#he's the brother
dramadaisies · 1 year
week 2 of being extremely confused as to whether donghee wants revenge on chiyeol, is in love with him, wants his job, or some weird combination of all three
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great-and-small · 22 days
Apparently the local university’s undergraduate entomology course sends students to catch insect specimens at the same place I like to go birdwatching, which explains why I saw three enormous frat looking dudes with tiny bug nets and overheard one emphatically say “bro BRO I told you we already have enough lepidopterans”
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noelledeltarune · 9 months
EVERY SINGLE DAY there are MILLIONS of characters in their late 20s who get falsely accused of being father figures to teenagers when in reality the description of "weird older cousin" or "step-sibling that moved out before you were born" is 1000000x more apt
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captainsaltypear · 5 months
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marypsue · 7 months
Keep seeing that post where OP starts like 'Thinking about...grieving the undead' and then adds on about like. Real life situations where people have not died but have left your life and you would have reason to grieve them.
All respect, that's an important concept, but that is not what I am thinking about when I read 'grieving the undead'.
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I'm golden-child!Jason and not-even-a-silver-egg!Dick truther for life, and that's so funny.
Bruce is used to the chaos he calls his son, so when Jason actually behave, Bruce is soooo confused.
Like, what do you mean Bruce can tell him to not do something and Jason will??? Obey??? The order??? Dick would never.
Bruce, fully prepared for scandal: You are not allowed to jump from one wardrobe to another, it's dangerous for you.
Little Jason, who has no idea why he should: Ok? I wasn't planning to anyway.
Confused Bruce: You wasn't?
Little Jason who are scared to touch anything here, because it probably costs more than his life: I don't want to ruin the mansion...
More Confused Bruce: You don't?!
Bruce: so, you are saying that if I tell you to sit in your room and read books, you will really sit in your room and read books?
Little Jason, who has no idea why he shouldn't: Yeah?
Bruce, whispering to Alfred: I didn't know they could do that.
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psychokatrixxxy · 1 month
Batfam AU
Damian was captured by some villain, and Dick just saved him.
Nightwing: Why didn't you send a distress signal? You could have gotten hurt. What if I didn't get here in time?
Robin: tt, stop your incessant nagging, Grayson. I can handle myself. Besides, I did send out a distress signal.
Nightwing: Really, cause I didn't get it, and neither did B.
Robin, realizing something: Ah, I believe I may have alerted someone else of my capture then...
Nightwing: who-
He's cut off as a red figure barrels through the window, shattering it.
Red Hood, guns cocked as he looks around the room: Who the fuck do I need to kill?
Robin, deadpan: Impeccable timing as always, Akhi.
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silentvoidtreeshop · 2 years
asked my brother if he'd seen goncharov (1973) and he looked at me and grabbed this beanie that hes had for 2 years that ive seen but never read the tag on it and
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turns out he and his friends got matching beanies and made lore a full TWO YEARS ago
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liridi · 6 months
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I was yesterday years old when I found out Jesus had as many as if not more than 6 siblings
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lgbtlunaverse · 2 months
"How did Shuro think he could marry Falin when he hated her brother?" you have to understand. Toshiro is from a whole different country. In his head he and Falin would move back to the Eastern Archipelago and they'd see Laios twice a year tops. You can pretend to get along with in-laws you don't like for a few days a year, people do that all the time.
The actual flaw in his plan– which shows he doesn't really understand either of the Touden siblings– is the fact that if the plot hadn't happened and Falin had for some reason said yes to his proposal, Laios would have packed his bags and moved away with them instantly.
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emberglowfox · 1 year
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birds of a feather
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meliake · 4 months
rewatching Avatar is so weird because Sokka is literally the only thing keeping them alive and fed. He constantly is like,
'guys we're out of supplies/ we need to stop/ we're attracting too much attention with the flying bison we should walk' etc.
Like in the ´The Storm' when they're completely out of money and supplies the one to get a job in hopes of making money (he never actually gets paid, the world hates him) is Sokka.
In 'The Waterbending Scroll,' it's Sokka who's concerned about their lack of supplies when Aang sends them in a wave down the river, and is making sure they're careful with their spendibg when in town shopping.
He's also seen to catch fish and gather nuts (I know more often than not he fails to catch things on screen but it's implied he's the one that does most of the hunting and gathering)
It's like- Aang totally would have starved to death or gotten completely off track with often they're completely out of food and money
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In every FNAF universe William Afton can't count
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thevastnessof · 1 year
obsessed with villains who you just KNOW are aware deep down in their heart that they've done something unforgivable, but the only way to never admit that or face the guilt is to keep doing it over and over again until they don't feel guilty about that first time anymore
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pangur-and-grim · 2 months
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the first photos I ever got of Belphegor
he's one of the white worms - fairly sure he's the leftmost one!
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lesbianreimlunettes · 24 days
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still floored at how in his famous essay on brothers karamazov, freud decides to diagnose dostoevsky with bisexuality out of nowhere and follows it with "teehee, sorry"
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