#heirloom grains
firkinron · 8 months
Craft Malt - Expanding the "Craft" in Craft Beer
A Grassroots Movement to Produce Craft Malt is Rapidly Expanding Craft Malt For years, the use of new hop varieties drove one of the hottest trends in the craft beer industry. And although that trend is unlikely to change, a new trend is emerging. Small-batch, independent farmers and maltsters are coming together to produce malts that deliver unique flavor profiles and offer sustainability…
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sloowoorants · 4 months
Thoughts After Watching Hannibal
About two months ago, I saw some Hannibal fan art on Twitter. It looked pretty cool, and I just so happened to have some free time, so I thought: why not watch the show? It's just a normal crime thriller, right?
I expected the type of show that's relatively light yet still intriguing, filled with sarcastic humor, starring a typical grumpy-but-genius protagonist. (This is vaguely the type of show that I’m generally into: Inside Job, Sherlock, House, Suits, Mr. Robot….)
I was so, so wrong.
Nothing, and I mean nothing, could have prepared me for the bat-shit crazy fever dream of a show that Hannibal is: bizarrely artistic gore, incessant cannibalism puns, completely unpredictable romantic subplots, torturous sex scenes that feel like angry acid trips, a multitude of absolutely unhinged psychiatric conduct, esoteric cryptic dialogue which require five google searches and a whole thesaurus to understand, two lesbian murderers "milking" a guy for his sperm to inherent his family heirloom, long scenes of intense and unabashed eye-sex, clumps of dog fur sticking to sweaty bed sheets…and a literal fucking social worker crawling out of a horse, alive and breathing and everything, covered in whatever acrid substances come from a horse uterus.
I ended up watching all of Hannibal in a week, hastily devouring it in just a few sittings.
In no way am I a professional film analyst or critic, but after having stayed up for nights on end, every single one of them spent under my blanket binging episodes until devilish hours of dawn (and barely comprehending the plot from the sheer speed I was consuming the show at, but also from sleep deprivation), I have cultivated a skull full of thoughts on this blessed masterpiece, and I need to rant about it. Which is exactly what this post is.
I am going to separate this ranty-meta-ish thing (I think a “meta” is what it’s called? I’m not sure, I don’t use Tumblr a lot) into two parts: one, about the representation of morality in the show, and two, about the intimacy between Will and Hannibal. It’s not super well written, my grammar is a bit iffy, but I hope you still enjoy reading this, and remember to take everything I say with a grain of salt. After all, I am just some guy with unrestricted internet access, a keyboard, and a little too much passion for the media I love :)
Part One: Hannibal Lecter’s Morality
Hannibal loves art. There is no episode in the entire show where he doesn’t reference some artistic thing—He plays the piano, he plays the theremin, he frequents the opera, he draws, and he finds peace at the birthplace of the Renaissance, Florence. His love for art is why he kills, he transforms people he considers to be “inferior” and “ugly” and elevates them into art. He is acting out his own sense of justice, creating meaning from the meaningless.
In a way, he must have a certain degree of respect for his victims to do what he does. He could have just killed people and disposed of their body in a dumpster, but that’s not his style. Even if he doesn’t “care” about his victims in a traditional sense, there’s this unique honesty and attentive in his murders. Hannibal cares enough about his victims to make them art. And I’m not just talking about the way he displays their bodies, I’m also talking about his cooking, because a big part of art is also cuisine.
He follows a strict code of his own ethics, it’s almost like he’s acting out his “duty” to kill, to eradicate and transform the lesser “scum” of the world. To be killed by Hannibal is almost an honor, like being killed by God personally, skin to skin. Wouldn’t you feel a sense of divinity and fulfillment if God killed you with his own hands, knowing that he respects you enough to choke you himself, then turn you into an elegant display? Every kill of Hannibal’s is filled with passion – Which poses the question, does he kill out of hatred or not? When I think of violence fueled by hate, I think of sex or race based violence. But that’s not Hannibal. He kills victims he considers to be rude, yes, but is it a humiliation? Is it degradation?
This whole "elevate-swine-into-art" thing is also shown through the way that gore is generally portrayed throughout the show, and not just Hannibal’s murderers. It’s very interesting the way gore pretty in Hannibal. It’s often meticulous. It’s meaningful.
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These murders are all aesthetically pleasing. For me, it creates a cognitive dissonance: on one hand, I know that these are painful, brutal murders, one the other, they’re kind of nice to look at, which makes me think—Have I ever for a second, while watching Hannibal, considered the crime scene to be beautiful? Have I ever viewed one of those scenes as art rather than gore? As an artist myself, do I understand Hannibal’s obsession with beauty? And if so, what type of person does that make me?
And I love the way this show makes us really think in Hannibal’s shoes, because of how unconventionally it portrays him as a villain. Usually, shows will provide villains with a backstory, but that doesn’t extend beyond just creating sympathy. In Hannibal, the villain is humanized. We understand him. We empathize. And what does that make of us?
Have I ever, in all seriousness, rooted for Hannibal instead of Jack Crawford? Have I ever thought someone deserved to die in the show? Have I ever looked at what Hannibal was cooking, and thought it looked delicious, despite knowing that its human flesh? Have I ever been annoyed at innocent patients of Hannibal, like Franklyn, because I viewed them from Hannibal’s perspective?
On top of that, Hannibal’s philosophy makes sense. I find myself agreeing to a lot of the things he says.
For example, this dialogue from S2e12 "Tome-Wan", when Will finds Mason Verger and Hannibal in his house, and Hannibal asks Will if he should kill or spare Mason Verger:
HANNIBAL: Murder or mercy?
WILL: There is no mercy. We make mercy, manufacture it in parts that have overgrown our basic reptile brain.
HANNIBAL: Then there is no murder. We make murder, too, it matters only to us. You know too well that you possess all the elements to make murder. Perhaps mercy, too. But murder you understand uncomfortably well.
Does Will only have the capacity for mercy because he has the capacity for murder? Does mercy only have meaning in the context of murder? Is our own compassion a reflection of our violence?
With that said, are the things that I believe to be evil still evil when I throw away my moral believes? Is morality only meaningful in my own perception? And if so, how much am I contributing to evil if I am the one judging it? Do I create the evil that I so adamantly detest? Does deciding what is murder and isn’t not murder require the ability to, and intrinsic understanding of, murder? Can the morality of life and death be so clear cut, separated into different categories?
These are the types of questions that the show makes me ask, which is part of the reason I love the show so much.
I also love how the show puts a dark turn on empathy. Empathy is way too often portrayed as one of the best traits of all time, many claim it to be the most important aspect of mankind, but Will’s empathy is what ends up making him go on a downwards spiral: He is drawn to the darkness because he can understand it. He chose to teach at the FBI academy because he gets to feel like a killer without actually killing.
It made Will miserable, being able to understand killers. It gave him all sorts of guilt and self-hatred and confliction, which was why he was so damn miserable at the start of the show. And on top of that, no one really cared about him, Alana only had a whole “professional curiosity” thing going on (yes, I know that Alana’s character is one-dimensional because Hannibal’s female characters are poorly written, but even with that in mind, I still think that a huge part of Alana’s affection towards Will was in fact just curiosity), Jack was constantly pushing Will past his limits, so the poor dude didn’t have any connections to anyone until he met Hannibal.
And after Hannibal clocks him immediately when they first meet with the whole “your  values and decency are present yet shocked at your associations” situation, Will experiences his first kill: Shooting Garet Jacob Hobbs. Ten. Times. Then he confesses to Hannibal that he liked the feeling of killing him.
But Will can’t let go of his morality, it’s the only thing he’s been able to hold on to this entire time. It’s his lifeline. He holds onto it so dearly because he needs to convince himself that he’s a good person, that he’s not a killer, and that he’s doing the right thing. Yet, he knows that letting that morality go would be so freeing. He wants to. Hannibal helps him let go of it, and we as viewers can’t help but be on Hannibal’s side, because Will’s corruption arc is so gratifying. We like it, deep down we root for it. And what does that say about our relationship with our own morality? Does our morality tie us down? Do we crave to be free?
Will’s killing style is different from Hannibal’s, though. He’s passionate, reactive, and he doesn’t care about the process of killing, or the display body (before you say “the firefly man”, I believe he was imitating Hannibal’s style instead of curating his own), as long as the person is dead. He kills them from a sense of righteousness, like a vigilante justice. Was it wrong for him to find a sense of pleasure in killing Garett Jacob Hobbs? Does finding pleasure in killing corrupt his righteousness? Is it worse to kill out of passion, or kill meticulously? Is Hannibal’s style of killing more respectful? Is Will brutal? Just because Will kills out of a more conventional moral judgement and Hannibal doesn’t, does that make him better than Hannibal?
Another way the show convolutes the concepts of good and evil is using religious symbolism.
For example, from S1e02, “Amuse-Bouche”:
HANNIBAL: Killing must feel good to God too. He does it all the time, and are we not created in His image?
WILL: Did God feel good about killing?
HANNIBAL: He felt powerful.
(Shocking that this line was from the literal second episode. This show got intense so fast.)
And Will’s quote from S3e02, “Primavera”:
WILL: God can't save any of us because it's...inelegant. Elegance is more important than suffering. That's his design.
Is God an artist? Does that justify what He does? Are we only creating taboo out of His works to comfort ourselves? What does it mean to view the world with a purely aesthetic vision?
It’s these quotes that really allow me to see from Hannibal’s perspective: To him, there is no ultimate purpose of the world, there is no end goal to achieve, just the creation of beauty, and that’s terrifying to think about. Even as an atheist, it’s hard to digest the belief that there is no purpose to anything. We spend our entire human lives looking for meaning. But Hannibal doesn’t see it that way. Life and death are just futile processes to create art, and there’s no bigger point behind it. The cycle of life is supposed to be art. In a way, he’s like the God (sounding like Hannibal here), giving people meaning by making them into art, just like how God designates meaning onto every creature he makes.
And the show has a lot of art parallels, not just with Hannibal’s murders. Here are some that I’ve noticed:
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(Parallels, in order from left to right, top to bottom: Nude From Back by Picabia compared to a shot of Bedelia from the back, The Persistence of Memory by Dali compared to Will’s clock drawing, Le Double Secret by Magritte compared to how Will saw Hannibal after visual overload from light therapy, Ophelia by Millais compared to Bedelia sinking into the bathtub, Portrait of Pablo Picasso by Juan Gris compared to Will’s hallucination of himself falling apart in a mirror, Ivan the Terrible and His Son Ivan by Ilya Repin compared to the cliff scene.)
I’m not the only one that has noticed these. Here is cool blog that focuses on artistic references in Hannibal, they’ve also noticed some of the ones I noticed: The Art of Hannibal.
Bryan Fuller probably didn’t do these on purpose while directing. But it still unintentionally solidified this theme artistic divinity. So I think Bryan must, to some extent, understand Hannibal’s obsession with making art out of death, because of the way art is subconsciously woven into the show. I don’t know though, just food for thought.
Anyways. Will, at the end of the show, while being cradled in Hannibal’s arms, both of them covered in blood that appears black in the moonlight, says to Hannibal: “It’s beautiful.”
And all that morality fleets and becomes insignificant in the face of aesthetics.
To Hannibal, beauty is moral. To Will, morality is beautiful. Have the lines begun to blur?
Part Two: Hannibal and Wills intimacy
“For [Hannibal and Will], two people who have been wandering their whole lives through a world in which they have not really experienced any viable form of connection with another human being—because they’re two extremely unusual people—and then they meet.”
-Hugh Dancy quote from SDCC 2013
Hannibal loves will. He drew him and Will as Patroclus and Achilles. He was ready to run away with Will in S2. He surrendered himself in S3 just because Will rejected him. And lets not forget the little twitch in his face when Francis attacks will. And when this dialogue happened (S3e12, “The Number of the Beast is 666”):
WILL: Is Hannibal in love with me?
BEDELIA : Could he daily feel a stab of hunger for you and find nourishment at the very sight of you? Yes. But do you... ache for him?
It is my belief that Will also loves Hannibal, although I understand that it’s not as agreed upon in the fandom as Hannibal’s love is. I think Will is just a little bit more reserved with affection, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t love Hannibal.
But one thing is for sure—there is a lot of homoeroticism in the show:
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So, whether you think the love is reciprocal or not, the show is still, to put it lightly, really gay.
Hannibal’s love for Will is dark, possessive, powerful. Will is the only one that is capable of understanding Hannibal, and Hannibal was willing to risk literally everything just for Will to connect with him. He goes to extraordinary lengths just to make Will a murderer.
But even throughout Hannibal’s ruthless manipulation, which Will eventually becomes aware of, Will still stays for Hannibal. Because deep down, Will was willing to give up his own innocence to have that connection. Because Hannibal was the only person that could really understand Will too, no one else would be able to accept his dark tendencies.
S2e02, “Sakizuke”:
WILL: I don’t know which is worse. Believing I did it, or believing that you did it and did this to me.
(I remember reading a really good post by endlessly fascinated on how Will was actually being manipulative by saying this quote. I can’t find it though. If someone finds it, please tag me!)
Will eventually grows just as obsessed with Hannibal, as Hannibal is obsessed with him. Proof: telling Jack that he wanted to run away with Hannibal, telling Hannibal that he can’t get him out of his head, and that his inner voice is starting to sound like him him, and the “where would I go?” when Hannibal tells him not to leave his side, and the “one could argue, intimately” when Chiyoh asks him how he knows Hannibal, and the “before you and after you” when Hannibal asked him where the difference between the past and the future come from…I could go on forever. Will has never felt so grounded before, not in the way when he’s with Hannibal, with him, Will can see his own reflection, and he’s never been able to see that before.
And oh, the love language between them is violence. Will tries to kill Hannibal (someone tell me how many times, I forgot), and Hannibal tries to eat Will and a plethora of other fucked up shit. But in my eyes, none of those were out of hatred. Both of them trying to murder each other is out of love, out of acceptance, and out of forgiveness.
S3e06, “Dolce”:
HANNIBAL: You dropped your forgiveness, Will.
HANNIBAL: You forgive how God forgives.
And, S3e03, “Secondo”:
BEDELIA: Betrayal and forgiveness are best seen as something akin to falling in love.
HANNIBAL: You cannot control with respect to whom you fall in love.
No one can control who they love, or who they forgive, which is why Hannibal forgives Will and stabs him in the same breath. He is forgiving, not letting go.
Will forgives Hannibal too. He forgives Hannibal way too many times, throughout all the manipulation of Hannibal. Think about just how much insanity he’s endured: drugged, gutted, encephalitis abused, hypnotized, framed for murder, a serial killer was sent after his family, had his brain literally almost eaten, and despite all that, Will still forgives Hannibal—it was not a conscious decision. We cannot control who we forgive.
If Hannibal is a fallen angel, then Will is God to him. And God is indifferent, sometimes even cruel. Like Hannibal said himself, good and evil has nothing to do with God. Will forgives Hannibal, but that doesn’t mean he still doesn’t want to hurt Hannibal; just like how Hannibal forgave Will, but still gutted him. In that moment, Will forgave indifferently, so he could get back to revenge. They both forgive like blades, they both forgive with pain.
Doesn’t God forgive through punishment? God will forgive you for your sins but you still have to go to hell, right?
Violence is a pillar of stability in their relationship, it’s how they understand each other, an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, the smile on Will’s gut a permanent reminder of Hannibal’s hurt, and all of Hannibal’s scars a reminder of Will’s hurt.
I see all of their trying to kill each other is affection. Hannibal doesn’t try to eat Will because he hates Will, he tries to eat to immortalize him, to keep Will as part of him forever.
And through that violence, Hannibal helped Will let go of his morality. Will had spent forever trying to repress himself—Molly was a failed attempt to escape into normalcy. Will definitely thought about Hannibal those years Hannibal was in prison.
S3e13, “The Wrath of the Lamb”:
HANNIBAL: When life becomes maddeningly police, think about me. Think about me, Will.
Will definitely missed the hunger, the violence. We can see this though the passionate way he killed the Red Dragon. He probably held Molly’s gentle hands and desperately wanted to feel something more. To feel something dangerous. Something that could simultaneously revive and ruin him. Molly never understood him the way Hannibal did, and he will never love her the way he loves Hannibal.
He did think about Hannibal when life became maddeningly polite. He probably fantasized about what they’ve done, what they could’ve done, and the feeling of freedom when he’s with Hannibal.
And Hannibal waited for him patiently, staying exactly where he was three years ago. And when Will eventually pushed them off a cliff together, Hannibal showed no sign of resistance, and just let them fall.
“I think [Hannibal]’s feeling that embrace and that’s the first thing that he’s feeling, and even as he’s plunging into the Atlantic, he’s first and foremost thinking about the man he’s holding onto and the man who’s holding onto him.”
–Mads Mikkelsen on Hannibal’s thoughts during the final scene
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Their violence is something that we as viewers may never comprehend, but we can all understand their intimacy. Isn’t it what we all want, after all, to be seen?
Hannibal is a great show! 10/10, would recommend. Although, the lighting kind of sucks. Bryan, if there is a season four, please make the show brighter, for the love of God.
Thanks for reading this! :)
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stardewsnail · 1 year
OMG I LOVE LOVE LOVE YOUR WRITING. Can you please write abt Emily, Haley, and Leah (you don’t have to do them all!!) individually falling in love w a fem farmer? No rush!! :)
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Thank youuuu !
Here’s 2/3 with Haley and Leah enjoy some fluff ^.^ (I tweaked some heart events)
Leah feels possessed. She’s been hacking at this piece of wood for hours and now her arms are shaking, but she’s almost done–she’s almost uncovered the art hiding inside. The smoothness of the grain and curve of each careful carving are hypnotic. Her face has been hot the whole time–as an artist she tries to be as in tune with her emotions as possible, but each time she imagines the farmer’s eyes she feels like she’ll explode. It’s ridiculous, at her age, to be so flustered by a silly crush-
She froze mid strike. A crush? She huffed, finally letting herself drop to sit amongst the shavings on the floor. Sweat stung her eyes and she wiped it away with more force than necessary, wholly focused on the way her heart hung in her throat. This wasn’t just a crush. This was deeper. She looked up at her sculpture, eyeing the interlocking pattern and realizing that from this angle it might look like a heart.
Well, at least she knew where this piece belonged.
The farmer squeezed her shoulder, “I’m so sorry Haley.” Haley leaned against her, trying not to cry. Guilt clawed up her throat.
“It was my great grandma’s.” She looked up, trying to keep the embarrassing flood of tears at bay. She’d come to the beach before dawn to photograph the sunrise over the waves—she’d been there hours when she’d noticed the missing jewelry. Now only a couple hours of sunlight remained and she was forced to reckon with reality: the heirloom might be gone forever.
“I’m sorry, it’s terrible but try not to beat yourself up over it too much,” the farmer’s eyes were kind. Haley didn’t think she’d ever met another person who was so earnest in everything they did. Their words carried a reassuring warmth that managed to assuage some of the grief. She missed Nana—that bracelet had felt almost like holding her hand.
She sniffled, “I know you’re right…” she trailed off, wiping her face, “Thanks,” she gave the other girl a watery smile, “I’m glad you ended up here.”
The farmer’s grin was almost goofy, “Thanks Haley, I’m glad you think so.”
“I think I’m going to go home and get something to eat,” she sighed, “I’ll see you around.”
“Take care of yourself,” the farmer urged, hands tucked into her pockets. As Haley was about to cross the bridge she paused, looking back. The farmer was pulling her hair back, looking out to the sea. She should have invited her back to the house, Haley thought in retrospect. The thought had her stomach suddenly twisting with butterflies and she froze, hand on her front door, heat creeping up her face.
“C’mon Hals,” she chided herself immediately, entering and closing the door with more force than necessary. It was time for a long bubble bath—or maybe a bath bomb. She could rent that movie she’d been wanting to see for ages with the vampires. Emily was at work for the night, she’d have the house to herself.
The next morning, Haley was determined to start the day right. After a quick breakfast she headed out to the beach, camera in hand. To add insult to injury, she hadn’t even managed to get the shot she wanted. But coming out to the sand she stopped short. The farmer was there, sitting in the sand staring out into the surf. Haley frowned, noticing she was wearing the same clothes as the day before, though she’d rolled her overalls up and discarded her shoes in a heap. As Haley approached, her head bobbed as if she was falling asleep.
The farmer jumped, looking over her shoulder. Her sleepy eyes lit up.
“Haley!” she exclaimed, only to yawn before she could continue, “I found it!” She waved something shiny and Haley broke into a run, dropping gracelessly to her knees next to her.
“Oh my god!” She squealed, taking her Nana’s bracelet in both hands, “You found it!” She threw her arms around the farmer, “Thank you!”
“Don’t worry about it,” the Farmer laughed, clumsily returning the embrace, one arm thrown back to keep them both from tumbling into the sand. Haley righted herself, and without having to ask the farmer held out her hand. She passed back the bracelet and extended her hand. The farmer carefully clasped the heirloom around Haley’s wrist with surprising care. She felt like she was going to cry.
“Did you stay out here all night?” she asked.
The farmer shrugged, settling back to her previous position looking out at the sea, “I might have,” she admitted, cheeks flushing red. Haley’s heart thundered in her chest, and she scooted closer, looping her arm through the farmer’s and resting against her side.
“Thank you.”
The farmer’s head rested against her own, and it was only a second before Haley realized she had fallen asleep. They could talk later—after she had some rest. Haley was going to need to start hinting to Pierre that it was time to bring the bouquets back in stock. The farmer was going to need one soon.
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eaglebow09 · 8 months
Art Trade with @autumnsakurajayy !
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This is my VERY FIRST Deviantart Art Trade! And it's with THE  AutumnSakuraJayy to boot!  AutumnSakuraJayy has been such a fantastic friend and a huge supporter for easing into and becoming a part of the online community. She was there almost on day one.
Their love of Rito and her fantastic imagination made all this so fulfilling and easy to love.
I had saw them recently post a redesign for their badass Rito OC "Mallow" and just HAD to ask if I could take a crack at him. Such a pretty man. Here is a quick story and art piece surrounding that very Rito and our Gerudo Champion training deep in eye of a desert storm in the heart of Gerudo Desert.
-------------------------------------------------- As the vast Gerudo desert stretched endlessly a distant sandstorm swelled, shrouding the landscape in swirling grains of golden sand. The tempest raged, and amidst the chaotic winds, the ominous rumblings of thunder reverberated through the arid expanse. Yet, within the very heart of this elemental maelstrom, an extraordinary spectacle unfolded.
Urbosa, the fearless Gerudo Chief and Champion, stood tall with an air of supreme confidence. Her commanding presence was accentuated by the howling winds that whipped around her. With a swift and graceful motion, she snapped her fingers, an act that beckon the heavens themselves. In response, a brilliant bolt of lightning descended from the skies, splitting the darkness with its electrifying blaze. It crackled with raw power, a testament to Urbosa's mastery over the element.
Amidst this dramatic display, Mallow, the nomadic Rito, showcased his own incredible prowess. With the storm raging around him, he soared through the tumultuous winds with the grace and mastery of the sky his years wandering the kingdom's heavens would give him. His lithe form weaved effortlessly through the maelstrom, a dance of wind and thunder.
In his hands, Mallow held his formidable ThunderBow, an heirloom enchanted by his late mother, bestowing upon it the power of electricity. As he drew the bowstring with fluid precision, a crackling spark of energy ignited at the arrow's tip. His eyes gleamed with confidence, and a mischievous smirk graced his beak, revealing his daring spirit.
"You can keep up, my friend!" Urbosa's laughter and approval resonated above the howling winds, a vibrant expression of camaraderie in the face of the tempest. Her voice carried an infectious warmth and pride that cut through the storm's fury.
Mallow met her gaze with a chuckle, his eyes sparkling with friendly rivalry. "Oh, my Lady, I can do more than keep up!" he retorted, a playful glint in his eye as he drew back the bow. The banter between them was a testament to their growing friendship forged through countless training sessions.
As the electrical storm continued to rage around them, their banter turned into a spirited exchange of words and power. Urbosa's voice echoed with wisdom as she shouted over the storm, "Remember, Mallow, control is the key to wielding such power. Let the lightning flow through you, not just ignite you!" she chuckled.
Mallow's reply was swift and lighthearted as he deftly maneuvered through the electrified gusts. "Oh, I intend to, Urbosa. But don't expect me to go easy on you!" 
He notched another arrow, this one even more charged with crackling energy.
Urbosa's laughter mingled with the thunder as she countered, "Good! I'd expect nothing less of you my fine feathered friend!" -------------------------------------------------------------------------  Thank you again for the opportunity! You are simply lovely! Mallow (Rito OC) : AutumnSakuraJayy 
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vibinwiththefrogs · 1 year
Intro to U.S. Agriculture Book Recommendations
Requested by @languagesandpain
Healing Grounds by Liz Carlisle
If you're interested in agroecology this is a great place to start. It highlights a handful of Black, Latino, and Asian American farmers and their lives, history, and research. It's a great all-around book too because it touches on animal agriculture, produce, and mushrooms (which I don't see get talked about much), and also different methods like agroforestry and pasture systems.
Grain by Grain by Bob Quinn and Liz Carlisle
This book is basically the story of Bob Quinn and his farm, there's a lot of good info in it. This is the first book that really struck home to me that I need to listen to people in conventional agriculture even if I personally don't like it, because there's important experiences that need to be heard. It touches on topics like converting farms to more sustainable methods, heirloom crops, and how we deal with food/diet related science in the US. I don't have any health issues of note, but after reading this book I found an organic bread with Kamut wheat in it to see how it was, and it totally takes away any white on my tongue when I'm eating it daily. Pretty fascinating.
Perilous Bounty by Tom Philpott
This book widely covers major problems in US conventional agriculture, mostly covering major agriculture corporations and environmental impacts but also some labor issues, and small/mid size farm struggles. I'm not going to lie, this one is depressing. I generally do well with tough topics but near the end I had to put it down a few times because it was making me feel a bit hopeless. Which I fault the author with a bit for not dealing with better, because we need more hope to be able to believe these problems are fixable. He also doesn't cover the eastern US which irks me a bit because the south is a major agricultural region. But overall, a lot of great info and some interesting ideas for solutions near the end.
With These Hands by Daniel Rothenberg
I haven't actually read this one yet, but I've read sections. It looks like another tough read, but covers the experiences of migrant farmworkers across the US. Definitely trigger warnings for modern day slavery, racism, abuse, and more.
Dirt: The Erosion of Civilizations
I found this one to be a bit pessimistic honestly, but I read it a while ago so I dont remember what exactly bothered me. But it's a good overview of agricultural collapse through history, soil science, and issues in soil today.
Lentil Underground by Liz Carlisle
(Can you tell I've read all of Carlisle's books yet). So this book didn't really make much of an impression on me. But I'm recommending it because if anything it kind of illustrates the tediousness of policy change, changing people's minds, running an unconventional farm. It's a bit boring compared to the other recommendations but if you're in the industry there's things to think about in it.
Non-book recommendations
For a while was listening to Real Organic Podcast. After about 10 episodes (not in order) you notice they start to really repeat a lot of ideas. But they have a lot of episodes that highlight problems with chemical use, water use, how movements like organic get co-opted by big corporations, and more.
I also recommend the news website Civil Eats. They post a lot of book recommendations, as well as cover a whole variety of agricultural issues across the world.
If anyone has any additional recommendations feel free to add on! I'm always looking for more books >:)
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lizzy-tudor · 1 year
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La Peregrina, A Queen Among Jewels Pear-shaped and weighing in at a magnificent 223.8 grains of 55.95 carats, Phillip II of Spain's wedding gift surpassed every fantasy his bride, the newly crowned Mary I of England, could have imagined. Baptized La Peregrina (an expression from the groom's native language meaning "female wanderer"), the brilliant pearl was delivered directly to the queen, its priceless value reflecting the inestimable importance that a marriage treaty between England and Spain represented at the time. Found on the coast of Panama in 1513 by an African slave, the pearl went down in history as a fine adornment much appreciated by royalty. In her well-known official portrait of 1554, Mary is depicted adorned with her wedding present, dangling from a bejeweled brooch on her chest. Queen Margaret, wife of Phillip III of Spain, wore it during celebrations of a peace treaty with the English in 1605. Two of the wives of Phillip IV of Portugal and Spain also had the privilege of wearing it — but the jewel would still pilgrimage through Europe and the world, and would end up not just under the possession of princesses and queens, but of other distinguished personalities. After the end of the 16th and 17th centuries, La Peregrina would be mentioned in the annals of history again only in 1813, when Joseph, brother of Napoleon Bonaparte, filched it along with a significant part of the Spanish Crown Jewels, in his flight from Spain back to France. After the fall of Napoleon in 1815, the pearl's new owner moved to the United States, where he would eventually die and leave it to his nephew, Charles Louis, the future Napoleon III. During his own exile, this time in England, the descendant of the Emperor of the French sold it to the second Duke of Abercorn, and it was actually during this period that the family heirloom received its infamous name. The pearl would remain in the Abercorn family for a century, being briefly lost by falling from its setting twice — first, disappearing between the cushions of a sofa in Windsor Castle; then, during a ball at Buckingham Palace. Fortunately, La Peregrina was found and returned to her owners in both occasions. In 1913 the jewel was cleaned and polished, and as a result, lost approximately 203 grams. Yet it still remains today the largest symmetrical pearl of its shape, and in 1969, after being auctioned at Sotheby's, it once again became a husband's gift to his wife. Richard Burton bought it for $37,000 for his wife, the iconic actress Elizabeth Taylor. Interestingly enough, Taylor decided to adorn her gift with a completely new design, one inspired by none other than the regal portrait of Mary I. Other smaller pearls, emeralds and rubies completed the piece, centering around the glorious Peregrina, now displayed as a Tudor styled choker.
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persianatpenn · 1 year
Celebrating Jashn e Mehregan with Khoresht e Fesenjan 
This weekend, I had the opportunity to travel home and learn how to prepare Fesenjan (فسنجان) from my mother. Fesenjan is a stew (khoresht, خورشت) made of walnuts, pomegranate, and chicken, and is served with Iranian polo: long-grain rice seasoned with saffron. The dish is of Northern Iranian origin and dates back several centuries (1). Fesenjan is not a food that my family eats on a regular basis, but rather on special occasions. In particular, this Sunday was the Iranian holiday of Jashn e Mehregan (جشنمهرگان), a celebration of the autumnal harvest (2). Fruits such as pomegranate and nuts such as walnuts are especially characteristic of this time of year, and so Fesenjan seemed like a natural choice to commemorate the holiday. This was my first time preparing a Persian dish, and while I held the preconception that Persian khoreshts are laborious and time-consuming to make, cooking Fesenjan proved to be a relatively simple process which anyone can do! Throughout the process, I learned that the key to Iranian cuisine lies in its subtle pairings of flavors— not necessarily spiciness— an approach which is meant to accentuate the natural characteristics of the ingredients. With Fesenjan in particular, the richness of the walnuts complements the tart sweetness of the pomegranate to produce a uniquely sumptuous flavor reminiscent of fall or winter. Overall, what I enjoyed most about cooking Fesenjan was its ability to bring my family closer together. Working in the kitchen with my mother, and later enjoying the meal with my whole family, I was able to learn more about my cultural heritage and my parents’ experiences. After all, cuisine is the centerpiece of Persian familial and social life. 
Khoresh-e-Fesenjan: An Iranian Masterpiece. (2018, May 3). https://kitchensofhistory.wordpress.com/heirloom-recipes-2/khoresh-e-fesenjan/
Jashn-e Mehregan, Persian Harvest Festival. (2014, October 2). Financial Tribune. https://financialtribune.com/articles/travel/1757/jashn-e-mehregan-persian-harvest-festival
Below is the recipe (serving 4 people) used along with pictures:
Using a food processor, pulverize 4 cups of walnuts. Set this aside for later. 
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Season eight pieces of deboned chicken thighs lightly in salt and pepper, as well as 2 tablespoons of flour to seal-in their juice. 
Sauté the chicken briefly in a pan until its exterior is golden-brown, then transfer it to a baking dish. Season with 1 teaspoon of turmeric.
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In the same pan as before, sauté one diced onion. While the onion is still cooking, add the pulverized walnuts and sauté the mixture well. After about five minutes, add one tablespoon of flour and 2 minced cloves of garlic.
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Transfer the onion and walnuts on top of the chicken. In the same pan as before, bring 32 oz. of pomegranate juice to boil. (Note: Alternatively, pomegranate paste, can be used.) While the pomegranate juice is being heated, add 1 tablespoon of honey. 
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Pour the juice onto the chicken, onion, and walnuts. Cover with aluminum foil and bake at 425 F for one hour. Then, remove the foil and bake for another 20 minutes.
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Serve the final product with polo and enjoy!
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I really liked your kendall headcanon posts. do you have any more PLS
hey! thanks!
hmm. maybe this is because I've been thinking about food a lot but I think after gojo he learns to cook. like, goes on the most expensive cookery courses in the world, buys the most expensive equipment, builds a pizza oven, gets obsessive about dough hydration, makes bread. fixates on finding the most perfect fruit and has it shipped and sits there and studies it. tries to do a Bourdain and travels around and starts a blog but struggles with seeming authentic to "normal" people.
gets really into grains which are uncommon in the west. starts growing heirloom tomatoes. accidentally introduces an invasive species to the usa. does not eat much of the food he cooks. offends Stewy by offering him cooking tips for Persian food. starts cooking in "themes" and spends a month cooking duck and a month cooking paneer.. learns about combining pulses but fails to do it and still takes endless supplements and drinks green juice and bulletproof coffee.
bores everyone he speaks to by talking endlessly about fermented food. starts a fermentation station in his kitchen but at first everything just goes mouldy. eats it anyway and manages to not die of food poisoning but has profound realisation about food insecurity and invests in pioneering food technology. fungi and insect flour and packaging you can eat. doesn't care much about it though and still flies across the world to look at low-carbon cricket flour. semi-cancelled for describing eating locusts as "foul" at one point.
tries to teach iverson and sophie to cook but they're already better than him. he tries to make laminated pastry with them as a life lesson about patience (they are too old for this, and they know he's always hurtled himself at things even as he tries to make a plan) and has a temper tantrum when it's difficult. becomes obsessed with minerals in water and buys a welsh mountain and its streams but turns out they're all just full of sheep piss. makes his own apple cider vinegar and gets a fruit fly infestation. is surprisingly good at making macaroons.
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abramsbooks · 2 years
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RECIPE: Creole Shrimp (from Gullah Geechee Home Cooking by Emily Meggett)
In South Louisiana, many dishes use what’s called the “holy trinity.” The holy trinity—onion, bell pepper, and celery—is a big part of Cajun cuisine and Louisiana creole cooking. My creole shrimp use this holy trinity, and like many creole dishes, the herb smell that fills the kitchen during cooking is just as wonderful as the taste of the shrimp once they reach the plate. The bacon adds a rich, crispy texture, while the tomatoes serve as the fresh base for this wonderful sauce. Shrimp cooks quickly, so be careful to sauté only until pink. Serve creole shrimp over a bed of white rice.
Serves: 4 to 6
5 slices bacon
1 large onion, finely chopped
1 bell pepper, finely chopped
1 cup (100 g) diced celery
2 garlic cloves, finely chopped
10 small tomatoes (2 pounds/910 g), peeled and diced
2 teaspoons sugar
¼ cup (½ stick/55 g) unsalted butter
2 pounds (910 g) shrimp, peeled and deveined
Seasoning salt, preferably
Gold Medal, to taste
Cooked long-grain white rice, for serving
In a 10-inch (25 cm) cast-iron skillet, cook the bacon over medium-high heat until crisp. Remove from the heat and let cool. Cut the cooled bacon into small pieces. Set aside.
In the skillet, cook the onion, bell pepper, celery, garlic, tomatoes, and sugar for at least 1½ hours over low heat. This mixture needs to “cook down,” which means that the sauce needs to thicken and shrink. The consistency should be a thick sauce, similar to a spaghetti sauce.
About 5 minutes before the mixture finishes cooking, melt the butter in a small skillet. Add the shrimp and cook over medium heat until pink, 1 to 2 minutes.
Drain the shrimp. Add the shrimp and cooked bacon to the tomato mixture. Add Gold Medal seasoning salt. Taste, and add more as needed. Stir, and serve over white rice.
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This is the first major Gullah Geechee cookbook: Emily Meggett, the matriarch of Edisto Island, shares the recipes and the history of an essential American community
The history of the Gullah and Geechee people stretches back centuries, when enslaved members of this community were historically isolated from the rest of the South because of their location on the Sea Islands of coastal South Carolina and Georgia. Today, this Lowcountry community represents the most direct living link to the traditional culture, language, and foodways of their West African ancestors.
Gullah Geechee Home Cooking, written by Emily Meggett, the matriarch of Edisto Island, is the preeminent Gullah cookbook. At 89 years old, and with more than 50 grandchildren and great-grandchildren, Meggett is a respected elder in the Gullah community of South Carolina. She has lived on the island all her life, and even at her age, still cooks for hundreds of people out of her hallowed home kitchen. Her house is a place of pilgrimage for anyone with an interest in Gullah Geechee food. Meggett’s Gullah food is rich and flavorful, though it is also often lighter and more seasonal than other types of Southern cooking. Heirloom rice, fresh-caught seafood, local game, and vegetables are key to her recipes for regional delicacies like fried oysters, collard greens, and stone-ground grits. This cookbook includes not only delicious and accessible recipes, but also snippets of the Meggett family history on Edisto Island, which stretches back into the 19th century. Rich in both flavor and history, Meggett’s Gullah Geechee Home Cooking is a testament to the syncretism of West African and American cultures that makes her home of Edisto Island so unique.
For more information, click here.
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walks-the-ages · 8 months
It's january, which means it's seed-buying time for many gardeners! So, here is your reminder: Do not buy anything from Baker Creek / Rareseeds. com ; they are racist, anti-vaxxers; they steal varieties from Native communities, are friends with Clive Bundy, wanted to invite Robert F Kennedy Jr to one of their seed expos. They've fundraised for the homophobic and misogynistic Salvation Army
They have adopted young children from asian countries to use as free advertising for their "~exotic Asian seed varieties~" by having them pose with all of the (stolen + renamed) Asian varieties as young children-- might have to check the Wayback Machine to see this in action, or look at physical seed packets for this, as they've cut back on it after coming underfire for such a gross practice.
Anyways, would you like to know who you SHOULD support this year when purchasing seeds?
Experimental Farm Network, who has been nothing but vocally supportive of Palestinians and calling for everyone to do what they can to end the genocide Israel is committing.
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[ID: A facebook post by Experimental Farm Network, which shows a hand holding three young, fuzzy Yakteen gourds, which are oblong, light green fruits with a visible fuzz on the outside, with dried blossoms visible on the ends. The post reads: "These are 'Palestine Yakteen' gourds at almost the perfect size for harvest. I normally would've waited to pick them about twice as large, when they're still tender and delicious. But the first big frost (a couple months ago) had killed the plant, so these were officially done. The plant was a volunteer in my backyard. I didn't even know it was there until about September, and in November I was enjoying these first — and last — fruit (with garlic, parsley, salt, and Palestinian olive oil). It was, no doubt, the most bittersweet meal of my life. Today is the 100th day of unimaginable violence against Palestinians in Gaza. South Africa is arguing in the International Court of Justice that Israel is committing genocide. Hundreds of Gazans are still dying every day, from bombings, yes, but now also from hunger, thirst, disease, and exposure. From the comfort of our heated homes, with our drinkable running water, working toilets, and well-stocked pantries, in communities with functioning clinics, hospitals, and pharmacies available to us should we need them, it's impossible to really understand what life is like in Gaza right now. It may seem incongruous — or even trite — to post a picture of some pretty vegetables in this context, but the Yakteen can serve as an important reminder of the humanity and beauty of Palestinian people and their ancient culture. They are not nameless, faceless nobodies. They tend gardens, smell flowers, celebrate with family and friends over steaming dishes of lovingly prepared food. They love deeply. They sing and dance and laugh. They are just like you or me. Please do not only remember them today. Take action to help them. Or resolve to take action. Or reach out and ask someone how you can take action. Do something. Please. Because you can. end ID]
This is just one of many posts they have shared on their social medias since the genocide began, and they have been partnered with Palestine Heirloom Seed Library to help raise funds; each packet of seeds from their Palestine collection has 50% of the proceeds going towards funding the Seed Library, and they
If you have friends or family who order from Baker Creek, please let them know exactly who they are supporting -- and reassure them that dozens of other seed companies with much better ethics are out there, offering those exact same "rare" varieties! Seedsavers.org is another great heirloom alternative, with the bonus that they regularly work on seed Rematriation- returning Native heirloom varieties to the indiginous communities who created them
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whats-in-a-sentence · 3 months
Song of the Nine Heroes
From the north came danger, as we knew it would:
In the vanguard of winter, a dragon's dance
Unraveled the land, until our of the forest,
Out of the plains they came, from the mothering earth,
The sky unreckoned before them.
Nine they were, under the three moons,
Under the autumn twilight:
As the world declined, they arose
Into the heart of the story.
One from a garden of stone arising,
From dwarf-halls, from weather and wisdom,
Where the heart and mind ride unquestioned
In the untapped vein of the hand.
In his fathering arms, the spirit gathered.
Nine they were, under the three moons,
Under the autumn twilight:
As the world declined, they arose
Into the heart of the story.
One from a haven of breezes descending,
Light in the handling air,
To the waving meadows, the kender's country,
Where the grain out of smallness arises itself
To grow green and golden and green again.
Nine they were, under the three moons,
Under the autumn twilight:
As the world declined, they arose
Into the heart of the story.
The next from the plains, the long land's keeping,
Nurtured in distance, horizons of nothing,
Bearing a staff she came, and a burden
Of mercy and light converged in her hand:
Bearing the wounds of the world, she came.
Nine they were, under the three moons,
Under the autumn twilight:
As the world declined, they arose
Into the heart of the story.
The next from the plains, in the moon's shadow,
Through custom, through ritual, trailing the moon
Where her phases, her wax and her wane, controlled
Ascended through hierarchies of space into light.
Nine they were, under the three moons,
Under the autumn twilight:
As the world declined, they arose
Into the heart of the story.
One within absences, known by departures,
The dark swordswoman at the heart of fire:
Her glories the space between words,
The cradlesong recollected in age,
Recalled at the edge of awakening and thought.
Nine they were, under the three moons,
Under the autumn twilight:
As the world declined, they arose
Into the heart of the story.
One in the heart of honor, formed by the sword,
By the centuries' flight of the kingfisher over the land,
By Solamnia ruined and risen, rising again
When the heart ascends into duty.
As it dances, the sword is forever an heirloom.
Nine they were, under the three moons,
Under the autumn twilight:
As the world declined, they arose
Into the heart of the story.
The next in a simple light a brother you darkness,
Letting the sword hand try all subtleties,
Even the intricate webs of the heart. His thoughts
Are pools disrupted in changing wind—
He cannot see their bottom.
Nine they were, under the three moons,
Under the autumn twilight:
As the world declined, they arose
Into the heart of the story.
The next the leader, half-elven, betrayed
As the twining blood pulls asunder the land,
The forests, the worlds of elves and men.
Called into bravery, but fearing for love,
And fearing that, called into both, he does nothing.
Nine they were, under the three moons,
Under the autumn twilight:
As the world declined, they arose
Into the heart of the story.
The last from the darkness, breathing the night
Where the abstract starts hide a nest of words,
Where the body endures the wound of numbers,
Surrendered to knowledge until, unable to bless,
His blessing falls on the low, the benighted.
Nine they were, under the three moons,
Under the autumn twilight:
As the world declined, they arose
Into the heart of the story.
Joined by others they were in the telling:
A graceless girl, graced beyond graces;
A princess of seeds and saplings, called to the forest;
An ancient weaver of accidents;
Nor can we say who the story will gather.
Nine they were, under the three moons,
Under the autumn twilight:
As the world declined, they arose
Into the heart of the story.
From the north came danger, as we knew it would:
In encampments of winter, the dragon's sleep
Has settled the land, but out of the forest,
Out of the plains they come, from the mothering earth
Defining the sky before them.
Nine they were, under the three moons,
Under the autumn twilight:
As the world declined, they arose
Into the heart of the story.
"DragonLance Chronicles: Dragons of Winter Night" - Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman
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kultofathena · 1 year
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Vision - The Strasbourg Longsword with Scabbard – Brown Collaboratively Crafted by Angus Trim and Valiant Armoury
The Valiant Armoury X Angus Trim Vision Line is a collaborative effort between famed swordmakers Angus Trim and Valiant Armoury. Models will be released in limited batches. After a production run, the model will not be available again for another 12 to 24 months. There are no pre-orders for these items.
Vision creates premium, entirely made in the USA swords that meld Trim’s magnificently optimized performance blades with the hilt design, robust construction and superior leatherwork that is the hallmark of Sonny and Zach Suttles at Valiant Armoury. The final product preserves the ideal blade harmonics and balance needed for each sword to perform to its fullest potential and is a heirloom-tier sword.
The blade of the Strasbourg Longsword is well suited to sweeping cuts and powerful, piercing thrusts alike and is crafted from 5160 high carbon steel with a spring-tempered hardness of 51-53 HRc. The fish-tail pommel provides a surprisingly convenient handhold and effectively acts as a extension to the grip that can be gripped for extra leverage.  A hot-peen construction that melds the blade and hilt together at the pommel gives it a very strong and lasting hilt construction. The crossguard and pommel are crafted from steel with an antiqued finish and the grip is carved from Poplar and tightly bound in black leather to complete the sword.
The matching scabbard for the Strasbourg is a wood-core scabbard that is wrapped in top-grain leather and paired with a sword belt of thick leather. The chape and other metal fittings are of metal and the buckles are reinforced with steel tongues for durability.
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bevanne46 · 2 months
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Afghan Knit and Crochet Book No 127 by Coats & Clark 
14 Different Afghan Patterns with Red Heart Yarns 
*Windmill B-245 
*Sea Foam B-246 
*Bold Braid B-247 
*Golden Grain B-248 
*Shaded Chevron B-249 
*Tulip Garden B-250 
*Roman Stripe B-251 
*Rose Trellis B-252 
*Snow Queen B-253 
*Granny's Heirloom B-254 
*Wild Berries B-255 
*Mexicana B-131 
*Queen of Hearts B-256 
*Palette B-257 
Pages are in excellent condition but the edges of the cover shows some wear 
Printed in USA Copyright 1961
Other Knit & Crochet Pattern Books Available in my shop
Find it here:
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low-cal-storage · 11 months
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469 calories for this meal! The waffles were made using this recipe here!
Tho I ended up doing a single serve cup of plain Greek yogurt by Chobani (80 cal), 40 g of oats (150 cal) and 2 egg whites (30 cal) instead with the other ingredients and it came out to 4 mini waffles for 260 versus the original recipe being 360 for 4! And the powdered sugar is 0 since it’s the zero calorie swerve version!!
The English muffin sandwich is Lewis and bake shop whole grain English muffin (100 cal) with heirloom tomato (10 cal), avocado (39 cal), and a medium brown egg (60)!
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melestasflight · 2 years
Foods and Cuisine in Dorthonion
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General: The cuisine in the highlands is somewhat similar to Hithlum, although fruits and cereals are much more limited, and in turn, meats are more predominant. Dorthonion has a variety of heirloom roots, fruits, and corn-like grains that grow only at high altitudes.
The Elves there excel in the production of dairy products from the milk of camelid herds, and their fresh cheeses are a delicacy. The House of Bëor introduces a variety of stews, and spice mixes that their people have brought from the East. Freshwater fishing is common around Lake Aeluin and the rivers that feed it. 
Diet: Omnivore, heavy dairy consumption.
Common ingredients: Roots, starchy cereals, an exceptional variety of berries, cheeses, meats, and nuts.
Specialty: Charcoal-cooked yams and corn-like paste stuffed with fresh cheese and tart berries.
Foods and Cuisines Worldbuilding from the Silmarillion
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All That Was Lost
(Post-BotW/Pre-TotK Zelink) (SFE) (Potentially Mild Angst)
Part 1
It was yet another beautiful and quiet day in Hateno Village; the sun was shining, the birds were chirping, Link was out hunting, and Zelda was chasing a hightail lizard that made the potentially lethal decision of wandering into her and Link's house.
"Gotcha!" Zelda cheered as she snatched the wriggling reptile before it could dare to escape through the slits between the floorboards, "Now what will we do with you? Would you like to star in an elixir for Link? Yes? Spendid!"
She started over to the stove when she suddenly tripped and sprawled out onto the floor below, loosening her grip on the lizard. All she could do was watch as it triumphantly skittered back to freedom through the crack in the doorway
"Damn it!"
Zelda gritted her teeth in annoyance and turned her head to see that the culprit was none other than a raised floorboard.
"Bah! I've been meaning to nail that back down."
She scrambled to her feet and made her way to the little pseudo room under the stairs that they used as a utility closet. "Now where is that tool box of ours? I know it's here somewhere....Ah!" Zelda triumphantly pulled out a small and rectangular metal box that was painted bright red. She then made her way over to the offending floorboard and knelt down, setting the box beside her.
There was something down there. Her brow knitting together, Zelda cautiously lifted the floorboard to get a better look.
Underneath was a wooden box, only slightly smaller than the one next to her. It was old, but clearly well-made with quality materials.
"How long has this been here?" Zelda pondered to herself, "Did it belong to the previous owners?"
Little splotches of paint could be seen underneath the thick layer of dust coating every surface. A four-letter word, a name, was neatly carved into the smooth grain of it's lid, the dust long settled into the crevices.
"Fara...." Zelda said out loud, letting the name settle in the air around her.
Wiping off the box best she could with a nearby hand towel, Zelda set it on the dining table; the raised floorboard was now the last thing on her mind as it raced with questions and possibilities.
"Who is Fara? Why did they hide this here? What could've possibly been so important? Could it be a precious family heirloom? Letters from a loved one?? Oh goddess, some horrible secret they locked away???? A severed finger taken from their mortal enemy?!?!?!?!"
She shook her head in an attempt to clear her thoughts, "Oh don't be ridiculous. The only way to know for sure is to open it!"
Zelda tentatively lifted the lid of the box, breathing a sigh of relief when she saw no dismembered body parts within or evil spirits flying out of it.
"We've had enough of those for this lifetime."
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