#he’s my best friend I want him by my side while I do this hard thing that is a big deal for me
kitten4sannie · 3 days
for love of the game (teaser)
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pairing: rival team! wooyoung x rival! reader (fem) x teammate! yunho
genres: college baseball au, enemies to fuckbuddies, bsf fuckbuddies, smut
summary: jung wooyoung, a pitcher with a fearsome curveball, and your self-proclaimed enemy since the beginning of the playoffs, is beyond determined to show you that he is in fact, on top. Yunho, your close friend and reliable teammate, will do everything in his power to watch it all go down.
future tag warnings (may be subject to change): tobacco/vape usage, baseball lingo?? idk, nasty mean dom! wooyo, perverted soft dom! yuyu, subby! (tiny bit bratty) reader, light brat taming, pet names/name calling, praise/degradation, dirty talk, exhibitionism/voyeurism, biting/marking, tag teaming, manhandling, size kink, oral (giving), deep-throating, spit kink, finger sucking, hair tugging, nasty hate sex against some lockers, sloppy seconds, breeding kink, creampies, dumbification
w.c: 1.6k (so far) while this teaser is about 500?? words
a/n: i love a good sports au (despite my inability to play any) fhwhwh so i’ve decided to write a nasty lil baseball fic for you all~ the parasites told me to >:)) 🖤 so here’s a teaser!!! it’s a pretty big one hehe. and if you’d like to join this specific taglist (if you’re not on my general taglist) please click on the tiny heart at the bottom of the post :33 enjoyyy~~
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“Yo, baby, you got some chew on you?” someone with an irritatingly smug, yet distinctly familiar voice asked you from the other side of the snug dugout.
You immediately stood up from your seat, turning your head in the direction of the voice, just in time for you to come face to face with the Devil himself. 
Jung Wooyoung, a pitcher with a fearsome curveball, and your self-proclaimed enemy since the beginning of the playoffs, was casually leaning down against the small metal fence that separated your teams, looking up at you through the yellow lenses of his sunglasses. 
“Do I look like the type to put that nasty shit in my mouth?” you immediately snapped, taking a few steps in his direction, not realizing how hard you were squeezing your plastic water bottle until it began to audibly crunch inside your tight grasp. “Huh?” 
Wooyoung licked at the mole on his chapped bottom lip, his canines becoming visible when he smiled cockily at you. He missed his favorite plaything. You were so easy to rile up. It made his already tight pinstripe pants even tighter. “Mm, but you’ve put nastier things in your mouth, haven’t you, baby?”
Scoffing, you placed your hands on your soft hips, shaking your head, pretending his perverse words didn’t make your cheeks feel like they were already sunburnt, wanting to put up more of a front, now that your entire team was possibly listening in. “You would know a thing or two about that, wouldn’t you, Wooyoung? The handjobs you give your team aren’t doing enough for you these days, huh?” 
Wooyoung did his best to ignore the snickers and whispers of your team, taking his cap off to run his fingers through his silky raven hair, biting the corner of his lip all the while. “People talk in the locker rooms, you know. They say you really know your way around a cock. Probably from all that practice you get with your teammates, yeah?” He looked over to Yunho, who sheepishly smiled at him. “You can vouch for me, can’t you, Yun?” The batter remained quiet out of fear of your wrath.
Wooyoung was about to say more, when his vision was suddenly blurred by something cold. You had offered him mercy, dumping the rest of your water on the pitcher’s head, rather than shoving the entire bottle up his ass like you desperately wanted to. Instead of blowing up on you and embarrassing himself like you had hoped he would, Wooyoung simply flipped his hair back and put his cap back on, resulting in a few squeals from some nearby fangirls that were sitting in the stands. “If getting me hard was the goal, you succeeded, Y/N.” 
You grimaced. “You’re fucking disgusting, Wooyoung.” 
Wooyoung reached over the fence to push a few loose strands of hair behind your ear. “But, you love it, don’t you? That’s why you’re so obsessed with me.” 
“You should be obsessed with me. Maybe if you paid attention, you could figure out how to pitch a ball that I won’t knock out of the goddamn stadium.” 
You irked Wooyoung to no end, your equally quick-witted jabs getting underneath the pitcher’s tan skin. However, he wouldn’t let you have the satisfaction of seeing that, unless until hell itself froze over. “And if you paid attention, maybe your team would actually make it past the playoffs.” 
That was when a vein visibly began to bulge out of your temple, your jaw tensing. Wooyoung had struck a nerve. You knew it, he knew it, and your team definitely knew it. You’d give anything to make it to the championship game, but it was always just barely out of reach. The fact that Wooyoung would stoop so incredibly low had your blood boiling. You wanted nothing more than to grab the smug pitcher by his collar and spit directly in his face, but you were afraid that he would enjoy that more than you would have. So, instead you simply accepted defeat in that moment and sat back down on the bench, staring ahead at the expansive baseball field.  
You were too caught up in your own furious thoughts to notice that Yunho had left the spot he had taken up on the bench, instead leaning on the same fence Wooyoung had been chilling on just moments ago. 
“Your girl’s feisty, Yun. I fucking love it. She seems like she bites. Does she bite?” Wooyoung prodded the taller man, just as he pulled a vape out of his pocket and took a long hit, causally blowing out the smoke into Yunho’s face. 
Yunho waved the vapor away, shaking his head slightly. “She’s not mine, but yeah, she bites.” 
Wooyoung hummed in response, his eyes shifting from the crowd, to the busy field, then back up to Yunho. “She’s not yours, but she lets you hit, doesn’t she? And she’ll let you hit right after the game, right?” 
“She does…She’s just very...rough.” Yunho bit his lip, thinking about how ferociously you would ride his cock in the empty locker rooms after the games you would ultimately lose, remembering all the deep bites and scratches you littered his broad body in, knowing you wouldn’t let him go until you left his cock raw and so sensitive, he was ready to cry. He was more of a softie himself, not exactly cut out for the animalistic sex you required after such a brutal loss. Wooyoung, however, seemed more fit for that. In fact, Yunho felt his throat go dry just imagining the two of you going at it in such a way, especially in front of him. That was allowed, right? 
“Yunho.” Wooyoung took another long puff from his vape, using his free hand to take his glasses off and placing them over the brim of his baseball cap.
Wooyoung reached up to place his hand on Yunho’s tense shoulder, massaging his digits into it to loosen up the muscle. “I got a proposition for you. If your team wins today, you get to fuck a happy, calm Y/N. She’ll probably even blow you without expecting anything back. Who knows, she might even swallow.”
Yunho unconsciously licked his lips, glancing back over the shoulder Wooyoung was massaging into to admire your pretty face, even if it was contorted with rage-induced determination. He slowly looked back down at the pitcher. “And, if your team wins?” 
Wooyoung grinned deviously, licking at one of his sharp canines. “I get to show Y/N just how disgusting I can get.” 
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Apply for the taglist here ⇢ ♡
© kitten4sannie, 2024.
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undercoverpena · 2 days
fifteen hundred and one
frankie morales x f!reader | frankie masterlist
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summary: he's your best friend. nothing would ever change that. except maybe a goodnight kiss.
warnings: just fluff. best friends who flirt to something. kissing. flirting. she calls frankie nemo. an: this is my submission for @janaispunk’s milestone celebration based on this moodboard and the prompt "goodnight kiss"! hugest and biggest congrats to you jana, my babe. you deserve all of this and more!
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Laughing, hard. It’s all instinctive as one palm stretches out across his stomach, and the other arm hooks around you, tugging you close.
He tenses when your fingers brush over his threadbare tee, your head turning into him as you mirror him, giggling. Burying deep into the fabric, it seeps into his skin.
And all Frankie thinks is—
It’s easy with you.
Has been for years. Since you’d stumbled in as the friend of one of his friends girl-not-girl, sticking around longer than they did.
You'd glued to him, happily. Never minding, or caring. Somehow surprised at how simple it was going from ‘do you want a drink’ to resting your head on his shoulder, while the two of you absently listened to whatever bullshit Benny was saying.
Now, he looks forward to seeing you.
To late-night burger runs and early-morning coffee meets, quiz nights with the others and just the two of you movie trips.
At some point, between his tongue doubling in his head at the sight of you that night to now, he’s been resisting kissing you. Sometimes easy, sometimes it’s harder.
Tonight it’s the latter.
A hand clenched around his heart, squeezing. Beneath the moon's gentle gaze, the world slows, each laugh and comment infused with the spell of the silvery glow. It's intimate, almost sacred.
And it forces him to remind himself of the usual array of things that stop him from kissing the wit-induced smile right from your lips. The list he runs through to ensure he doesn't ruin you, in the same way, he'd almost destroyed his license, his job. Stopping himself from tasting the gloss you’ve smeared there, the one which makes street lamps reflect as the two of you walk back to his truck.
“—so even if I scratched your favourite vinyl, you’d still be friends with me?”
Opening the passenger side door, he smiles, gleams, fucking beams. “Yeah!”
He hears you mutter bullshit when he shuts it, fighting a laugh as he comes around the back before sliding in.
It’s not a far drive to yours. One he’s memorised, etched into him. Not just from tonight’s location, but all over town. From his to work, and your favourite spot to his. Able to drive, mainly on auto-pilot, not needing to concentrate too much, able to answer your wild, and ridiculous, array of “even if” questions. Each ranged from ‘if I burnt all your grass’ to, ‘hypothetically if you had a dog and I kicked it’. Each is smudged with the sound of the radio you've tuned, a station he won't admit he listens to when you're not even with him.
You don’t stop your questioning when he pulls onto your drive, parking side by side next to your car. The one he helped you haggle for three months ago now—if he thinks hard, he can still hear the sound of your squeal in gratitude in the furthest part of his ear.
“—what if I stole your last coffee filter?”
“I’m guessing I’m desperate for it too?”
“Yes,” you say, defiant but playfully. “Of course.”
“You’re telling me that if I stole your last coffee filter, you’d still be my friend?”
Killing the engine, he sighs. Shrugging. “Yeah.”
Unbuckling your belt, you throw a glare. “I don’t believe you. You’re more coffee than blood.”
Shaking his head, he rests against the headrest, the corner of his lips growing into his cheek. “Not a thing you could do that would make me ever want to not be your friend.”
Rolling your eyes, you hover your hand over the doorhandle. A part of him wants to ask you to wait, to not go just yet. A routine he thinks through at least three times a month when he sees you. Each time ending in the same cowardly way.
“Goodnight, Frank,” you say, in that same tone—one hard to read, forged in sadness but dressed up in joy—as you press your lips to his cheek.
He resists touching it like he always does. Mumbling the same scripted, “Night” he always does.
Not jolting when the door meets the frame, eyes pinned on you as you walk down your path—waiting for you to step on your porch, turn back and wave, fidget for your keys before unlocking the door and giving him another wave. Another pattern, another repetition.
Except tonight you stop.
You don’t even make it halfway down your path.
Blood pounds in his ears, something knotting inside of him. An urge, a fire lighting in his stomach. One he listens to. His hand shoves the door open, as the other undoes his belt, forcing himself to exit.
Frankie spots the glance in surprise at finding him coming around the front to join you. As though the idea he would is a shock, a surprise as he calls your name.
It’s slow, the way you spin on your heels. You pause, eyes narrowing, before widening, fighting a smile. A thing he can tell, can read. Even if you try to hide it in the night, shield it from the almost full moon and the stars which twinkle above.
“You think you’d be able to be my friend if I kissed you, Nemo?”
Leaning against the brick of your house, watching your eyes flick from his shoes back to his face.
“Finally ran out of cat names?”
“I’m branching out. I could go back to calling you Salem.”
Smirking, rolling his lips. “Still not a fish.”
Sighing, shifting your weight. “Didn’t answer my question.”
Wiping his hand with his face, hurrying his brain to think of something, anything, because he’s not sure if this is a joke. If you’re pushing him.
But the longer the silence thickens, the more time you stare at him, eyes growing wider and wider, he thinks that it might not be his heart that is the only one pounding. The only one beating in his ears, the pulse throbbing in his neck.
“No,” he stammers, clearing his throat. “I–I’d be too busy.”
Lips sliding into your cheek, nervousness fading, fingers scratching the tip of your nose as he swears a shooting star soars in your eyes. “Doing what?”
“Kissing you fifteen hundred times.”
“Just fifteen hundred?”
Shrugging, chewing his tongue, he exhales—loud, nostrils flaring. “To start.”
Taking a step closer, a timid one. Enough to make a point, but not enough to close the gap entirely. Your knuckles brush his stomach, a blend between a stroke and a nudge.
“You’ve thought about this.”
A small part—one wrapped in vines of doubt, encased in pretending—warns him to clamp his mouth shut. To swallow the syllables and forms letters that make the sentence buzz in his mouth, along his teeth, and jaw.
Flicking his eyes from the floor to your face. “All the time, baby.”
He hears it, but he enjoys watching it more, the way you gasp. Low, airy, trying to bury it.
“Give me a goodnight kiss, Morales.”
He doesn’t think twice.
Brushing his lips against yours, soft, cautious, and tender, before it deepens. It makes his heart throb, double; it almost somersaults in his chest as your palm presses to his cheek, fingers sliding into his hair as one of his hands finds a home on your waist.
Then you’re smiling, almost laughing, right up against his mouth as he tastes the sugar on your lips. He feels the joy brushing against his mouth as your fingers knot into his hair.
And it unlocks him, allows you to consume him, to find himself free falling knowing he'll never land, fall or be hurt—just floating, as you tug him flush to you, a feeling so heavenly he almost wishes to pinch himself—
“Of course, you’re a good kisser,” you whisper, ghosting the words over his lips.
“Been thinking about it, have you?”
Snorting, nose nudging his, you press your mouth back to his, more searing, open-mouthed. “When I drive. At work. In the morning. At night.”
Each is punctuated with a kiss. The latter flows around his head, swirling in different shades and fonts as he groans, fingers sliding around the back of your neck, deepening the kiss. Making it a little rougher, more committed, feeling you cling to him, tugging him closer as he manoeuvres the two of you—flushing your back to the brick, his chest to yours.
A moan escapes you, tickling his lower lip as your thumb brushes along the back of his neck. Mouths parting, for a moment breathing the other, simply staring, gazing, ogling.
“Fourteen hundred and ninety-nine to go?”
Shaking his head, nose brushing yours, thumb stroking against your cheek. “This is a goodnight kiss—a necessity to begin the counter.”
“Oh,” you whisper, elongating it, adding a smirk to the end. “So, we have another fifteen hundred and then, we stop?”
Taking a deep breath, the scent of your perfume weaving into his soul. The sound of a car streets away travelling in the quiet of the night.
“Depends.” Tilting your head, waiting, confusion there. “You might unlock the next stage.”
Grinning against him, able to feel it as he runs his knuckles along your jaw.
“Or my lips fall off?”
Laughing, just like he did earlier. He smiles. “Or your lips fall off.”
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petew21-blog · 2 days
Workout routine
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My best friend from school, Emily, married last summer while still being at university with me. She is still young, but claimed that her boyfriend truly loves her. Bullshit if you ask me, he never respected here and treated here like a trophy wife since the beginning. Yeah I hated him. He was a homophobic asshole and acting like some fuckin' alpha male. Why Emily dated him I never understood
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One day we were on their garden studying for an upcoming exam. I was nervous most of the time cause James was working outside fixing stuff and eyed me like a prey. Emily went to get us some snacks and drinks.
He came up to me and started some homophobic talk how I could choose this path of sin and so on. I couldn't look up at him. Cause he was very close to me, very shritless and VERY sexy. Way too much. If I looked up even for a second, I would immediately get hard.
"You gays are the worst thing about this generation. You can't even work, y'all do your artsy useless shit and nothing usefull"
"Can you just let me live and go on about your life? I don't want to listen to this."
"Well you're on my property so you'll listen to whatever I have to tell you"
A call from inside the house. Emilly called him
"You're lucky. If it weren't for her you'd be already on the ground biting dust"
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What an idiot. I was raging. I think I'll just leave and go home. I can't calm myself down and I don't want to cause any drama with Emily. Even if I think her husband is horrible, I don't want ot loose her a s a friend"
Emily came out of the house, smiling. She brought the snacks and water. She looked at me "Sorry for... taking so long. I had to sort something that couldn't wait. Now drink up, you haven't drank for hours. I should have brought drinks sooner."
I took the glass and took a sip. But then I felt really nauseaous. My vision was blurry now and I felt like vomiting. All I could make out of Emily's face was that she was smiling.
Then my vision started getting clearer again. But it was strange, I wasn't outside anymore. I was in their kitchen, holding a glass. "How did I get here?" went through in my head. As I looked for the nearest surface to put down the glass I noticed that I was shirtless.
Wait, what?!? This isn't my body!!!
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I let go off the glass destroying it. But nothing could have prepared me for being this ripped in the matter of seconds. This is something I always wished for, but never thought I would get. I was always the skinny twink trying to build more muscles, but couldn't. And now, I have massive muscles.
I found a mirror in the hall. No, this can't be happening. I am James. I can't be him. He is an asshole. A homophobic asshole.
But his body thought otherwise. His dick got hard. And it isn't small. Which might be cool to play with, but now I was still angry everytime I looked at the mirror.
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"Enjoying yourself?" Emily asked as she entered the house
"What have you done, Ems?"
"I gave you a new body. The one you have been lusting for. And as a side effect I got myself an improvement for a boyfriend. I loved him before, but I was blind and deaf to all the things he said on your account and to all the things he commented about me. Never appreciated me. But you are the best man I ever knew. And I wanted to be with you even if I wasn't your type. But now, I think I might be" she said as she placed her hand on my new crotch.
I thought I wouldn't like this, cause I was gay for my entire life, but James's body is still straight. But in my mind I could even picture myself with a dude and not be disgusted
"Ems, I think you didn't turn me straight as you wished for. I think I'm bi, actually"
"Whatever is best for both of us. I got a cute gay friend who you might like and who would love to explore your body, with me. But I think there might be some emotions involved, you know. Cause of the previous ownership and so on." she said and laughed out loud.
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I took her up and put her on the kitchen table. Embracing her and going for a kiss.
"Ems, you are the best friend I could have ever wanted. I love you and I will love you now as your husband"
We could hear a scream outside coming from the garden. We could only smile at each other as we knew what was coming
Two months later:
"Hey, my name is James and this is my colleague Robert. Robert is a small gay dude friend from my wife. We are going on a road trip to get to know each other better with the permission from my wife. So we would like a room"
"Oh, there's only double bed? That's absolutely fine with us, right Robert? Bro's will be bro's and NO HOMO. Hahaha"
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A story request from Inbox: Could you do a swap with a Twink and his best friend’s bodybuilder husband?
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lee-laurent · 2 days
Summer Boy - Quinn Hughes
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Summary: When Jack brings his best friend to the family lake house for the summer, Quinn realizes the crush he's been harbouring for years may not be one-sided, the only issue his youngest brother is already making moves.
Content: slight angst, fluff, heated make-out
notes: let me know what you think!! this is my first fic on here and i def need to work on getting back into writing :D def not my best work, i don't love it but here we go. def can do a part 2 if anyone wants
Elwyn leaned her head against the cold window of the car, feeling the vibrations reverberate through her body. Jack had fallen asleep about half an hour into the drive, and Elwyn wasn't sure how to join Cole and Trevor's conversation without it being awkward. Quinn, Luke, and some of Luke's college friends were driving up in another car, leaving Elwyn alone and bored for the last few hours.
"You doing alright back there, Winnie?" Cole smiled, catching the brunette's attention from the back seat.
"Huh? Oh, yeah, I'm fine. Jack's snoring is getting on my nerves though."
Cole chuckled, catching a glimpse of his friend in the rearview mirror.
"Well, you better wake him up; we'll be there in ten," Trevor laughed.
Elwyn nodded, pushing her best friend as hard as she could while restrained by her seatbelt.
"Ahhh! What the fuck, Winnie? I was sleeping"
Winnie just shrugged. Jack rolled his eyes in response, pouting at her.
"I was having a really nice dream."
"Yeah, what was it about?" she mused.
"Oh, it was amazing. Just me and the boys went on vacation, and I didn't have to bring my stupid best friend named Elwyn. It was pretty much paradise on earth."
Elwyn gasped, "You invited me, you cocksucker!"
"And I'll regret it every day for the rest of my life."
"If Jack didn't invite you, I'm sure Lule would have. He basically loves you," Cole laughed.
"That's not true. Luke doesn't love her, Q-" Trevor started, but was cut off by a slap to his chest from Cole.
Elwyn rolled her eyes, crossing her arms over her chest. Jack smirked at her in victory, before turning his attention to his phone. The rest of the drive was mostly silent. Jack on his phone, Trevor driving, Cole pointing out the occasional thing he saw, and Elwyn watching as they sped past the lake, the blue looking almost endless.
"Ellie!" Dylan shouted, throwing his arms around the girl. They rocked back and forth, bright smiles plastered on their faces.
"Why does Elwyn get a bigger hug than I did?" Luke questioned, "She doesn't own the house."
"I love Elwyn so much more than you," Dylan joked, narrowing his eyes at his past roommate.
El snatched her duffle bag out of Jack's hands, dissappearing into the house. Jack sighed, grabbing his bag and following her inside.
"You know I love you, Winnie?" he whispered.
"I know, Jack. I love you too," she giggled, flopping down onto the bed in the room that she had claimed, between Luke and Quinn's.
"I still don't get why you don't want to share a room with me. I'm like the best roommate ever."
"You snore and steal all the blankets. You're a terrible roommate."
Before Jack could protest, a snicker came from the doorway. Luke was standing there, his body leaned against the frame. Elwyn offered him a small wave, which he gladly returned.
"What's up?" Jack asked.
"Oh, um, Quinn needs help with something out back. Wanted me to ask you to help, Rowdy."
"Why can't El do it?" he groaned.
"Cause if El did it, Quinn would - never mind. Just go help him, dipshit."
"Fine. You coming, Winnie?" Jack sighed.
"I guess," she shrugged, letting him drag her into the backyard.
A few of the guys were playing spikeball, but Quinn was desperately trying to get the boat cover off. It seemed like it had been superglued on. He looked up when he heard two new voices enter the yard. His breath caught in his throat, and he stopped what he was doing when he saw Elwyn walking in step with Jack. He had specifically told Luke not to send her hout, why couldn't he follow simple instructions?!
"Hey, Quinn," Elwyn smiled, twisting one of the rings she had on.
"H-hey, Elwyn. How's it going?"
"Would be better if your brother wasn't so annoying?"
"Who? Luke?" Jack smiled, earning a punch in the arm.
Quinn chuckled nervously, turning his attention to his brother, "Can you hekpl me with this, Jack? I think Dad fucking superglued it on."
"Sure," Jack sighed, climbing up onto the boat with his brother.
Quinn tried his best to keep his attention on the boat, but that was proving difficult with Elwyn there. Quinn had had a crush on Elwyn for as long as he could remember. It was hard with her always being around because of Jack. And it was going to be even more difficult now that she was spending the next two weeks of summer with them.
"Quinn! Quintin! Hello?" Jack waved his hand in front of his brother's face.
"You zoned out. Elwyn's going to help Luke with something inside."
"Oh, uh, okay."
"Are you okay, dude?"
"I'm fine, Jack. Just help me with the boat."
Jack raised his hands in defence as Quinn rolled his eyes.
Elwyn laughed as Luke splashed water from the sink at her. He had asked her to clean some of the dishes that the boys had used for lunch before she arrived with Cole, Trevor, and Jack.
"Stop!" she giggled, flicking some soap at him.
"Sorry, sorry. Didn't mean to get you all wet," he winked.
"Sorry, sounded funnier in my head," he rubbed the back of his neck, his face flushing.
"It was funny, Luke. No sweat."
Just as he was about to open his mouth and make things worse, Trevor walked in slapping him on the back.
"Mind if I steal, Lukey boy. We need another person to play pool."
"Sure. Leave the only woman to do the dishes," Elwyn shook her head.
"I- I can stay, Winnie. Mark or Ethan can play for me."
"It's fine, Rusty. I'm just kidding around."
Luke gave her a thumbs up, drying off his hands and disappearing with Trevor into the other room. Elwyn giggled at Luke's awkwardness, wondering where his sudden flirting had come from. She thought it was endearing almost. She was used to Jack's friends flirting with her, but his younger brother... that was new. It intrigued her, although Jack would shoot Luke on the spot if he overheard.
Elwyn sat cuddled up next to Jack in a deck chair, a blanket thrown over her legs that were propped on Jack's, one of his many Devils hoodies swallowing her frame. She choked on her beer as Trevor continued his story about striking out terribly at a club a few days before.
"What do you think, El? Who's got the best moves here?" Cole cackled.
"I- um, Quinn? Maybe? Like the quiet, mysterious type? Girls like that."
Quinn could feel his face heating up as the group of guys broke out in laughter.
"Quinn?! Are you kidding? Quinn's too busy thinking about-"
"Trevor! What were you saying about beer pong?" Cole cut him off.
"Oh, right! Me and Cole versus Elwyn and.... Luke!"
Don't be jealous. Don't be jealous, Quinn repeated in his head.
"Are you any good, Ellie?" Dylan asked.
"Oh, I mean, I'm okay... I guess."
"Don't be humble, Winnie! She's a pro! Whenever she comes to Jersey, we destroy everyone!" Jack claimed, smiling brightly.
"We'll see about that," Trevor smirked.
Elwyn sighed, getting up from her comfy spot next to Jack. Luke wrapped his arm around her shoulders, directing her towards the table the boys had set up not far from where the fire was. This way the group around the fire could still watch the game, while enjoying the warmth.
Trevor and Cole went first, both missing. Elwyn dipped the ball in a cup, before tossing it. Luke cheered as it landed in the cup, pulling her into a side-hug by her waist. Quinn gripped his drink a little tighter.
The game continued similarly, although Trevor and Cole sunk a few balls, leaving Elwyn feeling pretty tipsy. She sunk the last ball and Luke picked her up, spinning her around. She laughed, her anxiety from earlier being wiped away by the alcohol in her system. He placed her back down on the ground, staring into her eyes. She giggled, watching his eyes flicker to her lips. Jack, however, also noticed. He quickly walked over to the table, slapping Luke on the back, breaking him from his Elwyn induced stupor. Quinn was thanking whatever god was watching over him, because he felt like he was going to puke watching the moment between his youngest brother and the girl he was hopelessly in love with.
"Alright, I think it's time we head in," Jack said, a fake smile on his face.
"Why? We're having fun," Elwyn slurred, placing her hand on Luke's chest.
"Because... you've had too much to drink, Winnie."
"What? No, I have not. I'm fine, Jacky. You worry too much."
Jack could see Elwyn wasn't coming in without a fight, however he was starting to feel like if he left her out here any longer she'd be making out with Luke. He was not about to let that happen.
"Come on, El. If we go to bed now, we'll be able to wake up early and spend more time on the boat. And you can wear that swimsuit you were telling me about."
Her eyes lit up at the mention of the new bikini she had purchased for this trip. It was beyond cheeky and the cutest shade of red. Deep down she was hoping it would grab the attention of one of Luke's friends. Didn't matter which one, she just wanted to get laid. It had been a while and it was starting to get to her. She nodded in excitement, letting Jack intertwine their fingers and walk into the house.
As soon as she was gone, Luke's friends hopped out of their seats, hollering and playfully slapping the boy.
"Damn, Hughesy! Tryin' to make a move on Winnie in front of Jack! Ballsy as fuck!" Ethan laughed.
"I see you, Luke. Get the girl!"
"Okay, Rusty! I see you!"
Quinn had heard enough. Elwyn was not some object to win over. He stood up from his chair and stormed into the house. Passing Elwyn's room, he peered in to check on her, but she wasn't there. Confused, he peeked into Jack's room. On Jack's bed laid a very drunk Elwyn and a tipsy Jack. He was attempting to get her to change into some of his clothes, but she was already half asleep. Jack looked over at his door when he heard the floor creak, noticing his brother looking in, he got up and pushed the door shut in his face.
"Come on, El. You don't want to sleep in jean shorts. You'll wake up and complain. I know you."
El just whined and started pulling her shorts down her legs. While it wasn't the first time she'd undressed in front of her lifelong best friend, it still caught him off guard. He turned around and faced the wall, laughing when he felt the shorts hit him on the back.
"Happy?" she mumbled.
"Yes, now get under the covers. I'll join in a minute."
"Night, Jacky."
"Good night, Winnie."
Jack sighed, climbing in next to Elwyn. He knew she wouldn't remember anything when she woke up, but if Luke did he was ready to kick his ass. He could feel the anger bubbling in his chest, when suddenly a leg swung over his and a sigh came from next to him. He laughed, pulling Elwyn into his chest. He'd kill Luke later, right now he needed sleep.
Elwyn groaned, shoving her face further into Jack's neck. At least, she assumed it was Jack's neck. She didn't remember much of the night before after beer pong started. Slowly, she peeled open her eyes. Yep, it was Jack. Thank god. Jack muttered something, his grip on her waist tightening. There were no blankets on El, as she had predicted, Jack had stolen them all. Where were her shorts? Carefully, she moved Jack's arm off her, climbing out of the bed. She slid on her shorts and ran across the hall to her room.
God, she needed a shower.
Next thing Elwyn knew, she was out on the boat surrounded by boys. The boat was pretty full, so she found herself perched on Jack's lap, listening to the boys talk about hockey. She couldn't help but notice Luke's gaze that kept falling on her, she'd just flash him a tight-lipped smile every time their eyes met. The boat stopped and most of the boys jumped into the water, Elwyn however was going to use this time to tan. She slipped off her shorts and lay down on the bench of the boat, basking in the feeling of the sun on her skin.
Quinn, who was treading water next to Luke, was trying not to stare. It was proving difficult though, seeing the girl in her barely there bikni, reading a book. He felt like a hormonal teenager, especially when she started applying more sunscreen to her body. He could have sworn that his gulp was audible, as she trailed her hands over her chest and shoulders.
"Someone needs a cold shower," Ethan laughed, patting Luke on the back. Quinn's head whipped in the direction of his brother. Had Luke been staring too? Since when was Luke interested in Elwyn? Was his little brother his competition now?
"Winnie! Get in!" Jack complained from the water.
"No. I'm tanning."
"You've been tanning for an hour. Join us!"
She groaned, pulling her claw clip from her hair. She climbed up on the side of the boat, plugging her nose as she jumped.
"AH! IT'S SO COLD! Holy shit!" she shrieked as soon as she resurfaced. She swam over next to Quinn, placing a hand on his shoulder to stay afloat. Quinn thought his skin might have been on fire in that moment despite the cold water.
"Hey, Winnie," he whispered.
"Hi, Quinn," she smiled, "Your boat driving skills are quite impressive."
"Thanks. Was trying extra hard just for you."
She giggled, "Wow, I'm flattered."
"Yeah, precious cargo. Had to keep you safe." Where had this confidence come from? Maybe talking to Elwyn was easier than he thought.
"You're cute, Quinny," she smiled, swimming off towards Jack.
"Oh my god, she thinks I'm cute," he mumbled.
"Did you say something, Quinn?" Luke asked.
"Huh? No, no. Just thinking about tonight."
Little did Quinn know that night was going to change everything.
Once again, everyone was gathered around the fire, cooking hotdogs over the flames. Elwyn was chattering away with Jack, explaining to him how to cook the hotdog correctly.
"No, it'll still be cold on the inside now. You have to give it more time. You're like a child, so fucking impatient."
"It won't be cold; I've been holding it over a fire."
"Are you kidding around? You're so dumb."
"Fine. I'll just burn it."
"Just because it's charred on the outside, doesn't mean it's burned. I actually cannot stand you. I'm going to sit with Quinn."
"Whatever. Have fun with that."
Quinn prayed that the darkness would shield Elwyn from seeing the blush that covered his face as she sat on the arm of his chair.
"Your brother was pissing me off."
"Not surprised. Not sure how you've put up with him for so many years."
"Me neither. You're clearly the better Hughes boy."
"Ha, yeah..."
A couple drinks later and Elwyn had moved from the arm of the chair to Quinn's lap. Jack hadn't noticed, too busy playing spikeball. Quinn's fingers drummed mindlessly against her exposed side, her head leaning on his shoulder.
"Have I ever told you that you're like the cutest guy ever?"
"What? No? Why?"
"Then I'll do it now. You're like the cutest guy ever."
"Where is this coming from, El?"
"My mind? My heart? I'm not sure. I thought you were cute when I was 16. But you were too cool for me."
"Too cool for you? No, you're too cool for me."
"Funny. I like your nose," she smiled, running her finger over the slope of it.
"Thanks. I like you."
"I- I like your nose too."
"Thanks, Quinny."
"Do you want another drink?"
"Sure. I'll come with you."
The two walked off into the house unnoticed, going to find more alcohol. Elwyn perched herself on the counter as Quinn dug around in the fridge.
"Is Ultra okay?"
Quinn handed her the can and went to walk back outside, when her hand caught his collar. She pulled him closer, spreading her legs to slot him inbetween.
"Can I kiss you?" she whispered like someone would hear.
"I-" Quinn stopped himself, leaning in and capturing her lips with his. Her arms wrapped around his neck, trying to pull him impossibly closer. He swiped his tongue against her bottom lip, quickly being met with her open mouth. He slid his hand up her side, tucking it under the thin string of her bikini top.
"Upstairs," she mumbled against his lips. He nodded, allowing her to jump off the counter and drag him to his room. Their lips met again as she backed them towards the bed. He caught himself before he could crush her, trailing a hand up her thigh.
"Take your shirt off?" Elwyn offered. Quinn nodded enthusiastically, grabbing the back of his shirt and pulling it over his head. She wasted no time trailing her hands over his pecks, pulling him back in for a kiss. Quinn trailed his hand back under the string of her top, before she redirected it under the small bit of fabric covering her chest. Before Quinn could comment on how amazing she was, her name was called from downstairs.
"ELLIE? YOU IN HERE?" Jack's voice echoed from the bottom of the stairs.
"Ignore him. He'll go back outside," she whispered, kissing Quinn's neck.
"Fuck. We should go, Winnie."
"But I'm having fun."
"I am too. But Jack will come up soon."
She sighed, sitting up. Quinn squeezed his hand under her shirt one more time, smirking as she narrowed her eyes at him.
"Don't start something you can't finish, Hughes."
He laughed as she sped off to go back to Jack. Maybe this summer would be better than he thought.
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moonlit-midnight · 3 days
For dearest you will always be
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Characters: Idia Shroud.
Genre/Trope: Romantic fluff, Mutual crushes.
Summary: In which your longtime best friend finally professes his love for you.
Warnings: Very self indulgent, set in the future, inspired by my oldest sister and her husband (thanks for being my muse).
Idia fell into step with you in the empty park, strides unhurried and steady.
He was quiet, and you were quiet too, but it was the comfortable kind of quietness that he grew accustomed to over the years of being friends with you.
“It’s unusual for you to take me on a night walk…” you chimed in. “Is there perhaps something you want to tell me?”
Idia nodded and drew a breath, staring at your left hand hanging on your side.
“I… I’m in love with you.” He stated in a soft tone, and the next thing he knew, he reached into the space between you and him, intertwining your fingers together in the most gentle way.
He held your hands countless times, but this time it felt different.
Rather than just expressing his love through simple words, he wanted to convey it through actions to make it more meaningful.
You slowed down your pace before you came to a halt so you could look at him.
You knew that Idia harbored romantic interest towards you because you once overheard it from one of your close classmates that he was in love with you.
Yet, despite your knowledge of his crush on you, you never questioned him about it and simply chose to wait for him patiently.
Now that it was out in the open, you were over the moon hearing it personally from him and your heart was at ease knowing that your beloved best friend genuinely reciprocated your feelings.
“Don’t tell me it took you seven years to realize that? You must be losing your charm.” you said in a joking manner while smiling endearingly at him.
“I guess even my charms has its limits.” Idia grinned, followed by an amused chuckle.
★ —
You were an inseparable pair of best friends since the age of ten, often celebrating your happy times together, cheering one another during the hard times, bickering and bantering like any close friends would do, and constantly having each other’s unwavering support.
Both of you developed a mutual little crush at seventeen which blossomed into something more as time flew by. 
You had been attempting to profess your love since fourth year, but a series of unfortunate circumstances occasionally ruined your chances while Idia on the other side wasn’t ready to voice his feelings yet during that time.
Fast forward to the future, everything finally fell into place.
He even beat you to it, much to your surprise.
“I love you, too, Idia.”
“I know.”
“Took you so long, mister,” you grinned and landed a playful punch on his shoulder. “But at least you got me now.”
“I always got you.” Idia took a hold of your hand, kissing it sweetly before he engulfed you into one of his hugs, a tight yet loving hug that always made your heart feel at home.
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umbran-scribe · 16 hours
haha. i’ve got a funny request. how do u feel about dentists and nanami.😕
Overtime Smiles (Nanami Kento x Gn Reader)
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Heyy ♡ ︎ It took me a little while to get back to posting again because of life but I should be posting more soon. I know you wanted NSFW girlie so I've tried and this is the best I could do. I hope you enjoy❦︎
Summary: After waking up in Nanami's bed from a night of drinking, you plan on avoiding him until you find out you have an appointment with your dentist.. Who happens to be Nanami.
Tags: Dentist!Nanami Kento x Gn! Reader, Mentions of drinking, One night stand, Smut, PWP, Deepthroating, Cum Swallowing, Not proofread, WC: 4.5k
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I’d been studying his sleeping face for about an hour. More and more sunlight was creeping through the window and my opportunity to make a clean escape was getting smaller and smaller. Fuck, why did I drink so much? Clubbing with Gojo never ends well, why did I think this time would be any different? And out of all people to hook up with, it was fucking Nanami Kento. An old highschool acquaintance that in recent years had become a shoulder for me to cry on, someone I hung out with nearly daily. 
From the corner of my eye I spot the hoodie I left here a few days ago. Damn, I either take it now, or leave it forever, cus there's no way I'm gonna be able to double back for that. Not when Kento wakes up and finds me gone. Fuck. Would he even remember last night? Again, how the fuck did last night even happen.
...Fuckkkkkk I really liked that hoodie…
He groaned as he adjusted his sleeping position, oblivious to the dilemma I was facing. Son of a bitch, what do you do when the friend you usually call to get you out of shit is the reason you're in deep shit to begin with? 
I’d been in his room so many times before, I've been in this bed countless times, I knew what made the bed springs squeal and what kept them quiet.
I slowly remove the blanket and awkwardly shuffle to the edge of the bed, which still creaked despite my most careful efforts. No sound from the slumbering hunk 3 feet away, so I figured I was probably safe.
I spotted my clothes thrown about near the door of the room, escaping so tantalisingly away, but I had to overcome the hardest part of this whole situation. Getting off the actual bed without the goddamn mattress announcing it to the whole apartment.
I grip the edges of the mattress.
I breathe in..
I tense my body as I press my feet to the floor.
And breathe out..
Despite my best efforts, I only managed to avoid the worst of it, the springs still wailed as I stood and I cursed Kento’s sleeping face for not getting memory foam like I suggested months ago. 
But his expression didn’t change. He laid there asleep and without any concern. What day was it, again? Did he have work or something? Maybe I should wake him up. 
No, focus, if luck is on my side he won't remember anything and I can worry myself with all that as soon as I get the hell out of here.
I tiptoed around his room, scooping what I could of last night’s outfit off the cold floor. I also find my phone with a now cracked screen, fortunately still charged and notifications cluttering the display. Worried texts and clustered missed calls from Gojo, while Shoko had only sent a few messages and called once. I’ll take care of that when I get at least halfway decent.
Shimmying out of the bedroom is an exercise in patience and caution, after which I nearly close the door behind me, leaving a small crack to stop the door from totally closing shut and making any more noise.
I made a mental note to Shoko for suggesting I wear flats instead of heels yesterday. Who knows what I’d do with myself if I had to walk with heels on Kento’s hard tile floor.
I got dressed and felt my heart jump into my throat when I closed the main door of the house too roughly behind me. Fuck it It’s far enough away from his room, I doubt he’d hear it. 
Was this elevator always so cold? Ugh. 
Ring ring…
Ring ring… You snow dusted ass, pick up I know you've got nothing else going on
Ring ri- “Hellooo~?” “How does it feel letting the phone ring so you feel a little less sad?”
I hear the choked chortle before he can mute himself, “You whore, you can’t talk to me like that! I’m not the one that disappeared from the club last night.”
I scoff and laugh a little before letting out a huge sigh, “Asshole, I’m not surprised you lost track of me, but where was Shokooo.. She usually gives me a talking to before I do something I regret.”
Gojo makes a low whistle, clearly enjoying himself, “Got yourself some fun huh? And you can’t just ask Shoko to keep you on a leash, last night was for her anyway.”
“She doesn't keep me on a leash- ugh you know what it’s fine, do you know if she’s free? I need you guys' help.” I run my hand through my messy hair.
“Mm, I’ll have to check my schedule..”
“Don’t lie to me, you've got nothing going on. Can you guys pick me up?”
He laughs aloud, and I can hear him kicking his feet over the phone, “Ohh a one night stand gone wrong?”
I huff and can't stop the weak smile that comes to the surface. “Pick me up and you’ll get all the details~"
“I’ll be there in 15, send your location. Want me to stay on the phone?”
I send the location and wait for the fallout. 
“I'm walking to my car now, and- oh, okay, just got the notification..”
“How are you already on your way? It’s practically the ass crack of dawn, are you even dres-”
“IS THAT NANAMI’S BUILDING?” He was so loud the mic peaked, I had to pull the phone away from my ear.
“I’m waiting!” And abruptly cut the line.
True to his word, a quarter hour passed and his familiar black car pulled up in front of the building, Gojo’s window already rolled down and he yelled out the window, “HOP IN! Now!”
I didn’t keep him waiting.
I hopped into the passenger seat and kept my eyes on the road ahead, not giving Gojo the satisfaction of acknowledging his grin, “Just drive, I don't care where, just anywhere other than here.”
“You're not even gonna tell us why you're in such a rush?”
I slump in my seat, leaning my head on the window and whine a little before answering Shoko, “Please, at least get me breakfast before you make me talk.”
Gojo whined and complained the entire way, but I wouldn’t let up, and Shoko got tired before long and managed to shut him up.
It hadn’t even been a minute after ordering a coffee to go that the pestering started up again.
“You disappear halfway through the night, we don’t hear from you for over twelve hours, and when you do call you're asking to be picked up from one Nanami Kento’s apartment building..”
“Just because I was at Kento’s building doesn't mean that I was with him.. It could've been anyone from any of those apartments.”
Sitting beside Gojo directly opposite to me, Shoko looks me in the eye and I turn away before she grabs my chin and forces me to meet her gaze. The way she saw straight through me.. I deflate with a sigh and bury my head in my hands as Gojo hollers.
“I don’t know how it happened.. I don’t remember anything that happened after Gojo started crying.”
That cut him off real quick as he scrambled to defend himself, “That was only for, like, five minutes! At least I didn’t end up in my best friend’s bed.”
“You're a bit too loud for someone that wants exactly that to happen to him.. Are you sure you aren’t just jealous?”
“I don’t know what youre talking about.”
“Hey Shoko, mind taking a peep at his call log for me?”
She didn’t even get the chance to raise her hand before his phone was off the table, powered off and slipped into his pocket, all with a straight and stony face.
Now it was my turn to snicker at him, at least that was before my phone started to ring. An unknown number?
“Hi, I’m calling to confirm your appointment with us at 4 pm?” Excuse me.
“I’m sorry, appointment? Who is this?” I don’t remember having anything planned today.. I put the call on speaker and opened the calendar on my phone. Nothing. Gojo and even Shoko were now listening in.
“Oh, it seems like there's a note here.. Seems like this appointment is complimentary, arranged by one of our dentists.” Gojo’s eyes light up with pure mischievous joy. Who the fuck do I know thats a denti-
The realisation hit me later than it did Gojo, who had his chin set on his intertwined hands as he quietly smiled at me.
“Ah.. okay, um- yeah I’ll be there. Is there any possibility I can change dentists..?”
“I apologise, but this was a free of charge appointment offered by one of our dentists of their own choice, no other dentists would be willing to do something like this.”
How thoughtfully inconvenient..
“Alright, I’ll be there at 4 then.”
The call ends shortly after that.
That blue eyed grinch was nearly giggling at this point, the shit eating jackass.
“Shut up.”
“No, no, shut up, now please, no.”
“I’m just-”
“Shoko, please..”
She sighed and put out her cigarette before lightly knocking Gojo on the back of the head, and that seemed to get him to knock it off. “What're you gonna do now?”
“I don’t know.. How do I even face him? After last night? What do you guys think?”
Shoko only shrugged, a clear ‘it’s up to you’. Gojo didn’t hesitate to voice his opinion though.
“I mean, you've already said yes to the appointment, so youre gonna have to figure it out.”
“Wow, thanks. Helpful.”
He only half heartedly shrugged, “Nanami’s a good guy. And whatever happens you can give us a call, anyways.”
A nonchalant way of showing support, because he can’t seem too soft. I can't help laughing a little before getting up and paying for my drink. “Thanks, man. I’ll see you guys later today, probably.”
Shoko tapped her second cigarette against an ashtray before looking up at me, “Going already? You don’t have to be there until 4.”
“Yeah, but I seriously need a shower. Sorry for troubling you guys so much.”
“Hey, no worries! You gave me a fun start to the day. Keep us updated, okay?”
I waved back at him as I walked away to find a cab back home.
A shower, a nap and a few hours later, I was sitting in the waiting room, the pit in my stomach growing with every minute that passes, along with the temptation to get up and make a run for it while I still could.
“You can head in now, second door on the right.”
I flash her a nervous, albeit thankful smile and get on with it, hesitating at the door, hand unsteady on the handle.
The choice is taken out of my hands when the kind man himself, Nanami Kento, opens the door from the other side.
It’s not an unfamiliar face, I know him well, but the recent context made the image of him in my mind slightly blurred, undefined and unclear. But still, I knew that smile, and that was reassuring enough to get me into the patient chair.
He was acting completely normally. He stood the same, walked the same, sat in silence with me just like he did before.
“So, I know I mentioned this to you before, but this’ll be a perfectly normal check up. You said you had a bit of tenderness on the bottom right?”
“Oh, yeah. Uh, thanks for this, I could have just paid you know.”
He looked away from whatever was on his computer’s screen and to me with furrowed brows, “Is something wrong?”
It's a little embarrassing how that put me on edge. Was that weird to say? People pay their dentists, but that isn’t all he is. “Mm? Nothings wrong. What makes you ask?”
He swivels on his chair to face me completely and gets closer, eyes boring into me, “We've been friends for years, this isn't the first time I've offered to check a random tooth ache of yours and suddenly you're trying to pay?”
“I mean, that’s different, this is in the actual chair this time, I don't know. It just felt like maybe I should pay for your time.” 
“Just last week you called me three separate times in the early hours of the morning just to talk. We're way past conventional boundaries at this point. What aren’t you telling me?”
I picked at the skin on my thumbs as he kept on talking, because what do I say? He clearly doesn't remember what happened, so do I ignore it? Is it worth mentioning at that point?
“Are you acting like this because of what happened yesterday?”
“Huh? Yesterday?”
“When I ran into you at the nightclub last night.”
Son of a bitch, that rings a bell. “When do you even go to clubs?”
“Ino suggested I try something out of my comfort zone.”
“Oh. And that's when we..?”
“Do you not remember?”
“I mean.. Do you?”
“Admittedly, not much, but bits and pieces.”
“Oh. Okay then.”
The air was tense, and eye contact was nonexistent, on his part at least. It was equal parts funny and endearing, watching him be so uncharacteristically nervous.
“Hey, listen about last night, just forget about it.”
His head snapped to me, his gaze finally meeting mine after such an intense exercise in avoiding it.
“Forget about it?”
I wave him off, “Yeah, no worries, we’ll just forget it ever happened, y’know? Don’t stress about it. It’s just whatever.”
Not a word came from him for a long while as he studied my expression, though what he was looking for was a mystery to me. Did he think I was kidding..?
“What if I said I don’t want to forget last night?”
Heat rushed to my face as I struggled to find something to say, the words on my tongue hiding from my grasp. “I’m- um. Huh?”
He takes a deep breath and sighs lightly before he reaches forward and brings his hand closer to my own, fingers nearly making contact before shying away at the last possible centimeter. 
“I speak for myself, but I do not regret it. Even though I do wish that it was in a more- uh, ideal circumstance.”
The rush of emotions choke me, my words barely making it out of my throat.
“Sounds like you put some thought into it.”
He averts his gaze to the floor, a mild flush gracing his complexion. Kento’s never been one to shy away from anything, and I couldn’t help but smile a little. He was being too adorable, and I was feeling a little emboldened.
“How would you have wanted it to happen then?”
His gaze flits back to me and I get to see his usual little non-frown, the expression between a glare and annoyed grimace. “You're being cruel.”
“No! No, no Kento, really. Come on man, talk to me.” I try not to laugh as I sit up to face him properly.
He huffs and his expression shifts into something more alive. “I don’t know how I wanted it to happen. I’ve thought of possibly taking you for a nice dinner, but that seemed too formal, but you deserve more than just lounging about and watching shows together.” His eyes are alright, and I don’t remember when it was that our hands intertwined, but I don’t think I mind at all. “...But I do know that I would have wanted to be able to at least remember.”
“Remember what?”
“Our, ah… first time. Us. You.”
“You make it sound like you're some kind of virgin. Ha, you haven’t been saving yourself for me, have you Kento?” I can’t suppress the small grin or the faint tingle I felt in my gut with every exchanged word, with every letter that makes it to the open air.
“Don’t be ridiculous,” He huffs before showing me his own little smile, bringing our intertwined hands to his lips, pressing a soft kiss to the back of my hand and sending cascading fire down every nerve from my hand to every part of me. “But everything is different with you. Everything has meaning with you.”
I feel clouds form in my lungs and rising to my eyes, a raindrop of a tear or two slipping past before I attempt and fail to discreetly wipe them away with my free hand. Kento freezes, his hand stiffening around my own.
His grip loosens slightly, my own grip strengthening in turn.
“I’m sorry, I overdid it. I shouldn’t have-” 
“It’s not that, fuck, Kento that might be the sweetest thing anyone’s ever told me.”
His frown eases and he pressed more kisses to the back of my hand, his smile felt even when I can’t see it clearly.
“Well, I’m glad I didn’t come on too strongly, then.”
I sigh and he looks up at me, our gazes locked for seconds that felt like they dragged on for infinitely longer.
“How come you never mentioned any of that?”
He closes his eyes and ponders for an answer that did not need any thinking on his part.
“It never felt like the right time.”
“Really? Come on, I haven’t had a serious relationship in ages. Sounds like you've gotten in the habit of making excuses for yourself.” I playfully scoff.
“You know me better than that.”
I do, don’t I? 
I take both his hands into my own and bring them to my waist. He gives me a look I can’t read, so many different feelings in his eyes, a maelstrom of emotion.
“Nothing’s stopping us from having another first time. One that we can actually remember this time.”
His face remained unreadable, but his hands were now shaking under my own.
“But- last night..?”
“I won’t count it if you don’t?”
His expression breaks as he laughs, laughter and noises of joy spilling from him even as he kisses me again, for the first time.
I wrap my arms around his neck, relishing in the sensation of his lips on my own.
His arms hold me close to him, our bodies pressed together, a level of closeness in regards to one another that had never before experienced by our sober minds.
He pulled away from me, my lips following him in a daze before he brought a hand to my face, caressing with his thumb.
“What’s wrong? Did I do something?” The words tumble out of me in a near-incoherent mess.
“No. Nothing’s wrong. Absolutely nothing.” He whispers before coming back to me, lips to lips, in each other's arms.
The feeling of his tongue sliding against mine, of his hands on my hips and bringing me closer to him, our bodies nearly flush together. All the sensations had me flushed and in a daze, heat in the bottom of my stomach, every inch of contact sending waves upon waves of jolts that traveled up my spine.
A hand comes from behind and pulls my head back by the hair, the surprise and pain mellow into sweet sensitivity as he kisses and nips against my neck, taking his time to make sure there wasn't a single spot of skin he hadn’t left untainted.
“You know that’s gonna leave more than a few marks, right?”
His response is muffled, what with his continuing abuse of my neck, but the sentiment is clear when I suck in a sharp gasp, weakly restraining myself from making any noise as his sneaky fingers continue pinching at my chest.
After too long spent grinding against the other, I pulled away from him, a hand on his chest as my mind came down from the heights of euphoria.
After a moment, I came to enough sense to form words again.
“Hey, hey maybe we should go a bit slower. This is still your workplace, you know.”
Kento looked at me like he couldn’t comprehend what I was saying before he completely pulled away.
“Right. Yes, you're right.” He went to stand and walk away before I grabbed him by the front of his shirt, his look of mild bewilderment entertaining enough to make the time without him on me or vice versa almost worth it.
“I said slower, not slow. I can't let you go through the rest of the business day after putting you through that.” I smile up at him as my hand trails down to his belt.
His hands stop my own, a weak grip keeping them in place. “As much as I appreciate that, you don’t have to feel obligated to do that for me. It’s near the end of the work day anyways-” His concern was clear and it was so incredibly sweet, but I needed him so bad right now I was getting dizzy.
“Kento, I appreciate that, and you're such a sweetheart but if I don’t have you in my mouth in the next minute I might lose my mind.” The bluntness of my words struck true, the concern exchanged for a wild blush as his hands let go of mine and instead found a place at his side, hanging lazily.
The belt was easy to get out of the way, and the pants zipper and button were even easier, the air seemed to get heavier with every breath as everything seemed so surreal, a little smidge of lightheadedness painting the world away as my eyes tunnel visioned on Kento Nanami and absolutely nothing else.
With a breath to steady myself, I pull down his pants, the grey boxers now in view. The impressive tent was breathtaking, a slight dampness at the tip from the leaking pre.
I ran a hand over his clothed cock, peppering it in little kisses and enjoying the little groans that came from Kento, a hand in my hair but went out of his way to be more gentle, only tugging slightly when I lingered for too long on one spot.
My hands brought down the boxers slowly, enjoying the gradual reveal of his cock before it sprung out.
I wrap my hand around his warm cock, taking a moment to caress the tip with my thumb, pre-cum gradually lubing up my hand as I stroked from tip to base, taking my time and going at what must have been to him a grueling pace, considering the way he groaned almost in pain, impatience clear in his voice, but he was polite, and he never sounded a single complaint. 
I planted a kiss on the tip, at which Kento grabbed a fistful of my hair, but still refrained from tugging, like the gentleman he is. 
I ran my tongue across the length, from the base along the shaft and right to the tip before taking it whole in my mouth, nearly startled at the overly loud and sudden moan from Kento that he quickly muffled, hopefully fast enough for no one to step in.
I swirl my tongue around the tip, the salty taste of the pre cum filling my mouth as I took more and more of his cock into my mouth, making sure to breathe and not suffocate on the utter mouthful that was Kento, working my tongue as I went while my hands wander along Kento’s body, with one hand caressing his thighs as the other goes under his scrubs and feeling along his chest, pinching his nipple to hear a strangled noise from him.
I bobbed my head up and down, taking my time with the pace, spit running down his cock as I went, lubricating it thoroughly. The feeling of him in my mouth, the way his breath shuddered under my touch, it was almost euphoric.
He abruptly pulls me off of his cock roughly by my hair, throwing me into a spinning state of confusion at the sudden change, my mind grappling at the surroundings.
Leaning down, he gave me a kiss before grabbing me by the arms and laying me on the patient chair, reclining it completely to be flat and standing behind me, his cock right above my face.
“I hope you don’t mind me changing plans?”
“Straying from vanilla so soon, Kento? I’m not boring you am I?”
“You could never. Hit my leg twice if you need me to stop.”
It gave me whiplash, how we would go from being sickeningly sweet to instructing me on how to not get myself killed by his cock.
He took a step, his cock getting closer and my mouth opening in eager reception. That did not save me from the shock of having it slammed down my throat with the force of Kento’s own body weight before staying still.
In my attempt to breathe, I noticed his muskiness, almost unable to pinpoint what it was with the constant airway blocker.
He seemed to have had enough of torturing me, instead alternating between withdrawing his cock and choking me with it rapidly, the assault a constant over stimulating rush of white and force, of taste and smell and warmth.
His hands wrap around my throat to steady me, his pace constant as he fucks my throat raw, and I don’t even have the awareness necessary t pray that noone walked in on us, especially in such a compromising situation.
Groans grew louder and more frequent, the grip on my throat was getting stronger, and by now i was starting to lose consciousness, the lack of airflow making it difficult to even stay aware for long before I felt the stutter in his thrusts growing more and more frequent until he rammed as much as he could of his cock into my throat, and I could faintly register the pulsing of his cock or the warmth of his cum before he pulls out and I can catch a genuine breath.
I sat up, supported by Kento, who had already tucked himself away back into the boxers and managed to make himself look presentable as ever, once again, while I looked like an absolute mess.
I hear him clear his throat before looking at me sheepishly.
“Thank you. That was definitely more memorable than I could have imagined.”
I smile at him as I try to manage my messy hair, “Positively, I hope.”
“Of course.” He looked serious, as though any other possibility did not even register to him. “Now, about dinner tonight…”
I was already on my feet, giving him a kiss and on my way out the door before he even finished the sentence, “I’ll leave it up to you, Kento, I have some updates to give. See you at home!”
He calls out my name, but I was already dialing that snow dusted twink’s number.
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tadashisdisaster · 1 day
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SYNOPSIS “You’re so Fuckin’ fake” you end up dropping your 3 year friend and get revenge by hooking up with the man she hates the most…her playboy ex…..
ᝰ.ᐟ PAIRING - College playboy, Gojo Satoru, Sweet jockey Geto Suguru, Y/N’s ex bsf, Ayame
✮ WARNING ! Teasing, rough sex, p in v, revenge sex, friends with benefits?, name calling, whore, slut, a shitty ass friend, toxic relationships, maybe corruption kink, lmk if I forgot anything
ᝰ.ᐟ AN - my bestie mootie (@candy69gurl follow her she has better content) @ me for inspo on this post ( ˶°ㅁ°) !! I thought it was so different from the other posts I’ve made, but I wanted to try! I hope you guys enjoy
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You rush to your next class, taking your seat two rows behind the guy you had a major crush on, Geto Suguru. You sigh and lean on the palm of your hand. Your friend Ayame sits next to you and chuckles. “Geez girl, if you keep staring too hard you might burn a hole in the back of his head…”
You groan. “Ugh Aya! Do you see how cute he is..he’s wearing my favorite color too!” You giggle and gently push her arm. She laughs and pokes you right back. As class begins Geto pulls out a notebook and pen. Grabbing the hairband from his wrist he holds it between his teeth. He pulls his hair back in a messy bun. ‘God he’s so sexy’, you thought to yourself as you try to focus on what your professor was yapping about for that days lesson.
The lecture hall door swings open and slams against the wall a bit too hard. The male who had burst through the door winces, in fact everyone does. The professor lets out an exasperated sigh.
“Satoru Gojo! This is the 13th time you’ve been late this semester!” The professor rests his hand on his hip and gestures for Gojo to come over to him. He strides over to him with his hands in his pockets. He flashes a smile at the students. The girls —and some guys— giggle. Ayame rolls her eyes.
She glares at him in disgust then looks away. Gojo and Ayame were an item back in their sophomore years of college. They went to parties together, ate lunch together, and of course, slept together. Until he just had to sneak into another’s girls pants. Almost everyone knew the story, but no one seemed to care. It was cliche. The hot guy becomes the school play boy. You snicker at the thought.
The professor swats his hand for Gojo to sit down after scolding him. He didn’t care. He smirks and finds an empty seat, coincidentally next to his friend Suguru. It was no surprise the 2 most hottest guys in school were best friends. Gojo gives Geto a gummy smile. Geto rolls his eyes and smiles while shaking his head.
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You see, Ayame knew you had a crush on Geto, but Ayame also knew Geto never really reciprocated your feelings…
“Yeah! Y/n really likes you. I just wanted to know how you felt about her…you know. I’m just trying to help her out.” She batts her lashes at him and smiles. He smiles back, a faint blush on his cheeks. He rubs the back of his neck. “I’m flattered but- I don’t really see her in that way. D-Don’t get me wrong! She’s a great gal, I mean….” He looks away then back at Ayame.
Ayame bites her lip, a slight smile appearing. “She’s not really my type. Plus, I kinda have eyes for someone else…“ Ayame moves closer. Geto’s hands rest on her waist and pulls her close.
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A few weeks past. Ayame was occupied on her phone more than usual. You tilt your head to the side to try and catch what she was doing. Her smile falters as she hides her phone screen. “God y/n, you’re so nosey…” she rolls her eyes and continues texting. You huff. “Sorry! You’re just so occupied on your phone as of late…my bad for wanting to know what’s happening in my best friends life…” you look away and furrow your brows. Ayame rolls her eyes. “If you really must know…I have a boyfriend.” She smiles. Your face brightens. “What’s his name!? Do I know him!?”
She looks at you then at her phone. She puts it in her back pocket and smiles. “No, don’t worry about it…” she loops her arm with yours. “Tell me about Geto…how are you and him doing?” You sigh and look down. “He hasn’t texted me back. Not since Thursday last week…do you think he thinks I’m weird…or ugly!? Oh god…” you freak out. Ayame looks down at you, a sly smile playing on her lips. “Girl it’s okay…don’t worry about it. He’s not worth your time anyways.
You both walk back to your dorm. The dorms were gender inclusive, so when Ayame and Gojo broke up, she moved in and with you. You were a bit hesitant on letter her stay since you enjoyed your privacy and your own room but you felt more secure with her being there than you have been being alone.
Ayame goes straight to her bed and kicks off her shoes, she rolls over and scrolls on her phone. She giggles. You sigh and neatly place her shoes away. You had to admit you didn’t like the new Ayame. She was meaner, stuck up, and didn’t really care about how you felt. You cringe at her obnoxiously loud ass laugh as you walk over to the kitchenette and make dinner for you both.
“Ayame…the food is ready, wanna come eat?” You’re a sweetheart, everyone knew that, and everyone took advantage of that too, except for your friend, whom you’ve been friends with for 3 years. “I’ll eat later. Can’t you see I’m busy?” She sighs and scoots away from you. You slowly pull your hand away and walk over to the table.
Late at night all you could hear was Ayame’s voice, whisper calling her secret boyfriend. You tug your pillow over your head and groan. “H-hey Aya? Can you tone it down a little…I-“ she cuts you off. “Hold on, Whatever…” and with that she goes back on her phone and continues talking in the not so whisper like tone from earlier.
You trudge to class alone since Ayame went to walk with her boyfriend early in the morning. Your lip quivers, you sniff and wipe the stray tear away.
“You crying?” You jump at the comment and turn your head so fast you could’ve gotten whiplash. It was none other than Gojo. “W-what!?” You quickly clean your face. “Me? Crying pft, no….” You look away and continue your walk, almost to the building. Gojo next to you. You stop and look at him. “Are you following me?” Gojo chuckles. “I’m pretty sure we’re going the same way no? Did you forget we’re on the same morning class, princess?” You let out a soft ‘oh right’. You process his sentence and look up at him. “Princess?” He ignores your comment and just smirks. You sigh. You didn’t get much sleep last night because of Ayame, maybe you should confront her about it when you get back to the dorms.
Gojo stops to open the door, he looks back at you and leans close to your face, and pulls his shades down the bridge of his nose revealing his icy blue eyes, as if to inspect you. “What are you-“ he squints at you. “Geto doesn’t deserve you. And I’d be careful around Ayame, she’s a slutty bitch.” He backs away and smiles, pushing his glasses up his face. You stick your finger in his face and frown, “You shouldn’t be talking because you’re the one who-“ he puts his finger to your lips to shush you. He opens the door for you, “You shouldn’t believe things you know nothing about”. You awkwardly walk in. What did he mean…?
You take your seat. He sits behind you. His heart beating fast. ‘Was she always this cute?’ He thinks to himself while flinging a piece of paper at you. You grumpily turn towards him and scowl. He smiles and waves. You turn away, your ears red.
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Once you get back to your dorm you drop your bag on your bed and take a deep breath in. “Ayame? Ayame, are you here?” She comes out the bathroom. A skin tight black dress on with black matching heals and her hair done nicely. Her makeup…”Where are you going?” She puts her earrings on with strong perfume. She looks you up and down and smiles. “Out.” You give her a baffled look. “I- look, we need to talk. I nearly fell asleep in class today! I got zero sleep last night thanks to you. If you’re gonna call can you at least do it somewhere else or before it’s time to sleep?” You plead with her.
She just rolls her eyes. “God you’re so annoying y/n…” she grabs her purse, “no wonder Geto doesn’t like you…”. You think you miss heard her as you blink a few times, your heart hammered in your chest as your face turns red. “W-what did you say?” A knock at the door is heard. She opens the door and smiles. Your heart falls to the floor. “Geto…” you whisper meekly. He kisses Ayame sweetly and smiles at you. “Hey y/n, how are y-“ you brush past him and out of the room. Ayame stares at you while you leave, a pure evil smile stuck on her slutty face. Gojo was right.
You didn’t know where you were going, all you knew was that you wanted to get as far away from them as possible. “Fuck, fuck, fuck…” you bump into a firm chest. You don’t look at the person you bump into muttering a soft ‘sorry’. They grab your wrist. You look up tears falling quickly down your puffy cheeks. You quickly look away embarrassed. It was Gojo, what a coincidence. He lets you go, a hint of empathy flashed across his face. You begin to walk away until, “wait!, y/n…i-i knew…I-“ he rubs the back of his neck a bit ashamed. You look at him, confused and hurt. You shake your head and walk away. He sighs, torn between following you and trying to comfort you and possibly getting yelled at to fuck off, or just letting you be. He chose the second option and watches you walk away.
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Ayame didn’t return to your shared dorm which didn’t surprise you. You put on a soft pink oversized sweater, white skirt and tie your hair back in a pony tail with a white bow to accompany it. You slip on your shoes and walk off to your morning class as if nothing happened last night. You go through class perfectly fine, Geto and Gojo glancing at you. Ayame who comes in late, took her seat next to Geto. She too glances at you. Her slick smile fading as you wave at her with a smile.
You walk outside to where Geto and Ayame were having your lunch later that day. “Ayame!” You walk up to her, a fake smile plastered on your face. Ayame looks at you confused. Her stomach turns. She clears her throat, why should she be scared? “Can I talk to you?” You ask giving Geto the same soft smile. She stands up and kisses Geto’s cheek making the fist behind your back tighten. Gojo slides next to Geto. “What do you think they’re gonna talk about?” Gojo nosily asks Geto who looks at Gojo then you and Ayame nervously. “I don’t know man…” you stop next to a tree. You both converse like civilized people until ‘WHAM’, both Geto and Gojo stand up startled. Geto rushed over Gojo not too far behind. Ayame lands on her bum, shocked by the punch. “You’re so fucking fake, you know that?”
She scoffs. “It’s not like you were going to make a move anyways…you fucking psycho.” She stands up. “You’re always so quick to jump to conclusions, he’s the one who asked me out, he never liked your lame ass anyways.” She looks down at you a smirk on her face. You get ready to pounce on her until strong arms hold you back. You see Geto checking Ayame’s face. She pretends to cry as he wipes her nose with a napkin. Tears prick your eyes. ‘That should’ve been me’ you thought to yourself. Gojo turns you to face him and checks on you. Actual concern graces his beautiful features. Tears fall down your face.
Gojo’s face softens he sighs and pulls you in for a hug. Geto walks over to where Goji and you were standing. He pushes you behind him. All you could do was hold onto his sleeve. They both yell at eachother. You felt so numb. Geto leaves first with Ayame. Gojo huffs and takes your hand. He sits you both down at a bench. He hands you a new napkin every time you opened your hand for one. You finally calm down, he looks at you. You looked so pitiful, so innocent. You speak.
“I was so stupid to think he would like someone like me…” Gojo didn’t know why he felt so pissed. He lifts a hand to comfort you, instead he rubs the back of his neck. I mean like, who was he to comfort you? You both were hardly acquaintances. He glances at you then looks away. “Ya know…” a smug expression tugs at his lips. “You can always get revenge…” you look at him like he’s crazy. He shrugs. “Just an idea.” He looks at you, fondly. You stand up. “I-I don’t think that would be okay…two wrongs don’t make a right…” he sights and rolls his eyes behind his glasses. He stands up and stretches. I look him up and down. He was nothing but leg. You stagger back a bit when he leans close. “Alright…if you say so. But if you change your mind…” he holds his hand out.
You confusingly put your hand in his. He chuckles. “Your phone, pretty …” you blush hard. You fumble to get your phone. “O-oh right..” you hand it to him after unlocking it. He punches in his number and hands it back to you. He walks away after patting your head.
‘Her hand is so soft..’ he thinks to himself as he snickers when you text a small hi with a cute emoticon. “Cute-“
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You and gojo hand grown decently past over that last few months. He even comes over to study with you when actually he’s not even paying attention, he’s just starting at you.
“Satoru! You keep complaining about your exam that’s in 2 days and you’re not even paying attention!” You pout and look at him frustrated. He licks his lips. “I am focusing…” he looks at your lips then at your eyes. Those eyes he could stare at for hours if you’d let him. Of course you wouldn’t. He smiles, you blush. Your stomach flops. You gulp and look away.
“Stop looking at me like that idiot!” He scoots closer to you. He gives you cheeky smile and nudges you. “You know…I don’t know what you saw in Geto…I’m so much better.” He states of so bluntly. You smack his arm and get up. I puts in a false frown. “You’re so mean to me!” He says while getting up after you. You walk to the kitchenette to get a water from the fridge. You bend over to reach the cold water in the back. He leans against the counter looking you up and down. You had a nice ass he’ll give you that.
You stand up, making him avert his gaze. Turning around to offer him a water which he gladly accepts. He clears his throat. His little crush on you was only getting bigger. You sit at the tiny dining table and scroll on your phone having given up on tutoring him. He sits next to you. He gently takes your phone away.
”Y/n I-i have something to ask…” he hesitates. You look at him with interest. “He feels himself sweat. Was it getting hot in here or was it just him, or you? He rubs the back of his neck. “I wanted to ask you where do you get your study habits from?” He smile. Real smooth Satoru. Your hopeful gaze dropped. He noticed and looks at you. You stand up and fiddle with your hands.
“Oh- I thought I don’t know…” you sigh. “Never mind…” he seemed so intrigued. “What? You thought that I- what?” He asked standing up as well. “I thought you were gonna….” You don’t look at him, you felt like you were gonna explode. “Finally ask me out..?” His crush was evident. He looks at you shocked. You look at him, your face bright red. “W-well don’t just stand there and-“ he cuts you off with a kiss. His hands cupping your cheeks. You were shocked at first but slowly melt into it.
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It all happened so soon. You were in the kitchenette with him kissing. Then the next thing you know your body sprawled out on the bed, legs open while he rams relentlessly into you. “G-god..why didn’t we get together sooner?” He says breathlessly into your ear. You were so overwhelmed by the feeling of pleasure you couldn’t speak.
You dig your nails into the flesh of his back. Your eyes rolling to the back of your head. Your legs jolting back as his hips snapped back into yours.
“O-oh fuck..Toru- ngh~ Fuck, fuck, FUCKKK” He smirks, his kisses soft compared to the harsh snap of his hips. “Makin me addicted to this pretty pussy baby…” he folds your legs to your chest hitting your G-spot perfectly. You grip the sheets, a sobbing drooling mess. “Yeah, you like that don’t you? Just needed some good dick to fill this messy cunt up huh?”
He sends a wet slap on your abused clit before rubbing ruthlessly. You toss your head back in pleasure. He chuckles his hips stuttering as he groans. “G-Geto c-can’t make you feel as good as me, now can he?” You couldn’t hear him, your brain almost completely turned off. He grabs your chin. “Right baby?” You nod and babble an incoherent yes. He laughs cruelly at how brain dead you were. “Drunk on my cock huh?”
You moan so loud anyone walking past could hear. He cusses under his breath feeling you clench around him. “You gonna cum baby? Let’s cum together yeah?” You nod desperately. Your thighs shaking. He thrusts a few more time before you both cum hard. Moaning each other's names in unison. He kisses your neck softly, slowly moving to your lips.
“Round 2?” He mischievously. You laugh and push his face away.
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The next day you both walk into class late. The teacher looks between you both and shakes his head. “I’m not going to ask.” You both giggle as you walk to your seats. This time next to each other. Geto and Ayame look at you shocked.
Later that day Ayame sees you alone by a vending machine trying to get coffee. She slams her hand in the vending machine. The coffee falls. You bend down to grab the can. “Thanks..” you say opening it and taking a sip. She huffs. “You little slut..sleeping with me ex?” You look at her confused. “Okay? But you’re dating my crush. You’ll get over it eventually. She raises her hand to slap you. You stare at her blankly. Campus students stare and look waiting. She hesitates and lowers her hand. “I hate you Y/N L/N .” You shrug. She walks starts to walk off. “Oh by the way… can you move out, Satoru wants to move in…” she turns towards you. She looks at you baffled. You sip your coffee and smile. She stomps off.
Gojo takes your coffee coming from behind you and taking a sip. “Hey!” He smiles and hands it back to you. “How’d she take the news?” You smile and look at her yelling and complaining to Geto.
“I think she took it pretty well.”
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I’m sorry for the shitty job I did at writing this. I didn’t want to leave you guys waiting any longer 😭I swear I write better.
🏷️ @lovee-them, @jotarohat, @youngpeachbread,@blindbabycadder24, @cresolia
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buuniebaby · 18 hours
sex tape headcons 😉😉
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includes: rough sex, sex tapes, choking, fem!reader, ft sex, unprotected sex
wordcount: 2.2k
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as much as hamzah hates to admit it, he loves being on camera - and that doesn’t stop at just youtube videos.
despite the promise to himself he made mental note of in high school to never send nudes, it’s become his new addiction. he loves to show off every inch of himself to you, he loves the praise you give in response to seeing his body, and he especially loves knowing that he can make you go feral with a simple video.
on a similar note, he fucking adores seeing you on camera. he likes the way you get shy when being recorded, whether the audience is slushies or it’s a video just for him. he’s obsessed with the pretty lingerie you wear for him and the way your tiny hands caress your body while you think of him. it makes him want to fucking destroy you.
ever since you two have gotten into the habit of filming videos for each other, it’s almost like something’s awoken inside of him. an urge of sorts, to make a fantasy he’s kept bottled up forever real. he wants both of you on camera, together. however, there’s one problem preventing him from asking:
hamzah is a pussy.
but thankfully, you’re just as horny as he is nervous.
the topic doesn’t actually come up until a day where your boyfriend is particularly needy. he’s sleeping over at martin’s tonight - a little too long without you for his liking.
fortunately for him, martin and mandy had forgotten to get a few items for their next video, so he had a bit of alone time. as soon as they’re out the door, his shirt is pulled off and he’s facetiming you.
as your phone buzzes to life, you’re snapped out of your doomscrolling session, wearing just one of hamzah’s large hoodies and a pair of panties. you smirk a bit at the sight of his contact popping up on your screen and sit up.
“hi, baby.” he says, voice deep. “I miss you.”
“i miss you too,” you reply back, in a more light tone. “but ill be with you tomorrow..” you say, smirking. you’ve got the same idea as him.
“are martin and mandy home?” you ask. as much as you want hamzah right now, you really don’t want to deal with the consequences of his best friend overhearing you two.
“nah, they left a little while ago.. forgot to buy some stuff for the video. ..soo, I have you all to myself.” he says, smirking.
“yeah?” you lean into the camera, doe eyes sparkling up at him.
“yeah. y’know, I missed hearing your voice, baby. it’s enough to get me hard.” he mutters, voice deep and breathy. it only makes you want him more.
you can only bring yourself to reply with a simple, “mhmm?” as your hands reach into your panties.
“yeah.. fuck. get that fucking hoodie off too. wanna see all of you.” he mutters back. you can tell he’s touching himself now too.
immediately, the hoodie is on the floor, bare chest exposed to the camera. hamzah takes this as an opportunity to change his position as well, camera giving you a direct view of him laying on his bed, sweatpants pulled down as he grinds his cock into a pillow.
“fuck, miss those tits. you want that? my mouth on them?” he says, breathing heavy.
you moan at this, grinding down into your fingers - they aren’t nearly his size, but it’s the best you can do for right now.
“yes, fuck- keep talking.” is all you can utter out.
“yeah? wish this pillow was your pretty little pussy, you know that? wish you were right here right now-“ he chokes, “fucking rutting in this pillow, just wish it was you, baby.” the visual of his hips thrusting, starting to get desperate paired with his words is destroying you, but the next thing he says is what really does it.
“gonna fill you up when I get back home. gonna pump my come into you, until you can’t take it anymore - fuck.”
you see his hips twitch as you bite your fist, seemingly both close to finishing. you can hear a faint “shit- shit.” from the other side of the camera, and with that, you feel yourself finish all over your fingers. just as you’re done, you see hamzah’s thrusts pause as he takes a breath, and you can only guess that he just came as well.
after both collecting your breath, you mutter out a simple, “wish we were together. instead of facetime, we could just like, record it.” he continues to lay down, still recovering, but once he actually processes what you just said he perks up.
“wait.. like, actually? you’d do that?” he asks eagerly, eyes slightly widening.
“I mean.. I wouldn’t ever post it or anything. just like.. something to watch when you’re not here. only if you’re comfortable though.” you casually reply, and suddenly he’s already hard again.
“im very comfortable. incredibly comfortable with that actually.” he says, excitedly, and it makes you giggle.
“get your camera charged for tomorrow then.” you say, a sly smile forming. you’re enjoying the way you have a hold on him. “oh- and make sure you bring a new sd card, not the one you use for filming. i have a feeling we’re gonna make a lot of footage.”
“yes ma’am,” he says, making a salute sign with his hands. even when he’s bricked, he knows exactly how to make you laugh.
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hamzah is counting down the minutes until he gets to see you when the next day comes. martin and mandy are even shocked at his eagerness to get out of the house, joking that he hates them now.
after what feels like the longest drive he’s ever taken, hamzah arrives home. he’s speeding through the door, into the living room, only to see you’re nowhere to be found; that is, until he checks his bedroom.
he slowly opens the door to a sight he never wants to forget - you’re sprawled out on his bed, baby pink lingerie barely covering your body, as you fix your hair in your phone camera. the sound of the door creaking open catches your attention, and you look up at him with those big, sparkly deer eyes. you giggle at his mouth, jaw dropped at the sight of you. “missed me?”
“fuck, yes.” is all he can mutter as he crawls onto the bed beside you, pulling the camera out of his backpack and then carelessly tossing the rest of his stuff off the bed. he pulls you into a sloppy kiss, immediately making up for the time he was gone.
you breathlessly manage to pull him off of you. giggling, you whine, “hamzahh, you haven’t even started recording yet.”
“shit- forgot.” he grabs the camera and fumbles with it for a second, then places it on the side of the bed. you see a red light go off as he pulls you into another kiss.
your lips trace his as your tiny hands find their way to the bottom of his sweatshirt, pulling it off to reveal nothing underneath. he begins to undress you as well, big hands carefully tracing the dainty lace as he pulls it off you. he leans down to put his mouth on one of your tits, suckling on it like a newborn baby. one of his hands goes to the neglected breast, and the other to grip your neck. you gasp as his strong, veiny hands wrap around you, taking your breath away.
he pulls away from your chest, leaving you panting. you can see him mess with the strings of his sweatpants until they’re untightened, then pull them down, showing his erection through his boxers.
“hamzah…” is all you can say. he’s the only thing on your mind right now.
“baby..” he mutters back.
his strong hands push you back into the bed, laying you down. you look up at him, confused, watching him get closer to your face. he caresses your cheek for a second, moving your hair out of your eyes.
“so pretty.. my girl.” he mutters, love in every word that comes out of his mouth.
he gently palms himself through his boxers before slowly pulling out his cock. all you can do is stare at his dick, precum glistening from the tip. he drags it across your lips, and by instinct, you open your mouth. you lap at it, gently, but hamzah has a different idea.
“open.” is all hamzah says before suddenly, his whole cock is down your throat. you make a shocked sound, but then settle to the feeling of the shaft’s intrusion. he starts slow, but begins to thrust in and out of your mouth rapidly, giving you small breaks when he pulls out for air.
“so fucking hot.. feels so wet around me..” he groans, using your face as his own personal pocket pussy for the camera. the sounds of your gagging only turns him on more, hips stuttering as he thrusts.
“mhmm, mhn, mmgh- fuck! fucking- perfect little throat, all mine, my perfect girl-“ he says as you feel a twitch from inside your mouth. his hips stutter as he cums down your throat, with a “god- all mine. fuckkk.”
as he slowly slides his cock out of your mouth, his fluids coat the outside of your lips. he grabs the camera, showing it your face. you stick your tongue out, showing the lack of cum in your mouth. he pets your cheek again, deep voice muttering a “good girl, swallowing it all for me.” all you can do is give the camera a fucked-out smile.
hamzah repositions you two so you’re sitting in his lap, the camera facing your ass. you kiss him, sloppy, already feeling drunk off of the feeling of his cock fucking your mouth. as the two of you make out, he grips your ass, moving your hips against his lap. he pulls his sweatpants and boxers all the way down, making the connection skin-to-skin.
he lets out shaky breath before he grinds his bare cock against your pussy a few more times. “you’re gonna be the fucking death of me.” is what he mutters before sliding in, exhaling a loud, “fuckkk” with it.
your ass bounces on top of him, making a loud “plap” sound every time you sink down onto his pelvis. his strong hands grasp onto your hips and lift your body up and down as he thrusts into you in unison. his hips speed up as do yours, until you’re panting on top of his cock, desperately making any kind of friction.
“ah- ah- ahh- fuck!” you whimper with each thrust, only making hamzah get more aggressive. he feels your cunt tighten around him, and thrusts as deep as he possibly can while you cum.
hamzah lets out a deep, breathy laugh as you nuzzle into his shoulder. he rubs your back gently, but then whispers a soft, “i still need to cum again, baby.”
you perk up again, preparing yourself for round 2, but hamzah is already manhandling you into place. he maneuvers you into all fours on the bed, then grabs the camera.
he records as he slides the tip of his cock against your pussy, then shoves his cock inside you. you let out a loud gasp at the intrusion. he uses the other hand to pull on your hair, aggressively yanking your head back, making you look him in the eyes.
“want you to beg for it-“ he says, out of breath, “beg for my cum.”
“mhmm.. please.. need it hamzah!” you say, whimpering and whining as your cunt tightens around his cock. he’s animalistic, thrusting into you like it’s the last time he’ll ever see you.
“more.. fuck- more, baby. need to hear you while I cum.” he says.
“please hamzah, I need it, I need your cum inside me so bad. fuck- ruin me- ahhh, breed me!” you whine out, shaking from the way he pounds you. you groan as you feel him cum inside, seed filling you up and making you feel whole.
hamzah turns off the camera and puts it off to the side, still inside you. he doesn’t move, just lays on top of you, pressing soft kisses to your back.
“love you..” he mutters, “so fucking much.”
you softly whine back, face still pressed into the mattress. he slowly pulls out, his cum buried so deep inside of you nothing even leaks out. you try to sit up, but hamzah pushes you back down. “hold on- there’s.. one more thing i want to do.”
you look back at him, confused, and watch him as he grabs the camera and starts recording your ass. he slowly spreads your folds open, and after a second, cum begins to drip out. a quiet “fuck..” is all he can mutter, watching his seed drip out of his baby.
once hamzah is done being mesmerized by the way his cum leaks out of you, he lays back down and immediately wraps his arms around you, gently caressing your body, staring at you with all the love in the world.
“i love you too,” you tiredly murmur.
“you said i love you earlier.. so do i. i love you.”
he smiles at you for a second, then places a soft kiss on your forehead. “love you too, baby.”
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thank u for reading!! SEND REQUESTS i fear we r in a hamzah drought.. 😞 but ill try to get them out quick mwah thank u baii
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wh0iskyra0 · 1 day
Meeting them (pt.2)
A/N: this is part two of my series, if you didn’t read it click here, I tried to add more words and details to make it more interesting to you guys, I’m not the best writer but I hope you enjoy this chapter <3
W/C: 1247
Warnings(?): mentions of a creepy manger
The new day came a lot quicker than I expected, I looked at the ceiling for a few minutes trying to plan out at least half of my day. My plan was to look for a job, buy food and…”Meet up with shoko'' I said as I looked over at my alarm clock. It was currently 7:30am I got up and started my morning routine, after I finished I walked to my room to pick out a outfit I was deciding if I should wear pants or a skirt or maybe a dress “Bro, this should not be this hard” I said while looking at my choices, after a while I decided to go with [Pants/skirt/dress] after I finished getting dressed and grabbed everything I would need today I locked my door and headed to the cafe where I met shoko.
Once I got there I saw shoko but she was with a man with white hair. “There you are, didn’t think you’d show up.” She said with a smile I smiled back at her “Who is this?” I said sitting closer to her she looked at him “This is Gojo, he just here to be here really.” She said, smiling at me.
I looked at Gojo and smiled. I told him hello and we continued with the coffee hang out, after we finished the coffee we were deciding where to go next. “Well, since you’re new we can go to the mall,how’s the sound?” She said smiling, I nodded with a smile in response, while we were walking to the mall Gojo noticed one of his friends “Nanami, omg I haven’t seen you in years buddy.”
He said, giving him a side hug “You saw me yesterday.” He said staring blankly at him, “nah, I would have talked to you throughout the day buddy!” He said, me and shoko stood there and watched as the two, well technically one male talked, once Gojo talked the males head off he looked over at me “Oh, that’s Shokos new friend her name is [Name]!” He said, shoko smiled and nodded.
We continued our way to the mall with nanami with us “So are you new I haven’t seen you around before.” He asked me, I told him that I was new and just moved here not long ago he nodded. The rest of the walk was quite pleasant.
We made it to the mall, I looked at the outside in amazement “Wow, it’s big.” I said I heard Gojo snickering “that’s what she said.” I heard him say I looked over at him and saw Shoko hitting him on the back of the head, she looked and smiled when we met. “So do you guys wanna split up or go together?” Shoko said, Gojo went off towards Nanami “Split up.” He said with a big smile, Shoko nodded in agreement and grabbed my hand and led me to a store. “This is bath and body work. They have so many good smells but sometimes some don’t smell as good.” She said
We walked to the store and picked out a few things, then we walked around the mall going into other stores, she bought my things as a welcome to the town present. Well that’s what she said, I told her I would pay her back but she insisted that I didn’t have to. After we did our shopping we met up with the boys in the front we talked and talked until we made it to the coffee shop “Well this is where I think we split out ways” Gojo said, nanami and shoko nodded, nanami being to walk his, Gojo went his way and shoko walked with me, “[Name] I didn’t ask for your number yesterday” shoko said to me, “oh, I can give it to you when we get to my house if you want?” I said she nodded and we continued walking.
We made it to my house. I unlocked the door and sat my things down on the counter. “Nice place, also can I place my things here?” She asked me, and I told she could place her things down on the couch. She sat on the couch and talked to me while I was in my bedroom , ”Hey can you help me apply for some jobs?” I said while walking back to the living room “yea sure” she said smiling.
After she helped me apply to some jobs we talked for a few more minutes “Hey it’s getting pretty late I gotta get going, my poor baby probably misses me.” She says getting her bags, before she left I gave her my number and waved her goodbye. I closed the door and walked to my bathroom to take a shower. After my shower and after I did my nightly routine and walked to my room and went to my bedroom. ‘Today was actually pretty fun.’ I said in my head
[The next morning]
I woke up around 10:30 in the morning with a text Shoko:
Shoko-Hey [name] it’s me just making sure that you know it’s me<3
I replied back and changed her name in my phone to shoko, I looked through my email to see if I had any responses to my applications. I saw one that came from a restaurant downtown, they told me that I could come in today around 2 for any interview. I smiled. I texted Shoko the news and she said she was happy for me. I was in my closet for something formal to wear.
After a few minutes of looking I found something formal enough to wear. I looked over at my clock and it was almost 11 so I took a shower and went about my normal routine. After that I did my hair and a little bit of makeup.
I looked at the clock and it was 1:55, I called shoko and asked her to pick me up and take me about 4 minutes ago, she texted me that she was outside I made sure that I had everything before I walked out and locked the door shoko smiled at me “are you ready?” She said while heading to the restaurant I nodded and said
“But I’m also a little nervous too.” I said smiling “That’s understandable.” She said, Once we made it to the restaurant I got out and walked to the manager's office, the manager greeted me with a warm welcome. He did all the normal things that would happen in an interview, he told me that I could work here as a waitress starting the new week, and he waved me goodbye with a smile.
Shoko unlocked the door and let me in “so, how’d it go?” She said smiling at me, I let out a breath that I didn’t know I was holding in. “It went pretty well, the manager gave a weird vibe but it was nothing that bad.” I said looking over at her she looked at me with a raised eyebrow “You sure it was nothing weird?” She said driving “It wasn’t like super super bad but it was a odd vibe” I said leaning my head back, she said okay and drove me back home once I was home I asked her if she wanted to come inside for a while, she said she’ll come over later after work I smiled and headed inside.
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chaosduckies · 22 hours
Restoration (Chapter 13)
The last chapter is here everyone! In honor of pride month, I give you this. This amazing chapter that is easily one of my favorites to write. I hope you all enjoy! I promise these two won’t be gone for forever though :D
Word Count: 3.6k
CW: None!
Four Months Later
I stared up at the stadium lights above while the school principal and superintendent were talking to the many parents sitting in the stands. I wasn’t paying attention to what they were saying. Something about our class and graduation. I didn’t care all too much. Only that I could go home after this and wake up the next morning without having to worry about school ever again. 
Ryker kept me cupped in his hands much like the other people sitting beside him were, waiting until we could get up and receive the piece of paper that officially states that we’ve graduated high school. As soon as the many, many speeches were done, they finally started letting the rows in front of us stand up and walk up the steps to the removable platform. 
And soon enough, it was our rows turn, walking in a single line, and getting handed the piece of paper. I held mine close, smiling the entire way back to our chairs. I did it, mom. All of this was for her and dad in the first place. Though, I would’ve never seen today if it weren’t for Ryker. 
We moved the strings attached to our caps to the left while everyone started cheering loudly. I had to cover my ears while I laughed and looked back up to Ryker, who was laughing and waving to his siblings that were in the stands. Today was a great day. And a sad one. Tomorrow I would wake up the next morning and have no one to talk to. But that was okay. I shouldn’t bother Ryker anymore. No matter how many times he’s made me laugh even after my mother passed away. No matter how many times he’s given me almost exactly what I’ve needed for so long, I knew today would be the last day I would get to talk to him. 
Everyone had started to head home while Ryker met up with his siblings, getting hugged and congratulated. I did too, just minus the hugging part. It was hard to have a smile on today since my mom was supposed to be here, but I did anyways. I just hoped she was looking at me right now. 
“So I’ll see you at home in a few?” Jasmine asked, taking Isabelle’s hand and giving me a teasing side eye. Apparently everyone alone with her was worried about me after what had happened and just tried their best to help me out. They knew what it was like. And now, Jasmine doesn’t glare at me anymore or give me empty threats. If anything, she’s the complete opposite of what I first thought of her. We’ve become pretty good friends. 
“Yeah.” Ryker replied, waving them off while walking back into the school and letting me slide off his hand. What was he doing? 
“Hey, um, wanna just change back into your clothes? I’ll take you back after.” Ryker told me as I nodded, heading into the nearby restrooms to take off the black gown and fold it neatly into the cap. I sighed, getting ready to say goodbye to him in just a few minutes before he drops me off at the bus stop. 
I walked back out, seeing that he had already folded his clothes nicely and put on his signature hoodie. I climbed back onto his waiting hand as he grinned. That was… interesting. What was happening? I didn’t know, but I just carried on, still saddened by the thought of saying goodbye. 
We walked outside the school, walking down the sidewalk, but not taking the turn to the bus stop he usually does. I looked up at him worriedly, “The bus stops over… there.” I pointed back to the street as he just innocently smiled at me. Oh. Where was he taking me then? I wasn’t too worried honestly, but still. I wanted to know. 
After about a silent ten minute walk with no sound except the crickets and faint cars in the distance, we had arrived at the same coffee place he had taken me to months before. Didn’t he say he works here? 
“I thought you were taking me back home.” I told him, confusion lining my voice. He shook his head, “I said I’d take you back after. I never said after what.”  
There was a loop hole? Why were we even at this coffee shop in the first place? I couldn’t exactly argue with him, and I didn’t exactly mind it either. It just means I get a few extra minutes before leaving. How could I argue with time? I didn’t know whether to like the fact my heart was beating faster and faster, or to hate it. All I did know was that I was excited because he wanted to spend the last few minutes of the night with me. 
We sat down at the exact same table when we had first came here. There were a few people, some even talking with the workers. I sat down at the human-sized table on top, facing Ryker while he scooted all the way down. I bit the side of my cheek as a woman with the cafe logo on her work outfit came with a notepad. Ryker laughed and greeted her like they were best friends while I didn’t pay attention all too much. I guess Ryker noticed and ordered for me. He knew what I liked anyways. 
“Everything okay?” Ryker asked, his smile slowly falling as he lowered his head to get a better look at me. To be honest, not really, but I wasn’t going to let him worry about me anymore. Again, I can’t keep leaning on people. 
“Yeah,” I nodded my head, “What are we doing here anyways?” My voice came out a little mumbled, but Ryker heard it all the same.
“Graduation present. For the both of us I guess.” Ryker shrugged his shoulders, but I could tell he was hiding something else. I had no idea, but I guess I’ll figure it out. Plus, I didn’t even think about bringing a present for him. Was I supposed to? No, no time to feel guilty. 
The lady came back around again, handing us our drinks and telling Ryker that she’ll see him tomorrow night for work while he laughed and nodded. I don’t know why I felt so insecure right now, but I just did. Instead of dwelling on that, I took a sip of my hot chocolate and stared out the small window next to us covered by fake vines and flowers. I wish I had more time… 
I jumped at the mention of my name, nearly spilling some of my drink on me. Ryker chuckled softly above, a slightly sad smile on his face. 
“Are you sure you’re okay? You’re jumpier than usual.” His free hand cupped behind me, but never touched. What was he trying to do? I have zero idea, but I shouldn’t waste what little time I had. I didn’t want him to leave. But I knew he would anyways. Maybe it would be a good thing if he does? No, no it will not. It really wouldn’t be. 
“Yeah, I promise. I’m just a little tired.” I shrugged it off, taking another small sip. Ryker did the same, looking outside the small window. I sighed, internally crying while watching a few people walk on the sidewalk outside. Didn’t Ryker have to get home? It was already about to be ten, and we were getting drinks and sitting down together. Shouldn’t he be with his family? He just graduated too. 
“What are you gonna do now that we’re out of high school?” Ryker asked, setting his cup down and resting his head on his crossed arms in front of me. I fidgeted a little before sighing and shrugging my shoulders, “I didn’t h-have a plan. Just get a job and hope for the best?” I nervously laughed. 
“What about you?” I asked, seeing him think about his answer. 
“Watch my siblings? I, um, can’t exactly go to college if I still have to watch over everyone.” Ryker laughed sadly. My heart sank. That’s not exactly fair. I think he deserves to go to college if he wants to. If I could I would help him, but I already know he wouldn’t let me. He’ll be leaving soon anyways. I’ll just be another name he remembers after today. 
“I-I think you should.” I cheered him on while he blinked a couple of times, laughing along with me. 
“Thank you, but It’ll be hard if I go. I can’t keep up with everything all the time.” Ryker replied, trying to hide the sadness in his voice. My heart throbbed. If only I could help. But I was just small. I mean, I can’t even get around their house anymore without any help. What makes me think I can handle taking care of five other kids while Ryker was focusing on college? I breathed out a shaky breath, my slightly trembling hands reaching for the little mug filled with hot chocolate. Just a few more minutes. Just a few more minutes before all of this goes away.
It stayed silent for a while. Be both had finished our drinks, there were only three other people here besides us to in the café. I didn’t want to leave. I did all of this for my parents, and now it’s going away. I made friends, I graduated, heck, I’m not even that scared of giants anymore. Well, maybe a little, but I was more talking about Ryker and his siblings. But I did all of this for them because they wanted me to live a normal life, and yet, I still can’t. What do I do? 
“Nathan, are you sure you’re okay?” Ryker asked again, pushing his cup to the edge of the table. 
“Mhm.” I nodded my head, doing the same as him and trying my best to keep the smile on my face going. 
“Would you mind if I take you to one more place? It’s like a five minute walk from here.” Ryker asked, a slightly worried expression on his face. I shook my head, standing up out of my seat and waiting for Ryker to do the same. I climbed onto his waiting hand, sitting in the middle just as usual while I tried not to look down at the terrifying drop below me. I sighed, bringing my knees closer to my chest and burying my head. Did it really have to end? 
The walk was short just as he had said. It was a tiny park. It looked sort of abandoned. The grass looked like it hadn’t been cut for a while, there were some short vines latching onto the poles of the swing set and little parts of the slide. The lights were dim here, but it felt nice. The slight breeze that just barely ruffled my hair, how quiet this place was. How come no one fixes this place up? I feel like more people would come here if it looked a little nicer. 
“I know it’s nothing special, but my parents used to bring me and my siblings here almost everyday after school,” He breathed, crossing his legs while sitting on a nearby bench, “It doesn’t look perfect, but it still has some great memories.” 
I looked up, seeing how he smiled while looking at the park that was now covered in overgrown plants. My face heated up as I caught myself staring, turning back around and studying the sight. It doesn’t look bad at all. I liked it here. I liked everywhere Ryker has taken me. To that café, the little store that we went to just a few weeks ago, here. I sucked in a shaky breath, wiping away the loose tears that fell down my cheeks. I won’t get this feeling anymore…
“Ryker…” I tried my hardest to say it without him catching on that I was holding back tears, but of course he knew. He always did anyways. 
“What’s wrong?” He held me a little closer to his face. I just shook my head, making sure he wouldn’t be able to see the water in my eyes. What was wrong with me? Why was I even crying? 
I shook my head, biting the bottom of my lip. Why did he bring me here? Why did I say yes to this even? Why was I holding back my tears? I’ve tried preparing myself for months. I knew he was going to leave, and I’ve accepted that fact. So why was it so hard to believe it? 
Ryker cupped his hand a little more. I didn’t know what he was doing, but I don’t care. I was going to cherish what little time I had left with him. He’s given me these happy feelings I haven’t felt in such a long time. The memories. Why did it all have to be stripped away from me again? 
“Hey now, it’s alright, it’s alright. What’s going on?” Ryker tried comforting, a bit of a worried expression on his face. A couple tears fell down my face as I prepared my question that I needed an answer to. 
“A-are you, um, g-going to l-leave me?” 
A few second of silence was thrown between us as my heart threatened to jump right out of my chest. Ryker blinked a couple times before a soft smile appeared on his face, “What makes you think that?” 
My heart was beating faster. Was that a yes or a no? I couldn’t tell. I brought my knees closer to my chest as I searched for my response. I was terrified. Not of Ryker, but of what the answer to this question. But my mind was already set on his answer, and I knew it could be entirely true. 
“B-because I’m… me? I-I’m small and insignificant to you. Y-you don’t need me.” I buried my head again, covering my head with one of my arms and listening for his response. I didn’t want to look. I didn’t want to hear the words. Could I reverse time? Change everything that I’ve done to get to this point? Maybe then this wouldn’t be so hard. 
“I don’t remember saying any of that,” Ryker held me a little closer, “Nathan, little guy, it’s okay. I promise I don’t think anything like that of you. I’m not leaving, okay?” 
My heart stopped beating for a second as I peeked out, seeing his trademark smile. He meant it. He really did. I wiped away my loose tears, a nervous smile on my face. Now I was embarrassed. This was dumb. I was just being dumb. I thought I was getting the hang of controlling my thoughts, but apparently not. But still, my heart was beating fast. I was relieved at his answer. 
“Well now I f-feel stupid.” I softly laughed, facing him while on my knees. I stared down at his palm, trying to calm my own heartbeat down. It wasn’t really working, but Ryker was just as patient with me as he always has been. 
“It’s not stupid. I get it. A lot of people leave after they graduate. It’s fine.” Ryker explained, sighing and leaning back into the bench we were both on. I did the same, still wondering what we were doing here. My heart was still beating fast, but I finally had my answer, and that’s all I needed. Nothing else. I wouldn’t be alone anymore. Or at least for now. 
“Nathan, could you turn around real quick?” Ryker had asked, fixing his position a bit. I did as he asked, almost immediately met with his lips softly being pressed against me. I fell on my back from the slight push, my cheeks flushing a bright red and my heart somehow beating faster than before. It was over before I knew it as I quickly sat back up, my body a little shaky as my hand went through some of my hair, a little surprised at the gesture. Did Ryker just kiss me?
My cheeks flushed a deep red, seeing Ryker a little worried but also blushing just as much as I was, “S-sorry, I-I’ve never… kissed a human. I-I, um, didn’t hurt you, right?” 
A little squeak came out of my mouth. He kissed me. What do I do? Does that mean he likes me? I’m so confused. I mean I liked him. A lot. Am I mistaking my feelings for friendship? If that were true then why was my heart beating right out of my chest? Why was I blushing this much? I’ve never felt like this with anyone in my entire life. All I knew was that kiss was probably the best thing I’ve experienced in my entire life. 
“N-no.” My voice came out like a whisper as I tried my best to stand up on wobbly legs on his hand. I bit the side of my cheek  wondering if this was the right move, but all I knew was that this is what I wanted. All along. The way my heart would flip every time he said my name, or the way he would smile at me and his siblings. I was just so confused about it. 
Ryker was confused at what I was trying to do before I stood on my toes, trying to return the gesture, even if he can’t feel it. He lowered his face as I planted a short kiss on his lips the same he did to me, hoping he would get it. My legs gave out on me as I backed away, seeing Ryker bite the bottom of his lip soon after he felt me back away. 
I couldn’t think of anything else. Did he even know? Instead, a happy smile formed on his face as I tried to hold back a little laugh. I can’t believe we just did that. I can’t believe that this was even happening. This could all be some happy dream I’m having, but I knew it wasn’t. It felt real.
“I’m not… dreaming, right?” Ryker had asked, his face still a flush of red that was slowly going down. I shook my head, my heart beating amazingly fast. Good to know I wasn’t the only one who thought they were dreaming. But what do we do now? I’ve never been like this before. 
“Do you want to go to your house now?” Ryker had asked, pursing his lips as he planted his shoes on the ground, getting ready to go. No. I didn’t want to go to my house anymore. 
“Y-yours?” I smiled, in hoped that he’ll say yes. He laughed and nodded, taking the sidewalk back to his house. 
The lights were off in his house as he quietly walked to his room. He placed me down on his nightstand where all of my makeshift stuff was. He never threw them away. Just for me. What are we now? Are we still friends? I don’t even know how this works. 
Ryker took off his hoodie, put on different shirt before turning on his lamp on his desk and turning off his lights. I stayed where I was at, wondering what I do now. I’ve never been in a relationship before. I don’t know how these things work. I don’t even know what to do. Was that bad? 
“Are you tired?” Ryker asked, sitting down on his bed while moving the covers and pillows to the way he likes. I shook my head, I wasn’t really, no. Not after what had just happened a few minutes ago. I was still a little confused, but at the same time happy. He really wasn’t going to leave me. 
“Well, I’m not really either.” Ryker laughed, bringing two fingers up to the part of his lower lips that I had kissed. Or at least tried to. I blushed a little. Was that bad? 
I climbed onto Ryker’s offered palm as he sat up against the head of his bed. I was covered by one of his hands like a blanket while also laying on his chest. Oh my heart will never get a break today- But I wasn’t saying that it was bad. If anything, today was the best day of my life. Nothing could change that. 
“Comfy?” Ryker laughed as I listened to his heartbeat, controlled and normal unlike my own. I didn’t know how to deal with any of this. I just snuggled up closer, hoping that it was fine. I was guessing it was when Ryker slid down, his head now resting on a pillow and his legs bent. Who knew that about a year ago I would have thought this was crazy to even think about doing, and yet, here I was. I was actually happy.
“You wouldn’t mind if I moved you, right?” Ryker had asked a hint of worry in his voice. 
“No.” I answered, getting in a better position for him to move me in. I would move myself if I had known where he wanted me, but anything that I was thinking of was not what he was thinking. And it only made my brain fry for just a few seconds. 
He lightly pinched me between two fingers, giving me another lighter kiss that practically covered my entire body before laying me back down. He laughed while I laid there, brain fried and flustered. I giggled a bit, snuggling closer and shutting my eyes. I’m glad to know that he likes me the same way I like him. 
Maybe I don’t wish to reverse time after all. 
*Starts crying uncontrollably*
Thank you to everyone who’s read through all 13 chapters and stuck with me for so long! I appreciate every single one of you❤️
My first story is done though! Just in time for pride month too if you know what I mean :D Don’t worry, because I will definitely write some little scenes with these two in the future. How could I just throw these two away? NEVER.
Thank you everyone for reading, and I hope you enjoy whatever the next story will be. (I totally don’t already have characters and done some world building-) But thank you everyone!
Taglist: @da3dm
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emmaspolaroid · 3 months
It’s so weird to me when someone tries to laugh with me about how their partner doesn’t help them or support their creative endeavor or just gets on their nerves like ……. Girl does he even like you? Do you like him?
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sttoru · 2 months
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⠀ 𝝑𝑒 ⠀⠀ 𝐒𝐘𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐒𝐈𝐒. your bestfriend, satoru, sends your cheating boyfriend a rather explicit video of the two of you as revenge.
tags. best friend!gojo satoru x female reader. smut, pwp. dōggy style. dirty talk. crēampie. reader gets called ‘pretty, angel, baby’. cheating. consensual fīlming. anon req.
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“mmshiit, should’ve fucked you long time ago,” satoru hisses, his hips stuttering against the plump flesh of your ass. he’s unable to stop himself now that he’s got his pretty best friend underneath him—in a sinful position he has only had wet dreams of.
one moment you’re crying because of your cheating boyfriend and the next you’re getting your guts rearranged by your bestfriend who comforted you through it all.
your mascara stains satoru’s pillow, your drool doing the exact same. you’re acting like a total slut for his cock, mewling for him to give you more, to give it to you faster and harder. all of which is caught on tape.
“yeah? want more, baby?” satoru coos as he holds up your phone with one hand. his other one is gripping the side of your hip—keeping your ass perked up so he can continue hitting that right spot inside of your greedy cunt. the white-haired man snickers behind the camera, “c’mon—tell your boyfriend just how much y’ need your best friend’s cock.”
you know satoru’s filming himself hitting it from the back. it’s nasty, but it only serves to excite you. you know your ‘boyfriend’ will be enraged once he receives the erotic video from you. he’s never liked satoru neither, always preventing you two from meeting each other. which was a red flag by itself.
you’ll show that hypocritical bastard.
“need more, ‘toru, please—” you babble, your voice muffled by the pillow. your body jerks with each hard thrust. every move is made with precision, with the intention of pleasuring you until your insides remember the shape of his dick only, “fuckk, ‘tis too big.”
satoru grins smugly. you’re basically admitting that he’s way bigger than that excuse of a man you’re dating. his ego gets a huge boost and it shows when he drives his throbbing cock deeper into your tight cunt.
“awwh, i know, but i bet my sweet girl can take it,” your best friend encourages you through a raspy voice. the fact that he called you his ‘sweet girl’ drives you insane. your pussy squeezes around his cock in response.
satoru’s eyes nearly roll back from the way you’re gripping him. he moves his other hand around your hips until his fingertips find your clitoris. he over stimulates you until you’re crying of pleasure.
you end up clenching around his fat dick even more. it feels like you’re trying to snap his cock in half with how much you’re sucking him in. there’s not a chance of it slipping out of you.
satoru moans loudly without any shame, letting both you and your boyfriend - who’d watch the video later - know how much he enjoys pounding your cunt like it’s actually his; “y’re so fucking tight. you sure your boyfriend’s been fucking you?”
you feel embarrassed by how much you’re enjoying his dirty talk. satoru’s drilling his cock into you so well to the point that you’ve forgotten all about the intimacy you shared with your cheating boyfriend. it was nothing compared to how satoru is treating you right this moment.
the white-haired man continues, still not believing that he’s finally living out his dreams. your body is heaven to him. satoru can’t help but whimper at the feeling your pussy sucking him in so desperately, “feels like your pussy hasn’t had any dick in a good while.”
the way you’re basically screaming into the pillow is enough evidence to confirm that your boyfriend has never fucked you properly at all. that delicious arch of your back, that ass of yours bouncing back on his pelvis in circles. . . satoru just knows it.
you hiccup and try to speak. you know your boyfriend is going to see the video and that only drives you to be more vocal than you already are. you’re going to get revenge and you’re going to make it as painful as possible.
“y-yeah,” you agree with satoru’s words. your words are basically slurred—too cockdrunk to properly talk. you lift your head up for a second to breathe and continue your whiny babbling between moans, “he’s n-never fucked me as well as you—ngh!”
your voice is perfect. everything about you is. satoru isn’t sure if he’ll even last long like this. he wants to claim you as his girl already. he wants to thrust his cum as deep as he can inside of you so you’ll only think of him.
“poor, poor baby,” satoru pouts and rubs your ass gently as he watches it bounce back at him with every thrust. the view is hypnotising. he cannot grasp the fact that your boyfriend fumbled such an amazing girl like you, “it’s okay. i’ll make it up to ya, mhm? i’ll treat you like a real man would.”
you nod and whimper in agreement, which gives satoru the green light. you’re going to be his at the end of this session. he’s going to claim you as his—finally—after all those years.
you feel yourself start to tremble. you feel tingly all over and your moans are getting louder. the curve in satoru’s dick is making your mind go blank. it makes his tip hit the deepest spots inside you, the right spots. you’re desperately searching for that sweet release.
“aht, aht, angel,” satoru clicks his tongue whilst deepening the arch of your back. his fingers trace the shape of your spine, feeling you shiver from the touch as he pounds you silly. “hold it in, yeah? need you to cum for me when i do. wanna fill this cunt to the brim.”
you try to hold on the best you can. after a couple more thrusts, satoru’s breath turns shaky and his noises turn into whimpers—a sign that he’s on the edge, “fuck fuck fuck fuck! baby- ‘m gnna cum!”
you gasp and your body spasms and squirms as you reach your climax at the exact same time. you feel your cunt being flood with spurts of semen. it’s so much—as if satoru’s been storing all of it just for you.
“there there. such a good girl,” satoru sighs and pulls out of you after making sure that you’ve settled down. he takes his dick out as slowly as possible, pointing the camera right at the lewd sight. his entire length is coated with a mixture of your slick and his white cum.
you shiver at the feeling of being left empty. satoru soothes you by pushing his cum back into your pussy with two long fingers. he films the entire process, focusing on your stuffed hole for a few seconds before putting the phone up.
satoru points the back camera at the both of you, getting the entire view of the messy bed. he grins and puts a peace sign up—ending the video with a mocking yet cold smile that’s directed to the man who’s going to be watching this video soon, “should’ve treated her better.”
oh, your boyfriend is going to be fuming. deserved..
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seonghwaddict · 2 months
save a horse, ride your best friend — song mingi
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in which your best friend can’t believe you’ve never ridden a dick before, so he takes it upon himself to teach you.
best friend!song mingi x fem!reader. requested by anon. genre. slight fluff. smut. best friends to friends with benefits. warnings. explicit sexual content mdni, inexperienced!reader, thigh riding, fingering, use of a dildo, big dick!mingi, multiple orgasms, unprotected, creampie, swearing, nicknames (baby, angel, pretty). wc. 4k. rating. mature.
lilo’s notes. this was requested a while ago but i’ve been putting it off because… i’ve never written anything about toys being used so uh, i was worried about the pacing and stuff. i wasn’t sure if you meant for them to be in an established relationship, so i went for the fwb route. IMPORTANT!!!! i lost access to my google account bc of a stupid mistake, if you sent in a request through my google form and would still like me to see it, please send it as an ask <33 i remember a few of them, but do send yours in just in case!!
listening to. need to know, doja cat // if u think i’m pretty, artemas // moonlight, kali uchis
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it was a regular saturday evening. you were on a video call with your best friend, mingi, talking about anything that came to mind as you each ate a bowl of ramen as if you were really in the same room. he really only lived a couple buildings away, a two minute walk at most, but actually joining you in your apartment didn’t cross his mind until something interesting was brought up.
you weren’t sure what led to the conversation, but somehow it steered into the direction of something less innocent as you found yourself talking about an embarrassing date you’d gone on a while ago. recounting the story, laughing together, soon turned into a conversation about what each of you like in bed.
“oh, it’s just amazing,” mingi laughed as he gulped down a mouthful of water, momentarily pausing his rambling about how much he loves it when someone rides his dick. he ran a his hand through his short, washed-out pink hair, “honestly, my favourite thing ever since it probably feels just as good for whoever is, y’know, riding.”
based on everything he’s said so far, you came to the conclusion that he was more into giving than receiving, that he got off on seeing all the pleasure he can give his partner. so, it made sense he’d choose to mention the fact that riding him would feel good. not that you would know.
“can i admit something?”
he looked up from his bowl, sharp eyes looking almost hopeful as he nodded.
you looked around your kitchen jokingly, pretending to make sure no one sense was listened as you leaned closer a whispered, your hand cupping the side of your mouth.
“i’ve never done that before.”
his jaw dropped at that, letting out a small laugh. “you’re kidding.”
“no, really,” you insisted, going back to eating casually as if you were having the most normal conversation in the world with your best friend, “i really haven’t done… much, so i can’t confirm or deny your theory.”
“huh.” he leaned back in his chair, crossing his arms as he thought for a moment. his head tilted and it was then that you felt how warm your cheeks felt, how your thighs were pressed together under the counter. of course, he was well aware of the fact that you had much less experience than him, only knowing about two people you had slept with. but damn. he clicked his tongue and shook his head ever so slightly. “that won’t do.”
furrowing your eyebrows, you opened your mouth to ask him what he had meant by that. he beat you to it before you could get a word out.
“i can… teach you, if you want?”
you blinked at your screen, resting your wrist on your countertop and gripping your chopsticks a little too hard. a silence followed his offer, though it wasn’t awkward. in fact, he could see you genuinely considering it as you thought it over. eventually, you gave him a tiny nod.
“i mean,” you shrugged, shifting your eyes away shyly, “sure, i guess. why not?”
he grinned, trying to hide it as he shoved a mouthful of noodles into his mouth and shoved his bowl aside. he chewed, swallowed then got up and made sure to bring his phone with him. you recognised his hallways then bedroom as he walked through his apartment. “i’ll be there in like 15, i need to buy something on the way. just wait there, and where something comfortable and… um, accessible.”
you nodded, despite your confusion, and he hung up. accessible? you looked down at your clothing—or rather, lack thereof. since you were home and not expecting anyone, you’d settled on wearing just a shirt you stole from mingi that was too large for him and much larger for you, and panties. you lifted the hem of the worn shirt, assessing how much of your dignity you’d lose if he saw your pink hello kitty undergarments that you only wore if you were doing laundry.
you could already hear him giggling at the sight.
groaning and cursing under your breath, you dropped the shirt and sped to your bedroom to dig through your closet in hopes of finding something a little more appealing. after making a mess of one of your closet’s drawers, you finally pulled out a pair of less offensive panties. they were made of soft cotton; a muted light blue with thin white lace trim, the cut shaped more like a bikini than what you call your grandma underwear.
deciding they were flattering enough, you slipped off your hello kitty pair—ignoring the embarrassing amount of wetness creating a wet patch right where it was pressed against your core—and replaced it with the new pair. as you untwisted the waistband and adjusted it to fit properly, your doorbell rang and you froze on the spot before pulling yourself together and heading to open the door.
the walk to the door felt abnormally long as you stumbled over on wobbly knees. admittedly, you were a little nervous. sure, there have been times where you wanted to do some more than friendly activities with mingi, but you never actually thought it was happen. yet here you were, opening the door for him so he could come in and show you what being a cowgirl feels like.
“hey,” he greeted you softly, stepping into your home and closing the door behind him. you noticed a small plastic bag in his hand, eying it curiously as you watched him kick off his shoes and hang up his coat. once that was of the way, he took one of your hands in your free one and pulled you to where he knew your bedroom was.
once there, he set the bag down on your bedside table and dragged you to stand between his knees as he took a seat on the edge of your bed. he looked you over, lingering on the familiar t-shirt.
“so you’re the one that took this shirt, huh?” he quirked an eyebrow, glancing up at you as he released your hand and brought both of his to your hips. his thumbs caressed the curve of your waist over the shirt. “it was my favourite.”
you laughed softly, “clearly you didn’t care enough if i was able to keep it for three years without you noticing.”
“you little thief.” his nose scrunched as he glared at you jokingly, giving you a gentle squeeze.
“if you really want it back, you can always take it.”
“nah, it’s fine, keep it. it looks cuter on you anyway.” he took a breath and gave you another once over, humming appreciatively when he moved his hands up higher, dragging the shirt with it until he caught a glimpse of your panties. you tensed, caught off guard by how close he felt. “i need you to relax a little, how about i help you loosen up, yeah?”
you nodded, averting your gaze but returning it to him when you felt him pull you onto his lap. he slotted one of his legs between yours, easing you down to straddle his thigh. his hands ran up and down your sides and few times before resting on your bare thighs, your breath stuttered and he held back a smile.
“are you still okay with this?” he asked quietly, absentmindedly playing with the hem of his your shirt. “if i do anything that makes you uncomfortable, just tell me and i’ll stop immediately and we can just watch a movie or something, okay?” when you only nodded, he continued, “i need you to say it, please.”
“i’m okay with this,” you muttered in return, resting you hands on his biceps, “and i’ll let you know if i need you to stop.”
“good, now…” without waiting any longer, he leaned forward to attach his lips to your neck, his hands slowly beginning to rock you back and forth on his lap.
you sucked in a sharp breath and clung into his arms a little tighter, your stomach fluttering at the feeling of your clothed cunt on his firm thigh, your panties dragging against your clit with ease thanks to how wet you already were. he lifted you slightly as he pulled you towards him, pushing you down as he pushed, the varying pressure making your lips part in a soft whimper. he nearly groaned at the sound, moving his lips right below your ear.
“you know,” he rasped between the licks and kisses, “i can’t deny that i’ve wanted to fuck you for a long, long time now.”
mingi chuckled as he pulled back to look at your face, half surprised and half needy. he noticed that if he relaxed his hands, you’d continue grinding against his thigh.
“yeah, really. i mean, look at you,” he glanced down, one of his hands lifting the hem of your shirt to watch you ride his thigh slowly, a dark wet patch forming right where your leaking pussy sat. he bit his lip, “you look so perfect… and i bet you’d feel perfect, too.”
you nearly whined at that, fucking yourself on his thigh just a little faster as he sucked a dark mark right above your collarbone before returning to mutter dirty words into your ear.
“i know practically everything about you and your cute little body, you know. better than anyone else,” one of his hands inched it’s way up your thighs, brushing against the edge of your panties, “i’ll make you feel so good, angel, i promise.”
“mingi?” you whimpered, prompting him to lean back a little to look at you with a curious tilt of his head and a raised brow. “if you don’t shut up and kiss me right now, i might lose my mind so… please.”
his beautifully plump lips stretched into a smile as he wasted no time in practically pouncing forward and smashing his lips against yours. it started a little slow as you got acquainted with each other, despite the fact you could feel a nearing orgasm as a knot in your stomach drew tighter with each roll of your hips, but soon the kiss turned hungry.
he groaned into your mouth as you let his tongue explore, making you let out a quiet moan. mingi knew he wouldn’t be able to kiss anyone ever again. you, his best friend of all people, had the most inviting lips he’s ever felt. so inviting, so perfect and so soft. he thought everything about was soft. his hand slipped just under the edge of your panties as his other one made your grinds slow down.
you didn’t mind the slow pace, knowing just a few more rocks of your hips would have you tipping over the edge. but he evidently had other plans as he finally made your hips still completely. you pulled away from his lips with a pout. if you were trying to make him feel bad, it backfired terribly.
all he could think of as he looks at your swollen, red, wet, pouty lips is how much prettier they’d look wrapped around his cock. but he could save that for another time.
“there’s no need to rush, baby,” he chuckled, wiping some saliva away from your bottom lip.
eventually, when he was sure you had calmed down enough, he lifted you off his lap a little and turned to lay you down on your back, pressed against the comfortable mattress as he kneeled on the edge. he gripped your knees and bent them, pushing them closer to your chest with his eyes zeroed in on where your slick was leaking through your panties.
with one hand keeping your knees together and elevated, he ran his other over the fabric, pressing down on where he knew your clot would be and elicit a sweet little moan as you squirmed beneath him. he thought you were so cute like this, you looked so flustered as he gave you nothing but featherlight touches where you needed him most. for now.
“don’t get all shy on me now,” he cooed as he glanced up and noticed you covering your face with your hands, “let me see you, pretty.”
he didn’t continue his touches until you finally removed your hands, giving him a nice view of your abused lips and round eyes, pupils blown wide with lust in a way that had something stirring in his abdomen. and his pants.
he let down your knees for a moment so both of his hands could slip under the waistband of your panties, slowly pulling them down your legs. he actually moaned when he saw the strings of arousal clutching onto the fabric as he dragged it away, snapping when he got too far.
“you’re so pretty, baby,” he murmured, watching your entrance squeeze around nothing, making more slick drip out.
after tossing it aside, he wasted no time in getting your knees back to the previous position and running his fingers through your folds.
“oh, fuck,” he groaned, eyes squeezing shut for a moment as you let out a moan when he tapped against your clit, “you’re soaked.”
he glanced up at you, wanting to see your face as he slowly pushed in too fingers and catching a glimpse of your hard nipples poking through your shirt. your face contorted for s fraction of s second before relaxing, your head tipping back against the mattress as you let out a whine.
he choked back a moan at the tight walls around his middle and ring fingers, the fingers of his other hand digging into your thighs. “sh-shit… you’re so tight. i’m gonna have to stretch you out first, okay?”
you nodded mindlessly, too distracted by his fingers prodding at your sweet spot to care about any words he may have said. but you furrowed your eyebrows and lifted your head when you felt both his hands leave you, finding him reaching for the bag. your curiosity outweighed your disappointment as he pulled something out.
it was a dildo. about as thick and long as the biggest person you had before, and made of what looked to be transparent silicon. your insides tightened at the sight, somehow the thought of him seemingly buying this just for you turning you on even more.
he returned to kneeling at the edge of your bed, leaning down to loop his arm around your waist and lift you up to place a pillow under your hips before letting lay back down.
“couldn’t find one my size, but this should be fine,” he held the dildo and ran the tip through your pussy, collecting wetness as you shuddered, “my cock will just have to stretch you the rest of the way.”
you breath hitched at the implication of his words. so he was bigger than that? your thighs pressed together at the thought of being completely stuffed by him. he chuckled, separating your knees enough for him to have a clear view of your pussy, pulsing and dripping and begging for his attention.
he began slipping the toy into you, filling you up inch by inch and watching your needy hole stretch around it and swallow it up. the sight had him choking back a moan, biting down on his bottom lip.
the stretch had your back arching and pushing yourself against it desperately, feeling like that alone could get you to finish. it only took a few deep strokes for your pussy to get used to the size, squeezing and writhing around it until you couldn’t handle it anymore. your arousal coated it quickly and seeped out with each stroke, squelching sounds filling the room that shot straight to his dick.
when you finally came, your toes curled and your body twitched as you let out a string of and whines and moans, little curses slipping between. he watched with fascination as you came undone right beneath him, not wanting to wait any longer to be inside you. he shoved the toy deep inside you, leaving it there as he leaned back for a moment to discard his clothes, slipping his hoodie and sweatpants off.
when you were brought back to your senses, you found yourself on his lap again, straddling his hips this time as he sat with his back against your headboard. you felt his erectile straining against his boxers and pressing against your core. you couldn’t help but rock your hips against his slowly.
“do you ever ride your pillow?” he asked suddenly, voice dropped what felt like two octaves lower than his regular tone. your eyes widened at the question but you nodded. he nodded too, his hands finding your ass and helping you grind against his clothes length. “this is a lot like that, except you have something in you… and it’s more of an up and down movement… and i’m obviously not a pillow… still, there’s really no right way to do it, just go slow and you’ll figure out what works and what doesn’t. plus, i’m here to guide you.”
he gave your ass a squeeze as if to punctuate his sentence, massaging the soft flesh in his palms. when you felt ready, you dropped your hands from his shoulders to his boxers, palming his length a few times before hooking your fingers into the fabric and dragging it down until his cock sprung out.
he definitely wasn’t lying when he said it would stretch you more than the already-big dildo. he was definitely a lot bigger than anyone else you’ve been with, well over average. you nearly dropped at the sight, wrapping your hand around him and jerking him off, eyes fixated on the angry red tip leaking precum as you passed your thumb over it.
the muscles of his abs rippled and squeezed as your worked your hands on his cock, his head thrown back against the headboard and letting out stuttering moans. all the sounds he made encourage you to sit up on your knees, guiding him through your folds and whimpering as you finally sank down on him carefully.
the two of you moaned at the same time, him at how well you squeezed around him and you at how well he stretched you. you stopped when you reached just halfway, unsure whether or not you’d be able to fit more. his hips jerked slightly as his hands squeezed your hips.
“come on, baby,” he moaned softly, looking up at you with encouraging eyes, “just a little more… we can make it fit, right? just breathe.”
you nodded and as you took a deep breath, he used his hold on your to sink you further down until he finally bottomed out. he cursed silently, the back of his head finding the headboard again as you whined and dropped yours onto his shoulder.
you felt his tip pushing against your cervix, the new feeling making a lump form in your throat as you blinked back tears. this time it took a while to get used to the stretch before you tried grinding back and forth. it was slow, almost painfully so. he was amazed that despite stretching you with two different things, you were still so unbelievably tight, hugging him in a death grip as your raised your hips an inch before dropping down again.
your soft noises were muffled by his shoulder as your hands rested on his biceps, panting and squeezing gently as every inch of him dragged against the sensitive spongy patch in your walls every time you grinded on him. soon enough you were able to lift yourself to his tip and drop all the way down, your wetness letting him slip in and out with ease.
still, you kept the pace torturously slow, savouring each bounce and grind. his hands had left your hips at some point, exploring your body under your shirt, massaging your breasts and tweaking your nipples. he lifted the fabric but kept it on your as he watched your tits bounce temptingly, your puffy pink nipples making his mouth water as he pushed himself forward to take one into his mouth.
your hips stuttered as he sucked and nibbled at your nipples, throwing your head back and arching into his touch as your grinds grew sloppy. he felt your decreasing pace, using the hand that wasn’t teasing your other breast to guide your hips once more. he angled you slightly differently in a way that made your clit press against his pelvis each time he bottomed out, the speed of your grinds picking up quickly as his hips bucked up to meet yours.
his lips detached from your bruised breasts with a popping sound as he leaned up to capture your lips in his once again. it wasn’t much of a kiss, more teeth and tongue and moans and groans than anything else as you swallowed each other’s sounds.
you finished first, pushing yourself down hard and stilling, filling yourself with his throbbing cock and pressing your clit against him. he held you tightly, burying his face in your neck to suck at all the spot he knew would get your to writhe. many tickling fights contributed to his knowledge on all your sensitive spots.
your body twitched as you returned to bouncing on his length, your juices looking at his base. the overstimulation burned a little, making your thighs and knees quiver, but you were determined to get him to finish too. and by the looks of it, it shouldn’t take much longer.
“shit, baby,” he said, halfway between a whimper and a moan, fingertips digging into your hips as he threw his head back in bliss, “‘m so close— fuck, you feel s-so good.”
his chest rose and fell with shallow breaths, bottom lip caught between his teeth. his cheeks and the tip of his ears flushed a deep red, his plush lips a few shades darker and coated in your mixed saliva from your kisses. as you adjusted the angle of your hips, something in him snapped, grabbing your hips tighter and taking over. he took over your movements, thrusting his hips up desperately as you fell forward onto his chest with the sudden change in intensity. his tip pushed itself against your g-spot continually, another knot tightening in your stomach.
the wet sounds of your cunt and your skin slapping against his egged him on until finally he felt like he couldn’t hold back any longer.
“baby, p-please— fuck— please, can i cum i-inside you?” he begged through a groan, “i— please, angel, i-i can’t wait any longer.”
you nodded against his chest with a whine, you were on the pill anyway. not a second later, he released into you, filling you up with stuttering hips. he pulled you down, flush against him and keeping you there as he emptied himself with softly muttered curses, his head dropping to press open-mouthed kisses to your shoulder.
it felt new to you, the warmth making you squirm until you came again without warning. it was much weaker this time but still enough to make you shake in his arms, panting softly after letting out a strangled moan against his skin.
after a few long moments of trying to recover from the shared orgasm, he lifted his head, one of his hands cupping your chin to tilt your head to look at him.
“so,” he started, lips stretched into a smile, “how’d that feel?”
“fucking amazing.” you rolled your eyes at how smug he looked after your confession, not protesting as he leaned forward to kiss you.
this one was much softer than the previous kisses you shared, much more tender. it was a lot shorter too, he pulled away first to rest his forehead against yours.
“yeah?” he whispered, kissing the corner of your lips, “just wait until i hit it from the back.”
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networks. @cromernet @wonderlandnet @cultofdionysusnet @pirateeznet
permanent taglist. @ad0rechuu @sankatchu @mlink64 @yeosangsbb @seonghwasbbgirl @likexaxdaydream @dreamingofyeo @yalyallic @yunhoswrldddd @coffee-addict-kitten @thunderous-wolf @chngbnwf
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obaex · 3 months
(not) my girl - rafe cameron
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summary: if rafe cameron is so sure he doesn't need to be seen with you at midsummers, you are more than happy to oblige (or) the time you drove rafe insane with jealousy.
word count: 3.4k
a/n: inspired by this post by the sweet @writingsbychlo ♡
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You were curled up on Rafe’s lap, head resting on his shoulder with his arms circled around you and his fingers mindlessly tracing patterns on your thigh as he talked with his friends around the firepit in his backyard.
You had been hooking up for a few months and recently you felt like you were right on the cusp of him asking you to make things official, exclusive. You were spending nearly every night together and every time he asked to talk or wanted to hang out you got your hopes up that this would be the time he brought it up, only to be crushed over and over again.
Deep down, you knew how Rafe felt. People who were ‘just hooking up’ didn’t beg you to stay every morning, didn’t make room in their dresser for you, didn’t wake you up with featherlight kisses to your cheeks, your forehead, your nose, face breaking into a ridiculous smile when your eyes fluttered open to find his drinking you in, they didn’t call you during a panic attack after fighting with their dad, pleading to hear your voice as the only thing that would calm them down. No, you were pretty sure you knew exactly how this boy felt, but you wanted him to acknowledge it. You ached to hear him say with pride ‘that’s my girl’, to mark you as his own.
Your eyes flitted across the fire to your best friend Olivia who wiggled her eyebrows at the sight of you and Rafe together, all too aware of the situationship you were in and how badly you wanted him. You blushed and rolled your eyes back at her, just trying to enjoy this small moment where he showed his affection for you in front of other people. She winked at you before interrupting the conversation.
“Sooo, who is everyone taking to Midsummers?”
You shot her a look that screamed what the hell are you doing!? You were still holding out hope that Rafe was going to ask you, even though it was less than a week away. Maybe he had an elaborate, last-minute surprise planned?
“Feel pretty good about my date” Kelce murmured, pressing a kiss to Olivia’s cheek as she giggled. “What about you Top, still intent on macking on Rafe’s sister?” he asked. Topper threw an empty beer can at him as everyone laughed.
“I don’t know why we even bother with dates” Rafe said. “We’re just gonna dick around together all night anyway, there’s no point.” He took a swig of his beer without meeting your gaze. You felt your cheeks warm in embarrassment and a painful ache in your throat as you tried to hold back the tears that threatened to spring forward. You met Olivia’s gaze again and she nodded encouragingly towards Rafe.
“W-what about me, Cameron?” you asked, trying to mask your feelings, to sound chill as you poked him in the side.
He looked at you sweetly, “C’mon and say what when my dad asks about you? ‘Hey dad, here’s the girl I’ve been sneaking through the back door every night and smashing while you and Rose are three doors down? Hard pass.” He laughed, focusing back on his beer and his friends as you felt his hand slide off your leg.
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You allowed yourself to be genuinely upset for three days.
You didn’t sleep at Tanneyhill for the first time in months, you didn’t even answer his texts which grew increasingly more insistent the more you ignored them. You stayed home, you cried, and you contemplated what the fuck you were doing with your life. Was that really all you were to him – just someone he was sneaking around with? Did you somehow become that girl, too naïve and too stupid to see that she wasn’t and would never be anything more than a hookup?
You thought about the way Rafe reached for you and held you in his sleep, the way his hands ghosted over your body, the things he’d whisper in your ear, the times you’d ridden shotgun in his truck or he’d taken you to his favorite spot on the beach… Your heart was so sure about him, but your head throbbed with the echo of his words.
You and Olivia talked incessantly about it, dissecting everything he’d said. “Maybe he just needs a little push, a little… motivation?” she suggested, and the more you talked about it, the more you realized she was right.
If Rafe Cameron was so sure he didn’t need to be seen with you at Midsummers, you were more than happy to oblige.
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The last of the hot summer sun was settling over the ocean as you climbed the front steps of the Island Club in daring three-inch heels; the added height gave your figure a perfect sway that simply begged people to watch you as you walked by. Your dress had a thigh-high slit, open back, and was the perfect color for your skin tone, illuminating you; the neckline was devilishly tantalizing, giving the desired effect of drawing all eyes to the dazzling diamond pendant that reflected the setting sun.
Rafe heard you before he saw you; rather, he heard a sea of murmurs rippling through the crowd which drew his attention to the doors just as you walked through by yourself, essentially announcing to the island that you were alone for the night.
“Geezus” he heard Topper mutter under his breath as he took you in. Normally, he would have known better and normally Rafe would have put his head through a wall for glaring at you the way he was, but even though his fists clenched in response and he wanted to turn and say something to him, he simply couldn’t take his eyes off of you; “Geezus” didn’t even begin to cover it.
You were always undeniably beautiful to Rafe: when you wore his oversized sweatshirt around the fire pit, when you were makeup-less in your wet bikini at the beach, and especially when you were wearing next to nothing tangled up in his limbs and his soft sheets, but the dress you had on, the way your hair shone in the last rays of the sun, the way you were positively radiating had his pulse throbbing in his neck, his adam’s apple bobbing and his palms sweating. Fuck, I am so happy she’s mine he thought to himself, smiling and moving to walk towards you as your eyes met his across the crowd.
You were glowing at him and sent him a discreet smile as you greeted people and made your way in his direction. He couldn’t wait to get his hands on you, to have you at his side so everyone knew you were his. You approached your friends, dropping a kiss on Topper and Kelce’s cheeks before doing the same to Rafe. You made to move past him quickly, intent on talking to Olivia when he grabbed your hand.
“Hey, hold up you-you look…” he started to say, trying and struggling to find the words to capture the way his heart was pounding in his chest.
Your wide eyes met his expectantly and just when he opened his mouth to speak, they flitted over his shoulder.
“Oh! Sorry, Rafey! Just saw someone I want to catch up with, I’ll see you later” and without another word you walked away, leaving Rafe Cameron, the King of Kildare staring and stuttering after you.
You were walking away from him? he thought. You had seemed so adamant about this whole Midsummers thing, dropping hints about going together and now here he was, practically ready to get down on one knee at the sight of you, and you were walking away from him? He was speechless. He turned to watch you go… right into the arms of another man. He looked to be about your age, the same height and a similar build as Rafe, because of course Rafe was sizing him up, how could he not? This guy had his paws all over his girl. And then, after a moment’s realization, he thought darkly, she’s not your girl…
You had greeted this guy with a huge hug, and he’d nearly lifted you off the ground, now he had your full attention and you were laughing at something he said, the most sweet and perfect sound that Rafe wanted only for himself.
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As everyone took their seat for dinner, you intentionally positioned yourself across the table from Rafe. The slight of not sitting next to him where he could run his fingers up your thigh or tangle them in your own left him fidgeting instead, buttoning and unbuttoning his jacket and swirling his drink. What the fuck did I used to do with my hands? he thought angrily.
You paid him no mind, instead, leaning forward on your elbows and toying with the diamond pendant around your neck, fingering it, twirling it and sliding it back and forth on its chain.
“Holy DIAMOND, girl!” Olivia said as she took note of your necklace and leaned over to get a closer look. “Is it new, where is it from?” her eyes shot from you to Rafe and back again.
He glared at you both over the rim of his glass as he took a deep gulp, trying to act unphased but also extremely curious to hear your answer knowing damn well it wasn’t from him.
Your eyes flitted to Rafe briefly before you leaned towards Olivia, lowering your voice, but not so low that he couldn’t hear you. “It was… a gift from… someone special” you said winking conspiratorially at her.
Rafe choked on his drink just as someone was standing up at the front of the crowd to make a speech, shifting everyone’s attention and interrupting the slew of words that nearly poured out of his mouth.
Who the fuck on Kildare fucking Island was buying his girl jewelry? he thought. And then, again, he reminded himself, she’s not your girl… the thought making his whole body tense, rigid and taught in anger and frustration.
For the next 20 minutes, all he could do was stare at you as you twiddled that ridiculous necklace in your fingers, imagining what it would be like to rip it off of you and replace it with something twice as nice. He was mentally calculating how much he would spend and how quickly he could get it when JJ Maybank passed by their table. Rafe had a snarky comment on the tip of his tongue until he watched JJ do a double take at you and stop in his tracks.
Don’t do it, Maybank, Rafe thought. Don’t you dare do it.
He watched JJ eye you and the distance between you and Rafe and, deeming it safe, peddled back, pulling a glass of champagne off his tray and handing it to you with a flourish. He knelt down next to your seat and when you turned to talk to him, it left JJ perfectly eye level with your cleavage. He was whispering something to you and you rested your hand on his bicep as you leaned forward to hear him. Rafe could see you blushing, and he watched Maybank take in every greedy eyeful of you. Rafe stood up so abruptly, it knocked his chair over and rattled the plates on the table. Everyone looked up at him, including you, and for the first time that night he had your full attention as your eyes widened at his reaction.
“YN, inside, let’s go” he said simply, walking to your side of the table.
You raised an eyebrow at him and his demanding tone.
“And Maybank if you don’t stop staring at her tits, I will put your face through this table.”
JJ quickly stood up and backed away with his hands raised in surrender as Rafe approached you.
“Rafe we were just—” you started.
“— Inside. Now” he said, taking you forcefully by the arm and leading you inside and into the locker room.
“Rafe! Come on! Stop it! I want to spend the night with my friends, I don’t know what you possibly have to be mad at” you said in resistance.
And that was the very last straw for him.
“WHAT I HAVE TO BE MAD AT?!” he said, incredulous, nearly shouting. “Where do I even begin with you!? You blow me off all week, then you waltz in here looking like an absolute bombshell, wearing next to nothing – I swear to God, I’ve seen you in bikinis with more material - every guy here is leering at you. Then you’re talking to that jackass who had his hands all over you…” he said, exasperated.
At this point he was pacing, his voice continuing to rise in anger and frustration. “…And then Maybank?! Maybank of all people?! He was flirting with you right in front of me. Was it to make me jealous? Is that what this is all about? Because I’m about to lose my fucking mind YN” he said running his hands through his hair, giving you sick pleasure knowing it took him probably an hour to style it. A surprised if not amused look rested on your face as you continued to twirl your necklace in your fingers.
“And who the fuck gave you that” he pointed accusingly at the diamond in your hand, not giving you a single second to respond, “No. Absolutely not. Take it off. Right now” he said, walking briskly towards you in an effort to do it himself.
You held out a hand to stop him.
“I don’t know what the big deal is Rafe” you said innocently. “What difference does it make? I’m just the girl you’re sneaking through your back door every night to smash” you shrugged, your eyes burning at him.
His eyes widened as he heard his own words on your lips.
“No, that’s – that’s not – I didn’t mean” he stuttered.
You gave him a vicious look as you watched the gears turn in his head and he tried to string a sentence together.
“Look, I didn’t mean it like that – I shouldn’t have – what I meant was – ahh, fuck it” he said, taking a step forward and closing the distance between you in an instant, one hand holding your face firmly as he pushed you against the lockers and the other coming to rest on the wall beside you, caging you in against him as he pressed his lips bruisingly to yours, devouring you, just like he’d wanted to do all night.
You wanted to stay strong, to argue, to tell him he wasn’t going to win you over like this. But he was. He so so was as he deepened the kiss almost instantly and the pad of his thumb ran across your cheek sending a shiver through your body. When he finally felt you relent and kiss him back, winding your arms around his neck and pulling yourself flush to him he let out a small groan that almost made you forget the whole point of tonight. Almost.
You pulled back, leaving not even an inch between you. The feeling of you kissing him had calmed him down significantly. His breathing had slowed but his cheeks were still flushed and his hair was mussed. He lingered there, his nose brushing yours as he stroked your cheek.
“You’re my girl” he whispered finally.
“Are you asking or telling?” you whispered back.
“Do I really need to ask, princess?” he said, meeting your gaze with his own.
You raised an eyebrow at him threateningly.
He rolled his eyes and said in a sigh, “Be mine?”
You bit your bottom lip and pretended to think about it. “Gosh, I don’t know” you said, pressing a slow kiss to his lips “M’might have to think about it” you said, pressing another kiss there, lingering longer “Mm’might need some convincing” you said, kissing him again and running your hands up his chest.
His voice was low but steady, “I will take you home right now and convince you as many times as you need me to” he said, kissing you back through a smile.
“Deal” you replied sweetly.
You moved to leave but he didn’t let you go and when you met his gaze, his brow was furrowed, his eyes searching yours. “I am serious though, about this, about you” he said. “I’m sorry I fucked up.” He looked uncharacteristically bashful, unsure even. “Really, are you mine?” he whispered.
“Yes, Rafe,” you said as your heart fluttered in your chest “All yours.”
He smiled stupidly, so far gone for you as he kissed you again. You were completely lost in the moment until he muttered against you, “Then please for the love of God will you take that necklace off and tell me who in the hell thought they could buy you something like that?”
You met his eyes strongly, the last embers of your pain crackling there.
“No” you said simply, continuing quickly when he tried to interrupt you. “I’m going to keep it and wear it whenever I damn well please to remind you of what you have and what you sure as hell want don’t want to lose.”
He looked genuinely shocked to hear you challenge him like that and you could see a tic in his jaw as he worked it back and forth in anger.
“I… hate that” he growled. “What if I buy you something nicer?”
You shrugged noncommittally and he shook his head at you. “Fine, let’s get out of here, that dress is killing me and I have a lot of convincing I want to do to you right now.” You giggled as he grabbed your hand and led you back outside, pressing a kiss to the side of your head.
When you rejoined the party there were a few murmurs and glances as you hung off his arm. Were you imagining it, or was he taking the long way back to your table, intentionally parading you around the patio and staring daggers at anyone whose gaze lingered too long? Being seen together at Midsummers was basically shouting from the rooftops that you were official. You were glowing, he was too. You said goodbye to your friends and within minutes you were in his truck headed back to Tanneyhill, his hand rubbing circles higher and higher on your thigh, your fingers in his hair.
He threw the car in park and scooped you over his shoulder, carrying you all the way upstairs like that, which had you shrieking in delight. He didn’t set you down until you were in his room and he kissed you feverishly, his hands cupping your face, before his fingers traced your neck, nearing your necklace.
“Rafe” you muttered against his lips, a warning.
“Just tell me who” he muttered back, unable to let it go and kissing you deeper in the hopes of convincing you. “I’m already gonna to buy you a new one, you’ll never wear this again, but I need to know. Can’t stop thinking about someone else with their hands on you” he said as he guided you backwards towards his bed, pushing you gently onto his comforter and crawling on top of you.
“I don’t like it. I do not fucking like it” he growled against your lips. Under his anger, you detected a hint of vulnerability and you broke your kiss just long enough to look into his eyes, which gazed longingly at you as they searched your face. Perhaps you had tortured this poor boy enough.
You sighed, relenting.
“Olivia” you said.
He looked at you, completely confused for only a moment before the realization dawned on his face and he hung his head.
“There isn’t anyone else” he said in equal parts relief, frustration and embarrassment.
You shook your head at him.
“God I’m so fucking stupid” he said.
You giggled before reaching behind your neck to unclasp the necklace and toss it on his bedside table.
He looked at you with heat and tenderness, “I’m sorry that’s what it took for me to get my shit together. I wish it all happened differently, but I don’t regret it. You’re it for me, YN, no one else.”
He placed a kiss beneath your ear, to your throat, to your bare collarbone. “My girl” he whispered against your skin, enjoying how it felt on his tongue and the sound of your sweet laughter in response.
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taglist: @ietss, @gillybear17, @palmwinemami, @moremaybank, @one-sweet-gubler, @m-indkiller, @diary-of-jj, @crlsummer, @jjsbank444
3K notes · View notes
mypoisonedvine · 10 months
𝐜𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐦𝐞 𝐂𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐚𝐧 | dad's best friend!cillian murphy x reader
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲 | based on the following request: what would dilf/dad's best friend cillian do if he found your dildo?
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭 | 5k (this was literally supposed to be a drabble...)
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 | smut (18+ only), significant age gap (reader is college-aged, cillian is in his late forties), voyeurism/exhibitionism, semi-public sex, use of toys, praise kink, unprotected sex, very brief/semi sarcastic 'sir' kink, shockingly fluffy??
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Not that your parents' anniversary cocktail party wasn't horribly riveting (cue dramatic eyeroll) but you were upstairs, on your bed, on your phone; you'd had enough of 'so how's college going?' and 'what's your major again?' and 'got any boyfriends yet? you must be a heartbreaker' for one evening— or a lifetime, preferably.
It wasn’t even that comfortable to be on the bed in your party dress—a cute, short sparkly one that you’d picked out for tonight—but it was better than standing around and trying to balance in those sky-high heels; those you had kicked off into the corner of the room the second you were alone.
When you heard a small rap on the door, you hummed a quick "Come in!" and didn't even look up from your phone, figuring it was your mom or dad come to find you after you disappeared.
Instead, you heard Mr. Murphy's voice as he leaned in the doorframe; "Sorry to bug you," he said, startling you slightly as you closed Instagram and set your phone down. "Just needed a Tide pen— your mom said you might have one in here?"
"O-oh, yeah," you said, sitting up, "sure— what happened?"
"Salsa fiasco," he joked softly as he shut the door behind him, showing you the dark red stain on his shirt— though the shirt itself was red, so it wasn't too egregious, but still noticeable.
"That's too bad," you chuckled, "I warned them about that salsa— if you serve salsa, there's gonna be a fiasco, that's what I said."
He clicked his tongue disapprovingly. "They should listen to you more," he agreed.
"I've got a couple stain remover pens in that top drawer," you suggested as you pointed to your dresser.
"Great," he smiled, starting to unbutton the shirt; you got nervous for a second until you realized he had on a black undershirt beneath. It's hard to say why you were nervous about that, since you'd seen him shirtless plenty of times in the years you'd known him...
"Nobody's worried about me going missing, right?" you wondered as he continued working on the buttons, and he shook his head while shrugging slightly.
"Not yet," he replied, "but they're going to want to find you soon, you're sort of the star of the night."
You rolled your eyes, frowning. "It's my parents' anniversary party, I think they should be the focus."
"Maybe they should, but you're the much more interesting one," he informed you.
You pulled your legs up a bit, leaning to the side as you sat on your bed; as much as all this attention from your parents' friends was usually annoying to you, something about being interesting to Mr. Murphy didn't bother you so much. "Is it weird for you?" you asked, lowering your voice a bit; he tilted his head quickly as if to ask what you meant. "Going to an anniversary party after, you know—"
The words hung in the air, seeming to gather around his conspicuously naked ring finger: after the divorce. "Oh, no," he scoffed, taking off his cufflinks. "It's fine; but I'm sick of the questions about it."
You winced. "Sorry, I didn't mean to—"
"Don't worry," he laughed finally shirking off the shirt; he looked a little too good in just the short-sleeved undershirt. "You can make it even by letting me ask you how college is going."
"Oh god," you groaned, rolling your eyes, and he laughed.
"If I didn't know from your parents that you were acing it, I'd worry that your aversion to talking about it meant you were struggling somehow."
"It's not that," you assured, "it's the people."
"The people?" he pressed. "Or the guys?"
You laughed nervously, looking down at your lap. "Geez, you learn to mindread while I was gone or something?"
He stepped around your bed to get to the dresser, laying his shirt down over it. "No, I just remember that time— somehow. And I remember how much of a headache I and every other young guy was."
"I guess not much has changed then," you smiled.
"What, I'm still a headache?" he grinned as he looked over his shoulder at you.
"No, I meant—"
"I know what you meant, I'm just teasing," he chuckled. "Top drawer you said?"
"Yeah," you nodded, and he opened the top drawer of the dresser; of course, only right then did you remember that you should have specifically said top left. Because the top right was—
Oh shit.
You swallowed thickly as Cillian stared down into the open drawer, and your heart pounded as you somehow hoped and prayed that what was in there had turned invisible or something; but if the look on his face was anything to go by, it was just as visible as ever.
“I—fuck, sorry, I forgot that’s—” you choked out, face burning impossibly hot.  “I never meant for you to see—I’m—could you shut the fucking drawer, please, you pervert?!”
“I’m the pervert?” he laughed thinly, looking at you again finally.  “You’re the one with a massive fucking dildo in here.”
“Well—you weren’t supposed to see that—”
“Yeah, but—fuck,” he choked, “I was just looking for your stain remover and I see your— you have a— are you sure that isn’t technically considered a weapon or something?  How’s a guy supposed to compete with that?”
“That’s the great thing about it: he doesn’t have to compete,” you explained, “that’s sort of the whole idea.”
He looked back at it for a second and you yelped, reaching your leg off the bed to kick him in the hip.  “Would you please shut the drawer?!”
“Sorry, sorry,” he laughed a bit, “but I mean, how am I supposed to react to that?
“Well, you’re not supposed to just stare at it!” you insisted.
He shut the drawer, giving you a look you couldn’t possibly decipher.
“What were you thinking?!” you said, somewhat rhetorically.
“I—well,” he hummed, looking away from you for a second, “I was thinking that I can’t imagine how you can possibly fit something like that.”
You blinked quickly, not sure what to say in response to that.  “Well—I mean, it’s a little big, but… it gets the job done.  Keeps me from calling the guys I shouldn’t be calling.”
He nodded.  “Well, that’s good… none of those college boys could possibly deserve you…”
His eyes were running all over you, and even though you’d picked out this dress just for this party because you loved how you looked in it, you felt a little exposed by his stare.
“I just can’t believe a girl like you—”
“Come on, I’ve never been a saint,” you scoffed, glancing away.
“No, I just mean… the size of that thing…” he trailed off.
“You really can’t get over that part,” you noticed, “is this some kind of… intimidation, Freudian situation?”
You glanced quickly at his pants, and he started to deny it instantly.  “No—come on, it’s not—I just can’t believe you take all that.  For fun.  It looks like it would break you.”
You hadn’t even had any drinks at this anniversary party, and yet you found yourself with this foggy head like you were tipsy; you blurted something out as if you were tipsy.  “What, you want me to prove it?”
His chest sunk a bit, and you were about to take it back when he spoke before you.  “I’d like to see you try.”
Biting your lip, you sat up on the bed, reaching around him and into the drawer.  He didn’t step back or out of the way, just let you grab the toy and lean back on the bed in front of him.
You reached up under your dress, sliding your panties out of the way, finding yourself suddenly plenty wet to fit this toy.
His eyes never left you, though they certainly travelled all over your body as you pressed the toy up to your entrance; it was thick, he wasn’t wrong, and you had to slowly warm yourself up to it whenever you used it on yourself. 
After pushing with enough pressure, the tip finally slipped inside and you let out a small sigh.  He watched carefully, and your lips fell open into a moan as you pushed the toy deeper into yourself.  When the stretch became a bit too sharp, you winced and slowed down, trying to take your time even with your heart racing and hands shaking.
You heard his own breathing picking up, watching you take the toy deeper; you found your gaze wandering over him, even lingering on his groin to see if you could catch a bulge growing there, but nothing was obvious yet.  You stared for a moment at his hands, too, suddenly wishing to have them all over you—well, maybe not that suddenly, you’d sort of thought about this before.  It wasn’t until somewhat recently that you noticed how sexy he was.  Maybe when you were younger, you understood that he was better looking than all the other adults you knew, but only once you left for college did you start thinking about him out of nowhere, imagining what he was really like when he wasn’t just being friendly with you—you even asked your mom once on a phone call if he was dating anyone.  Thankfully, she didn’t seem to get suspicious when you asked that; but she’d be more than fucking suspicious if she walked in now, saw you doing this to yourself under his watchful eye.
Oddly enough, the knowledge that someone could walk in and see this just made you even more desperate, and you gasped as you pushed the toy in deeper.
It still wasn’t all the way in, and you already felt so full… truth be told, he had a point about it maybe being too big for you—when you usually used it on yourself, you only put it in a little over halfway, since that was all you really needed.  You hadn’t put the whole thing inside since you first got it—and yes, you’d ordered it online, because if you’d seen it in person you probably would’ve been as intimidated by its girth as he was.
Your decision not to wear a bra with this dress became very apparent when his gaze settled on your chest; your nipples were hard, and clearly visible under the fabric now.  It was just because it was strapless that you went without, but you were thankful for it when you saw him quickly lick his lips at the sight.  You dared to moan just a little louder as you pulled the toy in and out, picking up your pace carefully.
“How’s it feel?” he asked lowly, his eyes drifting back to where the toy slid into you. 
“Good,” you mumbled, “really fucking good.”
“Can you really take it all?” he pressed, making your walls clench on the silicone.
Instead of answering aloud, you simply pushed it all the way in until your eyes rolled back—it was so deep, pressing heavy and fat against your deepest points until it felt like you might burst.
“Fuck,” he praised—it was just a swear, but the way he whispered it made it sound like a praise.
You sped up slightly, trying to do this the way you normally would without someone staring at you.  But you were even more sensitive with him watching, your walls clenching more and more around the toy until it was almost hard to keep thrusting it in and out.  Sighing, you shut your eyes and laid back on the bed to try to help yourself relax.  The change in angle just seemed to make the toy go deeper, rubbing harder against the spot inside you that made your back arch.
“You’re so wet,” he breathed; you whimpered, nodding in agreement, and kept moving the dildo as deep as you could get it with every thrust. 
Your free arm went back over your head to hold onto the comforter under you, your hand gripping tight for some relief for the pressure inside you.  “Fuck yes,” you whispered, knitting your brows together and fucking yourself faster.  “Feels so fucking good…”
He hummed a little, but you kept your eyes shut, afraid you’d lose your nerve if you looked at him again.  It had been months since you used anything but this, and you had no regrets—the toy performed way better than any of the guys you’d met at college.  But, truthfully, you didn’t like having to do this to yourself.  It felt like you could never move it fast or hard enough, and you needed to constantly have perfect control over the toy to get yourself to come—and when you come, the last thing you want is to take control, you want to lay back and lose control.  Still, it was better than the college fuckboys who smelled like beer and didn’t last more than two minutes.
Thinking about them wasn’t going to help you now, though; it was much better to think about Cillian, about those icy blue eyes running all over your body, about how his hands would hold you down while he claimed you, about how his lips would feel on your neck before he whispered in your ear that you were his…
You let out a sharp and sudden moan as the toy hit harder on that spot; your legs started to shake.  “Good girl,” he mumbled, making you moan even louder because god, those words just sounded right in his accent, with that rough voice—and they sounded right being said to you.
“Fuck,” you choked, “Mr. Murphy, I—”
He laughed a little.  “So polite,” he cooed.  “Open your eyes and look at me.”
Though it made your heart beat even faster, you did as you were told.  His stare was all-encompassing, making you feel completely trapped in a way you enjoyed more than you could’ve imagined. 
“Call me Cillian,” he insisted.
You weren’t sure if he meant to literally call him that right in that moment, but it sort of came out anyway: “Cillian,” you moaned, and the grip he’d taken on the dresser behind him tightened.
“Can you come for me?” he asked lowly.  “Right now?  Can you come on that fake cock?”
You bit your lip and nodded, moving the toy faster and faster— more desperate to come than ever.  “I—fuck, yeah, I’m close…”
“Good,” he praised again.  “Let me see you come, honey.”
Your back arched harder, deeper—your hands were shaking but you kept going, holding on tight to the dildo and forcing it back and forth as your legs began to quiver.
Moans poured from your mouth faster than you could try to quiet them—everyone was downstairs, you just had to hope the music and conversation was enough to drown out your desperate, pleading noises.  “Fuckin’ beautiful,” he mumbled, right as you hit the peak and melted into the mattress, a wave of ecstasy pouring over you.
You felt hot everywhere, but especially between your legs—you could swear you felt yourself leaking out around the toy, soaking it, giving away how needy you’d become and not even having the mental energy to feel any shame for it.
Cillian certainly didn’t look like he was trying to shame you for it; when you opened your eyes again, he had a stunned expression—in the best way.  “You normally come that fast for a toy?”
You laughed a little, but you still couldn’t quite catch your breath.  “No,” you admitted, “it normally takes… a bit longer than that…”
“What was different about tonight?” he mused, and you scoffed and rolled your eyes again.
“Shut up,” you sighed.  “Now I have to figure out how to take this thing out—I’m always sore after…”
“If you can handle putting it in, taking it out shouldn’t be much trouble,” he noticed.
Which, yes, that would make sense, but after coming you always got all tight and sensitive and it could be a little intense.
“How about I help you?” he offered, and your chest tightened.  He waited for you to nod before carefully wrapping his hand around your own, watching your face as he gently guided you to pull the toy out.
Your lips were slack and your eyes were probably glassy and dazed as he looked at you like that, completely enveloping you in his stare as he studied every detail of your expression.  Aside from some heavy breathing you didn’t react much to him sliding the toy out of you, until the ridge of the head reached your entrance and you winced.
“Shh,” he soothed gently, “it’s okay…”
A long sigh of relief emptied your chest when the toy tapered off and you felt the last of it slip out of you; you really noticed then how soaked you were, as a draft in the room seemed to cling to the patch of wetness that had coated all between your legs somehow.
“Lemme see, baby,” he cooed under his breath as he set the toy aside, kneeling down and resting a hand on the inside of your thigh to keep your legs open.
You could barely catch your breath with him doing that; you’d never had someone… look at it like that.  You felt incredibly vulnerable but impossibly sexy as you heard him sigh at the sight.  “Is it all stretched out now?” you wondered.
“No,” he said, “you look… just as tight as before.  Fuck.  That’s incredible.”
You bit your lip, sitting up enough to try to get a look at his face past the puffiness of your dress’ skirt, and he smirked up at you with the loveliest sparkle in his eye.  “Really?” you breathed, and he nodded.
Even though your hands were still shaking you suddenly felt brave; maybe it was just the afterglow, but you grabbed him by the shirt and sat up to kiss him, colliding your lips with his.  He reciprocated instantly, putting his hands on your upper back that the strapless dress left bare.
The kiss was perfect—needy but not too fast, sweet but not too chaste, teasing but not too slow.  The guys in college couldn’t even kiss like this… you were wondering why you ever even tried with them—or, you would’ve been if that kiss left you capable of thinking about anything but him.  “Need you,” you whispered as you pulled him closer, wrapping your arms around his strong shoulders.
“Fuck,” he mumbled against your lips, a hand holding your waist while he started to kiss your neck and jaw.  “Not here—your parents—”
“Don’t care,” you whimpered, “I’m so—fuck, Cillian, please—”
“You already came,” he noticed with a small laugh, “didn’t that take the edge off?”
“Not enough,” you whined, getting impatient and running a hand down over his shirt and down to his pants—and you smiled proudly as you felt the hardening bulge beneath.  He choked a little when you touched him there, holding you tighter.  “You want me too,” you noticed.
“Of course I do, but—” he breathed, then stopped himself as he tossed you back on the bed; you giggled as he crawled up over you, pinning you down.  “But we can’t… your parents would have my head on a platter—once they’re done serving crawfish etouffee off of it downstairs.”
“Well, I wasn’t planning on telling my parents,” you smirked.  “Were you?”
“No,” he agreed, kissing your neck again as you hummed happily.  “But if they found out—”
“So?  They wouldn’t like if they found out about what just happened, either—and they won’t.”
“But this is different,” he insisted.
“Because this…”
He trailed off, kissing down your neck and over your shoulder, until a hand reached up to pull your dress down and expose your chest.
“Shit,” he sighed at the sight of it, and you smiled up at him.
“You were saying?” you teased.
“Right, erm,” he swallowed, “this is different because—because if we do this, you’re gonna be my girl.  Not just a misguided one-time fuck because you were turned on after screwing yourself with your dildo while I watched.”
You felt a little out of breath but nodded up at him.  “Okay,” you agreed.
“Okay?” he repeated, looking a little shocked.  “I tell you that you have to be mine and you just say okay?”
“What was I supposed to say, yes sir?” you joked.
“I just mean—shit, if I knew it would be this easy, I would’ve said something sooner,” he chuckled.  “But I’m, er, not complaining about the yes sir thing either…”
He sat up and started to unbutton his pants, making you wiggle a bit on the bed impatiently.  Even though you’d just gotten filled by your big toy, you felt needier than ever for something inside you—something real. 
Your throat caught when he took it out— it was pale and veiny just like the rest of him; long, uncut, a bead of precum starting to leak from the slit… it was beautiful, honestly.  The artificial fleshy hue of the silicone could never compete.
“Big enough for you?” he asked with a smirk, but you had to swallow before you answered because your mouth was watering.
“Yeah,” you panted, “plenty.”
He kissed you again, laying more of his weight on top of you; your legs wrapped around his hips, keeping him close as he pressed you down into your bed.
One hand found your wrist and held it back above your head, while the other kept a tight wrap around his cock so he could guide it to your waiting entrance.  When he pushed inside, you both sighed with relief like you’d been longing for this for ages—perhaps because both of you had, in your own ways.  “Fuck,” you breathed, “Cillian…”
He whispered your name back to you, heavy and desperate and right by your ear, and you absolutely knew you were his, just like he said.  He only stilled for a moment when he was all the way inside, already starting to rock back and forth—but he was sort of tender about it, watching you move under him as he fucked you.  “So pretty,” he praised quietly, kissing you again, even harder than before.  You both moaned into the kiss, and a warm, rough hand settled on your thigh under your dress.
Soon, the pleasure was too much to even focus on kissing, and your mouth just fell wide open in front of his as needy moans passed through it.  He stayed close, though, watching your face go slack with ecstasy.  The previous orgasm had left you sticky and sensitive inside, still totally dripping for him, everything in you begging for more.  “Oh my god,” you sighed, eyes rolling back, your composure completely slipping already.  He made you feel so good so easily—and fuck, the way he was looking at you, it was just too much to bear.
“Mm,” he hummed proudly, latching his lips onto your neck again until your fingers tangled in his hair.  He moved down and caught a nipple in his mouth, making you whimper as he suckled at it gently. 
“Fuck,” you whined, nearly pulling him along by the hair when he moved to the other one; you couldn’t stop clenching inside, squeezing him until he groaned against your skin. 
“Won’t last if you keep doing that,” he warned you softly. 
“What if I don’t want you to?” you teased, and he growled a little between his teeth, sitting up to look down at you.  He fucked you harder, but put a hand on top of your head and pet your hair for a moment, looking at you like you hung the moon; how could he be so dirty then so adorable within the same split-second?!
“I’ll do whatever you want me to,” he decided, speaking softly, “how about that?  What do you want me to do?”
That was a little too much power to give you, at least in your opinion, but you grinned as you considered it.  “Then I want you to come way too quick,” you decided, “like all those annoying college boys—because you just can’t help yourself.”
He laughed a little, though he stopped to bite his lip as he fucked you even harder—and faster, too.  “Okay,” he breathed, “don’t know why you want that, but—fuck— it won’t be very difficult after that little show you gave me.  You look so pretty when you come…”
“Just keep going and you can see it again,” you promised, holding onto him tighter as he pressed into you and really let you have it—not really rough or anything, you couldn’t risk making any more noise than you were, but still aggressive and passionate and desperate.
He kissed your neck again, burying his face in your shoulder and finding the spot that made you gasp out his name suddenly; your fingers clutched at fistfuls of his undershirt, and your legs began to shake where they were hooked around his hips and half-pushed-down pants.
“Oh my god,” you gasped, the pleasure hitting you again—but it was better than with the toy, it was stronger, and it just kept going because he kept going.  When your head fell back onto the mattress with a sigh, he realized that he’d made you come.
“Wait, fuck, I wasn’t looking,” he rushed as he popped his head up from the crook of your neck, “do it again.”
You laughed breathlessly and pushed against his shoulder a bit; “Shut up, I can’t do it on command.”
“You did it the last two times I told you to,” he reminded you, and that just made you feel even more deliciously dizzy. 
Yes, you were definitely his girl now—totally addicted to him.  You’d never felt like this with somebody—not just physically, but the trust and the laughter and the comfort of it all.  This wasn’t a too-empty dorm room that still smelled like fresh paint, it wasn’t a mattress with no sheets in an apartment with 5 roommates nearby, it wasn’t a guy you vaguely knew from a two-hundred-student class or someone you saw on a dating app and talked with for an afternoon before meeting for ‘coffee’ (it was never just coffee).  This was Mr. Murphy—and that should’ve made it weirder, but somehow, it just made it make more sense.
“So, if I tell you to come again,” he spoke lowly by your ear, a new authority to his tone, “you should come.”
You couldn’t think of anything else to say: “Yes, sir,” you breathed, hugging him close to you and pressing your face against his shoulder.
Of course, it wasn’t quite instantaneous, but just another minute of him giving you those deep, controlled thrusts right into your favorite spot sent you over the edge easily—and this time, he gently guided your face out of its hiding spot and looked at you, watched your pleasure overtake you, tenderly rubbing your cheek with his thumb.  “Good girl,” he praised softly, kissing you again just as the last of it drained from you; you were so numb that you barely heard him whisper something to you—it took you a few seconds to process it.
“I’m gonna come,” he’d whispered to you, “fuck, you’re so fucking warm…”
“Come inside,” you instructed, and for all the concern he tried to perform for you after you said that, his moan was undeniable, as was the way he started to move faster.
“Fuck, really?” he nearly whined.  “Are you sure?”
“Yeah,” you nodded, panting.
“You’re on—”
“Yes, please, just come inside me,” you begged, and he finally stopped protesting and pressed himself as deep into you as he could—you could feel the way his cock flexed, and it made your exhausted walls dig up just enough energy to flex back.
“Fuuuuck,” he groaned, holding onto you tightly.
You hummed a little at the feeling, turning your face towards his, hoping to see what he looked like in this moment—but he pulled you into another kiss before you could get a good look.  Even this kiss was different from the others—a little slower, a little more tired in a wonderful, dreamy way.  He was breathing heavy against you, and eventually he found the energy to push himself up with his arms on either side of your head, and you smiled up at him.  He looked really fucking good like this: his face a bit flushed, which seemed to show his freckles and fine lines even more (which you adored); his hair falling down, a little wavier from the slight sweat he’d worked up; his lips swollen and slick from the kisses; and those eyes, they looked as beautiful as always, but they made you feel beautiful, too.
“Is taking this one out gonna hurt, too?” he asked you with a smirk.
“Probably a little,” you shrugged.
“For both of us,” he agreed, “I’m so fucking sensitive now… you really do have me acting like a desperate college boy—but you know, it’s been a while, so…”
“Right, sure—good excuse,” you joked, but you didn’t mind any of it either way.
He did it a little quicker, pulling back as he took a sharp breath in, and you giggled softly.
“Fuck, I can feel it, like… leaking out,” you admitted, biting your lip at the sick satisfaction of the warm gush.
“I think I need to see that,” he said, sitting up and picking your legs up from under the knee to look at you.  This was apparently a habit of his—and you were starting to get used to it already.
“How’s it look?” you asked, wondering if he’d finally stretched you out after that.
He just stared at it for a moment longer, running his tongue over his teeth, before finally looking back at you and saying with a smile: “Looks like you need the Tide pen more than I do.”
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eleganzadellarosa · 17 days
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pairing: olderbrothersbestfriend!chan x needy fem! reader
genre: fluff, smut
warnings: MDNI (I'm sorry if this changes the way you see ice cream, pwp I guess, fast paced plot, unprotected sex (don’t 👀), big dick Chan (because what else would he be?), overstim, squirting, hair pulling, choking, creampie, Chan calls reader Baby, reader calls him Channie)
word count: will update word count later
A/N: Just because my mind has been on Chan A LOT lately. Also…this isn’t proofread 😬
Why would you like someone that ruffles your hair, tickles your sides and calls you “baby” as a nickname? Sounds childish right? Not to you when it comes to your huge crush on Chan. You know that’s just how he is with you and has been since you were younger, but you wish it meant something different to him.
Chan is best friends with your older brother, he’s basically been a part of your family for over 10 years. You’ve always liked Chan, but not in that way until your crush developed right before he moved. His family moved away for a while during his late teen years so you hadn’t seen him in quite some time. Then he suddenly came back and he was like a whole new person. His personality didn’t change, no, the way he looked did and you haven’t been able to keep your eyes off of him since.
He and your brother are 25 and you’re stuck being 23. It wasn’t a big enough gap to make anyone bat an eye, but you knew he always viewed you as his best friend’s little sister and you weren’t sure how to make that change. You watched as he pulled up in front of your house, picking up your brother like usual. They spent so much time together, you were almost past the point of jealousy and wanted to hate your brother for taking him away every time.
You stood in the open garage, watching him hop out the driver’s seat. He smiled and waved when he saw you and did a little jog onto the sidewalk and into the garage. Maybe things didn’t need to change and you needed to find someone else to crush on, but it was so hard when he would open his arms for you to hug him and would squeeze you tight until you couldn’t handle it anymore.
“Hey baby, missed you. How ya been?”
Baby. You would never get over that nickname. It gave you that warm fuzzy feeling but also gave you that second heartbeat.
“Hey Channie, you know same old same old. Where have you been all week?” You knew where he’d been but you’d do anything to have a longer conversation with him before your brother snatched him away.
“I went to go visit my family, they told me to tell you hi.” He smiled and you smiled back knowing how much his family loved you, which oddly enough made you like him more. “I got you somethin’, close your eyes.”
You obliged, closing your eyes waiting almost impatiently to see what he had for you. Not being able to see him in front of you but feeling his presence made a light blush fall on your cheeks. You felt his fingertips graze the skin on your hand and the sudden contact made you jump slightly. He carefully opened your hand and you felt the cold contrast of something against your palm.
“Open your eyes.”
You looked down to see a dainty anklet with small charms dangling from it. Your eyes lit up seeing each charm perfectly handpicked with things he knew you’d like. It was gorgeous and on closer inspection, it looked expensive. You didn’t care how much it cost, only worrying that he spent too much of his money on you, but loving that he got you a gift at all.
“Baby, do you like it?” He made dangerous eye contact waiting for you to reply. It didn’t help you gather your thoughts any quicker even though you had your answer already. He made your nervous system short circuit.
“Y-yeah Channie, I love it!” You smiled as much as you could to cover the way you swallowed thickly seeing him stand so close to you.
“Really? Oh gosh I’m glad, I thought I chose something you wouldn’t like.” He had to be lying. He could pick a leaf off a tree and you’d be jumping for joy. “Here lemme see, I’ll put it on for you.”
You gasped when he lifted you up to seat you on your dad’s workbench that sat at the back of the garage. The heat seeping in from outside was hot enough, but now you were sure you could break a thermometer. He kneeled down and wrapped the cold jewelry around your ankle. You were unconsciously holding your breath, scared of having any reaction because if you let go, you’d probably moan and you’d rather not make this awkward.
He looked up at you with your foot still in his hand, “It looks great baby, I like it.” God that comment had you slippery wet. He liked it on you? Now you’d never take it off. “Make sure you think of me every time you look at it.” He shot you a wink and your breath got caught in your throat preventing you from swallowing.
This conversation would be stored for fuel whenever you needed something to tip you over the edge at night. You almost said something equally seductive back, almost, when your brother came and took Chan away. You were used to it by now, never really having more than 10 minutes tops of alone time with him. It was frustrating, having to get most of your information from your brother who always reluctantly told you, asking “why do you wanna know anyways?”
You think Chan would tell you no hesitation if you actually had the chance to speak with him. But truth be told, you’d never be able to do such a thing with your brother around. He made it clear on multiple occasions that he didn’t approve of a relationship between you two if it ever came to be, but all three of you knew that would never be brought into existence.
You sat in the same spot on the tool bench, swinging your foot to see the charms sparkle in the small rays of sunshine. Chan said to think about him every time you looked at it, so you did. The thought of you on your knees in front of him, him slipping his thumb past your lips telling you to suck if you wanted to be rewarded. The ideas that ran freely were filthy and getting worse by the second. Your thighs rubbed together tightly as you felt yourself grow wetter with each passing thought.
The sun shined brightly through the small gaps between your blinds, easing you awake with its warmth. The weekends were the best because it was almost guaranteed that you’d get to have breakfast with Chan. It was an unspoken tradition and you marked it off in your mental calendar. You quickly washed your face before heading downstairs to the kitchen, only to see it completely empty besides the few duffle bags that sat beside the island.
“Where are you going?” You asked your brother who walked in at the perfect time before you could stump yourself with more unanswered questions.
“Didn’t mom tell you? I’m going to stay at a beach house with a few friends for the weekend.” He stuffed a few more things in his bag, talking with his back facing you.
“No…is Chan going too?” You asked carefully trying to make it seem like a normal question.
He rolled his eyes and leaned up against the marble island. “Next time you need to just start asking Chan these questions since you always wanna know everything about him. And no, he’s not coming.”
“Really?” A smile spread across your face but you quickly wiped it away when you saw your brother narrow his eyes.
“Don’t go bothering him while I’m away, he’s doesn’t wanna hang with you at all so just stay home!”
“You’re such an asshole, he never said that!”
“You don’t know what he said because you’re not his best friend! Just don’t bother him okay?” He sucked his teeth as he picked up his bags and walked out the door, kicking it closed with his foot.
He didn’t know what he was talking about. Chan wouldn’t say that, he would love to hang out with you. Right? You felt like a teenager crushing on a college boy that was far out of your league for multiple reasons but you swore you had a chance.
You sulkily walked upstairs back to your room and flopped on your bed. Being that your brother didn’t want you to bother Chan, it made you more curious as to what he could be doing right now. It sucks that you didn’t have his number or really any way to contact him. Well you did, you were just too scared to actually do it.
It was nothing but a 10 minute walk and 2 minute drive to get to his house but in the back of your mind, you were scared he actually wouldn’t want to see you. What would you say; what would be your reasoning for coming to see him?
“I have a crush on you and I want to be around you, please let me in?”
Like hell that would work. He’d probably slam the door in your face, call your brother and tell him how annoying and stupid his little-
There was a ring at your doorbell.
Your head snapped to your left, slightly shocked you had any visitors. It could easily be your neighbor since she always seemed to pop up randomly. “I got it!” You yelled out, jogging down the stairs. You looked out the peephole to see Chan standing there. Your heart started racing and you quickly looked over your appearance before opening the door.
“Channie?! What are you doing here?”
“Aww baby you aren’t happy to see me?” A cute little pout painted his face and you wanted to drag him in and kiss him all over.
“What? No, of course I am! My brother’s not here and I thought you knew…”
“Oh yeah I knew, I came to see you.”
He said it so nonchalantly as if it was normal to come see you. As if you both agreed to hang out today. Or as if you always hung out when your brother wasn’t around. He had to know what this was doing to you, there was no way he didn’t. You opened your mouth to say something but couldn’t find the strength to let the words come forward.
“I figured you’d be here all by yourself, so I thought I’d come pick you up.” He smiled brightly and there were those cute dimples. God you felt like you were gonna explode.
“I…umm…” you were stuttering and if he didn’t stop staring at you, you were going to be stuck like this.
He looked a bit sad and disappointed but waited to see what you would say. “It’s okay if you don’t want to Baby. I should’ve asked first, I’m so sorry.”
You quickly reached out to touch his arm and practically melted into a puddle, “No no Channie, I’m sorry, I just didn’t think you’d wanna hang out with me. I’d love to go to your house, especially since I’ve never seen this one.”
He smiled again, “Of course I would Baby, you’re my best friend! Now come on, hop in”
Oh how this was never something you thought would happen in a million years. You were Chan’s best friend? As much as you wanted this, there must have been some kind of mistake. Surely he didn’t actually think so.
He grabbed your hand and lead you to his jeep and opened your door for you. “Thank you Channie” barely left your lips before he reached inside and buckled your seatbelt, smiling at you before he closed your door. Your body was on fire; ignited from the soft and simple touches. You were down bad, there was no better way to put it. If he kept moving like this, you’d have to go home and deal with the problem between your legs.
His house was nice, nothing too big or small, just right for him. He had a great sense of decor and he kept his place sparkling clean. Scattered about on different pieces of furniture were photos of him, family and even younger pictures of the 3 of you.
“Baby, make yourself at home, you can sit anywhere you’d like.” He spoke to you from the little pass through window in the kitchen.
You nodded your head but decided to explore his living room some more. When you walked past the patio door, you noticed a reflection on the ground outside.
“Oh my gosh Channie, you have a pool?! Why didn’t my brother tell me?”
He walked over to you with a large red double popsicle and chuckled at the amused look on your face. “I’m gonna punch him when I see him, I told him to tell you because I know how much you love swimming. We can go out there if you want.”
He broke the popsicle in two and handed you a half. “I would love to…but I don’t have a bikini with me.”
“Just get in with what you have on.” He leaned against the side of his couch as he sucked on the cold treat.
You looked down at your outfit, a plain white tee and some daisy patterned shorts. “But I won’t have anything to change into. I can walk back home and get something.”
“Orrrrr, you can just wear some of my clothes until yours are dry.”
What was with him saying all this so nonchalantly? When have you ever worn his clothes? The smell must be absolutely amazing, he always smelled so good. If he was offering, you might as well just take it.
“Hmm” you bit your lip and smiled, “okay, but I don’t wanna get in by myself.”
He smiled as he finished off his half of the popsicle and chewed on the stick. He jolted off the side of the couch and pulled his shirt off. You almost choked on the leftover ice you had in your mouth. What the fuck was he thinking?
“Come on Baby, come swim with me.”
He opened the door and ran and jumped in without hesitation. After little to no consideration, you followed behind him, diving right in. The water was a perfect way to cool off in the hot summer sun. He swam over to you, hair drenched and sticking to his forehead. The droplets of water shined against his toned, muscular body. You wanted to lick him dry, no matter how long it took.
His right hand slid over your waist and around to your back, “you look so cute, I could kiss you right now.”
Cute? Kiss? Cute and kiss in the same sentence? Maybe you needed to pinch yourself to wake up from this completely unrealistic dream.
“M-me? I’m just plain and boring.” You mentally pat yourself on the back for not stuttering too much with how close he was and what he just said.
“You’ve never been either baby, no way that’s what you actually think.” His eyebrows raised in shock.
“Well yeah…there’s so many prettier girls than me. I’m just me, but they’re-“
It happened so fast that your mind didn’t process it. He bent down to press his lips to yours and hold you a bit tighter. Your arms were around his neck and you reciprocated the kiss faster than the fear set in. His tongue swiped over your lip and you happily allowed him to explore your mouth.
Somehow being drenched in the pool made it feel more sensual, nothing left to the imagination, bodies practically touching through the thin fabrics. You could feel how hard he was, pressing it right up against your thigh. You bravely touched him through his shorts, earning a small moan from him.
He ran a hand up the back of your thigh and roughly grabbed your ass. It wasn’t until you felt something press into your back that you realized he moved the both of you closer to the edge of the pool. He trailed the kisses over your jaw and to your neck. You were breathing heavily, making no effort to stop the sounds coming from you.
“I wonder how good you’d sound if I fucked you.”
“Channie please, oh fuck.”
Desperate was too innocent of a word to describe how badly you wanted him. You’d do whatever it took to make your dreams come true.
“Would you like that baby? Let me fuck you and make you feel good?”
At this point you were sure you stopped breathing. He looked so good with his wet hair, heavy lids, toned body pressed right against yours. Of course you’d like that.
“Yes Channie, I want it, I want you.”
He slipped your shirt over your head and left open mouthed kisses down your neck and across your chest. Just as he moved to get your nipple in his mouth, a loud ring came from inside the house; it was his phone.
“You should go get that Channie.”
He looked at you, lips parted and breathing heavily. “Fuck, okay I’ll be right back.”
He hopped out the pool and went inside while you tried to put all the pieces together. So Chan liked you? Or he simply just wanted a fuck buddy? Or maybe he just wanted to fuck you because he knows how much you like him and knew you’d be easy? The insecurity began to weigh down on you and now you just wanted to go home.
When he returned, he squatted down next to you, who was now slightly turned away from him with your arms wrapped around yourself in order to seek comfort.
“That was your brother, he said he’s coming home early because someone got food poisoning. So…he asked me to pick him up.” He reached out and touched your shoulder. “Baby, you okay?”
“Yeah Channie, you can just take me home.” You made sure to not let him see the tears brimming your eyes.
“You sure you’re-“
“Yes, I’d like to go home please.”
He watched you for a few seconds longer, definitely able to notice the shift in your mood, he just didn’t know what caused it. “Okay, let me at least get you a change of clothes.”
The ride back home was short and you got out before he could to open your door for you. He shouted something about seeing you later before driving off as you closed your front door behind you. You still didn’t have his number, so him hitting you up later wouldn’t be a thing, unless he was bold enough to ask your brother but you both knew that would open a can of worms you weren’t ready to try and close.
Now you were a bit nervous that he would tell your brother what happened because he wanted to know why you looked so sad. You’d just avoid him as much as you could and hopefully he would forget anything ever happened.
“As much as I don’t want you to, I need you to come with me and Chan so you can help me choose a gift for my girlfriend.” Your brother came into your room, not bothering to knock since your door was already opened slightly.
“I didn’t say you could come in!”
“Oh my god, yes or no?”
“You didn’t ask me anything dumbass and why don’t you already know what your girlfriend likes?”
“I do know but I want to know what’s the best out of the options I have and you’re a girl.”
“Umm…I guess?”
You were conflicted. You wanted to see Chan, you missed him even though it had only been two days since your encounter in the pool. But you also didn’t want to see him right now because you didn’t want to explain anything to him, yet if you said that your brother would for sure know something happened between you two.
“Okay well be ready in like 10 minutes, set a timer or something.”
Chan and your brother greeted each other like always and when he looked over at you, he looked as if he wanted to come hug you. “Hey baby, you coming with us today?”
Your brother rolled his eyes when you let a smile creep past your lips. You were weak for Chan, he knew exactly what to say to make you melt. Maybe you were thinking about it wrong, maybe he really did like you and he actually wanted to be with you. But having it happen so suddenly made you think perhaps you let your guard down too quickly.
You felt like such a third wheel around the two boys, laughing at their inside jokes and not worrying about you following behind them. Well Chan did, he would look back to make sure you were still there and smile at you when you made eye contact. It felt like hours even though but had only been 30 minutes of walking around the mall looking for the perfect gift.
“Girls like jewelry, so get her something she can always wear.” Your brother’s gaze followed yours down to your anklet. Before he could ask you where you got that, Chan spoke up.
“Yeah I told you that the other day man, if you really love her you should get her something that she can keep for a long time but also that you put effort into choosing.” He looked over at you when he said it, hoping you caught on to what he said.
You tried your hardest not to blush, your brother standing way too close for you to even let out a small squeal.
“Yeah that’s what I wanna get her but I’m not sure she’ll wear it, I never see her wearing jewelry.”
“Trust me bro, she’ll love it.” He placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder and nodded his head.
“I’m gonna go get some ice cream and then head back to the car you guys.” You said waving your hand as you walked away. Your brother nodded as he answered his phone.
“Is it okay if I come with you baby?” Chan ran to catch up with you before you got too far.
“Sure Channie, I’ll pay for you.”
“You’re so funny Baby, I’m paying for the both of us.” As you approached the stand, he turned around grimacing. “Aww baby they’re all out of rocky road.”
After all these years, he still remembers your favorite ice cream flavor. “It’s okay Channie, just get me whatever you get.”
He smiled softly and nodded and ordered two strawberry cheesecake cones. You walked back with him to his car to enjoy yet another frozen treat in his presence. Of course, he opened your door and let you hop in before he did the same.
“Damn it’s already melting…”
“I prefer ice cream when it melts a little. Like when it drips down my fingers. It just tastes better that way…well to me anyway.” You realized you were babbling, so you looked up at him but he was already looking at you.
“You wanna lick mine off my fingers?”
The question alone could have made you cum, but the way he looked at you; eyes slightly hooded, lips parted, that had you throbbing. You couldn’t even answer him. Actually your mind was blank so you didn’t have an answer or any response to what he just said. He saw it on your face though. You wanted him just as much as he wanted you. He’s wanted you for a long time and as many hints as he tried throwing your way, you never seemed to catch them.
It became too much for him, your brother always getting in his way of spending alone time with you. He didn’t care what your brother thought about it though. He wanted you and he wanted you bad. So when he eased his hand toward your mouth and you happily let him push a finger past your lips, he knew he didn’t have to try to make you understand anymore; he made that clear when you were in the pool the other day.
“Sorry it’s not your favorite flavor.” He said, removing his finger to replace it with a new one.
“It is now.” Your words were partially cut off by the intrusion of his fingers. You were soaked and your head felt fuzzy, you felt like you were going to die.
You never broke eye contact and he watched you intently. “You can’t look at me like that if you don’t want me to ruin you.”
“Maybe I want you to.” You licked and sucked on his fingers as seductively as you could muster.
He licked his ice cream then shifted more toward you so he could kiss you. The contrast of the cold dessert and the heat from his tongue made you whimper. He slowly let your warmth melt the ice cream and drip down onto your neck and chest. He happily chased the drops with his tongue making sure none of it went to waste.
“Oh god Channie, mmm~”
He caught sight of your brother making his way over to the car so he quickly halted his actions and returned to his seat. “He’s coming, act normal. Deep breaths.”
Well that was surely easier said than done. He just licked the majority of his ice cream off of you, leaving you slightly sticky in multiple places. This was torture, getting so close to what you want only to be cockblocked by your brother once again.
“Yo Chan, is it cool if I stay at your place tonight? My girlfriend might stop by too.”
“Yeah sure, I don’t mind.”
“Okay cool, we can just drop Y/N off.”
You quickly turned, an exaggerated pout on your face, ready to fight your case. “NO FAIR!”
“It’s fine if she stays, I don’t mind.” Chan looked at your brother through the rear view mirror.
“What?! No way, she’s literally just going to bother us the entire time!”
“Fuck you, no I won’t! You always get to hang with Chan by yourself, I can be around him too!”
“Hey! It’s alright, you can sleep in my bed and I can sleep on the couch. I promise it’s fine.”
Your brother rolled his eyes and you stuck your tongue out at him. Maybe you were childish, but you weren’t going to let your day end without at least having another make out session.
You thanked God your brother’s girlfriend came quite late and that she took all his attention off of you and Chan. You all enjoyed some snacks and had movie night. It was nearing almost 2am by the time the movie was over, so your brother took her to the guest room where he was staying for the night.
You stayed up with Chan to help him tidy up even though he insisted he didn’t want you to.
“Is it okay for me to wear another one of your shirts Channie? I didn’t pack anything.”
He looked up from the dishes he just finished, “you don’t have to ask Baby, of course you can.” He gave you a big dimpled smile but then it dropped. “Can I ask you somethin’?”
“Yeah of course, what’s up?”
“Why were you so sad the other day? You know…in the pool.”
You knew he would ask you eventually so you might as well just tell him now and get it over with. “I don’t know…I just…wasn’t sure how to feel and was hoping you weren’t only doing it to take advantage of me.”
He walked up to you and kissed your forehead. “Oh Baby, I would never do that to you. I love you and I can’t ever say it or do anything about it because your brother’s always around. I’m sorry if I came off so strong but don’t ever think I’d do anything to take advantage of you. I love you, yeah?”
He rubbed his thumb over your hand and tilted his head waiting for you to nod your head. It took a heavy weight off your shoulders to hear him express his true feelings and being that he said it so easily helped you understand how genuine he was being.
“My room is all yours Baby, it’s the last door at the end of the hall. You can wear whatever you want and there’s towels in the closet in the bathroom.”
“Thank you for letting me stay Channie.” You stood on your tip toes and kissed him on the cheek and quickly ran away, leaving him in the kitchen with red ears.
You felt refreshed after your shower and even more comfortable as you slipped into one of his shirts. Since you didn’t bring a change of clothes, his shirt was the only thing covering you and barely so. You hopped into his king sized bed and playfully rolled around, enjoying the big size.
You looked over at the digital clock on the nightstand, it had already been more than an hour since everyone went to bed. You weren’t sleepy though, so you pulled out your phone and scrolled aimlessly on your socials. A soft knock on the door turned your attention towards it.
“Come in.”
Chan walked through the door, smiling when he saw you so comfy in his bed. “I couldn’t sleep but I also didn’t try…and, I can’t let you leave before I kiss you again.”
“Well good because I was thinking the same thing.”
He fully shut the door and locked it before he removed his shirt and hopped in the bed with you, lips immediately catching yours. His hands came up to grope your breasts roughly, sucking and biting your bottom lip as he did so. He slid a hand under your shirt, breaking the kiss when he felt your bare skin.
“God Baby, you’re driving me crazy. Seeing you in nothing but my shirt is making me sooo hard.” You took his hand in yours and moved it over your pussy. “Fuck…so wet already.”
He moved down closer to the edge of the bed and kissed his way down from your stomach. He gave you butterflies in the best way possible. His lips danced across the skin on your inner thighs sending tingles up your spine.
“Channie…” you say breathlessly and he looks up at you as his mouth attaches to your sensitive bud.
With his head between your legs, messily eating your pussy, your eyes were squeezed shut. It took every bone in your body to not moan, knowing that if you did, you would be loud. He sensed it, so he stopped eating you out and crawled on top of you.
He used two fingers to slip into you while his thumb pressed down harshly on your clit. “Don’t hide them from me, I wanna hear them.”
“B-but my brother is here.”
“And I want to hear how good I make you feel. Don’t hold back Baby, lemme hear your pretty moans.” His fingers sped up their pace, not giving you any other option. You moaned as your back arched slightly. “That’s it Baby, good girl.”
It turned him on watching how his actions made you react but he needed more; needed to feel the way your pussy wrapped around him like it didn’t want to let him go. You reached out to pull on his shorts and finally free his achingly hard dick from its confines. He was BIG but what did you really expect, it was just really really intimidating. None of that mattered though, you just wanted him in you without any interruptions.
He hissed when he used your arousal to mix with his and coat his length. He gave it a few pumps before he eased the head past your entrance. “I’ll go slow okay baby?”
“Okay Channie just keep going, please don’t stop.”
He caught his lip between his teeth, feeling the lust course through his veins hearing you beg and feeling the tightness of your walls. He watched your face contort in pleasure.
He was barely half way in, stretching you open with ease. “T-too big Channie…” You eyes were rolling back and you were already slurring your words.
“You can take it, look you’re doing so well for me Baby” he touched his forehead to yours and grabbed you by the jaw and kissed you again, “you feel so good Baby, so so fucking good, such a good girl for me.”
When he bottomed out he leaned over you to catch his breath so he wouldn’t cum too quickly. Your head was spinning. His body pressed into yours and the way he spoke to you already had your toes curling. He pulled out to the tip, your pussy making a squelching noise, and he quickly thrust himself back in. Your back arched off the bed and you almost screamed.
As much as you wanted to keep your sounds at bay, you weren’t sure how much longer you could keep the volume down to a minimum. He snapped his hips forward with desperation, grunts and moans falling from the both of you. His hand wrapped around your neck, squeezing enough to make your head get fuzzy and awaken every nerve in your body. He pounded into you with no remorse, making this worth the long wait.
He suddenly pulled out, causing you to whine in response, and sat against the headboard. “Come ride me, wanna feel you in this position.”
You crawled over to him then hovered over his still hard, leaking dick. You sank down on him, taking small breaks so you wouldn’t faint from the pleasure. He bucked his hips up, making you drop down fully. He held you under your butt, spreading your pussy open to help you bounce on his dick easily.
The more you hopped up and down on him, the more you felt the sticky substances mix and connect the two of you. Your legs gave out when he started to thrust up into you every time you dropped down. He repositioned you so that you were on your knees, leaning forward into him. He grabbed a handful of your hair, your back arching more, as he hugged you and fucked you violently. The new angle made him abuse your sweet spot.
“Letting me fuck you with your brother just down the hall, I didn’t know you were such a slut Baby.”
“Mmm ah! Only for you Channie!”
He held you tighter when he felt your pussy clench around him. This is exactly what he wanted, what he dreamed of. He knew he wouldn’t last much longer himself, so he quickly flipped you onto your back again. One hand on the back of one of your knees and the other rubbing harsh circles on your clit.
“Oh fuck…oh fuck Channie I’m gonna cum!”
“You gonna cum? Yeah? Cum with me, make a mess all over my dick.”
He thrust deeper into you and bent down to suck on one of your nipples. A few more loud moans and circles on your clit and your pussy fluttered as you reached your orgasm. He didn’t stop and kept up his quick pace until you squirted all over him and the sheets below.
“Fuuuuuck” his hips stuttered and he pushed himself deep as he painted your walls white. He pulled out quickly, the rest of his cum spilling into his hands and seeping through his fingers.
When you looked down, you couldn’t help but grab his hands to put his fingers in your mouth. Funny enough, the cum looks just like the way you love your ice cream.
“Channie, I think you’re my favorite flavor.”
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