#health practitioners
happypatrolcreator · 1 year
Ashanti Region: Exodus of Health Practitioners on the Rise.
Ashanti Region: Exodus of Health Practitioners on the Rise. Ashanti Region: “It’s essentially like a rapture. You encounter certain nurses, and by the following day, they are nowhere to be found.” These concerned words were expressed by Dr. Nana Kwesi Blankson, the Acting Medical Director of Kumasi South Hospital, which also serves as a Regional Hospital. The hospital has been severely…
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troythecatfish · 11 months
Here’s my personal recommendation of a article to check out:
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displaycia · 1 year
Welcome to the Global Webinar on Nursing! This online event is designed for nurses, healthcare professionals, researchers, nursing practitioners, academicians, administrators, policymakers, clinicians, medical knowledge seekers, and other professionals related to nursing and healthcare. The webinar will focus on the theme “Investigating the Role of Nursing from Community Healthcare to Global Health” and will cover various aspects related to the nursing field, including nursing research, evidence-based practice, nursing education, nursing administration, and various nursing fields such as midwifery, obstetrics, pediatrics, and more. Join Displaycia webinar to disseminate your knowledge, research findings, strategies, and experience, or to upgrade your knowledge on key topics of the nursing sector. This is a great opportunity to network and learn from other professionals in the field. Register now to be part of this critical event!
Learn more about us or feel free to contact us at [email protected] for additional details.
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actu-real · 1 year
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Generative AI holds immense promise in expediting the advancement of value-based care models.
This technology empowers healthcare professionals to derive insights, predict outcomes, and design personalized treatment strategies.
Moreover, it identifies patterns that guide resource allocation, cost-efficiency, and patient-centric care through automated analysis.
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simplyarty1 · 1 year
The Self-empowerment Working With a Life Coach & Healthcare Practitioner.
CSEL, LLC, is all about maintaining good mental health. Helping us connect with our Inner Well-being and sharing pertinent information as it relates.
Hey. Do you enjoy it? Do you not love, love, love short but to-point kind of reads of certain pertinent information? Don’t you just enjoy those books and articles that pique our interest and are also short but contain so many powerful pieces of information? Short informative reads that have a great impact. Yes? Me too.  Here you go.   Introduction: Embarking on a journey towards better health…
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moonhedgegarden · 1 year
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findmeinthefallair · 1 year
I know Dana and co. would've pushed for the mid-October release date of Thanks to Them because it's close to Halloween, but it's interesting that the official poster release, to kick off the hype,
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was in September which is Suicide Prevention month (10th September is World Suicide Prevention Day).
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The episode itself was released in October, which is not only our beloved spooky month but also Mental Health Awareness Month (10th October is World Mental Health Day).
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It was massively anticipated and was the first of the three specials, and had a profound impact on countless people who felt a connection to the characters, especially Luz and Hunter, at a new level, shedding more light on darkness to create more understanding.
There are allegories of mental health, especially in this part of their arcs (one example is Luz telling the group that she had set the events linked to the Day of Unity into motion, the other is Hunter being possessed), that are truly impressive and which come with fantasy elements.
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oorjayiiyoga · 1 year
Embrace the Harmony Within Yoga- The Soulful Dance of Cells, in Perfect Rhythm with the Breath. In this fast-paced world, finding serenity amidst the chaos is a precious gift. Yoga, the ancient art of mindfulness, offer this precious opportunity.
Check our Yoga Retreat!
Welcome to our yoga retreat! We are thrilled to have you join us on this transformative journey of self-discovery, relaxation, and rejuvenation. Our retreat is designed to provide you with a nourishing and holistic experience, allowing you to reconnect with your mind, body, and spirit in a serene and supportive environment.
Throughout your time with us, you will have the opportunity to deepen your yoga practice, explore various meditation techniques, and cultivate mindfulness. Our experienced and passionate instructors will guide you through yoga sessions tailored to your needs and level of experience, helping you develop strength, flexibility, and inner awareness.
In addition to the yoga and meditation practices, we have curated a schedule that includes workshops and lectures on topics such as yoga philosophy, anatomy, nutrition, art and holistic wellness. These educational sessions aim to enhance your understanding of the yogic lifestyle and provide you with valuable tools for personal growth and well-being.
Our retreat takes place in a beautiful natural setting, surrounded by the tranquil beauty of nature. You will have the chance to immerse yourself in outdoor activities, such as hiking, nature walks, or simply taking in the peaceful atmosphere. This connection with nature will enhance your overall experience and promote a sense of harmony and tranquility.
At our yoga retreat, you will also have the opportunity to connect with a community of like-minded individuals who share your passion for yoga and holistic living. The bonds and friendships formed during this retreat often become cherished and supportive connections that extend beyond our time together.
We are excited to embark on this transformative journey with you and create a space where you can nurture your body, mind, and spirit. Get ready to experience the healing power of yoga, embrace self-care, and rediscover your inner balance. Welcome to our yoga retreat!
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onsomekindofstartrek · 2 months
Fucking Christ I had the most irritating argument recently.
So Big Joel put out a teaser for his upcoming video on Irreversible Damage. Now, while Cass Eris has covered this ground pretty thoroughly, I’m definitely glad that a bigger leftist YouTuber, and one as insightful as Henry, is taking a shot at it, just like I was glad to see multiple other video essays on the Somerton scandal. Abigail Shrier continues to be a very vocal fearmonger about trans issues.
In the comments of that video someone was like “yeah it’s unfortunate that this book was transphobic, but her new book, Bad Therapy, is incredible.”
Now, Bad Therapy has already gotten two videos from Cass Eris, so I feel qualified to sum it up as like, exactly her previous book but for mental illnesses she thinks are subclinical, rather than for being transmasc. So basically “overreaching doctors and counselors are using unnecessary therapy to make our children think they’re trans mentally ill.” Fun, right? And obviously fertile ground for her to push TERF ideas in a more subtle way without making the transphobia as obvious as she did in Irreversible Damage.
Now, whatever you think of the thesis “iatrogenic mental illness is a common outcome in teens who undergo school-mandated talk therapy” (it’s probably mostly horseshit,) you probably should find someone else to defend that thesis. You know, besides the woman who previously published a bestselling transphobic screed with a large section on how transness in teenagers can be iatrogenic. I would not like to take her word on anything related to psychiatric treatment of children, actually.
(Especially when she seems to have, as her main concern, the future reproductive capabilities of AFAB children. For Christ sakes, the cover of Irreversible Damage shows a picture of a small girl in 50’s clothing with a circle cut out of the picture roughly where the womb would be. Like Christ, I don’t want to hear anything this woman thinks about children!)
But no, when first Big Joel and then I push back, this person wants to argue like “oh but she’s so right in this new book and I wouldn’t read it and endorse if anyone else were talking about it” and shifting the burden onto me to prove that there’s some other person talking about this issue, and a load of shit like that. I think they think they won, too, because I just had to leave.
And the thing is… would you do this for anything else? “Oh this person is a young earth creationist, but we’re talking about embryology, not evolution, so I suppose we can trust them. And who else is talking about embryology? It’s your job to show me someone else talking in this way about the subject and maybe then I’ll consider not endorsing the obvious evangelical Christian grifter.”
No! Fuck no! She’s invested in the idea that parents need to protect their children specifically from devious healthcare providers to protect them from “being convinced they’re trans,” so a second book on the topic of healthcare providers causing mental illness in children is going to be biased at best, even if it doesn’t mention trans issues directly. How are you this dense?
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allthecanadianpolitics · 10 months
Alberta will soon allow nurse practitioners to open their own independent clinics in a move the provincial government promises will expand primary care access. Health Minister Adriana LaGrange made the announcement Wednesday that independent practices would be able to open starting early next year. It comes as Albertans often go without routine medical care due to a shortage of family doctors.
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Tagging @politicsofcanada @abpoli
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harmonyhealinghub · 8 months
The Fulfilling Journey of Being a Reiki Practitioner
Shaina Tranquilino
February 5, 2024
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People are constantly seeking ways to improve their physical and mental well-being. One holistic practice that has gained significant popularity in recent years is reiki. As a reiki practitioner myself, I can confidently say that this path brings immense fulfillment, not just for those we help but also for our own personal growth. In this blog post, let's explore why being a reiki practitioner is so deeply fulfilling.
1. Empowering Others:
As a reiki practitioner, one of the most rewarding aspects is the ability to empower others on their healing journey. Through gentle touch or distance healing, we channel universal life force energy to balance and harmonize the recipient's energetic system. Witnessing clients experience deep relaxation, stress relief, pain reduction, emotional release, and overall well-being is incredibly fulfilling. Knowing that you've played a part in someone's healing process creates an indescribable sense of joy and purpose.
2. Creating Positive Energy Exchanges:
Reiki sessions create powerful energy exchanges between the practitioner and client. During a treatment, both parties immerse themselves in a serene atmosphere where positive intentions permeate the space. This exchange enables profound connections with individuals seeking healing and promotes an environment conducive to fostering trust and compassion. The shared experiences during treatments often result in lasting relationships built on genuine care and understanding.
3. Personal Growth and Self-Healing:
While offering healing to others, reiki practitioners embark on an inner journey of self-discovery and growth. Regularly practicing reiki allows us to become more attuned to our own energy systems, bringing about personal transformation and healing. By working on ourselves, we enhance our abilities as practitioners – becoming clearer channels for divine energy to flow through us effortlessly.
4. Cultivating Mindfulness:
Reiki inherently encourages mindfulness in both practitioners and recipients alike. The practice requires us to be fully present, focusing on the energy flowing through our hands and into the recipient's body. This heightened state of awareness fosters a deep connection with the present moment, enabling practitioners to let go of distractions and worries. The mindfulness cultivated through reiki spills over into all areas of life, leading to increased clarity, peace of mind, and overall well-being.
5. Being Part of a Supportive Community:
The reiki community is a tight-knit group that shares a common passion for healing and spiritual growth. Engaging with fellow practitioners allows for valuable exchanges of knowledge, experiences, and techniques. Participating in workshops, seminars, or reiki circles not only expands our understanding but also provides ongoing support from like-minded individuals who understand the unique journey we are on.
Being a reiki practitioner is truly fulfilling in countless ways. From witnessing the transformative effects it has on others' lives to experiencing personal growth and cultivating mindfulness within ourselves – each aspect contributes to an enriched existence. By embracing this holistic practice, we become catalysts for positive change while simultaneously nurturing our own well-being. If you feel drawn to healing work and have an innate desire to make a difference in people's lives, consider embarking on the fulfilling journey of becoming a reiki practitioner.
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spookyxsam · 9 months
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I did it, guys. I finished grad school this morning. Thank you sweet little 9lb 5 oz baby Jesus 😂
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wytchwyse · 2 months
In therapy today I uncovered more people pleasing behavior. It explains why some people meet me and instantly vilify me or find me to be fake. They pick up on the manipulation and interpret it to be malicious. And although it comes from the complex trauma from the DV and abuse it is a behavior I picked up to attempt to docile others so they won't hurt me it is still a manipulation. And manipulation no matter the reason is still wrong.
It's important to be honest with yourself.
Doing the deep work is the most difficult yet most rewarding thing you could possibly do.
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sp00kysk3lly · 10 months
When your doctor repeatedly calls you “odd” on your medical notes…
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