#heartbeat langauge
euesworld · 2 years
"Your name is the love language of my heart, each beat a library of emotions pumping oceans of love through me.."
Your name to my heart is like honey to a bee, like heat to a star, and sounds like poetry to me - eUë
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solacedoll · 2 years
Love is forever you~ 555
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• A love so beautiful •
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herenya-writes · 4 months
To Kneel at Your Feet
So, uh, I tried my hand at a little Dreamling fic when a particular image wouldn't get out of my head.
~1850 words, Rated T (violence, non-graphic injuries, a bit of foul langauge), pre-relationship Dreamling set a few months after Dream escapes the fishbowl but before he's told Hob who he is
When a shadow fell over him, Hob figured he was fucked. Well, even more fucked than he already had been.
The day had started pretty normal. Term was over for the summer, and he had finally finished the last of the marking the night before, so he had let himself laze in the sunny patches of his bed until almost noon when the grumbling of his stomach drove him to the kitchen for food. The rest of the day had been syrupy slow, with a light frisson of anticipation running through. He was meeting his Stranger tomorrow morning for brunch, their first pre-evening meeting and the fifth one they had had since his Stranger had returned. So it was with a spring in his step that he had gone through the rest of the day, chatting with Mrs. Giles up the road about whether he could buy a few cases of her jam to serve at the Inn, taking a stroll around the park, mixing up a batch of scones. When Sasha called in sick, he had gladly picked up their shift bar-tending at the Inn, and even that had been lovely. A faster pace than the rest of his day, sure, but the night had been full of familiar faces and easy laughter.
He had been closing up the Inn and wiping down the last of the tables when the bell above the door rang. He didn’t get out so much as a word before the bullets were flying.
He managed to dodge them for a good while, but even his immortal body got tired of crouching and diving eventually. Plus, there were three of them, all armed, and only one of him. He had a bat and an array of knives behind the bar and an assortment of weapons in his flat above, but he didn’t see how he could get to either of those places unscathed. He’d survive, of course, but that could cause even more problems depending on how smart these thugs were.
His next dodge had been a bit too slow, and as he slid behind the sturdy oak of one of the booths a bullet buried itself in his shoulder. He snarled at the pain and pressed a hand to the wound on instinct. His immortality meant he’d survive no matter how many times these assholes shot him, but it didn’t stop him from feeling the bite of metal burrowing into his flesh.
It was as he was leaning against the wood, listening for footsteps and considering his options that a shape blocked the light above him. He swore and held up an arm to guard his face on instinct, but when he looked up it wasn’t one of the thugs he saw.
In the muted light of the Inn, his Stranger stood, clothed as always in his black coat, jeans, and boots, a minuscule frown pulling at his lips.
Without thinking, Hob grabbed the hem of his Stranger’s coat and yanked him down. His Stranger went, and a millisecond later bullets soared through the air where he had been standing.
“Sorry, friend. You chose a dangerous time to stop by,” he gasped. He had grabbed his Stranger with his left arm, and the bullet wound in his shoulder was protesting loudly.
His friend’s face took on a pinched expression, brows furrowing in a way that would have been adorable in another situation.
“You are injured,” he observed, his voice deep and rumbling like distant thunder. Hob could listen to that voice all day, and despite the circumstances he could feel his heartbeat slowing at just those three words. “You are not healing as you should.”
Hob blinked and looked down. Damn, his Stranger was right. One of the side effects of his immortality was that any injuries he sustained healed rapidly. Serious stuff like disembowelment still took a long (and excruciatingly painful) time to heal, but the process happened much faster for him than a normal human. He had been stabbed in a knife fight once in his second century of living and by the time the other fellow had hit the floor the only evidence of the wound had been the blood on his skin and the tear in his shirt. A bullet hole should have shown evidence of closing by now, but it was still gaping open and bleeding freely.
“At least I won’t have to cut the bullet out later,” he joked, but the tremble in his voice ruined his attempted levity.
“There are very few weapons in this world or another that could harm you so,” his Stranger declared, and something like lightning flashed in his eyes. His expression turned stone cold, and in a fluid movement he rose to his feet and turned toward the gunmen. Hob scrambled up after him, biting back curses, but he stopped short when he realized there weren’t any bullets flying through the air.
In the space of a blink, all the shadows in the room seemed to lengthen and gather around his Stranger, and Hob swore he saw recognition begin to dawn on the face of the lead thug as his Stranger stepped forward and extended one pale arm.
“Servants of the Morningstar, by what edict do you walk the Earth and seek the life of one to whom Death has denied her gift?” His Stranger’s voice buzzed with barely-restrained power, and something deep in Hob’s human brain told him to run and hide. He stayed where he was, though, and so did the gunmen, even as they trembled in obvious fear.
“Dead or not, the glory of claiming an immortal’s head for Lucifer’s throne room is undying,” the one in the middle declared. Hob was almost impressed with how even their voice was.
“You have attacked him in his home, unarmed and unaware of your challenge. There is no glory here, hellspawn.” His Stranger spat the word ‘glory’ like it was vinegar on his tongue, and all three creatures (he had thought they were human, but now he could swear an outline of fire flickered around them) recoiled. Still, they didn’t flee.
“He is unclaimed, Dreamlord. Glory or not, he’s ours for the taking!”
The shadows in the room deepened impossibly, and the air pressure dropped fast enough that Hob’s ears popped and every hair stood on end. His Stranger took a menacing step forward, standing directly between him and the gunment now. When he spoke, the power in his voice shook the floorboards and set Hob’s very bones buzzing.
“Is that so? Allow me to correct that oversight.”
His Stranger threw back his coat, and it melted into a midnight black robe. The folds of the fabric were ablaze with swirling galaxies that seemed to spill into the shadows that surrounded him. The power radiating off him now was equal parts strange and familiar, like hearing a song for the first time but immediately knowing the chorus. Any unease Hob had felt settled at once, even as the gunmen began to quiver and keen in dismay. His Stranger spoke over their sounds of distress, his voice firm and unyielding. In that moment, Hob had no doubt that he could make any declaration and reality would bend itself to reflect his will.
“I, Dream of the Endless, Shaper of Forms, Oneiromancer, Prince of Stories, King of the Dreaming and Nightmare Realms, declare Hob Gadling to be under my protection. Harm him and know the unfettered wrath of the Dreaming.”
Hob had been a lot of things in the past 600-plus years. He’d tried his hand at just about everything that had held his attention for longer than a week, and he had even been decent at a fair chunk of it. Hell, he’d even been knighted once! Right now, he probably had enough wealth squirreled away in stashes across the world to keep him living comfortably for the next two hundred or so years. At his core, though, he was nothing more than a peasant.
His knee hit the floor before his Stranger even finished speaking, and he barely felt the way the movement shocked his still-bleeding shoulder. All he could do was gaze up at his Stranger, awe, in the oldest sense of the word, flooding him. Dream of the Endless. His Stranger had a name. His Stranger was a king.
He wasn’t sure what happened with the thugs after that. There was a moment when the Inn got so dark all he could see where the pinpoints of light in his Stranger’s eyes and the galaxies swirling in his robe, and the next the light had returned and his Stranger had turned that fathomless gaze on him.
He lowered his eyes. “My king.” His tongue was heaving in his mouth, and his throat was sand paper. There was a spit of crimson blood, his blood, on the hem of his Stranger’s robe.
“You would kneel and call me king? Even after the wrongs I have committed against you? I did not even grant you the courtesy of my name.” Power still rumbled in his Stranger’s voice, but it was leashed now in a way that sent a spark racing up Hob’s spine. God help him, but he had always loved a bit of danger.
He risked a glance up and saw his Stranger’s perfect lips twisted in a frown, his brows drawn together like Hob was a puzzle he couldn’t quite figure out.
“I don’t need anything from you that you aren’t ready to give, my friend. You came back to me, and that was more than I could ever hope for.” Those words strayed a bit too close to another truth—that he would have waited forever just for a glimpse of his Stranger’s face, just to hear a single word from his lips—but Hob wasn’t about to start lying now, not when this magnificent creature, this otherworldly lord, had deemed him worthy of his time and attention despite all odds. His Stranger had returned after over 100 years to sit in a pub and listen to Hob ramble about airplanes and smartphones and humanity reaching the moon. How could anything he had to say possibly have captured the attention of a king with no doubt a million other duties to attend to?
His Stranger regarded him, galaxies swirling in his black eyes to match the ones dancing across his robe. Hob tore his gaze back to the floor for fear of falling in.
“Rise. You owe me no servitude or obeisance, Hob Gadling.”
Hob wanted to disagree, but he kept his mouth shut and did as his lord bid. He bit back a growl of pain as he stood, and in a blink his Stranger was there, long arms wrapped around his shoulders and holding him up with unnatural strength. Together, they hobbled up the stairs to his flat, and his Stranger laid him gently on the couch and let Hob grip his hand too tightly as he dug out the bullet lodged in his shoulder, seemingly uncaring of the way the crimson blood stained his pale fingers.
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lyramundana · 1 year
Coming back with my usual poly minsung shit (i swear I love everyone equally, they’re just got me on a chokeshold recently)
Do you know those cute trials where they have to try make one of the members’ heartbeats grow faster by making them nervous? (This gave us one of the most beautiful minsung moments: Jisung hugging Minho by the waist from behind and kissing his neck, succefully making the cat boy jump flustered. AHHHH) If you know those, you’re aware there are a type of headphones with fluffy ears form that twitch then the person wearing them is nervous by registering their heartbeats.
I pictured a moment between Vivi and Minsung. Pre-relationship, where they’re still on the friends stage. Jisung has already come to terms that he has a raging small crush on her, but Minho is still having trouble understanding it. For some reason I can’t think about now, they decide to try those headphones out. Of course, being boyfriends and all, they go a bit overboard with it because this is just a normal day of interactions with them (but the ears still move and it’s so fucking cute cause they’ve been together for years and still are smitten with each other). They mostly tease each other about who is more flustered, but then Vivi asks if she can try it too.
She feels a bit weirded out herself for making that request, but she also finds them so utterly adorable with those ears on and how they move, seeing also the effects on their bodies langauge, so of course she has to try. Something shifts between them both, but they allow it because, obviously, there’s nothing wrong with it. She’s just a friend, a dear and rather beautiful friend, so it’s no big deal. Jisung is the one with the headphones on.
Vivi proceeds with baby steps. She starts with some eye contact, the basics, but Jisung is already shaking internally. (Remember that video of him with an Ateez member, holding eye contact in silence? That’s him rn) he can’t supress his chuckles, his cheeks are turning a bit red, but he doesn’t move his eyes. She gets bolder and moves closer to him, until he can feel her breath near his face. His hands are grasping unto his knees harshly to prevent the shaking. She smiles at him warmly, tilting her head in a cocky way, and he feels himself ready to jump and run and laugh at the same time. Minho stares at them intently, barely blinking, and biting his fingers to prevent a nervous laught. He doesn’t know why he’s so nervous about. 
Then she goes for it. She clasps her hands around his shoulders, trapping him, and hides her nose in the space between his shoulder blades and neck, rubbing it. Ding ding ding, the fluffy ears are twitching already. Jisung finally breaks out on a shy chuckle and sofly pushes her away, but he almost seems reluctant when she gets away from him. She’s smiling in victory, enjoying the minutes of power she had over the boy and enjoying the feeling of knowing she made him so flustered and cute. 
She’s about to leave it there, but Jisung rushily takes off the headphones, puts them on Minho and claims it’s the boy’s turn now. The older looks like he’s been betrayed but he doesn’t take them off. Vivi rolls with it, thinking to herself “why the hell not?” and goes at him. 
Dear god, if Jisung was already shifty, Minho is a mess before she gets closer. He’s already smiling shyly, shifting his position constantly and looking everywhere but her eyes. However, she doesn’t need eye contact to make someone nervous, so she gets creative. She first starts clamping her hand on top of his head and softly caressing his hair, pulling it from time to time. Ups, the ears are already moving a bit and his ears are getting pink. She keeps going, now sitting almost on his lap and moving their faces close. Jisung’s burning gaze on them goes unacknoweldged by her, too focused on seeing how far she can go. She ten locks her arms on his broad shoulders, hugging him and pushing his face on her shoulder. He goes stiff for a moment, but suddenly she feels him moving his nose to her neck instead. The fluffy ears are twitching already, signaling his heart is beating faster than the average, but she doesn’t stop. She continues rubbing his scalp and even starts rocking him from side to side slowly..
and then she pulls his face away from her neck to give him a small, soft kiss on his earlids. 
She feels the vibration of the ears in her forehead by how fast they’re going.
She pulls away with a laugh, not quite believing what she just did but amused at Minho’s red ears and overall their flustered states. Minho blinks rapidily, mouth slightly open like he’s spaced out, and then he basically rips the ears off and throws them at Jisung with a yell. 
Vivi takes off time to go to the bathroom a second and leaves them alone. 
Feel free to complete the rest.
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Disability (Phil) Masterlist
20/20 - unlester
Summary: phil’s going blind and it’s not okay. not really, anyways.
A Book, An Umbrella, And Two Caramel Macchiatos (ao3) - koleen
Summary: Dan works at a little bookstore where a mute Phil looks for the book he wants, resulting to a lot of awkward moments and a whole lot of cute things that would make your heart flutter hehe.
Can’t Contain My Heartbeat - nagirci
Summary: Phil Lester is blind. Always has been. He was born that way. But he’s always managed to take it into his stride, and he’s always been fine. Well, with a friend like Carrie, how could he not have done? But he’s about to find that things can get complicated when you can’t see, with the arrival of new student Dan Howell, the boy with the soft voice and kind words who changes Phil’s life in a way that he could never even imagine.
Can’t Help The Itch To Touch- To Kiss (ao3) - thescienceofphan
Summary: Phil is deaf and Dan sleeps around a lot. So when people see them together, they worry about Phil’s emotional well being and shame on Dan for preying on a deaf boy, but it’s not like that. Not at all.
(or an AU where deaf!phil and playboy!dan are best friends and people think they’re dating)
Diagnosed for the Worst (ao3) - Star4545
Summary: Phil can’t speak and has always found home in books. Dan Howell is his favorite author who writes books that always speak for Phil.
Dying Happy (ao3) - orphan_account
Summary: Dan Howell is the new student and he is intrigued by silent boy Phil Lester
everything stays (but it still changes) (ao3) - sodalester (orphan_account)
Summary: dan and phil are neighbors who don’t talk much, except for the occasional light nights on the rooftop when they both can’t sleep. when phil is blinded in a car accident, he has to relearn everything he knew about navigating the world.
Finally Found a Friend - phandabbydosey
Summary: Phil is deaf and when hes a little boy (primary school) and is really lonely but there comes a new kid named Dan who, plot twist, is also deaf.
Had Me At Hello - dxnhowell
Summary: Dan sees Phil at the coffee shop everyday and usually gets his order. Phil is mute and has to hand in his order by paper. One day, he is surprised when he gets a surprise reply from Dan, the boy who works at the coffee shop.
I Would Run For You - passionfruitwriter
Summary: Dan is the new kid in school and tries desperately to get friends. When he meets Phil, the paralysed kid in a wheelchair, his interests change. Now his biggest worry is the thought of making Phil’s difficult daily life more optimistic, and then that tingling feeling in his stomach that tells him that this is more than a friendship. Maybe, just maybe, Dan can even manage to cure Phil’s disability?
Listen - adorkablephil
Summary: Phil is a successful YouTuber, and Dan is a fan desperate for attention. Sounds like 2009, right? Except Phil is Deaf.
Lollipop (ao3) - bokeae
Summary: In where Dan’s bisexual and slutty as fuck and Phil just wants his candy business to take off.
Love is blind (ao3) - counting2fifteen
Summary: Phil is deaf and turns off his hearing aids whenever Dan tries to argue with him, so Dan learns sign langauge.
Photography Has Nothing To Do With Cameras - crescendohowell
Summary: Based on the above prompt.  Dan gets transferred into Phil’s photo class and while asking Dan about how to use photoshop, Phil realises that Dan knows sign language. (cute, fluffy flirting and getting together stuff)
Restless (ao3) - overwhelmedbysonder
Summary: the one where Phil struggles with depression, PTSD and being mute, and Dan just wants to hug him.
Speak to Me (wattpad) - PhansCatWhiskers
Summary: Phil was mute. He had been since he was 13 after he’d been bullied and picked on at his old school. It first started with he didn’t talk to people at school. Then his family. Then no one ever. His mum thought it best to switch Phil to a different school. New school, new people, new chances. But no one could have knew what would happen when Dan Howell walked into his life.
Teach Me The World. (ao3) - phantasticjacky (danspastels)
Summary: Phil is blind. Dan shows him what colors feel like.
The Defect System (ao3) - Star4545
Summary: Everyone is born with a Defect. Dan and Phil just happen to be born with two. Dan is blind and deaf, Phil cannot speak nor dance. Once you meet your soulmate, the defects will disappear one at a time.
They’re Going To Love You - dxnhowell
Summary: Dan is Phil’s model boyfriend, and Phil is a youtuber in a wheelchair. They decide to finally make a video together after months of Phli’s viewers asking them to make a video together.
Touch (wattpad) - SweetLittlePhangirl
Summary: After a horrible accident, Phil loses his sight and goes completely blind. Dan’s help has been amazing to get him through it, but Dan can’t help falling in love with his best friend - now in daily need of his care and attention. This story is about love and trust, and how two friends - much more than friends - overcome the odds of a disability, and how they realize that no matter how difficult it gets, they will always have each other.
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bakugohoex · 4 years
“y/n, if it was the end of the world and you asked to talk, i’d be there in a heartbeat”
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pairing: wakatoshi ushijima x female reader
cw: fluff, angst, crying, langauge
word count: 3800+
a/n: this took like three hours to write so hopefully it doesn’t flop, i’m scared it might because it’s an ushijima fic and i don’t know that many people who acc simp over this man
summary: in which your recent break up had made you realise your unknown feelings for your roommate ushijima, whilst he’s trying to distract you from your break up, you end up meeting your ex where your feelings get revealed
↞ back to haikyu!! masterlist
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The slam of the door signified the end of the long tumultuous relationship. It wasn’t like you loved the guy, he was the one to pursue you and he was nothing more than a passer-by in your life. So, why were you so upset? It was mainly the comments when the two of you had been arguing in your apartment. You were glad your roommate wasn’t here and at practice, you didn’t want him to witness the words that came from his mouth.
“You really are a fucking whore, you’ve probably been sleeping with that volleyball player” He was pacing back and forth, a tear falling down your face.
“I fucking wish I had.” You spoke nonchalantly, you had stopped caring about the relationship.
“You wish you had, stupid cunt, at least I had the balls to sleep with other girls, you really think you’re the shit don’t you.” He paused. “You’re worthless and no wonder nobody has stuck around.”
You wiped your tears away, going to the mirror in the bathroom. You knew Ushijima would be home soon and you didn’t need him to see you crying, you didn’t want him to ask about what had happened. Why did you even say you wish you had slept with him? You tensed more tears falling down your cheek. How fucking dare, he say all that shit about cheating, who was he to give an opinion on you anymore.
You shook your head wiping your tears, you were glad the weekend was here, not wanting to go back to classes at all. The university life was hard and being younger than Ushijima he had already become a professional volleyball player whilst you were in your last year.
He had met you through mutual friends and you two were both in need of roommates. It was the only reason for the arrangement to occur, you both rarely saw each other, mostly in the mornings before classes and practices and in the evenings. On weekends there was an exception with no early morning practice, so you saw him a lot more.
You walked out of the bathroom, needing food to fill the sad ridden hole in your heart. “Y/n, you home.”
You heard Ushijima’s footsteps come towards the kitchen. He was sweaty and tired from practice; you hid your sadness with a smile. It was fake and he could see in your eyes the fresh tears indicating that you weren’t okay, he didn’t ask knowing that you might just need space.
“How was practice?” You asked finding some milk, wanting cereal even though it was hitting 8pm.
“It was fine, Kageyama’s getting a lot better setting for other people.”
“He’s the new guy, right?” You had heard about Kageyama from Bokuto who you had known since high school. He told you about the training camps he had been on with Kageyama and Hinata.
“Yeah, in my last year, his school beat us.” He spoke tiredly, it seemed like he had gotten over the lose as quickly as it happened. “You only have cereal at night when you’re sad.”
“Oh, you noticed.” You whisper pouring the milk on the cereal.
He nodded, resting his head on his hand. You spoke again sitting in front of him, he looked even more tired than normally. But was still staying up to talk to you, “I’m now single.”
“Oh, are you okay?” He didn’t know what else to ask looking up at you with his olive eyes looking up at you, to anybody this would look like his normal stoic self but you his eyes showed a type of comfort.
“Yeah, we both said some stuff we regret.” The five words you had previously shouted skimmed through your mind.
He grabbed another bowl on the side, taking the cereal and milk and eating as well. You smiled softly at the boy, helping him make sure nothing spilt on the sides. “As long as you’re happy.”
“Yeah, I guess I am.” You whisper, you both sat in a comfortable silence, eating and just appreciating the presence both of you brought.
“Practice got cancelled tomorrow.” You had been washing the dishes as Ushijima walked back in having got changed, the grey joggers and white shirt encased his muscles and hard body.
You turned to face the boy, ever since saying the words all you could think about was ripping his clothes off and letting him take all of you. You knew he has a big cock; it was obvious not just from how you could sometimes see the indent through his joggers especially now. But the amount of big dick energy memes that Ushijima got from his friends that you had to explain to him.
He smiled to you, grabbing his water bottle before speaking again, “we should hang out, you can get over your boyfriend then.” He was very blunt about your feelings towards your ex-boyfriend and as much as you wanted to be isolated in your room. You needed to prove to him and yourself that you weren’t going to stay pent up over a relationship that didn’t matter at all.
“Sure, what do you want to do?” You ask, his gaze moving from his phone to your smaller frame, you had come closer to him and he gulped at how you were almost touching arm-to-arm.
“Hoshiumi told us about this new restaurant that opened up, they serve sushi.” You smiled at the boy.
“I can go for some sushi.” He smiled back putting a hand on your shoulder, it sent a burst of electricity through you and all wished for was that hand wrapped around your neck.
He left as soon as he came, you could sense he needed sleep so let him go without another word. You went into your own room, it had potted plants and pictures from high school and university, there were some with Fukurodani’s team, you and Akaashi, you and the MSBY Black Jackals and even you and Ushijima from a night out.
He was tipsy which led him to be blunter which you enjoyed hearing his opinions of people. His arm was lazily around your shoulder as he bent down his mouth to your ear. The photo was amusing and brought you joy at the close contact.
You didn’t bother staying awake, trying to fall asleep, but all you could do was cry.
He shouted out, “you’re so fucking stupid, get it through that thick skull that you were always just my sex toy.”
The words echoed through your head as more tears fell down your face. You didn’t care about him, you hated him. But the more you thought about the wasted days on him and the loveless sex, it angered you.
You had fallen asleep, but nightmares ran through your head, you were panting in your sleep, moving back and forth at the feeling of worthlessness. You screamed waking up, sweat dripped from your forehead as tears fell down your face. It wasn’t the normal tears you had had, you were sobbing, the wetness never ending.
You heard your door open, seeing a shirtless tired Ushijima walk in, he didn’t say anything, only moving to sit on your bed. He saw the tears and breathlessness, you both didn’t speak, until you felt his arm around you softly.
The way you instantly clung onto him, the tears falling. Even if you could never have the stoic boy, it was nice to have him around you. “What happened?”
You were about to explain the dream before he brought a finger to your lips to stop you. “Not about your dream, about him, what did he say to you?”
You looked up at him, his arm still around you, your hair dishevelled and most of all your face damp, “he called me w…worthless, a cunt, a whore, just a…a sex toy.”
Ushijima’s jaw clenched at your vulnerability, “if I ever see him, I’m going to kill him.” He mutters, it was probably the first time you heard any emotion come from him. “He’s fucking stupid Y/n, he never deserved you.”
“I know, I hate h…him, but the w…words, am I not everything he said.” Tears continued to fall as you felt Ushijima’s hands cup your cheek wiping the tears away. You leant your head against his exposed chest, he looked down at you, a softness collapsing inside of him.
“Y/n, you should’ve talked to me before.”
You look at him, he didn’t look at you, looking at the pictures and plants, a soft smile as he saw the photo of you two. “You were tired, and you have other things to worry about than…”
He interrupts you gazing into your eyes, “Y/n, if it was the end of the world and you asked to talk, I’d be there in a heartbeat.”
A soft smile placed on your face, you truly appreciated him. He let you vent your feelings for a couple more minutes before you got tired again. “Can you stay?”
The whisper and hesitation in your voice made Ushijima give a small smile before nodding. He may be a man of little words but the way he slept beside you, you hesitated to create any contact. But as you turned on your side facing away from him, you felt his arms moving to your waist. The way you felt protected and loved, your back pressing against his base chest, it was paradise and everything you needed.
You both woke up entangled in each other’s arms, your body had turned inwards as Ushijima slept on his back. A secure arm still around you but your own hand had rested on his chest, feeling each muscle tense under you.
“Good morning.” His voice was rough and tired, you giggled at how he remained under you. It was as if he wasn’t acknowledging the closeness.
“Morning.” You smile back, “what time are we going to the sushi place?”
He checks the clock on your beside table, seeing it only being half eight. He turns to face you again, “we should go mid-day I want to show you something afterwards.”
You nod at the boy but the nosiness in you made you start to annoy the boy, “what do you want to show me?”
“It’s a surprise Y/n.”
“You’re so mean Toshi.” The nickname fell off your lips without you realising, his face hinted at some redness before he didn’t meet your gaze.
“Be patient Y/n.” You rolled your eyes looking at your ceiling, glow in the dark stars scattered across.
“The stars don’t even glow properly, why did you buy them?”
You elbowed his side, which you forget was bare, he didn’t move probably not even feeling it, “they were a present, I love stars and space.”
“I can tell.” He spoke getting up, his back was away from you, he rolled his shoulders, making you see his back muscles all you wanted to do was touch them and scratch them all up. “Get ready.”
He left the room, not even meeting your glance, you quickly did your morning routine, before going to make breakfast, making some for Ushijima after last night. You heard the shower turn off just as you put down the plates of pancakes, he walked in his hair wet and down. He was too pretty to be human; the way water beads fell to his torso where his joggers encased his thighs.
You were almost drooling at the boy, everything you had taken for granted before was becoming increasingly perfect to you. “I made pancakes” You gulped out.
“Thank you.” He sat in front again, as you passed him a plate, he started to speak about his friend who had become a chocolatier, his friend seemed to be the opposite to him. “You remind me of him, he was always the enthusiastic type.”
“I’m surprised you were friend’s with him, he seems more talkative than you are.”
“I grew comfortable with him to express myself more, I talk more with you than I normally do.” He spoke eating, you could see the maple syrup wrap around his lips, he licked them. Your mouth agape as you couldn’t control the feeling inside of you. It was a small action that made your legs tense moving closer together.
He continued to speak, getting more comfortable to talk more than he normally did. Even you had said less words than he had, and you were normally the one to carry conversations.
“I’ll wash up, you get changed.” You nodded at the man, as you skipped away. He watched how you moved thinking of last night.
You were vulnerable and all he wanted to do was make you know that you were wanted. Holding you in his arms all he felt was an electric love flow through him. Your tight shirt had hung on you perfectly, he could see every part of your body and the shorts did little to hide your legs. If you hadn’t have been crying, he would’ve taken you right there.
He continued his thoughts about last night as you got changed. Contemplating to what to wear, you wanted to look nice, even if it wasn’t a date, you wanted to make him swoon. You saw the chilly outside, finding some trousers that hugged your thighs before flaring out at the bottom, you wore them and an oversized sweatshirt. You couldn’t be bothered to wear a coat and as you dried your hair letting it set you did your makeup, you looked perfect well that’s what you hoped he would say.
You walked out, trying to find your shoes with a small bag around your body. Ushijima had been waiting leaning against the sofa, his face concentrated on his phone. He had no social media, so you had no idea what had been intriguing him as much as it had. You often tried to plead him to get something so you could send him funny memes, but he’d remain silent patting your head like a dog. It was a silent way of him say no kindly.
He looked up, his white button up shirt and jeans on fitting him nicely. He was never one to care about his appearance, but the white shirt left nothing to your imagination, you could see every indent, he held a coat in his arms, as he eyed you up and down.
“Do I not look nice?” You were hesitant on your outfit choice now.
He scratched his head looking at you, “You look perfect.”
You smiled looking down, “we should get going.”
The walk and drive to the sushi place was quiet, you had been longing for any type of touch from him. But he kept his eyes on the road, one hand on the wheel as the other was biting his nail. The tension in the air, he wanted to ask if you were doing okay, but didn’t want to make you sad.
He went against the thought anyway and asked, “are you doing okay?” He was parking the car, looking out the back window, his arm around your seat, as you could see his arms, the way his biceps tensed and face locked. He was a beauty, and you were swooning hard.
“I’m fine, I want to thank you for last night, it really meant a lot.” You stopped looking at his arms, the way your head had been a mere inch from his arms.
You looked down at your fingers waiting for him to speak, “Everything I said last night was the truth.” You nodded not wanting to say anymore.
You both started walking towards the sushi place, it wasn’t that cold, but you could feel a cold breath of air hitting your face. You wanted to just wrap around the tall boy but went against your thoughts as he opened the sushi place doors.
It looked nice and cosy and there was a mass of customers, clearly a popular place. You both got lead to a table, it was cute and near the window, so you could admire the sky. “It’s on me, so choose whatever you want.”
You looked at him, his sleeves rolled up to his forearms, “I can’t let you do that, it’s…”
“I want too.” You didn’t bother fighting, both ordering what you wanted.
You started to talk about Uni and how much your professors hated you, “I’m serious, I was like five minutes late and I got a shouting out at the end of the lecture.”
“You should’ve just explained why you were late.” He played with the straw of his drink.
“I couldn’t really be saying I was late because I had been binge watching My Hero Academia, could I?”
“Was that the night, I had to come into your room to tell you to shut up.” You face flushed at how Ushijima had seen you wrapped in your covers watching the show, your eyes had been bloodshot, and bags had formed under your eyes.
You nod as he smirks, “you looked like a raccoon.”
“hey, raccoons can look cute.”
He raised an eyebrow, “I don’t know what kind of raccoons you’ve met.”
Your food came as you gave a soft smile at the boy, “Did you know racoons have actually be around for 40,000 years.”
He stared blankly at you, “there is no reason for you to ever need that information.”
“There is, I can annoy you with random facts now.” He remembered every time you’d come into his room and tell him a stupid fact you had learnt about from Tiktok.
He watched you eat, and speak, the conversation allowing both of you to talk and laugh, even the stoic Ushijima allowed himself to laugh a couple times. It wasn’t as silent as you had thought it had been when he asked last night.
But good things don’t last, you heard the door open again, before seeing the waitress bring in a couple, they sat beside you, and Ushijima’s face fell as soon as he saw who it was. He was ready to punch the man but restrained himself as you hadn’t noticed them.
“Y/n.” Hearing your name you turned and saw your ex.
Your face fell as you stopped talking about what you had learnt in an astronomy society you had joined at uni. “Oh.”
“Whose this?” The girl in front of him asked as she looked at disgust at you, but  at the sight of Ushijima she began flaunting herself.
“This is my ex, moving on with your roommate, I was right then, you had slept with him.” You didn’t speak keeping quiet, “you always were a slut.”
Ushijima’s blood boiled, what right did this insignificant man have to belittle you, “She’s hasn’t, yet, but when she does, just know that I’ll fuck her better than you ever could, and I’ll make her cum more than you ever will.”
Shock. Your eyes widened at Ushjima’s bluntness, you knew he was blunt but this, this was another level. He looked at you as if he hadn’t just said what he said.
“Fucking whore.” Your ex muttered but you ignored him looking at Ushijima.
“I’m going to go pay.” Ushijima mutters, you stayed silent, still in shock, your ex and his new girl kept to themselves, but even she looked at Ushijima who was paying, her gaze never left him. Your ex had grown frustrated with the lack of attention on him.
Ushijima was perfect to look at but all you could think about were the words that had came out of his mouth. You took a breath of air as he walked back, he put his hand out.
Your face softened as you took it, he helped you up before you felt his grip tighten not leaving you. He didn’t speak about his early remark, and you were silent, different things going through your head. But most of all, was this a confession of love or just him wanting to fuck you.
“The surprise is a couple minutes, are you okay to walk?” You nod not speaking, he stares at you knitting his eyebrows in confusion, “did I say something wrong?”
His lack of awareness made your heart beat, even he didn’t realise the implications of what he said. “No, everything’s fine.”
You followed along, his hand still wrapped in your own, he would squeeze it occasionally, but you ignored it. You finally reached what looked like a museum. Confusion filled your face before you looked at the sign outside.
‘Talk on everything to do with space, 2pm in the main auditorium’
You looked at Ushijima, “how did you know I wanted to go?”
“I heard you a couple weeks ago, you asked your ex if you could both go, and he said no. I got us two tickets.”
Ushijima smiled showing the two tickets, the date stamped of when he bought it had been weeks ago, you smiled at him. Before you both went inside, you stopped him, “what you said in front of my ex, did you mean it?”
“What?” He questioned before nodding, “Oh, yeah as much as I do want to fuck you, I thought this date would be better.”
“D…Date.” You hadn’t even realised this was a date at how oblivious you were.
“I wouldn’t ask anybody to get sushi and watch the stars with me.” His lip twitched upwards.
The word ‘date’ still ran through your head at how confused you were. “I didn’t know.”
“I assumed you did, I should’ve been straight forward as usual, my apoli...”
You stop him, grabbing his shirt forward, he leant down knowing what you were about to do. Before your lips attached to one another, his hand moved to your waist bringing you forward, he had to bend his back to reach your height, but he didn’t care he just wanted to feel your lips on his. He continued to deepen the kiss, his hands gripping your sides, before one moved to your neck, softly wrapping it around your throat. You moaned a sign you liked it as he continued to lightly press it.
His tongue flicked against your lips, you moaned his name, a sound he had been craving to hear before his tongue wrapped around your own, your breathing heavy, you were glad nobody was near you, all being inside due to it getting more frigid. He finally let you go, his hand still on your neck but moving to your cheek, his thumb brushing up and down.
“I like you Toshi.”
“I like you too Y/n.” It was the words you both had longed to hear from one another, and he grabbed your hand again bringing you even closer than before, you walked into the show, happily and content with the new relationship blossoming between you two.
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7wanderingpaws · 4 years
Captain Bucheon 02
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Pairing: Baekhyun x reader (Lee Nari)
Genre: policeman AU; enemies to lovers AU
Warnings:  langauge, mentions of drugs
story masterlist masterlist
<-- first -- next -->
tags: @wooya1224 (if you want to be un/tagged let me know! I forgot to ask last time lol)
Second: Fears and Desires
Rushing out of the building, you made a quick run for the closest bus stop, trying to supress every urge to look back in case someone could be following you. With their identity being unknown and the box being successfully delivered on your behalf meant huge trouble for you and it left you incredibly nervous to stay in the same place as that anonymous. For whatever reason someone decided to deliver the box. Who could it be?
With your heart racing all the way in your throat, you thought that this situation would be the worst. Turning a sharp corner that led to the main road, you collided harshly with a sturdy chest, the person's arms flying out to catch your falling figure. Hands slid around your waist and steadied you up carefully.
Realizing your eyes were squeezed shut, you opened your eyes to be met with familiar ones. You slowly died inside.
“Careful,” he murmured as he took in your scared expression.
Stepping away from him, you tried to brush off the feeling of pining. You'd been working way too hard to avoid him for you to meet him exactly when you were running away red-handed. “What are you doing here?”
He shook his head gently as his gaze slowly took in your features. It made you shudder. “My workplace is not far away, remember?”
Gulping, you nodded, letting out a breathy snort as you looked down on the pavement. “Right. Silly of me to ask.”
“Are you okay?”
“I missed you,” you blurted at the same time and looked up at him. “Oppa.”
Baekhyun was frozen just for a moment before he stepped closer to you with the gentlest of smiles. Slowly, he reached up with his hand and cradled your cheek. “I missed you too, pretty.”
Pretty. Ah, how you missed that nickname.
“Then kiss me,” you let out boldly and you expected him to be surprised or even scold you for being so demanding but he surprised you.
“Oh, yeah,” he murmured, leaning in. “I will, now that you're finally here.” You helped him out by standing on your tip-toes while you let your arms circle around his neck, and his hands slid back to your waist. His lips touched yours gently, carefully, before you hummed and pushed yourself more into him, urging him to deepen the kiss.
He growled when he felt your chest press up to his and his grip tightened while one of his hands came up to your neck, tilting your head so he could have better access. With a simple lick of his tongue, he was inside and you were whimpering, gasping, panting. So, so needy for him. You groaned, feeling the strong attraction you both shared. It seemed that no matter how much you hated him, it was always present. You would always be bewitched by Byun Baekhyun.
He was still hungrily claiming your lips when he reached up for your arms and brought them down until he had your hands in his. He fumbled with them for a while and you smiled, expecting him to intertwine your hands. Just the feeling of his smooth hands on yours made the butterflies in your tummy flutter their wings.
Then you heard a click.
Baekhyun kissed you one last time, his lips puckering, before slowly leaning back and taking in your scared eyes when you felt cold metal around your wrists.
“Lee Nari,” he breathed, the puffs of hot air on your wet lips, “I arrest you for illegal drug distribution.”
Gasping loudly, you sat straight up in your bed, the aftermath of your nightmare still present and fresh in front of your eyes while you tried to shake off the dread and the terrible pull in your lower tummy. Why the hell were you sexually frustrated when he arrested you again?
“What is it?” you heard from beside you, a confused and sleepy Yuyeon. “Nari? Are you okay?” she was next to you within a second, the early morning sun lighting up the room softly through the light curtains. She saw you touching your lips while tears were rolling down your cheeks. “Goodness, was the dream that bad?” she asked again carefully and sat on your bed.
You whimpered, still shocked, and reached out for your best friend, wrapping your arms around her to get a feel of reality. “Just… it was ridiculous. So ridiculous, Yuyeonah,” you muttered, sniffing, flashes of Baekhyun's face ever-present and lively. That was certainly not how you imagined the first meeting with him to go. 
“It was just a bad dream,” consoled Yuyeon gently, rubbing your back in circles. “None if it is real, Nari.”
You nodded and pressed your lips together. 
Just a bad dream.
“Are you okay?” Someone muttered to your ear, successfully scaring the living daylights out of you.
You heard that sentence in your dream.
Turning around abruptly with wide eyes, you spot Chul who was smiling at you cheekily.
“Sorry, didn’t mean to scare you. You just look a little absent-minded,” he explained, scratching his neck as he looked at the ground.
You sighed. “I’m fine. But thanks for worrying.”
He nodded and wanted to say something before hesitating. You raised a questioning eyebrow, silently asking him what was up.
“Was everything fine after I left?”
Oh. You completely forgot to let him know the mission was successful since you were so freaked out by the unexplainable events. “Yes!” you squeaked. “It went perfectly!”
“Great! I received the confirmation text but you never followed up with an update.” He laughed. “Then we can focus on your run in the festival!”
You groaned and started stomping towards your classroom. “I really, really like REALLY don’t wanna do it.”
He followed you, snickering. “You’re our ace, Nari.” He hugged your shoulders with his arm and pressed you to his side. “If you won’t attend, nobody will come and watch!”
Puffing your hair out of your face, you silently fumed. “I already said okay to the darn MCing with that bitc- singer.”
“Were you just about to call her a bitch?” asked Chul, shocked as he maneuvered you through the crowded corridors. Students were giving you looks, some whispering when they spotted Chul, the famous boy.
“Ah, no, not at all,” you grumbled, not bothering to hide your sarcasm.
Chul chuckled and you stopped in front of your class. “You can be so feisty. Either way, bring this spirit to the running track. We are starting from today!”
“But-but I want to go out to the bar-“
Chul clicked his tongue. “I will gladly take you to a bar if you come to the practice.”
Not even stopping to think it over, you quickly complied: “You’ll buy me a drink, right? Oppa?” you added with a mischievous glint in your eyes.
He observed you for a moment, an amused smile splayed on his face. “Sure, Nari. A drink it is.”
“Faster, Lee!” shouted coach Lim when you finished the second round, heaving loudly like a horse. “If you want to win an award for us you will have to do better than that!”
With bitter realization, you noticed how he reminded you of your beloved math teacher back in high school. Unfortunately, you weren’t that good at sports but you were still better than math.
“Okay, got it,” you exhaled harshly, coming to a full stop.
You saw the sun already setting, the cold air turning your hot breaths into condensation. You could practically feel your nose turning red.
“Hey, Rudolf!” Chul.
You snapped your head at him, glaring. “Do not mock me. You’ve dragged me into this yet you seem very unaffected.”
He laughed, walking over to you. “You already forgot why I am the president of the student council?” He quirked an eyebrow at you. “I’m good at everything.”
You rolled your eyes. “Okay then you win the award for us.”
“Nuh-uh. It’s gotta be you,” he winked at you.
Too tired to bother fighting with him, you quickly went to change into your clothes, deciding you would take a shower once you got back from the smelly bar. Surely you stinking wouldn’t bother people too much. Plus, it wasn’t like you were trying to impress Chul anyway.
Meeting the senior outside, you headed for the closest bar, bickering on the way. Once inside he bought you a drink just as promised and you were fast to gulp down half of the cocktail.
“So, I’ve been wanting to discuss some matters with you,” started Chul, looking at you in amusement when you took another big gulp. “Just some other stuff that has to be taken care of about the festival.”
You whined and leaned your forehead into your palm. “Why now? We should do that at the student council.”
“You’re my right hand, Lee,” reasoned smoothly Chul and took a sip of his beer. The frothy foam left a small white mustache and it made you giggle. You motioned for him to get rid of it and he quickly licked it off. “Anyway,” he started with a laugh, “you’ll take care of the security team of the festival. Make sure to book the bodyguards and police guards around. We will have famous artists there so security should be our number one priority at all costs.”
You hummed, faking thinking. You ignored your rapid heartbeat at the mention of police, some flashbacks of your dream quickly chasing you down. Nodding, you hid your face behind the cup as you took another sip and looked around the place as if expecting to see the familiar face in the crowd just like you did on the night you met him.
“I kind of want to pass on this one,” you finally replied as you put down your glass.
“Why is that?”
Sighing, you pursed your lips not wanting to elaborate on your actual thinking pattern. “Just feels weird to talk to the police and blah blah blah,” you rolled your eyes. “I’m already doing so much for the festival, Chul, don’t you think?”
Chul observed you for a moment. “I’m sorry. I feel like a total jerk for always throwing all the responsibilities at you but I really am only giving you those tasks that require the most able person.”
“Oh.” You didn’t think about that. After all, Chul was right. You were kind of like a right hand to him, doing a lot of jobs in the behind the scenes whenever there were events happening at the school.
“And I heard that you might have connections at the police so I thought we could use that to our advantage,” he continued, hesitating when he noticed your sour expression. “Am I wrong?”
Your slight scowl turned into a frown. “Who the hell told you that?”
He blinked a couple of times. “Well, she told me it’s a secret so…”
“Yeah,” he looked at your hard expression, prompting him to answer you. You swore you would kill Oh Sehun, you were sure it was him.
“Yuyeon. It was Yuyeon.”
Your mouth opened in shock. You thought you heard wrong. “What? What did she tell you though?” And why would Yuyeon talk to a person she didn't like? You knew her well and she voiced, or at least showed, how she didn't like Chul. In her opinion, he was too friendly with everyone.
Chul laughed unsurely, a little perplexed at the change of your behavior. “Nothing! I mean... she mentioned a boyfriend-“
“I never had a boyfriend at the police station,” you declared quickly. “I hardly know anyone there so I don’t think I can help you in this matter.”
Chul nodded, immediately complying while his hands played with the cup in his hands. “Right, sorry. Maybe I’ve heard wrong. You’d be too young to date a police officer anyway.” He took note of your sudden unreadable expression and when you didn’t reply, he added: “Then I don’t see a problem why you can’t take care of the matters! Since you don’t have a boyfriend at the station.”
You sucked your lips in, mulling over his words. It wouldn’t hurt if you’d ask for favors from Yuyeon or Sehun, right? They could call in with your name and that way you wouldn’t have to worry about the possibility of accidentally talking to Byun Baekhyun. Either way, it was hard to win an exclusive chat with the big captain himself, so eventually, you didn’t see that much of a problem with it. And, it was a must that nobody could find out about any kind of connection with him. People would know you were underaged or could think you were too easy and had a beneficial relationship with him. That could totally ruin your image — because you didn’t care about his for sure!
“Okay,” you agreed with a timid nod, avoiding Chul’s eyes. “I’ll do it.” Managing to fake a strained smile you finally looked up to catch him studying you.
“If it makes you uncomfortable—“
“No, it’s absolutely fine,” you chirped in and threw the remaining cocktail into your mouth. If you pretended it was hard alcohol maybe you could slowly start swimming in nothingness and forget about him.
It was unfair that he’d been chasing you in your dream. It felt so real. Even the kissing was so believable it made chills run down your spine. “I’m gonna order another one,” you decided, already standing up. “I need it.”
Chul nodded slowly, hesitantly, and shook his head when you asked him whether he wanted another one.
Walking over to the busy bar, you caught the waiter and ordered yourself another cocktail when a tall figure appeared next to you.
“Is this your fourth already?” He asked nonchalantly, looking around. He was one head taller than you so it wasn’t like you were obscuring his view. “Jez, woman, when was the last time you took a shower?”
Rolling your eyes, you waved your hand to finally bring his attention to you. “You don't even pay attention to me but dare to comment on my hygiene.” You clicked your tongue disappointedly. “I’m right here, Sehun, and no it isn’t my fourth. But I’m getting there,” you rumbled and tapped your fingers impatiently on the worn-down surface of the wooden bar table.
“Why are you here with Chul?”
“Cause you didn’t ask me to hang out,” you pouted and innocently blinked a few times.
Sehun elbowed you gently. “I was meeting someone else today. And anyways, you’ve been always busy during a weekday - you don’t have work tonight, right?”
Making a grimace at the mention of your work, you turned back to the barista, watching him mix your cocktail. “No, tonight I’m free. And I had my first training, Sehun. I will die if I have to continue preparing for that damn race,” you whined, turning abruptly to him.
“I’ll help you with the training. I promise I’m more fun than coach Lim! I hear he is rather hot-headed,” he said with a glint in his eyes. “You know I won’t scold you.”
You frowned like a kid. “Run the race for me then.”
Sehun sighed and when the barista brought you your cocktail he quickly ordered two whiskeys.
Your eyebrows shot up to your hairline. “You’re going hard tonight.” Immediately you took a sip of your drink and felt an instant relief. While still playing with the straw, you looked up at your friend. “Who’re you here with anyway?”
Sehun gave you a look. “Uh, just a friend.” He shrugged. He was thankful for the crowded bar tonight. “We are just catching up.”
“Great!” You smiled brightly and put your cocktail down. “Do I know him? Or her?” you winked.
“Eh—“ Sehun hesitated and his eyes fell on someone behind you, following the person with his eyes for a moment. He then quickly took your cocktail and pushed it into your hand. “Nari, you shouldn’t have Chul wait for you. I’ll see you at school.”
You pouted, frowning. “Yah, are you trying to get rid of me?!”
“No, I'm really not but just go. I’m doing you a favor here.”
You were about to scoff and retort to him something ugly for daring to kick you out like that, when another figure appeared next to Sehun. “I have an urgent phone call. I’ll be back soon, Sehun.”
You stared at Byun Baekhyun with your mouth hanging slightly open. His hair was pushed from his forehead, leaving space to admire his handsome features and the wrinkle-free forehead. His jawline was sharp and you zoomed in on those lips and the way they showed his lower teeth whenever he opened his mouth. He was absolutely breath-taking and he kissed you last night in your dream. He arrested you, too.
Baekhyun finally looked at the person Sehun had been chatting with, intending to acknowledge their presence but maybe he shouldn’t have. Having Lee Nari staring at him that way still pulled on his insides.
It was exactly three seconds and you sensed Sehun nodding to himself awkwardly, obviously thinking well, I told you to leave, but he didn't have to speak indirectly no more. You dashed. You literally dashed along with your cocktail, not bothering about spilling it all over yourself in the process, not bothering to say bye to Sehun, let alone acknowledging Baekhyun's presence. You swore you wouldn't do it. So you didn't.
Your heart was wild and scarily loud as you hastily approached Chul and slid down into your chair, bringing breeze along with you. He locked his phone he’d been playing with while you were away but when he saw your disheveled state, he blurted: “Nari? What happened? Are you okay?”
You were staring at him, desperately trying not to look where Sehun and Baekhyun were.
“It’s fine.”
“Did someone try to do something?” He looked back over his shoulder and he directly spotted Sehun and he must have seen Baekhyun, too. They had their heads connected now, an intense talk going on. “Hey, that’s Oh Sehun with someone.”
“Yeah, I chatted with him for a moment. Anyway, I’m here now. Let’s continue the talk.”
Chul took a moment longer before he finally turned around and faced you. He caught you gulping down half of the cocktail and sighed. “Are you sure you’re okay?”
“Yes, I am.” Your eyes wandered on their own accord and you caught eyes with Baekhyun as he was leaving the bar. He was carefully making his way through the crowd, his phone in his hands, most probably tending to that urgent phone call he mentioned. He must have still been a workaholic.
To your utter horror, he wasn’t a coward. You should have known better than to follow him with your stare, for Baekhyun kept his look on you, observing you expressionlessly until he couldn’t do so anymore and until he was out of the bar.
He would hunt you all the time.
And you, as mature and as confident you acted a year ago when you told him there might be a chance of you two starting over again, you realized you probably matured backwards during that time. Anger, hatred, passion - they were all burning up inside of you and all the unwanted memories came flooding back.
Biting down hard on your lip, you willed away the tears. Lee Nari was not someone who would cry just over anyone and she wouldn't get fooled twice.
It was just the realization that you would never be able to build your bridges up with him again that made you want to weep. Even though you wanted to, you found it almost impossible in that moment.
A/N: Whew. I had a little bit of a rough time with this one because it is so slow-paced and already a little complex (in my head). What did you think? I got you fooled there in the beginning heheh It was just a dream in case you are still not sure! Though you never know with Captain Bucheon, hm?
Please let me know your thoughts!! :) 
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certifiedskywalker · 5 years
Dating Dyn Jarren (The Mandalorian) Would Include...
Anonymous said: How about cuddles with the mandalorian? I feel like he would love them
Anonymous said: What about taking care of baby Yoda with him? That would be so cute!!!!
AN: I combined these two requests to kill two birds with one stone! I hope that’s alright! I know I normally do narrative headcanons, bullet points that tell a story, but with Dyn, with the way his story is still so much of a mystery, I decided to do something a little different. Let me know if you all like this.
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Dyn has never allowed himself to get close to anyone.
However, when he met you, well, when he saved you, he couldn’t stop himself.
He was just drawn to you.
When he allowed himself to give in, Dyn had never been happier.
You take care of him when he doesn’t take care of himself.
Inbetween bounties, when Dyn is trying to plan a course to the next job, you drag him to bed.
(in more ways than one, ah-ha! Sorry, I’ll see myself out)
And when he’s sleeping by your side, Dyn never lets you go.
He has gone without touch for so long that, with you, he can’t stop himself.
Whenever he’s sleeping by your side, which is rare because he’s always setting and course and flying to the next bounty, Dyn is curled close to you.
His arm is always slung over your body.
If you’re asleep on your back, Dyn’s arm is flung over your stomach, pulling you closer to his warmth.
When he can’t sleep, you play with his hair.
You run your fingers through his dark locks and Dyn will press his face into your chest.
He loves it when you trace shapes into his back.
He’ll shudder under your fingers and press himself closer to you.
If you’re asleep on your side facing him, Dyn with drape his arm over your waist.
He’ll pull you closer until your head in nestled to his chest.
If he’s feeling especially affectionate, he’ll whisper into the dark.
“Thank you.”
“For what?”
“You, Y/N.”
He’s not much of a talker; favors your touch more than words.
Dyn is a sucker for when you fall asleep on his chest.
He’ll be lying on his back and you, on his chest with the right amount of pressure, make him feel safe.
It’s with you he realizes that he’s never felt truly safe before.
Kisses during cuddling are brief, chaste little things that never fail to leave Dyn whirling.
Despite his lack of experience, Dyn’s really good at kissing.
He feels his way through it.
Touch is definitely his love langauge
Cuddling with you isn’t the only thing Dyn melts over. 
When you two get ready for a job in the morning, ready to turn in a bounty, you help each other.
You’ll fasten his armor to his arms and chest
And Dyn does the same, even cleaning your blaster for you the night before.
Dressing consists of small, barely-there touches that Dyn absolutely loves.
Your cuddling habits and morning routine don’t change much when the Child comes into your lives.
If anything, the Child’s presence makes Dyn more open.
“What are we going to do with him?”
“Return it to the client.”
“Dyn. We can’t, look-”
“The Guild, Y/N.”
So you make the most of it.
In some weird way, it was like you were a family.
When Dyn plotted a course back, you were in the seat behind him, with the Child perched in your lap.
It cooed as you played with its little hands and bounced it on your knee.
Once, it let out a high pitched squeal and Dyn turned around.
The eyes of the mask were glued on the pair of you but Dyn didn’t speak.
He didn’t have to.
You could see the warning in the shining beskar helmet.
The Child would not be yours to keep, don’t get attached.
But you caught Dyn gently rocking the cradle when the Child fell asleep.
The sight was enough to melt Hoth, let alone your heart
Dyn looked up and you smiled.
Despite the voice modulator distorting his voice, you could have sworn that he was smiling as he spoke.
That night, Dyn sleep with his head on your chest, listening to your heartbeat.
Your hand is in his hair and playing with the strands when you speak up.
“Are we doing the right thing?”
The low sincerity of his voice almost scares you.
“Can’t afford to do the right thing.”
“He’s only a child.”
“It’s the Guild, Y/N. And The Way.”
You fall quiet, but not in the comfortable way you normally do.
“You already know.”
“Know what?”
“That it isn’t,” Dyn sighed as he rolled onto his back. 
You rolled on your side and studied Dyn’s profile.
His dark eyes were distant, glued to the ceiling with an intense focus.
His jaw tensed and untensed; he was thinking, or specifically, overthinking. 
“I trust you, Dyn, to make that choice.” 
You reached and rest a hand on his shoulder.
His skin is warm and your fingers skirt along the edges of an old scar.
Dyn turned his head and you saw conflict written across his features.
Dyn doesn’t speak.
You both fall into the quiet like you always do.
Sometimes there is no need for speaking.
Sometimes, a calming, supportive hand is enough.
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lastluvbug · 4 years
THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR DOING MY REQUEST since love it so much, I'm asking another one! This time it's gonna be full on angst but there will be happy ending so let's get started! =D can you do a request with a mc who had a terrible back story of abuse? She ended up losing her eye when she was four years old because her father threw a wine bottle at her and age blames herself because he killed her late older sibling and mom when she tried to cheer him up by playing a mini harp? Can be with anyone.
Very angsty, I’ll see what I can do!
Warnings: Mentioned/referenced abuse, mentioned self harm, drinking, and langauge. If sensitive, please do not read!
A Sweet Melody
Once upon a time, music had been so precious to Yuu. It had been her world, her rock, her solace when she couldn’t sleep at night.
She’d pull out her harp, and hum a tune in sync with her elegant plucking. She remembered those nights, dreamt of how free and pure the sound was, how calm she felt as the tension was poured into her song.
She remembered how much her mother and sister loved to listen—after a stressful day, before school, a nighttime lullaby.
All of it seemed so distant, like a fragmented dream that only appeared in flashes, gone so quick the only trace left was the bitterly addictive flavor of nostalgia on her tongue.
Music now was nothing more than a hatred whorled spit in her face. Music had been the thing to lead her younger sister and mother into their coffins six feet below ground. Music had driven her father insane.
It started when she was just barely out of her toddler years, when Yuu was first gifted the stringed instrument. While it overjoyed her to have something so beautiful, her father was nearly steaming with rage.
Yuu’s family was the farthest thing from rich. Her parents worked two, three jobs at a time, hardly creating a stable income as her father squandered his opportunities again and again. Over the course of her short life, Yuu often found herself to be at the receiving end of his fury, whether that mean harsh chastisment scented of alcohol on the smallest of mistakes, or a plain backhand across the cheek.
The day before, Yuu’s father had wasted yet another night at the bar, filling himself the disgustingly thin liquid until he couldn’t walk, nor speak.
“You bitch! How did you afford that? You doin’ something behind my back? Is that it?” He bellowed at her mother, Yuu standing in front of her one year old sister defensively as he stood from the rugged couch, stumbling over to the cluttered counter.
“Dear, please. It was just a gift!”
“Don’t raise your voice at me! How did you afford it?!” He grabbed her mother’s arm roughly, twisting it with his superior strength as she bit back a wince too late.
“Daddy! Don’t hurt her! She just wanted to do something nice!” Yuu interjected, latching onto his free hand.
“Get off me, brat. If it weren’t for little money suckers like you, we would’ve been dining like kings!” He slapped Yuu away, the short girl tripping over her feet and landing on her side.
From across the room, her sister began to wail, clutching her hand-me-down stuffed pet and wiping away fat tears. Yuu noticed how her father whipped his head to the child, eyes ablaze with a plan to shut her up. Acting quickly, Yuu rushed to her baby sister, pulling her out of the kitchen and up to her bed, where she tucked her in.
“Don’t get violent! Not on our daughter’s birthday!” Her mother shrieked as Yuu tramped back into the kitchen, freezing as her father slapped her mother.
“Shut up! You don’t understand what you’ve done, woman!” Just as her father raised his hand to strike her mother yet again, Yuu threw herself into him, temporarily knocking him off balance.
“No, Daddy! Leave Mom alone!” She stood in front of her mother, who fell to the ground on her knees, her arm out beside her as she tried to protect her despite only having just turned four.
A black rage darker than Yuu had ever seen laced every muscle and tendon in her father’s face, fear spiking through her heart and crumbling her resolve as the man recovered from his shock, standing to his full height. “So you think you’re better than me now? You think you can stand up to me? You’re father?” His hand trailed across the counter, searching.
“Dad...?” Yuu began trembling.
“I’ll teach you...” he mumbled, towering above his daughter, “I’ll teach you to stand up to me!”
He raised his hand, and in that split moment, his eyes were clearer than Yuu had ever seen before. He moved with such swiftness, it made her wonder why he’d never invested such concise movements into playing with her or her sister, why he sat drinking his life away on the couch instead of helping her mother work.
That was the last thought she had, before her world was sliced in two.
First, it was the immobilizing pain that made her drop to the floor. Her bones groaned in response to being dropped so unceremoniously on the tile, but was little heeded as her head blew up in flame, her scalp stinging like a thousand wasp penetrations as something warm and sticky dripped down her tear streaked cheeks.
She hardly recognized the scream that pierced the air as she looked around, hand wandering to her eye as she realized... it wasn’t working. She could only see out of her right, and the left was pure, black darkness, not even the silhouette of the room appearing in the emptiness. Yuu stared at the floor, at the blood falling from her face and onto the glass shatterer before her, encircling her like a broken cage.
Her ears rung, and she couldn’t process what happened next. Briefly, she recalled being carried, the sound of her irregular heartbeat, and the flooding of throbbing lights as she faded in and out of consciousness.
Yuu had her father’s words left in her head, imprinted in her brain like a branded cow. “Next time, learn to hold your tongue, bitch.”
All her life she carried the reminder of that day, marred upon her skin and forever labeling her as the “Outcast.” She never saw herself as beautiful from that time forward, and after the death of her mother and sister a mere two years later, never spoke unless spoken to.
Yuu awoke with a start, being shaken by someone rather roughly.
“Yuu? Wake up, class ended.”
The girl looked to the source of the sound, meeting the wide eyed and worried face of her only friend in all of Night Raven. “...My apologies, Epel...” She mumbled, lifting herself from her crossed arms.
“It’s alright, just... what was your dream about?” Epel asked, standing beside her.
“Nothing i-important, why?”
“You’ve been crying.”
“Hm?” She reach up to her cheeks, her fingers wiping something wet streaked down the plains of her face. “Ah... It really was nothing.” She waved off his inquiry, as well as her tears with her sleeve, seeing that Grim had already long since left her behind.
“If you say so... hey! Since it seems yer—ahem, you’re, not busy, did you want to come with me back to Pomefiore? All this time, and you’ve never been, right?” Epel prompted, making Yuu look up at him from her seat.
“Go with you to Pomefiore? A-Are you sure that would be fine? You guys are known for your beauty, I don’t think I would be very welcome...” Yuu shyly said, ghosting over her scarred eye.
“With the way Vil primps himself daily, I doubt anyone would notice you. Not to mention Rook—the guy’s lost one too many of his screws. He’ll probably be kissing up to our marvelous dorm head, so I’ll be off the hook.”
“What would... what would we even do?”
“We could study? I know I’ve been failing pretty terribly in some of my classes. Or... oh! Come with me!” Epel took Yuu’s hand, dragging her fragile figure down the hallways.
“What? What’re we doing?” Yuu asked, jogging to keep up with the boy.
“We’re going to the kitchens!” Epel laughed, sparking the girl’s confusion.
It was a bumpy run, the two weaving between students rather easily thanks to their short statures, and rounding corner after corner until they approached the gran cafeteria. Following their beelines, they pushed through the rows of starving students, barreling into the back kitchens pleasantly smelling of a mix of foods.
Yuu kept her mouth shut, following timidly behind Epel as she subconsciously covered her eye with a hand, glancing around nervously. Only a handful of people looked her way, that she could tell, and either smiled or laughed, both reactions causing her ears to redden.
“Okay, do me a favor, would you?” Epel broke the tension, turning to Yuu.
“S-Sure.” She answered, biting her tongue for stuttering.
“Grab the peeler and a few of the carving knives. I’ll get the stuff from the fridge!” He gestured towards the row of drawers, Yuu simply nodding.
She watched as Epel bounced to the largely oversized refrigerators, refusing conversation but smiling to himself. She’d never say, her voice hushed from years of humiliation, but she loved the way his soft purple locks fell over his shoulders, or the way his powdery blue eyes sparkled every time he laughed.
It took all of her will power to keep herself from tearing up, that light he shone reminding her too much of her forever dimmed sister’s.
Turning back to her own job, she searched through the drawers, pulling out her materials, nicking her finger on the peeler. Staring at the glimmery bead as it snaked its way down her hand, her body briefly remembered the feeling of metal slicing through her skin, long since healed over her wrists, but recorded upon it nevertheless.
Once upon a time, she’d been so broken that the only sort of release she could find was through blades. The one who’d helped her through those seemingly endless hours of struggle was none other than Epel Felmier.
When Yuu first met Epel, she was a stuttering, anxious mess, tripping over her words and avoiding eye contact like it was the plague. Epel was no better himself, holding his tongue and only making the smallest of conversations. If it weren’t for the one day he caught her stained in her own blood and sobbing in a restroom stall, Yuu believed without a doubt that there’d be no one by her side.
“Yuu! Ready to go?” Epel tore the meddling girl from her mind, who wiped the bead on her pants and carefully arranged the blades in her arms.
“Yes, let’s go.” Yuu nodded, supprssing her inner turmoil.
She’d put that behind her, and had long since forgotten her practices of old.
Epel gave her a soft smile, a bag of scarlet apples dangling from his hand as he encouraged her to go forward.
“Yuu, quick! Hide over there!”
The girl leapt back, disguising herself behind the curtains draped over a window as Epel stood in front of it, feigning ignorance.
“Ah, you runaway fiend! The great trouble you cause dear Vil! He wishes for your presence in the ballroom immediately.” An extravagantly dramatic voice cooed, and from her spot behind the curtain, Yuu could just barely make out the sight of blonde hair covered by a rather stylish hunting hat.
“Rook-san...! Lovely to see you as well. Actually, I can’t join you today, I’ve uh—I’ve come down with a terrible headache. Send Vil my apologies!” Epel not so cleverly lied.
“Is that so? Would those be get-well fruits then?”
“H-huh? Oh these? These are... well, Crowley gave them to me, said they were a gift from my hometown! I figured I’da bring ‘em to my room, y’know, n’ keep ‘em safe!” Yuu cringed to herself, knowing all too well that Epel was not selling his act.
“Oh my, Epel-kun, please. You may return to your quarters, but do something about that distasteful chatter of yours.” Rook croned, tipping his hat and heading off.
“Tch, “distasteful chatter”? Stupid beauty, what do they know anyway?” Epel grumbled, stepping away from the curtain as Rook’s figure faded away. He pried it open, the sudden flush of light causing Yuu to wince. “We’re alone, you can come out now.”
“Why don’t they like your accent, Epel? Aren’t they beauty enthusiasts?” Yuu asked, stepping into the open hall.
“Hell if I know. They only care about your face, not whatever you are on the inside. It reminds me of the poison apple the legends talk about; gorgeous to the eye, death to the soul.” Epel frowned, slinging his sack over his shoulder.
Yuu deflated, taking the words to heart. If that was true, then she was most surely not welcome in a dorm as proper as Pomefiore. “In any case, let’s just hurry to my room. They usually don’t bother me there.” Epel continued, storming down the corridor.
“Right...” Yuu followed, suddenly feeling unbearably self conscious.
Much to her surprise, the dorm looked empty as Ramshackle, not a single person lounging around or even passing by as they walked. “Where is everyone?” She thought, readjusting the dangerous items as Epel kicked a door open, allowing Yuu inside, almost gasping as she stood at the doorway.
The room was wide and quaint, with a large bay window, an intricately designed table, and a four poster bed that instantly made Yuu jealous. “Impressive, right? I honestly think it’s too much, even tried to convince Vil to give me something smaller.”
“I-I can’t believe this is your room... it’s so pretty...” Yuu marveled, setting her instruments on the table.
“Take a seat, we’re going to be here a while.” Epel instructed, laying his bag down and grinning impishly.
“I’m done! I’m done—I did it! Look Epel, look!” Yuu burst what seemed like hours later, hands flying to her mouth after she realized how loud she’d been.
“It’s a little lopsided, and it’s not symmetrical, but it looks great! Almost subpar for a rookie!” Epel clapped, looking up from his own work.
Yuu squinted, holding up what she thought was her masterpiece. The apples that Epel had brought were used to teach her how to carve delicate pictures and designs into their flawless flesh, some of which were horribly mutilated in the process, but in the end led to the beautiful fruity art before her. “I don’t see anything wrong with it... you’re such a difficult person to impress, Epel.” Yuu whined, comparing her apple to his.
“Ah relax! I’m just messin’ around!” He joked, waving his hand. He laughed at her dumbfounded face, ruffling her hair in an older-sibling like way, and for once, Yuu found herself smirking, if only in the slightest way.
“Epel Felmier! Do my ears deceive me or are you really—pardon?” Both teens froze in place as Epel’s door flew open, welcoming in a tall boy dressed in Pomefiore’s overly pompous uniform, head adorned with the same hat Yuu saw behind the curtain.
She flinched as his gaze settled on her, and she instinctually pressed a hand over her eye, concealing the horror that further proved the loss of her vision. “Rook, get out! Who do you think you are, barging in like that?” Epel complained, rushing over to the senior and attempting to push him away.
He was abrubtly dropped on the floor as Rook swerved around the boy, stalking closer to Yuu like a predator. “What have we here? Who might you be?” He asked, scrutinizing her face.
“Rook, leave her alone!” Epel demanded, pushing himself from the floor.
Too easily, the blonde pried her hand away, observing the story written in scars over the left side of her complexion. “Oh my...” Rook stared and stared, unexpressive and too close for comfort.
Tears started to brim in Yuu’s eyes, and using what little strength she had compared to the taller boy’s, she ripped herself away, running out of the room and down the hall.
Her heart raced in her veins, in her ears, as she flew down the forever twisting and turning passages, this time crowded with people. She could only dodge and weave between them, with their questioning gazes burning holes into her skull as tears dripped onto the flooring.
Yuu couldn’t seem to escape, the walls wanted to enclose around her, stretching and warping as the path swayed beneath her feet. She could do nothing but dizzily run away, mind lost in her own abyss as she leapt into a dark room, only ignited by the light from outside.
Collapsing in a heap on the hardwood floor, she wearily recognized where she was, or at least the type of place she’d ended up. On one wall, a slenderly long window stretched high above her reach, the opposite completely covered by a mirror. It was a dance room.
Sitting on her knees in front of the mirrored wall, Yuu stared at her pitiful self, tears breaking free of the dam they’d been collecting behind for days. Her hair was messy, falling around her shoulders and sticking to the sides of her face, dampened by the salty liquid. Her cheeks were rosy, nose carrying the same color.
And... her eyes.
One of them, the functional one, was puffy and tear clouded, and the other—the other was gorgeously ruined. A jagged, cracked scar trailed from her forehead to mid cheek, splitting her eyebrow and so thick that it spanned the length of her eye. The iris had lost its color and gone a milky white, the tears almost unrecognizable over the glazed sheen that glimmered over the orb.
Laying a hand on the mirror, Yuu stared into the mutilated gateway, seeing a story that had been left untold for far too long. She saw the death of her family, the heartache they bore through, her failure to preserve the things she loved most.
“Sorry—I’m sorry! I’m sorry I couldn’t save you, I’m sorry I look like this... I can’t breathe without hurting someone!” She curled her hand over the mirror, slamming her fist over it as she rested her head on the cool surface, her tears rolling down and leaving streak marks on the pristine aluminum paint.
Much to her surprise, the lights flicked on, though she did a fine job camouflaging it beneath a mask of melancholy. “So my potatoes were telling the truth. There really is a lost little sprite in my ballroom.” A new voice clucked.
Yuu ignored him, turning around and pulling her knees to her chest, burying herself in her arms. She didn’t want to be ridiculed anymore—didn’t want anyone else to resent her simply because they lacked the patience to break down her defenses.
The click of his shoes against the too cold floor reverberated off the walls, piercing her ears as they came closer, eventually stopping right in front of her.
“Look at me.” He commanded, the girl refusing with a shake, “Why not?”
“Because...I’m ugly, and everyone here is jaw droppingly gorgeous. I don’t belong here, I don’t belong anywhere...” she whispered, almost inaudibly.
“Nonsense. Look at me.” He commanded, this time not giving her an option. Tenderly prying her arms open, the mystery boy lifted her face up with the back of his hand.
Reluctantly, Yuu made eye contact with the person who struck fear into her heart like no other, either for his esteemed position in the school, or his famous physical beauty and harsh words. She stared into the amethyst eyes of Vil Schoenheit, who reflected her terrified and crippled visage in the hues of his irises.
Pushing his arms away, Yuu began weeping again, wiping the forsaken water roughly with her hands. “I’m sorry... I’m sorry for intruding. I-I’ll go.” She sniffled, in the midst of standing when Vil placed his hands over hers, plush and soft.
“Stay. Whatever would you have to be sorry for, dear?” He asked, urging her to sit.
“B-Because—Because I...I...!” Yuu’s voice became strained as she struggled to release the words that so desperately clawed at the knot in her throat. And then—
Vil opened his arms. Inviting, warm, unjudgemental.
“V-Vil...!” She dove into them, wrapping her arms around his middle as she did her best to stiffle her cries. Vil stroked her hair, his eyebrows raising in awe at how silky it was. “I-It’s my f-fault... all of it is my fault! I could’ve s-saved them, b-but I was just so scared!” She lamented, spilling the secrets that should’ve long ago been honored.
For once, Vil didn’t spit out any harsh criticisms, he just sat there silently, awaiting the end of Yuu’s bottled up pain brought to life. When it came, the girl released the boy who embodied beauty, trying to hide her swollen and scarred face. “I’m so sorry for using your time, Vil-san...” Yuu apologized, voice cracking.
“The least you could do is look at me when you speak, darling. Please, look here.” Yuu obeyed, eyes widening in confusion as her chin was rather roughly pinched between his thumb and forefinger.
Vil uncapped the top to his specially created lip gloss, “Hold still.” He said, applying the makeup over her thin lips, “There. See? You’re beautiful, we just... need a little concealer, and some contacts, and you’ll be good as new—partially.” Vil gave her a genuine smile, fooling Yuu into believing that maybe, just maybe he wasn’t going to judge her like everyone else.
“Yuu?!! Yuu?”
The two whipped to the doorway, and were greeted by a familiar lilac-haired first year, who skidded to a halt before Yuu and dropped to his knees, holding onto her shoulders. “I looked everywhere for ya, but this place is just so goddamn huge, it was like weavin’ through a maze! Rook had me runnin’ ‘round the halls like a chicken with its head cut off! Ain’t nothin’ hurt, o-or bleedin’, right?” Epel fast-talked, country accent in full affect as he tripped over his words.
“I’m fine, Epel. All good, see?” Yuu held out her arms, displaying her unharmed frame.
“A-ah, now that’s a breath’a fresh air! I see you been talkin’ with—dorm head Vil!” Epel gasped, face blanching as he sweat dropped.
“Epel. Felmier. What a pleasant surprise.” Vil growled through his teeth, bearing a deceiving smile. “Recovered from your headache, mister?”
“W-well, ya see here, I just—“
“Silence, I’ll not be listening to your excuses. And for the love of the Queen, get rid of that horrid native tongue of yours!” Vil demanded, berating Epel.
“...Yes, Vil. My humblest apologies.”
“Much better. Now! Would you like to explain our little visitor, and why she is here unannounced?”
After a long and tedious process of introducing and expounding her life, Yuu and Epel sat in edgy silence as Vil digested the information, going through a myriad of emotions as the air buzzed with electricity.
Yuu had her fingers crossed that she wouldn’t be sent away, as she’d been so used to.
“It’s decided then. Yuu, dear, follow me, and be hasty.” Vil nodded to himself, standing to his proud height enchanced by his heels as he flipped his hair, clicking off.
“I wish you the best of luck, my friend. You’ll most certainly need it.” Epel sniggered behind his hand, Yuu sending him a withering glare from over her shoulder.
“Oh just you watch. I’m about to sparkle like a million fireflies.”
Sparkle was a disgusting understatement for the transformation Vil put the poor girl through.
Though it was getting late outside, he still gave her a luxury treatment, which ultimately meant minutes upon minutes of face moisturizers, skin creams, scar healing oinments, and anything in between. Her face was stiff from all the rubbing, almost simulating numbness.
Once that had been finished, Vil wasted absolutely no time before pouncing onto makeup, his specialty. Concealers, eye accentuates, lip plumpers, blush, it made Yuu dizzy with the sheer amount of items the world of cosmetics had to offer.
It felt strange to be touched in such gentle ways, to receive the soft stroke of a brush to her eyelids instead of a slap, or to feel the way the concealer was mixed into the darkly scarred skin of her left side instead of the shattered glass tearing through flesh.
By the end of it all, Yuu didn’t sparkle, she emanated the radiance of a thousand suns, and even though she could only see half of her complexion, she knew beyond a doubt that she was more gorgeous than ever.
“There we are, darling.” Vil clapped, spinning her chair so that she could look at herself in the vanity.
Yuu’s jaw dropped to the ground, her breath hitching as she resisted the urge to cry.
Her scar was no longer visible on her face, the ugly line replaced instead by smooth, seemingly unmarked tan. The bags under her eyes were gone, making her seem at least a year younger, and a pretty blush was blended into her rather squishy cheeks, dusting over her nose. A flawless cut crease was executed over her orbs, the shimmery silver gradient backing to her elongated lashes making her eye pop.
But truly, the most spectacular of all what was lay within. Her irises were both... colored. What was once damaged and ruined was semi-fixed, a contact that matched the color of her functional eye creating the appearance that both were natural.
“V-Vil! Y-You... this...!” Yuu folded her hands in her lap, rendered wordless.
“A simple thank you will suffice, dear.” Vil chuckled, but nearly fell over when he was suffocated in a bear hug.
“Thank you! Thank you, thank you so much, Vil!” She bubbled, letting go after said blonde pushed her away.
“You’re welcome—just be careful! You’ll mess up one of our faces!” Vil snapped, rearranging his hair.
Yuu giggled, still staring at herself in the mirror, when a knock broke the calm partial quiet. “Come in!” Vil articulated, welcoming in two people, Rook Hunt and Epel.
“Yuu?!” Epel stood slack jawed, eyes nearly bursting out of his skull with how wide they were. “You’re so different, it’s amazing. You look amazing!”
“Indeed, madmoiselle! Delicate like the petals of a rose, and crystal clear as the water that rains from the sky! You are truly the sight to behold.” Rook added, earning an elbow to his side.
“Thank you, so much. I just—never thought I would look so whole again, especially after what happened to...” she trailed off, twiddling her thumbs.
“Nonsense, don’t let anyone lie to you. Never take criticism from someone you didn’t ask it from, alright?” Vil instructed, taking her by the hand.
“...Of course, Vil-san.” Yuu answered, for the first time in a long, long while settling into a comfortable laugh.
She’d been broken, far too many times to count. Torn down, crushed beneath the foot of life itself.
But, perhaps with the help of the people she used to shake in her shoes merely thinking about, perhaps she could turn that rubble into a cairn of her success. She’d have to fall to reach her peak, sometimes more than once, and sometimes she’d have to hit the bottom.
Right now, she was inching towards grabbing that first stone, that first layer to her cairn.
Soon, she just might reclaim that sweet melody lost to the tomes of time.
This took a little longer than I expected... I had to rewrite it because my first draft would... probably have gotten me flagged.
I want to say that you. Are. Beautiful. It doesn’t matter if you’re giant or mini, scarred or clean, because you. Are. Beautiful.
On that note, thanks for reading!! I hope you enjoyed!
Stay lovely!
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euesworld · 2 years
"My heart speaks the language of love, babbum, babbum.. it never stutters when I profess my love for you. It speaks in every language, yet none at all.. one of romance, so for you I fall. Babbum, babbum.. my heart beats for you."
The greatest love language is a heartbeat, for without it we would not be loving at all - eUë
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prettyboyporter · 4 years
some soft? how about Steve and Billy coming out to each other after a long long time of being friends and maybe? some smooching? -thinger-strang
HELLO EZ BB! TY for the prompt! Post s3, they were roommates! also, homophobic langauge
It wasn’t like either Billy or Steve particularly had much of a reason to celebrate Mother’s Day. 
Steve did his duty by stopping over his parents’ house for Sunday Brunch. He pressed a quick kiss to his mother’s cheek, heavy with pink rouge. Steve smiled a forced smile and said his new apartment with his friend Billy was just fine and that his job at florist was going very well. 
His mother’s smile was thin, and his dad’s mustache twitched. She told him stories of how she can’t keep the deer out of her garden and how they were considering filling in the pool since you never make it over any more, Steve, really, you should come over, this is your home still, she stated with half a heart. She always seemed to talk in a circle around him, never directly with him. Occasionally his heart would pick up when it felt like she was coming close, but then she’d simply press a his cheek and walk away. 
Steve left as soon as he could do so politely. 
He came home to find Billy doing bench presses -- each of his exhales seemed exaggerated -- laden with something deeper. His eyes remained focused on the ceiling, and his cheeks were bright pink. 
“Hey,” Steve said, toeing off his shoes. 
Billy’s silence felt weighted. Each moment of quiet felt like stones sinking to the bottom of a dark pool. 
Steve felt off after that brunch, so he wasn’t gonna let it go. He was sincerely hoping a few words with Billy might set him feeling right again. “How was your day?” 
Billy racked the barbells and sat up, looking at a spot on the wall over Steve’s shoulder. “I tried to get my mom’s number from Neil.” 
Steve stepped closer. “Yeah? How’d that go?” 
Billy’s eyes finally met Steve’s. They started to well with tears. “He wouldn’t fuckin give it to me, how do you think it went? Said he wouldn’t give it to any faggot son. So I told him it was true. I told him I’m gay and there’s fuck all he could do about it -- just live with the knowledge that his one child loves taking it up the ass.” 
Steve felt like the floor had dropped out from under him. He kind of already knew. He’d guessed, at least. And really, he kind of already hoped. “Fuck.”
Billy scoffed and threw his towel by Steve’s feet. “I left. He didn’t hit me like I thought he was gonna. Just told me to get out. Old man might have a heart attack after that.” 
Steve sat on the couch facing Billy. “Holy shit. I mean. Maybe I should tell my parents that I like guys too. Then maybe I wouldn’t have to put on this big stupid act where they act like they care.” 
Billy’s eyebrows wrinkled. “Tell them you like--”
“Both. I’m attracted to both, Billy.” 
Billy’s eyebrows softened, his mouth relaxed.He remained silent again, only this silence felt less like the previous one and more like a buildup of electrity. “Oh.” 
Steve slid his foot forward a few inches on the floor, enough to touch the side of Billy’s foot. He could feel his heartbeat all the way down to his fingertips. “Would you. Uhm. Do you want-”
“Yes,” Billy said hurridly and lunged forward to smash his mouth to Steve’s. 
The kiss was near-violent and Steve huffed a laugh as he guided Billy down to the couch by his shoulders and took control, slowing things down and letting himself kiss Billy slowly. learn what Billy’s curls felt like between his fingers and how Billy’s muchstache rasped against Steve’s upper lip. 
They didn’t have much of a reason to celebrate Mother’s Day at the beginning -- but by the end of the day, with Billy’s heart beating steadily under Steve’s cheek, there definitely was. 
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watarigarasu · 4 years
The Dawn
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Pairing: Fíli x Reader
Word count: 2,207
Warnings: Contains Feelings™
Author’s note: I was so astonished by @legolaslovely​‘s writing that I decided to write something myself to show my support and appreciation. Hopefully it’s enjoyable! Also, forgive me any eventual mistakes because English is not my native langauge so I might get lost in the grammar from time to time.
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Never in your whole life there have been a time when the utter dread froze your trembling heart in its sharp claws, closing them around it and almosy suffocating, stealing the breath away from your lungs. Ironically, it was also the only impulse which seemed to keep you alive, to stay aware of your surroundings, quietly observing the majestic landscape in front of you which was now nowhere near as wonderful as you first thought, for the great mountains were now covered not only in the snow but the corpses of those who has fallen during the battle. It was a gruesome image, something you never thought you would ever experience in your short, human lifespan, the fate, however, seemed to have different plans for you.
The silence fell down upon the hills like a morning fog as the nature around the Lonely Mountain seemed to remain indifferent toward the war which has just taken place. There were no ringing horns, no screams nor shouted orders, no arrows slicing the thin air, no sound of steel armour hit with an axes—as if it was all but a fading memory, the one you were never going to forget.
Turning around from the high balcony on the main gate, you have decided that you could no longer wait and simply watch, especially now, since the elves were retrieving back to Dale and no orcs seemed to stay alive on the battlefield. The promise you swore to Fíli right before he headed out of the kingdom with the fire burning in the eyes, fading sun playing in the golden hair and heavy axe in the hand was the hardest goodbye at the same time. He begged you to listen to the voice of reason and—for once—to leave out the stubborn nature, so you would stay there, in the safe place where no weapon could reach you. Cradling you in his tight embrace, Fíli patiently explained how your presence would be the easiest way to get him distracted, since he would not simply focus on slaying an enemy, instead paying too much attention to whether you were alright.
„No,” he whispered, the gloved thumb wiping the burning tear from your cheek. „Please, do not ever assume that I think of you as less than perfect. Perfect woman, perfect friend, perfect company, perfect warrior. I do believe that your skills would be an indescribable advantage for our side but I beg you, my love, do not try to prove it. Not this time.”
He kissed your lips, swollen from the weeping of the misery of this whole situation, and the taste of the salty tears rested at the tip of his tongue until the first blow of the freezing air hit his face on an open field.
„I will come back to you as soon as this is over.” Fíli forced a smile and rested his forehead on your shoulder, savouring the scent of your skin in an attempt to convince himself that it was not the last time he could hold you in the arms. „I promise.”
„If you break this promise, Fíli...” you muttered angrily against his hair, kissing the tip of his head and embracing him as strongly as you could, wishing that you could hide him under the fabric of your tunic and wait until the storm passes.
„I won't.”
„But if you do, if you lie to me then I swear, I will kill you.” Your voice cracked despite the joke you were trying to form. „I will find you and kill you.”
Fíli looked at you with an amusement visible in the eyes and placed another soft kiss upon your lips, cupping your face in his hands, now covered in the rough leather.
„Deal,” he agreed. „I will take you at your word.”
But the battle was over now, the crows painting circles in the sky above the dead and you were still waiting. Rushing down the stairs, you heard the voices echoing from afar, the living ones coming back to the recaimed home which was now supposed to belong to them until the end of time. Anxiety building in your heart did not help you to calm your rapid heartbeat but it surely allowed you to run through the corridors faster than you thought you were able to. You had to see him, make sure that he was safe as sound—that he kept his promise.
The first familiar face you saw belonged to Dwalin, the Dwarf not even limping when he walked past you without a single word spoken. Concerned about his reaction, you stood in the place when your feet denied your orders and made you simply stare at the corner of the corridor where the next members of the company appeared, one by one, some hurt more or less, but all with the same, unreadable expression on their faces, hidden under the messy beards. The only one who stopped by your side was Balin, his hand landing heavily on your shoulder as he also joined the rest deep in the halls, leaving you after few delicate pats.
What was that supposed to mean? And where were the others? Where was Thorin and Kíli?
Where, for Mahal's sake, was Fíli?
You barely noticed Bifur passing you by when the tears filled your eyes, causing the whole surroundings to blur. The trembling of your heart was now strong enough to melt the freezing fear and to drown your whole body and soul in the burning grief. You muttered a quiet: „sorry” after pushing past poor Ori to get out of the kingdom. You had to get out of there, to get some fresh air, since the dark corridors seemed to strangle you more and more with every passing minute.
At first, the white snow laying on the cold stones almost blinded you when the rays of sun reflected through the crystal petals and you had to blink few times to adjust your sight to the image in front of you. If you thought that the battlefield was gruesome from the above, now you were convinced that it was just as tragic from the ground. The pure elves, the one considered eternal and immortal were laying on the snow, lifeless and unnamed among their dead brothers and cousins. Somewhere in the distance, you noticed the army of King Dáin marauding slowly to the gates of the Lonely Mountain, the banners held high above their heads. And despite all of it—the joy you were supposed to be feeling because of a winned war, the Erebor finally having the rightful king, the defeated dragon, the rising city of Dale—you have never felt as lost and lonely. After all, how were the gold and jewels supposed to fill the empty space in your heart?
Dizziness caused you to sat on the nearby stone as the time seemed to completely slow down. The day was so far away, just as the whole present, and you were caught somewhere in between, not being a part of Thorin's Company anymore, not belonging to the Erebor, not having Fíli by your side. Blinking few times, you were convinced that the wind will simply blow you off the Middle Earth now, like a dust from the piece of paper, and turn into nothing, but no matter how long you were waiting, it did not happen.
You were still there, sitting on the cool stone, sight glued to the mountains in front of you, unbearably alive.
That was, when you heard a rush somewhere near, the familiar click of an armour against a shield and something you faintly recognized as a giggle. Were you dreaming or delirious? Was your mind too overwhelmed by the sorrow so it decided to flow you with all the various kind of impulses to keep you sane? Slowly turning around, you saw the frames coming closer in your direction from the other side of the hill. Considering the distance, you were sure that there was at least two of them, but when you stood up and focused on the sight, you realized that it was, in fact, three of them—the one held in between the other two.
Once again, an inquiry popped in your head. Were you dreaming?
Despite not knowing the answer to that question, you could not linger anymore and so, your feet led you forward, starting with a firm march and soon transforming into the run. The closer you were to them, the more features you recognized; first, the slightly bent shoulders of Thorin, his long hair sticked with blood and falling down his shoulders as his arms were hanged around the other two Dwarves. Then, Kíli's hand held firmly against his side where the stain of blood soaked through his tunic and painted his chain mail in deep crimson. And surprisingly, Fíli was the last one you laid your eyes upon, as if you were afraid that it might not be him but someone else and the love of your life was still left somewhere in the mountains—cold and lifeless as the other warriors.
Fíli, however, was now in front of you, helping to carry his wounded uncle and the smile which played on his lips when he saw you was enough to prove that he, indeed, intended to keep his promise.
Many hours passed since the darkness of the night devoured the endless sky and the memory of the battle was nothing but an echo in the back of your mind. Ridiculous in itself, the whole day seemed to never happened, when you were sitting at the edge of your bed, Fíli standing still in front of you and observing your careful fingers as you treated his wounds. The one which was aimed at his ribcage was the worst but still not enough to take him away from you—however, if it only hit a little bit higher...
„Where are you?” Fíli's voice was low and calm, bringing you back to reality like a kiss of the rising sun on the skin.
„I am right here,” you told him, when the last bandage was placed firmly against his wound and he could put the tunic back on.
„No, my love, I can see it. You are still on the battlefield, even though you did not participate in the war.”
There was a silence between you two, the sweet one, filled with the scent of melting wax, the healing herbs and freshly dried clothes. Fíli's hair were set loose now, free from any kind of braids, since he insisted to wash them clean of blood and dirt before joining you in bed, now reminding you of curly waterfalls of gold—the only real treasure under the mountain. His eyes, however, remained soft and adoring, looking at you as if it was the very first time you met.
„I thought I lost you,” you admitted after a while, when he sat next to you and placed his hand upon yours, fingers entangling together. „I cannot simply ignore that feeling, it was there, present and real and I did believe I will never see you again.”
He tilted his head to the side, staring at you as if you were the most precious being in the whole existence—and prehaps, for him you really were.
„But I am here now and this is an unquestionable truth. There is no need to dwell into that memory, my love, not since we have the whole lifes ahead of us.”
„And would you like to spend the rest of your life with me?”
„Of course. I promised you that.” Fíli rised your combined palms to his lips and placed a butterfly kiss upon your skin. The warm feeling spread through your veins all the way to the heart, now calm and resting and so, so cheerful.
„Besides,” he added. „I had to tell you that I honestly am quite impressed that you listened to me and I owe you a big thanks for that. You know, I almost lost a bet with Kíli—he said that you won't stay behind the gates for longer than an hour.”
„You had a bet?” You frowned but the involuntary smile betrayed your amusement.
„It was his idea, though.”
Playfully, you poked him in the arm with your elbow, careful to not cause him any pain. As strong and enduring he was, he surely did not need more harm.
„I can believe you.” You nodded. „Still, the whole three of you gave me quite a huge scare today...”
„And I am sorry for that.”
„...But I am glad to have you back.” You gently took a single strand of his hair and placed it behind his ear, peeking at his lips and longing to finally kiss it. „I do not know what I would do without you, Fíli.”
„Fortunately, you do not have to know. And you never will.”
The kiss you two shared this evening did not taste like tears anymore, on the contrary, it was as sweet as the promise of the upcoming day, bright and full of possibilities. A new chapter in the story you wanted to write with him by the side, until there were no blank pages left.
And, prehaps, maybe even some more.
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allforhader · 4 years
All He Wanted
Barry Berkman x (F) Reader
Requested by @designersophisticate
Warnings: Langauge, Injury
Part 1 | Part 2
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He hates hospitals.
He told me he had Fuches? Was that his name? Patch him up every time he got hurt...
To avoid being admitted or something.
I...never really understood it for his predicament. I did for others. But he’s a hitman, that’s not written anywhere besides Fuches mind right? Right...?
I wish I didn’t wake up today...
A nightmare should stay away from reality.
Y/N patiently waited in the living room flipping through one of Barry’s scripts. Her phone started ringing and the number was unrecognizable, knowing her husband’s line of work, she didn’t know if she should trust it. But it could be anything, so flip a coin or take a Chance nonsense. She picked it up immediately answering and everything around her went dark.
“Is this Mrs. Berkman?”
“This is one of your husband’s doctor. He came into the ER with a GSW.”
“I-...Uh shit uh...which hospital?” Y/N asks as she quickly grabs her coat and keys on the way out of their home.
The silence became too real. Nothing was audible and everything was pure silence...
Y/N walks into the ER seeing the commotion happening and many different cliental flooding in and out of one specific trauma room. Her heart dropped and she felt sick. A nurse approached her carefully resting her hand on Y/N’s arm to catch her attention and the silence became loud screaming commotion.
“Who are you looking for?”
“I’m sorry..Uh Barry Berkman. My husband”
“Oh okay um ma’am I’m going to have to take you to the waiting room-“
“No. I’m going to see my husband-“
“Ma’am they are currently-“
“Shut up. He’s my husband and he’s fucking hurt. You don’t get to stand in my fucking way” Y/N snaps at the nurse before maneuvering around her and heading toward the trauma room.
“Barry, this is going to be painful” His doctor states prepping him for a chest tube as the resident puts up the scans pointing out the two bullets. “Shit. Get the pressuring dressing secured while I start. This is going to hurt sir so it’s appropriate to scream at this—moment” he makes the incision before shoving a tube in.
Once stepping in, the silence returned except for the excruciating hollers coming form Barry when they inserting a chest tube right in front of Y/N. The lead doctor on the case saw Y/N and immediately got angry at the nurse that let her in.
“Mrs. Berkman-“
“Wh-What—“ Barry tried to move but the pain in his chest was overwhelming and the resident was pushing a mild sedative to calm him down when Y/N took his hand into hers.
“Barry...I-I...I’m right here..” Y/N frowns feeling the tears start to build up in the corner of her eyes.
“Ma’am, we are going to take your husband into surgery”
“C...Can I just get a minute?”
“Ma’am he has a bullet in his chest and we need to do exploratory surgery very likely even heart surgery—he doesn’t have much-“
“P-Please..just” Barry interrupts watching his doctor order more morphine. “One minute”
“Prep the OR, and have the orderly on standby when their done” The doctor states before giving the two the room.
Barry squeezed her hand looking at her ball right in front of him. He hated it when she cries because it usually meant something around his doing.
When he told her he was a hitman
The time he had to leave for a few months
Countless times of him coming home injured
But now, he can die.
She’s allowed to cry.
“Baby...” Barry frowns trying his best to keep his attention on her even if the pain has its moments.
“B-Barry...you c-can’t die...you can’t” Y/N cries feeling Barry’s hand shake in hers. “Just...p-please”
“Y/N...Hm—“ He jolts a bit taking a deep breath. “I...had a hit..”
“Barry I don’t want to-“
“Please...just” Every time the pain kicked every chance it did, Barry squeezed her hand and Y/N didn’t have the words to respond anymore.
“...I can’t lose you”
“Y/N...I didn’t...m-mean for i-i-it to ba-backfire.....” His voice cracked as he tries to tell her what happened but honestly...it’s all white noise for the most part.
“Baby...p-please look at me” Barry frowns watching Y/N wipe away a few of the running tears before looking down at him. “If-...If I make it..”
“You have to...d-dont say if..”
“If..I make it...I promise...t-this h-hitman life” He felt her hold onto his hand like its the end of the world. “is over...I-I promise...”
Y/N was about to say something when she saw there orderly walk in ready to take him to the OR. She leans over to Barry’s ear telling him something which brought up a lot of emotions between them both. Y/N retracts herself from his side so they could take him and her face burned at that point from all the crying.
“I love you Barry...”
“I-..I love you so much” Barry states as he rolled away not seeing her in his sight.
When Barry arrived into the OR he watches his doctor approach the table.
“Barry we are going to have you count back by 8-“
“I-I better make it”
“You will.”
Barry frowns looking up at the ceiling.
-Hour 1-
Y/N hated waiting. She fucking always hated it. She brought her knees to her chest hugging them, waiting...
He better make it. He better make it.
The repeating phrase in her head was interrupted when the person she called finally came.
Sally. The two got close when she was told that Sally was Barry’s acting partner. There was a history but when it ended, it didn’t interfere with their friendship.
“Sweetheart what happened?” Sally frowns hugging Y/N when she got up.
“He...” Y/N started to cry all over again. “He was mugged...” she had to lie since she’s the only one that knows what he really does.
“Oh hun...”
-Hour 2-
The nurse walks away from Y/N after informing that they needed to call in the on call cardio surgeon since the surgery became more complicated.
“He’s going to make it. He’ll make it” Sally reassures wrapping an arm around Y/N.
Y/N turns around finding the others from their acting class including Gene which made her give a look at Sally.
“What? They would’ve wanted to be here to support you through this. So I called them”
“Y/N Sally told us”
“Honey I’m so sorry”
“Barry’s a strong guy he’ll make it”
“We’re here for you for everything”
They were all nice to Y/N when she waited, but the feeling of wanting to be alone became overwhelming. She sat down thinking to herself as those around her comforted her.
-Hour 4-
Gene sat beside Y/N as his students talked amongst each other of the multiple outcomes that may or may not happen. He looks over to see Y/N shaking in her seat from her anxiety. She wanted Barry.
“Come on” He assures getting up from his seat and Y/N follows him.
The two stood outside taking in the actual silence of the night and Y/N couldn’t take it.
“FOR FUCK SAKE” She yells off the top of her lungs kneeling down curling up feeling the dam break.
“He can’t die...he can’t die....I love him. He’s the...t-the love of my life...h-h-he can’t die” She cries hugging herself feeling Gene rest a hand on her back kneeling beside her.
“He’s not going to die. You can’t think with that mindset”
“B-But h-h-he got shot...t-then it involved his heart? He can die-“
“Y/N. He’s been through a lot. I know you know that. He’s fought a lot of battles. Not to be literal with that but it’s true. He’s going to be fine. He has you waiting. He wouldn’t leave you behind like this. He loves you too much. Trust me”
“Barry loves you with all his being Y/N. He literally doesn’t shut up about you. He loves you. You love him. He’ll pull through. You two’s story doesn’t end here” Gene states and Y/N felt better slightly but still needed a moment.
Once Y/N walks back inside with Gene following shortly behind. He advises everyone to go home to leave Y/N alone for the remainder of time waiting for the next update. And of course. They listened.
Soon a nurse led Y/N to Barry’s ICU room where he’ll be for the next couple of days. She stopped at the door looking at the wires and tubing attached and in her husband making her heartbeat faster than it should. His doctor walks in beside her to give her an update when he gave her a minute realizing she’s panicking internally at the sight leaving her body shaking.
“Mrs. Berkman...?”
“I-Uh yes...yes?”
“He made it through surgery. There was a tear in his aorta that occurred during surgery after the amount of stress his body endured. Our cardio surgeon repaired the tear and he’s stable. There wasn’t any other major injury besides what I’ve already said. Minor internal bleeding which was taken care of. He’ll be in the ICU until he’s off vent”
“C-Can I um...t-touch him...? Hold his hand...?”
“Carefully but yes” He reassures watching Y/N make her way beside Barry’s bed taking his hand carefully. “When he’s transferred into a patient room is when we can have a cot placed for you to sleep with him during the night. But for now-“
“Um. I know...I know what to do” Y/N frowns annoyed that he’s covering everything now when all she cares about is that.
He made it. He made it through.
A few days went by...
Y/N walks into the hospital after her shift, she hated having to go home to an empty bed and be in that personal silence for a while. But if it means Barry is recovering safely away from everything, then it’s fine.
As she makes her way to the ICU she found Barry’s room empty. Making her anxiety kick in.
“Um. Nurse?” Y/N walks over to the ICU nurse’s station catching the nurse’s attention. “Where’s Barry Berkman?”
“Ma’am he’s been moved”
Y/N started laughing nervously as her mind already started to wander. She pinches the back of her neck to personally bring her back.
“Um where?”
“Would you like me to escort you Mrs?”
Following the nurse into the area where most patient rooms are set. Her anxiety settled seeing Barry’s doctor walk out of a room carrying a grin.
“Mrs. Berkman, just the person I was looking for”
Y/N gave him a confused look before walking over and seeing Barry sitting up in his hospital bed with no vent and the chest tube finally out. She walks in ignoring anything the doctor said carefully sitting on the side of his bed catching all of his attention. Barry started to cry when Y/N has been, he rests his hand on her thigh feeling hers rest on top of it.
“I-I wasn’t going to leave you alone...”
“Thank god you didn’t...”
Barry moves his hand reaching when he shouldn’t be as Y/N brought herself closer feeling his hand rest on her stomach. He couldn’t help but break down into more tears thinking he could’ve died and missed a whole other chapter in his life. Y/N moved his arm before carefully placing herself beside him in the bed resting her head on his shoulder.
“Are you going to keep your promise...?”
“I’m not missing anymore of my life with you, I’m keeping it” Barry rests his head against hers. “You and our future together is all I wanted. I’m not letting anything...interfere with that again”
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huangsren · 5 years
hs!chenle ; can i call you my everything?
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲 ; zhong chenle just wanted to find the perfect nickname for you.
part of @hwangdol and i’s hs!dream au >:))
𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞 ; highschool!chenle au / childhood-friend!chenle / ft. hs!yukhei / fluffy / lw angsty
warning ; small mention of depression / cutting , (some) swearing / explicit langauge
zhong chenle x (fem)reader
you and chenle have been friends ever since you were both 12 and miraculously transferred to the same school at the same time
at that time, small chenle and you understood it’d be easier to befriend each other rather than trying to squeeze into the already made class cliques
since then, you and chenle happened to experience everything together-
the first crushes, failures, broken bones, embarrassing class reports, school field trips (which surprised you b/c,, what kind of kids go on their first field trip in the eighth grade)
and as you got older, first mental breakdowns, bad relationships/friendships, and bad fights; whether they were with each other, or against other people 
chenle never took you as the soft girl, you wouldn’t hesitate to kick the balls of those big-headed bullies, chenle was more scared for them than himself
you see and meet some upperclassmen that he somehow had the ability to befriend
some characters like the stoner-boy!haechan , playboy!jaemin (both by my bby @hwangdol ), and art-hoe!renjun
it’s inevitable that you two change somewhat over the years, but the one thing that never changed since the very first day you met was how chenle wanted to find you the perfect nickname
like this boy is just so set on finding something great to call you instead of your actual mf name????
the first week alone of knowing him gave you about 20 nicknames that we’re all passed up and forgotten b/c he says they just don’t capture what he’s trying to say about you
so every year, every month, every week, every day is spent with him casually tossing all kinds of names at you
from being names like “maybe i’ll call you chun-li, how about it chun-li?” 
to the most random things like, “so how’s it going, flipstick?” , “my mom said you should come over for dinner tomorrow if you’re free, cheeseball” or “yes! i got a better score than you, small-hands”
and for some reason chenle had this kind of infatuation with your hands b/c god knows why? they weren’t even especially small or pretty either but he would always mention or inspect your hand at least once a day
when he first held and looked at your hands, your twelve year old little heart may have thumped and pulled away
but by the time you two are 14, it didn’t phase you in the slightest, it’s just hands
in the days past he would hold your hand out in front of him, and you’d continue to do whatever you were doing b/c it was no longer unusual
it wasn’t ever odd to feel chenle holding your palm, with his eyes just looking so lovingly at the way your fingers would fold whenever you lost that game you were playing on your phone
he would casually play with your fingers and maybe rub your hand with his thumb b/c he was a naturally touchy person
at times it served a good purpose as it helped you know which girls were genuinely talking to you for you and not for chenle, and it drove away strange men when you two would go out 
and he happened to want to see your hand again
but sometimes it would take a turn for the worse and he’d find that you reached that low you hadn’t in two years, that low where you found it fitting to hurt yourself
on gOd, how much seeing chenle’s expression when he found out you hurt part of yourself gave you much more emotion and pain than that slit on your wrist
so you held it in most times, sometimes for chenle’s sake and sometimes b/c chenle gave you reasons not to
other times, you’re thankful he treats you like he would any other day b/c getting into it would definitely hurt more than the movie he planned to take you to 
since he knows the two of you have been waiting for the release date for the longest time
however, that indifferent, friendly feeling you had with him began to wear down once the third year of high school came by
it wasn’t a special day, no
but chenle came in with new hair, a slightly messed up uniform, a basketball held between his side and his arm, and this more mature look to him that you never payed too much attention to
and you have to admit, the thoughts of chenle and you being more than you are now were growing each time you saw him again
obviously you keep that on the down-low though, there’s only so many friendships to result in a happy relationship versus the amount that are just kept one-sided and unnatural after confessing
and today, you are once again thinking about chenle as more than just your friend
thinking about how it would feel to be together
how being in his arms would feel, how holding his hand in that way would be
the warmth of him all around you, knowing you’re a big part of the reason he’s smiling, running your hands through his hair,
doing silly things like trying to bake a cake? or trying to toss those tiny marshmallows into his mouth?
having the ability to tell him that he’s your sunshine over and over again?
you, without a doubt, know that being with chenle in that way would be one of the best parts of your youth
but you can’t bring yourself to do anything because, what if that feeling goes only one way?
what if the only reason chenle keeps you by his side is because he knows you won’t be phased by his constant clinginess, because he knows you won’t fall for him and stay as his friend without wanting more?
there are countless girls who are obsessed with him and his other group of friends, that’s why that group of boys he’s a part of are known as the “dreamies”
and you aren’t the only girl chenle finds time with either,
sometimes you have to keep yourself from wanting to make plans b/c you hear he’s already made some to go do pranks with his other friend-that-is-a-girl (aka y/n in jisung’s au!)
but when you hear chenle constantly coming up with nicknames for you, you can’t stop yourself from feeling that something
the something in your heart that won’t stop and you admit to yourself that you like chenle
you like the zhong chenle that you knew when you were 12 and you like the zhong chenle that you know now
which hurts so much because after coming to this conclusion, you see how significant the power he has on you is
he has the power to make you sad one second after you were happy, make you happy when you were frustrated just a second before, to make the butterflies in your stomach wild, and even the power to make your breath hitch in his presence
it really doesn’t help your situation when his recent nicknames have become a little more cute and loving than before
just yesterday it had been, “what’s up, buttercup” and he continued with that one until after dinner when you face-timed him for homework help and he says, “you’ve come to the right person, honey bun”
all of it made you cringe just as much as it made you all giddy inside and you internally swear by how much it affects you
“something wrong, ms. casanova?” and his eyes show real concern for the friend that you are and when you look into them through the screen, you know you don’t want to fall any longer into the angelic boy
you are fully aware of how off and silent you’re being, but you can’t stop feeling like it’s wrong for you to like him this way
so you take it into your own hands to stop before you’re in too deep
starting with asking him to put the pet names to rest
“chenle, can you stop?” you pause, “please?”
and he goes silent
his heart aches but he doesn’t let you see, all he does is say, “stop what? we can study more at lunch if that’s what you want, care-bear” and he smiles, trying to comfort you because he senses the way your tone got lower and softer
“no chenle, that’s not what i’m talking about!” you sigh, knowing that he’s intentionally dodging what you mean, “i just- i don’t want the nicknames anymore lele, i’m sorry”
as you explain, you look at your hands and twirl your fingers, not being able to look him in the face- and you’re right to want to avoid his look
because once you peer back up to that face on the screen, he has tears in his eyes and he’s trying hard to find some sort of regret in yours
but he can’t see any because you know what you want for the two of you and you are certain that doing this sooner will stop you from wanting more
“chenle, listen-
and the video call is over and a heartbeat later you get a text from him
“sorry, y/n. good night.”
you burst into tears yourself- full on sobbing
you didn’t realize how dark you’d feel hearing chenle call you by your real name even through a text
you knew it would make chenle sad if you told him to stop but you never imagined to see that pain in his eyes 
you cry for him for the longest time ; your chest taking in big gulps of air before letting it out in a shaky breath and it takes longer than you’d like to stop your upper body from trembling
and you fall asleep with a heavy heart, pillow soaked with the feelings you had pent up in you
but the next morning comes and you’re not ready to face chenle any time soon and thank the lord that instead of p.e. with chenle, you have study hall
so you keep yourself in the library, in the math/science section b/c, let’s be honest, it’s the least popular and the least crowded
while trying to distract yourself from all of chenle, you take out your phone and earbuds to watch your favorite anime
but that shady website just has to give you some kind of hentai pop-up before you even plug the headphones in 
which leaves you wide-eyed and panicked, doing your best to muffle the sound and plug the wire in as fast as you can
then you hear a chuckle from behind you and you turn around to meet wong yukhei, or lucas, the kid who only shows up to his homeroom and p.e. class- skipping all the other periods
and you freak out because this kid’s known for never holding his words back and so you get up out of your seat and walk over to sit next to him
“i’m not doing what you think i am” you say, not looking his way
“i never said you were doing anything” he replies, focus still on his phone
“oh come on, you laughed right after that um, noise went off and i was having a heart attack”
and then you turn his direction and can’t believe that you actually have to shift your gaze upwards because of how tall this kid is
“oh? i was laughing at this meme”
and he motions for you to look at his phone, so you do. and you lean over the arms of the chair to see his phone and chuckle at the fact it’s literally just some shrek shitpost
he looks down at you at smiles, oh what- what was that
perhaps this is what you needed to get over your feelings for chenle
you needed another person that had no relation to him, needed to be around someone who didn’t know you
someone you could rebuild yourself as the real you with, not worrying about how you’d fit with chenle
“stop staring at my eyes you weirdo, it’s just a meme” he says and shoves you back onto your own chair
so you’ve decided. 
“lucas, you wanna be friends?”
“please don’t tell me you’re trying to get dicked down or something” he rolls his eyes
“what? bOy- no i’m not trying that. i just think you’re the perfect person for me to be around until i get over myself” you say, making sure to emphasize that you’re even grossed out he thinks you want him
“okay, go ahead. i cant stop you”
“before you answer, i know how weird this is but- wait, for real? that easy?”
“dude, i couldn’t care less. you wanna skip last period? get some food?” he asks
now he’s standing up and dusting his pants off from snack crumbs and then holds his hand out in front of you
you nod and take his hand before he yanks his out of your hold
“um, i was asking for you to get my charger for me..”
“bitchass you should have said so, i thought you were being soft lucas”
even if you’re embarrassed, you reach and unplug his charger then hand it to him, rolling your eyes in the process (but really there’s a faint blush on your face)
“you’re kinda dumb for that, and my name’s yukhei”
“i thought you went by lucas?” you say, curious as to why he’d want for you to call him his given name
“nah. i’ll let you call me yukhei. consider it the highest blessing you’ve ever been given”
a month and some has passed since the night of your last call with chenle
but naturally, the pain of losing the friendship you had with chenle was still evident
just weeks before, it’d be heart-wrenching to just know you had to see him, 
but now you can make eye contact and smile a little his way
it wasn’t your willpower alone though, 
you admit that having yukhei by your side and him just giving you an outside perspective on the whole situation opened your eyes
of course he would call you dumb and stupid sometimes when you tell him about why you fell for chenle in the first place
but that one response he had in the macaron place stuck with you and he held a good point
“honestly, y/n, i may be dumb but you shouldn’t have beaten yourself up fro just having feelings. i mean, if you really, truly, like chenle, why did that happen so suddenly? what if you’re just in love with the things he did and not really him and you let yourself fall. i’m sorry if i go over the line, but you were going through, a time. maybe you just wanted to feel something”
that day it didn’t settle so right with you to agree with all that he said
you didn’t want to let the feelings you had for chenle seem so superficial and due to the fact you knew each other for the longest time, but he was right
you thought about how if it were yukhei in chenle’s place, you’d probably let yourself fall for him too.
it wasn’t chenle that your heart leaped for, it was just the things he did?
specifically just the two things he did : the nicknames and the hand-holding
and to prove your theory, you and yukhei made an agreement where he would also hold your hands and call you nicknames, which started two weeks ago
“yup, that’s it. we’ve got ‘em boys. i can’t believe how much i just like hand-holding and nicknames. wong yukhei, i like you” you tease him
truthfully this particular parlor was a spot you and chenle would frequent
but yukhei said he would create memories of it that didn’t have chenle, so here you two are
“oh please, y/n. you know how i actually feel about you. you can’t just say that, i know you like those two things, not me” he says and goes back to shoving ice cream down his throat
yes- lucas had confessed to you 
three days after you started the whole ‘experiment’, in fact
something about how his conscience wouldn’t let him treat you that way without you knowing how he really felt
but he didn’t let you give him an answer, he just told you how he felt and went on with it
you kind of felt bad for him, he was into you and didn’t know where you stood in all of this 
but he kept on helping you in hopes of your feelings to lean themselves in his favor
yet you couldn’t quite place where you felt for yukhei
for sure there were times where you might have wanted to even kiss him, but there were also times where you couldn’t imagine being his girlfriend because, man you two we’re just too close of friends for it to change
and maybe this is the way chenle would feel if you had told him the way you really felt
so after some deep contemplating, you decide that the next time you have the opportunity to talk to chenle alone presents itself, you’ll tell him why you allowed things to be the way they are now
you just didn’t know it’d happen so fast and that it would be in the ice cream parlor you and yukhei were in
“y/n? lucas?” chenle looks at you and yukhei who are alone and sitting across from one another
“oh, chenle. hey”
“sooo are you guys a thing now or..? because if you are i can’t believe you never told me” chenle asks you, pretending he doesn’t have a problem with it
‘i can’t believe you never told me’? he’s the one who never tried to spark a conversation after the whole incident anyways
“no chenle, we’re not dating” you say sharply, only those few words in response
“ahem. i think i remember y/n wanting to say something to you, chenle. maybe i’ll go and order some crepes for a really long time” yukhei says and slips out of the booth towards chenle, giving the boy’s shoulder a pat before proceeding to flirt with the cashier for snacks
“so, how are you darli-” he stops himself, “y/n”
and the same smile that you loved is on his face, but you can hear the sadness behind his voice and you crumble once again
“i’m... i’m doing the same as always. 
and listen chenle, 
i’m sorry for falling off with you after the whole nickname thing. the truth is that i, um, i had feelings for you. i wanted us to be more than what we were but i was afraid of rejection. well, look at us now, you didn’t have to reject me and i’ve already made us like this. i don’t know why i would give up all that we have, and yukhei, i mean lucas- he’s been nothing but kind when i tried to get over you and-”
“y/n. i miss you” chenle interrupts
“i- i miss you too lele”
then chenle takes your hand in his, a gesture you ever thought you’d miss
seeing him like this again, him saying he misses you; were you really only in love with the two things or did you love chenle?
“you have no idea how long i’ve waited for you to say you have feelings for me. you thought i’d reject you? baby come on, you’re the only girl i’ve had my eyes on for the longest time.
even the first day i held your hand when we were 12. i couldn’t believe you thought that was just a friendly gesture” he laughs, “i mean of course we were young, but really? i knew you were naive and i knew how you were hiding your feelings but i never gave up, peanut. especially when other boys would try to get at you, i didn’t suddenly want to see your hands, i was telling them that you’re mine. i even told my friends how much i missed you.
there was this one point where i thought, maybe we are better off as friends, it doesn’t hurt, yknow? but then my older friend mark? you remember mark, right? he set me straight and told me that i did, actually, have feelings for you after all these years. you know the nicknames? i think i have the perfect one. so y/n, can i,,, can i call you my everything now?”
“chenle,” you start, “i said i had feelings for you.”
and it’s true. 
you see the smile he has turn both confused and gloomy
maybe the you a month ago would have swooned into his arms and fell even more in love with his confession,
but time played with the both of you and you realize that you don’t feel the same way despite him pouring his feelings in front of you
you’ve come to terms that, yes, you were in love with zhong chenle, not just what he did
but that’s all in the past ; you had loved chenle, you just don’t the same way now
“is it because of lucas? y/n you’re gonna break what we have for him?”
chenle raises his voice at you and his eyes become a mix of anger and dejection
taken aback by his tone and the fact he thinks you would ever break the relationship you two have built over a boy begins to make your blood boil
“lucas? no chenle, this isn’t about lucas! and for your information, he’s not even a bad kid? i don’t even talk about how your best friends with upperclassmen who are either : 1, high or 2, breaking hearts! chenle, the reason why i didn’t say anything is because i valued what we shared more than what i wanted alone! and if you already knew i was trying to avoid the way i felt then why did you wait so long to do something? i can’t believe the nerve you have to blame this on someone other than yourself? sure it may not be entirely on you, but you’re literally acting like you’ve done nothing wrong! chenle, you were basically toying with my emotions.
you knew how much i loved you and how much it was hurting me. you know so much about me, hell, you have a better perspective of myself than i do! you don’t know how much my heart ached when you would drop our plans for your other friends, have no idea how heartbroken i became when i finally admitted to myself that i liked you. all you did was watch me go through it, not saying a word, not even trying to talk to me about it in person either! let’s be honest, you never thought of me that way until you realized i was gone.”
you take a second to breathe.
“i can’t do this chenle, i can’t. if you have anything more to say then shoot me a text because otherwise? i’m not taking any of your ‘but i love you’ shit.” you vent
and then you take your stuff and move out of the booth towards yukhei
“can we please go, yukhei?”
he sees the tears forming in your eyes and he takes your hands
“you don’t even have to ask. i got you y/n”
then he pulls you through the now crowded ice cream parlor and your head is down, looking at the hold yukhei has on your hands
you and yukhei reach the park near his house after how long of walking hand in hand and sit in silence on the swings
and once you feel stable again you perk up and say
“i guess i really did make new memories in that parlor”
and yukhei looks at you, stopping his motions
“i’m sorry it still had chenle in it”
and his voice sounds defeated, like he failed you
“hey, yukhei, don’t be so sulky” you smile at him, “i don’t want to feel like i have nothing anymore just because i dont have chenle, ya know? at least i have some calming memories in this park now, even if it’s with you.”
“yeah, at least there’s that.” 
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crowkingwrites · 7 years
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Title: Heartbeat Language (Ch.1)
Pairing: Jon Snow x Reader
Summary: Modern Day AU. You and your Northern Friends have just graduated high school. Your parents hand you tickets to the hottest music festival, The King’s Feast, for the whole weekend. Jon and you have always been close friends, but something about the music tells you both something different. Something more.(I rated this as mature because there are mentions and acts of underage drinking.)
Requested: No
Words: 1525
Read on Ao3: http://archiveofourown.org/works/11116950/chapters/24811863
You had to admit you teared up a bit when you walked the halls of Westeros High for one last time. You looked over to Robb who was adjusting his tassel. You gave him a half-smile and in return he gave you a thumbs-up. All of your friends have been waiting forever for this day. Now that it’s here, you didn’t want it to end.
“Oh my god, your hair!” you heard Ros behind you. Her thick red hair was straightened. She wore kitten heels and a bit of her pink dress was peeking above the gold gown.
“You’re wearing a dress!” you laughed. You had curled your hair even though it took you hours to get it right. Your favorite dress was also peeking through the gold gown. Ros laughed and grabbed you into a big hug.
“We did it! Can you believe this?” Ros squealed.
“I did it. You almost failed math,” you corrected her. Ros rolled her eyes. Suddenly, you heard your least favorite teacher, Mr. Pycelle, call for everyone to form in a line. You waved goodbye to Ros and scurried to your spot.
“Hey,” Jon said. His thick, black curls made it hard for his cap to stay on. He didn’t smile too much, but when he did, it went on for miles. Robb’s happiness spread to others easy, but Jon’s happiness seemed only infectious to you.
“Hey you,” you smiled back.
“You think you’ll miss this place?” he asked.
“Hell no,” you laughed quietly.
“Good, me neither,” Jon whispered back. Ros may have been your best friend, but it was truly Jon that you were closest to. From speech to science, you partnered with each other every chance you got. You wouldn’t get A’s all the time, but both of you made a good team.
As you and your classmates walked into the auditorium, you spotted Ned and Cat waving at you and everyone. You looked at your own parents waving at you. Your mom wiping away a tear from her eye. The graduation ceremony was long and boring, but it was all worth it went you felt your diploma in your hands.
The drive to the Stark house for the after party wasn’t too long. Ros and you couldn’t wait to party with the boys. Ros took endless pictures of both of you in your outfits and caps.
“One more!”
“No! You took enough. Your battery’s going to die!” you said to her. Ros pointed at her charger.
“My phone will be fine. One more! Come on!” You scooted next to Ros and took another picture with her.
“We’re here, girls,” Your mom said. She carried in her famous mac and cheese bake into the house. First thing you heard was Ned’s deep voice.
“Girls! Congrats!” He smiled at both of you. “I’m very proud of both of you.”
“Thank you, Dad,” you playfully said to Ned. You came over to the Stark household so much that Cat had considered you a daughter before Arya was born.
“(Y/N)! Ros! Over here!,” Robb called you over. You were about to run over to your friends until your mother stopped you.
“Don’t go just yet, I want some more pictures.”
“Oh go on,” Ned said. “I don’t know why everyone’s so obsessed with pictures today.”
“Ned! Is it not obvious?” Cat yelled at him. She turned to your mother and rolled her eyes. “Husbands.”
“I know,” your mother nodded her head to your father. You and Ros started to walk over to the boys.
“Girls! Wait!” Cat yelled at you. “Don’t go walking around with the boys! We need you to stick around. We have a surprise!” Ros and you looked at each other confused.
“A surprise?” Ros said.
“I have no idea,” you said as you walked outside onto the deck. Ned enjoyed being outside so much that his deck was a paradise. The grill was cooking with burgers and hot dogs. Sansa sat with Jeyne at the outdoor kitchen texting away with their friends. Arya, Bran, and Rickon played in the pool. You and Ros headed towards the fire pit with the boys.
“Hey! Long time, no see!” Robb winked at both of you. You shook your head and looked at Jon. He wore a white button up with a pair of khakis. He took off his tie and opened up a couple of the top buttons. You had to admit you stared longer at him than you should have.
“You allright?” he said.
“What? Oh yeah. I’m fine,” you sat down next to him. “Cat said she had a surprise for us? Know anything about that?”
“No, Mom told me about it this morning,” Robb said. “Said it was our graduation gift.” Jon bit his lip and looked up.
“Wait, you know something, don’t you?” Theon sat forward in his seat. “Spill.”
“I don’t want to ruin anything,” Jon said.
“Come on, spill.” Robb nudged Jon and sat at the edge of the fire pit. The rest of you stared him down until he exhaled.
“It was a month ago. You know how sometimes I can’t sleep at night. I got up and went down to the kitchen to get some water. Before I walked in, I heard Mom and Dad on the phone with Theon’s Dad. They were talking about these tickets and a website. I didn’t catch everything, but after they left I logged onto the kitchen computer. I couldn’t find anything because they already erased the browser history. That’s all I know.”
“Tickets?” Theon said. “To what?”
“Well, what about Disney? You’ve always wanted to go, right (Y/N)?” Robb asked.
“No, you’re wrong, (Y/N) wants to get to married at Disney. She wants to go to Universal Studios,” Jon said.
“How do you know that and I don’t?” Ros questioned, shifting her eyes between the two of you.
“What are you talking about? She’s been saying that since junior year,” Jon argued.
“Is that true?” Ros asked.
“I mean I guess. He’s not wrong,” you said, shrugging. You felt yourself blush. You didn’t think Jon would remember something small like that. “But this a graduation gift guys, we can’t be going to Disney. I mean, our parents wouldn’t just send us there. Would they?”
Ned Stark owned the Wolf Corporation which helped find technology to better hospitals. Theon’s father, Balon, owned an entire cruise line. Your parents were their lawyers. If they bought tickets, it must have been something amazing. Your parents haven’t said anything about any graduation gifts. They haven’t even mentioned getting you anything.
Once the food was done, all of you got a plate of food and sat around the patio table with everyone else. Your dad sat next to you, chomping away at a hot dog. He had so much stuff piled onto it that the toppings were spilling on the plate.
“Dad, half of your dog is on the plate,” you said, half-bored. Your dad hummed.
“You think it’s time we stop torturing the kids and just tell them Ned?” You and your friends sat at the edge of their seats.
“What do you think, Balon?” Ned looked at Balon who nodded in return.
“Now’s a good time as any,” he said before he took another sip of beer. Ned stood up and looked at you all.
“We all felt that you kids put in a lot of work this year,” Ned started. “Robb and (Y/N) earning a high GPA, Theon’s acceptance into the Kelly School of Business, Jon’s leadership in the community award, and Ros, your theatric performances this year were amazing. We are all proud of you. And after thinking about it, we thought we would reward you with something as equally as awesome you guys.” Ned handed a folded paper to Robb.
“Dad, don’t say ‘awesome’ like that,” Robb laughed until he opened the paper. His face fell.
“What? What is it?” Theon tried to lean over in his seat to see it.
“These are tickets to the King’s Feast Music Festival for the whole weekend,” Robb said. You dropped your burger. Ros stood there with her mouth open. Jon and Theon looked at Robb with disbelief.
“No way. That’s-that’s. Come on,” Theon looked at his dad who only smiled back at him.
“Are you kidding? The King’s Feast? In New York City? The entire weekend? For real?” You turned to your parents. You dad patted you on the back.
“For real,” your dad said. All five of you jumped up and screamed about. Ros and you gave each other a big hug. Theon ran and jumped in the pool he was so excited. Robb hugged Cat tightly, and Jon only sat there staring at the ticket.
You let go of Ros and faced the boys.
“We’re going to the King’s Feast! We’re going to New York City!” You screamed. All five you started to chant ‘New York, New York’ over and over. You looked at Jon and gave him a hug too.
“So, this is how summer starts?” Jon said to you away from others.
“It’s only going to get better from here,” you smiled.
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What's your favorite part about making music?
oh my god, you have no idea what you’ve released.
There are so many parts of making music i like. its hard to even begin.
There is something so wonderful about covering a song you love, you just embodying it in this viseral way, its simulatiously yours and its not, it blurs the idea of ownership altogether and challenges you to think about art as something you build on not something you finish. YOU get to partcipate in the creation in a way that other mediums don’t lend themselves as well to
Making you’re own music is a weird experience. You have these sounds in your head and then you try and capture them and get them out. Or sometimes you’re just, playing around and song appears out of nowhere and you have to chase it down before it disappears. There are so many ways to compose as well, i love challenging myself to play with new ideas, and learn about the theory of things, its like learning the grammar of a langauge you’ve always spoke and suddenly everything is so much more clear and this whole new world opens up
Releasing songs is also amazing, i’ve talked about it before, but the idea that something i’ve made being a part of someones life is truely overwhelming. Music is part of our world, its in our dna. The idea of someone having a song of mine stuck in their head as their shopping? humming along to it in the kitchen? showing it to thier mum? listening to it when they fall asleep, or the idea that it helped someone get through something, helped them express the ineffiable? i can’t think about because its like,,, too much. The absolute honour of decorating a little bit of someones life, of being a peice of the background it just.... I really can’t think about it, some of my songs have over 6000 plays and i can’t even begin to visualise that. It truly wonderful.
MAKING MUSIC WITH PEOPLE???? UNPARALELLED. Like i am pretty much writing a story about who completely awesome making music with people is, its honeslty transcendent. I know that sometimes the stuff i write can come off as romantic, but honestly? thats just how playing music with someone is. You are play Together, you are neither independant or the same, you’re stands of the same rope twisting around one another to creat something bigger than the sum of its parts. i miss it a lot, even collaberating wiht someone online for welcome to the cave was so much fun, I’d do it again in a heartbeat
I could go on for hours and hours, infact i do, i literally have 14333 words of writing about making music with people in the folk au im doing. God i haven’t even talked about listening and joing in with music from other cultures, its dkagjfdj
have i answered this on the right blog?
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