W H I T E   C U C K - B A L L L L L L
I guess Rey doesn’t like him either, I forgot this part.
I wish they got rid of the Dorito Destroyer.
Oh boy Darth Helmet is interrogating Lone Star.
Kylo Ren has the stupidest helmet.
There’s subtitles on this so I learned the guy’s name is Poe
Like Kylo Ren is really badass in the first half I remember this, like he stops a God damn laser blast.
Would you sell BB-8 for 60 meals?
Oh hey
Ugh what’s his name... the storm trooper’s gonna take Poe outta here.
You need a pilot. LOL
I guess Poe is alright, just his first impression was very dumb.
Oh snap it’s hooked down. What kinda name is Hux that’s stupid.
Ha hah shootin’ em down just like Annie in ep 1.
Get fucked command center.
Why do they still have Twin Ion Engine fighters?
I guess we still drive cars so eh...
Ah his name is Finn now, I guess he is a clone? or something?
Maybe they have multiple types of clones. I wonder if they still use Jango Fett...
Fucking proton torpedos!!!
Ah yeah I forgot Finn just wants to GTFO
Trailer shot. Nice.
Oh wait I can turn off subtitles. Good that was disorienting me.
And Poe dies... a great fake-out you thought parody han solo was a protag, but no this is the story of Finn, the storm trooper defecting from nazi hell-space to find his own life on Jakku or wherever.
He keeps Poe’s jacket for cover, very poetic. HAH
POE-ETIC God why did I hate this movie again?
If there’s a Kylo Ren, where is Kylo Stimpy?
Oh God Finn no don’t ugh drank the slop water ugh no why ugh
Finn goes to save Rey cuz white knight trope. Rey can handle herself like a ‘90s chick. Hey she’s a pit chick she’s got a staff.
Rey fuck taser what
Finn’s having a lousy life.
Poor basketball’s friend died. I feel like the story is rushing.
Like I expected more of a build-up not “SPIT OUT THE EXPOSITION FUCKIN”
Ah, storm troopers...
Rey doesn’t want your cooties, Finn.
Fucking TIE fighters fuck
Is Finn dead? No he just nappin’
Everything exploding!
God damn Millenium cheeseburger.
I can do this I can do this
Fucking karma’s a cheeseburger, that’s what you get for callin’ the SS you loser
The action scenes are choice
Ah Dorito ruins.
Oh I remember this part just
oh no Finn down
here it comes
G E T  R E A D Y
fucking engine exhaust TIOGHT
Takin’ the shot yeah
Kylo is Mado
Kylo is such a 12 year old in 2003.
GIRL?! THERE WAS A WOM?!?!?!?!? XDDD fucking loser
pweese BB-8 help I dunno what I do
fucking lighter thumbs up
Damn Finn what a nerd. “Got a boyfriends? a boyfriend?”
oh no they got garbage dayed
come on Rey gas them gas them all
oh great it’s Han Solo and Chewie
oh wait he used to be Han Solo
What is he now Han Oriana? Whatever Leia’s last name was I never could spell it.
Damn buncha everything happens
Oh great it’s big eyed billy joe armstrong and his O-nauts
oh boy more losers.
It’s all over for Solo.
Ah shit just unleashed things.
There goes the neighborhood just fucking angry meatballs of death AND HE FEEDS THAT DUDE TO IT
oh shit it quiet
Rey is allalone...
Fucking Finn I turn my head a sexond and the meatball caught him.
Get to da cheeseborger
“I never ask that question until after I’ve done it”
Just lightspeed dashed I swear he looks like british billie joe armstrong.
Damn giant fish thing on planet deadly pokeball.
Who is supreme leader he is stupid ugly stupid.
Oh his dad’s Han Solo wow way to blow it spoiler alert fucking why didn’t they save that for the end who wrote this crap oh he was a hologram.
Damn babuy chewie
Ah the new hope plot.
I dunno they twist it enough to make it feel fresh so eh.
Ah a planet of islands... the scenery reminds me of ep 2
“Did you just call me ‘Solo’?”
Women always figure out the truth, always.
There needs to be a han solo inspirational poster that says that.
A job? The fabled... job? You offer job?
Rey has a home? I thought she was just a wayfarer.
Don’t stare “At what?” any of it XDDDDD
Yeah this story feels like it’s going too fast like what’s going on.
Wait she’s hot for Chewbakka?
Man this band sucks.
Oh great fucking droid nark NARK
Weird lady narks NARKS EVERYTHWIER
Oh boy Darth Helmet is brooding.
Fucking Darth Vader. Kylo Ren is such a fanfiction.
Like, the idea of a warrior of light choosing darkness is something you seldom see done, but... eh... I guess? IRL kids no like most nazis are privilidged and a decade ago would be seen as nerds.
what’s this
what are you doing
The eyes of a man who wants to run
Finn need go bye-bye
Oh wait storm troopers are stolen, not bred. That’s worse like
Finn is really shiny there who does his makeup?
Rey sure didn’t care he was a storm trooper LOL
The screams... they becon me...
Finally a fresh feeling scene.
fucking lightsaber
Is she clairvoyant? I dond’t remember this part.
Is this special edition?
I like specs. She cool.
Oh boy nazis
Fucking screamy bitch XDDD
FIST UP why are the nazis doing the fist up this is upsetting.
How does the laser split up into shit and what is this planet?
Like this is supposed to be dramatic but... you literally don’t know any of those people or any of those planets. This should have been episode 8 or 9 after establishing those planets.
 W H A T    A    W A S T E
oH BOY  Finn got da lightsabah
There goes that dump, way to go Rey it’s your fault I guess BLANKS
Way to kill that soldier
Oh boy Kylo Ren, what a hoot that guy.
wait is this the part?
Han Solo so has the force like if his force3 ghost isn’t in the movie
Han Solo what a goof
M E L E E   B A T T L E
Fucking just like in Empire except it’s not Yoda hallucination probably.
The x-wing is still the coolest thing like Sonic knew that.
Damn Finn calm down it’s just a pilot.
Rey is in weird jungle o no
She just got godlike and Ren is gonna break that killstreak
Fucking using cheater force
Kylo you sound like such a dork
That cross saber is still stupid where’s the minorah saber
Nooo Rey!!!
C’mon Finn melee them
fucking lightsaber the whole first order you can do it
throw it at the ship
and the bad guys win
C-3P0 you mother fucker
Changed your hair
Same Jacket
I can’t believe Carrie Fisher is dead.
The resisties are kinda boring looking.
Oh look it’s Poe, he’s alive somehow.
Maybe the second time I’ll get the good explanation.
Oh no, there’s no good explanation he just wasn’t there.
L A A A A A A A A A A M M M E.
Okay we’re past a new hope kinda in empire strikes back territory and the ending is the last jedi. Like I totally get people being upset that this is basically the original trilogy in a nutshell.
Damn dead R2-D2
Wait C-3P0 has a red arm why
I wonder how many parents relate to Han and Leia because their son turned into a nazi.
Fucking Snoke. What kinda name is that. Solid Snoke.
Was Kylo Ren just staring at Rey’s unconscious body for the past hour?
I’m sorry he’s just not intimidating he looks like a cheap halloween darth vader
Then the dramatic reveal like remember when Darth Vader was so disfigured from burning alive?
Kylo’s just ugly. Like that’s it that’s the reveal. Kylo is ugly.
Rey/Kylo is like whenever a 4chan boy tries to hit on a hot youtube girl like your face just melds into the chair to escape his grasp like a cat that doesn’t want to be pet.
I dunno this scene is just so stupid cuz they both look dorky like this is happening at otakon
You. You’re afraid... that you will never be as strong as Darth Vader
Kylo has a huge nose. Like he’s Lois Griffin triangle sandwitch nose
I like how Rey tries to Luke Skywalker the storm trooper and he’s like “Serious?”
LOL fucking just left
T A N T R U M   T I M E
and the storm troopers just turn around LOL
Okay I love this weapon like, it’s a combination of the star crusher and a vaccum cleaner from Luigi’s mansion. It destroys the star, but in the way that it uses it to destroy things.
“So it’s big”
Disable the shields... there better be Ewoks on that planet.
Seriously, what does Poe add to the story after the escape?
Damn leila and han... dum
Hey a woman stormtrooper, like just a white gal. I didn’t notice that.
Damn lightspeed their way in.
Hooooh what a landing.
...Han Solo...
That‘s not how the force works!!!
Finn just wants Rey. I can see why people would think he’s horny for her since that boyfriend line, but that was the last horny thing he said.
Fucking mad with Power, calm down Finn then again we all wanna tell off our boss.
Rey is gonna escappeeeee damn hang on the side of the wall is that a switch what
Rey just climbing that wall like a monkey.
S H I E L D S   D O W N
Fucking Han... is there a trash compactor? You dirty bastard
And here comes the interesting part of Jedi Returns SHOOTY TIME
A T T A C K   T H E   S C P H I N C T E R (that’s how you spell it right)
Oh I love the sun thing like, it’s a great way of showing the timer without a clock.
Oh look it’s Rey, go on and almost get shot to death
Escape now, hug later.
The cinematography is good I like the dog fights.
I dunno this just really isn’t dramatic at all
Placing bombs, just like in Jedi.
Here comes Kylo
At least he keeps the mask on, like too many movies rely on faces.
oh light’s almost gone.
M A H   B O Y
Ah the stupid part
Wait is his name Finn too?
Like this woulda been way more dramatic if you didn’t know Kylo was Han’s boy.
There’s no music making this awkward and gut-wrenching which you don’t see modern mvoies do.
I’m being torn apart ;w;
What a bitch
Knowing what happens these lines are hilarious
Will you help me
L I G H T S   O U T
I dunno like, you’d think Han Solo being stabbed to death with his son would feel more heavy but that was just... nothing.
Fucking Kylo TEEF
Night time, being chased by a crazy dork in the woods.
oh here it comes
C’mon Finn
Fucking melee battle
Just fueled by the rage of his fallen friend, the desparation of the sun dissolving he fights for his life against a wounded lunatic.
Okay so maybe that cross saber has a use.
grabby time
oh no
This is unbearably xcool
Time to shoot the hole... like in new hope.
This ending is just all three original endinds with new stuff
30 seconds
only cooler
fuckin’ A
this battle is just like in empire strikes back
fucking planet’s falling apart so it’s better
A tempting offer
Who wants kylo ren to be a teacher like he’d be like a nun
W 0 0 T
it’s the comeback
don’t give the hero a dramatic pause to focus
B E A T   D O W N
the struggle is real
Take that loser
there seems to be something between us, Ren
Welp the planet is collapsing woo
Finn don’t you die, Poe is a loser you’re cool Finn
Ah it’s Chewie in the Churger
oh yeah han died like I thought it was han but no he died XDDDDD
Here comes the sun doot de doo doot~
Now for the final scene of congrats.
“Sorry General, your boyfriend was stabbed by his son and then the planet exploded”
Poor Chewie.
Fucking Artoo what are you doing here.
Like, this shoulda been episode 8 here, it feels like it shoulda ended with han’s funeral and the map was the start of the next movie aunno.
And Finn’s tale of a freedom slave blowing up the nazi death planet comes to a close.
Wait is she leaving?
I thought there was a funeral.
Not even an F?
Yeah then se see’s Luke’s hairy ass and it ends so awkwardly like this movie felt like two movies and THIS SHOULDA BEEN IN THE SEQUEL WHAT
Whoever wrote this is an idiot, whoever directed is even worse.
ANyways my conclusion is that the movie isn’t horrible, but... I dunno it’s about as bad as ep2 tho that movie’s crime was being boring, this one was too much story crammed into a short period and ruined opportunities.
I might watch ep 8 but I just am not invested like
Like fucking handing him a lightsaber what kinda ending is that
R O G U E   O N E   W A S   B E T T E R.
The end.
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ridleykemp · 4 years
Battlebots Season 5 Episode 2: Clash of the (literal) Titans
If you don’t want spoilers, pray make haste and depart this page as there will be almost nothing that isn’t a spoiler. Seriously. Hie thee away! Get thee to a nunnery! All that stuff. Shoo!
OK, with that out of the way, welcome to my take on Fight Night 2 of Battlebots this season. It was another two-hour episode that featured less action per minute of broadcast than an NFL football game. I get that they need to pay the bills, but this feels excessive.
Fight 1: Shatter! v. Ghost Raptor
Just like last week, we started off with an enticing fight. This one featured Adam Wrigley’s Shatter! facing off against Chuck Pitzer’s Ghost Raptor. Shatter! debuted last year and, for a hammer bot, it was really interesting, featuring ablative armor and unusual wheels. It didn’t perform especially well, but you got the sense they’d learn from those defeats. Ghost Raptor is an older bot that’s taken several years off, but it still looks competitive. It features a top-mounted bar spinner on an articulated mount, allowing it to change the angle of attack and do some lifting.
Shatter! box-rushed Ghost Raptor because that’s what you do against spinners and everyone knows it. The hammer scored a couple of early hits and it looks like a much more threatening weapon than it did last year, when the head actually fell off one time. Ghost Raptor was dazed by the early blows and attempted to out-maneuver Shatter!, which wasn’t going to happen, and to push the hammer bot around, which did. But, the damage from those early hits was too much and Ghost Raptor just stopped moving. Wrigley explained afterwards that, based on what he could see, there was no shock absorption between the spinner and the internals, so mashing the spinning bar could knock stuff loose on the inside. It looked like that was exactly what happened. I like the way this guy thinks.
Winner: Shatter! (Knockout)
Fight 2: Ribbot v. Tracer
Last year, David Jin’s Ribbot, covered in frog-shaped green foam, looked like one of those ridiculous gimmick bots like Royale with Cheese that was fun to look at but served little function other than a punching bag. After they walloped End Game, you kind of had to take them seriously. This was the first year competing for Jason Woods’ Tracer, but he’s been in the pits for ten years so it’s not like he was a newbie. The concept behind Tracer seemed to be “Duck, but with a vertical bar spinner.” The bot was built to be indestructible first and damaging second.
Ribbot, a Swiss Army bot, came out with their undercutter, a low mounted disc spinner. Ribbot tried to get around the side of Tracer, but Tracer was more maneuverable than they had expected and they wound up going weapon-to-weapon. After a nervy couple of seconds, both bots were back at it. Ribbot swung around and caught tracer on left side of their front shield, flipping their opponent on its back. In theory, Tracer could self-right by using the spinner, but that almost never works and such was the case here as the little green frog that could claimed another victim.
Winner: Ribbot (Knockout)
Fight 3: Kraken v. Black Dragon
Fun fight, this one. This is the third year for Matthew Spurk’s Kraken, a bot that barely competed the first time out but improved mightily in their second year. It’s a control bot with huge front jaws and a couple of teeth. Gabriel Telles brought Black Dragon back for a second year. It’s not a revolutionary bot; it’s a vertical spinner, but last year it showed a good combination of power, reliability and quickness on it’s way to the Final 16.
Kraken performed an immediate box rush because, duh, and was able to get Black Dragon in its jaws almost immediately. However, Black Dragon went with their lightest spinners, a pair of vertical discs instead of the drum they usually use, and they did this in order to increase their top armor. This mean that, while Kraken could hold Black Dragon, it couldn’t really damage it.
Kraken did manage to burn a belt off of Black Dragon, but most of the damage was done to Kraken’s teeth (later, tooth) when the two of them came together. The other issue Kraken had was that it couldn’t get Black Dragon’s back wheels off the ground, so even when the Brazilian bot was clamped, it could still push Kraken around the box.
This one went the distance and, honestly, I could see it go either way. Black Dragon did a little more damage, but Kraken exhibited more control The judges were split, but Black Dragon was declared the winner.
Winner: Black Dragon (Spit decision)
Fight 4: HUGE v. Mammoth
This fight right here is why you should watch Battlebots. HUGE made a, um, huge splash when it debuted because it was so much bigger than the other bots. It’s a giant vertical bar spinner mounted between two wagon wheels. It looks like a joke, but it most certainly is not and it has clobbered some very good bots (ask Bronco). Ricky Willems saw HUGE and said “Hold my beer” and built Mammoth, a bot that stands 6’4” and shovels opponents out of the box.
This fight was nuts. The two of them came together right off the bat. Mammoth smacked HUGE, but HUGE’s spinner flipped Mammoth completely off the ground, bending its weapon in the process. This happened several times and somehow, both bots survived and landed on their wheels. I’ve never seen anything like it.
It looked like HUGE had this one under control, or, at least, like it was going to be the only bot able to do any damage. But, while the big spinner bot is surprisingly nimble, it doesn’t have great traction. Eventually, Mammoth was able to get HUGE into the corner and prevent it from getting its weapon up to speed and squared up for another hit. The big shovel/lifter/spinner on Mammoth kept whacking HUGE and eventually got one of HUGE’s wheels out of the box and that was that.
In the post-fight breakdown, Willems showed just how much damage he’d taken: Both structural support bars had holes in them and HUGE missed knocking his weapon chain off by less than half an inch. It was an incredibly close, incredibly entertaining fight.
Winner: Mammoth (Knockout)
Fight 5: HiJinx v. Claw Viper
It was a battle of veteran rookies as Jen Herchenroeder brought her undercutter bar spinner HiJinx to face Kevin Milczewski’s Claw Viper. Both captains have been on pit crews for years, so while the bots were new, they folks knew what they were doing. Claw Viper is a control bot with absolutely crazy speed and agility, so HiJinx was loaded with it’s smallest spinning bar to try to get the weapon up to speed as quickly as possible.
The fight opened with a box rush by Claw Viper and , while they didn’t exactly make great contact, the speed was genuinely breathtaking. They say it can go from 0-20 in half a second and I’d believe it. HiJinx managed to get the bar up to speed but it’s not the most nimble of bots so they struggled to get the weapon into position to hurt Claw Viper.
Claw Viper, on the other hand, kept dashing around and smacking into the weapon with their wedge and that worked pretty well. Pretty soon, HiJinx’s weapon was spinning, but the bot itself wasn’t moving anymore. The judge counted them out and that was that.
Winner: Claw Viper (Knockout)
Fight 6: Extinguisher v. Perfect Phoenix
Jonathan Flaacke’s Extinguisher, a hammer bot, wasn’t especially effective last year, showing the offensive power of Blacksmith and the reliability of Captain Shredderator (those aren’t compliments). He’s improved both shortcomings. Juli Johnson’s Perfect Phoenix, driven by 11 year old Tyler Nguyen, is a rebirth of the old bot Brutality. It’s a horizontal blade spinner and a very low-profile body.
Extinguisher opened the fight with the obligatory box rush, and Perfect Phoenix dodged it and got a good smack on Extinguisher’s defensive wedge. Whatever updates Flaacke made, they weren’t enough because that one hit rendered his bot immobile.
Winner: Perfect Phoenix (Knockout)
Fight 7: Witch Doctor v. HYDRA
Welcome to the main event! Andre Gellatly’s Witch Doctor, last season’s runner-up, and Jake Ewert’s HYDRA, the bot that wrested the flipper crown from Bronco last year. These are two legit great bots , both of which will expect to go deep in the tournament.
On paper, I thought this was a tough matchup for Witch Doctor. The bot excels at doing crazy damage and getting out of tight situations, but there have been reliability issues in the past. HYDRA is just an incredibly low, flat flipper that maneuvers well, is tough to damage, and can fire its weapon more often that most of its ilk.
The two of them went head to head right off the bat and Witch Doctor was launched ten feet into the air (and, remember, these are 250 pound bots). Not only did it keep on chugging, but the self-righting mechanism looked a lot more dependable than it has in the past.
This set the pattern: Witch Doctor would charge, maybe take a bite of Hydra, and then get launched. Early on, something in Witch Doctor became unbalanced (a lost drive belt?) and it started wobbling badly, but it was otherwise unhurt. The two bots came together multiple times, with Witch Doctor catching air at least ten times, but HYDRA was taking some blows to the side and it’s weirdly flat back section that just screams “attack me here!”
Witch Doctor started smoking and HYDRA was struggling to move. It got caught up on the floor and couldn’t show any forward movement, so the judge started the countdown. As soon as it started, HYDRA was able to shake itself loose. Neither bot had any punch left in it, and it went to the judges.
Honestly, this one could have gone either way. Both bots dished out and took a lot of punishment and kept on going.. The judges split on it, HYDRA won, and I think it was just about the right decision.
Winner: HYDRA (Split decision)
When your biggest complaint is the number of commercials, it’s a pretty great fight night. Two fights went to the judges and they were both split decisions, both very close in my opinion, but I wouldn’t say anyone was robbed. If you look for highlights, make sure you check out the HUGE/Mammoth fight because that was truly one for the ages.
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pariswrites-blog · 7 years
So I decided to make a large list of plots / faces / ships that I want, which you can find below the cut. It’s long. Check it out and message me/like this if you’re interested in any of them!
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So I’ve got 3 ships that I want most of all: Niels Schneider x Xavier Dolan, Daniel Sharman x Frank Dillane, and Niels Schneider x Daniel Sharman. I’m completely open plot wise for any of these though for the Niels x Daniel one, I did make this post earlier and still 100% stand by it. I will love you forever if you do one of these with me.
I love this show too much and am so sad to see it go so why not do some 1x1s for it? 
I love playing Isaac tbh and would love to have some ships for him. Allison x Isaac is like my OTP so if someone did that with me I would scream? I’ve also always been intrigued with the idea of Lydia x Isaac so I would totally love it if someone did that one too (and I’m cool with changing Holland’s face if you’re uncomfortable with her). Scott x Isaac, Stiles x Isaac, Jackson x Isaac are all some other suggestions. I’m intrigued with Boyd x Isaac as well so that’s a suggestion there too.
Also, sorry Thiam shippers, but I’m 100% forever on the Briam train so if someone would play Liam against my Brett, I’d be in heaven.
Okay so, fun fact, this blog was re-purposed from an rp blog for a group that sadly died. It was an ITF inspired rp and I loved the character I played there and would love to bring him back. There was also a wanted connection I had for him that never got filled but that would be really great as a 1x1. You can read about my character Apollo Bellerose (Niels Schneider fc) here but here’s also a summary of the idea.
(Muse A is Apollo, Muse B would be your character.)
M/M -- Muse A was a wild child, a feral animal of fire and rule-breaking. Hopes for him were dashed at an early age as he set himself up as the trouble-maker. Muse B was the opposite -- tempered and popular. The only reason their paths crossed was because they grew up in the same small town, in the same class. But that should’ve been it. It was a surprise to everyone when Muse B and Muse A started hanging out together, soon becoming inseparable. They were just children but they were attached at the hip, growing into adolescence and teenagers. Muse A was still wild, Muse B was still calm -- fire and water, red and blue. When they were sixteen, their friendship evolved into something more intimate. Though the relationship could be fraught at time -- Muse A to blame in almost every case -- their bond ran deep. Or it did, until Muse B died suddenly. It was an accident or heart failure or something similar, sudden and unexpected. Too soon. One might’ve expected Muse A to go off the deep-end but, rather, he was numb, going through the motions. That was until the Rising happened and the dead came back. The world ground to a halt but with the PDS sufferers in treatment centers, the world is returning to normal and Muse A is getting back on his self-destructive track. He refuses to acknowledge that overwhelming possibility that Muse B would be one of those PDS sufferers, going so far as to avoid Muse B’s grave. With the PDS sufferers returning to Roarton though, it’s only a matter of time before Muse A wouldn’t be able to deny to it. But will an apocalypse be enough to sever their bond? Probably not.
My main suggestion for B was Xavier Dolan though I also originally suggested Daniel Sharman and Keith Powers. Matt Daddario, Bob Morley, and Dominic Sherwood would also work though Xavier and Daniel would be preferred. This is, like, one I really, really want to do still.
Campy 90s shows for the win (oh, and fuck you Looper -- it’s still perfectly watchable now). Anyways. I really want a Xena x Gabrielle plot, two bad-ass women travelling through the ancient world, kicking godly asses. As much as I love Lucy Lawless and Renee O’Connor, I realize that they’re not really usable so I’m totally down for changing the faces. Just... Please. Badass women and a canon that totally allows for AUs in all time periods -- it’d be awesome.
So um... I don’t want like a really super canon 1x1 here but like, after Koleb died, I got in my head this idea of what if, when Davina brought back Kol, Kaleb hitched a ride back. Kaleb’s bitter af but he was always kind of the way in my mind. The pairing would be Davina x Kaleb and we could also make this an OT3 if there was someone who’d like to play Kol as well but that’s not necessary for me.
Uh... Indie French cinema for the win? Yeah, I know this won’t get any bites but I’m gonna try anyways. Basically a few years after the end of the movie, Francis and Nicolas meet again. There’s been some maturing, maybe Francis isn’t as close to Marie anymore (or maybe she got married or something). It’s slow-burn reconnecting and falling in love.
So... I know Troy’s a POS person but I think there was potential for evolution in his character. He was isolated from a young age with an abusive father and alcoholic mother which didn’t give him much of a fighting chance in becoming a better person. Off the ranch though, I think he could have evolved. He also had a ton of useful information about walkers. Anyways, I’d like to give him that arc. Also I want to explore that mad chemistry between Nick and Troy so yeah. This masterlist might be good for some general plot ideas and tbh the “Who’s baby is this?” one just screams Trick to me.
This can be like modern or actual myth -- either’s cool. 
Zeus x Ganymede. Either historical like Zeus kidnaps him to be the wine-pourer and Zeus wants him but Ganymede is just perpetually pissed with him for KIDNAPPING him and Zeus has to win him over. Or maybe something modern that’s more sugary daddy/baby-ish?
Telemachus. I really love my baby Telemachus? Or Telemaque as the French would say. But, basically, there’s this suitor and he’s one of the younger ones, probably 25 or less, and not really in the running to win Penelope’s hand but eh. He doesn’t really care. He likes to tease Telemachus but as things get worse in Ithaca, he realizes he’s worried about Telemachus and starts teaching him how to fight and defending him and they start falling in love. He be all like ‘I’ll go with you’ when Telemachus goes to find his father (even though he doesn’t) and, when Odysseus returns, Telemachus has to defend him because he was technically one of the suitors and just... Please. (I’d play Telemachus.)
Odysseus x Penelope. Clever Odysseus and clever Penelope, dominating and tricking the world with their superior minds. A modern!AU.
I love this universe so I’m super down for anything. I won’t do anything set at Hogwarts because I can never remain interested in that tbh but other stuff is cool. I highkey ship Remus x Sirius and would love to write them as long as the faces aren’t Andrew Garfield or Ben Barnes. I also love all the potential in the fucked up dynamic between Fenrir and Remus. I usually end up playing Fenrir but if someone wanted to let me play Remus in that, I’d adore you forever. A Regulus x Remus one would be awesome too. A Nymphadora x Remus ship would be cool too, as would a James x Lily or Lily x Marlene. Outside the Marauders era, someone needs to give me a Ginny x Cho ship. I also wrote a next gen son of Greyback (Lycus Greyback) once that I’d love to bring back. Maybe with Teddy? Or OCs -- OCs in the HP universe are totally okay with me.
So this tag has the plots I want but some I particularly want.
X. I’d like to be Muse B and maybe like have Tom Ellis as A? Or Jason Momoa? Idk. I’m open but I think it’d be super fun.
X. I’d be cool with playing either in this plot; I’d love to see Troye Sivan as A but again open but fun sounding.
“you’re supposed to be on a blind date with someone but you sat down at the wrong table and i haven’t been able to get a word in edgewise to tell you that and it’s been thirty minutes” from this post. I’ve no preferences on genders or faces just I think this could be cool.
Yo I’ve mentioned this multiple times not but THIS PLOT with Daniel Sharman as A and Niels Schneider as B -- let me play B and love. me.
“what is the ONE thing i asked you NOT to do tonight?” “raise the dead…” “AND WHAT DID YOU DO?!” “…raised the dead…” from this post. I really want to play a necromancer? Maybe we could do a Trick!AU where the walkers are because of necromancers and Troy has had to repress the fact he’s one his entire life and then Jeremiah and Jake are dead and yeah. But we could also do this as entirely OC. I’d still love it be necromancer-caused zombie apocalypse but I’m cool with other stuff.
“i’m a ghost and i’m trapped in the graveyard and i don’t normally talk to mortals but bro i have to ask wtf are you doing hanging around a graveyard is your life really this sad” from this post. open and fun again!
X. PLEASE. Any sort of serial killer plot would be awesome. Which is a weird fucking thing to say but okay.
“you and your friend always sit at the table a couple down from mine and gossip in [insert language here], which happens to be a language i’m currently learning. i’ve been eavesdropping to try and improve my listening comprehension and oh my god are you actually talking about how hot i am???” -- this please, from this post. maybe like a daniel sharman x tyler posey? or idk.
literally anything from this post but like i mention “who’s baby is this? au” for Trick in a canon divergent plot (ie. after they leave the ranch, before they get to the dam)
also this could also work for xavier dolan x niels schneider.
So how about a Xavier Dolan x Daniel Sharman? Or Jenna Thiam x Niels Schneider? Also Jack Falahee, Crystal Reed, Kat McNamara, Conrad Ricamora x Daniel Sharman. Other ones that don’t include Daniel, Xavier, or Niels: Eva Green x Caitlin Stasey (I’d also be cool with playing Eva if we used them for Xena and Gabrielle), Riz Ahmed x Fawad Khan (Fawad as a multi-billionaire playboy and Riz as a devoted grad student, maybe?), Charlie Hunnam x Jason Momoa, Marlon Teixeira x Willy Cartier, Andreja Pejic x Hari Nef, Andrew Garfield x Ben Barnes (but not as Remus and Sirius), Sofia Boutella x Charlize Theron.
It’s very clear that I love Daniel Sharman and Niels Schneider so they will always be most wanted, with Xavier Dolan as a close third. I feel most comfortable with them tbh and have the most muse for them (also I’ve made like 400 gifs of Niels). If you want to make me happy, let me play one of them and play one of the others against me. I would like to branch out at some point though so some others. There are honestly too many for me to list in their entirety so I’ll list only ones I have mentioned already. Bold are ones I want to play, italics I want used against me, plain are the ones I have no preference about (though I’d be open on most of the bold ones too).
Alycia Debnam-Carey, Thomas Brodie-Sangster, Samuel Larsen, Adrianne Palicki, Laith Ashley, Elliot Fletcher, Iskra Lawrence, Lisa Teige, Iman Meskini, Hale Appleman, Tarjei Sandvik Moe, Adelaide Kane, Alexandra Daddario, Amber Heard, Josh Holloway, Angelina Jolie, Arden Cho, Barbara Palvin, Alex Saxon, Alexander Koch, Bianca Santos, Caity Lotz, Camila Quieroz, Cara Delevigne, Blake Michael, Avan Jogia, Austin Butler, Diego Barrueco, Bill Skarsgard, Booboo Stewart, Chloe Bridges, Byun Baek-Hyun, Diane Guerrero, Carlos Valdes, Josh Thomas, Dichen Lachman, Christopher Larkin, Eddie Redmayne, Ezra Miller, Gaspard Ulliel, Emeraude Toubia, Emilia Clarke, Famke Janssen, Gabriella Wilde, Halston Sage, Dev Patel, Douglas Booth, Godfrey Gao, Harry Shum Jr., Karen Fukuhara, Kiowa Gordon, Landon Liboiron, Matt Hitt, Matthew Gray Gubler, Keira Knightley, Kiana Lede, Lana Condor, Liza Soberano, Maira Walsh, Jamie Blackley, Jordan Fisher, Jamie Campbell-Bower, Megan Fox, Naomi Scott, Max Irons, Reece King, Richard Harmon, Natalia Dyer, Phoebe Tonkin, Priyanka Chopra, Madelaine Petsch, Seo Kang-Joon, Steven R. McQueen, Steven Yeun, Seychelle Gabriel, Shelley Hennig, Skyler Samuels, Haruma Miura, Lee Hyun-Jae, Thomas McDonell, Toby Regbo, Tom Holland, Tyler Blackburn, Joe Manganiello, Tyler Hoechlin, Cengiz Al, Froy Gutierrez, Tanya Beatty, Victoria Moroles, Zoe Kravtiz, Yoon Jeonghan.
This is not all-encompassing. There are plenty more faces. In fact, I’d love to use model faces without any resources -- just some old-fashioned writing, maybe some static icons if we feel like it.
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dw-writes · 7 years
SO THIS IS REALLY LONG??? And told from the perspective of Nezu because….I felt like it ouo;;
So after the first three students, it goes into a read more. Because its /ridiculously/ long.
Let me know what you think!!
Welcometo U.A. High! Home of the country’s most intense and competitive educationalprogram that caters to only the most capable of Japan’s monstrous population. Myname is Nezu, the principal! I look a little odd, sure, but that’s just becauseI’m a highly skilled shape shifter! Am I a dog, a mouse, or a hamster? Whoknows except those monsters that choose to use their abilities for evil!
At therequest of the populous, I thought I’d introduce everyone to our more prolificstudents and instructors~
Class 1-A:
Midoriya Izuku is a son of Atlas! What asurprise that was! He wasn’t even aware of it, until All Might had him answer afew questions. With digging and very gentle interrogation of Ms. Midoriya, All Mightwas able to figure out that he and Midoriya shared that bit of history. Becauseof this, Midoriya was able to take up the burden of carrying the Strength ofAtlas, also known as One For All.
Todoroki Shoto is the son of a nymph ofice and a spirit of fire, so it’s hard to pinpoint exactly what he is. Heclaims to be a nymph of ice and fire, which makes it easier for the paperwork.When asked why he doesn’t ever consider himself a spirit, he falls quiet. Itmust be the same reason why he hardly ever uses his fire.
Bakugo Katsuki is a menace is oneof our top students and, also, a poltergeist. He was a handful during his firstsemester, however, he has managed to settle into his role at the school andstrives to be at the top of his class. Still, his power does get away from himfrom time to time when he gets angry. Best to stay away when he starts swearingup a storm.
Uraraka Ochaco is, to put it lightly, analien. Well, okay. ‘Alien’ may not be the right word. We don’t know what kindof monster she is! Her abilities have only been seen with extraterrestrialbeings, and, that being said, we’ve only see it demonstrated with celestialbodies. It is highly possible that Uraraka is the start of a whole new type ofmonster, but, for now, she is content with the classification of ‘alien’. Itmakes her feel like Sailor Moon!
Asui Tsuyu is a kappa. She enjoys usingher monster powers to rescue people from sticky situations in the water. Whileshe has been stuck with rivers and lakes throughout the city, she hopes thatshe can move onto larger bodies of water, so that she can help more and morepeople with her unique monster abilities.
Iida Tenya is a son of Hermes. Not aliteral son, but a descendent at most. He’s quick on his feet both in mentallyand physically. While he is a little socially awkward, he’s a great companionto have in battle!! You saw him out on the field during the tournament! What abattle buddy!
Yaoyarozu Momo is a new breed of monsterthat we call a godling. Here at U.A., we haven’t seen many students with theability to create. From the looks of it, Yaoyarozu can create almost anythingonce she understands the complexity behind it. She has a promising future on thePro Hero circuit, and we look forward to seeing her grow.
Kirishima Eijiro is a manly mountain spirit. His hardeningability helps with the fact that mountain spirits were meant to help build themountain ranges, but he really wants to learn how to use it for helping people insteadof building out in nature.
Tokoyami Fumikage is a tengu! Whilethere are many tengu that exist in myths and legends, Tokoyami hasn’t disclosedto us which he happens to be. He has decided that this dark, brooding, andmysterious persona that his classmates have developed for him is one that he’sgoing to keep, even though he just can’t think of something to break the ice.
Mineta Minoru is the first and onlyhomunculus we’ve had enrolled at U.A. High. No, not one of those homunculus. Damn that show. From what I’ve gathered, his typeof homunculus could be considered an off shoot of a golem, though that would besimplifying it.
Hagakura Toru is a bakemono. Honestly,her gift is rather scary, as you can only see the forms she takes from thecorner of your eye. If you look at her head on, you won’t be able to see her.Hagakure wants to be a spy on the Pro circuit, but is afraid that no one willtake her seriously because she’s invisible most of the time.
Ashido Mina is actually an alien. Not inthe way that Uraraka is classified as an alien but is, in fact from anotherplanet. Her guardians (or parents?) were very forth coming with thisinformation, insisting that she be listed as such in fact. She’s not very shyabout this either. She’s even decided on a Pro Monster name of Alien Queen.
Kaminari Denki has managed toeffectively spread the rumor that he is a child of Raijin. This has,irritatingly, made its way into our records. Though I must applaud thecreativity and gusto it must have taken him and his friends to get it put intoour school’s system that he is a child of Thor, it makes it difficult to tellwhat he really is. All letters that have been sent home to his parents inregards to the question have been ignored (or simply never made it there).
Jiro Kyoka is a siren of a differentnature than Present Mic. When Mic can amplify sound that he creates, Jiro canonly amplify sound that already exists in her body, i.e. her heartbeat. She’stried it with multiple different bodily sounds but her heartbeat has been themost effective battle strategy that she’s been able to come up with. Stomachgrowls just sound too sinister to be anything other than horror movie soundeffects.
Koda Koji is an animal guide. That doesn’tsound as monstrous as you think, but when you are facing down a herd of maleelk that managed to appear out of nowhere, you’ll reconsider that thought. Kodacan communicate with any animals, both wild and domestic, via telepathy. Wehaven’t yet figured out if this translates to the monster populous as well, butso far, he has only shown a desire to use his gift to help!
Aoyama Yuga is a tennin and he doesn’t letanyone forget it. He uses his heavenly energy to produce a laser like weaponfrom his stomach, though it seems to make him sick if he uses it too much.Maybe it’s just too much of a strain on his body.
Ojiro Mashirao is a descendent of SonGoku, the monkey king! He’s worked really hard to learn martial arts to live upto the legend, and he’s always excited to learn more. His strength is hisgreatest weapon, and it really helps that he has a prehensile tail. He says it’slike having another limb.
Shoji Mezo is an onmyoji. It’s hard tosay exactly what he can do, since he has only demonstrated the ability tocreate multiples of his body parts, but he seems content to keep the rest ofhis abilities to himself.
Sato Rikido is a baku who acceptspayment for his services in sugary treats. Eating a nightmare takes a lot ofout him, as he normally goes in search of what causes the nightmare, and,because of this, he really appreciates sugary treats for his troubles.
Sero Hanta is a mummy. It’s actuallyreally funny, because he uses it as a gag on Halloween to scare everyone duringa haunted house, even though they knowthat he’s a mummy. He’s learned how to use the tape from his body to his advantage,and wants to become a capture monster on the Pro circuit.
Midnight, the 18+ succubus! Hey, that rhymes!I bet she did that on purpose, kyukyu. While Midnight is not the only one ofher kind, she is the first to approach U.A. with the hopes of educating theyounger monsters. She’s been careful not to use her gifts for ill purposes, butthat doesn’t mean she doesn’t enjoy using it!
Eraserhead is one of a rare type ofmonster known as negators. While he lacks any offensive abilities of the monstrouskind, he is able to negate the abilities of any monster he looks at! Because ofthis, he is able to work with the students to learn more creative ways to dealwith villain monsters.
Present Mic is the siren with the most!While he’s not an instructor that focuses on the many attributes of ourstudents, he does use his power as a siren to make sure that they focus inother classes, like English! Of course, he doesn’t let it on that this is whathe’s doing, so the students seem to be none the wiser. Now that I think aboutit, maybe I shouldn’t have included that in here. Hm.
All Might is a son of Atlas! While, youmay think that this means he is a demi-god of sorts, please, dash thosethoughts! All Might likes to remind us that Atlas was, first and for most, amonster, and while his name did go down in history as a god, that doesn’t meanthat he was one. The Strength of Atlas can be moved from person to person, asonly one man wield the power at any given time. As of now, All Might is nolonger the bearer of the Strength of Atlas, also known as One For All.
Hatsume Mei is the descendant of thelegendary Daedalus, creator of the Labyrinth of Greek myth. Interestinglyenough, she’s the one that found out this information, making a list of herfamily tree that goes back literallymiles for the school records. She claimed it was for homework once upon a time.I think it was to prove to support technology sponsors that she was perfect forhiring. After all, her brain was that of a brilliant scientist.
General Studies:
Shinso Hitoshi is a third type of siren.Where Present Mic and Jiro use sound as a weapon, Shinso uses it as a tool. He insiststhat the voice is a link to the mind and, when he hears a voice, or, whensomeone uses it to answer him, he is able to take that sound as a pathway andreplace their minds voice with his own. A lot of people see this as a power ofa villain monster, but with practice, it could be used to defuse stressfulsituations without causing harm to others!
Third Years:
Togata Mirio is one of our first ghost students! He tries his hardest with his students, however he seemsto excel mostly at the use of his ghostly abilities rather than his schoolwork. While we encourage the use of our students’ abilities in everyday life,Togata seems to enjoy misusing it from time to time. This might stem from himworking with Nighteye, a Pro Monster with a taste for jokes.
Amajiki Tamaki is a different type ofshapeshifter than myself. While I can take on the form of any animal I wish, hecan take on the attributes of any animal he eats. It has really forced him toexpand his taste in food, that’s for sure. Despite the limit to what he can do,he does use it to his advantage when it comes to working with the Pro Monsters.
Hado Nejire is a wind spirit. It mightseem as if she is very air headed, but honestly, she’s very sweet, and lightspirited, and doesn’t let much get to her. She enjoys using her power on thePro Monster circuit while she’s interning, but doesn’t like to show off toothers too much. She lets Togata do all the flashy work for that.
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phantomphangphucker · 4 years
Round 2
Danny gets up from his desk and slowly walks up to the front, “okay, so you’re telling me-”, Danny gestures erratically to Vlad, who's tied up on the floor and in ghost form, “-that you overshadowed ClockWork-”, gesturing even more erratically at ClockWork, who’s just sitting on a desk and inspecting their nails, “-so you could travel to the future, to team up with your future self and bring him back here-”, Danny points both hands at the floor a bit aggressively, “-so you could tag-team pulverise a teenager-”, Danny gestures at the future Vlad, who’s glaring bloody murder at normal timeline floor Vlad, “-but said future you instead assaulted ClockWork”, glaring at floor Vlad harder, “so you used ClockWork’s powers at random and just came back to this timeline?”.
Kwan adds in, “through the ceiling”.
Floor Vlad manages to spit out his gag, “well they somehow tossed me out of their body immediately after! I mean the audacity! And this Cheesehead-”, jerkily attempting to nod or point at the scruffy-looking future Vlad, “-gets more pissed and assaults me, ME! Instead of you”.
Future Vlad kicks him and snarls, “it’s been two years in this timeline! TWO! I stopped with the stupid fiddlediddling after six months!”.
Dash snorts, “why would a ghost even want to assault Fentit”.
Danny meanwhile, throws his hands out to the side, “of course that happened!”, then gesturing toward ClockWork, “you can’t overshadow ClockWork, that’s not even possible! They literally had to have allowed you to”, actually turning to glare slightly at ClockWork, “why, I haven’t a shot-glass of pennies close to a clue”.
Floor Vlad looks to future Vlad, “you can’t judge me, you fudge-bucket of a hypocrite”.
Danny rolls his eyes and snorts, “that’s not even pot calling kettle black, that’s a wad of chewed gum calling a fork an unchewed stick of gum, and actually expecting that insult to stick”. Danny then squints and turns to ClockWork, “wait”, pointing emphatically at future Vlad, “how does he even exist?!?!?”.
Future Vlad squints at him, looking affronted, “why wouldn’t I?!?”.
Danny turns to him and waves his hands around wildly, “THAT’S WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU UNRAVEL TEN YEARS OF TIME! THOSE THINGS AND PEOPLE GO POOF!”.
ClockWork sticks up a finger, “that’s not how time works”.
Danny and both Vlads’ turn to ClockWork, both Danny and future Vlad pointing aggressively, “YOU STAY OUT OF THIS! THIS DOESN'T CONCERN YOU!”.
Nathan mutters, “or the rest of the class apparently”.
ClockWork smirks, “pretty sure the author disagrees on that one”. Everyone squints at them but goes back to bickering. Danny throws his hands up before gesturing at floor Vlad, “plus! You’re still here! And still A CRAZED UP FRUITLOOPY DICK!”.
Floor Vlad, looking a bit insulted, “language my boy”. Danny just looks down and knocks a desk over onto him.
Mr. Lancer coughs, “um? There are other people here you know”.
Floor Vlad glances at him, “no one but us and dear Maddie qualify as people”.
Danny sputters incredulously while ClockWork points at floor Vlad, “and that is not how classifications of species and words work”.
Future Vlad throws his hands up and walks around, “this me’s insane! Wonderful!”.
Valerie snickers into her hand, “I want to get involved but...”.
Danny snorts, “you hadn’t already figured that out when he decided to abduct and control the body of the dude who controls time itself and oversees everyone’s futures. A literal living legend and basically a god?”,
Floor Vlad screws up his face and wiggles in the bindings some before squinting at Danny, “wait a biscuit buttering second, how do you even know about the ghost from the clocktower?”, sputtering and squirming, “how do know their name?!? Even I didn’t! Daniel what in the name of Gouda?!?”.
Danny deadpans, “oh don’t you use that tone with me, mister. You’re not my father”, gesturing at ClockWork, “and of course I do! They’re my Time Daddy!”.
Everyone goes silent immediately and you could hear a pin drop. Instead, a different voice breaks the silence, “wow! Didn’t know you had another dad, son!”.
Both halfas and the ex-halfa turn slowly and look at the doorway, where one Jack Fenton is standing and munching on fudge like he’s engrossed in an intense tv show.
Danny blinks and sputters, “how long have you been there?”.
Floor Vlad also sputters in utter disbelief, “this, that, THIS IS NOT HOW ANY OF THIS WAS SUPPOSED TO GO!”.
Future Vlad blinks at Jack, “why are you not freaking out over the ghosts?”.
Star sighs, “are they really just ignoring that none of us have been freaking out?”.
Jack shrugs, “one’s tied up and the other gave me fudge”. Floor Vlad just shrieks in frustration and disbelief. While Danny gives a dramatic thumbs up to ClockWork, even going so far as to use a little ecto-energy to make his thumb sparkle like some anime bullshit.
Future Vlad kicks floor Vlad but speaks to Jack, “well if it’s anything, I’m not a ghost or half of one”.
Multiple people mutter, “half ghosts are a thing?”, while Valerie grins like a loon.
Floor Vlad shrieking, “WHAT?!?!?!”.
Future Vlad looks down at him but points at Danny, “he ripped out and ate Plasmius”.
Danny blinks and gestures wildly at his dad, “are we just ignoring the uniformed third party?!?”.
Mr. Lancer glares, “the class has been here the whole time”.
ClockWork smirks, “Vlad’s the authors' bitch right now so...yes”.
While floor Vlad gapes at Danny, “YOU DID WHAT NOW?!?!?”.
Danny throws his hands up exaggeratedly, “NOT IN THIS TIMELINE!”.
Valerie gets up and smacks both Vlads’ over the head, which just turns into an all-out fistfight. Well okay, floor Vlad is just squirming in his bindings and kicking like a feral rabbit, but still.
Valerie steps back and nudges Danny, “who you wanna bet on to win?”.
Danny snorts, “future Vlad, based on sheer tenacity”.
ClockWork smirks and points a finger to the ceiling, “that’s my bet”, another portal opening up and yet another Vlad falling through and landing on the two others in a heap; knocking all three out, floor Vlad finally transforming back human. Danny looks to them, “the fuck is wrong with you?”.
While Maddie’s voice mutters from the doorway, “oh my Zone, Vlad?!?!”. Standing next to yet another interviewer from Genius Magazine: For Women Geniuses, By Women Geniuses; who slowly lifts up her phone and snaps a photo, while patting the pocket where her recorder is.
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phantomphangphucker · 5 years
Phango - Phabulous Phashion
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(”It’s not gay if he’s dead + Tucker punches Vlad + Identity Reveal)
Danny’s gonna use the school hallways as his personal fashion runway.
Danny’s walking by a store but jerks to a stop, walking backwards some to stare in through the window; lips twitching up into a lopsided smile.
-Next Morning-
Danny walks up to his locker with a cocky grin, spotting Sam and Tucker. Danny quickly leans against the lockers and puts his hand on Tucker’s shoulder, “hey”.
“Did you just...give me the shoulder touch?”, Tucker snorts, “dude, that’s so gay”.
Danny just wiggles his eyebrows dramatically and waits for Tucker to notice. Sam notices first however and promptly facepalms. But her eyeballing gets Tucker to look down at Danny’s shirt, reading ‘it’s not gay if he’s dead’. Tucker blinks once, twice, three times, before curling up and laughing; clapping Danny on the shoulder multiple times in the process.
“Dude! Where!”, straightening up, “also, that was the single best joke you’ve ever made”.
Danny smirks, the joke really only works because he knew what Tucker would say, “lets just say, there’s a wonderfully spooky new store in town and I am broke”, Danny waits a bit while his two friends shake their heads with mischievous smiles before he picks back up, “I also need a bigger closet”.
Sam and Tucker share a look before Tucker looks at Danny, “so you’re actually going the wear different clothing every day for once?”.
Sam smirks, “do we need to set up a fashion runway? I’m pretty sure there’s actually one in my house”.
Danny smirks almost cruelly, “wonder how long it’ll take before people start questioning my fashion choices”.
Sam and Tucker sigh, speaking in unison, “this is going to end badly”.
--Line Break--
Danny’s pulling books out of his locker and quickly hides his smirk as his two friends approach. Speaking as Tucker opens his own locker, “so the new Pokemon game’s coming out. Who you gonna choose?”.
“The rabbit thingy I think, you?”.
Danny closes the locker door and smirks. Tucker, remembering yesterday's bullshit promptly looks down. Danny’s shirt reading, ‘CHOOSE DEATH’, Tucker can’t help but laugh, “now that’s a little on the nose”, pointing at Danny, “and you didn’t choose shit”.
Danny huffs, “hey now, I went in knowing full well what would happen the second time. And y’all never forced me to go it in, in the first place”.
Tucker rolls his eyes, “debatable. Plus, you’re not technically dead. At least not entirely”.
“Yeah, I guess death isn’t one of those things were a half-off coupon really applies”, Danny smirks slightly, “and if y’all think you’re even slightly truly responsible, then maybe you two should get ‘Reaper Crew’ shirts. Thinking you’re my little personal reapers and shit”.
“Danny dude, we literally reap ghosts. As in we gather them up? You really should study vocabulary once and a while”, Tucker slightly regrets his words as he watches a wicked smile spread across Danny’s face.
--Line Break--
Danny’s still trying to figure out how he’s going to make a joke out of today’s fashion choices when Dash practically hands it to him. Overhearing Dash jeering at some freshman, “what you think hiding around your tall friend’s gonna make you bully-proof?”.
Danny snaps his head around painfully and near inhumanely fast, Sam and Tucker exchanging a glance as Danny strides over and floor slides dramatically to be in front of Dash. Danny grins, “everybody knows I sure as shit ain’t, but guess what I am?!?”, Danny gestures at his shirt because he knows Dash is an idiot.
Dash looks down and reads Danny’s shirt ‘Death Proof’ and mutters, “goddamnit Fentoast”, and restrains a chuckle.
Tucker leans over to Sam, “I like how yesterday’s shirt basically said ‘I’m dead’ and today’s says ‘I’m not dead’. Not to mention subtly hinting at the whole probable immortality thing”.
Danny smirks at them as he dodges out of the way of Dash trying to grab at him. Both of them running after him to hide behind the school.
Danny digs in his pockets and shoves t-shirts at them. Tucker quirks an eyebrow, “seriously? I thought you were broke”.
“I’m broke-er”.
Sam looks over the black ‘Reaper Crew’ shirt and shrugs. Pulling it on while gesturing at Danny’s pans, “why do you guys always get to have such massive pockets”, looking down at the shirt before quirking an eyebrow at Danny, “did you memorise our clothing sizes?”.
Danny rolls his eyes, “I’ve literally worn your bodies, I know how they fit”.
Tucker blinks, “you know, that sounds way creepier when you actually say it like that”. Danny just chuckles.
--Line Break--
Danny’s laying in his desk as Mr. Lancer comes in. Quickly calling attendance and ignoring how Danny smirks when he says, “here!”. But he can’t help but chuckle, amused by Danny’s antics, when he gets fed up with Danny’s inattentive resting and calls on him to sit up straight. Actually having to pause and laugh to himself a bit at Danny leaning back in the chair and throwing an arm over the back of it. Making his shirt, which reads ‘Here Lies’ over the image of a tombstone, very noticeable.
Lancer grumbles to himself, “I wish he’d put as much effort into his classwork as jokes”, then raising an eyebrow ever so slightly over Daniel suddenly looking a little sheepish and rubbing his neck; pretty well sure Daniel has somehow heard Lancer's mutterings.
--Line Break--
Danny planned out his next apparel choice with precision. Waiting till Red was in a pissy enough mood to go after Phantom a bit more aggressively before school. Struggling to keep the smile off his face as he slips out of the bathroom after changing back human and fixing up his wounds.
Sam grumbling at him as he gets to his locker, her looking at her phone -going over today’s morning ghost news- all the while, “she’s going after you pretty aggressively again. What did you do to piss her off now?”.
Danny shrugs, “might be because I kept stealing her captures”.
Tucker elbows him, “one of these days she’s going to genuinely get you good, you know”. The girl was cute and he knew Danny still liked her but she was really a threat.
Danny smiles more earnestly then, sighing almost wistfully, “maybe she’ll really be the death of me”, shrugging, “not that I mind”. Since, apparently, he liked danger even in his love life. Which yes, was absolutely stupid, but he did stupid damn well.
Sam rolls her eyes and sighs, she really wished Danny would cut it out with his soft spot for the huntress, “you should mind”, glaring at his soft-looking smile, “and you better not still be interested in her. She hates ghosts, no matter what that’ll get in the way”. Tucker firmly decides not to comment on that.
Danny just grins wide and you could practically smell the mischief wafting off of him. Sam pinches her nose but Tucker bursts out laughing just before she looks to Danny’s shirt. Danny just grins smugly as she groans at reading, ‘Death Cannot Stop True Love’. Glaring at Danny, “I hate you, you moron”.
Valerie walks by and comments with a smirk, “well I don’t”.
Danny sticks his arms out dramatically at Val’s retreating form, “at least someone loves me”.
Both Sam and Tucker replying, “she just doesn’t know any better”. Danny just rolls his eyes exaggeratedly, though he honestly loves all the shit they give him.
--Line Break--
Danny makes a point of massaging his sore shoulder and thusly covering up the chest of his t-shirt as he walks over to his two friends at the being of school.
The two give him worried looks over what looks like blood having seeped through the side of his white t-shirt. Tucker frowning as it doesn’t really look right, “you really should just stop wearing white”. Sam, being more sensible, asks the more important question, “are you okay?”.
At that Danny smirks, as he’s finally close enough to them that he knows they damn well will pick up really quickly that the ‘blood’ is just part of the shirt's design. Lowering his arm to the side so they can read the ‘I’m fine’ written across the shirt. Both of them promptly start hitting him.
Though they both do have to admit, as the day goes by, that everyone doing double takes over Danny’s shirt is rather hilarious. Even if everyone’s used to Danny’s shit enough to not freak out too much.
--Line Break--
Sam and Tucker chuckle at Danny’s ‘Ghost Gym’ Gengar gym shirt, pretty sure the only reason Tetslaff is letting him get away with it is because the design is workout related. Well that, and, if you knew what to look for, Danny was clearly extremely physically fit.
Tetslaff looks around at everyone and nods curtly, “alright you maggots, it’s gymnastics day. So I want to see some serious acrobatics and running!”.
Dash gapes as Danny does a clean and one of the fastest obstacle runs in the entire gym class. Shaking his head before shouting, “you cheated Fentwerp!”. Dash is honestly only more annoyed as Danny locks eyes with him, grins wickedly and walks into the changing room.
Dash was about to storm after the little freak when Danny exits the changing room, still grinning a bit manically. Dash scowls but can’t help but feel a little less interested in beating the weirdo up. After reading the sweater, ‘CHEAT DEATH’. That is until Danny speaks up, why did the little freak have to have such a damn mouth on him? And why’d he have to use it to diss him? Why didn’t the weirdo know his damn place!
Danny flips Dash off, “there’s only one thing I cheat bitch”, before booking it off. While Dash shouts at him, “why you little-FENTON!”, and runs after him.
Tetslaff is far too pleased over the physical improvements of what was formerly the worst excuse for physical fitness, to really care about reprimanding him for his language.
--Line Break--
Vlad walks into the Fenton household, he’s a little early but that hardly matters. Gives him plenty of time to scope out any new inventions or lord his mental and ghost power prowess over Daniel’s head.
Looking around to quickly spot Daniel and those two friends of his all sitting around the living room. All three promptly getting up, Daniel snapping, “you’re early frootloop. What? Cat brush you off for date night?”.
Vlad rolls his eyes but stops halfway and stares at Daniel’s shirt ‘WANTED DEAD & ALIVE Schrödinger’s cat‘. Shaking his head, coming to stand in front of Daniel and gesturing at his attire, “I know you’re reckless, but isn’t this a little on the nose Daniel?”.
Danny grins almost wickedly at that, “nope, but you know what is?”. That’s the perfect set-up for their little ‘no one expects the geek’ plan.
Vlad quirks an eyebrow as Daniel leans to the side; only for Tucker to punch him in the nose. Daniel chuckles, “that was”, while Vlad steps back, hand over his now bleeding nose, and glares at the teens.
Tucker looks back at Danny with a giddy grin, just as Jack and Maddie come in trough the door.
Maddie smiles slightly over seeing the creepy old Masters bleeding, she’s got no clue what’s happened but she’s sure that whoever had more than good enough reason. While Jack, bless his heart, takes Vlad into the kitchen to help fix up Vlad’s nose.
Vlad glares bloody murder at the teen trio from a stool, while Jack honestly just makes the bleeding a bit worse. Maddie eventually taking pity and actually helping.
--Line Break--
Tucker closes his locker door and immediately looks at Danny’s shirt as he approaches. Tucker raising an eyebrow over the simple grey shirt with a tiny grim reaper poking out of the chest pocket, “what? Ran outta joke shirts already?”.
Danny snickers, “naw, just figured I should stop brushing off other body parts”.
Both turn as Sam slams her locker door closed rather aggressively. Tucker muttering, “well someone’s clearly in a piss poor mood”.
Sam flips him off, “I’m a ray of fucking sunshine, fuck off”.
Danny beams, yet another perfect setup, “is it something I can shoot?”.
Sam sighs, “not really, but...”, Sam throws a flower-girl behavioural Guidebook into Danny’s locker which Danny wastes no time in shooting an ecto-ray at while giving Tucker a shit-eating grin.
Sam slams Danny’s locker door shut on his hand when she sees why he’s smiling like that, reading the words on the backs of his gloves ‘Death Rays’, and then storming off.
Danny rubs the forming bruise on his hand, “worth it”. While Tucker wheezes.
--Line Break--
Mr. Lancer stands at the front of the class, “alright everyone, as you know there is a group assignment portion to your grade. Now I will be assigning the groups...”, glaring at a few jocks in the room, “due to certain actions last year”.
Dash and Kwan glare at Danny as he snickers but don’t say anything as Mr. Lancer lists off the different groups, eventually getting to the jocks, “Dash, Tucker, and Danny. And for the final group, Kwan, Sam, and Valerie”.
Sam, Valerie and Tucker all look horrified; Kwan doesn’t honestly mind all that much.
Dash grins cruelly while Danny looks down at his shirt, reading ‘this is booshit’ and grumbling, “this one was a bad idea”. Deciding not to waste his opportunity, he shouts, “oh that’s booshit!”, and uncrosses his arms to throw them out to the side.
Lancer sighs and shakes his head, slightly confused as to why no one’s told Daniel to change his shirt; it’s definitely against dress code. Pointing at Daniel’s shirt, “please change your shirt, Mr. Fenton”. While Dash sneers at Danny, “you should be thankful, not often shoe scum actually gets to work with Highschool perfection, Fentenisshoe”.
Danny blinks, he firmly can’t believe his luck, before turning and giving Dash a slightly manic open-mouthed grin. Promptly ripping off his top shirt -of course he expected someone to call him on the first shirt- revealing the second shirt underneath. Revealing what he’s sure is just an Amity version of an online ‘pop culture’ shirt, reading ‘ECTOPLASMIC SCUM’.
Tucker slams his face into his desk, wheezing slightly. Both Sam and Valerie burst out laughing, multiple people joining them. Dash glares around at everyone, making most people shut up; but really, Sam, Tucker and Valerie just laugh harder.
--Line Break--
Tucker takes one look at Danny’s shirt the next day, ‘let’s have a wail of a good time’ and promptly claps a hand over Danny’s mouth, “no”.
Danny tilts his head down and makes a show of seeming completely downright defeated. Speaking as Tucker removes his hand, “awwww”.
--Line Break--
Sam and Tucker shake their heads at Danny’s shirt ‘this is my ghost costume, I’m just dead on the inside’. Tucker gesturing at Danny’s shirt, “okay this one is definitely pushing it, dude. It’s literally literal”.
Danny rolls his hand in the air and tilts his head around, “not quite, I’m not literally in my ghost costume. Unless you want to say that my Screaming Fan form is a costume my ghost is wearing”.
“Dude, that's basically correct. Frying Pan is closer to who you really are. This”, Tucker pulls on Danny’s black hair gently, “is pretty well just your disguise at this point”.
Danny shrugs, they weren’t really wrong but smirks as the new ghost drill alarm goes off. Snickering as everyone pulls ghost masks/costumes on quickly, as part of a new plan for dealing with any ghosts. Because someone had the ‘brilliant’ idea of ‘tricking’ ghosts into thinking the students were ghosts. Ghosts were not this stupid. Not even kind of.
Mr. Lancer, who always gets stuck playing the role of the ‘real’ ghost, stops and stares at Danny. Who just gestures at his shirt with a wily smirk. Mr. Lancer shakes his head, “that would never work”, remembering the role he’s supposed to be playing, “boOOoOOoOooOOOo”.
Danny chuckles and grabs Tucker's red ghost mask, pulling it off his face slightly and snapping it, “neither would this”. Tucker just turns his head and glares slightly at Danny, even if that didn’t really hurt.
--Line Break--
Danny saunters into the school with a massive lopsided grin on his face. There was absolutely no way he’d be able to make reference to his shirt today but the recent situation he’s found himself in made it too good to not get this shirt.
Valerie pauses as she was walking past, looking at Danny’s shirt ‘I for one welcome our new ghost overlords’, squinting slightly, “you’ve sure had some interesting clothing choices but what could this one even be referencing?”, glaring slightly, “the ghosts defiantly do not rule us or this town”, glaring a bit more, “and why would you support that?”.
Danny chuckles, in the eyes of the ghost Phantom had always ‘ruled’ Amity Park. Shrugging, “well if you wanna get technical about lairs and shit...”, Danny trails off as Val just glares even harder.
Valerie snaps slightly, “Amity is not a ghosts lair”. Danny can’t help but snort and laugh a bit.
Danny sends her a bit of a sympathetic smile, not really looking to get into it with her. Instead deciding to throw her through a loop and throw her a bone at the same time, putting a hand on his hip, “got nothing to do with that though”, smirking at her raised eyebrow and leaning his elbow on her shoulder, speaking with a slightly sultry look, “don’tcha know? The ghosties got themselves a knew high and mighty king”.
Danny winks as he walks off, Valerie gapping at him before speed walking to catch up with him. Sticking her head around to be in front of him, “who?!?!???”.
Danny tilts his head back and laugh exaggeratedly, “who do you think? Literally only one reckless idiot went and fought the previous one”.
Valerie mutters, “oh my Zone”, before walking off, clearly a little in her own head.
Not even seconds later Sam and Tucker punch him in the shoulders. Tucker smirking, “fucking congrats dude, but you are also an idiot”.
Sam shakes her head, “we all really shoulda seen this coming. Why did you tell her though”.
Danny smirks, “tell me about it and because of timing”, slapping a hand on his chest, “I had a joke to make”.
Tucker looks at the shirt and shakes his head, “we should be the ones wearing that. You’re welcoming yourself”.
Danny just smirks as the sit down in class.
--Line Break--
Sam and Tucker both facepalm as Danny walks towards them like he owned the entire damn school. He was decked out head to toe in ghostly fashion. ‘I AM A GHOST’ t-shirt, ‘I’m dying inside’ beret, ghost emoji leggings, knee-high ‘#LITERALLY DEAD’ socks, ‘the ghost inside’ shorts, blood and ectoplasm spattered shoes, ‘monster mortuary’ jacket, coffin sunglasses, and a ‘BOOOO!’ choker.
Danny poses dramatically in-front of his friends while Tucker groans, “Danny dude, you are practically begging to be shot or found out at this point”. But Tucker gestured to his own t-shirt, Ash vs the Evil Dead ‘Ghost Beaters’ design. Danny smirks and gives an approving nod. Sam takes this as her queue and gestures to her T-shirt with a little ghost nurse carrying bandaids reading ‘Boo Boo Crew’. Danny looks over and laughs.
Danny claps them on the shoulder as they start walking to class, “so y’all found the store huh? Spook Spot is a name I certainly approve of”.
Sam smirks, “damn right we did, this town is the only damn place we’re a ghost focused apparel store would actually be profitable. Fucking capitalism”.
Danny chuckles, personally he was glad, there was so many good jokes to be made and it really would get lots of business. “Think I should collect part of the profits? Seeing as I’m the entire reason why it’s able to be successful”.
Tucker, ever interested in a quick buck, “you damn well should!”. While Sam just grumbles about, “not feeding the man”.
Dash glares at the little Fenton freak as he enters the classroom, “what you think all that’s gonna make you cool enough to be like Phantom? Fentoenail”.
Danny chuckles darkly, “oh I’m certainly spooky enough”.
Sam smirks, “a spooky baby”. While Tucker elbows Sam, “more like spooky babe, riiiiiight Sam”, he wiggles his eyebrows at her earning a glare from the goth.
The two friends stop and gape a little as Valarie walks in and pelts Danny in the face with a t-shirt. Danny just letting it fall off his face and onto the floor. Raising an eyebrow at Valarie while she says, “you absolute fool, I can’t believe you”, before taking her seat.
Danny looks down at the t-shirt, one half has a skull on it the other half reads ‘only half dead’. Danny chuckles, picks it up, stuffs it in his pocket and mutters into his hand, “well damn”.
Sam and Tucker exchange a glance and then facepalm.
—The Previous Night—
Valerie crawls into her bed, puts a sore arm over her eyes and sighs. Snapping her eyes open seconds later before blinking and jerking to sit up, muttering, “oh my Zone, he fucking winked at me. And halfas and she looks just like Phantom but black hair and blue eyes and oh my Zone, Danny.....”. Thinking over the past weeks before shaking her head after a beat, “I dated the most colossal idiot ever”.
Glancing to her computer before scrambling over to it and heading to google to find some joke shirt, muttering at it, “I have to get you back, you damn Spook”.
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phantomphangphucker · 5 years
Vroom Vroom Mother Fucker - Phic Phight
Prompt Creator: @ecto-american Prompt: Vlad buys Danny a car for his 16th birthday Summary: Danny has an adrenaline problem
no warnings apply
Danny wakes up that morning expecting fancy pancakes and unusually flavoured milkshakes. Grinning, he pulls on his heavily over-sized NASA sweater and hops down the stairs two at a time. Unsurprisingly, he is indeed greeted by plentiful pancakes but also Hobson; whose holding a tray with a milkshake on it. “Did you guys really hire him just for my birthday?”, then smiling devilishly to Hobson. “I fully intend to drown in milkshakes today”, at which Hobson looks quite disgusted.
Taking his first of many milkshakes from him, Danny has a sip as his parents give him a plate of pancakes. “Kiwi and fudge? I think I know who’s idea that was”, Danny laughs, as Jack gives a thumbs up at Hobson.
While he’s chowing down he suddenly hears what sounds like wind being whipped really fast. It takes only a minute or two for everyone else to notice. Hobson already looks exhausted. As the sound gets louder Danny realises it’s a freaking helicopter. “Now what!”, Danny shouts while Jack runs out guns in tow. Looking out the window Danny sees, a car? Placed onto the ground with a massive neon green bow. “You’ve got to be kidding me.”, Danny mutters as Jazz claps him on the back. Getting up the two walk outside to join their parents, who thankfully have lowered their weapons. The last thing the road needs is an exploded helicopter and car. They’ve already plucked the card from the bow and hand it to Danny as he comes out. Danny groans, “Vlad? Seriously?”. Then muttering quietly to himself, “you can’t bribe me into being your apprentice, but I will take your car and check it for bugs you crazy frootloop”.
Jazz leans over him and looks down at the note, “he really is lonely isn’t he?” They both snicker as Danny actually notices the handwritten letter inside the card. Danny hands the card itself to Jazz as he reads the letter.
It’s your 16th so consider this a rare day of rest. I am not so evil as to not gift you appropriately, though you may think I am. In case you wish to brag, it’s a W Motors Lykan Hypersport. This is the 3rd one to be owned by a single person. It has 420 emeralds embedded in its headlights, white gold stitching on the seats and the colour name is Lykan White. Top speed is around 400 km/h and goes 0-100 in 2.3 seconds. Have fun little badger.
By the time Danny’s done reading the letter, his mouth has gone dry from hanging open so long and his sister is poking him. “Danny I think this card is made from freaking silver with gold front. He is really trying hard”, Danny looks at his sister finally closing his mouth. “Jazz, I think this maybe the most expensive car either of us will ever see in our entire existences.”, Danny’s holding the letter like it’s a bomb, but with Vlad it just might be.
Danny goes up and tentatively pokes the car, when nothing happens he pulls the bow off. Underneath is a fancy looking manual featuring more of Vlad’s handwriting.
So you don’t destroy it and don’t worry about a license just turn on the hologram.
Danny rolls his at this, “you are a madman. How would that help, I only have a learners”. Jack comes up and slaps him on the back, “who cares? All Fenton’s are great drivers! I can’t believe V-man would go this all out! Especially when he didn’t get Jazzy anything”. Maddie is highly suspicious of the car just like Danny, but Danny’s the only one who really knows why Vlad would be gifting him. After all you can’t be archenemies without being close and knowing each rather well.
Smiling at Jack and nodding to Maddie, “I think I’ll have a look around inside”. So he flops down on the steps and starts looking through the manual for how to open this thing. Jazz elbows him in the side, “I’m pretty sure you’ll need these, Danny”. Danny chuckles as he takes the absurd looking key from her. It looks oddly like a very pointy triangle shaped usb stick, with a badger tail on a keychain attached to it. “Uh, I’m not sure if that’s supposed to be a threat and Sam’s going to hate it”, Danny chuckles.
After he figures out how to not only unlock and open it, but as well as how to turn the whole thing on. Danny walks up and opens it up, doors opening backwards since the hinges are by the seats instead of the dashboard. “It just keeps getting more flashy and absurd doesn’t it?”, Danny mutters while Jazz chuckles.
Danny snoops around the car, climbing in the back sets and poking his head intangibly through the back wall into the trunk. He’s glad for the tinted windows since it blocks anyone from seeing what he’s doing. As he goes he opens every little pocket and looking in any grooves or holes, for traps or anti-ghost stuff. Finding nothing, though he’s sure there must be at least one camera in here, Danny plops down into the drivers seat.
Sticking the key in, Danny starts it up with a low purr. Sitting in the white and black cyber looking seat Danny can’t help but find it incredibly cool. “Dash is going to be pissed,”, he laughs to himself as Jack comes round to the window. “This thing is way to tiny for me, so how about you and Mads take it for a spin?”, Danny nods as he opens the passenger door. Maddie can’t help but run her hands over the dashboard as she gets in. She nods to her son, trusting that he checked the car for anything fishy, buckling up.
“Vlad was not kidding this thing can go fast, holy shit!”, Danny says as both him and his mom yelp. Getting the car up to 85, well over the limit, almost instantaneously. Luckily, there was no cops around and even if there was, they likely wouldn’t care as soon as they saw two Fenton’s inside. Danny had learned last year that no cops were even willing to pull Fenton’s over, due to multiple ghost incidents.
Maddie can’t help but excitedly laugh, “now that is power, I wish some of our weapons would kick up that fast! And that wasn’t even with you actually trying to!”. Danny joins her in slightly adrenaline fuelled laughter. Danny takes a few unnecessarily sharp turns to see just how tight this thing can pull. “Danny!”, his mom yells as she’s jerked to the side of her seat by the sharp turn. Danny, meanwhile, just whistles as he does a very sharp u-turn to head home.
They’re gone for only half an hour and look like they had been on a roller coaster. Jack bounces up to them giddy, “Wow that was fast! Wonder if we could hook any guns up to this baby?”. Jazz immediately shakes her head, “we don’t need any more ghost weirdness at school and-”, with a glare at Danny, “- no one will be chasing ghosts in his car”. Danny 100% intends to though, because if he wants to show this off to anyone it’s Technus. Who will likely stop fighting altogether just to stare at it. Danny can barely contain his smirk.
Eventually, they do actually park it in the garage, making sure nothing can fall on the multimillion-dollar car. So that Danny can go back for more pancakes and milkshakes. Staring out to the street Danny is honestly thankful no one came out since everyone is used to loud noises from Fenton Works. Though them ignoring a straight up helicopter is pretty sad.
Danny elects to spend the day with the giant green bow attached to his head, because why not. Ordering a skittles, cream cheese and tater tots smoothie from Hobson, “of course sir” being his only response. He picks up his phone to call Tucker.
“Dude, you are not going to believe this. Vlad sent me a gift and not only does it not suck, the only thing creepy about it so far is the dead badger tail”
“Does that say something about us that that qualifies as not much of a problem?”
“I’m positive it does but that’s a problem for my sister”
“True dude. Anyways, what’d that nut case get you? That you felt the need to call me right after?”
“Well let’s see it can go nearly 400 km/h and will make Technus drool.”
“Dude! A car! Wow for once he doesn’t suck. I so have to see that when I get there. Also, that sounds insanely fast for a car, what did he even get you?”
“Lykan something, but Tuck dude. A freaking helicopter dropped it in the front yard.”
“Well Vlad is nothing if not extra, though if it’s pink Sam will mock you relentlessly.”
“Hell no, though he was a cheeky bastard with the colours. Can’t say I’m complaining though. Black and white is my thing after all”
Tucker laughs on the other end, “Wow, you’d think your parents would be suspicious by now. Anyways, I’ll see you in an hour or two and you are taking us for a drive!”
Hanging up, he’s tempted to call Sam but he kind of wants to see her face when she sees he’s got a car too now.
Danny goes through six more smoothies and managed to finally make Hobson barf, black licorice with onions and sunflower seeds smells pretty bad apparently. While watching some reruns Sam and Tucker both show up, in Sam’s bubblegum pink hearse. Apparently, she was given the option to either pick the kind of car or the colour, not both. Parking the hearse in the Fenton driveway the two don’t even bother knocking on the door, as they barge in. They are immediately greeted by a grinning Danny with a giant green bow on his head.
“Dude what? That’s a little on the nose”, Tucker laughs as Sam rolls her eyes. Danny smirks, “it’s ectogreen, I had to”. Then grinning devilishly, “so want to do something stupid and race cars?”. Jazz glares at them from the kitchen but knows it is rather pointless to stop her brother, who can make himself literally untouchable. All the trio knows is high-wire living and Danny’s self-preservation is beyond brutalised.
“Danny what? Really? They got you a car too?”, Sam asks rather surprised. “Well my parents got me a person actually”, Danny points over his shoulder at Hobson; who’s now making a gummy bear and seaweed milkshake. “As for the car that was Vlad actually, yeah surprising I know.”, Danny smirks at Sams surprised face. “Sam, the birthday card alone is made of gold and silver. I’m positive he’s trying to butter me up again but the car is very nice”, Danny sticks his finger in the direction of the garage for them to follow.
“Let me guess, green bow for a green car and that it’s too small for your dad to drive?”, Sam snickers while Danny smirks. Opening the garage door, “small? yes, green? no and even your parents would be impressed”.
His two friends stare at the impressive car, even Sam parents don’t have cars this expensive looking. Meanwhile, Hobson brings Danny a cupcakes and horseradish smoothie along with the gummy bear seaweed one. “Dude, Your parents really did just buy you a butler huh?”, Danny nods at Tucker as he pulls out his keys. Sam is standing behind the drivers door as Danny snickers at her, which earns a confused look from her. Then the doors open backwards and force her to stumble back. “What in the? Where did he even find a car that opens like that?”, Danny just shrugs at Sam’s confusion. Opening up the side door he lets both them climb in and flings the manual at Tucker. Sam, noticing the seats, “very cybergoth”.
Tucker is practically feeling up the electronic dashboard and with neon green holograms on it. Noticing that Danny points out, “apparently there’s also a pop out hologram so that, according to Vlad, I can drive it alone without getting into trouble for not having a license yet”. Tucker immediately jumps out of the shotgun seat as he pushes a green button with a M on it. A Maddie hologram pops out into shot gun and waves at the driver's seat.
All three jump, “fuck that’s creepy, should have guessed though”. Sam and Tucker both nod at Danny as Tucker passes his hand through it. “It’s impressively real looking though. You actually might not get ticketed with this”, Tucker grins evilly. The two get out and let Danny in, they head outside to wait for him to pull out. Both of them accept, to Hobson’s pleasure, normal strawberry milkshakes from Hobson.
Danny pulls out of the garage pretty smoothly for a beginner, though all three have driven illegally in Sam’s pink hearse many times. Not to mention Danny has driven all sorts of crazy things. Danny drives the thing backwards and spins it around sharply to drift in right next to the hearse, the car shakes from the sudden stop as Danny shows a cocky grin. Which both Jazz and Jack can clearly see from the window. While Jazz shakes her head, Jack beams with pride, “look at him go, already defying the rules of the road. Just like his old man”. Jack wipes away a small tear from his eye.  
Tucker laughs wildly as Sam glares, “what you watch Fast and Furious again?”. Danny wiggles his eyebrows, “not yet but I am looking for ideas”. Opening up the side door and bending the seat forward. “Now are you two getting in or what. I already gave my mom whiplash, it’s your turn”, Danny turns his head to Tucker. “I wasn’t kidding about 0-100 in around 2 seconds”, Danny smirks as Sam goes wide-eyed as she climbs in the, very small, back.
“Danny, there is no way you’ll fit back here. Hell, I don’t even think there’s supposed to be a back here”, Sam mutters as her head touches the roof. Danny laughs, “it’s mine why would I be in the back? I’m just impressed the front seats are low enough for me to fit anyways”. The still a short shit Tucker glares, “damn you and your growth spurt”. Sam rolls her eyes, “it’s more than that Tuck. Unlike someone, Danny actually gets a freakish amount of exercise”. Tucker waves her off as Danny smirks slamming the pedal down without warning, just as they buckle in.
“HOLY SHIT! DON’T KILL US!”, Tucker screams as they hit 140 km/h in 4 seconds. Danny slows down smirking as he notices a very startled cop who doesn’t even make an attempt to go after them. Laughing his ass off now with pure adrenaline, as another cop pulls up next to them at a red light and stares. Danny rolls the window down so the cop can both see and speak to him, all the while wearing a crazed grin.
“You’re a Fenton kid aren’t you?”
“Yes sir and it’s my birthday”, Danny laughs loudly. As the cop just tips his hat and drives away once the light turns green. Though Danny can hear him mutter, “fuck that, so long as they don’t kill anyone it’s not my problem”.
“Wow dude how did you not get pulled over for that? That was like at least double the speed limit”, Tucker shakes his head in amazement, vibrating a little from the adrenaline. Danny smirks as both he and Sam say, “Fenton’s don’t get pulled over”.
Danny drives around for a while, randomly speeding up just for shits and giggles. Eventually, he gets where he’s going and they’re on a long deserted stretch of round. “Oh fuck yeah”, comes out of Tucker’s mouth as he grins like an idiot. Both he and Sam hold on as Danny guns it. “Fuckin Christ yeah! That book was not lying about top speed! Fourteen freaking seconds!”, Danny laughs like a loon as he proceeds to do sharp turns and donuts as fast as he can, in an abandoned parking lot.
Meanwhile, Vlad is watching through a camera; that he knows they’ll find and take out sooner rather than later. “Maybe this wasn’t the greatest idea, since when did he even know how to really drive? And is his self-preservation really this destroyed? The world isn’t a racing movie, boy!”, Vlad shakes his head as Danny quickly snaps the car into the opposite direction. Sending Sam and Tucker slamming into their prospective doors and lifting the tires up a bit. Danny, laughing and grinning all the while.
Back with the trio, Danny is driving home as all three laugh filled with adrenaline. “Imagine if I could fly this fast! I know I’m up to 280 now but still! And the g force!”. Tucker excitedly whacks him on the arm repeatedly, “you can barely even feel that when you fly! Holy shit dude!”.
“I know! Flying is lazy and light, this is like flinging my self at a bunch of walls and liking the impact!”, Danny giddily says as the three get out of the now parked car. Sam smacks him on the shoulder as she’s still catching her breath, “you are so taking this to school”. Danny finger guns at her, “don’t you know it! I’ll get there early and let everyone wonder who’s car it is till the end of the day!”. Tucker flops on the ground once in the house.
“Dude, that is going to be great! And who are we kidding? You are a menace!”, Tucker laughs from the ground. “A menace with a really nice car”, Danny points to him as he flops the manual on Tucker’s stomach. “You’re the techno-geek, have fun.”, Tucker would glare but he’s too interested.
Just as Hobson is giving Danny a peanut butter and Laffy Taffy milkshake Tucker starts hitting him. “Dude! This thing is fucking bulletproof! Not only that but I can easily put a ghost shield in!”, Danny laughs. “That frootloop did everything didn’t he? For once I’m glad my arch enemy is filthy rich!”
Danny has exactly 3 more milkshakes before it’s time to go out to eat. “While you have a car now Danny, I think it would be best if we all went in the Fenton Assualt vehicle”, Maddie basically announces much to Jazz’s pleasure for once. She wasn’t quite sure just what her brother was like on the road without her yet and seeing the stunt he pulled earlier, she didn’t really want to. And to pretty much everyone’s surprise the trio actually agrees.
Once at the theatre Danny notices the cop from earlier, Danny smirks as the cop approaches. “It’s you again, I’d say I’m amazed you’re in one piece but I’m pretty sure you Fenton’s are indestructible”, Danny laughs since not only is it likely that he might just be indestructible but also because the cops shorter than him. Jazz glares and crosses her arms at Danny, as the officer leaves, “and what did you do?”. Tucker grins goofily answering for Danny, “drove fast enough to give the cops buddy whiplash”. Jazz glares even harder as Danny starts laughs even harder. “Jazz, that thing speeds up freakishly fast, takes just over 2 seconds to get up to a hundred. Vlad knew full well I’d end up speeding with it.”, Danny waves her off as they head into the movies. “Yeah well you still shouldn’t, hell you shouldn’t even be driving without an adult.”, at this Danny just shrugs. But then he leans and whispers to Jazz, “tell that to the Maddie hologram”. Jazz turns her head to him and makes a face that’s mutually horrified and disgusted.
After the movie and supper, they all head home, Sam and Tucker staying over for an all-nighter movie marathon. “So obviously we’re watching the fast and furious movies?”, Tucker unnecessarily asks. To which both his friends say “duh”. They manage to get through all the movies before it’s time for school. Danny was grinning wildly the whole time and it’s obvious he was taking notes. As they head out to their cars, Tucker opting to go with Danny while Sam takes her own car.
Inside Danny’s car, “so I think this thing is getting named The Phlying Phantom, with a Ph. Because I’m awful and own it”. Tucker laughs, “that is awful and the spelling seems like it would be awful too”. Danny one-handed finger guns at Tucker because he’s not quite crazy enough to drive with his knees, yet.
Unsurprisingly, they get there before Sam and break at least two laws. Danny’s also pretty sure he’s going to get very familiar with seeing startled and scowling cops. “You’d think for being a hero you’d have more respect for the law!”, Tucker chuckles as he gets out. The two just stand there and watch the doors close, still impressed by the weird ass doors. Tucker elbows him, “you should totally open the trunk”. Danny raises an eyebrow but indulges Tucker without asking. The two watch as the trunk splits in two and opens out and upwards in two separate parts like a pair of metal wings. Danny’s jaw drops as Tucker says, “wow that looks way cooler than the manual implied”. And that’s how Sam finds them, after parking next to Danny’s car;  she too turns to gape at the weirdest trunk doors ever. “Now that’s just being extra”, Sam shakes her head as Danny starts to smile. “That’s exactly why I’m putting my backpack in the trunk for my ride home, Tuck?”, Tuck just smirks and fist bumps Danny.
By the time lunch has rolled around half the school is talking about the crazy white and black sports car in the parking lot. Everyone has ruled out every rich kid they know of, mostly due to the colour alone. Well except one kid who knew who’s it was the second he heard the colour. “The sports cars your isn’t Phantom”, Wes practically growls at Danny; who smiles in return causing Wes to toss his hands up. “Of course it is! Are you just mocking me and everyone else?”, Danny shrugs before responding. “Actually, you can blame the mayor for this one”, Danny laughs as Wes practically slams his tray on the table and stomps off.
Tucker snickers, “he loves you, doesn’t he”. Both Sam and Danny laugh, “well how couldn’t he? After all he knows the fantastical and fabulous Phantom!” Danny sticks his finger in the air for added emphasis.
The group overhear Dash and Kwan before lunch finishes.
“Dude, I so want to know who’s got that awesome car!”
“I know, I would sell most of my organs for that.”
“Whoever they are, they’d for sure have to be a cool kid or an A-lister!”
“Well it’s obviously not one of us, but dude. Do you want to stick around to see that baby startup and actually drive?”
“Well duh, who wouldn’t?”
The two guys notice the trio, who are all snickering to themselves.
“Well I guess Fentit and the merry band of freaks wouldn’t!”, Dash shouts. Earning an eye roll from every member of the trio.
“Yeah, dude. What would they even know about a nice car?”, Kwan smirks as they head off. Dash tosses his leftovers at Danny for emphasis, but Danny bats it away with Wes’s tray.
As the three walk out to the parking lot no ones surprised, since not only is Sam’s laughably pink hearse there but they all assume the resident freak trio want to see who owns the car too. Danny notices someone leaning against the driver door before Sam and Tucker do. Quickly he realises it’s Dexter, a 19-year-old held back 12th grader. If he remembers correctly Dexter is or was the only student with a sports car. “Well I guess it’s not surprising to see you being so chill about touching a sports car”, Danny nonchalantly says as he twirls his keys; walking up to his car. “Care to get of my car door, buddy?”, Danny’s tone is slightly unpleasant as everyone in earshot gapes. Some people, who didn’t hear Danny, are pointing to the keys he’s swinging and whispering.
“Ah, so you’re the so-called cool kid with the new sports car?”, Dexter’s tone is mocking. Noticing this Danny pushes his keys to open the trunk, causing the right trunk door to open straight up blocking Dexter's view; as Danny and Tucker walk up and toss their bags in. Multiple gasps can be heard from the crowd as everyone clues in that the “cool guy” car belongs to one of the loser freak trio.
Dexter is actually pretty impressed, he hasn’t seen a car like this before and doesn’t know the make off the top of his head. Which makes him think that it must be a more expensive one. He only made a habit to learn the affordable ones; because what kid would have an expensive one? This kid apparently.
Getting off the door and sticking his head around the trunk door just as Danny signals for it to close and responds to Dexter’s question. “Yup, black and white is sorta my thing in case you can’t tell by my wardrobe”, Danny gestures to his white wife beater, black leather jacket and black military pants; the look finished off by white doc martins. Dexter smirks, “well I haven’t even seen a make like this, so how did you, of all people, get it?”. Danny chuckles and puts his hands in the air, “mayors gift, people seem to think I’m kidding when I say we’re well acquainted with each other. Close family friend and all. And if you must know it’s a W Motors Lykan Hypersport and it has a lot of emeralds and gold in it”. Tucker laughs as he leans over to Dexter, “simply put it’s a sports car on crack”. Danny nods as he laughs a bit, then noticing Dash coming up, he smirks.
“Why hello there Dash, come to ogle my car as well?”
“No way this is yours Fentoilet!”
“Oh I don’t know Dash, I’m pretty sure a fair amount of people saw the three of us flying around in it yesterday”, Danny jeers as Sam smirks as she leans against her own car.
Dexter, meanwhile, is both shocked and impressed, “this baby must cost quite the penny then and why don’t you prove it’s yours”. Dexter goes to stand up in front of Danny, as Dash just watches. Even Dash doesn’t mess with a 12th grader known for setting things on fire and breaking people’s noses. Danny however, doesn’t seem to care, “pretty sure I already did”. Dexter laughs cruelly and crosses his arms, “naw man, if you drove it here you can drive it out, can’t ya?”. Danny raises an eyebrow kind of confused, “um duh, that’s half the point of having one”. Dexter smirks, finding himself amused by this kid who’s clearly not as spineless as rumours suggest. “Oh and what would the other half of the point be? Care to enlighten us?”, a couple of people in the crowd snicker. While Dannys’ grin verges on manic, “to go fast, why else would you drive a sports car of any kind?”.
Dexter throws his head back and laughs, “you really don’t give a shit do you? Well if that’s the case, there’s an abandoned strip of road leading to a deserted mall and parking lot; know it?”. All of the trio can’t help but laugh, since they were just there yesterday. Danny sticks his hands in his pockets and grins wiley, “of course, left some burnt rubber there on more than one occasion”. At this point everyone at Casper high are starting to think Danny is a bit tougher than they thought. Dash’s jaw is completely dropped as he exclaims, “but you just turned 16? You can’t even have a drivers yet?”. A few heads around nod as Dexter raises an eyebrow. Sam laughs, “that doesn’t matter if you’re a Fenton, cops won’t touch them. Too many cops get hurt when they try!”
Danny snickers, “what can I say, my dad’s driving breaks a few laws of physics” ending with a shrug. Dexter squares the muscular Danny up again, “well then that settles it then, met me by the exit to the abandoned road in an hour”. Dexter then turns his head over his shoulder as he walks away, “Good luck”.
The trio all laugh as Danny opens the doors and half the crowd makes “oooo”’s and “ahhhh”’s at the weird backwards opening doors. Dash follows Danny around and watches him get in the car, “you’re nuts Fenton”. Danny starts up The Phlying Phantom as he laughs, “what’s new?”.
Sam hops in her hearse as Danny aggressively swings his car out of its spot and shoots out of the parking lot at a, slow for the car, 50 km/h. The whole crowd gaping as Sam smirks and drives off after them.
“I can’t fucking believe it? That loser not only has a car but a sports car?”
“I know, just doesn’t make sense”, is all Kwan can think to say.
Meanwhile Wes muttering, “of course Phantom is having a drag race, of course no one thinks anything of the colour choice, of course he has a sports car...”.
“Dude! That was awesome! You have a car for two days and you’re already putting it through the ringer!”, Tucker laughs his ass of from shotgun. Danny grins as he heads to fill up and then home for supper. Elbowing Tucker on the way, “Tuck, you are so going to have to put a bass booster in here”.
“Hey Jazz, gonna just grab some food and go”, Danny says as he shovels a few of the tater tots in his mouth and grabs a burger. Jazz sticks her head in the kitchen, “Danny you just got back? What are you up to?”. Danny makes a motion that looks like steering a steering wheel, “I guess I can’t blame you but you really should have an adult, an adult like me, with you”. Danny rolls his eyes and waves her off with his free hand. Jazz goes to step in front of him, prompting him to raise an eyebrow and quickly chew and swallow all the tater tots. Which if it wasn’t for body manipulation, would have been very painful; Jazz grimaces. “Jazz I'm fine, it’s not like I haven’t drive alone a bunch of times before”, Jazz sighs and shakes her head disappointedly. “Dont do anything stupid, little brother. But I’m coming with you unless you give me a damn good reason not to”, Danny groans and checks the time. Rubbing his neck, “you hate dad’s fast driving as it is, and well fast driving is what’s happening”. Jazz immediately clues in that Danny’s doing something both stupid and illegal, “Danny! Yes I’m coming with you. At least to watch and make sure you don’t fuck yourself up”. Danny deflates, “Fine, I guess, but you’re in the back and you’re not riding later. Gotta go now though”. Jazz raises a brow as Tucker lets her climb in the back.
“So clearly something specific is going on, so spill”, Danny groans. While Tucker turns around to answer, “there’s only one other kid, well he’s not a kid but still, at school with a sports car. So now there’s a drag race”.  “What! Danny! That is more than just stupid and illegal!”, Jazz shoves her head forwards as far as her seatbelt will allow. Danny just shrugs as he drives to the abandoned road.  
Dexter smirks as he sees Danny’s Lykan pulling up next to the sidewalk before the abandoned road, after looking up this car he knows he’d lose to anyone who was actually an experienced driver, but with this kid he’ll be able to brag about besting the car. Shrugging to himself, he’ll just leave out the age of the driver during his bragging.
Tucker opens the passenger door to let both himself and Jazz out, a mash-up of every Skrillex song at once can be heard as the two go and stand with Sam and a bunch of other people from Tucker’s grade.
“I can’t believe Danny actually has a car like that”, Star shakes her head at Tucker. The two had become somewhat friendly to each other ever since their dating stint. Tucker smirks, “you should see the hologram stuff it’s got inside and the seats are literally stitched with gold”. Star blinks a few times, “wait you mean he was serious when he said there was gold and emeralds in it?”. Tucker nods, “there’s something like 400 emeralds in the headlights alone. But that’s what you get for over 4 mil”. Kwan nearby starts cough and staggers up to Tucker, “what do you mean 4 mil? As in million?”. Tucker chuckles, “Yeah, exactly. It’s normally only 3 and half mil but Vladdie got it done custom”. Kwan just stares at him and shakes his head.
Danny pulls up next to Dexter as he cuts the music, “so quick question, you think you can take this easy because you think I’m inexperienced due to my age, right?”. Dexter blinks a couple times and frowns, “you’re only 16 and don’t even have a licence yet, what kind of driving experience could you possibly have”. Danny laughs, “I’ve driven or flown everything from assault vehicles to a jet”. Dexter looks at him mildly concerned as it approaches time to go.
Danny can’t help but laugh as the, ever so stereotypically scantily clad, lady who’s probably someone’s girlfriend; walks up and signals for them to go.
Danny doesn’t waste any time in straight up gunning it, being used to the fast and crazy life, his head doesn’t even snap back from the g force. He winds up around 380 in about 15 seconds. Laughing his head off as he cranks the wheel around one of the turns in the road. Looking to the mirror he sees how far back Dexter is, so he decides to fuck around and make Jazz regret coming. So he spins around harshly, flying his hair the totally wrong way, and starts driving backwards without even looking behind him. He waves back at the gaping Dexter as he just starts randomly driving his car all over the road, drifting sideways at points and eventually whipping around to face forwards again; grinning like a completely insane idiot. He whizzes into the parking lot and does a couple of random high-speed donuts before parking. Opening his door he goes and lays on the roof, waiting for Dexter to eventually get there.
Meanwhile, Vlad is staring in horror at the screen slowly starting to question the sanity of the young halfa, “What have I done?”. He’d watched as Daniel jerked the wheel around pulling donuts of increasingly tighter loops only to suddenly jerk and go the opposite direction. He could tell by the tilting of the screen that the wheels left the ground multiple times. Listening to the manic laughter of Daniel and seeing his massive grin, all the while. “I’m starting to think Daniel might just be right in the “halfas are either indestructible or immortal” theory. That, or my little badger has a death wish”, with that the older halfa rubs his trembles but doesn’t turn off the device.
Back with Sam, Tucker and Jazz. Sam and Tucker are both laughing their ass off while Jazz looks just as shocked as everyone else at just how fast Danny’s car is. “Holy...”, is all Dash’s two remaining brain cells can put together.
“I-I think that-that Danny might have a bit of a-a adrenaline addiction!”, Tucker wheezes out while Sam pats him on the shoulder humorously. Jazz decides that if they ever have to flee anything, Danny is driving.
Danny turns his head as Dexter pulls up next to his car, Dexter is shaking his head as he drives. “You are one crazy guy, but mad props for pulling that stunt and not destroying your car”, Dexter tosses a large wad of money at Danny who grabs it confused. Dexter laughs at this, “you won dude, even if you clearly did this for shits”. With that Dexter drives off, leaving Danny to fiddle with the money. “Well ok then, I feel like a tornado attempting to take a nap and now I have money in my winds”, Danny looks around and then phases inside his car. Unwrapping the wad he flings the cash all over his dashboard just to be dramatic, he starts The Phyling Phantom back up. Jerking the wheel harshly sending the car snapping around in a tight circle as he floors it back to his friends, cash flying around inside. He winds up flying past Dexter, again, who just blinks startled by the sudden wind as Danny is grinning widely with his chest pushed up against the wheel. Danny cranks his wheel and yanks the emergency brake to drift sideways and come to a stop about 2 feet from Sam and Tucker, who are the only ones who don’t jump out of the way of the oncoming car driven by a probably indestructible halfa. Opening the door Danny flops out laughing his ass off, with a 50$ stuck in his hair, “god this thing is bloody fun and yes Tuck, I’m totally down to see just how you can soup this up to even more insane levels”.  Tucker laughs, “Just don’t ask your dad! You’ll wind up with it covered in F’s and poor taste guns!”.
Sam and Tuck high-five the grounded Danny as Kwan looks inside the car and sees money all over the place. “I guess there’s no way you couldn’t have won but since when did you even know how to drive?”, Kwan asks what most of the crowd wants to know just as Dexter arrives back. No one even gives Dexter any mocking for losing because of the clearly over powered car his opponent was driving. Danny waves at him from the ground as he answers Kwan, “dude, you can’t be a Fenton and not know how to drive the assault vehicle. It might not speed up as fast but it can go way faster than the average car. It is meant to chase ghost after all”.
Danny’s righted himself by the time Dexter gets over to them, Dash joins them as well. “Well, man you’ve won your first race and own an insane car. Care if I look?”, at this point, Dexter likes this kid and fully intends to laugh at anyone who claims this kid is some weak loser. Dash’s face light up, hoping to get a look too.
Danny raises his eyebrow at the bully, “last I checked anything that was mine was instantly uncool. But then again it’s not like you were ever informed on many things”. Turning to Dexter, “go ahead dude, you probably know more about it than I do”. While Dexter jumps in, leaving the door open though. Dash pipes up, “Fenton, no one could taint a freaking sportscar, not even the biggest freak in the school”. Kwan taps his chin, “I’m amazed your parents didn’t get pissed at the Phantom paint job though, what with being hunter’s and all”. A couple of people nod in the crowd while Tucker groans, knowing full well what Danny named it. Danny chuckles, “they didn’t even mention it, not like I picked the colours anyways. It does fit me though and that’s also why I named it The Phlying Phantom”. Even Dash seems to be impressed by the name choice and many people laugh, while Jazz pinches her nose. Muttering, “you are just asking for trouble little brother”.
Dexter sticks his head out the door as Dash sticks his in but not touching a single thing, Dexter rolls his eyes at the blonde before shouting at Danny “dude, this thing’s custom isn’t it? There shouldn’t even be seats in the back and the window tint is complete black out from the outside with a green tint. Is that even legal?”. Danny laughs, “oh yeah it definitely isn’t, cops won’t do shit apparently though. Vladdie even put extra hologram stuff in and I think an under glow. Cost him an extra half mil, apparently”. Dexter shakes his head at Danny before walking back to his own car and slapping its roof, “Well see you at school you wild weirdo”.
Eventually, everyone starts taking their leave and Sam takes Tucker home. Jazz follows Danny into The Phlying Phantom, turns to him and practically shouts, “you insane idiot! I can’t believe you’d be so reckless and stupid!”. Danny just waves her off as he buckles up, “my very existence is reckless, your point?”. Danny laughs as Jazz pushes some cash out from under her before she buckles up herself, glaring at him the whole time.
On their drive home Danny’s ghost sense goes off, he smirks and jerks the car in that direction before Jazz can even say “no”. Funny enough it’s actually Johnny and Kitty, and Johnny’s has clearly souped up his bike again. Danny’s honestly impressed they’ve actually stopped at the red light, so much to his sisters complaining, he pulls up next to them. Johnny eyes Danny’s ride, not able to see who’s inside, and whistles. Even Kitty gives it an impressed smirk as Johnny says, “well guess I’m not the only person in this town with something that’s got some real speed and power?”. Johnny chuckles to himself deviously before asking, “care for a race?”. Jazz slams her head on the dashboard as Danny goes to roll down the window.
“What’s up Johnny? And I don’t see why not, I could do with winning two tonight”, Danny grins at Johnny’s shocked but then impressed face. Kitty however, looks really damn pleased, “well looks like we won’t be winning by ghostly cheating, Phantom. Hope you’re content to drive straight up some buildings”. To which Danny just laughs as the light turns green and he’s off to the races again.
Unsurprisingly they indeed wind up driving straight up and sideways on a few buildings, Jazz screams as Danny goes off a damn crane and floats the car down to the park. Johnny pulling up behind, “respect dude, it’s clear us ghostly folks have the monopoly on speed”. Danny laughs maniacally, “well I have a new appreciation for fast vehicles that’s for sure, and this thing has officially lived up to the name of Phyling Phantom!”. Kitty herself laughs at Danny’s on the nose naming before the couple wave off.
Danny spins the back of the car and peels it out of the park, going a little too fast on the road; getting himself promptly pulled over. Johnny and Kitty watch, smirking from a distance; they picked the most heavily patrolled area for this very reason. “Hey Jazz, climb into the back would you?”, Jazz glares at him but does so. Once she’s seated and buckled, “the fuck is wrong with you Danny and you know I can’t be your adult from the back”. Danny smirks as he pushes the big M button, “I want to see if this will really work”. Jazz doesn’t even have time to be confused as the Maddie hologram springs out and smiles at the drivers seat. “What the fuck Danny? Did Vlad put that in? Because that is either really sneaky and I’m not impressed or that’s really creepy and I’m not impressed”. Danny draws a V in the air just as the officer knocks on his window.
Rolling his window down, Danny smiles at the officer as “Maddie” waves, “what’s up sir? Just enjoying a night-time drive”. The cop moves his flashlight from Danny to the hologram that somehow actually reacts like a person to the light, and then to Jazz. “Fenton’s huh? Well I hope you were chasing something in that park and I hope you caught it, good night”, the cop spins on his heels and books it away from, what he believes is, one of the two highly destructive Fenton parents and their apparently equally reckless child. Johnny shakes his head as Kitty smiles, “got to hand it to the kid, he’s alway got something up his sleeve”.
As Danny puts the Maddie hologram away Jazz stares in shock, “Vlad has issues for one, for two he has given you too much power. Now let’s go home, at a reasonable speed”. Danny laughs, “death gave me too much power first!”
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