#heartless 2009
pandagirl45 · 8 months
Donnie Darko and Heartless are two movies I did love. Another two others is
LO and Hellraiser.
If anyone have seen Lo. Please. Let me know. A non-binary demon in love with a pathetic wet blanket of a man. Dark comedy and romance but also bittersweet.
I watched it only once. It felt like a damn fever dream. It's a movie that you only need to see once and it is with you for life.
Also, let us prey.
That hit every fiber of my being.
A creature (reaper of sorts) falling in love with a woman. He saved her from a really horrible person when she was younger. Only to see her flourish into something like him but not like him.
*shoves papers to the ground screaming* it's fucking horror movies and thrillers that does this. It's folktales about women or men choosing the monster and saying, HELL YEAH that's my messy ass partner. My fiance liked it, so it's a damn win in my book.
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hannahssimblr · 7 months
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I tap a knuckle against the study door. 
There’s silence. 
I knock again. “Dad? Are you busy?” 
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He’s moving around in there, I can hear him. Closing browser tabs, maybe. Shuffling around and rearranging things, in a blind panic trying to look like he’s doing something important. I huff out a tiny laugh at the thought of him hurrying to close the minesweeper window before someone can come in and catch him doing something unserious. I don’t really know what he does in his pokey little study all evening, but one of Jen’s crazy theories is that he’s chatting online to his twenty two year old YouTuber girlfriend, to which I need to remind her, once again, that my dad is too boring to have an affair. Mom says he’s writing reports and even that sounds too exciting for him.
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“Come in,” he says eventually, and I let myself into his lair where he is sitting stoically at his computer, a stack of paper, no doubt with exceedingly dull information on them is right by his side, and his hand hovers over it so I'll know he’s especially busy, and whatever it is, I had better make it quick. 
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I close the door behind me and approach him while his eyes settle curiously on the stack of soft cover books in my hands. “What are those?”
“I spoke to the guidance counsellor at school this week. She gave me some college prospectuses, and I thought we could... um, look through them together”
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He heaves out a sigh and gestures to the second chair. The guest chair, I suppose, not that there’s ever guests in here to sit on it. It’s uncomfortable like a lot of furniture in this house, all style but no substance, and I perch on its edge, my knee doing that annoying anxious jerking thing while dad takes off his glasses and swaps them with another pair. “Show me what you have.”
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I pass the stack to him and he drops it onto his desk with a thud, picks up the first and immediately flips the front cover towards me with a completely uncalled for attitude. “What’s this?”
“A prospectus.”
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“Rhode Island School of Design?”
He tosses it aside without so much as a glance inside it and grabs the next, “School of the Art Institute, Chicago,” Then reads the blurb incredulously “‘Art and design change the world.’ Alright…” He raises his eyebrows and puffs out a breath as he chucks it into the discard pile. “CalArts, nope.”
My face gets hot. 
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He snatches another and flips over to the back, “‘Studying here is different,’” He reads, “‘It is about making a better world, about becoming a creative force and learning to change the world through bold and curious thinking…’” He mumbles the rest and then scoffs at it as if it’s some political argument he disagrees with inside the Sunday Times, and he goes on and on in this manner while the rejection pile builds and builds and so does the feeling inside me. 
“What is this?” He says eventually. “These are all American schools. American art schools.”
He scrutinises me like he believes I have gone mad yet says nothing because he doesn’t need to. I already know what he’s asking. 
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The words come out of me in a rush. I rehearsed this in the hall for five minutes before having the nerve to knock, “Because I think I would get a chance at a really great education there. It’d be good for me to be away and independent and to learn a lot of new things, not just education and art, but also travel and culture. I’d really like to go to college somewhere that’s exciting and dynamic and… and…” Damn, I forgot the other adjective I’d chosen, “...Um, fun, I guess. It’s just that whenever I think about college I imagine myself in the US. I really think that’s where I should be.”
“That’s because that’s what you see in those movies.” He says movies like one might say hardcore pornography, because Christopher doesn’t waste his time with such things as movies. Christopher works, and studies, and reads endless, endless books about World War II. “You’re not going to college in the states.”
“Why not?”
“Because it’s a waste of time and it’s a waste of money. Do you know what it costs to attend just a year of college in the US? Before your living expenses?”
“I know, but I spoke to the counsellor about it, and she explained that there are scholarships.”
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He laughs, “You’re not going to get a scholarship,” and switches back to his other glasses and shakes his mouse to wake up his PC, which has some kind of thrilling spreadsheet open on it. This 2009 financial report must be rapturously exciting if he’s more interested in it than the future of his only son and firstborn child. 
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I inhale sharply, “But why couldn’t I get a scholarship?”
“Because,” He types some numbers into the sheet, “You’d have to have a pristine academic record, a long list of extracurriculars and a very persuasive personal statement,” he peers briefly at me over the rim of his specs, “I’ve been through the US education system, and I know the standard that these colleges expect of their scholarship students. You’re just not up to it.”
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“I could be, if I worked hard. I’m already doing pretty well in all of my classes, like, I get Bs in most things-” I stop myself before unhelpfully adding, without even trying, “And I have extracurriculars, like, I play rugby and help out Jen with her maths work…”
“You have to understand that the kinds of people who earn these scholarships do a lot more than that.”
“Well I would do more things if I had more time to myself in the mornings, or in the evenings, or after school, or at any other point in my day when I have to ferry Ivy back and forth from-”
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Dad barrels on as though he hasn’t registered that I am speaking, “And you know, as well as the extracurriculars, all of these scholarship students have exemplary records. They're well mannered, well behaved, they never get into trouble, never get detention, never mind suspension. Twice.”
I snap my mouth shut. 
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“Honestly, if I was the dean of one of these,” he plucks at the limp corner of one of the prospectuses, “Art college places, and I saw an application from someone with your record, I would simply toss it out. There’s not a chance, and before you ask, I am not paying for art school when you could easily do that here. For free.”
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“Okay, I understand that, but I don’t really want to go to college here if I can avoid it.”
He doesn’t ask me why. He already knows but doesn't want to acknowledge it, and it’s easier, as it always is, just not to discuss feelings. Any feelings, especially mine, which are the most irritating and irrational feelings of all. “Why art school?” He hums, idly poking around with something on screen. “Couldn’t you choose a more academic course?”
I’m surprised he thinks I’m capable based on all the things he just said about me.
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“You could apply for something in Trinity. Math, maybe?”
“Or if you want something more artistic you could try English. Literature. That would be interesting, don't you think?”
“Or I could just… do art.”
“I would just hate to see you become one of those arty types. One of that NCAD crowd loitering around Thomas Street with their facial piercings and crazy haircuts.”
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Oh no, a haircut. I sigh, “I’m not going to NCAD. I was kind of hoping you’d be more enthusiastic about my choices, but if you don’t think they’re right, I mean… what can I do.” I loathe the laugh that comes out of me, this strange, nervous titter that I didn’t even realise I was capable of.
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I get up and begin to gather the stack of prospectuses laying forlornly on my father’s desk, my hopes and dreams bound for the recycling bin. “I’ll speak to the guidance counsellor again about my options, I suppose, and then I’ll try and choose something that’s more realistic for me.”
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Before I let myself out I force myself to pause and turn to him one last time, “Do you… um, if I come up with more choices for colleges, do you think you’d want to sit down with me some evening and go through them? Like, I mean, really look over all of the options and help me decide what the best thing is?”
There is a lengthy pause. 
“You know, Jude, I’m really busy, and-”
“Okay.” I leave the room and shut the door with a gentle click.
Beginning // Prev // Next
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SUMMARY: Jamie Morgan, a young man with a large heart-shaped birthmark on his face, discovers that there are demons on the streets of East London.
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thefaeriefeatherdark · 10 months
Star Trek the original series: Half the humans on the Enterprise are assholes to Spock since they think he’s a cold blooded uncompassionate botch due to him following the ideals of Vulcan logic (which places high value on the lives of others). He is shown continuously to be fairly well respected and liked on his homeworld and by other Vulcans.
Every new Star Trek thing using Spock: All the Vulcans hate Spock for being too human! That’s why he came to Earth and Star Fleet because it’s super welcoming and diverse as opposed to those racist Vulcan assholes.
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baby-prophet · 10 months
I walked around through the bottom of the ocean I took a deep breath and drank through my gills
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anyataylorjoys · 1 year
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I wonder if it’s true, what they say about you. That beneath all the charm, you’re in fact quite heartless. They say I’m charming?
DORIAN GRAY 2009 | dir. Oliver Parker
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sakebytheriver · 1 year
I don't think I'll ever be over just how revolutionary the character of Abed Nadir really is
Like I don't think we talk about this enough, but how many canonically autistic Arabic/Muslim characters can you even name? And he came on screen in goddamn 2009!!
A character like him being on screen today would be something we never shut up about in terms of representation and this man was on cable TV in a time when America was very much still ramping up their xenophobic and racist rhetoric towards Muslims as a main character in the show's principle cast, as arguably the writers' room's favorite character which then only propelled him to becoming arguably the standout fan favorite character of the whole show. The way he's written is so crucial to the way he's perceived by the audience and it would have been so easy to completely vilify a character like him from the stereotypes of autistics being emotionless and heartless to the general racist tendencies to equiviquate every Muslim with terrorism the traps the writers could have fallen into when writing him were giant and vast, and many other writers continue to fall into them to this very day
There are actors who play characters and you can tell that they resent playing them and the way it's marked their careers, but I doubt Danny Pudi will ever look back at his time playing Abed Nadir this way. I doubt he will ever get a bad feeling for being recognized as Abed, there's no way he doesn't look back on this role with an immense sense of fondness and gratitude, the way this character was written and the work he was allowed to do and the amount of space they granted him to fully play within the role will not ever not make me jealous as a fellow actor. Abed Nadir is a dream role and there's no way in hell Danny will go to his grave without being proud of the work he did there
I could probably write an entire research paper about the character of Abed Nadir and just what he means in the greater landscape of television in general
It's insane how subtle the representation he offers really is, you don't think of Abed as his labels, he's not just the autistic character or the Muslim character, he's just a character, he's Abed. And they treat him as such, which makes his representation all the more perfect because he's not there to check boxes he's there to be a human in the same world as all the other characters
The representation of Abed Nadir is brilliant because he's written to be a human being before he's ever written to be autistic or Muslim
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nikov · 2 years
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mockingjay, suzanne collins / breaking dawn, stephenie meyer / 500 days of summer (2009) / heartless, marissa meyer / milk and honey, rupi kaur / the raven king, maggie stiefvater / labyrinth, taylor swift / shadow and bone, leigh bardugo
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lifewithchronicpain · 2 months
Back in 2009, I had an “easy surgery” to get my gallbladder removed after multiple excruciating gallbladder attacks. Before the operation, my surgeon went on and on about how easy the surgery would be. He emphasized multiple times how simple it was.
I went into that operating room completely underestimating what I would experience when I came out of the anesthesia.
I woke up from that surgery vomiting so much that the single hour I was scheduled to spend in post-op recovery turned into eight hours. And instead of the three days I was told that I’d need for recovery at home, I spent seven days in excruciating pain, unable to get off the couch without wanting to scream.
That’s when I realized that a “simple” surgery just means simple for the doctor to perform. It’s also when I started to realize that this logic applies to all the ways doctors explain health issues.
In fact, when doctors describe any health issues, they aren’t talking about the patient’s experience at all – they are talking about how they themselves experience it. They love to use terms like mild, simple, and easy. But patients should understand that they are not describing the patient experience when they say these things. (Read more at link)
It is kind of heartless when you think about it.
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celaenaeiln · 10 months
My connection went off so idk if my ask just sent but. I was wondering your thoughts on post Robin Jason, because idk what his deal is at this point and writers don't seem to either. I don't think he's a heartless killer who should be hated and hunted by the entire family but I don't like this fanon "Jason is 100% right about everything and everyone else is the problem" idea either, when they put him in the family he feels really out of place and random and it's just.. one moment he's trying to kill Tim and the next he's the best guy ever with the softest heart?? I don't know there has to be a middle ground right?? I just can't get into Red Hood as a character due to this
Thank you for being so incredibly smart, reasonable, and intelligent.
You're exactly right. I think this is the same issue that's been affecting the Robin Dick vs Robin Jason mischaracterizations as well as the batgirls' that have been predominant in the fandom post 2020. Tim and Damian's motivations and personality have stayed the same from when they entered to now but Dick, Jason, Cass, and Steph have all grown as characters. Who they started out as, they've changed from then to now which has led to some confusion about their personality and motivations.
For Jason in particular - no, he shouldn't be hunted to the ends of the Earth for the things he did. He was hurting and acted out of pain. However it's irresponsible to refute those actions and blame other characters for them.
Jason was originally meant to be a villain. He was supposed to be like Freeze, a sympathetic villain - a character who despite their evil actions is understandable. All Freeze wants is his wife, Nora, back. He loves her and commits horrible acts that don't justify his actions but it makes sense. You're supposed to feel complicated about characters like him because they point out exactly why morality is grey. What Freeze does is wrong, but he does it for the right reasons. It's ultimately still wrong which is why he gets imprisoned.
That is Jason. Jason's actions were never supposed to okay. In what universe would creators who spent half a century working on and developing characters be okay with another character trying to kill them? What about that is acceptable? But it's not just trying to kill Tim (who only escaped by outsmarting Jason) or trying to kill Damian, the crimes he did are not acceptable.
He bombed Gotham just because despite knowing he didn't need to. He was willing to kill innocent children, men, women, and civilians for Dick and Damian were chasing him, after they helped him.
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Batman and Robin (2009) Issue #25
In the Red Robin Comics, he was willing to use children as bait during a gang war.
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Robin (1993) Issue #177
Not to mention Mia Dearden.
But at the same time, he killed people who hurt children
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Red Hood: Lost Days Issue #3
Initially Jason's morality was a swinging pendulum. He was as likely to kill kids as he was to protect them. He didn't care about the lives of civilians if it meant getting away or completing his plans.
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Batman/Superman (2013) Issue #26
Here Superman says he wants to save a kid so Jason argues that to save him, they need to poison the environment and wipe out several countries.
That's why Bruce struggles with Jason so much. Over his lack of care for people's lives. It's not the murdering of criminals that Batman is caught up on which is where I believe the misunderstanding in fanon comes from. It's his fear that by his own hands, Bruce created a deadlier version of the man who killed his parents.
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Batman vs Robin Issue #3
So no it's not fair to blame everyone for Jason's mistakes and claim him innocent, but it's also not fair to say Bruce had nothing to do with Jason's mental state. If he had shown a little less hesitance at the reappearance of Jason in Under the Red Hood, if he had shown a little more love then Jason probably wouldn't have gone as crazy as he did after coming back.
Because he saw Jason killing everyone, Bruce fell into his worst possible explanation of Jason, knowing the pain he was going through but succumbing to selfish actions to protect himself.
Jason's tough to deal with for writers because even when the batfamily reaches out, Jason is the one that burns his own bridges. When Dick begged Jason to take his hand during the Battle for the Cowl, when Dick and Damian helped Jason save his friend during Batman and Robin (2009), when Bruce saved Jason and fought alongside him against a couple members of the Secret Society of Supervillains, Jason immediately turned around and killed people and bragged about it.
In Batman Urban Legends, Jason tells Bruce that he has given up guns to which Bruce is grateful but it's also not for him. It's a sign that Jason is turning a new leaf especially given how caring he was with the kid, calling him Blue Hoodie. That was so sweet of him. The current Batman family comics are a sign of things changing between Jason and the family. What has happened up until now is not the family's fault, especially when they've reached out for the sole purpose of extending an olive branch only to have it burned and tied to a person in return. But now things are slowly changing and writers are trying to show that.
Jason's story is story of growth. He didn't come back to save people, he came specifically for the sake of hurting Bruce. But over the years, the repeated attempts of the family (Dick and far less Bruce) of bringing Jason back into the fold has helped him move past his anger. To slowly become adjusted and settle down.
Writers have struggled to know what to do with a character that canonically wants to be included in the family but rebuffs their every attempt to include him. They finally figured out the problem was Bruce - hence his fight against Jason and his exit in Gotham War. I'm assuming now that Jason will become more involved in Batman comics.
As a character currently though, I think of him as a lone ranger. He works independently but he'll show up for family meetings and big events. He'll also join family dinners if he's coerced but for the most part he likes to run on his own or with his team.
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vertigoed · 1 year
Faded 3.0 || Rich boy! Gojo satoru
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Summary: richboy!gojo and rich fem!reader, unrequited love, heavy mentions of drug usage.
Synopsis: Satoru thought he had you all figured out - a friendship that had lasted a decade and a love that he thought was unbreakable. But then you left without a word, leaving him with nothing but unanswered questions and a broken heart.
This part inspired by the song 2009 by mac miller (rip)
Winter of 2013, aged 23, 5 years since you left.
Satoru had finally reached the point he had been longing for. He could enjoy the simple pleasures of life without being reminded of you, like watching the sunset or experiencing the first snowfall of winter. The weight that had been holding him down had lifted, and for the first time since you left, he felt like he could breathe without that suffocating feeling in his chest. The days of constantly missing you were in the past, and he was determined to keep them there.
Now, Satoru channeled all his energy into his work, deciding that being a workaholic was a better alternative to being an alcoholic. He was going through what his therapist would call the acceptance period- the final stage of grieving over a loss of a loved one and accepting that it was time to move on.
As Satoru walked down the streets of Tokyo on a chilly evening, his mind was solely preoccupied on his 5th year anniversary date with Utahime tomorrow.
He knew since the day you left, he started treating Utahime like an emotional punching bag- switching up from the caring boyfriend that he was when they first started dating, to a heartless monster.
For the majority of their relationship, he never once celebrated her birthday or their anniversary and cheated on her too many times to count with the pathetic excuse of being drunk. But, this time it was going to be different, he was determined to make up for all those times he hurt her.
Satoru wasn't sure if he was doing this out of love or guilt- but nevertheless, he felt good about himself with this newfound mental clarity.
Suddenly, he comes to a halt in his tracks as his eyes landed on a familiar figure walking towards him, wrapped in a thick coat and a scarf. He told himself his eyes were lying but as the figure drew closer, it dawns upon him who it was and his heart drops to the pit of his stomach.
It was like seeing the dead come back to life, his body froze with a mixture of shock and disbelief. And just like that, the years' worth of therapy and believing he was truly over you crumpled into dust, as the memories he despised came flooding back.
There you were, standing before him with your cheeks flushed from the cold and your eyes glistening against the moonlight. Your face mirrored his expression, equally as stunned to see him.
As you stood there, staring at each other, the silence between you was palpable. Thousands of thoughts were running through his head and he had so much to say to you, but no words could come out as he couldn't find his voice to say anything.
Instead, he just stood there for a few moments, his blue orbs staring at you intensely, until he managed to swallow the lump in his throat.
"Y/N," his voice choked and barely above a whisper. His mind was still unable to process that you were standing right in front of him. It all felt too unreal.
A single tear falls down your eye and you bite your cheek to stop yourself from crying but it was impossible.
Satoru always imagined what it'd be like to see you again, he thought he would be filled with rage, but the sight of your face made him forget all the pent up resentment he held against you.
His body had a mind of its own, he didn't know what he was doing but he took a step towards you and slowly put his long arms around your shoulders to pull you into a warm embrace.
This only unravelled the tears you were holding back, your shoulders shaking violently as you sob into his sweater. He still smelt exactly the same as you once remembered. The feeling of being in his arms felt like the home you've been yearning for every day.
"I'm sorry," your voice was barely audible in between your choked cries but you didn't have to say anything for him to know how you felt.
After a couple minutes, he pulls himself away from you and gently wiped your tears with the back of his sweater.
"Why did you leave?" his voice shook and his eyes started to swell as well, unable to control the wave of emotions rushing through him.
This only made you cry harder, covering your face with your hands as you shook your head. You were too ashamed to look him in the eyes but you knew he deserved an explanation, it was the least you could do.
"Come on, let me drive you home and you can tell me in the car," it was like he could read your mind and understood it was going to be painful for you to open up.
You let him take you to his car which was parked a few minutes down the road. As you both walked in silence, he still had his arm around you, he didn't want to let go of you ever again.
The short walk in the cold air helped you calm down a bit but your heart was still pounding in your chest as you tried to plan what to say. Satoru was the last person you expected to run into and there was nothing that could prepare you for this moment.
He opened the door for you and you get in, noticing that he still used the same bubblegum car freshener that you always hated because it smelt so artificial. You get hit with an overwhelming sense of nostalgia and you try to calm your uneven breathing.
As fucked up as it sounded, you wished you didn't run into him. Anxiety paralysed you from wanting to speak as you were afraid of what his reaction was going to be.
"I know whatever the reason was, it's hard for you to talk about it," he was the first to break the silence, you glanced over at him and his hands were tightly gripped on the wheel with his eyes firmly on the road, he continued, "But, I'm not going to lie to you and say it's okay for you to not tell me. Y-you fucking broke me when you left. I even got into a fucking car accident trying to see you for the last time and spent a week in a coma. You knew that didn't you?"
As the words of unspoken hurt that he endured came spilling out of his mouth, his tone started to get rougher. You closed your eyes, heart wrenching in pain and guilt, thinking back to Suguru's email that entailed what happened the day you left.
Of course, you were horrified and worried to death about Satoru but you were too scared at that time to check up on him. You remembered spending months just praying to a God you didn't believe, refreshing Japanese news every few hours for any updates on his recovery. You knew there was no point in telling him this though.
"I'm sorry," were the only words you could bring yourself to say.
"If you're fucking sorry, tell me why! Tell me why you left without even saying goodbye! Tell me what I did wrong? You dropped me like I'm worthless over that petty argument as if the 10 years of friendship meant shit all to you!" he yelled and slammed his hand against the wheel in frustration, "Don't you know how much I love you? I had to seek therapy to be able to live-"
His voice was raised in anger but his tone was laced with desperation, practically begging you to talk to him. You forced yourself to swallow back the bile threatening to come up.
"I killed someone," you cut him off, unable to bear the fact that he still loved you as it made your heart ache too much.
He immediately fell silent and hastily swerved to the side of the road to park up and you could feel his eyes burning into the side of your head, but you kept your head down, watching the tear drops fall onto your lap.
You then recounted the events of that fateful night- strangely enough, as hard as it was for you to talk about it, you felt relieved.
You tell him every single detail from how you were speeding while faded on xanax, to how your parents had covered it up for you. You also revealed that Utahime had seen you that night and told you to leave the country without saying anything to him, which was why you picked a fight with him, in hopes that it'd be easier for him to get over you.
Satoru listened intently, his heart broke with every word you said, feeling the pain in your voice. It took him a couple minutes to respond but it felt like a lifetime for you, petrified of how he was going to react.
There was no way he could see you the same after what you told him.
"I'm so sorry you had to go through that."
Your breath hitched at his unexpected response. Satoru never failed to surprise you with his never ending patience and kindness. You knew you didn't deserve this kind of treatment.
"No Satoru, you don't understand," you shook your head, disgusted with yourself, "I took another man's life. He was a father to a new born kid! I ruined his entire fucking family's lives as well-"
"Y/N, I can already see you've been punishing yourself enough," he interrupted you and grabbed your hand to stop yourself from crying so much, "H-hey, it's okay. I get it now, everything's going to be okay , I'm here now."
As much as you hated letting yourself be comforted by him, you remain in his arms as he leaned over to envelope you into another hug. He didn't care that your tears and snot were soaking his sweater, he just wanted to let you cry until you had no more tears left.
。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆   。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆
After dropping you off, Satoru returned back to his penthouse with nothing but a pit of rage boiling inside of him. He was still in shock after hearing the entire story and to be frank, he was worried he wouldn't be able to control this fury.
Utahime was waiting for him on the couch, wearing nothing but a lacey slip dress and the pair of Louboutin heels that he bought for her the other week.
"Hey babe," she greeted him, getting up to kiss him but he turned his head from her to avoid her lips. The thought of her touch sent shivers down his spine.
She took a step back in confusion, unsure why he was acting like this all of a sudden.
Did he not like what she was wearing? She ran her fingers through her hair and cleared her throat, "What's wrong? Bad day at work?"
He was too consumed by his anger that he didn't know what he was going to do. With a deep breath, he tried to maintain his composure, his hands gripped into tight fists to control himself.
"I want you to leave," his voice was low and dark.
"What?" Utahime whispered in shock.
"Leave now," he kept his eyes away from her, walking over to the bar to pour himself his first drink in a year. He needed something bad to calm himself down before he did anything he knew he'd regret.
"What happened?" Utahime furrowed her brows in confusion and followed her boyfriend's steps, "What did I do?"
He slammed his glass down, almost shattering it in the process. She jumped in surprise and backed away. His hands were now shaking, even hearing her voice made him want to throw up.
"You... are a piece of work," his eyes were the darkest they've ever been and his voice shook with anger as he continued, "You made Y/N leave and you knew how hard that was for me, yet you pretended to be innocent? I let you live with me, I fund your entire lifestyle-"
"You spoke to her?" she cuts him off, mouth agape in shock and her eyes widen with what looked like fear, "She's back? Why-"
"Leave before I pack your shit up for you," Satoru knew he didn't owe her any explanation. All he wanted was to never see her again. He took a step closer to her so that their chests were almost touching and leaned down, lowering his voice, "Listen to me carefully, I tried to love you Utahime, I really did. But now? I fucking hate you, I regret all those years I spent with you, thinking you're worthy of being with me. You're fucking pathetic for what you did to Y/N-"
"She killed someone, and you're saying I'm the bad one?" Utahime interrupts him again, this time in disbelief that he was siding with you, her eyes swarmed with tears of anger, "She deserves to be in jail Satoru! You're taking a murderer's side over your own girlfriend!"
Satoru started to laugh cynically. "You're not my girlfriend. Who do you think you are? Blackmailing Y/N, taking the most important person away from me. You lied to me all these years, acting like you had no idea what happened to her but you were the reason behind all this. YOU were the reason why I spent all those years in fucking depression. I couldn't give a fuck what she's done, she's Y/N, you're you. Do you not get that?"
Utahime was left speechless and backed away, her shoulders trembled as it dawns upon her that her worst nightmare was coming true.
"I l-love you Satoru, I do," she pressed on, unable to accept what was happening, "You don't know how fucking hard it was for me to see you being in love with another girl when I gave you my everything!"
She looked up at Satoru with soaked eyes, wishing he would look at her to see how much she was hurting. But he didn't. He kept his eyes on the wall, jaw clenched and not a trace of emotion on his face.
Utahime knew she lost.
"Oh, and I want you to leave everything I bought for you. Including those shoes and that dress you're wearing."
Those were the last words Satoru had said to her as she started packing up her belongings. She quietly dropped the pile of clothes she collected in her arms, and eventually left, barefoot with nothing but her toiletry bag.
As she waited for her taxi outside the apartment complex, Utahime decided she was going to make sure you get the punishment you deserved. Within ten minutes, she lost everything that mattered to her and even if it kills her, she was going to bring you down to the depths of hell with her.
Next part willl most likely be the final chapter :)
i appreciate everyones comments and feedback,, it rlly keeps me going hehe
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callofdudes · 11 months
hello, sorry if this is rude, but I wanted to ask why you write Ghost the way you do?? I haven't played the games yet but I've been seeing some people debating on others writing him different ways.
Hey anon, I don't think it's rude. Now, if I understand this correct, yes, there are people who have been debating and even aggressive toward some people who write for different characters.
But I'll break down why I write Simon why I do.
First off, for those who haven't played the games and haven't looked into a character further than their sex appeal; Simon isn't heartless and rottenly cold.
He's not. Nor would he push around and hurt people who are in his circle on purpose. Going back to 2009 when Simon was shown in the og trilogy he was very close to captain MacTavish and made jokes and comments all throughout the game. While he's still very much professional, he has that balance.
It's shown, even in the new game that Simon cares deeply. One reason I think people want to think he's so cold because that's how he likes to present himself. But in the military, being particularly scary is probably favorable. That and being in the military as long as Simon or Price has, they have probably learned not to get too close to soldiers.
Since the sad part it, there's a very high chance they won't make it long.
And an intimacy issue. I've seen people getting upset because some people write Simon to flinch at every little touch. And while I think part of that has truth, Simon 100% has intimacy issues.
And this is partly me projecting into him, because Simon wouldn't be raised how he was and not have issues or extremely negative views and experiences around intimacy. And I doubt the military encouraged any different.
While I don't think he would flinch at every single thing, certain things are completely beyond his limits. I personally had a very abusive relative who always wanted hugs and I was always forced to hug her and be close to her. And since getting away I am extremely careful and particular about who hugs me.
I am uncomfortable hugging people who aren't in that selected little few, and really I'm still only 100% with hugs from my dad.
So does Simon have intimacy issues, absolutely he does. He doesn't know affection, and for someone who hasn't known a lot of a affection it can come off like a red flag or a trigger because they aren't used to it happening so in their mind; something must be wrong.
And a lot of affection can take Simon out of things. Like myself, if he's love bombed he is out of it and needs to step away because... Like what does he do? That's too much in one place at one time. Big boundaries.
But Simon is also gentle. Just because all of these things have happened to him doesn't mean he's always nasty. He's very gentle toward someone who shares an up bringing or even just a situation like he had. He's gentle with hostages and with kids when he finds them on the field. While he may not like children, he doesn't do anything to openly show that.
Touch-starved. All I need to say. When Someone like Johnny, or Reader gives Simon affection that he likes, he wants it all.
Like snuggles, when Simon comes to the realization of how much he just genuinely and innocently likes the company of a close body with warm arms wrapped around him, he wants more. He wants what they can give him. He needs to trust them though.
Simon is very closed off only until he's with those he is close with.
And yes, Simon is strong, but that does not mean he can't have mental struggles. Simon, in my world has had struggles with food because I have.
Simon can have anxiety and still be able to throw out quips and quick remarks like when johnny and him were bantering in the alone mission about his mask. He can have both.
You can be both confident in your profession and lacking confidence in another field. I see this a lot with König as well. They are both firm and know the drill and are very, very confident in their field of work because they know it.
But taken out of that head space and thrown into something casual of domestic for a bit and it completely takes them out and gives them anxiety.
Simon can be self conscious of his body and his stretch marks and still have confidence in other things.
And this is just how I personally like to write Simon. There is probably a lot more I missed but off the top of my head this is how I write him. And I enjoy writing him like this, and I'm glad others do as well.
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hit-song-showdown · 1 year
Year-End Poll #60: 2009
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[Image description: a collage of photos of the 10 musicians and musical groups featured in this poll. In order from left to right, top to bottom: The Black Eyed Peas, Lady Gaga, The Black Eyed Peas, Taylor Swift, Flo Rida, Jason Mraz, Beyoncé, Kanye West, The All-American Rejects. End description]
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Apparently something happened this year involving 3 of the artists on this poll...
Anyway, last poll I talked about the 2008 financial crisis and now more than ever we can see the effects the Great Recession were having on popular music. Upbeat party music provided listeners with a feeling of escape. The Black Eyed Peas shifted their style from hip-hop to a more electropop sound, leading to the groups commercial peak. Songs like Lady Gaga's Just Dance presented lyrics about having a good time despite everything falling apart. Musically, the latter half of the decade was defined by electropop. To quote James Oldham, the head of A&R at A&M Records at the time:
"All A&R departments have been saying to managers and lawyers: 'Don't give us any more bands because we're not going to sign them and they're not going to sell records.' So everything we've been put on to is electronic in nature." (x)
Even outside of pop music, the rising popularity of the electronic sound and online distribution allowed musicians easier access to production tools and audiences. According to Michael Angelakos of Passion Pit, the electronic sound allowed him to make music while still living in his dorm. While not obvious now, this small-scale "bedroom pop" sound will become even more prevalent in the following decade.
Another staple of this sound is the increasing popularity of Auto-Tune. We already discussed its use with artists like T-Pain, but Kanye West's use of the plugin on 808s & Heartbreak is also notable. Instead of using the vocal effect as the backbone for a party track, here Auto-Tune is used to convey the coldness of the lyrical content. While incredibly controversial, this album would be a huge influence over the genre. And when we look at the direction rap starts to head in the coming decades, the changes in the genre don't make sense without bringing up this album.
And with that, the 2000's have come to a close and we are finally reaching the next full decade of these polls.
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tooti-fruiti · 1 year
Most of you are going to disagree with me, but...
I don't see Jason Voorhees as a baby boy sub
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"He's adorable" or "he's loving and super sweet"
No, no he's not.
He's a murderer. A cold, heartless, undead, (mostly) silent murder.
And that's what makes him hot.
My favorite Friday movie is Jason Lives, not because of how funny that movie is but because of the way Jason acts in that movie.
He's able to be intimidating without saying a word and just by being him.
That's what I like.
Not some sweet man child that everyone thinks he is.
This is also why I like the 2009 reboot of Friday the 13th. It's my second favorite Friday film.
Jason is portrayed as an intimidating, strong, and intelligent man who lives in the woods and just wants people to leave him the fuck alone. This is how I view Jason.
And just to say it, Jason X is my third favorite Friday film. Uber Jason is honestly a little hot, and the movie itself is pretty damn funny.
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The Edge Of The World (Prelude) • The Harmony • A Place Before The End • Like Elephants • The Heartless And Loving • Little Lovers • Paper Lungs • Electricity • I WIll Not Change • I Am The Speechless • Losing All Balance In Fells Point • Hope Street • Home Run (1997) • The Edge Of The World
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easypeasylindyvesey · 4 months
here are all the songs on my ITISWNK playlist that y'all can listen to while reading to kinda fit the vibe (if you wish). artists are listed on the left, corresponding songs are listed on the right :)
the 1975: about you, love it if we made it
6LACK: rent free
adele: someone like you, when we were young, all i ask
aidan bissett: more than friends
alicia keys: if i ain't got you
angus & julia stone: take me home
arctic monkeys: i wanna be yours
ariana grande: boyfriend (with social house), be alright, into you, leave me lonely, sometimes, thinking bout you, don't wanna break up again, the boy is mine, we can't be friends (wait for your love), imperfect for you, ordinary things, why try, just a little bit of your heart, safety net, pov, better off, goodnight n go, bad idea, ghostin
aron wright: build it better
berlin: take my breath away
between friends: affection
beyoncé: II most wanted
big time rush: nothing even matters
billie eilish: birds of a feather, i love you
billy joel: turn the lights back on
blackbear: dead inside
børns: electric love, american money
brent faiyaz: wasting time
briston maroney: freakin out on the interstate
bruno mars/silk sonic: leave the door open, after last night, put on a smile, love's train
bryan adams: (everything i do) i do it for you
cage the elephant: come a little closer
calum scott: you are the reason
camila cabello: my oh my, bad kind of butterflies, dream of you
the chainsmokers: closer, it won't kill ya, beach house, if you're serious
chance peña: in my room
chicago: hard to say i'm sorry (2009 remaster)
chris brown: forever
the cinematic orchestra: to build a home
coin: talk too much
coldplay: sparks, yellow, fix you
conan gray: forever with me, disaster, yours, memories
the cranberries: dreams
dave matthews band: crash into me (IYKYK)
dayglow: can i call you tonight?
disclosure: latch
doja cat: agora hills
don toliver: drugs n hella melodies
drake: yebba's heartbreak, imy2, hours in silence, i guess it's fuck me, flight's booked, teenage fever, lose you, from time, summer games, finesse, sooner than later, take care, doing it wrong, the real her, show me a good time, find your heart
dua lipa: break my heart, these walls
duster: stars will fall
dvsn: all that matters (spotify singles)
dylan conrique: birthday cake
eden: sex
ed sheeran: how would you feel (paean)
ellie goulding: close to me, something in the way you move, love me like you do
faye webster: i know you
fitz and the tantrums: out of my league
forest blakk: if you love her
frank ocean: godspeed
french montana: unforgettable
gabrielle aplin: skylight
gavin degraw: she sets the city on fire
gayle: ur just horny
(g)i-dle: i do
giveon: for tonight
gracie abrams: friend, feels like
greyson chance: shut up
grouplove: tongue tied
halsey: now or never, sorry, so good
hannah montana: he could be the one
harry styles: adore you, fine line, grapejuice, as it was, daylight, satellite, meet me in the hallway, two ghosts
hippo campus: way it goes
hoobastank: the reason
hozier: work song, cherry wine- live
hugo brijs: mol y sol
imagine dragons: next to me, start over, wrecked, bad liar
instupendo: comfort chain
james arthur: certain things, car's outside
james bay: wasted on each other
james blunt: you're beautiful
jensen mcrae: massachusetts
jeremy zucker: cozy
jess benko: a soulmate who wasn't meant to be
john de sohn: love you better
john legend: conversations in the dark
jonas brothers: hesitate, five more minutes
jp saxe: a little bit yours
justin bieber: as i am, off my face
jvke: golden hour
jxdn: beautiful boy
kanye west: heartless, devil in a new dress, runaway
katy perry: e.t.
kendrick lamar: die hard
khalid: don't pretend, better
the kid laroi: love again
king princess: 1950
labrinth: skeletons (lexi needed a break)
lana del rey: summertime sadness, a&w, let the light in, lust for life, norman fucking rockwell
lany: if this is the last time
lifehouse: you and me
lil nas x: tales of dominica, void
lil peep: star shopping
little mix: notice
lizzo: if you love me
lizzy mcalpine: ceilings, the elevator, come down soon, like it tends to do, staying, i guess, you forced me to, vortex
lord huron: the night we met
louis tomlinson: written all over your face, lucky again, chicago, angels fly, that's the way love goes
lovelytheband: i should be happy
luke hemmings: place in me, a beautiful dream
the lumineers: where we are, never really mine, just like heaven, sleep on the floor, my eyes, patience, white lie, donna, salt and the sea, slow it down, morning song
m83: wait
maren morris: nervous
the marías: echo
maroon 5: stutter, never gonna leave this bed, if i ain't got you - live, bet my heart, it was always you, unkiss me, feelings, my heart is open
max: butterflies
***mazzy star: fade into you*** (this is the song that the fic is based off of!!!)
metro boomin: creepin'
miley cyrus: you - live, rose colored lenses, river
milky chance: stolen dance
mitski: my love mine all mine
monsume: jade
montell fish: fall in love with you., love you more than me
morgan wallen: wasted on you, not good at not, you proof, wine into water
the mowgli's: say it, just say it
muni long: time machine
nessa barrett: die first
ne-yo: let me love you (until you learn to love yourself)
nf: if you want love
niall horan: this town, put a little love on me, still, heaven, meltdown, must be love
nick jonas: close
noah kahan: stick season, come over, strawberry wine, everywhere, everything
ocean park standoff: if you were mine
olivia rodrigo: bad idea right?, logical, love is embarrassing, teenage dream, good 4 u, lacy
one direction: steal my girl, where do broken hearts go, fool's gold, spaces, infinity, end of the day, if i could fly, long way down, what a feeling, love you goodbye, temporary fix, a.m., home, kiss you, little things, they don't know about us, truly madly deeply, magic, what makes you beautiful, one thing, i want
parson james: stole the show
partynextdoor: come and see me
patrick watson: je te laisserai des mots
phillip phillips: dancing with your shadows
p!nk: true love
post malone: stay, take what you want, i know, leave, wrapped around your finger
preston pablo: flowers need rain
quinn xcii: let me down, good either way, the lows
rag'n'bone man: anywhere away from here
reneé rapp: in the kitchen
rihanna: stay
ruby haunt: answering machine
ruth b: dandelions (slowed + reverb)
ryan woods: bad texter
saint jhn: the best part of life
sam fischer: ready
sam smith: lay me down
sarah barrios: mourn the living
sarah kinsley: the king
sasha alex sloan: dancing with your ghost
selena gomez: a sweeter place
shawn mendes: it'll be okay, why, wonder
stephen dawes: don't hate me when it's over
stephen sanchez: until i found you (with em beihold)
strawberry guy: mrs magic
suki waterhouse: good looking
surfaces: falling again, find a way, hold onto me baby, so far away, stay
sydney rose: turning page
sza: awkward, snooze
taio cruz: break your heart
tate mcrae: that way, hate myself, go away, run for the hills, hurt my feelings, stay done, messier, think later, slower, you broke me first, wish i loved you in the 90s
taylor swift: out of the woods (TV), this love (TV), i know places (TV), wonderland (TV), you are in love (TV), "slut!" (TV) (FTV), say don't go (TV) (FTV), is it over now? (TV) (FTV), all of the girls you loved before, champagne problems, tolerate it, evermore, august, illicit affairs, invisible string, miss americana & the heartbreak prince, false god, afterglow, question...?, sweet nothing, bigger than the whole sky, would've, could've, should've, message in a bottle (TV) (FTV), dress, sparks fly (TV), the story of us (TV), enchanted (TV), electric touch (TV) (FTV), i can see you (TV) (FTV), fortnight, loml, the alchemy, you're losing me (FTV), fresh out the slammer, dancing with our hands tied, new year’s day, you’re not sorry (TV), you all over me (TV) (FTV)
teddy swims: evergreen
timaland: the way i are
troye sivan: angel baby, talk me down, for him., wild
the walters: i love you so
the weeknd: shameless, earned it, how do i make you love me?, out of time, here we go...again, best friends, don't break my heart, the knowing
whitney houston: i will always love you, i wanna dance with somebody
wrabel: ritual
yungblud: 11 minutes
zach bryan: i remember everything, spotless
zayn: dusk till dawn
**updated 6/23/2024
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