#he's a man on a mission but the mission to flirt was ruined by george but he's a goofball his goofball and just falls a little more for him
balladofthe101st · 4 months
i know joe went up to the bar just to flirt with george with the classic, "you come here often?" but george, seeing joe walk towards him, looking so handsome and lean in his class a's, panicked, and before joe could use his line, george blurts out, "corporal toye, there will be no leaning in my company. are those dusty jump wings? how do you expect to slay the huns with dust on your jump wings?" joe, bewildered and flustered, plays along, straightening up and dusting off his jump wings, just to see that sweet smile on george's face. that night didn't go as joe planned but between a couple glass of beers, sharing a smoke, and spending the rest of the evening until the next early morning with george and that goddamn sweet smile of his, joe wouldn't have spent the night any different. next time, he thinks wistfully, next time maybe he'll get a kiss
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prongsies · 4 years
Flirt • Remus Lupin
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PAIRING: Remus Lupin x Reader
REQUEST: Could I request a Remus x Reader? Reader is a well know witch and member of the order, which is how they met. She’s very suave, casually flirty, basically a female Sirius LOL. She has her sights set on Remus and they have both fallen for eachother but he doesn’t think he’s good enough for her or something to that effect, so he’s dodging all her advances. However, shes pretty bold and persistent. Feel free to take creative liberty!! Thank you!! xx
WARNINGS: Mentions of blood, mild language
Being personally invited by the infamous Albus Dumbledore to be a member of the newly reformed Order of the Phoenix was an honor that you wouldn’t wish to reject. Being a member of the original Order before it disbanded, you were quite familiar with the risks it puts you in, especially now that you’re a renowned Auror.
“Oh, wow” You breathed out as you entered the household addressed Number 12 Grimmauld Place. Your eyes catch the rows of house-elf heads on the staircase walls, and the thick layer of dust on the furniture and fixtures, “This is a grim old place”
"You have my mother to thank for that" a voice joined you. You looked towards the threshold to what appears to be the kitchen, where Kingsley disappeared into. There stood a man, hair curling around his face, face sculpted by his goatee and the scruff of the rest of his beard growing around it. He offered a hand, "Sirius Black"
"(Y/f/n) (y/l/n)" you introduced, shaking his hand gently.
He walked aside to allow the other members to enter the room, stepping into the space in front of you with a glint in his eyes, "I'm surprised you didn't run at the sight of a mass murderer"
“Falsely-accused” You corrected, catching the smile forming on his face, “Kingsley filled me in on the way here - I do hope the Ministry does something about your case”
“I hope so too” He replied before motioning you to the threshold, allowing you in first as you prepared for the introductions about to come your way. 
Everyone was gathered at a long table, all ceasing their conversations to welcome her as she walked in. “Over there are Molly and Arthur Weasley” Sirius stepped beside you, fingers brushing the small of your back while his other hand gestured towards the group of red-heads sitting the farthest. “Those are their children Bill and Charlie - the others are upstairs”
“I believe you’ve met Tonks, Kingsley, and our dearest Snivellus - I mean, Severus” He snickered silently at the glare sent his way, before turning to the last person sitting nearest you - a mousy-haired man with scars littering his face, “and that’s Remus Lupin”
He smiled a tired smile towards you, a handsome look on him, before his eyes darted towards the door where Albus Dumbledore strode in, carrying stacks of parchment in one hand while his other shut the door. 
He welcomed you back warmly into the Order, asked how you’ve been after all those years, then proceeded to thank you for even considering rejoining. He proceeded to the main task at hand, assigning the missions, as he distributed the parchments towards all of you.
After the meeting, you were pulled aside by him, wanting to speak to you about private matters concerning the task he gave you. By the time you returned to the dining area, the table was already full of laughter from red-haired children (whom you could only assumed to be the Weasleys) as they watched Tonks morph her face into different animals.
“So (y/n)” Remus started when you chose a seat between him and Sirius, watching you as you started filling your plate. You turn towards him with both eyebrows raised questioningly, “Dumbledore mentioned you were in the first Order - how come I’ve never seen you before?”
“Oh, I was in between Auror training and Order missions then” You explained, taking your time to drink for your goblet, “I only returned to the headquarters to report back to Dumbledore and receive my next task - although a handsome man like you isn’t necessarily hard to miss”
“You’re clearly mistaken-”
“Not a chance!” You exclaimed, suddenly gaining the confidence as you straightened in your seat, “I remember you at Hogwarts before - a year above me. Always tucked in the corner of the library, you were, writing like you’re running out of time”
“An admirer” Sirius piped in, grinning.
“How about me, though, (y/n)?” Sirius asked, playfully nudging your shoulder, “Did you happen to keep my devilishly handsome face in mind?”
“Eh,” You shrugged, “You have a really common face”
This erupted laughter from Sirius and Remus, and apparently from Bill too who had been watching the exchange in amusement. 
As dinner concluded, you stayed behind to help Molly with the dishes, engaging in a conversation about the original Order where you’ve worked with her late brothers Fabian and Gideon Prewett. Growing fond of you immediately, she insisted you stay the night, not wanting you to leave the house alone especially with how dark it is outside. 
Tired from your trip, you thanked her with a soft hug and a kind smile, before bidding the others good bye and retreating towards your temporary room for a good night’s rest.
Remus couldn’t explain the flutter in his stomach upon seeing you the next morning, hair unkept as you tightened the knots on your robe. It was far too early more, the sun barely up as you joined him in the kitchen, watching as he cooked breakfast for everyone.
“Smells amazing” You cooed as the scent of eggs and sausages filled your senses, “Merlin, what can’t you do, Remus Lupin?”
“Be a normal person, I suppose” He replied, giving you a half-hearted smile and a chuckle to indicate that he was joking.
You were aware of his lycanthropy - it seemed everyone in the Ministry of Magic knew about it, after a student’s parent in Hogwarts had let it slip (Of course Remus knew who it could be, but he didn’t wish to give a shit about it anymore). 
Turning back towards you, confused of your silence when he noticed your face softening. He immediately regretted making such a joke that could ruin the mood, but he was pleasantly surprised when you grinned at him.
“Who wants to be normal anyway?” You asked, making a move to wrap an arm around his and bring him closer. Seeing you smiling up at him made it impossible for him to fight his own grin back, his cheeks almost hurting. “Normal is boring - and you, Remus Lupin, are far from boring”
With that, you released him from your grip, greeting Molly Weasley good morning as she shooed the two of you away from the kitchen, wanting to continue cooking on her own. 
As everyone descended the stairs one by one, chatting happily among themselves as they ate their breakfasts, you found yourself caught in a conversation with Fred and George Weasley, who were more than happy to show you their inventions until Molly interrupted them by giving them the task of cleaning out one of the rooms.
You, however, have been convinced by Molly to stay at least until the childrens’ start of term, clearly loving having you around the house. Although hesitant, you agreed, roping Remus along to accompany you to Diagon Alley so you could purchase some extra supplies since you’ll be an extra head in the house.
He walked alongside you the whole time, keeping his distance yet allowing his fingers to brush your knuckles as your arms swayed. While he was busy, you couldn’t help but marvel at his beauty - eyes scanning over each scar that has silvered with age. They were a story of bravery, as you believed, how brave he is to conquer everyday despite his illness.
Catching you staring up at him, he couldn’t help but blush but he soon turned his face away from you, walking ahead and leaving you in the middle of the alley.
Eventually, your days in Grimmauld Place turned into weeks, and before you knew it, it was the night before you were to set out on your mission. To say you were nervous is an understatement, mainly because you’d be carrying out the most crucial of the missions Dumbledore had assigned - a mission that should lay out the foundations for the ones that should follow.
Being an Auror poses more risks as well, since there’s a high chance you’ve been the cause of many of the Death Eaters’ family’s imprisonment - and believe me when I say they can hold a deep grudge.
You found yourself unable to sleep, thoughts plaguing your mind about what may happen to you. You pushed your blanket away from you, putting on your slippers are you tried to go down the stairs as quietly as you can - until a floorboard creaked loudly underneath you.
“Well, that proved useless” You muttered under your breath before descending in a normal fashion. A chuckle sounded from behind you, startling you to the point where you’ve pulled out your wand from your pocket, aiming it towards the source.
It was Remus, watching you in amusement as you scoffed in his direction. Hiding your wand back into your robe, you continued your journey towards the kitchen, ignoring him as he mumbled an apology under his breath.
“I’m surprised you’re not flirting with me” He said, still watching you as you cast a silencing charm on the kettle so it wouldn’t make any noise and wake anyone.
Placing it over the heat, you turned towards Remus who was leaning against the table, eyes studying you as you placed two mugs beside him.
“I’m surprised you recognized flirting” You quipped, raising an eyebrow at him as he stared back at you with a smirk, “from how the last weeks had gone, you’ve been nothing but avoidant”
“You know, you’re very straight-forward” He strayed away from the topic, moving closer towards you until you’re shoulder to shoulder.
“Life’s too short not to say what you want”
“You remind me of Sirius far too much”
“As Molly had also said”
“Why don’t you pursue him instead?”
“Because I like you” You turned to him, a smile on your face as you stared up at him, seeing doubt cloud his eyes, but you were quick to place a hand on him in reassurance, “I like you - not Sirius, not... anyone else. You. It’s not that hard to understand”
“You don’t even know me” He mumbled, looking away, “I’m a monster - I’m a monster and I-”
“You’re not a monster - hey, look at me” You stepped in front of him, taking ahold both his cheeks so he meets your eyes again, “You’re not a monster. You’ve never been one and you never will be one. You’re Remus Lupin - a kind, generous man who gives as much as he can give. You’re adorably grumpy in the mrnings but you try to smile nonetheless, you snore even when you nap”
He chuckled at that, hands now coming up to cup your forearm as he relaxed into you.
“You’ve got an immense love for everyone around you - and a special and more intense kind of love for chocolate. You’re a fierce and selfless friend, and it’s an absolute honor that I’m allowed to even look at you every single day”
Remus was almost teary as you concluded your statement, his hands falling onto your waist as he looked at you with so much trust it made your heard want to burst out of your chest. He started leaning in, eyes closed, lips brushing yours softly - just a little more.
Until he opened his eyes. He pulled away, a look flashing in his orbs as he blinked a few times before he pulled away, body rigid. He stepped away from you as if you had burnt him, distancing himself to the point where he’s practically standing across the room. And without another word, he left, leaving you in the silence of the kitchen.
The ticking of the clock has been bothering Remus for ages as he sat on an armchair near the entrance, foot tapping against the floor in anticipation for your arrival. It had been more than a month since you left for your mission - which lasted longer than it should’ve.
No one had updates from you in fear of being exposed, and well, in that time span, guilt had bubbled into Remus’ stomach. You didn’t really leave off in good terms, since Remus walked out on you that night.
The morning after, you ignored him as you bid everyone farewell, taking your time with the Weasley children who seemed to grow very close to you. 
Shouts echoed through the entrance hallway as the door slammed open. It was Kingsley, holding you up as you coughed out blood. Sirius was the first down the stairs, followed by Arthur who immediately screamed out for Molly’s aid.
With Remus’ help you were placed gently onto the sofa, wincing as you applied pressure over the wound that had continued bleeding. 
“What happened?” Remus asked, turning to Kingsley whose robes were damp with blood, “Does Dumbledore know? Does-”
“He knows” Kingsley said, managing to remain calm as everyone fussed around you - Sirius coming back from the kitchen with a glass of water while Arthur sends a message out to the rest of the Order members. “She-she managed to do it but there were a tad bit of complications”
“Tad bit?!” Remus exclaimed, “How is- how is this a tad bid?! She’s bleeding out for Merlin’s sake-”
“Remus” Your voice called out.
His features immediately soften as he turned to you, seeing you beckoning him over as Molly finished up tending to you. Everyone understood to leave you two alone, all of them disappearing into the dining area to talk as they wait for Dumbledore to arrive.
“Are you alright?”
“I’ve been better” You chuckled, wincing when you tried to straighten up. “Might’ve ran into a few snatchers on the way back, it’s nothing serious really”
“I was so worried about you” He mumbled after a few beats of silence, kneeling down to be at eye level with you as he held both your hands. “We didn’t- we didn’t really left things at the right foot”
“Well, you did embarrass me by leaving me in the middle of the kitchen” You teased, smiling when you see the faint blush forming on his cheeks, “But now that I think about it I might have come off a bit strong. I apologize, it certainly won’t happen again”
“No! I mean- I mean, no please don’t stop” He turned even redder.
You stared at him, a smirk forming on your lips, “You like it when I flirt with you, don’t you?”
“Yes” He shamefully admitted, biting back the grin forming on his lips, “Yes, I do”
“Well, you could’ve said something earlier before I set out on a mission!” You laughed, wincing again at the pain in your stomach, “I thought we would end up avoiding each other awkwardly for eternity after this”
“well, we could if you want”
“Sod off, Remus”
“I know it’s the wrong time to ask you this, with you in that state and the war going on” He started, his grip on your hand tightening, “But I’d really love it if we could start over? Maybe go on a few dates?”
“And fuck?” You suggested playfully, earning a laugh from him.
“And fuck” He added, nodding.
“Well, then,” You leaned down to give him a gentle peck on his cheek, “I’d love that Remus Lupin”
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Infinite Rewrite: Faces of the Vox 2/?
Theodora Saltonstall:
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The daughter of councilman and Founder loyalist Henry Saltonstall and Agatha Calvert Saltonstall, who helps plan the raffles every year with the Columbian Ladies Society. Theodora uses her position as a socialite to be the eyes and ears for Daisy in a world which the Vox are not welcome.
Her disenchantment in Columbia began when she was eight-years-old at her first ‘raffle.’ She sat there horrified as everyone jeered, mocked, and threw their balls at the poor couple begging for their lives. Seeing the suffering first-hand made her realize the true nature of Columbia and that of her parents. Later, when she was a teenager, after watching her ‘friend’ group harass a black waiter who accidentally dropped their drinks, she herself was called slurs for helping him.
Acting as a ditzy, brainwashed socialite, Theodora hides a calculating, brave mind who is more than ready to sacrifice her own wealth and prestige for a better cause. While most, including Booker, are skeptical of her intentions at first, she is as loyal to the cause as they come and for the betterment of the people, she’d gladly dismantle Columbian society even if it kills her. She wants to make right the suffering her parents have caused.
She is a childhood friend of Vivian Monroe, who also joins the Vox.
Theodora was the woman who not just handed Booker the Possession Vigor but also the one who was handing out the balls for the raffle. She has her suspicions of Booker, which is why she not only flirts with him, but also why she stands next to him during the raffle. Though, things are different now due to the winter environment. The raffle now takes place indoors at the luxurious Washington Opera House.
Theodora was supposed to use the darkness of the theatre to assassinate Fink in a rescue operation planned by the Vox. Several members are in the audience and disguised as Columbian soldiers with snipers ready to go to rescue William and Molly (the raffle couple). However, things take a different turn when Booker is revealed as the False Shepherd.
At the end of the day, William and Molly are safe and rescued discreetly during the chaos, and that’s what is important, but Theodora is pissed the only opportunity to get Fink was squashed by Booker being a dumbass. They had it under control. She was so close, she had her hand on the pistol ready to go. That victory for the Vox would have turned the tide, and now he’ll for sure have tighter security. She makes her anger real clear by punching Booker in the jaw next time they meet. Cover up your hand, jack ass.
This antagonistic relationship resumes onwards. She loves pissing him off and they’re constantly going back and forth. She’s a rebel with an attitude.
Still, the risk of Theodora being exposed as a Vox member gone for now means that she can still use her family’s position to help by sending supplies and weapons over. She even goes to the lengths of ruining her mother’s own birthday party so that the people in Shantytown can eat.
Her parents think she spends her days out shopping at Emporia and don’t care enough to look into it, but the reality is she spends most of her time in Shantytown and in her Vox uniform, hair out of a bun and braided, and covered in face paint she’s nearly unrecognizable. Conflict begins, though, when Elizabeth realizes who she is. Theodora makes it very clear to Elizabeth, though, not to say a word.
Her parents do begin to catch on at some point, though, not because of Elizabeth. After the birthday fiasco, things are way too coincidental. They try to goad her into admitting her allegiance to Daisy Fitzroy whether it be asking vague questions or interrogating her. They finally get her when they reveal that Comstock is planning on destroying Shantytown. She immediately leaves to warn Daisy.
Theodora is killed during the Fall of Shantytown in Emporia as some members of the Vox try to stop Comstock’s attack. She shields a child from a Fireman, dying from burns in Booker’s arms as her parents watch from the evacuation gunship.
The weight of their actions finally registers that they were the ones who killed their daughter, but neither Booker or Vivian can feel sorry for them. This is a hell of their own making. For the death and suffering they’ve caused onto thousands of others, they deserve to live out their days in misery knowing their hatred killed their daughter.
Yusuf Zhao:
The son of a Chinese factory worker and Ottoman seamstress, Yusuf was orphaned at a young age and had to know the streets in order to survive. His father died in a workplace accident while his mother passed from Cholera before his tenth birthday. At one point, he was so starved he resorted to eating rotten fruit covered in cigarette butts thrown in the dumpster.
He knows what it’s like to be an orphan surviving on your own, so he tries his best to help the other orphans of Shantytown. Whether that be giving them food or shelter, he’s become an older brother/father figure to them.
Yusuf is joked as being a Romeo, but he isn’t really seen interested in women. There are plenty of girls in Finkton head over heels with him, though. He is a good looking man. He’s seen often with Theodora, and it is easy to assume that they’re together, but it’s more of a solidarity. They’re just very good friends.
Genuinely, one of the only members that doesn’t have beef with Booker and vice versa in the beginning. He’s just a very chill, relaxed guy who stays out of conflict unlike the more headstrong Theodora, rightfully suspicious George, and bumbling Percy.
Yusuf is also quite the painter and carefully, painstakingly painted each of the blue roses in Columbia for nearly thirteen-hours a day, seven days a week. His hands were in agony and his vision suffered. Elizabeth thought they were natural.
His mother was an artist, using a needle and cloth to create the most beautiful, regal designs worn by Columbia’s upper class women. While they never cared about who his mother was, he uses his skills to honor her and his father. With the supplies he has thanks to Theodora, he paints scenes of his father’s village in China and his mother’s childhood in the bustling Ottoman Empire.
He also paints for others: portraits of religious figures and lost loved ones, scenic views of Ireland’s green hills, the beaches of the Caribbean, Korean towns, hell he’ll even do cartoon characters. Anything to give people just a bit of comfort. He’d love to go to Paris and become a professional artist.
Daisy also puts his skills with a sewing machine to use by having him patch up Vox uniforms when he’s not strategizing for missions. Best thing about Yusuf is that he’s a jack of all trades: strategizing, combat, negotiation, he can do it all. He’s one of Daisy’s favorites because of this.
If he could find some of his mother’s old recipes and ingredients, he’d love to cook some of his mom’s dishes. He does joke, though, that he’s got to get some spices into the Irish members and Booker, even if it makes them combust. He’s gotta get some spices into them, he promises them that.
He does survive the Fall of Shantytown, though his dominant hand is broken and suffers from smoke inhalation. He later returns to help in the final battle between Comstock. Losing his home and so many of his friends (plus his hand will never work properly again so there goes his dreams as an artist) leaves him severely depressed and withdrawn.
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Hey! I'm sorry if you've already written something about this, but what about how the Easy Co. men would react to someone flirting with their significant other/crush? Thanks in advance! Hope you have a lovely day 😊❤
Richard Winters:
Richard is probably the most mature out of this entire situation. He knows at the end of the day you and his and you won’t be looking at anyone else. However, if the person flirting with you refuses to stop then he might just stop them one day by the arm, whispering in a sharp tone as they walk past each other, “If you like your position here, I suggest you start to keep yourself more in line.”
Lewis Nixon:
Nixon finds the situation absolutely hilarious. Please, you think she would want you? Take a hike pal. He doesn’t do anything cause honestly he doesn’t feel threatened. That is, until they start pointing out all the things wrong with Nix. Now you’ve rubbed him the wrong way. He would this person into a room alone and just put it simply, “Alright listen. Y/N loves me and I love them and you are not gonna be the person who ruins it no matter how much you try. So next I hear you running your mouth, I sock you in it.”
Carwood Lipton:
Sweet, sweet man. He says nothing. Partly because he’s a little nervous about it but also because he knows you’re not interested in anyone else. Lip does do little things though, like slip his hand into yours when their around, make sure he always keeps an eye on you when they try to slip in and talk to you, all little stuff. If you ask him about it, he’s a little embarrassed to admit he feels kinda threatened but once you reassure him he gets over it...doesn’t mean he stops his little warnings though.
Ronald Speirs:
WHO would even try this? We all know Speirs know of his rumors and he knows most of them aren’t true. But...if this person thought they were? That was fine with him. He puts on his toughest face when they are around, tries to be or look threatening and man does it work. When this person comes around, Speirs stands up real tall and wraps an arm around your shoulder. “Oh, who are you? I don’t believe I know your name.” If you call him out on it, he’ll totally deny it but he’s blushing.
Harry Welsh:
What a hoot!! Don’t they know you guys are practically married already? Like a minuscule little problem like them would ever cause a problem. He is not worried a single bit, in fact he teases you about it. “Oh look your admirer is coming over.” “Your boyfriend wants to say hi, I’ll go over here and let him believe he has a chance.” He thinks it’s so funny and you try not to laugh and punch his arm playfully. If you ever actually began to feel uncomfortable about this person then he confronts them, but super friendly, like a dad would honestly.
Denver 'Bull' Randleman:
Gets the giggles. In a way, think Ron Swanson. It’s cute, they think they can get in the way of you too. Anytime this person comes around and Bull is with you, he just cocks his head and smiles. Oooooh he can’t wait to see what they come up with. But how can someone not be intimidated by him? That’s because he really is a giant teddy bear. When this person refuses to give up though, the smile drops and he stands up straight. Ah, now he’s a grizzly bear. “Ya know, I’m getting a little tired of you.”
Joe Toye:
Won’t let it go on, not even for a second. The second a flirt happens, that eyebrow gets cocked and he confronts them before they can even THINK about trying it again. He is not someone who let’s things go. pull out the brass knuckles pls. They try one thing and suddenly a hand is curled around the collar of their shirt. “Back off or I knock you so hard you lose the ability to speak.”
George Luz:
He just bullies him honestly. Teases this person to no end. They will not get away with trying to flirt with you. He makes fun of them, calls them out on everything, all in playful manner....maybe. Honestly he doesn’t ever stop until you tell him to. He whines about it but takes what you say to heart. He pulls the person aside and puts it plain and simple, “Alright bud, this has been fun and everything but seriously. Lay off my girl, she’s not interested, and frankly neither am I.”
Eugene Roe:
Pouty boy, he notice it immediately and becomes very quiet. He will never mention it to this person but he does bring it up to you. You reassure him constantly and honestly it takes him a bit to believe you. He had a small thought in the back of his head that you would meet someone more suave and leave him behind. this is getting too sad moving on. You most likely are gonna have to be the one to tell this person off. Now if they don’t get the hint, Eugene is bound to snap. “Alright alright maN BACK OFF.”
Joseph Liebgott:
Not to be cliche....but he’s going in swinging. He’s not even gonna let him get the chance. Anyone even gives you e y e s and he is not letting it happen. “You watch yourself man, I’m not gonna take any shit especially from someone like you.” Easy to say, they will not be trying it again, unless they want another black eye and busted lip. Liebgott doesn’t mind dishing it out once more.
Lynn 'Buck' Compton:
Calls them out on it. They probably do it when he’s not around because man is Buck a firecracker. That also means he has ears, everywhere. He is well liked among the men so when they hear what this person is trying to do, of course it gets back to him. He doesn’t ever talk to them until they approach you yet again. This is his time. He strides up to you, wraps his arm around your waist and pulls you right against his side. “Well I heard you’ve been flirting with my darling but I just had to see it with my own eyes. And now that I have, I can assume it won’t happen again, am I right?”
Donald Malarkey:
Get’s with his boys Skip and Alex about it. They scope out the area. Honestly they seem like twelve year old boys playing ninjas. This person probably gets annoyed enough to stop to be honest. Anytime they try to talk to you, Skip is hiding behind a tree. Alex is peeping from his foxhole. Malarkey is eyeing him from across the way. It’s enough to get this person to back off and also not create a huge deal.
Warren 'Skip' Muck:
Pouty! He is the narrow eyes, pouty lips, glare at this person kinda man. He instantly feels threatened. You wouldn’t leave him of course but the fact that this person is even TRYING? Unacceptable. Period. He marches right up to him, “Hey man, that’s my girlfriend and you’re gonna back off alright? I don’t wanna deal with you and neither does she so just leave her alone...or else.” he baby
Alex Penkala:
Will not leave your side. He might seem like a little puppy but honestly, he doesn’t care. Whatever it takes to make this person get the hint. PDA is usually toned down between you two but when this person comes around? Guess what!! I wanna give you a thousand cheek kisses! Aww, I should hug you from behind and lean my chin on your shoulder the e n t i r e time you talk to this person. Easy to say, they get the picture.
Bill Guarnere:
Scoffs a bit, Hm. This is funny. Their trying to be funny right? They aren’t seriously trying this right? He literally laughs in their face. Now if they try it a g a in then it’s threatening time. Slams them into a wall, no real concern with how loud it is, whose in the room, if they get hurt. “I should break your face right this second but I’m feeling nice so take this as your warning and stay the hell back.”
Darrell 'Shifty' Powers:
He takes a gentle approach. He does confront them but in a friendly sort of way? He honestly doesn’t notice this person flirting with you, he only notices you. Shifty thinks that the guys are just friendly, you would have to be the one to bring it up. Once you do he’s like ‘Aw. Well I’ll take care of it for you.’ He talks them in the sense of like “Hey man, my girlfriend is a little uncomfortable around you and I love her alot so could you leave her alone?” If the dude is sensible, he’ll back off. If not, the boys who are protective over Shifty will take over.
Frank Perconte:
FIGHT HIM FIGHT HIM! He’s an angry little gremlin and he will not stop until he is in their face and spitting and yelling! It’s honestly kinda funny. don’t tell him that though. He would most likely hear about this person from you and storms off, he is gonna tell them off and he’s gonna do it now! This person would back off most likely because of how weirdly uncomfortable he is having this person poke him in the chest and jump up and down like a crazy person. But hey, whatever get’s the point across right?
Edward 'Babe' Heffron:
Babe catches wind of this from Bill and then takes time to watch this guy. He is calculated with it. If this person usually bothers you around a certain time or certain place, he cuts them off one day. “Oh hey guy, where ya headed? Off to meet my girlfriend?” It’s funny to see them freeze up. “Yeah I would quit now if I were you, or I could continue to bother you everywhere you go. Your choice.” And off he goes to meet with you and tell him all about his meeting.
Chuck Grant:
Takes it like a order or mission. Ah just something that has to be done and get out of the way. He pulls them into his office and just lays it all out, “Y/N is a very sweet woman and any man would be foolish to not find her beautiful however I don’t appreciate you vying for her attention. She won;t give it to you so, I think it best you just drop it now. Have a nice day.” It was quick and painless well for him at least, probably the most mature out of everyone.
Floyd Talbert:
So beyond cocky. He calls this person out in the mess hall, probably in front of all of his friends. “So I heard you are interested in my girl. News flash bud, she is smoking. Everyone is interested in her, but the funny thing is..” Then he leans in with a smirk on his face. “She’s only interested in me. She wouldn’t even glance your way. Run along.”
Johnny Martin:
That famous glare? Because 10x more evident. He watches from across the room and always makes sure this person knows he is watching. Now when they acknowledge that he is doing that and they STILL flirt with you? Well now he has to say something and man is it like spitting venom. He doesn’t yell or fight or anything he is just sharp toned and dead serious. “Drop it. I’m not gonna have this conversation again. Knock it off.”
David Webster:
Kinda shrugs it off? He doesn’t see it as a huge problem and probably won’t. If you know you’re not interested in this person and he knows that then just ignore it until this man gets the hint. That’s the way David primarily handles this decision.
Wayne 'Skinny' Sisk:
Smacks your butt everytime this person is in the room. Periodt. Done.
Donald Hoobler:
Confused puppy. This person is flirting with you?? But you’re dating him?? Do they know this?? Why do they not stop?? Kinda just walks over and goes, “Hey man, you’re flirting with my girl, well she’s dating me, if you didn’t know. I would really appreciate if you back off, thanks!” He’s just sweet. He’s too sweet, you c a n ‘ t stop him??
137 notes · View notes
Nowhere Man : Part V
Pairing : George Harrison x F!reader
Summary : George was sick of the Let It Be sessions, took the day off and met (Y/n), waitress and amateur musician, who happened to be performing the song Nowhere Man at the exact time when he felt like one.
Previous chapters : Part I, Part I bis, Part II, Part III, Part IV
In this chapter : George brings you to a party to introduce you to the rest of the Beatles
Tag list : @givemequeen
Word count : 1.3k
A/n : Forgive me for the absolute crap speed of my updates, I actually get these written pretty fast but inevitably spend a week overthinking whether they’re good enough to publish, so yeah :))
BIG THANK YOU TO @chloe-on-cloud9 for beta reading!
Warnings : None
“Green one. End of discussion.”, Mary sentenced, making you scoff. She could become fairly bossy when it came to your fashion choices - you did not really mind, she knew best after all.
You were sat in the living room, looking at the near entirety of your wardrobe carefully displayed on the couch by your overly enthusiastic roommate. She had become very invested in your love life as of late, you could easily guess why ; so of course when she had learned you would be meeting all three of the remaining Beatles at Ringo’s house party that day, she had made it her mission to doll you up for the occasion.
“Are you sure you don’t want to come? You’re more excited than I am, and George said it was okay,” you asked for the hundredth time. Mary shook her head in response as she rose to bring you the green swing dress she had chosen : “I’ve already told you. This is your formal introduction as George’s girlfriend. I am honoured that you deem me worthy of being your escort-” “This isn’t a Jane Austen novel”, you interrupted, but she continued unfazed : “- but I can’t be third-wheeling. This is your time to shine! Now put this on.”
You rolled your eyes at the cheesy remark. She had some kind of Hollywood movie scene planned out in her mind, a grand entrance in slow motion, but you knew yourself : there would be no shining on your part, only a lot of stuttering and staring intently at the floor. “I just don’t want to embarrass myself on my own.”, you tried to speak while you pulled the dress on over your head. “What if I go all fan-like and-”
“(Y/n). You are beautiful, intelligent, witty, talented and overall amazing. The only thing they’ve got that you don’t is loads of money and, like they said themselves, money can’t buy me love…,” she hummed along to the well known tune. “Even if you do experience momentary stupidity syndrome upon the sight of the great John Lennon, embarrassing yourself is fun! You’ll laugh about it in hindsight. Picture it: you in ten years, telling your kids about the time you met their uncles and tripped over your own feet!” You raised an unimpressed eyebrow in response, but she had already gone off to her bedroom to find God knew what.
She came running back two minutes later, dangling two small glimmering objects in front of your eyes. You soon recognised them as her beetle-shaped earrings. “No.” “Yes”, she beamed. “No! Absolutely not!”, you repeated, trying your best to sound firm, but the smile plastered on her face was not vanishing, and it was taking everything in you to contain your laughter. She was out of her mind.
“You’re smiling! I see you!”, she practically cried out, making them dance in the air. “You’re smiling and you’re going to wear them. You know you want to.” You hated to admit it, but she was right. Somehow a part of you was begging you to put them on and be “that” person - you could never pass up the opportunity to throw some irony into a situation. With a defeated sigh, you took the earrings and threaded them on. “There. Happy?” “They match your outfit.”, she nodded enthusiastically. “Yes they do.” “Are you angry?” “Only a little bit.”
“I’m not going to have his children, you know.”
“Sure, you keep telling yourself that.”
“You alright, darlin’? Yer awfully quiet today”, George’s voice startled you out of your daydream. You didn’t know for how long you had been staring out of the car window, counting the trees on the roadside, but it must have been a while for him to be asking. You looked over to him, smiling out of the corner of your mouth : “I’m fine. Trying to prepare psychologically.”
“What for? Ye weren’t nervous when you first met me,” he chimed merrily, his hands steady on the steering wheel.
“Meeting you was different.”
“How so?”
“Well for starters, you told me your name was Arthur!”, you waved your index finger at him accusatively, causing the both of you to chuckle at the memory.
“If it helps, you could think of the lads as Eric, Fred and Michael today.”
“You’re an idiot.”
“How am I an idiot?”, he asked in a falsely offended tone.
“I’m sorry,” you apologised swiftly, lowering your eyes and furrowing your brows. “I call people idiots when I’m nervous.”
“John’ll love you.”, he laughed. “They’re all going to love you, I don’t know what you’re so worried about.”
“It’s not only about them!”, you blurted out, more intense than you had originally intended. Maybe you should have stopped talking, but you saw George’s puzzled expression and thought you owed him some honesty. “It’s everyone. I haven’t even told my sister we’re together, because it feels like the second people know, I will have to prove myself as someone ‘worthy’ of you. How do I do that? How do I prove I’m not just some bird you picked up off the streets for a shag?”
There was a long silence. He was processing your words, replaying that last sentence over and over again in his head, trying to make sense of it. You, of course, couldn’t hear his thoughts : all you could do was sink further into the passenger seat, hoping you had not been too blunt. A part of you wished you could go back and erase what you had just said, because the relief you had expected to feel was not coming in, and all you were left with was the fear of having ruined everything.
“Do you think that?”
“Do you think you’re just some bird to me?”, he asked again, sounding genuinely concerned about the answer.
“No, Geo, of course I don’t, I-“
“You’re everything to me. I love you.”
“I know! I love you too! I’m just afraid is all, please try to understand…”
He became silent again, then proceeded to stop the car on the side of the road. Without a word, he pulled you into a hug and you were quick to surrender, resting your chin on his shoulder and melting into his warmth. A full minute must have gone by before he spoke up:
“I understand. ‘S just I’m so used to dismissing other people’s opinions, with the press and all…I’m sorry I didn’t realise it was troubling you. ”
“It’s okay. I didn’t tell you.”
“...Do you want to go home?”
You leaned back to look at him, surprised by the suggestion. Everything in his body language indicated he was being completely serious ; you couldn’t help but smile at how considerate it was of him to be giving you an out, despite having no intention to take him up on it. “Are you crazy? I didn’t spend centuries on my eyeliner just to chicken out at the last minute. I am meeting your friends if it’s the last thing I do.”, you joked, attempting to lighten up the mood. You figured he was thinking of your anxiety now, and did not want him to get things mixed up : you were only experiencing a bit of stage fright, driving back to London would be blowing it out of proportion. “I’m okay, George, really. I’ll have a glass of wine, get over myself, meet the bloody Beatles and realise how little all of this matters. It’ll go well.”
He nodded, relieved to hear the relative confidence in your voice. “Good, because Ringo’s house is just up the road,” he said as he started the car again. “You look stunning, by the way. I should be the one worrying.” “What are you talking about?”, you blushed, and he shook his head quietly : “Paul’s a huge flirt.”
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alistircrat · 4 years
Hetalila Fanfiction Recs
Here’s a list of some of my favorite Hetalia fanfictions. Most have pairings, which I’ll specify. I put this up because I know I’m always on the lookout for good fanfiction and I wanted to help out anyone else who’s in the same boat :D Feel free to add onto this or rec me some too ;) Also a good master list of the ones I like LMAO. I’ve noticed I either like tragic, angsty fanfiction or really fluffy ones. A lot are rated M. And a LOT of USUK and Spamano #srynotsry Disclaimer: I did not write any of these; they all belong to their respective authors.
Update: Ive had this sitting in my drafts for like over 4 years and i began it when i was super into hetalia n fanfiction LMAO, what better time to post this when i should be studying lmao its nearly 4 am halp
The Secret : Rated T, 32k words, 5 chapters, Drama/Romance, Complete Arthur's sister, engaged to prince Alfred, is killed before she even meets him. Arthur's parents do not want to shame themselves by ending the engagement and force Arthur to dress like his sister and marry Alfred instead. But can this secret be kept? (note: very interesting!! I loved every second of it)
The Courting of Alfred Jones : Rated M, 26k words, 13 chapters, Romance/Hurt/Comfort, Incomplete Alfred Jones is the most popular guy in school and also extremely homophobic. This is why Arthur is his new favourite 'victim', but Arthur has no intentions of grovelling in the dust for him. Punk!ArthurxJock!Alfred (note: Rated M, so there IS some explicit material and I advise viewer discretion. Another highschool AU. Sad that it’s probably not going to finish but it’s worth the read)
When I Only Wanted to Save the World : Rated M, 29k words, 11 chapter, Romance, Complete Alfred is a firefighter in New York City. When he gets badly injured, he takes a trip to London to recover. There he meets a man named Arthur, who ends up helping him recover from wounds he didn't even know he had. (note: warmed my weeb heart)
United Again : Rated T, 31k words, 7 chapters, Humor/Romance, Complete Arthur gets a letter in the mail informing him of his school's ten year reunion.
Unexpected : Rated T, 5.7k words, One-shot, Humor/Drama, Complete World Academy. When Arthur was asked to tutor the star of the American Football team, he expected several things. Sitting in an apartment full of Asian children was not one of them. (cute!)
The Invitational Year : Rated M, 208k words, 41 chapters, Romance/Drama, Complete Alfred is an awkward dork, despite the fact his dad is President. Arthur is a member of British royalty, and he's a perfectionist loner. Both boys are given an invitation to attend the prestigious World Academy and, naturally, they're roomies. (note: A favorite of mine! Quite long but very much worth it. Highschool AU. Can be silly yet dramatic. Anyways, you should read it! Viewer discretion due to sexual themes)
The Sophomore Year : Rated M, 173k words, 34 chapter, Romance/Drama, Complete After meeting at boarding school, Alfred and Arthur became unlikely friends and then lovers. Now, they'll face their sophomore year in America and all the challenges that come with being young, famous, and madly in love. (note: sequal to The Invitational Year)
And All That Jazz : Rated M, 98k words, 22 chapters, Romance, Complete Alfred is approached by the Student Body President, Arthur, for help on his math exam. They hate each other, but maybe opposites can attract with the help of something unexpected. (note: I love this fic. Highschool AU. Also involves music...cuz liek yknow the title)
1912 : Rated T, 52k words, 9 chapters, Romance/Drama, Complete Cynical, overweight and bored in the dull twilight of his empire, Arthur finds distraction in the form of rekindling his relationship with Alfred on board the RMS Titanic during her doomed maiden voyage.
The Arrow was Shot : Rated K+, 5.8k words, One-shot, Romance, Complete In order to win his family's respect, Arthur enters a tournament to win the Princess of America's hand in marriage. At the tournament, he befriends the mysterious Alfred- a fellow competitor who is equally determined to win. As he and Alfred grow closer, he begins to question what is more important to him: his family's respect... or Alfred.
Flirting with Failure : Rated T, 2k words, One-shot, Romance/Humor, Complete Alfred just wanted to get one date with Arthur Kirkland before the semester ended. To do that he had to speak with him. Thus, he was set up for failure.
Hero Frequency : Rated T, 12k words, 3 chapters, Romance/Humor, Incomplete America's got the coolest and most awesome band in school, and he's totally going to win the Battle of the Bands contest. Or at least he might, if he can get England to put aside their past issues long enough to play guitar...
The Gentleman and the Hero : Rated T, 57k words, 21 chapters, Romance, Complete World Academy students have been paired up for an anonymous email exchange program, so they can talk to someone about school and personal problems in private. These are the emails of two students nicknamed 'The Gentleman' and 'The Hero'. (note: I also love this. I find it very cute and also very in character. I want an email buddy lol. Highschool AU)
Breathless : Rated T, 35k words, 4 chapters, Angst/Hurt/Comfort, Complete Arthur Kirkland never thought that golden boy Alfred Jones would ever have a reason to attempt suicide. Then again, how much did he really know about the oh so popular blonde? The rumor mill would surely chew him up and spit him out. (note: p sure this is another favorite of mine. Though angsty, I really enjoyed the development between the two. Highschool AU. Really great read!!)
Static : Rated T, 45k words, 9 chapters, Drama/Romance, Incomplete Sequel to Breathless. Arthur always thought that the incident with Alfred's arms would forever be the biggest hurdle their friendship would face. But as the looks change and the touches linger, it becomes frightfully clear that he was dead wrong about that. (note: continues after Breathless, but not finished ): worth the read anyway)
Ask Me Anything : Rated T, 7k words, One-shot, Romance/Humor, Complete Alfred starts to follow Arthur on tumblr. It's not long until they become friends... and possibly more.
The Cost of Affection : Rated M, 61k words, 32 chapters, Angst/Romance, Incomplete Being a whore is easy: all Arthur has to do is spread his legs and take the money. He doesn't have to face his past; nor does he have to deal with love. And for good reason - because when he does fall head-over-heels for someone, he's forced to realize that his sins go beyond prostitution, and that even as he rediscovers himself, his past is coming back to haunt him after all.
You Can’t Take the Sky Away From Me : Rated T, 113k words, 32 chapters, Adventure/Romance, Incomplete Ace pilot America is on a mission for the World Military when a chance encounter with a group of sky-pirates leads him to team up with their captain, England, against a malevolent group that wants to fill the sky with zeppelins. (note: Steampunk AU. This is a really cool fic!)
We’ll Meet Again : Rated M, 43k words, 13 chapters, Romance/Angst, Complete WW2 AU. London pub owner Arthur Kirkland is driven to distraction by loud, brash American fighter pilot Alfred Jones. Unable to stop it, Arthur finds himself falling for Alfred's charms... just as the pilot is preparing to leave for war. (note: a hetalia fandom clASSIC. MUST READ. unfortunately the OG fics were deleted so someone reposted it, giving credit to the OG author George deValier. this will rip ur heart out n tape it poorly back together)
La Patisserie de La Rose : Rated M, 35k words, 6 chapters, Romance, Complete Accountant Matthew Williams is used to being unnoticed, ignored, and forgotten. That is until pastry chef Francis Bonnefoy appears like a burst of colour in his dull, grey life. 
AmeViet (yes, Vietnam!)
Hard to Get : Rated T, 57k words, 20 chapters, Adventure/Romance, Complete During World War Two, serious, limited Vietnam meets the boisterous America. Amid fighting, friendship, and stress, America tries to get Vietnam to like him, but she won't let that happen. Or will she? (note: One of my all-time favorites, unforgettable. I can never find fics of this pairing, it’s so hard! But this is a really great fic, highly recommend. also after learning more about Vietnam history, i might give this yet ANOTHER re-read with my new perspectives)
Of Broken Promises and the Taste of Freedom : Rated T, 1.4k words, One-shot, Hurt/Comfort/Romance, Complete Vaguely, Vietnam wondered if this was what freedom tasted like. If perhaps, the hot waves that crashed through her body and set her skin on fire was what it was like to know that you are truly free.
GerIta (apologies, I don’t read too much GerIta LOL)
Auf Wiedersehen, Sweetheart : Rated M, 104k words, 18 chapters, Romance/Angst, Complete WW2 AU. Feliciano Vargas is a passionate, if slightly scared, Italian resistance member. Falling in love with a German fighter pilot was the last thing he expected... and it will test his national loyalty, and his heart, to their limits. (note: another VeraVerse, so well written! you will not ragret. also a repost since Og was deleted, all credit to George deValier)
Dear Diary : Rated T, 55k words, 17 chapters, Humor/Romance, Complete Alfred F. Jones isn't gay. Just read his diary; you'll see. (note: I absolutely love high school or college AUs, omg. Also this is hilarious. I can really relate to how Alfred's rambling)
The Most Awesome Date Plan Ever : Rated T, 7.5k words, 6 chapters, Romance/Humor, Complete It was foolproof. He had worked out every plan, every detail and each possible outcome almost guaranteed him Elizaveta's love. Until it was ruined by Gilbert's two cockblocking best friends. (note: funny and cute)
Táncol? : Rated K+, 24k words, 6 chapters, Humor/Romance, Complete Elizaveta is determined to find out who Gilbert wants to ask out for the school dance. If that means bullying his friends, being hired by Gilbert to slave over a cake, and invading his diaries, so be it. (note: Another favorite! Very cute)
Hello Hurricane : Rated T, 61k words, 18 chapters, Hurt/Comfort/Tragedy, Complete Sequel to "Táncol?" Elizaveta, Ludwig, Francis, and Antonio are forced to watch Gilbert slowly fade away every day. (note: It might seem like I have lots of favorites, cuz I do and this is one of them. Warning, I cried a lot towards the end. Highly recommend)
That Song Called Love : Rated T, 62k words, 25 chapters, Romance/Drama, Complete Matthew had always resigned himself to a fate of musical obscurity on a supporting instrument, but after meeting an ex-delinquent named Gilbert, he just might learn to take the lead. (note: contains other minor pairings. Although she doesn’t play a huge role I’m so happy Vietnam is in it Dx)
Operation Not to Hot : Rated T, 10k words, 2 chapters, Romance/Humor, Complete Gilbert Beilschmidt is dorky, nerdy, and has serious confidence issues. He doesn't really care about himself until he sees Matthew Williams, AKA super-hot-hockey-jock. With Matthew's heart in mind, Gilbert undergoes a complete transformation. (note: funny story. Prussia being Prussia)
Overdue : Rated T, 12k words, 8 chapters, Romance/Supernatural, Complete "Well, Gott, Mattie, at least look someone in the eye when you tell them you're a ghost. Make a good impression!" (note: cute lil one-shot series)
I Have all Summer to Fall For You : Rated T, 162k words, 38 chapters, Incomplete At school, Gilbert makes fun of Matthew, and Matthew just wants to be left alone. But then when the hot days of summer roll around, and they have nothing but free time, things happen that NO ONE could have planned for! (note: MY ALL-TIME FAV PRUCAN FiC Ever. Probably will never finish but the length and quality make up for it)
Please Don’t Read the Verdict : Rated M, 57k words, 11 chapters, Romance/Crime, Incomplete District Attorney Roderich Edelstein is faced with a gruesome, controversial murder. He has three months to build a case against the accused, but more than his will to prosecute may be destroyed in the process. (note: sadly not done, but highly interesting!)
Lily of the Lamplight : Rated M, 27k words, 4 chapters, Romance/Angst, Incomplete WW2 AU. Austrian musician Roderich and German soldier Gilbert are forced into an army prison unit and a fight for survival on the Russian Front. But in the midst of blood and death and hell on earth, how long can they fight their desire for each other?  (note: MY 👏 FAV 👏 VERAVERSE 👏 I loveeee this fic, I’m so SAD it’s nEvEr going to be completed. Savor those 4 chapters. Luckily theyre long *cries* Also love the set of main characters, including Prussia, Austria, Berwald, and Poland. Also listen to the song the title is based off of, i luv it too)
Cheers to a New Life : Rated M, 94k words, 47 chapters, Romance/Family, Complete Sweden could only find a job as a Kindergarten teacher and the famous Kirkland's little Peter happens to be enrolled into his class. But it is not Mr. Arthur Kirkland who is picking Peter up, it's this angel with the greatest ass Berwald's ever seen. (note: viewer discretion, mostly on later chapters. also has cute lil Peter/Sealand)
My Heart, In Segments : Rated T, 14k words, 10 chapters, Family/Hurt/Comfort, Complete Berwald is a man left alone, and Peter was a kid left behind. Berwald's not really the perfect dad, Peter's not really innocent anymore, and Tino's not really sure he's ready for something so real. But, maybe... Maybe it's time.
In Want of a Wife : Rated T, 41k words, 18 chapters, Romance/Humor, Incomplete Berwald's life is turned upside down when he is accepted into Hetalia International University, and everything changes for the better when he catches a glimpse of his future wife who lives down the hall. Who cares if Tino doesn't accept it yet? (note: Human AU; Lietpol is a bonus in all this hehe)
Treatment : Rated T, 55k words, 12 chapters, Romance/Humor, Incomplete Tino is a young psychology major, well known for being kind and eager to help others with their issues, but less so for his habit of profiling "patients" on campus. His therapist's eye has fixed on Berwald, but will he be the one who ends up on the couch? (note: Though not fully done, it’s one of my favorite sufin fics. Also hilarious bahah)
Catch Perfect : Rated T, 35k words, 8 chapters, Romance/Friendship, Incomplete When Berwald loses everything he is forced to move into a share house with an insane Dane, a sociopathic Norwegian, an unfathomable Icelander and a perfect Finn who makes it all worth putting up with. (note: can be crazy and random, which is probs why I liked it so much. also by George deValier I believe, reposted onto wattpad after it got deleted)
Hummingbird : Rated T, 61k words, 12 chapters, Tragedy/Hurt/Comfort, Complete Lukas' only goal in life was to take care of his younger brother, until he was diagnosed with an irregular heart rhythm. His originally peaceful stay in hospital was interrupted when the loud, cheerful Mathias was moved into the bed beside him and refused to leave him alone; yet as his health began to deteriorate, the Dane decided to fall in love with him. (note: I love this fic so much, it’s also another favorite of mine. Very cute but with lots of angst, ahhh just what I ordered)
Secret Crowds : Rated M, 3.4k words, One-shot, Hurt/Comfort/Romance, Complete An explosion leaves Denmark with a permanent brain injury and Norway struggles to find his role in their relationship as the line between lover and caregiver begins to blur. (sad and touching)
I also read a lot of DenNor so im like ?? where the fics at LOL. but i think i read more DenNor doujinshis, so that’s def something yall should look into
A Beautiful Story : Rated T, 16k words, 10 chapters, Tragedy/Romance, Complete Lovino Romano Vargas is a suicidal designer who is unhappy with his fate. One day, he chances to meet Antonio Fernandez Carriedo, who turns his life upside down.
Flashlight : Rated T, 38k words, 11 chapters, Parody/Romance, Complete "If I throw a tomato at you, vampire bastard, will you still sparkle under the sauce?" (note: OKAY SO This is actually a Twilight parody w Romano as Bella and Spain as Edward. I don’t really like Twilight but I really like this version of it lmao. Funny and a good read. Mostly Romano’s POV, cRACK )
New Batteries : Rated T, 41k words, 10 chapters, Humor/Romance, Complete Sequel to Flashlight. "WELL, I NEVER LIKED YOU, EITHER. WHAT NOW, YOU STUPID SPARKLY EXCUSE OF A VAMPIRE?" (note: also a parody, just the sequel to the previous one listed. I understand the Twilight plot through these better than the original)
Kismet : Rated M, 174k words, 52 chapters, Romance/Fantasy, Complete Lovino learns the hard way that things change and that they can change quickly. The necklace fell and now he's in a strange land far from home. Will he ever see his brother again? Will he find his way home? Or will he discover home is where the heart is? Fate is a strange woman and can work in mysterious ways. (note: RATED M, viewer discretion. the author has a list of warnings on the first chapter you can look at so you know what you’re reading. Fantasy AU)
Catch You, Catch Me : Rated M, (basically)37k words, 7 chapters, Drama/Romance, Complete Clumsy, clueless detective Romano is on the trail of the infamous handsome and charming thief El Apasionado Caballero. But there's more to this, what seems like a simple game of cat and mouse, than meets the eye.
The Bet : Rated T, 20k words, 9 chapters, Romance/Humor, Complete When someone kisses you, and then moves away you'd think that would be it. But when Antonio comes back from Spain he wants Lovino to be his again. Except Lovino now hates Antonio...which sucks for Lovino because Antonio isn't going to let go that easily.
Zero Tolerance : Rated M, 55k words, 24 chapters, Romance/Drama, Complete Lovino lives a perfect life. Or atleast thats how he is suppose to appear. Antonio lives a life as a dangerous gangbanger. North Side meets South Side as these two are partnered in their Chemistry class. But there is one chemical reaction these 2 arent prepared for- Love. (highschool AU)
Breathless in the Atmosphere : Rated T, 31k words, 3 chapters, Hurt/Comfort/Romance, Complete Antonio only needed money for marble. He needed to make his art. And a chance encounter on the subway offers him a job as a male escort. It was just for the money. He could stop anytime he wanted to. Really. (note: viewer discretion advised. contains prostitution and suicidal ideation)
Before the Snow Falls : Rated T, 19k words, 2 chapters, Romance/Drama, Complete Lovino, jersey number nine, right winger. He was ready to pass the ball, ready to set up the win, but Antonio, opposite team, center fielder, was ready too. Someone thought, and someone didn't, and they crashed. Hard. A few months later, Lovino's on crutches, Antonio has scholarships, and they have to deal with the aftermath of what happened.
Door to Door : Rated T, 3.5k words, One-shot, Humor/Romance, Complete Do not open the door. It could be a zombie, an unwanted boyfriend of your brother's, or a persistant salesman by the name Antonio Carriedo.
Numbered Lithograph : Rated M, 133k words, 29 chapters, Drama/Romance, Complete When Lovino starts attending art school with his brother he finds his most important lesson doesn't come from his professors, but from a culinary student at a sister school: sometimes the flaws hold the beauty. (note: Probably my favorite spamano fic. Very touching. Has fluff and angst)
Bésame Mucho : Rated M, 48k words, 6 chapter, Angst/Romance, Incomplete WW2 AU. Lovino Vargas only ever wanted something exciting to happen in his boring, everyday Italian village existence. He never expected war, Resistance, love, passion, treason, or a cheerful, confusing, irritatingly attractive Spanish freedom fighter. (note: ANOTHER 👏 ONE 👏OF👏MY👏FAVS👏 BUT SAD BC ITLL NEVER FINISH HDUEOFREGH. Also by George DeValier and reuploaded onto wattpad (originally on ff.net)! I’m in love with the writing. Incomplete but sooo worth the read.)
Bad Touch Trio (may or may not contain pairings/slight pairings)
Oh No, We’re Hot : Rated T, 1.4k words, One-shot, Friendship/Humor, Complete In which, after a summer apart, the Bad Touch Trio realizes that they have become really attractive. Really slight hinted Spamano. (note: I absolutely love the BTT, this is a cute short fic about them)
The Trap : Rated T, 4.7k words, One-shot, Friendship/Humor, Complete The prompt was Prussia and Spain meeting France for the first time, thinking he's a girl, kiddy-courting him, then finding out he's a boy, but still kiddy-courting him. Exactly as wacky as it sounds. (note: another cute story about the BTT and their rad friendship! I need this in my life)
Multiple Pairings
Playing Cupid : Rated T, 24k words, 15 chapters, Romance/Humor, Complete In Everett High School there is a secret club called the yaoi club. It is their job, during Sadies, to set up couples. This year Elizabeta has an ambitious plan. She is going to find a date for the infamous Lovino Vargas. Her choice is Antonio, unfortunately half the girls want to ask him too. Will she and her friends succeed? Spamano, UsUk, Prucan, GerIta, others (note: very cute highschool AU! highly recommend! also contains many of the hetalia girls, which is amazing~)
No Pairings
Bad Pasta : Rated T, 13k words, 6 chapter, Mystery/Tragedy, Complete Kiku and Arthur trade rooms. (note: Author also made a game based on this posted on deviantart: Bad Pasta game. I really liked it, especially since I’m into hetalia fangames and whatnot. warning, contains death of characters)
Fun with Former Vikings : Rated K+, 63k words, 17 chapters, Friendship/Family, Complete Brothers that are too awkward to even stand next to each other, husband and 'wife,' and that one guy that drinks a lot. The Nordics couldn't be any more different. And neither could the situations they get themselves into. (note: I love love love the Nordics. This is also probably one of my all-time favs. I love them as bros Dx)
God Only Threw the Humans out of Paradise : Rated K+, 4.5k words, One-shot, Friendship, Complete 12 years is nothing in the life of a Nation. But to a puppy, it's a lifetime. This is a look at 12 years of England's life through the eyes of man's best friend.
Gutters : Rated M, 98k words, 20 chapters, Adventure/Drama, Complete 'The Calamity' has left the world stripped and dying. Alone in a civilian bunker in Munich, Sealand will be reunited with the last known living member of his surrogate family and together, they will set out across Europe to find those they have lost. (note: It’s an adventure story starring Sealand and Denmark. Can be really intense and eMOTIONAL i cried like a bitch, highly recommend. Probably one of my 👏 favorite👏  fics of all time)
Ditches : Rated M, 2.4k words, 2 chapters, Drama/Family, Incomplete Prequel to Gutters. In the days leading up to The Calamity, the world braces and families struggle not to be torn apart.
Breathe Me : Rated T, 66k words, 21 chapters, Angst/Hurt/Comfort, Complete "God I'm so fat." "No, Alfred. You're not. You're –" "Stop it! I am and you know it! The whole world knows! Just stop okay?" Trigger Warning, Human AU, and F.A.C.E. Family. (note: very important TRIGGER WARNING due to mention of eating disorders, verbal abuse, self-harm, and suicidal thoughts.)
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megsironthrone · 5 years
Based on this request:  Real life AU w/ Pod where he’s the assistant to Tyrion who’s a billionaire. Tyrion says that he’s choosing an heir to his business and fortune & ends up choosing Pod. Pod and reader have been friends for a long time and she has feelings for him. She’s kinda chubby and thinks she’s average so when these rich hot models start flirting with him she knows she needs to step up her game and decides to go do it at the party that Tyrion is throwing in Pod’s honor. Kinda based off Dan P’s instagram from @smalltownbigheart
Here you are, lovely! Now, I do not have an Instagram, so I had no idea what you were talking about. I just went with the rest of the request. I do not own Podrick. He belongs to George R.R.Martin. 
Warnings: Modern AU. a little angst, a little weight-shaming, fluff, a bit of steam, and some allusions to sexy times at the beginning, Tyrion acting as a fairy godfather of sorts
Pairings/Characters: Podrick Payne x fem!reader, Tyrion Lannister.
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Podrick glanced over at the person next to him. He smiled as his gaze traveled over your curves. Curves his hands were all over only hours before. A few months ago, he never would have believed he’d be here. And now? Now he never wanted to leave. He pushed a strand of hair out of your face as he thought about how he ended up with you.
         You were sitting next to Podrick when Tyrion announced that he was naming Podrick as the heir to his company and fortune. You weren’t surprised. Podrick had been Tyrion’s assistant for years and Tyrion had no children. Maybe you were biased since he was your best friend, but you believed Podrick deserved it. He worked harder than anyone.
         Unfortunately for you, Podrick’s new title brought out the ladies. It seemed everywhere you went after that, Podrick was surrounded by beautiful, rich women. And Podrick basked in the attention. Not that you blamed him. Everyone wants to be loved. You did. Sadly, you only loved one person and that was Podrick.
         You hadn’t told him how you felt. You didn’t want to ruin your friendship. And now, seeing him with all those beautiful women, you were beginning to feel insecure. You weren’t super thin like some of them were. You were a little chubby. You typically loved your curves, but now you wished you were a little more fit. Or had more confidence. Confidence enough to tell your best friend that you were hopelessly in love with him. But you didn’t. Until the one day you decided you’d had enough.
         Tyrion made another announcement a couple of weeks after naming Pod his successor. He was going to through the biggest party the city had ever seen in honor of Pod. That was your chance. You were going to buck up and tell Podrick Payne how you felt, even if it killed you. Now, you just needed the confidence to work it out. You knew you had to step up you game in order to have a chance with Podrick.
         "Y/N, I’d like to see you in my office for a moment.“ You looked at Tyrion with wide eyes. It wasn’t often people were called into his office. “O-Of course.” You got up and followed him into his office. You could feel Pod’s gaze on you the whole time. “Close the door please.” You did. Tyrion sat down at his desk and gestured to the seat opposite him.
         "So, how long have you been in love with our dear Podrick?“ You felt the heat creeping into your cheeks. How had he known? As if reading your mind, Tyrion said, "The entire office sees the way you look at him, Y/N. You have obviously loved him a long time. Why haven’t you said anything?” You gestured to yourself. “Look at me. I’m not like those women that are all over him now. I want to prove to him that I am the one for him, but I don’t know how.”
         "You just need a little confidence. And, if my sister was right about one thing, confidence often starts with what one is wearing. Which is why I took the liberty of getting this for you.“ He walked over to the  door. It was then that you noticed the garment bag hanging there. You followed him over and unzipped the bag. Inside was a gorgeous dress that would do wonders for your figure.
         "I’ve also booked you an appointment at the salon to do whatever you think you need to be ready for tonight. Think of me as your fairy godfather. I don’t want to see Pod with any of those women. They have only just showed interest in him because of what he has now. Sure, they’d be great to take to the bedroom once or twice…” he trailed off when he saw your hurt expression. You didn’t even want to think about Pod sleeping with anyone else.
         "But they aren’t good for long term. You are. And I think Pod loves you too.“ You shook your head. "He doesn’t. But thanks for this. Maybe this will help me have some confidence.” You bent down and hugged the smaller man. Grabbing the dress, you practically ran from the office, ignoring Podrick’s calls of your name.
         You spent the entire afternoon prepping yourself. You were going to give yourself the confidence to tell Podrick how you felt. You needed him to know that you loved him. You got yourself all dolled up and looked the mirror. You looked hot, if you did say so yourself. Those other women didn’t stand a chance. Podrick wouldn’t know what hit him.
         The party was already in full swing when you arrived. “You look lovely, Y/N,” Tyrion commented before turning your attention to Podrick. There were people around him, but you didn’t care. You sauntered over with a smile on your face. “Hey, Pod.” Podrick’s eyes went wide when he saw you. “Y-Y/N. Whoa. You look g-great!.” You beamed. “Thanks, Pod. Having fun?”
         "Yeah,“ he said with a nod, "Even more now that my best friend is here.” You told him that you were glad. “Did I mention that you look great?” You giggled. “You did.” Podrick had a nice pink tint on his face all the way to his ears. “Well you do. I mean…you always look great, but-” You laughed again as another woman came sauntering over.
         "Congratulations, Podrick. You deserve it,“ she with a sweet smile, ignoring you completely. Podrick looked slightly pleased and slightly uncomfortable. "Thanks. I’m gonna go get a drink. You want anything, Y/N?” You smiled again and shook your head. “No thanks.” Podrick nodded and walked away to the bar, leaving you alone with Miss Model.
         "You’re trying way too hard.“ Your brows furrowed as you looked at her. "I mean, Podrick’s a sweet guy and all, but now he’s the heir to a major corporation and fortune. He needs someone a little more in his league. Don’t you agree? I know she does.” You followed her finger to the bar where yet another beautiful woman was talking to Podrick. By her body language, it was easy to tell she was flirting. What was also obvious was that Podrick was loving every minute of it. Without saying a word, you scurried off to the ladies room.
         You stood in front of the mirror, willing yourself not to cry. You had a mission and you couldn’t do it with running mascara. Your reflection staring back at you was a woman of confidence yet you felt it all leave your body. How were supposed to compete with them? Simple answer was that you couldn’t.
         A knock on the door pulled you  from your thoughts. “Y/N?” The door opened slightly to reveal Podrick. “Go away, Pod.” Instead of listening, he came all the way in and locked the door. “Are you okay?” Your self-pity turned to anger in an instant. “No, Podrick, I’m not! I came here tonight to tell you that I am hopelessly in love with you! But you obviously prefer the attention of all those beautiful women out there! God, I was so stupid to think you would ever see me as more than your best friend.”  
         Podrick stepped closer to you. He kept getting closer until you were pressed up against the sink. “You are my best friend, Y/N. But those women out there…” he trailed off as you turned your head away from him. You couldn’t look at his face when he confessed he’d rather be with one of them. Podrick wasn’t having it. He gently grabbed your chin and made you look at him before he spoke again.
         "They have nothing on you. You are gorgeous, Y/N. I’ve always thought so. Gods, everything about you makes me want to take you to bed. Even your laugh. Do you know how hard it is not to grab you and kiss you when you come into work in those skirts? Do you know how much I want to go home with you at night and hold you while we watch TV? The only reason I never said anything is because I didn’t think you’d want someone like me. I’m not stupid. Those women out there only want me because of what I have now. You have always been there.“
         Throughout his entire speech, you felt your face heat up and your eyes well with tears. Although this time, they were tears of happiness. "Do you mean that, Pod?” He smiled at you before bringing his lips to meet you. Your entire body felt like it was on fire as he kissed you. After a moment, his hands went into your hair, tangling themselves in the (h/c) locks. You couldn’t get enough. You could have kissed him for eternity. If his kiss was any indication, the rumors about his bedroom prowess must have been true.
         Someone pounding on the bathroom door forced Podrick to detach his lips from yours. “Be mine, Y/N. Please.” You grinned and ran your hands through his hair, messing it up a bit. “I always was. But we really should get out of here. I’m sure there are ladies that need to use the restroom.”
         Podrick laughed and pulled you toward the door. He lead you back into the party where tongues began wagging. You didn’t blame them. Your hair was a mess and you lips were significantly swollen. There was no denying what had happened, but you were okay with that. At least now all those women knew exactly who it was Podrick wanted. Podrick didn’t leave your side for the rest of the night.
         Podrick couldn’t help but smile at the memory. He had been stupid not to see how you’d felt about him, but it was better now. You’d been together for months and things were great. Not perfect, but then, no relationship was. Podrick didn’t care. He was deliriously happy with you.
         "What are you thinking about?“ Your sleepy voice broke the silence in the room. He kissed your forehead. "Us. How we ended up here.” You laughed softly. “It was definitely an interesting start to our relationship.” Podrick nodded. “It was.” He fell silent, prompting you to cuddle closer. “There’s something else. I can tell.” Podrick laughed again. He reached over to his nightstand pulled out the box he’d been keeping in there for weeks.
         "I was thinking that I want you to marry me.“ You sat up, the sheet falling from you as you did. Podrick kept his gaze on your face. "What?” He rose with you and opened the ring box. “Will you marry me, Y/N?” You beamed and nodded. You couldn’t seem to get any words out. Podrick slipped the ring on your finger and pulled you close as he kissed you deeply.
(a/n: I hope you like it!)
@brewsthespirit-blog @ghostie-writes @littlemisscaptainfandom @etherealpotter @line-viper @frozenhuntress67 @cd1242 @gruffle1
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odilestory · 6 years
untitled jay x reader fic pt.1 (jason todd x reader)
This is so long oml. but i’ve had this idea for a whole minute so i thought i’d better put it down. anyway, enjoy!
Legs and arms crossed, you sat slumped in a cold metal chair outside your favorite coffee shop. You pushed down your sunglasses (Versace, another gift) and peered over the brims at the jumbotron in the middle of the square. A news headline.
Will Gotham’s symbol of hope and empowerment ever return? - 5 years pass since the last appearance of the beloved Nightingale - 
You push your glasses back up just in time to miss the photo shown. The last photo of you two - though, of course, no one would ever know it was you two - that was ever taken. 
Five years ago, a bystander snapped a picture of Nightingale and Robin leaning towards one another, about to have their first kiss. That photo had become iconic. There were so many theories about what happened to each of you: the young couple ran from Batman to get hitched, or you were undercover and you killed Robin and then yourself. The second one hurt.
Regardless of the picture shown, you clear your throat, take another sip of coffee and stand up to begin the walk back to your apartment where you’ll inevitably spend the rest of the day.
A few heads turn as you walk down the street. Some women are jealous of your bag (Balenciaga) or your new shoes (classic black Louboutins with the red sole). It was a hard choice today between the Louboutins and the Ralph & Russo Edens, but the black pumps were a better match with your Louis Vuitton Belted Trapeze coat and High Waisted Loos Pant. It was a no-brainer.
The only stop you made was to glance at the news again. A report about Batman and company. You walked away, rolling your eyes, as you knew that Gotham’s “heroes” weren't what they always seem. They would know if they’d been where you’d been.
The clean, white apartment often seemed too perfect. You didn’t deserve it, but Bruce insisted that he buy you a place to stay. After Jay’s death, living at or even visiting the manor was too much, and after your parents died (not even six months after Jason passed), you had nowhere to go. Bruce gave you a place to go because he didn’t know how else to say sorry. Sorry for killing your boyfriend. Sorry for killing your drive. For killing the one you loved.
Your cell phone rang. You felt no immediate emotion as you knew it was Dick calling to check in. He’s the only one that ever calls anyway.
- Hello?
- Hey baby-gale, how are you?
- How do you think?
- Have you been out yet today? Socialize at all?
- I got coffee. Like I do every morning. You don’t need to keep checking in. Unless there’s something you need to let me know about, you don’t need to call me every day. I can survive.
- I apologize for caring? Come on, (Y/N), we miss you. It hasn’t been the same. Hell, you don’t even know Tim or Damian yet. And when was the last time you actually went out? You’re 20 years old. At least go to a club or something. I know you can afford something right off the runway so why not wear it out? 
- I went two years ago, to the club down the street. But it was like... ugh. I watched people dance and I wanted it to be us. It was torture. Like I kept hearing his voice... I don’t want to do that to myself. 
- Try again. For me? How’bout you go out with me and Barbara. If it's too much, we’ll all leave, no problem. Your check should be at your place today. Go spend it on something to wear, we’ll meet you at Mother’s at 10.
You didn’t respond, not wanting to admit defeat. You sighed and hung up the phone, but you knew that Dick knew you would be there. 
In the meantime, you made lunch and checked your current account balance. You had $28,743.92 in your savings. It was more than enough to buy a nice look for tonight, but you wanted to wait.
Another thing Bruce did to “accommodate you” was he would send you a quarterly check of $50,000. Every three months you would receive a plain check, directly from the man himself, along with a note from him. Every note had been a plea to return. Apparently, your old suit was displayed right next to Jason’s, as if you were dead as well.
You heard the mail fall through the slot in your door and quickly sorted through the magazines, coupons, and bills to find the envelope that mattered. Sure enough, there it was. You tore it open, threw the note aside. You’d read it later. 
There it was: $50,000 from the man himself sitting in your freshly manicured fingers. You ran a nude, glossy, almond-shaped nail over the writing as you put the check down and exchanged it for the note. You unfolded the card.
We’re here if you need us. Just call. For anything.
We grieve too.
B. Wayne
You folded it back up and slid it across your counter, once again grabbing the check and throwing it in a different Balenciaga bag, putting back on the Louboutins, and headed down to the bank.
“Well look at you!”
“Miss ‘hasn’t left the house in 5 years’ really cleans up! What is that, Valentino?”
Dick and Barbara stared at you in awe. You picked out the Michael Kors Sequined Mesh Bell-Bottom Gold Jumpsuit just because you knew it was Mother’s.
“It’s Michael Kors. Did you get us on the list?” 
Mother’s was the weirdest club you had perhaps ever stepped foot in, but it was Dick’s favorite. The club was basically straight out of the 70′s and 80′s. They only played music from those decades, and they even had a disco ball out at all times. It was cramped, but busy every night. They had great food and even better drinks, and even though you weren’t 21 you knew you could get Dick to buy a few for you.
“Of course. Come on, let's have some fun.” 
Barbara clutched Dick’s arm and you fiddled with you cobalt blue Balenciaga clutch as your heels clicked towards the bouncer.
“Name?” A large, burly man dressed nicely in a navy blue suit held a clipboard on one hand and in the other the clasp of the red rope, ready to let us through if we were eligible.
“Grayson. These two are with me.” He flashed his classic smile and motioned to you and Babs, receiving a welcoming smile in return.
“Enjoy your night.” He unhooked the rope and as you pushed through the door, you were met with colorful, flashing lights, people yelling and dancing, and very loud Duran Duran. Maybe this will be fun.
Swerving around other excited and tipsy club-goers, you all found a booth right off the dance floor and set your stuff down there. 
“We’re gonna go to the bar, want anything?” Barbara leaned close to you so you could hear over the loud music.
“Something poisonous! I’ll wait here.” You smiled and leaned on the table, flicking the sequins on your pants and shifting weight between your heels and the balls of your feet.
“We’ll be right back!” They walked away, again arm in arm. That could be you and him right now, if only he were still here.
(at the bar)
“There he is.” Dick got Barbara’s attention as he sighted the taller man sitting at the end of the bar politely declining inquiries for his number.
“Dick, are you sure this is gonna work? She doesn’t have a clue, what if it just scares her away? Pushes her further into that darkness?” She grabbed his arm, making him face her. For the first time since they came up with this plan, he was doubtful. “Dick, is he ready? You all just made up. He just healed things with Bruce. Are you sure he doesn’t need a break before he tries something like this?”
“They loved each other. They love each other. Still. Nothing is gonna change that. I have a feeling its now or never. Any longer and I think she might try and be with him the only way she thinks is possible. I don’t want her to go that far. I’m not gonna let her do what she says she wants to. I’m not gonna let her die when he’s alive. This is happening. Now or never.”
She nodded. Both were determined now. Dick waved his hand to grab his attention.
“Jason!” He looked up with relief and excused himself from the current flirt session he had been roped into. He hopped off the bar stool, leaving his drink and strode towards Dick rather hurriedly.
“Dick, I gotta be honest, I’m not sure about this, you sure she’s not gonna freak?”
“Oh, she’s gonna freak,” Barbara laughed, “But its now or never.” The couple said at the same time.
“We’re gonna bring her a drink, wait a minute or two, and we’ll get her to come dance. Ask her to dance. The music is so loud no one is gonna notice if you explain the whole coming back to life thing, so don’t worry. Explain if you have to.” Dick hurriedly motioned his plan with his hands as if it was an actual mission, and truthfully it was because he had Tim and some other “extras” scattered about in case anything went wrong, in fact, even the bouncer was in on it. Dick told him he was trying to get his two friends to make up and to not let you leave.
“Whatever you say birdbrain, but if this ruins everything, I will literally kill you.”
You had been pulled out onto the crowded, sweaty dancefloor, and were dancing with Dick while Babs was in the bathroom (she wasn’t actually in the bathroom; she was hyping up Jason, but you didn’t know that, of course).
The song stopped and you were in a happy laughing fit: you were having lots more fun than you thought you would. The next song started, it was a song that you, Dick, and Jason would all dance around to and mockingly sing along to. It was Lovemaker by Wham (not George Michael’s Wham!, the other one).
You started dancing with Dick again, making stupid faces and joking about when you were younger. He glanced behind you but quickly brought his eyes back to you again.
“What is it?”
“Nothing, I thought I saw Babs.”
You were about to respond with a quick “ok” when someone tapped you on the shoulder.
“Hey, doll.”
You froze and looked at Dick for a second, who, instead of recognizing your discomfort, smiled at you. So you turned around, ready to correct the mistake in word choice this stranger had made.
“Sorry, I -”
To your complete surprise, you were met with a strangely familiar face.
“Wanna dance?” Very out of character for Jay, he stuttered a bit, barely speaking loud enough for you to hear.
“Wh-Jay? N-no...No! What the fuck!? You died! What the hell? What the fuck
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19 - “please don’t let me be alone” preferably in the hamliza au where she’s a nurse and he’s in some fight club that’s not a fight club please? But any version is good I love them so much
A/N: Small bit of violence included for the sole sake of me practicing combat scenes for my fiction class. It’s terrible, bear with me :) 
Original AU (x)
Eliza had finally started to relax again. He had even convinced her to go on a date. A regular date. It went so well, the night perfect. She wore a pretty dress, curled her hair and wore the the tiny heart necklace he had purchased to celebrate her getting into her school’s nursing program. He took her to a fancy restaurant and ordered an expensive bottle of wine. They teased and flirted across the dimly lit table, their legs entangled underneath.
She let him hold her hand and kiss her cheek and had shyly invited him to come inside for another drink, even though they were still a good few blocks from her apartment. He had grinned and was about to reply when he spotted something out of the corner of his eyes.
Eliza had felt him tense up and frowned. “Is something wr—”
He shushed her, pulled her tighter against his side as they continued to walk down the dangerously empty street. He kept watch, examining their surroundings. The figure he had hoped he’d imagined had crept closer in a matter of seconds. Perfect timing, Alexander thought grimly when he noticed the alleyway they were approaching.
In one swift motion, he’d managed to shove Eliza away toward the dark alley just before he felt the initial blow between his shoulder blades. He was knocked to the ground but in a matter of seconds gathered to his feet with practiced ease, his adrenaline pumping through his veins at an alarming rate.
Using the attacker’s shock to his advantage, he struck the stranger’s nose with the heel of his hand, the resounding crack made even him wince. The blood gushed immediately, the liquid feeling sticky on his hands. Alexander’s other hand gripped the back of his neck tightly to force his attacker forward, delivering several hard blows to his stomach using his knee. Only when he felt the attacker become dead weight, he relented. He retracted his arm and the man crumbled onto the concrete. To be sure he was out, he laid one last blow to his temple using the heel of his foot. He crouched down to his knees, checking for a pulse. Faint, but still there. They could use him for questioning.
He looked around anxiously, concerned and convinced that there were more. There was no way anyone would attack him alone, the Hamilton name (thanks to his father’s failure and his own skills) had become a bit infamous around several of the city’s gangs his agency was fighting constantly. He relaxed slowly when his eyes caught no other movement in the darkened street.
“Liza. Liza?!” He yelled as he spun in a panicked circle. Had the stranger’s accomplice taken her?! Was the attack a diversion?!
“Here. I’m here.” Eliza’s obviously frazzled form appeared in the entrance of the alleyway he had shoved her into. He immediately rushed towards her, his eyes examining her as he did. Her beautiful dress was obviously torn, the rip climbing up to her mid-thigh. Her knees were scraped, bleeding, and Alexander was sure that her hands were too. He shuddered when he realized she was injured because of his initial shove. God, he hoped nothing was broken.
“Baby, I’m so—” He reached out to comfort her, his movements halted when he noticed all the blood on his hands. Fuck. “Are you okay? I’m so sorry. Are you okay?”
“Me?!” Eliza let out a tiny hysterical sob, her eyes full of tears. “You were the one who was just attacked!”
“I’m fine, sweetheart. He barely touched me. I never lie when I tell you that most of the blood is hardly ever my own.” He offered her a hesitant half smile. “Tonight is proof of that.”
Eliza shook her head and wiped away her tears roughly.
Alexander glanced back at the body, hating himself. ��Baby I have to take care of this. What? Oh god, no! Not like that! I’m not going to kill him!” He knew someone probably would down the line, but that part thankfully was very rarely a part of Alex’s job description. “I mean I have to call work. They need to come take care of this— and by that, I mean take him to headquarters. Can you make it home okay? I’ll be there as quick as I can.” The thought of her walking alone was a bit scary, but he didn’t have a choice. She couldn’t stay here, and it was only two blocks.
“No.” Eliza said firmly.
“No. I’m not leaving unless you come back with me.”
“Baby, that’s not an option—”
“I say it is, so it fucking is, Alexander.” He recognized the fire in her eyes and knew immediately this wasn’t an argument he would be winning.
He gave her a dirty look, shrugged off his suit jacket and slung it over her frail frame. “I have to make a few calls.”
She didn’t say anything but tucked herself into Alexander’s jacket, a deep frown still set on her face.
Not caring much for his bloodied hands— it was time to get a new phone anyways, he’d had the same number for too long— he took out his flip phone and dialed the number for his HQ. A  bubble of disdain formed in the pit of his stomach when he heard the distinct low grumble of his boss’ voice. Of course, he was the one on call tonight.
“Sir, this is Agent Hamilton. I was just attacked on— yes sir, I’m alright. I believe it was a rookie member of the Wakefields. He approached me and didn’t have any backup. He’s unconscious right now, sir. I think he should be brought in for questioning. I doubt he’s going to know anything but…” Alexander’s eyes remained locked with Eliza’s questioning gaze. She knew very little of his work, only that he wasn’t a freelance boxer like he’d initially told her and that he wasn’t apart of an illegal fight club like she had guessed months into their relationship. She simply knew how dangerous his job was, that he was hurt a lot and that he took down ‘bad guys’ as he liked to put it. “Yessir, I’ll send you my location. Thank you.” He hung up the phone and immediately sent out a memo. He’d be here in five minutes.
“What the fuck do you do?” She asked once he hung up.
He ignored her question for the time being. “Are you hurt?”
“Just my knees and hands. Nothing that disinfectant won’t solve.”
“I’m sorry for ruining date night.” He said and slowly approached her. He gave her time to pull away. She didn’t. Unafraid of ruining her clothes now that his jacket was covering her, he embraced her. Only she didn’t melt into his arms like he had expected her to. He pulled back, his heart dropped when he saw the look on her face. “No. Liza, no. Don’t do this tonight.”
“Every time we try. Every time I try… I’m reminded why this would never work.” Eliza’s voice cracked and she halfheartedly tried to move out of his grip.
“No,” Alexander said sharply, tipping her chin up with the side of his bloodied forefinger, his thumb resting on the center of her chin. “Every time you try to end things… That never works, Eliza. Stop pretending that there isn’t an us. There is an us. There will always be an us.”
“I can’t be who you need me to be.” She repeated her same line she always used, a helpless edge to her voice.
“Christ, what does that even mean?!”
“It means that I’m not going to sit idly by at home waiting daily for either you to come home or a call saying that you’ve been killed.” She snapped, her tiny hands shoved at his chest. He didn’t budge an inch.
“That’s not going to happen. I won’t let it. Liza, I’m fucking amazing at what I do. Sure, I’ll show up battered and bruised after every mission but I’ll always come back to you. Always.” He attempted to convey his words with his eyes. He has never uttered a more truthful statement than that one. “I’ll never leave you alone. Not like you’re trying to do to me. Please don’t leave me alone, baby. Please.” She let him rest her forehead against hers, her eyes squeezed shut. She didn’t object when he pressed his lips against hers, so Alexander decided that that was a start.
He pulled away from her when he heard the sound of a car, laced their fingers together and gently led her into the dimly lit street. He shoved her behind him when he heard their attacker groan. He prepared to kick his head again, halting his movement at the sound of his boss’s sharp tone.
“Leave him be, Hamilton.”
“Yes, sir.” Alexander retreated immediately, watching George Washington stagger out of the black SUV. He hid a smirk. His boss had been quite the agent back in his days, but it was obvious his glory days on the field were behind him.
Washington barked orders at the men accompanying him and they got to work, dragging the body into the back of the car, binding his wrists behind him. He almost wanted to usher Eliza away but figured tonight could be a bit of an insight into what his job was. He was damn sure that no one was ever going to touch a hair on Eliza’s head, that she was going to be kept mostly in the dark as long as he was with the agency (not a requirement, but his own preference) but knew she needed to see a piece of a relatively easy case.
“Who’s this?” Washington’s tone was a lot softer now that he realized a lady was present.
Alexander resisted the urge to roll his eyes. He didn’t pull Eliza closer or more into the light. He wanted his two lives to remain as separate as they could. But he never lied to his boss and he never planned to. “Sir, this is Eliza. She’s my girlfriend.”
“Hello.” Eliza’s sweet, hesitant tone was like music to Hamilton’s ears. He had to get her home.
“Lovely to meet you.” The older man’s tone was stiff, a bit too cordial. Alexander knew he was going to get an earful on Monday. “Hamilton, Monday morning. 6 am sharp.”
“Yes, sir.”
As soon as the brake lights of the SUV was gone, Alexander turned to Eliza, crowding her into the nearest wall. “Can it be my turn to patch you up?”
“I can do that myself.” Eliza smiled fondly at him, her face obviously worn out.
“It’s the principle behind the idea, baby.”
It wasn’t until later, much later, that Eliza brought it up again. The pair was resting together in the bath at Eliza’s apartment, her bare back was flush against his chest, head lulled back into the crook of his neck. They were silent for a long time after their initial return home. He was scooping palmfuls of the hot water on the skin of Eliza’s upper stomach that wasn’t covered. He always tried to enjoy every rare moment of peace they had.
Eliza’s soft voice interrupted his thoughts. “I won’t ever leave you alone.” She said simply before her arm reached behind them to tangle in his shoulder-length hair.
He pressed his lips to the shell of her ear, kissing there lightly. “I know.”
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