#he seems like he'd be chewy
lactoesfreee · 2 years
Craving yoongi for breakfast
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libraryofgage · 1 year
Decided to combine 4 and 12 of the prompt list! Something about these two prompts was giving me major Addams Family vibes, so I rolled with it lol
If there are any other prompts you want to see written, lemme know!
4. “You know I’d do anything to have you stay by my side, right? Anything.”  
12. “I’m going to have so much fun with you.”
Wherein the Munsons are branches on the Addams Family tree, and Steve finds himself the object of Eddie Munson's flirtations and devotion.
When the Munsons move in next door, Steve sits his brother down in the living room and says, "Don't bother them, Dustin. Wait, like, three days before asking for their life stories."
Dustin looks offended, to say the least. "I wasn't gonna ask for their life stories, Steve. I was gonna ask where they got all the bats and birds that hang out on their roof."
Honestly, Steve would love the answer to that, too, but that seems to be encroaching on the "life story" territory, considering the sheer number of flying creatures the Munsons brought with them. He'd been outside getting the mail when the Munson kids, a boy his own age and a girl Dustin's age, had opened a tiny cat carrier, and a veritable storm of black wings and feathers and screeching had somehow come streaming out of it.
The girl was watching them with a smile, and the boy turned around like he'd felt Steve staring. Their gazes met, and Steve's awkward wave was returned with the boy's eyes raking over him before winking with a grin.
"Look, ju-"
Steve's words are cut off by a banging on the door, the person knocking out a beat that he can't follow. He shoots Dustin a look to stay put before he opens the door to find the Munson boy on the other side. He's got that same playful grin and a plate of pitch-black...something in his hands.
"Uh, hi?"
Somehow, the boy's grin gets wider, and he shoves the plate into Steve's hands. "Heeeellooo, big boy," he says, his voice almost lowering into a purr that makes heat flood Steve's cheeks. "Wayne wanted me to drop off some of his famous arsenic and chocolate chip cookies. You know, since we're neighbors and all."
"Wayne? Arsenic?" Steve mumbles, looking down at the cookies warily.
"Our uncle," the boy says, leaning on the doorway and crossing his arms as he looks Steve up and down again. "Don't worry, it won't kill you. Yet. That's a friend of the family privilege, at least, and you just ain't there yet."
It must be a joke, and Steve lets out a strained laugh. He balances the plate in one hand and holds his other one out. "Right, well, uh, nice to meet you. I'm Steve. You'll probably meet my brother, Dustin, later."
The boy takes his hand, but instead of shaking it, he brings it up to his lips. Then he turns Steve's hand over, brushing his lips across the meat of his palm before nipping. Steve jerks, yanking his hand back and holding it close to his chest, his heart beating erratically as the boy says, "I'm Eddie, my sister's name is El, and I'm going to have so much fun with you, Stevie."
And with that, Eddie turns on his heel and saunters back to the Munson home, which had been painted pitch-black (just like the cookies) at some point. Steve doesn't move from the open door, feeling a faint tingling in his palm, until he hears Dustin shout that he's going to let all the cold air out.
The arsenic and chocolate chip cookies had not, in fact, killed either of them. And, despite their burnt-to-coal appearance, they were soft and chewy. It had immediately put the Munsons in Dustin's good graces, which he happily proclaimed while Steve's head and heart were still reeling from Eddie's introduction.
In the following weeks, Eddie kept popping up whenever Steve left the house. He never overstepped, though. He'd appear at a distance, wait for Steve to wave or say hi, and then approach with that big grin with canine teeth that looked a little sharper than they should. Sometimes he'd offer more baked goods from Wayne (always with some schtick to them: eye of newt brownies, hag's breath toffee, cyanide and cherry pie). On one notable occasion, he'd offered a baseball bat with nails stuck through the end.
"El let out a demodog the other day, so you probably ought to be careful. I'd hate for you to get hurt by something that wasn't me," Eddie had said as Steve confusedly took the bat.
He blinked when he had processed the words and looked up. "You would hurt me?" Steve asked.
Eddie had leaned close, his ringed fingers ghosting over Steve's side and inching closer to his waist, and whispered, "It wouldn't just hurt, Stevie." His words had sent a shiver down Steve's spine, his mouth suddenly dry as Eddie pulled away.
And their interactions had escalated from there. With every meeting, Eddie strayed closer, lingered longer, spoke softer, and Steve couldn't escape the growing devotion and fascination in his eyes. At some point, Steve knew, things were bound to boil over.
So, he definitely wasn't surprised when they did at the neighborhood's annual Fourth of July cookout. Eddie had waited until El and Dustin were distracted by their other friends, checked to make sure Wayne was sufficiently busy with helping at the grill, and then kidnapped Steve to a hidden corner of the Byers's yard.
Which brings Steve to the present, the Byers's house casting a long shadow over him and Eddie so nobody notices them. The sound of other kids screeching with delight and parents discussing summer camps fades when Eddie leans in closer.
"You know I'd do anything to have you stay by my side, right? Anything?" Eddie asks, tilting Steve's chin up as he crowds him against the wall.
Steve presses back against the cool brick, silently holding Eddie's gaze. There's a stark seriousness to his words, and Steve can't help his curiosity about just what anything encompasses. "Would you kill for me?" he asks, his voice soft.
Eddie practically lights up, a feral grin pulling at his lips. "Gladly, sweetheart," he purrs.
"Would you die for me?"
"I'd tear out my heart and present it on a fucking silver platter for you. In fact, I can do it right now, if you'd like." A knife appears in his hand from seemingly nowhere, and Eddie brings it to his own chest only for Steve to stop him by grabbing his wrist.
"Then, what about living for me?" Steve asks, carefully taking the knife from Eddie and smoothly returning it to the holder tucked into his jeans.
Eddie leans in until their noses brush, his hand cupping Steve's jaw. "I wouldn't even dream of dying without your permission, Stevie," he whispers.
And Steve would fucking love to meet the person who could withstand Eddie Munson's attention and flirting and gifts and care and sheer devotion without falling head-over-heels for him. Steve would want to put that person in a jar, study them, see if their indifference is something he could mass produce. He's sure Eddie would be thrilled to help him do it, too.
"I have one request," Steve whispers back, reaching up and pushing his hand into Eddie's hair, warmth rushing through him when Eddie leans into the touch.
"Anything. Say the word, and I wouldn't hesitate to crawl through hot coals and broken glass." Steve has zero doubts Eddie would; in fact, he knows Eddie would be ecstatic to do it, if only for the chance to make Steve smile.
"I want one of the bats. And Dustin wants a demodog, but you better make sure it doesn't hurt him, or I'll make you listen to bubblegum pop and watch a Disney marathon."
Steve can feel the shudder that goes through Eddie, his eyes revealing a mix of horror, pride, and love at Steve's words. "You, Stevie, have perfected the art of making threats. Consider your two requests granted and me sufficiently...threatened," Eddie breathes, somehow managing to press even closer.
And Steve can't make either of them wait a second longer. With a grin that can easily rival Eddie's, Steve kisses him and begins to think of names for his bat.
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fuckyeahisawthat · 2 months
The failmarriage hatesex fic is growing a second chapter which is very funny to me because Paul/Irulan was a ship I was actively not interested in. But apparently I just needed to unlock the Secret Good Ship Dynamic in my head that makes it compelling to me personally.
Calm, cool, collected ice queen Irulan, effortlessly manipulating things from behind the scenes? Boring to me apparently. Irulan who is frustrated, furious and scared, desperately trying to find a lever to exercise some control over her situation but extremely aware of the fact that she is trapped on the space cocaine death planet under the control of a man who has recently become the most powerful person in the universe and seems rather inclined to violence? Fucking catnip.
And then combine that with Paul being cold and kind of mean but never physically violent, which leaves the threat implicit, which is often scarier (and Paul is always most interesting when he's scary), and leaning into that ambiguity of never exactly knowing how self-aware he is about how much power he has over her.
And then the final element being that Chani is not there. Which seems counterintuitive because I am Chani's #1 defense lawyer. But the thing that I always found unappealing about Paul/Irulan was the idea of the blonde offworlder princess supplanting the indigenous woman canon love interest both in terms of narrative focus and as Paul's primary or ideal partner. And I could never quite make the threesome dynamic work in my head with the book characters because I could never figure out why Chani would ever like or trust Irulan, especially after the whole, y'know, feeding her birth control without her knowledge or consent FOR YEARS thing (which is horrifying enough on a person to person level, but add in the racial/colonial dimension to it and f u c k i n g y i k e s d u d e.)
But ironically once Chani removes herself from the situation--for completely justified reasons--her place in the narrative becomes irrefutable. Because Paul and Irulan both know that he wouldn't give her a second glance if Chani were still around; that he's only fucking her because she's there; that he is just using her as a stand-in for the person he'd rather be doing this with, and she's an inferior replacement as far as he's concerned. Chewy chewy chewy.
And the cherry on top is Irulan belatedly figuring out that she maybe possibly has a tiny bit of a humiliation kink, and the only person who's ever clocked it is Paul. RIP girl but he is gonna be SO fucking annoying about that.
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lizartgurl · 2 months
In Your Arms (Han Solo x Leia Organa)
Hanleia Week Day Two: Braids and Blood stripes. @hanleiacelebration
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Inspired by this piece by @lajulie24. Takes place after the escape from Jabba's palace.
He was breathing, but the air didn't quite reach his lungs. He thought he'd be able to see better now, but he couldn't. It was blurry, why was it still blurry? Dark blurs, light blurs, gray blurs, it all blurred together and it terrified him.
"Han," a firm voice, strong, unwavering.
He turned toward the sound that had broken through. And the darkness that had started to ebb at what was left at his vision gave way to white, like the angels of Iego. He'd heard the deep space pilots talk about them, a ragged beauty being all that was left of a once-divine species. He'd never give the stories much credit, but only one person he knew could ever echo such beauty.
"Leia-" He hated how his voice trembled, but his body reacted on its own, his arms shooting out to pull her close. She gasped at his reflex, but made no protest. Her arms gently wrapped around his head, bringing his ear against her chest.
"Just breathe, Han, just breathe," She whispered. His chest shuddered, like the bursting of a dam. Air flooded his lungs as Leia's warm arms enveloped him, her heartbeat teaching his how to work again. He felt her lips press against his forehead, her fingers carding through his hair.
"You don't have to," He said, suddenly embarrassed and acutely aware of how sweaty he was, and every grain of sand stuck in his hair. First the fever, and then the day spent beneath the twin suns, he'd wanted everyone else to clean up first, insisting he'd take care of himself once his sight returned, but that seemed less and less likely the longer they were in hyperspace.
"I assure you, I'm worse." She laughed softly.
That seemed impossible. Leia smelled great. Then again, his nose was still a little stuffy after being encased in carbonite for two years, but he knew that he could smell the caff on her breath. And not the cheap stuff the alliance stocked in bulk, but the nice stuff, the hazelnut roasted beans that he kept on the Falcon and claimed it was because he liked the stuff, and not because she once said the scent reminded her of her mother's office in the palace on Alderaan. There was also the lingering scent of motor oil, one he'd only briefly come to associate with His Princess in their brief escapade from Hoth, where she'd insisted on helping with the repairs, even though Han hated to let anyone else but Chewie get familiar with the Falcon's inner workings.
Han dug his fingers into the fabric at her back. Her white senate dress had a soft, almost-silky feel, like a cloud from a dream. Between the handfuls of fabric, he felt strands of hair, damp, wet, but soft all the same.
"You were braiding your hair," He murmured, even as exhaustion hit him like a light cruiser.
"Do you want to help me?" She asked.
He shook his head, "I still can't see."
One of her hands left his hair, bringing it to his and guiding his hands to close around a fistful of her locks.
"You've been sleeping too long," Leia said. Her thumb caressed the corner of his eye, taking with it a single tear. She sat in front of him on his bunk, Han could still feel the warmth of her body just in front of him.
If he squinted, he could make out the difference between the darkness of her hair and the white of her dress. He really liked this dress. It made her look regal, like the princess she was supposed to be, and he knew she was comfortable in it.
He followed the strands of hair up to where they met her head at the nape of her neck. He divided the fistful of hair into sections of three, and started braiding, hoping that he didn't get them tangled. He'd originally learned how to make a braid as a kid, it was better for making stronger rope and stuff, but he'd gotten his best practice in when he started hanging around the Rebellion, hanging around Leia.
The more he squinted, the more his eyes watered, almost like they were cleaning themselves. By the time he'd finished the one braid down her back, he was seeing just enough to know that the one he'd made was not as nearly as good as the other braid she'd done for herself.
But Leia didn't seem to mind, twisting both of them up over her head in a bun anyway. She smiled at him, "Thanks, hotshot," She murmured, pressing a kiss to his cheek.
Han placed his arm around her waist before she could leave, "Don't go," he begged, "Not just yet." His vision was getting better, but he didn't trust his eyes just yet. Some irrational fear scurried around the back of his mind, warning that if he took his eyes off his Princess, even for a moment, he would lose her again.
Leia paused, though she hadn't made any indication to move away from him. She dropped her hair, and raised her hand to his cheek. Han leaned against the touch. She was warm, safe, everything that Jabba's palace wasn't.
And she was here. She was safe. He hadn't managed to fail her yet.
"I won't," Leia promised, "I'm not going anywhere."
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Whipped - Luke Skywalker X GN Reader
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Title: Whipped
Luke Skywalker X GN Reader (Han X Leia included)
Additional Characters: Han, Leia, Chewie, R2D2, C3PO (Mentioned), Yoda (Mentioned), Rebel Alliance people (Mentioned), and TIE Fighters (Mentioned)
Requested by @micheleamidalajedi
WC: 2,325
Warnings: Luke is smitten, teasing, taunting, anxiety, nervousness, wingman Han, wingwoman Leia, baby angst, bets, joke fighitng mentioned, fighting mentioned, blasters mentioned, killing so of briefly mentioned, set sometime during The Empire Strikes Back, confession, friends to lovers, cute name-calling (on Leia's part), and fluff
Luke sighed, his hand resting on his chin as his half-lidded daydreaming eyes gazed at you from afar. You were brushing your hair, talking to Chewie and Leia about something, your occasional laugh echoing throughout the base. The sound of your voice was enough to make him smile in an idyllic way and he wished for nothing more than to hear that melodic voice forever. He didn't know if this was a crush or not but Luke couldn't help it; he had been smitten ever since your first encounter a while ago. He thought you were beautiful, the most beautiful person he'd ever encountered. He felt a pang of sadness whenever he thought about the fact that he couldn't have you all to himself, and so often he would find himself fantasizing about what could happen between the two of you. And every time, he would melt into a puddle of goo.
You had taken a liking to Luke, thinking he was quite adorable. It wasn't long before you found yourself gravitating towards him even though you couldn’t go a couple sentences before freezing up. You didn't think you'd be so shy, usually, you were good at conversation with others, but with Luke... You stumbled over your words. Every time you opened your mouth to speak to him, you found yourself unable to utter a single word. It was quite strange because he seemed so nice, kind, and funny. You didn't understand how anyone would be able to not resist such an angelic-looking face, yet here you were doing just that, falling hopelessly in love with him.
Leia saw right through you, she saw the way you looked at Luke, almost longingly. "What are you waiting for?" She teased when she noticed your fidgety state. "Go talk to him." She encouraged, trying to contain her own happiness over the fact that you had a crush on the young man. "He has been staring at you for days now." She pointed out. "If I didn't know any better, I'd say he liked you too."
"He doesn't." Your cheeks burned at the accusation. "He couldn't possibly." You muttered sadly, shaking your head. You had only known the boy for a few months, after all. You weren't sure he liked you back. But there was a small part of you, deep down, that hoped. Hoped that maybe, just maybe, he did. That hope was the only thing keeping you going as you continued to brush your hair and occasionally glance up to gaze dreamily at Luke. You loved this boy already. You were hopelessly in love with him and you wanted nothing more than to tell him.
Looking up, you watched as Luke's eyes widened before he quickly looked away, turning to face Han instead with his hidden blushing face, making you second-guess. You chuckled at the sight of him getting flustered either way, your heart swelling with joy. His attention warmed your heart more than you could ever express to anyone else. You smiled fondly before you returned to your brushing, before placing down your brush and turning back to Leia and Chewie. They gave you a knowing look, a silent message for you to just do it already. But you stayed sitting, your nerves getting the best of you.
Han smirked as he watched Luke look away from you with a blushing face after he got caught, his lips curling upwards, his eyes crinkling at the edges. "I think they like you, kid," Han spoke up, his tone amused. "They're just too shy to say anything."
The blush on Luke's face darkened at the statement. "Really? It doesn't seem like it." He muttered. "It seems like it's just..." He trailed off again, unsure what he wanted to say. "Like they don't really want me around them. Like I'm annoying them."
Han let out a bursting laugh, surprising Luke as he stared at Han with furrowed brows, "Luke, buddy, as I said... They are just shy. You need to make the first move if you truly care about them." He paused, "Besides, it isn't their fault you're too blind to see that they like you."
Luke pursed his lips, narrowing his eyes slightly, "How do you even know about all this? How can you be so sure?"
Han smirked lightly, shrugging as he stuffed his hands into his pants pockets, "Oh, you know... I know when someone likes me." He answered, his eye glancing over to Leia briefly. "It's a talent to know when there's romantic tension in the air."
Luke gave Han a look, "Uh-huh." He said slowly, eyeing him suspiciously, "And what makes you think there is romance?" He questioned, narrowing his eyes. "Maybe they think of me as a friend and are still just shy." He concluded.
"That." Han waved his pointer finger in the air, and Luke's eyes followed confused, "Do you see it?"
"See what?"
Han sighed, "The love in the air."
Luke groaned and got up, rolling his eyes, "I'm done with you..."
"Hey! Luke! Don't run from love!" Han called out to Luke as he quickly walked away, embarrassed.
You, Chewie, and Leia walked over to Han, confused. "What's up with Luke?" You asked as Leia and Han gave each other a brief glance before both shrugging.
"It's probably nothing," Han replied. "He's being dramatic again."
"You should go check on him," Leia suggested to you. "You always know how to cheer everyone up."
You bit your lip, "Okay..." You mumbled before walking away in search of Luke, gaining the confidence you needed. 
"Who do you think will confess first?" Han asked, crossing his arms, watching as you left the room. "My credits are on Y/N."
Leia mimicked Han's stance, crossing his own arms, "Sppf, oh no, my credits are on Luke."
Han smirked, glancing down at Leia, "Well, if I win, I get to have a drink with you."
Leia rolled her eyes, "And if I win, Chewie and I will braid your hair."
Han furrowed his eyebrows, "My hair's too short to braid, princess."
"That's what you think," Leia smirked.
You wandered over to find Luke in the cockpit, he was sitting in the corner of the room, on the corner booth; just staring off into the distance as the ship hummed deeply. "Are you okay?" You asked as you sat next to him, causing him to jump in surprise. "Sorry," you apologized with a chuckle, "I didn't mean to scare you."
Luke shook his head, smiling softly at you, "No, it's alright." He responded. "Is everything alright?" He inquired.
You gave him a small smile, "You didn't answer my question first." Your voice grew serious, "Are you alright?" Your tone was soft and you stared up at Luke with concern, swallowing hard as you pushed your nerve down.
Luke took a moment to respond, before pursing his lips and nodding, "Yeah, I'm okay." He then turned to you, "What about you? Are you okay?"
You nodded your head as you averted your gaze from his, "Yeah, I'm fine. Everything is alright."
"Good..." Luke hesitated before continuing, "So, what were you, Chewie, and Leia talking about?"
You shrugged, "Nothing much, just asking Chewie about Kashyyyk." You muttered before taking a glance at the young man before you, "What about you and Han? What were you two talking about?"
Luke quickly glanced away from you, rubbing the back of his neck as he let out an awkward laugh, "Nothing special. Just Han messing around with me."
"Do you want me to talk to Leia about him? You know she'd kick his butt if anyone asked." You offered and Luke chuckled lightly.
"Could you? That'd be great." He joked as the two of you laughed together for a moment, before falling into a nerve-racking silence. 
You glanced nervously at Luke, as he gazed at you. "Why are you looking at me like that?"
"You're awfully quiet today." He commented as you tilted your head to the side. 
You frowned, "Am I?" 
He nodded his head, "Yeah, but I... I mean you're quiet most of the day... But, are you really okay?" Luke asked worriedly, and you let out a little giggle.
"Yeah, I am okay, Luke. Don't worry." You sighed, your hands fiddling in your lap, "You worry too much."
"I'm not that bad." He pouted.
"You're worse than me," You corrected as you playfully nudged him in the arm. "But I'm okay, really. I'm sorry that I've been acting weird lately."
Luke shook his head, noticing your fidgeting hands and taking one of your hands in his. "No, no, I get it. You don't have to apologize." Your fingers tightened around Luke's hand in response. "You know... I... I really admire you. I admire you so much, Y/N. You're strong, smart, beautiful... A wonderful person." You looked away from him, feeling your cheeks flush. 
"Thank you, Luke. That means a lot. And... You're all those things and more too." You bit your lip nervously, looking back up at him, "I admire you too. So much."
"Y/N, listen-" He began, but something hit the ship, cutting him off.
Han ran into the cockpit with Chewie, landing in their seat to get out of autopilot before flying around; trying not to get hit by any more blasts.
"Kid, I need you at the blaster!" Luke stood quickly and ran to the blaster, leaving you at the booth.
"Can you get away from them?" Leia asked, stumbling over to hold tight to Han's seat.
"You know I can, your Highness, would you kindly sit down?" Han asked through gritted teeth as he turned the wheel, maneuvering past another blast.
"How long until we get to Hoth?" You asked, and Chewie belted, and you sighed. It was going to be a long and bumpy ride.
It had taken a while, but Luke was able to shoot the TIE Fighters, and soon after that, you went into hyperspace; entering Hoth's atmosphere. Time was moving so fast, it felt like right as you landed Luke was going off to find some Jedi Master. You hardly had any time to really spend time with him. He could hardly talk to you, having to get ready to go along with going to mission debriefs. You spent most of your time on the sidelines, watching Luke rushing around, and Chewie working on the Falcon as Han did... Whatever he was doing, as Leia spoke with other Rebel leaders, and R2 and 3PO bickering in the corner.
As Luke rushed by, wearing his orange suit, carrying his helmet in his arms, you rushed over. The large metal claw grabbed R2 and placed him in the back seat of the X-Wing, R2 whistling and beeping in annoyance. Leia and Han peeked out behind a hall, watching as you said your goodbyes to Luke before he flew off to Dagobah. They watched as Luke pulled you into a long hug, holding onto you for just a little bit longer than necessary; you even seemed like you never wanted to let go. And you didn't.
"Do you have to go?" You asked softly, digging your face into Luke's neck as he held his arms tightly around your waist.
"Yeah," He muttered, "I do."
"Can't I come with you?" You asked, practically begging as Luke chuckled gently, pulling back. 
"My ship won't have enough room. It'll only hold R2 and I." He spoke, and you glanced up at R2D2 as he whistled, making you sigh. 
You pouted lightly as you stared into his deep blue eyes, "You'll be safe, won't you?"
"Of course, I will." He smiled softly down at you, reaching forward with one hand and stroking through your hair soothingly, "Besides, I'll get to see you again soon, okay?" You nodded slowly, before stepping back to give him space. 
Luke bit his lip briefly, as he stared at you, before turning around to head up to the ladder. Pausing halfway, Luke quickly turned around and rushed over, taking you into his arms, and kissing you deeply. Surprised, you slowly melted into the kiss, wrapping your arms around his neck as he pressed his body against yours, kissing you hard and passionately. His arms wrapped around your waist, pulling you closer to him, and lifting you slightly off the ground. Pulling away, he buried his head into your neck, gripping you as he breathed heavily.
When he pulled back, you smiled softly at him before pecking his lips once more. "Be careful." You whispered, resting your forehead against his.
He nodded his head, "I will." He promised, pressing one last kiss to your lips before pulling away from you completely and climbing up the ladder. Luke glanced at you once more before slipping on his helmet and closing the X-Wing hatch closed. You sighed, walking backward slowly, giving room for the Wing to lift off. Han and Leia stood beside you, the three of you waving as Luke flew off. You let out a sigh, and Leia rubbed your shoulder.
"He'll be fine." She assured you.
You nodded your head, letting out a sigh, "I hope so..." You trailed off. "I know so."
Leia squeezed your shoulders comfortingly before she turned to Han, "I win, fuzzball."
Han's jaw dropped in offense, "Fuzzball!? Who are you callin' Fuzzball!?" He asked indignantly as the two of them walked off, leaving you to stand alone in the center of the hangar.
You let out a chuckle before running your fingers through your hair, sighing contently, staring off into the distance as you thought about Luke. Your mind drifted back to when he kissed you, how his hands felt so soft against your skin, how his lips felt so warm against yours, how perfect his kiss tasted, how amazing he felt against you; everything. He made you feel like nothing else mattered in the entire universe, and you loved every minute of it.
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luveline · 2 years
hi hi jade! happy valentines! could u do “please don’t ever become a stranger” with sirius or steve? ty!!!!
luveline's valentine's mini party ♥︎
thanks so much! I messed with the dialogue a bit so it sounded more modern <3 fem!reader
"You're my favourite person," you say softly.
Sirius, hand in your hand, tugging you along through the shopping centre with his eyes on the windows you pass, turns to you with a confused smile.
"What'd you say?" he asks. He gives your fingers a squeeze.
"I said, you're my favourite person. Out of everybody I've ever met, everyone I know." You step as close to him as you can without knocking him over.
"Is that right?" His tone is teasing, his smile anything but. He looks so happy. "You're my favourite person, too."
"I was just thinking, you know? Out of everyone, and anywhere, I just wanna be with you. I don't care where we are."
You and Sirius walk until you reach the middle of the shopping centre, where a small boba/bakery is open planned. The air smells like cinnamon sugar and lime juice mixed together.
You sit down together on a bench and he's quick to accost you for some much too public affection, swinging his arm around your shoulder to hug you, his lips pressed soft to your cheek.
"Fuck, I love you," he mumbles. He breathes you in.
You push him away. Not because you don't want him close, but for the sake of the people around you. If you weren't in public right now you'd kiss him breathless. He's your baby, he's so pretty, and you love how he goes in for a hug before a kiss, every time.
"I love you too," you say.
Sirius beams. He leaves to grab drinks and warm treats, a basket of donuts and pretzels covered in warm brown sugar. The donuts are the real kind, a little chewy, and they're the best thing you've ever tasted. Your fingers dance around each other inside the basket, and Sirius lets you have the last pretzel, and it's so peaceful you could cry.
"Please don't–" You look up at him, stare him straight in the eyes. "I don't ever want you to be a stranger to me."
Sirius wipes his hands in a napkin. "That's not happening."
"No, but, if this doesn't work out. If we don't work out. I think that would be worse than losing you, knowing you're out there and we don't recognise each other anymore."
"Darling, this is very serious talk to be having over donuts." Sirius puts his hand behind your neck. "What's making you think about all this, hm? Things are perfect, aren't they?"
Despite how closed the question might seem, you know he wouldn't mind if you said, no, things aren't perfect. Well, he'd more than mind, he'd work until you fixed it. Reason a thousand why you love him.
"Things are perfect."
He beams. Pretty-mouth, high cheeks, a feminine look about his eyes that drives you mad, all those lovely long lashes, so thick and dark.
"We won't ever be strangers," he promises, scratching the nape of your neck lightly. "Now finish your pretzel. We still haven't been in the Yankee Candle shop, have we? You're gonna need two free hands."
"You're gonna need two free hands."
"That's my girl."
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piglet26 · 9 months
Reylo Scenes: TROS Part 2
After a failed attempt at killing Rey and Rey slashing Ren's fighter. He's relieved he didn't kill her. She's relieved she didn't kill him. He emerges looking fucking glorious while Rey tried to stop a ship from flying off cause she thinks Chewie is on board. What the hell are they doing putting a mask on him at this point?!
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In the novel from Kylo's perspective, "But his impulse to kill Key had almost ruined everything he had been planning..... but his deepest desire, the thing he wanted most (Rey) would require planning and patience."
"It didn't matter what or who was inside that transport that made desperate to prevent it's escape, he was not going to let her have it. He reached out, felt the massive machinery in his mind, yanked it towards himself."
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What's interesting in this scene is Kylo Ren is pushing her and Rey ultimately pulls from anger to best him and keep chewing. That's what always been interesting about Rey is she's the Jedi, but often times she fights with anger, fear and aggression. In the novelization it's revealed that over the course of that year she's been hearing voices. It looks pretty and it's a good shot, but I kept thinking didn't we already see this? Force wise... they're pretty even. While it doesn't hit as hard as the tug-o-war in the TLJ it does serve a purpose. Rey is a Palpatine after all.
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In the movie, as per usual, this next bit doesn't make any sense. Ren seems stunned and just let's Rey, Finn and Poe run off. In the novel it makes more sense.
"Kylo Ren watched the freighter rise into the sky, Rey inside it. She had beaten him again (she thought she killed her friend not really a win but you're emo) and yet, he was filled with triumph. He'd been right to push her. She had just demonstrated unbelievable, mind blowing power. Dark power. Sith Power. The scavenger was almost ready to turn. And when she did, they would both kill their light, embrace their darkness, then the star destroyer fleet and the Sith throne would be theirs."
Kylo Ren is a Reylo and is trying to make power couple goals happen and we have to appreciate that.
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This is concept art from "The Rise of Skywalker" notice how their costumes mirror each other.
The chemistry between Rey and Kylo is electric whenever they share the same space, so much so that sometimes it feels like we, the audience, are intruding on a private moment between the two.
On board Ochi's ship Rey confesses she has sex dreams about Kylo Ren. Let's be honest they both do and she confesses she's had visions of her and Kylo Ren on top the Sith throne.
Next scene is them in Kijimi. Ren is looking for his future Queen who is trying to find the sithway finder or whatever. Arriving in his pretty cool ship.
In the novel per Zorii, "As the black clad man approached the squads officer snap to attention, "Supreme leader".... the man standing below with his gang od butchers was Kylo Ren himself.....The supreme leader said his voice was tight and calm, but Zorii got the feeling he was barely containing his rage. He looked around almost as if he were sniffing the air. "We have a perimeter around the city." The lieutenant began, but Kylo Ren cut him off, "We're too late, the scavenger is gone." Zorri goes onto describe Kylo Ren having a moment whipping his lightsaber out and going beast mode.
In the movie through the force it's implied that that's how Rey knows Chewie is onboard Ren's destroyer, but in the novel it's different. He interrogated Chewie forcefully (wink wink ha ha ha) to get information on Rey. Rey was able to link mind with Kylo Ren and that's how she knew Chewie was onboard. They should've shown them linking minds more.
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Then Rey was in his room, or excuse me, private quarters. Anyone else surprised his room was so white and pretty, if no impersonal. Where's his bed? I saw it in the first movie I think.
"Rey. Wherever you are, you are hard to find."
I'm wondering if at this point that can connect to one another more voluntarily. Rey is always swinging first. Like always. This scene can only really be described as exposition scenes, but there is a nice aspect to it. It's nice to see what they see from one another's viewpoint when they force bond. They just see each other. The dyad is increasing in power, not only can they now touch through the force, they can fight and their spaces even blend. They were together and yet separate. Kylo Ren also seems to be very excited his girl is in quarters and wants to lock down that ship.
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In their next scene, again, Kylo tells her the plot of The Rise of Skywalker while wearing that damn mask. I have questions when did Kylo Ren find out they were a dyad?! Why were denied this scene? Obviously they instinctually know they are connected, they just never knew the word to put to it, but were is the exact scene? The thing about Kylo Ren is he uses information to twist it like a knife. He's going to use the truth that they are Dyad, that she is a Palpatine and ultimately the attraction she feels for him to seduce her to the dark side. From Rey's perspective, "He extended his black gloved hand to her, she looked at it, remembered. The last time he extended a hand had been in the wreckage of Snoke's throne room. Their combined power had defeated him. It was true. That together they could do such incredible things. Suddenly, she sensed a weight at her back and along with it... Finn. His presence a bright beacon of light piercing the dark." Ren pulling some MJ Smooth Criminal moves there.
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After Rey flees with her crew, in the novel it's gives Kylo Ren's reaction. Her surveys the damage left from The Falcon's engine wash. "Kylo considered it a small price to pay to encounter Rey again. To provoke her into a rage. To say the word Dyad and watch the truth of it wash over her lovely face......he hardly paid attention, he kept seeing her face. The way her lips had parted with surprise. The way her body had canted (leaned) toward him. If the Millennial falcon hadn't appeared she might have come to him. Taken his hand. Kylo really hated that ship.... he'd been so very close, but now she knew the truth. She would accept it."
Yeah, they're horny. It's the first time Kylo described her in such detail and really let us as the reader or audience know..... he wants power, but he wants Rey more. If Ren had the world in his hand it wouldn't mean as much without Rey. This is the first scene in the movie where Rey acknowledges how much she wants to be with him. Interesting, Finn again is really her solid base on the good side of the force.
Side note: Dark Rey is hot.
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The lightsaber fight onboard the death star wreckage. I've heard criticism that this fight while beautiful is pointless. I disagree. It's actually a scene that pushes them forward. Rey said, "give it to me" and Ren giving this shudder like he just came in his pants. hmmhmm! Ren likes feral, passionate Rey. He's pushing her and pushing her when she's already at the edge. Interesting enough, Ben can take whatever Rey has to give. All the anger and the fury she's had to hide from everyone else she can express to him. The fight is really about their likeness and yet difference, their passion, how Rey has grown in her lightsaber fighting and fixing the end of The Force Awakens. Ren is fighting at full force capacity, he's not injured and he's not emotional.
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The way he is in love
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“He sent the thought directly into her mind: I know you. No one does, she shot back. But I do.” WHY WASN'T THIS IN THE MOVIE?!
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They fight until Rey is exhausted and when it looks like Kylo Ren might strike the killing blow, Leia reaches out through the force before she passes. In a fit of rage Rey stabs Kylo Ren, but snaps out of it when she feels Leia's passing. She begins to heal the wound she created.
How did she heal? Oh, you know those books she had in the beginning of the movie? Those book were the sacred Jedi text from Acht-to. She smuggled them onboard the falcon. So they never were actually set fire. Turns out Yoda that they actually were useful.
Rey showing him compassion, healing him, believing in him almost doggedly is so empowering for Ben Solo to return. His parents might be gone, but he still has someone to return home to. This movie has flawed writing but sometimes almost accidentally that land on something that works. The line where she admits she wanted to take his hand is a great line. It's declaration of love for Ben, not a rejection of Kylo Ren. It's her saying, "I didn't reject you. I wanted the best version of you"
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After the unconditional love offered by both parents and the selfless, sacrificial love offered by Rey...... Kylo Ren becomes Ben Solo again. We just don't see him for the next 20 minutes as Rey processes her identity crisis and then goes off to fight to Palpatine..... without a plan.
There's also something purely adolescent about Reylo. Even in TLJ, these two throw themselves into one another. Like Rey having a vision of their future together so she goes alone to an enemy ship based purely on belief in him. Now we have Ben Solo, in a moment of pure adolescent "I gotta get to my girl" just needs to be with her on exegol as she faces down Palpatine.
From Adam Driver, "and the thing that we started with for "Who is Ben, then? There's no ambiguity about what it is that he has to do. There's no more seesaw that's happening. For the first time, someone who has never had the answer now finally knows his purpose or destiny. But I don't know that he entirely is sure of what's going to happen from there, nor do I think he cares. I think it's so long as he is with her, he's on the right path. " Adam driver is a Reylo.
Ben solo is back and he's glorious. He's likeable, charismatic, he's funny and he shoots backwards like his dad. People appreciated Adam Driver in an all new way with these scenes. He doesn't say a word except "oh, but you know he's shifted from Kylo Ren to Ben Solo. His physical acting is so strong. The subtlety showed his talented and not many actors can say that.
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It such a beautiful moment when finally Ben Solo and Rey connect instead. In the novel and in the film especially so because she reaches for her connection to Ben right before she's going to kill Palpatine.
He acknowledged her and Rey’s lips parted in surprise. The connection was… right. Good. Like coming home. They wasted a precious moment reveling in this new sharing. This is how it should have been all along. A true dyad.
Rey lowered the lightsaber behind her back, as if readying for a massive blow. She reached for the Force. The effort made tears sting in her eyes. [...] She raised her hand ... which was now empty. She had projected her weapon away. [...] The moment Ben felt the grip of Luke’s lightsaber in his palm, he knew it belonged to him, an extension of his very own self. He raised it slowly, relishing the feel of it. ”
It's a beautiful moment where Rey and now Ben Solo have a redo of The Last Jedi. Rey looks at Ben with such love, joy and relief. Ben looks at Rey with such confidence, determination and love. It's the "Are you with me? "Yes, I'm with" Now with them both in blue light.
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Finally Ben Solo and Rey are united. These soulmates separate by so much over the course of two movies are finally as they were suppose to be. Palpatine and Skywalker standing together. What it should have been is act of love, redemption and hope defeating evil. It should have been Ben Solo confronting his demons with the woman he loves and fought to be with. It should have been is Rey belonging; a redeemed Ben was supposed to become her new home and/ fulfill her need for a family. It should have been a power couple fighting evil with the Force.
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But no. Somehow the two of them coming together empowered the devil. Their power like a source of life itself. Then Ben Solo is chucked off a cliff after draining their energy. Why? Ben Solo should have faced his grandfather's and father's enemy, or his clone. Palpatine confirms all the voices he's been hearing in his head has been Palpatine. He literally made irrelevant to something he is very relevant to.
They fail together, but she succeeds alone after the spirits of the Jedi aiding her?! I hate all this. Then she dies after her energy being drained, or she clutches the lightsaber too hard, I'm not sure it's not described. It's annoying. Ben drags himself up broken ribs and all to get to Rey. He crawls to her when he realizes she's passed. It's a horrible moment where you feel how alone Ben feels.
"He could see her now, collapsed on the floor, and the pain in his chest was suddenly so much worse than that of a couple broken ribs."
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Ben initially mourns her until he realizes there might be a chance to save. He heals her like she healed him. Oh also none of the films go into the fact that because of their bond they were able to learn the force, including fighting moves, from one another. "Ben poured everything into her. He found reservoirs he didn’t even know he had. He gave her his whole self"
Then Rey finally takes his hand! She's back! Ben is so relieve that she's there. In the novel, "She was glad to see him. Glad to be with him in this moment. It was the greatest gift she could have given him. His heart was full as Rey reached for his face, let her fingers linger against his cheek. And then, wonder of wonders, she leaned forward and kissed him."
Reylos! We finally get our kiss, they smile at one another, look they're so happy! Probably the happiest they've ever been. A celebration!
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Anddddddd he's gone. Seriously. Rey mourns him in the novel like we never see her do in the film. "The girl who had felt alone for all those years on Jakku had been part of a dyad the whole time. And just when she'd discovered that precious connection, that incredible oneness, it was ripped away. A voice came to her through the Force, clear and strong. I will always be with you, Ben said."
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It's tragic because there's so much to Ben Solo we just don't see as an audience after 3 films!!!!!! He doesn't have any lines.
This movie was edited until literally the week before the films release. The recall of the artbook, the last-minute editing, Adam Driver recording new dialogue in his closet..... I'm wondering if the original idea for TROS Reylo was, well, this. We know from the editor, they didn't know for sure if they wanted them to kiss until post-production. Much of the movie wasn't decided until post-production.
And then we get to the ending. Rey Skywalker. How are you not Rey Solo after the man you felt kinship with and the man you were in love with?! Like da fuq?!
Moving forward to this Rey 2025 movie. I'd like it to do well. I hope it does well. It probably won't unless Ben Solo returns. Reylo might be controversial (whatever) but it's currently one of the biggest draws this franchise has. Kylo Ren/Ben Solo is the most popular character out of the sequel trilogy. We deserve it and I'd pay to see it.
sigh the ending we should have gotten
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This post took me like 4 days
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scenetocause · 3 months
lil headcanon of girloscar for silverstone '24 weekend plz if u would be open to it??
i'm actually writing a chewy girloscar first win/austria/logan's 2024 thing that's all got a bit in depth and will probably end at silverstone but here's a little fluffy bit of side scene
It's wet and - Lando doesn't like it, obviously but - Oscar gets a unique level of miserable in the rain. She can't wear shorts or she'll get wet legs, which always pisses her off and then apparently her jeans rub her between her thighs when they're wet and the team shoes aren't waterproof and even though this year Lando actually made her request one of the proper team coats she really resents wearing it.
Especially at Silverstone, which he hadn't realised sort of makes Oscar grumpy as a place. He'd quite enjoyed Melbourne, with all of Oscar's people around them but the scale is pretty different here. It's not just Lando's family and a few early-years sponsors or something, it's the entire UK (or something) showing up and Sky breathlessly hyping that he's going to win and then some sort of patriotic collective orgasm will happen.
He forgot to vote in the election, too, which feels like it should be understandable given they were doing twenty interviews that day but Oscar had a go at him about it in some sort of stressed way and he's just not really sure what's up with her this week.
They're sharing a driver room because of the motorhome thing, which he'd thought would be nice but seems to be exacerbating whatever Oscar's beef is. Normally they hang out with each other in one of them anyway, hiding together from media and VIP commitments and getting each other off when they're not meant to be.
Instead, Oscar is glaring at something on an iPad - probably Lando's tyre data - and jiggling her slightly-damp leg like it will help the denim dry faster. It's setting his teeth on edge.
Her digging through his data is nothing new and he doesn't mind, that's sort of the point. He's had a cheeky look through some of Jenson's and Lewis' from 2008, it can't hurt. But this feels less like something she's doing to gain something and more like distraction or even self-flagellation.
Well, he's been told he's very distracting. "Hey."
Him grabbing her ankle makes her look up, at least. Sometimes it's best to be blunt. "What's up with you?"
She sighs, makes a sort of grumbling noise and pushes the heels of her palms into her eyes, huffing. "Nothing - it's stupid."
Lando has to bite his lip for a second before leaning into a cliche. "If it's bothering you it's not nothing. Or stupid."
At least that makes her glare at him, rather than the iPad. She sighs again, kicking her legs out and slumping back on the sofa, eyes closed like she can't bear to perceive this too much.
"You didn't - yesterday, you didn't tell me you were going to be sexy and I turned up in a fucking sweater."
It almost has him blindsided for a moment because this is a completely unreal thing for Oscar to care about. "What?"
"You were all-" she does something with her hand that he thinks means 'fancy' or something "-and I'm fucking dressed like a toddler. Because it's your home race and I'm not trying to - I mean, I don't anyway but like. I don't want to look like a bad girlfriend and it's just-"
"It was a sexy sweater." It's probably not the most helpful thing he can say but still.
"What?" She's looking at him again but with total incredulity.
"Sexy. Makes you look all soft and warm to, uh, hug. Nice shoulders, good to kiss. Like you could pick me up in the paddock again."
In all fairness, the first time had been because he'd only had his socks on when the motorhome caught fire. But Oscar carrying him over to a chair in a bridal hold has spawned a thousand TikTok edits that Lando can't pretend he's stopped watching.
Even when they're calling him pathetic, he can see the tender way she picks him up, uses her forearm to support his back so she doesn't hurt him, holds him close to her as she puts him down. It's a type of loved he'd never realised he wanted to be, until she showed him how nice it is to be looked after.
It's his turn to do that for her, though.
She blinks up at him, where he's perched on the arm of the sofa, avoiding her agitated jiggling earlier. It's enough to make him not quite launch himself at her but tumble down so they can tangle together, cuddling the way he'd wanted to earlier.
"You think weird shit is sexy," she observes, stroking his hair to take the sting out of it.
That just makes him snort. "You think I'm sexy."
Oscar's laughing, at least, when she says "Well fucking everyone thinks that now, don't they? Slutty little vest thing."
"Don't slut-shame me or I won't let you put anything up my arse." He nestles closer to her, gets a hand on her boobs, through her team shirt, in the way that gives Sophie a headache because it leaves visible crumpling.
"Yeah you will," Oscar sounds a little bit amused, still. "Who doesn't want to get fisted after winning their home race?"
When he's squirming his way through a fucking - he still has no idea what Darktrace actually is - sponsor session later, still half-chubbed with way too little time before qualifying, at least she's knocking her hand against his and giggling at their inside jokes again.
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goroaix · 2 months
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〘 As eligible of a bachelor as he was, there was nothing more interesting to him than a certain foreign diplomat.〙
Hendery x gn reader. Yandere themes and general lack of consideration for someone else's feelings. ! not a reflection of who he is irl !
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♕ It was hardly a secret that Kunhang was reaching the age where betrothal was on the horizon - something closer to reality than a fantasy that had seemed so distant in its implausibility. He was the prince of this empire, of course, but he was also a bachelor (as his mother so often pointed out).
♕ He used to dread It. The idea of being with someone he barely knew, of having to awkwardly shuffle around the fact that he would always be their superior even when the dynamic should have made them equal. Looking for a spouse was hardly in his list of favourite activities, and neither was looking through the choices his mother had.
♕ If she were to have it her way, he would have married at 18 to a distant heir of the land. His mother, as much as he loved her, hardly understood the intricacies of romance. But, could he blame her? Kunhang, himself, hardly understood what it meant to feel this thick pool of desire and want until he'd attended a ball in the neighbouring country of Kheya just last year.
♕ It had been like every other ball, something he attended out of obligation and because his sisters didn't particularly want to attend. As the youngest, he had to hold tight on to the short end of the stick no matter how thorny.
♕ And who was Kunhang if not the dutiful younger brother? The one that saw his sisters as the young women they were with the burden of the world on their shoulders. He didn't want to add to this weight, to have them sag under his incompetence.
♕ He'd smiled, waved and was polite to everyone and everyone that glanced his way. People flirted, gossiped and said things that he didn't understand. Nevertheless, he persisted.
♕ Kunhang turned to the buffet table, gazing at the pastries on display with his heart set on something sweet but not too sweet. But he didn't know what was what and he didn't quite have the heart to ask someone.
♕ "Are you having trouble deciding?" You'd asked and Kunhang turned, eyes falling on one of the most beautiful people he had ever seen. Your features were foreign to him though no less gorgeous. Every soft little curve, the slope of your nose and the delicate beauty mark here and there, caught his eyes.
♕ "A little," he had managed to say, feeling like his throat was suddenly parched and the hours of fruitless speech had caught up to him. "I wanted to try something sweet."
♕ Your eyes looked over the table before gently picking up a fried pastry with a serviette, the dough chewy and deliciously familiar. It was exactly what he'd wanted. "This is Binangkal. It's extra delicious with some tea," you informed in this way that felt genuine rather than condescending. "It's one of my favourites."
♕ He could hardly call himself one for pointless idle chatter when it wasn't required. Even so, he found his lips moving, glossy from his food. "Are you from here?"
♕ "I'm here on business," and your reply was vague enough to make him want more, to sink his teeth into the flesh of your cheek while he pretended it was this new and tasty dessert he had in his hands.
♕ (Kunhang was sure you'd taste even better.)
♕ He took the bait. "What kind?"
♕ "I don't want to bore you while you eat."
♕ The corners of his cheeks started to ache with how hard he was trying not to smile. It was so stupid to be thrilled by this small exchange. It was hardly anything crazy, either.
♕ Did you know he was a prince?
♕ "You're not boring me. May I know your name?"
♕ he memorised the syllables, mouthing them to himself until they'd engraved themselves into his DNA, wound into the very fabric of his being.
♕ "And you?"
♕ "Wong... Hendery."
♕ "A lovely name." So you didn't recognise him. "Have you also travelled in?"
♕ He took another bite, the dough still warm in the centre. "Am I so obviously a tourist?"
♕ "A little," you smiled and he just wanted to bask in it. Was it stupid to like someone so fast? (The answer was unimportant.) "Don't worry. It happens to the best of us. The first time I was here, I ate unripe jackfruit and had an upset tummy for three days."
♕ It was through some careful dancing, the kind that involved a mental goalpost for the conversation: your name, your job, and where you were from.
♕ There was no such luxury as growing up in the royal court and remaining ignorant. I'm a world of murder or be murdered, the poison always had to remain in his chalet to distribute.
♕ And, through just an hour of conversation beside the table, his eyes on your lips as you licked away delicate crumbs and droplets of sweetened tea, he found out all that he wanted to know.
♕ You were close to his age but experienced. 'A diplomat,' you'd shared, who specialised in 'facilitation of trade and human resources.' Just hearing you talk about it had him fantasising about things that were too forward - too fast.
♕ Just from the way you gestured, how you spoke, Kunhang could tell that you were assured in your capabilities. Someone like you was incredibly valuable just from a political standpoint.
♕ What little hunger he had in his stomach had been replaced, coaxed into something larger, more voracious.
♕ To protect his people was his sworn duty. He had to be aware of the important and influential figures that moved in and out of the country. Hence, ordering a detailed background check on you was hardly concerning.
♕ Everything from your institution of education, family, tax compliance, previous jobs and even your favourite food had been noted down for him by the palace scribe.
♕ No less than excruciating detail would be presented. Kunhang made sure of it.
♕ "What do you think, Jiejie?" He asked, eyes wide and shiny like a dolls. How could someone say no to him?
♕ He was their baby.
♕ The eldest two exchanged glances. He'd learnt by now to decipher these looks with pinpoint accuracy and his heart felt fit to burst.
♕ "They're a good choice," the youngest sister of the three said, her nod of approval punctuating her sentence. "I think Mama and Baba will be happy to hear about this."
♕ After what better way to save their grey hairs than to find himself a spouse?
♕ There was no way he could lie under another false pretence. Meeting you for the umpteenth time at these social gatherings was far from coincidence, and you were smarter than to think so.
♕ "I have a feeling there's something you want to ask me."
♕ You were right. When weren't you? Kunhang had calculated that atleast 86% of all of your proposed ideas had gone through to be a success.
♕ "Would you be willing to negotiate jade trade between your country and mine?" He asked, proposing this faux call to action that he had only half an intention to stick by. "I've been wanting to speak to you about this."
♕ "I see." Then you laughed, and he thought he'd lose composure there and then. "I was waiting for His Highness to say something along those lines."
♕ "You knew? Why didn't you say so?"
♕ "I thought it would be rude to not let you have your fun."
♕ This was nothing short of unfair. Not in the traditional sense. He'd be foolish to think you'd be blinded for long.
♕ No. It was unfair because all he could think of was how nice it would feel to kiss you, to throw inhabition to the wind and let himself act out of want rather than strict regulation. Sometimes, the feeling of his nails digging into his skin was the only thing grounding him from blurting out something he would regret.
♕ To be honest, your to-be-spouse was none of his concern. Kunhang hadn't even blinked when his servant had informed him of such, telling him that they had proposed just a week before you were due to arrive at the palace.
♕ Instead, the only thing that had come of it was the knowledge that he needed to act in haste. Everything was meticulously filed and sorted, the contracts ready to be brought to life.
♕ It was nothing short of torture to hide his smile as he changed the terms of the contract to better suit them both. Trade would be easier when both parties were aligned in matrimony. This was politically beneficial, he told himself.
♕ Marrying a diplomat would strengthen their country's bond and knew that it was one of the better choices for a spouse he could make. There was nothing appealing to him about wedding a person who had no navigational, or real world skills. To him, there was no worse moral failure than being useless.
♕ He dressed to the nines, using a hanfu that had been specifically made to order in advance for this occasion. His engagement clothes were royal in red, embroidered heavily with a red sash that wound snuggly around his body. Kunhang had requested you wear your finest clothes, and he knew you'd listen.
♕ He knew your proficiency in spoken Cantonese was far from what it could be, let alone the written version that only natives really used and understood. It was easy to get away with it, to bite the inside of his cheek raw and pinch his thigh over his clothes while you signed your name and wove that red string around both of your souls.
♕ Maybe he should have felt remorse upon seeing your confused expression at the congratulations - his sister's and parents teary eyed at the sight of their only son finally married to someone that would help him prosper. The youngest and the most fragile was now in good hands.
♕ But you'd kept a sweet smile on your face regardless, ever poised. Oh. How he loved this trait of yours.
♕ Hardly anyone ever had a bad word to say about you and this was why. He couldn't feel anything other than pride.
♕ "I think there's been a mistake," you murmured, fingers gripping tightly onto the paper he'd given you - translated in your language with the altered version of what you'd just signed. "We were supposed to sign a business partnership, Your Highness."
♕ "I prefer Qin ai de."
♕ For the first time since he'd met you, you looked confused and at a loss for words. It made him want to pinch your cheeks.
♕ "I'm sorry, I'm confused."
♕ And he was happy to explain. "It's okay. I know it's a new thing to get used to, but the contract has no mistakes. We're married now!"
♕ "What? What do you mean...? I am already promised to someone back home."
♕ Your composure cracked, fine lines appearing under the pressure.
♕ Nonetheless, Kunhang had quite the hand at pottery. They didn't matter. They'd never matter. Who could compare to the prince of an empire? And who could deserve you more than himself?
♕ "I can't- I can't accept this, I apologise. I had no idea. I didn't mean to sign something like this-"
♕ "Will you contest it?"
♕ He hated being stern. There was nothing that gnawed at him more than having to bring out this part of himself that he preferred to keep burrowed in the depths. Kunhang liked playful, upbeatness that kept his spirits high. This was their wedding day, and he didn't want to hear any objections to something he'd so meticulously planned.
♕ "...Your Highness, I must leave."
♕ "If you leave, I'll take it as a declaration of war." Your movements stilled, muscles tensed. "We both know your economy can't handle such a blow."
♕ But, he was no monster. He couldn't bear to turn a blind eye to the frustration in your eyes. You poor thing. From now on, he'd kiss away all your tears and make sure that your talents were recognised with the reverence they deserved.
♕ He'd cup your face in his hands and look into those endless eyes of yours. The heartbreak would ease eventually.
♕ After all, your king wouldn't mind exchanging one person for the masses.
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gurlbesimpin · 2 years
do you write for star wars?
can u do han solo hcs sfw and nsfw
sure! i think han is so hot omg
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we all know, han can be cocky- i mean he is the definition of cockyness, however he'll warm up to you a little. emphasis on little- most likely your relationship starts after he realizes his more-than-confusing feelings towards you. He'll ask luke and even chewie for advice even though he is considered a ladies man. for the longest time, he was what people call a fuckboy, but with you it seems different, his goal isn't just to get into your pants, but something more. something...romantic?
he'll invite you for nights out to the cantina, paying for all your drinks and will even offer you an all exclusive ride on his baby, the millennium falcon. He'll take you out to buy anything and everything you could want, and ever wanted. He'll spoil you rotten just to get on your sweet side. He really, doesn't. know. how. to. do this in a considerably "normal" way? he'd only get girls/boys with money or the promise of a free ride, but that's it. nothing serious.
once things between you evolve into an actual relationship, he calls himself the luckiest man alive. Will wake you every morning with a sweet kiss
he loves to hang out and just- talk.
loves cuddling, even thought he might not seem like the type to like it much. he secretly does, you'll find him nuzzling up against you when you fall asleep
will try cooking for you, but fails and will just take you out for dinner
many, many cantina dates
will teach you how to fly the millennium falcon
loves when you wear his clothes, and i mean LOVES
he's the type of guy who you'll ask for 5 bucks, and he'll give you 100. He's extra okay? but damn, you love it
still a little cocky though, will brag about all kinds of things and will pretend not to care too much about you around others- but you know that it's far from the truth
big dick. 8 inches, a little hair maybe, also girth- the girth is amazing.
And yes- if h catches you drooling over his bulge he'll bring the classic "like what you see?" if it was anyone else you'd slap them- but with han it's just different
this man studied eating pussy/sucking cock, like- he has a dam degree in it. he'll make you squirm and scream his name within a minute
is a tease- like a huge tease. he'll realize you're cumming and he'll just- stop or slow down. all for the slight satisfaction he gets out of seeing the annoyance in your eyes
will then proceed to annihilate your poor senses. he'll suck/lick/fuck the best he can until you cum at least twice in a row
but dont think he doesn't like receiving- oh no.
when you suck his thick cock, his hands will most likely find leverage on your head, forcing you further down onto his tasty cock
he loves seeing and feeling you choke around him
loves cumming down your throat, will also praise you on how good you are for swallow, but wont hate you for spitting out every one and awhile
han has a plethora of kinks, some include: 
degration {mainly towards you}: will call you a cumslut, a desperate whore, dirty boy/girl
daddy kink
bondage {both}
orgasm denial {you}
spanking {you}
choking {mostly you, but he'll let you choke him if you top him, which is rare}
hair pulling {his}
very slight, humiliation
voyerism {loves watching you masturbate}
will 100% fuck you on the millennium falcon every one and awhile
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randomfoggytiger · 3 months
I've got a question for you, one that I've been thinking about, but since you have dug deeper into season 8, maybe you have a thought or two on it: If Scully had been the one to be abducted instead of Mulder, and Mulder had been partnered with Doggett, how would that have gone? I have to admit that I don't have a good grasp of Doggett's character. But I feel like they wouldn't have *not* gotten along, as in, not hated each other as such, but also not been able to work together? Doggett seems like a good and honest guy, and I think Mulder would have appreciated that. But also they would not have been very efficient as a team because they are so very different. And Mulder does have a tendency to do his own thing sometimes, and I don't know if he'd always have had the patience for Doggett. Because with Scully, while disagreeing, they argued on the same level, do you know what I mean? They had a very academic approach to problems. Doggett is very much a cop. Their styles are so different. And I think they wouldn't have hated each other, but they wouldn't have had a partnership? Mulder might have ditched him a lot? Because of their clashing personalities and also because he would just not have accepted a new partner who wasn't Scully? I find the dynamic between Scully and Doggett very interesting and it sort of starts to work after a while. But there wasn't that much love for Doggett from Mulder's side when he came back. So what would that have looked like if the roles had been reversed? Any thoughts?
What a chewy question.
We saw Mulder indignantly put up with Krycek during their early partnership, but by the end of that episode-- a mere few days-- Krycek had wormed his way into a place by Mulder's side. I think his behavior would fall into the same lines, if a tad more abrasive because of Doggett's steadfast disbelief.
I also think Vienen and Essence show best how Mulder and Doggett would have operated as partners: Mulder had something to prove, shoving and ditching and using the other man. Even then, however, he was concerned for Doggett's safety, couldn't leave a man behind, and appreciated having someone at his back. Doggett, meanwhile, thought Mulder was nuts and had every right to call his superiors and have him dragged off the oil rig in Vienen and or off his back in Essence... but didn't. Part of that was an extension of the loyalty Scully earned during their own partnership, but another part of that is because of his nature.
Doggett is a circumspect man who keeps to his place: it's not his business to speculate, only follow orders. If things don't add up, he'll advise a different course of action, but largely keeps his opinion to himself. That's their business, not his. (That doesn't stop his natural curiosity-- you need a bit of that to be a cop and solve crimes.) However, he expects the same level of graciousness and respect in return, which is why he threw Mulder against a wall in Empedocles for meddling in his personal affairs.
At the end of the day: to Doggett, the files were Mulder's, even after Mulder was "resurrected" and assigned elsewhere. Doggett didn't attach his worth to the files-- didn't even want them, really, when Scully walked permanently-- which allowed him to fall behind Scully without complaint (even when she sounded insane) and swallow his indignation at her old partner's anger.
And by Essence, he'd begun to understand Mulder: learning how best to weigh and respond to his cantankery moods and when to mete out objections. Mulder, too, had begun to give Doggett more grace, listening to his suggestions and even letting Doggett keep Scully's location a secret from himself. (...I'm not getting into that can of worms; but it is an important character beat between them.)
So, all in all, I don't think it would have been too painful. :DDDD
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pomplalamoose · 11 months
whenever u have time if u could PLEASEEE write some more ANH Luke Skywalker hc 😍🥰
pls there is a a serious lack of Luke content 😪🫶🫶
Of course dear anon, here you go🩵🩵
We, as a society, need more Luke content in our lifes and I'm more than happy to deliverrrr
• Tatooine is a pretty shitty place to get to know or to date anyone, so I think the young people have their own way around that
• because you can't go anywhere without potentially running into someone wanting to rob/enslave/blackmail/hurt/kill you, I think spending time with Luke would consist mostly of doing your everyday chores together
• safety is in numbers and companionship makes even the most drab tasks seem bearable
• and nobody will notice if both of you take way longer than usual because you're so busy making googly eyes at each other
• (they do notice but Owen is mostly glad how your company keeps Luke from talking about leaving, so he doesn't mention it)
• so imagine cleaning up and sorting through the garage together
• just sitting by his side, sharing jokes while he works to fix his uncle's equipment or looks after his land speeder
• maybe, if that's your thing, you help out as well and then try your hardest to get the oil stains off your skin after while Luke laughs at your frustrated face
• probably the height of romance is going to the market together to buy ingredients for your meals with two of your fingers intertwined because it's too hot for holding hands and you're both shy
• or taking trips to Tosche station (because of course) and, with a racing heart, you slowly and carefully rest your head on his shoulder
• when he doesn't shake you off you're overjoyed
• he, on the other hand, doesn't dare to say anything, too afraid you're going to scooch away again
• so he drives more slowly than usual to have more time alone with you
• halfway there you have lunch together in the shade of big rocks and talk about everything and nothing, blushing and looking in another direction when one of you makes eye contact for too long
• and, my favorite: watching the two suns set together
• he'll bring you home after because Tatooine is even more dangerous at night
• he says goodbye with a small and polite kiss to your cheek, hoping your family won't see
• he'd notice your nervousness once aboard the Falcon
• while he isn't so sure about all of this himself he wants to seem cool and tough in front of you and does his best to keep up with Han and Chewie
• secretly he might be worried that you will end up liking Han more
• he's totally the type to get a little jealous when he sees you smiling at someone else other than him
• (there's no way Han hasn't outright flirted with you yet)
• so he does his best to keep the two of you separated and as far away from each other as he possible can
• like, no, you can't sit there, he's going to sit next to Han in the cockpit!
• no, you can't go looking for Han, he was just about to ask you a question!
• Han isn't even that funny, why are you laughing??
• he'd sulkily sit in a corner and throw looks in your direction whenever you're with Han too
• if you notice, he'll pretend to not care at all with whom you're having a good time
• but truth to be told, he's sad
• I'm not sure whether he's even aware that he's acting like that
• someone (Obi-Wan) could probably intervene at this point, but there's no way he's going to do that
• he's having the time of his life
• don't worry though, Luke's time to shine comes around when you declare how unbearably cold you are
• did you exaggerate to get his attention? Possibly
• either way it works immediately and he'll offer to sit next to you to keep you warm
• when you agree he's ready to burst with pride
• he waits until Han is looking and then drapes his arm around your figure, feeling absolutely superior
• it takes a lot of restraint to keep himself from grinning obnoxiously
• when Obi-Wan starts teaching him about the Force and lightsaber techniques however, he isn't so self assured anymore
• especially not when he's supposed to ditch or reflect blaster bolts while not being able to see
• underneathe the helmet his cheeks are burning red when he hears your laugh ring out alongside Han's
• he feels decidedly better when you start cheering him on and clapping loudly once he gets the hang of it
• you think he looks adorable when he finally removes the helmet and his hair is slightly sweaty and all over the place
• maybe, if you're feeling bold and the moment is right, you'd like to run your fingers through it under the pretense of tidying him up a bit?
• think of that scene where they hide in the Falcon's secret luggage compartment to make it seem like nobody is on board after being sucked into the Death Star
• because wo do you think you'll get pressed close to while waiting for the Empire's men to leave?
• sadly we never get to see how exactly they all fit in there but imagine half sitting half lying directly on top of Luke
• possibly he's even holding you very close, the situation totally requires it if you ask him
• you can feel his heart beating steadily but fast with how your head has to rest against his chest
• is it because he's afraid you'll get caught or can you dare to hope it's because of you?
• much later you can't take your eyes off him because he looks just a little too good in his new pilot uniform
• at this point it's probably your turn to be a little bit jealous as you are by far not the only one trying to check him out discreetly
• people shout greetings and turn their head after him wherever he goes
• (not just because he spectacularky saved their princess, although that's what you want to believe)
• and, because of the way Luke is, he'll reciprocate the attention happily, unaware of your feelings
• too bad you don't know he'd never chose anyone over you
I'm not quite sure whether you wanted just Luke headcanons or Luke x reader headcanons, hopefully I got it right😅
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unluckystarboy · 2 months
Ik @cutiecorner hasn't been feeling that great lately so I thought I'd share some headcannons for them (and if ppl just wanna see headcannons as well lol)
These are going to be agere headcannons and are going to be a mix of like, just random dc characters but mainly centered around the bats :)
♡ Bruce and Hal may squabble a bit when in costume and stuff and may fight but little Bruce absolutely ADORES Hal. Both as Green Lantern and just in general. But he tries to hide it but he Def draws small drawings of both batman and green lantern together or as Bruce and Hal. I don't make the rules:)
☆ Bruce doesn't tell anyone about his regression. ANYONE. He does hide it pretty well when he's in a different headspace, but him in little headspace? It's fair game. He'd likely be a bit easier to read and less careful with things like he is usually.
♧ The only people in the JL that do know about it is likely Wonder Woman, Green Lantern (Hal Jordan AND John (*quick side note I hope that's the other gls name bc I did forget), Superman was the last one to officially find out just from observing things and a quick Google search.
★ Barry also regresses but to the age that around his mom died
♥︎ Bruce usually is around 1-3 years, but goes higher if he's not AS stressed or if it's just cause he's extremely happy and comfortable
♣︎ Diana Def bought some plushies for the two of them but says it's just staying at the watch tower until she can find a place for them, but somehow magically they go missing within an hour of being there....strange....
◇ Hal is actually a switch, he doesn't regress much but when he does its likely triggered by something negative, he doesn't tell anyone about it. AT ALL. Even if he knows they'd be supportive and even help him get through it.
♤ One day Bruce finds him absolutely BAWLING like this and not knowing what to do he brings him a soft medium-large sized deer plush (that definitely wasn't one of the toys Diana bought and mysteriously went missing and definitely ISNT one of Bruce's favorite pushes bc it reminds him of Hal) and gives it to him to hug.
◆ This works really well and allows for Hal to quiet down a bit and tell Bruce that he doesn't wanna tell him what's going on (yet) but thanks him and Bruce stays with him while he's still softly sobbing and hiccuping while holding him. (Bruce Def knows that he's little now too though so)
♥︎ Clark is very understanding about it and even can kind of tell when any of them regress, Barry is more open about it but Clark can notice he's little even before Barry can. He Def tells little Bruce a bunch of facts about the farm animals and machinery. He also kind of picks up that Hal MIGHT be little at times but doesn't push it. He does let Hal tell him about planes and flying when he seems like he is and for once is very excited.
♠︎ The one time that Bruce and Hal both trigger each other's regression by accident from arguing they end up needing to take a break from each other for a while but eventually Hal shows up to Bruce's door with the deer that Bruce let him borrow in hand an a reddened face from crying. They both apologize in their own way and go watch their favorite cartoons together! (Both older and modern)
□ Little Barry likes to chew stuff, like, everything and anything. His straw on his cups? Gnawed on until they're litterally sharpened a bit. His suit? Holes in the neck part now. Batmans cowl? Teeth marks on the rubber bat ears. Anything and everything is free game. Once he tried to chew the lasso of truth and Diana had to get him a chewy, turns out those don't last long so Bruce bought him a whole pack.
■ whenever hal does go to someone when hes feeling little he goes to Bruce or Clark, but he only goes to Clark if it's dire and Bruce isn't there. He doesn't even know that Bruce knows yet, he just goes and watches cartoons with him or if shes too overwhelmed she'll just stay with him and relax a but.
~I also headcannon that Hal goes by Both He/Him and She/Her pronouns btw
☆Barry does end up getting a pacifier and tried his best to take MUCH better care of that than his chewies that he takes about everywhere and gnaws on. He saves it for when he's calm enough to not chew it as badly.
♡ Bruce mainly has the plushies that Diana bought for him, and a few childhood toys that Clark claims that he only brought to the tower for sentimental purposes..although he hasn't complained when his old plush cow went missing..he doesn't care though, he DOES hide them in his room in the tower and doesn't take them back to the manor. Well, unless they somehow magically make it back with him.
♧ Hal sometimes drops plushes off at the manor, along with Clark and Diana. Alfred is aware of this and supports it. Anything that'll help his son.
★ Hal sometimes draws pictures of the whole league and himself and keeps them in a notebook in a drawer in her room in the tower
♥︎ She Def draws with Barry and Clark sometimes when she's bored
Anyways I hope you enjoyed these and I hope they were okay lol :)
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cidandy · 2 months
mmm......chips stimming headcanons........headcanons for how i think some of the chips would stiiimmm
bert is an avid vocal stimmer i think. he makes little noises & stuff & says random phrases...based on his twitter because of how many times he just. tweets out his own name. bro stims like a pokemon /silly. also playing with the zipper on his jacket & stuufff also the fidget cube!!! hell yeah!!!
for dandy i think he doesn't really...stim very outwardly. but i think he probably plays with/pulls at his own hair & clothes & stuff. maybe the little dangling bits from the part that's tied to his arm. also the kind of guy to unbutton & rebutton the same button on his shirt a bunch of times. i don't know if that's just a thing that i do but i hope you know what i mean.
dee meows. i think they meow when they're excited :^3c i also think they knead random stuff like a cat. just subconsciously kneading at stuff with nice textures. i think they like feeling soft stuff.
i think spencer would like. this is hard to explain but he would move his shapes around & stuff...like he can change his form & stuff so. i also think he gets extra glow-y when excited or happy :^) probably makes his own stim toys out of little holograms LOL
vosim...where do u even start with vosim. i mean the whole spoon thing is literally just him stimming. like when he clinks them together & stuff. also i think he does the classic hand flapping & rocking back & forth. also i think he makes noises too, like a vvvvmmmm sound y'know. because he's a crunchy synthy voice :^3c also stares at bath bombs for hours at a time.
cider masks super hard most of the time. but he paces so much. SOOO MUCH PACING. like all the time. can't stand in one place for too long without getting antsy. also a hand flapper. i mean- how could you not be with 4 hands. also i think he messes with the wires that dangle from the extra arm things. i think he's the kind of dork to jump up & down when something makes him happy.
i'm pretty sure rotten "canonically" vocal stims by making those little clicky sounds. he's probably also pretty discreet with his stimming so he can seem all cool & tough. i think he also does a good amount of rocking, but a lot slower than vosim does. just a subtle thing. i also think he'd mess around with the collar of his jacket.
for saaaam :^D he would mostly just fidget with the cord on those headphones. & maybe the scarf too...
voder literally communicates through hissing noises. does that count as stimming? i dunno. i'll say it does.
PEDRO WOULD BITE SHIT. ALL SORTS OF STUFF. maybe even their own arm, which the others would have to remind them that it's not...safe to do that. they could probably use one of those chewy necklaces or something. probably also paces but it's less pacing & more like running around in circles.
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theoceanoasis · 3 months
Soundwave having a crush on Hot Rod... trying to woo him during a battle and convince him to join his side so they can be together.
He noticed Soundwave going towards the communication tower and followed after him.
"Stop right there con!"
The Decepticon didn't even turn around. Instead he continued to move towards the tower. Taking them farther and farther from the battlefield.
He stopped suddenly staring in shock as he noticed the picnic laid before him.
Soundwave's cassettes came out of nowhere and grabbed him. He struggled as they tied him up and forced him to sit with Soundwave.
"You two be good."
Ravage turned around following the others as they left to join the battle. He stared at Soundwave confused and feeling like he was about to crash.
Soundwave held up an energon treat and tried to feed him. Turning his head away he refused.
Soundwave set it down and the two sat in silence. He squirmed feeling uncomfortable and wanting to get out of there.
"Hot Rod: Capable Autobot. Talents wasted with Autobots."
"Is that why you've brought me here? To get me to change sides because it's not going to happen. I'm loyal to the Autobots. Besides I'm not like the others who are all capable warriors. I'm just some Autobot grunt."
"Hot Rod: Sells him self short. Posses desirable traits."
He scoffed.
"For the Decepticons? Because I already told you it's not going to happen."
"No. I think you're capable and I would like to get to know you more."
He gave him a confused look taking everything in. What he once saw as a weird Decepticon recruiting campaign now seemed different.
"Is this a date!?"
He looked at Soundwave in shock because surely it wasn't.
His stared in shock and almost crashed again. He could barely understand what was happening. Soundwave stuffed the energon treat into his mouth since it was open.
He tried to spit it out and Soundwave forced him to swallow it. The treat was really good. It was soft and chewy as it melted in his mouth. Not that he'd admit that.
Soundwave leaned back looking satisfied and continued talking to him and forcing him to eat. Acting like it was a real date. Since he was trapped and couldn't leave, he dealt with it for now. Biding his time until he could escape. Even though this was really nice. His mind could not handle the idea of a Decepticon liking him. Much less him enjoying this weird date with a Decepticon.
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tinylittlepolly · 7 months
The Giant, The Borrower, and The Wall (g/t story)
In a small apartment room with little complexity to it, lives a human named Manny, alone. He spends most of his time at his job trying to make ends meet, only being home for hours at a time, most of which are spent asleep. He never brought anyone home like friend or family. He always had difficulties speaking to other people. No matter what he tried, any time he had to start a conversation he just… froze up. Scared that what he might say might offend or annoy anyone he was speaking to, Manny chose a life of loneliness.
Little did Manny know, this life of loneliness he’s lead for many years was always spent with another close by. Behind the wall, opposite to his bed, was a hidden compartment that the landlord of the apartment had never told Manny about. It was a small gap that couldn’t be used for much, and as such it was swiftly forgotten about, with only one person knowing of its existence.
This person was a little borrower, no taller than a teacup, who had made the space his living quarters. Much like the giant, he spent most of his time sleeping in his room, though the borrower had no ends to make meet, only needing food and water to keep living. The borrower was not a social one. They had always had difficulties speaking to other people. Even when meeting other borrowers before moving into this small room, no matter what they tried, they just… froze up. Scared that what they might say could very well mean the end of their cozy little life, the borrower chose a life of loneliness, living in the walls of this small apartment.
The borrower got by quite well, only leaving their room when certain that the giant had left. This was always very clearly announced by the loud *THUD* made by the giant’s big steps through the house, sending vibrations through their whole body, followed by the loud *CHUNK * the walls made, followed by silence. They knew this was the time to get some food, with the giant often being away for hours at a time.
They’d only take small things, piece by piece only when needed. One of those big, orange, curly, and salty things from the crinkly blue bag with the shiny grey inside, one of those big, brown, chunk-filled discs that were both crunchy and chewy… The borrower never got to choose what he ate, but he didn’t dislike any of the foods the giant brought with him. It seemed the two had very similar tastes, much to the delight of the small borrower, having a full meal from what the giant would consider not much more than a small snack.
The borrower made great efforts to avoid the giant, always making sure their presence went unnoticed. Any bag they’d taken food from, they’d close back up, including any drawers or pouches. If some crumbles from the brown disks got on the floor, they’d climb down to clean them up. Manny didn’t realize it, but he had a very tiny, yet very efficient cleaner living in his house cleaning up after themselves. The borrower knew not to interact with or get noticed by the giant. Even though as far as giants go the giant was quite short, he was still so much bigger than the borrower… Compared to someone that big they’re nothing more than an ant, the borrower thought to themselves. A being that big means nothing but danger.
Anytime the giant came back from the outside, he'd always be grumpy and sleepy. Bags under his eyes bigger than the borrower themselves, wearing some grey outfit with a red line hanging from his neck, which he always wore when going outside. The giant would always go into the room with the white walls and weird chair, spit into a bowl and go to bed. Sometimes the giant came home holding their head, which seemed to be solved after they took some pills, also from the white room. In any case, after he left the white room and headed to bed, the borrower knew they were free to leave the room again, although the giant never seemed to stay asleep for long.
This life was simple, but the borrower was happy. They didn’t know if they could say the same for the grumpy giant, but it didn’t seem like he minded the little guy taking some food every now and then. Or at least, the giant never seemed to talk much while he was at home, aside from the occasional annoyed grumble when getting home or while sleeping, although the borrower did sometimes hear the giant talking to someone in the white room, despite only them and the giant being home.
The borrower started out only leaving the room during the day, while the giant was away, though they did eventually build up the courage to leave the room at night, while the giant was asleep. One night in particular was one that would forever change both their lives. The borrower had woken up in the middle of the night, holding their head and wincing in pain as their head felt like it was splitting apart. They were barely awake, it hurt to even keep their eyes open, not that it mattered considering their vision wasn’t much more than a blur at this point. Their whole body was heating up, they started to have difficulty breathing and knew their situation was dire.
Despite the pain coursing through their head, the borrower remembered the giant often came home holding his head in pain, taking pills in the white room to solve it before going to sleep. The borrower didn’t know what was happening to them, but they knew to move fast.
The borrower made their way to the white room, pitter pattering across the floor, tiny step by tiny step making progress towards what felt so far away, yet so close. The moment they reached the white room, they started using whatever strength they had left to climb up towards the cupboard that held the pill bottle, struggling with every grab on the wall’s tiling to make progress but knowing that stopping now would have fatal consequences. The borrower prayed with all they had they would make it back safely, and the pill bottle was finally in sight…
The little explorer tumbled about, with little to no strength left, desperately trying to reach the bottle of pills before it was too late… only to feel a cold shiver running down their spine, followed by a small *thud*.
They passed out right before reaching their goal, leaving their life up to fate.
It was the start of the next day. Manny woke up as the sun rose with a splitting headache, as per usual. He got up to get dressed and headed to the bathroom to take some medicine for his headache to get ready for another day of work. “Alright, 6 hours at the grocery store, 3 hours at the customer service, 1 hour power nap, and then- “
As he was quietly talking to himself and entered the bathroom, one thing particularly stuck out to him. On the sink laid what seemed to be a small figurine, curled up in a fetal position. He didn’t remember leaving anything of the sort there, nor was he the type to collect figurines in the first place. He approached the sink to pick up the small figurine only to realize... The “figurine” was breathing. Its small body, even smaller than Manny’s hand, was breathing. Its face was red. It looked like it was in pain.
Manny realized… this was not a figurine. Far from it.
This was a living being.
Manny gently and carefully touched the tiny person laying on his sink, recognizing their pain from the headaches he always had. He felt a subtle warmth, though he could feel it was slowly fading. The borrower was dying. Manny quickly grabbed the medicine he’d always use for his headaches and ran to the kitchen. He grabbed a fork and quickly broke the small pill into tiny pieces that could fit in the borrower’s mouth, hastily pushing some into it, hoping he still had a chance at saving them.
Every second felt like a minute, time dragging on as the giant stared down at the scared tiny fighting for their life. The tiny borrower winced in pain, holding their head and curling up into a ball. After a few moments, it seemed the fear and pain had subsided somewhat. The borrower’s body wasn’t as tensed up anymore, and their hands slowly lowered from their head to the ground.
With the tiny person seemingly feeling better and falling asleep, Manny remembered his job starting soon. He’d forgotten all about it with the chaotic beginning to his day, but he couldn’t just leave this tiny creature laying on the kitchen sink… Manny hastily yet carefully moved the borrower to his bed, put a potato chip and a bottle cap full of water next to the now asleep borrower, and made sure to lock the door before taking his medicine and leaving for work. He’d have a lot to think about during this shift.
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