#he's so immediately like 'well i guess i'm dying. alright by me. just one more sip before i go' like!!!
irregularbillcipher · 11 months
it kills me that the only understandable, semi-lucid line from birdie that isn't either naming his boys and saying how much he misses them, or drunkenly attaching himself to the first people to be vaguely nice to him and saying that they're Good People who he loves and actually he totally doesn't need his family anymore is just him seeing that brad is about to kill him and only being able to muster a line that equates to "welp, lemme have one last drink before i go." can we talk about the fact that he seems so passively willing to die hello can anyone hear me
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bosbas · 10 months
Chapter 3: best believe I'm still bejeweled
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pairing: benedict bridgerton x best friend!fem!reader WC: 3.7k words
Warnings: period-typical gender roles, idiots in love being idiots in love
Summary: You and Benedict have been best friends since childhood, but things change dramatically once you come out in society. You're struggling to find someone you're as compatible with and who knows you as well as Benedict, all while trying to quell your ever-growing feelings for him. Shenanigans ensue.
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May 19, 1814 - Today marks not only the birthday of our illustrious Queen Charlotte but also the grand event eagerly awaited by all of London's high society: the splendid Queen Charlotte's Ball.
The air is thick with excitement as the ton awaits the debut of our beautiful new bachelorettes for the season. Rest assured, dear readers, this author shall be your eyes and ears throughout the evening, ensuring you are privy to every scandal, dance, and whispered secret that unfolds at this momentous celebration.
The air was, as Lady Whistledown had said, thick with something, although you weren't quite sure it was excitement. Your stomach was tied in a complete tangle of knots, and said knots were doing cartwheels all over the dressing room you were currently in. Looking over at Cass and Eloise eating biscuits and giggling together on the other side of the room, you desperately wished you could stay with them rather than go to the ball.
Until this morning, you had been cautiously optimistic about the whole affair, excited about being courted despite your strong reservations about marriage, knowing it would most likely be a significant loss of your freedom. But at least in the beginning, when you didn't have to immediately think about the greater implications of courting, you could pretend that getting to know people and dancing and receiving flowers could be just fun. But now, with your mother and Lady Violet excitedly chattering around you as your lady's maids rushed to and fro, grabbing your makeup and jewelry, you were less than ecstatic.
Just as the claustrophobia was getting to be a bit much and you were quite ready to jump out of the window into the garden and take off running, Daphne entered the dressing room. Shooing the lady's maids away momentarily, Daphne offered a sympathetic look and sat beside you. You shot her a grateful smile, immediately letting out a breath, slumping your shoulders, and resting your chin on your gloved hand.
"Oh dear, I know that look very well," Daphne laughed. "It's not all bad, I promise."
Rubbing your temples, you confessed, "I know. I was excited until this morning. It's all rather overwhelming now that I'm actually experiencing it, though. What do you even talk about when you're dancing? What if no one wants to speak to me at all?"
Upon hearing the distress in your voice, Daphne quickly interjected. "Honestly, I was much more of a wreck than you were and I am frankly impressed by how well you're holding it together. My best advice would be to not think about it too much. It's harder to do in your position, I know, but you are so brilliant in every way, and everyone is dying to get to know you. It's a wonderful advantage to have. You get to be selective. So just be yourself the best way you know how and try to seek out the ones who make you feel the most comfortable."
You responded with a small laugh, "I guess it's a good thing Ben isn't here then; otherwise, I'd be spending the whole evening with him."
An indecipherable look took over Daphne's features. "It truly is beyond me why he would miss such an important day. Men being men, I suppose. But it's alright. You have the entire Bridgerton clan in his stead, not to mention your family. And speaking of Benedict, he did leave a note with me he wanted me to give you today." Daphne handed you a small rectangular envelope with your name in Benedict's scrawl across the front. Daphne reached over and put a reassuring hand on your shoulder, "you look absolutely stunning. You have nothing to worry about."
Giving her friend a final kiss on the cheek, Daphne stood up and joined the excited mothers on the other side of the room, allowing you a moment to carefully open the envelope in your hands.
Y/I (your initial), 
Hopefully, Daphne will manage to deliver this on time. I'm dreadfully sad I can't be there with you today, but I know you will impress absolutely everyone in attendance. Send Lady Danbury my regards. Or perhaps don't. Whichever makes it less likely I have to dance with her at the next ball I attend!
Yours, B
Smiling to yourself, you felt just a tad more prepared to face the queen in a short time, Ben's note filling you with confidence and Daphne's reassuring words soothing your anxieties.
An earlier conversation with Hyacinth had left you terrified of falling flat on your face tonight, so you were intently focused on completing each step as smoothly as possible. As the last debutante to be presented to the queen, your goal was to draw as little attention to yourself as possible, but you found the opposite. The room hushed as you entered, which you were worried about until you saw everyone's warm smiles and eager gazes. Newly filled with confidence, you gracefully completed your journey to the throne, where you curtseyed before Queen Charlotte.
Upon receiving the queen's enthusiastic approval, you heaved a sigh of relief. Now, you could enjoy the ball and take in all the new experiences of being out in society. The ballroom was a dazzling display of candlelight, silk gowns, and a polished dance floor as the orchestra played a lively tune. However, the moment of peace was quickly interrupted by many people rushing to talk to you at once. Gracefully moving from one conversation to another, you were enjoying the whirlwind of your debut. Invigorated by your earlier conversation with Daphne, you embraced the attention, excitedly introducing yourself and exchanging pleasantries as you attempted to move toward your mother a few yards away.
After talking to quite a few eligible bachelors and a not-insignificant amount of their mothers, you reached Countess Beaumont and the dowager Viscountess Bridgerton. "Oh, Y/N, your dance card seems to be full! Not even five minutes after you've been presented, no less! That's quite wonderful. I was worried I'd have to send Colin and Anthony to dance with you," your mother exclaimed, cheekily winking at you.
Violet laughed and shook her head. "They should be so lucky! All everyone is talking about is how beautiful you look, dear. Not news to us, obviously, but it's nice to see other people recognizing it."
Truthfully, you were over the moon. You loved to dance, after all, and looking out toward the ballroom, you could see all three of your brothers, your father, Anthony, Colin, and Daphne, scattered throughout. You felt oddly comfortable being in such a new environment, and perhaps Daphne was correct: you could be selective. You had even turned away a few gentlemen who asked you to dance before your card was full, opting to wait for the ones with kind smiles and kinder words.
Just then, Lord Marcus Thornfield approached you, having already been one of the people on your dance card, and you were once again taken aback by his piercing blue eyes. He bowed elegantly and offered a boyish smile and his gloved hand. "It's lovely to see you again, Miss Beaumont, still looking completely stunning. Would you do me the honor of sharing this dance with me?"
You could feel your face getting a tad hot, overwhelmed by the flattery, but at the same time soaking it in thoroughly. You curtsied slightly and placed your gloved hand in his. "Mr. Thornfield, I would be delighted," you replied.
Then, addressing the other two women in the trio, Lord Thornfield said, "If you don't mind, I'd love to borrow Lady Beaumont for a dance."
Thrilled about your first dance at a ball, your mother and Lady Bridgerton enthusiastically assented, clasping their hands together and waving at the pair of you as you approached the dance floor. Sporting a broad smile, you allowed Marcus to escort you away.
As you glided through the dance floor with Marcus, making soft and sometimes flirtatious conversation, you found that you much preferred him before speaking to him in depth. Although he was a complete gentleman, you often found his conversation topics tedious at best and boring at worst. Of course, it was unreasonable for you to expect in-depth and completely captivating conversations like the ones you had with Benedict, but you felt like the chat with Marcus could have at least been engaging. You could not recall a single question he had asked you throughout your interaction, opting instead to talk about himself and occasionally compliment your appearance that night. Surely, there was more to life than hearing a man drone on endlessly about his own life. Toward the end of the dance, you were glad to reach your mother once again, practically begging for an excuse to slip away from Marcus.
Your next dance was better but by a slim margin. The man, Earl Ashton, was nice enough, but you didn't quite feel a connection with him as strong as you would have liked. The following two dances and three conversations that did not involve dancing were mostly the same. The most common question you received, which often was the only one you were asked in the entire interaction, was the reasoning behind your delay in coming out. You took this opportunity to talk about literature, sometimes delving into your latest read. However, save for two or three of them, most of the bachelors you spoke with were not interested in further discussing your studies. After yet another boy refused to engage in real conversation, opting to talk about his upcoming hunting trip, you saw your mother raising her eyebrows at Violet and casting an inconspicuous disapproving look toward the man you were speaking with.
A tad frustrated by your experience, but not enough to dim the glow you were feeling, you decided to take respite at the refreshment table. You were sipping on lemonade and attempting to decipher what was missing from your previous interactions. Partially, you recognized that you were to blame for having set such high standards with Benedict. You knew meeting someone and getting to know them was not the same as speaking with your best friend since childhood, but it seemed instinctual to compare the two. Most of the men you talked to were leagues better than Marcus Thornfield, though, who, you noticed amusedly, was speaking with another debutante who looked positively disinterested.
You were brought out of your musings by the familiar voices of Colin and Anthony. "Well, hello, Miss Y/N Beaumont, diamond of the season and center of the ton's attention who is looking absolutely radiant tonight, according to possibly every single person I have spoken to tonight," called Anthony, reaching your side in a few strides.
Laughing into your cup, you smiled up at the boys. "Well, if it isn't the two most eligible bachelors here tonight, according to every eager mama. How has the ball been for you?"
Colin feigned offense, putting his hand to his chest, "For us? Who cares about us? How has the night been for you?!"
As soon as you opened your mouth to respond, Lord Reginald Harrington bounded over to your group and bowed. Very courteous, Lord Harrington asked you for a dance. Still, unfortunately (or perhaps fortunately, after seeing Harrington very pointedly staring at another debutante's bosom instead of her eyes while having a conversation), you did not have any space left on your dance card. Anthony barely had time to throw out a good-natured joke about the ton's demand for you before another young man approached the trio. Quite unfortunately, Mr Geoffrey Huntington was on your dance card, so you let yourself be guided to the dance floor. As you spun and twirled with Mr Huntington, you once again yearned for something more. You did not know what, exactly. But a pleasant conversation (he asked questions about you and even made you laugh a few times!) still did not completely satisfy you.
Off to the side, Colin and Anthony were intently observing the dance between you and Geoffrey. "She doesn't quite look like that when she's talking to Ben, though, does she?" Anthony observed.
"Well, clearly not, but I do rather think she's having an alright time of it with Geoff, nevertheless. I've heard he's one of the better ones, actually showing interest in the girls." Colin responded, recounting gossip he had heard through Cass and Pen, though heavens knew where the girls had gotten that information.
Anthony looked on thoughtfully, rubbing his chin. "I suppose that's alright, then. I'm still going to make fun of her when she returns," he grinned. "As much as I love poking fun at her, though, I wonder how Ben would feel about Y/N getting this much attention. I still can't believe he missed her debut. I can't believe Mother let him!"
"Oh, I can. I really can believe it. Surely you see it, too? The way he looks at her? I've no doubt he'd be fuming in the corner right about now. Seeing his best friend talk to someone else would send him spiraling," Colin responded, sending a pointed look his brother's way.
Before Anthony could respond, you had returned to them, looking slightly winded. "Well, that was quite the dance," you laughed.
Immediately upon seeing you free to talk, or at least free from anyone that wasn't your immediate family or the Bridgertons, another young man approached you at the refreshments table, handing you a glass of lemonade. Slightly annoyed but able to keep your composure, you gracefully took the glass. "Oh, Mr. Howard, you are too kind. Unfortunately, my dance card is full for tonight, but I would love the opportunity to dance with you at a later ball if that's a possibility."
Mr. Howard, for his part, was left with his mouth agape. "Oh. Yes. Yes, of course, Miss Beaumont. Thank you very much, and I look forward to speaking to you then," he responded, swiftly turning away in search of another young woman who had space left on her dance card, or at least the desire to speak to him at all, really.
Colin and Anthony could barely contain their laughter, leaving you slightly embarrassed by how forward you had been but happy to have some time without speaking to potential future husbands, nonetheless. At that moment, you would have taken Colin and Anthony's teasing ten times over talking to another man hoping to woo you.
In the early morning quietude of your room, you took up your quill and parchment, eager to recount the whirlwind of the previous night for Hyacinth. Of course, you could only accept when the young girl earnestly asked for a detailed recounting of every ball you attended, so you were putting in as much detail as you could remember, including but not limited to your mind-numbing dance with Marcus, as well as Bastian's comical near-fall when trying to escape a potential dance with Lady Danbury.
A knock on your door interrupted your writing, and you saw your father and Cass poke their heads in. "Good morning, darling. You've got a congregation of callers downstairs, quite the assembly. Shall I send them away?" your father inquired with a hint of exasperation. "I'd prefer not to entertain a throng of young men with no discernible connection to the Beaumont or Bridgerton names this early in the day."
You interjected swiftly, "No, Father. Just give me a few minutes, and I'll go downstairs to meet them."
With a nod, Earl Beaumont withdrew, muttering under his breath, while Cassandra, bubbling with excitement, seized your hands. "You have callers! A whole bunch of them! Y/n, this is so wonderful! Who do you expect to see downstairs?"
A tad flustered, you were scrambling to put away your half-written account of the night and making sure you had no ink stains on your hands. "Truthfully, I was not expecting this so early on. Oh, Cass, I'm dreadfully unprepared. I really didn't think I had that good of a connection with anyone last night, let alone as many people as Father said!"
Cass rolled her eyes and responded, "Obviously you didn't think you had a good connection with anyone. But if you were to forget that Ben existed for about three seconds, would that alter your perception?"
Groaning, you replied, "Cass, I don't need this from you today. Yes, maybe I compared these gentlemen to my best friend initially, but I promise I moved beyond that. Most men, like us, have ambitious mamas keen on securing advantageous matches, which might explain their early-morning presence."
"Well, perhaps. But you are in high demand either way," your sister declared, gently ushering you out of your room and toward the grand staircase. "Y/N Beaumont, if you do not hurry up and get downstairs, I swear I will start to talk to these gentlemen myself," Cass threatened, earning a laugh from you as you made your way to confront the eager line of callers awaiting your presence.
Amid the afternoon light filtering through the drawing room curtains, you found yourself the center of attention. The room was adorned with fresh flowers, their sweet fragrance lingering. Seated gracefully on a chaise, your vibrant eyes sparkled with curiosity and trepidation as you faced the seemingly endless line of suitors vying for your favor. You were enjoying seeing suitors more than you had enjoyed the previous night, even though you had loved dancing at the ball. Today's tête-à-têtes seemed to unfold more leisurely, offering you the luxury of time and a touch more intimacy, save for Lady Primrose and Cass' discreet presence. You discovered a certain joy in these extended conversations, different from the hurried introductions of the ball, giving you the tiniest glimmer of hope once again.
Currently, you were listening to Mr. Archibald Roxbury recite a poem he had written that had been, in his own words, inspired by your radiance at the ball, and he couldn't resist putting his sentiments into verse. The poem was sweet and not half bad, but you had been seeing suitors for several hours and were now quite exhausted.
Your brothers had been out for most of the day, but you could hear their loud voices echoing through the halls past the open door of the drawing room, questioning the queue of suitors inside their home. You almost breathed an audible sigh of relief when Alex stepped into the room, directing his attention toward you. "Y/N, a word?"
Offering a brief apology to Mr. Roxbury, you eagerly followed Alex's lead. Leaning down, Alex spoke lowly, "Quite popular this afternoon, aren't you?"
"I guess so. It's been hours! I can't believe there are people still here. I'm so tired, Alex; I need a cup of tea or something! I can't keep doing this right now," came your exasperated response.
"Y/N, these men are here for you, not the other way around. I can make them leave whenever you would like," he responded with a hand on your shoulder, surveying the amount of people in the Beaumont home.
You followed his gaze, remembering the vast number of people you would still have to speak with if you were to talk to every single young man in your home that day. "You're right. I suppose it would be nice to have a bit of a break from it all," you said, uncertain.
Wasting no time, Alex left the room, and you returned to your previous spot, where Archibald continued his recital. You wondered when your afternoon would be over. Thankfully, you did not have to wait long. A few minutes later, all three of your brothers and your father entered the drawing room. Clearing his throat, Earl Beaumont addressed the crowd of young men in their home, "Thank you all very much for coming today, but Miss Beaumont will no longer be seeing any suitors today. You are welcome to come back another time."
Amidst the disappointed faces of your suitors, you saw Theo wink at you. You played your part, gracefully feigning disappointment, thanking the remaining suitors for their gifts, and bidding them adieu. Truthfully, you just wanted to leave the drawing room and have a few moments to yourself, but etiquette called for you to wait until all the guests had left your home.
You skipped over to your father once the last suit-clad man had exited. "Thank you, thank you, thank you! I thought it would never end," you said gratefully. The earl chuckled at your theatrics but agreed, "I had been waiting the whole day to send them away. Far too many people in my house!"
Ever the comedian, Theo suggested, "Perhaps try being a tad more unpleasant next time, Y/N." Chiming in, Bastian added, "Or maybe don't put as much effort into your appearance at the next ball; that way, we won't have to deal with this again."
"Great suggestions, as ever, boys," you responded sarcastically. "Now, if I may be excused, I need to not see anyone for the next three years."
A candle lit your room softly as you leaned against your door, relishing the memories of the lively afternoon. Your fingers traced the edges of the letters, flowers, and tokens scattered across your dressing table—a testament to the whirlwind of introductions and pleasant conversations you had the first day after your debut.
Yet, a shadow flickered in your eyes as you settled into a more contemplative mood. A silent ache enveloped you as you remembered Benedict, whose absence cast a subtle but palpable pall over the festivities. Amid all the excitement, you found yourself yearning for the comfort of his presence, the familiar cadence of his voice, and the reassuring touch of his hand. You were lost between the allure of newfound admirers and the unspoken yearning for someone who already knew you like the back of his hand.
Confusion crept in as you internalized your feelings. Even if Ben had not gone to the countryside at the same time as you were due to make your debut, he wouldn't have been present when you saw suitors, only the night before at the ball. So why did you miss him when he wouldn't have been there logistically? Lost in contemplation, you gazed out the window, the night sky adorned with stars that had no answer to your question.
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ahgasegotarmy116 · 5 months
The Art of Etiquette Part 9 | Jeon Jungkook
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Summary: Your call with Jesse is dramatic on his part to say the least but looks like there's a new guy in town and he's got his sights set on you. Pairing: f!reader x Etiquette instructor Jungkook Word Count: 2.2k~ Warnings: Explicit and suggestive language but barely lmao a/n: Sorry this one is a little shorter guys but I figured this was a good stopping point so I hope you enjoy it 🥰 p.s. barely edited as always lol Start from the beginning
"Hello?" I say, my voice ridden with exhaustion since I was woken up out of a sound sleep from my phone ringing on full blast. 
"Hello? That's all you have to say to me? Girl I've been texting you since last night and you never responded" Jesse scolds through the phone and when I look at my messages I have over 50 from him alone. 
"I'm sorry Jess I was busy with Jungkook all day yesterday and I just ended up taking a shower and going to sleep. I guess I forgot to tell you how it went" I apologize, rubbing the sleep from my eye. "Tell me everything I don't care if you're all over the place I just need to live vicariously though you" he says, his excitement palpable even though the phone.
"Well we went to the modiste and found my dress an-" "No no I don't care about the boring stuff. Tell me about what happened between you and Jungkook. Did you guys share glances? Did he touch you? Did he hold your hand? You know the juicy stuff. Well, I guess as juicy as you could get with an etiquette teacher" he spouts off, trying to keep me on track.
"I thought you said you wanted to live vicariously through me? So I was taking you through my day step by step" I say, smiling at his impatience. "I meant the good stuff" he groans and I laugh at his playful frustration before having mercy on him and telling him everything.
"I found out that we like the same music and like similar foods and that he really is a nice guy. Under all of that commanding and strict nature he truly is a great guy" I admit, morning thoughts now full of him giving me a fuzzy feeling in my chest.
"You're falling for him aren't you?" Jesse asks, amused once he hears how I've changed my toon so quickly from one day to the next. "I wouldn't say I'm falling for him but there are some, stirrings" I say, confused and still half asleep, not being able to fully express my emotions properly. 
"Stirrings?" Jesse laughs, knowing what I'm meaning to say without actually having to say it but still pushing me to say more "Yes stirrings and let's leave it at that for now" I say, sitting up and stretching before getting out of bed. 
"Whatever you say" he sings leaving me rolling my eyes as walk to the bathroom and start to pull out the various things I need to get ready. "He also kinda sorta kissed me" I mumble and immediately pull my phone away from my ear, knowing how loud he's going to get about me hiding this from him for so long. 
"HE KISSED YOU? LIKE FOR REAL THIS TIME?" he asks, repeating his reaction from last time but needing to clarify right away since things have been interesting between us to say the least. 
"Well it wasn't full on but it was more than last time" I smirk, knowing that Jesse's way more excited about this than I am. "What's that supposed to mean" he asks quickly, dying to know since this is probably the most important piece of the puzzle he had been waiting for.
"Well I walked him out to his car after he dropped me off to say goodbye, and well he..." "Y/n I swear if you don't just spit it out I'm going to come over there and strangle it out of you" he growls and I laugh, always loving the feeling of torturing him. 
"Alright alright. So when I walked him out he said goodnight to me but when he said it, he said it against my lips. Like he brushed his lips against mine and just left me there and drove off like nothing happened" I say and the silence on the other side of the phone worries me. 
"Jesse?" I ask and then I hear what sounds like him punching his pillow or something. "Jesse are you alright?" I laugh and soon he takes in a deep breath and yell out "HOW DOES IT FEEL TO BE LIVING MY DREAM?!?!?!" and I bust out laughing while he scolds me on the other end of the phone. 
"What are you doing?!?!?! You're literally wasting precious time that you could be using to let him fuck your brains out all because he just likes playing games with you. He wants you so bad so just go for it! If not for your own sake then for mine" he whines and I just continue to laugh, trying not to take him seriously because if I do I don't know if I'll be able to act like I don't want him too. 
"When's the ball?" Jesse asks after I had been tuning him out for a second or two. "Next Saturday" I answer and he hums, thinking about if he can squeeze me in for something or other. "Why?" I ask, his silence peaking my interest. 
"Well I wanted to see if you'd let me come and help you get ready for the ball? You know, hair, makeup, nails the whole nine yards" he says and I groan thinking about all of that stuff thrown together in one day. 
"My guess is that my mom is gonna either have someone come over to get me ready or that she'll send me to some sort of shop. If you want you could come with? Maybe get a manicure to while we're at it?" I offer and I can just tell how excited he is about it already.
"Yes yes a thousand times yes! I swear every time I've asked you to do anything that is remotely girly you've always said no so there's no way I'm passing up on this one!" he says and I can't help but smile. "Well I'm glad that I'll have someone by my side to help me endure this torture" I groan and he brushes me off, my claims sounding absolutely ridiculous to him. 
"Anyways I've gotta get ready for class so I'll see you then alright?" I say, checking the clock, thankfully seeing that I have more than enough time to do so. "Alright well hurry up so we can grab some coffee or something beforehand because I'm exhausted" I scoff at his words, since he was the one that woke me up two hours before my alarm was supposed to go off. 
"Why the hell would you be tired? You're the one that woke me up!" and he scoffs right back at me. "I was getting impatient alright! And rightfully so! How could you not tell me he kissed you?" he whines and I know this is my cue to wrap up the call. 
"He didn't kiss me alright. If he does you'll be the first to know, I promise. Unless someone sees of course" I say and he sighs dramatically, impatient with how slowly this whole thing is playing out. 
"Yeah yeah whatever, I'll see you soon. Should I just grab you something and meet you at our table?" he asks and I hum before responding. "Please and thank you" I say, dragging out the last word and soon end the call.
Classes go off without a hitch with Jesse bugging me every other second about Jungkook so I guess it was a pretty normal day to say the least. "Tell me if anything happens at your lessons today alright? No more late updates! I'm honestly still mad at you" he groans before picking up his stuff to go. 
"Yeah yeah whatever. See you later loser" I say, rolling my eyes and he rolls his right back at me even more dramatically. "Bye bitch" he says over his shoulder, giving me one last wave before walking to his last class while I make my way to mine. 
Walking into class I'm greeted by the murmurings of almost all the girls in class all aimed at one guy in particular that I'd never seen before. Granted I don't really pay attention to anyone in this class besides the professor anyways but seeing that there's a big enough reaction, my interest can't help but be peaked. 
As I make my way over to my usual spot in the lecture hall I begin to notice that he's sat right across the aisle from me.
I try to keep to myself and quietly go to my seat and pray he doesn't notice me because the last thing I need is a some guy trying to distract me in class. 
Don't get me wrong I'm not saying that I don't like helping people but, no actually I guess I really don't like helping people now that I think about it. That's besides the point though. All I need to worry about is getting through this lecture and getting out of here so I can make it to my lessons on time with Jungkook. 
As the professor finally makes his way into the classroom and starts to set up I hear someone trying to get my attention. 
"Psst" I hear and know exactly who it is, making me cringe but deciding to acknowledge him nonetheless. I look up at him and realize why those girls had been whispering about him since he, putting it as plainly as I can, is a very attractive human being. 
"What?" I respond and he grants me a smile that would make any other girl swoon, I however am not that girl. 
"Do you have a pencil I could borrow?" he asks, giving me the lamest excuse in the book to get a girl's attention. I summon all the strength I have in my body to resist rolling my eyes and decide to just reach into my bag and grab him one, hoping to be done with this conversation as soon as possible so I can focus on the lecture. 
I hand him the pencil and feel him purposefully brush his hand against mine and I pull my hand back, making him drop it and gaining the attention of the professor. 
"Is there a problem Mr. Foster?" the professor says to the freeloader next to me. "No sir, no problem at all" he says smoothly, trying to charm is way out of the scolding. "See that there isn't" the professor says, raising an eyebrow at him while the boy apologizes making the lecture resume after that. 
"Hey" the guy calls out after me as I make my way out of the classroom. I stop and look at him, only planning on giving him seconds to say his piece before leaving, knowing that I'll get an earful from Jungkook if I'm late again. I raise a brow at him as he smiles down at me and doesn't make moves to say anything first. 
"Can I help you?" I say, finally breaking the ice and wanting to get to the point. "Actually you already did. I just wanted to give you your pencil back" he says holding it out to me with a bright smile. "Keep it" I say and turn my back to go and unfortunately he follow after me.
"What's your name?" he asks after squeezing through the students in the halls so he can walk next to me. "None of your business" I grumble and try to walk faster but he follows all the same. 
"That's a curious name" he chuckles, refusing to take the hint to the fact that I don't want to talk to him. "Can't you just leave me alone?" I question, stopping in my tracks, trying my hand at this method rather than just trying to outrun him which seems futile at this point based off of how long his legs are compared to mine. 
"I just wanted to thank my savior since I would've fallen even further behind in class if I wasn't able to take any notes today" he says and I cross my arms, knowing for a fact that half the time he was just looking at me since I could feel his eyes on me every time he looked my way.
"The best way to thank me is to leave me alone. I've got things to do and I don't have time to waste on you Foster" I say, using his last name since that's all I know so far. "It's Daniel" he chuckles at my effort to push him off (figuratively of course, thankfully he has manners enough to maintain personal space).
"I prefer Foster" I say sarcastically and he laughs as if I've said the funniest thing in the world. "Foster it is then" he agrees and I groan, walking off to my car and luckily this time he doesn't follow me, watching me from where we had been standing until I'm out of his sight. 
'Just when I thought my day was going well I've some how created a tail. Why me? Why not all the other girls in class that were obviously fawning all over him?' I shake my head and open my car door, slumping down into it and take a deep breath before putting on my seatbelt and putting my keys in the ignition. 
Hopefully I'll be able to get rid of this sour mood by the time I see Jungkook otherwise our lessons aren't gonna be the prettiest today and we don't have time for anything but pretty. Time is running out and I need to remain focused if I want to do this and do it right. 
I want to leave a good impression on everyone for James' sake, but more than anything I want to make Jungkook proud of me...   
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gallusrostromegalus · 2 years
AEIWAM - Some details about whats going on with Komamura. IIRC canon said he was a werewolf, are you doing anything with him?
Me: What IS Komamura's backstory? Me: *reads backstory and eventual canon fate of Komamura* Me: Hm. Me: That's thematically weird and depressing. Me: I'll just ignore that :)
So in An Elephant Is Warm And Mushy, there's ALL KINDS of animal-people and supernatural creatures of varying degrees of anthropomorphic states in the Soul Society! Wolf people! Yokai! Centaurs But Bad! Snake people (sneople)! Mothmen! Whatever the fuck The Philosopher Wax is! Hell, Zaraki Kenpachi was raised by eagles! More nonhuman persons than you can shake a stick at!
They just stay away from the humans because The Humans are TERRIBLE.
...Not as terrible as my immediate family though, The Young Wolf is willing to gamble. he has to leave his home suddenly, in the middle of the night, frightened and injured. Family feuds are bad enough, but a drought year for a large group of apex carnivores and great-grandmother dying and creating a power vacuum? I'm lucky I got out alive! He reasons, tightening the bandages and wincing.
It doesn't look so bad. he lies to himself, looking at his reflection in the where he had finally collapsed from exhaustion and blood loss the previous night and somehow woke up alive this morning. Great-Grandfather did me a favor, trying to bite me in half like that- a tail would just make it even harder to blend in with the humans!
...Clothes would help more though. He sighs.
One man's trash is another's treasure, and that has never been more true than in the case of wolves that want to live with humans. The Young Wolf nearly weeps with joy when he finds the dump- barely-rotted animal carcasses to eat! broken wood for a fire! and clothes! Big enough to fit him! Alright that's definitely a bloodstain with a big, sort of sword-slash-shaped hole in the middle, but nothing a dunk in the river won't solve!
...Or not. Well, at least being covered in mud is less suspicious than being covered in blood? How does this thing even go on anyway? The garment is so confusing, he almost doesn't hear the humans who came to dump something until they are nearly upon him, and realizing they'll panic if they see his face, he grabs a broken basket and jams it over his head.
"Hey!" one of the humans calls out, seeing the movement. "What're you?" An old man peers around the pile at him, curious.
The Young Wolf sputters- he's heard tales of humans before, but this is the first human he's ever actually seen- The stories tell of their strange dark eyes and flattened faces how their fur is so fine they're nearly bald all over, and this man fits the description perfectly. An old woman- he guesses this one is a Woman, because what little fur she has is longer- she appears behind him, equally curious, then smacks the man under the ear.
"You dummy!" She snaps. "That's a monk!"
"Big damn monk!" The man laughs- indeed, even though he's one of the smallest of his people and not even grown, The Young Wolf towers over him- but still, he extends his open hand. Like the stories say, his claws are blunt and pale and the pads of his paws are soft. "What's yer name, venerable?"
"He can't answer that, he's a monk!" the woman snaps, exasperated. "They got- whatchyamacallit- Vows of Silence!"
"Oh, right!" the old man laughs. "Well, wouldn't matter if you could talk anyhow- my Old Lady's deaf as a post and I'm dumb as a rock! Come on, this is no place for a holy man!" he waved.
"Our home is up this way- it isn't much, but it's better than sleeping in Garbage! You stay with us and I'll fix that ratty old robe right up!" She said, grabbing him by the hand-
Ba-San looks down at his hand- it feels strange in hers, but it's not the fine gray fur covering his fingers or the rough pads on his palm or the dark nails that taper to claws.
It's that the hand is bleeding, scraped and cut and one of his nails missing like it had been torn off in a fight.
Ba-San is so old that everyone has forgotten her name and they just call her Ba-San, even her husband (who is so old that everyone has forgotten his name and calls him Jii-san, even his wife), and she didn't get this ancient by being an idiot. She glances up at the broken basket she knows got thrown in here by her neighbor not a week ago and sees the large golden eyes inside, staring down at her.
She's also old enough to know what a frightened child looks like, no matter how tall or what species he is.
She makes a show of squinting at his hand. "Why, your nails are FILTHY! You can wash up at the well out back too." She pats his hand.
"Of course! That's right!" Jii-san laughs. "Like I said- I got gravel for brains! He can sleep in Sajin's bed- Sajin is our Boy, but he's long since left home. It'll be good to have a young person around again!" he says, taking the boy's other hand.
He follows, stumbling awkwardly in the badly-tied robe and like he's been injured, but if he leaves paw-prints behind him, they don't remark upon it. - After about a month, the boy has something to confess. And something to ask.
Ba-San and Jii-San have been kind to him- they let him into their home and fed him and Ba-San didn't fix his robe so much as make an entirely new one "appropriate for a Monk", and Jii-san found a pair of old work gloves for him "so you can do your Good Works without losing another nail". Ba-San always gives him her soup-bones "I don't have the teeth to chew them anymore" and Jii-san always moves over so they can both sleep in the sun-patch that appears in the middle of their home every afternoon.
He's tried to repay them how he can- he's tall enough to fix the holes in the roof of their one-room shack standing flat-footed on the floor, and he carries water from the well every day to wash the stone steps outside and re-painted the red gate out front and every morning he makes them breakfast to wake them up and every night he rubs their tired necks and shoulders.
"Mmm-rr." he tries at breakfast, and they both look up, but it's hard enough practicing human words in the woods behind the shack to the birds, let alone now, at the table with the two people he cares most about in the world.
"You say something, Venerable?" Jii-san asks. "Don't worry- I won't tattle to the abbot on you-" he teases.
"Shush!" Ba-san barks at him. "What is it?"
He sighs, and tries again, focusing on the sounds. "mMnoddamunk."
The two elders stare blankly at him.
"Ahm nodda munk." he tries again, enunciating better. "Ahm nodda yumn eethrr."
The two look at each other, then turn back to him and place a hand on each of his.
"...Sorta figur'd the first when you didn't recognize the shrine." Nods Jii-san. "-But that's alright. You take good care of us."
"...Sort of figured the second when I saw your hand on the day we met." Nods Ba-San. "-But that's alright. You're a good person, which is a very different thing than being a Good Human."
The Boy stares at them, stunned, then cringes, embarrassed. Of course! They're old, not stupid. "Aiyee- r-r-r MN! Aiyee LLied." he apologizes, stumbling over the difficult consonant in the middle, determined to conquer it.
"I didn't hear any lies, did you, Jii-san?" asks Ba-san.
"I didn't hear nothin' and my ears even work!" he grins, ears perking up.
The Boy sighs, still exasperated with their antics but mostly relieved.
...Then something Jii-san said caught up with him, and he frowns.
"Aiyee- Aye haffa..." Another tricky consonant. "Aye needa assk ssmmng." he changed tracks. L was enough of a battle for one day, Q and his frustrating wife U could wait.
"Whadday wanna know, Venerable?" Jii-san asked, and Ba-san frowned, turning her ear out behind their home, already suspecting his questions.
He held up two fingers and they nodded, waiting. He'd gotten very good at numbers and pointing already, and until today, that had carried the conversation. "sssHrrine?" he asked.
Jii-san frowned. "...what's your second question?"
"th-Therre'ss ah- Grrrave?" he pointed out behind the shrine, to where a stone stood, with what he now recognized as marks signifying a name carved into it. "wHo?"
Ba-San and Jii-san looked at each other, distraught for some time before Ba-San finally turned back to him, both hands on his.
"...Venerable," She finally spoke. "You had to run away from home in a hurry, didn't you?"
The boy nods.
"-And Jii-san and I were the first people you met that weren't you family, right?" She continues.
He nods again. She purses her lips, agitated.
"Jii-San." She finally speaks. "I think we ought to show him Sajin."
Jii-san sighs and nods, agreeing with her, and stands up. At the back of the house, there is a little cabinet with two boxes they never open, and something covered by a black cloth. Jii-san opens the cabinet and takes out the thing covered by the black cloth, pulling the cloth aside and bringing the thing to the table. It's a flat rectangle, and on it is a drawing of a very strange creature.
It's face is almost perfectly circular, and it's body covered in clothes, like how Humans dress, including a funny hat. What the boy can see of the creature is perfectly smooth and hairless and the same color as not-quite-ripe peaches. It has a long mane of straight dark gray hair growing from the top of its head, and a beard a bit like a billy-goat's
"This is Sajin," Says Jii-san, voice wavering a bit. "He wasn't our son- you can tell, we're not related by blood- but he was Our Boy. He took care of us, like you do now."
"He was Our Boy." nods Ba-San, on the verge of tears. "Then he was Our Man. And then he was Our Old Man, and then-" She stopped, and began to cry in earnest. "-And then he left home, and we buried his body out behind the shrine, and marked his grave, as Humans do."
The boy continued to stare at Sajin's portrait. "...Sajin." he whispered, and the name didn't fight him at all. "...Ihff- if Sajin iss Yumann-?" he looked up at his friends. "Whattrrre You?"
Ba-San beckons him and Jii-san back to the cabinet, and puts her hand on one of The Boxes They Never Open. Jii-San puts his hand on the other, and together, the open the lids just a tiny bit for The Boy to see inside.
He gasps and steps back in horror- the things in the boxes are very much like the skulls he's seen of his people before, but the noses are all smooshed like they didn't grow right, and the eyes are too large and- -And they're just the right size each to belong to Ba-San and Jii-San.
"We are Koma, Guardian Dogs, and this is our shrine." Says Jii-san, closing the lid on his box as Ba-san closed hers, and placing the drawing of Sajin back on the shelf above them. "We wear clothes and speak like humans because we once took Names, a very long time ago, and thus we are People and we act like People." He explained.
"Nnames?" the boy asks.
"A Name is... a sort of contract, that the humans made up." Says Ba-San, locking the cabinet back up. "Humans can live together in such huge packs and crowded cities because they have Rules- you're not allowed to kill other people except in self-defense. You're not allowed to take food someone else caught. Nobody is allowed to kill a child for any reason, things like that. If you take a Name, it's like saying- 'I am this Person! And I agree to abide by the rules of being a person!', and you have to follow the rules, but everyone else has to follow the rules for you too, because you have a Name. So Humans can live very close to each other, because they all have an understanding that nobody is going to violate those rules."
"It's not just humans that can take names- long ago, some wolves decided to take names, and those wolves became Dogs, that live with humans. They were our ancestors, and like our ancestors, we took Names, and we obeyed the rules, and for that, we were fed and allowed to sleep inside and given soup-bones and let to sleep in the sun-patch, but most of all, we were Loved." Said Jii-san.
"-And just the same, we Loved Sajin. He was Our Boy. And We were His Dogs." Said Ba-san, bursting into tears again. Jii-san held her, tears running down his face as well.
Ba-san cried into Jii-san's shoulder for a long time, and The Boy Who Was A Wolf That Wanted To Live Among The Humans sat in silence, thinking.
"...Cour-could Aye- take a nName?" He asks, slowly.
"You'd have to take two, and learn all the rules-" Nodded Jii-san. "But yes. Anyone who can talk can take a name. And you've been talking my tail off!" he wagged.
"Two?" the boy asked. He didn't need to use his fingers this time.
"Humans have two names- one is the name of that specific human, and one is the name of their family or the place they came from or what they did, as a sort of... Introduction. Humans are very big on introducing themselves and all their friends- though I suppose it makes sense, what with them having names to introduce themselves with."
"You can be a Komamura!" Jii-san said, wagging excitedly. "Ba-san and Jii-san are Koma, and we are your Ba-San and Jii-San, so you must be part of our family, so that makes you Mura, a relative- so you're a Koma-mura!" he nodded.
"Humans also give their children names of revered ancestors, to honor the ancestor, and protect the child." Added Ba-san. "You do Sajin's chores, you sleep in Sajin's bed, you take care of Sajin's Dogs... You must be Sajin!"
"That's your name, if you want it- Komamura Sajin!" Said Jii-san. The Boy stared at them for a long time, completely still, until they realized that, for the first time since they'd known him, the scarred nub on his backside was wagging too.
"Thank you." Said Sajin, tears streaming down his face too. --
Many months later, a Monk* leaves the little shrine to Ba-san and Jii-san at the edge of the dump. He leaves his home in no particular rush- if anything, he's lingering- in the middle of a bright morning, hale and with joy in his heart. He waves to his Ba-san and Jii-san as he heads down the road, promising to come back and visit.
"Look at that." says Ba-San. "Our Boy is leaving home again."
"I know," Says Jii-san. "-but this time it'll be alright."
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Sand pits-Walker!Percy Jackson x f!reader
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Warnings/Notes: Slight mention of trama for a few seconds, Spoilers for Mark of Athena, established relationship, tripping into holes(if that bothers you steer clear), flufffff(fr tho), Stoll brother pranks🥺
Summary: Percy takes reader for a walk on the beach at camp on their 2 year anniversary. Takes place way after HOO. Percy and reader are 19 and 20.
A/N: bare with me where, I don't write to often, hence the current lack of skill some of ya'll have😔. I was also writing this as well as writing a D&D campaign so you could only guess how absolutely scattered my brain is. Not proof read
Sunny. Just how it was the day Percy asked you to be his girlfriend. Officially, that is, because before you two got together, you guys had spent lots of time together, held hands, and exchanged "friendly" kisses on the cheek and lips. Maybe it was denial? Or perhaps just obliviousness? You weren't sure, but more than two years later, it was all worth it.
"Beautiful day today.." You say with a warm smile as you hold Percy's hand, walking along the sandy shore of the cold lake.
"Just like the one when I asked you to be my girlfriend," Percy responds with a smile. He looked so happy, walking with you along the shore, blonde hair blowing in the soft breeze. Despite his happy smile and bright face, his body looked tense. Most of the time, You'd overlook it as him being sore from training or sleeping funny, but this wasn't either.
"Percy, are you alrig-" Your sentence gets cut off when you suddenly fall into what seemed to be a hole. You let out a quiet yelp as you fell into the hole quite far down. Your hand slips from Percy's as you fall to the bottom.
Suddenly, a flash of a few years ago floods your brain. When you fell into Tartarus. But you had Percy then now you were just fallin-
Your body hits the bottom of the hole with a thud. You look up and see Percy's slightly worried but amused face as he sees you in the hole. The hole wasn't deep. Maybe three or four feet. But when you fell in, it felt like time froze, leaving you back in Tartarus again.
You breathe heavily, panting since you hit the bottom so hard the wind got knocked out of you.
"Y/N! Are you okay!" Percy calls out as he falls to his knees, reaching into the hole to grab your hand and help you stand.
"Yeah... I'm alright..." You say as Percy pulls you out and pulls you into his arms.
"Good... You had me worried there... Your eyes... Your eyes had the same look from when we fell into Tartarus..." Percy says as he holds you tightly against him and kisses your hair softly. "Either way, I got you now...." Percy says as he pulls you away from the hole.
When Percy pulled you into his arms, you felt safe immediately. No matter where you were, Percy was always your safe space, especially in Tartarus.
"Thank you, Percy," You say as you pull away and smile at him. He gladly smiles and pecks your lips softly before intertwining his fingers with yours before walking again. "I also think that was Travis and Connor's doing." You say with a soft chuckle. Percy nods, smiling, putting his other hand in the pant's pocket.
The two of you kept walking down the beach, completely forgetting what had just happened and enjoying the time you were spending together. As you reach the further part of the beach, Percy clears his throat.
"So, um, Y/N?" He says as he stops walking and faces you.
"Yes, Percy?" You respond and look up at him, smiling.
"I need to ask you something important.." He says nervously, his hand still in his pocket.
"Yes..?" You respond, slightly worried.
He pulls something out of his pocket and goes on one knee. "Y/N, I've loved you since I laid my eyes on you. Whether I realized it at the moment or not, I knew you were the one I'd always love unconditionally. As we've grown closer together, I've really realized that I want to spend every moment of my dying breath with you. Y/N M/N L/N, will you marry me?"
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24hlevi · 6 months
fluff prompt 1 "there it is, there's that smile." with shoko from jjk with a reader that's like kenshi Takahashi
ah thank you so much for requesting this! 🫶
how did you know i love kenshi?? i didnt know if you wanted reader to be blind like him or not so i didn't, sorry!
shoko ieiri (jujutsu kaisen) x gn!reader
genre: fluff
summary: fluff prompt ("there it is, there's that smile") from my 2.5k event
warnings: post!shibuya arc
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after the events of shibuya with gojo being sealed, nanami being killed, and many others being critically injured, it was difficult for shoko to get a break or even a simple moment to relax. that was, until you showed up in her little workplace.
you knocked on the wall a couple of times to show your presence, and shoko lightly jumped, turning around to see you standing there.
"hello, y/n," she said, and evident tiredness in her voice as she spoke.
"how are you doing?" you asked, walking towards her.
shoko shrugged. "as well as i can be for my friends dying or being sealed in one night."
you hummed, nodding your head and stopping in front of her. "be honest with me, ieiri."
she let out a short sigh. "let's go outside, i don't think i can stay in here any longer."
"okay," you nodded again, following her outside.
as soon as you two reached the fresh air outside, shoko pulled out a cigarette and lighter, lighting it and immediately taking a drag from it.
"i thought you quit," you said.
"old habits die hard," she responded, taking another drag from it. "you should understand that."
"i do," you nodded, leaning against the railing. "i apologize for not being able to see you much during all of this happening. it's been rough on all of us but, technically we're the last two standing excluding yaga."
shoko hummed with a nod, tapping the cigarette to ash it over the railing. "i mean, there's still him," she said.
you knew who she was speaking of. geto, of course. but, you had a feeling he wasn't the same as he was when you all were students. he didn't seem to be the same guy you knew back then. "i guess you're right," you said. "but, he's not the same."
"i know," shoko sighed, resting her head on the palm of her unoccupied hand. "i don't know what to do anymore. i was barely able to help maki, but everyone else is..." her voice trailed off as she looked at the ground.
"hey," you placed a hand on her shoulder. "you're doing the most you can. none of us expected it to go this way. but, you need to take a break. you're going to overwork yourself and it will be detrimental to you."
"i'll be alright," shoko replied, taking a drag from the cigarette and ashing it again. "it's nothing new at this point."
you were silent for a moment before looking down at her. "how about we go out to eat tonight? just the two of us," you suggested.
"what?" she finally looked up at you, her eyebrows furrowed together in confusion.
"c'mon, you need a break, ieiri. let me take you out to dinner," you smile a small smile at her.
"are you really asking me out right now?" she asked, ashing the cigarette one last time and tossing it over the railing.
"would that be a bad thing?" you retorted, your smile growing. "you can always say no, it won't hurt my feelings."
"as long as you pay, i'd really like to go," she answered, a smile forming on her face.
"there it is, there's that smile," you say, smiling down at her.
"shut up," she gently shoved you.
"don't be like that, ieiri," you chuckled lightly. "i will gladly pay for whatever you want."
"even more sanity?" shoko joked.
"even more sanity," you nodded. "lord knows we all need some more of that."
"you're lucky you're cute," she mumbled, shaking her head.
"so then you'll let me pick you up around eight?" you asked hopefully.
"sure," shoko nodded. "a minute late and i'm not going, though."
"oh my, so scary," you put your hand on your chest in fake fear. "i won't be late though, don't worry."
"you better not be."
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skitskatdacat63 · 5 months
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For @sansebastinae and @boisinnot, my fellow saint seb truthers :)
+ the usual
Yayyyy finished a drawing! Haha only took me...2 weeks. I kept going back and forth on whether I could finish it tonight, and I really wasn't going to. But then I looked at the unfinished version on a different screen and was like oh? Not too bad actually?? So I finished it :) First of all, ofc, here is the process. Kinda weird seeing it for smth like this, it makes me feel like I'm the painter in rennaisance au, not Mark dhjfkf
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Ah I was gonna draw a silly renaissance au comic to accompany this(read: lighten the mood), but it's 5 am and I've still not really drafted it well, so! I'd like to finish it at some point bcs I wanna draw more chibi comics, but when I finish smth, I can't help but immediately want to post it, so part 2 will have to wait. I'll show you the outline though so you can at least imagine 😭
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^ So many renaissance and beyond paintings of Saint Sebastian are always the most horny thing ever. Like pre/early rennaisance, yeah he was naked and all that, but they were pretty chaste, and uhhhhh suffering?? Well the newer paintings are suffering, but in a different way, if you know what I mean.
So I feel like Mark's the type to be overly pedantic about it, and refuses to make borderline porn of a saint, I mean, god forbid, Seb!!! But then he just. Does anyways. Because he can't control his lust for Seb even when drawing him half dead. I just imagine him holding the paintbrush in a death grip like "must not be horny. Must not draw him sexy. Must make him chaste." And then he ends up with the one seen above. Seb is all smug about it. "Wow you'd wanna fuck me even while I'm all bloody and dying? 🥺"
Mark: "oh I'll make you bloody, alright."
But god so funny to imagine Seb doing all these different slutty poses, like arching his back as much as possible, the cloth nearly falling off at all times, etc etc. And Mark finally lands on this pose bcs he hopes the suffering will outweigh the horny. It doesn't. Also Seb is genuinely serious once he actually gets into the pose, focus mode on. And honestly that's even worse for Mark, bcs it's so much more arousing to see Seb in his element, focused. Tbf I think Seb could be drinking water, and Mark would still find some way to sexualize it. Don't look at his sketches!! They're just filled with Seb doing all kinds of random activities.
Also! Here is the painting I referenced this off of, must give credit where credit is due ofc
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The Dying St. Sebastian by François Fabre
Also this isn't really relevant in the context of this drawing specifically. But I looked thru a bunch of Saint Sebastian paintings while trying to find one I could reference, and I came across this middle ages one that actually looks so much like boy king seb 😭 I guess it really is meant to be!
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St Sebastian between St Roch and St Peter by Pietro Perugino
Lmao but do you see the difference between early rennaisance and later work???
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jaylienpotter · 11 months
Best Friend's Brother
James and Regulus nearly kiss, but Potter can't go behind his best friend's back, and Sirius wouldn't approve of the relationship. Would he...?
Jegulus one shot | 825 words
Their mouths were inches away, yet before their lips touched, James pulled away.
"Sorry, I can't. I can't do this."
"Why...? I thought you liked me..." He didn't like him. Potter loved his best friend's brother. That was the problem.
"I do! Merlin, I do... But I can't lose Sirius, Reg... I'm sorry. He's my best friend."
"He doesn't need to know..." Maybe Regulus could keep a poker face but that had never been this marauder's talent. Besides, it felt like treason. They told each other everything - well, almost.
"I can't hide a relationship from my best friend... I don't want to. It's wrong." The cold eyes staring at him didn't show agreement. But quite frankly, it didn't matter. The decision was made. Sirius was there first. He wasn't willing to lose the friendship and brotherhood they built.
Both hearts broke when Regulus turned away and left. James wanted to call for him, but he didn't. He just watched someone he fell in love with walk away. Again. I guess this is my fate.
"Hey Prongs!" Padfoot sat next to him on the couch, arm around his best friend. "You seem down. Another failed attempt at wooing Evans?"
If only it was Lily Evans.
"No... No, I'm over her." Sirius laughed obnoxiously, not believing a single word.
"Right. You'll be fine, Jamie. So, what happened this time? Serenade? Flowers?"
"It wasn't Evans. Really Pads. I haven't thought of her in a while." Black looked him in the eyes quizzically, trying to figure him out. Potter broke the contact.
"Well. I know you. That pout is one of heartbreak. So if it's not Evans, then who? You got a secret crush you didn't tell me about?"
Silence. One thing was to hide things from Sirius. Another entirely was to lie. They didn't do that to each other.
"You do... Who is it?? Why didn't you tell me?" Because it's your baby brother.
"It doesn't matter, Sirius. It can't happen."
"Why not? Anyone would be lucky to have you!" Beetle eyes stared at the floor, guilt eating him up. Would it be so bad to tell him? I'm not going to act on it anyways. Maybe then it won't be so bad?
"Pads..." You can do this. "It's Regulus. I'm sorry..."
"Regulus my brother...?"
"Do you know another one?" A Potter can't help being cheeky, it was part of their blood, alright?
"Oh. You... Fancy him?" I love him.
"It's more than that. But yes. I do. I didn't want to, Siri... I know how you're protective of him."
"Well... I just don't want him to get hurt."
"Too late for that..."
"What did you do??" The accusing tone should be alarming. It should. But James couldn't bring himself to care.
"More like what I didn't do... We were about to kiss but I stopped it. I know I shouldn't have let it go so far, Pads..."
"Wait so he likes you back...?" All Potter managed to do was nod weakly. Silence settled for a few long seconds. "I don't mind... I mean- it feels odd. And it will take me a while to adjust to the idea but... I know you'll take good care of him. I trust you."
Prongs head turned so fast that his glasses nearly fell. "Wait, you mean it?! You're not mad?"
"Would have preferred if you had told me sooner. But I get it. I just want you to be happy, Jamie. And Reggie. If you want to be together, I'm not going to stop you."
A wide grin plastered on a tanned face and the twinkle in those brown eyes were no longer from unshed tears. Heartbreak immediately fixed, the Gryffindor nearly jumped from excitement.
"You mean I have your permission to date Regulus??"
"Yes. But don't you dare hurt him, Potter! I will kick your arse even if you're my best friend!"
"Yes, sir!"
"Go, I know you're dying to talk to him. We can talk later." He needn't be told twice, up on his feet in a blink.
"Thank you so much, Pads! I love you!"
"You better! And don't you dare replace me for my brother, you hear me?"
"Would never." He smiled and left, taking the map to find the love of his life.
Black junior was on a hallway when the Gryffindor shouted his name, ran towards him and nearly knocked them both off with an intense kiss.
"I talked to Sirius! He approves of us!" Reg was so surprised from the sudden act that he took a few moments to register.
"You... Wait, repeat."
"I have your brother's blessing to date you. So... Regulus Arcturus Black, will you give me the honour of being your boyfriend?" The Slytherin could pretend to dislike the theatrics, but the little curve of his lips gave it away.
"Hmm... Sure. I can work with that." Potter's grin grew impossibly wider and they kissed again. Passionate, longing, content.
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eleni-cherie · 1 year
a thief's end ✨ || bts • myg - chapter 0.2
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"so eager to be in a headlock again?"
"only if it's by you."
he thought he was done with the criminal life and ready for some peace and quiet. but his plans collapsed in the form of a strange girl who was in trouble.
© 2023 | eleni_cherie
masterlist: here
— genre: thief au, gangster comedy, adventure, romcom, humour, angst, fluff, sexual tensiON, slowburn, mutual pining, strangers to lovers s2l
"So.. have you adjusted to the city life again?" Jimin asked, taking a sip from his cold drink. The fan blowing in the corner of the bar not doing much against the heat.
Yoongi hummed, glancing at him over the edge of his glass as he took a sip as well. Uncertain of how to answer such a banal but also difficult question. Had he?
"Not fully yet," he eventually sighed, deciding being honest with his friend. "And I guess the timing I picked doesn't make it easier."
It wasn't a secret that Yoongi didn't like temperatures above 25°C. Making him regret leaving the city at the end of winter instead of the beginning of summer.
"Aish, Yoongi, you're too dramatic," his younger friend laughed out, patting his shoulder over the table. "Summertime is the best time after all!"
"You only say that 'cause everyone's showing more skin with these temperatures.." Yoongi mumbled with a teasing smirk, causing Jimin to gasp.
"That's what you say." His eyes frantically looking around the place to make sure no one had heard him, continuing purposely in a louder tone then, "Remember, I'm not single anymore and soon becoming a dad. I'm not looking at other women anymore!"
"Save you breath," Arabella's voice suddenly rang from behind them, making Jimin tense up.  And he turned around with a wide, innocent smile. "Bella-baby!"
She cocked a brow at him before sitting dpwn next to him. Pushing him with her hips to scoot a bit further into the booth. "Sorry for taking longer. Everyone's out with that weather.." she groaned. She leaned over the cool tabletop then, spreading her arms over it since it was a nice contrast to the heat outside.
Jimin poked her tired face with slight concern. "Aw, love, should I get you something cool to drink?"
"Yes, please," she whined, pouting at Jimin who was pouting back at her.
"Alright, give me a sec."
And with that he immediately got up and headed to the bar counter.
 Arabella blinked an eye open then, smirking at Yoongi. "Aw, Yoongs, you must be dying right now," she giggled and sat up straight again. Pointing at the sweat beats on his forehead. He rolled his eyes, chuckling lightly . "A little."
"I know you'd prefer being on the mountains right now, but I'm actually glad you're back," she smiled at him before her brows knitted together. Taking a closer look on him. "Wait.."
"W-what?" he asked, puzzled about the sudden change in her demeanor.
"Your cheeks!" She reached over the table, pinching one of the said cheeks. Making him whine and gently slapping her hand away. "They're gone! Your chubby cheeks are gone!" She sunk back with a sulky expession and folded arms. "I liked your chubby cheeks. Didn't you eat enough in that temple you were staying at?"
His lips folded into a straight line. "I-I did."
"What did you?"
Jimin had returned, confused about what was going on that made his girlfriend look so upset. He sat a glass of cold ice tea in front of her before taking his previous seat. Sliding his arm around her shoulders.
"Ate enough. She thinks my cheeks aren't chubby anymore.." The older guy laughed under his breath, finding it somewhat ironic how much she cared about his eating habits. Who would have thought years back that a day like this would ever come. However, Yoongi's answer only confused Jimin more.
Arabella's pout grew as she glanced at him. "You need to eat more then, I want the chubby cheeks back."
"Bella, let the man eat as much as he wants," Jimin squeazed her shoulder with a giggle. He faced Yoongi then with an apologetic smile. "She suddenly wants to feed everyone and everything and gets obsessed with chubby things. I don't know where this comes from."
Well, he could think of a reason. But he thought those motherly insticts would only show up once she actually became a mother and not already during the pregnancy. Especially since the baby bump only now started showing up.
Yoongi waved his hand though, being actually amused by this side of Arabella. In the past she'd often tried to hide her caring side, acting indifferent and cool, so it was nice that she let her soft side out more now. Whether because of her hormones or because of her calmer life. She had changed and wasn't the cunning thief anymore who simply took advantage of his love-blind friend.
Yeah, he and Arabella got along much better now over the years.
So when Arabella and Jimin had decided to retire from thievery when finding out she was pregnant half a year ago, Yoongi and also Taehyung were more than supportive.
Especially since they weren't as young anymore as they'd been when first starting and besides, Taehyung wanted to finally settle down with Cassandra as well. And considering Yoongi hadn't started off as a thief from a young age like those two, only stumbling into that life when meeting them, he didn't mind much going back to only sword fighting.
Although one thing wasn't completely true: that Jimin and Arabella had completely retired from it.
"Oh, by the way," Yoongi said then, remembering something. A knowing smirk spreading over his features. "How was your weekend trip to the capital?"
Both Jimin and Arabella's heads shot up. Eyeing him suspiciously. "Who said we were there?"
Yoongi shrugged, folding his arms on the table and leaned over. "The news. What was it again this time? A golden necklace, if I remember correctly?"
"Shhh.." Arabella pressed a finger to her lips, looking around. Luckily the place was sparely visited during this hour.
Yoongi chuckled and sat back. "So it really was you two, huh?"
Jimin offered him a cocky grin. "You know.. people shouldn't underestimate a pregnant woman. Makes it even easier to distract and fool them."
Shaking his head, the older guy laughed under his breath. "Isn't it morally reprehensible to use a fetus for your steals?"
"Maybe, but I'm not gonna sit there for nine months and do nothing," Arabella huffed, giggling, "So it has to come along whether it wants to or not."
Perhaps it was easier for him and Taehyung to completely leave that life back since they hadn't been the actual thieves, rather the assistants. The real thieves had always been Jimin and Arabella.
"I mean, you do you," Yoongi shrugged, "I'm just glad you guys do well."
"Aww, that's so nice," Arabella cooed and pinched his cheek again. Earning another groan from him.
"Yoongi's always been the biggest softie among us," Jimin told her, grinning at the older guy then, "He just didn't like showing it so much. Isn't that right?"
"Yeah, whatever," Yoongi mumbled and hid his smile behind his glass, taking a larger gulp. The ice cubes having almost melted by now.
Jimin sighed then. "I'm still sorry I bailed on you guys last weekend for that heist though."
Yoongi shrugged, having already assured him it was fine since he was quite understanding in that aspect. "Seriously, it's alright. Me and Taehyung had a good time. And when he left, I sat a little longer, walked into someone I knew so we somewhat hung out together.. it's not like I was a total loner just because you couldn't make it and Taehyungie had to leave earlier."
He sat his glass down, puzzled to see his two friends staring at him with wide eyes. Making him frown. "What?"
"You met someone?"
His eyes grew wide at Jimin's question, only now registering his own words. "An.. acquaintance."
"And who is she?"
Yoongi swallowed, seeing both grinning at him now. "Who said it's a 'she'?"
"Your eyes sparkled a little when mentioning it." 
Jimin and his ability to analyse everyone and look right through them again. Practical in heists, unbelievably annoying in their friendship.
"Fine, yeah, it was a girl I helped out a week earlier," he shrugged, sounding as non-chalantly as possible since the two made a bigger deal out of it than it was, "I ran into her again last weekend and guess, helped her out again. That's it."
Jimin nodded, another question popping up in his mind. He restrained himself from asking it though. So it was even more surprising when Arabella said it out loud instead. "Is she hot?"
The two men looked at her astonished, causing her to frown puzzled. "What? I'm just curious 'cause he never gets involved with anyone. At least I've never seen him going out with anyone. That's why I assume she must be hot."
"First of all," Yoongi said then, coughing, "My private life is no one's business."
Arabella rolled her eyes at this.
"Second of all, we didn't go out. We randomly walked into each other." Well, technically he'd run after her, but those were just minor details they didn't have to know. "And third of all -" He paused abruptly, realising he didn't know hot to continue. However, there wasn't a reason to hold back and not simply admit it. "Yeah, she's hot. But that doesn't matter. I'd have helped her either way."
"I know for a fact that you would," Jimin nodded, knowing Yoongi long and well enough to know he'd have helped anyone. Not just hot women in need. "So when are you meeting her again?"
Yoongi slowly began getting fed up with this interrogation. "Guys!" he sharply said, interrupting them from proceeding with their questions with a short slam on the tabletop. "Yeah, I found her.. intriguing and I guess she also, I don't know, liked me. But she might've left the city by now so there's no point for you to fantasize."
The couple sank into their seats, seemingly disappointed hearing it, which only confused him more to why they were so invested in his private life. Then again, these two had always been the nosiest one of his friends. Maybe Cassandra also a little, sometimes at least.
He really missed Taehyung right now.
"But she might still be here right?" Arabella asked then, her face lightning up at the small hope, "Text or call her to find out."
Yoongi scoffed, arching a brow at her. "Really?"
"Yeah, obviously! It's been a few days, so it wouldn't seem clingy. Do it!"
Jimin shrugged, emptying his drink. "Bella's right, it could be worth a shot."
He couldn't argue with that and it'd be a lie if he said he hadn't already thought of texting her multiple times these past days. Still, he was contemplating whether doing so would be a good idea. Sure, they had all retired from thievery and tried living a normal life there - at least most of them - but that didn't change the fact that outside of Taiwan he was a wanted criminal. Uncertain if getting involved with anyone, even if it ended up as just a mere fling, would be a wise. Especially since she seemed to have her own issues going on. Issues bigger than herself.
"C'mon, what are you waiting for?"
He groaned annoyed, eventually giving into her pleads and took his phone out. Not expecting much when typing a simple text to her. Soyeon having most likely left town anyway.
yoongi (6:53pm): hey
He put the phone down again. Not expecting much to come out of this until his phone suddenly vibrated. Taking all three off-guard. Someone was calling him.
"Answer! What are you waiting for!"
"Uhm." He quickly grabbed it and stood up. Rushing outside to accept it.
His lips tucked into a smile when hearing her voice. "Hey."
He heard a relieved sigh on the other phone line then.
"I'm so sorry. I know you said if something happens I could call but.. I wasn't sure if you'd actually meant it and.. and.."
Her words made him instantly frown. And he noticed her distressed tone. Her voice shaky and also hushed, as if she tried not to be heard by anyone. His fingers tightening around the device as a hot flash spread inside him. "Soyeon, what happened? Where are you?"
She dragged a breath. "Okay, this might sound weird but.. I'm in the bathroom stall of a restaurant somewhere downtown, near the main square. But I don't know which one."
"You.. seriously?"
"Yeah.." she laughed out weakly, recognising the absurdity of the situation. "And I can't go out and have someone see me like this. So I'm kinda stuck here.."
"Okay, I'll come and pick you up."
She inhaled sharply. "Really?"
"Yeah, just might take some time to find you.." he chuckled and she couldn't help but smile at the sound of his laugh. Relieved that he didn't call her crazy and instantly hung up on her instead.
"I'll be waiting. It's not like I got anywhere else to go.."
"Good, just stay where you are."
He ended the call, looking up at the cloudless sky. He sighed.
Just what did she get herself into again?
It was the fifth restaurant bathroom he checked out by now. He had gone to more, but most didn't have stalls, which limited the possible places. Walking into women's restrooms hadn't been a pleasant way to pass time. Only earning him weird looks and yells.
"Yeah?" he heard a voice squeak from behind a locked door and he exhaled. Finally having found her. 
He walked up to the stall and knocked. The clicking of the doorknob being turned echoing against the tiles. The door cracked open then, Soyeon peeking from behind it, covering half of her face. 
"Hey," she smiled awkwardly, "So you managed finding me after all."
"I said I would, didn't I?" Noticing her hesitating from coming out, his smile faded. "Is everything okay?"
"Uhm yeah, just.." Her lips folded with an insecure look. Making him frown. He lightly pushed the door then to see what was going on. His breath hitching. 
Her arms and hands were covered in scratches and grazes and there was an incised wound on her forehead, a thin trail of blood lining the side of her face.
"Soyeon, what the fck happened? You're bleeding."
"I'm not bleeding," she retorted casually, feeling suddenly small under his appalled stare. "It's just a small cut."
"Small? That definitely needs stitches."
She pressed her jaw together and looked away. She didn't like being vulnerable and weak. She didn't like asking others for help. However, there she was having this guy help her for a third time now. A guy she barely knew and found insanely attractive. Feeling embarrassed would be an understatement.
"It's okay, really. I can take care of that later," she said then, playing her insecurity off.  She couldn't go to the hospital with that and risk them asking questions and call the police. "I just need a way to get past the people outside in the restaurant. They'd probably freak and call the cops if they saw me like this."
"Maybe calling the cops wouldn't be a bad idea," he said, his brown eyes carrying deep concern. Making her swallow hard. Shaking her head, she tried playing it off with a laugh. "No, it's okay. Just help me get out, that's the last favour I'm gonna ask you today. I promise."
He huffed, finding her behaviour irrational, although somewhere understandable. His friends and him hadn't been much better in the past either. So he dragged a sigh, his expression softening. "How did you even get inside here in the first place?"
She pointed at the small window at the back. "I saw it being open when I ran into the back alley. But while hiding here, an employee came and locked it with a key, so I couldn't leave from there again."
He nodded understanding. "Alright, get back inside there and wait. I'll look for something to cover you up."
With a pout she waddled back into the stall, locking it behind her.
As promised, Yoongi returned not too long after. Holding a cardigan and a bucket hat he had bought from a shop near by. 
He put the hat on her head and lightly pulled it down, enough to cover the ugly cut. Soyeon blushed under the close proximity, even if it hadn't been the first time. He handed her the cardigan then and while she slid it over her body, he took some paper towels and wetted them at the sink. He turned around then, biting back a laugh at how adorable she looked in that big cardigan. Sleeves way too long for her arms, hanging losely. He coughed instead as it'd have been highly unfitting to laugh considering the situation. Still, she noticed. "What?"
"Nothing, you just look kinda cute," he shrugged, ignoring her widening eyes as he wiped the blood from the side of her face with the paper towel. He tossed it into the bin then, facing her again. "Ready?"
"Y-yes, I think so."
He grabbed her hand over the sleeve then and gently tucked her out of the restrooms. Peeking out at the restaurant first, making sure no one was looking at their direction.
The restaurant was quite crowded, which wasn't necessarily a bad thing, Yoongi knew from experience. More people meant they'd stand out less and wouldn't receive much attention.
"Alright, avoid any eye-contact and just walk casually. Got it?"
She nodded quickly and they walked out into the filled space. Waiters rushing around, taking orders or serving tables. Guests arriving or leaving. Loud chatter filling the atmosphere. They passed by everything and in no time reached the entrance and stepped out. Breathing in the warm evening air.
They continued the same way outside as well. Casual walk, no eye-contact as he lrd her to his car a few blocks away. Still holding her hand firmly. As if he wanted to assure her that everything was alright. Only when he unlocked the vehicle, he let go of her. Leaving a tingling feeling on her skin. She followed him inside then, letting out a long breath. 
"Seriously, thank you so much. I owe you.. again." She pulled the hat off and lowered the sun visor, taking a better look on the cut in the small mirror, gasping lightly. It was much bigger than she thought. She hadn't even noticed the dryed blood along her temple. Traces of it still there as he had missed to clean everything. "I'll buy you all the drinks you want, I swear."
Yoongi didn't reply though. His eyes laying on her with lasting worry as she touched the wound, flinching. He shook his head then as an old memory crept back into his mind. And he started the engine, driving off. 
When they reached a red light, he stopped and reached for his phone in his pocket. Calling a number and waiting for the dial tone to end.
"Yeh." Taehyung's way of answering the phone making him almost laugh out.
"Hey, is Cas home?"
"Uhm, yeah why?"
"Can I talk to her for a second?" He side-eyed Soyeon, making sure she didn't suspect anything. He heard shuffling on the other end of the line and Taehyung's muffled voice. Being replaced by a soft female one seconds later. "Hey, what's up?"
He sighed. He really hated asking her for that favour, feeling like he'd take advantage of her. He didn't have much of a choice though. And besides, he knew Cassandra would most likely feel comically offended if he didn't come to her with this.
"I could need your skills. I know you aren't our personal doctor, but I got this.. friend, and she can't go to the hospital with that."
Soyeon's head instantly snapped at his direction when hearing that. "Yoongi, I said it's okay."
He ignored her, continuing speaking to Taehyung's wife.
"Oh, Yoongs, what happened?" Cassandra asked worried.
"It's nothing major, just.. a cut." The light turned green and he drove again. Hearing Cassandra sighing on the other phone line. "Yes, of course, bring them over and I'll take a look."
"Thank you, Cas. I owe you."
"You know exactly you don't," she giggled, "See you soon."
Yoongi ignored Soyeon's angry glare when he hung up. And she shook her head in disbelief.
"You don't need to worry for me."
"Well, but I do," he deadpanned, glancing at her briefly before focusing back on the road, "And you're being an idiot right now. This wound might get infected or leave a scar. It's better to let my friend take care of it, she's a doctor."
Her lips parted, staring at him speechlessly. Never had someone called her an idiot while being this concerned about her at the same time. Usually she'd have yelled at someone for patronising her like this. But she didn't this time. She simply sat back silently. Glancing at the cut in the side-mirror. Maybe he wasn't wrong after all.
"So.." he began then, carefully not to provoke her as his eyes were calmly laying on the road, "Will you tell me how you ended up with those grazes and cuts?"
She heaved a sigh, her eyes wandering outside at the passing buildings. "Guess you deserve an explanation."
"I think so, too."
"Long story short, these jerks showed up in front of my door and the only way to escape was to climb from my balcony to the neighbour's. They weren't home though, which was probably better as they'd have probably thought I was insane. But this led me to smash their glass door and.. yeah."
"Pretty adventurous."
She shrugged. "Call it survival instincts."
"And will you now also tell me why they're after you in the first place?" he smirked.
"Nope," she grinned mischieviously, making him raise a brow at her.
"Mhm, maybe later."
He laughed dryly, shaking his head while turning to another street.
She was indeed quite a mystery.
next chapter: 0.3 here
Don't forget to like, reblog & leave feedback!♡ It motivates me to keep writing :)
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the-bar-sinister · 4 months
Slip the Hangman's Noose and Run (2628 words) by thesavagesabretooth Summary: What if there was one thing the Phantom was more afraid of than dying? What if instead of following orders, he had thrown everything away for Simon Blackquill? What if they ran?
part 1 here
In the end, the Phantom had been a coward yet again. He had lied, yet again. As was his habit.
He hadn't wanted to spoil the last few hours he'd get to have with Simon with Simon's anger upon knowing the truth.
Instead he'd told him a kind lie. A fun lie. The kind of lie he knew Simon would like.
Bobby Fulbright wasn't actually a police detective at all, but rather an interpol investigator on the trail of the Phantom. He'd been installed in the police department specifically to monitor Simon, in case the prosecutor's reappearance drew him out. Like Simon, this had been Fulbright's last chance to catch the Phantom before the case would be thrown into the garbage. But now, with the assignment ending with Simon's execution, he'd gotten too close. He couldn't let go. Not of Simon, and not of the Phantom.
It was almost close to the truth.
He could tell Simon liked his lie, from the way that his smile sliced his face like the curve of a blade.
"An interpol investigator," he purred, giving Bobby an appraising look from the passenger seat. "I never would have guessed. So you're a rogue agent now?"
"That's right, sir."
"Then we can't count on any aid from your department."
"I'm afraid not, sir. They'd have you executed, and I'd be thrown out for this, if not jailed myself."
"Brave, stupid man," Simon grumbled. He tented his fingers thoughtfully. "It's just my luck that they didn't assign a more intelligent agent to this case."
He hung his head performatively as he drove. "Sorry, sir."
Simon laughed sharply. "No apology necessary, Fool Bright. A smart man wouldn't be here right now. Alright, give me five minutes."
Bobby raised an eyebrow as he watched Simon stare intently at the tips of his fingers. "What for, sir?"
"I'm planning our next move. Interpol agent or not, we both know that you aren't a master of forward planning. Or intelligent thought in general."
The Phantom found he couldn't argue with that on any level. Well, even if planning ahead was pointless since they'd be caught almost immediately, Simon looked like he was having fun, so there was no need to stop him.
He laughed loudly. "You've got me there, sir! Please, I put myself in your hands."
"Good man. Do we have any access to funds?"
He scratched the back of his neck. "I took a large sum of money out of my savings in cash before I got you out of prison, sir."
That was a lie. The cash in his briefcase in the back was part of the money furnished by his organization for facilitating his job. He hadn't touched the Bobby Fulbright account in days. Doing so would have only painted a target on him– and besides, the man didn't get paid much anyway.
"Good man, Fool Bright," Simon repeated. "Very well. Give me a moment."
Bobby nodded, and concentrated on driving, sneaking glances at Simon in the rearview mirror.
After a moment, Simon said, "You seem very anxious, Fool Bright. You may put your arm around me, if you like."
The Phantom made a show of being amusingly flustered, and he slipped his arm around Simon's shoulders, since that was what the prosecutor wanted from him. 
Simon wasn't stupid. Bobby was lying to him. 
He wasn't sure exactly what the truth was, but the idea that Bobby Fulbright had anywhere the capability to be an international investigator seemed like it was a laughably obvious falsehood. Perhaps he'd made up the story just so Simon would be impressed with him, or would somehow be less worried about him losing his job at the department.
It didn't really matter why Bobby was lying though. Only two things mattered.
First– Bobby had cared enough about him to throw everything away and break him out of jail to save him from execution. 
This first fact Simon believed with unshakable conviction. It was the entire foundation upon which he was currently reforming his unexpectedly long life. He was here because Bobby wanted him to be here. As a samurai, Simon understood that this meant that he owed the man his whole life, whatever remained of it. No matter what else was the case, this was true. This was the bedrock of Simon's new life.
Second– Bobby said that he had been following the Phantom case, and was in possession of some details which might constitute a lead on hunting him down.
This fact Simon was less sure of. Since he didn't fully believe that Fulbright was an international investigator of any kind, he had no idea how much faith to stake on his supposed lead.
Well, he'd stake all of it on it anyway. 
It's not like he had anything better to do. If that was what the man who saved his life wanted, that was what they were going to do.
"South Asia, you said," Simon murmured, as he leaned into Fulbright's arm around his shoulders. The weight of it was comforting, and he hoped it comforted whatever dire thoughts were circling the fool's as well. "Cauli, wasn't it?"
"Yes, sir. That's the best information we have as to where the organization might be located."
"Well then, the first step is to get there, wouldn't you agree?"
"Well, ah, obviously, sir, but that will be a little tricky you know, with airport security and everything? I mean, travel papers alone."
"Worry not, Fool Bright," Simon said with a grin. "You may not have the brains for this sort of thing, but I've been among criminals for the past near decade of my life. I can get us out of the country."
Simon enjoyed the expression of supreme surprise on the man's face. "You can?"
"Without a doubt. I had a friend in the clink who was acquainted of a master forger. Point us at Sacremento, Fool Bright, and we'll stop in the first second hand clothes shop we see before we go see the men I have in mind."
"Second hand clothes?"
"Indeed," Simon smiled broadly. This was almost fun. "We can't go around looking like a cop and a prosecutor, now can we? And brand new clothes will tip off any criminals we meet just as much as our current ones."
"Oh! I see!" Fulbright beamed. "You're talking about going undercover! With disguises!"
He chuckled. "Well spotted, Fool Bright. I am indeed. It appears as though to catch our criminal we'll have to become criminals. Well. I have quite the head start. But you, you'll need a lot of work."
As the Phantom dug with Simon through racks of used clothes in a dingy second hand store in some ugly town south of Sacramento, the big smile written on his face was almost genuine. It was as close to actual pleasure as he ever got.
Simon had given the Phantom a role. His first new role in a whole year, and Simon had invented it for him.
As they drove the several hours between Los Angeles and their destination, Simon had spent the time improvising a backstory for the pair of them as criminals. Simon was Taka, a no-good, disowned son of a branch of the Kitaki crime family, who had gotten into selling narcotics and was fleeing the country for a while due to heat from the cops.
Bobby was to be Watchdog, or just Dog, Taka's personal enforcer and bodyguard. At first, Simon had said that all he had to do was stand there and look tough, but the Phantom had asked him for a little more.
Simon had raised his eyebrow. "Method actor, eh, Fool Bright? Very well, then."
Dog was an orphan who had been raised as a bodyguard for the favored sons of the Kitaki family, but his loud, obnoxious ways– drinking and gambling, and especially getting casual and friendly with his charges– had angered the head of the family and Dog was going to be executed over it. Young Taka, however, had used the last his sway with the family to have Dog's life spared, and the two of them were instead exiled in disgrace to manage low-rent Kitaki dealings far from the core of the family.
The two of them were in a torrid love affair, though Taka was a spoiled brat, disgusted and embarrassed to be seen with such a low level and obnoxious thug of a lover and he was forbidden to touch him in public. Despite this, and despite his vices, Dog was completely loyal to his master.
It was an interesting role. A variation in some ways on Bobby Fulbright, and the Phantom thought it gave him some insight on what Simon liked about Bobby– or maybe just about the range Simon thought that Bobby would be able to act.
It wasn't completely different, but it was different enough that the Phantom was almost excited to change faces, even in a subtle way, and perhaps interested in seeing if he impressed Simon with his abilities.
"You're sure you want to go by Taka?" Bobby asked as Simon came out of the dressing room in black jeans, a black hoodie, and some old blue t-shirt with an unidentifiable band logo. "I'm sorry that I couldn't bring him with us."
"It's a fitting tribute," Simon said, raising his chin. "And don't trouble yourself. I wouldn't have seen him again after today in any case. I– will believe he'll be well treated."
Bobby should be very touched and moved by such a statement. His face screwed up with deliberate emotion, his eyes welling with overflowing tears as he grabbed Simon's hand tightly. "It's a fitting tribute, sir. I'll call you Taka, then."
"Good. Dog." Simon smiled slyly at him, as he took his own armful of clothes in to get changed.
There it was again. Something like pleasure, or pride in his chest.
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livelovesimallways · 1 year
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"Prayed Up...." Pt. 2
Read more under the link.
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*after giving her a hug* "Congratulations..."
"Thanks, I guess."
*smirks* " I'm ignoring that. So anyway, how far along do you think you are?"
"Umm, after my ultrasound the doctor said I was about eight weeks. That was a some days ago so I'd say almost nine."
"Well, damn! That's pretty far, Dee!" *agitated* "When were you gonna tell me? And to have your first ultrasound too? Did anyone go with you at least?"
"No." *in a low tone* "Mimi was out of town and..."
"...Your sister wasn't an option?? I just don't get why you didn't tell me. I would've been by your side, no questions asked. To find out from friends after you had some issues is insane."
"I know..." *trying not to cry*
"Look, I'm sorry for getting all riled up. Even though you're an adult, you're still my baby. As a parent you'll always want to know what's going on with your child. And as my child, I will always have your back. You don't have to go through this alone. You have a village: Me, Mimi, and Sean." *looks at him* "Right Boo??"
*clears his throat* "Yeah..."
"Speaking of support, does your sugar daddy know he has a baby on the way? With all the gifts he buys you, he can surely step up."
"It's not his..."
"Okay...Well, did you tell the father then?"
"No..." *low toned*
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"Shit..." *starts rubbing her back* "Listen, I know this is hard for you, but you have to at least tell him. Every child deserves both parents. Now if he doesn't want to be there, then that's on him. You have us." *rubs her back again* "Okay Dee??"
"Fuck..." *starts crying* "I am so sorry Dana. This isn't how either one of us expected things to turn out. If I didn't foolishly fall in love with him, none of this would've happened. I met him freshman year, fell head over heels that summer, and then was ghosted in the fall. I never thought I would see him again but I did and those feelings came back. I even justified shit. It was not supposed to go this far and now..."
"Listen, first you need to calm down. Shaking and stressing like this ain't good. There's no need to beat yourself up. We've all gone back to an Ex."
"You don't understand..."
"Alright...Then help me. Start with who this guy is and why this situation has you so stressed."
*starts crying again* "...It's Sean."
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"Hold up...I think I heard wrong. I know you don't mean...?" *stares at him*
"I do..." *sobbing*
"Wow...Okay." *immediately gets up*
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"I know you're not standing there nonchalant like that! Are you for real!? My mothafuckin sister!??" *slightly pushes him* "I met you that fall after y'all little fling. Why the fuck did you involve me!?" *pushes him again* "What kind of twisted shit are y'all on?"
"It wasn't the whole time, I swear. I'm so sorry Dana!" *still sobbing*
"So you're really not gonna say anything!?" *ignoring her*
"There's nothing I can say to help any of this. She was easy access, that's all. I don't know shit about a baby."
"Well now your disgusting ass does." *turns around* "And you! You need to cut that sorry shit the fuck out.! You're not sorry and you ain't a victim of love. You knew you were wrong and didn't care until shit blew up in your face. You're only stressed and scared because you're about to be alone."
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"Here!" *throws her ring* "You earned it. I hope for your child's sake things work out." *leaves out*
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"Are you fuckin happy now!? You've been dying to get her out of the picture so why all this crying?"
"I just wanted to be with you. Not have all this happen."
"How many times did I have to tell you to cut that delusional shit out? Why the hell did you tell her if you didn't want this to happen? And what the fuck is up with this baby shit?"
"I told her because I'm pregnant, Sean! I've only been with you and the guy I've been seeing. He had a vasectomy so it's obviously yours."
"Fuck! This is crazy." *starts pacing* "I hope you know shit ain't gonna go the way you want. We're not gonna be a family. I'll be there for the kid but that's where it ends. No one can know, Dee. I'll lose everything and that affects more than just me now. I'm gonna call my lawyer and get some things in place. Make a list of all the things your gonna need and I'll have it sent. Once the baby gets here, we'll figure out visitation and support, but until then, you're on your own.
To Be Continued......
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doodlebloo · 2 years
I tried so so hard to write a Halloween fic this year but I got so busy, this was all I got done. It's around 1k words, enjoy!
(Or you can read Last Year's Fic which is much longer and much better <3)
"You look stupid."
Ranboo grins. "Yeah, I know. My outfit is just- Really, it's just awful."
Tubbo rolls his eyes, smiling. "Fuck you."
Ranboo has half a mind to tell Tubbo to stop moving so much, lest his face paint smudge before it's dry. If the black and the white muddle together, he's going to look less like Ranboo and more like a bath bomb.
"This wig is itchy," Ranboo says instead. "I hate it."
"Well, I offered to bleach your hair blond and you said no," Tubbo shrugs as he begins to lace up his dress shoes. "I guess you'll just have to deal."
"I still can't believe you dyed your hair like mine for this costume."
"I didn't. Mine's split brown and blond, not black and white."
"Still," Ranboo shrugs.
They wander over to the arm of the couch that Tubbo is seated on, snaking an arm around Tubbo's waist.
Tubbo squints at them. "What?"
Ranboo smiles. "Your hair looks good like that."
Tubbo's cheeks flush as he grins. "Narcissist."
"Yup," Ranboo agrees, fiddling with Tubbo's tie. "You know me, always just- Just totally in love with myself. Can't get me away from the mirror these days."
"I know, I know. It's become a problem. You really- Hey, what the fuck."
Ranboo stumbles back as Tubbo shoves at his shoulders. "What?"
Tubbo begins unbuttoning Ranboo's shirt from the bottom. "This is wrong."
"I- What?"
"The buttons. I never button my shirt right. Yours looks way too neat to be me."
"O- Okay, I- Alright," Ranboo agrees, gently prying Tubbo's hands away. "I'll- I'll re-do it, then."
As much as it pains them, Ranboo re-buttons the shirt all wrong, leaving gaps and holes and crumpling the edges.
"There," Ranboo sticks out his arms as he spins. "Better?"
"Mm," Tubbo replies. "I'm pissed that it looks better on you."
Before Ranboo is forced to come up with a reply, he hears the familiar pitter-patter of Michael sprinting across their hardwood floors.
Tubbo runs to meet Michael at the living room's entryway. "Michael!"
Michael bounds into the room, jumping into Tubbo's arms in a burst of soft downy feathers. "Bee! Lookit!"
Michael flaps his arms up and down, sending another flurry of feathers into the air. Ranboo coughs as one gets stuck in their throat.
Tubbo gently guides Michael's arms back into a resting position. "Hey, how about we save the flapping for later tonight, yeah?"
"Okay," Michael agrees. He squirms to get out of Tubbo's arms.
Michael's chicken costume is round and fluffy, shedding feathers every time he takes a step. Ranboo knows he'll be the one cleaning up the mess later, but he can't bring himself to be upset about it when Michael is so obviously thrilled.
"Boo, you shirt," Michael points out as he toddles over. "Buttons all messy."
"That's true, that's true," Ranboo nods, stooping to Michael's level. "I'm dressed like Bee tonight, and he's dressed like me!"
"And we're gonna act like each other all night," Tubbo adds as he packs their to-go bag.
Ranboo raises a brow. "Are we really doing that?"
Immediately, Tubbo's posture changes. He hunches in on himself, wringing his hands. "Um, I mean, yeah, we- We can do that, if- if you, uh, want."
Michael giggles.
Ranboo stands up straight, putting his hands on his hips and adopting the squeakiest voice he's able. "Alright, I'll do this for you just this once. But when we get back, I expect fifteen stacks of diamonds in exchange!"
"What, no accent?" Tubbo teases. "Weak."
"You weren't doing an accent either."
"Yeah, well, that's 'cause I can't do one."
"...What- But you just-"
"I do an axe net!" Michael chimes in. "See? Bawk bawk!"
Michael begins clucking like a chicken, flapping his arms and strutting around the room.
Ranboo applauds politely. "Good job, Michael. You sound just like a real chicken, and you look like one too."
"Um, a chicken looks- it- uh!" Michael exclaims, scrambling over to Ranboo's side.
"Chick- Um, a chicken sees-es more... More colors than even people does!"
"Wow," Ranboo widens his eyes in awe, despite having been told this fact dozens of times already. "Is that true?"
"Mhm! And they- they take a bath by, uh, rolling around in the dirt." Michael giggles at the thought.
"Wow, that does sound like you," Tubbo hoists Michael up into his shoulder. "Maybe you're part chicken, Michael."
"Mm-mm," Michael shakes his head. "I'm a piggy!"
"So true," Tubbo replies, and Ranboo nods in agreement.
Ranboo ruffles Michael's hair. "Ready to go, little chicken?"
"Yeah!" Michael cheers, squirming on Tubbo's shoulder. "Tricky treat!"
"What about you, Ranboo?" Ranboo asks Tubbo, crossing his arms and grinning. "You'd better be ready to go, or I'm gonna divorce the hell out of you."
Making for the door, Tubbo flutters his eyes. "Oh, Tubbo, my dearest Tubbo, anything for you. Shall I count the ways thou-st enchanteth me? Shalt I-"
"When- when have I ever said 'thou'?" Ranboo wheezes, shutting the door behind them.
Tubbo shrugs, jostling Michael enough to make him giggle. "I mean, when haven't you?"
Ranboo rolls their eyes. Michael and Tubbo head off while Ranboo locks up, sticking their spare key under the potted plant by the door, just in case.
There was a time when that would be an unsafe practice on this server, when it'd be asking for someone to hurt them.
But tonight, spooky as it may be, Ranboo is able to take his family out to celebrate Halloween with no fear in his heart.
Ranboo slips the key under the pumpkin and checks his comm, which has been flooded with messages from loved ones. Up ahead, he hears Michael babbling about how chickens are descendants of dinosaurs, sees Tubbo taking the stairs two at a time to excite him.
Ranboo takes a deep breath, and sets out on Halloween night, running to catch up with their husband and son under the light of a pale crescent moon.
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nayruwu · 1 year
I feel same way about ons as you :') I got into it because of gureshin it's been long since I already lost interest alas. I was wondering what do you think of characters like guren shinoa mika & krul? I really liked them back then but now I'm really disappointed with how author wrote them since past few years & weirdly fandom still tries to act as if nothing wrong with them but "people didn't read correctly"
hello!! :D
i'm sorry that so many others seem to be suffering the same way i am, but it's also a little reassuring. at least we're not alone in our misery.
and i think answering your question will be quite fun!
well guren, obviously i love guren. he's so sad and pathetic and tired and broken he's like a wet cat. the way he loves, the way he does terrible things and hates himself for it but does it anyway because he knows he has no other choice, it's so intriguing and painful. i love it. there's aspects that bother me when reading the novels, like when i cannot for the life of me grasp why he is doing what he's doing, or when he's being an arrogant asshole. but then i read the paragraphs my friends have written about him and love him with my whole heart again. i think they called it blorbo-in-law, that fits it quite well.
but i feel like i need to mention, i totally get why people got so mad with him recently. the way it was handled with the kids just immediately forgiving him again after one word was just... not good. i wasn't kidding when i said i wanted him to be more evil. it was a lot more exciting when him and mahiru first started that "let's betray everyone" stizzle and we weren't sure if he was actually going to harm anyone. it was serious, oh the suspense! now he's just our friend guren again. let him go batshit insane. please. he's not a saint, and he doesn't need to be.
at this point the only one i can trust to truly judge and be mad at him for more than half a panel is shinya. and that's a little odd. also he's currently in eeby deeby.
ohh shinoa! i used to like her a lot. it's only natural, i guess, since she is so similar to shinya. i always thought her to be a less extreme version of him - shinoa was also trained to be numb and hide herself behind jokes and smiles, but she seems to retain more of her emotions than he does. she's scared of dying, she's not much of a killing machine, and she is very much capable of developing actual romantic feelings for someone. wow, shinoa!
now, the problem is the toxic view of love that mahiru drilled into her head, and how the story will adress that, if at all. i don't mind her crush on yuu, it's her proof of not being dead inside or worthless or meant to be alone. but the way she acts on it is quite selfish. she's taking after her sister a little too much for my liking lately. "i will get yuu back, even if i have to kill mikaela to do it", alright miss mini mahiru. chill.
i would very much like someone to drill some sense into her head.
as for mika, he was my favourite for quite some time. i'm afraid i can't speak on him anymore, though, since he's kinda wiggled himself out of my field of interest. younger me would be going insane over his angel self... but now, i actually don't have anything to say about him. he exists. he's a massive scapegoat. i wish we could have seen him bond with shinoa squad.
krul is great solely because she's somehow the only female character who doesn't have a crush on some guy. hooray for vampirism! i don't have that many thoughts on her either, but i do adore her. she treated mika fairly well, she acted against vampire laws, she was more trustworthy than others. and god, that chapter where she was turned into a vampire was so awful, i loved it. more of an ashera-perspective probably, but still! as i've mentioned, i'm not a fan of her and all the black demons having been angels before, so i can't bring myself to look forward to their reunion as much as i used to. but i'd still like to see it.
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igniting-quill · 2 years
So for the fanfic writer ask thing (definitely didn't forget what it was called), i'm asking you about, surprise surprise, your arc 6 fic haha
Her captain, unbelieving, leaned forward until her forehead almost slid up against Beryl’s. Remeny’s electric blue eyes glared at Beryl. The red-head did her best to pull Beryl’s defenses apart. Cute as the captain was, Beryl didn’t break. “Seriously. I didn’t cheat.” Beryl said, her tone taunting, beckoning her captain to make that accusation. She used a hand to push against the captain’s shoulder to give them a bit of distance. Remeny continued to back away, eventually slumping into her chair while Beryl continued, “After all, I’m not as vile as you are. I’m not going to be shoving my playing cards anywhere else… suspicious” “You're making fun of me.” “Yes Remeny, because using your cleavage to hide your playing cards is not as clever as you think. Especially when you’re drunk out of your mind and have terrible sleight-of-hand.” The sky pirate captain, a legendary leader who single handedly led her crew through numerous successful feats of crime, shut her mouth, scrunched her nose, and pouted at the insult. Beryl's smile grew wider. “It’s just the truth, captain.” "Ahhh— you're so smart Beryl!” Remeny said as she swiped the stack of cards from the table and aggressively shuffled them for the next round. “That’s why you're our crew’s quartermaster. Now, if I was quartermaster, we would have all been dead a long time ago.” That was such a Remeny compliment. After all, it was rare to hear something so humbling from someone with such a big ego. Beryl chuckled goodheartedly as Remeny passed out the cards for their next game.
Okay so ... This is just... Impressively in-character, i just... Wow. Like you know that meme that's like "he would not fucking say that"? Yeah, well this is "they WOULD fucking say that".
anyway i guess this is an ask so how did you manage to read these characters' minds and how can i do it /j
Yes! The question I’ve been waiting for! 
Lea is asking about a writing ask which I reblogged here. 
Onto my complementary below the cut, SPOILERS by the way. If you want to read this for yourself first, check it out on ao3 here.
First of all, you’re compliments are so nice haha. I don’t think I can give you the best answer to how I managed to “read these characters' minds” lol, but perhaps you can clean something from what I write down here.
Some background before I get into the scene itself.
I had this structural idea for this fic, which was done sorta well (I had no idea how to do it for Solas). I think we’ve both heard of the “life flashing before your eyes” before death, and here I wanted something like that for Beryl. But her life consists of her pirate crew, and finally in this fic, herself. Each flashback scene consists of a memory of a member from the crew: Remeny, Lottie, Kipp, and Kix (a small one for Salas, if you want to count that). 
I had different “triggers,” some more obvious than others, to initiate a flashback. In the one you chose, the flashback with Remeny, begins with Remeny collapsing in real time. Each other time a flashback occurs, someone is either dying, or in the case with Kipp I just had his flashback sequence come as Beryl was dying herself… I couldn’t find the perfect place hahaha. Additionally, each flashback ended with an ominous reference to death in some sort of way. I mean look: if DM Gus didn't nerf his combat (good choice), Death is what would have happened for everyone in a TPK. 
And well, I like to think of my fanfic of the version in which DM Gus didn’t adjust. The player characters in my fic have trouble speaking, continually take “cold damage” from the water, and Beryl ends up dead.
Alright, let me transition into the section you asked about specifically.
I was thinking of what would fun moment could link Beryl and Remeny together, and I immediately thought of the scene that happened during canon Arc 6. Them playing cards, (I think?) Remeny winning, and Kix doing this preprogrammed Beryl vs Remeny scoreboard. This means that Beryl and Remeny? They have HISTORY with this. They fucking love playing cards against each other, and they’re like rivals about it. So I had to choose that as the backdrop to Beryl’s flashback with Remeny.
But any memory with Remeny would be a moment filled with chatter/teasing/roughhousing/accusations but in the best way possible. Like, in the way that you’ll call your best friend a “Bitch” and roast them, but it’s all in good fun and you don’t actually mean the insults. (We see how this dynamic is bad during Arc 6 Episode 6, but most of the time this is the extent of how far Remeny will go.) So I had to have Beryl and Remeny banter. Of course the first thing Remeny would do if she lost would be to accuse Beryl of cheating.
Now, this next part I’m going to talk about is funny, because it wasn’t until talking with you/ reading your fics (of course other people were part of this too) that I started seeing Remeny/Beryl as a like. Ship ship. Which is stupid, because they literally have all the pieces and parts that would make any large fandom squeal with delight (gay rivals to lovers!). Although this fic is posted without any romantic pairings, I really leaned into that. This scene was meant to be read as possibly romantic. My treat for ya ;)
That’s why Remeny leans forward, and they’re foreheads are touching. It’s tension: are they going to kiss? Her eyes, I nearly settled into the fanfic trope of overembellishing them, but I think electric blue is exactly the vibes I wanted. In my head, I think Remeny wants to kiss and is pushing her luck… that is before Beryl pushes her captain away, and that’s why when Remeny relents she’s slumping in her chair (Like “dammit Beryl, a kiss just this once?” / “No. Kissing me won’t make me get rid of your loss.”)
During this physical moment, they keep up that friendly banter I was talking about earlier (in fact this banter continues throughout this whole section haha). The best thing for Beryl to do is bring up one of Remeny’s past cheating schemes, because let’s be honest Remeny’s definitely cheated before, and is smart about it. Like, Remeny is being hypocritical for calling out Beryl for cheating when the captain has done it before. But of course, I mentioned they’re rivals with inside jokes right? So Beryl’s going to choose the most embarrassing moment she can muster which for the writer (me) I had to ponder a bit. So like. What the fuck would Remeny do? 
Of course it’d be cheating by hiding cards with her boobs.
And like, damn that’s a good roast, so Remeny let’s Beryl have it (captain cannot think of anything else to roast Beryl back and concedes that Beryl won without cheating), and in her lack of a comeback she also admits that Beryl’s smart: that’s why she wins in cards (and wins Remeny’s heart but also this isn’t explicit).
And finally, my odd foreshadowing of death to end the flashback. “Now, if I was quartermaster, we would have all been dead a long time ago.” ← that’s what I mean. 
But it felt too cruel and ominous to end the flashback there. I mean, that’s not what the memory felt like! I didn’t want to warp it like that when the current “present” scene was so tragic, so I ended it off with them continuing onto another game. Past Beryl and Remeny are having a great time. And that’s what makes their deaths feel worse.
Thank you so much for asking! This was incredibly fulfilling and I appreciate your choice of my fic haha. Now, onto my sad irl responsibilities :p take care everyone!
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wanderingrain · 2 years
Blogging through Till the World Ends Ep 9
Boys why are we just standing around? if I saw a bloody knife sticking out of the steering wheel of my car I would just quietly close the door and leave. Feels too much like an ambush for me.
"It's the same knife they tried to kill me with." How would you know?? It's literally just a kitchen knife. You know, the kind that lives in the kitchen. And once again HOW WOULD THEY HAVE FOUND YOU?? AND WHY ARE YOU JUST STANDING AROUND??
"ThE gUn Is GoNe." No duh!! I told you!!
"Art do they know where your house is?" Well now they do because you said that thanks P'Gus. If we meet Art's brother only to have him die I swear...
Lol why is P'Gus driving again after they made a whole point of telling us he'd driven all night and then he didn't even take a nap like he was supposed to. Oh ok now Golf is driving.
Oh geez the moon is so big and scary. That last episode really put that fear deep into my heart didn't it.
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Ohhh I like the contrast between the sun and the moon.
P'Gus breaking down is honestly how I feel they would all have been acting this whole time if this was real life. Lol. But where's the fun in that?
This scene is sad and cute but I can't help but ask do we really have time for this? Lol
Great flashback. I hope we're not all going to end up dying on this mountain.
Golf ruining the moment by not returning the secret handshake. What was that Golf?
Not the nail clippers
Once again though, is this really the time? If you don't get to the bunker on time you won't ever be able to have sex again so this seems a little strange just saying.
Ya'll are really gonna get to the bunker at the very last minute aren't you. You're not even a little bit concerned that you're about to have only one more day left? I would've immediately started the car and torn out of there if I woke up and it was suddenly night time and I realized I'd wasted so much time.
Aww Art's the one holding Golf. That's so cute and sweet.
Lol such a sleepy boi
P'Gus is going to die. He's not planning on staying at the bunker with them.
If they think the gang is following them WHY are they shocked to discover evidence that the gang is following them?? "That's not our car." No duh Art!
Well those don't sound suspiciously like last words at all. "Take care of each other."
I love how they haven't given Art a weapon btw
You just told Art to be quiet why are you yelling now? You just lost whatever element of surprise you might've had.
IS THAT A THIRD CROWBAR??? Art does your family make them or something?? What's going on?? (The crack is back and it's crackier than ever.
How are the cuddles so cute though? Am I just too soft for cuddles?
Seriously how can these two be so soft? Guys I think this is the softest moment in the show and these guys have killed and eaten people.
Not the nail clippers coming in clutch. I guess that's why we had to have them in that scene earlier. This show is so great.
Babes why are you making so much noise? Untie them.
If Golf does anything to get these boys angry again now that they've decided they're leaving I'm going to be very angry. Prediction: Only Art and Golf make it out of this house alive.
Also why are you going back in when you just decided to be done with this whole thing??
Is Art gonna kill LONG??
Nevermind of course the "bottom" can't handle a gun, what was I thinking?/s
I'm still enjoying this show but I'm worried what my actual response will be if they all actually do die in the end. That's why I wasn't letting myself get too attached to the characters. But Man I really hate that trope where everything is about to be alright and then the characters mess it up for themselves. There was a moment where our gang boys decided, you know what? Everyone lives today. And that's great. I like stuff like that. But now I'm pretty positive they're both going to die.
Prediction: Golf kills P'Joke. Long kills P'Gus. Long can't live without P'Joke and unalives himself. Do Art and Golf make it to the bunker? Does it really matter if they do or not? I've been leaning towards the idea (for a few episodes now) that they probably will choose to die instead of staying in the bunker. Either they'll go to one and they'll hate it like that Uncle did so they'll leave, or they just won't make it.
I just hope the ending feels satisfying but I'm not really sure if they'll be able to pull it off for me personally. Especially if my predictions come true and Golf and Art are the only two who escape the house alive.
Well, on to the last episode.
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Howcumzit?: Kin
How come Frank's minder hears him burble drunkenly on about 'going away', and sees him going to church, and reaches any conclusion other than 'this man who recently had a heart attack is dying'?
How come the priest can sit through Frank comparing him to a Japanese holdout without immediately replying 'alright Littlefinger, if in your analogy we, the side of Mary and Joseph and the wee donkey too, have lost this war, who exactly do you think has won? Enjoy your drug money and dysfunctional family, ya t'ick ye'.
The fact the priest falls back on lazy platitudes ('I'll pray for you') suggests RTE's top men are less qualified to write Roman Catholic churchmen than I am as someone as culturally Protestant as the Archbishop of Canterbury.
How come Eric doesn't just rabbit when he sees someone after him with a gun, instead of waiting for the deus ex machina of the gun jamming? His whole thing is being - to be polite - a physical instrument, him standing there waiting to be shot just seems...well, all told I'm mainly angry about the deus ex machine.
How come the Turkish drug lord-ess can go directly from 'you killed my brother, I want revenge' to 'thank you for helping me kill my other brother'? There is the context that the other brother's making a power play, but honestly Amanda actually managing to talk her into this would surely have been more interesting than seeing it play out.
How come Amanda offers the Turks a deal 'in perpetuity', then swans off after saying 'ooh, but I want a baby, everything might change'? Granted this incredible flightiness seems to be a staple of many of the world's most public-facing industrialists and businessmen, but you'd imagine drug dealers take it a bit more seriously than Elon and Donald.
How come there's about half a dozen plotlines set up that are yet to go anywhere? I guess what I'm really asking is 'how come they're so sure of being recommissioned'. Well, I guess it's more 'how come they're letting their confidence of being recommissioned turn it into Melrose Place'.
How come Jimmy already looks like Always Sunny Mac, and then they give him some intentionally unconvincing lines about how he's going to fuck a lot of women? I mean, look at this shit:
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How come anyone in this crime family - and, more broadly speaking, the show itself - can be so unworldly when it comes to the da's sexually predatory nature? They've already touched on church attendance dropping, they should know why that's particularly the case for Catholicism.
(Jimmy had no idea why his mother and sister abandoned the family, but apparently 'always wondered'.)
In particular, Michael's quasi-estranged daughter Anna sits through Bren's creepy attentions like she's been hit in the head, or more realistically like she's been written about ten years younger than she is, because this girl is in her mid-teens, and has grown up in inner city Dublin. We've seen her hanging around the canal drinking white cider, she would have heard the word 'nonce'. Fully one hundred years ago, James Joyce wrote a pair of Dublin schoolboys who didn't have the advantage of living through endless scare campaigns but did pick up something was off about the older man who'd approached them and started rambling about flagellation.
The show nearly goes into incredibly queasy but narratively interesting territory when it has Anna say of Bren 'he wants me!' - only to retreat from this jaw-dropping entendre/Freudian slip, into her just meaning 'he wants me to be part of the family'. Maybe RTE doesn't quite have the guts to write a teenage girl trying to sexually manipulate auld grandda the gangster (and this presumably going horrifyingly wrong), but by Christ, it'd at least be fresher territory than Bren's clumsily wrought grooming and the rest of the family dancing around the subject like the word would actually burn their lips. Why even bring up the idea if you're going to play it off as a joke?
How come, on the hooky recordings I watched, you could actually hear the RTE people coming back into the studio during the indentations to set it running again?
Mainly I'm curious to know whether this is standard at RTE, and if they've done it during their Fisher-Price go at making a HBO crime drama I'm guessing it is. NB I'm not complaining about this at all, I think it shows a great deal more fumbling charm than the UK terrestrial channels being able to competently move between programs.
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