#health inspections
alwaysbewoke · 2 months
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 1 year
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“FIVE-DAY WEEK; SIX-HOUR DAY’ - Labor’s Demand,” Vancouver Sun. February 22, 1933. Page 18. ---- TRADES' CONGRESS PROGRAM SUBMITTED TO B. C. GOV'T - RIGHTS OF CHILDREN TO EDUCATION ---- Enactment of legislation, along various lines, with a view of easing the burden of unemployment and increasing the purchasing power of the wage earner was sought recently by the Provincial Cabinet by the British Columbia executive of the Trades and Labor Congress of Canada.
A comprehensive report of the legislation sought was placed before the Vancouver, New Westminster and District Trades and Labor Council at its regular meeting Tuesday evening, and received its endorsation. 
Principal among the proposals are: 
Limiting the working week to five days of six hours each; 
Maintenance of wages at a level which would not further jeopardize the standard of living of those affected;
National unemployment insurance. 
The meeting endorsed a resolution of the Bakers' Union seeking more rigid enforcement of the pure food laws. Complaint, was voiced against private individuals selling home bakery products in the curb markets. Such products, it was charged, were produced in bakeries which were not regularly inspected by health officials, nor were the products wrapped and labelled in accordance with regulations.
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wausaupilot · 22 days
Wausau-area restaurant inspections for March 2024
This month's health inspection reports for area restaurants and bars:
Wausau Pilot & Review Monthly, Wausau Pilot publishes the results of health inspections at local bars and restaurants. When interpreting these results, it is important to note that there is a wide range of severity in health regulations. Many, if not most, violations are minor, ranging from cracked floor tiles to boxes improperly stored in a kitchen area. These types of violations are noted, but…
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kyreniacommentator · 2 years
Hygiene Inspections in Girne to maintain heallth quality standards
Hygiene Inspections in Girne to maintain heallth quality standards
Routine controls of the food and beverage establishments operating in Girne and of commercial enterprises that affect public health continue. Between 22nd September and 26th October 2022, a total of 131 businesses were inspected by the Girne Municipality Health Branch teams regarding general hygiene, food safety and public health measures. The inspections, which also focus on beauty salons,…
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moonlit-positivity · 2 months
Am I Being Manipulative? A checklist:
(cw: this post is not going to be for everyone. This is a post particularly for people who struggle with projection, self awareness, self esteem, abandonment, delusions of grandeur, and severe rejection sensitivity. This is not a post to demonize symptoms of NPD or any other cluster B personality disorder. This post is to actually provide you with a checklist of what manipulative behaviors look like and how you can manage them if you are someone who struggles to understand the difference. The cruel fact is that projection & manipulation are often signs of extreme childhood trauma & survival. Sometimes the awareness just isn't there to know if & when you are actually causing someone else extreme distress. Id like this to be a post of reference of how you can better cope when these defense mechanisms present themselves. But the other cruel fact is that many, many people have been on the receiving end of manipulative and abusive behaviors, too. And your trauma around this topic is valid. Your feelings of needing accountability and acknowledgement are valid. If that is the case, then reading this post may not be for you. Please read & interact with care.)
You are being manipulative & causing other people harm if you do any of the following:
You consider ways to skew the story to make yourself look better or to make people feel guilty or take pity on you in order to get your needs met, because you're not sure how else to ask & the thought of someone saying "I cant do that for you" is just not an option you can account for
Situations where someone is asking you for clarity, asking you for an apology, or telling you that they are hurt by something you did to them, scares you and triggers a bigger need to avoid and make yourself bigger than them so you can avoid the feeling of being hurt
Every interaction you have with everyone around you feels like you're playing a game of chess in your mind, where the end goal for you is to get your needs met however & in whatever ways you can, even and especially if you feel like this person is going to say "no"
You consider every possible scenario and how you can skew the story to get what you need in every single context, because you need it to happen and if someone were to tell you "i cant do that for you" it would send you into a spiral
You lie & use emotional manipulation to get what you need out of people because you're too scared they're gonna say "no", or judge you, or berate you, etc
You feel like everyone else in the world has so much, while you have nothing, and the way you cope with this is to make those people who have more than you suffer in ways that give you a sense of justice being restored to the world
You feel like you are the only person in the world who is allowed to have anything, even if & when you've never had anything a goddamn day in your life, and it pisses you off when others can't & don't give that to you
You feel naturally disgusted with yourself & with everyone else around you, particularly if they're expressing things that make you feel jealous & left out & resentful because they have it but you don't. So you find ways to tear them down in the process because it makes you feel better about it, like a child lashing out in anger and vengeance
You often find yourself planning ways to get revenge or how to bring people down a notch or two, which is probably reflective of how your parents/abusers treated you.
You are always in competition to be better than everyone else around you, because your childhood made you feel like competition is all that life has to offer.
You throw tantrums or fits when someone tells you "no", going so far as to even threaten death or get physically volatile in the process, because there has never been anyone there to give you this deep need for unconditional love & protection. So any time that need gets threatened or taken away, you do what you can out of pure fear & survival to latch on. This includes threatening suicide if someone were to leave you.
Someone expressing their limits and concerns pisses you off because how else do you get what you need from them? So you either ignore, downplay, or act like you didn't hear them & continue to do it anyway
You often feel like you need to project yourself as having much higher expectations and accomplishments than everyone else. Nothing else matters except how much bigger you are then they are.
You would rather be alone than in the company of someone who doesn't worship your every move, because this is how you've adapted to the extreme neglect of your childhood
Someone asking you to explain yourself makes you feel extreme rage and the need to shit all over them because you're too scared to admit you don't know either.
You enjoy the concept of power and authority and want to make people suffer for what they've done to you in the past by projecting yourself to be this all mighty entity of power and authority yourself
Which is a lot of words just to say you're rooted in dominance & control. Every single thing you do is a power dynamic. And you will never find happiness because you're rooted in this God like vision of perfectionism, even for yourself, that is just as equally God like in how unobtainable it is to reality.
You are constantly reliving the fears of your childhood experiences and as a result there is this huge need to be the biggest in the room so you can hurt them before they hurt you first- hence why you can't take "no" for an option
If reading this list has pissed you off or triggered you in some way that you feel like now you gotta tell me how much I suck and how worthless I am and how I don't know jack shit because it threatens you to take a deeper look at yourself and ask what you can do about it.
So here's what to do about it:
Become aware of your behavior. Hopefully this checklist will help you with that.
Work real hard at noticing the thoughts & situations that have you acting this way. What is happening around you? What has triggered these deep rooted fears & defense mechanisms? How often does this happen? Things like that.
Become aware of the fact that other people are going to reject you. Other people are going to need to step away and self care at some point. Turn your attention to how you respond when these moments come up.
Start working on self validation. It's normal to struggle with these types of symptoms for what you've been through. Try working real hard to find ways to normalize your feelings. Your anger and sense of justice is valid for what you went through. It is normal to want to see someone suffer after you have suffered so many big and horrific things. It can feel like, "why me?" And "why do I have to suffer, when everyone else around me doesn't?" And yes, that is a very valid feeling. Why do you have to suffer? It shouldn't have happened.
That being said. Become aware that there is a difference in feeling something, and acting on that feeling.
Acknowledge the fact that just because you're feeling it, doesn't mean your actions thereafter won't hurt someone else. You can have all the best intentions in the world. You can be truly suffering and feel so justified in your anger and the way you respond to it. But that doesn't mean the person next to you has to tolerate it, excuse it, or feel obligated to stay with you as a result. Become aware that your actions directly affect the people around you, whether you want to acknowledge that or not, whether youre in survival mode or not. You lashing out will affect the person around you. They will be affected by it. And they will have the right to that pain. You have to find ways to acknowledge and cope with this.
Start finding ways to cope with the trauma & the ways your body reacts when these triggers come up. This can be done by looking into somatic healing, nervous system healing, and inner child healing. And yes, I know there is a lot of rhetoric against "narcissistic abuse" and how narcissists supposedly can't do things like this. Well, please keep reading. I have listed other things below that help further debunk this. The point is, regardless of your diagnosis, regardless of your symptoms, your body is activated into fight/flight/freeze/fawn when these moments come up. Many people do not wish to talk about how NPD and other cluster B PDs are there from childhood trauma, too. You can absolutely heal this. Your body, your nervous system, your brain, you. You are capable of the self awareness needed to not only break out of these abusive mindsets but also heal yourself and your body triggers so you can make better informed decisions about what your brain is yelling at you during these moments.
And here's what to do about it on a deeper level:
Admit to yourself what your parents did to you. Admit what you went through in your childhood. Admit how much it hurt and how much of your life it has stolen from you. Stop ignoring it and pretending like it doesn't exist. It happened. And it has stolen even your very core of existence even to this day.
Get. Serious. About. Your. Life. Life is not a game. You remaining ignorant to yourself and your rage and inability to look deeper and be vulnerable, is going to hurt a lot more than just the others around you. It's going to be your funeral in the end. If you do not find ways to start looking deeper and address the pain & trauma that surrounds you, then you are going to die this way. Recovery is possible. Healing is possible. You have got to find a way to get serious about cultivating that kind of life for yourself.
Therapy is not all there is to healing. But it is a good fucking idea. You want to find someone trauma informed. Trauma therapy is currently being reworked to include a model of the dysfunctional family system. This is just a fancy way of saying trauma informed therapists know that ALL of your defense mechanisms are here because of what you went through as a kid. Your partner, your friends, your family? They're not gonna be able to handle your behaviors. That primal need for unconditional love & support? You threatening suicide is not going to get you that. A therapist, however, would. Trauma informed & trauma aware therapists already know you wanna off yourself at the drop of a dime and they still wanna help you sort it out for yourself. Think about that for a while.
Consider what it is you want & need out of your life. Yes, at some point in your life you will need to do some emotional work of your own. Find ways to get motivated about your health & healing. Make it about you! But in a better way that will get you working through the horrors and pain of your past, rather than shutting down & getting defensive when others ask you for that same type of energy right back.
Have you noticed the trend in all those above scenarios? They all revolve around people not being able to caretake you 24/7. At some point you will have to face these types of problems on your own. So consider asking yourself these types of things instead:
- what would happen if they were to say "no"? What's that worst case scenario that you're so scared of happening?
- How do you handle rejection? How do you want to handle rejection? What kind of person do you want to be at the end of the day? Do you want to have the pain and suffering of continuing the cycle of what your parents taught you? Or do you want to try real hard to break free and find healthier ways to address these hard & difficult topics?
- How can you show up for yourself a little bit more than you do right now? What are you avoiding? What needs to be said & addressed so you can move on & work on restoring yourself a sense of balance and control back to your life? Address these things. Don't let them add up.
Prioritize honesty. Prioritize raw genuine honesty with yourself and everyone else around you. Stop lying. Even the small offenses. There is literally no need. If you don't feel safe enough to be honest? Consider asking why you don't feel safe and go from there.
Become aware of and work real hard to address the need for dominance and control in all that you do. You can't control the outcome. You can't control someone else's limits to what they will and won't want to do for you. You can't make people stay if they don't want to. But you can control other things, like who you ask & what you do when others can't be there for you 24/7. You find other ways to cope & get your needs met.
Just be honest and ask for whatever it is you want & need from people. Like literally that's it. There is no need to play a mind game with someone who has no correlation to what you went through as a kid. You've got to know that about yourself. Youve got to know that your childhood is the source of the mindgame. Youve got to realize the game of chess you are playing is with your abusers who taught you how to play. The person sitting next to you? Has absolutely no connection to your shitty abusive parents/abusers. Don't make them suffer for that.
Address & work real hard on acknowledging that fear of being vulnerable. Work real hard on addressing your fears with yourself. Fear of abandonment, fear of rejection, fear of failure. Work hard to undo the harmful shit your parents have given you to work with.
Stop selling yourself short. You being diagnosed with NPD, BPD, ASPD, etc, has nothing to do with your capability to self inspect and grow as a human being. Stop with the "I can't help it, it's just the way I am." As someone who used to feel that way, let me tell you one goddamn thing in this world that will never fuckin change: you deserve a better way of life. But you are not gonna get that without doing a little bit of work and putting in a teeny tiny amount of effort into changing the status quo. At the end of the day, you control yourself. Nobody else controls you, your words, your actions, your mindsets? All you. "I can't help it" means "I don't have enough guidance and validation from my childhood past to know I feel safe enough to change my behavior. Because nobody has ever showed me true unconditional love." Thing is, you've got to go through a whole helluva lot of mourning to even understand that nobody else will be able to replicate the love your parents should have given you. This is your job, and it's a job you should have never been given to begin with. But it is still your job at the end of the day. No one else. Not your partner. Not your besties. But you. Find ways to restore faith in yourself. Don't you ever fuckin forget that. Not a goddamn thing else in this world matters outside of that.
If you found this helpful, please consider reblogging. If you need to vent and yell about there being a post catering to NPD & abusive behaviors, please consider reblogging anyway. The truth of the matter is that there are so few actually useful introspective sources out there for people who struggle with projection, and we live in a day and age where people want immediate solutions. Therapy! Yes. Therapy is a great idea. But we can still curate a deeper understanding outside of therapy too.
Thanks for reading. Hope this helps 🌸
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allgremlinart · 2 years
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you have permission to unfollow me for this
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joeyprotozoa · 1 year
More of the mrs pls
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i love her crooked tooth swag
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volixia669 · 4 months
I need Gordan Ramsey to visit franchise restaurants. I know it would tank so many brands so would never happen, plus all the illegal shit happening, but if you think family owned restaurants are bad, just wait til you find out how your local Panera is run.
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something so delicious and rewarding about making him laugh really hard. like thank you now let's make out
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izpride · 2 months
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Transparent Icons - Frylord Sizz-Lorr
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moshieee-but-evil · 3 months
This is an oops moshie got emotional moment ~
don't mind me and just scroll on past but it's not like I can stop you just use your judgement
Make sure to read the tags first though
(my problems are mine and I just need to write and put them out there to process everything you don't need to do anything)
I want to be viewed as kind and to be kind to others don't get me wrong
Is it strange sometimes I worry people only see me as a kind person?
But... Does being kind count as a personality when it's the only thing to me, is that all I have to me?
And that makes me concerned, if i don't have a personality... does that mean I'm even fully a person?
This is how my anxiety works it digs into one thought and starts spiraling, maybe that's why I'm so good at picking up on small details... details that sometimes don't even mean anything
when talking to other people I try my best to choose my words carefully like they have the same problems
That's cute, it's fine, i'm fine...
Just a few of the words I try to avoid because they've hurt me in the past, even though I know not everyone has the same issues
I worry that if I choose a wrong word I could make others start to spiral as well, or that they'll dig into it and notice something is wrong
I try to treat everyone like they have the same kind of worries I do if not more, even though I know we're all different
Perhaps that's why I worry that they'll worry, about me if I make the slightest slip up, but I don't want to force my problems or emotions onto other people...
I grew up with two parents who did that constantly as I grew up and I know how awful that feeling of being trapped in trying to... In needing to help others is, I don't want that for anyone
I worry that if I let people care for me, to listen to my problems or try to help I'll be like my parents...
And even though I know people care about me, my brain sometimes tells me I won't get reassurance, and it will just hurt if I'm ignored, or just unnoticed
It makes me feel entitled when I make a small slip up and I feel hurt by it going unnoticed, which is selfish of me
People have no way of knowing, and I don't want them to worry and look into everything I say, I don't want to make this difficult for people who care, and yet I still do this...
Either way I don't know what I want, I don't even know what I want by saying this, perhaps to get it out of my head so I can look at my thoughts better, like if I was trying to reassure another person, to give them advice...
I don't know if I want reassurance or to be ignored because both feel awful, other people already have so many problems they need to deal with, they shouldn't have to deal with me being whiny about my feelings
I'm sorry if you decided to read this and it makes you feel like you need to reach out please please PLEASE know it's not necessary.
I won't stop anyone doing what they want. but do not, do it out of a feeling of obligation
And now that I got that out of my system, let's just move on!
I like keep things positive and I'll do my best to sort this out myself after all it's the reason I have a therapist!
Have a wonderful day everyone I love yall :D
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zzarihoe · 2 years
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u kno the…tfw ur….delivery boy gets knocked out in a fight…and no one except for tang but come on is there 2 help….and u..change into…..a big boar demon ….to protect him…when u didnt even kno u could do that...u kno, that feeling?
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wausaupilot · 6 months
Wausau area restaurant health inspections this month
This month's restaurant inspections and health violations from the Marathon County Health Department:
Wausau Pilot & Review Throughout October, the Marathon County Health Department conducted a series of routine and follow-up inspections for various local restaurants to ensure compliance with health codes. Here are the results: A&A Restaurant, 1702 Grand Ave., Wausau, 54403, routine inspection Oct. 6. Two violations: ProPower Quaternary Sanitizer is not being used according to EPA registered…
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kyreniacommentator · 2 years
An unregistered, illegal business was sealed and shut in Girne
An unregistered, illegal business was sealed and shut in Girne
The Ago Beauty salon was sealed and shut down by the Girne Municipality Health Department. Upon information received and after subsequent checks were made, Ago Beauty salon was found to be performing botox and lip filler procedures without permission from the authorities and was operating illegally. (more…)
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djsangos · 5 days
//MY CAR PASSED INSPECTION WOOOOOO finally that's a HUGE weight off my shoulders fjdkakfjka
such a good girl she's definitely getting a carwash as soon as i can find the time/energy fjdakljfkad
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plethoraworldatlas · 3 months
The federal Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service is proposing to spray toxic insecticides within treasured and significant landscapes of the Colorado Plateau in northern Arizona to kill native grasshoppers.
The areas being considered include portions of the Vermilion Cliffs National Monument, Grand Canyon-Parashant National Monument, and the newly designated Baaj Nwaavjo I’tah Kukveni – Ancestral Footprints of the Grand Canyon National Monument.
“This is a dangerous plan that could kill creatures that are key to northern Arizona’s unique biodiversity, which these national monuments were designated to protect,” said Taylor McKinnon, Southwest director at the Center for Biological Diversity. “The federal government needs to stop downplaying the extinction crisis and back off its reckless plan to smother biodiversity hotspots with toxic pesticides.”
One out of every 10 plant species in the Colorado Plateau region is found nowhere else on Earth.
The agency's draft environmental assessment omits mention of the national monuments and unique species and habitats they were designated to protect. These species include rare bees, butterflies and other creatures found nowhere else, like the Kaibab monkey grasshopper and House Rock Valley chisel-toothed kangaroo rat, specifically named in the August proclamation establishing the Baaj Nwaavjo I’tah Kukveni National Monument.
APHIS oversees and funds the application of multiple pesticides on rangelands to prevent native grasshoppers and Mormon crickets from competing with livestock for forage.
The proposed insecticides — carbaryl, diflubenzuron and chlorantraniliprole — are indiscriminate. In addition to the grasshoppers the agency is targeting, the insecticides can also kill bees, moths and other insects. Spraying can harm entire ecosystems by disrupting pollination and can harm populations of birds, reptiles and mammals who feed on grasshoppers and insects.
Although grasshoppers and Mormon crickets can be locally abundant from time to time, native plants and other wildlife evolved with these cycles. Introducing pesticides to eliminate native grasshoppers is a shortsighted, quick fix that fails to consider the complex interrelationships within these delicate ecosystems.
The agency’s draft analysis shows that it has failed to consult with affected Tribes with ties to the Grand Canyon area. The Grand Canyon Tribal Coalition, which proposed the Baaj Nwaavjo I’tah Kukveni National Monument, includes members of the Havasupai Tribe, Hopi Tribe, Hualapai Tribe, Kaibab Band of Paiute Indians, Las Vegas Tribe of Paiutes, Moapa Band of Paiute Indians, Paiute Indian Tribe of Utah, Shivwits Band of Paiutes, Navajo Nation, San Juan Southern Paiute Tribe, Yavapai-Apache Nation, Zuni Tribe and Colorado River Indian Tribes.
“It’s so important that APHIS honor the promise made to work together with Tribal nations to protect the sacred spaces and resources within the Baaj Nwaavjo I’tah Kukveni Monument when it was established less than six months ago,” said Sharon Selvaggio, pesticide program specialist with The Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation. “We call on the agency to protect natural systems on Tribal and public lands by employing nonchemical management that allows humans and wildlife to thrive.”
In March 2023 the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency published a draft biological opinion from NOAA Fisheries showing that carbaryl is likely to jeopardize 37 species protected under the Endangered Species Act, and harm 36 designated critical habitats.
While Arizona is not home to any of the species named in that report, the findings show the extreme harm carbaryl poses to endangered fish and other species.
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, which is charged with protecting endangered plants and animals, has not yet completed a proper analysis of the potential harms from the APHIS proposal. Potentially vulnerable endangered species in Arizona include Chiricahua leopard frogs, western yellow-billed cuckoos, Gila chub, black-footed ferrets and Siler pincushion cacti.
APHIS is accepting comments on the proposal until 4 p.m. MST on Feb. 2.
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